PARO Prepping Guide
PARO Prepping Guide
PARO Prepping Guide
a) Understanding your Role
b) Keys to Success
c) Three Top Tips
a) Before you can start
b) Salary and Benefits
c) Professional Memberships
Your hard work and passion for medicine have paid off, bringing you to this amazing new place in your career
and life: training for your specialty.
Thousands of doctors have stood where you are now, filled with enthusiasm and, yes, trepidation, wondering
exactly what this next stage will hold.
We recognize that you have a lot of logistical questions wondering about everything from how to get a
pager to where to pick up your scrubs. Rest assured, youll get all the necessary information from your site well
in advance of your start date.
In the meantime, check out this Prep Guide weve created to help you set yourself up for success. It includes
tips for thriving in residency, offers details about your contract, salary and benefits packages, and explores your
options when it comes to professional memberships.
We also want to introduce you to PARO and let you know that we are here for you, every step of the way. So
bookmark our guide, and come back as often as you like. We look forward to helping you.
Review your University Registration Package and submit documentation and fees
Kudos, doctor, you are now ready to start work. If youre feeling a swirl of emotions exhilaration mixed with
anxiety relax. Thats completely normal.
Embolden yourself with the realization that our provinces top doctors have walked this path. In fact, the very
physicians who came before you helped create our professional pledge, a code that encourages you to take
the personal initiative necessary to make our medical system the best it can be.
This means you will be called on to juggle many roles: Depending on the day, you will alternate between
being a student, a teacher and an employee. Regardless of the hat you wear, you will often be interacting with
patients people who may not understand exactly what a resident is.
So think ahead to that first time you will introduce yourself. What will you say? This is one time your opening
line is really important. Even if your patient doesnt know what a resident is, you can bet they are thinking one
of two things: Is s/he a real doctor? How much experience does s/he have?
You can easily quell their concerns and misconceptions with the proper introduction. For example, if your name
is Julie Miller and you are starting your Family Medicine residency, look your patient directly in the eyes and
extend a firm handshake while saying: Hi, Im Doctor Miller. Im training to be a specialist in Family Medicine.
Your love of medicine needs to be your focus throughout your career. Yes, there will be times when stress
overwhelms you, but you must remember that the stress is worthwhile because of the goals youve set for
yourself and the good that you will do.
If you find yourself struggling, remember that youre not alone. Make the most of your contacts by reaching
out to those around you a trusted colleague or mentor, your program director, or a health-care professional.
And make friends with the folks at the Resident Wellness Office located in your universitys postgraduate
medical education (PGME) office. This office has resources that can put you in touch with the right people
who will help you manage conflicts. Whether youre feeling burnt out, are having a relationship issue, or are
struggling in your residency program, your PGME office is always available to assist you.
The best advice, whether youre at Day One or Day 1000 of residency, is to take care of yourself today for a
healthier tomorrow. Heres how:
Look for opportunities to get involved in your new community. Organize outings with your program as well as
with other programs. Attend PARO social events. Consider starting or joining a study club to maximize your
academic and social support.
If you want to better understand the resources available to you, click here:
OMA resources
CMPA resources
PARO Helpline 1-866-HELP-DOC a confidential support service for residents, medical students, their
partners and families.
For those days that you can devote to more exercise, hit the gym. Through PARO you are
entitled to discounted memberships at Goodlife Fitness. A gym membership, or a workout
buddy, may be the initiative you need to make fitness a priority.
In order to take advantage of your vacation time, we recommend that within the first three months of
your residency you should decide when you would like to schedule your vacation time.
TOP TIP: We recommend that you dont save vacations for late in the academic year. Adapting to
your role as a doctor will be an exciting learning experience and taking the time to recharge with
a vacation will make it more enjoyable.
Before you can start working in Ontarios medical system, there are a few steps you must take. In most cases,
your university will have provided you with this information, but it bears repeating. Here are your priorities:
1. Acquire your Certificate of Registration from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
1. Certificate of Registration
The provinces regulatory body for physicians is the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO).
This is the organization that issues certificates of registration to doctors allowing them to practice medicine.
Your Postgraduate Medical Education Office must have verification that you are licensed with the CPSO prior
to July 1, or you will be unable to assume your clinical duties (or be paid!)
2. Liability Protection
The Canadian Medical Protective Association CMPA is a mutual defense organization for physicians who
practice in Canada. Essentially, membership offers medical liability protection. You must have CMPA Coverage
before starting residency or you will be unable to assume your clinical duties (or be paid!).
A residents classification is: TOW (Type of Work) Code 12: without moonlighting.
Registration Fee for 2017: $3216 per year or $268 per month
You are responsible to pay the fees upfront, however approximately 80% will be reimbursed by the Ministry of
Health and Long Term Care. Additionally, as CMPA coverage is required for your employment, you will be able
to claim the non-rebated portion of the fee at tax time by submitting a T2200A form (obtainable and signed by
your payroll office).
To register for reimbursement of CMPA fees, please visit the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care website and
download and submit the following forms:
3. Immunization Requirements
You will need to update your immunizations before you start your residency. However, requirements vary from
school to school. Find your universitys policy here:
McMaster University
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Queens University
University of Toronto
University of Ottawa
Western University
But with the pay cheque comes the need for planning. After all, theres no time like the present to start saving
for the future. Jumpstart your learning with our Resident Financial Primer a comprehensive guide to
understanding your fiscal options. For more general information about your newfound source of income,
read on.
By the Numbers
As you learned at med school, your salary is pre-determined via a collective agreement negotiated between
PARO and the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario. Contract negotiations are currently underway.
Until a new Agreement is reached, the terms of the 2013-2016 PARO-CAHO Agreement are in effect. Here
are the highlights of the 2013 - 2016 PARO-CAHO Collective Agreement.
You will receive an annual salary from your local pay centre and will be paid either bi-weekly or semi-monthly,
based on your site.
Your annual salary rate is outlined in the PARO-CAHO Collective Agreement Article 22.1 and is based on your
PGY level. Here are the current salary scales:
PGY1 $55,825.76
PGY2 $62,146.75
PGY3 $67,139.89
PGY4 $71,604.26
PGY5 $77,342.97
PGY6 $81,737.49
PGY7 $84,875.69
PGY8 $89,550.66
PGY9 $94,225.64
A call stipend is the remuneration received on top of your annual salary for working call. Stipends must be paid a
minimum of every three months. You can receive it either through payroll or by individual cheque.
*Qualifying shifts are only those shifts where one full hour worked on the shift occurs between midnight and 0600h
Qualifying Stipends: Applies only to shift-based services (e.g. Emergency Medicine) where the residents on the service
have no regular clinical hours. Where a resident on this service works a qualifying shift, i.e. a shift
where the resident works at least one full hour between the hours of midnight and 6am, the resident
is entitled to a qualifying stipend. When a resident is strictly on a shift-based rotation (i.e. Emergency
Medicine), the only call stipend applicable is the qualifying stipend.
Make a Copy
When submitting your call stipends keep a printed record as proof.
If submitting via fax, print a fax receipt
If submitting via email, print a copy of the sent email
If submitting through an online system, grab screen captures as you go
b) where a family medicine resident works a shift on either a weekday or a weekend. For clarity, (b) applies
where a family medicine resident works a shift on a weekday or weekend, after working a normal five-day
week of clinical duties.
Where a resident works 12 hours or more of in-hospital call on a weekend day, they are entitled to receive the
in-hospital call stipend, unless covered by Attachment 23.8 (split 24 hour weekend call).
The In-Hospital Call Stipend rate will be paid in the following scenarios where the call extends beyond 11 pm:
For clarity, (b) applies where a family medicine resident works a shift on a weekday or weekend, after working a
normal five-day week of clinical duties.
Shift Work & Clinics
Where a resident is required to work a half-day of clinic or other formally scheduled duties, followed by
working a regularly scheduled shift, they will receive the Home Call Stipend if the shift does not go beyond 11
pm; however they will receive the In-Hospital Call Stipend if the shift does go beyond 11 pm.
Rounding on Weekends
Where residents who are not otherwise on-call are scheduled or required to round on weekends, and actually
attend in-hospital for such rounding, they will be paid the Home Call Stipend ($58.00).
If you have further questions about call stipend submissions, contact the PARO Office or your local paymaster.
As a member of PARO, you are entitled to a variety of health and wellness benefits. These include things like
life insurance, dental coverage and paramedical treatments.
You will be receiving a detailed benefits package from your respective school, but following is an overview of
what you are entitled to as part of the PARO-CAHO Collective Agreement.
While PARO negotiates your extended healthcare benefits, the plan is administered by your payroll office.
For more information about extended healthcare benefits refer to Article 19 of the PARO-CAHO
Agreement, contact Manulife or your payroll office directly.
Vision Care
$250 coverage every 24 months per insured person
In addition to the above, vision care shall also include one eye exam per insured person every
24 months.
Dental Coverage
85% of all eligible dental expenses are covered.
Claiming Benefit
How you claim you benefits, depends on the coverage provided. Heres a quick overview:
Prescription Coverage: You will receive a drug card that can be used to obtain prescription coverage.
Vision & Dental Coverage: After paying for these services, claim forms can be downloaded from (You will receive a user name and password from the insurance company, within a couple of
months of your arrival.) Once you fill out the form, you can mail it along with your receipts for reimbursement.
Occupational Health Coverage
Residents are entitled to receive access to and coverage for occupational health services on the same levels as
other hospital employee groups.
The hospitals will amend the hospital accommodation coverage to provide private coverage for addiction and
eating disorders.
LTD as a resident
As a resident, your income protection is provided in two parts. Should you become totally disabled and
unable to perform the duties of your regular occupation, your salary will be continued until the earlier of:
a) The end of your contract year in most cases, (the contract year runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following
year); or,
b) 26 weeks.
Once salary continuation has ended, you will complete an application for the LTD plan that pays 70% of your
basic salary, subject to certain reductions, up to age 65 so long as you remain totally disabled. It is part of the
Collective Agreement that all residents be covered under this plan and no medical evidence is ever required
to obtain the coverage. Benefits are tax-free and there is also a Cost of Living Benefit, which will increase your
monthly benefits by the lesser of 4% or the change in the Consumer Price Index on an annual basis in the
event you are disabled for more than a year. If you also carry Ontario Medical Association (OMA) disability
insurance coverage, PARO has arranged that it will be payable in addition to any benefits received under your
group plan.
During the salary continuation period and the first 12 months of disability, you will be considered to be
totally disabled if you are unable to perform all of the duties of your regular occupation. Thereafter, you will be
considered to be totally disabled if you cannot perform the duties of any occupation for which you may
become suitably fitted by training, education or experience.
This is a good time to consider joining a medical association or two. Its not mandatory but often
recommended, for a variety of reasons.
Professional memberships offer a number of perks like free journal subscriptions, financial planning advice and
travel discounts. However, the biggest benefit is the chance to network with other professionals. Getting to
know your colleagues early on offers you the chance to build a good base of support that can be useful as you
move through residency and transition into practice.
Once you start your Ontario residency, these are the memberships open to you:
Ontario Medical Association: $155
Canadian Medical Association: $50
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada: Free for residents
College of Family Physicians of Canada: PGY1-free; PGY2 & 3-$100
The OMA provides effective representation on behalf of more than 30,000 practising physicians, residents and
medical students. This includes fee negotiations and related economic interests, health policy and professional
advocacy, legal services, and a broad range of exclusive products and services.
Membership Benefits:
OMA Insurance
OMA Legal
Physician Health Program
To join, visit the OMA website or contact them at: 1-800-268-7215 ext. 2987 or locally 416 340-2987
As a member of the CMA, you will have access to a comprehensive range of products and services, tailored to
your needs while youre a medical resident and as you transition into practice.
Membership benefits:
world-class collection of online clinical resources
financial, professional and personal resources
advocacy and representation
programs to stay connected
To join, visit the CMA website or contact them at: 1 888 855-2555
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)
The RCPSC is responsible for setting and maintaining the standards for postgraduate medical education, for
certifying specialist physicians in Canada and for promoting their continuing education.
Membership Benefits:
Receive timely information regarding eligibility, fees and deadlines for assessment of
credentials and training
Access resident-only awards and grants
Get discounted rates on CanMEDS publications and learning tools.
To join, visit the RCPSC website or contact them at 1-800 668-3740 or locally at 613-730-8177.
Membership Benefits:
Advocacy and policy development of behalf of members with governments, other health-care
associations and key decision makers to represent the needs and interest of family physicians
Member discounts on products and services
To join, visit the CFPC website or contact them locally at: 905-629-0900 or toll free at 1 800 387-6197 Ext. 423
PARO is the official representative voice for Ontarios doctors in training.
PAROs priority is to advocate on behalf of its members, addressing professional and educational concerns in
order to optimize the training and working experience of Ontarios newest doctors thus ensuring that patients
receive the best possible medical care.
Members of PARO are, by definition, post-graduate medical residents training in accredited programs which
lead to certification by either the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) or the College
of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), in one of their recognized specialty or subspecialty programs.
All that to say, you are automatically a member of PARO and there is no need to register. Welcome.
Elections for a new General Council will be held this summer via an online election process. We encourage you
to consider participating in PARO. An e-blast will be sent out shortly detailing nomination information and key
dates. Wed love to see you get involved!
Phone 416.979.1182
Toll Free 1.877.979.1183
Fax 416.595.9778
Were not just a virtual organization. Our offices are located in Toronto and we are available by appointment,
Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm. Youll find us here: 1901-400 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1S5
If you are changing addresses in between medical school and residency, please email the PARO office so we
can keep you up-to-date on PARO-related matters.
March 2017