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PJI V Theonen

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SISON, AFP, future K.

: mere request for verification of Thoenens status, Lee wrote that

The Topic is TORTS WITH INDEPENDENT CIVIL ACTION; DEFAMATION residents of BF Homes had asked the Bureau of Immigration to
PHILIPPINE JOURNALISTS, INC. v. THOENEN deport a Swiss who allegedly shoots neighbors pets. No complaints
G.R. No. 143372 December 13, 2005 SECOND DIVISION had in fact been lodged against him by any of the BF Homeowners,[6]
nor had any pending deportation proceedings been initiated against him
in the Bureau of Immigration.
CHICO-NAZARIO, J. Thoenen also submitted a Certification[8] from the Office of the Bar
Confidant that there was no lawyer in its rolls by the name of Efren Angara,
FACTS: earlier cited by petitioner Lee as the author of the letter on which she based
her article.
2. On 30 September 1990, the following news item appeared in the Peoples The petitioners claim that Lee sought confirmation of the story from the
Journal, a tabloid of general circulation: newspapers correspondent in Paranaque, who told her that a woman who
refused to identify herself confirmed that there had indeed been an incident
Swiss Shoots Neighbors Pets of pet-shooting in the neighborhood involving the respondent.[10] However,
the correspondent in question was never presented in court to verify the
RESIDENTS of a subdivision in Paraaque have asked the Bureau of truth of this allegation.
Immigration to deport a Swiss who allegedly shoots wayward neighbors pets RTC: On 31 August 1994, the Regional Trial Court, Branch 62, Makati City, rendered
that he finds in his domain. a Decision[11] in favor of the petitioners, which reads in part:
The BF Homes residents through lawyer Atty. Efren Angara complained that
the deportation of Francis Thoenen, of 10 Calcutta BF Homes Phase III, There is no malice on the part of the defendants in publishing the news item done in
could help prevent the recurrence of such incident in the future. the exercise of their profession as journalists reporting to the people on matters of
Angara explained that house owners could not control their dogs and cats public interest. The news report was based on an official communication filed with the
when they slip out of their dwellings unnoticed. Bureau of Immigration and Deportation.
An alleged confrontation between Thoenen and the owner of a pet he shot In Marti(r)ez vs. Alanao
recently threatens to exacerbate the problem, Angara said. The onus of proving malice is accordingly shifted to the plaintiff, that is, that
Cristina Lee he must prove that the defendants were actuated by ill-will in what they
caused to be printed and published, with a design to carelessly or wantonly
3. Francis Thoenen Claiming that the report was false and defamatory, and injure the plaintiff.
that the petitioners acted irresponsibly in failing to verify the truth of the This, plaintiff failed to do, consequently, his case must fall.
same prior to publication, he filed a civil case for damages against herein
petitioners Philippine Journalists, Inc., Zacarias Nuguid, Jr., its The publication in question is a privileged communication protected by the
publisher, and reporter Cristina Lee. freedom of the press.
4. Thoenen claimed that the article destroyed the respect and admiration
he enjoyed in the community, and that since it had been published, he and CA: On appeal, the court a quo reversed[13] the trial court. It held that although
his wife received several queries and angry calls from friends, neighbors and freedom of expression and the right of speech and of the press are among the
relatives. most zealously guarded in the Constitution, still, in the exercise of these rights,
5. The petitioners admitted publication of the news item, ostensibly out of a Article 19 of the Civil Code requires everyone to act with justice, give everyone
social and moral duty to inform the public on matters of general his due, and observe honesty and good faith. The appellate court emphasized that
interest, promote the public good and protect the moral public (sic) of the Thoenen was neither a public official nor a public figure, and thus,
people, and that the story was published in good faith and without malice.[2] . . . [E]ven without malice on the part of defendants-appellees, the news item
6. The principal source of the article was a letter[3] by a certain Atty. Efren published in the 30 September 1990 edition of Peoples Journal had been
Angara addressed to Commissioner Andrea Domingo of the done in violation of the principle of abuse of right under Article 19 of the Civil
Commission on Immigration and Deportation (CID, now Bureau of Code, in the absence of a bona fide effort to ascertain the truth thereof, i.e.,
Immigration) to observe honesty and good faith, which makes their act a wrongful
7. The petitioners claim that Lee, as the reporter assigned to cover news omission. Neither did they act with justice and give everyone his due,
events in the CID, acquired a copy of the above letter from a trusted because without ascertaining the veracity of the information given them by
source in the CIDs Intelligence Division. the Intelligence Bureau of the Bureau of Immigration, they published a news
8. It was proven at trial that the news article contained several inaccuracies. article which they were aware would bring the person specifically named
1. The headline, which categorically stated that the subject of the article therein, viz, Francis Thoenen, the plaintiff-appellant in this case, into
engaged in the practice of shooting pets, was untrue.[5] disrepute.
2. Moreover, it is immediately apparent from a comparison between the
above letter and the news item in question that while the letter is a
ISSUE: Whether or not PJI is liable for damages 2. A fair and true report, made in good faith, without any comments
or remarks, of any judicial, legislative or other official proceedings
HELD and RATIO: For the reasons stated below, we hold that the
which are not of confidential nature, or of any statement, report or
constitutional privilege granted under the freedom of speech and the
press against liability for damages does not extend to the petitioners in speech delivered in said proceedings, or of any other act performed
this case. by public officers in the exercise of their functions.

The freedom of speech and of the press is not absolute. In this case, there is no controversy as to the existence of the three
There are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the elements. The respondents name and address were clearly indicated in
prevention and punishment of which has never been thought to raise any the article ascribing to him the questionable practice of shooting the
Constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, wayward pets of his neighbors. The backlash caused by the publication of
the libelous, and the insulting or fighting words - those which by their very the article was in fact such that stones had been thrown at their house,
utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. breaking several flower pots, and daily and nightly calls compelled him to
It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any request a change of their telephone number.[22] These facts are not
exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that contested by the petitioners. What the petitioners claim is the absence of
any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the proof of the fourth element - malice.
social interest in order and morality. [19]
BUT Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even if it
Libel is not protected speech. be true, if no good intention and justifiable motive for making it is shown
In Vasquez v. Court of Appeals,[21] we had occasion to further explain.
Thus: The article is not a privileged communication.
An allegation is considered defamatory if it ascribes to a person the A privileged communication may be either absolutely privileged or
commission of a crime, the possession of a vice or defect, real or qualifiedly privileged. Absolutely privileged communications are those
imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status or circumstance which are not actionable even if the author has acted in bad faith. An
which tends to dishonor or discredit or put him in contempt, or example is found in Sec. 11, Art. VI of the 1987 Constitution which exempts
which tends to blacken the memory of one who is dead. a member of Congress from liability for any speech or debate in the
Congress or in any Committee thereof. Upon the other hand, qualifiedly
There is publication if the material is communicated to a third person. privileged communications containing defamatory imputations are not
actionable unless found to have been made without good intention or
On the other hand, to satisfy the element of identifiability, it must be justifiable motive.
shown that at least a third person or a stranger was able to identify him as
the object of the defamatory statement. The appellate court correctly ruled that the petitioners story is not
privileged in character, for it is neither private communication nor a fair
Finally, malice or ill will must be present. Art. 354 of the Revised Penal and true report without any comments or remarks.
Code provides:
Every defamatory imputation is presumed to be malicious, even if it be A communication made bona fide upon any subject-matter in which the
true, if no good intention and justifiable motive for making it is shown, party communicating has an interest, or in reference to which he has a duty,
except in the following cases: is privileged, if made to a person having a corresponding interest or duty,
1. A private communication made by any person to another in the although it contained criminatory matter which without this privilege would
performance of any legal, moral or security duty; and be slanderous and actionable. A pertinent illustration of the application of
qualified privilege is a complaint made in good faith and without malice in
regard to the character or conduct of a public official when addressed to an We must point out that Lees brief news item contained falsehoods on two
officer or a board having some interest or duty in the matter.[25] levels.
1. On its face, her statement that residents of BF Homes had asked the
This defense is unavailing to petitioners. In Daez v. Court of Appeals[26] we Bureau of Immigration to deport a Swiss who allegedly shoots
held that: neighbors pets is patently untrue since the letter of the spurious
Atty. Angara was a mere request for verification of Thoenens status
As a rule, it is the right and duty of a citizen to make a complaint of as a foreign resident.
any misconduct on the part of public officials, which comes to his 2. Lees article, moreover, is also untrue, in that the events she
notice, to those charged with supervision over them. Such a reported never happened.
communication is qualifiedly privileged and the author is not guilty
of libel. The rule on privilege, however, imposes an additional WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals of 17 January 2000
requirement. Such complaints should be addressed solely to some reversing the Decision of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 62, Makati City, of
official having jurisdiction to inquire into the charges, or power to 31 August 1994 is hereby AFFIRMED, subject to the modification that
redress the grievance or has some duty to perform or interest in petitioners are ordered to pay, jointly and severally, moral damages in the
connection therewith. sum of P100,000.00, exemplary damages ofP30,000.00, and legal fees of
P20,000.00. No costs.
In the instant case, even if we assume that the letter written by the
spurious Atty. Angara is privileged communication, it lost its character as
such when the matter was published in the newspaper and circulated
among the general population. A written letter containing libelous matter
cannot be classified as privileged when it is published and circulated in
public,[27] which was what the petitioners did in this case.

Neither is the news item a fair and true report without any comments or
remarks of any judicial, legislative or other official proceedings; there is in
fact no proceeding to speak of. Nor is the article related to any act
performed by public officers in the exercise of their functions, for it
concerns only false imputations against Thoenen, a private individual
seeking a quiet life.

The petitioners also claim to have made the report out of a social and
moral duty to inform the public on matters of general interest.
As we said, the respondent is a private individual, and not a public official
or public figure.
We are persuaded by the reasoning of the United States Supreme Court in
Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc.,[29] that a newspaper or broadcaster
publishing defamatory falsehoods about an individual who is neither a
public official nor a public figure may not claim a constitutional privilege
against liability, for injury inflicted, even if the falsehood arose in a
discussion of public interest.[30]

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