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AH LCG Helpsheet 1.1

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0.1. Choose investigator(s) Choose lead investigator, who has the Campaign Guide and follows
0.2. Separate damage, horror, clue/doom, and resource tokens
0.3. Assemble player decks 1 investigator 1 deck
Deck Size: must include the exact number of player cards indicated on the back of investigator card
Not include more than 2 copies (by title) of any player card
Create by the Deckbuilding Options on the back of investigator card
All Deckbuilding Requirements on the back of investigator card must be observed
If campaign:
> first scenario: 0 XP only include level 0 cards (no pips)
-XP = total victory value +/- bonuses or penalties
> other scenarios: have XP purchase new cards: pay XP = cards level (pips)
-Only cards the investigator has access to may be purchased.
-See deck-size: for each (nonpermanent) card a different card is removed from the deck
-Weakness cards and cards that must be included in an investigators deck may not be removed
-Level zero card still costs 1 XP
-If upgrade card: pay only the difference in XP (to a min. of 1) between the 2 cards remove lower level card
-More than 1 copy of a new card each copy must be paid for separately, and 1 card/copy must be removed
-Record unspent experience. Spend later during the campaign.
Add random basic weakness to the deck
Story Assets may not be included in the deck unless the setup or scenario say so
0.4. Assemble the chaos bag Choose between 4 levels of difficulty: easy, standard, hard, expert.
In campaign mode, use the chaos bag as it was composed upon completion of the previous scenario.
0.5. Take 5 resources
0.6. Draw 5 cards no weakness card in opening hands. If not like a single mulligan
0.7. Set scenario by Campaign Guide Encounter deck, agenda and act deck, location(s), scenario reference card etc.

The Grim Rule: if there is a rule or timing conflict, perceive as the worst possible at that moment with regards to
winning the scenario.
1. Mythos Phase
Skip during first round of game!
1.1 Round begins. Mythos phase begins Formalizes the beginning of the mythos phase / new game round.
1.2 Place 1 doom on the current agenda card
1.3 Check doom threshold Compare the total number of doom in play (current agenda + other cards) with the doom
threshold of the current agenda.
If the doom doom threshold agenda deck advances.
Remove all doom from play
Turn the current agenda over, read the story text, and follow any advancement instructions.
New current agenda is the next sequential agenda front side. (Unless otherwise directed.)
1.4 Each investigator draws 1 encounter card
1.4.1 If card has peril other investigator(s) cant help (play cards, trigger abilities, commit cards to skill test)
1.4.2 Resolve revelation ability on the encounter card.
1.4.3 Enemy or treachery?
Enemy: spawn it following card instruction
-No spawn instruction, it engages with the investigator encountering the card place it in the threat area.
-Prey: dictates whom it engages if there is a conflict.
Treachery: place in the encounter discard pile unless otherwise instructed by the ability.
1.4.4 If card has surge investigator must draw another card. Restart this process at step 1.4
1.5 Mythos phase ends Formalizes the end of the mythos phase.

When any encounter card triggers a resolution (R#) the players have completed the scenario and should refer to
the resolution text that matches that number in the Campaign Guide to discover what happens next.
Aloof: does not engage investigators of its own accord. (You may use an action or a card ability to engage it.) You
cannot attack it unless you are engaged with it.
Massive: A massive enemy is engaged with each investigator at its location.
Peril: investigator cannot confer with or receive assistance from other players while resolving the cards revelation
ability and/or spawning it.
Retaliate: If investigator fails a skill test while attacking this enemy, if enemy is ready, performs an attack back.
2. Investigation Phase
2.1 Investigation phase begins Formalizes the beginning of the investigation phase.
2.2 Next investigators turn begins The investigators choose among themselves the active investigator.
Each investigator takes one turn each round.
2.2.1 Investigator takes 3 action, if able Or less... Any of them, any order, even 3 times in a row
Investigate your location
Make an intellect ( ) test against the shroud value of that location. Go to ST.1.
If successful discover one clue from the location, put it on the investigator card.
If the test is failed, no clues are discovered.
Clues can use any time to advance the act deck by spending, as a group, an appropriate number of clues.
Advancing the act in this way does not cost an action and may be done during any investigators turn.
If the current act has a Objective instruction, that overrides the procedure for advancing the act deck.
Move to a connecting location
Enter a location for the first time reveale it (flip)
Put a number of clue tokens = locations clue value
If investigator move, the enemy remains engaged with the investigator and also moves to the new location.
Draw (draw 1 card)
If Weakness or Basic Weakness is drawn, must resolve its Revelation ability immediately.
Resource (gain 1 resource)
Play an asset or event card from your hand
Pay its resource cost, and play it.
If event card resolve its effect and place in the discard pile.
If asset card place in your play area. Remains in play until an ability or game effect causes it to leave play.
Assets cant ecxeed slots space: 1 ally slot, 1 body slot, 1 accessory slot, 2 hand slots, and 2 arcane slots
If you wish to play or gain control of an asset that requires a slot already held by other asset discard old card
Skill cards are not played!
Cards with the fast keyword do not cost an action to play.
Activate an -costed ability
...on in-play card you control, in-play encounter at your location, card in threat area, current act or agenda card
Fight an enemy at your location
Make an combat ( ) test against that enemys fight value. Go to ST.1.
If successful deals 1 damage to the attacked enemy. Weapons, spells etc. may modify the damage dealt.
If the test is failed, no damage is dealt to the attacked enemy.
If you fail a combat test against an enemy engaged with another investigator, the damage value of the failed
attack is instead dealt to the investigator engaged with that enemy.
If enemy provides victory points, place the card in a shared victory pile instead of discarding it.
Engage an enemy at your location
To engage an enemy, place it in your threat area.
Can use for enemy that is not currently engaged.
Can use for enemy that is currently engaged with another investigator at the same location.
Evade an enemy engaged with you
Make an agility ( ) test against that enemys evade value. Go to ST.1.
If successful enemy is exhausted, the engagement is broken. Move it from threat area to current location.
If the test is failed, remains engaged with the investigator.
. Skill Test Timing .
ST.1 Determine skill type of test Formalizes the beginning of a skill test.
ST.2 Commit cards from hand to skill test +1 to skill value for each appropriate skill icon.
Commit any number of cards with an appropriate skill icon from hand.
Each other investigator at the same location may commit one card with an appropriate skill icon.
Appropriate skill icon is that matches the skill or a wild icon ().
Do not pay a cards resource cost when committing it.
In addition, the investigator may activate free trigger () abilities to modify the test.
ST.3 Reveal 1 chaos token from the chaos bag.
ST.4 Apply chaos symbol effect(s)
ST.5 Determine investigators modified skill value
Base skill of investigator + all active modifiers + committed cards + chaos token(s) effect(s).
ST.6 Determine success/failure of skill test
Success: modified skill value of difficulty
If an investigator automatically succeeds via card ability, the total difficulty of that test is considered 0.
Failure: modified skill < value of difficulty
If an investigator automatically fails via card ability/tentacle token, the total skill value for the test is considered 0
ST.7 Apply skill test results
Resolve the appropriate consequences on the card ability or game rule that initiated a skill test
If there are multiple results to be applied during this step, the investigator performing the test applies those
results in the order of his or her choice.
ST.8 Skill test ends Formalizes the end of this skill test.
Discard all cards that were committed to this skill test.
Return all revealed chaos tokens to the chaos bag.
2.2.2 Investigators turn ends Flip the active investigators mini card to its colorless side
If there is an investigator who has not yet taken a turn this round, return to 2.2.
If each investigator has taken a turn this round, proceed to 2.3.
2.3 Investigation phase ends Formalizes the end of the investigation phase.

Attack of opportunity: When an investigator is engaged with one or more enemies and takes an action other than to
fight, to evade, or to activate a parley or resign ability enemies attack. Player choosing attack order.
Victory: An encounter card worth victory points is stored in the victory display until the end of the scenario.
-Enemy if defeated
-Location if at the end of a scenario is revealed, and has no clues on it
-Treachery if completes its resolution place
Uses (X): creates a particular token type place on card when enters play. X=number of resource tokens
3. Enemy Phase
3.1 Enemy phase begins Formalizes the beginning of the enemy phase.
Any time a ready non-engaged enemy is at the same location as an investigator it engages that investigator.
If multiple investigators are at same location as ready enemy the lead investigator decide about engagement.
3.2 Hunter enemies move Resolve the hunter keyword for each ready, unengaged enemy
Each such enemy moves once, to a connecting location, in the direction of the nearest investigator.
If a hunter moves to a location with one or more investigators immediately engages one of them.
3.3 Engaged enemy attacks resolved by the next investigator. Resolve all attacks before advancing to the next player.
Each ready, engaged enemy attacks deal its damage and horror, simultaneously to the engaged investigator.
Investigator can deal damage/horror to ally. If ally dies discard. If investigator dies eliminate.
Exhaust the enemy.
Multiple enemies resolve in the order of the attacked investigators choosing
During attacks of opportunity, enemies do not exhaust.
After the final investigator resolves enemy attacks, proceed to the next player window.
3.4 Enemy phase ends Formalizes the end of the enemy phase.

Should all investigators be eliminated read if no resolution was reached in the Campaign Guide.
4. Upkeep Phase
4.1 Upkeep phase begins. Formalizes the beginning of the upkeep phase.
4.2 Reset actions Flip each investigators mini card back to its colored side.
4.3 Ready exhausted cards Simultaneously
Each unengaged enemy that readies at the same location as an investigator engages at this time.
4.4 Each investigator draws 1 card and gains 1 resource
4.5 Each investigator checks hand size. No more than 8 cards in hands. If exceed, discard cards until 8 cards remaining.
4.6 Upkeep phase ends Formalizes the end of the upkeep phase and the end of the round.
Any active until the end of the round lasting effects expire at this time.
Play proceeds to the beginning of the mythos phase of the next game round. 1.1
V. 1.1
Created by Csaba Szab

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