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IJARPED-Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences

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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1

ISSN: 2226-6348

Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences in the

Engineering Department of an Asian University
Jeamarie R. Abanador, Guillian Christine D. Buesa, Guada Marie L.
Remo, Jovielyn Maibo
Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City, 4200 Philippines

DOI: 10.6007/IJARPED/v3-i1/499 URL:

Teaching is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective. As a profession it is taken as a
mission to mold the young. There are three basic methods of teaching used by the instructors
namely: teacher-centered, student-centered and focus-centered method. This research aimed
to determine the different methods used by the faculty members and the learning preference
of the engineering students that would help in attaining good coordination leading to students
academic learning. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study with 100 engineering
students as the respondents. Based on the data gathered, professors often used teacher-
centered method while content-focused method is considered the most preferred by the
students. From these results, an enhancement program was designed for the students to be
able to cope with the teaching styles for their effective learning.

Keywords: teaching style, instruction, engineering, learning, student-centered


Engineering is considered one of the hardest degree programs in college (Laguador, 2013a). In
order to graduate from this five-year bachelors degree, one must have full determination,
excellent study habit, and of course, an exceptional analytical skill.

Every individual has his own perspective in learning, one factor of such is the methods of
teaching used by their professors which are categorized generally into four types (Makokha &
Ongwae, 2001), which are the Instructor/Teacher Centered Method, Content Focused
Method, Learner Centered Method and Interactive/Participative Method. However, according
to (Kafyuo, n.d) the learner-centered method and the interactive/participative method use
almost the same strategies and/or medium in teaching, so it all boils down to three types.

Teacher/instructor-centered involves the teachers action to create a learning environment that

encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Likewise, it involves the establishment and maintenance of the classroom environment so that
educational goals can be accomplished (Agno, 2009).

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

In content-focused teaching methods, both the teacher and the learners have to fit into the
content that is taught. Generally, this means the information and skills to be taught are
regarded as sacrosanct or very important. A lot of emphasis is laid on the clarity and careful
analyses of content. Both the teacher and the learners cannot alter or become critical of
anything to do with the content. An example of a method which subordinates the interests of
the teacher and learners to the content is the programmed learning approach (Makokha &
Ongwae, 2001)

Knowing these methods used in teaching clearly benefits the students because they will have a
first-hand idea on the career they are pursuing. It is the role of the Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) to shape the values and character of the university students to prepare them in a life-
changing professional career in the future (Laguador, 2013b). Therefore, each student must
adapt the learning being taught to them differently from the university, depending on their
interests as well as their capability, thus, their academic performances vary. The reason
researchers conducted this study is to have a common knowledge of the teaching methods
being used in engineering department and to be able to help the students cope to these
methods for the benefit of their effective learning.

Objectives of the Study

This study determined the methods being used by the professors to assess the learning
preferences of the students and to propose a plan of action that will help the engineering
students adapt the methods of teaching of engineering faculty members at the Lyceum of the
Philippines University, Batangas City, Philippines.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual model, which guided the researchers in conducting the study was depicted on
the paradigm. A large proportion of students entering college have not had much in the way of
useful instruction or assistance with specific study methods (Laguador, 2013d). Teachers have
been shown to have an important influence on students academic performance and they also
play a crucial role in educational attainment because the teacher is ultimately responsible for
translating policy into actions and principles based on practice during interaction with the
students. Both teaching and learning depends on teachers, no wonder an effective teacher has
been conceptualized as one who produces desired results in the course of his duty as a teacher
(Akiri & Ugborugbo, 2009).

The diagram shows the interconnection between the methods of teaching of the instructors
and how they affect the students academic performance. It is also given that there are three
methods used by the professors namely: teacher-centered, learner-centered and content-

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

Methods of

Plan of Action




Review of Literature

Teaching is defined as instructing, tutoring or educating. It stands for pedagogy, training and
nurturing. As a profession it is taken as a mission to mold the young. Others are prepared to
assume certain defined duties and responsibilities. It may be regarded as a teachers role in
educating children. Some refer to it as an occupation for a living.

Academic performance is an important result of all college curricular and co-curricular activities
(Laguador, 2013f). Teachers have been shown to have an important influence on students
academic performance and they also play a crucial role in educational attainment because the
teacher is ultimately responsible for translating policy into actions and principles based on
practice during interaction with the students. Both teaching and learning depends on teachers,
no wonder an effective teacher has been conceptualized as one who produces desired results
in the course of his duty as a teacher (Akiri & Ugborugbo, 2009).

In order to realize the instructional goals formulated, a teacher must possess the ability to plan
and organize all the needed task to be performed appropriately timed and adequately provided
with suitable materials. Only then will actual teaching to be smoothly paved towards the
desired ends. To underscore, it is hardly possible to make children learn without a precise
method, or else the class activities will end up hit-and-miss or segmented operations.

In teaching, method is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective. It is a procedure that

must followed strictly to attain a goal. It refers to a series of related and progressive acts
performed by the teacher and students to achieve the objectives of the lesson. It is well-
planned procedure that guides the direction in undertaking a learning activity. Educators take

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

method as a pattern or manner of treating people, objects and events that is directed
purposely toward the achievement of an instructional goal. (Salandanan, 2009)

As applied to the classroom teaching, method is a series of related and progressive acts
performed by the teacher and the pupils to accomplish the general and specific aims of the
lesson. Method has to do with the way a teacher communicates the subject to the student. It
involves regular steps to guide the mental processes of the learner in mastering the subject-
matter being presented to him. It also implies arrangement (Gregorio & Herman, 2005).

There are four main types of teaching methods which are widely used by the teachers in
educating their students. These methods are namely as: Teacher/Instructor-Centered Method,
Learner-Centered Method, Content-Focused Method and Interactive/Participative Method.
(Makokha & Ongwae, 2001)

In this method, the teacher casts himself/herself in the role of being a master of the subject
matter. The teacher is looked upon by the learners as an expert or an authority. Learners on the
other hand are presumed to be passive and copious recipients of knowledge from the teacher.
Examples of such methods are expository or lecture methods - which require little or no
involvement of learners in the teaching process. It is also for this lack of involvement of the
learners in what they are taught, that such methods are called closed-ended (Makokha &
Ongwae, 2001).

The traditional teacher-centered method of instruction also known as direct or explicit

instruction, consists of seven components. The seven components of direct instruction are:
developing of anticipatory activities used to prepare the students to the lesson, identifying an
objective, teaching of new material, modeling the objective to be learned questioning the
students as a checked for understanding, providing a guided practice and an appropriate
feedback to the student, and providing an independent practice of the new material for the
student to do outside of the classroom (Pretson, 2007).

Teacher/instructor-centered involves the teachers action to create a learning environment that

encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Likewise, it involves the establishment and maintenance of the classroom environment so that
educational goals can be accomplished. (Agno, 2009)

Teacher-centered instruction includes teaching strategies "in which the teacher's role is to
present the knowledge to be learned and to direct, in a rather explicit manner, the learning
process of the students. (Backiel, 2009)

In content-focused teaching methods, both the teacher and the learners have to fit into the
content that is taught. Generally, this means the information and skills to be taught are
regarded as sacrosanct or very important. A lot of emphasis is laid on the clarity and careful
analyses of content. Both the teacher and the learners cannot alter or become critical of
anything to do with the content. An example of a method which subordinates the interests of

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

the teacher and learners to the content is the programmed learning approach.
(Makokha&Ongwae, 2001)

Content-Focused Coaching is a professional development model designed to promote student

learning and achievement by having a coach and a teacher work jointly in specific settings,
guided by conceptual tools (Staub, 2005).

This last method of teaching centers on students learning in the lessons but is also about
teachers learning from the process. In the short term, teachers refine how they teach
particular lessons to specific groups of students. In the long term, they develop professional
habits of mind and general teaching expertise. Expert teachers know both their subject and the
best pedagogical practices by which to bring the subject to their students. (Staub, West &
Bickel, 2006)

To fulfill the student learning objectives of the course, the class facilitator integrated
technology-driven teaching strategies in the learning experience of the students including
multimedia presentations, World Wide Web resources, open line of communication thru email,
networking sites page, video/photo portfolios, digital cameras and photo editing software (Bay,

Learner-centered teaching is a teaching which is focused on learning what the students are
doing is the central concern of the teacher. Learning by doing is one of the most important
aspects of psychomotor domain (Laguador & Dizon, 2013). Being focused on learning is easily
understood at a superficial level, but its delineation reveals more details and intricacies: It is the
teaching that engages the students in the hard, messy work of learning. It motivates and
empowers students by giving them some control over learning process. It is the teaching that
encourages collaboration, acknowledging the classroom (be it virtual or real) as a community
where everyone shares the learning agenda. It promotes students reflection about what they
are learning and how they are learning it. It includes explicit learning skills instruction (Weimer,

Student engagement through learner-centered approaches leads to desirable student

outcomes. The benefits of learner-centered education include increased motivation for learning
and greater satisfaction with school; these outcomes lead to a greater academic achievement.
Students in learner-centered programs differ from students in more instructor-centered
programs in some concrete and specific ways (Wiley, 2009). Teachers must provide enough
encouragement and motivation to students to strive harder to achieve higher grades in the
subjects. They may establish a reward system that will recognize the students with exemplary
performance during quizzes or major examinations to increase their motivation to exert more
effort in dealing with their studies (Laguador, 2013e).

The last type of the teaching method which is the participatory/interactive method is driven by
the situational analysis of what is the most appropriate thing for us to learn/do now given the
situation of learners and the teacher. They require a participatory understanding of varied

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

domains and factors (Makokha&Ongwae, 2001). This method is also termed as learner-
centered method. This means that the activities done with this method focuses on how the
students analyze and learn the topic the instructor wants to imply (Kafyuo, n.d).

The used of teaching methods produces a variety of results. It may be strong and effective in
one case, may be weak and harmful in another case and may still be in another case. The point
is the teacher should develop some definite procedure as he requires more teaching experience
through the years, which could bring better results. Experience shows that this kind of result in
possible if the teachers exigency and convenience.

Dela Rosa concluded that the methods and strategies of teaching are the best means of
improving the educational system of the country. By the methods and strategies used by the
teachers in the classroom, students teach a lot of it in gain more knowledge and understand
mean on the different situations in problems in daily life (Gutierrez, 2010).

Materials and Method

This part of the study presents the details of the research outline used. This includes the
research design, participants, measure, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

Research Design

The descriptive method was utilized in this study since it involved collecting and interpreting
data in order to gather information needed in the study to serve this purpose.

The data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what
caused a situation. Descriptive research cannot be used to create a causal relationship, where
one variable affects another. Descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement
for internal validity. (Sevilla, 2007)

The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the
best approaches, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey
investigation. Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow-
up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study were the Engineering students of levels Two and Three of Lyceum
of the Philippines University-Batangas. They were selected to evaluate and assess their
academic performance in relation to the methods of teaching used by their professors. The
questionnaires were answered by one-hundred (100) students. Twenty-one were (21)
Computer Engineering Second Year students, thirty (30) respondents were from General

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

Engineering 2A, twenty (20) respondents were enrolled in Industrial Engineering 3A, twelve (12)
more respondents were Mechanical engineering third year students, six (6) respondents were
from Electronics engineering 3A, and the remaining were Computer engineering third year


The self-chaptered instrument was prepared by the researches after having the knowledge
about the study. The questionnaire is composed of 2 sets, each having 12 items. The first part
contains techniques and strategies used by the professors in their teaching. These 12 items
were divided equally to suit the 3 methods of teaching namely Teacher-Focused Method,
Learner-Centered Method, and Content-Focused Method. In this, the researchers intended to
know which method is mostly used by the respondents instructors. In order to obtain unbiased
results, the items pertaining to a particular method are not arranged in a successive manner,
thus in an alternating one. The items 1,4,7, and 10 were for teacher-centered method, while
the items 2,5,8, and 11 were applicable for learner-centered method, and items 3,6,9, and 12
belong to content-focused method. The respondent scored an item based on how often his
instructor uses that kind of technique in teaching. The scales used are: 3.50-4.00 - Always; 2.50-
3.49 - Often; 1.50-2.49 - Sometimes; 1.00-1.49 - Never. The results for each method were then
tallied and judged again for the same scale.

The second part of the questionnaire contains factors related to each method of teaching that
helped the researchers know how the respondents act or behave when their professor uses
such technique. The sequence of the items was the same. The scales used were: 3.50-4.00 -
Strongly Agree; 2.50-3.49 - Agree; 1.50-2.49 - Strongly Disagree; 1.00-1.49 - Disagree. The
results for each method were then tallied and judged again using the same scale. In this set, the
researchers ought to know how a particular method of teaching affects the interests in studying
of the respondents. Indeed, they knew how such method affect the respondents academic


The researchers made a set of questionnaire for the Engineering students of Lyceum of the
Philippines University - Batangas which focused on their academic performances in relation to
the methods of teaching used by their professors. During the preparation of the questionnaires,
the researchers made an intensive reading and did some research from books and thesis
related to the said topic. The researchers asked the permission from the College Department
Dean of Engineering of LPU-Batangas for the questionnaires to be distributed to the

The questionnaires were personally distributed and administered to the respondents. Close
follow-up was made to ensure that all the respondents were able to answer the entire

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

questionnaire. When the researchers were already finished administering and collecting the
questionnaires, they started tallying and tabulating the data.

Data Analysis

The set of respondents were distinguished per program and year level. The number of
responses for each choice was added. The composite mean for each method was computed by
adding their respective total individual response divided by the total number of respondents.
The area with the highest number of responses was the method of teaching most often used by
their professors. The average rating of each question under the categorized method was
computed by adding all the individual rating divided by the total number of respondents. The
categorized method with the highest computed composite mean is the one that greatly affects
the learning of the respondents.

Results and Discussion

Teacher-Centered Method

Teachers often used illustrations and examples as denoted by the weighted mean score of 3.43.
They also often explained principles and theories clearly and used some visual aids in teaching
and provided enrichment materials as indicated by the weighted mean scores of 3.30 and 3.29
on rank number 2 and 3, respectively. Orienting the students to a topic prior to classroom and
laboratory works obtained the least weighted mean score of 3.19 with often verbal
interpretation. The composite mean score of 3.30 implies that the teachers were often used the
teacher-centered method.

Students put all of their focus on the teacher. The teacher talks, while the students exclusively
listen. During activities, students work alone, and collaboration is discouraged. It involves the
teachers action to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. (Agno, 2009) Teacher-centered instruction
includes teaching strategies "in which the teacher's role is to present the knowledge to be
learned and to direct, in a rather explicit manner, the learning process of the students (Backiel,

Learner-Centered Method

Professors often provide feedback/correction when questions arise as denoted by the weighted
mean score of 3.34 on rank number one (1). They often let the students solve the problems
and/or answer a question by themselves and the teachers as well as the students equally
interact during the class room discussion as indicated by the weighted mean scores of 3.24 and
3.17 on rank numbers 2 and 3, respectively. However, instructors during discussion spend some
time listening while students spent some time talking obtained the least weighted mean score
of 2.75 on rank number 4.

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

The composite mean score of 3.13 implies that the teachers were often used the student-
centered method. It promotes students reflection about what they are learning and how they
are learning it (Weimer, 2013). This approach emphasizes a variety of different types of
methods that shifts the role of the instructors from givers of information to facilitating student
learning. When a classroom operates with learner-centered instruction, students and instructor
share the focus and interest. Instead of listening to the teacher exclusively, students and
teacher interact equally. Group work is encouraged, and students learn to collaborate and
communicate with one another. The youth of today must take part on many challenging roles
of designing plans and implementing the programs that would give them the sense of
leadership and ownership of their achievements (Laguador & Camello, 2013).

Content-Focused Method

Teachers often apply what they had learned to familiar situations or solving problems as
denoted by the computed weighted mean score of 3.28 on rank number one (1). Teachers also
often design and implement lessons from which they will learn and they students responded
incorrectly, they give students a chance to try again after providing a cue with computed
weighted mean scores of 3.22 and 3.16 on rank number 2 and 3, respectively. Relating some
relevant personal experiences or events which have occurred in the work setting regarding on
the lesson obtained the least obtained weighted mean score of 3.15 on rank number 4 with
often verbal interpretation. The composite mean score of 3.20 implies that the teachers often
used the content-focused method which is a professional development model designed to
promote student learning and achievement by having a coach and a teacher work jointly in
specific settings, guided by conceptual tools (Staub, 2005).

Students Learning Preferences

Table 1 shows the students learning preferences in terms of the three identified
teaching methods.
Table 1: Students Learning Preferences
Teacher-Centered Method Mean Verbal Interpretation
1. I understand better when my instructor first explains
3.58 Strongly Agree
the principles and theories clearly.
2. I prefer that the lecture has illustrations and
3.45 Agree
3. I lose interest when the instructor does all the
3.04 Agree
4. I study more if my instructor uses some visual aids in
teaching and provides you some enrichment 3.34 Agree
Composite Mean 3.35 Agree
Learner-Centered Method
1. I want my teacher to approach or listen to me in case
3.38 Agree
I have questions regarding on my topic

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

2. I learn better when me and my teacher interact

3.37 Agree
3. I participate actively when there are some group
3.30 Agree
4. The lesson retain longer in my mind if I have practice
3.44 Agree
to solve a problem by myself.
Composite Mean 3.37 Agree
Content-Focused Method
1. I prefer instructors who put a lot of emphasis and
3.25 Agree
analysis of content.
2. I understand better if my instructor gives lots of
3.49 Agree
3. I wanted to know how/what does our lesson come
3.38 Agree
out in reality or in the field of your chosen program.
4. I listen to my teachers stories that occurred in the
work setting regarding on our lesson and understand 3.34 Agree
the content of your lesson better.
Composite Mean 3.37 Agree
Legend: 3.50-4.00 = Strongly Agree; 2.50-3.49 = Agree; 1.50-2.49 = Strongly Disagree; 1.00-1.49
= Disagree

From the results obtained, it is concluded that the students prefer whichever of the three
methods of teaching is used by their professors for each have the same verbal interpretation.

With a composite mean of 3.35 implies that the students preferred the teacher-centered
method where students put all of their focus on the teacher. With a composite mean of 3.37, in
learning-centered method, the students easily understand the topic being taught by their
professors. This means that the activities done with this method focuses on how the students
analyze and learn the topic the instructor wants to imply. It is the teaching that engages the
students in the hard, messy work of learning (Weimer, 2013). Sometimes teachers do not have
enough time to give their students a chance to review what they learned the last time they met
before they start the examination, most especially before the quiz starts. Faculty members also
sometimes fail to determine the defects of their students and what areas in the lesson needed
for a remedial class (Laguador & Agena, 2013).

Having a composite mean of 3.37, content-focused method is a method where both the teacher
and the learners have to fit into the content that is taught. Generally, this means the
information and skills to be taught are regarded as sacrosanct or very important. A lot of
emphasis is laid on the clarity and careful analyses of content (Makokha & Ongwae, 2001).
Content-focused teaching cultivates the skills educators need to empower students to engage
in intellectual habits of reasoning, discourse and mastery of important, relevant content in the
academic domain being taught. Content-Focused Teaching is a professional development

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

model designed to promote student learning and achievement by having a coach and a teacher
work jointly in specific settings, guided by conceptual tools (Staub, 2005).

Proposed Program/Activity Design that would help the Engineering Students Adapt their
Instructors Methods of Teaching

Responsible Time
Program/Activity Specific Objectives Expected Outcome
Persons Duration
I. Orientation
To clarify all CATC, Dean 1 day Before the end of
Inform students of reasonable and Faculty of the day, students
the course questions Engineering must fully
requirements. students might understand
Clarify learning have relative to everything regarding
objectives and the course their career choice
expectations. objectives. and for that
knowledge, they are
To explain a expected to fully
detailed commit themselves
Collect baseline data discussion to their goal and put
on students' pertaining to the their faith and trust
knowledge and aims and to the institutions
motivation. objectives of the way of giving birth
course in to professionals.
Give students an general.
overview of how the
institution molds
students to become
professionals (
education system,
accreditations, etc.)

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

II. Advisory

Forming peer/study To support and Students All Students who

groups. help each other through- studied in groups
in reaching out the are expected to
Forming Academic his/her academic semester have better analysis
Advisement which goals and future on each topic.
will monitor a aspirations.
students week-to
week academic To evaluate on
progress. how well the
students are

To have sharing
of ideas.

Program/Activity Specific Objectives Responsible Time Expected Outcome

Persons Duration
III. Time

Decide what to To help the Students All After a month,

study, how long to students in through- students are
study or how much balancing their Guardians out the expected to get used
to study before you time in studying semester in managing their
get started. the lessons but at least time efficiently thus,
taught by their 1 month with the good
Study for at least an professors. being results they are
hour every day monitored expected to
before the next For the students by the continue this as a
class. to easily guardians. part in their study
adapt/learn the habit.
Review the lesson topics that will
plan prior to class. be discussed on This course of action
the class by the will lead to students
Plan your breaks in professor. increase in their
the short and long academic
term. To avoid performance
cramming on because of their
Get things done in deadlines. readiness prior to

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

proper time; make a their lessons.

time schedule on Being prepared
everything. is the key. When the time is
properly managed,
Make an advance cramming is avoided
study. meaning, time is
used efficiently.


Teachers in the College of Engineering were versatile when it comes to their teaching where
they often used the teacher-centered, learner-centered and content-focused method. In
general, the professors are not sticking on one method of teaching instead, they apply all these
methods. Regarding the assessment of the engineering students, they prefer all the methods
of teaching for them to fully understand and learn effectively concerning on their career choice.
A proposed program was designed to help the Engineering students to adapt the instructors
method of teaching.


Students should improve the way of learning in many ways to be able to adapt quickly, more so,
they should exert more effort, given that engineering is really a difficult one. Engineering
students must be encourage to participate in the community extension projects as part of
teaching strategies through providing extrinsic motivation like giving incentives or award of
recognition and appreciation for joining the activities (Laguador & Chavez, 2013). Faculty
members should find an alternative ways in teaching by integrating technology in the classroom
like using e-learning to enhance the interest of the students (Alday & Panaligan, 2013).

Students should approach their professors whenever they have difficulties to the subject.
Students should do further research about the subject, and do not rely on the professors
teaching only. The College of Engineering faculty members must encouraged the students to
read textbooks or reference books being used in the subject regularly before coming to class,

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
January 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1
ISSN: 2226-6348

use the library facilities and services for further reading about the lessons and they must also
establish group study during vacant periods to utilize their spare time to a most productive one
(Laguador, 2013c). Advance technology could be a useful tool to help the students understand
better in their academics. For the future researchers, it is advised to use other variables and
incorporate qualitative data.


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