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WIMJOURNAL, Volume No. 3, Issue No.

1, 2016 pISSN 2349-2910

eISSN 2395-0684

Psychosomatic chest pain in a 10-year-old girl

Sanyogita Nadkarni,
Leicester Frith Hospital, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QF, United Kingdom

Background: on and off with no other related symptoms

Psychosomatic symptoms are very such as dyspnoea, palpitations, headache or
common in children. Most of the times they tremors. All the investigations including ECG
are ignored or managed superficially. were reported to be normal. She was absent
However, if diagnosed correctly and given the from school for one month.
right treatment children can free of any In her past history, she had no
underlying anxiety disorder or a psychiatric developmental delay and was otherwise well
disorder. adjusted in her academic performance. In her
family history, both the parents were reported
Keywords: to have anxious personality. Her mother had
Psychosomatic symptoms, Chest pain, psoriasis and she was reported to be
Children, Somatisation disorder submissive and avoiding any conflictual
situations. Her father had irritable nature and
Case report: reported to have similar symptoms as that of
A 10-year-old girl from a stable family the daughter in his school days.
background was referred for a psychiatric Both the parents shared an affectionate
opinion. She presented with chest pain of bond with the child. The mother reported
unknown origin. She had two episodes, first spending good amount of time with her
episode lasting three days just before her daughter. The parenting style was however,
annual exams and second episode lasting for authoritarian tending towards more
15 days. Whereas the first episode did not punishment and strict discipline.
have significant physical precipitating factor, In her psychometric testing, she
the second episode was precipitated by appeared to have above average IQ. A
cycling. In addition, she had newly started her psychiatric diagnosis of anxiety disorder and
school and had reported mild problems with somatisation disorder based on DSM 5 criteria
teachers and classmates. The symptoms were

Walawalkar International Medical Journal 67

WIMJOURNAL, Volume No. 3, Issue No. 1, 2016 Nadkarni S.S.

was made using the child behavior checklist psychological counselling as this will aid in
(CBCL). building better coping strategies.
The girl was then treated with References:
cognitive behavior therapy, using additional 1. Salvador Minuchin , Lester Baker , Bernice
inputs from play therapy. Parents were taught L. Rosman A Conceptual Model of
the correct communication techniques and the Psychosomatic Illness in Children: Family
mother was referred for anxiety management Organization and Family Therapy; Arch Gen
as part of family therapy.(1) The girl responded Psychiatry. 1975;32(8):1031-1038.
to treatment and she resumed school very 2. JW Greene, LS Walker; psychosomatic
soon. problems and stress in adolescence; Pediatric
Conclusions: Clinics of North America, 1997 Elsevier.
This shows that anxiety disorders can 3. JD Lipsitz, C Masia, H Apfel, Z Marans, et
be exhibited in the form of psychosomatic al ;Noncardiac chest pain and
symptoms and hence psychosomatic psychopathology in children and adolescents;
symptoms in children need further exploration Journal of Psychosomatic Research, May
for a comprehensive treatment It is felt that 2005 Elsevier.
most of the children will benefit from

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Sanyogita Nadkarni,
Mansion House, Leicester Frith Hospital
Groby Road
Leicester LE3 9QF
United Kingdom

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