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Behavior Based Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Support Vector

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V. Dheepa1 and R. Dhanapal2
Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, India
Department of Computer Applications, Easwari Engineering College, India

Along with the great increase of internet and e-commerce, the use of 2. RELATED WORK
credit card is an unavoidable one. Due to the increase of credit card
usage, the frauds associated with this have also increased. There are a There was a lot of research work carried out for credit card
lot of approaches used to detect the frauds. In this paper, behavior fraud detection. CARDWATCH, a data base mining system
based classification approach using Support Vector Machines are proposed by Aleskerov et al. [7]. It was based on neural
employed and efficient feature extraction method also adopted. If any
networks. In this model, customers past transactions are trained
discrepancies occur in the behaviors transaction pattern then it is
predicted as suspicious and taken for further consideration to find the in the neural network. Then the network checks the current
frauds. Generally credit card fraud detection problem suffers from a spending pattern with the past data, if deviations appear then it is
large amount of data, which is rectified by the proposed method. considered as suspicious. Zhang Yongbin et al. [8] suggested a
Achieving finest accuracy, high fraud catching rate and low false behavior based credit card fraud detection model. Here they use
alarms are the main tasks of this approach. the historical behavior pattern of the customer to detect the
fraud. The transaction record of a single credit card is used to
Keywords: build the model. In this model, unsupervised Self organizing
map method is used to detect the outliers from the normal ones.
Data Mining, Classification, Fraud Detection, Support Vector
Machine, E-commerce Chuang et al. [9] developed a model based on data mining.
They used the web services to exchange data between banks and
1. INTRODUCTION fraud pattern mining algorithm for detection. With the proposed
scheme participant banks can share the knowledge about fraud
Payments using credit cards have increased in recent years. It patterns in a heterogeneous and distributed environment and
may be used in online or in regular shopping. Now-a-days credit further enhance their fraud detection capability and reduce
card payments are necessary and convenient to use. Due to the financial loss. Wen-Fang Yu et al. [10] proposed an outlier
increase of fraudulent transactions, there is a need to find the mining method to detect the credit card frauds. Definitions of
efficient fraud detection model. Distance based outliers are referred and the outlier mining
algorithm was created. This model detects outlier sets by
Fraud is increasing dramatically with the expansion of computing distance and setting threshold of outliers. It
modern technology [1].The amount of information in the efficiently detects the overdrafts and is also used to predict the
modern world is also explosive [2]. The promising way to detect fraudulent transactions.
the fraud is to analyze the spending behavior of the cardholder.
Detecting the fraud means identifying the suspicious one [3]. If Tao Guo et al. [11] applied the neural data mining method.
any abnormality arises in the spending behavior then it is This model is based on customers behavior pattern. Deviation
considered as suspicious and taken for further consideration. In from the usual behavior pattern is taken as an important task to
this Paper, a behavior based approach using support vector create this model. The neural network is trained with the data
machines is applied for fraud detection. and the confidence value is calculated. The credit card
transaction with low confidence value is not accepted by the
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is an active research area trained neural network and it is considered as fraudulent. If the
and successfully solves classification problems in noisy and confidence value is abnormal, then again it is checked for
complex domains. SVM played a major role in the area of additional confirmation. The detection performance is based on
machine learning due to its excellent generalization performance the setting of threshold.
in a wide range of learning problems, such as hand written digit
recognition, classification of web pages and face detection. The Suvasini Panigrahi et al. [12] suggested a fusion approach. It
Problem of over fitting is very less in SVM applications. The consists of four components namely, rule based filter, Dempster-
problems of multi-local minima and curse of dimensionality Shafer Adder, transaction history database and Bayesian learner.
rarely occurs in SVM. Support Vector machines originated from Rule based filter is used to find the suspicion level of the
statistical learning theory, a theoretical base of statistical transaction. Dempster-Shafer Theory is used to compute the
inference. Recently SVM has been employed in business initial belief which is based on the evidences given by the rule
applications such as Credit rating analysis [4], bankruptcy based filter. The transactions are classified as normal, abnormal
prediction [5] and time series prediction and classification [6]. In or suspicious depending on this initial belief. Once a transaction
this work, SVM is applied for fraud detection to classify and is found to be suspicious, belief is further strengthened or
predict the data.


weakened according to its similarity with fraudulent or genuine The huge amount of datasets and the dimensionality is very
transactions history using Bayesian learning. high. It is not an easy process to handle the massive amount of
Abhinav Srivastava et al. [13] developed the hidden Markov data efficiently. The scalable machine learning system is needed
model (HMM) to detect the credit card fraud. An HMM is to process the large amount of data.
initially trained with the normal behavior of the cardholder. If The real data is not shared for the number of reasons such as
the current transaction is not accepted by the trained HMM with to maintain the privacy of the user.
high probability, it is considered to be fraudulent. Vladimir et al. Generally the misclassification cost is high for these
[14] applied self organizing map algorithm to create a fraud detections. Efficient measure should take to reduce the
detection model. The pattern of legal and fraudulent transactions misclassification cost.
is observed from the earlier transactions and it is created based
on the neural network training. If a new transaction does not 3.3 BEHAVIOR BASED MODEL
match to the pattern of legal cardholder or is similar to the
fraudulent pattern it is classified as suspicious for fraud. Chen et The key concept in fraud detection is to analyze the spending
al. [15] proposed the online questionnaire method to collect the behaviors of the user. If any discrepancies occur with the respect
transaction data of the users. A SVM is trained with the data and to the usual spending behavior, then it is considered as
the questionnaire responded transaction is used to predict the suspicious behavior. And it is taken for further consideration.
new transactions. The behavior of spending varies from person to person. Fraud
detection based on the analysis of existing spending behavior of
cardholder is a promising way to find the credit card frauds.
Behavior based fraud detection model means that the data
3.1 FRAUD DETECTION PROBLEM use in the model are from the transactional behavior of
cardholder directly or derived from them. Each person may have
Fraud is defined as criminal deception. The purpose of fraud a different spending behavior pattern. Most of the existing fraud
may be to obtain goods without paying or to obtain unauthorized detection methods use the behavior pattern as measure to find
funds from an account. Fraud can either be prevented or the destruction in the transactions. Based on the spending pattern
detected. In prevention, precaution activities are made to reduce the customers usual activities such as transaction amount,
the fraud. If the fraud prevention fails the problem of detection billing address etc are learned. Some of the count measures to
is taken for consideration. Fraud detection is identifying suspect the behaviors are the variation of billing address and
wrongful, suspect and illegitimate behavior. There are a lot of shipping address, maximum amount of purchase, large
procedures used for fraud detection. The main target is transaction done far away from the living place etc. Like that the
defending the transactions from illegal use and maximizes the behaviors deviate from the normal ones are suspected and taken
correct predictions. for further consideration.
The credit card fraud can be of two types: offline fraud and
online fraud. The fraud begins either with the theft of the credit 4. OVERVIEW OF SUPPORT VECTOR
card or the compromise of data associated with the account, MACHINE
including the card account number or other information that
would routinely and necessarily be available to a merchant Support vector machine is a method used in pattern
during a legitimate transaction. The offline fraud associated with recognition and classification. It is a classifier to predict or
the theft of the credit card. The physical card is stolen by the classify patterns into two categories; fraudulent or non
unauthorized person. Then purchases made by him by using the fraudulent. It is well suited for binary classifications. As any
stolen card. He may use it to purchase until the usage of card is artificial intelligence tool, it has to be trained to obtain a learned
cancelled. If the user does not know about the theft, then it is a model. SVM has been used in many classification pattern
great loss to him and to the corresponding financial institutions recognition problems such as text categorization [17],
[16]. In online fraud, the physical card is not needed only the bioinformatics [18] and face detection [19]. SVM is correlated to
information about the card is enough to purchase. Thus here the and having the basics of non-parametric applied statistics, neural
fraudster simply needs some important card details. Stealing the networks and machine learning. SVM is described in the
information from the user is called Identity Theft. In this type following passage [20], [21].
fraud the transactions are done through phone or internet. It was developed from the theory of Structural Risk
Generally, the genuine cardholder is not responsive if someone Minimization. In a binary classification problem, the decision
else has seen or stolen his card information. function of SVM is shown in Eq.(1),
3.2 CHALLENGING ISSUES IN FRAUD f x sgn( x.w) b (1)
DETECTION where, x is the input vector which contains weight and b is a
The datasets are extreme imbalance and highly skewed. The constant. Eq.(1) is used to find the decision boundary between
genuine transactions dominate than fraudulent transactions. The two classes. The parameter values of w and b have to be learned
fraudulent events occur rarely. So it is difficult to find the by the SVM on the training Phase and b are derived by
fraudulent. If the fraudulent transaction is consider as legal then maximizing the margin of separation between the two classes.
it will cause great loss. The criterion used by SVM is based on the margin maximization
between the two classes.


The margin is the distance between the two hyper planes. To The Lagrange vectors are the support vectors needed to
find the hyper plane H:y = w.x + b = 0 and two hyper planes describe the hyper plane. In linearly separable data, all support
H1:y = w.x + b = +1 and H2:y = w.x + b = -1.The threshold vectors all lay on the margin. The decision boundary is
separating the two classes is H and the two margin boundaries determined by the Eq.(8),
are H1 and H2. Then the margin is 2 / w , where w is the Ns
norm of the vector w. In non perfectly separable case the margin f ( x) i yi x, xi b (8)
is soft. That there is a chance of misclassification error. The i 1
misclassification errors should be minimized. It is minimized by where, x is the input vector, (x, xi) is the inner product, Ns is the
introducing the slack variable i .If I = 0 then the classes are number of support vectors, and b is the bias term.
correctly classified. Let i is non-negative slack variable for If the data are non linear, then kernel trick is used to map the
input vector to higher dimensional feature space. Kernel
Let y is the indicator of the class, where in the case of fraud functions can be used in many applications as they provide a
detection y = 1 for the positive class and y = -1 is the class for simple bridge from linearity to non-linearity for algorithms
the negative class. which can be expressed in terms of dot products. Any function
SVM requires that either x.w + b >= 1 i or x.w + b >= -1 + that satisfies Mercers condition by vapnik is used as a kernel
i which can be summarized with Eq.(2), function.
yi w.x b 1 i (2) The kernel function is introduced as follows [22],

where, i = 1,2,, n xi , x j k ( xi , x j ) (9)

The optimization problem for the calculation of w and b can By using the kernel function, the input vectors are mapped to
thus be defined by the Eq.(3), a higher dimensional feature space. Some of the kernel functions
n used in SVM is,
1 2
Min w C i (3) Linear Kernel Function:
2 i 1
k(xi,xj) = xi.xj (10)
Subject to yi(w.x + b) >= 1 i, i >= 0 The Linear kernel is the simplest kernel function. It is given
By minimizing the w /2 the complexity of SVM is reduced
by the inner product <x, y> plus an optional constant c.
and by minimizing the slack variable the misclassification errors Sigmoid Kernel Function:
are reduced. C is a regularization parameter which weighs the
classification errors. And it is the tradeoff between the two k (xi,xj) = tanh(xixj + r) (11)
classes. The constrained optimization problem is solved by using and r are the two parameters are used in sigmoid kernel. If
the Lagrange function 4, > 0, then is acting as a scaling parameter of the input data,
and r as a shifting parameter that controls the threshold of
w C i i ywx b 1 i
n n
Lw, b, , ,
1 2
mapping. If < 0, the dot-product of the input data is not only
2 i 1 i 1 scaled but reversed.
- i i Polynomial Kernel Function:
i 1 k(xi,xj) = [(xi.xj)+1]d (12)
The solution of this optimization problem is obtained by The Polynomial kernel is a non-stationary kernel.
minimizing w, b & and maximizing &. It is better to solve Polynomial kernels are well suited for problems with normalized
the problem by introducing the dual formulation in Eq.(5), training data.

RBF Kernel Function:
max w , max min w, b, , , (5) 2
k ( xi , x j ) exp( xi x j ) (13)
By substituting this, the problem is transformed into its dual The adjustable parameter plays a major role in the
formulation, specified by, performance of the kernel, and should be carefully tuned to the

n n n

problem at hand. If overestimated, the exponential will behave
max i j yi y j xi , y j (6) almost linearly and the higher-dimensional projection will start
i 1
i 1 j1
to lose its non-linear power. On the other hand, if
underestimated, the function will lack regularization and the
and is maximized under the constraints, decision boundary will be highly sensitive to noise in training
n data.
i yi 0and 0 i C for i = 1,2,..,n. In the proposed work, the RBF kernel function is used. This
i 1
function is more flexible and majority of the SVM applications
The Kuhn-Tucker condition in Eq.(7) is applied to Eq.(6), used the RBF kernel function. The RBF have a parameter known
as Gaussian width , it controls the width of the RBF kernel
i{yi[w.xi + b] 1 + } = 0i (7) function. The performance of SVM can be based on the
selection of C, . These two parameters are most important for
where, i = 1,2,..., n.


the accuracy of classification. If the value of C is too small then Scalability is possible in data mining. It is used to find the cost
insufficiency occurs in fitting the training data. If the value of C effective solution.
is too large then the over fitting occurs in the training data.
Effectively setting the proper values of C, avoid over fitting 6. METHODOLOGY
and also give good accuracy in classification. The solution of
SVM is unique. The non linear data are also easily separated by Analyzing the spending behavior pattern of the customer is a
the use of kernel function. If the parameter values are properly promising way to detect the credit card frauds. If any new
chosen then it provides an effective result. It does not depend on transactions are deviate from this behavior, then that is
the dimensionality of the input space. If more attention is given considering as fraudulent transaction. So, in this paper the feature
to selecting the feature of SVM, it will yield an accurate which shows the behavior of the customer is selected from the
classification. data set. The behavior character shows the spending patterns are
transaction amount, date, time, place, frequency of purchase and
5. ROLE OF DATA MINING IN FRAUD billing Address. Based on these details, the model is trained.
DETECTION In this model SVM is used for classification. It gives good
result when small numbers of features are used. Here, only the
Commonly, fraud detection problem is considered as a data behavior features are selected for training. The other challenging
mining problem. Data mining is the process of discovering issue in this problem is handling the massive amount of data. To
meaningful new correlations, patterns and trends by sifting recover this problem effective feature extraction method is used,
through large amounts of data stored in repositories, using which is used for data reduction. Then the data is trained in
pattern recognition technologies as well as statistical and SVM classifier. The classification performance of SVM is
mathematical techniques. affected by its parameters [23]. By choosing proper values for
The detection of credit card fraud is generally adopted a the parameters C and avoids over fitting and yields a perfect
classification model. Fig.1 shows the out line of the model. accuracy. In this model, the parameter values are selected by
Nowadays data mining is largely applied to the classification cross validation using Grid search method. Fig.2. show the
and regression problems. The classification is done effectively workflow of the training model.
by the data mining methods. Classification is the process of
finding a set of models to differentiate the data concepts, for the 7. EXPERIMENTS
purpose of being able to use the model to predict the class of
objects whose class label is unknown. 7.1 DATA PRE PROCESSING AND SELECTION
Supervised learning techniques have been the dominated
methods used for fraud detection. Supervised learning models Firstly the features used in the dataset are converting into
are produced by using the knowledge of already classified data numerical data. Feature selection is a very important stage in
and inductively finding a predictive pattern. Otherwise the fraud detection. The features in the data efficiently portray the
supervised learning is to build a concise model of the usage of behavior of an individual credit card account. In this
distribution of the class label in terms of the predictor features. model, the features which interpret the behavior of the customer
only are selected for detection. Adding irreverent features make
Raw Data the classifier inefficient. The important features used in this
model are shown in Table.1.
Transaction amount is the most important behavior it varies
Data Pre-Processing from person to person. Frequency of card usage is calculated
from the Date and Time Attributes. Average amount of
transactions are calculated from each transactions.
Training Data Testing Data
Table.1. Selected Important Features
Trained Classifier Testing Feature No. Feature Name
1 Transaction Amount
Classified Results 2 Date
Fig.1. Outline of the Model 3 Time

The resulting classifier is then used to assign class labels to 4 Frequency of card usage
the testing instances where the values of the predictor features 5 Place
are known but the value of the class label is unknown. A
classifier is created from the learned behavior pattern and 6 Customer ID
trained. The test sample is applied to the trained classifier.
Average amount of
Using data mining in fraud detection gives various benefits. 7
transactions per month
Basically it is used to analyze the complete datasets for fraud.


Data Pre-Processing
Data Data Feature Dataset
Conversion Selection Extraction

Validation Predicted SVM

Results Classifier

Selecting Proper

Cross Validation
using grid search

Fig.2. Workflow of the Training Model

use the kernel function. In this model RBF kernel function is

7.2 FEATURE EXTRACTION used. The accuracy is obtained by optimizing the RBF kernel
Feature extraction is special form dimensionality reduction. parameter and the penalty parameter C.
Here the input data is transformed into a reduced representation In this paper, cross validation using grid search method is
set of features. The features represent the relevant characteristics used to obtain the best and C. The V-fold cross validation is
of the input data. Instead of using full size input one may use used in this process. The training data set is divided into five
this reduced representation set. If it is properly chosen then it equal subsets. The classifier is trained five times, not including a
will give successful task. single subset at every time.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a suitable tool for
feature compression. The original feature space is reduced to TP FP
low dimensional spaces but it will not affect the solution. The
computational cost also less for training and testing the SVM 80
because of using PCA.
PCA uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of
observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values 60

of uncorrelated variables called principal components. PCA can

be done by Eigen value decomposition of a data covariance
matrix, usually after mean centering the data for each feature. 40
The covariance matrix [24] is calculated by the following
1 n
Covariancex, y xi x yi y (14)
n 1 i 1
where, xi and yi are the values of variables, x and y are the mean 1 2 3 4 5
variables, n is number of objects. The results of PCA come in Transaction Cycle
the form of component scores. By using this formulation the
principal components are calculated and the training dataset is Fig.3. Transaction Rate
reduced. This method used to reduce the training time. The
adoption of this method makes the classifier to perform in an The resultant classifier is tested on the excluded subset. The
efficient time manner. over fitting problem can be recovered by this cross validation
[25]. Using grid search method in this one will give better result.
7.3 SVM TRAINING AND CLASSIFICATION In the grid search method, the exponentially growing sequence
of C and such as C = 2-5, 2-3, 2-15 and = 2-15, 2-13, 23 is used to
LIBSVM classifier is used for training and classification. gain the best cross validation. The obtained parameter values are
Libsvm has lot of functions. The 591 samples selected including C = 2.0 and = 0.81 gives the highest accuracy.
576 positive samples and 15 negative samples. Usually SVM
suffers from large number of features. To overcome this problem 7.4 RESULTS AND EVALUATION
only selected features are used in this model. If the numbers of
features are less and the instances are high then one may have to Even though the accuracy is important, the fraud catching
rate and false alarm rate are the better metrics for the fraud


detection domain [26]. In this work, the confusion matrix is In the proposed approach false alarm rates are reduced. And also
used for evaluating the fraud catching rate and false alarm rate. obtaining low false alarm rates will not restrict the fraud
The standard confusion matrix format is shown in the following catching rate. The proposed model efficiently finds out most of
Table.2. the correct transactions and is well suited for fraud detection.

Table.2. Confusion Matrix 100

Positive Negative

Accuracy & Error Rate

Positive TP FN 60
Negative FP TN
In Confusion Matrix, the column signifies the predicted class 40
and the row signifies the actual class. TP is True Positive (Fraud
catching rate) which shows the number of genuine transactions 20
correctly identified as non fraudulent. FP is False Positive (False
alarm rate) which gives the number of genuine transactions
incorrectly identified as fraudulent. FN is False Negative 0
mistakenly consider fraudulent transaction as genuine. TN is Accuracy Error rate
True Negative which shows the number of fraudulent Transactions
transactions correctly identified as fraudulent. Achieving
highest fraud catching rate and lowest false alarm rate is the Fig.4. Accuracy and Error rate
important task of this model.
The True Positive rate (TP) and False Positive rate (FP) are 8. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
found by the following Eqs.(15) and (16),
In this paper, behavior based classification approach using
TPrate (15) Support vector machine is applied. The proposed method using
TP FN SVM gives effective performance in fraud detection. Generally
FP SVM deliver a unique solution. By using the kernel, SVM gains
FPrate (16) flexibility in the form of threshold for separating the datas.
Such qualities make the SVM to carry out the classification
TPrate represents the ratio of positive class that was correctly problem in this complex domain and also it yields a good result.
identified. FPrate represents the ratio of the negative cases that The proposed method gives higher accuracy of detection and is
was incorrectly identified as positive. The results of TPrate and also scalable for handling large volumes of transactions. In
FPrate obtained in the proposed approach are shown in Fig.3. future, the cost based support vector machine with effective
Accuracy represents the ratio of the total number of kernel function will be used to find the fraud detection with
transactions that were correctly identified. The accuracy of the lower error rates.
classifier is calculated by the Eq.(17) and the error rate is
calculated by the Eq.(18), REFERENCES
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