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Digitel vs. Soriano G. R. No. 166039

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ROBERT L. GO and ERIC J. Present:
Petitioners, QUISUMBING, J., Chairperson,
- versus - TINGA, and

x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x



In issue in the present Petition for Review [1] is whether respondent,

Mariquit Soriano (Mariquit), was forced to resign, due to professional and
sexual harassment, thus amounting to constructive dismissal.

The Labor Arbiter and the National Labor Relations Commission

(NLRC) held in the negative. The Court of Appeals held otherwise.

From the records of the case, the following antecedent facts are

In the third quarter of 1998, petitioner Digitel Telecommunications

Philippines, Inc. (Digitel) hired Mariquit, then of 48 summers, a Bachelor
of Science in Nutrition graduate from the University of the Philippines
and a graduate school student of De La Salle University (she had not
submitted her thesis), as Director for Market and Communications
effective August 15, 1998.
Digitels co-petitioners Senior Vice President for Business Division
Eric J. Severino (Severino) and Senior Executive Vice President Johnson
Robert L. Go (Go) were Mariquits immediate superior and next higher
superior, respectively.

Working under Mariquit were Evelyn P. Inductivo (Evelyn),

Manager of the Promotion Section, Andrea S. Arnedo (Andrea), Manager
of the Corporate and Planning Information Section, and Joselito
Macachor (Macachor), Ad and Promo Manager.[2]

In the Performance Review conducted by Digitel for the period

of August 17, 1998 up to February 15, 1999,[3] Mariquit obtained for her
first six months of work a rating of 92% (Above Average).

Mariquit later had a rift with Macachor regarding an advertisement

error. She thus sought his termination through petitioner Severino. To her
dismay, Severino merely arranged for the transfer of Macachor to another

Mariquits performance soon began to deteriorate. The Performance

Review[4] for the period of April 1, 1999 up to April 1, 2000 showed that
she obtained a rating of 60% (Average) with the following notes from
petitioner Severino:


(Special comments on performance in particular work

areas, overall performance and development under the
covered period.)

Clearly, Ms. Soriano possesses the requisite traits to be

successful in her responsibility areas. The overall performance
of the department assigned to her in both quantitative and
qualitative aspects, will increase significantly with Ms.
Sorianos commitment to focus on output expectations.


(Please comment on the staff members training and

development needs in the year to come, taking into
consideration his/her strengths and areas for

Ms. Soriano should endeavor to overcome whatever residual

effects the P. Macachor situation caused. She should return to
her overall sunny and cheerful disposition. This will
significantly contribute to the positive department work
atmosphere with improved performance as a result.
(Emphasis in the original; underscoring supplied)

Apparently in an attempt to shift the blame on the unfavorable

evaluation made on her, Mariquit gave unfavorable evaluation of her two
remaining managers, Evelyn and Andrea.

In a Memorandum of June 27, 2000[6] addressed to Severino,

Evelyn questioned the basis of her rating and charged Mariquit of
harassing and framing-up her very own managers. And she also charged
Mariquit of violating company rules and regulations.[7]

For her part Andrea, in a Memorandum of May 15, 2000[8] also

addressed to Severino, challenged the factual basis of her poor
performance rating and appealed for a new evaluation, she attributing as
possible motive of Mariquit her hatred, prejudice, revenge and a desire to
get rid of her.[9]

Mariquits personal conflicts with her two managers continued,

prompting her to also demand the termination of their services. [10] As in
the case of Macachor, the management retained them, however.

Mariquit later filed on June 27, 2000 a letter of resignation bearing

the date June 28, 2000, to take effect at the closing of office hours
on June 30, 2000.[11] Severino acknowledged receipt of the letter of
resignation which Mariquit left in his office. [12] Severino thereafter
forwarded the letter to the Human Resources Department where it was
stamped received on June 28, 2000.[13]

On August 22, 2000, Mariquit executed a Deed of Quitclaim and

Release[14] acknowledging receipt from Digitel of the sum of P97,560.02,
and declaring therein that her resignation on June 30, 2000 was of her
own free will and that in consideration of the said amount, she was
releasing and forever discharging Digitel, its officers, managers or
representatives or successors from all claims or cause in connection with
her employment therewith.

About five months after her execution of the Deed of Quitclaim

and Release or in January 2001, on the intercession of Mariquits friend
Emma Teodoro (Emma), Go and Mariquit, together with Emma, met
during which Mariquit is said to have pleaded for financial assistance. Go
thus referred her to Digitel Executive Vice President Policarpio B. Pau, Jr.
(Pau).[15] Pau was to later relate what transpired when Mariquit went to
see him.

Eleven months after her resignation letter was filed or on May 28,
2001, Mariquit filed criminal complaints against petitioners Go and
Severino,[16] for violation of R.A. 7877 (Anti-Sexual Harassment Law)
and/or Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code (Acts of Lasciviousness),
before the Quezon City Prosecutors Office which referred the complaints
to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

The NBI recommended to the City Prosecutor the filing of a case

for sexual harassment against petitioner Go. The City Prosecutor later
dismissed Mariquits complaints but, on her motion for reconsideration, it
issued a Resolution finding probable cause to hale Go to court for acts of
lasciviousness.[17] Go appealed the Resolution to the Department of
Justice (DOJ).

In Paus affidavit dated July 6, 2001 which Go submitted in

connection with Mariquits criminal complaint against him, Pau gave the
following account of what transpired during his meeting with Mariquit
after Go had, as stated above, referred her to him.


14. Sometime in January 2001 Ms. Soriano and her son

went to my office; She told me that she had dinner with Mr.
Johnson [Go] and a common friend and that Mr. Johnson [Go]
told her to see me;
15. On my part, I was already expecting that this was
what Mr. Johnson [Go] and I had agreed in principle earlier to
extend financial assistance, for humanitarians [sic], to Ms.

16. To my surprise, Ms. Soriano told me that she was

advised by her lawyer to explore means in settling her case
with Mr. Johnson [Go]. She then told me that she needs
money to: (a) send her children abroad, (b) to start a business
of her own and (c) to pay the fees of her lawyers; Based on her
insinuations I had the impression that she wanted millions of

17. Clearly, she had a wrong impression and it appeared

to me that she is extorting money from the company; To end
our conversation, I told her that if that is what she wanted I
have no authority to grant the same, what the company
intended was to give her a separation pay, even though she is
not entitled to it; I also told her that maybe she has
misunderstood the humanitarian gesture taken by the
company; Thereafter, she already left the office.

x x x x[18] (Underscoring supplied)

About one and a half years after she filed her letter of resignation
or on December 20, 2001, Mariquit filed a
complaint for illegal dismissal against petitioners Digitel, Go and
Severino before the NLRC, docketed as NLRC NCR Case No. 12-06571-
2001. During the initial mandatory conference which took place
on January 23, 2002, she clarified that her cause of action was
for constructive dismissal,[20] alleging that she was harassed by herein
individual petitioners to thus compel her to resign from Digitel.

By Decision of April 24, 2003,[21] the Labor Arbiter, finding

insufficient Mariquits evidence to support her claim that she was forced
to resign, held that she voluntarily resigned:
The factual background of this case clearly shows that
complainant voluntarily resigned from her employment. We
sympathize with her but we cannot sustain her contention that
she was constructively dismissed. With complainants
educational and professional background, it would be
absurd to assume that she did not understand the import of her
own words and the consequences of her own acts of voluntary

Complainants submission that she was forced to

resign because of the way she was sexually and
professionally harassed by respondents Eric J. Severino
and Johnson Robert L. Go were not sufficiently
established by substantial, concrete and credible evidence.

The affidavit of Ms. Sta. Clara [submitted by

Mariquit] is purely hearsay evidence. Her statements do not
even qualify as part of the res gestae. Ms. Sta. Clara was not
personally present during the times that respondent Go
allegedly poked, several times, at complainants private parts.
Neither was she physically present when respondent Severino
was allegedly staring at complainants crotch and made
suggestive remarks to the latter. She, therefore, could not
concretely, credibly nor substantially testify as to those facts or
circumstances that she acquired through her own perception or
organs of sense. Her affidavit does not establish the truth of the
facts stated therein.

The affidavit of Mr. Frank Wenceslao [also submitted by

Mariquit] is not only telling, so to speak; it is also highly
suspect. It is likewise hearsay, as that of Ms. Sta. Claras. It
must be taken with utmost precaution. It should be carefully
scrutinized. Mr. Wenceslao knew that respondent Go and his
brother Henry were reputed to be womanizers. Why then
would he (Wenceslao) encourage the mother of his own love
child to apply and accept a job offered by respondent company
knowing fully well that she, with whom he was again sleeping
together at that time, would be working with and for Mr. Go
who has a questionable reputation with women? Why would he
have prevailed upon complainant who already wanted to resign
from her job during those periods that she was being allegedly
professionally and sexually harassed? His testimony is that of
an interested person and should thus be rejected.
Complainants own allegation, although they are so
detailed, appear incredible if not downright puny. An
analysis of her statements shows that her own conclusion that
she was being sexually and professionally harassed was on the
basis of her own suppositions, conjectures, and surmises. Some
of her statements are inconsistent. She could not satisfactorily
explain her allegation that she was consistently professionally
harassed by respondent Severino. The latters alleged
words: How come you claim you know so much yet nothing
ever gets done in your department? do not jurisprudentially
constitute nor clearly establish professional harassment. Aside
from these words, the complainant could only venture to allege
instances in general and vague terms.

As to the facts allegedly constituting sexual harassment

advanced by Go and Severino, after an objective analysis over
their assertions as stated in their respective counter-affidavits
and further considering the other supporting documents
attached to the respondents pleadings, it is found that these far
out weigh the complainants own evidence.[22] (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied.)
The Labor Arbiter also observed:

One last note: During the initial mandatory conference

on January 23, 2003, while the respective parties counsels and
the undersigned were discussing on some matters, complainant
who was seated opposite respondent Severino discreetly
showed him her middle finger (the dirty finger sign) and later,
took his cellular phone which he placed on the table and
banged it on the table. Mr. Severino then asked the
undersigned if it would be possible, at the next hearing, to have
someone officially record and take note of the deportment of
the parties during the hearings. When the undersigned asked
what for, respondent Severino narrated what had just transpired
between him and the complainant. When the undersigned
asked if this was true, the complainant, looking at respondent
Go, rudely replied: Because you are not my boss anymore!

The conduct displayed by the complainant in the

presence not only of the undersigned, the parties respective
legal counsels but also with complainants own daughter
around shows much of her character.[23] (Underscoring

The Labor Arbiter thus disposed:

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is

hereby rendered DISMISSING this complaint for constructive
dismissal for lack of merit.

The counterclaim of the respondents is likewise

dismissed for lack of merit.

All other claims herein sought and prayed for are hereby
denied for lack of legal and factual bases. [24]

On appeal, the NLRC referred the case to Labor Arbiter Thelma M.

Concepcion for review, hearing when necessary with power to cite the
parties for contempt under Article 218(d), Labor Code and submission of
report for the Commissions deliberation.[25]

Finding Labor Arbiter Concepcions July 30, 2003 REPORT with

recommendation[26] for the dismissal of Mariquits appeal to be supported
by facts on record and the law on the matter, the NLRC adopted it as its
own. It accordingly dismissed Mariquits appeal.

In holding that Mariquit voluntarily resigned and accordingly

dismissing her appeal, the NLRC, by Decision dated August 18, 2003,
observed, among other things:


With such tendency to threaten resignation everytime

higher management would refuse her demand to transfer
subordinates who had administrative differences with her, we
therefore have no doubt that complainant voluntarily
resigned when respondent Severino refused to heed her
demand that Ms. Arnedo and Ms. Inductivo, her subordinates,
be transferred to other departments. We also have no doubt that
such resignation does not constitute constructive dismissal,
much less an illegal one.

x x x x[28] (Underscoring supplied)

Her motion for reconsideration having been denied by the NLRC

by Order of January 30, 2004,[29] Mariquit filed a Petition for
Certiorari[30] before the Court of Appeals.

The appellate court, by Decision of August 20, 2004,[31] taking

exception to the doctrine of finality of factual findings of labor tribunals,
reversed the NLRC decision, disposing as follows:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the present

petition is hereby GIVEN DUE COURSE and the questioned
Decision and Resolution of the NLRC dated August 18, 2003
and January 30, 2004, respectively, are hereby both
ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. Private respondents are hereby
declared liable for illegal dismissal and are
consequently ordered to pay petitioner jointly and severally the
back wages due to her computed from July 1, 2000 based on
her latest salary as of that date up to the time of the finality of
this judgment. As reinstatement is no longer feasible, private
respondents are hereby also ordered to pay petitioner
separation pay equivalent to one (1) months salary for every
year of service, as prayed for by petitioner in her complaint.

Further, private respondents are hereby ordered to pay

petitioner the sums of P200,000.00 and P100,000.00 as moral
and exemplary damages, respectively, as well
as attorneys fees in the amount equivalent to 10% of the total
monetary award.

No pronouncement as to costs.[33]

Petitioners Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by

Resolution of November 10, 2004,[34] they lodged the present petition
faulting the appellate court as follows:


















DAMAGES, (Emphasis and underscoring supplied),

and pleading that



THE COURT OF APPEALS.[35] (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied)

The first two errors assigned by petitioners, along with their plea
for a review of the appellate courts findings of fact, being interrelated,
shall be discussed simultaneously.
Petitioners contend that in certiorari proceedings, judicial review
does not go as far as evaluating the sufficiency of evidence upon which
the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC had based their conclusion, and while
the Court of Appeals concluded that the factual findings of the NLRC are
arbitrary and unfair, it failed to show the basis thereof.

Further, petitioners contend that the factual findings of the Court of

Appeals are based on misapprehension of facts and speculations,
surmises, or conjectures.

It is settled that factual findings of labor administrative officials, if

supported by substantial evidence, are accorded not only great respect but
even finality, unless there is a showing that they arbitrarily disregarded
the evidence before them or had misapprehended evidence of such nature
as to compel a contrary conclusion if properly appreciated.[36]

Judicial review of decisions of the NLRC via petition for certiorari under
Rule 65 is confined only to issues of lack or excess of jurisdiction and
grave abuse of discretion on the part of the NLRC. [37] Thus Danzas
Intercontinental, Inc. v. Daguman[38] teaches:

x x x As a general rule, in certiorari proceedings under Rule 65

of the Rules of Court under which the petition was brought to
the Court of Appeals, the appellate court does not assess and
weigh the sufficiency of evidence upon which the labor arbiter
and the NLRC based their conclusions, the query being limited
to the determination of whether or not the NLRC acted without
or in excess of its jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
in rendering its resolution, except if the findings of the NLRC
are not supported by substantial evidence.[39] (Italics in the
original;underscoring supplied)

In her petition for certiorari before the Court of Appeals, Mariquit

attributed to the NLRC the commission of grave abuse of discretion
tantamount to lack or excess of jurisdiction in dismissing the complaint
for illegal dismissal[,] ignoring clear and convincing proof of sexual
harassment.[40] (Underscoring supplied)
It was thus incumbent for Mariquit to prove before the appellate
court grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of the NLRC.[41]

Mariquit failed to discharge the burden, however.

Contrary to Mariquits submission, the NLRC did not disregard the
evidence she proffered to prove that sexual harassment forced her to
resign. Thus the NLRC observed:

Indeed, the record is replete with substantial evidence showing

that the complainant was not forced to resign through any act of
sexual harassment. Rather, as reported by Arbiter Concepcion
and as admitted in complainants position paper [dated April
26, 2002], she voluntarily resigned when her repeated requests
for the transfer to some other department of two of her key
personnel, Ms. Andrea Arnedo and Ms. Evelyn Inductivo were
refused by respondent Severino.[42] (Emphasis and underscoring

Petitioners third assigned error which bears on her claim of sexual

harassment calls for a determination of the weight of Mariquits evidence
of forced resignation.
Significantly, after the Court of Appeals promulgated on August
20, 2004 its assailed Decision finding Mariquit to have been forced to
resign, and on November 10, 2004 its Resolution denying herein
petitioners Motion for Reconsideration, the DOJ, through Undersecretary
Ernesto Pineda, acting on petitioner Gos petition for review of the earlier-
mentioned Quezon City Prosecutors Resolution adverse to Go, issued a
Resolution of April 4, 2005 reversing the Prosecutors Resolution.

Held the DOJ:

Under the circumstances, it is improbable for respondent Go

to have committed the alleged acts of lasciviousness. In the
company party held [on November 19, 1999] in Quezon City,
more or less sixty (60) people were present occupying the
living room and lanai area of the residence of Policarpio B.
Pau, Jr. It is highly unthinkable that respondent Go would
make any sexual advances in the presence of so many
people and no one would notice. Aside from complainants
allegations, there is nothing on record to corroborate the
same. In fact, not one of the sixty (60) guests supported her
claims. On the other hand, respondent Go submitted the
affidavit of the partys host, Policarpio B. Pau, Jr., stating that
he never saw respondent Go make advances to complainant.
Moreover, according to another guest, Ms. Purisima Y.
Velasco, respondent Go talked to complainant for a while and
proceeded to join the other guests.

The conduct of the victim immediately following the alleged

assault is of utmost importance so as to establish the truth or
falsity of the charge for acts of lasciviousness. Complainants
deportment seemed unnatural for someone who allegedly went
through a harrowing experience. For evidence to be believed it
must not only proceed from the mouth of a credible witness but
must be credible in itself such as the common experiences and
observation of mankind can approve under the
circumstances. In the instant case after the alleged sexual
advances, complainant continued working for Digitel until her
resignation effective on June 30, 2000. During her employment
with Digitel, she never initiated or filed any case for sexual
harassment or acts of lasciviousness against
respondents. Further, when she eventually resigned, she did not
even state in her resignation letter that her resignation was due
to sexual harassment or sexual abuse.Finally, it took
complainant almost two (2) years before filing her

Indeed, complainants uncorroborated testimony is not

sufficient to sustain a finding of probable cause for acts of
lasciviousness against respondent Go.

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the assailed

resolution is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The City
Prosecutor of Quezon City is directed to cause the withdrawal
of the Information for acts of lasciviousness against respondent
Robert Johnson L. Go and report to this Office the action taken
within ten (10) days from receipt hereof. [43] (Emphasis and
underscoring supplied).
At this juncture, this Court could stop and refrain from calibrating the
evidence on whether sexual harassment indeed forced Mariquit to
resign. For Pono v. National Labor Relations Commission[44] instructs:

x x x The Court takes cognizance of the fact that a criminal

complaint for attempted rape or acts of lasciviousness filed by
Pono against Castillo before the Prosecutors Office in Makati
was eventually dismissed due to lack of merit, which dismissal
was affirmed by the Department of Justice. Indisputably, an
investigating fiscal is under no obligation to file a criminal
information where he is not convinced that he has the quantum
of evidence at hand to support the averments.

Thus, the determination of the persons to be prosecuted rests

primarily with the prosecutor who is vested with quasi-judicial
discretion in the discharge of this function. The courts should
give credence, in the absence of a clear showing of
arbitrariness, to the findings and determination of probable
cause by prosecutors in a preliminary investigation.
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

Absent any showing that the DOJ acted with arbitrariness, this Court is
bound to accept its findings as it is this department which has control and
supervision over public prosecutors.

Nonetheless, this Court has given the evidence a hard look if only to put
to rest any nagging doubts on the correctness of the assessment thereof by
the lower tribunals.

To prove that she was sexually harassed to thus force her to resign,
Mariquit submitted before the Labor Arbiter the following documents as
part of her Position Paper dated April 26, 2002: her Affidavit dated April
25, 2002;[46] Affidavit dated April 25, 2002 of her friend Grace J. Sta.
Clara;[47] and Affidavit dated April 25, 2002 of Francisco C. Wenceslao.[48]

In her April 25, 2002 Affidavit, Mariquit gave the following pertinent
statements as regards petitioner Go:

8. Sometime in May 1999, during a cocktail party for the sales
department of Digitel held at the Summit Lounge of the Manila
Galleria Suites, Go, after noticing that I was wearing a short
skirt, insisted that I sit down so that he could take a better look
at my legs.

9. On 20 August 1999, in a company-wide sales conference at

Manila Midtown Hotel in Ermita Manila, Go while purportedly
asking questions about my work, deliberately dropped his
hand on my lap and repeatedly stroked my thighs. I was
shocked and deeply offended by Gos indecent display of

10. After the sales conference, Go became more attentive to

me and began to drop by at my office to start a conversation
with me. Such sudden display of affection disturbed me as well
as made me feel awkward whenever Go approached me;

11. In October 1999, during a farewell party for departing

Digitel officers held at the residence of Digitel employee Matet
Ruiz, Go insisted that I dance with him. Fearful of causing a
scene at a public gathering, I agreed to dance a few steps with
him and when I attempted to sit down, Go blocked my way and
pinched my waist;

12. On 19 November 1999, during another party given by an

officer of Digitel, Mr. Policarpio B. Pau at his residence in
Quezon City, I could no longer elude Gos advances because he
cornered me on a sofa by sitting so close and in such a way
that I was virtually pinned against the side of the sofa. Go held
my hand and started massaging it in the guise of looking at the
ring that I was then wearing. Because I felt uncomfortable and
uneasy with Gos repulsive actions, I took off the ring and gave
it to him. To date, Go has not yet returned the ring to me.

13. Go then crept his hand under the throw pillow which I
had placed to separate me from Go to reach for my vagina
and to poke it several times. I could not escape because I was
hemmed in by the arm of the sofa.

14. When I was finally able to extricate myself from Gos

clutches, I stood up, but Go pulled me to the dance floor,
pressed me close to him and moved his hand across my back to
feel my body. I tried to move away from him and at the same
time tried not to attract anyone [sic] attention nor to cause a
scene. Go then whispered in my ears, Do not push me, I could
make life in Digitel easy for you. I can take care of your
promotion and give you rewards.

15. In order to break free from Gos holds, I maneuvered to

turn to the beat of the music. Go then reached out his hand
and groped my breast, caressed my back and reached
inside my blouse to rub me from up my brassieres down to
my buttocks. As I was trying to resist Gos sexual advances,
Go again hinted that my promotion would be accelerated if I
would only be nice to him.

16. On 11 February 2000, during a dinner party for Digitels

sales force held at the Manila Galleria Suites, Go called for me
to start the line for the buffet and again rubbed his hand across
my back to feel my brassiere.

x x x x[49] (Italics in the original; emphasis and underscoring


As regards petitioner Severino, Mariquit stated:

18. I also caught Severino looking at my legs up to the back of
my thighs on several occasions, to wit: (a) in January 1999
when he intentionally pointed to my legs to a fellow company
officer who also looked at them; (b) in the NEAX Training
Room in February 1999 when I picked up things I dropped on
the floor, where Severino even walked behind me to get a
better view of my thighs; and (c) during our out-of-town
strategic planning session in September 1999 at the Princess
Urduja Hotel in Pangasinan.

19. Whenever Severino presided over meetings where I was

asked to attend, he always tilted his head to look at my legs
and peek in between my thighs thereby making me feel
awkward and uncomfortable such that I preferred to sit with
my back facing him.
20. During my last few months in Digitel, specifically March
to June 2000, Severino purposely sat near me during meetings
and intentionally brushed his legs on my legs;

21. After the 19 November 1999 incident with Go at the party

of Mr. Policarpio B. Pau, I reported my disgrace and outrage
over the sexual advances inflicted upon me by Go, to Severino
to which he replied, I saw what happened. I have eyes too.

x x x x (Italics in the original).[50]

Grace J. Sta. Clara, a licensed broker of the Insular Life Assurance Co.,
Ltd. and, as stated above, a friend of Mariquit, declared in her affidavit:


7. That Ms. Soriano told me she often caught Severino staring

at her crotch and made suggestive remarks, for instance, he
asked her to wear shorts during out of town trips.
8. That the real shock to me was when Ms. Soriano told me of
the incident at a party given by one of Digitel officials when
she was harassed by Johnson Go, a brother of Mr. John
Gokongwei and Digitels Senior EVP, which in her words ran,
more or less, as follows: Hinipuan ako sa boobs at dinukot yon
pipi ko.

9. That I asked Ms. Soriano to sue Johnson Go for his

dastardly act but she hesitated understandably because, as a
single parent with four children, she did not want to lose her
job and decided to just avoid Go.

10. That after the incident and Go must have felt that Ms.
Soriano was avoiding him, which he said so according to her,
Severino suddenly changed his attitude toward her and, in Ms.
Sorianos words, began making impossible demands she could
not possibly comply with.

11. That Ms. Soriano told me Severino must have been under
pressure from Go to make her give in to his advances because
he (Go) knew she was a single parent who could not afford to
lose her job, which was a usual technique of a sexual predator
like Go who reportedly used it in the past with female
x x x x (Italics in the original; underscoring supplied)

For his part, Francisco C. Wenceslao, father of one of Mariquits four

children, stated in his Affidavit:


6. That I knew, with due respect to the memory of Mr. Henry

Go, that he and his brother (Respondent Go) were reputed to be
womanizers as, in fact, Henry while married impregnated his
secretary but who he married eventually after reportedly
divorcing his wife.
7. That even before I met Ms. Soriano and her joining Digitel, I
already knew about Respondent Gos said reputation that
reportedly led to his separation from his wife and the
resignation of lady employees not only from Digitel but also
from other companies he was connected with.
8. That it was no surprise therefore when Ms.
Soriano complained to me that Go made undeniable advances to
her on at least two (2) occasions, to wit:

8.1 Sometime in late August 1999, Ms. Soriano confided

to me that in a company sales conference at Manila
Midtown Hotel, Respondent Go, who she barely knew
then, sat close to her and began a conversation. He
immediately and repeatedly dropped his hand on her lap
and touched her thighs. She was naturally outraged by
such brazenness from which she excused herself and
moved away to join other Digitel employees on the
dance floor.

8.2 In a party given by a company official, Mr.

Policarpio Pau, in November 1999 at his residence in
Loyola Heights, Quezon City, obviously with malicious
forethought suddenly sat on the sofas side while
massaging her hand and pretending to be interested in
her ring. She removed the ring and gave it to him so he
would release her hand. Worse, Go suddenly put his
hand under her thigh and moved it as far as he could
with clear intention to touch her private parts. According
to Ms. Soriano, she was so embarrassed and would have
melted if she were a candle because she sensed that Go
was speaking in Chinese and telling other guests what
he was doing to her.

9. That Ms. Soriano angrily related to me the above incidents

immediately upon arriving home from each of the said
occasions because during the time in question, Ms. Soriano and
I were again sleeping together.

10. That Ms. Soriano was very angry and outraged on both
occasions for the humiliation she suffered because Go treated
her so cheaply in front of her fellow Digitel executives. [52]

x x x x (Underscoring supplied)

Wenceslao added:


12. That Ms. Soriano told me about subsequent events in their

office such as when Go visited her in the office to ask why she
had been eluding him as if she did not like him at all.

13. That, according to Ms. Soriano, it was during that time

when she began avoiding Go that she noticed a big change in
Mr. Eric Severinos attitude towards her as though he wanted to
make her job as miserable and unbearable as he could possibly
do because of the following incidents:

13.1 He raised his voice and was virtually shouting at

Ms. Soriano during staff meetings with no apparent
reason except to embarrass her in front of her colleagues
and subordinates. As a result, two members of her staff,
namely: Ms. Andrea Arnedo and Ms. Evelyn
Indu[c]tivo, became defiant and uncooperative and
refused to do the work Ms. Soriano assigned to them;

13.2 Severino refused Ms. Sorianos repeated requests to

transfer the two ladies to another department despite her
imploring him to understand that the hostility of the two
to her made it impossible to accomplish the work she
assigned to them;
13.3 Severino became more demanding in imposing
work deadlines while denying Ms. Sorianos requests for
approval of programs and projects that would enhance
the work of her department, for instance, Severino
cavalierly disapproved Digitels Web Magazine that
would have been an effective marketing tool;

13.4 Severino denied outright Ms. Sorianos

recommendation to promote Ms. Lorraine Javier from a
senior supervisory to managerial position without any
explanation despite Ms. Sorianos belief that the
promotion was not only well deserved but would also
improve her staffs morale;

13.5 Their relationship became worse when Severino

gave Ms. Sorianos performance a rating of only 60%
from 90% a year earlier.[53] (Underscoring supplied)

On the other hand, petitioners submitted the affidavits of Grace D.

Rallos-Bakunawa,[54] Ma. Lourdes B. Claveria,[55] Pau,[56] and Ma.
Purisima Y. Velasco,[57] all executed in 2001 and which were priorly
presented before the Office of the City Prosecutor. Also submitted were
the affidavits of Andrea[58] and Evelyn.[59]
Grace D. Rallos-Bakunawa, former Vice President for Human Resource
Division of Digitel, stated the following:


5. I have never seen Mr. Johnson [Go] shower any female

employee, moreso Mariquit with unusual attention or gaze for
that matter that would make anyone believe Mariquits
allegations that Mr. Johnson [Go] is interested in her sexually. I
couldnt really imagine that, considering Mariquits age and her
being already a grandmother.

6. Owing to the character of Mr. Johnson, I wouldnt have

entertained the idea that he would harass her nor anyone
sexually notwithstanding her claim that she is physically
attractive. Further, someone of Mariquits age and stature would
know how to conduct herself to avoid incidents, as she is
claiming, unless the provocation would actually come from


20. I was present during the sales conference at Manila

Midtown Hotel in Ermita Manila on August 1999. During this
occasion, she was never seated as she described, with Mr.
Johnson Go.There were other male executives seated beside
her and that I saw her disappear after dinner. I know that being
the organizer of the conference, she had a room with her staff
at the Midtown. I presumed she slept after that tiring day.

21. I was also present at the birthday party of Mr. Jun Pau
on 19 November 1999. As my usual behavior in Digitel
parties, I would go around to check if people are interacting
with each other. It has been more than a month since I left the
company, hence, I was excited to chat with most of the people
there. I noticed Mariquit somewhat feeling out-of-place with
other executives, as usual with her distant affect. I never
detected any unusual happenings between Mr. Johnson and her
during said party. I even sat in-between Mr[.] Johnson [Go]
and Mariquit owing to the space between them in the sofa,
while Reby Magtuto was in the single armchair perpendicular
to the sofa.

22. My farewell party in Digitel, for clarification was

on September 4, 1999 and not October 1, 1999 as Mariquit
claims. Mr. Johnson [Go] was seated in the middle of the party
beside Camilo Tierro, Jun Pau, Isa Alejandrino, Reby Magtuto
and myself who would stand up to sing.

23. I never saw Mr. Johnson [Go] being seated beside

Mariquit. Further, that farewell party was exclusively tendered
for me as it was my advance birthday party, which was
supposedly planned for October 3. Since I would be
in Cebu for a PMAP Conference, I decided to hold it in
advance and coincide it with my farewell party. [60]

x x x x (Underscoring supplied)

Pau, Executive Vice President of Digitel, stated:

2. As an executive officer of Digitel I have been invited to both
official as well as social functions/gathering of company
officers and employees;
3. On 19 November 1999 I organized a party at my residence
at Argentina St., Loyola Grand Villas, Quezon City to
commemorate my birthday;
4. The party was held in the living room, lanai and swimming
pool area; However, since it rained during the party; my guests
stayed at the living room and lanai area for most of the time;
The lanai area and the living room [are] separated by a door
which was left open during the party since the piano is located
inside the living room; The said rooms are also well lighted
since I have two chandeliers in the living room;
5. I approximately had sixty guests all officers and employees
of Digitel; The party started from 7:30 PM until 12 midnight of
the following day;
6. Since I am the host of the party, I was all over the place
entertaining and seeing to the convenience of everybody
specially the senior executive officer, Mr. Johnson Robert Go;
7. I did not see any unusual event which took place during the
party including the preposterous allegations made by Ms.
Mariquit E. Soriano on the alleged indecent advances made
against her by Mr. Johnson Go;
8. Since the party area is small, anyone can see everyones
activity, any incident activity will definitely be noticed by
everybody in the house;

9. On May 1999 I was present at the cocktail party held by

Digitel on the Summit Lounge of Manila Galleria Suites
(MGS); This was organized by the company for reaching its
sales target; The function room of MGS can only accommodate
50-60 persons and there were 30-40 persons who attended the
said cocktail party; Thus, we could all see each other in the
room; As far as I can remember I did not notice any indecent or
lascivious act committed by Mr. Johnson Go against Ms.
Mariquit Soriano;
10. Furthermore, the department of Ms. Soriano is in charge of
these functions. She is always busy preparing, organizing and
coordinating these functions, hence, she could not have the
luxury of socializing with the guests;
11. I was also present during the October 1999 party which
was held at the residence of Matet Ruiz; I am very familiar
with Matets house since it is very near Digitels office and we
always hold parties there; The area is approximately 40 sq.
meters big; Since there were more or less 20-30 persons
present, every body was literally very close with each other so
everybody can see and notice the activity of the other
guests; Again there was no unusual or indecent incident which
took place during the said party;

x x x x[61] (Underscoring supplied)

From the above-quoted statements of affiants Wenceslao and Sta. Clara, it

is readily gathered that they are hearsay. The Labor Arbiter thus correctly
discredited them as such, as it did correctly observe that Mariquit failed
to present a single witness to corroborate her charges. At any rate, why
Mariquit, for the first time raised the issue of sexual harassment which
was, in the case of Go, allegedly committed on five occasions from May
1999 to February 11, 2000 only on May 28, 2001 when she filed criminal
complaints against herein individual petitioners, about 11 months after
her resignation or two years after the first alleged occurrence, she did not
even proffer the reason therefor.

In her Comment,[62] however, Mariquit argues that there is no prescription

that would bar the filing of cases involving sexual harassment [as] the
period varies depending on the needs, circumstances, and emotional
threshold of the employee. She cites Philippine Aelous Automotive
United Corporation v. NLRC[63] wherein the complainant therein cried
sexual harassment after four years and this Court held:

x x x Strictly speaking, there is no time period within which he

or she [alleged victim of sexual harassment] is expected to
complain through the proper channels. The time to do so may
vary depending upon the needs, circumstances, and more
importantly, the emotional threshold of the employee.
Private respondent admittedly allowed four (4) years to pass
before finally coming out with her employers sexual
impositions. Not many women, especially in this country, are
made of the stuff that can endure the agony and trauma of a
public, even corporate, scandal. x x x[64]
The Labor Arbiter before which Mariquit also cited Philippine
Aelous brushed aside the same in this wise:

The ruling in the above-cited case does not squarely apply to

the present case. In that [case], the complainant thereat, Ms.
Rosalinda C. Cortez, did not resign from her job; she did not
undergo psychological treatment; and she was not an executive
of the company she worked with.[65]

In Philippine Aelous, the therein complainant employee Rosalinda raised

the issue of sexual harassment as soon as she had the opportunity to do
so. Thus, after the company issued a memorandum terminating her
employment in November 1994, she filed a complaint before the Labor
Arbiter on December 6, 1994, raising the issue of sexual harassment
committed four years earlier by her superior who had charged her of
committing gross acts of disrespect. The earliest opportunity for her to
cry foul thus came only after she was terminated in November 1994.

It bears noting that in Philippine Aelous, this Court observed: If petitioner

[Philippine Aelous] had not issued the third memorandum that terminated
the services of private respondent, we could only speculate how much
longer she would keep her silence.[66]

If Rosalinda kept her silence, she must have done so out of fear of losing
her job. When, however, she was fired, she immediately broke her

The case of Mariquit is different. She voluntarily submitted on June 27,

2000 a letter of resignation dated June 28, 2000, to become effective
on June 30, 2000. She subsequently executed a Deed of Quitclaim and
Release on August 22, 2000. There was no reason for her to be afraid of
losing her job or not getting anything from Digitel. Still, she waited for
about 11 months, counted from the date of filing of her letter of
resignation or about nine months counted from the day she executed the
Deed of Quitclaim and Release before she, for the first time, charged
herein individual petitioners with sexual harassment.
While, as this Court stated in Philippine Aelous, there is, strictly
speaking, no fixed period within which an alleged victim of sexual
harassment may file a complaint, it does not mean that she or he is at
liberty to file one anytime she or he wants to. Surely, any delay in filing a
complaint must be justifiable or reasonable as not to cast doubt on its

At all events, it is settled that the only test of whether an alleged fact or
circumstance is worthy of credence is the common experience,
knowledge and observation of ordinary men.

As New Jersey Vice Chancellor Van Fleet stated in the often-cited case
of Daggers v. Van Dyck:[67] Evidence to be believed, must not only
proceed from the mouth of a credible witness, but it must be credible in
itself such as the common experience and observation of mankind can
approve as probable under the circumstances. We have no test of the truth
of human testimony, except its conformity to our knowledge, observation,
and experience. Whatever is repugnant to these belongs to the miraculous
and is outside of judicial cognizance.[68]

From the earlier-quoted narration of alleged facts by Mariquit, this Court

finds that it does not pass the test of credibility.

Mariquit claimed that as regards petitioner Severino, she often caught

him looking at her legs up to the back of her thighs on several
occasions. If to her the acts amounted to sexual harassment, why did she
not bring the matter to the attention of any company official to make sure
that they wont happen again and she be spared of any disgrace or

Following Mariquits narration, it would appear that the earliest

harassment committed by Severino took place in January 1999 when he
intentionally pointed to [her] legs to a fellow company officer who also
looked at them, while the earliest committed by Go occurred in May 1999
during a cocktail party at the Manila Galleria Suites. Yet, she claimed to
have reported and expressed to, oddly enough, Severino, who was the
first to allegedly harass her, her disgrace and outrage over the sexual
advances made by Go, and only during the party of Pau on November 19,
1999, a claim denied by Severino.

As regards the five incidents of sexual harassment attributed to Go, a

discussion of even only one of them betrays its non-conformity to human

In paragraphs 12 to 15 of her April 25, 2002 Affidavit which were quoted

earlier, Mariquit, narrating the November 19, 1999 incident which
allegedly took place at the residence of Pau, claimed that she was
cornered by Go on a sofa in such a way that she was virtually pinned
against its side, making it impossible for her to elude his advances. It is
not disputed that it was raining at the time and that the about 60 guests
had no choice but to stay in the living room and covered lanai of Paus
residence. Could not have at least one noticed the incident? She presented
no one, however. On the other hand, Pau belied her claim.

Mariquit went on to claim that Go crept his hand under a throw pillow
and poked her vagina several times. She justified her failure to flee by
claiming that she was hemmed in by the arm of the sofa. But if indeed Go
did such condemnable act, could she not have slapped him or stood up
and/or left?

Yet still, by her claim, Mariquit danced on the same occasion with Go,
albeit allegedly thru force, during which he pressed her close to him and
moved his hand across her back to feel her body. Any woman in her right
mind, whose vagina had earlier been poked several times without her
consent and against her will, would, after liberating herself from the
clutches of the person who offended her, raise hell. But Mariquit did not.

Mariquit claimed that while dancing, in order to free herself from Gos
hold, she maneuvered to turn to the beat of the music. It was at this time,
according to her, that Go reached out his hand and groped [her] breast,
caressed [her] back and reached inside [her] blouse to rub [her] from up
[her] brassieres down to [her] buttocks. Since this alleged incident
occurred while Mariquit and Go were dancing, and surely there were a lot
of people around in the well lighted small area as stated by house
owner Pau, would Go be that maniacal to forego the respect accorded to
him by virtue of his high position? To be sure, a person who holds a very
exalted position would normally behave at social gatherings, unless he is
a proven maniac, to deserve that respect.

Petitioners Go and Severino, on the other hand, presented affidavits of

persons who were present during the time when alleged incidents took
place and who declared in effect that no such incidents did take place and
could have taken place. The appellate court dismissed the claim of these
affiants, however, as obviously biased in favor of [petitioners], their
superior and employer.[69]

In Lufthansa German Airlines v. CA,[70] this Court, citing the earlier case
of Santos v. Concepcion and Santos[71], ruled that the presence of an
employer-employee relationship where a witness is an employee of a
party is not or itself sufficient to discredit his testimony.

While it may be true, as the trial court opines[,] that testimony of

employees of a party is of course open to the criticism that they
would naturally testify, as far as they possibly could in favor of
their employers, and in weighing testimony such a relation
between a witness and a party is frequently noticed by the court,
it is equally true that the witness is an employee or an
overseer of a party is not of itself sufficient to discredit his
testimony.[72] (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)

Justifying her failure to present an eyewitness, Mariquit claimed that they

(eyewitnesses) were warned by Digitel of being dismissed from their jobs
should they testify in her favor. In support thereof, she presented the
affidavit[73] dated June 12, 2002 of Grace L. Murphy, a former classmate
at St. Theresas College in Manila.

A reading of the affidavit of Grace, who was never an employee nor

present at the party of Digitel, reveals, however, that she merely
concluded that the employees of Digitel were instructed or harassed not
to testify in favor of Mariquit when they failed to meet one Matet Ruiz, a
Digitel employee who kept avoiding to meet [Mariquit].
As petitioners put it: It is always easy to say that no one is willing to
testify to corroborate the accusers allegations against an employer for fear
of retaliation on ones livelihood. But courts should also not close their
eyes to the possibility that the failure to present a witness could only
mean that the act complained of did not actually happen.[74]

If indeed Mariquit was sexually harassed, her resignation would have

been an effective vehicle for her to raise it. Instead, however, of raising it
in her resignation letter,[75] she even thanked petitioner Severino for the
opportunity of working with [him]. Again, this is contrary to human
nature and experience. For if indeed petitioner Severino was her sexual
harasser, she would have refrained from being cordial to him on her
resignation. Not only that. By her claim (in her Affidavit),[76] she had an
altercation with Severino on June 27, 2000, the day she filed her
resignation letter postdated June 28, 2000. So why such cordiality?

Again, after submitting her resignation letter, why would she, by her
claim, want to withdraw the same. Even if it would mean working again
with her alleged sexual harassers?[77] Given her educational background
and her work experiences, it would not be difficult for her to land on
another job, free from any harassment. [78] To be sure, she would not wish
to stay in Digitel any longer if she was really harassed, sexually and

Parenthetically, a resignation once accepted by the employer cannot be

withdrawn without the consent of the employer.[79] As Intertrod Maritime,
Inc. v. NLRC[80] emphasized:

Once an employee resigns and his resignation is accepted, he no

longer has any right to the job. If the employee later changes his
mind, he must ask for approval of the withdrawal of his
resignation from his employer, as if he were re-applying for the
job. It will then be up to the employer to determine whether or not
his service would be continued. If the employer accepts said
withdrawal, the employee retains his job. x x x[81]
Petitioners fault the appellate courts giving undue credence to the
Psychological Evaluation Report made by Dr. Estrella T. Tiongson-
Magno, PhD dated December 14, 2000 (Magno Report) as it (the
appellate court) noted what to it was the NLRCs omission of the
conclusion in said report that Mariquits behavioral problems stemmed
from the trauma she experienced confirming that indeed she was a victim
of sexual harassment.[82] They claim that the appellate court selectively
seized upon portions of the Magno Report and only highlighted the
following statements from the Report in its assailed decision:

Summary and Conclusion

She is a good, generous and hardworking person, there is no

doubt about this, and she has done her best to provide for the
needs of her children. Her achievements in this regard are
remarkable and praiseworthy. But she is emotionally immature
and her comprehension of human situations in surprisingly
shallow (gullibility is her greatest weakness) for a person of
her intelligence and life experience. This explains how she
can be easily victimized by an abusive employer.

Diagnosis for MES:

Axis I Major Depression

Axis II Narcissistic/Borderline Personality
with compulsive and histrionic features
Axis III No diagnosis
Axis IV Psychosocial Stressors: Sexual Harassment and
job loss
Severity: severe[83] (Emphasis by the Court of Appeals).

In crediting the Magno Report, the appellate court described Dr.

Magnos experience in the field of psychology as extensive and
specialized, whereas it found petitioners witness-affiant Bakunawa to
have just a degree in psychology and human resource management

The only indication on record of Dr. Magnos extensive and

specialized experience, however, is that appearing on the top page of the
Magno Report-Annex G[85] of Mariquits Reply-Position Paper wherein
Dr. Magno is referred to as Clinical Psychologist.

And, while sexual harassment is, in the Magno Report, mentioned

as a psychological stressor under the Summary and Conclusion portion,
nothing therein, as correctly pointed out by petitioners, mentions or
discusses how Mariquit was alleged to have been sexually harassed basis
of the appellate court to hold that:

x x x Worse, the NLRC completely disregarded the

findings of the Clinical Psychologist who examined petitioner,
Dr. Estrella T. Tiongson-Magno, and selected only those
portions of her evaluation report that showed petitioners
emotional dysfunction and omitting Dr. Magnos conclusion
that her behavioral problems stemmed from the trauma she
experienced confirming that indeed she was a victim of
sexual harassment x x x[86] (Emphasis and underscoring

Any employee, male or female, may charge an employer or

superior with sexual harassment, but the claim must be well
substantiated.[87] As reflected above, however, Mariquits claim does not
pass the test of credibility.
The findings of the NLRC, which adopted those of the Labor Arbiter,
being in accordance with the evidence on record, and, as earlier stated,
Mariquit failed to discharge the onus of proving that the NLRC
committed grave abuse of discretion, it was error for the appellate court
to give due course to Mariquits petition for certiorari.

In fine, Mariquit having failed to prove that she was constructively

dismissed, a discussion of the award of backwages, separation pay and
damages is rendered unnecessary.

WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The challenged Court

of Appeals Decision of August 20, 2004 and Resolution of November 10,
2004 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Decision dated August 18,
2003 of the National Labor Relations Commission, which affirmed that
of the Labor Arbiter, is REINSTATED.

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