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Kindergarten Information Pages 17-18

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Ms. Parling
Welcome! I hope that you will find this packet of information
helpful and that it will answer some of your incoming
questions. Please keep this for future reference.

SUPPLIES: The supplies will be used and shar ed by ever yone. Please do not put names on them,
unless specified. I will be supplying students with the following supplies this year: pencils, crayons, a big
eraser and scissors. Please send in the following supplies to be kept and used as needed throughout the year:
* Plastic rectangular pencil box (labeled with your childs name in black permanent marker)
* 8 Elmers brand glue sticks (Elmers brand only please!) PLEASE UNPACKAGE
* 1 PLAIN (no designs) Red two-pocket folder
(Labeled with your childs first and last name in black permanent marker in top right corner)
* 1 box of tissues (Girls only)
* 1 clipboard (labeled with childs name in black permanent marker)
* 1 larger-sized backpack without wheels (please put your childs name on his/her backpack)
* Shoes with laces (ONLY if your child can tie them!! Otherwise velcro/slip-on shoes)
* Treasure box items (small dollar store items for treasure box rewards)
* 1 large box of sandwich size zip-loc baggies with slidding zipper (Boys only)
* Water bottle labeled with students name (to be kept at desks)
* Entire change of clothes in large zip loc baggie labeled with students name to be kept in their locker
* In lieu of the supplies that will be provided this year, I ask that each child donate
$5 for miscellaneous things that will be purchased for the classroom.
* In addition, I invite you to take a look at our classroom link on the DonorsChoose website and
consider donating to our classroom projects currently posted for funding opportunities.

*At move-in-night, there will be supplies in your child's desk that I ask you to have them place in their pencil
box. Once all supplies are in their pencil box, please leave their pencil box in their desk.
Please place the following supplies in your childs book box on move-in night:
*Red two-pocket folder
These supplies should be labeled with your childs first and last name in black permanent marker in the top
right corner.
**Please bring in all supplies on Move in Night on Tuesday, August 29th from 5:00-7:00p.m. Please make
sure that your childs name is on all personal items brought to school. (Coats, lunch box, backpack,
snowpants, boots, hats, gloves, sweatshirts, lunch money, misc. envelopes, etc.)

TRANSPORTATION: It is impor tant that you infor m me of your childs after school transportation
prior to the first day of school. Please complete the orange transportation information paper along with the
transportation card and return to me on move-in night, Tuesday, August 29th.

ABSENCES: Please call the school when your child is ill or will not be in school that day and state the
reason. (Phone Attendance line: (734) 529-2350 Ext. 12005. Please contact me when your child is absent to
arrange to pick up his/her work if absent for more than a day.
MONEY: No money should be br ought to school unless it is for something specific such as a book
Order money, lunch money, popcorn money, or school picture money. Please place it in an envelope labeled
with the following information: teachers name, childs name, grade, the amount, and its purpose. All checks
should be made out to Dundee Community Schools except book orders.

AFTER SCHOOL CHANGES: Please send a note or wr ite in your childs planner if you are going to
pick up your child, have them get off the bus at a different stop (please also make prior arrangements with
the bus department), or have made arrangements that differ from the usual after school routine. Unless we
have a note from you, your child will be required to follow their normal routine. Any last minute after
school changes should be called into the office, not left on my voicemail or sent via email as I typically do
not get a chance to check these until after the students are gone (and a substitute does not have access to
Ms. Parling

NAME: We lear n to pr int our names in the Manuscr ipt style. Please let me know if your child goes by a
different name or if the spelling is incorrect. Please practice first and last name writing with your child at
home. Students will be expected to write their name beginning on the first day of school.

SNACKS: Each day, please supply your child with a snack, in addition to lunch. The snack must be a
healthy finger food such as: grapes, gold fish, animal crackers, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, a granola bar,
or something that can be eaten with one hand and nothing that requires a spoon. No chips, candy or
drinks allowed for snacks. PLEASE pack them in a baggie or plastic container that is separate from
their lunch. This will help avoid confusion of which is for snack and which is for lunch. Please make sure
your child knows where in their backpack their snack will be kept.

BIRTHDAY SNACKS: Childr en celebr ating a bir thday ar e invited to br ing a special tr eat. We
currently have 21 students. If you would like to bring in a birthday treat for your child you may do so on their
birthday as long as we are scheduled to be in school on that day. Or, you may also contact me to schedule a
day/time that works for both you and our classroom. Children with summer birthdays will celebrate in May or
June (pick a date and write a note in your childs planner to schedule a day/time as it gets closer.) When
bringing in treats, please provide the supplies needed to serve the treat.

SPECIALS: We will have music, computer s, gym, ar t, and libr ar y dur ing the week. A schedule will go
home on the first day of school. Please ensure that running shoes and appropriate clothing are worn on gym
days and that library books are returned on library days.
SHOW AND TELL: We will have 1 class leader a day and when its your childs turn to be the class
leader, it will also be their day for show and tell. A schedule will be sent home on the first day of school for
the first month. If for some reason school is cancelled and your child was supposed to be the leader on the
cancelled day, then they will miss his/her leader day. This avoids confusion with the pre-made schedule being
sent home and students will get several opportunities throughout the school year to be the leader. For show and
tell, I ask that the children bring a favorite item from home (one that will fit in their backpack) to share with
the class. If they forget their show and tell, they will be allowed to verbally share something that interests them
with the class. Please, NO breakables or expensive items allowed. Half way through the school year, show and
tell will transition to bringing a book of the students interest that he/she is able to read independently as they
will have the opportunity to read to the class.

BLOOMZ: I will be exper imenting with the Bloomz app in our classr oom this year . Bloomz is a
behavior management tool for the classroom. Each child will has a profilecomplete with their own
avatarto which teachers can assign positive and negative points (or bloomz) throughout the school day.
The program can be operated by a teacher from computer, tablet, or phone and each time they award a point an
(optional) sound plays to alert the class. This information is then recorded on the students profiles so that it
can be reviewed throughout the year. Parents also have logins so that they can view their childs achievements
from home. Bloomz will help to keep you informed and involved in your childs classroom learning
experience this year. Our classroom behavior management system is designed to teach responsibility and to
help students make good choices. Please see this as a learning opportunity. We all make choices and we will
learn from them.
Ms. Parling

OTHER BENEFITS of BLOOMZ: I can shar e class or per sonal moments with families instantly! I can
share photos, videos, and announcements on Class Story, or privately message any parent without sharing
contact details! You can privately message me (similar to texting), and view class information. I will post our
class newsletter on Bloomz and all our our classroom calendars and announcements.
HOW TO SIGN UP FOR BLOOMZ: Email me your fir st and last name and your students name and I
can email you an invite! If multiple parents want to sign up I will need both parents names and emails!

CLASSROOM WEBSITE: Our classr oom website is another r esour ce that contains impor tant
Information. To navigate my site go to and click on schools, then click
elementary, and find our classroom website by clicking on my name, Ms. Parling.

VOLUNTEERS: I would love for you to volunteer in our classr oom any oppor tunity that you have. All
volunteers must be background checked before working in the classroom. You will need to stop into the
elementary office with your drivers license to have your background check run. Once you are cleared you will
be given a sticker that needs to be worn at all times if beyond the elementary lobby during school hours. After
signing up to volunteer, you will recieve a volunteer schedule so that you know your assigned days to help out
in the classroom.

HOMEWORK: Yes, your child will r eceive homewor k in Kinder gar ten! My expectation for r eading
homework is for each child to read for at least 20 minutes each night. By read I mean read to or read with and
as the school year progresses your child will be able to read to you. When reading with, children can read the
pictures or identify letters and letter sounds, and sight words. Also, reading and practicing of weekly letters,
letter sounds and sight words should be part of your childs daily reading homework. Your child will write
these letter/letter sounds and sight words in their planner weekly. Your child will also receive occasional math
and writing homework. I strongly encourage you to write with your child at least three times a week. Children
should be encouraged to write independently by stretching words and writing the sounds that they hear.

RECESS: The kids will be going outside for r ecess (whether per mitting) ever y day. Please make sur e
they are dressed appropriately for the weather. Please put your childs name on all outerwear (coat, snow
pants, boots, hats, gloves, etc. In Kindergarten, we teach them to put their gloves in their coat pockets or their
coat sleeves. If you worked on this with them at home too that would greatly help with the classroom

CHANGE OF CLOTHES: In Kinder gar ten we tend to have accidents! Please send an extr a pair of
clothes to school with your child to keep in their locker (send clothes in a labeled gallon zip loc baggie). ALL
students should have an extr a pair of clothing: shir t, shor ts/pants, under wear and socks. Please make
sure that they have an extra pair of clothes beginning on the first day of school.

NAME TAGS: On the fir st day of school your child will r eceive a tr anspor tation tag (name tag on their
backpack.) Please be sure your child keeps this tag on their backpack for at least the first two weeks of school.

WORK DAY: Pr ior to the star t of the school year I will be having a few work days. If you are available
and would like to help out, please feel free to email me and I will let you know when I will be in the
classroom. I will also have things that can be prepared at home if that works better for you.

CONTACT INFO: Please feel fr ee to contact me with any questions, comments, or concer ns.
School Phone: (734) 529-2350 ext.12330 Email:
I know this is a lot to remember and think about in all the excitement of starting school, but hopefully you will
find this information helpful as your child starts this this important and exciting journey.
Thanks a bunch, Ms. Parling

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