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The text outlines a biblical chronology from Adam to Jesus using dates and generations mentioned in the bible. It aims to show that redemption of mankind was planned from the beginning.

The text states that 26.5 years after Adam's fall is the date of 'The Foundation of the World', which is when the Lamb was slain to cover man's sins.

The number 7000 represents the belief that God's redemption of mankind will take place over 7 periods of 1000 years each, with each 1000 years representing one day in God's timetable.

By way of scripture it is possible to compile a We are told the Lamb was slain from the

simple chronology of time. This is different from foundation of the world. The World or This Age
historical works who seek by way of history and was founded when the Lamb was slain. When
archaeology to compile a chronology. This did that happen? It happened shortly after the
chronology relies upon bible prophecy to fall of man. The Genesis account tells that
assemble a timeline up to a specified start point. after man ate the forbidden fruit, he sewed
That point being the baptism of Jesus in river garments from fig leaves to cover his
Jordan by John. It is a chronology of the nakedness. Gods question was, who told you
redemption of wayward man by a faithful God. that you are naked?
The goal is a new and incorruptible heaven and Adams fig leafs speak of man trying to
earth for man. redeem himself or cover his nakedness. Not
An important time concept is The Foundation of pleased with this act of works, the Elohim slew
The World. This gives rise to two ages, either an animal to cloth man. Gods act of grace
Before The Foundation of The World or Since signifies the slaying of the Lamb, Christ , our
The Foundation of The World. The time Before eternal reconciliation unto a righteous God.
The Foundation of The World, takes in For without the shedding of blood there is no
everything that happened prior to that event. This remission of sin. But the blood of Lambs and
present age of redemption is The World referred calves cannot eternally cover our sin. Only
to by scripture. This 6,000 year age of redemption Christ who entered the Holy place by way of
began with Adams fall. Other information his own blood could forever cover our sins.
contained in bible scripture is provided as a foot Christ death made a way for wayward man to
note to facilitate understanding Gods plan of stand once again in presence of a righteous
redemption. Scripture then reads as a love letter God.
from a jilted lover to his lost love, mankind. Man, This method determined Adams approximate
made in the likeness of God, has no greater age at sin of 26.5 years old, (27AD baptism).
purpose than to reflect the light and image of the This Anno Mundi date is 4000.5BC. The date
unseen Godhead. For as the moon is to rule the for The Foundation of The World to be
night so also is regenerated man to rule or fill the about 26.5 years later. Other writings provide
darkness of this fallen age. more detail, this is just an overview.
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1C by OP Armstrong 1
The 6k Year Timeline T1 Total Years unto Jesus Baptism
A 4,026.5 year timeline of bible chronology is found in Sired Death
scripture by Table1. Time from Adams creation unto Seth, Generation
Age* Age
down to Abraham sires Isaac confirming Gods covenant is Adam 130 930 gen5.3
laid out in Genesis chapters 5 & 11. From that very day of Seth 105 912 gen5.6
Enos 90 905 gen5.9
Isaac unto Exodus is given as 430 years. From Exodus unto
Cainan 70 910 "5.12
completion of Solomon temple was 487 years. The single Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15
millennium year from Christ anointing by the Holy Spirit unto Jared 162 962 5.18
the Temple anointing by the Holy Spirit at dedication is Enoch 65 365 5.21
described in the next Table. The importance of Jesus baptism Methuselah 187 969 5.25
can be seen by the six date markers Luke affixed to that date. Lamech 182 777 5.28
No other scripture event is so explicitly bound to the secular Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10
Shem 100 600 11.10
calendar, why? Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12
Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in the divine
Salah 30 433 11.14
calendar allows mapping all other 7 millennium days into Eber 34 464 11.16
Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about Peleg 30 239 11.18
the precise counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc, Reu 32 239 11.20
all concur within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The Serug 30 230 11.22
Biblical Seven Days of Creation teach us to consider that God Nahor 29 148 11.24
shall complete his redemption of fallen mankind & make a Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4

new creation in seven days of 1,000 years each. And I saw a Abraham 100 175 21.5

New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation. to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.41
Approximate dates: 7 years tribulation: 2017->2023.5AD, Anointed
488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Gog Magog 3023.5 to 3027AD. The age of Adam at sin was Jesus
1000 Luke Lu16.16
26.5. For at time of starting the Kingdom, 4,000 years of the
Law & Prophets had elapsed. Other elaboration is given by Total Past 4026.5 Yrs since Adam created
detailed writings by the author. 2
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong
The 6k Year Timeline, part B
Table2 The Millennium from Solomon Temple Anointing unto Christ Anointing
Ref Years Event Quote
from the going forth of the word to restore and to build
Dan Rebuild decree unto
483 Jerusalem till Messiah the Leader is seven weeks, and sixty
9.25 Messiah, 69*7 years
and two weeks (69)
Dan 70 Years Captivity as unto Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the fulfilling of the
9.2 told by Jeremiah wastes of Jerusalem-seventy years;
Ezek The iniquity of the house of Judah forty (40) days--a day for
40 Unto Judah Captive
4.6 a year..
Ezek Apostasy Unto Israel The number of days, three hundred and ninety (390) days;
4.5 Captive and thou hast borne the iniquity of the house of Israel.
at the time of Solomons old age, his wives have turned
1Kgs Faithful years from
aside his heart after other gods, and his heart has not been
11 17 Temple Dedication
perfect with Jehovah his God, like the heart of David his
* unto begin Apostasy
*17 years is by difference, (1000-983). Forty years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem.
Total 1000 Temple anointed Solomon's 12th year; 1st 17 Years after temple not in apostasy.
(40-12.6-17=10)} last 10/40 in apostasy & counted in Ezekiels 430 years
The 1000 years from Solomon unto The Christ temple are counted by bible prophesy. This includes 17
calculated years from dedication of Solomon temple unto apostasy. As Solomon ruled 40 years, his last 10
of 40 years were in apostasy. Thus concurring scripture; only Solomons last years were in apostasy.
Ezekiel 4 may be summarized as; the number of the years of their sins lay on this and that side, a day for
each year of their sins, a total of 430 years, that they may know why they went into captivity. Thus from
the apostasy unto Messiah or the Kingdom declared by Jesus are 983 years defined clearly by scripture.
The 17 years are years by difference using the millennial epoch of 1,000 years. Thus 17 years after temple
anointing were Solomon and the house of Israel faithful.
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong 3
Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in the divine calendar allows mapping
all other seven days into Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the precise counting of the 15th year of
Tiberius Caesar, etc, all concur to within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teach us to
consider that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and make a new creation in seven days of one thousand years
each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation. Seven years tribulation 2017-2023.5, Gog Magog
3023.5 to 3027
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong 4
Foundation of The World, illustrated


Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong
Foundation of The World, basis part A
T4 Ref On creation(s), other ages, foundation of world
Eph3.5 which in other ages was not made known to the sons
1Cor2.7 the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages
1Cor10.11 upon whom the end of the ages have come
Eph2.7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding
Eph3.9 beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created
Col1.26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and
Heb9.26 end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself
2Pet3.4 as they were from the beginning of the creation
Mat24.21 since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever
Mat13.35 things kept secret from the foundation of the world
Mat25.34 prepared for you from the foundation of the world
Lu11.50 blood .. shed from the foundation of the world
Jn17.24 Thou loved Me from before the foundation of the world
Eph1.4 chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world
Heb4.3 works were finished from the foundation of the world
1Pet1.20 foreordained before the foundation of the world
Rev13.8 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world
Rev17.8 written in the book of life from the foundation of the world

Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong 7

Foundation of The World, basis part B, evil root
T5 Ref Source of Evil: About the devil and his angels, Job1
Col1.16 all things created,.. in heaven earth ..seen & unseen
Is14.14 I will be like the Most High, yet you shall go down to hell
Is14.17 is this .. He that made the world as a wilderness?
Ez28.14 you were upon the holy mountain of God
Ez28.15 from day you were created until sin was found in you
Jn12.31 Now is the judgment ... the prince of this world cast out
Lu10.18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven
Jn14.30 the prince of this world comes & has nothing in me
Eph2.2 Prince of the power of the air, .. The spirit .. in the disobedient
The rulers of the darkness of this world.. Spiritual wickedness
in high places
Rev12.4 a third of angels followed Satan' rebellion; 2good /1bad
Rev20.2 devil and his angels bound for 1,000 years, earth's peace
at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, whether in
heaven, earth, or under the earth
Matt25.41 everlasting fire prepared for the devil & his angels
Rev20.10 and the devil that deceived them is cast into the lake of fire
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1by OP Armstrong 8
The 6k Year Timeline Appendix What If Considerations a 488?
Possibly the Temple anointing was over one year after completion by sacred calendar. For 1Kgs6.38 lists completion in
Solomons 11th yr of reign, the 8th month Bul (harvest or November per Nave) completed. The dedication v8.2 feast in
month Ethanim 7th month (October & feast 1st week per Nave & other high holidays after) & 2Chr5.3 mentions
dedication in only 7th month. However neither of these reference the exact year of Solomons reign.
A summary of Usshers account is: # 465 - 470; 1005BC: In the 11th year of Solomon's reign, in the eighth month,
(called Bul) the temple and its furnishings was finished. It took 7 years 6 months to build. The dedication of the temple
was postponed till the next year for that would be a Jubilee year. 1004BC:This was the ninth Jubilee which opened the
fourth millennium of the world. All Israel was assembled together in the 7th month, called Ethanim. On the eighth day
of the seventh month, that is (Friday, October 30th.) it was the first of the seven days of the dedication. According to
Levitical law the feast of atonement was held on the tenth day, (Saturday, November1st.) Lev 25:9 At the sound of the
trumpet the jubilee was proclaimed. Ussher further dates 6280-8: 26AD The 30th jubilee happened in the 30th year of
our Lord Jesus Christ, It was in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar etc. Likely his ministry began on that most
suitable day, the tenth day of the seventh month, (about 19th October.) On the same day a trumpet was sounded to
start of the year of jubilee in the land. 27AD Then John baptized Jesus. {Mt 3:14,15} Jesus was about 30 years old. {Lu
3:23}. #6484 AD33 April 5th Sunday Jesus resurrected Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, and Salome find
empty tomb. Usshers likely view on Daniels 69 of 70 weeks is they happened in a 7 year period from 26AD to 33AD.
From TBC perspective and Luke 16:16, the coronation of Jesus was his baptism in river Jordan. His coronation was
announced by heaven, Behold this is my Son in whom I am well pleased and He shall sit upon the throne of his father
David and of his kingdom there shall be no end, He hath raised up for us in the house of David a horn of salvation,
salvation from the hand of our enemies and all who hate us; in the days of those kings He will establish a kingdom and
it shall not be left to another people but it shall crush and consume all other kingdoms. Upon whosoever this rock falls
it shall be crushed. A kingdom and the king go hand in hand, each complement the other. Jesus to Pilate said of a truth
say you I am a king, for this purpose was I born but my Kingdom is not of this world. Every King has a coronation when
he assumes the leadership role. But cut off in middle of the week to confirm covenant with many does not concur a
continuous seven week fulfillment. T8 Solomon Temple Build & Dedicate Time
Yr-Sol Yr-X Heb years
The day has 12 hours in which to work, let us work now! Event Mo
Mo# gone
For the night comes when none can earn reward. Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1by OP Armstrong Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 9
The 6k Year Timeline Appendix 27AD Baptism Alternatives
Below in Table 6 are alternative considerations on the date of Jesus Baptism by John. This comes from dates feasible by
astronomical data for Christ resurrection. The baptism dates are 3.5 years prior using Daniels prophesy that Messiah
Prince will be cut off in midst of the week.
Look at April 33AD Easter and count back 3.5 years to arrive at Oct 29AD baptism. But if Jesus was anywhere close to 30
years of age then His birth year would fall after 4 BC. Most will concur birth year after 4BC not feasible as the baby
murder king died 4BC. Some would stretch that by saying age 34 is about 30, you decide. Also baptism after 27 AD
cannot fit TBC tribulation date start prior to 2017.
Another Passover feasible date of Easter is 30 AD. Thirty AD also is the odds on favorite of bible scholars for the 1st
Easter. Again count back 42 months to land at late October in 26AD as date of Jesus baptism. Umm pretty close to
Usshers work. Next look 3,000 years future gives Oct3026AD. Take off 3 years 6 months for completing Daniels final half
week. This gives April 3023. Remove the millennium of 1,000 years to get Apr2023. Take out 2*1260 days or 6 years 10
month 3 weeks. This arrives at June 2016. The last of 4 blood moons is Sept28,2015, the 1st solar eclipses are march
2015 and 2016, with last solar eclipse August 2017, umm?
The 27AD baptism alternative has been selected by TBC as being feasible based upon Usher
and others review. The author list many links given for 27AD and other baptism dates in prior T7 26AD Baptism 3Dy
writings. A 27AD baptism can fit within a TBC perspective that the tribulation shall start prior to Oct 26
2017AD. A tribulation start in 2017 also fits with in the Tetrad Eclipses. 3days future 3000
Table 7 illustrates the method of dating biblical events. Table 7 is based on 26AD baptism date. Oct 3026
Gog / Dan last -3
Table 6 Alternatives for year of Jesus Baptism based on Resurrection Year
Oct 3023
Baptized Resurection End3k Yr Start Gog Start mill Start trib Gog / half week -6mo
Oct.'29AD Apr. 33AD Oc3029AD Apr3026AD Apr2026AD Jun2019AD Apr 3023
Sept27AD Apr. 31AD Sept3027AD Mar3024AD Mar2024AD Oct2017AD milennum 1Dy -1000
Oct.'26AD Apr. 30AD Oc3026AD Apr3023AD Apr2023AD Jun2016AD Apr 2023
base 3Y6m0w 3000Yrs 3Y6m0w 1000 Yrs 6Y10m3w trib6Y10m3w -6
Basis: 70 weeks determined to make an end, 69 weeks unto Messiah the Prince Coronation Apr 2017
Baptized (anointed), resurrection confirm covenant of 1 week with many & midweek 10month -10mo
Cut off to bring end to sacrifice & 3.5 yrs before Easter is Baptism & 4k.Yr Before 3k.Yrs after About June 2016
One alternative by 27AD baptism has rapture before tribulation & could start spring 2017
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1C by OP Armstrong
Sign of the Morning Star Sept. 20 2017

Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong 11

Solar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive Years never before & never again
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong
Lunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive Years never before & never again
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong 13
Others determination of 27AD Baptism of Jesus
Jesus' 30th birthday: Julian day: 1731153 Julian calendar: This same date was 4749 days or 13 regnal-tropical years +
Friday, August 22, 27AD Jewish calendar: 1 Elul 3787(1 Tishri 1 day into the inaugural reign of Tiberius, but 15 years + 12
3788 was Sat, Sept 20) New Moon: Aug 20, 27AD @ 3:04:10 days[Luke3:1] into Tiberius' *governorship* by the Jewish
PM JST Julian date: 1731151.04456; Lunation: 23442 moon's civil calendar, which was 15 years + 1 day according to the
distance: 367010k(57.5 ER); Subtends: 0.5427 Right Julian civil calendar: Julian day: 1731180 Julian calendar:
ascension: 09:51:3.82; Declination: 15:55:18 Thursday, September 18, 27AD Jewish calendar: 1 Tishri
Azimuth: 82.672; Altitude: 42.307 Rising: 4:37:33 AM JST; 3788(Day of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah) New Moon: Sep 18,
JD 1731150.60941 Notes: Jewish calendar birthday; at age 27AD @ 11:48:42 PM JST Julian date: 1731180. Notes:
30, Jesus eligible for priesthood and temple service. This is Daniel's 7+62 sabbatical years fulfilled[Dan 9:25]. Hebrew
why John the Baptist asked of Jesus: "...I have need to be Calendar year exceeds a tropical year by 6 minutes, 39.370
baptized of thee, and come you to me?"[Mat 3:14]. John did seconds; this amounts to one extra day per 216.34 tropical
not yet recognize Jesus as Messiah, but he knew that his years, or 2.23 days over 483 tropical years. A tropical year is
cousin, the astonishing carpenter's son Jesus, that He was equal to 365.242days, so this baptism date of Jesus is
thirty years old, and John knew this since he himself was precisely 483 tropical years + 2.02 days from Ezra's going
thirty. every Jew *knew* that "salvation out of the Jews is"! forward with Artaxerxes' decree, a difference of only 2.23
Thereby we know that John, understandably, had supposed from 2.02 = {-0.21} days, just 5 hours shy of 483 Hebrew
Jesus' father was Joseph, as did practically everyone else. Calendar years! Who could ask for more? But if we'd adopted
Only a few knew at the time that Joseph was only lawfully Sept 2, 458 BC as Artaxerxes seventh year as referenced
Jesus' father according to the custom, since Joseph was the before, then that date was exactly 483 tropical years + 4
son-in-law of Mary's father, Heli, who had daughters of his hours to what is a popular but non-historical "alternate" for
own, but bore no sons of his own, thus Joseph was fully Jesus' Baptism date of 1 Tishri 3787, or Monday, Sep 2,
within his own legal rights to raise his "son" Jesus as his own 26AD; Julian Day 1730799, with its molad occurring Sat, Aug
son, since lawfully, Jesus *was* his own son, just as 31, 26AD @1:27:11 AM JST; JD1730796.47but which is
everyone had supposed. And under the law, Jesus was heir entirely one civil calendar year *prior* to the very earliest
to the throne by His legal father and also by His mother, date historically-reconcilable with Tiberius' 15th year, thus is
since under Jewish law, right to kingship could also pass to logically eliminated from further discussion, and 1 Tishri 3788
Mary's descendants. Jesus baptized into YHWH's Ministry at becomes the ONLY historical date reconcilable with both
the river Jordan exactly 483 Hebrew lunisolar Calendar years Ezras account AND that related by Luke, to wit, Luke 3:1
to the very day from Ezra's "going forth" with Artaxerxes' reads " year but five and tenth of the *governorship* of
imperial edict to restore Jerusalem. Tiberius Caesar [*emphasis added]. In the year 12AD,
Tiberius made military governor (commander) over Caesar's
vast armies and provinces by the ailing Augustus.
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong
Review Comparison of Chronology by Prophesy to Others Work
A review of this chronology method is given by way of
comparison in the table to right. Chronology by Prophesy
(CBP) used the year of Jesus Baptism as 27 AD. The CBP
then worked backwards by bible prophesy and principle to
establish dating of bible events. The methods are fully
elicited above. By contrast others must also rely upon a
year sequence of events and use some start point to tie
the year sequence to Gregorian calendar. Ussher used
Jesus birth year together with the bible and historical
documents to establish his chronology. Another common
tie point is year of start for building Solomons Temple.
Most, but not all chronology, take Temple start year to be
480 years after Exodus. The typical evangelical
chronology places Temple start year at 966BC. This work
disputes that date as being about 16 years too early.
This review finds the CBP method to be within an average
of 47% of one standard deviation of average listed event
dates. The range is between 8% and 85% of 1 SD. The
results from the CBP method should thusly be considered
statistically significant to results obtained by the compared
The high degree of significance of CBP results can also be
seen by looking at variants to the closest other event year.
By that comparison, the average closeness is 1.6 years
difference. The closeness to Usshers chronology is to be
expected for Ussher also placed Christ baptism in year Since about 1997 the taunts of the 6,000 year scoffer have
27AD. However the closeness to Eugene Faulstich work is sounded like the taunts of Goliath upon the Armies of Israel. Yet
another matter. For Faulstich fixed Christ baptism year at none have answered him but cowered away. Now answers by
25.5AD. this analysis:
CBP method brings a new perspective to bible chronology
that other methods lack. Specific items are 1) Estimation of 2017 starts tribulation +/- 2 years
Adams age at sin and 2) Determination of King Solomons
reign years while he remained Torah faithful. For after two days He will revive us and on the third day, He
shall raise us up and we shall live in his presence.
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong 15
Chronology by Prophesy & Days of Covenant Redemption
This table list the dates for Table 10 Seven Days of God's Redemption of Man unto a New Heaven & New Earth
the Days of Redemption.
Day Begin Prophet Age Covenant Event Term
They are based on seven
days of 1000 years each, 1 3974BC Adam 26.5 Redemption Redeemer promised thru Woman Seed Tohu
starting from the year of 2 2974BC Noah 29.5 Peace Call for peace, About Noah 30th Yr. Tohu
Jesus Anointing by baptism in 3 1974BC Abraham 18.5 Torah Begin call to Order life thru God's Law Torah
river Jordan by John in 27AD. 4 974BC Solomon 30.6 Temple Establish Jerusalem and Temple order Torah
At that point 4 days had 5 27AD Jesus 30.0 New Begin Kingdom of God thru the Christ Messianic
elapsed and 3 days remained
7 2024AD Jesus Rest Devil bound 1000 years for Earth Rest Rest
unto a new heaven and new
earth. 8 3027AD Jesus G' All in All Start New Heaven New Earth old past Renew
Four days prior began the fall and restoration of Adam in and He said to him, Leave your own country and your relatives and
3974BC. After the fall of Adam, a redeemer was promised come into the land (region) that I will point out to you. So then he
from the womans seed. Using the chronology of time by went forth from the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran.
prophesy, the year 3974 marked the 26.5 year of Adam. The separation of Abram by God from the idols of Ur came
The age of Adam being determined as 4000.5BC less (Gen11.31) at age 18.5 in year 1974BC. This began the era of
3974BC. This also marks the start of 2,000 years of Torah. Abram answered this call to leave the idols of Ur and settled
darkness or Tohu. in Haran of Canaan. In year 1918.5 BC did Abram pass unto
The covenant of peace was begun by Noah at age 29.5. Sichem after God appeared to him at age 75.
Noah was a preacher of righteousness in an era of
violence. For before the flood, 2344.5BC, every mans The temple of Solomon was anointed in the 12th year of Solomons
hand was violent towards his neighbor and the thoughts reign, Table 8. Solomon came to reign at an early age. This by
of man were continuously wicked. Finally in Noahs 600 Solomon confession and that his mother urged David to appoint
year the flood came and swept them all away. After that Solomon during Davids 40th year. Solomons son, Rehoboam, was
the rainbow appeared and God promised to not destroy 41 when he assumed the throne after Solomons 40 year reign.
by water again. God blessed Noah about his 601 year and Given that Solomon officiated as priest during opening ceremony,
commanded him to replenish the world. he was likely 30 years or older at the event. (1Kgs1.11-13, 2.1-
The separation of Abram from the idols of Ur unto the 2,11.42,14.21 2Sam5.4-5 &13. Thus Solomon being 29 upon
land of Canaan marks the beginning of the Age of Torah. temple completion waited another year to dedicate the temple at
Acts 7.2-5 states The God of glory appeared to our age 30 to officiate as king and priest.
forefather Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia,
before he [went to] live in Haran,

Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1b by OP Armstrong 16

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 1
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong
Chronology Abe to Caleb/ EVENT Abe Isaac Jacob Levi Joseph Kohath Amram Moses Joshua Caleb
Abraham & Father Depart Ur Act7.2,6 13:20 19
Leave Haran to Shechem get Covenant 75 Ge12:1-4 Father sire.age sired die age Exodus
Ishmael Born to Hagar, dies 137Yr 86 Ge16:3,16 Levi 41 Kohath 137 unto
Establish Circumscision Ishmail 13Yr 99 Ge17.24-25 Kohath 80 Amram 133 Temple
Covenant Confirm Abe-Sarah by Isaac 6 100 0 Ge21.5 Amram 82 Moses 137 dedi-
Isaac&Fathers Chosen@Mt.MoriahY 125 25 Ge22.17
Sarah die age 127 at Years Old Ge23.1 137 37 FatherYr=Sire.Age+SibbYR Ussher
Isaac Marry Rebecca Ge25.20 140 40 (Isaac &Ishmael bury Abraham) Sedar
Jacob born Ge25.26 160 60 0 Aaron 3Y older than Moses Olam
Abraham death start oppression T 175 75 15 Ge25.7 Aaron die same year as Moses Jones
flee Esau wrath2 PadanAram.Ge31.41 237 137 77
Levi Born to Jacob in Padam Ge29:34 247 147 87 0 Kohath born in Canaan:
Joseph born Padan Aram to Jacob 251 151 91 4 0 Ge30.25 Gen46:8-11
Jacob depart Padan Aram to Canaan 257 157 97 10 6 Ge31.41 450Yr from Choosing unto
Joseph slaved into Egypt Ge37.2 268 168 108 21 17 Distribute Land by LotsY
Isaac die n Canaan: Esau, Jacob bury 280 180 120 33 29 Ge35.28 Abraham Year =175+400-450 =125
Joseph is Egypt Viceroy Ge41:46 281 181 121 34 30 Acts7:6, 13:17-21Y
Kohath born in Canaan b4 Merari.Ge46.8,11 288 188 128 41 37 0 240 Yr in Egypt O
Israel.Levi.Kohath go Egypt Gen46:8-11O 290 190 130 43 39 2 EXo 430Yr frm Isaac6
Jacob die in Egypt Ge47.28 307 207 147 60 56 19 400 Yr from Abe die unto
Joseph die in Egypt Ge50.26 361 261 201 114 110 73 'return here' T
Amram Born in Egypt Ex6.18 368 268 208 121 117 80 0 Gen15:13-16 T
Levi Die in Egypt Ex6.16-20 384 284 224 137 133 96 16
Kohath Die in Egypt, Ex6.18 421 321 261 174 170 133 53 Ex12:40-41 6
Moses Born2 Amram in Egypt Ex6.20 450 350 290 203 199 162 82 0
Amram die in Egypt, Acts7:30 Ex6.20 505 405 345 258 254 217 137 55
Moses & Israel depart Egypt Ex12:41 6 O 530 430 370 283 279 242 162 80 45 40
Moses Dies, Israel Crosses Jordan Du34:7 570 470 410 323 319 282 202 120 85 80
Canaan Return.400Yr aftr Abe dieTY 575 475 415 328 324 287 207 125 90 85
Joshua dies Caleb death unkn Jo24.29 595 495 435 348 344 307 227 145 110 105
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

a) Joseph was 39Y old (30+7+2) when Jacob
entered Egypt; Joseph was 30 when d) Birth of Levi: Jacob is 87Y - Jacob serves
entering Pharaohs' service (Gen 41:46); 7 7 years and receives Leah (Gen 29:27)
years of plenty (Gen 41:53,54) and 2 years who bears Levi, her third son
of famine when Jacob came to Egypt (Gen approximately 3 years after being with
45:6); Jacob. Jacob is then 87Y at birth of Levi
b) Birth of Joseph was in Jacob 91Y - Jacob (77+7+3). Joseph is 4Y younger than
was 130Y when entering Egypt (Gen 47:9); Levi.
Joseph was 39Y when Jacob enter Egypt; e) Jacob was 97 upon return to Canaan: 20
Jacob was then 91 at birth of Joseph (130- years he served Laban, 7Y before
39) in 14th year of service to Laban. marriage, 7Y after marriage, 6Y for cattle,
c) Jacob was 77Y (91-14) when he flee Esau (77+(7+7+6))
to Laban; Jacob is 91 at birth of Joseph who f) Birth of Kohath: Levi is 43 at entry to
was born in the 14 year of service to Laban Egypt (39+4) as Levi 4Y elder to Joseph.
(Gen 30:25,26); [An. 1487] The fifth year was now Kohath was born before Levi went to
past; and there was not one of the Canaanites remained Egypt with his 3 sons (Gen 46:8,11); as
any longer; ... placed the tabernacle in the city of Shiloh: ... Kohath had elder & younger brother,
And from thence he went to Shechem, together with all the
people, ..., and placed one half of them on mount Gerizzim, assume Kohath 2 at entry to Egypt and
and the other half on mount Ebal; on which mountain the Merari Birth 1Y after Kohath.;
altar was: (also Jones pp93-94) "Josephus relates that Nahmanides/ Ramban in a footnote to Ramban gives 240 years
during the fifth year after the Entry, Joshua divided the land in a footnote. Chavel, C.B., Ramban: Commentary on the
among the tribes.115 He goes on to say that Joshua died TorahExodus, Shilo Publishing, New York, p. 154 & fn.317, p.
twenty years later at the age of 110, having led the people 153 & fn.315. As agree Ralbag, Rambam student on the 240
twenty-five years after the death of Moses.116 years in Egypt 3
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the Genesis 17:24-25 And Abraham was
Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with ninety years old and nine, when he was
him: and Abram was seventy and five years circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
old when he departed out of Haran. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years
Genesis 15:13 And he said unto Abram, old, when he was circumcised in the flesh
Know of a surety that thy SEED shall be a of his foreskin.
stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall Genesis 21:5 And Abraham was an
serve them; and they shall AFFLICT them hundred years old, when his son Isaac
(400) four hundred years; 16... But in the was born unto him.
fourth generation THEY shall come hither Genesis 25:17 And these are the years of
again (NB: the 400 years starts with SEED, the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty
after his death, unto the Return not just to and seven years: and he gave up the
the Exodus, the 430Y is from covenant ghost and died;
confirm by Isaac birth unto Exodus) Genesis 25:26 And after that came his
Gen16:3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar brother out, and his (Jacob) hand took
her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had hold on Esau's heel; and his name was
dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore
gave her to her husband Abram to be his (60) years old when she bare them.
wife. Genesis 26:34 And Esau was forty years
Genesis 16:16 And Abram was (86y) old when he took to wife Judith the
fourscore and six years old, when Hagar daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and
bare Ishmael to Abram. Bashemath the daughter of Elon the
Hittite: 4
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

Gen30:25 And it came to pass, when Rachel Gen41:1... at the end of two full years,
had born Joseph, that Jacob said unto that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he
Laban, Send me away, that I may go unto stood by the river.
mine own place, and to my country. Gen41:46 And Joseph was thirty years old
Gen30:31 And he said, What shall I give when he stood before Pharaoh king of
thee? And Jacob said, Thou shalt not give Egypt...
me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, Gen45:6 For these two years hath the
I will again feed and keep thy flock: famine been in the land: and yet there are
Gen31:41 Thus have I been twenty years in five years, in the which there shall neither
thy house; I served thee fourteen years for be earing nor harvest.
thy two daughters, and six years for thy Gen46:8,11 And these are the names of
cattle: and thou hast changed my wages ten the children of Israel, which came into
times. Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Reuben,
Gen35:28 And the days of Isaac were an Jacob's firstborn. And the sons of Levi;
hundred and fourscore years. (180) /Jacob Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
and Esau buried Isaac as did Ishmael and Isaac Gen47:9 And Jacob said unto Pharaoh,
bury Abraham The days of the years of my pilgrimage
Gen37:2 ... Joseph, being seventeen years are an hundred and thirty years...
old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; Gen47:28 And Jacob lived in the land of
and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age
with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven
and Joseph brought unto his father their evil years.
report. 5
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

Genesis 47:9 And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The Joshua 24:29 And it came to pass after
days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred these things, that Joshua the son of Nun,
and thirty years... the servant of the Lord , died, being an
Genesis 50:26 So Joseph died, being an hundred hundred and ten years old.
and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he
Acts 7:29-30 Then fled Moses at this
was put in a coffin in Egypt.
Exodus 6:16,18,20 .... and the years of the life of saying, and was a stranger in the land of
Levi were an hundred thirty and seven years. [18] Midian, where he begat two sons. And
And the sons of Kohath; Amram, and Izhar, and when forty years were expired, there
Hebron, and Uzziel: and the years of the life of appeared to him in the wilderness of
Kohath were an hundred thirty and three years. mount Sinai an angel of the Lord in a
[20] And Amram took him Jochebed his father's flame of fire in a bush.
sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses: Acts 7:1-7 To.. Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia,
and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred before he dwelt in Haran, .. Then he came out of the
and thirty and seven years. land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from
Joshua 14:7,10 (Caleb) Forty years old was I when there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this
Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from land .. And God gave him no inheritance in it, not even
enough to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had
Kadesh-Barnea to espy out the land; and I brought
no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession,
him word again as it was in mine heart. [10] And and to his descendants after him. But God spoke in this
now, behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as he way: that his descendants would dwell in a foreign land,
said, these forty and five years, even since the and that they would bring them into bondage and
Lord spake this word unto Moses, while the oppress them four hundred years. And the nation to
children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and whom they will be in bondage I will judge, said God,
and after that they shall come out and serve Me in this
now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 7

Age of Isaac at the Choosing Age of Isaac at the Choosing

Those who favor a very young age of Isaac overlook The "after" refers to the items mentioned after the after,
Gen21:34 And Abraham sojourned in the Philistines' land as seen clearly in v21. It certainly true that after dividing
many days. the land by lot Israel was ruled by judges until Samuel
Genesis 22:2 And he said, Take now thy son, your only son etc. Look in book of Judges to find Joshua is mentioned,
Isaac, whom thou loves, and get thee into the land of Ju 1:1, 2:6-8, 21&23, a total of 7 times. So Joshua was
Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of considered a Judge. So after dividing the land by lot,
the mountains which I will tell thee of. Israel was ruled by Judges, Joshua being the first and
The "choosing" is evident from Gen22:6-18 And said, By ending with Samuel the prophet.
myself have I sworn, saith the Lord , for because thou hast The 450 years starts with "did choose our Fathers". The
done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, your only dividing of land ends the prophecy given to Abraham,
son: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I Acts 7:6 `And God spake thus, That his seed shall be
will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sojourning in a strange land, and they shall cause it to
sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall serve, and shall do it evil four hundred years. The 400
possess the gate of his enemies; years refers to Abraham seed, thus it starts at Abraham
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; death and lasts until the "return hither". The "return hither"
because thou hast obeyed my voice.. ends with the dividing by lots.
"NOW ISAAC WAS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OLD. And as Count from Abe death in Abraham year 175, 400year to
he was building the altar, he asked his father what he was get 575 year of Abraham, the subtract off the 450 years to
about to offer, since there was no animal there for an find when the "choosing of the Fathers" happened and
oblation. . . (Antiquities (History) of the Jews, Book1, Ch13) see that was in Abe's 125 year. Since Isaac was born in
Acts13:17-21(YLT) the God of this people Israel did choose year 100 of Abraham, Isaac was 25 year old when he
our fathers, and the people He did exalt in their sojourning was chosen by trial to be the rightfully tested and
in the land of Egypt, ... did He bring them out of it; and approved by God as father of Israel.
about a period of forty years He did suffer their manners in Abraham died at age 175. Abraham had dwelt "many
the wilderness, and having destroyed seven nations in the days" (Gen21:34) under a peace covenant (gen21:27)
land of Canaan, He did divide by lot to them their land. with Abimelech king of the Philistines but after the death
`And after {these things, (my note: the "these things" took) of Abraham did the servants of Abimelech start
about four hundred and fifty years}, He gave judges -- till oppressions against Isaac over water wells of
Samuel the prophet; and thereafter they asked for a king, Beersheba., Genesis 26:18 And Isaac dug again the
and God did give to them Saul, son of Kish, a man of the wells of water, which they had dug in the days of
tribe of Benjamin, for forty years Abraham his father; for the Philistines had stopped them
after the death of Abraham: ..
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 8
Start Jubile Count Moses 38.5Yr Start Jubile Count Moses 38.5Yr
Moses established the reading of the Law at End of each 7 ... in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth produce for the
years. Since he started the initial conquest of Canaan in east three years. And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat of
Jordan, logic shows Moses also initiated the Jubilee cycle. the produce, the old store; until the ninth year, until her
On Jordans east side, the Jubile count was considered by produce come in, ye shall eat the old store." (Lev25:2022)
descendants of Zelophehad, of Gilead, Nu36. The men came The reading of the Torah let all know when was the end of
to Moses asking about land distribution in the Jubile. This the 7-7's. In a normal cycle & told all when to start planting.
indicates the Jubile count started from East Jordan. They In a Jubile year, the reading defined the start of the 50th
were read the law and could query this matter. This year. The 70 Sabbath year exile show the Jubile and
happened after Moses and Aarons public reading of the Law. Sabbath Years were stopped after Solomons 29th year. For
Nehemiah 8:17-18 states this practice stopped with the death in 500 years are 10 Jubile and 70 Sabbaths, 490 year, to
of Joshua. total 500 years.
For Moses and Aaron prescribed the day for the once every 7 'At the end of each seven years, at a fixed time on the
year reading of the whole law to Israel. This was to be done festival of Sukkoth, after the year of release, when all Israel
during Feast of Booths in the 7th month and at end of 7 year comes... you must read this Torah before all Israel
cycle. In book of Deut. requires this reading in ears of all Deuteronomy 31:1013
Israel. After Israel crossed Jordan in Exodus year 40, the You shall count off seven Sabbaths of years, seven times
manna ceased. The food came from cultivation done in year seven years; and there shall be to you the days of seven
39. So expect the planting to be done after year 38.5. Sabbaths of years, even forty-nine years. Then you shall
Thus in start of year 38, Moses in 3 months completed the sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh
conquest of eastern lands. At year 38.5 (on a Nissan start month. ...You shall make the fiftieth year holy, and proclaim
basis) Moses reads law and starts Jubile count. Deut1:1-5, liberty throughout the land to all.. That fiftieth year shall be
2:14,5:1,31:10 Ex16:35,Gen15:13,16,Jos5:10-12,8:32-34 14.1 a jubilee to you. In it you shall not sow, neither reap that
There are 488
488..5 years from Exodus unto Solomon Temple which grows of itself, nor gather from the undressed vines.
dedication. Subtract the 38.5 years from Exodus unto 1st For it is a jubilee; ... You shall eat of its increase out of the
reading of Law to get 450 years from dedication of Solomon field.. Lev25:8-16
Temple to First Law Reading, or 9 fifty year Jubile cycles Numbers 35:33 So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye
from first law reading unto Temple dedication. The Jubile are : for blood it defiles the land: and the land cannot be
cycle starts in the 530+38.5=568.5 year of Abraham. cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood
Add 450 years, 1018.5Y of Abraham was Solomon of him that shed it.
Dedication, 1000 years later was Jesus baptism in 2018.5 The blood vials of Rev16 to 19 are the cleansing of earth
year of Abraham. Take off 2 Covenant God days & Abraham prior to millennium start. Revelation 16:6 For they have
was called in his 18.5 ~ 19th year from Haran, Acts7. shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given
them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong
Time From Isaac Birth to Cannan Entry also confirms Exodus Date by 400 & 430 year markers..

<------ Sojurn in EGYPT -------------> wildern's Canaan

<-Isaac2Jake 60Y >|< Jake2Egy pt 130Y->

<-190 Years n Canaan-> <-------- 240 YEARS in Egypt --------> <- 40y -> <5y >
<-430 YEARS from Covenant Confirmed by Isaac Birth unto Exodus -> <-40y-> <5y >
<- Isaac Birth to <(@age15Y) Jacob, Levi, Kohath=1GEgy ->Kohath&Amram=2G ->Amram&Aaron=3G ->Aaron & Eleazar=4G Ntoclusive ->

Abe's death -> Abe die 2Egy <------ Sojurn in EGYPT -------------> wildern's Canaan
|<--75 Y--->| <- 115 Y --> <-------- 240 YEARS in Egypt --------> <- 40y -> <5y>
<peace years> <400 Oppressed Years & in 4th Generation return to Canaan->
From Jacob birth until Abraham death, After Abraham death there was conflict
there were years of peace. The oppression over the water wells of Beersheba
term is taken to mean conflict & Gen26:15-32. By 5th year of the 7 year
oppression after Abe's death (your conquest of Canaan, it was clear who
descendants) until & into the return had the upper hand. During wilderness
again. For Abraham had established a time there were conflicts as some 9
peace treaty with Canaanites, Gen 20:14 nations refused Israel passage or other
to 22:19. oppressions.
TBC Timeline of 7,000 years unto A New Heaven and a New Earth, Otis Armstrong 10
Total Years unto Jesus Baptism The seven millennium days unto a new creation are self evident. Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you.
In My Fathers house are many mansions. God made a new era with the flood of Noah. He allotted Noah
Generation Sired Yr death Yr verse
exactly seven days to place the animals into their mansions within the ark. Upon end of the allotted 7
Adam 130 930 gen5.3 days, the door closed, the flood waters came, and the old world or era ended. John said he saw a new
Seth 105 912 gen5.6 heaven and new earth coming down. Peter said that just as God destroyed the old world by water this
Enos 90 905 gen5.9 present age is reserved unto fire against that day. God remade the world in 7 days to show that in 7
millennium days a new heaven and new earth shall be established. It was not until Adam sinned that a
Cainan 70 910 "5.12 need for a new heaven and new earth existed. The lamb was slain from the Foundation of the World,
Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15 FOTW. This new work of creation (Foundation of the World) began when God clothed Adam in animal
Jared 162 962 5.18 skin and promised a redeemer. A day in Gods eye is but as a thousand years. The Law and the Prophets
Enoch 65 365 5.21 were until John, since that time the Kingdom of Heaven is declared and every man is pressed into or ruled
by that standard. Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs
Methuselah 187 969 5.25
A kingdom without a king is not complete. Jesus Ref Years Event
Lamech 182 777 5.28 told Pilate, Of a truth you say I am a king, for that
Rebuild decree unto Messiah,
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10 purpose was I born. In the days of those kings shall Dan9.25 483
the God of heaven set up a Kingdom, it shall not be 69*7 years
Shem 100 600 11.10 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah
left to another people but it shall crush and destroy Dan9.2 70
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12 all other kingdoms. And He shall sit upon the Ezek4.6 40 Unto Judah Captive
Salah 30 433 11.14 throne of his father David and of his kingdom there Ezek4.5 390 Apostasy Unto Israel Captive
Eber 34 464 11.16 shall be no end. Every King has a coronation. Until
1Kgs11 17 Temple Dedication unto Apostasy
this coronation, he is but a crown prince. Jesus was
Peleg 30 239 11.18 crowned at his baptism in river Jordan. For at that {*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon
Reu 32 239 11.20 time the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated in
Total 1000
form and a voice spoke from Heaven saying, Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4 years in
Serug 30 230 11.22
apostasy. (40-12.6-17=10.4)}
Nahor 29 148 11.24 Behold this is my beloved Son in whom I am well
pleased. After his coronation the kingdom was 4000Yr prior to 27AD, So it was in year 3974BC.
11.32& manifest. For which of these good works seek you The Anno Mundi day is 3974+26.5 =4000.5BC. The
Terah 130 205
12.4 to kill Me? But if by the finger of God, I cast out last half week of Daniels 70 weeks will end after
Abraham 100 175 21.5 devils, then the Kingdom of God has come unto the millennial Sabbath when world goes from
you. Four days of the Law and Prophets had peace into war mode. This last battle of Gog-
to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81
Temple elapsed at Jesus Anointing (27AD) and 3 days of Magog happens after Devil is released from his pit
Anointed 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1 Kingdom judgment remain after Jesus baptism. and after he gathers many people against
Jesus The age of Adam at sin was 4026.5 less 4,000 or Jerusalem. A 1003.5 year period prior to 3027AD is
1000 Luke Lu16.16 26.5 years by this chronology. The merits of this end of the 2520 day tribulation. At end of Daniels
Anointed chronology are discussed by, Seven days of God 70th week shall be everlasting righteousness when
Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created and Man, and Bible Chronology by Prophesy. The the devil and his angels are eternally cast into the
Age of Redemption or Worlds Foundation, started Lake of Fire.
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 11
Difference between Solomon Temple Dedicate and Christ Baptize Year, 14 Sources
Source, p40 original Dedicate Start J. Day# Crucify Baptize J Day# .year
Ussher 1002BC BC1002Tish15 1355713.5 33AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 1028.0
Thiele 957BC BC957Tish15 1372163.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 985.0
Jones 1002BC BC1002Tish15 1355713.5 30AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 1028.0
Denny 1019BC BC1019Tish15 1349513.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 1047.0
Bullinger 907BC BC908Tish15 1390057.5 29AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 934.0
Anstey 925BC BC925Tish15 1383827.5 30AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 951.1
Sedar-Olam 2938AM BC823Tish15 1421095.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 851.0
S-O.revise BC1006Tish15 1354266.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 1034.0
Doeg 968BC BC968Tish15 1368145.5 30ad AD28Jan6 1731291.5 994.3
Pratt 972bS19 BC972Tish15 1366670.5 33AD AD29Oct6 1731930.5 1000.0
Chicago 967bSPr BC967Tish15 1368500.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 995.0
Faustlich 973Sept BC973Tish15 1366315.5 ad30Ap5 AD25.5 1730372.5 996.8
TBC 975Sept BC975Tish15 1365576.5 30AD AD26Tish30 1730827.5 1000.0
Sacred Chr 973Sept BC973Tish15 1366315.5 30AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 999.0
Normalized Average= 999.4 Yrs Year difference & StdDev, Yr= 31.60 13Points
This table reviews, by statistical method, the validity of 1000 solar years from Solomons Temple
Dedication unto Dedication of Christ Body as Temple of God by baptism in river Jordan. Christ himself
stated, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again. The statistical result averages to 999.4
years, using 14 data points. Seder Olam is discarded. As it is several standard deviations off the average.
References are sourced by the hyperlinks of the table. This work confirms an assumption of one
redemption covenant day between temples used to develop CbP timeline.
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 12
Possible Tribulation Start Dates Based on 15th Year Tiberius Caesar start St.John Baptism
ChroTyp JesusBapt Start John StJohn.Heb StJn JD# dDays Trib JD# Trib Greg 2Witness
Usher SP27AD AD26Sept09 1.Tish10 1730807.5 726686.0 2457493.5 2016AP15 2016Dec11
Catholic Fall27AD AD27Ap27 2.Niss10 1731013.5 726686.0 2457699.5 2016Nov07 2017JLY05
CoChrist Fall26AD AD26Mar16 3.Niss10 1730630.5 726686.0 2457316.5 2015Oct21 2016Jun17
K.Doeg AD28Jan6 AD27Oct17 4.Tish30 1731210.5 726686.0 2457896.5 2017My23 2018Jan18
33Xfy.1 Fall29AD AD29Ap10 5.Nis10 1731751.5 725407.8 2457159.3 2015My16 2016Jan11
33Xfy.2 Fall29AD AD29Ap10 6.Nis10 1731751.5 726686.0 2458437.5 2018No15 2019JLY13
33Xsy.1 SP29AD AD28Sep16 7.Tish10 1731545.5 725407.8 2456953.3 2014Oct22 2015Jun19
33Xsy.2 SP29AD AD28Sep16 8.Tish10 1731545.5 726686.0 2458231.5 2018Ap23 2018Dec19
Luke16:16 The Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom of God is preached
Luke3, In the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar etc... The Word of God came to John...& he went ..
Usher Chronology paragraph 6280 to 6288, that most suitable day the 10th Tishri (7th Heb month)
The other constructs are those given by various bible chronologies with results stated
Tribulation Start = St.John start + 3000 year - Gog/Magog.time - 1000year - 6.9year Tribulation
Some Take the Daniel prophesy to be 483 year others use 486.5Y, the residual of 490 is GogMagog
As example, netDD=3000-3.5-1000-6.9 = 1989.6 year times 365.2423Day/Year= 726686day + StJohn
The dates are simply worked by calendar converter routine to arrive at tribulation start date
The Balfour Century Concept say this generation not pass until all fulfilled & that time be
1897AD +120Yr = 1917AD + 100Yr = 1947AD + 70Yr = 1967AD + 50Y = 2017AD
The Jew & Jerusalem are God's time peace: .weeks are determined upon. to finish.. to end DAN9:27
Thus any dates beyond 2017 are considered suspect, the most suitable times are the top 2 dates
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 13
Generation Year Age Year Ref 1 Ref 2 when you see the fig tree start to
Consider the fig tree Start Limit End put forth then know (not guess)
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5,7,6.3- 1 Zionist Return Conference
Termination: 120xJubilee 4 Matt24 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Century, Generation 1917 100 2017 Gen15,5&6&7 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)
4. Judgment Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we after that the full corn in the ear (4)
may apply our hearts unto wisdom
When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its
branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until all these things be fulfilled. Another criteria is also, this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall
witness during tribulation time.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jew-rusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to make an end

Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus Adding years from Start to Anointing at
Heb years dedication is 8.42, so the dedicate date is
Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo 488.5 years from Exodus, on Nissan basis.
Mo# gone
The time from Jesus Anointing by John
Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
Baptism unto Solomon Temple anointing is
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50 taken to be 1000 years, or 1 sacred day of time.
Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 From which one may look at sundry Baptism
Solomon Temple has 3 times associated. Start years of Jesus and tribulation start dates for
was 480 years from Exodus but in month 2, & those years. The averages range between end
4th year Solomon reign. Then were completion of 1st quarter to end of 3rd quarter in year 2016.
date and the dedicate date. RETURN ? The 9Av or August 2016 is an interesting date.
The 480 Years from Exodus unto Start Solomon Temple, OP Armstrong Dec2016 15

480 Years from Exodus to Start Temple Solomon 4th Year

141.5Y Jephthah to Start
300 Year from begin conquest unto Jephthah
Temple Solomon 4th Year
To begin
? 40Y ? ? 40Y ?
141.5Y Jephthah to Start Temple Solomon 4th Year

Ark 7mo Gaza

Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon ?Samson 20Y Year Eli Last Ark at 37.1Y David & Solomon
28 Years Abinadabs In Jerusalem
6Y 7Y 10Y 8Y retired
Eli Last 25 Years as Priest 20Y 33Y 4.1Y
Eli 1st 15 Priest
Years as
Priest 41.4 7Y
The 1st time line breaks the 480 Years into 3 parts: A) From Exodus Samuel/ Saul
unto East Bank Conquest in the 38.5 Year from Exodus, B) The Elis 98 year life ended at capture of Ark. It is told he was priest
300Y told Jephthah from East Bank Conquest unto beginning of for 40 years. This cannot start until age 30 by Moses Law. Thus
Jephthahs Judgeship, C) by difference there remain 141.5Y from his last 28 years were as an Elder. It is seen that Eli as
start of Jephthah unto start of Solomon Temple. In part C, a further Tabernacle Priest, overlapped the 4 judges by 15 years by
breakdown is made to see how the known years and unspecified counting back. The total time of either Samuel or Saul is not
years could be fitted into the 141.5Y time gap. specified in scripture. But David kingship began at Sauls death,
The key numbers given in old testament are: times of the 4 listed also Samuel could not be Tabernacle Priest until Eli retired. This
Judges, (6, 7, 10, 8); The 40 year priesthood of Elis 98 year life leaves about 41 or 42 combined years for Saul and Samuel. It
that ended with capture of the Ark; then 20 years the Ark spent at is not possible Saul was king for 40 years. In one place Davids
Abinadabs until David brought it to Jerusalem in the 1st year of his term is given as 33Y and a few months. The Ark was also 7
33 years there, Davids 7 years as King outside Hebron, and the 4 months in Gaza before return to Israel. Samson time by Seder 15
years of Solomon reign unto laying Temple foundation. Olam is placed outside the 141.5 year span.
Samuel & David
John & Jesus

Saul & Jews

Books of Samuel declare the Gospel through Revelation 1

Hanna & Elizabeth, Prophets Mothers
The stories of Hanna & Elizabeth are similar.
Both are barren until given miracle births by
prayer {1Sa 1:5, Lu 1:7},
Both of priestly stock { 1 Ch 6:33 & Lu 1:5 }
Both birthed prophets of change ( 1Sa 3:13-
14 Mat3:7-10)
Both birthed sons who followed as Nazarenes
from their youth {1:Sa1:11, Lu1:15}
Both sons births accompanied with prophesy
outlining the sons destiny
Prayer of Hanna, Mother of Samuel
And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoices in
the Lord, my horn is exalted in the Lord: My horn is
exalted in the Lord: My mouth is enlarged over my
enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation. There is none holy as the John & Elizabeth, Prophecy of Zacharias Johns Father
Lord: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our Bless the Lord God of Israel; for he has visited and
God. Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogance come out redeemed his people, And has raised up a horn of
of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him salvation for us in the house of his servant David; As he
actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty men are broken, and spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have
they that stumbled are girded with strength. They that were full been since the world began: That we should be saved
have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;
To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to
ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that has many
remember his holy covenant; The oath which he swore
children is waxed feeble. The Lord kills, and makes alive: he brings
to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us,
down to the grave, and brings up. The Lord makes poor, and makes that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies
rich: he brings low, and lifts up. He raises up the poor out of the might serve him without fear, In holiness and
dust, and lifts up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among righteousness before him, all the days of our life. And
princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars you, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest:
of the earth are the Lord's, and he has set the world upon them. He for you shall go before the face of the Lord to
will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto
darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail. The adversaries of the his people by the remission of their sins, Through the
Lord shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon tender mercy of our God; whereby the Dayspring from
them: the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give on high has visited us, To give light to them that sit in
darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet
strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.
into the way of peace.

Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017 Otis Armstrong 2

David & Jesus in book of Samuel, July 2017 Otis Armstrong
Nathan Speaks to David
And when thy days be fulfilled, and
thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will
set up thy seed after thee, which shall
proceed out of thy bowels, and I will
establish his kingdom.
He shall build an house for my name,
and I will establish the throne of his
kingdom for ever.
I will be his father, and he shall be my

(prophesy about the suffering Christ

who took our sins upon himself)

If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him

with the rod of men, and with the
stripes of the children of men:

Nathan Speaks to David

But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from
Saul, whom I put away before thee. And your house and your Others Told of The Kingdom,
kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne And has raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his
shall be established for ever. servant David; As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets,
which have been since the world began: That we should be saved
Angel Speaks to Mary About Jesus,
from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To
And, behold, you shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a
perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his
son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be
holy covenant; The oath which he swore to our father Abraham,
called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto
That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the
him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the
hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness
house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. To this end was I born,
And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a
and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear
kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall
witness unto the truth. My kingdom (for now) is not of this
not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and
world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants
consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.
fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews
David vs. Goliath, & Jesus vs. Devil
Similar tribulations between David &
Jesus are also found:
Both as youths were received gladly
by the ruling class but as adults
were shunned and hunted by the
rulers of their day. Before slaying
Goliath, David was appointed as
Saul armor bearer and as his court
musician. In that time David was
freely accepted in Sauls court. As
David added victory on victory, Saul
became jealous. Eventually to the
point of hunting to kill David.
Likewise Jesus was initially
accepted by Temple Rulers. When
Jesus read from the book in temple,
it says, as was his custom. But as
Jesus stature grew in the eyes of
people, the rulers despised Him to
the point of plotting Jesus death.
However God raised Jesus from the
dead, as king over all. So the rulers
schemes were thwarted.
Both relied upon the ability of God
to work through them and the
Promise of God for Victory over evil
Both waited for God to set down the
old order and refused to take arms
against the anointed of another era.
Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017 Otis Armstrong 4
David became King after Samuels
Death likewise Jesus Work Started
after John was Imprisoned
The stories of David & Jesus reigns as
kings are also similar.
Both came into their calling after
their spiritual sponsor was removed
from public service. Samuel passed
of old age. John was imprisoned and
beheaded by Herod.
When Samuel died, David was only
an apparent heir to the throne but
remained shunned and hunted by
Saul. Sam25:1
Both David & Jesus were appointed
as king at age 30Y. David died age
70Y and reigned 40Y. Jesus was
baptized at age 30, says Luke. Samuel Tomb
Davids 7 Years at Hebron speaks of
Jesus minor reign before His
resurrection. The 33Y speaks of John in Prison
Jesus as eternal king.
When John was imprisoned, Jesus
was yet to begin His work. Only
after Johns imprisonment did Jesus
begin His work in earnest. Now
after John was put in prison, Jesus
came into Galilee preaching the
gospel of the kingdom of God
Mk1.14; Now when He heard that
John had been put in prison, He
departed to Galilee From that
time Jesus began to preach and to
say, Repent, for the Kingdom of
God is at hand, Matt4:12-17 Jesus
was fully crowned by His Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017 Otis Armstrong
Samuel & John, Prophets of a New Era yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I
In Samuels times are found the corrupt priesthood say to you that God is able to raise up children to
of Eli sons, Hophni and Phineas, who took more than Abraham from these stones. And even now the axe is
the allotted share of offerings brought into the laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree
temple. They were also quick to take liberty with which does not bear good fruit is cut down and
the ladies coming into Gods house. Atop this mess thrown into the fire. (Mat3:7-10) But the Pharisees
presided their father who did naught to end these and lawyers rejected the will of God for themselves,
vile practices. The sons of Samuel were little better not having been baptized by John, Luke 7:30.
than Eli sons. So the people asked a king. This was a Likewise Samuel was a bright shining light sent to
major departure from the Judges structure reprove a corrupt priesthood administration: "For I
established by Moses and Joshua. have told Eli that I will judge his house forever for
In the time of John by parables, types, and prophesy the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made
Jesus & John told the existing rulers that their reign themselves vile, and he did not restrain them. And
was up. The apex of this was in 70AD with therefore I have sworn to the house of Eli that the
destruction of the temple and the second diaspora. iniquity of Eli's house shall not be atoned for by
Samuel was God's agent upon earth to appoint David sacrifice or offering forever." 1Sam3:13-14 Now this
as heir to the kingdom of Israel. So also John was shall be a sign to you that will come upon your two
God's agent to appoint David's son, Jesus, Mt1:1, as sons, on Hophni and Phineas: in one day they shall
heir to the Kingdom of God. The book of Acts (1:22) die, both of them. Then I will raise up for Myself a
summarizes this point: 'Beginning from the baptism faithful priest who shall do according to what is in
of John, unto that same day that Jesus was taken up My heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure
from us. Samuel presided over the rise of David and house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever.
the fall of disobedient Saul. John presided over the And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left in
rise of the true high priest, Jesus, and the fall of the your house will come and bow down to him for a
Temple rulers. But when he saw many of the piece of silver and a morsel of bread, and say,
Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he "Please, put me in one of the priestly positions, that
said to them, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to I may eat a piece of bread."'" 1Sam2:34-36
flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits
worthy of repentance, and do not think to say to

Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017 Otis Armstrong 6

Parallel of John & Jesus to Samuel & David, Parallel of John & Jesus to Samuel & David,
John, ended one dispensation and started another. Of Jesus as king this is stated by, "and He will sit
The Law and Prophets were until John, since then, upon the throne of His father David... and of His
the Kingdom of God is preached and every man is kingdom there be no end" Lu1:32-33. Again the
judged by that standard. In Samuel ends the era of writer of Hebrews says in Hebrews 7, v12-14 to the
Judges and starts the Kings as the rulers of Israel. point: "For it is evident that our Lord arose from
Both cases have to end an antagonistic order in a Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing
civil fashion. In David's case, it was Saul. And Saul concerning priesthood... For the priesthood being
opposed the just and true king, David. For his part, changed, of necessity there is also a change of the
David patiently awaited his appointed time. law." Again is found in 12:24 "to Jesus the Mediator
Of Jesus it was stated, "He will not quarrel nor cry of the new covenant (by better promises 8:6), and to
out, Nor will anyone hear His voice in the streets. A the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than
bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He that of Abel." For he that would come to God must
will not quench, Till He sends forth justice to believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those
victory; And in His name Gentiles will trust who diligently seek Him. (11:6)
Matt12:19-21 . Saul's persecution of David could be a type of the old
Both David and Jesus were gladly accepted by the order, with David as a type of the faithful king of a
rulers before being leaders by their own deeds. new order. This is explained in the allegory of
(1Sa16:16,21,&23, 17:15)(Lu2:45:47, 4:16) Galatians 4:28-31. "Now we, brethren, as Isaac was,
Both David and Jesus fought their arch foe after they are children of promise. But, as he who was born
were anointed by the prophet of God. Neither David according to the flesh then persecuted him who was
nor Jesus counted on their own strength to win born according to the Spirit, even so it is now.
against their foes. (Mk1:10-13, Mt3:15 Lu4:8; & Nevertheless what does the Scripture say? "Cast out
1Sa16:13 & 17 :45) the bondwoman and her son, for the son of the
In the parallel of John-Jesus to Samuel-David, we bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the
can see a messianic prophesy against the order of freewoman." So then, brethren, we are not children
Aaron, as Jesus told: "... now your house is left to of the bondwoman but of the free.
you desolate"

Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017 Otis Armstrong 7

And Samuel said to Saul, "I will not return with you: Likewise we can see Jesus provisioning of the church
for you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the in the 40 days. But the actual building being left to
Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel. the Elect and seed of Christ. Another parallel could
And as Samuel turned about to go away, he laid hold be between Solomon and the Church. Solomon
upon the skirt of his mantle, and it tore. And Samuel started as sincere but ends in apostasy by virtue of
said to him, The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel his vanity and riches. Perhaps this is laid out by John
from you this day, and hath given it to a neighbor of the Revelator? The first church, Ephesus, is denoted
yours, that is better than you." 1Sam15:26-28 by great first works, but the last church age, is called
Some could say Saul and David are not a good type out as having become mired in misplaced affections,
for Jesus and Temple Rulers. For though Saul tried as with Solomon. Rev2-3.
kill and capture David, yet none of these efforts If you cannot give an Amen, then search for yourself.
succeeded. Where-as, Jesus was both captured and
killed by his antagonist. But the whole story is that
In 1Sam17:16 is seen Goliath taunting Israel 40 days.
God made Jesus victorious by raising Him from the
So also the devil likely did during Jesus 40 day fast.
dead.(Acts3:14-15, Phil2:8-10)
Just as at the end of the 40 days David slew Goliath,
Again we see David as king 40 years & Jesus as king
also Jesus defeated the devil at end of his 40 days of
on earth for 40 days.
trials. After Jesus return in power He send out to 70
"To whom He also presented Himself alive after His
to preach the good news in His name. Lu10:17 .. And
suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by
the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the
them during forty (40) days and speaking of the devils are subject unto us through thy name. And he said unto
things pertaining to the kingdom of God." Acts them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I
1:3 "The period that David reigned over Israel was give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and
forty years; seven years he reigned in Hebron, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any
in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years. Then means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the
spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your
Solomon sat on the throne of his father
names are written in heaven. and in Jn12:31 Now is the
David..." 1Kgs2:11-12 Also just as David was allowed
judgment of this world, now shall the prince of this
to provision the temple of God, the actual
world be cast out..
construction was initiated by Solomon.

Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017 Otis Armstrong 8

The year of Esh-baal, (aka: Eshbaal, Ishbosheth, Ishui),
David, & Moses-Ark. This era runs from Eli start as
Sauls last living son is C. He was 40 years old when David
Tabernacle priest @ age 30Y until the Ark moved to became King at age 30, So C=10+B = 28+A. Next an age of
Jerusalem in Davids 38thY. Davids 30thY was 435.9Y Saul, 20Y, is assumed for the birth year of Eshbaal. The Ark
after Exodus & 1052.6Y before Jesus Baptism by John. was captured in Elis 98th year. All events in terms of A.
Only years of key events are given in this table. By this table, Sauls time, as king, was only 11-9 years.
Samuels books do not specify a span for some events. During that time he fought 6 or 7 wars. During most that
time, David lived on the land as a fugitive. Thus the
The sequence-tie-object is the 20 years Moses Ark
translation of Acts 13:21-22 must be either that the time of
stayed at Kirjath-Jearim in the house of Abinadab. Saul and Samuel were about 40 years or that the 40 refers
There were 20 years from its return, after capture in to the years of David reign as King of Israel. v21: ...the
Elis 98thY, until moved by King David, in his 38thY, to Saul son Kis out of tribe Benjamin. v22: Years forty; and
city Jerusalem. If A denotes the Ark years, then 18+A deposing him; He lifted to them the David into king to
will be the years of David, B. whom also he witnesses... (From Greek interlinear and
Strong's Greek words & my punctuation and verse#) Some
Years of Eli, Samuel, Saul, Eshbaal Saul Son, David & Holy Ark incorrectly argue the ark was moved during Sauls days.
Tag => A B C D E F
Event Ark David I'baal Saul Sam Eli A close reading of 1Sam14:3,18-19 shows Saul asked
Ark Move to Jerusalem 20 38 48 68 83 118 moving the ark but midsentence withdrew the order.
Esh-baal /Ishbosheth/ die 14 32 42 62 77 112 Nowhere in the days of Saul is it stated the ark moved.
This concur 1Chr13:3 ... Bring again the ark for we
Saul Die 12 30 40 60 75 110
inquired not at it in the days of Saul. Also it specified
Samuel Die 10 28 38 58 73 108 where the ark stayed since return from capture. That was
David kill Goliath w/Saul 2 20 30 50 65 100 the very same place David fetched Moses Ark unto
Eli die, Ark to Kirjath-Jearim 0 18 28 48 63 98 Jerusalem.
Esh-baal born, Saul's son -28 -10 0 20 35 70 Please download the PDF, if interested in reading more on
Eli 50 year, sons as Priests -48 -30 -20 0 15 50 this topic.
Samuel weaned @5yr. & David & Moses-Ark: This era runs from Eli start as
-58 -40 -30 -10 5 40 Tabernacle priest @ 30Y until the Ark moved to Jerusalem
goes to Tabernacle, Eli 40Y
in Y38 of David. This analysis more closely follows
Samuel Conception -64 -46 -36 -16 -1 34 traditional rabbinical analysis.
Eli appointed High Priest -68 -50 -40 -20 -5 30
Years. to Ark of God A 18+A 28+A 48+A 63+A 98+A
Years to primary variable 18+A 10+B 20+C F-35 98+A
Samuel-David & John-Jesus by OP Armstrong 07/17
The 480 Years from Exodus unto Start Solomon Temple 10
Samuel - David & John - Jesus, July 2017

480 Years from Exodus to Start Temple Solomon 4th Year

1462 BC 982 BC
141.5Y Jephthah to Start
300 Year from begin conquest unto Jephthah
Temple Solomon 4th Year
To begin
Conquest ? 40Y ? ? 40Y ?
141.5Y Jephthah to Start Temple Solomon 4th Year
Age20-60Y Abslm 40Y

Ark 7mo Gaza

Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon
?Samson 20Y Year Eli Last Ark at 37.1Y David & Solomon
Eli Last 25 Years as Priest 28 Years Abinadabs In Jerusalem
6Y 7Y 10Y 8Y retired 20Y 1019 BC
Eli 40Y total as Judge
Eli 1 15 Priest 33Y 4.1Y
Years as
Samuel/ Saul
The 1st time line breaks the 480 Years into 3 parts: A) From
Exodus unto East Bank Conquest in the 38.5 Year from Exodus, B) Thus his last 28 years were as an Elder. It is seen that Eli as
The 300Y told Jephthah from East Bank Conquest unto beginning Tabernacle Priest, overlapped the 4 judges by 15 years by
of Jephthahs Judgeship, C) by difference there remain 141.5Y counting back. The total time of either Samuel or Saul is not
from start of Jephthah unto start of Solomon Temple. In part C, a specified in scripture. But David kingship began at Sauls death,
further breakdown is made to see how the known years and also Samuel could not be Tabernacle Priest until Eli retired. This
unspecified years could be fitted into the 141.5Y time gap. leaves about 41 or 42 combined years for Saul and Samuel. It
The key numbers given in old testament are: times of the 4 listed is not possible Saul was king for 40 years. In one place Davids
Judges, (6, 7, 10, 8); The 40 year priesthood of Elis 98 year life term is given as 33Y and a few months. The Ark was also 7
that ended with capture of the Ark; then 20 years the Ark spent at months in Gaza before return to Israel. Samson time by Seder
Abinadabs until David brought it to Jerusalem in the 1st year of his
33 years there, Davids 7 years as King outside Hebron, and the 4 Olam is placed outside the 141.5 year span. Pauls 450Y run
years of Solomon reign unto laying Temple foundation. Elis 98 from Isaac age 25th Y unto start of Jephthah 300Y, being 400Y
year life ended at capture of Ark. It is told he was priest for 40 after Abrahams death. The 40Y of Absalom run from Davids
years. This cannot start until age 30 by Moses Law. 20th Y unto David age 60Y, when David as king confirmed. 10
Basis for a Simple Internal Timeline of Bible, OP Armstrong 07/2017
1000 Years from Ark placed into Solomon Temple unto Baptism of Jesus
430Y by Daniel 69weeks 483 Years
17Y Ezekiel Jeremiah 70 Years to Rebuild Decree
ARK in Temple B A
unto Apaoasty
of Solomon D C A+B+C+D= 1,000Y (C + B) = 500Y = (D + A) Exodus
The top line shows 1000 years (Y) or 1 Day from Jesus being It was based on a 7Y (1week) cycle of work and rest.
filled by the Holy Spirit unto day the Ark was moved into Except, Moses mandated after a week of weeks (49Y), 1Y
Solomons Temple & Glory filled his temple. Jesus likened extra, {a Jubilee or Y50th}, would also be kept. This
Himself to a temple: destroy this temple & in 3 days, I will projects the weekly cycle into planting and rest years. In
raise it up Jesus baptism by John was in the 15th Y of 500Y are 420Y (6x70) planting +70 Rest Y + 10Y, (70
Tiberius Caesar Lu3:1-2. The other tie point is a specified Sabbath)(1JubileeY/7Sabbath). Or (420+70+10). 500Y are
date when Solomon moved the Ark into Temple. That was 10 Jubilee cycles of 50Y each. The sum is 70 missed
after Solomons: .. 11th Y, in .. the 8th month, was the house Sabbaths + (40+390, no observed Y = 70 + 430 = 500Y.
finished (in) all the parts at the feast in the 7th month The 40Y & 390Y are judged by Ezekiel for Israel and
& it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the Judah not keeping Moses Law. Moses told of this time,
holy place,.. the cloud filled the house of the Lord, 1Kgs6:38, As long as the land lies desolate and waste, it shall have
8:2-4&10 (Feast) on the 15th day of the 7th month.. Lev23:34. rest, the rest it did not have in your Sabbaths when you
The 15th D of 7th M in 974BC by Hebrew observational dwelt upon it Lev26:34-35 Solomon Y40 in Y12 of
calendar is JD#1365962.8 & +1000 tropical years Ezekiel 430Years.
(365242.2D) brings to JD#1731205.0 or 27AD 11Oct.g or Here is touched on the canon of Astrologist Ptolemy that
D23M7 of observational Hebrew calendar. This 1000Y (by many) has been reckoned infallible. Ptolemy's Canon,
consist of 4 parts. A) Daniel 483Y from rebuild decree unto is a late compilation put together 600 or 700 years after
Christ or Anointed Prince, Dan9:25. B) The 70Y captivity for the events it tabulates, the absence of authentic data
land rest unto the rebuild decree, Dan9:1, 2Chr36:20-23, being made good by estimates of early Chronologist, who
Jer25:11-12 & 29:10.
C) The 430Y, Ezk4:4-6 of disobedience planned the scheme of the Chronology, and filled in the
was when land use Laws were not kept. D) a residual term intervals as best they could, using where necessary what
Clinton calls, the method of conjecture. The truth is, it is
during which Israel and Solomon kept Moses land use
not the starting point of the reckoning, but the Ptolemaic
rules. The sum of Ezekiels 430Y of disobedience + Chronology which is in error, and that by the space of
Jeremiahs 70Y punishment by captivity is 500Y. This can (about) 82 years. See Hyperlink references.
be verified by Moses Law for Hebrew Agriculture. 11
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong 12
Chronology Abe to Caleb/ EVENT Abe Isaac Jacob Levi Joseph Kohath Amram Moses Joshua Caleb
Abraham & Father Depart Ur Act7.2,6 13:20 19
Leave Haran to Shechem get Covenant 75 Ge12:1-4 Father sire.age sired die age Exodus
Ishmael Born to Hagar, dies 137Yr 86 Ge16:3,16 Levi 41 Kohath 137 unto
Establish Circumscision Ishmail 13Yr 99 Ge17.24-25 Kohath 80 Amram 133 Temple
Covenant Confirm Abe-Sarah by Isaac 6 100 0 Ge21.5 Amram 82 Moses 137 dedi-
Isaac&Fathers Chosen@Mt.MoriahY 125 25 Ge22.17
Sarah die age 127 at Years Old Ge23.1 137 37 FatherYr=Sire.Age+SibbYR Ussher
Isaac Marry Rebecca Ge25.20 140 40 (Isaac &Ishmael bury Abraham) Sedar
Jacob born Ge25.26 160 60 0 Aaron 3Y older than Moses Olam
Abraham death start oppression T 175 75 15 Ge25.7 Aaron die same year as Moses Jones
flee Esau wrath2 PadanAram.Ge31.41 237 137 77
Levi Born to Jacob in Padam Ge29:34 247 147 87 0 Kohath born in Canaan:
Joseph born Padan Aram to Jacob 251 151 91 4 0 Ge30.25 Gen46:8-11
Jacob depart Padan Aram to Canaan 257 157 97 10 6 Ge31.41 450Yr from Choosing unto
Joseph slaved into Egypt Ge37.2 268 168 108 21 17 Distribute Land by LotsY
Isaac die n Canaan: Esau, Jacob bury 280 180 120 33 29 Ge35.28 Abraham Year =175+400-450 =125
Joseph is Egypt Viceroy Ge41:46 281 181 121 34 30 Acts7:6, 13:17-21Y
Kohath born in Canaan b4 Merari.Ge46.8,11 288 188 128 41 37 0 240 Yr in Egypt O
Israel.Levi.Kohath go Egypt Gen46:8-11O 290 190 130 43 39 2 EXo 430Yr frm Isaac6
Jacob die in Egypt Ge47.28 307 207 147 60 56 19 400 Yr from Abe die unto
Joseph die in Egypt Ge50.26 361 261 201 114 110 73 'return here' T
Amram Born in Egypt Ex6.18 368 268 208 121 117 80 0 Gen15:13-16 T
Levi Die in Egypt Ex6.16-20 384 284 224 137 133 96 16
Kohath Die in Egypt, Ex6.18 421 321 261 174 170 133 53 Ex12:40-41 6
Moses Born2 Amram in Egypt Ex6.20 450 350 290 203 199 162 82 0
Amram die in Egypt, Acts7:30 Ex6.20 505 405 345 258 254 217 137 55
Moses & Israel depart Egypt Ex12:41 6 O 530 430 370 283 279 242 162 80 45 40
Moses Dies, Israel Crosses Jordan Du34:7 570 470 410 323 319 282 202 120 85 80
Canaan Return.400Yr aftr Abe dieTY 575 475 415 328 324 287 207 125 90 85
Joshua dies Caleb death unkn Jo24.29 595 495 435 348 344 307 227 145 110 105
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, July 2017 Otis Armstrong
Time From Isaac Birth to Cannan Entry also confirms Exodus Date by 400 & 430 year markers..

<------ Sojurn in EGYPT -------------> wildern's Canaan

<-Isaac2Jake 60Y >|< Jake2Egy pt 130Y->

<-190 Years n Canaan-> <-------- 240 YEARS in Egypt --------> <- 40y -> <5y >
<-430 YEARS from Covenant Confirmed by Isaac Birth unto Exodus -> <-40y-> <5y >
<- Isaac Birth to <(@age15Y) Jacob, Levi, Kohath=1GEgy ->Kohath&Amram=2G ->Amram&Aaron=3G ->Aaron & Eleazar=4G Ntoclusive ->

Abe's death -> Abe die 2Egy <------ Sojurn in EGYPT -------------> wildern's Canaan
|<--75 Y--->| <- 115 Y --> <-------- 240 YEARS in Egypt --------> <- 40y -> <5y>
<peace years> <400 Oppressed Years & in 4th Generation return to Canaan->
From Jacob birth until Abraham death, there were Look and see if Gen5:3-5:28 do not number 1056 years
years of peace. The oppression term is taken to mean from Adam unto Noah. Search and find that from Noah
conflict & oppression after Abe's death (your unto Abraham 100th year are numbered 1052 years by
descendants) until & into the return again. For Gen5:32, 11:10-32, 12:4, & 21:5. By this method are found
Abraham had established a peace treaty with 1918.5 years from birth of Isaac unto Baptism of the
Canaanites, Gen 20:14 to 22:19. After Abraham death Christ This bible record contains 4026.5 years from
there was conflict over the water wells of Beersheba Adam unto the 2nd Adam. The Lamb who was slain from
Gen26:15-32. By 5th year of the 7 year conquest of foundation of the world said, The Law and Prophets
Canaan, it was clear who had the upper hand. During were unto John and since then, the Kingdom of God.
wilderness time there were conflicts as some nations So by this 4,000 years prior was this world founded to
refused Israel passage or other oppressions. redeem men from Adams sin at age 26.5.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong r10/4
Bob Pickle: Date & Day Review: 69 Week Theory by Anderson/Hoehner/Ice et-al for 33AD Crucify
There is a
four, (4), day Day Start Date -J Start Date-G End Date -J End Date -G Day Elapsed True Days
discrepancy Ref DOW Julian Gregorian Julian Gregorian DOW Day.G Day.T
to the days 1 Fri 13Mar444BC 08Mar444BC 29Mar33AD 27Mar33AD Sun 173876 173876
reported by
Hoehner & 2 Fri 13Mar444BC 08Mar444BC 03Apr33AD 01Apr33AD Fri 173880 173880
Ice. (Julian 3 Thur 05Mar444BC 28Feb444BC 30Mar33AD 28Mar33AD Mon 173884 173884
year =365.25 4 Thur 02April444BC 28Mar444BC 23April33AD 21April33AD Thur 173880 173880
D & Gregorian
365.2425D Basis: 69weeks =483 years times 360day/Year =173,880 Jul. solar days from Start to End
The year 33 AD is considered a possible year for The new crescent could not have been seen before
Christ's crucifixion. Is it feasible to start with 444 BC the evening of Saturday, April 18, in 33 AD. This
and end in 33 AD by Jewish calendar rules? The makes Nisan 1 fall on Sunday, April 19, or perhaps a
answer is NO. Counting backward from a proposed day later, and Nisan 5 on Thursday, April 23, or
crucifixion date in March of 33 AD, ends up with perhaps a day later. Thus Thursday, April 23J,33AD,
Passover around March 18 in 444 BC, Julian date, could not have been Palm Sunday on Nisan 10.
corresponding to Gregorian date of March 13, Ref2. Worse yet, Nisan 14 would have fallen on Saturday,
However, there is no way that Passover is May 2, or perhaps a day later. But if Nisan 14 fell on
celebrated eight days before the spring equinox, a Saturday or Sunday in 33 AD, how could Christ
03/27J. That is way too early. Thus 03April 33 have died on a Friday if He died in that year? Even a
cannot work either. One must settle for a Nisan 1 hypothetical Wednesday crucifixion does not work
that fell no earlier than April 3, 444 BC, Ref4. That when Nisan 14 falls on a Saturday or Sunday. The
was the evening of April 2, weather permitting, that only two possible schemes to make dispensational
the new crescent was first seen, which would make interpretations of the 69 weeks work is to start
April 3 Nisan 1. Counting inclusively as Anderson either in 445 or 444 BC. If neither one fits, as they
suggested, 173,880 days later, brings us to Thursday, most certainly do not, Anderson's 69 week theory is
April 23, 33 AD, Ref4. proven false. Jesus ate Passover & was not slain on Passover!
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Judgment of Forty Years typed by Forty Days & of Joshua, Jonah, and Jesus
Ref 40 year Judgment of Jesus on Israel 40 Year Judgment of Moses & Joshua Ref
Jesus with 11 Disciples teach kingdom for Joshua with 11 others spy out promised
Ref1 RefA
forty, 40, days after resurrection land for 40 days. Jonah: Yet 40 days
Only Jesus, apostles, and Church say yes to Only Joshua, Caleb, and Moses inner
Ref2 the Kingdom of God as shown by Passover circle say yes to power of God as shown RefB
of Jesus death by Passover of Moses
those who reject Jesus and apostles those who reject Moses & Joshua called
Ref3 RefC
pronounced as wicked and evil generation wicked and evil generation
A 40 year judgment pronounced upon the A 40 year judgment pronounced upon
Ref4 wicked and evil doubting generation, a year the wicked and evil doubting RefD
for each day, 40 days & judgment generation, a year for each day
30AD starts judgment w/rejection of God's Judgment starts with rejection of God's
Ref5 RefE
power to deliver & save at Stephen stoning power to deliver & save, giants v bugs
judgment ends by gospel unto all world thru judgment ends by gospel unto all the
Ref6 RefF
New Israel, promised land entry (70AD) world thru Israel entry to promised land
New Joshua, Jesus, kept Promise of entry Joshua led Promised Land entry 400
Ref7 RefG
4000 years after expulsion from Eden years after promise given to Abraham
that which has been shall be and there is nothing new under the sun
Jesus stated, a wicked and evil generation seeks a sign, but Jewish Talmud records many omens of demise for 40 years
none shall be given save the sign of Jonah. That sign was, prior to the Temple destruction. Some say this 40 period
repent or in 40 days judgment. The wicked evil unbelieving runs from baptism unto 70AD. If so then this would be the
generation of Moses shows the year for day principle. They post dated prophecy in scripture. For Jesus declared the
show Jesus words declared a 40 year span unto judgment. Jonah sign after Johns death, not at the beginning of
Jesus vineyard parables also indicated this judgment. Jesus ministry.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD
Decree Started, 69 of 7's Jesus Baptized Stephen Stoned Temple Burnt
Years to Baptize=483.00 Years to Stephen = 3.50 Years= 40.00 365.242
Greg. Date Start Days Greg. Date Days Greg. Date Days Greg. Date End
11Feb457bc 176412 10Feb27ad 1278 11Aug30ad 14610 70AD 11Aug
Stephens stoning was the final rejection of Yshua by Yahudah. Yahs wrath at rejection of His Grand Passover
started the judgment clock. A similar act of disbelief some 1500 years earlier also triggered a 40 year judgment
upon Yahudah. The overspreading of abominations by the priesthood made the city and temple desolate. The
certainty of Temple destruction date is greater, than any other bible date, 5 to 10 August 70AD.
Counting backward 40 years from Temple destruction "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous
(inclusive end 11Aug70AD) dates the stoning of Stephen. words against this holy place and the law; for we
Then 3.5 years prior is Jesus baptism date. The end of have heard him say; that this Jesus of Nazareth will
Daniels 69th week, is taken as date for Jesus baptism. destroy this place and change the customs which
The date of Temple Destruction is well documented: Moses delivered to us. Acts6. Indeed Jesus did weep
Within hours, the temple was destroyed, August 10, over Jerusalem, saying For days will come upon you
70AD, which was on 15 Av (Ab), not 9 Av of Talmudic when your enemies will build an embankment
tradition. The wicked Generation warning of Jonah is around you, surround you and close you in on every
understood to be Jesus 40 year prophecy of Jerusalem side, and level you, and your children within you, to
destruction. Counting 40 years back gives August 11, the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone
30AD. This being the likely date when Stephen was stoned upon another, because you did not know the time of
and the Elders of the Temple rejected flatly the Gospel. your visitation."Then He went into the temple and
For is found: Then they secretly induced men to say, "We began to drive out those who bought and sold in it
have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses (overflowing abominations). A confirmation of Jesus
and God." And they stirred up the people, the elders, and Baptism and Crucify date is obtained by count back-
the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and ward from 10Feb 27AD Baptism to implementation
brought him to the council. They also set up false of Rebuild Decree, 457-458 BC, by the numbered
witnesses who said, weeks (69) of Daniel..
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14

From Jesus Baptism to Resurrection unto Temple Burnt in 70 AD, a total of 40 + 3.5 = 43.5 years
Jesus Baptized to Resurrection to Ascension at Day 40 Stephen Stoned unto Temple
Resurrection 40Day end to Stephen Stoned Temple Fire Burnt
Years=3.15 Years=0.11 Years=0.24 Years=40.00 365.242
Start Date Days date Days date Days date Days Date End
10Feb27ad 1137 7April30ad 40 17May30ad 86 11Aug30ad 14600 70AD 11Aug
This narrative takes the midweek time (3.5 year) to end Proponents of 33 AD resurrection date will try say
with Stephen stoning in 30AD and start with Jesus Messiah was revealed by crucifixion after 69 weeks. But
baptism on 10Feb27AD. The time from Baptism in 27AD after the Hoehner-Ice et-al theory of 444BC and 173880
unto Sunday resurrection on 7April30AD is 1137 days or days was disproven, they still try hang on to a 7 year
3.15 years. This corresponds to 5April30AD as a Friday postponement by other means. Like saying the 40 year
crucifixion. After resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with judgment (30 to 70AD) covers a time span from Baptism.
the Apostles & others before Ascension on 17May 30ad. I am not aware of postdating prophesy. For Jesus
The disciples spent another 10 days awaiting the Holy judgments against Jerusalem came during the latter part
Spirit. Thus from Pentecost unto St. Stephen stoning are of His ministry, not at start. Another goody by 33AD
76 days. Given the mighty working of the Holy Spirit at proponents is that Jesus was revealed on Palm Sunday,
that time the interval events are feasible; There then again a wrong narrative. For John said behold the Lamb
elapsed 40 years unto Temple destruction in 70AD. of God at baptism; God himself declared behold My
During these 40 years the Babylonian Talmud Soncino ver beloved Son and Luke in Acts1, of all that Jesus began to
Yoma 39B records: during the last 40 years before the say and do from the time He was baptized until , and
temple destruction various omens and portents occurred also The Law and Prophets were until John, since then
on a regular basis such as odd lot came up every year, the the Kingdom Then count on the 33AD lot to never
menorah burnt irregular, huge temple doors open mention a possible co-regal date of Tiberius Caesars 15th
themselves, crimson strings no longer turned white. year. For that would affix the possible baptism year to
These & other 40 year foreshadows of destruction something between 26 & 27AD. What webs we weave
Josephus also recorded. when first we start to deceive.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
A better narrative of Palm Sunday is that of presenting the paschal This was to keep the inspection ordinance. Year after year this
lamb 4 days prior to Passover. Then Jesus six days before the custom was dramatized on the fourth day prior to Passover.
Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, Inside the city, the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims had flocked
whom he raised from the dead. On the next day many came to the to the city, Each one bringing a palm frond or cedar bough, they
feast, when they heard of Jesus being in Jerusalem, Taking branches had collected in route to the Holy City. When Caiaphas, the high
of palm trees they meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King priest entered the Damascus Gate bringing the selected lamb by
of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. Pilgrims by the his side, the priests at the gate began shouting, Hosanna to the
hundreds of thousands were thronging into the city. The pilgrims in Highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
route would collect palm branches to bring with them in anticipation Blessed be the kingdom of our father David that is coming!
of the messiah. At the temple, they awaited and watched for the Hosanna in the Highest! Upon hearing the shout the people in
coming of the messiah. The whole populace anticipated Yahshua the city, those in other part of the city, ran out into the street, also
(Jesus) would come to the feast. Also the chief priests and Pharisees bringing their fronds and started shouting, Hosanna in the
were also waiting, for if anyone knew where he was, the word was Highest! We now have a whole group of disciples, a mother
out that he should report it, so that the temple leaders might seize donkey and her two-three years old colt. A blanket is put over the
him. It was on the evening prior to the day of the lamb selection by colt and Yahshua quietly puts his hand on the colts mane. He
the High Priest, Jesus made special preparations with his disciples for mounts and they begin the descent into the Kidron Valley into the
the events of the next day. Jesus knew that on the fourth day before city. In unison, the disciples begin to shout, Hosanna in the
the Passover, the High Priest was to leave the city through the North Highest! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of our Lord! The
Gate as he went to the sheep herds and inspected the yearling flock flocks of pilgrims join in the chant as Jesus and the disciples went
for the most perfect lamb of the season. Within the city of Jerusalem, around the northern part of the Temple Mount, towards the Gate
the crowds of pilgrims were in anticipation of a great procession with of Damascus. In the meantime, the Caiaphas, the High Priest, has
the arrival of the Pesach Lamb. Every year, four days before Passover, now exited the Northern Damascus Gate and was heading out to
a vast entourage of priests would file out of the Herods Temple. the the fields to inspect the flocks of yearling lambs. The chant
procession of hundreds of priests paraded out of the western gate intensified, the priests at the Gate hear the chant and began to
entrance, where the vast temple market place, the Bazaar of Hanan shout, Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is He who comes in the
(Annas the Elder) was located. There they walked down Robinsons Name of our Lord! Suddenly, the priests at the gate realize, they
Arch, as they connected with the main North-west street of have been fooled. This was not the return of the High Priest. This
Jerusalem, the Damascus street going to the North Gate, known as was Rabbi Yahshua and his disciples. Some of the Pharisees, the
the Damascus Gate. The procession entered the Upper City. The dogmatic sticklers of church protocol and defining the letter of the
priests began to line the sides of the Damascus street, two by two, truth, challenged Jesus, Teacher, rebuke your disciples. Jesus
maintaining positions on either side of the street,. As the priests shouts back to them over the swelling cries of the multitude, If
positioned themselves, the High Priest and his entourage made its these were silent, the very stones would cry out. Over the next 4
way north to the North Gate. Outside the city they inspected the days before Passover Jesus was inspected & flawless offered as
flocks of yearling lambs to find the most perfect lamb. the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Does this Impact 7 year tribulation Period? Prophetic Time; 1Year=360days=12Mo Ref value unit row
As shown in this table and Graph, the answer Accomplished to scatter power of holy people Dan12.7 3.5 time A
is NO. The seven sacred years of 360 days of Domination of the little horn over the saints Dan7.25 3.5 time B
12 30 day months is firmly affixed in Daniel and Nations shall see two witnesses dead bodies Rev11.9 3.5 day c
Revelation, irrespective of the interpretation of Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness. Rev12.14 3.5 time D
Treading under foot of the Holy City Rev11.2 42.0 mo E
Daniel 9. Also it does not impact the references
Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head Rev13.5 42.0 mo F
to the antichrist for those references are Prophesying of the two witnesses Rev11.3 1260 day G
contained in Daniel Chapter 12, not Daniel Woman's flight from the serpent Rev12.6 1260 day H
Chapter 9. The below timeline graph is Sacrifice away unto abomination of desolation Dan12.11 1290 day I
hypothetical. It is this writers idea that Time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335 day J
tribulation likely starts between April or Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300 day K
August 2016. Years to complete Solomon Temple 1Kgs6.38 7.0 year Q

A residual week period?

The residual half week time
of 3.5 solar years is fitted
after the 1000 year millennial
reign. For then the earth
goes from peace to war
mode. For Satan is released
from his pit for a short time.
This short time is the time to
deceive the nations to go
from peace to war. There
must be a finite time to
retool peace technology into
war technology. This is the
42 solar months as depicted
on Larkins timeline.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
This table gives various dates for start of Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year
Tribulation, last column. The tribulation date is
determined by adding 3000 years to Jesus
Basis Baptz Postpone Yr Trib Yr AD
Baptism date /col2/ then subtracting the 458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263
postponed time of Daniels 70 weeks /col3/,
then subtracting the 1000 year Millennial
457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263
Sabbath, and subtracting 6.9 years of tribulation LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700
time. The 458BC & 457BC years are baptism 33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950
dates 483 years after the rebuild decree of
Daniel chapter 9. The postponed years are the LSM.Norm 27.30 3.05 2017.350
last residual years of Daniels 490 years. They 70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710
are 70 less time to baptism less time to Messiah
without the city. For the 33AD 69 week option mid October 2016 all Avg 2016.873
the last week is solar time of seven 360 day late march 2016 norm Avg 2016.307
years. The LSM, Least Squares Method, of
consensus forecasting is discussed in the paper
9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710
15th Year of Tiberius Caesar. LSM.norm is the The 9th Av 2016 date results from this work. It is
baptism year by normalized average. The highly favored because 9Av is a tragic date for
70AD40Yr baptism date is that found by this Yahudah as implied by Zechariah 14 for Tribulation
paper. upon them and our Holy City during Tribulation
The average tribulation start date for all 6 items years. All dates are without expressed or implied
is October 2016. Because LSM.all exceeds The warranty neither does Tribulation start date say
Balfour Century Date of 2017, it is dropped to when the rapture may or may not happen. I favor a
find a normalized average Tribulation start date pretribulation rapture but have no firm indicator
of March 2016. how much pre it ism.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
The Balfour Century, 1917 - 2017
Generation Year Age Year Ref 2
Ref 1
Consider the fig tree Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put forth

1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 7, 1st Zionist Return Conference
Termination 120 x Jubile Matt24
earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - Century 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption Gen5&6&7 first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)
4. Judgment Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we after that the full corn in the ear (4)
may apply our hearts unto wisdom

When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see the fig tree
start to put forth its branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jewrusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to
make an end
As of this writing (July 2014), it very much appears that all the earth & especially the church are in a 3.5 year pre-jubilee
window called, the time of the latter rain for a wonderful ingathering harvest.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14

Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in the divine calendar
allows mapping all other seven days into Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the precise
counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc, all concur to within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The birth
of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic documentation. The Biblical Seven Days of Creation
teach us to consider that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and make a new creation in seven
days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time
the heaven
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son Gal4.4 a time to every purpose
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock
finish the transgression
a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his
Acts 1.7 There are times reserved to just God the Father
own power (the secret things)
You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; Jesus scorned people for not understanding the
but how is it that ye do not discern this time? season
that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time
which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a
Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time
year, for to slay the third
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all
there is an appointed time as declared in
things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets Acts 3.21
since the world began
Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake
1Thes5.4 we can know the times
you as a thief
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living
and so that day come upon you unawares.
But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, we can do correctly, everyone can know, read
that you may do it. in context

Have you considered that God told Abraham in 400 years, in 4th generation his offspring would return and possess the PROMISED
Land & 40 years determined to make end of the evil generation & Ezekiel foretold Israels Apostasy would be exactly 430 years
before judgment & Jeremiah foretold 70 years captivity until return was allowed & in 69 7s from end of 70 years that Messiah would
come & in 70 7s would be everlasting righteousness & that for 1000 years will peace on earth and that for 2 times 1260 days will be
punishment upon all the earth? The secret things are the Lords but that revealed unto us are ours to do and keep.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14

This chart is included because some like to say earth is in the tribulation time now. But have of the worlds
population died, or all the earth moved, or 1/3 of all sea life gone? These tribulation events will be cataclysmic and
better viewed as an observer from heaven than as a participant
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Calendar program notes 33AD Lunar Eclipse Notes
Julian and Gregorian dates have same day of week & year, but
The 33AD proponents like to tout a (PARTIAL -
different month date. Take, for example, some dates selected by
above) lunar Eclipse of Passover on April 3
Drs Hoehner & Ice as corresponding to:
33AD, ad nauseas. Such event has no
A) Tuesday April 7 444bc Julian corresponds to Gregorian April 2, 444bc
B) Thursday Mar5 444bc is Thursday & Gregorian = Feb28, 444bc scriptural basis. To the contrary the 33AD
C) Mar30 33AD is Monday & Gregorian is Mar28, 33AD Monday eclipse is a proof Christ was NOT crucified in
D) April 28, 33AD is Tuesday & Gregorian is Tuesday April26 33ad 33 AD. A careful reading of gospel accounts
The Hoehner & Ice et-al theory takes 483 years of 360 days/year shows absolutely NO mention of a crucifixion
or 173880 days and attempts to remap that time span in a Solar blood moon nor any other lunar phenomena.
calendar of years. Their selected dates were (gFeb28,444bc) & There are ample mentions of light conditions
(g Mar28,33AD). But Gregorian days between calendar dates B during this time:
& C is 173884 days by either java calendar or by Julian day length of time Christ was on the cross, start and
subtraction. Thus there is a 4 day discrepancy to the days end
reported by Hoehner & Ice. The Passover should fall after spring mention of complete darkness during the crucifixion
equinox. The Julian Calendar has 365.25 days per year. time of day when the body was requested
Hoehner used 365.2422 days per year or mean tropical rounded time of day when Mary went to visit the tomb and
days per year. the light conditions, early in morning, while yet dark
Gregorian proleptic calendar is 365.2425days & error 1d/4kY. time when the guards were requested
For bible times the Spring Equinox is always on 21 March, But in none of these event will one find even
Gregorian. This date floats in Julian cal (325.25dy/yr) for the the slightest mention of any non routine lunar
Julian calendar does not match solar year. Any proposed phenomena.
Passover prior to March 21 Gregorian is likely in error. This should be sufficient proof to anyone who
Julian days the difference in JYD & GYD is by Cfdays = 2.11- follows scripture that the event did NOT
0.0076CEj, CEj is Julian date corrected to CE, 1BC=0CE, CE BC happen near any lunar eclipse. Such a natural
is negative or 0. In 278AD Julian and Gregorian were same date. event would detract from supernatural. The
Astronomical years are numbered with a zero. Determination of lunar eclipse on Passover 33AD, the lack of
year convention in calendar programs is seen by entering zero as scriptural mention for such event, and vivid
a year. If the program date accepts zero then those years are not light condition descriptions by scripture, more
Julian nor Gregorian. Astronomical (aka BCE) BC dates are one aptly indicates 33AD is not correct date of this
year prior to Julian or Gregorian years. event.
The Seven Covenant Days between God & Man: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r.Ju14

Introduction: This topic looks at the biblical seven days of determined time from a
covenant perspective. This is to mitigate errors related to finding the determined time of
the age of man or Anno Mundi. TBC perspective is there are seven redemption days of
a thousand years each. These days relate to the Creators dealings with fallen man to
make a new heaven and earth. The 7k years start at Gods redemptive covenant upon
mans fall and end with the abolition of Time and sin. Then Satan is eternally bound and
the New Jerusalem is established marks the abolition of time. Taking time to be linear,
we have a ruler 7 units long to be mapped into a Gregorian calendar. Fixation of a
singular point should map all other units into Gregorian years. The selected singular
point is Saint Johns Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordon:
Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar (1),
3974BC arrives at 4004AM as most often used by
Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea (2), Herod being tetrarch of
others. This 30 may be taken as age of Adam at time
Galilee (3), his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and the region of
of 1st Covenant. Day.1: Adamic (3974BC), Day.2:
Trachonitis (4), and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene (5) , while Annas
Rainbow (2974BC), Day.3 Abrahamic (1974BC), Day.4
and Caiaphas were high priests (6) , the word of God came to John
Temple (974BC), Days.5 & 6 (27 & 2027AD) Christ &
the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. And he went into all the
Church-Temple, Day.7 Rest unto 3027, Day 8 Begin
region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for
the remission of sins When all the people were baptized, it
Eternity. Remove a future one thousand year reign of
came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed,
the Millennium, a future seven sacred years of
the heaven was opened. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily
tribulation, and a future 3.5 years from whence Satan
form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which
is loosed to gather all nations against Jerusalem to
said, "You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased." Now
bring in everlasting righteousness and eternity.
Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age,
These future times are about 1010 years. Subtract this
being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli,
This year of Jesus Baptism is most often taken as 27AD from 3027 to arrive at 2017+/- 2 years. The remaining
from which Christ established the Kingdom of God. From time is short indeed, between 2 and 6 years hence
this point; 4 days were past (unto 3974BC) and 3 days from 2013. R U prepared?
were future, unto 3027AD. Adding 30 years prior to
3974BC <- The Balfour Century (TBC) & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
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Start of first covenant for redemption of fallen mankind

also is the start for seven thousand years of determined
redemption time. It is likely that mankind released his title
of earth dominion to fallen principalities by giving into their
temptation. The yielded temptation was to join leagues
with these fallen powers. The rebellious 1/3 of angels were
cast away for seeking to make themselves equals to
Jehovah. As misery desires companionship, Eve was
likewise tempted by the devil; does not Jehovah know that
in the day when you partake the forbidden, that you will be
an equal? Eat! For you shall not die by partaking the
forbidden. From that instant forward Jehovah has been
calling after mankind to return. For as by one, death
passed to all, so by the promised redeemer of the 1st
covenant may all return to eternal life. And I will put
enmity between you and the woman, and between your
offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will
strike his heel." One aspect of the vineyard parable points
to this determined time, a certain owner let out his
vineyard and went away a long time .. Notice the word is a
long time not forever, which again alludes to a pre-
determined time. Specifically seven thousand years.
Possibly it is erroneous to define Anno Mundi or age of
man starting from the creation. Scripture is but a love story
of a jilted lover (Jehovah) calling out to his lost beloved.

The testimony of scripture is of a faithful God towards unfaithful humanity, Adam where are you? Soon the final chapter shall be
penned, happy shall we be, if found good stewards of our talents upon his return. The quest here posed is: can we find other days of
mans times penned in redemption promises?

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Rainbow Covenant was given after the passage of flood waters over the earth
(around 2342BC). The rainbow, dove, and olive branch are universal symbols of
peace. These are apt symbols to signify the end of an age of violence. For we are
told the destruction of the flood was visited upon earths inhabitants because
mans thoughts and actions towards his fellow man were continuously violent
towards his neighbor. Doubtless there was also an abundance of covetousness as
seen exhibited by certain greedy nations of this present hour. Were it not for the
coming soon judgments upon earth, humanity would shortly war themselves to
extinction. It was to this end God declared his peace:
And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an
olive leaf plucked off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off
the earth. And Noah built an altar unto the LORD; ... and the LORD said in his
heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for mans sake; for the
imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite
any more everything living, as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime
and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night
shall not cease. And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, Be
fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. I set My rainbow in the
cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every
living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to
destroy all flesh.
The year 2974BC marks Lamechs 152.5 year or 29.5 years before Noes birth. At
which point Gen6:3-8 notes there were Giants in the earth for the Sons of God came
into the daughters of men & God saw the wickedness of man great every
imagination evil only and it repents Me I have made them & I will destroy man, beast,
the creeping thing, and the fouls of the air; but Noah found grace. This was the start
of the Rainbow Covenant Era in 2974BC.
By the Chronicle of St. Jeromes reckoning there were 942 years from The Flood unto Abrahams birth or 1000 years from the flood
unto Abrahams 58th year. This could also be viewed as 1000 years from Abes 75th year unto the re-establishment of civilized life
under the Rainbow Covenant after the flood. Jerome & Eusebius dates are thought to be based on the Samaritan Torah . Maybe this
alternative text gives us room to better comprehend the ancient flood era.
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Covenant of Abraham
And he answered, Brethren and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to our
forefather Abraham when he was still in Mesopotamia, before he [went to] live in Haran,
And He said to him, Leave your own country and your relatives and come into the land
(region) that I will point out to you. So then he went forth from the land of the Chaldeans
and settled in Haran. And from there, after his father died, [God] transferred him to this
country in which you are now dwelling. Acts 7:2-4 AMP

Now the Lord had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, from your family and from your
father's house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you
and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I
will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. So
Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was
seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. And they departed to go to the land
of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan. Abram passed through the land to the place
of Shechem, as far as the terebinth tree of Moreh. And the Canaanites were then in the land.
Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your descendants I will give this land."...And
behold Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven, and count the
stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be.
And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

From Abes calling at age 18.5 unto Solomons Temple anointing is about 1000 years thusly:
Abe 18.5th year to Isaac at 100Y is 81.5 years. From Isaac to Exodus is 430 years. From
Exodus to Solomon Temple dedication is 488.5. The sum of these comes to 81.5+430+488.5
= 1,000 years. From the 1462 BC Exodus unto Solomon Temple anointing and consecration
is 488.5 year in 974 BC. This chronology is given in tables of the appendix.
From 27AD there are marked 2 covenant days unto Abes calling in 1974BC and one day
forward from 1974BC is 974BC. From 974BC unto Christ Baptism in 27AD, there are 1000
years. Two days prior to Abes calling is the Adamic Covenant in 3974BC and one day
forward from 3974 is the start of Rainbow covenant in year 2974, precisely one day prior to
the Abrahamic covenant in 1974BC. TBC timeline diagrams these events.

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Covenant of Temple (Christ Body or Eucharist) of the Seven 1000 Year Days of Covenants read thusly
Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord.. and spread out his hands toward heaven;
and he said: "Lord God of Israel, there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like
You, who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your servants who walk before You with all
their hearts. You have kept what You promised Your servant David my father; You have
both spoken with Your mouth and fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day. Therefore,
Lord God of Israel, now keep what You promised Your servant David my father, saying,
'You shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of Israel, only if your sons take
heed to their way, that they walk before Me as you have walked before Me. And now I
pray, O God of Israel, let Your word come true, which You have spoken to Your servant
David my father. But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the heaven of
heavens cannot contain You. How much less this temple which I have built! Yet regard the
prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O Lord my God, and listen to the cry and the
prayer which Your servant is praying before You today: that Your eyes may be open
toward this temple night and day, toward the place of which You said, 'My name shall be
there,' that You may hear the prayer which Your servant makes toward this place. And may
You hear the supplication of Your servant and of Your people Israel, when they pray toward
this place. Hear in heaven Your dwelling place; and when You hear, forgive. "When anyone
sins against his neighbor, .. then hear in heaven, and act, and judge Your servants,
condemning the wicked, bringing his way on his head, and justifying the righteous by
giving him according to his righteousness. "When Your people Israel are defeated before
an enemy because they have sinned against You, and when they turn back to You and
confess Your name, and pray and make supplication to You in this temple, then hear in
heaven, and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them back to the land which
You gave to their fathers. "When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because
they have sinned against You, when they pray toward this place and confess Your name,
and turn from their sin because You afflict them, then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin
of Your servants, .. and send rain on Your land which You have given to Your people as an
inheritance. "When there is famine in the land, pestilence or blight or mildew, locusts or grasshoppers;
When their enemy besieges them in the land of their cities; whatever plague or whatever sickness there is; whatever prayer,
whatever supplication is made by anyone, or by all Your people Israel, when each one knows the plague of his own heart, and
spreads out his hands toward this temple: then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and act, and give to everyone
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according to all his ways, .. "Moreover, concerning a foreigner, who is not of Your people
Israel, .. when he comes and prays toward this temple, hear in heaven Your dwelling place,
and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You, that all peoples of the earth may
know Your name and fear You, as do Your people Israel, and that they may know that this
temple which I have built is called by Your name. "When Your people go out to battle against
their enemy, wherever You send them, and when they pray to the Lord toward the city which
You have chosen and the temple which I have built for Your name, then hear in heaven their
prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause. .. yet when they come to themselves
in the land where they were carried captive, and repent, and make supplication to You ..
saying, 'We have sinned and done wrong, we have committed wickedness'; .. then hear in
heaven .. their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause, and forgive Your
people .. grant them compassion before those who took them captive, ..For You separated
them from among all the peoples of the earth to be Your inheritance, .. "Blessed be the Lord,

who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised. There has not
failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses. ..
And may these words, .. be near the Lord our God day and night, that He may maintain the
cause of .. His people.. as each day may require, .. Let your heart therefore be loyal to the
Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day.

Using 27AD as a basis, then from Abes calling at age 18.5 unto Solomons Temple dedication
is about 1000 years thusly: Abe 18.5th year to Isaac at 100Y is 81.5 years. From Isaac to Exodus
is 430 years. From Exodus to Solomon Temple dedication is 488.5 years. The sum of these
comes to 81.5+430+488.5 = 1,000 years. From Exodus in 1462 BC to Solomon Temple
anointing and consecration is 488.5 year, or 974 BC. From 974 BC unto Christ Anointing of His
bodily Temple in 27AD is also 1000 years.
If one follows Ussher pp6280-89, He also places Christ baptism in year 27AD, 6288. But
Ussher placed 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, etc to Oct 19, 26AD as the start of
Saint Johns work, Jesus 30th year, start of the Kingdom of God, and as 30th Jubilee.
(pp6280-83) P6. The effects of such variants have little effect on Tribulation start and are considered in this Table..
The means by which it is found to be 1000 years or 1 millennial day from Solomon Temple Anointing unto Christ Anointing are given in
this Appendix Table of Temple millennium.

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The covenant of Christ Kingdom of the Seven 1000 Year Days of Covenants read thusly
The covenant of Christ Kingdom is simply stated: For until John were the Law and prophets,
since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into (considered by) it.
The manifestation of Christ Kingdom by his baptism at river Jordon (circa 27AD) has given us a
new and better covenant by which we may boldly and directly come to the living God.
Acceptance of the blood of Christ is our once and for all time atonement, whereby we may now
boldly approach the throne of God.
For if the blood of goats and rams were able to clear the conscience of men, there would be no
need to yearly offer the same sacrifice. But the blood of Jesus is now our eternal peace with
God. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved but he that believes not is condemned
already. Why for without faith it is impossible to please God.
The good news is that just as with Abraham, he believed and it was counted to him as
righteousness, so our faith in Christ work is our right standing before God. The rite of baptism is
what separates the new from the old. Just as when Israel left Egypt (a type of the old life) their
baptism by passage thru the red sea completed their break with Egypt. After their passage thru
the baptism of the Red sea, the old life or Egypt was past and their passage into the land of
promise begun. The presence of God is our light and darkness upon sin that it may not follow us
thru the baptism. We were plainly told that the chariot wheels of sins pursuit fell off behind the
cloud of baptism and the new man passed over on dry ground or without resistance. Thus the
meaning of Christ as our eternal passed over to that new and better covenant. After all who
wants to be a slave to the furnace of sin? As written, I believed so thusly I speak. For with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation and with the heart man believes unto eternal
righteousness. It is our baptism which seals us unto the day of redemption. For many yearned to
see the day of Christ baptism but upon us who believe has the end of the ages appeared that we
may hold firmly to our redemption of eternal life and the joy of a cleansed conscience. For the
kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but love joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.

From Christ Baptism, about 27AD, through the Parousia unto the end of seven year tribulation
there are 1996.5 years. Seven years prior to end of the hidden kingdom age (before 2017) comes
the Parousia return and start of wrath. Jesus told the same day Lot departed Sodom fire came from heaven & again, when the door
of the Ark was closed came the flood of destruction upon the ungodly. The final half week of Daniel to bring in everlasting
righteousness and seal up prophesy is reserved until after the 1000 years, a total of 2000 kingdom work years.

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The covenant of Christ Kingdom of the Seven 1000 Year Days of Covenants

He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a
thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so
that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these
things he must be released for a little while. And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and
judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their
witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had
not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ
for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were
finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection.
Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall
reign with Him a thousand years. Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be
released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the
earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.
They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved
city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them. The devil, which deceived
them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And
they will be tormented day and night forever and ever

"Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression,
to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to
seal up (end) vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy.

This begs the question: does man not sin again in rebellion after the thousand year millennium? So
if this rebellion against The Kingdom is sin, then when is everlasting righteousness complete? It is
proposed that the final half week of Daniels 70 weeks is only complete when the devil is tormented
forever and ever, that is the end of sin for where did sin start or rather who is the source of sin?
Thus it is proposed that the seven thousand years of determined time runs from 3974BC unto
3027AD. Because the Sabbath rest is to be exactly 1,000 years, this final time from when man
goes from peace to war footing is assigned to the two kingdom work days that bring in everlasting
righteousness by the Messianic word of his sword.

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Appendix 1 Table A1 Determined Times

Start s D Time End e Start Event End Event Determined Time ref
747 BC 2520 1774 AD start era of Nabonassar & Babylon start of Democratic period France & USA Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
604 BC 2520 1917 AD start Nebocannessser era who sacked Jerusalem Start of The Balfour Century Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
587 BC 2520 1934 AD Babylonian breach of Jerusalem Hitler takes chancery & start mass Aliyah Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
457 BC 486.5 31 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Crucify (Cut off) the Christ Dan9:25 69.5 weeks
457 BC 483 27 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Baptism of Jesus at 30 years of age Messiah Dan9:24 69Weeks
457 BC 2300 1844 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Turkish Edict of Religion Toleration Dan. 8:14
533 AD 1260 1793 AD Emperor Justinian decree establish papal rule French Revolution zenith &open Napoleon era Dan.7:8 the 1260 days
610 AD 1260 1870 AD Decree of Phocas confirmed by Vitallian Decree Franco Prussian war starts end of Rome dominion Dan.7:8 the 1260days
637 AD 1335 1972 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site start end of abomination Jerusalem united Dan12:12 1335 days
637 AD 1290 1927 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site Balfour mandate end of 3rd Aliyah Dan12:11 1290 days
637 AD 1260 1897 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site 1st World Zionist Conf. Start end Diaspora Dan.7:8 the 1260days
663 AD 1260 1923 AD Decree of Vitallian on Papal rule debauchery of the roaring 20's Dan.7:8 the 1260days
1897 AD 120 2017 AD 1st. Zionist Conference Max Nordau End of The Balfour Century (TBC) Gen6.3 z120 generation lifespan
1917 AD 100 2017 AD Balfour Declaration & judgment generation End of The Balfour Century Gen15:13-15 100 year generation
1947 AD 70 2017 AD UN 181 sets Israel Borders & Psalms generation End of The Balfour Century Ps90:10 z70 year generation
1967 AD 50 2017 AD Jerusalem retaken by Six Day War End of The Balfour Century Jubilee years time span
1973 AD 44 2017 AD Yom Kippur Arab War firms borders End of The Balfour Century Approx wilderness generation
1982 AD 35 2017 AD Israel Lebanon End of The Balfour Century Shortest generation
1TBC.TLclc 2 Go page 1 GoP7 The Balfour Century: 1917 2017. Jesus said; know when you see the fig tree START to put forth
its leafs then know the time is at hand and this generation shall not pass away until all is fulfilled. Also. For the earth brings forth seed of
itself, 1st the blade, then the plant, then the full corn in the ear.
Jew & Jerusalem are the time piece of the end: Seventy weeks are Determined upon your people and upon thy holy city to make an end
Dan9.24 thus the term determined time
The Table on following page shows effect of various dates for Christ declaration of The Kingdom. by John
at river Jordon upon the Chronology by Prophesy, (CbP).
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Table of Chronology Dates Based upon various Kingdom Start date by John (BC AD or Years)
End - - - Temple Abe Noe Anno- Adam
Y7k Start Born Death John start Exodus Called Called FOTW Mundi @sin
3025.8 2015.4 5.2 29.3 25.8 983.3 1463.3 1975 2975 3975 4001.7 26.3
3026.8 2016.4 4.2 30.3 26.8 982.3 1462.3 1974 2974 3974 4000.7 26.3
3027.8 2017.4 3.2 31.3 27.8 981.3 1461.3 1973 2973 3973 3999.7 26.3
3028.8 2018.4 2.2 32.3 28.8 980.3 1460.3 1972 2972 3972 3998.7 26.3
3029.8 2019.4 1.2 33.3 29.8 979.3 1459.3 1971 2971 3971 3997.7 26.3
3030.8 2020.4 0.2 34.3 30.8 978.3 1458.3 1970 2970 3970 3996.7 26.3
Column (A) is end of 7,000 years of redemption work; Column (B) is start of Tribulation or 6.9 + 3.5 years from the end. The 6.9
years are 7 sacred years of 360 days and 3.5 profane years to complete Daniels 70 week prophesy. Column (C) is date of
Christ birth based upon 30 years prior to His Baptism date. Column (D) is death & resurrection year of Christ based upon 3.5
years forward from His baptism date, Column (E) is the key point of this Table. It marks beginning of Johns work and Christ
baptism; from this point all other dates are assigned. Christ stated the Law and prophets were until John, since then the
Kingdom is proclaimed, Lu16:16. Column (F) is date of Solomon Temple start. There are 1000 years from Solomon Temple
Anointing unto Christ Temple Anointing. Column (G) is date of Date of Exodus start or 1488.5 years before John. Column (H) is
date of Abrams calling when he moved from Ur to Haran, Acts 7:2-4. Column (I) marks date of Noes calling as preacher of
righteousness to a wicked generation, there are 2,000 years between Noes calling and the start of Kingdom Age, Column (J)
is Foundation of the World when Adam fell and the Lamb of God was slain. This is 4000 years prior to Johns Behold the Lamb
of God that takes away the sin of this world, Column (K) is Anno Mundi or creation of this world age. Column ( L) is difference
between K & J or age of Adam at sin in profane years. Cain and Able were born sometime prior to Adams 130 year and after
Adams sin in his 27th year.
These variants are given due to uncertainty of the exact date for start of Johns work. The importance of John was clearly
stated by Jesus: Matt.11.11 - among those born of women, there has not arisen a greater than John & Lu7.28 - among those
born of women, there is not a greater prophet than John. This means the importance of Johns work exceeded that of Moses,
Noe, Daniel, Adam, and all other prophets. No other work was so precisely dated as that of John, for Luke gave 6 markers to
date the beginning time of Johns work. Yet with all that there exists some uncertainty when looking back 2,000 years. Go
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Appendix 1 Figure B, CbP, GoP6 GoP4

Total Years unto Jesus Baptism Boundary Events Comment Ref1 Ref2
Sired Death Christ Birth Year .> 6BC & < 3BC Ref1A Ref2A
Generation verse
Year Year Christ Death Year . > 29AD & <33AD Ref1B Ref2B
Adam 130 930 gen5.3 Age Jesus n John 1/2 a Year or 6 months Ref1C Ref2C
Seth 105 912 gen5.6 Year of Baptism Jesus >25AD & <29AD Ref1D Ref2D
Enos 90 905 gen5.9 Age of ministry >30 years & about 30 Yr Ref1E Ref2E
Cainan 70 910 "5.12 Christ Passovers Count >3 & <5 Ref1F Ref2F
Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15 Cut off Midst o week Christ works 3 to 5 years Ref1G Ref2G
Jared 162 962 5.18 Exact millennium time 1000 years Ref1H Ref2H
Enoch 65 365 5.21 Seven Creation Days 7000 years Ref1I Ref2I
Methuselah 187 969 5.25 Seven Days of Jericho 7 k years unto N.W.O. Ref1J Ref2J
Lamech 182 777 5.28 Law & Prophets 'till John Kingdom After Ref1K Ref2K
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10 Sabbath Rest Ordinance 6 work days & 1 rest day Ref1L Ref2L
Shem 100 600 11.10 Seven Days of Noah 7 days & world ends Ref1M Ref2M
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12 th
Lazareth released 4 Day 4 days Law & Prophets Ref1N Ref2N
Salah 30 433 11.14 Jesus with Samaritans 2Days Jesus with gentiles 2 days Ref1O Ref2O
Eber 34 464 11.16 Story of Traveler at Inn Innkeeper care paid 2Days Ref1P Ref2P
Peleg 30 239 11.18 Above Table deals with uncertainty of historical dates for Key Events that would mark
Reu 32 239 11.20 the start of the Kingdom of God as declared by Jesus and John, Lu16:16.
Serug 30 230 11.22
Calculation of Solomon Temple Build & Dedicate Times unto Exodus
Nahor 29 148 11.24
Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4 Yr-
Event Yr-from Exodus Mo Heb Mo# years gone
Abraham 100 175 21.5
to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.41 Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
Temple Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50
488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1 488.5 Oct 7 8.42
Anointed Dedicate 12.58
1000 Lu16.16 Table to Left is summary of years using Chronology by Prophesy from Adam
creation unto Jesus Anointing by baptism at river Jordan. GoP6 GoP3
Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created
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The Temple Millennium from Solomon Temple Anointing unto Christ Temple Anointing, GoP6 GoP4
Ref Years Event Quote
Dan Rebuild decree unto from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem
9.25 Messiah, 69*7 years till Messiah the Leader is seven weeks, and sixty and two weeks (69)
Dan 70 Years Captivity as told unto Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the fulfilling of the wastes of
9.2 by Jeremiah Jerusalem-seventy years;
40 Unto Judah Captive The iniquity of the house of Judah forty (40) days--a day for a year..
Ezek Apostasy Unto Israel The number of days, three hundred and ninety (390) days; and thou
4.5 Captive hast borne the iniquity of the house of Israel.
At the time of the old age of Solomon, his wives have turned aside his heart after
1Kgs Temple Dedication unto other gods, and his heart hath not been perfect with Jehovah his God, like the
17* heart of David his father. Solomon appointed king at early age. To dedicate
11* Apostasy
temple as priest means he was about 30 & 30-12.6 =17.4Yr old ascend throne
{*17 years is by difference, (1000-983). Forty (40) years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated in
Total 1000 Solomon's 12.6th year; Solomons last 10.4 years in apostasy. (40-12.6-17=10.4)}. Approximate age at apostasy, in
the late 40s & passed around age 60. Basis: Solomon Temple dedication as King & Priest was about age30 yr.

Don't Look Back, Look up for your redemption is at hand. For had they looked back, they would have opportunity to
return. Such was the situation of Abram. For after leaving Ur at an early age, he stayed with his Father in Haran. (from
root 'to show') show what?
And he answered, Brethren and fathers, listen to me! The God of glory appeared to our forefather Abraham when he
was still in Mesopotamia, before he [went to] live in Haran, And He said to him, Leave your own country and your
relatives and come into the land (region) that I will point out to you. So then he went forth from the land of the
Chaldeans and settled in Haran. And from there, after his father died, [God] transferred him to this country in which
you are now dwelling. Acts 7:2-4 AMP
And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's
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wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldeas, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto
Haran, and dwelt there. And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran. Gen11.31-
32, Neh9.7
Abraham left Haran in his seventy fifth year, about year 1918BC. The calling of Abram was at age 19, about year
1974BC. So he spent about 56 years at Haran. This may be checked because his father Terra died in Abram's 75th
And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran. So Abram departed, as the Lord
had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of
Haran. So Abram was sired by Terra, in Terra's 130 year, (205-75 =130).
The year of Abram's calling, 1974BC, is about 2000 years prior to Christ Baptism in year 27AD. This is determined
using 'Redemption Covenant Millennial Days' principle. As found by any calendar app, 27AD less 2000Years give
1974BC. Also 56 years after year 1974BC is 1918BC. This is determined using the chronology table (4026.5 years from
Adam's creation unto Jesus baptism) and redemption covenant days, (RCD) theorem. The year 27AD is RCD four and
4000 years prior (3974BC) to Jesus baptism was the year of Adam's sin and year God promised that the woman's seed
would crush the serpent's head.
And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance they had gathered, and the souls
that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they
came, Gen12:5
The 'gatherings' or accumulations did not happen over a fort night but over a period of some 56 years. About 'the
souls', we are told the Abram's army was large (318 armed trained servants) enough to retrieve Lot from captivity,
The 'showing' of Haran was that although Sarai was barren (11.30), God was making of Abram a great and mighty
nation. The testing of Haran was that although Abram had opportunity to return he remained fixed on the promise of
his future.

Looking unto Jesus the author and completion of your faith.

.Go page 1

Page 14 of 19
The Seven Covenant Days between God & Man: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r.Ju14

Appendix Balfour Century Determined Times Figure A

Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in the divine calendar allows mapping all other
seven days into Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the precise counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc,
all concur to within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic
documentation. The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teach us to consider that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and
make a new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation.
Go page 1
Page 15 of 19
The Seven Covenant Days between God & Man: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013 r.Ju14

Appendix Figure 2B
The birth of
Jesus in Year
4BC fits within
both historical
and prophetic

April 7 30AD favored date in Prophecy of Christ Go page 1

Crucify, answers Jn2:13,&19-20 & Jn5:1, 6:4,&12:1,

not to mention Jonah 40 years & 69.5 solar week from

rebuild decree plus co-regency, T/C15th at 26AD

Page 16 of 19
Basis for a Simple Internal Timeline of Bible, OP Armstrong 07/2017
1000 Years from Ark placed into Solomon Temple unto Baptism of Jesus
430Y by Daniel 69weeks 483 Years
17Y Ezekiel Jeremiah 70 Years to Rebuild Decree
ARK in Temple B A
unto Apaoasty
of Solomon D C A+B+C+D= 1,000Y (C + B) = 500Y = (D + A) Exodus

The top line shows 1000 years (Y) or 1 Day from C) The 430Y, Ezk4:4-6 of disobedience was when
Jesus being filled by the Holy Spirit unto day the land use Laws were not kept. D) a residual term
Ark was moved into Solomons Temple & Glory during which Israel and Solomon kept Moses land
filled his temple. Jesus likened Himself to a temple: use rules. The sum of Ezekiels 430Y of
destroy this temple & in 3 days, I will raise it up disobedience + Jeremiahs 70Y punishment by
Jesus baptism by John was in the 15th Y of Tiberius captivity is 500Y. This can be verified by Moses
Caesar Lu3:1-2. The other tie point is a specified date Law for Hebrew Agriculture. It was based on a 7Y
when Solomon moved the Ark into Temple. That (1week) cycle of work and rest. Except, Moses
was after Solomons: .. 11th Y, in .. the 8th month, mandated after a week of weeks (49Y), 1Y extra,
was the house finished (in) all the parts at the {a Jubilee or Y50th}, would also be kept. This
feast in the 7th month & it came to pass, when projects the weekly cycle into planting and rest
the priests were come out of the holy place,.. the years. In 500Y are 420Y (6x70) planting +70 Rest
cloud filled the house of the Lord, 1Kgs6:38, 8:2-4&10 Y + 10Y, (70 Sabbath)(1JubileeY/7Sabbath). Or
(Feast) on the 15th day of the 7th month.. Lev23:34. (420+70+10). 500Y are 10 Jubilee cycles of 50Y
The 15th D of 7th M in 974BC by Hebrew observational each. The sum is 70 missed Sabbaths + (40+390,
calendar is JD#1365962.8 & +1000 tropical years no observed Y = 70 + 430 = 500Y. The 40Y &
(365242.2D) brings to JD#1731205.0 or 27AD 11Oct.g 390Y are judged by Ezekiel for Israel and Judah
or D23M7 of observational Hebrew calendar. This not keeping Moses Law. Moses told of this time,
1000Y consist of 4 parts. A) Daniel 483Y from As long as the land lies desolate and waste, it
rebuild decree unto Christ or Anointed Prince, shall have rest, the rest it did not have in your
Dan9:25. B) The 70Y captivity for land rest unto the Sabbaths when you dwelt upon it Lev26:34-35
rebuild decree , Dan9:1, 2Chr36:20-23, Jer25:11-12 & 29:10. Solomon Y40 in Y12 of Ezekiel 430Years. 1
A Day Between Temples by O.P. Armstrong Dec 14 2014
This table reviews, by statistical method, the validity of 1000 solar years from Solomons Temple
Dedication unto Dedication of Christ Body as Temple of God by baptism in river Jordan. Christ himself
stated, destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again. The statistical result is an average
of 999.4 years based on 14 data points. Seder Olam is discarded because it is several standard
deviations off the average. References are sourced by the hyperlinks of the table. This work confirms
the assumption of one redemption covenant day between temples used to develop CbP timeline. The
Difference between Solomon Temple Dedicate and Christ Baptize Year, 14 Sources
Source, p40 original J. Day# Crucify Baptize J Day# .year
Ussher 1002BC BC1002Tish15 1355713.5 33AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 1028.0
Thiele 957BC BC957Tish15 1372163.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 985.0
Jones 1002BC BC1002Tish15 1355713.5 30AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 1028.0
Denny 1019BC BC1019Tish15 1349513.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 1047.0
Bullinger 907BC BC908Tish15 1390057.5 29AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 934.0
Anstey 925BC BC925Tish15 1383827.5 30AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 951.1
Sedar-Olam 2938AM BC823Tish15 1421095.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 851.0
S-O.revise BC1006Tish15 1354266.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 1034.0
Doeg 968BC BC968Tish15 1368145.5 30ad AD28Jan6 1731291.5 994.3
Pratt 972bS19 BC972Tish15 1366670.5 33AD AD29Oct6 1731930.5 1000.0
Chicago 967bSPr BC967Tish15 1368500.5 33AD AD29Tish15 1731933.5 995.0
Faustlich 973Sept BC973Tish15 1366315.5 ad30Ap5 AD25.5 1730372.5 996.8
TBC 975Sept BC975Tish15 1365576.5 30AD AD26Tish30 1730827.5 1000.0
Sacred Chr 973Sept BC973Tish15 1366315.5 30AD AD27Tish15 1731195.5 999.0
Normalized Average= 999.4 Yrs Year difference & StdDev, Yr= 31.60 13Points
following Appendix expands these concepts briefly.

A Day Between Temples by O.P. Armstrong Dec 14 2014

Total Years unto Jesus Baptism TBC Timeline of 7,000 years unto A New Heaven and a New Earth
The seven millennium days unto a new creation are self evident. Jesus said I go to
Sired death prepare a place for you. In My Fathers house are many mansions. God made a new
Generation verse
Yr Yr era with the flood of Noah. He allotted Noah exactly seven days to place the animals
Adam 130 930 gen5.3 into their mansions within the ark. Upon end of the allotted 7 days, the door closed, the
Seth 105 912 gen5.6 flood waters came, and the old world or era ended. John said he saw a new heaven
Enos 90 905 gen5.9 and new earth coming down. Peter said that just as God destroyed the old world by
water this present age is reserved unto fire against that day. God remade the world in 7
Cainan 70 910 "5.12 days to show that in 7 millennium days a new heaven and new earth shall be
Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15 established. It was not until Adam sinned that a need for a new heaven and new earth
Jared 162 962 5.18 existed. The lamb was slain from the Foundation of the World, FOTW. This new work of
Enoch 65 365 5.21 creation (Foundation of the World) began when God clothed Adam in animal skin and
Methuselah 187 969 5.25 promised a redeemer. A day in Gods eye is but as a thousand years. The Law and the
Lamech 182 777 5.28 Prophets were until John, since that Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs
time the Kingdom of Heaven is Ref Years Event
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10 declared and every man is pressed
Shem 100 600 11.10 into or ruled by that standard. Rebuild decree unto Messiah,
Dan9.25 483
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12 A kingdom without a king is not 69*7 years
Salah 30 433 11.14 complete. Jesus told Pilate, Of a Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah
Eber 34 464 11.16 truth you say I am a king, for that Ezek4.6 40 Unto Judah Captive
Peleg 30 239 11.18 purpose was I born. In the days of Ezek4.5 390 Apostasy Unto Israel Captive
Reu 32 239 11.20 those kings shall the God of heaven 1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication unto Apostasy
Serug 30 230 11.22 set up a Kingdom, it shall not be left {*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon
to another people but it shall crush
Nahor 29 148 11.24 Total 1000 reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated in
Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4 and destroy all other kingdoms. And Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4 years in
He shall sit upon the throne of his apostasy. (40-12.6-17=10.4)}
Abraham 100 175 21.5
father David and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Every King has a coronation.
to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81
Until this coronation, he is but a crown prince. Jesus was crowned at his baptism in river
Anointed 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1 Jordan. For at that time the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form and a voice
Jesus spoke from Heaven saying, Behold this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
1000 Luke Lu16.16 After his coronation the kingdom was manifest. For which of these good works seek
you to kill Me? But if by the finger of God, I cast out devils, then the Kingdom of God
Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created has come unto you. Four days of the Law and Prophets had elapsed at Jesus
Anointing (27AD) and 3 days of Kingdom judgment remain after Jesus baptism. The age of Adam at sin was 4026.5 less 4,000 or
26.5 years by this chronology. The merits of this chronology are discussed by topic, Seven days of God and Man, and Bible
Chronology by Prophesy. Four thousand years prior to 27AD is year 3974BC, when the age of redemption began, Foundation of the
World. The Anno Mundi day is 3974+26.5=4000.5BC. The last half week of Daniels 70 weeks will be completed after the millennial
Sabbath when the world goes from peace into a war mode. This last battle of Gog-Magog will happen after the devil is released from
his pit and after he gathers many people against Jerusalem. A 1003.5 year period prior to 3027AD is end of the 2520 day tribulation.
At end of Daniels 70th week shall be everlasting righteousness when the devil and his angels are eternally cast into the Lake of Fire.

A Day Between Temples by O.P. Armstrong Dec 14 2014

The Balfour Century, 1917 2017

Generation Year Age Year Ref 1 Ref 2
Consider the fig tree Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put
forth then know (not guess)
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5,7,6.3- 1st Zionist Return Conference
Termination: 120xJubilee 4 Matt24 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - , Century, TBC 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption Gen5&6&7 first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)
4. Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we after that the full corn in the ear (4)
may apply our hearts unto wisdom
When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its
branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until all these things be fulfilled. Another criteria is also, this gospel of
the kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall
witness during tribulation time.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jew-rusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to make an end
Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus Solomon Temple Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year
Heb years has 3 times Basis Baptize Postpone Yr Tribulation Yr AD
Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo associated. Start
Mo# gone 458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263
was 480 years from
Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263
Exodus but in
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50 month 2, & 4th year LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700
Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 Solomon reign. 33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950
Then were completion date and the dedicate date. Adding years from LSM.Norm2 27.30 3.05 2017.350
Start to Anointing at dedication is 8.42, so the dedicate date is 488.5 70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710
years from Exodus. The time from Jesus Anointing by John Baptism mid October 2016 all Average 2016.873
unto Solomon Temple anointing is taken to be 1000 years, or 1 sacred normalized
day of time. The table on right lists sundry Baptism years of Jesus and late march 2016 2016.307
tribulation start dates for those years. The averages range between 9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710
end of 1st quarter to end of 3rd quarter in year 2016. The 9Av or August
2016 is an interesting date.

A Day Between Temples by O.P. Armstrong Dec 14 2014

Alternative Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD
Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days Daniel understood 70 years captivity preceded the
Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day Event Years rebuild decree. The secular date for this is carry
29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 New Heaven New Earth 3000.0 away is 538BC. When using a 458BC decree date
there is a 10 year disagreement, 528BC. The
08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 Gog Magog Start 2996.9
444bc decree date is oft touted by 33AD
07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 Millennium Start 1996.9 resurrection proponents. The use of 444BC for a
12Sep2016AD Elul10 Mon 2457521.8 Tribulation Start 1989.6 rebuild decree produces a larger gap, 24 years,
08Aug70AD Av15 Fri 1746846.5 Temple Destroy by Fire 43.9 (514bc). The 458 decree date, as used here, has
08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 Leaders Stone Stephen 3.9 much less discrepancy to the secular date.
07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 1st Sunday after N14 arise 3.5 This Table contains 3 Baptism dates: 1) Jesus
29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 Baptize Jesus by John 0.0 Baptism that started kingdom era and ended the
law and prophets, 2) Israel Red Sea salvation
26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0
Baptism from Pharaoh, & 3) Noahs baptism unto
25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0 salvation aboard Ye Royal Ark.
29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0 The 7 redemption covenant day (RCD) concept is
31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5 typed in the Ark closure before Noahs flood and
30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5 in building Solomons temple... Where the 1st RCD
30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0 is at Adam Sin and the promise of a redeemer,
09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1
RCD 2 is with Noah calling, RCD3 is the
Abrahamic Covenant, RCD 4 is Jesus Kingdom
30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5
baptism, RCD 7 is the casting away of Satan into
01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0 eternal fire to bring an end to sin and establish
29Sep3975BC Tish27 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0 everlasting righteousness.
30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Adam Living Soul 4026.5 From Isaac birth on Nissan14, 1893BC unto the
This alternative is based on a 458BC rebuild decree and autumn Exodus Passover of Nissan 14, 1463BC one find
26AD baptism. This shift gives a better alignment to Hebrew there to be 430 years to the very day.
Calendar days of scripture. The focus is to align delta times and From Abrams covenant calling unto his 100th year
dates for Noahs, Moses Red Sea, and Jesus Baptism, also the are 81.5 years. Thus Abrams age upon leaving Ur
Temple Dedication and Temple rebuild decree dates. is 18.5Year.
By these days, the tribulation start would be in
September 2016.

Tribulation Start Year based on Daniel Crucify Alternatives for Daniel 69.5 Hebdomad Start
458BC26AD End69Wk/Baptize 457BC27AD A B C D
29.25 Crucify, AD 30.25 Hebd. Basis Solar-A Lunar-A Solar-B Ref
-3.50 Yr.'s to Baptism -3.50 69.5 Hebdomads 486.5 Years i
25.75 Baptized AD 26.75 Days/Year 365.242 354.37 365.242 ii
3000.00 3millen.Days+ 3000.00 Days/69.5He 177690.23 172401.01 177690.23 iii
3025.75 New Earth AD 3026.75 Base Year BC -458.48 -444.00 -457.25 iv
-3.50 last 1/2wk Gog -3.50 .Solar Yr 486.50 472.02 486.50 v
3022.25 End 1000Y rest AD 3023.25 Crucify AD 29.02 29.02 30.25 vi
-1000.00 1millen.DayRest -1000.00 Basis Ref Ezra-A Nehemiah-A Ezra-B vii
2022.25 Start Sabboth AD 2023.25 .Solar Yr + Yr.BC + 1 = Yr. AD
-6.90 2*1260Dy Trib -6.90
2015.35 Start Tribula'n AD 2016.35
-2015.00 Find Month Day -2016.00
0.35 Fraction Year 0.35
12.00 month/Year 12.00
4.21 4th Mo Year AD 4.21
-4.00 less whole -4.00
0.21 Fraction month 0.21
30.00 Days/month 30.00
6.17 Day of 4th Month 6.17
April 6, 2015 Start Tribulation AD April 6, 2016
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013
by OP Armstrong
4 Warnings to this Age? A Fore
Fore-Warning of Manifold Witness

1. The 4 Generations

2. Seven Millennial
Covenant days

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

3. Signs in the Heavens

4. Prophets of the Scripture

ForeWarning of The 4 Generations
When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree.
Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its branches, then know that this
Generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. For the earth brings
forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
For more details see

Generation Year Age Year End Ref 1 Ref 2

Start Limit when you see the fig tree
Consider the fig tree start to put forth
Noah Limit of 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 7,6.3-4 1st Zionist Return
Mans Age Matt24 Conference earth
Termination 120xJubilee brings forth fruit of herself

Balfour Generation 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree

Balfour Century Gen5&6&7 Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption first the blade
Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel
that which has been shall be created then the ear
Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war return of
teach us to number our Jerusalem to Israel
days, that we may apply after that the full corn in
our hearts unto wisdom the ear
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 3
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
What if the Biblical Seven Days of Creation implies that God shall
complete all his work of dealing with fallen mankind and make a
new creation in seven days of one thousand years each? And I saw
a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation.
If our ruler is seven units long, with a linear scale of determined
time, then only one reference point maps all 7,000 years into
Gregorian time. Jesus said that singular point was the work of John
and Jesus baptism by John at the river Jordon. This event is well
documented by history and Luke to have happened about 27 AD.
For the law and the prophets were until John, since That Time the
Kingdom of God is declared and every man presses into it. (or is
judged by the new covenant) Luke 16:16 also For if I drive out
demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom is come unto you.
The 4000 years prior to and 3000 years after that time are
numbered as follows:
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 4
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days

Day.1: Adamic(3974BC), Day.2: Rainbow (2974BC), Day.3 Abrahamic (1974BC), Day.4 Temple (974BC).
Day.5 (27 & 1027AD) &6 Christ & Church Temple, Day.7 Rest unto 3027, Day 8 Begin Eternity
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 5
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
CDay.1: Adamic(3974BC) CDay.2: Rainbow (2974BC) CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC)
Chart of Millennial Covenant Days

1000 years - day 1 1000 years - day 2

CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC) CDay.4 Temple (974BC) CDay.5 Christ (27AD)

1000 years - day 3 1000 years - day 4

CDay.5 Christ (27AD) CDay.7s Rest (2023.5 AD) CDay.8e New (3027AD)

2000 years - days 5 & 6 1000 years - day 7

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
Diagram for Dating of Exodus Year by Epochs of Determined Time
using The Balfour Generation method with 27AD Jesus Baptism & Jacob
Time Gap 2 is 430 years 1Tim.1:4 A Adamic Covenant Gen. 3:15
From Law to Covenant
Confirmation with Jacobs C A O Old Covenant Gen. 12:4
Birth Ex. 12:40-41, 19:1 & 1974 BC CA Christ Anointing @30Yr, born 4BC
Gal.3:15-17 -25 Luke 16:16, 3:21-23 & Matt. 11:12-13
Time Gap 1 is time From 1 N End of New Covenant 1Th.4:16-18
Old Covenant start when
1459 BC
Abraham was age 75 until E Eternity Future Start
Jacob Birth 85 years later Rev.20:1&7, &10; Rev.10:6

3023.5 AD

2016.5 AD
Gen. 12:4, 21:5, & 25:26

A O 1459 BC CA N E

3027 AD
3974 BC 1974 BC 27 AD 04 BC Jesus Birth alt
|<- 7k years total - From A to CA, 4,000 years, & O to CA, 2,000 years, & CA to E 3,000 years ->|
Total Determined Time is Comprised of 1000 years of Rest and 6,000 years of Labor
* Year of Completion for Solomons Temple, 1459 487 = 972 BC 1Kgs.6:1&:38
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 7
Warning of Signs in the Heavens
Nowhere in scripture are we told the signs in the heavens must be only over
the nation of Israel. Oh contraire Pierre, the work of The Kingdom is for
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever
believes in Him as Savior and is baptized shall be saved, whosoever
believes not is dammed already for he believes not, for without faith it is
impossible to please God. Many signs in the heavens warn to be ready:
Sign of Woman clothed with the sun giving birth

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 8

Warning of Signs in the Heavens
Sign of the Morning Star Sept. 20 2017

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
Warning of Signs in the Heavens Solar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive
10 Years never before & never again go figure
Warning of Signs in the Heavens Lunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive
1 Years never before & never again go figure
Warning of Signs in the Heavens
Lunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days some consider that since these eclipses are not at
zenith over Israel, they are not substantial. Joel 2 simply state signs in the heavens and in the
earth, the below table list the corresponding date and local of where in the earth and heaven
they shall be visible for any camera to broadcast into Israel during the stated holy days. Should
such a broadcast make the events more substantial in the earth and heaven.

7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive Years never in prior 6000 years & never
again in next 100 years go figure the chance of that event
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
Warning of Signs in the Heavens
Lunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days Joel 2 simply states signs in the heavens and
in the earth- not in Israel The following article is a misrepresentation because:
1) for hardly anyone is Someone in the earth and heaven and they shall be visible
for any camera to broadcast into Israel during the stated holy days, should such a
broadcast make the events more substantial. Every single one (1) is important to
the eye of God, review the implication from Jesus parable of the sparrow
2) Wrong: no Pseudoscience involved the eclipses do correspond with listed holidays
3) Wrong: 3/20/2015 will be about 10% visible over Jerusalem as detailed below
Roger C Young
Bible & Spade
An Even greater
representation is
on youtuber as
debunking blood
red moons as he
claims NO
eclipses visible
over Israel dead
wrong some,
but not all are
visible to
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong Jerusalem
The Warning of the Signs in the Heavens

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
The Warning of the Signs in the Heavens

20mar 2015 and 09Mar 2016 correspond to Solar eclipses on 1Aviv Jewish Calendar, the
21aug 2017 solar eclipse correspond to 1st day of Elul last civil month, time of repentance
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 15
Prophets of the Scripture - The Sign of Jonah or the 3rd Day Warning
Jesus warned that very day Lot left wicked Sodom; fire from heaven consumed those wicked cities &
again the day Noah closed the ark door, the rains came & destroyed that wicked generation: as it
was in the days of Noah; so shall it be upon His return
And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day's walk. Then he cried out and said, "Yet forty days,
and Nineveh shall be overthrown!
"This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the
prophet. For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also the Son of Man will be to this
generation. The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and
condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a
greater than Solomon is here. The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and
condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.
Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.
But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign
will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in
the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the
earth. The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because
they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the
South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of
the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here
Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from
heaven. He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is
red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites!
You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked
and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the
prophet Jonah." And He left them and departed.
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 16
Prophets of the Scripture - The Sign of Jonah or the 3rd Day Warning

If the 10 years is postponed off the 40 Jubilee of Robert, then 27AD plus 1990 brings us to 2017.
The 10 postponed years are 7 years tribulation and 3.5 years for Gog-Magog (retool from peace
to war) after the Grand Sabbath Millennial rest.
Others such as Dewey Bruton have done much work with Daniels prophesy and consider 2017
to be an august year for important events.
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 17
Prophets of the Scripture - The Sign of Jonah or the 3rd Day Warning


You little children are not in darkness that that day should overtake you unawares.
Otherwise Christ must repent for his words to His generation Hypocrites; you can
discern the signs of the sky and yet cannot see the signs of your visitation time and
again He wept over Jerusalem lamenting the fact they did not grasp the time of their
visitation but ye would not a choice was made.

Indeed it is hypocrisy to chide the Hebrews of Jesus time for not seeing the signs of
Christ first advent and then say we cannot expect indications of His second advent?

Surely the Lord does nothing without first warning He told of the rich man in a
parable, if his relatives could not believe the scripture; then why would they listen to
someone resurrected? Daniel was told go your way for the words were sealed until
the appointed time simply stated : all is revealed and there is no need since the
apostles time for anything but to understand what was written. Again in Revelation :
cursed is he that adds to or takes away : again telling us we have all things been told
it is simply a matter of understanding not a matter of needing additional scriptures.

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 18

The Warning of the Signs in the Heavens
Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013

by OP Armstrong
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
Alternative Considerations
Alternative Trib Start Trib End End Anno Mundi
7 YR tribulation + 3.5Y postponement or 2017 AD 2024 AD 3027 AD
(7Yr postponement + 3.5Yr great tribulation) (2017) (2020) (3027)
7 YR tribulation no postponement 2020 AD 2027 AD 3027 AD
3.5 YR tribulation 3.5Y postponement 2020 AD 2024 AD 3027 AD
Postponement means Daniels 70th week is completed after the millennial year
reign. The end of the 70th week is to bring in everlasting righteousness and make
an end of prophesy. The tribulation is not the end of prophesy, sorry!
At the end of the millennial reign Satan is loosed and entices many of earths
inhabitants against Jerusalem. All of which must consume some of the 7,000
years of Covenant time. For just as God made the 1st creation in seven days, it is
taken that seven millennial days from fall of Adam, there are determined 7,000
years to make a new heaven and new earth. The last Adam is Jesus who
redeemed the old Adam unto life. Days of Adams redemption are numbered by
Jesus baptism at river Jordan, Luke 16:16, about 27AD. The seven days of new
creation run from 3974BC unto 3027AD.
Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013
by OP Armstrong
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016

Start Dedication of Solomon Temple is 1 God day or 1000 years prior to Jesus Baptism on 1Tish26AD, JD# 1730444 is
1Tish976BC JD#1365209 or -975Astro at a days per year count of 365.24, by the Rabbinical Calendar. 1
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
The day between Temples concept is a key to After two days He will revive us (quicken us, give us
understanding bible chronology. For just as God life); on the third day He will raise us up that we may
created this world in 7 literal days, so also He decreed live before Him. Hos6:2 Destroy this Temple and in
the creation of a new heaven and new earth in seven three, {3}, days.. It be raised again..
days of 1000 years each. Patterns are often followed in No other event in scripture is so historically marked
the works of God. Upon Adam's fall, corruption entered as the start of John's work: Now in (1) the fifteenth
this world. Then God called out, 'Adam where are you?' year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, (2) Pontius
God not just called out to his friend, but promised Pilate being governor of Judea, (3) Herod being
redemption and restoration. This restoration plan has tetrarch of Galilee, his brother (4) Philip tetrarch of
been active for nearly 6000 years. God decreed, His Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and (5) Lysanias
spirit would not always strive with man but set a limit tetrarch of Abilene, (6) while Annas and Caiaphas
upon this work at 120 jubilee years. That is 120 times were high priests, the word of God came to John the
50 years per Jubilee, which can also be marked in 6 son of Zacharias in the wilderness. And he went into
days of work to cloth man in redemption clothes. all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism
So as a rest day was declared at weeks end and of repentance for the remission of sins {Lu3:1}.
before the start of a new week, there is a 1000 year This being 10Tishri26AD by Usher, 6283, or Sept09
rest day near the end of this new creation. Then the Gregorian. A more suitable date would be March for
devil is bound so all may take rest. After this rest day is John and 10Tish26AD for Jesus.
one final fight between good and evil. The difference in age between John and Jesus is
This current era is concerned only with the restoration expressed in Lu1:26, 36, 56, & 57, as six months.
of man to fellowship with God. Before the fall, there The rules of Levite priesthood requires John and
was no need for restoration, so the restoration work Jesus to not hold office until age 30. Thus the
began not with creation of man, but with the fall of man. comment, 'Jesus was "about" age 30, Lu3:23' at time
Jesus declared, "the Law and Prophets were until of baptism.
John, since then the Kingdom God is preached". Here Yet with these many historical markers, there remain
Jesus indicated that 4 redemption covenant days were debate between scholars and historians, when was
past so there remain 3 redemption covenant days to be this august year. One wiki article states a range from
fulfilled. 26-29AD. Another wiki on John's imprisonment states
that happened in 27AD. Scripture says Jesus started
his preaching after John was shut up by Herod2.
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
The first Passover of Jesus work started in the 46th These many items point to the 26 to 27 AD timeframe,
year of Herod's Temple. Usher (5938) dates this at when the Kingdom of God started and the era of the
19BC (wiki20-19BC); 46 years later is 27-28AD, "Law and Prophets" ended.
Jn2:13-20. Looking forward 3000 years (3 days of 1000 years
The Jonah sign of a wicked 40 year generation points each) one arrives at 3026/27 timeframe for a new
to the last year of Jesus work, being 30AD. For the heaven and new earth. Just before this, but after the
Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed in 70AD. Take 1000 years is the battle of Gog-Magog, Rev20:7-10.
off a 40 year wicked generation warning, gives 30AD. This final event, is the completion of Daniel's 70th
Another marker comes from Daniel 9:25 understand week, of 3.5 solar years. In that case the time gap is
that from the going forth of the commandment to 1996.5 years. With a 6.9 Gregorian year tribulation
restore and to build Jerusalem until [the coming of] the length, the time from start of John/Jesus work unto
Anointed One, a Prince, shall be seven weeks [of tribulation start is 1989.6 year. That being
years] and sixty-two weeks [of years];.. This again 26.75+1989.6=2016.35 or about early May 2016 or
points to the year 26 or 27AD, as understood by most 2017.
Calendar studies on Jesus death and day of week, Looking backwards one 'God day' of a 1000 years
show crucifion could only happen on years 30 or from Jesus Anointing and dedication by baptism is the
33AD. This is important as Gospel of John mentions 3, dedication of Solomon a Temple in month of Tishri.
possibly 4 successive Passovers elapsed during the Look closely and see if the dedication was not 488.5
time between start of Jesus work unto His death, years from the Exodus. Thus #9 Jubilee was declared
Jn2:13-20, 5:1, 6:4, 12:1. Counting backwards by 450 years after Moses first reading of the Law in the
either 3.5 or 2.5 years from crucifixion also dates the ears of all Israel, 38.5 years after Exodus. This was on
start of Jesus work. the very day prescribed at 'the Feast of Booths': "At
The prophecy of Daniel 9:27 indicated Messiah will the end of every seven years, ... at the Feast of
end the temple system, 'in the midst of the week he Tabernacles, .. you shall read this law before all Israel
shall cause the sacrifice and offering to cease [for the in their hearing." Again counting backwards 4000
remaining three and one-half years]'. This points to a years from Jesus Temple dedication we find that Adam
set of 3.5 year gaps between start and end of Jesus was about 26.5 years old when they fell from grace.
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
The Jewish historian Flavius Josephus also relates in his Antiquities of the Jews that Herod killed John,
stating that he did so, "lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his [John's]
power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready to do any thing he should advise), [so
Herod] thought it best [to put] him to death." He further states that many of the Jews believed that the
military disaster that fell upon Herod at the hands of Aretas, his father-in-law (Phasaelis' father), was
God's punishment for his unrighteous behavior.[3]

None of the sources gives an exact date, which was probably in the years 28-29 AD (Matthew 14:1-12;
Mark 6:14-27; Luke 9:9) after imprisoning John the Baptist in 27 AD (Matthew 4:12; Mark 1:14) at the
behest of Herodias his brother's wife whom he took as his mistress. (Matthew 14:3-5; Mark 6:17-20);[4]
According to Josephus, the death took place at the fortress of Machaerus.

{N.B. if St John beheaded in 27AD then Jesus Baptism must have happened in 26 or 27 AD.}

A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
The Crucifixion Date Many think, however, that Luke includes Tiberius' co-regency
with Augustus which began in 11 A.D.(3) If so, 26 A.D. must be
Arthur M. Ogden Burnside, Kentucky accepted as the proper date for the beginning of the ministries
of John and Jesus.
Guardian of Truth XXVIII: 10, pp. 296-297 May 17, 1984
John relates that the Jews in rebuttal to Jesus' statement,
Guardian of Truth Foundation "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up," said,
"Forty and six years was this temple in building, and will thou
Dionysius did make a costly rear it up in three days?" (Jn. 2:19-20).
mistake! He dated the birth of Jesus four years after the death
of Herod the Great during whose reign Jesus was born.(1) By Their statement is significant because the temple at that time
making this mistake, he has rendered his calendar ineffective was still under construction and was not completed until A.D.
as a tool in determining the date of Jesus' death. While this 64.(4) The temple work was started by Herod the Great in the
does not mean that Jesus did not die in 33 A.D., it does mean eighteenth year of his reign,(5) or 19 B.C. Counting forty-six
that our method of determining the date is in error. years from 19 B.C. brings us to 27 A.D. Jesus was in Jerusalem
for the observance of the first Passover of His ministry (27 A.D.)
When Was Jesus Crucified? when this discussion took place (Jn. 2:13).

The exact date of Jesus' death is not absolutely essential to It is thought that John records three other Passovers observed
being a believer, yet to the student of biblical history the date of by Jesus during His ministry (Jn. 5:1; 6:4; 12: 1). If so, Jesus'
His death is most helpful. Some historical clues are given which death came in 30 A.D. three years after His first Passover
contribute to a definite decision. The Christian can know within observance.
reason the date His Savior died for him.
The most widely accepted date for Jesus' crucifixion is 30 A.D.
Luke records that John the Baptist began his ministry "in the Careful students will observe that biblical historians repeatedly
fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate refer to this date.
being governor of Judea" (Lk. 3: 1). Tiberius began his full reign
upon the death of Augustus in 14 A.D., and Pilate ruled Judea
Any calculations designed to establish the date of His death
from 26 to 36 A.D.(2) If Luke's fifteen years are to be counted
must take into account that Jesus came to Bethany six days
from 14 A.D., then 28 or 29 A.D. would correctly identify the
before Passover (Jn. 12: 1).
beginning of John's ministry and subsequently that of Jesus. 5
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
Passover, which identifies the day the lamb was killed (Mk. A reconstructed dating table, which appeared in Christianity
14:1,12; Lk. 22:1,7), came on the 14th day of the first month, Today (March 29, 1974), the results of a computer analysis,
Abib or Nisan (Ex. 12:6; Lev. 23:5). corresponds identically with the findings of Humphreys and
Waddington. These tables also show that the only year between
The 14th did not come on the same day of the week each year. 27 and 34 A.D. that the 14th Nisan fell on Thursday was in the
In the year Jesus was crucified, the 14th came six days after year 30. A.D. 27 was too early and A.D. 34 too late for the date
Jesus came to Bethany. This is significant because, if we count of the Lord's death. The 14th Nisan in 30 A . D. corresponds to
those six days from the first day of the week, Passover would April 6 according to our calendar. While this does not settle the
come too late in the week to fit the biblical narrative. question of whether Jesus died on Thursday (Nisan 14, April 6)
or Friday (Nisan 15, April 7), it does tell us the year of His death
If we back up, we must back over the Sabbath to Friday to - 30 A.D.
begin our count, otherwise Jesus and many other Jews violated Conclusion
at least the traditional Sabbath observance by making such a Setting dates for biblical events can be a tedious matter.
long journey on that day. These guidelines establish that in the Numerous things must be taken into consideration before
year our Lord was crucified Passover fell on Thursday. reaching valid conclusions, i.e., comparative secular history and
other biblical accounts and principles. It is surprising, however,
The 14th Nisan, 30 A.D. how close one can come to following the many events of Jesus'
The British scientists, Humphreys and Waddington, concluded personal ministry and those of the early church, even to the
that "Jesus died at the same time as the Passover lambs were days, months and years, by observing the numerous clues
slain." It is evident from their article that they understood Jesus written within the revealed accounts. Careful deductions based
died on the 14th Nisan which in 33 A.D. was Friday, April 3rd. upon these clues broaden our understanding and expand our
They reconstructed the Jewish calendar to that time to arrive at learning experiences.
this date. Endnotes
1. I.S.B.E., "Chronology of the New Testament," Vol. 1, pp.
This author, while appreciating their deduction that Jesus died 644B-645.
on the 14th of Nisan as our Passover (1 Cor. 5:7), believes it 2. I.S.B.E., "Pontius Pilate," Vol. IV, p. 2396.
impossible to reconcile their deduction with John 12: 1. Their 3. I.S.B.E., "Tiberius," Vol. V, p. 2979.
findings are interesting, however, because their dates 4. I.S.B.E., "Temple" (Herod's), Vol. V, p. 2937.
correspond with other dating tables for that time period and 5. Ibid.
contribute to the verification of their accuracy.
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
The exact date of Jesus' death is not absolutely essential to being a of the first month, Abib or Nisan (Ex. 12:6; Lev. 23:5). The 14th did
believer, yet to the student of biblical history the date of His death not come on the same day of the week each year. In the year Jesus
is most helpful. Some historical clues are given which contribute to was crucified, the 14th came six days after Jesus came to Bethany.
a definite decision. The Christian can know within reason the date This is significant because, if we count those six days from the first
His Savior died for him. day of the week, Passover would come too late in the week to fit the
Luke records that John the Baptist began his ministry "in the biblical narrative. If we back up, we must back over the Sabbath to
fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being Friday to begin our count, otherwise Jesus and many other Jews
governor of Judea" (Lk. 3: 1). Tiberius began his full reign upon the violated at least the traditional Sabbath observance by making such
death of Augustus in 14 A.D., and Pilate ruled Judea from 26 to 36 a long journey on that day. These guidelines establish that in the
A.D.(2) If Luke's fifteen years are to be counted from 14 A.D., then year our Lord was crucified Passover fell on Thursday, the 14th
28 or 29 A.D. would correctly identify the beginning of John's Nisan, 30 A.D.
ministry and subsequently that of Jesus. Many think, however, that The British scientists, Humphreys and Waddington, concluded that
Luke includes Tiberius' co-regency with Augustus which began in 11 "Jesus died at the same time as the Passover lambs were slain." It is
A.D.(3) If so, 26 A.D. must be accepted as the proper date for the evident from their article that they understood Jesus died on the
beginning of the ministries of John and Jesus. 14th Nisan which in 33 A.D. was Friday, April 3rd. They
John relates that the Jews in rebuttal to Jesus' statement, "Destroy reconstructed the Jewish calendar to that time to arrive at this date.
this temple, and in three days I will raise it up," said, "Forty and six This author, while appreciating their deduction that Jesus died on
years was this temple in building, and will thou rear it up in three the 14th of Nisan as our Passover (1 Cor. 5:7), believes it impossible
days?" (Jn. 2:19-20). Their statement is significant because the to reconcile their deduction with John 12: 1. Their findings are
temple at that time was still under construction and was not interesting, however, because their dates correspond with other
completed until A.D. 64.(4) The temple work was started by Herod dating tables for that time period and contribute to the verification
the Great in the eighteenth year of his reign,(5) or 19 B.C. Counting of their accuracy. A reconstructed dating table, which appeared in
forty-six years from 19 B.C. brings us to 27 A.D. Jesus was in Christianity Today (March 29, 1974), the results of a computer
Jerusalem for the observance of the first Passover of His ministry analysis, corresponds identically with the findings of Humphreys
(27 A.D.) when this discussion took place (Jn. 2:13). It is thought and Waddington. These tables also show that the only year between
that John records three other Passovers observed by Jesus during 27 and 34 A.D. that the 14th Nisan fell on Thursday was in the year
His ministry (Jn. 5:1; 6:4; 12: 1). If so, Jesus' death came in 30 A.D. 30. A.D. 27 was too early and A.D. 34 too late for the date of the
three years after His first Passover observance. Lord's death. The 14th Nisan in 30 A . D. corresponds to April 6
The most widely accepted date for Jesus' crucifixion is 30 A.D. according to our calendar. While this does not settle the question of
Careful students will observe that biblical historians repeatedly whether Jesus died on Thursday (Nisan 14, April 6) or Friday (Nisan
refer to this date. Any calculations designed to establish the date of 15, April 7), it does tell us the year of His death - 30 A.D
His death must take into account that Jesus came to Bethany six
days before Passover (Jn. 12: 1). Passover, which identifies the day
the lamb was killed (Mk. 14:1,12; Lk. 22:1,7), came on the 14th day 59.html 7
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016 8
Setting dates for biblical events can be a tedious matter. Numerous weeks.htm
things must be taken into consideration before reaching valid
conclusions, i.e., comparative secular history and other biblical
accounts and principles. It is surprising, however, how close one The chart below is from Mr. Pickle article. The 457 BC date is
can come to following the many events of Jesus' personal ministry very common in Adventist circles.
and those of the early church, even to the days, months and years, The effect is to move the 3000 year calculation forward by
by observing the numerous clues written within the revealed one year. Other proposed date are winter 26 or 27 AD. Again
accounts. Careful deductions based upon these clues broaden our there will be an effect on the 3000 year calculation.
understanding and expand our learning experiences.
Endnotes 1. I.S.B.E., "Chronology of the New Testament," Vol. 1, pp. m.html The number of weeks between the commencement
644B-645. 2. I.S.B.E., "Pontius Pilate," Vol. IV, p. 2396. of Jesus ministry to Israel upon his baptism during the winter
3. I.S.B.E., "Tiberius," Vol. V, p. 2979 solstice in 26 AD until his crucifixion and resurrection during
=========================================== the last week of April in the spring of 28 AD is 70. Lukes
Another option is based on a Daniel Prophecy fulfillment starting dating of the baptism of Jesus during the mid winter solstice
from 457BC and Jesus Baptism in Fall of 27 AD. As given here: of 26 AD also adds a mark to be considered for the second
advent of Christ in the future
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
Chronology of the Life of Christ-Essay-11 Author unknown Evidence has surfaced to show that a census was taken every
Much uncertainty pervades a study of the chronology of fourteen years. By counting back from those taken in
Christs life. It is generally assumed that he was born in about neighboring Egypt, one discovers that a census must have been
AD. 1 and died in about AD. 30. Yet these are only scheduled in 8 B.C. It is quite possible that turbulent
generalizations. Our Gregorian calendar, which sought to use conditions in Palestine and Syria at the time may have delayed
his birth as its reference point, erred at that very point when the census for a couple of years.
it was initially established in AD. 525. Anno Domini (A.D.) Quirinius is known to have been governor of Syria in A.D. 6 at
means in the year of the Lord, but information that has the time of a census, but this is about ten years too late for
come to light subsequently has shown that Jesus was born the birth of Jesus. Evidence from inscriptions, however, has
prior to AD. 1. shown the probability that Quirinius was involved in the Syrian
Though complete certainty regarding dates is impossible, government as joint ruler at an earlier time, about 8 B.C. His
much light can be shed on the subject of when Jesus lived. rule may well have extended until 6 B.C., when the
Certain selected happenings and statements will be discussed governorship of Sentius Saturnius, alongside whom he ruled
to give more detailed data.
In Luke 3:1 the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar is
According to Matthew 2:1 and Luke 1:5, Herod the Great was
given as the date when John the Baptist began his public
still reigning as king over the Jews at the time of Jesus birth.
ministry. Because Johns ministry began a short time before
It is now known from other sources that Herods death came in
Jesus, this chronological note is helpful in setting time limits
4 B.C., soon after Nisan1 of that year. Jesus must have been for Jesus ministry.
born within the two years prior to that, because Herod after Exact placement of this fteenth year is attended with a great
ascertaining the time of the stars appearance (Matt. 2:7) gave deal of difculty, however, because Tiberiuss rule had two
orders to execute all the male children who were two years beginnings. He became joint ruler with Augustus, his father, at
old and younger (Matt. 2:16). Hence Jesus must have been some time before his fathers death, but at Augustuss death
born between 6 B.C. and 4 B.C. in A.D. 14 he became sole ruler of the empire. If Luke is using
THE CENSUS UNDER AUGUSTUS CAESAR an earlier date, Johns prophetic ministry was probably
Luke 2:12 places the birth of Christ within the reign of the initiated some time in A.D. 26 or A.D. 27. If the later date is
Roman emperor Augustus Caesar and also probably
synchronizes it with Quiriniuss governorship in Syria, though meant, the 15th year was probably A.D. 28 or A.D. 29.
some understand Luke to say that the census came before this The latter of these two possibilities looks more probable when
governorship. Augustus during his reign (30B.C.AD. 14) compared with the customary modes of dating practiced in
established a system of census taking, and Luke refers to it in ancient times, but the former nds more favor in light of
Luke 2:1. The particular census that brought Joseph and Mary biblical data yet to be discussed as this study proceeds.
to Bethlehem when Jesus was born was the rst of these while Specically, A.D. 26 or A.D. 27 agrees better with the
Quirinius was governor (cf. Acts 5:37 for a reference to what
was probably the second, which came in AD. 6). statement of Luke regarding Jesus age at the outset of his
9 ministry.
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
ABOUT THIRTY YEARS OLD Though some disagreement has arisen regarding the word
Luke says that Jesus at the beginning of his ministry was about translated temple and the tense of the verb for build, the
thirty years old (Luke 3:23). Although this expression may denote more obvious meaning and the one that satises the context
an age anywhere from twenty-eight through thirty-two, customs of better is that the Jews were pointing to how long the project
the times and other details of Jesus life seem to indicate that Jesus had taken up to that point in contrast with the three days in
was within one year of his thirtieth birthday when he began his which Jesus said he could build the temple [John 2:19).
ministry. Viewing this as a closer denition of Jesus age also By counting forty-six years from 20 or 19 B.C., one arrives at
accords better with Lukes interest in furnishing precise AD. 26 or AD. 27, Hence the rst Passover of Jesus ministry
chronological details (cf. Luke 1:5; 2). must have been in the spring of A.D. 27.
If his birth is placed in 6 B.C., he reached the age of thirty sometime
in A.D. 25. If in 5 B.C., he was thirty years old sometime in the year THE LENGTH or JESUS' MINISTRY
A.D.26. The latter date is more probable, because Jesus crucixion A date having been established for the beginning of Christs
cannot be placed earlier than A.D. 30, as shown in the essay, The ministry, the length of that ministry must be determined
before a specic date for his crucixion can be set.
Day and Year of Christs Crucixion (pp. 31114).
Some have argued for a one year ministry because the rst
It is difcult to place the beginning of Jesus ministry any later than
three gospels mention only one Passover during his ministry,
A.D. 27, because this would put an intolerable strain on Lukes
the one when he was crucied (Matt. 26:1720; Mark 14:12-
statement about his age. Furthermore, unless Jesus ministry was
17; Luke 22:17-16). The gospel of John, however, contradicts
only one or two years in duration, he could not have completed it
this theory. John specically names three Passovers in which
by A.D. 30. Also, unless his ministry was more extensive than Jesus was involved after he began public ministry (John 2:13;
commonly thoughtabout four or ve years it could not have lasted 6:4; 11:55].
until A.D. 33, the other possible date discussed in essay 10. Others favor a ministry of a little more than two years. They
FORTY-SIX YEARS OF TEMPLE REMODELING take the three Passovers in Johns gospel as opening and
In John 2:20 Jesus antagonists refer to a building project or, more closing each of the two years. This theory, however, is most
correctly, remodeling project that had been initiated by Herod the often defended on the basis of transposing John 5 and 6.
Great fortysix years earlier. This consisted of the renovation of Because no manuscript evidence exists for this rearrangement,
Zerubbabels temple. According to secular history, Herod initiated the two year theory is weak.
the work sometime in 20 B.C. or 19 B.C. This statement was Attempts to prove a ministry of a little more than four years
addressed to Jesus at the rst Passover after he began his public have usually rested on the assumption of two Passovers not
ministry. The fortysix years there-fore furnishes another means mentioned by John. One of these additional Passovers comes
for identifying the year when his ministry began. between John 4:35, which indicates the time is winter after
This extensive project had not been completed when Herod died in the Passover of John 2:13, and John 5:1, which probably
4BC. In fact, it was still in progress when the Jews uttered the refers to the Feast of Tabernacles the following fall.
words of John 2:20. Completion of it did not come until A.D. 64,
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
To postulate this unmentioned Passover seems to be quite probable, 6 BC. (late in year) birth of Christ or
The postulation of the other additional Passover, however, does not 5 BC (early in year)
rest on good grounds. Some place it before the Passover of John 4 BC. (after Nisan 1) death of Herod the Great
2:13, and others after the one mentioned in John 6:4. In neither AD. 12 beginning of Tiberius Caesars rule
case, however, has convincing evidence been adduced for
AD. 26 (early in year) beginning of Johns ministry
concluding that there was a fth Passover.
AD. 26 [middle or late in beginning of Christs ministry year)
The most widely held viewpoint is that Jesus ministry extended a
little more than three years. The period of time from Jesus baptism AD. 27 (Nisan 14) rst Passover in Christs ministry
by John (Matt 3:117; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21,23a) until his rst AD. 28 (Nisan 14) second Passover in Christs ministry
Passover (John 2:13) was several months, which found him in both AD. 29 (Nisan 14) third Passover in Christs ministry
Galilee and Judea. The rst full year of ministry (between AD. 30 (Nisan 14) crucixion of Christ
Passovers) also spent in Judea and Galilee, was terminated by a
Passover, not mentioned in the biblical record, that came a few Although not completely free from difculty, the preceding
months after Jesus statement of John 4:35 and six months before table of dates appears to provide a solution with stronger
the Feast of Tabernacles mentioned in John 5:1. His second year, cumulative evidence than any other that has been proposed. It
most of it spent in Galilee. ended with the Passover of John 6:4. The enables the student of the gospels to know more precisely
nal year was spent in areas around Galilee, in Judea, and in Perea, when Jesus lived, ministered, and died.
and came to its conclusion with the Passover referred to in John
11:55. Selected Reading List
The conclusion that Jesus had a ministry of a little more than three
years is, then, the one supported by the strongest evidence and the Hoehner, Harold W. Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ.
on most free from difculty. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977. Pp. 1163.
As shown in the essay The Day and Year of Christs Crucifixion Orr, George. The Chronology of the Public Ministry of Jesus.
(pp. 31114), Nisan 14, the day of Passover, fell on Friday only Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1940. Pp. 3201.
twice between AD. 26 and AD. 36. This leaves two possible years for
Christs crucixion, AD. 30 or AD. 33. If conclusions reached earlier _. Chronology of the New Testament. In Peake's Commentary
in this essay are valid, the former possibility must be chosen as the on the Bible. New York: Nelson, 1962. Pp. 728-29.
year in which Jesus was crucied.
Thompson, W. A. Chronology of the New Testament." In The
Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Grand Rapids:
The conclusions of this essay may be summarized in a table into
Zondervan, 1975. Vol. 1, pp.81621.
which more probable options from the preceding discussion are
A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

The Balfour Century, 1917 2017

Generation Year Age Year Ref 1 Ref 2
Consider the fig tree Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put forth
then know (not guess)
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5,7,6.3- 1st Zionist Return Conference
Termination: 120xJubilee 4 Matt24 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - , Century, TBC 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption Gen5&6&7 first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)
4. Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we after that the full corn in the ear (4)
may apply our hearts unto wisdom
When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its
branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until all these things be fulfilled. Another criteria is also, this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall
witness during tribulation time.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jew-rusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to make an end
Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus Solomon Temple has Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year
Heb years 3 times associated. Basis Baptize Postpone Yr Tribulation Yr AD
Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Start was 480 years
Mo# gone 458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263
from Exodus but in
Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263
month 2, & 4th year
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50 Solomon reign. Then LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700
Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 were completion date 33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950
and the dedicate date. Adding years from Start to Anointing at dedication LSM.Norm2 27.30 3.05 2017.350
is 8.42, so the dedicate date is 488.5 years from Exodus. The time from 70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710
Jesus Anointing by John Baptism unto Solomon Temple anointing is mid October 2016 all Average 2016.873
taken to be 1000 years, or 1 sacred day of time. The table on right lists normalized
sundry Baptism years of Jesus and tribulation start dates for those years. late march 2016 2016.307
The averages range between end of 1st quarter to end of 3rd quarter in 9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710
year 2016. The 9Av or August 2016 is an interesting date.

Page 8
The 6k Year Timeline Appendix 27AD Baptism Alternatives
Below in Table 6 are alternative considerations on the date of Jesus Baptism by John. This comes from dates feasible by
astronomical data for Christ resurrection. The baptism dates are 3.5 years prior using Daniels prophesy that Messiah
Prince will be cut off in midst of the week.
Look at April 33AD Easter and count back 3.5 years to arrive at Oct 29AD baptism. But if Jesus was anywhere close to 30
years of age then His birth year would fall after 4 BC. Most will concur birth year after 4BC not feasible as the baby
murder king died 4BC. Some would stretch that by saying age 34 is about 30, you decide. Also baptism after 27 AD
cannot fit TBC tribulation date start prior to 2017.
Another Passover feasible date of Easter is 30 AD. Thirty AD also is the odds on favorite of bible scholars for the 1st
Easter. Again count back 42 months to land at late October in 26AD as date of Jesus baptism. Umm pretty close to
Usshers work. Next look 3,000 years future gives Oct3026AD. Take off 3 years 6 months for completing Daniels final half
week. This gives April 3023. Remove the millennium of 1,000 years to get Apr2023. Take out 2*1260 days or 6 years 10
month 3 weeks. This arrives at June 2016. The last of 4 blood moons is Sept28,2015, the 1st solar eclipses are march
2015 and 2016, with last solar eclipse August 2017, umm?
The 27AD baptism alternative has been selected by TBC as being feasible based upon Usher
and others review. The author list many links given for 27AD and other baptism dates in prior T7 26AD Baptism 3Dy
writings. A 27AD baptism can fit within a TBC perspective that the tribulation shall start prior to Oct 26
2017AD. A tribulation start in 2017 also fits with in the Tetrad Eclipses. 3days future 3000
Table 7 illustrates the method of dating biblical events. Table 7 is based on 26AD baptism date. Oct 3026
Gog / Dan last -3
Table 6 Alternatives for year of Jesus Baptism based on Resurrection Year
Oct 3023
Baptized Resurection End3k Yr Start Gog Start mill Start trib Gog / half week -6mo
Oct.'29AD Apr. 33AD Oc3029AD Apr3026AD Apr2026AD Jun2019AD Apr 3023
Sept27AD Apr. 31AD Sept3027AD Mar3024AD Mar2024AD Oct2017AD milennum 1Dy -1000
Oct.'26AD Apr. 30AD Oc3026AD Apr3023AD Apr2023AD Jun2016AD Apr 2023
base 3Y6m0w 3000Yrs 3Y6m0w 1000 Yrs 6Y10m3w trib6Y10m3w -6
Basis: 70 weeks determined to make an end, 69 weeks unto Messiah the Prince Coronation Apr 2017
Baptized (anointed), resurrection confirm covenant of 1 week with many & midweek 10month -10mo
Cut off to bring end to sacrifice & 3.5 yrs before Easter is Baptism & 4k.Yr Before 3k.Yrs after About June 2016
One alternative by 27AD baptism has rapture before tribulation & could start spring 2017
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1C by OP Armstrong
Others determination of 27AD Baptism of Jesus
Jesus' 30th birthday: Julian day: 1731153 Julian calendar: This same date was 4749 days or 13 regnal-tropical years +
Friday, August 22, 27AD Jewish calendar: 1 Elul 3787(1 Tishri 1 day into the inaugural reign of Tiberius, but 15 years + 12
3788 was Sat, Sept 20) New Moon: Aug 20, 27AD @ 3:04:10 days[Luke3:1] into Tiberius' *governorship* by the Jewish
PM JST Julian date: 1731151.04456; Lunation: 23442 moon's civil calendar, which was 15 years + 1 day according to the
distance: 367010k(57.5 ER); Subtends: 0.5427 Right Julian civil calendar: Julian day: 1731180 Julian calendar:
ascension: 09:51:3.82; Declination: 15:55:18 Thursday, September 18, 27AD Jewish calendar: 1 Tishri
Azimuth: 82.672; Altitude: 42.307 Rising: 4:37:33 AM JST; 3788(Day of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah) New Moon: Sep 18,
JD 1731150.60941 Notes: Jewish calendar birthday; at age 27AD @ 11:48:42 PM JST Julian date: 1731180. Notes:
30, Jesus eligible for priesthood and temple service. This is Daniel's 7+62 sabbatical years fulfilled[Dan 9:25]. Hebrew
why John the Baptist asked of Jesus: "...I have need to be Calendar year exceeds a tropical year by 6 minutes, 39.370
baptized of thee, and come you to me?"[Mat 3:14]. John did seconds; this amounts to one extra day per 216.34 tropical
not yet recognize Jesus as Messiah, but he knew that his years, or 2.23 days over 483 tropical years. A tropical year is
cousin, the astonishing carpenter's son Jesus, that He was equal to 365.242days, so this baptism date of Jesus is
thirty years old, and John knew this since he himself was precisely 483 tropical years + 2.02 days from Ezra's going
thirty. every Jew *knew* that "salvation out of the Jews is"! forward with Artaxerxes' decree, a difference of only 2.23
Thereby we know that John, understandably, had supposed from 2.02 = {-0.21} days, just 5 hours shy of 483 Hebrew
Jesus' father was Joseph, as did practically everyone else. Calendar years! Who could ask for more? But if we'd adopted
Only a few knew at the time that Joseph was only lawfully Sept 2, 458 BC as Artaxerxes seventh year as referenced
Jesus' father according to the custom, since Joseph was the before, then that date was exactly 483 tropical years + 4
son-in-law of Mary's father, Heli, who had daughters of his hours to what is a popular but non-historical "alternate" for
own, but bore no sons of his own, thus Joseph was fully Jesus' Baptism date of 1 Tishri 3787, or Monday, Sep 2,
within his own legal rights to raise his "son" Jesus as his own 26AD; Julian Day 1730799, with its molad occurring Sat, Aug
son, since lawfully, Jesus *was* his own son, just as 31, 26AD @1:27:11 AM JST; JD1730796.47but which is
everyone had supposed. And under the law, Jesus was heir entirely one civil calendar year *prior* to the very earliest
to the throne by His legal father and also by His mother, date historically-reconcilable with Tiberius' 15th year, thus is
since under Jewish law, right to kingship could also pass to logically eliminated from further discussion, and 1 Tishri 3788
Mary's descendants. Jesus baptized into YHWH's Ministry at becomes the ONLY historical date reconcilable with both
the river Jordan exactly 483 Hebrew lunisolar Calendar years Ezras account AND that related by Luke, to wit, Luke 3:1
to the very day from Ezra's "going forth" with Artaxerxes' reads " year but five and tenth of the *governorship* of
imperial edict to restore Jerusalem. Tiberius Caesar [*emphasis added]. In the year 12AD,
Tiberius made military governor (commander) over Caesar's
vast armies and provinces by the ailing Augustus.
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016


A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016

A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016

The first three chapters of Luke give us the framework for understanding the chronology of the life of Jesus. The
first chapter tells us that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great. It also tells us that he was conceived
in the sixth month of Elizabeths pregnancy and she conceived after Zacharias, her husband, served in the temple
in the Course of Abijah. The second chapter of Luke gives us the framework of the Census that was decreed by
Augustus and finished by Cyrenius. It was this census that drew Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem where Jesus was
born. The third chapter of Luke gives us the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius as the time when Jesus was
baptized when he began to be about 30 years of age. The life of Jesus fits perfectly between the reign of Herod
and that of Tiberius. The others that Luke mentions in these scriptures also fit in with the chronology.
Lu3:1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of (1) TIBERIUS CAESAR, (2) PONTIUS PILATE being governor of
Judaea, and (3) HEROD being tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother (4) PHILIP tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region
of Trachonitis, and (5) LYSANIAS the tetrarch of Abilene, Lu3:2 (6) ANNAS AND CAIAPHAS being the high
priests, the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. Lu3:3 And he came into all the
country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins; Lu3:21 Now when all the
people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,
Lu3:23 Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) son of Joseph, son of Heli,
Augustus is considered the first emperor of the Roman Empire, which he ruled alone from 27 BC until his death
in 14 AD. He had only one child, a daughter Julia. He adopted Lucius and Gaius Caesar who were his two
grandsons by his daughter and her husband Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa. They would have been his heirs, but
Lucius died in 2 AD and Gaius was killed in 4 AD in Armenia. So Augustus adopted Tiberius, son of his wife,
Livia, by her first husband, Tiberius Claudius Neroas, and made him full son and heir.
Along with his adoption, Tiberius received tribunician power. This meant that his person was said to be sacred
and inviolable. He could annul any decree of the senate and interfere with acts of other magistrates. Any one
could appeal to him from courts of justice.

A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016

He could convoke the senate and put to vote any proposal he thought proper to make. He also received a share
of Augustus's maius imperium meaning that he was more powerful than all others. Then in 12 AD the powers
held by Tiberius were made equal, rather than second, to Augustus. He was a co-princeps or co-regent with
Augustus. Augustus died in 14 AD and Tiberius Julius Caesar was confirmed as his sole surviving heir. Tiberius
was Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD when he died. That Tiberius became co-princeps with Augustus in 12
AD; Suetonius: DeVitaCaesarumTiberius
XX. After two years he returned to the city from Germania [12 A.D.] and celebrated the triumph which he had
postponed, accompanied also by his generals, for whom he had obtained the triumphal regalia. ...
XXI. Since the consuls caused a law to be passed soon after this that he should govern the provinces jointly with
Augustus and hold the census with him, he set out for Illyricum on the conclusion of the lustral ceremonies; ...
That Augustus died in 14 AD 16 months after he made a will is confirmed by: Seutonius; De Vita Caesarum:
Augustus: CI. He had made a will in the consulship of Lucius Plancus and Gaius Silius on the third day before
the Nones of April [April 3, 13 A.D.], a year and four months before he died, in two note-books,written in part in
his own hand and in part in that of his freedmen Polybius and Hilarion.
As you see in the following chart, the reign of Tiberius is counted according to Luke to include the co-regent
years with Augustus, and his 15th year matches perfectly with Jesus baptism at about age 30 in 26 AD.
The chart again, shows that the reign of Tiberius is counted according to Jospehus to NOT include the co-regent
years with Augustus and his 20th year matches up with the year Philip, (brother of Herod Archelaus and son of
Herod the Great) died in 33 AD after reigning 37 years.
Jos Ant 18:4:6 About this time it was that Philip, Herod's ' brother, departed this life, in the twentieth year of the
reign of Tiberius, after he had been tetrarch of Trachonitis and Gaulanitis, and of the nation of the Bataneans also,
thirty-seven years.

A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016

Start Dedication of Solomon Temple is 1 God day or 1000 years prior to Jesus Baptism on 1Tish26AD, JD# 1730444 is
1Tish976BC JD#1365209 or -975Astro at a days per year count of 365.24, by the Rabbinical Calendar. 20
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
Pontius Pilate was the fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea, from 2636 AD. As you see in the chart,
Pilate was Prefect when the baptism of Jesus took place in 26 AD just as Luke says that he was. He was also
Prefect at the time of the death of Jesus in 30 AD. Matthew tells us that Pilate washed his hands at this time to
illustrate that he was innocent of the blood of Jesus. (Mat 27:24)
Pilate is also confirmed by Josephus as having condemned Jesus to death.
Jos Ant 18:3:3 Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a
doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both
many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles.
He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to
the cross, (9) those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third
day; (10) as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.
And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.
The sources for Pilate's life are the four gospels, the works of Philo, Josephus, Tacitus, and an inscription known
as the Pilate Stone that establishes his title as prefect.
This was Herod Antipas, youngest of three sons to whom Herod the Great divided his kingdom according to his
last will just before his death in the spring of 4 BC. Because Judea was a Roman client kingdom, Herod's will had
to be ratified by the Emperor Augustus.
Herods three heirs traveled to Rome to make their claims. The oldest son Archelaus argued that he ought to
inherit the whole kingdom. Antipas and Philip argued that Herod's final will should be honored. Augustus
confirmed the division of territory set forth in Herods will except that Archelaus received the title of Ethnarch
instead of King. Antipas was to rule Galilee and Peraea as Tetrarch.
Herod Antipas is the one who married his brother Philips wife Herodias and had John the Baptist put to death.
He ruled until 39 AD when he was accused by his nephew Agrippa I of conspiracy against the new Roman
emperor Caligula, who sent him into exile in Gaul

A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
Philip inherited the northeast part of his father's kingdom, Ituraea and Trachonitis as Tetrarch in 4 BC. This was
territory that Herod had received from Augustus east and north-east of the Lake of Galilee.
Josephus says of Philip:
Ant 18:4:6 About this time it was that Philip, Herod's ' brother, departed this life, in the twentieth year of the
reign of Tiberius, after he had been tetrarch of Trachonitis and Gaulanitis, and of the nation of the Bataneans also,
thirty-seven years.
As you see in the chart, Josephus calculates the years of Tiberius without the co-regent years. Thus, Philips 37th
year coincides with Tiberius 20th year.
Abilene was so called from "Abila," its chief city, situated in Syria, northwest of Damascus and southeast of
Mount Lebanon, and was adjacent to Galilee.
That Lysanius was Tetrarch of Abilene is evident from Josephus. The beginning of the government of Lysanius
cannot be found, but he evidently continued as Tetrarch of Abilene until the Emperor Claudius took it from him
and made a present of it to Agrippa in 42 AD.
Ant 19:5:1 Now when Claudius had taken out of the way all those soldiers whom he suspected, which he did
immediately, he
published an edict, and therein confirmed that kingdom to Agrippa which Caius had given him, and therein
commended the king highly. He also made all addition to it of all that country over which Herod, who was his
grandfather, had reigned, that is, Judea and Samaria; and this he restored to him as due to his family. But for
Abila of Lysanias, and all that lay at Mount Libanus, he bestowed
them upon him, as out of his own territories.

A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
In 18 AD, the Roman governor Valerius Gratus appointed Caiaphas as High Priest. The successor of Gratus,
Pontius Pilate, retained Caiaphas in office.

Jos Ant 18:2:2 This man (Valerius Gratus) deprived Ananus of the high priesthood, and appointed Ismael, the
son of Phabi, to be High Priest. He also deprived him in a little time, and ordained Eleazar, the son of Ananus,
who had been High Priest before, to be High Priest; which office, when he had held for a year, Gratus deprived
him of it, and gave the high priesthood to Simon, the son of Camithus; and when he had possessed that dignity
no longer than a year, Joseph Caiaphas was made his successor. When Gratus had done those things, he went
back to Rome, after he had tarried in Judea eleven years, when Pontius Pilate came as his successor.

In 36 AD the Roman procurator Vitellius removed Caiaphas from the high priesthood shortly after he took
charge of affairs in Palestine.

Ant 18:4:3 Besides which, he (Vitellius) also deprived Joseph, who was also called Caiaphas, of the high
priesthood, and appointed Jonathan the son of Ananus, the former High Priest, to succeed him. After which, he
took his journey back to Antioch.

Luke 3:2 mentions Annas AND Caiaphas the High Priests. There was only one High Priest at a time and at this
time Caiaphas was the High Priest. Annas had been High Priest from 6 to 15 AD. Because he was father-in-law of
Caiaphas, he continued to exercise a controlling influence. He still had his former title and a great deal of his
former authority. This is why they are mentioned together.

Jhn 18:13 And led him away to Annas first; for he was father in law to Caiaphas, which was the High Priest that
same year.
Act 4:6 And Annas the High Priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred
of the High Priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem.
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016
XX. After two years he returned to the city from Germania [12 A.D.] and celebrated the triumph which he had
postponed, accompanied also by his generals, for whom he had obtained the triumphal regalia. And before
turning to enter the Capitol, he dismounted from his chariot and fell at the knees of his father, who was presiding
over the knees of his father, who was presiding over the ceremonies. He sent Bato, the leader of the Pannonians,
to Ravenna, after presenting him with rich gifts; thus showing his gratitude to him for allowing him to escape
when he was trapped with his army in a dangerous place. Then he gave a banquet to the people at a thousand
tables, and a largess of three hundred sesterces to every man. With the proceeds of his spoils he restored and
dedicated the temple of Concord, as well as that of Pollux and Castor, in his own name and that of his brother.

XXI. Since the consuls caused a law to be passed soon after this that he should govern the provinces jointly with
Augustus and hold the census with him, he set out for Illyricum on the conclusion of the lustral ceremonies; but
he was at once recalled, and finding Augustus in his last illness but still alive, he spent an entire day with him in
private. I know that it is commonly believed, that when Tiberius left the room after this confidential talk,
Augustus was overheard by his chamberlains to say: "Alas for the Roman people, to be ground by jaws that
crunch so slowly!" I also am aware that some have written that Augustus so openly and unreservedly
disapproved of his austere manners, that he sometimes broke off his freer and lighter conversation when Tiberius
appeared; but that overcome by his wife's entreaties he did not reject his adoption, or perhaps was even led by
selfish considerations, that with such a successor he himself might one day be more regretted. But after all I
cannot be led to believe that an emperor of the utmost prudence and foresight acted without consideration,
especially in a matter of so great moment. It is my opinion that after weighing the faults and the merits of
Tiberius, he decided that the latter preponderated, especially since he took oath before the people that he was
adopting Tiberius for the good of the country, and alludes to him in several letters as a most able general and the
sole defence of the Roman people. In illustration of both these points, I append a few extracts from these letters:

"Fare thee well, Tiberius, most charming of men, and success go with you, as you war for me and for the Muses.
Fare thee well, most charming and valiant of men and most conscientious of generals, or may I never know
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016 25
A Simple Day Between Temples by OP Armstrong Oct.2016 26
Generation SiredYr Death Yr Verse
Overview of Chronology by Prophecy 2016 Trib Start
Adam 130 930 gen5.3
Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days
Seth 105 912 gen5.6
Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day Event Years
29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 3000.0
Enos 90 905 gen5.9
New Heaven New Earth
08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 Gog Magog Start 2996.9 Cainan 70 910 gen5.12
07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 Millennium Start 1996.9 Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15
12Sep2016AD Elul10 Mon 2457521.8 Tribulation Start 1989.6 Jared 162 962 5.18
08Aug70AD Av15 Fri 1746846.5 Temple Destroy by Fire 43.9 Enoch 65 365 5.21
08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 Leaders Stone Stephen 3.9 Methuselah 187 969 5.25
07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 1st Sunday after N14 Easter 3.5 Lamech 182 777 5.28
29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 Baptize Jesus by John 0.0 Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10
26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0 Shem 100 600 11.10
25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0 Arphaxad 35 438 11.12
29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0 Salah 30 433 11.14
31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5 Eber 34 464 11.16
30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5
Peleg 30 239 11.18
30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0
Reu 32 239 11.20
09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1
Serug 30 230 11.22
30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5
01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0
Nahor 29 148 11.24
29Sep3975BC Tish27 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0 Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4
30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Adam Living Soul 4026.5 Abraham 100 175 21.5
Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81
Ref Years Event Temple Anointed 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Dan9.25 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah, 69*7 years Jesus Anoint-Bapt 1000 Luke Lu16.16
Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah Total Past @Baptz 4026.5 Since Adam Created
Ezek4.6 40 B. Apostasy from Israel Captive Unto Judah Captive, 430total Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus
Ezek4.5 390 A. Solomon Apostasy Unto Israel Captive total A+B=430Yr Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo# years gone
1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication & Anointing unto Apostasy (40-12.6-17=10.4) Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 17.50
Total 1000
Temple dedicated Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4years in apostasy Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42
The prior Tables provide a basis for most likely time of tribulation This & other charts from C. Larkin are given to
start. For details the reader is directed to other writings. By this depict : Tribulation and other bible times. During
method there are 4026.5 years from Adam creation as a Living Spirit Tribulation of 2520 days, 7/12 of world population
unto Jesus Baptism. Foundation of the World was 4k year prior when perish and all sea life dies. Other judgment events
Adam sinned. From Baptism unto New Earth is 3000 years. About also ensue as righteous wrath is loosed upon a
1010.4 years prior to New Earth starts the Tribulation, Sept2016. wicked world.

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 2

This present era or
world started when
Adam fell. For then was
promised a redeemer.
This started Gods work
to make a new world;
forever free of sin and
corruption. This will be
by banishment of
corruptions source, the
devil. Who will go into
eternal hell at the Lake
of fire. That Lake is
under the feet of Jesus,
who sits at the right
hand of God the Father.
The age of Adam at sin
was 26.5 years, 4026.5
less 4000 years. The
Lamb of God was slain
from the Foundation of
the World. Stated other
wise, this era started
when the Lamb of God
was slain. This was
when Adam sinned.
Thus began 7000 years
work to make a new
heaven and new earth.

Brief on Mass Extinction Event Escape & Foundation of the World? Sept2014 by OP Armstrong 3
No Noah Three Hundred Sixty (360) Day Year by OP Armstrong, October 2014
Bible Calendar of Events During & Up to the Flood of Noah's, Julian, Hebrew, & Gregoran
ref dow Dy Julian Dy Heb date Greg BC Julian BC Comment
Gen7.4 sat -7 865029.5 10lyr1416 08Ap2345 28Ap2345 God: Yet 7 days & flood
Gen7.11 sat 0 865036.5 17lyr1416 15Ap2345 05My2345 At Noe 600Y2mo17d flood
Gen7.12 thur 40 865076.5 28siv1416 25My2345 14Jun2345 End 40 Day rain floodgates
Gen8.4 sat 147 865183.5 17tish1417 09spt2345 29spt2345 Ark rest ararat 7mo 17d
Gen8:3 tues 150 865186.5 20tish1417 12spt2345 02Oct2345 Water go off for 150 days
Gen8.5 wed 221 865257.5 01tev1417 22No2345 12De2345 Mtn top seen 10mo 1st d
Gen8.6-8 mon 261 865297.5 12shev '17 01Ja2344 21Ja2344 40d later raven sent out
Gen8.10 mon 268 865304.5 19shev '17 07Ja2344 28Ja2344 07d later dove rtn olive
Gen8.12 mon 275 865311.5 26shev '17 15Ja2344 04Fe2344 07dy later dove not return
Gen8.13 tues 339 865375.5 01nis1417 20mr2344 09Ap2344 Ground dry 601Yr 1stmo 1stdy
Gen8.14 tues 395 865431.5 27lyr1417 15My2344 04jun2344 Dry earth:Noe out2mo27d

Contrary to what some say, the above table gives no bible indication of 360 day long
years upon Earth in times past. Genesis 7.24 says waters prevailed upon earth 150 days
and at end of 150 days the waters abated, 8.3.
In reading 8:3b with 8:4a indicates end of abating process was 5 month from start. Also
from start of prevailing until abate start could be 150 days. This 150/5 gives a thirty day
month. But there is no mention of year length in these verses.
For this selected flood year, the calculated Hebrew calendar (CHC) indicates 12 months,
for this Leap year, has 385 days. From the 2nd month to 7th month, 17th month days, the
CHC finds there are 29.4 d/mo.

Also there would be notable consequences by Newtonian Physics for earth solar year to
go from 360 days to 365.2422 days. One impact would be from angular velocity
momentum changes, akin to slamming car brakes. The second impact would be from a
heat balance. A longer year requires a greater distance between earth and sun. This
increased distance reduces radiant heat by the inverse square law. This means a cooler
earth, as seen on more distant planets. The physical record indicates no such changes,
unless by divine intervention. Such divine intervention is not recorded by scripture.
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -
This writing is to posit fulfillment of Daniels 70th week to be completed only at the end of all earthly
things. John spake: I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the 1st heaven and the 1st earth were
passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down
from God out of heaven Rev.21:1-2. This end of Daniels 70th week thusly corresponds with the end of
the seven millennial days to make the new creation, see table 1. Revelations chronology places the
new creation after 1,000 years of peace and after Satans final challenge on Jerusalem (unto the end
wars are determined). There must elapse some time gap (posit: Daniels last half week) for man to
move from peace to war. Otherwise, how would the millennial population (MP) exercise a freewill to
choose ye whom ye will serve or shall we suppose all MP will serve only evil when a choice is given?
The book of Daniel was singled out by name in Jesus teaching about Jerusalem. Thus our Lord himself
sanctioned the study of Daniels writings. Two important convictions are:
1. Holy scripture is but a calling of a faithful God unto unfaithful Adam to return back to his Creator,
Adam where art thou?
2. Just as the 1st creation was complete in 7 days; the determined time between Mans separation
from his Creator, unto a new heaven and a new earth is allotted 7 millennial days or 7,000 years.
Are these two grand considerations found in Daniel? My answer would be yes, as listed below:
1) Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to
build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be The messianic purpose is the restoration of
man to his creator. Second point, 2) 70 weeks are determined to make an end of sins .. And bring in
everlasting righteousness, again: In the days of those kings, the God of heaven shall establish a
kingdom that will bring an end to all kingdoms, it will not be left to another people but will crush and
consume all other kingdoms, again: those that understand shall shine bright and unmoved as the
stars forever and forever, again; unto the end, desolations are determined.

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong 1

70th Week Postponement until the Consummation

Evaluation Table 1 of Daniels 70th week Completion Time Frame Application Criteria
Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 4 Criteria 5

To bring in
Proposed To finish the To make an end To seal up the vision
Completion Time transgression of sins and prophecy

No: Satan is loosed No: there comes

Any Time before end
for a 'short time' to one final rebellion of No: some sin at end of No: prophesy of millennium
of Millennium Reign,
A lead one final rebellion some millennial millennium and are plus New Heaven & New
such as during the
of some millennial people against slain by Christ Earth follow the tribulation
tribulation time
peoples Jerusalem

Any Time before No: there comes

No: Satan, the No: some follow Satan
Satan Cast into one final rebellion No: the prophetic events
source of rebellion, at end of millennium
B Lake of Fire, such of some millennial of New Heaven & New
still free to ply his and are slain by Christ
as immediately after people against Earth are to follow
craft of rebellion for their sin
Christ resurrection Jerusalem

When Satan Cast Yes: The root of Yes: There shall be Yes: Eternal Jerusalem Yes: The Last Prophetical
into Lake of Fire & rebellion, Satan, is no sin after New in New Heaven & Earth Criteria of scripture to be
C New Heaven - New cast eternally into lake Heaven - New shall be clean of sin completed before
Earth Established of fire Earth consummation of all things
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 2
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -
The last half week postponement concept is not new. Calvin commented on the phrase, 'In the midst
of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease," said we ought to refer this to the
time of the resurrection. For while Christ passed through the period of His life on earth, He did not
put an end to the sacrifices; but after He had offered Himself up as a victim, then all the rites of the
law came to a close." Calvin's Commentary on Daniel. p.226, from Ridgeway. The postponement
concept for Daniels last half week of the 70 weeks is accepted in many circles.
The posit to postpone the last half week completion unto the end is perhaps novel. However, this
concurs the general themes presented in Daniel. For the revelations of Daniel all deal with even to
the time of the end: Dan11.35 & in Dan12.3 For ever and forever, and in 7.14 his dominion is an
everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
Again Dan2.44 and it shall stand forever. Since Daniels other concepts present a finality, unto the
end, it is logical to consider the 70 weeks also references a finality. For unto the end is just before
forever and ever because during eternity, time is of no consequence.
Such a posit is also found in the type of the flood. An earth Sabbath was effected during the 1 year of
flood waters upon the face of the earth. After the Earth Sabbath and before start of new world was
a time break. This break happened between Face of ground dry and Earth was dry.
Speaking of the Abomination and end of sacrifices; any sacrificial system after Christ death is an
abomination and affront to the eye of God. This theme runs through the book of Hebrews. In
particular Hebrews 10:29 explains clearly; How much heavier punishment do you suppose he will be
judged to deserve who has spurned and [thus] trampled underfoot the Son of God, and who has
considered the covenant blood (of Christ given on the cross at Calvary) by which he was consecrated
common and unhallowed, thus profaning it and insulting and outraging the [Holy] Spirit [Who
imparts] grace (the unmerited favor and blessing of God)?
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong 3
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -
The conclusion of Daniels 1st vision of the statue: And in the days of these [final ten] kings
shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its
sovereignty be left to another people; but it shall break and crush and consume all these
kingdoms and it shall stand forever. Dan2.44

6996.5 years
1000 years

Posit last week

Of Daniel 70 wks
Conclusion of Daniels vision of beasts and kings: And the kingdom and the dominion and the
greatness of the kingdom under the whole heavens shall be given to the people of the saints
of the Most High; His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions shall serve
and obey Him go your way until the end; for you shall rest and shall stand in your allotted
place at the end of the days, Dan 7.27 & 12.13
Posit: All of Daniels other visions deal with: end of days, forever, everlasting, and until the
end. Thus the vision of 70 weeks should cover until the end of days etc or be non-conformal
with the rest of the book of Daniel. This is illustrated by the red line on the following diagram:
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong 4
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong

70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city,

Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore
and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and
two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after
threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the
prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be
with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm
the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the
sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make
it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the

The last half of verse 26 and all of v.27 (above) are viewed here as the gapped last
half week. The difference proposed here is the gap extends until the
consummation or the final battle twixt Good and Evil as told in Rev.20:7-15. The
verses in Daniel 7 and in particular v.25 relate to the antichrist. The antichrist is
also as discussed 2Thes2:3-12 and Rev11.3, whilst Rev12.6 and companion verse
Mk13.14, give a total of seven tribulation years. Those 7 years being during the
witnesses, 3.5yr and after the witnesses, 1260 days. To anoint the most Holy is
seen as the coming of New Jerusalem to the location of old Jerusalem as spoken
in Rev21.2. The know therefore is simply additional information to explain the
prior 6 points.
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong 6
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -
Alternative Considerations
Alternative Trib Start Trib End End of Sins
7 YR tribulation + 3.5Y postponement 2017 AD 2024 AD 3027 AD
7 YR tribulation no postponement 2020 AD 2027 AD 3027 AD
3.5 YR tribulation 3.5Y postponement 2020 AD 2024 AD 3027 AD
Postponement means Daniels 70th week is completed after the millennial
year reign.
The end of the 70th week is to bring in everlasting righteousness and make an
end of prophesy. At the end of the millennial reign Satan is loosed and
entices many of earths inhabitants against Jerusalem. All of which must
consume some of the 7,000 years of Covenant time. For just as God made
the 1st creation in seven days, it is taken that seven millennial days from fall
of Adam, there are determined 7,000 years to make a new heaven and new
earth. The last Adam is Jesus who redeemed the old Adam unto life.
All told the proposed 7000 year timeline, when reconciled by the Balfour
Century (1917-2017) method differs by 3.5 years to the more conventional
viewpoint. Please keep those wicks trimmed and oil in your lamps.
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

CDay.1: Adamic(3974BC) CDay.2: Rainbow (2974BC) CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC)

Chart of Millennial Covenant Days

1000 years - day 1 1000 years - day 2

CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC) CDay.4 Temple (974BC) CDay.5 Christ (27AD)

1000 years - day 3 1000 years - day 4

CDay.5 Christ (27AD) CDay.7s Rest (2023.5 AD) CDay.8e New (3027AD)

2000 years - days 5 & 6 1000 years - day 7

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

If the 10 years is postponed off the 40 Jubilee of Robert, then 27AD plus 1990 brings us to 2017.
The 10 postponed years are 7 years tribulation and 3.5 years for Gog-Magog (retool from peace
to war) after the Grand Sabbath Millennial rest.
Others such as Dewey Bruton have done much work with Daniels prophesy and consider 2017
to be an august year for important events.
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong 11
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 by OP Armstrong 12

70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

1 2

(1) Y6k by Evangelical accepted A.M. of

4004BC was reached in 1997.
(2) Y6k of Luke 16:16 in 27AD is 2027 & Y6k
with postponement is 2023.5 AD
1 2

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 13
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -
Per the prior chart, Y6k was reached in 1997 by many Evangelicals accepted Anno Mundi year
of 4004BC. Y6k of Luke 16:16 in 27AD is 2027 AD & Y6k with postponement is 2023.5 AD. TBC
ethos looks at the start of this era as dealing with fallen man. Thus Adams sin is taken to have
happened in 3974BC. This means Adam started his reign of sin & death at age 30, for an AM of
4004BC. If earlier creation dates of Adam are considered, then a corresponding increase in
Adams age at start of sin would follow. For A.M. dates as late as 3926 Adams sin age would be
younger. AM dates younger than about 3974 BC are not compatible with TBC ethos.
For the record, the gapped creation theory seems more plausible. The gapped creation is well
explained by C Larkins charts.
TBC view takes the bible to be but a love story of God seeking reconciliation with His lost friend,
Adam & his offspring. The information outside of a redemption narrative, for mans return back
to God, is irrelative in a bible context. The 7000 years (6 work days and 1 rest day) of
determined new creation time, starts from the fall of man and ends with the complete
restoration. At which point death is swallowed in victory over the result of mans fall, sin.
Those who look outside the redemption narrative cannot reconcile their work with the 7 day
re-creation idea. For that would mean earth is now in the millennial Sabbath rest. Such a rest is
not compatible with the wars & other grief most see on a regular basis.
Actually most have recognized this flaw since around 2002. Thus the shift in AM dates older
that 4004BC. Unfortunately that also negates understanding the 7 days of determined time
unless viewed as presented here. Chiefly as 7 days of restoration from mans fall from grace
unto total redemption.
Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 14
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 15
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 16
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 17
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 18
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 19
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 20
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 21
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 22
70th Week Postponement until the Consummation -

Postponement of Daniels Last Half Week? September 2013 rev 2014jan by OP Armstrong 23
Victory over Defeat: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

There are times when one can be challenged by bewildering circumstances. The
difference between being overwhelmed and an over comer is attitude and faith in
Jesus. Sadly some lose faith (Peter) and become overwhelmed. At which point many
tragic things can happen. The recent killing at another high school points this out all
too succinctly. This is tragic for all the victims family members who held such hope
for their terminated child. Holy Scripture tells us to let no root of bitterness spring up
among us by which many are defiled. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the
Lord delivers him out of them all, with the caveat that we seek Gods deliverance and
not take matters into our own hand. Wait, wait I say upon the Lord.
Joseph suffered two major setbacks in his life. First after being told in a dream that he
would be over his 10 brothers (Benjamin as yet unborn) he was cast into a pit by those
same brothers. Next he was sold as a slave. Then after a meteoric rise in Potiphars
house, again he is unjustly cast into prison. After two dungeon years he emerges as the
de-facto ruler of Egypt. Some likely traits of Joseph were forgiveness, no self pity nor
despair or bitterness. Paul tells of some circumstances to which he almost despaired of
his own life.
Another example was David who faced many adversities, some unjustly, another self
inflicted. In all these trials his faith in the goodness of God sustained him to a good end.
The examples of bible personalities and scripture provide insights for hope. There are
many metrics by which one could define success. Perhaps a word of caution is apt;
things highly esteemed in the eyes of the world are not esteemed in the Kingdom of
Heaven. Sadly some are so busy in frivolous works they fail to find Christ in their midst.
Job was upright before God and man. Yet the tempter brought great affliction upon
him. Shall we consider ourselves above Job and Peter? For your enemy walks about as a
roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, whom resist steadfast in the faith knowing
this that the same God who delivered righteous men of old shall deliver us also, that we
may obtain a better resurrection?

Page 1 of 3
3974BC < The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time > 3027AD
Victory over Defeat: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

Alphabet of Spirit Examples

--- Spirit Fruit or Good ---- --- Flesh Work or Evil ----
Type Ref row Type Ref Works Fruit
2 good angel per 2Kg6.16-21 a 1 bad angel Rev12.4 Adultery love
angel = spirit Ps104.4 Acts23.9 b antichrist 1Jn4.3 fornication joy
adaption Ro8.15 c bondage Ro8.15 uncleanness peace
angels over winds rev7.1-2 d deaf & dumb Mk9.25 lasciviousness longsuffering
church angels Rev1.20 e deep sleep Is29.10 Idolatry gentleness
counsel Is11.2 f depressed evil 1Sam16.14-23 witchcraft goodness
faith 2Cor4.13 g disobedience Eph2.2 hatred faith
faithful joshua Pv11.13 h divination 1Sam28.8 variance Meekness
fear of the Lord Is11.2 i doubt has god said matt13.19 emulation temperance
grace & prayer Zec12.10 j error 1Jn4.6 wrath
healing Jn5.4 k evil Acts19.16 strife
humble Is57.15 l familiar Lev20.27 seditions
judgment Is4.4 m infirmity sickness Lu13.11 heresies
judgment strength Is28.6 n jealousy Nu5.14-30 Envyings
knowledge Is11.2 o lying 1Kg22.21-23 murders
Life Rom8.2 p muteness Mk9.17 drunkenness
meekness 1Cor4.21 q nationalist 2Ch21.16 reveling
might Is11.2 r perverse idolatry Is19.14
prophesy Nu11.25 s pride Pv16.18 If it walks like a duck
truth 1Jn4.6 t Rebellion Pv17.11 Quacks like a duck
understanding Is11.2 u sadness Is61.3 Swims like a duck
wisdom Ex28.3 v seduction deceit 1Tim4.1 Then it is a duck
wisdom Is11.2 w treacherous Ju9.23
list incomplete angels x unclean Zec13.2
reader search by spirits y unclean Mt12.43
Bible word search satan z whoredoms Hos4.12
spirit, devil, demon angel aa world 1Cor2.12

Page 2 of 3
3974BC < The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time > 3027AD
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

a) Joseph was 39Y old (30+7+2) when Jacob d) Birth of Levi: Jacob is 87Y - Jacob serves
entered Egypt; Joseph was 30 when 7 years and receives Leah (Gen 29:27)
entering Pharaohs' service (Gen 41:46); 7 who bears Levi, her third son
years of plenty (Gen 41:53,54) and 2 years approximately 3 years after being with
of famine when Jacob came to Egypt (Gen Jacob. Jacob is then 87Y at birth of Levi
45:6); (77+7+3). Joseph is 4Y younger than
b) Birth of Joseph was in Jacob 91Y - Jacob
was 130Y when entering Egypt (Gen 47:9); e) Jacob was 97 upon return to Canaan: 20
Joseph was 39Y when Jacob enter Egypt; years he served Laban, 7Y before
Jacob was then 91 at birth of Joseph (130- marriage, 7Y after marriage, 6Y for cattle,
39) in 14th year of service to Laban. (77+(7+7+6))

c) Jacob was 77Y (91-14) when he flee Esau f) Birth of Kohath: Levi is 43 at entry to
to Laban; Jacob is 91 at birth of Joseph who Egypt (39+4) as Levi 4Y elder to Joseph.
was born in the 14 year of service to Laban Kohath was born before Levi went to
(Gen 30:25,26); Egypt with his 3 sons (Gen 46:8,11); as
Kohath had elder & younger brother,
assume Kohath 2 at entry to Egypt and
Merari Birth 1Y after Kohath.;

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

Genesis 12:4 So Abram departed, as the Genesis 17:24-25 And Abraham was
Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with ninety years old and nine, when he was
him: and Abram was seventy and five years circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin.
old when he departed out of Haran. And Ishmael his son was thirteen years
Genesis 15:13 And he said unto Abram, old, when he was circumcised in the flesh
Know of a surety that thy SEED shall be a of his foreskin.
stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall Genesis 21:5 And Abraham was an
serve them; and they shall AFFLICT them hundred years old, when his son Isaac
(400) four hundred years; 16... But in the was born unto him.
fourth generation THEY shall come hither Genesis 25:17 And these are the years of
again (NB: the 400 years starts with SEED, the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty
after his death, unto the Return not just to and seven years: and he gave up the
the Exodus, the 430Y is from covenant ghost and died;
confirm by Isaac birth unto Exodus) Genesis 25:26 And after that came his
Gen16:3 And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar brother out, and his (Jacob) hand took
her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had hold on Esau's heel; and his name was
dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore
gave her to her husband Abram to be his (60) years old when she bare them.
wife. Genesis 26:34 And Esau was forty years
Genesis 16:16 And Abram was (86y) old when he took to wife Judith the
fourscore and six years old, when Hagar daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and
bare Ishmael to Abram. Bashemath the daughter of Elon the
Hittite: 3
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

Gen30:25 And it came to pass, when Rachel Gen41:1... at the end of two full years,
had born Joseph, that Jacob said unto that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he
Laban, Send me away, that I may go unto stood by the river.
mine own place, and to my country. Gen41:46 And Joseph was thirty years old
Gen30:31 And he said, What shall I give when he stood before Pharaoh king of
thee? And Jacob said, Thou shalt not give Egypt...
me any thing: if thou wilt do this thing for me, Gen45:6 For these two years hath the
I will again feed and keep thy flock: famine been in the land: and yet there are
Gen31:41 Thus have I been twenty years in five years, in the which there shall neither
thy house; I served thee fourteen years for be earing nor harvest.
thy two daughters, and six years for thy Gen46:8,11 And these are the names of
cattle: and thou hast changed my wages ten the children of Israel, which came into
times. Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Reuben,
Gen35:28 And the days of Isaac were an Jacob's firstborn. And the sons of Levi;
hundred and fourscore years. (180) /Jacob Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
and Esau buried Isaac as did Ishmael and Isaac Gen47:9 And Jacob said unto Pharaoh,
bury Abraham The days of the years of my pilgrimage
Gen37:2 ... Joseph, being seventeen years are an hundred and thirty years...
old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; Gen47:28 And Jacob lived in the land of
and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and Egypt seventeen years: so the whole age
with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives: of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven
and Joseph brought unto his father their evil years.
report. 4
Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Jacob and Progeny Years of Jacob and Progeny

Genesis 47:9 And Jacob said unto Pharaoh, The Joshua 24:29 And it came to pass after
days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred these things, that Joshua the son of Nun,
and thirty years... the servant of the Lord , died, being an
Genesis 50:26 So Joseph died, being an hundred hundred and ten years old.
and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he
Acts 7:29-30 Then fled Moses at this
was put in a coffin in Egypt.
Exodus 6:16,18,20 .... and the years of the life of saying, and was a stranger in the land of
Levi were an hundred thirty and seven years. [18] Midian, where he begat two sons. And
And the sons of Kohath; Amram, and Izhar, and when forty years were expired, there
Hebron, and Uzziel: and the years of the life of appeared to him in the wilderness of
Kohath were an hundred thirty and three years. mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a
[20] And Amram took him Jochebed his father's flame of fire in a bush.
sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses: Acts 7:1-7To.. Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia,
and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred before he dwelt in Haran, .. Then he came out of the
and thirty and seven years. land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Haran. And from
Joshua 14:7,10 (Caleb) Forty years old was I when there, when his father was dead, He moved him to this
Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from land .. And God gave him no inheritance in it, not even
enough to set his foot on. But even when Abraham had
Kadesh-Barnea to espy out the land; and I brought
no child, He promised to give it to him for a possession,
him word again as it was in mine heart. [10] And and to his descendants after him. But God spoke in this
now, behold, the Lord hath kept me alive, as he way: that his descendants would dwell in a foreign land,
said, these forty and five years, even since the and that they would bring them into bondage and
Lord spake this word unto Moses, while the oppress them four hundred years. And the nation to
children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and whom they will be in bondage I will judge, said God,
and after that they shall come out and serve Me in this
now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong

Years of Israel Abraham to Caleb, Sept 2016 Otis Armstrong
Why the Year Counts? One reason or the bible counts
is to show years are simply added as in the following
example: Joshua 14:7,10 (Caleb) Forty years old was I
when .. the Lord sent me from Kadesh-Barnea to espy
out the land; .. And now, behold, the Lord hath kept
me alive,.. these forty and five years, ..and now, lo, I
am this day fourscore and five years old. Simple he
states 2 parts and repeats the sum, 85. This we find
also in example of Ishmael age in Genesis. Abes age There is also a very strong prophetic reference to the
given, 86Y, when Ishmael born, Gen16:16, then is day count, Hos6:2 After two days he will revive us, on
Abes age, 99, at Ishmael circumcision, Gen17:24, and the 3rd day He will revive us that we may live in His
it restates the year count, 13, Gen17:25. This shows sight.
the bible counts by intuitive years. But at the Exodus Adding these year counts, as given on page 9, one
this counting method is omitted in favor of year finds from Jesus Baptism unto God breathed into Man
summaries. So Moses states the Exodus was 430 years the breath of Life and he became a living soul to be
to the day from time covenant confirmed, Ex12:40&41, 4026.5 years. If one takes the Baptism in year 26AD
Gal3:17. The next year jump is at start of Solomon then the Anno Mundi date about 4001BC. The age of
Temple, 1Kgs6:1, 480th year after Exodus .. Began to Adam at sin is 4026.5 less 4 days prior to redemption
build. For this chronology we count from dedicate to or 26.5Y old. Also one should consider why the start of
dedicate. The dedicate year being 488.5 years from John work, Lu3:1, is marked very precisely by not less
Exodus. This is because it is found statistically to be that 6 historical figures? Furthermore why is the
1000 years from dedication to dedication, page 8. Also difference in age (6months) between Jesus and John
by counts the 1000 years show only Solomon last 10.4 given on more than 3 instances in book of Luke?
year in apostasy as stated, when Solomon was old, Additionally there be the 69 week prophecy to mark the
1Kgs11:4, was not loyal to the Lord...Also Jesus himself event of Messiah start.
referred His baptism to a simple day count. Matt26:61, About the 400 year prophecy unto Abraham
Mk14:58, Jn2:19, I will destroy this temple made with descendents, many overlook the term return hither
hands and within 3 days build another made without Gen15:16,and mistakenly apply it to the time10of
hands. Exodus.
More Triad Types by O.P. Armstrong, March 2015
Here are some more
Triad Types to be More Triad Types: Raising of Dead as Type for Restoration of Faith
pondered. One group Elijah Elisha Elisha
Prophets Era
comes from the
Dead Revived Widow Son Shunammite Son Bones revive dead man
raising of the dead in
the Spirit and Power Bible Reference 1Kings17:22-24 2 Kings 4:32-37 2 Kings 13:20-21
of Elijah. A bible Modern Era Type John Baptist Two Witnesses Z.144,000
metaphor used for Faith Restored Prepared Way Keep Testamony Sealed & Preach Gospel
raising the dead Bible Reference Matt.11:10-14 Rev11:4-12 Rev7:3-4
relates to spiritual
Triad Crossings of Jordan as Types for Kingdom Epoch Changes
awakening or revival.
Old Test. Era Joshua Elijah & Elisha Elisha
The 1st resurrection by
Parting Jordan West to East East to West West to East
Elijah could
Ref Jos3:16-17 2Kg2:7-8 2Kings 2:14
correspond to the
arousal of repentance Modern Era Type Kingdom Start Rapture Second Coming
by preaching of John. Ref Luke16:16 Dan12:1-3 Rev19:14
That revival took place just prior to Jesus Anointing Another Triad type is the supernatural parting of
and announcement of the Kingdom of God. The River Jordan. This is recorded three times in
second resurrection of the dead by Elisha may scripture. The 1 parting under Joshua could
correspond to the preaching under the Two Witness correspond to the 1 coming of Jesus and The
of Revelation. Lastly was the resurrection of a dead Kingdom of God. The second parting could be taken
man who was tossed into Elishas tomb. This could to correspond to the rapture of catching away. While
correspond to the preaching by the 144,000 during the final parting could correspond to the coming of
tribulation and wrath. During this time few have Jesus to impose His Kingdom rule upon earth. Jesus
interest in repentance, yet God faithfully calls all to did not start His ministry until John was beheaded
return and forsake evil. indicating an orderly transition of Kingdom Epochs.
More Triad Types by O.P. Armstrong, March 2015

More Triad Types by O.P. Armstrong, March 2015
The coming of the two witnesses will signal a
paradigm change in operation of the Kingdom of
God. For just as Jesus ministry in the Kingdom of
God awaited the passing of John the Baptist, so also
does the start of the two witnesses represent a
change of Kingdom Epochs.
John the Baptist came only preaching but gave no
recorded miracles. After John was arrested, he sent
to Jesus asking if Jesus was the coming one. Jesus
answer was to call for the afflicted. After that He
showed many miracles to Johns disciples and told
them to go tell John of these many signs.
Were such signs exhibited during Johns ministry,
then there would be a house divided.
The next Kingdom Epoch is the Holy Spirit and
Church Epoch. Just as there was no competition
between the ministry of John and Jesus, there will be
no competition between the church and the witness
of Revelation. The witness of Revelation by the
Jewish era Two Witness and the 144,000 from the 12
tribes will start only after the church is removed.
This is shown by the question of James and John to
Jesus and his answer.

More Triad Types by O.P. Armstrong, March 2015
And when his disciples James and John saw this, they
said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come
down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias
did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye
know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the
Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but to
save them.
The church age is an age of saving life and without
destruction. However when the two witnesses come
the manifestation of the Kingdom takes another
dimension. And I will give power unto my two
witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two
hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
These are the two olive trees, and the two
candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
And if any man will hurt them, fire proceeds out of
their mouth, and devours their enemies: and if any
man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in
the days of their prophecy: and have power over
waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth
with all plagues, as often as they will.

No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong r10/4
Bob Pickle: Date & Day Review: 69 Week Theory by Anderson/Hoehner/Ice et-al for 33AD Crucify
There is a
four, (4), day Day Start Date -J Start Date-G End Date -J End Date -G Day Elapsed True Days
discrepancy Ref DOW Julian Gregorian Julian Gregorian DOW Day.G Day.T
to the days 1 Fri 13Mar444BC 08Mar444BC 29Mar33AD 27Mar33AD Sun 173876 173876
reported by
Hoehner & 2 Fri 13Mar444BC 08Mar444BC 03Apr33AD 01Apr33AD Fri 173880 173880
Ice. (Julian 3 Thur 05Mar444BC 28Feb444BC 30Mar33AD 28Mar33AD Mon 173884 173884
year =365.25 4 Thur 02April444BC 28Mar444BC 23April33AD 21April33AD Thur 173880 173880
D & Gregorian
365.2425D Basis: 69weeks =483 years times 360day/Year =173,880 Jul. solar days from Start to End
The year 33 AD is considered a possible year for The new crescent could not have been seen before
Christ's crucifixion. Is it feasible to start with 444 BC the evening of Saturday, April 18, in 33 AD. This
and end in 33 AD by Jewish calendar rules? The makes Nisan 1 fall on Sunday, April 19, or perhaps a
answer is NO. Counting backward from a proposed day later, and Nisan 5 on Thursday, April 23, or
crucifixion date in March of 33 AD, ends up with perhaps a day later. Thus Thursday, April 23J,33AD,
Passover around March 18 in 444 BC, Julian date, could not have been Palm Sunday on Nisan 10.
corresponding to Gregorian date of March 13, Ref2. Worse yet, Nisan 14 would have fallen on Saturday,
However, there is no way that Passover is May 2, or perhaps a day later. But if Nisan 14 fell on
celebrated eight days before the spring equinox, a Saturday or Sunday in 33 AD, how could Christ
03/27J. That is way too early. Thus 03April 33 have died on a Friday if He died in that year? Even a
cannot work either. One must settle for a Nisan 1 hypothetical Wednesday crucifixion does not work
that fell no earlier than April 3, 444 BC, Ref4. That when Nisan 14 falls on a Saturday or Sunday. The
was the evening of April 2, weather permitting, that only two possible schemes to make dispensational
the new crescent was first seen, which would make interpretations of the 69 weeks work is to start
April 3 Nisan 1. Counting inclusively as Anderson either in 445 or 444 BC. If neither one fits, as they
suggested, 173,880 days later, brings us to Thursday, most certainly do not, Anderson's 69 week theory is
April 23, 33 AD, Ref4. proven false. Jesus ate Passover & was not slain on Passover!
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Judgment of Forty Years typed by Forty Days & of Joshua, Jonah, and Jesus
Ref 40 year Judgment of Jesus on Israel 40 Year Judgment of Moses & Joshua Ref
Jesus with 11 Disciples teach kingdom for Joshua with 11 others spy out promised
Ref1 RefA
forty, 40, days after resurrection land for 40 days. Jonah: Yet 40 days
Only Jesus, apostles, and Church say yes to Only Joshua, Caleb, and Moses inner
Ref2 the Kingdom of God as shown by Passover circle say yes to power of God as shown RefB
of Jesus death by Passover of Moses
those who reject Jesus and apostles those who reject Moses & Joshua called
Ref3 RefC
pronounced as wicked and evil generation wicked and evil generation
A 40 year judgment pronounced upon the A 40 year judgment pronounced upon
Ref4 wicked and evil doubting generation, a year the wicked and evil doubting RefD
for each day, 40 days & judgment generation, a year for each day
30AD starts judgment w/rejection of God's Judgment starts with rejection of God's
Ref5 RefE
power to deliver & save at Stephen stoning power to deliver & save, giants v bugs
judgment ends by gospel unto all world thru judgment ends by gospel unto all the
Ref6 RefF
New Israel, promised land entry (70AD) world thru Israel entry to promised land
New Joshua, Jesus, kept Promise of entry Joshua led Promised Land entry 400
Ref7 RefG
4000 years after expulsion from Eden years after promise given to Abraham
that which has been shall be and there is nothing new under the sun
Jesus stated, a wicked and evil generation seeks a sign, but Jewish Talmud records many omens of demise for 40 years
none shall be given save the sign of Jonah. That sign was, prior to the Temple destruction. Some say this 40 period
repent or in 40 days judgment. The wicked evil unbelieving runs from baptism unto 70AD. If so then this would be the
generation of Moses shows the year for day principle. They post dated prophecy in scripture. For Jesus declared the
show Jesus words declared a 40 year span unto judgment. Jonah sign after Johns death, not at the beginning of
Jesus vineyard parables also indicated this judgment. Jesus ministry.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD
Decree Started, 69 of 7's Jesus Baptized Stephen Stoned Temple Burnt
Years to Baptize=483.00 Years to Stephen = 3.50 Years= 40.00 365.242
Greg. Date Start Days Greg. Date Days Greg. Date Days Greg. Date End
11Feb457bc 176412 10Feb27ad 1278 11Aug30ad 14610 70AD 11Aug
Stephens stoning was the final rejection of Yshua by Yahudah. Yahs wrath at rejection of His Grand Passover
started the judgment clock. A similar act of disbelief some 1500 years earlier also triggered a 40 year judgment
upon Yahudah. The overspreading of abominations by the priesthood made the city and temple desolate. The
certainty of Temple destruction date is greater, than any other bible date, 5 to 10 August 70AD.
Counting backward 40 years from Temple destruction "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous
(inclusive end 11Aug70AD) dates the stoning of Stephen. words against this holy place and the law; for we
Then 3.5 years prior is Jesus baptism date. The end of have heard him say; that this Jesus of Nazareth will
Daniels 69th week, is taken as date for Jesus baptism. destroy this place and change the customs which
The date of Temple Destruction is well documented: Moses delivered to us. Acts6. Indeed Jesus did weep
Within hours, the temple was destroyed, August 10, over Jerusalem, saying For days will come upon you
70AD, which was on 15 Av (Ab), not 9 Av of Talmudic when your enemies will build an embankment
tradition. The wicked Generation warning of Jonah is around you, surround you and close you in on every
understood to be Jesus 40 year prophecy of Jerusalem side, and level you, and your children within you, to
destruction. Counting 40 years back gives August 11, the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone
30AD. This being the likely date when Stephen was stoned upon another, because you did not know the time of
and the Elders of the Temple rejected flatly the Gospel. your visitation."Then He went into the temple and
For is found: Then they secretly induced men to say, "We began to drive out those who bought and sold in it
have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses (overflowing abominations). A confirmation of Jesus
and God." And they stirred up the people, the elders, and Baptism and Crucify date is obtained by count back-
the scribes; and they came upon him, seized him, and ward from 10Feb 27AD Baptism to implementation
brought him to the council. They also set up false of Rebuild Decree, 457-458 BC, by the numbered
witnesses who said, weeks (69) of Daniel..
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14

From Jesus Baptism to Resurrection unto Temple Burnt in 70 AD, a total of 40 + 3.5 = 43.5 years
Jesus Baptized to Resurrection to Ascension at Day 40 Stephen Stoned unto Temple
Resurrection 40Day end to Stephen Stoned Temple Fire Burnt
Years=3.15 Years=0.11 Years=0.24 Years=40.00 365.242
Start Date Days date Days date Days date Days Date End
10Feb27ad 1137 7April30ad 40 17May30ad 86 11Aug30ad 14600 70AD 11Aug
This narrative takes the midweek time (3.5 year) to end Proponents of 33 AD resurrection date will try say
with Stephen stoning in 30AD and start with Jesus Messiah was revealed by crucifixion after 69 weeks. But
baptism on 10Feb27AD. The time from Baptism in 27AD after the Hoehner-Ice et-al theory of 444BC and 173880
unto Sunday resurrection on 7April30AD is 1137 days or days was disproven, they still try hang on to a 7 year
3.15 years. This corresponds to 5April30AD as a Friday postponement by other means. Like saying the 40 year
crucifixion. After resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with judgment (30 to 70AD) covers a time span from Baptism.
the Apostles & others before Ascension on 17May 30ad. I am not aware of postdating prophesy. For Jesus
The disciples spent another 10 days awaiting the Holy judgments against Jerusalem came during the latter part
Spirit. Thus from Pentecost unto St. Stephen stoning are of His ministry, not at start. Another goody by 33AD
76 days. Given the mighty working of the Holy Spirit at proponents is that Jesus was revealed on Palm Sunday,
that time the interval events are feasible; There then again a wrong narrative. For John said behold the Lamb
elapsed 40 years unto Temple destruction in 70AD. of God at baptism; God himself declared behold My
During these 40 years the Babylonian Talmud Soncino ver beloved Son and Luke in Acts1, of all that Jesus began to
Yoma 39B records: during the last 40 years before the say and do from the time He was baptized until , and
temple destruction various omens and portents occurred also The Law and Prophets were until John, since then
on a regular basis such as odd lot came up every year, the the Kingdom Then count on the 33AD lot to never
menorah burnt irregular, huge temple doors open mention a possible co-regal date of Tiberius Caesars 15th
themselves, crimson strings no longer turned white. year. For that would affix the possible baptism year to
These & other 40 year foreshadows of destruction something between 26 & 27AD. What webs we weave
Josephus also recorded. when first we start to deceive.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
A better narrative of Palm Sunday is that of presenting the paschal This was to keep the inspection ordinance. Year after year this
lamb 4 days prior to Passover. Then Jesus six days before the custom was dramatized on the fourth day prior to Passover.
Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, Inside the city, the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims had flocked
whom he raised from the dead. On the next day many came to the to the city, Each one bringing a palm frond or cedar bough, they
feast, when they heard of Jesus being in Jerusalem, Taking branches had collected in route to the Holy City. When Caiaphas, the high
of palm trees they meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King priest entered the Damascus Gate bringing the selected lamb by
of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord. Pilgrims by the his side, the priests at the gate began shouting, Hosanna to the
hundreds of thousands were thronging into the city. The pilgrims in Highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
route would collect palm branches to bring with them in anticipation Blessed be the kingdom of our father David that is coming!
of the messiah. At the temple, they awaited and watched for the Hosanna in the Highest! Upon hearing the shout the people in
coming of the messiah. The whole populace anticipated Yahshua the city, those in other part of the city, ran out into the street, also
(Jesus) would come to the feast. Also the chief priests and Pharisees bringing their fronds and started shouting, Hosanna in the
were also waiting, for if anyone knew where he was, the word was Highest! We now have a whole group of disciples, a mother
out that he should report it, so that the temple leaders might seize donkey and her two-three years old colt. A blanket is put over the
him. It was on the evening prior to the day of the lamb selection by colt and Yahshua quietly puts his hand on the colts mane. He
the High Priest, Jesus made special preparations with his disciples for mounts and they begin the descent into the Kidron Valley into the
the events of the next day. Jesus knew that on the fourth day before city. In unison, the disciples begin to shout, Hosanna in the
the Passover, the High Priest was to leave the city through the North Highest! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of our Lord! The
Gate as he went to the sheep herds and inspected the yearling flock flocks of pilgrims join in the chant as Jesus and the disciples went
for the most perfect lamb of the season. Within the city of Jerusalem, around the northern part of the Temple Mount, towards the Gate
the crowds of pilgrims were in anticipation of a great procession with of Damascus. In the meantime, the Caiaphas, the High Priest, has
the arrival of the Pesach Lamb. Every year, four days before Passover, now exited the Northern Damascus Gate and was heading out to
a vast entourage of priests would file out of the Herods Temple. the the fields to inspect the flocks of yearling lambs. The chant
procession of hundreds of priests paraded out of the western gate intensified, the priests at the Gate hear the chant and began to
entrance, where the vast temple market place, the Bazaar of Hanan shout, Hosanna in the Highest! Blessed is He who comes in the
(Annas the Elder) was located. There they walked down Robinsons Name of our Lord! Suddenly, the priests at the gate realize, they
Arch, as they connected with the main North-west street of have been fooled. This was not the return of the High Priest. This
Jerusalem, the Damascus street going to the North Gate, known as was Rabbi Yahshua and his disciples. Some of the Pharisees, the
the Damascus Gate. The procession entered the Upper City. The dogmatic sticklers of church protocol and defining the letter of the
priests began to line the sides of the Damascus street, two by two, truth, challenged Jesus, Teacher, rebuke your disciples. Jesus
maintaining positions on either side of the street,. As the priests shouts back to them over the swelling cries of the multitude, If
positioned themselves, the High Priest and his entourage made its these were silent, the very stones would cry out. Over the next 4
way north to the North Gate. Outside the city they inspected the days before Passover Jesus was inspected & flawless offered as
flocks of yearling lambs to find the most perfect lamb. the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Does this Impact the 7 years tribulation Prophetic Time; 1Year=360days=12Mo Ref value units row
Period? Accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people Dan12.7 3.5 time A
As shown in this table and Graph, the answer Domination of the little horn over the saints Dan7.25 3.5 time B
is NO. The seven sacred years of 360 days of Nations shall see two witnesses dead bodies Rev11.9 3.5 day c
12 30 day months is firmly affixed in Daniel and Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness. Rev12.14 3.5 time D
Revelation, irrespective of the interpretation of Treading under foot of the Holy City Rev11.2 42.0 month E
Rev13.5 42.0 month F
Daniel 9. Also it does not impact the references Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head
Prophesying of the two witnesses Rev11.3 1260 day G
to the antichrist for those references are
Woman's flight from the serpent Rev12.6 1260 day H
contained in Daniel Chapter 12, not Daniel Sacrifice away unto abomination of desolation Dan12.11 1290 day I
Chapter 9. The below timeline graph is Time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335 day J
hypothetical. It is this writers idea that Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300 day K
tribulation likely starts between April or year
Years to complete Solomon Temple 1Kgs6.38 7.0 Q
August 2016. s

What to do with the residual

half week period?
The residual half week time of 3.5
solar years is fitted after the 1000
year millennial reign. For then the
earth goes from peace to war
mode. For Satan is released from
his pit for a short time. This short
time is the time to deceive the
nations to go from peace to war.
There must be a finite time to
retool peace technology into war
technology. This is the 42 solar
months as depicted in the
following timeline
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
This table gives various dates for start of Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year
Tribulation, last column. The tribulation date is
determined by adding 3000 years to Jesus
Basis Baptz Postpone Yr Trib Yr AD
Baptism date /col2/ then subtracting the 458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263
postponed time of Daniels 70 weeks /col3/,
then subtracting the 1000 year Millennial
457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263
Sabbath, and subtracting 6.9 years of tribulation LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700
time. The 458BC & 457BC years are baptism 33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950
dates 483 years after the rebuild decree of
Daniel chapter 9. The postponed years are the LSM.Norm 27.30 3.05 2017.350
last residual years of Daniels 490 years. They 70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710
are 70 less time to baptism less time to Messiah
without the city. For the 33AD 69 week option mid October 2016 all Avg 2016.873
the last week is solar time of seven 360 day late march 2016 norm Avg 2016.307
years. The LSM, Least Squares Method, of
consensus forecasting is discussed in the paper
9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710
15th Year of Tiberius Caesar. LSM.norm is the The 9th Av 2016 date results from this work. It is
baptism year by normalized average. The highly favored because 9Av is a tragic date for
70AD40Yr baptism date is that found by this Yahudah as implied by Zechariah 14 for Tribulation
paper. upon them and our Holy City during Tribulation
The average tribulation start date for all 6 items years. All dates are without expressed or implied
is October 2016. Because LSM.all exceeds The warranty neither does Tribulation start date say
Balfour Century Date of 2017, it is dropped to when the rapture may or may not happen. I favor a
find a normalized average Tribulation start date pretribulation rapture but have no firm indicator
of March 2016. how much pre it ism.
No Seven, (7) Year Peace Treaty & No 33AD Resurrection by OP Armstrong 9/14
Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time
the heaven
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son Gal4.4 a time to every purpose
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock
finish the transgression
a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his
Acts 1.7 There are times reserved to just God the Father
own power (the secret things)
You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; Jesus scorned people for not understanding the
but how is it that ye do not discern this time? season
that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time
which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a
Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time
year, for to slay the third
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all
there is an appointed time as declared in
things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets Acts 3.21
since the world began
Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake
1Thes5.4 we can know the times
you as a thief
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living
and so that day come upon you unawares.
But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, we can do correctly, everyone can know, read
that you may do it. in context

Have you considered that God told Abraham in 400 years, in 4th generation his offspring would return and possess the PROMISED
Land & 40 years determined to make end of the evil generation & Ezekiel foretold Israels Apostasy would be exactly 430 years
before judgment & Jeremiah foretold 70 years captivity until return was allowed & in 69 7s from end of 70 years that Messiah would
come & in 70 7s would be everlasting righteousness & that for 1000 years will peace on earth and that for 2 times 1260 days will be
punishment upon all the earth? The secret things are the Lords but that revealed unto us are ours to do and keep.
Calendar program notes
Julian and Gregorian dates are not same but have they same 33AD Lunar Eclipse Notes
day of week. Take, for example, some dates selected by Drs The 33AD proponents like to tout the Passover
Hoehner & Ice as corresponding to: Eclipse of April 3 33AD ad nauseas. Such
A) Tuesday April 7 444bc Julian corresponds to Gregorian April 2, 444bc event has no scriptural basis. To the contrary
B) Thursday Mar5 444bc is Thursday & Gregorian = Feb28, 444bc is the 33AD eclipse is a proof Christ was NOT
C) Mar30 33AD is Monday & Gregorian is Mar28, 33AD Monday crucified in 33 AD. A careful reading of gospel
D) April 28, 33AD is Tuesday & Gregorian is Tuesday April26 33ad accounts shows absolutely NO mention of a
E) Mar18, 444bc Julian is Mar13 444bc Gregorian
crucifixion blood moon nor any other lunar
The Hoehner & Ice et-al theory takes 483 years of 360 days/year
phenomena. There are ample mentions of light
or 173880 days and attempts to remap that time span in a Solar
conditions during this time:
calendar of years. Their selected dates were (gFeb28,444bc) &
length of time Christ was on the cross, start and
(g Mar28,33AD). But Gregorian days between calendar dates B
& C is 173884 days by either java calendar or by Julian day
mention of complete darkness during the crucifixion
subtraction. Thus there is a 4 day discrepancy to the days
time of day when the body was requested
reported by Hoehner & Ice. The Passover falls 10 days after
time of day when Mary went to visit the tomb and
spring equinox. The Julian Calendar has 365.25 days per year.
the light conditions, early in morning, while yet dark
Hoehner used 365.2422 days per year = mean tropical rounded
time when the guards were requested
days per year.
But in none of these event will one find even
Gregorian proleptic calendar 365.2425 is Gregorian proleptic &
the slightest mention of any non routine lunar
error < less than 1d/4k Y
2453372 days unto 1/1/2005 start date Julian is 1/1/4713bc but
This should be sufficient proof to anyone who
Gregorian start is nov24,4714bc or otherwise 1/1/4713bc
follows scripture that the event did NOT
Gregorian is 2453334 days Gregorian as determined by java cal
happen near any lunar eclipse. Such a natural
Spring Equinox always about 22march Gregorian the date floats
event would detract from supernatural. The
in Julian cal (325.25dy/yr) as they not match solar year in Julian
lunar eclipse on Passover 33AD, the lack of
days the difference in JYD & GYD is by
scriptural mention for such event, and vivid
CFdays=2.11-0.0076CEj, CEj is Julian date corrected to CE,
light condition descriptions by scripture, more
1BC=0CE, CE BC is negative or 0. CEj-CF=CEg
aptly indicates 33AD is not correct date of this
Generation SiredYr Death Yr Verse
Overview of Chronology by Prophecy 2016 Trib Start
Adam 130 930 gen5.3
Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days
Seth 105 912 gen5.6
Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day Event Years
29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 3000.0
Enos 90 905 gen5.9
New Heaven New Earth
08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 Gog Magog Start 2996.9 Cainan 70 910 gen5.12
07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 Millennium Start 1996.9 Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15
12Sep2016AD Elul10 Mon 2457521.8 Tribulation Start 1989.6 Jared 162 962 5.18
08Aug70AD Av15 Fri 1746846.5 Temple Destroy by Fire 43.9 Enoch 65 365 5.21
08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 Leaders Stone Stephen 3.9 Methuselah 187 969 5.25
07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 1st Sunday after N14 Easter 3.5 Lamech 182 777 5.28
29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 Baptize Jesus by John 0.0 Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10
26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0 Shem 100 600 11.10
25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0 Arphaxad 35 438 11.12
29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0 Salah 30 433 11.14
31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5 Eber 34 464 11.16
30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5
Peleg 30 239 11.18
30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0
Reu 32 239 11.20
09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1
Serug 30 230 11.22
30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5
01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0
Nahor 29 148 11.24
29Sep3975BC Tish27 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0 Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4
30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Adam Living Soul 4026.5 Abraham 100 175 21.5
Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81
Ref Years Event Temple Anointed 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Dan9.25 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah, 69*7 years Jesus Anoint-Bapt 1000 Luke Lu16.16
Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah Total Past @Baptz 4026.5 Since Adam Created
Ezek4.6 40 B. Apostasy from Israel Captive Unto Judah Captive, 430total Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus
Ezek4.5 390 A. Solomon Apostasy Unto Israel Captive total A+B=430Yr Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo# years gone
1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication & Anointing unto Apostasy (40-12.6-17=10.4) Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 17.50
Total 1000
Temple dedicated Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4years in apostasy Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42
The Balfour Century, 1917 - 2017
Generation Year Age Year Ref 2
Start Limit End Ref 1 when you see the fig tree start to
Consider the fig tree put forth then know (not guess)
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017
Gen. 1 Zionist Return Conference

Termination: 120xJubilee Matt24 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - or 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
The Balfour Century, TBC Gen5&6&7
Judgment & Redemption first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)

4. Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our
days, that we may apply our after that the full corn in the ear (4)
hearts unto wisdom

When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see
the fig tree start to put forth its branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse)
until all these things be fulfilled. Another criteria is also, this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the
144,000 shall witness during tribulation time.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jewrusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy
city to make an end
Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 5 5
Bible Chronology by Prophecy Mar2014 rev1 by OP Armstrong
The prior Tables provide a basis for most likely time of tribulation This & other charts from C. Larkin are given to
start. For details the reader is directed to other writings. By this depict : Tribulation and other bible times. During
method there are 4026.5 years from Adam creation as a Living Spirit Tribulation of 2520 days, 7/12 of world population
unto Jesus Baptism. Foundation of the World was 4k year prior when perish and all sea life dies. Other judgment events
Adam sinned. From Baptism unto New Earth is 3000 years. About also ensue as righteous wrath is loosed upon a
1010.4 years prior to New Earth starts the Tribulation, Sept2016. wicked world.

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 2

This present era or
world started when
Adam fell. For then was
promised a redeemer.
This started Gods work
to make a new world;
forever free of sin and
corruption. This will be
by banishment of
corruptions source, the
devil. Who will go into
eternal hell at the Lake
of fire. That Lake is
under the feet of Jesus,
who sits at the right
hand of God the Father.
The age of Adam at sin
was 26.5 years, 4026.5
less 4000 years. The
Lamb of God was slain
from the Foundation of
the World. Stated other
wise, this era started
when the Lamb of God
was slain. This was
when Adam sinned.
Thus began 7000 years
work to make a new
heaven and new earth.

Brief on Mass Extinction Event Escape & Foundation of the World? Sept2014 by OP Armstrong 3
Table 1 Biblical Reference Times A Year to Hear: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013 Table 2
Prophetic Time; 1Year=360days=12Mo; source Ref value units row Calendar Days/Yr. Days/Mo
Domination of the little horn over the saints Dan7.25 3.5 time a Leap Year 366.0000 30.5000
accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people Dan12.7 3.5 time b Sidereal 365.2564 30.4380
Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness. Rev12.14 3.5 time c Julian 365.2500 30.4375
Woman's flight from the serpent Rev12.6 1260.0 day d Gregorian 365.2425 30.4369
Treading under foot of the Holy City Rev11.2 42.0 month e V.eqnox 365.2424 30.4369
Prophesying of the two witnesses Rev11.3 1260.0 day f mTropical 365.2422 30.4369
Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head Rev13.5 42.0 month g common 365.0000 30.4167
nations shall see two witnesses dead bodies Rev11.9 3.5 day h prophetic 360.0000 30.0000
Year Day Duality Prophesy Principle Ref value units i luniSolar 355.0000 29.5833
Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300.0 day j Lun.muslim 354.3700 29.5308
sacrifice away unto abomination of desolation Dan12.11 1290.0 day k
time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335.0 day l The Levitical calendar was both
m solar and lunar. Unlike the
Week of Years & Year to Day concept Ref value units n purely lunar Mohammedan
Covenant with many one week Dan9.27a 1.0 week o calendar, it was adapted to the
for overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate Dan9.27b 0.5 week p equinoctial, or solar year, for
det. Time unto cut off but not for himself Dan9.25 69.5 week q its feasts were linked with
determined time to Make an End & Seal Up Dan9.24 70.0 week r harvest ingatherings, while, at
determined time unto Messiah cut off after 69 Dan9.25 69.0 week s the same time, its months
Ages & Times Given by Actual Years Ref value units t were strictly lunar. From this
Years to complete Solomon Temple 1Kgs6.38 7.0 years u there necessarily resulted the
Aaron passed age 123 in fourty year of Exodus Nu33.39 40.0 years v intercaiation of months of
Jerusalem lay desolate to keep Sabbath 2Chr36.21. 70.0 years w epact. As the annual difference
length of mans life years Ps90.10 70.0 years x between the lunar and solar
length of mans life years by reason of strength Ps90.11 80.0 years y year grew to months, such
400 Yr is to 4th Generation Gen15.15 100.0 years z months were intercalated.
days of mans years Moses age at death Gen6.3 120.0 years aa
time of Israel's affliction for 4 generations Gen15.13 400.0 years bb
sojourn of the children of Israel Covenant Confirmed Gal3.17 430.0 years cc
very day Israel left Egypt Ex12.41 430.0 years dd
time of judges until Samuel the prophet Acts13.20 450.0 years ee
yrs after Ex Solomon start temple, Sol's 4th Y 1Kgs6.1 480.0 years ff From Guiness, H.G.
Length of a Lord's Day Ps90.4 1000.0 years gg
Is Rudd Wrong about Exodus ?
There appear to be issues with some of Mr. Steve A calendar is simply a routine to understand the
Rudds Exodus concepts. For example: seasons. From civilizations dawn every culture have
1) Is it correct to propose a calendar that is not understood autumn and spring moons. By time of
recognized by Hebrew or other calendar the Hebrew exodus, Egyptian calendars had evolved
authorities? (N.B. on page 5) over 1500 plus years. These details are available on
2) Is Nissan 15 of 1446BC Gregorian or Julian a wiki. The Egyptian calendar of Moses time was 12
Friday by any other calendar than Steve Rudd? lunar cycles of 30 days. There are about 29.5 average
3) Did the Hebrew Exodus, camp or pitch at days per year to 12 lunar cycles. The Egyptian
location Migdol before proceeding to Etham? calendar of Moses era (12 months of 30 days each
4) Was the Sabbath rest or end day, first with 5 intercalated each year), was eventually
propounded in the book of Exodus? adapted by Julius Caesar. It evolved to the Gregorian
5) Were Hebrew month counts exclusive to the civil calendar as now used. Rudds theory of a 28 day
Exodus time frame? calendar fails scrutiny of evidence for either lunar
6) Would the Sinai Peninsula be so named if Mount cycles, or historical review. The Egyptians of Moses
Sinai were not there? time are reported to have used 3 weeks of 10 days
If the answers to these questions are NO, as this for each month. The Egyptian year was divided into 3
review finds, then there are issues with the Rudd seasons, flood, growth, & harvest. Each season is
Exodus theory. This writer is not the only one to take about four lunations. The Hebrew calendar was
issue with Mr. Rudds proposals. Considerations on given in lunations adjusted for local harvest season.
these issues are detailed in order by this discussion. A calculated Hebrew calendar should be a good
Lastly, a brief expose of a more plausible concept is approximation to an observational calendar.
given. Passover averages to happen on Saturday about 1 in
First a general review of calendars, moon phases and 10 years. For Rudds selected year Niss15 fell either
the Solar Year length. As stated in Genesis, the Saturday or Thursday but not Friday as Rudd claims
greater and lesser lights are for days, years, and by his 28 day per month calendar.
seasons. 1
Is Steve Rudd Exodus Calendar Wrong? October 2014 by OP Armstrong
Is Rudd Wrong about Exodus ?
The Gregorian BCE calculator calendar includes a Another problem with Rudds 28 day calendar is the
year zero. So calculator 1446 BCE Julian, is 1445BC count of Solar years from Exodus Sea Baptism unto
Gregorian. The year 1446BC Gregorian is 1447BCE Noah will not count correctly unto Noah Baptism
Julian. This confusion is avoided by use of Julian Day end. The basis of Mr. Rudds 28 day months is a
Number (JDN). Each JDN has a unique week day. As fabrication of bible historical record with no
Rudd does not mention a JDN, it is necessary to run reconciliation to any other calendar system.
both calendars and compare day of week & month A Monday, Niss26, 1463BCE.J Exodus Sea Baptism
to bible travel days. This review finds that neither gives a correct Julian day count unto Saturday
1446BC.G nor 1446BCE.J corresponded to Rudds Tish17, JD865183.5. TBC calendar study finds that on
calendar week days. Mr. Rudd invented a 28 day 9 September, 2345BCE.G, Noahs Ark came to rest on
calendar to make 1446 Exodus year work with some Mount Ararat. This completed Noahs baptism, in
Jewish Holy days and his travel times. However it is Noahs 600th Year.
not plausible that Moses would give the Law of no The bible scripture clearly prescribes 150 days
animal travel on Sabbath, and yet leave on a corresponds to five months. This averages to a 30
Sabbath. Neither is it plausible to travel on the 21st day month for that 150 day period. In Noahs 600th
day of Nissan as that was also declared a Holy Day. year, the 2nd month and the 17th day the flood
Rudd on the other hand overlooks this and has no windows opened, Gen7.11. Then the flood waters
rest day for the 21st day of Nissan, Feast of prevailed upon the earth for 150 days (Gen7.24 &
Unleavened Bread. 8:3). At end of this 5 months, on the 7th month, the
A calculator year 1462BC Gregorian (1463BCE Julian) 17th day in Noahs 600 year, the ark came to rest
departure on Nissan 15th (JD# 1187153.5, Thursday) atop Mt. Ararat, Gen8:4. These verses do not
works perfectly well for all prescribed Jewish Holy prescribe a 360 day year as some have presumed. In
days of Moses. These days are compared in the these specified 5 months there are 150 days. The
following 3 Tables. The first Table gives location and number of days to the remaining months in the year
rest days for the specified, pitch or camp days of by these verses are not stated nor specified.
Numbers 33. 2
Is Steve Rudd Exodus Calendar Wrong? October 2014 by OP Armstrong
Rudd Is Wrong About Exodus ?
2. As seen in below Table, Rudds calendar app of 28 3b. Again not in agreement with the chronology of
days per month yields some radically different results Numbers 33.
from regular calendar results. Rudds 1446BC Nissan 4. Here are many references showing the Sabbath
15 and Lyyar 1 both fall on Friday, Row A. However rest or end day, is not first propounded in the book
neither a Gregorian nor a Julian dated year of 1446, of Exodus.
agree with the Rudd calendar day of week for 1446. 5. By a study of Noah in Genesis it does not seem
In conclusion, the Rudd calendar and sequence of that Hebrew month counts to be exclusive to the
events for the Exodus are dodgy at best, more surely Exodus time frame.
to be just plain wrong. Thus the Rudd work should 6. By this writers guess the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt
be viewed with suspicion. would not be so named if Mount Sinai were not
Also included, Row D, is what is considered as a more located there. This writer is inclined to concur the
likely Exodus year of 1463BC Gregorian, 1187169.5 older exodus routes that place the sea crossing
Julian day number. towards the Suez canal. There is little to eliminate
3. By reading book of Numbers: And they removed some of Rudds Exodus routes, but Mt. Sinai location.
from Etham, and they pitched before Migdol. But Could the basis of ancient iron wheels found in red
Rudd has them arrive at Etham on Lyar 1 from sea not also be from a sunken ship of the Exodus
Migdol on the Prior day, which he calls Nissan 28? era?
Compare Rudd Weekday to Calendar Program Sundry Exodus Years
Calendar Date Nissan 15 Julian Day Lyyar1 Jul. Day# Row
Rudd 1446BC? Friday no data Friday no data A
Calendar 1446BC.G Saturday 1193000.5 Monday 1193016.5 B
Calendar 1446BCE.J Thursday 1193355.5 Saturday 1193371.5 C
Calendar 1463BC.G Thursday 1187153.5 Saturday 1187169.5 D
Is Steve Rudd Exodus Calendar Wrong? October 2014 by OP Armstrong 3
Is Rudd Wrong about Exodus ?
TBC Exodus Events 1463BCE Julian, 1462BC Gregorian with Calc Hebrew Cal, Julian Day# WkDy, &Moon Phase
Count Event/Stop CHC Event Date BC Julian Day DOW Jdys Ref Moon CHC & JD#
Out Pi-Rameses Niss15 1st After Pass 1463Mar20 1187153.5 Thur 0 Nu33.3 Full14.7dy177deg
1 Rest Succot Niss17 Rest Sabboth 1463Mar22 1187155.5 Sat 2 Ex13.20 96%16.8dy199deg
2 Rest Etham Niss21 Feast Unleven 1463Mar26 1187159.5 Wed 6 Nu33.6 Ex12.18 65%20.7dy246deg
3 Pitch Migdol Niss24 Rest Sabboth 1463Mar29 1187162.5 Sat 9 Nu33.7 33%23.7dy283deg
4 Crossing Sea Niss26 HorseRide Sea 1463Mar31 1187164.5 Mon 11 Nu33.8 15%25.7dy310deg
5 Rest Marah Lyyar01 Rest Sabboth 1463Apr05 1187169.5 Sat 16 Nu33.8 02%01.4dy020deg
6 Rest Elim Lyyar04 46palm 12well 1463Apr08 1187172.5 Tues 19 Ex15.27 Nu33.9 21%04.5dy58deg
7 RedSea pitch Lyyar08 Rest Sabboth 1463Apr12 1187176.5 Sat 23 Nu33.10 61%08.5dy104deg
8 SinWild'ness Lyyar15 Quale Dusk 1463Apr19 1187183.5 Sat 30 Ex16:1&12 Full15.3dy182deg
9 1stSabManna Lyyar21 2X Manna 1st 1463Apr25 1187189.5 Fri 36 Ex16:5-12 57%21.4dy254deg
10 Mt Sinai Sivan15 b4 Mt. Sinai 1463May18 1187212.5 Sun 59 Ex19:2 Full15.1dy176deg
11 G @Mt Sinai Sivan18 G_d on Sinai 1463May21 1187215.5 Wed 62 Ex19:11 88%18.1d213deg
The above Table is what seems a more likely sequence of movements and the calculated days by calendar
program for the first 3 months of exodus. The Sea crossing is completed on 26 Nissan, Monday, G1462BC.
These Julian day numbers correspond to the time differences between Baptism of Jesus and the Baptism
date of Noah. Those day numbers are detailed in the chronology table, Chronology by Prophecy.
Note: NB! Calendar programs i.e.; Kalendis, et-al, & have opted to present Gregorian years as being in negative terms with a year
zero. This makes the Program Gregorian Years be 1 year early. (ie 4000BC Gregorian program is 4001BC Julian program. The Julian year BC
date correspond to the conventional Gregorian BC year date that has no year zero. Such confusion is avoided if one also specifies or uses both
Julian Day number and year date. Some prefer to specify Julian dates & that is normally the same gregorian year & weekday but slightly
different month dates. Draft removed after getting no reply from either Steve Rudd nor his organization.
Is Steve Rudd Exodus Calendar Wrong? October 2014 by OP Armstrong
Overview of Chronology by Prophecy 2016 Trib Start Generation SiredYr Death Yr Verse
Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days Adam 130 930 gen5.3
Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day Event Years Seth 105 912 gen5.6
29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 New Heaven New Earth 3000.0 Enos 90 905 gen5.9
08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 Gog Magog Start 2996.9 Cainan 70 910 gen5.12
07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 Millennium Start 1996.9 Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15
12Sep2016AD Elul10 Mon 2457521.8 Tribulation Start 1989.6 Jared 162 962 5.18
08Aug70AD Av15 Fri 1746846.5 Temple Destroy by Fire 43.9 Enoch 65 365 5.21
08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 Leaders Stone Stephen 3.9 Methuselah 187 969 5.25
07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 1 Sunday after N14 Easter
st 3.5
Lamech 182 777 5.28
29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 Baptize Jesus by John 0.0
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10
26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0
Shem 100 600 11.10
25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12
29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0
31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5
Salah 30 433 11.14
30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5 Eber 34 464 11.16
30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0 Peleg 30 239 11.18
09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1 Reu 32 239 11.20
30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5 Serug 30 230 11.22
01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0 Nahor 29 148 11.24
29Sep3975BC Tish27 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0 Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4
30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Adam Living Soul 4026.5 Abraham 100 175 21.5
Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81
Ref Years Event Temple Anointed 488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Dan9.25 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah, 69*7 years Jesus Anoint-Bapt 1000 Luke Lu16.16
Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah Total Past @Baptz 4026.5 Since Adam Created
Ezek4.6 40 B. Apostasy from Israel Captive Unto Judah Captive, 430total Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus
Ezek4.5 390 A. Solomon Apostasy Unto Israel Captive total A+B=430Yr Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo# years gone
1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication & Anointing unto Apostasy (40-12.6-17=10.4) Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 77.50
Total 1000
Temple dedicated Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4years in apostasy Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42
Is Rudd Wrong about Exodus ?
The Balfour Century, TBC, view looks at the bible as but a love story of God seeking
reconciliation with His lost friend, Adam & his offspring. The information outside of a
redemption narrative, mans return back to God, is irrelative by this context. The 7000 years (6
work days and 1 rest day) of determined new creation time, starts from the fall of man and
ends with earths complete restoration. At which point death is swallowed in victory. This is
when Christ cast the source of mans fall, Satan and sin, into everlasting fire for all Eternity.
For the Anno Mundi, (AM), year of 4004BC, accepted by many Evangelicals, Y6k was reached
in 1997. Those who look outside a redemption narrative cannot reconcile their work with the 7
day re-creation idea. For this means earth is now in the millennial Sabbath rest. Such a rest is
not compatible with the wars & other grief seen today on a regular basis. Actually many have
recognized this flaw since around 1995 and suggested various alternatives.
For Jesus Baptism on 29Sept26AD, Y6k, Luke16:16, is 2026AD & Y6k with 3.5 year postponement
is 07Aug2023AD. TBC ethos looks at the start of the redemption era as dealing with fallen man.
Thus Adams sin is taken to have happened G29Sep3974BC (4k years before Christ Baptism).
This means Adam started his reign of sin & death at about age 27, for an AM of G4001BC. If
earlier creation dates of Adam are considered, then a corresponding increase in Adams age at
start of sin would follow. For any A.M. date one must consider age of accountability, that
Adams offspring must begin after original sin, for by one sin entered all.
The 7 days of determined time as viewed here, are the 7 days unto restoration from mans fall
by sin unto final redemption when Satan is Eternally bound and start of a new heaven and new
earth, 29Sep3026AD. For the record, the gapped creation theory seems more plausible. The
gapped creation is well explained by C Larkins charts.
Is Steve Rudd Exodus Calendar Wrong? October 2014 by OP Armstrong 8
Possible Tribulation Start Dates Based on 15th Year Tiberius Caesar start St.John Baptism
ChroTyp JesusBapt Start John StJohn.Heb StJn JD# dDays Trib JD# Trib Greg 2Witness
Usher SP27AD AD26Sept09 1.Tish10 1730807.5 726686.0 2457493.5 2016AP15 2016Dec11 dDays 2457733.5
Catholic Fall27AD AD27Ap27 2.Niss10 1731013.5 726686.0 2457699.5 2016Nov07 2017JLY05 end 3000 3000 2457939.5
CoChrist Fall26AD AD26Mar16 3.Niss10 1730630.5 726686.0 2457316.5 2015Oct21 2016Jun17 GogMaG -3.5 -7 2457556.5
K.Doeg AD28Jan6 AD27Oct17 4.Tish30 1731210.5 726686.0 2457896.5 2017My23 2018Jan18 Millen -1000 -1000 2458136.5
33Xfy.1 Fall29AD AD29Ap10 5.Nis10 1731751.5 725407.8 2457159.3 2015My16 2016Jan11 Trib -6.90 -6.90 6.90 2457399.3
33Xfy.2 Fall29AD AD29Ap10 6.Nis10 1731751.5 726686.0 2458437.5 2018No15 2019JLY13 Net dd 1989.6 1986.1 2458677.5
33Xsy.1 SP29AD AD28Sep16 7.Tish10 1731545.5 725407.8 2456953.3 2014Oct22 2015Jun19 days net 726686 725408 2457193.3
33Xsy.2 SP29AD AD28Sep16 8.Tish10 1731545.5 726686.0 2458231.5 2018Ap23 2018Dec19 2458471.5

Luke16:16 The Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom of God is preached
Luke3, In the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar etc... The Word of God came to John...& he went ..
Usher Chronology paragraph 6280 to 6288, that most suitable day the 10th Tishri (7th Heb month)
The other constructs are those given by various bible chronologies with results stated
Tribulation Start = St.John start + 3000 year - Gog/Magog.time - 1000year - 6.9year Tribulation
Some Take the Daniel prophesy to be 483 year others use 486.5Y, the residual of 490 is GogMagog
As example, netDD=3000-3.5-1000-6.9 = 1989.6 year times 365.2423Day/Year= 726686day + StJohn
The dates are simply worked by calendar converter routine to arrive at tribulation start date
The Balfour Century Concept say this generation not pass until all fulfilled & that time be
1897AD +120Yr = 1917AD + 100Yr = 1947AD + 70Yr = 1967AD + 50Y = 2017AD
The Jew & Jerusalem are God's time peace: .weeks are determined upon. to finish.. to end DAN9
Thus any dates beyond 2017 are considered suspect, the most suitable times are the top 2 dates
Table 1 Biblical Reference Times A Year to Hear: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013 Table 2
Prophetic Time; 1Year=360days=12Mo; source Ref value units row Calendar Days/Yr. Days/Mo
Domination of the little horn over the saints Dan7.25 3.5 time a Leap Year 366.0000 30.5000
accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people Dan12.7 3.5 time b Sidereal 365.2564 30.4380
Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness. Rev12.14 3.5 time c Julian 365.2500 30.4375
Woman's flight from the serpent Rev12.6 1260.0 day d Gregorian 365.2425 30.4369
Treading under foot of the Holy City Rev11.2 42.0 month e V.eqnox 365.2424 30.4369
Prophesying of the two witnesses Rev11.3 1260.0 day f mTropical 365.2422 30.4369
Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head Rev13.5 42.0 month g common 365.0000 30.4167
nations shall see two witnesses dead bodies Rev11.9 3.5 day h prophetic 360.0000 30.0000
Year Day Duality Prophesy Principle Ref value units i luniSolar 355.0000 29.5833
Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300.0 day j Lun.muslim 354.3700 29.5308
sacrifice away unto abomination of desolation Dan12.11 1290.0 day k
time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335.0 day l The Levitical calendar was both
m solar and lunar. Unlike the
Week of Years & Year to Day concept Ref value units n purely lunar Mohammedan
Covenant with many one week Dan9.27a 1.0 week o calendar, it was adapted to the
for overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate Dan9.27b 0.5 week p equinoctial, or solar year, for
det. Time unto cut off but not for himself Dan9.25 69.5 week q its feasts were linked with
determined time to Make an End & Seal Up Dan9.24 70.0 week r harvest ingatherings, while, at
determined time unto Messiah cut off after 69 Dan9.25 69.0 week s the same time, its months
Ages & Times Given by Actual Years Ref value units t were strictly lunar. From this
Years to complete Solomon Temple 1Kgs6.38 7.0 years u there necessarily resulted the
Aaron passed age 123 in fourty year of Exodus Nu33.39 40.0 years v intercaiation of months of
Jerusalem lay desolate to keep Sabbath 2Chr36.21. 70.0 years w epact. As the annual difference
length of mans life years Ps90.10 70.0 years x between the lunar and solar
length of mans life years by reason of strength Ps90.11 80.0 years y year grew to months, such
400 Yr is to 4th Generation Gen15.15 100.0 years z months were intercalated.
days of mans years Moses age at death Gen6.3 120.0 years aa
time of Israel's affliction for 4 generations Gen15.13 400.0 years bb
sojourn of the children of Israel Covenant Confirmed Gal3.17 430.0 years cc
very day Israel left Egypt Ex12.41 430.0 years dd
time of judges until Samuel the prophet Acts13.20 450.0 years ee
yrs after Ex Solomon start temple, Sol's 4th Y 1Kgs6.1 480.0 years ff From Guiness, H.G.
Length of a Lord's Day Ps90.4 1000.0 years gg
Ez-A Tribulation Start Year based on Daniel Ez-B Crucify Alternatives for Daniel 69.5 Hebdomad Start
458BC26AD End69Wk/Baptize 457BC27AD A B C D
29.25 Crucify, AD 30.25 Hebd. Basis Solar-A Lunar-A Solar-B Ref
-3.50 Yr.'s to Baptism -3.50 69.5 Hebdomads 486.5 Years i
25.75 Baptized Year AD 26.75 Days/Year 365.242 354.37 365.242 ii
3000.00 3millen. Days+ 3000.00 Days/69.5He 177690.23 172401.01 177690.23 iii
3025.75 New Earth AD 3026.75 Base Year BC -458.48 -444.00 -457.25 iv
-3.50 last week Gog -3.50 .Solar Yr 486.50 472.02 486.50 v
3022.25 End 1000Y rest AD 3023.25 Crucify AD 29.02 29.02 30.25 vi
-1000.00 1millen.DayRest -1000.00 Basis Ref Ezra-A Nehemiah.A Ezra-B vii
2022.25 Start Sabboth AD 2023.25 .Solar Yr + Yr.BC + 1 = Yr. AD
-6.90 2*1260Day Trib. -6.90
2015.35 Start Tribula'n AD 2016.35 Figure 1
-2015.00 Find Month Day -2016.00 Ezra A &
0.35 Fraction Year 0.35 Nehemiah A
12.00 month/Year 12.00
4.21 4th Mo Year AD 4.21
-4.00 less whole -4.00 Figure 2
0.21 Fraction month 0.21 Ezra B &
30.00 Days/month 30.00 Jonah 40D
6.17 Day of 4th Month 6.17 Temple
April 6, 2015 Start Tribulation AD April 6, 2016 Destroy
Mass Extinction Event Escape?
A mass extinction event is foretold by scripture in the seven Bowls of Wrath. Prior
to this massive event are two other dreadful events; the seven trumpets and the
seven seals. Holy writ is explicit about a coming 7 year tribulation. This tribulation
begins with 7 seals being opened, followed by 7 trumpets and ending with 7 Bowls
of Wrath. None of these judgments are pleasant. Seal 4 results in death of or
25% of world population. This is roughly 2 billion people. Next follows the
Trumpet judgment. During trumpets a further 1/3 of all life becomes extinct. Last
are the Bowls or Grapes of wrath where every living thing in the sea dies. From
start to end more than of the initial human population of the world perishes,
and every living thing in the sea dies. There are other horrific events also suffered
by the global population, in short: A mass extinction event is shortly to come. It
was Jesus admonition for us to pray that we be counted worthy to escape all these
things. If that is not enough then during this last 7 years men choosing to follow
Jesus will be executed by a nut jobber known as the Anti-Christ. Also privations
and wars will become the rule, not the exception. Will you be worthy to escape
these events? Many will choose a life on the out where will be sorcerers, and the
whoremongers, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one who is loving
and is doing a lie. But to as many as received Jesus, to them he gives the power to
become the children of God.
The following tables indicate these events could start as early as 2016 (or sooner)
and not later than early 2020. The only prep work that can save you is Jesus, all
other ground is sinking sand. Table Tribulation Start
Early 04/ 2016
Late 04/ 2017
Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 rev07/14 by OP Armstrong 1
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
Alternative Considerations Tribulation Start Trib End End Anno Mundi
7 YR tribulation +3.5Y postponement Before 2017 AD By 2024AD Before 3027 AD
7 YR tribulation no postponement Before 2020 AD By 2027AD Before 3027 AD
3.5YR tribulation 3.5Y postponement Before 2020 AD By 2024AD Before 3027 AD
Postponement means Daniels 70th week is completed after the millennial year reign. The end of the
70th week is to bring in everlasting righteousness and make an end of prophesy. At the end of the
millennial reign Satan is loosed and entices many of earths inhabitants against Jerusalem. All of which
must consume some of the 7,000 years of Covenant time. For just as God made the 1st creation in
seven days, also seven millennial days from fall of Adam, there are determined 7,000 years to make a
new heaven and new earth. The last Adam is Jesus who redeemed the old Adam unto life. By divine
design, Solomons Temple building completion was seven years.
The story of Jerichos fall also instructs us that 7 millennial days are determined for the destruction of
earth and making a new heaven and a new earth. For Jericho could represent sinful earth. Only those
inside the house marked by the blood red string were saved from destruction. The destruction of
Jericho came after 7 priests blowing 7 trumpets marched around the city 7 days. For each of the 1st 6
days, the 7 priests marched around the city once. But on the 7th day, the 7 priests with 7 trumpets
marched around the city 7 times. Upon each of the last 7 round the 7 trumpets were blown once, but
at end of the 7th march on the 7th day the final loud trumpet blast and great shout sealed the fate of
all but the blood redeemed. So began the entry to the promised land. The following two charts
indicate the beginning of the 7th day is close upon sinful earth. Are you sheltered in the redeemed
room? In 7 days all were gathered into the ark, then the doors closed & the floods destroyed that
age. You are called to enter before the door is closed, how shall you reply?
Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 2
Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
CDay.1: Adamic(3974BC) CDay.2: Rainbow (2974BC) CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC)
Chart of Millennial Covenant Days

1000 years - day 1 1000 years - day 2

CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC) CDay.4 Temple (974BC) CDay.5 Christ (27AD)

1000 years - day 3 1000 years - day 4

CDay.5 Christ (27AD) CDay.7s Rest (2023.5 AD) CDay.8e New (3027AD)

2000 years - days 5 & 6 1000 years - day 7

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 4

Appendix - The 6k Year Timeline T9 Total Years unto Jesus Baptism
A 4,026 year timeline of bible chronology is found in scripture by the Sired Death
adjacent Table. From Adams creation unto Seth, down to Abraham Generation
Age* Age
sires Isaac confirming Gods covenant is laid out in Genesis chapters 5 Adam 130 930 gen5.3
& 11. From that very day of Isaac unto Exodus is given as 430 years. Seth 105 912 gen5.6
From Exodus unto completion of Solomon temple was 487 years. The Enos 90 905 gen5.9
single millennium day from Christ anointing by the Holy Spirit unto Cainan 70 910 "5.12
the Temple anointing by the Holy Spirit at dedication is described in Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15
the next Table. The importance of Jesus baptism can be seen by the Jared 162 962 5.18
six date markers affixed to that event. No other scripture event is so Enoch 65 365 5.21
explicitly bound to the secular calendar, why? Jesus baptism by John Methuselah 187 969 5.25
began the Kingdom Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in Lamech 182 777 5.28
the divine calendar allows mapping all other 7 millennium days into Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10
Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the Shem 100 600 11.10
precise counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc, most Arphaxad 35 438 11.12
concur within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The 7 Days of Salah 30 433 11.14
Creation teach us to consider that God shall complete his redemption Eber 34 464 11.16
of fallen mankind & make a new creation in 7 days of 1,000 years Peleg 30 239 11.18
each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Reu 32 239 11.20
Revelation. Seven years tribulation: 2016.4-2023.3, Gog Magog Serug 30 230 11.22
3023.3 to 3026.8. The age of Adam at sin was 26.5. For at time of Nahor 29 148 11.24
starting the Kingdom, 4,000 years of the Law & Prophets had Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4
elapsed. Subtract off a Sabbath Rest day from Seven total
Abraham 100 175 21.5
redemption days and there are yet six redemption days remaining.
to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.41
Calculation of Solomon Temple Build & Dedicate Times unto Exodus Temple
488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Event Yr-Solomon Yr-from Exodus Mo Heb Mo# years gone
Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 Baptized
1000 Luke Lu16.16
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50
Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 Total Past 4026.5 Yrs since Adam created

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 5

Appendix - The 6k Year Timeline
Table10 The Millennium from Solomon Temple Anointing unto Christ Anointing
Ref Years Event Quote
from the going forth of the word to restore and to build
Dan Rebuild decree unto
483 Jerusalem till Messiah the Leader is seven weeks, and sixty
9.25 Messiah, 69*7 years
and two weeks (69)
Dan 70 Years Captivity as unto Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the fulfilling of the
9.2 told by Jeremiah wastes of Jerusalem-seventy years;
Ezek The iniquity of the house of Judah forty (40) days--a day
40 Unto Judah Captive
4.6 for a year..
Ezek Apostasy Unto Israel The number of days, three hundred and ninety (390) days;
4.5 Captive and thou hast borne the iniquity of the house of Israel.
at the time of the old age of Solomon, his wives have
Temple Dedication turned aside his heart after other gods, and his heart hath
11 17
unto begin Apostasy not been perfect with Jehovah his God, like the heart of
David his father.
{**17 years is by difference, (1000-983). Forty years Solomon reigned in
Total 1000 Jerusalem. Temple dedicated Solomon's 11th year; 1st 17 Years after temple not
in apostasy. ([40-11-17]=12)} last 12/40 in apostasy counted by Ezekiel 430 yrs
The 1000 years from Solomon unto Christ temple are counted by bible prophesy. This includes 17
calculated years from dedication of Solomon temple unto apostasy. As Solomon ruled 40 years, his last 12
of 40 years were in apostasy. Thus concurring scripture only Solomons last years were in apostasy. Ezekiel
4 may be summarized as the number of the days of their sins lay on this and that side, a day for each year
of their sins, a total of 430 years that they may know why they went into captivity. Thus from the apostasy
unto Messiah or the Kingdom declared by Jesus are 983 years defined clearly by scripture. The 17 years
are years by difference using the millennial epoch of 1 day. Thus 17 years were the house of Israel faithful
after temple anointing. Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by
OP Armstrong
Dating 15th Year of Tiberius Caesar & Tribulation by Least Squares
The least disputed date in the Kingdom era is the Forty represents testing, so the
Crucify, AD 30.26
destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. This event was forty years between Christ Years to Baptism -3.50
recorded in secular history as being August 10, 70AD, rejection and Temple destruction Baptized AD 26.76
which was on 15 Av(Ab) 3830, not 9 Av of Talmudic represent on final test and inspect 3millenniul. Days+ 3000.00
tradition. By the Jonah warning from Christ Jesus the period. The result was clear. The New Earth AD 3026.76
40 year wicked generation may be subtracted off that priesthood rejected Jesus at last week Gog -3.50
date to arrive at Aug.10, 30AD. This being the likely every hand. That Christ was End 1000Y rest AD 3023.26
date of Stephens stoning. His stoning was that wicked resurrected in 30AD is doubly 1millen.DayRest -1000.0
and evil generations final rejection of the Passover confirmed from both the Sign of Start Sabbath AD 2023.26
redemption from Christ. Like another wicked and evil Jonah and by the prophecy of 2*1260Dy Tribulation -6.90
generation, who had seen the mighty works of God but Daniel. A third confirm is the 15th Start Tribulation AD 2016.36
also failed to enter into the promise. That generation year of Tiberius Caesar being Find Month Day -2016.0
was cut off from the blessing. The judgment was historically noted as Jesus Fraction Year 0.36
pronounced, 40 years, a year for each day the land baptism year. The time span month/Year 12.00
was spied out. That wicked and evil generation as fully between baptism and crucify is 4th Mo Year AD 4.33
purged after 40 years for failing to enter into the again double confirmed by less whole -4.00
promise. The warning of Jonah was, yet 40 days and prophecy and by Passover count. Fraction month 0.33
Nineveh shall be overthrown. The warning of Christ A forth confirm is that Jesus was Days/month 30.00
was, a wicked and evil generation seeks a sign but no about 30 years old at baptism. Day of 4th Month 9.77
Start Tribulation AD April 2016
sign shall be given save the sign of Jonah. The birth years boundary by
In 40 years that historical data constrains 4th TableA2 Tribulation
great city shall be confirm mark. A date of 27.3AD Early 04/ 2016
overthrown. was determined by error Late 04/ 2017
About 120 days minimization on the 4 constraints
prior to Stephens or 27.2AD by Table A3 Baptism Year & Critical Dates
stoning was the 6 constraints, Exodus method ADa birth Exodus Temple
Passover Seder of & Temple years. Late 27.8 4BC 1462BC 975BC
Christ. Early 26.8 5BC 1463BC 976BC
a b c d e
Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 7
Appendix - Book of Daniel Review
The 70 weeks of Daniel are taken as dealing exclusively The enduring work is that of Jesus with many unto the
with the work of messiah. No glory is given to Antichrist by end. Then there is cut off not for himself. Jesus was in the
this passage. These 70 weeks relate to everlasting form of God, considered the redemption of his brothers
righteousness and establishing a righteous kingdom. Verse and emptied himself even unto death on a tree, the
25 states that after 69 weeks of years, Messiah comes. As righteous for the unrighteous. He who knew no sin
Jesus stated after Johns baptism; the Law and Prophets became sin that his lost brothers may be restored. The
were until John, now is the Kingdom of God. Verse 26 says 69.5 week view is widely espoused by SDA (7thday
after 69 weeks Messiah is cut off rejected (city not his). But Advents). SDAs take exception to last week
how long after the 69 weeks? The next verse explains how postponement.
long after the 69 weeks. The first 69.5 weeks deal with The section of Daniel to which Paul and Jesus
coming of messiah and extending the covenant rights to reference dealing with the A/C are in Daniel 11.21-
the gentiles (the many). The last half week is the 45 in particular v.31, And forces shall be mustered
postponed part. The postponed completion is seen as
being completed just before the new heaven and new
by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress;
earth. The abomination that makes desolate part of this then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and
passage refers to the old order who wish to keep on place there the abomination of desolation..
offering blood sacrifice after the atonement of messiah at This writers view is that; Paul, John, & Jesus reference to
Calvary. For this cause the temple is destroyed. These facts A/C in temple have nothing to do with the last half of
were declared by Jesus in parables and teachings to the week 69-70, nor Daniels last week. The 7 year tribulation
temple rulers on at least two different occasions. The time is a compilation of 42 months and 1260 days
vineyard and owner plus the dunging of the fig tree and referenced in The Revelation. No where in Revelation are
destroy this temple, also not one stone of this temple shall these times explicitly referenced to Daniels 70 week
be left. In many instance Jesus declared the old system was prophesy. Writers who do so are basing their conjected
an affront to his perfect work. This affront was confirmed in connection simply on time span coincidence, not direct
70 AD with destruction of the temple(the Sign of Jonah) . reference from Johns Revelation.
The concept of a 7 year peace treaty is in opposition to
confirm a covenant. Covenants are enduring .

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by OP Armstrong 8

Appendix 2 Charts from C. Larkin

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by 9

OP Armstrong
Appendix 2 Charts from C. Larkin

The work of Larkin (AD1916-1924) offers many useful insights about end time prophesy interpretation.
I expect a clearer understanding of End Times to unfold as the last days are closed, by Simpsons /=/
analogy. My revision would place the start at Adams fall BC3974 and End of Satan at AD3027. We are
past AD2000 but without Second Coming. So other revisions are needed, as follows.
Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by
OP Armstrong
Appendix 2 Charts from C. Larkin

Some placed the rapture in 1993 using this Larkin

chart. Larkin felt around 1950ish was the rapture
window. A large slew of teaching on Copelands
BVOV centered around Y2k based on 6 day theory.
Since Y2k, many feast dayer types also have
missed dateS. Correction proposed in Red.


My revisions to Larkins work would place the Second Coming at around AD2023.5 with tribulation start
around 2017. The start of the 4th day would be at 27AD with Jesus baptism at river Jordon. The rapture
and 3rd temple start are thusly placed sometime before the 2017 to 2020 window. As several prominent
evangelist and personalities have noted The warning is clear: prepare to meet thy God

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by

OP Armstrong
Appendix 2 Charts from C. Larkin

Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by

OP Armstrong
Appendix 3 Other Charts

A logical timeframe for the Elijah work is just prior to that great and terrible day. Scripture
declares that the 2 witness work within 3rd temple period (the great abomination) and during
the time of the beast mark. Another marker would be the 144,000 sealed witnesses.
Mass Extinction Event Escape? Nov2013 by
OP Armstrong
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7/21/15
A. Grattan-Guinness Cycle (GGC), of 391 A. Grattan-Guinness Cycle, of 391 years was
years was applied to dates of intense eclipse applied to dates around 27AD as shown in the next
cycles. A normal year will have 2 solar (S) and table. Two separate 4,000 year long sequences
2 lunar (L) eclipses for a total of 4 eclipses. were reviewed. Both sequences were found to
Some say the maximum number of eclipses contain the 7 eclipse pattern. These rare seven year
that can happen in a year is seven. This sequences all match AGGs 391 year cycle.
review found that 8 eclipses can happen in a As all 22 eclipses
little as 370 days, or possibly less. Consider matched the GGC,
the year 26 to 27AD. Here are found 3 Solar it was decided to
and 5 lunar eclipses in 370 days from August take a different
1/26AD unto August 6/27AD. These eclipses approach. Simply
find a beginning
are detailed in the following Table. The column
year with 7 or 8
JD# is the Julian Day number. The difference of e#-1
eclipses, then
less e#-8 is 369.67 Julian days, very close to 1 solar
evaluate the end
year. 26/27AD 8 eclipses in 370D Visible?
year. This was
AD mo dy ty JD# e# Israel done for another
26 aug 1 S 1730767.04 1 noVis date set also. It
was seen that
26 aug 17 L 1730782.54 2 Vis
about 1 in 10
27 jan 11 L 1730929.90 3 noVis Years have the 7+
27 jan 26 S 1730945.17 4 Vis pattern. The more
27 feb 9 L 1730959.34 5 Vi s .mr rare eight (8)
27 jly 7 L 1731107.07 6 noVis eclipse sequence
27 jly 22 S 1731121.69 7 noVis is found less than
once in 80 years.
27 aug 6 L 1731136.71 8 Vis
26 feb 6 S 1730590.94 0 Vis
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
A. Grattan-Guinness Cycle, of 391 The Saros - Inex method was conceived by a
years was verified by dates of intense Dutch astronomer in 1955. Since then, it
eclipse cycles, with start end sequences gained acceptance as one way to verify eclipse
detailed in the below Table. A. Grattan- and lunar cycles. In this system, each cycle is
Start EclPttrn End EclPttrn Guinness an integer combination of these 2 cycles.
1917 4S+3L=7 -1993 4S+3L=7 Cycle, of 391 Six thousand years
years was Grattan Guinness Cycle, 391Yrs of civilized history
1935 5S+3L=8 -1975 4S+3L=7
arrived at by Item Count Lunar Months may be counted by
1982 4S+3L=7 -1928 4S+3L=7 speculative combination of GGC
2000 4S+3L=7 -1910 5S+3L=8 interpretation The Hour 1 1.0000 start years and the
2002 3S+5L=8 -1908 3S+5L=8 of the Hour, The Day 12 12.0000 ending 7 or 8
and the Day, eclipse cycle date.
2010 4S+3L=7 -1900 4S+3L=7 TheMonth tt 371.0480 Between 1865 and
2012 3S+4L=7 -1898 3S+4L=7 the Month, and
the Year; time The Year 12X 4452.5756 2027, there were
2013 3S+4L=7 -1897 3S+3L=6 five of an 8 eclipse
of Revelation LunarMonths Sum 4836.6236 start year or 1 in 33
2018 4S+3L=7 -1892 4S+3L=7 19, see table Now Convert to Solar Years and about 1 in 7
2020 3S+4L=7 -1890 3S+5L=8 to right.
Lun Years /12 403.0520 years
have the 7
A. Grattan-Guinness Cycle, of 391 years
Days 354.367 142828.3557 The base of the
may also be arrived at using the Saros-
Solar Year 365.242 391.0511 1865AD year is
Inex method, as shown below: 4000BC by the GGC
INT(SolarYears) 391.0000 sequence. The base
I=Innex or 28.945Yr, S=Saros or 18.03Yr tt 371.048=360*365.2422/354.3671 of year 2027 is
16I-4S=16(28.95)-4(18.03)=391=17*23 3839BC by GGC
The day has 12 hours to work sequence. This
shows the End from
390=65*6 =6i+12s & 65Yr=i+2s Alternative: 360 + 30 +1 =391 start idea.
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
Here is an evaluation of some GGCs showing
Spring Equinox dates near or on a new moon
conjunction of nearly same date.
The alignment of double conjunctions can be
seen to last about 6 cycles of 391 years.
Ridgeway showed the GGC to develop an
error of 1 day in 1738 year, or about 5 cycles.
From J. Geisen & use RMS average at 82%
Inex, on page2, expected stability is:
((0.18*1700*0.82*26680)^ = 2587 YR
or about 7 cycles. By the Eclipse patterns of
page1, a stability of 3900 years is indicated.
For example look at the 1681 series for +/-
one day alignment near the plus to minus
node. There one can count off about 12
cycles of 391 years each, or around 4700
years for near alignment.
If on the other hand the alignment is limited to +/- one-half a day, the cycle count is about 6
or 7 cycles or nearly 2300 years. The 19 year Metonic cycle can find additional GG cycles. In
Minimum Error
the plot, 1681 less 1662 is 19 years. A missing cycle is found for year 1643AD by adding 19 Series Year
to 1624.The Metonic 19 year cycle only holds for about 4 GGC, as seen for the 1624 to 1681 -3310 -3310 0.10
series. Other cycles possibly useful to find additional Equinox conjunction dates are: 353, -1621 -1621 -0.04
Unidos, and Gregoriana. The Gregoriana cycle of 372 years (135870.2d) gives same
Gregorian date and weekday. The 353 cycle (128930.6d) also finds same Gregorian date.
-543 -934 0.03
The equinox is nearly same Gregorian calendar date from year to year, these cycles offer a 1681 1681 -0.04
way to find different start points of Equinox dates near a new moon conjunction. The 1662 2444 -0.04
astronomical or true Equinox is not exactly the same Gregorian calendar date due to calendar 1624 3970 0.01
leap year cycles. Also a 220 (half Babylon) year cycle is seen for minimum error,
1844,1624,1404,1184. 3
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
Here are results of Mean NewMoon Correction by Fourier Series True=Mean+ T+a+(AsinF+BCosF)
correcting average Eqn A B F/(2) & (2=2*3.142) & a= 0.002 & JD#tbc=2421251.82
lunation time by a
1 0.352 0.110 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/411.78-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/411.78)))
Fourier Series using the
2 -0.039 -0.007 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/3232-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/3232)))
Grattan Guinness cycle.
Without correction the 3 0.001 0.001 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69)))
error ranged between -1 4 -0.224 -0.117 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422)))
and plus 0.8 days. After 5 -0.007 -0.015 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/206.71-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/206.71))
correction, the error 6 0.022 0.023 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/142809.9-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/142809.9)))
ranged between +/-0.5 1-Sidereal, 2-anomalistic, 3-Metonic, 4-Tropical Yr, 5-Long Semester, 6-GrattenG cycle
day. The statistical error T per IBC=((LN2k)^4*(3.6E-22)-(7.8E-17)*(LN2k)^3+1.01E-10*(LN2k)^2+2.87E-8*(LN2k)+8.95E-5)
ranged +/- 0.25 days. LN2k = ((JD# - 2451550.098)/29.53059) for 207 data point StdDev=0.16, see chart
The six terms used were:
1-Sidereal cycle
2-Anomalistic cycle
3-Metonic cycle,
4-Tropical Year,
5-Long Semester, and
6 Grattan Guinness cycle
Plus the delta T.
A review of lunar orbital
patterns shows there are
natural variations to the
Synodic month, that
cannot be simply
predicted. 4
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
Another example is correction of Mean NewMoon Correction by Fourier Series True=Mean+ T+a+(AsinF+BCosF)
average lunation time by an eight
Eqn A B F/(2) & (2=2*3.142) & a= 0.002 & JD#tbc=2421251.82
term Fourier Series. It yielded only
slightly better results. After correction 1 0.0071 0.0358 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69)))
of same data, the error ranged 2 0.0226 0.0059 (0.22801011*JD#-558976) Delauny Lunar term Rads
between +/-0.4 day. The statistical 3 0.0531 0.1022 (0.017200608*JD#-42162) Delauny Solar term, rads
error ranged +/- 0.25 days. The 8 4 0.3686 0.0781 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/411,78-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/411.78)))
terms used were: 1-Metonic cycle;
5 0.2162 0.1050 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422))
2,3,6- Delaunay Arguments ; 4-Full
Moon Cycle, fumocy ; 5-Tropical Year; 6
0.0014 0.0060 (2*(0.22801011*C4-558976)) 2*Delauny Term, Rads
7-Eclipse Year cycle; 8- Inex cycle, 7 0.0705 0.0122 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/346.62-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/346.62))
Plus the delta T. 8 0.0028 0.0031 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/10571.95-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/10571.95)))
Again it is seen that the natural 1-Metonic, 2, 3, 6-Delauny Terms, 4-FUMOCY, 5-Tropical Yr, 7-eclipse Yr 8.Inex
variations in Synodic month cannot be T per IBC=((LN2k)^4*(3.6E-22)-(7.8E-17)*(LN2k)^3+1.01E-10*(LN2k)^2+2.87E-8*(LN2k)+8.95E-5)
simply predicted, even with the
LN2k = ((JD# - 2451550.098)/29.53059)+C, 207point StdDev=0.14, see chart
Metonic Cycle, see below table.
Experts in Jewish Lunisolar calendar explain:
The probability of having Rosh Hodesh on
the day of the Molad is only 39%. There is a
47% chance of its coming one day later and a
14% chance (one year out of seven) of its
being delayed by two days. 1989, Arnold A.
Lasker and Daniel J. Lasker , Behold a Moon
Is Born! Metonic Cycle Lunar Error Illustrated by JD#
G1917AD21Apr14:03 2421340.09 Start date
100 cycle 6939.69Dys -693969.00 Difference
G17AD12Apr 14:09 1727371.09 Calc MetCy
G17AD13Apr 07:03 1727371.79 Table
Diff. MetCy-Table 0.71 Days 5
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
In this example, the average lunation time is Mean NewMoon Correction by Fourier Series True=Mean+ T+a+(AsinF+BCosF)
corrected by an eleven term Fourier Series. Eqn A B F/(2) & (2=2*3.142) & a= -0.0001 & JD#tbc=2421251.82
This yields improved results. After correction 1 0.0068 0.0261 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69)))
of same data, the average error ranged 2 0.0053 0.0093 (0.22801011*JD#-558976) Delauny Lunar term Rads
between +/-0.17 day. The statistical error 3 0.1005 0.0398 (0.017200608*JD#-42162) Delauny Solar term, rads
ranged +/- 0.20 days. The extra three terms 4 0.6116 0.2587 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/411,78-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/411.78)))
used were variants of the lunar month. 5 1.2380 1.5434 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422))
Although the natural variations in Synodic 6 0.0001 0.0093 (0.22801011*2*C4-558976)) 2*Delauny Term, Rads
month cannot be simply predicted, even with
7 0.0392 0.0050 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/346.62-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/346.62))
the Metonic Cycle, it is likely that addition of
8 0.0115 0.0018 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/10571.95-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/10571.95)))
more terms of longer and shorter cycle times,
corresponding to system frequencies, the 9 0.3312 0.2744 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.5545-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.5545))

error could be reduced to uncertainty of the 10 1.3758 1.3768 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32158-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32158)))

Delta T. However to accurately implement 11 0.0115 0.0249 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32166-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32166))
such a system would likely require four to five 1-Metonic, 2, 3, 6-Delauny Terms, 4-FUMOCY, 5-Tropical Yr, 7-eclipse Yr 8.Inex
times more data points to be significant. T per IBC=((LN2k)^4*(3.6E-22)-(7.8E-17)*(LN2k)^3+1.01E-10*(LN2k)^2+2.87E-8*(LN2k)+8.95E-5)

LN=((JD# - 2451550.098)/29.53059)+C, 207point StdDev=0.086, see chart

The GGC is also useful to get lunar series falling upon

the same Gregorian date. As previously shown there
exist variations in the data of experts. For example
Nasa tables only go back to 2000BC. For NASA
concluded the dT uncertainty is so great that
calculations are meaningless. Such factors need be
reviewed when using existing calculation routines.

The key points of this work were: 1) show both Synodic

corrections and dT corrections are necessary; 2) this
correction is possible using a Fourier Series concept.
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
In this example, the average date of spring Mean NewMoon Correction by Fourier Series True=Mean+ T+a+(AsinF+BCosF)
new moon is corrected by an eleven term Eqn A B F/(2) & (2=2*3.142) & a= -0.18 & JD#tbc=2421251.82
Fourier Series. This yields greatly improved 1 0.0035 0.0014 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/6939.69)))
results. After correction, the average error 2 0.0035 0.0003 (0.22801011*JD#-558976) Delauny Lunar term Rads
ranged between +/-0.09 day. The statistical 3 0.0351 0.1006 (0.017200608*JD#-42162) Delauny Solar term, rads
error ranged +/- 0.05 days. The terms used 4 0.0485 0.0312 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/411,78-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/411.78)))
were same as the prior example. The natural 5 3.8336 3.0777 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/365.2422))
variations in Synodic month cannot be simply
6 0.0034 0.0003 (0.22801011*2*C4-558976)) 2*Delauny Term, Rads
predicted, even with the Metonic Cycle. Since
7 0.0066 0.0036 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/346.62-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/346.62))
larger errors were associated with non-spring
moons; all dates that were not spring moons 8 0.0006 0.0030 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/10571.95-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/10571.95)))
were changed to spring moons for same year. 9 0.0327 0.0319 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.5545-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.5545))
This yielded greatly improved results. Most 10 3.4406 2.8621 (1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32158-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32158)))
likely another set of data for moon dates 11 0.2873 0.4318 1*ABS((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32166-INT((JD#-JD#tbc)/27.32166))
around autumn equinox would also have very 1-Metonic, 2, 3, 6-Delauny Terms, 4-FUMOCY, 5-Tropical Yr, 7-eclipse Yr 8.Inex
low error. T per IBC=((LN2k)^4*(3.6E-22)-(7.8E-17)*(LN2k)^3+1.01E-10*(LN2k)^2+2.87E-8*(LN2k)+8.95E-5)

LN=((JD# -2451550.1)/29.531)+C, 196point StdDev=0.027, Spring New Moon Only

Another issue is variation between delta T of various

researchers. For example Nasa tables only go back to
2000BC. The NASA data is slightly different from the
others. The following graph shows the data of Walker,
likely omitted a delta T correction. Plotting a second
order correction factor on Walkers data proves the
point. Namely that his dates can be corrected to match
others with near perfect statistical certainty, R2=1.
Determination of Dr. Bromberg's JD# for new moon is
by: JD#NM=JD#- (HR.Age/24+MIN.Age/60/24)
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15

error = C-bX-aX2
a b C
3.148E-04 5.396E-04 1.000E-04
JD# = 316045.36 & err = -1.051

The above plot of Walker new moon date (recommended save as offline) shows increased error with increasing
time difference from present error . The NASA (Mr. Eclipse) data show slight variance to that of Kalendar and
Torah Times results. However all three NASA, Kalendis, and Torah Times show Walkers new moon date to be in
error for all but more recent dates. Since his date is easily corrected by a second order polynomial, it is
concluded that Walker neglected to utilize a delta T correction factor.
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.15/15
New Moon Data used in Fourier Series Correction of Synodic Date
JD#NewMoon JD#NewMoon JD#NewMoon JD#NewMoon JD#NewMoon JD#NewMoon JD#NewMoon
2457101.907 2378963.685 2055721.850 1750346.915 1437706.237 1280661.879 1009276.207
2456009.110 2372732.806 2045858.721 1747068.999 1437352.170 1278831.714 1009187.510
2453823.925 2369070.920 2035611.903 1740128.978 1427489.003 1278832.023 1005998.224
2449069.803 2358853.633 2032334.106 1730945.048 1420549.243 1264568.272 990937.596
2446884.035 2344974.781 2025748.813 1722971.225 1417625.783 1243779.028 865432.614
2445053.931 2334756.939 2016741.940 1718985.137 1403745.895 1224023.190 862154.640
2444285.872 2331094.887 1998373.747 1712753.878 1403391.272 1199571.182 861711.974
2442897.931 2327816.913 1994711.760 1707261.129 1390249.820 1196293.248 856248.940
2442130.392 2325573.036 1991433.802 1692644.008 1389866.286 1182768.465 842369.370
2441775.990 2314291.695 1978617.745 1675131.891 1383280.995 1176183.187 819719.424
2435190.655 2279977.762 1940641.903 1652097.937 1380003.145 1155305.150 818980.784
2428250.676 2273746.996 1937363.930 1645158.158 1379649.112 1142223.296 814610.528
2427305.742 2263529.100 1906681.120 1621061.997 1375987.552 1138561.272 786852.131
2423142.045 2256943.757 1906327.026 1610844.089 1362108.023 1135283.273 759093.513
2422787.876 2256589.081 1899741.736 1591088.099 1356201.672 1128343.417 731334.265
2421310.671 2239431.910 1873931.950 1566637.013 1348228.084 1118775.326 588671.740
2421251.820 2229568.817 1865426.788 1563359.168 1342381.421 1104601.438 333201.940
2419509.986 2209458.862 1852256.156 1557127.939 1334349.156 1104247.205 326971.000
2414370.860 2198531.916 1851901.835 1556773.874 1332518.096 1100525.881 313446.090
2412924.667 2185006.780 1848623.992 1549834.210 1325578.181 1081951.060 309460.080
2412570.108 2161618.910 1845670.832 1532676.254 1320470.103 1081213.371 305827.660
2410001.106 2144462.052 1842392.918 1522812.969 1312053.285 1063996.122 295935.030
2407431.378 2137522.075 1808078.930 1520539.565 1306590.128 1061160.962 289349.720
2403031.902 2130936.751 1804416.902 1519151.162 1294542.239 1050176.145 286071.720
2400492.081 2127658.757 1801138.903 1509287.988 1292710.751 1046898.338 285717.010
2399754.009 2127304.095 1788322.934 1484837.079 1288311.412 1045716.917 282409.710
2392814.093 2123996.737 1760593.883 1458141.096 1284324.228 1027555.373 265961.050
2386612.803 2083830.628 1751438.849 1445324.830 1283201.472 1026787.988 261620.120 9
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 6.26/15
Here are other methods to find dates of near -4445 -3405 -2365 -1325 -285 755 1795 2835
conjunction of Equinox and New Moon. In the 1st
instance, the Hermetic Systems & Kalendis
calendar programs were used to find some early
Equinox Solar Eclipses. These eclipses tend to
run in bands of various density. The Metonic
cycle starting in year (-3139) had several. From
there, steps of the Daniel Cycle were used to find
additional years, see Table & upper graph. At
each Daniel cycle start year the Metonic cycle
can be used to find additional alignments, chart
2. Alternatively, there are a series of equinox
Lunar Eclipse cycles when the moon moves
behind or in opposition, years: -3010, -2991 and
-2972. These may also be mapped by the Daniel
The Daniel cycle was discovered by Swiss
Astronomer Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux as the
difference between Daniels numbers of 2300
and 1260. The error in this cycle is about 1 day
in 15,000 years. It is seen in lower graph that
each series has a point of minimum error or
maximum alignment of New Moon with Spring
Equinox. Another accurate bible cycle is the
Dawson Cycle of 630773.3 days, an average of
2300 and 1260 years. The bible periods of 391
(GGC), 486, (706=391+1260/4), and 2520
years are other bible based solar lunar cycles
that may be used to predict alignments.
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.03/15
Considerations on Calculation Examples Year Dates
calendar method to Year EqnxJDcor A B C
find years of near 3970 3171151.27 -0.24 0.01 0.35
conjunction of 2444 2613791.42 0.22 -0.04 0.05
2072 2477921.26 0.30 -0.08 0.02
Equinox and New 2015 2457102.45 0.55 0.55 0.03
Moon. The first step 1977 2443223.24 0.72 0.96 0.04
is to determine 1939 2429344.03 0.88 0.45 0.01
1681 2335111.50 0.46 -0.04 -0.02
Julian Day number 1146 2139706.85 -0.29 0.01 0.01
of the Astronomical 793 2010776.31 -0.28 -0.03 -0.01
Equinox. The 1st 774 2003836.71 -0.20 0.09 -0.01
approximation is by 755 1996897.10 -0.11 -0.11 -0.03
402 1867966.57 -0.10 0.16 -0.01
JD# using year 2015 383 1861026.97 -0.01 -0.11 -0.03
as a basis, as 68 1745975.65 -0.16 0.07 -0.01
explained in graph. 30 1732096.44 0.01 0.20 -0.03
11 1725156.84 0.09 -0.11 -0.04
This date is then -27 1711277.63 0.26 -0.07 -0.04
corrected by the 4th -562 1515873.02 -0.45 -0.06 0.00 This correction applied in 5th column is value from Fourier Series
order polynomial as -915 1386942.51 -0.41 0.06 0.00 listed on page 7. This correction was found to be 85% effective and
described by -934 1380002.91 -0.33 0.03 -0.02 only valid for absolute values less than 0.70. For values of year
-1010 1352244.50 0.02 0.06 -0.02
millennial year count -1621 1129081.50 -0.33 -0.04 -0.02 2015, Kalendis program shows Equinox JD# to be 2457102.448
from 2015. Year -1697 1101323.09 0.02 -0.11 -0.06 and new moon conjunction as JD# 2457101.9. So the moon age by
2015 was selected -1879 1034849.01 -0.71 -0.08 -0.01 2015 Equinox lunation number becomes:
because an eclipse -1898 1027909.40 -0.63 -0.05 -0.02 29.531{(2457101.9-JD.Eqnx)/29.531 - INT((2457101.9-JD.Eqnx)/29.531)}.
-3310 512187.39 -0.45 0.10 -0.03
happened on vernal -3997 261265.96 - -0.06 - This value, if over 2 days, is made negative by subtraction of
equinox. -4016 254326.35 - -0.01 - 29.531. The negative lower values make it easier to screen for
This Table shows some example results. First dates when Equinox is close to new moon. The result in Table are
column is common year, 2nd is Equinox date screened from about 8,000 years. The years 3970, 1146, 793,
corrected per terms of graph, A or 3rd is lunar age 934, and -4016 (Col.B) were found with closest approach of new
on corrected Equinox date; B or 4th is Equinox moon and vernal equinox. One author claimed a series of Equinox
date less new moon & both values from Kalendis eclipses but upon review, less than 1/3 were eclipses on the day
program; C or 5th is A column (3) corrected. of equinox. The others were just month of March eclipses. 11
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.03/15
Mr. James D. Dwyer
Review James D. Dwyer Equinox Eclipse Creation & Flood Day Cycle Theory 1656Y 604841D
(JDD) proposed that the
year of Creation was on Start Year NewMoon Equinox Day Start Note Flood, greg JD# Flood Result
a day of Vernal Equinox -4062M20.13:55 237523.07 237525.21 2.14 EclipseNoEqnx -2406Mr26 842371.2 NoEqNoEclip21
and also the flood was -4054M20.21 240446.36 240447.14 0.78 No Eclipse -2398Mr26 845293.1 NoEqNoEclip21
likewise on an Equinox -4016M21.20
254326.35 254326.35 -0.01 No Eclipse -2360Mr25 859172.3 NoEqNoEclip21
and an Eclipse. The 1st
reviewed the -4005M20.18:57 258342.29 258344.01 1.72
EclipseNoEqnx -2349Mr25 863190.0 EclipNoEqnx21
possibility of such -3997M22.12:43 261266.02 261265.96 -0.06 Eclipse&Eqnx -2341Mr26 866112.0 NoEqNoEclip21
concept. In 1st instance -3986M20.02:22 265281.60 265283.62 2.03 EclipseNoEqnx -2330Mr26 870129.6 EclipNoEqnx21
all dates +/- 100 years -3978M21.21:21 268205.38 268205.56 0.18 Eclipse&Eqnx -2322Mr26 873051.6 EclipNoEqnx21
from 4000BC were
-3940M20.20:52 282084.37 282084.77 0.41 Eclipse&Eqnx -2284Mr26 886930.8 EclipNoEqnx21
reviewed for such
possibility. -3921M21.19:12 289024.31 289024.37 0.06 Eclipse&Eqnx -2265Mr26 893870.4 EclipNoEqnx21
The years when a new moon and the Equinox
happened concurrently were -4054, -4016, -
3997, -3978, -3940, & -3921. Because an
eclipse is a vector quantity, not all new moons
are eclipses. The years of eclipses on equinox
new moon dates were only; -3997, -3978, -3940,
& -3921. Adding Dwyers 604841 day eclipse
cycle to these dates determined the following The reason JDDs theory fails is shown in this 2nd Table. The better
dates for eclipses about 1656 years future: - Lunar-Solar Cycles are found as: 2300, 1727, 391(Grattan
4005/-2349; 3986/2330; -3978/-2322, - Guinness Cycle), 372(Gregoriana), 315, and 1040(Daniel) years.
3940/-2284, & -3921/-2265. None of these The cycle of 1656 years was fudged to be a lunar or eclipse cycle.
future year eclipses happened on a spring Mr. Dwyer made his eclipse cycle work by adding 5 days. For 1656
equinox. Thus the Dwyer theory is a bust, there years is 604841 days, but Dwyer used 604846 days to make the
are no double concurrences to be found. This is eclipse or lunar cycle. In so doing he destroyed the solar side of
likely the reason he only speculated, but did not the cycle so it cannot reproduce equinox cycles. Years near the
calculate. Seder Olam creation date also did not conform to JDDs theory. 12
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.07/15
This Table reviews Solar Eclipses near the Vernal Review of Some Near Equinox Eclipses with Equinox less Eclipse days
Equinox, (+/- 1 day). By this data, a Spring Equinox Year Equinox Eq-NM Year Equinox Eq-NM Year Equinox Eq-NM
-2946 645135.6 1.2 -2023 982254.1 -1.3 -600 1501993.8 -0.6
eclipse happens about once every 200 years. Not
-2927 652075.2 1.0 -2015 985176.1 -3.2 -581 1508933.4 -0.3
every new moon (NM) is an eclipse, for example 30AD,
-2908 659014.8 1.2 -2004 989193.7 -1.1 -562 1515873.0 -0.1
but a Solar Eclipse only happens on date of a new
-2889 665954.4 1.5 -1754 1080504.3 0.7 -543 1522812.6 -0.1
moon. This means there are more equinox new moons -2870 672894.0 1.5 -1735 1087443.9 0.2 -535 1525734.6 -1.7
than equinox eclipses. As seen on page-12, there are -2851 679833.6 1.2 -1716 1094383.5 -0.1 -255 1628002.4 1.0
several cycles that predict new moon dates near the -2843 682755.5 -0.2 -1697 1101323.1 -0.1 -228 1637863.9 -0.6
equinox. But only the GGC cycle of 391 years (and -2824 689695.1 -0.5 -1689 1104245.0 -1.8 -209 1644803.5 -0.3
Metonic variants of the GGC) can predict dates of both -2805 696634.7 -1.0 -1670 1111184.6 -1.7 -190 1651743.1 -0.2
equinox and eclipse. -2563 785023.3 2.7 -1651 1118124.2 -1.4 -171 1658682.7 -0.4
Most of Luis Vegas claimed equinox eclipses are only -2517 801824.5 1.4 -1632 1125063.8 -1.2 -152 1665622.3 -0.8
eclipses in Month of March, as seen in the table at -2498 808764.1 1.3 -1390 1213452.5 1.7 30 1732096.4 0.2
right side. For example, his dates of 722, 1140, and -2479 815703.7 0.9 -1382 1216374.4 0.4 70 1746706.1 -8.2
1562 and others of his claimed Equinox Eclipses are -2471 818625.6 -0.5 -1371 1220392.1 1.4 71 1747071.4 2.5
only eclipses in March. However they miss the Equinox -2460 822643.3 0.5 -1363 1223314.0 -0.1 79 1749993.3 1.0
date by more that 24 hours. Also Vega indicates that -2452 825565.2 -0.9 -1344 1230253.6 -0.3 98 1756932.9 0.8
there are only 18 Equinox Solar Eclipses between -2433 832504.8 -1.3 -1325 1237193.2 -0.2 117 1763872.5 0.9
2015AD and 2250BC. If one counts only solar -2414 839444.4 -1.4 -1306 1244132.8 0.1 136 1770812.1 1.2
-2395 846384.0 -1.3 -1298 1247054.7 -1.7 201 1794552.9 -0.6
eclipses +/- 24 hours of Spring Equinox, then the
-2368 856245.6 -2.8 -1260 1260933.9 -1.4 489 1899742.7 0.9
count is about 20 eclipses. If a criteria of plus minus 2
-2330 870124.8 -2.6 -999 1356262.2 1.2 508 1906682.3 1.2
days of Vernal Equinox, then this table counts over 40
-2191 920893.4 2.6 -991 1359184.1 -0.3 527 1913621.9 1.2
such eclipses. Thus timing rapture date based on a
-2134 941712.2 2.4 -972 1366123.7 -0.5 573 1930423.0 -0.8
theory of 18 Equinox Eclipses is not likely a correct -2126 944634.2 1.0 -953 1373063.3 -0.3 592 1937362.6 -1.3
procedure. -2107 951573.8 0.6 -934 1380002.9 0.0 722 1984844.1 -4.3
By this Table, the eclipse or new moon Julian Day -2088 958513.4 0.2 -888 1396804.0 -1.6 964 2073232.7 -1.5
number is the difference of Equinox less Eq-NM. -2080 961435.3 -1.2 -665 1478253.1 1.5 1140 2137515.4 -6.7
For year -2927, the New Moon or Eclipse time is -2061 968374.9 -1.6 -646 1485192.7 1.2 1562 2291647.7 5.9
652075.2 less 1.0 or 652074.2. -2042 975314.5 -1.6 -619 1495054.2 -0.5 1624 2314292.7 1.0
-2023 982254.1 -1.3 -608 1499071.9 1.3 2015 2457102.4 0.5
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.15/15
This table looks at cycles that may The eclipse dates prior to year -2999
predict eclipses on an equinox date. +/- 1 Cycle Analysis-934base were taken from the windows program
The year -934 was selected because -D&Ecc CY Yr +D&Ecc AvErr EmapWin3.11 by Dr. Takesako.
an eclipse happened near a perfect M22ND 2520 M20No 0.50 Eclipses data prior to -2999 are from
Lunar Conjunction with the Vernal M22ND 2300 M20No 0.19 Tables at Eclipse-wise. The dates of
Equinox (see pages 11 & 13, 0.03
days difference). From the start date M21No 1780 M20No 0.04 new moon and equinox were taken from
Kalendis. The difference in time and
of -934, one cycle up and one cycle M22No 1727 M20No 0.02 date was calculated by Julian day
down was evaluated. The evaluation M22No 1260 M21No 0.47 numbers at Walkers page.
results are given in the columns to left M21Yes 1154 M20Yes 0.60 The next table shows results of the
and right of the cycle length. If an
M21No 1040 M21No 0.29 GGC predictions for a Solar Eclipse
eclipse happened, a YES is given and happening on or near the Vernal
NO for no eclipse. The average error M21No 725 M21Yes 0.39
Equinox. Years in red are for equinox
is sum of absolute value of Equinox M20No 706 M20Yes 0.49 and new moon alignment +/-2.5 days of
less new moon divided by 2, with M21No 486 M21No 0.87 equinox. Years in brown are for equinox
result in days. The 1727 and 391 year M21Yes 391 M21Yes 0.02 and new moon alignment greater than
cycles had the lowest error, 0.02 days.
M21Yes 345 M21No 1.49 +/- 2.5 but less than 5 days of equinox,
Some cycles are good at predicting Blue values are dates more than +/-5
equinox and new moon alignment but M20No 190 M20No 0.85 days away from spring equinox. The
fail at eclipse prediction. Examples of M21Yes 19 M21No 0.15 longest running cycle of good alignment
these types of cycles are 2300 and A B C D was for start year -2451. This alignment
1727 years. Only two cycles, 1154 Reader is advised to review the was for 10 cycles or 3910 years. The
and 391 years, can predict New graph on page 3. It shows how longest running cycle of solar eclipses
Moon-Equinox alignment together the GGC pattern works. The was for start year -1382 and lasted
with eclipse. However, only Grattan sinusoid nature of the Grattan 4301 years. The shortest eclipse cycle
Guinness cycle , GGC, does all three Guinness Cycle, GGC, can lead to
was 2, starting -3921. The shortest
alignment fluxuations. Such as
with a very low error, 0.02 days. The
seen for start year -4035. For in Equinox new moon cycle was also just
1154 year cycle error was 0.60 day. that cycle are seen alternating 2. The average alignment was 5 or 6
This means the equinox alignment dates of good alignment with cycles, or 2000 years.
rapidly will degrade quickly. dates of lesser alignments. 14
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.15/15
GrattanGuinness Cycle:Equinox & (n-no)Eclipse +/-2.5day of Equinox (EQ), +/->2.5 to 5 Day of EQ >5day/EQ
This is an -4165n -3774n -3383n -2992n -2601 -2210 -1819 -1428 -1037 -646 -255 136 527 918 1309 1700n
expanded -4146n -3755n -3364 -2973 -2582 -2191 -1800 -1409 -1018 -627 -236 155 546 937n 1328n 1719n
Table of -4138n -3747n -3356n -2965n -2574n -2183n -1792n -1401n -1010n -619 -228 163 554 945 1336 1727
Grattan -4127 -3736 -3345 -2954 -2563 -2172 -1781 -1390 -999 -608 -217n 174n 565n 956n 1347n 1738n
Guinness -4119n -3728n -3337n -2946 -2555n -2164n -1773n -1382 -991 -600 -209 182 573 964 1355 1746
-4108 -3717 -3326 -2935 -2544 -2153 -1762 -1371 -980n -589n -198n 193n 584n 975n 1366n 1757n
Eclipses on
-4100n -3709n -3318n -2927 -2536n -2145 -1754 -1363 -972 -581 -190 201 592 983 1374 1765
or near a
-4089 -3698 -3307 -2916 -2525 -2134 -1743n -1352n -961n -570n -179n 212n 603n 994n 1385n 1776n
Equinox. It -4081n -3690n -3299 -2908 -2517 -2126 -1735 -1344 -953 -562 -171 220 611 1002n 1393n 1784n
differs from -4062 -3671 -3280 -2889 -2498 -2107 -1716 -1325 -934 -543 -152 239n 630n 1021n 1412n 1803n
other table -4054n -3663n -3272n -2881n -2490n -2099n -1708n -1317 -926 -535 -144 247 638 1029 1420 1811
by using a -4043 -3652 -3261 -2870 -2479 -2088 -1697 -1306 -915n -524n -133n 258n 649n 1040n 1431n 1822n
larger range -4035n -3644n -3253n -2862n -2471 -2080 -1689 -1298 -907 -516 -125 266 657 1048 1439 1830
of alignment -4024 -3633 -3242 -2851 -2460 -2069n -1678n -1287n -896n -505n -114n 277n 668n 1059n 1450 1841n
criteria, The -4016n -3625n -3234n -2843 -2452 -2061 -1670 -1279 -888 -497 -106 285 676 1067 1458n 1849n
eclipses or -3997 -3606 -3215 -2824 -2433 -2042 -1651 -1260 -869 -478n -87n 304n 695n 1086n 1477n 1868n
new moons -3978 -3587 -3196 -2805 -2414 -2023 -1632 -1241 -850n -459n -68n 323n 714n 1105n 1496n 1887n
in red are -3970n -3579n -3188n -2797n -2406n -2015 -1624 -1233 -842 -451 -60 331 722 1113 1504 1895n
+/-2.5 days -3959 -3568 -3177 -2786 -2395 -2004 -1613n -1222n -831n -440n -49n 342n 733n 1124n 1515n 1906n
of Vernal -3940 -3549 -3158 -2767n -2376n -1985n -1594n -1203n -812n -421n -30n 361n 752n 1143n 1534n 1925n
Equinox. -3932n -3541 -3150 -2759 -2368 -1977 -1586 -1195 -804 -413 -22 369n 760n 1151n 1542n 1933n
When date
-3921 -3530 -3139n -2748n -2357n -1966n -1575n -1184n -793n -402n -11n 380n 771n 1162n 1553n 1944n
is appended
with n that
-3913 -3522 -3131 -2740 -2349 -1958 -1567 -1176 -785n -394n -3n 388n 779n 1170n 1561n 1952n
means -3894 -3503 -3112 -2721 -2330 -1939 -1548n -1157n -766n -375n 16n 407n 798n 1189n 1580n 1971n
there was -3875 -3484 -3093 -2702 -2311n -1920n -1529n -1138n -747n -356n 35n 426n 817n 1208n 1599n 1990n
NOT a solar -3856 -3465n -3074n -2683n -2292n -1901n -1510n -1119n -728n -337n 54n 445n 836n 1227n 1618n 2009n
eclipse by -3850n -3459n -3068n -2677n -2286n -1895n -1504n -1113n -722n -331n 60n 451n 842n 1233 1624 2015
the Equinox -3839n -3448n -3057n -2666 -2275 -1884 -1493n -1102 -711 -320 71 462 853 1244 1635 2026n
new moon. -3831n -3440n -3049n -2658n -2267n -1876n -1485n -1094n -703n -312n 79 470 861 1252 1643 2034
-3812n -3421n -3030n -2639n -2248n -1857n -1466n -1075n -684 -293 98 489 880 1271 1662 2053
-3793n -3402n -3011n -2620n -2229n -1838n -1447 -1056 -665 -274 117 508 899 1290 1681 2072
A B C D E F G H I J, (n: no eclipse) L M N O P
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.15/15

This is an
Some Years of GG Equinox & Eclipse Cycles +/-1.5day Equinox, +/->2Day
abbreviated -3997 -3606 -3215 -2824 -2433 -2042 -1651 -1260 -869 -478n -87n 304n
Table of
Grattan -3978 -3587 -3196 -2805 -2414 -2023 -1632 -1241 -850n -459n -68n 323n
Cycle Eclipses -3940 -3549 -3158 -2767n -2376n -1985n -1594n -1203n -812n -421n -30n 361n
on or near a
Spring or
-3921 -3530 -3139n -2748n -2357n -1966n -1575n -1184n -793n -402n -11n 380n
Vernal -2851 -2460 -2069n -1678n -1287n -896n -505n -114n 277n 668n 1059n 1450
Equinox. It
differs from -2843 -2452 -2061 -1670 -1279 -888 -497 -106 285 676 1067 1458n
prior table by
using a tighter -2479 -2088 -1697 -1306 -915n -524n -133n 258n 649n 1040n 1431n 1822n
criteria for
matching -2471 -2080 -1689 -1298 -907 -516 -125 266 657 1048 1439 1830
Equinox -2145 -1754 -1363 -972 -581 -190 201 592 983 1374 1765 2156n
eclipses, +/-
1.5 days. -2107 -1716 -1325 -934 -543 -152 239n 630n 1021n 1412n 1803n 2194n
Some of these
dates may be -1838n -1447 -1056 -665 -274 117 508 899 1290 1681 2072 2463
checked by
data in Table -1857n -1466n -1075n -684 -293 98 489 880 1271 1662 2053 2444
of page 11
and 13.
-1876n -1485n -1094n -703n -312n 79 470 861 1252 1643 2034 2425
-1895n -1504n -1113n -722n -331n 60n 451n 842n 1233 1624 2015 2406
-1735 -1344 -953 -562 -171 220 611 1002n 1393n 1784n 2175n 2566n
-1382 -991 -600 -209 182 573 964 1355 1746 2137 2528 2919
-684 -293 98 489 880 1271 1662 2053 2444 2835 ND ND
-619 -228 163 554 945 1336 1727 2118 2509 2900 ND ND
A B C D E F G H I J, n: no eclipse.L 16
Considerations on Grattan Guinness Cycle, of 391Yrs by OP Armstrong 7.20/15
Find mean new moon of equinox by Julian day number (JD#) Epact
Epact is age of moon (in days) upon January 1, for any year, Y, Name (Nu) Excel Name Formula-Yr-year, JD-JulianDay.astro
expressed in proleptic Gregorian reform of Julian calendar system. 29.09-MOD(MOD(Yr,19)*11-INT((Yr-1502.57-
Linear method to find Epact is a counting method to determine moon age
at 1January using average lunation time. The Metonic counting method Epact.Lunation# (1+MOD((365.242454*(-4006-Yr)),29.5306))
was one of 1st ways to determine lunar age. The JD# of January 01 for (2) &if>=30, then subtract 30
any Gregorian year from -4010 to 3055 is calculated with high precision JD# Jan1-(3) 257898.52-365.242454*(-4006-Yr)
by Formula 3 of Table. Given JD# of 1January in a particular year, the (2457102.448+(Yr-2015)*365.2422)+((-
moon age is the Epact, formula 1 or 2 of Table. JD# Equinox-(4)
Sundry Epact systems have been proposed, this proposal uses the
simplicity of the Julian Day number system. The counting of days by
March 1st Moon JD#.Jan1 + Epact + 59
JD# for astronomical events is the natural order. The calendar
(7-INT(MOD((1.5+JD#),7))) one is Sunday and 7 is
conversion, then orders the date in any calendar of choice and thusly Day of Week-(6)
Saturday, etc
reckons the effect of leap years. Leap days are calendar events that are
JD#21March-(7) 257978.00-365.242454*(-4006-Yr)
not associated with astronomical events.
A mean lunation is about 29.51 day. Thus, days unto end of Epact However for holiday dates, the Epact method is deemed
Moon is 29.51 less Epact. This means the 1st moon in January is also suitable. Typical Epact tables or Easter formula are given for
(29.51-E) days from 1January. There are then 2 more moons from this years after 1900 and valid for about 300 years forward. If
time unto the first moon in March, this being an additional 59 days. This a larger range of dates are desired then another method
is by Table formula 5, Marchs first moon. such as this is needed. The below graph compares the
For any proleptic Gregorian year, Y, the JD# of astronomical methods over 7000 year range. From this graph, is seems
Vernal/Spring equinox is by Table formula 4, JD#.Equinox the Lunation Number Epact is better than a Metonic Cycle.
The Catholic system calls the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon after
spring equinox to be Easter Sunday. The full moon is about 14.75 days
after new moon. Thus 14.75 added to JD# of first March moon and it is
just simple counting to find Easter Sunday JD#. If the first March moon
JD# plus 14.75 is less than VE, then increment by (28.5 +14.75) days to
1st March moon and find next Sunday. All this is calculated by JD# and
the final JD# is converted to Gregorian calendar date, if needed.
Because the Catholic VE is artificially set to 21 March, then to get the
Gregorian Easter date, simply substitute JD# of 21March for year, Y.
This JD# is by Table Formula 7. The counting of week days from a JD#
is by Table formula 6.
The original 19 year Metonic cycle was eventually found to be deficient by
one day in 228 years. This secondary correction is still linear. 17
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15

Table-A Calculation Formula for Astronomical Easter Calculation, Gregorian Year JD# Method
YR pEpact JD#1Jan JD#JanNM JD#PFM1 JD#Eqnx JD#PFM WkDy JD# Easter D#ck
-4000 24.3 260090.45 260113.8 260187.8 260170.2 260187.8 7 260188.8 1
2019 6.0 2458484.8 2458489.8 2458563.8 2458563.4 2458563.8 5 2458566.8 1
Yr pEPCT JD#Jan1.3 (B-1)+C 74.02+D F.3 or F.7 IF(E>=F,E,E+29.5) f.6(G) f.6(i)
The above Table-A is a tabulation of calculation steps for finding Astronomical date of Easter. The
example calculations use formula-2 of Table-B to determine moment of January New Moon for
selected year, expressed as astronomical Julian Day number, JD#. Alternatively one could use
any number of resources to arrive at a value for column B. Just be sure to express the moment as
an Astronomical formatted Julian Day Number, JD#. Julian calendar or Gregorian calendar dates
may be verified by the day of week. The numbers in column F, JD#.Equinox, are for equinox
moment by formula 4 of Table B. The month number and day-of-month may be determined in a
spreadsheet by adding two more columns and using formula 8 and 9,Table B, given that Year, Yr,
is stated as input in column-A. Alternatively, the Easter JD# may be converted back to Gregorian
Date by several free programs. This routine was compared by 70 dates. If using JMT in place of
GMT (UT), then add an offset of 0.098 days to step I and J.
A check was made against the WCC Easter dates table for years 2025 to 2001. Against that Table
this method using formula 2 and 4 reproduced their result. Other checked instances returned
results that matched either the Catholic Easter dates or alternative astronomical calculation
results. However the data of Ovidiu Vaduvescu did not confirm the astronomical values set forth in
the WCC document nor results of this calculation. If Equinox and PFM dates are closer than one
(1) day, verification by a more precise routine is advised on slide-9. NEXT N3 1
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 9.5/15

Name (Nu) TABLE-B Excel Astronomical Name Formula: Yr-year; JD#-Julian Day
pEpact.Cassidy.f1 29.09-MOD(MOD(Yr,19)*11-INT((Yr-1502.57-12*MOD(Yr,19))/228),29.983)

pEpact.Cassidy.0.f1b 29.5-MOD(MOD(Yr,19)*11-INT((Yr-1584-12*MOD(Yr,19))/228),30)

JD# Jan1.f3 257898.52-365.242454*(-4006-Yr)
JD# Equinox.f4
1st Page

March 1st Moon.f5 JD#.Jan1 + pEpact + 59

Day of Week.f6 (1+INT(MOD((1.5+JD#),7))) one is Sunday and 7 is Saturday, etc

JD#21March.f7 257978.00-365.242454*(-4006-Yr)
Day of Month.f8 37+INT(0.5+0.75*INT((INT(JD#+0.5)-4479.5)/36524.25))))-
Month Number.f9 ,
3=March, 4=April
Next page 2
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 9.5/15
Why the Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon? Look at 135 different years between 4000BC and
Take a look at either the proleptic Catholic or 2038AD. The average lunar conjunction age at
Astronomical Easters for years 30 and 33AD. For these 4pm Easter Sunday was about 19. days, with a
dates, the proleptic Gregorian Easter dates are April 7 minimum of 15.5 days and a max of 22.2 days.
and April 3, respectively. Next determine the Lunar Without the postponement rule, then some Easter
Conjunction (astronomical new moon) age of 17.9 and Sundays would land before a lunar age of 13.5 day
17.2 days, respectively, at 4pm Sunday. Given that Jesus This gives a very early Lunar Good Friday of just
died before Friday sunset and was buried before sunset, 12.5 days. Application of the rule "Sunday
so 1 day back is, Saturday 4pm and another day back is following the Paschal Moon" keeps Good Friday in
Friday 4pm. Thus at time of Jesus death, the Lunar days better alignment with the 14th lunar day. For at the
are 15.9 and 15.2 respectively. Given that the visible new minimum found above, Good Friday falls more
crescent or sighted moon is some where about 1 day closely on the 14th or 15th lunar day.
after conjunction. So on Good Friday the lunar sighted Recapping the "raised up on 3rd day", Good Friday
moon of these years is 14 days in age. Thus Good Friday was day one by inclusive counting as Jesus was
of years 30AD and 33AD would either be on Nissan 14 or laid in grave before sunset on the Sabbath. Then
15. However, if this skip week, after were not used, then day 2 was Friday after sunset to sunset Saturday,
sometimes the Easter would come early to the lunar and day 3 inclusive count was Saturday after
calendar. sunset unto about sunrise Sunday. Thus the
Why the Postponement Rule? reason for sunrise Easter service is to memorialize
From this it is seen that reckoning Easter by these "Christ our Passover", "a feast by an ordinance for
methods speaks of "Christ our Passover", Jn18:39, 19:14, ever." To the end that others may wish to abolish
1Cor5:7, Heb11:28, Num9:13, Ex12:14. this ".- feast by an ordinance for ever", they neglect
Since the Catholic Easter concurs the Astronomical the blessings of the Almighty and sadly invite the
Easter in about than 90% of the dates, keeping Good fires of judgment to blot their memory from off the
Friday and Easter are keeping "Christ our Passover" as earth!
"a memorial; and .... a feast to the LORD throughout your UTC to Jerusalem Meridian Time
generations; ... feast by an ordinance for ever." Ex12:14. Adjustment to Jerusalem time can be
The postponement rule importance is illustrated by accomplished by adding 2.33 hours or 0.098 days
calculation. NEXT to the if statements and day of week calculations.
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15
Frequency of Variation "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the
For 24 years, from 2001 to 2025, only once did the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave
Astronomical Easter differ from the Catholic Easter. That offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete: Even unto the
being 2019, with Astro Easter on 24March, and Catholic morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty
Easter on 21April. Many of the tabulated dates of the days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD."
table were evaluated for known difficult dates likely to Lev 23: 15/16. The Fifty days were numbered from a
offer discrepancy between the two methods. Even so, only Saturday, so the 50th day falls always on a Sunday, 49days or
11 of 60 years show variance between the methods. So 7 weeks after Easter Sunday
most likely, 90% of years will show the Catholic Easter and For Christians, the Easter Sunday sets the precedent to find
Lunar Easter are same. the Sunday in the 7th month. The earliest Easter being 22
March. By this the 7th lunar month starts around the last
Other Feasts: Pentecost, Tabernacles, and The Lord's Supper
week of September. The latest Easter falls on 25 April, by
The other two of the three main feasts were Pentecost
which the 7th lunar month looks to fall on last week of
and Tabernacles. For Christians, Pentecost (7 weeks after
October. The 1st Sunday after and a 3rd Sunday would be a
Easter) celebrates the Holy Spirit. The feast of Tabernacles
logical memorial for the Autumn Feasts.
celebrates being freed from bondages of the flesh, the
Effect of using Jerusalem as Principle Meridian
world, and eternal death, thru election by God the Father.
Exercise Caution when the Universal Time new moon
By celebrating these 3 feasts, Passover (hope of a more
moment is on a Saturday night after 21:30 hours. As in 1998,
better resurrection thru Jesus Christ), Pentecost (hope of
when the Full Moon moment was Saturday at 22:23. The
continual renewal by Holy Spirit), and Tabernacles (hope
+2h21m offset between GMT and Jerusalem, gives a Paschal
of election and freedom from bondage thru grace of
full moon on 00:44 Sunday 12 Apr. This astronomical Easter
Father God), the Holy Trinity can be honored by Christians.
is delayed unto the following Sunday. Compared to a
Because Jesus initiated the Holy Communion, then
Catholic and/or Universal Time Easter of 12April. This shows
communion on these days should be held in high esteem.
the principle difference in the two methods. The Catholic
The 1st of the first and seventh lunar months are seen as
calculation is stepped in days and weeks. The Astronomical
special days or Sabbath's. Also, the middle of these
method is a moment defined calculation. Thus it depends
months are feasts of remembrance.
upon the details of complex astronomical calculations.
Pentecost is by the definition, always on a Sunday by
virtue of the week count, 7th Sunday after Easter.
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15
st th
Comparison of Three Major Hebrew Feasts The 3 Mosaic Feasts of 1 month, 7 Month Ex23:14, and Pentecost
The Table at right compares the three feasts set forth by Reference Nissan, Lev23, Nu28:16 Pentecost,
Trumpets -Tishari
Moses. Two of these feast weeks are routinely celebrated Du16:16-17
in most churches. The first is Easter Holy week. That starts MonthDay/ March/April May/June Ex23:14 September/Oct.
with Palm Sunday, followed by Good Friday, and lastly, Sabbath & blow
Resurrection Sunday or Easter Sunday. The first of these 1st Day-A Sabbath, 1st Day of 1st 15th Nissan + 49D, Trumpets 1st of 7th,
New Moon & sin
two Holy Days of Palm Sunday and Good Friday, correspond Sabbath Month Easter + 49 days
approximately to the 10th and 15th days of a lunar month.
This provisioned that the 1st day of the lunar month falls 7th Day A Sabbath Lev23:8,
A Sabbath
upon a Friday, the 8th day being a Friday also, the 10th day is
then a Sunday, and the 15th day being a Friday. It is pick passover Lamb, 9th evening to 10th day of atonement,
Psalm Sunday evening fasting
provisioned that Jesus died on a Friday and His empty
Passover: sunset
tomb found early Sunday; thus the term Holy Week. th
14 Deut16:6, kill lamb,
The feast of Pentecost is celebrated in most churches 7 Ex12:6
weeks after Easter. These first two Mosaic Feasts being unleven bread 7 days, Tabernacles for 7
celebrated, begs the question? If two are celebrated, then 15 th th
15 is Good Friday & days, start with a
why not the 3rd and if so, then how so? If one remembers 17th Easter Sabbath
the words of the blessed Savior, When you Fast they 21 evening end unleven
were not in the permissive sense but in the imperative 22 offering for 7 day
instance. The 40 days of Lent could be taken as something 23 Assembly
dealing with fasting. However the Master was noted to
Taking out the two and a fraction of weeks elapsed unto
have kept the Feast of Tabernacles. So then does it not
Easter, then 22 weeks after Easter corresponds to nearly the
seem proper for churches to also remember this 3rd Feast?
start of the seventh lunar month. A comparison of dates 22
The Sunday following Passover is typically Catholic Easter
weeks after Easter to 1 Tishrei shows the two dates agree
Sunday. As Easter is the Sunday following the first full moon
within a few days. The odd exceptions being when Hebrew
after Spring Equinox, then the start of the lunar month is
calendar postponement rules are applied. One possible
about 2 weeks prior.
church memorial to this time would be Eucharist 22 and 24
A lunar month is about 28.5 days in length. Six lunar
weeks after Easter. BACK NEXT
months are then 171 days or 24.4 weeks. 5
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15
Only one application offers astronomical or 97 YR's Astro v Catholic Easter Variants Easter
uniform Easter calculation. Kalendis has not 2038AD-1AD by UTC UTC
been ported to mobile devices. This Excel YR Astro Cath this astro Ful l Moon Equi nox
spreadsheet will find the Astronomical Easter
for years between 4007BC and 3027AD. In Table 2038 28Mr 25Ap 28-Mar 2465503.59 2465503.03
to right, are differences between this calc and 2019 24Mr 21Ap 24-Mar 2458563.57 2458563.42
others Astro-Easter. For these, exact values of 1998 19Ap 12Ap 19-Apr 2450915.43 2450893.33
full Moon and Equinox are input. The evaluated
Uniform Easter dates by this excel sheet were 1967 02Ap 26Mr 2-Apr 2439575.64 2439570.82
the same day as those from Kalendis. The below 1962 25Mr 22Ap 25-Mar 2437744.83 2437744.60
chart shows variations of my Full Moon Date to 1954 25Ap 18Ap 25-Apr
Kalendis. The normal range is +/- 1 hour for
about 7000 years. Beware, not all
1943 28Mr 25Ap 28-Mar 2430805.42 2430805.00

implementations of mobile Excel have the 1927 24Ap 17Ap 24-Apr

needed numerical accuracy to evaluate these 1876 16Ap 09Ap 9-Apr 2406353.32 2406333.76
complex expressions. Only IOS-Numbers and MS- 1845 23Mr 30Mr 30-Mar 2395014.35 2395011.24
Excel routines could accurately execute these
complex calculations. 1829 19Ap 26Ap 26-Apr 2389167.08 2389167.36
1825 03Ap 10Ap 10-Apr 2387719.77 2387706.39
1818 22Mr 29Mr 29-Mar 2385151.09 2385149.70
1805 14Ap 21Ap 21-Apr 2380425.49 2380401.54
1802 18Ap 25Ap 25-Apr 2379333.61 2379305.83

1744 29Mr 05Ap 29-Mar

1724 09Ap 16Ap 9-Apr
1700 04Ap 11Ap 4-Apr
550 26Ap 19Ap 26-Apr 1922022.20 1922022.43
-61 me26Mr NoCalc 26-Mar 1698859.401 1698859.395
First. Page 6
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15

Excel Formula for Catholic Easter by Julian Day Number for Calendar Converter or direct Excel Cell
C var !. Single Input of Gregorian Year, if BC then 1-Yr.BC & find Easter in 7 steps, i.e. 30AD=> 30
.f10 P' =MOD(-8-11*MOD(Yr,19)+INT((Yr-1600)/100)-INT((Yr-1600)/400)-INT((8*INT((Yr-1400)/100))/25),30) 14
.f11 P =P'-IF(P'=29,1,IF((1+MOD(Yr,19))>11,IF(P'=28,1,0),0)) 14
.f12 D.1 =118+INT(365.25*(Yr+4712))-INT(0.75*INT(((Yr)/100)+49)) 1732097
.f13 D.2 =D.1+P 1732111
.f6 D.3 =1+INT(MOD((1.5+D.2),7)) Next page 5
.f14 D.4 =IF(D.3=1,D.2+7,8-D.3+D.2)&"Catholic Easter as Julian Day Number" 1732114
end Easter use D.4 to get Day of Month, f.9, &Month#, f.8, &day-of-Week,f.6 as =D&f.n& D7M4wkd1
Above is Catholic Easter formulation using Gregorian Year as Most Easter routines, but not this one, are valid for a few
input to find Easter Date as a Julian Day Number. This hundred years after 1901. This is substantial since Christ
simplifies several steps as compared to other methods. The our Passover was slain from the foundation of the world.
resultant JD# may be used to rapidly find Pentecost Sunday Thus there has been a perpetual Easter since the day this
or any number of Easter dependant days. The JD# can be world was founded. That date was when Adam sinned,
rapidly changed to calendar dates via formula f.6, f.8, & f.9 4000 years prior to Jesus Baptism at river Jordan by Saint
for most, if not all, dates. Beware excel dates do not display John. The day of resurrection was hidden by God and
for years prior to 1900. Thus the above work around. The revealed by Christ earthly Easter day in 30AD.
Easter JD# can be ported to excel date system for years 1900
forward. Simply determine the offset to Excel date number The following list dates when Astronomical Easter is not
and JD#, then subtract offset to other dates. Apply this same date as the Catholic Easter, about 1 in 12 years.
method when a wide range of dates are to be reviewed.
257973-365.242454*(-4006-Y)+MOD((365.242454*(-4006-Y)),29.5306)+CF Another estmate of astronomical PFM is
given at left. This uses Delaunay arguments
CF= -0.40614*SIN(l')+ 0.01614*SIN(2l) + 0.17302*SIN(l) - 0.17+ CFt for lunar and sun anomalies, expressed in
CFt = - C^3/999999.45 - C^2/4028.335 - C/64.259 + 1/ 547.41 Julian century, C of J2000. 7
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15

Variant Astro-Easter Years to Catholic Variant Uniform Easter Years to Catholic

2049 1700 1457 1206 915 543 254 1903 1558 1351 1074 716 384 73
2045 1693 1453 1199 895 536 242 1900 1552 1332 1061 685 367 66
2038 1685 1446 1182 881 519 235 1876 1551 1331 1030 634 343 42
2019 1666 1429 1162 861 516 218 1873 1527 1328 1003 614 323 22
1981 1629 1427 1155 854 509 216 1845 1514 1313 998 607 320 15
1974 1622 1419 1142 846 496 191 1829 1507 1311 979 590 313 -5
1967 1609 1409 1135 837 489 188 1825 1503 1308 960 588 303 -29
1962 1598 1408 1128 827 482 171 1818 1487 1294 959 587 292 -49
1954 1590 1402 1111 817 474 168 1805 1484 1284 941 570 289 -53
1943 1582 1389 1108 810 469 144 1802 1483 1277 935 569 273 -56
1927 1578 1375 1101 783 438 137 1778 1473 1237 932 563 269 1998
1924 1571 1370 1088 736 411 124 1744 1465 1226 922 550 262
1923 1362 1081 729 1724 1463 1218

This tabulation covers from years 2050 back to 60BC. A Given the primitive nature of physics and astronomy at
span of about 2100 years. The above Tabulation shows the time of the original formulation of the Easter
that some centuries have less discrepancy than others. Calendar, the Catholic method mostly agrees with the
The cycle of 391-19 or 372 years can be seen in some Astronomical formulation. That being stated, the
skip sequences. The average is about 11 of 12 years Paschal Moon of the Catholic Easter is not a true
agree and 1 in 12 years are not in agreement between moon. In fact there is similarity to Molad of the
the two Easter Methods. However the pattern is not calculated Hebrew Calendar. The Molad event is timed
uniform. Some centuries have fewer concurrences than to start around the autumn equinox vs. around or
others. Next page about the Spring Equinox for Catholic Easter. 8
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong 10.25/15

Uniform Easter Spreadsheet Method: Find full moon The Paschal Full Moon is defined as first moon, after
using longitude routine and: Moon age = (Solar less the Spring or Vernal Equinox. This spreadsheet
Moon Longitudes)*29.5306/360 method of longitude was corrected and adapted after
Since Full moon is 180 degree, then full moon age is T. Alonso Albis adaptation of P.Duffet but with
half of 29.530 Three approximations (February, additional terms. T. Albis original lambda terms were
March, April) are used to find Paschal full moon date. only about 24. Accuracy was improved by using more
When solved yield average days between spring full Lambda terms. The total Sine terms comes to about
moons for the year. The first guess when corrected, 70. Evaluation of Delaunays arguments from Chapront
may not meet Paschal Criteria after correction. Thus
& Chapront ELP-S2001 was used to improve
2 checks are used. Given the Equinox for a year, as
accuracy. The ELP-S2001 4th order terms are reported
EQ.jd, then the logics are: 1) IF(guess < EQ.jd, guess,
to be within 10 arc seconds down to 1500BC, if using
then new is (old guess+29.5), Guess-1 is 257972.7-
the full series of 100s of adjustments. Here only about
from which guess, an age is determied. This AGE is 70 terms are employed. The original method does not
converted to full moon correction, CF, for an improved guess account for Tidal Braking. Thus, an Equation of Time is
as follows: Cfi =29.5306/2 - IF(AGE>0, AGE, 29.5306+AGE) used to extend the solution validity. The extended
Guess2 = Guess1 + CF1, other iterations are made solution calculates Paschal Full moon dates to within
as Guess3 = Guess2 +CF2, the 4th and final value, an hour of NASA or Kalendis for years between
Guess4 = Guess3 + CF3 is taken as the Full Moon 4000BC to 3000AD. Typically less than 60 minutes
date. A final check is used to ensure the Full Moon difference is found. The graph on page 6 shows the
date falls after the Spring Equinox. Macro loops are variation for 110 points over a 7100 year span.
avoided by using successive Full Moon dates: It is incorrect to apply angle reduction, Mod360, for
estimate, estimate +/- 29.5 days and logically select values less than zero. The spreadsheet solution is as
PFM. The day, 257973, is March FM of Gregorian follows: reduce angle by A/360=rA, then find
year -4006. The file is embedded on page 6 of the IF(ABS(rA)>1, 360*(ABS(rA)-INT(ABS(rA)))*SIGN(rA), 360*rA).
MS document file. This file may be used to better This yields a correctly reduced angle for either positive
see the method. A simplified method screened the or negative input values. It is possible to improve
prior table for validation by 70 term method. FM JD# accuracy by limiting the year range, to just a few century.
Constants: April 258002.07, March257972.70, February 257943.37

Next page 9
Astronomical Easter Comparison & Calculation by OP Armstrong Nov7/15
New Moon Moment by Spreadsheet
The prior calculations were for finding a Full Moon moment
by longitudes. Here a new moon moment is also calculated
by longitudes. This improved the accuracy of moon age
cell in spreadsheet Gregorian date to/from Julian Day. The
prior calc used lunation number. The Solar to Lunar
longitudes method improves accuracy when used with
adaption. The adaptation was to tailor an EOT specific for
this data set. In the first instance, Broombergs 4th order
lunation number correction was adjusted to minimum
error around J2000. The results of that fit are given in
graph of this page. This gave +/- one hour error around the
mean between 4000BCE and 3000AD. Next a 3rd order
supplemental correction was fitted in terms of Julian
Millennia or c/10. Where c is (JD#- 2451550.098)/36525.
The new moon moment was found by setting the longitude
For 128 points, the Standard difference to zero. The EOT is required because Longitude
deviation was about 3 minutes at methods do not account for tidal braking of earth rotation.
a mean of about zero. The RMS This method is known as a truncated series of the VSOP
mean was 2 minutes. The analytical series, as compared to the gold standard direct
maximum/minimum differences integration of DE200, as discussed in USNO write ups. Take
were 10 and -7 minutes. This as example March 30 AD: guess M15 and JD# is 1732091,
nearly corresponds to the 12 min and EOT date is 1732095.950, and is used for second guess,
gap of 2 times SD. This method the third and final calc gives a JD# of 1732096.244 for the
explains 98% of determined EOT corrected date when moon age is zero, this is Mar20
variance. 17:51HR vs. NASA table of 17:47 or 4 minute later. Likewise
Because the original equation is in hours, divide by 24 to for April 457BC , start midmonth at 1554614.00 to arrive at
give days. This correction is then added to the Broomberg EOT JD# 1554617.311 or 19:28HR vs.19:25 NASA.
term. The sum is then subtracted to yield a new moon BACK NEXT
time, +/- 6minute with 97.5% confidence.
Debunking 33AD Blood Moon Eclipse by OP Armstrong 4/15
This stub is offered with little explanation apart from The penumbral eclipse only becomes readily apparent when
graphics. Others have sufficiently debunked the so called it is within 0.05 magnitudes of becoming a partial eclipse.
33AD Blood Red Eclipse. To that end quotes from their In comparison, partial eclipses are easy to see with the naked
work are provided below. The so called astro-prophecy eye. The lunar limb extending into the umbral shadow usually
line of thought is fraught with pit holes. Little wonder appears very dark or black. This is primarily due to a contrast
that scripture is devoid of eclipse observations. effect because the remaining portion of the Moon in the
penumbra may be brighter by a factor of about 500x.
The visual appearance of penumbral, partial, and total Because the umbral shadow's diameter is typically 2.7x the
lunar eclipses differs significantly from each other. While Moon's diameter, it appears as a semi-circular bite was taken
penumbral eclipses are pale and difficult to see, partial out of the Moon.
eclipses are easy naked-eye events, while total eclipses Appearance of Total Lunar Eclipses
are colorful and dramatic. A total lunar eclipse is the most dramatic and visually
Appearance of Penumbral and Partial Lunar Eclipses compelling type of lunar eclipse. The Moon's appearance can
Earth's penumbral shadow forms a diverging cone that vary enormously throughout the period of totality and from
expands into space in the anti-solar direction. From one eclipse to the next. Obviously, the geometry of the
within this zone, Earth blocks part, but not the entire Moon's path through the umbra plays an important role. Not
disk, of the Sun. Thus, some fraction of the Sun's direct as apparent is the effect that Earth's atmosphere has on a
rays continues to reach the most deeply eclipsed parts of total eclipse. Although the physical mass of Earth blocks all
the Moon during a penumbral eclipse. direct sunlight from the umbra, the planet's atmosphere
The primary penumbral contacts (P1 and P4), as well as filters, attenuates and bends some of the Sun's rays into the
the early and late stages of a penumbral eclipse, are shadow.
completely invisible to the eye with or without optical
aid. A penumbral magnitude greater than 0.6 is needed
before skilled observers can detect faint shading across
the Moon's disk. Even when one edge of the Moon is
9/10 of the way into the penumbral shadow,
approximately 10% of the Sun's rays still reach the
Moon's deepest limb. Under such conditions, the Moon
remains relatively bright with only a subtle gradient
across its disk.
Debunking 33AD Blood Moon Eclipse by OP Armstrong 4/15
How correct are claims about the 33AD eclipse? True, a At most there were 48 minutes of partial phase
totally eclipsed moon does often appear reddish. However, a remaining when the moon rose. Normally, any deep red
totally eclipsed moon does not always look red, but may be color noticeable during a total lunar eclipse is not at all
completely dark or it may have a great range in color from obvious during nearly all of the partial phases. This is
black to yellow, so we dont know what the moon looked like because the much brighter portion of an un-eclipsed
during that particular eclipse (For instance, the July 6, 1982 moon overwhelms the subtle color of the dark portion.
very deep total lunar eclipse appeared partially black and Graphics of lunar eclipses indicate partially eclipsed
partially peach-coloredno one could recall such an odd moons do not resemble blood. Since this eclipse was far
eclipse). If there were a total lunar eclipse on the night of April from total, and it was not observable from Jerusalem
3, AD 33, then it might have appeared red. But this particular until very late stages, (if at all) the moon must have
eclipse was not total. The standard reference on eclipses is been very bright, and there is absolutely no basis to
Oppolzers Canon of Eclipses (1887). The following, is from the claim this was a blood moon. Pronouncements on this
1962 Dover translation of this work: are very misleading, for the vast majority of people have
This particular eclipse is number 1914 in the series. The half no idea that discussion of the alleged blood moon are
duration of the eclipse was 81 minutes, and the universal time not true. One could speculate that unusual atmospheric
(UT) of mid-eclipse was 15:06. Thus, the partial phase began at conditions near Jerusalem at the time could have deeply
13:45 UT and ended at 16:27 UT. According to Oppolzers reddened the full but partially eclipsed moon that night,
Table VI, there is no appreciable correction for the equation of but then there is no reason to appeal to an eclipse to
time for this date. Jerusalem is at longitude 35 13E, which account for this.
corresponds to a 2:21 correction from UT to local time (LT).
Therefore, for Jerusalem the partial phase of the eclipse began
at 16:06 LT, mid-eclipse was at 17:27 LT, and the partial phase
ended at 18:48 LT. In the first century the vernal equinox was
on March 25, so this eclipse was just nine days after the vernal
equinox. At this equinox, moon rise would be at 6:00 PM, so
moon rise on April 3 would be delayed at most 2-3 minutes.
But ignore this factor, and assume that moon rise was at 18:00
LT. The eclipse had already passed its deepest point more than
a hour before the moon rose that night. 2
Debunking 33AD Blood Moon Eclipse by OP Armstrong 4/15
Partial Lunar Eclipses

TOTAL Partial Lunar Eclipse,

Lunar Wellington June 4

Weak Lunar Eclipse
Partial Lunar Eclipse

TOTAL A total eclipse will be red, without Eclipse
the circular bite effect. Depending
on time of moon rise, it may be
possible to see a total or just a partial
sequence for the non-bitted total
eclipse Partial Eclipses are only partially to zero red 3
Debunking 33AD Blood Moon Eclipse by OP Armstrong 4/15
Eclipse type The type as seen at selected location. Take into
account that moon may not be above horizon until eclipse is in
progress. Eclipse Events: The Universal Time UT date and time of
events. NB: if event happens while Moon is Below horizon an *
asterisk appears after the hour with negative altitude. For this case
it means the maximum partial eclipse was below horizon in
Jerusalem. Alt Altitude of the moon, degrees, above horizon. For
this event only (2.4/17.3)*1:25=12min of the umbral partial eclipse
was above horizon at the selected UTM coordinates of Jerusalem Partial Eclipses are
Azi Azimuth of the moon, degrees, Zero is due north and 90 deg is only partially to Fact without
due east, etc. In the penumbral phase the eclipse may be very faint. zero red hype

By his own
graphic, only a
(12-2) or 10
minute of Partial
Lunar Eclipse was
above horizon. 4
This was a weak
partial, but not a
bloody eclipse.
Debunking 33AD Blood Moon Eclipse by OP Armstrong 4/15
Eclipse type Take into account that moon may not be above
horizon until eclipse is in progress. Eclipse Events The Universal
Time UT date and time of events. NB: if event happens while Moon
is Below horizon an * asterisk appears after the hour or shows a
negative altitude. In this case it means the maximum partial eclipse
was below horizon in Jerusalem.
Alt Altitude of the moon, degrees, above horizon. For this event
only (2.4/17.3)*1:25=12min of the umbral partial eclipse was above
horizon at the selected UTM coordinates of Jerusalem
Azi Azimuth of the moon, degrees, Zero is due north and 90 deg is
due east, etc. In the penumbral phase the eclipse may be very faint
By his own graphic, only a small portion of this
Partial Lunar Eclipse was above horizon. Clearly
this was a weak partial eclipse. Yet his graphic
below is intended to make readers think it was a
massive blood moon full eclipse.

Debunk 360 Day Long Year Concept by OP Armstrong 4/15
Why Debunk?? There is an erroneous concept that From Astronomers
around the time of Noah, one earth year was 360 days, or so Above, we said that in 100 years, the Sun's mass will
I was told in 4 instances by Christian writers. A Mr. Koenig decrease by 6.6 parts in a trillion. Therefore, the orbital
emailed saying, and there is no way to prove otherwise. separation of the planet will increase by 6.6 parts in a
This is true if one does not accept the laws of physics. Thus trillion and the orbital period will increase by 13.2 parts
this writing is for those who accept that physics and science in a trillion. If the planet in question is the Earth (whose
provide the basis to understand nature. A refutation is seen orbital separation from the Sun is around 150,000,000
in Rotational Time or Year Length stability. kilometers and whose orbital period is 1 year), the
The misguided 360 year concept originated in extrapolation Earth-Sun separation will increase by about 1 meter, and
of Gen.8:3-4. There it counts 150 days in first 5 months of a the orbital period will increase by about 0.4
year. Any number of calendar systems could be used milliseconds! Neither of these values is large enough for
whereby the first 5 months of a year would be 150 days. us to be able to detect.
However scripture was silent about the remaining 7 Overall, I think it is safe to conclude that (a) there will be
months. A normal year or return is 12 months. However no noticeable effect on the planets' orbits over anything
to presume the remaining 7 months of that year were also resembling a human lifetime, and (b) there will be a
complete in 210 days is flawed guessing. The residual noticeable effect over timescales approaching the
portion of a solar year always is 365.2425 less 150 days or lifetime of the Sun, since the Sun will lose around 0.07%
215.2425 days. A look at ancient observational methods of its mass over that time period, leading to a change in
and calendars explains these points. There are many the Earth's orbital period of about half a day.
calendar systems that could be used to deal with the about 1 M-yr. the perihelion distance will have
residual days. For example the Hebrew calendar in a leap increased by only 0.22- 0.25 AU,
year or use a system of 30 day months with leap weeks.
Looking at the physics, there simply is not enough fusible The sun's lifetime has an approximate value of 10
solar mass to change the solar year by 5.25 days. Also even billion years. If the mass of the star has a fractional
if done, to burn several billion years of material in one or 2 decrease , then the linear dimensions of a planet's
thousand year would cook off earths atmosphere. There is orbit have a fractional increase , and the orbital period
no atmosphere on Venus or Mercury due to the solar heat. has a fractional increase 2. the present recession will
At the right are quotes and links to Astronomers who have only put Earth at 1.0075 AU in 7.5 Billion year.
discussed this issue in great detail. 1
Debunk 360 Day Long Year Concept by OP Armstrong 4/15
Chronology of Noah and Flood from Scripture using Julian Day Numbers & CHC
Ref Gregorian Age HebrewMo DOW Julian Day Event day
Gen8:13 29Feb2345BC Niss01/1416 Tues 864990.5 1st Day Noes 600 Year 0
Gen7:4,10 05Apr2345BC Iyy10 Sat 865026.5 Start bring Animal Into Ark at sunset 36
Gen8:4 12Apr2345BC Iyy14 Wed 865033.5 Midweek Filing Ark for 7day, 150day Before 43
Gen7:11 15Apr2345BC Iyy17 Sat 865036.5 Flood Start 600 year Noes 2nd month, day17 46
Gen7:12 25May2345BC Sivn28 Thur 865076.5 End 40 Days of Flooding 86
Gen8:4 09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 7thmo 17thday ark rest 150day after receded 193
Gen8:5 22Nov2345BC Tev01 Wed 865257.5 1st Day 10th MO Mountain Tops Seen 267
8:6-7 01Jan2344BC Shev12 Mon 865297.5 +40Day Raven out flying about unto dry YLT 307
Gen8:10 05Mar2344BC V'dar15 Mon 865360.5 Send dove when dry face earth it returns 370
8:10-11 12Mar2344BC V'dar22 Mon 865367.5 Dove gets olive branch H2O receded 377
Gen8:12 19Mar2344BC V'dar29 Mon 865374.5 3rd Dove not return 384
Gen8:13 20Mar2344BC Niss01/1417 Tues 865375.5 Noes 601Year on 1st mo 1st day ground dry 385
Gen8:14 15May2344BC Iyy27.1417 Tues 865431.5 601yr 2month 27day earth dry 441
Chronology above shows by use of Calculated Hebrew Calendar, CHC, the end of the 150 day 5 month
period is a difference of 193 days from start. The end of Hebrew year 1416AM is at 385 days from start.
Thus is yet 192 days unto end of year 1416AM from end of 150 day 5 month period. Check: 385= 192+193. The
length of a CHC long leap year is 385 days. So by CHC in this flood year there is not a 360 day long year.
Another calendar alternative is to use the Leap Weeks. A reasonable drift is had by using 12 months, 30
days each, and 3 leap weeks per 4 years. Many other more accurate constructs with leap weeks have
been proposed. So having one 5 month span of 150 days does NOT prove nor make the year length to be
360 days. It just indicates a calendar construction framework. Ditto for any 360 day year calendars.
Gapping from a 360 day orbit to 365.2425 day long year is a physical impossibility. The total sun mass
available to burn is about 0.07% over an estimated 7 billion year sun life. Astronomers say this mass burn
will only change orbit time by day. There is not enough usable sun mass change to drop 5 days. 2
Debunk 360 Day Long Year Concept by OP Armstrong 4/15

Partial Cannon of Egyptian & Near East Eclipses 2471BC to 80AD O.P. Armstrong Jan2015
This is a partial MK Summary missed Eclipses-A Date MK Summary missed Eclipses-B Date
cannon of solar a
total over Egypt at the Pleiades 2471 85T.o AmenhotepIVEchnaton Akhenaten 1258
eclipses for Egypt b
total over Egypt at Spica 2469 Skip 2 Eclipse 1207 1197 XTXa
and the near east.
skip 2 eclipses 2354 2353 235X total.p Spica Eclipse Ramses II 1157
It was developed to
1) minimize file size 80Ac Chambers @ Great Pyramid 2430 Skip 1131 Total eclipse XT
for the discussion 90Td Pleiades RA-thosis 2340 AT.Q 29 Yr Ramses II under Pegasus 1129
on Eclipses & totale Unas boat eclipse 2289 90A skip 1 eclipse 1091 1091
Calendars of Near f
total Cancer eclipse Antef-1, Entif 2159 82T.R cartouche of Pharaoh Siptah 1063
East Kings. g
total Antef-2 bushy hieroglyph 2079 90T.S Herihor in gemini 957
2) Illustrate the 75Th Mentuhotep-Antef3 ENA 2044 90T.T Pinodjem over orion 948
difficulties of
90Ti 24th Yr Amenemhet II, skip2 1884 96T.U Masaharta at markab 932
development by skip 3 eclipses 1808,1765, 1764 XXX 95ca skip 1 eclipse 907 907
use of eclipse data. total.j Antef IV Capricorn = Chendjer 1741 AT skip 1 eclipse 881 881
A chronology 80A Skipped annular eclipse 1737 AXA total.V Psusennes 1/2 or partial 831
developed on 90Tk cartouche:Sun, Moon & throat 1699 AT skip 1 eclipse 662 662
eclipse dates, with skip 1 eclipse 1635 XATx 85T.W Tefnacht at denebolda 636
omissions of similar
90T.L Amenhotep I Orion cartouche 1533 AT skip 1 eclipse 635 635
eclipses must
explain their 85T.m Hatshepsut'touche: pot/ well 1478 total.X monument: Pianchi (Peje) 582
omission. For it is skip3eclipse, 1464,1436, 1410 XXX 83T.Y Skip 7 then Taharqa at Sheridan 517
reasonable to .n
total Amenhotep III Orion cartouch 1338 82T.Z Psammetichus I sagittarius 502
expect ancient 80A Skip 1261 eclipse AXA 84T.ZZ Psammetichus II in saggitarius 493
recorders to record
all similar events, The above table is one such chronology developed on eclipse dates. The omission of
Otherwise the similar eclipses are noted. Without an explanation of these omission, the chronology is
chronology is logically shortened beginning from the most recent observation and working
incomplete. backwards. For it is reasonable to expect ancient recorders to record all similar events,
<95% used

>90% tot but not used?

<95% used

80% but used

-e not used
-e not used

<95% but used


-e not counted
used <85% but used

used 3
Skipped 90+%

not counted

not counted

Skipped total

Used, i

Used, item J

Skipped 80+%
Skipped 90+%

Used, item K
Skipped 80+%

Skipped 70+%

Chronology dating by
Lunar eclipses is even
more uncertain. For
there are some 2 to 4
times more lunar
97+% used eclipses than solar
97+% not used eclipses. Thus
correlation of any
sequence of Lunar
eclipses requires
much more data. But
sources are often
sparsely populated.

100% but NOT used

97+% used

<75% not used <85% not used

<85% not used Tot n Egypt not used? 7

<85% not used
Here is a very complete and total eclipse of Lower Nile
Delta region in Oct1197BC. Yet this nearly 6 minute long
afternoon eclipse is omitted from Chronology
development. However the chronology included a 1258C
(85%) eclipse prior to and a 1157BC eclipse after. Such
omissions without explanation cannot present a credible
chronology. Just as neither can a chronology based upon a
single eclipse observation like the oft touted Bur-Sagale
eclipse date. In summary, 1 eclipse does not make a 8
chronology and neither do omitted eclipses.
90% no use

95% used

78% ca no use

Use 948BC but

skip 957BC??
Only 9 year
difference and
have similar %
96% used
Why use one
and omit
other?? >98%&omitted? 9
not used 97%+

80% not used

99%ca omitted

95% used

Bur--Sagale -B

Bur-Sagale -A
Bur-Sagale -A



Not used 80%

Bur-Sagale -A

85% omitted

1) Identify Partial Eclipse from catalogue,
2) Verify percentage coverage by location program
3) accept or reject for table inclusion
Other eclipse graphics available but would make big file,
years after 2000BC can verify on NASA Eclipse, prior to I
used EmapWin 3.11 by Takesako

90% omitted

Tot & omitted
90%, omitted

used, w


Worst counted eclipse by the chronology

2430bc 80%, (-2429)
2044bc 75%; (-2043)
1063bc 82% (-1062)
502bc 82% (-501) 85%omitted
Eclipses separated by century maybe
excused by different recorder. But 85+%back
to back year omissions cannot be excused, 13
when counting 75% to 85% eclipse cover.
Worst omitted by
542bc 98%
533bc 97%
And many more
90%+ eclipses in
Egypt. It is
burden to explain 70%
these omissions,
whilst including
weaker eclipses

70% 14
90 %





62% 75%

62% 15




Table B Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses
JD Type Saros GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros
jb 2471bc01apr 818980.7 totala 203 a J2 1197bc09oct 1284501.2 AT 34 a jb 636bc19aug 1489354.8 85T.W 54
j2 2469bc02sep 819866.1 totalb 5 b jb 1157bc19aug 1299060.2 total.p 36 b jb 635bc12feb 1489532.1 AT 59
jb 2354bc25jun 861798.0 90T 222 c jb 1131bc30sep 1308598.3 90T 45 c jb 607bc30jul 1499926.9 85ca 55
-e 2353bc14jun 862154.6 90T 9 d jb 1129bc14feb 1309100.0 AT.Q 22 d j2 603bc18may 1501314.8 70ca 57
j2 2430bc25jul 834070.7 80Ac 220 e jb 1091bc09aug 1323156.4 90A 47 e jb 587bc14dec 1507368.9 85ca 42
jb 2340bc23mar 866820.0 90Td 215 f jb 1063bc31july 1333378.8 82T.R 38 f jb 582bc21sept 1509110.8 total.X 54
jb 2289bc20dec 885719.7 totale 5 g j2 958bc11jun 1371675.0 78ct 41 g jb 581bc16mar 1509287.8 67ca 59
jb 2159bc29jun 933027.9 totalf 2 h jb 957bc31may 1372029.7 90T.S 51 h -e 559bc14jan 1517261.8 90AT 61
jb 2079bc11sep 962321.9 totalg 11 i jb 948bc22may 1375307.7 90T.T 32 i jb 557bc19may 1518118.0 90CT 48
jb 2044bc20apr 974961.7 75Th 219 j B 947bc04nov 1375838.7 cat 47 j jb 556bc01nov 1518648.9 90CT 63
jb 1884bc15sep 1033549.7 90Ti 14 k jb 932bc27jan 1381037.0 96T.U 45 k jb 542bc31jul 1523668.8 AT 56
jb 1808bc16aug 1061279.3 AT 16 l jb 907bc14sept 1390398.2 95ca 49 l jb 534bc31aug 1526622.1 CAT 65
bj 1765bc25apl 1076871.6 H80 10 m jb 901bc05nov 1392641.9 90ct 38 m jb 532bc15jan 1527124.9 90CA 42
jb 1764bc08oct 1077403.4 90A 25 n jb 881bc01may 1399759.0 AT 53 n -e 531bc30jun 1527656.1 75CT 57
e 1741bc21dec 1085878.1 total.j 4 o jb 857bc04jly 1408588.9 80ct 42 o jb 524bc15feb 1530078.0 62ct 51
bj 1737bc10spt 1087266.5 80A 6 p jb 832bc02mar 1417596.0 ca97 36 p 517bc28mar 1532676.1 92T.Y 50
jb 1699bc16apr 1100968.9 90T k 21 q jb 831bc15aug 1418127.2 total.V 51 q jb 505bc16feb 1537017.8 80ca 61
jb 1635bc28apr 1124357.3 AT 12 r jb 825bc06oct 1420371.0 90ca 40 r 502bc04dec 1538405.0 82T.Z 63
e 1533bc09may 1161624.1 90T.L 23 s jb 824bc02apr 1420549.0 90ct 45 s 493bc24nov 1541683.0 84T.ZZ 44
jb 1478bc01jun 1181734.8 85T.m 33 t jb 791bc24jun 1432685.1 97ca 53 t J2 402bc18Jan 1574609.9 90T 44
bj 1464bc23aug 1186931.8 85cA 31 u jb 765bc10feb 1442046.8 85ct 57 u 380bc05Nov 1582936.8 AT 56
jb 1436bc13Aug 1197149.0 85cA 22 v jb 763bc15jun 1442902.8 89CT 44 v J2 357bc29Feb 1591088.0 90T 63
jb 1410bc25Sep 1206687.8 cat 31 w jb 763bc15jun 1442902.8 89ct 44 w 350bc06oct 1593863.8 80aT 67
jb 1399bc03jan 1210498.0 85T 27 x jb 691bc28jly 1469244.1 75ct 44 x J2 336bc04jly 1598884.1 total 60
jb 1338bc14may 1232852.0 total.n 26 y jb 689bc11jan 1469775.9 ca85 59 y J2 317bc08jan 1605646.0 80An 65
bj 1261bc27sep 1261113.4 80A 43 z jb 662bc12jan 1479639.3 AT90 40 z 303bc02apl 1610844.1 total 63
j2 1258bc27jly 1262146.0 85T.o 35 j2 657bc15apr 1481558.8 ct90 57 29bc05jan 1710834.9 95A 60
jb 1207bc30oct 1280869.4 AT 43 e 637bc29aug 1489000.1 cat80 44 jb 49ad20may 1739095.0 AT 77
non super scripted= author skipped 17
Total Eclipse in Umbra 2000BC - 80AD T2 20 Babylon Total Eclipse in Umbra
GregYR JD # Type Saros l1 l2 l3 GregYR JD # Type Saros l3
1808bc16aug 1061279.3 at 16 J e b 1 1917bc23jun 1021413.6 at 6 b
1764bc08oct 1077403.4 at 25 J 2 1859bc14may 1042557.5 tot 8 b
1635bc28apr 1124357.3 at 12 J e 3 1791bc7sep 1067510.6 at 6 b
1207bc30oct 1280869.4 at 43 J e 4 1601bc14jan 1136671.4 at 25 b
1197bc09oct 1284501.2 at 34 e 5 1382bc15sept 1216905.4 at 22 b
1131bc30sep 1308598.3 tot 45 J 6 1124bc18may 1311020.2 tot 39 b
1091bc09aug 1323156.4 at 47 J 7 1090bc25dec 1323659.2 at 24 b
907bc14sept 1390398.2 cat 49 J 8 1068bc23oct 1331632.3 tot 26 b
881bc01may 1399759.0 at 53 J e 9 948bc22may 1375308.0 tot 32 b
831bc15aug 1418127.2 tot 51 e 10 947bc04nov 1375838.7 cat 47 b
791bc24jun 1432685.1 cat 53 e 11 661bc27jun 1480171.2 at 55 b
662bc12jan 1479639.0 cat 40 e 12 559bc14jan 1517261.8 at 61 b
635bc12feb 1489531.9 cat 59 e 13 402bc18Jan 1574609.9 tot 44 b
357bc29Feb 1591088.0 tot 63 J 14 394bc14aug 1577740.1 at 58 b
350bc06oct 1593863.8 at 67 J 15 178bc22dec 1656763.9 at 58 b
336bc04jly 1598884.1 tot 60 J e 16 174bc10oct 1658152.0 tot 60 b
303bc02apl 1610844.1 tot 63 J e 17 136bc15apr 1671853.9 tot 75 b
234bc16jly 1636151.2 cat 71 e 18 22bc11aug 1713610.2 at 64 b
49ad20may 1739095.0 at 77 e 19 10bc30jun 1717951.1 tot 75 b
J=Jerusalem12, e=Egypt13, b=Babylon 20, at=annular total, cat=circular at, date:2000BC-80AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
This is a review of the Eclipse Calendar for Near East Kingdoms in cities
of ancient; Babylon, Jerusalem, and Pi-Ramses of Egypt. The locations of T1 Reference Locations
these cities, as refered to by this work, are listed in Table 1. city lat.n lon.e
The bible record shows there is not a single mention of an eclipse from Babylon 32.5 44.5
Genesis to Revelation. There are supernatural events reguarding the sun, Jerusalem 31.8 35.2
and none of these events, neither historical nor prophetic, are natural
Pi-Ramses 30.8 31.8
eclipses. The eclipse deficit indicates supernatural (above nature) works
by G_d. It also shows Bible Time is marked in; years, months, weeks, & days, not by eclipses.
This review was Total Eclipse in Umbra 2000BC - 80AD T2 20 Babylon Total Eclipse in Umbra
undertaken GregYR Type Saros l1 l2 l3 GregYR Type Saros l3
JD # JD #
because many
chronologist use 1808bc16aug 1061279.3 at 16 J e b 1 1917bc23jun 1021413.6 at 6 b
eclipse data to 1764bc08oct 1077403.4 at 25 J 2 1859bc14may 1042557.5 tot 8 b
substantiate their 1635bc28apr 1124357.3 at 12 J e 3 1791bc7sep 1067510.6 at 6 b
dating work. A 1207bc30oct 1280869.4 at 43 J e 4 1601bc14jan 1136671.4 at 25 b
review of near 1197bc09oct 1284501.2 at 34 e 5 1382bc15sept 1216905.4 at 22 b
east Total 1131bc30sep 1308598.3 tot 45 J 6 1124bc18may 1311020.2 tot 39 b
eclipses from 1091bc09aug 1323156.4 at 47 J 7 1090bc25dec 1323659.2 at 24 b
2000BC to 80AD 907bc14sept 1390398.2 cat 49 J 1068bc23oct 1331632.3 tot 26 b
is given in Table
881bc01may 1399759.0 at 53 J e 9 948bc22may 1375308.0 tot 32 b
2. The review
831bc15aug 1418127.2 tot 51 e 10 947bc04nov 1375838.7 cat 47 b
found; 20 Total
791bc24jun 1432685.1 cat 53 e 11 661bc27jun 1480171.2 at 55 b
Eclipses over the
location of 662bc12jan 1479639.0 cat 40 e 12 559bc14jan 1517261.8 at 61 b
ancient Babylon, 635bc12feb 1489531.9 cat 59 e 13 402bc18Jan 1574609.9 tot 44 b
13 over ancient 357bc29Feb 1591088.0 tot 63 J 14 394bc14aug 1577740.1 at 58 b
Ramses and 12 350bc06oct 1593863.8 at 67 J 15 178bc22dec 1656763.9 at 58 b
over Jerusalem. 336bc04jly 1598884.1 tot 60 J e 16 174bc10oct 1658152.0 tot 60 b
One of these 303bc02apl 1610844.1 tot 63 J e 17 136bc15apr 1671853.9 tot 75 b
eclipse was 234bc16jly 1636151.2 cat 71 e 18 22bc11aug 1713610.2 at 64 b
common to the 3 49ad20may 1739095.0 at 77 e 10bc30jun 1717951.1 tot 75 b
cities, while 6
were common to J=Jerusalem12, e=Egypt13, b=Babylon 20, at=annular total, cat=circular at, date:2000BC-80AD
Egypt and Jerusalem. This is about 1 total solar eclipse every 100 to 200 years. The most
common dates were start and end for the calamitous Hebrew month of Av. For partial solar
eclipses, the average is about one partial eclipse every 3 years. There are about 3 times more
lunar eclipses than solar eclipses. Solar eclipses are of short duration, less than 0.2 hours.
This then presents an entirely new criteria set. For what degree of partial eclipse would be
recorded in historical records? Another issue is how to validate such claimed dates? The ancient
records, when available, are typically set to a regal year of some potentate. However, there is
much uncertianty in reconcillation of such regal years to a modern calendar system. A further
uncertianity is introduced by variations in earth rotation, as acknowledged by any crediable
These issues are illustrated by the following two tables for eclipses over Egypt. Table A is a
recording of used Eclipses for dating an Egyptian Chronology. Table B is a summary of Total and
substiantial eclipses over Egypt. By that comparison it is determined that many substiantial
eclipses were skipped in the development of that chronology. If these skipped eclipses were
included, the result would be a much shorter chronology.

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
. Table A - Egyptian Chronology by Eclipses, showing some 28 skipped eclipses, WHY??
MK Summary used Eclipses-A Date MK Summary used Eclipses-B Date
totala over Egypt at the Pleiades 2471 1 85T.o AmenhotepIVEchnaton Akhenaten 1258
totalb over Egypt at Spica 2469 2 Skip 2 Eclipse 1207 1197 XTXa
skip 2 eclipses 2354 2353 235X 3 total.p Spica Eclipse Ramses II 1157
80Ac Kings/Queens Chambers @ Great Pyramid 2430 4 Skip 1 1131 Total eclipse XT
90Td Pleiades RA-Thosis 2340 5 AT.Q 29 Yr Ramses II under Pegasus 1129
totale Unas boat eclipse 2289 6 90A skip 1 eclipse 1091 1091
totalf Cancer eclipse Antef-1, Entif 2159 7 82T.R cartouche of Pharaoh Siptah 1063
totalg Antef-2 bushy hieroglyph 2079 8 90T.S Herihor in Gemini 957
75Th Mentuhotep-Antef3 ENA 2044 9 90T.T Pinodjem over Orion 948
90Ti Skip2 1996/16 24thYr Amenemhet II 1884 10 96T.U Masaharta at Markab 932
skip 3 eclipses 1808,1765, 1764 XXX 11 95ca skip 1 eclipse 907 907
total.j Antef IV Capricorn = Chendjer 1741 12 AT skip 1 eclipse 881 881
80A Skip-1 annular eclipse 1737 AXA 13 total.V Psusennes 1/2 or partial 831
90Tk cartouche: Sun, Moon & throat 1699 14 AT skip 1 eclipse 662 662
Skip 1, 1 eclipse 1635 XATx 15 85T.W Tefnacht at Denebolda 636
90T.L Amenhotep I Orion cartouche 1533 16 AT skip 1 eclipse 635 635
85T.m Hatshepsut'touche: pot/ well 1478 17 total.X monument: Pianchi (Peje) 582
skip3 eclipse, 1464,1436, 1410 XXX 18 83T.Y Skip8 then Taharqa at Sheridan 517
total.n Amenhotep III Orion cartouche 1338 19 82T.Z Sk1 Psammetichus I Sagittarius 502
80A Skip 1, 1261 eclipse AXA 20 84T.ZZ Psammetichus II in Sagittarius 493

Table A: Egyptian King Chronology

based on Eclipses from 2471BC unto
Table B, below, Details of Some
Listed Partial Solar Eclipses over
Egypt for the Chronology Time peroid
of Table A.
Key:Col-1) eclipse coverage J2:
Jerusalem also, JB: Jerusalem &
Babylon also, -e: only Jerusalem &
Babylon: Col-2) date by Gregorian
year and Julian date of month; Col-3)
JULIAN DAY eclipse date; Col-4)
coverage, total coverage, 90T is 90%
cover total type if no numberic
percentage exposure is used then
mean complete coverage; A=annular
type, AT=annular total type,
ca=circular annular type, cat=circular
annular total, ct=circular total type; Hebrew calendar has two main holidays at middle of lunar
superscripts indicates count of Egypt month or full moon so expect lunar eclipse for Yom Kippur
Kings Chronology and Passover.

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

Go Table B Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses
page 1 GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros

jb 2471bc01apr 818980.7 totala 203 a J2 1197bc09oct 1284501.2 AT 34 jb 636bc19aug 1489354.8 85T .W 54

j2 2469bc02sep 819866.1 totalb 5 b jb 1157bc19aug 1299060.2 total.p 36 jb 635bc12feb 1489532.1 AT 59
jb 2354bc25jun 861798.0 90T 222 c jb 1131bc30sep 1308598.3 90T 45 jb 607bc30jul 1499926.9 85ca 55
-e 2353bc14jun 862154.6 90T 9 d jb 1129bc14feb 1309100.0 AT.Q 22 j2 603bc18may 1501314.8 70ca 57
j2 2430bc25jul 834070.7 80Ac 220 e jb 1091bc09aug 1323156.4 90A 47 jb 587bc14dec 1507368.9 85ca 42
jb 2340bc23mar 866820.0 90Td 215 f jb 1063bc31july 1333378.8 82T.R 38 jb 582bc21sept 1509110.8 total.X 54
jb 2289bc20dec 885719.7 totale 5 g j2 958bc11jun 1371675.0 78ct 41 jb 581bc16mar 1509287.8 67ca 59
jb 2159bc29jun 933027.9 totalf 2 h jb 957bc31may 1372029.7 90T.S 51 -e 559bc14jan 1517261.8 90AT 61
jb 2079bc11sep 962321.9 totalg 11 i jb 948bc22may 1375307.7 90T.T 32 jb 557bc19may 1518118.0 90CT 48
jb 2044bc20apr 974961.7 75Th 219 j B 947bc04nov 1375838.7 cat 47 jb 556bc01nov 1518648.9 90CT 63
jb 1884bc15sep 1033549.7 90Ti 14 k jb 932bc27jan 1381037.0 96T.U 45 jb 542bc31jul 1523668.8 AT 56
jb 1808bc16aug 1061279.3 AT 16 l jb 907bc14sept 1390398.2 95ca 49 jb 534bc31aug 1526622.1 CAT 65
bj 1765bc25apl 1076871.6 H80 10 m jb 901bc05nov 1392641.9 90ct 38 jb 532bc15jan 1527124.9 90CA 42
jb 1764bc08oct 1077403.4 90A 25 n jb 881bc01may 1399759.0 AT 53 -e 531bc30jun 1527656.1 75CT 57
e 1741bc21dec 1085878.1 total.j 4 o jb 857bc04jly 1408588.9 80ct 42 jb 524bc15feb 1530078.0 62ct 51
bj 1737bc10spt 1087266.5 80A 6 p jb 832bc02mar 1417596.0 ca97 36 517bc28mar 1532676.1 92T.Y 50
jb 1699bc16apr 1100968.9 90Tk 21 q jb 831bc15aug 1418127.2 total.V 51 jb 505bc16feb 1537017.8 80ca 61
jb 1635bc28apr 1124357.3 AT 12 r jb 825bc06oct 1420371.0 90ca 40 502bc04dec 1538405.0 82T.Z 63
e 1533bc09may 1161624.1 90T.L 23 s jb 824bc02apr 1420549.0 90ct 45 493bc24nov 1541683.0 84T.ZZ 44
jb 1478bc01jun 1181734.8 85T.m 33 t jb 791bc24jun 1432685.1 97ca 53 J2 402bc18Jan 1574609.9 90T 44
bj 1464bc23aug 1186931.8 85cA 31 u jb 765bc10feb 1442046.8 85ct 57 380bc05Nov 1582936.8 AT 56
jb 1436bc13Aug 1197149.0 85cA 22 v jb 763bc15jun 1442902.8 89CT 44 J2 357bc29Feb 1591088.0 90T 63
jb 1410bc25Sep 1206687.8 cat 31 w jb 763bc15jun 1442902.8 89ct 44 350bc06oct 1593863.8 80aT 67
jb 1399bc03jan 1210498.0 85T 27 x jb 691bc28jly 1469244.1 75ct 44 J2 336bc04jly 1598884.1 total 60
jb 1338bc14may 1232852.0 total.n 26 y jb 689bc11jan 1469775.9 ca85 59 J2 317bc08jan 1605646.0 80An 65
bj 1261bc27sep 1261113.4 80A 43 z jb 662bc12jan 1479639.3 AT90 40 303bc02apl 1610844.1 total 63
j2 1258bc27jly 1262146.0 85T.o 35 j2 657bc15apr 1481558.8 ct90 57 29bc05jan 1710834.9 95A 60
jb 1207bc30oct 1280869.4 AT 43 e 637bc29aug 1489000.1 cat80 44 jb 49ad20may 1739095.0 AT 77
non super scripted= author skipped

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
Table C Misfortunes in Hebrew Month of Av; past (& future?)
Solar Eclipse/Hebrew Month
Tsh30/1 Av Nis30/1 Year Hebrew Month of Av & Some Misfortunes, past & future?
2469 2044.3 1462BC Start Exodus Jews 40Yr death by 10 bad Spy report
2430 586BC Av10? First Temple destroyed by Babylonians
1808 1765.3 70AD Av12 Roman destruction of Second Temple
1764.3 1464 1635.3 135AD Av9 Bar Kochba revolt crushed, 100k+ killed
1737.3 1436
1491AD Av9 Spanish Inquisition expulsion of Jews
1207.3 1258
1197.3 1157
1914AD Av9 World War One broke out
350.3 1091 1942AD Av9 Jews deportation from Warsaw to Treblinka
1382.1 857 657.3 1990AD Av1 total eclipse nw-USA, Canada, n-Russia
1261.1 831 881.1 1990AD Av24 Start GW-1 Iraq takes Kuwait
1131.1 691 824.1 2016AD Av28 p-Annular Eclipse n-Africa & sa-KSA
907.1 637 517.1 2017AD Av29 total eclipse crosses USA
542 357.1 2018AD Av30 Partial Eclipse euro-Russia, n-China
336 303.1
234 2015AD Niss1 10% eclipse mideast KSA Israel
Jerusalem partial/total
eclipses 2400bc/80ad 2024AD Niss1 eclipse X's 2017 USA eclipse @ New Madrid Quake
The 1990 Av1 eclipse preceded Gulf War 1, starting Av
24, 1990. The next three eclipses for month of Av fall in
sequence for 2016, 2017, and 2018. The lunar eclipses
with the Blood Moon are sometimes also taken as a bad
omen. The calculated start date for the tribulation falls
between 2016 and 2017. Could these be indicators of a
global misfortune during the time of tribulation? The
greatest quake know in USA was the New Madrid Quake,
does the X from 2017/2024 mark unprecedented misfortune for the USA?

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
The eclipse image files were
placed into a separate
document. The graphics files
used a lot of space. This made
the original document very
large to download. They may
be found by title: Eclipse-
Kings. This Canon may be
accessed by the hyperlink.
This canon is not considered
complete. The completeness
level does allow one to
visualize issues of chronology
via eclipses. Solar partial
eclipses happen at about 2
every year. So the number of
eclipses to review for relevancy
is very large. For the mentioned
location & time frame, perhaps
there are a dozen total
eclipses. There were also
found over 60 significant
partials. From year 2000BC
forward the NASA work speeds
the review process. At right are
samples from the developed
Eclipse Graphics Canon.
The below appendix is given for
the reader to better see the
relevancy of this review.
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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

This chart is included because some like to say earth is in the tribulation time now. But have of the worlds population died, or all the earth
moved, or 1/3 of all sea life gone? These tribulation events will be cataclysmic and better viewed as an observer from heaven than as a participant.

7Seals GoPage4 Go page 1

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Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

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Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

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Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

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Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
Appendix Balfour Century (1917-2017) Determined Times

Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in the divine calendar allows mapping all other
seven days into Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the precise counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc,
all concur to within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic
documentation. The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teach us to consider that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and
make a new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation.
Go page 1 TBC.TL

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
Total Years unto Jesus Baptism Boundary Events Comment Ref1 Ref2
Sired Death Christ Birth Year .> 6BC & < 3BC Ref1A Ref2A
Generation verse
Year Year Christ Death Year . > 29AD & <33AD Ref1B Ref2B
Adam 130 930 gen5.3 Age Jesus n John 1/2 a Year or 6 months Ref1C Ref2C
Seth 105 912 gen5.6 Year of Baptism Jesus >25AD & <29AD Ref1D Ref2D
Enos 90 905 gen5.9 Age of ministry >30 years & about 30 Yr Ref1E Ref2E
Cainan 70 910 "5.12 Christ Passovers Count >3 & <5 Ref1F Ref2F
Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15 Cut off Midst o week Christ works 3 to 5 years Ref1G Ref2G
Jared 162 962 5.18 Exact millennium time 1000 years Ref1H Ref2H
Enoch 65 365 5.21 Seven Creation Days 7000 years Ref1I Ref2I
Methuselah 187 969 5.25 Seven Days of Jericho 7 k years unto N.W.O. Ref1J Ref2J
Lamech 182 777 5.28 Law & Prophets 'till John Kingdom After Ref1K Ref2K
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10 Ref1L Ref2L
Sabbath Rest Ordinance 6 work days & 1 rest day
Shem 100 600 11.10 Ref1M Ref2M
Seven Days of Noah 7 days & world ends
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12 th
Lazareth released 4 Day 4 days Law & Prophets Ref1N Ref2N
Salah 30 433 11.14
Jesus with Samaritans 2Days Jesus with gentiles 2 days Ref1O Ref2O
Eber 34 464 11.16
Peleg 30 239 11.18 Story of Traveler at Inn Innkeeper care paid 2Days Ref1P Ref2P
Reu 32 239 11.20 Calculation of Solomon Temple Build & Dedicate Times unto Exodus
Serug 30 230 11.22 Yr-
Event Yr-from Exodus Mo Heb Mo# years gone
Nahor 29 148 11.24 Solomon
Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4 Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
Abraham 100 175 21.5 Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50
to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.41 Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42
Temple Table to Left is summary of years using Chronology by Prophesy from Adam creation
488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Anointed unto Jesus Anointing by baptism at river Jordan. Because there were 4 covenant
Jesus redemption days unto Jesus Baptism, the age of Adam at sin was 26.5 solar years.
1000 Lu16.16
Anointed From Isaac birth in Abes 100th year unto Exodus were 430Y. Also 488.5Y elapsed
Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created unto dedication of Solomon Temple, that being 1000 years prior to Jesus Baptism.

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
The Temple Millennium from Solomon Temple Anointing unto Christ Temple Anointing, GoP6 GoP4
Ref Years Event Quote
Dan Rebuild decree unto from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem till
9.25 Messiah, 69*7 years Messiah the Leader is seven weeks, and sixty and two weeks (69)
Dan 70 Years Captivity as unto Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the fulfilling of the wastes of
9.2 told by Jeremiah Jerusalem-seventy years;
40 Unto Judah Captive The iniquity of the house of Judah forty (40) days--a day for a year..
Ezek Apostasy Unto Israel The number of days, three hundred and ninety (390) days; and thou hast
4.5 Captive borne the iniquity of the house of Israel.
At the time of the old age of Solomon, his wives have turned aside his heart after other
1Kgs Temple Dedication gods, and his heart hath not been perfect with Jehovah his God, like the heart of David
17* his father. Solomon appointed king at early age. To dedicate temple as priest means
11* unto Apostasy
he was about 30 & 30-12.6 =17.4Yr old ascend throne
{*17 years is by difference, (1000-983). Forty (40) years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated in
Total 1000 Solomon's 12.6th year; Solomons last 10.4 years in apostasy. (40-12.6-17=10.4)}. Approximate age at apostasy, in
the late 40s & passed around age 57.4. Basis: Solomon Temple dedication as King & Priest was about age30 yr.
The phrase, Unto Messiah the Prince does not refer to Christ crucifixion, but His anointing and baptism. This was stated by Jesus in Luke
16:16 & Matt11:12-13, the law & prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom. A kingdom needs a king, & the angel said to Mary,
He shall sit upon the throne of his father David & of his kingdom there shall be no end (but it shall crush and consume all the earthly
kingdoms). Jesus himself said unto Pilate, of a truth you say I am a king, for this reason was I born but my kingdom is not of this world.
Every king needs a kingdom and kingdom was established by John at Jesus baptism in river Jordan, when the voice spoke from heaven,
This is my beloved Son. Claims of the kingdom starting at crucifixion are false. John was beheaded shortly after Jesus Baptism. The
words unto John ring hollow when there is no John. Jesus is the king of Judah. He was anointed by the Father at his baptism in river
Jordan by John. This compels us to find the date of that august day. No other date has so many markers; they are: the 6 earthly pontiffs
mentioned by Luke at Jesus baptism, the 40 year sign of Jonah for Jerusalem destruction August 10, 70AD, the years of Temple building
during Jesus ministry, the number of Passovers from baptism until crucify, the Jewish solar calendar and Jesus death before the Passover,
and the prophesy of Daniel. This consideration finds the most workable dates are April 7 30AD crucify & Baptized Sept26AD, rebuild
decree issued around 457BC, and Jesus birth year 5BC.

Page 13 of 17
3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

Crucify, AD 30.26
Table A3 Baptism Year & Critical Dates
Years to Baptism -3.50
method ADa birth Exodus Temple Baptized AD 26.76
Late 27.8 4BC 1462BC 975BC 3millenniul. Days+ +3000.00
Early 26.8 5BC 1463BC 976BC New Earth AD =3026.76
a b c d e
last week Gog -3.50
April 7 30AD favored date in Prophecy of Christ End 1000Y rest AD =3023.26
Crucify, answers Jn2:13,&19-20 & Jn5:1, 6:4,&12:1, 1millen.DayRest -1000.0
not to mention Jonah 40 years & 69.5 solar week from Start Sabbath AD =2023.26
rebuild decree plus co-regency, Tiberius Caesar 15th 2*1260Dy Tribulation -6.90
at 26 AD. Return Page 4. Start Tribulation AD =2016.36
Find Month Day -2016.0
Fraction Year 0.36
month/Year 12.00
4th Mo Year AD 4.33
less whole -4.00
Fraction month 0.33
Days/month 30.00
Day of 4th Month 9.77
Start Tribulation AD April 2016

TableA2 Tribulation
Early 04/ 2016
Late 04/ 2017

Page 14 of 17
3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015
Appendix Figure 2B
The birth of Jesus in Year 4 or 5 BC
and baptism in 26 or 27 AD both fit
within historical and prophetic
documentation. 70 Weeks
Listed also in Events table two are
references from Daniel 9. As
previously expounded, the events of
the time between week 69.5 and
week 70 await completion after the
1,000 year millennial time, to go from
peace to war of Gog-Magog. For until
the end, wars are determined. This
last war is after the millennial peace
of 1,000 years.

The overspreading of abominations is

taken to reference the many ills that
came to infect the temple system.
These woes were called out by Jesus unto the temple rulers in several places. The most important statement was the parable
of the vineyard, given in 3 gospels unto rulers of Jesus Day. Then were the 7 woes unto the Pharisee Cult. Last is the rejection
of Jesus blood atonement of sin. For all these abominations was the temple laid desolate.
The covenant for one week refers to the work of Baptism started by The Holy Saint John. The covenant of Blood and Water
last (or are gapped) unto the very end, for not all born during millennial time shall follow Satans last revolt. Those true and
tested of the millennial time are saved by Jesus blood and water, the covenant with many that last unto the end of time. At
which point the holy of holies is sealed up or closed by the new heaven and new earth. Also by this thinking, there is no need
for a peace treaty of exactly seven years. Certainly many conventional prophesy followers have overlooked where we now are
as they await a non-scriptural 7 year peace treaty. Go page 1

Page 15 of 17
3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose
Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time
under the heaven
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his
Gal4.4 a time to every purpose
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock
finish the transgression
a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his
Acts 1.7 some times are reserved by God the Father
own power
You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the Jesus scorned people for not understanding the
earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? season
that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time
which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a
Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time
year, for to slay the third
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all
there is an appointed time as declared in
things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Acts 3.21
prophets since the world began

Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should
1Thes5.4 we can know the times
overtake you as a thief
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living
life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your we can do correctly, everyone can know, read
heart, that you may do it. in context

Page 16 of 17
3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Eclipses & Calendars of Occidental Kings: by O. P. Armstrong, Dec., 2014 / 1-2015

Generation Year Age Year Ref 1 Ref 2

Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put forth
Consider the fig tree
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 1st Zionist Return Conference
Termination: 120xJubilee (50) Matt24 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - Century 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption 7 first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027
then the ear (3)
4. Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that
we may apply our hearts unto after that the full corn in the ear (4)
When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree.
Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away
until all these things be fulfilled.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence

Page 17 of 17
3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Partial Cannon of Egyptian & Near East Eclipses 2471BC to 80AD O.P. Armstrong Jan2015
This is a partial MK Summary missed Eclipses-A Date MK Summary missed Eclipses-B Date
cannon of solar a
total over Egypt at the Pleiades 2471 85T.o AmenhotepIVEchnaton Akhenaten 1258
eclipses for Egypt b
total over Egypt at Spica 2469 Skip 2 Eclipse 1207 1197 XTXa
and the near east.
skip 2 eclipses 2354 2353 235X total.p Spica Eclipse Ramses II 1157
It was developed to
1) minimize file size 80Ac Chambers @ Great Pyramid 2430 Skip 1131 Total eclipse XT
for the discussion 90Td Pleiades RA-thosis 2340 AT.Q 29 Yr Ramses II under Pegasus 1129
on Eclipses & totale Unas boat eclipse 2289 90A skip 1 eclipse 1091 1091
Calendars of f
total Cancer eclipse Antef-1, Entif 2159 82T.R cartouche of Pharaoh Siptah 1063
Occidental Kings g
total Antef-2 bushy hieroglyph 2079 90T.S Herihor in gemini 957
2) Illustrate the 75Th Mentuhotep-Antef3 ENA 2044 90T.T Pinodjem over orion 948
difficulties of
90Ti 24th Yr Amenemhet II, skip2 1884 96T.U Masaharta at markab 932
development by skip 3 eclipses 1808,1765, 1764 XXX 95ca skip 1 eclipse 907 907
use of eclipse data. total.j Antef IV Capricorn = Chendjer 1741 AT skip 1 eclipse 881 881
A chronology 80A Skipped annular eclipse 1737 AXA total.V Psusennes 1/2 or partial 831
developed on 90Tk cartouche:Sun, Moon & throat 1699 AT skip 1 eclipse 662 662
eclipse dates, with skip 1 eclipse 1635 XATx 85T.W Tefnacht at denebolda 636
omissions of similar
90T.L Amenhotep I Orion cartouche 1533 AT skip 1 eclipse 635 635
eclipses must
explain their 85T.m Hatshepsut'touche: pot/ well 1478 total.X monument: Pianchi (Peje) 582
omission. For it is skip3eclipse, 1464,1436, 1410 XXX 83T.Y Skip 7 then Taharqa at Sheridan 517
reasonable to .n
total Amenhotep III Orion cartouch 1338 82T.Z Psammetichus I sagittarius 502
expect ancient 80A Skip 1261 eclipse AXA 84T.ZZ Psammetichus II in saggitarius 493
recorders to record
all similar events, The above table is one such chronology developed on eclipse dates. The omission of
Otherwise the similar eclipses are noted. Without an explanation of these omission, the chronology is
chronology is logically shortened beginning from the most recent observation and working
incomplete. backwards. For it is reasonable to expect ancient recorders to record all similar events,

<85% but used

100% but NOT used

95% used

>95% used

>95%&omitted 9
not used

not used


95% used

not used


Not used 80%


1)Identify Partial Eclipse from catalogue,
2) Verify percentage coverage by location
3) accept or reject for table inclusion
Other eclipse graphics available but would
make big file, years after 2000BC can verify
on NASA Eclipse, prior to I used EmapWin
3.11 by Takesako


Tot & omitted



Worst counted eclipse by the chronology

2430bc 80%, (-2429)
2044bc 75%; (-2043) 85%
1063bc 82% (-1062) omitted
502bc 82% (-501)

Worst omitted by
542bc 98%
533bc 97%
And many more
90%+ eclipses in
Egypt. It is
burden to explain 70%
these omissions,
whilst including
weaker eclipses

70% 14
90 %





62% 75%

62% 15




Table B Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses Listed Egypt Solar Eclipses
JD Type Saros GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros GregYR JD mo JD Type Saros
jb 2471bc01apr 818980.7 totala 203 a J2 1197bc09oct 1284501.2 AT 34 a jb 636bc19aug 1489354.8 85T.W 54
j2 2469bc02sep 819866.1 totalb 5 b jb 1157bc19aug 1299060.2 total.p 36 b jb 635bc12feb 1489532.1 AT 59
jb 2354bc25jun 861798.0 90T 222 c jb 1131bc30sep 1308598.3 90T 45 c jb 607bc30jul 1499926.9 85ca 55
-e 2353bc14jun 862154.6 90T 9 d jb 1129bc14feb 1309100.0 AT.Q 22 d j2 603bc18may 1501314.8 70ca 57
j2 2430bc25jul 834070.7 80Ac 220 e jb 1091bc09aug 1323156.4 90A 47 e jb 587bc14dec 1507368.9 85ca 42
jb 2340bc23mar 866820.0 90Td 215 f jb 1063bc31july 1333378.8 82T.R 38 f jb 582bc21sept 1509110.8 total.X 54
jb 2289bc20dec 885719.7 totale 5 g j2 958bc11jun 1371675.0 78ct 41 g jb 581bc16mar 1509287.8 67ca 59
jb 2159bc29jun 933027.9 totalf 2 h jb 957bc31may 1372029.7 90T.S 51 h -e 559bc14jan 1517261.8 90AT 61
jb 2079bc11sep 962321.9 totalg 11 i jb 948bc22may 1375307.7 90T.T 32 i jb 557bc19may 1518118.0 90CT 48
jb 2044bc20apr 974961.7 75Th 219 j B 947bc04nov 1375838.7 cat 47 j jb 556bc01nov 1518648.9 90CT 63
jb 1884bc15sep 1033549.7 90Ti 14 k jb 932bc27jan 1381037.0 96T.U 45 k jb 542bc31jul 1523668.8 AT 56
jb 1808bc16aug 1061279.3 AT 16 l jb 907bc14sept 1390398.2 95ca 49 l jb 534bc31aug 1526622.1 CAT 65
bj 1765bc25apl 1076871.6 H80 10 m jb 901bc05nov 1392641.9 90ct 38 m jb 532bc15jan 1527124.9 90CA 42
jb 1764bc08oct 1077403.4 90A 25 n jb 881bc01may 1399759.0 AT 53 n -e 531bc30jun 1527656.1 75CT 57
e 1741bc21dec 1085878.1 total.j 4 o jb 857bc04jly 1408588.9 80ct 42 o jb 524bc15feb 1530078.0 62ct 51
bj 1737bc10spt 1087266.5 80A 6 p jb 832bc02mar 1417596.0 ca97 36 p 517bc28mar 1532676.1 92T.Y 50
jb 1699bc16apr 1100968.9 90T k 21 q jb 831bc15aug 1418127.2 total.V 51 q jb 505bc16feb 1537017.8 80ca 61
jb 1635bc28apr 1124357.3 AT 12 r jb 825bc06oct 1420371.0 90ca 40 r 502bc04dec 1538405.0 82T.Z 63
e 1533bc09may 1161624.1 90T.L 23 s jb 824bc02apr 1420549.0 90ct 45 s 493bc24nov 1541683.0 84T.ZZ 44
jb 1478bc01jun 1181734.8 85T.m 33 t jb 791bc24jun 1432685.1 97ca 53 t J2 402bc18Jan 1574609.9 90T 44
bj 1464bc23aug 1186931.8 85cA 31 u jb 765bc10feb 1442046.8 85ct 57 u 380bc05Nov 1582936.8 AT 56
jb 1436bc13Aug 1197149.0 85cA 22 v jb 763bc15jun 1442902.8 89CT 44 v J2 357bc29Feb 1591088.0 90T 63
jb 1410bc25Sep 1206687.8 cat 31 w jb 763bc15jun 1442902.8 89ct 44 w 350bc06oct 1593863.8 80aT 67
jb 1399bc03jan 1210498.0 85T 27 x jb 691bc28jly 1469244.1 75ct 44 x J2 336bc04jly 1598884.1 total 60
jb 1338bc14may 1232852.0 total.n 26 y jb 689bc11jan 1469775.9 ca85 59 y J2 317bc08jan 1605646.0 80An 65
bj 1261bc27sep 1261113.4 80A 43 z jb 662bc12jan 1479639.3 AT90 40 z 303bc02apl 1610844.1 total 63
j2 1258bc27jly 1262146.0 85T.o 35 j2 657bc15apr 1481558.8 ct90 57 29bc05jan 1710834.9 95A 60
jb 1207bc30oct 1280869.4 AT 43 e 637bc29aug 1489000.1 cat80 44 jb 49ad20may 1739095.0 AT 77
non super scripted= author skipped 17
Total Eclipse in Umbra 2000BC - 80AD T2 20 Babylon Total Eclipse in Umbra
GregYR JD # Type Saros l1 l2 l3 GregYR JD # Type Saros l3
1808bc16aug 1061279.3 at 16 J e b 1 1917bc23jun 1021413.6 at 6 b
1764bc08oct 1077403.4 at 25 J 2 1859bc14may 1042557.5 tot 8 b
1635bc28apr 1124357.3 at 12 J e 3 1791bc7sep 1067510.6 at 6 b
1207bc30oct 1280869.4 at 43 J e 4 1601bc14jan 1136671.4 at 25 b
1197bc09oct 1284501.2 at 34 e 5 1382bc15sept 1216905.4 at 22 b
1131bc30sep 1308598.3 tot 45 J 6 1124bc18may 1311020.2 tot 39 b
1091bc09aug 1323156.4 at 47 J 7 1090bc25dec 1323659.2 at 24 b
907bc14sept 1390398.2 cat 49 J 8 1068bc23oct 1331632.3 tot 26 b
881bc01may 1399759.0 at 53 J e 9 948bc22may 1375308.0 tot 32 b
831bc15aug 1418127.2 tot 51 e 10 947bc04nov 1375838.7 cat 47 b
791bc24jun 1432685.1 cat 53 e 11 661bc27jun 1480171.2 at 55 b
662bc12jan 1479639.0 cat 40 e 12 559bc14jan 1517261.8 at 61 b
635bc12feb 1489531.9 cat 59 e 13 402bc18Jan 1574609.9 tot 44 b
357bc29Feb 1591088.0 tot 63 J 14 394bc14aug 1577740.1 at 58 b
350bc06oct 1593863.8 at 67 J 15 178bc22dec 1656763.9 at 58 b
336bc04jly 1598884.1 tot 60 J e 16 174bc10oct 1658152.0 tot 60 b
303bc02apl 1610844.1 tot 63 J e 17 136bc15apr 1671853.9 tot 75 b
234bc16jly 1636151.2 cat 71 e 18 22bc11aug 1713610.2 at 64 b
49ad20may 1739095.0 at 77 e 19 10bc30jun 1717951.1 tot 75 b
J=Jerusalem12, e=Egypt13, b=Babylon 20, at=annular total, cat=circular at, date:2000BC-80AD
Lunations, Calendars, & Days of Catholic Holy Week (ChW) by OP Armstrong 4/15
It was found that Catholic Holy Table 1 Table 2
Week, ChW, for either year Sundry Calculated Jerusalem New Moons Day o Week vs. Month
30AD or 33AD does not source Year 30AD Year 33AD
DOW nis1 nis2 nis3
conform to a Calculated Hebrew Kalendr G20Mar19:49IST.w
Calendar, CHC. thur 1 - - G20Mar22:20IST.w
For year 30AD the CHC has fri 2 1 -
T&Date G20Mar22:41IST.w sat 3 2 1
Nissan 1 on Thursday 21 March,
this corresponds by Table 2 with Reingld G18mar+7.9deg.fri sun 4 3 2
Saturday for Niss10 and cnvrt'lot G23Mar0.64dys.sat G19mar 0.0new.sat mon 5 4 3
Thursday for Niss15. Niss10 is moonphs G20mar02:14full0%.w G16mar02:14ful0.5% tues 6 5 4
Palm Sunday for the ChW. Formula.LN G17mar.thur wed 7 6 5
Niss15 is Good Friday for ChW. thur 8 7 6
HMrno G20Mar20:22ist.w
For year 33AD the CHC has fri 9 8 7
Brown.LN -23410.0 -23373.0 sat 10 9 8
Nissan 1 on Saturday 19 March,
this corresponds (Table 2) with Niss.01.lun Thur21Mar30ad Fri18Mar33ad sun 11 10 9
Niss.01.chc Thur21Mar30ad Sat19Mar33ad mon 12 11 10
Monday for Niss10 and
Julian new.LN 1732095.919 1733188.543
Saturday for Niss15. To cover for tues 13 12 11
this defect, some resort to a Formula.LN: Julian new = 2423407 + 29.530589*Brw.LN
wed 14 13 12
pseudo Observational Hebrew Indeed a Friday Nissan-01 is required for N-10 and N-15 to
thur 15 14 13
Calendar, pOHC. This is done by meet requirements of the ChW, Table-2, Column 3. If a
fri 16 15 14
pontification of a pseudo sited moon age in 30AD is used to match moon age of CHC for
moon. Pseudo because there 33AD, then Nissan-01/30AD would start on Friday. But a sat 17 16 15
are no records apart from Lunar calendar alone can not resolve the specific year for sun 18 17 16
scripture. But scripture is silent Jesus resurrection. Table 1 shows some calculation results Much discussion can be
about lunar effects and eclipses. for the exact time of astronomical new moon in Jerusalem. found on means to
Some of the pOHCs call Nissan Within the data of Table 1, there exist small differences for determine a day for 1st
01 as being on Thursday for the timing of a new moon. There is more uncertainty for observational new
30AD and Friday for year 33AD. when a new moon could be seen on any given month. This is moon, on a clear sky
Other pOHC may use other due to atmospheric conditions, crude observation tools of day. 1
dates. that early era, plus time variants of new moon.
Lunations, Calendars, & Days of Catholic Holy Week (ChW) by OP Armstrong 4/15
Basic Structure of Catholic Holy Week, ChW and the Hebrew Calendar

A simple method to determine date for an astronomical new Another method of first visible new moon, Cairo Egypt,
moon is by lunation number. The basis is that our moon (15min diff to Jerusalem) is by the Islamic Proleptic
rotates earth about once every 29.530589 days. Thus Observed Calendar. For the year 30AD, the 1st day of
lunation numbers or molad may be referenced to a given Rajab was Friday G22Mar., corresponds to Friday Nis15
new moon date. For the Brown Lunation number (BLN) or a perfect ChW. For year 33AD, Shaban01 is Saturday
Lunation 1 occurred at approximately 02:41 UTC, January 17, G19Mar., corresponds to Saturday Nis15. A Saturday
1923. The associated Julian Day is 2423407.00. The JD# Nis15 (start sundown Friday) corresponds to the lunar
formula is: = (2423407 + 29.530589*BLN). Given a BLN then eclipse data of 33AD, JD#1733204.23. Concept
one may find the JDN and via many calendar routines, the evaluation was from Eclipse dates for month of Nissan
Gregorian or other dates may be found for that new moon. spanning about 2000 years, for 136 total and partial
One caveat is the effect of rotation drag slowing. The slowing eclipses. Eclipses are between 15th & 16th astronomical
effect is about 3 hours in 2000 years. Results of BLN are given lunar day. However on the CHC the dates ranged from
in Table 1, Formula row. As seen it gives better results than 14th to 17th day, with average date of 15Nissan. Using
some web sites. Proponents of Lunation Number method say observational Islamic calendar on eclipse dates, shows
the accuracy is +/- a day. Lunation number is referenced to observed new moon lagged the astronomical new moon
other calendars like: Thai LN/Buddhism, Islamic LN and by 1-3.5 days. The Islamic average observational lag is
Hebrew LN/ CHC. All are simple variants of the BLN. 2days +/- 1 day. 2
Lunations, Calendars, & Days of Catholic Holy Week (ChW) by OP Armstrong 4/15
33AD Lunar Eclipse Notes 33AD Lunar Eclipse Notes
Proponents of 33AD resurrection like to tout a This should be sufficient proof to anyone, who follows
(PARTIAL) lunar Eclipse in April 33AD, ad scripture, that this event did NOT happen near any
nauseas. Such event has no scriptural basis. To lunar eclipse. Such a natural Lunar Eclipse event would
the contrary the 33AD eclipse indicates Christ detract from the supernatural nature of events on that
was NOT crucified in 33 AD. A careful reading of fateful day. The lunar eclipse in April 33AD, the lack of
gospel accounts shows absolutely NO mention scriptural mention for such event, and vivid light
of a crucifixion blood moon nor any other lunar condition descriptions by the gospels, more aptly
phenomena. The Gospel accounts give ample indicate that 33AD is not the correct resurrection year.
mentions of light conditions surrounding and Following the CHC
during the crucifixion time of Jesus, like: for the JD number
length of time Christ was on the cross, start and end (1733204.23) of
mention of complete darkness during the crucifixion Eclipse start, places
time of day when the body was requested the Eclipse on
time of day when Mary visits the empty tomb and
15Nissan as 15Nis
the light conditions; early in morning, while yet dark
time when the guards were requested to be placed began only after
at Jesus tomb Friday sundown.
There is an issue
Yet in none of these events will one find even with a Friday/
the slightest mention of any non routine lunar Saturday Nis15
phenomena. _____________________________________
IST=GMT+2hr & Jerusalem is GMT+2.33hr
crucifixion date.
For full details please review & click the provided PDF hyperlinks. Which is Palm Sunday becomes Palm Monday, per Table 2.
Writers method finds Niss1 on Friday for Years 30AD &
33AD. Determine 1st day of Nissan by use of WHOLE Because Nissan 10 falls on a Monday, for Friday N14. The day
Julian Day number nearest Gregorian March 20 of Nissan 10 is an important consideration in Passover. Palm
Equinox so moon age falls between
0.85<{29.53*ABS((JD#w-2451550-0.048)/29.530588853- Sunday, Nissan 10 is the day of the lamb selection. There are
INT((JD#h-2451550-0.048)/29.530588853))}<2.2 & recheck no gospel narratives indicating Jesus rode into Jerusalem after
date end dark on Palm Sunday. 3
Equinox (interval 365.2422 days) by Solar Alignment Observation
God, through Moses, ordained the first month of the Jewish calendar year
to start in spring. Many writers consider the date of this first month start as
a great mystery.
The Hebrew word for 'month' and 'new moon' are interchangeable and
translated by context. Each new moon was to be celebrated by trumpets;
Nu10:10, Ps81:3, 2Ch2:4.
This was practiced from Moses, at least thru the time of Paul's epistles,
Col2:16. The ancient means to select when the 1st month of each new year
started has been avidly discussed by many writers.
This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first
month of the year to you.... keep this ordinance in ITS SEASON from year
to year, Ex12:2,13:10 .
And Moses was learned in ALL the wisdom of the Egyptians... Acts 7:22
Indeed it is a mystery, if the ancients time keeping method of simple
alignment is not understood. Much ink has been used talking of the Barley

But finding the first solar month could
be accomplished from the Temple
Mount by watching where the sunrise
happened in east upon Mount Olivet.
This is illustrated in the prior picture.
Another method is to use a gnomon or
obelisk. This was widely employed by
the Egyptian culture to find time,
direction and seasons. The method is Use a BAY
illustrated by the attached pictures. To improve
During desert travels, after the
Exodus, the tabernacle was to be
erected with principle ordinates. definition

The ordinates were easily

obtained by use of a gnomon,
that could also serve to mark
the spring equinox.
for the south side.... And for
the second side of the Second is in keeping Church
tabernacle on the north side Calendar. For that calendar is
there shall be twenty set by Easter and it shall be the
boards.. tabernacle, 1st Sunday following the 1st Full
westward.. Ex26:18-27. For Moon after the Spring or Vernal
the Christian era, this Equinox of each year.
importance is two fold. First
is to know that a bible year is
a solar year. 2
The Egyptian culture (of Moses time) used such methods as
illustrated by the Pyramid alignments on principle
ordinates. Many other ancient cultures also used monument
markers to mark the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn,
and winter.
The Mosaic holidays revolved around spring and autumn.
Three main holidays were given by Moses. First was Passover,
with main dates on 10th and 14th day of 1st month. Next was Khufu
Pentecost, Lev23:16, Count 50 days to the day after the 7th
Sabbath; then you shall offer.. & last as: In the 7th month, Sphinx
on the 1st day of the month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, a
memorial of blowing of trumpets.. Lev23:24. Marking time EAST
was mandated by the Sabbath or 7th year and Jubilee or 50th
year & 7 day week by a 7th Holy Rest vs Egypt 10day week.
The Sothic calendar system (365 days, circa 3,000BC) started
at Heliacal rising of Sirius upon Summer Solstice, June20. South
They Intercalated the last days of a year. The current
rabbinical calendar, has 365.2468days/Year. Only the 1st to
7th months were critical to the ancient Hebrew calendar. The
time after the 12th month unto the start of the next year
new month could be counted as intercalated days, with an
ignored month, if only interested in months 1 to 7.


Another way is to make an extra long 12th Twelfth month: had at least 27 days as seen by 2Kg25:27, it
month. No where in bible is mention of a was given the name of Adar, see Est3:7&13,8:12,9:1. Here an
13th month, hence Adar2. But a leap eleventh month of 29 days is found by inclusive count,
month is required in a lunisolar calendar. A Neh6:15, 52 less 25 days equal 27 plus the start stop days of 2
new year should start in 1st lunar month gives 29 days. Also in story of Noah are found 5 months of 30
where the 14th lunar day falls on or after days each, Gen7:11,24 & 8:3-4. This indicates bible months
the spring equinox. This makes "days per are lunar months. For the lunar month must alternate 29 and
year cycles" of 353/355 and 383/385 days. 30 days to match the 29.5 days of average lunar period.
About every 3rd year will be a leap year of
about 384 days. Counting of these days fall
into 3 methods. Strictly observational says
watch for the time of equinox, then look
for the new moon. The lunar cycle length Equinox Sunset
(29/30 days comes from Ur of Chaldeans. Alignment at Giza
Solar year count of 365d was known in Looking due West
Egypt. By these facts an end of year
estimate is had for the 1st new moon of a
new year. Lastly is the 4th century
rabbinical calendar, molad method of
365.2468day/Year, vs. 16th century
Gregorian calendar of 365.2425 d/Y.
Bible Basis of 12 Months:
1Kgs4:7 ... twelve officers over all
Israel... each man his month in a year...
1Ch27, 12months1year, all the months of N
the year...The twelfth captain for the
twelfth month. The sacred duties were E
divided into 24 groups, this suggests
rotation of a group every 2 weeks. 4
Marking time by equinox of the two seasons has the Refs:
least long term jitter. Long term Jitter is caused by
earth polar precession, as demonstrated by below jewish.htm
graphic. Moses used the most stable year start marker.

Stonehenge is one
of many known
sites. It was used
to mark seasons.
Researcher J. Q.
Jacobs has
documented these
sites extensively. Only at equinoxes does sun
rise due east and set due

Marking Years by Astronomical Moments of Equinox and New Moon: The first new moon of each new
year is selected so the 14th day (full moon) must fall on or after the Spring Equinox. This causes the
lunar months to cycle in a progression of 400 Years of 12 lunar months to about 233 years of 13 lunar
months. By using observation, the years of 12 and 13 moons will be automatically selected from the
determination rule. Over increasing intervals (19,38,190,391) the average length of a year will trend
towards 365.2422 days. This is demonstrated by graph above. In whole days, average results are same.
Egyptian tools at time of Moses
Equinox Sunrise at Giza

West East

The Solar Lunar cycles are times periods that give
repeating calendar cycles. The older cycles are the Saros,
(18 Year) and Metonic, 19Y. Some other whole year cycles
are Half Sar, 9Yr, Unidos, 65Y, 176Y, 298Y. Longer Cycles Without Equinox Sunset
are Trihex, 195Y, Hipparchus, 345Y, Gregorian1, 353Y,
Without Equinox Sunset
Gregoriana 372Y, Hexdodea 390Y, Grattan Guinness
391Y, Gregorian2, 725Y, 1042Y.Any multiple of smaller
cycles can be tried, like double basic 1042Y.
Meton's cycle of 19 years harmonizes the solar year (19 solar years)
with the lunar month (235 lunar months) with a remainder of about 2
hours and 3 minutes by which the solar year finishes earlier than the
lunar. Another cycle is 190 or 10 Metons.
M. de Cheseaux's cycle of 315 years harmonizes the solar and
lunar years within 3 hours and 24 minutes. The Metonic 19-year
cycle gets rid of most of it's remainder in a larger Biblical cycle of
2,300 years, Dan8:14.
Cheseaux's cycle, 315 years, is one quarter of a larger Biblical
cycle of 1,260 years (Dan. 8:12; 12:7; Rev. 12:6,14) which is ten
times more accurate than Meton's cycle. After 1260 years the sun
and moon return, within less than half a degree, to the same point
of the ecliptic precisely, and that within an hour of each other. If With Equinox Sunset Meridian Alignments
we subtract 1260 from 2300 we get 1040 which is the long-
awaited solar-lunar cycle that harmonizes all three W
measurements: the year, month and day "with an almost
imperceptible error" (Error is .11 of a day, Parker's Celestial
Cycles, p.22). In fact, this 1040 year "Daniel Cycle" reaches an
error of one day in 15,056 years. Every 687 years the sun and
the moon come back into the same relative positions to within 43 N
minutes. In 1906, Dr. W. Bell Dawson discovered that the
average of 2300 and 1260 lunar years, or 1780 lunar years, was
almost exactly equal to 1727 solar years, giving a cycle of even
higher accuracy than the 1040 "Daniel Cycle." The most accurate
anomalistic cycle (the time it takes for the moon to return to the
corresponding point on its elliptical orbit), viz. 1336, is the
difference between 1727 and 391. (see Soli-Lunar Cycles In
Greek Research and Jewish Revelation by Walter S. Ridgway, E 8
UBC, 1946).
The Gnomon or Obelisk
is an astronomical
measurement device.
The solar alignments
are the main aspect to
determine seasons.
This is possible
because of the orbital
layout. These facts are
shown here in theory
and in practice.
Omitted here but given
earlier is the BAY tool to
improve shadow
definition. Without that
Egyptian tool, the
accuracy is decreased
as suggested by some.
In church times these
are used in order to
better calculate the
astronomical event of
EASTER. See next slide.

The Gnomon of Saint-
Sulpice is an astronomical
measurement device
located in the Church of
Saint-Sulpice (glise Saint-
Sulpice) in Paris, France. It
is a gnomon, a device
designed to cast a shadow
on the ground in order to
determine the position of
the sun in the sky. In early
modern times, other
gnomons were also built in
several Italian and French
churches in order to better
calculate the astronomical
event of EASTER.


Cambodia, Angkor Wat

On the morning of the spring
equinox, the sun rises up the side
of the central tower of the temple
and crowns its pinnacle.

El Castillo, Mexico
One of the most famous ancient
spring equinox celebrations was
the Mayan pyramid in Chichen
Itza, Mexico. The pyramid, also
known as El Castillo, has four
staircases running from the top to
the bottom of the pyramid's
faces. The staircases were built
at a carefully calculated angle so
that at the precise moment of the
equinox and for a period of about
half an hour, a snake of sunlight
appears to slither down the
stairs. The Kukulkan appears
twice a year, on the spring and
autumn equinox, when day and
night, light and dark, are equal
and in balance.


The Wagon Wheel of Native American plains

Indians have summer solstice and other
alignments. One is located Between Cody and
Lovell Wyoming. It is called Big Horn Medicine
In the 4 Corners area exist solar monuments left
by Anasia tribes. Shown to the left is the sun
dagger design at Fajada Butte in Chaco Culture
National Historical Park. Many other monuments
like Pinson mounds West Tenn., Mounds at Earle
& Scott Arkansas and the Henges of Ireland & UK
show how ancient peoples accurately tracked the
seasons by observation without calculators and
equations. 12
Input Year HERE=> 2019 Input JD# UTC to calc Sat Sun Mon closer than 2 hr of Sunday use table &
Output Equinox.ut 2458563.417 Full Moon 2405261.410 closer than 2 hrs midnite, valid for all listed variants
Day of Month 20 Equinox 2405238.036 SundryAstro v Catholic Easter
Variants 2038AD-1AD
Month,Dec12,Jan1 3 Precise Astro Out
Hour 22.0 Easter Year 1873 Year Astro.o Cath this astro

min 1 Easter Mo 4 2038 28Mr 25Ap 28-Mar

Day of Week Sun=1 4 Easter day 20 2019 24Mr 21Ap 24-Mar
index Easter Wkday 1 1998 19Ap 12Ap 19-Apr
6.5 Output 1967 02Ap 26Mr 2-Apr
AstroEaster Month 3 No.same 1962 25Mr 22Ap 25-Mar
AstroEaster day 24 1954 25Ap 18Ap 25-Apr
Uniform.A.Easter D24M3wkd1 1943 28Mr 25Ap 28-Mar
Catholic Easter D21M4wkd1 1927 24Ap 17Ap 24-Apr
1876 16Ap 09Ap 9-Apr
PaschalMoon.JD.ut 2458563.572 1845 23Mr 30Mr 30-Mar
Day of Month 21 1829 19Ap 19Ap 26-Apr
Month,Dec12,Jan1 3 1825 03Ap 03Ap 10-Apr
Hour 1.7 1818 22Mr 29Mr 29-Mar
min 43 1805 14Ap 21Ap 21-Apr
Day of Week Sun=1 5 1802 18Ap 25Ap 25-Apr
1744 29Mr 05Ap 29-Mar
1724 09Ap 16Ap 9-Apr
1700 04Ap 11Ap 4-Apr
550 26Ap 19Ap 26-Apr
-61 me26Mr NoCalc 26-Mar
1723 28-Mar 28-Mar 28-Mar
1332 23-Mar 20-Apr 23-Mar
941 26-Mar 23-Apr 26-Mar
159 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr
1981 26-Apr 19-Apr 26-Apr
2000 23-Apr 23-Apr 23-Apr
1924 23-Mar 20-Apr 23-Mar
1552 23-Mar 20-Apr 23-Mar
903 22-Apr 22-Apr 22-Apr
1873 20-Apr 13-Apr 13-Apr
2 hr of Sunday use table & Variant Astro Easter Years to Catholic Variant Astro Easter Years to Catholic
valid for all listed variants 2049 1700 1457 1206 915 543 254 1903 1558 1351 1074 716 387 73
2045 1693 1453 1199 895 536 242 1900 1552 1332 1061 685 367 66
2038 1685 1446 1182 881 519 235 1876 1551 1331 1030 634 343 42
Full Moon Equinox 2019 1666 1429 1162 861 516 218 1873 1527 1328 1003 614 323 22
2465503.59 2465503.03 1981 1629 1427 1155 854 509 216 1845 1514 1313 998 607 320 15
2458563.57 2458563.42 1974 1622 1419 1142 846 496 191 1829 1507 1311 979 590 313 -5
2450915.43 2450893.33 1967 1609 1409 1135 837 493 188 1825 1503 1308 960 588 303 -29
2439575.64 2439570.82 1962 1598 1408 1128 827 489 171 1818 1487 1294 959 587 292 -49
2437744.83 2437744.60 1954 1590 1402 1111 817 482 168 1805 1484 1284 941 570 289 -53
1943 1582 1389 1108 810 474 144 1802 1483 1277 935 569 273 -56
2430805.42 2430805.00 1927 1578 1375 1101 783 469 137 1778 1473 1237 932 563 269 1998
1924 1571 1370 1088 736 438 124 1744 1465 1226 922 550 262
2406353.32 2406333.76 1923 1998 1362 1081 729 411 1724 1463 1218
2395014.35 2395011.24
2389167.08 2389167.36
2387719.77 2387706.39
2385151.09 2385149.70
2380425.49 2380401.54
2379333.61 2379305.83

1922022.20 1922022.43
1698859.401 1698859.395

2350452.438 2350451.679
2207642.778 2207641.924
2064832.575 2064832.175
1779212.171 1779212.692
2444684.140 2444684.209
2451623.697 2451623.816
2423865.688 2423865.389
2287995.381 2287995.240
2050952.668 2050952.969
2405261.410 2405238.036
Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

The bible shows in many places that Jesus was liken to Moses.
The following tables provide such comparisons of some points
whereby Jesus may be likened to Moses. It is also proposed
that there are comparisons to be made between the wives of
Moses and the spiritual elect of Christ. For Moses had two
wives, one of the Abrahamic covenant (the circumcision). The
other wife was from Cush or African ancestors who represent
the uncircumcised or gentile believers. So also has not Jesus
incorporated the two types as Gods elect from every nation
and every tongue?
One point of Jesus redemption work may be for saintly peoples
who passed outside of His death and resurrection. This complete
redemption of Godly humanity could be alluded to in Jesus first
miracle at Cana. There He changed six earthen pots of water into
wine. For as earth and water speak of the entire planet so may
the number 6 speak of the allotted time to natural or carnal or
fallen humanity. The change of water to wine in all six earthen
pots speaks of Jesus saving blood reaching out to all goodly
mankind throughout all determined time.
The apostle Peter stated that during Jesus death, before his resurrection, Christ
descended into Sheol as a sinful man. After God accepted Jesus perfect blood as the
covering for our sins, Jesus was made alive in Sheol and preached to the departed souls
held captive there. Those who accepted his Word and Work were raised with him.
Scripture tells that after Jesus resurrection, but before He ascended; many departed
saints were seen walking in Jerusalem.
As for the new covenant, unto as many as received Jesus atonement, to those it is
granted the power to be called the Sons of God and heirs together with Christ in his
Those of his first 4,000 year redemption work have ascended with Jesus when he took
captivity captive. They serve as a surety to we who await the end of his 2,000 year
work, that we also shall be raised incorruptible and blameless by his blessed Spirit.
See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on
earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, whose
voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, "Yet once more I shake not only the
earth, but also heaven." Now this, "Yet once more," indicates the removal of those things that are
being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain.
Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we
may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.
Page 1 of 8
Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

Gave prophesy of future events: Du28:49-52 Lev26.14-19 Gave prophesy of future events: Mk13
An evil king tried to kill him as a baby: Ex1:22 An evil king tried to kill him as a baby: Matt2:16
Divinely hidden from the evil king: Exodus 2:2 Divinely hidden from the evil king: Matt 2:13
Hiding of baby son Moses Exodus 2:2-5 Hiding of baby son Jesus Matthew 2:13-15
Moses was an Israelite redeemer Exodus 2:6 Jesus was an Israelite redeemer John 4:22
Oppressor King dies Exodus 2:23 Oppressor King (Herod) dies Matt2:19
Destined child given his name by another Ex2.10 Destined child given his name by another matt1.21
Recipient of great wealth Ex 2:10 Recipient of great wealth matt2:11
Born under foreign rule Ex1:8-14 Born under foreign rule Luke 2:1
Infant tended by a virgin, sister Miriam Ex2:7-8 & 15:20 Infant tended by a virgin, Miriam matt1:18-25
Pharaoh's daughter adopted Moses: Ex 2:10 Joseph adopted Jesus: Matthew 1:25
In Egypt as youth for Israel deliverance Gen45.5 In Egypt as youth for Israel deliverance Matt2.13
Mom in Egypt to preserve his life: Ex2:3-4 Mom in Egypt to preserve His life: Matt2:13-15
Long period of silence childhood to adulthood Long period of silence childhood to adulthood
Had a brother and a sister Nu26.59 Had a brother and a sister Matt13:55-56
Was of priest tribe Levi Our high priest & relative of Levi via John
Saved by women: Mother, Sister, Ex2:3-10 Saved & helped by His mother, Mary: Matt 2:14
Moses: A prince of Egypt: Ex2:10 Jesus: Prince of Peace Is9:6 Matt28:18 Luke2:14
Moses had a secret identity = Israels savior Messianic secret = Jesus, mans salvation
Was spoken to by God for all to hear Deut4.12 Was spoken to by God in public matt3.17
Forsook his throne rights to save Israel Ex2.11-15 Forsook throne rights to save Israel Ph2.6-11 Heb2.9
Sent to save Hebrew kinsman: Ex3:7-10 Sent to save Hebrew kinsman 1st, Mk7:27
Provided miracle food for people, manna Ex16 Provided food for people by miracles Mk6
Was Transfigured by God on a mountain Ex34.29 Was Transfigured by God on a mountain matt17
Started Passover Lamb tradition: Ex12.14 Became Passover Lamb Jn1.29

Page 2 of 8
Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

Saved women at a well: Exodus 2:15-19 Saved a woman at a well: Jn4
From a prince to a pauper: Exodus 2:15-19 From God to being man: John 1:1-3; Mark 6:3
Became a shepherd: Exodus 3:1 He is the Good Shepherd: John 10:11
Redeemed Israel from slavery in Egypt Redeemed mankind from slavery to sin
Revelation by Hebrew from God to Israel Revelation by Hebrew from God to Israel
Gave a Covenant from God to mankind Gave a Covenant from God to mankind
Was literate in Hebrew language wrote Torah Was literate in Hebrew language read Torah
Moses was loved and supported in his ministry Jesus was loved and supported in his ministry by
by his sister Miriam His mother Mary [Hebrew, Miriam]
He was often rejected by his own people He was often rejected by His own people
Moses gave God's law from a mountain, Sinai: Jesus gave a new law from a mountain, Mt. of
Exodus 20:1-31:18; 34:1-35 Beatitudes: Matthew chapter 5
Called from wilderness after 40 years Acts7:23&30 Num14:34 Called from wilderness, after 40 days. Matt4:2, Heb 4:12
40 days fasting to give Law: Ex24:18;34:28 40 days fasting to give life Matt4:2
Performed signs/ miracles Performed signs/miracles
Offered his life to save Israel Ex32:33-33 Offered His life to save man: Is53:12; Rom5:12; 6:10; 2Cor5:15-
21; Col1:19-20; 2:14-15; 1Jn 1:7; 2:2;

Ate manna in a desert Ex17:5,6 Ate spiritual manna in a desert Mk 6:34-44; 8:3-8
Gave water in a desert Ex17:5,6 Gives spiritual water in a desert Jn7:37-39
Was faithful Num12:6-8 Is faithful 1Cor10:23 Heb2:17,18 Rev 1:5
Was kind Num12:3 Is kind Heb14:18
Was a bloody husband Was a bloody husband
Had 2 wives, Cushite & Midianite Num12.1 Has 2 brides, Old & New Covenant Saints,
Takes a Gentile Bride Num12.1 Takes a Gentile Bride Hosea 1 & 2

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Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

Shemoth: Cushite/Ethiopian bride of MOSES Church

Jealous Hebrews, Aaron & Miriam, speak out against her & When gentiles are converted the jealous Hebrews speak out
Moses Num.12.1 against it. Acts15

Jealous Hebrews are smitten and excluded from fellowship Blindness upon Hebrews until the fullness of
for a specific time gentiles is come in
Returned to Mosses while he was leading the people for Hebrews shall return to and acknowledge
forty years in the wilderness before they would enter into Jesus as their Husband before end of
the Promised Land determined time (6000 years)

Zipporah: Midianite bride of MOSES Hebrews & Temple Judaism

Is only personally known in the narrative of the Is primarily known today because of the blood
story because of her conversion by the blood covenant of circumcision. Acts15.1
covenant of circumcision. Ex4:24-26 Gen 25:1-5 & 17.
Not with her husband when he delivered the people All of Judaism abandoned her husband while he was
of Israel, nor did she keep the first Passed-over delivering the people of Israel and have not keep His
with them. Acts 18:1-2 Passover. Matt27.25
By faith Zipporahs father led her to return to Moses By faith, concerning the deliverance of God people,
along with their two sons. Ex18:1-5, Ro10:17 through the shed blood of Jesus, Gods lamb, Jn1:36,
3,000 Hebrews and millions ever since have returned
to their husband Jesus. Acts 2:37-41
You never hear of Zipporah again throughout the In a similar way since A.D. 70, Judaism & Temple
rest of the forty years in the wilderness as she is worship is a minor religion, after Jesus death,
regulated to the lesser / least role in Gods plan for resurrection and ascent.
Mosses over the next forty years.

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Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

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Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

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Jesus as prophet like unto Moses: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

Some worthy thoughts of others; eat the dates, spit out the seeds. Go page 1

Page 8 of 8
Day of Lot & Day of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept. 2013
The end time type of Lot is considered here. It was Our Lord, Himself, who said we should consider this type for
insights about his return.
Lot & Noah And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: until
the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all, Likewise as it was also in the days
of Lot: but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them
all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his
goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is in the field, let him
not turn back. Remember Lot's wife

The important message here is that Judgment will not come until the righteous are preserved or removed. This
rapture or deliverance teaching by Jesus ties two likewise events together. These two likewise events are that
before Judgment comes there will be:
1. a time of great ungodliness shall be upon the earth
2. the godly shall be delivered out of temptation or tribulation or trouble

Before I realized what our Lord Jesus was teaching about here, I was an either-or on pretribulation or post
tribulation rapture. My take on these verses was focused on the first item, and item two was completely
overlooked. Admittedly the pretribulation arguments always seemed of greater weight than that of the post trib.

However, a pretribulation focus is clearly seen when one looks at the Old Testament references, below.
For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance
that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. And Noah did according unto all that the LORD
commanded him. .. And it came to pass after (the) seven days; the waters of the flood were upon the earth. In the
six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all
the fountains of the great deep broken up , and the windows of heaven were opened.

What Jesus said about this event was there were 7 days of warning, yet the world was too occupied with their
doings to heed that final warning. But on the very last 7th day was the ark closed and the flood (read tribulation)
burst like water from a collapsed dam upon those outside the ark.

And while he lingered, the men (read angels) took hold of his hand, his wife's hand, and the hands of his two
daughters, the Lord being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city ... Hurry, escape
there. For I cannot do anything until you arrive there." Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar (little
strongs 6819). The sun (read: son) had risen upon the earth when Lot entered Zoar. Then the Lord rained
brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens.
It is even more pungent here, the son of man shall arise with healing in his wings. Do you see what I see? The
angel raptures Lot, then tells Lot (veiled or covered Strong 3874) he cannot do anything until Lot is removed. The
Son of man is revealed the instant of the church rapture, he shall send forth his angels to gather his elect from the
four corners of the earth and once we are in the heavenly city then judgment comes. And from an earth
perspective heaven will still seem small. It is not until the millennial reign that heaven be seen. Even then, only
after the millennial reign it will be like a new heaven and a new earth. While we are earth bound, is it possible to
fully comprehend how large heaven is truly?

Many pretrib writers present more details on this topic, please click the links.

Page 1
Day of Lot & Day of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept. 2013
Part B Hastening that Day
In preface, the rapture represents a time of gloom for those left behind. It is best that none be left and everyone
be found in Christ. Sadly this will not happen. For there are those who willfully choose to reject Christ claim of
redemption by his blood and water.
At the head of that group, are those who defile themselves with un-natural affections. Why does scripture say un-
natural? The main reason is that procreation of human life depends on man and woman in a normal family
relationship. Without this society would have long ago dissolved. For example: a statistic fact is that the
population is roughly 50/50 male/female. If every female has zero offspring, it is crash and burn in the 1st
generation; if only 1 child per female, it is crash and burn in 7 generations; at 2 per female there would have only
been a small population. So it takes more than 2 offspring per average female for natural population growth.
The explosion of homo lifestyle is doomed from scratch and an affront to one of the 1st commands of God, be
fruitful and multiply. As one friend said, it seems society has been bombed with a homo bomb. But this is just the
final sign: lovers of themselves.

And the LORD said , Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous. I will
go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me;
Just how did this come to Gods attention? The answer is given here: and delivered righteous Lot, who was
oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his
righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds).
By scripture Lot was tormented by their wicked actions and cried unto God. This is indicated by Lot himself when
he told the homos to take his two virgin married daughters. Lots sons-in-law were queerer than a three dollar bill.
Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you out of this place;
for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. And when the morning
arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, who are here. Those
closet homos didnt fool the angels, for they did not mention his sons-in-law when it was time to depart.
Thus we see it was Lots cry unto God that prompted the dispatch of Angels to destroy of the men of Sodom, who
were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.

By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving
of his household. By which (action) he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is
according to faith. Again: (God) did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people. Noah as a
preacher of righteousness brought in the flood on the world of the ungodly. Thus was it not Noahs faith in action
that brought in the flood? So the flood was from God, but was it not the preaching (ark building) of Noah that
moved God?
And as it was in the
days of Noah, so it
will be also in the
days of the Son of
Man Likewise as
it was also in the
days of Lot Even
so will it be in the
day when the Son
of Man is revealed.

In finality, Jesus explains that doing our normal business as Christ Disciples we are his witness to this world. Then
two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will
be taken and the other left.

Page 2
Day of Lot & Day of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept. 2013
Scripture About Lot
And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before
the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even as the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt, as you go to
Zoar. But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly. And the LORD
said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now,
and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will
know. And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the
LORD. And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure
there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are
therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the
righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? And the
LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. And
Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD, which am but dust and
ashes: Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he
said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it. And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure
there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake. And he said unto him, Oh let not the
LORD be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find
thirty there. And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD: Peradventure there shall be
twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, Oh let not the LORD be angry,
and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's
sake. And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto
his place. And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose
up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn
in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on
your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night. And he pressed upon them greatly; and
they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread,
and they did eat. But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house
round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where
are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lot went out
at the door unto them, and shut the door after him, And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold
now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to
them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my
roof. And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a
judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came
near to break the door. But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the
door. And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that
they wearied themselves to find the door. And the men said unto Lot, Hast thou here any besides? son in law, and
thy sons, and thy daughters, and whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place: For we will destroy
this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to
destroy it. And Lot went out, and spake unto his sons in law, which married his daughters, and said, Up, get you
out of this place; for the LORD will destroy this city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in law. And
when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which
are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city. And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand,
and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the LORD being merciful unto him: and
they brought him forth, and set him without the city. And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth
abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the
mountain, lest thou be consumed. And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my LORD: Behold now, thy servant hath
found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life;
and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take me, and I die: Behold now, this city is near to flee unto,
and it is a little one: Oh, let me escape thither, (is it not a little one?) and my soul shall live. And he said unto him,
See, I have accepted thee concerning this thing also, that I will not overthrow this city, for the thing which thou hast

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Day of Lot & Day of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept. 2013
spoken. Haste thee, escape thither; for I cannot do anything till thou be (come) thither. Therefore the name of the
city was called Zoar. The sun was (risen) upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar. Then the LORD rained upon
Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities, and all
the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. But his wife looked back from
behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he stood
before the LORD: And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld,
and, lo, the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace. And it came to pass, when God destroyed the
cities of the plain, that God remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when he
overthrew the cities in (the) which Lot dwelt. And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain and his two
daughters with him; for he feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.
And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank,
they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and
destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they
planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and
destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. In that day, he who is on the
housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is
in the field, let him not turn back. Remember Lot's wife
For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into
chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight
people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; and turning the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who
afterward would live ungodly; and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked
(for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing
their lawless deeds)-- then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust
under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of
uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of
dignitaries, where-as angels, who are greater in power and might, do not bring a reviling accusation against them
before the Lord. Luke 17: 26-32 Gen. 13:10, 13:13 18:20-33 19:1-30- 2Peter 2:4-11

Chronology based Usher, Annals of World, & per Balfour Century Method, Abes 75th year about 1974 BC

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Day of Lot & Day of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept. 2013

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Anchored in Hope: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

Positive Hope is a Christians steadfast anchor. These three abide; faith,

hope, and love. The greatest we are told is love and most consider
something about faith. But what of lowly hope? In many instances and for
most, I suggest hope either is or results in a positive attitude. Rarely will
hope be found among those with a negative life perspective. Hope seems
to be a necessity for a vibrant life perspective. But where can one find a
sound basis for hope??

Consider the woman with issue of blood who was healed by only touching
the hem of Jesus garment. If there were ever a reason to lose hope she
would be it. For it is told she spent all her money on physicians but was
none the better. Yet her healing was a miracle of great faith. For as Jesus
was being thronged by the crowds he said, who touched me? To which
his disciples said what mean you?, for people were all about Him. We are
told Jesus perceived virtue had gone out of Him and healed this woman.
But she had said, if I but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be healed.
For her to do that she could have been cast away but the law of faith
proved superior to Moses Law.

Raising the Shunimmites Son back to life is also an example of hope:

And when he had taken him, and brought the boy to his mother, he sat on her
knees till noon, and then died. And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the
man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out. And she called unto her
husband, and said, Send me, I ask you, one of the young men, and one of the
asses, that I may run to the man of God, and come again. And he said, wherefore
will you go to him today? It is neither new moon, nor Sabbath. And she said, It
shall be well. Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go
forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee. So she went and came
unto the man of God to Mount Carmel. And it came to pass, when the man of God
saw her afar off, that he said to Gehazi his servant, Behold, yonder is that
Shunammite: Run now, I ask you, to meet her, and say unto her, is it well with
thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is
well: And when she came to the man of God to the hill, she caught him by the
feet: but Gehazi came near to thrust her away. And the man of God said, Let her
alone; for her soul is vexed within her: and the LORD hath hid it from me, and
hath not told me. Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? did I not say, Do
not deceive me? Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in
thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute
thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child. And the
mother of the child said, As the LORD lives, and as thy soul lives, I will not leave thee.
And he arose, and followed her. And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff
upon the face of the child; but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he
went again to meet him, and told him, saying, The child is not awaked. And when
Elisha was come into the house, behold, the child was dead, and laid upon his bed. He
went in therefore, and shut the door upon them twain, and prayed unto the LORD.
And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his
eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and stretched himself upon the
child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm. Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went
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Anchored in Hope: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the
child opened his eyes. And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. So he
called her. And when she was come in unto him, he said, Take up thy son. Then
she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her
son, and went out.
Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest
in hope

Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in
the LORD. Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon
them that hope in his mercy;

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within
me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God.

ZAIN. Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused
me to hope.

Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be
ashamed of my hope. Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have
respect unto thy statutes continually.

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me?
hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within
me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God.

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Alphabet of Spirit Examples

--- Spirit Fruit or Good ---- --- Flesh Work or Evil ----
Type Ref row Type Ref Works Fruit
2 good angel per 2Kg6.16-21 a 1 bad angel Rev12.4 Adultery love
angel = spirit Ps104.4 Acts23.9 b antichrist 1Jn4.3 fornication joy
adaption Ro8.15 c bondage Ro8.15 uncleanness peace
angels over winds rev7.1-2 d deaf & dumb Mk9.25 lasciviousness longsuffering
church angels Rev1.20 e deep sleep Is29.10 Idolatry gentleness
counsel Is11.2 f depressed evil 1Sam16.14-23 witchcraft goodness
faith 2Cor4.13 g disobedience Eph2.2 hatred faith
faithful joshua Pv11.13 h divination 1Sam28.8 variance Meekness
fear of the Lord Is11.2 i doubt has god said matt13.19 emulation temperance
grace & prayer Zec12.10 j error 1Jn4.6 wrath
healing Jn5.4 k evil Acts19.16 strife
humble Is57.15 l familiar Lev20.27 seditions
judgment Is4.4 m infirmity sickness Lu13.11 heresies
judgment strength Is28.6 n jealousy Nu5.14-30 Envyings
knowledge Is11.2 o lying 1Kg22.21-23 murders
Life Rom8.2 p muteness Mk9.17 drunkenness
meekness 1Cor4.21 q nationalist 2Ch21.16 reveling
might Is11.2 r perverse idolatry Is19.14
prophesy Nu11.25 s pride Pv16.18 If it walks like a duck
truth 1Jn4.6 t Rebellion Pv17.11 Quacks like a duck
understanding Is11.2 u sadness Is61.3 Swims like a duck
wisdom Ex28.3 v seduction deceit 1Tim4.1 Then it is a duck
wisdom Is11.2 w treacherous Ju9.23
list incomplete angels x unclean Zec13.2
reader search by spirits y unclean Mt12.43
Bible word search satan z whoredoms Hos4.12
spirit, devil, demon angel aa world 1Cor2.12

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A Year to Hear: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013 rev 02/14

Around the year 1918, C Larkin

raised the following point
Again we must not forget
that God uses in
"Prophetical Chronology"
the Calendar Year of 360
days to a year, while we
use the Julian or
Astronomical Year of 365
days, and it would be
necessary for us to find out
what kind of year is used
and reduce it to the
Calendar year.
It is proposed that at any time
past 1941, his Question could be
answered with certainty. This is
based on the definition of a
Gregorian Year and the
Prophetical year, as shown by 2
graphs at right. The second
graph is an expansion of the first
to better visualize the matter.
The first chart is a plot of 7000
Gregorian years from 3974 BC
unto 3027AD. If God is marking
time in Prophetic 360 day years,
then the 7000 Gregorian years
are being shortened by the ratio
of 360 to 365.2425 days per year.
As detailed by the second graph,
6000 years of prophetic days,
from 3974BC, elapsed on August 25 1940. After which date we would be living in the
7th millennia of 360 day years. To get into the millennia, earth must pass a 7 year time
of tribulation. During that tribulation, a half () of earths population goes extinct and
all sea life dies. Seeing as this is not the case, earth is not into the last millennium rest
day. Thus neither is God using a prophetic year to mark general time. The definition of a
year is the nominal 365.25 days.
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Finally, this method shows that any chronology system with Anno Mundi up to 3934BC
is governed by Gregorian time (365.2425d/Yr), not prophetic time.
Table 1 Biblical Reference Times A Year to Hear: by O.P. Armstrong, Nov. 2013 rev.Jan'14 Table 2
Prophetic Time; 1Year=360days=12Mo; source Ref value units row Calendar Days/Yr Days/Mo
Domination of the little horn over the saints Dan7.25 3.5 time a Leap Year 366.0000 30.5000
accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people Dan12.7 3.5 time b Sidereal 365.2564 30.4380
Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness. Rev12.14 3.5 time c Julian 365.2500 30.4375
Woman's flight from the serpent Rev12.6 1260.0 day d Gregorian 365.2425 30.4369
Treading under foot of the Holy City Rev11.2 42.0 month e V.eqnox 365.2424 30.4369
Prophesying of the two witnesses Rev11.3 1260.0 day f mTropical 365.2422 30.4369
Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head Rev13.5 42.0 month g common 365.0000 30.4167
nations shall see two witnesses dead bodies Rev11.9 3.5 day h prophetic 360.0000 30.0000
Year Day Duality Prophesy Principle Ref value units i luniSolar 355.0000 29.5833
Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300.0 day j Lun.muslim 354.3700 29.5308
sacrifice away unto abomination of desolation Dan12.11 1290.0 day k
time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335.0 day l The Levitical calendar was
both solar and lunar.
Burn Gog-Magog Weapons (millennium time?) Ez39.9-12 7.0 years m
Unlike the purely lunar
Week of Years & Year to Day concept Ref value units n Mohammedan calendar, it
Covenant with many one week Dan9.27a 1.0 week o was adapted to the
equinoctial, or solar year,
for overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate Dan9.27b 0.5 week p
for its feasts were linked
Time determined unto 'cut off but not for himself' Dan9.25 69.5 week q with harvest ingatherings,
determined time to 'Make an End & Seal Up' Dan9.24 70.0 week r while, at the same time, its
determined time unto Messiah cut off after 69 Dan9.25 69.0 week s months were strictly lunar.
Ages & Times Given by Actual Years Ref value units t From this there necessarily
resulted the intercalation
Years to complete Solomon Temple 1Kgs6.38 7.0 years u
of months of epact. As the
Aaron passed age 123 in forty year of Exodus Nu33.39 40.0 years v
annual difference between
Jerusalem lay desolate to keep Sabbath 2Chr36.21. 70.0 years w the lunar and solar year
length of mans life years Ps90.10 70.0 years x grew to months, such
length of mans life years by reason of strength Ps90.11 80.0 years y months were intercalated.
400 Yr is to 4th Generation Gen15.15 100.0 years z
days of mans years & Moses age at death Gen6.3 120.0 years aa
time of Israel's affliction for 4 generations Gen15.13 400.0 years bb
sojourn of the children of Israel Covenant Confirmed Gal3.17 430.0 years cc
very day Israel left Egypt Ex12.41 430.0 years dd
time of judges until Samuel the prophet Acts13.20 450.0 years ee
yrs after Exodus to Solomon start temple, Sol's 4 Y 1Kgs6.1 480.0 years ff From Guinness, H.G.
Length of a Lord's Day Ps90.4 1000.0 years gg

The above table indicates that bible times are indicated in 365.2425 days per-solar year as used in
Gregorian calendar, except for prophetic time. The bible week is 7 days of 24h.

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Scripture Basis
The scripture basis of reckoning current time may be understood from The Lamb that
was slain from the foundation of the world. Notice, it did not say before the foundation
but from the foundation. When was this present world founded? Simple, it was started
when Adam was turned out from Eden. That point is delineated by two witnesses. The
first was the placing the Cherub to guard Eden. Has any single credible witness ever
acknowledged seeing Eden since that time? The second witness was the slaying of an
animal by Elohim to cloth Adam after the fall. Without the shedding of blood there is
no atonement of sin. The slain animal was a type of Christ and it was slain at the start of
this present age as was also Christ slain by Adams sin. These 2 witnesses (Cherub &
Slain Lamb) testify the start of time-reckoning in this present age. The age of
redemption to create a new heaven and earth began at Adams fall. Prior to his fall
there was no need for a redeemed world. Adams fall marked the start of a new
A third indirect witness is determination of Epochs. By Usshers time we are now in
year6017 Anno Mundi and by the Clinton Chronology we are around year 6150 A.M. Yet
there exist no millennium peace upon this earth. Just the opposite, there are wars of all
types in abundance. So either the 7 millennial days unto new creation are in error or
determined time is by another calendar.
The calendar proposed here is that reckoned from Jesus baptism by John at river
Jordan as noted in Luke at about 27AD. The Law and Prophets were until John, since
THAT TIME, the Kingdom of God Before THAT TIME were elapsed 4 millennial days.
Since THAT TIME there are to be reckoned another 3 millennial days to complete this
present age, of which about 1987 years have elapsed. Allowing for 1000 years of peace,
seven years of tribulation and 3.5 years to go from peace to war after the millennium,
there remain but only 2.5 years to be understood. If this analysis is incorrect it will be
seen shortly. But if correct, then the 3rd temple construction shall start shortly in
Because TBC method of bible chronology starts from the fall of man, it is easy to
reconcile with most chronological works. For example using Guinness or Ussher
Chronology 4004BC AM, means Adam was 30 years old at age of sin. Using the so called
Clinton Chronology AM 4138BC, pg 679 ATE, places Adams age at time of sin to be 164
years. Of course, not every chronology can be reconciled to TBC ages. For example
Seder Olam revised chronology has creation at 3924BC or about 50 years before Adam
by TBC method.

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Below are listed References to the sources used here about divine calendars:
1. H. G. Guinness, Light For the Last Days, 1881, P678 the years 1923, 1917 &
1933 were proposed as termination as Daniels timelines.
Below is the listed Larkin Reference:
2. C. Larkin, Second Coming of Jesus Christ 1918 If our inference is correct,
then it follows that the Return of the Lord will take place before the close of
this present century. How much before is uncertain. If the Millennium is to
start in A.D. 2000, then the "Rapture" must take place at least 7 years before
that. See Chart No. 5, on "The Seven Thousand Years of Human History." But
right here we must sound a note of caution. There is too much confusion in
Biblical Chronology to fix any dates with certainty. Doubtless God has ordered
it so, so as to keep us in doubt as to the exact date of the Lord's Return. It
may have been 4075 years, instead of 4004 (as generally given), from Adam
to Christ. In that case we are living in the year 5993 from the creation of
Adam, or on the eve of the Rapture. Again we must not forget that God uses
in "Prophetical Chronology" the Calendar Year of 360 days to a year, while
we use the Julian or Astronomical Year of 365 days, and it would be
necessary for us to find out what kind of year is used and reduce it to the
Calendar year. Thus we might find that we are nearer the end of the six
thousandth year than we are aware, and that the Return of the Lord is
IMMINENT. However, while we may look upon the above theory as
suggestive and in a way confirmatory of the near coming of the Lord, it is not
conclusive, and we are not warranted in fixing any date based upon it. And
further, we must not forget that the "Rapture" may take place sometime
before the "Tribulation Period" begins and Antichrist is revealed. So if we
could fix the exact date when this century will close, and count back 7 years,
the Rapture might occur 5, 10 or even 25 years before that, so as to give
time for the rebuilding of Babylon and other events that are to occur before
the Tribulation Period can begin, otherwise the Rapture would not be a
surprise. It is not for the Christian to look for "Times" and "Seasons" and
"Signs." To do so will put him in the class of those who say: "My Lord delays
His Coming" (Luke 12:42-48). and he will become preoccupied with other
things and neglect to be watchful. Let us live as if we expected the Return of
our Lord at any moment.

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Verses showing God does set boundaries on Times Ref. 1

There is a season and a time to every purpose ( i.e. Daniels 70 weeks ) Ecc.3.1-8 a
That God in the Fullness of time sent forth His Son Gal.4:4 b
Until The Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled Lu.21:24 c
To know the times or the seasons reserved by God (see also Matt16) Acts1:7 d

The fullness of time He might gather together in one Eph.1:10 e

Since that time the kingdom of God is declared Lu.16:16 f

The times of this ignorance God winked at, but now.. Acts17:30 g

Who shall be able to stand the day of His wrath Rev.6:17 h

And the Lord appointed a set time saying Ex.9:5 i

From the morning even to the time appointed 2Sam. 24:15 j
Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Job 7:1 k

All the days of my appointed time will I wait Job 14:14 l

A wise mans heart knows both time and judgment Ecc.8:5&6 m

They shall afflict them 400 years in the fourth generation they shall come out .. Gen. 15: 13-16 n

Yet man's days shall be an hundred and twenty years Gen. 6:3 o

In the ages to come he might show the exceeding Eph. 2:7 p

Foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last
1Pet.1:20 q
times for you
Chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and
Eph.1:4 r
blameless before him
Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world Heb.4:3 s
Come you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
Matt. 25:34 t
foundation of the world
Things kept secret from the foundation of the world Matt. 13:35 u

Two great lights for days and years .. The greater to rule the day the lesser to rule
Gen 1: 14-18 v
the night to be for signs and seasons to divide light from darkness
The days of our years are 70, if by reason of strength then 80 .. It is soon cut off
and we fly away so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts Ps 90: 10-12 w
unto wisdom

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chart5 GoP4
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This chart is included because some like to say we are in the tribulation time now. Have of the worlds population died, or all the earth moved,
or 1/3 of all sea life gone? These events will be cataclysmic and better viewed as an observer from heaven than as a participant. return

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Spirit World Principles: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

Man lives in at least three dimensions. The first is the physical dimension of length,
width, and height. Another is the time dimension. Last is the spiritual. God made man a
living spirit, after first making the natural world.
Just as a child must learn navigational methods of the natural world, so also are there
navigational methods of the spiritual world. All things were created by words, In the
beginning was the word and by him was not anything made that was made and by him
all things consist. Having a body gives one the right to operate or live in this natural
world. When the body is finished, people lose the right to operate in this physical world.
So we can say that navigation of the spiritual dimension is by faith words.
Jesus says whosoever shall say and believe shall have what so ever he says. Paul further
expounded that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow whether they be things of
this world or things of the spiritual world.
Paul mused over this point when he said, to be absent from the body is to be present
with the Lord. He was torn between his desire to be with Jesus and his desire to build
the church.
Many think angels must fly around on wings and only work when they are seen. Like an
iceberg, that is just the visible tip, much more is unseen. For illustration purposes it is
nice to have some visual aid. But Paul said we deal with spiritual words to describe
spiritual concepts. In fact the Greek word used for spirit is pneuma or air. Jesus said so
is everyone who is born of the spirit. In these matters, we can see the effect without
seeing the agent by which it is accomplished.
One translated verse that aroused my interest in this topic was: See to it, then, that no
one enslaves you by means of the worthless deceit of human wisdom, which comes
from the teachings handed down by human beings and from the ruling spirits of the
universe, and not from Christ.
A similar Old Testament verse is: He answered, 'I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the
mouths of all his prophets. 'ADONAI said, 'You will succeed in enticing him. Go, and do
Thus the work of many fallen angels is to influence our thoughts and words away from
truth. This begs the question, what is the correct truth? By scripture is found: For I
know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. The words of Jesus are truth and life.
The following table presents some bible examples of good and evil angels. The list is
not comprehensive.
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3974BC < The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time > 3027AD
Spirit World Principles: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

Alphabet of Spirit Examples

--- Spirit Fruit or Good ---- --- Flesh Work or Evil ----
Type Ref row Type Ref Works Fruit
2 good angel per 2Kg6.16-21 a 1 bad angel Rev12.4 Adultery love
angel = spirit Ps104.4 Acts23.9 b antichrist 1Jn4.3 fornication joy
adaption Ro8.15 c bondage Ro8.15 uncleanness peace
angels over winds rev7.1-2 d deaf & dumb Mk9.25 lasciviousness longsuffering
church angels Rev1.20 e deep sleep Is29.10 Idolatry gentleness
counsel Is11.2 f depressed evil 1Sam16.14-23 witchcraft goodness
faith 2Cor4.13 g disobedience Eph2.2 hatred faith
faithful joshua Pv11.13 h divination 1Sam28.8 variance Meekness
fear of the Lord Is11.2 i doubt has god said matt13.19 emulation temperance
grace & prayer Zec12.10 j error 1Jn4.6 wrath
healing Jn5.4 k evil Acts19.16 strife
humble Is57.15 l familiar Lev20.27 seditions
judgment Is4.4 m infirmity sickness Lu13.11 heresies
judgment strength Is28.6 n jealousy Nu5.14-30 Envyings
knowledge Is11.2 o lying 1Kg22.21-23 murders
Life Rom8.2 p muteness Mk9.17 drunkenness
meekness 1Cor4.21 q nationalist 2Ch21.16 reveling
might Is11.2 r perverse idolatry Is19.14
prophesy Nu11.25 s pride Pv16.18 If it walks like a duck
truth 1Jn4.6 t Rebellion Pv17.11 Quacks like a duck
understanding Is11.2 u sadness Is61.3 Swims like a duck
wisdom Ex28.3 v seduction deceit 1Tim4.1 Then it is a duck
wisdom Is11.2 w treacherous Ju9.23
list incomplete x unclean Zec13.2
reader search by y unclean Mt12.43
Bible word search z whoredoms Hos4.12
spirit, devil, demon angel aa world 1Cor2.12
spirits, satan, etc angels bb

at this
link .


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3974BC < The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time > 3027AD
Spirit World Principles: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013

Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose
Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time
under the heaven
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his
Gal4.4 a time to every purpose
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock
finish the transgression
a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his
Acts 1.7 some times are reserved by God the Father
own power
You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the Jesus scorned people for not understanding the
earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? season
that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time
which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a
Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time
year, for to slay the third
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all
there is an appointed time as declared in
things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Acts 3.21
prophets since the world began

Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should
1Thes5.4 we can know the times
overtake you as a thief
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living
life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your we can do correctly, everyone can know, read
heart, that you may do it. in context
This present age started when the Lamb was slain
The Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world Rev13.8
by Adams Fall

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3974BC < The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time > 3027AD
Spirit World Principles: by O. P. Armstrong, December 2013
of Adam when he fell. The foundation /read start/ of this present age was when Adam fell, doubtless there were & shall be other epochs; and in the
age (or era or epoch) to come

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3974BC < The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time > 3027AD
A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

The Balfour Century timeline is proposed based on Lord Balfours letter of 1917 to establish a Jewish
homeland in Palestine. For not since 70AD had any prince, power, nor potentate; decreed such a
sweeping edict. Just the opposite, for since the destruction of Jerusalem the idiom:
"The wild bird hath her nest, the fox his cave, Mankind a country, Israelbut the grave." Rang true.
But with the stroke of a pen in 1917, a national homeland for the Jew was established and ushered in
the Balfour Century. For Jesus said, when you see the fig tree put forth its leaves, then know that this
generation shall not pass away until all is fulfilled.
The length of a bible generation concerning judgment and redemption is 100 years. For we are told
Israel would be in oppression, four (4) generations but after four-hundred (400) years they would be
redeemed from bondage. This makes one generation equal to one-hundred years or a century. The
Balfour Century started 1917 and ends around 2017, with all things being fulfilled.
Six days of work are decreed but the 7th day is the day of rest. The determined time of Gods dealing
with mankind is Six days of One Thousand years each. On the 7th day a 1000 year rest is declared. The
1000 year day-of-rest or Sabbath may also be called a New Era millennium. During the Sabbath era,
men shall beat swords into plows and the lion shall rest with the lamb with peace as the supreme order
of the empire. After the 1000 years the dragon is loosed from the pit for (3.5 years of) confusion, to be
eternally bound and everlasting righteousness brought in.
All these days are detailed in the following timeline. It is based on a starting point of Jesus baptism at
age 30 in the year 27AD. Three thousand years forward from that is the end of all ages in 3027AD.
Then 4000 years prior to that is 3974BC for a total of 7,000 years. Based on this timeline, the age of
peace shall start in 2023AD. Prior to 2023AD is shown Tribulation, of 7 years length, starting around
These events also fit Daniels 69 and 70 weeks prophesy. For from the issuing of the decree to rebuild
the temple at Jerusalem will be Seventy Weeks to bring in everlasting righteousness. From the time of
the decree-to-rebuild until Messiah will be sixty-nine weeks. In the midst of the last week shall Messiah
be cut off but that not for himself. These events are shown in the Daniel timeline chart, based on
Jesus Baptism date of 27AD, 69 weeks of years from 457BC. The year 457BC was the decree of
Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem.
Other events shown are listed in Table 1. Below is a quote from ABS, The Coming One 1912 NYC
The subjugation of Israel and the supremacy of the Gentile Powers did not come about in a moment of
time, but through forces slowly operating during many years. We may therefore expect that the end of
Gentile rule and the restoration of Israel will come about in the same way by gradual processes. We
may, therefore, expect to find several successive points of departure in our measurement and several
points of arrival corresponding. The whole process resembles a ribbon cut diagonally at both ends so
that a number of lines carried horizontally from any one end to the other would be of equal length, e.g.,
//. The earliest date of Gentile supremacy would be the era of Nabonassar, 747 B.C. & 2,520 years
from this date would bring us to the opening stages of the French Revolution, when the governments of
the world received their most terrific shock and the beginning of the end was distinctly foreshadowed.
The latest period from which the subjugation of Israel and the domination of the Gentiles (begins) is
587 B.C., the date of the fall of Jerusalem. Our measuring line from this point would bring us to the
year 1934, not now far distant. Between these two periods of about a century and a half God has
certainly been working with a mighty hand in bringing about the dissolution of the great world powers
which Daniel described and before it shall have expired may we not humbly expect some glorious
consummation? (Perhaps start of the Balfour Century?)
The six days of labor are broken down as follows: 2 days of Messianic or New Covenant Time starting
27AD, 2 days of Torah or Old Covenant Time starting 1974BC, 2 days of Darkness Time starting
Idioms giving these day types are discussed at length in this link.

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

It seems clear that mankind has 6,000 years of rule while under the influence of the devil; but how long
is the Church age supposed to last? How long until the Church takes over? And the LORD said unto
Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, (This is equivalent of 2 days; or
2,000 years! Here is a profile of 2,000 years for the age to follow!) and let them wash their clothes.
This is just one of many other cryptic prophecies concerning two prophetic days. The Lord prophesied
as follows, And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, (It is important to
understand that one pence was one days wages!) and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take
care of him; and whatsoever you spend more, when I come again, (This is prophetic of His return.) I
will repay you. Here the Good Samaritan gave two days wages to the host. This is yet another
indication that the Lord will return after 2,000 years! Jesus met the woman at the well; notice what
follows, So when the Samaritans were come to him, they besought him that he would stay with them:
and he stayed there two days. Here we find Jesus after He left Israel, abiding two days with the
Samaritans. This two-day lodging is a prophetic period symbolic of a 2,000-year season! In this context,
the Samaritans (Those rejected by the Jews!) were symbolic of the church! Going back to Exodus 19,
lets notice what happens after two prophetic days, And be ready against the third day: for the third
day the LORD will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. How will the rapture take
place? Paul writes, Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the
clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: (in Greek, this specific word for air means from ground level to the
top of a mountain) and so shall we ever be with the Lord. At the very first Pentecost or 50 days after
the children of Israel left Egypt, they met at the foot of a mountain on the third day after they were
consecrated, and the Lord came down in the sight of the people after two days, be ready for the
third day: for on the third day the LORD will come down!
Concerning raising Lazareth from the dead, some see the 4000 bible years to Christ, typed in Lazarus
Resurrection narrative. If one accepts 6000 bible years of determined time, then the difference is 2000
bible years of New Testament time.
Now a certain [man] was sick, Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. (It was
[that] Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother
Lazarus was sick.) Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom you loves is sick.
When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he
was. Then after that said he to [his] disciples, Let us go into Judaea again. But if a man walks in the
night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him. Then said Jesus to them plainly, Lazarus is dead
nevertheless let us go to him... Then when Jesus came, he found that he had [lain] in the grave
four days already Now Bethany was close to Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off: Jesus said
unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he was dead, yet shall he
live: And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?

For the interested, here are links to free proleptic calendar apps. Some do inter conversion among proleptic
Hebrew, proleptic Julian, and proleptic Gregorian.

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

The Balfour Century Timeline of 7,000 years of determined time

604BC Nebocannessser sacks Jerusalem + 2520 years to start of The Balfour Century in 1917AD
637AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site + 1260 years to 1st World Zionist Conf. & Start end Diaspora in 1897AD
1917AD + 100 years generation = 2017 & 1897 + 120 years generation = 2017

Timeline of Daniels 70 Weeks or 483 Years until the Date of Jesus Baptism

The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teaches us that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and make a
new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14
Approximate Timeline Calculation of The Balfour Century and Seven-Thousand Years Determined Time
Determined TimeLine Sums of "The Balfour Century" 1917-2017
Check D Time Year Start Start. BC/AD yr.+/- I'med yr. +/- end end BC/AD event
3.5 3023.5 AD 3027.0 3027.0 AD Everlasting Righteousness &last wk/2
1000.0 1000.0 2023.5 AD 3023.5 3023.5 AD Millennium Start/End
6.0+11m 2016.5 AD 2023.5 2023.5 AD Tribulation Start/End
2000.0 1986.0 30.5 AD 2016.5 2016.5 AD End 2k determined time-3.5yr
3.5 27.0 AD 30.5 30.5 AD Christ Anointing to Ascension
30.0 4.0 BC 26.0 27.0 AD Christ birth to anointing+ Law
2000.0 453.0 4.0 BC 457.0 457.0 BC 69wks-Decree to rebuild unto leader
1517.0 457.0 BC 1974.0 1974.0 BC Abraham Covenant + Law
2000.0 2000.0 1974.0 BC 3974.0 3974.0 BC Adam Sin to Abraham Covenant
7000.0 7000.0 3974.0 BC 3026.0 3027.0 AD Adam Sin to Millennium End
a Key Element: Jesus Birth 4BC accepted as meeting All known Criteria of historical Jesus
b Jesus Anointing as the Christ at 30 years old in year 27AD meets Daniel 69 Weeks Criteria
c Matches all 7000 years of Determined Time; Six, 4, & two Days of Messianic determined time
d Start of Adamic sin time at 3974 Concurs Becke Calculation
e Ref: Charles Roger Dundee, A Collation of The Sacred Scriptures (1847), p. 20.
f Meets limit of Balfour Century based on 4 generation = 400 year
g Meets criteria of year 457BC decree to Build Second Temple
h Meets criteria of last half of 70th week to bring in EVER LASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS
i Meets criteria of 1st half of 70th week, unto Messiah cut off midweek about 30AD
j Meets criteria of Dragon loosed after 1000 years and then eternally bound to Hell per Rev.20
k Matches tribulation period of 2540days or 6year10mo 3week
Epoch Color Code: -2000 yr. Darkness- -2000 yr. Law- -2000 yr. Messiah- -1000 yr.Sabbath-
Very few chronologists allow any time for the final Gog-Magog battle after the 1000 year reign of peace. In a miracle rivaling the Immaculate
Conception, the greatest battle of world history begins and ends in the blink of an eye (the short time). Please explain that to me? For that reason I
place the postponed time of Daniels 70 week prophecy after the millennium and before Satans banishment into the Lake of Fire. The scripture
references to the Antichrist are not in Daniel 9 but in Daniel 12. So if one takes 69/70 weeks complete, this leaves 7 years after the 1000 to end
prophesy. If 69.5 of 70 are complete, then remain 3.5 years after the 1000, to bring in everlasting righteousness.

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14
Table of Determined Time Lengths with Start and End Events
747 BC 2520 1774 AD start era of Nabonassar & Babylon start of Democratic period France & USA Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
604 BC 2520 1917 AD start Nebocannessser era who sacked Jerusalem Start of The Balfour Century Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
587 BC 2520 1934 AD Babylonian breach of Jerusalem Hitler takes chancery & start mass Aliyah Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
457 BC 487 31 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Crucify (Cut off) the Christ Dan9:25 69.5weeks years
457 BC 483 27 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Baptism of Jesus at 30 years of age Messiah Dan9:24 69 Weeks
457 BC 2300 1844 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Turkish Edict of Religion Toleration Dan. 8:14
533 AD 1260 1793 AD Emperor Justinian decree establish papal rule French Revolution zenith &open Napoleon era Dan.12:7 the 1260days
610 AD 1260 1870 AD Decree of Phocas confirmed by Vitallian Decree Franco Prussian war starts end of Rome dominion Dan.12:7 the 1260days
637 AD 1335 1972 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site start end of abomination Jerusalem united Dan12:12 1335 days
637 AD 1290 1927 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site Balfour mandate end 3rd Aliyah * Dan12:11 1290 days
637 AD 1260 1897 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site 1st World Zionist Conf. Start end Diaspora Dan.12:7 the 1260days
663 AD 1260 1923 AD Decree of Vitallian on Papal rule debauchery of the roaring 20's Dan.12:7 the 1260days
1897 AD 120 2017 AD 1st. Zionist Conference Max Nordau End of The Balfour Century Gen6.3 z120 generation lifespan
1917 AD 100 2017 AD Balfour Declaration & judgment generation End of The Balfour Century Gen15:13-16 100year generation
1947 AD 70 2017 AD UN 181 sets Israel Borders & Psalms generation End of The Balfour Century Ps 90:10 z70 year generation
1967 AD 50 2017 AD Six Day War Unites Jerusalem End of The Balfour Century 1 Jubilee since Balfour & Jew Restore
1973 AD 44 2017 AD Arab War firms borders End of The Balfour Century Approx wilderness generation
1982 AD 35 2017 AD Israel Lebanon End of The Balfour Century Shortest generation
* 1927 Mar 10, Prussia (Bavaria) lifted its Nazi ban, Hitler was allowed to speak in public & May 1, Adolf Hitler holds first Nazi meeting in Berlin
Table of Alternatives for year of Jesus Baptism based on Resurrection Year & Tribulation Start Date
Baptized Resurrection End3k Yr Start Gog Magog Start millennium Start tribulation
Oct.'29AD Apr. 33AD Oc3029AD Apr3026AD Apr2026AD June 2019AD???
Sept27AD Apr. 31AD Sept3027AD Mar3024AD Mar2024AD Oct. 2017AD
Oct.'26AD Apr. 30AD Oc3026AD Apr3023AD Apr2023AD June 2016AD
base 3Y6m0w 3000Yrs 3Y6m0w+3k Yr 1000 Yrs 6Y10m3w
Basis: 70 weeks determined to make an end, 69 weeks unto Messiah the Prince Coronation
Baptized (anointed), resurrection confirm covenant of 1 week with many & midweek cutoff not for himself
Cut off to bring end to sacrifice & 3.5 yrs before Easter is Baptism & Adam Sin 4k.Yr Before & end 3k.Yrs after sin

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14
From Jacob birth until Abraham death, there were years of peace.
The oppression term is taken to mean conflict & oppression after
Abes death until & into the return again. For Abraham had
established a peace treaty with Canaanites, Gen 20:14 to 22:19.
After Abraham death there was conflict over the water wells of
Beersheba Gen26:15-32. By 5th year of the 7 year conquest of
Canaan, it was clear who had the upper hand. During wilderness
time there were conflicts as some nations refused Israel passage or
other oppressions.
By one accounting, the birth of Isaac was 30Mar1893BC, Nissan 14/15
and the Exodus date would be 1463 Nissan 14/15. By the moths, the other
dates follow.
None of these ancient date can be as precise as many chronographers wish
to portray. As stated often, the most reliable dates are for Jesus Baptism
year and for the year of Temple destruction. Even for these dates, a
variation of up to one year can be easily shown.
To understand these timing then compare to more modern dates, such as
the Balfour Century concept. The Jew and Jerusalem are the divine time

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

Total Years unto Jesus Baptism TBC Timeline of 7,000 years unto A New Heaven and a New Earth
The seven millennium days unto a new creation are self evident. Jesus said I go to prepare
Sired death a place for you. In My Fathers house are many mansions. God made a new era with the
Generation verse
Yr Yr flood of Noah. He allotted Noah exactly seven days to place the animals into their mansions
Adam 130 930 gen5.3 within the ark. Upon end of the allotted 7 days, the door closed, the flood waters came, and
Seth 105 912 gen5.6 the old world or era ended. John said he saw a new heaven and new earth coming down.
Enos 90 905 gen5.9 Peter said that just as God destroyed the old world by water this present age is reserved
unto fire against that day. God remade the world in 7 days to show that in 7 millennium days
Cainan 70 910 "5.12 a new heaven and new earth shall be established. It was not until Adam sinned that a need
Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15 for a new heaven and new earth existed. The lamb was slain from the Foundation of the
Jared 162 962 5.18 World, FOTW. This new work of creation (Foundation of the World) began when God
Enoch 65 365 5.21 clothed Adam in animal skin and promised a redeemer. A day in Gods eye is but as a
Methuselah 187 969 5.25 thousand years. The Law and the Prophets were until John, since that time the Kingdom of
Lamech 182 777 5.28 Heaven is declared and every man is Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs
pressed into or ruled by that standard. Ref Years Event
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10 A kingdom without a king is not complete.
Shem 100 600 11.10 Jesus told Pilate, Of a truth you say I am Dan9.25 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah,
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12 a king, for that purpose was I born. In the 69*7 years
Salah 30 433 11.14 days of those kings shall the God of Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah
Eber 34 464 11.16 heaven set up a Kingdom, it shall not be Ezek4.6 40 Unto Judah Captive
Peleg 30 239 11.18 left to another people but it shall crush Ezek4.5 390 Apostasy Unto Israel Captive
Reu 32 239 11.20 and destroy all other kingdoms. And He 1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication unto Apostasy
shall sit upon the throne of his father
Serug 30 230 11.22 {*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon
David and of his kingdom there shall be reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated in
Nahor 29 148 11.24 no end. Every King has a coronation. Until Total 1000 Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4 years in
Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4 this coronation, he is but a crown prince. apostasy. (40-12.6-17=10.4)}
Abraham 100 175 21.5 Jesus was crowned at his baptism in river
to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.81 Jordan. For at that time the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form and a voice
Temple spoke from Heaven saying, Behold this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. After
488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
Anointed his coronation the kingdom was manifest. For which of these good works seek you to kill
Jesus Me? But if by the finger of God, I cast out devils, then the Kingdom of God has come unto
1000 Luke Lu16.16
Anointed you. Four days of the Law and Prophets had elapsed at Jesus Anointing (27AD) and 3 days
of Kingdom judgment remain after Jesus baptism. The age of Adam at sin was 4026.5 less
Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created
4,000 or 26.5 years by this chronology. The merits of this chronology are discussed by topic,
Seven days of God and Man, and Bible Chronology by Prophesy. Four thousand years prior to 27AD is year 3974BC, when the age of
redemption began, Foundation of the World. The Anno Mundi day is 3974+26.5=4000.5BC. The last half week of Daniels 70 weeks will
be completed after the millennial Sabbath when the world goes from peace into a war mode. This last battle of Gog-Magog will happen
after the devil is released from his pit and after he gathers many people against Jerusalem. A 1003.5 year period prior to 3027AD is end
of the 2520 day tribulation. At end of Daniels 70th week shall be everlasting righteousness when the devil and his angels are eternally
cast into the Lake of Fire.

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

The Balfour Century, 1917 2017

Generation Year Age Year Ref 1 Ref 2
Consider the fig tree Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put forth
then know (not guess)
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5,7,6.3- 1st Zionist Return Conference
Termination: 120xJubilee 4 Matt24 earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - , Century, TBC 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption Gen5&6&7 first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)
4. Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 Six Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we after that the full corn in the ear (4)
may apply our hearts unto wisdom
When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its
branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until all these things be fulfilled. Another criteria is also, this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall
witness during tribulation time.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jew-rusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to make an end
Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus Solomon Temple has Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year
Heb years 3 times associated. Basis Baptize Postpone Yr Tribulation Yr AD
Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Start was 480 years
Mo# gone 458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263
from Exodus but in
Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263
month 2, & 4th year
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50 Solomon reign. Then LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700
Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 were completion date 33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950
and the dedicate date. Adding years from Start to Anointing at dedication LSM.Norm2 27.30 3.05 2017.350
is 8.42, so the dedicate date is 488.5 years from Exodus. The time from 70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710
Jesus Anointing by John Baptism unto Solomon Temple anointing is mid October 2016 all Average 2016.873
taken to be 1000 years, or 1 sacred day of time. The table on right lists normalized
sundry Baptism years of Jesus and tribulation start dates for those years. late march 2016 2016.307
The averages range between end of 1st quarter to end of 3rd quarter in 9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710
year 2016. The 9Av or August 2016 is an interesting date.

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

A Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD
Temple Fire
Decree Started, 69 of 7's Jesus Baptized Stephen Stoned
Years to Baptize= 483.00 Years to Stephen = 3.50 Years to T= 40.00 365.242
Greg. Date Start Days Greg. Date Days Greg. Date Days Greg. Date End
04Feb457bc 176416 07Feb27ad 1278 08Aug30ad 14610 70AD 08Aug
Stephens stoning was the final rejection of Yshua by Yahudah. Yahs wrath at rejection of His Grand Passover started the
judgment clock. A similar act of disbelief some 1500 years earlier also triggered a 40 year judgment upon Yahudah. The
overspreading of abominations by the priesthood made the city and temple desolate. The certainty of Temple destruction date
is greater, than any other bible date, 5 to 10 August 70AD. The 15th year of Tiberius Caesar is noted as the year of Johns
ministry start and as year of Jesus Baptism. By Historical documentation the 15th year covers from late 26AD to early 27AD, if
one counts by co-regent years.
Counting backward 40 years from Temple destruction They also set up false witnesses who said: "This man
(inclusive end J11Aug70AD) dates the stoning of does not cease to speak blasphemous words against
Stephen. Then 3.5 years prior is Jesus baptism date. this holy place and the law; for we have heard him say;
The end of Daniels 69th week is taken as date for Jesus that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place
baptism. and change the customs which Moses delivered to us.
The date of Temple Destruction is well documented: Acts6. Indeed Jesus did weep over Jerusalem, saying
Within hours, the temple was destroyed, August 10J, For days will come upon you when your enemies will
70AD, which was on 15 Av (Ab), not 9 Av of Talmudic build an embankment around you, surround you and
traditions, (6976) The wicked Generation warning of close you in on every side, and level you, and your
Jonah is understood to be Jesus 40 year prophecy of children within you, to the ground; and they will not
Jerusalem destruction. Counting 40 years back gives leave in you one stone upon another, because you did
August 08g, 30AD. This being the likely date when not know the time of your visitation."Then He went
Stephen was stoned and the Elders of the Temple into the temple and began to drive out those who
rejected flatly the Gospel. For is found: Then they bought and sold in it (overflowing abominations). A
secretly induced men to say, "We have heard him speak confirmation of Jesus Baptism date is obtained by
blasphemous words against Moses and God." And they count backward from G07Feb 27AD Baptism to
stirred up the people, the elders, and the scribes; and implementation of Rebuild Decree, 457-458 BC, by the
they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the numbered weeks (69) of Daniel.

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A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

From Jesus Baptism to Ascension unto Temple Fire in 70 AD, a total of 40 + 3.5 = 43.5 years
Jesus Baptized to Empty Tomb found to Ascension at Day 40 Stephen Stoned unto Temple Fire
Empty Tomb 40Day end to Stephen Stoned Temple Fire Start
Years=3.16 Years=0.11 Years=0.23 Years=40.00 365.242
Start Date.g Days Date.g Days Date.g Days Date.g Days Date End.g
07Feb27ad 1155 7April30ad 40 17May30ad 83 08Aug30ad 14610 70AD 08Aug
This narrative takes the midweek time (3.5 year) to Proponents of 33 AD resurrection date will try say
end with Stephen stoning in 30AD and start with Jesus Messiah was revealed by crucifixion after 69 weeks. But
baptism on 10Feb27AD. The time from Baptism in after the Hoehner-Ice et-al theory of 444BC and 173880
27AD unto Sunday Tomb Empty 7April30AD is 1137 days was disproven, they still try hang on to a 7 year
days or 3.15 years. This corresponds to 3April30AD as postponement by other means. Like saying the 40 year
crucifixion. After resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days judgment (30 to 70AD) covers a time span from
with the Apostles & others before Ascension on Baptism. I for one am not aware of postdating prophesy.
17May 30ad. The disciples spent another 10 days For Jesus judgments against Jerusalem came during the
awaiting the Holy Spirit. Thus from Pentecost unto St. latter part of His ministry, not at start. Another goody by
Stephen stoning are 76 days. Given the mighty 33AD proponents is that Jesus was revealed on Palm
working of the Holy Spirit at that time the interval Sunday, again a wrong narrative. For John said behold
events are feasible; There then elapsed 40 years unto the Lamb of God at baptism; God himself declared
Temple destruction in 70AD. During these 40 years behold My beloved Son and Luke in Acts1, of all that
the Babylonian Talmud Soncino version Yoma 39B Jesus began to say and do from the time He was
records: during the last 40 years before the temple baptized until , and also The Law and Prophets were
destruction various omens and portents occurred on a until John, since then the Kingdom Then count on the
regular basis such as odd lot came up every year, the 33AD lot to never mention a possible co-regal date of
menorah burnt irregular, huge temple doors open Tiberius Caesars 15th year. For that would affix the
themselves, crimson strings no longer turned white. possible baptism year to something between 26 & 27AD.
These & other 40 year foreshadows of destruction What webs we weave when first we start to deceive.
Josephus also recorded.

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

Alternative Narrative of Rebuild Decree to Jesus Baptism Date and unto Temple Burnt in 70AD
Hebrew Date Chronology of 7 Redemption Covenant Days Daniel understood 70 years captivity preceded the
Gregorian Age HebMo DOW Julian Day Event Years rebuild decree. The secular date for this is carry away
29Sep3026AD Elul25 Fri 2826555.0 New Heaven New Earth 3000.0 is 538BC. When using a 458BC decree date there is a
10 year disagreement, 528BC. The 444bc decree date
08Aug3023AD Tam27 Fri 2825406.8 Gog Magog Start 2996.9
is oft touted by 33AD resurrection proponents. The
07Aug2023AD Av21 Mon 2460164.3 Millennium Start 1996.9 use of 444BC for a rebuild decree produces a larger
12Sep2016AD Elul10 Mon 2457521.8 Tribulation Start 1989.6 gap, 24 years, (514bc). The 458 decree date, as used
08Aug70AD Av15 Fri 1746846.5 Temple Destroy by Fire 43.9 here, has much less discrepancy to the secular date.
08Aug30AD Av23 Thur 1732236.5 Leaders Stone Stephen 3.9 This Table contains 3 Baptism dates: 1) Jesus
07April30AD Niss18 Sun 1732113.5 1st Sunday after N14 arise 3.5 Baptism that started kingdom era and ended the law
29Sept26AD Tish30 Tues 1730827.5 Baptize Jesus by John 0.0 and prophets, 2) Israel Red Sea salvation Baptism
from Pharaoh, & 3) Noahs baptism unto salvation
26Sep458BC Tish30 Sun 1554411.5 Rebuild Decree 483.0
aboard Ye Royal Ark.
25Sep528BC Tish08 Thur 1528844.5 1stCaptivity 538 secular 553.0
The 7 redemption covenant day (RCD) concept is
29Sep975BC Tish23 Fri 1365584.5 End Temple Dedicate 1000.0 typed in the Ark closure before Noahs flood and in
31Mar1463BC Niss26 Mon 1187164.5 Red Sea Baptize End 1488.5 building Solomons temple... Where the 1st RCD is at
30Mar1893BC Niss14 Fri 1030109.8 Isaac born Abe's 100 Yr, 1918.5 Adam Sin and the promise of a redeemer, RCD 2 is
30Sep1975BC Tish16 Wed 1000343.5 Abe move: Ur to Haran 2000.0 with Noah calling, RCD3 is the Abrahamic Covenant,
09Sep2345BC Tish17 Sat 865183.5 Noah Baptize End 2370.1
RCD 4 is Jesus Kingdom baptism, RCD 7 is the
casting away of Satan into eternal fire to bring an end
30Mar2443BC Niss28 Sun 829226.4 Shem born Noah502Y 2468.5
to sin and establish everlasting righteousness.
01Oct2975BC Hesh07 Sun 635101.5 Noe find Grace 29.5Y old 3000.0
From Isaac birth on Nissan14, 1893BC unto the
29Sep3975BC Tish27 Tues 269857.5 Sin's Redeemer Promised 4000.0 Exodus Passover of Nissan 14, 1463BC one find there
30Mar4001BC Lyya04 Thur 260178.6 Adam Living Soul 4026.5 to be 430 years to the very day.
This alternative is based on a 458BC rebuild decree and autumn From Abrams covenant calling unto his 100th year are
26AD baptism. This shift gives a better alignment to Hebrew 81.5 years. Thus Abrams age upon leaving Ur is
Calendar days of scripture. The focus is to align delta times and 18.5Year.
dates for Noahs, Moses Red Sea, and Jesus Baptism, also the By these days, the tribulation start would be in
Temple Dedication and Temple rebuild decree dates. September 2016.

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14
Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son Gal4.4 a time to every purpose
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the
Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock
a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own
Acts 1.7 There are times reserved to just God the Father
power (the secret things)
You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but Jesus scorned people for not understanding the
how is it that ye do not discern this time? season
that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time
which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for
Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time
to slay the third
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things,
which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the Acts 3.21 there is an appointed time as declared in scripture
world began
Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as
1Thes5.4 we can know the times
a thief
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged
with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living
come upon you unawares.
But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your heart, that we can do correctly, everyone can know, read in
you may do it. context
th Also in 69 7s from end of 70 years that Messiah would come & in 70
Consider this: God told Abraham in 400 years, in 4 generation his
7s would be everlasting righteousness & that for 1000 years will peace
offspring would return and possess the PROMISED Land & there
on earth and that for 2 times 1260 days will be punishment upon all the
were 40 years determined to make end of the evil generation &
earth? Also that Noah was told in 7 days begins the flood & all animals
Ezekiel foretold Israels Apostasy would be exactly 430 years
gathered to the ark. On the 7th day began the flood. The secret things
before judgment & Jeremiah foretold 70 years captivity until return
are the Lords but that revealed unto us are ours to do and keep.
was allowed.

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

Prophetic Time; Ref value units row

Accomplished to
scatter the power of Dan12.7 3.5 time A
the holy people
Domination of the little
Dan7.25 3.5 time B
horn over the saints
Nations shall see two
Rev11.9 3.5 day c
witnesses dead bodies
Sojourn of the woman
Rev12.14 3.5 time D
in the wilderness.
Treading under foot of
Rev11.2 42.0 month E
the Holy City
Duration of " the
Rev13.5 42.0 month F
Beast," or 8th head
Prophesying of the
Rev11.3 1260 day G
two witnesses
Woman's flight from
Rev12.6 1260 day H
the serpent
Sacrifice away unto
abomination of Dan12.11 1290 day I
Time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335 day J
Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300 day K

Tribulation Time Line Events Chart and Scripture References

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

Charts modified from

C. Larkin

Some like to say we

are into the tribulation.
Ask have of earth
population died from
Famine and Pestilence

Answer no! Not even if

you add up all dead
from past wars these
dead are less than 1
billion. Earth population
is around 6 billion.
When 1.5 billion people
perish, you will know,
not guess tribulation
started. By end of
tribulation population
is dead and all sea life

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

The work of Larkin

offers many useful
insights about end
time prophesy

Expect a clearer
understanding of
End Times to
unfold as the last
days are closed, by
Simpsons /=/
analogy. My
revision would place
the start at Adams
fall around BC3974
and End of Satan
about AD3027. We
are past AD2000
but without Second
Coming. So other
revisions are
needed, as follows.

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

My revisions to Larkins
work would place the
Second Coming at
around AD2023.5 with
tribulation start around
2017. The start of the
4th day would be at
27AD with Jesus
baptism at river Jordon.
The rapture and 3rd
temple start are thusly
placed sometime
before the 2017 to
2020 window. As
several prominent
evangelist and
personalities have
noted The warning is
clear: prepare to meet
thy God

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14
There is no way
to find the rapture
From scripture
and this chart it
will happen
before the
tribulation. How
soon before?
There are no time
intervals that say
With Lot it was
the just before the
fire upon Sodom.
With Nineveh, it
was a 3 day walk
for Jonah to
proclaim yet 40
With Noe there
were the final
ingathering that
lasted 7 days.
Also in Noes time
was a whole
century of
Truly some will be
assigned a place
with the
unbelievers and
have tribulations.
The 5 foolish and
5 wise teach this
idea. Up to you??

A Detailed Explanation of The Balfour Century Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, 2010 r09/14

Tribulation Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013, rev 11/14

This table list, events related to a time known as the Great Tribulation. This period is
also called the Time of Jacobs trouble. During this time over half of the worlds
population and all sea life die. (GoPg2)
By reference K, these events last must last at least 2300 days. Many of the events of this
table last for 1260 days. The 1260 days are also 42 prophetical months of 30 days. A
prophetical month is 30 days in length. Stacking any two 42 month events in series
gives a total time of 2520 days. This time frame is shown in the graph termed
Tribulation Timeline,
below. Prophetic Year=360days=12Mo Ref value units row
One hypothetical Accomplished to scatter the power Dan12.7 3.5 time A
Gregorian year prior to of the holy people
latest possible Domination of the little horn over the Dan7.25 3.5 time B
Tribulation-Start is saints
November 2016. Nations shall see two witnesses Rev11.9 3.5 day C
dead bodies
Possibly construction
Sojourn of the woman in the
of the 3rd Temple may Rev12.14 3.5 time D
start with completion Treading under foot of the Holy City Rev11.2 42.0 month E
of a Peace Accord that Duration of " the Beast," or 8th head Rev13.5 42.0 month F
affords Israel this Prophesying of the two witnesses Rev11.3 1260 day G
construction right. Woman's flight from the serpent Rev12.6 1260 day H
Such Peace Accord Sacrifice away unto abomination of
Dan12.11 1290 day I
could follow UN-181 desolation
and partition Time unto the blessing Dan12.12 1335 day J
Jerusalem according to Until Temple cleansed Dan8.14 2300 day K
this previously ratified Years to complete Solomon Temple 1Kgs6.38 7.0 years Q
document. Another case may be that Israel will start Temple construction without any
Peace Accord. It is documented that plans and materials for the 3rd Temple are already
predispositioned inside Israel. Some of these materials are booty from the 1982
Lebanon war.
A seven year tribulation time frame is typed in the building time for Solomons 1st
Temple. For the tribulation time is the time immediately prior to Jesus physical return
and setting up that Temple not made with human hands. Another type of this last days
seven year tribulation was given in the story of closing of Noahs ark. Seven days prior
to that cataclysmic flood, Noah was instructed to begin loading all animals into the Ark.
After the last seven year call of the coming tribulation, shall be another flood of
righteous indignation known as the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. At that time
Jesus shall come to establish a new era of 1,000 years of peace. During that time the

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3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Tribulation Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013, rev 11/14

kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of his Christ and He shall reign with
a rod of iron.
During completion of
the 3rd man-made
Temple, the book of
Thessalonians teaches
antiChrist will set
himself up there as
being God. After that
event, the rapture will
happen. The rapture
will trigger the opening
of the 7 Seals. Forty
Two hypothetical
months later follow the
7 Trumpets. After 6
hypothetical years
follow the 7 Vials or
Bowls. There is no
specific time given by
scripture for these
events. Many (if not
most) prophesy
students think that all
Seals, Trumpet, & Vials
will be complete in 2520
Two events in the above Table and the hypothetical Timeline have double references.
The events H & D, Sojourn of the woman in the wilderness and Woman's flight from
the serpent are considered as one event, of duration 1230 days. Also events A & B,
Accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people and Domination of the little
horn over the saints, are considered as one event lasting 1230 days. The possible total
time is for events A,B,C,D, at eighty four (84) prophetic months or 2520 days.
Just because events are listed as having the same duration, it does not require those
events to be the same occurrence. Neither is the tribulation of 2520 days from St.
Johns Revelation cross referenced to the 70th week of Daniel. Neither is any reference
of a seven year length peace accord found in scripture. The phrase seven years is
not in The Revelation; 7 year treaty is false doctrine & false flag.
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Tribulation Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013, rev 11/14

This chart is included because some like to say earth is in the tribulation time now. But have of the worlds population died, or all the earth
moved, or 1/3 of all sea life gone? These tribulation events will be cataclysmic and better viewed as an observer from heaven than as a participant.
7Seals Go page 1
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Go page 1
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Go page 1 GogMagog
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Appendix Balfour Century (1917-2017) Determined Times

Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom Epoch. If time is linear, then knowing one point in the divine calendar allows mapping all other
seven days into Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the precise counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc,
all concur to within a few years (range 26AD to 29AD). The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic
documentation. The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teach us to consider that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and
make a new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation.
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Tribulation Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013, rev 11/14

Appendix Figure 2B
The birth of Jesus about Year 4BC
and baptism in 27 AD fits within both
historical and prophetic
documentation. 70 Weeks
Listed also in Events table two are
references from Daniel 9. As
previously expounded, the events of
the time between week 69.5 and
week 70 await completion after the
1,000 year millennial time, to go
from peace to war of Gog-Magog.
For until the end, wars are
determined. The last war is after the
millennial peace of 1,000 years.

The overspreading of abominations is taken to reference the many ills that came to infect the temple system. These woes
were called out by Jesus unto the temple rulers in several places. The most important statement was the parable of the
vineyard, given in 3 gospels unto rulers of Jesus Day.
Then were the 7 woes unto the Pharisee Cult. Last is the Prophetic Event s Table Two Ref value units row
rejection of Jesus blood atonement of sin. For all these For overspreading of abominations he shall Dan9.27b 0.5 week l
abominations was the temple laid desolate. make it desolate
The covenant for one week refers to the work of Baptism Covenant with many one week Dan9.27a 1.0 week m
started by The Holy Saint John. The covenant of Blood Determined time unto Messiah; cut off after 69 Dan9.25 69.0 week n
and Water last (or are gapped) unto the very end, for Determined time unto cut off but not for himself Dan9.25 69.5 week o
not all born during millennial time shall follow Satans Determined time to Make an End & Seal Up Dan9.24 70.0 week p
last revolt. Those true and tested of the millennial time Length of a Lord's Day & Millennial Reign Ps90.4 1000 years t
are saved by Jesus blood and water, the covenant with
many that last unto the end of time. At which point the holy of holies is sealed up or closed by the new heaven and new
earth. Also by this thinking, there is no need for a peace treaty of exactly seven years. Go page 1

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Tribulation Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013, rev 11/14

Tribulation Start by Sundry Baptism Year

Basis Baptize Postpone Yr Tribulation Yr
458BC25AD 25.75 3.50 2015.263
457BC27AD 26.75 3.50 2016.263
LSM.all 30.10 3.85 2019.700
33AD69Wk 29.75 6.90 2015.950
LSM.Norm2 27.30 3.05 2017.350
70AD40Yr 27.11 3.50 2016.710
mid October 2016 all Average 2016.873
late march 2016 2016.307
9Av 2016 40Jubile 9Av 2016.710
These 2 tables consider when tribulation could start based
on sundry baptism dates. The LSMs are least square
minimization for various proposed dates of Solomon
Temple and Exodus Years. A Look at these consensus
times places the likely tribulation start between mid 2016
& late 2017.

Table of Alternatives for year of Jesus Baptism based on Resurrection Year & Tribulation Start Date The end of Times of
Baptized Resurrection End3k Yr Start Gog Magog Start millennium Start tribulation Gentiles begins when
the 2 witness appear in
Oct.'29AD Apr. 33AD Oc3029AD Apr3026AD Apr2026AD June 2019AD??? Jerusalem and the
Sept27AD Apr. 31AD Sept3027AD Mar3024AD Mar2024AD Oct. 2017AD 144,000 begin preaching
Oct.'26AD Apr. 30AD Oc3026AD Apr3023AD Apr2023AD June 2016AD the Gospel. Around this
base 3Y6m0w 3000Yrs 3Y6m0w+3k Yr 1000 Yrs 6Y10m3w time comes the rapture.
Basis: 70 weeks determined to make an end, 69 weeks unto Messiah the Prince Coronation Thus ends the church
Baptized (anointed), resurrection confirm covenant of 1 week with many & midweek cutoff not for himself
Go page 1
Cut off to bring end to sacrifice & 3.5 yrs before Easter is Baptism & Adam Sin 4k.Yr Before & end 3k.Yrs after sin

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Scripture about Determined times Ref Comment

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose
Ecc3.1 everything has a season & a time
under the heaven
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his
Gal4.4 a time to every purpose
weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
Dan9.24 Jew of Jerusalem is God's clock
finish the transgression
a wise man's heart knows both time and judgment Ecc8.5 you can understand
to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his
Acts 1.7 some times are reserved by God the Father
own power
You hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the Jesus scorned people for not understanding the
earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time? season
that he (antichrist) might be revealed in his time. 2Thes2.6 Anti-Christ has an appointed time
which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a
Rev9.15 Some angels are reserved unto a selected time
year, for to slay the third
Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all
there is an appointed time as declared in
things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Acts 3.21
prophets since the world began

Have you (Jesus) come here to torment us before the time? Matt8.29 even demons know they have an allotted time
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should
1Thes5.4 we can know the times
overtake you as a thief
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this Lu21.34 understanding is dulled by carnal living
life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
But the word is very close to you, in your mouth, and in your we can do correctly, everyone can know, read
heart, that you may do it. in context
At that time Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; and there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there
was a nation, even to that time. And at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of
the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. Dan 12:1-3

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Tribulation Timeline: by O. P. Armstrong, November 2013, rev 11/14

The Balfour Generation 1917 to 2017

Generation Year Age Year Ref 1 Ref 2
Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put forth
Consider the fig tree
1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 7, 1st Zionist Return Conference
6.3-4 Matt 24
Termination: 120xJubilee (50) earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - Century 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be then the ear (3)
4. Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we may apply our unto
hearts wisdom after that the full corn in the ear (4)

When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see
the fig tree start to put forth its branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away (elapse) until
all these things be fulfilled. Another criteria is also, this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached into all the
world for a witness, then shall the end come. The latter can not preclude the former as the 144,000 shall
witness during tribulation time.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jew-rusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your
holy city to make an end

Page 13 of 13
3974BC <- The Balfour Century & Seven Days of Determined Time -> 3027AD
Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
Years of Eli, Samuel, Saul, Eshbaal Saul Son, David & Holy Ark David, & Moses-Ark. The time
Tag => A B C D E F runs from Eli appointment as
Event Ark David I'baal Saul Sam Eli Tabernacle priest until the
Ark Move to Jerusalem 20 38 48 68 83 118 Ark was moved to Jerusalem
in Y38 of David. Davids Y30 was 435.9Y after
Esh-baal /Ishbosheth/ die 14 32 42 62 77 112
Exodus & 1052.6Y before Jesus Baptism by
Saul Die 12 30 40 60 75 110 John. Only the year of a key event is given in
Samuel Die 10 28 38 58 73 108 this table. Also, Samuel-1&2 does not specify
David kill Goliath w/Saul 2 20 30 50 65 100 time of some events. The sequence-tie-
Eli Die,Ark to Kirjath-jearim 0 18 28 48 63 98 object is the 20 years Moses Ark stayed at
Esh-baal born, Saul's son -28 -10 0 20 35 70 Kirjath-Jearim in the house of Abinadab. There
were 20 years from its return, after capture in Eli
Eli retired, sons next Priests -48 -30 -20 0 15 50 98 year, until moved by King David, in his 38
Samuel weaned & goes to year, to city Jerusalem. If A denotes the Ark
-58 -40 -30 -10 5 40 years, then 18+A will be the years of David, B.
Samuel Conception -64 -46 -36 -16 -1 34 Esh-baal, (aka: Eshbaal, Ishbosheth, Ishui,
Eli appointed High Priest -68 -50 -40 -20 -5 30 denoted by C) was Sauls last living son. He
was 40 years old when David became King at
Years. to Ark of God A 18+A 28+A 48+A 63+A 98+A age 30, So C=10+B = 28+A.
Years to primary variable 18+A 10+B 20+C F-35 98+A Next an age of Saul, 20Y, is assumed for the
This table shows the years of Eli, Samuel, Saul, Esh-baal (Saul Son), birth year of Eshbaal.

This could also have been 25 or 30. This only affects the age By Moses law youths could enter military service from 20Y
of Saul at various events. Within reason, these ages are upwards. So Davids service conforms to Moses
unspecified by scripture. So Sauls age, D=20+C=48+A. requirement, as expected. Neither the age of Saul nor
The age of Eli, called F, is specified as 98. This was when the Samuel is given when Saul is appointed king. One or 2Y
Ark was captured. Seven months later, the Ark is returned to after Eli death is reasonable. Thus Sams age at that time is
the house of Abinadab, (not the un-named adolescent son of 64 or 65 years. As said Samuel, he was old. Anything over
Saul killed at Gilboa) in Elis 98 year. So F=98+A. No attempt 50 in the priest system would be old. By this table, Sauls
is made to work in partial years. time, as king, was only 11-9 years. During that time he
Lastly, find age of Samuel in terms of Eli years. Here guidance fought 6 or 7 wars. During most that time, David lived on
is given by two facts. A priests allowed years of service is set the land as a fugitive. Thus the translation of Acts 13:21-22
by Moses Law to be not less than 30 and not more than 50. must be either that the time of Saul and Samuel were
Samuel mother Hannah came to the Tabernacle in Eli time as about 40 years or that the 40 refers to the years of David
she prayed to God for a son. She vowed he would be given in reign as King of Israel.
service to God. When the child was weaned she presented v21: ...the Saul son Kis out of tribe Benjamin. v22: Years
Samuel to Eli at the Tabernacle. The conception year of forty, and deposing him; He lifted to them the David into
Samuel is taken to be Eli 34Y. Five years of age in Hebrew king to whom also he witnesses... (From Greek interlinear
tradition is the age of weaning by which time Eli was 40. and Strong's Greek words & my punctuation and verse#)
Variable E, Samuels age, is F-35 = 98+A-35 or 63+A. Some incorrectly argue the ark was moved during Sauls
Considerations on the Results days. A close reading of 1Sam14:3,18-19 shows Saul asked
The years of any event for any listed single age can be found moving the ark but midsentence withdrew the order.
by adjusting the single variable, A, ark years from capture Nowhere in the days of Saul is it stated the ark moved. This
return, until the specified event age is achieved. concur 1Chr13:3 ... Bring again the ark for we inquired
Saul died when Esh-baal was 40; this is at age 60 or ark year not at it in the days of Saul. Also it specified where the ark
12. Samuel died 2 years prior at age 73. As Sam entered stayed since return from capture. That was the very same
priestly service at age 30, then yes 43 years of service was a place David fetched Moses Ark unto Jerusalem.
goodly term of service and he was old and full of years. Saul Please download the PDF, if interested in reading more on
became king about 2 years after Eli died. This was in Samuel this topic. Within the PDF are hyperlinks to over 50 bible
63 year and Saul 48th. This same year, a young David is 20 reference verses and others writings. Inclusion of those
and kills Goliath. references would have made the length of this writing to
exceed 7 pages.
Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
Life and times of Samuel and Saul
While I like to talk only of Samuel, the lives of these two are so intertwined it really not possible to mention Samuel without Saul.
The scripture does not directly mention the exact duration of either of their years. These details can only be hinted by looking at
references to other items.

Samuel is a great study in patience and the trials of perseverance many people face. Yet he comes thru without complaints nor
bitterness but endures to obtain a better resurrection and as a captain of faith. The book of Psalms recommends Samuel to be
emulated: "Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Samuel among them that call upon his name; they called upon the LORD,
and he answered them. Psalms 99:6"

First we find no mention of exactly when Sam began his work. But we know his mother offered him as a servant of God before

1Sam1:9&11So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a
post of the temple of the Lord. ... And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine
handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him
unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.
Once he reached suitable age she presented him to Eli to be in service at Shiloh. This was likely between Eli 30th and 50th year.
For Eli is mentioned as the high priest of the Tabernacle.

Eli we know served that position for 40Y, from ages 30 to 70 years. We also know that Samuel was not promoted to service as
Tabernacle high priest but rather the corrupt sons of Eli assumed that position.

The times of Samuel are defined from after death of Eli & Sons until the rebellion to have a king

so Samuel life ends shortly after anointing David and Saul. Imagine this d

Hints of the 40 years of "Saul and Samuel"

A better explanation for the length of Sauls reign is found in John Tullocks book, The Old Testament Story, 2nd ed. (Englewood
Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1981), p.123. Tullock wrote:
The length of Sauls reign is uncertain since a number is missing in the Hebrew text, which simply says, he reigned . . . and two
years (13:1). Most scholars would say he ruled about twenty-two years. If one takes the biblical evidence, twelve years might be
more logical. The ark was captured by the Philistines some time before Saul began to reign. According to 1 Samuel 7:2, it was
kept in Kiriath-jearim some twenty years. It was taken to Jerusalem in the early part of Davids reign (2 Sam. 6:1-15), but David
reigned for over seven years at Hebron before Jerusalem was captured (2 Sam. 5:5). If this twenty years is to be taken literally or
even as meaning around twenty years, it would seem to limit Sauls reign to no more than twelve

1Sam13:1 Saul reigned one year; and when he had reigned two years over Israel,
First we find a listing of Saul wife and early children at beginning of Saul kingship, just after his first victory as king: 'Now the sons
of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishui, and Melchi-shua: and the names of his two daughters were these ; the name of the firstborn
Merab, and the name of the younger Michal: And the name of Saul's wife was Ahinoam, ... 1Sam14:49-50

1Sam27:7 And the time that David dwelt in the country of the Philistines was a full year and four months.

1 Samuel 29:3 .. said unto the princes of the Philistines, Is not this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, which hath been
with me these days, or these years, ...

1Sam31:2,6 hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchi-shua, Saul's sons...
Saul died, and his 3 sons.. that same day together.

2Sam2:10-11 Ish-bosheth Saul's son was 40Yo when he began to reign over Israel, and reigned 2Y. But the house of Judah
followed David. And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was 7Y and 6 months. 2Sam4:8 And they
brought the head of Ish-bosheth unto David to Hebron, and said to the king, Behold the head of Ish-bosheth the son of Saul thine
enemy... (David 32Y as Esh-baal 42Yo)

1Chrn8:33 ... Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchi-shua, and Abinadab, and Esh-baal (Eshbaal = "a man of Baal, the fourth son of
Saul, also called Ishbosheth) 10:14 And enquired not of the Lord : therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the
son of Jesse.
Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
1Chrn13:3 And let us bring again the ark of our God to us, for we did not seek it during the days of Saul.

2Sam5:4-5 David was 30Yo when he began to reign, and he reigned 40Y. In Hebron he reigned over Judah 7 years and 6 months:
and in Jerusalem he reigned 33 years over all Israel and Judah.

Time of the Ark from Eli death unto move in David 38Y was 20Y7M or Eli about 120Y
1Sam6:1 And the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months.
1Sam7:2,13-15 And it came to pass, while the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim, that the
time was long; for it was twenty years: and all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord ... So the Philistines were subdued, .. the
hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel. And the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were
restored to Israel, ... And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites. And Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life.
1Sam14:3,18 And Ahiah, the son of Ahitub, I-chabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the Lord's priest in Shiloh,
wearing an ephod... And Saul said unto Ahiah, Bring hither the ark of God. For the ark of God was at that time with the children of
Israel. 1Sam14:19 And it came to pass, while Saul talked unto the priest, that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went
on and increased: and Saul said unto the priest, Withdraw thine hand.
2Sam6:3 And they set the ark of God upon a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah ( ):...
(To David in Jerusalem) 2Sam6:11 And the ark of the Lord continued in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite 3 months: and the
Lord blessed Obed-edom, and all his household.

1Chrn16:39 And Zadok the priest, and his brethren the priests, before the tabernacle of the Lord in the high place that was at
( )Gibeon ... 1Chrn21:29 For the tabernacle of the Lord, which Moses made in the wilderness, and the altar of the burnt
offering, were at that season in the high place at Gibeon. 2Chrn1:4 But the ark of God had David brought up from Kirjath-jearim to
the place which David had prepared for it: for he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem.

2Sam1:1 Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David
had abode two days in Ziklag; (10:) I took the crown that was upon his (Saul's) head, and the bracelet that was on his arm, and
have brought them hither

Ps109:8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office

Gibeah may be a variation of the Hebrew word meaning hill, other names include Gibeah of God ( ) Gibeah of
Benjamin ( ) for it is in the territory of Benjamin and Gibeah of Saul ( ) where the biblical King Saul lived.

H1391 ( )From the same as H1387; hilly;

{Gibon} a place in Palestine: - Gibeon.

1. Gibeon = "hill city" ( where Joshua sun moon stand still )

1. a Levitical city of Benjamin, modern 'el-Jib', which lies 5 miles or 8 km from Jerusalem

Jeiel is mentioned as the "father of Gibeon" and is an ancestor of Saul 1Chr

...the Saul son Kis out of tribe Benjamin years forty and deposing him He lifted to them the David into
king to whom also he witnesses .. (From Greek interlinear and strong's Greek words)

20Y ark less 7.5 = 13.5 ark years from death Eli unto David at Hebron when Saul die & Samuel die
about 2 year prior (for David was at Ziklag or in 11.5 year of Ark in David 28Y) So less 11.5 mean Ark
capture and Eli die in David 16.5 year. So David perhaps 18-20 when he fight Golaith.
Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
Sam 8:1-22 In his old age (he is now over eighty years old), Samuel appoints his sons Joel and Abijah to be Judges
at Beersheba. But they are dishonest men, so the people gather at Ramah and plead with Samuel for a strong king like all the
other nations (1 Samuel 8:5) (see also Deuteronomy 17:14).

Samuel reluctant at first as he recalls the brief (and disastrous) reign of Israels first king Abimelech at Shechem in c.1170BC to
c.1168BC (see Judges 9:1-6) - begins his search for a suitable leader.

1 Sam 9:1-13 In the Spring, around 1012BC, Saul an impressive looking forty-year-old - goes in search of his father's donkeys,
from Gibeah (in Benjamin) to Shalishah, Shaalim and Zuph (see 1 on Map 54).

Map 54 Saul's Journey to Kingship

1 Sam 9:14-10:1 At Ramah, Saul and his fathers servant consult Samuel about the missing donkeys. Samuel immediately
recognises the young man as Gods appointed leader, and anoints Saul as King of Israel (see 2 on Map 54).

1 Sam 10:2-8 Samuel tells Saul to go to Rachel's tomb at Zelzah near Bethlehem (see Genesis 35:19) where two men will tell
him that the donkeys have been found (see 3 on Map 54).

1 Sam 10:9 As Saul turns to leave, he becomes a new person as the Spirit of God comes upon him in power (see 4on Map 54).

The entrance to Rachel's Tomb ( )

1 Sam 10:10-16 When he arrives home at Gibeah, Saul begins prophesying as he joins a group of prophets singing and
dancing (see 5 on Map 54).

1 Sam 10:17-27 Samuel calls the people together and publicly proclaims Saul king at Mizpah (see 6 on Map 54).

Saul meaning asked for' (by the people) was probably the name given to Saul at his coronation (in the same way as Prince Albert
of Great Britain took the coronation name George to become King George VI in December 1936). The Bible doesn't state Saul's
earlier name, but he may be the Labayu (the Great Lion of God) mentioned in the Amarna letters written by the Philistines and
other allies to the Egyptian Pharoah Akenaten.

1 Sam 11:1-7 A month later, King Nahash of Ammon beseiges Jabesh Gilead (see 7 on Map 54).

1 Sam 11:8-11 Saul rallies the Israelite forces at Bezek and defeats the Ammonites at Jabesh (see 8 on Map 54).

1 Sam 11:12-15 Saul is confirmed as king at Gilgal (see 9 on Map 54, Joshua 4:19 & the feature on Gilgal).

1 Sam 12:1-25 Samuel reminds the Israelites how God has blessed them when they have followed his commandments, but has
allowed disaster to fall when they deserted him.

And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of
forty years.
Acts 13:21-22. Afterward they desired a king Being foolishly desirous of being like the neighbouring nations in that
respect, and insensible of the favour which God had done them in assuming the character and relation of a king to
them. And God gave them Saul Whose government, with that of Samuel the prophet, lasted for the space of forty
years So Beza, Grotius, Limborch, and many other eminent critics. And when he had removed him In his righteous
displeasure, from reigning over Israel; he raised up unto them David Hence they might understand that the
dispensations of God admitted of various changes; to whom he gave a more glorious testimony Than to Saul. See 1
Samuel 13:14
Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
Samuel by Ark Years

2Sam1:1 Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David
had abode two days in Ziklag; (10:) I took the crown that was upon his (Saul's) head, and the bracelet that was on his arm, and
have brought them hither

1 Samuel 31:2,6 hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchi-shua, Saul's
sons... Saul died, and his 3 sons.. that same day together.

2Sam2:10-11 Ish-bosheth Saul's son was 40Yo when he began to reign over Israel, and reigned 2Y. But the house of Judah
followed David. And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was 7Y and 6 months. 2Sam4:8 And they
brought the head of Ish-bosheth unto David to Hebron, and said to the king, Behold the head of Ish-bosheth the son of Saul thine
enemy... (David 32Y as Esh-baal 42Yo)

1Chrn8:33 ... Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchi-shua, and Abinadab, and Esh-baal (Eshbaal = "a man of Baal, the fourth son of
Saul, also called Ishbosheth) 10:14 And enquired not of the Lord : therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the
son of Jesse.

2Sam5:4-5 David was 30Yo when he began to reign, and he reigned 40Y. In Hebron he reigned over Judah 7 years and 6 months:
and in Jerusalem he reigned 33 years over all Israel and Judah.

1Sam15:33-35 And Samuel said, As thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women. And
Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal. Then Samuel went to Ramah; and Saul went up to his house to Gibeah of
Saul. And Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death: never the less Samuel mourned for Saul: and the Lord
repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.
1Sam25:1 Then Samuel died; and the Israelites gathered together and lamented for him, and buried him at his home in Ramah.
And David arose and went down to the Wilderness of Paran.

1Sam25:38-43 Then it happened, after about ten days, that the LORD struck Nabal, and he died. So when David heard that
Nabal was dead, ...And David sent and proposed to Abigail, to take her as his wife... and she followed the messengers of David,
and became his wife. David also took Ahinoam of Jezreel, and so both of them were his wives.

1Sam27:4 And it was told Saul that David had fled to Gath; so he sought him no more. 1Sam27:6-7 So Achish gave him Ziklag
that day. Therefore Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah to this day. Now the time that David dwelt in the country of the
Philistines was one full year and four months.

1Sam31:2,6 hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchi-shua, Saul's sons...
Saul died, and his 3 sons.. that same day together.

2Sam2:10-11 Ish-bosheth Saul's son was 40Yo when he began to reign over Israel, and reigned 2Y. But the house of Judah
followed David. And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was 7Y and 6 months. 2Sam4:8 And they
brought the head of Ish-bosheth unto David to Hebron, and said to the king, Behold the head of Ish-bosheth the son of Saul thine
enemy... (David 32Y as Esh-baal 42Yo)

1Chrn8:33 ... Saul begat Jonathan, and Malchi-shua, and Abinadab, and Esh-baal (Eshbaal = "a man of Baal, the fourth son of
Saul, also called Ishbosheth) 10:14 And enquired not of the Lord : therefore he slew him, and turned the kingdom unto David the
son of Jesse.

A more definite corroboration of St. Pauls statement is given by Josephus (Ant. vi.14, 9), who states that he reigned eighteen
years before Samuels death and twenty-two after it. Bible hub, also Benson commentary on 13:21-22 see just a combined 40Y
And God gave them Saul Whose government, with that of Samuel the prophet, lasted for the space of forty years So
Beza, Grotius, Limborch, and many other eminent critics. And when he had removed him In his righteous displeasure,
from reigning over Israel; he raised up unto them David Hence they might understand that the dispensations of God
admitted of various changes; to whom he gave a more glorious testimony Than to Saul. See 1 Samuel 13:14

1. (1st Sam. 13:1314)

2. Claimed contradiction: Did Shaul reign as king two, 20 or 40 years (Acts 13:2122)?
First century historian Josephus records in two places that Shaul reigned for 20 and 40 years

(Antiquities of the Jews 6:14:9, 10:8:4).

As is common in rabbinical literature of the time, periods were rounded off to spiritually
Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
significant timeframes, such as 40.

Perhaps, this 40-year period involving Shaul includes the period of decline in respectability in the

leadership of prophet and judge Shmuel.

The true explanation of Paul's remark in Acts 13:21 seems to be, that towards the end of Samuel's career God gave them Saul,
and that Samuel and Saul's joint administration endured "by the space of forty years" - another "round number," like the four
hundred and fifty. Josephus says that Saul reigned 20 years - 18 years contemporary with Samuel, and two years after his death
(Ant. 6: 5, and 14: 9). Also that Samuel "governed and presided over the people alone, after the death of Eli the High Priest, 12
years" (ibid.). This makes 32 years from the death of Eli to the death of Saul (Ant. 6:1). Whiston's Josephus, by interpotating in
brackets ["and twenty"] in Ant. 6:14, 9, to make Saul's reign up to 40 years, to square with the popular misunderstanding of Acts
13:21, at once upsets the Bible history and Josephus' paraphrase thereof.

It is quite evident, as Dr. Thomas argues, that a reign of 40 years is impossible for Saul; but, on the other hand, to assign to him a
reign of less than seven would seem to be an error in the other direction. It may be remarked here that in the difficult passage: 1
Sam. 13:1, the R.V. points in the margin to a certain rescension of the Septuagint which reads: "Saul was thirty years old when he
began to reign." He reigned two years and committed a trespass which caused him the loss of the kingdom. But he afterwards
reigned long enough to subdue all his enemies round about. "Saul took the kingdom over Israel, and fought against all his enemies
on every side, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the Kings of Zobah, and against
the Philistines, and whithersoever he turned himself he vexed them. And he gathered an host and smote the Amalekites, and
delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them" (I Sam. 14:47). A period of less than five years would seem to be
inadequate for all this. Further, Islibosheth, Saul's son, was 40 years old at Saul's death (2 Sam. 2:10); and Jonathan's little son
was five years old at the same time (2 Sam. 4:4), which better accords with the longer reign of Saul. Josephus is manifestly
somewhere near the truth, even if he be not actually correct.

From this Samuel died 1Y 4or6m before Saul died. At Saul death, Ish-bosheth (Ishbosheth, Eshbaal) son of Saul was 40 and
David was 30. In David 38Y the Ark was moved from Gibeah to Jerusalem.
Time of the Ark from Eli death unto move in David 38Y was 20Y7M or Eli about 119Y
1Sam6:1 And the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months.
1Sam7:2,13-15 And it came to pass, while the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim, that the
time was long; for it was 20Y
David become king in ark's 12Y at Kirjath-jearim or 12Y after Eli death at 98 or in 110Y of Eli. Samuel die 2 Yr before Saul, based
on David time at Ziklag, this being in David 28Y, in Ark 10Y at Gibeath, from this Saul reign was only 10Y.
Samuel at 5Yo came to service of tabernacle in Eli 40Y. In round years, Samuel die in Eli 110Y, so Samuel was 75Yo. Since Saul
youngest son was 40Yo at death of Saul but must be under 20Yo at time of Saul Ascent as he not follow Saul to war. Perhaps
Saul was 20Yo to have his youngest, Saul die in his 50Y, Saul Ascend Throne in Eli 100Y at age 40.
-50 Years Is 1 Jubilee O. P. Armstrong, Oct 2014 rev1

500 Years of Sin & Punish by Counts & Prophecy

This discussion posits that Jubilee is counted number Description column
in 50 year increments. Then the number of 70.0 years Captivity by Jeremiah a
mans days shall be 120 Jubilee or 50 365.2425 days/1year b
25567.0 Sabbath days c=a*b
x120=6000 years. The 2 witness are the count
7.0 Calendar Day/1Sabbath d
of Sabbath Years by Jeremiah and the count 178968.8 Total Calendar Days e=d*c
of Sin and Punishment years by Prophecy. 365.2425 days/1year f=b
Both cover the same time frame. This time 490.0 70 calendar Years of Sabbath g=e/f
starts after Temple dedication when Israel 49.0 Years unto 1 Jubilee h=7x7
and Judah left off following Torah. It ends 10.0 Jubilee Year's/490CalendarYear i=g/h
with the return decree at end of sin and
number 10 Jubilee by Counting column
punishment, 500 years.
490.0 70 calendar Years of Sabbath g
As seen in this table, the 10 Jubilee only
10.0 Jubilee Year's/490 Calendar Year i
matches the 500 prophetic years by adding
500.0 Sum: Sin start to Punish End j=g+i
in 10 years of Jubilee to 70 years of Sabbaths.
Simply stated 10 Jubilee are 500 years or 50 number 10 Jubilee by Prophecy column
years per Jubilee, as per Moses. 70.0 Jeremiah Punish Years k
Background of Jubilee or Return 40.0 Ezekiel Sin Years of Judah l
Moses prescribed, Lev25, the Jubilee to be the 390.0 Ezekiel Sin Years of Israel m
50th year counted by marking off 7 Sabbath years.
500.0 Sum: Sin start to Punish End n=sum
Seven Sabbaths, the 49th year, was to be followed
by the 50th year of return. Return can also be
taken to mean starting over. Just as the business cycle was to start over, it only follows that the
religious cycle of counts would start over also, after the 50th or Jubilee year.
In rapid succession, Moses further prophesied the Sabbath and Jubilee cycles would likely not be
instituted. For He says in the following chapter Lev26:34-35; Then the land shall enjoy its
Sabbaths, all the days of the desolation. And you shall be in the land of your enemies; then the
land shall enjoy rest, and shall enjoy its Sabbaths. It shall rest all the days of the desolation that it
has not rested in your Sabbaths while you lived on it.
This prophecy was noted as being fulfilled in the 1st 70 year exile: 2Ch 36:21 And so what the
LORD had foretold through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: "The land will lie desolate for
seventy years, to make up for the Sabbath rest that has not been observed.
This forms a basis for the calculation in the above Table. By determining how many years it will
take to make 70 years of Sabbath rest until return at a rate of 1 Sabbath per 7 years. As both
time frames need be equal, there are also the Jubilee rest years at a ratio of 1 in 49. The result is
500 total years when the 10 jubilee rest years are added to the 490 years of ignored Sabbaths.
Alternative Count Method: Another way to see the 10 Jubilee in the 70 year punishment is by
Sabbath Years. For there were prescribed seven Sabbath years for each Jubilee. So 70 Sabbath
years per 1 sin and punishment cycle divided by seven Sabbath years per 1 Jubilee gives ten
(70/7) Jubilee per 1 sin and punishment cycle of 500 years. That then returns to a count of 50
years (500/10) per one Jubilee cycle, as per Moses.

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-50 Years Is 1 Jubilee O. P. Armstrong, Oct 2014 rev1

Jubilees from Temple Dedication

This is a review of Jubilee count
methods of 49 years verses 50 years.
From time of Exodus unto the Temple
dedication is 488.5 years. The count
from dedication year is selected
because that is when the Jubilee Year is considered to have happened. Jubilee Count 50 VS. 49Yr
By starting a count backward by Jubilee count sequence of either 49
years or 50 years and adding in the residual unto Exodus, the sum must 47.5 39.5 488.5
be 488.5 years. This is shown in Table to the right. 49.0 50 Jubilee 1
In the 49 Year count column, it is seen that the start year for Jubilee 49.0 50 Jubilee 2
would have been 47.5 years after the Exodus. Thus the count would 49.0 50 Jubilee 3
have started 7.5 year after Joshua crossed Jordan. That is 47.5 less the 49.0 50 Jubilee 4
40 years from Exodus unto 1st Passover in Promised Land. This is not 49.0 50 Jubilee 5
plausible. The approximate 7.5 year conquest can be determined from
49.0 50 Jubilee 6
Josh14:6-15. Caleb at age 85 claims Hebron 45 years after being sent
as a spy at age 40. The incident at Kadesh was in year 2, (40-38). The 49.0 50 Jubilee 7
five years are: 45 less 40 years of wandering. This accounts for 7 years. 49.0 50 Jubilee 8
st th
The half year is 6 month from Exodus in 1 month unto dedication in 7 49.0 49 Jubilee 9
month. 488.5 488.5 sum
The first conquest was completed under Moses on the east side of
Jordan and before the Jordan crossing. The eastern conquest under Moses must have
consumed some time. Moses charges Rueben, Gad, and Manasseh to go over leaving their
homes, children & chattel east of Jordan. This total conquest time may be 10 years, as the 450
years less 400 years less 40 years wandering could be a 10 year total conquest time.
As surely as Moses imparted the east Jordan tribes their inheritance, the Levites among them
instituted the Sabbath Year count. This count started after Aarons death and before Moses death
on the east of Jordan. Any count proposal should start prior to end of 40 years as it was before
that end the conquest and plantings started.
The tie break to this enigma lies with the count that 10 Jubilee is 500 years. Another is 38 years
from Paran, Deut2:14, and add about 1.5 years from Exodus to depart Kadesh of Paran. This
comes to about 39.5 years as when the east tribes established the Jubilee Count?
This is substantiated by following the Exodus story from the 1st Passover in Egypt unto the 1st
Passover in Canaan under Joshua. Counting backward from Temple Dedication year will date the
institution of the Jubilee Count. Each Full Jubilee is 50 years and unto the start of the last Jubilee
is 49 year. Making these counts in the below Tables gives the start date. That date was
determined to be Julian Day number, 1201589.5 which corresponds to 1424BC Sep27
Gregorian. This writer follows the convention that Gregorian Year and weekday are same as
those of the Julian calendar.
Count of Sabbath Years starts in Autumn after
1201589.5 1424Sep27 Sat-C Tish10 Lev 25:9
Moses conquest
Another consideration that Jubilee Count follows a 50 year cycle is to harmonize the 1,000 year
count with Jubilee cycles.. Using the 50 year cycle also make a Lords Day of one thousand years
be 20 Jubilee. By the 50 Year cycle there are 120 profane Jubilee to man and 20 Holy Sabbath
Jubilee from Adams fall unto the full restoration when Sin is eternally dammed to hell fire. This
total count is 2 times 70 Jubilee time 50 year/J or 7 Lords days of 1000 years each.

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-50 Years Is 1 Jubilee O. P. Armstrong, Oct 2014 rev1

Summary Table of Exodus unto 1st Passover in Canaan (From Moses unto Joshua) with Eastern Conquest
JulianDy Greg.BC Dow Heb Ref1 Ref.v Summary
1187153.5 1463Mar20 Thur Niss15 Num 33.3 Depart Pi-Ramses 1st day After Passover
1187155.5 1463Mar22 Sat Niss17 Exod 13.20 Sabbath. Rest Succoth
1187159.5 1463Mar26 Wed Niss21 Exod 12.18 Unleavened Bread Feast & Rest Etham Nu33.6
1187162.5 1463Mar29 Sat Niss24 Num 33.7 Sabbath rest & Pitch Migdol
1187164.5 1463Mar31 Mon Niss26 Num 33.8 Horse & Rider into sea Israel Baptize in Sea Crossing
1187169.5 1463Apr05 Sat Lyyar01 Num 33.8 Sabbath Rest Marah
1187172.5 1463Apr08 Tues Lyyar04 Num 33.9 Water Rest Elim Ex15.27
1187176.5 1463Apr12 Sat Lyyar08 Num 33.10 Sabbath rest Red Sea pitch
1187183.5 1463Apr19 Sat Lyyar15 Exod 16:12 Pitch or camp at Wilderness of Sin Ex16:1
1187189.5 1463Apr25 Fri Lyyar21 Exod 16:5-12 1st Sabbath when collect double manna rest portion
1187212.5 1463May18 Sun Sivan15 Exod 19:1-2 Arrive at Mt Sinai
1187215.5 1463May21 Wed Sivan18 Exod 19:11 God upon Mt Sinai
1187522.5 1462Mar24 Tues Niss01 Exod 40.17 1st mo 1st day 2nd YR Tabernacle reared up
Passover in Sinai wilderness on 14th day, 1st mo, 2nd
1187535.5 1462Apr06 Mon niss14 Num 9:1
Yr after Egypt Passover at Ramses
1st day 2nd mo 2nd YR after Egypt in Sinai & count
1187552.5 1462Apr23 Thur Lyyar01 Num 1:1
age 20+year of male census
20th Day 2nd Mo 2nd Yr Cloud moved out Sinai unto
1187571.5 1462May12 Tues Lyyar20 Num 10:11
1187608.5 1462june18 Thur Sivan28 Num 13:1, 25 from Kadesh, Paran desert to espy the land 40 days
40 yr wilderness wander 1year/1day until consume
1187648.5 1462july28 Tues Av09 Num 14:34
evil generation of doubters
1201521.5 1424Jly21 Mon Av01 Num 33:38 Aaron died on Horeb 40th Yr after Egypt 1st d 5th mo.
1201551.5 1424Aug20 Wed Elul01 Num 20:29 End mourning death of Aaron after 30 days
1201552.5 1424Aug21 Thur Elul02 Deut 2:14 Begin Eastern Conquest by Crossing brook Zered
Count of Sabbath Years calculated to start in Autumn
1201589.5 1424Sep27 Sat-C Tish10 Lev 25:9
after Moses conquest
1st day 11th mo 40th yr + Egypt after slay kings E o
1201698.5 1423Jan14 Wed Shev01 Deut 1:3
River Jordan law read
1201734.5 1423Feb19 Thur Adar07 Deut 34:7 Moses 120 years old birthday at death
1201764.5 1423Mar21 Sat Niss08 Deut 34:8 End 30 days mourning Moses Death
1201766.5 1423Mar23 Mon Niss10 Josh 4:19 Cross Jordan to Gilgal in Canaan
1201772.5 1423Mar29 Sun Niss16 Josh 5:10-12 Start Year 41 after Exodus at Gilgal, manna stop

Determination of Jubilee Start Year based on Solomon Temple Anointing & Dedication Year (50Y Jubilee Cycle)
Julian Dy# Date BCg Day Heb Comment
1365571.5 975Sept16 Sat-A Tish10 Solomon Temple Dedicate at Start of 9th Jubilee Year from Exodus
163993.9 =(8*50+49)*365.2425 1 Jubilee=50Yr & to find start of next use 49: 1*365.24 is last day of 1st year
1201577.6 1424Sep15 Mon-B Elul27 Julian Day A less # of JD's for Jubilee count is approx. calculated Hebrew Day
1201589.5 1424Sep27 Sat-C Tish10 Initial Count of Sabbath Years starts in Autumn after Moses conquest

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-50 Years Is 1 Jubilee O. P. Armstrong, Oct 2014 rev1

The marker of Moses and Aaron years is checked in the following Table. It was thought that
Moses birthday
and age is given Moses Birthday Marker in Exodus Account by Julian Day Numbers & Days/Year
in the Exodus Julian Day Greg.Date DOW Heb Dy Ref Ref Note
account as a 1201734.5 1423Feb19 Thur Adar07 Deut 34:7 Moses 120 years old birthday at death
marker to
14609.7 40 years of Days at 365.2425Dy/Yr
confirm this
chronology. This 1187124.8 1463Feb19 Wed Adar15 Julian Day Moses 80th Birthday
is used to 1187116.5 1463Feb11 Tues Adar07 Deut 34:7 Hebrew day Moses 40th Birthday
construct the 1187152.5 1463Mar19 Wed Niss14 Exod 7:7 Moses 80 & Aaron 83 Yrs@ speak to Pharaoh
Table. The age 1187153.5 1463Mar20 Thur Niss15 Num 33.3 Depart Pi-Ramses 1st After Passover
of Moses and his 14618.0 365.45 Days per year by calculated Hebrew Calendar
birthday age
given in scripture as being 120 years at his death on 7-Adar. Scripture also gives age of Moses
when he spoke with Pharaoh as 80. The difference in these years is 40, 120 less 80. Converting
the 40 years by Gregorian calendar days per year of 365.2425 and subtracting them from the
Julian day number of Moses 120 birthday should give the date of Moses 80 th birthday. The
calendar program result by this Julian day number is Adar 15, 1463BC or Feb19, 1463BC
proleptic Gregorian. This is only 8 days different from Adar 7, 1463BC, Gregorian. Moses last
spoke to Pharaoh on Passover of 1463 or March 19, 1463BC proleptic Gregorian. So Moses was
indeed 80 years old when he last talked with Pharaoh. If we count these Julian days from Adar07
1463BC.g unto 1423BC.g and divide by the 40 year difference, the days per year comes to

Determination of Jubilee Count unto Year (50Y Jubilee Cycle) of our Lord's Kingdom start @ Baptism
Julian Dy# Date BCg Day Heb Comment
529236.4 =(28*50+49)*365.2425 add to Sat-C After Jesus Baptism he declared the Year of Liberty Luke 4
Luke 16:16 the Law & Prophets were unto John since then the
1730825.9 ad26Sept27 Sun Tish28

As seen by the above Table there was 29 Jubilee unto Jesus Baptism by using the 50 year count
system. Saint John the Baptist clearly stated, Behold, the time is at hand repent!

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-Star Gate 2024 Jerusalem O. P. Armstrong, June 2014

It is posited that a star-gate will be established
close to city Jerusalem near year 2024AD. The
portal for this star gate will likely be Ezekiels
Temple. The refurbished and expanded city of
Jerusalem in Israel will be capital of the world in
every aspect. This dimensional portal was seen by
Jacob when he dreamed of a stairway to heaven
with angels ascending and descending. In the
physical aspect, every nation that fails or fakes
annual homage to this star-gate in Israel shall suffer
depravation. The Lord Jesus will rule the nations
with a Rod of Iron from His Temple at Jerusalem.
Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves
to their windows?.

Along with this stargate shall be a complete makeover of planet earth. Every mountain
shall be made low, every valley lifted up, every island shall flee away and neither shall
there be any more ocean. Under the Christs rule total peace and harmony will be
established. The lion shall lay with the lamb and every man shall sit under his vine.

Physics of New Jerusalem

The vision of St. John the Divine foresaw a New Heaven and New Jerusalem as a cube
of about 1500 miles each side. This some think will physically manifest in the millennium.
I think it shall be manifest afterward. The streets of this massive city are made of gold.
Assuming an average density of New Jerusalem equal to water density, the effect of
moon gravity alone would create forces greater than the current tidal forces. Another
set of wind forces would also act upon such a massive structure. Transmittal of these
force moments to a building foundation would result in catastrophic earth quakes.
Another factor of such a massive stir-rod upon wind patterns would be to induce vortex
across all the earth. None of these effects would be conducive to normal life. Then is
the matter of a massive sundial casting a shadow over a very large earth area. The only
physical solution is a geo-synchronous orbit of this massive structure. Again another
problem would arise from gravity interaction of such a massive satellite upon earth and
moon rotational patterns. Thus the only solution is a Jacobs Ladder stargate unto a
heavenly dimension where Christ already sits at the right hand of God the Father.

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-Star Gate 2024 Jerusalem O. P. Armstrong, June 2014

Thinking of the Heavenly Jerusalem in physical terms may not even be the correct
consideration. Most assuredly the inhabitants will be clothed in spirit bodies, not
earthly bodies. Jesus said God is spirit in heaven they neither marry nor are given in
marriage, Paul said, that sown corruptible is raised in corruptible for the glory of flesh
and spirit are not same substance. The angels to whom Abraham offered food, ate only
by fire, not by mouth.

The earth is his foot stool and Jerusalem the city of the Great King. The temple of
Ezekiel could thus serve as the base of Jacobs ladder unto refurbished Jerusalem. This
stargate is scheduled for opening in year 2024, at the end of the tribulation period.

Destruction of the Tribulation

The seven sacred years prior to SG2024 opening will see unprecedented destruction
upon earth, much like the seven lean years of Joseph. The final destruction visited upon
Israel will be of great intensity (matt23.31-39 & 5.35, Is 1.21-31 & 4.4, ). So large that the
first Seven years of millennial time will be consumed in just cleaning the land of the
bodies and war materials sent against Jerusalem. This destruction will be so intense
that a new makeover of Jerusalem will be required. Likely as result of this makeover
and establishment of the heavenly seat, the underworld will be directly under Jesus
feet at Jerusalem. Sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy foot stool.
That in location of old physical Jerusalem will be a haunt for every loathsome creature.
After all, there are two Jerusalem spoken of: the above and the earthly. Jerusalem
called no longer forsaken but beloved when purged of the bloody past.

Wars of the Tribulation

A number of wars are mentioned in tribulation time, 2017-2024A.D. They start will the
seal opening when peace shall depart and men seek to destroy one another by sword.
Surely those living by sword shall perish by sword. These several swords are drying of
Euphrates for kings of east spirit of frogs released at mouth of Euphrates to draw men
unto war and lastly the tribulation portion of Gog Magog upon Jerusalem. Both
instances of Gog Magog shall be ended by Messiah slaying of these transgressors. The
last tribulation war shall be very intense. So that for the first seven years of the
millennium will be spent cleaning Israel of war booty.

The Tell All summary

1. Happy and holy is he who is having part in the first rising again; over these the
second death has not authority, but they shall be priests of God and of the Christ,
and shall reign with him a thousand years. (if you are alive now, then make it a

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point to be appointed a palace in the Heavenly city with star gate 2024 access.
Jesus explained in my fathers house are many mansions, He is working on your
palace now whether you accept the invite or not)
2. And when the thousand years may be finished, the Adversary shall be loosed out
of his prison, and he shall go forth to lead the nations astray, that are in the four
corners of the earth--Gog and Magog--to gather them together to war, of whom
the number is as the sand of the sea; (the population prosperity on earth shall
explode under the heavenly administration of the peaceful millennial reign)
3. and they did go up over the breadth of the land, and did surround the camp of
the saints, (The word camp depicts a temporal rest place. That temporary resting
place is the base of Jacobs ladder in the cleansed city of Jerusalem. From this
stop off place, shall the righteous kings and priests or administrators go to and
fro to assist rebuild earth during the millennial reign)
4. and the beloved city, (The city Jerusalem, described by Is1.21 as a harlot, once
cleansed of evil workers becomes Gods beloved city during the millennium
5. and there came down fire from God out of the heaven, and devoured them. And
the Devil, who is leading them astray, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,
where are the beast and the false prophet, and they shall be tormented day and
night--to the ages of the ages. Rev.20:6-10 (Two Destruction are visited upon Gog
Magog. There is one judgment of Gog Magog and the devil at start of the
millennium. There is a second permanent judgment of the devil and Gog Magog
after the 1000 year reign. The head of this unholy confederation is Apollyon and
they follow their leader unto eternal destruction in the presence of the Lord.)

Examples of Spirit Transport

Some bible examples of physical transport by the Spirit are:
1. Life of Elijah: And now you say, Go, tell your master, Elijah is here ! And it shall
come to pass, as soon as I am gone from you, that the Spirit of the LORD will
carry you to a place I do not know; so when I go and tell Ahab, and he cannot find
you, he will kill me. But I your servant have feared the LORD from my youth.
1kgs18:11-13 & 2kgs.2:16 Then they said to him, Look now, there are fifty strong
men with your servants. Please let them go and search for your master, lest
perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up and cast him upon some
mountain or into some valley. And he said, You shall not send anyone.
2. Stephen to Eunuch: And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water,
and he baptized him. Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the
Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his

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way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached
in all the cities till he came to Caesarea. Acts8:38-40
3. Jesus in Boat: Then they willingly received Him into the boat, and immediately the
boat was at the land where they were going. On the following day, when the
people who were standing on the other side of the sea saw that there was no
other boat there, except that one which His disciples had entered, and that Jesus
had not entered the boat with His disciples, but His disciples had gone away alone
4. Jesus at Cliff: So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were
filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to
the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down
over the cliff. Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way.
5. Jesus with temple rulers: Therefore they sought again to seize Him, but He
escaped out of their hand. And He went away again beyond the Jordan...
6. Jonah in Whale: Jonah was listed as being three days in the belly of the fish. The
fish took him somewhere off coast of Joppa Israel in Mediterranean sea and 3
days later, dropped him some few hundred miles up the Euphrates river at
Nineveh. The closest sea route would be around Africa. A physically impossible 3
day sea trip, even for best of ships today.
7. Paul Speaking of his Life: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago-whether
in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows-
such a one was caught up to the third heaven. 2Corinthians 12:2

Comparison of Jerusalem to Humanity

Some ignore the depravity of humanity or consider fallen Jerusalem above humanity. In
truth the saying rings out like a bell at midnight, we have turned each to our own way
and none seeks His council. Even within Solomons lifetime, did the cankerworm of
idolatry set to work in the infant city of Jerusalem. Five short years after Solomons
death and after dedication by Shekina Glory in Jerusalem, was the city sacked and the
temple ornaments carted off to Egypt. No surer confirmation of apostasy could be
made than this judgment. No truer foreshadow could be issued upon the citys future
than this fast judgment. For in the following 3,000 years this scene has repeated itself
on a predictable basis. Yet for all this, Jerusalem remains the city of The Great King. So
also with man and humanity, for shortly after Eves creation was the fall and promise of
redemption. That man in the likeness of God is where will be the dwelling of The Great
King. So also with the Church have been a predictable past of honor and decay of
renewal and falling away. So with redeemed man the cycle of fire and ice is predictable.
But of those you have given me have none been lost except Judas and he that comes
to me will I in nowise cast out To Peter were the words of assurance, Satan hath

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desired to shift thee as wheat but I have prayed that your faith fail not. Know that He
ever lives to make intercession until that day when the tempter is assigned his final rest
never to shift people again.

The Warning of Shiloh

The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until
Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be
Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?
Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD. But go you now unto my place which was in
Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of
my people Israel. And now, because ye have done all these works, saith the LORD, and
I spake unto you, rising up early and speaking, but ye heard not; and I called you, but ye
answered not; Therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by my name, wherein
ye trust, and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to
Shiloh. And I will cast you out of my sight, as I have cast out all your brethren, even the
whole seed of Ephraim. Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor
prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. See you not
what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather
wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women kneel their dough, to make cakes
to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may
provoke me to anger. Do they provoke me to anger? says the LORD: do they not
provoke themselves to the confusion of their own faces? Therefore thus saith the Lord
GOD; Behold, mine anger and my fury shall be poured out upon this place, upon man,
and upon beast, and upon the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; and it
shall burn, and shall not be quenched. Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel;
Put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices, and eat flesh. For I spake not unto your
fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt,
concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices: But this thing commanded I them, saying, Obey
my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people: and walk ye in all the ways
that I have commanded you, that it may be well unto you. But they hearkened not, nor
inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart,
and went backward, and not forward. Since the day that your fathers came forth out of
the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets,
daily rising up early and sending them: Yet they hearkened not unto me, nor inclined
their ear, but hardened their neck: they did worse than their fathers. Therefore thou
shalt speak all these words unto them; but they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also
call unto them; but they will not answer thee. But thou shalt say unto them, This is a
nation that obeys not the voice of the LORD their God, nor receives correction: truth is

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perished, and is cut off from their mouth. Cut off your hair, O Jerusalem, and cast it
away, and take up a lamentation on high places; for the LORD hath rejected and
forsaken the generation of his wrath. For the children of Judah have done evil in my
sight, saith the LORD: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by
my name, to pollute it. And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the
valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I
commanded them not, neither came it into my heart. Therefore, behold, the days
come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son
of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter: for they shall bury in Tophet, till there be no
place. And the carcasses of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven and
for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away. Then will I cause to cease
from the cities of Judah, and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth, and the
voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride: for the land
shall be desolate.

Date Selection
The date selection of 2024 was arrived at by means of The Balfour Century
bible chronology method. This method is briefly explained in the following
two charts. An expanded explanation may be found in other writings
available online at no cost but for that of internet access fee.

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-Star Gate 2024 Jerusalem O. P. Armstrong, June 2014

The following table is a hyperlinked list of references to the organization of Ezekiels millennial
temple. This was created as a cross check. The result was that some references were incorrectly
reproduced in Larkins graphic. This the reader may verify himself in fast succession by a simple click
when reading with internet connection..

Pattern of Ezekiel Temple and Land Division

Reference Points for Concept of the Millennial City, Temple, & Star Gate 2024 See Fig1 & Fig2
Sanctuary Mt.
Sanctuary Shiloh Jacob
Sanctuary & Holy River 2 Rivers Olivet Highway
& City Restored Ladder
Item Portion Split
Ezek 47:6- Gen28.10-
Ezek Ezek 48:8- Zech. 14:4-5 Gen49.10
Ref Ezek 45:1-7 12&Rev22.1- Is35.8-10 15 &
44:11-16 10, 48:21 14:8 Acts1.11- Jer.7
3 Jn1.51

Healing Glory City City City Prince

Oblation City 12 Gates
Item Trees Returns Profane Suburbs Farm Portion
Ezek 45:7 Ezek 43:1- Ezek 44:11- 34
Ref Ezek 47:12 Ezek48.15 Ezek48.17 Ezek48.18 8&
&48.20 9 & 48:35 16 Rev21:12-
. Go page 1

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-Star Gate 2024 Jerusalem O. P. Armstrong, June 2014

Figure1MillenniumJerusalem For Reference See Table 1 & Table 2 . Go page 1

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-Star Gate 2024 Jerusalem O. P. Armstrong, June 2014

Figure2MillenniumIsrael For Reference See Table 1 & Table 2 . Go page 1

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. Go page 1
T2 Reference Points Summary for Millennium City Figs 1&2
Item Ref NS mile
reed reed mile
Ezk48.8 25000 25000 49.7 49.7
Ezk44.1 12500 12500 24.9 24.9
Oblation N Ezk48.9 25000 10000 49.7 19.9
Priest's Ezk48.10 25000 10000 49.7 19.9
SW City Ezk48.18/15 10000 5000 19.9 9.9
SE City Ezk48.18/15 10000 5000 19.9 9.9
Ezk48.16 4500 4500 8.9 8.9
S ctr City
Suburbs x2 Ezk48.17 250 250 0.5 0.5
S ctr City
Suburbs x2 Ezk48.17 250 250 0.5 0.5
Shiloh map N by E 18.0
Shechem map N 29.0
Ezk river Ezk47.1-12 From house unto desert & salt sea
Zech river Zech.14:8 Half to east & west unto both sea

Ezekiel Temple

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. Go page 1

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-Star Gate 2024 Jerusalem O. P. Armstrong, June 2014

Jesus said, destroy this temple and in three days I shall raise it anew. The temple was the Christ himself. The
anointing at baptism in river Jordan marked the Kingdom era. The only recorded miracle performed before Christ
anointing was the miraculous conception. The work of messiah began only after baptism by water and Spirit. The
warning was: Be ready against that day, For on that day shall the Lord come down in the sight of all the people upon the top of the mountain?

Zoom to see better

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relocated glory depiction

likely incorrect sketch, not centered, lifted

up topography correct idealization

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The Forth Generation Through Exodus: by O. P. Armstrong, June 2013

This is a brief to clarify an ambiguity presented previously under title; The Balfour
Century, (TBC), July 2012. In that title it was implied that four generations could be
equated to either 400 or 430 years. Addition study, since then, indicates the four
generations of Genesis 15 can only apply to the mentioned 400 year time span, or
100 years per generation. A recap of TBC is given in Appendix 1, below.
The 430 year time span, of Exodus 12, marks a retro time from the Exodus
backwards to, that very day. The 400 year time span starts with Abrahams
children (possibly after his death). It then ends after the descendents are no longer
travelers in a land that is not their own. This return is marked by Israel having
possession of Canaan. Such is consistent with the Judgment/Redemption
generation time span being 100 years, as indicated by the story of Noah.
Footnote 2 of TBC stated; The 400 year or 435 years is taken not of necessity of
total time in Egypt. The equating of 400 years to 4 generations is specifically
provided in the same bible passage. This equating is consistent with most other
reviews of Genesis, chapter 15, which place the four generations running co-
currently with the 400 year time span.
The TBC method of date numeration is thusly accomplished:
Seven Days, of 1000 years each, account for Determined Time of The Creators
dealings with fallen mankind. These days are numbered as: two (2) days of
darkness or promise, two days of old covenant time or confirmation, two days of
new covenant or Kingdom time, and one (1) day of rest or dominion time.
Demarcation of TBC time uses a start point of Jesus Baptism by John in river
Jordon at Jesus age of about 30 years. TBC takes the year of this event at 27AD
for a birth year of 4BC. The Law and Prophets were until John, since that time, the
Kingdom of God is preached. The year 27 AD corresponds, by some accounts, to
the 70 weeks of determined time, as given by Daniel, see Appendix 2.
Two thousand years prior to Johns Baptism is the start of the old covenant given
to Abraham when he was age 75. Two thousand years prior to Gen12:4, marks the
beginning of darkness when man fell from grace and a promise of redemption
given. Three thousand years after Johns Baptism of Jesus, marks the end of Sin
when the devil is eternally bound and time ends.
There is a simple way to see why the four hundred years and four generations of
Genesis 15 cannot be the same time span as 430 years to that very day. The 400
years must end with return into Canaan in the 4th generation, see appendix 5. This
return to Canaan is more than 40 years after the Exodus. The 430 years looks
backward from the day of Exodus. These arrangements are diagramed in the 3
charts of Appendix 3. Selection of Exodus year is arbitrary for the diagrams of
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The Forth Generation Through Exodus: by O. P. Armstrong, June 2013

appendix 3. The starting date for these charts may be changed to fit any
reasonable sequence. The Balfour Century epochs are fixed to Jesus Baptism by
John. The baptism event is viewed to start a 2000 year epoch of the new covenant.
The baptism of Christ also marks the end of 2000 years of old covenant. The 2000
years of old covenant is separated from 2,000 years of Darkness Time with the
calling of Abraham at age 75, which allows dating of Israels entry into Egypt.
Table 1
Results for Possible Exodus Date & 1st Temple Completion date based on
Alternatives for 430 year start date and year of Jesus Birth by TBC Timeline

The time from Abes 75th year unto Israels entry into Egypt is established by
scripture. The Genesis account tells of: 1) Abrahams covenant calling at age 75
and death at age 175; 2) Abe at age 100 sired Isaac who died age 180 and; 3)
Isaac sired Jacob at age 60, Jacob enters Egypt at age 130 in 9th year after Joseph
appointment as Grand Master at age 30, & Jacob died age 147. When Jacob
arrived in Egypt, he was accompanied by 70 people including Levi and Kohath.
Isaac is not listed as entering Egypt. These are the fixed criteria given by Moses.
Appendix 4 shows how Israels year of entry into Egypt corresponds to the Exodus
year using the TBC method of Epochs. The results for the most likely parameters
are tabulated in Table 1, above, as extracted from Appendix 6.

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The use of I-Kings 6 criteria for Solomons Temple completion, 487 years after
Exodus, allows a cross check for the calculated year of Exodus. References to
dating Solomons Temple are provided in Appendix 9. Babylonian history can date
the approximate year of the Temple destruction. Destruction matches well with
others review of Solomons temple era around 972BC.
Summary of Findings (See also Index):
The 400 year time span, encompassing 4 generations, was shown by the diagrams
of Appendix 3 to be a separate time span from the 430 year time span. This is
because the 400 year time span must end with Israels entry into Canaan. This entry
is more than 40 years after the Exodus. While the 430 year retro-time span starts at
Exodus, ending at Covenant Confirmation.
Both the 240 and 300 years in Egypt appear to fit and explain all necessary criteria.
Key criteria are: 1: Life spans of listed four generations must over lap within
specified 430 years; 2: The specified time span of 430 years starts the very day of
Exodus, Exod.12:40-41; 3: the 400 year time span must end on or after Israels entry
to Canaan.
The two different time spans, of 430 and 400 years, may be used to estimate a year
for Israels first Passover and the Exodus date using the method of TBC, Appendix4.
It is certain that the date for the start of Sabbath Years has been lost. This makes it
imprudent to use Jubile counts or year to pontificate eschatological events.
Appendix 7B & Table 2 do present some interesting coincidental dates.

The time period of Solomons Temple may be used as a marker to substantiate a
year range for the Exodus date, Table1.
There is not a common consensus among scholars and archeologists for the precise
year of the Exodus and associated events. However, TBC method of epochs and
Jesus birth & baptism year is one way to biblically set an improved range of years
for Israels Exodus date. This is because the consensus for the year of Jesus birth has
less variance that the estimated date for Solomons Temple. However the Exodus
dates thusly obtained are at variance with some pontificators.
The use of scriptural genealogical time spans, alone, does not provide enough data
to determine an accurate Exodus date. This fact has been well established to
provide ample fodder for vigorous debate amongst scholars. Thus it appears
prudent, to realize conclusions about faith may not always be validated by
prevailing historical understanding.

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Appendix 1: Recap of Balfour Century Concept

The following verse from Genesis equates four hundred years to four generations.
This equates to one generation being one hundred, 100 years, more or less. If one
takes the Exodus account, a generation equates to 107.5 years.

"And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a
land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred
years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall
they come out with great substance. And you shall go to your fathers in peace; you
shall be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come
hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. Genesis, chapter 15:

Now, the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred
and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty
years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went
out from the land of Egypt. Exodus 12:40-41

So is given that a generation by one biblical account is around 100 years. The end
of the last Diaspora was initiated November 1917. The significance of the two facts
was told by Jesus in Mark 13:28-30:

"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putts forth
leaves, you know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see
these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors. Truly I say unto
you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done."

Notice Jesus did not say, 'when the fig tree is mature', but rather, 'when it starts to
grow or put fourth'. Indicating the clock starts counting from the moment the event
is initiated. Some eschatological counts start from 1948. However by 1948, the
Diaspora-end was well underway, with substantial immigration to the holy land by
1948. The immigration was substantial enough for formation of militant groups to
resist Crown administration of Jerusalem, prior to 1948.

Additional clarification was added by Jesus when he stated, "This generation shall
not pass away until all these things be completed". Possibly the generation to
which he referenced are those born since the end of the Diaspora starting in 1917.
If so, then, counting places the end of the church age somewhere between 2017
and 2024.5 A.D. Arrived at by counting the length of a Genesis generation and
adding those years to the date of Balfour's declaration. - return.P1 goP2 goP3 -

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Appendix 2 Balfour Century Determined Times

Figure A

The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic documentation. This is detailed
on the following chart, Two Thousand Three hundred days and Seventy (70) weeks of Daniel.
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Appendix 2 Figure B

The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both historical and prophetic documentation.
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Appendix 3: Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans

Appendix 3 Figure A The 215 Egypt Years

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Appendix 3B The 240 Egypt Years

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Appendix 4: Figures A, B, & C: Method of Finding Exodus Year

by TBC Method & Years from Abes 75th to Start of 430 Period

Appendix 4C
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Diagram for Dating of Exodus Year by Epochs of Determined Time
using The Balfour Generation method

Time Gap 1 is time From 1Tim.1:4 A Adamic Covenant Gen. 3:15

Old Covenant start when
Abraham was age 75 until C A O Old Covenant Gen. 12:4
Jacob Birth 85 years later 1974 BC CA Christ Anointing @30Yr, born 4BC
Gen. 12:4, 21:5, & 25:26 -25 Luke 16:16, 3:21-23 & Matt. 11:12-13
1 -430 N End of New Covenant 1Th.4:16-18
Time Gap 2 is 430 years
From Law to Covenant 1459 BC
E Eternity Future Start
Confirmation with Jacobs Rev.20:1&7, &10; Rev.10:6

3023.5 AD
Birth Ex. 12:40-41, 19:1 & eX

2016.5 AD

A O 1459 BC CA N E

3027 AD
3974 BC 1974 BC 27 AD 04 BC Jesus Birth alt
|<- 7k years total - From A to CA, 4,000 years, & O to CA, 2,000 years, & CA to E 3,000 years ->|
Total Determined Time is Comprised of 1000 years of Rest and 6,000 years of Labor
* Year of Completion for Solomons Temple, 1459 487 = 972 BC 1Kgs.6:1&:38
The Forth Generation Through Exodus: by O. P. Armstrong, June 2013

Appendix 5: Generational Charts based on 1459 BC exodus Year


item BC

Year of 1459

Abraham 1974
75 yrs

Solomon 972

2000 YR
prior to 1974

item AD

Year Christ 30 27.+-

years old

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Appendix 5: Generational Charts based on 1459 BC exodus Year


item BC

Year of 1459

Abraham 1974
75 yrs

Solomon 972

2000 YR
prior to 1974

item AD

Year 27.+-
Christ 30
years old
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Appendix 5: Generational Charts based on 1459 BC exodus Year


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Appendix 5: Generational Charts of Exodus


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Appendix 6: Matrix of Exodus Year Ranges with Calculation Details

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Appendix 7A: Jubile Count and Selected Jubile Years for Considered Alternatives

Sabbath & Jubile year

counting should start
from Exodus Year. For
the Passover was kept
every wilderness year,
also by Joshua and other
Judges forward. This was
stated by both of Moses
accounts (Numbers
9.1:5 & v11 & Ex 40:17).
The book of Joshua,
Chapter 5 does not say
the Passover was not
kept in wilderness, it
merely states that those
born in wilderness went
uncircumcised due to
the burden of travel.
The word of the count
start date was lost some
time after Solomons
temple completion.

It is my view that Jubile

system ended with
Christ. For the new
covenant says the Law was nailed to the Cross & Jesus said, For the Law and the Prophets were Until John after John the Kingdom of God
is declared. Again, whosoever seeks justification by the law makes Christ of no avail, & if Christ (our Passover) was not crucified and raised
from the dead, we of all men are the most to be despised. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 7B: Jubile Count and Selected Jubile Years for Considered Alternatives
Review of Coincidental Sabbath Years for 4BC Birth, 27AD Baptism 240 Egypt Years for 1519BC Exodus

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Appendix 8: Scripture references

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers: Table A

Summary Table of Internet source data for Exodus & Temple Dates
Year BC Years Sol's Range of others
reference link article info n temple
Exodus dating of Exodus:
Egypt BCE
1200 BCE to 1626 based on Joshua & Caleb 1626
BCE. This wide exodus 1552 range of dates Joshua & Caleb + temple 1538 968 gives low certainty.
1491 The most common Ussher
accepted date Solomon Temple finish BC 1491 1004
seems to be about Solomon Temple finish BC 1462 973 1445 BCE. The Solomon Temple finish BC 1452 964 average of the 15th
archaeological record disputed 1450 century numbers is
1465. The average Solomon Temple & Sabbaticals 1446
Exodus date of all Seder Olam Rabbah 1313 215 numbers is 1424 Exodus 2491 anno mundi 1513 270 BCE. The average archaeological record 1225 of all values for
temple completion temple complete anon 1200 1000
is 973 BC. time n Egypt 400 - 215 YR 215
The Year of the time n Egypt 400 - 215 YR
Exodus arrived at Yalad ? 400+ by the Balfour Seder Olam 430 Century Method is Years by age?? 430 1459 BCE. The
time in Egypt Yalad speculations
selected for this Sol's temple complete BC 953 analysis is 300 Sol's temple complete BC 949 years. The date of
Jesus born 5/14/6 B.C 1461 300 974 Solomons Temple
completion is 972
BC, calculated from Exodus year of 1459. The last table entry results (using calendar
counting) are exactly 2 years prior to the Balfour Century method. Were his method to
select 4BCE as year of Jesus birth, the results of both methods would be identical. Both
these methods indicate a tribulation start date of on or before 2017. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9B: Other Writers Considerations

The 400 and 430 year periods serve the purpose of bridging the gap between the time of
Abraham and the Exodus (of the children of Israel from Egypt).

Many have advanced various theories or solutions to the twin periods of 'four hundred
years' and 'four hundred and thirty years', but when one considers these theories carefully
they do not completely satisfy the stated requirements. The verses which mention these
periods are as follows.


Gen 15:13 Then He said to Abram: "Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers
in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred
years. :14 And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out
with great possessions."

Acts 7:6 But God spoke in this way: that his descendants would sojourn in a foreign land,
and that they would bring them into bondage and oppress them four hundred years.
7:'And the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will judge', said God, 'and after that
they shall come out and serve Me in this place'.


Exod 12:40 Now the sojourn of the children of Israel, who lived in Egypt, was four hundred
and thirty years.:41 And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years -
on that very same day - it came to pass that all the armies of the LORD went out from the
land of Egypt.

[ Literal = Exod 12:40 And dwelling of sons/builders of Israel, which dwelt in Egypt, thirty
year and four of hundreds year. :41 And is becoming from end of thirty year and four of
hundreds year and is becoming very of the day this they went forth all of hosts of Yahweh
from land of Egypt.]

The rendering 'sojourn' is questionable. The Hebrew word according to Strong's means
"a seat; figuratively, a site; abstractly, a session; by extension an abode (the place or
time); ..."
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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

Gal 3:15 Brethren, I speak in the manner of men: Though it is only a man's covenant, yet
if it is confirmed, no one annuls or adds to it. Now to Abraham and his seed were the
promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one,:17 And this I say,
that the law, which was four hundred and thirty years later, cannot annul the covenant
that was confirmed before by God in Christ, that it should make the promise of no effect.

(My note: The confirmed before is taken to be the birth of Jacob. Jacob was chosen
(confirmed) by grace, for by birthright the privileges of covenant should have passed to
the 1st born, Esau. This is the election by grace. After this election was confirmed, all 12
sired offspring of Jacob were counted as heirs of the promise. Abraham & Isaac had many
children but each had only 1 heir to promise. But with Israel forward, all were counted as
heirs of the covenant)

In addition to these verses it is necessary to also consider the period of

450 years.
NIV Acts 13:16 Standing up, Paul motioned with his hand and said: "Men of Israel and you
Gentiles who worship God, listen to me! :17 The God of the people of Israel chose our
fathers; he made the people prosper during their stay in Egypt, with mighty power he led
them out of that country,:18 he endured their conduct for about forty years in the
desert,:19 he overthrew seven nations in Canaan and gave their land to his people as their
inheritance. :20 All this took about 450 years.:21 After this, God gave them judges until
the time of Samuel the prophet.

NKJV Acts 13:19 And when He had destroyed seven nations in the land of Canaan, He
distributed their land to them by allotment. :20 After that He gave them judges for about
four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet.

The NIV rendering associates the 450 years with the period between Exodus and the
overthrow of the 7 nations. The NKJV rendering associates the 450 years with the period
between the overthrow of the 7 nations and the arrival of Samuel.

The translations utilize two different received texts:

NIV - "About years four hundred and fifty. And after these He gave judges until Samuel
the prophet" return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

NKJV - "And after these about years four hundred and fifty He gave judges until Samuel
the prophet."

The text used by the NKJV mentions the 450 years following 'And after' so initially
indicating association with the judges period, but it also mentions the 450 years
immediately following the word 'these' and the word 'these' refers to the prior mentioned

This NKJV received text does seem to carry a degree of ambiguity, which could have been
removed by a few extra words, e.g.

- And after these which took about years four hundred and fifty, He gave judges until
Samuel the prophet. Or - And after these, about years four hundred and fifty passed
during which he gave judges until Samuel the prophet.

It is interesting to note that the NKJV translation moves the word 'judges' forward in their
translation. The NKJV translation chooses to mention 'judges' prior to the mention of the
450 years. In doing they remove any ambiguity and depict only the latter meaning.

However, despite concerns over which received text is reliable and issues over translation,
God's intended meaning becomes quite clear when one considers 1Kings 6:1. 1Kings 6:1
states that a period of 480 years passed from the Exodus to the 4th year of Solomon.

Hence a period of 450 years from the defeat of the 7 nations to Samuel is clearly seen as
being far too long! To equate with the duration of the 1Kings 6:1 period, one would have
to add at least 47 years to the start (wilderness + defeat of 7 nations) and 20 + 40 + 40
years to the end (Samuel, Saul and David).So the 450 years would become at least 597
years and therefore be in excess of 117 years over the defined 1 Kings 6:1, 480 years.

So in conclusion the 450 years in Acts chapter 13 must be referring to the period between
the Exodus and the defeat of the 7 nations.

The NIV translation correctly identifies the events associated with 450 years and the KNJV
translation does not. Upon reflection the structure of the period of 450 years is suggested
to be: return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

Choosing of the Fathers to the Exodus 400
Wandering in the wilderness 40
Destroying of the seven nations 10
450 Years

In summary, the main points concerning the twin periods of 400 years and 430 years can
be listed as follows:

400 YEARS -
1) Encompasses sojourning and bondage (AND affliction, which stopped at the crossing
into the promised land or bring backor return.
2) Involves Abraham's descendants, Gen 15:13
3) Ends with the Exodus, (entry to their promised land) Acts 7:6-7 & 13:17-20
4) Begins with the choosing of the fathers! (Thy seed, or possibly Abes death)

(NB: The 400 year period initiates the longer 450 year period and since the 450 years
starts with the choosing of the fathers, then the choosing of the fathers must also be the
event which begins the 400 years.)

1) Encompasses some time in Egypt
2) Ends with the Exodus, Exodus 12:40
3) Begins at Passover (at the same time of the year that Israel left Egypt,
Exod. 12:41 'that very same day')
4) Begins when the Abrahamic covenant was 'confirmed' Gal 3:17.(by Jacob birth)

If both the 400 and 430 year periods end at the Exodus, then apparently their starting
points are 30 years apart. Unfortunately, with this knowledge, determining the events
which initiate the 400 and 430 year periods is still difficult.

However, rather than at this point entering upon a lengthy analysis, for the sake of
brevity the starting points are simply stated.
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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

400 YEARS - *** The Birth of Jacob ***
The 'chose our fathers' in Acts chapter 13 is a reference to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The
'descendants' mentioned in Gen 15:13 and Acts 7:6 were Isaac and Jacob. The selection of
Jacob occurred at his birth, Gen 25:23. (At this time Isaac was 60 years old and Abraham
was 160 years old; Gen 25:26, 21:5.)

430 YEARS - *** The Intended Sacrifice of Isaac *** (not agree this section)
This event was a type of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which also occurred at Passover.
Following the willingness of Abraham to offer his son God made the prior promises to
Abraham unconditional!
Gen 22:16 ... "By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done this thing,
and have not withheld your son, your only son,:17 in blessing I will bless you, and in
multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand
which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their
enemies.:18 In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have
obeyed My voice."

Consider also; Exod 32:13,'You swore by Your own self'- Heb 6:13, because He could
swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself'.
[ NB: The circumcision covenant, which is described in chapter 17 of Genesis, did not
cause the promises to Abraham to be unconditional. ] Although not dated this event
would have occurred when Abraham was 130(160-30) years old! (Really? Looks like
guessing) Isaac about 30 years of age, an adult!!
The common, but ill-conceived, portrayal of the intended sacrifice
falsely views Isaac as a child.
I cannot concur this section: 1) Date guessing 2) Adulthood listed as
age 20 and up by Numbers 32:11-12 and thirdly the trial of Isaac was
only one part of the confirmation. Otherwise no need for election by
grace of Jacob over Esau later. 4) Moses said: to the very day no
guessing- this is only possible by using the stated ages for birth of
Jacob & Isaac. Possibly both 430 and 400 years reference same start
point birth year of JACOB / ISRAEL see charts page 8 & 9
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Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

1) Failing to recognize that the affliction suffered in Egypt never spanned the entire
period. We only know for certain that the Israelites were afflicted the last 80 years (length
of life of Moses prior to the Exodus).

2) Not noticing that the length of the stay in Egypt could not have exceeded 350 years (80
yrs + 137 yrs + 133 yrs). Moses at the time of the Exodus was 80 years old. Exod 7:7 And
Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty three years old when they spoke to
The father of Moses was Amram, who lived 137 years. Exod 6:20 Now Amram took for
himself Jochebed, his father's sister, as wife; and she bore him Aaron and Moses. And the
years of the life of Amram were one hundred and thirty-seven.
The father of Amram was Kohath, who lived 133 years. Exod 6:18 And the sons of Kohath
were Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the life of Kohath were one
hundred and thirty-three.
Kohath had already been born when Jacob entered Egypt. Gen 46:8 now these were the
names of the children of Israel, Jacob and his sons, who went to Egypt: ...:11 the sons of
Levi were Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

3) Placing too much emphasis upon the text of Exodus 12:40-41, without moderating it
with the teaching of Galatians 3:17. In Exodus 12:40 the 'who lived in Egypt' statement
should be considered a side comment and therefore not a clause which defined the period
of 430 years. In Exodus 12:40 there appears to be two further aspects which would initially
indicate a quite different timing.
1) 'Children of Israel' the word 'Israel' may be thought to refer to Jacob and this would
lead to views which would try to allow at least two children of Jacob to be born before the
430 years began. Such an approach runs into difficulty with the above maximum
allowance of 350 years in Egypt as Jacob entered Egypt being 130 years old and did not
have any children 80 years earlier, (i.e. before turning 50 years old). Therefore, rather than
being a reference to Jacob, 'Israel' in Exodus 12:40 has to be a reference to the spiritual
nation of Israel (i.e. sons/builders of the Promises).
2) 'Dwelling of the children of Israel' if this indicated a dwelling in one place, then that
would be in Egypt. However, once again the maximum time of 350 years in Egypt would
be a problem and not allow any interpretation which would desire a full 430 years in
Egypt. While at first not obvious quality translations show the word 'was' as in 'was four
hundred and thirty year' has been added. One may at first wonder why the Hebrew
sentence would not indicate the 'was' as the verse does require it. Looking back to the
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Strong's meaning of the Hebrew word for 'dwelling' we can notice that in the definition, if
used in an abstract manner, it could indicate abode not in a place, but abode in time. This
seemingly would provide the necessary link to the 430 year time period without the need
for a 'was'. So the meaning would be 'abode in time ... 430 years'.

3) Another common oversight maybe to try and decide on an interpretation of Exodus

12:40 without considering the impact on the derivation of a credible biblical chronology.
Whether Israel actually spent between 200-300 years in Egypt or 430 years in Egypt
makes a huge difference to any compiled chronology. While biblical chronology may not
be a subject studied in depth by many bible students it should be a factor considered
before reaching a conclusion upon the meaning of the Exodus 12:40 verse.

Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers - An example of endless or indeterminate genealogies

The chart below is based on the date, Calculated from Biblical Jubilees, for the Exodus. It
is convenient to analyze the chronology of the Judges period in three sections: -
1. The three hundred year period from the conquest of the land East of the Jordan river to
the judgeship of Jephtha.
2. The period from Jephtha to Solomon's fourth year, 480 years from the coming out of
3. Finding space for periods for which there is no clear or definite chronological data, such
as Samson's 20 year, Eli's 40 year judgeship and the length of Samuel's lifelong judgeship
(which extended into the reign of Saul). Other pieces of the jigsaw are Shamgar's
judgeship and the 40 year oppression by the Philistines. Explanatory notes: -
The first section, from the conquest of the land east of the Jordan to the time of Jephtha,
occupies 300 years ( Judges 11:26). This is not enough to accommodate consecutively all
the time periods given and still find enough time to allow, for all the days of the elders
who outlived Joshua and who had seen all the great works of the LORD, that he did for
Israel (2:7). Joshua lived to be 110 and we read that it was, a long time after that the
LORD had given rest unto Israel from all their enemies round about, that Joshua waxed
old and stricken in age (Josh.23:1), so clearly there must be a sensible gap between the
granting by Joshua of the inheritance to Caleb aged 85, 45 years after the Exodus, and the
falling away of Israel after the death of the elders who outlived Joshua.

These elders, apart from Caleb, must have been less than twenty years old at the Exodus
or they would have perished in the wilderness with that unfaithful generation (Nu.14:22-
24, 29-33). They must also have been old enough to witness and appreciate God's great
works. We can therefore assume a minimum age for these later elders of, say, five years
at the Exodus (or even twelve years if they were to be held responsible for this witness).

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The Forth Generation Through Exodus: by O. P. Armstrong, June 2013

Thus, at the time Caleb received his inheritance, these elders would have been between
50 (or 57) and 64 years old. This puts an undefined yet sensible upper limit on the length of
their rule. There followed alternate periods of oppression by enemies and deliverance by
judges (2:14 -19).

All the Judges in this period up to Jephtha are given in consecutive order interspersed with
the oppressors - with the possible exception of the chapter following Deborah where
there is no linking after or then in the narrative (6:1). Thus, there is the possibility of an
overlap here. This has been incorporated in the chart so that the time following Deborah
and Barak's defeat of Sisera (Jabin's commander) in Ephraim when the land had rest
forty years (5:31), has been made concurrent with Gideon's forty years Judgeship of
Manasseh (8:28). This also requires that the 7 years oppression by Midian prior to Gideon's
deliverance must have occurred during the latter part of the 20 year oppression of Jabin
before Deborah and Barak's deliverance. This gives a 13 year space for Shamgar, who
followed Ehud, and was contemporary with Jael (who killed Sisera) while there was still
oppression in Ephraim (5:6-7) This compression leads to a 27 year period from the entry
into the land west of the Jordan to the falling away after the death of the last elder (who
could have lived to the age of 87 but no longer - except that Caleb would have been 108
had he survived that long).

These are sensible figures and allow for the full 80 years of Ehud's judgeship. This latter
figure has been questioned because of the need to compress the data in this 300 year
period (Whiston, in a footnote in his Josephus, suggests it should be eight years). There
is no justification for questioning the accuracy of the Biblical figure but there is the
possibility that the 80 year period can be interpreted differently - for example the time
from the entry to the land to Ehud's judgeship. There are other possible interpretations
which result in a range of values for the period to the first falling away of Israel after the

The next period, 140 years from Jephtha to the fourth of Solomon, has to include the rest
of the judges, including Samuel, followed by the reigns of Saul, David and Solomon.
Based on Acts 13:20 (NIV), the chart puts Samuel's judgeship immediately after the last of
the judges - it appears that, apart from Eli, they were all consecutive following Jephtha.
Allowing for a 40 year reign for Saul, this results in a period of 25 years for Samuel's
judgeship, plus the number of years David and Solomon reigned concurrently. (1K.1).
Samuel also followed directly after Eli's 40 year judgeship, so Eli must have been
concurrent with other judges.

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The Forth Generation Through Exodus: by O. P. Armstrong, June 2013

Appendix 9: Review of Other Writers

It is also convenient to consider his time to be concurrent with the 40 year oppression by
the Philistines, during which period we can probably also place Samson. The Philistines
were subdued all the time of Samuel (1 Sam. 7:13). It was when Samuel was old, that Israel
asked for a king (1 Sam. 8:1-5) so it is instructive to try to assess his age around this time.
Eli was a priest and, under the law, a priest officiated between the ages of 20 and 60 years
old. Eli was still officiating when Samuel had his message from the LORD. If we suppose
that Samuel was twelve years old (the age of responsibility) on this occasion, he must
have been at least 50 when Eli died at the age of 98.
Thus, according to the chart, Samuel would be at least 76 years old when Israel asked for a
king, an age which harmonizes with the Biblical record that he was an old man (1 Sam. 8:
5). One other piece of information, which has caused doubt concerning the Biblical record,
is the information that the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim twenty years (1 Sam. 7:2). Since it
was moved from there by David when he reigned in Jerusalem (at least seven years into
his reign), it has been said that a reign of 40 years for Saul, as testified by Paul (Acts
13:21), is impossible. However, according to the chart, the twenty years of 1 Sam. 7:2 fell
within Samuel's judgeship and we read later, And Saul said unto Ahiah, Bring hither the
ark of God. For the ark of God was at that time with the children of Israel (1 Sam.14:18).
This was while Saul was in Gibeah of Benjamin.
Therefore the ark had already been removed from Kirjath- jearim before the time of David
and must have been sent back in the intervening period. This fact removes the difficulty
alluded to. The chart throws up an interesting chronological synchronism with Egypt.
There is a unique and famous reference to Israel in a granite stela of Pharaoh Merenptah,
Israel is desolated and has no seed... Gardiner1 gives dates of c1224 - 1214BC for this
These dates agree well with the seven year period of oppression of Israel by Midian (1219 -
1212BC) where we read, [the Midianites] destroyed the increase of the earth, till thou
come unto Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass...And
Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites;... (Jud.6: 4-6). The term 'has
no seed' is a description used several times in Egyptian records for describing a defeated
and plundered people, so it appears that this reference to Israel was just describing their
current state of affairs in common with other parts of the land of Palestine (including
Gaza) referred to in the same stele.
(1) Egypt of the Pharaohs, Sir Alan Gardiner, OUP, 1961.
return.P1 goP2 goP3

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The Forth Generation Through Exodus: by O. P. Armstrong, June 2013

Appendix 10: Logic of TBC Method

Endless Genealogies A.K.A. Indeterminate Genealogies

Passover Dates, Day of Week, for likely year of Crucifixion & possible baptism year Table2

Easter, but more surely, Passover is set by a lunar-solar calendar system. Passover is the
1st full moon after the Spring Equinox. Kepler established a periodic table of golden
numbers, which allows this event to be determined for any future or past date. Bible
scholars were surveyed and found to favor either 30 AD or 33 AD as the most likely year.
This is likely due to proximity to the 1st day of the week to fulfill Christs resurrection on a
Sunday, after three days. For 30AD Passover of 03-April, Jesus baptism year would be
around 27AD. For 33AD Passover of 01-April, Jesus baptism year would be around 30AD.
Both dates correlate well with the selected dates of Table 1 for birth year and baptism at
about age 30. return.P1 goP2 goP3

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Appendix Index return.P1 goP2 goP3

# & Link Index with Appendix Title

A1 Recap of Balfour Century Concept
A2a Balfour Century Determined Times Figure A
A2b Daniel's 2300 Days Figure B
A3a 215 Egypt Years. Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans
A3b 240 Egypt Years. Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans
A3c 300 Egypt Years. Alternatives for the 430 and 400 Year time spans
06 BC Jesus Birth & Isaac - Example of Finding Exodus Year from Abes
75th to Start of 430 Period
02 BC Jesus Birth & Jacob - Example of Finding Exodus Year from Abes
75th to Start of 430 Period
04 BC Jesus Birth & Jacob - Example of Finding Exodus Year from Abes
75th to Start of 430 Period
A5a 300Y of Egypt, Jacob to Canaan - Generation Chart & Events Overlap
A5b 300Year of Egypt - Generation Charts Overlap
A5c 400Year of Egypt Does Not Work- Generation Charts Overlap
A5d 215Year in Egypt w/Caveats- Generation Charts Overlap
A6 Matrix of Exodus Year Ranges with Calculation Details
Jubile Count & Selected Jubile Years for Considered Alternatives -w/
Selected Jubile years
Coincidental Sabbath Years for 4BC Birth, 27AD Baptism 240 Egypt
Years for 1519BC Exodus
A7b1 Compus Method of Easter Date for Proleptic Gregorian AD year
A8 Scripture references
Other Writers: Table A Summary Table of Internet source data for
Exodus & Temple Dates
A9B Considerations of other Writers w/ review
A10A Logic of TBC Method
Table 2 Proleptic Gregorian date of Passover; Nisan 14th, 1st full moon
25-34 AD & Considered date of Jesus Baptism & Death

return.P1 goP2 goP3

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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
The end time type of Noah is considered here. It of one hundred years his massive Ark construction
was Our Lord, Himself, who said we should served as warning to his generation of a major
consider this type for insight about his return. paradigm shift. Likewise for our age, the grand
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the miracle of Israel indicates of another mega
coming of the Son of man be. Noah was a paradigm shift. What shift might that be? Ok,
preacher of righteousness. For about the space perhaps it is the end of the times of the Gentiles?
Timeline of Noah & Possible Parallel to the end of days
Days & Years of Noah as relating to the Flood
N Year 500th Noah year 600.2nd mo. 10th d 600.2nd mo.17th d 601.1st mo. 1st d 601.2ndmo27d
Noah Last generation Ark complete, Close ark door & Noah opened Ark & Earth was dry
life starts maybe Begin 7 day week begins 40d flood. saw the Face of ground Begin new era,
Events 500th Year. 2nd of preparation & Z 7th mo 17d rest dry- Dove, olive branch of the rainbow
mo. 17th day? enter ark on Ararat Gen8.4 & rainbow covenant
Ref. Gen5.32 Gen7.4-10 Gen7.11 Gen8.13 Gen8.14
Notes Noah 500 years 7 days before Date for flood Date for seeing face of Date the earth
begot Seth .. etc flood waters. (Sabbath) start ground, Sabbath end was dry

Possible Parallel Events of Last Days Corresponding to the Days of Noah

Year 1917 Balfour Century 2017 2024 3024 3027
Notes Start end of Start 7 year Start millennial Satan loosed, war, & New heaven &
Gentiles times. tribulation before Sabbath rest and final judgment of men earth. On earth
Warning Days Sabbath rest Satan bound & angels as in heaven
Ref. Lu21.24 Rom11.25 Rev.11.3 & 12.6 Rev20.1-7 Rev20.7 & Rev20.3-5 Rev21.1

The earths Sabbath year by flood began on the undertaking, far too much for a single man, about
2nd month, the 17th day of Noahs 600th year. 450 feet long by 60 feet square. Only Noahs family
The end of one year from flood start was on the believed and assisted the endeavor is show at the
2nd month, the 17th day of Noahs 601st year. end. During these last 7 days prior to closing the
Thus there existed a time of purging out the door it was only Noahs family who entered the Ark,
swampy lands, Face of ground dry, and no others believed. These points are considered
establishing the habitable dry earth. This could be because some say the Ark construction time was 120
taken to be from Noahs 601st year, 2nd month years. The 120 year span of time refers exclusively
and the 17th day until Noahs 601st year, 2nd to mans days shall be 120 years, Gen6:3. The
month, the 27th day, for a total of 10 days to 120 years times 50 jubilee comes to 6000 or six
judge and separate face dry unto fully dry. This millennial days of Gods dealing with fallen Adam to
event timing was specified complete after one year make a new heaven and new earth. However a two
from start of flood. Jubilee ark completion time speaks of the Balfour
Likely, the ark of Noah held provision sufficient for century. For from 1917 unto 1947 was prep time for
two years, the double portion. For the habitants of starting Israel. The second Jubilee or completion of
the ark needed one year of provision during the the hundred year generation marks the completion
flood and a second year of provision while awaiting of the church age or end of the times of the gentiles.
the harvest after the earth was dry. These two A transition of seven tribulation years corresponds to
years speak of the 49th Sabbath year and a 50th the 7 days of Ark closure followed by the Sabbath
Jubilee year. For the Jubilee year was the year for rest of the flood. The year of earth flood marked a
all debts to be cancelled and all lands to be freed time of rest, for there was neither harvest nor seed
from bondage of debt and returned to the original time in Noahs 600th year flood. Likewise the last
ownership. . If one accepts the Jubilee count of 50 millennial day marks a time of rest for Elohim. For in
years, then the specification of Noahs 500 and 600 those days, the tempter of man is banished to the
year marks becomes logical. The 1st 50 years pit. Perhaps a short time then follows when those
marked a time of foundation building. It would be born during the rapture are recompensed. For we
during that time Noahs Sons matured and learnt are told heaven shall not have tears nor any sorrow.
ark construction. The ark was a massive

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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
About the Psyche of Noahs Epoch LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created
It would be remiss to not mention the distinguishing from the face of the earth; both man, and beast,
feature of mankinds psyche during the time of and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for
Noah. it repents me that I have made them. But Noah
The wickedness of man was great in the earth, and found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are
that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and
was only evil continually. .. The earth also was perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with
corrupt and the earth was filled with violence. God and Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and
Behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted Japheth. The earth also was corrupt before God,
his way upon the earth for the earth is filled with and the earth was filled with violence. And God
violence through them looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt;
Any observant person realizes such is the condition for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
of society today; entertainment by violence breeds And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is
violence. For we become that which we idolize, come before me; for the earth is filled with
either good or bad. Why else would scripture violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy
instruct one to dwell on the virtues of life? The fruit them with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher
of violent entertainment has permeated modern wood; For yet seven days, and I will cause it to
society to the level of Noahs time and sadly shall rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights;
reap the same result. and every living substance that I have made will I
Scripture about Noah: destroy from off the face of the earth. And Noah
But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the did according unto all that the LORD commanded
coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days him. And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou
that were before the flood they were eating and and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen
drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the righteous before me in this generation. And Noah
day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not was six hundred years old when the flood of waters
until the flood came, and took them all away; so was upon the earth. And Noah went in, and his
shall also the coming of the Son of man be. And sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him,
again : And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
be also in the days of the Son of man. They And it came to pass after seven days, that the
did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were waters of the flood were upon the earth. In the six
given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month,
into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed the seventeenth day of the month, the same day
them all. And again: For God did not [even] spare were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
angels that sinned, but cast them into hell, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the
delivering them to be kept there in pits of gloom till rain was upon the earth forty days and forty
the judgment and their doom. And He spared not nights. In the selfsame day entered Noah, and
the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah,
of righteousness, with seven other persons, when and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons
He brought a flood upon the world of ungodly with them, into the ark; And it came to pass in the
[people].Matt.24:37-39 & Lu17:26-27, 2Peter 2:4-5 six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the
And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah first day of the month, the waters were dried up
begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And it came to from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering
pass, when men began to multiply on the face of of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the
and God saw that the wickedness of man was ground was dry. And in the second month, on the
great in the earth, and that every imagination of seven and twentieth day of the month, was the
the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. earth dried. And God spake unto Noah, saying,
And it repented the LORD that he had made man Go forth of the ark Gen 5.32 Gen 6.1 &Gen 6:5-14,
on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And 7:1, 7:4-7, Gen7:10-13 Gen 8:13-16 (about 1 year
the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I And the and 10 days was the flood, with 7 days of loading)

Jubilee Year Count 49 or 50 year spacing: Some, have used 49 , Lev25.8. A maximum contract length was specified to be increased or
years to mark off Jubilee years. The only count that is logical with diminished by the years remaining unto the next 50th year marker. Thus
Lev25.11 is a Jubilee count of 50 years. This 50th year is defined as there would be no means to increase or diminish Lev25.16 a contracts
the year following seven sevens (49) or 50 years value without marking or counting in increments of 50 years.

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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013

Appendix of Notes on Noah Calendar Days

Bible Calendar of Events During & Up to the Flood of Noah's, Julian, Hebrew, & Gregoran
ref Day Day Julian Day Heb date Greg BC Julian BC Comment
Gen7.4 sat -7 865029.5 10lyr1416 08Ap2345 28Ap2345 God: Yet 7 days & flood
Gen7.11 sat 0 865036.5 17lyr1416 15Ap2345 05My2345 At Noe 600Y2mo17d flood
Gen7.12 thur 40 865076.5 28siv1416 25My2345 14Jun2345 End 40 Day rain floodgates
Gen8.4 sat 147 865183.5 17tish1417 09spt2345 29spt2345 Ark rest Ararat 7mo 17d
Gen8:3 tues 150 865186.5 20tish1417 12spt2345 02Oct2345 Water go off for 150 days
Gen8.5 wed 221 865257.5 01tev1417 22No2345 12De2345 Mtn top seen 10mo 1st d
Gen8.6-8 mon 261 865297.5 12shev '17 01Ja2344 21Ja2344 40d later raven sent out
Gen8.10 mon 268 865304.5 19shev '17 07Ja2344 28Ja2344 07d later dove rtn olive
Gen8.12 mon 275 865311.5 26shev '17 15Ja2344 04Fe2344 07dy later dove not return
st st
Gen8.13 tues 339 865375.5 01nis1417 20mr2344 09Ap2344 Ground dry 601Yr 1 mo 1 dy
Gen8.14 tues 395 865431.5 27lyr1417 15My2344 04jun2344 Dry earth: Noe out2mo27d

The above table gives no bible indication of 360 day long year upon Earth in times past.
Genesis 7.24 says waters prevailed upon earth 150 days and at end of 150 days the
waters abated, 8.3.
In reading 8:3b with 8:4a indicates end of abating process was 5 months from start.
From the start of prevailing until abate start could be 150 days. This 150/5 gives a thirty
day month. But there is no mention of year length in these verses.

For this selected flood year, the calculated Hebrew calendar (CHC) indicates 12 months,
for this Leap year, has 385 days. From the 2nd month to 7th month, 17th month days, the
CHC finds there are 29.4 d/mo.

Also there would be notable consequences by Newtonian Physics for earth solar year to
go from 360 days to 365.2422 days. One impact would be from angular velocity
momentum changes, akin to slamming car brakes. The second impact would be from a
heat balance. A longer year requires a greater distance between earth and sun. This
increased distance reduces radiant heat by the inverse square law. This means a cooler
earth, as seen on more distant planets. The physical record indicates no such changes,
unless by divine intervention. Such divine intervention is not recorded by scripture.

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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
From here forward is reprint of Balfour Century Timeline Method to acquaint the reader of mentioned ideas.

The Balfour Century timeline is proposed based on Lord Balfours letter of 1917 to establish a Jewish homeland in
Palestine. For not since 70AD had any prince, power, nor potentate; decreed such a sweeping edict. Just the
opposite, for since the destruction of Jerusalem the idiom:
"The wild bird hath her nest, the fox his cave, Mankind a country, Israelbut the grave." Rang true.
But with the stroke of a pen in 1917, a national homeland for the Jew was established and ushered in the Balfour
Century. For Jesus said, when you see the fig tree put forth its leaves, then know that this generation shall not pass
away until all is fulfilled.
The length of a bible generation concerning judgment and redemption is 100 years. For we are told Israel would be
in oppression, four (4) generations but after four-hundred (400) years they would be redeemed from bondage. This
makes one generation equal to one-hundred years or a century. The Balfour Century started 1917 and ends
between 2017 and 2024 with all things being fulfilled.
Six days of work are decreed but the 7th day is the day of rest. The determined time of Gods dealing with fallen
mankind is Six days of One Thousand years each. On the 7th day a 1000 year rest is declared. The 1000 year day-of-
rest or Sabbath may also be called a New Age millennium. During the Sabbath era, men shall beat swords into plows
and the lion shall rest with the lamb with peace as the supreme order of the empire. After the 1000 years the
dragon is loosed from the pit for (3.5 years of) confusion, to be eternally bound and everlasting righteousness
brought in.
All these days are detailed in the following timeline. It is based on a starting point of Jesus baptism at age 30 in the
year 27AD. Three thousand years forward from that is the end of all ages in 3027AD. Then 4000 years prior to that is
3974BC for a total of 7,000 years. Based on this timeline, the age of peace shall start in 2023AD. Prior to 2023AD is
shown Tribulation, of 7 years length, starting around 2017.
These events also fit Daniels 69 and 70 weeks prophesy (Daniel 9.24:27). For from the issuing of the decree to
rebuild the temple at Jerusalem will be Seventy Weeks to bring in everlasting righteousness. From the time of the
decree-to-rebuild until Messiah will be sixty-nine weeks. In the middle of the last week shall Messiah be cut off but
that not for himself. These events are shown in the Daniel timeline chart, which affirms Jesus Baptism date of
27AD, 69 weeks of years from 457BC. The year 457BC was the decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem.
Other events shown are listed in Table 1. Below is a quote from ABS, The Coming One 1912 NYC
The subjugation of Israel and the supremacy of the Gentile Powers did not come about in a moment of time, but through
forces slowly operating during many years. We may therefore expect that the end of Gentile rule and the restoration of Israel
will come about in the same way by gradual processes. We may, therefore, expect to find several successive points of departure
in our measurement and several points of arrival corresponding. The whole process resembles a ribbon cut diagonally at both
ends so that a number of lines carried horizontally from any one end to the other would be of equal length, e.g., //. The
earliest date of Gentile supremacy would be the era of Nabonassar, 747 B.C. & 2,520 years from this date would bring us to the
opening stages of the French Revolution, when the governments of the world received their most terrific shock and the
beginning of the end was distinctly foreshadowed. The latest period from which the subjugation of Israel and the domination of
the Gentiles (begins) is 587 B.C., the date of the fall of Jerusalem. Our measuring line from this point would bring us to the year
1934, not now far distant. Between these two periods of about a century and a half God has certainly been working with a
mighty hand in bringing about the dissolution of the great world powers which Daniel described and before it shall have expired
may we not humbly expect some glorious consummation? (perhaps start of the Balfour Century?)
The six days of labor are broken down as follows: 2 days of Messianic or New Covenant Time starting 27AD, 2 days of
Torah or Old Covenant Time starting 1974BC, 2 days of Darkness Time starting 3974BC.
Idioms giving these day types are discussed at length in this link.
It seems clear that mankind has 6,000 years of rule while under the influence of the devil; but how long is the
Church age supposed to last? How long until the Church takes over? And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the
people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, (This is equivalent of 2 days; or 2,000 years! Here is a profile of
2,000 years for the age to follow!) and let them wash their clothes (Ex 19:10). This is just one of many other
cryptic prophecies concerning two prophetic days. The Lord prophesied as follows, And on the morrow when he
departed, he took out two pence, (It is important to understand that one pence was one days wages!) and gave
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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever you spend more, when I come again, (This
is prophetic of His return.) I will repay you (Luke 10:35). Here the Good Samaritan gave two days wages to the
host. This is yet another indication that the Lord will return after 2,000 years! Jesus met the woman at the well;
notice what follows, So when the Samaritans were come to him, they besought him that he would stay with
them: and he stayed there two days (John 4:40). Here we find Jesus after He left Israel, abiding two days with the
Samaritans. This two-day lodging is a prophetic period symbolic of a 2,000-year season! In this context, the
Samaritans (Those rejected by the Jews!) were symbolic of the church! Going back to Exodus 19, lets notice what
happens after two prophetic days, And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD will come down
in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai (Ex 19:11). How will the rapture take place? Paul writes, Then we
which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: (in
Greek, this specific word for air means from ground level to the top of a mountain) and so shall we ever be with
the Lord (1 Thess 4:17). At the very first Pentecost or 50 days after the children of Israel left Egypt, they met at
the foot of a mountain on the third day after they were consecrated, and the Lord came down in the sight of the
people after two days, be ready for the third day: for on the third day the LORD will come down (Ex 19:11)!
Concerning raising Lazareth from the dead, some see the 4000 bible years to Christ, typed in Lazarus Resurrection
narrative. If one accepts 6000 bible years of determined time, then the difference is 2000 bible years of New
Testament time.
Now a certain [man] was sick, Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. (It was [that] Mary
which anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)
Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom you loves is sick. When he had heard
therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was. Then after that said he to [his]
disciples, Let us go into Judaea again. But if a man walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in
him. Then said Jesus to them plainly, Lazarus is dead nevertheless let us go to him... Then when Jesus came,
he found that he had [lain] in the grave four days already Now Bethany was close to Jerusalem, about fifteen
furlongs off: Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he was dead,
yet shall he live: And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?

Temple Anointings; Solomon unto Christ 1k Yrs

Ref Years Event
Dan9.25 483 Rebuild decree unto Messiah, 69*7 years
Dan9.2 70 70 Years Captivity as told by Jeremiah
Ezek4.6 40 B. Apostasy from Israel Captive Unto Judah Captive, 430total
Ezek4.5 390 A. Solomon Apostasy Unto Israel Captive total A+B=430Yr
1Kgs11* 17 Temple Dedication & Anointing unto Apostasy (40-12.6-17=10.4)
*17 yrs by difference. 40 years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Temple dedicated
Total 1000
Solomon's 12.6th year; last 10.4years in apostasy

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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
The Balfour Century Timeline of 7,000 years of determined time

604BC Nebocannessser sacks Jerusalem + 2520 years to start of The Balfour Century in 1917AD
637AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site + 1260 years to 1st World Zionist Conf. & Start end Diaspora in 1897AD

1917AD + 100 years generation = 2017 & 1897 + 120 years generation = 2017
Timeline of Daniels 70 Weeks or 490 Years until the Date of Jesus Baptism

The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teaches us that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and make
a new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in
his Revelation.

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As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
Timeline Calculation method of The Balfour Century and Seven-Thousand Years Determined Time
TimeLine Alternative of "The Balfour Century" 1917-2017
dtmd. year yr. yr.
Start. end event
Check Time start BC/AD I'med end BC/AD
3.5 3023.5 AD 3027.0 3027.0 AD Everlasting Righteousness + last week/2
1000.0 1000.0 2023.5 AD 3023.5 3023.5 AD Millennium Start/End
7.0 2016.5 AD 2023.5 2023.5 AD Tribulation Start/End
2000.0 1986.0 30.5 AD 2016.5 2016.5 AD End 2k determined time less 3.5yr
3.5 27.0 AD 30.5 30.5 AD Christ Anointing to Ascension
30.0 4.0 BC 26.0 27.0 AD Christ birth to anointing+ Law
2000.0 453.0 4.0 BC 457.0 457.0 BC 69wks-Decree to rebuild + Law
1517.0 457.0 BC 1974.0 1974.0 BC Abraham Covenant + Law
2000.0 2000.0 1974.0 BC 3974.0 3974.0 BC Fallen Adam to Abraham Covenant
7000.0 7000.0 3974.0 BC 3026.0 3027.0 AD Fallen Adam to Millennium End
a Key Element: Jesus Birth 4BC accepted as meeting All known Criteria of historical Jesus
b Jesus Anointing as the Christ at 30 years old in year 27AD meets Daniel 69 Weeks Criteria
c Matches all 7000 years of Determined Time; Six, 4, & two Days of Messianic determined time
d Start of Adamic time at 3974 Concurs Becke Calculation
e Ref: Charles Roger Dundee, A Collation of The Sacred Scriptures (1847), p. 20.
f Meets outer limit of Balfour Century based on 4 generation = 435 year
g Meets criteria of year 457BC decree to Build Second Temple
h Meets criteria of last half of 70th week to bring in EVER LASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS
i Meets criteria of 1st half of 70th week Messiah cut off 31AD
j Meets criteria of Dragon loosed after 1000 years and then eternally bound to Hell per Rev.20
k Matches 7 year tribulation period
Epoch Color Code: -2000 yr. Darkness- -2000 yr. Law- -2000 yr. Messiah- -1000 yr.Sabbath-

Page 7
As in the Days of Noah: by O. P. Armstrong, Sept 2013
Table of Determined Time Lengths with Start and End Events
747 BC 2520 1774 AD start era of Nabonassar & Babylon start of Democratic period France & USA Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
604 BC 2520 1917 AD start Nebocannessser era who sacked Jerusalem Start of The Balfour Century Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
587 BC 2520 1934 AD Babylonian breach of Jerusalem Hitler takes chancery & start mass Aliyah Lev26:24 7times pun 360yrs
457 BC 487 31 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Crucify (Cut off) the Christ Dan9:25 69.5weeks years
457 BC 483 27 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Baptism of Jesus at 30 years of age Messiah Dan9:24 69 Weeks
457 BC 2300 1844 AD decree of Artaxerxes to restore Jerusalem Turkish Edict of Religion Toleration Dan. 8:14
533 AD 1260 1793 AD Emperor Justinian decree establish papal rule French Revolution zenith &open Napoleon era Dan.12:7 the 1260days
610 AD 1260 1870 AD Decree of Phocas confirmed by Vitallian Decree Franco Prussian war starts end of Rome dominion Dan.12:7 the 1260days
637 AD 1335 1972 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site start end of abomination Jerusalem united Dan12:12 1335 days
637 AD 1290 1927 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site Balfour mandate end 3rd Aliyah * Dan12:11 1290 days
637 AD 1260 1897 AD Omar Takes Jerusalem & Starts Dome on Temple site 1st World Zionist Conf. Start end Diaspora Dan.12:7 the 1260days
663 AD 1260 1923 AD Decree of Vitallian on Papal rule debauchery of the roaring 20's Dan.12:7 the 1260days
1897 AD 120 2017 AD 1st. Zionist Conference Max Nordau End of The Balfour Century Gen6.3 z120 generation lifespan
1917 AD 100 2017 AD Balfour Declaration & judgment generation End of The Balfour Century Gen15:13-16 100year generation
1947 AD 70 2017 AD UN 181 sets Israel Borders & Psalms generation End of The Balfour Century Ps 90:10 z70 year generation
1967 AD 50 2017 AD Six Day War Unites Jerusalem End of The Balfour Century 1 Jubilee since Balfour & Jew Restore
1973 AD 44 2017 AD Arab War firms borders End of The Balfour Century Approx wilderness generation
1982 AD 35 2017 AD Israel Lebanon End of The Balfour Century Shortest generation
* 1927 Mar 10, Prussia (Bavaria) lifted its Nazi ban, Hitler was allowed to speak in public & May 1, Adolf Hitler holds first Nazi meeting in Berlin

Generation Year Start Age Limit Year End Ref 1 Ref2

Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 7,6.3-4 Matt24 1 Zionist Return Conference
Balfour Generation /Balfour Century 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Gen5&6&7 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017/3027 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
Final Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war return of Jerusalem to Israel

Page 8
Case for 2.5Year Ministry of Jesus, by: OP Armstrong 5/17

Here are the times of Jesus and John using Event Yr Mo. Greg Heb.obs JulianD# ref
the named Feasts and Holy days listed in the
book of John which lists only 3 Passovers Pilate to Israel 26 _1Mar 1Nisan 1730622 wiki EB
during the time of Jesus. They are John 2:23, 15th Year Tiberius C. 26 Mo31Aug 1Tishri 1730799 Lu3:1-3
6:4, and 13:1, a time difference of just 2 start St. John Baptist 27 Th08Apl 14Nisan 1731019 Lu3:3
years. The synoptic gospels only list the last John Baptise Jesus 27 Mo11Oct 23Tishri 1731205 Mk1:9,10
Passover before crucifixion.
Two parables in Luke tell of a vineyard owner. end40d+9d @Cana 27 Mo29Nov 13Kislev 1731254 Jn2:4
He sought fruit or remuneration for 3 years 1st Passover Feast 28 Tu28Mar 14Nisan 1731374 Jn2:23
but found none. Three years is taken to run .John see Jesus again 28 John Baptize Aenon Jn3:23,26
from start of Johns work unto Jesus
#2Feast-Sabbath 28 Sa16Sept 10Tishri 1731546 Jn5:1
resurrection. This narrative takes Johns work
to start on a Passover, 3 years prior to Jesus #2 Feast-Sabbath?? 28 Sa02Dec 28Kislev 1731623 Jn5:1
crucifixion, as shown to the right. St. John put in Jail 28 Ye Were He Was A season Jn5:35
John is six months elder to Jesus. By Moses Jesus 2nd Passover 29 Mo16Apl 14Nisan 1731758 Jn6:4
rule priestly work starts at age 30. So 6
months elapsed between start of John unto Tabernacles Feast 29 We26Sept 1Tish 1731921 Jn7:2-37
Jesus Baptism at about age 30. Dedication Feast 29 Tu18Dec 25Kislev 1732004 Jn10:22
After Jesus baptism, He fasted 40 days. John Beheaded 29 Fri21Dec 28Kislev 1732007 Jn10:40
Adding 9 days travel time from Jordan to
wilderness, back again, plus time in Cana Final & 3rd Passover 30 Fri05Apl 15Nisan 1732112 Jn11:55-13:1
leaves about 120 days in Nazareth choosing First Easter 30 Sun07Apl 17Nisan 1732114 Jn20:1,19
and training his first Apostles. Next they Ascension Day 30 Fri17May 27Lyyar 1732154 Acts1:3
travel to Jerusalem for the 1st Passover. Pentecost/Shavuot 30 Sun26May 6Sivan 1732163 Acts2:1
Three years prior to Jesus crucifixion, on Passover of The next feast, Jesus goes to Jerusalem, is mentioned in
30AD, is Passover of 27AD. This is taken as the start of Jn7:2-37. This feast is specified as the Tabernacles feast.
Johns work in the 15th Year of Augustus Caesar etc. After The next feast, Jesus goes to Jerusalem, is mentioned in
Jesus was baptised the gospel of Mark says straightaway Jn10:22. This feast is specified as the Dedication feast. The
Jesus went into the wilderness. There He fasted and was gospel of John mentions that Jesus returns to Jordan in the
tempted of the devil for 40 days. Next Jesus returns to area John first baptised. This is taken as a eulogy of Johns
Jordan, where two of John disciples follow Jesus. Nine death.
26/27AD had rare 8 eclipses in 370D Visible?
travel days are allowed, from Jesus baptism unto where Tradition
the story of Cana starts. One hundred twenty days are places this AD mo dy ty JD# e# Israel
allowed from arrival at Cana until Jesus goes up to His first as the 26 aug 1 S 1730767.04 1 noVis
Passover. During this 120 days Jesus gathers more winter 26 aug 17 L 1730782.54 2 Vis
disciples and teaches them of the Kingdom of God. This Solstice. 27 jan 11 L 1730929.90 3 noVis
first Passover comes on 28March, 28AD. The 3rd 27 jan 26 S 1730945.17 4 Vis
This date is determined based upon a pseudo and final 27 feb 9 L 1730959.34 5
observational calendar. In that a maths model is used to Passover
27 jly 7 L 1731107.07 6 noVis
determine the most likely day a new moon could be seen feast is
from Jerusalem. Yahudah in Jesus time looked for 1st listed in 27 jly 22 S 1731121.69 7 noVis
visible moon to determine start of each month. Holidays Jn11:55 to 27 aug 6 L 1731136.71 8 Vis
are prescribed in days since start of each moon. Also by 13:1. This 26 feb 6 S 1730590.94 0 Vis
use of Julian Day numbers, JD#, the day of week final
corresponding with any given date is known. Since the Passover is also listed by every synoptic gospel.
gospel record on some dates tells not only of a holy day From August26 to Aug27AD a very rare pattern of 8
but also states the day of week. The Jewish feast of John eclipses happened. Eclipses are considered by some to
5:1&5:9 states Jesus healed on a Sabbath, Saturday, portend anomalous events. Prophesy says, In the days of
holiday. For the year 28AD three holidays fall on those kings shall the God of heaven establish a kingdom
Sabbaths, Yom-Kippur - Sukkoth & Hanukkah (Dedication). that will not be left to another people... The Law &
It no wonder with so many feasts falling on Sabbath that Prophets were until John, since that time the Kingdom of
year, a exact feast went unnamed. Next we see Jesus God is given and everyman will be judged by that standard.
lament John with words, ye were, he was, and for a Among those born to women no greater than John has
season. The next mentioned feast is specified as a arisen.
Passover. This being the second specified Passover Jn6:4.

Page 1
Case for 2.5Year Ministry of Jesus, by: OP Armstrong 5/17

30AD as Year of Jesus Crucifixion FORTY-SIX YEARS OF TEMPLE REMODELING (witness

Sejanus was killed 31AD after opposing the the second)
acknowledgment of Christ death to Roman senate: Dr. FN The46 years furnishes another means for identifying
Jones explains the relation to the 30AD crucifixion date in the year when Jesus ministry began. In John 2:20 Jesus
detail on YouTube. antagonists refer to a building project or, more
correctly, remodelling project that had been initiated by
A student of Father Augustus named Paulus Orosius was Herod the Great, forty-six (46) years earlier. This
commissioned around 400AD to compose a world history. consisted of the renovation of Zerubbabels temple.
This history, Verfion, was from the flood up to the year This statement was addressed to Jesus at the first
410AD. Per the Jones video, Orosius, notes that Tiberius Passover after he began his public ministry. According
Caesar submitted to the senate a request from Pontus to secular history, Herod initiated the work sometime in
Pilate of Jerusalem to include Jesus into the pantheon of 20 B.C. or 19 B.C. Adding 46Y to -19AY or -18AY gives 27
roman gods. This was on account of the many miracles or 28AD, for the 1st Passover of Jesus.
wrought by Jesus before His death, and the many signs
during Jesus crucifixion, and His resurrection in Jerusalem. Modern Archaeology has found the quarry site. Coins
This request was opposed by the anti-Semitic consul and other artefacts date this quarry to 19BC.
The dedication of the initial temple (called the inner
Since Lucius Sejanus was killed by the senate guard on Temple) followed a 18-month construction period, just
October 18 AD31, this submittal to senate came in year 30 after the visit of Augustus to Syria. Augustus started his
or 31AD and Jesus death was on Passover of either 31 or journey to the East (Athens, Ephesus, Syria, etc) in
30AD. October 12, 19 BC, and returned from the East in 18 BC.
Therefore, when Jesus visited the Temple and was told,
One may verify Dr. Jones claim from section 4 of "46 years was this temple in building, and you want to
Orosius_book-7: raise it up in three days?", the year would have been 26
"When the Lord Christ had suffered and risen from the or 27AD. So this incident could not happen in the year
dead and had sent forth His disciples to preach, Pilate, the 29 or 33 AD, as some historians erroneously say.
governor of the province of Palestine, made a report to the
emperor Tiberius and to the Senate concerning the passion This extensive project had not been completed when
and resurrection of Christ, and also the subsequent Herod died in 4BC. In fact, it was still in progress when
miracles that had been publicly performed by Him or were the Jews uttered the words of John 2:20. Completion of
being done by His disciples in His name. Pilate also stated it did not come until A.D. 64.
that a rapidly increasing multitude believed Him to be a
god. Though some disagreement has arisen regarding the
When Tiberius, amid great approval, proposed to the word translated temple and the tense of the verb for
Senate that Christ should be considered a god, the Senate build, the more obvious meaning and the one that
became indignant. For the matter had not been referred to satisfies the context better is that the Jews were
it earlier in accordance with the usual custom. So it might pointing to how long the project had taken up to that
be the first to pass upon the recognition of a new cult. The point in contrast with the three days in which Jesus said
Senate therefore refused to deify Christ. They also issued he could build the temple (Jn2:19).
an edict that the Christians should be banished from the
City. A special reason was because Sejanus, the prefect of By counting forty-six years from 20 B.C., one arrives at
Tiberius, was inflexibly opposed to the recognition of this AD. 27 or from 19 B.C., one arrives at A.D. 28. Hence
religion. Nevertheless in an edict Tiberius threatened the first Passover of Jesus ministry was likely in the
denouncers of Christians with death." spring of either A.D. 27 or 28AD.

A similar section is found in, perhaps a corrupted form, No amount of adjusting by proponents wishing to delay
from the English translation of Orosius works published Jesus Baptism date can erase this fact pointing to the
under King Alfred, page 207-208. 15th year of Tiberius etc was between 28 and 27AD.

Wiki gives a background on unusual names, Sejanus & The Passover of 30AD best fits the lunar day of Passover
Orosius mentioned by Jones. and the weekday consideration. Subtracting 3 years
from 30AD gives Passover of 27AD as the start of Johns
Others have made a good case for the 15th Year of Tiberius work. The Passover of 28AD would then be Jesus first
Caesar falling in 26AD or 27AD. Passover in Jerusalem.

Page 2
1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
Objective of Israel Kings Chronological Review Kings of Jerusalem captured and exiled from Judah:
Are there gaps to be found in the biblical c) -14Manasseh, taken to Babylon, repented and
chronology of Jerusalem kings? returned to Jerusalem
Is it reasonable to ignore a 40 year portion of d) -17Jehoahaz, taken to Egypt
Ezekiel Jerusalem judgment and use only the 390 e) -18Jehoiakim, taken to Babylon, appointed by
year portion of Ezekiel prophesy? Do the Gaps in Egypt
having a king present in Jerusalem explain this f) -19Jehoiachin, temple & city sacked taken to
shortage? Babylon lives at least age 45
How accurate are the predictions of when Jubilee g) -20Zedekiah, 11y captive to Babylon
years were celebrated?
Findings If a king is in exile or captivity, he cannot reign as a king in
It is concluded there are gaps that can be Jerusalem. Scripture is mostly silent on the duration of
accounted for by cross referencing the year counts these exile and captivity times. Prophecy is one way to find
of the kings of Jerusalem and the kings of Samaria. the time span of the Kings of Jerusalem, like Ezekiel 4:1-13.
This time gap confirms the prophetic 430 profane There we find the total years of offense of Jerusalem, 390
years of Ezekiel chapter 4. plus 40, not just 390 as some wish to make it. This easily
The definitive Jubilees found here are the 300 year seen in the 70 Sabbaths of judgment. For 70 times
mark of Jephthah, Solomon Temple dedication and 7years/1sabbath is 490. Even if one says the 70
Christ baptism. punishment years are therein included, one gets 490-70 or
Gaps 420 years. Still it exceeds the 390 year many wish to use. I
The bible method of reporting the Kings of Israel and think the correct total is 500. For we find 70 judgment
Judah differs from the chronology method employed for years added to the 430 years of apostasy is 500. Also
prior patriarchs. The method employed in the Pentateuch remember that every 50th year is to be 1 extra Sabbath
is typically given as: in Abe's 100 year he sired Isaac and he year or 10 Jubilee Sabbaths in 500 years, so 70 times 7
died at age 175 years, Isaac lived 137 years and in his 60th year per Sabbath is 490 plus the 10 Jubilee years gives 500,
year he sired Jacob etc. For the kings in Jerusalem the as does 390+40+70=430+70.
recording moves to stating years of reign in as King over Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem three times as noted in
abc and died at 123 or at age 321 King Yz began to reign in chronicle of Jeremiah. This happened in Nebuchadnezzar,
Jerusalem for 123 years. Three recording styles are used, 7th, 18th, and 23yr years. When the seventy years were
A. no age at start nor death given only reign time; complete none of the captured kings returned. They all
#0Solomon, #7Athaliah, & #20Zedekiah. died in exile, akin to those of the wicked generation of
B. start age, reign time, no death age; #1Rehoboam, Exodus. Some will say the 70 years started with carry
#2Abijah, , #3Asa, #4 Jehoshaphat, #5Jehoram, away. Jeremiah says it started with the desolating of the
#6Ahaziah, #8Jehoash, #9Amaziah, #10Uzziah, land,
#11Jotham, #12Ahaz(20y/16), And this whole land shall be desolation, and astonishment;
#13Hezekiah(29y/25), #14Manasseh(55y/12) and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years.
#15Amon(2y/22), #16Josiah(31y/8), Jer25:11
#17Jehoahaz(0.25y/23), #18Jehoiakim(11y/25), That only happened under the 3rd smiting of the land in
#19Jehoiachin(1/4or1/2Y/8&18) the 23 year of Nebuchadnezzar. Also in looking at Jeremiah
C. start, reign, and death, David, start age 30, 7y count of smiting, in Nebuchadnezzar 7th year ended
Hebron, 33Y Jerusalem & died age 70, 2Sam5:4. #19Jehoiachin's reign, then 11 year later in
Nebuchadnezzar 18Y ends #20Zedekiah's 11 years, this
Kings of Jerusalem captured and exiled from Judah: leaves yet another 5 years, (23-18) until the whole land
a) -06 Ahaziah Then he searched for Ahaziah; and desolation unto start of the 70 year judgment.
they caught him (he was HIDING IN SAMARIA), and In Jer3:10 can be seen the linking of Judah with Israel, "her
brought him to Jehu. When they had killed him,.. sister, Backsliding Israel has shown herself more righteous
2Chr22:9 than treacherous Judah". This is yet another indication
b) -09Amaziah was CAPTURED by Jehoash and lived that Ezekiel 390 and 40 years are to be summed, not taken
fifteen years after the death of Jehoash. Israel
captured the treasure of Jerusalem 2Kgs14:13-15 as separate judgments.

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
Kings of Jerusalem captured and exiled from Judah: Sabbaths and Jubilee years
Also found is that Ezekiel was given the same ration for And they kept the feast seven days; and on the eighth day
both judgment periods, 20 shekels of meal a day, cooked there was a sacred assembly, according to the prescribed
on cow dung for each of the 430 days of his giving the manner Neh8:17-18
prophecy. For.. Moses.. Saying: "At the end of every seven years, at
the appointed time in the year of release, at the Feast of
Also is found in many places the word Israel refers to the Tabernacles, when all Israel comes to appear before the
combined houses of Samaria, the north 10 tribes plus the Lord your God in the place which He chooses, you shall
south two tribes. A read thru Hosea shows the varied use read this law before all Israel in their hearing. Deut31:10-
of these terms, Israel, Ephraim, Judah. One Harlot to 11.
represent both as unfaithful.
Now if the books of the law were lost until Josiah, how
Sabbaths and Jubilee years
could Israel be keeping the Sabbath years on a regular
Finally coming to the Sabbaths and Jubilee years, at look at
basis? "Hilkiah the priest found the (lost) Book of Moses
Nehemiah could be helpful. For since the days of
Law in temple & after King Josiah had heard the words of
Joshua the son of Nun until that day the children of Israel
the Law, he rent his clothes. 2Kg23:24/25." When the Law
had not done so And there was very great gladness. Also
was found, alas it only mentions keeping of the Passover,
day by day, from the first day until the last day, he read
not the Sabbath years.
from the Book of the Law of God.

Solomon Temple Dedicate Time From Exodus The 450 years are 9 jubilees of 50
years each. Solomon Temple was
years dedicated at end of 9th Jubilee or
Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo#
gone start of 10th cycle from when
Moses starts Jubilee cycle at end
Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0 of East Bank conquest.
Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50 The 300 years of Jephthah is 6
Dedicate 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42 times 50 or start of the 7th Jubilee
Table 1 - Jubilee Cycle Calculations from when Moses first read law
As Dedication of Temple was 488.5 years from Exodus and Conquest was in ears of all Israel.thChrist baptism th
complete 38.5 years from Exodus, there are (488.5 - 38.5) = 450 years from was at end of 29 or start 30
Moses 1st reading of the law after east bank conquest. jubilee cycle from Moses starting.

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
Table of Kings of Judah Years marked from 38.5Y after Exodus
# Name Event Years Year Die Y Ref
-8 38.5Y after Exodus Moses reads Law after capture of Amorites 0.00 0 Deut2
-7 Jephthah Jephthah requested to fight Ammon 300.00 300.0 na Ju11:26
-6 Eli-Jephthah Overlapping Judges & Eli Priest time 31.00 331.0 na Ju12&13
-5 Eli last Yrs Eli Judge 40Y die 98Yo last Yrs. b4 Samuel 25.00 356.0 98 1Sa4:15,18
-4 Samuel Saul overlap Samuel & Saul overlap: Saul as King ~40Y 41.40 397.4 70 Acts13:21
-3 David David Reign as King 40Y, 7Y Hebron 33Y Jer 40.00 437.4 70 2Sam5:4
-2 Solomon Temple dedicated by Solomon 12.60 450.0 na 2Chr3:2
-1 Solomon Solomon Faithful 17.00 467.0 na 1Kg11:4-13
0 Solomon Dies Dies at end of 10.4 Unfaithful Years 10.40 477.4 58.5? 1Kg11:42
1 Rehoboam in Y5, Shishak of Egypt came ...& took away gold 17.00 494.4 58 1kg14:20,21
2 Abijah war between Abijah & Samaria, Jeroboam 3.00 497.4 43 1kg15:1, 2ch13:1,2,20

3 Asa get gold& treasures by sacking Ethiopians, 41.00 538.4 63 1kgs15:9-10

4 Jehoshaphat Allied with wicked Ahab of Samaria 25.00 563.4 60 1kg22:41.44
5 Jehoram allied with Ahab, all neighbors pillaged Jerusalem 8.00 571.4 40 2kgs3:1,12
6 Ahaziah allied with Ahab exiled HIDING IN SAMARIA 1.00 572.4 23 2Kg 8:26, 9:29
7 Athaliah usurper mother of Ahaziah murder royals 6.00 578.4 62 2Ch22:12
8 Joash Jehoash restored Temple but city sacked by Syria 40.00 618.4 47 2kgs13:10
9 Amaziah Lost treasury& Jerusalem to Jehoash/ Israel 29.00 647.4 59 2kg14:1-2,14
10 Uzziah, Azariah gained war tribute& built-up Jerusalem walls 52.00 699.4 68 2kg15:1,2
11 Jotham Got tribute, turn to Jehovah but ppl idolater 16.00 715.4 41 2kg15:32-33
12 Ahaz Worship Assyria gods brought Judah low 16.00 731.4 36 2kg16:1-2
13 Hezekiah Assyria besieged Samaria and took away 29.00 760.4 54 2kg18:1-2
14 Manasseh did evil & repented in Babylon captivity 55.00 815.4 67 2kg21:1
15 Amon worshiped & sacrificed to carved images 2.00 817.4 24 2kg21:19
16 Josiah killed by Pharaoh but restored temple 31.00 848.4 39 2kg22:1
17 Jehoahaz imprisoned by Necho in Egypt 0.25 848.7 24 2Kg23:33
18 Jehoiakim, -achin Elikim 1st by Egypt, then Babylon, Judah sacked 11.00 859.7 36 2Kg23:36, Dan1:1
19 Jeconiah at 8Yr old Babylon carried away Jer treasure -3mo 0.25 859.9 na 2kg24:8,12
20 no king Jeconiah in First Exile from 8 to 18 Y 10.00 869.9 na 2kg24:8,25:27
21 Jeconiah at 18Yr old Jeconiah 2nd reign from Exile 18Y old 0.28 870.2 19 2kg24:12,25:27
22 Zedekiah king of Judah, until Babylon exile 11.00 881.2 32 2kg24:18,25:1
23 Babylon Sacks In 7thY, in 18thY in 23Yof Neb. Jer sacked 6.00 887.2 na Jer52:28-29,Da1:1

24 unknown Years without King in Jerusalem 9.80 897.0 na

25 Captivity The Captivity 70.00 967.0 na 2Chr36:21
26 Prophesy Jesus Baptized by John at Jordan 483.00 1450 30 Dan9:

By this count and the Prophetic word of Daniel, unto the Messiah; it shown that from the anointing of Solomon Temple
by the Holy Spirit unto the anointing of Jesus bodily temple at baptism by the Holy Saint John there were 1000 years or
one sacred day of elapsed time.

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
Kings of Samaria starting at Solomon'd death as refered to years past the 38.5 year after Exodus
# Yrs King / Event Start End Comment ref
J0 na Solomon die 477.4 477.4 Start count from Yr of Solomon death 1Kg11:42
i1 22 Jeroboam 477.4 499.4 in Jeroboam20Y Asa become King 1kgs14:20,15:9
i2 2 Nadab 499.4 501.4 Baasha kill Nadab Asa3Y, Samaria Kg24Y 1kgs15:25/29
i3 24 Baasha 501.4 525.4 Asa Y35 war w/Baasha & Asa lose Gold36Y 1kgs15:28
i4 2 Elah 525.4 527.4 Asa Y26 Elah become king 1kgs16:8
i5 0.02 Zimri 527.4 527.4 Zimri kill Elad in Asa27Y reign 7days 1kgs16:10,15
i6 12 Omri 527.4 539.4 crown Samar kg in asa31Y for 12y & die 1kgs16:23
i7 22 Ahab 539.4 561.4 Asa 38Y Ahab kg in Israel, r22Y in Samaria 1kgs16:29
i8 2 Ahaziah 561.4 563.4 Ahaziah2Y Israel king 17Y of Jehoshaphat 1kgs22:51
i9 12 Joram Jehoram 563.4 575.4 Jehoram Israel Kg 12Y, in Jehoshaphat 18Y 2kgs3:1,12
i10 28 Jehu 575.4 603.4 Over Samaria 28Y, cut off Joram 2kg9:14 2kgs10:36
i11 17 Jehoahaz 603.4 620.4 Jehoahaz became king in Samaria, for 17Y 2kgs13:1
i12 16 Jehoash 620.4 636.4 of Israel who break down 180m city wall 2kgs13:10
i13 41 Jeroboam2 665.4 706.4 of Israel.. king in Samaria, & reigned 41Y 2kgs14:23
i14 0.5 Zechariah 706.4 706.9 Zechariah king in Samaria 6 months 2kgs15:8
i15 0.08 Shallum 706.9 707.0 began to reign in the 39Y of Uzziah 2kgs15:13
i16 10 Menahem 707.0 717.0 In 39Y of Azariah began Menahem as king 2kgs15:17
i17 2 Pekahiah 717.0 719.0 In 50Y of Azariah began Pekahiah as king 2kgs15:23
i18 20 Pekah 719.0 739.0 In 52Y of Azariah begin Pekah as king 2kgs15:27
i19 9 Hoshea 739.0 748.0 In Ahaz 12Y, begin King Hoshea in samaria 2kgs15:30,17.1
i20 3 Assyria 748.0 751.0 In Hezekiah 6Y, Hoshea 9Y Samaria taken 2kgs17:5

Finding Missing Years of Kings by Cross Reference

King Reference & # Judah Kings Samaria Kings miss'Yr ref Yr
i16, 39Y of Azariah, j10 686.4 707 20.6 647.4
Table4 i17, 50Y of Azariah, j10 697.4 717 19.6 647.4
i18, 52Y of Azariah, j10 699.4 719 19.6 647.4
i19, Ahaz 12Y, #j12 727.4 739 11.6 715.4
i20, Hezekiah 6Y, #j13 737.4 748 10.6 731.4
Average missed Years 16.4
Finding the Missing Years of Jerusalem Kings by Cross Reference
Here are found the missing years of the Kings of Judah. As per prior statement, kings years are listed only regal years. If a
king was captive or there was no king for an interim time, the scripture not account directly those years.
In these two table the listed regal year of each listed king is summed sequentially. There be 2 common base points, the
death of King Solomon and the carry away of Samaria. Both Tables and count is from the 38.5 year after Exodus.

As seen here there is a maximum of 20.6 years missing. In Table 2 it was found necessary to add 19.8 year(items 20&24)
to match the 430 year prophesy of Ezekiel 4. This table substantiates that addition of about 19.8 years. It is thought
most overlook these years as they want fit Judean Kings into a total 390 year time gap. Ignoring the continuity of Ezekiel
prophesies is not correct.

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
0. Solomon King of Judah Asa 38Y, Ahab, is king over Israel; & Ahab reigned in
Solomon reigned 40 years, his last 10.4Y in Samaria 22Y, 1Kgs16:29
apostasy, start temple Y4, dedicate Y12, at 4. Jehoshaphat - King of Judah
488.5Y from Exodus, 530+488.5= 1018.5 years Jehoshaphat : son of Asa : Reigned 25 years : st35
from Abraham birth. d60y
1. Rehoboam - King of Judah 1Kg22:41 in Ahab 4Y, Jehoshaphat at 35 years
Rehoboam reigned 17 years: age63d? 58Y old became king, & he reign in Jerusalem 25
1Kg14:21 Rehoboam the son of Solomon reigned years, 2Ch20:31. 1Kgs22:4 so Ahab said to
in Judah. He was 41Y old when he began to reign, Jehoshaphat, "Will you go with me to fight at
and he reigned 17Y in Jerusalem, (2Chr12), Now Ramoth Gilead?" Jehoshaphat said to the king of
Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord. For they Israel, "I am as you are, my people as your
also built for themselves high places. In his 5Y people, my horses as your horses, 1Kgs22:43/44
Shishak of Egypt came ...& took away all ... the people offered sacrifices and burned
treasure, 1Kgs14:25, & there was war between incense on the high places. Also Jehoshaphat
him and Jeroboam all their days. 1Kgs14:20 made peace with the king of Israel.
Jeroboam reigned 22Y.. and Nadab his son Ahaziah became king over Israel in the 17Y of Asa 2Y over Israel, 1Kg15:25 Jehoshaphat for 2Y, and then Jehoram became
2. Abijah - King of Judah king of Israel for 12Y in Jehoshaphat 18Y.
Abijah (Abajam): son of Rehoboam: Reigned 3 5. Jehoram - King of Judah
years d42 or 43? Jehoram of Judah : Son of Jehoshaphat : Reigned
1Kg15:1. 2Ch13:1/2 In King Jeroboam 18Y, 8 years, d40
Abijah was king & reigned 3Y in Jerusalem... 2Kg8:16 He was 32Y old when he became king,
there was war between Abijah & Jeroboam... (in Joram 5Y) & reigned in Jerusalem 8Y &
2Chr13:20 Jeroboam did not recover strength departed without being desired. 2Ch21:20 And he
again in the days of Abijah; & the LORD struck walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as
him, & he died. the house of Ahab had done, for the daughter of
3. Asa - King of Judah Ahab was his wife; and he did evil in the sight of
Asa: son of Abijah: Reigned 41 years: d63? the LORD, 2Kgs8:1, Being rebuked by Elijah, he
1Kgs15:9-10 2Ch16:13, Asa reign as king of & Judah suffered greatly for joining Israel's
Judah, he died in his 41Y as king idolatry. For Philistines and Arabians near
In Jeroboam, 20Y, (1Kg15:9) Asa became King, Ethiopia sacked Jerusalem and killed all but Ahaz.
Asa 1st 10Y with peace, 2Ch14:1 Asa recovered Go page1 GoTable1
much treasure by defeat and sacking cities of 6. Ahaziah - King of Judah
Ethiopians, 2Chr14. In Asa 15Y Judah renew Ahaziah (Jehoahaz) son of Jehoram : Reigned 1
covenant in 3rd month, 2Chr15:10. year, KIA23 or 43 by Syria
Nadab, Jeroboam son, (1Kg15:25-30) became 2Kg8:26, 9:29 Ahaziah was 22Yo when he
king for 2Y over Israel in Asa 2Y; Baasha killed became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem 1Y.9:29
Nadab in Asa 3Y, Baasha reign in Samaria for in the 11Y of Joram the son of Ahab, Ahaziah had
24Y & die 1Kg15:33 become king over Judah. He became allied with
Elah, Baasha son, became king over Israel Asa Joram.
26Y, 1Kg16:8, & reign 2Y until Zimri killed him 2Chr22:9 Then he searched for Ahaziah; and they
in Asa 27Y, Zimri had reigned in Tirzah 7D, & caught him (he was HIDING IN SAMARIA), and
Israel crown Omri, king over Israel, in Asa 31Y. brought him to Jehu. When they had killed him, ...
Omri was king over Israel for 12Y & died.
1Kg16:23 So the house of Ahaziah had no one to assume
Asa 35Y war with Baasha house in Y36 sends all power over the kingdom... 2Kgs8:27 and he
gold, 1Kg15:18, 2Chr16:2, to Syria against Israel. walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did
Asa remove idols, follow Jehovah, but not take evil in the sight of the LORD, like the house of
off Judah high places. Ahab, for he was the son-in-law of the house of

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
42Yo was Ahaziah when he began his 1Y reign in . First, it was he who made the plural marriages
Jerusalem. His mother was Athaliah, a for young Joash, undoubtedly in an attempt to
granddaughter of Omri. (2Chr.22:2) insure a male heir to David's throne. Such
(Compare 2Kg8:26). According to that passage, the marriages were not only wrong in God's eyes, but
commencement of his reign is dated in the 22Y of his by so doing Jehoiada displayed a lack of faith that
age, and, according to this, in the 42Y of the kingdom God Himself would perform the promise to David
of his mothers family [Lightfoot]. If Ahaziah that he would not lack a son who could occupy
ascended the throne in the 22Y of his life, he must the throne", (2Sam.7; Psa.89:19-37).
have been born in his fathers 19Y. The point that is 7. Athaliah - Queen of Judah
being stressed by the Holy Spirit who inspired the Athaliah; usurper mother of Ahaziah Reigned 6
Chronicler to so write is that Ahaziah is as much the years: (7Y) d62? By revolt
"son of Omri" as he is "the son of David". Since the 2Kg11:1 now when Athaliah the mother of
Messiah was foretold as being "the son of David" Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and
(Mat.22:42), and not the "son of Omri", Ahaziah name destroyed all the royal family. Thus they hid him
is deliberately omitted in the official genealogy of (Joash) from Athaliah, so that he was not put to
Christ Jesus in Matthew 1:8. That is, Ahaziah, his son death. And he remained with her 6Y, hidden in
Joash, and Joash's son Amaziah have been judicially the house of the Lord, while Athaliah reigned over
removed by the Holy Spirit in Matthew due to their the land. She was the granddaughter of Omri, king
relationship to Ahab's and Jezebel's wicked daughter of Israel, 2Kgs8:26 Go page1 GoTable1
Athaliah. Her idolatrous influence infected, as it were, 8. Joash - King of Judah
the Judaic lineage and these three Kings of Judah were Joash Reigned 40 years. D47Y wounded by Syria,
all charged with idolatry (1. Ahaziah, 2Chr.22:3-4, the killed in his bed by servant.
"ways of the house of Ahab"; 2. Joash, 2Chr.24:17-18; 2Kg10:36 & the period that Jehu reigned over
3. Amaziah 2Chr.25:14-15, "gods of Edom"). As the Israel in Samaria was 28Y.
sins of the parents are visited to the third and fourth 2Kg12:1 In 7Y of Jehu, Jehoash began to reign, &
generation (Exo.20:5, cp. Ps109:13-14), 3 generations he reigned 40Y in Jerusalem.
are passed over in the register in "cleansing" the 2Kg11:21 Jehoash was 7Y old when he became
Messianic lineage so that Messiah may be said to be king, restored Temple only to have city sacked by
the "son of David" and none other. Thus it may be Syria.
seen that these two Scriptures (2Chr.22:2; Mat.1:8), 2Kg13:1 In the 23Yr of Joash the son of Ahaziah,
both long held to be erroneous, actually sustain and king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu became
explain one another. If it be doubted that the Holy king over Israel in Samaria, and reigned 17Y.
Spirit's omission of these three names in Matthew 1:8 9. Amaziah - King of Judah
is deliberate, let the skeptic note that the names of Amaziah son of Joash of Judah : Reign of 29
three High Priests, (Amariah [Jehoshaphat's], Jehoiada years, killed age 59Y
[Athaliah etc.], and Zechariah [Joash's]) all of whom 2Kg14:2 In the second year of Joash the son of
officiated during this time frame, are also not found in Joahaz, king of Israel, Amaziah the son of Joash,
the official register. Moreover Jehoiada was one of the king of Judah, began to reign. He was 25Y old
finest priests since Samuel (2Chr.24:16) and yet his when he began to reign, and he reigned 29Y in
name is omitted from the genealogical roll (1Chr.6:1- Jerusalem. Lost treasury to Jehoash of Israel who
15, cp. Ezr.7:1-5; also see 2Ki11:4-19; 12:2; 2Chr. 22- break down 180m city wall. Amaziah took much
24). Jehoiada lived 130 years (2Chr.24:15) so was alive of Edomite land but worshipped they gods & lost
in the days of Rehoboam, perhaps even back to the time of his kingdom and life. 2Kgs14:23 In Amaziah
Solomon. He would have reached the age of assuming the 15Y, Jeroboam-II, the son of Joash, king of Israel,
full priesthood during the middle of the reign of Asa and became king in Samaria, and reigned 41Y,
was the high priest at the time of Athaliah overthrow and recapture much of Jordan valley from Syria to
the installment of little Joash to his rightful throne Arabah.
(2Chr.23:8c, 18-20; 24:6). Why are their names missing?
2Kgs14:13-15 Amaziah was CAPTURED by
Although a conclusive answer for all three is not known,
perhaps it was due in part to their association with several Jehoash and lived fifteen years after the death of
of the monarchs. But, sufficient reasons are to be found Jehoash. Israel captured the treasure of Jerusalem
related to Jehoiada having been excluded

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
10. Uzziah - King of Judah 12. Ahaz - King of Judah
Uzziah (Azariah) son of Amaziah : Reigned 52
years d68Y as Leaper last 5Y And (Ahaz) was also delivered into the hand of
2Kgs15:1, 2Ch26, In Jeroboam king of Israel the king of Israel, who smote him with a great
27Y, Azariah the son of Amaziah, king of Judah, slaughter.
began to reign at 16Yo, 2Kg14:21, and he reigned
52Y but died a leper, about 5Y after burn incense, For Pekah...slew in Judah (120k men)
as he was angry with the priests. He gained tribute Go page1 GoTable1
from war and fortified Jerusalem walls. Jotham 2Kgs17:1 In Ahaz 12Y, Hoshea the son of Elah
admin last 5Y. became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned
2Kg15:8 In the 38Yof Azariah king of Judah did nine years.
Zachariah the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in
Samaria 6Months. 13. Hezekiah - King of Judah
2Kg15:13 Shallum the son of Jabesh began to Hezekiah reigned 29 years. D54
reign in the 39Y of Uzziah king of Judah; and he 2Ch29:1 2Kgs18:2 At age 25Yo Hezekiah
reigned a full 1Month in Samaria. became king, & reigned in Jerusalem 29Y. Rested
2Kg15:17 In the 39Y of Azariah king of Judah with his fathers in Jerusalem
began Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over 2Kgs18:1 Hezekiah son of Ahaz, began to reign
Israel, and reigned 10Y in Samaria. : 23 In the in Hoshea son of Elah, king of Israel 3Y
50Y of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the son of 2Kg18:9-10 in King Hezekiah, 4Y, which was
Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, Hoshea.., king of Israel, 7Y, Shalmaneser king of
and reigned 2Y. v:27 In the 52Y of Azariah king Assyria came up against Samaria and besieged it.
of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to At the end of 3Y they took it. In Hezekiah, 6Y,
reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned 20Y. that is, Hoshea king of Israel, 9Y Samaria was
11. Jotham - King of Judah taken.
Jotham son of Uzziah : Reigned 16 years : d41 ========= 284Y ==========
2Kg15:30-33 2Chr26:21-27:7 Jotham son of 14. Manasseh - King of Judah
Uzziah became king of Judah at age 25Y when he Manasseh son of Hezekiah : Reigned 55 years :
became king, reigned 16 years, rested in d67
Jerusalem. Got tribute, worshipped Jehovah but 2Kg21:1 Manasseh became king at 12Yo &
the people still sacrificed and burned incense on reigned in Jerusalem 55Y. He made his sons pass
the high places. through the fire, practiced soothsaying, used
2Kg15:30 And Hoshea...against Pekah... &...slew witchcraft, and consulted spiritists and mediums.
him, & reigned in his stead, in Jotham, the son of He did much evil, invoked more wrath than Israel.
Uzziah, 20Y. Although he repented, his 'generational curse'
12. Ahaz - King of Judah caused Jerusalem to be sacked during reign of his
Ahaz son of Jotham : Reigned 16 years d36 heirs.
2Ch28:1, 2Kgs16:1-2 Ahaz was 21Y old when he 2Chr33:11-13 So the Lord brought against them
became king, and he reigned 16Y in Jerusalem; the commanders of the host of the king of
(In Pekah 17Y, the son of Remaliah) Assyria, who took Manasseh with hooks and in
2Ch28:22 in the time of his distress King Ahaz fetters and brought him to Babylon. Now when he
became increasingly unfaithful to the LORD. was in affliction, he implored the Lord his God,
Worship Assyria gods brought Judah low, gave and humbled himself greatly before the God of his
treasury unto Damascus for naught. Isaiah gives fathers, and prayed to Him; and He received his
65Y prophecy against Israel, Is7:8 entreaty, heard his supplication, and brought him
Is7:1 in the days of Ahaz... Rezin the king of back to Jerusalem into his kingdom. Then
Syria, and Pekah... went up toward Jerusalem ... Manasseh knew that the Lord was God.
Is7:3, 8 Then the LORD said to Isaiah, "Go out
now to meet Ahaz; Within 65Y Ephraim will be
broken, So that it will not be a people. 2Ch28:5-6

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
15. Amon - King of Judah 16. Josiah - King of Judah
Amon son of Manasseh : Reigned 2 years : d24 2Ch34/35, 2Kg22. Jer3:10-11: And yet for all this
sired Josiah at 15y or16) her treacherous sister Judah has not turned to Me
2Kg21:19-26 - Amon became king, at 22Yo & with her whole heart, but in pretense," says the
reigned in Jerusalem 2Y, & he worshiped & LORD. Then the LORD said to me, "Backsliding
sacrificed to all the carved images which his Israel has shown herself more righteous than
father Manasseh had made, & served them until treacherous Judah 2Kg22&23 show extent of
killed by his servants & was buried in tomb... Ahaz influence in Jerusalem
2Ch33:21-24 Go page1 GoTable1
16. Josiah - King of Judah 17. Jehoahaz - King of Judah
Josiah son of Amon : Reigned 31 years : d39 KIA Jehoahaz son of Josiah : reigned 3mo. d23.25Y
Pharaoh Necho 2Kg23:29 imprisoned by Necho in Egypt
2Kg21:1, 2Ch34:1 Josiah became king @8Yo & 2Kgs23:31-33, 2Chr36:2 Jehoahaz was 23Y old
reigned in Jerusalem 31Y. In his 8Y (while when he became king, and he reigned 3 months in
young) he began to seek Elohim and in his 12Y Jerusalem; in prison Riblah land of Hamath, under
begin remove idols & take off the alters of Baals Egypt
& In 18Y when finish cut down all the idols 18. Jehoiakim - King of Judah
throughout all his land.., he returned to Jerusalem Jehoiakim (Eliakim) son of Josiah : reigned 11Y :
& give money that had collected from Manasseh, d36
Ephraim, all the remnant of Israel, and from all 2Kgs23:36/24:1-7, 2Chr36:5-6 Jehoiakim was
Judah, Benjamin, and Jerusalem. While gathering 25Y old when he became king (as vassal to Necho
the money that was brought into the house of the of Egypt), and he reined 11Y in Jerusalem...
Lord, Hilkiah the priest found the (lost) Book of Nebuchadnezzar ... came up against him,.. to carry
Moses Law in temple & after King Josiah had him off to Babylon... With costly items from the
heard the words of the Law, he rent his clothes. Temple..; 1st under Egypt, then Babylon, Judah
..and commanded saying, Go; inquire of the Lord sacked in days of J'kim.
for me and for those who are left in Israel and in Jehoiakim 4th Y .. that was
Judah about the words of the book that is found. Nebuchadnezzar 1st Y king of Babylon..
For great is the Lord's wrath... because our fathers 19. Jehoiachin - King of Judah
have not kept the word of the Lord, to do Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim : reigned 3 months
according to all that is written in this book. 10dy captive 18.25 & 8.5
(then spake) Huldah the prophetess, she said to... Jehoiachin at 18Yo began to reign, & reigned in
Josiah... your eyes shall not see all the evil that I Jerusalem 3mo 10d (2Ki.24:8, ..2Ch36:9, says
will bring upon this place and its inhabitants... 8Yo) & did evil in the sight of the LORD. He &
Then Josiah took away all the abominations out of treasure were carried away to Babylon. On the 5th
all the countries that pertained to the children of day of the month, this was in the 15thYr of King
Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to Jehoiachins captivity. Ez1:2 Now it came to pass
serve, even to serve the Lord their God. in the 37Y of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of
2Chr35:18-25 there was no Passover like to Judah, in the 12th month, on the 27D of the
that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the month, that Evil-Merodach king of Babylon, in
prophet; neither did all the kings of Israel keep the year that he began to reign, released
such a Passover as Josiah kept, ..., and all Judah Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison.
and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of 37Y of the captivity of Jehoiachin
Jerusalem. In the 18Y... of Josiah was this king of Judah, in the 12 month, on the 25D of the
Passover kept. After all this, when Josiah had month, that Evil-Merodach king of Babylon, in
prepared the temple, Necho king of Egypt came the 1st Y of his reign, lifted up the head of
up to fight against Carchemish by Euphrates: and Jehoiachin ...Jer52:31. From this Nebuchadnezzar
Josiah went out against him ... in the valley of passed in Jehoiachin 36Y.
Megiddo ... & the archers shot at king Josiah...&
he later died in Jerusalem And Jeremiah lamented
for Josiah:

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
20. Zedekiah - King of Judah 23. Ezekiel 390 years plus 40 years (430Y)
Zedekiah son of Josiah : reigned 11Y carried to Prophecy
Babylon This complete Ezekiel 390 years sin in Israel and
2Kg24:8 2Ch36:11 Jer52:12, 1:3 It came also in 40 years sin in Judah for total apostasy of 430
the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of years. It is only numerical answer to:
Judah, until the end of the 11Y of Zedekiah 7Y/1Sabbath*70sabbath
(Mattaniah) he son of Josiah, king of Judah, until 70*7+10= 490 +10 = 500 = 390+40+70 = 430 +
the exile of Jerusalem in the 5M. Ez33:21 in the 70 = 500Y
12Y of our captivity, in the 10M, in the 5D, that Ez4:5-6 For I have laid on you the years of their
one.. of Jerusalem came .. saying, The city is iniquity, according to the number of the days, 390
smitten. Ez40:1, In the 25Y of our captivity, in the days; so you shall bear the iniquity of the house of
beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the Israel. And when you have completed them, lie
month, in the 14Y after that the city was smitten, again on your right side; then you shall bear the
Jer52:1 Zedekiah became king at 21Yo & reigned iniquity of the house of Judah 40 days. I have laid
11Y in Jerusalem, 2Ch36:11. on you a day for each year.
Jer32:1, in the 10Y of Zedekiah .., which was the
18Y of Nebuchadnezzar. Quandary of Ahaziah and Jehoram.
21. Babylonian Sacking of Judah Ahaziah was 22 Years old when he began to reign, and
Babylonians sack Judah unto all carry away 11Y he reigned 1Y in Jerusalem. His mother's ... the
+ 5Y= 16Y Judah without king. granddaughter of Omri king of Israel. (2Ki.8:26) Amp
Jer52:28-30, Dan1:1 These Nebuchadnezzar 42 years old was Ahaziah when he began his 1Y reign
carried away captive: in the 7thY, .. (Jo'kim11Y) in Jerusalem. His mother was Athaliah, a
in the 18thY of Neb. (Jo'kim22Y, Zed'11Y) he granddaughter of Omri. (2Chr.22:2) Amp
carried away ... in the 23Y year of (Compare 2Kg8:26). According to that passage, the
Neb.,(Jo'kim27Y, Zed'16Y) Nebuzaradan the commencement of his reign is dated in the twenty-
captain of the guard carried away captive of the second year of his age, and, according to this, in the
Jews 18-7=11Y, 23-18=5Y forty-second year of the kingdom of his mothers
Ez40:1 In the 25Y of our captivity, in the family [Lightfoot]. If Ahaziah ascended the throne in
beginning of the year, in the 10d of the month, in the twenty-second year of his life, he must have been
the 14Y after that the city was smitten, in .. (11Y born in his fathers nineteenth year.
after captivity city..)
22. Jeremiah 70 years Prophecy & Judgment upon Another similar quandary was solved by the missing
Israel & Judah years Table.
2Chr36:21 "To fulfill the word of the Lord by the Jehoiachin was 18Yo when he began to reign, & he reigned in
Jerusalem 3 months, & his mother's name was Nehushta, the
mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed her
daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem (2Ki.24:8).
Sabbaths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept Jehoiachin was 8Yo when he began to reign, and he reigned 3
Sabbath, to fulfill 70Y." months & 10 days in Jerusalem: & he did that which was evil in
Jer25:11 And this whole land shall be a the sight of the LORD (2Chr.36:9).
desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations
shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years. Go page1 GoTable1
For in 70 years of Sabbaths we have 7Y/1Sabbath
year times 70 Sabbath years or 490 years, and in a
total of 500 years there be 10 Jubilee land
Sabbaths spaced 50Y apart. The sum is
490+10=500Y, for in the 50thY, the land was to
rest also. Even double counting 49 year Jubilers
will see 490<(390+40).
Go page1 GoTable1

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016
KINGS OF SAMARIA, 8. Ahaziah 2Kgs8:25/6 In the 12Y of Joram, Ahab's-son,
1. Jeroboam - Solomon Servant , after Solomon for 22Y .. did Jehoram (Judiah king) son of Ahaziah#J begin to
1Kgs11:29-31 Appointed by prophet Ahijah in Solomon reign. Ahaziah#J was 22yo when he began to reign; and he
time to be king over 10tribes after Solomon mourning. reigned 1Y in Jerusalem, his mother's name was Athaliah,
Solomon exiled Jeroboam to Egypt until the mourning. the daughter of Omri king of Israel... 2Chrn22:2 Ahaziah#J
1Kgs12:2&3 & 14:20 Jeroboam reigned.. 22Y & died then.. was 42Yo when he began to reign, and he reigned 1Y in
Nadab his son reigned.. 2Chron13:1 Now in the 18Y of king Jerusalem, his mother's name also was Athaliah the
Jeroboam began Abijah to reign over Judah. 12:13 ... daughter of Omri. Ahaziah#J=(Judiah king), Ahaziah#S =
Rehoboam was 41Yo when he began.., and he reigned 17Y (Samaria King)
in Jerusalem.. 1Ki15:9 And in the 20Y of Jeroboam king of 9. Jehoram - of Israel son of Ahab : Reigned 12 years
Israel reigned Asa over Judah. 2Ki3:1 Now Jehoram the son of Ahab began to reign over
2. Nadab - son of Jeroboam reigned over Samaria 2Y: Israel in Samaria in 18Yr of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and
1Kgs15:25-29 And Nadab the son of Jeroboam began to reigned 12Y. 2Ki8:16 And in the 5Y of Joram the son of
reign over Israel in the 2Y of Asa king of Judah, and reigned Ahab king of Israel, Jehoshaphat being then king of Judah,
over Israel 2Y. 1Kgs15:28 Even in the 3Y of Asa king of Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah began to
Judah did Baasha slay him, and reigned in his stead. :29.. reign. 2Ki8:25 In the 12Y of Joram the son of Ahab king of
he smote all the house of Jeroboam; .. according to.. , Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah begin
which he spake by his servant Ahijah the Shilonite: to reign. 2Kgs 9:2 And in the 11Y of Joram the son of Ahab
started in 2nd Y of Asa and Murdered in Asa's 3rd Y by began Ahaziah to reign over Judah.
Baasha 10. Jehu - appointed by prophetic decree : Reigned 28Y
3. Baasha - Appointed by prophet Ahijah : Reigned 24Y Jehu killed the kings of Israel and Judah at about the same
1Kgs15:33 In the 3Y of Asa king of Judah began Baasha the time. 2Kgs10:36 And the time that Jehu reigned over Israel
son of Ahijah to reign over all Israel in Tirzah, 24Y, (die in Samaria was 28Y 2Kgs12:1 In the 7Y of Jehu, Jehoash (of
Asa27Y). 2Ch16:1 In the 36Y of the reign of Asa, Baasha Judah) began to reign; 40Y in Jerusalem
king of Israel came up against Judah. 11. Jehoahaz - son of Jehu : Reigned 17 years
4. Elah - son of Baasha : reigned 2Y 2Kgs13:1 In 23Y of Joash the son of Ahaziah king of Judah,
Ascends the throne during Asa's 26th year and is murdered Jehoahaz son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria,
during the 27th year 1Kgs16:8,10 1Kgs16:8 In the 26Y of and reigned 17Y.
Asa king of Judah began Elah the son of Baasha to reign 12. Jehoash - son of Jehoahaz King in Samaria 16Y
over Israel in Tirzah, two years. 2Ki13:10 In the 37Y of Joash king of Judah began Jehoash
5. Zimri - killed Elah during Asa, reign 7d the son of Jehoahaz to reign over Israel in Samaria, and
1Kgs16:10 And Zimri went... in the 27Y of Asa king of reigned 16Y...
Judah, and reigned in his stead. 16:15.. did Zimri reign 2 Kings 14:1,14,16 And Jehoash king of Israel took Amaziah
7Day in Tirzah. Tibni not counted as was not independent. king of Judah, the son of Jehoash the son of Ahaziah, at
6. Omri -: Reigns 12 years Beth-shemesh, and came to Jerusalem, and brake down
1Kgs16:23 In 31st Y of Asa king of Judah began Omri to the wall of Jerusalem from the gate of Ephraim unto the
reign over Israel (for)12Y: and reigned he in Tirzah 6Y (rest corner gate, four hundred cubits... 14: And he took all the
of time in Samaria) gold and silver, and all the vessels that were found in the
7. Ahab- son of Omri : Reigned 22Y: house of the Lord , and in the treasures of the king's
Ascended Asa's 38th Y & Omri's 12th Y. 1Kgs16:29 ... in the house, and hostages, and returned to Samaria. 16: And
38Y of Asa .. began Ahab the son of Omri to reign over Jehoash slept ... and Jeroboam his son reigned in his
Israel: and .. reigned over Israel in Samaria 22Y.... Kgs22:41 stead.
Jehoshaphat the son of Asa began to reign over Judah in 13.Jeroboam II - King of Samaria reigned 41Y
the 4th Y of Ahab king of Israel. Academic 'misdirection' & 2Kgs14:23 In Amaziah 15Y, Jeroboam-II, the son of Joash,
Compartmentalisation over Battle of Qarqar Assyrian, king of Israel, became king in Samaria, and reigned 41Y,
Babylonian and Israelite recapture much of Jordan valley from Syria to Arabah.
8. Ahaziah - Ahaziah, son of Ahab : Reigned 2Y 2Kgs14:13-15 Amaziah was CAPTURED by Jehoash and
1Kgs22:51 Ahaziah the son of Ahab began to reign over lived 15Y after the death of Jehoash. Israel captured the
Israel in Samaria the 17Y of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and treasure of Jerusalem
reigned 2Y over Israel.
A second Ahaziah was king of Judah but was from another

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

14. Zechariah - King of Samaria 6 Months

2Kg15:8 In the 38Yof Azariah king of Judah did Zachariah
the son of Jeroboam reign over Israel in Samaria 6 Months.

15. Shallum -usurper - reigned a full 1Month in Samaria.

Shallum - replaces Zechariah in Uzziah's 39th year Shallum
is also killed.
2Kg15:13 Shallum the son of Jabesh began to reign in the
39Y of Uzziah king of Judah; and he reigned a full 1Month
in Samaria.

16. Menehem - King reigned 10Y in Samaria

2Kg15:15-17 In the 39Y of Azariah king of Judah began
Menahem the son of Gadi to reign over Israel, and reigned
10Y in Samaria.

17. Pekahiah - King in Samaria, and reigned 2Y

2Kg15:23 In the 50Y of Azariah king of Judah Pekahiah the
son of Menahem began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and
reigned 2Y. (Slain by Pekah.)

18. Pekah - King - usurper in Samaria, and reigned 20Y

2Kg15:27 In the 52Y of Azariah king of Judah, Pekah the
son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and
reigned 20Y.
With Rezin of Damascus he fought the Syro-Ephraimitic
war see Ahaz of Judah

19. Hoshea - King in Samaria Reigned 9 years.

2Kgs18:1 Hezekiah son of Ahaz, began to reign in Hoshea
son of Elah, king of Israel 3Y
2Kg18:9-10 in King Hezekiah, 4Y, which was Hoshea.., king
of Israel, 7Y, Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up against
Samaria and besieged it. At the end of 3Y they took it. In
Hezekiah, 6Y, that is, Hoshea king of Israel, 9Y Samaria was

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

Chart of Succession of the Kings to illustrate double Names but different peerage.

1 Nation 2Kings Chronological Review by OP Armstrong Dec2016

The 1st time line breaks the 480 Years into 3 parts: A) From Exodus unto East Elis 98 year life ended at capture of Ark. It is told he was priest for 40 years.
Bank Conquest in the 38.5 Year from Exodus, B) The 300Y told Jephthah from This cannot start until age 30 by Moses Law. Thus his last 28 years were as an
East Bank Conquest unto beginning of Jephthah Judgeship, C) by difference Elder. It is seen that Eli as Tabernacle Priest, overlapped the 4 judges by 15
there remain 141.5Y from start of Jephthah unto start of Solomon Temple. In years by counting back. The total time of either Samuel or Saul is not specified
part C, a further breakdown is made to see how the known years and in scripture. But David kingship began at Solomon death, also Samuel could
unspecified years could be fitted into the 141.5Y time gap. not be Tabernacle Priest until Eli retired. This leaves about 41 or 42 combined
The key numbers given in old testament are: times of the 4 listed Judges, years for Saul and Samuel. It is possible Saul was king for 40 years. In one
(6,7,10,8); The 40 year priesthood of Elis 98 year life that ended with capture place Davids term is given as 33Y and a few months. The Ark was also 7
of the Ark; then 20 years the Ark spent at Abinadabs until David brought it to months in Gaza before return to Israel. Samson time by Seder Olam is placed
Jerusalem in the 1st year of his 33 years there, Davids 7 years as King outside outside the 141.5 year span.
Hebron, and the 4 years of Solomon reign unto laying Temple foundation. Go page1 GoTable1

Triad Types in Jesus Transfiguration: by O.P. Armstrong, Oct2013 &r.Feb15

The transfiguration of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration

may provide useful insights for everyday life and beyond.
At first, there seems to be a contradiction between Lukes
account and the other two gospel accounts. For Luke says,
about 8 days after, whilst the other two say, after 6 days; but
in the mathematic sense, after 6 is also about 8. Perhaps
there is a hidden meaning? Could these different times not also
reference to two heavenly scenes presented in scripture? The
1st heavenly deals with the resurrection around time of Last
Millennial Day, see below time line. Whilst about 8 days after
speaks of the same heaven but after the 7 days. On the 8th day
is start of a new heaven and new earth. For even Moses went
up to the mountain twice. On both trips Moses brought back
the same Law, why? (apart from the fact Moses smashed the 1st
stone tablets) The mountain speaks of heaven itself and Moses
2 tablets speak of 2 judgments by the same standard. The 1st
judgment deals with the 1st resurrection before the last
millennial day. This 1st resurrection is likely the rapture. Whilst
the second set of tablets speaks of the 2nd judgment before the
new heaven and new earth. During the 2nd and final judgment,
those born during the last millennial day will be judged by the
same standard. The standard being; did we accept Gods Word
and apply the blood of Christ over our life? Heaven is calling out,
Adam where art thou? Run to the mountain of Christ to find
His grace as your redemption before a Righteous God. How? By
baptism and the rite of Holy Communion we enter the new and
living way, simple really.
The transfiguration also speaks of the manifold trinity in many
ways. First were 3 Apostles who went with Jesus to the
mountain, a type for heaven. The 1st two are the brothers
James & John, with Peter being the last. Possibly John and
James previously accepted the rite of repentance Baptism under John the Baptist.
James was among the 1st of those to meekly accept martyrdom. So James may
represent those in heaven martyred meekly for Christ. While John represents those in
heaven by Law of conscience. Last is Peter (upon this rock or revelation will I build my
Church) representing those in heaven by Christ grace and his blood atonement. goPg2

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Triad Types in Jesus Transfiguration: by O.P. Armstrong, Oct2013 &r.Feb15

The next trinity represented is the Godhead (Father, Son,

Holy Spirit). These are seen in Jesus spoken of by God as,
My beloved Son and all are transported in the Spirit,
...Tell the vision to no one until . This same trinity can
be seen in the description of Stephens stoning and Jesus
baptism at river Jordon. Stephen saw in the Spirit the
heavens open and Jesus standing at the right hand of
God. Jesus baptism at Jordon is the most direct trinity
reference in the New Testament: And the Holy Ghost
descended in a bodily shape like a dove on him, and a voice
came from heaven, which said, You are My beloved Son.
There are many Old Testament references to the Elohim in
Genesis and Psalms.
The trinity of time (past, present, & future) is another
trinity represented in Jesus transfiguration. For the Law
(Moses) and the Prophets (Elijah) were until John, since
then the Kingdom of Heaven is declared. The past is seen
in Moses and Elijah; the present may be seen in Christ; the
future may be seen in the Apostles as representing the
The trinity of man (body, soul, & spirit) may also be seen in
the transfiguration. Jesus, God Incarnate, tells of our body,
both in present and resurrected form. Elijah speaks of our
spirit, the double portion & taken to the heavenly by
chariots of fire. Moses and his law may represent our Soul
or ethos. This may be taken to represent our character and
personality traits. The Law indicates the will of God for
people to represent good and differentiate between good
and bad. goPg3 goPg1
The trinity of earthly life in the forms of Grace, Faith, and
Works may be another representation given in the
transfiguration. Jesus tells us of Gods unmerited favor
extended to us. In that while we were yet sinners God sent
his only begotten son to ransom us from sin. Elijah speaks
of the faith we need to see God. Moses speaks of works
and that faith without works dies. The two cherubim (faith
& works) watch over our spiritual life or contents of the

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Triad Types in Jesus Transfiguration: by O.P. Armstrong, Oct2013 &r.Feb15

ark. The ark also has a story about life.

For the pot of manna inside likely represents our need
to feed on Gods imperishable word. Could it be the
Almond branch represents our need of refreshing by
the Holy Spirit? Lastly, do not the Tablets tell of the
nourishment gained by good works?
Lastly, of the three types would be The Elohim, Moses,
and Elijah. These last 3 types are the most obscure. For
the sake of completeness, are briefly considered. This
heavenly type is the subject of Zechariahs 4th chapter,
Moses Ark, and Revelation. Moses ark again speaks of the
trinity, three in one watched by the Cherubim. The ark itself
speaks of one God, but the inner parts are 1)Manna Pot
{Jesus the bread of Life} 2)Aarons staff the budded
almond branch { The Spirit gives life}, and 3rd The Stone
Tablets Engraved by Gods finger allude to the unchanging
Father & what does the Lord require of You Oh man but
to live justly
Here we are presented with Jesus (the representation
or Ark of the Godhead between the two witnesses
(Moses and Elijah) and the presence This is my
beloved Son - the Glory or light or perfection.
Last are the two witnesses are these perhaps those same
two described in Revelation? These are the two olive trees and the
two lamp stands standing before the God of the earth. And if anyone wants
to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies.
These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their
prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to

strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.

When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends
out of the bottomless pit will make war against them,
overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies will
lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called
Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from
God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great
fear fell on those who saw them. And they heard a loud
voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And
they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies
saw them. Then the seventh angel sounded: And there The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of
were loud voices in heaven, saying, " goPg4 start our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and

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Triad Types in Jesus Transfiguration: by O.P. Armstrong, Oct2013 &r.Feb15

The triad type of the spirit of Elijah Shall go before Him Gospels show John beheaded
is the last type the Transfiguration In the 'Spirit & Power Before Elijah appeared w/Jesus
provides insight about. The three
of Elijah' to prepare ... Matthew Mark Luke
types of the Spirit and Power of
John Beheaded 14.1 6.27 9.9
Elijah are found in the following 3
Elijah @ Transfiguration 17.3 9.4 9:30
Elijah must first Come 17.11-13 9:12-13 -
1. When Elijah was taken to
heaven, "Elisha said, Please let Spirit of Elijah 2Kgs2:9 11.14 1.17
st nd
a double portion of your spirit 1 restore, 2 Smite Mal.4:6 & Rev11:3
be upon me."
2. When John the Baptist came to announce Jesus as Messiah, He will also go
before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to
the children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a
people prepared for the Lord."
3. During the tribulation: And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will
prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." These
are two olive trees and two lamp stands standing before the God of the earth.
goPg5 start
The second time the spirit and power of Elijah comes is to utterly smite the land. This is
seen in Youngs literal translation: Lo, I am sending to you Elijah the prophet, before the
coming of the day of Jehovah, The great and the fearful. And he hath turned back the
heart of fathers to sons, and the heart of sons to their fathers, before I come and have
utterly smitten the land! Jesus discussion after his transfiguration has no denial the
Elijah would come again. Jesus said both, 1) Elijah had come and 2) denied not he would
come. Also shown in above table is that in all synoptic gospels, Johns death preceded
Elijah & Moses appearance with Jesus on Mount Transfiguration. This signified John
was that prophet to turn the childrens hearts to the fathers way. Malachi simply states
that the second coming of the Elijah spirit or perhaps the prophet himself will be as a
lion to smite the earth. A reason for the two witness of Revelation to be Enoch and
Elijah is so they can experience earthly death. For it is appointed once for man to die.
Both Enoch and Elijah were translated or raptured. A problem in that logic is, how shall
the death requirement be fulfilled for raptured believers? In the twinkle of an eye we
shall be changed. Shall that change include death and resurrection in an instant?
The 3 days in Revelation is a type of the Elijah. Only Jesus and James explicitly specify
the time of drought under Elijah was 3 years. The O.T. text states just, in the third
year. In all scripture, only the Elijah story uses the 3 years. This suggest by the Year-
Day concept, a total tribulation time of two sums, 1260 days (under the 2 witness) plus
3year 6months (after the 2 witness) or 7 prophetic year in total.

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Triad Types in Jesus Transfiguration: by O.P. Armstrong, Oct2013 &r.Feb15

Tables of Trinity Types

Triad Types as found in Jesus Transfiguration on the Mount
Apostle Heaven's Redeemed Patterns Earth God Man Temple Time
Peter Church Age Believers Jesus Grace Son Body Mercy Seat Present
James Righteous Martyrs Elijah Faith Spirit Spirit Presence Future
John Old Covenant Believers Moses Works Father Soul Cherubims Past
Return goPg6
Table of Two Witness Compared from Sundry Scriptures
Zech Gospel Revelation & Exodus
Zech.4.2-14;Heb8.5;9.23 Matt17:1-9,Mk9:2-9, Luke9:28-36 Revelation 11.4-5 Ex24,25,26, 25:18-22
Two olive trees Moses & Elijah appear to Jesus on Mtn (2) Witnesses, Olive Trees, Candlesticks
Two Anointed Ones Appearance after 6 days Mk & Matt Prophesy 1260 days after, killed by Beast
either side of Sheba (7) 'about 8 days after these sayings' Luke Lie in Jerusalem 3.5 days dead
7 are eyes of Adoni Voice from heaven, '.. This is My Son ..' Resurrected ascend to heaven in cloud
vision of Ark, Heb. Peter, James, John go & hear the voice 7th angel sounds Gods' Kingdom comes

The Biblical 7Days of Creation teaches us that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind and make
a new creation in seven days of 1,000 years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John
in his Revelation. A combination of this and Usshers work, gives Adams age to begin his sin ministry to be
about 30 years. (4004BC - 3974BC = 30), or by this work 26.5 years old, (4026.5-4000).
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Sauls Time as King dated by the years of Holy Ark at Kirjath-Jearim OP Armstrong Dec/2016
Years of Eli, Samuel, Saul, Eshbaal Saul Son, David & Holy Ark David, & Moses-Ark. The time
Tag => A B C D E F runs from Eli appointment as
Event Ark David I'baal Saul Sam Eli Tabernacle priest until the
Ark Move to Jerusalem 20 38 48 68 83 118 Ark was moved to Jerusalem
in Y38 of David. Davids Y30 was 435.9Y after
Esh-baal /Ishbosheth/ die 14 32 42 62 77 112
Exodus & 1052.6Y before Jesus Baptism by
Saul Die 12 30 40 60 75 110 John. Only the year of a key event is given in
Samuel Die 10 28 38 58 73 108 this table. Also, Samuel-1&2 does not specify
David kill Goliath w/Saul 2 20 30 50 65 100 time of some events. The sequence-tie-
Eli Die,Ark to Kirjath-jearim 0 18 28 48 63 98 object is the 20 years Moses Ark stayed at
Esh-baal born, Saul's son -28 -10 0 20 35 70 Kirjath-Jearim in the house of Abinadab. There
were 20 years from its return, after capture in Eli
Eli retired, sons next Priests -48 -30 -20 0 15 50 98 year, until moved by King David, in his 38
Samuel weaned & goes to year, to city Jerusalem. If A denotes the Ark
-58 -40 -30 -10 5 40 years, then 18+A will be the years of David, B.
Samuel Conception -64 -46 -36 -16 -1 34 Esh-baal, (aka: Eshbaal, Ishbosheth, Ishui,
Eli appointed High Priest -68 -50 -40 -20 -5 30 denoted by C) was Sauls last living son. He
was 40 years old when David became King at
Years. to Ark of God A 18+A 28+A 48+A 63+A 98+A age 30, So C=10+B = 28+A.
Years to primary variable 18+A 10+B 20+C F-35 98+A Next an age of Saul, 20Y, is assumed for the
This table shows the years of Eli, Samuel, Saul, Esh-baal (Saul Son), birth year of Eshbaal.

This could also have been 25 or 30. This only affects the age By Moses law youths could enter military service from 20Y
of Saul at various events. Within reason, these ages are upwards. So Davids service conforms to Moses
unspecified by scripture. So Sauls age, D=20+C=48+A. requirement, as expected. Neither the age of Saul nor
The age of Eli, called F, is specified as 98. This was when the Samuel is given when Saul is appointed king. One or 2Y
Ark was captured. Seven months later, the Ark is returned to after Eli death is reasonable. Thus Sams age at that time is
the house of Abinadab, (not the un-named adolescent son of 64 or 65 years. As said Samuel, he was old. Anything over
Saul killed at Gilboa) in Elis 98 year. So F=98+A. No attempt 50 in the priest system would be old. By this table, Sauls
is made to work in partial years. time, as king, was only 11-9 years. During that time he
Lastly, find age of Samuel in terms of Eli years. Here guidance fought 6 or 7 wars. During most that time, David lived on
is given by two facts. A priests allowed years of service is set the land as a fugitive. Thus the translation of Acts 13:21-22
by Moses Law to be not less than 30 and not more than 50. must be either that the time of Saul and Samuel were
Samuel mother Hannah came to the Tabernacle in Eli time as about 40 years or that the 40 refers to the years of David
she prayed to God for a son. She vowed he would be given in reign as King of Israel.
service to God. When the child was weaned she presented v21: ...the Saul son Kis out of tribe Benjamin. v22: Years
Samuel to Eli at the Tabernacle. The conception year of forty, and deposing him; He lifted to them the David into
Samuel is taken to be Eli 34Y. Five years of age in Hebrew king to whom also he witnesses... (From Greek interlinear
tradition is the age of weaning by which time Eli was 40. and Strong's Greek words & my punctuation and verse#)
Variable E, Samuels age, is F-35 = 98+A-35 or 63+A. Some incorrectly argue the ark was moved during Sauls
Considerations on the Results days. A close reading of 1Sam14:3,18-19 shows Saul asked
The years of any event for any listed single age can be found moving the ark but midsentence withdrew the order.
by adjusting the single variable, A, ark years from capture Nowhere in the days of Saul is it stated the ark moved. This
return, until the specified event age is achieved. concur 1Chr13:3 ... Bring again the ark for we inquired
Saul died when Esh-baal was 40; this is at age 60 or ark year not at it in the days of Saul. Also it specified where the ark
12. Samuel died 2 years prior at age 73. As Sam entered stayed since return from capture. That was the very same
priestly service at age 30, then yes 43 years of service was a place David fetched Moses Ark unto Jerusalem.
goodly term of service and he was old and full of years. Saul Please download the PDF, if interested in reading more on
became king about 2 years after Eli died. This was in Samuel this topic. Within the PDF are hyperlinks to over 50 bible
63 year and Saul 50th. This same year, a young David is 20 reference verses and others writings. Inclusion of those
and kills Goliath. references would have made the length of this writing to
exceed 7 pages.
Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

Kingdom of God as declared by Jesus & Apostles

David declared by the Spirit
All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all
the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is
the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations. All they that be
fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust
shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. A seed shall
serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall
come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born,
that he hath done this

Daniel said of Christ Kingdom:

And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom,
which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other
people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it
shall stand for ever.

The Angel speaking to Mary of Jesus stated clearly:

He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord
God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over
the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end

Jesus during his natural life plainly spoke;

The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of
God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it. To Nicodemus he
explained, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he
cannot see the kingdom of God." Finally to Pilate; Jesus answered, "My
kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My
servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but
now My kingdom is not from here." Pilate therefore said to Him, "Are You
a king then?" Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this
cause I was born and for this cause I have come into the world, that I
should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My

Many teachings about the Kingdom of God were stated in parable by Jesus.

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Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

The founder of the CW&MA, A. B. Simpson, penned the following observations

about this Kingdom nearly a century ago. They are likely still relevant today:
It is the mystery of the kingdom, the coming of the Lord, the plan of the ages,
the meaning of the times, the purpose of the dispensation, the secret of the last
time, which so many have missed and which is so blessed to understand. Oh,
that the ministry of today might better know and more faithfully impart to the
household of faith the mystery of the kingdom and the treasures of the Father's
house. Then would we cease to sorrow over the wretched degeneracy of the
modern pulpit and a large part of the modern Church. Then would men lose
their taste for the silly sensation, the empty trivialities, the lengthy recreations
which bear so often the very name of religion, and invade so frequently the
sanctity of the pulpit and the very sanctuary of God.
Such a steward was Eliezer, Abraham's servant, who
took his master's treasures and went forth to win for
his son a bride, and attracted her confidence and love
toward his noble master, first showing her and then
bestowing upon her the rich treasures which he had
brought. The ministry of Christ is appointed to
dispense the richest treasures of God's grace. To us
are committed the mysteries of the kingdom of
heaven. Paul tells us what some of these mysteries
are. One of them was the glorious secret of Christ's in-
dwelling through the Holy Ghost. This was the
mystery that had been hid from ages and generations,
and was at last made manifest to the saints, which is Christ in you, the hope of
glory. This glorious mystery the apostle longed to communicate to all the world,
to tell them of the power and of a Presence that could be a substitute for all
their weakness, failure and sorrow, and sustain them amid all emergencies,
distresses, temptations and conditions, giving them a charmed life and
talisman of power and victory, no matter what might come. Another was the
mystery of the Church, the body of Christ, the wonderful fellowship, not of
cultured society, not a political alliance nor even of family and kindred ties, but
of a common life in Christ and a common love to one glorious Head, and all the
glory to be revealed in that heavenly body and blessed bride. This was one of
the glorious mysteries that he loved to proclaim.

We are candidates for the great government appointments in the mighty

empire of the future. Let us be ambitious to show ourselves fitted for the

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Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

highest place. Our lot is cast in the times of great enterprise and importance.
We are on the threshold of the coming kingdom. We are in the midst of a
mighty competition. Prophets and martyrs are already waiting for their
appointments. Busy and earnest lives today are sweeping on in the power of the
Holy Ghost. Beloved, do not let us be left behind. May God arouse us from
lethargy, apathy and petty goals. We have a glorious crown to win. We have a
living age in which to win it. We have one short life to gain our future rewards.

This will be our joy and crown of rejoicing in the presence of Christ at His
coming. That we are laying up our treasures over yonder and life is being
invested in the glorious possibilities and prospects of the ages to come and the
kingdom which shall never pass away. Let us then be "steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord," for "we know that our labor is not in
vain in the Lord.'
When the Lord Jesus appeared we find Him at once facing
the "Sabbath question, and we notice two distinct
attitudes which He takes from the beginning. The first is a
positive recognition of the Sabbath as one of the
institutions which He assumed and incorporated into His
kingdom and took under His direction and authority. "The
Son of man," He says, "is Lord also of the Sabbath."
Mark2.28. In the Lord's day parallel passage in Matthew
12:1-8, He assumes still more authoritative direction of
this day; and, after citing several Old Testament precedents for a proper
freedom in the observance of the day, as, for example, in the case of David and
the priests themselves, who were obliged to minister in the many manual
services. He then adds the strong expression of His authority to deal with the
Sabbath supremely: "But I say unto you that in this place is one greater than
the temple, for the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day." The Lord
Jesus Christ thus distinctly recognizes the Sabbath, but, on the other hand. He
as distinctly set His face against the severe Jewish conception of it, and from
the very beginning insisted upon the new construction of its meaning and a new
charter of liberty and beneficence in its observance. He openly defied the
prejudices of the people by walking through the cornfields on the Sabbath day
and allowing His disciples to pluck the ears of corn. He healed the man with the
withered hand when He knew they were waiting to watch Him and condemn
Him for it.

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He recognized the Sabbath as an institution of Christianity. He also recognized

His right to change it and set it free from all that was peculiar to the transitory
system of Judaism that had encrusted around it. Not in any sudden or formal
propaganda of a new Sabbath law did He startle and shock even His disciples,
but gently He allowed a new character and significance of the day to grow up
out of incidents and events as He allowed almost all the important acts and
ordinances of His kingdom to develop out of the circumstances that gave them
The Gospel did not start out as a rigid system of theology laying down cardinal
principles and enacting written laws like the Mosaic economy but it grew out of
living facts so that every institution and ordinance of Christianity has behind it
an incident rather than a proclamation. Even the Lord's Supper grew out of the
farewell meeting of Christ with His disciples.
The very assemblies of Christianity evolved themselves out of the simple
gatherings of the apostles. The government of the Christian Church was not
laid down in any text book or manual of laws, but evolved gradually out of the
history of the early Church. So it was with the Sabbath and its important
changes. He wanted it to spring spontaneously in their hearts as the new
memorial of something dearer than even the deliverance from Egypt, or the
first creation, and. so keeping ever before their minds the great fact of His
coming resurrection as the central point of the Christian faith and hope. He
ordered that glorious event to come, not on the Jewish Sabbath, which was not
fitted to signalize it, for it marked rather the end of things than the beginning
of a new series of glorious events which run through eternal ages.
One other glimpse of the light shines through the
dimness, where we find the apostle John going apart
on this same day and the Holy Ghost was recognizing
it, and the Lord Jesus making a personal visit from
the heavens and giving to his aged servant the
apocalyptic vision of the coming ages and the kingdom
of glory.
Do we want more light? Does not love know how to
take a hint? Is not the Sabbath sweeter to Christ as the quick response of our
spontaneous love than as a mere matter of rigid ordinance? It would seem as if
Jesus wanted it to spring up with this sort of freedom from all the associations
fitted to make it so dear, and if His sweet example and the example of the early
Church and all the sacred associations of the day are not enough for this
spontaneous observance, the heart of love must be cold and dull indeed.

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But, further, we know that our Lord gave to His

disciples a great many commandments which have
not come to us in categorical form. The apostle John
and other apostles tell us that during the forty days
He spoke to them in detail all things concerning the
kingdom of God, and commanded them to teach the
Church to observe these things. John also tells us
that if all the things which He said were written the world would not contain
the books that should be written.
Another was the mystery of the kingdom, the coming of the Lord, the plan of
the ages, the meaning of the times, the purpose of the dispensation, the secret
of the last time, which so many have missed and which is so blessed to
Oh, that the ministry of today might better know and more faithfully impart to
the household of faith the mystery of the kingdom and the treasures of the
Father's house. Then would we cease to sorrow over the wretched degeneracy of
the modern pulpit and a large part of the modern Church. Then would men lose
their taste for the silly sensation, the empty trivialities, the lengthy recreations
which bear so often the very name of religion, and invade so frequently the
sanctity of the pulpit and the very sanctuary of God.
And so, early in this epistle we are brought into immediate contact with the
great Redeemer "who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath
translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption
through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins." "And having made peace
through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; ...
whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were
sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath
he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and
unblamable and unreproveable in his sight." Here we find redemption reaching
even farther than sinful men, for Christ hath reconciled all things both in earth
and heaven.
It was out of darkness: "Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and
hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son" (Col. 1:13). It was out of
doom: For they had been under condemnation as the enemies of God. "You, that
were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now
hath he reconciled,"(Col. 1:21), "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that
was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it
to his cross"(Col.2:14). It was out of death. "And you, being dead in your sins

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and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him,
having forgiven you all trespasses" (Col.2:13). Dead in sin once, they had
become dead to sin now through the cross of Jesus Christ. Crucified with Him
they had come forth to resurrection life. They were raised with Christ, and he
could say of them, "Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God."
In speaking of the true seed of the kingdom Christ says the good seed are "the
children of the kingdom." And so again He says, "Ye are the light of the world."
It is not what we say, but what we are and what Christ is within us that
constitutes the strength of our testimony and the power of our life. It is the life
of Christ within shining through the broken vessel in a suffering saint, a feeble
instrumentality that most honors God and most effectively works for His
kingdom and glory.
David, in his exile years, was surrounded by the outlaws
and outcasts of Israel, but through the power of his own
personality and the grace of God that was with him, these
men became transformed into his noblest followers and
friends, and afterward were made the very princes of His
kingdom. So the Lord Jesus Christ takes us, a company of
poor, worthless sinners and things that are despised, and,
by the transforming power of His grace, He lifts us into
His own likeness, and crowns us with His own glory. And
so, as we are thrown into the society of evil men, be it ours
to lift and ennoble them, and instead of letting them draw us down let us lift
them up to the mounts of blessing, where God has set us, in order that we may
be the lights of a dark world and shine the brighter through the very darkness
that surrounds us.

But the redeemer not only sacrificed his own inheritance, but also brought back
the forfeited inheritance of the dead husband; and so our precious God has
brought back for us all that we lost in Adam, and added to it infinitely more --
all the fullness of His grace, all the riches of His glory, all that the ages to come
are yet to unfold in His mighty plan, victory over death, the restoration of the
divine image, sonship with God, triumph over Satan, a world restored to more
than Eden blessedness and beauty, the crowns and thrones of the coming
kingdom, and all the exceeding riches of His grace and kindness toward us
which in the ages to come He to show.
All this and more is the purchase of His redemption, "In whom the tribes of
Adam boast more blessings than their father lost."

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But the best of all the blessings brought by the Kinsman Redeemer is Himself.
Not only does He redeem the inheritance, but He purchases the bride and He
becomes her Bridegroom.
When Boaz bought the inheritance of Elimelech he took
Ruth also in and she became his bride. And so our blessed
Kinsman Redeemer is also our Husband. Not only does He
come down into our nature in the incarnation, but He takes
us up into His person in that wondrous betrothal which is to
reach its consummation in the Marriage of the Lamb.
Finally, the fruit of the union was the dynasty of David and
the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of man, the King of kings,
and Lord of lords. Ruth's faith brought her into a family of
princes and a kingdom of glory. And so for us, too,
redemption means a crown and a throne at the Master's glorious coming. But
back of the throne and the crown lays the love story of redemption and the bold
appropriation of faith. We must learn to know the Bridegroom now if we would
sit with Him upon His throne then and share the glory of His millennial reign.
Oh! shall we take Him as our Redeemer, our Husband, and our coming Lord,
and have Him say to us, "Thy Maker is thy Husband and thy Redeemer the
Holy One of Israel, the God of the whole earth shall He be called."
In speaking of the true seed of the kingdom Christ says the good seed are "the
children of the kingdom." And so again He says, "Ye are the light of the world."
It is not what we say, but what we are and what Christ is within us that
constitutes the strength of our testimony and the power of our life. It is the life
of Christ within shining through the broken vessel in a suffering saint, a feeble
instrumentality that most honors God and most effectively works for His
kingdom and glory.
The first is the story of the creation. Recognizing, of course, the literal and
historical reality of the record, we have the authority of the scriptures
themselves to regard it as the figure of the new creation, which the Divine
Spirit is working out in the hearts of God's people, and ultimately will
consummate in the Kingdom of Glory. For we are his workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should
walk in them. If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation; old things
have passed away, behold all things have become new. The first chapter of
Genesis is repeated in the twenty-first chapter of Revelation, And I saw a new
heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed
away. Underlying the whole record of the first creation we can trace the story

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of grace in figure and spiritual foreshadowing. Like that ancient process, the
new creation begins in wreck and chaos -- a wreck, like that of primeval order.
The new creation like the old emerges from a scene of darkness and desolation.
Every new stage begins in comparative evening and ends in a clear morning,
and it is as true now as in the creation days, It was evening and it was
morning, one day. So the transformation is going forward in every Christian
heart, and the path of the just is like the shining light, which shines more and
more unto the perfect day. So too, the kingdom of God is going forward through
the ages of time, and by and by it will be evening and morning, one eternal
day. And he that sits on the throne will say, behold I make all things new.
Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, who brings out of
his treasure things new and old. Have we received not only the truth, but the
spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given us of
God? We are in the Palace Beautiful; the Interpreter leads us, and as he shows
us all its treasures, he stops and adds, These things are all your own. Have
we received them? -- the new creation, the bridegroom's love, the rest of God,
the flowers and fruits of His spiritual husbandry, and the life of Christ to be
made manifest even in our mortal flesh? Then, indeed, for us is it true even
now, He that sits upon the throne says, behold I make all things new. And he
said it is done; I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of
life freely. He that overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and
he will be my son.
God's fourfold picture of His Son. One by one are we,
also following in sublime procession and entering
into the spirit of the new man, and the Son of Man,
the kingliness of His Sonship, the strength and
patience of His crucified and risen life, and the
intimacy and exaltation of His ascension and
heavenly fellowship; and bye and bye we shall stand
with Him in all the glory of His mediatorial throne,
and shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of our Father. This was the ideal of
redeemed humanity which God placed as a group of heavenly statuary, as a
pledge of our future destiny, as the goal of our highest aspirations, at the very
threshold of man's lost inheritance, and in the very hour of man's deepest fall
and darkest gloom. So ever, when things seem the saddest and even our fears
have almost overwhelmed us, the same unconquerable love meets our
helplessness, lifts up our sinking weakness, and points our languishing eye
forward and upward to the prize set before us, and purchased for us by the

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glorious Captain of our salvation. Let us rise to meet His marvelous love. Let us
realize these infinite and eternal possibilities. Let us claim these divine
resources and promises, and, from the gates of Paradise lost, begin the pathway
which leads by the way of the cherubim to the closing pictures of Revelation,
and the open gates of Paradise restored.
There is another miracle and mystery of grace, which was also foreshadowed by
the birth of Isaac -- that is, the new birth of all the spiritual seed of Abraham.
Just as truly as Isaac was born of the Spirit, and Jesus became incarnate
through the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, so "except a man be born of the
Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God." This is not a natural
reformation, not the result of human energy or will, but the work of the
Almighty Spirit; beyond the power of nature and after it has failed. "As many
as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God: which were
born not of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." Have we experienced
this mighty new creation? Blessed be God, it is for us as well as Abraham.
This is not to be despised; this is not depreciated even in the Scriptures, but it
cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The word "natural" in the Epistles is
literally "psychical," the man of soul rather than the spiritual man. This is the
nature which all the sons of Adam inherit, and which sin has tainted and
overshadowed with the curse.
The fact that Isaac had but one bride in an age of polygamy was a marked type
of his illustrious Antitype, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is gathering to Himself
His one spiritual and beloved partner in the fellowship of His glory and His
kingdom. Isaac's bride was chosen by the most deliberate counsel and care from
his own kindred in distant Mesopotamia; so God is calling out of this remote
world a people for his Son, and a race who are linked with Him by the kindred
ties of His own blood.
"I know that in nothing I shall be ashamed;" "The Lord shall deliver me from
every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom ---"; I know
whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I
have committed unto Him against that day." So also he says to Timothy:
"According to the prophecies which went before on thee, that by them thou
mightiest war a good warfare." It was for the joy set before Him that our
Master endured the cross and despised the shame, and we, too, shall overcome
as we steadily hold in view our high calling and our immortal crown.
And so it shall be during the days of tribulation that Christ's brethren after the
flesh, the Jews shall recognize Him, repent of their sins, and be restored to His
friendship and blessing, and afterwards share with Him in their own separate

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national life, as in Egypt of old, the blessing of His millennial kingdom. This is
to be one of the crowning glories of the once rejected Nazarene that "they shall
look upon Him they have pierced, and shall mourn," and shall be reconciled to
the Messiah that they delivered to the Gentiles, and that God has made such a
blessing to the Gentiles, as He made Joseph of old.
A selfish Christian is as inconsistent and impossible as a selfish Christ. We,
too, are come to our kingdom for such a time as this. Years of famine are
coming to the souls around us; in a little while they shall be perishing for
eternal bread; they need our prayers, our help; and even although they may not
know it now as we do, yet the day is coming when they shall reap the blessings
of our faith and our foresight. Let us be true to our trust, and thus worthy to
stand with Joseph and his greater Master, as the dispensers of God's blessings
to a dying world.
The Great Deliverer has come to bind up the brokenhearted; to preach
deliverance to the captives; to set at liberty them that are oppressed; to deliver
us from the power of darkness and translate us into the kingdom of His dear
Son. Only let us recognize our true condition; let us take His side against our
oppressor; let us not, like them, refuse Moses when he comes to set us free; let
us lift up our cry to heaven, and the answer is already spoken. "Behold the cry
of the children of Israel is come unto me, and I have seen the oppression
wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
And this word, Yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are
shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken
may remain. Wherefore we, receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us
have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly
fear: For our God is a consuming fire." To these beautiful words Let us add, "see
that you refuse not Him that speaks;" this mighty salvation, this mighty
indwelling, in working Christ; but receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved, a
kingdom of grace and of power, let us have grace, not our own efforts, our own
desperate struggles, but the grace whereby we may be enabled to serve God
acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. He does not say, "let us try our best,"
but let us have the grace of God to do it; and it will keep us, and enable us to so
appropriate His holiness and love, that those words will not affright us, "our
God is a consuming fire."
"Your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things? Seek you
first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be
added unto you."

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He showed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, being
seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom
of God.** Acts 1:3
And look at his interview with Simon Peter! What backslider
need ever doubt again the Saviors forgiving love, or fear to
come and know that he will be welcomed to a nearer place in
His heart and a higher service in His kingdom if only he can
say as Simon said, '' Thou knows all things, Thou knows that I
love Thee. Yes, there is not anything on earth, animate or
inanimate, but is going to be benefited by the
spreading of the Gospel and the coming of the
kingdom of Christ. That is what He means. The whole material
universe is to be made free through its uplifting power.

So Saul, when searching for his, lost asses,

found not only the asses but a kingdom, too,
and went home from the prophets house
another man and to enter a higher sphere and
It may have been the same mountain where the sermon of
Matt.5:8, was delivered, the famous Horns of Hattin, where He had first
proclaimed the principles of His kingdom to the world. It is probable that the
five hundred brethren, of whom Paul speaks in 1Cor15 as having all seen Him
at once, were the persons present at this gathering. They formed the surviving
few who still remained faithful after all the tragedy of the crucifixion.
His great commission to them to go forth and establish His kingdom among all
nations ; and thirdly, the promise of His presence through all the days until the
end of the age.
In declaring that all power is given unto Him in heaven
and in earth, He does not refer to His primeval deity and
His Divine rights, but to that special kingdom and
authority given to Him in the eternal covenant of
redemption on account of His finished work. It is
something that has now been given to Him; it is the throne
of the Mediator which He assumes at the Father's right
hand, for the purpose of accomplishing His great work of
redemption, for which He has already suffered and died.

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'The Father hath committed all judgment unto the

Son.'' 'The Father loves the Son and hath given all
things into His hand." ''He must reign until He hath
put all things under His feet ; then shall He Himself
be subject unto the Father to whom He shall deliver
up the kingdom, and God shall be all in all." The
word ''power" here more exactly means "dominion,
authority," and has reference to the scepter and
sovereignty of a king. The Lord Jesus means that He
has been appointed to administer the government,
both of heaven and earth, until the consummation of redemption. It is, indeed,
a glorious and transcendent claim.
He Himself could say, 'Thou hast given Him power over all flesh, that He
should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him." Through His
Name and the acceptance of His words all sins are forgiven, and the guilty soul
in a moment translated out of the kingdom of Satan and from the curse of sin
and hell to the glorious liberty of the children of God and heir-ship of His
everlasting kingdom.
Divine life until 'out of weakness they are made strong," and can carry and
sustain us through all the difficulties and apparent impossibilities that may
surround our work for Him. Let us go forth, especially in the kingdoms work
realizing this that nature is subordinate to redemption and the natural
subordinate to the spiritual and the kingdom of matter is under the control of
the King of Saints:
Finally, our risen Christ is yet to have all the power of earth's kingdoms under
His Scepter and to be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God will overturn
and overturn and overturn, until He come, whose right it is, for the kingdoms of
this world must become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. This is
Christ's covenant right and reward, and the Father's heart will never be
satisfied for His Son until His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We shall
yet see our blessed King wearing the crown of the entire world, and we shall see
every knee bowing to Him, and every tongue confessing that He is Lord.

The Great Commission: ''Go ye therefore, and disciple all

nations, Because of His power, and because of His right, He
bids His disciples go forth to establish His kingdom among
all nations.

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1. We must be struck, first of all, with the boldness and majesty of this
command. He did not send them now simply to individuals, but to nations. He
looked upon the mighty communities of earth as not too great for the conquest
of His kingdom, and the mission of His followers to win.
Forty Days were passed, and they were likely marked by many interviews, as
He taught them of the things concerning the Kingdom of God with a fullness of
which John says, If they should be every one written, I suppose that even the
world itself could not contain the books that should be written."
''Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom of Israel? His answer is
a very faithful and yet tender one. He does not rebuke them or even intimate
that their desire is wholly without foundation in the purpose of God. He does
not deny that He will restore the kingdom to Israel, but He simply tells them
away from this expectation to their proper and present work, and gently
reminds them with a shade of reproof ''that the times and seasons are not for
them at all, but reserved by the Father in His own power.
And so the whole story of the planting of the church in Jerusalem was the story
of the power of the Holy Ghost, and the testimony of Jesus through the lips of
weak and humble instruments. The same power is still ready to crown our
labors with success and establish Christ's kingdom in our midst.
In the fifth chapter we behold Him as the Priest-King, the Lion and the Lamb
together, combining almightiness and mercy, as He takes the book to open the
seals, and administer the mediatorial kingdom. And in the nineteenth chapter
we behold Him in His royal majesty about to leave the heavenly throne and
assume His millennial kingdom on earth. Such are some of the scattered.
There is no natural law but is now perfectly subject to His control. There is no
physical force but He can use or restrain at His Sovereign pleasure. There is no
created intelligence but He can move at His will or destroy at His command.
His ascension has forever challenged the absolute despotism of natural law and
physical force and placed at the command of faith the highest force, which will
be employed whenever His kingdom requires it, in defiance of every natural
and ordinary principle.
True, He does not ordinarily need to act in a manner contrary to existing laws
and principles, any more than the entry of the young king of Germany upon the
administration of the empire requires him to change the machinery of the
government. He usually works in a line with it, but is always supreme above it.
So the Son of God, sitting upon the throne of providence and grace, does not
constantly assert His power by coming into collision with the existing

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machinery of the natural world, but works in harmony with it and uses it for
His own higher purpose.
But He is perfectly at liberty to suspend it and contradict it when He so
pleases. The ascension of Christ, therefore, has given us the right to expect His
interposition, even to the utmost extent of the miraculous and supernatural,
where the interests of His kingdom truly requires it ; and yet His power may be
no less mighty when it is working along lines of perfect simplicity and
Christ is King of nations. Strange as it may seem, yet He
has been controlling for eighteen centuries the dynasties
and kingdoms of earth in accordance with Daniels prophecy,
and along the lines which are to develop to His own Second
Coming. He is King and Head of His Church. Christ is King
of nature and providence. His hand makes all things work
together for good to them that love God. His power appears
in every chapter of the story of the Apostolic Church.
The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve
me unto His heavenly kingdom." Is He our King? Have we
enthroned Him above every difficulty, adversary and circumstances, and placed
on His head many crowns? It was for this that He ascended. He holds the reins
of universal power for our sake and on our account. He is Head over all things
for the church which is His body.

At last He said to me -Oh so tenderly- My child, just take Me, and let Me be in
you the constant supply of all this, Myself. And when at last I got my eyes off
my sanctification, and my experience of it, and just placed them on the Christ
in me, I found, instead of an experience, the Christ larger than the moments
need, the Christ that had all that I should ever need who was given to me at
once, and forever! And when I thus saw Him, it was such rest; it was all right,
and right for ever. For I had not only what I could hold that little hour, but also
in Him, all that I should need the next and the next and so on, until sometimes
I get a glimpse of what it will be a million years afterwards, when we shall
shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of our Father (Matt13:43), and have all
the fullness of God. And so I thought the healing would be and it too, that the
Lord would take me like the old run-down clock, wind me up.

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CHRIST'S OWN TESTIMONY. The Lord Jesus Himself

when He was on earth always left the impression that He
was coming back again, actually, visibly, personally to His
people. He repeatedly told them also that when the Son of
man should come He should sit on the throne of His glory
and they should sit on thrones and receive rewards for
their earthly sacrifice and sufferings. One particular event
in the very middle of His career, the Transfiguration on the
Mount, was an object lesson, a demonstration of this very
thing, foreshadowing the fact that He who seemed so
obscure was really to be unveiled
some day in the great Apocalypse
of the Advent and appear in
glory. The risen dead were
represented by Moses and the
transfigured living by Elias. In
Matthew 24, we have a detailed
prophecy of the Lord's return. We
have also the parables of the
Talents, and the Pounds, the
Marriage of the King's Son, the
Ten Virgins, the Sheep and the
Goats. These have no meaning
unless the Lord is coming back again. All His teachings crystallized around two
focal points, His cross and His advent.
Peter also in his second epistle forewarns us of the same conditions. "But there
were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers
among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the
Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And
many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth
shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words
make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingered not, and
their damnation slumbered not" (2Pet2:1-3). "Knowing this first, that there
shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying,
Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things
continue as they were from the beginning of the creation" (2Pet3:3-4). Jude also
forecasts the same. "But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken
before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how that they told you there

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should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly
lusts. These are they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit"
(Jude17-19).Already the fulfillment of these ominous forewarnings is manifest
on every hand. The Church of the Apostles became the apostasy of Rome, and
the Church of the Reformation appears in even greater danger of developing
into the Laodicea of the Apocalypse, if not the Babylon of God's last and most
terrible judgment. (See Footnote 1)
But the Lord Jesus has not left us mere fragments, of prophetic foreshadowing,
but has given us in the seven Parables of the Kingdom in the thirteenth
chapter of Matthew a very distinct unfolding of the
progress of Christianity from the Ascension to the
Advent. The disciples were looking for prosperity and
popularity. They were delighted with the success of their
Master, with His victory over disease, Satan, death and
sin. What power could resist Him? They saw themselves
already sitting with Him on the thrones of David's
restored kingdom. The Lord knew better. He saw the
dark scenes that were just before them and the centuries
of suffering and seeming failure for the cause which He
was establishing at such awful cost. It was necessary that they should
understand it, should be disillusioned and should be sent forth as ministers of
the New Testament with their eyes fully opened. It is a very dreadful thing to-
day for the minister of the Gospel to go forth expecting a brilliant future,
expecting the acclamations of the crowd, expecting the people to applaud him
because he is true to Jesus Christ. It is necessary that the worker should
understand that the kingdom of heaven always means the cross, the judgment
hall, the minority with the Lord Jesus Christ, our rejected Master. This was
what He taught them in this series of parables. The parable of the Sower
represents the planting of Christianity. Three parts .of the seed are lost, but
one-fourth is productive, and the increase is thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold.
They had to learn that most of their words seemed to fail, and there would be
no response from the multitudes of hearts. From others the fruit would be
transient and soon forgotten. From other it would be lost in the temptations of
the world. Only part of it would come to perfection. That is the first lesson the
worker has to learn.

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The parable of the Tares represents the planting of

error in the Church, the heresies, corruptions and
intermingling of evil men in the early Church as
well as later times. Even the little that grew got
mixed with Satan's seed. The disciples thought they
could pull up the tares, but He said that in pulling
up the tares they would pull up the wheat also. The
people that are in the business of judging are not in

the Lord's employ. "Let both grow together till

Our dreams of a perfect Church are doomed to be
disappointed. The devil worked while the Church
was asleep, a work, alas, which we can ill eradicate
by our discipline or denunciation, but must wait for
much of it to be burned out at the great harvest
time. Henceforth, the visible Church is a mixture
of truth and error, good and evil. Next, in the
Mustard Seed we see the rapid growth of this
mingled system covering the earth with its
extensive shade, and lodging the fowls of heaven.
Is not this most promising? Let us not be too sure.
The fowls of the air who lodge in the branches have
already a bad reputation from the first parable, as
the destructive and mischievous intruders who
picked up the good seed, and they would seem to be
here the same ill brood of evil emissaries who find
shelter in the great, proud, worldly and unhallowed
Church of the age of Constantine and to-day. This is
made much more plain when we come to the fourth
parable, the Leaven, which is God's uniform .symbol
of corruption; and when the woman is added to the
picture it becomes a significant and unmistakable
emblem of the great apostasy which sprang up in the sixth and seventh
centuries and speedily permeated the whole Church with the leaven of the
Papacy and all its kindred corruptions. But was there no residuum of good left
of all the apostolic sowing? Yes, the Hid Treasure and the Pearl represent the
two sides of the elements of good in contrast with the two symbols of evil. The
Treasure represents the pure and Scriptural elements surviving in the Church
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in the individuals-the many; the Pearl in their unity, as the one small, yet pure
and heavenly jewel of the Lord amid the encompassing corruption. Both find
their historical fulfillment in the faithful few who have
ever existed in even the darkest ages of medieval
corruption; the Albigenses and Paulicians, the
Hussites and Moravians, the Waldernses and Vaudois,
the Wyc1iffites and Huguenots, the Reformers and
Covenanters, and the pure and true ones who have
before and since dared to be faithful to God and His
holy Word. There has ever been a little flock, of which
He says: "They shall be mine in the day when I make
up My jewels." There are some who identify the
Treasure with Israel, and the Pearl with the Church,
the Bride of the Lamb. But this does not affect the
dispensational bearing of the parables. Thus have we
seen the two sowings, the growth of the evil, the
hidden remnant of the good; and we ask, perhaps, are
they always to be thus confounded?
No, the parable of the Draw Net reveals to us the final
separation. Angel hands will make it with impartial
and unerring exactness, and they shall be consigned to
their eternal states and places, the righteous to "shine
forth as the sun in the kingdom .of their Father," the
wicked to "the furnace of fire."
Once more in the Seven Epistles to the churches of
Asia, our Lord's last word to the present age, we have
what appears to the most thoughtful expositors an
historical panorama of the successive stages of visible
Christianity from die vision of Patmos to the end of
time, the seven churches correspond to the seven
parables of the thirteenth chapter of Matthew. They
teach the same lessons and unfold the same panorama
and we may well meet the solemn conclusion which the Master does after He
had delivered them, "He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches," for that is the "last message of the Holy Ghost to the
modern church. It is not the ancient church, not the apostolic church; it is the
church that was on earth two generations after the death of Jesus. Thousands
had gone to heaven. Thousands of churches had been organized. And now at

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last the Lord comes down to earth again for a second visitation in person, and
on the isle of Patmos He gives John a last revelation, a last outlook of the
churches of the present age. The wisest expositors have almost uniformly
united in recognizing in these seven epistles a panorama stretching down from
the days of John to the last time, each of these churches representing a
different age, and yet each of them
continuing in spirit to the end and adding a
new coloring to the whole picture. They
seem to meet like a great stream flowing
down through church history. It begins in
the church at Ephesus. Then we see
another tributary running into it, the
church of Smyrna.
Then come Pergamos and Thyatira. Still
later Sardis pours its dark waters. Then
follows the bright crystal river of
Philadelphia, and at last it ends in a great sluggish swamp, Laodicea, which
lies hard by the cities of the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the gates of hell.
The church in Ephesus, orthodox, active, conservative and growing cold,
represents the second generation of primitive Christians, already so far losing
their first love that Paul and John both speak of this same Ephesian church as
turning away from them.
The church in Smyrna is a suffering church, going through its ten days of
tribulation and purchasing by blood and shame the martyr's crown. This
corresponds to the age of persecution that came in the second and third
centuries to recall the cold and formal Ephesus to her first love, during which a
series of ten distinct persecutions swept the whole line with fire and blood, and
carried countless martyrs into heaven. The church in Pergamos is a different
type. It dwells at Satan's seat, the dominion of the world. It is assailed by
Balaam's wiles, the allurements of the world. It is the church of Constantine
and the converted empire, the church suddenly exalted to imperial favor,
wealth and power and corrupted by the world from its faithfulness and purity;
until the smile of an emperor, the seat of honor at a banquet, the grand
cathedral, the proud bishopric or patriarchate took the place of ancient
simplicity and fidelity, and prepared the way for the next and deeper plunge.
Then comes Thyatira, "that woman Jezebel, the "depths of Satan," a true and
vivid picture of the rise of Romanism and all its deep and devilish wiles and
widespread domination over the Church of God from the sixth to the sixteenth

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century. Sardis represents a yet darker eclipse, "a name to live, and thou art
dead." It is the Dark Ages, the putrid corpse of Medieval Romanism. And yet in
both these churches there are a few exceptions; there is a holy seed; there are
those in Thyatira that "have not known this doctrine," and there are "a few
names even in Sardis that have not defiled their garments." These are the
refugees of medieval times, the martyrs of Romanism, the witnesses for God
before the Reformation, who suffered and died for the testimony of Jesus, to the
number of countless millions. Like a burst of sunrise comes the church in
Philadelphia. It has "a little strength," but it is true. Especially does it honor
God's "Word" and hold up Christ's "name." Can we mistake it? It is the Church
of the Reformation, and its honored names shall forever be as pillars in the
Temple of God, and share the glories of the New Jerusalem. But there is one
chapter more (would that we had not to write it). It is Laodicea, the church of
wealth and pride, but so languid and lukewarm that the impatient Master is
about to reject it as a nauseous offence. It is our modem Protestantism,
boasting of its numbers, its works, its resources, while 149 out of every 150 of
the human race are yet unsaved, while heathenism is increasing at the rate of
two million a year, and one sixtieth of one per cent of our' wealth is given for
the Gospel, and one third is paid for whiskey and tobacco alone; while luxury,
avarice and pleasure are sapping the springs of piety and morality, and culture
leading thousands into skepticism; and the Master, in anger and concern,
alternately pleads and warns, begs her to open the door and let Him in,
threatens with rebukes and chastening, and, with His hand on the very latch of
Time, is about to enter once more His temple and His world, and make His last
awful Inquisition. And yet He pauses, and pointing to the Millennial Throne on
which He is just about to sit down, He offers this glorious reward: "To him that
overcomes will I grant to sit down with Me on My throne, even as I also
overcame, and am set down with My Father upon His throne." Such is the
picture of the Church through the Christian age. "Have we understood all these
things?" Have we seen any family photographs? Are we ready for the inspection
of Him who walks amid the Seven Golden Lamps, and looks with eyes that are
as a flame of fire? Are we in Ephesus, Laodicea or Pergamos, or worse, in
Thyatira or Sardis? Or are we in suffering Smyrna, or humble, faithful
Philadelphia? Thank God, the Seven Churches are not merely for brief and
transient periods, but the spirit of each continues to the end. So there is a holy
Philadelphia even amid an insipid Laodicea, May He find us with the little
flock to whom it is the Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom.

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A woman is many times used in tine Scriptures as a type of evil. The prototype
of this same evil power was the ancient Jezebel of Samaria. In Zechariah the
emblem of corruption is a woman sitting in an ephah and carried forth to
Babylon (vss. 7. II). In the parable of the leaven it is a woman who prefigures
the spirit of corruption there symbolized. John wonders at this woman because
he had seen the Church just before (ch.xii.) as a woman clothed with the sun.
Alas that so soon the Bride of Christ should seem like an harlot! Once more in
the same chapter, and more fully in the 18th, the same system of evil is
described by yet another name-viz., BABYLON, or MYSTERY OF BABYLON-
that is, not the real, but the mystical Babylon, corresponding in spirit and
destiny, in pride, profligacy and destiny, to the ancient Queen of Empires. This
name may refer THE GREAT APOSTASY especially to the city of Rome as
much as to the system of Romanism. We know this name was given by the
early fathers to it, and even Peter is thought by many, in writing his epistle
"from Babylon," to have really meant Rome. The fall of Babylon, in the 18th
chapter, involves probably the destruction of the city of Rome. The next feature
of this system of evil is universal dominion. "Power was given him over all
kindreds and tongues and nations." During the middle ages the power of Rome
was universal, so far at least as the world was under the sway of any European
State. It was to be a blasphemous power. We cannot better interpret this than
by quoting the following reference to the names and claims of the Roman
Pontiff at various periods in the past: "He claims a homage which even rivals
that of Jehovah. Some of the titles which have been given to him are truly
awful. Christopher Marcellus in the fourth session of the fifth Lateran Council,
called Pope Julius II. another God upon earth. In the sixth session of the same
council, Leo. X. was called by Simon Bengnius the Savior that was to come; and
the same Pope, in the next session of that council, was called King of kings. It
was to be worshipped. The word worship here applied both to the Beast and the
Dragon. This worship of the Beast was really a worship of the Dragon. Papal
worship is therefore devil worship. The word worshipped here means literally
"kissed." The method of Papal worship is to kiss the great toe. And in St. Peter's
the bronze statue said to represent St. Peter has had more than half of its toe
literally kissed away. To make the description still more literal it is said that
this statue is not St. Peter at all, but just an old heathen JUPITER found at
Rome, and dedicated to the great Apostle. If this be so, then their worship is
truly to the Dragon, for all the gods of Greece and Rome were literally symbols
of demon powers. He was to do great wonders, and deceive them that dwelt on
earth by those miracles that he should have power to do. This describes the

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miraculous claims of Romanism, and the false, deceptive character of some, as

well as the undoubted supernatural reality of others. He was to call fire down
from heaven. This might well describe the anathemas of the Popes which call
down upon all who provoke them,
1. He was to control the very buying and selling of all who refused his
authority, How exactly this describes a Papal interdict, which the Pontiffs
sometimes passed on refractory subjects, completely cutting them off from
all human fellowship, and forbidding all persons to transact business with
2. The Beast is denoted by a numerical name -viz., SIX HUNDRED AND
SIXTY-SIX. While there have been innumerable guesses at the meaning
of this mystical number, no interpretation seems more reasonable than
that of Irenseus, the Christian Father, that the word "Laieinos,' by adding
up the numerical value of each letter, spells the number 666. The word
means "Latin," and it is especially applicable to Romanism, which is
called Latin Christianity, and which since the year 663 has made the
Latin language the vehicle of its teaching.
3. The Papal woman is clothed in scarlet, and the Beast she rides is also
scarlet. We need not say that this is the processions, making this the
distinctively Papal color. It would seem as if the Lord had ordered that
Rome should establish her own identity by her very face.
4. She was "decked with precious stones."Who has not wondered at the
countless treasures of Roman altars? Let anyone go through the famous
St. Paul's of Rome, beyond the walls, and look at the altars presented by
'Various European sovereigns, flashing with the splendors of jasper and
sardonyx, and it will be strange if he does not leave with a sense of
worldly show such as the most extravagant earthly entertainment could
not rival, and with the thought of how much better these things could
serve the Master if converted into Bibles and scattered through the world.
5. She was represented as a harlot committing fornication with the kings of
the earth. The idea is, of course, the unholy union of the Papal Church
and the governments of earth. This has been the story of European
politics for twelve centuries. The Papacy has always leaned upon the
sword. Her first decrees of universal supremacy she obtained from Roman
emperors; her grants of territory came from Pepin and Charlemagne and
the Princess Matilda; her debaucheries THE GREAT APOSTASY of
Protestants were carried on by the hands of the Duke of Alva and the
Catholic powers of Europe. Her last years were upheld by the bayonets of

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France and Austria, and her present attempt is to get control of the
democracies of Europe and America.
6. She is represented as holding in her hand a golden cup full of
abominations. The very seal of Rome is a woman holding in her hand a
golden cup with the inscription-"Sedet super uniuersom:"
7. She is to be supported by the kings of earth and then despoiled by them.
"They shall hate the harlot and make her desolate and naked, and shall
eat her flesh and burn her with fire." This is one of the most remarkable
fulfillments of prophecy. The world has witnessed just this spectacle for
nearly one hundred years. France, the eldest son of the Papacy, was the
first to turn upon her. The French Revolution struck her the first terrible
blow, and then Napoleon finished it, capturing and deposing the Pope
himself. Then Italy finished what France began. Portugal has since
followed suit, and today Cardinal Manning truly says, there is not a
nation to stand up, for the rights of the Church.
8. The same picture as Daniel gave of her as a persecuting power. She Is
"drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus."
9. And the same duration is also assigned, as given by Daniel, "Power was
given to continue forty and two months"; that is, 1,260 years,
10. The fall of Rome is described in the eighteenth chapter. This has not
yet come. It would seem to indicate some sudden and terrific catastrophe
coming "in one hour," and engulfing the City of Ages in a ruin like Sodom
and Gomorrah, Ever since the days of the fathers it has been supposed
that 'this will come through some great natural convulsion, and that
Rome will go to its doom amid earthquake shock and fearful eruptions of
fire and brimstone.

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11. But before this comes it may be we have much to develop. Out of its
mouth, along with the Dragon and False Prophet; are to go, and are going,
"the unclean spirits, like frogs, which are the spirits of devils working
miracles," which are to gather the kings of the earth to the last battle of
the present age, the day of Armageddon. It is to grow more distinctly and
manifestly evil to the close, its last head will be the 'devil himself. When
Romanism falls then Satan in person is to be the head of the old Roman
beast, and lead the powers of earth once more against the Lamb'. "The
beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven and
goes into perdition." This, then, is the Divine picture of the great Apostasy.
Today she is making her last desperate struggle. Let us not be deceived.
Her kingdom is gone, but her life is not dead. Innumerable facts show her
vitality. She is not going to be converted, but consumed. But there is a
remnant in her .bosom that God is calling forth. And our ministry
preparatory to the end is to send forth the heralds of the Gospel among all
her benighted votaries, and cry: "Come out of her my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
The Parable of the Ten Virgins in the 25th chapter of
Matthew gives us a far-off vision of the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb, and suggests with solemn
warning the danger that some may miss their place
in that blessed company. Surely there must be a
difference between the saintly souls that have been
"washed and made white and tried," and the men
and women who have found their happiness in the things of the world, and
would not understand the Rapture of the Bridegrooms love. Are these earth-
stained souls, even if saved at last, to have the same place as John of Patmos,
and Bernard of Cluny, with Monica and Mary of Bethany? Surely, the question
is enough to make us pause and ask our hearts if it is worthwhile to run the
risk. What would an earthly marriage be without love? Then what will heaven
mean if we do not already know the betrothal of the heart to our Heavenly
Bridegroom and the rapture of His love? Have we seen Him in His beauty?
Have we hearkened to His call? Have we been won by His love? And have we
learned, "For Oh the Master is so fair, His smile so sweet to banished men,
That they who meet Him anywhere, can never rest on earth again."And they
who see Him risen afar, At God's right hand for sinful men, Forgetful stand, of
home and land, Remembering fair Jerusalem."

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The principles on which the judgment will be based are
made plain. First note the distinction between
salvation and reward. Salvation is altogether free;
reward is bestowed for service rendered. Just as in a
college course there are subjects which all must take,
and honor classes which are entered only by those who
specially compete for prizes; so in the kingdom of God
all must repent, believe, and be born again, but all may not be heroes of faith,
or service, or sacrifice, and all shall not wear garlands and crowns of glory. The
laborers in the vineyard may represent the principle of the common salvation,
the Parables of the Talents and Pounds the principle of rewards at the Lords
coming. Christ's words to the woman of Samaria, "If you knew the gift of God,"
describe the former; his words just afterwards to the disciples refer to the
reward: "He that reaps receives wages and gathereth fruit unto life eternal,
that both he that sowed and he that reaps may rejoice together:' Here is the
double reward for service, addressed to them, the servants, viz., wages, paid as
they do the work, and a share in the fruit at harvest time. Again, the striking
passage in I. Corinthians 9:24; "They that run in a race run all, but one receives
the prize, I therefore run not uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beats the
air: but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest after I have
preached the Gospel to others, I myself should be a castaway"; or, more
correctly, "a disapproved competitor." It literally means one rejected at the end
of the race as regards the prize-not finally lost, for such a thought never
entered Paul's mind.
Again the reward is according to service rendered. It is in exact proportion not
to the quantity always, but to the spirit and value. How finely this is brought
out in the Parable of the Pounds. Five pounds multiplied bring five cities, and
ten pounds improved bring ten cities. The doubling of one talent is as much
rewarded as the doubling of five. The humblest worker, if fully faithful, is
'recompensed as fully as the most illustrious."He that shall receive a prophet in
the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward, and he that shall
receive a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shalt receive a
righteous man's reward."
The service that was in the heart to do, but for which we had no opportunity,
will be rewarded, "according to what a man hath, and not what he hath not."

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Many a quiet heart will be brought out into the light of heaven as the true
instrument of a blessing in which others, perhaps, had a more public part.
Some of the special recompenses are definitely described. There are wages and
fruit for the reaper in life's harvest, and glories like the eternal stars for those
that turn many to righteousness. There is "a crown of glory that fades not
away" for the faithful minister. There is a crown of life for the man that bravely
and truly stands in the battlefield of the life and endures the ordeal of
temptation. These bitter strokes are fashioning our diadem
for by-and-by. Then the suffering martyr shall find his
blood drops crystallized into the rubies of a "crown of life."
Then they who simply overcome shall receive a royal
heritage with Christ Himself. And even they who could do
little else than live and look for His appearing shall be
recompensed with a crown of righteousness." The one that
has faithfully used his natural talents shall receive in
proportion to his improvement of them (Matt.25.) and he
who has multiplied and rightly employed his spiritual
privileges and endowments will be made a ruler over as many cities as the
pound she gained. The faithful and wise steward who took good care of his
Lord's household here, and gave to his children a portion-in season, will be
made "ruler over all that he hath." And they who left all and followed Christ
shall be recompensed hundredfold more in that time in the things they
sacrificed for Christ. Even the secret thought of service that never was
expressed will be recognized and recompensed, and "every man have praise of
God." Nor will our gifts to His treasury be lost. The generous millionaire and
the self-denying widow will find all their gifts on deposit, at compound interest,
and they will stand astonished at their colossal fortunes. Like the crowns of the
Restoration time, forged out of the golden gifts of the captives in Babylon, their
gold will be found hanging in diadems above their heads on heaven's pillars,
inscribed with their names inwrought with His. Oh, then, no sacrifice will seem
to have been too great, no gift too large, no love too warm, no enthusiasm too
intense. Life's full significance will be unrolled, and our only regret will be that
we cannot live it over again.

End Quotes of ABS

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FN1 Great Beast
ABS (1843-1919) seventy plus writings were penned in large part between 1880
and 1917. Since then a century has passed from which to take a perspective on
his writings. The only changed perspective is here-in held that the great beast
and abomination of revelation 17 may be seen as a confluence of Apostate-
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam centered in Jerusalem. ABS alluded to some
aspects of this in his writings. There is no better way to focus the lens of
understanding than passing of time. RTN14

FN2: The Not Kingdom

Therefore do not let your good be spoken of as evil; for the kingdom of God is
not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication,
uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies,
outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders,
drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I
also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit
the kingdom of God. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the
kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor
drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And
such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you
were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God

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# Gospel Parables of Jesus in Chronological Order Matthew Mark Luke

1 New cloth on an old coat (why the old must go) 9:16 2:21 5:36
2 New wine in old wineskins (old way, law, preferred) 9:17 2:22 5:37-38
3 Lamp on a stand (also see #6) 5:14-15
4 Wise and foolish builders 7:24-27 6:47-49
5 Moneylender forgives unequal debts 7:41-43
6 Lamp on a stand (2 time, see #3) nd 4:21-22 8:16, 11:33
7 Rich man foolishly builds bigger barns 12:16-21
8 Servants must remain watchful (also see #44) 12:35-40
9 Wise and foolish servants (also see #42) 12:42-48
10 Unfruitful fig tree (Nation Bearing Fruit, NBF) 13:6-9
11 Sower and four types of soil 13:3-8, 18-23 4:3-8, 14-20 8:5-8, 11-15
12 Weeds among good plants (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:24-30, 36-43
13 Growing seed (Kingdom of Heaven) 4:26-29
14 Mustard seed (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:31-32 4:30-32 13:18-19
15 Yeast (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:33 13:20-21
16 Hidden treasure (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:44
17 Valuable pearl (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:45-46
18 Fishing net (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:47-50
19 Owner of a house (Kingdom of Heaven) 13:52
20 Lost sheep (sheep as children, also see #29) 18:12-14
21 The sheep, gate, and shepherd ( John 10:1-5, 7-18 )
22 Master and his servant 17:7-10
23 Unmerciful servant (Kingdom of Heaven) 18:23-34
24 Good Samaritan 10:30-37
25 Friend in need 11:5-8
26 Lowest seat at the feast 14:7-14
27 Invitation to a great banquet 14:16-24
28 Cost of discipleship 14:28-33
29 Lost sheep (sheep as sinners, also see #20) 15:4-7
30 Lost coin 15:8-10
31 Lost (prodigal) son 15:11-32
32 Shrewd manager 16:1-8
33 Rich man and Lazarus 16:19-31
34 Workers in the vineyard, early and late 20:1-16
35 Persistent widow and crooked judge 18:2-8
36 Pharisee and tax collector 18:10-14

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# Gospel Parables of Jesus in Chronological Order Matthew Mark Luke

37 Kings ten servants given minas (also see #45) 19:12-27
38 Two sons, one obeys one does not 21:28-32
39 Wicked tenants (Nation Bearing Fruit, NBF) 21:33-44 12:1-11 20:9-18
40 Invitation to a wedding banquet 22:2-14
41 Signs of the future from a fig tree 24:32-35 13:28-29 21:29-31
42 Wise and foolish servants (2 time, see #9) nd 24:45-51
43 Wise and foolish virgins 25:1-13
44 Servants must remain watchful (2 time, see #8) nd 13:35-37
45 Three servants given talents (also see #37) 25:14-30
46 Sheep and goats will be separated 25:31-46


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Kingdom of Heaven & God: by O. P. Armstrong, July 2013

Other Kingdom texts

Luke 1:32-33 Matt.13:16- Rom13.14 Luke 9:2 John 8:12
John18:36-37 Matt. Phil3.9 Luke9.62 John 14:16-
13:24-52 17
John 3:3 Matt. Mark 4:1-20 Luke 11:9- 1Cor15:50
18:23-35 13
Luke16:16 Matt. Mark 4:26- Luke 12:22- Acts14:22
19:13-26 29 31
Matt. 5:20 Matt. 20:1- Mark 4:30- Luke 13:22- Rom14:17
16 32 28
2Cor5.21 Matt20:20- Mark 10:17- Luke 15:24 1Cor6.9-11
28 27
Matt. 7:13-23 Matt. 21:28-32
Mark16.15-19 Luke 18:15- Gal5.19-21
Matt.11:11-14 matt22:1-14 Luke 8:1-18 John 6:57- Heb12.28
OT overlooked Kingdom source materials
Ps45.5-7 Dan2:44 Ps93.1-2 Ps96.1-6 Ps97-99


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Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
December 2012 was my 1st and likely best Christmas Tour of the Holy Lands. There were many nice people Griffy
and I meet. Tops of the list was the taxi driver in Eilat who returned my backpack inadvertently left on back seat,
even refusing an extra tip. Then was the wonderful lady who entertained Griffy on the bus from Jerusalem to Eilat,
giving Griffy a nice harmonica that he enjoys playing. Also was the Rabi who posted a note to the Wailing Wall for
us. All our tour guides were very helpful. Especially considering that Griffy is a typical 3 year old who likes
exploring everything with zeal and gusto. The Palatine hotel provided a good taxi/guide to do Bethlehem, greater
Jerusalem, Jericho, Saint George, the Zoo, sundry museums, and seven hills of Jerusalem.
Israel is a land of contrasts; the blessing and the curse, the antiquity (Jericho oldest inhabited city due to spring)
and Tel-Aviv modern hi-tech center; Desert and Fertile plain, poor Palestine and opulent business people, metro
hustle and quiet country side, tension and peace. By and large, much the same as in time of Jesus, who scolded
the ruling elite as white washed tombs, den of vipers, unbelieving hypocrites, callous, beholden to tradition, but
yet there are those for whom Jesus came to heal, seek the lost, restore the contrite, uphold and lead to a fuller life,
that he gladly endured the shame of Crucifixion for whom we are forever indebted.
Our Arab guide was likely a Jebucite descendent (after Jebu, the name of ancient Jerusalem) living on Mt. Olivet.
As for the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah
could not drive them out: but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah
at Jerusalem unto this day. Joshua 15:63 ... the children of Benjamin did
not drive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jerusalem; but the Jebusites
dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem unto this day. Judges 1:21
As for all the people that were left and the Jebusites, which were not of
Israel whom the children of Israel consumed not, them did Solomon
make to pay tribute until this day. 2 Chronicles 8:7-8 Therefore I will
not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your
sides I also will not from now on drive out any from before them of the
nations which Joshua left when he died: Judges 2 v3 & 21
Tell me, you that desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law? For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one
by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman. But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the
freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory: for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai,
which makes to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and answers to Jerusalem which now is, and
is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. For it is written, Rejoice,
you barren that bear not; break forth and cry, you that travails not: for the desolate has many more children than she who
has husband. Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. But as then he that was born after the flesh
persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what says scripture? Cast out the bondwoman
and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. Galatians 4:21-30

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 1
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
Babylon is mentioned as an idiom for a city set on seven hills in the book of Revelation. Many say this refers
exclusively to the Roman Catholic Church. Others view it as a reference to Jerusalem and Judaism. It is proposed
that the reference to Mystery Babylon describes a convergence of the three monotheistic religions upon the
physical city of Jerusalem. Already all three religions hold or claim some portion of Jerusalem. Uniting these
claims is UN Resolution 181 passed in 1947 A.D. Whereby Jerusalem was decreed as a Corpus Separatum or
separate entity. Separate in the fact that UN 181 declared a partition of Palestine into three zones; Jerusalem,

Arab, and Jewish, see below map.

The Arab states never accepted the partition and various
wars have settled borders of what is today know as Israel and
the Palestinian portions of the former, greater Palestine.
What remains is the issue of Jerusalem.

Here is a map of the Jerusalem partition from the 1947

document. (Also see ref. page 174 2nd paragraph, last sentence) It is
entirely likely that a final settlement will see Jerusalem
divided into Jewish, Christian, and Arab quarters. Another
Jerusalem outcome could be; Jewish, Arab/Palestine,
International. In either event Jerusalem will remain a city on
seven Hills and remain significant to a vast swath of the
worlds population.

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 2
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
The Seven Hills
Several substantial world cities lay claim to be built on 7 hills. Besides Jerusalem, the seven hilled sister cities are
Rome, Mecca, Istanbul, Moscow, Tehran, Athens, and Ancient Babylon.
The linking of Islam and modern Jerusalem is
well explained in New Testament literature. A
uniting of the monotheist religions, as
represented by these major cities, would be a
modern tower of Babel.
If one starts with the Mount of Olives just to
the east of the main City of Jerusalem (but still
reckoned to be located within the environs of
Jerusalem), there are three summits to that
Mount of Olives:
The northern summit is called Scopus [Hill One],
The middle summit (hill) was called Nob [Hill Two],
The highest point of Olivet itself, and the
southern summit (hill) was called in the Holy
Scriptures the "Mount of Corruption" or "Mount
of Offence" [Hill Three] (II Kings 23:13).
On the middle ridge between the Kedron and
the Tyropoeon Valleys there was (formerly) in
the south "Mount Zion" [Hill Four] (the original
"Mount Zion" and not the later southwest hill
that was later called by that name),

The "Ophel Mount" [Hill Five],

To the north of that the "Rock" around which "Fort
Antonia" was built [Hill Six],
And finally, there was the southwest hill itself [Hill
Seven] that finally became known in the time of
Simon the Hasmonean as the new "Mount Zion.
This makes
"Seven Hills"
in all.

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 3
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
Babylon is a name taken from root word Babel. The tower of Babel was a confluence of people who thought to
raise themselves up to God by building a tower up to God. This collective work displeased God. Subsequently, God
scattered the people by giving people many languages; lest mankind try to make themselves as equals to God. In
the concept of Babylon as Jerusalem , this represents mankind again attempting to unite, into a confluence, the
universal God concept for all peoples. Hence a Babel of religions or a Babel of the God concept, united under a
false prophet and false messiah. The book of revelation indicates such a system will initiate supernatural wrath on
earth from heaven.
Using, The Balfour Century, concept, (1917-2017), it is predicted these events will commence prior to December
2017. The Balfour Century time line concept is based on 7,000 years total of determined time. Four thousand years
of determined time had elapsed up to the anointing of Jesus the Christ by St. John, about 27 AD. There are one
thousand years reserved as a future Sabbath Day of millennial peace. This leaves 2 millennial days of Messianic
work, of which 1,985 years had passed in 2012 since Messiah anointing in 27AD. The remaining 15 years of
Messianic work are envisioned as: five years of preparation, 2012 to 2017; 2520 days of tribulation, 2017-2024;
about three years of confusion and war, 3024 to 3027. After 3027 follows eternal righteousness and time no
more. The Balfour Century from 1917 until 2017 is a hundred year warning Generation, similar to the warning
time from Noah. The hundred year generation of judgment and redemption is also indicated by the generations of
Israel from Egypt to Canaan.

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 4
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
Israel, A Land of Milk and Honey?
Another striking feature of Israels geography was how great a portion of
the land is arid desert. Because of the desert only a small portion of Israel
and the Palestine Authoritys land are presently inhabited. This is one
source of antagonism between the Jewish and other populations.
Improved irrigation of selected arid parts of the land is one way to reduce
these tensions between the population groups. The missing element is a
suitable water supply. The present water supply is stretched beyond
capacity when rainfall is sparse. New reverse osmosis seawater to potable
water system is slated to be commissioned in 2013. However more water
sources would be required to make the arid lands fertile. One possible
source would be thermal desalination, were a suitable energy supply
available. An Extensive supply of offshore gas is slated to become
available by year 2017 . With such gas, thermal desalination could become
a viable option to produce a copious supply of irrigation water from
seawater. That could truly transform the desert of Palestine and alleviate
the land issue for the population.

Hebrew as a National Language

Another interesting aspect was
the normal use of Hebrew
language. A visitor to Israel will
find Hebrew and Arabic used as
the norm, with English and
Russian as the second tier
languages. Russian is used due to
the large influx of Jewish peoples from
that area.
A 1927 British mandate era coin (right)
photo shopped to year 1917. This is
intended to illustrate foundation of re-
birthed Hebrew speaking Israel with the
1917 Balfour Declaration and Allenbys
capture of Jerusalem in December 1917.
And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains,
on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is,
and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space.
That smoke up from Jerusalem is visible from Mediterranean Sea coast can be
easily confirmed. The mean elevation of Jerusalem is 2500 feet. The horizon
distance in miles is approximate root of elevation in feet, or 50 miles. Distance to Jaffa or Ashdod is about 35 miles. Thus
ships offshore up to 15 miles can see smoke from Jerusalem. The following info-graphic explains in detail.

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet
come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 5
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth
shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is,
and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 6
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
Explanation of Info Graphic
The above info graphic is given as some doubt the claim that those offshore from Jerusalem shall see the smoke
of her burning. The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her
torment, weeping and wailing, And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and
scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great riches is come to naught. And
every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, And cried
when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! Rev18.15-18
The 1st table gives consideration to the recorded fact that Mediterranean Sea is visible from some Judean
mountains. But as witnessed by Prof. Adam Zertal of Haifa this is recorded in the case of Mount Ebal. This
observation is thus mathematically extended to city Jerusalem by means of geography and the Distance-to-
Horizon-Equation. This analogy concludes that one could see between 14 and 25 miles offshore, depending on
atmospheric conditions. The next fact is that seeing a cloud from afar off is much easier that seeing through a
cloud to some distant point. For the view when looking out from a cloud can be obscured by the cloud haze.
Seeing a cloud from afar only requires a clear view from the sea inland, I C U, U not C Me.
The second table considers obstruction of view by line of sight hills or buildings. This is done using similar
triangles. The question is how high a barrier must be placed in the line of sight to obscure the view from afar?
The answer depends upon the distance between the observation point and the viewed point. The greater that
distance the higher an allowed obstruction can be. Secondly, more atmospheric haze can be tolerated the closer
an observation point is to the viewed object. This effect is considered in the latter columns of Table 2. For
example at only 1 mile offshore, only 68% opacity is needed but an object of a mere 68 feet could hide the cloud.
Conversely, at about 12 miles offshore (the afar off case) one needs an average atmospheric opacity of 80%.
From this view it would require a building or hill of 645 feet onshore to obscure the view. This holds only for
objects onshore. The further inland a hill the higher it must be to block the cloud view. As seen by the scaled
relief such elevations are not found between sea shore and Jerusalem.
Comparison of Jerusalem to Humanity
Some ignore the depravity of humanity or consider fallen Jerusalem above humanity. In truth the saying rings
out like a bell at midnight, we have turned each to our own way and none seeks His council. Even within
Solomons lifetime, did the cankerworm of idolatry set to work in the infant city of Jerusalem. Five short years
after Solomons death and after dedication by Shekina Glory in Jerusalem, was the city sacked and the temple
ornaments carted off to Egypt. No surer confirmation of apostasy could be made than this judgment. No truer
foreshadow could be issued upon the citys future than this fast judgment. For in the following 3,000 years
this scene has repeated itself on a predictable basis. Yet for all this, Jerusalem remains the city of The Great
King. So also with man and humanity, for shortly after Eves creation was the fall and promise of redemption.
That man in the likeness of God is where will be the dwelling of The Great King. So also with the Church have
been a predictable past of honor and decay of renewal and falling away. So with redeemed man the cycle of
fire and ice is predictable. But of those you have given me have none been lost except Judas and he that
comes to me will I in nowise cast out To Peter were the words of assurance, Satan hath desired to shift thee
as wheat but I have prayed that your faith fail not. Know that He ever lives to make intercession until that day
when the tempter is assigned his final rest never to shift people again.

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not
yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 7
Babel A Confluence of Concepts, in Jerusalem?? 15-Jun-14
Starry starry day; paint your palette blue and grey; look out on a summers eve; with eyes that know the darkness
in our soul: Now I understand what you tried to say ; and how you suffered for our loss; that you died to set us
free: They would not listen then, they did not know how; perhaps they will listen now: For they could not love you
then; but still your love is true; and when no hope was left in sight; on that starry starry night; You gave you life as
lovers often do: Like the strangers you have met, the ragged men in ragged clothes; The silver thorn on bloody
brow, lies crushed and broken upon the virgin snow: They would not listen then: perhaps theyll listen now.

Underfoot a haunt for every unclean creature

Some object to physical Jerusalem being called Babylon upon the basis of this: And he cried mightily with a
strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold
of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev18.2). Consider the Messianic era
prophesy of Zech.14:1-2 upon Jerusalem:
Behold, the day of the LORD comes, and your spoil shall be divided in the midst of you. For I will gather all nations
against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half
of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.
The half refers to an exact division. But what divides these two halves? I propose it to be the division of good
and evil. What captivity is mentioned? May I suggest it to be the captivity of the bottomless pit and the
captivity of the Lake of Fire reserved for the punishment of unjust sinners, with the devil and his angels. It is
there they shall be tormented day and night in the presence of the Lamb. For it is said, sit Thou at My right
hand until I make Thy enemies Thy footstool. For under the feet of Jesus, sitting upon His throne is where
Hades shall reside. From Hades those captive there will forever look up and see the righteous King sitting in
glory and they in the lake of tormenting fire, forever reminded of the choice made. That they choose not the
good and just way. But unlike those who choose to enter into the joy of the master; they, like the rich man,
turned a blind eye to future good in choice of temporal gains to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
Look what was said to the rich man, and seeing afar off (Lu16:23). From the pit of Hades there can be no
greater torment than to be eternally in view of the choice made when looking always upon the forfeited joy.

Mystery Babylon as meaning the Ancient City

No such comparison is possible, for ancient Babylon is too far inland and neither is it elevated. Thus this concept
is dismissed out of hand.
Seven Hills
Seven is also a number indicating totality or completeness. That modern Jerusalem is a city situated entirely
upon hills is easily determined. For all one need do is ride a bus about that city. By thus doing, one will see a ride
that is composed of traveling from one hill to another. The little flat lands are either hill sides or a valley and every
valley has a hill..
Where Peter wrote from
Peter was mentioned as the Apostle unto the Jews, Paul unto the gentiles. Thus Peters epistle mention of
Babylon is a reference unto Jerusalem. For in Jerusalem is where Peters tomb was found.

Revelation 17:8-10 The beast that you saw was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition:
and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads
are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not
yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. 8
-Foundation of the World (FOTW) O. P. Armstrong, rev3a. Mar2014

An important time concept is The Foundation of The World. This gives rise to two
ages, either Before The Foundation of The World or Since The Foundation of The
World. The time Before The Foundation of The World, takes in everything that
happened prior to that event. This present age of redemption is The World referred to
by scripture. This 6,000 year age of redemption began with Adams fall. The other
information contained in bible scripture is provided as a foot note to facilitate
understanding Gods plan of redemption. For scripture is but a love letter from a jilted
lover to his lost love, mankind. Man, made in the likeness of God, has no greater
purpose than to reflect the light and image of the unseen Godhead. For as the moon is
to rule the night so also is regenerated man to rule or fill the darkness of this fallen age.
We are told the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. Thus the world or
this age was founded when the Lamb was slain. When did that happen? It happened
shortly after the fall of man. The Genesis account tells that after man ate of the
forbidden fruit he sewed garments from fig leaves to cover his nakedness. Gods
question was, who told you that you are naked?
Adams fig leafs speak of man trying to redeem himself or cover his nakedness. Not
pleased with this act of works, the Elohim slew an animal to cloth man. That act of
grace signifies the slaying of the Lamb, Christ our eternal reconciliation unto a righteous
God. For without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. But the blood of
Lambs and calves cannot eternally cover our sin. Only Christ who entered the Holy
place by way of his own blood could forever cover our sins. Christ death made a way
for wayward man to stand once again in presence of a righteous God. This was by
offering the just for the unjust, the clean for the unclean. Before the fall there was not a
need for redemption. After the fall God made a complete work of reconciliation. For it
was then, that Christ agreed within the Godhead Foundation of The World FOTW range
(Elohim) to die for the sins of all humanity. Baptism Yr.AD 26 27 29
FOTW, BC 3975 3974 3972
Number Our Days Elapsed years 4000 4000 4000
So when did this event happen? All that is told by the AM upper BC 4104 4103 4101
Genesis account is that Adam was 130 year old when AM lower BC 3988 3987 3985
Seth was birthed and Adam lived 930 years. The birth Basis: plausible Year for Jesus Baptism
of Seth is an important event. For by that we know the
fall was prior to Seths birth. If Seths birth preceded Sin, then not all would be polluted
by sin. But scripture says by one man sin entered all. Resolution of this question had to
await the Kingdom of God. This happened when Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan.

Page 1 of 13
-Foundation of the World (FOTW) O. P. Armstrong, rev3a. Mar2014

Jesus said that the Law and the Prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom is
preached. Again Jesus said if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom
of God has come. Again: How God anointed Jesus 2, Anno Mundi dates v. Age of Adam at Sin
with the Holy Spirit and he went about doing good
Year A.M. BC 3987 4004 4103
and healing all those oppressed of the devil. The Adam sin year BC 3974 3974 3974
Anointing of Jesus happened at Jesus Baptism in Adams Age at sin 13 30 129
river Jordan on the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc.
This being about 27AD by most accounts. John was 3 month elder to Jesus. Jesus
baptism being at about age 30 and John likely started his priestly work about age 30
also. So, the baptism of Jesus likely happened around 27 or 28 AD.
The millennial week concept states: just as God created T3 FOTW dates v. 6000 years
the world in six days and rested on the seventh, so also FOTW Yr. BC 3974 4004 4167
6k Yr. Determ. Time 6000 6000 6000
shall He make a new heaven and new earth after 7
Year 6k AD 2027 1997 1834
millennial days. Those days being numbered as one rest
FOTW, Foundation Of The World
(Shabbat) day of messianic rule when evil is banished, two
days for the Kingdom of God (yemot Hamshiach), two days of Abrahamic covenant (Torah) and
two days of darkness (Tohu). The elapsed time (The law and prophets) until John were
4000 years. Thus (Table1) four thousand years prior to 27AD is the year 3974BC.
Bishop Usshers bible T4 Genesis 1 Creation Account Genesis 2 Creation Account
chronology concluded No restriction on eating any fruit A restriction on eating one tree's fruit
that Adam was created male & female made in image of God Man created as a living soul, breath of
in 4004BC. By Usshers life
chronology, the age of male & female appear at same male created first, after several events
instance the female created from man
Adam upon starting his no mention of good and evil tree of the knowledge of good & evil
ministry of sin was 30, possibly a post-Evil world surely Post-Satan world
(26+4), T2. The surely a pre Sabbath World possibly a post Sabbath world
plausible date range
for Anno Mundi (AM) would range from 4103BC and 3987BC, as detailed in Table2,
based on Table1 and allowed age for Adam.
That which has been, shall be or End from the beginning
The seven days of creation explain that just as God made this world in six days and
rested on the 7th day He shall complete the world re-creation in seven millennial days.
The completion of Solomons temple in 7 years also alludes to this concept. The book of
revelation also shows this concept. For after the world rests from sin for a millennial
day, it is explained God begins his work anew by casting Satan into the Lake-of-Fire.

Page 2 of 13
-Foundation of the World (FOTW) O. P. Armstrong, rev3a. Mar2014

After that John says he beheld a T5 Ref On creation(s), other ages, foundation of world
new heaven and new earth Eph3.5 which in other ages was not made known to the sons
come into existence. 1Cor2.7 the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages
However unless one looks at 1Cor10.11 upon whom the end of the ages have come
Eph2.7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding
the 7000 years from a
Eph3.9 beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created
Foundation of the World Col1.26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and
(FOTW) basis, then scripture end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the
makes no mathematical sense. sacrifice of himself
This is explained in table3. This 2Pet3.4 as they were from the beginning of the creation
table adds 6000 years to the Mat24.21 since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever
commonly accepted Anno Mat13.35 things kept secret from the foundation of the world
Mat25.34 prepared for you from the foundation of the world
Mundi dates of 4004BC and
Lu11.50 blood .. shed from the foundation of the world
4167BC. As seen for both these Jn17.24 Thou loved Me from before the foundation of the world
dates the 7th millennium should Eph1.4 chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world
have begun in either 1997 or Heb4.3 works were finished from the foundation of the world
1834 respectively. Only by 1Pet1.20 foreordained before the foundation of the world
separation of FOTW from the Rev13.8 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world
written in the book of life from the foundation of the
creation of the world can Rev17.8
millennial days reconcile with a
creation timeline. T6 Ref Source of Evil: About the devil and his angels, Job1
Col1.16 all things created,.. in heaven earth ..seen & unseen
A close look at Genesis chapters Is14.14 I will be like the Most High, yet you shall go down to hell
one to three will show there Is14.17 is this .. He that made the world as a wilderness?
were at least two and possibly Ez28.14 you were upon the holy mountain of God
three creation events. Genesis Ez28.15 from day you were created until sin was found in you
1.1 says In the beginning God Jn12.31 Now is the judgment ... the prince of this world cast out
created the heaven and the Lu10.18 I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven
earth. Later in Genesis chapter Jn14.30 the prince of this world comes & has nothing in me
Eph2.2 Prince of the power of the air, .. The spirit .. in the disobedient
one it says God created man
The rulers of the darkness of this world.. Spiritual
after making earth. However Eph6.12 wickedness in high places
there are two important events Rev12.4 a third of angels followed Satan' rebellion; 2good /1bad
in the creation of Genesis 1 and Rev20.2 devil and his angels bound for 1,000 years, earth's peace
the creation of Genesis 2. Look Phil2.10 at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, whether in
heaven, earth or under the earth
carefully (T4), in the Gen1.29 Matt25.41 everlasting fire prepared for the devil & his angels
creation, man is given EVERY Rev20.10 and the devil that deceived them is cast into the lake of fire
herb and every tree whose fruit
yields seed to eat; to you it shall be for fruit. There was absolutely no restriction placed
on what man can eat, the term, every, is all inclusive. This was again emphasized in v1.30

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-Foundation of the World (FOTW) O. P. Armstrong, rev3a. Mar2014

every green herb for food. But the creation account of Gen2.9 there was placed a
garden of trees, pleasant to the sight and good for food. In the Gen2 account a
restriction is placed on eating of one particular tree.
Another difference in Gen1.27 creation is that in the image of God He created him, male
and female. Thus is a sense of immediate creation of a breeding species of humans in
His image 1.28 and 1.26. But not until chapter 2 and after the Sabbath rest that one is

told and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being,
Gen2.7. Further the Gen 2 account has the woman being created after the garden was
made and after Adam named every beast. Thus the Gen2 account has a definitive space
of time between creation of man and woman. This is not given in Gen1.27 account.
These points are detailed in Table4.
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The above diagram chart from Larkin was modified to better see these concepts. The
Tables 5 & 6 provides scripture references to the concepts given in Larkins chart.
Simply stated there were likely other ages prior to the current world. For this world
concept deals with fallen man upon whom God breathed a soul. It is likely that older
humanoid types were devoid of a living soul. This is called the Gap Theory of Creation.
Appendix 1 Chronology Comparisons with TBC Age of Sin
The Balfour Century, TBC, method uses Age of Sin or Foundation of the World
(FOTW) basis of chronology. The best way to place some perspective upon this
method is by comparison to others work.
TBC perspective is that the baptism of Jesus by John in river Jordan at year 27AD
(+/-2) defined the beginning of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus stated the Law
and Prophets were until John and since then the Kingdom of God is preached,
then He announced the final 3000 years of this age. The Foundation of the World
(FOTW) began when the Lamb of God was slain and this event happened when
man sinned. The sin of man made it necessary for God to begin a new work of
creation to make a new heaven and new earth. This present work of creating a
new heaven and new earth is a seven thousand year process. Seven thousand
years corresponds to seven millennial days. These days were divided at the river
Jordan by Jesus baptism, just as God parted the river Jordan for the Children of
Israel to enter the Promised Land in the days of Joshua. Joshua is the Latinized
Hebrew name of Jesus. This supernatural parting of Jordan again happened upon
Elisha getting the double portion from Elijah. Again as a symbol of starting a new
era whereby the work of God would be completed in double rhythm compared to
the prior pace. The work time prior to Jesus crossing Jordan was 4000 years. The
work time remaining after Jesus crossed Jordan by his baptism was 2000 years,
with one millennial day of rest after the work of God is complete. This makes a
total of 7000 years. Four thousand years prior to 27AD was the year 3974. This
year 3974 represents also the year when this present world of sin and redemption
was founded, FOTW. The sin of Adam slew the Lamb of God which in-turn,
founded this present world of sin and redemption by grace.
By scripture & Josephus there is sufficient information to compile an approximate
chronology from Adam unto Christ. This was done by Ussher. However there is not
given a specific age or date when Adam sinned. It is TBC view that any reasonable
chronology must fit within the 4,000 years prior to 27AD, the age of Adam, and the
age of Adam when his first son Seth was born. For if Adam sinned after Seths birth
in Adams 130th year, then Seth would be born sinless.

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But scripture says by one T7 Anno Mundi (AM) non-feasible Years based on Seth & Adam age by
The Balfour Century date of man's sin
man all mankind inherited a Greek
sin nature. Such transmittal AM => Septu
Chrono Luther
Sca- Seder
would not be possible were method agint
.r -foot liger mis Olam
Seth born to a sinless AM Yr BC 5500 4175 3961 3960 3952 3949 3926 3761
Adam. TBC Sin 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974
Adam @sin 1526 201 13 14 22 25 48 213
For example, in Table7, Seth @A.sin 1396 71 143 144 152 155 178 343
using the Clinton Y6k AM 501 1826 2040 2041 2049 2052 2075 2240
Chronology, column 3, Y6k TBC 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027
Adams age at sin would be
201 years and Seth 71
T8 Anno Mundi (AM) feasible Years based on Seth & Adam Age using The
years old. Thus Seth would Balfour Century date of man's sin
be sinless, having born
before the age of sin. Such AM method
=> Min
Maimo- Max
Newton Ussher Pereia Henri nides
an AM year would
contradict scripture which AM Yr BC 3987 3992 4000 4004 4021 4051 4058 4103
says all have inherited a sin TBC Sin 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974 3974
Adam @sin 13 18 26 30 47 77 84 129
nature. Furthermore there
Seth @A.sin 117 112 104 100 83 53 46 1
is no mention in Genesis of Y6k AM 2014 2009 2001 1997 1980 1950 1943 1898
anyone but Adam and Eve Y6k TBC 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027 2027
for whom the Elohim made
garments of animal skins. It was only Adam and Eve who directly partook of the sin
nature. Seth to be of a sinless nature contradicts New Testament doctrine and AM
ages older than about 4103BC are rejected by TBC method.
For chronologys younger than about 3987, such as Luther and younger, either
Adam would be unborn by TBC chronology or Adam (and surely Eve) under age of
This leaves chronologies that fit TBC dating as given in Table8. The range of AM
dates that fit observation will vary from about 3987BC unto 4103AM. Some listed
Chronologies would be: Kepler, Newton, Ussher, Pereia, Henri, and Maimoness.
Adams determined age would range from 13 years unto 129 years.

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-Foundation of the World (FOTW) O. P. Armstrong, rev3a. Mar2014

A Simple Chronology T9 Total Years unto Jesus Baptism

An easy chronology is compiled in Table9. This is Sired death
Generation verse
Year Year
accomplished by adding up the age when each
Adam 130 930 gen5.3
patriarch fathered from Adam unto Isaac. The age is
Seth 105 912 gen5.6
from the referenced scripture.
Enos 90 905 gen5.9
About Shem it is told he begat at age 100 and that was Cainan 70 910 "5.12
Mahalaleed 65 895 5.15
two years after the flood, Noahs 602 year. This means
Jared 162 962 5.18
he was born in Noahs 502 year. Enoch 65 365 5.21
Methuselah 187 969 5.25
For Terah, it was at Abraham age 75 when he left
Lamech 182 777 5.28
Haran and Terah died shortly thereafter at age 205.
Noah 502 950 5.32&11.10
Thus Terah was age 130 upon Abrahams Birth. Shem 100 600 11.10
Arphaxad 35 438 11.12
The years unto the Exodus from covenant
Salah 30 433 11.14
confirmation by Isaac birth at Abraham age of 100 Eber 34 464 11.16
was 430. Solomons temple was anointed 488.5 years Peleg 30 239 11.18
after the Exodus, T9B. By TBC method there are 1000 Reu 32 239 11.20
years from Solomons temple anointing unto Christ Serug 30 230 11.22
anointing by baptism in river Jordan. Total years are Nahor 29 148 11.24
4026.5 from Jesus anointing to Adams creation, T9. Terah 130 205 11.32&12.4
Abraham 100 175 21.5
TBC chronology takes Christ baptism to end the 4 to Exodus 430 Gal3.17 Ex12.41
millennium after Adams sin. The age of Adam at sin Temple
488.5 1Kg6.38 1Kg6.1
by this chronology is 26.5, (4026.5-4000). Jesus
1000 Luke Lu16.16
The Anno Mundi date by this chronology would be
4026.5 years prior to the Baptism of Jesus. If Jesus Total Past 4026.5 Since Adam Created
was baptized in 25AD, would the Anno Mundi year not be 4002.5BC? If Jesus baptism
year were 30AD, would the AM year not be 3997.5BC? At 27AD, AM is 4000.5BC?
Ussher placed Anno Mundi at 4004BC
T9B Solomon Temple Build & Anoint Time
and Jesus Baptism at 27AD. The
difference in this chronology and Ussher Event Yr-Sol Yr-X Mo Heb Mo# years gone
is 3.5 years, (4004-4000.5). This is also Start 4.17 480.1 May 2 0
seen by the calculated age of Adam at Complete 11.67 487.6 Nov 8 7.50
sin. By Ussher this age is 30 and TBC Anoint 12.58 488.5 Oct 7 8.42
chronology is 26.5 years, so again a 3.5
year difference, (27AD baptism)

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Calculation of the Temple Anointing Millennium

Table10 The Millennium from Solomon Temple Anointing unto Christ Anointing
Ref Years Event Quote
Rebuild decree unto from the going forth of the word to restore and to build Jerusalem
Dan 9.25 483
Messiah, 69*7 years till Messiah the Leader is seven weeks, and sixty and two weeks (69)
70 Years Captivity as unto Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the fulfilling of the wastes of
Dan 9.2 70
told by Jeremiah Jerusalem-seventy years;
Ezek 4.6 40 Unto Judah Captive The iniquity of the house of Judah forty (40) days--a day for a year..
Apostasy Unto Israel The number of days, three hundred and ninety (390) days; and thou
Ezek 4.5 390
Captive hast borne the iniquity of the house of Israel.

1Kgs 11 at the time of the old age of Solomon, his wives have turned aside
Temple Dedication
17 his heart after other gods, and his heart hath not been perfect with
** unto begin Apostasy
Jehovah his God, like the heart of David his father.
{**17 years is by difference, (1000-983). Forty years Solomon reigned in Jerusalem. Temple
Total 1000 th
dedicated Solomon's 12 year; 1st 17 Years after temple not in apostasy. Last 10.4 years of
Solomon rule in Apostasy and count in Ezekiel 430 years, ([40-12.6-17]=10.4)}

Ref Table11 Prophesy of the Seventy Year Captivity

all this land hath been for a waste, for an astonishment, and these nations have served the
king of Babylon seventy years.
And it hath come to pass, at the fullness of seventy years, I charge against the king of
Babylon, and against that nation--an affirmation of Jehovah
at the fullness of Babylon, 70 years, I inspect you, and have established towards you My
good word, to bring you back unto this place.
(... unto Jeremiah the prophet,) concerning the fulfilling of the wastes of Jerusalem--seventy
Zech7.5 Even these seventy years--did ye keep the fast to Me--Me?
to fulfill the word of Jehovah ... till the land hath enjoyed its Sabbaths; all the days of the
desolation it kept Sabbath--to the fullness of seventy years.

Jesus said, destroy this temple and in three days I shall raise it anew. The temple was
the Christ himself. The anointing at baptism in river Jordan marked the Kingdom era.
Not one recorded miracle was performed until after his anointing. The work of messiah
began only after baptism by water and Spirit. The same can be said of Solomons
Temple. It was at the dedication that the glory of God filled the temple and God set His
Name or Logos there. Many incorrectly mark time from Jesus birth or death. This is not
taught by Luke16.16. Nor is the start of Solomons temple an august date. Rather it is
the dedication or anointing dates for these two temples that mark time. The
importance of Jesus baptism can be seen by the six date markers Luke affixed to that

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-Foundation of the World (FOTW) O. P. Armstrong, rev3a. Mar2014

date. 1.) And in the fifteenth year of the government of Tiberius Caesar-2)-Pontius Pilate being governor
of Judea, and 3) Herod tetrarch of Galilee, and 4) Philip his brother, tetrarch of Ituraea and of the region
of Trachonitis, and 5) Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene-6) Annas and Caiaphas being chief priests--there came a
word of God unto John the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness- No other scripture event is so
explicitly bound to the secular calendar, why? Perhaps because the warning was: Be
ready against that day, For on that day shall the Lord come down in the sight of all the people upon the top of
the mountain?

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"There was a certain rich man who was clothed in

purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day.
But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of
sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with
the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table.
Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. So it
was that the beggar died, and was carried by the
angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died
and was buried. And being in torments in Hades, he
lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and
Lazarus in his bosom. Then he cried and said, 'Father
Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that
he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my
tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.' But
Abraham said, 'Son, remember that in your
lifetime you received your good things, and
likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is
comforted and you are tormented. And
besides all this, between us and you there is
a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to
pass from here to you cannot, nor can those
from there pass to us.' Then he said, 'I beg
you therefore, father, that you would send
him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest
they also come to this place of torment.' Abraham said to him, 'They have Moses
and the prophets; let them hear them.' And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if
one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' But he said to him, 'If they do
not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead. Go page 1

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Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014
Table1 Least Square Regression Results
The Gregorian Date for the Fifteenth Year of Tiberius
Caesar was determined using least squares regression method ADa b BC Exodus Temple
analysis and consensus statistical analysis applied to the Norm'zld 27.1 4BC 1462BC 975BC
Chronology by Prophecy (CbP) method. The most likely All 30.1 1BC 1459BC 972BC
date of Tiberius Caesars 15th year was determined by this
a b c d e
analysis to be 27AD using a normalized data set and 30AD
without normalization, Table 1. The results are shown in Table 2
Table 1 Column b. Table 1 also shows Christ birth year Tiberius Caesar 15th Year by Exodus Date using
(col.c), Exodus year (col.d), and year of Solomons LSR & Chronology by Prophecy
Temple Completion (col.e), based on these two results.
The most likely correct date of Tiberius Caesars 15th year a
is 27AD. This consideration is from the birth year of baby year dY(X) AD dY CbP err min Ref.a
Jesus. A year of 1BC is too late by most chronologists. 1626 1652.1 27.1 1488.5 26761 Ref1
1552 1578.1 27.1 1488.5 8026 Ref2
As given in Table 1, the most likely year for Israels
1538 1564.1 27.1 1488.5 5714 Ref3
Exodus from Egypt would be 1462BC and the most likely
1513 1539.1 27.1 1488.5 2559 Ref4
date for the completion year of Solomons Temple would
1462 1488.1 27.1 1488.5 0 Ref5
be 975BC for Tiberius Caesars 15th year being 27AD.
1461 1487.1 27.1 1488.5 2 Ref6
1452 1478.1 27.1 1488.5 108 Ref7
A grand total of 19 dates were used to statically
determine Tiberius Caesars 15 year. The method 1450 1476.1 27.1 1488.5 154 Ref8

used least squares minimization of error difference. 1446 1472.1 27.1 1488.5 269 Ref9
Two error functions were computed and averaged. 1313 1339.1 27.1 1488.5 22324 Ref0
st th
The 1 is the difference between TCs 15 years and 1225 1251.1 27.1 1488.5 56364 Ref11
the Exodus date as determined by various workers. 30.1AD all or
Chronology by Prophesy determined there to be 66.0
AD 27.1 Norm'zld
1488.5 years difference between these two dates. See Table 3 (below)
Table 2 to review method calculation. Tiberius Caesar 15th Yr. by Solomon Temple
The second error function (Table 3) looked at the years Completion Date using LSR & CbP
between TCs 15 year and the completion date for Tc a err
Solomons temple. CbP finds the year difference to be
year dY(X) AD dY CbP min Ref.b
1000.9. The error function minimized the difference
between provided data and 1000.9 years. 949 975.1 27.1 1000.9 666 Ref1
The RMS sum of the error is then minimized by 953 979.1 27.1 1000.9 476 Ref2
changing the assumed correct base year for TCs 15 964 990.1 27.1 1000.9 117 Ref3
year using the Solver routine of Excel to find min error. 968 994.1 27.1 1000.9 46 Ref4
A further refinement was made by tossing out the high 973 999.1 27.1 1000.9 3 Ref5
and low years for the 2 events (Exodus and Temple 974 1000.1 27.1 1000.9 1 Ref6
Completion). AKA normalization
1000 1026.1 27.1 1000.9 634 Ref7
This overall method is known as consensus
forecasting. 1004 1030.1 27.1 1000.9 852 Ref8

The implications of this work are given by Table4. The 30.1 AD all or AD 27.1 Norm'zld 14.6
method of calculation is shown in Appendix 4. Other objective
functions, (OFs), were also evaluated by this method. The result of Table4 Rapture Tribulation
using an additional 4 OFs confirmed a late 26 to 27AD result. Early April2016 May 2016
Those functions were 1) Rebuild Decree & 483 Year Prophesy, 2)
Late July 2017 Aug 2017
Passover Count & midst of week (3.5Y) cutoff or crucify, 3) Jesus
Birth Year & About 30Yr old, 4) Jerusalem destroyed 70AD & Jonah Sign..

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014
Appendix I Corresponding Witnesses, 1. Witness of Chronology Research A) Ussher Annals
1A) The Romans dated the beginning of their {Mt3:1 Mr1:4 Lu3:3} By his ministry, he announced
history from the supposed date of the founding of and made known to Israel, Christ who would come
the city ("Ab Urbe Condita" or AUC & after him. {Joh1:7,8,13} So John would certainly
754AUC=1AD as usually abbreviated). Dionysius know who he was, God gave him this sign.
Exiguus calculated that the year of our Lord's birth Whomever he saw the Holy Ghost descending on
was 753 AUC, 1BC. He made his equivalence of and remaining, he would know that it was he that
dates from Lu3:1, "Now in the fifteenth year of the should baptize others with the Holy Ghost.
reign of Tiberius Caesar" etc., at which time Christ {Joh1:33}
was 30 years of age according to Lu3:23. But it 4030b AM, 4740 JP, 27 AD pp6288. When all the
was ascertained later that a mistake of four years people were being baptized, Jesus came from
had been made; for it clearly appears by Mt2:1 that Nazareth of Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized of
Christ was born before the death of Herod, who John. {Lu3:21 Mt3:13 Mr1:9} John denied that Jesus
died in 749 AUC, 5BC Tiberius succeeded needed any baptism from him but the Lord urged
Augustus, Aug. 19, 767 AUC, 14AD. Hence his him and said that it was needful that all
15th year would be 779 AUC, 26AD; and from righteousness be fulfilled. Then John baptized him.
those facts Dionysius was right in his calculation. {Mt3:14,15} Jesus was about 30 years old. {Lu3:23}
But it was discovered in later years that Tiberius
began to reign as colleague with Augustus four 1B) Analysis of Jay Rogers, Frontrunner
years before the latter died. Hence the 15th year In eastern provinces [of the Roman empire]
mentioned by Luke was four years earlier than was years were reckoned from the accession of the
supposed by Dionysius and consequently the birth reigning emperor, the second beginning on the first
of Christ was that many years earlier than the date New Years day after the accession, and the date
selected by Exiguus, which date has been followed on which this occurred varied from one province to
ever since. This must be allowed for in any another (Encyclopedia Britannica).
computation of dates which involves events If Tiberius was installed before the New Year,
happening before Christ. "The Wonders of Bible which occurred in the late summer in the eastern
Chronology", Page 84,85, Philip Mauro, first published 1922, provinces, it is likely that Luke and his audience of
Reprinted by, Reiner Publications, Swengel, Pennsylvania Greek speaking Christians counted the accession
4030a AM, 4739 JP, 26 AD pp 6282. It was in the year twice. The year 14 AD in our modern
15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, (which reckoning, contained Tiberias first and second
was the 13th of his empire which began after the year. The fall of 15 AD was his third year, and so
death of Augustus) when Pontius Pilate was on until the fall of 27 AD, which was his 15th year.
governor of Judea, Herod (Antipas), the tetrarch of Another way of reckoning the beginning of Tiberias
Galilee and his brother Philip, tetrarch of Ituraea reign is to predate to 13 AD, the year when
and the region of Trachonitis and Lysanias, tetrarch Tiberias became co-princeps with Augustus, a
of Abylene, under the priesthoods of Annas and common arrangement among the Emperors. At this
Caiphas. The word of the Lord came to John, the time, the powers held by Tiberius were made
son of Zacharias in the desert. {Lu3:1,2} He by equal, rather than second, to Augustuss own
God's authority was a Nazarite who was both a powers. In the event of the Emperors passing the
priest and prophet of the Lord and baptized in the latter would simply continue to rule without any
desert of Judea. (These cities were mentioned in political upheaval. In this case, according to our
{Jos15:1-6}) He preached the baptism of modern reckoning of years, Tiberias fifteenth
repentance for the remission of sins. year would have been in the fall of 26AD

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014
Either of these two reckonings fits Lukes account. They used inclusive reckoning, with the new year
Since both John and Jesus were both 30 years old beginning with the fall lunar month of Dios.1
by 26 AD, they could have entered the ministry The dating of the reign of Tiberius can be
anytime from late 26 to late 27. This squares with
according to Luke's Syro-Macedonian calendar
the other dates offered by Luke.
Tiberius became Caesar on August 19, 14AD, and
Pontius Pilate was ruler over Judea from 26 in that year Dios 1 fell on October 15.
to 36 AD. Thus, his first regnal year according to the Syro-
Macedonian calendar would be from Dios 1 or
Caiaphas was high priest during the same October 25, 13 until October 14, 14AD. Luke would
period, 26 to 35 AD. have measured the fifteen years from that year one
by non-accession, or inclusive, reckoning. Thus,
Herod Phillip II, tetrarch of Ituraea and
the "fifteenth year" fell from October 20, 27 to
Trachonitis was born in 4 BC and died in 34
October 9, 28. According to Luke's Syro-
Macedonian reckoning John the Baptist began his
Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee and ministry between these two dates. This falls in line
Peraea, was born in 20 BC and died in 40 with the arrival of Pontius Pilate by the autumn of
AD. 27. The earliest first Passover of Jesus' ministry
would have been in 28. Based on Luke's use of
Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene, ruled the the Syro-Macedonian calendar it was established
province between c.14 to 29 AD. that John the Baptist began his ministry between
When Luke numbers the year of Tiberias reign as October 20, 27 and October 9, 28. This was the
15 and gives the names of several other rulers, he "fifteenth year of Tiberius." John began his ministry
indicates a time window of about three years for after the arrival of Pontius Pilate, by the fall of 27.
the beginning of Jesus ministry no earlier than John baptized Jesus soon thereafter, and the
26 and no later than 29AD. Having decided on traditional date of January 6 is here used. This date
this, it becomes fairly certain that Jesus began His is supported by an understanding of Luke's usage
public ministry sometime between late 26AD to of Jesus being "about thirty years" old at that time,
early 28 AD and the thirty years are exact by the Jewish or
Syro-Macedonian calendars. The chronology will
1C Mr. KF Doig, NT Chronology proceed using January 6, 28 as the probable date
As with his other timed references, Luke, a Greek, for the baptism of Jesus. See J. Finegan, Handbook of
was using the Syro-Macedonian calendar familiar Biblical Chronology (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1964), 61-69

to Theophilus, the Greek recipient of his letters in

1D EF Martin: Are INCLUSIVE countings NORMAL
Antioch. This calendar system led to the dating of
in the writings of Luke? If Luke was employing the
the Annunciation in the "sixth month" on March 25,
coinciding with the appearance of the first nova, or Syriac year (and traditionally both he and
Star of the Magi. Luke's use of this method of Theophilus were from Antioch), then Tiberius' 15th
dating is here continued. This calendar was in use year began with Tishri 1, A.D. 27. This reckoning
through much of the Middle East, including Judea, would dovetail with the Judahite year in Jerusalem.
and would here be an expected reference. The This latter deduction appears the most likely. The
Messiah's statement recorded in Luke 4:16-21 can
usual reckoning was by the years of the Syrian
Seleucid Era, which dated by the Syro-Macedonian now be recognized as a reference to the Sabbatical
calendar. The rulers of that area reckoned their Year of A.D. 27 to A.D. 28.
reigns by this calendar, as discussed in the chapter
on "Herodian Chronology."

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014
Appendix 2 The witness of Prophetic/ Historical for Daniel 69 Weeks
The prophecy of Daniel 9.27 from the issue of decree to rebuild unto Messiah, The Prince also refers to
Jesus revealing as Messiah by Johns baptism in 15th year of Tiberius Caesar. Thus a third method to

find the occurrence of TCs 15th year date. The time from the proclamation unto TCs 15th year is fixed by
prophecy to be 483 years. Daniel9 predicted there to be 69 weeks of years from the going forth of the
decree to rebuild Jerusalem unto Messiah the Summary
prince. Ezra, a descendant of Seraiah the high Three methods, 1) Statistical 2) Historical, & 3)
priest, was living in Babylon when in the seventh Prophetic/ Historical confirm the Baptism Year of
year (~ 457 BCE) of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, the Jesus to within a narrow range from late 26AD unto
king sent him to Jerusalem to teach the laws of early 28AD. The implications of this for Rapture
God to any who did not know them. and Tribulation Start dates are next considered.
Adding 69*7=483 years to, say 457BC, gives (483- Results are in
457+1 BC2AD) or 27AD. If 458BC is used the this Table. Table4 Rapture Tribulation
Messianic Prince year would be 26AD April March. For the Law Early April2016 May 2016
This is in agreement with Usshers work of 4th and the Late July 2017 Aug 2017
quarter 26AD to 4th quarter 27AD as Tiberius C.s prophets
15th year. were until John, since then the Kingdom of God is
preached. The since then refers to Jesus baptism.

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014

Appendix 3 Servant Before: John was to go before the kingdom but he was not the kingdom
Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall Nothing says the return time cannot be ascertained
prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye within a year or a few months.
seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the In fact there are far too many places where we are
messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: told that the general time can be reasonably
behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts. & determined. Second is the witness of past actions,
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the for example, In the fullness of time God sent forth
coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: his son born of a virgin, I shall send my servant
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the before, For it was not yet his time
children, and the heart of the children to their
fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a Appendix4 Times Determination
curse. This is based on last half week postponement unto
the end (after) both the 2520 Days Tribulation and
John was not the kingdom for every kingdom after the millennium reign. There are 30.437 dy/mo
needs a king. The word of John was prepare ye &1260*2days is 82.8mo or 6year 10.8mo or 1week
the way, make way the kingdom, the kingdom is at shy of 6y11mo. After 2 days He will revive us & on
hand, not, 'the kingdom is here'. the 3rd day he shall raise us up to be in His glory.
And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand. For this is he that was Daniel last half week is 3.5 years. So 3.5 years
spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The plus tribulation time of 6y11mo. The sum of these
voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare two times is 10y5mo less 7days.
ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
John question to Jesus before his martyrdom in jail For an Oct26AD Baptism, then 3000 years forward
was, "Are you the one or shall we look for is 3026.Oct. Now less 1000 year millennium is
another?" This we know was for benefit of John 2026 October. Again, less 10year gives 2016Oct &
disciples. John was had been told 'He upon whom less 5 mo is about. Mid May 2016 less Pentecost is
you see... Is He. From that event, John knew the April 2016 rapture early
kingdom was established at Jesus baptism. Jesus
reply could summarized as ' the kingdom is being 27.2AD is February 12 27AD & 3,000 years
proclaimed with power. Jesus answered; You say forward is 3027.2 less a 1000 year millennium is
that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this 2027 February. 12, less 10y 2017Feb12 less 5 mo
cause came I into the world (Jn18.37) about. Mid Oct2016 less Pentecost (50days) is
So the date we seek is not when John began Sept2016 rapture mid
preaching but rather when, under John's preaching,
the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to Late is Doig at Jan 28AD & 3028 Jan less 10y5m is
his temple. That temple was Christ Body for Jesus August 2017 less Pentecost. Late. July 2017
said destroy this temple and in 3 days shall I raise rapture
it again. Results are summarized as a range of likely dates
The space between, start of John preaching and for tribulation & rapture starts in Table 4
Jesus baptism, is more than 6 months and less
Table4 Rapture Tribulation
than 1 year. Thus the date, in the 15th year of
Tiberius Caesar, covers both events. Likely this Early April2016 May 2016
uncertainty is where we come into no one knows Late July 2017 Aug 2017
the day nor the hour .

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014
Temple Destroyed Aug10,70AD
Stephen Stoned Aug10,30AD
40Yr Jonah Generation & yet 40Days
Jesus Crucified Apr5,30AD
Jesus Crucified fraction AD 30.26 AD
Jesus Baptized, AD 26.76 AD
Gregorian Yr from Decree 483.00
Rebuild Decree BC -457.24
Another way to count years is from Temple destruction Rebuild Decree +/- April 1 457BC
backwards. The date of Destruction is well
documented as: Within hours, the temple was destroyed, Crucify, AD 30.26
August 10, 70AD, which was on 15 Av(Ab) 3830, not 9 Av of Years to Baptism -3.50
Talmudic tradition which had accorded "minor adjustments"
thereto presumably in remembrance of the first temple's Baptized AD 26.76
destruction. The new moon preceding the fire occurred July
26 70 AD @ 7:09:03 AM JST(JD 1746831.7), with the full
3millenniul. Days+ 3000.00
moon @ 6:54:42 PM JST August 10(JD 1746847.2), and 1 New Earth AD 3026.76
Tishri of the following Hebrew calendar year 3831 fell on
Monday, Sep 24, 70 AD, so August 10, 70 AD/15 Ab 3830 is last week Gog -3.50
definitely the correct date of the fire.
By wicked Generation warning of Jonah is understood End 1000Y rest AD 3023.26
Jesus 40 year prophecy of Jerusalem destruction. 1millen.DayRest -1000.0
Counting 40 years back gives August 10, 30AD. This
being the likely date when Stephen was stoned and the Start Sabbath AD 2023.26
Elders of the Temple rejected flatly the Gospel. For is
found: Then they secretly induced men to say, "We 2*1260Dy Tribulation -6.90
have heard him speak blasphemous words against Start Tribulation AD 2016.36
Moses and God." And they stirred up the people, the
elders, and the scribes; and they came upon him, Find Month Day -2016.0
seized him, and brought him to the council. They also
set up false witnesses who said, "This man does not
Fraction Year 0.36
cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy month/Year 12.00
place and the law; for we have heard him say that this
Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and
4th Mo Year AD 4.33
change the customs which Moses delivered to us. less whole -4.00
Acts6. Indeed Jesus did weep over Jerusalem, saying Fraction month 0.33
For days will come upon you when your enemies will
build an embankment around you, surround you and Days/month 30.00
close you in on every side, and level you, and your Day of 4th Month 9.77
children within you, to the ground; and they will not
leave in you one stone upon another, because you did Start Tribulation AD April 10, 2016
not know the time of your visitation."Then He went
into the temple and began to drive out those who The events between Pentecost and Stephens
bought and sold in it. A confirmation of Jesus Baptism stoning happened in rapid succession. These
and Crucify date is obtained by count forward from the
events happen within June/July and all within
Rebuild decree year of 457BC by the numbered weeks
(69 & 69.5) of Daniel, to arrive at 26.76AD, Baptism, 40 years of 70AD
and 30.26AD, Crucify.

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating
O. P. Armstrong - July 2014
This Table details methods and criteria for error minimization by 6 Independent items. The result
determined the most likely 15th Year of Tiberius Caesar to be27.3AD. The result was marginally different
from just using the 1st two criteria. . The 1st two criteria of Exodus date and Solomon temple completion
date were discussed earlier. The rebuild decree date criteria looked at years 457,458, & 444BC. For the
444 date the elapsed year criteria are lunar years converted back to solar years. The Passover count
indicated there to be 3.5 years from anointing to crucify. Various crucify date were used with error count
from Tiberius 15th year. Again a similar criterion is for assumed birth years 4-8 BC unto selected minimum
there would be 31 years. The last criteria added was the 40 year Jonah warning from resurrection year
unto 70AD.
Since the likely baptism event of Jesus by John was in autumn, the closest date would be autumn 26 AD,
and next closest autumn 27AD. Most scholars see either 30 or 33 AD as crucify, then only 26.75AD
works for Jesus baptism, Birth year about 5BC, Passover as 30AD, and decree issue date 457BC and all
that matched to the 40 year warning of Jonah alluded to by Jesus that foretold Jerusalem destroy date of
70AD. The 3.5 year span from Baptism to crucify runs as 26.75AD+3.5=30.25AD.

They who wish match 40year warning to 33AD crucify fall into post dating prophecy. For they must arrive
at 30AD & that, say they, is baptism. However Jesus issued the Jonah warning mid to late ministry.

Discussion of 6 Independent Error Minimization Criteria to find Tiberius Caesar 15th Yr as likely 27.3AD
Criteria, sum of all criteria error over 6 Min error Result for 15th Year
criteria = Yc & dY as
is minimization object Tiberius Caesar 27.3AD
Tiberius Caesar 15th Year by Exodus Date 1488Year from Y.exod-
1461BC or 1462BC Exodus
using LSR & Chronology by Prophecy TCaesar15th Y.TC15
Tiberius Caesar 15th Yr. by Solomon 1000.9Yrs Y.templ-
Solomon Temple complete 974BC
Temple Completion Date using LSR & CbP from TC's 15th YTC15
Rebuild decree 457 to 458, not 444 |Ydecree-
Temple Rebuild Decree & 483 Yr Prophesy 483 or 476.1
BC Y.TC15|
Passover Count & midst week cutoff Crucify Spring 30AD or 31AD 3.5 years |Yxc-Y.TC15|
4 to 7BC less
Birth Yr & About 30Yr old Between 4BC & 5BC |31-Yc|
70AD Temple destroy Yr & 40Yr's of Jonah Crucify Spring 29AD or 30AD 70-Y.TC15-3.5 |40-Yc|

For the 33AD crucify group, the 15th year of TC then jumps forward to 29AD. The effect is to bring
forward Exodus and Temple completion dates by about 10 years, and add 6.9 years to the age at which
Solomon departed from Torah. That runs the risk of nullifying only Solomon latter years as apostate. A
33AD date also makes Adam age at Sin to be only 19.5. Fearfully close to being adolescent and under
the age of accountability. A surprising effect of last whole week postponement is that Tribulation start
date falls to end of year 2015. That is very close to the spring 2016 tribulation start for a 30AD crucify.
Jesus New Earth & postponed for Tribulation Start Jesus Crucify,
Baptize AD. Heaven Gog Magog 2x1280days Trib AD.
29.75 3029.75 -6.9 -1000 -6.9 2015.95 33AD
26.75 3026.75 -3.5 -1000 -6.9 2016.35 30AD

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating O. P. Armstrong - July 2014

Jesus baptism by John began the Kingdom Epoch, the Law & the prophets were until John, since then the Kingdom is preached. If time is linear, then
knowing one point in the divine calendar allows mapping all other seven days into Gregorian time. Whilst there may be minor disputing about the precise
counting of the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, etc, all concur to within a few years (range 26AD to 28AD). The birth of Jesus in Year 4BC fits within both
historical and prophetic documentation. The Biblical Seven Days of Creation teach us to consider that God shall complete all his work with fallen mankind
and make a new creation in seven days of one thousand years each. And I saw a New heaven and a New Earth spake John in his Revelation. Seven years
tribulation 2017-2023.5, Gog Magog 3023.5 to 3027

Date of Tiberius Caesars 15th Year using Least Squares Regression & Consensus Dating O. P. Armstrong - July 2014

The Balfour Century, 1917 - 2017

Generation Year Age Year Ref 2
Ref 1
Consider the fig tree Start Limit End when you see the fig tree start to put forth

1. Noah Limit of Mans Age 1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 7, 1st Zionist Return Conference
Termination 120 x Jubile Matt24
earth brings forth fruit of herself (1)
2. Balfour Generation - Century 1917 100 2017 Gen15 Balfour Decree Jewish homeland
Judgment & Redemption Gen5&6&7 first the blade (2)
3. Psalms Age Limit 1947 70/80 2017 Ps90.10 UN181 Israel created
that which has been shall be /3027 then the ear (3)
4. Judgment Jubilee 1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war: Jerusalem unto Israel
teach us to number our days, that we after that the full corn in the ear (4)
may apply our hearts unto wisdom

When Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree. Know when you see the fig tree
start to put forth its branches, then know that this Generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled.
For the earth brings forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.
After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence
Jew & Jewrusalem are Gods time piece, seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and your holy city to
make an end
As of this writing (July 2014), it very much appears that all the earth & especially the church are in a 3.5 year pre-jubilee
window called, the time of the latter rain for a wonderful ingathering harvest.

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