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Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567

DOI 10.1007/s11249-010-9733-y


Effect of Initial Cylinder Liner Honing Surface Roughness

on Aircraft Piston Engine Performances
Pawe Wos Jacek Michalski

Received: 15 October 2009 / Accepted: 3 December 2010 / Published online: 6 January 2011
 The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Reciprocating piston engines are the major line (RMS) for valley roughness Rvq and the linear triangle
propulsion devices for light aircrafts, helicopters, and area for valleys A2, are strongly correlated with the engine
essentially all automotive vehicles. They are expected to operational properties. Higher values of Rvq and A2 are
fulfil both present-day and future demands for engine associated with an improvement in engine performance but
performance, durability, fuel economy, and exhaust emis- result in a deterioration in the exhaust harmful emission.
sions legislation. One of the key factors related to these
demands is the need to the limit thermomechanical internal Keywords Gasoline internal combustion engine  Engine
losses, wear, and lubricating oil consumption, which are performance  Plateau honing  Pistoncylinder assembly 
in turn conditioned by the tribological behavior of the Cylinder liner  Surface roughness  Abrasive wear 
pistoncylinder assembly. Consequently, this latter system Tribological behavior
requires a multi-directional approach in terms of manu-
facturing. Apart from various modifying techniques (e.g.
laser texturing), a conventional plateau-honing operation is
A2 Roughness profile parameterlinear triangle area
still the standard technology for shaping cylinder liner
for valleys (lm)
surface microstructure. This paper describes the distinc-
CO Concentration of carbon monoxide in exhaust (%)
tions between variations in the performance of the engines
HC Concentration of hydrocarbons in exhaust (ppm)
in relation to cylinder liner roughness parameters due
ge Brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC; g/kW h)
to different honing settings. Five air-cooled reciprocating
Ne Engine output power (kW)
aircraft engines (FRANKLIN 4A-235-B31) served as the
Mo Engine output torque (N m)
objects of research. The engines passed durability tests on
go Engine total efficiency (%)
the dynamometer bed, including operation under artificially
PC Pistoncylinder
intensified wear conditions. The results show a significant
Rq Roughness profile parameterroot mean square of
impact of the brand-new honed cylinder liner surface
heights (lm)
microstructure on the engine output parameters. Detailed
Rvq Roughness profile parameterslope of a linear
study proves that some of the cylinder liner roughness
regression of valley region (lm)
parameters, specifically, the slope of the root mean square

P. Wos (&)  J. Michalski 1 Introduction

Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
Rzeszow University of Technology, 8 Powstancow Warszawy
Av., 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland The primary goals driving the development of combustion
e-mail: engines are to achieve low air pollution, high engine out-
J. Michalski puts, low thermal and friction losses, and low fuel and oil
e-mail: consumption. In addition to the engine running conditions

556 Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567

and material characteristics of the mating elements, the of the plateau profile results in an increased lube oil con-
microstructure of the cylinder liner surface is one of the sumption and exhaust emission of soot and particles (par-
main factors that impacts on engine internal friction losses ticulate matter), carbon oxides [carbon monoxide (CO),
and oil consumption. The proper manufacturing technology carbon dioxide (CO2)], and hydrocarbons (HC) [6, 12]. The
for the cylinder liner surface can ensure both the high oil film thickness, pressure, and oil blow-by volume depend
performance and the durability of the engine. However, it directly on the width and depth of honing scratches, and the
is a difficult task to reconcile all these demands; thus, the distance between them [13]. Some models of friction and
engineering of combustion engines requires many tests, oil flow through the liner surface roughness are discussed
including simulations and tests under practical conditions by Jocsak et al. [14], including the gasoline and diesel
with the end-product. engine performance parameters as a function of cylinder
liner roughness heights, the distribution of their coordi-
nates, honing crosshatch angle, and lubrication oil
2 Cylinder Liner Surface Shaping Technologies properties.
Owing to numerous findings in tribology research and a
Plateau honing is the classical procedure currently utilized tendency towards manufacturing high power-to-mass ratio,
for finishing the cylinder liner surface. It provides a proper downsized engines frequently endowed with new state-
final surface morphology and depends on machining con- of-the-art technologies, such as variable valve actuation
ditions, tool settings, among others. Thus, it is possible to (VVA) or variable compression ratio (VCR) [15], a number
vary roughness parameters so as to meet requested tribo- of new approaches in plateau honing technology have
logical behavior, which can be responsible for as much as emerged. One of these, characterized by a smooth surface
97% of lubrication oil consumption [1] and 45% of total and reduced depth of the base honing valleys, is slide
mechanical losses [2]. Originally, a very smooth cylinder honing [16]. The main objectives in developing this tech-
surface structure was recommended. However, this condi- nology were to reduce wear, friction losses, and lube oil
tion showed high wear resistance during the running-in consumption while maintaining a productivity comparable
period, although rough surfaces ensure great seizure with that of conventional plateau honing and achieving a
resistance. Wiemann [3] found that the seizure resistance of high degree of reliability of the process itself and in mass
cylinder liners is proportional to the surface roughness production conditions, a long tool life, minimum defor-
height. Subsequent researchers focusing on determining an mation in the honed surfaces, i.e., minimal dislocations in
optimum geometrical cylinder structure recommended a the boundary layer, and the creation of a uniform and
process of coarse honing followed by fine honing, a pro- consistent surface over the whole cylinder bore. The
cedure which would superimpose one Gaussian distribution scuffing resistance may be achieved by altering the
upon another. This approach is called plateau honing. geometry of basic honing valleys [17]. The finest material
Santochi and Vignale [4] found that plateau honing sig- ratio parameters of the cylinder liner surface in terms of oil
nificantly shortened the costly running-in period because consumption and the emission of harmful exhaust com-
the surface achieved resembles a running-in surface. The pounds have been estimated for both cast iron liners [18]
plateau-honed cylinder surface ensures simultaneously the and liners made of aluminum alloys [19].
sliding properties of a smooth surface and a great ability to Further modification of slide honing procedure consists
maintain oil on a porous surface. However, Jeng [5] of increasing the honing angle by reducing the rotational
reported that although plateaued surfaces are characterized speed of the honing tool. This slide/helical honing at a
by a shorter running-in period, they have a smaller seizure honing angle of 140 is the next step for reducing emis-
resistance in comparison to Gaussian surfaces of the same sions and extending oil change intervals [20]. Various
height standard deviation. endurance tests performed on six-cylinder production
The importance of the honing process in finishing cyl- engines with liners made of standard gray cast iron have
inder liners in order to promote satisfactory engine proved the advantages of helical honing: (1) the wear in the
parameters and avoid scuffing is now well recognized, but reversal zone was reduced by approximately 40% com-
not entirely understood [2]. For example, it is commonly pared to the previous production honing process; (2) long-
known that increasing the oil retention capacity by deep- term oil consumption was reduced by 50% and remained
ening the valleys in the cylinder liner plateau profile results very stable over the entire running-in time, with values
in a decrease of mechanical losses [4, 69]. The underlying between 0.04 and 0.05% of the fuel consumption [21].
mechanism of this reduction in mechanical losses at Although the helical honing process is more expensive than
smaller roughness heights can be explained on a modified slide honing, a comparatively new study carried out on a
Stribeck curve [10] as being due to blow-by and cavitation reciprocating tester found that, in general, such smoothed
phenomena [11]. On the other hand, such a microstructure bore surfaces produce lower ring and bore wear [22].

Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567 557

Additional surface treatments may still improve the 4.5% over the standard liner, with the maximum benefit
tribological behavior of sliding elements. The introduction arising at the engine speed of the peak torque.
of specific textures on a sliding surface, involving flat and Costa et al. [30] investigated the influence of surface
smooth lands interrupted by local depressions, is the most topography on lubricant film thickness for the reciprocating
common approach [23]. Various manufacturing techniques sliding of patterned plane steel surfaces against cylindrical
are utilized to produce regular micropits on sliding sur- counterbodies under hydrodynamic lubrication conditions.
faces, including laser texturing, machining, ion beam tex- They used patterns of circular depressions, grooves, and
turing, and etching techniques. Those micropits (also chevrons, while the fractional area coverage, depth, width,
known as oil pockets, holes, pits, dimples, and cavities) and sliding orientation relative to the texture were sys-
may reduce friction by providing lift themselves as a tematically varied. They found that the chevron patterns
microhydrodynamic bearing and by acting as a reservoir were the most effective in increasing hydrodynamic film
for lubricant, thereby improving seizure resistance. Holes thickness, while grooves were the least effective.
can also serve as a trap for wear debris in sliding. A completely different approach, but one that clearly
Laser texturing on the cylinder surface can be used to improves engine efficiency and pistoncylinder (PC)
minimize the risk of bore polishing, especially in the device wear resistance, concerns texturing the surface of
reversal zone of the cylinder [24]. Bore polishing occurs the piston rings by laser treatment. The aim of the exper-
when the cylinder liner topography is removed [25]. This imental studies performed by Etsion and Sher [31] on the
process leads to lubrication starvation in addition to diesel engine was to evaluate the positive effect of the
welding and material transfer between the sliding surfaces surface texture of piston rings on fuel consumption and
and results in scuffing of the surfaces and eventual failure exhaust gas composition. Laser texturing improves the
of the engine [26]. Golloch et al. [27] describes a tribo- seizure resistance of smooth surfaces, especially for small
logical comparison between a conventional liner surface sliding velocity and high loads and at low oil viscosity
and a laser-structured liner in which they measure wear, oil [32]; as such, this methodology is the preferred approach
film thickness, and friction force. Their results indicate for shaping the surfaces of piston ring and cylinder liners,
that, in terms of tribological behavior, the laser-structured especially in the ring reversing area.
liner surface performed better than the conventional pla- The surface topography can be inspected using contact
teau-honed surface, leading to lower fuel consumption and or non-contact (optical) instruments in two (2D) or three
25% less wear. (3D) dimensions. 2D contact methods, usually time-
The influence of rectangle dimples with a flat bottom on consuming and not so powerful as 3D optical ones, can
the friction of parallel surfaces has been investigated introduce some errors due to morphological filtration
experimentally and in simulations [28]. The positive effect effects [33]. Nevertheless, the sources of 2D measurement
of dimples in lowering the friction for parallel surfaces was uncertainty are rather well known and can be eliminated.
observed over the range of larger sliding speeds, larger 2D contact methods also provide a high accessibility to the
loads, and smoother surfaces. The presence of such dimples measuring surface and are flexible and normalized. 3D
on parallel surfaces can particularly reduce the friction parameters are much more informative, but they often
coefficient for cases with a smaller ratio of film thickness to correlate internally and with some adequate 2D parameters
roughness (h/Rq), small roughness, or larger load. More- [34]. Modern confocal microscopes and white-light inter-
over, these authors found that, under the same conditions, ferometers ensure an abundance of 3D information on
longitudinal surfaces behaved better than transverse ones in cylinder liner surface topography. The data obtained with
lowering friction. For the case of the larger ratio of film these instruments are used in morphological algorithms,
thickness to roughness (h/Rq), larger roughness, or smaller such as the watershed transform, to detect and separate the
load, the change in the friction coefficient for the parallel function-relevant structures, which can be described by a
surfaces due to the dimple effect depends on the combined set of structural parameters. Statistical analysis of these
influence of these factors. parameters provides a functional characterization of the
The positive effect of oil pockets in reducing frictional complete measured surface. The calculation of honing
losses occurs even for hard-wearing surfaces, particularly angles shows the possibilities provided by this flexible
for cylinder liners coated by diamond-like carbon (DLC) or method of surface evaluation.
Nikasil. Rahnejat et al. [29] tested three different cylinder On occasion, multiple reflections coming from oil films
liner configurations: (1) standard cross-hatched at 2535 or surface coatings can be a problem in optical research.
to the horizontal plane, coated with Nikasil; (2) standard They can also appear at step edges, when light above and
cross-hatched Nikasil with a laser-etched pattern; (3) a beneath the edge is reflected. White light interferometry
DLC liner. They observed that the laser-etched liner also has problems with speckles and bat-wings [33]
showed a continual performance improvement of up to when the surface structures have a size close to the

558 Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567

coherence length of the white light interferometer. In coarse honing peaks with a much finer texture but leaves the
addition, confocal microscopes sometimes show over- valleys unaltered. All operations were performed on a
shooting in their data sets near sharp edges [35]. WMW SZS-250 machine tool with hydraulic clamping of
the honing sticks, which were fastened in the head of the
innovation design [36]. In the coarse-honing procedure,
3 The Aims and Object of the Investigations diamond sticks of grit size D54 or pure green carborundum
sticks (SC, 99C) of grit size 100 and 120 alternatively mixed
The main aim of the investigations described in the paper with microcrystal corundum (5SGG) of 150 grain size were
was to study the effect of various conditions of initial used. Plateau honing was performed using D7 diamond
surface roughness of the honing cylinder liner on gasoline sticks or green carborundum sticks (VC) of grit size 320 and
engine performance after the test bed running-in operation 500. The operation settings were the input variables in the
and following the operation cycle providing intensified experiment and concerned honing time (1075 s), stick
abrasive wear of the PC device. pressure (0.61.5 MPa for diamond sticks, 0.20.5 MPa
Five air-cooled aircraft engines FRANKLIN 4A-235- for carborundum sticks), honing tangential velocity
B31 (technical characteristics are given in Table 1) were (1923 m/min), and average axial velocity of the honing
used in all tests. The surface of each tested cylinder liner, head (1012 m/min). Both machining motion velocities
made of gray cast iron, was machined with different honing were synchronized to maintain a honing angle of 50. The
tools and machining settings according to the present state- honing allowance was 0.070.11 mm for rough honing and
of-the-art, three-stage honing procedure. In general, the total 0.020.05 mm for coarse and fine (plateau) honing.
cylinder liners after their thermal clamping in the cylinder Using these settings, we varied the cylinder liner roughness
body were bored and roughly honed with sticks of grit size parameters as shown in Table 2. The liner surface topogra-
D107 to form the bore base. They then passed through the phy was checked with Form Talysurf Series 2 profilometer,
two-stage honing process, including coarse and plateau with the 2-lm spherical tester tip located 25 mm from the
honing. The first step produces a rough surface with coarse top end of the liners. Measurements were performed along
peaks and valleys as a result of the abrasive honing grits four reciprocally perpendicular lengths of 17.5 mm, with
ploughing the liner material. The second stepplateau sampling steps of 0.25 lm and a tip velocity of 0.5 mm/s.
honing with abrasive grits of a smaller sizereplaces the The Gaussian filter of kc = 2.5 mm cut-off was applied.

Table 1 FRANKLIN 4A-235-B31 engine technical specification

Engine type: FRANKLIN 4A-235-B31

Engine type: FRANKLIN 4A-235-B31

Valves arrangement: OHV
Ignition system: spark ignited (twin spark plugs)
Fuel feeding system: carburettor
Cooling medium: air
Number of cylinders: 4
Cylinders arrangement: opposite
Shaft direction: horizontal
Cylinder bore: 117.45 mm
Piston stroke: 88.9 mm
Swept volume: 3,851 ccm
Compression ratio: 8.5
Rated power: 116 HP/85.3 kW at 2,800 rpm
Maximum torque: 295 N m at 2,600 rpm
Overall length: 738 mm
Overall height: 583 mm
Width: 792 mm
Dry weight: 103 kg

Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567 559

Table 2 Five FRANKLIN 4A-235-B31 aircraft engines with a different cylinder liner surface topography
Roughness profile parameters Engine no.
1 2 3 4 5

Root mean square of heights in a profile roughness (Rq, lm) 0.831.01 .841.02 .38.46 .67.81 .881.02
Average maximum height for the five sample length: the roughness profile 3.534.65 3.314.43 1.402.52 2.563.68 4.135.35
(Rtm, lm)
Maximum height of the profile (Rt, lm) 4.185.46 4.766.04 2.323.59 3.084.36 6.828.10
Average third highest peak to third lowest valley height within one five 2.572.99 2.723.14 1.031.45 2.002.42 1.812.23
sample length: the roughness profile (R3z, lm)
Maximum height of the profile (Rv, lm) 2.673.51 2.264.73 1.331.88 1.792.78 2.034.59
Slope of a linear regression performed through the valley region 1.392.03 1.612.00 0.811.27 1.051.58 1.331.77
(Rvq, lm)
Average absolute slope (RDq, ) 2.803.39 2.232.73 1.142.05 2.392.65 2.313.10
Linear triangle area for valleys (A2, lm) 14.627.6 18.927.6 6.69.6 11.324.0 18.226.6
Maximum profile peak height (Rp, lm) 1.152.32 1.042.76 0.751.94 1.001.88 0.921.33
Reduced peak height (Rpk, lm) 0.490.70 0.490.87 0.210.40 0.330.73 0.170.36
Core roughness depth (Rk, lm) 1.052.75 1.052.14 0.871.53 1.232.50 0.931.49
Reduced valley depth (Rvk, lm) 1.411.58 1.531.77 0.710.96 1.411.60 1.341.62
Slope of a linear regression performed through the plateau region 0.690.97 0.530.91 0.350.52 0.430.77 0.340.47
(Rpq, lm)
Linear triangle area for peaks (A1, lm) 2.32.8 1.64.2 0.71.5 1.02.3 0.51.0
Peak mean height in a seven-peak profile roughness (Zs, lm) 0.030.04 0.580.71 0.010.02 0.630.76 0.020.03
Peak height standard deviation in a seven-peak profile roughness (r, lm) 0.110.14 0.090.11 0.060.07 0.090.11 0.090.11
Mean peak radius in a seven-peak profile roughness (b, lm) 30.036.7 28.034.3 33.140.4 31.238.2 10.012.2
Peak density (g, 1/lm) 0.0190.023 0.0190.024 0.0160.019 0.0190.023 0.0140.017
Total waviness height Wt (kc = 0.8 mm, kf = 8 mm) (lm) 0.851.27 1.932.35 .901.32 1.111.53 3.824.24

4 Experimental Procedure Figures 1 and 2 show the research stand, which con-
sisted of three systems: system supplying abrasive medium,
4.1 Testing Rig and Equipment hydraulic system for oil cleaning and conditioning, and the
engine itself. The oil cleaning/conditioning system was
Each of five tested FRANKLIN 4A-235-B31 engines was applied in order to limit the wear of the other elements
fitted with the brand-new cylinder sets consisting of a (apart from the pistonpiston ringcylinder assembly) that
specific honed liner and standard piston, rings, pins, and could appear due to grinding flour settling into the lubri-
valves. The engines drove an eddy-current dynamometer. cation oil. The principle of this system is based on the
The test house allowed testing with simulations of growth of capacity of circulated oil as well as improved
increased dustiness of the ambient by the system that doses rigor of the filtrationthe system includes an additional
road dust into the inlet manifold [9]. The engines were filter. The whole system is presented in detail in Fig. 2. It
connected to the fuel and air-cooling installation. Addi- consists of an oil reservoir (3), hydraulic pump (4), pres-
tionally, an extra lubrication oil tank with cooling device sure-reducing valve (5), flow controller (6), additional
was applied to avoid the effect of changing oil properties 5-lm grade filter (7), and cut-off valves (10, 11, 12). It was
on research results. The oil was super-fine filtered. The switched on only in the cases where it was found that the
engines were fuelled with Avgas 100LL (low-lead) avia- other parts of the engine could be severely worn. Figure 2
tion fuel that satisfied the requirements of ASTM D910-04a also shows how the grinding particles feeder was connected
and Defence Standard 91-90 (DERD 2485); semi-synthetic to the engine inlet manifold. While Fig. 2 shows the
anti-wear AeroShell Multigrade 15 W-50 oil was used as scheme for an automotive engine, the same systems with
the lubricant. few modifications were used for the aircraft engines tested
The main working and performance parameters of the here. The feeder was located over the engine carburetor
engine were continuously monitored; for instance, the (18), in a convergentdivergent nozzle (Laval nozzle). The
temperature of the cylinders was monitored with thermo- particles were carried from the feeder into the carburetor by
couples mounted below the spark-plug packing washers. a flexible conduct pipe through convergent nozzle (17).

560 Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567

Fig. 1 View of the research

stand for accelerated running-in
and intensified wear
investigations: 1 Cooling
system, 2 muffler, 3 system
supplying abrasive medium,
4 dynamometer

This system allows for a uniform and uninterrupted supply

of grinding particles into an engine carburetor at a constant
concentration (circa 8 mg/m3) for a wide range of engine
operations and inlet air flows. At full load operation, road
dust was added at a maximum amount of 1.3 g/h.

4.2 Testing Procedure

In the first stage, the engines were run in the fired running-
in regime for 10 h at 1,4002,800 rpm and altered load
(Fig. 3a). The full-open throttle speed characteristic and
total efficiency of the engines were then checked. The
rough engine performance results were reduced to normal
conditions, i.e., an atmospheric pressure of 760 Torr and an
ambient temperature of 15C. All tested engines were
disassembled in order to be able to measure PC device
wear for detailed analysis of wear processes [37]. Similarly
to the after-machining analysis, the same 2D contact
instrumentation and procedures were used. At this stage,
given the heavy weight of the cylinders (12 kg) and the
necessity to carry out non-destructive tests on the blind
cylinders at a depth of 160 mm (each cylinder makes one
piece with the head), it was still impossible to perform 3D
measurements using Optical Profiling Systems (e.g., Wyko
NT9100; Veeco, Plainview, NY) or contact instruments
(Talyscan 150; Taylor Hobson Precision, Leicester, UK).
The engines were re-assembled and run under artificial
conditions that simulated increased dustiness of the ambi-
Fig. 2 Layout of the research stand for accelerated running-in and
intensified wear investigations: 1 hydraulic system for additional oil ent air. An elementary 3-h lasting effort cycle that com-
cleaning, 2 system supplying abrasive medium, 3 oil reservoir, 4 bines 2 h and 50 min of the full load working at 2,800 rpm
hydraulic pump, 5 pressure reducing flow, 6 flow controller, 7 oil and 10 min of the idle load (Fig. 3b) was repeated seven
filter, 8, 9 connections, 10 drain, 11, 12, 13 cut-off valve, 14 dust
times for a total operating time of 21 h. This self-elabo-
feeder, 15 convergentdivergent nozzle (Laval nozzle), 16 supply
conduct, 17 convergent nozzle, 18 engine carburettor, 19 inlet rated testing schedule, which included the intensified wear
manifold, 20 engine cylinder, 21 oil sump periods under the dusting conditions, ensured statistically

Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567 561

9 1 2h
a 100
b 100
50 min
90 90
80 6 1h 80
Engine load, %

Engine load, %
70 5 2h 70

60 4 2h 60

50 2h 50

40 1h 40
Total time: 10 h Total time: 3 h
30 1h 30

h 2 10 min

idle 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 idle 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
Engine speed, rpm Engine speed, rpm

Fig. 3 Engine speed and load schedule for the running-in operation (a) and the intensified wear elementary test (b)

the same wear ratio of the PC device as the 1500-h-long HC = (78135) and (95212) ppm at 2,800 rpm.
durability test of the engine in real flying conditions.
The engine brake tests and established wear measuring The results indicate that the topography of the cylinders of
procedures were performed again at the end of the whole engine no. 2 was the most effective with respect to all ana-
research cycle. In addition, the 3D liner surface topography lyzed parameters, including performance and environmental
was evaluated using the Talyscan 150 contact scanner for factors, with the exception of BSFC and total efficiency,
both the originally honed and worn cut-out liner segments which worsened at the end of the test (Figs. 4, 5). Engines no.
on samples of the tested area measuring 4 9 4 mm. The 3 and 4 were similar to one another in terms of performance
scanner tip shape was spherical with a diameter of 2 lm; which, in fact, was rather weak except for the environmental
tip velocity was set at 0.5 mm/s, while the sampling step parameters. Engine no. 1 showed the most balanced and
and sampling path distance were 5 lm. relatively good parameters for both stages of its operation,
and engine no. 5, although showing good performances, was
saddled with the highest exhaust emission.
5 Results and Discussion
The effort running of the engines caused internal wear
and performance deterioration. The changes made to the
A preliminary analysis of the output parameters collected
topography of the cylinder liners throughout the experi-
for all five engines after each stage of the experiment shows
ments demonstrated the abrasive mechanism of their wear
noticeable inter-engine distinctions. The rates of net output
(Fig. 6). No bore polishing areas were observed. Michalski
power Ne, torque Mo, brake-specific fuel consumption
and Wos [37] present a more detailed report on the charac-
(BSFC) ge, total efficiency go, and the concentration of
teristics of wear shown by the whole PC device. Although
hydrocarbons and carbon oxides [HC (ppm) and CO (%),
the measured wear turned out to be rather high, the engine
respectively] in exhaust are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 after
parameters dropped moderately. Statistically, the average
10 h of running-in operation and execution of 21-h-long
power of the five engines after the running-in operation and
intensified abrasive wear cycle, respectively. Variations in
after carrying out the full test decreased slightly by 2.5%
the characteristic values of these parameters for each stage
from 83.0 1.7 to 80.9 1.8 kW (Table 3). The same
were as follows:
trend was observed for torque mean value, which changed
Ne = (80.684.7) and (78.583.0) kW at 2,800 rpm; from 285.5 7.3 to 277.9 4.1 N m, which is also a
Mo = (276.6294.2) and (272.5282.2) N m at reduction of 2.5%. The fuel consumption increased by 3.6%
2,600 rpm; from 364.3 21.6 to 377.4 22.7 g/(kW h), while the
ge = (335.5391.7) and (347.2406.8) g/(kW h) at total efficiency of the engines dropped by 2.2% from
2,800 rpm; 22.6 1.3 to 22.1 1.7%. A larger change was noticed for
go = (20.924.4) and (20.124.1%) at 2,800 rpm; exhaust emission factors: CO increased by 35% and HC by
CO = (2.87.1) and (4.78.1%) at 2,800 rpm; 40.8% based on a comparison of stage-to-stage amounts.

562 Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567

Fig. 4 Performance 85 300

characteristics of the engines

Engine power output [kW]

after 10 h of running-in 290

Engine torque [Nm]


65 270

60 Engine No. 1
Engine No. 2
55 Engine No. 3
Engine No. 4 250
Engine No. 5
45 240
1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Crankshaft speed [rpm] Crankshaft speed [rpm]
420 0.26

BSFC [g/(kWh)]

Total efficiency [-]


360 0.22



1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Crankshaft speed [rpm] Crankshaft speed [rpm]

HC conc. [ppm]

CO conc. [%]



1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Crankshaft speed [rpm] Crankshaft speed [rpm]

Further extensive analysis was carried out to determine including total efficiency, fuel consumption, and harmful
more precisely the relationships between the microstruc- compound emissions.
ture of the original cylinder liner and the output parameters The pre-testing and mid-testing measurements allowed
of the engines. For this to be known, a number of param- multiplying and scattering inputs to be obtained for use in an
eter-to-parameter linear correlations have been evaluated; overall statistical analysis of the problem. In this study, the
the adequate correlation factors are presented in Table 3, after-machining cylinder liner surface topography was treated
with the values in bold indicating very high correlations as an initial state for post-running-in engine performances,
(Rxy C 0.90). In general, the roughness parameters Rq, and the mid-stage surface topography become the initial
Rvk, Rvq, RDq, A2, and b, are closely linked with power Ne microstructure stipulating the engine outputs after their effort
and torque Mo of the tested engines. However, only two of testing. The relationships between all of the engine parame-
these, Rvq, and particularly A2, reveal a much stronger ters analyzed and the most susceptible condition (linear tri-
correlation with all of the engine parameters analyzed, angle area for valleys A2) are illustrated in Fig. 7, including

Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567 563

Fig. 5 Performance 85 300

characteristics of the engines

Engine power output [kW]

after the full testing cycle 290
operation 75

Engine torque [Nm]


65 270

60 Engine No. 1 260

Engine No. 2
Engine No. 3
Engine No. 4
Engine No. 5
45 240
1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Crankshaft speed [rpm] Crankshaft speed [rpm]
420 0.26


Total efficiency [-]

BSFC [g/(kWh)]


360 0.22



1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Crankshaft speed [rpm] Crankshaft speed [rpm]

8 200

CO conc. [%]

HC conc. [ppm]



1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Crankshaft speed [rpm] Crankshaft speed [rpm]

Fig. 6 Image of fax-film negative replication of cylinder liner surface after: a honing, b 10-h running-in operation, c 21-h intensified wear
operation. Observations under a Neophot 2 microscope, magnification 409


Table 3 The values of the linear coefficient of correlation between the selected initial profile parameters after cylinder honing and operational properties of combustion engines
Parameter Rq, lm Rvk, lm Rvq, lm RDq,  A2, lm b, 1/lm g, 1/lm Ne, kW Mo, Nm ge, g/kW h go CO, % HC, ppm

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

1. Rq, lm 1 0.88 0.84 0.87 0.58 -0.88 0.67 0.87 0.89 -0.33 0.30 0.16 -0.01
0.94 0.94 -0.55 0.55 0.02 0.27
2. Rvk, lm 1 0.97 0.73 0.81 -0.84 0.31 0.85 0.88 -0.51 0.51 0.57 0.45
0.78 0.80 -0.80 0.75 0.40 0.59
3. Rvq, lm 1 0.77 0.90 -0.85 0.18 0.91 0.93 -0.68 0.67 0.66 0.54
0.81 0.83 -0.85 0.82 0.54 0.70
4. RDq,  1 0.47 -0.63 0.55 0.74 0.74 -0.30 0.26 0.11 0.08
0.81 0.81 -0.70 0.75 0.09 0.48
5. A2,lm 1 -0.79 -0.20 0.85 0.85 -0.90 0.91 0.88 0.65
0.67 0.67 -0.75 0.70 0.80 0.75
6. b, 1/lm 1 -0.39 -0.97 -0.97 0.64 -0.62 -0.42 -0.10
-0.84 -0.95 0.45 -0.42 -0.28 -0.29
7. g, 1/lm 1 0.30 0.32 0.40 -0.45 -0.60 -0.66
0.58 0.55 0.11 -0.07 -0.72 -0.44
8. Ne, kW 1 0.99 -0.74 0.71 0.49 0.20
0.95 0.96 -0.61 0.59 0.41 0.47
9. Mo, N m 1 -0.72 0.69 0.50 0.22
0.96 -0.62 0.60 0.40 0.48
10. ge, g/kW h 1 -0.99 -0.82 -0.53
0.55 -0.52 -0.85 -0.67
11. go 1 0.86 0.60
0.53 0.88 0.70
12. CO, % 1 0.90
0.96 0.82
13. HC, ppm 1
Mean values 0.75 1.37 1.44 2.37 16.6 33.8 0.019 83.0 285.5 364.3 0.226 4.11 98.0
80.9 277.9 377.4 0.221 5.55 138.0
Standard deviations 0.21 0.38 0.39 0.33 7.6 2.1 0.003 1.7 7.3 21.6 0.013 1.74 22.1
1.8 4.1 22.7 0.017 1.44 48.1
For each parameter, the upper number refers to the running-in stage; the lower number refers to to the full cycle operation
Bold values indicate very high correlations
Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567
Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567 565

Fig. 7 Characteristics of engine ge BSFC ge, g/(kWh)

output parameters versus pre- Mo ge=-2.47*A2+413.09; Rxy=-0.73
CO Total efficiency o, %
testing value of cylinder liner HC ge=0.18*A2+19.29; Rxy=0.78
roughness parameter A2 (linear 350 25
triangle area for valleys). Torque Mo, Nm
Confidence intervals = 0.95 300 Mo=0.57*A2+271.96; Rxy=0.54

HC conc., ppm
HC=3.32*A2+61.32; Rxy=0.52
150 CO conc., %
10 CO=0.16*A2+2.06; Rxy=0.62
100 100
Power Ne, kW 5
50 Ne=0.21*A2+78.34; Rxy=0.68
0 75 0
6 10 14 18 22 26 6 10 14 18 22 26
Linear triangle area for valleys Linear triangle area for valleys
A2 [m] A2 [m]

Fig. 8 Correlation of a b
equivalent two- and three- 40

Root-mean-square deviation of the surface

dimensional parameters:
a linear A2 and areal Sa2
Areal triangle area for valleys

triangle area for valleys, b root 1.2

mean square deviation of the Sa2=0.97*A2+0.33
Rxy=0.99 Sq=0.94*Rq+0.11
profile Rq and the surface Sq 1 Rxy=0.95

Sq [m]
Sa2 [m]

evaluated on the basis of 80

pairs of cylinder liner 20
measurements. Confidence
intervals = 0.95
10 0.6

0 10 20 30 40 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Linear triangle area for valleys Root-mean-square deviation of the profile
A2 [m] Rq [m]

linear regression modeling results. For A2 ranging from 7.2 to microstructure of the initial cylinder liner surface. The slope
26.6 lm, all engine parameters showed a correlation with of a linear regression of valley region Rvq and, particularly,
coefficients exceeding 0.5. The slopes of the regression lines the linear triangle area for valleys A2 are the roughness
proved that the engine performed better when the value of the parameters that should be taken into consideration at cyl-
A2 parameter was higher; inversely, the environmental factors inder liner surface shaping. Higher values of Rvq and A2
(CO and HC emission) became significantly worse with were associated with improvements in the main engine
increasing A2. Because the A2 parameter determines the parameters: output power Ne, torque Mo, fuel consumption
volume of oil reserve on the liner surface, these phenomena ge, and total efficiency go. There was a very strongbut
seem to be directly connected with better lubrication; thus, negativerelation appears between the cylinder liner
with high values of the A2 parameter, there were both lower roughness parameters tested and harmful exhaust emission,
friction losses and an increased oil consumption problem including carbon oxide CO and hydrocarbons HC. These
during engine testing. results confirm that with an increased higher cylinder liner
surface, the oil retention volume corresponds to the Rvq and
A2 parameters and that there is a higher oil consumption and,
6 Conclusions consequently, a greater emission of CO, HC, and soot [8,
12]. This is a limitation for acceptable values of Rvq and A2
The results of this study demonstrate distinct variations in parameters, which must be balanced within an overall cyl-
engine performance due to differences in the initial inder liner manufacturing technology.

566 Tribol Lett (2011) 41:555567

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