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M Tech (Instrumentation) - Panjab University 2013 (Key)

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Subject : M. Tech. (Instrumentation)
Time : 90 minutes Number of Questions : 75 Maximum Marks : 75


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M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 2
M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/A

1. What is meant by the term accuracy ?

(A) The overall quality of data

(B) The lack of bias in the data

(C) The extent to which a value approaches its true value

(D) The level of detail at which data is stored

2. The two port networks are connected in cascade. The combination is to be represented
as a single two port network. The parameters of the combined representation of the
network are obtained :

(A) by multiplying the individual z parameter matrix

(B) by multiplying the individual h parameter matrix

(C) by multiplying the individual y parameter matrix

(D) by multiplying the individual ABCD parameter matrix

3. A coin is tossed three times. What is the probability that it lands on heads exactly one
time ?

(A) 0.375 (B) 0.333

(C) 0.125 (D) 0.250

4. Statistical power analysis seeks to optimise the size of the :

(A) sample (B) population

(C) difference (D) correlation

5. Instrument which measures the insulation resistance of an electric circuit relative to

earth and to one another is :

(A) Tangent galvanometer (B) Kelvins double bridge

(C) Meggar (D) Current transformer

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 3 [Turn over

6. The desirable static characteristic of a measuring system are :
(A) accuracy and reproducibility (B) accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility

(C) drift and dead zone (D) static error

7. Any number of current sources in parallel may be replaced by a single current source
whose current is the algebraic sum of individual source currents and source resistance is
the parallel combination of individual source resistance.
The above statement is associated with :
(A) Thevenins theorem (B) Superposition theorem
(C) Millmans theorem (D) Maximum power transfer theorem
8. Kirchoffs law is applicable to :
(A) passive networks only
(B) dc circuits only

(C) ac circuits only

(D) both ac and dc circuits

9. One of the following laws of electrical network is used in node analysis of the network :

(A) Kirchoffs voltage law

(B) Kirchoffs current law

(C) Faradays law

(D) Ohms law

10. What is a non trivial node ?

(A) It is any node other than the ground node

(B) It has three or more components connected to the node

(C) It has two component connected to the node

(D) It has only four nodes connected to the node

11. Strain gauge, LVDT and the thermocouple are examples of :

(A) Analog transducers (B) Pulse transducers

(C) Active transducers (D) Inverse transducers

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12. The transducer which requires an external power and their output is a measure of some
variation such as resistance, capacitance, inductance etc. are called as :
(A) Primary sensors (B) Active transducer
(C) Passive transducer (D) Self generating transducer
13. Errors due to assignable causes are called :
(A) static errors (B) systematic errors
(C) random errors (D) calibration errors
14. Which of the following have relatively large and negative temperature coefficient of
resistance ?
(A) Thermistors (B) Thormocouples
(C) Platinum resistance detectors (D) Radiation pyrometers
15. The pH value is a measure of hydrogen ion in a solution. The letters pH stands for :
(A) percentage of H2 in solution (B) presence of hydrogen ions
(C) purist of H2O (D) power of Hydrogen ion concentration
16. Which measurement is a good guide to the quality of the water ?
(A) potentiometry (B) dissolved O2 content
(C) conductometry (D) turbidity
17. The change in length of humidity sensitive elements is measured by :
(A) Hydrometer (B) Hygrometer
(C) Photometer (D) Psychrometer
18. What does a piezoelectric material generate in response to an applied force ?
(A) sound (B) resistance
(C) movement (D) electrical energy
19. Match the following List I (parameters) with List II (transducer) :
List I List II
1. Flow measurement W Radiant pyrometer
2. Temperature measurement X Dall tube
3. Angular velocity measurement Y Pirani gauge
4. Vacuum pressure measurement Z Gyroscope
(A) 1Y, 2Z, 3X, 4W (B) 1Z, 2Y, 3W, 4X
(C) 1X, 2W, 3Z, 4Y (D) 1W, 2Z, 3X, 4Y

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20. The conventional way of expressing vibration is in terms of :
(A) Acceleration due to gravity (B) Speed of sound
(C) Richter scale (D) Atmospheric pressure
21. A sinusoidal signal has a period of 40 ms. What is its frequency ?
(A) 25 KHz (B) 25 Hz
(C) 50 KHz (D) 50 Hz
22. Zener diodes are used as :
(A) reference resistance (B) reference current
(C) reference voltage (D) reference inductance
23. When a BJT is biased to have the characteristics of an open switch ? Which of the
following is true ?
(A) IC = IC (sat) (B) VCE = 0 V
24. A semiconductor device operated in reverse bias mode whose capacitance can change in
response to a modulating signal is the :
(A) Zener diode (B) Tunnel diode
(C) Varactor diode (D) Unijunction transistor
25. Which amplifier class typically uses pulse width modulation ?
(A) D type (B) C type
(C) B type (D) A type
26. When an amplifier is provided with current series feedback, its :
(A) Input impedance increases and output impedance decreases
(B) Input and output impedance both decreases
(C) Input impedance decreases and output impedance increases
(D) Input and output impedance both increases
27. The maximum rate of change of the output voltage in responsible to a step input voltage
of an op-amp is the :
(A) time constant (B) CMRR
(C) slew rate (D) maximum frequency

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 6
28. The op-amp with the highest input impedance and the lowest output impedance
configuration is known as :
(A) Integrator (B) Voltage follower
(C) Inverting amplifier (D) Non Inverting amplifier
29. What characteristics would characterize an ideal op-amp ?
(A) An infinite voltage gain, zero input resistance, zero output resistance
(B) An infinite gain, zero input resistance, infinite output resistance
(C) An infinite voltage gain, infinite input resistance, infinite output resistance
(D) An infinite voltage gain, infinite input resistance and zero output resistance
30. What is a key characteristic of an instrumentation amplifier ?
(A) high CMRR (B) high output offset
(C) high output impedance (D) low input impedance
31. What is the primary application of a precision rectifier ?
(A) To rectify high level signals at precise level
(B) To rectify digital signals
(C) To rectify very low-level and signals
(D) To isolate two signals
32. How are the capacitor and resistor arranged with the input in a first order high pass
Butterworth filter ?
(A) The resistance is in series and the capacitor is in parallel
(B) The capacitor is in series and the resistance is in parallel
(C) The resistor and capacitor both in series with the input
(D) The resistor and capacitor both in parallel with the input
33. In a phase shift oscillator, how many RC cascaded networks as the feedback circuit are
used ?
(A) one (B) two
(C) three (D) four
34. A combinational logic circuit which generates a particular binary word or number is a :
(A) Decoder (B) Multiplier
(C) Encoder (D) De multiplexer
35. Convert the hexadecimal number 12 Hex into binary number :
(A) 01100 (B) 10010
(C) 01010 (D) 10011

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 7 [Turn over

36. What is unique about TTL device such as the 74S00 ?
(A) The gate transistors are silicon (S) and the gates therefore have lower values of leakage
(B) The S denotes that it uses a single gate
(C) The S denotes that the slower version of the device
(D) The device use Schottky transistors and diodes, this results in faster turn on and turn off times
which translates into higher frequency operation
37. The negative numbers in the binary system can be represented by :
(A) ASCII code (B) 1s complement
(C) 2s complement (D) Octal code
38. A carry look ahead adder is frequently used for addition because it :
(A) is of less cost (B) is more accurate
(C) uses less number of gates (D) is faster
39. In a flash analog to digital converter (ADC) the output of each comparator is connected
to an input of a :
(A) decoder (B) priority encoder
(C) multiplexer (D) demultiplexer
40. The output of a Schmitt trigger is a :
(A) sinusoidal waveform (B) sawtooth waveform
(C) triangle waveform (D) pulse waveform
41. Which mode of operation is being used when a 555 timer chip has two external resistors
and an external capacitor ?
(A) pulse stretching (B) monostable
(C) astable (D) Schmitt triggering
42. Which combination of inputs to an SR flip flop should be avoided ?
(A) R and S are low
(B) R and S are high
(C) R is high S is low
(D) R is low S is high
43. What is the purpose of a sample hold circuit ?
(A) To keep temporary memory
(B) To hold voltage constant so an ADC has time to produce an output
(C) To hold voltage constant so an DAC has time to produce an output
(D) To hold data after a multiplexer has selected an output
M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 8
44. What is the major advantage of the R/2R ladder digital to analog converter as compared
to a binary-weighted digital to analog converter ?
(A) It only uses two different resistor values
(B) It has fewer parts of the same number of inputs
(C) Its operation is much easier to analyze
(D) The circuit is easier to troubleshoot
45. The 8085 assembly language instruction that stores the content of H and L registers into
the memory locations 2050H and 2051H respectively is :
(A) SPHL 2050H (B) SPHL 2051H
(C) SHLD 2050H (D) STAX 2050H
46. The reduced state table of a sequential machine has 7 rows. What is the minimum number
of flip flops needed to implement the machine ?
(A) 2 (B) 3
(C) 5 (D) 7
47. A discrete signal x[n] is periodic with period N, if x(t) is equal to :
(A) x[n+2N] (B) x[n]
(C) x[n+N] (D) x[nN]
48. The Nyquist theorem specifies the minimum sampling rate to be :
(A) equal to the lowest frequency of a signal (B) equal to the highest frequency of a signal
(C) twice the bandwidth of a signal (D) twice the highest frequency of a signal
49. A signal flow graph is used to determine the :
(A) steady state error of the system (B) transfer function of a system
(C) stability of the system (D) dynamic error coefficient
50. The Z-transform and the Laplace transform are related by :
(A) S = l n Z (B) S = Z
(C) S = l n Z / T (D) T / l n Z
51. In TV transmission the modulation schemes for video and audio are respectively :
(A) AM and FM (B) FM and FM
(C) AM and AM (D) FM and AM

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 9 [Turn over

52. The most noise immune system is :
53. In case of data transmission which one of the following system will give the maximum
probability of error ?
54. Convolution of x(t+5) with impulse function (t-7) is equal to :
(A) x(t12) (B) x(t+12)
(C) x(t2) (D) x(t+2)
55. Anderson Bridge is used to measure :
(A) Inductance (B) Capacitance
(C) Voltage (D) Current
56. The power factor of a single phase load can be calculated if the instruments available
are :
(A) One voltmeter and one ammeter
(B) one voltmeter, one ammeter and one energy meter
(C) one voltmeter, one ammeter and one wattmeter
(D) one voltmeter and one energy meter
57. Name type of voltage applied to the horizontal plate of a CRO for display of signal
pattern :
(A) Sinusoidal (B) Sawtooth
(C) Square (D) Rectangular
58. The electronic multimeter measures resistance by :
(A) using the bridge circuit
(B) using a buffer circuit
(C) using an electronic bridge compensator for nulling
(D) forcing a constant current and measuring the voltage across the unknown resistance

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 10
59. The Q meter works on the principle of :
(A) mutual inductance (B) self inductance
(C) series resonance (D) parallel resonance
60. The initial response when the output is not equal to input is called as :
(A) transient response (B) error response
(C) dynamic response (D) steady state response
61. The steady state error due to a ramp input for a type two system is equal to :
(A) constant (B) infinite
(C) zero (D) non zero number
62. The transfer function for the state variable representation
X = AX + Bu , Y = CX + Du is given by :
(A) B (SI A)1 C + D (B) C (SI A)1 D + B
(C) C (SI A)1 B + D (D) D (SI A)1 C + D
63. Which of the following is the best method for determining the stability and transient
response ?
(A) Root locus (B) Bode plot
(C) Nyquist plot (D) Polar plot
64. Gain cross over frequency is defined as :
(A) I G (j) H(j) I = 0 (B) I G (j) H(j) I =
(C) I G (j) H(j) I = 1 (D) I G (j) H(j) I = 1/2
65. The viscous friction co-efficient in force-voltage analogy is analogous to :
(A) reciprocal of inductance (B) reciprocal of conductance
(C) charge (D) resistance
66. Addition of a Pl controller in cascade with a plant :
(A) increases damping (B) increases the order of the system
(C) produces oscillations in response (D) reduces the order of the system

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 11 [Turn over

) H(j
67. The Nyquist plot of a system passes through (1, j0) point in the G (j ) plane, the
phase margin of the system is :

(A) zero (B) less than zero

(C) greater than zero but not infinite (D) infinite

68. The transfer function of a linear time invariant system is the :

(A) ratio of the output and the input

(B) ratio of the derivatives of the output and the input

(C) ratio of the derivatives of the output and the input with all initial conditions zero

(D) ratio of the laplace transform of the output and that of the input with all initial conditions zero

69. Mass spectrometer separate isotopes of different elements based on their :

(A) mass (B) electric charge

(C) mass divided by electric charge (D) mass minus electric charge

70. The Beer-Lambert Law gives correlation with positive gradient between :

(A) Absorbance and Concentration

(B) Wavelength and Absorbance

(C) Molar extinction coefficient and Concentration

(D) Molar extinction coefficient and Absorbance

71. The function of Michaelson Interferometer in an FTIR instrument is to :

(A) perform FT

(B) increase the sensitivity

(C) modulate the interference pattern of the light beam from the source

(D) speed up the acquisition time

72. The light sources used in fibre optic communication are :

(A) LEDs (B) Semiconductor lasers

(C) Phototransistors (D) Both LEDs and semiconductor lasers

M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 12
73. Korotkoff sounds are used :

(A) in blood flow measurements (B) in blood pressure measurements

(C) in heart valve functioning (D) as a reference for sound level measurement

74. Choose the correct match for signals and biological activity :

1. EMG W Heart activity

2. EOG X Brain activity

3. ECG Y Muscle activity

4. EEG Z Eye movement

(A) 1Z, 2Y, 3W, 4X (B) 1X, 2Z, 3W, 4Y

(C) 1X, 2Y, 3W, 4Z (D) 1Y, 2Z, 3W, 4X

75. During an ECG recording what type of configuration is used when by connecting
2 electrodes one on left arm (LA) and another on left leg (LL) is made :

(A) Level I configuration (B) Level II configuration

(C) Level III configuration (D) Both Level I and Level II configuration

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M. Tech. (Instrumentation)/BZL/48974-A 15 140

Panjab University, Chandigarh
Subject: M.Tech.(Instrumentation)
Booklet Series Code: A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75

Note: An 'X' in the key indicates that either the question is ambiguous or it has
printing mistake. All candidates will be given credit for this question.

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