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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOT/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEST FOI/PAH 1363925-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 5 Page 25 ~ Duplicate; Page 38 ~ Duplicate; Page 44 ~ Duplicate; Page 65 ~ b6; b7C; Page 66 ~ b6; bIC; XXX MXR X Deleted Page(s) X X No Duplication Fee X X For this Page x XXX MAX XK KEKRKERE, ‘ALL INFORTEATION CONTAMED, ERE 1S UNCLASSIFIED ORTE 27287. aghls 157-168-290, ey CHANGED TO one bec 975 Bo La | Fores $2: a APPEAL # civinsch $_ 2.0.4 (aa pare_¢: - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI csr hee) 10/16/75 { ou (NYS SAC, CLEVELAND (157-5031) (P) £VAIT Stak & Coven) lavas BH gecr: CuaTIONAL KULGHTS OF THE KU_KLUK.SLAN, (HKEKK) x /KKKK T9. ALL SHFORMATION CONTAINED a ERED IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE. 248A.» BY | Re Atlanta teletype to the Bureau, Cleveland i and Cincinnati, 9/29/75, captioned as above; and Cleveland = \ teletype to the Bureau and Cincinnati, 9/30/75, captioned 2 Enclosed for the Bureau are eight (8) copies of I Tj an LHM, dated and captioned as above. Two copies of an ¥D-376 are also being submitted. Additional copies of the LHM are being forwarded to Atlante aed Cincinnati in view of their interest in this matter. Two copies of this LHM are’ being disseminated - to the U.S, Secret Service, Cleveland, Ohio. - Sours tilized in the enclosed LEM are as follows: cv T-1 4 L cv T-3 14 former } It shduld\be-tioted that the NKKKK, Realm of Ohio, has now switche its leadership and base of operations to the Columbus, Ohio, area from Lodi, Ohio. Cleveland will continue to follow and report the Activities of the Ohio NEIKK in the nortpqta Opto aren. ga Bureau (snc. 8) qu 3S Ht 5. {57 - Ng NET - Atlanta (Enc. 2) (RM) 2 - Cincinnati (Enc. 2) (RM) —_——— land yee-ss 3 oct 20 1975 tee- 08s lee -€AD kee - C08 gee -D 0.376 (Rev. 10-9-73) e : UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 October 16, 1975 Director In Reply, Ploore Refer to United States Secret Service Fite Ne Department of the Treasury Washington, D.C. 20220 RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) Dear Sir REALM OF OHIO ‘The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked 1. [J Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. [2 Attempts or threats to redress grievances, - ) Threatening or abusive staterient about U. S. or foreign official 3 4. [2 Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. $. demonstrations ot hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments, Megal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. - CJ Defector from U. $. or indicates desire to defect. kx Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph (has been furnished CJenclosed 3 is not available. Very truly yours, Clarence M. Kelley Director 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) 2 U.S. Seeret Service, Cleveland (By Hand) Enclosure(s) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Cleveland, Ohio October 16, 1975 ALL IRFORGEATION CONTA PaTEMUIS unetassine _ NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THEE. 2082 ose KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) REALM OF OHIO MEMBER OF SUBIECT.© On October 6, 1975, CV T-1, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that a meeting of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK), Realm of Ohio (see Appendix), took place at the residence of Ohio Grand Dragon MARVIN MILLER, 184 Woodrow Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, on October 4, 1975. The meeting lasted approximately two and one-half hours and was attended by 4 total of seven individuals, three of whom traveled from the Akron, Ohio, area. The folloydng were noted in attendance: MARVIN MILLER, JOHNYSHENADO, EDWARD COLLINS — and TONY (Last Name Unknown), 2 Capital University student, all from the Columbus, dass and DAVID PACETTI, RYLAND "ED" HOWE, and JAMES/NIVENS from Northern) Ohic. Five other known Klansmen frqm the Columbus area did not show for the meeting. Same source also stated that the meeting was run by MARVIN MILLER, who consumed the time with quotes from the Bible. There was no exchange of ideas or any proposals for the Klan organization now under his control. The only concrete accomplishment of this meeting was the designation of official positions for the NEKKK, Realm of Ohio, which are as follows: MEMEEBU: Sebic:, ORGANIZATION Grand. Dragon; MARVINAGILLER Mary, Mee 189 widen Ave, Columbus, Ohio ce! frit King Kleagle ba or State Organizer: DAVID PACETTI Munroé Falls, Ohio ERELOSURE Members RE: (NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU.KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) REALM OF OBTO Titan, N rnOhio: RYLAND "ED" Portage County, Ohio Exalted Cyclops, ; a Columbus, Ohio, area: ED/couLINS §— Ghwne If Catlins lumbus, Ohio Source stated that there was no representative from the southern part of Ohio, around the Cincinnati area, in attendance at this meeting. Source further stated this area has been inactive in Klan affairs for quite some time. On September 26, 1975, CV T-2, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that MARVIN L, MILLER is fhe current Grand Dragon of the NKKKK, Realm of Ohio, havfng been so designated by NKKKK Imperial Wizard JAMES R./VENABLE, Source further added that MILLER was : introduded by VENABLE at the annual NKKKK rally at Stone Mountain, Georgia, on August 30, 1975, as the Ohio Grand Dragon of the NKKKK. nia Ais of the Ku kelun tans. RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) REALM OF OHIO @ NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) The National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Incorporated (NKKKK), a consiidation of various klan groups, was granted a charter in DeKalb County, Georgia, in November, 1963. The NKKKK was chartered asa patriotic, secret, social and benevolent order; however, in December, 1963, the NKKKK issued a statement of its program which indicated the organization to be anti-Negro, anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-foreign born. The NKKKK and its affiliate groups purportedly promoted white Christian Americanism and combat communism. An annual NKKKK rally and cross burning has been held on Labor Day Weekend in Stone Mountain, Georgia, on the property of NKKKK Imperial Wizard James R. Venerable. Some Klan members 2nd leaders have been involved in atrocities including beatings, bombings and murders and have engaged in. activities seeking to deny others their constitutional rights. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agery; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. INFORt: ene OW co one, As sore ee 5-1130°Rev. "9 Intelligence Division* (oem eel 102.25 Attached teletypes furnish informatior regarding proposed violence on the part of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in connection with recently ordered desegregation of public schools in Louisville, Kentucky. As you lare aware, Louisville has been the scene lof civil unrest and violence by citizens lopposing the 7/30/75 U. S, District Court forced busing order, Information has been received by Louisville that the KKK has been spreading frumors of planned KKK activity on Friday night, 9/12/75; however, this story spread ito cover fact that 100 scattered attacks nd assassination attempts by the Klan ill take place Thursday evening, 9/11/75. amed as assassination targets are Louisville Mayor Harvey I, Sloane, County Judge Todd Hollenback, U, S. District Judge James F. Gordon, other busing figures, and possibly persons connected ith the news media. Source of the information, reliabilit: nknown, claims the Klan has five carloads f dynamite and 200 M-16 rifles. Individual running the above plans lleged to be Walter Groves, a local Klan eader. Groves appeared at Louisville BI Office 9/10/75 and claimed he opposes iolent activity. - General Investigative Division - External Affairs Division WDF:dsh: 35 ____ CONTINUED - OVER President of local antibusing group advised 9/10/75 she understood KKK planned drastic action on evening of 9/11/75; however, no one advocated violence at KKK rally held evening of 9/10/75 including Groves. Louisville requests authority to interview Groves and four other potentially knowledgeable persons to determine details regarding possible KKK violations of gun, antiriot and civil rights| laws. Teletype to Louisville authorizing recommended interviews attached for approval. _. telephonically Louisville has/advised pérsons named as possible assassination targets have been advised, Law enforcement agencies advised. Pertinent data sent by teletype to Deputy Attorney General, attention Analysis and Evaluation Unit, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, attention Internal Security and General Crimes Section of Department; U. S. Marshal's Service and Secret Service. RECOMMEND ATION: Attached outgoing teletype authorizing Louisville interviews be approved. my 4 hee dees jeoceat sunk of invésmcany coniwuwcanon® sec @ ,/ aa se 11195 Pee 0s LS CuDED ~ ; 7 TELETYPE ‘Admin. ae Comp. Spat ag 45> Ail LiMEDI ALE SEPTEMBER 11, 1975 CLH oo - Zhe UM LU LSVILLE asy4esy IbeBE Laboratory ye vigdotun Y ee : Thoneccon Plan. & val — 6 alia: iniD ay Gv, CLVIL RIGHTS SECTION Spee tev, Legal Goua ANG HES UF THE KU KLUX KLAN, LOUISVILLE DENs EM = KLAN, 00: — | Telephone Ras — Director See'y Luu ISVILLE. “DESEGREGALIUN UF PUBLEC SCHOOLS, LUUISVILLE (JEFFERSON COUNTY), KENTUCKY; PUTENTIAL FUR VIOLENCE, SEPTEMBER, 19753 PudLIC WUCATIVN - CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, 1964 - INTERFERENCE WITH FEDERALLY PRUTECTED ACTIVITIES; CLVIL UNREST. UW SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE, WHO HaS. FURND SHED RELIABLE LNFURMATIUN IN PAST, ADVISED THAT INFORMATION, RELIABILLTY UF wHLCH UNKNOWN, HAS BEEN RECELVED INDICATING THAT WmiERS UF KU KLUX KLAN CAKK), POSSIBLY 1N BULLITT COUNTY, KENTUCKY, HAVE BEEN INTENTLONALLY SPREADING STORIES CUNCE ACIAVATIES WHICH WILL REPORTEDLY TAKE PLACE FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPTaMoER A 1975, PURPUSE OF. WHLGH Baie LURE POLICE LNT0 THINKING /AUTHING WILL HAPPEN UNTIL" ee SED pee ik Wak TaKE ACTION Uw THURSDAY MEMO, 7d; 1 his&e Lor) Tis fe WASISILNG UF PERHAPS 100 SCATTERED ATTACKS AND ASSASSINATIUNS. 3 007 7 75 Rie CaWIvATES FUR THESE ATTEMPTS ARE REPURTEDLY LOUISVILLE XEROX™ . apn OT 15 1975 NOVA ws , 57 ioe ¥ LS 157-2061 ~ PaGE Two WAYUR HARVEY I. QUANE, JEFFERSUN COUNTY JUDGE TODD J. WLLE WS ACH, AND UNLTED STATES DISTRICT QUURT JUDGE JANES F. GUADUN AS WELL AS“UTHER BUSING FIGURES AND SUME UNIDENTIFIED PaiSUNS Ov NNECTED WITH NEWS MEOLA. ADDITLUNAL INFORMATION, RELIABILITY OF WHICH 1S UNKSOWN, WAS ALSU RECELVED, LNDIGATING THaT FIVE SES OF Dv wan TE REPURTEOLY ARE HIOVEN 1N MARYVILLE SUBDIVISION, (SUBURB OF LUUISVILLE LUCATED BULLITT COUNTY) TOGETHER WITH 200 M-16 RIFLES, SUME OF WHICH MaY BE STORED BEHIND JAaCK*S TEXACO STATIUW IM MARYVILLE, SOMZ UF THE WEAPONS ARE ALLEGED 10 AVE BEEN IMPURTED BY Ma NAMED “VINCENT” WHO LIVES IN MARYVILLE AREA AND DEALS iN STOLEN PROPERTY. WALTER GROVES, EXALTED CYCLUPS UF LUUISVILLE KKK DEN, 1S ALLEGED TO BE PERSUN RUNNING AUVE UPERATION, CUNCERNING ABUVE 1NFORMATIUN REGARDING SCATTERED ATTACKS, PUSSIBLE ASSASSINaTIUN ATTEWPTS, DYNAMITE AND M-16 RIFLES, INFURMATIUN ALSU INDICATES THaT OTHERS INVOLVED ARE LANNIE WATHERNER, WHO RESIDES PRALRIE DRIVE, BULLITT COUNTY, KENTUCKY, aw wh 1S REPORTED KKK MEMBER; ROBERT YATES, WHO RESIDES IN LS 157-2061 PAGE THREE BLUSSUM LAKE AREA; PEKSON NAMED SKAGGS, NUT FURTHER IDENTIFIED, ALSU UF GLUSSUM LAKE AREA; AND INDIVIDUAL KNOWN ONLY aS. BILL PEPPER. ull SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, SUE CUNNOR, PRESIDENT OF CONCERNED PRRENTS, LOCAL ANTI-BUSING GRUUP, INDICATED SHE IS IW RECEIPT OF INFURMATIUN, RELIABILITY OF WHICH 1S UNKNOWN, INDICATING KKK PLANS DRASTIC ACTION UN WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, RATHER THaN ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 19754 UN SEPTEMBER 12, 1975, WALTER GRUVES VOLUNTARILY APPEARED al THE LUYISVILLE UFFICE OF THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (F812 AND ADVISED HIS KKK GROUP 1S NO LUNGER ASSUCIATED WITH KKK URGANIZATLON BEING RUN BY PHILLIP CHOPPER, GRAND ORAGON FOR STATE UF KENTUCKY. GROVES EXPRESSED OPPOSITION TO ANY ACTIVITIES ANVULVING VIVLENCE AND UFFERED HIS FULL COOPERATION TO FBI. GROVES INDICATED HIS KKK GROUP 1S PLANNING RALLY EVENING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, AT MC NEELY LAKE, JaFFERSUN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, AW) IF MEMBERS ARE AGREEABLE, GROVES WILL FURNISH COMPLETE MANES UF ALL KKK MEMBERS « o “Ls 2061 PAGE FUUR * ABUVE RALLY HELD SEPTEMBER 10, 1975, AS PLANNED AT WC NEELY LAKE. SPEAKERS, INCLUDING WALTER GROVES, ADDRESSED ISSUE uF FURCED BUSING, HOWEVER, DID NUT ADVOCATE VIOLENT PROTEST Trike VF. ADMISSIUN CULLECTED BY HOUDED ATTENDANT AND ROCK BAW PERFURMED DURING RALLY WHICH CUNCLUDED WITH RITUAL CROSS BUKNING. RALLY ATTENDED BY 75-100 PERSONS WITH NU SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS UCCURRI WG. ABUVE LWFURMATIUN DISSEMINATED TU LUUISVILLE DIVISION OF PULIGE» JEFFERSUN QUUATY PULICE DEPARTMENT, KENTUCKY STATE PULICE AN UNLTED STATES MARSHAL, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. adWLNLSTRATI VES RE LUUISVILLE TELETYPé TO BUREAU, DATED SEPTEMBER 16, 1975, BEARING LATTER CaPTIUN SET FORTH ABOVE suurce 1s. WHO 1S UNABLE TO ASSESS RELIABILITY UF LWFURMATIUN FURNISHED AND IS NUT AT LIBERTY TO IDENTIFY ORIGINAL SUURCE UF INFURMATION DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES SURROUNDING RECEIPT UF SaWE AS WELL AS NATURE OF OWN EMPLOYMENT. IN VIEW UF SERIOUS NATURE OF INFORMATION SET FORTH ABOVE, BUREAU AUTHORITY 1S REQUESTED TU INTERVIEW WALTER GROVES, Ls 197-2061 PAGE FIVE LANNE NORTHERNER, RUSERT YATES, SKAGGS AND BILL PEPPER TO DeTERWINE CREDIBILITY UF SAME INASMUCH AS POSSIBLE GUN Law, ANT IRIUT Law AND CLVIL RIGHTS Law VIULATIONS MAY EXIST. LUUISVILLE FEELS ASSESSMENT OF INSTANT INFORMATION NOT PUSSIBLE WITHUUT INTERVIEWS » WHICH WILL BE CONDUCTED IN SUCH MANNER Sv AS NOT TU JEUPARDIZE SOURCE OF INFURMATION, LUUISVILLE FULLUWING INSTANT MATTER CLUSELY WITH ALL SIGNIFICANT INFURMATION BELNG EXPEDITIOUSLY FURNISHED BUREAU. Pe ry MRF Fol Ku@s PD-365 (Rev, 14-27-74) ae A oe Fat Date:10/8/75, Transmit the following in [Type te plaintext oF code? AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Precedence) Via To Director, FBI (157-168) ATTENTION: (GENERAL INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION CIVIL RIGHTS SECTION From: SAC, COLUMBIA (157-141) (P) CUCRIMINAL SECTION ig) INTELLIGENCE DIVISION Subject NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, SOUTH CAROLINA REALM” ..- = ALL mMFOREATION HEREIN IS UiCLAS DATE. A072, CR OBL ODIH oCRA6s OPA OPE OPF OE CODAMV CODAMV-FR CAA CaP IWee CcwAA OFT, CIEID [Bomb Threats () Extremist Matters - Klan White Hate) Black Summary of Complaint: } 4 Source is 1. Source said Mrs. MC NEWTON, who operates thé Ae pees Garment Works, Colunbia, $.C.» she related that she migh®béve to expand the operation since she ‘s a back order of 4j50°~ 400 Klan robes, Source said she expressed 2)- Bureau (Enc. 5)% | yog s= = Columbia Ny sort RECT bri: 7Y CEL: spr aan (4) INDICES: (5 Negative see Summary 7 oct 133% a ACTION: UACB: ee oe Agency: Sosmuemesbce (No further action being taken and . | vil Rignts Div, OX) LHM enclosed C1 Copy to: usa pepe ag Grisinel Div. (5 FD.376 (Ene. to LHMD Qo recy 2 LEM being submitted © Report being submitted san prance ‘_] Limited investigation instituted e seg Special Agent in Charge CO 157-141 surprise in the amount of robes being ordered, have been way off, but in her opinion interest country as well as Canada and England accounts increase in such orders. Source said she made that these orders did not necessarily all come as such orders in the Klan in this for the large the observation from the United States, but did include numerous Klan organizations in the United States. Source said that he would contact the MC NEWTONs in and will attempt tO pin point where these orders come From, 6 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Columbia, South Carolina October 8, 1975 On September 22, 1975, source of the Columbia Division of the FBI, who has furnished relfable information in the past furnished the following information which might indicate a rising interest in the Ku Klux Klan on a world wide scope. The owners and operators of, the Heritage Garment Works in Columbia, South Carolina, have iqdicated that they might have to expand their business because they have back orders for 350 ~ 400 Klan robes of various kinds. This company is well known to Klan organizations in the United States as an exclusive manufacturer of Klan robes. The company is owned and operated by the Mc Newtons, who have been affiliated with yarious Klan organizations over the years. The Mc Newtons indicated that the orders for Klan robes had been way off, but in the past six months they have been receiving numerous orders for robes from all over the United States;, Canada and England from various Klan organizations.. They expressed sur- prise in such a large back order. A characterization of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, South Carolina Realm is attached hereto in the Appendix. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS NEITHER RECOMMENDATIONS NOR CONCLUSIONS OF THE FBI, IT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE FBI AND IS LOANED TO YOUR AGENCY; IT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE YOUR AGENCY. mewosume jg-/0 8 424 NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN INCORPORATED (NKKKK) SOUTH CAROLINA REALM Sources have advised that the National Knights of the ku Klux Klan, Incorporated (NKKKK), South Carolina Realm, was officially formed in South Carolina in October, 1973, and is subordinate to the parent group at Stone Mountain, Georgia, and receives instructions and guidance from the National Headquarter- John Howard is the Grand Dragon of this organization and its state headquarters and mailing address is Post Office Box 717, Laurens, South Carolina 29360. APPENDIX 2 e DIX NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (HRRKK) \ The National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Ircorporated (NKKKK), a consolidation of various Klan groups, was granted a charter in DeKalb County, Georgia, in-Novewber, 1963. The NKKKK was chartered as'a patriotic, secret, social, and benevolent order; hovever, in December, 1963, the NKKKK of its ich indicated the ory tion to be anti- “Jovich, anti-Catholic, and anti-foreign born. and its affiliate groups white Christian Anericanisia and co: annual RKKKK rally and cross burnt Labor Day Weekend in Stone Hount. property of UKKKX Imperial Wizard Jam Some Klan members and leadézs have been involved in atrocities, including beatings, bembings, and murders, and have engaged in activities seeking to deny others their constitutional rights. APPENDIX SK e FBI Date: 10/9/75 Transmit the following in —_ — [Type in plaintext or vode? AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Precedence) ATTENTION: [D GENERAL INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION. (CIVIL RIGHTS SECTION sac, COLUMBIA (157-141 -SF1) [3 CRIMINAL SECTION (©) INTELLIGENCE DIVISION sxtjort Garrone gust OF THE KU KLUX KLAN SOUTH CAROLINA REALM RALLIES HELD SOUTH CONGAREE, $.C., 10/3 & 4/75 ‘ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ReCOairtel, 9/30/75. HEREIN, secs COCR OBL DIR CICRAG Dare. BYR nett OPA OPE CPF OE CODAMV C)DAMV-FR [CAA AP IWFC WAA FI CUEID ()Bomb Threats | Extremist Matters - Klan (White Hate [3 Black Summary of Complaint: b2 Source mentioned in LHM is b7D Public ralliegJheld at South Congaree, $.C., on the even- ings of October 3 and SW. Attendance both nights was fair; no speeches of a vio: ature and no incidents occurred. Bureau (Ene. 8) 2252) EMAL15 rile L608 1.29 Columbia (1 - 157- wisé1) (1175-1) a Richland Count CEL: spr (5) . 5 Oc 15 1975 INDICES: (J Negative (-] See Summary v ine ——— [No further action being taken and \ Secret Service ) LHM enclosed Copy to: (USA = ANG Civil Rights Div. 7] FD-376 (Ene. to LAM) & Secret Servic AAG Criminal Div. [2 LAM being submitted catr Attn: ISS Report being submitted 965 fa -Mabet) Preliminary investigation instituted How fqrwardoa ree. [5 Limited investigation instituted Date. OCrT7 wy Cj Investigation continuing By CET PaAE Sent jent in Charge FD-376 (Rev. 7-473) @ Fa UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 October 9, 1975 Director United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury fashington, D.C. 20220 " _ NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN a a NE SOUTH CAROLINA REALM, RALLIES HELD SOUTH CONGAREE, 5.C., 10/3°& 4, 1975 Dear Sir: ‘The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. [J Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. . Attempts or threats to redress grievances. C2 Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official, © Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. $. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. (1 Megal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity - [1] Defector from U. 8. or indicates desire to defect. %} Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. 8. Photograph ( Special Agent in Charge. (Enclosure(s)) 1 U.S. Secret, Sevyices, Columbia, S.C. 1 - Columbia (157-141SFL Enclosure(s) CEL: spr. (4) @ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to Columbia, South Carolina File No, October 9, 1975 NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN SOUTH CAROLINA REALM RALLIES HELD SOUTH CONGAREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER,.3 AND 4, 1975 On October 8, 1975, a source of the Columbia Division of the FBI who has furnished reliable information in the past advised as follows: On October 3, 1975, at 9 p.m., a public rally was held a half mile from South Congaree near an old junk yard. The rally was attended by twelve Klansmen and 20 spectators. JOHN HOWARD spoke on the need for participation by the people in local govern- Cyment and thgsneed to get out and vote at ‘ali phases of our govern- S$ of South Congaree spoke on the evils of communism s the people took an irterest in local elections and got out and vd¥ed that the coyntry was in danger of succumbing to communism. “Also $peaking was Mrs. HOWELL... She gave advice on what mothers can do when troubles start in the school such as organizing parent groups, advising school authorities, et cetera. On’ October 4, 1975, another public rally was held by the same group in the same location which was attended by 25 Klansmen and about 35 spectators. Mri,and Mrs. HOWELL gave the same speéches s they had the night before. An additional speaker, a who is the Exalted Cyclops of Lodge 25 in Greenville, South 60 —— THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS NEITHER RECOMMENDATIONS NOR CONCLUSIONS OF THE FBI, “IT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE FBI. AND IS LOANED TO YOUR AGENCY; IT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE YOUR AGENCY. 15 7-V68 |IE- CHCLOSURE NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN SOUTH CAROLINA REALM RALLIES HELD SOUTH CONGAREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 3 AND 8, 1975 Carolina, talked about how (int@gration of schools has effected the quality of education and has brought about poor race rela- tions. ~ None of the speakers were inflailmetory in their remarks and they.merely addressed themselves to the problems of the times. There were no incidents on these particular nights. It is noted that although the police were advised that both rallies would be held, nospolice protection was observed on the area on either nights. A characterization of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, South Carolina Realm, is attached hereto in the Appendix of this LHM. APPENDIX NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN INCORPORATED (NKKKK) SOUTIT CAROLINA REALM Sources have advised that the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Incorporated (1! officially formed in South Carolina in October, 1973, and is subordinate to the parent group at Stone Mountain, Georgia, and receives instructions and guidance from the National Headquarter- John Howard is the Grand Dragon of this organization and its state headquarters mailing address is Post Office Box 717 Laurens, South Carolina 29361, ‘Assos. Dir. R 931 CV CODE Inspection, 12235 AM URGENT 9/14/75 JAT In} Labiratchy Plan. & Eval — Spec. Inv. To OR, FRI (157, Z, ron TOR, 7 Legal, Coun, a pgouassinisy SOG as esa PITTSRURGH (157-425) ot eh — Director Sec'y — COLUMBIA (157-7) un rwr0RnheypH CONTANED FROM CLEVELAND (157-5931) Ao Pasi oe Tp Lone Ovetrova wv1gHtS OF THE MLU MLINC KLAN, REALM OF oxIO, ATTENTION: INTD ye 4 -MLAN peril = RE PITTSBURGH TELETYPE ‘AU SEPTEMRER 13, 1975. ADVISED DALE REUSCH HAS BEEN DRIVING A 1969 uw < , b2 UR 1979 FORD PICKUP, BLUE WITH ALUMINUM COLORED CAMPERTOP ON BACK bé Nor Pickup, BEARING 1974 OHIO LICSENSE } THIS VEHICLE BELONGS phe b7D TO KLANSMAN JOE BRUNO, YHO IS CURRENTLY SERVING TIME, AND BRUNO (, HAS LOANED HIS VEHICLE TO REUSCH WHILE BRUNO IS IN Welk /sq_lo8- 4 SOURCE ALSO STATED THAT REI S BEEN Manny na 4 245 ‘SRT —— AUTOMATIC COLT PISTOL WITH .45 FULL METAL CASE SLUGS IN aoe 2 1975 ° MONTHS HEN GOING TO VEST VIRGINIA BECAUSE oF KLAN Troual PERE, —_ SOURCE ALSO KNOWS REUSCH TO POSSESS A 39.46 GRAND RIFLE AND A YIN- CHESTER MODEL 12 SHOTGIN WITH A 2@ INCH BARREL. pas PAGE TWO courrokoriat SOURCE STATED THAT REUSCH HAS BEEW MAKING CLAIMS OF HIS ABILITY TO AQUIRE AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, GRENADES AND DYNAMITE FOR SEVERAL YEARS BUT HAS NEVER ACTUALLY DISPLAYED THIS ABILITY TO HIS FOLLOWERS, LEADS CHECK ON OHIO LICSENSE AT CLEVELAND REVEALS LICENSE NOT IN FILE, MPM FBIHQ CLR ALL INFORMATION CONTAMBER 18 LASSE 5 L 157-108-1297 CHANGED TO 15 7- BIBES- BL DEC1 1975 ee * 3 x jot CONTAINED S 2-16 §- 1.98 HANGED T0 we 1S P= SY3I8-/ NOV 12 1975 Ae ADE a FBI Dete: 10/16/75 Tipe in plaintext or code? AIRTEL 1 i i 1 \ i i | i I i Transmit the following in | i t i (Prion? 10 DIRECTOR, FBI FROM: G, SAC, CHARLOTTE (157-193) (157-10091) \ supsecr{ “xar1oNAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN \ (NKKKK) w EM - KLAN sh (00: ATLANTA) , = Ww (CE 157-193) AG og ie KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (KKKK) eB] EM - KLAN om 3 Z sera © . 4 (CE 187-1091) fee ls 1 3 [NX wine ee one Fu Enclosed for the Bureau are 8 copies of an LHM : captioned as above, setting forth information concerning klan™ | \ support of an individual charged by local authorities in connection with a shooting into a Negro residence at Winston- Salem, N. C, Copies of LHM are enclosed for Atlanta and Cleveland in view of their interest in above captioned organizations. Copies of LHM being disseminated locally to U. S. Secret Service, Charlotte, N. C., and to U. S. Attorney, Greensboro, N.C. Copies of FD-376 attached-for Bureau. This LHM is being submitted since the information set out in LEM jndsce a6 T could possibly lead to civil unrest and merit e ‘ae involvement in this matter. Bureau (Ec, 8) AL, , Atlanta (Info) (Enc. 1) 40 ax 67 187 -/ 08-4 Cleveland (Info) (Enc. 1) —-—-— Charlotte (2 - 157-193) (NKKKK) ‘ (2 = 157-10091) (KKKK)_ | avkO3M2 oct 17 1975] Jo- DAG- Atm: AvE UW eae oe Ie a ic, LSS FAVE ved: pasty Sent M we : 4.3 Wid, Spectat Agent in Charge 106 rman rar Orin 0 Transmit the following in Fel Date: (Type tm plaintext or coded (Priori) i CE 157-193 CE 157-10091 . For the information of the Bureau, Atlanta, and Cleveland, CARLOS JOE GRADY, Grand Dragon, National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK), was under development as an extremist informant for a short period of time during 1975; however, he was discontinued because he was considered unstable and did not furnish any information concerning klan activities. CARLOS JOE GRADY is the subject of pending investigati of the Charlotte Division, Bufile 157-29642, CE file 157-8949. n set forth in the enclosed LHM indicates that lis receiving support from Unit #1 of the NKKKK, Winston-Salem, N. C., as a result of his being charged in connection with the shooting into an occupied dwelling of a Negro family at Winston-Salem, N. C. Charlotte indices negative concerning . The Agent contacted by CARLOS JOE GRADY on 10/6/75, is SA PHILLIP E, CROUCH. Police investigation in this matter indicates that apparently two individuals were involved in the shooting into the Negro residence; however, there is no reason to believe that there may be any Federal violation involved since it is an outgrowth of a racial disorder on a school bus. INFORMANTS : Identity Location CE T-1 is Instant LAM, Page Approved: Sent M Per Special Agent in Charge b6 b7C oo 5 FD.36 (Rev, $22.64) FBI Date: Transmit the following in ated Tiype te plaintent or Coded (Priory) CE 157-193 CE 157-10091 LEAD: CHARLOTTE: AT WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 1. Will continue to follow this matter to le of the klan in their support campaign for 2, Will maintain contact with to determine| letermin becomes a member of the klan. if M Per Approved: Special Agent in Charge 9, coveninumr PROETING OFFI 1848 © 4-48 (8) FD316 (Rev. 109-73) « é UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION October 16, 1975 Director In Reply, Please Ref United States Secret Service File No. Department of the Treasury Nasincran DCH steo ns NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN * (NKKKK), EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN; Dear Sir: KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (KKKK), KLAN. ‘The information furnished herewith concerus ah indivivtal oF organtaavion believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. [Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. [J Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. (5 Threatening or abusive statement about U. 8. or foreign official, - CJ] Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. $. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. [C1 Mlegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. . 1 Defector from U. 8. or indicates desire to defect. XX Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph (j has been furnished (Jenclosed (J is not available. Very truly yours, Clarence M. Kelley Director Mr. Talmadge W. Bailey 1 ~ Special Agent in Charge (Bnclosure(s)) U.S. Secret Service, 226 Skeens Building, 4530 Park Road, mnelhazagtte, North Carolina UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Charlotte, North Carolina October 16, 1975 NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN _, (NKKKK) EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (KKKK) EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN On October 6, 1975, CARLOS JOE GRADY, former Grand Dragon of Unit #1, National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK), Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and presently Grand Dragon of the Winston-Salem Unit of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), telephonically contacted an Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and advised that a klan sympathizer, had been charged by local authorities with firing into an occupied dwelling where a black family resi GRADY stated the klan was attempting to obtain funds for in an effort to have him freed because he was not guilty of this act. GRADY said that was not a member of the klan at the time = b7C when this incident occurred on but he did not deny that [____]might become a member 0! "s unit. A characterization of the NKKKK is attached as an appendix to this memorandum. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is a recently formed off-shoot of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan as a result of dissension within the ranks of that organization. Its leader has been identified as DALE REUSCH from Ohio. Statements made by REUSCH and other leaders in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan indicate that this organization is still anti-Semitic and against the integration of the races. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS NEITHER RECOMMENDATIONS NOR CONCLUSIONS OF THE FBI. IT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE FBI AND IS LOANED TO YOUR AGENCY; IT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE YOUR AGENCY. Z7-/6 §-— 13-4 4. - Uicuitece eas veal Oe. _ AL anos concealed herein have furnished reliable information in the past oc By 1978 excuasial where otherwise noted. RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (KKKK) On October 7, 1975, Sergeant DAVE WILLARD, Internal Affairs Unit, Winston-Salem Police Department, Winston-Salem North Carolina, advised that was arrested on for Ling ‘of the] ‘amily at Winston-Salem, North Carolin: Jwas identified by age 17, as the individual shooting into this residence. The| family is black and the_neighborhood is integrated. There was no information that has a eS member of the Ku Klux Klan but he had friends belonging to the klan. On October 15, 1975, Sergeant WILLARD furnished the following information: The shooting into the residence by was apparently a eutexmth at a fight which took place on a school bus on involving a black student and a white student from Carver High School, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The fight was stopped, however, another 17-vear old white male, North Carolina —assaulte ‘@ 15-year old female, was arrested on police and later was found guilty of assaulting and received a 30-day jail sentence which was suspended for two years and fined $50 and court costs, There were rumors as a result of this fight on the school bus that the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panthers were going to get involved in this racial dispute, however, this did not occur. A characterization of the Black Panther Party is attached as an appendix to this memorandum. Sergeant WILLARD further advised that during the evening hours of a shooting occurred A wolved shooting into the residence of age 17, a student at Carver Hi, 7a on ‘@ 1965 Dodge Dart car belonging to the PT ramily was also damaged. Police investigating this shooting found bot! 12 gauge and 16 gauge spent shells st the front ef the residenc age home address| Mi: on-Salet North Caroli is identified by charged on with malicious damage to 2 ay property as well as discharging firearms. o e RE: NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (NKKKK) KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN (KKKK) On October 7; 1975, was found guilty b6 of malicious damage and sentenced to six months in jail and fined $500. He has appealed this conviction, He was also bound over to Superior Court for trial on the felony charge of shooting intoan occupied dwelling. It is believed the shooting into the home was a direct result of the school bus fight on Sergeant WILLARD noted that during the trial of for malicious damage on October 7, 1975, VIRGINIA DOBY testified that she was with during the time the shooting occurred and that she and were at a drive-in movie. 6, VIRGINIAADOBY has identified herself at a public klan rally “on September 13, 1975, as the Queen Kleagle of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. During the course of the trial, denied being a member of the klan; however, he did not take the witness stand. His trial on the felony charge has not been scheduled. nt WILLARD also advised that following the shooting into the residence, a bulletin had been issued by the bé Kniy ‘u Klux Klan requesting support for the defense ra of nd some of these bulletins were circulated in the Mineral Springs area of Winston-Salem. He stated there have by its involving blacks and whites On October 15, 1975, CE T-1 advised that on September 30, 1975, during a meeting of the Wi; Unit of ae Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the name of| was rai: id it was recommended that financial —_— @ given for by the Db klan in connection with his recent arrest for shooting into a dD Negro residence. There was no indication that was a member of this unit and this support was being given to him since it was believed his arrest was unjustified. The klan wanted to show publicly its support for| On October 15, 1975, Winston-Salem Police Department, advised that her records show white male, born Social Security Number, He has a lengthy record dating back to March 29, 1969, mostly for traffic charges, non-support, driving while intoxicated, two charges of burglary, and two charges of assault with a’ deadly weapon. APPENDIX BLACK PANTHER PARTY FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY FOR SELF-DEFENSE The Black Panther Party (BPP), organized in December, 1966, at Oakland, California, by Huey P, Newton and Bobby George Seale, has the publicly stated purpose of organizing black people to take control of the life, politics, and destiny of the black commmity. The Party, operating the Black Panther Intercommmal News Service, publishes a newspaper called "The Black Panther," which at one time openly advocated the use of guns and guerrilla tactics in a revolutionary program to end the oppression of the black people but since early 1971 has spoken for a survival program pending revolution. While openly advocating direct overthrow of the U, S. Government, by force and violence until 1971, leaders have since avoided extreme statements in favor of calling for action within the established order. Newton, in an interview appearing in the May, 1973, issue of "Playboy" magazine, stated the Panthers’ chief ambition is to change the American Government by any means Recessary but that ultimately such change will be through armed violence. BPP national headquarters, also known as Black Panther Intercommmal Headquarters, as of May, 1974, continued to be located in Oakland, California, with branches throughout the country. APPENDIX r FBI Date: 9/13/75 Transmit the following in aaa Via AIRTEL TPriorigh RALLY SCHEDULED SEPTEMBER-13, 1975, BYPNATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX’ KLAN (NKKKK) LEW CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA, Bt = RLAN Re Charlotte teletype to Bureau, 9/9/75. Enclosed for the Bureau are 5 copies of LHM dated and captioned as above. Two copies of the LHM are being enclosed for the Atlanta, Cleveland, Columbia, New Orleans, and Pittsburgh Divisions, dated and captioned as above, in view of the attendance of Klansmen from these areas at the rall; One copy of LHM being disseminated locally to U. S. Secret Service, Charlotte, N. C., and to USA's Office, Greensboro, N.C, Copies of FD-376 are attached to LM. CE T-1 is } located| (to be serialized|), JOE GRADY, Grand Dragon of North Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, is a member of Ungt 1 of the Winston-Salem, N. C., Chapter, and is the subject ef Charlotte file 157-8949, and Bufile 157-29642, and GRADY's Activities are reported to the Bureau periodically. ; AR Basse Gees} Cel) 9 a Caets} Mice oe Cleveland (2), peeee B/S 7-69-1300 Columbia (Encl-2) se-15S ee New Orleans (Encl-2) pep Charlotte (157-193) ‘ 9 SEP 25 1975 EC giv 16)” Approved: Special Agent in Charge 10. § oovenmanet Pan OFFICE: 186 0 2.00 8) 55 NovA7RW® FD-3T6 (Rev. 109-79) ‘e UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 September 17, 1975 Director 7, Pleose Ref United States Secret Service File No. CE 157: Department of the Treasury Washington, D.C. 20220 : RALLY SCHEDULED SEPTEMBER 13, 1975, BY NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX Dear Sir: KLAN (NKKKK), BELEW CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA, ‘The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. |. [5] Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. [2 Attempts or threats to redress grievances. CI Threatening or abusive statement about U. 8. or foreign official. (5 Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. 8. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. (C Mlegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist. activity - (J Defector from U. $. or indicates desire to defect. 1 Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph [has been furnished CJenclosed is not available. Very truly yours, Clarence M. Kelley Director Talmadge W. Bailey, 1 ~ Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) U. 8. Secret Service , 226 Skeens Building, 4530 Park Road, Charlotte, North Carolina Enclosurets) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Charlotte, North Carolina In Reply, Please Refer to In Real fer September 17, 1975 BELEW CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA, EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN we =, RALLY SCHEDULED SEPTEMBER 13, 1975, oot NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, ose wey! Qn September 14, 1975, CE Tm1 advised that on September 13, 1975, the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (NKKKK), held a rally at Belew Creek, North Carolina, with approximately 200 individuals in attendance, The main speakers were: JOE GRADY, Grand Dragon from North Carolina; JOHN HOWARD, Grand Dragon’from South Carolina; EARL PEARSON, a Fundamentalist Preacher, Greenville, South Carolina; and Mrs, VIRGINIA DOBY, who identified herself as Queen Kleagle from North Carolina. GRADY spoke against North Carolina Governor JAMES HOLSHOUSER's decision to give the Dungeon Club in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a $25,000 grant. The Dungeon Club is frequented by predominantly black patrons and was the scene of a racial disturbance in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on August 13, 1975, HOWARD spoke against bussing and the Government's Give-Away Program, ile PEARSON spoke about salvation and how the morals of america have decayed. Mrs. VIRGINIA DOBY spoke shortly against bussing of small school children and the problems of bussing. There were several other speakers, unidentified, who denounced the Supreme Court, the Welfare Programs, the outcome of the JOANN LITTLE trial, as well as the bussing issue, All those in attendance were provided application forms for, joining the Klan. ‘The end of the rally was high-lighted with the burning of a cross and at no time during the rally was there any outside agitation and everything was very peaceful. On September 14, 1975, there appeared in the Winston-Salem Journal, a local newspaper published in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, an article on Page 4 B, written by Reporter HOWARD CARR, entitled "Klansmen Make Speeches, THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS NEITHER RECOMMENDATIONS NOR CONCLUSIONS OF THE FBI, IT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE FBI AND IS LOANED TO YOUR AGENCY; IT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE oy: Ne a led <4. 2. / Kd s whode identities are concealed herein have furnished reliable GMELOSEE = information in the past except where otherwise noted, RE! RALLY SCHEDULED SEPTEMBER 13, 1975, NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, BELEW CREEK, NORTH CAROLINA Burn Traditional Cross." This article described the Klan rally which took place at Belew Creek, North Carolina, on September 13, 1975, There was a photograph of JOE GRADY dressed in Kian robes holding an icepick in his hani. The article also indicated that approximately 200 people attended the rally and listened to JOE GRADY and others criticize the Supreme Court, busing, and other issues of the day. Approximately’ twenty-five people wore the traditional Klan robes and Klan applications were passed out during the rally. Two speakers at the rally were identified as EARL PEARSON, a fundamentalist Preacher from Greenville, South Carolina, and Mrs. VIRGINIA DOBY, from North Carolina, After the speeches and raffling of several prizes, the robed Klansmen marched to the cross. ‘ALL INFORMATION CONTARIED WEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE PB. .BYS 157-1@8-/301 CHANGED TO 157+ 313 85- 34 DEC 1 1975 1 - General Investigative Division CODE TELETYPE URGENT 1 - Mr. R. L. Shackelford TO SACS PITTSBURGH SEPTEMBER 12, 1975 LOUISVILLE CLEVELAND (157-5031) fF - Mr. J. G. Deegan - Mr. T, J. Seaba lh FROM D, STOR FBI (157-168) i - Mr. J.D Mauri. IATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, i EXTREMIST MATTER. REPGTEL (NO COPIES TO CLEVELAND ISVILLE) DATEP, i) Ss m2 SEPTEMBER 11, 1975; (carrtonen TEL DATED Wor SEPTEMBER 11, 1975, CAPTIONED "DESEGREGATION OF PUBLIC sens) LOUISVILLE (JEFFERSON COUNTY), KENTUCKY; POTENTIAL FOR vious SEPTEMBER, 1975; PUBLIC EDUCATION - CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964- \ 8 INTERFERENCE WITH FEDERALLY PROTECTED ACTIVITIES; CIVIL UNREST, AND BUREAU TELEPHONE CALL TO LOUISVILLE, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975. PITTSBURGH IS AUTHORIZED TO PERMIT INFORMANT TO| b-16 RIFLE “ oa] 6 E REC 24 GUN REFERRED TO IN REPGTEL SEPTEMBER if ach 3D COPE Frnathe: GRANTED TO} 1 -[ © ocr pais = b2 JDM: rsm/lekl@K ee b7D @) yy SEE NOTE PAGE FOUR corsa. evens oF MAS Gn . ease ee Serta aS s co Pha ea 41975 |. PSY od : OGR TWO 1576168 SONREERTAL INSURE FULL SECURITY IS MAINTAINED OVER THESE WEAPONS AND THAT THEY ARE NOT FURNISHED KLAN PERSONMEL OR ANY OTHER UMAUTHORTZED aevrvipuats. (OX IF APPROPRIATE AND reas rbilgs FISTSBURGH OFFICE SHOULD ATTEMPT TO PROVIDE COWMRAGE IN ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY THE INDIVIDUAL MAKHIG THE SALE. PITTSBURGH ALSO SHOULD BEAR IN MYND POSSTELABOLATIONS OF FEDERAL LAWS INCLUDING THEFT OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY; ANTI-RIOT LAWS OR VIOLATIONS OF ANY. OF THE FEDERAL FIREARMS STATUTES. YOU ARE CAUTIONED TO MAINTAIN APPROPREAWR CHAIN OF EVIDENCE AND INFORMANT IMMEDIATELY IN ORDER THAT YOU MAY PROCERR.WITH YOUR SUGGESTION TO es FOR THE INFORMATION OF LOWERVILLE AND CLEVELAND, i PITTSBURGH ADVISED IN REFRBENCED TELETYPE THAT INFORMANT hav m-16 RIFLE AND A THOMPSON SUEMACHINE @UN.BY AN URSB WHITE MALE SMORTLY AFTER CONTACT BY DALE REWSCM, LONG-TIME KLAMSWAM FROM OHIO AND UNTIL ae RECENTLY OMZ@ RATIONAL KNIGHT OF THE KO KLUX KLAN (IKKKK) GRAND DRAGON. 1M ADDITTOM, UNIDENTIFIED PERSON STATED BE COULD PROVIDE MAND GRENADES“BY THE CASE. ve PAGE THREE 157-168 Cl ciTiAt PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND SHOULD REFER TO COLUMBIA AIRTEL DATED SEPTEMBER 3, 1975, CONCERNING NKKKK ANNUAL RALLY AT STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 30, 1975, A COPY OF WHICH WAS FURNISHED P®¥TSBURGH AND CLEVELAND RELATIVE TO REUSCH HAVING POSSESSION OF DYNAMITE, HIS ATTEMPT TO PURCHASE AN AUTOMATIC WEAPON AND HIS PURCHASE OF A PISTOL. AS PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND ARE ALSO AWARE, REUSCH WAS ARRESTED BY WEST VIRGINIA STATE POLICE IN APRIL, 1975, HAVING BEEN FOUND TO BE IN POSSESSION QF A STICK OF DYNAMITE. COLUMBIA ALSO ADVISED REUSCH WAS ATTEMPTING TO OBTAIN FUSES FOR THE DYNAMITE AND ADVISED THAT REUSGM, UPON LEAVING GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, WAS HEADING FOR LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, AND SEVERAL DAYS TMEREAFTER WAS RETURNING TO CHARLESTON, WEST. VIRGINIA. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 6F PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND, REFERENCED LOUISVILLE TELETYPE ADVISED THAT INFORMATION HAD BEEN RECEIVED BY LOUISVILLE THAT THE KU KLUX KLAN (KKK) PLANS 100 SCATTERED ATTACKS AND ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS TO TAKE PLACE SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1975, IN THE LOUISVILLE AREA. NAMED AS ASSASSINATION TARGETS WERE LOUISVILLE MAYOR, A COUNTY JUDGE AND U. S. DISTRICT JUDGE ALONG WITH ZBUSING CORB ; PAGE FOUR 157-168 CONFIDENTIAL FIGURES AND POSSIBLY PERSONS CONNECTED WITH THE NEWS MEDIA. IN LOUISVILLE TELETYPE, AN UNDISCLOSED SOURCE CLAIMED. THE KLAN HAS FIVE CARLOADS OF DYNAMPYE AND 200 M~16 RIFLES. DALE. REMC WAS REPORTEDLY IN CHAREESTON, WEST VINCIWIA, AREA SEPTRMBER 10, 1975, a RECIPIENTS SHOULD CONDUCT APPROPRIATE INVESTIGATION TO ESTABLISH HIS PRESENT WHEREABOUTS ABD ADVISE THE BUREAU, RECIPIENTS SHOULD NOTIFY AWPROPRIATE LOCAL AUTHORITIES RELATIVE TO REUSCH ALLEGEDLY BEING IN POSSESSION OF EXPLOSIVES AND WEAPONS AND REPORTED “RRAVEL TO LOUISVILIE AND CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA. RECIPIENTS SHOULD KEEP BHREU PROMPTLY ADVISED OF PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THIS MATTER BY TELETYPE. ARMED AND DANGEROUS. « NOTE: Ieuksville has been the scene ef eivil unrest and violence by individuals opposigg the 7/30/75 U. $. District Court forced Wasing order. Since thé opening of schools on 9/4/75, situation in Louisville has been extremely tense, the National Gard is om the scene and there have been numerous , instances of civil unrest.- As pointed out above, Louisville, by teletype 9/11/75, advised rumors of vielence en the part ef the Klan have been received and such ¥iclegee is reportedly to include assassination attempts and Klan alse reperted]: has dynamite M-16 rifles ig their possessien. M-16 rifle and a submachine PAGE FIVE 157-168 NOTE CONTINUED: CONF HSER Ferenced telepl Dale Rewseh, set forth in instant teletype, Separate instructions to a muber of field offices concerning investigation of Réusch ad his Klan activity are being prepared. yuroRsnarton CONTABIED au Hpenent 1S UNCLASSIFIED, ~ pane, 2k. OEY a /57-/68- 1303 CHANGED TO 157- 31385 - 33 bef ‘ALL INFORMATION HERERY 18 UNCL gate, 2202 157- /08~ 1 30¢ CHANGED TO 157- 31385- 33K DEC 9 1975 Aa s ° ve ALL GIFORMATION CONTAINED MS URELASSIED owte 7-463 real IS7-108- pase PG eo ‘oe CHANGED TO 7 1307 oo ECL At} ty. Fort - 4-528 € e ALL INFORMATION CONTARLED HERENL IS UNCLASSIFiED DATE. 2 8E... origi CHANGED TO 157~ 31385-37X ALL ftFOR A » ERC S UncLascr onre. Poe eh /57-Io8- 1309 CHANGED TO 157-8) 385- 37 OEC4 1975 F 3x FBI Date: 10/23/75 Transmit the following in Vie (Hype tn plaintext or coded AIRTEL (Priory) DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) SAC, CLEVELAND (157-5031) (P) nprtoNAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU ‘REUX KLAN, REALM OF OHIO EM - NKKKK On 10/21/75, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that Columbus, Ohio Klansman EDWARD COLLINS has tentatively scheduled a meeting with six people residing in Polermo, Ohio, for the weekend of 10/25-26/75 or 11/1-2/75. ‘Source stated that these six individuals are currently interested in Joining the NKKKK Realm of Ohio. Source stated that he does not anticipate attending this function. a og-f 3} 27 1915 2)< Bureau (RM) B oct 2718 % - Cincinnati (Info) (RM) 3 = Cleveland (i - Sub A) JRM:88 : (7) 3 | wt Sent ________m60M Per a: ent in Charge . amr Dir. —— CObiNU SaeAD-Aden— Dep— fi Asst. Dir. fe : ‘Adu, WRe9é CE CODE be Sone ie “ Mies & Com, — 6:33PM MITEL NOVEMBER 12, 1975 JDC Ge int. faone aon DIRECTOR, FBI (157-168) Toul. d CLEVELAND je fn @ Bak — aut See be PITTSBURGH (157-2459) 81 Be FROM! CHARLOTTE (157-193) KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, EM-KKKK. : ba salt 3 st. | CHARLOTTE TELETYPE To J, NOVEMBER 11, 1975, y C e : : buna Mal MAS etoviees REUABLE WFERMA’ ON NOVEMBER 12, 1975, DVISED THAT RALLY NO b2 pst, 7D LONGER TO BE HELD IN WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., ON NOVEMBER 15, 1975, 27? BUT A NATIONAL MEETING AND SUPPER WILL BE HELD IN DAVIDSON CO., NC., NOVEMBER 15, 1975, NATIONAL MEETING AND SUPPER TO 8E HELD AT THE FISH CAMP ON HIGHWAY 15@ IN DAVIDSON CO., APPROXIMATELY 8 TO 12 MILES FROM WINSTON-SALEM, WC, IMPERIAL WI@ARD DALE REUSCH HAS TENTATIVELY INDICATED HE PLANS TO BE IN THE WINSTON+ SALEM AREA FOR APPROXIMATELY ONE WEEK FOR EXPRESSED PURPOSE NOT KNOW C cuartotte vrvistow wit HAVE SOURCE MAINTAIN CLOSE coNTACT WITH ACTIVITIES OF REUSCH AND ANY OTHER CHANGES AND PLANS OF i f SCHEDULED NATIONAL meeTiNe. RELA 3. END. veh. © NOV 241975 5 — a O73 te Usss/anc-) Threatening or abusive statement about U. 8. or foreign official. 3 4, ) Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. $. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. CD Mlegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. [Defector from U. 8. of indicates desire to defect [X] Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S- Photograph [) has been furnished [Xienclosed [is not available. Very truly yours, Clarence M. Kelley Director 1 = Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) U. 8. Seeret Service, Philadelphia, Pa. Enclosure(s) (2) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Pease Refer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania File No. November 10, 1975 INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY) EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN This investigation is based on informati indicates that in view of Roy Frankhouser,-a well known Klan extremist {see Appendix) in the Reading, Pa., area, and his affiliation with the National Revolutionary Army, a white hate extremist group, headed by Frank Drager, a well known white hate group extremist in the Trenton, New Jersey area, iszengaged in activities which could involve a violation of Title 18, U. S. Code, Sections 2389 (Recruiting For Service Against The United States}, 2383 (Rebellion and Insurrection), 261 = 245 (Civil Rights), 231 - 233 (Civil Disorders), and 2101 (Riots). a white male, was born Dé k He=is single, resides at nyse jand is unemployed. has been identified as ig Roy Frankhouser, Supra, and Philip Alan-Maier, a Reading, Pa.y 4,;) white hate group extremist, and was arrested for disorderly ' (&” conduct with Maier on March 16, 1975, and April 19, 1975, at Reading, Pa. L_____]was associated with the National Re- volutionary Army around March 1975, at which time he and others conducted a "mock battle" near the Binganin Street Bridge, in and as a result was arrested for disorderly conduct. has been observed wearing the "uniform" of the National Revolutionary Army, consisting of dark green shirt, slacks, and beret with some type of insignia. This document contains neither recom= mendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its con- tents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 7 168 13 A 157 " pe Information developed determined that the National Revolutionary Army is not a structured organization in Reads ing and its only membership in Reading consisted o! and Maier. The group in Reading has been described as being interested mainly in “booze parties" and committing malicious mischief. In July 1975,[ lend Maier reportedly had a “falling out" and Ressler has not associated with Maier or the National Revolutionary Army since that time. bé The United Klans of America, Inc., was chartered in 1961 in Georgia. Its purported aims and purposes are the promotion of Americanism, white supremacy, and segregation of the races. It is the dominant Klan group in the South with headquarters at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and is currently active in several states. PSOE ABI. ALL INFORBIATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED >> DATE. 2:65 2:82... BVA AI 7-16 9- 13/3 CHANGED TO TE a iE q ted jee lee fee Bee FBI Date: 10/30/75 insmit the following in Airtel ox From: SAC, Baltimore P" Ua (Priory? Director, FBI Garona xwrcers, OF THE KU KL eas ="KLAN (00: aT) (aTfile: 157-60) (BAfile: 157-4632) LED IN ADD MARYLAND KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN a A KLAN ALL NFO ; {or Ba) Mun EO (Bufile: 157-33506) ONT. Hf (BAfile: 157-4513) Enclosed for the Bureau are 8 copies and for Atlanta 2 copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. Two copies of an FD-376 are attached for the Bureau. —X 103 REC-65, (57 VG, ~ LO. UNRECORDED COPY 3/ Local dissemination being made_to_Secr: ce, Baltimore, Maryland. A copy of the taped interview MWe by has station WANN, Annapolis, Maryland, was_fi A and is being maintained in the 1A section of the Afile 157-4513. ENCLOSURE” a source in LAM isl} BAfile — Bureau (Registered Mail) tenciosures 7 ys - Atlanta (Enclosures 2) (Registered Mail) : cap 3 = Baltimore (1 - 157-4632) (1 - 157-4513) (1 - 157-1477) JIG:bas ; {osu (9) “ee ANG n up bs -”& 5 : Cae (7 Pho pls Ae’ wa F fc. Mw per 4 pp Soblksen i Che Gace his Si EET 80-976 (Rev. 10-9-73) e UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, Dic. 20595 Director In Reply, Pl United States Secret Service File No. Department of the Treasury NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX: KLAN Washington, D. C. 20220 EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN MARYLAND KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. Dear Sir; 1. (Cy Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. Attempts or threats to redress grievances - 5) Threatening or abusive statement about U. 8. or foreign official. Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. 8. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. CF Mlegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. . (] Defector from U. 8. or indicates desire to defect. [3g Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. 8, Photograph (J has been furnished CJenclosed [=] is not available. Very truly your Clarence M. Kelley Director 1 ~ Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) U.S. Seeret Servicer Baltimore Enelosure(s) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Baltimore, Maryland October 30, 1975 NATIONAL KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN MARYLAND KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN EXTREMIST MATTER - KLAN CARL SNOWDEN, on his weekly radio program ‘Community Viewpoint," "interviewed LAYTON BRAUN, Sr., identified as a spokesman and public relations representative of the National Klans of America. The program was prerecorded and broadcast over radio station WANN, Annapolis, Maryland, on September 29, 1975, and October 6, 1975. At the time the broadcast was taped, BRAUN was accompanied by JACK MOORE identified only as klan security. MOORE dia not participate in the question and answer program. LAYTON BRAUN has been identified by a confidential source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, as a regular speaker at rallies of the Maryland Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), who at a recent rally was dressed in a red klan robe of a klan officer. MARYLAND KNIGHTS OF THE KU_KLUX KLAN The Maryland Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was formed in early 1970 as a result of a leadership dispute, which culminated in the resignation of ANTHONY LA RICCI, recommendations nor cavclusions of the FBI, 11 is the property of the FAI aud is loaned to your agency it and its contents aee mot to be Beg Meee

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