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BE - Ac Fundamentals-14052

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AC Fundamentals

Anu Singla
Associate Professor
Department of EE
Chitkara University, Punjab
Alternating current is the current which constantly changes in amplitude, and
which reverses direction at regular intervals.

Because the changes are so regular, alternating voltage and current have a
number of properties associated with any such waveform. These basic
properties include :
Frequency: It is the number of complete cycles that occurred in one second.
The frequency of the wave is commonly measured in cycles per second
(cycles/sec) and expressed in units of Hertz (Hz). It is represented in
mathematical equations by the letter f .
Time Period: It is the duration of time required for the quantity to
complete one cycle. And is denoted by T. This is reciprocal of

Amplitude: Mathematically, the amplitude of a sine wave is the

value of that sine wave at its peak. This is the maximum value,
positive or negative, that it can attain.
A.C. Fundamentals

Instantaneous Value: The instantaneous value of an alternating voltage or

current is the value of voltage or current at one particular instant.

Average Value: The average value of an alternating current or voltage is the

average of all the instantaneous values during one alternation. Since the
voltage increases from zero to peak value and decreases back to zero during
one alternation, the average value must be some value between those two
Peak Value[Ip]

Peak Value[Ip]
Refer to figure, it is the maximum value of voltage [Vp] or
Current [Ip]. The peak value applies to both positive and
negative values of the cycle.
Derivation of Average Value of Current [Iav]

The average value of A.C. is the average over one complete cycle and is clearly zero,
because there are alternately equal positive and negative half cycles.
Alternating current is represented as I = I0 sin t
Root Mean Square Value
Derivation of RMS Value
Derivation of RMS Value
In an a.c. circuit, the e.m.f. or current vary sinusoidally with time and
may be mathematically represented as
E = E0 sin t and I = I0 sin (t )
where is the phase angle between alternating e.m.f. and current
and = 2f.

The quantities, such as alternating e.m.f. and alternating current are

called phasor.
Thus a phasor is a quantity which varies sinusoidally with time and
represented as the projection of rotating vector.
Phasor Diagram
The generator at the power station which produces our A.C. mains rotates
through 360 degrees to produce one cycle of the sine wave form which makes
up the supply (fig 1).
In the fig 2 there are two sine waves.
They are out of phase because they do not start from zero at the same time.
To be in phase they must start at the same time.
The waveform A starts before B and is LEADING by 90 degrees.
Waveform B is LAGGING A by 90 degrees.

Fig 1 Fig 2
The next left hand diagram, known as a PHASOR DIAGRAM, shows this in
another way.
Phase and Phase Difference
The fraction of a cycle or time period that has elapsed since an alternating
current or voltage last passed a given reference point, which is generally the
starting point, is called its phase.

Phase of the alternating current or voltage may be expressed in time

measured in seconds or fraction of a time period or the angle expressed in the
degree or radians.

If two alternating current or voltages act simultaneously in the same circuit,

they may do so in such a manner that their peak values do not occur at the
same time.

The time interval between two positive peak values of a.c. current or voltage
is known as the phase difference.
Resistance, Reactance, Impedance,
Resistance (unit ohms) (Symbol R)
Resistance is a force that tends to resist the flow of electrical current.
Resistance is usually created deliberately by a resistor, a device used to create
resistance in a circuit.

Reactance (unit ohms) (Symbol X)

Whereas resistance is created by a resistor to achieve some
effect, reactance is by-product of certain electrical components.
There are two basic types of reactance: capacitive reactance and inductive

The capacitive reactance is created by capacitors, while inductive reactance is

created by inductors.
Like resistance, reactance is expressed in ohms, and it behaves in much the
same way as resistance, in the sense that it tends to restrict the flow of
current through a circuit.
**Reactance and impedance only exist in the world of AC (alternating
Resistance, Reactance, Impedance,
The formula for calculating inductive reactance is as follows:
XL = 2. . f. L = L

XL = the inductive reactance (ohms)

f = the frequency of the AC flowing through the circuit (Hz)
L = the inductance of the inductor (henries).
The formula for capacitive reactance is as follows:
XC = ----------- = 1/C
2. . f. C
XC = the capacitive reactance (ohms)
f = the frequency (Hz)
C = the capacitance of the capacitor (farads)

The total impedance of a circuit is the square root of the sum of the squares of
the resistance and reactance.
Z = ( (R2) + (X2) )0.5
Z = impedance (ohms)
R = resistance (ohms)
X = reactance (ohms)
Concept of Power Factor

For AC circuits, both inductor and capacitor offer certain amount of impedance given by

The inductor stores electrical energy in the form of magnetic energy and capacitor stores
electrical energy in the form of electrostatic energy. Neither of them dissipates it.
Further there is a phase shift of 90 to 0between voltage and current.
Hence for the entire circuit consisting of resistor, inductor and capacitor, there exists
some phase difference between the source voltage and current.

The cosine of this phase difference is called electrical power factor.

This factor (0 < cos < 1 ) represents the fraction of total power that is used to do the
useful work.

Apparent Power, S=VI units are V Amperes

True Power or Active power, P = VI cos, units are Watts, W
Reactive Power, Q = VI sin, units are VARs
Cos = True Power or Active power /Apparent Power
AC resistor circuits
Pure resistive AC circuit: Resistor voltage and current are in phase.

v=Vm sint
i=Im sint

Units of power are watts (W)

AC inductor circuits

Where e is the induced emf in the


Inductor current lags inductor voltage by 90o

v=Vm sint
i=Im sin(t-/2)
P=VI cos
Since =90o
Cos=0, P=0
Series resistor-inductor circuits

Current lags applied voltage by 0o to 90o.

AC Capacitor Circuits
Capacitors oppose changes in voltage by drawing or supplying current as they charge or
discharge to the new voltage level. The flow of electrons through a capacitor is directly
proportional to the rate of change of voltage across the capacitor. This opposition to
voltage change is another form of reactance.
Expressed mathematically, the relationship between the current through the capacitor
and rate of voltage change across the capacitor is as such:

de/dt is the rate of change of instantaneous voltage (e) over time, in volts
per second.

capacitor voltage lags capacitor current by 90o

v=Vm sint and i=Im sin(t+/2)
P=VI cos; Since =90o
Cos=0, P=0
Series Resistor-capacitor Circuits
Series R, L, and C
The phasor diagram for the RLC series circuit shows the main features

Power, P= VI cos
Three windings, with equal no. of turns in each one, are used, so as to obtain equal
voltage in magnitude in all three phases. Also to obtain a balanced three-phase voltage,
the windings are to be placed at an electrical angle of with each other, such that the
voltages in each phase are also at an angle of with each other
Three-phase Voltages for Star Connection
Three-phase Voltages for delta Connection
Three phase Power

Apparent Power, S= 3 VlineIine

S= 3 VphaseIphase
True Power or Ac ve power, P = 3 VlineIine cos
P = 3 VphaseIphase cos

Reactive Power, Q = 3 VlineIine sin

Q= 3 VphaseIphase sin
Any Queries

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