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History and Authenticity of the Bible

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Course Description
The History and Authenticity of the Bible, by David Hocking

This course was taught during twenty-five classroom sessions with the purpose of
instructing Bible college students in topics such as the inspiration, the inerrancy, and the
authority of God's Word. The instructor examines how the Bible was written over
centuries of time and how it has been preserved by the Author Himself. He explains the
process of translations from the original languages; the importance of canonicity; the
issues of textual criticism; and the principles of interpretation. This informative series
will elicit bold confidence in the infallible Word of God.

Ages ago someone wisely said, We cannot dispense with a single word of Holy Writ;
the removal of a part would mar the completeness and connection of the whole.
Absolutely perfect are the proportions of Gods inspired truth. That view of the Bible is
strictly adhered to in this course taught by David Hocking. It is available through the text
or the audio version, and we encourage you to enroll today.

About the Author

Dr. David Hocking is a graduate of Bob Jones University. He has degrees in Bible,
Greek, and Ancient History. He received his M. Div. as well as a Ph.D. in Bible Studies
and Languages at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. He has been
teaching and pastoring for over 50 years. His radio ministries have been broadcast for
nearly forty years, with the most current program being Hope for Today. He is the author
of more than 35 books including Bible commentaries.

David has been married to his wife Carole since 1962. They have three married children
and six grandchildren. Apart from spending time with his family, he also enjoys speaking
at prophecy conferences around the country and guiding tour groups through the Holy

Originally Required Reading List Hocking, H&A

Don Stewart, What Everyone Needs to Know about the Bible.

Recommended Reading List Hocking, H&A

Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell
More Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell
What Everyone Needs to Know about the Bible, Don Stewart
Gods Outlaw: William Tyndale, Brian Edwards
Systematic Theology, Thiessen
A.T. Robertson
Norman Geisler
The Apostolic Fathers, J.B. Lightfoot
The Rise and Fall of Civilization, David Hocking
The Apocrypha
Who Is the Messiah? David Hocking
The Identity of the New Testament Text, Wilbur Pickering
The Harmony of the Gospels, A. T. Robertson
The Life of Christ in Stereo, Johnston M. Cheney
A History of the Debate Over 1 John 5:7-8, Michael Maynard (out of print)
The Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, Gleason-Archer
Shepherd of Hermas, Charles Taylor
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, Roswell Hitchcock and Francis Brown
Byzantine Text Type, Dr. Harry A. Sturz
New Greek Testament According to the Majority Text by Hodges and Farstad
With Christ in the School of Prayer, Andrew Murray
The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels, Dean John William Burgon
The Complete Word Study New Testament (Word Study Series), Spiros Zodhiates
Preaching from the Papyri, Herschel Hobbs
A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, Emil Schurer
Encyclopedia Judaica, Fred Skolnik
Notes on the Parables, Richard Trench
Notes on the Miracles, Richard Trench
The Hidden Pharisees, Elvis Rifkin
Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Alfred Edersheim
The Jewish Book of Why, Alfred J. Kolatch
The New Manners and Customs in Bible Times, Ralph Gower
History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 1
Introduction Part One

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Introduction, Part One

The course description says that we are going to talk about how the Bible came

into existence, the manuscript evidence behind the Bible, and the problems relating to the

English translations of the Bible and leading the student to a position of complete

confidence and dependency upon the Bible as the inspired, inerrant word of God. Now if

you dont think that is an issue, you are not up to date.

In the paper there was an article from Canada in which there was a television talk

show where a fundamentalist preacher, who said he knew the Bible, went on with some

of the guys from that Jesus Seminar. They [verbally] slaughtered him. He not only did

not know the Biblehe didnt know what he was talking about. The result was the

program concluded that if you are educated and you know the evidence behind the Bible,

you know that it is not the word of God. It can be appreciated, but it is not the Bible, for

sure. This had quite an impact; in fact, there were more callers than ever before. And this

so-called fundamentalist was laughed at and mocked at. He didnt know what he was

talking about. He didnt know one thing about what we are going to teach you in this

course. Yes, it is important to know what you believe and why.

When I was in Sunday school, we used to sing the little chorus: The B-I-B-L-E,

yes, thats the book for me. I stand alone on the word of God the B-I-B-L-E. So, if this

is not in your heart, then hopefully by the end of the semester there will not be any doubt

in your mind.
Introduction, Part One Time 02:11

Course Objectives
1) Learn facts about the existence of the Bible
and the accuracy of the Bible
2) Explain the problem of manuscript evidence
and the reliability of the recorded word
3) Build confidence in the inspiration and
authority of the Bible
4) Answer objections to the inspiration and
authority of the Bible
5) Learn to trust the power of the Bible to change
the hearts and lives of people

Now, our course objectives, we have five of them. One is to inform you as to the

facts behind the Bibles existence and accuracy. Two is to explain the problem of

manuscript evidence and the reliability of the written record of the Bible. Three is to

build your confidence in the inspiration, authority, and accuracy of the Bible. And four is

to help you answer objections to the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. And five is to

encourage you to trust the power of the Bible itself to change the hearts and lives of


What makes this study more distinct is the systematic teaching of the Bible in

which our pastors, though maybe not as educated as some, yet were educated in the

Bible. And we learn the Bible. And we teach that this is the word of God. We tell you

why it is. But we believe it is the word of God and we are going to show you why in this

course. So that when you leave, you will always proclaim the word of God in its power

and in its authority. So, it is a very important thing.

Introduction, Part One Time 03:15

Now the textbook is Don Stewarts, What Everyone Needs to Know about the

Bible. You have to read it in its entirety. Its an important book because it was organized

on this subject. Now some of the material in there needs to be updated which you will get

in this course. For instance, I taught this before under a bibliology theme and we now

havethis whole thing is brand new. Thats how fast things change in terms of

manuscript evidence. So we will update it. I recommend it highly and of course want you

to read it.

Now on your general outline, to show you where were going with the course on

the History and Authenticity of the Bible, we are going to hit five subjects. First, we are

going to talk about The Importance of this Study as it relates to three different issues

concerning the Bible. One would be the reliability of the Bible. Two, what we call

revelationwhich we will describe what that meansand the results that you can expect

by trusting the Bible. So that is kind of the initial deal called, The Importance of the


Secondly, we give you information about the Bible: the Old Testament, the New

Testament, as well as the Apocrypha. You will know all of the basic information

regarding that, so you are able to give an answer to those who ask a reason for the hope

that is in you.

A third issue is the inspiration of the Bible. Now that becomes a little detailed.

We give you a definition that we will want you to know. And we will also present the

difficulties. We do not run away from them here. We do not put our head in the sand and

act like it will all go away. We dont do that. We deal with the problems here. And when

there are problems, serious problems, we will admit them. We will talk about them and I
Introduction, Part One Time 04:59

will give you a multitude of problems related to inspiration. Not to shake up your

confidenceon the contrarybut to build it so that you are able to give an answer to


The cults love to tear evangelical Christians apart on the authority of the Bible.

They do it over and over again. And many Christians are not prepared to answer a thing

because they have never studied it. Hopefully you will have enough material to be ready.

The fourth issue is a tough one. It is called inerrancy. The majority of

evangelicals, unfortunately, no longer believe in inerrancy. We are sorry to hear that. We

do. We believe that. What does that mean? That means we believe the Bible in its

original autographs is totally without error. Well, today that is just being ripped

everywhere. Even among good people who say they love the Bible and believe in

inspiration. But as you will learn in this course, youve got to watch people. Because they

say they believe the Bible is inspired does not mean they believe what they should. We

will tell you all the differences relative to inspiration. Inerrancy is another subject,

although sometimes they are put together and that becomes deceiving.

Many seminaries now are no longer having a statement on inerrancy. They are

pulling it out. They have had it for years but are pulling it out because they do not want to

deal with the problem. So they think that if you take a stand you arent going to get many

people. Well, I can tell you right now, we are not interested in large numbers here. We

really arent. We are not trying to have the biggest school ever in America. We are going

to stand for what is right no matter what. We know what we believe. We are standing for

that and there is no compromise here. The truth of the matter is, whats important is the

word of God. Thats what is important. Its the heart and soul of this ministry.
Introduction, Part One Time 06:38

We are going to give you what I call the twelve basic principles of the

interpretation of the Bible. Thats to help you get started so you know how to interpret,

know how to deal with the problems of interpretation. Because you and I both know that

even in the average church there are people saying, Well there are many ways to

interpret the Bible. We will talk about that before were done in this course. So that is

where were headed and well start with the importance of this study.

Homiletics deals with preaching. Hermeneutics deals with the art of

interpretation. Hermeneutics is a biblical word, for instance, the spiritual gift of

interpretation is the word hermeneutic. It is a Greek word set into English and it simply

means the art of interpretation. We will be giving you twelve principles relating to it that

are basic to take what we have studied in the course and be able to apply it.

Also for your library, especially you pastor-types, you will want to pick up a

number of books on inspiration and inerrancy. There are a lot of them. The textbook is

Don Stewarts. That is the only one and I personally still like Josh McDowells. They are

kind of standards, New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Volumes One and Two. That

is where it gets into the details of manuscript evidence. And it is still very, very good, that

two-volume set by Josh McDowell.

All right class, if you have your outline its The Importance of This Study. And

considering the importance of the study, we are going to start right away with reliability.

Probably the most important thing about this whole subject because people will say right

off the bat: Well, thats just like any other book. Men wrote that like any other book.

Actually, they dont even believe that. How do I know? Well, they believe in George

Washington but thats just in a book. So you understand, the attack which the enemy has
Introduction, Part One Time 08:28

made against the Bible and infiltrated the secular mind (who does not even know about

the Bible) is worse than, Oh, thats just a book.

See, as an apologist, I could very definitely deal with that if you would just treat it

like a normal book. If we could just apply those simple principles of a normal book to the

Bible, we would still come out fine. But they dont do that. It is not just another book to

them, its worse than that. They believe its a book of myths and fables that they dont

agree with, or that contradicts their lifestyle. They dont want anything to do with it.

There is an attack mode. Have you ever noticed it? You see, the enemy is out to destroy

your confidence in the Bible. He started in the Garden of Eden. He said, Hath God said,

you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, or youll surely die? Eve added that

little phrase touch it. God didnt say dont touch it. He said dont eat it. And he

started planting doubts into Eves mind about the authority and reliability of what God


Reliability is extremely important. In fact, there are two issues that you should

know about reliability. How reliable is the Bible? How trustworthy is it? Two things:

First weve got to know how accurate its statements are. You cannot have reliability

without accuracy. And secondly, we have to know how authoritative is its message? Why

do I have to listen to it? I dont care if it is accurate. It could be accurate and be stupid,

foolish, ridiculous message. And it may be accurately reported. So those two issues are a

part of reliability.

Why should you build your whole life on the Bible? Why should you trust the

Bible to guide you in everything that you do and say until Jesus comes again? One issue

is accuracy. The other issue is authority.

Introduction, Part One Time 10:20

Now how accurate are its statements? Lets go to Matthew 5. Behind the issue of

accuracy is the veracity of Jesus Himself. We try to give you in the notes a lot of space so

you can write different things in. But behind accuracy is the veracity of Christ. Meaning

Hes either saying the truth here or Hes not. We are basing what we believe about

accuracy on a statement Jesus said in Matthew 5:18.

For verily I say to you, [Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount] til

heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the

law, til all be fulfilled. (KJV)

That sounds pretty reliable to me. That is a very, very strong statement dealing

with the accuracy of the Bible. Everything that it predicts will be fulfilled. And not one

jot or one tittle will pass away until it does. So you can count on the Bible doing

everything it says.

Now the word jot is the smallest letter in the Hebrew language. Technically its

the yodh. You write it in English Y-O-D-H. It is called a jot. It is like the English

apostrophe, it looks just like that. Its the smallest of the 22 letters in the Hebrew

language. So, how interesting that Jesus would say, not one letter, the very smallest letter

will ever pass away. Now right away you are getting a view of inspiration and inerrancy

that is a little deeper than the average evangelical church believes. It isnt just the

thoughts of the Bible. It isnt just the words of the Bible. Its the letters also.

Do you understand that just slight mistakes here, changes the meaning of words?

Now He also said, not one tittle. What is a tittle? A tittle is a marking on a Hebrew
Introduction, Part One Time 12:11

letter that distinguishes it from another letter when the two look alike. For instance the

letter that is like our English D, daled, looks very much like the R, the resh. It looks very

much like the same. Its just kind of at a right angle. But on the daled, the D, the line at

the top goes out just a small tad beyond the line that goes perpendicular to it. The little

extension is called a tittle. A tittle is simply a marking on one letter to distinguish it from

another letter when the two letters look alike. So talk about a view of inspiration. Jesus

said, not one yodhnot one smallest letter in the Hebrew language, and not one

marking on those letters will ever pass away until all be fulfilled. That is a pretty detailed

view of inspiration.

Go to Revelation 19. Every time I turn to this book, I always think in my heart,

Wouldnt it be great to be looking at this when He comes! Revelation 19:9. He saith

unto me John is being told to write.

Write. Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the

Lamb. And He saith unto me, These are the true sayings [of Whom?] of


Now that is either true or it is not true. Either these are the true sayings of God or

they are not the true sayings of God. The Bible says they are absolutely what God said,

accurately reported.

People say to me, Well, there are lies in the Bible. Well, of course there are

because every time Satan speaks, it is usually a lie. And by the way, men are recorded

and they speak lies. But inspiration does not refer to whether there is a lie in the Bible.
Introduction, Part One Time 14:02

Inspiration refers to whether it is accurately reported as it was told. Whenever God

speaks, it is the truth of course. But it is all accurately reportedthats what it means

true, genuine, totally dependable and reliable sayings of God.

Look at Revelation 21:5. I like to use these in Revelation because Revelation is a

much debated book as to whether to take it literally or not. Revelation 21:5.

He that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new. And He

said unto me, [Hes reporting what was said to him by God the Father on

the throne.] Write, for these words are true [theyre genuine] and faithful

[totally reliable].

You say, Well, how do I know that the guy accurately reported that? That is part

of the problem that is discussed in this course. Revelation 22:6. I just want you to

understand the importance of this study at this point and what the Bible actually says.

You may not agree with what the Bible says but at least be honest enough to admit that

this is what it says. In chapter 22, verse 6, He said unto me these sayings are faithful and

true. There it is again. We have a totally reliable record given to us.

Now we are going to deal with that issue in a moment before we are done. We are

simply just starting out. What is reliability? What does that mean? How trustworthy is the

Bible? It deals with the accuracy of its statements. Are they reliable? Are they genuine?

The Bible says they are. You say, That is the Bible talking about itself. And that is a

funny thing to me about people. In their attacks on the Bible, they are scared of internal

testimony. They are scared of it. They say, Oh, the Bible is saying that about itself. How
Introduction, Part One Time 15:51

do you know thats true? Oh well then, we cant apply internal evidence to any book can

we, under those terms? If that is so, then we have to apply external evidences to the

accuracy of the Bible. Would you like to know what the external evidences are to the

accuracy of the Bible? The answer is no, they dont want to know it. Why? Because

there is no book in the entire world that can stand the test that the Bible can on external

evidences. And we will show that to you before we are done with this course.

So you see, the very testimony of the Bible itself is clear. It is telling you this is

totally reliable. It reports God saying it. The veracity of Jesus is here. He said that none

of it will pass away. It will all be fulfilled. In Matthew 24, He said, Heaven and earth

will pass away, but My words will never pass away (Matthew 24:35).

Now, how authoritative is its message? I was witnessing to a guy on the Bible and

he was so hostile I said to him, You know Im learning in old age to be a little more

relaxed, but I do get uptight. I love this Book.

So anyway, he is just telling me all that is wrong with it and I said, Can I ask you

a personal question?

He said, Sure. What?

I said, What have you got against this Book? I mean he was waxing so

eloquently about what he thought was wrong with the Book. You know, I had not done

that tactic before, but I was just kind of frustrated. I didnt want to get any angrier than I

already was. So I just said to him, What is it that you have against this Book?

He thought for a minute and he said, I have read it.

I said, Im glad you have, but you are certainly against it.

He says, It is the way the Book writes.

Introduction, Part One Time 17:35

I said, What do you mean the way?

He says, It acts like it is the authority, like youve got to do what it says.

And I smiled at him and I said, You know I cannot find a finer testimony for the

authority of the Bible than what you just gave. I want to thank you for that.

I dont want to give any testimony, he said.

I said, Well, you just did.

Yeah, I can understand that very, very much. The Bible tells you what to do and

acts like it is the authority and you are not. And you see the carnal nature that we have,

the depravity that we have, we fight that, man. I dont want anybody telling me what to

do. But just to emphasize that for you, when it [the Bible] says: Thus saith the Lord.

Now some book I read had [listed] five thousand times that this was said. Please be

accurate. Dont say that to people. Anybody can get the trusty computer out and find

what it is. It actually says it 415 times.

You see how we lose credibility when we do not say what is true. We are quoting

somebody and all this business of what the Bible is or it isnt. Please quote accurately and

dont quote something from somebody that you havent also seen the evidence for. This

is very important.

All I am trying to say is that these are phrases that are used in the Bible to indicate

its authority. In other words, God said this, you do this. The word of the Lord saidit is

spokenit is written. That is how authority is developed.

What I want you to understand is be accurate. Dont quote those figures that you

read in some books on this. And it is done constantly. Look it up yourself. You do not
Introduction, Part One Time 19:14

need to trust the notes in the syllabus, look it up yourself. And who cares whether it is

one or two off, but just do not say five thousand. Bad mistake!

Now when you talk about authority, authority in this Book, why is it authoritative

and therefore totally reliable? And the answer is: because it is the word of God. Flat

out. Do you know that if it is the word of God and God is who He is, according to this

word, then He would not make a mistake? He could not. It would be impossible for Him

to do so. The next argument is: Well, but the guys who wrote it down could make

mistakes. And do you know something? That is true. So in our course, we have to look

at all of that.

There is not a book that is extant, which means it was not printed or published

before we had the printing press. Those extant copies of other manuscripts are far more

error-filled than the Bible ever was by hand copying it. Some people quote things like,

Oh theres over 500,000 variations of the original text of the New Testament. No, there

is not. But people say that. I had a guy throw that up to me and he listed them all. So I

went back and looked them all up myself. First of all, half of what he put down was not

true at all and the other half were simply repeating the same error in multiple copies of

the same passage. So you understand that if a guy made a mistakewrote down one

letter different than another letterand all the copies that were made off of his copy, that

would repeat the same error, wouldnt it? If there were 50 copies, so are there 50 errors?

No, there is just one. Are you following me? So the total number of those things is so

ridiculously low, there is no document in all of ancient history that can even compare

with the accuracy of the Bible. And it is amusing to me how we allow this argument to go

on and on. It is like, Oh boy, yeah, hes into that human author thing. I dont know what
Introduction, Part One Time 21:16

to say now. Well, they were unusual men, you know. No they werent. They were

just as crummy as you are. You know, they are fallible. They can make mistakes. And so

we have to deal with that. We have to deal with the transcribing of the documents. You

know, that is very important.

I hear people say, Well, the Jews did not make any mistakes. Yes they did.

They made fewer mistakes than Gentiles because they had a reverence for the Bible that

maybe the Gentile did not have and the Jew had a fear of making a mistake. But they still

made some mistakes. In the manuscripts there are some differences. Not many. But there

are some.

Now I dont know whether you are getting shaky or not right now. But I have

found something in my life: the truth will set you free. Dont hide from the truth. We

are going to expose probably a lot of myths that you have heard from preachers. All well-

meaning, but we are going to have to deal with them because they are not always the

truth. So, if I ask you, whats the key to the reliability of the Bible? There are really

two issues: The accuracy of its statements and the authority of its message. There is no

book that has ever been writtenand I have read a lot of religious statements, Ive read

cult books toobut there is no book that talks like the Bible. You talk about authority.

There arent any options here. There arent creative alternatives and suggestions. He just

says, Do it. This is My word, now do it. The Bible expects us to obey it. Why?

because it is Gods word!

Now, listen carefully. I dont make it the word of God. It already is the word of

God. It doesnt become the word of God by the way I teach it. It already is the word of

God. You can shout and scream and yell and say I really believe this with all my heart.
Introduction, Part One Time 23:06

Well, we are glad you do, but that has nothing to do with whether it is the word of God.

But I believe it and that settles it. No, it doesnt. The guy who believes in Buddha could

say the same thing. I believe that Buddha lives. He lives within my heart. Well, I am

glad you feel that way, but I dont believe he does. I may believe you believe it, but I

dont believe what you believe.

Is everybody following that? Okay, you understand this? This is a very important

issue. We will not run away from the problems and the details of this. It is no threat at all,

none whatsoever. But it is to a lot of Christians because they do not know how to handle

it. One thing is for sure: the Bible claims to be accurate in its statements. One thing is for

sure: the Bible claims to be authoritative in everything it says. This is Gods word and

you better shape up!

The carnal man does not want to hear that. We want to do what we want to do.

We dont want anybody telling us what to do. Well, the Bible sure tells us what to do.

And that is the reliability issue. I trust it because it is the word of God. If I did not believe

this was the word of God I would not be sitting here teaching this course. Ill tell you that

right now, I would not waste the time with it. I would not want to preach anymore either.

I would not want to go into the pulpit doubting that this is the infallible word of God.

That is the key to biblical preaching and teachingwhat a man believes that Book is

really all about. I believe it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.

I do not make it powerful. It already is the power of God. That is a wonderful Book, isnt

it? I love that Book. And it is so important that we get this straight.

Lets Pray,
Introduction, Part One Time 24:43

Father I thank You for Your word. I thank You that we can have

confidence in this Book. It is the word of God that liveth and abideth

forever. And I pray that You will help us as we go through this course.

Lord, it breaks our hearts to see how the enemy in his strategy has

blinded the minds of them that believe not. It breaks our hearts to see

friends and relatives and loved ones who simply will not open their

minds to the truth. God You must do that. You opened the heart of Lydia

long ago (Acts 16:14). You can open anybodys heart. You have the

power Lord. We need You. Salvation is of God and not of man. We are

born of the Spirit of the living God and Lord I pray that You would

teach us throughout this course to trust You to break the bondage of

blindness that is on the unbelieving heart. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 2
Introduction Part Two

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Introduction, Part Two

Now, we need to talk about the importance of the Bible as it relates not only to

reliability, but also to what we call revelation. Now class, dont get mixed up between

revelation and inspiration or inerrancy. They are all different terms. What does revelation

mean? Revelation, in the standard religious sense, is talking about God communicating to

man. That is how simple it isGod communicating to man. And so the question is: how

did He do that? If He is God and we are men, how did He do that? And that is the subject

of revelation.

Inspiration refers to what was written only. Does God communicate to man in

ways that are not written? Yes. But it is the written record that tells us how He did that.

So, revelation is how God communicates with the creation that He made.

We have five things we want you to see regarding how God does communicate.

And then we are going to ask the question, Well how do we know the person is speaking

from Gods revelations or not?

The other day some guys came up to me and said, Boy I really had some

interesting vision last Thursday night.

I said, Really? Did it match with anything the Bible teaches?

Hey look, I know you, David, just leave that out for a moment. Let me just tell

you what God said. He told me.

I said, You know what? I would check into what I ate before I went to bed. God

didnt tell you that.

He did too!

No, He didnt and heres the proof. I opened my Bible

Introduction, Part Two Time 02:13

And he said, I dont want to hear that Bible stuff again. You know

thatsyoure limiting God by just

Excuse me? Im limiting God by getting the information on what you are telling

me out of the Bible? No Im not. Im giving God all of His proper place and His authority

and His glory. I dont want to trust you at all. Do you understand?

A lady told me the other day that Jesus sat on her bed.

I said, What did He look like?

She said, Well, He had long hair. It was blonde.

I said. That offends my Jewish blood, but okay, its blonde. What else?

She said, Oh, He kind of glows.

He glows.

She said, Theres no doubt about it.

I said, Well, I dont think He paid you a private visit.

She said, Why?

Because He says in the Book, He is not going to do that until He comes again.

She made a mistake of asking where? So we looked at it, the whole evidence.

He told His disciples that He is leaving and He is not coming back until He

comes again. He does not leave the right hand of the throne of God where He constantly

makes intercession for us and pay a special little trip down to see you. He does not do

that. He is not coming back until the Second Coming. That is what the Book says.

Well then what was in my room?

Introduction, Part Two Time 03:24

I said, Well, now that is another interesting subject. The Bible says in 2

Corinthians 11 the devil can transform himself into a minister of righteousness and an

angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Do you see this kind of deception? Did you know on the Internet how many of

you use the Internet? Its like a disease. You get on there and you get into it with people

and you cant stop. They keep writing back and writing back and you think you are

witnessing, but Ive come to believe it is a very poor way of witnessing. You may

disagree on that. But anyway, on the Internet theyve got a whole thing on Mary now

the apparitionswhere you can go and see them and the evidences that Jesus is also

appearing and all this stuff. I think we have just begun to see what is going to happen to

the minds of this culture. You are going to see a continual turning away from this Book

even among evangelicals.

Those who have been in my classes know that there are some little pet peeves of

mine, little things Ill say along the way. One of them is that I am watching Christians in

evangelical churches coming to church without their Bibles more and more now. I almost

feel like going back to Sunday school. Okay all of you now, raise your Bible, now. Lets

make sure you have your Bible. I dont want to get into that silly stuff, but Im telling

you, there is something wrong going on in our culture with [Christian] people who ought

to know better.

I was sitting at Calvary Chapel the other night, listening to my pastor and I looked

over and a guy and his wife who were sitting there without their Bibles. And I looked at

my wifes Bible. We both had one. I said, Honey we can look on. Lets give this Bible
Introduction, Part Two Time 04:52

over there. I handed my Bible. He said, No, were just listening. I couldnt wait until

that study was over.

Boy, as soon as that study was over, I came to him and I said, Could I say

something to you?

He said, What?

Are you folks Christian?

He said, You bet. Weve been here a long time.

I said, Being here doesnt make you a Christian anymore than going to a garage

makes you a mechanic. The important thing is that you know the Lord.

We know the Lord.

I said, Let me just tell you something, it really grieved me when you didnt want

to look at the Bible. Our pastors doing an in-depth study on the book of Ephesians and

you need to look at it for yourself.

Well, we trust him. Whatever he says

I said, Dont. He is a wonderful man and I thank God for him, but he is not the

authority. God and His word is. You better watch this.

I said, Whats with this? on the way out.

My wife said, People just arent bringing their Bibles are they?

You know, Im ready to get those old time family editions. Carry it up here and

man, Amen. The B-I-B-L-E. People will carry any other book, so whats the matter with

carrying this? I love carrying this. The Bible calls it a sword. Thats the most powerful

Book in all the world, right therethe Bible. So dont walk around like you are sneaky.

Some of you put your New Testament in your pocket so nobody can see it. God help you.
Introduction, Part Two Time 06:06

If all you have is the New Testament, you dont have the Bible. You have only the New

Testament. The Bible has the Old Testament and the New Testament. Do you understand

that? There are sixty-six books, thirty-nine in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the

New Testament in the Protestant Bible. Twenty-two in the Hebrew, but they are the same

books, thirty-nine.

In Psalm 19, how does God speak to us? How does He communicate to us? Now

according to the Bible, again, this is the Bibles record of how He does this, we admit

that. First, He speaks through what He has made. Now you dont learn a whole lot by

skipping church, going out under a tree and meditating. Some people think theyre

learning more about God. No, you are not learning much about God. You are learning

two things that we will show you here in a moment. How does God speak?

He speaks through what He has made. The heavens declare the glory of God, the

firmament, [the expanse] shows His handiwork (Psalm 19:1).

The Bible says, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

(Genesis 1:1). So what He created reveals something about Him. It doesnt tell you

everything. But what does it tell you?

Go over to Romans 1 and you learn that there are two things about God that the

Bible says are clearly seen by anyone, even if they are not a believer. They may not want

to admit it, but there are two thingswhen God speaks through what He has madethat

we will understand about God. They are so simple. We make them more difficult than

they are.

The Bible says in Romans 1:19, Because that which may be known of God is

manifest in them. Now the reason he said this is because of Romans 1:18, where he said
Introduction, Part Two Time 07:51

that the unbeliever is holding down, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. It is

because of his sin, he does not want to face the truth. And the text says: because that

which is known of God is manifest. Well, how is it manifest to unbelievers? It says,

God has shown it unto them. How? Romans 1:20 answers:

The invisible things of Him [God is the invisible God] from the creation of

the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made

[And here are the two things.] even His eternal power and godhead, so that

they are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)

All men are without excuse if they dont live up to the light they have in creation.

Now what do they learn? Number one, whoever made this had to exist before it was

made. Thats not tough is it? God is eternal.

Now without going into details with an unbeliever about the eternal nature of

God, you simply tell them all that verse means is: whatever thing, whatever force,

whoever it was, who made it, (obviously by a priori argument) had to have existed before

it was madeif He made it. You learn that whoever made this obviously had to exist

before it was made in order to have done that.

Dont you understand now secular humanism and evolution, the whole argument

in our culture is very fundamental. You see, unbelievers do conclude that whoever made

this [universe] had to exist previous to it being made if He made it. So, since they dont

want to live under Gods authority, theyve got to get rid of God. So theyve got to come

up with an argument as to how we explain the origin of the solar system.

Introduction, Part Two Time 09:37

I have a little book in my library called The Origin of the Solar System. It lists

nine different views that are prevalent today on the origin of the solar system. They are

all crazy. The one that still holds sway, over our major universities and intellectual

centers, is still the big bang theory. What is the big bang theory? Well, let me simplify it

for you without going into ramifications on it; but, it basically means that there were

some sort of eternal chemicals floating in space. You cant have those from the beginning

because you have to have something in order to produce something. Because it is against

the doctrine of secularism to believe that something comes out of nothing. If you say that,

youve got to go back to God again. So something has to come out of something. So what

did something happen out of something in relation to creation? Answer: these chemicals

by an unknown way collided with each other, caused an explosion, and as a result solid

mass was created by winging through space at really rapid speedsthe Big Bang Theory.

Now the number one proponent of that in our world was Dr. Steven Hawking. He

has been called the most brilliant man since Einstein in mathematics and astronomy. He

has been in a wheelchair late in his life. But he was the number one proponent of the Big

Bang Theory. I dont understand what he was talking about, but heres basically what he

said: In order for big bang to occurhe has demonstrated this from a laboratory point

of viewthere has to be perfect atmospheric conditions for that to occur. He says, So

there must have been some gigantic bubble in which the bang took place that provided a

perfect environment. He said, Now some religionists will say, Where did the bubble

come from? His answer: We simply do not know. The smartest man in the world

does not know where the bubble came from, but he cant have bang without bubble. Im

sorry, it is a lot easier to read, In the beginning God. Case closed.

Introduction, Part Two Time 11:46

How does God speak to us, class? He speaks through what is made. And I have

found this to be an overwhelming argument with unbelievers. If Satan has blinded their

minds and if the Lord, the Holy Spirit has not moved them to be interested in the gospel,

you will find them running away. They have no answer. They cannot deal with it. We do

not laugh with glee, we run with broken hearts and say, Please listen. But unless the

Holy Spirit works on somebody, they are not going to be saved through our apologetics.

But my point is, you, in what you believe, stop running away from this. It is true.

God has spoken. The heavens declare the glory of God. It is a wonderful thing. We learn

that whoever made this was in existence before it was made.

Whats the other thing we learn? Very simply, whoever made this had to have the

power to do so. When was the last time you made a galaxy? You understand the whole

universe is a testimony to the enormous power of whatever it was that produced it. Thats

why they call it Big Bang, because theyve got to have a tremendous surge of energy to

cause it. Theyve got to come to some conclusion as to how this would have been done.

The truth of the matter is that we do learn. God does speak. When you look at the stars,

we know in the Bible it is even more detailed, isnt it. These are the two simple things

every unbeliever can conclude, which the Bible says they (unbelievers) dont, they

suppress it. So God holds them accountable.

People say, Oh, does God hold people accountable way out in some jungle

somewhere who have never heard the gospel?

And the answer is: He doesnt hold him accountable for he doesnt know.

Oh boy, thats great.

Introduction, Part Two Time 13:25

Well, it is not so good. God does hold them accountable for what they do know.

What do they know? They know from creation that somebody bigger than you or I had to

make it and He had to be in existence before it was made.

You may say, Well, that is not the gospel. Listen, God gives more light,

according to the Bible, to those who respond to the light He gives them. You see, the

problem is in the human heart. The problem is not in the apologetics of the universe. The

universe is a constant witness to God. Even the stars and we can go on and on in the

details of the very processes of nature and the laws of gravity and all of it is a testimony

to who God is. God does speak through what He has made. And therefore, they

[unbelievers] are without excuse.

Now God also speaks through supernatural acts. So what is the tactic of the

enemy?to deny the supernatural. Now when I talk supernatural acts, I am not talking

about many of the psychosomatic, inward disorders that are healed on public television. I

am talking about real miracles that are attested by the unbelieving mind.

Now, when we come to God speaking through supernatural acts, what does the

unbelieving mind prompted by Satan come to the conclusion [of]? That it did not happen.

There is not an unbeliever in the world who as ever read the Bible who isnt aware that it

is a book of miracles. Why, even in pagan literature they say that. But they do not believe

they [biblical miracles] happened. I just want to establish the fact that God does speak,

according to the Bible, through supernatural acts. In Exodus 7:5, concerning those

plagues in Egypt, it says,

Introduction, Part Two Time 15:02

And the Egyptians [these are the unbelievers not the believers] shall know

that I am the Lord, when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt and bring out

the children of Israel from among them.

The Egyptians will know

In 1970 Im in the Egyptian museum in Cairo, one of the most fabulous museums

in the world. We were in the mummy room. These are the mummies of all the pharaohs

that had been uncovered from the Valley of the Kings and Queens down at Luxor. And

here are these mummies. The man leading the tour was a graduate of Harvard and a

specialist in hieroglyphics and archaeology. We were on the row of kings that lead us to

believing that Ramses, the great builder of Egypt whose statuary is all over Egypt, was

the pharaoh of the exodus. I do not believe that at all. I believe what the Bible says. The

chronology is different; it is about two hundred years off. But anyway, he was waxing

eloquently about it all and I was listening to it. After he was done, he asked if there were

any questions. I said, Yes, I have one.

He said, Whats that?

I said, I looked down this row at these glass coffins and I was counting them, and

all the pharaohs are here.

He said, Well, of course. We had them all down at the tombs and they are all up

here now.

I said, No, you dont understand. According to the Bible you should have one


He said, Why is that?

Introduction, Part Two Time 16:40

Well, because he drowned in the Red Sea. He looked at me, and then he looked

at his audience. Now some of them were not believers and everybody was asking, Yeah,

what about that?

He said, Do you have another solution?

I said, Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. But we need to go over two more rows of

mummies down there.

Two more rows? he said, thats going backward. You mean that you think the

children of Israel came out of Egypt a couple hundred years back?

I said, Yes. Uh-huh.

Well lets go over and hear the man.

So we walked out. I walked through and started with Tuthmosis I, a great military

conqueror. I said, Interesting name, Tuthmosis? But anyway, Tuthmosis II died very

quickly. His wife was Queen Hatshepsut, who was the daughter of Pharaoh, so she began

to be very powerful. Now there was a step-son of Tuthmosis. He had had sex with some

harlot off the street and they had a boy and they tried to make him out like he was the

next pharaoh. Queen Hatshepsut had nothing to do with that. First of all, it wasnt her

boy. Plus she didnt want to tolerate the immorality of her husband who had died. So she

became the ruler herself and ruled for about twenty yearsa daughter of pharaoh ruling,

how interesting! Shes the one who found Moses.

By the way, she named him what? Moses, which means to draw out. The idea of

the Moses thing is that the Nile River is the top god in the Egyptian pantheon. So we

draw him out of god. He is a son of God. By the way, when Moses did the first little

deal with turning the water to blood you understand that their god died. Is everybody
Introduction, Part Two Time 18:17

listening? Every one of the plagues was an attack against Egyptian mythology. But any

way, she draws Moses out of the river, teaches everybody that hes the son of god and he

deserves to be Pharaoh. Well, this step-son hates him. Interesting story!

Tuthmosis III is not going to be very favorable and he had his opportunity when

Moses was 40 years old. So Moses fled. He went out to the back side of the desert. Well

now, we know there is a different Pharaoh and weve got to have another line. And I said,

to the audience, Now isnt this interesting, here we start the Amentet line. That is very

interesting. Lets just follow these mummies. Come on, folks, walk down here. One, two,

uh-oh, we have one missing! What happened to him? Hes gone. Hes not here. This

guys just shaking his head. So he stepped up and here is what he said. I knew what he

was going to say, because I already knew that background.

He stepped up, Folks, folks, folks, this is all very interesting but we already

know what happened to that Pharaoh. We uncovered what is called a Dream Stela on a

rock and in hieroglyphics, which I of course studied, we know what the message was and

what happened to the pharaoh. And everybody agreed, Oh, yeah.

And I said, Hold it! Hold it! Since you are a scholar, I am sure we would all be

interested to know, exactly what did the Dream Stelathis rock, or slab of stonesay

happened to the Pharaoh?

He said, Thats not important.

I said, Oh, I think it would be very important. What happened to the Pharaoh?

Since it was written by a son, it would be very important what he thought. What did he

sell to the Egyptian people as to what happened to his dad?

Well, he says, the Stela says he was mysteriously exited to heaven.

Introduction, Part Two Time 20:21

Mysteriously exited to heaven? And you expect us, twentieth-century people to

believe that? No way. That is mythology. That is occultism. The Bible says that he

drowned in the Dead Sea.

He said, Thats occultism.

We were in this little game, you see. I said, Well, believe what you want,

brother. But there is something very obvious to all of us. There is no pharaoh here where

he is supposed to be. He is not here at all, he is gone. You said that he sort of went to

heaven. The Bible says that he drowned in the Red Sea.

He said, Well, that means that the Exodus would have to happen here.

I said, That is right. Thats exactly where the Bible places it.

He said, No. That means the bondage they went through was under the Hyksos


I said, Exactly right. They were shepherd kings.

He said, No, shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians.

Yes, but the Hyksos rulers came in and took it by force.

No. It was a natural transition.

No it wasnt. Exodus 1:8 says, There arose a king. The Hebrew word is to take

violently by force. There was a coup and the shepherd kings took over.

Are you understanding me? I just told you this simple little story for one reason,

stop being pressured by all that you read about so-called scholars. The truth is they are

not dealing with facts; they are creating the facts to make us all run away. No, we are

going to find out the truth, people. We arent going to run away from any problems.
Introduction, Part Two Time 21:46

The most accurate account of ancient history is still the Bible and every scholar

knows it. So why do they attack it? God tells you why. It is the depravity of their own

hearts. Do you understand every scientist that has ever studied paleontology knows that a

global deluge on this earths surface caused the stratification of society? We know that

and then why dont they believe it? 2 Peter 3:5-6 tells us that they are willfully ignorant

that the world perished under water. They do it deliberately. They come up with a view,

evolution, the study of strata.

I sat in a major class on evolution at Long Beach State University not too long

ago just to listen and see how they had improved their scientific knowledge. I was

shocked that they were still teaching the same thing as thirty years ago. What they said

was, You can tell the age of the fossil by the strata that it appears in.

If you ask, Well, how old is the strata?

Well, it depends upon the fossil that is in it.

Well, how old is the fossil?

Well, it depends on the strata that its in.

What are you talking about! Thats reasoning in a circle.

Dont you understand that they are doing a snow job on people. And people are

sitting there and saying, Oh I guess we cant trust the Bible. Are you kidding? We have

more evidence that God has spoken than they have ever begun to dream about. God has

spoken to us through supernatural acts and more than once, which we will learn about

next time.

Lets pray.
Introduction, Part Two Time 23:13

Father I thank You for Your word. I thank You that we can have

confidence in this Book. It is the word of God that liveth and

abideth forever. And I pray that You will help us as we go through

this course. You have the power Lord. We need You. Salvation is

of God and not of man. And Lord I pray that You would teach us

throughout this course to trust You. Thank You Lord, in Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 3

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible

Lets have a word of prayer.

Father, we thank You that Your word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our

path. It is a hammer. It is a fire that burns in our soul. We thank You Lord that

You have given us a word that is totally reliable and authoritative and I pray,

Lord, that You will help us to understand again the power that is in the Bible that

we, Lord, will be students of the word always, all of our days. Thank You in

Jesus name. Amen.

We were talking about revelation which means how God has communicated Himself to

us. And we mentioned He has done so through what He has made, the universe. As we left our

last class session, we were talking about how God speaks through supernatural acts, one of which

was clearly laid out for us in Exodus 7:5.

Now I would like you to go to Numbers 14:11. God does reveal Himself, especially His

power and the kind of power He has, because often it is rooted in His mercy and compassion. But

we learn about Him through His miraculous acts, supernatural acts. One of the number one

attacks about the Bible is they think these supernatural acts are mythological, that they arent

really true miracles.

Numbers 14:11 says,

And the Lord said unto Moses, how long will this people provoke Me and how

long will it be ere they believe Me for all the signs [miracles] which I have

showed among them.

One of the purposes of those supernatural acts is that we will believe in Him. So if a

person is not believing there is a God, he is really going to react against supernatural miracles. He

is not going to believe it. So it is very important to be able to understand the purpose of God
Miracles Time 02:39

behind that. When Moses is reiterating Gods law to the people on Mount Nebo, or what is now

Jordan, in Deuteronomy 4:35 we read this: Unto thee it was showed that thou might know that

the Lord He is God that there is none else beside Him. Now, he is speaking about the signs and

wonders and miracles He did, according to verse 34.

You see one of the purposes of God is not only that we will believe in Him, but we will

really know that He is God. When God does a miracle, you know it. It proves that He is God.

When man does so-called miracles we got to flip the coin sometimes, figure out whether it is

really of God or not because we are not sure. But when God does one, everybody knows it and

the Lord intends that His miracles, His supernatural acts, will point to who He is.

I have not developed this thought, but I have thought it many, many times, that there are

degrees of lets say impact among the miracles of Goddegrees of impact. For instance, there

are degrees of impact as it relates to unbelievers, as it relates to believers, as it relates to nations

versus individuals. There are lots of different things. We know for instance, when the Lord healed

the ten lepers only one came back to thank Him. So what was the impact on the other nine? At

least they became very ungrateful or maybe they just ignored it. The point I am making is that

sometimes we speak of miracles and they truly are miraculous, but they are not what we mean by

the revelation of God in supernatural acts.

For an example, the way God is taking care of us at times, to me is quite miraculous. But

if I analyze it as an unbeliever looking at it and say well, John Doe gave you that money when

you needed it and that is how your bill was paid. I see it as an answer to prayer and a miracle

from the hand of God, but in reality thats not what I am speaking about now. Do you understand

me? There are degrees of impact as it relates to the miracles of God. I see miracles all the time

and I hope you do too. I hope that is your mind, your heart, to see the hand of God in things. But

when we are talking about how God has revealed Himself through supernatural acts in the Bible,

they are never like that. They arent through human agency. They are the interruption of natural
Miracles Time 05:18

processes. They are the intervention of the supernatural into human history causing something

that no one can question. It had to come from God. Thats very important to understand.

In John 20 we have this remark concerning the miracles that are listed in the Gospel of

John. It says, Many other signs did Jesus which are not written in this book. Now how many

more? Well, at the end of John 21:25 it says that it would be impossible to even have enough

books to contain all the things that He was doing all the time, all the people that were healed by

Him. But we do know that the miracles that were listed. In John he says, These signs are written

that you might believe that Jesus is the Messiah and in believing you would have life through His

name (John 20:31).

Now, there is an emphasis there that some of us have missed because the miraculous is

done also through the apostles. And it does not prove they are the Messiah. The miracles that

Jesus did that are recorded in the book of John are all miracles that only God could do and which

in fact the Messiah, according to the Old Testament, had to do. Why is an incident of a lame man

being healed in John? Why is the incident of a man born blind there? Why is the emphasis on the

feeding of the 5,000? Do you understand what Im saying? All of these things, including the

resurrection of the dead are things that were credentials of who Jesus is. That He is the Messiah.

Now saying that means that the Messiah is in fact also the Lord God. Because only the

Lord God could do these miracles which we see recorded. And not everybody believes that. But if

you go to Isaiah chapters 40 to 66, you will have a big discussion about the Messiah as the

servant of the Lord. And over and over again it says that by what He does, He demonstrates He is

the Lord God and there is none else like Him. So the supernatural acts of God do reveal the very

nature and ability of God in contrast to man. Not similar to what man may do by trusting the Lord

and working through him, but something only God could do.

The third thing we notice about revelation, how God communicates, is that He has

spoken directly to certain individuals in the past, amen? Now there is a very troublesome matter

here. People say that God does the same thing today. Now if He does the exact same thing today
Miracles Time 07:56

then we really have no argument about a complete and final revelation from God in written form.

There is no argument against the Mormons, for instance, who claim that God spoke directly with

Joseph Smith. You see this is an issue a lot of people dont think about. In their effort to believe

that God has spoken to them, they are undermining what is truly called direct revelation in the

Bible. I do not question that God speaks to us. I feel many, many times God has spoken to me.

But I do not believe that He is giving direct revelation that He wants me to put into the Bible. Do

you understand? But there are a lot of people who do today. And thats why we have cults and

aberrant religions.

So, one of the purposes of our course is to help us with these things, to understand from

an apologetics point of view, why it is so important to believe the Bible is a complete and final

revelation from God. Now we are going to really hammer that issue. And hopefully you will all

know what you believe.

But lets start first of all, by saying that in the book of Genesis alone we have a long list.

God spoke directly to people and it says so. He talked to them and they heard Him. All the way

through the Bible we have that record.

Now lets start with Matthew 5 and let me show you this whole problem of God speaking

directly to individuals. In Matthew 5:17-18, we know in this verse, something I mentioned earlier

to you about the accuracy of the statements of the Bible that not one jot, which is a iotathe

smallest letter in the Hebrew language. Not one tittlea marking on a letter to distinguish it from

another letter when they both look alike. None of that will pass away until all is fulfilled. Right?

That is what He said, verses 17 and 18. It will never pass until everything is fulfilled.

Now the reason why that is critical is that if you ever had any writing that was never

fulfilled, it would come under question and scrutiny, wouldnt it? In the Bible we have fulfilled

prophecy and we have unfulfilled prophecy. But what if in the Bible we had a prophecy that was

supposed to be fulfilled 2000 years ago, but wasnt? You see if that were true, in just one

instance, we would undermine the whole doctrine that the Bible is the word of God. Is everybody
Miracles Time 10:32

following me? Let me repeat this again so youre clear because the cults really do a number on


First, in the Bible you have fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy. Amen? You understand

that? There are prophecies that have already been fulfilled about nations of the world that were

written before they existed, also about the first coming of Christ. And we know they were in

existence before Christ because of the Dead Sea scrolls. Now when we look at this matter, it isnt

that there are unfulfilled prophecies that undermine the authority of the Bible, because they will

be fulfilled. What Jesus said, Not one of these letters or markings on the letters will ever pass

away until all of it is fulfilled, it is going to be fulfilled. But what we mean is, if there was any

prophecy about something that was already to have taken place before our time today and it did

not take place, then we do not have a reliable accurate revelation from God. Do you understand?

You see in our view, there is no possibility of such an error. Does everybody follow me? If you

are not, lets talk about it now because I dont want you to be mistaken on this.

Well, with the prophecies that are not to be fulfilled until the future, there is no problem

because eventually the future will prove them. But lets suppose that there was a prophecy that

was supposed to be fulfilled in past history and it has not been fulfilled. Now, we have a problem.

In our view that is an impossibility based on the promise of Jesus. Do you understand? Suppose

the Bible predicted as it does, that Alexander the Greats empire would be broken into four parts

with four generals, four leaders. The Bible predicts that but suppose that were not true. Suppose

his empire was divided among five generals? Is that a small matter to us in this course? And the

answer is no that is a major issue. We could not teach with confidence that we have an

accurate, totally reliable Bible if there is just one point like that.

You see that helps us to understand why people who dont want to believe the Bible

attack it so much and try to undermine it because they are struggling to find something like that to

disprove it to us. This is very important. Suppose the Bible predicted that from the 20th year of

Artaxerxes until the time Messiah would be cut off that there would be 40 years instead of 69
Miracles Time 12:59

times 7. Suppose it was just 40? Well, it didnt happen. If that was so then we cannot say to

people that we have an authoritative accurate Word. It would be impossible. So in our discussion

about how whether God has spoken to these people or not, remember Hebrews 6:18 says it is

impossible for God to lie. So whatever God has told these people it has to be the truth if He is

Godor Hes not God! I know this sounds almost elementary, but it is amazing to me, when we

get into a tough spot reasoning with this subject how we dont keep the facts straight. The facts

are that everything that is in that book will be fulfilled. And that which is not fulfilled in our day

has to be in terms of predictive prophecy in the future of our day. If it is in the past and it wasnt

fulfilled then it undermines our confidence in the accuracy and reliability of the Bible. Are we

following that so far?

Okay now, lets take that just a step further. Go to Luke 24. The other thing we learn

from the Lord Jesus in Luke 24:44-45 is that all of this direct revelation was divided into three

parts and all speaks about the Messiah. So when God spoke directly to individuals of the past by

direct revelation, all of these words were intended to lead us to the Messiah. They were all to be

organized around that. Here is what Jesus said, verse 44. These are the words I spake unto you

while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled. There is our argument again, but look

at this. It is clearly stated where the all things that are to be fulfilled are found. In the law of

Moses, the five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, and in the

prophets and in the Psalms.

Psalms is the beginning book of five books called the writings. And whenever the Jewish

people refer to that division of the Old Testament, they call it the Psalms, but theyre really

referring to five books: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. You take those

five and the five of the law of Moses, ten. How many do we have left that are called prophets? In

a Jewish Bible we have only twelve left. In a Protestant Bible we have 29 left. So people look at

that and say, Wait a minute! The only Scriptures they had, it wasnt English then, it was

Hebrew. So they have twenty-two books and we have thirty-nine. What is wrong here? And it is
Miracles Time 15:52

very common that people use this argument to undermine the Bible and it really shows their

ignorance. The twenty-two books in Hebrew are exactly the same as the thirty-nine in English.

' simply organized differently. For example Jeremiah and Lamentations are all put in one

book. We have the Kings, not separated as First and Second Kings or First and Second Samuel or

First and Second Chronicles and these are put together. You have to go to a Hebrew Bible to see

that. So in a Hebrew Bible, there are twelve prophets.

Now you have to listen carefully here. I dont want anybody to be mixed up. You may

want to jot this down in your notes so it is clear to you. When you say that everything the Lord

wanted to be fulfilled that came from God about the Messiah is in the prophets, it is in twelve

books in Hebrew and it does correspond to twenty-nine in English. Twelve prophets and all

twelve of these prophets as to their main message, is a message of the Messiah and that is very


The whole reason for the history of the kings and all of that is tracing the line of the

Messiah and showing Gods prophetic plan to bring a savior, a redeemer into this world who can

solve the worlds problems. God tells us in Revelation 13:8 that He was a lamb slain before the

foundation of the world. So, all of Gods intention for this One who would deliver us is all laid

out ahead of time. If we had a book lets say that did not do that, could we not rightfully question

its inspiration and authenticityat least on the testimony of Jesus? Now what some people say,

like the Jesus Seminar, they do not believe that Jesus actually did this. You say, Well, how do

they know? Well, they threw a little marble into the center of the table indicating their opinion as

to whether He said it or not. Do you understand how serious this matter is? We have the law of

Moses, we have the writings, we have the prophets, and Jesus said all that is in them will be


I love to show Mormons out of their own Book of Mormon what is obviously impossible

to fulfill and what is grossly inaccurate, so that it cannot be from God. And when you start at that

point and start laying it out, you can see the trouble that comes into their hearts because they have
Miracles Time 18:00

been programmed to believe that God spoke directly to Joseph Smith. Their whole belief system,

everything about what they are, is all built on that. Well, dont be surprised, everything you and I

believe is all based on these books we call the Bible. It is all built on it.

We had a big smoke screen sent up a few years ago over the gospel of Thomas, called

The Forgotten Gospel or whatever. There are all kinds of books like this. We call them

pseudographic writings. They are false writings, in terms of that which we can prove comes

form the hand of God. So this issue is a very, very critical one. Jesus has already identified the

three-fold division of the Old Testament and He didnt include the Book of Mormon. It doesnt

matter if it is the Mormons or who it is, the issue of whether or not God speaks directly (by direct

revelation that was intended to be Scripture) is a very important one.

Jesus has clearly shown us that all that He said was going to be fulfilled, because heaven

and earth will not pass away til all this is fulfilled, is clearly the law of Moses, Psalms or The

Writings and the prophets. That is what He said. We preach the truth about the Bible. In other

words, the truth always exposes the error. Light always exposes darkness. So one of the traps the

devil likes to get us into in apologetics is we start arguing in the area of the darkness. We start

arguing the area of their beliefs or trying to show why they are not of God or whatever. Hey, just

preach the truth and they will be done. They are finished. That is why this issue is critical.

What exactly was direct revelation from God? And my answer to that is: in the Hebrew

Bible there are twenty-two books. And in the Protestant there are Bible sixty-six books, thirty-

nine in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New Testament. And that we believe is the

completed revelation from God. Well, how do you know that?

Lets go to John 10:32-35 and keep following this argument. This is a very difficult

passage. First of all it comes after the Jews were wanting to stone Jesus because He said I and

the Father are one. And in verse 32, Jesus answering them said, Many good works have I

showed you from my Father, for which or those works do you stone Me? And the Jews

answered and said, For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy and because that thou
Miracles Time 20:20

being a man makest thyself God. Now Jesus answered them and said, Is it not written in your


Now here we learn that the word law can apply to the law of Moses or the entire Bible.

Here, it is going to apply to the Psalms. And the Lord made the application. Some people say

when they read Psalm 119, where there is an emphasis on the law, I love thy law. I delight in thy

law. I had somebody actually tell me, Well that is the law of Moses. We are not under law,

were under grace. No it is not the law of Moses. It is a broad term referring to the entire Bible.

Here is a direct passage to show that Jesus referred to a passage in the Psalms as being the law of

God. Interesting!

This is Psalm 82 which I want you to turn to in a moment. He said, Is it not written in

your law, I said ye are gods (John 10:34; Psalm 82:6). If He called them godsnow watch this

carefully unto whom the word of God camethis is direct revelation again and the Scripture

cannot be broken. Do you understand? Before I even answer this problem, I know that the Lord

taught me what is Scripture and what is not. Scripture is direct revelation from God. Scripture is

not a journalist observing an event and making up the facts as he saw them.

Class, listen to me carefully. Before we are done with this course, we are going to talk

about the views of inspiration. And you will learn about the differences between mechanical

dictation and that which is sometimes called the personality of the writer or his viewpoint. This is

especially applied to the gospels in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Before we ever get to those

problems, I want you to know something about what your teacher believes and what I believe is

the view of Scripture. And that is that everything in this Bible that we are calling the complete

and final revelation from God is a direct revelation of God. Everything.

Some guys say to me, You mean only when it quotes when God speaks. No! No even

when it quotes whos going to say God speaks. Everything is a direct revelation from God. And I

meet many Christians today, in fact this has once again become a battleground among

evangelicals and it is warring right now. Once again it just keeps coming up all the time because
Miracles Time 22:52

it is a strategy of the enemy to weaken us on what the Bible is. And what they are saying now

among evangelicals is that we should not take the hard line on inerrancy. That what we should

say is almost like the Mormons say: Well, it is the word of God as it is accurately reported or

accurately translated. Now, I just want you to know that that is not our view at all. We believe

that it is not only accurately reported, but its inerrant. It is without error in the original languages

as it came from God and that it wasnt up to these men to say whatever they wanted to say.

According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit of God superintended the whole project and made sure

that what they wrote was exactly what God wanted written. They never had the option of making

up their own mind about it.

Now, that is not taught in many of the Bible colleges and universities here in our country

any more. It used to be, but its not now. And it is getting rarer all the time. If this keeps going

another twenty to twenty-five yearsperish the thoughtwe may not have a college or seminary

to go to that believes that this entire Bible is the result of direct revelation from God. That is how

bad it is right now. This is a serious matter. And if I die tomorrow Im hoping and praying that

one of the accomplishments that I may have contributed to the general cause of Christ on this

globe is to get people back to believing that the Bible is the word of God. And we dont make up

the rules. This is so important. You take this Book away from people in terms of undermining

their confidence in it, and you will destroy, ultimately their relationship with Jesus Christ. You

will undermine everything and a lot of evangelicals dont think that. All you have to do is look at

some of the major denominations that fifty or sixty years ago already departed from this and they

are already long gone. It is really serious. May it never happen to us.
History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 4
Scripture Cannot Be Broken

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Scripture Cannot Be Broken

Okay, now back to our subject in Hebrews 1:1-2, dealing with whether or not the

Bible is a complete revelation from God and whether or not it is direct revelation from

God. Here is a statement that you will read in books: The Bible contains direct

revelation from God. Well, they have not told us anything because that is rather obvious.

They quote: and God said or thus saith the Lord. Of course it does, but whether its

accurately reported or not is an issue also. But is the Bible itself (all of it) direct

revelation from God? That is a very important question.

Hebrews 1:1-2 provides a very important passage. It says, God who in sundry

times and in diverse mannersthat means at various times. So the Bible was not written

in one moment of time; actually, it was probably over a good 1400 years. And in diverse

manners means various ways. These could have been dreams, visions, and a lot of

different ways. But God spoke. Notice the verse says God spoke. Is the Bible, in all

these various ways and through various means and times, a direct revelation from God?

According to this verse it is. God spoke.

Now, how did He do it? He did it by the prophets. Did God directly speak to men,

who then in turn wrote it down under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit? And

the answer is yes, that is what it says. Now how that happens is a matter that we are going

to be discussing. And you can understand why cults and religions immediately say,

Well, there you have it. We have the same. So now I have to say, Wait a minute, how

do I know the Bible is that and these writings are not? So we will get to that in a minute

but lets read in verse two.

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This God who spoke, hath in these last days. Now it is interesting when we hear

the words last days, we immediately are prophecy buffs and so we are thinking

prophecy. But actually the Greek text says in its proper order, very literally, in the last of

these days, that is what it says. The last of what days? Hebrews 1:2, The days in

which God spoke. Now in the last of these days in which God spoke, in other words,

what you need to see at this point is that God is setting a time limit. He is going to stop

doing this. There is going to be a time when we say this is the end, the last of these days

in which He spoke. In the last of these dayswhen was that? Well, He spoke unto us by

His Son.

Wait a minute! I thought you said it was by the prophets. Well it is, but it is also

by His Son. Okay. What book did He write? I mean, I know the four gospels are about

Him, but He didnt write those books. So what book did He write? The book of

Revelation! You see in the book of Revelation, its title is in the first verse. It is the

revelation of Jesus Christ, which He is going to give to His servants. Now watch this

carefully. Hebrews, written before that timeprobably twenty to twenty-five years before

that timesays that God in the last in the days in which He speaks directly is going to

speak by His Son, through His Son.

Well, that is really interesting. Even in terms of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, it

is greater in the book of Revelation than anything you have in the Bible. There are more

titles and names of Jesus Christ in Revelation than in any other book of the Bible. There

are more names and titles of Jesus Christ in Revelation than all the New Testament books

combined. Id say thats a pretty strong revelation. As a matter of fact, the picture of Him

is totally different than anything you read in the gospels. Just read chapter one of
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Revelation, you will find out how different it is. All of a sudden, He is in His glorified,

resurrected state. And the information that He gives us goes clear into the future, to the

eternal state.

Listen to me carefully. I would find it very hard to believe that if this is the last of

the days in which God speaks and He does it through His Son, I find it very hard to

believe that anyone else could be additional to that. Especially since the information His

Son gave us in that book of Revelation extends clear into that eternal state. Now how are

you and I going to add to that?

If you think thats bad, go to Revelation 22, the very book we are talking about,

and look at what it says at the end of that book. Revelation 22:18-19. This is the very

book that is the last of the days in which God spoke that was through His Son, not

through anybody else. If you want to know whether it was Him or not, Revelation 22:16;

18-21 says,

I, Jesus, have sent mine angels to testify unto you these things in the

churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David and the Bright and

Morning Star. [verse 18] For I testify unto every man that heareth the

words of the prophecy of this book. If any man shall add unto these things

God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. And if

any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God

shall take way his part out of the book of life and from the holy city and

from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these
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things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Folks, here is what many people who are in other religions say. Well, that only

deals with the book of Revelation. You cant add to it or take away. It doesnt deal with

the whole Bible. But you see when you go from Hebrews 1:1-2 to Revelation 22:18-19

you realize it does refer to the whole Bible. But it refers to the whole Bible because God

has been speaking and in the last of the days in which He speaks, Hell speak through His

Son. Hell give us a final revelation. And the last book is called the Revelation of Jesus

Christ and no man can add to that or take away from it. Plus the fact that the very content

of the book of Revelation militates against the view that just because it is revelation, it

some how allows us to add additional revelation to other books of the Bible. Excuse me,

that is impossible, because from the standpoint of the content of the book it takes us all

the way into the future. It already maps out what is going to take place. You cant add to

it. You cant change it. You cant take anything from it.

You see, everything that is written in the book of Revelation is going to take place

exactly the way He said. And all that unfulfilled prophecy there will one day be fulfilled.

Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away (Matthew 24:35),

and all these things will be fulfilled. Is everybody following me, now? Do you understand

that we have a complete and final, written revelation of God? Wow!

You say, Well, wait a minute! How did they know which books were in it? Oh,

we are going to discuss that too. We are going to get into all of it. We are just talking
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revelation, about how God communicates. The Bible teaches that God speaks to us

through His Son, Jesus Christ. We just saw that in Hebrews 1:2.

But lets go to John 1:14,

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory

[What? His glory!], the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of

grace and truth.

So has God the Father been revealed in His Son Jesus Christ? Yes. He has. In

John 1:18 it says, No man has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son which is in

the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him, or put Him on display. Is Jesus Christ a

revelation of the eternal God? Yes, He is.

In John 14:8-9, Philip asked kind of an amusing question. He said, Lord show us

the Father and it sufficeth usyou know, it will be enoughjust show us who God is.

Well, I guess it would be!

Jesus said to him,

Have I been so long a time with you and yet hast thou not known Me,

Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father and how sayest thou

then, show us the Father?

Is Jesus Christ a revelation of God in human form? Yes.

In 1 Timothy 3:16 it says, Great is the mystery of godliness. God manifest in the

flesh. In fact, in 1 John 4:2-3 it says if you dont believe that Jesus Christ is God come in
Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 09:16

the flesh, you are a part of the spirit of antichrist and you do not have God or the Father,

Christ or the Father, either one of them. So do you have to believe that Gods revelation

is seen in Jesus Christ? Yes, or you are not saved.

In Colossians 2:9-10 it says that, All the fullness of God dwells in Him in bodily

form. Is He a complete revelation? Yes. All the fullness of God dwells in Him. So if I

asked you, class, could you name the two complete revelations of God? The answers are

the Bible and Jesus Christ. Everything else is partial.

Now the fifth thing about revelation is what we have been implying all along. So

lets just say it. God speaks to us today through the Bible. Do you believe that? Sure He

does. Can I tell you that God spoke to me this morning? Yes I can. How did He do that?

Was it an audible voice? No. Well how did He do that? Through His word, He spoke to

my heart this morning. In fact, He does every day, I have noticed. Sometimes I am more

belligerent one day than another one and I do not see clearly all that God wants me to see,

but God speaks everyday through His word to me. Does He speak to me by His word if I

do not open it? No.

You see, the essential nature of the Christian life in terms of growth and our

salvation is that you have to depend upon the BibleGods final, complete, written

revelationto know what He wants you to do. If you want to hear God speak, the way He

is going to speak is through His Bible. That is the way Hes going to speak. And He holds

you accountable for it now. All the way through that Bible He holds you accountable for

it. You are supposed to listen to what He says in this book. Well, isnt that interesting!

The whole Psalm 119, all 176 verses, is a testimony as to how God speaks to us

through the word. There are 22 sections of 8 verses each, total of 176 verses. There are 22
Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 11:12

letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Every section of eight verses begins with a word whose

first letter is that letter of the alphabet in sequential order. For instance, the first letter of

the Hebrew alphabet is aleph. There are 8 verses that begin Psalm 119, verses 1 to 8.

Every verse in the Hebrew begins with a word whose first letter is aleph. When you come

to the second section, verses 9 to 16, its beth. And every verse begins with a word whose

first letter is beth. And it goes that way straight through the Hebrew alphabet. Many

people who have studied that passage in Hebrew say that if there ever was a reason to

believe that the Bible is the word of God, it is because of Psalm 119. Human ingenuity

just could not have done that. It is incredible. Gods ability is fantastic!

It is generally thought that David is the author. I dont have any problem arguing

for King David but a lot of people do. I am kind of simple on that issue. To me the human

authors are not important, but a lot of people make a big deal over it. People say to me,

Well, how could Moses write Deuteronomy 34 on his death? I mean, if hes dead, how

could he have done it? What are you going to do with that? My answer is that I think

Joshua could have handled that okay. What is the problem? He was the servant of Moses

and I dont see any problem with that, do you understand? There is too much emphasis on

the human authorship of the Bible and not enough on the divine authorship of the Bible.

That is where our problem lies today.

There have been prophecies reported on Christian television. Now you know I

dont want to be unjustly critical, but I am telling you, we already have direction in the

Bible as to know whether that stuff is from God or not. I got a whole big prophecy from a

guy back on the East Coast who just stirred up Christians back there something terrible.

He said Jesus Christ was coming on Rosh Hashanah; there was no doubt about it. See that
Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 13:15

is not from God. And everybodys trying to do that. Makes them feel good. Makes them

feel important. Have people submit to their great authority. That is why I tell people over

and over again, not to think any speaker, including me, is the authority. God and His word

is the authority.

You watch out. We are being prepared by the enemy, even in evangelicalism to

believe that people are the authority. You may think, Well, he studied the Bible, he

ought to know. That means nothing. I study the Bible and the more I study, the more I

dont know. So, it makes me wonder whether the guys that know everything whether they

studied or not. Please people, understand this is a serious subject!

Now lets come to number two. If the gospel that is preached is not the gospel of

Jesus Christ found in the Bible, then God did not speak it to them. Galatians 1:8 says so.

It even says if an angel did it. You cant help but think of Moroni in that deal.

Third, if what they say does not agree with the Bible, then God did not speak to

them. Isaiahs great on that. It is almost like there are Christian channelers out there. I

mean, they do not call themselves that, but you know when you contact them, they really

are in touch with the Lord. Really?

And the fourth thing, if they add any additional truth to what the Bible says, then

God didnt speak to them; and that just kills all known prophecies that people are trying

to argue are from God. Now, people they hear this and they say, Oh, you dont believe

God speaks to people, huh? I did not say that. Yeah, I believe He speaks to people. He

speaks through His word. Can He speak through circumstances? Yeah. He can. He did it

in Acts 16. He can close doors, open doors and all that, but I wouldnt trust that until I

saw the results.

Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 14:55

Does the Holy Spirit of God lead us through circumstances? Yes. But this is a

most dangerous argument. Is it possible that He has led you through circumstances? Yes.

I know that very strongly in my life, but I tell you it is after the fact that I usually have the

evidence. The truth of the matter is the major way God speaks to me is through His word.

Now some people say, What about the word of knowledge, or word of wisdom?

If it is wisdom and knowledge it will match with what Gods word teaches. In other

words, it is a speaking gift. You dont argue that about the gift of teaching. Everybody

who believes in the gift of teaching says, Well but it is Gods word you have to teach.

Well amen! Wouldnt a prophecy or word of knowledge or of wisdom be the same thing?

It is the ability to communicate effectively what Gods word teaches.

Did you think the prophets were coming up with original stuff? Let me give you

an idea of a prophet. Aaron is called a prophet. You know, all he did was repeat what

Moses said. The reason God did that was as a judgment against Moses for all of his

excuses about going in to Pharaoh. And he said, Im not eloquent, I cant do it. He had

all these excuses. God said, Okay then, your brother is going to talk to Pharaoh, but you

are going to tell him everything I tell you. Can you imagine the embarrassment of

Moses, who is eloquent, trained in all the education of Egypt, and has to walk in front of

pharaoh with his brother, Aaron.

Is everybody following? A prophet is a proclaimer of Gods truth. It doesnt mean

you have to come up with original stuff. All the original stuff is already come up with. It

is in the Bible. The beauty of the whole thing is that if you pay attention to this complete,

final written revelation of God, you can experience fantastic results in your life. You can

get saved! Thats pretty good, isnt it?

Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 16:24

We have passages like 1 Peter 1:23-25.

We are born again of the incorruptible seed of the word of God which

liveth and abideth forever, and this is the gospel which was preached unto


How is a man born again? Well, he attends a crusade? No. How is a man born

again? Well, he has these vibes about wanting to give his life to Jesus. No. No. Hes born

again by the incorruptible seed of the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. If

there is no Bible, you better check into whether theres a true, born again relationship.

In 2 Timothy we have this interesting passage. I like this passage very much. For a

reason I will tell you in a moment. In 2 Timothy 3:14-17 it says,

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been

assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a

child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee

wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is

given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be

perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

Wow. Thats pretty strong. The interesting thing is in verse 15, the word child

the Greek word brephosis referring to a baby in the womb or one that was just born
Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 17:58

that cant speak yet. What did he say? From a baby in the womb even, you have known

the Holy Scripture.

You say, Do you believe in child evangelism?

Yep. I believe in the evangelism of anybody who hears the word of God.

Can a child understand the word of God?

Sure can!

You mean to tell me that a child could develop a favorable response to the Bible

before it ever comes out of the womb?

Yep. Sure could.

Do you know scientifically we already know thats true. Do you know babies in

the womb can tell the sound of a voice as to whether its favorable or not favorable? Did

you know that music played while that child is in the womb, the child will immediately

respond to, whereas music that has not been played while in the womb will be discordant

and will upset the baby? All of these experiments have gone on now. They know the

voice of the mother. They know the voice of the father. They know it all. They can even

now watch the movements of the baby in the womb through the sonographs we have.

They can watch them respond to sound. Very interesting and all he said here is, From a

child you have known the Holy Scriptures.

It is interesting that one of the major problems in life is finding out whats right

and whats wrong in a given situation. What is right to do? What is wrong to do? And

here in Hebrews 5:12-14 it says,

Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 19:19

For when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have need for one to

teach you again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God and

have become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For

everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he

is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age [mature in

the Lord], even those, [how did they get mature?] who by reason of use

have their senses [which is a very vulnerable area of proof] have their

senses [I dont know sometimes what Im feeling or touching or seeing or

whatever, but I have my senses] exercised to discern both good and evil.

Why?because I was using the Bible.

You know when Christians tell me they are trying to make it through this world

without Gods word, I fear for them. I dont know how you do it. Even with the word of

God the satanic strategy is to destroy you. He brings all the guns of hell against you. It is a

miracle that any of us can survive. I feel sorry for you. I pity you. I warn you. You cannot

live without Gods word and discern right and wrong. And what do I see across

evangelicalism? Compromise everywhere, toleration of sin and evil.

Do you understand, people, that over and over again I see this in the issues of our

day? It is like when it really gets down to tough going, where somebody is going to have

to take a stand here, and you dont want to. You just want to tolerate everything. You

dont want to hear the facts. Your mind is already made up. You see, you dont want to

listen. It simply illustrates what is going on in society now.

Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 21:00

A guy calls me, Well, you cant just trust the Bible, you know, to say


I trust the Bible to say everything that I need to know about life. Theres not a

thing that I can think of that the Bible doesnt comment on. Well, he did not agree.

You are just causing a lot of trouble.

I said, I am not trying to. Im just trying to preach the word of God. But if it does

cause trouble, praise the Lord! And I said, There is one solution.

He said, Whats that?

You could follow what the Bible says and bring instant unity.

Well, then everyones going to be offended.

Do you see what Im saying? Folks you better learn a lesson right up front. When

you say you believe the Bible is the key to knowing right from wrong, you are going to be

tested over and over again.

I know what this Bible teaches. And do you understand? You are going to have to

decide this, class. You are going to have to make the decision about what you think about

this Book. Is it the word of God, really? Are you willing to obey it and to bow the knee to

it? Are you willing to acknowledge that this is Gods truth no matter what, and will you

follow your life and ministry after itwithout compromise? This is a serious issue, isnt


But you know what else is involved? Prayer. You say, I want to be a prayer

warrior. Great! John 15:7 says, You abide in Me and My words abide in you; you can

ask what you want and it will be done unto you.

Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 22:27

We read in 1 John 5:14-15, This is the confidence we have, that if we ask

anything according to His willwell, where is His will? You and I dont make up His

will. His will is in the word. If you ask anything according to His will, you know that He

hears you. You know you have the petitions that you asked of Him.

The prayer is to ask God for wisdom and now I know He will answer, because He

says, If any of you do lack it, you can ask of God and He gives to all men liberally

(James 1:5). And He wont reproach you for asking. He will give it to you.

The effectiveness of prayer life is related to the word of God, also your ability to

live victoriously. Psalm 119:11. Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin

against Thee. By the way, its more than memorizing the Bible. The idea is treasuring it.

You see, your regard for the word of God is fundamental to it. And sometimes in an area

where we are being tested, we dont treasure it like we should. We treat it lightly and

think Well, maybe there is another view. Before you know, the devil set a trap for you.

Watch out!

Jesus said, Now ye are clean through the word that I have spoken unto you

(John 15:3). And one of the other great results of really depending on the Bible is the one

we read in 2 Timothy 3:17, The man of God will be equipped for every good work.

Wow. There isnt anything that God wants to do in our life that the Bible wont train and

equip us in. When you delight yourself in the law of the Lord, He will give you the

desire of your heart (Psalm 37:4).

I dont know how anyone who plans to go into the ministry of the word of God

can do it without the word of God. I dont understand it. Yet all over this country we have

people trying to preach and teach Gods people and they dont know the Bible. I dont
Scripture Cannot Be Broken Time 24:11

know that youre going to be a preacher. You may not have come to college for that. But

whatever your reason, just understand something: our goal is to give you as much of the

word of God as we possibly can. Because we believe the word of God will achieve all the

results that you need in your life.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 5
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Lord, I thank

You for each of these students and I pray that you would put within them

constantly a hunger for Your word, a desire to know You, to delight in the

word day and night. And God we pray Your blessing, as we once again

examine the wonderful factors relating to the reliability and inspiration of

Your word. May our hearts grow deeper in appreciation for this

wonderful, complete and final revelation from God in this form. We thank

You. Your word is forever settled in the heavens and You have exalted it

above Your own name, so we come to honor it. But most of all, Lord, we

come to worship You. We thank You for all You have done for us.

Minister to every students need; for those that are sick or ill, that You

would strengthen them Father. Touch their bodies. Some of us are

emotionally stressed and we need peace from You, and priority and

wisdom. We thank You that You give that. We submit this time unto Your

hands. In the wonderful name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

We are talking about revelation, how God speaks to us. And we, of course, have

told you how to know if a person is speaking from Gods revelation or not. If it doesnt

happen, then God did not tell them it would. If the gospel that is preached is not the

gospel of Jesus Christ found in the Bible, then God did not speak to them.

On a tour of the Mormon temple we were told some things that were definitely

not the gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible. We were told that it is found in the
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 02:41

complete Bible. So the very issue about how many books are in our Biblean issue of

canonicitywe are going to study in this course. This is a very, very important matter.

We were handed a leather-bound-gift edition of the Bible. On the front it said: Old

Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrines and Covenants and Pearl of

Great Price.

When I opened it to look into it, there was no Old or New Testament. So I handed

mine back to the bishop, who gave us these nice gift editions. I said, Excuse me, there is

something wrong with mine.

He said, Really? We havent had a misprint in years.

I said, Oh no, no. Mines definitely got a problem in it.

He opened it up and hunted through it and he said, I dont see what the problem


I said, Well the problem is that you left the Bible out of it.

No, it is here.

I said, No. The Old and New Testament that is advertised in the front, you dont

have it.

Well, we assume everybody has those.

Oh really, then why would that be? Why would everybody have that, and not


He said, The gospel that we are giving to you was revealed by an angelic

messenger to his servant, Joseph Smith.

I said, Doesnt it bother you that Galatians 1, in the New Testament says that if

an angel comes and preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed?
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He said, Well, that is dealing with whether or not it is additional to Gods


I said, Oh, then weve got to figure out whether or not the Old and New

Testament is a complete and final revelation from God? And his answer to me was

scary. He said, The majority of Christians believe in progressive revelation. And he

walked away.

You know, the sad thing is that he was correct. That is the sad thing that

Christians havent come yet to understand that there is a complete and final, written

revelation of God. And we are going to deal with that as well.

And we also have to question If what they say does not agree with the Bible,

then God did not speak to them. It is fairly obvious. And if they add any additional truth,

then God did not speak to them. And that is an issue that weve got to get into and you

will know probably more than you even want to know about it.

Now, we talked a little bit about the result. I concluded the last time we were

together, with the illustration about preaching to my grandbaby. Remember that? Because

Paul said, From a child, [the word is brephos in Greek, a baby in the womb, or one just

born] thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto

salvation. Can you think of a more wonderful result?

I asked this Mormon bishop, You know, one of the tests of Gods word is that

people come to know the Lord through it. Do people come to know the Lord through

reading Nephi, in the Book of Mormon? The point is that Gods word will produce

salvation. Has anybody been saved reading Doctrines and Covenants?

Well, it depends upon their obedience to what is said in that.

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Hey, let me tell you something. There is something really terrific about the Old

and New Testament. It can cause the new birth. It is a remarkable Book! You see, one of

the results of Gods written revelation is that it brings salvation to people. That is so

important to understand.

Also, from Hebrews 5:11-14, we learn that there is the wonderful result of

discerning right from wrong. And that is so important. The effectiveness of prayer is

found in John 15:7, If My words abide in you [Jesus said], you can ask whatever you

want and it will be done. Why? Because your whole prayer life is going to be controlled

by the word of God, not by your whimsical feelings about things. 1 John 5:14-15 says,

This is the confidence we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He

heareth us. And we know that if He hears us, we know that we have the petitions that we

desired of Him. Very important.

In terms of enablement for victorious living, do you know anything else in all of

literature that can produce this? Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin

against Thee (Psalm 119:11). I dont know, Ive read a lot of books in my life and they

dont do it. The Bible does. It is very interesting. Ive read Tolstoy. Wonderful!

Interesting! Will Durantsome classicsit is very interesting, but they dont help me to

get victory over sin. But this Book will change your life. The Bible says, As newborn

babes, desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow thereby, if so be that you

have tasted that the Lord He is gracious (1 Peter 2:2-3).

There are some wonderful promises in Gods word. Even in John 15:3, Jesus said:

Now ye are clean. It means to wash with water. Now ye are clean through the word

which I have spoken unto you. There is no book like this. No wonder the devil wants to
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find your interest elsewhere. He does not want you to read this Book or learn this Book.

This Book is the key to walking with the Lord.

And I love 2 Timothy 3:16-17, which I would like you to turn there, please. Two

verses that you will probably see again. That is what you call a major hint. 2 Timothy


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,

for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man

of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

These two verses you ought to know when it comes to describing the Bible and its

impact upon life. We call it the equipment of the believer for every good work, but there

is a lot in these two verses. It says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. What

does the New International say? All Scripture is God-breathed. That is good.

Now in the Greek there are only three words. You want to understand what we are

doing in this course, we are trying to give you an apologetic understanding of the Bible,

so that you have a defense, you have an answer for the reason and the hope that is in you.

First thing you have to know is that there are only three Greek words in that opening

sentence. We have the Greek word all or every. It can be either one: every, or all. We

have the Greek word for Scripture, which is graphe. We get graphic arts in English

from that term. It means writings or that which is written. So you see words that are in

English. We have lithography, and lots of words that are connected with graphe. But

graphe is referring to writings, so every or all writings.

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Now the next one is a compound word. It includes the word God and it includes

the word to breathe. So it translates (as some of the English translations do correctly)

God-breathed, every writing God-breathed.

There are some obvious things about that sentence that are very, very important.

First of all, there is no description in that sentence as to what is included in the

writings. All writings. Now, whatever it is, it is a done product. But yet when Paul

wrote 2 Timothy (which was the last of his epistles) there were still some writings of John

to come. But he says, all Scripture. Whatever it is, the total of it is God-breathed. So

weve got to find out what that total is. We are going to have to find out what it is. That is

a very critical statement: every writing, God-breathed. And it is very, very important to

know what you are talking about when you say every writing.

A second thing that we need to understand about that term is that only the writing

is inspired, not the writers. That is probably one of the greatest misunderstandings people

have. They say to you, Well, they were just men. And I always say, Yes, you are


Well? So what? Whats that got to do with it? Do you understand, you make them

say apologetically what it is they are after. And of course, they will come out with Men

make mistakes. Oh, that is very interesting. See, God did not want to leave it up to guys

to give their own views and make those kind of mistakes. So He has an interesting

process by which He guarantees the accuracy and reliability of what they wrote. Would

you like to know how He did that? So sometimes in an apologetic way, you just kind of

break it down step by step.

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Every writing is God-breathed means the writers are not inspired, the writing is

inspired. You see if you are not careful, then Shakespeare could produce Scripture. They

say, Well he was inspired. But they mean inspiration in a human sense, not what God

means. God is referring to the accuracy of what is written, not whether it was Whoa! It

gave me the vibes when I read that. No, although, the Scripture will move your heart. It

is a very interesting subject.

In 2 Timothy 3:16 it says it is not only God-breathed, but it says it is two things.

In the Greek text, it is organized every writing is two things: God-breathed and profitable.

Now we are talking about the results here of Gods revelation, so what is the

profitableness of the word of God? What does it accomplish? What is it good for? And

according to this text, it is good for four things that every one of us needs. Now the

ultimate purpose is stated in verse 17, that the man of Godthe believer. Gods word

does not do this for the unbeliever; rather it leads him to salvation. But for the believer,

the man of God, that he be perfect. Now that does not mean sinlessthat he be


The next statement is thoroughly furnished. What we have here is a play on

words. It is a double impact: equipped, thoroughly equipped, or completely equipped,

unto all good works. In other words, there is nothing that you and I are involved with

that is described as good works before God that would be outside the realm of Bible-

equipping. Whatever God wants you to get involved with in your life regarding good

works, the Bible is the key to equip you to do that.

Now in order for that to occur, the result of this wonderful Book is in four areas

that will, in fact, equip you. What are those four areas? One, found in verse 16 is
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 13:49

doctrine or teaching. What we are to believe about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit,

salvation, is found where?in the Bible. Some schools believe that they should teach us

the opinions of men and the Bible is a reference source. No, we believe that all doctrine is

Bible doctrine. If its not a Bible doctrine, then it is not a doctrine that we teach. It is just

as simple as that. So, when you look at it, this Bible will teach you all there is to believe

in the Christian life.

Do you realize how important this verse is? What is it saying? A lot of people

dont carry it out or think it through as to what the impact is. The impact is pretty

fantastic! Whatever it is that God wants you and me to believe, is found within the

context of whatever is all Scripture. It is God-breathed and it is profitable for doctrine.

It is right here in the Book.

Number two, it is profitable for reproof. Now, a lot of people believe that God

has given them the gift of reproof. They take great pleasure in coming up to you and

reminding you of how you are not acting the way you should. But it is the Scripture that

does the best reproof.

Now correction has two sides of one issue really. The one is confronting the

person and the other is building that person. You know, there is a time to tear down,

says Ecclesiastes 3:3, and there is a time to build up. There is a time to say, You are

wrong brother and here is the reason; the Bible says so. And there is a conviction issue

there, a reproof and a rebuking. But there is also a correction. You know, sometimes we

dont want to help the people to learn how to walk. We dont want to really build them

back up. We just leave them dead and wounded by our remark. But the Bible does both.
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The Bible never rebukes you without showing you how you can correct the situation.

That is very important to understand about Gods word.

It also is instruction in righteousness. Everything you need to know to do right

and to reflect Gods character in this world, is all found in Gods word. It will lead you

in the paths of righteousness for His names sake (Psalm 23:3).

So you see, everything I need to be completely equipped in this world to do

whatever is good in the sight of the Lord, all these good works, I will find it all in the

Bible. And you ask me, Is it important that we know what the Bible is? Oh yeah. The

Bible is the whole ballgame. It is everything. You see, when everything else fails in your

ministry or whatever you are doing for the Lord, you can come back to some very simple

things. Just trust the Bible and the Holy Spirit and you will be fine.

Well, dont I need to know the computer?

No, you dont. Will it be helpful? Yes. It can help you to learn Gods word, but

knowing how to use a computer will not make you a more effective servant of the Lord.

Is the computer or the knowledge of it necessary for the good works that God has for me

to do in this world? The answer is absolutely not.

Over the years, I have found there are so many Christian parachurch organizations

designed to show you and me why the Bible is not sufficientwhy we need their

program. Now, they would be very upset to hear me say that, but somebody needs to

speak the truth. Every week there are mailers telling me how I could be more effective if

I would buy this thing and that thing and get their stuff. We have been doing a colossal

job of undermining the confidence which the Bible itself says we should have in that

Book and that we dont need anything else. If you go out of this school believing that you
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do not need anything else but the Holy Spirit and the word of God, you will be just fine.

God will use you super abundantly. One of the interesting paradoxes is the more things

you substitute for that, the greater will be your problem in being effective for the Lord.

You need the Lord and His word and you dont need anything else to be effective

for the Lord. And may God drill that into your heart so that you never forget it. No matter

where you go or what place of service you have, I trust youll never forget that all you

need is the word of God.

There is a pastor friend of mine who loves the overhead and transparencies. I

know what thats about. I used to teach using an overhead all the time. He was just

panicked and said, We dont have an overhead. You know the meeting is about ready to

start and I do not know what happened to it. I said, Boy, this is a crisis! Now all we have

to do is trust the Lord and the Bible. What are we going to do? He looked up at me with

kind of a little smile. He was a good brother. He says, I guess I was a little stressed out

over the overhead. I said We dont need the overhead. Its a nice tool, but we dont

need it.

Do you understand? Im trying to tell you this verse, 2 Timothy 3:16, is a key

verse in understanding the importance of the Bible in our life. You cannot make it

without the Bible, in my opinion.

Okay now, we come to a whole brand new area. We have just been talking about

the importance of this study and we are now coming to a section called The Information

about the Bible. Now the Old Testament was completed a minimum of 150 years before

Christ. It was already compiled and in use in Greek, so we know that it was done. We

also know, obviously, that the New Testament was not written until the first century AD.
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We also know conclusively from the early church leaders that the New Testament, as we

know it, was completed before the first century ended. Even though there were other

books claiming to be gospels that should be added, and we will get into the problem of


So lets start with our Old Testament. Now I am thankful because we teach

through the entire Bible in a systematic way. We dont leave the Old Testament out. But

a survey done several years ago of American Christians in major Bible-believing

denominations showed that there was total ignorance of the Old Testament and very little

preaching of it; that Bible-teaching pastors basically dealt with a few passages in the

writings like the Psalms and Proverbs and so forth. Usually they did the first eleven

chapters of Genesis, but rarely went to anything else. The Old Testament is not a handy

reference book for New Testament thought; the Old Testament is Gods word.

People say to me, Without the New Testament you couldnt understand it. Ive

got books that say, Without the New Testament you cant understand the Old. Poor

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Daniel. They all could never understand anything. But boy,

we got it now, dont we? Look, there is another way of looking at this if you want to

know the truth. You cannot understand the New Testament without understanding the

Old. Its not the other way around. The New Testament quotes voluminously from the

Old Testament. In the book of Revelation alone I counted more than 400. I saw a book

recently that said there were 700 quotations. But any way, I found over 400 quotations in

the book of Revelation alone. It quotes continuously. Even the Bibles that indicate the

quotations dont get them all. And the more you know about the Old Testament the more

you read in the New Testament and you see it is just quoting verbatim.
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I was reading in James chapter 3 concerning the tongue and bridling the tongue

and how great a matter a little fire kindleth (James 3:5). I went back and read Psalm 39

again. Sure enough, those two things are the same. The New Testament writer, James

who was Jewish, was reflecting what King David said in Psalm 39:1, where he tells me to

bridle or muzzle my tongue so that I do not sin with my tongue. You know and all of a

sudden we see that bridle issue, a horse with a bit in the mouth in James 3:5. This is

coming out of the Old Testament and over and over again, you will see that the New

Testament begins to take on a clear picture for you when you know the Old Testament.

What about the Old Testament? Well, as I said, first of all, it is Gods word. In

terms of writing, a lot of critics of the Bible get all upset because they say there is no

evidence of alphabetical writing until 1800 BC. Well, there is a lot of truth to that. But

you see, I do not believe the Bible started to be written until 1400 B.C. So, we have 400

years to play with. It is all right. No problem. Also the earliest kind of writing, people,

did not divide words. That is why when we see some Old Testament text or in old

Hebrew, it is just all run together. So it takes a very astute mind, especially someone who

knows Hebrew to know where you break up the letters, because they are just run straight


Now in the Old Testament we have another language besides Hebrew. It is very

much like Hebrew. Its called Aramaic. So lets make sure all of us in this class know

what we are talking about. There are Aramaic words in the Old Testament. There are

some pretty lengthy sections in both the book of Ezra, as well as in Daniel there is a very

long one from chapter 2:4 to 7:28. Its all in Aramaic. Now its a derivative of Hebrew. It

is a Semitic language, its like Hebrew.

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In Daniels account there are Persian and Greek words also in the Old Testament.

Our knowledge of this becomes more prevalent when we see what archaeology brings to

pass. But we believe that some of the instruments mentioned in the book of Daniel are

actually Greek origin and some of the words are definitely Persian. And that should be

expected also since part of the history of the Old Testament is under the Persian

domination, especially the return from the Babylonian captivity.

For that matter, we may also have Egyptian and Assyrian, and Babylonian words.

Is Rameses, Ra Ahmasees, is that a Hebrew word or is that Egyptian? Well, its Egyptian.

And Rameses, these cities the children of Israel were building in slavery, are they

Hebrew cities or are they Egyptian names? They are Egyptian names. As a matter of fact,

Moses nameis it Hebrew or is it Egyptian? Well, he was existing at the time we had

pharaohs named Thutmoses, I, II, and III. So you see Moses means to draw. It was a

very common name in the Egyptian language at the time. And when Pharaohs daughter

took him out of the river, the Nile River was the top god of the Egyptian pantheon. So she

was trying to sell the fact that this little baby is from the god, the Nile River. Is it a

Hebrew word? Well, it becomes a Hebrew word. The truth of the matter is that many

words have derivation in other languages. It does not do anything to the accuracy of the

Old Testament; in fact, it confirms the beauty and accuracy of it.

Now before we talk about the Dead Sea Scrolls and people will bring this up to

you, especially if they know a little bit. They have been to a liberal college somewhere

and they picked up a little bit. Now they will say things like, Well we didnt even have

an Old Testament text until 900 A.D. Wrong. Though lets talk about what we had from

900 A.D. It is true that the earliest copy of the Old Testament before the Dead Sea scrolls
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is about 900 A.D. Its a group called Masorites. On page three, you see the word

Masoretic and we have given you the definition. What does Masoretic mean?tradition.

But literally the root behind the word tradition or Massorete is one who puts a hedge

around the Scripture to protect it. The Masoretes what they did is they produced vowel

markings that they knew in the Hebrew language in terms of pronunciation. They

produced vowel marking for Hebrew letters because Hebrew is the language of only

twenty-two consonants. There are no vowels in Hebrew. So they put vowels in for correct

pronunciation to protect the Bible from being incorrectly pronounced.

Well, the Jews really cared. They had a dedication to the preservation of the text

that has been unheard of in any history following it. And by the way, if God is calling

you to the mission field maybe something we are saying today is far more important than

you realize. We need to have a compassion, a care, a willingness to learn and to listen and

to try our best. They always, Ive found in every culture, respect you for trying. And

maybe you didnt say it right, but the fact that you keep trying is very, very attractive to

somebody. You want them to hear your gospel, then spend a little time with it.

This is very important that the Masoretes, these godly men, were trying to put a

hedge around the Scriptures so that they would not lose the pronunciation in Hebrew.

Now they know how to pronounce the words with their consonants. And they have

sounds that come out in those consonants that sound like our vowels. So all they did was

put vowels on the Hebrew text. And thats the earliest known text we had until the Dead

Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, but not really available to the public until the late 1950s

and early 1960s.

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We were told many, many times that there was no proof that the prophecies

concerning the first coming of Christ were truly prophecies. But when the Dead Sea

scrolls were finally translated, we saw every book of the Old Testamentexcept one,

Estherhad some fragment in it or whatever. Including some of them with the whole

scroll, like Isaiah, the entire book, all sixty-six chapters. The whole scroll is now in the

Shrine of the Book Museum in Jerusalem. The whole intellectual world was stunned by


Do you know that they are continuing to put out books about the Dead Sea

Scrolls? And it is interesting to me that the Qumran community, which was like an

ascetic, monastic community, that they wrote in many, many other areas. They have

fanciful writings like medieval literature. They have a manual of discipline, which was a

teacher of righteousness, and some people think that maybe it is Christ. But that was an

effort to prove that it was after Jesus, but it was not after Jesus. They know it wasnt

because of the writing material alone and the discovery of it has proven that beyond a

shadow of a doubt. It was before the first century, we know. And here that same Dead

Sea Scrolls has revealed passage after passage after passage that predicts things about the

first coming of Jesus.

So now we have a powerful argument about fulfilled prophecy concerning the

first coming of Christ. It cant happen by any other way but by divine direction. It

couldnt have happened. But it is very important to understand these Masoretic texts

because they were putting vowel markings on the Hebrew.

We mentioned the vowel markings, but will you notice that in this Masoretic text

you have what is called marginal notes. You know, you do that in your Bible. You
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write something out in the margin. And these marginal notes also deal with the tradition

of transcribing the text. Now I wish we had that for all the Greek manuscripts. Look at

that very carefully the next time you run into somebody attacking the accuracy of the

text. The scribes changed the text in only eleven places, according to one tradition and

only eighteen, according to another. And get this, in all eighteen places, the only changes

at all were all dealing with extreme anthropomorphismthat God has feathers or wings

or whatever and they thought needed explanation; so they wrote in a marginal note to the

text as to what they thought it meant. When I read that, and I see all the variation among

the Greek text, I just sit there and say, This is absolutely unbelievable! In a day before

printing presses, or printers and all of that, when it is only transcribed by hand,


Anthropomorphism. Anthropos is man. Morphism is the exact nature of

something. Morphology is the study of the exact essence of it which, by the way, goes

into DNA. But anthropomorphism is dealing with the exact nature of man-like

expressions. Like the arm of the Lorddoes He really have an arm? The eyes of the

Lorddoes He really have eyes? Under His wingsyou know, the point is they are

using expressions. We would say picturesque speech to point out a tremendous truth

about the character of God.

Now another interesting thing about the Masoretic text, this is the only Hebrew

Bible we had before the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are summary notes at the end of every

book. This was to guarantee the accuracy of transcribing it. They reveal the number of

verses, the number of words and the number of consonants in that book. Why did they do

that? So they could check it for its accuracy. And if one man said there were 10,212
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consonants and another man said there were 10,213, they would count again. Now you

understand why we dont have to take a back seat to anybody. Dont hang your head in

any discussion about the authority and accuracy of the Bible when you are speaking

about the Old Testament. There is no book in all of history, including after printing and

publishing of today that has any way of being in the same category of discussion with the

accuracy of the Old Testament. Phenomenal! It is just remarkable! Every time I think

about it I think how God not only preserved these, but protected them in every way. I

think it is a wonderful thing.

We also have, Ancient Versions. You will want to know, what is a version of

the Bible? Because sometimes they say on their Bible, this is a versionNew

International Version. No it is not a version of the Bible. The word version means another

language, another language. King James, New American, New International, Living

Bible, they are all English. The version is English. The variations of course, are there.

Ancient versions of the Old Testament mean translating the Hebrew into other languages.

We have, first of all, Aramaic. The one I told you about. Aramaic was the court

language of Babylon. It was also spoken during the Persian reign. Its a derivation of

Hebrew. Its a Semitic language. And we have whats called Aramaic targums. You have

heard that name before. You say, what in the world is a targum? Its simply the word for

translation. Thats all it is. But in a Hebrew mind, a translation, a targum, can also be an

interpretation. A book thats on the Bible, we call a commentary. So if you can keep that

in your mind, the Aramaic targums are like commentaries. But theyre trying to translate

the Bible by giving you the meaning of it.

Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 33:58

Well, we are doing that today. When people ask me: Do you think the New

International is the most accurate translation of the original language? What do you think

is a good translation? Well, what is the difference between those two? The principle

behind New International is what we call dynamic thought equivalent. That is a phrase

thats equivalent to the Hebrew or the Greek that would be more readily recognizable in

English would be used rather than a word-for-word translation. Now being a teacher type,

I prefer that which gives me a word-for-word translation and let me decide. But they were

trusting these scholars. They certainly know what theyre doing. However sometimes

they have bias on a passage. But anyway they try to give the thought. Its called

dynamic equivalent translation.

Now Jews believe that there is nothing wrong with this. And that surprises a lot of

people because they are such sticklers for the original Hebrew. You know, they dont

vary there at all. You better see what that word is. But the moment you go to another

language, or you are talking to the people, they see no problem whatever in being free.

And their idea is that they are teaching people about what is meant. You can understand

that. We do the same thing with commentaries. But sometimes with a little knowledge we

become bombastic like we know everything. This whole area is filled with scholarship far

beyond what this course will ever expose to you. Just understand there are some basic

things we ought to know.

And it is a targum from which we get a lot of our biblical ideas. In fact, many

people believe that Paul and Peter referred to the targums that were well known among

the Jews, rather than to the Old Testament text to reflect some opinions of interpretations.

Now thats another subject.

Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 35:46

The synagogues, which by the way grew up after the destruction of the temple in

586 B.C., and really they grew up primarily after the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.

because there was a reconstructed attempt, as you know. But a synagogue is simply a

word meaning to gather together. The Jewish people gathered. Now a synagogue

translated orally what do we call that? Preachinga sermon. They translated orally into

Aramaic and so that is like our paraphrasing. Like the Living Bible. What is the Living

Bible? It is Ken Taylor, a father, teaching his children the Bible and putting it on their

level. And he did it of himself. He doesnt claim to be a scholar. He had scholars check it.

So there is nothing heretical in it, but it is a paraphrase. And by the way, sometimes he

really hits it better than the others do. Sometimes in his effort to explain it to his children,

he comes out with the correct Hebrew. And it is, you know, beautiful. If you have ever

read the Living Bible, it has a lot of beauty to it.

The Jews conducted business in Aramaic. It was a trade language. Now, class,

Im going to tell you something here that you probably will not read in any book at all. It

has been standard teaching up until this time that Jesus and the disciples spoke Aramaic

in the land of Israel. First of all, there are Aramaic words in the New Testament. When

Jesus said, Talitha cumi (Mark 5:41). When He said, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani,

that is Aramaic. My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken Me? (Mark 15:34).

Maranathathere are lots of things like that. So there are Aramaic expressions: Talitha

Cumi - little daughter arise. They are close to Hebrew words, but they are Aramaic, so

they say so that is the reason they are in there is because Aramaic was spoken in the land

of Israel.
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 37:34

There have been some archaeological views of first-century Israel before the

destruction of the temple that have proven that the Jews who were loyal Jews, not

Helenistic, but loyal to the Hebrew tradition, spoke Hebrew and did it deliberately. So in

the marketplace they would speak Aramaic, the trade language. In some cases Greek, but

that was usually foreigners. But there were what was called Helenistic Jews in the early

church. They had adapted the Greek language, culture and all, to get along with their

conquerors, basically. But there were other Jews, zealots or others, who wanted nothing

to do with this. They were going to speak true Hebrew. Remember in Philippians 3:5,

Paul said he was a Hebrew of the Hebrews. Every Jew reading that knows exactly what

he meant. Paul didnt go along with the Helenistic trends of his day. He excelled in

Judaism above anyone else. And he spoke pure Hebrew.

So more and more we begin to take another look at the whole issue as to whether

or not Aramaic was the language of Palestine, or I prefer Israel. Israel is bi-lingual, okay,

definitely bi-lingual, and probably more than that. Most of the people had a few Greek

words to communicate with all the Hellenism going on. And they also spoke Aramaic,

which was the trade language, which had come from Babylonian and Persian sources.

And then the Orthodox of course spoke Hebrew and trained their children to speak


Some people believe and it is still going around today that the New Testament

was originally written in Aramaic and so Greek is a version rather than the original. That

original Aramaic is called the Peshetta. But that was the problem. See it is a little

problem for us to go back 2000 years to figure out what was really going on. But the

scholarship that we have tells us that because they spoke Aramaic, they naturally had to
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 39:38

communicate. We know Jesus spoke it. We know Paul used it. Aramaic was used clear

until the time of Mohammed when Arabic and Islamic teaching came in. And you say,

Well what is the difference in Aramaic? The problem is that there is a strong tendency

against anthropomorphismas we were saying a moment agoman-like descriptions of


Let me show you an example in Aramaic. First, you know how Jews are very

careful about the name of God? For instance in an English book today, if a Jew is writing

it, he will put GD. You say, Why doesnt he put the O there? They do not believe

that it is right for us finite creatures to write the name of God. So that is what they do.

Well, in Aramaic they used the word of God 179 times in the Old Testament in place of

the word God. Literally, because they are trying to protect Gods character, they did it

sincerely but if you are going to translate off an Aramaic targum the word, word is not

in the text. But it is in the Aramaic translation of the Old Testament Hebrew for God or


Now they also substituted the word Shekinah. Sheka is the word to dwell. It

refers to the dwelling. We speak of the Shekinah presence of God in the holy of holies.

When a cloud came down, the glory of the Lord filled the house. That is Shekinah. So

instead of writing God and putting Elohim into Aramaic they put Shekinah. They also did

it with the word glory. They substituted glory for God. So that is a part of the

problem with Aramaic. Also it is highly interpretive and strong on paraphrasing. And we

just have a little word of caution. We would use extreme caution. But you are probably

not going to read Aramaic. There are a lot of translations now into English. And I have

seen in bookstores a whole set of books called, Aramaic Targums Translated into
Dead Sea Scrolls & Aramaic Targums Time 41:39

English. Now people are buying them to use as commentaries and in a sense they are

commentaries by Jewish writers on the Old Testament.

Now you know what the targums are. It literally means translation, but could be

interpretive or a passage like we would paraphrase. And those are very popular among

Jewish people. So for our communications sake, lets at least learn these basics. Okay?

Take a break and well go to the Greek next.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 6
The Greek Translations

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
The Greek Translations

There is another version of the Old Testament that we want you to be familiar

with and that is Greek. From Alexander the Great, in approximately the fourth century

B.C. on, Greek dominated the world. You know how you have heard stories of how

Alexander the Great conquered the world. He had no more worlds to conquer and he sat

down beside the Euphrates River in Babylon, a drunken man and died at age thirty-three.

There is even some question as to whether that tale is true. But he did definitely conquer

the then-known world. He certainly did not handle the Far East, but as they knew it from

a western culture point of view.

So, one of the things that he imposed was Greek culture and Greek language.

Boy, was that a mess! Can you imagine, conquering a people and demanding they speak

your language. And before long Greek was everywhere. But in the providence of God,

that was all a fulfillment of what God wanted to accomplish because in Galatians 4:4 it

says, When the fullness of time was come, God sent forth His Son. And you realize

that at the time the gospel came, it was the first time in the history of the world since the

tower of Babel that all the world was one language. They spoke other dialects of course.

But there was one language dominating trade across the world and that was Greek. We

had also for the first time in the history of the world, in addition to all speaking Greek, we

had a culture that was imposed on the entire world. That culture just, class so you know,

comes to be called Hellenistic, off the Greek word for Greece. It means Greek culture,

Hellenistic. So you could have Hellenistic Jews. You could have Hellenistic Arabs. You

could have Hellenistic Russians. They are people who are now dominated by Greek

culture and Greek language.

The Greek Translations Time 02:43

Now that Greek influence, from fourth century B.C. on, was very powerful. The

Romans, actually their republic was started in 705 B.C. And the Romans stood over there

in Italy kind of ignored while Greek culture dominates the world. But what you often will

hear or read in a book, when youre talking about the time of the New Testament, you

will read this statement: Roman-Greco culture. Have you seen when youre reading,

Roman-Greco culture? What that means is that when Rome took over and conquered

and started the empire, unlike what Alexander the Great did, they tolerated the Greek

language and culture but infiltrated it with Romes culture. So it was a mixed bag at the

time of the first century. But the number one language of the scholars, the journalists, the

writers, was Greek. Greek was the biggest language in the world. It was also more

mathematical and exact and so it became a teacher, classic, journalistic-type language for

the world. The documents were all written in Greek.

So it is of no surprise to us that the Old Testament would be written in Greek, if

you are going to communicate. Now, we have a number of Greek translations. Ive listed

for you five of them. The one everybody knows is the Septuagint, which is a word

meaning seventy, which is spelled in Roman letters LXX. The L stands for fifty. X is

ten. That is how you get seventy, LXX. It is talking about the Septuagint and the

Septuagint has dominated the Christian world.

One of the greatest church fathers in the eyes of many was Origen, because of his

brilliance. I do recognize his intellectual capacities. Origen had what he called the

Hexapla. It was six columns and it included four Greek translations. The first four are

mentioned, with his own transliteration in Greek along with the Hebrew text. Now can

you imagine, I want to know the meaning of the Hebrew, the Old Testament text, and
The Greek Translations Time 05:10

here is a man in church history, third or fourth century, and hes got all the Greek texts

listed parallel in six columns next to the Hebrew. So do you understand that I would

really weigh heavy his views, wouldnt I? I would really say, Wow, he is really telling

us what the Old Testament means. Well, this is so serious, I dont know where to begin

but Im going to just try.

At the end of the nineteenth century, two British scholars, B.F. Westcott and A.J.

Hort, on the basis of the discovery of two Codex manuscriptsone Codex Sinaiticus, the

other Codex Vaticanus, which the Vatican produced upon hearing about Sinaiticuson

the basis of this, they said we needed a new Bible. It was news in England and it was

news in America. I thank God for D. L. Moody. He was reluctant about anybody telling

him there was going to be a new Bible. Now he was not a scholar, at all. And he

slaughtered the Kings English and never knew Hebrew or Greek. But he was Americas

greatest evangelist and he heard about a new Bible.

Now, one of the greatest Greek scholars of all times, studied manuscripts, was

also alive when Westcott and Hort wrote. His name was Dean Bergen. And he had

nothing to do with this new Bible. In fact, he was viciously attacking it as being from the

pit of hell itself. Well, all of this manuscript evidence that they used to produce this new

English translation off of a brand new Greek text (which by the way, is the foundation

behind the New American Standard, the New International, all uses the same

text) was largely controlled by Origen, who is part of what we call the Alexandrian

school. Alexandria is in Egypt. And it was an Alexandrian school that was dominated by

allegorical teaching, fanciful interpretations, and led and fostered by their godfather who

was Origen. In some books that you will read, they will call Origen the greatest church
The Greek Translations Time 07:21

father to have ever lived. But can you imagine what the impact would be for those of us

who would like to know the meaning of the Hebrew text, as we relate it to Greek to see

his Hexapla, six columns of it, four Greek translations, plus his own and the Hebrew text.

Now the problem is, are they truly (these Greek translations) what they claim? I

have some facts for you about the Septuagint. If you heard this in some schools, they

would just laugh. Because they just already feel that the Septuagint is the only thing to

trust. They even say that Paul wrote most of his fourteen books of the New Testament off

the Septuagint rather than Hebrew. Does he refer to the Septuagint? Of course! If it was a

popular translation of his day, he could refer to a quotation from it. But never does the

Bible depend upon the Septuagint to give us any correct interpretation. But that is taught

in seminary and college all through America, that they depended on the Septuagint. I do

not believe it.

But lets just get a little background on it. This all comes from a letter of a man

named Aristeas. It was dated about one hundred B.C. and supposedly scholars, (listen to

this carefully, I have simplified it, you can check it out for yourself) scholars supposedly

came from Israel, six from each tribe, went to Alexandria, (thats in Egypt). They were

housed separately, translated separately, and when they came together, their translations

were miraculously alike.

Now, remember when I told you about Jews and their carefulness? What do you

think Jewish scholars think about that? Lets consider some facts. One, there were Jewish

groups in Egypt as early as Nebuchadnezzar and there was a growing colony around

Alexandria. Two, Alexandria became the predominant place of Greek language and
The Greek Translations Time 09:09

culture after the conquest of Alexander the Great and that is where they got the name,


Lets keep going. There are quotations from the Greek Pentateuch found in other

Greek literature before 200 B.C. So we know that the Old Testament had to be completed

before the time of Christ, right? Otherwise how could you translate the whole thing into

another language? The Septuagint probably was the completion of other attempts. Now

those who are dedicated to the Septuagint hate this talk. They dont like it at all. But I

think there is plenty of proof for it. And I think the Septuagint is associated with Origen

and the Alexandrian school of text criticism and it is associated with Codex Vaticanus

and Codex Sinaiticus and all of this came together, miraculously in peoples minds,

seeing how it was all coordinated all about the time of the end of the nineteenth century,

when we wanted to put out a new Greek text and a new English Bible. I dont know. I

have trouble with that.

There is early evidence of Greek translations of the Pentateuch (thats the first

five books of the Bible) that are more literal in their translation of the Hebrew, unlike the

Septuagint. And isnt this interesting, the Jews rejected the Septuagint. You know the

exact opposite is told to people? Jews rejected it. Why? Because the Christians accepted

it! Why? Because they were all speaking Greek! Wouldnt you? If you only spoke Greek,

you did not speak Hebrew and you have the New Testament? What about the Old

Testament? Well, weve had Greek translations. Hey listen, the early church before they

had the books of the New Testament, thats all they had. So if you are Greek, you were

using the Greek Old Testament versions.

The Greek Translations Time 10:53

Now, we had a man named Aquilla who had a translation, a word-for-word

translation in the second century A.D., to make the Old Testament acceptable to anti-

Christian Jews. We had Theodotians translation, he tried to bring the Greek text into

harmony with the Hebrew and it was a revision of an older pre-Christian Greek textand

we do not even know what that wascompleted in the second century A.D. And

Symmachus translation, he tried to make a smooth reading, but he did not revise old

works with Hebrew idioms, he just left them. And Origen, he brought out his own.

Todays Greek Old Testaments date, the ones we have copies of, from the fourth

century A.D. If anybody tells you weve got them 300 years before Christ, they are

wrong. We do not. Do we know that it was translated into Greek before that? Yes, we do.

Why? Well, if you back up again, quotations from the Greek, at least Pentateuch, are

found in Greek literature before 200 B.C. So we know it was in existence. But do we

have copies of the Greek Old Testament previous to fourth century A.D.? And the answer

is, no. This is very surprising to a lot of people who are trying to make a big case.

We rely primarily, listen to this, on two manuscriptsthis is very interesting

because they are the two that have caused all the troubleCodex Vaticanus, and Codex

Sinaiticus, and the work of Origen. It all centers in there and guess what? When the Dead

Sea Scrolls were discovered and they began to be translated, all of a sudden, the respect

for Hebrew became greater. Now we realized, up until the Dead Sea Scrolls we only had

a 900 A.D. Hebrew text with vowel markings by Masoretes. So people said, Oh, there

were a lot of changes made. Now we know by the Dead Sea Scrolls, matching it with

the Hebrew Masoretic text that outside of the vowel markings there is hardly any

difference at all.
The Greek Translations Time 12:56

In fact, to demonstrate this, when I take tour groups to the Shrine of the Book in

Jerusalem, I take a Hebrew text of Isaiah. The Isaiah scroll is unraveled and it is all the

way around this big glass case. We look up a given passage and I look it up in my

Hebrew Bible today and I take and I rip a page out. Forgive me, but I do. And I put the

page up there on the window and let people notice the consonants and I point them out

one by one. And it is amazing the effect on people! They say, Well, those are exactly the

same! That is true, though there is over a thousand years difference between the two.

You tell me, were the Jews careful?

So you see, what has happened by the Dead Sea Scrolls is all that big argument

about the Greek text and how it was so important and may have even resulted in our

Hebrew text that we were using in the ninth century A.D., is all a bunch of bologna. As a

matter of fact, it was used by Westcott and Hort to sell their new Greek text, which has

over 13,000 changes from the majority of texts that were used throughout history.

Lets go to another subject. We are going to come back to that in detail. But lets

go to another subject. What versions of the Old Testament have we learned about so far?

Aramaic. Not Hebrew. Hebrew is not a version. That is the original text. A version is

translating into another language. Aramaic, Greek. Now lets go to Latin. How many of

you have taken Latin in school? You should have taken Greek. When we were in school,

as you well know, man, you had to take Latin. We have two things to say about Latin.

One is that there is old Latin and the Latin Vulgate. I dont want you to know anything

else. That is all you need to know in this course. What is old Latin? Well, it dates around

200 A.D.primarily in North Africa. And the old Latin Old Testament appears to be a

translation, listen carefully, from the Greek rather than the Hebrew. Now that is very
The Greek Translations Time 14:59

common to do. There is a difference between primary versions and secondary versions.

Primary means translated from the original language straight into the language.

Secondary means it was translated into still another (an additional) language from that

language. So, it is really a secondary version, the Old Latin.

Now the Latin Vulgate becomes the number one Old Testament used throughout

church history. So you better learn thatthe Latin Vulgate. What does Vulgate mean?

Vulgar. Well, today it means dirty, something awful. But vulgar, its original meaning is

common. It means the common people. So the Latin Vulgate was putting Latin not

into the language of court or scholars but into the language of the people on the street. It

was common. It is kind of funny, isnt it? Because the Roman church sort of made it like

it was really a great, unusual, courtly language, but really it was the language of the


By the way, the Greek New Testament that we use is in Koine Greek. Koine

means common. It is like vulgar in Latin. The Latin Vulgate (390 404 A.D.), you

notice the dates of Jerome, he translated from Hebrew. Now it included the Apocryphal

books, but he questioned their canonicity, and rightly so. The Council of Trent, 1540 to

about 1547 A.D., did an update on the Vulgate, called The Sixtine Edition. Some of your

Catholic Bibles today will have that in it, The Sixtine Edition. It appeared in 1590 A.D.

and it was just revised by Clementine two years later. But that is what Catholics have had

for years. And the Latin Vulgate was from the fourth century all the way through, until

the Reformation at least, as a dominant Bible that people used.

Now, class, put your thinking caps on. What is the problem with a dominant Bible

being Latin? Nobody understood it. Guess who controlled the continuation of Latin?
The Greek Translations Time 17:14

the Catholic Church, the hierarchy. They perpetuated Latin and in fact, kept the Bible

from the common people so they depended upon church leaders to tell them what the

Bible says. Is everybody following now? Thats why in history booksits amazing,

historys being told differently today, it really isbut that is why we call the Middle

Ages the Dark Ages. If somebody asks you, why were they dark? A guy told me, Well,

they had the Bubonic plague. Well, no, that did happened, but that is not why they were

the Dark Ages. They were the Dark Ages because it was a feudal state. No. The feudal

state was a result of the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages are keeping the Bible away from the

people in their own language. So they could be interpreted only by church leadership.

Well, you see what happened to the world because of it. It was plunged into the most

awful, terrible, filthyfrom the standpoint of hygieneit was a filthiest period of time.

A thousand years of misery, dominated by wealthy churchmen whose only Biblethey

said the true Biblewas Latin. The common people did not know what in the world they

were talking about.

That carried over to even today. Have you noticed in some Catholic churches

today, they believe that really the true church keeps using the Latin. No, no. It would be

better if you would teach Hebrew and Greek, then youve got it. But you see they used it

(Latin) and it created the Dark Ages and then they depended on church leadership and

they threatened the people. If you have not read Gods Outlaw, for instance; it is a simple

little book about the life of William Tyndale and you absolutely ought to read it. It is an

exciting adventure and you will learn why it was so important to put the Bible into the

language of the common people.

The Greek Translations Time 19:11

We have also what we call Syriac (Syriac, the eastern-type church) Antioch of

Syrian, Constantinople, Turkey, all of those areas, Caspian Sea areasSyriac. We have

two Bibles to bring to your attention. Peshitta, I mentioned that earlier. That is what we

call old Syriac, third century A.D. It is quoted often in the fourth century A.D. It did not

include the Apocrypha books. It was translated from Hebrew, not Greek; however, one of

the interesting things about it, it left out the book of Chronicles, originally.

Now the Syriac Hexapla is a translation of Origens fifth column. Which was

LXX, which means what? Septuagint. Out of the six columns, the fifth one was the

Septuagint and that was the Syriac Hexapla that was published in 616 A.D. Syriac was a

very popular language in what we call the Eastern Church.

Now the fifth thing we have, regarding the Old Testament, this is just gaining

information about it, is what we called patristic. What does that mean? Father. Latin

word. Also, isnt Spanish, padre? Latin, pater, or Greek, pretty well the same in those

languages. It means quotations of church fathers. What is church father? They are

leaders. You will find me referring to the early church leaders. God is my Father.

Now these church leaders, you need to understand this; it is a very important issue

in relation to your Bible. They quote voluminously from the Bible. Just like in a message

today when you listen to a tape, I hope you hear a lot of Bible. Oh they quoted a lot of

Bible too, and wrote many comments. Cyprian, who died in 258 A.D., was a bishop of

Carthage (thats in North Africa) has over 740 Old Testament quotations in his writings.

So you understand these patristic quotations give us evidence of what the Old Testament

was, the text of the Old Testament. It is not what we call primary. Primary would be

looking at the Hebrew. But it does tell you what was understood by those church fathers.
The Greek Translations Time 21:40

Also when they write in Greek, which many of them do, or in Latin, and they

quote, now you know how the Hebrew was translated into Latin and Greek. And you can

match it withlike Origens attempt to prove, or Westcott and Hort in the end of the 19th

centurythat this was the original text. Wait a minute! If the patristic quotations do not

agree with that, then weve got a real problem. And by the way, they agree more with the

text behind the King James than they do the text behind the newer translations, which is


Now are there other versions, other languages? Yes. Manuscripts from the fourth

century onward include Coptic, Ethiopic, Arabic, and Armenian versions. They were the

most popular. We also have Hebrew translations. But look at the dates of them.

Codex is different than a scroll. A scroll you roll. A codex is the ancient

background behind our books. They actually have leaves. Codex is usually on vellum or

animal skin. We are going to talk about it, by the way, in the course. Right now, we will

tell you that it is like a book. So there are leaves stacked together and usually there are

holes in the side, punched in the side and leather thongs would tie it together. So it is like

a book. It flips open. Codex Sinaiticus is on display at the British Museum in London and

I have seen it; rather large and very ornate. They have a number of leaves but there is a

lot missing.

This is one of those courses where your mind says, Wait a minute, what

aboutwhat about? And you just keep thinking of things. Be patient. We are going to

get to them.
The Greek Translations Time 23:19

Hebrew Translations

1) The Cairo Codes of the Prophets (A.D. 895)

2) The Leningrad Manuscript (A.D. 916)

3) The Aleppo Manuscript (Tenth Century A.D.)

4) The British Museum 4445 (Genesis 39:20 Deut. 1:33)

5) The Leningrad MS B-19 A (A.D. 1008)

6) The Dead Sea Scrolls (100 - 250 B.C.)

Other Hebrew translationslook at this carefully. The first five of these, before

the Dead Sea Scrolls, are what we used to reconstruct the original text before the

discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. A lot of people do not know that. What is the earliest

date on them? 895 A.D. You see the problem? For 800 years, how do we know this is the

right text? They use a Hebrew text that is a combination of that. Like we go down to the

store and buy a Hebrew Bible, they would use that. What this is saying is that all five of

these were used to construct what we thought was the Hebrew text. Okay? Follow that?

And I do not want you to know these. I just want you to know the fact that they exist.

You do not have to know these or memorize them.

So you could imagine what a marvelous discovery the Dead Sea Scrolls were in

1947. Now thats the Old Testament. You say, Is that it? Well, theres a lot more pages

in books on it, but yeah, thats it. You say, Thats not a whole lot of evidence. Thats

true. Thats true.

The Greek Translations Time 24:27

When we come to Greek, it is a whole different story. When we come to the New

Testament, we are talking about big-time trouble in manuscript evidence. And my

purpose will be to strengthen your faith in Gods word, not to undermine it. But you need

to hear me carefully right now. I understand why people, when they go into these fields,

have their confidence in the Bible undermined. Because it can shake you up. And it is

very important; you can understand that if you had a teacher who was not committed to

inerrancy or inspiration of Scripture what can happen here. A lot of people believe that

when their teachers speak they must be right, they are teachers. But just because we teach

does not make us right.

And I think this is a very serious subject, the whole subject of manuscript

evidence of the New Testament. You are going to be exposed to it here at Bible college.

Some people will take the same evidence and come to another conclusion. I have been

through the scholastic world. I have been through their side. I know what their side is.

And I do not support their side, but I understand their side. Some of those guys are my

friends. But I do not agree with them.

You say, Well, what makes you right and them wrong? Nothing makes me

right. The Lord is right. All I am telling you is that when you look at this, you can look at

it with two sets of eyes. Now if you look with the eyes of the Lord, you are going to be

just fine. If you look with the eyes of faith and confidence in Him that He will not lead

you astray, you will come out just fine. But if you enter this with a little skepticism and

are looking for doubt, you can find it.

Now I hear preachers say, There are only one thousand places where you

actually find any variation in the original text. I feel like going up to them after and
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saying, Have you ever read them yourself? I mean we are talking a lot, but yet we got a

lot of words too. And it is not as big a problem as you think. It is less than any other

extant manuscript, so the Bible is not worse in that regard. And I believe there is a reason

behind this, which I am going to get to later. What is the name of this course? The

History and Authenticity of the Bible. What I am trying to tell you is that there is balance.

It would be easy for me to try to protect us all, to not give you any of this information.

There are people actually in this land who say that the King James in English is the

original language. There are books written on it. And it comes under the doctrine of


Well, I want you in your mind and your heart to not be afraid any more of facts.

Do not be afraid of it. There are lots of facts that you are going to see and you are going

to wonder, Wow, I did not know all that. Wow, did we have a trustworthy? Yes.

When we come out in the end, you will be stronger than ever. But a lot of people filter

out along the way. I am not talking about you. Im talking people that hear about this.

They filter out. They give up. They quit. They do not want to hear any more. They are all

confused. And what has happened is the devil has done a number on us. He has gotten us,

in this culture, to believe it is not important. What do you mean, its not important?

Dont you know that Christianity crumbles if you can undermine this Book? It

crumbles. Everything that you and I believe about Jesus Christ is in this Book. There is no

issue that is so fundamental to Christianity as the Bible itself. And so, we are not going to

be afraid of the facts. We are not trying to scare you. We are not trying to give you more

information than you can handle. We are trying to teach as we laid out in the objectives

of the course, to teach this in a way that apologetically you will have an answer. You will
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have the defense. You will know what you believe and why, and you will understand it

more than you will ever understand without it. But you will be able to tell people what

are the facts and to do it with a love, and a kindness, and a humility, but to show them

why it really does build confidence in the Lord. And it does not undermine our

confidence in the Bible.

Do you realize that you have fellow Christians in churches who have been to

other Christian colleges who literally (I have heard this over and over again) lost their

faith and confidence in the Bible in a Christian college. Does it mean that they were not

taught the facts? No, they were taught the facts. But you see it makes a difference,

doesnt it, how we come out at the end? It makes a difference about our commitment.

Whether we believe this is as God originally gave itwe have no original autographs

but whatever they were, they were inspired and inerrant from the hand of God Himself.

Now weve got to prove that point. You say, If we do not have the original

autographs then how do we know? That is what this course is all about and that is what

we are going to answer.

Lets pray.

Father, thank You for the Bible. Thank You that we have here, in our

hands in English, a sure foundation. We thank You that You guided those

men by the Holy Spirit to ensure that what they wrote was indeed the

word of God, without error, totally reliable and trustworthy in every

respect. We believe, Lord, that everything that is in this Book is true.

When the devil lies, it is accurately reported, and we thank You for that.

When men speak lies and falsehoods, You accurately report what they
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said. Thank You, Lord, that we can trust this Book. And I pray, Lord, that

You will continue to give us a heart to know the Bible in every way. We

thank You, in Jesus name. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 7
New Testament Manuscripts

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
New Testament Manuscripts

Father, we thank You so much for this wonderful Book, the Book of all

books, the Bible, the word of the Living God. Help us as we examine its

history, its authenticity, Lord that we might be guided by Your Spirit.

Help us to be kind to those who maybe disagree. But help us also to be

thorough in what we understand. That we might place our confidence in a

God who not only has inspired these words, but has preserved them

throughout history. Thank You, Lord. We praise You. We love You.

Thank You for what You are going to do in changing peoples lives, as we

present the Bible in all of its authority and beauty and majesty. In Jesus

name we pray. Amen.

We are starting the New Testament. The Old Testament was a cinch by

comparison. It was a cinch to evaluate its authenticity. But there are some related issues,

as we will be flipping back into some stuff about the Old Testament; there are some

related issues, especially as it deals with the Apocrypha. And depending on how our class

time goes, we will hopefully deal with that today.

Now in the Open Bible, this is a New King James Version of it, I want to read you

what it says:

For the past several centuries, English speaking people have cherished the

King James Version of the Bible. This love does not come from a desire to

preserve a tradition for traditions sake, rather the opposite is true. The

King James Version has become a tradition because it is loved for its
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scholarship, literary form, and devotional quality. During its long history,

the translation has been revised in accordance with changes in English

speech and our growing knowledge of the original text of the Scriptures.

Now let me stop right there and say that the actual King James Bible that we use

says, Translated out of the original tongues and with previous translation, diligently

compared and revised. The actual text of the King James Version Bible that you use is

not 1611. There have been five revisions of the King James Version Bible. This is not

mentioned in your notes, so find some space and make a note of it somewhere. There

have been five revisions. In 1629 was the first revision, eighteen years after the King

James Bible first came out in 1611 A.D. The second revision came nine years later, in

1638. Then it was over 120 years later, in 1762, that we had the next revision. That is

1629, 1638, 1762! And then believe it or not, seven years later we had another one 1769,

and for two hundred years it was not changed.

I have the actual translation, Old English King James Version, which I bought in a

bookstore, the 1769 edition. I also have a 1611, and there are a few changes. One that I

am very thankful for is the letter f in the 1611, which is really our English letter s. So

it helps greatly not to have an f every time an s appears. But that is the way old

English was written. So, that is one noticeable change. But there had been four revisions

up until 1769.

Now the fifth one is the New King James. That is the fifth revision of the King

James text. So be careful when you read another English translation as though it is a
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revision of the King James. It is not. And you will learn more about why it is not before

we are done in this course.

Let me continue reading. This is a little footnote:

In the summer of 1603 A.D., King James was on his way to London to

receive the English crown. He was presented with a petition of grievances

by clergy holding Puritan convictions.

That is very important to understand because it was the Puritans also, who saw to

it that the Apocrypha, which was a separate section in the King James Bible, was taken

out of the Bible. It was the Puritans who did that. The greatest theologians and Bible

scholars of church history were all Puritans, whether you know that or not. Charles

Spurgeon was in that tradition. And there were many, many wonderful teachers. They

actually had a commitment to knowledge that was unlike anything that had ever been

heard of. They were anti-reason and yet some of the most reasonable men ever. But anti-

reason would mean in contrast to Roman Catholics who depended greatly on human

reason and tradition. Puritans did not. They were scholars who spent hours on the

theology of the Bible, not anything else. And so they are the ones who basically got the

changes, where the Apocrypha would no longer be listed as a separate section. They said

that it had no business belonging there. And we are going to tell you why we dont have

the Apocrypha. Now notice the very translationKing Jamescame because of Puritans

pressing King James. He held a conference and here is the quote from King James: A
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conference for hearing and for the determining of things pretended to be amiss in the


It was a conference for hearing and for the determining of things pretended to be

amiss in the church. Now this conference was held for three days, January 14 to 16, in

1604. It was known as the Hampton Court Conference. And during this conference, a

man who was the head of the Puritan movement, Dr. John Rainolds (and he was the

president of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, England) made the motion that a new

translation of the Bible would be undertaken. The majority was against the motion

(interestingly) but it appealed to King James, so he ordered that it be undertaken.

So they gathered together fifty-four of the best biblical scholars who knew the

original languages in Great Britain, and they were brought together. They were divided

into six groups, these fifty-four men. Nine in each group, so there would not be a split

vote. And they would be assigned various passages. The interesting thing is that each

group, whatever section they were assigned, had to submit their final resolution on it to

the other five groups, who then had to vote unanimously on it or they would throw it out.

There were a lot of checks and balances. They also decided that no text would be

considered without fervent prayer. They spent hours in prayer asking God to guide them

before they ever started to analyze a text and all the manuscripts that were available to


Anyway, let me tell you what the title was on the original. You ready for this? The

Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New; Newly Translated Out of the

Original Tongues with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by His
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Majestys Special Commandment, Appointed to Be Read in All the Churches; Imprinted

in London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom.

1611. That is the official title. Arent you glad we just say King James Version?

So, it gives you a little bit of background on it. But there is one other thing I

wanted to mention. It says here that in the preface to the original 1611 edition, the

translator said that their purpose was: Not to make a new translation, but to make a good

one better. They spoke of being indebted to the work of William Tyndale. Again if you

have not read that story, it is a paperback book called Gods Outlaw that is worth reading.

They saw this contribution as merely a revision and an enhancement of the excellence of

the English versions that had sprung from the Reformation. Now, you have a little clue,

which means only in the last 100 or 150 years or so, all those works that contributed to

the Reformation, putting the Bible in the language of the common people. And so they

took that tradition and that is what they followed.

Some people have said, Isnt the King James just based on Latin? It is true that

the major edition of the Scriptures used by the Roman Catholic Church for over a

thousand years was Jeromes Latin Vulgate. And they certainly did refer to that because a

man who wrote in the fourth century would certainly know more about how Greek should

be translated than you would 1500 years or 1100 years later. However, the argument that

they did not consult the original tongues is a direct attack against what is clearly stated in

all the documents related to King James and the story about how it was done. They

consulted the manuscripts that were available to them in Greek, which did deal primarily

with what we call a Byzantine text. These are just some basic facts about your King
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James Bible. And there are some other Bibles in addition, new Open Bible that has some

of those facts listed for you.

A lot of people say, Wait a minute. How did we get our Bibles? How did they

put them together? And we will deal with that later under canonicity, but at this point I

simply want you to see something. The list of books that should be in the New

Testament, since the originals were scrolls, you know lots of scrolls or a letter that had

been written. The original list, the earliest list we have is from Athanasius of Alexandria,

which is in 367 A.D., and he lists twenty-seven books, the exact same books we have in

the Protestant Bible today.

Catholics do not like us bringing that fact out because they are trying to argue that

that was not done until later. That Protestants have removed the Apocrypha. No we

didnt. We have evidence that before Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus, two

manuscripts that modern English translations refer to, do contain the Apocrypha. Before

we ever had the Latin Vulgate, which does have the Apocrypha as a separate section after

the twenty-seven books, before we ever had the edition of the 1611 King James Bible,

which also includes the Apocrypha, whether you know it or not in a separate section,

before any of that we have a list of what books belong in the New Testament and there

are twenty seven.

Interesting Jerome and Augustine both, although they had Apocrypha sections of

their works, yet they said they were not Scripture. And they listed only twenty-seven

books as being from God, inspired of God. At the Synod of Hippo, 393 A.D., a big

church council, lots of leaders from all over the empire, they confirmed that there were

only twenty-seven books in the New Testament. And the fourth synod of Carthage in
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North Africa in 397 A.D. is probably one of the most important conferences dealing with

the canon of Scripture. It confirms that there were only twenty-seven books in the New

Testament and that the church had deemed it so. And we will go over those arguments.

How did they know which books to make New Testament?

Lists of New Testament Books

Athanasius of Alexandria (A.D. 367) confirms 27 Books

Jerome (A.D. 340-420) confirms 27 Books

Augustine (A.D. 350-430) confirms 27 Books

Synod of Hippo (A.D. 393) confirms 27 Books

4th Synod of Carthage (A.D. 397) confirms 27 Books

Now another item that is of some interest to us, especially in dating the New

Testament, is the matter of writing materials. What writing materials were used? The

most important manuscripts in some sense (if you mean oldest) are those which were

found on papyrus. Very similar to the word paper, the word paper comes from it. But

papyrus is reeds, like bamboo shoots that grow along the Nile River. They make

parchment paper out of them. They do the ancient process in Egypt today. If you go to

Cairo you can find little factories that are still doing it and you can buy a replica of a

parchment of how they did it in ancient times. So it is not used today, and frankly was not

used after the fourth century A.D. The problem with parchmenthave you ever had a

piece of paper in your clothes that went through the washing machine?you know what
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it comes out like. It is all crumpled up and destroyed. Thats what happens to parchment

when it is in a non-arid climate, that is, rainy or wet climates. So, most of papyri comes

from when its found by archaeologists in dry, desert areas where there is very little

moisture, where the humidity factors are down around five to ten percent. That is the only

way they would have been kept preserved even under dirt and sand all these years. So

that is important to understand. Papyrus was the writing material of the early centuries.

All the apostles would have written on papyrus. So that is the reason why the original

documents are kind of hard to preserve.

Now we have fragments of them but not many. This might surprise you. These

figures, I just happened to check on at the bookstore in several volumes of apologetics

and criticism books, and its interesting, not one of them agreed with each other. There is

a reason for that, because most of the papyrus has been found in the last few years. I gave

you a running list so that you get an idea.

Kenyon, a great Greek textual criticism scholar, in 1912, listed only 19 of those

twenty-seven books. In all the years of having manuscript evidence for the New

Testament, for the first four centuries basically, we had only 19 fragments. The Chester

Beatty Papyri, which is named after the man who discovered it, is just a fragment of

John, like chapter 18, a few verses. Thats all it is. It was a great find, significant find,

because it was a parchment that was dated around the first century. It could very well

have been close to coming off the pen of John. So it was very interesting and very

powerful when it was discovered. But again, you only had nineteen [books].
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Now in 1925 the great Greek scholar A. T. Robertson lists thirty-four, so you see,

they are uncovering more. Most of the heavy-duty archaeological work, in the Middle

East of course, has happened since this century. Now why is that?

Well in 1897 under the great leader Theodore Herzl, we had a return to Israel.

Zionism began and a return back to the land. In 1914 A.D., well 1917 actually1914

was World War I startingand in 1917 A.D. we had what was called the Balfour

Declaration. What happened is that they divided up the Middle East into the present

boundaries really, outside of the wars that have happened. But they divided it up, the

Hashemite kingdom of Jordan and all the barriers between Syria and Iraq. It was all

divided up at the Balfour Declaration. But see the Jews never really had a homeland,

although they were continuing to come back to the land. There had always been a Jewish

presence in Israel ever since the captivity back in 70 A.D. But they started coming back

in droves.

And we had, of course, the war of liberation and that was in 1946-48, following

World War II. And in 1948 the Jews captured, not really a whole lot of that land, but

enough to have a separate state and they declared the name of this state Israel. That was

the first time in history that a nation that had been completely wiped out came back into

existence. And that was a fulfillment of prophecy, by the way, from the book of Ezekiel


So since that time, 1948 until now, can you imagine the excitement all over the

biblical world as archaeological projects, of course, are launched by the Jews and with

governments of the world like Italy, and Germany, and America, and all of the various

schools and universities. Boy, they wanted them to come in! Israel is filled with mounds
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all over it, that you look at and say, There is a city under there. There is evidence under

there of Bible times. And theyll be doing this if the Lord delays His coming for another

hundred years. Because there are so many of them and it takes so long. And it is tedious

work, very tedious work.

But everything that archaeology has ever uncovered has only confirmed the

history and authenticity of the Bible, so we are excited about archeology. Hey, bring it

on, manthe study of old things, you know. Henry Thiessen has a great book called

Systematic Theology and we still use that in the School of Ministry. And in 1945, he lists

fifty-three fragments. So it is really growing now, finding these fragments all over. And

in 1955, Bruce Metzger, whose books are still classics on Greek, he has one little book

that is a real handy little volume. It lists all the Greek words and terms and the number of

times they are used. Now that took some time. And when you open the book, you will

discover that the average Greek word is used less than fifty times. Words like love, and

God, and all those are exceptions. But the average Greek word is used less than fifty

times. So it helps you to get a handle on studying and following things up.

In 1958, Driver (of Driver, Briggs, and so forth, big dictionaries and lexicons) he

lists sixty-eight of them. I just checked Norman Geislers book, it is supposed to be pretty

well updated, he said, there are seventy-six. So today, Ive been told there are some

ninety-two of these fragments that have been catalogued, and there are probably a lot

more sitting in the basements of universities and museums. Did you know that some of

the greatest discoveries on manuscripts of the Bible are found in the basements of

museums? They have taken out by the truckload, stuff out of Israel, and dumped them in

there and scholars spend the rest of their lives, poring through this stuff. Ive seen this
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with my own eyes. I saw a room that is a lot bigger than this with glass cases as far your

eyes can see, rows of them, and scholars (with thick glasses I might add), with fine little

brushes and pins, trying to separate documents, manuscripts of the Bible.

This is an amazing science and what we have already had catalogued is indeed,

amazing. Hey, it would take you a lifetime to do one of them, so it is really remarkable

that we have ninety-two. And you are talking about some of the oldest writing the world

has ever seen. And these are very special manuscripts, papyri fragments of actual

passages of the Bible. And who knows which ones of those might have come off the

hands of the apostles themselves. We dont know, but we basically say that we dont

really have the original text, at least we dont know that we do. We probably just have

copies. And it is understandable because most of that would be destroyed if it was taken

to any climate except maybe Egypt or the Sinai Peninsula, desert. If it was taken to the

high altitudes of Israel, those documents would have folded in a period of time.

These papyri are written in what we call uncial script. Im going to expect you

to know what an uncial manuscript is. It is a manuscript with capital letters. Now they

used large, capital letters in these original manuscripts, which tells me something. I do

not want to overstate this. But it is very possible that the original copy of the New

Testament, as given by God controlled through these men, was in large capital letters and

it tells me something: God didnt want anybody to miss His message! Isnt that

interesting? Its just a simple little deal. But I kind of like little deals. Little deals thrill me

sometimes. It is just a little deal. God didnt write so small that somebody couldnt figure

out what He said. And its interesting that we have these large uncial letters in these

papyri manuscripts. Again, as I told you last time, there is no separation between the
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words. But of course if you know the language, its no problem. It was true in Hebrew. It

was also true in Greek. So through the years, people have helped us out. Non-Hebrew

speakers, non-Greek speakers have helped us out by separating words and indenting and

so forth.

Right after papyrus, they started using leather. Now leather is hard to work on. If

any of you have done any leather work, you know what tools are used and all that. You

did it as a kid maybe in Vacation Bible School or camp or something. That isnt easy to

do. Can you imagine doing a whole book of the Bible on leather? But they didnt wear

out of course, as fast as papyrus. It is interesting that only leather and papyrus are used in

a scroll format. You know where you roll it up. The next two that were going to talk

about dont. So the scroll really, if I can show this with just a small piece of paper, it

really goes both ways. So when you unravel it, the opening or the first paragraph is like

right here in the middle. You are unraveling it. Now, sometimes we have some on leather

that are rolled up like we think. Theyre rolled just like this. But isnt it interesting that in

Jewish synagogues, when you go to see copies of the Torah, they still use the ancient

practice of two rolls!

Now, one of the most important kinds of manuscripts is what we call parchment.

But I do not like this word. Ill tell you why. It is amazing how many people hearing that,

hear paper in it. Parchment is paper. Because you go down to an antique store and they

have some little poem or something on parchment. Its literally paper. But when we say

parchment in biblical manuscripts, were talking about the skin of sheep and goats.

And that was used then for probably 600 years, clear up until the 10th century A.D. And it

is the main material, class, for books from the fourth century on. And they are sheets and
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they are tied together with leather thongs. And the name of that is codex. CodexC-O-

D-E-X. Now, thats an English word. When we codify something, we are cataloging it or

putting it in an organized structure. Thats what it means. Ancient writing, instead of

being on these long scrolls and hard to read, it all of a sudden began to be organized as a

book would be. So, codex, codifying, is our first word for book. And that is your main

book from fourth century all the way up even until the time of printing.

But along the way, they discovered that calfskin, baby cow, was better for writing

material than either sheep or goats, which was a little tougher and harder to work with. So

calfskin becomes the dominate kind of material on which we have the majority of our

manuscripts of the New Testament. It went clear until the invention of printing.

Now, when was printing invented? Anybody know?in A.D. 1450, by a man

named Gutenberg. Now the first thing ever put on a printing press was the Bible in

German. Anyway, that was the first thing ever printed on a printing press. Until that time

everything was copied by hand and the major writing material was vellum. So if I ask

you, What is the major writing material upon which most of the manuscripts of the New

Testament are written? The answer is vellum, which is cow. It was calfskin instead of

sheep and goats.

There is something else that we want to take a look at and that deals with types of

writing. There are two types of writing on which manuscripts of the New Testament are

found. One is uncialcapital letters. Now how many of these uncial manuscripts do we

have? That is manuscripts with capital letters? In 1912 when we had one of the first

listings of all the available manuscripts, there were only 168 of these. And interestingly

today, in spite of all research, all archaeological digs, we only have a total of 270 that are
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catalogued. I mean, there might be some others sitting in museums somewhere. But we

have 270 uncial, capital-letter manuscripts. And we know the capital letters were used up

until the ninth century. So class, in terms of evaluating the importance of a manuscript, if

your argument is age, then uncial manuscripts will be very important to you. The most

important would be papyri, the first three centuries, closer to the time. Next, would be

uncial manuscripts. Now, papyri are not real helpful, in that they are only fragments. But

the uncials, weve got some with huge sections of the New Testament in them and so

they become very important manuscripts.

Two of thoseCodex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanuswere not revealed to the

world until the end of the 1900s. And that became the turning point in changes from the

manuscript evidence behind the King James, to the manuscript evidence behind modern

English versions.

The second type of writing is what we call minuscule, and you know it as that

which you usually do yourself. It is what we call cursive writing. You are not using

capital letters; you are just kind of handwriting. What we call handwriting today is

cursive writing or script writing. Now on computers or typewriters they have script fonts

also. That would be called cursive writing that appears like it was, done by hand. It uses

smaller letters. Not capitals.

However, one of the interesting things is that it has capitals when there is a new

paragraph, at least in thought. Or it has a capital when it is a proper name. But basically it

is cursive writing. Now, notice please class that the majority of Greek manuscripts are in

this area alone, 2,800 of them. And they are primarily later, that is, from 800 A.D. on,
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because they would be copies of the major uncials. There were some earlier, but not


Now if you want to know, class, about this because there are some of you who are

going to be Bible teachers and you want to know the facts, a fourth issue deals with the

age of a manuscript. Now, I went through the bookstore looking for some of these books

that tell you about the Bible and how we got our Bible. What we are trying to do in

this course is give you a confidence in your Bible and a basic knowledge of the facts

behind it to help you deal with apologetical issues in the futurewhen somebody is

attacking your Bible. But be careful in reading these books on how we got our Bible. Not

that they arent good, but they dont really tell you all that you need to know and they

kind of skip over some stuff.

Now you will often read, even in the Bible, I took out five of them in my office

and I was reading their introductions. It is amazing how many of them say that the best

manuscripts are the oldest manuscripts. But that is not true. The oldest papyri we have are

all messed up. Its the craziest thing you ever saw in your life. And that is the oldest copy

of papyri we have of the New Testament. The point is, be careful about that statement: If

it is old, it is best. Now in general if it is older, then maybe copies were made of it. So

thats an important factor, but be careful what you say. Again, a little knowledge is a

dangerous thing.

Here is how they determine the value of these manuscripts and their age. Im not

going to expect you to know all these things. But you should be familiar with this just so

you can refer to it later. First of all, one thing we have already dealt with would be

writing material. So the kind of writing material does have a tendency to date it. Another
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thing is letter size and form. If you would go to say King James period of time, they

come in giant lettering with beautiful calligraphy and art and all that. So sometimes the

size of the sheets determines the age. Thats not a hard fast rule, you have to be careful.

That is not a dogmatic issue, but it is one that is considered, the size of the actual letter

that you are looking at.

Also, punctuation is definitely a factor. Punctuation has changed. What we have

today was not in the older manuscripts at all. And so, even as we look at a manuscript

how it was punctuated, whether a period or a comma or a hyphen of whateverthat tells

us a lot about what age its from.

Text divisions. Class, you have probably been told this before, but lets make sure

you know it. The chapter divisions in the books of the Bible are not in the original text.

Okay, so some of that was the result of scholarship trying to put it in a form that was

easier to read, more book oriented. So not always is the chapter placed correctly, is it?

You have probably heard people mention that before. A chapter ends and you know

really it continues for two or three more verses. Like in Hebrews chapter 7, dealing with

our High Priest, if you dont see what it says in 8:1, you miss the whole point of the

passage. What it is leading up to. And there are lots of passages like that.

In 2 Corinthians 6 where it says, Be not unequally yoked together with

unbelievers. What fellowship has light with darkness? Come out from among them. Be

separate. I shall be a father to you. You shall be My children. If you do not read chapter

7:1, you miss it. It says, Having therefore, these promises, dearly beloved, lets cleanse

ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit; perfecting holiness in the fear of

New Testament Manuscripts Time 31:36

So youve got to understand that not always is your chapter division a break in the

thought. Now, many times it is. But sometimes it is not. So, the way a text is divided

often reveals the period of time in which it was written.

Also, there is the issue of ornamentation. We have a book that you can buy in a

scholarly or academic type store or university bookstore, ancient near Eastern texts, huge

like this. And you open it up and you can see photographic facsimiles of these original

manuscripts. And some of them will amaze youthe ornamentation, the design work

even the original King James!

I have a copy of the original cover of the King James 1611 and an original page

from the book of Acts. I have that framed on my wall. But when you look at it, you say

I dont believe this! I mean was that actually the Bible? That was King James? Oh

yeah, it is very ornamented. I mean it is just all over the place in artwork. You just look at

it, man, how did they read these things? Well, you see, some of ornamentation varies,

even in use of colors and the kind of artwork. You know that if youve ever had a class in

art and traced art through the years, you know that you can basically tell when art was in

the Renaissance period as opposed to the Middle Ages period. So thats another way that

the scholars date text.

Another thing is color of ink. A lot of people have the idea that it was all black.

No, it wasnt. They used a lot of colors. We have that principle in our Bibles, dont we? I

dont have one but maybe you do. You have the words of Christ in red. Sometimes these

manuscripts would put every time God spoke in a different color. So there are different

ways of looking at it. So the color of ink affected it and certainly the texture and the color

of the parchment. Sometimes a scholar could say That is between the fourth and fifth
New Testament Manuscripts Time 33:39

century. You can tell by the material that its on. And they will look at another vellum

and they will say, Well, that animal skin, that design on it and the impression into it, the

writing tools into it: that probably comes from the eighth or ninth century.

So this is a scholarly deal. It gives you an idea that this is a science, called

textual criticism. I want you to know the difference between higher and lower

criticism. When we hear the word criticism, it is a negative termwhen somebody is

critical of something. It is not a negative term in academic scholarship, and we need to

understand that. Now higher criticism deals with matters like, when you have a study

Bible or a Bible handbook, you have a long section thats introduction. It talks about the

date of the book, the author of the book, where it was written, etc. That is higher

criticism. It doesnt deal with the text at all. Higher criticism deals with things like

authorship, the date of the book, to whom it was written, where it came from, etc. That is

what is called higher criticism.

Now most of those books we call today, like Old Testament Introduction or New

Testament Introduction, or Introduction to the Bible, those are the kinds of books. And

sometimes they are in survey books of the Bible, where you will get that kind of

information. In most of the study Bible, whether Ryrie Study Bible, or Open Bible, or

some other Bible, you will find these discussions at the beginning of each booka little

background. Sometimes in the back of the book you will find some discussions about it.

That is higher criticism.

Lower criticism is referring not to something that is less than what higher is, but

it is a term they use for the actual text. The actual text, where is it? Is it in the Bible? Is it

not in the Bible? Is this word really in the text or is it not in the text? What does this
New Testament Manuscripts Time 35:48

marginal note mean? And did they insert something here? Did the copyist copy it correct

here? That is all lower criticism.

When you hear in a message, youll hear guys speak about the liberal critics of the

Bible. By and large, a liberal critic is committed to higher criticism. That is why

sometimes guys get confused and say, a higher critic said Well, they dont know the

meaning of higher because it isnt higher criticism that is the problem. Its the fact that

hes liberal doing higher criticism. Is everybody following me? I dont want to confuse

you here. I want to make sure you know the difference.

For example, the book of Daniel is greatly criticized by people who dont believe

in the inspiration of the Bible, because chapter 11 alone is the most detailed account of

the breakup of Alexander the Greats empire into the Ptolemies and the Seleucids that

you will ever read in history. It is totally accurate to everything we know in archaeology.

And if you took a Nile River cruise from Aswan Dam down to Luxor, the Valley of the

Kings, you would have lectures all along the way and stop at many, many fortresses that

are from that period of time, which would just amaze you. You would hear lectures and

actually you could open Daniel 11 and follow it straight through, even though the names

are not listed. So people who look at that say, Wait a minute, Daniel couldnt have

written that in the 500s B.C. It is 200 years before it happened. You see what Im

saying? But that is one of the strongest issues with those of us who believe the Bible is

the word of God. Issues of prophecy and fulfilled prophecy are extremely important to

us. If you refer to a liberal criticism of Daniel that it wasnt written by Daniel, but some

later writer, he is what we call a higher critic. That is, hes concerned about the date and
New Testament Manuscripts Time 37:44

the author of the Bible. He isnt dealing with the text at all. So sometimes we get

confused with that.

Most lower criticism scholars, who do translation work, dont care. Im just being

honest. They dont care whether you are a liberal or a conservative. You just pay them to

do the job. These are guys who look at manuscripts and are going to compare them with

manuscripts, they are going to do all that detailed eye work; they are not really thinking,

Gee, I wonder if this came from the only King James school? They dont even ask

those questions. The same guys who worked on the New King Jamesthat is in the King

James tradition of textalso worked on the New International and the New American


In my New American Standard Bible, it has a list of the scholars. Four of them

were my teachers and they were fundamentalists and they believe the Bible is the word

of God. The Bible publishing company authorized them to do an English text off of that

Greek text that it came from. So if you are a lower critic and you are doing those kinds of

studies, it makes no difference to you. All they are doing is working with the text, all day

long. Okay, thats a lower critic. So dont jump all over him. Dont criticize him. He is

just doing what he is asked to do, or paid to do, I might say.

Okay, now we need to take a break and think on these things.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 8
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha

All right, a fifth issue related to the New Testament is the matter of languages and

class what I want you to know is that there are three issues here. We are going to deal

with them, but just understand it. That is why I list them here right now. Theres Greek

and that is a heavy duty problem. The first issue and the major issue behind the history

and authenticity of the New Testament is Greek. Today we have: about 5,500

manuscripts, fragments, sometimes a whole book, sometimes a whole New Testament,

but over 5,500! Its a big issue and we are going to take our time with it.

Number two, we have what we call primary version. A primary version means

it was translated directly from Greek. Now all that we are talking about is before printing.

Thats why English is not listed or German, even though some of them come from the

original Greek or Spanish even. We are talking about before printing. That is where our

problem lies in manuscript evidence. We had no way to prove the copies except

handwriting and that, you know, could be filled with human error. So thats where weve

got to deal with it.

New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 02:04

Primary N.T. Versions from Greek

Syriac - The Antioch church in Syria is where
the disciples where first called Christians
Coptic - The Ethiopian eunuch from Acts 8 can be
traced back to the Egyptian or Coptic church
Latin - The Roman Catholic Church dominated
for over 1900 years
Gothic - The German, Russian, type languages used
in early missionary enterprises

We have four major or primary versions of the New Testament before printing.

We have Syriac, you recognize that name, Syria. Antioch in Syria is where the disciples

were first called Christians. Syriac.

Coptic, which is primarily in Egypt. The Coptic Church is still in existence today.

There are still Coptic Bibles. I have a man who attends my Bible class on Wednesday

night, who is Egyptian and he comes with his Coptic Bible and they believe it is very

close to the original. Why? Because of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, they trace the

whole Coptic Church to the Ethiopian eunuch. And they believe their translation is one of

the closest to the original language that there is. So he brings it and follows along with

me from his Coptic Bible.

Latin of course dominatednow, there is no other worddominated the church

for a thousand years. And of course, the Roman Catholics dominated clearly for 1900

years. And you will see why in a moment when we talk about the Latin versions, how
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 03:07

many there are. Latin was primarily used by the Western Church, whereas Syriac was

used by the Eastern Church. The Western Church focuses on Rome. The Eastern Church

focuses on Constantinople, which is now called Istanbul.

Now Gothic is a lot like our Teutonic tribe, like Russian, those kinds of

languages, Gothic. And it was used, by the way, very, very much in early missionary

enterprises. In fact, some of the reasons why the Bible is translated into other languages

was for a missionary motive, to put it into the language of the people.

Now, a secondary versionwhat is secondary? That means it was translated off

of another version rather than Greek; for instance, the Vulgatevulgate means

common. The common Latin of the people was actually a translation from the old Latin,

a primary version from Greek. Persian was translated from the Peshitta, which was

Aramaic. And I mentioned that last time. Armenian, Georgian, these are like Gothic

languages. Ethiopic was off of the Coptic. And Arabic, of course, became a very

important language and often came of Aramaic rather than Hebrew. But all of these

translations are secondary. They did not come off of Greek. They came off of other


Now a sixth matter relating to the New Testament is what we call patristicthe

patristic quotations of Church Fathers. I prefer as I have mentioned to you before the

word leader. I dont like the Catholic idea of Church Fathers, but usually we know what

were talking about and a lot of books are organized that way. You have what you call the

pre-Nicene Fathers. Council of Nicaea, in the early A.D. 300s the church leaders were

before that time. Post-Nicene would be leaders after that time, of course. Now here is the
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 05:09

problem: these men wrote voluminously. I mean, it isnt just one or two passages. They

wrote constantly.

Polycarp, who studied under the apostle John, was a martyr at Smyrna. Smyrna

was mentioned in the book of Revelation 2:8. John was the bishop of Smyrna. He was

murdered. He was tortured at the stake. But anyway, Polycarp wrote a letter to the

Christians across the water at Philippi, a Roman colony, where you remember Paul wrote

to the Philippians. When you read Polycarps letter to the Philippians, its like reading the

book of Philippians. You can hardly tell when he is quoting Paul and when he is giving

his remarks. You can hardly tell. And naturally many of these leaders wanted to talk

exactly like the apostles would talk. And they quote voluminously from the Bible. So

these quotations sometimes, class, especially if they are early Church Fathers (leaders)

they verify the text of the passage that is quoted. Is everybody following me? So if

somebody says, Ive got a tenth-century manuscript here that I think is pretty accurate,

but if the same passage is quoted by a man who lived in 200 A.D., and its different, then

Ill have a tendency to question that tenth-century manuscript.

Now what sort of qualifications do we put upon this? Ive listed a problem for

you, and that is determining the accuracy of the text, because these men quote out of a

passage to make a point. We do that today. And so how do I know which part of your

remark is the Scripture and which isnt? So that has to be determined. The value of this,

of course, is what I have just mentioned. It will fix the time of a certain text type, because

if they are quoting the Bible, then you know what text they are quoting fromeven

though you have to decide which is a quote is and which is their remark. Yet, you will

know the period of time that they are quoting from. Also, you will know geographical
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 07:15

locations, because there are different texts being used at different locations. Like whether

it is used in Italy, whether it is used in Egypt, whether it is used in Syria and Turkey.

They are different text types. So there are a lot of problems there.

To give you an idea of who these leaders are, I have given you a little category

list. This is very general, but it will help you if you ever need to refer to something within

that period.

Categories of Patristic Quotations

Apostolic Fathers (up to A.D. 125)

Ante-Nicene Fathers (A.D. 125-325)

Post-Nicene Fathers (A.D. 325-600)

Eastern Fathers (Syriac)

Western Fathers (Greek or Latin)

Apostolic Fathers. Now there is a whole set in the bookstore. Im not

recommending you buy them. But if youre going to become a pastor/teacher, probably at

some time it would be good to get it. It is by Lightfoot, who was a great commentator

years ago. But Lightfoot has a whole series called The Apostolic Fathers. Its five or six

volumes and it is absolutely fascinating reading. Youre reading letters and books that are

back at the New Testament time or shortly thereafter. And it is fascinating and very
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 08:15

helpful. So that goes to about 125 A.D. We think Revelation was written around A.D. 95,

so it was approximately the first century. Apostolic Fathers.

The leaders who in addition to guys like Paul who died earlier, probably around

A.D. 67-68, we have John who was living clear until the A.D. 90s and could verify

anything that was said about who was quoting Jesus and what was being quoted. He was

still here. So Johns role was extremely important. That is why a man like Polycarp, who

studied under John, his writings are very important to us. And by the way, they are very

accurate too.

We have the ante-Nicene, meaning ante, pre. Some call this pre-Nicene

A.D. 125 to 325. That is when the Council of Nicaea is, A.D. 325. Post-Nicene carries

you to about A.D. 600. Then from then on, all church leaders are divided into two

categories: Easternthat is the Syriac traditions, Constantinople and Westernthat is

Rome. And those manuscripts are primarily Latin, but there are some Greek.

Lets look at one more thing before we study the Apocrypha. We have what is

called, in all this manuscript evidence, we have whats called lectionaries. Now what

are lectionaries? They are the same things that you see in hymnbooks today, where they

have Scripture readings in the back of the hymnbooks. These are selected portions of

Scriptures that were to be read in the churches, like responsive readings. You know Jews,

they take the first five books, the Torah, and they outline it for Shabbat readings on the

Sabbath, Saturday. They outline it through the year. And by the way, you end it at the

Feast of Tabernacles and on the last day the seventh day of that feast is called Hoshana

Rabbah, the great hosanna. And that is the day we believe Jesus poured out water and

said, Come unto me and drink, from John 7.

New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 10:19

But they finish the Torah reading on the next day, the eighth day of the feast

which was a special day mentioned in Leviticus 23they call it Hoshameni Azulid. And

what it is talking about is a day where they come down off of seven days of rejoicing to a

seriousness and that day they read the book of Ecclesiastes, which gives them a balance

that their life is very vulnerable and you should never stop reading the Bible. The evening

is called Simkhat Torah, which is a rejoicing over the Law. And what they do there is

they have the final reading of the Law, the last chapter of Deuteronomy, and they go back

and start in Genesis and just read a few verses in Genesis. Why?to remind you that you

never are finished. So they go back and read the Law again, the next year. By the way,

that just happened. We are right at that time. Last night, the Simkhat Torah. And they will

begin the readings in Genesis this Saturday in all the synagogues of the world. So, it is

kind of interesting. That Jewish practice was brought over in the New Testament church.

One of the great speakers and commentary writers and teachers was a man named

Chrysostom, in the fourth century. And he wrote what he called The Lesson for Today.

And you know today in liberal churches they still do this. In fact they send out a little

format for pastors telling them what readings they should have in the church. They

sometimes have a reading in the Old Testament, a reading in the New for today. And

sometimes the people look at it and say, Oh thats just liturgy. Well, actually it is a very

old practice. Churches did it for years. And the goal was to make sure you read through

the whole Bible in a year. Thats not a bad practice. The bad practice was when the

tradition came in and they told you what to preach as well. That got to be bad.

These lectionaries sometimes are just a few verses. But there are lectionaries,

manuscripts of these lectionaries, which are three and four chapters. The average length
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 12:18

is about ten verses. And they appear from the sixth century onward even though

Chrysostom who lived in the fourth century, he used it. I want you to notice something

interesting about a lectionary. Most of them begin with a phrase (practically all of them)

and we have about 2,200 of these manuscripts. And they practically all begin with the

phrase, on a certain occasion. Why do they do that? And the answer is they wanted to

protect the congregation from thinking that this was the original text. Now in the Bible

when a text is being quoted from the Old Testament, what is the phrase that goes with

it?as it is written or this is written, or these things are written.

Interesting class, that in the Dead Sea scrolls, where you have copies of the Old

Testament as well as many other books including apocryphal books, it never uses the

phrase as it is written unless it is Scripture and it belongs in the Bible. That is very

interesting because there is not an apocryphal book among them that ever has as it is


Now in 1958 we had 1,838 of these, both capital and small letter writings. And

today there are 2,200 that we know are in existence and that have been cataloged. Now

lets get a summary note. Know what these facts are.

New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 13:40

Summary of Cataloged Manuscripts

New Testament Greek Manuscripts: over 5,500

- Only 200 of these are complete manuscripts

- 50 contain everything except the gospels
- 1,500 contain all or part of the gospels only

New Testament Latin Manuscripts: over 10,000

- Total number of N.T. manuscripts: over 20,000

- N.T. quotations of church fathers: over 86,000

Out of 5,500 Greek manuscripts on the New Testament, only two hundred of

them are complete New Testaments. Kind of shocking, only two hundred! Another fifty

contain all but the gospels. And about 1,500 contain all or part of the gospels only. Are

you following that?

Manuscript evidence in Latin now numbers around 10,000. And the total number

of manuscripts of the New Testament reaches about 20,000. This is before printing. I

mean, that is unbelievable. Let me tell you why. The most manuscripts that we know are

in existence today is actually Homers Iliad. And Homers Iliad has over six hundred

copies. Imagine comparing that document of six hundred copies to the New Testament,

which has 20,000 known copies! And thats only the ones we have discovered and

catalogued. I mean, we are talking about unbelievable evidence that will lead us to

whatever is the original text in a way that no other ancient writing before printing can

ever claim. So there is a lot more evidence for what is the text of the Bible, a lot more
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 14:59

things to compare and study and many languages of the world, than any other book in

ancient history.

So if someone asks you: Oh you dont know what really was the original Bible.

Just say to them, What books do you know those facts about beside the Bible? Is there

any book in history that you believe has an accuracy and an authenticity like the Bible?

Can you name one? No, they cannot name it. Why? Because the whole ancient writing

system before printing is all messed up and they dont even have the number of copies to

compare, much less the accuracy of them that the Scriptures contain.

So you see we are not panicking here because there are 20,000 manuscripts. How

do you know what the original text is? We are going to get to that. We are going to show

you. It is a science. Its called textual criticism. And now today, when you open up a

Greek New Testament, you have at the bottom of the page what is called a critical

apparatus. It lists all the variations in all those 20,000 manuscripts. Imagine that. So you

can look at it. Go to the front of your Greek New Testament and see what all those

symbols mean and you can know exactly what the difference is on every single variation

in the Bible. This is a big subject and a difficult one. You better know what you believe.

Well, one of the interesting things is the quotations from the Church writers. Look

at that. How many references? Over 86,000 separate references. Do you suppose that

would be pretty good evidence for finding out what was the original text? These men are

quoting from it; 86,000 of them we have in print. References. This is not a small subject.

Okay, well get started in this. Lets talk about the Apocrypha. What does the

word apocrypha mean, class? Hiddenthats all it meansto hide. The Apocrypha is

not all there is to apocryphal writings. Heres where people get confused. For instance,
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 17:07

the Book of Enoch is an apocryphal writing, but it is not in the list of the Apocrypha. But

it is an apocryphal writing and so is the Shepherd of Hermes, and the Epistle of Barnabus,

which are in Codex Sinaiticus but they are not in the Apocrypha.

So it is important that we know what we are talking about. You say, Yeah I do,

Im witnessing to my Catholic friends. Watch out! Your Catholic friends dont

understand this either. There are a lot of things thrown around. The average Catholic

grows up in his home with his mother and dad just speaking off the top of their head

telling him that the Protestants took parts of the Bible out. And Revelation says you are

not supposed to take any of it away. And guys grow up in a Protestant home, if they ever

hear about it they say, Yeah the Catholics they added some books to the Bible. And so

on and on goes the battle.

The word apocrypha means hidden. What does that mean? Well, between the

historical end of the Hebrew Old Testament until the writing of the New TestamentIm

trying to say it carefullybetween the historical end of the Hebrew Old Testament and

the beginning of the New Testament in Greek, we have what has been referred to for

years as four hundred silent years, or we would say hidden. That is, we dont know

much about it. It is hidden from our knowledge. There was no revelation from God

during that period of time. We do have some history about that time, and guess what? It

is in the apocryphal books. How do we know about the breakup of Alexander the Greats

empire into his four generals?which by the way, it predicted in the book of Daniel.

Even though Alexander the Great is not mentioned, its obviously him. But the breakup

of his empire into four divisions is clearly taught in the book of Daniel. How do we know
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 18:58

what four divisions they are? Cassander, Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and Seleucushow do

we know that? Where did we get that information? Out of apocryphal books!

So, in one sweep, we got Protestants acting like, Oh boy, Apocrypha! You must

be a heretic. Wait a minute! A lot of the history that we have of those four hundred

silent years comes out of apocryphal literature. Because it is in the Apocrypha doesnt

mean that its not true. You might see that sometime on a test. Because its in the

Apocrypha does not mean its not true. There is a lot in the Apocrypha that we know is

not true. Especially in terms of geography, topography, things like that, dates. But theres

plenty that is true. A lot of it is fanciful, mythological-type writing. But a lot of it is

talking about historic events.

Do you know in the Old Testament it tells us that Manasseh, who reigned for 55

years, was one of the wickedest kings ever in Israel? Did you know that because of the

sins of Manasseh, God would bring judgment to the Babylonian captivity and would not

repent of it no matter if the people turned to the Lord or not because the sins of Manasseh

were so terrible? Did you know that Manasseh repented at the end of his life, according

to the Bible (2 Chronicles 33:12-13, 18)? Just a little, small note, we dont know much

about it, but in the Apocrypha there is a prayer of Manasseh about his repentance. We

dont know whether it is true or not, but in that prayer we get information that is also

quoted in the Bible.

Now weve got another problem. You see a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

When we come to the Apocrypha, do you understand when you are witnessing to a

Catholic, they have no reason to doubt that those books arent the Bible? No reason at all.

They believe the Protestants are the onesLuther caused all thatand they took them
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 20:51

out of the Bible. The Protestant answer is: They didnt even make them part of the Bible

until the Council of Trent. Not exactly. The Apocrypha was in the King James Bible.

That might be a surprise to you. The Apocrypha was on Jeromes Latin Vulgate also. But

they were always separate sections. They were not treated as Holy Scriptures. Why were

they in there? Because there are facts in them that do relate to biblical history, so they

were like our introductions.

For instance, I do not believe that in Charles Ryries Study Bible his notes are

inspired of God. But they are helpful arent they? You read them. They are in your Bible.

Did you buy an Open Bible? If youve got an Open Bible, are all those notes that are in

thereall those introductions and all the booksis that all Scripture? No, it is not, but it

is helpful information. Thats the same way the Apocrypha was treated. So in talking to

Catholics, in witnessing to them, be very careful what you say. Weve got to get the


I read you a little note out of the Open Bibles introduction which says that the

main opposition to the Apocrypha came from the Puritans, and that is true. It was a

Puritan-called conference that led to King James decision to have a new translation of

the Bible. And it was brought up by the Puritans to get rid of the Apocrypha; but

interestingly, in that Bible all they did was put the Apocrypha in a separate section. It

finally wasnt knocked out until a few years later, in a later edition. As the Puritans won

the day and said, Dont put anything in there that we cannot prove is inspired Scripture.

It will confuse people. You know, I agree with them. But at the same time, I want to be

careful how I attack the Apocrypha. Okay?

New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 22:35

First, lets talk about what the Apocrypha is. It is not all the apocryphal books. Its

what we know as the books called the Apocrypha. It refers to fifteen of them, although

most people say there are fourteen. But the reason you get fifteen is that theres a

document called The Letter of Jeremiah that if its put with Baruch (thats a Bible

name by the way), you have to read the book of Jeremiah to find out all about that. But if

you put it with that, then there are only fourteen. Eleven of these fourteen are considered

to be Holy Scripture by the Roman Catholic Church. Just eleven and Ive given you a list

of them.

The first and second Book of Esdras; the Book of Tobit; the Book of Judith; the

additions to the Book of Esther (these are all Jewish); The Wisdom of Solomon;

Ecclesiasticus or the Wisdom of Sirach.

New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 24:00

We have also Baruch; the Time of Jeremiah; Suzanna. We have The Song of the

Three Hebrew Children. We have the story of Bell and the Dragon. That one probably

isnt going to bless you. We have the Prayer of Manasseh. And we have two books, class,

that tell us almost all of the knowledge we have historically after the Babylonian

captivityFirst and Second Maccabees.

Its those two books that confirm the accuracy of Daniel chapter 11 and show us

that that book is truly inspired of God. It is those books that tell us about Hanukkah,

which is in the Bible in the Gospel of John (10:22). Jesus attended it. It was called The

Feast of Dedication. How interesting! But we dont know anything in the New

Testament about Hanukkah. We get that out of the Book of Maccabees, as we learn the

whole story of it. Isnt that interesting! And Jesus in His time attended a Hanukkah. Well

Hanukkah deals with lighting in the battle that the Maccabean families had against

Antiochus Epiphanes. Ever hear of that name in somebodys sermon? Were did you get

that name? Do you understand the Book of Maccabees has provided us with tremendous

historical matters that we teach when were going through the book of Daniel and other

books? And yet we sit here with a bad attitude towards the Apocrypha. Wait a minute!

This is good history. Yeah, its got some problems in it, but it is good history. No, its not

inspired of God like the other books are, but it is good history. And there are facts in it

that are true facts.

You know we have a big related argument even after printing, as to whether what

people say is valid or not. Watch out for what people say! There are true facts in other

books besides the Bible that are true also. They are not lies. It does not mean that these
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 25:36

books are Scripture, but they are true facts. Im leading up to something to show you why

the Bible quotes from the Apocrypha, so hang on. You didnt know that? It does!

Now there is a tradition in it and we dont know whether its true or not. It could

be just a fable in the battle for Jerusalem to cleanse the temple, because Antiochus

Epiphanes had sacrificed a pig on the Jewish altar of the rebuilt temple in Ezra and

Nehemiahs time. We are down now to about 167 to 154 B.C. They were having a

terrible battle in the temple area. And they were almost finishing it, but they needed more

light because soon it was going to be dark. And the tradition is that the lights of the

candelabra miraculously were sustained after they had run out of oil and they were able

to finish the job. It is a great story and Jews love it.

And so they have today an eight-pronged candlestick that looks like a menorah, a

candlestick, only it has eight prongs. That is what you use at Hanukkah. And you have

eight days of Hanukkah, because that is how long it lasted. That is the tradition. And so

you light these candles. You light one on the first day. Then the next day, you light

number one and two. Then the third day you light one, two, and three. By the way, on the

first day you give a gift to one another that is very inexpensive. A pencil maybe or a

rubber band, and everybody gives you a gift. It is representing the gifts that God has

given to us, and we are going to exchange them among each other to remember that all

good gifts come from God. Does that sound Jewish? James 1:17, Every good and perfect

gift comes from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness nor shadow of


There are more Jewish things in your Bible than probably you have ever

recognized. But here we are, giving gifts. Well each day the gift gets more expensive, so
New Testament Languages and the Apocrypha Time 27:12

by the eighth day it is really costly in a Jewish home. But guess what? They lit all those

beautiful candelabras in the court of the women, the court of the treasury. The Bible is

very clear that is the place (John 8:12) where Jesus shouted, I am the Light of the world

and he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John

8:12). Are you a little more interested in Hanukkah now? And I tell you if you have never

understood that as it relates to Bible information, you need to. Where does all that come

from? It comes out of the Apocrypha.

You see, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Weve got to deal with this

carefully because the Apocrypha is quoted in the Bible.

Now lets talk about the acceptance by the Church next time, shall we?

Lets pray.

Lord, thank You for Your word, a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our

path; a word that is forever settled in heavena word that is profitable for

doctrine, for reproof, for correction, instruction in righteousness that the

man of God would be equipped, thoroughly so for every good work.

Teach us, Lord, to know our Bibles well; to know what we believe and

why. We thank You, in Jesus name. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 9
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church

So lets have a word of prayer, shall we?

Father how grateful we are for Your wonderful love for us and for the marvel of

the Bible itself. Thank You that You have superintended its preservation. You

protected it through the years. You have given us a written revelation of Yourself

and all of Your wonderful deeds. And may our hearts continue to desire to know

You through Your word. Teach us, Lord. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

We are studying the Apocrypha, and no doubt from last week you were so stimulated you

went and read through the Apocrypha since last Wednesday. You are now well prepared and very

excited. Lets quickly review, class. The Apocrypha is primarily ancient Jewish writings, written

between 300 B.C. and A.D. 100, so about four hundred years. They come right up of course to

New Testament times. The word Apocrypha means what, class? Hidden. They were regarded

as canonical by the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Trent, which is a counter-

Reformation movement to Martin Luther and the Reformers. The Apocrypha was in the King

James Bible. It was a separate section. The Apocrypha was attached to Jeromes Latin Vulgate, a

separate section. But it was the Puritans primarily who emphasized that they should not be even

included in any edition of the Bible. We talked a little bit about how they are good history.

Lets just walk through this slowly. And we will also comment on the Bibles quotations

of the events in the Apocrypha and tell you why and so forth in just a moment. Now the first

thing in terms of acceptance by the church, deals with the Greek translation of the Old Testament

called the Septuagint. The Apocrypha is contained in the Septuagint. That surprises a lot of

people. But if you were a Roman Catholic, cant you see how you could use a number of these

arguments to prove that they (the apocryphal writings) belong? The Septuagint was accepted by

Christians in the first century. We know by Pauls quotations from it that it was well used, as well
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 03:17

as Church Fathers who tell us that they did use the Septuagint. Why? They spoke Greek not

Hebrew and they had a Greek translation of the Old Testament. There were several Greek

translations of the Old Testament. In addition to the Septuagint, you have Aquilas,

Theodotions, Symmachus, and Origens. All of them were Greek translations of the Old

Testament. The primary one used by Christians was the Septuagint. But anyway, it was in use

because they spoke Greek.

The Jewish people however, because it was used by the Christians, did not use it. Even if

they were Hellenistic Jews, meaning that they spoke Greek, knew Greek culture. We have

reference to the Hellenistic Jews in the New Testament, dont we? Like Acts 6, when they

appointed seven men to help them on waiting on tables, it was because the Hellenistic Jews,

Jewish widows, were neglected in the distribution of food and care because they werent true

Jews, so to speak that is, true Hebrews. So, it is a very interesting discussion as it relates to the

Apocrypha because it does appear in the Septuagint and that was used by the New Testament

church. However, that very fact troubled early Christian leaders. Because since it was available to

them, they read it and it was Jewish writings. But there were some things that dont fit with

Scripture. It doesnt match and we will show you why in a moment.

Now, a second fact dealing with the acceptance by the Church was Jeromes Latin

Vulgate. Now that comes around fourth century A.D., but at least for a thousand years, if not

longer, it was the standard Bible in the then-known Church. Jeromes Latin Vulgate. Rome

officially falls politically in A.D. 476. It probably fell internally and morally long before that, but

that is when the Visigoths, a barbaric tribe, came in and sacked Rome and burned it to the ground.

At that point, the bishop of Rome took the title of the Roman emperors, Pontifex Maximus,

supreme pontiff, if you want to know where the pope came from. That title was given to all the

titles of the Roman emperors from Octavian, who was Augustus Caesar in your Bible, from him

all the way to A.D. 476. All the emperors took the title Pontifex Maximus, supreme pontiff. The

final change over was under a man named Damasus. Damasus was a monk from the Carmelite
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 06:00

monastery in Haifa, Israel. He became the bishop of the church in Rome and when Rome fell, he

literally took everything over. The College of Cardinals among the Roman Catholics is literally

the ancient Roman Senate. All of their insignias, their robes, everythingwhen political Rome

fell, religious Rome took over.

By A.D. 800 under Charlemagne, we have the Holy Roman Empire. And do you

understand that all during this time Latin is now becoming the dominate language of the Christian

world, the western world? And the Latin Vulgate, Vulgate meaning common in the language of

the people that Jerome translated, was the Bible for way over a thousand years. There are many

Catholics who dont even use the Douay version of the Bible but prefer Jeromes Latin Vulgate.

And in that Latin Vulgate which everybody is using there is the Apocrypha. But the interesting

thing is that Jerome himself did not believe that it should be included in the canon of Scripture.

So, he made it in a separate section and it does have good history, history that is not found

anywhere in the Old Testament. It tells us about those four hundred silent years that we

mentioned earlier.

Now in the third case dealing with how the church accepted this Apocrypha, these hidden

truths of the Apocrypha, in Luthers German Bible. Now remember you are talking about the guy

whos breaking away from the Roman Church of 1534. When did Luther put his Ninety-five

Theses, attacking the Roman Church tradition, when did he nail them up to the door of the chapel

at the University of Wittenberg? He did that in 1517. If you dont know that, it is a very important

date to know. He did it in October, 1517.

Remember last time I told you what book was first printed on the first printing press. And

it was the Bible in what language?German. That was 1450 A.D. So now we are only 84 years

from that point and Luther does an edition of German. And of course, that becomes the standard

Bible that was used in the Lutheran Church. And in that Bible the Apocrypha was in a separate

section at the end of the Old Testament, not at the end of the Bible. So, he correctly analyzed
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 08:38

them as Jewish writings. He puts it at the end of the Old Testament, but he has them all together

and not like the Catholic Bible that has it woven in between all the books.

Luthers Major Issues

1. The authority of Scripture over

the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church

2. The universal priesthood of all believers over the

clergys exclusive right to interpret Scripture

3. Justification by faith alone, apart from the works of

the Law

Now a fourth thing that became pretty dominant at that timenow this is the

Reformation, mind you. What were Luthers concerns in the Reformation? There are three major

issues of the Reformation and this affects the issue of the Apocrypha. Three things that Luther

said were necessitating a split from Rome. One is the authority of the Scriptures over the tradition

of the Churchthe authority of the Scriptures over the traditions of the church.

At the time of Luther, there was a Roman Catholic gentleman by the name of Johann

Tetzel. And Tetzel was selling what we call indulgences. He has the famous saying: As the coin

drops into the chest, a soul flees to its heavenly rest. Bad! Bad! Bad! But he was literally raking

in money everywhere, all over the empire by selling these indulgences, which supposedly would

get a person out of purgatory. They would be good works done by people who loved their dead

relatives and try to get them out of purgatory. And they would get out of purgatory by

indulgences. They still do the same thing today. Lighting candles, offering gifts, and of all that.

Okay. Now, Luther condemns this and says there is no Scripture, this is the tradition of

the Church and it is a violation of what God teaches. So that was the first issue.

The second issue was called the universal priesthood of all believers versus the laity

and clergy controversy in the Roman Church where only the priests could rightly interpret the
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 10:31

Bible. Luther said the Bible should be put into the hands of the common people, a universal

priesthood of every believer, instead of a select group of priests. He said that there were pastors

who had gifts and functions, but that the idea of priests, from the Old Testament economy, was

not biblical theology. He said that Peter, in 1 Peter 2, calls all believers priests who could offer

up sacrifices to God. We are all priests and he was correct. But the Roman Church, of course, you

cannot have a Roman Church without the priesthood, anymore than you could have the Mormon

Church without the Melchizedek priesthood. These are vital issues to them because only they can

interpret the Scriptures.

So now you see we have another issue affecting the Bible itself. Under the universal

priesthood of believers, everybody has gifts and everybody has a right to read the Bible and not to

listen to somebody else. Luther taught that by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, illumination in

our lives, any average believer can read the Bible. They cannot read the Bible if they dont speak

Latin. Latin was the language of the Church and the common people all over Germany spoke

German. So Luther makes an edition of the German Bible that is really in the language of the

people. And immediately it just goes like wild fire!

By the way, Luther never founded the Lutheran Church, for all of you who may have a

Lutheran background. A lot of people believe that and I can understand why. But that is not true.

Luther was an Augustinian monk in the Roman Catholic Church until the day he died. His goal

was to reform the Church. People who were followers of Martin Luther are the ones who split.

But Luther was always trying to reform the Roman Church from within, even though he was

excommunicated by it.

Myles Coverdale in his English Bible, also the Bishops Bible, as well as the King James

Bible of 1611, all placed the Apocrypha in their Bible in a separate section. In other words, they

recognized the validity of the historical sections of these books and their mentioning of events

that are also in the Bible itself. So, they were all there. So naturally, people, you could imagine

their surprise to see it as a separate section, rather than spaced throughout. They wanted to make
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 12:58

sure it wasnt exactly on par with the rest of the Bible, but it is valid history to help us understand.

So they put it in as a section of the Bible, a separate section at the end.

The third issue of the Reformation was justification by faith alone apart from the works

of the Law. Justification by faithand that became the major issue that separated Roman

Catholics from Protestants and still today separates us. When I teach the book of Romans, I have

often distributed a test on justification, multiple choice, without people knowing. I just ask simple

questions about the righteousness of God. I have done it to evangelicals in many, many places. I

am not trying to shock you or surprise you, but every time I have given that test, every

evangelical church Ive ever given it to, proves to be Catholic rather than Protestant

overwhelmingly so!

See, even today we do not understand the Reformation. There were some very serious

issues that I wish it was taught more. I wish people understood more what happened at the

Reformation. We would not be in such a doctrinal mess as we are today with our narcissistic,

attitudes where all we want to know is how to feel better. We have lost why we are justified by

faith alone and not by the works of the Law. So it is a very serious issue.

And that began to undermine the Apocrypha. Why?because the Apocrypha has many,

many things that imply a salvation by works. So, you see all of a sudden it becomes contradictory

to the majority of what we have in the Bible.

Now the other thing that was against it, why the Christians were divided over this, even

among Roman Catholics, was because it was not found in any of the Hebrew translations. The

Jews (these are Jewish writings) you would think they would honor it more than those who are

not Jews. But they never placed it on the level with Scripture and I think that is quite significant.

As a matter of fact, in the writings of the Dead Sea Scrolls, you have many books besides the

books of the Bible. You have all the books of the Bible represented by the fragments of the Dead

Sea Scrolls, except one, Esther.

The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 15:27

So you see, even at the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are dated before Jesus Christ,

they knew about these apocryphal writings but did not accept them on the same par as the

Hebrew Scriptures. And in none of the Hebrew translations will you ever find the Apocrypha. So

that began to cause Christian leaders to question it. Why in the world are we including it? We

have other history books. If it is good history, fine, well say so. But it doesnt belong as


Now where the battle actually took place, class, and I want you to know this because

youd be amazed at how many Christians dont. And they get all confused about the Apocrypha.

And what they normally do is become anti-Catholic, while theyre talking to Catholics. Can you

not see, class, by what we have said so far, why a Roman Catholic may be quite comfortable with

the fact that the Apocrypha belongs in the Bible? Theyve got a lot of evidence. If you just look at

it from their side, theyve got a lot of evidence and they do blame the Puritans.

Now, who are the Puritans? Oh, they are the ones that landed on the Mayflower. Well,

that is a group of them, but that isnt the Puritans. I mean, thats not the whole issue. And I am

going to try to explain this briefly. If it was a course in church history, we would take more time

with it, but thats not our course. So please be patient and kind. I am not going to tell you a whole

lot. Im just going to connect this together for you.

When Martin Luther and the Reformers like John Calvin, Phillip Melanchthon, Ulrich

Zwingli, and all these men, when they were really coming out more and more toward the

Scripture, preaching the Scripture, putting it in the hands of the common people because of the

printing press, everybody was reading the Bible now. They were learning more and more and

more. Well, that is the same period of time in which we have the growth of denominationalism.

Cant you understand that? There is only one church, the Roman Catholic Church. And now,

everybody is seeing the Bible. So, we forget some of that [because] we are so removed. We think

Luther was dedicated therefore to the 39 booksno, he questioned some of the other books,

whether they belonged. Why? They were coming out of the Roman Catholic Church.
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 17:38

Class, the Roman Catholic Church believes that the church is the fulfillment of all that

God said to the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. Now once you understand that, you see

where they are coming from theologically. For instance, their priests are the same as the priests in

the Old Testament. Mass to them is the sacrifice of the temple and tabernacle. You understand

that? Once you get this into your head, you can begin to understand why the Roman Church is

organized like it is and why they feel like they do.

Now, that particular theology [is] that the church and Israel are exactly the same, or to put

it more correctly, the Church is the fulfillment of all God said to Israel. Israel, because of their

disobedience and idolatry, God rejects them and the new Israel is the church. Okay. Now listen

carefully class, I dont know you each individually. I am not trying to attack your religious

background or your mom or dad or anything else, because we are just non-denominational. Okay?

We see the dangers of them and as they have caused, division. I am not trying to do that to you.

Im trying to explain something as it relates to our Bible. Okay?

Groups like Lutherans, Reformers, reform traditions, covenant, like Presbyterians,

Episcopalians, et cetera, have never changed that doctrinal belief. They are still what we call,

amillennial, which is a nice name as it deals with the Millennium for the fact that they dont

have the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. Why? Well, they do believe in the thousand years

of Revelation, but as a metaphorical term. Because of the verse, The Day of the Lord is like a

thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day (2 Peter 3:8). And they relate it to the triumph

of the gospel during the church age, at the end of which Christ will return. So the Rapture and the

Second Coming at the end of the Tribulation are all at the same moment. Okay, in contrast to say

that there is a pre-trib Rapture and a post-trib coming to the earth.

The main issue is Israel, and it always has been. That is the issue. Has God set aside the

people of Israel or does He have a continuing plan with them? So that causes your prophetic

views to change the moment you decide that.

The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 20:11

So will you listen to me carefully, class? And I know that this is kind of long, but I dont

know how else to do it. All of these denominations from the Roman Church, which was the only

church, they were always amillennial. Christs kingdom is going to be set up on earth; we are

going to do it. You see, all those people that you have heard believe in dominion theology who

are existing today, word of faith, they believe that we can have a kingdom of God on earth that

we Christians can bring in. This was very common in America before World War I. You see,

World War I shook up everybodys confidence that we could bring peace on earth. So post-

millennialism (which means we are already in the Millennium) that is the growth of the church in

the present age. This is the blessing of the kingdom on earth in the Church and there will be no

fulfillment on earth with Israel. That causes people to think differently about the Bible, very


Luther was an amillennialist. Now today we have a lot of sharp scholars who are honing

and making this thing really sharp and it all sounds good. It isnt a negative term. There are a lot

of good Bible teachers that are amillennial. Westminster Seminary is a fine seminary,

fundamental, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with lots of good teachers. It is amillennial. And

there is a stronger growth in Reformed tradition I find today than we have had for some years.

You read books like Rushdoony, who has excellent analysis of events in history and philosophy

and religion together, really an academic-type approach. Rushdoony is an amillennialist. You

have in the counseling field, Jay Adams, a wonderful, straight-forward biblical counselor,

amillennial. You have multitudes of books out there in the Christian book stores that you are not

even aware of what their theological position is. You say, what are you getting at? Im glad you


You see, at the time of the Reformation, there werent a lot of changes, but there were

people who were discovering things in the Bible that they had never discovered before. One of

them was baptism. Now in the Reformed tradition, baptism is likened unto circumcision. That is

the way it is in the Roman Catholic Church also. So why do you baptize babies?because you
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 22:32

circumcise babies. Circumcision represents the faith of the parents in the Mosaic Covenant. So

they circumcise their child. And because Colossians 2:11-12 says, it connects circumcision with

baptism in a metaphor, therefore, they believe this is a correct biblical understanding of baptism.

So we should baptize babies representing the faith of the parents in the Lord. Now it is a child of

the covenant.

Did you know that most of the men that wrote the United States Constitution, our early

leaders, were all amillennialists? Interestingly, many of them believed the United States was the

new Israel. Think of the cities, especially back East, named Bethlehem, Mount Zion. You know,

it is unbelievable, the Bible names that are all over the East Coast. It was a theological position of

theirs and they felt the Jews had been rejected. They are no longer a part of Gods program and

we are the new Israel.

Now among these people in the Reformers, some read their Bibles and could not prove

the baptism of babies. They were called Anabaptists. There were all kinds of them. Even

Moravians, Brethren, all kinds of them. They were not just Baptists. The Anabaptist movement,

basically is against the teaching that we should baptize babies. They believed in believers

baptism. Did you know that most of them were killed because of this? That is how serious it was.

They believed they were heretics in denying what God taught. When in reality, you and I would

say today, No, they were right-on. We believe today, in what is called believers baptism.

If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest That baptism is a public testimony, an act,

an apologetical response to God, says 1 Peter 3:21,

The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us not the putting

away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,

by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (KJV)

The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 24:24

And its evidence that we have come to know the Lord and a public testimony of that fact. Well,

how does that relate to the Apocrypha?

Well, the interesting thing is these Anabaptists began to grow. They began to look at the

Bible more and more and more. And some of the teachings of the Roman Church that had carried

over into Reformed thinking are perpetuated by Apocryphal books. So some of the Puritans

which are not necessarily all Presbyterians and Reformed people, there were some Baptists that

were Puritans. Charles Haddon Spurgeon believed he was a Puritan and he was a Baptist, but you

have all of these people coming out of the Reformation. They are coming out of that with a

tremendous desire to get back to the Bible. And there are all kinds of people, especially around

1700, some two hundred years after the Reformation. Weve got unbelievable proliferation.

People are hearing about America and the New World. There is freedom of religion there! They

are coming in droves. It wasnt just in 1620, the Mayflower Compact. They were coming in

droves. And by the time of the American Revolution, everybodys main concern in this country

was freedom of religion.

What is the first amendment of the Constitution? Its freedom of religion. Isnt that

interesting? It is the very first one on their list, which shows you what was really going on in

America. And through the work of John Wesley, George Whitefield, and many others, we had a

spiritual awakening also at the same time. People were turning to the Lord right and left. And

America was really born out of a spiritual and moral awakening. I think we need another one, by

the way.

So, Im trying to lay out some history. All during this Puritan era, these strong Bible-

teaching men, maybe they didnt know much about prophecy, but they are seeing there is a lot

wrong with whats being taught. And the King James Bible, now in English from 1611, a hundred

years later has caused a tremendous foment. People have the Bible in their own language. Theyre

reading this thing and theyre saying, Wait a minute! In the providence of God, isnt it

interesting that this is the heart of the great worldwide missionary enterprise of the 1700s and
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 26:33

1800s. Can you see why? They were all going out to proselytize and get people to their way of

thinking. So all over the world, and in the process they are bringing them to Christ too, and thats

between 1700 and 1900, all the way up to 1929-30, in that bracket, is what we call the Great

Missionary Movement.

Thats just millions coming to Christ. You can go to African, South American, Asian,

isolated places today and find a Baptist Church, a Presbyterian Church, you know. Its amazing!

They just continue to foster their denominational beliefs. And there are people that still today are

a part of that. Youve got people in America that will not go to another church except their

denominational church. Why? Because its been rooted in them for generations that they are

correct and everybody else is wrong. If you dont dot your is and cross your ts like we say, then

maybe you are not in the true body of Christ. See, that has happened throughout history.

Well, all of these Puritan leaders, these guys wrote all the great books that you and I love

to get. Still some of the best books on the Bible were written between 1700 and 1900. Not in this

century! If you think this is deep, you ought to go back where they didnt have faxes and

telephones and television sets. That is when they had time to really study. So you understand that

all these guys are really growing in their knowledge of the word. Well, what are they seeing?

They are seeing that all these traditions of the Roman Church that they are fighting to break away

from, guess where they are perpetuated? In the Apocrypha!

So you see it was the Puritans all the way from the beginning who insisted, Get that out

of there! They forced one edition within eighteen years from the original one, 1611. By 1629 the

Puritans got the King James publishing houses to drop the Apocrypha out of the Bible. Some

editions were still putting it in for a while, but you can understand, this became like a snowball.

And they are saying, The true Bible, the inspired word of God, is not the Apocrypha. So no

matter who tells you what, if you are in that view, our thanks is to the Puritans who were learning

Gods word, growing in their understanding of things, and pulling out of the Roman tradition,

which basically blinded the people. They never had the opportunity to look at their own Bible for
The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 29:08

over a thousand years. Now they see it and now they are saying, Wait, this is not right. What is

in the Apocrypha contradicts what is in the Scripture.

Was it good history? Yes. But what is wrong with it? Why did they reject the

Apocrypha? They said it is not canonical for seven reasons.

Confession has been a problem for years. In the priestly Chaldean system they had

confession of sins to a priest. There are passages that they can use to apply that. Roman Catholics

use 1 John 1:9, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse

us from all unrighteousness. The question is: if you confess it, you have to say it to somebody,

so who do you say it to? We say, to God. But Catholics say, No, the priest is representing the

authority of God; you should say it to him. Hes the only one who can absolve you. How do they

get that he can absolve your sins?from what Jesus said to Peter, who they believe is the first

pope! See how all of this is tied together. He says, to whomever you remit their sins, it shall be

remitted (John 20:23).

I can stand on this other side for a while and debate their cause and I see why we need to

have kind of a gentleness, a kindness to Roman Catholics. We always think that they have no

scriptural reasons for their beliefs. Thats not true. They have a lot of reasons for their beliefs.


Another voice: You said there was a literal fulfillment of the Millennium that the

Catholics believed?

The Catholics do not believe in a literal Millennium, no sir. They believe that the

Millennium, like many in the Reformed traditions do, is the triumph of the gospel seen in people

coming into the membership of the Church in this present age, which will end with the coming of

Christ. That is why we call them post-millennial. But even in the thousand years, it is not a

specific thousand years. It is a general term in their view. It could go on for years after that, which

it obviously has in their view.

The Apocrypha and the Catholic Church Time 31:01

The Catholic Church views the book of Hebrews as totally different. The book is written

to whom?Hebrews or Jews. The Catholics primary viewtheyve said for years that the Jews

crucified Jesus. They have held them personally and corporately responsible. That has been the

Catholic view throughout history. So, their view of the book of Hebrews, you understand, is


When you ask a Roman Catholic priest, Have you ever taught the book of Hebrews? I

mean, he never has. I taught the book of Hebrews at the request of a Roman Catholic group from

Bologna, Italy. But that priest was fighting me all the way, every day. Hed stand up and try to

correct itof course he spoke Italian. And I would have to have somebody translate and theyd

tell me, He does not like you! But out of fifty-five people we had there for that retreat, on the

final night, forty-one of the fifty-five prayed to receive Christ. And Carol (my wife) and I

individually dealt with them all. A university student from Bologna stood up on the final night

and in broken English he said, I dont care what we teach, I want Jesus now! That started it.

Others said, I do too. I do too. And the priest was up there trying to stop them and put them

back down. You cant stop the work of the Holy Spirit.

Today you and I both know if you say somebody is puritanical its a negative, isnt it?

He is a Pharisee, self-righteous, holier than thou. And they completely missed the point. The

Puritans, who did believe of course in a godly lifestyle (like all good men have through the

history of the Church) are pure in doctrine. Pure in their commitment to the Scripture, you see.

We have missed that. These men were followers of Gods word and that is why they had

questions about the Apocrypha, which leads me beautifully into this transition for our next

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 10
The Apocrypha and the Bible

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
The Apocrypha and the Bible

The Apocrypha, it was not a part of the Bible of Jesus or the early church. Never once is

the Apocrypha so recognized, ever. Almost the sure thing that condemned it is that the Puritans

said, Why isnt it ever quoted in the Bible? Now that opens Pandoras Box. Is it quoted in the

Bible? Thats a good question. Dont answer yes or no until you really know. Go to the book of

Jude for one example. Jude 14-15.

Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the

Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and

to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which

they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly

sinners have spoken against him. [Then the commentary of Jude continues.]

These are murmurers, complainers

Now Jude 14-15 has a fascinating connection to 1 Enoch 1:9, in which something very

similar is said. Now contrary to what some people say that this is a quote from the Apocrypha, we

dont know that at all. It is possible that the apocryphal book is quoting a well known fact among

Jews. First of all, the Apocrypha didnt come up with Enoch being the seventh from Adam, but

the Bible does. And where is that fact found?in the book of Genesis 5:1-19. You see, you have

to be careful of what youre saying.

Jude, how did he get the information that Enoch prophesied the Lords coming with ten

thousands of his saints? Well, he got it directly from the Lord. The Lord told him thats what

Enoch said. Now every time you see a quotation like that in somebody elses writing, the question

always comes up, Who authored it? So is this a quotation from the Book of Enoch? If its

literal, the answer is no because its not exact, but its very similar. So now what do we do?

Well, let me give you another one. Do you believe that the story of Noah and the Flood is

a compilation of what happened and a group of quotations from forty different flood stories in
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 03:15

forty different cultures and languages in the ancient world that we believe existed before the

Bible? Why not? For the same reason! In my book, Rise and Fall of Civilization, I list what are

the common facts between all the flood stories in mythology and the Bibles account. And I list

the similarities. Theres a key man whom God chooses. Theres a boat. Theres the salvation of

eight people. Theres a worldwide flood. Theres the death of everything. You know, there are a

lot of similarities. But a lot of them are wildly mythological. So does the Bible simply pull them

all together, streamline the story and make it sound more plausible? And the Bible is simply

quoting all of these apocryphal, hidden documents about the Flood. Or listen carefully, or is the

truth that there was a Flood? And that forty different cultures remind us that there was a flood?

And that the only accurate account of that is in the Bible?

Do you see now how easily you can become a skeptic and a critic of the Bible? You can

see the reason from an apologetic point of view, why someone would attack the story of the Flood

from the Bible. Oh, thats just an ancient myth, and so forth. Wait a minute! Why would it be in

forty different cultures and languages if it did not occur? See the fact that it occurred is proven by

that, not that the Bible cleaned up the account and made it more plausible for modern man to

readand modern man meaning four or five hundred years before Christ.

Is it not also plausible that this is not a quotation from the Apocrypha at all, but that

Enoch actually did say that? Is it also possible that Enoch was well known to have been a

preacher of prophecy? Was it also possible that the heart and soul of his message was that unless

you repent, the Lords going to come, not with the Second Coming of Christ but with ten

thousand of his saints, his angels, to destroy the world? It was a message of judgment as is clear

from verse 15.

Now, isnt it also interesting that Enoch named his son, Methuselah? The oldest man who

ever lived. Muth means: when he dies. Selah, which you have a lot in the Psalms, kind of means

like: Its done, Praise God! There are reasons for saying selah. Im not going to give all those to

you right now, but simply to say a primary idea is like: amen! and right on! So be it and lets
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 04:49

praise God because of it! Methuselah: when he dies, it shall come. Now whats going to come

when he dies? The Flood. You see the answer to the prophecy is the Flood. All of that you find in

the Bible. You dont find anywhere else, including the Book of Enoch.

So now when people tell you that the Bible quotes the Apocrypha, now you have a little

bit more knowledge. Whether it does or not, we dont know. By the way, Im not troubled if it

does. Why?because if its an accurate fact, God could take an accurate fact in history and

record it also in the Bible. This is a very important issue.

Well let me give you a more troublesome one. Go to Hebrews 11. Now in Hebrews 11, it

is claimed the Apocrypha is quoted twice. Now we will see whether thats true or not here in a

moment. Now in Hebrews 11:35, you notice right after the first phrase that: women received

their dead raised to life again. The next words say and others. Do you see that? Now in Greek

you have others of the same kind and you have others of a different kind indicated by the

different Greek word. It is interesting right here, in fact, a lot of Bible teachers who notice it are

fascinated the way the passage is organized. Because up until this verse, notice that all of the

great leaders who suffered that are listed, all were victorious, every last one of them. Through

faith they subdued kingdoms, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped

the edge of the sword, waxed valiant, turned to flight the armies, women received dead raised

aliveall victorious!

The next word said and others [of a different kind] and now none of them are

victorious. Tortured, trials of cruel mocking The only victory there is awaiting the future

resurrection, but in this life, nothing. Stoned, sawn asunderand since we are encompassed

with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us run a race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1). For you

have forgotten the exhortation to you, the Lord chastens His children (Hebrews 12:5). See, His

issue is going to be suffering in this present life and sometimes you never get an answer to it,

until you die. Will you still be faithful to the Lord? You see, a lot of people miss that context in

The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 08:09

Now the Apocrypha fans say that there are two facts here that can only be explained by

the Apocrypha. First, in Hebrews 11:35, the very first thing says, others [of a different kind]

were tortured not accepting deliverance. The word torture in Greek, tympanum, its a large drum,

but it was also a wheel. What they did was people were stretched on that, beaten, often

dismembered, their bodies torn apart. Now why do people believe that is a quote from the

Apocrypha? Because in the second Book of Maccabees it mentions that victims of the Maccabean

wars, which takes you down to the second century, A.D. 167 - 164 primarily, when Antiochus

Epiphanes came in and Judas Maccabeus and his family got a great victory, but eventually lost

and the Maccabeans then were publicly tortured on these wheel-like drums. Their bodies

stretched out and their arms and legs pulled apart. So they say thats specifically referring to that

story in the Maccabees.

My answer to thatis it not possible that there were many people tortured in the same

way because that particular method was used for several hundred years? Is it not possible that

there were many believers who were tortured that way? Now, did it really refer to Judas

Maccabeus? I dont know. Many people thought he was the Messiah. Was he a true believer like

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? I dont know any of that. Im trusting he was, I dont know. We get

our Feast of Hanukkah from that event, by the way. And Jesus attended one in the Gospel of

John, called the Feast of Dedication. Now it does not say that it was Judas Maccabeus who was

tortured, does it? So to say that this is a quotation from the Apocrypha is a little misleading. We

have no evidence of that. Were they also tortured in this way, on the tympanum? Yes they were.

Were others tortured that way? Yes they were. Ill leave it up to you to judge.

Let me give you the other one, down in Hebrews 11:37 it says, They were stoned and

they were sawn asunder. Now there is no Old Testament passage that talks about sawing

somebody in twonone. But in the apocryphal writing called the Ascension of Isaiah in 5:1-14,

it talks about Isaiah being sawn in two by the false prophets of Manasseh. Its a thrilling story by

the way and it may in fact be true. But Im asking you, if Isaiahs name mentioned there? No.
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 10:59

Were there other people who were sawn asunder? Yes. In other words, all these things, do they

represent individual Old Testament or apocryphal stories? No, I dont think thats the point at all.

Why say others without mentioning them? Why even have it like that? Others had trial,

mocking, scourging, bonds, stoned, sawn asunder, tempted, slain, wandered about in sheeps

skins and goat skins. Now we have to say, which person was it in history that wore goat skin

rather than sheep skins? Do you understand? Its nonsense doing this. All its telling us is that lots

of people suffered for their faith without naming any particular story.

So, is it in fact true that people were sawn in two in the past? Yes. Is it a fact that they

were put on this drum-like wheel, like the tympanum? Is it a fact that they were tortured in that

manner? Yes. Are these quotations from the Apocrypha? That is a huge leap and a leap into the


So, does your teacher believe that there are quotations from the Apocrypha in the Bible?

The answer is flat out no. I support the Puritans and I believe that there is no quotation from the

Apocrypha found in Gods word.

And by the way, dont think the Apocrypha hasnt been touched up. The Council of Trent

did a number on that to make sure wed have all the doctrines that Luther said were not in the

Bible would be there. If you have not read the Maccabees on purgatory, you might question

where the Catholics get their doctrine of purgatory. Well, it comes right out of Maccabees. And

Luther said isnt it interesting, he who made an edition to the German Bible and put the

Apocrypha in a separate section from it, argued publicly in court that the Roman doctrine of

purgatory was not found in the Bible yet its clearly found in the Book of Maccabees, which was

the answer of the Roman Church. He said, But the Roman Church has never made those books

canonical. Well, guess what they did?from 1540 to 1547 they made them canonical! They

became a part of the Bible. So did the Roman Catholic Church add them? Or have we taken them

away? See how the argument goes? And they said, Well even though we didnt have a church
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 13:08

decision to make them canonical, they were in many Bibles throughout history. And that is true.

Is everybody still with me?

All the Church Fathers, early Church leaders before the time of Constantine, what we call

pre-Nicene Fathers, all separated them from what they thought was canonical Scriptures, what

was actually the word of God. They never made them a part of the word of God. And as I said,

its not included as Scripture until the Council of Trent.

Student: In Acts 20:35 there is a direct quote from First Clement.

You mean, Its more blessed to give than to receive? If you dont know, that simple

remark could have been said by multitudes of people, youre indeed nave. I could see our Lord

saying that numerous times. Does that truly reflect God? All it says is, the words of our Lord.

Paul said that he received all of his writings by direct revelation. Do you understand the attempt

to find that quote? I can find that quote in books today. Is there anything more simple or sublime

than to say, Its more blessed to give than to receive? You see, this is a number that people are

doing on you. Back up and think. It isnt a quotation from that. Paul says its a quotation from the

lips of the Lord Jesus. And he says in Galatians 1 that Jesus directly told him all these things. You

have the same problem in 1 Corinthians 7. They claim that out of the Apocrypha is where you get

the divorce laws, from the Wisdom of Sirach. Remember when it says, I say this by permission

and not by commandment. All he means is that the Lord did not have anything to say about this;

but he, through the direct revelation of God, has given us the information about such things as the

unbeliever married to the believer issue, which the Lord never spoke about.


Student: So what youre saying is that instead of the Bible quoting another work, both of

these works are equally recording a common saying or a common event.

David: Or a truth. Lets just look at it another way. Yes or no. Is there a Bible truth in

secular books before the time of Christ? Of course theres Bible truth! Truth is truth! Are they

Scripture? No. Do they contain statements that are also in the Bible? Yes. Let me put it to you
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 15:32

another way. Are there passages in the Talmud which are reflected in the Bible? Oh yeah, many

of them. Does that mean that the Bible got it off of the Talmud? No. In fact, from my point of

view, it deals with the dating of the Scripture itself. It proves the dating of the Scripture, that the

Scriptures were not composed at the time of Christ and so they fit in all the prophecies so that He

would fulfill them all. It proves it, not only the Dead Sea Scrolls but also the Talmuds usage of

things. The Babylonian Talmud especially is from the time of Babylon, which means these events

had to occur before that theyre writing about. I mean, I could go on and on. It just gets mind


The point is that you are hearing something in this class that probably is going across the

grain of what a lot of guys like to say when they teach. They think these things are from the

Apocrypha, try to prove a point from it and they go to all kinds of gymnastics about it. I think the

total job on us in this area is totally unnecessary. I dont think theres any proof of it whatsoever.

I have mentioned that there is a story in the Ascension of Isaiah about Isaiah being sawn

in half by the false prophets of Manasseh. Whether it happened I do not know. Since it is not

Scripture, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of it.

The Apocrypha has similar language in it. But once again, where did Jude get his

information? Was he reading the Apocrypha and said, Thats a nice note, Ill put that in here?

That is exactly the opposite. You see, when we get in the issue of canon, we are going to discuss

whether or not something is Scripture or canon. And thats very crucial to this whole argument of

our Bible and how we know what is Scripture or not.

Class, lets say that nothing is clear in this discussion. Would it be true that the discussion

proves my point about the need of understanding how we got our Bible? Could you not see that

the same facts presented by a different teacher, lets say, could literally undermine your

confidence in the Scripture? Cant you see that? Thats why this issue is so vital and so important.

Thats why we have to deal with it. But these viewsyou know, its been true in evangelicalism,
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 17:43

I hate to admit itwe have accommodated ourselves to the world. We try to compromise with it,

which is what they do on this issue, they try to compromise.

The Puritans would say, no compromise. It all came by direct revelation, the instruction

of the Holy Spirit guiding these men. They were never left up to deciding for themselves, ever.

And yet we have a host of evangelicals who say, Well we see different personalities, different

vocabulary and so forth. So you know, I mean. Maybe the Lord just kind of protected it, but you

know, they gave their own opinion. Now if you havent read that, its everywhere. And one of

our purposes is that you understand what the Bible says about itself also. Of course we havent

gotten to any of this subject yet.

If youre going to be a Bible teacher there are four areas that you ought to know. First

would be the area of biblical studies, learning as much Bible as you can. Theres also the area of

theological studies, the doctrine of God, doctrine of Christlearning systematic theology. Third

area is biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek. And the fourth area is ancient history. History

parallels the Bible.

There are many historical and geographical inaccuracies in the Apocrypha. I dont treat

history and geography lightly. When people say there are contradictions in the Bible, I say, name

one! One thing you need to understand, the most accurate account of ancient history, the most

clear-cut teaching of geography is found in the Bible. There isnt a history book in the past that

equals it.

Now mind you, before the ability to have satellite photos or maps or whatever, this is a

proof to me of divine revelation. You see, God had to tell these people. Theres no way they

could have known. He had to give them the exact information about geography and locations they

had never been to. And there was no history book to open and look at the map. So, thats another

issue that I think is very, very fundamental to the issue of the Bibles accuracy. We know that

geographically the Bible is right on target. We know when they said they went up to Jerusalem,
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 19:52

we know now why, because its at 3,000 feet elevation. We know why you go down to Jericho,

because its below sea level.

Let me give you another one, how important it is seen in even the technicalities of rolling

a stone in front of the grave of the Lord Jesus. The Greek indicates that it was on an incline. I

think thats very fascinating, because in the garden tombif in fact that is the tomb of Jesus

theres a trough in front of it where these giant stones rolled and it is on an incline. Thats how

they get ten to twenty guys behind that thing and push it with their backs and everything just to

get it to roll. Then it would roll down and theres a brace at the end and it locks it in front of the

door. And no one is going to be able to push it up the incline. The angel rolled away the stone. He

rolled it up. Those are things that people say, Oh thats just a little detail. But you see, my view

of inspiration is so tight and so detailed that I believe every detail related to geography, history,

whatever, is exactly on target. I dont think theres any question.

Herodotus is filled with inaccuracies. If I told you to read Xenophanes, its filled with

inaccuracies. The truth of the matter is the Bible is the only accurate account. Why is ancient

history filled with inaccuracies? Because they didnt have maps, satellite photos, anything else.

There is a lot of guess work there. But theres no guess work in the Bible. So scientists are always

amazed at how the Bible seems to have accurate remarks. How did this happen, these good

guesses? Terrific guesses! But that doesnt turn you off from reading history.

I was being asked about that obelisk stone I mentioned and about the Assyrian list of

kings. It is in the Oriental Museum in Chicago and on that list there is no mention of the name

Sargon. And at the time I went to seminary and theyd found that, they made a big issue over that

being the first known contradiction of the Bible that they could prove because the Bible mentions

Sargon as one of the great Assyrian kings. So, everybodys panicking because here is the

Assyrian list of kings on this obelisk stone and Sargons name is not there. Now that problem,

youll be happy to know, has all been resolved because we not only found the ruins of Sargons

palace, but we found his name engraved in every brick. And added to that, we also found why his
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 22:19

name is not on the Assyrian list of kings. Because the king who followed him knew about his

popularity and so he blotted his name off the list of the kings, so nobody would pay attention to

him (Sargon). Youve got a lot of that kind of stuff in Egypt. They knocked the idols down. Get

rid of that guy. I dont want to hear about him again. Im king! I mean, you have all kinds of

stuff like that.

Does the Nile River really flow from heaven to the earth? Oh, if you go upstream you

discover its original source is way in the sky. No! If you go up-river you would find out, it is just

a river. But since they had never been up thereyou understand what Im saying? So, are there

inaccuracies in mythological literature? Oh yeah, lots of them. Does that mean we shouldnt study

them? No! You study because there are lots of interesting things. We need to be wise as serpents

and harmless as doves, you know (cf. Matthew 10:16).

One of the interesting things about the Apocrypha is that it has what we call a lack of

prophetic spirit. You know, you read the Bible and there is a punch there. Thus saith the Lord!

And its lacking in the Apocrypha, its not there. In fact, the more you read the Apocrypha the

more aware you are. If you have read the Bible quite a bit, then you read the Apocrypha, these

two are not the same. And there is a lower level of writing, especially in the Old Testament. You

have some of the most beautifully-worded sentences in all the world. I dont care if it was in

Hebrew and translated into English or what language. God has a way of expressing, especially

about His own character and attributes, just gorgeous ways! Great is the Lord and greatly to be

praised and His greatness is unsearchable (Psalm 145:3).

And then to read a verse that says, Hey, Gods cool. It lacks. You understand?

You say, But we use that word today.

No. It just doesnt match it, see. His glory and majesty fills the universe.

Hey, Gods everywhere.

Well, true, but Do you understand what Im saying? You are missing in the Apocrypha

the level of writing that you read in the Scriptures.

The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 24:32

By the way, I also believe that is true about the Book of Mormon. If you were a Mormon,

Im sorry, I dont want to offend you, but it is not the word of God. If youre talking about an

individual saint trusting God to open his heart to it, I mean it lacks! Even when these guys are

translating the Bible, they often confess that they didnt quite capture it. I think there is an infinite

majesty to Gods wonderful word. Well, more about that later. But the New Testament refers to

what is in the Apocrypha, Jude 14, Hebrews 11:35, but does not site it as Holy Scripture. It sites it

in the same way that Paul referred to heathen poets, if in fact, it is reciting it.

Thats what I would call the heart of this courseI dont want you just to know all these

interesting facts about the manuscripts and all of thatI want you to know why we believe this is

the word of God. That is what I want you to know. I want you to stand on it so much that you

feel guilty if you havent consulted it for wisdom in your life because you know this is from God.

Lets start with the definition of inspiration. No doctrine has suffered more in the last half

of the twentieth century than the doctrine of inspiration. And there are a lot of doctrines that are

suffering, thats for sure, from sloppy teaching. But theres nothing more serious in our time than

the doctrine of inspiration. Isnt it interesting that it parallels the attempt to have a modern

English translation? Since 1950, especially with the introduction of the Revised Version in 1952,

there have been a plethora of translations. They were just coming out right and left. It is

interesting to me that the struggle over the meaning of inspiration is occurring at the same time

that we have all these many attempts to translate the Bible more in the language of the people.

Now, Im for any translation that will help us understand the original text. Dont

misunderstand! I just think the strategy of Satan is somehow involved here; if you wanted to

undermine peoples confidence in the Bible, boy that would be one way to do it! Just keep telling

them that No, the new Bible we have is better than the old one, because the old one doesnt

really say it right. This new one is the one that is really going to help you now. Do you

understand? If you keep doing that, where does it lead? So everybody who buys the one this year,
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 27:10

then hears about another one. Oh no, they did a pretty good job, but wait until you read the next


The King James Version, though beautiful, it uses many monosyllabic words. Which is

easier, if youre not acquainted with English, to say know? Or to say comprehend? Well, of

course, to know. The Bible is very simple in the King James. But you know what we do? We

run to the archaic word. So, I experimented with my new friend. I thought Im going to turn him

to Daniel and see what he thinks about the sackbut and the psaltery, to see what he says about

that. So, I turned to it and he read that and I said, What do you think?

He says, Well, theyre obviously musical instruments.

Well, youre right. How do you know that?

He said, I dont know.

I said, Well, maybe they are just guitars.

No, that doesnt sound Bible to me.

This guys never seen a Bible! How do you know if it sounds Bible or not if youve

never read it?

I dont know. I just expect it to be like God-talk or something.

Let me tell you something, we need a little reality in this class. You know what all this

stuff is doing? It is confusing Mister Average Christian out there. It is confusing him. Then to

have the preacher get up and correct the King James all the time. Well, you know what it really

says is. What it really says? What gives you the right to say what it really says? Thats

different than saying the original meaning of this word isbut what it really means is. How

do you know what it really means?

Are you following what Im trying to tell you? We are undermining peoples confidence

in the Bible and we dont even know that its happening. So consequently, the average Christian

today doesnt really know what the meaning of inspiration is at all. They dont understand it.
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 28:53

They think youre talking about, you know, Shakespeare was inspired and he wrote his stuff. And

it must be the same thing. To be or not to be, that is the question you know. No, its not that!

Ive given you a definition that I hope you will think about. Its simple, but I want you to

know it.

Course Definition of Inspiration

Inspiration is the act of God

by which His revelation is
communicated, in written form,
to the very creatures from whom
He wanted a response.

The act of God,boy, is that important! This isnt an act of man. We are going to walk

through this, but this is the definition. The act of God, by which His revelation not somebody

elses, His revelation, what He intended for the creatures that He created to know and understand

about Himself and what He has done. It is the act of God by which His revelation is what?

communicated. The whole thing is that God who made us certainly has the intelligence since

He made us, to communicate with the very creatures that He Himself wanted a response from.

How did He do that?

Well, the Bible records that the heavens declare something about Him, the glory of

God. But according to the Bible itself, it is His communication in written form. Interesting isnt
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 30:06

it that the Bible was never given to us until man was writing? Why? Because its been Gods

intention from eternity past to give us His revelation in written form. That is what we mean by


Now class if I ask you on a test, there are two passages that I want you to know. And in

the future, twenty years from now, if you are trying to help somebody understand how the Bible

was given or whatever, these two passages tell it to us.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:19-21. So turn in your Bibles because all we are going to

be able to do is just read them or just get started here. The last book that Paul wrote of fourteen

epistles, 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect,

throughly furnished unto all good works.

The key phrase, all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, is three words in Greek,

three words in Greek. The word all or every; the word scripture, graphe, writing, every

writing, and a compound word, God-breathed. Thats what we call an action noun. Its a

predicate nominative really. All Scripture is God-breathed.

Now go to 2 Peter 1. We will break down these passages later. 2 Peter 1:19-21. We have

also a more sure word of prophecy. More sure than what? This is interesting. If you look at the

verses preceding it, there was a direct revelation from God on the Mount of Transfiguration that

Peters referring to.

When he heard a voice that said, This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.

We were with Him, he says, in the holy mount. And now for him to say, we have a more

sure word of prophecy. The only way that could be interpreted is if it was written, so that we

then could still have it, not based on hearsay, of somebody who heard it 1900 years ago.
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 32:45

It says, Whereunto you do well, that you take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark

place. You want the light to come on? You go to the sure word of prophecy weve got. Until

the day dawn and the day star rises in your hearts. Until that sweet day God calls you home or

you meet the Lord, God gave you something He expects you to pay attention to. And it will turn

the lights on in your life. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture, what does

Scripture mean, class? Writing. Thats all it means. Writing. Graphe. Knowing this first that no

prophecy of the writing. Apparently there is something that is the writing.

It says, Is of any private interpretation. Yet, there are evangelical teachers telling folks

all the time, that what happened was they were privately interpreting events they saw and God

was kind of guiding them. But the Bible says none of it is of any private interpretation: For the

prophecy came not in old time by the will of man.

Well they were kind of, you know, evaluating what they saw, heard from Christ and

wrote down their opinion of it. No. No, the Bible says, it did not come by the will of man, but

holy men of God (2 Peter 1:21). Were they pure? Sinless? No! Holy means separate, they were

separated for the task. Thats why they become holy men of God. The same thing is said in

Ephesians 2:20. The holy apostles and prophets laid the foundation of the church, which is the


No prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. The prophecy came not in

old time by the will of man, but [these men who were separated for this process] these holy men

of God, spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21). Did the Holy Ghost come

in and clean up their act so that whatever was wrong then? No. It said that they never even spoke

except by His superintending work. Until He guided them, they never even spoke. Thats what it

says, which is reversed from what some people teach in the Christian colleges and seminaries of

our country.

So folks, we are on a hot subject here and its going to be fun. Lets pray.
The Apocrypha and the Bible Time 34:59

Father in heaven, thank You so much for Your wonderful love to us and thank

You that we do have a sure word of prophecy and we do have a word that is

profitable for everything in life and will make us equipped for every good work.

May we trust You more, Lord. May we adhere to Your word more and more

each day. We pray in Jesus name. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 11
Inspiration Part One

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Inspiration - Part One

Lets have a word of prayer.

Father, thank You that You are a God who has revealed Himself in written

form so we can learn about You, about Your wonderful ways and about

Your gospel. And help us, Lord, to be wise as serpents and harmless as

doves and not to become so dogmatic that we lose perspective of kindness

and patience and openness. And help us, Lord, to not to be critical minded

in the sense of tearing down. But our criticism, we pray, would be

constructive, to build up the body and to encourage people to trust Your

word. Thank You, Lord, for what we are learning in this course. We pray

that You will help all the students to just quickly grasp these serious

matters even though we dont go into great depth in these critical areas.

Help us, Lord, to get enough so that we understand whats happening. We

thank You, in Jesus name. Amen.

I mentioned in the opening of this class about how it is going to become more of

a controversy. I believe it is. The more people are exposed to the actual evidence of these

manuscripts, the more it is going to become a controversy. And that is exactly what is

happeningvery interesting. It is a war out there because it involves a lot of money. And

you know Bibles still outsell all Christian books ten to one. So, you understand that there

is mega, mega bucks in this business of selling Bibles.

According to these articles, there are more versions on the docket they are talking

about putting out. And they are arguing over which Greek text they shall use. It is very
Inspiration - Part One Time 02:32

interesting and exactly what we are talking about in the course. So this is one of those

stay tunedmore controversy coming. And thats why, again, we need to be careful

when we walk through the course that we have facts and that we dont become

argumentative. The servant of the Lord must not strive! (cf. 2 Timothy 2:24). But we

do have to stand against those who oppose with love, with gentleness, but with strength

too. And just say, Wait a minute, heres some of the evidence and lets take a look at it.

We are in a very critical point in our discussions because we are talking about the

inspiration of the Bible. And I think that one of the first things that you need to

understand is that most people believe the writers were inspired, as we have said. They

dont believe that it refers to the writings. When you ask if the Bible is inspired? They

think the people that wrote it are inspired. And that is not what the Bible teaches. Its

every graphe (writing) is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16).

The definition Id like you to be responsible for again, to mention it again, it is the

act of God. It is not an act of man. When you talk about inspiration, it is an act of God, by

which His revelation is communicated in written form. Now I could add this word on the

end of that, we are referring to the original autographs. That would be as it came off the

pen of the writers. Because from then on, the issue of inspiration changes into

preservation and so we need to be careful. Like, there are many people who believe that

the King James Version of 1611 is the inspired version of God. I happen to believe the

Bible is inspired of God. And I believe that the King James Version that we currently use

is an adequate and sufficient translation of the Greek text, the summary of the evidence of

the Greek text, that show us what the original autographs in fact were. But technically the

inspiration of the Bible refers to the original autographs, not to its translation.
Inspiration - Part One Time 04:41

In addition to the fact that inspiration refers to the writings, there are two passages

that we ended with last time I want you to know, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:19-21.

You need to know those passages. In addition to the fact that the Bible in its written form

is inspired of God, breathed out by God, we also realize that the Holy Spirit of God was

controlling the writersand it is important how you say thisso that what was written

was exactly what God intended.

Can you imagine the paradox or the trouble we are going to be in if we think that

what was written was not what God intended? This is where a lot of people bring in

human error into the problem of transmission of the text. And they think these guys

basically wrote their own stories and although they are pretty accurate, they disagree. But

you know that we would expect that with four different reporters, and so you kind of

leave out the message of 2 Peter 1:21, which teaches that the Holy Spirit of God

controlled the writers. So whatever was written is exactly what God intended and was

accurately reported. That is very important.

In 2 Samuel 23:2 where David said: The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me and

[notice] his word was in my tongue. So God apparently is making sure of this by the

ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said of David in Mark 12:36 that he spoke by the Holy

Spirit. The Holy Spirit was actually giving him the words to say. In Acts 1:16, Peter in

his message on the Day of Pentecost said: which the Holy Spirit by the mouth of David

spoke before concerning Judas. This was in the selection of somebody to replace Judas

when they were in the upper room. And Peter referred to that passage in Psalm 41, which

dealt with the betrayal of David by Ahithophel, Bathshebas grandfather. And he likens it

to the betrayal of the Messiah by another Ahithophel, only this one would be called
Inspiration - Part One Time 06:54

Judas. And he says, The Holy Spirit, by the mouth of David, spoke. In this case,

notice the order is reversed. It is not David spoke by the Holy Spirit, but it is the Holy

Spirit speaking through the mouth of David. So once again, you are pressured in your

view of inspiration by that verse alone. And if we believe the Bible is the word of God,

we now have to say that its the Holy Spirit speaking through the human authors.

Now some people have the idea that the writer speaks and the Holy Spirit kind of

guides it. But the Bible says the Holy Spirit spoke it. That is different from the Holy

Spirit guiding us today and giving the words to say when we need them. This is direct

revelation. And thats a difference between Scripture and you and I preaching the

Scripture under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is a strong difference

between those two. In Acts 28:25, Paul said, Well spoke the Holy Spirit by Isaiah.

There it is again. The Holy Spirit speaks and He speaks unto our fathers.

Take your Bibles and turn to John 14. And I want you to see what Jesus predicted

concerning the inspiration of the Bible by the Holy Spirit. John 14:26. This is the night

before He went to the cross. It says, But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom

the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you [what?] all things. Better underline

that. Mark it. Make sure you understand it. He will teach you all things. Now will He

trust you to remember it? No. The next statement says: And bring all things to your

remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you. Notice, not only does He teach them

everything, but He doesnt trust them to recall it, which is one of the arguments of the

neo-orthodox side of those who believe the Scriptures were inspired but maybe just the

thoughts not the words. Their argument is that: They would have had to recall and

remember things. And you know you dont always do that accurately. The Holy Spirit
Inspiration - Part One Time 09:13

kind of guided them to make sure the essential points were there. But that isnt what it


I happen to believe in 1 John 5:7-8 that what we call the Johannine Comma is

indeed correct in King James. Yet everybody says it is not a part of the original text. The

Johannine Comma is dealing with the statement in 1 John 5 that refers to the Trinity. And

the Jehovah Witness of course loves to point out, quoting fundamental, evangelical

scholars that it doesnt belong in the text. So there is no mention of the Trinity. I happen

to believe it belongs in the text and the King James is correct. And later on we will be

telling you why. Amen?

So weve got to have the evidence, dont we? See, I am one of those sticklers for

this. I just dont bow down and take it just because it is in a margin of a Bible, or because

somebody says it. Its all nice, but I want to look it up. It doesnt make me right. Ill look

it up and Ill show you the evidence and you can make a decision. By the way, I do that

every time I study the Bible. Im making decisions just like anybody else. But I want to

look at the evidence.

You know in the New American Standard in John 1:18 it says: No man has seen

God at any time. But the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath

declared Him. The guys who wrote the New American Standard I knew very well.

Several of them were my teachers. And they love the Lord with all their hearts and

believed in the Deity. And they thought the New American Standard, which took some

heavy manuscript evidence that the word God belongs there, was correct. Okay. Now

some of the King James Only crowd has said, No, they are attacking the deity of

Christ because how could God be begotten? Without realizing that if thats so, then we
Inspiration - Part One Time 10:57

are attacking the deity of Jesus, because in the other translations of the King James it

says, The only begotten Son. So the issue isnt whether its God or Son in the text,

the issue is the meaning of what is only begotten. Do you follow what Im saying? Its

hard to back up and say, I made a big mistake. But that is what we have to learn to do,

dont we?

From John 14:26, we learn two things: all was taught by the Holy Spirit and

secondly, all was brought to their remembrance by the Holy Spirit. Now, go over to

John 16:13. And this is very interesting. Least I hope it will be. Jesus said, Howbeit

when he, the Spirit of truth Just for your information, the word truth is mentioned

twice. And in the Greek text the definite article the is front of the word truth, both

times. It is not just truth in general, its the truthmeaning a particular body of truth.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of the truth when he is come, he will guide you [lead you]

into all the truth. Do you believe He did that? Do you?

Do you believe that the people listening to Jesus were guided into all the truth?

Did you know that most evangelicals do not believe that verse is speaking about those

who were listening to Jesus? They believe it is referring to the total body of Christall

believers. In other words, the Spirit will guide all of you into the truth. So this is where

we get the doctrine about the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer guiding

us into the truth. Dear Lord, guide me into all the truth.

All the truth there is that you need to knowthat is Gods revelation to youis

already in written form. Now either He told them the truth, or Hes kind of deceiving

them, isnt He? Did He mean, Hes going to start it with you guys, but Hes going to

continue it until He comes again? On that basis, [it is] what we call progressive
Inspiration - Part One Time 13:13

revelation. Therefore weve got to fight the Mormons as to whether or not their deal,

which Joseph says he got from the Lord, could be also included or anybody else.

If He didnt guide them into all the truth, then we have no objective basis for

questioning anybody who stands up and says, God directly spoke to me and gave me

some additional Scripture. Even under the name of a spiritual gift, like the word of

knowledge, word of wisdom, word of prophecy. Does that mean that they have the ability

to come up with new revelation from God?

Now folks, does God impress our hearts? Does He lead us? Does He give us

visions, and just constantly show us the way to go, and impress hearts? Yes! It is not

Scripture. Its not direct revelation, but He does. He guides us by the Holy Spirit. Paul

said that he wanted to go into Bithynia but the Spirit didnt let him go (cf. Acts 16:7).

How did He do that? Was there a detour sign? Was it a rainy day? What was it? We dont

know. He did not say. But since he also believes what this teaches, he didnt add it to the

Bible as direct revelation. The event of what occurred is accurately reported.

We are really in a tough area here because I want you to know what inspiration

means. And Im very aware that you could walk out of this class and hear another fine

believer who loves the Lord and teaches the Bible and loves God and is going to say

something entirely different. So youre going to have to judge that arent you? Youre

going to have to really think this through. Im just asking all of you the question: Do you

believe that all the truth that God ever wanted you to know was given to the guys that

were listening to Him that day? Its an interesting question, isnt it?

Thankfully, John was there because we are including his writings and he didnt

bring those off until about A.D. 90-95. So John was there that day. When John died, the
Inspiration - Part One Time 15:16

last disciple who died, was all the truth given? Im just telling you, this is a critical issue,

isnt it? Was it all the truth? Or was it some of the all the truth? Was it a part of the all

the truth? Or was it all? Did He mean all believers or was He just talking to the disciples?

Thats an interesting question, isnt it?

At the end of John 14:31, when He said, Arise let us go. Should we now get up

and go, because its written to us? No! Its a fact reporting how the disciples left the

upper room and moved over to the garden of Gethsemane. So you understand what Im

saying to you? Now, lets back up again. Did those men, who were listening to Jesus, did

they get all the truth? Thats what He told them. Now, Hes either telling the truth or

Hes lying. Which is it?

In other words, inspiration not only refers to the writings, but it refers to the

control of the Holy Spirit over the writers so that what was written was exactly what God

intended and in fact was a completed product.

I would want to really find out whether or not Paul really received direct

revelation from Jesus Christ Himself, wouldnt you? Id want to know that. And wouldnt

you think that if God wanted you to believe that, then He would somehow mention it

since Paul wasnt there? Wouldnt that be important? Does Paul say that he received it by

direct revelation from Jesus Christ? Yes, he does.

Now, not only was John there, but John doesnt wait for us to assume this. In

Revelation he tells you flat out that this came directly from Jesus Christ, directly. Thats

the name of the book, The Revelation of Jesus Christ. And it is very interesting when

you think about it. Is it a revelation about Him? Or is it a revelation from Him? Well, its

actually both! If you were Joseph Smith and you wanted to add to the Scripture, then you
Inspiration - Part One Time 17:23

would have to prove that He directly spoke to you. Right? But Joseph Smith says that it

came from where? An angel named Moroni. Now, do we have any evidence in the Bible

that we are not to respond to an angel that claims to be giving us direct revelation? Yes,

we do. But the Mormons answer, Wait a minute. John got the book of Revelation

through the agency of an angel. Remember that? Thats where Joseph Smith got his

idea. So, lets turn over to Revelation 1:1 and lets take a look at it again. It says,

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, [thats the title of the book] which God

gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come

to pass; and he sent and signified it [did it by signs] by his angel unto his

servant John.

Does it say that the angel gave the revelation? No, it doesnt. He carried it. He

illustrated it. But the revelation God gave to Jesus Christ and then He showed it to His

servants. Okay?

Lets go back to John 16:13-15, which says:

When he, the Spirit of the truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:

for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall

he speak: and he will show you [what]things to come [which of

course we just read in Revelation 1:1]. He shall glorify me for he shall

receive of mine, [its the Lords revelation] and shall show it unto you. All
Inspiration - Part One Time 19:28

things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of

mine and shall show it unto you.

What we have here is a claim that this is direct revelation from God and His Son,

Jesus Christ, from the Father and His Son. Interesting!

Inspiration is the work of God using prophets and apostles as human channels of

His revelation to us. Now, do you believe that any ordinary Christian can receive direct

revelation from God? Well, let me ask you another question. Did anyone ever, who was

not an apostle, nor a prophet, receive direct revelation from God? Yes, there are quite a

number of them, especially in the book of Genesis. Well now, weve got a problem,

unless the direct revelation we are talking about is that which is to be written. Now lets

ask the question: did anyone but an apostle or a prophet receive direct revelation that was

to be written in what God calls His forever-settled word? No.

You say, Wait a minute! What about Moses who wrote the first five books?

No problem. Moses is called a prophet.

We have how many apostles? Twelve. Now, is that true? No, its not true, but we

continue to hold on to it. Actually some of the twelve didnt write any books, so it isnt

just the twelve. We have additional men who are apostles. We have: Silvanus, Timothy,

Titus, Andronicus, Junia, Epaphroditus, and Epaphras. They are all called apostles.

Sometimes you have in English the word messenger. You look it up in the Greek, its

the word apostle. There are some apostles who were used to write Scripture and there

are some who did not write Scripture, who are a part of the twelve.
Inspiration - Part One Time 21:20

Now the question, was Paul one of the twelve? Judas betrays Him. And the early

Church did something wrong. They threw dice, gambled, and selected Matthias when

they should have chosen Paul, or waited for Paul. Now thats a theory a lot of people

have. Is that true? No, thats not true. Why?

Turn to Acts please, chapter 1. Im just here to get you to think. Look at the

Scripture for yourself, Acts 1:15. Now, theyve got to get someone to replace Judas, Peter

says from verse 15 on. This gives a little background there from the Old Testament, both

Psalm 41 and 69 are mentioned down in verse 20. And then he says Out of all these

guys (cf. Acts 1: 21-22) who have been with usfrom the beginning, from the baptism

of John until the day He was taken up, one must be ordained to be a witness with us of

His resurrection (cf. Acts 1: 21-22). So there were more guys than just those

twelvethey appointed Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus and Matthias

and they prayed and said, Thou Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, show

whither of these two thou hast chosen. Why did they think there was only twelve? Why

in the world did they think they had to have twelve?

Jesus chose twelve and He even called them His twelve apostles in Matthew 10:2-

4. And these twelve Jesus sent forth. He chose twelve. He also said that in the future they

are going to sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. If you are Jewish

you would think, Oh He wants one for each tribe. Okay. So, they are just thinking: we

need twelve.

Are there more apostles than twelve (mentioned in the Scriptures)? Yes. Are there

just twelve? Yes. What part do they have? They are a very significant part because their
Inspiration - Part One Time 23:06

names are going to be on the foundations of the heavenly city. Why? Because thats the

way God wants it.

Now, lets go back to the question again in Acts 1. It says in verse 26, They gave

forth their lots. You say, Well thats gambling. No its not, even though we get the

word lottery from lot. But no, its not. Proverbs 16:33 tells us the casting of the lot, and

the whole disclosing of it, is of the Lord. There really is no chance, is there? Now, it says

that the lot fell upon Matthias and he was numbered with the eleven what?apostles.

You say, That is just recording that its what they did. You dont know thats what the

Holy Spirit wanted.

Well, keep reading. Acts 2:14, the Holy Spirit is reporting this on the Day of

Pentecost, but Peter, standing up with the [what?] eleven. It didnt say with the ten. It

said with the eleven. So the Holy Spirit has already included Matthias by chapter 2:14.

Pauls name is not in the twelve, but neither is Barnabus name, neither is Timothy, nor

Titus and they are all apostles.

Now apostle is apostel. We just said it in English apostle, we didnt translate

it. Apostel is a verb. Apostels is a Greek noun. Now if you put that into Latin, the verb

becomes missel, which said into English becomes missionary. Our word missionary is

actually an English transliteration of a Latin word that translates apostle. Thats how we

got the word missionary.

What is an apostle supposed to do? Well, you have to read Acts 14:21-28 and it

tells you at least seven things that every apostle should do. Hes supposed to preach the

gospel. Hes supposed to disciple the new converts. He is supposed to train leaders. There

are a lot of interesting things hes supposed to do. Then he moves on to another city.
Inspiration - Part One Time 25:04

Missionaries are not local pastors. Apostles are not pastors. There is a different kind of a

person there, a different kind of gifted man.

Now coming back to the apostle issue, it says in Ephesians 2:20talking about

Jew and Gentile who have come into one body in Christ and are no more strangers,

fellow citizens, household of Godare built upon the foundation of the apostles and

prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Cornerstone. Now, whats he talking

about here? Is he talking about all apostles and all prophets? No. I dont believe so. Ill

tell you why.

Would you look at verse 20 very carefully? The definite article the is in front of

the word apostles. Is it in front of the word prophets? Look at your Bible. No, its not. Its

not in the Greek text either. Now we have an elementary Greek rule of grammar that says

when you have two nouns connected by the conjunction and, and the definite article

the is in front of the first noun, but not the second, it is connecting equals. Now that is

very important in some passages.

Titus 2:13 says, Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our

great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jehovah Witnesses say at the Second Coming both

the Father and Jesus will return, on the basis of that. Because they are certainly not going

to claim that Hes the great God. But theyre wrong. Why?because of an elementary

rule of Greek grammar. In that text it says the great God and, and it doesnt say the

Savior, to separate it. It makes the two nouns one and the same. God is the same as the

Savior. Savior is the same as God. In other words, Jesus is called the great God in Titus

2:13. Now that is worth a great halleluiah!

Inspiration - Part One Time 26:55

So here we have another example. In other words, whoever the apostle is, hes

also the same as the prophet. And the prophet is the same as the apostle. So the question

is, in what sense? And the answer is again, Scripture. How do you know its talking

about the revelation of God? Thats a good question. Is the written revelation of the Bible

the foundation of the Church? Thats the question.

Look at Ephesians 3:3-5. Paul says,

How that by revelation, he made known unto me the mystery [This

mystery of the Church, Jew and Gentile would be one body in Christ.] as I

wrote before in a few words. Whereby, when you read you may

understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which in other ages

was not made known unto the sons of men, [watch this carefully] as it is

now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.

Now I know what he means by 2:20, when he said the foundation of the church.

Why are they holy? The word holy means to be separate. What hes talking

about is that there are apostles and prophets who are separate from other apostles and

prophets in some sense. What sense?the sense of receiving direct revelation which is in

these verses.

Can you name a prophet out of the New Testamentnot the Old because there

are many named in the Old Testamentname a prophet in the New Testament who did

not write a single book as far as you know: John the Baptist, Agabus, Judas, Silas. These

are all prophets mentioned in the Bible by name in the New Testament who never wrote
Inspiration - Part One Time 28:38

Scripture. They are not one of the holy, the separate prophets that receive direct


Can you name apostles who never wrote any Scripture? Yes, of course. We

named some off a moment ago. So when you say holy, separate apostles and prophets

separate in what sense?that they received direct revelation as it clearly says. So that

means, class, that this Book is the foundation of the Church that God is building. I dont

know about you, but we arent building the foundation any more. Were about ready to

put the roof on. The Lord Jesus is coming soon. Do you understand that this issue is

fundamental to a complete and final and sufficient revelation from God in written form?

I believe that unless you settle this issue in your mind, you will have no

apologetical answers for any cults whatsoever. A smart cultist who knows what hes

doing can tie you in knots if you cannot demonstrate that the written word of God was

completed, final and totally sufficient within the first century A.D., and if you cannot

prove that, youre sunk, there is no way you can deal with them. There is no way you can

question their desire to add to the Bible. You cant do it. This is very important, class,

extremely important. Really, thats the whole reason [argument] behind the Apocrypha.

Why we reject it. Why we do not believe it was a part of it? Because the Bible was a

finished product in the first century A.D. and it did not include the Apocrypha. The fact

that men later included it doesnt answer anything. They were good history. They wanted

people to know about it. But that is not evidence for it being the word of God.

Go to Hebrews 1. We take it a little step further of this same point. Its amazing

how when you just really follow the Bible very carefully, what insight it brings to you on

all that other stuff youve heard. I caution you, read your Bible carefully. The first
Inspiration - Part One Time 30:34

principle of preparing a Bible lesson, whether you are teaching a Sunday school class or

preaching in a service, the first lesson after prayer and consulting the Lord is to read and

re-read the passage over and over again. I like to read it so many times that if I lost my

Bible I could still give it back to you. Im not trying to memorize it in one sense. But in

another sense I want to know that passage so well that its a part of my life, its a part of

my brain. This is very important, class. This is the word of God. I need to renew my mind

daily in Gods word. I need the word of God.

Hebrews 1:1-2. This is a very critical text. That usually means, expect to see it

sometime in the future on a test. Hebrews 1:1-2 says,

God who at sundry times [or various times] and in divers [or various]

manners, spake in time past unto the Fathers by the prophets.

Why didnt he say apostles and prophets? Its because he is speaking of Old

Testament revelation. Now watch this: Hath in these last days. You are going to want

to know what that actually says there, because when we read the last days, we think of

prophecy, dont we? But technically we are in the last days anyway. The last days began

on the Day of Pentecost; that is what Peter said. He quoted the prophecy in Joel. That in

the last days God would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He said this is that which

was spoken by the prophet Joel. It started on the Day of Pentecost; its continued now

for over 1900 years. The last days actually go to the end of the Tribulation period. But

that is not what hes talking about, as Ill show you in a moment.
Inspiration - Part One Time 32:20

He hath in these days spoken unto us by his Son, [oh, a direct revelation

from Jesus Christ!] whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom

also he hath made the worlds. Who being the brightness of his glory and

the express image of his person, upholding all things by the word of his

power, when he had by himself purged [or cleansed] our sins, sat down on

the right hand of the majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:2-3)

I cant believe how many Christians have messed up their minds on these verses!

In the Greek text of verse 2 it says: in the last of these days. And a lot of people say to

me, Oh Dave, you are such a stickler for word order! I didnt do it, God did it! He

wrote it! Im just trying to make it accurate. So sometimes we take freedom and we say,

these last days, but because last days often are thought of prophetically in our day as

still in the future, we are missing the context. Actually, you would understand the context

if you remembered Hebrews 1:1. Whats he talking about? How God spoke, in the last

of these days, the days in which God spoke by the prophets to the fathers, like Abraham,

Isaac, Jacob. In the last days in which God spoke directly Whoops! In other words,

class, this text argues for the fact that God stopped giving direct revelation that He

expected to be in written form.

When did He stop? And the answer of the text is that the final revelation would be

His Son. His Son! Now do you know any book of the Bible that tells you about Jesus

more completely than all of the Bible put together?the book of Revelation. There are

more names of Jesus Christ in that book than in any other book. Actually, Hes totally

different than what you read in the gospels. When you get to chapter one you realize we
Inspiration - Part One Time 34:28

are talking about the glorified Son of God, resurrected, whose eyes are like a flame of

fire, His face, like the most brilliant sunlight, the resurrected Christ (Revelation 1:14-

16). And from then on, everything we learn about Him is greater than anything weve

ever seen.

Isnt it helpful that God called the book, The Revelation of Jesus Christ? Have

you ever thought about that? So nobody would misunderstand what Paul said to the Jews

in Hebrews 1:1-2. Why put it in the book of Hebrews? Because the Jews are concerned

about direct revelation from God; as a matter of fact, they still today question whether the

New Testament belongs in the Tanakh, the Bible. Isnt it interesting the very book written

to the Jewish people, says, God, in time past. Theyre all saying amen on verse 1.

When it comes to verse 2 they are very quiet. Has in these last days in which God spoke,

spoken by His Son. Jews dont like that. And isnt it interesting that the last book in our

Bible is entitled, The Revelation of Jesus Christ?

Spoken unto us by His Son, but you dont have any recording of that up until

His ascension. You dont have any description of Him other than Luke 24. He ate the fish

and all of that. But you have after that a lot of stuff. For instance, the fact that the

disciples handled His physical body and touched Him is in 1 John 1:1, written about A.D.

90 95. Hebrews was written before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, so youve

got thirty years later, more evidence of how He spoke to us by His Son.

What kind of revelation did He give us? Well then youd have to read the book of

Hebrews to find out what kind of revelation. Isnt it interesting in Hebrews, its all in His

exaltation, not His earthly life. He is so much better than the angels, so much greater than

the priests, greater than Moses, greater than Abraham, greater than the Levitical,
Inspiration - Part One Time 36:38

sacrificial system. In other words, the greatness of Jesus Christ, this revelation

concerning Him, its even intimated in the book of Hebrews! He has spoken to us in His

Son. But it actually doesnt say in His Son. It says by His Son. Does the book of

Hebrews claim to be direct revelation by Jesus Christ? No. Is all Scripture a direct

revelation of Jesus Christ? Yes, in a sense. But its the book of Revelation that is called

The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

In other words, you could ask another question. What is it at the writing of

Hebrews that I dont know about Jesus Christ, since I have all the Gospels already? What

is it that you dont know? Why would he even make that remark at that point? Because at

this point, youre some 30 years after the Gospels, so why make that point now? Is there

something Im missing? Yes there is! You mean theres more revelation about Him? Yes

there is. You see, what He is now. What is He now? First of all, He is better than angels.

Hes better than. You see, in His earthly life He was made a little lower than the angels.

Now Hebrews tells us, the revelation we have of Him nowhow God is speaking to us

nowHes better than the angels. In other words, Hes no longer talking about earthly

existence. Hes now talking about glorification, exaltation. Where do I see the particulars

on this? Oh theres a whole book about it, twenty-two chapters. Its called The

Revelation of Jesus Christ. Theres where you will see the unfolding of who He really


Do you follow? In other words, the fact that it isnt written is still presenting the

question: Well, where is this information? You see Hebrews 1:1-2 anticipates a

revelation about Jesus Christ as to His present state. What Hes really like after His
Inspiration - Part One Time 38:28

resurrection. It not only anticipates that but it also indicates that when it comes there

wont be anything more said.

In the last of these days, in which God spoke, you will see a revelation through

His Son. What revelation are we talking about, Paul?

Oh, that Hes greater than the angels, greater than Abraham, greater than Moses,

greater than the Levitical priests, greater than all the sacrifices.

Well, where is it? Wheres the revelation? But what is it?

Oh, thats going to come in the book of Revelation.

Do you understand what Im saying? Without that youre lost. There is no

explanation of these verses in Hebrews, none whatsoever. See I happen to believe that

God did do this. If God spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets and in the last

of the days in which He speaks He has spoken through His Son, I expect to see it. I

expect to find it somewhere. And it will have to be after the death and resurrection of

Christ. Why? Because thats whats presented throughout the book of Hebrews, telling us

about how He is greater than. Youve got to follow it through. Just keep asking if you

dont understand. Its very important to get a hold of this. Most people dont follow this


Have you ever asked why, in the book of Revelation, it says at the end, No man

can add to this or take away from it? Now if you look at that apart from Hebrews heres

what is usually saidMormons are very, very strong on thisthey say what it means is

only the book of Revelation because all these books were written separately. And that

makes some sense. So its just referring to the book of Revelation that you cant add to

that or take away from it.

Inspiration - Part One Time 40:08

Now how do you answer that? My answer to them is, How does that help? What

is the book of Revelation about? It goes clear into the eternal state. Now how are you

going to add to that? I dont understand. What else would be said if God has said about

everything thats going to take place in the future and it hasnt even happened now in our

time, then how could you add to that? So, the fact of what the book of Revelation is,

answers the argument as to why at the end it says you cant add, cant take away from

this book. This book is about the future clear into eternity. How you going to add

anything? You got some additional information? This is ridiculous.

No. Instead of that, it is highly significant that that remark is at the end of the

book that gives that revelation. Why? Because in Hebrews 1:1-2 it speaks about the last

of the days in which God reveals. Is there an ending point? Class, listen to me: the whole

issue of dealing with cults and false religions and everything is actually based on this one

issue were talking about. When all the smoke is cleared, its this one issue. Is the Bible a

complete and final revelation from God? Thats the issue. You dont just say that, youve

got to prove that and thats what were doing right at the present time. You have to prove

that. Its not as easy to prove as some people say, Weve always believed that.


David Koresh got a bunch of fundamental Christians to believe that his

revelations were additions to the Bible. So much so that he proclaimed himself to be the

Messiah! How did they get to that point? It never would have happened if the Christians

would have said, Excuse me! You are giving additional revelation to what the Bible

Inspiration - Part One Time 41:53

A guy sent a big long book on prophecies that he said were going to come true in

America and several people got them. They were all shook up about the big one

[earthquake]. God directly told him that the big one was going to knock California into

the sea. He was preaching these as prophecies, direct visions from the Lord. All eight of

his visions that he received directly from Jesus Christ have all proven to be false.

What does the Bible tell me to do about him? You dont come to me and say, I

think about ten years ago he got one. No, if he doesnt get them all 100 percent, Im not

supposed to listen to him.

Do you understand how critical this is? You see this would never happen to us if

we understand we already have a complete and final revelation from God.

Is there going to be a worldwide revival?

Now, first of all youve got to ask the question, Do you mean evangelism?

No, we mean the stirring of the Christians.

Well because revivals usually produce lots of evangelism. If you mean that, then

yeah, there is going to come a real big revival with lots of folks saved, probably more

than any other equal period of time.

Whens that?

In the tribulation, and I dont think youre going to be here if youre a believer.

Thats one problem, but do you understand that there are going to be so many

people saved that the Bible says you cant number them. Theyre going to come out of

every nation, tribe, tongue and people (cf. Revelation 14:6). So, there is going to be a

worldwide harvest. We are talking 144,000 Jewish evangelists taking the everlasting

gospel to every nation, tribe, tongue and people.

Inspiration - Part One Time 43:23

You say, Well then, theyd have to know a lot of languages.

No. We would simply have what Peter told us would happen. The same thing that

happened on the Day of Pentecost when every man heard it in his own language, and

every dialect in which he was born, will happen also for the 144,000 in the tribulation

period because Joels prophecy primarily deals with the tribulation period, when the sun

is turned into darkness and the moon into blood (cf. Joel 2:31).

Do you understand me? Accuracy where the Bible is so important, accuracy!

So, when people tell me that God directly spoke to them and it doesnt come true,

I shouldnt be surprised. Everything God wants you and me to know about Himself and

His plan is in this blessed Book. I definitely believe that. I do not mean that God cannot

speak to you and impress your heart on matters that are not dealt with in the Scripture,

but I do not believe it is direct revelation from God. Nor do I consider it that. Nor do I

believe it will therefore be accurate in every way. This is very important, class. Is this a

complete, final revelation from God in written form?

Why dont we just take a break now

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 12
Inspiration Part Two

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Inspiration - Part Two

Jesus said,
All that is in the law, the prophets, and the psalms are concerning Me.
(cf. Luke 24:44)

In Matthew 5 He said,

Not one jot [the smallest letter in the Hebrew language] or one title [the
marking on a letter to distinguish it from another letter that looks like it,
not one marking on any of those letters] will ever pass away until all these
things be fulfilled (cf. Matthew 5:18).

In the Bible there are two kinds of prophecy. There is fulfilled prophecy and of
course, unfulfilled prophecy. What amazes many people who have not done an in-depth
study of the Scripture is that there is much more fulfilled prophecy than they ever
dreamedvolumes of itwhich you could easily make a case for in proving that the
Bible is the word of God. We have predictions of nations, empires, rulers in the Bible
before they ever came into existence even those nations named. And we have evidence
that before they ever came into power, the information was already there in the
Scriptures. So we know about that. We have predictions about the destruction of nations
in the Bible long before it happened. Even before the nations described as being
destroyed came into existence. So, dont ever forget that fulfilled prophecy is a biggy!
Whats the most famous one that we know was fulfilled? What subject? Jesus Christ, yes.
We have all this prophecy about His first coming. So we have a lot of ways to prove the
inspiration of the Bible.
I have a little booklet that is used a lot with evangelism of Jewish people called
Who Is the Messiah? And there are no New Testament verses in it at all. And what it
does is it proves that whoever the Messiah is, He had to come before the Temple was
destroyed and after it was destroyed. You say, What do you mean? Well, He had to
come after the temple built by Solomon is destroyedcant come before that. And He
has to come before the second temple designed by Herod is destroyed. Did you know the
Inspiration - Part Two Time 03:20

Bible predicts that? And so, when you nail down who the Messiah is, there arent many
choices. So I do what I call a process of elimination in this little booklet called, Who Is
the Messiah? And we just walk down, just taking the facts about who it can be. And it
comes down that if its not Yeshua of Nazareth, its got to be somebody exactly like Him,
who did exactly what He did at the same time period in which He lived.
So again, in terms of fulfillment, certainly inspiration guarantees the accuracy. If
there ever was anything that was not fulfilled, the Bible is not truthful then. Heaven and
earth will pass away, but His words will never pass away (cf. Matthew 24:35). Thats
why we count on the unfulfilled prophecy being fulfilled because up to this point,
everything has all been fulfilled.
Now, when God told Ezekiel after the Babylonian captivity that He would once
again bring Israel back into the land and theyd become a nation again; the dry bones
would come to life (Ezekiel 37:4). They would die and come back to life. Do you think
that was fulfilled? I do. Otherwise, I dont know what in the world is going on over there
in the land of Israel unless that isnt a fulfillment. Otherwise weve got something
happening that looks just like it, but isnt it. When the Jews took the old city of
Jerusalem, did the remark of Jesus get fulfilled? Some people say that they may not have
it for long. They may lose it again.
Now, is it a fulfillment of prophecy that they have the city of Jerusalem? Thats
an interesting question. If its not then what is it? Because Jesus said it was going to
happen. So, how do you explain that? And a lot of my friends who dont want to believe
that it is prophecy being fulfilled will say, Well, its in unbelief. That doesnt help you
because the Bible teaches it will be in unbelief. Now what are you going to do?
At the end of the Tribulation when Christ comes again and they look on Him
whom they pierced and Israel turns to Him, and believes, and repents, and is cleansed, it
calls them the inhabitants of Jerusalem (cf. Zechariah 12:10). We didnt have that until
1967. Isnt that interesting? Now, do you believe that the inhabitants of Jerusalem are
actually going to look on Jesus and then believe? Well, if they believe then, theyre not
saved now, right? So did they come back to Israel and get the city in unbelief or belief?
Its in unbelief. Everybody agrees its in unbelief. They just dont believe that its going
to happen when theyre unbelievers.
Inspiration - Part Two Time 06:06

See, I love taking the Bible literally because it answers it all for me. Its a very
simple little plan Im under. I believe all of this is going to be happening exactly like God
Let me ask you another one. Do you believe that the trees, the actual, named trees
(which are kind of unique trees) that Isaiah says will grow in the land in the end times, do
you believe that the trees that are growing there now are a fulfillment? Because all of the
breeds of those trees that he mentions are all growing there now. And they didnt grow
there before 1948. What do we do about that? Do we just say, Well, its sort of the
same. No it isnt. Its exactly the same. All the trees God mentioned are all growing
there now!
When Ezekiel 34:25-31 said that in the last day, previous to the great return of the
Lord, youre going to see the land filled with trees. Its going to be a land of forests.
There werent any trees there in 1948. So how many trees are there now? I dont know,
hundred thousand, thousands. And some get real excited, millions maybe! I dont know if
you know this or not. There are billions. In that little piece of real estate there are billions
of trees. See, I actually believe Jesus is going to come real soon. But I will tell you this,
when He comes you will know it is a written, final revelation from God and everything
that He said will be fulfilled. You see, it is inspiration, a guarantee of the accuracy and
the reliability of everything it says in terms of fulfillment.
The second issue is in terms of interpretation. 2 Peter 1:20-21 says that No
prophecy of the Scripture [of the writing] is of any private interpretation. Holy men of
God [those who were separated for this task] were moved [or carried along] by the Holy
Spirit. They didnt make it up!
Who interpreted the Bible? People talk about how you interpret the Bible? That is
a good question actually! Im trying to study the interpretation thats already there. I
mean, God has already interpreted the Bible. Hes already interpreted it by many
quotations He interprets the Bible. Right? We have something in the New Testament
thats quoting an Old Testament passage and interpreting what it means. So by quotation
doesnt He interpret the Bible? Sure He does. So Gods already interpreted that Bible.
Inspiration - Part Two Time 08:35

Number two, not only by quotations but by direct statement. Jesus said, the entire
Bible is concerning himself. Now, did He interpret the entire Old Testament in that one
slot? Yeah, He sure did. He said, It is all about Me.
One day Im sitting with a bunch of Jewish guys in a little kibbutz in northern
Galilee while theres some shooting going on with the war in Lebanon. And were sitting
there and its late at night. Of course because the war is going on, theyre kind of
prophetic. Every time a war happens they get real prophetic. Is this the battle of
Armageddon? Whats happening here? So all these Jewish guys they were all Orthodox
also. And we were talking about the Bible and I have a lot of fun with them. One of them
said to me, You know David, we really like you but youve got to stop snowing the
people here.
I said, I beg your pardon?
Look we heard you today. Today you said that from Genesis to 2 Chronicles
[which is the last book of the Hebrew Old Testament] that all of the books are speaking
of Yeshua. Now, this guy is talking to me, he says, I memorized Bereishit [which is
Genesis in Hebrew], I memorize Bereishit. Theres not one verse in that whole book
about Yeshua.
Now, what would you do if these five guys were looking at you? Im sitting there
thinking, What am I going to do?
So I said, Well, there is a verse and it comes real early. Im not going to get into
the In the beginning God thing, cause you guys are going to get all upset. Or the
plural pronouns about God and who God is talking to, because you guys say its a
majestic plural. So anyway I say, Im going to take you to Genesis 3:15.

And God said, I will put enmity between thee [talking to the snake] and
the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; and he shall bruise thy
head [crush the head of the snake] and he [in the process] will bruise your

I said, There.
They said, There, what?
Inspiration - Part Two Time 10:39

I said, Well, get out your Bibles. They carried them with them. I dont know if
you know that or not; all Jewish guides do. They pulled them out of their little sacks, laid
them down, gave me a Hebrew Bible.
They said, All right lets go. Were going Hebrew not English.
I said, You bet. No problem. Genesis 3:15. We got it all laid out.
They said, Jesus is not in there. Thats a wrong interpretation.
See, the Bible has already interpreted itself. I know it is the word of God. I know
its inspired because it interprets itself accurately. Now watch!
I said, Well now, the seed of the snake. Whos that? Who are the children of the
snake? They wouldnt answer. Of course, I already knew what they believed so I knew
why they wouldnt and thats why I asked them.
Why will you not tell me?
We just cant.
Who is the seed of the woman?
Oh, thats the Jewish people.
I said, Really? Thats kind of hard to believe.
They said, Why its always been the Jewish people.
No, it is singular and not plural.
Well, the word seed can be singular or plural, refers to descendants or one. How
do you know its one?
Oh, because it says he shall bruise thy head. Its just one descendant of the
woman who will crush the head of the snake. I said, Whos the snake?
Satan, okay we agree! Its that wonderful. We agree. The snake is Satan. Now,
the text said that some person thats coming from the woman is going to kill the snake
because when you crush the head of a snake, I mean, its all over for it. What about his
biting the heel? Because whoever this seed of the woman is who comes, whos going to
crush the head, at the same exact moment in the Hebrew grammar, as you guys well
know, he bites the heel of that womans son.
Inspiration - Part Two Time 12:29

One of the guys popped up and said, Well that isnt fatal. I got bit by a snake.
The best place you can get bit is in your heel because its very hard for it to penetrate and
for the poison to go in there. And you can get it out quickly.
I said, Exactly correct. Therefore, whatever blow it was, it was not fatal. And
whatever blow it was it was a reversed effect. Because by biting the heel, he was crushed
with the heel and destroyed. I said, Now when is that going to occur?
Well, in the future.
Whos the seed of the snake? Well, they didnt want to say. You know why?
Because they believe its the Gentiles. Gentiles are from Satan; they are Satan. And Jews
are the seed of the woman and theyre going to ultimately triumph over them. But it
troubled them that it was singular. Its singular. Its not plural. He shall bruise the head.
I said, Now Ive got to go to bed. I am so tired. Its late. Its 2:00 in the morning.
Look, well talk about it in the morning.
The next morning as we are lining up for the bus, all five of these guys came to
me and said, Weve been up all night trying to figure out who this person is.
I said, Well, you know thats why its so beautiful to just believe that Yeshua
was correct when He said it was all about Me. You see, you guys want to attack me for
saying that from Genesis to 2 Chronicles the entire Old Testament is about Him. It
obviously is. If Hes in chapter three, Ill bet Hes in chapter one and you guys just
havent figured it out yet. Now, that is only one fun illustration.
When you say inspiration, I just want you to know that this thing is not open to
any private interpretation. Our job in studying this Book is to find out what the
interpretation of the Bible is. I think we need a little bit more illustration. I dont want to
drill something in the ground, but I want to make sure you understand what Im talking
1 Corinthians 1:18.

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto
us who are saved it is the power of God.
Inspiration - Part Two Time 14:28

Amen? What a great verse! But you know the next one everybody skips over. Even in the

For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, bring to nothing the
understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe?
Where is the disputer of the world? Hath not God made foolish the
wisdom of this world? For after that, in the wisdom of God, the world by
wisdom [meaning its] knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of
preaching to save them that believe. (1 Corinthians 1:19-21)

What? No wonder guys just kind of skip over that! It is basically saying that
wisdom is preaching the cross and foolishness is not doing it. And they move right along.
Wait a minute! You see if you want to understand the Bible, you have to understand that
the Bible already interprets itself.
This is a quotation from the book of Isaiah dealing with the story of Hezekiah.
Assyria had already taken the northern tribes into captivity. And under the leadership of
the great king Sennachrib that invaded Judah, they went to the five cities of the plains, the
Philistine cities, Gath and Ekron and Ashdod and Ashkelon and Elah. They conquered all
five of those. Then they come and surround Jerusalem and they are basically mocking
them (my translation) saying, Were going to have you for lunch tomorrow.
Now at that point, the Jews are panicking. They are trying to communicate with
them. They go to good king Hezekiah, whos a wonderful king. And they are trying to
give him wisdom about this. What should we do? And they say, Weve got to negotiate
with them. Now, people tried to do that in Nehemiahs day. They said, Why dont we
come out to the plain of Ono and negotiate, talk this over. And Nehemiah said, Oh no!
Hes not going.
Now, let me tell you the background behind this story. The reason Assyria
invaded Judah was because of the wisdom of these counselors of Hezekiah. Because
Hezekiah had seen the destruction of the northern tribes and said, What are we going to
do to protect ourselves? And the answer is: We make a treaty with Egypt and therefore
because Egypt will support us, then Assyria wont invade. On the contrary, that is the
Inspiration - Part Two Time 16:45

reason Assyria did invade, because they made a treaty with Egypt. Should Israel have
made that treaty? No. It says, Woe to those who go to Egypt to help. Instead you should
seek the Lord alone. What a tremendous lesson!
So now, hes back in the same boat again. They caused this by their foolish
wisdom and reasoning. And now they are coming into the land again. Now what do we
do? Lets try to talk to them. That didnt work the first time. Its not going to work the
second time either. And Hezekiah, confused by it all, good king that he is he went into his
private chambers. The Bible says that he got on his knees and he called on the name of
the Lord. And he said, God if you will not deliver us this is not going to happen. We are
That night the Lord sent the angel of the Lord to the Assyrian camp and he killed
185,000 Assyrians. And God gave them a wonderful victory because of one man
deciding he needed to trust the Lord, which tells us that in evangelism, we need to depend
on the power of the gospel not our own reasoning.
You see if you follow through it, you come down to 1 Corinthians 2:2-5.

I determine not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him
crucified. I was with you in weakness and fear and much trembling. My
speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of mans wisdom,
[like Hezekiahs counselors] but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the
power of God.

I think Im preaching. I feel it. But anyway, I dont mean to do that, but
sometimes I get excited. Do you understand what Im saying to you? How would you
know thats the point of that passage?because we have first the quotation, and secondly
we have a direct application in 1 Corinthians 2 by Paul to the issue. So you see the Bible
interprets itself in terms of fulfillment and in terms of interpretation. And one more that
we have already been dealing with, in terms of completeness.
Inspiration - Part Two Time 18:42

Now this might surprise you, but it is a little different way of looking at this than
what weve been through already. Go to Matthew 23:35. This was spoken that last week
before our Lord went to the cross, right before the Olivet discourse prophecy. Its talking
about woe, telling the scribes and Pharisees what is going to happen to them because of
their hypocrisy. And in the middle of this, Jesus called them serpents and generation of
vipers. And how can you escape the damnation of hell! He was a rather straight forward
preacher, wouldnt you say? That is verse 33.
Now Matthew 23:35,

That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from
the blood of righteous Able [What book is that in? Genesis.] unto the
blood of Zecharias, son of Barachias, whom you slew between the temple
and the altar.

What book is that in? Its in 2 Chronicles, which is the last book in the Hebrew
Old Testament. In other words, the entire books of the Old Testament were spoken by
Christ as though it were a final completed revelation from God, especially as it related to
martyrs. Everybody see that? From the blood of righteous Able until the blood - all the
righteous blood shed. And He gave you the entire Old Testament.
Now come to Hebrews 2:1-4. We need to say something about that before we
conclude here today.

Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things we have
heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. For if the word spoken by
angels was steadfast, [through the agency of them] and every transgression
and disobedience received a just recompense of reward; How shall we
escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be
spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;
God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with
divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?*
Inspiration - Part Two Time 20:43

Did angels, messengers actually give direct revelation? Did they? Sure. They
were messengers from God. The angel of the Lord appeared unto them over and over
againHagar, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. Okay. If the word spoken by angels,
(messengers) was steadfastin other words, it worked! It came true. And every
transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward. They got what they
deserved, what God said was coming. Remember the revelation by the angels who spoke
to them about Sodom and Gomorrah and the two angels went and delivered Gods
message and pulled Lot out and brought the judgment. Thats what hes talking about. If
all this happened and it didnow heres the punch line: How shall we escape if we
neglect so great a salvation, if we dont listen to Gods revelation?
Which revelation are you talking about? Which at the first Now, whos he
writing to?the Jews who do not except the New Testament. He said, Now how can we
escape if we neglect? He took an Old Testament story, applied it now to New Testament
truth about Jesus Christ. How can we escape? It was first spoken by the Lord, [Here
weve got the gospels.] and was confirmed.
Now, the word confirmed, bebaio in Greek, is a legal term out of the courtroom.
Now we might say it was authenticated, or made reliable, clearly shown that it was true.
It was confirmed unto us [the writer and the readers of Hebrews] by them that heard
Him. They heard His revelation. Was Paul one who heard the revelation of God? Yes.
He says so in Galatians 1. These men who wrote the Scriptures heard this direct
revelation. It was confirmed unto us by them.
How did God confirm unto us that what they were speaking is direct revelation
and should be added to the Old Testament? Would not the Jewish people who hear my
whole class say, I loved your class all the way up until you started talking about the New
Testament. It seems to me like you are adding to Gods revelation.
Now how do we know that? How did the us know that those who claimed to
have direct revelation really did have direct revelation? How did they know? How was it
confirmed? Here he answers (Hebrews 2:4), God bearing them witness. Gods going to
confirm it to them. How? with signs, and wonders, and with diverse miracles, and
gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will. Is He talking about all the spiritual
Inspiration - Part Two Time 23:21

gifts? No. He is only talking about the miraculous sign gifts. Signs is used seventy times
in the New Testament miracles and wonders.
Now thats very interesting. Ready? Acts 2, this is the Day of Pentecost. How
would the Jewish people react?

Ye men of Israel harken unto the words that I say. This Jesus of Nazareth
whom you crucified and slain, Gods made both Lord and Christ. And
they were pricked to the hearts and said, men and brethren what shall we
do? Repent and be baptized every one of you. (cf. Acts 2:22-23, 38)

How do I know what these guys are saying? It says very clearly in verse 43, Fear came
upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.

How did God confirm that this revelation was truly from God? By signs and wonders and
Acts 5 says,

By the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought
among the people. And of the rest durst no man to join himself to them:
but the people magnified them. And believers were the more added to the
Lord, multitudes both of men and women. (Acts 5:12-14)

Now these Jewish people are really believing this was coming from God. How did
they know? By the signs and wonders and miracles!
Go to 2 Corinthians 12:12,

Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience and
signs and wonders and mighty deeds, or miracles.

You see if you compare Scripture with Scripture, you will have all the answers you need.
Inspiration - Part Two Time 24:45

How do I know that the New Testament revelation that was given by these men,
how do I know that they really got it from God? The answer is by the signs and wonders
and miracles that they did as apostles.
John wrote,
These signs that Jesus even did are written that you may believe that Hes
the Messiah, the Son of God and believing youll have life through His
name (John 20:31).

I want you to know that God sometimes heals people, even externally obvious.
And He does it even in a meeting, and Hell do it even in a local church or maybe with
just a handful of Christians praying for one another. God can do that. But isnt it
interesting, that the signs, wonders, and miracles of the apostles are kind of altered a bit
today. We wouldnt want anybody to think that I could just touch you and you came back
to life. We wouldnt want anybody to believe that just the shadow could heal any disease
you had. But you know a lot of people believe that it will.
Look peopleGod does miracles and God heals, but this showmanship, this
entertainment stuff, this is not what we read in the Bible. And anything they say that
ought to be added to the Scriptures, Im sorry; this [the Bible] is a complete and final
revelation from God. Its done. Its all over.
You see, the Jews required the sign. Thats what it says in 1 Corinthians 1:22.
Thats why they knew that the New Testament revelation was truly of God. There was no
doubt that miracles had been done. Amen?
Okay, lets pray.

Thank You, dear Lord, for all Your many blessings. Help us Lord to seek
Your face and to carefully look at Your word that we might not come up
with presumptuous remarks. Lord, I know that You have great power. You
can do the miraculous and Youre still doing that today. But that You have
no longer chosen to do that through Your apostles and prophets in the way
that You did it. You have now asked for elders, more than one of them, to
pray for people, to seek Your face and anoint them with oil in the name of
Inspiration - Part Two Time 26:38

the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick. The Lord will raise
them up. Help us Lord, to see Your hand directly doing it. But the
evidence that You gave of Your New Testament revelation, is done. Its
finished. Its over. The foundation has been laid. We have a complete
sufficient written revelation from God. We thank You and we praise You,
in Jesus name. Amen.

* All Scriptures not personally read by the instructor have been graciously narrated by
Stephen Johnston.
History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 13
Difficulties of Inspiration Part One

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One

Lets have a word of prayer.

Father, thank You for Your wonderful word that Youve exalted above Your

name. Thank You for the privilege we have to study and to learn and to grow in

our knowledge of its beauty and majesty, its sufficiency, its completeness, its

inerrancy, its inspiration. Lord, I pray that You would build our confidence in

this Book. For You have told us that Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the

word of God. And its through faith that we understand that even the worlds

were framed by the word of God. So the things which do appear were not made

of things which we see. We thank You that You created out of nothing and

brought all of it into existence, and we have that revelation in Your word. Teach

us to trust what You say. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

We are talking about the difficulties of inspiration. Two very well-known scholars of

New Testament criticism got involved with fighting over the difference between the Greek text

behind the King James and the one behind the modern English like New International and so

forth. They represent some pretty strong seminaries and schools. And it just shows you among

evangelicals how critical they can be.

Well, there are two passages in the Bible that were going to be getting into here just in a

moment. But there are two passages in the Bible that have become the subject of enormous

fighting and seriousness.

One is 1 Timothy 3:16, which says: Great is the mystery of godliness: God manifest in

the flesh, thats King James. Many of the modern English like, New American Standard, New

International, drop the word God out, and have the word who. They say its a relative

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 02:34

Its interesting. I give you a summary of the scholars on it just to show you somewhat of

the problem. It says:

This verse has been neither beyond all question nor without controversy, as it

opens up, without controversy, great is the mystery. In the realm of Bible

translations, some say the first line of the verse should read, He appeared, or

better, who appeared. While others say, following the King James, God

appeared. The answer lies in understanding the biblical discipline known as

textual criticism. Very few Christians seem to understand the problem that is

behind the English translations of the Bible. Textual criticism is a science that

compares all [listen to this carefully, compares all] known manuscripts.

Now, I just want you to know that there is no textual critic who has ever compared all

known manuscripts. First of all, it would be very expensive to fly between all the museums that

have these all over the worldplus the fact getting access to it, plus the fact taking the time to

read them all would take more than one persons lifetime. There are 5,500 Greek manuscripts

and pretty close to 20,000 Latin. Not counting other translations and versions. So, its just

interesting as you read. Do you understand?

Now this is coming from a very top-notch seminary scholar in New Testament. But you

see, already theres a statement that, you know, leads your mind to think a certain way. Because

theres no way anybody has compared all of those texts. AnywayTextual criticism is an effort

to locate the reading that best reflects the words of the author. By the way, Ill tell you the guy

that did this was one of translators on New International because he believes in dynamic

equivalent. But the important thing is not to literally translate the words, but to give the sense or

meaning of that wordwhich a guy translating is really trying to come up with, isnt he? So
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 04:41

then, the question is: hows he coming up with it? What gave him this idea? But, boy is that

subtle! He said, Its an effort to locate the reading that best reflects the words of the author.

Locate the reading? Locate it where? Best reflects the author? Why, do you know him? See a lot

of people dont ask.

Listen to this:

The original biblical autographs have been lost [which is true] and for subsequent

centuries, until the time of printing, every copy of the Bible was reproduced by

hand. Today there exists thousands of ancient New Testament manuscripts,

[thats true] the earliest fragments, papyrus uncials.

Class, what is an uncial? Capital Greek letters. Papyrus was the first writing materials

from the first three centuries.

He says:

The earliest fragments, papyrus uncials, and early style of Greek writing using all

capital letters, date from the second century A.D. [Actually, there are several in

the first century A.D.] Today ninety-eight of these fragments are cataloged.

[Now it says] There also exist 301 uncial manuscripts on vellum.

Listen to this class. This is a set-up for what we are going to get into.

There are 301 early uncials manuscripts written on vellum [or sheepskin, animal

skin] some of which date from as early as the second century. Of these, [now see,

he laid in your mind second century, of these] the only uncial manuscript that

contains the entire New Testament is the fourth century Codex Sinaiticus. Half of

the leaves are missing in the New Testament.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 06:25

Half of the leaves are missing in the New Testament, now isnt that interesting! As a

matter of fact, when Tischendorf went into that monastery at Mount Sinai, they were burning the

leaves of the Bible. He asked them what they were burning, because they were manuscripts and

didnt know what it was. And thats how he found it. No, it doesnt contain the entire New

Testament. But thats what he said. This is one of the leading scholars. Now isnt that interesting!

See in this whole ball game, class, you are going to have to really be alert. People are going to

undermine you so fast you cant see straight.

I just got a whole paper I was going to bring today from the Islamic center, in which they

attack the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, based on 1 John 5:7. And they say that this is a heresy

in the Christian church. It goes on to explain that the Christian argument of how we have a

completed Bible, and they quote our verses that we have in here and show why they are not

correct. And why the Bible is not completed until you have the Koran. It is the most scholarly,

tricky thing you have ever read.

You know, the devils coming out with some heavy guns lately. You better know what

you believe about the Bible. The real issue is going to be the Bible. It has started already several

years ago with multiple translations and peoples confidence in the Bible is getting worse with

every passing day. If you can get rid of the authority of the Bible, you can completely eliminate

Christianitys authority. There isnt anything else to stand on.

Listen to this. It says:

Later manuscripts known as miniscules [thats small letters, cursive writing]

came to the fore in the eighth and ninth century and outnumber the uncials eight

to one. The versions [or early translations: Old Latin, Syriac, Coptic] inform us in

the discussion of textual criticism as do biblical references of the church fathers,

known as the patristic evidence. [Its like a little summary of what weve been
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 08:30

studying.] Anyone who has copied a recipe or written down a phone number

knows how easy it is to make a mistake in the transmission. [Thats what were

getting ready to study today, the difficulties of inspiration.] You know how easy

you can make a mistake. When it came to the dissemination of the New

Testament text, errors were made, some inadvertent, some intentional. The

scribes at the time recognized that these writings were sacred, of course, but they

had not yet started to think [listen carefullyin quotes] canonically.

What is he talking about? Hes talking about when they transmitted the text, they really

didnt think about it until they were told that they should all belong in one completed edition.


As a result, during the first and second century they felt a great deal of liberty.

Now, he doesnt know them. Hes telling you that this is what he thinks they did. He

doesnt know one single one of them and neither do I and neither do you. But this is typical

journalism of our day, making it up as you go along. Then it gets in print and people believe it.

During the first and second century they felt a great deal of liberty to enhance the

biblical authors intent. And if a particular reading was difficult, they helped the

readers by glossing over the discrepancy. It was not until A.D. 400 that a

canonical mentality became entrenched and free-flowing emendations stopped.

Let me tell you something, my friends, under the argument that the oldest manuscripts are

best, thats how they undermine the King James. And why we have New International and New

American version. But I told you in passing that the papyrus manuscripts, which are the oldest, in
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 10:12

the first three centuries, ninety percent of them agree with the King James Greek text. You see,

they know that. Now he just set in your mind to undermine the first four centuries by saying the

early guys who translated by hand, the first four centuries, they werent thinking of the canon,

that is, how many books were in it. So they were free to change and do whatever they want. But

boy, in the fourth century it all stopped!

Now why do they say that? Because they dont want you to put your confidence in the

manuscripts of the first three centuries because they [the manuscripts] by and large, agree with

the Greek text thats behind the King James. I hope you are following this. I know some of you

are saying, Wow. It is serious. This is one of the leading evangelical textual criticism scholars

in America todayvery interesting!

Let me just read a little bit more. Then weve got to get on.

It should be noted that no significant doctrine of the New Testament hinges on

any of these variants.

How many times have you heard that? Well, excuse me. In 1 Timothy 3:16 it is pretty

significant doctrine, the deity of Jesus Christ. How significant do you want to be? 1 John 5:7 is

pretty significant. Thats the only mention of the Trinity in the entire Bible, with the exception of

the baptismal formula, which they say doesnt indicate the Trinity. But anyway In the name of

the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, sounds like it to me. But anywaynow he comes back

to 1 Timothy 3:16.

The confusion about the rendering in 1 Timothy 3:16 that causes Christians to be

upset, the difference between God or He who can be easily understood when one

recognizes the similarity between how they would have looked in the early
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 11:57

manuscripts. If they were capital, the masculine relative pronoun, it could easily

have been a Theta, they were really looking at. And maybe the word was an

abbreviation for God or they thought it was.

Now what hes doing is not dealing with the evidence. What hes doing is trying to

suggest why the word God got in the text when its actually reversed. The word God appears

in the early manuscripts, the whole evidence is for God in the text. But see, to get you to think, he

switched the order of talking about it very subtly and said, Well, they probably misunderstood

the relative pronoun to be an abbreviation for the name God.

I dont know if youre Jewish or not, but let me just tell you what a few of us with Jewish

blood would say. Nobody ever, who ever did any translation was ever confused about the word

God. And Ill tell you something else. Nobody abbreviated it with two letters instead of four. You

see how subtle this stuff is? Its unbelievable. Now hes going to attack the King James.

Defenders of the word God in the text, [which would clearly indicate that Jesus

is God and I wonder if he believes it?] based their argument on the fact that the

majority of extant manuscripts

Do you know the meaning of extant? E-X-T-A-N-T. Thats a very important word. You

will see it a lot. What are extant manuscripts? They are in existence, but what?they are the

oldest. Okay.

Wilbur Pickering in his book, The Identity of the New Testament Text, says,

Fully three hundred Greek manuscripts read God, while only eight read

something else. Pickering and others would argue that the transmission of the
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 13:48

New Testament text take place under normal circumstances, but we dont have

any proof of that!

Do you see what Im saying? Hes undermining a simple little fact about how it was

done. Did he answer the problem of why out of three hundred Greek manuscripts in the early

church, why do all of them read God, except eight that read who? Would you say thats pretty,

you know, 292 against eight, pretty good odds that its God? And how did he undermine it? He

said, Well, were acting like it was translated under normal circumstances with, you know,

carefulness and all. Do you see how he undermines you, right there? Why wouldnt it be under

any other circumstances? Its very interesting what they do.

Where changes occur, these are largely introduced into the text to alter the

theological meaning behind a given reading, usually for heretical purposes. Are

we to assume that everyone who made copies of New Testament books in the

early years was a fool or as stupid, asks Pickering? We have the majority text,

todays King James Version, dominating the stream of transmission with very

few individual witnesses going their own ideocentric ways [his answer to this].

But most biblical scholars contest this assumption. We err to presume that

changes in the text were attributed to heretical tendencies. Leading textual critical

scholar Gordon Fee of Conwell, Gordon Conwell Seminary, writes in the

Westminster Seminary Theological Journal, For the early Christians it was

precisely because the meaning was so important that they exercised a certain

amount of freedom to make the meaning clearer to one another.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 15:41

Either hes misquoted here or I wouldnt want to sit under him. Do you really believe that

the transcribers of the original autographs actually just kind of winged it for Jesus sake? Im

sorry. Not only is that not the history of transcribing the text, I think its close to an abomination

and a blasphemy. And thats a scholar in the field!

I told you there were two texts, 1 Timothy 3:16 and 1 John 5:7. Will you turn in your

Bibles to 1 John 5:7 for a moment? What are we going to talk about? We are going to talk about

the difficulties of inspiration and boy, theres lots of trouble!

Go to 1 John 5:7, Id like you to read that for me in NIV.

Student #1: There are three that testify the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and the three

are in agreement.

Is that verses 7 and 8? Would you mind reading that again for us?

Student #1: For there are three that testify, the spirit, the water and the blood

There are three that testify. They dropped out Father, word, and Holy Ghost, these three

are one? There are three that testify the spirit, the water, and the blood, these three are in

agreement. Man, I couldnt have asked for it better! What edition is this? This is a Thompson

Reference, but of course that goes in all translations. Its a New International and the date on it is

1983. All right, and the footnote

Student #2: The footnote says, (7 and 8) Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify in

heaven, the Father, the word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one. Verse 8, and there are

three that testify on earth the

Okay. Thank you very much. It says late manuscripts of what? What did it say, class?

the Latin Vulgate. Thats what they said. They said late manuscripts. Whenever you read

late, they are talking after the tenth century, A.D. All these late manuscripts of the Vulgate

contain the reading. Did they say anything in that footnote about where else it might be found?

No, they didnt. All they said was late manuscripts of the Latin Vulgate contain the reading.
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 17:48

Student #3: It says, Its not found in any Greek manuscripts before the sixteenth


Oh I love it! There it is. You heard it. Say it out loud again.

Student #3: It says, Not found in any Greek manuscripts.

It says, Not found in any Greek manuscripts before when? The sixteenth century! Look

up in the beginning of your New International under the back page behind the title, and see when

the date on that was. This one was 1983. Copyrighted 1985, you heard it. No manuscript before

the sixteenth century. Now when the King James was written they used the sixteenth-century

Greek text by Stephanus in 1550 A.D. So, they are referring to the fact that is the first time any

Greek text has the reading in it. Did you catch that? Boy, is that subtle!

The King James was translated off of a Greek text that was produced by Stephanus (a lot

of Erasmus influence), 1550 A.D. And Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses in 1517; so

you see just some thirty-three years later we have a Greek text, which becomes the text upon

which the King James was translated. The note says that there was no Greek manuscript before

the late sixteenth century. What they are arguing (its very subtle) is that the first known edition

of 1 John 5:7 in Greek is the King James Greek text. So they added to Gods word. Everybody

follow that? Thats exactly what they said. Oh I could not.Thank you both!

Does anyone have a New American Standard Bible? Okay, right over here. What does

yours say? Read it, 1 John 5:7-8.

Student #4: And it is the spirit that bears witness because the spirit is truth; for there are

three that bear witness, the spirit, and the water, and the blood and the three are in agreement.

We left off heaven and earth again and left out Father, word, and Holy Ghost. Amen?

Thats what it said.

Well, you know class, Ive been trying to tell you that we have a real battle going on in

the evangelical world and Ive been trying to tell you that this snow job thats been going on all
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 20:07

during this century is being undermined by some guys who started asking some questions. I

started asking them in seminary. I took textual criticism under some very important scholars who

did translation work. And they fed me the Wescott and Hort tradition and I started asking some

questions and doing some research myself. So, nobody taught me in school what Im teaching

you now. Thats a bottom line truth. I learned the other side.

Whats the copyright on that Bible?

Student #5: 1994

David: Whoa! 1994! Praise God. Thats what Ive been looking for. All right. Say it


Student #5: The rest of verse 7 and the first words of verse 8 are not original and are not

to be considered as part of the word of God.

David: Are not to be considered as a part of the word of God! This is more interesting

with every passing moment.

Theres a librarian, master of library silence, uh science. Its a joke! A librarian from the

University of Arizona, hes no evangelical scholar, name, nothing. But he became interested in

this. I have in my possession, a book that hardly anybody knows about. But you now know about

it. Are you ready for this? The entire book is a history of the debate over 1 John 5:7 and 8, with

every documentation imaginable! And you know what? Its an anthology that traces it

historically. In other words, it starts from the beginning and goes straight through. We go all the

way back.

Let me just take the opening after his brilliant introduction. He starts right out with the

first century A.D., goes to the second century. It goes blow by blow quoting everybody, all that

they say, examining it. It goes all the way to 1990 in quotations dealing with 1 John 5:7-8, all the

way from the time of Christ until now. However, within this book is not only the evidence to the

contrary of everything youve heard, but he also nails down, quoting who and where it came from
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 22:14

and why. You see you get these old librarian types on a problem and they dont really care, all

they want to do is research the accuracy of something. Very interesting! So all he does is put it all

here, quoting them and all these documents. Documentation exactly where it comes from, what

page, etc. Its the most amazing thing you ever saw in your life.

Now let me give you a few of the conclusions. First of all, its a lack of knowledge,

that there are no Greek manuscripts that contain the reading before the sixteenth century.

Secondly, the Latin tradition, which all these guys depend upon enormously because Latin of

course was the language that it was put into. One of the first languages, we have thousands; we

have more Latin manuscripts than we have Greek! So, all that evidence is very crucial. All of the

translations that are used early would be off of more copies that are closer to the originals. Okay?

And all of them into old Latin, all of them have 1 John 5, no exceptions! We have a problem here.

Let me give it to you another way. Most of the manuscripts that we have in Greek

5,500 of them and the Latin, some 10,000you know most of them are after the tenth century.

One of the big arguments that they have against King James is that there are a lot of late

manuscripts involved, rather than early. And so, early is best. But when they found out that the

papyri agrees more with the King James then they started to undermine that, as I read in this


Now they have another problem. And that is that if we go before the tenth century A.D.,

using their same arguments related to 1 John 5:7, low and behold we come up with an amazing

discovery! There are only fourteen manuscripts that leave it out. Oops! But they have led you to

believe that their remarks are correct. But if we use the same arguments about the oldest

manuscripts, why would you leave this verse out? Why would most of the testimony start with

the fourth century, exactly when we had the Arian and Athanasius controversy over the deity of

Christ and over the Trinity? Why would you take it out of the text from then on? If you didnt
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 24:27

believe in the Trinity; if you didnt accept the deity of Jesus Christ! It is very interesting what this

whole thing just completely undermines!

He quotes scholar after scholar, including Westcott and Hort and all of those guys, and

what they said about it, and how they reasoned with it. Its unbelievable! I sat there and I just

could hardly believe it. He shows you quotations that will appear in your Bibles, like what we

have heard here and where they actually came from. And the guys who said them never even

looked them up! And its still being quoted?

Heres a little interesting thing.

Today the Syriac and the Latin Vulgate remain largely unexamined. The truth is

no one in any field of scholarship in this endeavor with whom I consulted or read

their works has any idea as to whether 1 John 5:7 is in any of those manuscripts.

[Oooh!] Yet they take liberties in Bibles to say whatever they want to say in the

margin, when the truth of the matter is nobody has ever checked. We dont even

know the precise total of these manuscripts. The great scholar, Bruce Metzger,

who dominates Bible translation in our time, who makes all these amazing

quotations has in fact himself never seen the evidence. We do not even know the

precise totals of these manuscripts, yet they are quoted in many peoples books.

[And I might add in the notes of your teacher.] Why, in this space age of

abundant technological breakthroughs, do these scholars provide us with only

estimates? Why do great Greek scholars as Kenyon, Metzger, Vobus, still refer to

an outdated list? The likely answer is that all the Latin and Syriac manuscripts

are not studied in a comprehensive manner because in fact, as we know from the

studies we have already done of several of them, they all agree with the King

James. Why is there not even a catalogue of manuscripts? Metzger, [He gives the
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 26:45

date, the documentation and his book.] on the Syriac manuscripts said, In view

of the abundance of the Peshitta, some of them of great antiquity, it is to be

regretted that during the twentieth century so little effort has been directed to

solving the many problems that clamor for their attention. [Yet he turns right

around and gives his opinion without ever looking at them.]

What are we going to do about all of this, class? Listen to this. Whats the name on the Greek text

up there that you buy in the bookstore? You buy a something Greek text, a Nestles Greek Text.

Its about the twenty-seventh edition now. A lot of people dont know when it started. It was in

1904. But anyway, listen to Nestles admission.

It was not until 1904 that a Greek text lacking 1 John 5:7 was widely distributed

and accepted by professors of the Greek New Testament. [Boy, this is exactly the

opposite of what those footnotes are telling you. Isnt that interesting?]

Eventually the Nestle text became the foundation for all current English

translations, including New American Standard, Revised Standard, Good News

Bible, New International, etc., etc. The editors, according to Kenyon the great

Greek scholar said, Only seventeen manuscripts from 8000 extant manuscripts

left out 1 John 5:7. [Bingo!] To put it in percentages, the actual amount of the

manuscripts that leave it out, especially before the tenth century, represent less

than one percent of the manuscripts.

Thats interesting. Wow! Who are you going to believe? Sure like the documentation though.

You can look it up for yourself. This is an interesting book.

Heres a good statement.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 28:50

Old Latin is the most important translation outside of the Greek[the old Latin].

The old Latin evidence for 1 John 5:7 is critical. And most editors of Greek New

Testaments admit that the evidence for early versions has to be derived primarily

from the manuscripts of old Latin. All of the Greek Bibles the United Bible

Society, which have resulted in our modern English translations, state in their

opening introductions that they depend heavily upon the latest old Latin


Isnt that interesting? He lists the translation committee, 1989 Board of Directors of the

United Bible Society that produces a Greek text and all of that. You are going to find this


The Board of Trustees of this organization, which insists that it is a secret body,

consists of twenty-five members. At the top of the list are three Roman Catholic

priests. Next is Kurt Aland [his name is on the Nestle-Aland Greek text] and in

the thirteenth place on the list of twenty-five is Mr. Bruce Metzger himself. [Who

are these people? I inquired about a visit to this institute of scholars and was told

that it is closed to the public].

How are you guys doing? And were going to talk about the difficulties of inspiration! I

just want to throw a couple more out at you. Did you know in the Greek text that is currently

being used for this modern English, there were only twenty-nine manuscripts used for the

epistles? They dismissed 99.63% of the quantity of 8,000 Latin manuscripts, many which were
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 30:57

never catalogued or glanced at. I dont know what to tell you here. I dont want to bore you to

death, but this is just unbelievable. It just keeps going on and on with this.

It seems to me that 1 John 5:7-8 is in the Bible and belongs there and should stay there.

And it means we have a reference to the Trinity for our Jehovahs Witness friends that come to

the door. And it seems to me that 1 Timothy 3:16 is abundantly clear that the word God belongs

in the text, which means we have a clear statement that Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.

What Im trying to say is this will never be looked at, talked about or consulted or paid

any attention to and thats been true all along. The business of selling Bibles is too big, too much


But seriously, the real issue is still not English. Its Greek. Its not English at all. I really

am not here to knock New International translation methods or New American Standard methods.

What Im concerned about is our Bible. What is the word of God? It was written in Greek. What

Greek text we use is critical and the English translation. I dont care if we have a new English

translation, as long as we use the right Greek text. And thats whats bothered me for years.

Now you understand why the scholars of the Jesus Seminar can just pick and choose and

say Jesus didnt say this, didnt say that and why they just throw things out. They just play games

with it. Thats where we are headed.

Do you know that the number one reason we are called fundamentalists, which a lot of

people have changed the meaning of that, now its an Islamic Fundamentalist. So they have now

made it the radical right. But the original meaning of the fundamentals, which were written by the

way back at the turn of the century, we have had copies of the book up there. The Fundamentals.

But did you know the number one thing is the verbal inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible? All

that we are, all that we believe is from this Book.

I want you to know what you believe and why. Im not afraid of controversy. Im not

afraid of difficult things. I want you to be students and not just check your brains off at the door.
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 33:29

Do not fight over English translations, but fight over the original autographs. We dont have

them, but we have more manuscripts to guide us in determining that than any book in history has

ever hoped to have or even to be worthy of sitting on the same shelf with the book of the Bible.

There is no comparison whatsoever to anything ever written in ancient history. The Bible is the

most copied, most distributed book in the history of the world, by far.

Now, we come to the difficulties of inspiration. And I want to start by talking about, the

theories. There are various theories and you know a lot of Bibles will not tell you what the theory

is in inspiration. They wont tell you. But these theories, at least five major ones, are what you

will find in the Christian world today.

Five Theories of Inspiration

1. Ordinary Men were inspired like Shakespeare;

A level of human genius
2. Dynamic The thoughts are of God;
The words are of men
3. Degrees Some parts more inspired than others

4. Moral Spiritual and moral teachings inspired;

History and science questionable
5. Mechanical Dictated by God to man

We have those who believe in what we call ordinary inspiration. Its inspired like

Shakespeare. Its on the level of mere human genius. This is the number one view. I am sad to

say. Its the view of secular people and liberal minds. Oh yeah, the Bible. It sure has some

wonderful things in it! But its just human genius thats all it is to some people.
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 34:51

We have the dynamic theory of inspiration, thinking that the thoughts of God are of God,

the words are of men. So you have to realize that and men make mistakes. They will say God

does not make mistakes. Which I am sure, God appreciates them saying. They will say the

thoughts are important. They are of God. Now class, whats wrong with this? Well, you tell me

how we express thoughts without words?

You cannot express thoughts without words. Watch out! This is one of the most subtle

views of inspiration. Its used by a lot of evangelicals. People say, Of course the thoughts are of

God. Those were inspired. But you know the words are of man. Youve got to deal with human

error and all of that. You see how tricky it is? Wait a minute. The only way I know what your

thoughts are is by the words that express those thoughts.

Number three, argument of degrees that is: some parts are more inspired than others.

Now this gets them out of the historical and geological problems. By the way, the most accurate

account of ancient history is in the Bible. We know that from archaeology. But you understand

people are threatened by a lot of things. They say, Well some parts are more inspired than

others. And its interesting how many Christian schools have decided that the first eleven

chapters of Genesis of course are not inspired. They are an attempt by a man in his generation

trying to figure out how it all started. But, its expressing some basic stuff. But really, you cant

trust it. Some parts are more inspired than others. I asked you a question. Who is to determine

which parts are inspired? Who makes the decision?

Heres fourth one, what they call the Moral Theory. This is very popular, very popular in

a world where were having a battle over moral values. Youll hear this quoted, Its the moral

and spiritual teachings that are inspired This way you can continue to question history and


Then [the fifth view] we have what we call the Mechanical and what we mean there is

dictation. Now I want to ask you, do you think the Bible was dictated? I dont know how many
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 36:55

Christians say it wasnt. The Bible says the exact opposite. Let me ask you a question. Did God

ever say to a man who didnt have one blooming idea about anything God was talking about and

did God ever say to him, Write it? Did He? Oh yeah, many times. The whole book of

Revelation for instance. Or did God say, Well you know, you guys, you hung around Jesus for a

while. Why dont you come up with four unique views! Matthew, you were a tax collector, Ill

bet youre interested in things like the king. So you do a king deal. Mark, youre nothing but a

servant boy, so why dont you do a servant deal. Luke, hey doctor, physician, we need the human

side, Son of Man deal. And John, you knew Him better than anybody else, you do the God deal.

Now if Im being real critical youll forgive me, but sometimes theres no other way to

shock us into very commonly held views of evangelicals. You and I both know, you open a book

on the gospels, thats exactly what they do. Matthew presents Jesus as king, Mark as servant,

Luke as Son of Man, and John as Son of God. Watch out! Somehow these guys all of a sudden

made it up. And thats supposed to explain things. You know, he saw it in the context of his own

vocabulary and what he saw. It doesnt necessarily have to be accurate, the point is there.

Excuse me, most of the Bible is dictated, most of it. There are some exceptions but most

of it is dictated. Heres a good question for guys who are liberal critics. Okay, Moses wrote the

first five books. Okay, how did he write about his death? Joshua wrote it. Or the other possibility

is that God prophesied it and predicted it and said, here Moses, Im going to write about it. But

actually it was after the fact because he was already dead. So, you understand? People come up

with some brilliant things. Why is that brilliant? No, God did not use Moses after he was dead.

Now class, you are hearing a lot of junk out there. And it is parroted a lot of times by

good men and I dont mean to be critical of them because some times we think, we read

something, we dont really think about it that much. We just quote it and keep it going.

Its not just the theories that present the difficulties of inspiration, but its in terms of the

transmission of the text. And when you talk about transmission of the text, were talking about
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part One Time 39:24

how we copy it. Whether one Greek manuscript is being copied onto another Greek manuscript or

whether its another version, another language. And class, when we try to analyze this, I put it

down into five major categories. And I will want you to know this. In terms of the transmission of

the text, we have five difficulties. We have first of all, inexact quotation, which well talk about.

Two, variant reports where the same story is told differently. We have contradictory statements,

unscientific expressions, and of course, the big one they all use, human errors.

Lets take a break and afterwards, well start in with five major problems in copying the


Pickering, Wilbur. The Identity of the New Testament Text. Thomas Nelson, Inc., May 1981
Nestle, E. Aland, Kurt. The Greek New Testament, American Bible Society; 27 edition, January
History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 14
Difficulties of Inspiration Part Two

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two

We are dealing with these five problems and you will find them in almost every textual

criticism book. Thats why I want you to just know what they are.

Difficulties in Transmission of the Text

1. Inexact Quotations

2. Variant Reports

3. Contradictory Statements

4. Unscientific Expressions

5. Human Errors

Im not going to expect you to know a lot of details, but lets start with a basic one that

comes up ofteninexact quotations. There are many of them. I gave you an example out of

Isaiah 40:3, matching Matthew 3:3, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight His path.

And you can see that theres just a little variation in how its stated. Well, literally scores and

scores of Old Testament quotations are like that in the New Testament. They are not quoted


Now some people say, Well maybe they are quoted off of the Greek Old Testament

rather than the Hebrew, like the Septuagint. Thats a big promoted thing among a lot of guys. A

lot of pastors think thats the deal. I think that is hustling too much. Thats like trying to strain at

a gnat a little too much (cf. Matthew 23:24). I dont think the New Testament guys relied on the

Septuagint at all, but a lot of people do. I dont think they looked at the Greek Old Testament to
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 01:46

quote it. First of all, I believe they were directed by the Holy Spirit and He was controlling the

writer so that what was written was accurately reported.

So, how do you handle inexact quotations? What do you say? One is this: inspiration

requires that the truth is told accurately, not that the quote be quoted verbatim. Did everybody get

that? The truth must be told accurately, but the quote doesnt need to be quoted verbatim. For

example, on the same basis I could prove to you that Jesus takes the same principle, many of

them found in the Sermon on the Mount, repeats them at other occasions only with slight

variations. A liberal scholar comes, they look at thatlike the difference between the Sermon on

the Mount in Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount in Lukeand they say, There you see an

inexact quotation! No way to prove inspiration.

What Im saying to you is that it doesnt violate it unless the truth is not accurate. I dont

need to quote it the same way. I can teach you the same truth in a Bible passage next week as I

taught this week and not say it exactly the same way. When we say inspiration, were dealing

with how accurate and reliable is the word. Well the truth is told accurately in every one of these

without exception. Now, if we could find one where it altered the truth of it, then wed have

something here to go on. But we dont, and Im glad we dont!

So we dont have to quote the quote verbatim to give the exact truth. As a matter of fact,

listen carefully class, it may be that the intention of the quote is better served by teaching the truth

rather than quoting verbatim. Now, that might sound a little tricky but let me give you an

example. In 1 Corinthians 1:18-21 where it says,

The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which

are saved it is the power of God. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where

is the disputer of this world?...For the world by its wisdom knew not God, it

pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save those that believe.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 03:53

Now, the phrase, where is the wise; where is the disputer of this world? is a quotation

from the book of Isaiah 33:18. And its the story of Hezekiah and the Assyrians185,000 of

them killed in one nightand its referring to his counselors. The point of it is that going to

worldly counsel instead of hearing from God is a mistake. Now in 1 Corinthians 1, the issue is

trying to present some other gospel besides preaching the word of the cross is a waste of time,

because thats the only thing God uses to bring the result. Are you following? So to quote

Hezekiah verbatim from the story would only confuse the reader of 1 Corinthians 1 as to how it

was applied. The truth of Hezekiahs quote is that we dont need to trust human wisdom. We

need to go to the Lord directly. The truth is now quoted accurately and used accurately in 1

Corinthians 1, but its not quoted verbatim. Is everybody following that?

You see, under inspiration, we not only do not have to quote verbatim to have the truth be

accurate, but we also can have an interpretation of the Old Testament quotation.

Now, if youre Jewishare you listening carefully? If youre Jewish, you would say we

have no right to do that in the New Testament. But if you believe in the inspiration of the Holy

Spirit for the New Testament writers, then you believe the interpretation of an Old Testament

passage as found in the New Testament is also accurately presented.

Let me put it to you another way. If I removed all of the interpretations in the New

Testament of Old Testament quotations, I would strip half of it of its message. Do we have Old

Testament quotations that are interpreted differently than the historical context? Sure we do. How

about Davids betrayal by Ahithophel? Thats applied in the Gospels to Judas betraying Jesus. Is

that an accurate way to interpret that passage? Yes. Does it mean that Ahithophel is really Judas?

No. But thats what, by the way, some people do. No. It means that the whole issue of the

betrayal of Ahithophel to David is similar to Judass betrayal of Jesus. Thats why the passage is

quoted there. Are you following? So, not only do we not have to quote it, we also know that the

Holy Spirit who is guiding these men can give an interpretation of the Old Testament quote that

was not the situation in the Old Testament.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 06:27

Theres a third matter, class, and that is that sometimes translation from one language to

another may be involved. When you go from Hebrew to Greek sometimes they just dont go

straight across the board. You have more letters, more words by far in Greek than you ever do in

Hebrew. And Hebrew is a more flexible, fluid language. Greek is more mathematically exact. So

when you go from one to the other, thats going to cause a variety in the transmission of the text,

no doubt about it. But it doesnt mean its not accurate; it is accurately reported.

Be careful about this because this is what liberal critics use to attack the fundamentalist

view of the Bible. They say, Look, if this was what youre saying, then all quotes must be

quoted verbatim. My answer to them: Let me give you a verse in Hebrew and see if you can

quote it verbatim in Greek. Its impossible.

Thats the problem we have in English, is it not? Can we always go straight from Greek

to English and make sense? No. As a matter of fact, if you follow the word order you would

really get confused, because the word order often in Greek is different than English. They might

start with a verb and a participle and your subject is following it; whereas, in English it is always

before it. Are you following?

So the problem of inexact quotation, I think is easily answered. But you watch out! A lot

of people who attack the Bibleand were trying to look at this in an apologetic way to make

you prepared to answerbut a lot of people use this to try to undermine peoples confidence in

the Bible by simply saying, Well, if it was accurate like you say, it would have to be quoted

literally. But you can never do that from one language to another. Plus the fact it may be

interpreted differently. Or theres a truth in the passage thats being used in the New Testament

that if you quoted verbatim, you wouldnt understand.

Number two, another problem that is often brought out in books and writingsit comes

in the newspaper too, in that Jesus Seminar dealand that is variant reports. You have the same

incidents, especially in the Gospels, which are reported differently. Another problem that is often

mentioned to me is the superscription on the cross. They say, Here is a flat out contradiction.
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 08:42

Why? First of all, we were told in John 19:20 that the superscription over the cross was in three

languages. That alone would make a difference! But lets just look at it again.

Matthew says, This is Jesus, the king of the Jews.

Mark says, The king of the Jews.

Luke says, This is the king of the Jews.

Now class, what is common to all three?The king of the Jews.

If you ask me, What was on the cross?

Well, They called Him the king of the Jews.

Another guy comes up and says, What did you say was on the cross?

They said that Jesus was the king of the Jews.

Now those two are not the same. But did I give you a correct answer to what was on the

cross? Sure. Do you understand what Im saying? Youre pushing something thats totally

unnecessary. If you ask meLets say the only thing on the cross was the king of the Jews. And

you say, Whats on that cross? Whats written up there?

Uh, it looks like the king of the Jews.

Well, are the words it looks like, are they a part of whats on there? No. Im simply

saying, It looks like the king of the Jews.

Well, what do they say about that guy on the cross?

Oh, you mean Jesus, the king of the Jews? Do you understand what Im saying?

Whats on that cross?

Well, it looks to me like theyre calling Him king of the Jews.

Theres another change. And each time Im simply accurately reporting whats on the

cross. Now if you look at it in a logical way, there is no contradiction whatsoever. None

whatsoever! What was on that superscription?The king of the Jews. That was what they

wanted Pilate to change. He said, What I have written, I have written. That was a little rebuke

to them. Ill show you what your king is like.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 10:38

Well, we also mention two other things under variant reports. One is that different views

by different writers can still be reported accurately by each. Why not? Lets suppose you are out

in a boat in the Sea of Galilee and a storm comes. One writer says, Man, Ill tell you, that wind

came up really rapidly! The other says, Ill tell you, that was quite a storm. Wasnt it? One

said wind. One said stormcontradiction? No. They are both saying exactly the same thing.

The storm was caused by the wind.

Now if you are having trouble with this, I want to recommend something to you. There is

a book called, The Life of Christ in Stereo. It was done by a Westminster Conservative Baptist

Seminary. Its excellent, The Life of Christ in Stereo. It puts all of the reports of the Gospels

together and over each word is a number when its a variant like, the king of the Jews. If

Matthew had the, it would be number one. If it was Mark, it would be number two. If it was Luke

it would be number three. If its John, its number four. So you can actually read it. And it reads

beautifully by the way, just King James reading straight through the text. Its all coordinated and

the numbers are above the words, so you know where the word came from.

When you do that, then you see the problem of variant reports just goes away. It just goes

away. But if you try to, you knowover here in Matthew it says, and over here in Mark and over

here in Lukeand your eyes play tricks on you. You cant see that. But when you see it all laid

out and every word thats in all four Gospels about the whole thing is all there and the numbers

are there to show you when it isnt the same in all four Gospels, its very helpful. I use it a lot.

A. T. Robertson years ago had a book called, The Harmony of the Gospels. Thats still

being produced. It does somewhat of the same thing.

Okay, the third thing that people will use as difficulties deals with contradictory

statements. I just had one this morning, a contradictory statement. Its not a contradiction, but

people could easily find it a contradiction. It dealt with 2 Samuel the last chapter and Chronicles,

where we have the Lord apparently inciting David to number the people and another passage

saying that Satan incited it. Now among all the Bible commentators and scholars on this, there are
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 13:09

a lot of options. For instance satan, a normal word in Hebrew, does not necessarily have to refer

to the devil. It refers to an adversary or an enemy. So, it could mean that the enemies were

inciting David to do this. That was the immediate situation that was causing him to do this. The

Lord was allowing this to happen, so that hed learn to trust Him and not himself.

But it also could refer to Satan himself. And if Satan did it, I dont have any problem with

that. Why? Did the Lord ever allow Satan to do something to someone that would accomplish his

purpose? Sure. He did in the book of Job 2:6. In 2 Corinthians 12:7 Paul said, A thorn in the

flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me. 1 Peter 5:8-10 says that the Lord will use Satan to

perfect us, strengthen us, settle us and establish us. Gods final joke on Satanhe thinks hes

trying to destroy youGod will use his temptation and attacks to actually make you stronger.

How interesting!

So, whos in control of Satan? God is. So did Satan stir David up to number? Probably,

but just like the Bible saysor his adversariesand did the Lord do it? Absolutely! The Lord

was behind it all. And it was a great lesson learned, even for us today. Did the Lord send an evil

spirit upon Saul? Sure. The Bible says so. Gods in control of that. So, we need to be careful.
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 14:35

Contradictory Statements?
Questions to ask when examining a seeming contradiction:

1. Is the passage in the original text

or is there manuscript evidence?
2. Is the translation correct?
3. Is this the only possible interpretation?
4. Is our present knowledge final?
5. Is reconciliation impossible?

Contradictory statements, I ask these five questions. One: Is the passage in the original

text or confirmed by manuscript evidence? That I want to know! Two: Is the translation

absolutely correct? Three: Is the interpretation the only possible one? Four: Is our present

knowledge final? Think of all the things from archaeology thats changed our view of that! Its

incredible! Five: Is reconciliation impossible? You see, you need to ask all those questions before

you jump the gun.

In other words, there are a lot of things that are seeming contradictions that you have to

do a little study and you apply these questions to really hit it, and its amazing how clear it

becomes once you just take the time and walk through it. Is it possible that one of the reasons

why we have this problem is because we are removed 1900 years? Ill tell you the first time I

went to Israel I couldnt believe how my Bible all of a sudden looked different. I saw things I

never saw before the moment I went there. I was always concerned about details, little details

bothered me. I read in the Greek, when I was reading about the resurrection story about the stone,

the angels rolled it up. Its a Greek word roll up. So there had to be an incline. So when I saw
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 16:06

the garden tomb and saw the incline, the trough in which the stone rolled, I mean, of course! Of

course, they really did do that. Its amazing.

Where Jesus died there was a garden. What do you have to have to have a garden? Water!

But its a dry, barren land. There are only three water systems in all of ancient Jerusalem that hold

cistern water, hold rain water. How are we going to get Him to the right place? Well, right in

front of the garden tomb is one of the three cisterns. It holds 250,000 gallons of water. So when

you get there and you look into thatokay, settled that! And we also know it was a garden

because there is an ancient wine press right in front of the garden tomb, from the first century.

They used to laugh about Hazor. It was a major city in Joshuas time and had to be

conquered. Now you go and visit the excavations. One of the most amazing sites in Israel is

Saphoros, the city set on a hill. It takes about forty minutes to walk to it from Nazareth, but its

only about three miles from Nazareth. And you realize that Jesus was not a wandering country

bumpkin of some sort, who worked in this carpenters shop. What we now know is that He was

one of the most educated rabbis of His day. We have evidence of His being trained in the

yeshivas and in the rabbinical schools of Saphoros and it is amazing!

And they had at the exact time the Bible says that He was a carpenter with His father,

they were hiring artisans, carpenters from all around to work on Saphoros. It was one of the most

amazing Roman structures ever. Now all those ruins are there, all of that. The Sanhedrins

location was there. Now you realize that all that happened down in Jerusalem, they knew Jesus

very well. John the Baptist is a cousin, grew up in a priests family. They all knew each other.

Your whole mind is just opened up to things you see that are wonderful. Geographical

locations, going down to Jericho but up to Jerusalem, you find out why. There are just all kinds of

things like that. So, be careful about contradictory statements. People throw them out, but hey,

make sure you have taken the time to look them up.

The fourth thing is unscientific expressions. Boy, liberal critics love to laugh at this, the

ends of the earth. And yet, I see it in modern literature. Journalists who say, You know Ill go
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 18:14

to the ends of the earth in my love for you. Well, its just an expression. Four corners of the

earth. The sun rising. We still use that today. Has the sun come up? No, it doesnt come up.

Well, it is. Its up there now.

No, it didnt come up. We just rotated.

You mean the earth is rotating?

Yeah, its rotating.

You see we have a common vocabulary that uses such expressions and also one major

factor about the Bible we need to understand. It was written for all people. Its written in Koine

Greek. Koine is the word common. It was not classical Greek. It was not the Greek used in

courts and law courts. It was a Greek that people spoke on the street. The Bible is for everybody.

It uses the language of appearance because thats the way we all talk.

Now, we come to the serious one, human errors. What do we mean by human errors?

This actually happened in my seminary class. The teacher said something to the first student in

the first row and asked him to write it down. He then asked that student to tell the other person in

his ear what he had told him and to write it down. We went all the way around the class like that.

And so he brought up the last guys little transmission from the first one and showed it. We all

had a good laugh because it was so radically different. When the teacher did that I was sitting on

the front row, and I didnt like it. But I sat there in the front row. I didnt like what he was doing.

I thought to myself, Well, neat little experiment. You got one problem here, they didnt do that.

They werent whispering in each others ear and passing along and asking them to write down

what they said. They were copying off a manuscript in front of them! Is everybody listening? Do

you understand how simple people try to undermine you? They just use a little illustration. Watch


What about human errors? Are there human errors in the copies of the Bible? The answer

is yes!
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 20:18

Errors in Copying the Bible?

A Slip of the Pen

Words that Sound Similar

Words Similar in Appearance

Omission of Words

Marginal Notes

Errors of Memory

Errors of Repetition

What do we have? We have, one, the slip of the pen. Thats easy to see. Have you ever

done that in writing anything? Like the guy who handed me his prophecies he received directly

from the Lord and I told him I dont think they came from the Lord.

He said, Why?

I said, Because He doesnt misspell words. Slip of the penthat can happen.

Words similar in sound or appearance are confused. Did you know its only a little one

tittle, on one letter of three letters in Hebrew that can change it from praise to profane? Little slip!

Omission of words, you know your eyesight. Youre copying down and maybe the

thought is being repeatedthat happens in many passagesand you leave them out. There are

marginal notes, sometimes in the earlier manuscripts you see a marginal note that will say,

Check the quotation of this. Or it might say, In Luke it said so and so, and were doing

Matthew and its in a marginal note. What happens often, as these were transcribed sometimes,

theyd put these marginal notes as the text.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 21:26

They have errors of memory or repetition. People ask me, I hear that walking after the

flesh not after the Spirit is not in Romans 8:1. It says, There is therefore now no condemnation to

those who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit. That last phrase is not in most manuscripts.

It doesnt belong in there. Well, if you read the context, thats what its about. But if you look

down at verse four, it is there. It would be easy in the parallelism of a text, the way they are

organized to see that twice or to leave it out once or whatever.

Have you ever seen a guy copy by hand the Bible? Have you ever seen the guys that

work on these? Most of them have glasses that are like two inches thick. They are practically

blind. All day long. Do you understand what Im saying? If you think this was an easy job, you

dont know what it was all about. No, I can easily see human errors.

Now, does that mean there are errors in the Bible? No. No, it means there are human

errors in the transmission of the text. Watch out how people talk to you about this, its a very

subtle difference. You see all those little slips and all that, I can examine other manuscripts on the

same passage and find out whether this was a slip or a marginal note or whatever. Thats a part of

what textual criticism is all about. But the truth of the matter is we are not talking about an error

in the original manuscript. Were talking about an error in the copying of the text. Boy, is that a

big difference. And if you have only one copy, then its very significant. But if you have a

thousand copies and the error only appears twenty times, then probably if 980 times it doesnt

appear, then you can understand it was a copyist error and then they kept copying the same error.

Now, have you ever heard anyone say there arent any more than a thousand variations in

the New Testament? And then you read another book and it says there are 250,000 variations.

What they mean is it depends on how you count. If you count the number of copies that copied

the error, then they arent all separate errors, its just continually copying the same error. So how

many variants do we actually have? We dont have many at all. But if you want to know about

copies of the bad copies, yeah we got a lot of those. But actually copying and counting the
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 23:56

number of errors, its very, very small. In fact, again its smaller than any other document in

ancient history. And Greek is not nearly as accurate in its transmission problems as Hebrew.

Well, two more things about this whole issue of difficulties. We talked about this in terms

of theories and in terms of the transmission of the text, but how about in terms of the truthfulness

of Jesus Himself? Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-18, Not one jot or one tittle shall pass away until

all this be fulfilled. In Luke 24:44-46 He said, All of these Scriptures are concerning Me. In

John 10:34-36 He said, The Scripture cannot be broken. Do you think God is capable of

preserving His text as well as originally delivering it? Sure He is.

You see that brings me to the fourth issue, the terms of the testimony of the writers


Joshua 1:8 you take that. Next Joshua 11:15; 24:26

1 Samuel 10:25; 2 Samuel 23:1-3

1 Kings 14:18-19, 29; 15:23, 31; 16:14, 20, 27, 34; 22:39, 45

Next 1 Chronicles 29:29-30

2 Chronicles 32:32; 33:18-19; 35:26-27; 36:21-22

Ezra 1:1

Nehemiah 8:8

Psalm 119:89; 138:2

2 Peter 3:15-16

[The following Scriptures were read aloud in class by the students from various versions

of the Bible. In many cases the voices were inaudible, and therefore we have inserted the King

James Version, read by Stephen Johnston.]

Here we go. This is the testimony of the writers themselves, so lets see what we have.

Lets start right over here with Joshua 1:8 (KJV).

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 25:59

This book of the law shalt not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate

therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is

written therein. For then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt

have good success.

We are to be careful. We are to meditate on it day and night. Do you think anybody did?

Yeah, I think they did then just like they do today.

Joshua 11:15

As the LORD had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua,

and so Joshua did. He left nothing undone of all that the LORD commanded


Whoa! Pretty strong! He left nothing undone of all that God commanded him. Maybe

he meant half?

Joshua 24:26

Then Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God. And took a great

stone, and set it up there under the oak that was by the sanctuary of the LORD.

He actually did what? And he wrote it down. He probably just freely translated it. Dont

think so?

1 Samuel 10:25 (KJV)

Then Samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a book

and laid it up before the LORD. And Samuel sent all the people away, every man

to his house.
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 27:15

He did what? Didnt he just trust their memory? Oh, he actually wrote it in a book.

2 Samuel 23:1-3

Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man

who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet

psalmist of Israel said, The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in

my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spoke to me, He that ruleth

over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.

You mean the Spirit of God spoke to David? And he actually put the word on His

tongue? You mean he really thought he got direct revelation from God?

1 Kings 14:18-19, 29

And they buried him; and all Israel mourned for him, according to the word of

the LORD, which He spake by the hand of his servant Ahijah the prophet. And

the rest of the acts of Jeroboam, how he warred and how he reigned, behold, they

are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.

You mean he wrote them down? Everything he did? What does verse 29 say?

Now the rest of the acts of Rehoboam, and all that he did, are they not written in

the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah?

Wow! He wrote it down. Hmm, thats interesting!

1 Kings 15:23, 31
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 28:43

The rest of all the acts of Asa, and all his might, and all that he did, and the cities

which he built, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of

Judah? Nevertheless in the time of his old age he was diseased in his feet.Now

the rest of the acts of Nadab, and all that he did, are they not written in the book

of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?

Well, apparently God is having them write all of this down. Hmm.

1 Kings 16:14, 20, 27, 34

Now the rest of the acts of Elah, and all that he did, are they not written in the

book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?Now the rest of the acts of Zimri,

and his treason that he wrought, are they not written in the book of the chronicles

of the kings of Israel?Now the rest of the acts of Omri which he did, and the

might that he shewed, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the

kings of Israel?

Arent these just stories, myths somebody made up? You mean they are actual events

somebody wrote down? How about verse 34? Maybe thats an exception.

In his days did Hiel the Bethelite build Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in

Abiram his firstborn, and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son Segub,

according to the word of the LORD, which He spake by Joshua the son of Nun.

Oh, you mean God? You know we read about Moses. You mean Joshua too? God told

him all that? Man! This is a little different than I thought.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 30:11

1 Kings 22:39, 45

Now the rest of the acts of Ahab, and all that he did, and the ivory house which

he made, and all the cities that he built, are they not written in the book of the

chronicles of the kings of Israel?Now the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, and

his might that he shewed, and how he warred, are they not written in the book of

the chronicles of the kings of Judah?

Why dont they just say, now the rest of the acts were told to all the kids? Apparently

they didnt trust them.

1 Chronicles 29:29-30

Now the acts of King David, first and last, indeed they are written in the book of

Samuel the seer, in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the

seer, with all his reign and his might, and the events that happened to him, to

Israel, and to all the kingdoms of the countries.

Wow, all those guys are in the Bible!

2 Chronicles 32:32

Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and his goodness, behold, they are written

in the vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, and in the book of the kings

of Judah and Israel.

Now, weve got Isaiah. Weve got Samuel and Gad and Nathan and all these prophets

and youre telling me they wrote down what they said?

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 31:26

2 Chronicles 33:18-19

Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and his prayer unto his God, and the words

of the seers that spake to him in the name of the LORD God of Israel, behold

they are written in the book of the kings of Israel. His prayer also, and how God

was intreated of him, and all his sin, and his trespass, and the places wherein he

built high places, and set up groves and graven images, before he was humbled:

behold, they are written among the sayings of the seers.

And all that was written down. Amazing! Next

2 Chronicles 35:26-27

Now the rest of the acts of Josiah, and his goodness, according to that which was

written in the law of the LORD, And his deeds, first and last, behold, they are

written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah.


2 Chronicles 36:21-22

To fulfill the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah, until the land had

enjoyed her sabbaths: for as long as she lay desolate she kept sabbath, to fulfill

three score and ten years. Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the

word of the LORD spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the

LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation

throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing.

Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 32:48

So it was all by the mouth of Jeremiah the prophet and God fulfilled it and it is all recorded every

last bit of it.

Ezra 1:1

Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the

mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus

king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put

it also in writing.

What came out of the mouth of Jeremiah, his own ideas you meant, didnt you? What did

it say? What came out of his mouth? How did it start? Read it again. Oh, the word of the Lord!

Nehemiah 8:8

So they read in the book of the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and

caused them to understand the reading.

Thats probably not true. They probably winged it a little bit. You dont mean they took

all that time and tried to get people to understand the exact meaning of the written word of God

do you?

Ps 119:89

Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

You mean it didnt just happen? You mean this thing was all a shut case before we

started? You probably didnt read that right. What was that again, it says forever, huh?

Psalm 138:2
Difficulties of Inspiration - Part Two Time 34:04

I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy

lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy


He has what? He magnified His word above His name? His name is who God is. What

are you telling me? Are you trying to tell me this would have to be infallible then? Whoa!

2 Peter 3:15-16

And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved

brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given to him hath written unto you;

As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some

things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest,

as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction.

He did what? He wrote according to wisdom given to himhe didnt come up with it

himself? In all his epistles that which is writtenwhat do you think, class? Do you think God is

concerned about a written revelation? Yeah, Id say so.

Shall we pray?

Father, thank You that You have given us a complete, final, sufficient revelation

from Your mouth through Your prophets to us in written form that we can read

and know Your word. May we not take this lightly, but may we become students

of the word of God. May the next time when were alone, no one else is around

to be impressed, when we open this blessed Book, may we remember it is Your

word to us. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 15
Review and Issues of Canonicity

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Review and Issues of Canonicity

Okay, lets pray.

Father, we thank You for Your wonderful word, thank you for the Bible. Thank

You, Lord that here is all the direction we need. Your word is a lamp unto our

feet and a light unto our path. Thank You for the freedom we have to learn about

You and to preach Your word. And I pray that You will give us wisdom about

how to draw peoples hearts toward You. May our nation never forget that Your

gracious hand has made all this possible. You told us when we are blessed, when

we have eaten and are full that we will never forget what the Lord has done. We

pray, Lord for our countrys financial crisis. That the leaders might turn their

hearts to You. Thank You for this class, in Jesus name. Amen.

We are talking about the difficulties in inspiration. We were talking about variant reports.

Variant reports are normally looked at in the gospels. Especially in Matthew, Mark, and Luke

which are called the synoptic gospels. And I did not give you this fact last time, but I would like

you to make a note of it. Approximately ninety-three percent of the material in John is not found

in Matthew, Mark or Luke. In addition to the resurrection, the feeding of the 5,000 is mentioned

in all four gospels.

Remember that these gospel writers are giving us a picture of Jesus ministry which could

have been as much as four years, perhaps three and half is better. And they could have had books

three and four times their size. How do we know that? We know that from the statement in John


And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should

be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the

books that should be written.

Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 02:47

It would be impossible to record all the things that Jesus did. And I point that out because so

many people when they look at the problem of variant reports, they act like Jesus only did

something or said something on one occasion. And therefore there are three different views of it.

The longer I have studied this matter, the more I have become convinced that they were spoken

on many different occasions.

One of the major variant reports is the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and Luke.

People try to make a lot of that, but again if you realize that Jesus said things on different

occasions, He didnt say them in exactly the same way. But there really isnt any variant report

there. There is additional information in Matthew, so apparently the sermon that He delivered

there was longer than the words that Luke heard on his occasion.

Sometimes when people are talking about variant reports, they havent looked carefully

at the background. For instance, in the context it may be that on one occasion Hes in the

wilderness, or out by a desert place. Or the other time it might be that He went up to a mountain,

or one is in Northern Galilee and the other is in Judea. This is a very critical thing.

Just one example: some say that the supper He had in Luke 7:36 is identical to the supper

in John 12:2. Now if you say that, then youve got a problem of variant reports. Let me just show

you how people do this. In Luke 7, He was at the home of a Pharisee named Simon and a woman

came in to wash His feet with her hair and tears. In John 12, Hes at the home of Mary, Martha,

and Lazarus in Bethany, or presumably so, since Martha serves there and Lazarus is there. Some

say that that very meeting, that supper was a celebration of the resurrection of Lazarus. But I

simply point out that if you think they are the same story because of one detailthe woman who

comes in from the streetif you think that is the same, then you have to go to all kinds of

contortions to solve the problem. So many people have argued that the actual dinner in John 12,

though in the town of Bethany, was hosted by Simon the Pharisee. But under this view, you have

no proof that Simon the Pharisee ever lived in Bethany.

Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 05:23

So thats what Im trying to say is with variant reports, people push these things to a point

that they act like its the same story. And I dont believe that at all. I believe those are two

different stories with two different impacts by the way, two different conclusions. They were in

two different locations and two different times.

Be careful about concluding that each thing you read that looks similar in the gospels is

somehow the same event. Background will often show you that its not the same event. Thats

like the blind men that are healed. One blind man in one case (Mark 10:46-47 and Luke 18:35),

two blind men in the other (Matthew 20:29-30) and Jericho is mentioned [in each passage]. But

as we know now in archaeology there are two Jerichos, there was old and new. So the actual

details of Him leaving the city versus entering the city is exactly correct if you know the old and

the new Jericho. But if you dont know that, it looks like an apparent contradictiona variant


Now the next one that were talking about is closely related to a variant report, and thats

contradictory statements. Its a little different than variant reporting. This is what people believe

is a direct, provable contradiction. Now, heres what I do and youll have to do the same. And by

the way, books like Gleason-Archer, the Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, normally they will

give you some insight into these supposed contradictions, most of them are listed in there.

But heres what you need to ask. First of all, is the passage in the original text or

confirmed by manuscript evidence? Now what I have found is that, that question has become a

very unimportant one, even though I still ask it. It is largely fostered by those who dont believe

certain passages are in the Greek text. The woman taken in adultery, John 8:1-11. The last few

verses of Mark 16, which they say are not in a majority of the manuscripts. Yet I think theres no

question the evidence points to Mark being included.

Some people use the discipleship passages to prove other contradictions. A disciple,

mathts, is a simple learner. If you would see a rabbi, with a bunch of kids running around after
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 07:45

him and listening to his every word, they are called his disciples. They may or may not believe

what he says. They are just listening to him. You may not believe all that you are hearing, but you

are at least required to listen. So you are my disciples, at least in this sense of the class. But

whether you are true believers in all that Im saying, thats another question. And sorry for the

inadequate comparison to our Lord, I dont mean anything by it except to illustrate that

discipleship does not mean that you are a believer in Jesus Christ. That has been often held. And

so some people use the discipleship passages to prove other contradictions.

An example is that you have to be a disciple under the terms of discipleship in order to

prove you are born again. So therefore, salvation is something more than by faith. This led people

to talk about lordship salvation. That somehow theres a difference between believing in Jesus

Christ as your lord and following Him as your lord. Now you can follow Him and not be saved,

which almost seems like an incredulous thought to us. But you could follow, hang around with

Him, travel in the same caravan, hear all of His teaching, ask Him questions, all of that, and never

be born again.

So you see when people say contradictory statements, youve got to know whats behind

that. And in this case, is the passage in the original text? And the answer is, yes! It does belong in

the original text, but some people try to get out of the contradiction by it not being in the text.

Now, there are other reasons why theyd leave out Mark 16. Or theyd say it is a

contradictory statement. And that is the statement Jesus made about these signs will follow those

that believe (Mark 16:17). One of them says they will take up snakes and drink deadly poison.

Its not just speaking in new tongues. And I dont know if you are into snake handling and poison

drinking to prove your great faith in the Lord, but there are actually people, religious groups, who

actually believe that. They believe that passage. Then someone comes along to them and says,

Well, its not in the original text. Then they lose their confidence in the Lord and all of that.
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 09:52

Well, it is in the original text and Jesus really did say that. The question is: does that passage refer

to all of us today? Or does it refer to the apostles? Thats a very important issue.

Now did any of the apostles happen to have a poisonous snake bite them? Yes, Paul did

in Acts. So you see we need to just back up a moment. When youre looking at supposed

contradictory statements youve got to ask: Is the passage there in the original text? Is it

confirmed by the manuscript evidence? And we havent even talked about that in this class yet,

but we are going to. And that is a serious subject.

A second question is: Is the translation absolutely correct? Many times the translation is

quoting Old Testament Hebrew. Its a quotation of that. Or it might be quoting the Greek

translation of an Old Testament passage and it may not quite have it. There are rare exceptions,

but there are some where the English itself is not accurate. The more you learn about Jewish

things, the more aware you are that not everything clearly represents whats actually said.

Sometimes a contradictory statement is intended.

For example, Which is easier for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God or for a camel

to go through the eye of a needle? (cf. Mark 10:25). Now, to show you how people have trouble

with that, pastors are still parroting this illustration. They say that in the door of the sheep gate

there was a little smaller door through which you had to really push. It would be very difficult,

but you could get a camel through there, but mostly it was for sheep and goats. But you just push

and shove and kick and squeeze, but finally you could get him in. The point is that its difficult to

get in, but rich men can get in. You know all that struggle to try to help everybody understand the

Bible is not helpful. The word needle means needle. Were talking a weavers needle. The point

is that Jesus Himself used a contradictory statement to show you that without God it wont

happen. In other words, no one, not somebody pushing a camel through a little tiny door, but no

one, no rich man, no one can possibly get into heaven without the Lord! Its an impossibility! So
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 12:12

Jesus used it in a figure of speech in an unbelievable, fascinating way in terms of what we call

contradictory speech.

But we have that in the Bible; we have hyperboles also in the Bibleexaggerations for

effect. They couldnt happen, but its a figure of speech. Now later in our course before were

done, were going to show you those things. I think some of you are really going to have your

eyes open to how we really read the Bible. How do we interpret the Bible? Many times when

youre dealing with somebody about contradictory statements, theres more to that issue than

meets the eye. And you have to deal with that. Is the interpretation the only possible one? And is

our present knowledge final? In the case of the two Jerichos it wasnt final until archaeological

evidence showed it.

When I was in graduate school they announced to us that the first known contradiction in

the Bible thats provable was discovered. The Assyrian obelisk stone, its an eight-sided stone, it

sits in front of the Assyrian room in the Oriental Institute of Chicago. I was so disturbed, I went

to see it. And it has a list of all the Assyrian kings except Sargon and the Bible mentions Sargon.

He was a great leader, a great conqueror. And so people announced that heres a known

contradiction. We got the Assyrian list of kings. Sargons name is not on it, theres nothing close

to it. Everybodys panicking, writing articles and everything else. But some dear guys working

over in Iraq in an excavation, actually uncovered Sargons entire palace and his name was

engraved in every brick! We even found out why his name was off the list. Because the guy

following him was so upset at all the prominence he had, he decided to wipeout every vesture of

his name so that people would never remember him. So he took him off the list of kings, trying to

make people believe he never even existed. Kind of like a lot of people do with the Holocaust

under Hitler, try to act like it never happened.

So you understand that when you are dealing with these contradictory statements, ask

yourself: Is our present knowledge final? Often archaeology, often the things that we have
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 14:17

discovered have proven the validity of the Bible. They did the same thing with the city of Hazor.

They said, Why does the Bible mention such a great city and then Joshua attacked it? If the

Bible was true, wed have evidence of it. Well, in your time and mine, they have uncovered all

of Hazor. It is now a tourist site and they now know the Bible is exactly correct for what it said.

So you see, what archaeology does is it just causes us to catch up with the Bible. I would

suggest youd be a lot happier if youd just believe the Bible to start with.

I dont believe unscientific expression is a problem, but every now and then it comes up.

The reason why I mention this is that sometimes it doesnt come up from unbelievers, it comes up

from Christians who are trying to make a big deal over these statements that appear to be

unscientific. Theyre going all over the place trying to figure out where the ends of the earth

areprobably magnetic polesto try to prove their point. And class, its totally unnecessary!

Remember that in the Bible we have common peoples vocabulary. And they use expressions. We

do that. Its a hyperbole.

I would expect to see this definition of inerrancy if I were you: The Bible is without

error in its original autographs, accurately reporting all matters which are written in the 66 books

of the Old and New Testaments.

Why dont you just say that the Bible is without error in the original autographs and end

it? Or why dont you just say the Bible is without error? Because it doesnt say all that needs to

be said. What do you mean by the Bible? Some groups add the Apocrypha. Some groups add the

Book of Mormon and so forth.

One of the most important words in that statement is original autographs. Why?

because we dont have them. Well then how do you know its without error in the original

autographs? Isnt that an interesting question? Were going to be dealing with all of this in terms

of both canonicity and manuscript evidence. And when we talk about the Bible being without
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 16:14

error in its original autographs, were up against it with a lot of people today in the Christian

world. For example, theres a group called King James Only.

Now I happen to be a King James man, which I think youve fairly well concluded. I like

the King James, but Im not in the camp of King James Only. They actually teach, class, that

inerrancy applies to the King James Bible. It applies to English. Now, if I was speaking another

language from another culture, I would be offended. What do you mean? English is the language?

Their answer is Ninety-four percent of the world speaks English. Now Ive never been able to

evaluate that statistic. I just know there are a lot of people who dont. My personal opinion is that

statistic is incorrect. And its basically used by people who speak English. Why do they say that

ninety-four percent of the world speaks English? Its because ninety-four percent of the entire

population of the world lives in a country or a culture who has adopted English, at least as its

second language.

Now you and I both know that when we go to school not everybody learns a [secondary]

language. We both know also that not everybody goes to school, especially in third world

countries. In my opinion this is overstating the case and will develop an arrogant prideful attitude

about English. There are still languages and dialects in the world that have yet to receive one

verse of Scripture in their own tongue. Be careful what you argue, class. Be careful what you say

to people.

The Bible is without error in the original autographs but we dont have those, so how can

we even know that it is without error in the original autographs? When we talk about inerrancy,

we mean not that there arent lies in the Bible. There are lies in the Bible. The devil, when he

speaks, he usually lies. When men speak they are often lies, but they are accurately reported. That

is the issue of inspiration and you add to that without error. So you see, both of them have to go

together. Some people say to me, Why dont you just believe in the inspiration of the Bible?

Why do you add inerrancy? Because inspiration is stripped of its meaning if there is no
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 18:26

inerrancy. Inerrancy means there isnt any error. So if its inspired, the writing, it means its

totally reliable. Its accurately reported. But if it has error in it then it cant be said to be

accurately reported. Do you understand?

I dont know how many people have told me, just well-meaning Christians, Why are

you guys pushing this inerrancy thing? We have normally, you know, all of us have believed in

inspiration. All Christians say the Bible is inspired, thats our unity. Why say its without error?

Because there is no inspiration if its not without error! Thats why we had a few years ago what

was called the Counsel on Inerrancy, which brought together leading pastors and theologians all

over the United States and the world to discuss this issue. And it is a very important one.

The watershed of Christianity, if youd put it that way, or the bottom line in this

generation is the Bible itself. That is the battle. There have been many books written on the battle

for the Bible, on inerrancy and all this and rightly so. Why? Because it is being undermined and

Satans behind it! And if they accomplish the goal to undermine peoples confidence in the Bible,

as the authoritative, inspired inerrant word of God, then we will eventually see Christianity


I am a very difficult person to talk to if you do not believe that the Bible is the word of

God. Im sorry; this is not a light issue class. I dont want to inflate the importance of this class,

but its one of the most important classes you can sit in because it really is a foundation behind

everything else. You take a course in Isaiah or Daniel or something and you are reading through.

I want to ask the question, wait a minute, do you believe that is without error and totally inspired

of God? If you dont, its undermining everything thats being said. This is a fundamental issue.

And so, I do want you to understand that it is not only without error in the original

autographs, but it is accurately reporting whatever is said. If its a lie it is accurately reported, that

is what was said. Theres no freedom here of private interpretation. The Bible says exactly the
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 20:40

opposite, That no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation (cf. 2 Peter 1:19-21). So

this is a very, very critical issue.

And connected to this issue are two main issues. One is what we call canonicity that

were going to talk about now. How do you know that youve got all the books that belong in the

Bible? And how do you know the ones you have here are supposed to be there? That is

canonicity. Manuscript evidence, of course, deals with the text. How do you know what the

original autographs are? And again, I do not believe the King James Version is the issue of

inerrancy. I believe it is an excellent translation into English of the Greek text, the Textus

Receptus that was received by the churches. But that isnt the original autograph. The original

autograph was in Greek with some Aramaic Hebraisms also, and in Hebrew in the Old Testament

with some Aramaic. So we need to look at this very carefully.

First of all, the meaning of canon, I will expect you to know this. Canon, it is a rule; it is

a standard, by which something is measured. Now the usage of the word canon, which is a Greek

word, appears in four passages: 2 Corinthians 10:13, 15, 16, and Galatians 6:16. Some

translations translate that rule or line of things. Now it was first used in history by

Athanasius. Athanasius was the advocate [who held] that the Bible teaches the tri-unity of God.

He was the one who pushed 1 John 5:7 being in the Bible. Arius believed that this was not

correct. [He believed] that the unity of God. God is one, therefore Jesus is not God; He is the Son

of God. And that was a big controversy!

But Athanasius was the first one to use the term canon and heres what he said: It

refers to the authoritative and inspired writings that are collected. The term canon was used

first by Athanasius in 367 A.D., to refer to the collection of authoritative and inspired writings.

Now the Old Testament canon (that is how we know what books belong in the Old

Testament) was evaluated in a tremendous council meeting by men who were called the Boulema,

a Greek word for councilBOULEMA. You know in Israel in the first century, we had the
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 23:22

Sanhedrin. You read about that in the gospels, Caiaphas, Annas, the Sanhedrin. Class, I hope you

understand this. The Sanhedrin is a Roman puppet government. It is not something the Jews

established. The priesthood was corrupt and [they] were treacherous betrayers to the people.

But there was a godly group of men who were loyal to the Bible. And they called

themselves the Boulema. They were like Orthodox Rabbinical scholars who paid attention to the

preservation of Gods word. Seventy years after the destruction of Jerusalem, they immediately

saw the need for their own survival protection and distinctness in Gods plan, or uniqueness.

They had a council at Jamnia. It went on for a long time. They evaluated every single book of the

Old Testament and actually had some serious questions. For instance, the Song of Solomon

because of its sensuality, they wondered if it should be included; Ecclesiastes because it seems so

secular; Esther because it didnt mention the name of God. But all of those were eventually

included on the basis of evidence that were going to talk about.

Considerations for Canonicity

Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic?

Prophet or Apostle?

Evidence: Divine, Human, Archaeological & Historic?

Circulated, Read, Evaluated & Discussed?

Theological, Logical, Factual, Experiential & Biblical?
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 24:39

When you talk about canonicity, we have listed for you five issues. What determines the

canon, or how many books are truly authoritative and inspired, and come from the Lord, are the

following five things: Language, Authorship, Inspiration, Acceptance, and Completionwhether

its done or whether there is indication in the books you have that more is coming.

Now, lets take a look at language, class, these are just basic facts. But I expect you to

know some of these that you are able to adequately explain to people. The Old Testament, in

Hebrew has twenty-two books. I think I have mentioned this many times. Jews call it the Tanach.

T-A-N-A-C-H. CH has a hard sound like K. Tanach. Now they are the exact same materials

as the thirty-nine books in the English Bible. But heres what I want you to watch out for. The

verse numberings in your Protestant Bible do not always match the verse numberings in a

Hebrew Bible. So, you have to be careful. In fact, in Proverbs some whole sections are reversed

and turned around. So its something to understand. But you have the same content. Its organized

differently. Like Jeremiah and Lamentations being one book and Chronicles and Kings and

Samuel are not divided up like we do in the English Bible.

Also, understand that the Aramaic, which is a form or a derivation of Hebrew. Aramaic is

in Ezra and in Daniel. And it was the court and trade language of ancient Babylon and Persia.

Now the New Testament contains twenty-seven books in Greek with frequent

expressions from Aramaic. And more people today are saying that they are Hebrew, not Aramaic.

But Aramaic was the language spoken by Jews in Israel during the first century A.D. Although

class, recent discoveries are proving maybe more than we ever understood that Hebrew was

spoken by the Jews in Israel first century. Now, what would be the reason for this mix-up? Well

first of all, Aramaic was spoken by all those who came from the captivity of Babylon. They

learned the court language, they learned Aramaic; it was the trade language. They brought it into

Israel. But do you remember in Philippians 3, when Paul was listing his pedigree? He said he was
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 27:15

a Hebrew of the Hebrews. Remember that? Now what that means is that he spoke Hebrew and he

was therefore not what the common people were speaking.

Apparently the common people were speaking a little mixture of Aramaic and Greek.

Greek was forced on them, since Alexander the Great through the Roman Empire, they spoke

Greek. It was the international language. That is why you have in the Bible the term Hellenist,

which sometimes people confuse for the word Gentile. But it doesnt refer to Gentile. Hellenist

refers to somebody who speaks Greek and has been influenced by Greek culture. Do you

remember in Acts 7 when they selected seven men of honest report to handle the distribution of

funds to the widows? The problem was that the Hellenistic widows were being neglected. Now

that wasnt a simple oversight. Its just that a lot of Jews when you dont follow strong Hebrew

and Orthodox teaching, they put you outside the camp of Israel.

I received a form letter that had been made up in paper by the Orthodox Rabbinical

Council of America. This Orthodox Rabbinical Council sent me a paper to tell me that Zionism is

not Judaism. Zionism refers to the movement to return people to the land of Israel. They literally

do not recognize Israel and do not believe they are true Jews. These are Orthodox rabbis. Figure

that one out!

You see the same thing was there in the New Testament. They believe Israel has adapted

itself to the secularism of our world and its culture and they are not following what God said. The

article is interesting. I was fascinated by it!

They said, We will not get this land until the Messiah comes.

Actually thats true.

They said, We should not build the temple until the Messiah builds it.

And thats true also. But we know in the Bible, dont we, that Israel will build the temple

in the Tribulation. And we also know in the Bible that Israel will in unbelief become inhabitants

of Jerusalem. So see the Orthodox rabbis have not been listening that carefully. If they heard me
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 29:30

carefully they would understand that I never said that they had come to believe in the Messiah.

What I said was that they are a fulfillment of Bible prophesy because they are there exactly like

the Bible said, inhabiting Jerusalem, they are there waiting for the Messiah to come whom they

will look on the one they have pierced and mourn for Him as one mourns for an only son (cf.

Zechariah 12:10). So you see there is some truth to what they said; there is also some error, but

the big message that comes out is not all Jews are real Jews. And of course, it just delights me to

be able to communicate with them that a very Orthodox Hebrew of the Hebrews wrote long ago

that A Jew is not one who is one outwardly, but is one who is one inwardly. That circumcision is

not in the flesh but is in the heart (cf. Romans 2:28-29). Of course that will not be well received

by them.

But needless to say class, what we have in the New Testament about Hellenistic Jews

being neglected, whats new under the sun? The problem would be no different today. So, we

need to understand that Aramaic was what common people were speaking. They had brought it

from Babylon, also Greek. But that Hebrew was still being spoken and especially by those who

want to be committed to what God taught in His word. They wanted to be committed to the word,

so they had a tendency to show their opposition to the Roman Empire by refusing to learn either

Aramaic or Greek. This is all very interesting, as it relates to what the Bible is. For God put the

Bible not only in the language of all of those who were faithful to the word of God, the Old

Testament Tanach; but He also put it in the language of all the people of the world so they could

hear the wonderful good news of Christ. And this New Testament in Greek quotes voluminously

from the Hebrew Old Testament. So God sort of sealed the whole thing up.

Lets take a look at authorship and then well take a break. The second issue of

canonicity is not only language. If I handed you a book that was in Arabic and I said, This

belongs in the canon of the Bible. You see, on the basis of the principles of canonicity that they

use, it would never be accepted. Why? Its in the wrong language. If I hand you a book and say,
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 31:56

You know, this is in the Songo language of Central Africa and its definitely one of the original

books of the Bible. Im sorry. Its in the wrong language. But class, cant you see how

troublesome this would be if we presented to you twelve books, all from the first century, all

written in Greek and said they belong in the New Testament? So you see language isnt the only

issue. Weve got to keep moving. Thats just one thing.

We do have to talk about authorship. What do we mean by that? Well, were trying to

determine what books belong in the Bible. Well to be part of the canon, the book has to be written

by a recognized prophet or apostle. You say where did you learn that? In the Bible itself! Turn to

Ephesians 2:20. Ephesians was written by whom? Paul was a crucial element in determining

canonicity. Why? Because not only the scholarship, but hes well known in history. There is no

doubt; nobody can fight the influence of the apostle Paul. So therefore what Paul says about these

matters is very important, since he himself claimed to have direct revelation from Christ in

Galatians 1:1.

In Ephesians 2:20 he said that This church, household of God, is built upon the

foundation of the apostles and prophets (cf. Ephesians 2:20). Now the definite article in front of

apostles specifies it, among all the rest of the apostles. Are there apostles who did not write

Scripture? Yes. Timothy, Silvanus, Epaphroditus, Epaphrus, Titus, Andronicus, Junius, none of

them wrote Scripture; yet they are all called apostles. So it is the apostles. Notice he does not

repeat the definite article in front of the word prophet. This is an elementary rule of Greek

grammar, which says that when two nouns are connected by and, and the definite article the

is in front of the first noun but not the second, it connects equals. In other words, there is

something about apostles and prophets that makes them equal. It is a particular group of them.

Now, in case you missed this and didnt pick up on it, he specifically deals with it in chapter three

as he continues on his discussion.

Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 34:14

Ephesians 3:3-5,

How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in

few words, Whereby, when you read, you may understand my knowledge in the

mystery of Christ) Which in other ages was not known unto the sons of men, as it

is now revealed unto his [what is it now?] holy apostles and prophets....

Once again, the definite article is there, though not indicated because there is an

adjective, holy. And once again it is the same construction as Ephesians 2:20. Why did he put the

word holy there?because all these men were sinless? No. The word holy means to set apart.

The point is in Ephesians 2:20-22, you know, is that there are only certain apostles and prophets

that are the foundation of the church. So dont let anybody tell you that any old apostle could be.

No, there are only certain ones who are the foundation. And in Ephesians 3:5, we learn that these

certain ones also had a specific task that made them that foundation. They were set apart for the

communication of this revelation. Is everybody with me? I hope you did not miss that. Therefore,

the early church demanded proof that a true apostle and prophet was the author of the book. It

became one of the most serious issues of canonicity because many of the books were not written

by a true prophet.

Now, how do you know who a true prophet is? You have to go back and examine like in

Deuteronomy 18 or Deuteronomy 13. If he ever predicts something and it doesnt come true, you

know hes not a true prophet. Now the reason why Im telling you this is specific books called

The Lost Books of the New Testament, which have been printed to kind of make us all think there

are other books, in fact have authors who in the early centuries were predicting things,

prophesying things that were ludicrous and never came true.

Now let me ask you a question. What about Joseph Smith? How do I know that these

books do not belong in the Bible? Some people use the argument, Well, we have a complete and
Review and Issues of Canonicity Time 36:26

final revelation from God. That is one of the arguments, but it isnt the only argument. Is Joseph

Smith a true prophet? I can give you one thing alone that tells me whether or not hes a true

prophet. He said there were people on the moon. Flat out, I dont care how many Mormons

respect him; hes not a true prophet of God.

By the way, if theyre involved in more than one wife, they also go off our list. Did

Joseph Smith have more than one wife? Did you know that the beautiful film they have in the

temple in Salt Lake City tells the story of Joseph Smith. But you talk about a smooth lie! Joseph

Smith is presented as having only one wife. Mormons arent dumb.

You see, there are many basis, when we look at how early church leaders and people

examine whether a book is truly from God. How do we know? One of the most important is

authorship because of Ephesians 2:20 and Ephesians 3:5. Now youve got a specific that you can

deal with people on.

And now you need a break.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 16
The Inerrancy of the Bible

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
The Inerrancy of the Bible

To be a part of the canon they had to have evidence of divine inspiration. Here are the

key words: must be proven by the testimony of the writers themselves, by Jesus Christ Himself,

by eye-witnesses of what is recorded, by the witness of the Holy Spirit in the believers as they

read the books, and by archaeology and historical accuracy. Wow, they actually considered those

things? Oh yes! We still do today.

When you look at the Book of Mormon, you have no record anywhere of the testimony

of any biblical writers that anything in that book belongs in the Bible. But contrary to popular

opinion, we have a lot of remarks by the writers of the New Testament and Old Testament

concerning other writers of the Old and New Testament. So you see, early Christians were wise

on inspiration. They kept asking the question, What is the evidence of divine inspiration? And

if it is there, then we should expect to see it proven by the testimony of the writers or by Jesus


How do I know that David, when he was running around those limestone caves really had

God speak to him directly like he says? There wasnt anybody there checking on it. And the

answer is that we have Jesus Christ Himself saying in the gospels that David, by the Spirit

said Do you see? This seems like a simple issue but its not. When Luke wrote, he spoke

about the eye-witnesses. When you read in the book of Acts 1:1, The second treatise, O

Theophilus, then you immediately know that he is referring to the Gospel of Luke.

You see throughout the Bible, those who study this issueand this is a whole science

we have two kinds of criticism, class. We have higher criticism and we have lower criticism, and

they dont refer to the height level of the critic. Okay? Higher criticism deals with matters like

authorship, history, background, dates, etc., whether the writers quote one another. That is higher

criticism. It doesnt mean they are liberals. There are liberal higher critics and there are

fundamental higher critics. Lower criticism refers to the actual text, manuscript evidence. And
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 03:28

again they may be liberal in theology or fundamental. But inspiration was a very critical matter. Is

there any evidence?

Also you know, when the early believers would read a book, if the early believers who

had the Holy Spirit in them, if the Bible is true in 1 John 5 about the witness of the Spirit and

about the Spirit bearing witness with our spirit, Romans 8, then we should see some evidence

among all the believers as they read the chapter and pass it around. Lets everybody read it and

what do we think? Now that wasnt the only test.

But folks, listen to me. If the Holy Spirit is truly in you, then one of the things that

happens in you is He bears witness with your spirit as to the validity of what you read in the

Bible. I trust that many, many times when I read something like in the Book of Mormon or

somewhere else. I dont feel anything. Its not because Im against the Mormons. There is nothing

in there that compares with the impact of the Bible. I know it in my heart. Am I the final

authority? No. But its one of the evidences. And when all the Christians were unanimous, thats

from God. And then when all the Christians were unanimous and said, thats nonsense. Well of

course it wasnt accepted into the canon if they all rejected it by reading it.
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 04:42

Considerations for Canonicity

Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic?

Prophet or Apostle?

Evidence: Divine, Human, Archaeological & Historic?

Circulated, Read, Evaluated & Discussed?

Theological, Logical, Factual, Experiential & Biblical?

This brings me to number four, which is related to it, namely acceptance. To be a part of

the canon, the books needed to be circulated, read, and accepted without reservation as being

divinely inspired. Thats the other interesting thing. They didnt take any doubtful books, none of

them. They took only that which was unanimously accepted by the churches. Which I think is a

rather interesting argument. In other words, they took the position when in doubt, throw it out.

The three major periods of history in which these issues of the canon were evaluated and

The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 05:18

Historic Periods of Evaluation

Circulation and Gradual Collection

(A.D. 70-170)

Extensive Theological Writing

(A.D. 170-303)

Formal Collection and Acceptance

(A.D. 303-397)

We have whats called Circulation and Gradual Collection. That was just in a hundred-year

period from the end of the destruction of Jerusalem to about 170 A.D. It includes some of the

most important church leaders that you could ever know. Why?because they wrote

voluminously and they had contact with the apostles. Polycarp was a disciple of John himself. We

have men like Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Marcion, Papillus. And other writings

included the Epistle of Barnabus, the Didachethe Didache means teaching. The expanded title

is The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles. I read it in graduate school and its an interesting volume.

It quotes about early church practices. Its dated from the first century A.D. And apparently it

might have come from the apostles trying to let the churches know what was to be practiced and

what wasnt. It deals with baptism. It deals with communion. It deals with bishops and deacons.

And it tells people about church order and its of course, quoting a lot from the New Testament.

We have also The Shepherd of Hermas. Has anyone ever told you that the view that the

Lord would come before the Tribulation was designed by a Scottish woman named MacDonald

and came into America through Darby and the Plymouth brethren as a rather late view of
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 06:46

prophecy on pre-trib and that theres no evidence at all in church history for any pre-tribulational

view. Not true. In my prophecy notes, which I didnt bring here, I have a whole passage out of

The Shepherd of Hermas thats definitely pre-tribulational. And this is one of the earliest books

we have. Is it in the Bible? No, because its not written by an apostle or prophet. It was not

inspired of God. But its a wonderful book. Its just a book that was written by Christians.

We have also whats called the Extensive Theological Writing period. For about, oh I dont

know, 160 yearssomething like that maybe less, 130 yearsyou have Irenaeous, Clement,

Tertullian, Origen. Some of those names might be familiar. You might have heard them at some

point, though you know very little about them. But they were just unbelievable in the amount of

literature that they wrote.

Origen is probably one of the most prolific writers. He was from the Alexandrian school

of textual criticism in Egypt. He was an allegorical man. He didnt strongly emphasize the

literary, historical value of things; but rather saw the interpretation of it. He was a brilliant man.

One of the things he did was put six different translations into columns next to each other. That

was very helpful for us when we discovered it. Because then we could see a comparison of what

was the original text. But he used a lot of manuscripts that I think were very questionable. And

well talk about that before were through here.

We also have a period called Formal Collection. The word here, just to remember it, is

church councils. When we talk about Formal Collection and Acceptance, were talking the fourth

century A.D., namely 303 to about 397, and the church councils were basically accepting what

was already universally read and accepted by the churches. But it needed to be done because of

all these spurious books that we now call pseudo-graphic writings. I have a volume called

Pseudo-graphic Literature and it has all these books and its interesting to read them. But they

are not in the Bible. So these church councils had to deal with this. Do these belong in the Bible?

And it was a very, very important period of time. A lot of people criticize the church councils.
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 09:14

Jehovahs Witnesses love to tell you that many of the doctrines we believe now came out of these

church councils. Thats not so at all. Church councils simply were publicly dealing with what was

already an issue among the people.

But theres a fifth issue about canonicity and thats completionthe reasons why the

Bible was considered to be a complete and final revelation from God; therefore, nothing could be

added to it. Although they kept considering all the books that people said should be added, but

they also taught that it was a complete, final revelation.

Why the Bible Is Complete and Final

Theologically: Contains everything we need to know

Logically: Early church fathers close involvement
Factually: No attempts to change until Council of Trent
Experientially: Has the power to change lives
Biblically: Gods personal testimony of completion

First of all, we have a theological reason. The believers looked at all that they had and

said how can you add to it? They read other books and they didnt contribute anything. The

theological reason for a completed Bible is that nothing is omitted that believers need to know. I

actually still believe what those early Christians believed. I believe there isnt anything you need

to know that isnt in the Bible. Well, it doesnt tell you how to fix a toilet. Well, it might tell

you about your attitude while you do. Everything of the spirit, everything of the mind, everything

of the emotions, everything of the will is all in the word, everything I need to know, the truth
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 10:42

about all of it. As a matter of fact, the truth about decisions in life is found in the Bible. And the

older I get the more I realize the Bible has everything in it that I need.

It amuses me sometimesand Ive had more books than I know what to do withbut I

still refer to them. But you know, I guess it bothers me that we in this culture who have all of this,

weve come to believe that we need all of itthat the Bibles not enough. Twenty-five years ago

I was in the poorest country, according to the United Nations, thats on the face of the globe. The

average salary was less than a hundred dollars a year. There are no paved roads in the country.

The little huts that are along the roads, thats just about all theyve gotagricultural. No industry.

And I spent several wonderful weeks out there preaching the gospel, staying in those huts, and

living with those dear friends. And I can still remember coming down the road to those villages

and seeing one chaira chair was a luxuryone chair sitting in the village alongside the road.

And that was the pastors chair. And the pastor of the church would sit on that chair with his

Bible that he just got in his own language. And thats all he had. And he was studying, reading.

He had no other books to go to. He had no concordances. No computers, never been to Bible

college. And all over that country, I preached at churches that had thousands and thousands of

people in them, coming to know the Lord.

You see, theres something about all this that bothers me. You should know by now that

Im not against education. But I do believe that you can get educated beyond your intelligence.

Where you dont think straight any more because youre so educated. I think we better understand

that the Bible and the Holy Spirit is all that you need to build a ministry. You dont need anything


Now Im not going to go out of here and tell you all not to get anything else. To whom

much is given, much is required, so we ought to take advantage of the books that we have. But

just understand that to say we dont have everything in the Bible would make church leaders in
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 13:09

the first few centuries roll over in their graves. They wouldnt believe you. How can you call

yourself a Christian and say that? Nothing is omitted that believers need to know in that Bible.

One of these African pastors came to visit me in the States, a dear guy, Simone Pierre

NabazuinaSimon Peter. He preached like him too! But he was a dear friend of mine. And Ill

never forget when he walked into my office, the first pastors office that he had ever seen. And he

looked at those books. He fell down on his knees. His eyes wide open and started crying. He was

so overwhelmed with all we have to help us, and he had nothing. You know I cant forget that.

Ill never forget it. Maybe the Lord wanted me to know that so I could talk to you about it. Be

very careful what you say about the Bible. I dont take lightly when people try to tell me this is

not a complete and final revelation or that God spoke to them the other night and its really

Scripture and should be added. I dont believe in progressive revelation. I believe in final

completed written revelation. And its very important to me.

Its not only theological, its logical reason. The early church fathers and leaders were

closer to the issue. Isnt it a little bit of arrogance for us to be 1900 years away and say that we

understand more? If these men felt they had a completed Bible and they were unanimous in it and

even had church councils to list them, what makes us think that there should be some more?

A guy came up to me recently and said, Hey what do you think about the Gospel of


I said, Absolutely nothing. God bless you but I dont want to have anything to do with


Well, have you read it?


Well, what do you think about it?

I said, I think its a bunch of nonsense.

Do you understand the devils trap? Do you understand what he is getting us to do?
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 15:11

Im telling you folks, these things may seem simple to you, but weve got a battle out

there! A guy came up to me and said, Is it true that Revelation was written in the late 1800s,

you know the last book of the New Testament?

I said, No it was written in the first century A.D.

Youre kidding! He was just as serious as he could be. He said, Well how do you

know it was earlier?

I said, Because weve got manuscripts of it.

Wow! Gee, the other guy must have been wrong.

You know I wouldnt tell you these things, folks, unless they happened. These things are

happening. You never saw that kind of stuff forty, fifty years ago. You never saw it. There was a

deep respect and devotion to Gods word. What I see now, I see Satans using all kinds of things

just getting people not to think its a big issue. You know what else I think hes done? Hes got us

so we dont carry our Bibles and bring them to religious meetings anymore.

I got in a pastors car the other day, looked all around, I opened the glove compartment.

He said, What are you doing?

I said, Im just looking for your Bible or a New Testament.

Well, I dont have it with me all the time.

I said, Why not?

He said, David, youre impossible.

I said, How do you know youre not going to have a flat tire and somebody there is

going to need to hear the word of God! You ought to have something here. You need the Bible.

I think theres something seriously wrong, friends. I believe our pastors need to get more serious

about whats actually happening out there.

The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 16:32

You know my dad used to say, When you go to church, make sure youre fully dressed.

You got your Bible? Thats what he used to say. Fully dressedis he talking about my shirt, or

what? No, you always carry your Bible!

Ive lived long enough to watch now whats happening. And my dear student friends,

please understand that the Bible is the word of God. It has everything in it you need to know.

When we talk about what books are in the Bible and the canon of the Bible, when we talk about

the completion of the Bible, nothing is omitted. And these early guys that came to that

conclusion, they were closer to the issue.

But theres also a factual reason and that is that no attempt was made to change the canon

until the Council of Trent. What was the Council of Trent? Well, Luther nailed his Ninety-five

Theses on the door of Wittenberg in 1517; the Council of Trent was 1540a counter-reformation

movement by the Roman Catholic Church a reaction to objections by the Reformers that

church tradition was more important than the Bible.

Do you think that maybe, we have traditions that we hold onto that maybe are not in the

Bible? How about celebrating Christmas? Now, mind you, Im not for throwing out Christmas.

But I tell you something, were gong to make sure that we talk about the incarnation and virgin

birth. We make sure were going to read the Bible because thats the only thing thats important.

But have churches kind of picked up the tradition? Sure they have with the yule log, the trees, the

ornamentsits interesting.

Theres also an experiential reason the Bible is considered to be a complete and final

revelation from God. It has the proven power to save and change lives. Theres a biblical reason,

however, that we are very concerned about. God indicates that His written word would be a

complete and final revelation. Now weve dealt with some of this, especially the last line of

Scriptures we have walked through. That in the last of these days in which God spoke, He spoke

unto us by His Son (Hebrews 1:2). And then Revelation 1 saying it is the revelation of Jesus
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 18:51

Christ. And that book saying you cant add or take away. Jude 3 says, Once and for all

delivered to the saints. But lets just look at some others.

Look at Exodus 20:1. Its just a little different kind of look at this. Have you ever read

this statement? Its just a simple very short verse. And God spake all these words. Do you

believe that the Bible is the word of God? God spake all these words. Thats what it says.

Deuteronomy 4:2you might have wondered where Revelation 22:18-19 came from

its a quote from the Old Testament. Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you,

neither shall you diminish ought from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your

God, which I command you. God never gave people freedom just to add whenever they want.

This is the revelation of God and all the way through He indicates its complete and final. Do you

understand? Its not telling you when its going to end, but its telling you that God spoke all this

and you cant add to it or take away from it. So the issue of direct revelation is very important.

Extremely important!

In Deuteronomy 8:3, right at the last phrase Jesus quoted. Man doth not live by bread

alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live (Matthew

4:4). This came out of the mouth of God; it didnt come out of the mouth of men.

Psalm 19:7 is a wonderful psalm on the word of God. The law of the Lord is perfect,

converting the soul. The testimonies of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple.

The word is to complete, to finish a project. The law of the Lord is complete. That means

you cant add to it. Whatever it was, it came from the mouth of God and its done. In other words,

all these statements are implying a complete revelation. The law of the Lord is complete. Its a

finished project.

Psalm 119:89, Thy word is forever settled in heaven.

Proverbs 30:5-6, You cant add or take away fromagain, the message of Revelation

The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 21:18

In other words, that is enough to say canonicity deals with how we know that we got all

of the books were supposed to have that came from the mouth of God. And those five tests were

definitely considered by the early church in determining what is the word of God. That battle was

fought and won over and over again. There were never any disputes until the Council of Trent,

1540 A.D. And we know the reason for that. The thing Im trying to point out is, isnt it

interesting were in the battle again, a battle that was fought long ago.

But the worst battle of all is manuscript evidence. These are some of the most critical

issues of all. First of all class, when you read MS it means one manuscript; when you read MSS

thats the abbreviation for more than one manuscript. Okay. Lets see if we can handle the Old


The greatest evidence for the authenticity of the Old Testament was the discovery of the

Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947. Fragments were found in fourteen caves, and included portions from

every book of the Old Testament except Esther. There were numerous portions from

Deuteronomy, as well as commentaries and manuals on communal life at Qumran; which is

where they were discovered. But the most important thing is rarely noticed by people. The

expression it is written appears frequently in the Dead Sea Scrolls, but clearly refers to

authority of canonical Scriptures. No non-canonical writings are ever referred to in this manner in

all of the Dead Sea Scrolls. And there are tons of non-canonical writings. But they never say as

it is written. Why? Because that little phrase to the scribes who were doing that at Qumran

represented the authority of God and His word. Now, isnt that interesting? No non-canonical

have it. You say, Well thats an argument from silence. But all the canonical writings have it.

Do you understand? So youve got a double whammy there as it relates to the authority of Gods

word, known 150 years before Christ.

Interesting stuff! When I say interesting, of course all of Scripture is interesting, but

theres a mention of a teacher of righteousness in the Manual of Discipline. And its interesting.
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 24:02

Ive read a lot of it. I dont believe it refers to Jesus, but what I think is the value of it is that it

shows that one hundred years before Christ there was tremendous messianic expectancy. There

were a lot of these so-called messiahsall of that.

A students voice: Are there any other books they found there in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Besides the Bible?oh yeah, lots of them! Those are what we mean by non-canonical.

That is they dont belong in the canon of the Bible, but they had a lot of literature.

Our earliest Hebrew text that we had before the Dead Sea Scrolls, just round it off about

1000 A.D., the ninth century actually, but about 1000 A.D. and its called the Masoretic text.

Masorite meaning tradition, and thats our earliest one. So you see, weve got a gap here of over a

thousand years. And what happens here is that when we compare the Dead Sea Scrolls to the

Masoretic text, we notice the Hebrews the same. Now thats not always true in Greek; you see

wide variation, but it is very true in Hebrew. So, that remarkable identity and similarity and

agreement was powerful. It also emphasizes to us the Jews are extremely careful and amazingly

accurate in their copying of biblical writings.

I have been on trips to Israel when we go to the Shrine of the Bookthe Shrine of the

Book looks like a giant, ice cream cone. Inside of that building, called the Shrine of the Book, is

the Dead Sea Scrolls copies of the Scripture. And in the middle, the major shrine is of the scroll

of Isaiah; which is scores and scores of feet long. You can walk all the way around it, the entire

book of Isaiah. And I have often brought people, as we were touring through there; I pulled out a

Hebrew Bible of today and showed them the text that we are reading. So people could actually

match it with the verse that is behind the glass. And you know it really is interesting. Ive done it

with other text like from Habakkuk and other fragments that are around in the various displays.

And thats a remarkable thing, when you think of a thousand years difference and the copying is

so accurate! I wish that were more true in the New Testament, but it isnt. But it definitely is true

in Hebrew. They are much more careful and much more exact.
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 26:33

Now in the New Testament, how many Greek manuscripts of the New Testament are

there? Five thousand, five hundred have been cataloged. Now class, theres a difference between

saying something is discovered and something is cataloged. A lot of manuscripts that were

discovered or picked up out of the Middle East were put in somebodys museum basement and

have not been put on display because they have not been cataloged. That means no one has really

read them. It might be surprising to you. But often men will say that some of the greatest things

that possibly we could ever discover might still be in the basements of all these Middle Eastern

museums around the world. And thats true. Often they find things down in the basement. Stacks

of stuff that theyve taken from some dig and it takes years to go over that, you understand. So it

isnt all immediately assimilated. They are still working on the Dead Sea Scrolls and that was

found in 1947. So it takes time.

But there are 5,500 cataloged manuscripts, there are 10,000 Latin manuscripts. Latin is

very important because its the first language, the language of the Roman Empire, into which the

Greek New Testament was translated and many, many times. Another 4,000 in other languages,

and 86,000 separate references quoted in the writings of the church fathers. This volume of

evidence is unparalleled in the history of ancient writings, meaning before the inventing of

printing. When was printing invented, class?1450 A.D. What was the first book printed? The

German Bible! Now, before that everything was copied by hand. So, can you believe it? All of

these manuscripts copied by hand?before printing, enormous amount of evidence!

Ive been told for years that next to the Bible the ancient manuscripts that have been

copied the most were the writings of Demosthenes and that there was about four hundred copies.

But saying even 200 or 400 or 500, next to 5,500 Greek, 10,000 Latin, 4,000do you

understand? The evidence of the Bible is absolutely overwhelming.

We have more evidence to determine the original autographs, which is our issue here.

Inerrancy is without error in the original autographs. We have more evidence than any other book
The Inerrancy of the Bible Time 28:59

in all of history. I know more about the Bibles original autograph than I know about whether

George Washington really existed or not.

Its time to quit, but I want you to understand that the science of textual criticism which

looks at manuscript evidence has become such a threatening thing to people that they have been

scared of it or intimidated or just dont want to listen to it or whatever. Class, were going to

break it down and make it as simple as possible. But it is the issue concerning the Bible in the

present time. And its becoming hotter and hotter with every passing year. Its getting very severe

because it deals with inerrancy.

Do you believe that the Bible is a complete and direct and final revelation from God,

totally sufficient for all matters of faith and practice and totally without error in the original

manuscripts? The majority of Christians do not believe what I just said. You are a minority if you

believe what I just said. Be interesting to see in the years ahead how you handle this.

Lets pray.

Father, I pray that You will continue to give us a heart to know Your word, to

understand the importance of it being without error. That it is the sufficient, final,

complete revelation from God in written form. I pray, Lord, that everyday will

be Thanksgiving to us, for You told us to give thanks always for all things. So,

thank You, Lord. Thank You that You want to use us more than we want to be

used, in Jesus name. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 17
Manuscript Evidence

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Manuscript Evidence

Father, we delight in Your word. We thank You that we have an accurate,

reliable, written revelation from You. We delight in calling it the word of God.

We know it was forever settled in heaven and that no one can add to it or take

away from it without experiencing consequences from Your hand. I pray Lord

that You would bless our study as we get into the details of manuscript evidence.

Things many folks seem to ignore, try to treat as unimportant; yet we know that

the enemy is working hard in this area to undermine our confidence in Your

word. And I pray Lord that You would give us wise hearts, and kindness towards

those who disagree. But give us conviction Lord that is based on the facts that we

know. Thank You Lord for what You are going to do in our class today, in Jesus

name. Amen.

Were talking about manuscript evidence. There are two ways that we discuss inerrancy.

One is canonicity which weve already talked about. Canonicity is the rule or standard by which

something is measured. Determining how many books belong in the Bible is a big, heavy issue.

But the second issue is far more important, believe it or not, and thats manuscript evidence, the

actual facts.

There are two kinds of criticism. This is criticism used in the good sense, not talking

about a critical spirit. There is higher criticism and theres lower criticism. Now, weve

mentioned that along the way. I just want to keep repeating it so you know what youre talking

about. Higher criticism deals with things like date, author, geography, background, etc. Lower

criticism deals with the actual text, manuscript evidence. And so its the lower critics that we are

looking at now.

We have talked briefly about the Old Testament. And until the Dead Sea Scrolls, we

didnt really know if that Masoretic text of the ninth century A.D. (which we still have today) was
Manuscript Evidence Time 03:06

truly representative of the original Hebrew. But to find manuscripts that are a thousand years

before that and find hardly any variation at all, speaks well of the Jews who transcribed it and

copied it. Its almost a miracle really, not having printers or computers, etc. And we begin to see

the importance of those Dead Sea Scrolls.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls, class, we mentioned this at the end of our last session. I just want

to make sure that you heard it. You might see it again. And that is, that every time it refers to

canonical Scriptures, remind yourself this is 150 to 200 years before Christ. They always put the

phrase it is written. The Dead Sea Scrolls include a lot of other literature that is non-canonical.

They dont belong in the Bible. But they were other literature that they were copying. And they

never, not once, put it is written on any of them. So we know the Jewish people at least 150 to

200 years before Christ, this Essene community at Qumran down on the Dead Sea, were copying

manuscripts. We know that at that point they already understood what was the completed canon

of the Old Testament. That was confirmed in A.D. 90 at the Council of Jamnia, some twenty

years after the destruction of the temple. And the Boulame Orthodox rabbinical scholars are the

ones who examined every single book. And we talked about some of the tests that they used, but

we wanted you to know five and I hope you remember them: language, authorship, inspiration,

acceptance and completion and some reasons behind that.

Now were talking about manuscript evidence. When we look at the New Testament, we

all of a sudden have a new ball game, so to speak. This is a much bigger problem in the New

Testament than it ever has been in the Old Testament. We have 5,500 Greek manuscripts, a little

bit more than that now. That doesnt mean there arent some other fragments lying in museums

around the world in various universities. But so far, we have 5,500 Greek manuscripts.

But we have over 10,000 Latin manuscripts and some estimate it as high as 20,000,

because there is so much of this still laying around that hasnt been catalogued. Remember the

Western church, which represents primarily the imperial government of Rome and churches

around the Mediterranean, not counting the south, Alexandria, Egypt or the east from Antioch,
Manuscript Evidence Time 05:54

Syria and on. Those are other traditions. But the Western tradition, west of Constantinople,

including Greece and Italy and Europe, they primarily are using Latin. Thats why there are so

many of them available. Latin becomes the dominate language at that particular period of time.

So, contrary to what a lot of people seemingly so casually saylike its not importantno, its

very important.

What is a version?into another language. Okay, that is a version. The New

International is not a version of English. The New American Standard is not a version of English.

English is a version of the original Greek text. Okay, it means going into another language. And

its extremely important to understand that the number one version used throughout the Christian

world was Latin. When Jerome translated the Latin Vulgate, the purpose of that translation was

not to reduplicate all the efforts that were already going on. The purpose was to put it into the

language of the people and not use the Latin of the Roman courts. Thats why its called Latin

Vulgate. Vulgate means common, for the common people. So the translation of Jerome became

critical. In fact, for a thousand years it was the only Bible people were using. Remember our

English translations dont begin until the fifteenth century.

So these are some of the things we need to keep in our minds as were looking at the

problem. There are 5,500 Greek manuscripts, but theres over 10,000 Latin and 4,000 in various

other languages. Once again class, be very careful what you say about this. Its not meaning that

we have the whole Bible in every one of those, like we have 5,500 Greek Bibles. No. Its talking

about a fragment. It may be just one or two verses, or it could be the whole Bible. But there are

very few that contain the whole Bible. We need to understand that. So you have multitudes of

fragments and portions of books and etc. This whole science dealing with the New Testament is

just so big that one wonders how you could come to any accuracy of statement regarding it. Its


In addition to that, we have the quotations of church fathers called Patristic, after the

Latin word for pater, also in Greek for father. Church fathers do not mean like the fathers who are
Manuscript Evidence Time 08:27

Roman Catholic priests. Church fathers are the church leaders. So I kind of prefer to call them

early church leaders. They were outstanding. Why?because the average person was

uneducated. These men were educated. And so they became very, very important forces in the

protection of Gods word and of the doctrines taught in the Bible. Eventually the leaders, key

leaders gave way to church councils. There were so many leaders disagreeing with one another,

they came together with church councils to deal with issues of doctrinal orthodoxy.

In the church fathers you have 86,000 separate references to quotations from the New

Testament. That is pretty powerful! So when you talk about what was the actual original text,

church leaders, Irenaeus or Polycarp, Clement, these men who lived in the second century and

were actually born in the first, they are very close. Polycarp studied under John. Irenaeus knew

John, the Apostle John. So theres a lot of close proximity here. And what they said and quoted

from the New Testament would be extremely important, especially if continuous quotations by

multi church fathers came out exactly the same. Then youd know thats pretty good evidence of

what the original text was. Because these quotations and the old Latin are all before we ever have

these manuscripts called codexeslike Codex Alexandrinas, Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus.

So class, we have a preponderance of evidence regarding the New Testament text and the

job of the lower critic is to simply take the evidence of the manuscripts and draw some

conclusions about the original text. This has been a long history. Now, were talking about

everything before printing. Class, when did the printing press get invented? 1450. What was the

first book printed on it? The Bible in German. Boy, what a class! When did Martin Luther tack

his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of Wittenberg? 1517. When was the council that the Roman

Catholics fought Luther on the Apocrypha? When was that council? A.D. 1540, the Council of

Trent. It actually went on for seven years.

Okay, the classification of manuscript evidence. I have in my background, stuff about

textual criticism. Ive worked on translations and Ive had courses in it. Okay. I dont want to

bore you with that evidence and what Ive tried to do is streamline it. And you will find in some
Manuscript Evidence Time 11:32

courses on textual criticism that what Im doing is really a summary because there are as many as

five and six traditions of the text. Im going to try to explain to you why they exist. In my

opinion, there are only three major ones. And I do preface it with my opinion. But, I think any

scholar who would look at this would say, Well yeah, thats a basic look at it. And thats what

were trying to do. Were not trying to bore you with a lot of details. But you cannot really

understand this issue from the standpoint of where we are today without dealing with this. You

have to deal with it.

Greek Manuscripts

There are three basic traditions or

classifications of Greek manuscript evidence.

Byzantine The Eastern Text

Western The Latin Text

Alexandrian The Modern Text

And so we look at three basic traditions of Greek manuscripts. Now class, wouldnt it

make sense without cars, trucks, planes, trains, telephonesall of thatwouldnt it make sense

that because it takes months to go from one region to another that the traditions of the text would

kind of line up geographically? Do you understand? That would make real sense. If you lived in

Syria and Turkey area and all of that, youre not going to have much contact with those down in
Manuscript Evidence Time 12:41

Egyptrare! It would only be just a few very wealthy, intellectual, or military-oriented people,

who are ever going to come to your area that youll ever meet or see.

So, one of the first and simplest things that we understand about manuscript evidence is

that they are controlled by geography. When we speak of the Western Text, for instance, thats

most frequently quoted by the church fathers. Why?because they are the ones who live in the

area. They are the ones who are the leaders of the church. And it is primarily based on Latin

manuscript evidence, so all those manuscripts in the Western church.

Now whos in charge of that manuscript evidence today? Exactly right, the Vatican is. So

for years the Vatican preferred the Latin text of Jeromes Latin Vulgate. They preferred the Latin

over the Greek. People sort of said, Well, you are not trusting the original text. But now,

looking back on it, scholarship thinks differently about it. The truth of the matter is we know that

these old Latin manuscripts did a wonderful job translating the original Greek text. So we

understand that they were trying to communicate with people. But eventually it became a

problem because the church was not able to disseminate Latin throughout the empire, as you

probably well know if you know anything about history.

So there were multi-languages being spoken. The church decided that they had a measure

of control over people by simply continuing to use Latin. So Latin actually became, though it was

a dominate language of the Roman empire of the first three or four centuries, it actually became a

language of only churchmen. Thats what happened in history. So the individual dialects and

languages of the empire, people would continue to speak them. Theyd grow up talking at home

that way and unless they went to school and studied formally, which very few people ever did

that. So thats what happened when we got plunged into what is called the Dark Ages.

The Dark Ages was not only the collapse of Rome in A.D. 476, when a barbaric Visigoth

tribe came down and sacked and burned the city; Rome had fallen morally long before that. But

the official collapse in 476 did not collapse the church. As a matter of fact, the term Pontifex

Maximus, which all the Roman empires from Augustus who was the old Octavian, all the Roman
Manuscript Evidence Time 15:17

empires took the term Pontifex Maximus, Supreme Pontiff. You had to burn incense in most of

the Romans centers around the empire saying, Caesar is lord. Thats the belief of the Romans.

It was polytheistic. You can follow any god you want, but ultimately you have to recognize

Caesar as the number one god.

When Rome fell politically, the bishop of Rome who by now had taken on a great deal of

prestige and power, you could imagine how easily that would happen. If the governments of the

world were controlled by one imperial city, namely Rome, how easy it would be for that church

in Rome and its leader to become the predominant person. For instance, I read in my church

history background, statements from other church leaders, one from Irenaeus and Antioch of

Syria, who wrote the bishop in Rome basically rebuking him for thinking that he had more

authority than any other pastor or bishop. So it became a great controversy.

In A.D. 250, a man named Cyprian wrote a treatise called On the Nature of the Church.

And that was the first official document arguing that the church can be represented by its clergy.

So, the idea of clergy and laity though it always has been a problem, became a severe doctrinal

problem and therefore the clergy was kind of an entity unto themselves. They believed the whole

church was represented by the clergy alone. They were the only ones who could interpret the

Bible. They kept using Latin. The average person was not using it. They totally dominated and

before long they were buying up property also, in the name of helping people. So we have the

feudal state that developed over the years. And the church literally owned the people and they

were slaves to them.

The world was plunged into the darkest period of history its ever known. It was caveman

time again for a thousand years of terrible plagues and pestilences, the filth and the lack of

sanitation. But on the church level there was increasing wealth. All the wealth of the worldI

know this is a generalized statement, but I believe it could be proven with the factsall the

wealth of the world was being poured into the Vatican. Thats why today when you visit the

Vatican and you see the treasury rooms and all that, I mean, its an absolute mind-blower. You
Manuscript Evidence Time 17:42

just cannot believe the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church. There is no CEO, Fortune 500

Company, or bank in the world that can equal the wealth of the Vatican.

Now Ive told you all of this to give you somewhat of an understanding of why this

traditional problem of where the manuscripts are coming from developed. Syria and what we call

the Byzantine text. Now Byzantine is a term that refers to the Eastern Church, whose capital was

at Constantinople. Whose leader was called a patriarch and they actually split the east and the

west in the eleventh century A.D. Just totally split. And the Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox

they are all part of that tradition, the Eastern or Byzantine. They are Greek oriented; they spoke

Greek. They are the ones who translated the Bible into various dialects in Russia and Armenian

languages and so forth. They are part of what we call the Byzantine tradition and they definitely

didnt trust Rome.

Rome has a tendency to be dominated by Latin manuscripts. So the Greek manuscripts

that will appear behind that are generally held by the Vatican. Anyway, thats called the Western

Tradition. But the Eastern Church with Constantinople, Antioch of Syria, churches all over

Turkey, into Russia, into the Caspian and Baltic Sea areas, all of that was known as the Byzantine


Now, there was a third tradition that was developing down in Egypt down in Alexandria.

Its an Egyptian tradition. It is encouraged by the church leader named Origen, who was an

amazing scholar. Its promoted in modern times by Westcott and Horts revision of the Greek

text. That well be talking about. And its primarily based on two manuscripts, Codex Siniaticus

and Codex Vaticanus. And this particular tradition has become the foundation of most English

translations in the twentieth century.

Now, why do we have these manuscripts down in Alexandria? Its because the city of

Alexandria was one of the three great cities of the Roman EmpireRome of course, believe it or

not, Ephesus, and then Alexandria. This is where the great libraries of the world were. There were

other important cities, like Corinth, Troas, Antioch of Syria, etc., but the three great intellectual,
Manuscript Evidence Time 20:17

educational centers of the world were Rome, Ephesus, and Alexandria. The libraries of the first

century, just so you get an understanding of what were talking about, this is before printing, this

is hand copied works that numbered in the hundreds of thousands250,000 to 300,000 volumes

in these gorgeously built libraries. So they became centers of intellectual leadership. So its not

surprising that around Alexandria there was a tradition developing.

Now the problem with the Alexandrian text and the tradition of this Egyptian educational

system is that it was dominated by a lot of heretics. It was dominated by people who did not

believe in the tri-unity of God. They denied the deity of Jesus, the whole problem of the Arian

controversy. Arius against Athanasius was a problem over the deity of Jesus Christ. A major

church council dealt with it. And the text, interestingly, has become the foundation also of the

Jehovah Witness Bible. Their Greek text was called the Emphatic Diaglott and pretty well

matches Codex Vaticanus.

Now one of the things that happened, Christianity became the state religion. Around A.D.

325 is the turning point. It started around 313, but in A.D. 325 we have the Council of Nicea. We

have the Emperor Constantine who decides that Christianity is going to be the official religion of

the empire. In many ways, thats when Christianity went down the tubes. In one day, thousands of

people were forced to convert at the edge of a sword. It was said of Constantine that he saw a

vision in the sky, a cross, and he felt he was under divine instruction to turn the whole empire into

Christianity. There were forced baptisms and everything.

At the same time Constantines mother, whose name was Queen Helena, took a little trip

to the Holy Land to reinforce all of this and launched building projects which still exist today in

the Holy Land. But she did this and as a result it still stands today. Its the biggest problem we

have in the Holy Land when you go for a tourist trip. When you want to see what the original

sites were, if you go down to Bethlehem, its the Church of the Nativity. You know its the

Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. They are all over the place. This was done by

Constantines mother, Queen Helena.

Manuscript Evidence Time 22:51

Now, what is happening as far as the Bible is concerned is very severe. Naturally there

are godly leaders who see whats going on and are opposing it. And they are being suppressed by

all kinds of means.

In the Byzantine tradition it remained pretty separate and pretty clear of influence

politically. Thats why many people believe that the Byzantine tradition is more likely to

represent the true Greek text than any other tradition.

Now if you have any desire to pursue this, theres a book Byzantine Text Type written by

Dr. Harry A. Sturz, who is now with the Lord. He was a very close personal friend of mine and

the head of the Greek department at Biola University. He also became the general editor of the

New King James Version, put out by Thomas Nelson, which used to be an upgrade of the Old

King James. Dr. Sturz was one of the most amazing Greek scholars that ever lived because he

was a quiet humble man. He never was dogmatic in any way; he just did his work and he was

quite a scholar. He loved the Lord with all his heart and I talked to him by the hours on this

problem. He was one of the major influences to pull me out of the trap that I was under, for I had

been trained in the Westcott-Hort tradition of manuscript evidence. Hes the one who began to

show me clearly from the manuscripts that this is not a conspiracy but close to it. His book on the

Byzantine text is still the number one book on the Byzantine tradition. In it he proves that it in

fact represents the original Greek text far more than any other tradition.

Now, Im not saying hes right or wrong. When you open a Greek text and it says on the

front The Majority Texthow many of you have seen that already? Theres one by Farstad and

Hodge, from Dallas Seminary and you can look at the book and you know if you read the

introduction and go over the details, you will hear some of this. The Majority Text basically takes

all three traditions and they make judgments based on it. And one of the judgments that they

make is that the majority of manuscripts would probably favor what was the original text. Now, I

can prove to you that is not always true, but pardon the pun, in the majority of cases its true. The

Majority Text in the majority of cases is definitely pointing to what the original text was.
Manuscript Evidence Time 25:30

When you buy a Majority Greek Text up there and it has a critical apparatus at the

bottom, it is really taking all three traditions. Its trying to take all known manuscripts that have

been catalogued on that particular passage and gives you a summary at the bottom. Now, the

actual one they choose to put in there when theres a variation, the actual one they put in there

favors the majority of manuscripts. Lets suppose you have twenty manuscripts on 1 John 1:1.

That is on that particular verse, there are only twenty manuscripts in Greek known on that verse.

If fifteen of them read a certain way and five read another way, they will take the reading of the

15. Do you follow? Thats why its called The Majority Greek Text.

The Peshita is Aramaic. The Peshita is an Aramaic translation. Aramaic is a form of

Hebrew. Its a derivation of Hebrew. Because theres a big argument over whether Jesus and the

disciples spoke Aramaic or Hebrew, many feel that the Peshita might have been the original

language of the Bible. That theory is just blown out of the saddle by numerous things that I wont

get into here. But the original language is Greek. It was translated into Aramaic and thats the

Peshita. There is also Old Syriac thats involved here. I just dont want to complicate where we

are now with that. But simply to say it is one of the versions, what we call primary versions into

which the Bible was translated.

Whats the difference, class, between a primary and a secondary version? The answer is

whenever you have a primary version you go directly from Greek into that language. A secondary

version is going from another language rather than Greek. For instance, if the English translated

Jeromes Latin Vulgate, which many English versions did, then its a secondary version. Its not

primary. If it uses a Greek text like the old King James did, then its a primary translation. Okay.

The book of Revelation has probably, out of the 5,500 manuscripts, only about 350

fragments. In the controversial text for instance, in Revelation 5:9 about the new song that the

elders are singing in heaven, whether they are singing it about themselvesweve been

purchased of God with His bloodor about those that are on earth that are going to get saved, is

the difference between being a pre-tribulationist and a post-tribulationist. Thats how serious it is.
Manuscript Evidence Time 28:05

So, its a matter of manuscript evidence. Some manuscripts read them. Some manuscripts read


Now if these twenty-four elders are singing a song of redemption about themselves, then

they arent angels, which is the number one view of the post-Trib. So you understand, if they are

singing a song about themselves, they are representing the church of Jesus Christ in heaven all

during the Tribulation period, which makes you a pre-tribber. So, many manuscripts read them

or thus. In fact youll see a number of NIV, New American and all of that saying in the margin,

most ancient authorities agree with this, Which is a flat out lie. Why? Because there are only

twenty-four Greek manuscripts on Revelation 5:9 that we know are in existencetwenty-three of

them read us. The only one that doesnt is Codex Alexandrinas, the Egyptian tradition.

Now, why is that? Not because there is deliberate deception on their part, but there may

be by those who started this. But the translators, these lower critic guys, like I told you, they are

not preachers. They are not going around, you know, yelling and screaming about it. Theyre paid

to do a job. They translate the text thats given to them. The text that is given to them is Westcott

and Hort, a Greek text, which by the way doesnt even have the book of Revelation in it.

I told you, class, when we began, youre going to hear a lot of things that are going to

blow you away and theyre going to upset you. But at the end, you are going to come out very

well established and I hope thoroughly convinced of what we have is an authoritative, inerrant,

totally reliable Bible. I know it is a little troubling right now. Its going to get more so. I want to

warn you about it, but Im not afraid of it at all. I love this stuff.

Okay. Now we have listed under Byzantine Text, notice it says it is often called Textus

Receptus or the Received Text. Its a Latin word that was put on one of these Greek texts. It

actually didnt come until A.D. 1633, the name Textus Receptus. What it means is the text that

was universally read and accepted by the churches. Which text was universally read and accepted

by the churches, class? This is not a difference of opinion. This is a fact. What text was
Manuscript Evidence Time 30:37

universally read and accepted by the churches? What tradition? Was it Byzantine? Was it

Western? Was it Alexandria? It was Byzantine.

You see the Western Text became quickly Latin. Thats all it was. So what Greek text

was used universally by the churches? The answer is Byzantine. Not Western. Thats why this

whole issue is kind of interesting. When you come to the King James translation, people are

always trying to undermine that one. People are always trying to say it was dependent upon a text

that is not that reliable. No, excuse me. Its not only reliable, its the one everybody used!

Is everybody still with me? Unless you were a dedicated Roman Catholic priest, which

then of course you didnt use that one at all. Which one are you using? Jeromes Latin Vulgate. Is

everybody understanding me? I dont want you to misunderstand here. If you were a Roman

Catholic, you werent paying attention to the Greek text. You were following Jeromes Latin

Vulgatefor over a thousand years they didfrom the 400s clear to the 1500s, when they had a

revision and the Douay-Rheims Version, which is now in use today.

So all of those Protestants, those Reformers, which Greek text did they use? The

Byzantine, there wasnt any exception to this. Well how did we get into the mess we are today?

Thought you would ask, and were going to answer it.

My assignment here is to give this class an apologetic understanding of how you have an

inerrant, totally reliable Bible. I hope you will walk out of this class with no fear anymore or

hesitation whatsoever about what is the word of God.

I said the Greek text that was universally read and accepted was the Byzantine. Now, if

you put that another way, the Bible that was universally readthe answer would be no. The

Bible thats universally read was the Latin Bible, but the Eastern Church wasnt using Latin. Do

you understand? What was dividing the east and west and eventually led to the split was not just

over the pope. There was the Patriarch in Constantinople and the Pope in Rome. It wasnt just

over idols vs. images. You know the Greek Orthodox people have pictures rather than statues.

That isnt all the issues; the issue also related to the Bible they were using.
Manuscript Evidence Time 33:31

The Orthodox, lets call them Orthodox because theres Eastern, theres Armenian,

theres Greek, there are all kinds of them. By the way, they are in numbers equal to the Roman

Catholics. We sometimes forget that because we are so far removed here in the west from them.

But Eastern Orthodox, Romanians, Russian Orthodox etc., youre talking about millions and

millions of people who are in that tradition, okay. They look very Catholic, and by the way, you

will see them all over Israel also. You go into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and youll see

every branch represented. But they arent depending on Latin, theyre depending on Greek.

Thats why, still today in the Eastern church you will see the leaders using Greek very strongly

because they believe that that was the original text. And they are correct, it was in Greek.

One of the reasons they stayed with Latin was so that they could control the people. That

went clear until the present day. This generation is not so much, but do you know the parents of

this Catholic generation, never understood the church services. You see, what you have is ritual.

What does ritual or liturgy mean? It means the participant is doing somethingkneeling,

genuflecting, crossing themselves, lighting candles, taking communion, the Massin other words

its performance oriented.

Were people in these Catholic churches actually opening their Bibles and learning it? No.

In fact until Vatican II, they really didnt feel they had permission to do that. Only the priest

could interpret the Bible for you. Now they still believe that, but theyve opened it up now in

order to include all the separated brethren, they are fostering Bible study movement. So there are

a lot of Catholics in this generation who are studying the Bible, to which I say, Praise the Lord!

But my generation, the people I knew that were Catholics, they were astonished to learn

that we are actually studying the Bible. What gives you the right to do that?they used to

argue with us about it. They didnt understand worship our way at all. It was frightening to them.

See, I remember. I was alive and in part of this controversy when they decided to allow English in

the Mass. Do you know there were many Catholic people who left their Catholic churches that
Manuscript Evidence Time 35:29

went to English to go to the Latin because they thought they were more true to the faith. That

controversy kind of died now.

Were talking multitudes of fragments and weve got to put this together. Weve got to

find out what is the basis of determining the original text. We havent even gotten to that yet. So

where we are so far class, I want you to understand there are three traditions. They are largely

traditions because of geography. The lack of communication, of course, forced those traditions to


They become also linguistic, as well as geographic. Why?because the Western starts

using Latin. The multitude of manuscripts is Latin and it becomes the official text of the Western

churches. The Eastern churches say, No, its Greek. So the division that eventually led to the

split in the eleventh century was caused, I believe probably in a primary sense, by language more

than anything else. Okay?

Now, class when we look at the tradition of the New Testament manuscripts, please dont

misunderstand, Im not saying every Catholic who is loyal to Latin is therefore not following the

correct tradition. On the contrary, the Old Latin literally supports the Greek text behind the King

James. So these werent bad translations at all. The trouble didnt start until the late nineteenth

centurydidnt start until then at all! And youre going to see the history of that. Were going to

walk through it carefully.

Okay, lets take a break.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 18
Greek Translations

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Greek Translations

When we talk about Greek translations, I guess the thing that hits you right off the bat is,

Wait a minute! Were already up to the sixteenth century! And thats a part of the problem. The

assimilation of all these Greek manuscripts and fragments into a given total Greek text doesnt

start until pretty late. So right away class, know what youre talking about! Why is this so?

Because when the New Testament was written, it wasnt written as one complete volume and

given to the church. You might have gotten Ephesians. And another church over here might have

gotten Philippians, because it was written to Philippi. Now it was true it was passed around and

copies were made, but thats how this whole problem developed and we need to understand that.

We are at a great advantage to believe that fourteen of these twenty-seven books were written by

one man, Paul.

But when you think about it, all these different men writing these books and then trying

to assimilate the information and put it into one volume when you dont have a printing press.

Youre hand copying it! Did you know this was so severe that they literally chained and locked

up a given book or manuscript to the pulpit? They only used it when they gathered as Christians.

Or if you wanted to come in during the week, you could only use that copy. There isnt any other

way to do this at the time of persecution, when they hit the catacombs. And there were ten general

persecutions of the Christians. I mean, sometimes these fragments, they ripped off a copy before

the book was destroyed. Maybe it was one book, Philippians. They just ripped off a page of it and

kept it in their dear possession. And we know in the catacombs that these people who loved the

Lord, they actually were memorizing vast portions and then copying it down in the catacombs.

They would say things like, Does anybody have John 16?

Well, let me check my little piece. Well, only the first three verses.

Oh, that will be helpful. Does anybody know John 16?

And somebody will say, Well, I memorized it.

Greek Translations Time 02:58

Thats actually how it was done! They tell us, now we dont know this for sure, but

theres a lot of evidence to the fact that some of these catacomb believers actually could

reproduce almost the entire New Testament. Isnt that interesting? In some countries they do that.

They definitely did it at the time of the Holocaust, passing little pages of Scripture around and

people copying it down. They especially did that with the book of Psalms. What a blessing! You

can imagine getting a little Psalm, like twenty-three.

So anyway, all of this has to be assimilated, all these fragments. So, we are moving into

modern timesmodern in the sense of the sixteenth century. The first Greek translation to be

printed in 1514 was called the Complutensian Polyglot. You say, I prefer just saying King

James. But the most significant work done on this was done by Desiderius Erasmus. Youve

probably heard the name Erasmus. He was Roman Catholic. He was a part of that Reformation

time. And his was the first to be published. There were many copies made and he had editions.

Well, at least four of them that we know of: in 1519, then again in 1522, then 1527, then 1533.

Erasmuss work was trusted by others. He did a fantastic job assimilating all the manuscripts that

he knew, that were available. And by the way, they represented the Byzantine tradition because

they were the ones using the Greek Bible; so most of these fragments and books are coming from


We have a man named Robert Stephanus. He is very important. In your notes you want to

circle A.D. 1550 because that happens to be the Greek text that was used by the King James

translators, A.D.1550. You say, Boy Id like to see what thats like! Great. You can get the

Greek computer program of Logos and it has the 1550 on it. You can actually see the Greek text

that was behind the King James. They have four different Greek texts on there.

Another key little note in all these notes is the Elsevier Partners. They produced editions

in 1624, 1633, 1641. Just circle 1633, thats when the name Textus Receptus was given to the

Greek text. Interesting that it would be done and there was no attack then saying, Hey you guys,

that is not the received text. There was none of that. Thats only done today, 300 years removed.
Greek Translations Time 05:32

When it was done, everybody knew that it was the received text. They knew it was the Greek text

used in the churches if they did use Greek. All the western churches used Latin. Isnt that

interesting? So in 1633 it wasnt trying to start anything. But it just put in Latin letters on it

Textus Receptus, the received text. Nobody complained. Everybody knew that was true. Today

we have a war over that.

Now, can you get a copy of the Textus Receptus? You sure can. As a matter of fact, its in

that same four Greek pack that I just told you about on the Logos computer program. So, having

Windows, we open one window on our screen. We can actually put four. We open one and weve

got A.D. 1550. We open the other and weve got the Textus Receptus. And I have noticed,

because Ive been comparing them over and over again, in every passage I teach on they are

almost exactly the same. Theres hardly any change between the two. Well then, we did have a

received text. Well then we did have a tradition that people recognized represented the original

text. There wasnt any variation at all. Thats interesting!

Now there are some variant readingsvery few between those textsmore so with the

texts Im going to tell you about in just a little while. But a man named Brian Walton put together

a collection of these in 1657. He used the text of Stephanus from 1515. But for the first time, he

pulled in a text from the Alexandrian school, called Codex Alexandrinus. He also used another

text called Codex Bezae. The reason why I put it in there is because its the first time we had a

mixture of the traditions. Today when you buy a Greek text it shows all of them put together. But

that was the first time we started having a mixture.

Now classcodexits time to remind ourselves of that. Codex is really like our books.

They are leaves, pages that are on animal skin. It comes from about the fourth century A.D. on

and they are sheets that are tied together with leather thongs. So they are book-like. You can flip

them. Because we have complete Bibles or almost complete Bibles in codex, they became

dominant manuscripts. They also were in what we call uncial letters. Class, what are uncial
Greek Translations Time 08:09

letters? Capitals. So people felt they were more reliable. They were easier to read. They became

very significant.

Now John Mill, I put him on the list because hes the first editor to collect evidence of the

patristic quotations. You see, even back there in the 1600s, they began to ask some serious

questions about the text. How do we know the Greek text used by the churches, called the

Received Text, how do we know its really the original? John Mill said, Well the way to check it

out is by all the quotations that are in the church fathers. He made it his lifes work. We owe a lot

to himall these verses quoted among all the church fathers writings. Church fathers writings

are so voluminous. We were just looking at a catalog a moment ago and one set has thirty-eight

volumes in it. I mean it just goes on and on. He began to assimilate that and we now have

catalogued over 86,000 references or verses out of the church leaders. So it helps us to see that

original text, especially if the church leaders lived in the first three centuries. That would be very

significant before Constantine.

A man named J. A. Bengle, almost a hundred years go by, and hes the first to classify

the manuscript authorities. When we say there are three traditions, he was the first one ever to do

it and he put them into two categories. Called them Asian and African, which would be the

Egyptian category. The African had the fewest manuscripts, but they were the oldest ones they

had. Why is that? Because in Africa, or in Egypt (primarily they were all in Egypt) we have dry

arid climate. So papyrus manuscripts and the actual preservation of them, they would last more.

Even if they were buried in the sand, they would last more in a dry climate. You put humidity and

rain in there and you destroy the manuscript. So thats why a great deal of them were found in

Africa that are old. But in terms of actual numbers, the majority of manuscripts were of course in

Asia. And his idea of Asia included the western and the Eastern Church and a majority of them

were there by far.

Now a man named J. J. Wetstein. Im not going to expect you to know these names,

except in certain cases and Ive already noted two of them for youthe 1550 and the 1633 where
Greek Translations Time 10:34

we got the name Textus Receptus. But this J. J. Wetstein, he put out editions of Textus Receptus in

A.D. 1751-52. Here we have for the first time a critical apparatus, a system of cataloguing the

manuscripts. Today class, if you get a Majority Greek text, you look at the bottom of each page,

all those little footnotes at the bottom, from whats in the text is what we call a critical apparatus.

What it is telling you is the manuscript evidence behind a given reading in the text. It tells you the

manuscript evidence. The first guy to put that in the Greek text was J. J. Wetstein, so we put him

in the Greek translation hall of fame.

Semler & Griesbach

1767 Classification of Manuscripts

Alexandrian: Syriac, Coptic & Ethiopian

Eastern: Antioch & Constantinople

Western: Latin & Patristic quotations

We have actually two men, Semler and Griesbach, who classified the manuscripts into

three groups that we still use today. A.D. 1767, so over 200 years ago, were still using the same

traditions. He pointed out that there are really three traditions and he wasnt trying to attack

Bengle. But thirty years after Bengle he is examining this and saying really what these

manuscripts represent are three traditions. We have Alexandrian, which includes Syriac, Coptic,

and Ethiopian as well; and the Eastern, which is Antioch, and Constantinople; and the Western,
Greek Translations Time 12:04

which is Latin and most of the church father quotations. We have not changed from that clear to

this day. Those are the three basic geographical traditional areas of manuscript evidence.

Now a name I do want you to know about is Constantine Tischendorf. Hes a German

who visited the Saint Catherines monastery at Mount Sinai, in the Sinai Desert. And he observed

the monks in this monastery burning pages of an ancient book to keep themselves warm. Because

he was a scholar dealing with manuscripts of all sorts, not just biblical, he was fascinated. Went

over and grabbed a few of them out of their hands and notices they were pages of the Bible. He

asked them to stop. Of course he offered them big money and they gave it to him and then burned

other books to keep themselves warm. But that hit the world like you cannot believe!

I have seen some newspaper articles, written back at the time of Lincoln even, on this

discovery. And it came like a shock through the Christian world. It was a manuscript that had

thousands, not hundreds but thousands, of differences from the Received Text that had been used

all these centuries. So you see it got everybody stirred up. The other thing is that it was a codex.

They were leaves that went together. This manuscript, I wont tell you the whole history of it, but

eventually was bought by the British Museum in London and thats where you would see it today.

I have been there and I have seen it.

The problem is that it would take about 330 leaves to make the whole New Testament.

There are only 148 of them. And you know I still read in a lot of books of good men that Codex

Sinaiticus was the first completed Bible that was discovered. No, it wasnt completed at all. I

think there are parts from almost every book. But there are a lot of pages missing. Of course,

theyd burned a lot. Its got a lot missing in it. But it had enough, over half of the New Testament,

to tell scholars weve got to do something about this. This thing has thousands of changes from

the Received Text.

It also has some other interesting little things in it. It contains The Epistle of Barnabus. It

contains The Shepherd of Hermas, these are apocryphal literature. Totally, they have estimated
Greek Translations Time 14:45

there are 9,000 changes in that manuscript from the Textus Receptus and they are both in Greek!

So can you not see why the scholarship of the worldfinding this down in Mount Sinai, the very

atmosphere, the very geography of it, that it goes all the way back to the fourth century, one of

the earliest manuscripts weve ever found almost, the whole Bible is therecan you imagine how

the scholars felt? They called it one of the greatest discoveries in manuscript evidence in the

history of the world. I think there are parts from almost every book.

Now, the very next thing that happensTischendorf found this in 1844, but it took a

while for it to, you know, hit the scholastic world and all that. And they are now saying, Boy

weve got to re-evaluate what is the original text of the Bible. There was just a massive explosion

of scholarship saying, Wow!

So, how interesting that the Catholics would produce Codex Vaticanus. Some of these

things Im talking about are in your notes. The Catholics produced one that looks like Codex

Sinaiticus. And the Catholics said it had been in the Vatican library since at least 1481. Thats the

first time it was noticed among all their treasures. It was written on vellum. It had three columns.

There was no ornamentation on it. And it ends at Hebrews 9:14. Once again, when you hear

somebody say that these were complete Bibleswrong! They were not. It ends in Hebrews 9:14.

It excludes all the pastoral epistles, and of course the book of Revelation. It had 7,579 changes

from the Textus Receptus. It also had all the apocryphal books of the Old Testament. Not as a

separate section, but as though they were a part of the text all the way through. Amazing!

Two men, B. F. Westcott, who was a wonderful Greek scholarcommentaries by him

are still used todayand A. J. Hort, who denied the deity of Christ, was a liberal in many areas,

but was a Greek scholar. These two men got together. This story alone has been told so many

different ways. I dont know what the truth is. But its called The Westcott and Hort Greek Text

and I was trained in it. It became the foundation of all modern English translations and still is to

this present day. Now we have some evidence we didnt have at the time. They now believe that

these are two of fifty manuscripts that were ordered by Emperor Constantine, as he ordered them
Greek Translations Time 17:29

to be printed. And Eusebius, the great church historian, Eusebius undertook the project. We know

about the project and we now believe these two manuscripts were two of the fifty that were

ordered by Constantine. They needed a new Greek text. It came out of the Alexandrian school.

But lets take a look at some of this. By the way, when Westcott and Hort put out this

Greek text in 1881, not only did everybody say here is the original now, because they were the

oldest manuscripts and codexes that we had ever known about. And because it was so much of

the New Testament and everybody was going wild. They thought now were getting to the true

text. And now textual criticism classes begin to develop all over both Britain and the United

States, saying that the oldest manuscripts are best.

Do you understand that they didnt have any fragments to speak of on papyrus, which is

the very oldest writing material? Papyrus would have been the writing material of the original

text. They didnt have any. Most all of the ninety-some fragments on papyrus have been

discovered in this century. By the way, ninety percent of their material agrees with the Received

Text, not Vaticanus and Sinaiticus. So you understand they didnt have the papyri, but they told

the world these are the oldest manuscripts and this is showing us what the true text is and

everybody went along with it. Why? The major translation and Bible committees and

organizations around the world hooked into it lock, stock, and barrel. The hook-up with the

Catholic Church was enormous. The Catholic influence in this was very powerful and thats a

well-documented fact. These manuscripts [listen to this] differ in the gospels over 3,000 times

with each other. They sort of failed to mention that.

Now class, you can put the facts of this up to anybodys scrutiny, Im not afraid of that at

all. This is not David Hocking giving his view. These are facts now. Which then have to be

interpreted, dont they? It is also a fact that Tishendorf made several editions of his Greek text on

Sinaiticus. His eighth edition was changed in 3,369 places when compared to the seventh. Now

how could you do that if youre simply copying the Codex Sinaiticus? You know something? I
Greek Translations Time 20:03

didnt live then. I never talked to Tishendorf. I dont know anything about it other than what I

read, but Ill tell you somethings wrong.

In terms of English translations based on this codex, over 36,000 changes have been

made because of this so-called evidence. And you ask me, is there any difference between the

New International and King James? Yeah, there is a lot of difference. Now 36,000 changes are

not that much when youre talking hundreds of thousands of words and more, but it is quite

significant, isnt it?

The condition of these manuscriptsthey are beautiful by comparison. I have seen them.

When you compare them with other fragments we have that look worn, and you can hardly read

the letters, and theyre torn, and theyre burned on the pages. These are like, well preserved. Now

some people thought that was thrilling, but to me, that makes them highly suspicious. Before

printing, can you imagine how these copies were passed around? Nobody had a copy! You didnt

have a copy of your Bible to carry into class. You were lucky to ever see one, let alone touch one

or even read one. Why are these manuscripts so well preserved? They dont look used. And if

they were true texts that the early church knew existed, they would have been used.

I mentioned that the evidence of the papyri, thats the writing material of the first three

centuries, has largely been found in this century. It was not available when the Greek text of

Westcott and Hort was. And the papyri evidence is older than these two manuscripts and by and

large supports the readings of the Textus Receptus. Now we have a real problem. Weve got a

war. Theyre claiming both Sinaiticus and Vaticanus are two of the fifty that Constantine

instructed and hes about A.D. 325fourth centuryshortly after that time.

Now class, we need to talk about a lot of things here and I dont want to confuse you. I

just want you to see some facts, first of all before we start putting this together. I dont know how

many times in Bibles youll see a footnote that tells you the oldest manuscripts agree. But you

see, class, because its old it doesnt mean its the best. Papyri number forty-seven is the oldest

manuscript of Revelation that we have, for an example. But it is definitely not the best. As a
Greek Translations Time 22:25

matter of fact, there are only ten out of what should have been thirty-two leaves. So we have less

than one-third of it even in the manuscript. Many, many scholars will say that the papyrus forty-

seven is one of the best, but its not the best. Why?because even other fragments on Revelation

do not agree with it. Interesting!

You say, Wow, how is all of this happening? Thats a very good question. You see

when the books were not assimilated together (were not in one volume) there were many other

books being written and claiming to bewe had heresy running rampant! We had men denying

this and that. And guess what? They could produce Scripture. It was all hand copied. You could

do your own and make the changes you wanted to. And if you dont think that happened, it

happened continuously with the New Testament. Thats why its important for a textual critic to

evaluate all the evidence, not to jump to conclusions based on one or two manuscripts. Plus the

fact, that when a given heretical manuscript that had been changed was then copied, and all of the

copies now are a part of the evidence. So, it may be only one variation, but it had been copied 200

times. Now Ive got a problem that looks like 200 manuscripts agree. No. Two hundred

manuscripts copied one. So youve got to break that problem down. Are they separate

manuscripts? Or are they copies of a bad copy? Do you understand how difficult this is? This is

not an easy subject.

Now, to add to our problem, lets talk about English, which of course we know is spoken

in heaven. Amen? The worst language in the world grammatically undoubtedly is the one God

would choose. I doubt it seriously. But lets talk about English. We have John Wycliffe. Today

we have the Wycliffe Bible Translators in his memory, the largest missionary organization in the

world by far with over 6,000 employees. Long before printing, John Wycliffe translated from

Jeromes Latin Vulgate. John Wycliffe is the one who used Jeromes Latin Vulgate. Tyndale is

the first to be printed from the Greek text and he used the one of Erasmus. William Tyndalea

tremendous story, Gods Outlaw; it is one of the most thrilling stories youll ever read about a

man who lost his life to just get the Bible into the hands of the people. And you will get a new
Greek Translations Time 24:56

appreciation for the importance of your BibleWilliam Tyndalethats why his name is

remembered today. Theres also a publishing house called Tyndale Publishing House.

Miles Coverdale was the first English Bible to be printed. You say, Wait a minute. What

about John Wycliffe? Well, he translated from the Latin Vulgate, but it was never printed. Why?

Printing press wasnt discovered until 1450, long after his death. Did you follow those dates?

Tyndale was a printed edition, but it was from the Greek text of Erasmus and was the New

Testament. The first total (complete) Bible was the Miles Coverdale Bible in 1535, which was

shortly after Tyndale.

There are a lot more Bibles, by the way. Im just mentioning some, the Geneva Bible in

1560. Why did I put that one on here?because it was the first to use verse and chapter divisions.

That ought to explain something to you. When youre reading your Bible, those verse and chapter

divisions, theyve been revised a lot, but they come from the Geneva Bible, an English

translation. So what did they have before that? Just the text! Sometimes they are in natural breaks

and sometimes they are not. But they put chapter breaks and verses in there to help the readers to

locate where they were and so on and to give the general context. They tried to do them at

important points that would indicate subject matter breaks. And as I look through, especially in

the Old Testament, theyve done a really good job. Really, thats a hard job. And theyve done a

pretty good job. But sometimes, they make a mistake. Sometimes the Greek text continues, the

paragraph doesnt end until the opening verses of the next chapter. Just remember the chapter

breaks and the verse divisions are not inspired. Okay?

Now we come to King James. I feel like we just have the Hallelujah Chorus played. I was

asked earlier if Ive ever seen a 1611 King James. The answer is yes. I purchased one and I have

it in my possession. Its a 1611. All of the Ss are like Fs. Thats the way the Ss were

written. Its a little bit difficult to read. And it was the most important project ever undertaken for

a lot of reasons. Lets see if we can find out what they are.
Greek Translations Time 27:29

First, fifty-four men did the work. Did you know that when the New American Standard

Bible was done they wanted fifty-four men to be like the King James. Fifty-four men! They

began work on the King James in 1607, they finished in 1610, the King James. Now they didnt

have fax machines, telephones, cars, trains or automobiles. The story is unbelievable. Its well

documented, but these men spent hours daily in prayer. Having had exposure to modern

translation work, its usually a quick opening prayer and they were now working. I dont know

what this means to you, class, but I believe that God answers prayer. These men, when they saw

differences in a manuscript would get on their knees and pray by the hour that God would direct

them. There were many difficult decisions to be made, variations among the manuscripts, and

they wanted to know which one was the original text.

Another thing they did which isnt often done today like it should be. Today, portions of

the Bible are sent out to individual people (this happened to me) and you do work on a given

fifteen or twenty verses or a chapter or whatever. You send it back and theres an editorial

committee that makes the final decisions. Its interesting. All fifty-four men checked and

rechecked with each other less the slightest mistake would ever be made. The primary Greek text

was A.D. 1550 and its the same Textus Receptus. It has dominated Bible translation in English

for 385 years, in spite of many attempts to show its inadequacies and its archaic expressions.

One of the purposes of this text is to warn this generation of whats happening. Theres a

great undermining by Satan of the authority of the Bible and it is being done in the field of textual

transmission. Its a very serious matter.

English has not been improving in our schools; its been going downhill in case you

didnt know. My point is: be very careful, class, what you argue about the King James. Are there

some archaic words, meaning, we no longer use them today? Yes. Does that mean they should be

removed? Thats another subject. Were now discovering that many of the archaic expressions

that we were dedicated to removing, in fact express the truth of the text far greater than the new

Greek Translations Time 30:11

An example: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of

an archangel, and with the trump of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first.

Then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the

clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The verse preceding that, verse 15 says,

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and

remainshall not prevent them who are asleep.

Everybody loves to say, Well prevent, what it really means is precede. No it doesnt. It

means prevent. Is everybody listening? Now all of a sudden we are realizing what a mistake

weve been making correcting it. Because the intention of the writer was to show that the Rapture

will not prevent the dead from ever being raised, which was the issue of the context of 1

Thessalonians. In fact the word prevent, more represents what the writer intended than changing

it to the word precede.

You see, weve often jumped to conclusions about archaic words. It reminds me of one of

my favorites, the sackbut. Its a musical instrument mentioned in the book of Daniel. And they

do everything under the sun to tell us what it is. You know what the bottom line truth is about that

Hebrew word? Not even the Jewish rabbis know what it is. Nobody knows what it is. Sackbut is

just as good as anybody elses word. Nobody knows what it is. But whatever it was, it was a

musical instrument in ancient Babylon.

And you know, half the time theyre making it harder on us. I see that all the time in

English because I look at all the English translations before I teach any passage. And I put all of
Greek Translations Time 31:56

them out in the margins of my text. Everything every other translation says about any of the

variations whatsoever.

You want to hear something funny? The Living Bible (that everybody laughs at) often

gives the correct interpretation and its a paraphrase. Ken Taylor was just a dad doing this for his

children. Thats how the Living Bible happened, but he was deeply versed in King James. So you

see when he made his little Living Bible, what the King James said was dominating his

interpretation for his children. Thats why many, many times his translation more accurately

reflects what the Hebrew text is than even the modern English. Its unbelievable! Now, you

wouldnt know that except by experience. I see it every single week.

Im currently working in the book of Exodus and on a computer program I have sixteen

translations, including the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint. I go through every verse of that

chapter and write down everybodys variation. So when I go into the pulpit I know what every

English version says about it. And you know what I see over and over again? They do not match

the accuracy of the King James. The longer I do this, the more convinced I am of the importance

of what we are talking about in this class. You see, what I really think is, people arent really

studying this. Theyre just parroting something they read in a magazine article about why a new

translation is better than the old King James.

In Hebrews 10:10 the Lord says, By the which will we are sanctified. It is not we

have been. It is an aorist tense. The whole argument about sanctification is an interesting one

because they are all aorist tense, even though some of them look like present tense.

In John 17:17 when Jesus said, Sanctify them through thy truth: for thy word is truth. It

looks like a present tense, continuing to do that. But its not, its aorist in Greek. In Ephesians

5:26, where it says that the washing of the water of the word has cleansed and sanctified the

church. And they talk about present cleansing and present sanctification. No, its not. Its the

aorist tense again. Aorist means a point of time in the past and according to the Bible, the point of
Greek Translations Time 34:11

time in the past by which you and I are sanctified is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. So is there

a continuing sanctification? Theres no proof of it in the Bible at all.

When it says those who are being sanctified it is not talking about sanctification as a

process, its talking about people who are coming to know the Lord. As they are coming to know

the Lord, they are being what? Sanctified.

In Hebrews 10:14, By one offering He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.

In that text its a present, but its not talking about continuing sanctification. Its talking about

those He has perfected forever are being sanctified. They are being set apart the moment they get

savedby what?by the once-for-all sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lets pray.

Thank You, Lord, again for Your word. It seems to me rather silly that we would

discuss all these things and not be students of the word. That we would talk about

manuscript evidence but never read it ourselves. Lord, I pray that You would

give us great hunger to know Your word. To know You in this word. We thank

You, Lord. We praise You in Jesus name, amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 19
English Versions

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
English Versions

Lets begin with a word of prayer and ask Gods direction.

Father, we thank You so much for Your wonderful word. And thank You, Lord

that you have given us the written revelation thats inspired and inerrant in the

original autographs. Help us Lord, as we again examine the evidence that we

might be good students of the word and hungry to know Your truth. Thank You

Lord, for what Youre going to do, in Jesus name. Amen.

Okay. Were talking about the English translations.

English Translations
Wycliffe (13201384) Tyndale (1525) Coverdale (1535)

Geneva Bible (1560) King James Version (1611)

English Revised Version (1881-1885)

American Standard Version (1901)

Williams Translation (1937) Revised Standard Version (1952)

Phillips Translation (1958)

Good News for Modern Man (1966) The Living Bible (1971)

New American Standard Bible (1971) New International Version (1978)

The Good News Bible (1979)

New King James Version (1982)

When the King James finished their project, it was a masterpiece. You know there are a

lot of students who are exposed to the other side who think that what were doing here is kind of a

King James only type thing and all that. And I hope Ive made that clear all along that is not what

were trying to do. But we are concerned about the Greek text that is behind our translations. And

it seems to me that if you really did believe the other side of the argument (as I did for years) and
English Versions Time 01:47

you really did follow it, then you would never want to ignore all the majority manuscripts that are

behind the King James text.

See, that always has fascinated me. Why would you choose just a couple of manuscripts

and make it the basis of your translation? Wouldnt you want to consider all of it? Thats why if

you do buy a book in the bookstore to get all of this in one book then get The Majority Text by

Hodges and Farstadt, the two authors that put it together. And if youre going to get a Greek

testament, and it does have a critical apparatus at the bottom that shows you all the manuscript

evidence that they knew was catalogued up to that point, so you can make some judgments. But

to simply follow an English translation that based itself on a Greek tradition based on only two or

three manuscripts, to me is ludicrous. And yet, thats exactly what New American, New

International and many of them have done. And Im sorry theyve done it. Theyre good English

translations of the Greek text they used. But it is definitely prejudicial and it is getting us away

from the majority of the manuscripts.

Now, when we look at the whole issue of King James, they did a wonderful jobso good

that even additional Greek manuscripts, which they did not have available but became available

in a hundred years or so following, only confirmed that the King James dependence on the

received Greek text, the Textus Receptus was in fact the correct way to go. The very term, Textus

Receptus as we told you, class, didnt come until A.D. 1633. But it was commonly understood

that this was our Greek text. And if you take your trusty computer program, Logos again put up

the Greek pack, you can parallel the A.D. 1550 with the later seventeenth century Greek text and

you can see that theres no difference. Its primarily the same text.

The changes dont happen until the Westcott/Hort tradition of Codex Vaticanus and

Codex Sinaiticus at the end of the nineteenth century. Well that caused the furor in the English

world! Just to kind of give you an update of English. The first edition that was based on this new

Greek text was the English Revised Version. And naturally the Americans wanted one, so it
English Versions Time 04:12

became the American Standard Version of 1901. If you have a New American Standard Bible,

its just an update of the 1901.

In 1937 under the direction of the Moody Bible Institute, we had the Williams translation,

completed and named after the man, Charles P. Williams. He followed the Greek text of Westcott

and Hort, but for the first time we had a guy trying to translate the thought of the passage. The

New International is called a dynamic equivalent translation, meaning they try to put in English

an equal thought, not a word-for-word legalistic translation, so to speak.

So in 1937and by the way, when I was going to school, Williams paraphrased was

everywhere. We all read it and so forth. And it was very popular. It was before the Living Bible

and people just thought it was great. When we started having trouble, real serious trouble, was in

1952, the Revised Standard Version came out and the Hebrew word almah in Isaiah 7:14 was

changed from virgin to young woman. The implications of that, of course, were enormous. Why?

At the same time in the early 1950s, we had among the schools of America, especially on the

graduate level, a lot of doctrinal heresyGerman rationalism, Liberalism. We had an argument at

Andover-Newton Theological Seminary that Jesus was the illegitimate child of German

mercenary soldier who had sex with Mary. You know, the undermining of the basic doctrines of

the Bible was enormous in the 1950s. The whole evangelical world was just up in arms over this

Revised Standard Version.

Now a lot of scholars laughed at the fundamentalists for their concern. See, it was the tip

of the iceberg. What you need to understand is sometimes a person tries to speak scholarly to you,

but is really avoiding that there is a serious problem here. Was there a serious problem among the

denominations and seminaries regarding the doctrine of the deity and virgin birth and incarnation

of Christ? The answer is, yes, there was. So the smoke screen out here was translating a Hebrew

word in 7:14. Now there are two other Hebrew words also that could have been used. But they

cant refer to a virgin. The only word that you can use that would refer to a virgin is almah. The
English Versions Time 06:49

reason why we knew these translators were wrong is because in Matthew 1:23 when it translated

the verse, it used the Greek word parthenos, which always means virgin. So, the Greek in the

New Testament clarified that the meaning of the Hebrew word was a virgin in Isaiah 7:14.

The reason why I want you to note it is because this started the undermining of what was

actually the original text. That somehow we have the freedom to say whatever we wanted to say,

all in the name of scholarship. And from then on, things got really rough.

Now in 1958, kind of following up on the tradition of the Williams translation, we had

the Phillips. Now the reason why it became popular is that Billy Graham picked it up and offered

it as a book offer on his program. And before too long, he was doing it in sections. Like he would

give you the Living Epistles or he would give you the Living Gospels or whatever. And this is a

number of years before the Living Bible came out. Its the Phillips translation. I still have one and

sometimes they really express, in a paraphrase, the beauty of whats in the language. So they are

interesting reading.

Well the American Bible Society decided to put out a translation in modern language to

communicate to the contemporary generation and also to kind of suppress all the controversy

about the Revised Standard. So in 1966, they produced the Good News for Modern Man. Its still

being sold.

What really became a hit with Bible readers was the Living Bible in 1971. It became the

most popular paraphrase ever done. All your little Precious Moments Bibles for kids are usually

using the Living Bible translation. It was done by Kenneth Taylor of Tyndale House and it was

basically to communicate with his own children. Many, many times the Living Bible does express

in our current English what is in the actual text. I have found it to be a lot better in the Old

Testament than the New. But he did a great job with the Old Testament. And sometimes, its

interesting reading. But youve got to be careful, remember its a paraphrase.

English Versions Time 09:04

So the Williams, the Phillips, the Living Bible, theyre all paraphrases, okay. There are

others like Weymouth that people will mention, but these are kind of the biggies. The New

American Standard Bible was done by the Lockman Foundation in 1971. And they tried to sell

this as the update of the King James. This was not an update of the King James. As a matter of

fact, they consulted the Westcott-Hort Greek text instead. But they got fifty-four evangelical,

fundamental scholars. I was very much involved in this project. Campus Crusade for Christ sold

this Bible everywhere. It was an updated version of the 1901. When it actually came to us, when

the final editorial committee had their say-so, there was a lot in it that was from Westcott and

Hort Greek text rather than the Textus Receptus. Even though they said they were going to try to

follow the majority view of it.

Well, it was the best thing in English and in the New Testament they kept all the verb

forms exactly the same, which was very helpful to English readers. Like if its a participle, they

put ing on the end of itteaching, baptizing, going, they kept consistent throughout the Bible. If

it was an imperfect, which is like a continuous action in past tense then they say they were

teaching. It was the first translation ever to do that. So it was extremely helpful and a lot of

university students really went for this because it did help explain some of the Greek grammar.

And I guess in a certain sense it wasnt that bad, but more and more as we look at what was

actually the product, we realize that they had succumbed to following the Greek text of Westcott

and Hort a lot more than they did the Textus Receptus. But they even tried to sell it on the basis of

the number of men involved. They got fifty-four just like the King James, but unlike the King

James they did not all meet together for hours of prayer. Nor did they check and recheck; nor did

every man submit his copies to everybody else, but rather to a central committee who had a lot of


Now some of the men involved in this project are some of the greatest fundamental men

of this century, some of whom have already died and some of whom were my teachers and I
English Versions Time 11:25

respect them greatly. So the New American Standard Bible was a worthy project, but it got a little

confused. And that will always happen when you get scholars together who are trying to put

together a Greek text and they dont want to make a decision between the two traditions, so

theyre going to just kind of make judgments. But sometimes somebody higher up calls the shots

and whatever good work people have done is changed. That happened frequently.

Then we have The Good News Bible in 1979 and thats still a good seller. It was

originally called The Bible in Todays English Version. Its the United Bible Societys, which was

committed to the Westcott-Hort tradition and also had a lot of Catholic influence. They began to

use this. Now their stated goal was not to follow traditional vocabularies and styles in other

versions, but to present the message in every day natural English. And I think they did a good job

with that. Theres just one problem, when you match the Greek text behind what theyre saying,

theres too much difference. So you dont know what the word of God is or isnt.

Now the next major project, which was indeed a critical one in terms of this whole

subject of our Bible, was the New King James, 1982. Now this is a reaction to the othersto

New International and New American. They say, wait a minute theyve been using the Greek text

of Westcott and Hort. Lets dont do that, lets go back to the Textus Receptus. Lets just update

the King James, get rid of the archaic words, change the ye and thee to just you, and make it easy

to read.

However, when the final committee made the decisions, they made more extensive

changes than they should have. One very important one [change] comes right away in the book

of Genesis and that was that the word for seed was translated descendants. Now the word seed

can refer to descendants and sometimes it does mean that. But we know from Pauls argument in

Galatians 3 that the prophecy related to how the seed will bless all nations of the world is not

talking about seeds as of many, but as of one, Christ the Messiah. They said that it was a natural

rendering of the word. Now this is an example where both sides are correct. Is it a natural
English Versions Time 13:44

rendering of the word seed to say you are descendants? Yes. But its like the word fish. Is it one

fish or is it two or more that you are talking about when you say fish? Its what we call generic

terms that can refer to either singular or plural. Thats the way the Hebrew word is for seed.

Heres another one, Elohim. Its actually a plural form in grammar, but it can refer to

singularGod is one, or pluralpagan gods. So there are a lot of words like that in every

language. We have them in ours, in English. And thats what the word seed was. So, are they

right in saying its natural to translate it descendants? Yes. But are they wrong in doing that in the

book of Genesis when it refers to the seed blessing all nations of the world? The answer is

yes. Theyre wrong. Why?because Galatians 3 clarifies the argument. Jewish people wouldnt

care. You understand? Because they dont believe the seed in Genesis 3:15 of the woman is

referring to the Messiah. They believe its referring to the Jewish people. So they would be

delighted with the translation, descendants.

But overall the New King James did a good job and I wouldnt quibble. It does follow the

Greek text behind the King James. And I wouldnt quibble with the New King James. If its

easier to read, fine.

The same things that I was saying about New American Standard would be said about

NIV. See, the NIV chose a different principle than New American Standard. If you gave me New

American Standard and NIV to evaluate and tell you what I believeand I have done quite a bit

of research on thisone, if youre asking me to read in the New Testament, Ill take New

American every time. They follow the Greek grammatical endings, all of that sort of thing. If

youre asking me to go to the Old Testament, Ill pick NIV every time. Why?because the

dynamic equivalent that is trying to express the thought is easier in Hebrew than it is in Greek.

Greek is a mathematical, teachers language. Hebrew is one of our romantic poetic languages. Its

very flexible, so dynamic equivalent goes good with that.

English Versions Time 15:51

Lets take a beautiful Hebrew word like chesed. The interesting thing to me is that that

word which is translated lovingkindness or mercies in the King James Old Testament. That

Hebrew word with New International was totally removed from the concept of lovingkindness.

They didnt do a bad job. They translated it with unfailing love and thats not bad because behind

chesed there is certainly faithfulness. Its part of the meaning of the word, but its a broad,

expansive word. And so the New International really felt like unfailing love says more than

lovingkindness. What it does is it drops the mercy concept out of the word. Im not trying to be

overly technical here. But class, in chesed there is a lot of mercy, a lot of compassion. Its like

removing the kindness, compassionate side of the word to say unfailing love. Their answer would

be, well the word love itself should say that. But, I believe the King James is proper in some

context to say, tender mercies, which it does many times in the Psalms in translating chesed

because other words for mercy or compassion are in the text which would show that.

Let me give you an example, Lamentations 3:22. It is of the Lords mercies [chesed or

unfailing love, or lovingkindness] that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not.

This is another word. So, you see, I know that the King James did a proper thing in saying it is of

the Lords mercies that were not consumed, because in the same parallelism of that passage it

says because His compassions fail not. So the compassion (mercy side of the word) was

definitely being introduced in that context. Am I making sense? Okay.

When translators make these decisions, theyve got reasons for them. Now the interesting

thing about the New American Standard that I feel doesnt really express the beauty of Hebrew as

it should; yet, they chose lovingkindness to be more consistent for the word. Because the New

American wanted to have English readers not having several English words for one Greek word

or one Hebrew word, they wanted to have a similar one. So their usage of lovingkindness is like

twice as much as even the King James. Thats because the principle behind the New American

was to get consistency of translationsmake sure its the same in all the passages. Thats why I
English Versions Time 18:28

still like King James and New King James because it isnt just being consistent that rules the day.

Its whether the context determines that is the meaning that should be delivered for that word.

Because Hebrew, especially in the Old Testament, has a lot of possibilities; so the context

sometimes determines which (among the possibilities) is the one that should be there. There are

just a lot of problems here and I dont want to make it more difficult.

The key about the Westcott and Hort text, the changes they made in the late 1800s based

on that, from the majority of manuscripts are too great to ignore. Thats the bottom line. These

changes were based on two manuscriptsCodex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus. They also throw in

a third, Codex Alexandrinus. They are not the best. They are not the oldest. They are not the most

accurate. And they add so many marginal notes in modern English translations that try to tell us it

really isnt the truth.

But the truth is that the Greek text used for producing the King James Version is still the

most reliable and is based by and large on the majority of manuscripts. May God give us all the

wisdom we need to evaluate these matters and the kindness of the Lord towards those who may

disagree because there are many who disagree.

The simple facts: one, the King James translation has the fewest multi-syllabic words. So

thats why it is easy for little kids to memorize. One of the things that the Bible publishing

companies are thinking about now is theyre asking the questionand I want you to think about

this questionwhy is it that the children of this evangelical generation are not memorizing these

new Bible translations like they once did with King James? I just want you to think about that.

Theres been a dramatic drop in the memorization of verses by children.

And Im kind of a bear for memorizing Scripture. I know that. But do you realize (those

of you who want to go into ministry) what a blessing this is? You need to learn the word of God,

so you get familiar with Gods word, so people ask you a question and you may not know the

exact passage, but you know pretty generally where that is. Memorizing Gods word is so
English Versions Time 20:47

important to your life. And it saddens me to see kids growing up in good Christian families who

are not memorizing Gods word any more.

Now if you came out of secular culture or a background that wasnt into that, I mean,

youre not to be blamed for that of course. But lets be smart as students and ask why? Is it just

because the parents were more disciplined then? Is it just because they rewarded them? I have not

been able to prove that either for my own sake or for anyone elses.

Is there a possibility that the multiple translations in a given congregation have added to

this problem? And I say yes! For instance, if the child has bought or if the parents buy him a

Precious Moments Living Bible and the parents are using King James or New American, they

themselves will not be as active in memorizing. In our home, we had a verse to memorize every

week as well. And I put them on little verse cards and wed pass them around the table. And

every morning wed go over our verse. And then wed cross out a word and see if we could still

say it. Cross out three or four and we had memorized one verse.

A few years ago I did a TV production for a company on a given number of pastors and

they wanted the children of these pastors who were grown children, to come in and comment on

what it was like to grow up in a pastors home. I was very interested because, you know, you

want to hear what your kids had to say. But my kids, all three of them, said that the thing they

remembered the most are the devotions around the table. Out of all the things that we did, thats

what they remember. Im not trying to overload you or trying to use this to prove the King James.

Im trying to analyze, why is it that we dont learn Gods word as we once did?

Now see, today we dont want to be exposed like that. And these things have just been

mushrooming, the multiple translations, and nobody knows which ones to follow. The fact that

parents dont insist that their kids learn the word of God anymoretheres something wrong! Id

like to pray and believe that some of you will have a greater commitment to Gods word and be

more dedicated to learning it than we have seen in the past generation. Its been very poor.
English Versions Time 22:52

I find people who have known the Lord twenty and twenty-five years have a crisis. I visit

them in the hospital and they cant remember the basic verses. And theyve sat in church year

after year after year after year. It astounds me. I know it exists. I dont try to expose them or make

them uncomfortable or anything like that. But it just startles me. I think, what have we been

doing? This is the word of God. We need to know the Book.

All right, anywayI have a pastor friend of mine. Its a wonderful story. He was a high

school drop out, into drugall that had messed up his life. He was the kind who said it doesnt

matter. He was on fire for God and hes really going to go after it. And you know that lasted for a

while and he ran out of gas. He wanted to know what to do. And I said, Listen, you can do this.

He said I cant even learn English much less Greek. I never even learned English.

I said, You can learn English if you wanted to. You can either do it on your own or you

can go back to high school. Adult programs are in every city in America and you can learn

English and start all over again. Well, I say that to a lot of guys and they dont listen. This guy

listened. He went back. He not only learned English, he learned Greek. He got a hunger for

Hebrew. And the guy just kept going and going. Today, that guy is very articulate and eloquent.

Its hard to believe!

If you want to do something about it there are plenty of ways to do it. And the reason

why we dont understand our Bibles well when we get out in the ministry and want to preach, is

because weve never been trained grammatically even in our own language, let alone the

language of the Bible. And so we dont think logically. We dont think mathematically. We dont

think in order and sequence. And thats some of the problem too.

I also believe that the parents stopped asking their kids to do anything. They didnt

discipline them. Dont you understand whats happening? Because all of you have different

testimonies of how you bombed out or went here or went there or came from this country or that

place or that culture and God brought you all here. And I say thank God for whatever those
English Versions Time 25:02

parents did, because it got you here, whether you know it or not! That was one of the things that

the Lord used in His marvelous plan.

Well, as long as I live, I shall continue to follow what God says.

Hey, take a break. See you in a few minutes.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 20
Interpretation of the Bible Part One

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Interpretation of the Bible - Part One

Okay. We come to the next gigantic subject related to the history and authenticity

of the Bible and in some respects one of the most important that weve got, and that is the

interpretation of the Bible. There are 12 principles we are going to give you about the

interpretation of the Bible. Anybody ever say to you, Ah, you cant understand that

Book or Thats just your interpretationwell, there are many interpretations anyway.

First of all, the very word for interpretation is a word that is in the Bible.

Hermeneutics is just set into English from the Greek word hermenuo. Hermeneutics, it

means interpretation. There is only one interpretation of the Bible, the one the Lord

intended. There are lots of opinions and lots of applications, but theres only one true

interpretation of the Bible. The one the Holy Spirit wanted when it was written. Now

thats our job, you see, in interpreting the Bible is to get back to that and find out how we

could understand that. Is that just a quickie little fix? Attend Bible College for at least one

year and you will now always interpret the Bible completely accurately. No!

How do we do accurate interpretation of this Bible? Its one thing to know how it

came into our hands. Its another thing to know how to interpret it. These principles must

be there if we are going to accurately interpret the Bible. And there are twelve of them.

And we will spend more time on some of them, especially the last three were going to

spend quite a bit of time on. But lets get started.

Principle number one is faith. Faith. If you begin to try to interpret the Bible in

your study without depending upon the Lord, youre going to be in big trouble. Big

trouble! I wonder how many of you, when you start to prepare something from Gods

word get on your knees and pour out your heart before God, ask for His help.

Turn to Psalm 119 and lets just see what God has to say about it. Ive come to

believe that we get into more trouble because of the lack of prayer than anything else. We

just dont pray. Ive seen people have critical spirits towards people they dont even

know. And you know every time I see it I say, You must not be on your knees much
Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 03:10

before God. I just want you to know that we can find fault with each other any time we

want to.

In the final analysis, if you and I arent serious before God and do some

changing, who cares what anybodys saying. And I wonder when people get into this

Christian game, and I see attitudes, I wonder have you been on your knees before God?

Prayer is a serious matter. I cannot interpret this Book without prayer. But Ill tell

you something, the real school is the school of prayer. Thats a school.

I love that series by Andrew Murray. But he has a beautiful little book, if youve

not read it, its called With Christ in the School of Prayer. Excellent. I also recommend to

you all the books by E. M. Bounds. They were original lectures to preachers about

prayer. They now come in that little set, you know, in the bookstore, by E. M. Bounds. In

fact, they now have a larger edition where they take all those little booklets and put them

together, beautiful stuff that E. M. Bounds wrote about prayer and our need of prayer.

I was in Korea this summer, and was talking to the pastors about what an

example to see all these people early in the morning going up to the mountains to pray.

One of the pastors came to me and he said, Its not as great as you think.

I said, Whys that? He said a lot of these people were Buddhists and thats what

we did under Buddhism. The question is what are they saying once they get there?

And I thought to myself, isnt that the truth?

What are you and I like when we are all alone with the Lord? Do you really want

Him to show you Gods word? Or do you kind of just want Him to bless what you

already decided youre going to do? Wheres the heart of humility and brokenness before

God? Do you really believe its the word of God? Do you really believe that God will

answer prayer and show you?

I was stuck on a problem the other day. Two passages of Scripture looked

contradictory one to another. I have studied and studied. I got no where. And as I often do
Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 05:14

when that happens, I went in my office and shut the door, got on my knees and said,

Lord, Im stuck. I could almost hear Him say, Well its good to see you, David.

Youve been messing around over there in the library a while. You should have started

with Me. It would have made those books a lot more interesting.

Its just like you get on your knees like youre embarrassed. All of a sudden

youre aware. I probably should have done this before I started. Please forgive me. It

was amazing how the Lord justthe answer was there. The very thing Id been

struggling about. And you know its a reminder to me over and over and over again. We

need prayer. We need faith. We need dependency on the Lord.

In Psalm 119, we have a lot of beautiful statements. Lets just highlight a few.

Verse 18 heres a prayer: Open Thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out

of Thy law. The Hebrew word for wondrous is incomprehensible, meaning too difficult

to understand. Now class, lets be honest. There are things difficult to understand in this

Bible. Lots of itvery hard to understand! Then whats the secret? Go to the Lord and

depend upon Him. Open mine eyes that I may behold difficult, incomprehensible things

out of Thy law.

Theres a prayer to understand. Look at verses 26 and 27. I have declared my

ways and Thou heardest me. Teach me Thy statutes. Make me to understand the way of

Thy precepts. So shall I talk of Thy wondrous works.

Do you ask God, Teach me Your statutes? Do you say, Make me

understand? To say, Make me understandand its because of a grammatical form of

the word that its translated make me to understandit suggests that theres a natural

tendency on our part not to do this. Somehow God needs to give us these gentle nudgings

and proddings to make us understand. The psalmist was recognizing his own depravity

and resistance when he says make me to understand.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 07:25

Psalm 119:33-34. Teach me [again the prayer] Teach me O Lord, the way of

Thy statutes. Notice back in verse 26 he said, Teach me Thy statutes and here he says,

Teach me the way of Thy statutes. See when you come to study the Bible and find out

the interpretation, some times its not just the content that you get down, but its the point

of the content. Its the direction in which God wants you to go by what you have learned.

And sometimes we see people who are very intelligent in the Bible, but they dont know

what it means. They dont know how to apply it. They dont know the direction they

should walk because of it. And that comes as a result of dependency upon God as well.

Teach me [not only Your statutes, but teach me] the way of Your statutes and I shall

keep it unto the end. Give me understanding. I shall keep Thy law. Yeah, I shall observe

it with my whole heart. Sometimes we have no commitment to follow what God says.

So dont expect Him to answer prayer in understanding your Bible. Lord, show me what

this passage means. I will obey You no matter what it comes out as.

See, frequently I find the Bible contradicts what I previously thought. Then Im

faced with the issue of whether or not Im going to bow myself down to the word. Or

whether Im going to keep doing what I thought. And sometimes when the Bible clearly

shows you something you should do, but its contrary to what you do, all of a sudden

your mind thinks, I wonder if theres another interpretation? Oh, therell always be

another one in those books. But the one interpretation that God intended is the most

important. Thats why we use all these principles to help us, of which the first is of

course prayer.

In Psalm 119:68 it says, Thou art good and doest good. Teach me Thy statutes.

Here we have a motive for itbecause everything behind it is good. All things work

together for good (Romans 8:28). God is good. His goodness leads to repentance

(Romans 2:4). So Lord, I want to learn. I know that behind all of this is Your goodness.
Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 09:25

Verse 73 says, Thy hands have made me and fashioned me. Give me

understanding that I may learn Thy commandments. You know you can learn something

by memorizing it. But did you learn it. You might be able to reduplicate something on a

test, but has it become part of your lifestyle? Very important!

Verse 169 says, I love the way this is expressed. Let my cry come near before

Thee O Lord. Give me understanding according to Thy word. All the way through this,

theres a hunger. Theres a thirst. Theres a cry from Gods servant to the Lord. Lord, I

want to know Your word more than anything else.

This morning before I came here, we had a call from Philadelphia. A man said, I

heard you on the radio years ago do a series on Psalm 119. Twenty-two messages on that

one chapter.

I said, Thats true.

Do you still have them?

I said, Yes.

He said, I want them desperately.

I said, Why?

He said, Well, when I first heard them I guess I wasnt paying a whole lot of

attention, just listening. But now Ive got such a hunger for the word of God. What will it

take to send them priority mail?

I said, You dont have to do that. We can just send them regular mail.

No, no, no. I want them now!

I said, Youre really desperate arent you?

He said, Something significant has happened in my heart and I dont want to

settle for anything any more than hearing from God and His word.

Boy, that blessed me! I thoughtI can use that in my class today! May God give

us all that same heart.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 10:59

In Hebrews 11:6 it says, Without faith its impossible to please Him, for he who

comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that [what?]

diligently seek Him. You see if youre going to go after this and you really want to

know it, Gods going to reward you. And you come with faith believing that He will.

Hell show me. Hell reveal to me.

And I guess all that we impart to you here at this college, praise the Lord for it.

But if we havent taught you to depend on the Lord, what have we taught you?

But the issue Im trying to say to all of us is our need of prayer and dependency

and faith and confidence in the Lord is crucial. And I believe that one of the reasons why

we get into trouble is because we hurry. I know thats why I do it. Man, I got to get that

message ready. Ive only got about three hours left. You know, I usually look up all the

passages. Ive got to get a commentary. Maybe hes already looked them up. Flip

through it. I get another one. Im flipping through. Im going like crazy, you know. Oh

man, now what Im going to do? Get on the phone, call a pastor friend of mine, Hey,

you know that passage over there, have you got anything on that?

Dont tell me guys dont do that. They do it to meevery week! Yesterday a

friend of mine called me up and said, Hey man, I need something on he told me the

passage and so forth.

I said, Have you ever thought that the Lord could give it to you?

David, Ive got two hours. I need the answer to this

I said, Ill bet ten minutes in prayer will do it.

He said, Youre not going to give this to me, are you?

I said, No.

Do you know the answer to it?


Well come on, give me the answer.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 12:39

I said, But you wouldnt know it yourself. You wouldnt experience the joy of

digging it out. I said, Ill make a deal for you. You pray. You study it. And if you still

havent found it in two hours, you call me and Ill give it to you before you go in the


He said, Youre rotten.

I said, I know it.

He hung up. The next day he calls me back. He said, You know, I really want to

thank you for that.

Do you understand, many of us are suffering what were suffering because of the

lack of prayer. Were not going to the Lord. Do you have notes on that? Send them to

me. I need them for next week.

Really? No. What you need to do is get on your knees before God in front of

that open Bible and ask God to speak to your heart.

Prayer is a school. Prayer is hard work. Prayer is discipline. Id like to suggest

the following simple things for you. One is to have a prayer list. I dont know about you,

but I get down on my knees to pray and my mind wanders. Or I think about a lot of things

Im going to try to do or whatever. So a prayer list is helpful with names of people and

specific requests. And I like to put the date of answer down when you see God answers it.

You know when people ask you to pray for them about something, you either do it then

or you write it down because you usually dont remember it. But if you do remember and

a week later ask them, say, Hey what happened?

People are often surprised. What are you talking about?

Well, you asked me to pray about that thing.

Oh thatyeah!

Ive had that happen over and over again. I said, Well what did happen?

Oh the Lord worked it out great.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 14:04

Praise the Lord. It was a joy to pray for you.

Oh, you prayed?


Oh, I really didnt expect you to.

Well you asked me. The Bible says, God forbid that I should sin in ceasing to

pray for you, if I promise to do it You see, so we need a prayer list with specifics.

Another thing that I think is missing is worship; in other words, how to pray. We

need to focus a lot more on praise and blessing and exalting and magnifying the Lord.

And for that, I use the Psalms. I need direction. I love to pray with the Psalms in front of

me. I love to read this. I will praise You, Lord, with my whole heart. My heart sings to

You, Lord. My heart speaks of Your wondrous works. Lord, You are so full of

compassion and kindness and Youre so gracious.

Before I know whats happening, Gods melting me. His Holy Spirit is just

melting me. Some call it pray-reading but I like to do that, just pray through the Psalms.

Righteous art Thou, O Lord; Upright in all Thy judgments. God, I want Your word in my

life. The entrance of Your word gives light. It gives understanding to the simple. I need

that. Do you understand? It puts a new little kind of boost and life into your prayer life, so

it doesnt become routine.

Without faith we cant please Him. And if were going to see God answer, He

will answer if we diligently, the Bible says, seek Him. Ive always wondered about that

in Hebrews 11:6 where it says without faith it is impossible to please Him. He who

comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently

seek Commentaries? Seek to put it together themselves? What is it that we seek in

order to be rewarded with the answer? Him! Sometimes in your desire to be blessed by

the Lord, you miss the Blesser.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part One Time 15:50

Ill give you an illustration. My four-and-half year-old grandson, I had a great

time with hima wonderful time playing. We crawled on the floor in a race through the

house. My wife says if only your students could see you now. But I had a lot of fun with

that little kid. But nothing blessed me more. After a long day of playing and everything

else, he crawled in my lap, put his arms around me, kissed me on the cheek and said, I

love you so much, Grandpa. I just started crying.

He said, Whats the matter?

I said, Nothing. I gave him a big hug.

Imagine what our heavenly Father feels. I was made in His image after His

likeness. And if that means so much to me, that little hug from that little kid, made my

month! I mean it was so fantastic, that little grandson just saying, I love you, Grandpa.

But that little hug was all I needed.

Do you understand that in prayer, the focus needs to be on the Lord? Relate to

Him as your heavenly Father. Tell Him all that He means to you. Speak of how Hes such

a blessing to you, how much you love Him. Very important, class! In diligently seeking

Him, Hes promised to reward us. Very important!

Lets pray.

Father, thank You for Your word. Help us, Lord, as we begin this section of

learning to interpret the Bible that we might truly seek Your face and depend

upon You. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 21
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two

Okay. Lets get on to interpretation of the Bible. And we started last week with prayer,

faith, dependency on the Lord, and boy is that crucial!

So lets pray.

Father, thank You so much for Your wonderful love. Lord, I thank You for the

joy of being a part of that. May all of us do what we can where we are to

introduce people to the real reason for the season. Thank You, Lord. Bless our

class. May we again understand, Lord, that there are principles revealed in Your

word as to how to study and interpret Your word. So Lord, keep us on track and

loyal to You. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Okay, take your Bibles please and turn to Proverbs 28. When we come to the

interpretation of the Bible, we are talking about one of the most serious subjects as it relates to

our Bibles. The authenticity of the BibleIve often saidis revealed in or manifested in the

field of hermeneutics, which means interpretation.

Principles of Interpretation

Faith (dependency and prayer)

Ps.119:18, 26-27, 33-34, 68, 73, 169; Heb.11:6
Holiness Ps. 66:18; Prov. 28:9, 13; Heb. 12:14;
Obedience Ps. 119:100; John 17:17; James 1:22-25
The Holy Spirit John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:19-21
Jesus Christ Luke 24:44-45; John 16:13-14; Acts 8:34-35
Spiritual Maturity 1 Cor. 2:6; 3:1-3; Heb. 5:11-14; 2 Pet. 3:18
Diligent Study Ps. 119:99; Acts 17:11; 2 Tim. 2:15
Simplicity Ps. 119:130; 2 Cor. 11:3,6
Context Language Culture
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 01:57

I see the glory of the word in the guidelines for the interpretation of the word. And one

of those guidelines, of course, was faith. But a second guideline is holiness. Its interesting to me

that God reveals more to those who walk with Him than those who dont. And were going to

show you some things that, well, it might be an eye opener.

We see first of all, in Proverbs 28:9, that He that turneth his ear from hearing the law,

even his prayers shall be an abomination. So if youre not walking according to Gods word,

then it affects principle number one. See how interestingly they are intertwined.

Down in verse 13, He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and

forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Now Psalm 66:18 says, If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will [what?] not hear

me. At the end of our last session we talked about wonderful verses, many of them in the 119th

Psalm that are prayers. Open mine eyes that I may behold wondrous [difficult] things out of Thy

law. But here I learn that if Im entertaining sin in my heart, or if Im coveting, theres

something Im trying to hide, the Bible says the Lord will not hear me. So you see the desire to

know Gods word and to interpret it correctly is affected by the way Im walking with the Lord.

Thats why even though its not in anybodys hermeneutics books that Ive ever found, I find its

in the Bible.

Some guy says to me, I just cant seem to understand the Bible. He doesnt want to hear

from me. Well, it may be because you are not walking with the Lord. I mean, thats a negative

start and I dont know the guy, so Ill be talking to him about other principles, context and so

forth. But isnt it interesting that you can have all the best studies youve ever had in

hermeneutics and really got it down as to how to interpret the Bible; but if you in fact are not

walking with the Lord, Gods shutting it off right there. Its a closed door. Boy how we need to

hear this! Like Hebrews 12:14, without holiness no man will see the Lord. Boy, thats

Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 04:26

But Id like you to go to 1 Corinthians 2:9. I want you to see something in 1Corinthians 2

to prove the point Im making that if youre not walking with the Lord, you dont actually have

the ability to understand the word. You may think you do, but you may not see where God wants

you to see simply because of it. 1 Corinthians 2:9 is an interesting passage as it relates to the

Bible itself. Verse nine tells us that by human comprehension, its impossible to understand the

things Gods prepared for us. Your eye cant see it. Your ear cant hear it. And your heart cant

receive it without Gods help.

And so basically, what we are told in verses 10-13 is that the Holy Spirit who knows all

the things of God thats been given to us. He can show us those things, cant He? He can reveal

them to us. So we need to trust the Holy Spirit. We read in verse 13, Which things also we speak

not in the word which mans wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches, comparing

spiritual things with spiritual. The Holy Spirit, who of course is another key to interpretation!

But what I want you to see here is 1 Corinthians 2:14. Look at this: The natural man

receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he

know them because they are spiritually discerned. Look at 1 Corinthians 3:1. Remember there

are no chapter divisions in the text.

And I brethren, could not speak unto you as to spiritual but as to carnal, as to

babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with meat. Because you are not able

to bear it, neither are yet now are you able. For you are yet carnal. There is

envying, strife, divisions. Are you not carnal and walk as men?

But theres no chapter division. If youre following this and hes talking to that church,

then the ones who are the natural man are not unbelievers but they are carnal believers

the opposite of being spiritual and understanding all things.

Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 06:33

Now, when I look at the natural man in 1 Corinthians 2:14, everybody interprets that as

an unbeliever. But I notice its a Greek word psychikospsychiko manin contrast to the

pneuma, the spiritual man. Now an unbeliever has a soul and so do we (Christians), but his spirit

is dead. When you come to Christ your spirit is active; but in fact, you can quench and resist. And

the Holy Spirit of God (the fire in our bosom) can, as it were, have water thrown on Him by our

own sin. We grieve the Spirit of God and our spirits get all messed up so we cant discern and

understand the things of God because of sin in our life, which grieves the Spirit. Well, the

unbeliever, I expect him not to understand the word. But there are many believers that dont

understand the word and have never been confronted that the problem is carnality, not lack of

schooling. Is everybody following me?

Carnality is a bigger hindrance than the lack of education, by far. You can have all the

education in the world, but if youre not walking with God, you are not going to understand the

word. You see when you take that tactic on verse 14 seeing it in its context that the Corinthians

are being called carnal, not spiritual. Its the spiritual man that understands and discerns. Thats

why they didnt discern the body of Christ at the bread and the cup and had drunkenness at the

communion table. Why they did not discern Gods holy, righteous standards of morality and

tolerated a guy who had committed incest in their membership and hadnt repented and hadnt

been confronted. You know, all kinds of things happen. Carnal things happen in a church that

claims to know the Lord but doesnt walk in the Spirit. So you see when we talk about holiness

and clean life, pure motives, that is fundamental. Create in me a clean heart, O God; Renew a

right spirit within me, said David in Psalm 51.

Now, these are very much tied together. Look at them again: faith, holiness, obedience.

Its hard for me to separate obedience from holiness. Some call holiness, the state of being right

with God. Well, Ill tell you, you can confess your sins in one moment and the next moment be

sinning either by mind or motive. Its easy, isnt it? One moment you say, As far as I know Im

all confessed up. And then the next moment lie to somebody. So it is a struggle as we try to deal
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 09:05

with this. I see them as all relating together. Obedience to specify, to me is just simply doing what

God commands and pleases Him. Thats what it means.

Now, we have clear-cut teaching in the Bible that tells us that is a key to learning. I like

John 7:17 where Jesus said, He who wills to do His will, will know of the doctrine whether I

speak of Myself or of God. So, apparently doing what God wants you to do is the key to

understanding what Jesus is teaching you. So faith, prayer, calling upon the Lord, holiness, where

were not entertaining sin in our hearts, and obedience, doing what God tells us to do. Theyre all

related, and related to number four, the Holy Spirit. He not only is the One who inspired the

word, but Hes the One that illuminates our minds. He will guide us into all the truth, says John

16:13, which He did to those apostles that heard Him. All the truth is in the word. And the Bible

tells us the Spirit guided those who wrote the word, those holy men of God who were separated

for that task, (cf. 2 Peter 1:20). And said that no prophesy is of any private interpretation [theres

our word] but holy men of God spake, as they were moved [or directed, or carried along] by the

Holy Spirit. So in the interpretation of the word, guess who controlled the one interpretation that

God intended? The Holy Spirit did.

Well, Hes also the One who indwells us and when we walk under the control of the

Spirit, you see, these two things come together. He who inspired and controlled the original

writers to produce an accurate and reliable record is also the One inside of us, who guides our

minds and opens up our minds, who illumines us to what the original intent is of this Book. You

know, after I go through these four I feel like saying hallelujah all over again. I get real excited

about it. And he hasnt said one thing yet about seminary or college or anything else. About

whether youre smart or youre not.

First of all, we know that most of the Christians are not smart. Im sorry, if you think you

are, but 1 Corinthians 1 calls you foolish. And the majority of Christians are also extremely weak

and vulnerable. Thats what he told us. And the majority of Christians arent worth much to the

world. But did you know the majority of people in the world are in that category. There are not
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 11:32

many mighty and not many noble and not many wise. It didnt say not any but he said, not

many. The majority of people are not wise, worldly wise. The majority of people are not

educated. You understand? Its easy, isnt it to get full of pride, arrogant. God choose foolish

things to confound the wise. We need to walk humbly with our God. 1 Corinthians 4:7 says that

you havent got anything that didnt come from the gracious hand of the Lord.

I just think wed better get this straight, class. You want to understand the Bible? Thats

what our course was called. I was motivated to try to help you understand the Bible, its history,

its authenticity, its reliability, how to work with it, to give you some basics on this. And that was

my assignment. And I think to myself, boy, Ive really failed if I somehow give you the idea that

if you just know this course, thats all thats necessary. No its not. No these first four things, you

leave them out at any point and youre in trouble. Youve got to walk with God. I dont care how

smart you are.

I want you to learn with your heart. I want you to learn about your need of the Lord. I

dont want you to think that somehow youre going to just walk out of here and know the Bible.

You see, youre not going to fool God. You are not going to fool the Lord. And that hunger and

thirst for Gods word has to be just as strong today as it was if you are looking back fifty years. It

has to be as strong. I would never want to go back to where I was coming out of school. And I

thought I knew it all. I never want to go back there. I have a greater hunger now for Gods word

and for learning and knowing than ever before.

A good example was this week I got a new computer program on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

And Im going through them and looking at them. Couple of the volunteer employees came

through and said, Whats that?

I said, Oh, its the Dead Sea Scrolls. Well, to me it was exciting! I am reading the word

of God, looking at manuscripts. Im sitting there looking at this and Im just marveling at Gods

gracious hand in this whole thing. Ive got a hunger for this. I cant quit and I dont want to quit.
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 13:44

It reminds me of Billy Sunday you know the old evangelist, he preached up a storm. And

they asked him, What are you going to do when you get to be an old man and your teeth fall


He said, Then Ill gum it to death. I want to go down preaching.

Dr. McGee did that. He could hardly walk into the pulpit. One of his last messages was

done in my church. I hardly recognized him when he walked in that day. I hadnt seen him in

about three months. Suit hanging all over him, shriveled up. We had to carry him up to the pulpit.

When he got up to the pulpit, he turned around, I looked at the audience and he did it again. Three

times! Turned around! He looked at the audience and he said, You know the good thing about

cancer, when it eats away your body, you can turn around in your suit and your suit doesnt

move. He had humor when he was dying because he had the joy of the Lord. And you know

something? He got up there and said, Though Ive preached many times on Psalm 2, the Lord

just gave me a wonderful new insight. He could hardly talk and the moment he started in it was

just like the Holy Spirit of God came on that man and he was the McGee of old. And when he

was done, he could not walk away; we had to carry him off. We got down there and he said, You

know the word is wonderful, isnt it? God bless him.

You see, you can never think that all your study and all that you learn is somehow all you

need to understand the Bible. Youve got to walk with God. And it will be more wonderful to you

fifty years later if thats so. If you dont, it doesnt matter how much you know. There are a lot of

good friends of mine who graduated from seminary. They knew much more than I did, but they

thought they could do it without walking with God. No you cant! Youve got to walk with the


So all of those four things [faith, holiness, obedience, and the Holy Spirit] to me are

crucial and thats why I spent time with it.

The fifth essential of understanding how to interpret the Bible is simply Jesus Christ. And

what we mean by this is found in Luke 24would you turn there please? And that is that the
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 15:59

entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about Jesus Christ. The old time evangelist used to say

if you dont see Jesus in the Bible, youd better go study it again.

Now, heres where we get this from. Luke 24, this is the night of the resurrection. Hes

with the disciples. Verse 44, These are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with

you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses [thats the Torah,

which means law in Hebrew] and in the prophets and in the Psalms. Thats the section called

writings of which the Psalms is the majority of it in length. And the chief book of the writings,

so they always call the writings by the Psalms. But look at this, the three-fold division of the

Hebrew Old Testament still exists today. The law of Moses, five books; the prophets, twelve

books; the writings, five books; a total of 22 in Hebrew. He says its concerning what? What does

it say? concerning Me. Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the


Let me tell you class, you wont really understand the Scriptures until you see the

centrality of Jesus Christ. Thats what this Book is all about. God sent His Son into this world.

The whole story of the Old Testament; theres a Messiah thats coming! The whole story of the

New Testament, Hes come, Hes going to come again too, much of which the Old Testament

said as well. So this is a very important principle of knowing Gods word. Its concerning Him.

I love Acts 8, when Philip was with the Ethiopian eunuch and the Ethiopian eunuch was

reading from Isaiah 53. He was a Gentile proselyte to Judaism. We know that because it calls him

a worshipper, which is a technical word for a Gentile proselyte. He comes into his chariot. He

sees it and says, Do you understand what youre reading?

How can I unless some man should guide me? Boy, theres principle of interpretation.

And the next thing is, He preached unto him Jesus. Its all about Jesus.

I hope you see that because if you dont, you dont have the eyes that the Lord wants you

to have to interpret the word of God. Sometimes I have to back off and say what did I see about

the Lord here?

Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 18:28

Number six, spiritual maturity. Now I dont expect a brand new baby in Jesus Christ to

have a great, in-depth understanding, interpretation of the Bible. And its not because were proud

and weve known the Lord for years. Its because the Bible itself reveals that.

See the principles are from Gods word. We arent making them up. Spiritual maturity is

crucial. Now even referring back to that 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 passage, he called them babes in

Christ as well as carnal.

Now go to Hebrews 5, please. Would you agree with me, those of you who have done

some study in Hebrews that this is a hard book to understand? I remember the first time we were

assigned the translation of it in Greek. Man, did we ever struggle with that. This is a tough book

to translate. Its not like the simple Greek of John or 1 John. It is hard translation, very Hebraic.

That is, it would be easier if it was in Hebrew. The original letter may have been in Hebrew. But

you understand that this is a heavy duty book. Not only is it heavy in its vocabulary, but its heavy

in its message, its content. And it takes some doing. You have to figure out who hes talking to

and why and all those warning passages and all that sort of thing.

Right in the midst of this discussion about the priesthood, in Hebrews 5:11, telling us that

Jesus was after the order of Melchizedekwhich he will continue in later chaptersbut right

away he says,

of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull

of hearing. For when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have need that

one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and have

become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that

uses milk is unskillful. [Theres that word, lacking in the ability to interpret,

unskillful] in the word of righteousness; for he is a babe. But strong meat

belongeth to them that are of full age, even to those who by [Howd they get this

way?] by reason of use. (Hebrews 5:11-14)

Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 20:51

Notice, you dont become a strong Christian by the number of years that you have been a

Christian. You become a strong Christian by reason of use, using the word of God. You have

your senses exercised to discern both good and evil. You dont need to ask people. Is this right?

Or is this wrong? Thats typical of new believers and toddlers spiritually. But once we get strong

in the word, we know that whatever the answer is to that, its in the word. I need to find it for

myself. Study to show thyself approved unto God (2 Timothy 2:15).

Now sometimes well run into a real snag and well choose an older mature Christian to

ask about that problem to get their viewpoint. I understand that. But do you understand that a

mark of spiritual maturity is that you dont need to go asking everybody. You need to go ask the

Lord. You need to search it for yourself.

I have found that every time I search the answer to a question, I know the answer.

Whereas when somebody tells me, I dont know it, I parrot it. Is everybody listening to me? So if

I go and say to pastor, what do you think about that passage? He tells me. I heard it and Im

going to parrot it. But you know something, I dont really know it. But if I did the same work he

had done originally on it and I went through and studied it and came to that conclusion, then I

know it. You see, so sometimes be careful. Its easy to just ask somebody you think knows it,

trust what they say and then never study it for yourself. You dont really know it. You need to go

through the process of searching it out too.

Did the Lord incite David to number the people or did the devil incite him? It looks like a

contradiction to me. Now, which is it? I can tell you what the answer is, but wouldnt it be better

for you to search it out as to what the doctrine in the Bible is about God using Satan to

accomplish His purposes. It would be a much better task. And then youd really know the subject.

Thats what Im trying to sayspiritual maturity.

2 Peter 3:18 says, Grow in grace [interesting] and knowledge of our Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ. There are two things there. Grace means all that God gives you and what Hes

working in your life that comes from His wonderful handHis kindness to you. So you need to
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 23:11

grow in that. A lot of us have not grown in that because of sin or bad attitudes or whatever. Were

not growing in the Lord. And we need to grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. The more we

study the Bible, the more we know. Thats so important to find out. Spiritual maturity is a key.

Number seven. You wont like this word, but diligently study. Diligent study or put in

parenthesis after that, hard work. Psalm 119, which is to me a key chapter all 176 verses in it, to

study if you want to learn about the word and how to know the word. You really ought to master

Psalm 119. But verse 99 says, I have more understanding than all my teachers. Thats a favorite

verse of a lot of students. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Thy testimonies

are my meditation. Not because Im higher educated or because I heard some stuff the teacher

didnt know about. No. He said, I understand more for Thy testimonies have been my

meditation. Ive been delighting in and chewing on the word. And the idea here is that when you

depend on the word you dont need to depend on the teachers.

You see thats the principle we all need to learn. You have to learn and relearn and renew

constantly what you already know. You might memorize it. You might know the truth. But it

comes to you in a fresh and powerful way. Thats the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit, and all

of a sudden its a blessing in a new way and a fresh way. Yet you know exactly everything that

was said, but it hits you. The Holy Spirit took that and just melted your heart with it and did

something special in you. How many of you have felt that?

Ive listened many times to some preacher who hasnt said one thing the entire time that I

didnt know about. But see, the Bible rebukes those who come to hear Gods word just to hear

some new thing. No, we dont come to hear some new thing. I want to hear the word preached in

the power of the Holy Spirit. Dont you worry about it! Ill get blessed because the Lord has a

way of showing us constantly with the power of His word. And I may know everything hes

saying, but Im blessed in a fresh and new way. And thats the beautiful thing about the work of

the Holy Spirit. But diligent study, dont try to get out of it. The Berean Christians in Acts 17:11
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 25:44

were commended because they searched the Scriptures, they examined them daily. Thats the

work of interpretation. That examination is hard work. It takes time.

Two things represent to me diligent study. One is time. Now class, we can waste time

too. You know, you can say I spent two hours studying the word, but maybe for an hour you just

daydreamed. So I dont mean merely time, but time studying the word. Never believe that diligent

study doesnt require time.

I just got a letter from a pastor who told me that he had lost the joy of preaching,

studying, all that stuff. And I just told him it takes time. Thats all I said. It was just a casual

remark. And the Spirit of God went in like a knife into his soul because he was trying to walk into

the pulpit without taking time. Gods blessing is on the man who does his own homework. I told

him that too. Dont think you can escape these principles of interpretation. You cant. Time is

crucial. It takes time to study.

Number two is hard work. And if you dont want to do that, then stay out of the ministry.

It takes time. And it takes hard work.

Now turn to 2 Timothy 2:15 and lets prove that. If youre going to interpret accurately

the word of God, that takes a lot of study. In fact, if youd like to put it down. As a principle, I

believe that study is the key to accurate interpretation. Not your background. Not your

knowledge, none of that. Not your denomination. But study is the key to accurate interpretation.

Youve got to hit it. 2 Timothy 2:15 tells you that. Study! Now the reason I translated it diligent

study is those of you even with the New American Standard know that its translated be

diligent. Agonize. Our English word agony comes off it. Sweat. Its talking about athletes in a

contest of wrestling. This is struggle. Study to show thyself. The words show thyself is

translated present your body a living sacrifice, in Romans 12:1. Its translated yield your body

to God, in Romans 6:13-19, same words, show yourself. It literally means to stand yourself

alongside of somethingin this case, the word. You want to know how to preach right? Stand
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 28:27

yourself alongside that Bible and dont walk away. Spend some time and do a lot of hard study.

God will bless you for it.

How do I know Ill be blessed? Because it says, study to stand, or be diligent, or agonize,

really work hard to stand yourself alongside of it and you will be approved unto God. Now its

approval from God is the way grammatically. Its kind of like the Good Housekeeping Seal of

Approval, but its coming from God. The approval on a mans ministry comes from God based on

his own study. Not stealing somebody elses sermon. Now the outline may direct you, may guide

you, whatever. Somebody elses sermon may help you. But if you dont study, you arent going

to accurately interpret the Bible.

Study to show thyself approved unto God. Now to emphasize the hard work, he says,

a workman that needeth not to be ashamed or has no cause for embarrassment. You know the

number one reason why were embarrassed for somebody after the sermon we preached or the

class we taught, they bring up some things because we didnt study carefully. And that is so true.

I was preaching a couple months ago and a portion of the text that I was inI have to

admit I didnt have time to look up as to what it really saidI sort of trusted my memory.

Dangerous! I preached my heart out that day and so forth. A Bible studentloved the Lord, I

mean theyre in the church, people who really studyhe comes out there and says, By the way,

you know this verse here, I think that is used over in And he gave me the context of it. And I

think you came out with the wrong uh Im just curious how you came up with yours? So

you know discretion is the better part of valor. And I said to him, You know something, thats

the one phrase in that whole text that I didnt look up and you nailed me, brother.

He threw his arms around me and said, Its okay. He walked away.

But see a workman, if you work at it you wont have any cause to be embarrassed. So

then when somebody comes up, you know what theyre talking about. Youve studied it. Youve

been through it. You can say, Well I appreciate your view but heres the reason why I came to

Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 30:32

God has some really strong stuff there in 2 Timothy 2:15, but the blessing is in the last

phrase, Rightly dividing the word of truth. So study is the key to accurate interpretation. To

rightly divide is a Greek word, to cut and to cut straight. It dealt with a guy going into a very

thick forest who was making a path for others to walk on. So hes chopping it all down, hes

cutting a path and the others can walk on it. So if you want to rightly divide the word of truth,

study is a key to it.

Number eight, the simple principle of simplicity! 2 Corinthians 11:3 says, But I fear as

the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your mind should be corrupted from the

simplicity that is in Christ. If people dont understand what youre sayingwere talking about

just average people listening to you, if they dont understand what youre sayingis the

possibility not that they are carnal or immature, but that you are not a good communicator? Or

number two, you dont know what youre talking aboutisnt that a possibility? Why do we

always see the problem in the audience? Cant the problem also be in the pulpit? If they dont

really understand what youre saying, maybe youre down too deep in the well and you dont

frankly know how to get out either. We need to get into the deep things of Gods word. I hear

people say that and I dont know where he is. I cant follow him.

Simplicity. Jesus said, Out of the mouths of babes, God has ordained wisdom (cf.

Matthew 21:16). Is it simple? The entrance of Thy word gives light, it gives understanding to the

simple, says Psalm 119:130. I like to say, Put the cookies on the bottom shelf so all the kids can

get them. It isnt the job of us teaching the Bible to show how much we know that the audience

doesnt know! Our job is to help them understand what is very difficult in the Bible and make it

simple, so everybody gets it. And Ill tell you, it takes a real smart person in the Lord to be able to

do that.

Thats a principle that God wants you to understand when you go to interpret His word.

He didnt make it in the language of the court. He didnt use classical Greek. He used koine

Greek, which is common Greek spoken by the average people on the street. God wasnt trying to
Interpretation of the Bible Part Two Time 32:51

trick people. He made it so that little children could understand. He even told people, Unless you

be converted and become like this little child, you cant enter the kingdom of God (cf. Luke


Hey Jesus, lets get these little toddlers away from You. He grabbed them and put them

in His arms and said, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of

heaven. Dont think they werent squirming too. I love that picture! Although I dont really like

pictures of Jesus, but theres one thats kind of as a rough Jewish carpenter look that I kind of like

in the Christian bookstore, and it has all those kids all over Him. Have you seen that one? Man, I

love that picture. Thats Jesus to me. There are a couple of little maybe first or second graders

around His legs. And Hes got a baby in one arm and kids hanging over His shoulder. And

theyre all over Him, those little kids. And I say, Thats my Jesus! Thats my Lord right there.

Suffer, allow the little kids to come to Me cause of such is the kingdom of heaven.

He never made it hard. What do you think parables are all about? Parables are stories that

everybody knew everyday. But boy, sometimes we preachers make those parables hard for folks.

There is really only one central truth, but we think theres thirty-seven. Were into Never-Never

Land and theyve missed the central point, which is the only point of the parable. Its

unbelievable to me sometimes how we can complicate what is so simple in the Bible. If the plain

sense makes good sense, seek no other sense. But youve got to be walking with the Lord in order

to say that.

Lets take a break!

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 22
Interpretation of the Bible Part Three

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three

Principles of Interpretation

Faith and Prayer

Ps.119:18, 26-27, 33-34, 68, 73, 169; Heb.11:6
Holiness Ps. 66:18; Prov. 28:9, 13; Heb. 12:14;
Obedience Ps. 119:100; John 17:17; James 1:22-25
The Holy Spirit John 16:13; 2 Peter 1:19-21
Jesus Christ Luke 24:44-45; John 16:13-14; Acts 8:34-35
Spiritual Maturity 1 Cor. 2:6; 3:1-3; Heb. 5:11-14; 2 Pet. 3:18
Diligent Study Ps. 119:99; Acts 17:11; 2 Tim. 2:15
Simplicity Ps. 119:130; 2 Cor. 11:3,6
Context Language Culture

When we come to the subject of context, if you were teaching a course on hermeneutics,

there are pages related to context, not just this one point. Why?because context is one of the

more serious matters of hermeneutics, or interpreting the Bible.

Now class, when I say context, we need to know what we are talking about. In a simple

statement that we have given as a definition, it means: observing the passages surrounding a

given word, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph, a topic, or a book. All of those are crucial. They

arent just said to fill up the line. Theres not a one of those statements you can leave out of your

understanding of context. And Im going to now try to demonstrate that to you okay?

To rightly interpret the Bible, lets start with a book. What do we mean by the context of

a book? First, of all we mean how the book itself is organized. Who wrote it? To whom did he

write it? When did he write it? And how is it outlined? Not how youre going to outline it, but

how is it outlined? How is it organized? That is crucial to understanding the passages within a

book and sometimes tells you all you need to know.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 02:15

Now some of them are obvious, arent they? Like you look at Ephesians and the first

three chapters are the doctrine of the church. The last three chapters apply it. You know he

begins in chapter 4:1, therefore and you can pretty well get the idea. First doctrine, second

principles, then practice.

Now in the book of Hebrews you have an interesting division. It doesnt come until

almost the end of the book, in chapter 10:19. Where he says, Therefore brethren, having

boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living waylet us therefore

do this and let us therefore do that. But see, before that we were talking about the person of

Jesus Christ. Now the way it is outlined, is that He is better than. I have my own ideas about

outlining Hebrews. But if youre looking at Hebrews, how its written, youve got to first of all

say, Well, who is it written to? Well, its written to Hebrews. Are they believers or unbelievers

or both? That effects the interpretation of passages. Why?because in the book of Hebrews we

have alternating pronouns all the time; they or them, but you or us or we, and those are important

in understanding. Thats all related to context.

So when you talk about a context, you have to talk about a book. Do some books tell you

how the book is organized? Sure. The book of Proverbs does in the first seven verses. It tells how

its organized. The Gospel of John tells you at the end of the book, chapter 20:30 and 31, These

signs are written that you may believe. So its composed around the signs that Jesus did. Ive

noticed he constantly points out the signs to the people. And even when hes in another passage,

he reviews and keeps it in our minds. Why?because thats what John says. Its Johns outline of

the book.

When we come to Romans, everybody realizes the first eight chapters are kind of laying

out all the doctrines relating to the righteousness of God. Then you come to chapter 9, 10, and 11

and he has kind of like a little parenthesis dealing with where Israel fits in. And then in chapter 12

on, I beseech you therefore, brethren, on the basis of these mercies of God, that you present your
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 04:25

bodies. So the whole last part of the book of Romans chapters 12 through 16 is practical

application of these great truths. So the book itself reveals the context.

So class, if youre going to study the Bible, youve got to start with a book. Now within

each book, class, there are topics. Now sometimes the book itself indicates a multiple group of

topics. For instance, in the book of 1 Corinthians, do you remember this phrase? Now

concerning spiritual giftsnow concerning meat offered to idols now concerning. There

are multiple subjects in the booktopics. Now concerning the things you wrote to me about

marriagenow concerning these matters of immoralitynow concerning the resurrection.

You know, sometimes when you teach 1 Corinthians you wonder how theyre all

relatedspiritual gifts, resurrection, immorality, drunkenness at the communion table. I mean,

its like it doesnt fit together. I guess it all fits under the subject of carnal believers, but there are

multiple subjects and how did he deal with these? He dealt with them much like a teacher did. He

said that the people wrote to him about these. So the problems in the church at Corinth are being

answered by Paul in his letter according to things that were written to him about what was going

on. You see? So there is an example of how topics affect the context of what youre talking about.

And thats true in many, many books of the Bible, the topic itself.

Now you can have a topic in a given passage that has multiple examples of being used,

for example, redemption. We might be teaching Ephesians where it says, In whom we have

redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin. Well, is there not a context in the whole

Bible around redemption? Thats why the computers are so handy now, because we can look up

that word and find articles from dictionaries on it as well as see its many, many usages in the


But one of the key issues is a paragraph, class. I started with book, then came to the topic

and now came to a paragraph. Why are paragraphs crucial to interpreting the Bible? The

answerthats the way its written.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 06:42

Now sometimes I have to check with the original text to make sure the paragraphs are the

same. And sometimes were not real sure where the paragraph divisions are, but most of the time

we are. And sometimes they are indicated in English Bibles. Would you believe me if I told you

that the number one problem in outlining is they didnt pay attention to paragraphs. Would that

surprise you? That the biggest difficulties pastors have in outlining is they try to impose

something on the text rather than let the text say what it is saying. In other words, its not up to us

to try and figure out what kind of good outline goes on this chapter. But rather let the chapter tell

you what the outline should be.

Heres my point. In Greek a lot more than in Hebrew, theres a central thought in each

paragraph. Thats why its a paragraph. Much like when you write a letter, you do the same thing.

Sometimes when you change and the thought is different, you make a paragraph. You indent it

and you have a new paragraph. Well thats the way it is in Greek.

So class, if I gave you a chapter to make a sermon on, a Bible lesson, or a teaching,

whatever and in the chapter there were three paragraphs, how many major points would you

have? Three! Its as simple as that! Dont make Bible study hard. Now, I didnt tell you what the

three points should be because you would have to study the paragraphs. But you understand that

theres only one central thought in a paragraph.

Now, Im going to try to illustrate this for you so that we really get a grasp on what were

talking about here. Turn to Ephesians chapter one and let me show you about paragraphs.

Ephesians chapter one is familiar to most people who have been around the Bible for a while. So

lets take a look at it. The first paragraph is the opening two verses. So thats just a greeting.

Grace to you and peace so forth.

Now would you believe that in the original text from verse three down to verse fourteen

is one paragraph! And theres only one central thought in each paragraph. Well, I dont know if

youve ever studied this, but there sure is a lot more than one thought there. Boy, youve got
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 08:56

predestination, election, adoption, grace, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom, His will,

dispensations, inheritance, the Holy Spirits ministry sealing youand you tell me theres only

one thought? Yep. Theres only one thought!

Now to make it even tougher on you and Im going to ask you to figure it out. Theres

only one main verb in the whole paragraph. Thats very typical of Greek. Theres only one main

verb and everything else is related to it. What do you suppose it is? Blessed! When we read in

verse three, its not the first one, Blessed be God and the Father. Thats not it. Its the next

one, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings. This whole paragraph tells us how God

has blessed us with all spiritual blessings.

Now heres something else. Within a paragraph, often there is symmetry or rhythm or

meter. In other words, its organized for us already so that we dont have to. So if Im teaching

this one paragraph and the one central thought is how Hes blessed us, if I dont have any more

paragraphs, then that one thought becomes the title of the message. If there were three

paragraphs, its only one of the three major points. But if Ive only got one paragraph, then

whatever is the central point is the title of the message. So the title of the message is: How Has

God Blessed Us, if Im going to do a message on Ephesians 1:3-14.

Now heres an example where Im not imposing my outline, Im just using whats

already there. To outline that message, Ive got to find out within the paragraph, the context. How

is it organized? You can see that in English if you look at it carefully. In Ephesians 1:6 it says,

To the praise of the glory of His grace. You see that? Now look down at verse twelve, That we

should be to the [what?] praise of His glory. Now look at verse fourteen, last phrase, Unto the

[what?] praise of His glory. You see what we have here are three stanzas. Thats why this

particular paragraph was a hymn in the early church. They sang it.

There are three stanzas. Its in symmetrical order, its perfect. Unto the praisethe

word praise of the gloryglory, doxa, which is where we get doxology. Praise God from whom
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 11:26

all blessings flow. They call that the doxology. Logosword. Doxaglory. Its a word of glory

or glorifying God. Praise God. Its a doxology. You have three doxologies. So you have three

points to your sermon on how God has blessed us, if you are only using a paragraph. So you do

three things in your sermon. Three points and each one focuses on the praise of the glory of His

grace. Well, how do you know what all that is? Well, lets take a look at it. Verse three says,

Blessed be God and [what?]Father. Its the Father who blessed us, the Father who chose us,

the Father who predestinated us, the Father who made us accepted in the Beloved, verse six. So

the first doxology is to the Father.

Now look at verse seven, In whom. Now we have to say, who is it talking about? Its

not the Father. Its the last words of verse six, the Beloved. Literally, the Beloved One,

meaning Christ. The Father made us accepted in the Beloved One, namely Christ, and its in

whom we have redemption. And it even ends with the doxology, verse twelve, that we be to the

praise of the glory who first trusted in [who?] Christ. Doxology number one, verses four to six,

is to the Father. Doxology number two, in verses seven to twelve, is to the Son, Jesus Christ our

Lord. Now what do we have in verse thirteen? You are sealed with the Holy Spirit who is the

earnest of your inheritance So the third doxology is to the Holy Spirit. So youve got a doxology

to the triune God in Ephesians 1:3-14.

Is everybody having fun? You see youre getting your message ready. Amen? And all

were doing is doing what? Were using a basic principle of interpretation called context. I

havent done any detailed work. I havent really studied it a great deal. All Im doing is looking at

the context. How is this paragraph put together? Now do you understand what Im talking about?

The front of your Bible should tell you how they have marked the paragraph. If they havent

marked it, get a Bible that does or make sure when you are studying you have one. Thats why I

always have a study Bible I can mark up and you know. And I keep my preaching Bible clean. So

Im not confused by my notes in it.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 13:49

Lets go to the matter of sentence. Is there a context around the sentence? Certainly! It

would be the paragraph in which the sentence is found or whatever precedes it or follows it. For

example, Ephesians 1:5 says, predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to

himself. Well that happens to be a clause or a phrase, within an overall sentence. In this case I

have a real problem because the paragraph is only one sentence. Theres only one sentence here

in Greeknot that obvious in English. But from verse three to verse fourteen is one sentence. So

in this case, I would have to look at the clauses and phrases and there are lots of them. Chosen,

predestinated, acceptedall these things, clauses and phrases within itthey have a context, as

you look at the sentence in which they appear or the paragraph in which they are found.

Can you have a context of a given word? Sure, everything the Bible says about the word,

everything your particular passage says about the word. Is it possible that the context of a given

word is different than the Bibles context of that word? Did you hear that? The context of a given

word in the Bible, is it possible that whats in that passage, telling you the meaning of that word,

would be different from all the usages of that word in the Bible? Oh yeah. Im going to give you

an example.

Go to Romans 3:24. Im not expecting you to know all of this; I just want to illustrate it

enough so that you can get the general idea. Thats why we have to do a detailed study of words,

when were studying the Bible. Its important how theyre used and what they mean. And Im

going to get into that at our next point of interpretation. Right now its just context. Context refers

to how things are put together.

Romans 3:24, Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in

Christ Jesus. I want you to look at the word freely and tell me what it means. What does it mean

to you? Without cost!

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 16:06

Now go to John 15:25, But this cometh to pass that the word might be fulfilled that is

written in their law, They hated me without a cause. Guess what? The word without a cause,

C-A-U-S-E, is the exact same word in Greek translated freely, in Romans 3:24.

Just for fun lets go back to Romans 3:24 and translate it that way and see how you come

out. You might be surprised, class. Here we go: Being justified without a cause by His grace.

That makes sense too, doesnt it? There was no cause in us that caused God to redeem us. You

see heres an example where youre going to have to make a decision. Does it mean without cost?

C-O-S-T as it sounds in English? Or does it mean without a cause? Meaning that there is no cause

in us as to why we should be redeemed? Actually the word grace there could emphasize the latter,

without a cause. Because grace gives us what we dont deserve. But it could also emphasize cost

because of the word redemption, which is the word for the payment of a price. Does everybody

follow me? You say, whats the right answer? Im not going to give it to you. If youre

interested youll have to study it. And I dont know that there is a right answer. What Im trying

to say is that you see there is a context around a given word, not only what is said in your

passage, but how it is used in different passages in the Bible. Everybody clear on that now? Okay.

Before you leave the word context, I want you to write something in your notes. There

are two kinds of words that determine context: one, adverb and two, conjunction. I always begin,

like when I make my notes and Im scratching notes out, always put the conjunctions and

adverbs, one of the first things you do is put them out in the left-hand margin. Just put them out

there, one after another. That way, while youre studying, youll always see the connection. The

conjunction might be and or but. These have become very important. Ephesians 2:1-3 tells us

how we are dead in trespasses and sins, walked according the course of this world, were by

nature the children of wrath, BUT God, who is rich in mercy tremendous contrast there. So it

determines the context of the passage, the conjunction. If it says therefore, you want to find out

what its there for, right?

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 18:51

Let me give you one [an example] over in 1 Peter 4 to show you how important it is. This

is related to spiritual gifts. I believe that hospitality is a spiritual gift. People always ask me,

Where did you get that in the Bible? 1 Peter 4, its easy, provided you are a good student

interpreting the word based on what it says. Ill tell you why. Look please at chapter 4:9. Use

hospitality one to another without grudging, as every man has received [its not the gift, its just a

gift] even so, minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

Now, whats the adverb, class, or the conjunction? Which is it?as. When we look that up, we

find out its cathos, which means just as, which means equal to. In other words, hospitality

has to be a spiritual gift. Theres no choice in the matter. Amen? Now, it may not appear on

peoples spiritual gifts list, but its on Gods list in 1 Peter 4:9 and 10.

You see? That isnt my interpretation. Im required to do that because of one simple

thing, an adverb that showed the context that showed hospitality is a spiritual gift in the context of

those two verses. Okay, everybody all right now? Do you understand a little bit of what Im


Lets come to number ten, Language. Can we express the thoughts of God without

words? No, we cant. We cant express our own thoughts without words, try as we may. The

hardest work in interpreting the Bible is language. It takes the longest time. Thats why a lot of

people skip it. Youre going to stay loyal to the study of Gods word. Now this takes hard work.

It takes time and most of the time of ever studying the Bible its all in this field called language.
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 20:58

Interpreting through Language

1) Finding the root meaning of words

2) Finding the biblical and historical
usage of words
3) Syntax finding the connection of
clauses and phrases
4) Finding the grammatical form of words

Lets look at the paragraph Ive given you and Ill break it down for you. This principle

of interpretation, language: finding the root meaning of a given word, noting its biblical and

historical usage, understanding how the various clauses and phrases are connected together in a

given passage and making sure of the grammatical form of the words. Lets break it down. Class,

there are four things to study to accurately interpret the Bible as it relates to language. Four

things! Number one is what we call the root meaning of the word, which means in terms of

human history, the original meaning is the root meaning of the word.

Whether you are using a computer or book, if you open a lexicon, not a concordance, you

find your word in either Hebrew or Greek spelled out in English letters if you dont know the

language to just follow it. And you see a little paragraph which is very hard to understand under

it. Youll often see a numbering system. Sometimes theyre in parenthesis, sometimes not. It will

say number one, number two, number three, number four. And then it will go on to another word.

It will have little ditties after it. A lot of people look at that and dont know what in the world!
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 22:20

Now the reason they dont know what its all about is they didnt read the introduction to the

lexicon. Now if you go back and read the directions, it helps.

I remember the first time I got a Hot Wheel for my kid. Man, I couldnt put that together.

I told my wife, theres something wrong with it; weve got to take it back to the store. I took it

back to the store.

He said, What did you do here?

Well I put it together.

He said, You read the directions?

Well, I it was just a Hot Wheel.

He said, Next time read the directions. It explains it to you step by step.

I dont like doing that. I want to just do it. Just get it done. You know. Is everybody with

me? Thats what Im trying to say to you is if you read the directions on the lexicon, theyll tell

you. And normally, there are very few exceptions.

Whatever is listed first under the word is the root meaning of it. For instance, there is a

spiritual gift of ruling, Romans 12:8. Some say it is leadership. That it means to lead rather than

to rule, because theres another word for rule. And they may be right. But in order to really

understand it, we go back and look at the original root meaning. The Greek word is prostmi.

Its a compound word. Histmi is used all the time in Greek today. It means to stand. Pro means

before, either in terms of time or before a crowd, it means before an event happens or in front

of people. So, to stand before in this context means to stand in front of people. So the gift of

leadership is a correct one if you mean a people person, who is motivating people. Hes not task

oriented, hes people oriented. Now I learned all of that by just going to a root word. Thats all I

did. So going to the root word is very, very important.

It will also show you the relationship of lots of words. Lets take A-G. Alpha Gamma,
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 24:22

A-G. Did you know those two little letters, if you start with them you can see scores of Greek

words off of thatall of our words of purity, holiness, chastity, all of them. They are all off of

that. And theres dozens of forms of that word all off of that little root. Im trying to say, root

meanings are crucial.

Now, you say, I dont know Greek. What am I going to do? I want to study my Bible.

Then buy Spiros Zodhiates. Its a two-volume set, New Testament and its concordance. He tells

you what the root meanings of those words are. [You can also use the Blue Letter Bible search


Usage: root meaning first. The second thing is usage. Now class, there are two things that

youve got to study in terms of usage to understand your Bible. One is biblical usage; for that you

use a concordance. How many times is the word used? Where is it used in the Bible? Look them

up! Most words are used less than fifty times, so most words you can look up. Now thats biblical


But you also have historical usage. How is it used in history? For example, in Ephesians

1:14 where we were a moment ago, the Holy Spirit is called the earnest of our inheritance. But

you know I got to thinking about down payment. It does not mean youve got the inheritance. In

fact, if you dont make the payments, you dont get it. Sounds to me like a little legalism in that.

But if you go back to the historical usage of the word ararbn, you realize that what it meant at

the time of Christ it still means today. Its kind of interesting. It refers to the engagement ring. I

kind of like that because one day theres going to be a marriage to our bride groom, Jesus. The

engagement ring is the Holy Spirit, thats been given to us. Isnt that neat? What a different idea

comes on that text, all because you looked up the usage of the word. Okay.

Number three. We have first root meaning, then usage. Number three is what we call

syntax. S-Y-N-T-A-X. Syntax means how clauses and phrases are connected together. And
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 26:45

normally youre right back to what we said under context. Youre back to conjunctions and

adverbs. How important is it? Let me show you.

Titus 2:13. Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God

and Savior Jesus Christ. Is syntax important? Oh yes. Because one of the rules of syntax is that

when you have two nouns connected by and, and the definite article the, is in front of the first one

but not the second one, it connects equals. Is that a rule? Well, its used 256 times in the New

Testament with no exceptions. Thats a rule. What does that mean in Titus 2:13 Looking for

the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God [great an adjective, God the noun

the great God] and Savior Jesus Christ. It means God and Savior are connected as being equals.

In other words, Jesus is called God, the great God in Titus 2:13. Everybody following me? That is

the result of syntax. Seeing how phrases and words and clauses are connected together and the

grammatical laws that effect that. Okay? This was just an illustration, but there are many of these.

Number four when youre looking up language and this is what takes time in studying the

Bible, finding out the root meanings of words, finding out how theyre used both in the Bible and

in history, and finding out syntax. But number four is the grammatical form of the word

grammatical form of the word. I cant begin to tell you how many mistakes are made on this. Its

like the number one area where mistakes are made.

What do we mean by grammatical form? One, what person is it? Thats the very first

thing youve got to ask. The grammatical form tells you. Is it first person? Is it second person? Is

it third person? You cant interpret the passage unless you know that. Number two, is it singular

or plural? The grammatical form tells you. Is he talking to one person, or is he talking to two or

more people? Is it he? Or is it them? Is it thee or ye? Is it I or us? Thats very important. Do you

know that most of the warning passages in Hebrew could be solved if you just looked at the

change in the pronouns and the grammatical forms of the word? When he said, Its impossible

for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift and been partakers of the
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 29:37

Holy Ghost, and have fallen away to renew them again to repentance (cf. Hebrews 6:4). But then

the verse following, verse 9 says, But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, things

that accompany salvation. So the them and the you are not the same. So the they of the

warning passage are unbelievers. Your problem is solved. Is everybody following me?

You see, we get into so much trouble, so many arguments over interpreting Gods word.

Why? Because we didnt see the grammatical form of the word, as to whether something is in

aorist tense or not, meaning a moment in time in the past or whether its a present tense, meaning

it continues. Do you know that every time God tells you how to love, every time He tells you, and

illustrates it, He always illustrates it with the aorist tense? You say, What are you talking


By this will all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another

even as I have loved you. Did you know it never says, Love one another as I have been loving

you, or as I am now loving you? Does Jesus now love us, continue to love us? Of course! But

thats not the point. The point is its always referring to His cross, the moment that He loved us is

when He died. Thats how its described in passage after passage in the New Testament. So the

major example to all of us in how to love each other is the cross. How did I learn that?because

I heard it in a sermon? No, because I saw the aorist tense used every time. There was no other


Heres another one. I have been crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20). And I heard a

sermon the other day on the radio. I wont mention who, but a guy was telling how we ought to

crucify ourselves. You wouldnt teach that stuff if you had read the grammatical forms of the

words. And he used the very text Im talking about. It says,

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:

and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 31:45

loved me, and gave himself for me. I do not frustrate the grace of God, for if

righteousness comes through the law, then Christ is dead in vain. (Galatians


When I go back to I am crucified with Christ, I notice in the Greek, the grammatical

form of the verb is perfect tense. Perfect you usually indicate by an auxiliary verb, like have or

has or had. I have been, because its passive voice also. I have been crucified, means it happened

in the past and it has present, finished results. We dont crucify ourselves, in Christ we already

have been. You were nailed to the cross. Its not Gods fault you dont believe it. Were to walk

by faith not by sight. You dont go out and do that job; its already been done for you. What a

glorious truth!

Its almost like the difference between teaching works and teaching grace, you know. All

because a guy failed to look up the grammatical form of the word and taught it was present tense.

Which he said on the radiowhich it is not, it is perfectand you lead the body of Christ astray.

So dont tell me this isnt important. You cant accurately interpret Gods word without looking

carefully at language. Its very important: root meanings, usage, syntax, grammatical form. What

person is it? Is it singular or plural? What tense is it?tense means time, class. Was it past,

present, or future?

On my way in one of you asked me about the passage in 1 John where it says, Jesus

Christ has come in the flesh, if they dont believe that theyre an anti-Christ (cf. 1 John 4:3).

And he [the student] said, is coming in the flesh doesnt that mean the future? No, it is not the

future tense. If it was it would be translated, he shall come or shall be coming. But it is not.

So again, we come back to a fundamental issue. What is the grammatical form of the

word? Its crucial to understanding. You not only have tense and time, you have another thing to

add to your list and thats what case is it?

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 34:04

Now, case controls the following words: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and participles

nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and participles. What do we mean by case? Well, we have whats

called the nominative case. That means subject, the subject of a sentence. It can be a predicate

nominative, which always follows the verb to be. And that can be in the predicate, looks like an

object but it really isnt. Its the subject, nominative. We have also what is called the genitive

case. In English, it basically means possession. This is a book of mine, meaning, my book. I

possess it. Okay.

We have also dative case. Dative refers to the sphere in which something operates. I am

in Christ. Dative. Ive been baptized in, with or by the Holy Spirit. Meaning the sphere in which

this occurs is the Holy Spirit. If Ive been baptized in water, it means the sphere in which it

happens is water. We have the accusative case. Which means, the direct object. And we have

whats called the vocative case. Which means a direct address, O man of God, flee these

thingsthats vocative case. Okay. So, what case it is becomes important. It may interpret the

whole passage for you. It may make all the difference in the world.

For instance, did you know that the case of the words answers the contradiction that

people bring up in the book of Acts? In Acts 9:7, we have a statement about Paul hearing a voice,

but seeing nothing. And then in Acts 22:9 they see something and dont hear anything. But the

difference between the two passages: in one passage it sounds like they heard something, the

other passage it says they didnt hear it. And people say, Ah ha, direct contradiction! No. If you

go to the Greek grammar, the case is different that follows the word, hear. One means that they

heard a sound but couldnt distinguish the words. And another means they heard the sound and

distinguished the words. So you see it depends on what case is used to determine what is meant

by that grammatical form.

Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 36:30

In other words class, Im not trying to bore you to death. Im trying to tell you its not a

simple matter to interpret Gods word. It takes hard work and it takes time. And especially when

you get to the subject of language, youve got a lot of things to look up.

Now let me give you an illustration how extra-biblical sources can also help, like

archaeology or whatever. Theres a Greek word translated in the New Testament many times in

the Gospels, called a multitude. Also in the Acts, All the multitude heard Him. What does a

multitude sound like to you and me? It sounds like a lot of people, doesnt it? If you translate that

Greek word into Hebrew, its a word still used today. It just means the people who were there.

We now believe that is a Hebraism. That is, it was a Hebrew word because the Lord and His

disciples spoke Hebrew, we now know. It is not Aramaic. They may have been familiar with

Aramaic, but they spoke Hebrew.

Now the interesting thing is that if you do what we do a lot in English, we transliterate a

word. A hypochondriac is Greek. A schizophrenic is Greek. Sometimes we dont bother to

translate, we just say it. The word baptized is Greek. We never translated it. We just set it into

English, baptizbaptize. The same thing was done to that word, multitude. So its really not

referring to a multitude at all. Its just referring to the people who were there. Boy, is that an eye

opener! But it solves a lot of problems also, if you see it that way.

The point Im making is that we need to take the time to study Gods word if were going

to interpret it. Study is the key to rightly dividing the word of truth. God said so in 2 Timothy


What kind of books do you use to find the historical usage? Sometimes many books tell

you that. For an example, Zodhiates tries to trace that word and show you some backgrounds.

Sometimes there are books that are word studies. Sometimes they deal with cultural background.

Sometimes they are books in Jewish circles. There are a lot of different sources for them. But you
Interpretation of the Bible - Part Three Time 38:46

can also go to books that are like, in its simplest form, like a Vines Expository Dictionary. But

thats a simple attempt.

I have a little book by Herschel Hobbs, who was a Southern Baptist preacher but also an

archaeologist. He has a little book rarely known called Preaching from the Papyri. Its absolutely

fantastic. Its just great. Its one of those books. It dealt with the usage of Greek words in the new

papyri fragments that we found in the twentieth century and it adds new light to a lot of the

meaning of those. You see? So all those things are helpful, they will help you understand the

Bible. So will Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

Okay class, youre dismissed!

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 23

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible

Father how thankful we are for Your wonderful grace and mercy to us. And

thank You, Lord, for Your goodness. You tell us, All things work together for

good to those who love You and those who are called according to Your

purpose (Romans 8:28). We thank You for the privilege of studying about the

Bible itself. Youve honored Your word above Your name, which is very hard

for us to understand that one. We realize this is the word of God. We dont make

it the word of God. We realize it has power to change our lives. As we continue

our discussion of interpreting this blessed Book, may we again understand that

we have no right to private interpretation. That these holy men, chosen, separated

by God for this task, were guided and directed and moved about by the Holy

Spirit of God (cf. 2 Peter 1:20-21). So that what was written was definitely what

You wanted, fully trustworthy, totally reliable and accurate. Thank You, Lord.

And we look forward to what well learn, in Jesus name. Amen.

All right. Are we ready? Culture. What is culture? Some people think its sophistication,

but culture is critical to the interpretation of the Bible. To illustrate before I start with this, I have

spent maybe ten to twelve hours this week alone on culture, to help me in teaching where I am in

the book of Exodus. It took me a little longer because Im not familiar with a lot of things that

have happened since the last time I was in Exodus. So I want to upgrade my knowledge and find

out whats going on. And much to my surprise there was so much that it was just, well it was

really exciting. I love learning things about the Bible. Dont you? And it just seemed like there

was no end to the blessing.

I bought a book that has recently come out by Josephus. And Im not talking about the

Wars and Antiquities that everybody knows about, but this is a commentary. And I looked at

Josephus commentary on Exodus and it was really interesting. A lot of facts that he brought out
Culture Time 03:17

that arent in the Bible and as far as Im concerned are not reliable either. He contradicted himself

in the same page or two about facts dealing with the culture of ancient Egypt. And had literally

numbers contradicting themselves in the same almost paragraph, at least on the same page. And it

reminded me again of the importance of getting accuracy as youre looking at culture.

It was a joy to go over a lot of things about ancient Egypt. I spent a lot of time trying to

figure out who that Pharaoh was that drowned in the Red Sea. All the updated stuff that we know

has only confirmed what I felt previously. So the early date of the Exodus, which the biblical

chronology points to, is in fact totally reliable with archaeological discovery. So that encourages

me too. I have a real heart for this.

Now in regard to culture, there is a whole section of this that is not here. This is not a

course in interpretation, but if I were doing a course on hermeneutics, the culture section here

would go on for several pages. I would tell you about the cultures that you ought to be interested

in and it would probably surprise you. For instance, you could hardly understand Genesis without

understanding the Sumerian culture. S-U-M-E-R-I-A-N. When I went to college it was not the

oldest civilization. They said the Egyptian was the oldest. Today, by archaeological discovery we

know the oldest was the Sumerian culture, which was in the Mesopotamian Valley. Now, by that

we mean, what has been uncovered. It doesnt mean that there isnt one previous to that. But this

is all we know. The Sumerian culture is the one out of which Abraham came. And so learning

about that gives us a lot of insights into the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

All of those things are valuable, but there are many culturesthe Assyrian, the Egyptian

and all. And the longer you study them, the more you are aware of the fact that the Bible is quite

accurate in how it pictures things. Things that you didnt see as culture really are. And so culture

is important. But we dont mean what a lot of people do by the study of culture. They believe that

somehow, we need to change or adapt the Bible to the current culture in which we live. We

certainly want you to be contemporary and we believe the Bible is true in every generation and

applicable in every generation. But thats not what we mean here by culture. Were talking about
Culture Time 06:03

the culture behind the facts of the Bible at the time it was written. And thats all the difference in

the world. Sometimes, people say of the Bible, Well, its not culturally relevantmeaning

maybe today. Even then its principles never change. So, youve got to substitute that which is

cultural, that is, from the historical point in which it was written from that which is a moral

principle in that story that applies to every generation. Its not easy to deal with this, believe me.

But its, very, very critical to our understanding of the Bible.

Pastor Chuck is a great student of culture and history. When he paints an Old Testament

story, one of the things I like about it, before he really even examines the text is he lays out the

whole history and background. What nations are in power and so on and so forth. And that type

of stuff takes time to learndoesnt it? It takes time to learn, study it, read about it. Get it under

your belt so its like second nature with you when you try to teach the Bible. Culture is an

extremely important matter.

In addition to all the Assyrian and Babylonian and Persian and Greek cultures that

parallel Bible times, one of the biggest items for study is the most neglected. If you can believe it,

this is the biggest area of culture affecting the Bible and one thats most neglected. What do you

think it is? Thats exactly right, Jewish culture! Jewish culture is throughout the Scriptures. You

cant really understand Old or New Testament without understanding Jewish culture. Yet thats

one of the most neglected fields in the church today. Weve almost paganized a lot of things in

the New Testament. Put a Gentile view on it that came out of Greek mythology, not out of Jewish

culture and understanding. Now theres more attention being given to this today than ever before.

But it is a very critical matter, extremely critical.

Now lets just give you some basics, okay, so that we understand what were talking

about. The definition of culture is: The ways, methods, the manners, the tools, the literary

productions and institutions of any people. Therefore, I could adequately say to you there is a

Hittite culture. Would you agree with that? Why? Its a people mentioned in the Bible, the

Hittites. There is a Philistine culture. Its a people mentioned in the Bible. Now, at the turn of the
Culture Time 08:47

century, we hardly knew anything about the Hittites. But we now know it was one of the biggest

empires in the ancient world. It covered all of Turkey down to Syria, constantly effecting Israel.

And so it all of a sudden adds a lot of things. There are books you can buy on the Hittites in

biblical history. You can read about them. You can do the same about Philistines.

Sometimes the culture of a given people in the land of Israel has roots in another culture,

which adds to your understanding. Let me give you an example. In the land of Israel we have the

Gaza Strip. We have cities in the Gaza Strip and also in Israel that are known as the Philistine

cities. There are five major ones mentioned in the Bible. Gath and Ekron and Ashkelon and

Ashdod, so forth. We have those cities mentioned in the Bible.

Now at an excavation in Ashkelon, there was a tremendous find not too many years ago.

They found a perfectly preserved bull or calf in solid silver from ancient times. Now the reason

why this was so critical, in fact its being used by the Palestinians and PLO today to prove that

they were in Israel before Abraham was, which they probably were, and theyre proving by a

priori right that Israel belongs to them (the Palestinians) not to Israel. Thats a very heavy-duty

discussion in the peace process.

This little artifact, this little all silver bull, became very critical to the discussion relating

to this culture. Why? Because it matches in artwork whats on the Island of Crete at the Minoan

civilization. And it proves what many people have long felt, that the Minoan civilization that

were seafaring people, literally are the ancient ancestors of the Philistines who settled along the

Mediterranean coast. And the fact is they probably were there before Abraham. By the general

term the Canaanite was in the land (cf. Genesis 12:6), when Abraham came there was a

generation, a culture of people, in the land of Israel before Abraham ever arrived. No, the issue of

who owns that land or who it belongs to is based on divine edict not on cultural presence. God

said, This land is Mine and Im going to give it to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and

Jacob (cf. Exodus 33:1). So its a biblically divine right that gives Israel that land. And no other
Culture Time 11:32

reason is going to ever solve this problem in the Middle East. Everything else is going to be a big

up-for-grabs issue. Its going to be a serious problem. Thats why its still serious.

See its interesting, but one of the things that I enjoyed about going to the Island of Crete

was examining the Minoan civilization because I see how that paganism through the Philistines

came in there. And I see the things now that are mentioned in the Old Testament and they all of a

sudden take on a new light. We get more understanding because of it. And youre going to find,

though this is one of the difficult areas of Bible study, its one of the most needed to give you an

adequate explanation of things. For instance: the god Molech, and offering children to Molech,

and all of that, to understand what that is all about is extremely vital to understanding Gods

judgment upon Israel for following those abominations. Every culture thats there adds to our


There are so many things that are over there that are mentioned in our Bibles that, you

know, if youre not exposed to it and you dont see it you dont quite understand whats going on.

All of this is valuable to Bible study. But what I want you to see is that every culture ever

mentioned in the Bible with any detail regarding it has only been confirmed by archaeological

discovery, never contradicted; which if you think about it, is an amazing testimony to the

accuracy and reliability of the Bible. Because thats almost unheard of! How in the world that

could have taken place when the books were written over 1500 years is remarkable indeed! How

in the world they would even be exposed to one another culturally and give accurate information

is another amazing thing. So, this whole subject is critical.

Culture is best understood, in terms of accuracy, by archaeology. Culture is best

understood, in terms of accuracy, understanding what youre talking about, by archaeology.

ArchaeologyArchae, its archaic. Its old, ancient. Its the study of old things. Particularly,

archaeology is the study of ancient cultures. This is done by taking a hill or a mound or a

mountain, which in fact is just one city built upon another. Its stratification or layers clearly
Culture Time 14:06

reveal that. And it is studying the cultural factors in each level, which determine what culture it is,

what time period it is and factors such as coins.

Im going to try to illustrate as much as I can because I dont want anybody to be

confused here about what were talking about. We know that Bethsaida from which some

disciples came on the Sea of Galilee, which has now been totally excavated, now is open to the

public. We know that it was not a Greek city. This has been awell Id say a shock! We thought

that Bethsaida was a part of the Greek Decapolis around the Sea of Tiberius. For years I preached

it so. We now know that Bethsaida was a Hebrew town and village, Hebrew coinage, Hebrew

culture, everything in it. And that has really kind of shocked archaeological thinking about the

time of Jesus. So we realized that Hebrew culture and Hebrew language was much more

dominant than anyone has ever argued before.

We used to say something like this: The primary language and culture was Aramaic that

came from ancient Babylon and Persia when the Jews returned to the land. They probably spoke

Aramaic. We argued that Jesus and His disciples spoke Aramaic. And that the Hellenists are

those who have adapted to the Greek culture which the Romans of course imposed upon Israel.

Now we are finding, also by recent discoveries from Dead Sea Scroll material by the

way, that probably Hebrew was the language of the Jewish people, even though they might have

spoken Greek or had knowledge of Aramaic. They spoke Hebrew. They were actually

deliberately trying to restore their own culture in the midst of this pressure from Rome to do

otherwise. Now we believe that Jesus and His disciples spoke Hebrew and not Aramaic.

It used to be said, Well there are so many Aramaic words in the Bible. That has to be a

BabylonianPersian background. They would use such statements as on the cross, Eloi, Eloi,

Lama Sabachthani. You know, all those terms. Maranatha! Talitha cumi, My daughter arise.

But we now know those are not Aramaic, they are Hebrew.

Do you remember when Jesus said on the cross, Eloi, Eloi Sabachthani? When He said

that on the cross, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me, they said: Hes calling for
Culture Time 16:41

Elijah. Do you remember that? If it was Aramaic, no one would have suspected He was calling

for Elijah. But if it was Hebrew, they would suspect that. Why?because the Hebrew would be

Eli, Eli. Elohim is GodEl, the shortened form. The little i on the end is the possessive for my.

My God, My God. Eli is also the Jewish abbreviation of Elijah. So you see, if it were said in

Hebrew, which we believe it was, then that explains something in the text that you cant explain

any other waywhy they thought He was calling for Elijah. He wasnt. He was calling out My

God, My God. Why hast Thou forsaken Me?

Now where do you get that knowledge? Where do you get that understanding? It

depends on whether you understand culturally what is happening. What conclusions you draw.

And for years in church history, all the way up to the present century, we have ignored Jewish

culture to the point we thought it was a Greek Hellenistic environment so we interpreted

everything that way.

For years in commentaries, they would take a phrase like the Son of God and give it a

Greek understanding. No More. They did the same thing with Son of Man. But we now know that

Son of Man was an official title of the Messiah, not only mentioned in Daniel 7:13-14, but its

everywhere throughout messianic writings by Jewish rabbinical scholars. So we know that a little

cultural understanding, a little knowledge is going to open up a lot of things in the Bible you

wouldnt see any other way.

Heres another eye opener. Every parable that Jesus told, every one that is recorded, is all

found among rabbinical sayings among the Talmud or the Mishnah. Every one of them! Theres

not a new one there. Now thats an eye opener, because then you can begin to look at the Jewish

culture as to how that was interpreted, you begin to understand a little bit more. If you want to see

some of this, it can become almost comical. Its easier for a camel to go through the eye of the

needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). Many rabbis said that.

Jesus was simply pointing out to them what they already knew. The meaning is impossible. Hes
Culture Time 18:55

talking about the eye of a weavers needle. We find its a hyperbole, an exaggeration, meaning

that youre not going to make it.

So all this cultural understanding is vital to us. Remember the Old Testament especially

is filled with multi-cultural settings. Israel was coming in contact with the nations of the world.

And what we have done for years is paid no attention to it. But what a culture is affects what is

being said by the Lord, to all the nations of the world.

So, what is culture again? Its best understood in its accuracy by archaeology. It deals

with the ways, methods, manners, tools, literary productions and institutions of any people.

Now class, if you need to underline something, Id underline literary productions. You

rarely find them, but when you do, what an eye opener! Can you imagine digging in some dig and

finding actually on a clay tablet or something some actual writing in an ancient language? Now

we have a lot of this assimilated in books today and its helpful, very helpful. That can also be of

New Testament times. For example, wouldnt it be interesting to know how words that are used

in the New Testament are used in non-biblical material? Sure it would.

When Paul wrote in Ephesians 1:14 that the Holy Spirit is the earnest of our

inheritance, the Greek word arrabn is very interesting when you go back to the first century

and see in other writings how arrabn is used. It refers to an engagement ring. Now right away

we have a new slant, dont we, on what that passage meant. By the way, in this case, not only did

it mean that in the first century, youre still using that today in Greece for the engagement ring.

So heres a word thats remained consistent throughout history, yet weve been using it over and

over again as a deposit and a down payment. And that can just add wonderful thoughts to your

mind that the Holy Spirit is like an engagement ring guaranteeing that Im going to be married in

the future to Jesus Christ and receive all of the inheritance. What a wonderful, wonderful promise

that is! And it adds to your understanding. Where did you get that from? You got it from culture.

By examining the literary productions of any people the way, the methods, the manners, the tools.
Culture Time 21:25

When I came to Daniel 11 years ago, I heard all kinds of arguments about what Daniel 11

was abouttrying to figure out what was going on there. Verse by verse kings are changing and

different facts are given. All along the Aswan Dam are all these ancient structures of ancient

kings, beautiful archaeological discoveries, huge palaces and buildings all from the time period of

Daniel chapter 11. There were cultural factors that were found in there that completely

substantiate Daniel 11. I assimilated all that material and what a joy that was because I found out

that Daniel 11 verse by verse, phrase by phrase, is exactly accurate with the history of the battles

between the Ptolemys and Seleucids, the break up of Alexander the Greats empire, fighting over

Israel. What an insight! Bringing you all the way down to Antiochus Epiphanies, who becomes a

historical symbol of the antichrist himself. And when you read all of that, I mean, my heart leaps

for joy! I already believe this book is the word of God. I wish the whole world knew all of this.

Culture is not a subject to put on your shelf and never look at again. So if youre in an old

bookstore and you see some old books on Egypt or Syria or Babylon, flip through them. There

may be some history, there may be some valuepick it up. Put it in your library. Youd be

amazed at what you can learn. A lot of people dont pay any attention to those books. Thats why

theyre in our old bookstores. They dont want them any more. Culture is so important. Many,

many times the coins and tools alone tell us what period of time it is.
Culture Time 23:11

Cultural Factors

Four basic cultural areas that can

assist with biblical interpretation

1) Geography location, elevation, travel, wars, etc.

2) Politics kings, rulers, governments, taxation, etc.

3) Customs traditions, foods, clothing, coinage, etc.

4) Religion Judaism, Christianity, Pantheism, Paganism

Now there are four basic factorsand this you should knowthe four basic factors of

cultural understanding, of anybodys culture. One is geography. Boy is that important! Did they

go up or down? We always go up to Jerusalem. Why, because its up! We always go down to

Jericho. Why, because its down 1300 feet below sea level. Do you understand? Its just amazing.

When you see a picture of the ancient fortress of Masada, you say, boy thats really up there. You

forget the fact that the top of Masada is sea level.

There are a lot of interesting things geographically. Theres a difference between the high

plateau of Galilee or the Golan Heights and the hills of Samaria. You can see how Abraham on a

clear day can stand on Mount Nebo and literally see the entire land of Israel, all the way to Mount

Hermon, all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, all the way down to Beersheba. The exact thing

God said is true. He (Abraham) could see the entire land (cf. Deuteronomy 32:49). So geography

is vital. Its absolutely vital to everything. Do you understand Pauls shipwreck? Do you

understand that voyage he made to Rome? I tell you when you know geography and you know
Culture Time 24:24

what actually happens you know why he went the way he did and why he had the wreck he did.

Its interesting, just to see all of that and understand that.

Number two is politics. Politics is crucial to culture. What king is in power? What are the

actual facts? Let me give one where culture can really help you. In Luke chapter two, it says that

There went out from Caesar Augustus a decree that all the world should be taxed or registered.

And this census took place when Quirinius was governor of Syria (cf. Luke 2:2). Now by

studying culture, I learn that there were three empire-wide taxations that were called for by

Caesar Augustus. I know that number one and number three cannot possibly be the dating of the

birth of Christnot even close, give or take ten years. So, it has to be number two.

Now I also know the problem of Quirinius because at the time when that taxation took

place Quirinius was not the governor of Syria. When I went to school they did everything under

the sun to explain this to me. They said, Well, I think Quirinius ruled Syria a couple of times. I

never found that to be true. Do you understand? Do you have an inquiring mind? Inquiring minds

want to know. Do you want to know the truth? Do you? I want to know the truth. I dont want

somebody snowing me [giving false facts] about it. So Im looking at this and Im thinking,

Wait, whats going on here? And so the Bible appears to be inaccurate. Its not close to

anythingand Im thinking: Oh great, one glaring contradiction!

Well, thats why a little Roman history is good. I dont know if youve ever read Roman

history. Its interesting just to look at all the Roman emperors and see what happened. Well, as I

was looking at the time that is under discussion in Luke 2, I noticed that in the Roman annuls

Quirinius was not governor at that time Varus was. V-A-R-U-S. But guess what else I found? I

found that Quirinius was head of foreign policy and that Varus made him over all his troops and

handling all the relationships with foreign powers. It got me thinking. So I turned back to Luke 2,

looked at the Greek text one more time, and realized that it didnt say governor at all. Its a verb.

Its not a noun. It says, when Quirinius was governing Syria, which exactly was the truth. No,

he wasnt the governor, Varus was. But he was ruling and governing in Varuss place.
Culture Time 27:03

The Bible is very detailed in its grammatical form was totally accurate to what we know

that cultural understanding had proven. So, you understand? Its important. It affects many, many

things that you and I study in the Bible.

Did you know that the names of people and political leaders mentioned in the book of

Acts, for instance, including all the priests that we have a lot of information in non-biblical

sources about all of them? And what an eye opener! You begin to understand things you never

saw before. So politics alone is crucial.

Customs. What are the customs of these people? You cant understand John 13 without

understanding customs. Jesus washing the feet of the disciples was a break with tradition and

custom and thats what makes that story so powerful, once you understand how things actually

took place. And by the way, did they sit on chairs while they did it? No. Because the Greek text

tells us they were reclining, just like we learned, thats the way people ate in ancient times. The

central table has the food on it and you lay on a couch, leaning on one hand. And with your other

hand reach the food and eat it. Now it makes sense how John could easily lean back on Jesus,

leaning on His breast. You see there are so many things.

Now we understand because of the courtyards in which these gatherings were that often

people would hang around there from the community and the town. We could understand how

that woman came in off the street and could sit at the feet without interrupting the conversation at

the table and wash His feet and wipe them with her hair. It all begins to make sense when you

understand customs of the people. And that I think is crucial, crucial to us.

When I look at archaeology and I see on walls, figures of men with beards, and I think

they are probably not Egyptians because they shaved. Remember in Josephs day? They required

Joseph to shave before he even appeared before Pharaoh. And these beards represent either

Jewish people or another culture who also wore beards. All of this is helpful to us and its

Culture Time 29:14

I remember walking through the Temple of Carnac in Luxor, one of the seven wonders of

the ancient world. Ten men with their hands outstretched around the pillars of those can barely

touch their ends of their fingersthats how huge it is. Gigantic! Rows and rows of these giant

pillars, these giant lions in the entry way, its spectacular beyond belief! We were in there and the

Egyptian guide is telling us about a lot of things and I mentioned to the guide, You know, its

interesting to see all the comparison with biblical history.

And she looked at me and said, There isnt anything here that tells you about any

biblical history. She proceeded to tell me the late view of the Exodus in Ramses period and all


I said, Excuse me? On a wall of this temple is the whole story of Shishak the time of


She said, Thats not true.

I said, Oh, yes it is!

She said, Where?

I said, Well, its not where we are. So anyway, we go over and on the wall, the southern

wall of this Temple of Karnak there engraved in there is the whole story of Shishaks invasion

mentioned in the Bible. Shes hunting her guidebook, flipping through all of that. And I said to

her, You know theres a major reason why nothings in your guidebook.

She said, Why? Its an Egyptian guidebook.

I said, If modern Egypt does not put Israel on the map, can you not understand that

ancient Egypt wouldnt mention either anything about Israel ever being here?

She said, No more!

By the way, we had a big service of praise and I preached a little bit. I wasnt going to let

the opportunity go by. But you understand that culture, customs, politics, all of that is

Culture Time 31:04

Now also, the fourth basic factor is religion. And that comes into play big-time in the

Bible. But all the way through the plagues of Egypt, the Egyptian pantheon, the paganism of

Egypt was being attacked by all ten plagues. I mentioned all the gods that were being attacked,

the names of them, what they represented, and all of a sudden the story comes alive to people.

Well, culture is helpful.

When you study the religious system of Egypt, you all of a sudden realize what was

happening there. God was literally smashing everything the Egyptians believed in, tearing it

completely apart, specifically and clearly so that no one would have any mistake. Remember God

said He was going to show His power over all the gods of Egypt. Thats exactly what He did.

And then He continues to mention it in all the rest of the Bible to remind us never to forget what

God did there. He is the only God. He is above all gods that people come up with.

So its interesting when you study all of the religious backgrounds, even the religious

backgrounds of Jews. How many of you have ever really studied the Pharisees, and the

Saduccees, the Herodians and all that? Have you ever really studied it or have you just read a

sentence of two? Let me tell you something, if you read about the Pharisees in detail, you will

teach differently the story of the Pharisees in the Bible. Did you know there are still Pharisees

today? Im not talking about the coinage Pharisaical, meaning hypocritical. Im talking about

actual Pharisees that are still here today. They call themselves Pharisees.

Theres a wonderful book called The Hidden Pharisees by Elvis Rifkin, who is a part of

ordaining council of rabbis in this country. And its an excellent book. But you get a whole

different understanding of who the Pharisees are. They were the most respected and religious

people of their day. They were orthodox. They held a high view of inspiration and inerrancy of

the Scripture. And they were sincere, but they were sincerely wrong. They were protectors of

Gods law. They were protectors of many, many things, even during the Roman invasion and

attack on Jerusalem in A.D.70.

Culture Time 33:24

Its interesting when you see the background, when you understand the religious

situation, its fascinating how these religious parties even arise. How they became a part of the

Sanhedrin, which was a Roman governmental situation. It wasnt set up by the Jewish Orthodox

people at all, like Christians have taught for years. The Sanhedrin is a Roman puppet government.

The Jews by the way, had their own, called the Boule, which is a Greek word for council. And

these men were loyal to the Scriptures. Its just interesting when you see things in their proper

cultural perspective and understanding. It never contradicts the Bible. It just opens and explains

things that you never saw before. And thats why I just emphasize it over and over again.

However, people have gotten so messed up studying culture that I decided at least in this

brief discussion, we need to lay some rules down. In a course on hermeneutics I have multiple

rules that go on and on. But these are the four basic things to know when you come to the study

of cultural understanding of the Bible.

Cultural Interpretation

Remember when interpreting a given culture:

1) Dont treat cultural factors as moral absolutes!

2) Dont use cultural factors alone to determine

the interpretation!

3) Dont confuse cultural factors with the application

of biblical principles!

4) Dont ignore cultural factors in your understanding!

Culture Time 34:36

Number one: Dont treat cultural factors as moral absolutes! They are helpful to our

understanding, but it doesnt mean that they are a moral absolute. Thats very important when

Jesus teaches. Do you remember what they said about Him? He teaches as one having authority

and not as the scribes. What do they mean by that? Well, we know by understanding how the

scribes taught. The number one way you teach, in fact you are required to teach, is never to

authoritatively state a position yourself. You always quote other scholars. Thats a sign of your

humility and your respect for other scholarship.

Do you know that rabbis today do the same thing in the synagogue, or when theyre even

counseling you? You bring up a problem to them and theyll say, Over here in Roshe, he said

this about that. And Rabon said this, you know. And a lot of people are kind of confused over

that kind of teaching. But thats rabbinical teaching. They refer to other scholars. They quote

other people. Jesus didnt bother to do that, He just flat out puts His finger on the problem and

tells them. And they said, He teaches like one having authority, like Hes the original source!

Right, He is! Do you understand? That passage all of a sudden opens up to you and you realize,

because you know how the scribes taught, what is actually taking place there. Dont treat cultural

factors as moral absolutes.

Number two: Dont allow cultural factors alone to determine the interpretation, because it

may or may not be a factor! It may be helpful to your understanding, but it may not be the point

of what Jesus was saying. Why do I say that?because frequently He is saying things against the

culture. He is attacking the culture. He is not commending it and thats important. Thats also true

about Paul. Hes attacking the culture. So be careful. Dont use cultural factors to determine the


Number three: Try not to confuse cultural factors with the application of biblical

principles! Ive seen this happen, where I hear a guy teaching and he is applying what is a cultural

factor and it isnt necessarily what the biblical principle is. So we have to separate those two.

Thats true in symbolic language, which were going to study here in just a moment. Thats true
Culture Time 37:15

in symbolic language. You need to know what the difference is between the symbol and the truth

that we are to apply; otherwise, you are applying the wrong thing.

And number four: Dont ignore cultural factors in your understanding! Thats so easy to

do. Heres what I do when I study a passage, I always just look through. Are there any nations,

any cultures here that I need to study that would effect the interpretation of this passage?

Sometimes there is not, but often I find, especially in the Old Testament, there is. And taking the

time to look that up will always be beneficial to you. It may not be anything youre going to use,

but it will help you to understand whats taking place there. Thats very important.

When you ask about good books on culture, there are so many you dont know where to

start. Sometimes you will find in the Christian bookstores, theyll have it in the historical section.

Theyll have history, archaeology, and sometimes lumped together. You will find a lot of the

Bible dictionaries try to give you some of them. For instance, The Zondervan Pictorial Bible

Encyclopedia, they try to update theirs every couple of years, they upgrade it so new information

thats been uncovered is in there. So sometimes your encyclopedias bring a lot of that


I like, personally, a given book on a given nation. That helps me. Now in the case of

Egypt, because theres so much material, youve got old kingdom, middle kingdom, new

kingdom, and youve got to decide what period of time you want to study. So Ive got a parade of

books on Egypt. And it doesnt matter whether they are secular or sacred. The basic facts that

people learn from archaeological discovery are there. I prefer if its an evangelical scholar, but

not always is it. But Id say if you see a book on a culture thats mentioned in the Bible, just flip

through it. There may be some information that is helpful.

In Jewish culture theres lots of stuff. I would say buy everything Alfred Edersheim

writes because his books are just filled with Jewish culture. Its not just Life and Times of Jesus

the Messiah, but hes got a lot of books. Emil Schurer has a set on Judaism in the First Century

thats just absolutely vital to your understanding. But there are lots of them. If you really want to
Culture Time 39:44

get into heavy expenditure in this area, of course, The Encyclopedia Judaica series and that has

everything you want to know about Jewish history and culture.

Interestingly when you get secular books, when people ask about Jewish culture, I

recommend simply The Jewish Book of Why. It comes in two volumes and you can buy it in the

secular bookstore. The Jewish Book of Why. And what you do is any question like: why do they

use matzo bread? Why do they have a cloth? Why do they have bells at the end of this? All this

kind of stuff and there are little brief synopsis of what the rabbinical scholars have taught on

thata lot of cultural understanding there. Then you can go to Jewish organizations like Friends

of Israel, Jews for Jesus, Beth Sar Shalom, a lot of organizations put out books helping you with

Jewish culture and understanding. But I get most of my stuff on other nations just out of secular

bookstores. I have a lot on Rome because I majored in that area, so I have a lot on Rome. And its

helpful in understanding the Bible, boy, thats for sure!


Another voice: Do you recommend Manners and Customs in Bible Times?

David: Yes, thats a real good book. There are a lot of books, class. You know, not all of

us are going to be that kind of a person. I dont know what the Lords going to do in your life. But

I think just a little sampling helps us all. Maybe get a book or two on manners and customs. That

would be helpful. It discusses things like tools and coinage and all of that. And you get an

understanding of why thats so important. Pottery is another thing.

We know for instance in a Jewish wedding process, the engagement is always announced

at the bridegrooms home. He takes his fianc there and introduces her to his parents and they

announce the engagement. And it takes a divorce to break up a Jewish engagement. A year later

you always have it at the brides home, and of course the brides parents are either at their home

or they rent a hall, they are responsible to pay for it. We still do that today of course even among

Gentiles. Thats why we think the wedding supper is on earth, see, one of the reasons.

Okay. Take a break.

History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 24
Symbolic Language

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Symbolic Language

Symbolic language. It is a difficult area but the simple definition doesnt seem to be too

difficult. It means: Making a literal fact or truth more graphic or visual. I dont know how you

were raised; some of us are raised without being exposed to this kind of conversation.

In Jewish homes, Jewish people like to illustrate what they say to give you the chance to

think about it and come to a conclusion rather than point-blank say it to you. Now if you grew up

in an accounting, engineering, mathematical, computerized home, they probably just wanted you

to say what you want to say. I mean, some people are like this. I dont know how you grew up,

but understand that this Book is bathed in Jewish culture, Old and New. And so stories or telling a

story to get across a point is very Jewish. So before you wonder why they dont just say it, well

because they want you to exercise a little discipline in thinking it through and making sure you


So sometimes in symbolic language you get kind of overwhelmed with all this and you

wonder: Wait a minute, whats going on here? And its almost like you think if you were raised

in the other environment that theyre complicating it. And I have been interested to notice the

commentaries I have, especially on the parables you know like in the Gospels, if the guy is of the

kind that I was speaking about where he grew up with: Just the facts, man, just the facts. Just tell

me straight what it is you are trying to say. If hes grown up that way, he is always ignoring the

significance of the symbolism and hes trying to get to the central truth. Do you understand me?

In other words, youll find preachers doing that. Now theres really only one thing being

said here and heres what it is. Well, maybe. But maybe we ought to think about it just a bit

more. So understand its very Jewish to take our time, especially with great moral truths. We

want to illustrate it. And practically all the teaching of Jesusone reason I know Hes a Jewish

rabbi, no wonder people called Him rabbi all the timebecause He taught that way, with stories.

Now when Jews tell stories, they love stories that relate to your lifewhat its like to

livecommon stories. Today they would say something like: Youve got to put water in a

radiator, brother, or youre going to get overheated. You know, and so youve got to think about
Symbolic Language Time 03:32

what they just said as to what it means. Okay. And some of the times you get the point. Its their

way of telling you theres something wrong here, but they have a story to kind of illustrate it.


Now thats throughout the Bible and we need to appreciate that. A lot of people who

were liberal in theology, not paying attention to symbolic language, have come to conclusions

about passages that are not true at all. For example in the book of Revelation alone, how in the

world could anybody understand that who didnt break down symbolic language? Ill never

know. When he (John) says something is like something, or as something, he doesnt mean it is

that. The liberal critics have used this to laugh at the Bible.

Or here is another one: Ye are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). The other day I

heard a guy on the radio explaining how we really are salt. He could prove why Lots wife turned

into a pillar of it. But you see he was sincere, but he was sincerely wrong. Why? Because he

didnt see it was a metaphor. Now there is a point about salt that is being applied in the passage,

but hes not saying you are salt any more than saying you are a city set on a hill. But you and I

both know if youve been around the church long enough, youve heard a lot of this stuff. And it

gets a little mind boggling and you sometimes wonder: how did he get that?

Usually when something is quite simple and you have to ask, how did he get that? He

probably didnt get it. See, if you know something about the passage that no one else has ever

figured out, theres a chance that you might be wrong. Everybody understand that? All youre

doing, class, is making a literal fact or truth more graphic, more visual. Jewish people raised in

that culture, thats easy for them. It really is. And if you grew up in a family, as I did, that not

only had a Jewish flavor to it but told stories, you learned by stories. I did it to my kids and Im

doing it to my grandkids. And Ive demonstrated this before, but when youre telling the story of

Daniel and the lions den, youve got to make that kid understand. So you say, He (Daniel) got

in there with a lion. Do you know what a lion is like?

Symbolic Language Time 05:51


And boy, they dont ever forget that story again when they read it! You need the Lord

when youre in a lions den. See? You get the point, right? Were going to make it more graphic.

Were going to make it more visual. Its symbolic language.

Now I have listed for you eight examples of symbolic language, but theres a lot more.

Some of them are more technical and more isolated. These are kind of what we call the eight

biggies, you know, of symbolic language. And I do want you to know them.

Symbolic Language

Simile a comparison using like or as

Metaphor comparison without connecting words
Parable extended simile that reveals truth
Personification animation of inanimate things
Hyperbole exaggeration used for effect
Paradox a truth that seems absurd
Riddle statement designed to puzzle
Anthropomorphism attributing physical
characteristics to God

Now one of the most frequent symbolisms in terms of the language of the New

Testament is a simile. The reason that its important to understand a simile is because we all

know about parables, but a parable is simply an extended simile. And a simile is a very brief

sentence that compares two unlike things, always with a connecting word. The key here is such

as, like, or as. It always has a connecting word. If the connecting word is left out and the

two things are unlike each other and dont make senseYe are the salt of the earthits a

metaphor. All a metaphor is, is a comparison without making any connection between the two.
Symbolic Language Time 07:07

Ye are the light of the world. You are a city set on a hill. These are metaphors and there are

many of them in the Bible, many of them in the book of Revelation.

I counted up over seventy examples of similes in the book of Revelation. There are a lot

of them. He had eyes as a flame of fire. Its like a flame of fire. Then you have to define what

youre talking about, maybe the penetrating? Burning up the dross of your life and seeing straight

through you. I dont know what hes saying. I have my own opinion, but do you understand, just

at first glance. So Ive got to look into it a little bit. Ive got to study the simile a little bit. His

feet are like brass burned in a furnace (cf. Revelation 1:15). Does that mean He has solid brass

feet? No. Its like that and so the picture of it is important.

And all of that through Revelation is critical. I believe theres a demonic plague in

chapter nine being pictured, the demons of hell itself. But they come out looking like locusts and

the most unusual locusts you have ever seen in your life. Theyre really strange looking locusts.

So again, all the way through Gods word youre going to see this. What is a simile,

class? It has a connecting word and it is a comparison of two things. Now, before you move off of

this, let me explain a Jewish simile. Jews love to compare by contrast. Exactly the opposite of

what you and I do. We try to find comparisons so we understand how this is like this. Well Jews,

often in the two things they are comparing are talking about something exactly the opposite. But

theres something about both of them thats the same.

Now let me give you an example. Theres no other way to figure out the unjust judge

parable (Luke 18:1-8). Why?because the unjust judge, who hasnt got a moral bone in his

body, happens to be compared to our Blessed Lord, who is perfectly righteous. Theres a

problem, a real serious problem.

We also have a thief who robs a house in Matthew 24:42-44, representing the coming of

Christ. So you see, its a tactic of Jewish symbolic language, poetic to take contrasts. Think of

how often that appears in the Proverbs. What are they contrasting? Usually it is the way of a fool

with the way of the wise; the way of the righteous with the way of the wicked. And sometimes
Symbolic Language Time 09:39

theyre two parallel statements and you think to yourself: What is the point here? And we

Americanized [minds] think: Oh, the point is to show the contrast between the two. And the

answer may be that, but often it is not. No, its to show what is similar in the two. So the Jews

like to make it more graphic or visual by making it a contrast. But theres something about the

contrast that makes the two things exactly the same. And figuring that out is not always easy.

Thats why Proverbs is such a hard book to figure out sometimes.

Similes are throughout the Scripture. And if youre Jewish, you appreciate it. If youre

not Jewish and you havent been exposed to that kind of thinking, its a struggle. In fact, you find

yourself trying to interpret it different than what the intention is behind it. So what Im basically

trying to get you to do is to back up a little bit, take a look at symbolic language and say, What is

the point of symbolic language here? before I start trying to figure out the interpretation. Back

up, take a longer look and say: Is this a simile? What is being compared? before you draw a


The kingdom of heaven is like unto so we can begin to see that these extended

similescalled parables just because they go on longerthey may be having a lot of details.

For example, the one in Matthew 22 about the kingdom of heaven likened to a man given in

marriage. He happens to be a king and its a kings son. And he invites certain people who find

they have excuses and cant come. So then he instructs the servants to go out to the highways and

byways, get in the blind, the lame, and it says, Bring them in here that my house may be full. A

man comes in without a wedding garment. Hes thrown out. And the application is that hes in

hell! And it kind of wraps it all up and says, Well, many are called but few are chosen. And

sometimes we jump too quickly without backing up and taking a look. The whole thing is a

simile. Two unlike things are being compared. What am I to learn from all of this? And thats the

critical point.

So symbolic language is everywhere in the Bible. The parable of the ten virgins, boy

theres one! One time when I was in seminary they asked us to take certain passages and we were
Symbolic Language Time 12:16

supposed to look up in all the commentaries and list all the views and try to explain why they

came to the views they came to. This was a good practice by the way, interrogating the

commentaries instead of thinking that what theyre saying is right, investigate it. Well, I had

gotten assigned the ten virgins in Matthew 25 and Im telling you, none of them agreed! How do

they come up with all this stuff? It didnt say the kingdom of heaven is like unto the bride and

the bridegroom. It says, The kingdom of heaven is like unto ten virgins who went out to meet

the bridegroom. And just the details of itlike who are the wise? And who are the foolish? And

whats the point of the oil? And how, what does it mean? And apparently the five who were

virgins, they were supposed to be attendants at the wedding, they never got in. In fact, they go to

hell also. You think, wow! You better have a lamp or carry a flashlight around with you or youre

going to go to hell, you know.

So you see all kinds of things like the parable of the talents and the parable of the pounds

and how people apply it. Thats why its important if youre going to trust commentaries, and

there is a reason to consult them, but if you do, make sure you dont just have one because youre

not going to see the variety of interpretation. Thats why I try to buy books that are different, you

know. And it helps you also to think through things a little bit better and try to really find out

what God is saying in this passage.

Now, if a parable is an extended simile, then an allegory is an extended metaphor. All an

allegory isthere arent many of them, there is one in Galatians 4but an allegory is an

extended metaphor.

Now go to Galatians 4 and lets just see if we can take a look at this and understand it a

little bit. Now the advantage of this passage is it tells you that its an allegory. So I dont have to

worry about whether it is or not. It already says it is. Galatians 4:24, which things are

allegory. Now there are no connecting words like like or as. In verse 22, Abraham had two

sons, one by a handmaid [a slave] and the other by a freewoman. Right? Whos the son by the
Symbolic Language Time 14:29

handmaid? Anyone?Ishmael. Whos the son by the free woman?Isaac. The name of the

handmaiden?Hagar. The name of the free woman?Sarah.

Now watch this. which things are an allegory for these are the two covenants.

Excuse me! Do you know if I did not have verse 24 and following, I wouldnt have figured that

out? Thats why people have a hard time with metaphors and allegories, why they cant figure

them out. Why? Because theres no connecting words there and youre not sure what is what. It

takes a little time. But one thing is for sure, those are two unlike things. Is there any way that

when you read the story of Hagar and Ishmael that you immediately thought it represented the

Old Testament law? No way! You never even saw it. But thats what he says. He even says the

ones from Mount Sinai gendereth to bondage and thats Hagar. So Hagar is likened to Mount

Sinai in Arabia. You see, the point is that if you carry a metaphor and an allegory, if you push it

to what its actually saying thats what you come out with. Weve got a woman here the size of a


Now the next interesting statement is Jerusalem, which is above, is free; that is the

mother of us all. Then he quotes a passage about: Rejoice thou barren that barest not, break

forth; for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath a husband (Galatians 4:27).

I dont know if youve ever taught this passage. Wait a minute. What does the Scripture say in

Galatians 4:30? Cast out the bond woman and the son. For the son of the bond woman shall not

be heir with the son of free women. So then brethren [writing to believers] we are not children of

the bond woman but of the free.

Heres where an application in the allegoryyou dont always have thisexplains the

point of it. Whats the basic point of the allegory? Its for us to understand who the true children

of the promise are. They are people who have faith in the Messiah. Thats the whole point in the

argument of Galatians. They are not the ones who have been circumcised. They are not the ones

who are physical descendants of Israel. Because not all are of true Israel, the remnant, who are of

Israel said Paul. He who is a Jew is not simply one outwardly, but inwardly, Romans 2 says.
Symbolic Language Time 16:54

So you see the whole point of this is dealing with the difference between dealing with

legalism that does not lead you to Christ and faith that does. And thats why the conclusion of

Galatians 5:1 is, Therefore, stand fast in the liberty in which Christ has made you free. And

dont be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. He said earlier in chapter three, Did you

receive the Spirit by the hearing of faith or by the works of the law? Which is it? So the whole

argument of Galatians is an attack against the legalistic attitudes of traditional Judaism. Very

fascinating! And an allegory was the crux of the argument. Its the key. In other words, the truth

is made more graphic and visual by an allegory.

Now can you imagine what trouble we would have if you pushed every detail of that?

Well, Hagar represents the carnal Philistines. And Arabia represents the carnal Canaanites. And

Mount Sinai represents all the trouble they both can get into. Is everybody following me? Im

not being facetious for facetious sake, Im here to tell you that you and I both have seen a lot of

that kind of preaching. This allegory tells you what the point is. So not always are all the details

to be pushed to represent something. Theres an overall truth that is there and the details lead to

that truth. Here fortunately, weve got the application; but not always is it there. So again, its a

specific fact or truth thats made more graphic or visual by the symbolic language.

Lets move to a parable for a moment since thats something that we all are going to deal

with as we study Gods word and read the Gospels; although there are parables in other parts of

the Bible, not just in the gospels. The word parable comes from two Greek words. The word ballo

you spell in English, B-A-L-L-O. Ballo means to cast or to throw down. And the word para, a

preposition meaning alongside of. So a parable is to cast something alongside of it or to throw it

down alongside of it. What is being cast alongside of is a story, usually an earthly one; one that is

very common to human experience. And its cast alongside of the spiritual truth to make the

spiritual truth clearer.

When the Lord wanted you to know how valuable you are, He cast alongside of that truth

that you are very valuable to God, a story of a merchant man who would give up all to just find
Symbolic Language Time 19:38

one little jewel. Amen? What a wonderful thing to do. He searched for it. He was willing to give

up everything just for that one little deal. That is beautiful teaching. It makes it graphic. It makes

it visual.

When the Lord wanted you to understand that not everybody who is listening to the word

is really going to apply it, He told the story of a sower who went forth to sow (cf. Luke 8:5-15).

He even gave you the application so there would be no mistaking what the point of it was.

Parables are simply telling very common things in peoples lives. You know I was

thinking about this as it relates to our class, listening to Pastor Chuck. And I dont know why, it

just didnt hit me. He is a parabolic teacher. He really tells simple stories to illustrate deep truth.

And its amazing. I guess because when youre not thinking about it you dont realize how much

hes doing it. But its just like our Lord taught. Hes constantly giving little earthly stories. He

might illustrate it with his grandchild, or how hes in a car on the freeway or whatever. And its

interesting how many, many times he illustrates with something thats very easily understood in

our midst. And thats parabolic teaching, just casting an earthly story alongside of a heavy-duty

spiritual truth, so that people will understand it more.

I was in Central Africa many years ago trying to teach on faith. And as I was struggling

to communicate how faith operates, and all of that, and having difficulty going through different

languages as well, one of the old men in the village came up to me. He spoke some broken

English and he said, After what you have said, faith is the hand of the heart. And he walked

away. You know, Ive never forgotten that. What a simple truth. Faith is the hand of the heart.

Simply reaching out and accepting what God offers. Now, I spent an hour. He spent about 10

seconds. And I thought his was better than all Id done. Faith is the hand of the heart!

I was teaching on Matthew 18 about how Jesus said, Except ye come as a little child you

cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. And I decided to illustrate my message. So I set it up so I

could tell it. But I went out in the Sunday school facility on Sunday morning early. And I sat

down on the cement in a little hallway and had my back up against the wall. And in my hand I
Symbolic Language Time 22:19

had some candy. It was wrapped. I just laid it out there. And I purposely sat over by the little

toddler department. Those kids came running up. Stopped! I mean they got brakes when they

want it! Kid looked at me, looked at it, grabbed it and ran! So I put some more out there. I did this

for several minutes. They all did the exact same thing. Not one of them stopped there and wanted

a thirty minute lecture on whether this was good for you or not. Or is that paper real or whatever.

Or why is it in your hand? That little kid just walked up, looked at it, looked at me, and whoosh

off he went!

Now thats what I call a great parable. Thats a great illustration. A lot of us make it so

complex. Jesus said Youve got to come like a little child. And He used the word for toddlers.

Isnt it interesting? They dont ask anything. They just grabbed it. Well youve got to give me

thirty-six reasons why I just make this decision. Well, youre not really coming like a little child.

Maybe youd better think it over. You see, you come as a little child and its the hand of the heart

that just reaches out and takes what Gods offering.

See, so really the more we get into this, the more we see the importance of graphic, visual

presentation of truth thats in the Bible. Its helpful. Thats what symbolic language is. And there

are many, of course, parables as you know. If you want some help on this, there are books like

Richard Trench, called Notes on the Parables. He also has a book called Notes on the Miracles.

And if you want to see why its so difficult, get three commentaries and look at what they say

about the parables. Watch the differences and youll realize why it takes some time and some


Now personification is one that causes liberal critics of the Bible to laugh. It makes an

inanimate object animated. Its not an exaggeration. Well, its a personification, thats all it is.

This is very much like anthropomorphism which is attributing physical characteristics to God.

For example: the eyes of the Lord, the hand of the Lord, the arm of the Lord. But

personification can have a tree talking. Theres a great amount of this in the Bible, where an

inanimate object that really is a thing, all of a sudden becomes animated. It takes on personal
Symbolic Language Time 24:48

characteristics. And that is a simple tool. Jews love to do that. You know those pages just leaped

out at me! Well the pages didnt jump over to you, but we understand what you mean. See, we

have them in English to get a point across, its to show you the point.

Hyperbole is actually a word in the Bible [in the original languages]. It appears quite a

bit. Again, ballo means to castonly huper is over or above. So in this sense its like a parable.

A parable you cast down to an earthly illustration. Hyperbole you cast up, in other words, you

exaggerate it for effect. Its not lying. Its to show you the point.

Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:19 about the wonderful love of Christ that the Holy Spirit

He would strengthen you in the inner man, Christ would dwell in your hearts by faith, and youd

be rooted and grounded in love, and you may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the

surpassing greatness of the love of Godpasses all human understanding. The Greek has a word

hyperbole. Does that mean no one can understand anything? No. But it is so wonderful that the

average human being trying to understand it, theyre not getting a hold of it because theres a

depth there. So it exaggerates for effect. It is not telling a lie. But if you take it literally, youd say

its lying. Its not telling the truth. No, its a hyperbole.

Now sometimes hyperbole is your exaggeration for effect to get somebody to respond to

you. Like the day my wife called me and told me that one of our pipes under the kitchen had

broken and there was water all over the house! No, it was just in the kitchen, but the way she

was presenting it, it was the global deluge! I had to do something. Were talking Noahs flood

here, man. I had to get up, run home and fix this thing and all of that. And I realized it wasnt as

bad as she had created, but it definitely got my attention. See sometimes we exaggerate for effect.

Some of these are not good exaggerations obviously. Why?because they are rooted in a bad

motivation. So when people say to me, especially those who are trying to attack the Bible, when

they see the exaggerations, they try to make an issue out of it. The issue is motivation. Whats

your motivation? Was it to make yourself look good or was your motivation to get a point across

to people that couldnt be gotten any other way? Exaggeration for effect is a very effective
Symbolic Language Time 27:26

communication, as long as your motivation is not evil and youre turning people away from the

truth and being deceptive and manipulative, which of course the Bibles not doing. But theres a

lot of hyperbole.

We also have paradox. And I think you know what a paradox is. Its a truth that seems

absurd at first glance. And there are quite a bit of paradoxes in the Bible. Youll find them in the

Proverbs especially, a truth that just seems absurd, but theres a point there. And in Jewish homes

they love these. They love a paradox. Whats another word for paradox, class? A riddle, yes.

A riddle is like a paradox. But whats the difference? Well, in a paradox youve just got a

truth that seems absurd and its done that way so you will really learn the truth. But the riddle is

actually a statement designed to puzzle or hide the truth. Samson had a riddle and the Bible

speaks about it in Judges 14. Do we use riddles? Yeah. A farmer had twenty-six sheep. One died.

How many are left? Anyone?nineteen! Twenty sick sheep. Its a riddle. It was designed to

puzzle and hide the conclusion, and takes you a little while to figure it out.

And of course, weve already mentioned anthropomorphism. Anthropos man.

Morphismthe nature of. Its taking on the physical characteristics of man and applying it to

God. By the way, there are many of these in Jewish writings, more than are in the Bible and its

very common practice.

Symbolic Language Time 28:58

Principles of Examination

1) Accept the literal meaning if it makes sense

2) Examine the context carefully
3) Distinguish between literal and figurative
4) Discern spiritual truths by inductive study
Find any parallel passages?
Find conflict of truth within the passage?
Find agreement from other Scriptures?

Now in giving a simple explanation here, Ive listed for you four principles. Again, wed

take longer if this was a hermeneutics course, but just to give you a general idea. If the literal

sense makes sense, then dont seek any other sense. Thats a very common practice in the Bible.

The Bibles not trying to trick you. Its trying to make things more understandable by the visual

aid or the graphic description. So if the literal sense makes sense, then theres not reason to seek

any other sense.

When it doesnt make sense, class listen, when something doesnt make sense, I always

consider two possibilities. One, Im not thinking good today. Im just not thinking good. Maybe I

need to get away from it and come back to it. Or number two, it is symbolic language. And thats

the way I usually think, its just like automatic. Maybe its me. Im the problem or maybe this is

symbolic language. So, normally I find that most of the passages are easy to understand if the

literal sense is there. Secondly, always examine the context carefully because what went before or

after may help you understand what the meaning is of it.

Symbolic Language Time 30:18

By the way, thats very true isnt it of the parables? Think how many of them in the

context had something related to it. Its easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle

than into the kingdom of heaven, was said immediately after the story of the rich young ruler

who came to Christ, who had many possessions and went away sorrowful for he had all of this.

So you see, there are a lot of contexts that show you what the point is.

Distinguish carefully between the literal and the figurative. Thats just a general rule.

Always do that. Be careful. When Jesus sowed seed by the wayside and the fowls came and

devoured it, do the fowls represent Satan? Well, we have to look at the story and its possible. In

Luke 8:12 we know that is the point of it. Those by the wayside are they that hear. Then cometh

the devil and taketh away the word out of their hearts lest they should believe and be saved. So

now I know that the fowl of the air, which comes down and takes the seed off the wayside soil,

represents the devil. Should I therefore every time I see a bird story in the Bible say thats the

devil? No. So once again, be careful. Distinguish carefully between the literal and the figurative.

How does one do that? When you come to number four, you get your answer. Discern

accurately the spiritual truth by inductive study asking three basic questions. One, are there

parallel passages to consider? Well, there certainly was here in Matthew 4. When I compared

Luke 8, I saw the clear teaching.

Does the truth conflict with any details of the passage? Gods word doesnt contradict

itself. And does it agree with other Scriptures? These questions can be asked and you can begin to

find out whether or not the truth is there. If the Bible, class, does not tell you the meaning of

something, then dont say you know it. Do you hear that? If the Bible doesnt tell you the

meaning of something dont say that you really know what this means. No, you dont. You can

say I think, or this is my opinion, but dont say you know unless Gods word says what it is.

Now in the parable of the sower and the wheat and the tares, Jesus gave the

interpretationnot always does He. So if theres no interpretation given, theres no sense of that,

then dont tell people that you know what it is. Just say, Well you know, in my opinion it could
Symbolic Language Time 32:48

possibly mean this on the basis of these facts. But dont become God in the situation unless the

Lord has revealed in His word what that means.

Here is one other thing thats not in your notes. When you see parabolic language or

symbolic language, when you see it in the Bible and its a quotationthe Bible may even say as

it is written the barren shall do something or other or whateveralways take the time to look up

the passage from which it is quoted, because your answer may be sitting there right in front of

your eyes.

1 Corinthians 1:19 tells us: For it is said I will make foolish the wisdom of the wise and

bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where

is the disputer of this world? If you dont go back and look at that, you do not have any idea

what the point of it is, let alone understand the meaning of it. You go back and you realize its a

quote from the time of Hezekiah. And its a quote where he consulted his counselors and they

gave him wrong advice instead of trusting the Lord. Thats why its put in that passage where it

says, The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it

is the power of God; For I will destroy the wisdom of the wise. In other words, the preaching of

the cross will excel all the wisdom of the world, because the wisdom of the world will think its

foolish to preach about a man who died! But no, it becomes the power of God because of what He

accomplished there.

So understanding the background from the Old Testament helps me to see why this

language is seen rather symbolic, why it was put there in that passage. So when it is a quotation,

be sure to always look up the passage behind the quotation. That will help you and save your

neck many times in interpretation.

We have one more session of very interesting material.

Lets pray.

Father, thank You so much for Your love and Your word, Lord. And thank You

that we have a sure word that we can trust and depend on and can change our
Symbolic Language Time 34:55

lives. Lord, help us all to be good students of this word. We thank You in Jesus

name. Amen.
History and Authenticity of the Bible
Lesson 25
Course Review

Dr. David Hocking

Brought to you by
The Blue Letter Bible Institute

A ministry of
The Blue Letter Bible
Course Review

Lets have a word of prayer and begin.

Father, thank You so much for this privilege, for this school, for what it stands

for, for the many people out sharing the gospel and using the word; and I pray,

Lord, that You would prepare us well by the things that we have studied. In

Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Arent you all wondering what were going to study today? Well, were going to find out

whether or not you learned anything. Its going to be a summary of the course. The whole thing

on this course in the midst of the details, the overall objective can be lost. What are we trying to

do in the course History and Authenticity of the Bible? Were trying to get you, from an

apologetical point of view, to know what you believe about the Scriptures and to be able to

defend it. And so what were going to do, in this first hour today, is were going to take a

summary of the course, first of all giving you a definition. Its a little more detailed because in

your notes you have a definition of inspiration. This is simple a definition on the Bible itself, a

We Believe type statement.

And then were going to give you seven statements that hopefully somehow have been

caught by you during this course. Ive already shown it to a number of people and its interesting

their reaction. I wish all of Gods people believed what were teaching. And theres not a word in

here about the King James, but its implied. What fascinated me by these seven statements are the

people who have not been in our course, who are pastor types, who take a look at it, all of a

sudden realize the implication of it. Thats why we want to make sure that you understand what

we have been saying in this course. So lets take a look at it.

Course Review Time 02:34

We Believe Statement #1
1) We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible,
God-breathed word, and final revelation of God.

a) We believe the thirty-nine books of the English

Old Testament and the twenty-seven books
of the English New Testament have been
translated from the original languages written in Hebrew
and Greek (with some Aramaic words) and does not refer
to any apocryphal or non-canonical literature.

b) We believe they represent a complete and final,

written revelation from God.

Statement Number One: First of all, the definition: We believe the Bible is the

inspired, inerrant, infallible and God-breathed word and final revelation of God.

It is not the majority position of Christians that the Bible is inerrant. That might surprise

you, but its not. Its definitely not their view that it is infallible. And its definitely not their view

that it is a God-breathed word. They use a channel going through men and that qualifies what

they believe about it. And they definitely dont believe its a final revelation from God. See, the

more you analyze what that definition is, the more serious it gets.

The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and God-breathed word and final

revelation of God. Now I consider two passages that are critical to this view. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

and 2 Peter 1:20-21. Those two are critical. I would add a third verse for the definition and thats

Revelation 22:18-19. And as you know, there are other verses that support those passages. But the

two main ones that we want you to know and you really should try to get them down so you can

quote it.
Course Review Time 04:01

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine,

for correction, for reproof, for instruction in righteousness; that the man

of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Now 2 Peter 1:20-21 says,

Knowing this first that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private

interpretationbut holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy


Revelation 22:18-19,

For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book,

If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that

are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the

book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and

out of the holy city, and [from] the things which are written in this book.

Lets see if we can break this definition down and see how critical it is to the applications

that we will make in our ministries with people. First of all, we believe that this definition refers

directly to the original autographs. Now is it possible that it could refer indirectly to other than the

original autographs? The answer is yes. But this definition refers directly to the original

autographs written in Hebrew and Greek (and some Aramaic portions and words) and does not

refer to any apocryphal or non-canonical literature.

First of all, this view it means youre not a liberal theologian. You have eliminated the

possibility of any other Bible books having been written. So youre not a Mormon. Youre also

not a Jehovah Witness in this view either. The interesting thing to me is that this view is going to
Course Review Time 05:42

isolate you in this world. Hopefully, evangelicals believe this view. But Ive seen evangelicals

question it continually. I believe that the original autographs, which we do not have, are the

inspired, inerrant, infallible and God-breathed word and final revelation of God. Now we havent

said everything yet, but thats a start right there.

No Apocryphaso goodbye fourteen apocryphal books in the Catholic Bible! No non-

canonical literature. Can you give me an example? Sure: The Epistle of Barnabus and Shepherd

of Hermes, both of which are in the Codex Sinaiticus. There is a lot of non-canonical literature.

How do we interpret canonical literature? And that is referring to the canon, the standard by

which books are accepted. So church history has confirmed over and over again which books are

canonical and which books are not.

We gave you an example in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Whenever they quote Scripture, they

say, It is written. But that phrase is never used for any literature in the Dead Sea Scrolls that is

not Scripture. And so, once again, even in the Dead Sea Scrolls we have evidence of the

difference between canonical Scripturethat which is accepted and known to be from God and

that which is non-canonical. It might be interesting reading. It might be interesting history. But it

is not on the level with the word of God. Its not inerrant, inspired, and infallible.

Now when you say it is inerrant, inspired, and infallible that means there are no errors

in this Book, right?in which language of the Book? So you see, thats why it says, point one,

We believe the definition refers directly. Were not saying that translations into English, which

have messed up the original meaning of the word, are inerrant because theyre not. Theyre

certainly well preserved and we hope that they come out basically reflecting the original

language. But its the original autographs of that Bible. And hopefully that has been established

in this course. Okay?

Course Review Time 07:59

Seven Belief Statements

1) We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible,

God-breathed word, and the final revelation of God.
2) Inspiration refers to the writings and not the writers.
3) The 39 books of the English O.T. and the 27 books of the
English N.T. have been translated from the original languages.
4) No author gave his own private interpretation, but was directly
controlled by the Holy Spirit.
5) God has preserved the integrity and accuracy of His word by
careful copying of the text.
6) The Bible is sufficient for all matters of faith and practice; Its
authority is greater than any church, tradition, creed or ritual.
7) Eternal salvation and Christian maturity are results which only
the Holy Spirit of God and the Bible itself can produce.

Statement Number Two: Now, number two. One thing do you remember when we

discussed this we had a lot of questions about that day in class? Im just reminding you that we

believe that inspiration refers to the writings and not the writers. Now there are lots of

evangelicals that dont believe that. Or they believe that the writers are also inspired. First of all,

you have non-believers who believe that Shakespeare is inspired. So some of the writings of the

Bible are inspired like Shakespeare. No. Inspiration refers to the accuracy of the Bible because it

is the breathed-out breath of God and because God guaranteed its accuracy. He controlled the

writers so that what was written was what He intended and totally accurate in every sense of the

word. That doesnt mean Im interpreting it right or that Im translating it right, but this view

refers to the writings.

When it says All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, the word Scripture is the

word graphe in Greek, from which we get in English graphic artsthat which is written. So we

believe inspiration refers only to the writings, not to the writers. We believe Paul and Peter could
Course Review Time 09:19

make mistakes, but not when they wrote Scripture. The Holy Spirit insured that they didnt(cf.

2 Peter 1:20-21).

Statement Number Three: Now number three and heres where it gets a little more

difficult, and isolates us further from other people who call themselves Christians. We believe

that the thirty-nine books of the English Old Testament and the twenty-seven books of the

English New Testamentnow stop right there before we go on! It is not proper to say thirty-

nine books of the Old Testament and twenty-seven books of the New Testament. That is not

proper. Why? Because the Bible was originally written in Hebrew at twenty-two books, even

though they are exactly the same as the thirty-nine we have in English. It was an English Bible

that put together the listing. So, lets be very accurate when we talk to people about what we

believe. Ive had people do that to me and say, Well you say there are thirty-nine books in the

Old Testament. I heard the Hebrew Bible only has twenty-two. So which is it?

So heres the view: We believe that the thirty-nine books of the English Old Testament

and the twenty-seven books of the English New Testament [now watch this language] which have

been translated from the original languages. I didnt say the original autographs. Why? We

dont have them. Plus the fact that English came multiple years later. But they were translated

from the original languages.

We believe they represent a complete and final, written revelation from God. Is

everybody with me? You understand? This is really a serious point that hopefully has been

developed through the course. But if you dont know that Christians are going to attack you on

that, welcome to the ball game because they dont believe it. A lot of people dont.

Just recently I made that statement in the pulpit was immediately questioned by people


They said, I think you made a mistake in your sermon.

I said, Whats that?

Course Review Time 11:28

They said, You seem to imply that the Bible is a complete and final written revelation

from God.

I said, No, I didnt make a mistake. Thats what I believe.

Are you saying God cant add any more?

No, God can do whatever He wants to do, but Hes chosen to tell us Hes done.

Well, what if we discover another book?

No, any discoveries of any other books arent going to change one thing.

Do you see how narrow minded we are? We really are in this issue. Were very narrow

minded here. And thats going to affect our relationship with people. Why?because the next

question is whether or not that English translation truly reflects the original languages. Thats a

very serious subject which we tried to expose you to. Okay?

By the way, you are not a scholar on it. Youve only been exposed to it. I just ran into a

problem on that with a former student who was trying to make people believe he was a scholar

now in textual criticism. No, youre not. You are just exposed to the problem of the different

changes in Greek and so forth. You are not a scholar. That takes a lot of study, intensive study on

textual criticism. And so dont do that. What we try to do is give you enough information that you

know where the problem lies. Now if you want to hit that a little bit more, youre going to have to

do a whole lot of study. Okay?

Statement Number Four: Now, number four is where the debate is among evangelical

scholars, not liberals, evangelicals. Heres where the debate is. It says, We believe that no author

of Scripture gave his own private interpretation, but was directly controlled by the Holy Spirit of


The number one thing people will say to me after hearing that is, Oh, you believe in

mechanical dictation. No. I believe in Spirit-controlled dictation. They werent robots, but the

Holy Spirit controlled what they were to say. You see, the Bible is filled with dictation, word for

word right off the mouth of God thus saith the Lordand word for word. When we say
Course Review Time 13:34

the writers didnt dictate, thats a lie! They did dictate. They took it down exactly as they were

told. As a matter of fact, most of the writers were given information that they had no knowledge

of or had any idea what it was talking about. It was dealing with stuff that would be in the future

of their historical time frame. So they didnt know what it was talking about, so they had to put it

down exactly like God said.

This means that we believe that God spoke directly to the writers. Hello? This is going to

isolate you further in the Christian world because most of them do not believe this. They believe

the Holy Spirit kind of guided them like He guides us. I believe the ministry of the Holy Spirit in

controlling the writers of the Bible is not like He controls us. They were holy men of God. The

word means separate. They were separated from normal people in this regard. It was a special

ministry of the Holy Spirit that did not allow freedom of private interpretation. Yet most people

believe they were interpreting things, especially in the gospels. No they werent at all. They may

have put the facts down in a different order, but they were not giving any private interpretation.

The Bible says so. 2 Peter 1, No writing is of any private interpretation. Thats pretty strong.

They were moved or directly controlled by the Holy Spirit (cf. 2 Peter 1:20-21).

I believe the key foundational issue of all the doctrines of Christianity is the view you

have of the Bible. Everything else is up for grabs because its all based on what the Bible teaches.

So if you start undermining this Bible, everything else will crumble. Its the foundation under it.

Thats why a lot of schools no longer take a stand anymore on issues that they once did. Why?

because they long ago changed their view on the Bible.

A students voice: I was wondering how that explains like a lot of books say, This

sounds like Pauline theology; this sounds like Johannine theology. How does that explain that?

Well, I dont do much explaining of that. It sounds to me like Spirit-led theology. I know

what theyre doing. They mean that the vocabulary and style of the writer is being reflected in

that. But you know I see a danger in that. Thats a part of what they teach at liberal seminaries.

There is not a Pauline theology versus a Johannine theology. There is a vocabulary and style of
Course Review Time 16:04

Paul and there is a vocabulary and style of John. The theology is of God and the Holy Spirit. Do

you follow what Im saying? Its technical, but how you say thatjust the fact that you asked the

question is Freudian for: Weve got a problem. Do you understand me? In other words, you

wouldnt be asking a question had you not read it or heard it. And the point is if you dont tell

people what you believe, then right away you can start concluding things. Somehow Paul came

up with his own framework. This was the problem Martin Luther had over the book of Romans

and the book of James. Its important to understand this because it affects everything in the

Christian life.

Statement Number Five: We believe that God has preserved [the doctrine of

preservation] we believe that God has preserved the integrity and accuracy of His word by the

careful copying of the text. Now, how do I know it was careful? One easy way is to compare it

to any other extant literature. In spite of all the variations in New Testament manuscripts, there is

nothing like it in the history of the world. We have more evidence as to what the text was than

any other document before the ability to print. So before A.D. 1450, there is no comparison. So

were not intimidated by anyones view on this. There was the careful copying of the text, almost

miraculous in the case of the Old Testament.

Lets go to the second part of that statement. How do we know Hes preserved it?by

the abundance of manuscript evidence available to us. The largest number of extant copies of any

other document beside the Bible is the writings of Demosthenes. There are 200 extant copies,

meaning in existence before printing. But in the Bible, we have 5,553 Greek manuscripts. We

have over 10,000 now, Old Latin and Latin and another 8,000 of other kinds of languages. There

is no book in the history of the world that could compare with the Bible in this regard. None


So, how has God preserved the integrity and the accuracy of His word? By careful

copying of the text, and by the abundance of manuscript evidence available to us. The average

unbeliever doesnt even understand that issue and has never even considered it.
Course Review Time 18:31

Statement Number Six. We believe that the Bible is sufficient for all matters of faith

and practice and that the authority of the Bible is greater than any church, tradition, creed, ritual,

person or decision of church councils.

This guy told me that under the same things that I attacked, tradition, creed, church

councils, that I am anathema. Those same councils pronounced me anathema for stating that the

Scripture is a higher authority over the leaders of the church chosen by God to interpret it. And I

say to you, What difference is there between the Catholic and the Mormon? The Mormon says,

The Bible is the inspired word of God as it is correctly translated and interpreted. And that can

only be by the Mormon bishops and not by the people. Do you understand?

Its Reformation time again. We need another reformation among the organized, quote

Christian churches. Because we now have, even in so-called evangelicalism, we have people

who decide that their view is the correct onethat they somehow become the authority. Dr. So-

and-so said that. Dr. So-and-so said this. Hey, theyre not the authority and neither am I. Its the

Bible and God! Hes the authority. Were not the authority. We fought a Reformation over this,

the authority of Scripture. Thats the heart of the Reformation. And I think we are due for another

one, frankly.

People are getting away acting like in this narcissistic, experience-oriented culture of

ours, like: Whats the big deal? David, why are you getting so upset? I mean people dont really

care about that. Thats my point! People dont care about it and were seeing a gradual

undermining. Paul said, In the last days they will not endure sound doctrine. He actually said,

They would give themselves to myth and fable, rather than the authority of Gods word (cf. 2

Timothy 4:3). Well, thats what we got going now.

You see, thats why reading the Bible brings lots of insights to your viewpoints. There

are things being said by all of us that simply are not true. This is a simple thing. This guy said,

The book of Revelation insists that every knee shall bow and every tongue should confess (cf.

Romans 14:11; Isaiah 45:23). He said that with a lot of authority. Theres just one problem, its
Course Review Time 20:56

not in Revelation. Do you understand what Im saying? People say, What difference does it

make? At least it was the general Bible. Do you understand? Thats how sloppy we are right

now. It doesnt make any difference to anybody any more. So we can quote stuff like Its in the

Bible and nobody knows! Well, that sounds like Scripture, you know!

We believe that the Bible is sufficient for all matters of faith and practice. And that the

authority of the Bible is greater than any church tradition, creed, ritual, person, or decision of

church councils. Well, we are really now isolated. Is there anything left? Well, among those of

us who are now left, were going to lose some more on this next one.

And what we believe is that eternal salvationnow, I didnt say whether you could

lose your salvation there, did I? All I said was eternal salvation. After all, we do believe it is

forever, dont we? Even if you think you can lose it. Okay?

Statement Number Seven: We believe that eternal salvation and Christian maturity are

results which only the Holy Spirit of God and the Bible itself can produce.

In some recent publication that Ill not mention, it specifically says that Christian

maturity is developed by accountability groups. Now, I believe in being accountable to people.

Dont misunderstand me. Whatever the Bible says I should do in that, however, is the truth. But I

want you to know that nobody grew in Christ by an accountability group. Would an

accountability group, where you met with a given amount of Christians to pray and read Gods

word, may that help to stimulate, motivate you to look into the word, which in fact will produce

the maturity? Yes! Are you mature because you go each week? No. Are you mature because you

know six people who know you? No. No, youre not. Do you understand? Its really interesting.

Theres another one I read in a Christian magazine. Its impossible to have strong

Christian maturity without a good nurturing marriage and family. You know, they didnt know

what they said. I thought to myself, poor single people. Theyre totally left out. Theres no way

you can become mature. Isnt that interesting?

Course Review Time 23:13

Heres another one. In a well-known Christian magazine, Arguments in a marriage can

be helpful to growth and understanding of Gods purpose and plan. Now I shouldnt have

isolated the statement. I should have told you all about it. How sometimes by argument,

confrontation we can really, finally, I guess be overwhelmed with the fact we dont know

anything and we need to come to the Lord. I just want you to know that the statement is incorrect.

Why? Because the Bible tells us that arguments dont do that(cf. 2 Timothy 2:23-24). The book

of Proverbs is against arguments and tells you whats wrong with them (i.e. Proverbs 13:3; 17:14;

20:3). Why you shouldnt start them! Why you shouldnt even get started in them! (cf. Proverbs

18:19). Dont even start them, it says.

And this article was talking about how people if they really just shared their view in

marriage and get it all out, they can become closer. No. Thats a lie too! The Bible tells us that

arguments build barriers. Theyre like the bars of the castle (cf. Proverbs 18:19). Some people

say, Well, we fight because its so much fun to make up. No. No, whats happening is that

these are the seeds of destruction and one day youll wake up and find out youre really far from

each other in terms of intimacy.

Heres another one. This is a Christian magazine. This is justifying the importance of

talking about your sins to find out why you did them. Interesting article! It says that the reason

why a lot of people dont grow in Christ is because they dont discover why they did what they

did. So they remain in this bondage, which needs to be broken. And I read the article and I

thought, This is well done. Theres just one problem. Its not true! Its not true at all.

But see, thats what Im talking about. And when we read number seven that Eternal

salvation and Christian maturity are results which only the Holy Spirit and the Bible can

produce, we just narrowed ourselves down in the Christian world.

Now, please understand that Im not on any crusade to tell them all. I dont sit down

everyday and say, Boy, I got to write a letter to that guy or this magazine. Hey, youre going

to drive yourself crazy. When I read a book, I dont expect the book to tell me everything that I
Course Review Time 25:34

want to know about the subject or to be right. Im just going to learn. Every mans my teacher. So

what? Dont get ticked off, but know what you believe.

This is where I see the compromise in this generation. Instead of following what God

says, were into this, Well you know, you dont want to hurt people and what harm is it? We do

need to tolerate people and show love, you know. Well, the kind of love I understand doesnt

compromise with sin and wrong. Now Ive got to learn how to lovingly say that. Thats a part of

my problem. And Ive got to follow the Bible on that. Ive got to learn how to be kind and not to

be attacking and critical and all of that sort of thing. And yet, at the same time, I want truth. Do

you? Its only the truth that can set us free. And I think this is our problem right now and we

dont see it. Thats why Im trying to take some time with it.

The importance of our course is not seen here in this classroom. The importance will be

after you leave and youre out there mingling with people and hearing these viewpoints and

reading these articles and listening to these programs and asking yourself, Do I really believe

that the Holy Spirit and the Bible are totally sufficient for eternal salvation and Christian maturity

or do I need something else?

After church recently a guy came up to me and he said, Would you be my mentor?

You know, Paul said The things that thou hast, commit to faithful men who should be

able to teach others also (cf. 2 Timothy 2:2). I understand all of that, but what does that mean,

mentoring? Didnt Paul say follow me because I follow Christ? Isnt the real Mentor Christ?

Its interesting to me. There is almost a worship of people in our generation. In the very

generation thats critical of heroes, to me its a dichotomy. I cant understand it. Sociologically or

philosophically, I dont understand it. Were very critical of leadership whether its political,

sports figures, whatever. Were critical of them, yet at the same time, theres this desire to

worship people or to feel that the people that we need are somehow going to do for us what the

Holy Spirit and the Bible are just inadequate to do.

Course Review Time 27:41

If you were on a desert island, had no church, no accountability group, could you grow in

Christ? Well, according to these groups, no. Its impossible. Listen, all you need is the Spirit of

God and the word. Thats all you need, really its the counsel of the Lord that will stand. I

believe that God has everything you need to hear about every problem in your life right in this

book. I believe that. The only time I go for counseland I do frequentlyis when Im lost. I

cant find it. I dont know what Im talking about. And so Ill ask somebody who I respect for

their spiritual wisdom and maybe theyll give me a key or a verse that I was overlooking or

whatever. Now I want to go study it, because I want to make sure what they told me is true. Is

everybody following this? Im really making an issue out of it, by intention! Please dont go out

of here and not think that the study of the Bible and what it is does not affect your life. Oh yes, it

does. Something is really wrong! And I happen to believe God about this generation and I believe

this generation is leaning toward mythology more than theology. We are listening to things that

arent true and believing it.

Do you understand me? Whats happening? Its going to affect every area of your life,

every application, every counseling situation, every decision you have to make. Youre going to

have to decide: Do I believe what God said in the word or am I just going to follow what

everybody says is okay to do? And many times people get offended when they say something

and I say, What verse was that?

Well you dont have to have a verse for everything.

Why not?

You know, class, Ive heard this kind of stuff over and over again and I dont want to

mess around with your brain or your lives. And I dont want to just sugar-coat anything over. I

know what it is to experience the hardness of Satans attacks and strategies in getting you to

compromise here and there. Dont. You follow this Book. Your eternal salvation, your Christian

maturity is totally dependent on the work of the Holy Spirit and this Book. There isnt any other
Course Review Time 29:55

way. There never has been. There never will be. Watch out because the majority of Christians

around you are not going to take that view.

Now what we hopefully learned in this class are the following main issues. We learned

about six issues in the class. Now they may not have come together for you like this. Thats why I

want to leave you with it, so you see it.

One is Revelation, which is the problem of communication. How God has communicated to us.

Remember there was a whole section in your notes dealing with that.

Inspiration is always a problem of accuracy.

Canonization is a problem of recognition. How do we recognize what is the word of God? And

we gave you several things under that which I think the test asks you for as well.

Illumination is a problem of understanding. We need the Holy Spirit.

Interpretation is a problem of study because it isnt up to us to put our interpretations in the

Bible. Its up to us to find out what is the interpretation God intended in that passage. That

requires study and then rightly dividing to interpret the word of God based on study.

Application is a problem of change. You can read all of this, but if you dont apply it, you dont

obey it, no change takes place. Thats why we want to make sure that you understand what we

have been saying in this course and realize the implication of it and hopefully that has been

established, okay?

Father I thank You for this privilege we have to study Your word. And we pray

we shall always regard it as a privilege. And I just pray God that you would

guide the students in the usage of their time. I pray You would give them

wisdom. Lord I pray again that You would use this time to encourage us in

learning the word of God. We thank you for it, in Jesus name. Amen.



As to reliability

As to revelation

As to results


The Old Testament

The New Testament

The Apocrypha


The definition of inspiration

The difficulties of inspiration


In terms of canonicity

In terms of manuscript evidence


(12 principles)


How ACCURATE are its statements?

cf. Mat. 5:18; Rev. 19:9; 21:5; 22:6

How AUTHORITATIVE is its message?

thus saith the Lord 415 times

saith the Lord 854 times

saith the Lord God 257 times

the word of the Lord 258 times

the Lord hath spoken 30 times

it is written 80 times


God speaks through what He has made Psa. 19:1-4

God speaks through supernatural acts Exo. 7:5; Num. 14:11; Deu. 4:35; John 20:30-

God has spoken directly to certain individuals in the past (by direct revelation):

cf. the book of Genesis

cf. Mat. 5:17-18; 24:34; Luke 24:44-45; John 10:35; Heb. 1:1-2; Rev. 22:18-19

God speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ John 1:14, 18; 14:8-9; Heb. 1:2

God speaks to us today through the Bible cf. Psa. 119

Question: How do we know if a person is speaking from Gods revelation or not?

(1) If it doesnt happen, then God didnt tell them it would! cf. Deu. 18:21-22

(2) If the gospel that is preached is not the gospel of Jesus Christ found in the Bible,
then God did not speak to them! cf. Gal. 1:6-10
(3) If what they say does not agree with the Bible, then God did not speak to them! cf.
Isa. 8:19-20; 2 Pet. 3:2

(4) If they add any additional truth to what the Bible says, then God did not speak to
them! cf. Rev. 22:18-19


The experience of salvation - 2 Tim. 3:14-15

The exercise of the senses to discern right from wrong Heb. 5:11-14

The effectiveness for prayer John 15:7; 1 John 5:14

The enablement for victorious living Psa. 119:11; John 15:3; 1 Pet. 2:2-3

The equipment of the believer for every good work 2 Tim. 3:16-17


Writing and Language

Alphabetical writing 1800 b.c.

Earliest did not divide words

Written in Hebrew (Aramaic in Ezra & Daniel 2:4-7:28) court language of


Textual History

Earliest copy before Dead Sea Scrolls 900 A.D.

Massoritic text (tradition ones who put a hedge around the Scripture)

Vowel markings between 6th & 8th centuries A.D.

Marginal notes on the tradition of the text scribes changed the text in only 11
places, according to one tradition, and only 18 places according to another
tradition (all 18 avoid extreme anthropomorphisms)

Summary notes at end of every book revealing number of verses, words,

consonants in the book
Ancient Versions of the Old Testament

Aramaic Targums translation or interpretation cf. Ezra 4:18; Neh. 8:8

Synagogues translate orally into Aramaic like paraphrasing (Living Bible)

Jews conducted business in Aramaic the trade language

Returned to the land as bi-lingual

Aramaic because the language of Israel (Jesus spoke it Mark 5:41; 7:34
and Paul used it 1 Cor. 16:22)

Aramaic used until time of Mohammed

Strong tendency against anthropomorthisms

Used word of God 179 times in place of God

Substituted Shekinah for God

Substituted glory for God

Highly interpretative and strong on paraphrasing use with extreme


Greek Versions

The Septuagint (LXX)

Background: A letter of Aristeas says it was dated 100 b.c. Supposedly,

scholars came from Israel, six from each tribe (72), went to Alexandria, housed
separately, and translated separately. When they came together, their
translations were miraculously alike!

Consider these facts:

(1) Jewish groups in Egypt as early as Nebuchadnezzar a growing colony

around Alexandria

(2) Alexandria became the predominant place of Greek language and culture
after the conquests of Alexander the Great

(3) Translators probably Egyptian, acquainted with Greek, not Hebrew

(4) Quotations from the Greek Pentateuch are found in other Greek literature
before 200 B.C.
(5) LXX probably the completion of other attempts

(6) Associated with Origen and Alexandrian school of text criticism

(7) Associated with Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus

(8) Early evidence of Greek translation of Hebrew

(9) Jew rejected the LXX when the Christians began to use it

Aquilas Translation a word for word translation in 2nd cent. A.D. to make
OT acceptable to anti-Christian Jews

Theodotians Translation tried to bring Greek text into harmony with

Hebrew revision of older, pre-Christian Greek texts completed in 2nd
cent. A.D.

Symmachus Translation tried to make a smooth reading, but did not

revise old works with Hebrew idioms

Origens Hexapla six columns, including the above four Greek

translations, with his own transliteration in Greek, along with the Hebrew

Note: Todays Greek OTs date from 4th cent. A.D. rely primarily on two MSS,
Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, and the work of Origen. Due to Dead
Sea Scrolls, respect for Hebrew is greater!

Latin Versions

Old Latin - around 200 A.D. - North Africa - appears to be a translation

from a Greek text, rather than Hebrew.

Latin VulPate - 390-404 A.D. by Jerome he translated from Hebrew,

included the Apocryphal books, but questioned their canonicity. Council of
Trent (1540 A.D.) did an update on the Vulgate Sixtine edition appeared
in 1590 A.D. Clementine amended it in 1592 A.D.

Syriac Versions

Peshitta (Old Syriac) - 3rd century A.D. quoted often in 4th century A.D. -
did not include apocryphal books translated from Hebrew, not Greek (left
out the book of Chronicles originally)
Svriac Hexapla - translation of Origens 5th column (LXX) - published in
616 A.D.

Patristic Quotations - the church fathers (leaders) wrote voluminously and quoted
extensively from the Scriptures - Cyprian (died 258 A.D.), bishop of Carthage, for
example, has over 740 O.T. quotations in his writings.

Other Versions - manuscripts from the 4th century onward include Coptic,
Ethiopic, Arabic and Armenian versions.

Hebrew Translations - the first five were used to reconstruct the original text
before the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls

The Cairo Codex of the Prophets - 895 A.D.

The Leningrad Manuscript - 916 A.D. (contains only the latter prophets)

The Aleppo Manuscript - 10th century A.D.

The British Museum OR 4445 (Gen. 39:20 Deuteronomy I:33 only)

The Leningrad MS B-19 A - 1008 A.D.

The Dead Sea Scrolls - discovered in 1947 A.D. Fragments from every
book, except Esther - dated from loo-250 B.C.


List of Books

Athanasius of Alexandria (367 A.D.) gives us the earliest list - 27 books

Jerome and Augustine - 27 books

Synod of Hippo (393 A.D.) - confirms 27 books

4th Synod of Carthange (397 A.D.) - 27 books

Writing Materials

PAPYRUS - (plant/paper) - used in Egypt 3000 years before Christ - used up to

the 4th century A.D.

NOTE: In 1912, Kenyon lists 19 Biblical papyri; in 1925, A.T. Robertson lists
34 fragments; in 1945, Henry Thiessen lists 53; in 1955,Bruce Metzker lists 63; in
1958, Driver lists 68; today, some 92 have been catalogued. Written in uncial
script using large, upper-case letters with no separation between words.

LEATHER - Leather scrolls did not wear out as fast as papyrus - only these two
(papyrus and leather) were used in a scroll format.

PARCHMENT - skins of sheep and goats used up until the 10th century A.D. -
main material for books from 4th century

VELLUM - calf skins - used to the invention of printing

Types of Writing

UNCIAL - capital letters (Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus) - used from 4th
century A.D. to the 9th century A.D.

NOTE: In 1912, we had 168 uncial MSS; in 1943, we had 212; in 1956, we had
232; in 1958, 252; today, we have about 270 of these MSS that are catalogued.

MINUSCULE - cursive or script writing, using smaller letters - the majority of

Greek MSS about 2800

Age of Manuscripts (How it is determined)

Writing materials

Letter size and form


Text Divisions


Color of ink

Texture and color of parchment


GREEK VERSIONS - over 5500

PRIMARY VERSIONS - made directly from Greek





SECONDARY VERSIONS - made off other versions than Greek

Vulgate (from Old Latin)

Persian (from Peshitta)





Patristic Quotations (church fathers / leaders)

Problem - determining the accuracy of the text which the church father quotes

Value - fixing the time of a certain text type and its geographical location


Apostolic Fathers (up to 125 A.D.)

Ante-Nicene Fathers (125-325 A.D.)

Post-Nicene Fathers (325-600 A.D.)

Eastern Fathers (Syriac)

Western Fathers (Greek or Latin)

Lectionaries - selected portions of Scripture to be read in the churches (like responsive

readings) - vary from a few verses to 3 or 4 chapters; average length = 10 verses - they
appear from the 6th century onward, although Chrysostom used it and called it the
lesson for today - most begin with the phrase, On a certain occasion - in 1958, there
were 1838 of these in both Uncial and Minuscule MSS; today, there are about 2200
lectionary MSS

NOTE: Out of the 5500 Greek MSS of the New Testament, only about 200 are
complete; another 50 contain all but the gospels, and about 1500 contain all or part of
the gospels only. MSS evidence in Latin numbers close to 10,000; and the total number
of manuscripts reaches above 20,000. Before the 4th century A.D., quotations of the
New Testament in the writings of the church fathers number over 86,000 separate


The Apocrypha is a collection of ancient Jewish writings written between 300 b.c. and
100 A.D. - means hidden regarded as canonical by the Roman Catholic Church at
the Council of Trent (1540-46 A.D.), but rejected by the Protestants.

List of Books - refers to 15 books (14 if Letter of Jeremiah is put with Baruch) -
11 of the 14 books are considered to be Holy Scripture by the Roman Catholic

The First Book of Esdras

The Second Book of Esdras

The Book of Tobit

The Book of Judith

The Additions to the Book of Esther

The Wisdom of Solomon

Ecclesiasticus or the Wisdom of Sirach

The Book of Baruch

The Story of Susanna

The Song of the Three Children

The Story of Bel and the Dragon

The Prayer of Manasseh

The First Book of Maccabees

The Second Book of Maccabees

Acceptance by the Church

Contained in the LXX

A separate section in Jeromes Latin Vulgate

In Luthers German Bible of 1534 separate section at end of the Old


Separate sections in Coverdales English Bible, the Bishops Bible, and in

the King James Bible of 1611 A.D.

Not found in Hebrew translations

Puritans rejected them - demanded they be dropped from King James

Bible as early as 1629 A.D.

Reasons for rejecting them as canonical:

Not a part of the Bible of Jesus and the early church

Never quoted in the Bible

Church fathers separated them from canon

Not included as Scripture until Council of Trent

Historical and geographical inaccuracies

Lack of prophetic spirit

Lower level of writing

NOTE: New Testament refers to Apocrypha in Jude 14 and Hebrews 11:35 but
does not cite it as Holy Scripture. It cites it the same way Paul referred to
heathen poets (Acts 17:28).


The act of God by which His revelation is communicated in written form
II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:19-21

Inspiration refers to the writings, not the writers -every writing God-breathed (the
universe and humanity are also the product of the creative breath of God)

Inspiration refers to the control of the Holy Spirit over the writers so that what was
written was exactly what God intended - John 14:26; 16:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21

2 Samuel 23:2 - The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me, and his word was in my

Mark 12:36 - For David himself said, by the Holy Spirit

Acts 1:16 - which the Holy Spirit by the mouth of David spoke before concerning

Acts 28:25 - Well spoke the Holy Spirit by Isaiah, the prophet, unto our fathers

Inspiration is the work of God, using prophets and apostles as human channels of His
revelation to us Ephesians 3:3-5; Hebrews 1:1-2; 2:3-4

cf. Matthew 1:22; 2:5, 15, 17,23; 3:3; 4:14; 12:17; 13:14, 35; 15:7; 21:4; 24:15;
27:9; Gal. 1:12; 2 Pet. 3:15-16

Inspiration guarantees the accuracy and reliability of the Bible.

In terms of FULFILLMENT - Matthew 5:17-18; Luke 24:44-46

In terms of INTERPRETATION - John 10:34-36 (cf. Psalm 82:6-7) (cf. 2 Peter


In terms of COMPLETENESS - Matthew 23:35 (Abel is the 1st martyr - book of

Genesis; Zechariah is the last martyr - book of 2 Chronicles, the last book in the
Hebrew Bible of 22 books - same as 37 books in English) - cf. Revelation 22:18-

In terms of various THEORIES:

ORDINARY - inspired like Shakespeare - level of mere human genius

DYNAMIC - thoughts of God; words of men

DEGREES - some parts more inspired than others

MORAL - moral and spiritual teachings inspired; history and science


MECHANICAL dictation

In terms of the TRANSMISSION of the text by those who copied it:

INEXACT QUOTATIONS - cf. Isaiah 40:3 and Matthew 3:3

Inspiration requires that the truth is told accurately, not that the quote be
quoted verbatim.

It may only be an interpretation of an Old Testament quotation.

Translation from one language to another may be involved.

VARIANT REPORTS - same incidents in gospels

Different views by different writers can still be reported accurately by each.

Jesus Christ no doubt taught the same truth at different times and in
different ways.

The superscription on the cross was in three languages (John 19:20)

Matthew 27:37 - This is Jesus, the King of the Jews

Mark 15:26 - The King of the Jews

Luke 23:38 - This is the King of the Jews


Is the passage in the original text, or confirmed by MSS evidence?

Is the translation absolutely correct?

Is the interpretation the only possible one?

Is our present knowledge final?

Is reconciliation impossible?

UNSCIENTIFIC EXPRESSIONS - like ends of the earth or four corners of the

earth, sun rising, etc.

Common vocabulary uses such expressions.

The Bible was written for all peoples, and uses the language of

HUMAN ERRORS - by those who copied the text

Slip of the pen

Words similar in sound or appearance confused

Omission of words

Marginal notes treated as text

Errors of memory or repetition

In terms of the TRUTHFULNESS of Jesus Christ Himself - Matthew 5:17-18; Luke

24:44-46; John 10:34-36

In terms of the TESTIMONY of the writers themselves

Joshua 1:8; 11:15; 24:26

1 Samuel 10:25; 2 Samuel 23:1-3

1 Kings 14:18-19, 29; 15:23, 31; 16:14, 20, 27,34; 22:39, 45

1 Chronicles 29:29-30

2 Chronicles 32:32; 33:18-19; 35:26-27; 36:21-22

Ezra 1:1; Nehemiah 8:8

Psalm 119:89; 138:2

2 Peter 3:15-16


DEFINITION: The Bible is without error in its original autographs, accurately reporting
all matters which are written in the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments.

canon - the rule or standard by which something is measured.
cf. 2 Corinthians 10:13,15, 26; Galatians 6:16 (rule or line of things)

The term canon was used first by Athanasius in 367 A.D. to refer to the
collection of authoritative and inspired writings. The Old Testament canon was
evaluated strongly by the Council of Jamnia in 90 A.D. Some books were
disputed (such as Song of Solomon for its sensuality, Ecclesiastes for its secular
emphasis, and Esther for its failure to mention the name of God.), but clearly
established to be canonical on the basis of both external and internal evidences.

LANGUAGE - the Old Testament contains 22 books in the Hebrew Bible (called
the Tanach) which contain the exact same content as the 39 books in the
English Bible. Portions of Ezra and Daniel are written in Aramaic, a related
language to Hebrew, and the court and trade language of ancient Babylon and
Persia. The New Testament contains 27 books written in Greek, with frequent
expressions from Aramaic, the language spoken in Israel during the first century

AUTHORSHIP - to be a part of the canon of the Bible, it was essential that a

book be written by a recognized prophet or apostle - cf. Ephesians 2:20; 3:3-5

INSPIRATION - to be a part of the canon of the Bible, evidence of Divine

inspiration must be proven by the testimony of the writers themselves, by Jesus
Christ Himself, by eyewitnesses of what is recorded, by the witness of the Holy
Spirit in the believers as they read the books, and by archaeological and
historical accuracy.

ACCEPTANCE - to be a part of the canon of the Bible, the books needed to be

circulated, read, and accepted without reservation as being divinely inspired by
the believers in the churches.

NOTE: There are three major periods of history in which the issues of the canon were
evaluated and discussed:
(1) CIRCULATION AND GRADUAL COLLECTION (70-170 A.D.) This includes the work
of Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Marcion, Papias, and the writings entitled the
Epistle of Barnabas, the Didache, and the Shepherd of Hermes.

(2) EXTENSIVE THEOLOGICAL WRITING (170-303 A.D.) Includes the work of

Irenaeus, Clement, Tertullian, and Origen, and clearly indicates the existence of a
canon of Holy Scripture.

(3) FORMAL COLLECTION AND ACCEPTANCE (303-397 A.D.) Involves the work of
church councils, which basically tested what was already there and universally read and
accepted by the churches.

COMPLETION - the reasons why the Bible was considered to be a complete and
final revelation from God

Theological reason - nothing is omitted that believers need to know!

Logical reason - early church fathers / leaders were closer to the issue!

Factual reason - no attempt was made to change the canon until the
Council of Trent (1540-46 A.D.), a reaction to objections by the reformers
regarding church tradition being more important than the Bible itself, and
the failure of many church teachings to be supported by Biblical authority!

Experiential reason - it has the proven power to save and change lives!

Biblical reason - God indicates that His written Word would be a complete
and final revelation!

Exodus 20:1; Deuteronomy 4:2; 8:3; Psalm 19:7; 119:89,152,160;

Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Luke 16:31; John
10:35; 16:13; Romans 10:17; 1 Corinthians 14:37; 15:1; Galatians 1:9
Hebrews 1:1-2; 2:2-4; Jude 3; Revelation 1:1; 22:18-19


THE OLD TESTAMENT - the greatest evidence for the authenticity of the Old
Testament was the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 A.D. Fragments were
found in 14 caves, and included portions from every book of the Old Testament except
Esther. There were numerous portions from Deuteronomy, as well as commentaries
and manuals on communal life at Qumran.

The expression, it is written, appears frequently in the Dead Sea Scrolls, but clearly
refers to authority of canonical Scriptures; no non-canonical writings are referred to in
this manner.
A simple comparison of the Hebrew of Biblical writings found among the Dead Sea
Scrolls with the various Hebrew texts of later history (gap of 1000 years), reveals a
remarkable similarity and agreement. The Jews were extremely careful and amazingly
accurate in their copying of Biblical writings.

THE NEW TESTAMENT - with 5500 Greek manuscripts and 10,000 Latin manuscripts
and another 4000 in various other languages, plus over 86,000 separate references
quoted in the writings of church fathers, we have a volume of evidence that is
unparalleled in the history of ancient writings (before the invention of printing) that were
simply copied by hand.

Classifications of manuscript evidence

BYZANTINE text - began with Chrysostom, and includes the majority of

manuscripts, and was universally read and accepted by the church - often
called Textus Receptus, or the Received Text.

WESTERN text - most frequently quoted in the church fathers, and

primarily based on the Latin manuscript evidence.

ALEXANDRIAN text - an Egyptian tradition, encouraged by Origen -

promoted in modern times by Westcott and Horts revision of the Greek
text - based primarily upon two MSS, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex
Vaticanus. This tradition has become the foundation of most modern
English translations in the 20th century.

Greek Translations

COMPLUTENSIAN POLYGLOT - 1514 A.D. - first to be printed

DESIDERIUS ERASMUS - 1516-19 A.D. - first to be published (other

editions in 1522, 1527, and 1533 A.D.

ROBERT STEPHANUS - editions in 1546, 1549, and 1550 A.D., the latter
being the primary text used by the King James translators

ELZEVIR PARTNERS - editions in 1624, 1633, and 1641 A.D. The 1633
A.D. edition gave the name Textus Receptus to the Greek text.

BRIAN WALTON - first to make a collection of variant readings - 1657

A.D. - using the text of Stephanus, and added Codex Alexandrinus and
Codex Beza.
JOHN MILL - first editor to collect evidence of patristic quotations.

J. A. BENGEL - 1734 A.D. - first to classify the MSS authorities into two

AFRICAN - fewest and oldest

ASIAN - majority of MSS

J. J. WETSTEIN - published editions of the Textus Receptus in 1751 and

1752 A.D. with a critical apparatus and a system of cataloging the MSS.

SEMIER & GREISBACH - classified MSS into three groups in 1767 A.D.

ALEXANDRIAN (Syriac, Coptic, and Ethiopian)

EASTERN (Antioch & Constantinople)

WESTERN (Latin & patristic quotations)

CONSTANTINE TISCHENDORF - found the Codex Sinaiticus in 1844

A.D. at St. Catherines monastery at Mt. Sinai.

WESTCOTT & HORT - 1881 A.D. published Greek text with no critical
apparatus based on two MSS: Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus.

NOTE: Consider these facts about the WESTCOTT & HORT Greek text which has
become the foundation behind many modern English translations.

(1) Codex Vaticanus - reported to be in the Vatican Library since 1481 A.D. - written on
vellum with 3 columns and no ornamentation. It ends at Hebrews 9:14, and excludes
the Pastoral Epistles and Revelation. It contains 7579 changes from the Textus
Receptus, and also contains the Apocryphal books in the Old Testament.

(2) Codex Sinaiticus - over half of the leaves are missing; it contains the Epistle of
Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermes; it contains 9000 changes from the Textus

(3) These MSS differ in the gospels over 3000 times with each other! Tischendorf
changed his 8th edition of the Greek text in 3369 places when compared with his 7th
edition, all on the basis of Codex Sinaiticus! In terms of English translations, over
36,000 changes have been made because of this evidence!

(4) The condition of these MSS (beautiful by comparison with others) makes them
highly suspicious - they dont look used as they should have been!
(5) The evidence of the Papyri MSS of the 20th century A.D. was not available for the
Greek text of Westcott & Hort. The Papyri evidence is much older than these two MSS
and, by and large, supports the readings of the Textus Receptus.

(6) Because a given manuscript is older, does not mean that it is the best. P47 is the
oldest MSS of Revelation, but definitely not the best, for we have only 10 out of 32

English Translations

JOHN WYCLIFFE (1320-1384 A.D.) translated from Jeromes

Latin Vulgate, of which there are 8000 manuscripts.

WILLIAM TYNDALE - first to be printed from the Greek text of

Erasmus - 1525 A.D.

MILES COVERDALE - first English Bible printed - 1535 A.D.

GENEVA BIBLE - first to use verse and chapter divisions - 1560



NOTE: A committee of 54 men began work in 1607 A.D. and finished in 1610 A.D. They
spent hours daily in prayer, expressing total loyalty to Gods Word, and checking and re-
checking with colleagues lest the slightest mistake would be made. The primary Greek
text was the 3rd edition of Stephanus, published in 1550 A.D. It has dominated Bible
translation in English for 385 years, in spite of many attempts to show its inadequacies
and archaic expressions.

ENGLISH REVISED VERSION - 1881-85 A.D. - based on Greek

text of Westcott & Hort

AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION - 1901 A.D. - based on Greek

text of Westcott & Hort

WILLIAMS TRANSLATION 1937 - completed by Charles B.

Williams under the auspices of Moody Bible Institute, followed the
Greek text of Westcott and Hart, attempting to translation the
thought of the passage rather than a word-for-word translation

REVISED STANDARD VERSION - 1952 A.D. - generated a great

deal of controversy over translation of Hebrew word, almak, in
Isaiah 7:14, changed from virgin to young woman
PHILIPS TRANSLATION - 1958 A.D. - a paraphrase that received
extensive promotion and usage for a number of years before the
publication of the Living Bible.

GOOD NEWS FOR MODERN MAN - 1966 A.D. - promoted as an

evangelistic tool - started to use more paraphrasing to
communicate to the contemporary generation

THE LIVING BIBLE - 1971 A.D. - the most popular paraphrase ever
- done by Kenneth Taylor, basically to communicate with his


Lockman Foundation in 1971 A.D. 54 Hebrew and Greek scholars
of evangelical and fundamental persuasion were used in the
project. It is an updated version of the 1901 American Standard


widely and proclaimed often as the finest text in English today its
desire is to present a readable text for todays English-speaking

THE GOOD NEWS BIBLE - 1979 A.D. - the official title is The
Bible in Todays English Version - it was produced by the United
Bible Societies for use throughout the world. Its stated goal is not to
follow traditional vocabularies and styles in other versions, but to
present the message of the Bible in everyday, natural English.

THE NEW KING JAMES VERSION - 1982 A.D. - it tries to maintain

the beauty and language of the King James, and at the same time,
remove the archaic expressions. The changes were far more
extensive than originally promised, but it seems to have
accomplished its stated goals in the light of its sales.

NOTE: In one sense, it is sad indeed to see the controversies over which English
translation is the best when so many languages have yet to receive one verse of
Scripture in their own tongue. To view English as being the best language to
communicate the original languages of the Bible is not only ignorant and immature, but
may reveal the pride and arrogance of those who speak it! The problem behind Bible
translation is not English, but rather what Greek text (in the case of the N.T.) one is
using for that particular translation. The changes that were made in the Greek text of
Westcott and Hort in the late 1800s from the majority of manuscripts that had given us
a Greek text we know as the Textus Receptus - are too great to ignore. These
changes were based on two manuscripts, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus,
which are certainly not the best or the oldest or the most accurate, as so many
marginal notes in modern English translations have tried to promote. The truth is that
the Greek text used for producing the King James Version of the Bible is still the most
reliable and is based, by and large, upon the majority of manuscripts. May God give us
all the wisdom we need to evaluate these matters, and the kindness of the Lord toward
those who may disagree with us?

Consider these simple facts:

1. The KING James translation uses the fewest multi-syllabic words among the various
modern English translations available today.

2. The KING James Version when compared with other English translations that have
been widely circulated reveals a lower grade level of reading skill.

3. The King James Version is the only English version that clarifies the singular or plural
use of the second person personal pronoun.

- "you" - found in modern English translations, referring to either one person or

many persons
- thee and ye - used in the King James, clearly distinguishing between the
singular and plural

4. The archaic expressions (words that have either changed their meaning or are no
longer being used by English-speaking people) are fewer than most people realize, and
are usually clarified in the margin or notes of most copies of this translation. They are
also changed in the text of the New King James Version of the Bible.


The word hermeneutics refers to the science of interpretation. While this study is not
intended to be exhaustive in terms of the subject, it needs some attention in this course
because it is such a vital part in the understanding of the Bible.

Consider the following basic principles:

FAITH - the matter of dependency and prayer (cf. Psalm 119:18, 26-27, 33-34,
68, 73, 169; Hebrews 11:6)

HOLINESS - a clean life and pure motives (cf. Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 28:9, 13;
Matthew 25:41; 2 Corinthians 2:17; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 2:1-3)

OBEDIENCE - doing what God commands and pleases Him (cf. Psalm 119:100;
John 7:17; James 1:22-25)
HOLY SPIRIT - the one Who inspires and illuminates (cf. John 16:13; 1
Corinthians 2:9-16; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:19-21)

JESUS CHRIST - the central Person in its message (cf. Luke 24:44-45; John
16:13-14; Acts 8:26-36)

SPIRITUAL MATURITY - our growth in grace and knowledge (cf. 1 Corinthians

2:6; 3:1-3; Hebrews 5:11-14; 2 Peter 3:16-18)

DILIGENT STUDY - examining and comparing Scriptures (cf. Psalm 119:99; Acts
17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15)

SIMPLICITY - seeing the text as it is and for whom it was written (cf. Psalm
119:130; Matthew 11:25-26; 2 Corinthians 11:3, 6)

CONTEXT - observing the passages surrounding a given word, phrase,

sentence, paragraph, topic, or book

LANGUAGE - finding the root meaning of a given word, noting its Biblical and
historical usage, understanding how the various clauses and phrases are
connected together in a given passage, and making sure of the grammatical form
of the words

CULTURE - the ways, methods, manners, tools, literary productions and

institutions of any people

Four basic factors of cultural understanding:





Four basic facts about interpreting a given culture:

Dont treat cultural factors as moral absolutes!

Dont allow cultural factors alone to determine the interpretation!

Dont confuse cultural factors with the application of Biblical principles!

Dont ignore cultural factors in your understanding!

SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE - making a literal fact or truth more graphic or visual


SIMILE - comparison of two unlike things, using words such as

like or as

METAPHOR - comparison without connecting words

PARABLE - extended simile, comparing unlike things that are

easily understood to reveal truth that is difficult to comprehend

PERSONIFICATION - making inanimate objects animated

HYPERBOLE - exaggeration for effect

PARADOX - a truth that seems absurd

RIDDLE - statement designed to puzzle or hide

ANTHROPOMORPHISM - attributing physical characteristics to



(1) If literal sense makes sense, seek no other sense!

(2) Examine the context carefully!

(3) Distinguish carefully between the literal and the figurative!

(4) Discern accurately the spiritual truth by inductive study, asking three
basic questions:

(a) Are there parallel passages to consider?

(b) Does the truth conflict with any details of the passage?

(c) Does it agree with other Scriptures?

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