User Manual Z6
User Manual Z6
User Manual Z6
Operators Manual
[Basic Volume]
Intellectual Property Statement .......................................................................................................... I
Responsibility on the Manufacturer Party .......................................................................................... I
Warranty ............................................................................................................................................ II
Exemptions................................................................................................................................... II
Customer Service Department ..................................................................................................... II
Important Information ....................................................................................................................... III
About This Manual ........................................................................................................................... III
Notation Conventions ....................................................................................................................... III
Operators Manuals .......................................................................................................................... IV
Manuals on Paper ............................................................................................................................ IV
Software Interfaces in this Manual ................................................................................................... IV
Conventions ..................................................................................................................................... IV
1 Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Safety Classification ............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Meaning of Signal Words ..................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Meaning of Safety Symbols ................................................................................................. 1-2
1.4 Safety Precautions ............................................................................................................... 1-3
1.5 Latex Alert ............................................................................................................................ 1-9
1.6 Warning Labels .................................................................................................................. 1-10
2 System Overview ........................................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Intended Use ........................................................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Contraindication ................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Product and Model Code ..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Product Specifications .......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4.1 Imaging Mode ............................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4.2 Power supply ................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.4.3 Environmental Conditions ............................................................................................. 2-2
2.4.4 Size and weights........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.5 System Configuration ........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.5.1 Standard Configuration ................................................................................................. 2-2
2.5.2 Probes Available ........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.5.3 Options ......................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.5.4 Peripherals Supported .................................................................................................. 2-5
2.6 Introduction of Each Unit ...................................................................................................... 2-6
2.6.1 I/O Panel ....................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.6.2 Power Supply Panel ..................................................................................................... 2-8
2.6.3 Control Panel ................................................................................................................ 2-9
2.7 Symbols .............................................................................................................................. 2-12
3 System Preparation .................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Move/Posit the System ........................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Power Supply ....................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2.1 Connecting External Power Supply .............................................................................. 3-1
3.2.2 Powered by Battery ...................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Powering ON/ OFF ............................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3.1 Powering ON ................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.3.2 Powering OFF............................................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Connecting / Disconnecting a Probe .................................................................................... 3-4
3.4.1 Connecting a Probe ...................................................................................................... 3-4
3.4.2 Disconnecting a Probe ................................................................................................. 3-4
3.5 Connecting the Footswitch ................................................................................................... 3-5
3.6 Connecting/ Removing a USB Storage Device .................................................................... 3-5
3.7 Graph / Text Printer .............................................................................................................. 3-5
3.8 Analog Video Printer ............................................................................................................ 3-8
3.9 External DVD........................................................................................................................ 3-8
3.10 Basic Screen and Operation ................................................................................................ 3-9
3.10.1 Basic Screen................................................................................................................. 3-9
3.10.2 Basic Operations of Screens ...................................................................................... 3-10
4 Exam Preparation ....................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Start an Exam ....................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Patient Information ............................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 New Patient Information ............................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.2 Retrieve Patient Information ......................................................................................... 4-5
4.3 Select Exam Mode and Probe ............................................................................................. 4-7
4.3.1 Selecting Exam Mode and Probe ................................................................................. 4-7
4.4 Selecting Imaging Mode ....................................................................................................... 4-8
4.5 Activate& Continue an Exam ............................................................................................... 4-9
4.5.1 Activate an Exam .......................................................................................................... 4-9
4.5.2 Continue an Exam ........................................................................................................ 4-9
4.6 Pause & End an Exam ......................................................................................................... 4-9
4.6.1 Pause and Exam .......................................................................................................... 4-9
4.6.2 End an Exam ................................................................................................................ 4-9
5 Image Optimization..................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Imaging Mode....................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Switching Between Image Modes ................................................................................ 5-2
5.2 Basic Operations .................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.3 B Mode ................................................................................................................................. 5-2
5.3.1 B Mode Exam Protocol ................................................................................................. 5-3
5.3.2 B Mode Parameters ...................................................................................................... 5-3
5.3.3 B Mode Image Optimization ......................................................................................... 5-3
5.4 M Mode ................................................................................................................................ 5-7
5.4.1 M Mode Exam Protocol ................................................................................................ 5-7
5.4.2 M Mode Parameters ..................................................................................................... 5-8
5.4.3 M Mode Image Optimization......................................................................................... 5-8
5.5 Color Mode Image Optimization......................................................................................... 5-10
5.5.1 Color Mode Exam Protocol......................................................................................... 5-10
5.5.2 Color Mode Image Optimization ................................................................................. 5-10
5.5.3 Color Mode Image Optimization ................................................................................. 5-10
5.6 Power Mode Image Optimization ....................................................................................... 5-13
5.6.1 Basic Procedures for Power Mode Imaging ............................................................... 5-13
5.6.2 Power Mode Image Parameters ................................................................................. 5-14
5.6.3 Power Mode Image Optimization ............................................................................... 5-14
5.7 PW/CW Doppler Mode ....................................................................................................... 5-15
5.7.1 Basic Procedures for PW / CW Mode Exam .............................................................. 5-15
5.7.2 PW/CW Mode Image Parameters .............................................................................. 5-16
5.7.3 PW/CW Mode Image Optimization ............................................................................. 5-16
5.8 Color M Mode ..................................................................................................................... 5-20
5.8.1 Enter Color M Mode.................................................................................................... 5-20
5.8.2 Exit Color M Mode ...................................................................................................... 5-20
5.8.3 Color M Mode Image Parameters .............................................................................. 5-20
5.9 Anatomical M Mode (Free Xros M) .................................................................................... 5-21
5.10 TDI ...................................................................................................................................... 5-22
5.10.1 Basic Procedures for TDI Imaging.............................................................................. 5-22
5.10.2 TDI Image Parameters ............................................................................................... 5-22
5.10.3 TDI Image Optimization .............................................................................................. 5-23
5.11 iScape ................................................................................................................................ 5-23
5.11.1 Basic Procedures for iScape Imaging ........................................................................ 5-23
5.11.2 Image Acquisition........................................................................................................ 5-24
5.11.3 iScape Viewing ........................................................................................................... 5-25
5.11.4 Cine Review................................................................................................................ 5-26
6 Display & Cine Review ............................................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Image Display....................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 Splitting Display ............................................................................................................ 6-1
6.1.2 Image Magnification ..................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.3 Freeze/ Unfreeze the Image ......................................................................................... 6-2
6.2 Cine Review ......................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.2.1 Entering/ Exiting Cine Review ...................................................................................... 6-3
6.2.2 Cine Review in 2D Mode .............................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.3 Cine Review in M/ PW/ CW/ TVD Mode....................................................................... 6-5
6.2.4 Linked Cine Review ...................................................................................................... 6-5
6.3 Image Compare.................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.3.1 Image Compare in Review Mode ................................................................................. 6-6
6.3.2 Frame Compare............................................................................................................ 6-6
6.4 Cine Memory ........................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.4.1 Cine Memory Setting .................................................................................................... 6-6
6.4.2 Cine Memory Clear ....................................................................................................... 6-7
6.5 Preset ................................................................................................................................... 6-7
7 Measurement............................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1 Basic Operations .................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 General Measurements ........................................................................................................ 7-1
7.2.1 2D General Measurements .......................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.2 M General Measurements ............................................................................................ 7-2
7.2.3 Doppler General Measurements .................................................................................. 7-3
7.3 Application Measurement ..................................................................................................... 7-3
7.4 Measurement Accuracy ........................................................................................................ 7-4
8 Comments and Body Marks ...................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Comments ............................................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.1 Comment Basic Procedures ......................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.2 Comment Menu ............................................................................................................ 8-1
8.1.3 Adding Comments ........................................................................................................ 8-2
8.1.4 Moving Comments ........................................................................................................ 8-3
8.1.5 Editing Comments ........................................................................................................ 8-3
8.1.6 Deleting Comments ...................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2 Body Mark ............................................................................................................................ 8-4
8.2.1 Body Mark Operation Procedures ................................................................................ 8-4
8.2.2 Menu ............................................................................................................................. 8-4
8.2.3 Adding Body Marks....................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.4 Moving Body Marks ...................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.5 Deleting Body Marks..................................................................................................... 8-5
9 Patient Data Management .......................................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Patient Information Management ......................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Enter Patient Information .............................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Image File Management ...................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.1 Storage Media............................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.2 Image File Formats ....................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.3 Image Storage Preset ................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.4 Saving Images to the System ....................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.5 Quickly Saving Images to USB Flash Drive ................................................................. 9-3
9.2.6 Quickly Saving Full Screen Image to the System ........................................................ 9-3
9.2.7 Thumbnails ................................................................................................................... 9-3
9.2.8 Image Review and Analysis.......................................................................................... 9-4
9.2.9 iVision ........................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.10 Sending Image File ....................................................................................................... 9-7
9.3 Report Management............................................................................................................. 9-7
9.4 Patient Data Management (iStation) .................................................................................... 9-9
9.4.1 Searching a Patient ...................................................................................................... 9-9
9.4.2 Patient Data View & Management .............................................................................. 9-10
9.5 Backing Up and Erasing Files through DVD Drive............................................................. 9-12
9.6 Patient Task Manager......................................................................................................... 9-12
9.7 Access Control ................................................................................................................... 9-14
9.7.1 Access Setting ............................................................................................................ 9-14
9.7.2 Setting Access Control ............................................................................................... 9-14
9.7.3 System Login .............................................................................................................. 9-14
9.7.4 Add/ Delete a User ..................................................................................................... 9-15
9.7.5 Modify Password ........................................................................................................ 9-17
10 DICOM ........................................................................................................................ 10-1
10.1 DICOM Preset .................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.1 Network Preset ........................................................................................................... 10-1
10.1.2 DICOM Preset ............................................................................................................ 10-2
10.1.3 DICOM Service ........................................................................................................... 10-4
10.2 Verify Connectivity .............................................................................................................. 10-9
10.3 DICOM Service .................................................................................................................. 10-9
10.3.1 DICOM Storage .......................................................................................................... 10-9
10.3.2 DICOM Print ............................................................................................................. 10-11
10.3.3 DICOM Worklist ........................................................................................................ 10-12
10.3.4 MPPS ........................................................................................................................ 10-13
10.3.5 Storage Commitment ................................................................................................ 10-13
10.3.6 Query/Retrieve.......................................................................................................... 10-14
10.4 DICOM Media Storage ..................................................................................................... 10-15
10.5 Structured Report ............................................................................................................. 10-16
10.6 DICOM Task Manager ...................................................................................................... 10-17
11 Setup ...........................................................................................................................11-1
11.1 System Preset .................................................................................................................... 11-1
11.1.1 Region ........................................................................................................................ 11-2
11.1.2 General ....................................................................................................................... 11-2
11.1.3 Image Preset .............................................................................................................. 11-4
11.1.4 Application .................................................................................................................. 11-5
11.1.5 OB ............................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.1.6 Key Config .................................................................................................................. 11-5
11.1.7 Admin .......................................................................................................................... 11-6
11.2 Exam Preset ....................................................................................................................... 11-6
11.3 Measure Preset .................................................................................................................. 11-7
11.4 Print Preset......................................................................................................................... 11-7
11.5 Network Preset ................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.6 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................... 11-10
11.7 System Information .......................................................................................................... 11-10
12 Probes and Biopsy ................................................................................................... 12-1
12.1 Probe .................................................................................................................................. 12-1
12.1.1 Name and Function of Each Part of the Transducer .................................................. 12-3
12.1.2 Orientation of the Ultrasound Image and the Transducer Head ................................. 12-4
12.1.3 Operating Procedures ................................................................................................ 12-5
12.1.4 Wearing the Transducer Sheath ................................................................................. 12-7
12.1.5 Probes Cleaning and Disinfection .............................................................................. 12-8
12.1.6 Storage and Transportation ...................................................................................... 12-12
12.2 Biopsy Guide .................................................................................................................... 12-12
12.2.1 Basic Procedures for Biopsy Guiding ....................................................................... 12-14
12.2.2 Needle-guided Brackets ........................................................................................... 12-15
12.2.3 Needle-guided Bracket Inspection and Installation .................................................. 12-23
12.2.4 Biopsy Menu ............................................................................................................. 12-29
12.2.5 Verify Biopsy Guide Line........................................................................................... 12-30
12.2.6 Removing the Needle-guided Bracket ...................................................................... 12-31
12.2.7 Clean and Sterilize the Needle-guided Bracket ........................................................ 12-34
12.2.8 Storage and Transportation ...................................................................................... 12-35
12.2.9 Disposal .................................................................................................................... 12-35
12.3 Lithotrity ............................................................................................................................ 12-35
13 Battery ....................................................................................................................... 13-1
13.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 13-1
13.2 Precautions ........................................................................................................................ 13-2
13.3 Installing and Removing the Batteries................................................................................ 13-2
13.4 Battery Status Indicator ...................................................................................................... 13-3
13.5 Checking Battery Performance .......................................................................................... 13-3
13.6 Battery Disposal ................................................................................................................. 13-3
14 Acoustic Output ........................................................................................................ 14-1
14.1 Concerns with Bioeffects .................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2 Prudent Use Statement ...................................................................................................... 14-1
14.3 ALARA Principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) ...................................................... 14-1
14.4 MI/TI Explanation ............................................................................................................... 14-2
14.4.1 Basic Knowledge of MI and TI .................................................................................... 14-2
14.4.2 MI/TI Display ............................................................................................................... 14-2
14.5 Acoustic Power Setting ...................................................................................................... 14-3
14.6 Acoustic Power Control ...................................................................................................... 14-4
14.7 Acoustic Output .................................................................................................................. 14-4
14.7.1 Derated Ultrasonic Output Parameters ...................................................................... 14-4
14.7.2 Limits of Acoustic Output ............................................................................................ 14-5
14.7.3 Differences between Actual and Displayed MI and TI ................................................ 14-5
14.8 Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................................................. 14-5
14.9 References for Acoustic Power and Safety ........................................................................ 14-6
15 Guidance and Manufacturers Declaration............................................................. 15-1
16 System Maintenance ................................................................................................ 16-1
16.1 Daily Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 16-1
16.1.1 Cleaning the System .................................................................................................. 16-1
16.1.2 Checking Transducer .................................................................................................. 16-3
16.1.3 Backup of the System Hard Drive .............................................................................. 16-3
16.2 Maintenance Checks by Service Engineer ........................................................................ 16-3
16.3 Consumables and Periodic Part Replacement .................................................................. 16-3
16.4 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................. 16-3
Appendix A Wireless LAN .......................................................................................... A-1
Appendix B Barcode Reader...................................................................................... B-1
Appendix C Electrical Safety Inspection .................................................................. C-1
2012-2016 Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights Reserved.
For this Operators Manual, the issue date is 2016-08.
This version of the manual applies to 01.00.00 and 01.03.00 software for the Z6 Diagnostic
Ultrasound System.
, , , , , BeneView, WATO,
BeneHeart, are the trademarks, registered or otherwise, of Mindray in China and other
countries. All other trademarks that appear in this manual are used only for informational or
editorial purposes. They are the property of their respective owners.
All information contained in this manual is believed to be correct. Mindray shall not be liable
for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Mindray is responsible for the effects on safety, reliability and performance of this product,
only if:
z all installation operations, expansions, changes, modifications and repairs of this
product are conducted by Mindray authorized personnel;
z the electrical installation of the relevant room complies with the applicable national
and local requirements; and
z the product is used in accordance with the instructions for use.
This equipment must be operated by skilled/trained clinical professionals.
It is important for the hospital or organization that employs this equipment to carry out a
reasonable service/maintenance plan. Neglect of this may result in machine breakdown or
personal injury.
Mindray's obligation or liability under this warranty does not include any transportation or
other charges or liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages or delay resulting from
the improper use or application of the product or the use of parts or accessories not approved
by Mindray or repairs by people other than Mindray authorized personnel.
Important Information
1. It is the customers responsibility to maintain and manage the system after delivery.
2. The warranty does not cover the following items, even during the warranty period:
(1) Damage or loss due to misuse or abuse.
(2) Damage or loss caused by Acts of God such as fires, earthquakes, floods, lightning,
(3) Damage or loss caused by failure to meet the specified conditions for this system,
such as inadequate power supply, improper installation or environmental conditions.
(4) Damage or loss due to use of the system outside the region where the system was
originally sold.
(5) Damage or loss involving the system purchased from a source other than Mindray or
its authorized agents.
3. This system shall not be used by persons other than fully qualified and certified medical
4. Do not make changes or modifications to the software or hardware of this system.
5. In no event shall Mindray be liable for problems, damage, or loss caused by relocation,
modification, or repair performed by personnel other than those designated by Mindray.
6. The purpose of this system is to provide physicians with data for clinical diagnosis. It is
the physicians responsibility for diagnostic procedures. Mindray shall not be liable for the
results of diagnostic procedures.
7. Important data must be backed up on external memory media.
8. Mindray shall not be liable for loss of data stored in the memory of this system caused by
operator error or accidents.
9. This manual contains warnings regarding foreseeable potential dangers, but you shall
always be alert to dangers other than those indicated as well. Mindray shall not be liable
for damage or loss that results from negligence or from ignoring the precautions and
operating instructions described in this operators manual.
10. If the manager for this system is changed, be sure to hand over this operators manual to
the new manager.
Notation Conventions
In this operators manual, the following words are used besides the safety precautions (refer
to "Safety Precautions"). Please read this operators manual before using the system.
Operators Manuals
You may receive multi-language manuals in compact disc or paper. Please refer to English
manual for latest information and register information.
The content of the operator manual, such as screens, menus or descriptions, may be different
from what you see in your system. The content varies depending upon the software version,
options and configuration of the system.
Manuals on Paper
z Operators Manual [Basic Volume]: Describes the basic functions and operations of
the system, safety precautions, exam modes, imaging modes, preset, maintenance
and acoustic output, etc.
z Operators Manual [Advanced Volume]: Describes measurement preset,
measurements and calculations, etc.
z Operators Manual [Acoustic Power Data and Surface Temperature Data]: Contains
data tables of acoustic output for transducers.
z Operation Note: Contains quick guide for basic operations of the system.
NOTE: 1. The manuals in CD are the manuals translated into languages other than
English according to English manuals.
2. When you find that the contents of the manuals in CD are NOT consistent with
the system or English manuals, please ONLY refer to the corresponding English
3. The accompanying manuals may vary depending upon the specific system you
purchased. Please refer to the packing list.
In this manual, these conventions are used to describe the buttons on the control panel, the
items in menu, buttons in dialog box and some basic operations:
z <Buttons>: The angular bracket indicates buttons, knobs and other controls on
control panel.
z [Items in menu and buttons in dialog box]: The square bracket indicates items in
menu or buttons in dialog box.
z Click [Items or Button]: Move the cursor to the item or button and press <Set>, or
click it on the menu.
z [Items in Menu][Items in Submenu]: Selects a submenu item following the path.
z [Dyn Rng (Value)]: Indicates menu items with parameter, (value) shows the current
value of the item.
1 Safety Precautions
NOTE: 1. DO NOT use the system in the vicinity of strong electromagnetic field (such
as a transformer), which may affect the performance of the system.
2. DO NOT use the system in the vicinity of high-frequency radiation source,
which may affect the performance of the system or even lead to failure.
Please read the following precautions carefully to ensure the safety of the patient and the
operator when using the probes.
NOTE: 1. Read the following precautions to prevent the probe from malfunction:
z Clean and disinfect the transducer before and after each examination.
z After the examination, wipe off the ultrasound gel thoroughly.
Otherwise, the ultrasound gel may solidify and the image quality
would be degraded.
2. Ambient conditions:
To prevent the transducer from being damaged, do not use it where it will be
exposed to:
z Direct sunlight or X-rays
z Sudden changes in temperature
z Dust
z Excessive vibration
z Heat generators
Use the probes under the following ambient conditions:
z Ambient temperature: 0C ~ 40C
z Relative humidity: 30% to 85% (no condensation)
z Atmospheric pressure: 700 hPa ~ 1060 hPa
3. Repeated disinfection will eventually damage the probe, please check the
probe's performance periodically.
2 The following label is available when a. Do not place the device on a sloped
the system works with the mobile surface. Otherwise the device may slide,
trolley. resulting in personal injury or the device
malfunction. Two persons are required
to move the device over a sloped
a b. Do not sit on the device.
c. DO NOT push the device when the
casters are locked.
b c
2.2 Contraindication
This system is not intended for ophthalmic use.
Model code
Product code
NOTE: The functions described in the operators manual may vary depending upon the
specific system you purchased.
Some of the probes have matched needle-guided brackets for biopsy, the available probes
and the corresponding needle-guided brackets are listed as follows:
6C2P Metal/needle 12.7, 24.2 13G, 15G, 16G, 18G, 20G
Plastic/needle Plastic: 13G, 15G, 16G, 18G, 20G
3C5P detachable; 25, 35, 45
Metal: 14G, 16G, 18G, 20G, 22G
2.5.3 Options
No. Item
1 Anatomical M module (Free Xros M)
2 iScape module
3 Color/Power module
4 PW module
5 CW module
7 IMT module
8 Abdominal Package
9 Obstetrical Package
10 Gynecological Package
11 Cardiac Package
12 Small Parts Package
13 Urological Package
14 Vascular Package
15 Pediatric Package
16 Nerve Package
17 Emergency Medicine Package
NOTE: If the ultrasound system can not recognize the SONY UP-X898MD and SONY UP-
D898MD printers automatically, you may need to change the settings on the
printer: push <PUSH ENTER> to enter the main menu and select [DIGITAL]-
>[DRIVER], and select [897].
<2> <3> <4>
100-240~ 50/60Hz 1.5-0.8A
<2> <3> <4> <5> <6> <7> <8> <9> <10> <11> <12> <13>
<42> <43>
<28> <30>
<27> <29>
<44> <45>
<46><47> <48><49>
Dangerous voltage
Power button
Network port
USB ports
Video output
AC (Alternating current)
Standby indicator
Probe port A
Probe port B
Manufacture date
NOTE: When you start the system or switch between probes, you will hear clicking
sounds this is expected behavior.
To remove the USB storage device: Click to open the [Remove USB Device] screen.
Select the device to be removed. Click [OK].
Data cord
USB port
1. Connect the data cable with the USB port on the system.
2. Plug the other end power plug into an appropriate outlet.
3. Power on the system and the printer.
4. Install the printer driver (drivers of printers listed in 2.5.4 Peripherals Supported have
already installed):
(1) Enter [Setup]-> [Print Preset].
Enter Printer Driver page and the printers that are installed automatically will be
displayed in the list with the Status of Ready.
(2) Return to Print Service page, and select printer from the Printer list.
NOTE: 1. Before connectting the network printer, make sure the ultrasound system
and the printer are in the same network domain, and the network is
working normally.
2. The IP address and the server name should be valid, e.g. \\
or \\5-HP, otherwise, the system will fail to connect.
Print Service
You can use a graph/ text printer to print report or images.
z To set the default report printer and its attribute:
In "[Setup]-> [Print Preset]" screen, select the "Print Service", select Report Print
column in the service list, set the items in the "Property" box.
z Report print:
Click [Print] in the report dialog box to print a report; or, use the user-defined key to
print, see "11.1.6 Key Config" for details.Please refer to the accompanying manuals
of the printers for more details.
(3) Select the service type as "Analog Image Print" and enter the service name manually.
(4) Click OK to return to the Printer Service page.
(5) Set the items in the Property box and click [Save] to save the settings.
Information Area
The information area displays manufacturer logo, hospital name, exam date & time,
acoustic power & MI/TI, freeze icon, patient information, probe model, current exam mode,
and accession #, etc. It can be preset whether to display the operator, patient gender, age,
ID, name etc. via [Setup]-> [System Preset]-> [General]. See 11.1.2 General for detailed
preset procedures.
Menu area
Include image menu, measurement menu, comment menu, bodymark menu and so on.
Use the trackball or the multifunctional knob to operate on the menu.
Image area
The image area displays the ultrasound images, probe mark (or activating window mark),
time line (in M mode), coordinate axis (including depth, time, velocity/frequency), focus
position (located at depth axis in the form of ), besides, the annotation, bodymark,
measurement calipers, grayscale bar are also displayed here.
Grayscale/ color bar
Displays the grayscale/ color bar corresponding to the current mode.
Composition Description
The title bar is used to give a description for the content and
Title Bar
function of the screen.
Use the selection pointer and <Set> key to open / close the
Page Tab
available pages.
Radio button: click to select the item.
Check box: click to check or uncheck the item.
Content Entry box: enter characters manually via the keyboard. .
Drop-down list box: click [] to show the list and select
an item.
When the operation of a screen is complete, press the [OK]
[OK] and [Cancel] or [Cancel] button to save or cancel the operation, and close
the screen.
To reposition a dialogue box:
1. Roll the trackball to move the cursor onto the title bar of the dialogue box. At this time the
cursor becomes a ; press the [Set] key.
2. Roll the trackball and reposition the rectangular graphic to the new desired location.
3. Press the <Set> key, and the dialogue box is moved to the desired position.
Information includes:
1. General information
z Name
Enter patient name through the keyboard. Characters of A through Z and 0 through 9 and
. are allowed. \, ^ and are not permitted.
z Patient ID
Patient ID is generated automatically by the system after starting a new patient, and can
be modified manually. Once you enter the ID and confirm it, you are not allowed to
change it.
z Other ID
The second ID of the patient used for other information like insurance ID.
z Gender
Select Male, Female or Unknown for patient gender in the drop down list.
z DOB (Date of birth):
h You can either enter the birth date of a patient manually;
h Or, click to select the date, and click [OK] to confirm.
z Age
h Auto generated age: once the DOB is gotten, the system can display an auto-
generated age in the field box, the unit can be Years, Months or Days. If the
Power (DirPower)
D Mode PW
Special imaging iScape (panoramic imaging)
TDI (Tissue Doppler imaging)
5.3 B Mode
B mode is the basic imaging mode that displays real-time images of anatomical tissues and
Display F D G FR DR
Parameter Frequency Depth Gain Frame Rate B Dynamic
Description This function is used to adjust the display depth of sampling, the real-time
value of which is displayed on the image parameter area in the upper left
corner of the screen.
Operation Use the <Depth/Zoom> knob to adjust the depth;
The adjustable depth values vary depending upon the probe types.
Effects Increase the depth to see tissue in deeper locations, while decrease the depth
to see tissue in shallower locations.
Impacts Depth increase will cause a decrease in the frame rate.
Description The system compensates the signals from deeper tissue by segments to
optimize the image.
There are 8-segment TGC sliders on the control panel corresponding to the
areas in the image.
Description This function is used to select the operating frequency of the current probe,
the real-time value of which is displayed in the image parameter area in the
upper left corner of the screen, where F represents B mode frequency, and
FH represents harmonic frequency.
Operation Adjust it through [Frequency] on the image menu or rotate the
<Focus/Freq./THI> knob on the control panel, wherein H means the
harmonic frequency.
Values of frequency vary depending upon the probe types. Select the
frequency according to the detection depth and current tissue characteristics.
Effects The higher the frequency the better the near field resolution but the worse the
force of penetration.
Harmonic imaging enhances near field resolution and reduces low-frequency
and large amplitude noise, so as to improve small parts imaging.
A. power
Description Refers to the power of ultrasonic wave transmitted by the probe, the real-time
value of which is displayed in the image parameter area in the upper left corner
of the screen.
Operation Adjust through the [A.Power] item in the image menu;
The adjusting range is 7%-100% in increments of 3%.
Effects Generally, increasing the acoustic power will increase the brightness and
contrast of the image as well as the force of penetration.
Impacts You should perform exams according to actual situation and follow the ALARA
Description Refers to adjustment of focus of the ultrasonic beams, symbols as " " of
which will be displayed on the right of the image.
Operation Adjust the focus number through the [Focus Number] in the menu;
Adjust the focus position through the [Focus Position] in the menu;
In B Mode, focus number can be switched among 1-4.
Effects The area that is focused will be of a higher contrast and resolution to provide
a much clearer image.
Impacts The greater the number of focus, the slower the frame rate to image.
Line Density
Description The function determines the quality and information of the image.
Operation Adjust through the [Line Density] item in the menu;
Levels: UH/ H/ M/ L.
Effects The higher the line density, the higher the resolution, and the lower the frame
Dynamic Range
Description This function is used to adjust the B image resolution to compress or expand
the gray display range.
The real-time dynamic range value is displayed on the image parameter area
in the upper left corner of the screen.
Operation Adjust through the [Dyn Ra.] item in the menu;
The adjusting range is 30-220 in increments of 5.
Effects The more the dynamic range, the more specific the information, and the lower
the contrast with more noise.
Description This function is used to increase image profile, so as to distinguish the image
Operation Adjust through the [iClear] item in the menu;
The system provides 5 levels of iClear effects adjustment, off represents no
iClear is turned on, and the bigger the value the stronger the effect.
Effects The bigger the value the clearer the profile of the image.
Description This function provides a better observation for image display.
Invert To invert the image horizontally or vertically.
Click [L/R Flip] or [U/D Flip] in the menu to invert the image.
When you flip or rotate an image, the M mark will change its position on the screen; the M
mark is located in the upper left corner of the imaging area by default.
Impacts The function is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review status.
Description This function is used to superimpose and average images of different steer
angles to obtain image optimization.
Operation Adjust through the [iBeam] item in the menu;
Off: no iBeam
On: maximum iBeam optimization
Effects Images after iBeam processing can be optimized with less spot noise and
higher resolution, so that more details for the structure are revealed.
Impacts iBeam is not available when trapezoid function is turned on.
Auto Merge
Description In the Dual-split mode, when the images of the two windows use the same
probe type, depth, invert status, rotation status and magnification factor, the
system will merge the two images so as to extend the field of vision.
Operation Turn on/ off the function through the [Auto Merge] item in the menu;
Impacts Available only for linear probes.
The function is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review status.
Gray Map
Description Adjusting grayscale contras to optimize the image.
Operation Select among the maps through the [Gray Map] item in the menu
The system provides 8 gray maps to be selected among.
Impacts The function is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review status.
Description The TSI function is used to optimize the image by selecting acoustic speed
according to tissue characteristics.
Operation Select among the TSI modes through the [TSI] item in the menu;
The system provided 4 ways of optimization for specific tissues: general,
muscle, fluid and fat.
Description To optimize image parameters as per the current tissue characteristics for a
better image effect.
Operation Press <Gain/ iTouch> on the control panel, the iTouch symbol will display in
the image parameter area.
Click [iTouch] on the image menu to adjust gain in iTouch status among -12
through 12dB.
Gray Invert
Description Reverse the polarity of the image.
Operation Click [Gray Invert] to turn on or off the image inversion.
Impacts The gray invert functions is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review
Its post process adjustments will not influence the cine review.
Description Display or hide the width scale (horizontal scale).
The scale of the horizontal scale is the same as that of vertical scale (depth),
they change together in zoom mode, or when the number of the image
window changes. The HScale will be inverted when image is turned up/down.
Operation Click [HScale] on the menu to display or hide the scale.
5.4 M Mode
5.4.1 M Mode Exam Protocol
1. Select a high-quality image during B mode scanning, and adjust to place the area of
interest in the center of the B mode image.
2. Press <M> on the control panel, and roll the trackball to adjust the sampling line.
3. Press <M> on the control panel again or <Update> to enter M mode, then you can
observe the tissue motion along with anatomical images of B mode.
Display F D DR G V
Frequency Depth M Dynamic Range M Gain M
During M mode imaging, you can switch between B and M menu from the menu title.
During M Mode scanning, frequency and acoustic power of the transducer are
synchronous with that of B Mode.
Adjustment of the depth or TGC to the B Mode image will lead to corresponding changes
in M Mode image.
Focus Position
Description To change the focus position in M mode, symbols as " " of which are displayed
on the right of the image.
Operation Adjust the focus position through the [Focus Position] item in the menu.
Display Format
Description To set the display format of M mode image with B mode image.
Operation Adjust through the [Display Format] item in the menu;
There are 4 formats available for the images display: V1:1, V1:2, V2:1, Full.
Effects Adjust according to the actual situation and obtain a desired analysis through
Description This function is used to set the scanning speed of M mode imaging, and the
real-time speed value is displayed in the image parameter area in the upper
left corner of the screen.
Tint Map
Description Colorize function provides an imaging process based on color difference rather
than gray distinction.
Operation Select the colorize map through the [Colorize Map] item in the menu;
The system provides 16 different maps to be selected among.
Impacts The function is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review status.
Gray Map
Description Adjusting grayscale contras to optimize the image.
Operation Select among the maps through the [Gray Map] item in the menu
The system provides 8 gray maps to be selected among.
Impacts The function is available in real-time imaging, freeze or cine review status.
Edge Enhance
Description This function is used to increase image profile, so as to distinguish the image
Operation Adjust through the [Edge Enhance] item in the menu;
The system provides 14 levels of edge enhance effects, off represents no edge
enhance is turned on, and the bigger the value the stronger the effect.
Impacts Larger edge enhance may lead to noise increasing.
Dynamic Range
Description Adjusts contrast resolution of an image, compresses or expands gray display
range. The real-time dynamic range value is displayed on the image parameter
area in the upper left corner of the screen.
Operation Adjust through the [Dyn Ra.] item in the menu;
The adjusting range is 30-220 in increments of 5.
Effects The more the dynamic range, the more specific the information, and the lower
the contrast with more noise.
M Soften
Description This feature is used to process the scan lines of M images to reject noise,
making the image details to be clearer.
Operation Adjust through the [M Soften] item in the menu;
The system provides 14 levels of M Soften adjustment, the bigger the value the
stronger the effect.
Color Gain
Description Refers to the overall sensitivity to flow signals, and this function is used to
adjust the gain in Color mode. The real-time gain value is displayed in the
image parameter area in the upper right corner of the screen.
Operations Rotate the <Gain/iTouch> knob clockwise to increase the gain, and
anticlockwise to decrease.
The adjusting range is 0-100.
Description The feature is used to adjust the ROI of color flow of different angles with
immobility of the linear probe.
Operations Adjust through the <Steer> key on control panel or [Steer] item on image
Effects This function is used to adjust the scan angle of linear probes, so as to change
the angle between the transmitting beam and flow direction.
Impacts Steer is valid only for linear probes.
Description This function is used to adjust the speed range of color flow, which is adjusted
through PRF in the system. The real-time PRF value is displayed in the image
parameter area in the upper right corner of the screen.
Operations Press the <Scale> key on the control panel and rotate the Multifunctional Knob
on the right to adjust.
The adjusting range varies by frequency, probe and depth; adjust according to
the actual situation.
Effects To provide a much clearer color flow image.
Use low PRF to observe low-velocity flows, and high PRF to observe high-
velocity flows.
Impacts Aliasing may occur if low velocity scale is used and high velocities are
Low velocities may not be identified when a high velocity scale is used.
Description Refers to the area where the velocity is zero in the scale. Adjust according to
the actual situation so as to get an optimum flow display.
Operations Press the <Baseline> key on the control panel and rotate the Multifunctional
Knob on the right to adjust.
Positive value means to increase the signals above the baseline, and negative
value means to increase the signals below the baseline.
Description To set the display mode of color flow and the color scale will be inverted when
the function is turned on.
Operations Turn on or off the function through the [Invert] item on the image menu.
Select Auto Invert in the [Setup] [System Preset] [Image], then the
color bar can automatically invert when the color flow is steered to a certain
angle to accommodate operators habit of distinguishing flow direction.
Description This function is used to set levels of the flow display, to display the grayscale
signal or color signal.
Packet Size
Description This function is an indication of the ability to detect flow, which is used to
adjust the accuracy of color flow.
Operations Click the [Packet Size] item on the image menu to adjust the value.
There are 4 levels of packet size available, 0 represents no packet size control
and the bigger the value the higher the sensitivity.
Effects The higher the packet size, the more sensitive indication for low-velocity flow.
Impacts Adjusting the packet size may lead to frame rate changing.
Description This function is to adjust the temporal smooth in Color mode to optimize the
Operations Click the [Persistence] item on the image menu.
The system provides 5 levels of persistence adjustment, 0 represents no
persistence and the bigger the value the stronger the effect.
WF (Wall Filter)
Description It filters out low-velocity signals to provide effective information, and this
function is used to adjust the filtered frequency. The real-time value is
displayed in the image parameter area in the upper right corner of the screen.
Operations Click the [WF] item on the image menu.
There are 8 levels of wall filter function available, and adjust according to the
actual situation.
Impacts Flow signals may be missing.
Color Map
Description This function is a combination of several image parameters, which indicates
the display effect of color image.
Operations Click the [Color Map] item on the image menu to select among the maps.
The system provides 21 different maps to be selected among, where the V
group provides 11 ordinary maps and the VV group provides 10 2-D maps.
B/C Align
Description To set and constrain the maximum width of the B mode image to that of the
Color ROI.
Operations Turn on or off the function through the [B/C Align] item on the image menu.
Impacts Frame rate increases when the function is turned on.
Dual Live
Description This function is used to display B image and Color image synchronously.
Line Density
Description Line density determines the quality and information of the image.
Operations Adjust through the [Line Density] item on the image menu.
There are 4 levels of line density provided: H, L, UH, M.
Effects The higher the line density, the higher the resolution.
Impacts The higher the line density, the lower the frame rate.
ROI Adjustment
Description This function is to adjust the width and position of ROI in Color mode.
Operations When the ROI box is dotted line, roll the trackball to change the size.
When the ROI box is solid line, roll the trackball to change the position.
Press <Set> to switch between the solid line and the dotted line.
Impacts The larger the ROI box, the lower the frame rate, and the lower the resolution
and color sensitivity.
Description This feature is used to reject noise and smooth the image.
Operations Adjust through the [Smooth] item on the image menu.
The system provides 5 levels of smooth function, the bigger the value the
higher the smooth.
Power Map
Description This feature indicates the display effect of Power image.
The maps in the Power mode image are grouped into two categories: Power
maps and Directional Power maps.
Operations To select among the maps, turn the knob under [Map] on the image menu.
There are 8 kinds of maps provided: P0-3 belong to Power mode maps, while
Dp0-3 belong to Directional Power mode maps.
The Power maps provide information of blood flow, which are highly sensitive
to the low-velocity flows.
The Directional Power maps provide information of flow direction.
Dynamic Range
Description This function is to adjust the transformation of echo intensity into color signal.
Operations Click the [Dynamic Range] item on the image menu to adjust the dynamic
The adjusting range is 10-70dB in increments of 5dB.
Effects Increasing dynamic range will lead to higher sensitivity to low-power signals,
thus enhances the range of signals to display.
PW Sampling Line SV
CW Sampling Line Angle
CW Focus Depth
3. Set the position of the sample line by moving the trackball left and right, and set the SVD
by moving the trackball up and down, adjust the angle and SV size according to the
actual situation.
4. Press <PW> or <Update> to enter PW/CW mode again and perform the examination.
You can also adjust the SV size, angle and depth in real-time scanning.
5. Adjust the image parameters during PW/CW mode scanning to obtain optimized image.
6. Perform other operations (e.g. measurement and calculation) if necessary.
Description Refers to the operating frequency in PW mode of the probe, the real-time value
of which is displayed in the image parameter area in the upper left corner of the
Operation Select the frequency value through the [Frequency] item in the image menu or
rotate the <Focus/Freq./THI> knob on the control panel.
Values of frequency vary depending upon the probe types.
Select the frequency according to the detection depth and current tissue
Effects The higher the frequency, the better the resolution and sensitivity, and the
worse the force of penetration.
Description Refers to the area where the velocity is zero in the spectrum.
Operations Press the <Baseline> key on the control panel and rotate the Multifunctional
Knob on the right to adjust.
Effects To change the range of flow velocity to optimize the image.
PW Steer
Description This function provides adjustment on angles for sampling line.
Operations Adjust through the <Steer> key on control panel or [Steer] item on image
Description This function is used to set the display manner of spectrum.
Operations Turn on or off the function through the [Invert] item on the image menu.
Select Auto Invert in the [Setup] [System Preset] [Image], thus the
spectrum can automatically invert when the color flow is steered to a certain
angle to accommodate operators habit of distinguishing flow direction.
Description This function is used to adjust the speed range of flow, which is adjusted
through PRF in the system.
The real-time PRF value is displayed in the image parameter area in the
upper right corner of the screen.
Operations Press the <Scale> key on the control panel and rotate the Multifunctional
Knob on the right to adjust.
Effects To provide a much clearer color flow image.
Use low PRF to observe low-velocity flows, and use high PRF to observe
high-velocity flows.
Impacts Aliasing may occur if low velocity scale is used and high velocities are
Low velocities may not be identified when a high velocity scale is used.
Wall Filter
Description It filters out low-velocity signals to provide effective information, and this
function is used to adjust the filtered frequency. The real-time value is
displayed in the image parameter area in the upper right corner of the screen.
Operations Select through the [WF] item on the image menu.
There are 7 levels of wall filter function provided.
Impacts Signals of low-velocity flow may be missing.
T/F Res
Description This function is used to adjust for a balance between time resolution and
spatial resolution.
Operations Adjust through the [T/F Res] item on the image menu.
There are 5 levels of T/F Res values available.
Dynamic Range
Description The dynamic range conveys the information that being transformed from echo
intensity to gray scale.
Operations Adjust through the [Dynamic Range] item on the image menu.
The adjusting range is 24-72dB in increments of 2dB.
Effects The more the dynamic range, the more specific the information, and the lower
the contrast with more noise.
Description This function is used to set the scanning speed of PW mode imaging.
Operations Click the [Speed] item on the image menu.
There are 6 levels of scan speed available, the smaller the value the faster the
Effects Changing the speed makes it easier to identify the cardiac cycles and to
detect more details.
Display Format
Description To set the display format of PW mode image with B mode image.
Operations Click the [Display format] item on the image menu to adjust.
Options: V2:1, V1:2, V1:1, Full.
Description This function is used to adjust the output audio in spectrum map.
Operations Click the <Audio> item on the image menu to adjust the volume.
The adjusting range of the audio is 0-100%.
Effects Utilizing the output audio helps to identify the feature and status of flow.
Tint Map
Description This function provides an imaging process based on color difference rather
than gray distinction.
Operations Click the [Tint Map] item on the image menu to select the map.
There are 16 maps available.
Gray Map
Description This function applies the gray correction to obtain the optimum images.
Operations Click the [Gray Map] item on the image menu.
There are 8 maps available.
Duplex/ Triplex
Description This function is used to set if B image (B + Color image) and PW image are
displayed synchronously.
Operations Click [Duplex/ Triplex] on the image menu to turn on or off the synchronization.
Trace Area To set the trace area of the Doppler wave in the spectrum map, applicable for
auto calculation.
Change the trace area through the [Trace Area] item on the image menu.
The available selections are: Above, Below, All.
Description To adjust the SV position and size of sampling in PW mode, the real-time
value of SV and SVD are displayed in the image parameter area in the upper
right corner of the screen.
SV size Click the [SV] on the image menu to adjust the SV size.
Value: 0.5-20mm.
SVD Roll the trackball to select the SV depth.
Effects The smaller the SV size, the more accurate the result; and more details are
obtained when selected large SV size.
Description To optimize image parameters as per the current tissue characteristics for a
better image effect.
Operations Press <Gain/ iTouch> on the control panel to turn on the function.
Description This function is used to adjust the angle between Doppler vector and flow to
make the velocity more accurate.
The real-time adjusting angle value is displayed on the right part of the
spectrum map.
Operations Click the <Angle> item on the image menu to adjust.
The adjustable angle range is -89~89, in increments of 1.
CW focus position
Description To adjust the CW mode SVD. The real-time focus position value is displayed
on the image parameter area in the upper right corner of the screen.
Operation Roll the trackball to select the focus depth.
For an image in the traditional M mode, the M-mark line goes along the beams transmitted
from the probe. Thus it is difficult to obtain a good plane for difficult-to-image patients that
cannot be moved easily. However, in the Anatomical M mode, you can manipulate the M-mark
line to move to any position at desired angles. The system supports anatomical M scanning
(including Free Xros M mode) in 2D imaging modes (B, Color, Power and TVI mode).
Shortcut key setting
You can preset a user-defined key for entering Free Xros M mode: [Setup] -> [System
Preset] -> [Key Config], Refer to 11.1.6 Key Config for details.
5.10 TDI
CAUTION: TDI is provided for reference only, not for confirming a diagnosis.
TDI (Tissue Doppler imaging) mode is intended to provide information of low-velocity and
high-amplitude tissue motion, specifically for cardiac movement.
There are 4 types of TDI mode available:
z Tissue Velocity Imaging (TVI): This imaging mode is used to detect tissue movement
with direction and speed information. Generally the warm color indicates the
movement towards the probe, while the cool color indicates the movement away from
the probe.
z Tissue Energy Imaging (TEI): This imaging mode reflects the status of cardiac
movement by displaying the intensity of tissue, the brighter the color the less the
z Tissue Velocity Doppler Imaging(TVD): This imaging mode provides direction and
velocity information of the tissue quantificationally.
z Tissue Velocity M Imaging (TVM): This function assists to observe the cardiac motion
through a direct angle. TVM mode is also called Color Tissue M mode which has
been introduced in Color M mode chapter, please refer to 5.8 Color M Mode for
Only phased probe can be applied for TDI function.
5.11 iScape
The iScape panoramic imaging feature extends your field of view by piecing together multiple
B images into a single, extended B image. Use this feature, for example, to view a complete
hand or thyroid.
When scanning, you move the probe linearly and acquire a series of B images, the system
pieces these images together into single, extended B image in real time. Besides, the system
supports out-and-back image piecing.
After you obtain the extended image, you can rotate it, move it linearly, magnify it, add
comments or body marks, or perform measurements on the extended image.
You can perform the iScape panoramic imaging feature on B (power) real time images using
all linear, convex, and phased probes.
iScape panoramic imaging constructs an extended image from
CAUTION: individual image frames. The quality of the resulting image is user-
dependent and requires operator skill and additional practice to
become fully proficient. Therefore, the measurement results can be
inaccurate. Exercise caution when you perform measurements in
the iScape mode. Smooth even speed will help produce optimal
image results.
z iScape is an optional module, the function is available only if the module has been
installed on the ultrasound system.
z The display of the biopsy guideline is not allowed in iScape mode.
NOTE: 1. The measurement accuracy for the spliced image may be degraded, exercise
caution when measurements are performed on an iScape image.
2. If there is a trace during the retracing, please dont perform measurement
across the trace.
Total frames
End mark
Auto Review
z Reviewing all
a) In the manual cine review status, press the knob under the [Auto Play] on the
image menu to activate auto cine review.
b) Reviewing speed: In the auto cine review status, rotate the knob under the [Auto
Play] in the image menu to adjust the review speed. When the speed is changed
to 0, the system exits the auto cine review.
c) In auto play status, press the knob again, or roll the trackball to exit auto play.
z Setting Region of Auto Review
a) Set start frame: rotate the knob under the [Start Frame] in the image menu to
manually review the images until the frame which you want to set it as start point,
press the knob to set it as the start point.
b) Set end frame: rotate the knob under the [End Frame] in the image menu, to
manually review the images until the frame which you want to set it as end point,
press the knob to set it as the end point.
c) Press the knob under the [Auto Play] in the image menu; the system plays the
auto review region automatically.
d) Rotate the knob on the left of the control panel to increase/decrease the auto
play speed.
e) In the auto cine review, press the knob under the [Auto Play] on the image menu
or rolling the trackball will stop the auto cine review and enter the manual cine
Start mark
Playback mark
End mark
6.5 Preset
Open [Setup] [System Preset][General] to preset the cine storage length.
Measurement 7-1
Measurement Tools Function
Volume The volume of a target.
The length of two line segments, which are perpendicular to each
Cross Line
Parallel Line The distance between each pair of parallel lines in a sequence.
Trace Length Measures the length of a curve on the image.
Measures the length of two line segments, which are perpendicular to
Double Dist
each other.
Measures the lengths of any two line segments and the calculated
Distance Ratio
Area Ratio The areas of any two regions and the calculated ratio.
The grayscale distribution of ultrasonic echo signals in a closed
B histogram
B profile The grayscale distribution of ultrasonic echo signals across a line.
Color Velocity Color flow velocity (only valid for Color mode).
Volume Flow Blood flow through some vascular cross section per unit time.
7-2 Measurement
7.2.3 Doppler General Measurements
Doppler general measurements refer to general measurements on PW/CW-mode images.
The measurements listed below can be performed:
Tools Function
Measurement 7-3
7.4 Measurement Accuracy
Table 1 Error of 2D Images
Parameter Value Range Error
Within 3%; or when the measured value is less
Distance Full screen
than 40 mm, the error is less than1.5 mm.
Within 7%; or when the measured value is less
Area (Trace) Full screen
than 16 cm2, the error is less than 1.2 cm2.
Area (ellipse, Within 7%; or when the measured value is less
Full screen
circle) than 16 cm2, the error is less than 1.2 cm2.
Angle Full screen Within 3%.
NOTE: Within the selected field range, the measurement accuracy is ensured within the
range mentioned above. The accuracy specifications are performance in the worst
conditions, or based on the real test for the system, regardless of acoustic speed
7-4 Measurement
8 Comments and Body Marks
Comments can be added to an ultrasound image to bring attention, notate or communicate
information observed during the examination. You can add comments to: zoomed image, cine
review image, real-time image, frozen image. You can type the character as comments; insert
the pre-defined comments from the comment library; or insert arrow markers.
You must ensure that the entered comments are correct.
WARNING: Incorrect comments may cause misdiagnosis!
Adding an Arrow
You can add an arrow to a location where you want to pay attention.
1. Press the <Arrow> key, and an arrow will appear at the default position.
2. Adjust the arrow
z Adjust the position and orientation of the arrow: roll the trackball to the desired
position and use the multifunctional knob to change the orientation in 15 increments.
z Click [Arrow Size] on the menu to change the arrow size:
z Double press the <Set> key to enter the edit status, use the or key to
move the cursor to a location where needs to insert characters, and type characters.
2. Press the <Del> key to delete the comment character or text on the right side of the
cursor; Press the <Backspace> key to delete the comment character or text on the
left side of the cursor.
3. Roll the trackball or press the <Set> key or the multifunctional knob to confirm the
modification and to exit the edit status, and the color of the comments turns yellow.
Modifying (Editing) Arrows
1. Move the cursor on the arrow that needs to be modified. After the cursor turns to ,
press the <Set> key. The color of the current arrow turns green, and there is green
frame around the arrow, indicating the arrow can be edited. Move the cursor to
change the arrow position.
2. Rotate the multifunctional knob to modify the arrow direction.
3. Press the <Set> or <Enter> key to complete the modifying operation.
8.2.2 Menu
In the body mark menu. You can:
Select Bodymark library
Move the cursor to menu title, and select the desired library.
Click [Custom] to load the body mark pictures.
You can import a user-defined body mark of PNG and BMP (24/ 32/ 256 bit) image of
75*75 pixels.
NOTE: In the Body Mark mode, if no object is selected, pressing the [Clear] key will clear
all comments, body marks and general measurements from the screen.
z Powering off, preset returning, switching the exam/ patient/ mode/ probe will clear the
body marks.
9.2.7 Thumbnails
The stored images or cineloops are displayed in the form of thumbnails on the screen:
z In the iStation screen, the thumbnails refer to the images stored for the selected
exam or the selected patient.
z In the scanning or freeze mode, the thumbnails refer to the images stored in the
current exam.
z In the Review screen, the thumbnails refer to the images stored in the same exam.
z In the Review screen, open an image to enter the image analyzing status, all the
thumbnails belong to the exam are displayed.
z Select an exam of a patient in the iStation screen, and click to enter the Review
screen to review the images of the patient. You can also select more than one exam,
and the system will display images of the lately exam images in Review status.
The Review screen is shown as follows:
To exit Review:
z Click [Exit] on the Review screen; or,
z Press <ESC> or <Review> again.
Basic operations
Move the cursor onto an exam item in the Exam History area and press <Set>. The
selected item is highlighted. Click [Info] or [Report] to view patient information or report.
Double-click a thumbnail to view and analyze an image. Rotating the Multifunctional knob
will navigate through thumbnails.
Demonstration item
The demonstration items are the image files in the formats that the system supports. You
can add the exam data in patient database or system supported image files and folders to
demonstration list. For files and folders in demonstration list, the images in the directory
and subdirectory are played one by one, and the system will automatically jump over the
files that cant be opened.
Demonstration item
There are two kinds of catalogs: Demo Catalog and Customize Catalog.
z Demo Catalog: demo catalog is the folder in hard disk(E disc), where the factory
DEMO is stored. The system plays the images in this folder when performs
The system supports import, delete or clear the data in demo catalog.
Click [Demo Manager] to operate:
[>]: to import data to demo catalog.
Demonstration mode
Interval: refer to the interval time for demonstration, the adjusting range is 1~500s.
Option of Demo
You can choose whether to repeat the demonstration or exit after a demonstration is
In the iStation screen, select patient data, click (Restore) or (Backup) to import or
export patient information, images and reports from or to an external memory device. See
the following figure:
Select an exam of a patient, click on the right side to display the patient information
of this exam.
After you select an exam of a patient, click to view the report of this exam for this
patient. If no report is generated in the exam, the system prompts that There is no report
belongs to the exam.
Select an exam or a patient, click to delete. However, you cannot delete patient data
being printed, exported or sent, or delete the current exam.
To delete an image, select the image and click the Delete icon on the right side.
Backup/ Restore
You can back up the selected patient data to the system-supported media in order to view
it on PC, or restore the patient data to the system from an external media.
: Backup. Click to export the selected patient data to the system-supported media.
: Restore. Click to import the patient data from an external media. If no external data
source is connected, then the button is unavailable.
z Select the patient record, click in the menu to send exam data or images of the
selected record.
z Select the image, click the Send To Arrow to send the selected image.
h Send patient exam data to USB devices, DVD drive and iStorage.
h Send images to USB devices, DVD drive, DICOM storage server, DICOM printer,
video printer, text/ graph printer and iStorage.
h Send images with report to USB devices, DVD drive and iStorage.
h Format transfer is available when sending images to USB devices, DVD or
iStorage. See "9.2.10 Sending Image File" for details.
h Press <Shift> on the control panel to select more than one exam or image at one
Activate exam
After you select an exam, which has been performed within 24 hours, click to
activate the exam and load the basic patient information and measurement data to
continue the exam.
If you want to select a patient data in an external memory database to start a new exam
or recover the exam, you have to first allow the system to load the patient data to the
systems patient database.
Continue Exam
Select an exam that is paused within 24 hours, click to activate the exam and load
the basic patient information and measurement data to continue the exam.
If you want to continue an exam which data lies in an external memory database, you
have to first allow the system to load the patient data to the systems patient database.
Recycle bin
The recycle bin is used to store the deleted patient data, exam data and images (time
lasts from deleting to system is powered off). The system supports recovery of those data
from the recycle bin. NOTE: The recycle bin will be cleared after the system is powered
To recover the deleted patient data, click at the lower right corner of the screen
(when the button is gray, the operation is unavailable) to enter the Patient Recycle Bin
(1) Select items to be recovered in the list.
(2) Select operations:
z Click [Restore Items] to restore the item back to iStation;
z Click [Delete] to delete the item permanently, and the item can never be restored
z Click [Restore All Items] to restore all the items back to iStation;
z Click [Empty Recycle Bin] to empty the recycle bin and all items can never be
restored again.
Click [Exit] to exit Recycle Bin screen and return to iStation.
(2) Select the data to be backed up, click or in the screen (in iStation or
Review). Select the target drive in the Send To or Back Up Patient Record dialogue
(4) After the writing process is completed, click to pop up the Disc Option dialogue
box, and select [Eject] to eject the CD/DVD.
(2) Double-click the symbol to pop up the [Disc Option] screen, as shown in the
figure below.
(3) Click [Erase] to erase data from a CD/DVD;
(4) After the erasing process is completed, click [Eject] in the Disc Option dialogue box.
z Writing data using Send To supports PC format transfer function, while CD/DVD
written by Backup supports only system-relevant formats.
z The symbol indicates that the input CD/DVD is damaged or with data of wrong
During the backup process, if a CD/DVD is forcibly taken out or
CAUTION: you perform other operations, the backup process will fail or
the system may malfunction.
Print Task
List of the current printing task. Displays the file name, status (printing or suspended),
printer name, submit time etc.
If all print tasks are finished, the print icon will disappear from the screen, if not, please
check the manager to see if there is any failure task.
In the Task Management dialogue box, patient ID, name, destination, progress, type, status,
content and task created time are displayed.
You can do the following operations:
Click [Cancel] to cancel the selected task.
Click [Retry] to retry the failed task. When the printer ran out of ink or paper, tasks in print
list will be paused. Click [Retry] to continue the paused print task.
Select All
Click [Select All] to select all the tasks.
When there is/are task(s) undergoing, the task management icon displays as , you
can click the icon to check the process.
When there is/are task(s) failed, the task management icon displays as , you can
click the icon to check the failure reason.
Emergency operators are general ones, they can enter the system without entering
password. But they cant modify or delete the password.
(2) Select the user name in the drop-down list of User Name.
(3) Enter password and click [Login].
3. Enter the user name(you are not allowed to enter the same name or modify the name
already exist).
4. Enter user name and the password.
5. Set the user role in the drop-down list: administrator or operator.
6. Click [OK] to confirm the setting and exit the dialogue box, then the new user will appear
on the User List.
(3) Enter the previous and the new password in the dialogue box.
(4) Click [OK] to exit.
Abbr. Descriptions
Digital Imaging and Communications in
AE Application Entity
PDU Protocol Data Unit
SCU Service Class User (DICOM client)
SCP Service Class Provider (DICOM server)
SOP Service-Object Pair
DICOM 10-1
Preset local TCP/IP settings.
1. Press <Setup> to enter the [Setup] menu.
2. Select [Network Preset].
10-2 DICOM
1. Press <Setup> to enter the [Setup] menu.
2. Select [DICOM Preset].
DICOM 10-3
DICOM Server Setting
Name Description
Device Name of the device supporting DICOM services.
IP Address IP address of the server.
You can ping other machines to verify connection after entering the
Ping correct IP address. Also you can check the connection of the
already added server in the list.
[Add] Click to add servers to the device list.
[Set DICOM Service] Click to enter DICOM service preset, see 10.1.3 DICOM Service.
[Delete] Click to delete the selected server (s) in the device list.
z If the currently entered name has already existed, the system will pop up: The server
name exists! Click [OK] to enter another name.
Enter [Setup]-> [DICOM Preset], Click [Set DICOM Service], you can add, delete and set the
property of the service on DICOM server. Storage
1. Enter [Setup]-> [DICOM Preset]-> [Set DICOM Service]-> [Storage].
2. Select device, enter the information. For device setting, please refer to 10.1.2 DICOM
z Click [Add] to add the service to the Service list;
z Select an item in the service list, change the parameters in the above area, and click
[Update] to update the item in the service list; click [Cancel] to cancel changing.
z Select an item in the service list, and click [Delete] to delete the service.
z Select an item in the service list, and click [Default] to set the server to be the default
3. Select an item in the service list, and click [Verify] to verify the connection.
4. Click [Exit] to save and exit the preset.
10-4 DICOM
DICOM storage setting items are described as follows:
Name Description
After you set the server (s) in DICOM Server Setting, the name
Device (s) will appear in the drop-down list, select the name of the
storage server.
Service Name Default is xxx-Storage, and it can be modified.
Application Entity title, Here, it should be consistent with that of
AE Title
the storage server.
DICOM communication port, 104 by default. Here, the port should
be consistent with that of the storage server port.
Maximum Retries: Range: 0-9.
Interval Time(s): Reserved feature.
Advanced Preset Timeout: Refers to time after which the system will stop trying
to establish a connection to the service. Value: 560s, in
increments of 5s, and 15 by default.
Color Mode Gray/ Mixed/ Color
Select the compression mode: uncompressed, RLE, JPEG and
Compression Mode
Compression Ratio Select the compression ratio: lossless, low, medium and high.
Allow Multiframe If SCP supports this function, then select it.
SR Storage Option To enable or disenable structured reporting sending.
[Add] Add the DICOM service to the service list.
[Cancel] Click to cancel the parameter setting.
DICOM 10-5
Name Description
Select an item in the service list, change the parameters in the
[Update] above area, and click [Update] to update the item in the service
[Delete] Click to delete the selected service in the service list
Select an item in the service list, click [Default] and you can see
Y in the Default column.
Click to verify if the two DICOM application entities are normally
[Exit] Click to exit the screen.
Tips: RLE, JPEG and JPEG2000 are not supported by all SCPs. Please refer to the electronic
file DICOM CONFORMANCE STATEMENT of the SCP to check whether SCP supports or not.
Do not select these compression modes if the storage server doesnt support them.
10-6 DICOM
DICOM print setting items are described as follows:
Name Description
After you set the server (s) in DICOM Server Setting, the
Device name (s) will appear in the drop-down list, select the name
of the print server.
Service Name Default is xxx-Print, and it can be modified.
Application Entity title. Here, it should be consistent with that
AE Title
of the print server.
DICOM communication port, 104 by default. Here, the port
should be consistent with that of the print server port.
Maximum Retries: Range: 0-9.
Interval Time(s): Reserved feature.
Advanced Preset Timeout: Refers to time after which the system will stop
trying to establish a connection to the service. Value: 5
60s, in increments of 5s, and 15 by default.
Refer to copies of printed files. You can select among 1
through 5, or directly enter the number.
The system supports RGB(color printing) and
Settings MONOCHROME2 (black and white printing). Please select
the type the printer supports.
Film Orientation Select between LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT.
Priority Specify printing task priority among HIGH, MED and LOW.
Select film size among the selections listed in the drop-down
Film Size
Specify quantity of printed files,e.g. STANDARD\2, 3
Display Format
indicates 6 images are printed for each page.
Medium Type Specify print medium: Paper, Clear Film, Blue Film.
Specify whether you want a trim box to be printed around
each image on the film: Yes or No.
Min Density Enter the minimum density of the film
Max Density Enter the maximum density of the film.
Configuration Info Enter configuration information in the field.
Specify where the file is exposed:
Destination MAGAZINE (stored in the magazine), or
PROCESSOR (exposed in the processor)
Replicate: interpolated pixels belong to duplicate of adjacent
Bilinear: interpolated pixels are generated from bilinear
interpolations between adjacent pixels;
Magnification Type
Cubic: interpolated pixels are generated from cubic
interpolations between adjacent pixels; None: without
Select how the printer magnifies an image to fit the film.
[Add] Add the DICOM service to the service list.
DICOM 10-7
Name Description
[Cancel] Click to cancel the parameter setting.
Select an item in the service list, change the parameters in
[Update] the above area, and click [Update] to update the item in the
service list.
[Delete] Click to delete the selected service in the service list.
Select an item in the service list, click [Default] and you can
see Y in the Default column.
Click to verify if the two DICOM application entities are
normally connected.
[Exit] Click to exit the screen.
Parameter setting should be consistent with the printer performance:
z For instance, if the printer cannot support film size to be 8IN*10IN, please select the
printer supported size.
z Settings: RGB is color printing and MONOCHROME2 is black and white printing.
z Medium Type: for black and white printing, usually Blue Film or Clear Film is used,
and for color printing, Paper is usually used. For details, please refer to printer
conformance statement.
z Change the setting if necessary.
Special setting item for DICOM Storage Commitment service is Associated Storage Service,
as described in the following; other parameters are similar to those described in DICOM
Storage Preset, please refer to Storage for details.
10-8 DICOM
Name Description
The associated storage server should be preset before storage
Associated Storage
commitment, only after the exam is sent out, can storage
commitment be created.
DICOM 10-9
z Press <iStation> to enter the iStation screen, click to select an exam record in the list,
where thumbnails are displayed in the thumbnail area in the lower part of the screen,
and then click to select a thumbnail or several thumbnails. Or,
z Press <Review> to enter the Review screen, click to select an image or several
images. Or,
z On the main screen, select a thumbnail or several thumbnails.
(2) Select a saved image in the iStaion, Review or main screen, and click the Send To
Arrow on the right side of the image. The following dialogue box pops up:
(3) Select DICOM in the Target list, select a server in the Storage Server list.
(4) Click [OK] to start the sending.
To send images by shortcut key
You can save single frame image or multi-frame images to DICOM server while saving to
hard drive by shortcut key. Procedures are described as follows:
(1) Define the key:
a) Open Key Config page via [Setup] [System Preset] [Key Config].
b) Assign functions to the desired keys: in Key Config page, select a free key or
footswitch at the left side, then select the corresponding key on the right side:
c) Click [Save] to confirm the preset and exit.
(2) Set a default storage server:
a) Enter the DICOM Service Preset screen via [Setup] [DICOM Preset] [Set
DICOM Service].
b) Select a storage server in the Service List and click [Default]; you can see Y is
marked in the Default column.
c) Click [Exit] to exit the page and return to Setup menu, then click [Save] on the
Setup menu to make the preset to take effect.
(3) Press the user-defined key to send DICOM storage.
10-10 DICOM
To send image for storage after an exam ends
(1) Open [Setup] [System Preset] [General], and then check
(2) Set a default storage server.
a) Enter the DICOM Service Preset screen via [Setup] [DICOM Preset] [Set
DICOM Service].
b) Select a storage server in the Service List and click [Default]; you can see Y in
the Default column.
c) Click [Exit] to exit the page and return to Setup menu, then click [Save] on the
Setup menu to make the preset to take effect.
(3) After finishing resets, you can perform image scanning, each time you press <End
Exam> on the control panel, the system will send the image to the default DICOM
storage server for storage.
DICOM 10-11
To print image for storage after an exam ends
(1) Open [Setup] [System Preset] [General], and then check
(2) Set a default print server.
a) Enter the DICOM Service Preset screen via [Setup] [DICOM Preset]
[DICOM Service].
b) Click [Print] to open the Print page.
c) Select a Print server in the Service List and click [Default]; you can see Y is
marked in the Default column.
d) Click [Exit] to exit the page and return to Setup menu, then click [Save] on the
Setup menu to make the preset to take effect.
(3) After finishing presets, you can perform image scanning, each time you press <End
Exam> on the control panel, the system will send the image to the default DICOM
print server for printing.
10-12 DICOM
b) Click [Query].
c) The scheduled patients, which meet the criteria, are displayed in the lower part of
the screen.
d) After the first query, you can perform the second query based on the preview
results. The scheduled patients in the list will update in real time.
(4) Select the desired patient record in the displayed patient list, and
Select the desired patient and click [Start Exam], the patient information is imported
into the system and then an exam is started.
Click [Transfer], the patient information is imported into the Patient Info screen. Edit
the patient information in the Patient Info screen, and select [OK] to start a new exam.
(5) To show patient information in details:
a) Click to select a patient record.
b) Click [Show Detail] to view the detailed patient information and properties.
Use the automatic query function via Worklist server
(1) Enter DICOM Service Preset screen, and open the Worklist page: [Setup][DICOM
Preset][Set DICOM Service]Worklist.
(2) Select an item in the service list, and click [Default] to set the server to be the default
(3) Click [Exit] and click [Save] in the Setup menu.
(4) Press <Patient> to enter Patient Info screen.
(5) Click [WorkList] to enter the WorkList page.
(6) The system queries intraday patients via Worklist server automatically and the patient
records will appear in the list.
In the off-line status, you can:
Perform a second query; or,
Click [Show Detail] to view the patient information in details.
10.3.4 MPPS
MPPS is used to send exam state information to the configured server. This will facilitate the
other systems to obtain the exam progress in time.
The status information is described as below:
z When you begin an exam or send image(s) during the exam, the system sends
status information Active to MPPS server.
z When the exam is completed, the system sends status information End to MPPS
z When a paused exam is continued, the system sends status information Active to
MPPS server.
z When an exam is cancelled, the system sends status information Cancelled to
MPPS server.
DICOM 10-13
Storage commitment after sending images on iStation screen
(1) Open iStation screen: press <iStation> or press <Patient> and click [iStation].
(2) Select an exam record (image (s) is/are stored in the exam record), click to
open the Send To dialogue box.
(3) Click to select DICOM in the Target box on the left side, then select the DICOM
storage server in the Storage Server box on the right side.
(4) Click [OK] to start sending. The system will send all the images stored in the exam
record to the storage server, meanwhile, it will send storage commitment to the
storage commitment server.
To send storage commitment after an exam ends
(1) Open [Setup] -> [System Preset]-> [General], and then select [Sending/ Printing after
End Exam] in the Patient Info area.
(2) Set the default storage server and storage commitment server.
a) Enter the DICOM Service Preset screen via [Setup] -> [DICOM Preset] -> [Set
DICOM Service].
b) Select a server in the Service List of Storage page and Storage Commitment
page and click [Default]; you can see Y is marked in the Default column.
c) Click [Exit] to exit the page and return to Setup menu, then click [Save] on the
Setup menu to make the preset to take effect.
(3) When finished the presets, you can perform image scanning, each time you press
<End Exam> on the control panel, the system will send the image to the default
DICOM storage server for storage and send storage commitment to storage
commitment server.
If images are successfully sent to the storage server, the storage commitment server will
return information about the successful image storage. In the iStation screen, you will see
there is a tick marked in the list below .
Storage commitment is confined to the whole exam; not each image sending can be indicated.
NOTE: Multi-frame storage is not allowed if Allow Multiframe is not selected ([Setup]->
[DICOM Preset] -> [Set DICOM Service] -> [Storage]). For example, if there is
multi-frame file in the exam to be sent, then only single-frame image storage will be
performed, and after the storage is completed, there is no marked in the list
below in the iStation screen.
10.3.6 Query/Retrieve
The query/retrieve function is employed to query and retrieve the patient exam records in a
designated server.
After setting the DICOM query/retrieve server, you can perform the query/retrieve function in
iStation screen.
1. Open iStation screen: press <iStation> on the control panel; or, press <Patient> on the
control panel, and then click [iStation] on the Patient Info screen.
2. Click [Query/Retrieve] to open the screen.
10-14 DICOM
3. Select the server in Server and Service area (both the source and the destination).
4. Enter the query information, such as Patient ID, Patient Name, Accession #, Exam Date,
or key words.
Click [Clear] to empty the entered query information.
5. Click [Query], the system performs the query and lists out the results into the patient
(source) list.
You can perform further query basing on the results by entering new query information.
6. Select one or more patient records according to the actual situation.
Click [Select All] to select all the patient records in the list.
Click [Deselect All] to deselect all the patient records in the list.
7. Click [Retrieve] to retrieve the patient records in the DICOM query/retrieve server into the
local machine.
8. Click [Exit], you can see the retrieved patient records are listed in the iStation screen.
DICOM 10-15
3. Select the destination, and select DICOM format.
4. Set whether to remove patient exam data or only images from the local hard disk.
5. Click [Backup] to begin storage.
If the backup succeeded, there will be a tick marked in the Backup list in iStation screen;
otherwise, no tick is marked.
Tips: There should be no DICOMDIR/ DICMIMG/IHE_PDI files in the external storage
media of the same name with the one being backed up, otherwise, the backup
cant proceed. Please make sure there is enough storage space; otherwise,
backup may fail due to space shortage.
Media review:
1. Connect the external media with DCM files to the system.
2. Select the data source in iStation screen, and the visible data will be shown.
If there are several kinds of data on the media, the system will ask you to select the format
from a dialog box.
Data Restore:
1. If the DICOM format data is backed up to external media, you can restore the data to the
system from the media.
2. Review the data stored in the external media.
3. Select the data to be restored in iStation.
10-16 DICOM
Send image and structured report for storage in iStation screen
(1) Select Attach SR When Store Images in the DICOM Storage preset page, for details;
please refer to Storage.
(2) Create new patient information or load scheduled the patient information.
(3) Perform measurements.
(4) Save the image (s).
(5) End the exam.
(6) Open the iStation screen, select the patient exam, and click the corresponding [Send
Exam] button in the popped up menu to open the Send To dialogue box.
(7) Click to select DICOM in the Target box on the left side, and then select the DICOM
storage server in the Storage Server box on the right side.
(8) Click [OK], you can check for the result in the DICOM Task Management dialogue
box. After successful storage of both image and structured report, you can see the
storage commitment mark in the list below in the iStation screen.
The structured report can be sent automatically, for details, please refer to 10.3.1DICOM
Back up structured report
When record or store the exam that has a structured report to the external media
(DICOMDIR), the structured report can be backed up together.
DICOM 10-17
11 Setup
The Setup function is designed to set the configuration parameters of operating the system
and maintaining user workflow setup data. The setup data of the user and system are stored
to the hard drive, and should be backed up to CD/DVD or USB memory devices.
When the setup data is changed, be sure to save the preferences
CAUTION: according to the methods described in this chapter. Mindray is
not responsible for the loss of the setup data.
To enter Setup:
z Press the <Setup> to enter Setup.
To exit Setup:
Click [Save] on the Setup page to close the Setup menu, and the parameter settings is
Click [Cancel] or press <Esc> on the control panel to exit the setup.
Page Description
To set the hospital name, language, time zone, time format, system
date/time, logo and so on.
To set patient information, exam setup, patient management, storage,
system dormancy, operation log and so on.
Image To set some general parameters in imaging modes.
Application To set the measure ruler, follicle etc..
To set the relevant information about fetal gestational age, fetal
OB (obstetrics)
growth formula and fetal weight.
Key Config To assign functions to footswitch and user-defined keys.
Admin To set the user account control relevant information.
Setup 11-1
11.1.1 Region
Open the Region page via [Setup]-> [System Preset]-> [Region], as shown in the figure table.
Item Description
To set the hospital relevant information like name, address, telephone
Hospital Information
and so on.
To select a language for the system, the available languages are
Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish, Polish, Czech, Turkish, Finnish, Danish, Icelandic,
Language Norwegian, and Swedish.
The system will restart automatically after you change the language
and return from the Setup menu.
Time Zone To select the time zone.
To set the date format among DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY and
Date Format
Time Format To select the time format between 12Hour and 24 Hour.
To set the system date.
Posit the cursor into the corresponding field, and enter the data
System Date
through the keyboard; or, click the calendar icon , and then select
the date.
Enter time to the text box; or modify the time via spinner buttons on
System Time
the right side.
11.1.2 General
Open the General page via [Setup]-> [System Preset]-> [General], as shown in the figure
11-2 Setup
Type Item Description
To select if to display the following patient information
Info displays in
on the image banner: Gender, Age, Operator, ID,
image banner
Name, Hospital
Patient Info
H&W Unit To set the unit for patient height and weight.
Surface Formula To set the surface formula.
To set the size for a stored image:
Image Area
Image Output Size
Standard Area
Other Full Screen
Clip length/ Time
Times: 1~60s
Output Mode PAL/ NTSC
Patient Sending/printing Select if to automatically archive the exam data to
Management after End Exam DICOM server for storage/print.
Enable To enable screen saver function, and select the waiting
ScreenSaver time until screen saver.
Screen Enable Standby Available after Enable ScreenSaver is selected.
After screen saver function is enabled, click [Browse] to
Select Picture select the figure used for screen saver, and click
[Preview] to see the effect.
Setup 11-3
Type Item Description
Status after exam Select to enter the imaging scanning, patient info or the
Exam Setup
ends Worklist after ending an exam.
Color temperature Cold/ Warm
Display Brightness/Contrast Load the factory data of the display brightness and
Load Factory contrast.
11-4 Setup
Type Item Description
The spectrum can automatically invert when the color
Auto Invert flow is steered to a certain angle, thus accommodating
operators habit of distinguishing flow direction.
Cine Memory To set the cine memory splitting type.
iScape Ruler To set if to display the iScape ruler on iScape imaging
Display mode.
11.1.4 Application
Open the Meas page via [Setup]-> [System Preset]-> [Application]. Through the page, you
can set the measure ruler, follicle and relevant information. For details, please refer to the
Operators Manual [Advanced Volume]
11.1.5 OB
Open the OB page via [Setup]-> [System Preset]-> [OB]. Through the page, you can set the
gestational age formula, fetal growth formula, fetal weight formula and the relevant
information. For details, please refer to the Operators Manual [Advanced Volume].
Setup 11-5
Key function setting
You can set the functions for <Print>, <Save>, F1 and footswitch.
To assign a function to a key:
(1) Click to select the desired key in the Key Function column at the left side of the page.
(2) Click to select a function in Function area. You can see the functions selected at the
right side of the select key.
(3) Click [Save] to complete function setting.
The following introduces an example as setting <F1> as Save AVI Cine to USB disk:
(1) Select F1 in the Key Function list at the left side of the page.
(2) Select Save AVI Cine to USB disk in Function at the right side of the page.
(3) Click [Save] to complete the setting.
Other Settings
Item Description
Key Lightness To set the lightness for the keys: 0, 1, 2, 3.
Key Volume To set the key volume: 0-2, 0 means no sound.
To set the trackball speed when move the trackball: Slow,
Trackball Speed
Medium, Fast.
To set the color for the trackball: White, Blue, Green, Pink,
Trackball Lightness
Purple, Yellow.
11.1.7 Admin
Open the Admin page via [Setup]-> [System Preset]-> [Admin].
For details of access control, please refer to 9.7 Access Control.
11-6 Setup
1. To select a probe:
Move the cursor to [Probe], and select a probe from the drop-down list.
2. Selecting/delete exam modes
On the right side of the screen, you can view the exam types supported by the current
probe. On the left side, you can view all the exam modes supported by the system, i.e.,
Exam Library.
z [>]: add a selected exam mode in the [Exam Library] to the [Exam Selected] list.
z [>>]: add all exam modes in the library to the [Exam Selected] list.
z [<]: remove an exam mode selected from the [Exam Selected] list.
z Click [Up] and [Down] to adjust the sequence of the items in Selected Items.
z Click [Default] to set a selected exam mode as the default exam mode.
3. Click [Save] to confirm the modified setup; or click [Cancel] to cancel the modified setting.
Setup 11-7
z Print Service Setting
h Add Service: click to begin print service adding.
h Remove Service: click to delete the selected print service.
h Rename Service: click to rename the selected print service.
h Property: to preset the property of print services.
z Printer Driver Setting
Printers listed in the operators manual are all supported by the system, no drive is
Click [Print Driver] page to enter printer driver setting screen:
h Display the printer name as well as print status.
h You can add printer including network printer.
h Check the printer attribute.
For details about DICOM print, please refer to 10 DICOM.
11-8 Setup
11.5 Network Preset
For local TCP/IP Setting and DICOM preset, please refer to 10.1 DICOM Preset.
The iStorage screen is as follows:
Name Description
Service Name Name of the device, cannot be empty
IP address of the PC installed with iStorage software, cannot be
IP Address
Press to verify connection with the PC server. On PC server, if the
Connect storage path has not been confirmed, a dialog box will pop up and
guide the user to set it. If the storage path on PC has already been
set, here it displays connection successful after clicking this button.
Add Click it to add the new service to the service list.
Update To save the changed parameters.
Delete Click to delete the selected service in the service list.
Setup 11-9
3. Modify the parameters and click [Update] to update setting.
Tips: in order to make network storage function normally, setting of the sharing folder of the
PC server in advance is a must, e.g. machine name, IP address, should be confirmed at first.
11.6 Maintenance
The [Maintenance] function is designed for you to update the system software or other special
functions. If you require these functions, please contact Mindray Customer Service
Department or sales representative.
You can manage preset data, export and upload operation logs here.
11-10 Setup
12 Probes and Biopsy
12.1 Probe
The system supports the following probes:
No. Probe model Illustration
1. 3C5P
2. 6C2P
3. 6CV1P
4. CB10-4P
5. 7L4P
6. 7L5P
7. L14-6P
8. 2P2P
9. 7LT4P
10. V10-4BP
11. 6LE7P
Note: For details of storage time and condition for disinfected probes or sterilized probes
and brackets, please refer to Technical standard for Disinfection of Medical and Health
Orientation mark
Biopsy procedure
Washing the
transducer with water
3. Secure the sheath with enclosed elastic 4. Inspect the sheath to ensure there are no
bands. holes or tears.
The above is a dimension illustration of the intra-cavity probe. Customers can purchase
appropriate sterile sheaths according to the provided probe sizes. We recommend a general
kind of transducer cover produced by CIVCO which identified as GENERAL PURPOSE
LATEX TRANSDUCER COVERS (Sterile), 610-214(E8285CN,UA0006).
NOTE: 1. After the examination, wipe off the ultrasound gel thoroughly. Otherwise, the
ultrasound gel may solidify and degrade the image quality of the transducer.
2. DO NOT make the probe to become overheated (more than 55C) during
cleaning and disinfections. High temperature may cause the probe to become
deformed or damaged.
Please refer to the instructions in the manual and follow your hospital policy and procedures
for cleaning.
1. Disconnect the probe from the system.
2. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection.
Strain relief
NOTE: Observe the graph here carefully to perform disinfection. Do not spray the strain
relief on the connector end or the connector.
Disinfecting by Immersion
1. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection.
2. Clean the transducer before disinfecting it.MINDRAY recommends the following solutions
to disinfect the transducer.
z Refer to the instructions provided by the chemical manufacturer concerning
concentration of the disinfectant solution, method of disinfection and dilution and
cautions during use.Do not soak the transducer connector or the cable near it into
water or any solution.
z Soak the transducer into the disinfectant solution for the shortest time the
manufacturer recommends (for example, the shortest time recommended by the
manufacturer for soaking Cidex OPA is 12 minutes).
z Follow local regulations when selecting and using the disinfectant.
Strain relief
Probe handle
NOTE: 1. Observe the graph here carefully to immerse the transducer. Only soak parts
of the transducer below the strain relief.
2. Repeated disinfection will eventually damage the probe, please check the
probe performance periodically.
Compatible Disinfectants
Manufacturer Trade Name Procedures Type
Please refer to the instructions
Pharmaceutical provided by the manufacturer Spray
T-Spray II
Innovations, Inc. of the solution for details.
* denotes if the disinfectant is not applicable for following probes: 6CV1P, V10-4BP
For intra-operative probes (7LT4P), they have to be sterilized after completing each
1. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection.
2. Clean the probe before sterilizing it. MINDRAY recommends the following solutions to
sterilize the probe.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxyacetic Acid -based sterilization solution
Trade Name Chemical Name Procedures
Minncare Cold 22% Hydrogen Dilute the sterilant with sterilized purified
Sterilant Peroxide water (1:20).
4.5% Peroxyacetic Acid Immersed time: 11 hours.
Temperature: 20-25.
Please refer to the instructions provided by
the manufacturer of the solution for details.
Before safety and performance is affected, probe 7LT4P can be sterilized by Minncare COLD
STERILANT for at least 135 times (11 hours for one time).
Glutaraldehyde-based sterilization solution
Trade Name Chemical Name Procedures
Soak the transducer into the activated
Cidex Activated solution for 10 hours (20-25)
2.4% Glutaraldehyde
Dialdehyde Solution Please refer to the instructions provided by
the manufacturer of the solution for details.
Before safety and performance is affected, probe 7LT4P can be sterilized by Cidex Activated
Dialdehyde Solution for at least 217 times (10 hours for one time).
z Refer to the instructions provided by the chemical manufacturer concerning
concentration of the sterilization solution, method of sterilization and dilution and
cautions during use.
z Do not soak the probe connector or the cable near it into water or any solution.
z Follow local regulations when selecting and using the sterilization solution.
3. Rinse the probe with plenty of sterile water (about 2 gallons) for at least 1 minute to
remove all chemical residues on it. Or, follow the rinsing method recommended by the
sterilization solution manufacturer to rinse the probe.
4. Wipe off the water on the probe with sterile cloth or gauze after rinsing it. Do not dry the
probe by heating.
Ultrasound beam
Name of Parts
This section describes the parts and corresponding functions of each needle-guided bracket.
Needle guide
Retaining clamp
Locating bulge
Locating groove
Clamping knob
of the needle guide
Needle guide rack
Needle guide
Locating pit
Grip knob
z Metal/ needle detachable:
Used for determining the angle of the biopsy; there are three
<2> Angle block
specifications of blocks of angle
Used for installing biopsy needle; there are five specifications of
<3> Guiding block
guiding blocks for different biopsy needles
Groove and tab of the
<4> needle-guided bracket
Respectively matched with the tab and groove of the transducer
Specification of guiding
<5> block (13G)
Matched with the corresponding biopsy needle (13G)
<6> Needle guide hole Used for installing the biopsy needle
Specification of angle
<7> block (45)
Corresponding to the size of the biopsy angle (45)
z Metal:
<1> <5>
z Plastic
2 6
7 9
4 11
<8> Guiding hole of the needle Used for installing the biopsy needle.
Specification of guiding
<9> Matched with the corresponding biopsy needle.
1 5
2 6
3 8
Clamping knob of
the needle guide
Locating pit
guide hole
Locating Needle guide rack
groove Grip knob
No Name Description
Clamp of needle-guided Used for installing the needle-guided bracket on the
bracket transducer.
Groove of the needle-
<2> Matches with the tab of the transducer.
guided bracket
<3> Angle adjusting base There are 3 types of angles available to be adjusted.
Angle shift sign (30, 40, Matches with the biopsy angle
50) (30, 40, 50).
<5> Angle pinch nut Used for fixing the angle lock at a chosen angle.
2. Open the retaining clamp, align the needle-guided bracket with the transducer to locate
the locating bulge on the needle guide to the locating grooves on the transducer, and
then turn the retaining clamp to match it with the transducer.
3. When the retaining clamp is turned to the right position, the locking nut will lock the
retaining clamp and the needle-guided bracket is then mounted to the right position.
(3) Turn the pinch nut to secure the bracket and the transducer.
(4) Select a guiding block of proper size, slightly push it into the groove on the support.
(5) Screw the nut on the guiding block to secure the block and the needle-guided bracket.
(6) Insert a biopsy needle with the same specification as that of the guiding block into the
hole of the guiding block.
(5) Insert a biopsy needle with the same specification as that of the guiding block into the
hole of the guiding block.
z Metal
1) Put on the sterile transducer sheath.
2) Hold the transducer by one hand, select the proper needle-guided bracket, and
hold it with the other hand. Match the groove and tab with the tab and groove of
the transducer respectively. Amount the bracket onto the transducer.
3) Screw the pinch nut of the needle-guided bracket to confirm that the needle-
guided bracket is properly installed on the transducer.
4) Select a proper guiding block and push it into the groove above the angle block,
and clamp it tightly.
z Plastic
1) Put on the sterile transducer sheath.
2) Hold the transducer by one hand, select proper needle-guided bracket, and hold
it with the other hand. Align the narrow end tab of the needle-guided bracket with
the groove of the transducer, then push the needle-guided bracket forward,
making the tabs and the grooves of the needle-guided bracket to match with the
grooves and tabs of the transducer.
5) Insert a biopsy needle with the same specification as that of the guiding block
into the hole of the guiding block.
(2) Cover the support of needle-guided bracket on the transducer, making the groove of
the needle-guided bracket to match with the tab of the transducer. Set the needle-
guided bracket at the desired position, turn tightly the knob of fixing needle-guided
bracket to fix the needle-guided bracket.
(3) Select a proper guiding block and thread the knob of fixing the guiding block through
the hole of installing guiding block, move the guiding block to the desired position,
then turn tightly the knob of fixing the guiding block to fix the guiding block on the
support of needle-guided bracket.
(4) Insert a biopsy needle with the same specification as that of the guiding block into the
hole of the guiding block and turn tightly the knob of fixing the needle.
(3) Check manually to confirm the needle-guided bracket is securely installed on the
(4) Select a proper guiding block and push it into the groove above the support of
needle-guided bracket, then turn tightly the knob of fixing the guiding block to fix the
guiding block on the support of needle-guided bracket.
(5) Insert a biopsy needle with the same specification as that of the guiding block into the
hole of the guiding block.
1. Inosculate the locating groove on the clamp with the two raised edges on the transducer
head and aligning the locating pit of the clamp to the convex point on the transducer head.
2. Turn the grip knob at the tail of the needle-guided bracket tightly.
1. Put on the sterile transducer sheath.
2. Select a proper needle-guided bracket, and match the groove with the tab of the
transducer. Mount the bracket onto the transducer.
Ensure that all guide parts are seated properly prior to performing
CAUTION: a biopsy.
NOTE: 1. You can perform guide line verification on a single live B image only, and
all biopsy-irrelevant operations are forbidden.
2. For bi-planar probe applied biopsy, the verification is performed on the first
guide line, the other guide lines can move together with the first one in
1. Confirm that the needle-guided bracket has been installed securely in the correct position.
2. Prepare a container filled with sterile water.
3. Place the head of the transducer in the sterile water, and get a biopsy needle into the
needle guide.
4. When the biopsy needle appears on the image, please adjust the parameters of the
menu on the screen to make the biopsy needle is displayed at almost the same position
as the selected needle mark.
While holding the transducer and the needle-guided bracket, open the Grip knob of the
needle-guided bracket.
z Metal/ needle detachable:
1. Screw out the nut on the guiding block to loose the guiding block and the needle-
guided bracket.
2. Take the guiding block away in the direction of the needle tail, and then separate the
needle from the transducer and the residual parts of the needle-guided bracket.
3. Screw out the locking nut on the needle-guided bracket to loose the bracket with the
4. Hold the transducer with one hand, and then separate the needle-guided bracket
from the transducer.
z Plastic/ needle detachable:
1. Remove the guiding block slightly along the direction of the needles tail.
2. Separate the residual part of the needle-guide bracket and the transducer from the
z Metal
1) Screw the nut of the guiding block and remove the guiding block slightly along
the direction of the needles tail.
2) Separate the residual part of the needle-guide bracket and the transducer from
the needle.
3) Screw the pinch nut of the bracket, and remove the needle-guided bracket from
the transducer.
z Plastic
1) Remove the guiding block slightly along the direction of the needles tail.
2) Separate the residual part of the needle-guide bracket and the transducer from
the needle.
While holding the transducer and the needle-guided bracket, open the Grip knob of the
needle-guided bracket.
1. Screw the nut of the guiding block and remove the guiding block slightly along the
direction of the needles tail.
2. Separate the residual part of the needle-guide bracket and the transducer from the
3. Screw the pinch nut of the bracket, and remove the needle-guided bracket from the
1. Wear sterile gloves to prevent infection.
2. Clean the needle-guided bracket before sterilizing it. MINDRAY recommends the
following solution or sterilizing system to sterilize the needle-guided bracket.
3. Follow local regulations when selecting and using the disinfectant.
Glutaraldehyde-based sterilant:
Trade name Procedures
Cidex Please refer to the instructions provided by the
Glutaraldehyde Activated manufacturer of the solution for details.
(2.4%) Dialdehyde Soak the transducer into the activated solution for 10
Solution hours (20-25)
12.2.9 Disposal
Be sure to dispose the needle-guided bracket only after sterilizing it.
Contact your MINDRAY representative when disposing of this device.
12.3 Lithotrity
Lithotrity helps to locate the focus point of lithotrity wave during lithotrity treatment. By
watching the procedure of lithotrity in real-time and adjusting the intension and frequency of
the lithotrity wave, the harm to the patients can be reduced to the least.
To enter lithotrity mode: Click [Lithotrity] in the image menuto turn on the lithotrity.
In lithotrity mode:
z The lithotrity line is a vertical dotted line located in the middle of the screen, the
position and direction of which cannot be changed.
z The lithotrity mark is a mark located on the lithotrity line which can be moved up
and down along the lithotrity line by rolling the track ball.
z The depth of the mark is displayed in the image parameter area of the screen.
13.1 Overview
The battery charges when the system is connected to the AC power supply.
z Generally, if the system is turned off, a completely discharged battery will fully charge
in less than 3 hours.
NOTE: 1. It is recommended to charge the batteries when the system is turned off,
thus you can quickly charge the battery and save time.
2. Power off the system if you will not use the system for a long period of time
(including storage/ transportation condition), and you should not allow the
system in standby status, otherwise the batteries will be out of power and
permanently damaged.
When the external power supply is not connected, a lithium-ion battery will provide the power.
The model of the chargeable lithium-ion battery (hereinafter called battery for short) is
NOTE: Only use the specified batteries.
Battery 13-1
13.2 Precautions
1. Before using the battery, carefully read the description in the label on the surface of the
2. When you use the battery at the first time and find that it is dirty or emit an odor, do not
use it.
3. Do not expose the battery to heat sources or high pressure.
4. Do not leave the battery in direct sunlight.
5. Store the battery out of the reach of children. Store the battery out of the reach of children.
6. The battery is designed to be charged only in this system; charge the battery only when
the ambient temperature is between 0 and 40 .
7. When the battery is out of power, please charge it immediately.
8. For storage longer than three months, charge a battery to a level no more than 45%
9. Do not knock the battery.
Battery cover
13-2 Battery
To remove the battery:
1. Turn off the unit and detach the power cord from the main unit.
2. Open the battery cover.
3. Push the battery to left until its released.
4. Take out the battery from the bay.
Battery 13-3
14 Acoustic Output
This section of the operators manual applies to the overall system including the main unit,
probes, accessories and peripherals. This section contains important safety information for
operators of the device, pertaining to acoustic output and how to control patient exposure
through use of the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle. Also this section
contains information regarding the acoustic output testing and the real-time output display.
Read this information carefully before using the system.
fawf CMI
NOTE: This system automatically returns to the settings whenever changes are made to
the values (when you turn on the power, switch between probes, press [End Exam],
or select [Save] in the Setup menu). In the factory default settings, the Acoustic
Output is limited below settings. Following the ALARA restriction, you are allowed to
increase the acoustic power under FDA 510(k) Guidance-Track3 limits and to set it
in the image preset screen.
The acoustic output of the system has been measured and calculated in accordance with
IEC60601-2-37: 2005, FDA 510(K) GUIDANCE, Acoustic Output Measurement Standard for
Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment (NEMA UD-2 2004) and the Standard for Real-Time
Display of Thermal and Mechanical Indices on Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment (AIUM and
NEMA UD-3 2004).
NOTE: 1 Use of accessories, probes, and cables other than those specified may result in
increased emission or decreased immunity of system.
2 The system or its components should not be used adjacent to or stacked with
other equipment. If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the system or its
components should be observed to verify normal operation in the configuration in
which it will be used.
3 The system needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed
and put into service according to the EMC information provided below.
4 Other devices may interfere with this system even though they meet the
requirements of CISPR.
5 Preventing conducted RF immunity. Due to technological limitations, the
conducted RF immunity level are limited to 1Vrms level, conducted RF
interference above 1Vrms may cause wrong diagnosis and measurements. We
suggest that you position system further from sources of conducted RF noise.
6 Operation of system, in the case that the patient physiological signal is lower
than the minimum amplitude or value specified in the product specifications, may
cause inaccurate results.
7 Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affects system. See
tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 below.
Voltage dips, <5% UT (>95% <5% UT (>95% Mains power quality should
Short interruptions dip in UT ) for dip in UT ) for 0.5 be that of a typical
and voltage 0.5 cycle cycle commercial or hospital
variation on power environment. If you require
supply input continued operation during
voltage 40% UT (60% 40% UT (60% dip power mains interruptions, it
dip in UT ) for 5 in UT ) for 5 cycle is recommended that our
IEC 61000-4-11 cycle product be powered from an
70% UT (30% dip uninterruptible power supply
70% UT (30% in UT ) for 25 or a battery.
dip in UT ) for 25 cycle
<5% UT (>95%
<5% UT (>95% dip in UT ) for 5
dip in UT ) for 5 sec
Power frequency 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magnetic
(50/60 HZ) fields should be at levels
magnetic field characteristic of a typical
IEC 61000-4-8 location in a typical
commercial or hospital
NOTE: UT is the A.C. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
d = 3.5 x P
Note 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular
/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio
broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy.
To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an
electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in
the location in which system is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level
above, system should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal
performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as
reorienting or relocating system.
Over the frequency ranges 150kHz to 80MHz, field strengths should be less than
Note 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range
Note 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Clamp ring
Track ball
Rotate clamp ring 35 degrees anticlockwise Remove clamp ring Draw out the ball
b) Cleaning
Clean the lens slightly using the tissue until there is no foreign matter. Then clean the other
parts and the dust excluder. Make sure to exert force properly when clean the small ball,
otherwise, the small ball may drop down. See the figure below. No system shutdown is
required during the whole clean. Reinstall the ball and clamp ring after the clean is finished.
Small ball (x3)
When liquid is spray onto the trackball area, most of the liquid can be discharged through the
waterspout, besides, you can dry the leaving water using the tissue or cloth.
c) Installing the trackball
Put back the ball, align the buckle with gap of the front cover, press the clamp ring with both
hands and rotate it 35 degrees clockwise to click the buckle. At this moment, the clamp ring
cannot be moved any further, it indicates that the clamp ring clicks in position. See the figure
below. See figure below.
Before installing Turn 35 degrees Installed
l k i
Buckle (x2)
16.4 Troubleshooting
To ensure proper system operation and function, it is recommended that a maintenance and
inspection plan be established to periodically check the safety of the system. If any system
malfunction is experienced, contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales
If any persistent system malfunction is experienced, e.g. an onscreen error message, blank
imaging screen, absent menus, please refer to the following table below. If the failure cannot
be eliminated, please contact Mindray Customer Service Department or sales representative.
Troubleshooting Table
3. If the connection is successful, the will be displayed on the lower right corner of the
NOTE: 1. You can refresh the W-LAN network by switching the current adapter.
2. If the IP address displays as, this means that the network is abnormal,
the reason may be failure disconnection or the system cannot obtain IP address.
B.1.3 Setting
The reader has factory settings; please refer to A.4 for details.
The reader supports some user-defined functions as introduced below.
For more details, please contact the SYMBOL reader agents or Mindray Customer Service Department.
Volume setting:
Scan the following barcode to set the volume parameter.
I 2 of 5 symbols setting:
Select this option to decode only I 2 of 5 symbols containing a selected length. Select the length using
the numeric barcodes below. For example, to decode only I 2 of 5 symbols with 8 characters, scan I 2
of 5 - One Discrete Length, then scan 0 followed by 8.
3. Upon successful decode, the reader beeps and the LED turns green.
Tips: Do not hold the reader directly over the barcode. Laser light reflecting directly back into the reader
from the barcode is known as specular reflection. This specular reflection can make decoding difficult.
You can tilt the reader up to 55forward or back and achieve a successful decode
Screw Mount
1. Position the assembled base on a flat surface.
2. Screw one #10 wood screw into each screw-mount hole until the base of the stand is secure
Tape Mount
1. Peel the paper liner off one side of each piece of tape and place the sticky surface over each of the
three rectangular tape holders.
2. Peel the paper liner off the exposed sides of each piece of tape and press the stand on a flat
surface until it is secure.
Scanning in Hands-Free Mode
When the reader is seated in the stands cup, the readers built-in sensor places the reader in hands-
free mode. When you remove the reader from the stand it operates in its normal hand-held mode.
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF)
Interleaved 2 of 5 (ITF) Enable Enable
Set Lengths for I 2 of 5 14
I 2 of 5 Check Digit Verification Disable
B.3 Maintenance
Cleaning the exit window is the only maintenance required. A dirty window can affect scanning accuracy.
z Do not allow any abrasive material to touch the window
z Remove any dirt particles with a damp cloth
z Wipe the window using a tissue moistened with ammonia/water
z Do not spray water or other cleaning liquids directly into the window.
All tests can be performed using commercially available safety analyzer test equipment. These
procedures assume the use of a 601PROXL International Safety Analyzer or equivalent safety analyzer.
Other popular testers complying with IEC 60601-1 used in Europe such as Fluke, Metron, or Gerb may
require modifications to the procedure. Follow the instructions of the analyzer manufacturer.
he electrical safety inspection should be periodically performed every two years. The safety analyzer
also proves to be an excellent troubleshooting tool to detect abnormalities of line voltage and grounding,
as well as total current loads.
ALL COUNTRIES R = 0.2 Maximum
The following outlet conditions apply when performing the Earth Leakage test:
normal polarity( Normal Condition),
reverse polarity( Normal Condition),
normal polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition),
reverse polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition)
For UL60601-1,
300 A in Normal Condition
1000 A in Single Fault Condition
For IEC60601-1,
500 A in Normal Condition
1000 A in Single Fault Condition
For UL60601-1,
100A in Normal Condition
300 A in Single Fault Condition
For IEC60601-1:
100A in Normal Condition
500 A in Single Fault Condition
The following outlet conditions apply when performing the Patient Leakage Current test.
normal polarity( Normal Condition);
reverse polarity( Normal Condition),
normal polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition);
reverse polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition).
normal polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition);
reverse polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition).
For CF applied parts
10A in Normal Condition
50A in Single Fault Condition
The following outlet conditions apply when performing the Mains on Applied Part test.
Normal Polarity;
Reversed Polarity
For CF applied parts: 50 A
The following outlet conditions apply when performing the Patient Auxiliary Current test.
normal polarity( Normal Condition);
reverse polarity( Normal Condition),
normal polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition);
reverse polarity with open neutral(Single Fault Condition).
normal polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition);
reverse polarity with open earth(Single Fault Condition).
For CF applied parts,
10A in Normal Condition
50A in Single Fault Condition
Make sure the safety analyzer is authorized comply with requirement of IEC60601-1.
Follow the instructions of the analyzer manufacturer.