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Student Survey 2011-Seniors

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My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey


We want to know what you think!

This is NOT a test. There are NO wrong answers. We want to know what you think about your classes,
homework, and clubs.

Your answers are confidential. No one will be told what you answered. Your answers will be combined with
those of other students in your school and across the city to describe what CPS students think, do, and
experience. These connections allow us to understand how to help students succeed in school.

This survey is voluntary. You do NOT have to answer any question that you do not wish to answer, but we
hope you will answer as many questions as you can.

This is your chance to help improve your schoolDont pass it up!

Thank you for your help.

My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

1. How much do you agree with the following statements about your school?
I worry about crime and violence at my school.
Students at this school are often teased or picked on.
Students at this school are often threatened or bullied.
I sometimes stay home because I don't feel safe at school.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

2. How safe do you feel:

In the hallways and bathrooms of the school.
Outside around the school.
Traveling between home and school.
In your classes.

Response categories: Not safe, somewhat safe, mostly safe, very safe

3. How much do you agree with the following statements about students in your school? Most students in my
Like to put others down.
Help each other learn.
Don't get along together very well.
Treat each other with respect.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

4. In the last year

Have you had to be separated from your parent or someone you depend on for more than a few
Have you ever been afraid someone is going to hurt you?
Have you ever been afraid someone was going to bully you at school?
Have you ever been afraid someone was going to bully you online?
Have you ever been afraid someone might bully you because they thought you were gay, lesbian,
bisexual, or transgender?

Response categories: yes, no

5. How much do you agree with the following statements about your school?
I feel like a real part of my school.
People here notice when Im good at something.
Other students in my school take my opinions seriously.
Theres at least one teacher or other adult in this school I can talk to if I have a problem.
People at this school are friendly to me.
I am included in lots of activities at my school.
The teachers here respect me.
Students know the consequences for misbehaving at this school.
My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

6. How much do you agree with the following:

I can always find a way to help people end arguments.
I listen carefully to what other people say to me.
I'm good at taking turns and sharing things with others.
It is easy for me to make suggestions without being bossy.
I'm good at working with other students.
I'm good at helping people.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

7. How much do you agree with the following:

I always study for tests.
I set aside time to do my homework and study.
I try to do well on my schoolwork even when it isn't interesting to me.
If I need to study, I don't go out with my friends.
I keep track of my long-term assignments so I know when to turn them in.
I manage my time well enough to get all my work done.
I can keep my schoolwork and personal life organized.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

8. To what extent do the following describe you:

I finish whatever I begin.
I am a hard worker.
I continue steadily toward my goals.
I don't give up easily.

Response categories: Not at all like me, not much like me, somewhat like me, mostly like me, very
much like me

9. How much do you agree with the following:

When my teachers tell me not to do something, I know he/she has a good reason.
I feel safe and comfortable with my teachers at this school.
My teachers always keeps his/her promises.
My teachers will always listen to students' ideas.
My teachers treat me with respect.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

10. How often do your parents do the following:

Check to see if you have done your homework.
Encourage you to work hard at school.
Are supportive of the things I like to do outside of school.
My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

Listen to me when I need to talk.

Show they are proud of me.
Take time to help me make decisions.

Response categories: Never, some of the time, most of the time, all of the time

11. How much do you agree with the following statements about the community in which you live:
Adults in this neighborhood know who the local children are.
During the day, it is safe for children to play in the local park or playground .
People in this neighborhood can be trusted.
There are adults in this neighborhood that children can look up to.
The equipment and buildings in the neighborhood, park, or playground are well kept.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

12. What is the highest level of education you plan to complete?

Response categories: Not planning to complete high school; high school; career/technical school; 2
year community college or junior college; 4 year college or university; graduate or professional school;
undecided; other

13. Do you take: (Check all that apply.)


[The computer will select one of the selected subjects at random and fill in for [SUBJECT].]

14. What periods do you take [SUBJECT]? Check all that apply.

Response categories: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

[The computer will select the first period that this subject is taken. It will fill in a period and subject for the
target class (e.g., [TARGET] may be the students 2 nd period English language arts class.]

15. How much do you agree with the following statements about your teacher in your [TARGET] class? My
Often connects what I am learning to life outside the classroom.
Encourages students to share their ideas about things we are studying in class.
Often requires me to explain my answers.
Encourages us to consider different solutions or points of view.
Doesnt let students give up when the work gets hard.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

16. How often does the following occur: In my class, we talk about different solutions or points of view.
My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

Response categories: Very little, some, quite a bit, a great deal

17. How much do you agree with the following statements about your [TARGET] class:
This class really makes me think.
Im learning a lot in this class.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

18. In my [TARGET] class, my teacher:

Expects everyone to work hard.
Expects me to do my best all the time.
Wants us to become better thinkers, not just memorize things.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

19. In your [TARGET] class, how often:

Are you challenged?
Do you have to work hard to do well?
Does the teacher ask difficult questions on tests?
Does the teacher ask difficult questions in class?

Response categories: Never, once in awhile, most of the time, all of the time

20. How much do you agree with the following statements about your [TARGET] class:
I learn a lot from feedback on my work.
Its clear what I need to do to get a good grade.
The work we do in class is good preparation for the test.
The homework assignments help me learn the course material.
I know what my teacher wants me to learn in this class.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

21. How much do you agree with the following statements about your [TARGET] class:
I usually look forward to this class.
I work hard to do my best in this class.
Sometimes I get so interested in my work I don't want to stop.
The topics we are studying are interesting and challenging .

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

22. How much do you agree with the following statements about your [TARGET] class? The teacher for this
Helps me catch up if I am behind.
Is willing to give extra help on schoolwork if I need it.
Notices if I have trouble learning something.
My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

Gives me specific suggestions about how I can improve my work in this class.
Explains things a different way if I don't understand something in class.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

23. In my [TARGET] class, my teacher:

Treats us unfairly.
Makes me feel stupid.
Says mean things to students.
Disrespects students.

Response categories: Never, once in awhile, sometimes, most of the time

24. How much do you agree with the following statements about your [TARGET] class:
I get distracted from my work by other students acting out in this class.
This class gets out of control.
My classmates do not behave the way my teacher wants them to.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

25. How often does the following happen in your [TARGET] class?
This class runs smoothly.
The teacher wastes a lot of time.
We sit around doing nothing.)
The teacher seems really disorganized.

Response categories: Never, once in awhile, sometimes, most of the time

26. On a typical day, how much time do you spend studying or doing homework for your [TARGET] class,
outside of class time?

Response categories: None, less than 30 minutes, 30-60 minutes, 1-2 hours, more than 2 hours

27. How much time per week do you spend studying or doing your homework for ALL of your classes?

Response categories: 2 hours or less per week; 3-5 hours per week; 6-9 hours per week; 10-14 hours
per week; 15 or more hours per week

28. How often do you write a paper or essay of three or more pages for ALL of your classes?

Response categories: Never; once or twice a semester; once or twice a month; once or twice a week;
almost every day

Now wed like to ask you some questions about your school, in general.

My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

29. How often have you met with your counselor this school year?

Response categories: Never, once, twice, 3-5 times, more than 5 times

30. How often:

Are you alone after school without adult supervision?
Do you participate in academic activities (e.g., tutoring, homework help, etc.) after school?
Do you participate in enrichment activities (e.g., clubs, sports/fitness, music, etc.) after school?

Response categories: Never, once or twice a month, once or twice a week, almost every day

31. Are you currently seriously considering dropping out of school?

Response categories: Yes, no

32. [IF YES:] To what extent have any of the following made you seriously consider dropping out of school?
I wasnt interested in the work I was doing at school.
I had some family issues.
I needed to work for money.
I was picked on or bullied.
I didnt get along with teachers or staff at the school.

Response categories: Not at all, a little, some, a great deal

33. How much do you agree with the following: At my high school:
Teachers make sure that all students are planning for life after graduation.
Teachers work hard to make sure that all students are learning.
High school is seen as preparation for the future.
All students are encouraged to go to college.
Teachers pay attention to all students, not just the top students.
Teachers work hard to make sure that students stay in school.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

34. In your ENGLISH/READING/LITERATURE class this year, how often do you do the following:
Debate the meaning of a reading.
Discuss connections between a reading and real life people or situations.
Discuss how culture, time, or place affects an author's writing.
Improve a piece of writing as a class or with partners.
Rewrite a paper or essay in response to comments.
Explain how writers use tools like symbolism and metaphor to communicate meaning.

Response categories: Never; once or twice a semester; once or twice a month; once or twice a week;
almost every day

My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

35. In your SCIENCE class this year, how often do you do the following:
Use laboratory equipment or specimens.
Write lab reports.
Generate your own hypotheses.
Use evidence/ data to support an argument or hypothesis.
Find information from graphs and tables.

Response categories: Never; once or twice a semester; once or twice a month; once or twice a week;
almost every day

36. How much do you agree with the following:

Grades in high school matter for success in college.
My classes give me useful preparation for what I plan to do in life.
High school teaches me valuable skills.
Working hard in high school matters for success in the work force.
What we learn in class is necessary for success in the future.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

37. Think about ONE of your parents/guardians. Last week, was this person:

Response categories: working at a job, unemployed (out of work), unable to work because of a
disability, being a stay at home parent, in the military, Im not sure

38. What was the highest level of education of this person?

Response categories: Less than high school, high school, GED, two year degree (like an associates
degree or trade school), some college (they went to a four-year college but didnt finish), finished a four-
year college, finished a graduate degree (like a masters degree, PhD, MD, or a law degree), Im not

39. In general, how would you describe your health?

Response categories: Poor, fair, good, very good, excellent

40. When was the last time you saw a doctor or nurse for a check-up or physical exam when you were not sick
or injured?

Response categories: In the past year, between a year and two years ago, more than two years ago,

41. When did you begin receiving special education related services from your school?

Response categories: I do not receive special education related services; in elementary school; in
middle school; in high school; not sure

My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

42. What is your primary plan for NEXT FALL?

Response categories: Continuing my education, working full-time, joining the military, other plans

43. [If continuing education:] What type of school will you attend NEXT FALL?

Response categories: 4 year college/university, 2 year community college, vocational/technical school,

dont know

44. [If continuing education:] Has anyone AT YOUR SCHOOL discussed the following with you:
Different admissions requirements among four-year colleges
How to decide which college to attend
Your likelihood of being accepted at different types of schools
What ACT/SAT scores you need to get into the colleges you want to attend
Opportunities to attend out of state schools

Response categories: Did not discuss, discussed briefly, discussed in-depth

45. The following questions ask about your use of technology FOR SCHOOL, including classes and after-
school programs.
I use technology to make something new and creative (like a movie, website, podcast, blog, graphic
design, game design) for either a class or another school-based program.
I use the internet to find information for school assignments.
I use computer programs, such as Excel, PowerPoint, or Publisher, to complete school
assignments or projects.

Response categories: Never, once or twice a semester, once or twice a month, once or twice a week,
almost every day or every day

46. The following questions ask about your use of technology OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL.
I use technology to make something new and creative (like a movie, website, podcast, blog, graphic
design, game design) outside of school.
I use technology to connect with others about social or community issues when I am outside of
I use the internet to look up information I need outside of school (not including the use of social
networking sites like Facebook or Twitter).
I use computer programs, such as Excel, PowerPoint, or Publisher, for my own use outside of

Response categories: Never, once or twice a semester, once or twice a month, once or twice a week,
almost every day or every day

[CPS is divided into 27 areas. The survey questions from here to the end are specific to each area;
that is, each student will see only survey questions for his or her area. Note that not all areas have
area-specific survey questions. A list of schools in each of these areas is on the last page of this

My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

document. If your students school is not listed, your student will have completed the survey at this

My Voice, My School: High School Senior Student Survey

[AREA 54]a

47. How much do you agree with the following statements about your Principal?
My Principal is visible on school campus before and after school.
My Principal knows what my classmates and I are learning in class.
My Principal is easy to talk to.
My Principal has visited my classroom on more than one occasion this school year.
My Principal cares that students are doing their best.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

48. How much do you agree with the following statements about teaching and learning in general at your
Other students in my grade level/subject area are learning similar things in similar ways.
In my classes, different students sometimes do different assignments.
In my classes, we sometimes have a choice on how to complete an assignment.
My teachers will adjust the lesson to make sure that I understand.
My teachers will meet with me and/or my family to discuss any concerns before grades are
The grades that I receive on the work I do in class represent what I actually know.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

[AREA 30]b

49. How much do you agree with the following:

I fit in with the students at this school.
I participate in a lot of activities in this school.
People at this school are like family to me.
People at this school care if Im absent.
There are people at this school I can talk to about personal matters.
There are people at this school who will help me if I need it.

Response categories: Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree

Area 54 schools: Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy HS, Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences,
Marie Sklodowska Curie Metropolitan High School, DeVry University Advantage Academy HS, Greater Lawndale High
School For Social Justice, William Jones College Preparatory High School, Dr Martin Luther King Jr College Prep HS,
Lake View High School, Albert G Lane Technical High School, Lincoln Park High School, Robert Lindblom Math &
Science Academy HS, North-Grand High School, Northside College Preparatory High School, Ogden International High
School, Walter Payton College Preparatory High School, Spry Community Links High School, Whitney M Young Magnet
High School
Area 30 schools: Safe Alternative High School, Dugan Alternative High School, Prologue High School, York High
School, Simpson High School, IDOC/Healy High school, Jefferson Alternative High school.


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