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Atmospheric Emissions of Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury From High Temperature Processes in Power Generation and Industry

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Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

Edited by T. C. Hutchinson and K. M. Meema

@ 1987 SCOPE. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd


Atmospheric Emissions of Arsenic,

Cadmium, Lead and Mercury from
High Temperature Processes in Power
Generation and Industry
Norwegian InslilUle for Air Research,
P. B. J30, N-200J Lilleslrom,


High-temperature processes, such as coal and oil combustion in electric power

stations and industrial plants, roasting and smelting of ores in non-ferrous metal
smelters, melting operations in ferrous foundries, refuse incineration, and kiln
operations in cement plants, emit several pollutants, especially those being easily
volatile. Among the volatile pollutants are As, Cd, Pb and Hg.
In this chapter, atmospheric fluxes of As, Cd, Pb and Hg are calculated for the
above-mentioned sources in a quantitative and qualitative sense, and are based on
measurements and estimates. The measurements were carried out around coal-fired
power plants and copper and lead smelter complexes in Poland during the period
1975-80. Estimates were based on: (1) the chemical composition of source mate-
rials, (2) the physical-chemical properties of metals, (3) the technology employed,
and (4) the efficiency and type of emission control devices utilized. Non-ferrous
metal smelters appear to be a predominant source of the As and Cd emissions.
Traffic is a major contributor to Pb emission, however, this source is not consid-
ered here. Significant amounts of Pb are also emitted from lead smelters. The most
important sources of Hg emission include mining and smelting of non-ferrous met-
als, burning of fossil fuels (mainly coal), and chloralkali process for production of
chlorine and caustic soda.
Combustion temperature in boilers, furnaces, roasters, etc. is the key parameter
affecting the amounts of As, Cd, Pb and Hg released into the atmosphere, as well
as their chemical form and particle size distribution. The metallic As, Cd and Pb
and their oxides and sulphides are commonly found in stack dust. Hg is released
mainly in a gaseous form. Mercury associated with aerosol particles normally con-
tributes only marginally to the total atmospheric load. High-temperature processes

70 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

produce fine fraction particles with a significant portion of particles below 2 JIm in
diameter. These particles can penetrate through emission control devices, enter the
atmosphere, and travel for long distances. Penetration of As, Cd and Pb through
the boilers of two coal-fired power plants in Poland. equipped with electrostatic
precipitators of 99.5% efficiency was between 2 to 3%. More than 95% of Hg was
released in a vapour phase. Penetration rates 2-3 times lower for the above elements
were measured through wet scrubbers.
Atmospheric fluxes of As, Cd, Pb and Hg were calculated on global, regional,
and local scales. Estimates in this chapter are then compared with emission surveys
by other authors.
Finally, recommendations for further efforts are presented emphasizing the role
of emission surveys for planning control strategies to achieve ambient air quality
goals. Gaps in the knowledge and uncertainties of emission assessments have been
also taken into account.


The processing of mineral resources at high temperatures, such as coal and

oil combustion in electric power stations and industrial plants, roasting and
smelting of ores in non-ferrous metal smelters, melting operations in fer-
rous foundries, refuse incineration and kiln operations in cement plants
result in the release of volatile elements into the atmosphere. Among the
volatile pollutants, arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg)
are widely studied because of the serious health concern associated with
them. The emissions of these elements by the above processes alter their
biogeochemical cycles in the whole human environment. To assess these
perturbations, extensive emission inventories are required. During the last
decade the growing interest in this field has been documented in the liter-
ature. Emission strengths of As, Cd, Pb and Hg were estimated by several
international and national communities and agencies. As an example, the US
National Academy of Sciences, the US Environmental Protection Agency,
and the National Research Council of Canada have produced emission in-
ventories for all four elements in the USA and Canada (e.g. NAS, 1977; US
EP A, 1979; NRCC, 1979). In Europe, special attention has been paid to the
anthropogenic fluxes of Cd (e.g. van Enk, 1980; Hutton 1982; OECD, 1984).
This does not mean that the evaluation of anthropogenic fluxes of other el-
ements has been neglected. The As, Cd, Pb and Hg emission sources and
their strengths were also discussed during several workshops (e.g. Lindqvist
el ai., 1983; Nriagu, 1984) and by individual authors in scientific papers (e.g.
Nriagu, 1979; Lantzy and Mackenzie, 1979; Walsh et ai., 1979.
In this chapter, atmospheric fluxes of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mer-
cury are presented with emphasis on: (1) the chemical composition of source
materials, (2) the physical-chemical properties of metals, (3) the technology

Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 71

employed, and (4) the efficiency and type of emission control devices uti-
lized. Special consideration is given to metal releases from power generation
and non-ferrous metal production. The atmospheric transport of As, Cd, Pb
and Hg is then discussed considering the information on their chemical na-
ture and tendency to concentrate on fine particles.



Coal and oil are the main fossil fuels used to produce electricity. Apart
from many unquestionable advantages, such as the relatively low cost of
energy generation and easy availability of the fuel required, coal- and oil-
power plants are known to create serious environmental hazards due to the
emission of such pollutants as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury.
The trace element behaviour during combustion of fuels depends mainly
on: (1) affinity of elements for pure coal and mineral matter, (2) physical-
chemical properties of elements and their concentrations in coal and oil, and
(3) combustion conditions. Kuhn et at. (1980), in their thorough review of
the abundance of trace and minor elements in organic and mineral fractions
of coal, found As, Cd, Pb and Hg as the sulphide-forming elements. They
concluded that information on the affinity of trace elements for pure coal
and mineral matter could be used, in conjunction with concentrations, for
determining the chemical forms of elements, for estimating the theoretical
percentage of an element that can be removed by coal cleaning, and for
predicting material balances in the coal products and wastes. The needed
information on trace element concentrations in coal has been collected by
this author (Pacyna, 1986a). The As, Cd, Pb and Hg concentrations in coals,
taken from this review, are presented in Table 7.1, together with the metal
concentrations in crude oils. As can be seen, there are large differences
between metal concentrations in coals from several producing fields of the
world. As a result, it is difficult to generalize on impurities in coal. However,
the literature (Gluskoter et at., 1977; US EP A, 1980; Pacyna, 1980) suggests
that lignite and sub-bituminous coals are less contaminated by these metals
than medium-, low-, and high-volatility bituminous coals. As an example,
coal from the Western Basin in the United States is much less contaminated
than the coals from Eastern and Illinois basins. In Europe, German brown
coal (lignite) seems to be cleaner than bituminous and sub-bituminous coals
from Czechoslovakia and Poland (Pacyna, 1980; Heinrichs, 1982). On the
other hand, the production of a certain amount of energy (i.e. electricity)
requires a lignite charge almost two times as high as that of bituminous coal
(Dvorak and Lewis, 1978),resulting in enhanced emissions of As, Cd, Pb
and Hg.
-- --pO. U'- - -

72 Lead, Mercury. Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

Table 7.1 Concentrations of As, Cd, Pb

and Hgin coalsand crude oils (in JLglgm)
Metal Coal Crude oil
As 0.34-130.0 OJ)024-1.63
Cd 0.01-300.0 0.03-2.10
Pb 0.7-220.0 0.001-0.31
Hg 0.01-1.6 0.014-30.0

During combustion, the volatile species in the coal evaporate in the boiler
and recondense as submicrometre aerosol particles, or on the surfaces of ash
particles as the flue gas cools in the convective sections. The concentrations
of arsenic, cadmium and lead increase markedly with decreasing particle size
from bottom ash through fly ash from control devices to stack fly ash (stack
dust) emitted into the atmosphere. Apparently, more than 90% of mercury
in coal is released as vapor (Billings et at., 1973; Kaakinen et at., 1975; Pa-
cyna, 1980). Combustion temperature in the boiler is one of the key parame-
ters affecting the amounts of metals released. The higher the temperature in
a boiler, the larger the discharges of volatile elements. Thus, larger amounts
of As, Cd and Pb are emitted into the atmosphere from conventionally-fired
boiler systems (e.g. stoker-boiler or cyclone-boiler) burning fuel at temper-
atures higher than 1650 K, as compared with fluidized-bed systems with
temperatures between 1100 and 1200 K. The latter systems are now being
employed in electric utilities together with cyclone furnaces. The stoker-
type boiler is the dominant unit used in industrial plants and in atypically
small 40 MW) power plants. The type of fly ash control system and its
efficiency also influence the As, Cd and Pb emissions. Electrostatic precip-
itators (ESP), wet scrubbers, mechanical collectors and fabric 'bag-house'
filters are the most commonly used systems. The two former are installed
in coal-fired power plants. Generally, a venturi wet scrubber system is more
efficient in removing As, Cd and Pb from a flue gas stream than electro-
static precipitators. Ondov et at. (1979) have studied the penetration of
several elements contained in particles from coal-fired plants equipped with
both control systems. They calculated the following values for penetration
through ESP: 4.3-11.5% for As, 3.3-8.8% for Cd and 2.2-5.5% for Pb. The
arsenic penetration through a venturi wet scrubber ranged from 2.5-7.5%.
No information was presented for cadmium and lead.
Oil-fired power plants are also important sources of As, Cd, Pb and Hg
emissions into the atmosphere. During refining of oil, these metals concen-
trate in the heavy distillate residuals, such as residual fuel oils, asphalts, and
in the liquid and solid waste streams. The limited information available in-
dicates that probably 30% of the metals in crude oil are retained in residual
fuel oil and asphalt (Smith et at., 1975). The amounts of As, Cd, Pb and
Hg discharged during combustion of residual fuel oil in power plants and
Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 73

industrial boilers depend mainly on their concentrations in crude oils (Table

7.1), the efficiency of combustion, and the build-up of boiler deposits. Gen-
erally, the most contaminated crude oils are those from the Middle East and
Venezuela (Pacyna, 1982), while crude oils from the Far East (Singapore,
Indonesia), Africa (Algeria, Gabon, Nigeria) and North America seem to
be lowest in impurities. Poor mixing in a boiler, low flame temperatures,
and short residenc~ time in the combustion zone result in larger particles
with a higher content of combustible matter and higher particulate load-
ings. Considering boiler design, the As, Cd and Pb emission rates from two
commonly used types of boilers, tangential and horizontal, working under
similar conditions, are comparable. Oil-fired boilers do not require fly ash
removal equipment and, under such circumstances, the emissions of ele-
ments are comparable with the emissions from a coal-fired unit of better
than 99% collection efficiency. Generally, the stack dust loadings for indus-
trial oil combustion units are higher than those for electricity generating
The above information has been used to calculate the trace element emis-
sions from coal and oil combustion in Europe (Pacyna, 1983). Emission fac-
tors have been estimated for each European country separately. The differ-
ences were very significant: from 15.4 /lg As/MJ for hard coal-power plants
in West Germany to 95.5 /lg As/MJ for lignite-power plants in Poland, and
from 8.8 /lg As/MJ for Switzerland to 58.1 /lg As/MJ for Denmark in the
case of oil-fired power plants (Pacyna, 1982). Similar differences in emission
factors were estimated for lead, cadmium and mercury emitted from coal
and oil combustion for electric utility, industrial, commercial and residential

Table 7.2 Emissions of As, Cd, Pb and Hg from coal

and oil combustion in Europe in 1979 (in tons/year)

Source As Cd Pb Hg
Coal combustion
power plants 205 64 733 85.5
industry 240 77 870 135.0*
commercial and 16 5 73
residential units
Oil combustion
power plants 79 37 450 v.I.
industry and 138 73 709 v.1.
commercial and
residential units
Total 678 256 2835 221

* Industry + commercial and residential units.

v.I.-very low.
74 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

furnaces. The emissions of As, Cd, Pb and Hg for Europe are presented in
Table 7.2. The Hg emissions in Table 7.2 include both the metal releases
in the vapor phase and as particles. Oil firing contributes insignificantly to
the mercury emissions from fossil fuel combustion. The metal emissions
due to burning of fossil fuels in the United States were the following: 497
tons of Cd in 1979 (US EPA, 1981), 120 tons of Hg in 1975\ (Watson,
1979), and 650 tons of As in 1974 (NAS, 1977). Fuel combustion includes
not only stationary combustion but also mobile sources, particularly gasoline
combustion engines. The fate of lead in gasoline has been studied extensively,
and is not reviewed here in detail. For statistical purposes only, the author's
calculations of Pb emissions from gasoline combustion in Europe give a
value of 74300 tons in 1979, compared with 128000 tons in the United
States in 1975 (US EPA, 1977).


A major source of arsenic and cadmium and an important source of lead
and mercury is smelting and refining of non-ferrous metals. Both primary
processing from mineral concentrates and secondary processing from scrap
and residual materials are considered. The first process in non-ferrous metal
production is mining and beneficiation of sulphide ores. Most of the ores
are extracted by underground mining methods, but open-pit mining is also
used. The exploitation of lead-zinc ores is particularly important due to
their contamination by Cd and As. The latter element is also enriched in
copper-nickel ores. The concentrations of Cd and As in non-ferrous metal
ores vary widely from one field to another. As an example, Wedepohl (1969)
gives the arsenic concentration range from 10 to 10 000 j.lg/gm.
Primary metal production converts the concentrated ore into metal by
several processes. Roasting of ore concentrates and low grade ore enrich-
ment, the initial steps in smelters, are common in copper, nickel, lead, zinc
and cadmium production. The processes occur at about 1500 K, and volatile
elements, such as arsenic, cadmium and mercury, are partly removed from
the concentrates, and remain in the flue gases. As much as 95% of arsenic
contained in copper ores may be driven off in the gases; however, 50% is
more typical. Most of this is recycled. All the mercury in a smelter will va-
porize early in the process and enter the gas stream, which is usually passed
through an acid plant to remove mercury.
The next process, smelting, can be either thermal (in horizontal or ver-
tical retort) or electrolytic extraction. The old, pyrometallurgic zinc plants
employing thermal smelting are a major cadmium emission source. Hutton
(1982), studying cadmium behaviour in the environment, suggests metal
emission factors from 10-100 gm Cd/ton, in pyrometallurgic zinc produc-
Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 75

tion, to 0.20 gm Cd/ton in the electrolytic process. At present, five of 18

primary zinc plants within the European Community use thermal facilities
while two pyrometallurgic plants operate in the United States. All the pri-
mary zinc in Canada is produced by the electrolytic process. In 1977 the
thermal process in horizontal retorts was used in three countries: Mexico,
Poland and the USSR. As in zinc smelting, the thermal process in copper
and lead production results in cadmium emissions. Based on the literature
reviewed by Hutton (1982), the Cd emissions from primary copper and lead
production are lower than the Cd emission from pyrometallurgic zinc plants.
Smelting and converting in copper-nickel smelters are important sources
of As emissions. Behaviour of the metal depends primarily upon the process
itself. Several smelting technologies are currently used in the copper-nickel
industry, including reverberatory smelting, flush smelting (two processes are
currently in commercial use: the INCO process and the OUTOKUMPU pro-
cess), and the Noranda and Mitsubishi Continuous Copper Smelting Process.
About 90% of copper is presently being produced by these processes. The
rest comes from hydrometallurgic techniques. Smelting technology has been
widely reviewed in the literature (e.g. Environment Canada, 1982). Reimers
et at. (1977) concluded that the portion of arsenic volatilized during the
smelting operation ranges from 20% of the arsenic input for the rever-
beratory furnace to 85% for the Noranda reactor for making high grade
matte. The effluent gases include also about 85% of the lead input in the
copper-nickel ores and 80% of the cadmium input. Most of the metal is
usually recycled in flue dusts, but the remainder is emitted into the atmo-
sphere. Lead is produced in a similar way to zinc through processes such
as roasting, sintering, smelting and refining. Most of the airborne trace el-
ement emissions in lead ore processing are due to the roasting operations.
Reduction in the blast furnaces is also a source of air pollution by trace ele-
ments. The emission rates of As, Cd, Pb and Hg from primary non-ferrous
metal production are highly sensitive to differences in the efficiency of con-
trol devices. High-efficiency control devices are often employed in smelters.
Emissions from roaster facilities, as well as from sintering processes, are
mainly controlled with fabric filters and electrostatic precipitators.
The share of non-ferrous metals produced by secondary processing in the
total metal production varies from 20% for zinc and nickel to 37% for
lead and 38% for copper (Barbour et ai., 1978). Besides, many 'primary'
lead plants are fed with a mixed charge of roasted ores and scrap materials
(Hutton, 1982). The chemical composition of input scrap and the type and
efficiency of control devices are two factors which affect the Cd and Pb
emissions most from this source.
To assess quantitatively atmospheric fluxes of As, Cd, Pb from non-
ferrous metal production, the metal emission factors have been calculated
for the above-mentioned processes, and used to estimate the metal releases
76 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

in Europe in 1979. The results are listed in Table 7.3. Similar inventories
have been prepared for the US emissions, indicating releases of about 1000
tons/year for Cd (several US EPA reports), 70 tons/year for Hg (Watson,
1979), and 4800 tons/year for As from copper smelting only (NAS, 1977).
Table 7.3 Emissions of As, Cd, Pb and Hg from non-ferrous
metal production in Europe in 1979 (in tons/year)

Source As Cd Pb Hg

Primary non-ferrous*
metal production
copper-nickel 4500 600 9250 61
zinc-cadmium 900 1050 7880 13
lead 300 8 10450 3
Secondary non-ferrous
metal production
copper v.1. 55
lead v.1. 400
Mining v.1. 1090
Total 5700 1658 29125 77

* Data include both pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical pro-

v.I.-very low.



Other anthropogenic sources releasing arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury

include high-temperature processes in steel and iron manufacturing, mu-
nicipal and sewage sludge incineration, and cement production, as well as
industrial application of the metals. Recently, the trace element emissions
from the above sources have been analysed in detail (Pacyna, 1986a). Briefly,
the cadmium and lead emissions from steel works depend significantly on
the type of technology used. Electric arc and basic oxygen furnaces are much
safer than older open-hearth ones.
Large quantities of coke are produced for use in the iron and steel indus-
tries, but the release of metals from this process is considered when analysing
coal combustion for industrial purposes.
Only limited information is available on trace element emissions from
refuse incineration. As, Cd, Pb and Hg emissions are mainly affected by the
chemical composition of the refuse input, the incinerator chamber design
(combustion temperature), and the efficiency of control devices (if any).
Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 77

The high-temperature kiln operations in cement plants emit several trace

elements, among them Pb and Cd.
Industrial applications of As, Cd, Pb and Hg often involve their discharges
as air pollutants. Arsenic is used in agriculture (herbicides, insecticides, feed
additives), in glass manufacturing, and in wood preservatives. Approximately
10% of the As used to produce pesticides may be volatilized to the atmo-
sphere by aerobic and anaerobic microbial activity. An important source of
arsenic emissions is the cotton ginning process, removing the seeds from
raw cotton. Cadmium is used in the plating of iron, steel, and other metals,
as pigments for glass and paint, and in insecticide production. The metal
is also used to produce nickel-cadmium batteries. The chloralkali industry
is the largest consumer of mercury, followed by the electrical and paint
industries, agriculture, dentistry and the chemical industry. Industrial appli-
cations of lead include lead alkyl manufacture, storage battery production,
and production of can solder.
Table 7.4 shows atmospheric fluxes of As, Cd, Pb and Hg from the above
sources in Europe in 1979 (Pacyna, 1983). The metal emissions from rele-
vant sources in the United States are as follows: 1100 tons As/year (NAS,
1977), 135 tons Cd/year (US EP A, 1979), 40 tons Hg/year (Watson, 1979),
and 10130 tons Pb/year (US EPA, 1977).
Table 7.4 Emissions of As, Cd, Pb and Hg from sources
other than fossil fuel combustion and non-ferrous metal
production in Europe in 1979 (in tons/year)

Source As Cd Pb Hg

Iron, steel, and ferro-

alloy manufacturing 60 14 660
Refuse incineration ]0 85 800 20
Cement production 15 750
Industrial application 140* 20 2000 20
of metals
Total 150 180 18210 40
* Without pesticide production.

It should be noted that for some sources, as well as for certain coun-
tries in Europe, the information necessary for calculations of trace element
emissions was difficult to obtain or was simply lacking. The uncertainties
included data on: (1) metal concentrations in fuels and other raw materials,
(2) industrial technologies, and (3) the efficiencies of control devices used.
A simple trajectory model has been used to verify the above estimates for
As, Cd and Pb emissionsfrom anthropogenic sources in Europe. The metal
concentrations calculated by the model were compared with measured daily
78 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

ambient concentrations at Birkenes in SouthernNorway.The measuredcon.

centrations exceeded the calculated by 24, 34 and 38% for Pb, As, and Cd,
respectively, thus in reasonable agreement.

Emission, tly 26.8 17.1

9 t t
8 I ::::1
7 :1::

4 ',',
3 ',',
2 ..
:::: "
0 .. 1'/1 ..
As Cd Hg Pb Pb
(x103) Ix103) (x102) ('10') ('10')
(without gasoline)

Figure 7.1 Total atmospheric emissions of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb in Europe, USA,
USSR, and from natural sources

It is of interest to compare the anthropogenic emissions of the As, Cd, Pb

and Hg to the metal releases from natural sources, shown in Figure 7.1. The
trace metal emissions from sources in the Soviet Union have been estimated
at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU, 1984). The data for
natural sources in Figure 7.1 are taken from a literature review by Pacyna
(1986b), except for the Hg emissions, given by NAS (1978). The natural
emissions of arsenic and mercury* contribute very significantly to the total
releases of the metals. The latter element is discharged mainly from natural
sources, such as volatilization of gaseous mercury from soils and vegetation,
as well as from the ocean and other water bodies, The predominant source of
* It should be noted that the mercury study groups suggest a global ratio of from 2: 1 to
4: 1 for natura] versus anthropogenic contributions of Hg (Editors).
Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 79

natural As and Cd appears to be volcanoes, whereas for Pb it is windblown

dust. The natural Cd and Pb contributions to the total emissions of the
metals seem to be less significant than the contribution for As and Hg, but
cannot be neglected. Generally, very little is known about the magnitude of
natural fluxes of Cd and Pb, or about the species involved.
The total anthropogenic emissions of the elements in Europe, USA and
USSR, are broken up in source categories in Figure 7.2. The largest amounts
of As, Cd and Pb are emitted in all these areas from non-ferrous metal
smelters (excluding Pb from gasoline combustion), while fossil fuel com-
bustion seems to be the most important anthropogenic source of mercury.
Thus, the high-temperature processes.emit a major part of As, Cd, Pb and
Hg into the atmosphere. The magnitude of the metal fluxes is important
information in the assessment of their potential threat to human health.
However, the environmental behaviour and toxicity of an element are also
dependent on its chemical speciation and the tendency to concentrate in fine
particles. In high-temperature processes these two factors are closely related
to the combustion temperature and volatility of the metal.

As Cd Hg Pb m EUROPE Pb
100~.,. (without gaaollne)





Figure 7.2 Atmospheric emissions of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb from fossil fuel combus-
tion (I), non-ferrous metal production (II), other anthropogenic sources (III), and
gasoline combustion (IV) in Europe, USA. and USSR


There is a very limited information in the literature on the chemical speci-
ation of metalsemittedinto the atmosphere.Basedon the resultsfrom the
EPA's National Air Sampling Network, it can be suggested that for arsenic
80 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

inorganic forms dominate in the air over emission areas. Major chemical
species of arsenic and of the other elements discussed which evolve dur-
ing high-temperature processes are presented in Table 7.5. Trivalent arsenic
is the most common form of the metal. Air samples containing arsenic, of
either smelter or coal-fired power plant origin, consist largely of trivalent ar-
senic in both vapour and particulate states. This is very important, because,
as a general rule, inorganic arsenicals exhibit greater toxicity than organic
arsenicals, and the trivalent state more so than the other states. Methylated
forms of arsenic are probably of minor significance.
Table 7.5 Major chemical species evolved during fossil fuel combustion and in-
dustrial processes

Process As Cd Pb Hg
Coal combustion As(O), ASZ03 Cd(O), CdO PbClz, PbO, Gaseous Hg,
Oil combustion As(O), AsZ03 Cd(O), CdO PbO Gaseous Hg
Organic arsines
Non-ferrous metal ASZ03 CdO, CdS PbO, PbS04,
production PbO.PbS04
Iron and steel CdO PbO
Refuse incineration As(O), ASZ03, Cd(O), CdO, Pb(O), PbO, Gaseous Hg
AsCI3 CdClz PbCI2

Cadmium and its oxide are the predominant chemical forms of the metal
emitted from all the sources considered in this chapter. These two forms
seem to be the most toxic cadmium speciations, together with cadmium
chloride (found in releases from refuse incineration). With respect to the
chemical forms of lead from sources considered here, it can be suggested
that inorganic forms are the most widely released, particularly lead oxide
and lead chloride. The mercury from industries and power plants is emitted
primarily as mercury vapour. This vapor consists mainly of elemental mer-
cury and dimethyl mercury. It is difficult to say which volatile compound
dominates the discharge process. Mercury species other than elemental Hg
and (CH3hHg can also contribute. Seiler (in Lindqvist el aI., 1983) sug-
gests that most mercury is emitted as dimethyl mercury with a relatively
fast degradation to elemental mercury taking place in the air. Brosset (1981)
concludes that Hg(O) is mobilized to the atmosphere where it is subjected to
atmospheric oxidation processes to yield water soluble forms, subsequently
scavenged by wet or dry deposition.
Considering the volatility of As, Cd, Pb and Hg compounds in Table
7.5, elemental arsenic (As(O)), AS203, AsCI3, elemental Cd (Cd(O)), and
Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 81

CdCh are volatile, PbCh is intermediate, and CdO, elemental lead (Pb(O
and PbO are non-volatile (Gerst Ie and Albrinck, 1982). The volatile species
would be in the vapor state during the high-temperature processes, whereas
the non-volatile compounds would continue to be emitted largely as fly ash,
even at the higher temperature.

Volatile elements evaporated in a furnace condense on small particles in the
flue gas stream. The relationship between volatile metal concentration and
particle size during high-temperature processes has already been mentioned,
when discussing emission from coal combustion. The condensation of trace
elements continues in the atmosphere. The outermost layer on the surface of
emitted ashes is often composed of H2SO4, which permits surface condensa-
tion of several elements including As, Cd, Pb and partly Hg. The condensa-
tion takes place preferentially on fine particles in the 0.1 to 1.0 p.m diameter
range. Additionally, the presence of sulphuric acid on some particle surfaces
may give rise to post-combustion crystal formation of metal and/or ammo-
nium sulphates, but how this affects the physico-chemical form of trace
elements has not been studied. Small particles from high-temperature pro-
cesses are very easily transported by air masses over long distances. Gaseous
mercury behaves in a similar manner to As, Cd and Pb on fine particles.
The concentrations of As, Cd and Pb on the larger particles will be low and
decrease rapidly with distance from a power plant or smelter. The results
from several studies seem to indicate that at a distance of 30 km from the
high-temperature source the As, Cd and Pb concentrations reach the back-
ground level (e.g. Rozenshtein, 1970; Yankel et al., 1977; Glowiak et al.,
1977; Pacyna, 1980). Lead concentrations around power plants, smelters or
other industrial plants are often enhanced by emissions from gasoline com-
bustion. Several studies in the surroundings of copper and lead smelters in
Poland (Glowiak el al., 1977; Kubacka et al., 1977; Pacyna et al., 1981) have
been carried out to assess the 'local deposition' of trace elements. It was
found that about 11% of the mass of trace element is deposited in the same
area as it is released. Pacyna et at. (1984) have studied long range trans-
port of several trace elements in Europe. Based on the literature sources
(OECD, 1979), they have inferred local deposition to be 5% of the emis-
A major portion of the arsenic, cadmium, and lead emissions from high
temperature sources with tall stacks is, however, transported over long dis-
tances. The behaviour of these elements during transport depends on their
physical-chemical properties, the particle size-distribution, and meteoro-
logical conditions, such as the rate of turbulent vertical air exchangeand
wind speed. The two former parameters seem to dominate the long range
82 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment


C Sm Eu

Cs Ce Ti

Sb Fe Lo Sc

Ag In 80 Cr Co Co

Pb Hg N H As Sn Zn Go Cd K CI AI Dy

SO; NH; 1 NO;Se8r V Mo Ni Cu Mn No P Mg Au F Hf

0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10

Median MMD (}.Lm)

Figure 7.3 Mass median diameter of trace elements. Mean values (after Rahn,

transport of As, Cd and Pb. According to the literature review by Davidson

and Osborn (1984), lead is generally associated with submicrometre par-
ticles, while cadmium size distribution contains submicrometre as well as
supermicrometre aerosol. Rahn (1976) has compiled information on mass-
median diameters of As, Cd, Pb, Hg and other trace elements, shown in
Figure 7.3. The residence time of As, Cd, and Pb in the atmosphere was
found to be about 7 days. This time is sufficient for transport over thou-
sands of kilometres.
Trace elements can be removed from the atmosphere by dry deposition
(sedimentation, interception, impaction and turbulent diffusion) and by wet
(precipitation) deposition (rainout, washout). Dry deposition velocities of
trace metals were measured by Cawse (1981) and estimated by Davidson
(1980). A value of 0.1 seems to be representative for the mean Cd dry de-
position velocity, and 0.2 for lead and arsenic. Generally, deposition models
consider dry deposition velocity to be a function of aerosol aerodynamic di-
ameter, state of the atmosphere (the variation of wind speed with height and
particularly the turbulence of the atmosphere close to the ground), and sur-
face conditions (type and status of the vegetation, open waters, snow, etc.).
Aerosol solubility is one of the key parameters for the wet precipitation
process. However, the concentration of pollutants in precipitation is the re-
sult of several complex processes both within and below clouds, and uncer-
tainties still remain as to a detailed description of the scavenging efficiency
Atmospheric Emissions from High Temperature Processes 83

of precipitation. Generally arsenic and cadmium were found to be 'solu-

ble' in the sense that these two elements are likely to be transported over
significant distances dissolved in natural waters (Asami et at., 1984). Lind-
berg and Harriss (1980) have studied solubility of trace elements in aerosols
from a power plant plume. They found that coal combustion sources may
be a major contributor of soluble trace elements (including Cd and Pb) to
the regional tropospheric aerosol. However, our knowledge of complicated
physical and chemical processes leading to wet deposition of trace elements
is very incomplete and data of this type are largely absent from the literature.
The relative importance of dry and wet deposition depends on the trans-
port distance from the sources. In a heavily polluted area, the amounts re-
moved by dry deposition seem to be larger than by wet deposition, while in
remote areas with much precipitation wet deposition may be at least equally
The atmospheric behaviour of mercury appears to be a combination of
deposition and resuspension or vaporization (Kothny, 1973). After emis-
sion into the atmosphere, a part of mercury can be scavenged by even light
precipitation, deposited on land, and re-vaporized within 1-2 days (NRCC,
1979). There is no evidence, however, for Hg re-vaporization over water.
Most of the Hg in the atmosphere (in particular the insoluble fraction) is
transported over long distances (Lindqvist et at., 1983). The average resi-
dence time of this fraction of mercury in the atmosphere is estimated to
be more than 1 year. The water-soluble fraction and the fraction associated
with particulate matter are readily removed from the atmosphere and have
a residence time of perhaps a few days or weeks (Lindqvist el at., 1983).
Lindqvist el at. (1983) suggest that dispersion parameters of these fractions
of mercury are similar to those of pollutants occurring as soluble gases, or
associated with submicrometre-size aerosol particles (e.g. Pb, As and Cd).
This results in transport scales of several hundred to a few thousand kilome-
tres for the soluble fraction of mercury. These authors also point out that a
significant portion of Hg emissions may be deposited close to point sources.

A number of studies and reviews cited in this chapter demonstrate the
progress in evaluation of trace element emissions. Emission surveys of As,
Cd, Pb and Hg from anthropogenic sources are presented in the literature,
with measurements and calculations done either for a certain country or
for an individual source. Fuel combustion and metal smelting are the most
investigated types of emission sources. However, a number of uncertainties
have emerged during these investigations concerning the content of the met-
als in fuelsand other raw materials,the efficienciesof controldevices,and
the uses of different technologies to produce industrial goods.
84 Lead, Mercury, Cadmium and Arsenic in the Environment

Future investigations should improve the accuracy of existing inventories,

and extend the list of important sources for processes such as waste incinera-
tion, biomass burning, phosphate fertilizers, etc. In practice, to improve the
accuracy of emission estima.tes sensitive analytical methodologies for metal
and metalloid specification (chemical form and complexation) in emitted
dust samples are required. This is particularly important when considering
the fate of atmospheric emissions of the elements discussed with respect to
the residence times in the air and scavenging processes during atmospheric
To understand the impact of anthropogenic sources of As, Cd, Pb and Hg
and their cycles in the environment, we need to know more accurately natu-
ral source strengths. The most extensively studied natural source appears to
be volcanic eruptions. Information is very scarce on the As, Cd, Pb and Hg
releases from wind-blown dust erosion, forest wild-fires, airborne sea-salt,
and biogenic emissions from vegetation.


The author thanks Dr Val Vitols for helpful discussions.

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