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Chicken Breed Guide

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Handy-Dandy Chicken Chart

An Alphabetical List of More than 60 Chicken Breeds
With Comparative Information

A |B |C |D |F |H|J |L |M |N|P |R|S |W

We have had personal experience with only a couple dozen of the breeds and varieties on this list. The birds
from our flock, past or present, are those listed with illustrations and "Our Birds" comments.
Chicken Resources: Information on Breeds, Advice for Small Flock Owners, and more.
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Sage Hen Farm is not a hatchery. The information is provided for educational purposes only. We do not sell chicks or hatching eggs.

(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
APA (1984): South American. May pea occasional well adaptable to
Black, Blue, Blue- Large: All Other or may not be various brooder (none of confinement or free
wheaten, Brown-red, Bantam: All Other genetically related to shades white with ours has) range; mostly calm,
Ameraucana Buff, Silver, Wheaten, Clean Legged the Araucana. In pre- of blue slate non-aggressive
FS PB club
& White PC: Not Columbian Chile, there & colored very cold hardy
recognized are several different blue- shanks Our Birds [mostly
blue egg-laying green moderately early mongrel Easter
Easter Eggers are
chicken breeds, none red maturing Eggers]: a few have
common. Standard Layer been among the
The chipmunky Ameraucanas are called Araucana. average to
most curious & most
blue-egger. rare. Muffed, Bearded Standardized & above
easily handled birds
accepted into APA in average
88%/8% (EEs/pure) we have owned.
1984. Most hatcheries,
Others have been
however, sell Easter Others have been
Standard: Egg chickens with calm, non-
5.5 lb/2.5 kg mixed breeding that aggressive, but
Bantam: may lay blue, green (or stand-offish. We
1.6 lb/0.75 kg other colored) eggs, wouldn't have a
but do not conform to flock without them.
Ancona Black mottled, only APA (1898): Developed in Italy in single, non-setter prefers free range;
FS OK Om AR Large: mid-19th century white to also rose nervous & restless
PP box PB Mediterranean probably from leghorns light cream generally hardy; in confinement; flyer;
Rather rare & in
decline. Bantam: Single sporting mottled yellow skin very cold hardy active, flighty,
Comb Clean feathers. Once rivaled & shanks except for combs marked wildness,
Much like a Legged the Leghorn in Europe, avoids human
leghorn, with Standard: PC: Soft Feather but never caught on in below average white early maturing contact
black mottling. 4.5 lb/2 kg Light North America. hens
1.5 lb/0.7 kg Layer
Blue APA (1874): Developed in Spain & single mostly a non-setter semi-adaptable to
Large: England in mid-19th confinement, but
Mediterranean century. Studied by white skin, heat tolerant; prefers free range;
Still popular as a chalk to
Bantam: Single Gregor Mendel in slate blue combs subject to active, flighty, noisy,
Andalusian show bird. Comb Clean experiments in creamy white shanks frostbite; ours were avoids human
FS OK PP box 32% Legged genetics & heredity. not robust, but that contact
Standard: PC: Light, Rare Blue color does not white may not be
breed true. Black & representative of Our Birds: ours,
5.5 lb/2.4 kg received as adults,
Splash (White) are the breed.
Bantam: Layer necessary for never fit in well with
1.75 lb/0.8 kg Fancy: the rest of the flock
breeding, but are not early maturing
Blue feathered permitted to be shown. & were nervous all
the time. Our one
The original above cock crowed louder
blue. average than any other we've
ever had. We've
been hesitant to try
them again, but we
might, since they
are such beautiful
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What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
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more weigh? egg size Maturing
Appenzeller Spitzhauben (Pointed APA: Not Developed in horn, V- can be broody not very tolerant of
or Appenzell Hood) recognized Switzerland centuries shaped, close confinement;
FS OKb OKs Om & PC: Soft Feather ago. The name is white duplex very cold hardy, flyer; active, flighty
PP box GOb GOs Barthuhner (Bearded) Light thought to derive from except may have
The national the lace bonnets of the average white skin, problems
breed of Appenzeller region. blue with freezing crest
Switzerland. Spitzhauben Layer
shanks feathers
available but Fancy:
Barthuhner practically Crested
blueish early maturing
unknown or Bearded
8%/0% (sptz/brthr) white

4 lb/1.8 kg
Araucana or APA (1976): Introduced from Chile pea good, or frequent, well adaptable to
Rumpless Black, White, Black Large: All Other in 1921, from one of brooder confinement or free
Araucana Breasted Red, Blue, Bantam: All Other several different blue blue yellow range; calm, non-
FS OK PP box Buff, Silver Clean Legged egg-laying chicken only skin, cold hardy aggressive
GO PB club PC: Light, Rare breeds, none called willow
The rumpless, Araucana there. Likely below average shanks moderately early
tufted blue- Purebreds are very that some maturing
egger. rare. Layer
"mongrelization" red
0% Fancy:
occurred before
standardization. Truest
Standard: Ear Tufts
5 lb/2.2 kg bred carry a "lethal
gene" which is also
connected to the tufting
1.4 lb/0.65 kg
Standards differ from
country to country.
Black, White, APA: Developed in India small pea can be broody, bears confinement
Duckwing, Red Large: All Other more than 2000 years lightly protective mothers better than most
Aseel or Asil Spangled, Pyle, PC: Hard Feather ago, perhaps even tinted yellow skin other game breeds;
FS AR Om PP others Heavy 3500 years ago. & shanks hardy, but not extremely fierce &
box GO PB Thought to be the productive feathered for cold pugnacious, but
Thought to be the feathered for cold pugnacious, but
breed from which the over short red winters; very hardy docile & easily
Very rare. Game
Cornish was primarily season in high heat handled when away
developed. from other cocks
slow to mature
Ancient Indian Standard: below average
athlete. 5 lb/2.2 kg
2 lb/0.9 kg
Australorp or Black, only APA (1929): Developed in 20th single great brooder (or well adaptable to
Black (standard); also blue Large: English century in Australia, annoyingly too confinement or free
Australorp & white Bantam: Single primarily from the brown frequent brooder); range; calm, docile;
white skin,
FS OK Om PP Comb Clean Orpington. Gained good mother more easily handled
AR box GO
Legged notoriety when one hen
Common shanks
The egg-laying PC: Soft Feather in the 1920s laid a average very hardy; very
champion table Heavy record 364 eggs in cold hardy
bird from Oz 365 days. That red
6.5 lb/2.9 kg Dual Purpose performance has never moderately early
been matched by maturing
2 lb/0.9 kg
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What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
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Double-laced, Blue- APA (2001): Developed in late 19th single mixed reports on well adaptable to
laced, White, Black, Large: century and early 20th very dark setting & brooding confinement or free
others Continental century in Holland for reddish yellow skin range; calm, docile
PC: Soft Feather dark egg laying. brown, & less cold hardy;
Heavy Developed from an with matte shanks developed in Our Birds: ours fit
FS OK Om PP Little known until
box GO older local variety that finish region known for in well with the flock,
Famous for 4% may date as early as average to red damp conditions but shied away with
Dual Purpose
the 12th century. In human contact. Ours
large dark above
recent history, some slow to mature, laid reddish brown
brown eggs. Standard:
6-7 lb/2.7-3.2 kg strains have been bred average & some chicks can eggs, but most were
for show and others for be easily bullied not especially dark.
the darkness of their None currently in our
2.25 lb/1.0 kg
eggs. flock, we will likely
try them again.
try them again.
Belgian 14 recognized, APA (1949): Developed in Anver rose good, or frequent, active, flyer; hens
D'Anver, or including Quail, Bantam: Rose region of Belgium brooder calm, cocks can be
Antwerp Porcelain, Black, Comb Clean many decades ago. white skin, aggressive
Belgian, Blue, Buff, Cuckoo, Legged Rumpless versions are creamy dark robust
Barbu Mille Fleur, White, PC: True Bantam called De Grubbe. white shanks
d'Anvers Mottled Breed is often referred chicks difficult to
FS AR PP box to simply as the Quail white rear
bantam, after the most
Uncommon Bearded
popular variety.
The bearded 33% tiny
True bantam:
1.3 lb/0.6 kg
Belgian Mille Fleur, Porcelain, APA (1914): First bred in Uccle small great brooder (or tolerates
D'Uccle or Black, Buff, White, Bantam: Feather (Belgium) before 1900 single with annoyingly too confinement; fliers;
Barbu Blue Mottled, Splash, Legged by Michel Van Gelder. creamy large frequent brooder) calm, cocks less
d'Uccle Golden Neck, others PC: True Bantam / Breed is often referred white spikes aggressive than
FS AR PP box Rare to simply as Mille hardy; other banties
club Fleur, the most because of fancy
One of the most white skin
popular variety. feathering,
popular bantams Bantam & shanks
not suited for foul
93% Bearded
The bearded, weather
Feather Footed tiny white
booted bantam
True bantam:
very slow to mature
1.3 lb/0.55 kg
for full coloring
Booted or Black, Blue, Buff, APA: One of the more single great brooder (or tolerates
Sabelpoot Mille Fleur, Porcelain, Bantam: Feather ancient bantams; creamy annoyingly too confinement; fliers;
FS PP box club White, Mottled, others Legged developed in the white white skin frequent brooder) hens calm, cocks
PC: True Bantam, Netherlands. & shanks can be aggressive
Rare hardy
Very rare
The booted, 0% bright red
unbearded Bantam tiny
some reports
bantam True bantam: Feather Footed indicate
1.4 lb/0.65 kg chicks difficult to
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What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
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Light, Dark, Buff APA (1874): Origin has been in pea good, or frequent, adaptable to
Large: Asiatic dispute for more than a brooder confinement or free
Bantam: Feather century and a half. yellow skin range; mostly
Less common.
Brahma Legged Introduced in mid-19th brown & robust; very hardy gentle; more easily
48%/20% (light/all
FS OK Om AR PC: Soft feather century (whether first to shanks in heat & cold handled.
PP box GO PB
Heavy New York City or
club London is also in red slow to mature Our Birds: some
Large and Standard: average
question). Probably hens were among
regal. 9 lb/4.1 kg
Dual Purpose imported from the port the gentlest birds
[formerly Meat] city of Shanghai, but we've owned; one
2.6 lb/1.2 kg
Fancy: may have originated in rooster became too
Feather Footed, Chinda, India, or aggressive toward
outside only elsewhere in the East humans and other
Indies. Another claim is chickens in his older
that the breed was age. Some hens ate
developed in the a lot, got fat, and
United States using never laid that many
Cochins, Malays, and eggs, and we do not
Dorkings. For more currently have any in
information on the our flock.
origins, see Lewis
Wright's 1873
monograph on the
Brahma fowl.

Before the name

Brahma was settled
on, they were also
called Chittagongs,
Shanghais (as were
the Cochins), and
Brahmapootras. Since
the Brahmaputra River
flows through China,
India, and Bangladesh,
even the name doesn't
help shed light.

Was once the largest

breed of chicken.
Nut brown, only APA (1904): Developed by Mrs. pea can be broody adaptable to
Large: American Nettie Metcalf of confinement, very
PC: Not Warren, Ohio, in late varies yellow skin very cold hardy adaptable to free
Very rare.
recognized 19th century. Never & shanks range; calm, docile;
widely popular. to moderately slow can be curious;
Buckeye red maturing more easily
FS OK AL 6.5 lb/2.9 kg Dual Purpose
brown handled.

Buckeye brown average Our Birds: some

bird from the have been among
Buckeye state. the "friendliest."
Perhaps because of
docileness, none
have risen high in
the pecking order.
Our first Buckeye
hens were low
producers, but more
recent hens have
been much better.
Buttercup or Golden, only APA (1918): Developed in Sicily, in buttercup non-setter does not do well in
Sicilian Large: mid-19th century. close confinement;
Buttercup Mediterranean white yellow skin heat tolerant; very fidgety; active,
Rare, even as a show
FS OK Om PP PC: Light, Rare & combs subject to flighty, wild even for
box PB
shanks frostbite a Mediterrean
36% below average
Known for its breed; avoids
comb. white early maturing, human contact
5 lb/2.3 kg Fancy:
but full comb takes
Large buttercup
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What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
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Golden, Silver APA (1914): May have ancient large non-setter economical eater;
Large: ancestry, but refined & single semi-adaptable to
Continental further developed in hardy; comb confinement, but
Campine Bantam: Single Belgium in the 19th white white skin, subject to frostbite prefers free range;
FS OK PP box Comb Clean century. Braekel is a blue flyer; alert, lively; can
Legged closely related shanks quick feathering be curious; some
Beautiful bird PC: Soft feather European breed. average but late maturing are rather wild,
5 lb/2.2 kg
with unique Light white others can be quite
pencilling. tolerant of humans
Our Birds: one hen
Fancy: Some
free ranges even to
males are hen-
lay eggs -- never in
a standard nesting
area. Our cock
refused to be
confined when we
tried to initate a
breeding program.
Some have been
"friendly" enough to
eat out of a hand or
be a garden
companion. Our
favorites among the
white egg layers.
Buff APA (1949): Developed in Spain in single non-setter less tolerant of
FS OK box PB
Large: late 19th century as a white to close confinement;
Mediterranean meat & egg bird. light tint yellow skin very hardy in heat active, vigorous,
Very rare.
The most 8% Bantam: Single average & avoids human
popular breed Comb Clean shanks early maturing contact
of South Legged
6 lb/2.7 kg
America. PC: Not white

White, Partridge APA (1921): Developed in Canada cushion frequent brooder; bears confinement
Chantecler Large: American in early 20th century by brown good mother well; calm, docile,
FS OK box
FS OK box
Bantam: All Other Brother Wilfred as a yellow skin although there are
Extremely rare. Rare
Canada's Clean Legged good meat & egg bird average to & extremely cold reports of
even in Canada.
breed. PC: Not that could stand the above shanks hardy skittishness.
recognized extreme cold.
average Our Birds: our
red early maturing
6.5 lb/2.9 kg
partridges have
Dual Purpose
blended in so well
they remained
rather anonymous
for a long time. One
was a successful
mother hen and
returned to the flock
only to go broody
again immediately.
We have two now
and both have been
broody much of their
second year.
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What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
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Buff, White, Black, & APA (1874): Introduced from China small excellent brooder well adaptable to
Cochin Partridge Large: Asiatic in early 19th century. tinted or single (or exceedingly confinement or free
Bantam: Feather Originally known as the yellowy annoying as a too range; calm, docile;
PP box GO PB
club Legged Shanghai (a name brown yellow skin frequent brooder); more easily handled
Still popular as a
PC: Soft feather also used for the & shanks good mother;
show bird. below average
Heavy Brahma). The breed often used as a
that launched interest red foster mother
in poultry shows.
Standard: Fancy:
Big ball of fluff Pekins are recognized robust, cold hardy
8.5 lb/3.8 kg Feather Footed,
and feathers. as a separate bantam
Bantam (aka Pekin): fully
breed in some slow to mature
1.3 lb/.6 kg
countries, rather than
as bantam Cochins.
Cornish or White, Dark, White APA (1893): Developed in Cornwall pea can be broody; easily contained;
Indian Game Laced, Red, Buff Large: English in 19th century. Now light protective mother less active; very
FS OK Om AR Bantam: All Other principally used yellow skin docile for a game
PP box GO brown
Clean Legged commercially for cross & shanks cold hardy bird, noisy, can be
PC: Hard Feather breeding purposes for docile or aggressive
Heavy Cornish X Rock. red moderately early
Famed meat maturing
bird, especially Standard: below average
when crossed. 8 lb/3.6 kg Meat
Bantam: Game or Other
2.6 lb/1.2 kg
Crevecoeur Black APA (1874): Developed in horn, V- non-setter suited for close (and
FS OK PP box Large: Normandy, perhaps white shaped, dry) confinement;
Is it beautiful Very rare. Continental before the 18th average duplex because of fancy active; can be
and elegant, or 16% Bantam: All Other century. feathering, aggressive
just peculiar- Clean Legged white skin, not suited for foul
looking? PC: Heavy, Rare dark weather;
6.5 lb/3 kg
shanks may have
problems with
red freezing crest
[hidden by feathers
Bearded & muffed
Cubalaya Black-Breasted Red, APA (1939): Developed in Cuba in pea great, or very needs to be active;
FS AL OK GO White, Black Large:All Other 19th century from white frequent, brooder less tolerant of
PC: Not Phillipine or white skin close confinement;
recognized Indonesian stock. & shanks not feathered for aggressive, noisy
Practically unknown
cold winters; very
outside the
Cuba's fighting Caribbean until white hardy in heat
Game below average
meat bird. recently.
slow to mature

4.5 lb/2 kg
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What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
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White [Columbian] APA (1952): Developed by George single can be broody well adaptable to
Large: American Ellis in 1940 in confinement or free
Bantam: Single Delaware while medium yellow skin robust; hardy in range; calm, docile.
Rare. to rich
Comb Clean experimenting with & heat & cold
32% brown
Legged crossing breeds for shanks Our Birds: Where
Delaware ours have stood out
PC: Not broilers. An off-colored early maturing
FS OK AL Standard:
recognized sport of a Barred Rock red has been for decent
A broiler cross 6.5 lb/2.9 kg / New Hampshire well above productivity of very
that became a Bantam: cross that bred true. average large eggs.
breed. 1.8 lb./0.8 kg Dual Purpose
Unknown in most of
the world.
Dominique Barred only APA (1874): Developed in New rose good. or frequent, well adaptable to
or Dominiker Large: American England in early 19th brown brooder; good confinement or free
FS OK GO PP Bantam: Rose century. Not yellow skin mother range; calm mostly,
Rare, but now has
Comb Clean distinguished from the & but more flighty than
new interest.
Claimant to title Legged Barred Rock until APA average shanks robust; cold hardy other dual purpose
"America's first PC: Soft Feather Standards were breeds
breed." Heavy, Rare developed. Most red early maturing
Standard: modern Dominiques
5 lb/2.2 kg may be traced to stock
Bantam: Dual Purpose developed by A. Q.
1.5 lb/0.7 kg Carter after 1900.
Silver Gray, White, APA (1874): Ancient; believed to rose & great brooder (or adaptable to
Colored Large: English have been introduced single annoyingly too confinement or free
Bantam: Single to England by Romans frequent brooder); range; calm; docile;
Dorking Comb Clean -- based primarily on a white skin good mother stately or awkward;
Extremely rare. white to
FS OK Om AR Legged description by a & fattens easily; more
16%/4% (silver/all light tint
PP box GO RB PC: Soft feather Roman writer of a shanks less hardy in easily handled
club Heavy chicken with five toes. general,
Short legged, below average red but cold hardy Our Birds: first
Standard: to average
very ancient, batch were quiet
6.5 lb/2.2 kg Dual Purpose
very English. chicks delicate calm, but next
Bantam: Fancy:
& slow to mature generation included
1.0 lb/0.8 kg Five-Toed
at least one very
Short legs
flighty hen. One hen
has been
particularly broody.
Dutch 11 recognized, APA (1992): Developed in the single good, or frequent, tolerates
FS Om PP including Light Bantam: Single Netherlands, perhaps light brooder; confinement; fliers;
box RF Brown, White, Black, Comb Clean from Dutch East Indies tint white skin protective mother active, lively, cocks
Blue, Blue Light Legged stock. Introduced to & white or have been
Brown, Silver PC: True Bantam North America after blue hardy compared to
WWII, declined, shanks snapping turtles
The littlest reintroduced in the 70s slow to mature
Rare. Bantam tiny
bantam. & 80s. white

True bantam:
1.0 lb/0.45 kg
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Salmon, White APA (1914): Developed in France small can be broody bears confinement
Large: in early 19th century. single well; alert; calm; very
Continental creamy cold hardy; docile; genteel;
Once rare, but
Faverolles gaining popularity. Bantam: Feather tint white skin because of fancy prone to bullying by
FS OK Om PP 44%
Legged & feathering, others
AR PP box club PC: Soft Feather shanks not suited for foul
Heavy weather Our Birds: ours
The French Standard: average
red have not thrived well
Poodle of 7.5 lb/3.4 kg
[hidden by in the competition
chicken Bantam: early maturing
Dual Purpose feathers] with mixed flock.
breeds. 2.2 lb/1.0 kg
Fancy: Probably won't
Bearded & muffed replace them when
Feather footed, the last one is gone.
outside only
Fayoumi or Gold & silver APA: Not Ancient Egyptian single non-setter very economical
Egyptian penciled recognized origins; only recently off-white eater; does not like
Fayoumi PC: Soft feather spread to the rest of to light white skin, very hardy; containment; lively;
FS PP Light the world. tint dark excellent hot flighty, known for
Still rare.
Precocious 36% below average shanks weather bird wildness
scavenger and Layer
escape artist. 3.5 lb/1.6 kg white quick feathering
& very early
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Silver-Spangled, APA (1874): Developed in Holland rose non-setter (or very very economical
Golden-Spangled, Large: (not Germany) before rarely broody) eater; likes wide
Golden-Penciled, Continental 1700; may be ancient. white skin, range; less tolerant
Hamburg or Silver-Penciled, Bantam: Rose Historical names low-gloss slate blue hardy; cold hardy of close
Hamburgh White, Black Comb Clean include Pheasants, white shanks confinement; high
FS OK AR PP Legged Moonies, Crescents, very early maturing flyer; very flighty;
box GO PC: Soft Feather Corals & Everlayers white spritely, active;
The spritely, Less common. Light below average mostly avoids
56%/24% (slvr-
little "everyday human contact
spng/all other)
Our Birds: ours
have been very
4 lb/1.8 kg
economical eaters,
and in their prime
1.5 lb/0.7 kg
laid well; even
though smaller than
most other hens,
they have held their
own in a mixed
flock. We have one
hen left that was
eight years old as of
spring 2009.
Because small
white eggs are not
especially popular
with most
customers, we
probably won't be
getting more.
Holland or White & Barred APA (1949): Established in 1949 as single can be broody well adaptable to
American Large: American an improved, yellow confinement or free
Holland Bantam: Single skinned, heavy breed white yellow skin cold hardy range; calm, good
Comb Clean with white eggs. & tempered
The calm Legged average shanks moderately slow
white-egger. PC: Not Unknown in Holland & maturing
6.5 lb/2.9 kg
recognized most of the rest of red
Dual Purpose
Houdan White, Mottled APA (1874): Developed in France leaf (or V) can be broody bears confinement
FS OK Om PP Large: before 1700, possibly white well; active; docile;
box Continental as a cross between white skin, because of fancy more easily handled
Uncommon. below average
The crested Bantam: All Other Polish and Dorking or darker feathering,
32% to average shanks
French bird Clean Legged related breeds. not suited for foul
with big eyes. PC: Heavy, Rare weather;
white may have
6-7 lb/2.7-3.2 kg
Bantam: Dual Purpose [hidden by problems with
feathers] freezing crest
1.75 lb/0.8 kg Fancy:
early maturing
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Japanese or Black, White, Black APA (1874): Developed in Japan large excellent brooder tolerates
Chabo (and Tailed, Birchen, Bantam: Single as early as the 7th single (or annoyingly too confinement; some
still called Japs Mottled, others Comb Clean century perhaps from frequent brooder); are fliers; generally
in some parts of Legged Indo-Chinese stock. creamy white skin protective mother docile, cocks can
the world) PC: True Bantam First introduced to white & shanks be aggressive
FS AR Om PP Popular
Europe in 1860. Truest because of short
box club 86%
bred carry a "lethal bright red legs
The short- True bantam: gene" which is also & fancy feathering,
Short legs
legged, low- 1.3 lb/0.6 kg connected to the not suited for foul
built, squirrel- shortened leg weather
tailed bantam. characteristic.
slow to mature
Java Black, Mottled APA (1874): Developed in U.S. single good, or frequent, well adaptable to
FS OK AL Large: American after being introduced brown brooder confinement or free
Old breed, but Extremely, perhaps Bantam: Single from Java in 1835. average yellow range; calm
endangered. critically rare. Comb Clean skin, cold hardy
Legged dark
PC: Not shanks very slow maturing
7.5 lb/3.4 kg
Dual Purpose
Black, White APA (1922): Developed in New small occasional because of size, not
Large: American Jersey in 1870s. Never single brooder; an economical
Bantam: Single commercially popular, protective mother eater; adaptable to
Uncommon. Was in brown
Comb Clean but bird of choice for yellow confinement or free
Jersey Giant decline, but now Legged capons skin, robust; very cold range; calm, gentle,
FS OK Om PP seems to be holding PC: Heavy, Rare dark hardy more easily
box GO its own.
shanks handled.
The chicken 56%/28% (black/all average to very slow to mature
world's largest other) Dual Purpose above red Our Birds: never
breed. [formerly Meat]
average reached giant-sized
10 lb/4.6 kg
porportions; one
gentle hen was
among the easiest
to pick up. We don't
currently have any
but may try them
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Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
La Fleche Black, Blue, White, & APA (1874): Dates back to France horn, V- non-setter well adaptable to
FS OK Om PP Cuckoo Large: before 1660. tinted shaped, confinement or free
box GO Continental white duplex hardy range; active, flighty,
Bantam: All Other above avoids human
Very rare.
Clean Legged average white skin, early maturing contact
PC: Heavy, Rare dark
The devil bird. shanks
5.5 lb/2.5 kg
Dual Purpose
Horns for a comb
Black/white/black APA (1939): Developed in Germany single non-setter well adaptable to
pattern. Large: in early 19th century. confinement or free
Continental Golden Lakenvelders white skin, hardy range; flyer; flighty,
Bantam: Single are not standard. white to dark avoids human
Lakenvelder 52%/20% Comb Clean Vorwerk is a bantam light tint shanks early maturing contact.
FS OK Om PP Legged with the
box GO PC: Soft feather black/gold/black white Our Birds: never
Shadow on a Light pattern. below average sociable, but not
4 lb/1.8 kg to average
sheet. easily startled,
either. If we get
more, it will be
because they are
handsome birds.
Lamona White APA (1933): Developed by Harry single
FS OK Large: American Lamon in 1912 white
The rare, Bantam: Single specifically to be a average yellow skin
Extinct or verging on
possibly Comb Clean yellow skinned heavy &
extinct, yellow- 0% Legged breed with white eggs. shanks
skinned, red- PC: Not
ear-lobed, 6.5 lb/2.9 kg recognized red
laying table Dual Purpose
Black, White, & Blue. APA (1883): Introduced from China single can be broody well adaptable to
Large: Asiatic in mid-19th century. brown confinement or free
Bantam: Feather Major Croad [Croad greyish very hardy; cold range; active for
Legged introduced them to Langshans white skin, hardy their size; graceful;
Langshan 32%/16% (black/all
FS OK box GO other)
PC: Soft feather England & gave his once lay very dark not as calm or
PB Heavy name to an early dark shanks slow to mature docile as other large
variety of Langshans. brown] breeds
7.5 lb/3.4 kg
The long- In Europe & average red
legged, high- Dual Purpose elsewhere, distinctions Our Birds: One
tailed, and [formerly Meat] are made between rooster was very
feather-footed Fancy: Croad & Modern personable and had
regal bird. Feather Footed, Langshans. a lovely, deep
outside only crowing voice. We
(some varieties liked him better than
are clean footed) the hens who have
not stood out either
in egg-laying nor
Dark Brown, Light APA (1874): Ancient, but greatly large non-setter (or very economical eater;
Brown, White, Buff, Large: developed in 19th & pearl single; rarely broody) better adaptable to
Black, Silver, Red, Mediterranean 20th centuries. white also rose confinement then
Leghorn Black-Tailed Red, Bantam: Single Honored by the (non-white hardy; heat tolerant some
FS OK Om AR Columbian Comb Clean Romans, and the white feathered yellow skin (esc. white variety); Mediterranean;
PP box GO PB Legged variety was reportedly varieties are & combs subject to enjoys free range;
RF club PC: Soft Feather developed for use in less prolific.) shanks frostbite flyer; flighty; spritely,
The ultimate 84%/80%/32% Light ceremony and above noisy, nervous,
egg machine. white/brown/all other foretelling the future. average white very early maturing usually avoids
One of the most human contact.
Layer popular birds around
Standard: whites' are
the globe. Our Birds: Flighty
4.5 lb/2 kg especially
does describe them
Bantam: large]
pretty well, but they
1.75 lb/0.8 kg
aren't without
personality. One of
our first white
Leghorns would
lead the pack in
greeting us when we
came home.
(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
Black Breasted Red, APA (1883): An ancient breed strawberry can be very broody needs to be active;
White, Spangled, Large: All Other related to birds brown intolerant of close
Black, and Red Pyle Bantam: All Other indigenous to southern yellow skin hardy, but not confinement; among
Clean Legged Asia from the Indian productive & shanks feathered for cold the most
PC: Hard Feather, sub-continent to over short winters; very hardy aggressive, but
Very rare
Rare Indonesia. One of the season rich red in heat more placid than
first breeds to be most game birds
introduced from Asia very slow to mature
7 lb/3.2 kg Game
to Europe, the breed
spread quickly where
A cruel-looking,
cock fighting was
elongated average
enjoyed. It was
standardized in the U.
K. before being
introduced to North
Dark, Cuckoo, others APA: Not Developed in France single great brooder (or varies widely by
recognized in early 20th century. annoyingly too individual and strain.
PC: Soft Feather Since French and dark white skin frequent brooder)
Once little known, but
Heavy English standards are chocolate & in some strains Our Birds: Although
Marans now becoming trendy.
different, and both brown shanks "cuckoo" was meant
FS Om PP box 4% have been imported some strains less to describe feather
Layer into North America, red hardy pattern, we thought
Known for one Standard: Feather or Clean standardization in the average to it fit the personality
thing -- 7 lb/3.2 kg above
Footed,depending United States may not as well. Not exactly
chocolate Bantam: on country occur any time soon. average wild, some have
colored eggs. 2.2 lb/1.0 kg standard or strain been very active
and somewhat
difficult to manage.
Others have been
quite calm. None of
ours have laid
especially dark
brown eggs.
Minorca Black, White, Buff APA (1888): Developed in Spain single & non-setter adaptable to
FS OK AR PP Large: (and Minorca?) Once white rose confinement, but
box GO PB Mediterranean known as the Red- excellent hot prefers free range;
Rare to uncommon.
Largest Bantam: Single faced Black Spanish. above white skin, weather bird; restlessly active,
44%/28% (black/all
Mediterranean, Comb Clean average dark combs subject to flighty, avoids
extra large Legged shanks frostbite human contact
eggs. PC: Soft Feather
7 lb/3.2 kg Light white early maturing
1.75 lb/0.8 kg
Black-Breasted Red, APA (1874): Developed in England large can be broody; needs to be active;
Modern Game Silver Duckwing, Red Large: All Other in 19th century for white to light single protective mother less tolerant of
or Modern Pyle, White, Black, Bantam: Game exhibibiton, not for tint (often close confinement;
English Game many others PC: Hard Feather cockfighting. dubbed) not feathered for aggressive, noisy
FS OK AR PP productive coldest winters;
box GO over short yellow skin hardy in heat;
Game season & shanks some subject to
health problems
The game bird Standard: red
with style and 4.5 lb/2 kg below average slow to mature
carriage. Bantam:
1.2 lb/0.55 kg
(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
Naked Neck Black, White, Red, APA (1965): Originated in the single can be broody; well adaptable to
or and Red are Large: All Other Transylvanian region of good mother confinement or free
Transylvanian recognized by the Bantam: Single Central Europe that is creamy yellow skin range; active; calm,
Naked Neck APA, but other Comb Clean now part of Romania light & hardy in cold; docile; more easily
or Turken varieties include Blue Legged and further developed brown shanks does well in high handled
FS OK Om PP and Cuckoo or PC: Heavy, Rare in Germany. First heat
box GO Barred. shown in Vienna in red because of fewer
No, it's not a 1875 by breeders from average to feathers,
turkey / chicken counties that are now above but can get
Uncommon. Bare neck
cross. part of Romania. average sunburned
slow to mature
6 lb/2.7 kg
1.5 lb/0.7 kg
Light brownish red, APA (1935): Developed in New large good, or well adaptable to
only Large: American Hamphire from the single occasional to confinement or free
Bantam: Single Rhode Island Red in frequent, brooder; range; calm; can be
New Comb Clean early 20th century. light to yellow skin good mother docile or
Fairly common
Hampshire or 72% Legged medium & aggressive; can be
Hampshire or 72% medium
New PC: Heavy, Rare dark brown shanks robust; hardy in curious
Hampshire Standard: heat & cold;
Red red combs subject to Our Birds: a few
6.5 lb/2.9 kg
FS OK Om Dual Purpose frostbite have been among
PPbox GO our favorites.
1.9 lb/0.85 kg
New average to very early maturing Addled Adelaide
Hampshire's above was our first hen to
answer to average raise a brood of
Rhode Island. chicks. She earned
her name for
appearing to be
scatter-brained at
times as a pullet, but
when older could
almost seem
affectionate --
maybe she was just
very hungry. Several
enjoyed keeping
close to us while
gardening. Some
have been
aggressive in
maintaining their
position in the
pecking order.

Black-Breasted Red, APA (1928): Developed in England large excellent brooder needs to be active;
Silver Duckwing, Red Large: All Other in 19th & 20th century white to light single (or annoyingly too less tolerant of
Old English Pyle, White, Black, Bantam: Game from ancient stock tint (often frequent brooder); close confinement;
Game many others PC: Hard Feather dubbed) protective mother aggressive, self-
PP box GO productive sufficient; noisy
over short white skin hardy, but not
Game season & shanks feathered for
coldest winters
Small fighting Standard: red
cocks and their 4 lb/1.8 kg below average slow to mature
mates. Bantam:
1.3 lb/0.6 kg
Orloff or Red, White APA: Not Reportedly developed walnut non-setter adapts to
Russian recognized in Russia in 18th light confinement; calm,
Orloff (dropped from century from Persian brown yellow skin hardy but not docile,
FS PP box GO
Very rare
Continental) stock. Once called & avoids human
12% below average
PC: Heavy, Rare Chlianskaia, current legs slow to mature contact
name probably derives
Wild-looking 6.0 lb/2.7 kg
from Count Orloff- red
thing Fancy:
Techesmensky, a
Bearded & muffed
Russian breeder
Buff, Black, Blue, APA (1902): Originally developed single good, or frequent, adaptable to free
White Large: English by William Cook in brooder; range; very
Bantam: Single Orpington (County white skin excellent mother adaptable to
Comb Clean Kent) the 1880s. brown & confinement; docile;
Orpington Only buffs are still
Legged Some varieties white or hardy; very cold more easily
FS OK Om AR popular. PC: Soft Feather developed by his dark hardy handled; can be
PP box GO 88%/8% (buff/all
Heavy daughter. shanks bullied
Big gentle bird. other) average to moderately early
above red maturing Our Birds: ours
Standard: Dual Purpose
average have been docile
8 lb/3.6 kg [formerly Meat]
enough, and some
have fit pretty low in
2.2 lb/1 kg
the pecking order,
but none of ours
have shown the
"friendliness" that
others have claimed
for the breed.
(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
Creole, Partridge,
APA: Not Rescued, or somewhat clavell non-setter well adaptable to
Wheaten, Black recognized developed, from very (carnation) free range; active;
FS GO club
PC: Not ancient stock in dark very hardy in heat flighty; avoids
Very, very rare. Only recognized
Catalan district of red- white skin, human contact
Very, very rare. Only
Spain in 20th century. brown blue-grey slow to mature
recently available in
The dark egg North America. Penedesenca Negra below average shanks
layer that developed in 1980s. to average
wears a crown white
4 lb/1.8 kg
Phoenix Partridge; Silver APA (1965): Developed in Europe single can be broody, requires special
FS PP box Duckwing; White; Large: All Other and the U.S. from the white to tinted protective mothers housing or cages &
GO other colors Bantam: Single Japanese long-tailed yellow high perches to
Comb Clean breed called the skin; reportedly short accommodate long
Legged Onagadori. yellow or lived; tails; generally
Uncommon 36%
PC: Light Rare slate because of fancy docile
(not recognized shanks feathering,
Honorable separately from not suited for foul
4 lb/1.8 kg below average
long-tail. Yokohama) red weather
1.75 lb/0.8 kg
slow to mature
Barred, White, Buff, APA (1874): Developed in New small infrequent brooder; well adaptable to
Silver Penciled, Large: American England in 19th single good mother confinement or free
Partridge, Bantam: Single century. light (or range; calm, docile;
Columbian, Blue Comb Clean pinkish) to yellow skin robust; very cold more easily handled
Plymouth Legged Once common on the medium & hardy
Rock PC: Soft Feather homestead, still brown shanks Our Birds: ours
FS OK Om Heavy popular in the somewhat early have been good,
ARPP box GO backyard. red maturing solid, dependable
club (barred/white/prtg/all
birds that have
Once upon a other) above blended in well with
Dual Purpose
time America's average the flock, not
favorite breed. Standard: standing out for
7.5 lb/3.4 kg
good or bad
2.2 lb/1 kg

Bearded & APA (1874): Originated in Europe, varies widely small V non-setter bears confinement
Polish or
Beardless; Black, Large: but probably not well; mixed reports -
White, Golden, Silver, Continental Poland, before the to white skin, some subject to - either calm or
Buff Laced Bantam: All Other 16th century. Once blue health problems; somewhat flighty;
Clean Legged known for good egg white shanks because of fancy obstructed vision
PC: Soft Feather production, now almost below average feathering, can hinder some
Popular as a show
Light strictly ornamental. white not suited for foul activities; can be
weather; bullied
| may have
Perhaps the Fancy:
problems with
oldest of the 4-4.5 lb/1.8-2 kg Crested
freezing crest
special care may
be needed
since plumage
blocks vision
(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
Redcap or Red & black pattern, APA (1888): Developed in very large non-setter can adapt to
Red Cap or only Large: English Derbyshire. spiked confinement; active
Derbyshire Bantam: Rose white rose
Redcap Comb Clean
FS OK PP box
Very rare.
Legged white skin,
Think huge PC: Soft feather below average blue moderately early
rose comb. Light shanks maturing
6 lb/2.7 kg
Large rose comb
Rhode Island Red APA (1904/1922): Developed in New large infrequent brooder; well adaptable to
& Rhode Island Large: American England in 19th single; can be dutiful confinement or free
White Bantam: Single century. also rose mother range; active, calm
Rhode Island (two separate Comb Clean
& fairly docile, can
FS OK AL Om breeds) Legged yellow skin robust; hardy in be aggressive
AR PP box club PC: Soft Feather & heat & cold; (cocks are
Best of breeds Popular, but Heavy above shanks combs subject to especially
for producing purebreds are frostbite notorious)
brown eggs. uncommon. red
Dual Purpose
moderately early Our Birds: we've
moderately early Our Birds: we've
maturing had very limited
experience, but the
few hens we have
had have been
6.5 lb/2.9 kg
more aggressive
than most other
2 lb/0.9 kg
Black, White, Silver APA (1874): Origins unclear & rose non-setter tolerates
Laced, others. Bantam: Rose disputed. Claimed to white to confinement; fliers;
Comb Clean be direct descendant cream yellow skin hardy in heat & generally docile,
Legged of the original Bantam, & shanks cold cocks can be
The original Common. PC: True Bantam but may be related to aggressive
rosecombed, 67% Hamburg. tiny white slow to mature?
bantam True bantam: Bantam
1.3 lb/0.6 kg
Breed Comb
(with links to Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with What's a hen Class & Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images & more color
weigh? egg size Maturing
information) Earlobes
Sebright Silver, Golden APA (1874): Developed before rose non-setter tolerates
FS AR Om PP Bantam: Rose 1810 in England by Sir creamy confinement; fliers;
box Comb Clean John Sebright, after white yellow skin not robust; jaunty, sprightly
Very popular.
Legged thirty years of & shanks | chicks difficult to
PC: True Bantam breeding. rear
The beautifully True bantam: red slow to mature
laced bantam 1.3 lb/0.6 kg Bantam tiny

Both male &

female hen-
Silkie Bearded & APA (1874): Already developed in walnut one of the most adapts well to
FS OK AR Om Beardless; Black, Bantam: Feather China by the time of light broody (or very confinement; calm,
box White, Blue, Buff, Legged Marco Polo (13th tint black skin annoyingly too docile
Partridge, Gray PC: Soft century) & shanks frequent brooder)
feathered Light &
Bantam both Large & Bantam turquoise hardy in heat &
Probably the most
classes are cold;
popular bantam
popular bantam
An oddity of breeds. recognized in some because of fancy
Black skin, face,
oddities of the 100% countries feathering,
comb, & wattles below average
poultry and pet not suited for foul
Hair-like plumage
world weather
True bantam: Turquoise
2.2 lb/1 kg earlobes
slow to mature
Feather footed
Spanish, White-Faced Black APA (1874): Oldest of the large non-setter adaptable to
White-Faced only Large: Mediterranean breeds, single confinement, but
Black Mediterranean developed in Spain. reportedly subject prefers free range;
Spanish, Bantam: Single grey skin, to health problems; flighty, haughty,
Very rare, &
Spanish Comb Clean white dark heat tolerant; noisy, avoids human
becoming even rarer.
White Ear, or Legged shanks combs subject to contact
Clownface PC: Light, Rare frostbite
FS OK PP box white
GO PB 6 lb/2.7 kg
slow to develop;
Handsome, Layer
above white face takes
graceful, rare. Fancy:
White face average more than a year
(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
Sultan White, only APA (1874): Introduced from Turkey horn, V- non-setter suited for close
FS OK PP box Large: All Other in mid-19th century. white shaped, confinement; calm,
Bantam: Feather below average duplex not suited for foul non-aggressive;
Legged weather; more easily handled
PC: Light, Rare white skin may have
& shanks problems with
4.0 lb/ 1.8 kg
freezing crest
All for show. Fancy:
white? feathers
Bearded & muffed
under moderately slow
feathers developing
Five toed
Black, only APA (1883): An ancient breed, large can be broody needs to be active;
Large: All Other introduced from white single intolerant of close
Bantam: All Other Sumatra. or not feathered for confinement;
Sumatra Uncommon
Clean Legged light tint yellow skin cold winters; hardy pugnacious
FS OK PP box GO 40%
PC: Light, Rare & shanks in heat
7 lb/ 3.2 kg
over very dark red
short season
A giant on long
Speckled, Red, Light APA (1914): Developed in county of single good brooder & well adaptable to
Large: English Sussex in early 19th mother confinement or free
Bantam: Single century. white skin range; calm; gentle;
Uncommon. to light
Sussex Comb Clean & robust; very cold active; can be
44%/0% (speckled/all brown
FS OK Om AR other)
Legged shanks hardy curious; more easily
PP box GO RF PC: Soft Feather handled
An old English Standard: Heavy average red moderately early
maturing Our Birds: a few
favorite 7 lb/3.2 kg
have been among
Bantam: Dual Purpose
our favorites for
2.2 lb/1 kg
(with links to Comb
Varieties / Rarity / Egg color & Brooding
other sites with Skin
What's a hen Class and Type Origins productivity; Hardiness Behavior
images and color
more weigh? egg size Maturing
Red Partridge APA (2001): Developed in Holland small mixed reports on well adaptable to
Large: in 20th century. single setting & brooding confinement or free
Continental rich range; lively, but
Once little known, but
Welsumer or gaining popularity. PC: Soft Feather dark yellow skin hardy; cold hardy more docile than
Welsummer 12% Light terracotta & flighty.
FS AR Om PP brown shanks moderately early
box GO club maturing Our Birds: some of
Standard: Dual Purpose
Backyard bird above red our hens have laid
6 lb/2.7 kg
with big brown Bantam: average solid dark brown
eggs. eggs. Even more
2 lb/0.9 kg
popular with many
of our customers
have been the very
large speckled
brown Welsumer
Silver Laced, Golden APA (1883): Developed in New rose infrequent brooder; well adaptable to
Laced, White, Buff, Large: American York State & excellent mother confinement or free
Partridge, Silvered Bantam: Rose Wisconsin in late 19th light yellow skin range; calm.
Penciled, Columbian Comb Clean century. to rich & robust; very cold
Legged brown shanks hardy Our Birds: Most of
PC: Soft Feather ours have been
FS OK Om AR Popular.
PP box GO PB 92%/64%/24% Heavy red moderately early docile, but some
The "bird of (slver/gold/all other) above maturing individuals have
curves." been aggressive.
Dual Purpose Most have been
aloof in terms of
6.5 lb/2.9 kg
human contact.
2.2 lb/1 kg
Yokohama Red shouldered & APA: Called Yokohama from walnut or can be broody, requires special
FS PP box white; White; other Large: All Other the port of origin. pea protective mothers housing or cages &
GO colors Bantam: All Other Developed in Germany high perches to
Clean Legged in the 19th century from yellow skin because of fancy accommodate long
PC: Light Rare the Japanese long- & shanks feathering, tails; generally
Elegant long- 4% tailed breed called the not suited for foul docile; cocks can
below average
tail. Minohiki. white weather be pugnacious
Fancy: around other cocks
4 lb/ 1.8 kg
Long-tailed slow to mature

Numerous books (new and old, and including those by authors Harry Lewis, Lewis Wright, Alanna Moore, H. S. Babcock, Caleb N. Bement, Frank
L. Platt, Louis M. Hurd, James E. Rice and Harold E. Botsford, Joseph Batty, Ian Kay, Eric Bailey, Page Smith and Charles Daniel, and Tamara
Staples), articles from Mother Earth News , Organic Gardening, and Science News, the Murray McMurray and Glenn Drown's Sand Hill
Preservation Center catalogs, the websites in the "KEY TO LINKS" section below, and multiple other Web sites were consulted in creating the
chicken chart. Sources, of course, do not always agree, so personal judgments, common sense, and some personal knowledge were also used
in determining the final make-up of the chart. If you have corrections or suggestions, please let me know.

Notes on symbols and keywords:

KEY TO LINKS: The links in the first column are to some of the most useful sites I found for information about specific breeds. PLEASE
NOTE that the links lead you to sites created and developed by other individuals -- not by me. When you click on them, you are leaving this

= portrait (illustration rather than photograph) available on the Web. Illustrations are either by Diane Jacky, found either on her site or
in an online poultry catalog. Photographs of most breeds can be found at the FeatherSite, the "Breeds Parade" section of Chickenbox,
Joke Osinga's Kippenrassen, and on many other chicken pages.
FS = Barry Koffler's FeatherSite (usually lots of photographs available)
OK = Oklahoma State University's Department of Animal Science's Poultry Breeds
AL = The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy Conservation Priority List
Om = Omlet UK
AR = Poultry Photos, a collection of black and white photographs taken during the early 1900s by Arthur Rice, of Lincolnshire.
PP = PoultryPage from Britain
box = Johan Opsomer's Chickenbox from the Nederlands. Links are to the main page. You will have to explore the site to find individual
GO = Hühnerrassen from Geflugel Online. Text is in German, but photos at the bottom of the page
PB = DOM_BIRD Breed Encyclopedia (Formerly associated with the Palm Beach County Poultry Fanciers Association)
RF = Rupert the Fish, the website of a short poultrykeeper from Coventry, aka Robert Stevenson
RB = Rare Breeds Trust of Australia
club = pages specific to the clubs established for specific breeds

VARIETIES AND RELATED BREEDS: Among the poultry associations of different countries, different breeds are officially recognized and
different varieties within the same breed are accepted. Not all breeds listed here are recognized by the American Poultry Association, but for
the breeds that are APA Standard, I have tried to use the APA accepted varieties. For some breeds, I have listed colors that are available,
not that are recognized varieties by either the APA or another official poultry association. Names and terms also differ around the world.
RARITY: Notes on rarity are related to availabilty in North America. The figures listed in orange are from a February 2003 survey of US and
Canadian hatchery catalogs and breeder lists. For standard breeds, 25 hatcheries/breeders were used; for bantams 15 hatcheries/breeders
were used. A list of sources used is available upon request. Availability of quality exhibition birds is not addressed in this data.
APA = American Poultry Association (Year in parenthesis is first year any variety of the breed was admitted to the Standard of Perfection)
PC = Poultry Club [of Britain]
Chicken breeds have been classified many different ways. Class as defined by the American Poultry Association indicates place of origin.
The Poultry Club in the UK uses classes based on type of feathering, Soft (or loose) and Hard (or close) and body type, Light or Heavy.
Type: Breeds can also be separated by the purpose for which they were originally developed. Dual Purpose were develped for both meat
and eggs. These days, most of these breeds are only found in backyards and small farms. [formerly Meat] indicates that in the days before
Cornish X Rock dominance (post World War II), this breed was highly prized as a meat bird. Layers are those breeds that are principally
used for egg production. As a general rule these birds are active and lively, lighter in weight than most other standard breeds, and not broody.
Game breeds were once bred for cockfighting. It is believed they were the first chickens to be bred by humans. As a general rule, they are
noisy and pugnacious, but some can be docile toward toward humans, and hens can be very protective mothers. As a rule they have low egg
production. Fancy breeds are those with special features, such as crests, feathered feet, unusual colors, beards, muffs, or five toes. Some
fancy breeds are strictly ornamental, but many others are will also be found among the layer and dual purpose breeds, as well. Bantam
breeds are little birds of ornament and pleasure. The term bantam comes from a small chicken that originated in the Bantam region of Java,
but after they were introduced to Europe centuries ago, any small variety of fowl was called a bantam. Bantams include both miniature
versions of the large standard breeds and True Bantams, breeds for which there is no matching large standard. The descriptive term True,
however, does not mean a naturally diminutive breed, since many True Bantams have been highly engineered by breeding programs.
indicates that the hackle and saddle feathers of the cocks in some colors and varieties of these breeds are particularly prized for use in
tying fishing flies, especially when natural, undyed feathers are desired. In addition, long-tailed breeds are also used and special crossbreds
have been developed. Bantams are preferred by some for their smaller and more delicate feathers.

= poor
= fair
= good
= very good
= prolific
I have been inexact with the egg rates, because egg production is only partly influenced by the breed of hen, and because numbers I have
seen have been all over the place. Egg production of an individual hen is dependent on such other factors as age, health, nutrition, space,
housing, sanitation, light, humidity, temperature, and contentment. Although one Black Australorp laid a record 364 eggs in 365 days, your
Australorp may not reach half that number in her best year. Different lines of the same variety have been bred for different reasons, some
emphasizing breeding to standard, others emphasizing egg-laying.
= winter layer
Chickens tend to be much better layers in the spring and summer; winter layers are those hens whose weekly egg rate show significantly less
drop in the colder/darker months, even if they aren't especially prolific overall.

EGG COLOR: Egg colors used on this page are estimations and will also appear differently on different monitors. Egg colors will vary from
bird to bird. This is especially true of the dark brown egg laying breeds, many of which, disappointingly, will lay much lighter shades than
listed. In general for brown egg layers, the color of eggs will lighten as the hen ages.
EGG SIZE: Sizes listed are not in conformity with USDA grades and combine large, extra large, and jumbo. In general, below average eggs
average 55 grams or less (under 2 ounces). Average eggs average 55 to 60 grams (about 2 ounces). Above average eggs are 60 grams or
more (more than 2 ounces). Egg sizes for bantams, except True Bantams that have their own listings, are not provided, but they fit the label
TINY. Size is based on those laid during a hen's prime laying years. Pullets will lay much smaller eggs, and, as hens get older, they will lay
increasingly larger eggs. Size of eggs will vary by both variety and individual hen. Perhaps the best example of this is the leghorn, since the
commercial white has been developed to lay a very large egg, but most other varieties lay medium sized eggs.
COMBS: For pictures of combs, see this old Cornell poultry textbook with a chapter on comb types. The illustrations, seen quite a few places
on the web unattributed, are credited in the book to W. C. Baker. A hen's comb is generally smaller than a coxcomb, and in the case of the
large single comb, the hen's comb flops over rather jauntily instead of standing erect like a large single coxcomb.
The University of Illinois Extension site includes descriptions of combs with its illustrations. It also describes a Silkis comb [silkie's comb?],
which is most elsewhere called a walnut comb.
BROODING: Broodiness can be a good or bad thing, depending on your perspective. When hens go broody, they don't lay eggs, so
especially for commercial egg producers, this is a bad trait. On the other hand, for some backyard chicken enthusiasts, the opportunity of
having a natural hatching experience is very desirable, so having a broody hen is a good thing. The range of broodiness goes from non-
setters to great brooders. The Mediterranean breeds are notorious for not setting on their eggs. Silkies, on the other end of scale, have both
greatly frustrated some owners for going broody so often and been prized for so often being available for hatching out eggs. Hens of all
breeds can go broody, according to testimony from many friends and correspondents. In 2009, we first observed a broody brown leghorn.
With notoriously broody breeds, individual hens may never or never conveniently go broody at convenient times.
HARDINESS: What is the difference between hardy and robost? For purposes of this chart, Hardy has more to do with ability to deal with
different climate and weather related conditions. Robust is more health-related, and indicates not prone to sickness.
BEHAVIOR: Chickens don't make good pets like cats and dogs, and chickens really aren't friendly like house pets. What some interpret as
friendly is most often little more than not not avoiding human company, not struggling when held, or willing to eat out of a human's hand. Calm,
docile birds can appear to be "friendlier" than flighty birds that squawk and run away whenever a human gets close or an aggressive bird that
will peck at other birds and humans alike. I have removed notes about foraging, because I have learned from experience that all chickens,
when introduced to free ranging at an early age, seem to do just fine.
OUR BIRDS: Please keep in mind that the notes on our birds are based on a small sample size of chickens found in a small, mixed-breed,
backyard, free-ranging flock. Experiences of others with birds in a different environment may be quite different.

This page authored and maintained by: John R. Henderson (, Sage Hen Farm, Lodi, NY.
Last modified: March 2, 2010
All chicken portraits are by Diane Jacky and are used by permission.
Photograph of egg assortment (before they became chipotle scrambled eggs) by Kelda Brown
This page was formerly known as the ICYouSee Handy Dandy Chicken Chart

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