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Pregestational Diabetes

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Pregestational diabetes

Poorly controlled diabetes in pregnancy is associated with increased risks of first-trimester

miscarriage, congenital malformations (especially cardiac defects and CNS anomalies), fetal
death, preterm birth, preeclampsia, ketoacidosis, polyhydramnios, macrosomia, operative (both
vaginal and cesarean) delivery, birth injury (including brachial plexus), delayed lung maturity,
respiratory distress syndrome, jaundice, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, and perinatal mortality as
well as long-term consequences for the children, such as obesity, type II diabetes, and lower IQ.

Preconception counseling should include weight loss, exercise, appropriate diet, and
optimization of blood sugar control. Normalization of glucose levels (hemoglobin A1c <6%)
prevents most, if not all, of the complications of diabetes in pregnancy. In pregestational
diabetics, fasting glucose 95 mg/dL and two-hour postprandial 120 mg/dL (or one-hour
postprandial 140 mg/dL) should be achieved and maintained at all times with diet, exercise,
and insulin therapy as necessary.
There is insufficient evidence to assess the efficacy of oral hypoglycemic agents in
pregestational diabetes.
Diabetic ketoacidosis is treated with aggressive hydration and intravenous insulin.
In pregestational diabetics with good glycemic control, timing of delivery should occur
between 39 0/739 6/7 weeks; cesarean delivery should be offered if estimated fetal weight is
4500 g.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as a metabolic abnormality characterized by elevated
circulating glucose. The diagnoses of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance outside of
pregnancy are established on the basis of formal laboratory criteria (Table 4.1) [14]. As
different countries use either mmol/L or mg/dL for glucose values, a comparison is provided
(Table 4.2).
Often asymptomatic, but classic symptoms of uncontrolled diabetes are polydipsia, polyuria, and
Though the prevalence of pregestational DM continues to increase in many high-income
countries, specific incidence is difficult to calculate due to the inconsistent inclusion of
gestational diabetes. Diabetes was noted to complicate 6% of all pregnancies in the United States
in 2013 although the majority of these are likely gestational [5,6].

Basic Pathophysiology
The etiology of the disease varies and includes a primary insulin production defect, insulin
receptor abnormalities, end-organ insulin resistance, and diabetes secondary to another disease
process, such as cystic fibrosis [3]. Type I diabetics are insulin deficient secondary to the
autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic islet beta cells [3]. These individuals develop disease
early in life, require insulin replacement, and become acutely symptomatic with ketoacidosis if
no therapy is initiated. In contrast type II diabetics continue to produce insulin, but do so at
diminished levels. They are often hyperinsulinemic, at least in the early stages; relative hypo-
insulinemia may (or may not) develop later [3]. Insulin resistance is the cardinal feature of type
II diabetics and many exhibit insulin resistance at the level of the end-organ receptor. The onset
of disease is usually later in life, the course is gradual but progressive, and the disease is linked
to obesity [3]. The onset of disease is rapidly changing: type II diabetes is now being seen at
earlier ages, including childhood and adolescence. Both groups can be further subclassified on
the basis of the presence of vascular complications, such as hypertension, renal disease, and
retinopathy. The same physiologic changes of pregnancy that cause gestational diabetes (see
Chapter 5) also complicate the achievement of optimal glucose control in the pregestational
diabetic. In a meta-analysis, women with type II diabetes had a 1.5 times increased risk of
perinatal mortality,
decreased risk of diabetic ketoacidosis, and decreased cesarean delivery rate as compared to
those with type I diabetes; however, there were no significant differences between the two
groups in the frequency of major congenital malformation, stillbirth, or neonatal mortality [7].
To facilitate the management of these patients, the classification of diabetes has undergone recent
revisions to reflect the physiology and implications of the disease process. Classification as type
I and type II diabetes (as defined above) is still commonly used, especially in nonpregnant
patients. Presence of vascular disease, defined as chronic hypertension (HTN), renal
insufficiency, retinopathy, coronary artery disease, or prior cerebrovascular accident, is a better
predictor of adverse pregnancy outcome than is Whites classification [8,9]. Therefore, the
Whites classification is no longer recommended for management.
Risk Factors/Associations
Obesity, hypertension, advanced maternal age, non-white race, family history (type II diabetes),
metabolic syndrome, among others.

Incidence of complications is inversely proportional to glucose control with minimal
complications if glucose control is optimal [10]. Pedersen first proposed that the exaggerated
fetal response to insulin is provoked by fetal hyperglycemia that results from maternal
hyperglycemia [11]. Poorly controlled DM is associated with increased risks of the following:
first-trimester miscarriage; congenital malformations [12] (most common malformations are
cardiac defects and CNS anomalies, especially neural tube defects [13]; most pathognomonic are
sacral agenesis/caudal regression); intrauterine fetal demise; preterm birth (both iatrogenic and
spontaneous); preeclampsia; ketoacidosis; polyhydramnios; macrosomia (increased fetal insulin
acts as growth factor; the degree of macrosomia is correlated with fasting and postprandial blood
glucose values outside of the suggested parameters); operative delivery (both vaginal and
cesarean) and birth injury (including brachial plexus) (both related to macrosomia); delayed lung
maturity; respiratory distress syndrome; jaundice (because of polycythemia), hypoglycemia,
hypocalcemia and polycythemia in the neonate, all related to elevated glucose levels and
consequent hyperinsulinemia antenatally; and perinatal mortality [14,15]. Long-term follow-up
has shown higher rates of obesity, type II DM, and lower IQ in children of mothers with poorly
controlled DM in pregnancy [1418].
Pregnancy Considerations
It is always important to consider the effect of maternal disease on pregnancy and, conversely,
the effect of pregnancy on maternal end organs (Table 4.3), especially because pregestational
diabetes affects the micro- and macrovascular systems. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause
of blindness in reproductive years. Background retinopathy is characterized by retinal
microaneurysms and dot-blot hemorrhages and proliferative retinopathy by neovascularization.
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy may progress as tightened glycemic control is achieved [19].
However, clinicians should not be deterred from achieving optimal glucose control as the risk of
subsequent progression of retinopathy is overall decreased as compared to patients not managed
with intensive therapy [19]. Diabetic nephropathy occurs in 5% to 10% of pregestational
diabetics and can progress to end-stage renal disease, especially in women with creatinine of
1.4 mg/dL or 24-hour proteinuria of 3 g (see Chapter 17). Proteinuria increases in diabetic
patients as they approach term, particularly in those who have baseline nephropathy. Women
with baseline nephropathy are at increased risk of iatrogenic preterm birth and uteroplacental
insufficiency. Progression of renal insufficiency is not clearly linked to the physiologically
increased glomerular filtration rate of pregnancy although those with nephrotic range proteinuria
and moderate-to-severe renal insufficiency may progress to end-stage renal disease [20,21].
Diabetic neuropathy is not worsened, per se, in pregnancy although decreased gastrointestinal
motility related to progesterone and mechanical factors may exacerbate underlying gastroparesis
[21]. The presence of hypertension (in 5%10% of women with pregestational DM) further
increases the risks of preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, and fetal death [20].
Progression of cardiovascular disease in the diabetic pregnant patient has not been reported, but
symptomatic coronary artery disease is a contraindication to pregnancy in these diabetic women
Weight loss, exercise, and optimization of blood sugar control can prevent most, if not all, of the
complications of DM in pregnancy.
Preconception Counseling
The care of the pregestational diabetic is best instituted in the preconception period. The
objectives of prepregnancy care are shown in Table 4.5. The frequency of maternal
hospitalizations, length of NICU admission, congenital malformations, and perinatal mortality
are reduced in women with DM who seek consultation in preparation for pregnancy;
unfortunately, only about one third of these women receive such consultation [23]. The
evaluation should emphasize the importance of tight glycemic control with normalization of the
hemoglobin A1c (aim for at least <7%) (Tables 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6) [8,24,25].
Decreased spontaneous miscarriage, congenital anomalies, and other complications have been
demonstrated in multiple studies, including RCTs, when optimal glucose control is attained via
multiple daily insulin doses adjusted to glucose monitoring 4 times per day [26,27]. Optimal
glucose control also prevents future obesity, DM, and its complications in the offspring. In
ddition to advocating the use of at least 400 micrograms of folic acid for at least one month prior
to conception, this consultation affords the opportunity to screen for end-organ damage (Table
4.3). Ophthalmologic evaluation, EKG, and renal evaluation via a 24-hour urine collection for
total protein and creatinine clearance will ascertain endorgan damage and determine ancillary
pregnancy risks. As 40% of young women with type I diabetes have hypothyroidism, thyroid-
stimulating hormone (TSH) should be checked. Proliferative retinopathy should be treated with
laser before pregnancy. Women compliant with insulin pumps may continue this regimen.
Sexually active diabetic adolescents benefit from preconception counseling [28,29].
Prenatal Care
Optimizing health outcomes can be achieved by a combination of diet, exercise, glucose
monitoring, and insulin therapy. Women with type I DM and glucose levels of >200 mg/dL
should check their urine ketones and immediately alert their health care provider if positive [8].
A glass of milk is preferable to juice for hypoglycemia. Glucagon should be immediately
Nutritional requirements are adjusted on the basis of maternal body mass index (BMI); women
with normal BMI require 30 to 35 kcal/kg/day (Table 4.7) [8]. Individuals <90% of their ideal
body weight (IBW) may increase this by an additional 5 kcal/kg/day, and those >120% of their
IBW should decrease this value to 24 kcal/kg/day [8]. The content should be distributed as 45%
complex, high-fiber carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 35% primarily unsaturated fats (Table 4.7)
[8,23]. The calories are distributed over three meals and three snacks with breakfast receiving the
smallest allotment at 15%, and the other two meals receiving near equal distribution. Saccharin,
aspartame, acesulfame-K, maltodextin, and sucralose may be used safely in moderate amounts.
Carbohydrate counting and the assistance of a registered dietitian may provide benefit, but these
two interventions have been insufficiently studied in pregnancy [30].
Moderate exercise decreases the need for insulin therapy in type II diabetics by increasing the
glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and, therefore, should be strongly encouraged for diabetic
patients although it is important to take into consideration any preexisting comorbidities,
including class III obesity [31].
Glucose Monitoring
Frequent home glucose monitoring, both pre- and post-prandially, has been associated with
enhanced glucose control and shorter interval to achieve target blood sugars. Capillary blood
glucose (finger stick) measurements using a glucometer should be obtained at least four times
a day fasting and two hours (or one hour) postprandial [32,33]. There are no RCTs comparing
one- versus two-hour postprandial glucose monitoring in pregnancy. Target levels are in Table
4.8 [34]. Some women will require another assessment at 3 a.m. for prevention of hypoglycemic
episodes. Glycosylated hemoglobin A1c <6% is normal [35]. Hemoglobin A1c of 6% reflects a
mean glucose level of 120 mg/dL; each 1% increment in hemoglobin A1c is equal to a change in
mean glucose level of 30 mg/dL. There is evidence that blood sugars (and hemoglobin A1c
measurements) should be maintained within normal limits throughout gestation and not just in a
particular trimester to decrease the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes [36]. Although earlier
studies [37,38] suggested some benefit to continuous glucose monitoring, more recent studies
showed no improvement in glycemic control or in maternal/fetal outcomes in women using
continuous (measurements every 10 seconds for up to 288 measurements daily) glucose
monitoring intermittently (for six days at various time points in pregnancy) versus routine
monitoring [39] or constant continuous monitoring [40].
Oral Hypoglycemic Agents
Although overall considered safe to use in pregnancy [41,42], there is insufficient evidence to
assess the effectiveness of oral hypoglycemic agents in women with pregestational diabetes.
Therefore, even in women on oral hypoglycemic control before pregnancy, insulin therapy is
suggested for glucose control. Occasionally, a woman well controlled on either glyburide or
metformin prepregnancy and with a normal hemoglobin A1c can be managed by continuing
these medications as long as glycemic control remains optimal [27,41,43]; although newer
evidence suggests that metformin is preferred over glyburide when oral hypoglycemic agents are
employed (at least for GDM management) [44]. Improved maternal glycemic control and
reduced neonatal hypoglycemia, respiratory distress syndrome, and NICU admission were noted
when metformin was added to an insulin regimen in women with poor control despite daily
insulin dose of 1.12 units/kg [45].
Multiple-dose insulin (MDI) injection therapy is the mainstay in the management of
regestational diabetes. All subcutaneous insulin types have been approved during pregnancy.A
review of the types of insulin, their onset, and duration of action are listed in Table 4.9. Human
insulin is preferred to animal insulin [46]. Women, particularly those new to insulin therapy, need
to be counseled about the differences in the various insulins in order to use them to their greatest
efficacy. Close monitoring with at least weekly contact with a provider is suggested to
maximize insulin adjustment. The goals of therapy are shown in Table 4.8 [34]. Both fasting and
postprandial blood sugars are correlated with fetal macrosomia, especially elevated ostprandials
(see Chapter 5) [48,49]. Hypoglycemia can cause significant maternal morbidities but has not
been associated with embryopathy [50]. Glucagon should be available for home use in
emergency situations. Although satisfactory glucose control may be obtained solely with an
intermediate-acting insulin rather than a short-acting insulin [51], we suggest optimizing
metabolic control with one evening injection of long-acting insulin (e.g., insulin glargine) and
meal-time (three daily) injections of short-acting insulin (e.g., lispro or aspart) (Figures 5.1
and 5.2). Glargine cannot be mixed in the same syringe with other insulins. Intermediate-acting
insulin (e.g., neutral protamine Hagedorn [NPH]) twice daily can also be used instead of insulin
glargine. Studies have shown that short-acting insulin is as effective as regular insulin and may
result in improved postprandial glucose control and less preterm deliveries [52,53]. Insulin lispro
should be given immediately before eating. As compared to two daily insulin injections,
additional doses are associated with improved glycemic control [54]. A meta-analysis of cohort
studies comparing insulin glargine to NPH did not reveal any significant differences in
outcomes, including infant birth weight, congenital anomalies, and respiratory distress [55]. A
large randomized trial, including 310 pregnancies compared insulin detemir with NPH and found
no differences between maternal HgA1c, the frequency of major hypoglycemic episodes [56],
early fetal loss, congenital anomalies or adverse events [57]. Subcutaneous insulin pump
therapy (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy [CSII]) may be continued in women
already compliant with this mode of therapy. In nonpregnant adults, women compliant with
insulin pumps have increased satisfaction, decreased episodes of severe hypoglycemia, and
better control of hyperglycemia [8]. Basal infusion rates tend to increase, and carbohydrateto-
insulin ratios decrease during the course of pregnancy [58]. There is currently insufficient
evidence to recommend CSII versus MDI in pregnancy in women not already on pumps [59,60].
Inhaled insulin has been tested in nonpregnant adults, but there are yet insufficient data for
pregnancy management [61]. Carbohydrate counting and the use of an insulin-to carbohydrate
ratio of 1 unit of insulin for every 15 g of carbohydrate in early gestation can allow for greater
flexibility in eating but has not been studied in a trial. As pregnancy advances with its
concomitant increased insulin resistance, an increased ratio is required with 1 unit covering a
lower amount of carbohydrates, for example, 1 unit/3 g of carbohydrate [58]. Useful sample
calculations for the total daily insulin requirement and insulin regimen are in Table 5.4 and
Figures 5.1 and 5.2.
Very Tight vs. Tight Control
There are limited data to assess the effect of moderately tight versus very tight glycemic control
in women with type I pregestational diabetes, but there is some evidence to suggest very tight
control (either fasting and 2 hour pp <5.6 mmol/L or fasting <4.4 mmol/L and 1.5 hour pp <6.7
mmol/L) improves neonatal metabolic outcomes including hypoglycemia [62]. Loose control
(fasting blood glucose above 7.0 mmol/L) is associated with increased incidences of
preeclampsia, cesarean deliveries, and infants that were large for gestational age [63]. There
are no data to assess the clinical impact for prevention of significant long-term neonatal
morbidity. Patients with type I diabetes may be at increased susceptibility to hypoglycemia
during pregnancy than in the prepregnant state; early pregnancy hypoglycemia was not
associated with an increased risk of early pregnancy loss or malformations, which is consistent
with other studies [50].
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs in 5% to 10% of pregnant women with pregestational type I
diabetes. It is defined by elevated glucose (usually >250 mg/dL), positive serum ketones, and
acidosis. Risk factors include type I diabetes, new onset diabetes, infections (e.g., urinary or
respiratory tract infections), poor compliance, insulin pump failure, and treatment with beta-
mimetics or steroids [8]. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and altered
sensorium. Laboratory tests should include an arterial blood gas (pH <7.3), electrolytes (serum
bicarbonate <15 mEq/L and elevated anion gap), serum and urinary ketones (elevated).
Aggressive hydration, intravenous insulin, and correction of the underlying etiology are the
most important interventions, with close electrolyte (especially glucose and potassium)
monitoring (Table 4.10) [8,64,65]. Fetal mortality may be up to 10%, even with aggressive
Antepartum Testing
Fetal surveillance is required to determine whether congenital anomalies are present and to
minimize perinatal mortality (Table 4.11). The nature of this surveillance is by convention and
expert consensus rather than supported by well- performed trials. Because of the increased risk
of birth defects, particularly cardiac and neural tube defects, patients should be offered alpha-
fetoprotein screening at 16 to 18 weeks gestation, targeted ultrasonography at 18 to 20 weeks,
and fetal echocardiography at 20 to 22 weeks. Some suggest an earlier first anatomic fetal
sonographic survey at around 14 to 16 weeks as well as early fetal echocardiography at this time,
especially in women with poor glycemic control in the first trimester (e.g., hemoglobin A1c >10
mg/dL). Serial ultrasounds in the third trimester to evaluate fetal growth and frequent prenatal
visits to review glucose control are also advocated. The use of fetal surveillance with nonstress
test (NST) and/or biophysical profile is recommended by expert opinion [23], but the frequency
and nature of the testing cannot be determined, since there is no randomized trial to direct
effective screening. For women with good glycemic control, antepartum testing can start at 32
weeks with once or twice weekly NSTs, increased to twice weekly at 36 weeks, and continued
until delivery [8]. For women with poor glycemic control, antepartum testing may need to begin
earlier [8].
Timing of delivery in women with pregestational DM in good control is usually at about 39 0/7
39 6/7 weeks (unless maternal or fetal factors dictate earlier intervention) as perinatal mortality
increases after 40 weeks. In general, indicated delivery before 39 weeks, if truly indicated,
should not require assessment of fetal maturity. If assessment of fetal maturity is done, laboratory
tests are interpreted as in nondiabetic patients, with phosphatidylglycerol 3% accepted by most
authorities as the lab value indicating the least risk for fetal respiratory insufficiency in diabetic
women; patients should be cautioned that a positive test does not preclude infant morbidities (see
Chapter 57). Compared to expectant management until 42 weeks, induction of labor at 38
completed weeks in women with insulin-dependent diabetes (of which >90% were gestational) is
associated with reduced incidences of macrosomia [66,67]. However, the sample size was too
small to evaluate the impact on perinatal mortality, which is a concern in women with diabetes
who are delivered prior to 39 weeks [66].
Mode of delivery is generally vaginal. Cesarean is indicated if estimated fetal weight is 4500 g
(see Chapter 45) [8]. The diagnosis of macrosomia is inexact by ultrasound and clinical
estimation, confounding the ability to make a clear recommendation. Induction for macrosomia
is not recommended due to lack of evidence for benefit [68,69]. Intrapartum Glucose
The usual subcutaneous long-acting (e.g., glargine) or intermediate- acting insulin (e.g., NPH) is
given at bedtime the evening before delivery, and the usual subcutaneous morning insulin is
withheld on the day of delivery. Intrapartum management (Figure 4.1) [34] is targeted to
maintain maternal glucose levels between 70 and 110 mg/dL. Often the insulin requirement is
decreased because of the energy requirements of labor. Intravenous insulin, dextrose solution,
frequent (usually every one hour) glucose monitoring, and evaluation of urinary ketones are
required to prevent a catabolic state and the development of ketoacidosis. Once active labor
begins or glucose is <70 mg/dL, IV 5% dextrose at 125 cc/hour can be started. Once glucose
level is 100 mg/dL, short-acting (e.g., lispro or regular) IV insulin should be started. IV 5%
dextrose and insulin infusions should be separate and often should occur at the same time to
prevent ketonuria. Adjustments to the basal infusion rates are based on hourly finger stick blood
sugars while in labor. The use of the insulin pump, maintaining the basal rate, rather than using
an IV insulin infusion, is an accepted alternative. A small, randomized controlled trial did not
show any benefit to using real-time continuous glucose monitoring versus hourly monitoring
during labor to reduce the likelihood of neonatal hypoglycemia [70]. With cesarean delivery, use
of a single injection of longacting insulin, an IV insulin infusion, or subcutaneous pump at a low
basal rate are equal alternatives until oral intake is assured and more standard dosing can be
reinstituted. Insulin requirements are diminished postpartum and are generally half of the
antepartum requirement.
No specific adjustments necessary.
Usual diabetic diet should be restarted after delivery with one half of the predelivery dose or the
full prepregnancy dose (if this achieved euglycemia) restarted [34]. If food intake cannot be
restarted soon, then glucose levels of >140 mg/dL should be treated with proper coverage.
Breast-feeding has increased maternal caloric demands and an additional 500 kcal/day needs to
be added to the diet to avoid hypoglycemia. All forms of contraception are available to diabetics,
providing they have no contraindications, such as hypertension or vascular disease (see Chapter
27 of Obstetrics Evidence Based Guidelines).
New therapeutic approaches include pancreatic islet cell transplant.

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