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Star Journeys: Vehicle Ops

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Star Journeys

Travel amongst the stars is a complex business, whether it be for trade, pleasure, or
adventure. Vehicle Ops: Star Journeys, details astrogation, sublight travel, & starports a ship
crew may encounter during their travels.


Starports p. 2 Source material by Fantasy Flight Games

In-System Ops p. 5 Original material by Sturn of FFG Forums

Arrival p. 5
Operational Costs by Dave RebelDave
Approach p. 5
Brown. Primary inspiration & initial source.
Customs p. 7 Hyperspace description by Ryoden of FFG
Docking p. 8 Forums.
Departure p. 8
Editing & review by BradKnowles of FFG
Astrogation p. 9 Forums.
Navigation Data p. 12
Hyperspace Tricks p. 14

Consolidated Tables p. 17 VEHICLE OPS SERIES

This is a portion of the greater Vehicle Ops

series of fan-made supplements. Each tries
to provide greater detail to vehicle
operations while not changing any core
book rules, if possible. While each may be
used separately, these supplements will
sometimes refer to each other. See Sturns
Stuff for more.


The most important location for any world within the Star Wars galaxy is its starport. A
worlds starport is a nexus of trade and travel. A good port of call is a blessing for any
starship crew as a large variety of needed services may be available.

The Empire rates starports by a letter grade and a more descriptive title. The five grades of
starports are described below using the following descriptors:

Docking: Facilities for landing, storage, and unloading cargo. Bays are private, enclosed landing
areas. Pads are open landing spots. Fields are large open landing areas for multiple ships, often a
hike from facilities (think cheap parking lot). Daily fees are for long term storage. Power includes
life support and electricity while docked which may save on consumables. The largest sized
shipping containers handled by the port (by lifting equipment & vehicles) is also given. See
Vehicle Ops: Cargo Handling for shipping container information.

Officials: The types of traffic control, customs, and security that will commonly be expected. See
Customs below. Range given for METOSP is the distance the message may be picked up and any
instructions expected to be followed. See In-System Ops below.

Supplies: Availability of Consumables,

Spare Parts, Astrogation data, and local
price adjustments. Consumables include
maximum silhouette the port can
handle easily and adjustments to how
long it takes to restock. A larger vehicle
may still restock at a port rated below
its silhouette, but must do so manually
(x2 restock time, see Vehicle Ops:
Consumables & Expenses).

Repairs: Availability of repair crews, facilities, and other repair equipment (see Vehicle Ops:
Repairs & Wear).

Amenities: What sorts of lodging, food, entertainment, specialty offices, and transportation
types are typically present.

Edge of the Empire


Imperial Stellar Standard

Bay: 300 credits 200 credits 100 credits
Pad: 200 credits 150 credits 50 credits
Field: 100 credits 50 credits None
th th
Daily Fee: 1/5 1/5 1/2
Powered: Yes Yes Yes
Container Size: Any Any Any
Traffic Control: Imperial Local Local
Customs & Security: Imperial Local Local
METOSP: Short Stellar Short Stellar Close Stellar
Consumables: time up to silh. 9 time up to silh. 7 Up to silh. 6
Spare Parts: Yes Yes Yes
Astrogation Data: Current Current Current
Cost Adjustment: x.75 x1 x1
Capital Repair Dock: silh. 9 max. silh. 7 max. No
Repair Crews: up to skilled 3 up to skilled 2 up to skilled 1*
Heavy Lift Equipment: Yes Yes Yes
Light Lift Equipment: Yes Yes Yes
Lodging, Restaurants: Average or Luxurious Budget to Luxurious Budget or Average *
Entertainment: Average or Luxurious Budget to Luxurious Budget or Average *
Guild Offices: Major* Small* Small Possible
Trade Facilities x10 x5 x2
Local Transportation: Yes Yes Yes
Interplanetary Tran.: Yes Yes Yes
Interstellar Trans.: Yes Yes Yes
Where Found
World Types: Major Civilized Civilized Developed
Large Core Large Mid Rim Colonies
Some Outer Rim
Examples: Coruscant Naboo Mos Eisley
Corellia Nar Shadarr

*May be put on a waiting list or have to leave the starport and explore the local settlement to
find such services.


Table 1b: STARPORTS (continued)

Poor Crude None

Bay: None None None
Pad: 25 credits 15 credits None
Field: None None None
Daily Fee: Full Full NA
Powered: Yes, double cost No NA
Container Size: up to Small Container Crates only NA
Traffic Control: Small Office, Beacon None None
Customs & Security: Local, Limited None or Security Thugs Local Thugs Possible
METOSP: Possible, Close Stellar None None
Consumables: Up to silh. 5 Up to silh. 4 2x time if available*
Spare Parts: Yes* No or Rarely* No or Rarely*
Astrogation Data: Dated ( ) None None
Costs: x1.25 x1.5 x2
Capital Repair Dock: No No No
Garage: No No
Repair Crews: unskilled unskilled* unskilled*
Heavy Lift Equipment: No No No
Light Lift Equipment: Yes No No
Lodging, Restaurants: Budget or Average* Budget* None or Budget*
Entertainment: Budget or Average * Budget* None or Budget*
Guild Offices: None None None
Trade Facilities: x1 None None
Local Transportation: Yes Possible* No
Interplanetary Tran.: Possible* No No
Interstellar Trans.: Possible* No No
Where Found
World Types: Outer Rim Un-developed, but Unknown or Uncivized
Out of the Way Known Settlements
Small Colonies

*May be on a waiting list or have to leave the starport and explore the local settlement to
find such services.

Edge of the Empire

Space traveling vehicles have further considerations they must attend with when flying from
point A to point B. Navigating a star system is more complicated then taking the family
landspeeder into town to pick up some power converters.

Most starports within the Empire follow shared

standard operating procedures when a ship STELLAR SCALE
arrives and departs its system.
A useful scale beyond even Planetary
(space) scale for use when classifying
ARRIVAL stellar distances for travel or comms.

Most ships arriving into a star system do so at a Range Example

safe jump distance (Long Planetary-space range,
Close Stellar range) from their destination. Much To orbit, across a planet.
less often, a starship may prefer to arrive on the To another planet in the system
outskirts of a system. Perhaps the common Short
destination in the star system is not theirs. Or Medium
To a nearby star system
maybe they want to sit back and watch before
Across a subsector
venturing further in-system? Long
Across a sector
When first arriving, smart captains will call for a
passive sensor scan. While navigation beacons or
METOSP (see below) may guide a ship in without need of a sensor sweep, veteran crews
prefer to take a look around first.

See Vehicle Ops: Signals Intel supplement at Sturns Stuff for details on using sensors to scan
a star system.


Whether a ship arrives at the edge of the star system or at a safe jump distance to a planet, it
will still need to use its sublight engines to arrive at its destination. See Table 2: Sublight
Travel Times for suggested trip times if it becomes important in-game.


Stellar Planetary (space)
Time* Description
Range Range
Medium 10 min / speed** To or from orbit.
Close Long 20 min / speed Orbit to safe jump distance.
Extreme 120 min / speed Orbit to moon.
NA 2 days / speed To another planet in the system.
NA 9 days / speed Across or to/from system edge.
Medium NA 90 days / speed To an adjacent star system.
*Times can vary greatly from to double, based upon planet or system size.
** Orbit to surface takes this time.


It may be simpler to add together any Close stellar ranges before computing trip time. For
example, time to orbit is 10 minutes while time from orbit to a safe jump distance is 20
minutes. Thus, if your ship is blasting off from a surface pad to jump to hyperspace, simply
divide 30 minutes by the ships speed when you need to know the total time instead of doing
the math twice for each portion of the trip.


Upon approach to a civilized settlement (deep space, orbital, or planetary) captains should
notify their comms station to listen in on METOSP. METOSP or, Message to Spacers, is a
comm channel that broadcasts official statements from starport control. This is a one-way,
typically automated, broadcast that describes space & air traffic, navigational data, warnings,
customs instructions, and frequency of starport control (if there is one).

METOSP will not be available everywhere. Expect METOSP only from Starports of class C or
better. Some smaller ports might have a crude form of METOSP such as a local dispatcher
that may or may not be listening to the comms channel. METOSP will expect you to know any
information they are broadcasting if you are within range of their comms. A captain cant
pretend he didnt hear he was supposed to rendezvous with the orbiting customs frigate.

Class A and B starports typically have comms strong enough to broadcast METOSP even as
far as a neighboring planet (Short stellar range). Lesser starport METOSP will typically only
reach to orbital or jump distance (Long planetary-space range, Close stellar range).

Unless a ship somehow avoids detection, ignoring starport control will lead to a response by
authorities, when they are capable. See Table 3: Customs Response below for examples of
response teams based upon the local starports type. Note that these are just first
responders. The world or system may have much larger and capable assets available with a
longer response time.

Navigation Beacons: Navigation beacons are relatively cheap and common devices that are
the traffic signs of the Star Wars universe. These beacons relay very basic navigation data,
pointing the way to important locations such as settlements and starports. Passive sensors
are used to pick up information being broadcast by a beacon. Navigation beacons are
commonly encountered at even remote settlements, at least the ones that want to be found.
Such beacons are found in as low as D grade starports and even some E grade have such

Navigation beacons vary somewhat, but all share some basic traits. Most are cylindrical and
approximately 1 meter in length. Beacons typically have a Close stellar range (Long planetary-
space range).

Variations in beacons include strength of transmission and deployment type. Larger Short
stellar range beacons are available, but much less common. Surface beacons are dispersed at
or between settlements on the surface of a planet. They are secured to the ground and pass
information to ground, air, and even orbital starcraft in their role as landing beacons.
Space beacons may be found orbiting or nearby space settlements. They are anchored within
a designated spot in space or in an orbital pattern and are equipped with limited thrusters to

Edge of the Empire

keep them in place if bumped off course (Speed 1 with enough fuel for 10 course corrections
or one Extreme planetary-space range trip).

Navigation beacons require physical contact through a data port to upgrade it with new
information. This requires the proper codes or Daunting ( ) Computers to slice into
them. Just connecting to or moving the beacon sends a signal to its owner if within range
(comms range equal to the devices range). Being connected to a beacon allows the use of a
datapad to change the signal it sends out whether it be textual, audio, or holographic.


A ships chance of being called in for a customs inspection depends

on the extent of local authorities, the reputation of the ship, and the
evilness of the referee. If your ship has been put on a watch list,
expect to get pulled over. If you are arriving at a very large developed
world or one under direct Imperial rule, all arrivals may be inspected.

The nature of the customs inspectors will vary greatly. Starports of

A or B grade will have some sort of Imperial customs present. Grade
C starports typically have only local authorities conducting
inspections. Grade C or D will have limited local customs enforcement.
Inspections may come from a customs ship arriving at your airlock and
demanding entrance or directions to a landing pad where a ground
official or team will be waiting. Table 3: Customs Response lists typical
customs teams based upon starport grade. Customs vehicles are those that may hail and
dock with the civilian ship and/or respond to any illegalities. Inspection teams are examples
of a boarding customs team or a group that meets a civilian ship at a designated landing pad.


Starport Typical Customs Vehicles Typical Inspection Team
A Silhoutte 5 or larger with Imperial inspectors with a squad or more of
starfighter support. Stormtrooper support.
B Silhouette 4 or 5, sometimes Imperial inspectors with up to a squad of Imperial
with starfighter support. security troopers.
C Silhouette 4 or a Local inspectors with up to a squad of local
starfighter/airpseeder security.
response team.
D Various speeders, if any. Local inspector with a few thugs for guards.

Customs ships more easily locate their targets by using transponders required by Imperial
law. All starships are equipped with a transponder that broadcasts ship registry information
while the sublight engines are powered up. While the signal may be turned down to a limited
range (Planetary-space Close) it may not legally be turned off. See Fly Casual page 75 and
Vehicle Ops: Signals Intel page 22 (at Sturns Stuff) for further details and rules.



Depending on the port, docking can be anything from a dirt spot, a stations bay, or a landing
pad. Fees for parking your ship at such spots also vary. Extended docking usually is cheaper
(per day) than the cost to land for only a single day. See Table 1: Starports above.

Some starports will offer power hookups. These provide standby power and life support
from the starport saving on consumables and allowing a quicker prep time to take off. See
Departure below.


The first, legal step for a starships departure is to contact starport control simply to get
permission to launch. This is of course not an issue if there is no starport control. Traffic may
delay permission to depart. Typical times to receive permission to launch based upon
Starport grade are: A (10 minutes), B (5 minutes), C (1 minute), and D or lower (immediate
response). But, it is not rare to be delayed for even an hour or more as severe traffic or
starport control problems may arise. If a ship launches without permission from a starport,
expect a response from customs. See Table 3: Customs Response above.

Once permission is received to depart, the ship may launch. Time to power up and launch a
vehicle is 1 round per silhouette. This simulates a pilot or crew going through power up and
take off checklists for a large vehicle or just turning the key and engaging the drive on the
smallest vehicles. If the vehicle is docked (or parked) in cramped conditions (see Vehicle Ops:
Cargo Handling), double the number of rounds required to launch.

There are two ways to speed this process up:

Keep it Running: The vehicle may be left running or powered up (hooked up to starport
power). If so, reduce the required number of rounds by 2. If the number of required rounds is
reduced below 1, then the vehicle only requires a Maneuver to launch. Large vehicles of
silhouette 6 or larger are considered powered up by default. These massive craft typically
never completely shut down their systems. Thus, they may not benefit from this option. If
such a large ship is completely shut down, a cold start actually takes 1 hour per silhouette.

Get Us Outta Here! (Pilot/Co-Pilot): An Easy ( ) Pilot check may be rolled for a speedy
launch. Capital sized vehicles (silhouette 5+) may instead choose to use Leadership if upon
the bridge of the craft. Each un-cancelled removes 1 round from launch time and the
check may be repeated each round until launch is successful. Another Pilot or Mechanic in an
appropriate crew station may Assist with the check. If the vehicle is parked in cramped
conditions, upgrade the difficulty once. Hangar bays often have equipment to assist with
speedy launches (see Vehicle Ops: Cargo Handling). Launch equipment may provide or
even to this action.

Edge of the Empire

Before a starship can jump through hyperspace, an Astrogation check must be completed.
This is done with use of a navigation computer (nav computer for short) or astromech droid
using recent route charts usually obtained from the last starport visited. A standard ship
computer and old data can make the attempt, but doing so would be very dangerous.

The standard check to plan and make a jump through hyperspace is an Easy ( ) Astrogation
check. The difficulty increases as the length of the route increases. Thus, most ship captains will
divide up long trips into shorter jumps. See Table 4: Astrogation Difficulty, below:


Stellar Distance Difficulty Time to Plot
Medium (nearby) 2 rounds/minutes
Long (subsector) 4 rounds/minutes
Extreme (sector) 8 rounds/minutes
Regional 15 rounds/minutes
Galactic 30 rounds/minutes

Plot Time: Length of the route determines how much time is needed to complete the
Astrogation task. See Table 4: Astrogation Difficulty above. The action is rolled during the last
round after previous non-rolled actions have been expended. Example: A captain plotting a
Long trip during structured gameplay would expend 4 rounds of actions then finally roll on the
final action. If the plot must be done quickly, the task may be completed in half the base time,
but with added danger and difficulty (upgraded difficulty, see below).

These times assume a route is actually known and loaded into the nav computer. If a non-
navigation computer is being used, multiply the time by a factor of 10. Pre-researching a
route can take even more time (see below) which is in addition to and before the plot time.

A large number of modifiers affect this basic difficulty. These are consolidated in Table 5:
Astrogation Modifiers, on the next page.


The astrogation check was altered significantly from core. The author believed range should be
the most crucial aspect of making hyperspace jumps. More mass shadows to plot around means
more time and difficulty to plot. Also in core, there were no setbacks or upgrades to deal with,
which didnt reflect what Han said.


Description Modifier
Quick computation (1/2 plot time) Upgrade Difficulty once
Upgrade Difficulty 3 times
No Nav Computer or Astromech Droid
x10 plot time
Researched Route Downgrade Difficulty once
Outdated data per month
Unofficial, non-BoSS data (independent)
Galactic Trade Route
Sector Trade Route
Minor Trade Route
High traffic route (Starport A-B to Starport A-B) -
Rarely charted but known world (F starport) +
New route Upgrade Difficulty once or twice
Brand new nav data
Astrogator ran route within last month
Debris on route
Jump within mass shadow 2 to 4 Difficulty upgrades
Static jump (not moving)
Upgrade Difficulty once

Astrogation Check Results: Completing the check means the starship jumps to hyperspace
and is on its way to its destination. Failure means the astrogator has not yet been able to
program a route that will be accepted by the nav computer. He must try again. See Table 6:
Spending Astrogation Results on the next page for other die result suggestions.

Edge of the Empire

Cost Options
Character adds to next Astrogation attempt on this route.
Smooth trip everyone aboard recovers 2 Strain.
Reduce travel time by 25%. This option may only be selected once unless
or trip is upon Sector Trade Route (twice maximum) or Galactic Trade Route
(thrice maximum).
Shortcut discovered on all future Astrogation attempts on this route
and data could be sold.
Character adds to next Astrogation attempt on this route.
Energy surge from hyperdrive causes 1 Strain to ship.
Rough trip everyone aboard receives 2 Strain.

Hypermater leak. Anyone attempting to track ship gains until average

Mechanics checks for repairs. Leak may not be obvious.
Upon exit, debris strikes ship for 1 Hull Trauma and a Critical Hit.
Mass shadow forces ship out of hyperspace somewhere along the route.
Increase travel time by 25%. If upon any route, may only be selected
Mass shadow forces ship out of hyperspace somewhere along the route
and hyperdrive receives moderate damage inoperable until repaired.
Starship collides with a mass shadow, is forced out of hyperspace
prematurely, and suffers a Critical Hit at +30 (struck by something) or the
ship arrives plummeting towards a planetary or stellar body. If shadow
jumping, this affect may be activated with only one .

Hyperspace Check Example: A transport is making a delivery to a customer. The trip is across
the subsector calling for an Average ( ) Astrogation check which takes 4 minutes to plot,
per Table 4. The captain is low on funds and hasnt updated his nav data for the sector for
over a month adding an automatic to the check. However, the wise captain plots his
course along a minor trade route providing a . The final check is made with with an
added .

Trip Time: The time in hyperspace can vary widely even when making the same trip.
Hyperspace is fluid with constantly shifting currents and eddies. Two starships with the same
hyperdrive rating making a hyperspace jump within hours of each other can expect to take
about the same amount of time to make the trip (with the same drive speed), but one doing
so several hours later may have a slower or even quicker route.

See Table 7: Hyperspace Times on the next page for a general range of possible times. The4
exact base time should be chosen by the referee as determined by the circumstances.
Multiply the chosen time by the starships hyperspace drive rating. Take note of Table 6:
Spending Astrogation Results for results that may increase or decrease the jumps travel time.


Distance Time
Nearby Instant 10 hours
Subsector 10-24 hours
Sector 10-72 hours
Regional 3 days to 1 week
Galactic 1 to 3 weeks


Nav data may be purchased at any Starport Grade D or better. It is important to purchase
new data on at least a monthly basis. Per Table 5: Astrogation Modifiers above, Nav data adds
for each month since it was considered new. Nav data purchased at a Grade D starport is
automatically considered a month old (at least) and thus applies at least one to any
astrogation attempts. New Nav data will become outdated with the same penalty after one
month. Conversely, brand new Nav Data purchased from a Starport Grade C or better gives
if used the same day it was purchased.

Nav data is normally purchased by Sector, although specific routes may also be purchased. A
sectors nav data typically costs 100 credits. If purchasing data only for a specific route, cost
is 10 credits. If the data (route or sector) is outdated it costs half. Some rare, secret, or
shortcut routes may be very expensive and must be negotiated for.

UNKNOWN DESTINATIONS Obscure Routes: Sometimes a route may be so

obscure that even the newest data is old or there is
New routes still need coordinates to not any data available at all. For example, there will
attempt them. If the destination always be new data available for a route from
would not be in the usual nav data Coruscant to Corellia, but perhaps not from Coruscant
(secretive system, unknown deep
to an obscure system on the Rim. Thus, the captain
space staion), the astrogator must
obtain them somehow. You cant
must plot a course of shorter trips to ensure there is
attempt a hyperspace jump to an new data for the entire trip.
unknown destination; something
needs entered into the astrogation The referee may determine that even with the newest
computer. data purchased, the route chosen is still outdated
since no one has recently travelled and reported the
data for it. Thus, the referee can impose penalties for old data of one to several months. In
the worst case, the referee may determine there is no route data available at all between the
two worlds. A foolhardy crew could still attempt the trip, but must do so as if delving a
completely new route (see below).

Known Trade Routes: Known trade routes have two benefits. First, using a trade route
ensures that new astrogation data for the route wont be ruled old data anyway by the
referee due to the route being obscure (See Obscure Routes above). Second, a well-plotted
jump along such a route can often lead to speedier trips. Known routes give a bonus of from
to , leading to an increased chance of and thus reductions in trip time.

Edge of the Empire

Researched Routes: Researching a route before you use it may be time consuming, but may
help ensure safety of the trip especially when dangers are prevalent. Researching involves
independently looking through the masses of entries in nav data for the route for any
inconsistencies, errors, or just refining it based upon the personal skill and experiences of the
astrogator. Successfully researching the route downgrades the difficulty of the jump once.
Research time is equivalent to a number of hours equal to the plot time of the route. A Long
route takes 4 rounds to plot, so it would take 4 hours to be researched. The research involves
an Easy ( ) Astrogation check. A simple success downgrades the difficulty of the jump. Each
removes one hour of research time to a minimum of one hour. Failure has no negative effect,
but may add an hour or may cause problems. Researched data must be used within a day
or it will give no bonus.

New Routes: A new route means creating a new unused path. Typically, routes are plotted
over known paths since the data is more accurate due to information collected by other
ships. If a smuggler or rebel, for example, wants to use a completely new path it is entered
into the nav computer using the same plotting time as default routes. But, the astrogation
checks difficulty is upgraded twice. Since this is so dangerous, those taking a brand new
route typically research it first to remove one of the upgrades. After several successful jumps
along the route (approximately 10), the referee may rule the collected data can be used to
reduce the penalty to only one upgrade. After approximately 500 successful jumps, the
referee may make the path simply unofficial removing all upgrades, but imposing a
instead. If the path data was given to a starports BoSS office, even the is removed since it
becomes official.

To more quickly make a route less dangerous, it is advisable to share the data for others to
use. More ships plying the route will more quickly reach the 10 and 500 thresholds. The
researcher of the new path can sell this data at a starport for approximately 10 credits or just
give it to them (a new route of great importance could be much, much more valuable). Once
it is sold or passed on to a starport, the thresholds to make it safer may more quickly occur,
but the data wont be able to be sold again since it becomes part of public registries. The
discoverer of the route may instead keep the data secret and sale it to individuals. This may
more likely be the case for special, secretive routes, such as to a Rebel base or a backdoor to
a secret Imperial shipyard.


The Empire has recently developed gravity well projector technology mated with a cruiser to
prevent fleeing enemy ships from jumping to hyperspace. The ship is able to create a the gravity
affects of a star, but only within a small area of affect. Thus, the new cruisers have four
projectors to cover a larger area.



There are several varieties of special jumps which may be

attempted. Each has its own benefits and dangers.

Microjump: In emergencies, or when time is of the essence, a starship may attempt a short
microjump in-system or to an immediately adjacent star system. Microjumps also work well
when you wish to arrive very close to the target. Hyperdrives are not designed to be turned
on then shut down in a microsecond. It is difficult for a nav computer to precisely handle
such a short jump. Difficulty for a microjump is Hard ( ) Astrogation but it only takes 2
rounds to plot. Base travel time is only 1 round, multiplied by the hyperdrives rating as usual.
Due to the quickness of the jump, slower hyperdrives actually handle microjumps more
easily. Class 5 or quicker drives must add a to the check. Thus, backup drives are often
used, when available.

Unlike other jumps a simple failure means the jump did occur, but it is a misjump. The
starship has severely undershot or overshot its target. Success brings the starcraft within
Medium range of the desired target. reduces this range by one. increases the range by
one. A may reduce the travel time to instantaneous (0 rounds travel time).

Shadow Jump: Desperate pilots may be forced to attempt a shadow jump. Shadow jumping is
purposely performing a hyperspace jump into or from gravity wells which appear as mass
shadows in hyperspace. Ending your hyperspace jump close to a large planetary object is of
course dangerous in itself if the coordinates are off even a fraction. Additionally, the gravity
well of planetary objects is so great that it creates anomalies for the hyperdrive that may
disrupt its use. Stars have such a great mass shadow they completely distort hyperspace
travel making it impossible to jump if close to one or dragging a ship completely out of
hyperspace if a route passes by too closely.

Why would you want to attempt such a dangerous task? You dont. But a few hypothetical
reasons may come to mind. Jumping from within a mass shadow? There could be an Imperial
blockade waiting in orbit and you would rather test your odds against a jump from within the
planets atmosphere then face them. Or perhaps time is so crucial you dont want to waste
the few minutes it would take to get to a safe jump distance. Arriving within a mass shadow?
You want to reach the planet while bypassing the blockade possibly arriving so low in orbit
they dont even know you have arrived at the planet. Or, perhaps the planet has deflection
shields and you are being creative, bypassing them completely.

When you are plotting such a route, for safety reasons your astrogation computer wont allow a
route to start or end within a mass shadow. Forcing the computer to ignore the error requires
Hard ( ) Computer. Note that this may be done at anytime, possibly long before the jump
if you think its a good idea. Be aware that disabling this safety is a mid-ranged crime in the

Edge of the Empire

Once youve disabled the safety cutoff, making an Astrogation check for a route that begins
or ends within a mass shadow upgrades the check depending on how close the route comes
to the planetary object. See Table 8: Mass Shadow Astrogation Affects below.


Proximity to Object Number of Upgrades
Orbit 2
High Atmosphere 3
Low Atmosphere 4

Note the results in Table 10: Spending Astrogation Results for what may easily happen due
to upgrades while shadow jumping. results may be applied with only one when
shadow jumping.

If both ends of the route touch a mass shadow, the penalty is cumulative. Also, the referee
may subtract one upgrade for very small planetary objects such as a large asteroid or a very
small moon. Conversely, the referee may add an upgrade for very large planets such as gas
giants. As noted above, stars cause such a powerful gravity well that a hyperspace route is
impossible to attempt within direct orbit of them. An extremely foolhardy route could be
planned (after disabling the safety cutoff) to end nearby a star, but such causes double the
upgrades in Table 8, with being truly catastrophic. Note that even ships with powerful
shields and armor would be destroyed quickly even in the high atmosphere of a star.

Static Jump: Starships must move through space at a minimal speed in order to allow its
astrogation computer to begin sending precise coordinates to a hyperdrive. In game terms, a
ship must be moving at Speed 1 or greater to enter hyperspace. This is normally not a
problem at all. But, what if the ships sublight engines are inoperable and you need to make a
jump in an emergency? Or perhaps your ship is locked inside a hangar bay on a Star Destroyer
and you want to make a dramatic escape? Attempting such a jump upgrades the astrogation
check once, plus gives automatic . The referee may use to cause damage to the
hyperdrive or cause a collision with a nearby object.

So what did Han do?: Static Jump from a hangar bay combined with a Shadow Jump to low
atmosphere of a planet. Upgrade the astrogation check five times with automatic !
Since this is the Falcon, the hyperdrive cutoff may have already been disabled since Han
doesnt like restrictions or rules. Or perhaps Rey used her Mechanics skill to over-ride it. If
we assume a regional range jump, Chewie is probably the unsung hero that made the
extreme ( ) Astrogation check which allowed a success (the jump was
made), but resulted in at least one (the Falcon arrives plummeting towards the surface of
of the planet). This is when Han actually stepped in and used his superb Pilot skills to keep
the Falcon from lawn darting into the icy surface.


Circle Jump: The Circle Jump technique may not be yet discovered and thus not allowed by a
referee unless his players think it up themselves. This special jump allows a starcraft to delay
its arrival at its target, but with limitations. The technique involves plotting a hyperspace
jump as normal, but adds a massive amount of circular patterns around the destination at the
end of the jump. The starship will arrive after the normally computed trip time, but remain in
a holding pattern as it constantly circles the destination while still in hyperspace. This pattern
can thus be held for several minutes, perhaps up to an hour. Then, when the starship wishes
to arrive, it simply disengages its hyperspace drive.

Circle Jumps have a base difficulty and plot time as normal, based upon the length of the
route. However, 2 rounds are added to the base plot time. The smaller the size of the circular
holding pattern makes arrival closer and more precise. However, smaller holding patterns are
more difficult. A System sized pattern (circling a star system) does not change the difficulty
of the check. A pattern circling a planet or other destination at safe jump (Long Planetary
space range, Close Stellar range) upgrades the check once. Note that a Circle Jump could be
combined with a Microjump (see above) to arrive very closely to the target at a specified
time. This would require the Microjumps base difficulty and plotting time, upgraded once.

When the pilot decides to disengage from the holding pattern, a simple Maneuver is required
to disengage the ships hyperdrive and arrive at the destination.

Group Jump: A very common jump technique, not really a trick, is the Group Jump. In order
for a group of starcraft to arrive at the same time at a destination a Group Jump may be
attempted with one starship making the Astrogation check for the entire group. Hyperspace
travel time is by the slowest rating of the ships in the group. One is added due to the
added complexity. Another is added per 10 starcraft in the group. The default Group Jump
implies all of the ships are in close proximity (Close Planetary-space range or nearer) with
parallel flight paths.

Success with results in a successful jump, but starships may not all arrive at the same
location or at varying times. The more the greater the variations in time and place.
with success may be used to cause arriving starships to accidentally ram each other.

Edge of the Empire

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