Fire Resistant LSOH® Power Cables For Fi Xed Wiring
Fire Resistant LSOH® Power Cables For Fi Xed Wiring
Fire Resistant LSOH® Power Cables For Fi Xed Wiring
Fire resistant LSOH power
cables for fixed wiring
FP300 > Prysmian FP300 is designed for cabling essential safety circuits
associated with life safety, fire fighting or property protection
applications used in a wide range of public access and industrial
complexes where continued circuit operation in the event of fire is
required. These include critical circuits associated with fire detection
and fire alarm systems, emergency lighting systems, smoke control,
fire supression systems, evacuation lifts, sprinkler and riser pumps.
> Prysmian FP300 is an unarmoured cable with inherent fire resistance
providing an easy to install and terminate fire resistant wiring
system. In addition to maintaining circuit integrity during a fire,
FP300 produces very low levels of smoke and virtually no (less than
0.5%) acidic gases, thus safeguarding human life and protecting
> FP300 handles like a standard unarmoured cable and can be
installed just as easily. No special tools or accessories are needed
for installation or termination of FP300.
> FP300 is suitable for indoor or outdoor installation. For external
exposure the use of a black sheath is recommended.
APPROVALS > Prysmian FP300 is Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) listed
as a fire resistant cable and is approved to BS6387 Category CWZ
at an enhanced voltage of 600/1000V and IEC 331 at an enhanced
temperature of 950C.
> All Prysmian FP300 cables are manufactured under an ISO 9001
Quality System certified by BASEC and LPCB.
INSTALLATION > Prysmian FP300 is particularly suitable for tray, ladder, trunking and
clipped direct applications. It should be installed in accordance with
BS7671/IEE Wiring Regulations or any other appropriate national
regulations. Although standard cable fixings and glands, nylon or
brass, may be used, it is important to ensure that, when the cable
system is required to maintain circuit integrity in a fire, any fixing
used to support the cable can also withstand that fire.
> Minimum recommended installation temperature 0C.
Temperature Bending Radius Mechanical Impact Fire Performance Flexibilty Halogen Free Low Smoke Emissions Fire Resistant
Range up to 25mm diameter r = 4D Medium BSEN60332-1-2 Rigid BSEN50267-2-1 BSEN61034-2 BS6387 Category CWZ*
-25 to +90C above 25mm diameter r = 6D IEC 331-21
SS299 Category CWZ
*When tested in Steel Conduit
> Essential safety circuits o Black
> Fire detection, alarm and evacuation
> Emergency lighting Other core colours available on request
> Life safety and fire fighting systems
CONDUCTOR Colour - Black
Plain annealed copper stranded (Class 2) conductor
(Other sheath colours available on request)
> Dual layer Insulation - primary layer mineral Details of the full range of multicore FP300
ceramic (Mica / Glass) fire resistant tape. cables are available on request.
> Dual layer Insulation - secondary layer 90C
cross linked insulation (XLPE).
Nominal Mean Approximate Minimum Maximum Short circuit Current rating Current rating Volt drop Volt drop
cross- overall cable bending conductor rating DC or Single AC in Trefoil Single Three phase
sectional diameter weight radius resistance (1 sec) phase AC Free Air phase AC AC in Trefoil
area (fixed) at 20C Clipped direct
1.0 6.6 55 40 18.1 0.14 19 - 46.0 40.0
1.5 6.8 65 40 12.1 0.21 25 - 31.0 27.0
2.5 7.3 75 45 7.41 0.35 34 - 19.0 16.0
4.0 7.8 95 50 4.61 0.57 46 - 12.0 10.0
6.0 8.4 120 50 3.08 0.85 59 - 7.9 6.8
10 9.5 170 55 1.83 1.4 81 - 4.7 4.0
16 10.5 230 65 1.15 2.2 109 - 2.9 2.5
25 12.0 375 75 0.727 3.5 143 138 1.85 1.60
35 13.0 450 75 0.524 5.0 176 171 1.35 1.15
50 15.0 580 85 0.387 7.1 228 209 1.00 0.87
70 17.5 800 100 0.268 10.0 293 270 0.71 0.61
95 19.0 1065 110 0.193 13.5 355 330 0.52 0.45
120 20.5 1360 120 0.153 17.1 413 385 0.43 0.37
150 22.5 1615 130 0.124 21.4 476 445 0.36 0.31
185 24.5 2000 150 0.0991 26.4 545 511 0.30 0.25
240 27.5 2680 170 0.0754 34.3 644 606 0.25 0.22
300 30.5 3270 190 0.0601 42.9 743 701 0.22 0.195
400 35.0 4260 210 0.0470 57.2 868 820 0.20 0.175
500 38.5 5345 240 0.0366 71.5 990 936 0.185 0.160
630 43.0 6710 260 0.0283 90.1 1130 1069 0.175 0.150
800 46.5 8210 280 0.0221 114.4 1288 1214 0.170 0.145
1000 52.0 10275 320 0.0176 143.0 1443 1346 0.165 0.140
The tabulated ratings are based upon a 30C ambient temperature and a 90C operating temperature.
For other ambient temperatures or where several circuits are grouped together, the following rating factors should be applied.
Uncontrolled when printed
Uncontrolled when printed
Uncontrolled when printed
Uncontrolled when printed
Uncontrolled when printed
Uncontrolled when printed
Uncontrolled when printed
FP300 Supplementary Multicore Data Sheet 600/1000V
Nominal Mean Approximate Minimum Maximum Short circuit Current rating Current rating Volt drop Volt drop
cross- overall cable bending conductor rating DC or Single DC or Single DC Single
sectional diameter weight radius resistance (1 sec) phase AC phase AC phase AC
area (fixed) at 20 oC Clipped direct Free Air
1.0 10.7 145 65 18.1 0.14 19 21 46 46
1.5 11.2 165 65 12.1 0.20 24 26 31 31
2.5 12.1 200 70 7.41 0.35 33 36 19 19
4.0 13.2 250 80 4.61 0.57 45 49 12 12
6.0 14.3 315 85 3.08 0.86 58 63 7.9 7.9
10 16.2 385 100 1.83 1.4 80 86 4.7 4.7
16 18.3 550 110 1.15 2.2 107 115 2.9 2.9
25 21.4 925 130 0.727 3.5 138 149 1.85 1.9
35 22.9 1080 140 0.524 5.0 171 185 1.35 1.4
50 25.6 1350 160 0.387 7.1 209 225 1.0 1.0
70 29.5 1905 180 0.268 10.0 269 289 0.67 0.69
95 33.2 2455 200 0.193 13.5 328 352 0.49 0.52
120 36.7 3065 220 0.153 17.1 382 410 0.39 0.42
150 40.5 3740 250 0.124 21.4 441 473 0.31 0.35
185 45.8 4730 280 0.0991 25 2 506 542 0.25 0.29
240 52.6 6335 320 0.0754 25 2 599 641 0.195 0.24
300 58.2 7540 350 0.0601 25 2 693 741 0.155 0.21
1.0 14.1 265 85 18.1 0.14 19 1 21 1 46 46
1.5 14.9 405 90 12.1 0.21 24 1 26 1 31 31
2.5 16.1 560 100 7.41 0.35 33 1 36 1 19 19
1.0 17.9 310 110 18.1 0.14 19 1 21 1 46 46
1.5 19.0 480 120 12.1 0.21 24 1 26 1 31 31
2.5 20.8 680 130 7.41 0.35 33 1 36 1 19 19
1.0 20.7 395 130 18.1 0.14 19 1 21 1 46 46
1.5 22.1 620 140 12.1 0.21 24 1 26 1 31 31
2.5 24.2 900 150 7.41 0.35 33 1 36 1 19 19
Note 1. The majority of cores in a multicore auxiliary cable carry only small or intermittent current and a current rating based on
the assumption that only 2 cores, the positive and negative (or line and neutral) feed cores approach the maximum
permitted current loading is given. Where all cores in a cable are equally loaded the following factors should be
applied to the 2 core rating.
Number of cores 2 7 12 19 27 37
Rating factor 1.00 0.63 0.53 0.45 0.40 0.36
Note 2. The short circuit rating is limited by the bursting strength of the unarmoured cable design.
FP300 Supplementary Multicore Data Sheet 600/1000V
Approxim Current
Nominal Mean ate Minimum Maximum Short circuit Current rating rating Volt drop
cross-sectional overall cable bending conductor rating Three Three Three
area diameter weight radius resistance (1 sec) phase AC phase AC phase AC
(fixed) at 20 oC Clipped direct Free Air
1.0 11.2 165 70 18.1 0.14 17 18 40
1.5 11.8 185 70 12.1 0.20 22 23 27
2.5 12.7 230 80 7.41 0.35 30 32 16
4.0 13.9 300 85 4.61 0.57 40 42 10
6.0 15.1 380 90 3.08 0.86 52 54 6.8
10 17.1 540 110 1.83 1.4 71 75 4.0
16 19.4 760 120 1.15 2.2 96 100 2.5
25 22.8 1185 140 0.727 3.5 119 127 1.65
35 24.4 1410 150 0.524 5.0 147 158 1.15
50 27.3 1810 170 0.387 7.1 179 192 0.87
70 31.7 2595 190 0.268 10.0 229 246 0.60
95 35.7 3400 220 0.193 13.5 278 298 0.45
120 39.4 4300 240 0.153 17.1 322 346 0.37
150 43.5 5215 270 0.124 21.4 371 399 0.30
185 49.2 6430 300 0.0991 25 2 424 456 0.26
240 56.7 8700 340 0.0754 25 2 500 538 0.21
300 62.6 10470 380 0.0601 25 2 576 621 0.185
1.0 12.1 195 75 18.1 0.14 17 18 40
1.5 12.7 220 80 12.1 0.20 22 23 27
2.5 13.8 280 85 7.41 0.35 30 32 16
4.0 15.1 365 90 4.61 0.57 40 42 10
6.0 16.4 465 100 3.08 0.86 52 54 6.8
10 18.7 625 120 1.83 1.4 71 75 4.0
16 21.2 925 130 1.15 2.2 96 100 2.5
25 25.0 1485 150 0.727 3.5 119 127 1.65
35 26.8 1860 160 0.524 5.0 147 158 1.15
50 30.3 2380 190 0.387 7.1 179 192 0.87
70 35.2 3280 220 0.268 10.0 229 246 0.60
95 39.6 4535 240 0.193 13.5 278 298 0.45
120 43.8 5730 270 0.153 17.1 322 346 0.37
150 48.5 6745 300 0.124 21.4 371 399 0.30
185 54.8 8355 330 0.0991 25 2 424 456 0.26
240 63.2 11345 380 0.0754 25 2 500 538 0.21
300 69.8 13725 420 0.0601 25 2 576 621 0.185
Note 2. The short circuit rating is limited by the bursting strength of the unarmoured cable design.
Uncontrolled when printed