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Noble 10 Guide by Manuela Alger

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English 10 Year Overview

First Quarter Third Quarter

Elements of the Short Story : Literature poetry and drama
Stress basic story elements, use of figurative language in prose, inferences, epic, tragedy
generalizations, predictions. Mood, tone, style, language as style Julius Caesar is good for figurative language, fact and opinion, persuasive
Use graphic organizers for short story, comparisons, etc. speeches, conflict and all literary elements
Writing-Connect to Literature: Writing persuasive essay with strong thesis and adequate development
Stress development, strong topic sentence in paragraphs, transition words compare/contrast OR cause/effect essay
Expository and reflective essay Grammarincorporate punctuation, stress misspelled words
Strong topic sentences verbal phrases, with sentence combining ,common errors
Short response to quote in literature Stress figurative language, forms of poetry, summarizing poems(TPCASTT)
Focus on standard usage Study skillstest-taking strategies, graphic organizers
Complete sentences with focus on sentence combining with phrases Vocabulary connotation/denotation, words in context, synonyms, antonyms, etymology,
Simple and compound sentences with phrasesprepositional, appositive integrate vocabulary with literature. Continue with grade level academic vocabulary/college
Basic punctuation prep. list
Vocabulary Library Activityresearch, note taking, Internet research, locating information
Root words, prefixes and suffixes, words in context using library resources, topic outline
Can use SAT and ACT preparation list, college preparation list, academic vocabulary Research assassination or other research leading to a product such as a poster, oral report,
Study Skills power point, etc. Cite sources appropriately
Formal Essay - Expository & Reflective

Second Quarter Fourth Quarter

Nonfiction with emphasis on reading skills Novel
Writing--strong focus on research skills Review any Oklahoma Academic Standards skills students had difficulty with
Adequate development of thesis statement during year, OR Introduce some elements to help grade 11
Continue revising practice. Use errors for mini-lessons. Allow creative projects that still incorporate Oklahoma Standard skills
Grammarcontinue standard usage, especially confused pairs; review verb and Grammar and Composition
modifier usage as needed Complex sentences with subordinate clauses; stress phrases/clauses
verbal phrases and sentence combining with verbals Common sentence errors
punctuation with phrases Work on multi-paragraph essays with strong development, parts
sentence combining Practice revising in format of SAT and ACT
Study skills note taking and graphic organizers Vocabularywork on words that are frequently seen on college tests or on
Vocabulary academic vocabulary. Incorporate analogies
Stress words in context Study skillssummarizing, test-taking strategies, outlining
Continue with grade level list, academic/college vocabulary list
Formal Essay Expository essay, argumentative,, persuasive, or reflective essay
Formal Essay

English10 FirstQuarter
Content Focus Literature, Textbook Resources Critical Reading Skills Speaking and Listening Skills
Addressed Addressed
Elements of the Short Story 10.2.R.2: Students will analyze details 10.1.R.1: Students will actively listen and
Short Stories -- Required selections: in literary and nonfiction/ speak clearly using appropriate discussion
Everyday Use (characterization, theme, pov, strategies) informational texts to connect how rules with control of verbal and nonverbal
Through the Tunnel (plot, conflict, climax, theme, symbolism) genre supports the authors purpose cues.
The Interlopers (plot, conflict, theme, mood) 10.3.R.2: Students will evaluate points 10.1.R.2: Students will actively listen and
The Masque of the Red Death (mood, setting, symbolism, theme, moral) of view and perspective in more than evaluate, analyze, and synthesize a
Contents of the Dead Mans Pocket ( time & sequence, cause & effect) one grade-level literary and/or speakers message (both verbal and
The Pedestrian ( writers purpose, setting, mood) informational text and explain how nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the
By the Waters of Babylon (point of view, mood, conclusions) multiple points of view contribute to speakers purpose and perspective.
Choices -- Select at least two from the following short stories: the meaning of a work.
Two Kinds (conflict, motivation, inferences) 10.3.R.3: Student will analyze how
The Monkeys Paw (suspense, tone, mood, figurative language) authors use key literary elements to
And of Clay are We Created ( genre, theme and purpose, authors purpose) contribute to meaning and interpret
Lamb to the Slaughter ( irony, predictions) how themes are connected across texts:
Others, as desired Character development
Conflict (i.e., internal and
10.3.R.4: Students will evaluate
literary devices to support
interpretations of texts, including
comparisons across texts:
figurative language
10.3R.5: Students will distinguish
among different kinds of evidence
(e.g., logical, empirical, anecdotal)
used to support conclusions and
arguments in texts
10.3R.6: Students will comparatively
analyze the structures of texts (e.g.,
compare/contrast, problem/solution,
cause/effect) and content by inferring
connections among multiple texts and
providing textual evidence to support
their inferences.

Writing Skills Addressed Writing Assignments Vocabulary Skills Addressed

10.2W.1: Students will apply components of a recursive writing process for Formal Composition 10.4R.1: Students will increase knowledge
multiple purposes to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing Informative-Grade Level of academic, domain-appropriate
10.2.W.2: Students will plan (e.g., outline) and prewrite a first draft as Focus/Students will compose grade-level vocabulary to infer meaning of
necessary: brainstorming, freewriting, graphic organizers essays and reports to objectively grade-level text.
10.2.W.3: Students will develop drafts by choosing an organizational structure introduce and develop topics, 10.4R.2: Students will use word parts (e.g.,
(e.g., description, compare/contrast, sequential, problem/solution, cause/effect, incorporating evidence (e.g., affixes, Greek and Latin roots, stems) to
etc.) and building on ideas in multi-paragraph essay. specific facts, examples, details, define and determine the meaning of
10.5W.1: Students will write using correct mechanics data) and maintaining an increasingly complex words.
10.5.W.2: Students will compose simple, compound, complex, and organized structure and a formal 10.4R.3: Students will use context clues to
compound-complex sentences and questions to signal differing relationships style.( Expository) determine or clarify the meaning of words
among ideas. Informative: Students will elaborate on or distinguish among multiple-meaning
10.5.W.3: Students will practice their use of Standard American English, ideas by using logical reasoning words.
grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing, presentations, and / or other and illustrative examples to
modes of communication to convey specific meanings and interests. connect evident to claim(s). ( Integrate vocabulary study with
10.8.W: Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g., Reflective) literature
time for research, reflection, and revision) and for shorter timeframes( e.g., a Students will write independently over Power words for testing
single sitting or a day or two), vary their modes of expression to suit extended periods of time and for
audience and task, and draw and justify appropriate conclusions. shorter time frames and vary their
modes of expression to suit audience
and task, and draw and justify
appropriate conclusions.
Assignments, Activities Study Skills, Research
Mapping a short story Freytag Basic Study Skills
Write a summary of a short story Notetaking Cornell, two-column,
Complete a minimum of 3 graphic organizer activities etc.
Visual connection to vocabulary such as a web or poster Test strategies
Formal essay, scored by teacher using established rubric. (Minimum of two scored essays per grading period.) Graphic organizers (fishbone, cluster
Evaluation of writing process through teacher observation and checking for prewriting and rough draft with editing; map/ webbing), note taking
possible self or peer evaluation. Interpreting information charts, maps,
A creative project, literature basednovel assignment graphs


Additional Suggestions for Activities to address Standards Concepts, Generalizations
Compare two different characters in one selection or characters from two --Individuals can manipulate language for a variety of needs.
different stories/ Use a T Chart or Venn diagram. Formal essay, if desired --Literature reflects that values and customs of a given culture.
Discuss authenticity of a given work
To connect stories, use a map of the world to designate the location or either
the story or the author.
Create a PowerPoint, brochure, or advertising poster regarding some cultural Essential Questions
aspect covered in one of the stories. How does literature tell us about a given society or period?
What tools do writers use to convey meaning?

Vocabulary Some suggestions

100 Latin/Greek Roots

Novels-Some suggestions
Minimum of 2 novels per quarter
Fahrenheit 451
Joy Luck Club
Lord of the Flies
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Bless Me Ultima
The Glass Castle
Things Fall Apart

A Thousand Splendid Suns
Barrio Boy
The Poisonwood Bible
All Quiet on the Western Front
Others as desired

English10 SecondQuarter
Content Focus Fiction/Nonfiction(Informational Texts) Critical Reading Skills Speaking and Listening Skills
Literature, Textbook Resources Addressed Addressed
Nonfiction 10.2.R.1: Students will summarize, 10.1.R.1: Students will actively listen and
Required selections: paraphrase, and synthesize ideas, speak clearly using appropriate discussion
Paired passage: while maintaining meaning and a rules with control of verbal and nonverbal
Typhoid Fever and The Education of Frank McCourt as well as An logical sequence of events, within and cues.
Ancient Enemy Gets Tougher between texts. 10.1.R.2: Students will actively listen and
Into Thin Air and Explorers say theres still lots to look for 10.2.R.2: Students will analyze evaluate, analyze, and synthesize a
Where have you gone Charming Billy and Dear Folks and The War details in literary and nonfiction/ speakers message (both verbal and
Escalates informational texts to connect how nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the
Choices: Additional Suggestions: genre supports the authors purpose speakers purpose and perspective.
Informational passages or editorials 10.3.R.2: Students will evaluate 10.1.W.1: Students will give formal and
Science or History passages (ACT practice tests are good resources) points of view and perspective in informal presentations in a group or
more than one grade-level literary individually, providing textual and visual
and/or informational text and explain evidence to support a main idea
how multiple points of view
contribute to the meaning of a work.
10.3R.1: Students will evaluate the
extent to which historical, cultural,
and/or global perspectives affect
authors stylistic and organizational
choices in grade-level literary and
informational genres

Writing Skills Addressed Writing Assignments Vocabulary Skills Addressed

Formal Composition Formal Compositions : 10.4R.1: Students will increase knowledge
10.2W.1: Students will apply components of a recursive writing process for Research Papers/Argument of academic, domain-appropriate
multiple purposes to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing Persuasive Essay grade-level vocabulary to infer meaning of
10.2.W.2: Students will plan (e.g., outline) and prewrite a first draft as Evaluation skills rubrics, peer grade-level text.
necessary: brainstorming, freewriting, graphic organizers editing, self- essay scoring 10.4R.2: Students will use word parts (e.g.,
10.2.W.3: Students will develop drafts by choosing an organizational structure affixes, Greek and Latin roots, stems) to
(e.g., description, compare/contrast, sequential, problem/solution, cause/effect, define and determine the meaning of
etc.) and building on ideas in multi-paragraph essay. increasingly complex words.
10.5W.1: Students will write using correct mechanics 10.4R.3: Students will use context clues to
10.5.W.2: Students will compose simple, compound, complex, and determine or clarify the meaning of words
compound-complex sentences and questions to signal differing or distinguish among multiple-meaning
relationships among ideas. words.
10.5.W.3: Students will practice their use of Standard American English,
grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing, presentations, and / or
other modes of communication to convey specific meanings and interests.

10.3.W.2: Informative-Grade Level Focus/Students will compose essays and
reports to objectively introduce and develop topics, incorporating evidence
(e.g., specific facts, examples, details, data) and maintaining an organized
structure and a formal style.( Expository)
10.3.W.3:Informative: Students will elaborate on ideas by using logical
reasoning and illustrative examples to connect evident to claim(s).
( Reflective)
10.6.W.2: Students will refine and formulate a viable research question,
integrate findings from sources and clearly use a well-developed thesis
10.6.W.3: Students will integrate into their own writing quotes, paraphrased,
and summaries of findings following an appropriate citation style (e.g.,
MLA, APA, etc.) and avoiding plagiarism
10.6.W.4: Students will synthesize and present information in a report.
10.8.W: Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g.,
time for research.
10.7.W.2: Students will create visual and/or multimedia presentations using a
variety of media forms to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and
evidence for diverse audiences.
Research Skills Addressed Basic Study Skills
10.6.R.1: Students will use their own viable research questions and well-developed thesis statements to find information Notetaking Cornell,
about a specific topic. two-column, etc.
10.6R.2: Students will synthesize the most relevant information from a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., Test strategies
print and digital) following ethical and legal citation guidelines. Graphic organizers (fishbone,
10.6R.3: Students will evaluate the relevance, reliability, and validity of the information gathered cluster map/ webbing), note
Interpreting information charts,
maps, graphs

Required Assignments, Activities, Products Suggested Novels-minimum 2 per

Mini-assessment on grammar elements through revision of a first draft quarter
At least one writing activity that incorporates the steps of the writing process and which might include peer revision or Fahrenheit 451
holistic scoring. (minimum of 2 writing assignments per grading period-1 research and 1 essay this quarter) Anthem
Do one in-class, timed writing to be scored holistically 1984
Plagiarism and credibility of sources assignments Joy Luck Club
A creative project, literature basednovel assignment Lord of the Flies
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Bless Me Ultima
The Glass Castle
Things Fall Apart
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Barrio Boy

The Poisonwood Bible
All Quiet on the Western Front
Others as desired

Additional Suggestions for Activities, Assignments to address Standards Concepts, Generalizations
Discuss authenticity of a given work --Individuals can manipulate language for a variety of needs.
Write a reflective essay that connects the theme from one selection to ones own life. --Literature reflects that values and customs of a given culture.

Essential Questions
How does literature tell us about a given society or period?
What tools do writers use to convey meaning?

Vocabulary Some suggestions

Greek/Latin Root Words
Academic Terms related to readings

English10 ThirdQuarter
Content Focus Poetry/Drama Literature, Textbook Critical Reading Skills Speaking and Listening Skills
Resources Addressed Addressed
Poetry and Drama 10.2.R.2: Students will analyze details 10.1.R.1: Students will actively listen and
Required selections: in literary and nonfiction/ speak clearly using appropriate discussion
Julius Caesar informational texts to connect how rules with control of verbal and nonverbal
At least: genre supports the authors purpose cues.
one sonnet 10.3.R.2: Students will evaluate 10.1.R.2: Students will actively listen and
two lyric poems points of view and perspective in evaluate, analyze, and synthesize a
one structured poem more than one grade-level literary speakers message (both verbal and
one narrative poem and/or informational text and explain nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the
Additional poetry as desired how multiple points of view speakers purpose and perspective.
Review literary elements, figurate language, genres contribute to the meaning of a work. 10.1R.3: Students will engage in
10.3.R.3: Student will analyze how collaborative discussions about appropriate
authors use key literary elements to topics and texts, expressing their own
contribute to meaning and interpret ideas clearly while building on the ideas of
how themes are connected across others in pairs, diverse groups, and whole
texts: class settings.
Character development 10.7.W.2: Students will create visual
Theme and/or multimedia presentations using a
Conflict (i.e., internal and variety of media forms to enhance
external) understanding of findings, reasoning, and
archetypes evidence for diverse audiences.
10.3.R.4: Students will evaluate
literary devices to support
interpretations of texts, including
comparisons across texts:
figurative language
10.3R.5: Students will distinguish
among different kinds of evidence
(e.g., logical, empirical, anecdotal)
used to support conclusions and
arguments in texts
10.3R.6: Students will comparatively
analyze the structures of texts (e.g.,
compare/contrast, problem/solution,
cause/effect) and content by inferring
connections among multiple texts and
providing textual evidence to support
their inferences.

10.2.R.1: Students will summarize,

paraphrase, and synthesize ideas,
while maintaining meaning and a
logical sequence of events, within and
between texts.
10.3R.1: Students will evaluate the
extent to which historical, cultural,
and/or global perspectives affect
authors stylistic and organizational
choices in grade-level literary and
informational genres

Writing Skills Addressed Writing Assignments Vocabulary Skills Addressed

Formal Composition Formal Compositions : 10.4R.1: Students will increase knowledge
10.2W.1: Students will apply components of a recursive writing process for Research Papers/Argument, of academic, domain-appropriate
multiple purposes to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing Compare/Contrast, Cause/Effect grade-level vocabulary to infer meaning of
10.2.W.2: Students will plan (e.g., outline) and prewrite a first draft as Persuasive Essay grade-level text.
necessary: brainstorming, freewriting, graphic organizers Reflective Essay 10.4R.2: Students will use word parts
10.2.W.3: Students will develop drafts by choosing an organizational structure Argumentative Essay (e.g., affixes, Greek and Latin roots,
(e.g., description, compare/contrast, sequential, problem/solution, cause/effect, Expository Essay stems) to define and determine the
etc.) and building on ideas in multi-paragraph essay. Evaluation skills rubrics, peer meaning of increasingly complex words.
10.5W.1: Students will write using correct mechanics editing, self- essay scoring 10.4R.3: Students will use context clues to
10.5.W.2: Students will compose simple, compound, complex, and determine or clarify the meaning of words
compound-complex sentences and questions to signal differing or distinguish among multiple-meaning
relationships among ideas. words.
10.5.W.3: Students will practice their use of Standard American English,
grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing, presentations, and / or
other modes of communication to convey specific meanings and interests.
10.3.W.2: Informative-Grade Level Focus/Students will compose essays and
reports to objectively introduce and develop topics, incorporating evidence
(e.g., specific facts, examples, details, data) and maintaining an organized
structure and a formal style.( Expository)
10.3.W.3:Informative: Students will elaborate on ideas by using logical
reasoning and illustrative examples to connect evident to claim(s).
( Reflective)
10.6.W.2: Students will refine and formulate a viable research question,
integrate findings from sources and clearly use a well-developed thesis

10.6.W.3: Students will integrate into their own writing quotes, paraphrased,
and summaries of findings following an appropriate citation style (e.g.,
MLA, APA, etc.) and avoiding plagiarism
10.6.W.4: Students will synthesize and present information in a report.
10.8.W: Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g.,
time for research.
10.7.W.2: Students will create visual and/or multimedia presentations using a
variety of media forms to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and
evidence for diverse audiences.
Research Skills Addressed
10.6.R.1: Students will use their own viable research questions and
well-developed thesis statements to find information about a specific topic.
10.6R.2: Students will synthesize the most relevant information from a variety
of primary and secondary sources (e.g., print and digital) following ethical and
legal citation guidelines.
10.6R.3: Students will evaluate the relevance, reliability, and validity of the
information gathered
Required Assignments, Activities, Projects Study Skills
Mini-assessment on grammar elements through revision of a rough draft Basic Study Skills
At least one writing activity that incorporates the steps of the writing process and which might include peer revision or Notetaking Cornell, two-column,
holistic scoring. (minimum 2 writing assignments per grading period) etc.
Do one in-class, timed writing to be scored holistically Test strategies
Short research project required (assassination or attempted assassination) Graphic organizers (fishbone,
Tracing an idea through the play (motif) using a chart, diagram, essay, or poster cluster map/ webbing), note taking
At least one graphic organizer connected to literature Interpreting information charts,
Conducting research and taking notes, locating information using library resources and maps, graphs
the Internet

Additional Suggestions for Activities, Assignments to address Standards Concepts, Generalizations
Compare two different characters in one selection or characters from two different --Individuals can manipulate language for a variety of needs.
stories; use a T Chart or Venn diagram. Formal essay, if desired Discuss authenticity of --Literature reflects that values and customs of a given culture.
a given work. --Every culture develops a hero
Write a reflective essay that connects the theme from one selection to ones own life.

Essential Questions
How does literature tell us about a given society or period?
What tools do writers use to convey meaning?

Vocabulary Some suggestions

EOI terms
Academic Vocabulary related to required readings

Suggested Novels
Fahrenheit 451
Joy Luck Club
Lord of the Flies
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Bless Me Ultima
The Glass Castle
Things Fall Apart
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Barrio Boy
The Poisonwood Bible
All Quiet on the Western Front
Others as desired

English10 FourthQuarter
Content Focus Medieval Times, Test Prep, and Writing Critical Reading Skills Speaking and Listening Skills
Literature, Textbook Resources Addressed Addressed
Medieval Literature: 10.2.R.2: Students will analyze 10.1.R.1: Students will actively listen and
King Arthur and Sir Lancelot- (archetypes) details in literary and nonfiction/ speak clearly using appropriate discussion
Test Preparation: informational texts to connect how rules with control of verbal and nonverbal
ACT/Buckle Down/ Oklahoma End-of-Instruction Workbooks (practice tests) genre supports the authors purpose cues.
Novel 10.3.R.2: Students will evaluate 10.1.R.2: Students will actively listen and
Choose one novel this quarter points of view and perspective in evaluate, analyze, and synthesize a
Essay and Research Paper Writing more than one grade-level literary speakers message (both verbal and
Review each type of essay( persuasive, expository, argumentative, reflective and/or informational text and explain nonverbal) and ask questions to clarify the
narrative) how multiple points of view speakers purpose and perspective.
*All students need to have written at least 1 formal research paper by end of contribute to the meaning of a work. 10.1R.3: Students will engage in
year* 10.3.R.3: Student will analyze how collaborative discussions about appropriate
authors use key literary elements to topics and texts, expressing their own ideas
contribute to meaning and interpret clearly while building on the ideas of others
how themes are connected across in pairs, diverse groups, and whole class
texts: settings.
Character development 10.7.W.2: Students will create visual and/or
Theme multimedia presentations using a variety of
Conflict (i.e., internal and media forms to enhance understanding of
external) findings, reasoning, and evidence for
archetypes diverse audiences
10.3.R.4: Students will evaluate
literary devices to support
interpretations of texts, including
comparisons across texts:
figurative language
10.3R.5: Students will distinguish
among different kinds of evidence
(e.g., logical, empirical, anecdotal)
used to support conclusions and
arguments in texts
10.3R.6: Students will comparatively
analyze the structures of texts (e.g.,
compare/contrast, problem/solution,
cause/effect) and content by inferring
connections among multiple texts and
providing textual evidence to support
their inferences.

10.2.R.1: Students will summarize,

paraphrase, and synthesize ideas,
while maintaining meaning and a
logical sequence of events, within and
between texts.
10.3R.1: Students will evaluate the
extent to which historical, cultural,
and/or global perspectives affect
authors stylistic and organizational
choices in grade-level literary and
informational genres

Writing Skills Addressed Writing Assignments Vocabulary Skills Addressed

Formal Composition Formal Compositions : 10.4R.1: Students will increase knowledge
10.2W.1: Students will apply components of a recursive writing process for Research Papers/Argument, of academic, domain-appropriate
multiple purposes to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing Compare/Contrast, Cause/Effect grade-level vocabulary to infer meaning of
10.2.W.2: Students will plan (e.g., outline) and prewrite a first draft as Persuasive Essay grade-level text.
necessary: brainstorming, freewriting, graphic organizers Reflective Essay 10.4R.2: Students will use word parts (e.g.,
10.2.W.3: Students will develop drafts by choosing an organizational structure Argumentative Essay affixes, Greek and Latin roots, stems) to
(e.g., description, compare/contrast, sequential, problem/solution, cause/effect, Expository Essay define and determine the meaning of
etc.) and building on ideas in multi-paragraph essay. Evaluation skills rubrics, peer increasingly complex words.
10.5W.1: Students will write using correct mechanics editing, self- essay scoring 10.4R.3: Students will use context clues to
10.5.W.2: Students will compose simple, compound, complex, and determine or clarify the meaning of words
compound-complex sentences and questions to signal differing or distinguish among multiple-meaning
relationships among ideas. words.
10.5.W.3: Students will practice their use of Standard American English,
grammar, mechanics, and usage through writing, presentations, and / or
other modes of communication to convey specific meanings and interests.
10.3.W.2: Informative-Grade Level Focus/Students will compose essays and
reports to objectively introduce and develop topics, incorporating evidence (e.g.,
specific facts, examples, details, data) and maintaining an organized structure
and a formal style.( Expository)
10.3.W.3:Informative: Students will elaborate on ideas by using logical
reasoning and illustrative examples to connect evident to claim(s).
( Reflective)
10.6.W.2: Students will refine and formulate a viable research question,
integrate findings from sources and clearly use a well-developed thesis

10.6.W.3: Students will integrate into their own writing quotes, paraphrased,
and summaries of findings following an appropriate citation style (e.g.,
MLA, APA, etc.) and avoiding plagiarism
10.6.W.4: Students will synthesize and present information in a report.
10.8.W: Students will write independently over extended periods of time (e.g.,
time for research.
10.7.W.2: Students will create visual and/or multimedia presentations using a
variety of media forms to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and
evidence for diverse audiences.
Research Skills Addressed
10.6.R.1: Students will use their own viable research questions and
well-developed thesis statements to find information about a specific topic.
10.6R.2: Students will synthesize the most relevant information from a variety
of primary and secondary sources (e.g., print and digital) following ethical and
legal citation guidelines.
10.6R.3: Students will evaluate the relevance, reliability, and validity of the
information gathered
Assignments, Activities Study Skills, Research
Practice EOI/ACT Tests-scored and reviewed with students Basic Study Skills
Mini-assessment on grammar elements through revision of a rough draft Notetaking Cornell, two-column,
At least one writing activity that incorporates the steps of the writing process and which might include peer revision or etc.
holistic scoring. Test strategies
Do one in-class, timed writing to be scored holistically Graphic organizers (fishbone,
- Minimum of two assignments with a graphic organizer cluster map/ webbing), note
- A creative project connected to a novel taking
Possible activity-- research for a booklet on a country novel booklet combined research and creative project Interpreting information charts,
poster power point slide show mixed media illustration artistic cover dramatic reading maps, graphs

Additional Suggestions for Activities, Assignments to address Academic Concepts, Generalizations
Compare two different characters in one selection or characters from two --Individuals can manipulate language for a variety of needs.
different stories. Use a T Chart or Venn diagram. Formal essay, if desired --Literature reflects that values and customs of a given culture.
Discuss authenticity of a given work --Communication skills can be improved with practice.
Write a reflective essay that connects the theme from one selection to ones own
Review a novel or work of literature in a creative way
Essential Questions

How does literature tell us about a given society or period?
What tools do writers use to convey meaning?

Vocabulary Some suggestions

EOI Terms
Academic Vocabulary related to readings
ACT/SAT words

Minimum of 1 novel this quarter
Fahrenheit 451
Joy Luck Club
Lord of the Flies
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Bless Me Ultima
The Glass Castle
Things Fall Apart
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Barrio Boy
The Poisonwood Bible
All Quiet on the Western Front
Others as desired


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