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Get Rich

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Rick Katz
Bitcoin. Altcoin. Cryptocurrency. Blockchain
Technology. What is this new world we have entered?

According to such reknown experts as Bill Gates,

Richard Branson and many othersthis is the future.

Bitcoin was only the beginning.

Many early investors and adopters of Bitcoin have

become wealthy as Bitcoins price has risen to where
as I write this it is more expensive than gold.

The technology that spawned Bitcoin is called

Blockchain Technology.

According to Business Insider: Blockchains are

ledgers (like Excel spreadsheets), but they accept
inputs from lots of different parties. The ledger can
only be changed when there is a consensus among
the group. That makes them more secure, and it
means there's no need for a central authority to
approve transactions.

From Wikipedia: A blockchain originally block chain[4][5] is a distributed


database that maintains a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, secured from
tampering and revision. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block.[6] By
design, blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data once recorded, the
data in a block cannot be altered retroactively. Through the use of a peer-to-peer network
and a distributed timestamping server, a blockchain database is managed autonomously.
Blockchains are "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two
parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. The ledger itself can also be
programmed to trigger transactions automatically."[7]
Blockchains are secure by design and an example of a distributed computing system with
high byzantine fault tolerance. Decentralized consensus can therefore be achieved with a
blockchain.[8] This makes blockchains suitable for the recording of events, medical
records,[9][10] and other records management activities, identity
management,[11][12][13] transaction processing, and documenting provenance.
Blockchain technologies offer a stigmergy approach, enabling systematic cooperation in an
entirely distributed and decentralized manner.[14] They can be considered as hyper-political
and global governance tools, capable of managing social interactions on a large scale and
dismissing traditional central authorities.[15] Blockchain governance may allow human beings
evolve to a Stigmergy Age with leaders without orders, order without law,[16] gift without
tax[17] and communities without borders.[18][19][20]
The first blockchain was conceptualised by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and implemented the
following year as a core component of the digital currency bitcoin, where it serves as the
public ledger for all transactions.[1] The invention of the blockchain for bitcoin made it the first
digital currency to solve the double spending problem, without the use of a trusted authority
or central server. The bitcoin design has been the inspiration for other applications.[1][3]

Okay, so theres all kinds of descriptions and what not,

but what does this all mean to you and I as business
people; as investors; as entrepreneurs?

It potentially means the biggest opportunity to get rich

since the beginning of the Internet!

Blockchain technology is allowing a whole slew of

new companies now to come forth that have the
potential to be as big as any of the big Internet

What is REALLY incredible is that the door is wide

open to literally ANYONE anywhere in the world to
build wealth in this industry even with very little capital.

The barriers have been removed that once stood in

the way of average people, even those on limited

Well, there are a number of ways.

One way is by investing in blockchain-based

companies through their coins or tokens.

Many blockchain based companies issue their own

coins or tokens that allow people to interact with their

For example, a company recently launched named

Humaniq released a new token HMQ that allows
people in parts of the world with no access to banks
to save and move money.

This will help people in poor countries who cannot

access regular banks and do it via the HMQ coins.

Another new company, on the other end of the

spectrum, Edgeless released a new token EDG which
will be used for an online casino where the house has
a zero (0) edge. If youre a gambler I imagine that
would be quite interesting.

There are two ways to invest: At the Initial Coin

Offering (ICO) stage or later on after the coin has
been released when its listed on various coin
exchanges like
Investing at the ICO stage is of course a little more

However its also when you can potentially buy the

coins at the absolute lowest price.

I say potentially, because, there are no guarantees

the price wont go lower later on.

But then again ALL investing is risky.

Heres the best investing philosophy to follow:

NEVER invest more than you can afford to lose.

Dont invest if you cant bear losing even if you can

afford to lose.

Get wise counsel from multiple wise counselors.

One of the advantages Pro CFR Members* have is

our closed door conferences where we discuss
upcoming ICOs as well as ongoing coin & token
opportunities. We try to bring in the opinions of
multiple parties to determine which ICOs and other
coins have the best potential.

*Pro CFR Members are

Members who have at least activated their Round
One Team Crowdfunder. They are then Pro
Members for Life.
You can make a lot of money in cryptocurrency as I
mentioned in coins that are not brand new also.

For example, Bitcoin, although the price is very high

right now as I write this, some believe it may go 10 to
20 times higher!

ETH which is the primary token for the Ethereum

Blockchain has risen recently to over $80 per token. It
was trading at under $2 just one year ago!

One year ago DASH was also trading for around $2

and as I write this its a little over $100 per coin!

If you had invested just $100 in Dash one year ago

your $100 would be worth $4,000 today! If you had
invested $1,000 in Dash one year ago your
investment would be worth $40,000 today!

There are SO MANY opportunities like this. Do you

see why were so excited about this new market?

That is why CFR ( has made

it a primary function to give our Members access to as
much information and education as possible.

We are determined to help as many of our Members

as possible reach incredible financial achievements.
I dont know any opportunities like what are currently
available and will soon be available through
blockchain technologies.

How NOT to get Rich in Cryptocurrency

Okay, so now that you know how to potentially get

rich in cryptocurrency, let me warn you about how
NOT to get rich in cryptocurrency..

As with anything good there is also the bad.

What Im referring to are what I consider

cryptocurrency SCAMS.

Here is how you can recognize a cryptocurrency


A company is selling a coin or token through an MLM

or Matrix type of compensation plan.

This type of opportunity is what is known in the stock

market world as a Pump & Dump.

The price of the coin or token is pumped up through

excessive hype.

Then when people go to actually sell the coin it

causes a dramatic and sudden DROP in price.
Unsuspecting sellers end up selling for usually LESS
than what they paid instead of the amazing high price
they THOUGHT they were going to get!

The ONLY winners in a pump & dump are the owners

and their pals.

Another cryptocurrency scam is the Fake Investment


The Internet has had so called HYIP programs forever.

HYIP stands for High Yield Investment Program.

While Internet based HYIPs are all fake, HYIPs in

the bond market are real, but very risky investments.
But they are REAL.

In other words you are investing in real company

issued bonds with potential high yields, but again are
very high risk.

In Internet HYIPs and in cryptocurrency HYIPs you

arent investing in ANYTHING real. 100% of them are
lying to you about earning profits and sharing the
profits with you.

They are merely Ponzi schemes that stop paying

once they get too many investors to pay or the
government shuts them down.
They promise to double your investment in X number
of days or months. Or they promise to keep paying X
percent every day, week or month.

But again they are absolutely scams. No one can

guarantee you any kind of return whatsoever and be

Eventually when they stop paying (usually within a

few months or so, maybe a little longer for some) the
payments stop, the excuses start and youre stuck.

My recommendation: Avoid Pump & Dump and fake

HYIPs at all costs.

How CFR is Different is a Team Crowdfunding

program that offers outstanding potential rewards.

However, how much you earn is up to you and your

crowdfunding team.

We teach you everything you need to know to build

your crowdfund. We coach and train you every step of
the way.

We work as a Team and help everyone achieve

As your team grows you have the potential to earn
excellent returns.

CFR is an open, transparent platform for serious and

mature entrepreneurs and business people.

Yet, at the same time, it is simple and easy enough

for even beginners to achieve success.

It is also an excellent place to learn all about the ways

to legitimately become successful in this amazing
cryptocurrency/blockchain movement!

The CFR Plan to

Build Life-Changing Wealth

Our plan is very simple.

1. Build up our investment capital using the CFR

Team Crowdfunding Platform.

2. Find great blockchain-based companies, coins and

tokens to invest in.

3. Invest in the best blockchain opportunities using a

careful, conservative investing strategy designed to
protect the downside and maximize the upside.

All of this is available to you as a CFR Pro Member!

If you havent activated your Round One Team
Crowdfunding position yet, I cordially invite you to do
so today and join us in this exciting movement!

To Your Success!

Rick Katz

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