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Security in Cloud Computing Using AES & DES

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The key takeaways are that cloud computing provides storage and access to applications over the internet. However, this also introduces new security challenges as the user loses control over the data. Traditional encryption methods cannot be directly applied.

Security issues in cloud computing include loss of control over data, unauthorized access, modification of data and denial of services. Users have to rely on cloud providers for security and availability of data.

The paper discusses AES and DES encryption algorithms that can be implemented to enhance security of data over the network in cloud computing.

International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200


Security in Cloud Computing using AES & DES

Shabnam Kumari Reema

A.P., Department of CSE, Sat Kabir Institute of Technology & A.P., Department of CSE, Sat Kabir Institute of Technology &
Management, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India Management, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India

Princy Sunita Kumari

M.Techscholar.,Deptt of CSE, Sat Kabir Institute of A.P., Department of CSE, G.B Pant Engineering College,
Technology & Management, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India Okhla.

Abstract- Cloud Computing has been visualized as the heirframework of IT consortium. Cloud Computing moves the application software and
databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This in turnimposes many new
security challenges which are not clear yet. This paper gives a brief introduction of cloud computing its types and security issue and
approachesto secure the data in the cloud environment. Cloud computing security is the set of control-based technologies and policies designed
to adhere to regulatory compliance rules and protect information, data applications and infrastructure associated with cloud computing use.

Keywords: Cloud Computing, security algorithm, AES, DES, RSA security issues


I. INTRODUCTION computing service on a huge scale. The increasing network

Cloud Computing provides us a means by which we can bandwidth and reliable yet exible network connections make
access the applications as utilities,over the Internet. It allows it even possible that users can now subscribe high quality
us to create, configure, and customize applications online. services from data and software that reside solely on remote
data centers.
1.1 Cloud Moving data into the cloud offers great convenience to users
The term Cloud refers to a Network or Internet. In other since they dont have to care about the complexities of direct
words, we can say that Cloud is something, which is present at hardware management. The pioneer of Cloud Computing
remote location. Cloud can provide services over network, i.e., vendors, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon
on public networks or on private networks, i.e., WAN, LAN or Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) [1] are both well known
VPN. Applications such as e-mail, web conferencing, examples. While these internet-based online services do
customer relationship management (CRM),all run in cloud. provide huge amounts of storage space and customizable
computing resources, this computing platform shift, however,
1.2 Cloud Computing is eliminating the responsibility of local machines for data
Cloud Computing refers to manipulating, configuring, and maintenance at the same time. As a result, users are at the
accessing the applications online. It offers online data storage, mercy of their cloud service providers for the availability and
infrastructure and application. We need not to install a piece of integrity of their data. Recent downtime of Amazons S3 is
software on our local PC and this is how the cloud computing such an example.
overcomes platform dependency issues. Hence, the Cloud From the perspective of data security, which has always been
Computing is making our business application mobile and an important aspect of quality of service, Cloud Computing
collaborative. inevitably poses new challenging security threats for number
Several trends are opening up the era of Cloud Computing, of reasons. Firstly, traditional cryptographic primitives for the
which is an Internet-based development and use of computer purpose of data security protection can not be directly adopted
technology. The ever cheaper and more powerful processors, due to the users loss control of data under Cloud Computing.
together with the software as a service (SaaS) computing Therefore, verication of correct data storage in the cloud
architecture, are transforming data centers into pools of must be conducted without explicit knowledge of the whole

IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200
data. Considering various kinds of data for each user stored in
the cloud and the demand of long term continuous assurance
of their data safety, the problem of verifying correctness of
data storage in the cloud becomes even more challenging.
Secondly, Cloud Computing is not just a third party data
warehouse. The data stored in the cloud may be frequently
updated by the users, including insertion, deletion,
modication, appending, reordering, etc. To ensure storage
correctness under dynamic data update is hence of paramount
importance. However, this dynamic feature also makes
traditional integrity insurance techniques futile and entails new
solutions. Last but not the least, the deployment of Cloud Fig.1:-Deployment models
Computing is powered by data centers running in a
simultaneous, cooperated and distributed manner. Individual PUBLIC CLOUD
users data is redundantly stored in multiple physical locations The Public Cloud allows systems and services to be easily
to further reduce the data integrity threats. Therefore, accessible to the general public. Public cloud may be less
distributed protocols for storage correctness assurance will be secure because of its openness, e.g., e-mail. The cloud
of most importance in achieving a robust and secure cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large
data storage system in the real world. However, such industry group and is owned by an organization selling cloud
important area remains to be fully explored in the literature. services.
Recently, the importance of ensuring the remote data integrity PRIVATE CLOUD
has been highlighted by the following research works [3][7]. The Private Cloud allows systems and services to be
These techniques, while can be useful to ensure the storage accessible within an organization. It offers increased security
correctness without having users possessing data, can not because of its private nature. The cloud infrastructure is
address all the security threats in cloud data storage, since they operated solely for an organization. It may be managed by the
are all focusing on single server scenario and most of them do organization or a third party and may exist on premise or off
not consider dynamic data operations. As an complementary premise.
approach, researchers have also proposed distributed protocols COMMUNITY CLOUD
[8][10] for ensuring storage correctness across multiple The Community Cloud allows systems and services to be
servers or peers. Again, none of these distributed schemes is accessible by group of organizations. The cloud infrastructure
aware of dynamic data operations. As a result, their is shared by several organizations and supports a specific
applicability in cloud data storage can be drastically limited. community that has shared concerns (e.g., mission, security
requirements, policy, and compliance considerations). It may
1.3 Basic Concepts be managed by the organizations or a third party and may exist
There are certain services and models working behind the on premise or off premise.
scene making the cloud computing feasible and accessible to HYBRID CLOUD
end users. Following are the working models for cloud The Hybrid Cloud is mixture of public and private cloud.
computing: However, the critical activities are performed using private
cloud while the non-critical activities are performed using
1.3.1 DEPLOYMENT MODELS public cloud. The cloud infrastructure is a composition of two
Deployment models define the type of access to the cloud, i.e., or more clouds (private, community, or public) that remain
how the cloud is located? Cloud can have any of the four types unique entities but are bound together by standardized or
of access: Public, Private, Hybrid and Community. proprietary technology that enables data and application


Service Models are the reference models on which the Cloud
Computing is based. These can be categorized into three basic
service models as listed below:
Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS allows the user to
access applications or software installed on the cloud
infrastructure ie: the firm would access software online. By
way of example, the iCloud service, soon to be provided by
IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200
Apple, is a SaaS service by which users access what is distributed environment[12].K.Pranathi and M.Sai Sri
effectively a data backup and distribution service. Lakshmi Yellari perform detailed study about the types of
Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS). PaaS allows the firm to algorithms in the research paper. The type of encryptions,
install or deploy software on infrastructure operated by the decryptions they followed and the extent to which they can
CSP ie: a firm can upload its own software applications (or provide security for the data resisting against the maximum
acquired applications) onto a server provided by the CSP. number of attacks occur on them. As DES algorithm has prone
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). IaaS allows a firm to numerous attacks being the popular algorithm for
to access infrastructure operated by the CSP. The firm would encryption is ruled out besides having AES algorithm which
not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure but has been the most efficient algorithm although with more
has control over operating systems, storage, deployed number of rounds it has to undergo, also Diffie-Hellman and
applications, and possibly limited control of select networking ElGamal algorithms for their weak keys have been ruled
components. By way of example a firm would rent a remote out.Opting RSA algorithm for providing Data Security on
server (or cluster of remote servers) on which the firms data is Cloud for better user access and the Confidentiality, Integrity
stored. and Authentication it provides, made it a better option so far
Each of the service models make use of the underlying service for its implementation on Cloud for Data
model, i.e., each inherits the security and management Security[13].According to CompTIA 4th Annual Conference
mechanism from the underlying model, as shown in the Full Report (2013), it states that as cloud components are
following diagram becoming more prevalent in IT architectures, more companies
are relying on cloud computing for business processes such as
storage (59%), business continuity/disaster recovery (48%),
and security (44%). This strong usage and strong market
indicators show that cloud computing is becoming a default
part of the IT landscape. Although adoption rates are high and
market numbers are positive, there is still confusion related to
cloud computing. This confusion will hinder end users and
channel firms from fully transforming their IT practices and
offerings. Only 46% of channel firms with cloud offerings
described their cloud business as completely maturean
established, strategic part of business plans. In the past few
years there have been tremendous increases in use of cloud
computing in both business, government and even educational
sector, this increase was due to worldwide availability of
internet and high competition in the cloud market that brought
about utilising computing resources at minimum cost
(Rahimli, 2013).According to Rajani Sharma, Rajender Kumar
Trivedisurveyed basic of cloud computing and security issues
in the cloud computing. Some security issues are the key
Fig. 2:- Service models concern in the cloud computing. Especially privacy and
integrity of data are the key concern security issues. when
II. LITERATURE REVIEW users store their data in the provided cloud they dont have the
Cloud computing is useful to think of a cloud as a collection information where the data is stored. Therefore cloud service
of hardware and software that runs in a data centre and enables provider must provide audit tools to the users to examine
the cloud computing model and data security. These can be regulate how there is stored, protected, used and verify policy
analyzed by reviewing some existing researchs. Juhichoudhary implementation. But Scrutinizing of illegal activities is a
and Anuragmishra clear that cloud services and applications difficult task because data for multiple users may be
requires all standard security through several cryptographic collocated. To solve this problems audit tools must be
methods such as proxy re-encryption(PRE) scheme, Type contractually committed with proof. In the cloud as data is
based PRE, Key-private PRE, Identity based PRE, Attribute stored publically and they really dont know where the data is
based PRE and Threshold PRE . This paper surveys different being stored, they dont know the exactlocation of the data,
proxy re-encryption schemes used in cloud storage system. due to this data stored in the cloud has a higher risk of being
The advantages and disadvantages of the algorithms have been accessed by un-authorized person during storage as well as
studied. The future work will be concerned with the transmission[14].According to SeongHan Shin and
development of better PRE schemes which works in KazukuniKobara ,they fully utilize the
IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200
leakage-resilient authentication and data management system 3.1 Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Cloud is
which is constructed by tightly coupling the LR- administrated by service level agreements that allow several
AKE(Leakage-Resilient Authenticated Key Exchange) instances of one application to be replicated on multiple
protocols with data (key) management. This system not only servers if need arises; dependent on a priority scheme, the
guarantees a high level of security against active attacks as cloud may minimize or shut down a lower level application. A
well as leakage of stored secrets (i.e., credentials and keys) but big challenge for the Cloud customers is to evaluate SLAs of
also makes a user possible to securely store/retrieve data keys Cloud vendors. Most vendors create SLAs to make a defensive
in a distributed manner.They show how the leakage-resilient shield against legal action, while offering minimal assurances
authentication and data management system works for secure to customers. So, there are some important issues, e.g., data
cloud storage. Also, we introduce the LR-AKE client interface protection, outages, and price structures, that need to be taken
(called, LR-Passwords). What a cloud user have to do with into account by the customers before signing a contract with a
LR-Passwords is just to input his/her personalpassword. Thats provider [32].
all! If the password is correct, the recovered data keys are
automatically cached into the memory duringthe determined 3.2 Cloud Data Management: Cloud data Can be very large
time period. All these concerns are based on Data Security (e.g. text-based or scientific applications), unstructured or
Issues in Cloud. semistructured, and typically append-only with rare updates
Data Confidentiality: The cloud seeker should be assured that Cloud data management an important research topic in cloud
data hosted on the cloud will be confidential [5]. computing. Since service providers typically do not have
Data Integrity:The cloud provider should make the client access to the physical security system of data centers, they
aware of what particular data is hosted on the cloud, theorigin must rely on the infrastructure provider to achieve full data
and the integrity mechanisms put in place. security. Even for a virtual private cloud, the service provider
Data Availability: when accidents such as hard disk damage, can only specify the security setting remotely, without
IDC fire, and network failures occur, the extent thatusers data knowing whether it is fully implemented.
can be used or recovered and how the users verify their data
by techniques rather than depending on thecredit guarantee by 3.3 Data Encryption: Encryption is a key technology for data
the cloud service provider alone. security. Understand data in motion and data at rest
Data Location: Cloud Computing offers a high degree of data encryption. Remember, security can range from simple (easy
mobility. This, then, requires a contractual agreement,between to manage, low cost and quite frankly, not very secure) all the
the Cloud provider and the consumer that data should stay in a way to highly secure (very complex, expensive to manage, and
particular location or reside on a givenknown server. Also, quite limiting in terms of access).
cloud providers should take responsibility to ensure the
security of systems (including data) andprovide robust 3.4 Interoperability: This is the ability of two or more
authentication to safeguard customers information [1]. systems work together in order to exchange information and
Data Relocation: Data is initially stored at an appropriate use that exchanged information. Many public cloud networks
location decide by the Cloud provider. However, it isoften are configured as closed systems and are not designed to
moved from one place to another. Cloud providers have interact with each other. The lack of integration between these
contracts with each other and they use each othersresources. networks makes it difficult for organizations to combine their
Data Privacy: Privacy is the ability of an individual or group IT systems in the cloud and realize productivity gains and cost
to seclude them or information about themselves andthereby savings.
reveal them selectively.
3.5 Access Controls: Authentication and identity management
III. CHALLENGES:- is more important than ever. And, it is not really all that
Cloud Computing research addresses the challenges of different. What level of enforcement of password strength and
meeting the requirements of next generation private, public change frequency does the service provider invoke? What is
and hybrid cloud computing architectures, also the challenges the recovery methodology for password and account name?
of allowing applications and development platforms to take How are passwords delivered to users upon a change? What
advantage of the benefits of cloud computing. The research on about logs and the ability to audit access? This is not all that
cloud computing is still at an early stage. Many existing issues different from how you secure your internal systems and data,
have not been fully addressed, while new challenges keep and it works the same way, if you use strong passwords,
emerging from industry applications. Some of the challenging changed frequently, with typical IT security processes, you
research issues in cloud computing are given below are:- will protect that element of access.

IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200
3.6 Reliability & Availability of Service: The challenge of Structure of DES is depicted in the following illustration
reliability comes into the picture when a cloud provider
delivers on-demand software as a service. The software needs
to have a reliability quality factor so that users can access it
under any network conditions (such as during slow network
connections). There are a few cases identified due to the
unreliability of on demand software. One of the examples is
Apple's MobileMe cloud service, which stores and
synchronizes data across multiple devices. It began with an
embarrassing start when many users were not able to access
mail and synchronize data correctly

3.7 Common Cloud Standards: Security based accreditation

for Cloud Computing would cover three main areas which are
technology, personnel and operations. Technical standards are
likely to be driven by organizations, such as, Jericho Forum1
before being ratified by established bodies, e.g., ISO2
(International Standard Organization). Currently, one of the
main problems is that there are many fragmented activities
going in the direction of Cloud accreditation, but a common
body for the coordination of those activities is missing. The
creation of a unified accreditation body to certify the Cloud
services would also be a big challenge [23].
Fig 3:-Data Encryption Algorithm
3.8 Platform Management: Challenges in delivering
middleware capabilities for building, deploying, integrating Data Encryption Standard is one of the most widely accepted,
and managing applications in a multi-tenant, elastic and publicly available cryptographic systems. It was
scalable environments. One of the most important parts of developed by IBM in the 1970s but was later adopted by the
cloud platforms provide various kind of platform for National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
developers to write applications that run in the cloud, or use as Federal Information Processing Standard 46 (FIPS PUB
services provided from the cloud, or both An operating system 46).
provides basic support for executing the application, Advantages: The Avalanche Effect is the major advantage
interacting with storage, and more, while other computers in which states that A slight in a char or bit change in the
the environment offer services such as remote storage. plaintext will drastically change the cipher text [3].

IV. SECURITY ALGORITHM Disadvantages: Memory Requirement and Simulation Time is

4.1 DES ALGORITHM The Data Encryption Standard more in case of DES.
(DES) is a block cipher. It encrypts data in blocks of size 64
bits each. That is 64 bits of plain text goes as input to DES, 4.2 AES ALGORITHM Advanced Encryption Standard
which produces 64 bits of cipher text. The same algorithm (AES), also known as Rijindael is used for securing
and key are used for encryption and decryption, with minor information. AES is a symmetric block cipher that has been
differences. The key length of this algorithm is 56 bits; analyzed extensively and is used widely now-a-days. How
however a 64 bits key is actually input. DES is therefore a AES works in cloud environment? AES, symmetric key
symmetric key algorithm. The Data Encryption Standard encryption algorithm is used with key length of 128-bits for
(DES) is a symmetric-key block cipher published by the this purpose. As AES is used widely now-a-days for security
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). of cloud. Implementation proposal states that First, User
DES is an implementation of a Feistel Cipher. It uses 16 decides to use cloud services and will migrate his data on
round Feistel structure. The block size is 64-bit. Though, key cloud. Then User submits his services requirements with
length is 64-bit, DES has an effective key length of 56 bits, Cloud Service Provider (CSP) and chooses best specified
since 8 of the 64 bits of the key are not used by the services offered by provider. When migration of data to the
encryption algorithm (function as check bits only). General chosen CSP happens and in future whenever an application

IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200
uploads any data on cloud, the data will first encrypted using Disadvantages:
AES algorithm and then sent to provider. Once encrypted, data - The major drawback is that it could not withstand with the
is uploaded on the cloud, any request to read the data will attacks like Brute Force, Linear crypt Analysis,because during
occur after it is decrypted on the users end and then plain text its design this attack wasn't invented.
data can be read by user. The plain text data is never written
anywhere on cloud. This includes all types of data. This V. IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS
encryption solution is transparent to the application and can be
integrated quickly and easily without any changes to
application. The key is never stored next to the encrypted data,
since it may compromise the key also. To store the keys, a
physical key management server can be installed in the users
premises. This encryption protects data and keys and
guarantees that they remain under users control and will never
be exposed in storage or in transit. AES has replaced the DES
as approved standard for wide range of applications.

Fig 4:-Advanced Encryption Standard

Advanced Encryption Standard, is the new encryption

standard recommended by NIST to replace DES in 2001. AES
is one the most efficient symmetric algorithm.

- It provides strong security from the attackers.
- But as the years passed by it was prone to a few attacks
which were lesser when compared to DES, till datethe only
attack on it was Brute Force attack.

IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 4 194 200
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I would like to thank my guide Ms. ShabnamKumari for her
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pTIA (August, 2013). Trends in Cloud Computing: Full advice and understanding me through my difficult times and
Report, August 2013. Retrieved 17th March, 2015 from keeping up my enthusiasm, encouraging me andfor showing great interest in my dissertation work, this work could not
[6] Heiser, J. and Nicolett, M. (2008). Assessing the Security finished without her valuable comments and inspiring
Risks of Cloud Computing. Gartner.Hinchcliffe, D. (5th June, guidance.
2009). Eight ways that Cloud Computing will Change

IJRITCC | April 2017, Available @

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