Theory/Pedagogy List: Introductory Overviews and Guides
Theory/Pedagogy List: Introductory Overviews and Guides
Theory/Pedagogy List: Introductory Overviews and Guides
Martin Heidegger
Roman Ingarden
Georges Poulet
Gerald Bruns
William Spanos
Sigmund Freud
Jacques Lacan
Julia Kristeva
Slavoj Zizek
Shoshana Felman
Juliet Mitchell
Karl Marx
Louis Althusser
Walter Benjamin
Friedrich Engels
Antonio Gramsci
Angela Davis
Georg Lukacs
Terry Eagleton
Michelle Barrett
Fredric Jameson
Cultural Studies
Raymond Williams
Stuart Hall
Dick Hebdige
Cary Nelson
Lawrence Grossberg
New Historicism
Stephen Greenblatt
Louis Montrose
Alan Sinfield
H. Aram Veeser
Catherine Gallagher
Jerome McGann
Clifford Geertz
Franz Fanon
Gayatri Spivak
Homi Bhabha
Aijaz Ahmad
Paul Gilroy
Edward Said
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong
Simone de Beauvoir
Julia Kristeva
Luce Irigaray
Helene Cixous
Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Nancy Fraser
Elaine Showalter
Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar
Toril Moi
Roland Barthes
Jean Baudrillard
Jean-Francois Lyotard
Michel Foucault
Jacques Derrida
Paul de Mann
J. Hillis Miller
Barbara Johnson
Geoffrey Hartman
African American
W. E. B. DuBois
Henry Louis Gates
Houston Baker
Barbara Christian
Bell hooks
Barbara Smith
The Comahee River Collective (“A Black Feminist Statement”)
Gloria Anzaldua
George Lipsitz
Rey Chow
Lisa Lowe
Gary Okihiro
Modern Poetics
Johanna Drucker
Anthony Easthope
N. Katherine Hayles
George Landow
Jerome McGann
Barret Watten
Performance Studies
J. L. Austin
Richard Bauman
Dell Hymes
John Foley
Richard Shechner
Erving Goffman
Ecological Approaches
Cheryl Glotfelty
Lawrence Buell
Yi-Fu Tuan
Joni Adamson
Julie Sze
Greta Gaard
Winona LaDuke
Terrell Dixon
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paula Freire
“Art of the Contact Zone,” Mary Louise Pratt
Beyond the Culture Wars, Gerald Graff
The Politics of Knowledge, Richard Ohmann
Practicing Theory in Introductory College Literature Courses, James M. Cahalan and
David B. Downing
Refiguring the Ph.D. in English, Stephen North
Applied Grammatology, Gregory Ulmer
Teaching Environmental Literature, Frederick Waage
Poetry and Pedagogy: The Challenge of the Contemporary, Spahr and Retallack
Manifesto of a Tenured Radical, Cary Nelson
Journals: College English, Teaching English in the Two-Year College (TETYC),
Pedagogy, Radical Teacher