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Unit 5: Structured Knowledge Representation

Hridaya Kandel
AI Lecturer

Hridaya Kandel 1
Students should understand the importance of knowledge
Students should be familiar with representation issues.
Student should be familiar with the different representation methods.

Hridaya Kandel 2
Knowledge is a general term.
Knowledge is a progression that starts with data which is of limited utility.
By organizing or analyzing the data, we understand what the data means, and this
becomes information.
The interpretation or evaluation of information yield knowledge.
An understanding of the principles embodied within the knowledge is wisdom.
Data is viewed as collection of disconnected facts.
Information emerges when relationships among facts are established and
understood; Provides answers to "who", "what", "where", and "when".
Knowledge emerges when relationships among patterns are identified and
understood; Provides answers as "how" .
Wisdom is the pinnacle of understanding, uncovers the principles of ??
relationships that describe patterns. Provides answers as "why" .


Hridaya Kandel 3

Problem solving requires large amount of knowledge and some mechanism for
manipulating that knowledge.
There are different kinds of knowledge that might be needed to be represented in
the AI.
Objects: Facts about objects in our world domain. e.g. Guitars have strings, trumpets
are brass instruments.
Events: Actions that occur in our world. e.g. Steve Vai played the guitar in Frank
Zappa's Band.
Performance: A behavior like playing the guitar involves knowledge about how to do
Meta-knowledge: knowledge about what we know. e.g. Bobrow's Robot who plan's a
trip. It knows that it can read street signs along the way to find out where it is.
Need means to manipulate : Requires some formalism - to what we represent
Thus, knowledge representation can be considered at two levels :
(a) knowledge level at which facts are described, and
(b) symbol level at which the representations of the objects, defined in terms of
symbols, can be manipulated in the programs.
Hridaya Kandel 4
Mapping between Facts and Representation
Knowledge is a collection of facts from some domain.
We need a representation of facts that can be manipulated by a program. Normal
English is insufficient, too hard currently for a computer program to draw
inferences in natural languages. Thus some symbolic representation is necessary.
Therefore, we must be able to map "facts to symbols" and "symbols to facts" using
forward and backward representation mapping.
Facts Representation
Spot is a dog A fact represented in English sentence
dog (Spot) Using forward mapping function the above fact is
represented in logic
x : dog(x) hastail (x) A logical representation of the fact that
"all dogs have tails"
Now using deductive mechanism we can generate a new representation of object :
hastail (Spot) A new object representation
Spot has a tail Using backward mapping function to generate
[it is new knowledge] English sentence
Hridaya Kandel 5

Fig Two Entities in Knowledge Representation

Forward and Backward representation

Hridaya Kandel 6
Properties for Knowledge Representation Systems
A good knowledge representation enables fast and accurate access to knowledge and
understanding of the content.
A knowledge representation system should have following properties.
Representational Adequacy
The ability to represent all kinds of knowledge that are needed in that domain.
Inferential Adequacy
The ability to manipulate the representational structures to derive new structure
corresponding to new knowledge inferred from old .
Inferential Efficiency
The ability to incorporate additional information into the knowledge structure that can
be used to focus the attention of the inference mechanisms in the most promising
Acquisitional Efficiency
The ability to acquire new knowledge using automatic methods wherever possible
rather than reliance on human intervention.
To date no single system can optimizes all of the above properties

Hridaya Kandel 7
Knowledge Representation (KR) Schemes
There are four types of Knowledge representation

Hridaya Kandel 8
Knowledge Representation: Relational
Used to associate elements of one domain with the elements of another domain or
set of design constrains.
Relational knowledge is made up of objects consisting of attributes and their
corresponding associated values.
The results of this knowledge type is a mapping of elements among different
Simple way to store facts.
Little opportunity for inference.

Given the facts it is not possible to answer simple question such as :

Who is the heaviest player ? ".

Hridaya Kandel 9
KR: Inheritable Knowledge
Elements inherit attributes from their parents
is obtained from associated objects.
it prescribes a structure in which new objects are created which may inherit all or a
subset of attributes from existing objects.
The knowledge is embodied in the design hierarchies found in the functional,
physical and process domains. Within the hierarchy, elements inherit attributes
from their parents, but in many cases, not all attributes of the parent elements be
prescribed to the child elements.
The basic KR needs to be augmented with inference mechanism, and
Inheritance is a powerful form of inference, but not adequate.
The KR in hierarchical structure, shown next, is called semantic network or a
collection of frames or slot-and-filler structure". It shows property inheritance
and way for insertion of additional knowledge.
Property inheritance : Objects/elements of specific classes inherit attributes and
values from more general classes.
Classes are organized in a generalized hierarchy.
Hridaya Kandel 10
KR: Inheritable Knowledge

Viewing a node as a frame

isa : Adult-Male
Bates : EQUAL handed
Height : 6.1
Boxed nodes -- objects and values of attributes of objects. Batting-average : 0.252
Values can be objects with attributes and so on.
Arrows -- point from object to its value. the directed arrows represent attributes (isa,
instance, and team) originating at the object being described and terminating at the object
or itsHridaya
value Kandel 11

KR: Inferential knowledge
generates new information
Given a set of relations and values, one may infer other values or relations.
In addition to algebraic relations, a predicate logic (mathematical deduction) is used
to infer from a set of attributes.

We have already covered the Predicate logic.

KR: Declarative/Procedural
Procedural Knowledge : knowing 'how to do
Declarative Knowledge : knowing 'what', knowing 'that

(Ref Text book: E. Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw Hill)

Hridaya Kandel 12
Issues in Knowledge Representation
The fundamental goal of Knowledge Representation is to facilitate inferencing
(conclusions) from knowledge. The issues that arise while using KR techniques are many.
Some of these are:
Important Attributes : Any attribute of objects so basic that they occur in almost every
problem domain ?
Relationship among attributes: Any important relationship that exists among object
attributes ?
Choosing Granularity : At what level of detail should the knowledge be represented ?
Set of objects : How sets of objects be represented ?
Finding Right structure : Given a large amount of knowledge stored, how can relevant
parts be accessed ?

Hridaya Kandel 13
Semantic Network
Represent the following knowledge in semantic network
All robins are birds
Clyde is a robin
birds have wings

Hridaya Kandel 14
Semantic network
Represent the following knowledge in semantic network
Robin is bird
Clyde is a Robin
Clyde owns a nest from spring 2014 to fall 2014

MAMMAL (person)
INSTANCE (person, RAM)
HASPART (person, Nose)
Hridaya Kandel 15
Conceptual Dependency and Scripts

Hridaya Kandel 16
Thank you!

Hridaya Kandel 17

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