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Current Affairs 1

National Issues

Amid the Spiralling prices of tonnes of the Kharif been noted by the
pulses, the Centre Decided to season, the total committee.
Sell Turvia Mobile Vans domestic procurement Mr. Jaitley also said that
by government agencies the States had rejected
Amid the spiralling had reached 1,15,000 the provision for a
prices of pulses, the tonnes. constitutional cap on the
Centre decided to sell
The Centre has also GST rate, one of the
pigeon pea (tur) and
ordered further import three demands of the
black gram (urad) at Rs.
of 12,500 tonnes of Congress for supporting,
120 per kg through the
pulses for buffer stocks, in the Rajya Sabha.
National Cooperative
which include 10,000 As a constitutional body,
Consumers Federation
tonnes of masur and it would impinge on
of India (NCCF) via
2,500 tonnes of urad. the legislative
mobile vans in Delhi.
Finance minister says sovereignty of both
The decision to sell
all states Supporting the GST Parliament and the State
pulses through the
Legislatures and
NCCF was taken at an Barring the key jeopardise the fiscal
inter-ministerial review Producer State of Tamil autonomy of States.
meeting held here that Nadu, virtually all
reviewed the prices of Mr. Jaitley also said that
others have supported
essential commodities there was no deadline
the Goods & Services
and discussed measures for the implementation
Tax (GST), Union
to ensure availability of of the GST.
Finance Minister Arun
these commodities at Jaitley said. Earlier, after the passage
reasonable prices. of the Constitutional
Virtually all the States
The government said ( 12 2 { +n } { +d } )
have supported the idea
that as on June 13, 2016, Amendment Bill in May
of GST today barring
the procurement of Rabi 2015 in the Lok Sabha,
Tamil Nadu which has
pulses had reached the Government had
expressed some
64,000 tonnes. said that it was trying to
reservations. Tamil
roll out the single-tax
Together with the earlier Nadu has offered a few
regime from April 1,
procurement of 51,000 suggestions which have
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2 Current Affairs
Tamil Nadu Chief the State Cabinets to 15 constitutes an office of
Minister Jayalalithaa per cent of the total profit under the
met Prime Minister number of members of Government is now well
Narendra Modi and the State Legislative established by a catena
submitted a 29-point Assembly. of judgments of the
memorandum, detailing Because a Parliament Supreme Court.
several demands of the Secretary often holds the Five tests have been laid
State. rank of Minister of State, down: (i) whether the
Among the demands of the Calcutta High Court, government makes the
Ms. Jayalalithaa were in June 2015, quashed appointment; (ii)
the formation of a the appointment of 24 whether the government
Cauvery Management Parliamentary has the right to remove
Board and a Cauvery Secretaries in West or dismiss the holder;
Water Regulation Bengal dubbing it (iii) whether the
Committee, restoration unconstitutional. government pays
of water level at Similar action was taken remuneration; (iv) what
Mullaperiyar to 152 feet by the Bombay High the functions of the
and interlinking of Court in 2009 for the holder are; and (v) does
rivers. appointment of two the government exercise
Parliamentary any control over the
What constitutes office of profit
Secretaries in Goa and performance of these
Delhi is not the only by the Himachal functions.
State where the post of Pradesh High Court in
Parliamentary Secretary HC of Bombay clears Udta
2005 for the Punjab Movie
has been challenged. appointment of eight
Various High Court Chief Parliamentary The Bombay High Court
judgments in the past Secretaries and four on Monday directed the
have deemed the Parliamentary Central Board of Film
appointment of Secretaries in the State. Certification (CBFC) to
Parliamentary The number of Cabinet issue an A certificate to
S e c r e t a r i e s Ministers in Delhi the movie Udta Punjab
unconstitutional and cannot exceed 10 per (Punjab on a High) with
have ruled against such cent of the total 70 seats the deletion of one scene
appointments. that is seven as per and a modified
Various petitions in the Article 239(A) of disclaimer.
High Court have Constitution. As of now, The Court ordered the
challenged the only one Parliamentary CBFC to certify the
appointment of Secretary to the Chief movie within 48 hours,
Parliament Secretary. Minister is authorised. enabling its release on
Petition argue that the Office of profit is not schedule on June 17.
post is in contradiction defined in the A Division Bench of
to Article 164 (1A) of the Constitution. However, Justices said, We do not
Constitution which in past judgments, the find anything in the
provides for limiting the Election Commission script that affects the
number of Ministers in has noted what sovereignty and
integrity of the Nation.
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Current Affairs 3
While dictating the western Arunachal 21 party MLAs, who
strongly-worded order, Pradesh. have been appointed
the court said, The According to official Parliamentary
power to exercise sources, about 250 Secretaries and face the
deletions and cuts Chinese troops had prospect of
should be consistent and crossed into the Indian disqualification.
in consonance with side on the Line of Petitions have been filed
provisions of the Actual Control (LAC) with the President
Constitution and and went back in a few seeking disqualification
directions of the hours. of these MLAs on the
Supreme Court. This happens regularly ground that they
The court said, It is due to differences in occupied office of profit,
undisputed that the perception on the violating constitutional
CBFC possesses powers boundary and after provisions.
to call for cuts, changes, claiming that the area Acting as a quasi judicial
deletions in a movie belongs to China, troops body, the Election
while certifying it. tend to go back. Commission, to whom
However, in the present The incident coincides the President referred
case, the CBFC-imposed with Indias efforts at the issue, had sought
restrictions were not securing membership of replies of the MLAs.
correct. the Nuclear Suppliers The Delhi Government
The movie has to be Group (NSG) which had sought an
seen as a whole and it is China has openly amendment to the Delhi
not permissible to take opposed citing Indias Members of Legislative
the characters, scenes non-accession to the Assembly (Removal of
and songs out of Non-Proliferation Disqualification) Act,
context. Treaty. 1997.
After dictating the order, In March, Chinese Through the Bill, the
the Bench said, There troops had entered AAP government
are so many litigants Indian territory in wanted retrospective
awaiting justice. This is Ladakh, Jammu and exemption for the
hardly a cause to be Kashmir. parliamentary
brought before the court, On March 8, Chinese secretaries from
let alone the highest troops had entered disqualification
court of the State. almost 6 km deep inside provisions.
A fresh transgression by Chinese Indian territory near the The Bill was forwarded
troops into Indian territory Pangong lake in Ladakh. by Lt. Governor Najeeb
Jung to the Centre
A fresh transgression by President refused to give assent
which, in turn, sent it to
Chinese troops into to legislation that protects 21
the President with its
Indian territory has AAP MLAs
come to light. The President Pranab
incident happened on Mukherjee has refused Pulses to be imported to keep
June 9 at Yangtse which to give assent to a prices in check
is located 25-30 km east legislation that protects To bridge the demand-
of Bum La pass in
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4 Current Affairs
supply gap and President Xi Jinping at President Barack Obama
maintain stability in the SCO summit later termed the shooting an act
prices of pulses, the this month. of terror and an act of
Union government is The outreach is hate. Speaking at the
planning a government- particularly important as White House, Mr. Obama
to-government contract, China continues to said its a sobering
said Union Minister for maintain that NSG reminder that an attack on
Food and Public members remain any American is an attack
Distribution. divided on the issue of on all of us.
A d d r e s s i n g membership, claiming According to a report
presspersons, Mr. that many countries quoting investigators,
Paswan said the Centre within the group share the shooter called the
had worked out a Chinas stance. emergency helpline
strategy to import pulses Officials expect a final number 911 and
to mitigate the shortage decision may not come pledged allegiance to
and maintain price till the eve of the NSG Islamic State chief Abu
stability. meeting in South Korea Bakr Al-Baghdadi before
This year, there will be a on June 24, when the starting the carnage.
demand supply gap of Prime Minister is Islamic State claimed
over 76 lakh tonnes. expected to meet Mr. Xi responsibility for the
While private importers at the SCO in Tashkent. shooting, the Amaq
will be able to import news agency tied to the
At least 50 people were killed by group reported. But thus
only 60 lakh, the Centre a gunman at a gay night club in
is planning to have a far there is no indication
Florida of a direct connection
government contract to At least 50 people were with the IS in terms of
procure the remaining killed by a gunman at a training or instruction to
quantity to meet the gay night club in carry out the attacks.
demand. Orlando, Florida, in the Omar Mateen was
worst mass shooting earlier investigated by
India seeking help incident in the U.S. the FBI for suspected
from Rusia for NSG The shooter, Omar terror links. The targeted
Back from his visits to Mateen, an American club being a known
Washington, Geneva citizen of Afghan origin, gathering place of the
and Mexico City to used to live in Ft. Pierce, LGBT community, a
lobby for Indias entry Florida, and was killed homophobia angle too is
into the Nuclear in the police operation suspected.
Suppliers Group, Prime that followed.
A renewed push for GST will be
Minister Narendra Modi The 29-year-old may seen in this session
is now asking Russia for have been a radicalised
help with the countries Islamist and the The portends of a
still holding out. investigation will probe stormy monsoon session
He is scheduled to meet that angle too, according of Parliament and a
with President Vladmir to the Federal Bureau of renewed push from the
Putin and Chinese Investigation. government for the
passage of the Goods
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Current Affairs 5
and Services Tax (GST) Bengal and Kerala and Rs. 300 crore.
Bill have become the RJD in Bihar was in Moreover, the order
stronger after the BJP favour of the GST. would cripple the States
gained three extra seats. transport sector. More
Union to form committees for
The treasury benches are environmental fallout of than 4,000 KSRTC buses
still short of numbers in vehicular pollution and lakhs of private
the Rajya Sabha, where vehicles would go off
the Opposition has The Union government the roads. Movement of
managed to hold its has agreed to form people and goods would
own. committees to suggest be negatively impacted.
The party had full measures to mitigate the Travel would prove to
numbers for only nine of environmental fallout of be costlier for the
the 12 seats that it won, vehicular pollution in common man. So would
but gained three seats the country. transport of goods.
(one each from The committees will The Centre required
Rajasthan, Jharkhand help the States and the Kerala to shift more to
and Haryana) by Centre strike a balance CNG, biofuel and
working on between their transport electric hybrid powered
Independents and non- and environmental motor vehicles in the
Congress parties. requirements. long run.
Party leaders and union The National Green
Tribunal had banned Election for 27 seats of Upper
ministers in Allahabad
diesal vehicles over 10 house concluded
for the BJPs national
executive justified its years from Kerala. For Rajya Sabha polls
aggressive poll strategy The Tribunal had also the Bahujan Samaj Party
for these extra seats. banned the State from (BSP) help the Congress
Finance Minister Arun registering diesel win two seats one in
Jaitley has said on powered vehicles Madhya Pradesh and
several public occasions, having more than 2-litre another in Uttarakhand.
including a meeting engine capacity in In Uttar Pradesh, where
with Japanese investors Kerala. The Kerala High elections were held for
in Osaka this month, Court has since stayed 11 seats, the BJP won
that he was reasonably the orders. just one seat.
confident of getting the As per the motor The victors in U.P.
constitutional vehicles rules, the included party supremo
amendment on GST government had Mulayam Singh Yadavs
through, since every collected advance tax for one time alter ego Amar
political party, including 15 years on all diesel Singh and Beni Prasad
the Congress, favours vehicles registered in the Verma, both of whom
the GST. State since 2007. returned to the party
He had also said that The implementation of recently, and senior
every other political the NGT order to ban leader Reoti Raman
party, from the Janata those over 10 years Singh.
Dal (U) to the Trinamool would entail repaying The Congresss Kapil
to the Left in West the owners an estimated Sibal also trounced the
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6 Current Affairs
BJP-backed independent to the CBI forensic lab pulling down just one
socialite Preeti here for examination signboard.
Mahapatra with the help along with camera, On the constant use of
of the BSP. memory card, a CD expletives in the film,
In Madhya Pradesh, the containing the clip, the court told the
BJPs M.J. Akbar and wires and other producers that you
Anil Dave sailed equipment. may not rely on
through. Earlier, Delhi police had expletives to show the
Earlier, 30 of the total 57 sent four clips to the frustration of your
seats in the current Gandhinagar-based character.
round of biennial Central Forensic Science To which senior counsel
elections to the Upper Laboratory which in its Ravi Kadam, appearing
House were decided report, in May, had said for Phantom Films,
without a contest. that they were genuine. producer of Udta Punjab
In Karnataka, the Police maintained that , said 34 films made in
Congress won three the FIR was registered the past had used
seats. The fourth seat in on the basis of the raw expletives explicitly.
the State was won by video footage, obtained The court then said that
Union Minister of State from a news channel on maybe the board felt
for Commerce and a CD, and not on the that they had gone too
Industry Nirmala clippings that were aired far.
Sitharaman. on TV channels. Discussing a scene
Rajasthan saw the BJPs High Court of Bombay to give where a character is
Union Minister M. order on Udta Punjab Movie on shown scratching a body
Venkaiah Naidu, party 13th part, the court said it
Vice President Om need not be shown at all
Prakash Mathur, former After hearing arguments and could be deleted.
RBI official Ram Kumar for a day-and-half, the
After the court talked
Sharma and Harsh Bombay High Court
about a scene where
Vardhan Singh emerge reserved its order for
actor Shahid Kapoor is
victorious. June 13 on the
shown urinating before
censorship of Shahid
Raw footage of JNU found a crowd, the producers
Kapoor-starrer Udta
authentic agreed to remove it.
When the board went on
The raw footage of the Among the many
to justify all the 13 cuts
February 9 JNU event, suggestions made by the
saying that the film was
on which a sedition case review committee of the
meant for public
was registered against body are the removal of
exhibition, the court said
JNUSU president and the signboard of
that if people dont like
two others, has been Punjab in the beginning
something they have a
found to be authentic by of the movie and the use
remote and that the
the CBI forensic lab. of expletives.
CBFC should only
The raw footage , The court had asked certify a film and not
obtained from a Hindi how the integrity of the censor it.
news channel, was sent State would be hit by
The court also said if the
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Current Affairs 7
movie was glorifying of India and others case expected at the NSG
the use of drugs, then it had prohibited use of annual plenary in Seoul
should be banned. diesel vehicles of more on June 24-25, when the
The film is scheduled for than 15 years in Delhi 48 members must decide
release on June 17 and after granting the bus by consensus on
deals with the drug operators reasonable applications by India
abuse in Punjab and the time to replace their and Pakistan.
review committee of the vehicles. Sources said the two-
board said that the The court observed that day session saw several
theme, presentation, a perusal of the apex questions raised by
language and visuals of court judgment would diplomats that indicated
the film are not suitable indicate that the decision which way the countries
for non-adults. was rendered having will stand, giving India a
Bombay High Court to regard to the air sense of whom they
pass order on producers pollution level in the should target in the next
plea on June 13. national capital region of two weeks.
Delhi. Among the other
High court of Kerala stayed the
The court also referred unconvinced countries
directive of NGT
to the arguments of the are Turkey, Kazakhstan
Providing a respite to counsel that the air and Ireland, while
the Kerala State Road quality level in the State Mexico and Switzerland
Transport Corporation, was far superior to that have switched over to
(KSRTC), private bus in Delhi. support India after
operators and owners of That apart, no data was Prime Minister
diesel vehicles of 2,000 available with the Narendra Modis visit to
cc and above, the Kerala tribunal regarding the these countries.
High Court stayed the air quality level
directive of the National More than one lakh people loose
prevailing in the six life in road accidents
Green Tribunal (NGT). cites.
Kochi Special Circuit An official report,
Bench of the NGT India hopes to get the support of released by Union Road
banned diesel vehicles China for NSG membership Transport and
older than 10 years in six As the two-day Highways Minister, said
cities in the State. extraordinary session of 1.46 lakh people were
Justice P.B. Suresh the Nuclear Suppliers killed in road accidents
Kumar had earlier Group discussing in India in 2015 an
stayed the tribunals m e m b e r s h i p increase of five per cent
directive restraining the applications came to a from 2014.
State government from close, Indian negotiators Road accidents as a
registering new diesel are sensing a chance at whole rose 2.5 per cent
vehicles of 2000 cc and working with China to during 2015 to 5.01 lakh
above except that of the convince it of New or 1,374 accidents every
public or local Delhis qualifications to day, claiming 400 lives,
authorities. enter the group. the report said.
In M.C. Mehta vs. Union The final decision is The report said a
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8 Current Affairs
majority (54.1 per cent) Intelligence, Navy, officials then that the
of those killed in road Army and Intelligence platform would be
accidents during 2015 Bureau, had useful for tourism and
were in the age group of unanimously opposed disaster management.
15-34. the service. A formal proposal was
Thirteen States, The main concern was submitted in July same
including Tamil Nadu, security of sensitive year to shoot images
Maharashtra, Madhya defence installations. through high-end
Pradesh, Karnataka, The Defence Ministry cameras and upload
Kerala and Uttar said it was not possible them on Street View.
Pradesh, accounted for to monitor the service In 2011, Google
the highest number of once it was launched launched Street View as
accidents. and it would be a pilot project in some of
Among cities, while detrimental to national the tourist sites like
Mumbai had the highest security. Qutub Minar, the
number of accidents The proposal was Thanjavur temple, the
(23,468), Delhi saw the rejected in February Varanasi riverbank, the
most number of deaths itself, primarily amid Taj Mahal, the Red Fort,
(1,622) in road accidents. security concerns after Nalanda University etc.
Also, drivers fault was the terror attack at the in partnership with the
responsible for 77.1 per Pathankot airbase on Tourism Ministry.\
cent of the accidents, January 1-2. The service was
deaths and injuries, Investigating agencies launched in 2007 in the
mainly because of over- suspect that terrorists U.S. and has since
speeding, the report used Google maps as expanded to other parts
noted. they were aware of the of the world.
Alarmed by rising road airbases topography. The Street View imagery
accidents, the Union The Home Ministry has run into trouble in
Road Transport and recently uploaded the Germany, Greece,
Highways Ministry has draft Geospatial Switzerland, Poland and
sent a Cabinet note for Information Regulation the United Kingdom
setting up a National Bill 2016 for comments amid privacy concerns
Road Safety and Traffic from the public. and data protection
Management Board to The Bill proposes jail issues.
advise the government term of seven years and India working hard to
on road safety standards a fine upto Rs. 100 crore get support for NSG
and guidelines. for wrongly depicting
the map of India, a move Given Chinas public
Street view of opposition to Indias
Google denied permission that is likely to hit
Google and Microsoft. entry into the elite
A technical committee of In April 2015, Google Nuclear Suppliers
the Defence Ministry, representatives made a Group (NSG), India has
which comprises presentation on Street been working on
officials from Indian Air View for the MHA. garnering support of
Force, Military other countries in the
They had told the
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Current Affairs 9
group to isolate China. became the fifth Indian one voice as he
Ahead of the plenary Prime Minister to commended the
session that began in address a joint session of American lawmakers for
Vienna to consider the Congress. sending out a clear
membership application Mr Modi called for message in refusing to
Govt hopes for a domino deepening U.S.- India reward those who
effect, where countries security cooperation to preach and practice
that support India tackle global terrorism, terrorism for political
influence the ones still based on a policy that gains.
holding out. delinks religion from Mr. Modi said India and
Though NSG terrorism. the U.S. had overcome
negotiations are held Effusive in his the hesitations of
behind closed doors and enthusiasm for Indias history, and called for
a final decision is partnership with the U.S ever-stronger economic
expected by consensus in every sector of and defence ties
at the plenary session in Indias forward march, I between the two
Seoul on June 24 and 25. see the U.S as an countries.
Reports from Vienna say indispensable partner. India has further liberalised the
Austria, Ireland, New As we deepen our visa regime for Chinese citizens
Zealand, South Africa partnership, there would
and Austria are among be times when we In line with the decision
countries still holding would have differing taken last year, India has
out on India. perspectives. But since further liberalised the
our interests and visa regime for Chinese
In particular, Pakistans
concerns converge, the citizens.
application for
membership, which will autonomy in decision- India has already rolled
also be taken up, is making and diversity in out electronic tourist
expected to queer the our perspectives can visa-on-arrival facility
pitch. only add value to our for Chinese and more
partnership, Mr. Modi recently, removed the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi need for prior approval
said even as a section in
addressed joint session of the for conference visas.
the U.S. capital.
U.S. Congress Conference visas are
With Pakistan in mind,
Prime Minister PM Modi said that issued for seminars,
Narendra Modi terrorism was being workshops and
combined poetry, "incubated in Indias conferences organised
humour and rhetoric to neighbourhood, and by government
outline his vision for pressed for action departments, Union
Indias partnership with without against groups ministries, public sector
the U.S in the 21st like the Lashkar-e-Taiba undertakings, central
century, addressing a who share the same educational institutions
joint session of the U.S. philosophy of hate, or public funded
Congress. murder and killings". universities.
This was Mr. Modis Mr. Modi said terrorism Earlier, China was
first address and he has to be fought with bracketed with
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10 Current Affairs
Afghanistan, Pakistan declares the onset of the stages of development,
and Iraq, foreigners of monsoon over Kerala. but the aim was that
Pakistani origin and After May 10, at least India not be dependent
stateless persons under eight of 14 stations on foreign technology,
the restricted category, across Kerala and said a top official privy
requiring prior security Karnataka have to to the project but who
clearance from the register at least 2.5 mm did not want to be
intelligence agencies for of rain, and monsoon- identified.
obtaining a visa. bearing winds have to Agriculture Ministry
However, Beijing is yet be at least of 30-40 kmph mooting a change in the
to reciprocate to New velocity and below 600 way seed companies
Delhi demand for a hPa (approximately and seed-technology
similar arrangement for upto 4.5km) over the companies such as the
its citizens. south Arabian Sea. MMB share royalty,
The timing of the move Another key parameter, technology and
is being seen as an the Outgoing Longwave determine the price as
attempt to soften the Radiation an which farmers buy
atmosphere in the run- indicator of convection cotton seed.
up to the meetings of the has to be below 200 Different arms of
NSG in Vienna. W/m2. government are split
over whether seed tech
Monsoon arrives in western Union government working on
companies have the
coast suite of Bt cotton genes
right to, or are obliged to
The India The Union government license, their technology
Meteorological is working to develop a to seed companies on
Department (IMD) suite of Bt cotton genes request.
declared that the that can be integrated Cotton is the only
monsoon had arrived into traditional varieties genetically-modified
over Kerala, a day later and be made available seed thats legally
than its forecast date of to farmers as a viable allowed in India.
June 7. alternative to the current Gm food crops such as
Though it has been technology. brinjal and mustard,
raining heavily in Kerala The Indian Council of which are in advanced
for well over a week Agricultural Research stages of regulatory
prompting private has for many years clearances, are yet to
weather forecasters such unsuccessfully tried to become available to
as Skymet, to declare develop Bt cotton, which farmers due to stringent
that the monsoon set in contains insecticidal opposition by anti-GM
on May 30 these rains genes sourced from a activist groups.
have only qualified as soil bacterium and H i s t o r i c a l l y
pre monsoon showers. targeted at key cotton mul tina tion al
The meteorological pests. companies research
department has an There were already budgets far outweighed
elaborate set of criteria several genes available that of Indian research
to be fulfilled before it in various labs and agencies.
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Current Affairs 11
US handed over Chola age Govt wants to develop headed by nominees of
Ganesha idol Sabarimala as international the State government.
U.S. government pilgrim centre The Centre will have to
handed over the Chola The Union government constitute a statutory
age Sripuranthan is planning big for board chaired by a high-
Ganesha idol and 200 developing Sabarimala ranking civil servant for
other stolen Indian into an international S a b a r i m a l a
artefacts to Prime pilgrim centre. administration once it is
Minister Narendra The Centre will set up a declared a national
Modi. joint committee pilgrim centre.
It was in 2013 that, an c o m p r i s i n g Mr. Rajasekharan said
accountant in the representatives of the Prime Minister
shipping sector, Union Ministries of Narendra Modi was
matched the photograph Forest, Environment and keen on Sabarimala
of the idol taken by the Climate Change, Water development and funds
French Institute at Resources, Tourism, would never be a
Puducherry (IFP) with Railways, Road problem for it. Mr. Modi
that of an idol housed in Transport, and is likely to assign the
the Toledo Museum of Highways and Shipping task of Centre-State
Art (TMA) in Ohio, U.S. soon to study various coordination on
In an ongoing aspects of the Sabarimala to a senior
investigation by the U.S. development, Union Minister.
Homeland Security The sacred grove of Railway Minister Suresh
department into art Sabarimala is situated in Prabhu expressed his
dealer Subhash Kapoors the buffer zone of the willingness to make
questionable dealings, Periyar Tiger Reserve additional fund
the Ganesha idol was and the Ministry will allocation for the Sabari
among the many object have to take a key role in Rail project if the State
darts found to be stolen initiating any promised its active
and housed in museums d e v e l o p m e n t cooperation for the
across the world. programme there. project.
In the case of the High security for the EC wants amendment to
Ganesha idol, Mr. temple as well as the Representation of the people act
Sundaresans tip off and pilgrims, full insurance
The Election
painstaking matching of cover for pilgrims, and
Commission of India has
pictures (showing at foolproof pilgrim
written to the Centre
least 19 similarities facilities would be major
seeking amendment to
between the idol in attractions of the
the Representation of the
Toledo and the picture Centres proposal, he
People Act to confer
kept by the IFP) were said.
specific powers on the
decisive in terms of The administrative body election watchdog to
establishing that the art of the temple is the postpone or
work was stolen. Travancore Devaswom countermand polls
Board (TDB), a based on evidence that
constitutional body
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12 Current Affairs
money power was used Indiamanaged to win record.
to influence voters. crucial support from The NSG works under
In a letter to the Switzerland ahead of a the principle of
Legislative Secretary in key meeting of the 48- unanimity and even one
the Law Ministry, the nation bloc. countrys vote against
Commission said a new Two countries also India will scuttle its bid.
clause 58 B be inserted agreed to step up
PM Modi signed seven
in the Act to allow cooperation in
agreements in Qatar
adjournment or unearthing black money
countermanding of stashed by Indians in India and Qatar agreed
election in the affected banks in that country. to share intelligence to
polling areas on the Swiss President combat hawala
grounds of use of money announced his countrys transactions and terror
power. support for Indias financing as the two
The provision would membership to the elite countries signed seven
also empower the NSG after holding agreements.
Commission to re- comprehensive talks The two sides
schedule the elections in with Prime Minister highlighted the need to
such areas. Narendra Modi on a isolate the sponsors
The Commission said in range of bilateral and and supporters of
Clause 58 A and the global issues. terrorism and agreed
proposed provision 58 B, Switzerland is a key that urgent action
the expression member of the NSG and against all such entities
countermand the its support for Indias which support terrorism
election would mean bid for membership is and use it as an
ab initio rescinding of seen as crucial in the instrument of policy,
the entire electoral backdrop of China must be taken.
process in the harping on the need for Two sides decided to
constituency. consensus as India was constitute an inter-
Clause 58 A empowers not a signatory to the ministerial high-level
the Election Commission Nuclear Non- joint committee to
to cancel polls only if Proliferation Treaty regularly review all
there is an evidence of (NPT). bilateral matters, as well
booth-capturing or use In his remarks, the as regional and global
of muscle power to Prime Minister thanked issues of mutual interest.
influence the outcome of the Swiss President for An MoU was signed
elections. Swi tzer land s between the Finance
understanding and Intelligence Unit-India
Switzerland (FIU) and Qatar
support for Indias
Supports Indias bid to NSG Financial Information
membership of the NSG.
In a major boost to its The U.S. and many other Unit to share intelligence
diplomatic push for NSG member countries on illegal movement of
Nuclear Suppliers have supported Indias money, termed hawala
Group (NSG) inclusion, based on its There is a lot of money
m e m b e r s h i p , non-proliferation track flow and investment
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 13
from Qatar. A number of anyone can come up Prime Minister
black money trumps. Narendra Modi was
investigations have conferred with Amir
Swati Mahadik wife of Col.
taken Indian authorities Amanullah Khan
Yashwant Mahadik starts army
to Qatars shores and the Award, Afghanistans
MoU is seen as a move highest civilian honour.
to help combat money The death of Col. He was bestowed the
offences. Santosh Yashwant honour by President
Under this pact, the two Mahadik while battling Ashraf Ghani after the
sides also agreed to militants in the forests of inauguration of the
exchange financial Kupwara in Kashmir landmark Afghan-India
intelligence to combat instilled in his 32-year- Friendship Dam.
terrorism financing and old widow a single- During his speech, Mr.
other economic offences. minded determination Modi invoked Chisht-
They asserted that acts to take forward his work born Sufi saint Khwaja
of violence and by joining the Army. Moinuddin Chishti who
extremism cannot be Swati Mahadik is set to settled down in Ajmer
justified, regardless of don the olive green and is venerated by
their motivation. uniform after clearing thousands of people
the gruelling Service visiting his shrine.
Civil services topper advices to Selection Board (SSB)
read newspaper regularly PM Modi inaugurated
examination. the Rs. 1,700-crore dam
All India Civil Services She will undergo in the strategically vital
topper Tina Dabi opines training at the Officers Herat province.
newspaper reading is a Training Academy in Resolving to stand by
must for all the aspirants Chennai. Afghanistan, the Prime
of all India services. To realise her aim stated Minister said Indias
Ms. Tina said that there so plainly with such a cooperation will extend
were no short-cuts to the powerful directness at to every part of the
examination. her husbands funeral, war-torn country and
A packed Hari Hara Ms. Mahadik displayed that the partnership will
Kala Bhavan listened to the rare quality of moral benefit every section of
her at the felicitation courage to sublimate her Afghan society.
function for achieving personal pain for an Unfazed by terror
the unique feat of first ideal her husband had attacks on its missions,
SC/ST candidate to passionately fought. India will continue to
secure first rank in first "Her daughter Kartiki is extend cooperation in
attempt in the Civil in Std. VI and she has war-torn Afghanistan,
Services examination. been sent to a boarding Prime Minister
Deputy Chief Minister school at Dehradun and Narendra Modi said
K. Srihari and former son Swarajya is studying
judge Chandraiah said in a boarding school at Above normal rainfall in pre-
Ms. Tinas achievement Panchgani. monsoon season
once again proved that PM gets highest civilian honour Telangana and coastal
given an opportunity of Afghanistan Andhra received above
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
14 Current Affairs
normal rainfall during Gaumukh, the snout of of the glacier feeds the
the pre-monsoon season the Gangotri glacier, Bhagirathi River, the
from March to May, named after its shape source stream of the
raising expectations that like the mouth of a cow, Ganga. Dwindling
the states will receive has retreated by over 3 snowfall levels have also
bountiful monsoon kilometres since 1817 affected the volume of
rains. It was nearly two water discharged during
According to India centuries ago that the summer into the river,
Meteorological retreat of the glacier was compared to peak levels.
Department, Telangana first documented by Earlier the Gangotri
received 7.6 cm rain John Hodgson, a Survey glacier appeared as a
averaged over the entire of India geologist. convex shape structure
State during the three With 10 Indian States from atop Tapovan, the
months, about 24 per reeling under drought meadow at the base of
cent more than the and the country facing a Shivling peak beyond
seasonal normal of 5.6 severe water crisis after Gaumukh, but now the
cm. two weak monsoons, the glacier appears to be
Much of this rain was story of retreating caving in and is concave
recorded during May freshwater sources such in shape.
with March and April as the Himalayan Civil aviation ministry for better
recording lower than glaciers is worrying. costumer benefits
normal rainfall. And though a three-
Similarly, coastal kilometre retreat over a Passengers who report
Andhra recorded 13.3 period of two centuries on time before the
cm against 9.7 cm might seem insignificant scheduled departure of
normal. Rayalseema, at first glance, data the flight and are denied
like northern Karnataka, shows that the rate of boarding by airlines
received normal rainfall. retreat has increased may get double the
sharply since 1971. The amount of the original
Telangana witnessed
rate of retreat is 22 ticket price or the cost of
formation of a low
metres per year. the ticket on that
pressure trough lasting
particular date,
nearly three weeks The retreat points to
whichever is less.
starting end of April. lesser ice formation each
year than its current rate The compensation for
This upper air trough,
of melting, a process that flight delays and
according to weather
is continuing. cancellations would also
observations made
be enhanced.
during end of April and Winter precipitation is
May, extended from when the glacier This is part of a slew of
Vidarbha to coastal receives adequate snow p assen ger-centric
Tamil Nadu. Vidarbha, and ice for maintaining measures likely to be
like Telangana, also itself. About 10-15 spells announced soon by the
received excess rainfall. of winter snow as part of Ministry.
western disturbances Aggrieved air
Gaumukh has retreated by over 3 passengers would also
feed the glacier.
kilometres since 1817 be able to register
In summer, the melting
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 15
complaints with and Madhya Pradesh to pay available to all. The Bill
redress grievances from Rs. 5 lakh each as doesnt detail a
the Directorate General compensation to the mechanism but lays
of Civil Aviation mother. down broad principles.
(DGCA) via an online We are inclined to To be sure, previous
platform. think that the dignity of governments have also
In a verdict against police the petitioners, a doctor tried to enact legislation
excesses, SC says it is against and a practising to ensure that
dignity advocate has been groundwater a fragile
seriously jeopardised. resource and 80% of
Illegal use of state power Dignity is the Indias irrigation
to rob a person of her quintessential quality of supply is used
liberty is an assault on a personality for, it is a judiciously.
the citizens identity and highly cherished value. However, these didnt
constitutional right to It is also clear that account for the 73rd and
dignity, the Supreme liberty of the petitioner 74th amendments to the
Court held. was curtailed in Constitution vesting
In a scathing verdict violation of law, the powers to panchayats
against police excesses, judgment observed. and municipalities in the
the apex court details management of water
the conduct of a Madhya Draft legislation says citizens
have a right to safe water that includes
Pradesh police team groundwater and was
which went from Bhopal The government has for rarely adopted by States.
to Pune to arrest a the first time said that The draft bills the
woman lawyer in her citizens had a right to National Water
seventies and her doctor safe water and laid out Framework Bill and the
daughter. stringent rules on how Model Bill for the
A Bench of Justices corporations and large Conservation,
Dipak Misra and S.K. entities can extract Protection, Regulation
Singh narrated the groundwater in two and Management of
womens story, in which separate pieces of draft Groundwater will be
they were denied food legislation. open for public
and water, medical help The Bills in a first comment until the
for the mother, who was also propose fines month end.
made to sleep on the ranging from Rs.5,000 to Bill aim to decentralise
cold floor of an Rs. 5,00,000 depending water management and
unreserved train on the level of infraction give more power to
compartment during and who the panchayats and gram
their transit from Pune perpetrators were. sabhas to decide how
to Bhopal. Groundwater wouldnt water can be better used.
Quashing the criminal also be a free resource The most fundamental
case against the women, and those who could reform that the Bill
Justice Misra, who pay for it ought to be sought to make was to
authored the judgment doing so while ensuring do away with the
for the Bench, ordered that it was equitably British Common Law
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
16 Current Affairs
concept as Mr. Shah systems. policemen, including an
described it that he ISRO Satellite Centre SP-rank officer, were
who owned the land (ISAC) estimates a killed and over 40
could extract unlimited demand for 71 satellites injured in clashes during
groundwater. in the next five years, an eviction drive in
According to the including the Mathura district.
provisions of the exploratory ones to The clashes broke out
proposed Bill, study Moon and Sun. when the police were
corporations and The launch vehicle trying to evict illegal
industries extracting industry contributes in a occupants of a land in
groundwater now had much larger way, may Jawahar Bagh, believed
to submit plans to be to around 90 percent. to be activists of Azad
ensure that water was The conference will Bharat Vidhik Vaicharik
used responsibly and check the pulse of the Kranti Satyagrahi, on the
that any possible industry and come out directions of the
contamination was with some solutions. Allahabad High Court.
remedied. Currently 30-odd Indian SP (City) Mukul
The Bills also say that spacecraft are in orbit. Dwivedi and SHO Farah
the top priority in the They belong to police station Santosh
use of groundwater communication, Earth Kumar were killed in
ought to be in meeting observation and firing by the
drinking, sanitation, navigation genres orbit encroachers.
food security, in space and supporting asking peoples
sustenance agriculture, uses such as opinion regarding government
the needs of women and br oa dca st in g ,
only after that for communication, Have an opinion about
industry. Internet, mapping, the NDA government
estimation of natural that you would like to
ISRO looks for satellite system share with Prime
vendors resources, search and
rescue, crop and Minister Narendra Modi
National space agency weather forecasting and himself?
ISRO has called a location-based services. More than 15,000 people
meeting of suppliers ISRO hopes to get entire have already done so on
later this month to raise systems supplied in, a portal run
the levels of their areas such as telemetry, by the government of
contribution to the power systems and India, and much like
countrys satellite satellite control systems; your Friday matinee,
programme. currently vendors ratings have been
The June 23 conference supply smaller solicited by the PM on
of spacecraft industry components of each of 15 of his pet projects.
suppliers is aimed at these systems. At the end of these
helping them to evolve responses, (and they are
from suppliers of small Clashes in Mathura leads to big there for anyone who
components to voilence logs on to to
providers of bigger and Five protesters and two see), the scores on just
whole sub-systems and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 17
what and whose work Ballistic Missile between the authorised
makes the cut in the Proliferation (HCoC). governmental agencies
government is telling. It is a voluntary legally of the Government of
Ranking right there at non-binding multilateral India and the
the top, with an average body aimed at Government of the
of 4.6 stars are the preventing the spread of United States of America
initiatives taken by the ballistic missiles that can for exchange of terrorist
government on rail deliver weapons of mass screening information
connectivity and destruction. was signed.
modernisation, so "Indias joining the Code The U.S. has already
hurray for Railway signals our readiness to finalised such
Minister Suresh Prabhu. further strengthen the agreements with 30
Following closely in the global non-proliferation countries and the
list of above average regimes, Vikas Swarup, Terrorist Screening
work are the initiatives Spokesperson of the Center has details of
on roads and highways; Ministry told journalists. 11,000 terror suspects on
they score an average of In recent years, the its database, including
4.55 stars. HCoC has been focused nationality, date of birth,
Number three is the on West Asia, South photos, finger prints (if
work of a Minister who Asia and the East Asia any) and passport
was conspicuous by her due to the rising missile number.
absence (due to ill- and nuclear arms race Under this arrangement,
health) from the second among rival powers. both sides will give each
anniversary: External In the latest meeting of other access to terrorism
Affairs Minister Sushma the HCoC which screening information
Swaraj. Her Ministrys concluded on May 29, a through designated
work gets an average of special mention was contact points, subject to
4.5 star rating. made of the increased domestic laws and
Make in India, and number of missile regulations.
initiatives in the power launches by North The proposal was
sector are the next two Korea in 2015. initially made by the
popular areas of U.S. in 2012, but had
Home Ministry signed an
government work. Each made little progress due
agreement with Terrorist
scored an average of 4.2 to objections raised by
Screening Center of the U.S.
stars. security agencies.
Ahead of Prime Minister The Research and
In order to contain the spread of Narendra Modis visit to Analysis Wing (R&AW)
ballistic missiles, India joined the United States, the and Intelligence Bureau
The Hague Code Home Ministry signed (IB) had opposed giving
Strengthening an agreementto join the the United States
worldwide attempt to global terror database unhindered access to the
contain the spread of maintained by the database of terror
ballistic missiles, India Terrorist Screening suspects in India.
has joined The Hague Center (TSC) of the U.S.
Code of Conduct against Govt hiked MSP for pulses
An arrangement
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18 Current Affairs
In a bid to boost the wider consultation with request not followed
domestic production of seed companies, seed upon within 30 days
pulses during the kharif technology companies would be deemed to
season, the Centre and farmers before have been granted.
announced a hike by up introducing a new Genetically modified
to Rs. 425 per quintal in policy for technology seeds are only permitted
the minimum support agreements between in cotton and the
price (MSP) for pulses. seed technology dominant player in the
The Cabinet Committee companies and private business of licensing
on Economic Affairs seed companies. seed technology is
(CCEA), which met here On May 18, the Ministry Monsanto Mahyco
gave approval to the issued and retracted Biotech Ltd (MMBL).
MSP for kharif crops of in less than a week a It licenses technology to
the 2016-17 season. new set of terms that several seed companies
It increased the MSP for would govern contracts and underlies at least
the common paddy between licensors and 95% of commercially
(rice) variety by Rs. 60 to licensees of genetically grown cotton in the
Rs. 1,470 per quintal and modified cotton seeds. country.
Grade A variety to Rs. The short-lived Earlier this year, the Central
1,510 per quintal. notification, called the government capped the sale
The CCEA approved the Licensing and Formats price of cotton seeds and
MSP, inclusive of bonus, for GM Technology the royalty that companies
for tur (arhar) dal at Rs. Agreement Guidelines, like MMBL could charge.
5,050 per quintal for this 2016, specified that The government caps have
year as against Rs. 4,625 companies that licensed been challenged in the
last year, moong dal at GM technology could courts and separately
Rs. 5,225 against Rs. charge seed companies MMBL is also fighting a
4,850 and urad dal at Rs. royalty no more than legal battle to recover
5,000 from Rs. 4,625. 10% of the government- royalty payments from the
specified maximum sale Andhra Pradesh-based
In the oilseeds category,
price of a packet of Nuziveedu Seeds.
the MSP for groundnut
has been increased by cotton for 5 years. Agriculture Minister
Rs. 190 per quintal to Rs. Moreover, they would Radha Mohan Singh
4,220, while for have to reduce this value said the government
soyabean and nigerseed by 10% every year from order was to ensure that
it has been hiked by Rs. the sixth year and were cotton seeds were
175 per quintal each to it proved that the cheaply and readily
Rs. 2,775 and Rs. 3,825, potency of the available to farmers.
respectively. technology was waning, Thai authorities found 40 dead
the company could no tiger cubs in a freezer at the Tiger
Govt would have consultation
longer claim this royalty. Temple
with seed companies for new
Finally, technology firms
policy Thai wildlife authorities
also could not refuse any found 40 dead tiger cubs
The Agriculture eligible seed company
Ministry would have a in a freezer at the Tiger
wanting genes and any
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 19
Temple, a controversial vanished. The bigger task now is
tourist attraction in While adult tigers have to sanitise the whole
western Thailand. more value, particularly area, locate and defuse
The temple, a Buddhist for their pelts, teeth and the ordnance.
monastery that offered claws, the cubs can be Sixteen men were killed in a
paying tourists close sold for their meat and massive fire at the Armys
contact with tigers, has for their bones, which Central Ammunition Depot
long been accused by are said to have
conservationists and medicinal value. Sixteen men, including
animal rights activists of two Army officers, were
More casualties reported in killed in a massive fire at
exploiting and abusing
Central Ammunition Depot fire the Armys Central
the animals, accusations
the temple has denied. The Army recovered at Ammunition Depot
Tiger parts, while illegal least three more bodies (CAD) in Pulgaon town
to sell, are in high from the debris in the of Maharashtras
demand in Asia, Armys Central Wardha district.
particularly China, for Ammunition Depot CAD is the most crucial
use in traditional (CAD) at Pulgaon in ammunition depot of the
medicine. There is even Maharashtra taking the Army and among the
a market for frozen tiger death toll in Tuesdays largest in the world.
cubs, as the arrest last fire to 19 Mr. Parrikar did not rule out
month of a Vietnamese The war preparedness of sabotage. But according to
man carrying four of the Army could have the Army officers and the
them attests. been dramatically experts, the possibility of
affected had the fire sabotage seems less, he
The wildlife agency has
spread to other storage said.
been trying for months
facilities in the vicinity. Residents of villages such as
to shut down the Tiger Agargaon, Pipary and
Temples zoo. At least one more
firefighter is suspected Nagjhari, situated within 5
The temple has km of the depot, moved to
promoted itself as a to be missing in the fire
safer locations. Some
spiritual centre where and blasts. About 130
houses were damaged
people and tigers lived tonnes of mines and
when the ammunition
in harmony, and it has other ammunition blew
exploded but no one was
charged tourists as up in the fire, which
much as $140 apiece for luckily did not spread.
In such explosions much PM increased the Retirement
the chance to bathe,
of the ammunition age for doctors of central
hand-feed and play with
usually goes down into Services to 65 Years
the tigers.
The temple was already the earth, while the Prime Minister
under investigation on shards fly in all Narendra Modi
suspicion of illegally directions. The approved the retirement
trading in tigers after a unexploded bombs age of 65 years for
former veterinarian make the cleaning-up doctors of central
reported that three live process particularly services, in an aim to
adult tigers had dangerous. strengthen the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
20 Current Affairs
healthcare sector in the and Western Fleets in his school, Simultala Awasia
country. nearly four decades-long Vidyalaya of Jamui
It said the move would career. district, which was
enable the government Admiral Lanba served opened a few years back
to retain experienced as the Flag Officer on the pattern of
doctors for a longer Commanding-in-Chief Jharkhands famous
period, and to provide of the Southern and Netarhat School.
better services in its Western Naval Last year, when the
public health facilities, Commands, when he photograph went viral,
particularly to the provided impetus to the then Education
poorest, who are entirely skill development, Minister said: Over 14
dependent on public synergising combat lakh students are taking
facilities. operations, coastal the examination, what
The decision comes after security and safety and can the government do
Prime Minister Modis infrastructure to prevent copying if
announcement at his development. parents and relatives are
Saharanpur rally not ready to cooperate?"
Around 53% fail in 10th exam in
recently that the Bihar But this year, Govt had
retirement age of CCTV cameras installed
government doctors The results of lass 10 and 70,000 officials and
would be raised to 65 Bihar Board exams , policemen deployed at
years. showed only 46. 66% the exam centres. The
students passed, a dip of government also
The Indian Navy gets new chief 28% compared to last decided to slap a fine of
and vice-chief year when 75.17 % had up to Rs. 10,000 on those
The Indian Navy saw a cleared the exam. caught using unfair
major change of guard Out of 15.47 lakh means.
in its top leadership students, as many as
when it got a new Chief 8.21 lakh (53%) have Athirappally hydel
and Vice-Chief. failed and 7.8 lakh have Power Project facing protest
Admiral Sunil Lanba failed in mathematics The new Kerala
assumed command as alone. governments want to go
the 23rd Chief of the The pass percentage of head with the 163-
Naval Staff. Later in the boys at 54.44% was megawatt Athirappally
day Vice-Admiral almost 17% more than hydel power project
Karambir Singh that of girls at 37.61%. across the Chalakudy
assumed charge as Vice- Only 10.86 per cent river
Chief of Naval Staff. students were able to Project may run into
A Navigation and attain first division as trouble with the
Direction specialist, compared to 21.45 per vulnerable tribal group
Admiral Lanba has cent students of last of Kadar, who believe it
served as the Navigation year. will wipe out their
and Operations Officer Significantly, all top 10 livelihood, they are
on board numerous students are from a preparing to oppose it.
ships in both the Eastern government residential he tribe, estimated to
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 21
have around 2,000-odd Annual Heads of medication post-surgery
people, seldom farm and Missions Conference at if they have anaesthesia
mostly subsist on Rashtrapati Bhavan. that is free of opioid
collecting minor forest drugs, researchers have
Closest images of Pluto sent by
produce, including found.
New Horizons
honey, which they trade While opioid drugs
with outsiders for The most stunning and provide an excellent
essentials. Many work close-up images of painkilling effect
as labourers too. Plutos surface have throughout operations,
Chief Minister Pinarayi been beamed back to they also have side-
Vijayan and Power Earth by NASAs New effects, researchers said.
Minister Kadakampally Horizons space probe. Post-operative
Surendran had The mosaic extending complications, such as
announced that the across the hemisphere respiratory depression,
project would be that faced the New post-operative nausea
pushed, while factoring Horizons spacecraft as it and vomiting, itching
in objections and flew past Pluto on July and bowel obstruction
opinions. 14, last year includes are well-known
all of the highest- examples of such side-
President takes account of attack resolution images taken
on African nationals effects, the researchers
by the NASA probe. said.
President Pranab NASA has also released Such patients require
Mukherjee said attacks a video that moves less analgesics about 24
on African nationals are down the mosaic from hours after a non-opiate
painful to him top to bottom, offering anaesthesia than after an
personally given that as new views of many of opiate anaesthesia.
a student, political Plutos distinct
activist and Member of landscapes all along the India's diplomatic situation with
Parliament he had seen way. Africa still tensed
first-hand how India The images were Indias diplomatic
and Africa have always obtained by New downturn with Africa
been close partners. Horizons Long Range intensified as the
It would be most Reconnaissance Imager Ministry of External
unfortunate if the people about 15,850 kilometres Affairs sent mixed
of India were to dilute from Pluto, about 23 signals on responding to
our long tradition of minutes before the the series of attacks on
friendship with the probes closest African nationals.
people of Africa and the approach. Though the Delhi police
welcome we have arrested five men for the
Patients going breast cancer
always extended to series of attacks on
surgery need less painkilling
them in our country, African nationals, the
medication now
Mr. Mukherjee African Students
cautioned Patients undergoing Association in India
He said this while breast cancer surgery announced that it would
addressing the Seventh need less painkilling take out a March for
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
22 Current Affairs
Justice rally in the About 130 foreign U.S. have successfully
national capital. runners, including from transplanted a
Responding to the Britain, United States, composite skull and
announcement, External China and Australia, scalp flap, along with
Affairs Minister Sushma joined another 30 from kidney and pancreas
Swaraj said, I have Nepal. all from the same donor.
asked Gen V.K. Singh The air at base camp The patient was
MoS and Secretary (ER) contains only half as suffering from a non-
Amar Sinha to meet much oxygen as at sea- healing scalp defect and
African students who level, leaving many declining organ kidney
have announced runners gasping for and pancreas function,
demonstration at Jantar breath on even the researchers said.
Mantar. slightest incline along The experience may
Had detailed the narrow, rocky open the way to further
discussion with Delhi mountain paths. procedures combining
Police and media is The event organisers vascularised composite
blowing out of hailed the large number a ll ot ra n sp la n ta ti on
proportion minor scuffle of participants as a (VCA) with organ
as attack on African further sign of the transplants, in patients
nationals in Rajpur recovery of Nepals who have already
Khurd, Mr Singh said mountaineering accepted the need for
in a tweet. industry after two years l i f e l o n g
Gen. Singhs tweets of tragedy on the 8,848- i m m un o su p p r essi v e
prompted sharp metre peak. therapy.
criticism with Only 55 took part last VCA refers to transplant
opposition parties and year and it was procedures combining
the Broadcast Editors postponed until October different types of tissues,
Association calling it after a massive such as skin, muscle,
absurd and earthquake hit the blood vessels, nerves,
irresponsible, while Himalayan nation in and bone.
African students said April, killing nearly However, they also have
they disagreed with his 9,000 people and a major drawback the
comments. triggering a deadly need for
avalanche on Everest i m m un o su p p r essi v e
World highest Tenzing-Hillary
base camp. drugs to prevent the
Everest Marathon
An avalanche on Everest recipients immune
The annual Tenzing- in 2014 also claimed the system from rejecting
Hillary Everest lives of 16 Nepali guides the transplant.
Marathon, which began and forced a shutdown
in 2003, is meant to mark PM points out Good
of the mountain.
the anniversary of the Work done by the Government
first summit of the peak First-of-its-kind multiple organ Prime Minister
by Tenzing Norgay and transplant in U.S. Narendra Modi
Edmund Hillary on May In a first-of-its-kind presented his report
29, 1953. procedure, doctors in the card of two years at the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 23
helm of the NDA Modi said. be reviewed and exams
government in a five- We have three years of be held from Class VI.
and-a-half-hour this term left; I promise The Right To Education
television talkathon over to work hard to justify law prescribes the no
the national broadcaster, the confidence placed on detention policy for
Doordarshan. me by the people. I will students till Class VIII.
He said his not stint when it comes However, in case a child
governments work as a to hard work, the Prime does not pass in the first
the beginning of a new Minister said. instance, he or she
dawn, and the result of should be given two
Subramanian committee came
keeping the interests of more chances to appear
up with recommendation for
the common man front in the exam.
new education policy
and centre.
The no detention policy PM Modi tried his hand in
Prime Minister Modi traditional Khasi drum in
spoke about the general in schools should be
applicable till Class V Meghalaya visit
direction of his
government and his and exams be held from Prime Minister
strong measures to Class VI onwards, the Narendra Modi tried his
tackle graft across the Subramanian committee hand at beating the
board in the formed by the traditional Khasi drum
governmental system. government to as he wound up his two-
We have managed to formulate a New day visit to Meghalaya.
save more Rs 36,000 Education Policy (NEP) Mr. Modi expressed
crore in pilferage within has recommended. keenness about rhythm
the system. We caught Panel has suggested that and beat a drum
more than 1.62 crore foreign institutions be together with Khasi
fake ration cards, fake allowed to come to India tribal musicians.
schools with teachers on to improve the quality of The Prime Minister
their rolls receiving higher education. tried his hand at beating
salaries, Mr. Modi said. The panel has also given our Ka Bom and also
Facts like these, and the specific suggestions to interacted with leaders
use of subsidised LED raise the standard of from at least 10 Himas,
bulbs leading to a saving education which are The chief priest of
of over 20,000 MW of found wanting in many HimaMawphlang, said.
power every year do not respects from primary to Mr. Modi also expressed
make for headlines, but higher level. interest on sacred groves
we must not allow a One of the key and forest fragments
spirit of despondency to suggestions is to focus with religious
grip the nation, he said. on remedial coaching connotation for the
My target is to provide and hand-holding to protectors and sought to
five crore gas ensure the learning know details of how
connections to those outcome of children they were managed by
households which still does not suffer. the local community.
rely on wood fired It has recommended that Hunting and logging are
ovens for cooking, Mr. the No detention policy usually strictly
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24 Current Affairs
prohibited within these same time originally engine technology and
sacred groves. scheduled. product was long
Mr. Modis visit to the Moreover, passengers identified as a critical
sacred forest of will be informed about need in defence
Mawphlang, however, their berths in the clone research.
could not take place due train soon after the The Indian Air Force test-fired a
to inclement weather. reservation charts for the land-attack version of BrahMos,
However, he was original scheduled train in the western sector
briefed on how the are firmed up four hours
The Indian Air Force
highly-regarded grove before departure.
successfully test-fired a
was managed,
Despite difficulties Kaveri land-attack version of the
controlled and
engine still on radar supersonic cruise missile,
New efforts, tweaks and BrahMos, in the western
Indian Railways to come up with hopefully a Rs. 2,600- sector.
Clone trains crore grant are being The flight-trial which took
You arrive at the railway explored to salvage 25 place in a firing range in the
station armed with a years of work and western sector, met its
mission parameters, a
waitlisted ticket for, say, resources of over Rs.
BrahMos press release said.
Rajdhani Express, 2,000 crore spent on the
The missile destroyed a
hoping for a miracle to Kaveri and use the
designated target.
find a berth. engines derivatives in
Its accuracy in mountain
The train, however, unmanned strategic
warfare mode was re-
leaves without you, but projects of the future - established during a
minutes later another probably with a campaign by the Army in
Rajdhani Express pulls different name. the eastern sector last year
into the station just to Already its spinoff and repeated last month.
carry waitlisted ticket- version has been This brings to light that the
holders like you. identified as the engine IAF too has been equipped
Such a dream scenario for Ghatak, a with the land-attack version
could turn into a reality tentatively named future of BrahMos, which flies at
starting June, when the unmanned combat a supersonic speed of Mach
Indian Railways plans to aircraft on which early 3. The Navy and the Army
launch clone trains on studies have been taken have already deployed the
high-demand routes that up at two aeronautical two-stage missile, which
will be run within an labs based in Bengaluru. has a range of 290 km.
hour of a scheduled The military research The IAF had deployed
trains departure to establishment has not the missile in the border
accommodate those on given up the quest for a areas to take out the
the waiting list. potential Indian enemys communication
The idea behind such powerplant for future towers, runways, and
real-time demand- military systems, he radar in case of a
driven trains is to ensure indicated. conflict.
that they reach their Dr. Tamilmani said that The IAF is preparing to
destination around the the development of aero fire the air version of
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Current Affairs 25
BrahMos from its However, the LCA being Kerala exchequer to loose
Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter a single-engine, light- significant amount due to NGT
aircraft in the coming weight fighter, it has its orders
weeks. limitations, which is The State exchequer is to
why another twin-
Defence minister says Tejas loose more than Rs.135
engine fighter would be
would be the mainstay of the crore annually owing to
needed other than the
Indian Air Force curbs imposed by the
Rafale. National Green
Defence Minister It cannot go into deep Tribunals Kochi Circuit
Manohar Parrikar said penetration It is bench on registration of
the indigenously mostly good for diesel vehicles above
developed Light dogfights in your own 2000-cc in six cities in the
Combat Aircraft (LCA) sky or to degrade the State.
Tejas would be the opponent Armys
mainstay of the Indian Besides, the State will
command posts, Mr. have to mobilise over
Air Force and would Parrikar observed
likely replace the entire Rs.270 crore for part
MIG-21 fleet of almost T.S.R. Subramanian Committee repayment of motor
250 fighters. submitted its Report to the vehicle tax to owners of
LCA is mainstay. There HRD Ministry 94,000 non-transport
vehicles and 91,000
will be seven squadrons A committee headed by
transport vehicles.
of it. It is 3-4 times better the former Cabinet
than MiG-21s, he told secretary T.S.R. More than 1.85 lakh
while giving an Subramanian for the motor vehicles powered
overview of the IAF evolution of the soon-to- by HSD and older than
modernisation plans. be-announced national 10 years are to be
education policy phased out in the next
About 250 MiG-21s were
submitted its report to five years, according to
in service, most of which
the Human Resource the NGT order.
would be phased out in
the next 10-15 years, Mr. Development Ministry. Rs.270 crore, the amount
Parrikar said, adding The Committee has to be repaid, was
that they would be examined the large body worked out on the basis
replaced by the LCA of outcome documents, of 40 per cent
and another single- recommendations and depreciation to vehicles.
engine fighter. suggestions received The State collects one-
The improved version of from the various time motor vehicle tax
LCA referred to as Mk- consultations. for a 15-year period. As
1A with four major The Committee also had diesel vehicles have to
improvements over the several meetings with be phased out, the report
Mk-1 variant has been various stakeholders said, the tax collected for
offered by Hindustan and held regional the remaining five years
Aeronautics Limited consultations as well as would have to be repaid.
(HAL) as an interim undertaken field visits to Apex court allowed salvagers
measure in view of the educational institutions. Girone to go to Italy
delay in LCA-MK2.
With the Centre
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26 Current Affairs
endorsing his plea to Marking two years of the BJP back to power.
return to Italy on NDA rule at a well-
Apex court asks centre to frame
humanitarian grounds, attended farmers rally,
uniform policy for financial
the Supreme Court Prime Minister
compensation of rape victims
allowed Italian marine Narendra Modi spoke
Salvatore Girone to go on women's issues, The Supreme Court
home. showcasing the Centres asked the Centre to
He will have to return if Beti Bachao, Beti frame a uniform
an international tribunal Padhao scheme to national policy to
decides that India has improve the sex ratio financially compensate
jurisdiction to try the and educate the girl rape victims, while
marines for the deaths of child. terming the Nirbhaya
two Kerala fishermen in If Indias girl child is Fund a mere lip
2012. not empowered, how service.
In September 2014, the can the nation be A Vacation Bench led by
court had allowed Mr. empowered? Mr. Modi Justice P.C. Pant said
Girones compatriot and asked. there was too much
co-accused in the case, He suggested that dichotomy and
MassimilianoLatorre, to doctors in the country contradiction among
leave for Italy after he treat poor women for States regarding
suffered a stroke. free on the ninth day of compensation schemes
The decision to let Mr. every month. for rape survivors.
Girone go was taken He also announced that The Bench issued notice
after the Supreme Court the Union Cabinet to the Centre, States and
was informed that the would raise the Union Territories on the
tribunal may give its retirement age of doctors question of effective
verdict only by working with the State implementation of
December 2018. as well as Central Section 357 A of the
A Vacation Bench laid governments to 65. Code of Criminal
down conditions for While Mr. Modi steered Procedure.
releasing Mr. Girone, clear of criticising the This provision mandates
including that he Akhilesh Yadav States to co-ordinate
continue to remain government in the State with the Centre to
under the jurisdiction of that goes to polls next prepare a scheme for
the Supreme Court and year, he said that as a providing funds to
report to the local police former Chief Minister, compensate and
station in Italy once he believed in putting rehabilitate victims or
every month. money in the hands of dependents.
Also, the Italian States. Setting up of the
authorities will keep the Speaking before Mr. Nirbhaya Fund is not
Indian embassy Modi, however, Home enough and it is just
informed. Minister Rajnath Singh paying lip service. The
was clear in his appeal, Union of India must
PM appeal to every section for ensure that adequate
invoking Lord Ram to
women empowerment relief is being provided
exhort the people to vote
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Current Affairs 27
to the victims of sexual neutral phase before progressively going up
offences, the Bench transitioning into La to 70 per cent in the
observed orally. Nina. seventh year of the rule.
Senior advocate and Assocham study says India The rules prescribe
amicus curiae Indira discards 18.5 lakh tones of e- stringent financial
Jaising said the victim waste annually penalties for non-
compensation scheme compliance. However,
has been notified only in India, which has the study said the
25 States. emerged as the worlds unorganised sector in
second largest mobile India is estimated to
One of the strongest El Nio in market, is also the fifth handle around 95 per
the history ended largest producer of e- cent of the e-waste
Australias weather waste, discarding produced in the country.
bureau said the roughly 18.5 lakh tonnes Given the huge user
withering El Nino of electronic waste each base and vast reach of
among the strongest in year, a study says. telecom in India, it is
history and responsible Telecom equipment practically difficult and
for two years of alone accounts for 12 per expensive for the
consecutive droughts cent of the e-waste, a handset manufacturers
and record summer joint study by to achieve the targets
temperatures in India Assocham-KPMG said. prescribed in the rules
had ended. The rising levels of e- from first year, the study
While that bodes well waste generation in said.
for the monsoon, India have been a matter
weather officials in India of concern in recent Govt does not agree with SCs
said this could also be a years. With more than Estimate about Judges Vacancy
precursor to floods 100 crore mobile phones Union Law & Justice
during August and in circulation, nearly 25 M i n i s t e r s a i d
September and monsoon per cent end up in e- observations in the Law
possibly spilling over to waste annually, it said. Commission report, on
October. The Ministry of the basis of which Chief
The Australian Bureau Environment, Forest and Justice of India Tirath
of Meteorology said on Climate Change has Singh Thakur had said
Tuesday that there was notified e-waste that 40,000 judges were
little chance of [sea management rules, 2016, needed in 1987, were not
surface temperatures] in which producers are based on scientific data.
returning to El Nio for the first time covered In an emotional appeal
levels, in which case under extended to the government to
mid-May will mark the producers responsibility increase number of
end of the 201516 El (EPR). judges, the Chief Justice
Nio. The rules prescribe a of India referred to the
Typically, an El Nino waste collection target of report stating it had
marked by above- 30 per cent waste recommended 40,000
average temperatures in generated under EPR for judges in the country to
the Pacific that begins the first two years, tide over the problem of
to cool is followed by a
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28 Current Affairs
pendency. processed. Judges series of legislative
The report said there sanctioned strength in measures in the recent
were only 10 judges to a the High Courts has past demonstrates the
million when there been increased from 906 bipartisan consensus in
should be at least 50 in June 2014 to 1,065 in Indias favour.
judges per 10-lakh April 2016. In the case of Mr. Modi will spend
population. di str ict/subo rd ina te almost the entire day on
Mr. Gowda said the Law courts, the sanctioned the Capitol. Speaker will
C o m m i s s i o n strength has been host him for an
observations relied upon increased from 17,715 in interaction with
expert opinions. In the 2012 to 20,502 in 2015, he Congressional leaders in
report itself they said said. the morning; then there
that this has to be On ease of doing will be the address to
calculated on the basis business, the Minister the joint session of
of scientific data. But no said the Commercial Congress, followed by a
scientific data was Courts, Commercial lunch.
available. Division, and Unlike in the past, when
Even in the Imtiaz Commercial Appellate the India Caucus hosted
Hussain case, the Division of High Courts the Prime Ministers for
Supreme Court asked Act (2015) was enacted Capitol Hill receptions,
the Law Commission to by Parliament to ensure this time the U.S.
once again look into the speedy and fair disposal Congress and its various
matter. They once again of commercial disputes. committees host the
said it may not be Also, the Arbitration entire series of events.
possible unless we get and Conciliation Act has The other recent
the scientific data. been amended. This Bill Congressional initiatives
Mr. Gowda said the was pending before the that favour India include
Ministry is yet to receive government since 2003. a Bill encouraging the
the Supreme Court Modi to address joint session of administration to help
Collegiums comments congress in US India join the Asia
on the revised Pacific Economic
memorandum of Prime Minister Cooperation, one
procedure. Narendra Modis busy restricting U.S. military
day on Capitol Hill on aid to Pakistan and
Stating that the
June 8 will underscore another one that blocked
government had
the significance the U.S. U.S. funding for a
expedited the process of
legislature has acquired proposed sale of F-16
judicial appointments,
in promoting ties fighter aircraft to
the Minister said 86
between the two Pakistan.
additional judges were
countries. Unlike in India, U.S.
made permanent and 51
new judges had been The Obama foreign policy decisions
appointed. administration has to made by the executive
balance its policies to are subject to approval
Appointment of
accommodate Pakistan, by the legislature.
another 170 judges in the
but the Congress has no U.S. lawmakers are,
higher judiciary is being
such ambivalence. A
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Current Affairs 29
however, increasingly has been made for State beautiful and even the
impatient with India on quota seats in tragic events of ordinary
one count: trade government medical lives in unfamiliar
liberalisation. colleges and private settings.
The lawmakers have institutions for this
Rain in North India will be good
also raised concerns academic session.
for crop
over the reported This is with a stipulation
incidents of intolerance that for the 2016-17 Widespread rain in the
in India. In February, six academic session, the past 24 hours across
Senators and 26 States can opt to conduct several parts of the north
Representatives wrote to their own examinations and central India will
Prime Minister, asking for UG courses. boost Kharif sowing,
him to condemn The first phase of NEET easing concerns over the
religious violence. was conducted on May possible late arrival of
1, and the second phase monsoon, officials and
President gave his assent to the experts said.
National Eligibility cum is scheduled to be held
on July 24. In its recent forecast, the
Entrance Test ordinance India Meteorological
President Pranab 21st edition of the European Department (IMD) said
Mukherjee gave his Union Film Festival in India the monsoon would
assent to the National Actor-director Ralph reach Kerala by June 7.
Eligibility cum Entrance Fiennes Shakespearean Rain occurred in most
Test ordinance before he drama Coriolanus will places of Punjab,
embarked on his China open the 21st edition of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,
visit. the European Union Bihar, and in many
This prepared the Film Festival here on places of Madhya
ground for exempting May 27. The festival will Pradesh, Rajasthan,
State government showcase 24 films from Chhattisgarh and
medical colleges from 24 European countries. Jharkhand, besides
the Supreme Court- Organised by the many eastern States, in
mandated single all- Delegation of the the past 24 hours,
India entrance exam for European Union and according to the IMD.
a year. embassies of EU IT dept to name and shame
Stating that the Member States in taxpayers who have above one
ordinance had given a partnership with local crore default
firm and statutory organisations, including
support to the common the Federation of Film The Income Tax
entrance test, Health Societies of India. department, beginning
Minister J.P. Nadda told The European Union this financial year, has
a press conference that Film Festival has won a decided to name and
all postgraduate (PG) special place in the shame all category of
admissions will be done Indian film calendar and taxpayers who have a
through NEET this year. in the hearts of viewers default of Rs. one crore
For undergraduate (UG) by showcasing the wry, and above.
courses, an exemption the unexpected, the The department has
begun publishing the
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30 Current Affairs
names of tax defaulters Mr. Modis visit was Each detected violation
in leading national preceded by those by thereafter will entail a
dailies since last year External Affairs Minister Rs.5,000 fine as
and has named 67 such Sushma Swaraj and Minister environmental
defaulters till now with of Petroleum and Natural compensation. The fine
their addresses, contacts, Gas Dharmendra Pradhan should be collected by
PAN card number and when the contracts were the traffic police or the
shareholders in case of finalised. Pollution Control Board.
companies. The agreement to develop This means that out of
The earlier exercise was the Chahbahar port and the 96 lakh vehicles
restricted to people with related infrastructure, and registered in the State,
huge defaults to the tune availability of about $500 close to two lakh diesel
of about Rs. 20-30 crore. million from India for this vehicles, which are
purpose, is an important
already 10 or more years
India and Iran signed various milestone. This major effort
old and have engine
agreements including to develop would boost economic
capacities of 2000 cc or
chahbahar port growth in the region, Mr.
more, have to be phased
India and Iran signed a Modi said in his statement,
series of agreements that following the signing of the
agreement between IPGPL These include over
will allow New Delhi to 98,400 light motor
use the port of (India Ports Global Private
Limited) and Arya Banader vehicles, 44,524 medium
Chahbahar to access motor vehicles, 41,121
of Iran.
Central Asia and heavy motor vehicles
Afghanistan. Kochi Special Circuit Bench of and 3,700 private stage
The first agreement, a NGT prohibited older diesel carriers.
bilateral, signed during vehicles
The NGT Bench
Prime Minister In an order with far- comprising Chairperson
Narendra Modis May reaching implications, Swatanter Kumar and
22-23 visit, will provide the Kochi Special Circuit Expert Member Bikram
India the right to Bench of the National Singh Sajwan has also
develop and operate Green Tribunal (NGT) directed the State
two terminals and five prohibited light and government not to
berths with heavy diesel vehicles of register any more diesel
multipurpose cargo more that 2000 cc engine vehicle of 2000 cc and
handling capacities in capacity that are older above, except Public
the port of Chahbahar than ten years from Transport and Local
for 10 years. plying in six major cities Authority vehicles.
India and Iran also of the State.
sealed 11 other The Centre has told States to
The ban, which will withdraw less pictorial warning
agreements, covering cover vehicles in
culture, finance and tobacco product
conservation, during Mr. Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur, The Centre has set May
Modis official meetings Kozhikode, and Kannur, 31 deadline for the
with the Iranian will come into effect in States and Union
President. another 30 days. Territories to withdraw
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Current Affairs 31
from the market tobacco expanding cooperation said he had indicated
products whose 85 per with the Persian Gulf possibilities of
cent packaging space is nation in sectors such as cooperation in ports,
not covered with trade, investment, fertiliser and
pictorial warning. infrastructure and petrochemical sectors
A communiqu from the energy. during their last meeting
Tobacco Control Mr. Modi, the first at Ufa last year.
Division of Union Indian Prime Minister to ONGC is in talks to
Ministry of Health and visit Iran in the last 15 secure development
Family Welfare has years, was received at rights for the gas field it
requested the Chief the Mehrabad had discovered in 2008.
Secretaries of all States International Airport by It has already invested
and UT's to take steps Irans Finance and about $100 million in the
for strict enforcement of Economic Affairs project
the new rules on Minister Ali Tayyebnia,
Kiran Bedi to become the LG of
pictorial warnings. after which he left for a
The Pictorial Warning local gurudwara to meet
Rules under Cigarettes people of Indian origin. BJP leader and former
and Other Tobacco Stating that both public IPS officer Kiran Bedi
Products Act (COTPA) and private sector firms was, on Sunday,
2003 had come into force from India were keen on appointed Lieutenant
from April 1, 2016. investing in Iran, he said Governor of
Though the Union the signing of the Puducherry, a post that
Health Ministrys agreement on the has been vacant for the
notification on the larger development of past two years.
size of pictorial warning Chabahar port will Puducherry was under
was issued in September provide wider the additional charge of
last year to come into connectivity. Lt Governor of
force from April 1, the Besides signing a deal Andaman and Nicobar
cigarette manufacturers on the development of Islands, Lt. Gen. Ajay
continued to mislead the phase-1 of the port, Singh, since then.
public by restricting the India is looking at A Rashtrapati Bhawan
warning to 40 per cent of doubling oil imports communiqu said: The
the display space on one from the Persian Gulf President has been
side. nation, which a few pleased to appoint Ms
years back was its Kiran Bedi to be the Lt.
India is looking to expand Governor of Puducherry
second-biggest oil
cooperation with the Iran with effect from the date
supplier, as well as
Lifting of international making progress on she assumes charges of
sanctions on Iran has getting rights to develop her office.
opened up immense the FarzadB gas field. The appointment comes
opportunities said PM Mr. Modi, who will hold three days after the
Modi. formal talks with Congress-DMK alliance
He also said that India is President Hassan won 17 seats in the 30-
looking forward to Rouhani on Monday, member State Assembly.
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32 Current Affairs
The post of Lieutenant The lantern will be on The State has increased
Governor in the Union display till Wednesday subsidy on oilseeds. The
territory had been lying as part of the Buddha government will now
vacant after the Rashmi Vesak provide farmers a grant
Narendra Modi celebrations organised of Rs. 1,500 per quintal
Government sacked by the Presidential in the Kharif season
UPA nominee Virendra Secretariat and the (sesame, groundnut and
Kataria on July 2014, Gangaramaya temple. soyabean) and Rs. 800
barely a year after he The Mahabodhi temple, per quintal in the Rabi
had been appointed. one of the oldest brick season (rye, mustard,
Ms Bedi, Indias first structures in eastern rapeseed and linseed).
woman IPS officer, said India, was declared a The grant will be
she looked forward to World Heritage Site by applicable to all species
giving every bit of the UNESCO in June of oilseeds ageing 15
myself to the 2002. years. Relaxing the
responsibility. I am there According to the norms in Bundelkhand,
for the benefit of the UNESCO, this was the a government
country. I am grateful first temple built by spokesperson said the
for the government's Emperor Asoka in the grant payable on
decision. They trusted 3rd century BC. oilseeds would not be
me. However, the present limited to 50 per cent.
Gaya-model lantern in Colombo temple is of the 5th-6th In all seven districts of
century CE, belonging to Bundelkhand, officials
Lanterns are an integral the late Gupta period. are holding ghostis
part of the Vesak Poya Another special feature (small meetings) to
festival (Full Moon in is that the temple is educate farmers about
May), which is believed to have had a the benefits of
celebrated to mark three significant influence on cultivating sesame.
important events in the the development of As farmers feared that
life of Buddha birth, brick architecture over increase in production
enlightenment and the centuries. will bring down the
death. price, last season the
This time, in Colombo, a UP government encouraging
government introduced
Vesak lantern kept near farmers to grow oilseeds
an additional Rs. 80 per
the Gangaramaya To help farmers recover kg as subsidy on the
temple is an additional from successive crop crop.
attraction as it has been losses in drought- It becomes even more
modelled on the stupa affected Bundelkhand, viable for farmers to
at the Mahabodhi the Uttar Pradesh grow sesame in view of
temple in Gaya, Bihar. government is the menace of
This has been arranged encouraging them to Annapratha prevalent
by the Indian increase the cultivation in the region.
government at the of oilseeds, especially Annapratha is an age-
invitation of the Sri sesame (til), in the old tradition in
Lankan government.. coming Kharif season. Bundelkhand where
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Current Affairs 33
farmers let loose their environment and put issues relating to
cattle, especially the has set itself on the path cybersecurity, data
unproductive and of destruction, the encryption, the
pregnant cows, to graze Prime Minister said. possibility of
freely. The Prime Minsiter said manufacturing in the
Regular droughts over he had departed from country and tapping
the years have worsened past traditions of Indias young talent.
the Annapratha as holding a common The Apple CEO
distressed Bundelkhand meeting with the Chief appreciated the breadth
farmers are even more Ministers and decided to of young talent in India
inclined to let loose their meet them separately to with significant skills
unproductive animals. give individual attention that Apple would like to
The situation has to each of them. tap.He highlighted the
aggravated due to the The Prime Minister immense potential for
drying up of praised States such as app-development in
waterbodies, depletion Andhra Pradesh and the country, according to
of forest covergrazing Gujarat for innovative the statement.
areas. efforts to save waters During his maiden visit
and water bodies. to India, Mr. Cook
Mann ki baat focuses on forest
Referring to the results announced the setting
conservation and saving water
of the CBSE board up of an app
Prime Minister examinations declared development centre in
Narendra Modi said in recently, he urged Bengaluru and another
his Mann Ki Baat parents to not pressurise one in Hyderabad for
address on radio, where their children to get maps.
he made a strong pitch more and more marks. The PMO said Mr. Cook
for a mass movement to Dissatisfaction is a appreciated Mr. Modis
save forests and reflection of negative initiatives on ease of
conserve every drop mindset, dissatisfaction doing business and
of water during the can lead to failures. renewable energy.
monsoons. Accept whatever result Apple runs on 93 per
Most parts of the has come, welcome it cent renewable energy
country are experiencing and move forward. Life and plans to move its
an intense heatwave. Be does not stop because of entire supply chain to
it humans, birds or bad marks. The most renewable energy.
animals, all are troubled. important thing is not to Mr. Cook unveiled an
It is only because of lose confidence,. updated version of the
environment that such PMs mobile app that
problems continue to Apple chief executive discusses
includes a new
increase. sensitive issues with PM
volunteering network.
Depletion of forests has Apple chief executive
been going on, trees officer Tim Cook met President is seeking
continue to be cut. In a Prime Minister clarifications on NEET
way, humankind itself Narendra Modi and President Pranab
destroyed the discussed sensitive Mukherjee has sought
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34 Current Affairs
legal advice on the Artificial waterfall near Jog falls project proposes to
Ordinance to keep State has raised ecological concerns generate power using
boards out of the A proposal to create an the same pipeline.
National Eligibility- artificial waterfall in the The Sharavathi Wildlife
cum- Entrance Test for ecologically sensitive Jog Sanctuary and Aghanashini
this year. Lion-tailed Macaque
Falls area has raised
The President is seeking Conservation Reserve are
concerns over its
clarification on the both situated between a 5
possible impact on not
Ordinance, he is and 10-km radius of the
just the environment
consulting inhouse legal proposed project.
and biodiversity, but
experts on certain In addition, the Energy
also existing power
questions. Department has said no
projects around it. water from the
The Ordinance, cleared A Government Order Linganamakki reservoir will
by the Union Cabinet, is (GO) has been issued be released for the scheme.
aimed at partially approving the water
overturning a Supreme It has also said the
recirculation project at construction of the
Court verdict which said Jog Falls even before
all government colleges, power house and pump
receiving necessary house should not affect
deemed universities and clearances.
private medical colleges availability/discharge of
The Forest, Environment water in the Mahatma
would be covered under and Ecology
NEET. Gandhi Hydro
Department, and the Electricity Power House.
Clarifying that the Energy Department,
exemption is only for the have expressed their India may become part of
State government seats, reservations and Tibetan rail network
government sources had concerns about the China is keen that India join
said State seats proposed project, which the Tibetan rail network, a
earmarked in the private aims at keeping the senior adviser to the
medical colleges have waterfall gushing right Chinese government on
also been exempted. through the year at the Tibetan affairs told a group
Different States earmark popular tourist of visiting journalists at the
anywhere between 12 and attraction. end of a tour deep into
15 per cent seats in various Tibetan territories spread
To be set up under the
private medical colleges for across three provinces.
PPP model, the project
State quota so that students The modern high-altitude
intends to pump water
from one State can get seat rail network in Tibet that
at the rate of 400 cusecs
in another State. The snakes through tunnels and
during the summer
remaining seats in such rises to thousands of metres,
months from a storage
colleges are reserved for is not just an engineering
domicile students. Now pond at the foot of the
marvel, but a determined
with this Ordinance, the waterfall to the weir/
showpiece of Chinas
remaining seats meant for anicut, which will be
ambitious financial
domicile students will come constructed upstream of
intervention in regions
under NEET. the Sitakatte bridge. where Tibetans live.
During monsoon, the Tibetans are a majority
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Current Affairs 35
in Tibet Autonomous thousand metres tests this year.
Region (TAR), and have altitude are already built Sources in the Health
large settlements in a across provinces where Ministry maintain that
few other provinces Tibetans live. the exception is only for
such as Sichuan and China has a two-front this academic session.
Yunnan. strategy for rail From next year,
Despite the slowdown networks to Tibet and students will have a
in Chinese economy in within TAR. One is to common entrance test
recent times, the TAR build a new rail line nationwide,.
continues to record two- from TAR to the
Bangalore-based Medgenome
digit growth, thanks mainland, which would
committed to sequence 100,000
significantly to the link Sichuans capital
Asian genomes
massive financial Chengdu with Lhasa.
intervention from This is in addition to the In a move to create one
Beijing. existing Qinghai-Tibet of the largest
According to the rail link. repositories of Indian
Chinese vision, by 2020 genomes, Bangalore-
Union brings ordinance against based Medgenome has
no region or ethnic SC NEET order
group should be left teamed up with a
behind in achieving a Facing pressure from the Southeast Asian
per capita of $12,000. State governments, the consortium that has
Infrastructure growth Union Cabinet cleared committed to sequence
will keep progressing. an ordinance bypassing 100,000 Asian genomes.
Farmers and herdsmen the Supreme Courts This could mean a
will get development, decision on the National consolidated storehouse
not just cities, Chinese Eligibility-cum-Entrance of at least 30,000 Indian
side said, justifying the Test (NEET), a common genomes and could help
broad roads and test for admission to understand the wide
flyovers that link up medical and dental genetic variety in Indias
even remote Tibetan courses. various ethnic groups
villages. Nearly 6.5 lakh and midwife customised
As part of its aggressive candidates are to appear medications for cancer
investments in Tibetan for the second round of and heart disease, as
regions, China is the test, which is to be well as identify possible
developing rail held on July 24. new genetic aberrations
networks, roads and Health Minister J.P. that cause untreatable
airports across the Nadda will meet diseases.
region at high altitudes. President Pranab Ever since the human
The worlds highest Mukherjee to brief him genome was first
railway station on the ordinance that, sequenced in 2003, that
(Tanggula), the highest once it comes into effect, is the entire DNA
civilian airport will override the apex pattern in the cell that
(DaochengYading courts May 9 order and lends people their
Airport) and some of the allow the State boards to unique identity was
finest roads at a few hold their own entrance deciphered, several
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
36 Current Affairs
countries have churned out in this families as well as
announced initiatives to study. Though all this ethnicities. Genome
map genomes of their data would be publicly sequence studies are
resident populations. available to researchers, effective in studying
The so-called 1000 access to it would be such variations.
Genomes project is a staggered.
Global Environmental Outlook
collection of gene Though human genome report shows risks due to sea rise
samples from across the sequencing is a frontier
world to capture the area of biotechnology, it Nearly 40 million
variety of genes that are was prohibitively Indians will be at risk
typical to different expensive. from rising sea levels by
population groups. T e c h n o l o g y 2050, with people in
The United Kingdom advancement has made Mumbai and Kolkata
announced a plan in 2014 prices dramatically having the maximum
to create a bank of 100,000 drop, enabling several exposure to coastal
genomes in the nation and companies to offer flooding in future due to
100,000 Asia genomes genome sequencing rapid urbanisation and
project called services. economic growth,
GenomeAsia 100K according to a UN
While many diseases are
echoes similar ambitions. environment report.
linked to genes going
The project will develop in The Global
awry, afflictions such as
phases with an initial 1000 Environmental Outlook
diabetes, cardiovascular
genomes, consisting of (GEO-6): Regional
diseases, cancer, etc., are
India and East Asian Assessments said the
usually the result of
populations, sequenced worst impacts of climate
several genes
within this year, and the change are projected to
malfunctioning, and
entire database to be ready occur in the Pacific and
by 2020. Medgenome often in a domino-like
effect. South and South-East
already has a bank of 200 Asia.
Indian genomes. Identifying such culprits
is impossible without It said focussing on the
The project will cost population at risk from
$120 million, though comparing genes, across
individuals and sea-level rise by 2050,
only about half of that seven of the 10 most
has been firmed up. population groups, in
large numbers. vulnerable countries
Other key collaborators worldwide are in the
in the project are Thus BRCA 1 and BRCA
Asia Pacific region.
Singapores Nanyang 2 genes associated
with breast cancer are India tops the chart with
Technological Institute, nearly 40 million people
Singapore, and found in as many as
one-third of women. in the country projected
Macrogen, a genetics to be at risk from rising
diagnostic company in Several of them go on to
sea levels, followed by
Seoul. live without ever
more than 25 million in
Nearly 60 petabytes of contracting the cancer.
Bangladesh, over 20
data equivalent to 30 These genes come in
million in China and
trillion pages of text several varieties that can
nearly 15 million in the
are expected to be vary on the level of
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Current Affairs 37
It said changes in change worldwide were Paris to Cairo carrying
settlement patterns, in Asia and the Pacific. 66 people crashed into
urbanisation and socio- The report said the Mediterranean sea
economic status in Asia livelihoods can be with possible wreckage
have influenced impacted negatively by spotted off a Greek
observed trends in natural disasters, island, as investigators
vulnerability and economic crises and probed whether it was
exposure to climate climate change. downed by a bomb.
extremes. On coastal areas highly Egypts Aviation
The report said in many exposed to cyclones and Minister said that while
coastal areas, growing typhoons, the poor tend it was too soon to say
urban settlements have to be more exposed to why the Airbus A320
also affected the ability natural disasters because had vanished, a
of natural coastal they live on hazardous terrorist attack would
systems to respond land. be a more likely scenario
effectively to extreme By 2050, areas of storm than a technical failure.
climate events, surge zones are expected The plane had fallen
rendering them more for Bangladesh, China, 22,000 feet and swerved
vulnerable. India, Indonesia, and the sharply twice in
It listed Mumbai and Philippines, with a Egyptian airspace before
Kolkata in India, combined total of over it disappeared from the
Guangzhou and 58 million people at risk. radar screens.
Shanghai in China, Asia, despite its current The incident raised fears
Dhaka in Bangladesh, lower level of of a repeat of the
Yangon in Myanmar, urbanisation, hosts 53 bombing of a Russian
Bangkok in Thailand, per cent of the worlds passenger plane by the
and Ho Chi Minh City urban population. In Islamic State jihadist
and Hai Phong in 2014, there were 28 group over Egypt last
Vietnam as projected to megacities worldwide, October, which killed all
have the largest home to 453 million 224 people on board.
population exposure to people or about 12 per The jet was flying from
coastal flooding in 2070. cent of the worlds Paris to Cairo when it
The report, published urban dwellers; 16 are in disappeared, without
ahead of the UN Asia. sending a distress signal.
Environment Assembly Tokyo in Japan is the
India led the way for Red Line
taking place in Nairobi largest with nearly 38
Campaign for antibiotics
next week, said the million people, followed
worst impacts of climate by Delhi and Shanghai.
change are projected to By 2030, the world is Indias idea of putting a
occur in the Pacific and projected to have 41 red line on antibiotic
South and Southeast megacities. packages to curb their
Asia. over-the-counter sale is
Egypt flight from Paris to Cairo now being cited as a
In 2011, six of the ten
crashed into the Mediterranean model that can be used
countries most
sea globally to counter the
vulnerable to climate
An EgyptAir flight from
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38 Current Affairs
rising threat of awareness on the experienced at least one of
superbugs. dangers of taking these forms of abuse
In its final report on antibiotics without being being groped in public
tackling drug resistant prescribed. transport or bus stops;
infection released on The report says laws getting stared at or being
May 19, the global prevent sale of called names; being stalked
Review on antibiotics and other or followed; or being
Antimicrobial Resistance antimicrobials over-the- sexually molested.
says India has led the counter, but these may In North India, according to
way so far with its idea be weakly enforced in the survey, 89 per cent of
of a Red Line some countries and non- women said they had
Campaign for existent in many. experienced harassment of
antibiotics packaging. some sort, with 50 per cent
It says 20-30 per cent of
having experienced
This was launched antibiotics are consumed
unwelcome physical
earlier this year, and without prescription in contact of a sexual nature.
should be considered as south and east Europe, The charity has asked the
a starting point. It and up to 100 per cent in U.K. government to
recommends that the parts of Africa. contribute at least 70
labelling and symbols It is still early in India to million from its existing aid
used can be improved if map the impact of the budget to help protect
needed and then Red Line initiative, but women over the next three
expanded globally. experts see better years.
While stressing that awareness.
Tim Cook makes first visit to
convincing people to
Report shows sexual abuse is India
stop using antibiotics
frequent in India
would not be effective Tim Cook is in India and
unless they recognise Action Aid a global he is mixing business
antibiotics. charity has set up with pleasure, and
Labelling of various installations to spirituality. The CEO of
antimicrobials, represent women the $233 billion Apple
especially antibiotics, is standing up against Inc., on his maiden India
crucial. We call on sexual violence. Its trip, started his day with
governments and objective is to highlight a visit to the Shree
international health the unsafe nature of Siddhivinayak temple.
organisations to agree cities in general for Apple announced a $1
on global labelling women. billion investment in
standards, it adds. Action Aid has also taxi-hailing company,
commissioned a poll by Didi Chuxing, in China.
Indias Red Line
YouGov, which Mr. Cooks first visit
campaign, launched in
interviewed women across
February this year, assumes significance as
the globe from countries
began marking Apple reported its first
like Brazil, India, Thailand
prescription-only quarterly drop in global
and the United Kingdom.
antibiotics with a red iPhone sales last month,
Forty per cent of women
line to curb their while its India revenues
interviewed said they had
irrational use and create grew by 56 per cent.
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Current Affairs 39
Coinciding with the Southeast Bay of Bengal, block Indias moves to
visit, the company entire south Andaman ban Pakistani terrorist
announced an iOS Sea and Nicobar Islands. Masood Azhar at the
mobile app design The conditions were U.N. Taliban sanctions
centre in Bengaluru, favourable for further committee.
intended to support and advance of the The move led to a strain
accelerate the growth of Southwest monsoon into in ties as India expressed
Apples developer some more parts of its unhappiness over
community. south Bay of Bengal, what was seen as an
IMD Warns of Intensifying Andaman Islands and effort to shield Pakistan
Cyclonic Activity remaining parts of north and Beijing refused to
Andaman Sea in the change its stand.
Even as officials at the next three to four days. Mr. Mukherjees visit
India Meteorological The IMD has said that marks the first Indian
Department have monsoon in Kerala presidential visit to
warned of searing heat would likely be on June China since 2010 and is
waves in several parts of 7 but the overall forecast being seen as an effort to
North India. of above normal rainfall smooth over some of the
IMD also said the was unchanged. issues that have come up
torrential downpour in in bilateral ties in his
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka Ahead of China visit President
talks with President Xi
and Kerala was due to a calls for all out fight against
Jinping and Premier Li
cyclonic depression that terrorism
could well bring the Ahead of a state visit to Among them, recent
seasons first cyclone. China from May 24 to comments by the
The depression has 27, President Pranab Chinese Ministry of
moved towards Andhra Mukherjee has called for Foreign Affairs refusing
Pradesh coast and will an all out fight against to support Indias
intensify into a cyclonic terrorism, in which both admission to the
storm, after which it is India and China come Nuclear Suppliers
likely to move towards together. Group(NSG) unless it
the Northeast and off India and China, both signs the Non
north Andhra Pradesh huge countries Proliferation Treaty
and Odisha coasts in the multicultural, (NPT).
subsequent 48 hours. multiracial if they In New Delhi, visiting
IMD also said that come together in Vice-Minister for
there may be rains for fighting this menace, I Foreign Affairs Liu
two more days and then am sure it will have its Zhenmin struck a more
it will reduce as own impact. Mr. conciliatory note, saying
(depression) will move Mukherjee told Chinese that China would work
towards Myanmar. CCTV channel. with Indian colleagues
The IMDs latest update President Mukherjees together to find a
says the Southwest words are significant as solution to the NSG
monsoon has advanced they come weeks after issue.
into some parts of Chinas decision to Officials said Mr.
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40 Current Affairs
M u k h e r j e e s Talaq-e-bidat refers to a other metros could be
programme, where he Muslim man divorcing used for urban renewal
will visit Beijing and the his wife by pronouncing projects.
south China industrial more than one talaq in a A committee set up
hub of Guangzhou, will single tuhr (the period under Economic Affairs
include a meeting with between two Secretary Shaktikanta
businessmen at the menstruations) or in a Das is inventorying all
India-China business tuhr , or pronouncing an the holdings, including
forum and address i r r e v o c a b l e that of government
students at Peking instantaneous divorce at companies, in
University. one go (unilateral triple coordination with the
The Chinese Foreign talaq). Urban Development
Ministry announced the All-India Muslim Ministry.
visit by President Women Personal Law The decision comes in
Mukherjee which is the Board president Shaista the wake of the Centres
first by a Head of State Ambar has demanded legislation on land
since 2010 and returns the abolition of the triple acquisition reforms
the visit by President Xi talaq system. failing to clear
Jinping to Delhi in The Centre has set up a Parliament even a year
September 2014. high-level committee to after an ordinance for it
Prime Minister review the status of was allowed to lapse.
Narendra Modi is also women in India and, Even the Governments
expected to travel to according to reports, has allies are opposed to this
Hangzhou for the G-20 recommended a ban on Bill.
summit in September triple talaq, and
Geospatial Information
this year, while polygamy.
regulation Bill turned into
President Xi will travel
Centre is looking to make a bank diplomatic war
to Goa to attend the
of all its land holdings The Geospatial
BRICS summit in
October. The Centre is examining Information Regulation
the possibility of making Bill, 2016, turned into a
Muslim women moved to court a bank of all its surplus diplomatic war of words
against triple talaq land holdings across the when India firmly
A Muslim woman country from which rejected Pakistans
moved the Supreme parcels could be objections to the draft
Court against the triple auctioned to private Bill, saying Islamabad
talaq system to nullify industry. does not have any right
the prevailing divorce The move will ensure to object to an internal
practice. that non-availability of matter of India.
Afreen Rehman, a 25- land doesnt dampen The proposed bill is an
year-old resident of new investments and entirely internal
Jaipur, filed a petition economic growth. Other legislative matter of
after receiving a divorce than for private industry India, since the whole of
letter through speed such land identified in the State of J&K is an
post. Delhi, Mumbai and integral part of India.
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Current Affairs 41
Pakistan or any other that Indias geography is conducting the final
party has no locus standi projected properly. testing for power
in the matter, said generation
PM Modi could make
Vikas Swarup. The exact dates for the
Afghanistan visit after Iran
The draft Geospatial Prime Ministers visit,
Information Bill plans to Prime Minister that would come five
bring in a set of legally Narendra Modi will months after his last
binding regulations travel to Iran, the visit to Kabul when he
regarding the geospatial government announced, inaugurated the
information of India he might follow it up Parliament building,
which may include with a visit Afghanistan were still being
provisions to penalise in June. finalised.
inaccurate depiction of Both visits in what The Ministry of External
India in maps. . India considers its Affairs announced that
The MEAs response e x t e n d e d Mr. Modi would visit
came after Pakistan neighbourhood will Iran on May 22-23 to
wrote to the UN focus on infrastructure meet President Hassan
Secretary General development.] Rouhani in an official
raising serious The Chabahar port visit that would
concerns over the draft development project provide a timely thrust
Bill, specifically will top Mr. Modis to the ongoing efforts of
criticising the depiction agenda in Iran, while he the two countries and
of Jammu and Kashmir is expected to visit their business entities.
in the bill as incorrect Afghanistan to Visit will also expand
and legally untenable. inaugurate the $300- bilateral cooperation
The Pakistan Foreign million Salma dam and and mutually benefit
Office issued a hydroelectric power from new opportunities
statement saying it has plant, known as the in the wake of lifting of
expressed serious Afghanistan-India secondary sanctions
concern to the UN over friendship dam. against Iran earlier this
a draft bill in the Indian Mr. Modis visits will year.
Parliament over the map complete the triangle as The Prime Minister will
of Kashmir and has he is expected to sign the also meet the Supreme
asked the world body to trilateral trade treaty Leader Ali Khamenei,
uphold its resolutions with Iran and marking his first visit to
and urge India to stop Afghanistan for the country after the
such acts which are in Chabahar, which was historic nuclear
violation of finalised during External agreement with world
international law. Affairs Minister Sushma powers was signed, and
Reacting to Pakistans Swarajs trip to Tehran the U.S. lifted secondary
letter, Union Minister of last month. sanctions in January
State for Home The transmission lines 2016.
KirenRijijusaid it was [for the hydroelectric Among issues on the
the duty of the plant] have been handed agenda are agreeing on a
government to ensure over, and we are channel for repayment of
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42 Current Affairs
$6.5 billion in unpaid dues approach the Ministry of The green panel has
from India to appropriate External Affairs to divided the work of
corresponding banks in initiate extradition cleaning the river into
Iran, an Memorandum of proceedings with the different segments -
Understanding on UAE against Christian Gomukh to Haridwar,
developing the Chabahar Michel, British Haridwar to Kanpur,
port project. middleman and prime Kanpur to border of UP,
Other issues will be accused in the border of UP to border
trilateral transit trade AgustaWestland deal of Jharkhand and
agreement with case. borderof Jharkhand to
Afghanistan, Indias stake in It had earlier sought his Bay of Bengal. On
the Farzad-B oilfields, the extradition from the December 11, last year,
announcement of United Kingdom, which the tribunal had
investments from Indian wanted certain imposed a complete ban
companies in the Chabahar on use of plastic of any
clarifications on the
Free Trade Zone, and kind from Gomukh to
status of the case against
security and defence pacts. Haridwar along the
Mr. Modis visit to Iran is a river from February 1
rare stand-alone visit Dubai agencies are also
probing Mr. Michels and decided to slap a
indicating that India hopes
role in a case ofalleged penalty of Rs. 5,000 per
to fast-track ties and build
cheating day on erring hotels,
on the alternative route for
The investigating dharamsalas and
trade with Afghanistan and
agencies have already ashrams spewing waste
Central Asia.
got Inter- pol to issue into the river.
Associate banks of SBI began
Red Notice against Mr. Spaceplane launch by ISRO
merger with SBI
Michel, who has been The first technology
The State Bank of India accused of routing 30 demonstrator (TD) launch of
has kick-started the million euros to bribe the Indian Space Research
process of merging its Indian oicials for Organisations Reusable
five associate banks with swinging the deal in Launch Vehicle (RLV), or
itself at one go. AgustaWestlands the spaceplane in popular
The merger is expected favour. par- lance, will take place
to be completed by the Meeting between stakeholders on May 23
end of the current involved in cleaning of Ganga Visually, the RLV-TD is a
financial year. called by NGT rocket-aircraft combination
The SBI board discussed measuring about 17 m,
the issue, and also The National Green whose first stage is a solid
explored the possibility Tribunal has convened a propellant booster rocket
to merge meeting of all and the secOnd stage is a
BharatiyaMahila Bank. stakeholders involved in 6.5 m long aircraft-like
cleaning of River Ganga winged structure sitting atop
Govt wants Christian Michel from Haridwar to the rocket.
extradited Kanpur to deliberate on In RLV-TD that is
The Enforcement the mechanism to make awaiting launch at
Directorate will the river pollution-free. SHAR, the first stage,
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Current Affairs 43
weighing about 9 and hypersonic flight that if the government
tonnes, is merely the using air-breathing were to go ahead it
Satellite Launch Vehicle propulsion using a ought to ensure that the
(SLV-3) flown in the scramjet engine. proposed canal does not
1980s. The HEX series of hinder tiger movement
The objective is to experiments will be and that there should be
achieve hyperSOnic followed by the landing enough habitable forest
speeds to basically test experiment (LEX), land developed to
the hypersonic aero- return flight experiment compensate for theloss
thermo-dynamic and scramjet propulsion of tiger reserve land.\
characterisation of the experiment (SPEX) The Ken-Betwa river
winged bodys re-entry, inter-linking project is
Ken-betwa project poses danger
its control and guidance being vigorously
to ecology according experts
systems, autonomous promoted by the
mission management to A team of wildlife incumbent NDA
land at a specific experts submitted a government as the first
location at sea and test- crucial report, which in a series of projects to
ing of hot structures hinges the fate of the transfer surplus water
that make up the first-ever inter-State from certain rivers into
structure of the RLV. river linking project deficient ones and
Also, while an LV since Indias improve irrigation as
experiences limited independence. well as hydropower
flight regime of say The submitted report availability.
Mach 0 to Mach 2 or so, not yet public warns Given the threat to the
the RLV experiences a of the dangers to the tigerreserve, the
much wider range of ecology and animal life Environment Ministry,
flight regimes.] due to the proposed whose clearance is
The ultimate objective of Ken-Betwa project. mandatory for the
the RLV programme of The main feature of the project, tasked the
ISRO is to enable the project is a 230-km long National Board for
vehicle traverse a very canal connecting the Wildlife (NBWL) with
wide range of flight Ken and Betwa rivers an ex- pert analysis on
regimes from Mach 0 to which will irrigate 3.5 the environ- mental
Mach 25 based on air- lakh hectares of impact.
breathing propulsion for drought- prone The number of tigers in
achieving two-stage-to- Bundelkhand. the reserve had
orbit (TSTO) launch However, it will also plummeted from 25 in
capability. inundate about 400 of 2006 to zero in 2009,
The present design is the 4300-hectare Pan- na sparking national
basically a flying test Tiger reserve in Madhya consternation.In
bed to evaluate various Pradesh. conservation efforts in
technologies, namely The report neither the seven years since,
hypersonic flight, endorses nor tigersfrom other reserves
autonomous landing, disapproves of the Ken- were relocated and are
powered cruise flight Betwa project but notes now believed to number
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44 Current Affairs
18. monsoon onset model The effort has run into a
The Environment Minis- failed to get the date brick wall over the
trys go-ahead will within the models error reluctance of European
enable the National margin since it began banks to process the
Water Development issuing such forecasts in payments, officials in the
Agency (NWDA), a 2005. Oil and External Affairs
Water Resources The monsoon is ministries have told The
Ministry body, to begin expected to set in at the Hindu .
work on the project. Nicobar islands around The repayment
May 17, and set in agreement is among a
IMD says arrival of monsoon to
substantially over the slew of announcements
be delayed
Andamans by May 20. India and Iran hope to
The India Meteorological Its the timing of its make during Mr Modis
Department (IMD) said that subsequent journey into first visit to Teheran on
the arrival of the southwest Kerala thats in doubt. May 22-23.
monsoon in Kerala will be
The cooling of the Other announcements
delayed by at least a week
Pacific waters has been include the signing of a
beyond the normal of June
better than expected and trilateral trade
However, IMD also said we expect the La Nina to agreement, which
while this could lead to set in slightly earlier includes Afghanistan,
reduced rainfall in June, it around the second half that has already been
would not affect the overall of monsoon, IMD said. finalised, an MoU for the
quantum of rains across the The delay in onset over development of
country. Kerala is because of the Chabahar port, progress
This widely diverges from a El Nino, which, though on Indian exploration of
forecast earlier this week by waning, is still strong, the Farzad-B gas
Noida-based forecaster and the waters of the oilfields.
Skymet, that the monsoon Indian Ocean being While the other
would set in over Kerala warmer than usual for agreements are on track,
between May 28 and 31. this time of the year. officials say it is the hunt
June accounts for only 18 to Generally rain-bearing for the repayment
20 per cent of the monsoon winds begin to be drawn channel to Iran that is
rains but it marks the across the equator by keeping them on
beginning of the kharif this time of the year. tenterhooks.]
sowing season. This is despite several
July and August account for Payment to Iran still un resolved
banks including the
about two-thirds of With less than a week to Danske bank of
monsoons and are critical go for Prime Minister Denmark, Europaeisch-
for a good harvest. Last year, Narendra Modis visit to Iranische Handelsbank
the monsoon arrived at the Teheran, officials are (EIH) of Germany,
Kerala coast on June 5, later working hard to seal an Central Bank of Italy
than the agencys predicted agreement to repay $6.5 and Halkbank of Turkey
date of May 30. billion owed to Iran over having been identified
This was the only time, the years when it was to carry out the
the IMD claims, its under sanctions. transactions, and the RBI
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 45
has identified tracking sources. bypass government
corresponding banks in The interceptor is a 7.5- scrutiny. The
India. metre-long single stage Representation of the
New Delhi has solid rocket propelled People Act bars parties from
repeatedly said it is keen guided missile equipped receiving foreign funds.
to pay back Iran the $6.5 with a navigation Both the BJP and the
billion, most of it for oil system, a hi-tech Congress have supported
transactions. computer and an the amendment. They have
electro-mechanical been accused by the
India test fired indigenous Association of Democratic
supersonic interceptor missile Reforms (ADR) of illegally
The interceptor missile
In its effort to have a full receiving foreign funds for
had its own mobile
fledged multi-layer political activities from the
launcher, secure data
Ballistic Missile Defence U.K.-based Vedanta Group
link for interception,
system, India from 2004 to 2012.
independent tracking Mr. Rijiju said different
successfully test-fired its and homing capabilities
indigenously developed definitions of foreign-origin
and sophisticated company existed as per the
supersonic interceptor radars.
missile, capable of Companies Act, 2013, the
destroying any Amended FCRA will allow FCRA, 2010 and the
incoming hostile ballistic foreign companies to fund Foreign Direct Investment
missile. NGOs and Political parties (FDI) policy of the
government and they have
The interceptor was The government has
clarified the foreign source
engaged against a target admitted that the now.
which was a naval amended Foreign
As per the existing
version of Prithvi missile Contribution Regulation
provisions any Indian
launched from a ship Act (FCRA), 2010, will
company will fall in the
anchored inside Bay of not only help foreign-
category of foreign
Bengal, taking up the origin companies fund
source if at any time
trajectory of a hostile NGOs here but has also
more than 50 percent of
ballistic missile. cleared the way for them
its shareholding is
The target missile was to give donations to
acquired by foreign
launched at about 11.15 political parties.
hours and the Union Minister of State
Contributions made by
interceptor, Advanced for Home told that the
the Indian companies
Air Defence (AAD) amendment, cleared by
with foreign holding up
missile positioned at the Lok Sabha in the
to the prescribed limit as
Abdul Kalam island Budget session, would
per extant FDI policy
(Wheeler Island) getting ensure that donations
will not be treated as
signals from tracking made by foreign
foreign contribution.
radars. shareholding companies
The kill effect of the to entities including Indias bid to Nuclear Security
interceptor was parties will be allowed. Group may be opposed by China
ascertained by analysing The statement assumes The U.S. has reiterated
data from multiple significance as such funding its support for Indias
from foreign donors will
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46 Current Affairs
membership of the Assembly constituency, billion in defence
Nuclear Suppliers in Karur district, exports in the next two
Group (NSG) in the face following widespread years, Defence Minister
of opposition from seizure of cash and Manohar Parrikar said.
China. complaints of voters The Ministry had noted
The 48-member NSG that being bribed. the concerns expressed
regulates trade in nuclear Separately, the EC over the issue of
technology and material issued notices to the strategic partners in
will have its plenary next AIADMK and the DMK, manufacturing and
month in New York where asking them to explain would hold discussions
it is expected to consider the rationale behind the with the industry.
Indias admission into the promises made in their The government intends
exclusive club. election manifestos and to identify major private
China, acting in concert indicate how they companies eligible to
with Pakistan, has thrown a would meet the financial take the lead in critical
spanner in the works for outlays (for freebies). defence projects so as to
India, by linking New
Polling in Aravakurichi boost domestic
Delhis candidacy to
will now be held on manufacturing.
Islamabads. NSG operates
May 23, and the results From a meagre $140-150
by consensus and all its
current members are declared on May 25, a million, this year I think
signatories to the Nuclear week after the results are we have crossed $330-
Non-Proliferation Treaty. announced in the odd million. I have set a
Not only India, many other remaining 233 target for myself, in the
non-NPT members have constituencies where next two years, why not
voiced their aspirations to voting will take place on touch $2 billion. It is not
join the NSG.said Chinese May 16. an impossible target.
Foreign Ministry In a release, the EC said Said the Defence
spokesman. over Rs. 6.75 crore had Minister
Pakistan had earlier said it been seized in the Mr. Parrikar said offsets
was coordinating with constituency, including were an area where
China to block India from from the house of one exports and expertise can
the NSG. Bruised by the Anbunathan. come. During 2014 and
successful Indian In addition, 429 litres of 2015, offset obligations
diplomacy that recently liquor had been seized brought in $990 million,
stalled the U.S. sale of F-16 and 33 complaints of and this was likely to touch
fighter planes to it, Pakistan money distribution had $2 billion in the next two
has found an opportunity to been received, while years as major deals for
hit back. seven FIRs have been fighter aircraft and
registered. helicopters were expected
Due to malpractices in election to be signed.
poll dates in T. N. Deferred Defence minister wants $2 As part of the offset
The Election billion defence exports in two requirements, foreign
Commission of India years companies are required to
late decided to defer the The Union government invest a part of the contract
polls in the Aravakurichi has set a target of $2 value back in the country.
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Current Affairs 47
Space-based information system pre-Constitutional law be a stretch to say that
from ISRO for rural c r i m i n a l i s i n g upholding criminal
development defamation. defamation in modern
Indian Space Research The verdict dismissed times would amount to
Organisation (ISRO) is apprehensions, raised by imposition of silence.
working on a space- personalities across the Mutual respect is the
based information political spectrum and fulcrum of fraternity that
media organisations assures dignity. It does not
system for decentralised
championing the mean that there cannot be
planning to help rural
fundamental right under dissent. One has a right to
Article 19 (1) (a) of the freedom of speech and
Though there are scores expression. One is also
of rural development Constitution.
Apprehension was that required to maintain the
programmes and idea of fraternity that assures
welfare measures criminal defamation
the dignity of the
launched in the country, may have a chilling
individual, said Justice
there is little planning at effect on the freedom to
the local level owing to circulate ones
The court held that
lack of information. independent view and
criminalisation of
The space-based not to join in a chorus
defamation to protect
information system will or sing the same song.
individual dignity of life and
reach out to the villages The judgment came on a reputation is a reasonable
to enable them to plan batch of petitions filed restriction on the
and improve their by BJP leader fundamental right of free
economy. Subramanian Swamy, speech and expression.
The system is expected Congress vice-president The right to reputation is a
to optimise the benefits Rahul Gandhi, Delhi constituent of Article 21 of
of various welfare Chief Minister Arvind the Constitution. It is an
programmes to a Kejriwal, and media individuals fundamental
maximum number of associations, among right, Justice Misra
people in the areas of others. observed.
health, sanitation, The court refused Govt announced the new IPR
infrastructure, etc. exhortations that policy
besides monitoring their penalisation of
defamation is past its The NDA government
benefits and impacts in
time, and the nation announced the long-
the villages.
now risks the danger of pending, all-
Apex court upheld pre- being reduced to a encompassing National
constitutional law criminalising frozen democracy. Intellectual Property
defamation A Bench of Justices said Rights (IPR) Policy.
In a judgment that holds the reputation of an The Policy aims to push
f a r - r e a c h i n g individual was an IPRs as a marketable
implications for political equally important right financial asset and ,
dissent and a free press, and stood on the same promote innovation,
the Supreme Court pedestal as free speech. while protecting public
upheld a colonial and The court said it would interest including
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48 Current Affairs
ensuring the availability workers. A success rate making formal and non-
of essential drugs at below 50 per cent is formal education
affordable prices. nothing to be proud of, the possible at a large-scale,
Union Finance Minister Bench observed. particularly in the
Arun Jaitley said, Our The court said it was also developing world.
approach balances regrettable that the But the court held that the
consideration of government cleared the press has to also observe
inventability, innovation pending wage bill for 2015- reasonable restrictions
and public health 16 only during the and its purpose is to
consideration. pendency of this case and advance the public interest
underlined that The by publishing facts and
Though the U.S.
Government of India must opinions without which a
concerns include the
shape up in this regard. democratic electorate
rejections of patent
A worker is entitled to cannot make responsible
applications for
compensation at the rate of judgments.
i n n o v a t i v e 0.05 per cent per day for While in one breath saying
pharmaceutical products delayed payment of the that freedom of speech and
due to unpredictable wages due, the court said. expression is regarded as
application of Section
SC said free press can't cause the first condition of
3(d) of the (Indian)
injury to an individuals precious liberty, the court in the
Patents Act, Mr. Jaitley next reins in this liberty by
clarified that the policy reputation
cautioning that free speech
will ensure that no The Supreme Court said is not an absolute value
changes are made in that a free press is the heart under our Constitution.
Section. and soul of political The court agrees that the
SC directed Centre and States intercourse and is a voice of dissent or
for better implementation of public educator, but this disagreement has to be
MGNREGA freedom is not absolute respected and regarded
and cannot be used by and not to be scuttled as
Directing the Centre and the media to cause
the States to make all unpalatable criticism.
injury to an individuals
efforts to encourage precious reputation. WHO brings latest air quality
needy persons to come report of most polluted cities
In its judgment
forward and take
upholding the Delhi is no longer the
advantage of the
constitutional validity of most polluted city in the
MGNREGA scheme.
criminal defamation, a world, the latest air
The Apex Court slammed
Bench of Justice Dipak quality report from the
the government for not
Misra and P.C. Pant World Health
giving compensation to
revisited the apex Organization (WHO)
workers for delayed
courts judgments on the says.
payment of wages under
MGNREGA even during the importance of medias The national capital,
current drought. freedom of speech and which earned notoriety
A Bench of Justices Madan expression in a vibrant for the state of its
said the government had no democracy. environment, now
provision for providing It even calls the media a stands 11th among 3,000
compensation to the public educator, cities in 103 countries in
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Current Affairs 49
terms of fine particulate prepare the database. temperature control in
matter or PM 2.5. It is based on ground large buildings and use
The Global Urban measurements of annual of coal or diesel
Ambient Air Pollution mean concentrations of generators.
Database (update 2016) particulate matter (PM Govt requests Interpol for
released by WHO 10 and PM 2.5) and issuance of a Red Notice
placed the capital in the aims at representing an
25th place based on average for the city or Even as the Enforcement
bigger particulate or PM town as a whole, rather Directorate has initiated
10 levels. than for individual proceedings for the
Particulate matter affects stations. extradition of
everyone but causes Years of measurements businessman Vijay
harm faster to children range from 2010 to 2015, Mallya, the Central
and senior citizens unless the latest Bureau of Investigation
available data was forwarded to the
Although Delhi
older, the report said. Interpol its request for
improved its ranking,
issuance of a Red Notice
four Indian cities are PM 2.5 refers to
against him to facilitate
among the worlds 10 atmospheric particulates
most polluted. with a diameter less
than 2.5 micrometres. After the U.K.
Ten out of the top 20 are
Exposure to fine authorities expressed
also in the country. The
particulates is linked to their inability to deport
data are for 2013, but the
premature death from Mr. Mallya on technical
Delhi government was
heart and lung disease. grounds, the ED wrote
quick to put out a
to the nodal agency CBI
statement exulting in a They trigger or worsen
to forward its request for
definitive positive asthma, heart attack,
a Red Notice against
trend in the city. bronchitis and other
In 2014, Delhi was r e s p i r a t o r y
problems.The WHO In former IPL chief Lalit
ranked the most
states that as urban air Modis case, Interpol has
polluted globally in
quality declines, the risk not yet issued a Red
terms of PM 2.5, for
of stroke, heart disease, Notice despite repeated
which the WHO had
lung cancer, and chronic attempts by Indian
monitored 1,600 cities.
and acute respiratory agencies.
Delhis place as the most
diseases. According to sources,
polluted is taken by
More than 7 million the ED is also preparing
Zabol, in Iran. Gwalior
premature deaths due to itself for launching
and Allahabad,
air pollution occur every extradition proceedings
meanwhile, come a close
year, and 3 million of against Mr. Mallya in
second and third in
these are due to outdoor the U.K. through the
terms of PM 2.5, while
air quality. External Affairs
Patna and Raipur are
ranked 6th and 7th. Common causes of air
pollution include diesel- Article 11 of the India-
The WHO used data
fuelled vehicles, heavy UK Extradition Treaty
from government and
construction activities, (1993) prescribes the
research organisations to
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50 Current Affairs
procedure for others for alleged and is open for
extradition. criminal conspiracy and comments, in tone and
The provision says that wilful default of Rs. 900 tenor, is tamer than the
the request must be crore-loan from IDBI GI Bill.
accompanied by an Bank. GDPSS refers to
accurate description of Geospatial bill in current form is Geospatial Data,
the person, his likely to be scrapped Products, Services and
nationality and Solutions.
residence; a statement of Days after the Union Geospatial data of any
the facts of the alleged Home Ministry resolution being
offence; legal provisions publicised a draft disseminated through
invoked and their geospatial Bill warning agencies and service
definition and the of fines of up to Rs. 100 providers, both
maximum punishment crore and seven years of internationally and
prescribed there-under. imprisonment, other nationally be treated as
If the request relates to sections of the unclassified and made
an accused person, it government are looking available and accessible
must also be to tone down its by Indian Mapping and
accompanied by a stringency. imaging agencies, the
warrant of arrest issued The Bill in its current policy note adds.
by a judge, magistrate or form is likely to be The Bill that appears on
other competent scrapped.The fine will the Home Ministry
authority in the territory likely be capped at a website notes that it is
of the Requesting State. crore or two and open to comment.
By such evidence as, specific to companies
The Bill has been on the
according to the law of that wrongly depict
anvil since 2012 but the
the Requested State, borders. The DST was
January terror attack in
would justify his among several
Pathankot, where
committal for trial if the government agencies
terrorists infiltrated an
offence had been that were involved with
airbase and relied on
committed in the the Bill.
information from
territory of the The existing version of Google Maps, prompted
Requested State. the draft Geospatial the department to act on
UK authorities may seek Information Regulation tightening policy on
additional evidence or (GI) Bill will be making geospatial
information in case they significantly changed maps.
find that details as it goes against the
Another official from
provided are not spirit of the National
the Earth Sciences
sufficient for the Geospatial Policy
Ministry said they were
purposes of the Treaty. (NGP), 2016,
deluged by concerns
spearheaded by the
Both the CBI and the ED from the local and
have registered a case international geospatial
against Mr. Mallya, his The NGP, which was industry.
now-defunct company uploaded on the website
Kingfisher Airlines and of the Science Ministry
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Current Affairs 51
Apex court passed guidelines to districts affected by Violence Act 2005.
Union and State for tackling the drought is about 33 After the reply of the
drought crore. Minister in question
In a scathing 53-page The ostensible purpose hour, Samajwadi Party
verdict on the lack of will of introducing this member Javed Ali Khan
shown by the Centre and concept [of federalism] raised the issue of
States in combating drought is to enable the Union of misuse of the Act, a
and saving lives, the India to wash its hands contention which was
Supreme Court pronounced of in matters concerning resented by women
the Centre guilty of drought declaration and members vehemently
washing its hands of a to give enough elbow but was supported by
national disaster. room to a State Vijay Goel (BJP).
It also pulled up Gujarat, government to decide Mr. Rijiju told the House
Bihar and Haryana for whether to declare a that the National Crime
adopting an ostrich-like drought or not, the Records Bureau (NCRB)
attitude towards declaring Bench observed. started collecting data
drought and driving their Meanwhile, States such on the Act only since
own people to suicide, as Bihar, Gujarat and 2014.
starvation and mass Haryana, the court Of the 693 persons
migration. observed, were not even arrested in these cases,
A Bench of Justices Madan willing to acknowledge 639 were charge-
B. Lokur and N.V. Ramana a drought. sheeted. Only 13 were
issued a slew of directions
Their failure to declare convicted.
on tackling the drought
drought has robbed the The Minister said that in
situation on a petition filed
poor of their many cases, the husband
by the NGO Swaraj
Abhiyan. fundamental right to and wife reach a
Among the steps it dignity of life, the court compromise at a later
suggested were taking the held. stage and that the
help of the National Low conviction rate under the offences under the Act
Disaster Response Force Protection of women and were of civil nature.
and a Disaster Mitigation domestic violence act Parliamentary standing
Fund. committee favours bringing
The government told the
The PIL plea had alleged national space law early
Rajya Sabhathat some
that parts of 12 States,
times provisions of the The Parliamentary
such as Uttar Pradesh,
Domestic Violence and Standing Committee
Karnataka, Madhya
Anti-Dowry Acts were dealing with the
Pradesh, Andhra
misused and several Department of Space has
Pradesh, Telangana,
NGOs had also given favoured early
Maharashtra, Gujarat,
reports supporting it. enactment of a national
Odisha, Jharkhand,
MoS (Home) said that Space Law to promote
Bihar, Haryana and
only 13 persons were commerce and regulate
Chhattisgarh, were hit
convicted out of the 639 Space-related activities
by drought.
charge sheeted in 2014 in the country.
The court found that the
under the Protection of While suggesting that
total population in the
Women from Domestic
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52 Current Affairs
the department's outlays the Lok Sabha and evidence suggested the
should not be reduced presented to the Rajya technology was
during year-end revision Sabha on Monday. The developed in Australia
of the budget, the Department has also after people arrived
committee pulls up the been urged to speed up around 50,000 years ago.
DoS for not fully using its decision on an
UPSC declared final result of
allocated funds and internal committee
civil services
delaying a few projects report relating to
in the preceding two supporting start-ups in Tina Dabi, a 22-year-old
years. the Space sector. Delhi girl, has topped
The draft National Space the civil services
Fragment of worlds oldest examination for 2015,
Act of India which is in known ground edge axe found in
the making may take at the results of which
Australia were declared.
least a year before it
completes the Australian scientists A graduate from Lady
mandatory processes claimed to have Shri Ram College, Tina
and reaches the Cabinet unearthed a fragment of cracked the
or Parliament, says the the worlds oldest examination, arguably
dep artm ent-related known ground edge axe, the toughest in the
Standing Committee on created up to 49,000 country, in her first
Science & Technology years ago, around the attempt.
and Environment & time humans first Athar Aamir Ul Shafi
Forests of the Rajya arrived on the continent. Khan, 23, from Jammu
Sabha. Australian National and Kashmir, came
The draft law, it notes, University (ANU) said second while the third
must first get the the axe dates back position went to another
approval of the Prime between 46,000 and Delhiite, Jasmeet Singh
Minister, who holds the 49,000 years, around the Sandhu, an Indian
Space portfolio, and go time people first arrived Revenue Service officer.
through parliamentary on the continent. An ecstatic Tina told she
procedures, public In Japan such axes was not expecting the
comments and inter- appear about 35,000 first rank. I am very
m i n i s t e r i a l years ago. But in most happy. I cannot express
consultations. countries in the world my feeling in words. I
Coming at a time the they arrive with would say the key to my
DoS is increasing its agriculture after 10,000 success has been
engagement with public years ago. patience, focus,
and private sector This discovery showed discipline and the
industries, a Space Law early Aboriginal support of my family.
will cover licensing, technology was not as She credited her mother,
authorisation, regulation simple as has been a former Indian
and supervision of previously suggested. A Engineering Service
activities by other hafted axe is an axe with officer, for her success
players in the sector. a handle attached. and said she was the one
The report was tabled in Prof. OConnor said who motivated her to
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Current Affairs 53
pursue humanities in numbering over 64,000, Pradesh, Jharkhand,
Class XII even when would severely cripple Uttar Pradesh and
other toppers from her the burgeoning BPO Karnataka well before
school were opting for businesses located the drought.
science and commerce. mostly in the National Mr. Singh said the
Tinas interest and hard Capital Region (NCR). government had also
work paid off and she The ban both on increased funding under
scored 100 per cent in diesel taxis and fresh the MGNREGS from Rs.
political science in Class registration of diesel 37,000 crore to Rs. 45,000
XII. She also topped her vehicles over 2000 CC crore and the man-days
batch in Lady Shri Ram engine capacity has had been raised to 252
College last year. left many BPO and taxi days.
Tina has chosen operators in dire straits.
Indias indigenously built light
Haryana as her cadre Govt told in lower house more combat helicopter closer to
because she wanted to than 1.5 villages are affected by reality
contribute in drought
empowerment of Indias indigenously
women there. The government told the built and under
Lok Sabha that drought development Light
Apex court relaxed the verdict on had affected nearly 1.5 Combat Helicopter
diesel cabs lakh villages across the (LCH) moved a step
Making it clear that its country and around a closer to induction as it
final objective is a quarter of its population is set to undergo
gradual phase out of had been impacted. weapon certification
diesel taxis, the Supreme Rural Development trials in July-August.
Court tweaked its April Minister Birender Singh The certification firing
30 blanket ban to allow said 313 districts, trials with integration of
diesel-run All India 1,58,205 villages and mission sensors such as
Travel Permit taxis to 4,44,280 dwellings had electro optical system,
operate till the expiry of been hit by drought and helmet pointing system
their existing permits. the government was and weapon systems air
The ban on plying of taking efforts to deal to air missiles, turret gun
diesel taxis in Delhi from with the situation. and rockets are planned
May 1 had led to He was replying to the during July-August
widespread protests, discussion on drought, 2016.
forcing the AAP water scarcity and inter- The LCH had earlier
government and the linking of rivers, with successfully undergone
Centre to urgently members voicing development trials
approach the Supreme concern over the under various
Court for modification worsening situation and conditions at Bangalore,
of its order. demanding waiver of Chennai, Leh and
The Centre argued that loans of farmers. Jodhpur.
the ban on diesel cabs The Centre has allocated The 5.8 tonne multirole
with All India Travel Rs. 1,360 crore to Bihar, attack chopper is being
Permits (AITP), Odisha, Andhra developed by the
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54 Current Affairs
Hindustan Aeronautics review of the committee of secretaries
Limited and is intended constitutionality of (CoS) had submitted a
to play a major role in NEET. report, calling for a
providing close air This decision has come regulatory body to
support to ground despite pleas by the monitor the Internet
forces. Centre and Medical giants like Google and
Council of India to allow Microsoft.
SC ends uncertainty says NEET
is the only way for students States exams alongside the investigations in the
NEET for this year Pathankot airbase attack
After weeks of alone. revealed that the
uncertainty, the terrorists who got into
Supreme Court finally Govt may re-look at the
the airbase had precise
clarified that National Geospatial Billl
information about its
Eligibility-cum-Entrance Govt agreed to review a topography.
Test (NEET) is indeed much-criticised draft Bill According to the draft
the only way for that proposes jail term of Bill, it will be mandatory
students to get seven years and a fine to obtain permission
admission to up to Rs. 100 crore for from a government
undergraduate medical wrongly depicting the authority before
and dental courses map of India. a c q u i r i n g ,
across the country. The Bill was first drafted disseminating,
It is clarified that only in 2012 and the January publishing or
NEET would enable 2 attack at the Pathankot distributing any
students to get airbase was the geospatial information
admission to MBBS and immediate trigger for of India.
BDS studies. reintroducing the Bill. No person shall depict,
The apex courts order Three days after the disseminate, publish or
strikes a death blow to draft Geospatial distribute any wrong or
States entrance exams, Information Regulation false topographic
some of which have Bill, 2016 was uploaded information of India,
already been held or are on the Home Ministrys including international
in the offing. website seeking boundaries, through
All private medical and comments from the internet platforms or
dental colleges, deemed public, the government online services or in any
universities, associations indicated that it was electronic or physical
will have to go by NEET open to review its form.
results. contents.
Nepal Govt started the damage
In Tamil Nadu, students The draft Bill has come
would have to take under scathing criticism
NEET despite a 2007 law on social media and The government of
in existence banning other online platforms Nepal has begun
entrance exams in the for its draconian damage control efforts
State. features. to calm political tensions
The Supreme Court is This Bill has been in the at home and with India
yet to sit in judicial works since 2012. A even as the main
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Current Affairs 55
opposition Nepali the need to improve the disclosing that out of
Congress (NC) judge-population ratio some 900 sanctioned
sharpened its attack. in the country, Chief posts of judges in
Shekhar Koirala, leader Justice of India T. S. different High Courts,
of Nepali Congress said Thakur said access to there were over 450
his party would not justice was a vacancies, which needed
remain in opposition fundamental right and to be filled immediately.
forever and will replace the governments could
Nihal Bitla, the countrys first
Mr. Olis government not afford to deny the
progeria patient, is no more
and ruled out people their
cooperation for Mr. Olis fundamental rights. Nihal Bitla, the
amendment plans which CJI had an emotional countrys first progeria
need the support of the outburst over the patient, is no more. The
NC, the largest party in problem of shortage of 15-year-old breathed his
the Nepali parliament judges in the presence last following
with 207 seats in the 601- of Prime Minister dehydration at his
member House. Narendra Modi at a native Poosala village of
Mr. Oli called the United conference last month. Sultanabad mandal in
Madhesi Democratic The CJI once again Karimnagar district.
Front (Samyukta raised the issue while Nihal and his parents
Loktantrik Madhesi addressing a large Bitla Srinivas and
Morcha, SLMM) for gathering of legal Sridevi, who had
talks after almost three luminaries on the migrated to Bhiwandi in
months but the NC and occasion of centennial Maharashtra a decade
several Madhesi parties celebrations of circuit ago, came to their native
have refused to bench of High Court. village on April 18 to
participate. Justice Thakur alleged attend a marriage on
Mr. Olis government saying around 170 April 23 and stayed back
cancelled the trip to proposals for to spend some time with
India by President appointment of High relatives.
Bidhya Devi Bhandari Court judges were Due to the severe heat
and dismissed Mr. currently pending with wave conditions
Upadhyay, an important the government. prevailing in the region,
NC leader. This matter was brought he developed diarrhoea
The government in to the notice of the Prime and was shifted to a
Kathmandu is yet to Minister recently with a private hospital here but
name the next request to make died while undergoing
ambassador to Delhi, appointments quickly, treatment
giving Mr. Upadhyay Justice Thakur said. The youngster, who is
some more days in people could not be the face of progeria
Delhi. denied justice. patient in India and one
Shortage of judges was who inspired Amitabh
CJI again reiterate need to Bachchan to essay a
improve Judge-population ratio one of the formidable
challenges the judiciary similar role in reel life, in
Continuing to express was facing, the CJI said the 2007 production
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56 Current Affairs
Paa, was actually a big observed bird Mr. Modis visit to
fan of Aamir Khan and abundance over eight Mozambique is
loved him for weeks, the first four significant as the
TaareZameen Par. weeks without noise and country is home to a
Though my son is no the second four with the bulk of Indias Africa-
more, I will continue my noise turned on. bound investment.
campaign to educate Results showed a large Energy dialogue
people about the proper decrease in the number between two sides has
treatment of people of birds in the sonic net been steadily growing
suffering from and areas just outside since the India Africa
Progeria, father said. and found that it was Forum Summit, when
particularly effective at Carlos Augustinho Do
Introducing a noise net around
deterring a number of Rosario, Prime Minister
airfields could save lives and
species that were at high of Mozambique
risk of bird strike such discussed the possibility
Introducing a noise net as starlings. of expanding energy
around airfields that ties.
emit sound levels After completing visits to Gulf
regions, PM to begin outreach to Mr. Modis visit will also
equivalent to those of a be a reciprocation as
conversation in a busy Africa
Mozambique was
restaurant could prevent After completing visits among the first countries
collisions between birds to the energy rich Gulf in Africa to engage the
and aircraft, saving lives region, Prime Minister Modi government; in
and billions in damages, Narendra Modi is likely August 2015, both sides
new research has found. to begin a new round of signed a crucial MoU to
Filling a controlled area energy diplomacy and cooperate in the new
with acoustic noise diaspora-outreach in and renewable energy
around an airfield, Africa, with visits to sector during the visit of
where the majority of Mozambique and South President Felipe Nyusi
collisions tend to take Africa this summer. to India.
place, can reduce the The expected visit to Mozambique is expected
number of birds in the Africa follows the Prime to become a major
area by 80 per cent, the Ministers outreach to energy exporter like
findings showed. Saudi Arabia in April Nigeria if it can set a
By playing a noise at the and Iran, which he will proper legal framework
same pitch, we mask visit later this month. to enable foreign firms
those sounds, making He is also scheduled to to explore oil and gas in
the area much riskier for visit Qatar on his way the country.
the birds to occupy. The back from the United India has been a major
birds dont like it and States in June. Mr. Modi campaigner to facilitate
leave the area around is also likely to travel to the pro-energy legal
the airfields. a third destination framework in the
The researchers set up during this travel country.
speakers and amplifiers window which has not South Africa has been a
in three areas of an yet been confirmed. partner of India under
airfield in Virginia and
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Current Affairs 57
the BRICS platform and and Child Development for Infrared Astronomy
the visit to Johannesburg Ministry in 2013, shows (SOFIA) detected only
is likely to provide an that in the last 15 years, about half the amount of
important dialogue to the rate of child oxygen expected, which
the run up to the BRICS marriages in the country may be due to variations in
summit to be held in has declined just by 11 the Martian atmosphere.
Goa later this year. per cent. Scientists will continue
In Maharashtra, there to use SOFIA to study
Child rights and You survey
were 2,12,993 married these variations.
shows child marriage is declining
but not at very fast pace girls under 15 years of To observe the far-
age, out of which 21 per infrared wavelengths
NGO Child Rights and cent have become needed to detect atomic
You (CRY) said India mothers, Census figures oxygen, researchers
has the highest number cited by CRY showed. must be above the
of child brides and the Child marriage gives majority of Earths
rate of child marriages rise to anaemic and atmosphere and use
has declined just by 11 weak and under-aged highly sensitive
per cent in the last 15 mothers who eventually instruments, in this case
years in the country. end up giving birth to a spectrometer. SOFIA
CRY said recognising children who are provides both
Mothers Day was a malnourished. capabilities.
welcome step but raised The NGO further said
concern about the young Supreme Court ordered floor
various socio-cultural, test to end controversy over
girls who were religious practices and
e x p e r i e n c i n g Presidents rule
beliefs were the reasons
motherhood due to The Supreme Court
behind the social evil.
coercion, trafficking and ordered a floor test in
in economic and social Scientists have detected atomic the Uttarakhand
deprivation. oxygen in the atmosphere of Assembly on May 10 for
Our country today has Mars deposed Congress Chief
the highest rate of child Scientists have detected Minister Harish Rawat
marriage with globally atomic oxygen in the to prove his numbers
the highest number of atmosphere of Mars for the and end the
child brides. first time since the last controversy over the
Over 50 per cent of them observation 40 years ago. proclamation of
are in Rajasthan, Bihar, These atoms were found in Presidents rule in the
Jharkhand, Madhya the upper layers of the State.
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Martian atmosphere known It held that the nine
Chhattisgarh, Andhra as the mesosphere. Congress MLAs
Pradesh and West Atomic oxygen affects how disqualified by the
Bengal. other gases escape Mars Speaker would not be
and therefore has a able to vote.
The national strategy
significant impact on the The learned Attorney-
document on prevention
planets atmosphere. General said the Centre
of child marriage,
An instrument onboard the has no objection to a
compiled by the Women
Stratospheric Observatory
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58 Current Affairs
floor test, the Bench A package for the extent to which the death
underscored, while Bundelkhand region was row prisoners are able to
ordering that Presidents being considered. understand details of the
rule, imposed on March Union Cabinet Secretary case filed against them; lack
27, be lifted for the reviewed the drought and of which results in
duration of the special drinking water situation alienation from the system.
session. with Chief Secretaries and While this finding does not
However, the apex court officials from the imply direct discrimination,
clarified that there departments of drinking it reflects structural
would be no status quo water, rural development, concerns which
ante for Mr. Rawat. water resources and disempowered the
agriculture of 13 States. marginalised.
This means that Mr.
He directed all Ministries to Pendency of legal
Rawat would not be
release funds under various proceedings greater than
automatically restored
schemes as soon as the five years is considered
as Chief Minister when
Finance Bill was cleared by a grave violation of
Presidents rule is lifted Parliament.The Lok Sabha
for the duration of the speedy justice by the
approved the Bill on 5th Supreme Court.
test. He would have to May.
first prove he had the While the median
numbers. Death penalty India report says duration of trial for the
In this the apex court has 60 percent death row inmates are death row prisoners was
differed from the first time offenders around four years, trials
Uttarakhand High Court went beyond five years
According to Death
judgment of April 21, for 127 prisoners.
Penalty India Report,
which had restored Mr. released on Friday, a Though lengthy trials
Rawat as Chief Minister total of 241 out of the happen to be a concern
even before the floor test 385 death row inmates in general, it has more
initially scheduled on in India were first-time significance in the case
May 29. offenders. of death penalty.
If he fails to prove his For the study, 373 of all The seriousness of
majority, the Governor the 385 death-row charge forces the
can invite the leader of inmates in India were families to hire a private
the majority group to interviewed from July lawyer than rely on poor
form a new government. 2013 to January 2015 by quality of free legal aid
the Center of Death provided by the
PM to discuss drought situation government.
with UP, Maharastra and Penalty at National Law
University, Delhi. The report finds that
Karnataka CMs while the high fee of
The study found that around
Prime minister will meet 60 percent of the prisoners private lawyers opted
Chief Ministers of Uttar did not complete secondary by more than 60 per cent
Pradesh, Maharashtra and education and nearly 75 of the prisoners during
Karnataka in Delhi to percent belonged to trial and high court
discuss the drought economically vulnerable deepens the economic
situation in their respective sections. vulnerability of the
States. Education levels affect the already poor families, it
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Current Affairs 59
doesnt ensure access to produced before a Although the
competent legal magistrate where legal production of paddy has
representation. representation has been more than doubled in
This makes it difficult recognised as a the recent years, the
for an accused to fundamental right by processing facility has
navigate through the the Supreme Court 169 not grown to match it.
various stages of the of 189 prisoners who According to an
legal process without shared information estimate, more than 50
sufficient socio- didnt have a lawyer. per cent of the paddy
economic and political produced in the region
Karnataka to build Asias first
resources. is sent elsewhere for
Rice Technology Park
The study found that processing.
median duration of trials Karnataka government As a value addition, the
and High Court has decided to go ahead technology park would
proceedings in cases with the establishment have facilities for rice
involving sexual of Asias first Rice flour, rice rava, rice bran
offences is the lowest as Technology Park at oil, noodles, rice-based
compared to other cases. Gangavati and a Maize alcohol, animal and
State-wise analysis also Technology Park at poultry feed and paddy
shows that trails were Ranebennur on the husk used for power
fastest in cases of sexual public-private generation and brick-
offence. participation model making.
According to They will serve as a one- Tthe proposed maize
researchers, it must be stop solution to all technology park would
examined why the problems of rice and have mills for
courts deliver faster maize growers. production of maize
decisions in cases of These parks would pave flour, maize flakes,
sexual offence when so the way for opening poultry feed, dry maize,
is not the case for other new avenues for rice maize chips and
offences. and maize growers to popcorn to add value to
Access to legal add value to their the produce and enable
representation is critical produce and get better farmers get better
during interrogation and returns and also enhance returns.
investigation phases. quality of the produce.
IMD predicts nearly double
The study found that The establishment of the
rainfall in Maharastra this year
185 of the 191 prisoners Rice Technology Park
will convert Gangavati Maharashtra is on the
who shared information
into a major agri verge of emerging from
didnt have a lawyer
business centre in the an extended drought
during interrogation.
State and help rice and a devastated
Most of them claimed
growers in the region to agricultural economy.
they had experienced
custodial violence and end their dependence on The latest data from the
were tortured in police mills in neighbouring weather bureau forecast
custody. States for processing average rainfall in
paddy. Maharashtra this
Even at the time of being
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60 Current Affairs
monsoon in the range of INS Kakinada warning messages to 85
106%, twice more than (minesweeper), INS per cent from the
the 59% deficient Himgiri (frigate) and present 20 per cent of the
monsoon recorded last destroyers INS Ranvijay principal display area on
year. and INS Mumbai . packets.
This would result in a Vice Admiral Lanba is a A Bench of Justices said
jump of nearly 80 lakh recipient of the Param manufacturers should
metric tonnes in Vishist Seva Medal and endeavour to comply
agriculture production the Athi Vishist Seva with the ministry
over the previous year. Medal for distinguished notification issued
As per IMD data, the service of an under the Cigarettes and
agriculture department exceptionally high order. Other Tobacco Products
is also planning to (Packaging and
Cross-border treaties to
increase the total sowing Labelling) Amendment
confiscate overseas assets of
area to 152.44 lakh Rules, 2008 (COTPA)
wilful defaulters
hectare in 2016-2017 as until the Karnataka
opposed to 149.42 lakh Union government said High Court takes a final
hectare in 2015-2016. it would enter into cross- decision on the
border treaties to challenges against
Vice-Admiral Sunil Lanba has confiscate overseas certain amendments in
been appointed as next Chief of assets of wilful the law.
Naval Staff defaulters and recover The Karnataka High
Vice-Admiral Sunil dues of banks even as Court, to which petitions
Lanba, currently the the Lok Sabha approved from various high courts
Flag Officer a Bill that seeks to on the issue were
Commanding-in-Chief, update related laws. transferred, had refused
Western Naval The Bill to overhaul to stay the operation of
Command has been Indias century-old the rules.
appointed the next Chief bankruptcy regulations During the hearing, the
of Naval Staff. is key to Prime Minister court observed that in
Vice Admiral Lanba, 58, Narendra Modis public interest, tobacco
is a qualified specialist agenda of improving the companies should act
in navigation and ease of doing business. responsibly and said the
direction course and will SC refused to reduce the size of awareness created on
have a full three-year- pictorial warnings on cigarette the issue would help
term in office till May curb the ill-effects of
31, 2019. The Supreme Court has
tobacco usage.
In a service spanning refused to shrink the
size of pictorial health Grading of higher educational
nearly 38 years, Vice-
warnings on cigarette institutions in the country is set
Admiral Lanba has
and tobacco packets. to be tweaked
served in a variety of
Command, operational SC asked manufacturers The official grading of
and staff appointments. to abide by a Health higher educational
He has commanded four Ministry notification on institutions in the
frontline warships increasing the size of the country is set to get a lot
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Current Affairs 61
sharper, with the of the institutions in a construction till the
National Assessment much sharper way. builders obtain fresh/
and Accreditation The move has another amended clearances.
Council (NAAC) thought, too, behind it. The State Environmental
tweaking its grading Universities coming Impact Assessment
system. anywhere in the top Agency (SEIAA) was
This is to ensure that top grade of A tend to directed to amend the
institutions do not share become complacent, environmental clearance
the same grade as ones thinking there is no of both projects and also
that are below them in improvement to be monitor further
quality. made. construction.
Instead of a four-point The new system, The Tribunal also
system, where an however, would ensure directed that no further
institutional CGPA of that most institutions construction be allowed
3.01 to 4 out of 4 (A with a CGPA of above in a buffer zone of 75
grade) means very 3.01 feel motivated to metres around the lake
good, it will shift to a strive for further and 50 metres from the
seven-point grading improvement. edge of primary storm
system in which 3.76 out As per the new system, water drains. All
of 4 will be A++, 3.51 to grade B++ will fall existing structures in the
3.75 will be A+ and 3.01 between CGPA 2.76 and zones have to be
to 3.50 will be A. 3, B+ between 2.51 and demolished.
The NAAC is an 2.75, B between 2.01 and NTPC asks BSES to pay 1300
a u t o n o m o u s 2.5 and C between 1.51 crore dues by May 9
organisation under the and 2.
University Grants Grade D, meaning a Delhi may be staring at
Commission that CGPA below 1.5, will a major blackout in the
assesses quality of mean not accredited. sweltering heat as the
higher educational NTPC has threatened
NGT quashed environmental BSES discoms of
institutions in the
clearances around Bellandur- snapping power supply
country and offers them
Agara lakes if they fail to pay about
The A grade In what might be good Rs.1,300 crore dues by
technically the highest news for those looking May 9.
one till now is to protect the Bellandur- In separate notices
enjoyed by a number of Agara wetlands, the issued to the two
institutions that are not National Green Tribunal Reliance Infra-Backed
perceived to have the (NGT) quashed the Delhi discoms BSES
same quality. environmental Rajdhani (BRPL) and
Very few institutions clearances and BSES Yamuna (BYPL)
will make it to the A++ sanctioned plans for the the NTPC has warned of
bracket as per the new projects of Mantri curtailing power supply
system Govt is around Bellandur-Agara by up to 100 per cent
implementing. This will lakes. from May 10 if they do
distinguish the quality It stayed further not pay up.
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62 Current Affairs
The two discoms, which airing of a sting successive governments
supply power to 70 per operation featuring the have performed poorly.
cent households in the former Chief Minister The funds will be
Capital, draw 2,027 MW allegedly discussing diverted over three
(BRPL 1,349 MW and pay-offs. years towards
BYPL 678 MW) from the Both horse trading and completion of 199
Centres power airing of sting operation ongoing projects in the
generating major. create a dent in drought-affected areas
The warning assumes democracy. Thatis why of Marathwada and
significance as Delhi is we said that a floor test Vidarbha.
reeling under a heat is the ultimate test, This will aim to double
wave and power Justice Misra had the states irrigated area
demand has surged to observed. to 126 lakh hectares
5,149 MW. In case the But courts proposal was from the existing 48 lakh
discoms defy the notice, shot down by Mr. ha.
major power cuts are Rohatgi in thelast Of the shortlisted 132
likely owing to a supply hearing. The A-G projects in drought-
deficit. instead asked the court prone talukas, 98 are
Apex court asks Centre to look to first decide the from Vidarbha and 34
for the possibility of floor test validity of the are from the districts of
proclamation (of Marathwada with each
The Supreme Courtsaid Presidents Rule) before getting an assurance of
that a floor test is the a floor test was held. Rs 4,098 crore and Rs
ultimate test to decide In fact, the Centre, which 3,090 cr respectively.
who is in power, and won a stay in the apex Another 67 projects are the
asked the Centre to court against a High drought prone area projects
consider having a trust Court decision on April (DPAP) in the districts. Aid
vote in the Uttarakhand 21 to lift Presidents was sought for completing
Assembly to determine Rule, had argued that the long-pending
whether the Congress what happened in the Ghosikhurd irrigation
government has a legislature on March 18 project and the Tapi
majority. when the Money Bill recharge irrigation project.
The court said it would was tabled was itself a The Centre has announced
temporarily suspend floor test. setting up of a committee to
Presidents Rule to look into the speedy
facilitate the floor test. Union government approved approvals for the
Attorney general agreed assistance of 35000 crore for Ghosikhurd project.
to return on 4th with the M.H. irrigation sector
NGT issued show-cause notices
governments response. The central government to both Uttarakhand and
It had expressed its has approved a special Himachal Pradesh
displeasure to both assistance of Rs 35,000
parties the Centre crore to help The National Green
and Mr. Rawat for Maharashtra tide over Tribunal (NGT) issued
trading allegations on the mess in its irrigation show-cause notices to
horse trading and the sector, an area where Uttarakhand and
Himachal Pradesh
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Current Affairs 63
voicing concern over the hearing. The committee criticised
raging forest fires and The case was taken the DRDO for the delay
sought details of plans suomotu by the South in major projects.
to deal with the Zonal Bench of the NGT, Fire in Uttarakhand still
situation. Chennai, based on continuing after 10 days
A Bench of the green newspaper reports that
court headed by hundreds of trees would As large parts of
chairperson Justice be cut to make way for Uttarakhands forests
Swatanter Kumar asked the project. were engulfed by fire,
the Ministry of three teams of the
Parliamentary standing National Disaster
Environment and
committee on defence wants Response Force were
Forests (MoEF) what it
DRDO change itself deployed for Kumaon
has done to control the
situation. The Parliamentary and Garhwal regions
Responding to the Standing Committee on and 6,000 forest staff
query, the counsel for Defence has called on struggled to contain the
the Ministry said that a the Defence Research flames.
team of officials was and Development The emergency in many
working on the issue Organisation to reorient districts is visible from
and choppers of Indian itself with a technology several distant areas, as
Air Force have been road map, focussing its forests continue to burn,
deployed in the energy on developing 10 days after the first
firefighting operations. certain key technologies. fires were seen. Many
It, however, asked the Low-end technologies areas are covered by
advocates for the States should be assigned to smoke from burning
to take instructions on private sector, it has forests.
this issue. said. In response to the
The observations came The Committee, while growing crisis,
while the NGT was appreciating the work especially in Pauri,
hearing arguments on a done by DRDO, Nainital, Tehri and
petition filed by an NGO nevertheless, also feels Dehradun districts,
against alleged concerned to note that thegovernment has
unregulated operation even after 58 years, there deployed NDRF teams.
of rafting camps in is no clear-cut Two IAF helicopters
Rishikesh and other technological road map would join the
areas on the banks of the prepared. operations in Kumaon
Ganga. It has called for and Garhwal on
scientific, technical and Sunday, he said.
In other case NGT has
ordered the Telangana concurrent audit of all Mi-17 chopper of the
Government to maintain ongoing DRDO projects IAF has been stationed
status quo on its Rs by an independent near Bhimtal and it will
21,000-crore Strategic agency, expressing its spray water from the
Road Development dismay over the closure Bhimtal lake.
Project (SRDP) till the of several projects at the Some 922 instances of
case comes up for initial stage itself. fire have fanned across
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64 Current Affairs
2,000 hectares so far. The omnibus order was the government was
Widespread fire could based on a 1984 PIL filed striving to raise
also be attributed to the by environmental minimum wages as well
presence of pine trees in activist and lawyer M.C. as the minimum
18 per cent of the forests. Mehta ringing the alarm monthly pension for EPF
Since the British period bells on the members.
there has been a untrammelled air Union Labour and
monoculture of pine pollution in Delhi. Employment Minister
trees in many forests of The court had originally slammed trade unions
Uttarakhand. Their given taxis time till for be- ing politically
leaves can catch fire March 1, 2016 to effect motivated and said they
easily. the change-over. When are unable to make
this did not work, the peace with the speed at
Apex court ordered that only
apex court stretched the which economic reforms
taxis running with CNG should
deadline to March 31. were being undertaken
operate in Delhi
Finally, a last by the government.
Applying the brakes on opportunity was given At present, 8.33 per cent
diesel-run cabs in Delhi, till April 30. of a workers salary up
the Supreme Court 60,000 taxis are to Rs 15,000 a month, is
ordered that only taxis registered in Delhi and remitted to the
running on compressed of them 21,000 run on Employees Pension
natural gas will be diesel.About 40 lakh Scheme of 1995.
allowed from May 1. vehicles ply on Delhis The UPA had offered a
A three-judge Bench led roads daily, including 10 minimum pension of
by Chief Justice of India to 12 lakh floating Rs.1,000 under the
T.S. Thakur said two vehicles. scheme in its last year in
extensions had been A significant majority of office, but hadnt
given to taxi operators to these are goods carriers provided funds for
shift from diesel to CNG and cabs registered in subsequent years. The
in the larger effort to Noida, Ghaziabad, government fixed that in
curb air pollution. Gurgaon, Faridabad and September 2014.
The Supreme Court on other parts NCR. The Minister said the
December 16, 2015 Labour Ministry is working
banned fresh Labour Minister says govt will
on a formula to increase the
registration of high-end look to increase min wages
minimum wages of all
cars with over 2000 CC Union Labour Minister workers keeping in mind
engine capacity, has criticised trade the consumer price index,
continued with its unions for being variation of dearness
October 2015 order to politically motivated allowance and guidelines
impose Environmental and said they are unable given by the Supreme
Compensation Cess to accept the speed at Court.
(ECC) on commercial which economic reforms The government has
vehicles entering Delhi are being undertaken by proposed Industrial
and ordered diesel taxis the Centre. Relations Bill tightening the
operating in NCR to The Minister said that norms to form trade unions.
shift to CNG.
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Current Affairs 65
It has proposed that no influential people and Justice Chelameswar
outsiders be allowed to dharma gurus on what is highlighted three issues:
become officer bearer of a going on in society and how crimes listed as
trade union in the organised to deal with it. predicate offences in the
sector and only two Religious and social schedule of the
outsiders can be allowed in leaders of all faiths and Prevention of Money
the unorganised sector. areas, including Laundering Act, the
Simhastha Kumbh Mela under Judaism, practitioners of quantum of punishment
way in Ujjain the Barelvi sect in Islam, and the use of new
Methodists, and technology in
The Simhastha Kumbh members of the Russian investigations.
Mela under way in Orthodox Church, had He said offences like
Ujjainwill see not just been part of this year- culpable homicide not
the ritually sanctioned long exercise. amounting to murder had
days of baths in River been included in the
Some of it was
Shipra, but Prime schedule, which otherwise
happening in Indore
Minister Narendra Modi did not have a major impact
[near Ujjain] at the
is also scheduled to on the economy, given that
height of the debate on
attend the unveiling of the laws aim was to recover
intolerance that was
the Simhastha the unaccounted wealth.
sweeping the rest of the
Declaration on May 14. Justice Chelameswar said
BJP president Amit economic offences like
Shah, along with Justice Chelameswar called for money-laundering could
members of all 47 infrastructure to ensure effective cause damage to too many
Scheduled Castes in implementation of laws lives and called for a rethink
Madhya Pradesh, will Supreme Court Judge J. on increasing the quantum
take a dip in the Shipra Chelameswar called for of punishment.
on May 11, the day of infrastructure and Economically backward class
the shahi snan . The dedicated judicial gets 10% reservation in Gujrat
event has been termed forums to ensure
social harmony bath In a bid to placate the
effective implementation
It will be the essence of a Patidars demanding
of new laws.
long exercise of seminars reservation in jobs and
Justice Chelameswar education, the
on religion, spirituality and said that as a citizen, he
its relationship with science, government in Gujarat
felt the legislators announced a 10 % quota
climate change and deep enthusiasm for making
ecology to finally expound for those earning Rs. 6
new enactments was lakh a year or less
on how this can be
missing when it came to among the upper castes.
leveraged for social and
creating the
environmental challenges. Gujarat government
infrastructure needed
Kumbh Melas in ancient has decided to accord
for their
India were not just about 10% reservation for
baths and holy days, but economically backward
also the tradition of New forums for in general category,
shastrarth or debate and adjudication should be Chief Minister
discussions by socially set up, he said. Anandiben Patel said.
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66 Current Affairs
She also added that the It was quashed by the g o v e r n m e n t
existing 49% reservation Supreme Court in 2013 ceremoniously prepare
for SC, ST and OBC will on the ground that it to receive Netajis ashes.
remain untouched. interfered with the Mr. Singh replied on the
But the Patidar Anamat administrative powers advise of his colleagues
Andolan Samiti of government-run and in the Prime Ministers
dismissed the private colleges. Office, that in the
announcement as A petition on whether absence of consensus in
lollipop and NEET is constitutionally our country on whether
demanded specific valid is listed for fresh the ashes, which are
quota for the Patidars. hearing on May 3 before preserved in the Renkoji
a five-judge Bench. Temple in Japan, are
Govt says conducting NEET
those of Netaji, it is
this year is difficult Govt declassifies a new batch of
difficult to consider
Attorney general Netaji files
bringing these ashes to
suggested before a The latest instalment of India at this stage.
Bench led by Justice Anil files on the Netaji The Indira Gandhi
R. Dave that the NEET Subhash Chandra Bose, government too had
on May 1 be scrapped released by the stayed away from
and instead a combined government, suggest attempting to retrieve
exam be held on July 24. that the Janata Dal Netajis ashes largely
The majority of States government of V.P. because his brother,
and private medical Singh was unsure Sarath Chandra Bose,
colleges had almost whether it was indeed disputed the conclusions
completed or were Boses ashes that were of the commissions
midway through their being preserved in set up in 1956 and 1970.
own entrance tests, Mr. Japan. Both ruled that Bose had
Rohatgi pointed out that This was in variance died in a air crash, and it
States like Tamil Nadu with the governments was his remains that
did not even have a stated position, built were being preserved in
legacy of entrance over decades and on the Japan.
exams. basis of two inquiry The communications of
But the court had chosen commissions, that Bose Singh, Shanker and Patel
to go by the assurances had died in an air crash are all part of 25
given by the Central in Taiwan, and his documents that were
Board of Secondary cremated remains were uploaded on the
Education (CBSE), the preserved at Rekonji Ministry of Cultures
Medical Council of India Temple in Tokyo. Netaji microsite.
(MCI) and the Health Documents show that on Though the Indian
Ministry that holding August 7, 1990, the then mission in Tokyo had
NEET was definitely Prime Minister, Singh, taken custody of Netajis
possible this year. got a letter from ashes in the early 50s, it
The common entrance Shantilal Patel, Member did not send the remains
examination is meant to of Parliament, to India and had spend
end rampant corruption requesting that the Rs. 52,66,278 between
in medical admissions.
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Current Affairs 67
1967 and 2005 on the last year. This is not the High Commission of
upkeep of the remains at much to do with the the United Kingdom in
Rekonji Temple. odd-even scheme as the Delhi requesting
level was less during deportation of Shri Vijay
Odd-even shows mixed data
April 1 to 15 as well. Mallya from the United
Emissions from all Delhi has seen several Kingdom.
sources, including measures in the past The High Commission
vehicles, appear to have year that could have of India (in UK) will also
been lower this month contributed to the issue a similar note
compared to April 2015, reduction, including the verbale on the case. We
but levels of harmful Supreme Court-ordered shall pursue the matter
fine particulate matter imposition of green tax with the United
have been about the on commercial vehicles Kingdom.
same or more during the entering the city. The MEA cancelled Mr
corresponding period According to the Mallyas passport last
last year. Environment Pollution week after the
An analysis of air Control Authority, Enforcement Directorate
quality data from eight which was tasked with (ED) asked the ministry
stations in Delhi by the monitoring the to initiate steps to bring
Union Ministry of Earth implementation of the back the businessman
Sciences SAFAR has tax, the number of Mr Mallya who owes
found that the level of commercial vehicles more than $1 billion to
the dangerous ozone gas entering Delhi has banks and creditors in
has been less this April decreased by 50 to 60 India.
compared to 2015. per cent. Mr Mallya who flew out
Ozone does not exist at Though the ozone levels in the first week of
the surface level on its have been less, the level March has not returned
own; it is formed when of PM2.5, which is since even as law
volatile hydrocarbons harmful for health, on enforcement authorities
and other gases emitted April 26, 27 and 28 was and banks have been
by combustion sources more than the same demanding for his
like vehicles react in the dates last year. return.
air. However, officials
Ozone becomes a bigger Union govt started the process of
deportation of Vilay Mallya pointed out, that
concern in the summer appearance of his name
as the hot weather lends India has asked the on the roll does not
itself to its formation. United Kingdom to necessarily mean that
The level of ozone from deport Vijay Mallya, the Mr Mallya has stealthily
April 1 to 28 this year owner of the now- acquired British
has been less than the grounded Kingfisher citizenship.
corresponding daily Airlines, wanted for
figure for 2015. money laundering and Govt is looking to make driving
f i n a n c i a l licence and vehicle registration
Despite favourable
mismanagement. process online
weather conditions,
ozone has been less than The MEA has written to Visits to regional
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
68 Current Affairs
transport offices (RTOs) dealer will have access The friendship between
for driving licence and to Vahan, a centralised the United States and
vehicle registration database of the India is a pillar of
could soon be a thing of Transport department. stability in an important
the past, as the The dealer will help region of the world,
government is looking complete the formalities Mr. Ryan said.
to move the process to obtain number plates Mr. Modi will be the
online. for vehicles. fifth Prime Minister of
For instance, an online The government will India to address a joint
theory test will be also do away with dress meeting of the Congress,
conducted for procuring code for commercial and the first since 2005.
a learners licence. The drivers and allow third-
Delhi govt. moves SC to define
government may also party accidental
its powers
digitise renewal insurance cover for
applications for driving public transport drivers The Delhi government
licences and requests for of buses, autos and taxis. has moved the Supreme
change of address and Court seeking a judicial
Narendra Modi may address a declaration on the
other details.
joint meeting of Congress when boundaries of the
The driving school he visits the U.S
principals can help constitutional
educate candidates on U.S. House Speaker Paul relationship between it
road safety norms and Ryan invited Prime and the Centre in
the learners licence test Minister Narendra Modi administering the
could be taken online to address a joint National Capital.
and printed as well. meeting of Congress In a suit filed in the apex
The government is when he visits the U.S court, the Arvind
simultaneously capital in June. Kejriwal government
pursuing steeper India has not announced said the Centre was
penalties for traffic the Prime Ministers encroaching into the
violations, particularly visit yet, but Foreign Delhi governments
those related to drunken Secretary S. Jaishankar is administrative domain
driving, juveniles on the in Washington to finalise and the Supreme Court
wheel, over-speeding the agenda of the visit should now clearly
and not wearing helmets that is reportedly at the define the powers of the
or seat belts.Moreover, behest of President Lieutenant-Governor.
registration of both Barack Obama. It has also highlighted
commercial and private Making an issues like the Delhi
vehicles may soon be announcement at his Police being run by the
possible at the dealers weekly press conference, Centre, unlike in other
point. The government Mr. Ryan said Mr States.
will issue standardised Modis address could be Delhis Anti-Corruption
norms for number plates likely on June 8. This Branch has been
across the country. will be the first joint restrained from
Under the proposed meeting of the Congress registering FIRs against
system, the automobile during his speakership. the employees of the
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Current Affairs 69
Central government for put up on the website of said the Central
corruption. National Crime Records government has issued
Commissions of Enquiry Bureau (NCRB), these draft guidelines to
set up under the government informed check sexual
Commissions of Enquiry the Rajya Sabha. harassment. They are
Act, 1952, have also not The government plans still at a very primary
been allowed to function to publicise their stage.
on the ground that they photographs, addresses, The draft guidelines,
have not been notified PAN card details, which have been
by the L-G, it said. Aadhaar card number, readied have been sent
It was only recently that fingerprints and DNA to Ministries, including
the Supreme Court had samples through this the Women and Child
allowed the Kejriwal registry. Development for
government to The proposal to set up a suggestions. After this,
withdraw a similar registry was first public comments will be
petition on the ground mooted by the UPA solicited.
that the High Court was government after the This will include, inter-
already seized of an 2012 Nirbhaya gangrape alia name and aliases,
identical issue. case in Delhi. registration of primary
However, this time, the It would be a handy tool or given name,
Delhi government has for the law enforcement n i c k n a m e s ,
argued that it is the apex agencies as well. pseudonyms, telephone
court which has the It will instil fear in the numbers, addresses
exclusive jurisdiction to minds of repeat sexual including temporary
decide disputes relating offenders and the public lodging information,
to the constitutional would be benefited from travel and immigration
relationship between the it. documents.
NCT of Delhi and the This will be an online Detailed survey of Patel
Union of India. database of charge- community to be taken by Gujrat
In line with U.S. And U.K. Govt sheeted sexual offenders Govt
to make sex offenders registry in the entire country,
The OBC Commission in
which people can access
The NDA government is Gujarat is set to
through a Citizen Portal
planning to set up a sex undertake a detailed
in the upcoming Crime
offenders registry in the survey of the Patel
and Criminal Tracking
country, on the lines of community to determine
Network and Systems
those maintained in whether the community
(CCTNS) project.
western countries is eligible to be
The United States has a recognised as
including the U.S. and
similar website called backward community
the U.K.
the National Sex and whether the quota
Details of sexual Offender Public
offenders even below 18 benefits can be extended
Website. to it.
years of age would be
Replying to the The Commission
included in the
supplementaries, Home headed by a former
database, which will be
Minister Rajnath Singh
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70 Current Affairs
High Court judge The report with when in fact they just
Sugnyaben Bhatt is comments on each wanted to send him
understood to have profile, was circulated to straight to Tihar Jail.
compiled a all MPs. As a possible Mr Mallya, whose
questionnaire to survey Chief Executive Officer passport has been
ore than a million (CEO), Mr. Modi is revoked by the
households of the Patel predictably following an government, and who
community. ideal activity profile, has all but lost his status
Community has been on the highest possible as a Rajya Sabha
a highly charged and grade, says the report. member, called the
violent agitation At least 43 of 71 BJP MPs wrecked Kingfisher
demanding quotas in from Uttar Pradesh are Airlines a bonafide
the universities and the deemed inactive on business failure.
government jobs in the social media, while 10 of He said he had never
State. 25 from Rajasthan do not misused his bank loans,
The commission have a Twitter account. and though a
launched the exercise The report has been defaulter, he had
following a Ms. Bhatt's circulated among the never been a wilful
meeting with Chief MPs, with a one-page defaulter as the
Minister Anandiben prescription on government and the
Patel, who has been at leveraging social media banks made him out to
the receiving end of the to sell the NDA be.
agitation from her own government. The Bench ordered the
community. All MPs have been told Supreme Courts
Government looking to become to download the Modi Registry to hand over to
more electronic app. the banks a sealed
envelope submitted by
BJPs digital cell has SC backed the resolve of the
Mr Mallya, containing
tracked the digital banks to go after Vijay Mallya
details of foreign assets
profile of all the 282 Lok The Supreme Court owned by him, his
Sabha members of the backed the resolve of the estranged wife and
party (except Speaker banks to go after children.
Sumitra Mahajan) on chairman of Kingfisher
Prime Minister Airlines, Vijay Mallya, 48 Youths had been arrested for
Narendra Modis by handing over details allegiance to IS and for planning
instructions. of his overseas assets to attack
The appraisal collates them despite his plea to 48 youths had so far
the number of their keep them a secret. been arrested
followers on Twitter and Mr Mallya accused the nationwide for their
Facebook, the number of banks who have said allegiance to the IS and
likes and retweets and he is a fugitive fleeing for planning attacks on
how much of the from justice of trying to behalf of the outfit.
governments work is lure him back with During a countrywide
propagated through appeals of a negotiated raid in January-February
these accounts. settlement of his debts, this year, the National
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Current Affairs 71
Investigation Agency Mangalore Port. mobile phone handsets
arrested 25 men for The Coast Guard Rules, 2016 are aimed at
allegedly trying to already has four ships improving the safety of
establish an Islamic which are fast patrol women and ensuring a
State-backed caliphate in vessels based at New quick response from
India. Mangalore Port. security agencies.
The Islamic State is They are Savtiribai The notification says
definitely a threat to Phule, Kasturba Gandhi, that no handset shall be
India and the State Amartya and Rajdoot. In sold in India from
intelligence officials addition, the Coast January 1, 2017, without
were asked to improve Guard has two a panic button and all
intelligence-gathering hovercrafts based in handsets must also have
techniques. The group Mangaluru. GPS from January 1,
may be losing steam Designed and built by 2018.
internationally, but India Goa Shipyard Ltd., Technology is solely
remained vulnerable to Shoor can carry a meant to make human
it. helicopter. The ship can life better and what
As per an estimate, there carry a single engine better than using it for
are 70-80 active terrorists Chetak helicopter or a the security of women,
in the Valley, and all of double engine advanced Telecom Minister Ravi
them are identified in light helicopter. Shankar Prasad said.
police records. The ship is also capable Once the panic button is
They belong to the of carrying pollution pressed, a signal/call
Hizbul Mujahideen response equipment to will be made to the
(HM), the Jaish-e- combat oil spill nearest security agency.
Mohammad (JeM) and contamination at sea. However, the details of
the Lashkar-e-Taiba It carries five high speed how the system will
(LeT) among others. boats, including for fast work are yet to be
boarding operations, finalised.
Advanced new ship Shoor
commissioned search and rescue, law After recommendation from pay
enforcement and commission Govt looking to
Coastal security, maritime patrol.
particularly in the State, make allowances structured
has received a shot in Mobile phones will have button Secret allowance, family
the arm as an advanced for distress from next year planning allowance,
new ship, Shoor, of the Starting next year, all desk allowance, cash
Indian Coast Guard, mobile phones sold in handling allowance,
commissioned about India will come with a metropolitan allowance
two weeks ago, arrived dedicated panic button and headquarters
at its base in Mangaluru. that can be used to send allowance are among 52
The 105-m-long Shoor, out a signal in case of of the nearly 200
an offshore patrol vessel, distress. allowances which the
is the fifth ship of the The Panic button and government could scrap
Coast Guard based in Global Positioning soon.
Mangaluru at the New System facility in all The Seventh Pay
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72 Current Affairs
Commission found doctors to prescribe should have the option
inadequate the generic drugs so that to give the generic
justifications offered by patients can access substitute.
the Ministries for these affordable medicines
SC slammed M.H. Govt for
allowances. provided through state-
delay in the grant of licences to
The government was run Jan Aushadhi stores.
conduct dance performances
asked to suggest The legal route to
rationalisation of a counter doctors The Supreme Court
variety of allowances. A preference for branded slammed the
committee is examining medicines is expected to M a h a r a s h t r a
the Commissions be discussed with Prime government for delaying
recommendations. Minister Narendra Modi the grant of licences to
The Commission found at an upcoming meeting hotels and bars in the
the entire system of to assess the progress State to conduct dance
nearly 200 allowances made in the plan to set performances.
haphazard. up 3,000 Jan Aushadhi Apex court said that it is
There are 13 for travel, stores across the country better for women to
14 for additional duty, this year, a promise dance professionally on
51 for risk and hardship, made in the Union a platform rather than
nine for uniform, 4 for Budget.\ beg on the streets or get
good services, 5 A major hurdle is that into other undesirable
sumptuary allowances, 2 doctors dont prescribe means of livelihood.
for training and 3 for generic medicines A Bench of Justices
knowledge update. supplied through Jan Dipak Misra and Shiva
Many were meagre cash Aushadi stores, so Kirti Singh said the State
payments and lost patients find it tough to should not adopt a
significance. ask for the correct prohibitory mindset
generic equivalents. when the apex court has
T h e
The Bureau of Pharma only asked it to regulate
CommissionRejected the
PSUs of India (BPPI) is the activities of dance
demand for doubling
the agency under the bars.
the family planning
allowance ranging from Department of As the State, your job is
Rs. 210 to Rs.1,000 a Pharmaceuticals to protect the dignity of
month depending on entrusted with these women in their
grade pay, for those who implementing the Jan workplace. Your
adopt family planning Aushadhi programme attitude should not go
norms after one child. which was launched in into the extremes of
2008. prohibition when you
Union government considering are only supposed to
BPPIs main focus is
to make prescription of generic regulate. This is 2016.
a cc es s ib i li ty ,
drugs mandatory We are talking about
affordability and
The Central government availability. But if dance as a profession, as
is considering the generic equivalents are art. In case the
introduction of a law to not prescribed by performances slip into
make it mandatory for doctors, sales wont take obscenity, it naturally
place. Pharmacists
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Current Affairs 73
stops having legal The MEA revoked the Chief Ministers and
permissibility and the passport of Shri Vijay Chief Justices
Indian Penal Code will Mallya onthe facts Conference.
take care of the rest, brought by the He also launched a
Justice Misra explained Enforcement Directorate scathing attack on
The court, however, and Non-Bailable government inaction,
acknowledged the plea Warrant under the blaming the Centre for
of Additional Solicitor- PMLA Act, 2002, issued stalling appointment of
General Pinky Anand, by Special Judge, judges to the High
appearing for Mumbai. Courts and doing
Maharashtra, that the The move comes days nothing to increase the
State has to ensure that after the MEA said it number of courts and
there is no obscenity had started judges.
in dance bars and the consultations to bring The Chief Justice asked
dignity of women is Mr. Mallya to justice. what was the point of
protected there. The ED had begun Make in India and
The court directed all coordinating with the inviting foreign direct
dance bars applicants to MEA to bring Mr. investments when
co-operate with Mallya back , especially investors would worry
providing information because of his reluctance about timely delivery of
on any criminal to disclose overseas justice in case of
antecedents of their assets. litigation.
employees to the police, Within hours of the Therefore, not only in
besides installing CCTV announcement, news the name of the
cameras. agencies reported that litigant the poor
Ms. Anand submitted Mr. Mallyas name litigant languishing in
that over 150 featured in the electoral jail but also in the name
applications for dance rolls in the United of the country and
bar licences were Kingdom. The rolls progress, I beseech you
received, of which only mention his address as to realise that it is not
39 bars had offered Hertfordshire, where he enough to criticise the
themselves for has been staying since judiciary, he said
inspection. last month. He said there were 434
MEA revoked the passport of CJI broke down at the Chief judicial vacancies in the
Vijay Mallya Ministers and Chief Justices High Courts as of date,
conference thanks to the fact that
The Ministry of External judicial appointments
Affairs announced that it Chief Justice of India remained in limbo
had revoked the Tirath Singh Thakur because of the
passport of Vijay Broke down several prolonged litigation
Mallya, owner of the times in his half-hour over the NJAC.
now-defunct Kingfisher speech addressed Prime Minister
Airlines, starting the directly to Prime Narendra Modi
process of bringing him Minister who was delivered an
back to India. present at the Annual unscheduled speech,
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74 Current Affairs
immediately after the governments will do its that positive news
Chief Justice of India work. alone should be on Page
Tirath Singh Thakurs But I have also seen 1. There was a move
emotional speech. people making their towards positive
Taking on the CJI, the own efforts. In several news, which was the
Prime Minister said villages, there is greatest reason for
judges and the awareness about the inspiration to do good
government should sit value of water and in work.
together and work for a such places there is Later addressing a rally
more efficient tomorrow sensitivity and a will to in Jharkhand to mark
rather than dwell on the do something to Panchayat Day, the
past and what was said conserve it, Mr. Modi Prime Minister stressed
in 1987. said in his address. the need to strengthen
He said the ordinary Rain water should be the panchayats as the
citizen had full faith in preserved. The water of development of the
the judiciary and the a village should remain country was linked to
government would not in the village. If we take the development of
let his faith in the judges a resolve to do that, it is villages.
falter. possible through a mass After undertaking from
He blamed the flood of campaign. Attorney-General SC kept HCs
archaic laws that filled The Prime Minister order aside
up the statute books, gave his address a feel-
faulty or vague drafting good ring when he The Supreme Court
of laws and their hailed the one crore restored Presidents Rule
multiple interpretations families that had in Uttarakhand till April
by various courts for voluntarily given up 27, barely a day after the
prolonged litigations. LPG connections so that Uttarakhand High Court
the poor can get cooking quashed the Centres
Water conservation became the decision and restored
focus of PMs Mann Ki Baat the Harish Rawat-led
Faith in people was
Prime Minister Congress government.
important, he asserted.
Narendra Modi gave a At the same time, he A Bench of Justices
call for water wondered whether a Dipak Misra and Shiva
conservation in villages train journey could take Kirti Singh admitted the
at a time when parts of place without a ticket- Centres challenge to the
the country are reeling checker, on the basis of High Court decision and
under an unprecedented faith in the people. brought back Presidents
drought. Rule in the State because
Mr. Modi asked people
He said that monsoon judgment, dictated by
to visit a website
would be 106-110 per Uttarakhand HC was
Transforming India.
cent of the normal this not yet available in the
They would get news
year is heartening. public domain.
about positive
To fight the drought achievements there. The Bench said the High
and ensure water Court judgment would
Former President A.P.J.
security, the remain in abeyance till
Abdul Kalam had said
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Current Affairs 75
April 27, the next date of involving patent Indonesia, Thailand,
hearing in the Supreme extensions, restrictive Myanmar, Cambodia
Court. It further directed rules on copyright and Laos who depend
the High Court to exceptions, and other on Indian generics.
release the signed anti-consumer The Least Developed
judgment by April 26 to measures. Countries (LDCs) are
the parties, who will file Some member countries, concerned at the move
copies in the apex court. who are part of both the to withdraw the
The Supreme Court TPP and the RCEP, are exemption granted
recorded an oral trying to push for the under the TRIPS to
undertaking from TPP standards in RCEP. implement intellectual
Attorney-General Mukul Japan and Korea are property laws until 2033.
Rohatgi that the Centre working to introduce The RCEP is one of three
would not in the some of the worst ideas mega FTAs proposed so
meantime revoke from the ACTA (Anti- far the other two
Presidents Rule in the Counterfeiting Trade being the TPP and the
State before April 27 as a Agreement), the TPP TTIP (Trans-Atlantic
ploy to install a BJP and other trade Trade and Investment
government. agreements in the RCEP Partnership between the
Leaked chapter of draft RCEP chapter on Intellectual U.S. and the EU) and
shows reduction in access to Property. aims to integrate Asian
affordable medicines The humanitarian aid markets.
organisation is The next round of RCEP
A leaked chapter of the particularly concerned discussions will take
draft Regional about a proposal by place in Perth, Australia,
Comprehensive Japan and Korea between April 23-29.
Economic Partnership demanding patent term
(RCEP) agreement being Nainital High court quashed
extension from the
negotiated by 16 Union governments Presidents
current 20 years by an
countries reveals that the rule
additional five years
trade pact in its current in ASEAN countries that The Uttarakhand High
form could reduce are not party to the TPP. Court quashed the
access to affordable Union governments
Countries like India
medicines in many order imposing
have, in the past,
developing countries. Presidents Rule on the
resisted pressure to sign
The chapter on the patents treaty as it State, holding that the
Intellectual Property can curtail the flexibility situation must be
Rights (IPR) is part of an under the Indian system viewed on a larger
October 2015 draft of the to address key public canvas of democracy,
RCEP agreement. policy issues such as federalism and the rule
India has opposed some ever greening. of law.
damaging proposals If these terms are Deciding that the
initiated by the RCEP accepted, it would limit Congress shall return to
members, particularly access to affordable power, a Division Bench
Japan and Korea, medicines for people in ordered a floor test of
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
76 Current Affairs
Harish Rawats claim of an aggregator, look at Environmentalist R.K.
majority in the the bill carefully. Pachauri, accused of
Assembly on April 29. If youre being charged sexual harassment by his
The decision is a setback more than Rs. 19.5 per former women
to the Modi government, km after the basic fare, colleagues in the recent
which had approached you will soon be able to past, has stepped down
the President to prove alert the Transport as a member of the
that there was a Department via a governing council of
breakdown of the designated helpline or TERI.
constitutional through social media. The announcement
machinery. In an attempt to take came on the heels of a
Uttarakhand Speaker action against media report which said
Govind Singh Kunjwal aggregators who are the green body has
said the effective getting customers to decided to sever its
strength of the House shell out over-the-top association with Mr.
has now come down to surcharges, the Pachauri even though
62 as the High Court has department will launch his employment contract
upheld the a helpline that will take with TERI expires in
disqualification of the note of customer 2017.
nine rebel Congress complaints. It said the governing
MLAs. At worst, this could council had also decided
The Central government include suspension of to pay all the dues for
will challenge the ruling the aggregators licence. the remainder of his
of the Uttarakhand High Such strong action tenure and bring an
Court revoking against private app- immediate end to it.
Presidents Rule in the based operators has Mr. Pachauri, however,
State. become possible after maintained that his term
Attorney General Mukul services like Ola and as a member of The
Rohatgi said this after Uber came forward this Energy and Resources
Finance Minister Arun week to register with the Institutes (TERI)
Jaitley, Home Minister department. governing council ended
Rajnath Singh and However, the only on March 31, 2016.
leaders of the BJP, complaints that will be Mr. Pachauri said he
including party taken up will be those in was issuing the
president Amit Shah, which the customer has statement to provide
went into a huddle on been charged more than the media with
how to proceed the maximum rate fixed information about his
following the legal by the government. This stepping down from
setback. is currently fixed at Rs. TERIs Governing
80 for 4 km and Rs. 19.5 Council, suggesting the
Govt imposed regulations on
per km after. decision to call time on
surcharge in a cab
his association with the
The next time you pay a Environmentalist R.K. Pachauri
organisation was
surcharge for travelling stepped down as a member of
in a cab booked through governing council of TERI
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Current Affairs 77
PM to give Awards on celebrations will be the January, February and
Civil Services Day cumulative changes of March each passing
Two days after Delhi the last year that have marks set in 2015.
Chief Minister Arvind resulted in some March was also the 11th
Kejriwal warned civil transformation in consecutive month to set
servants to shape up or various parts of the a record high for
ship out, Prime Minister country. temperatures, which
Narendra Modi will be Union government amended bill agencies started tracking
giving out awards to for fund management related to in the 1800s.
bureaucrats for forest With the release
i m pl e m e n ti n g Tuesday of its global
The Union Cabinet has climate report, NOAA is
g o v e r n m e n t
amended a Bill to ensure the third independent
a greater role for States agency along with
Some unlikely places in deciding how they
find mention in the list NASA and the Japan
will use funds to Meteorological
of award-winning replenish forests affected
districts drawn up by Association to reach
by construction and similar findings, each
the PMO for other development
implementing the NDA using slightly different
projects. methods.
governments flagship
The Bill is part of Since the initial
modifications proposed agreement was reached,
Anantnag in Jammu and to expedite the creation
Kashmir which has seen other global anomalies
of a central body, the have been reported that
100% implementation of Compensatory
the Swachch Vidyalaya punctuate the threat of
Afforestation Fund climate change,
scheme and Mulayam Management and
Singh Yadavs including troubling
Planning Authority trends on Arctic sea ice,
constituency, Azamgarh, (CAMPA), which will
registered maximum floods, drought and
manage a corpus of carbon dioxide levels in
enrolment in the Jan nearly Rs. 40,000 crore.
Dhan Yojana figure in the atmosphere.
This is the money so far Some of these warm
the awards list.
collected by States from temperatures and heavy
Out of a huge list of organisations and
around 70 districts, a rains in particular can
companies which have be explained in part by
dozen or so have been used forest land or land
selected for the awards. this years El Nio
in protected areas for phenomenon.
Anantpur in Andhra their projects.
Pradesh, again for As a sign of accelerated contact
Swachch Vidyalaya, 2016 is the hottest year to date between India and China,
Churu in Rajasthan for This year is off to a President to visit China next
SwachchGrameen (clean record-breaking start for In a sign of suddenly
village) campaign are global temperatures. accelerated contact
also part of this list. It has been the hottest between India and
The theme for the year to date, with China, President Pranab
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78 Current Affairs
Mukherjee will travel to India has been told to Tamil Nadu government
Beijing at the end of either agree to eliminate to re- lease seven
May. tariffs on most products convicts in the Rajiv
The President, who will or leave the talks on the Gandhi assassination
also travel to Singapore proposed Trade case.
on the same visit is Agreement,negotiated This is the second time
expected to be in China by the Regional in two years that the
in May last week, and Comprehensive State had written to the
will travel to Beijing and Economic Partnership, Centre seeking its views
the South Eastern trading bloc of 16 Asia- on its decision to remit
Chinese business hub of Pacific countries. their sentence. The first
Guangzhou. Apprehensions were letter was sent during
The trip, billed as a voiced at the last round the UPA governments
return bilateral visit of negotiations in tenure in February 2014.
for President Xi Brunei, adding that the The Ministry of Home
Jinpings visit in 12th round of RCEP Affairs (MHA) has told
September 2014, will talks slated for April at the State that since the
come close on the heels Perth in Australia could matter is sub judice in
of visits by Defence be a turning point in Supreme Court, it has no
Minister Parrikar, NSA the negotiations with authority to release the
Ajit Doval, and the India. prisoners.
meeting between In particular, trade In 1999, the Supreme
External Affairs negotiators from the Court found the seven
Ministers in Moscow. other RCEP members, guilty of conspiring to
However, it is also comprising the 10- assassinate former Prime
expected to indicate member ASEAN bloc, Minister Rajiv Gandhi in
India and Chinas desire and China, Japan, May 1991.
to put some of the Australia, South Korea The death sentences of
tensions of the past few and New Zealand were Sriharan, Perarivalanand
months behind them. upset over Indias Suthendraraja were
The tensions, which protectionist stance. commuted to life
have been spurred Ministries of External imprisonment by the
mainly by Chinas Affairs and Commerce Supreme Court in 2014
relations with Pakistan, are expected to seek a due to delay in disposal
the China-Pakistan clear direction from PM of their mercy petitions.
Economic Corridor and Narendra Modi on Nalinis death sentence
its support at the U.N. whether or not India was commuted to life by
on the issue of Masood should be part of the the State Cabinet in
Azhars designation as a RCEP. 2000. The remaining
terrorist, had meant a Union is against Tamil Nadu three are serving life
strain in ties. govt proposal related to Rajiv sentence.
Regional comprehensive Gandhi assassination A complete and unconditional
economic partnership wants The Centre has rejected roll-back of new PF norms
India to cut tariffs the proposal of the The government
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Current Affairs 79
announced a complete The Centre said it would against him from a
and unconditional make all efforts to bring Special Court here.
rollback of new norms back the Kohinoor The Ministry of External
that barred employees diamond from the Affairs had earlier
from with-drawing their United Kingdom in an suspended Mr. Mallyas
provident fund corpus amicable manner a passport on the EDs
before retirement. stand that seems to be at advice.
Labour and odds with the Solicitor The businessman, who
Employment Minister Generals submissions to left the country in the
said the new rules the Supreme Court. midst of efforts by a
would be partially In a strongly worded consortium of banks to
relaxed and their statement, the Culture recover dues from
implementation Ministry said the Kingfisher Airlines, did
deferred. Solicitor Generals not appear before the
Protests against the new submissions were agency in response to
norms that started in consistent with the stand summons on three
Bengaluru turned taken by earlier occasions.
violent. governments going as Mr. Mallya was
Under the rules notified far back as 1956 during summoned thrice for his
in February, employees the tenure of Indias first statement to be
were not allowed to Prime Minister recorded, but he
withdraw their entire PF Jawaharlal Nehru. repeatedly failed to
amount if they had quit The government said the appear before the ED.
or lost their present jobs, factual position is that ED would seek a Look
making it mandatory for the matter is sub judice Out Circular at all
them to wait till 58 years and a public interest airports and ports in
of age for a final litigation plea filed in India in Mr. Mallyas
settlement. the Supreme Court is yet name on the basis of the
The Minister said the to be admitted. NBW. The ED would
norms would be relaxed The Centre stressed that also approach Interpol
to allow employees it has not yet conveyed for issue of a Red Notice
buying a house, getting its views to the court, against him.
a child married and which it said had
Centre told SC that Kohinoor
pursuing professional granted six weeks to the
diamond was given voluntarily
education and Solicitor General to
to British
healthcare to withdraw make a submission.
their entire PF savings. The heirs of Maharaja
ED obtained non-bailable
A similar exemption Ranjit Singh gave the
warrant against Mallya
was granted to Kohinoor diamond to
employees who join a In yet another step to the British as voluntary
g o v e r n m e n t secure the presence of compensation to cover
organisation. liquor baron Vijay the expenses of the
Mallya, the Enforcement Anglo-Sikh Wars, the
Centre said all efforts will be put Directorate obtained a Centre told the Supreme
together to bring Kohinoor non-bailable warrant Court.
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80 Current Affairs
The Supreme Court is means, in an ideal 25 days, while some
hearing a petition filed situation, the 715 sq km better-off areas got it
by an NGO, All India of the 10 talukas should every fortnight.
Human Rights & Social have only 3,575 bores.
Thrissur Pooram festival painted
Justice Front, on But the unofficial
the city in vibrant hues
whether the government number is 90,000.
intends to make a bid to A 2012 GDSA report Thrissur Pooram, the
get back the Kohinoor. warned of over- renowned festival of
There is a long journey withdrawal of sound and light, painted
of one of the worlds groundwater in Latur the city in vibrant hues.
most famous diamonds and Osmanabad, due to Challenging the
from Indian shores to the water intensive scorching sun, lakhs of
find a place of pride in cash crop like sugarcane, Pooram lovers poured
the Crown jewels of the banana, grapes and into the cultural capital
United Kingdom. oranges, which are of Kerala for the 36-
During a visit to India, mostly groundwater hour- long festival,
British Prime Minister dependent. which is the meeting of
David Cameron was However, even after deities of ten
reported by the media to knowing the participating temples.
have ruled out handing disadvantages of There was something for
back the 105-carat irrigation borewell everyone processions,
Kohinoor. The diamond low dependability of elephants, fire- works
is on display at the yield, low discharge and and percussion
Tower of London. recuperation rate ensembles.
Meanwhile, Chief Justice farmers were still opting The celebrations started
Thakur enquired for it, the report said. on Sunday morning
whether Tipu Sultans The charge against with Ezhunnellippu of
sword was brought back sugarcane is it guzzles Kanimangalam Sastha.
to India. over 2,000 mm water in The sight of tuskers
a year, forcing farmers emerging in their regalia
Higher number of bore wells
to sink borewells. through the milling
along with unscientific use are
Initially, factory owners crowds to the
problems of Maharastra
too did not promote drip accompaniment of
The indiscriminate use irrigation. percussion ensemble
of groundwater has been When the water was awe-inspiring.
the bane of Latur. The express chugged into There is a friendly
number of irrigation Latur City last week competition between the
bore wells in Latur stood with 5,00,000 litres, Devaswoms.
at 34,778 in 2007, only people hoped it would Against the backdrop of
second after Nashik at end the citys crisis.\ the High Court order on
37,545. But residents say water fire- works and elephant
As per the rules, there supply has been erratic processions, stringent
can be only five for the past year, with security measures were
borewells per square the poorer parts taken for the Pooram.
kilometre. This simply getting water once every
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Current Affairs 81

International Issues

Islamic state claims panel upheld hotly handful of Internet

responsibility for Orlando contested Open providers, without these
shooting Internet regulations rules, could effectively
that prohibit broadband block or hamper big online
The Islamic State (IS)
carriers from playing services or smaller ones that
group claimed
favourites or blocking compete with those backed
responsibility for the
competing online by the broadband provider.
Orlando shooting that
services. The new rule also
killed 50 people, saying
The so-called Net applies the concept to
in a radio bulletin that it
neutrality rules, which mobile Internet carriers.
was carried out by one
aim to prevent a two- The cable and Internet
of the soldiers of the
speed Internet, won providers, which
court approval after two contend the regulation
The jihadist group
past efforts failed. limits their ability to
declared its caliphate
The U.S. Appeals Court invest and innovate,
in Syria and Iraq in 2014.
panel in Washington dealt could appeal the ruling
The IS-linked news
a setback to major to the U.S. Supreme
agency Amaq said on
broadband firms like Court.
Sunday that the attack
Verizon and AT&T, which IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
on the gay night club
claimed the rules unfairly has been killed in a raid in Syria
had been carried out by
restrict providers and says reports
an Islamic State fighter.
discourage investment.
U.S. media reported that Mr. Tatel wrote that the The Islamic State (IS) s
the gunman, identified role of broadband providers leader Abu Bakr al-
as Omar Mateen, a 29- is analogous to that of Baghdadi has been
year old American telephone companies: they killed in an air raid in
citizen, had pledged act as neutral, Syria by the U.S.-led
allegiance to the Islamic indiscriminate platforms for coalition, reports said.
State. transmission of speech of Baghdadi died in an air
US appeals court upheld Open any and all user. strike on ISs stronghold of
Internet regulations The ruling is a victory for Raqqa in northern Syria,
consumer groups and Iranian state media and pro-
A U.S. appeals court others who argued that a government Turkish daily
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82 Current Affairs
YenisSafak said, citing IS- members of its minority institutions including
affiliated Arabic news communities. the International
agency al-Amaq. Press Trust of India (PTI) Monetary Fund (IMF)
The coalition did not said that two leaders and G7 have backed Mr.
immediately comment on from Bangladeshs Camerons argument
the report. Iraqi TV channel Hindu community had that Britains economy
Al-Sumaria said that sought assistance from would be damaged by
Baghadi had been Indian Prime Minister Brexit.
wounded on Sunday in a Narendra Modi. But Leave supporters
coalition air strike on a argue that Britain could
The Minister claimed
location 65 km west of IS- thrive outside the EU,
that the governments
held Mosul. where they say it would
tough stance has already
Baghdadi, who had a ensured the rights of be freed of red tape.
$25 million bounty on religious minority The Prime Minister told
his head, has moved groups. the BBC that there could
around within the past be a lost decade for
Since the beginning of a
six months and had Britain after a vote to
crackdown on terrorists
travelled to Mosul. leave the EU as the
and extremists, law
UN expresses concern over enforcement officials political system gets
targeted killing in Bangladesh have arrested a total of gummed up with
5,287 people, of which negotiations.
As Bangladesh reels
under a spate of targeted 85 have suspected A Sunday Times/
killings, the United militant links. YouGov online poll
Nations has expressed found that Mr.
David cameron warns against
concern at the dramatic Camerons Remain
increase in murders, campaign is lagging the
Prime Minister David "Leave" side by 42
including that of people
Cameron warned on percent to 43 percent.
belonging to religious
Sunday that Britain faces Averaging out the last
minority groups.
a lost decade if it six opinion polls, both
In a wide-ranging leaves the EU, as he
opening speech at the sides are tied on 50 per
races to persuade cent, according to
Human Rights Council, undecided voters less
UN High Commissioner academics at the What
than two weeks before a U.K. Thinks project.
for Human Rights Zeid close referendum.
Raad Al-Hussein called Their figures exclude
With several recent undecided voters.
for investigation and
opinion polls suggesting
prosecution of the Bangladesh Government started
momentum is with the
perpetrators. Nationwide crackdown on ultra's
Leave camp, Mr.
Meanwhile, the Cameron is making a Bangladesh police have
government said string of television arrested more than 3,000
categorically that appearances to try to people in a sweeping
Bangladesh does not convince people to back nationwide crackdown
need help from any Remain on June 23. following a spate of
foreign country or gruesome murders, as
A string of global
government to protect
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 83
the Prime Minister countrys second-largest environments that pool
vowed to catch each city of Chittagong and intelligence, minimise
and every killer. its surrounding areas. barriers, and are open to
Those detained include In recent days an elderly free exchange and
37 suspected Islamist Hindu priest was found collaboration.
militants and hundreds nearly decapitated in a The EU provides such
of potential criminals rice field, while a an environment and
who previously had Christian grocer was scientists value it
warrants out against hacked to death near a highly.
them, as well as several church, with Islamic An online ORB poll for
hundred ordinary State group claiming The Independent
arrests, police said. responsibility for the newspaper sent sterling
Bangladesh is reeling killings. falling after indicating
from a wave of brutal A Hindu monastery that 55 per cent of
killings that have spiked worker was found Britons want to leave the
in recent weeks, with hacked to death on EU, compared to 45 per
religious minorities, Friday in the cent who want to stay.
secular thinkers and northwestern district of An average of the last
liberal activists the chief Pabna. six opinion polls by
targets. academics at the What
Thirteen top Britain scientists
The Jamayetul against Brexit U.K. Thinks project
Mujahideen Bangladesh indicates the race is tied,
(JMB) is one of the main Thirteen of Britains top with each side on 50 per
domestic militant outfits scientists signed a letter cent.
blamed by the backing the campaign to Elsewhere on Saturday,
government, which remain in the EU after a Germanys top selling
rejects claims from dramatic new poll weekly magazine Der
Islamic State group that boosted the momentum Spiegel urged British
they are behind the behind the Brexit voters: Please don't
killings. campaign less than two go! in a special pre-
Prime Minister Sheikh weeks before the June 23 referendum issue.
Hasina told a meeting of referendum.
Nobel Prize winners Chinese President might visit
her ruling Awami
including Peter Higgs Nepal this year
League party on
Saturday that police after whom the Higgs Chinese President Xi
would stamp out the Boson is named and Jinping is likely to visit
violence. geneticist Paul Nurse Nepal in October
However, Bangladesh said the loss of research following his
opposition parties funding would be one participation in the
immediately accused the consequence of leaving B r a z il - R u ssi a - In d i a -
police of using the the bloc. China-South Africa
crackdown to suppress Science thrives on (BRICS) summit in
political dissent. permeability of ideas Panaji, the South China
Police detained some and people, and Morning Post reported.
350 people in the flourishes in The presidential visit
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
84 Current Affairs
will cap growing ties South Asia think tank his remarks.
between Kathmandu forum. U.S. has asked Pak to ensure that
and Beijing, which
German Chancellor wants its territory is not used for
acquired a high profile planning attacks in India
Britain to stay in EU
after China became an
energy supplier to German Chancellor The U.S. has asked
Nepal, breaking Indias Angela Merkel stressed Pakistan to ensure that
monopoly in fuel she hoped that Britain its territory is not used
exports, in the midst of a would vote to remain in for planning attacks in
violent agitation over the European Union in a India, after Prime
the adoption of Nepals June 23 referendum that Minister Narendra Modi
new Constitution. her Finance Minister said terrorism is being
First, the visiting labelled a wakeup incubated in Indias
Admiral discussed the call. neighbourhood.
extension of the Britain and Germany We believe that Pakistan
Qinghai-Tibet railway to have traditionally been and India stand to benefit
Kathmandu and further allies in the EU on from practical cooperation
to Lumbini, close to the matters such as free and encourage direct
trade. dialogue aimed at
border with India.
She added that we have increasing cooperation and
Last month an reducing tensions, State
international freight very close cooperation on
many questions with Great Department Deputy
train left for Nepal from Spokesman said.
Lanzhou in Chinas Britain, and would of course
like to continue this within And that includes steps by
Gansu province, to cover Pakistan to ensure that its
the framework of the
a distance of 2,431 km to territory is not used to plan
European Union.
Xigaze in Tibet, the last attacks in India and that
Germany has the biggest
railhead. Pakistan takes steps to
economy in the 28-nation
Second, the two sides bloc, and Finance Minister address or to go after, I
discussed Nepals Wolfgang Schuble told think, all the terrorist groups
integration in Chinas Der Spiegel magazine that that are currently using its
One Belt One Road, a British exit, known as territory.
Eurasian connectivity Brexit, would bad for both That continues to be an area
project. China-Nepal ties Britain and the EU. of collaboration and
acquired fresh Mr. Schuble said if it cooperation that we pursue
momentum during the comes to a British exit, that with Pakistan is its
visit to China by Nepals the possibility of other counterterrorism
Prime Minister K.P. countries following Britains operations, Mr. Toner said.
Sharma Oli in March. lead cannot be ruled out. Hillary Clinton gets Obamas
Nepals Vice-President Even if Britains voters support
Nanda Bahadur Pun left choose to remain in the
for a week long visit to European Union, the U.S. President Barack
Kunming, which is referendum itself shows a Obama endorsed Hillary
hosting a China-South dissatisfaction that EU Clinton to succeed him,
Asia expo, apart from a leaders cant ignore, the declaring in a video
meeting of the China- Finance Minister added in message Im with her.
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Current Affairs 85
The endorsement comes not endorsed Ms. resumption of the
after a hard fought Clinton, shares most of dialogue process to
Democratic primary the concerns with Mr. Pakistan taking action
season, in which Ms. Sanders and could be against the group.
Clinton struggled attractive to his
Chinese media downplays
against her rival Bernie supporters who are now
Beijing-Washington strategic
Sanders. feeling dejected.
I dont think theres Pakistan accuses India of
ever been someone so Chinese state media has
derailing talks called the Beijing-
qualified to hold this
office. I have seen her Pakistan accused India Washington strategic
judgment. Ive seen her of using the Pathankot dialogue that concluded
toughness. Ive seen her terror attack as an as being marginally
commitment to our excuse to derail the helpful in easing
values up close, Mr. bilateral dialogue tensions, which had
Obama said of Ms. process and said talks spiralled on account of
Clinton. are the best way forward the growing discord
Looking forward to her to resolve outstanding between the two
presidential campaign, issues, including countries over South
the first major decision mutual concerns China Sea.
Ms. Clinton will have to related to terrorism. The China-U.S. Strategic
make ahead of the Pakistan and India had and Economic Dialogue
national convention in agreed to start the (S&ED) dialogue took
July is that of choosing a dialogue in December place following weeks of
vice-presidential 2015 when Indian tensions that peaked
running mate. Foreign Minister when U.S. Secretary of
The selection of the V-P Sushma Swaraj visited State, John Kerry,
candidate is normally Islamabad, he said. responded harshly to a
part of a wider But before the Foreign poser from the Chinese
agreement the nominee Secretaries could meet side that Beijing could
reaches with other and finalise a schedule impose an Air Defence
sections of the party, for resuming the Identification zone
and with an eye on Comprehensive (ADIZ) in the South
reaching out to crucial Dialogue, the Pathankot China Sea (SCS).
constituencies or incident of January 2 The remarks had
winning a swing State. gave India an excuse to followed an article in
The most talked about postpone the South China Morning
woman in this context is resumption of the Post (SCMP), which,
Elizabeth Warren, dialogue. He said quoting sources close to
Senator from India has accused the Peoples Liberation
Massachusetts who has Pakistan-based terror Army (PLA), said that
emerged as a leading group Jaish-e- China is preparing an
liberal voice in the party. Mohammed for the ADIZ in the SCS.
Ms. Warren, the only Pathankot attack and The possibility that
woman Senator who has has linked the China may enforce an
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86 Current Affairs
ADIZ, in turn, was power for the The sea-land route of
fuelled by the U.S. foreseeable future as Chabahar Port is
conduct of freedom of the war enters its sixth designed to bypass
navigation patrols in year. Pakistan. Indian
the SCS moves which Every one of the strategists suggest that
evoked a robust directives has been India can take further
response from China. broken. A ceasefire advantage of its ties
In May, the U.S. had devised in Munich in with Iran and
launched its third February collapsed. Afghanistan and gain
freedom of navigation Mr. Kerrys demand at new leverage, the
operation in the that time that report said.
disputed Spratly Islands, humanitarian access had It added that Indian also
followed by the flight of to begin within weeks views the investment
a U.S. EP-3 Aries was briefly observed in as a counterweight
surveillance aircraft, a few towns before against Pakistans
which was challenged access was again largely Gwadar Port.
by two Chinese fighter blocked. However, it said that India
jets. Mr. Assad was clearthat he may not be able to meet its
The back and forth had no intention of generous offers and high-
between the U.S. and compromising with his sounding rhetoric.
China mirrored Chinas adversaries, and seemed The report said that if India
vocal response in the to reject the next expected too much from
SCS to President Barack deadline: an Aug. 1 Iran, it is bound for
Obamas Pivot to Asia target for developing a disappointment.
doctrine. transition plan that Another Communal Attack in
Syrias President plans to take President Barack Obama Bangladesh
away every part from IS and Mr. Kerry have said Unidentified assailants
must ultimately result in shot and hacked to
Syrias President Bashar someone else running
Al-Assad promised to death a Hindu priest in
what is left of Syria. Jhenaidah in
retake every inch of
the country from his foes Chinese media criticises Indias s o u t h w e s t e r n
in a defiant speech. Chabahar deal Bangladesh in an attack
The speech by Mr. The recent India-Iran that bore the hallmarks
Assad was his first deal to develop the of the recent murders of
major address since the strategic Chabahar Port activists and writers in
effort to mediate an end is part of Indias larger the country.
to the civil war broke g e o s t r a t e g i c Farmers discovered Mr.
down in Geneva in calculations to gain Gangulys body in a rice
April. access to West Asia and field near his home in
It reflected his sense that Central Asia and to the village of Naldanga.
Russian intervention in counter the Pakistan- The Islamic State terror
the war has bolstered his China plan to develop group has claimed
position and his Gwadar port, a media responsibility for the
ability to remain in report said. murder.
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Current Affairs 87
In the last two days, two attacks, saying they Representatives and is a
other people have been were part of a wider California super-
killed in a similar conspiracy that also delegate this year
manner. The wife of a involved Mossad. formally endorsed Ms.
senior police officer, Amnesty International Clinton shortly before
who was involved in demanded "a prompt, voting kicked off in her
counter-terrorism, was thorough, impartial and home State.
stabbed and shot in the t r a n s p a r e n t The comments came on
head in the port city of investigation" into the the heels of a weekend
Chittagong. recent killings, adding phone call with
Bangladesh has seen a that the government President Barack
rise in suspected must protect those still Obama, who has stayed
Islamist attacks in the under threat. out of the Democratic
last two years targeting primary to date but is
Hillary Clinton officially secures
bloggers, online poised to endorse Ms.
Democratic nominations
activists, secular Clinton as early as this
intellectuals, and Americans voted in the week.
members of religious last major State
primaries of the 2016 Former Maldives President
White House race from jailed for 10 years
The IS and the al Qaeda
have reportedly claimed New Jersey to Former Maldives Vice-
responsibility for many California, after delegate President Ahmed Adeeb
of these attacks, though counts showed Hillary was jailed for 10 years
the government has kept Clinton clinching the on on a terrorism charge,
denying any Democratic nomination. weeks after ex-leader
organisational Ms. Clinton declare Mohamed Nasheed was
presence of such victory as the first granted asylum in
terrorist groups in the woman in U.S. history to Britain.
country. secure the presidential With Adeebs
Meanwhile, Bangladesh nomination of a major sentencing, almost all of
police launched a deadly party, putting her on President Abdulla
crackdown on Islamist course for a showdown Yameens key rivals are
militants. with New York either in jail or living in
Two high-ranking billionaire Donald exile.
members of the Jamaat- Trump, A court official said the
ul-Mujahideen Her challenger Bernie case record will not be
Bangladesh (JMB) were Sanders ignored media released to the public as
shot dead in a battle in reports that she has it was considered a
Dhaka and another was already clinched the matter affecting national
killed in a northwestern magic number of security.
district, police told AFP. delegates. Adeeb (34), once a close
Home Minister again House Minority Leader confidant of Mr.
linked the main Nancy Pelosi who Yameen, had enjoyed a
opposition Bangladesh was the first woman meteoric rise until he
Nationalist Party to the speaker of the House of was dramatically
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88 Current Affairs
impeached in November from the reactors spent undermine Chinas
after being accused of fuel within a matter of commitment to
trying to assassinate his weeks to months. diplomatically resolve
boss by blowing up his disputes over islands
Kerry warned against
speedboat. and maritime claims.
provocative and destabilising act
Mr. Yameen was unhurt in South-China Sea The matter is likely to be
in the explosion last a major focus of
September, but his wife U.S. Secretary of State discussions in the next
and two others were John Kerry is on visit to days.
injured. A trial related to Mangolia, sandwiched
between undemocratic Coalition fighting in Yemen
those allegations is yet
China and increasingly rejects UN report
to conclude.
He was jailed for 12 authoritarian Russia, the The Saudi-led coalition
years after being tried desire for deeper fighting Shia rebels in
under a controversial relations with US is Yemen rejected a UN
1990 anti-terrorism law mutual. report that placed it on
for allegedly inciting Mr. Kerrys stop in this an annual blacklist over
unrest during an anti- nation of 3 million the deaths of hundreds
government rally in May people included heaps of children in air strikes.
2015 on the capital of praise for its unlikely The report, released on
island. democratic story. Thursday by the office
But the top American of UN Secretary-General
International Atomic Energy diplomat also pushed Ban Ki-moon, said 785
Agency worried about North for greater transparency children had been killed
Korea in Mongolia, a sensitive and 1,168 injured in
North Korea may have issue given the foreign Yemen last year,
reactivated a plant for scramble for its rich blaming the Saudi-led
reprocessing plutonium resource deposits. coalition for 60 per cent
for use in nuclear He also reached Beijing of the toll.
weapons, the UN atomic for annual U.S.-China The eighth edition of the U.S.-
watchdog said, citing strategic and economic China Strategic and Economic
satellite imagery. talks. Dialogue
North Korea mothballed Reports are suggesting
the Yongbyon reactor in China may establish an China has been a
2007 under an aid-for- air defence zone in the constant factor in the
disarmament accord, contested South China India-U.S. ties, but the
but began renovating it Sea. delicate balancing act
after its third nuclear that both countries play
Mr. Kerry warned
test in 2013. in dealing with the
against what he said
The director of U.S. Asian giant will be
would be a provocative
National Intelligence, unmistakable when
and destabilising act.
James Clapper, warned Prime Minister
Such action would raise Narendra Modi meets
in February that the tension between China
North could begin U.S. President Barack
and its Asian Obama.
recovering plutonium neighbours, he said, and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 89
When Mr. Modi takes North Korea, but the forth penalties of 7-25
off for the U.S., Secretary U.S. believes China can years imprisonment for
of State John Kerry will do more on this front. those convicted of
be headed to Beijing for Prime Minister Modi terrorist acts or of
interactions with also said: There was an inciting others to do so.
Chinese State Councilor age when the world was At the end of 2015,
Yang Jiechi and Vice- divided into two camps. President Abdulla
Premier Wang Yang. That is not true Yameen had not yet
The eighth edition of the anymore. Today, the published the
U.S.-China Strategic and whole world is mandatory list of
Economic Dialogue on interdependent." terrorist entities, as
June 5-7 will have "Even if you look at the required by the law.
representatives from 20 relationship between The State Department
U.S. departments and China and the U.S., there said the Maldives
agencies. are areas where they continued to recognise
The Obama have substantial that counter-
administration is eager differences but there are radicalisation efforts are
to ensure that the also areas where they a critical component to
lingering tensions have worked closely. long-term success
between the two Thats the new way. against violent
countries do not extremism.
U.S. Department of State
crystallise into a new A government-
released 2015 report on
Cold War. sponsored Islamic
While tensions university in Male
repeatedly crop up Sections of young opened in 2015 and its
last month in Vietnam, Maldivians are at risk of key objective would be
Mr. Obama spoke of becoming radicalised to promote the
big countries trying to and some have already academic study of
bully small neighbours" joined violent extremist religion and moderate
The U.S. has roped in groups, the U.S. Islam as a
China in several Department of State said counterweight to
international initiatives, in its 2015 report on extremist discourses and
the Paris climate terrorism. messaging.
conference and the The youth within the
penal system and Nepali soldiers kicked off efforts
Iranian nuclear deal to partially drain glacial lake
being the most o t h e r w i s e
successful examples. marginalised members Nepali soldiers have
This week in Beijing, on of society have been kicked off efforts to
top of the agenda of the identified in the report partially drain a giant
dialogue will be reining as those falling within glacial lake near Mount
in North Koreas nuclear this category of Everest, fearing possible
adventurism. Maldivians. flooding that could
The new Prevention of threaten the lives of
China and the U.S.
Money Laundering and thousands.
cooperated in the UN for
stricter sanctions against Financing of Terrorism Scientists say climate
Act (PMLFT) has set change is causing
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
90 Current Affairs
Himalayan glaciers to of forming internal society, the panel, in its
melt at an alarming rate, autonomous units for suggestion on the
creating huge glacial Muslims in the East and proposed Constitutions
lakes which could burst hill-country Tamils in preamble, stated that the
their banks and the Central Province. two be recognised as
devastate mountain Though three out of 20 constituent parts.
communities. members in the panel Also, it recommended
ImjaTsho, located at an have proposed the idea, that members of the two
altitude of 16,437 feet, the panel has chosen to communities be
just 10 km south of the make this as one of its included in the
worlds highest peak, is recommendations in the proposed National Land
the fastest-growing chapter dealing with Commission.
glacial lake in Nepal. devolution.
The committee on constitutional
The surface area covered The panel, which gave reforms come up with Bill of
by the lake expanded an account of the plight rights in Sri Lanka
from 0.4 to 1.01 square of the hill-country
km between 1984 and (Malayaha) Tamils, felt The official committee
2009, triggering concerns the proposed unit on constitutional
that it may breach its needed to be reforms in Sri Lanka has
banks and flood villages empowered to address not been able to arrive at
downstream. economic, social, a consensus while
The work began in April cultural and religious m a k i n g
and the army expects to issues concerning the recommendations on
complete the project by community. several contentious
the end of the year. Autonomous units areas such as the nature
should enjoy legislative of state, religion, merger
A flood would have a
and executive powers of provinces and land
catastrophic impact on
over defined matters, powers.
the lives of more than
56,000 people living in having an impact on the Despite this, the 20-
villages located as far lives of the community. member committee has
away as Nepal's densely While summarising the come up with an
populated Terai plains. problems of the exhaustive Bill of Rights
community whose and provisions for
Dozens of villages
members are living in 14 curtailment of powers of
located nearby and in
districts, the committee the office of Governor, a
the downstream Terai
said the present system subject that has been of
districts up to 50
of local governments did great interest to the
kilometres away from
not fully incorporate Northern and Eastern
the lake are vulnerable.
human settlements in Provinces.
Committee on constitutional It covers 32 types of
the plantation sector.
supports autonomousunits for rights, ranging from
Considering the
Muslims and Tamils right to life (not
importance of the
An official committee on Muslims and the hill- included in the 1978
constitutional reforms country Tamils in the Constitution) to freedom
has supported the idea overall Sri Lankan of religion to rights of
people with diverse
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Current Affairs 91
sexual and gender summit likely to be recognising the First
identities. dominated by Chinas World War massacre of
In many ways, views of continued military build Armenians by Ottoman
the committee also up in the South China forces as genocide,
presented a microcosm Sea. defying Turkeys
of diversities of views His attendance at this warnings that the vote
and positions in society. weekends Shangri-La could hurt ties.
On the issue of religion, Dialogue is part of a Only one MP voted
the committee points out broader U.S. diplomatic against and another
that despite the existing push to build and abstained, as Parliament
constitutional position of maintain alliances in the a p p r o v e d
providing Buddhism Asia-Pacific region, overwhelmingly by a
the foremost place, the which America sees as show of hands the
Supreme Court has key to its own long-term resolution titled
called Sri Lanka a economic and security Remembrance and
secular State. interests. commemoration of the
The committee is also In the year since the last genocide of Armenians
for retaining the present summit, China has and other Christian
national flag or stepped up its maritime minorities in 1915 and
designing one without patrols across the South 1916.
any reference to China Sea and built up a Turkey, however,
ethnicity, while series of military bases recalled its envoy to
representing Sri Lankan on small islands it Germany and
collective life, or framing reclaimed from the summoned the German
a new flag symbolising ocean. charge d'affaires to a
the equality of all ethnic Mr. Carter has spoken meeting at the foreign
groups. forcefully about Chinas ministry in Ankara.
Terming the merger of military moves in the The resolution, put
the Northern and South China Sea and last forward by the ruling
Eastern provinces as week said Beijing risked left-right coalition and
the most building a Great Wall the opposition Greens,
controversial, the of self-isolation. carries the contentious
committee makes six China has indicated it word throughout and
recommendations. may soon declare an Air also puts partial blame
One of them is for Defense Identification on the German Empire.
allowing the current Zone (ADIZ) that would The genocide recognition
structure of nine require civilian aircraft comes at a particularly
provinces with to identify themselves to awkward time as Germany
constitutional provisions military controllers in and the European Union are
for power- sharing. the region. relying on Turkey to help
stem a record influx of
Shangri-La Dialogue to start German passed resolution migrants even as tensions
terming massacre of Armenians are rising between both
U.S. Defence Secretary
as genocide sides over human rights and
Ashton Carter arrived in
Singapore ahead of a German lawmakers other issues.
regional security passed a resolution
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92 Current Affairs
Acknowledging Turkeys countrys restive Children are the most
fury over the Bundestag Balochistan province. vulnerable among tens
move, political leaders Gen. Sharif said: U.S. of thousands of civilians
argued, however, that a drone strikes in trapped in the city west
clear recognition of Pakistani territory are of Baghdad.
historical facts was a key regrettable and must Iraqi forces, backed by
step to healing old wounds. stop. U.S.-led air strikes and
Berlin has until now not U.S. President Barack mainly Shia militias,
taken a clear position on Obama, hailing launched an operation
the WWI massacre, and Mansours death as an more than a week ago to
President Joachim important milestone recapture Fallujah,
Gauck had been the in efforts to bring peace which has been held by
highest-ranking German to Afghanistan, had said the extremist group for
official who has called American forces would more than two years.
the killings a continue to go after More than 50,000 people
genocide. threats on Pakistani soil. are believed to be
His speech last year Gen. Sharif added the trapped inside the Sunni
during commemorations border management majority city.
of the 100th anniversary with Afghanistan was Government forces have
of the killings had improving and urged imposed a tight
drawn fire from Turkey. Kabul to take matching blockade on the city and
The issue is particularly measures on its side of IS militants are
sensitive in Germany, as the border. reportedly preventing
it has special ties with He declared that the residents from leaving.
Ankara not least due to $46-billion China- UNICEF estimated the
its three-million-strong Pakistan Economic number of the children
ethnic Turkish Corridor was a national trapped with their
population which settled project and it would be families inside the city at
following a massive completed at any cost. about 20,000, warning
guest worker The security situation in that they face a dire
programme in the 1960s the country, especially in humanitarian situation,
and 1970s. Karachi city and in addition to the risk of
Pak army says U.S. drone strikes Balochistan province, is forced recruitment by IS.
in Pakistani territory are improving, he added. Iraqi special forces,
regrettable and must stop meanwhile, continued
The UN childrens fund issued
their push into the city
U.S. drone strikes in warning to Iraqi troops and IS
from its southern edge,
Pakistan must stop, militants for children
said Brig. Haider al-
Pakistans Army chief The UN childrens fund Obeidi, who said
General Raheel Sharif on Wednesday issued a fierce clashes were
said, days after stark warning to Iraqi under way on
American special forces troops and Islamic State Wednesday.
killed Taliban chief (IS) militants in the The fight for Fallujah is
Mullah Akhtar Mansour battle for Fallujah to expected to be
in a drone attack in the spare the children. protracted because IS
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Current Affairs 93
has had more than two Chinese Prime Minister digital currency as
years to dig in. Hidden Li Keqiang, who proceeds of crime.
bombs are believed to be addressed a conference Ernst & Young was
strewn throughout the last week, formally running the process,
city, and the presence of endorsed Guiyang as the which is only the second
trapped civilians will countrys Big Data hub. such bitcoin auction in
limit the use of Analysts say this the world after the U.S.
supporting airstrikes. endorsement dovetails Marshals Service sold
NIIT to provide training to with Chinas transition 1,44,000 bitcoins over a
50000 Chinese students from a low-end two-year period that
manufacturing hub to an had been confiscated
At a brand new advanced digital from Ross Ulbricht.
industrial park in economy based on high- Based on current bitcoin
southwest China, where end consumption and price of $533.80, the
buildings still smell of production. cryptocurrency is valued
fresh paint and Big Data refers to a at almost $13.1 million.
masonry, the National massive accumulation of The Victoria State
Institute of Information information, siphoned government has
Technology (NIIT) is from multiple sources confirmed that is had
gearing up to train and domains, which can seized about 24,500
50,000 Chinese students then be analysed to bitcoins in late 2013
over the next five years. make informed from a Melbourne drug
The training contract decisions. dealer.
was signed on the Several factors have Richard Pollard, 32, was
sidelines of Chinas Big gone Guiyangs way to sentenced in the
Data conference and emerge as Chinas Big Melbourne County
exhibition at Guiyang. Data core. Court in October to 11
Separately, the company The climate here is mild, years in prison after
sealed an agreement power is plentiful and pleading guilty to drug
with the provincial cost of establishing trafficking on the Silk
government to establish businesses lower than in Road website
a Big Data Talent Chinas more developed Like the U.S. auction, the
Research Centre in parts along the coast. Australian bitcoins will
Guiyang to enhance Besides, the local be mostly sold in lots of
innovation and government has been 2,000. One lot will
research. relentless in pushing the contain 2,518.
The once impoverished hi-tech industry. Bitcoin is a digital
city of Guiyang, well
About $13 million in bitcoins currency that allows
known in history for its
will be auctioned in Australia people to purchase
role during Mao
goods and services and
Zedongs Long March About $13 million in exchange money
is now fast emerging bitcoins will be without involving
as one of the most auctioned in Sydney in banks, credit card
prominent landmarks in June after Australian issuers or other third
Chinas cyberspace. police confiscated the parties.
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94 Current Affairs
Dalai Lama says refugees in the prestigious force and army aviation,
Europe should eventually return tournament, which is and supported by
to home countries expected to draw two artillery and tanks.
The Dalai Lama said in million fans to cities The involvement of the
an interview that Europe across the country. elite CTS marks the start
has accepted too To strengthen security at of a phase of urban
many refugees, and Euro 2016, France has combat in a city where
that they should extended a state of in 2004 U.S. forces
eventually return to help emergency put in place fought some of their
rebuild their home after attacks last toughest battles since
countries. November on a concert the Vietnam War.
A human being who is hall, cafes, police and a The week-old operation
a bit more fortunate has football crowd. had previously focused
the duty to help them. The State Department on retaking rural areas
On the other hand, there travel warning also around Fallujah, which
are too many now, he noted that huge crowds lies just 50 km west of
said. and extra security Baghdad.
He added that from a should be expected in It had been led by the
moral point of view too, Krakow, Poland, during Hashed al-Shaabi
I think that the refugees the Catholic ChurchS paramilitary force,
should only be admitted World Youth Day event which is dominated by
temporarily. between July 26 and 31. Tehran-backed Shia
Iraqi forces pressing advantage militias.
US says Euro 2016 soccer Only a few hundred
tournament will present against IS
families have managed
potential targets for terrorists Iraqi forces thrust into to slip out of the Fallujah
The United States the city of Fallujah from area ahead of the assault
warned its citizens that three directions marking on the city, with an
this summers Euro 2016 a new and perilous estimated 50,000
soccer tournament and urban phase in the civilians still trapped
related events across week-old operation to inside, sparking fears
France and Europe will retake the jihadist the jihadists could try to
present potential bastion. use them as human
targets for terrorists. The drive to recapture shields.
The month-long the first city to be lost Fallujah is one of just
E u r o p e a n from government two major urban centres
Championship finals control in 2014 came as in Iraq still held by IS
start in Paris on June 10, fighting also raged in jihadists.
drawing the best neighbouring Syria,
They also hold Mosul,
international teams from leaving huge numbers of
the countrys second city
the continent and civilians exposed.
and de-facto jihadist
hundreds of thousands Iraqi forces entered capital in Iraq, east of
of fans. Fallujah under air cover which Kurdish-led
The French government from the international forces launched a fresh
has ruled out cancelling coalition, the Iraqi air offensive. The jihadists
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Current Affairs 95
holed up in Fallujah are Britain's PM calls against Brexit his campaigns
believed to number Prime Minister David criticisms of the
around 1,000. Cameron put aside European Union were a
Fallujah is expected to recent animosity with strength because we
give Iraqi forces one of London Mayor Sadiq are levelling with
their toughest battles yet Khan to make a joint call people, which is
but IS has appeared for Britain to stay in the something the other side
weakened in recent European Union (EU), as refuses to do.
months and has been personal attacks from Former Chadian dictator
losing territory within his own party Hissene Habre sentenced to life
consistently over the intensified.
past year. A special court in
Mr. Cameron told a Senegal sentenced
According to the campaign event in
government, the former Chadian dictator
London that he and the Hissene Habre to life in
organisation that has new Labour Mayor
sewn havoc across Iraq prison for war crimes,
backed Britains EU crimes against humanity
and Syria over the past membership because
two years now controls and a litany of other
we love our country charges, including rape.
around 14 per cent of the and we want our
national territory, down The verdict brings a
country to be the best it
from 40 per cent in 2014. long-awaited reckoning
possibly can.
However, as the to families of the up to
Last month, Labour MPs 40,000 people killed and
caliphate it declared had branded Mr.
two years ago unravels, the many kidnapped,
Cameron racist after he raped or tortured under
IS has been reverting to told Parliament he was
its old tactics of his 1982-1990 rule as
concerned about President of Chad.
bombings against Labours mayoral
civilians and commando Victims groups who had
candidate who had
raids. travelled to Dakar to
appeared again and
A fresh wave of bomb hear the verdict were
again and again on
attacks struck the visibly moved by a
stage with extremists.
Baghdad area on judgement that comes a
While Mr. Cameron was quarter century after the
Monday, killing 11 building bridges with
people in three separate abuses they suffered.
former adversaries,
blasts. The case was heard by
dissent within his own
The IS onslaught has the CAE special tribunal
ranks escalated with
threatened tens of set up by the African
some Tory MPs
thousands of people, Union under a deal with
demanding he quit even
many of them already Senegal, and is the first
if the country voted to
displaced from other time a country has
remain in the bloc at the
areas, who have sought prosecuted a former
June 23 referendum.
refuge in camps near the leader of another nation
Mr. Cameron admitted for rights abuses.
Turkish border. he himself was a
Reed Brody, a lawyer for
eurosceptic, but said
Human Rights Watch,
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96 Current Affairs
said the conviction was Italys Interior Minister the Taliban last summer
a warning to other Angelino Alfano said after Mullah Akhtar
despots. that Europe needed a Mansoor was chosen to
quick agreement with succeed the groups late
UNHCR says more than 500
Libya and African founder, Mullah Omar.
people died off Syria this week
countries to halt the Mansoor was killed
A week of shipwrecks crisis. earlier this month in a
and death in the The chaos in the North U.S. drone strike in
Mediterranean African country since Pakistan.
culminated with Muammar Qadhafis fall
harrowing testimony India gets big diplomatic success
in 2011 has been
from migrant survivors exploited by people Pakistan seems to have
who said another 500 traffickers. failed to seal the $700
people including 40 European Parliament million deal for the
children had drowned, President said in an purchase of eight F-16
bringing the number of interview that Italys fighter jets from the U.S.
feared dead to 700. migration compact following a row between
Brought to safety in the idea was the best the two countries over
Italian ports of Taranto proposal so far for their financing.
and Pozzallo, survivors stopping the boat The Pakistani
told the UNs refugee crossings and government was
agency (UNHCR) and preventing deaths. required to provide the
Save the Children how Letter of Acceptance for
their boat sank. Breakaway Taliban faction purchase of the jets by
With some 100 people willing to hold peace talks with May 24, but Dawn
missing after a boat sank the Afghan government reported that the
earler, and 45 bodies A breakaway Taliban document was not
recovered from a wreck faction is willing to hold issued leading to expiry
that happened, the peace talks with the of the offer.
UNHCR said it feared Afghan government but Initially, the $700 million
up to 700 people had will demand the deal for eight F-16 multi-
drowned in the imposition of Islamic role fighters, was to be
Mediterranean this law and the departure of partially financed
week. all foreign forces. through the U.S. Foreign
The first boat, carrying Mullah Abdul Manan Military Financing
some 500 people, was Niazi told a group of (FMF) programme but
reportedly towing the around 200 followers in the Congress disallowed
second, which was eastern Afghanistan that subsidising the sale.
carrying another 500. his faction had no faith Pakistan, which
But the second boat in the government but expected to get the
began to sink. Some was willing to negotiate fighters at the subsidised
people tried to swim to without preconditions. rate of $270 million, was
the first boat, others held Niazi is deputy to subsequently asked by
onto the rope linking the Mullah Mohammad the U.S. administration
vessels. Rasool, who split from to make the full
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Current Affairs 97
payment for the eight to become a member of day that marked one of
aircraft from its national the Nuclear Suppliers the most terrifying
resources. Group, the U.S. has said chapters of World War-
Pakistan Prime it is not about an arms II.
Ministers Adviser on race, but about the Mr. Obama also chatted
Foreign Affairs Sartaj peaceful use of nuclear with a smiling Sunao
Aziz said last month energy. Tsuboi (91), who had
that Pakistan could look This is not about an earlier said he wanted to
to buy the aircraft from arms race and its not tell the U.S. President
some other country if about nuclear weapons. how grateful he was for
the deal did not go This is about the his visit.
ahead. peaceful civil use of The trip comes more
nuclear energy, and so than seven decades after
US asked Pakistan to go after
we would certainly hope the Enola Gay bomber
that Pakistan dropped its deadly
The U.S. has asked Pakistan understands that, State atomic payload, dubbed
to go after terrorists, Department Deputy Little Boy, over the
especially the Taliban Spokesman said. western Japanese city.
leadership, days after an
He was responding to The bombing claimed
American drone killed
questions about Indias the lives of 140,000
Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar
application for NSG people.
Mansour in Balochistan
Province. membership and As expected, Mr. Obama
We continue to cooperate Pakistans opposition to offered no apology for
closely with Afghanistan, it on the grounds that it the bombings, having
but also urge Pakistan to go will lead to a nuclear insisted that he would
after terrorists, especially arms race in the region. not revisit decisions
Taliban leadership, and that US President paid moving made by Truman at the
cooperation continues, tribute to victims of the first close of a brutal war.
State Department Deputy atomic bomb Shinzo Abe praised the
Spokesman said. courage of the visit,
Meanwhile, a former U.S. Barack Obama paid
which he said offered
Ambassador to Afghanistan, moving tribute to
hope for a nuclear free
James B. Cunningham, said victims of the first
the drone strike that killed atomic bomb, offering a
Taliban leader Mullah comforting embrace to a Russian President in Greece to
Mansour inside Pakistan tearful man who reinforce their relationship
should send a signal that the survived the devastating Russian President
U.S. will not tolerate attack on Hiroshima. Vladimir Putin was in
terrorist safe havens. In a ceremony loaded Greece in a visit aimed
with symbolism, the first at reinforcing a
US again reiterates its support
sitting U.S. President to relationship with one of
for Indias bid for NSG
visit the city clasped his few friends in the
In an apparent snub to hands with one survivor European Union (EU)
Pakistan for its and hugged another amid tensions with the
opposition to Indias bid after speaking about the West.
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98 Current Affairs
The visit comes at a low Presumptive Republican places them miles apart.
ebb in relations between presidential nominee promises Jobs and wages are the
Russia and Europe over to increase oil and gas primary issues likely to
the conflict in Ukraine production determine the polls this
that broke out in 2014, With a view to overturn year and both Mr.
with sanctions still in the existing U.S. policies, Trump and Ms. Clinton
force against Moscow. presumptive Republican articulate their
It also comes as Athens presidential nominee respective positions
desperately seeks to Donald Trump has within that framework.
come out of recession. promised to increase oil Mr. Trump has said that
Greek officials say and gas production and a regulation or rule
increased trade with to incentivise fracking, should be tested by the
Russia could play a part while ridiculing single question of
in recovery efforts. renewable energy whether or not it is
EU leaders are to discuss technologies. good for the American
next month whether to This is the first time that worker.
renew sanctions on he has promised to scrap He holds that climate
Russias banking, the deal altogether. priorities are damaging
defence and energy Throughout his the American economy
sectors that expire in campaign season, he has and its workers. Ms.
July. been stating that he Clinton on the other
While the sanctions are would at minimum hand, has been trying to
likely to be extended, renegotiate the Paris project the challenges
German Foreign deal. posed by climate change
Minister Frank-Walter Republicans and as a big opportunity to
Steinmeier said conservatives have been create jobs in clean
resistance is growing increasingly sceptical of technologies.
within the EU to the science of climate When it comes to the
extending them, and a change, while India-U.S. bilateral ties,
unanimous vote is Democrats and liberals combating climate
required. are convinced of the change has been
Italy and Hungary have phenomenon and that repeatedly cited as a key
been among the most human interventions area of cooperation.
sceptical while Poland caused it. One of the main
and the Baltic states For Hillary Clinton, Mr. arguments in favour of
have repeatedly pressed Trumps position could the civil nuclear deal
for maintaining pressure turn out to be was that it will reduce
on Moscow. advantageous. carbon emissions in a
Greek leader Alexis While there is fast growing economy.
Tsipras, urged Europe to convergence between Clear discussions on boundary
cooperate with Russia, Mr. Trump and Mr. negotiations between India and
and to move away from Sanders on a range of China
what he branded a futile popular issues, climate
cycle of sanctions and Cordial and clear
change is one topic that
militarisation. discussions on sensitive
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Current Affairs 99
issues marked India- discussed ways to according to the U.S.
China talks during strengthen cooperation news agencies.
President Pranab in investment, trade It said the real estate
Mukherjees visit to and tourism. tycoons delegate count
Beijing but no significant Specifically, China has rose when a small
change in divergent also agreed to number of unbound
positions was realised. accommodate more Republican delegates,
Meetings with President Indian tourists (seven including Oklahoma
Xi Jinping, Prime batches or around 400 party chairwoman Pam
Minister Li Keqiang and people this year) to visit Pollard, said they would
National Peoples Kailash Mansarovar via support him at the
Congress chairman the Nathu La pass into convention.
Zhang Dejiang marked a Tibet. The Republican Party
busy third day of a four- The two leaders also will not make the results
day visit by Mr. agreed to advance the official until its national
Mukherjee to China. ongoing boundary convention in July.
Mr. Mukherjees negotiations under the U.S. President Barack
delegation apprised its Special Representatives Obama said that global
Chinese counterparts mechanism, and at the leaders are rattled by
about Indias aims to same time resolved to some of Mr. Trumps
rapidly expand its take actions to maintain statements, blasting the
civilian nuclear peace and tranquillity in ideas as demonstrating
programme in line with the boundary regions. ignorance of how the
the countrys energy Mr. Jaishankar said that world works.
needs. He also asked Mr. the Indian delegation They are not sure how
Xi to give this matter had conveyed to the seriously to take some of
personal attention. Chinese the need to his pronouncements,
Director-General of eliminate cross-border he told reporters on the
Asian region in Chinas terrorism. sidelines of the G7
ministry of foreign Donald Trump gets required summit. But theyre
affairs, briefing the press delegates for nominations rattled by them, and for
following the meeting good reason, he added.
also said that the two Donald Trump secured
the support of enough President begins his Chinese
leaders agreed to
delegates to clinch the visit
strengthen cooperation
in the peaceful uses of Republican presidential President Pranab
nuclear energy. nomination, after Mukherjee was given a
Mr. Mukherjee led a unbound delegates rousing welcome by
delegation to meet Mr. pledged to back the Chinese officials as he
Xi after receiving a billionaire, according to landed in Beijing on the
grand welcome in a U.S. media counts. second of a four-day
ceremony held at the Mr. Trump now has the visit to China.
Great Hall of Peace in backing of 1,238 Speaking at a reception
Beijing. delegates, one more than in Beijing presided over
The two leaders the 1,237 needed, by Chinese Vice-
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100 Current Affairs
President Li Yuanchan, While the trade deficit While expressing his
the President between the two countries serious concerns over
emphasised cultural and was a concern, India the said drone strike, the
people-to-people links would like to see a greater Chief of the Army Staff
as key to expanding market for our products said such acts of
relations between the in IT and IT-related services, sovereignty violations
two countries. pharmaceuticals and drugs are detrimental to
Mr. Mukherjee harked and agro-products... in relations between both
back to the past to refer China, he said. countries and are
to strong cultural He added that he was counter-productive for
linkages between India confident about greater ongoing peace process.
and China, including the engagement and It is for the first time that
exchange of knowledge enhancement of ties Army has spoken on the
to set the context for the between Guangdong issue.
present. and India.
Indian investment in Chabahar
Arguing that Indians Initiatives such as sister-
port assessed positively
and Chinese today rely province relationship,
on borrowed prisms and for example between Two commentaries: one
secondary sources to Gujarat and Guangdong on Xinhua and another
understand each other, which was established in Global Times ,
he emphasised the need in 2014, were also assessed positively the
for direct exchanges discussed in the Indian investment in the
between the civil meeting. Chabahar port project in
societies. Iran.
Pakistan condemns drone attack
Mr. Li said that both The Global Times
on Pakistans soil
India and China were commentary strongly
The U.S. drone attack on objected to the
engaged in the projects
Pakistans soil to kill perception that the
of national rejuvenation
Afghan Taliban chief project is aimed at
and domestic reform.
Mullah Mansour is countering the [Gwadar
China had increased its
detrimental to bilateral sea port project in
investment and
ties, Pakistan army chief Pakistan that is part of
participation in railway
GeneralRaheel Sharif the] China-Pakistan
projects and industrial
said. Economic Corridor.
parks in India, he said.
Mr. Mukherjee wrapped up Gen. Sharif told this to It argued that the port
his visit to Guangzhou, by U.S. Ambassador David offers a strategic
inviting Chinese investors to Hale who visited the foothold for India in the
expand their foreign direct militarys General northern Indian Ocean
investment in India and to Headquarters in [the Arabian Sea] and
leverage the various Rawalpindi, the Army access to Central Asia
flagship initiatives launched said, adding that the and this must not be
by the Indian government situation arising after seen as detrimental to
such as Make in India, U.S. drone strike in Chinese interests in the
Digital India and the Smart Balochistan on May 22 region.
City projects. came under discussion. The Xinhua commentary
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Current Affairs 101
blamed the West for the Samyukta Loktantrik the end of the Vietnam
distorted narrative on Madhesi Morcha War, his mission was to
the perceived (SLMM). put that conflict behind
competition between The present agitation him, and the trip was
India and China with has other groups as well, among the most
respect to the Chabahar making it more remarkable of his
and Gwadar ports. representative. presidency.
The political crisis in When President Barack
President Maithripala Sirisena
Kathmandu escalated further Obama arrives, his task
will be the first leader of Sri
may be a bit less
The political crisis in Lanka in the G-7 summit
dramatic, but is in many
Kathmandu escalated Sri Lankas President ways far more
further after a 29-party Maithripala Sirisena, ambitious.
alliance agitating against who leaves for Japan on These two countries,
the Nepali government Wednesday, will be the bedevilled by decades of
boycotted the political first leader of his m i su n d e r s t a n d i n g s,
talks held in Kathmandu country to take part in violence and wariness,
under the leadership of the G-7 summit, to be now have the chance to
Prime Minister K.P. held in Ise-Shima. create a partnership that
Sharma Oli. Apart from him, Prime seemed unlikely even
They said that they did Ministers of Bangladesh, three years ago.
not attend the talks as Laos, Papua New Since then, Chinas
the government did not Guinea and Vietnam expansion in the South
extend them a formal and Presidents of Chad China Sea has deeply
invitation. and Indonesia are shaken a new
After the talks, Prime expected. V i e t n a m e s e
Minister Oli issued a An official release said government.
two-page note the invitation extended While the leadership
mentioning the to Mr. Sirisena here has not let up on its
governments response symbolises the positive repression of its people
to the demands for attitude of the it now appears more
constitutional international community interested in playing one
amendments made by towards Sri Lankas way superpower off against
the Madhesi parties. forward as a sustainable the other, perhaps even
However, the Madhesis democracy and a giving the Pentagon
criticised it as an potential economic hub some rotating access to
insincere attempt. in Asia. key Vietnamese ports.
The Madhesis have been US Presidents Vietnam visit to It would not be an
on the warpath since give push to his Asia orientation alliance; neither side
May 14 demanding seems ready for that. But
amendments. The first When Bill Clinton
landed in this lake- it could throw Beijing off
agitation from balance in the daily
September 2015 to studded capital 16 years
ago, the first U.S. shadow boxing over
February 2016 took who will dominate one
place under the President to visit since
of the worlds most
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102 Current Affairs
strategically vital State Antony Blinken of countries on June 3,
waterways. and Daniel Russel, the without the Israelis and
In many parts of Asia, State Departments most Palestinians present.
Mr. Obamas strategy of senior Asia hand, have Another conference
focusing on the region is been showing up in would then be held in
still more of a slogan Hanoi. the autumn, with the
than an operational Their goal has been to Israelis and Palestinians
plan. get enough human in attendance. The goal
However, in this part of rights guarantees from is to eventually restart
Southeast Asia, the Vietnamese to allow negotiations that would
particularly Vietnam, he for the lifting of lead to a Palestinian
seems on the verge of sanctions on arms sales state. Mr. Netanyahu
the kind of progress Mr. to Vietnam and perhaps has criticised the
Clinton could only the return of U.S. initiative and called for
imagine during that first military units to its direct negotiations
visit, only 10 months shores for the first time between the two sides.
before the Sept. 11 since the chaotic
US house passed amendment to
attacks changed helicopter evacuation
National defence authorisation
Americas priorities. from Saigon that is
The Chinese, who seared in American
hindered U.S. efforts memory. The U.S. House of
during the Vietnam Representatives has
France looking to solve the passed amendments to
War, are making things Israel-Palestine issue
easier for the United the National Defence
States. French Prime Minister Authorisation Act
Manuel Valls visited (NDAA)-2017, seeking
For years, the
Israel to advance his to enhance the countrys
Communist Party
countrys plan to restart defence cooperation
leadership in Vietnam,
Israeli-Palestinian peace with India.
headed by Nguyen
efforts in the face of A similar bill is under
PhuTrong, ignored
opposition from his the consideration at the
Chinese activity off the
counterpart Benjamin Senate as well. The
countrys coast.
Netanyahu. bipartisan move of
But in 2014, China
Mr. Valls is to meet Mr. Congress seeks to bring
placed a deep-sea
Netanyahu on Monday India at par with NATO
drilling rig to explore for
before holding talks in allies for technology and
oil and gas right off
Ramallah on Tuesday equipment sale.
Vietnam, and Mr. Trong,
with Palestinian Prime Once signed into law by
the partys general
Minister Rami the President, these
secretary, could not even
Hamdallah. provisions will liberalise
get his phone calls to
Beijing returned. Palestinian President the sale of a wide range
Mahmud Abbas has of technologies to India,
Ahead of Mr. Obamas
welcomed the French bypassing legislative
visit, a parade of U.S.
initiative to hold a approvals.
officials, including
meeting of Foreign The move also seeks to
Deputy Secretary of
Ministers from a range
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 103
open a special office in including seats and a distress signal.
the Pentagon dedicated luggage, from the It had turned sharply
exclusively to the U.S.- EgyptAir plane that twice in Egyptian
India Defence crashed in the airspace before plunging
Technology and Trade Mediterranean, as 22,000 feet (6,700 metres)
Initiative. investigators tried to and vanishing from
The Senate is likely to unravel the mystery of radar screens, said
pass the bill before why it swerved and Greek Defence Minister
Prime Minister plummeted into the sea. Panos Kammenos.
Narendra Modis Search teams spotted A multinational
address to a joint session personal belongings of operation involving
of Congress on June 8. passengers and parts of aircraft and ships has
The U.S.-India Defence the Airbus A320 about been launched to find
Technology and 290 km north of Egypts the plane.
Partnership Act in the coastal city of Fifteen French citizens, a
Senate was introduced Alexandria. Briton and at least one
by Senators Mark The countrys Aviation Canadian were among
Warner and John Minister has said a 26 foreigners on the
Cornyn, co-chairs of the terrorist attack was a plane.
Senate India Caucus. more likely cause than The disaster also entered
Senator Marco Rubio technical failure for the the U.S. presidential
has also joined as a planes disappearance election campaign,
sponsor. on a flight from Paris to where national security
In further amendments, Cairo with 66 people on is a prominent issue.
the House has tightened board.
Sri Lanka facing big
the flow of aid to The tragedy raised fears
Pakistan. The Secretary of a repeat of the
of Defence must now bombing of a Russian India has dispatched
certify to Congress that passenger jet by the military ships and an
Pakistan is not using Islamic State (IS) over aircraft with rescue and
funds or equipment Egypt last October that relief material to Sri
provided to persecute killed all 224 people on Lanka, where torrential
minority groups. board. rains and landslides
The amendments also Relatives of some of the have resulted in several
put new conditions to be passengers and crew deaths and massive
met before Pakistan can met EgyptAir officials devastation over the last
access $450 million next and later gathered at a few days.
year in Coalition hotel near Cairo airport Two Navy ships one
Support Fund, which is to exchange information. Naval Offshore Patrol
for reimbursing costs The plane disappeared INS Sunayna and one
incurred in Afghanistan. between the Greek survey ship INS Sutlej
island of Karpathos and had set sail from Kochi
Wreckage from EgyptAir plane
the Egyptian coast in the with 30-40 tonnes of
found in Mediterranean
early hours of Thursday, relief material and are
Egypt found wreckage, without its crew sending scheduled to reach
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
104 Current Affairs
Colombo harbour on Moscow's Joint air strike in Syria current partners in Asia.
May 21 during the proposal rejected by US Mr. Obama will be the
morning hours. Moscow on Friday first serving U.S.
In addition to providing proposed that Russia President to visit
the relief material, India and United States, which Hiroshima, one of the
would also be have been flying two Japanese cities on
participating in the separate bombing which the U.S. dropped
rescue and relief efforts, campaigns in Syria, atomic bombs in 1945.
the officer added. The launch joint air strikes The visit will also
Navy has also kept two against jihadists from underscore the
Dornier aircraft on next week, a proposal significance the Obama
standby in Kochi for any the Pentagon swiftly administration attaches
emergency requirement. rejected. to the Trans Pacific
Sri Lankan President We are proposing to Partnership (TPP), a
Maithripala Sirisena had the U.S., as the head of trade agreement that is
said that his government the International Syria the cornerstone of the
had appealed to friendly Support Group, to take U.S.s Asia-Pacific
nations to provide part as of May 25 in joint policy, despite it being
whatever possible operations between the hotly contested in the
assistance for the supply Russian air force and the ongoing presidential
of relief materials and air force of the campaign.
construction of houses. coalition, Russian Maritimes disputes on
Terming the flood Defence Minister said. the South China Sea will
situation disastrous, Russian operations are be part of the
the President said the supporting and enabling discussions at the G-7
Foreign Ministry briefed the Assad regime and meeting in Japan.
diplomats of the present our focus is solely on The U.S. opened full
status. He also thanked degrading and defeating diplomatic ties with
those countries that had [the Islamic State] Vietnam in 1995 but the
come forward to help Sri Captain Davis said. relationship is far from
Lanka. smooth. Bill Clinton and
According to a report by US President to visit Vietnam George W. Bush visited
the governments and Japan Vietnam once each and
Disaster Management Barack Obamas visit to this will be Mr. Obamas
Centre on Friday Vietnam and Japan next first trip to the country
morning, the number of week will reiterate the that shares a border with
deaths stood at 64, of rebalance to Asia China
which 35 were in policy that many critics But concerns regarding
Kegalle district where a say has faltered after the human rights violations
huge landslide occurred. initial push. in the country still rattle
Totally, 4.27 lakh people Mr. Obamas visit will U.S. administrations,
were affected and about also resuscitate the and Mr. Obama will
3.2 lakh removed to safe memories of the U.S.s interact with civil
locations. difficult past of war and society organisations in
conflict with these two Hanoi.
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Current Affairs 105
The White House had window for change has lead over her rival in
earlier said the President begun to narrow. terms of the number of
would not revisit the delegates who will elect
Syria regime takes back key town
decision to use the the partys candidate for
atomic bomb while Syrian troops backed by Novembers presidential
visiting Hiroshima. fighters from the election.
Lebanese Shia Meanwhile, a national
Seventh anniversary of end of movement Hezbollah
Eelam war observed match-up poll showed
retook a key town and that Ms. Clinton is
Even as Sri Lanka nine surrounding leading the presumptive
observed the seventh villages outside Republican nominee,
anniversary of the end of Damascus from rebels. Donald Trump, by just
the Eelam War, issues of Pro-regime fighters used three percentage points.
reconciliation and clashes between rival Ms. Clinton gets 48 per
accountability remained rebel factions Jaish al- cent against Mr.
largely unaddressed, Islam and Faylaq al- Trumps 45 per cent. In
according to the Rahman as an their respective party
Brussels-based opportunity to retake bases, they have the
International Crisis the town of Deir al- same support87 per
Group (ICG). Assafir, the Syrian cent.
The group said the Observatory for Human In unfavourable
government appears to Rights said. ratings, Ms. Clinton is
be backtracking on As rebels summoned doing better than Mr.
transitional justice plans, their fighters from Deir Trump, but there are
particularly on the role al-Assafir to the danger signals for her.
of foreign judges and frontline, regime forces In an improvement of
experts. launched a violent two points over a
Mechanisms promised attack and heavy air month, 56 per cent see
to the UNHRC [United campaign resulting in her unfavourably; for
Nations Human Rights them controlling the Mr. Trump, the
Council] feed Sinhala town in the opposition unfavourable rating
nationalist suspicions, bastion of Eastern dropped from 65 per
while attempts to Ghouta. cent to 60 per cent and
reassure Sinhalese and
Hillary Clinton closer to getting his favourable rating
the military encourage
nominations rose from 33 per cent to
doubts among Tamils 37 per cent over the
about [the] Hillary Clinton claimed
victory in Kentucky and previous month.
g o v e r n m e n t s
willingness, it added. Bernie Sanders took US senate allowed sept 11
It added that though the Oregon in Democratic victims to sue Saudi Arabia
national unity primaries, but the The U.S. Senate
government has outcomes would do little approved legislation
expanded the political to change the dynamics that would allow
centre and isolated hard- in the race. September 11 victims
line nationalists, the Ms. Clinton has a clear and their relatives to sue
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106 Current Affairs
Saudi Arabia over its Turkey, deplored Irans unnecessarily
possible role in the 2001 interference in the complicate progress in
attacks, a bill which internal affairs of West bilateral ties.
could trigger a Asian States. Expressing According to the
diplomatic firestorm. deep concern over the N a t i o n a l
Senators unanimously announcement. DefenseAuthorization
approved the Justice The Maldivian Act 2017, of the total
Against Sponsors of Democratic Party, the amount of
Terrorism Act which principal Opposition reimbursement and
now heads to the House party, said this kind of support authorised for
of Representatives, irrational adventurism Pakistan during the
where Speaker Paul in foreign policy period beginning on
Ryan has voiced decisions will have October 1 this year, and
reservations. serious negative ending on December 31,
The White House has repercussions on the 2017, $450 million
repeatedly stated that security of the would not be eligible for
President Barack Maldives. a national security
Obama, who visited the waiver unless the
White House says blocking aid
kingdom in April to Secretary of Defence
to Pak could complicate bilateral
soothe strained ties, certifies that Pakistan
opposes the law because continues to conduct
it would waive the The Obama operations against
doctrine of sovereign administration has Haqqanis.
immunity. opposed the Republican- Under this new
controlled Congresss proposed provision, the
Maldives cuts ties with Iran move to block $450 Defense Secretary also
The Maldives has million in aid to needs to certify that
terminated its four- Pakistan for failing to Pakistan is
decade-old diplomatic demonstrate its demonstrating
ties with Iran. commitment and commitment to prevent
Irans policies are taking action against the the Haqqani Network
detrimental to peace Haqqani network. from using North
and security in the A White House Waziristan as a safe
region (West Asia), statement in this regard haven.
which, in many ways, is came as the bill made its It also needs to show
also linked to stability, way to the House of that it is actively
peace and security of the Representatives from coordinating with
Maldives, a statement House Armed Services Afghanistan to restrict
hosted on the website of Committee. the movement of
the Ministry of Foreign The White House terrorists, including the
Affairs said. asserted that it shares Haqqani Network, along
A month ago, the 13th the view of the the Pakistan-
Summit of the lawmakers with regard Afghanistan border.
Organisation of Islamic to the Haqqani network, There is similar
Cooperation in Istanbul, but such a move would certification requirement
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 107
in the year ending on radio. resolve their boundary
September 31, 2016, but He also said it was vital dispute peacefully, a top
the amount is $300 for France to take a Chinese official said the
million. strong initiative in the two nations are wise
The Defence Secretary dispute. If not... what enough to deal with it.
has not been able to give will happen? Settlement The Chinese side is
necessary certification building, attacks. committed to
for the release of the The original date for the safeguarding peace and
fund to Pakistan so far. conference falls on the tranquillity of the border
The House Armed U.S. Memorial Day areas between China
Services Committee says holiday honouring and India and resolving
that it will continue to members of the armed the boundary question
review the forces who died in through negotiation,
reimbursements made to combat. the Chinese Foreign
Pakistan and how it French Foreign Minister Ministry said.
aligns with the future of Jean-Marc Ayrault was in The U.S. military report
U.S. policy, including Jerusalem and Ramallah to also warned of
key counter-terrorism present the French peace increasing Chinese
objectives, in the region. initiative to Israeli Prime military presence in
The Obama Minister Benjamin various parts of the
Administration has Netanyahu and Palestinian world, particularly in
opposed any move to President Mahmud Abbas. Pakistan.
either restrict or Ms. Ayrault received It is difficult to
condition U.S. military support from the conclude on the real
aid to Pakistan, arguing Palestinians but objections intention behind this,
that its ties with from Israel. Mr. Netanyahu Mr. Denmark said after
Islamabad are very questioned French submitting Pentagons
impartiality after Paris
important. annual 2016 re- port to
voted in favour of making
the U.S. Congress.
A conference on typeface process Palestine a UNESCO
between Israel and Palestine member five years ago. It is difficult to say how
postponed Hamas spokesman Sami much of this is driven by
Abu Zuhri said on Twitter internal considerations
A conference on the to maintain internal
peace process between that Mr. Hollandes
announcement of the delay stability, and how much
Israelis and Palestinians, of it is an external
due to be held on May was further evidence of the
failure of the [peace consideration, he said
30 in Paris, has been in response to a question
settlement] option and the
postponed, French on China upgrading its
project of [Palestinian
President Francois military command in
President] Mahmud Abbas.
Hollande said. Tibet.
U.S. Secretary of State China says US to stay away from
cannot come on May 30 the continent affairs World powers are ready to arm
so it has been delayed. It Libya
Asking the U.S. to
will take place in the respect the efforts by World powers said they
summer, he told French China and India to supported the lifting of
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108 Current Affairs
an arms embargo on vacates the White countries where his
Libya and were ready to House, Mr. Obama administration has taken
supply weapons to the passed a sombre, little- military action.
countrys new unity noticed milestone: He Mr. Obamas closest
government to help it has now been at war advisers say he has relied so
fight the growing threat longer than Mr. Bush, or heavily on limited covert
posed by the Islamic any other American operations and drone strikes
State (IS) group. President. because he is mindful of the
The Government of If the United States dangers of escalation.
National Accord has remains in combat in Publicly, Mr. Obama
voiced its intention to Afghanistan, Iraq and acknowledged early on the
submit appropriate arms Syria until the end of contradiction between his
embargo exemption Mr. Obamas term, he campaign message and the
requests to the UN will leave behind an realities of governing.
The President has tried to
Libya Sanctions improbable legacy as the
reconcile these truths by
Committee. We will only President in U.S.
approaching his wars in
fully support these history to serve two
narrow terms, as a chronic
efforts, read a complete terms with the
but manageable security
statement by U.S. nation at war.
challenge rather than as an
Secretary of State John Mr. Obama, who won all-consuming national
Kerry and 24 other top the Nobel Peace Prize in campaign.
diplomats after talks in 2009 and spent his years More so than Mr. Bush or
Vienna. in the White House President Bill Clinton, Mr.
The conference was co- trying to fulfil the Obama has fought a multi-
chaired by Mr. Kerry promises he made as an front war against militants.
and his Italian anti-war candidate, Officials at the Pentagon
counterpart Paolo would have a longer referred to the situation as
Gentiloni whose country tour of duty as a the new normal.
has faced a major influx wartime President than
Chinese Guam killer can attack
of migrants from Libya Franklin D. Roosevelt,
5500 km away
fleeing violence and Richard M. Nixon or his
poverty in the post- hero Abraham Lincoln. Chinas new Guam
conflict years. Mr. Obama is leaving far killer missile, capable of
fewer soldiers in harms hitting targets some
Obama will be the only U.S.
way at least 4,087 in 5,500 km away, is
President to serve two terms with
Iraq and 9,800 in raising new fears of a
nation at War
Afghanistan than the growing Chinese threat
President Barack Obama 200,000 troops he to key American
came into office seven inherited from Mr. Bush military facilities and
years ago pledging to in the two countries. stability in the Pacific
end the wars of his But Mr. Obama has also Rim, the Congress has
predecessor, George W. approved strikes against been warned.
Bush. terrorist groups in Libya, A congressional panel
On May 6, with eight Pakistan, Somalia and has issued a report
months left before he Yemen, for a total of seven warning of the dangers
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Current Affairs 109
of the DF-26 Qaeda with U.S. government renamed
intermediate-range backing. the Victory Day as Day
ballistic missile, during a The suicide bomber of Remembrance,
week in which U.S.- killed at least 41 police marking the shift from
China tensions flared recruits on the triumphalism to
anew with a U.S. Navy southwestern outskirts commemoration.
destroyer sailing close to of the city, the capital of Since the end of the civil
a Chinese-claimed Hadramawt province, war in May 2009,
island in the disputed medics said after earlier military parades
South China Sea. giving a toll of 31 dead. constituted an important
The U.S.-China A IS statement posted element of the
Economic and Security online claimed the celebration on May 19.
Review Commission suicide attack, a second Between 2010 and 2015,
said this week that rare operation by the such parades were held
Chinas DF-26 missile jihadist group in an area either on the Galle Face
dubbed by analysts the which is known to be a Main, Colombo, or in
Guam killer and stronghold of its al- Matara, a city in the
unveiled at a high- Qaeda rivals. Southern Province. Even
profile military parade The attacks included a last year, the southern
in Beijing last September suicide bombing that city witnessed one such
allows China to bring targeted the residence of event.
unprecedented the commander of Instead, on May 18, a
firepower to bear on the Hadramawts second function would be held
U.S. territory of Guam. military region, General at the War Memorial
The territory, 4,023 km Faraj Salmeen, but he near the Parliament,
from Beijing, sits well escaped the attack which would be
within the missiles unharmed. attended by the
range, says the report. President. A cultural
Sri Lankan Govt to tone down
Deadly IS attack on Yemen show would take place
emphasis on Eelam war
at the Independence
A suicide bombing The Sri Lankan Square in the evening.
claimed by the Islamic government, in The statement said that
State group and a continuation of its policy as the Independence
second blast killed 47 of de- emphasising the Day was celebrated in a
people in the Yemeni military victory over the grand manner, the funds
port of Mukalla where a Liberation Tigers of that would have
year of al-Qaeda rule Tamil Eelam, has otherwise been spent for
ended last month. decided not to have any lavish shows would
It was the second attack military parade this year be used for welfare
in days claimed by IS in at an event to mark the schemes of war heroes
the city of 200,000 conclusion of the Eelam and their families.
people that was War. The government also
recaptured by Last year, after clarified that as in the
government forces from M a i t h r i p a l a S i r i se n a previous year, there
the rival jihadists of al- became President, the would be no bar on
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110 Current Affairs
remembering those who The objective will be to demanding citizenship
died during the civil war destroy these groups rights for the Madhesis
but the authorities refuges,, Govt also said of Nepal.
would not allow any that the strikes would We will not let the
event to hail the LTTE. begin on July 1. government function
Venezuela declares emergency Belgium launched its unless it carries out
first attacks against IS in amendments to the
Embattled Venezuelan Iraq in late 2014 as part Nepali Constitution
President Nicolas of the U.S.-led coalition, guaranteeing citizenship
Maduro declared a but decided against rights. UMDF said
three-month state of strikes in Syria amid May 13th declaration of
emergency to face public fears over getting protest was made
threats from abroad, dragged into a wider exactly a week after
as his emboldened foes conflict. Nepal cancelled the visit
geared for a vote to oust However, the November of President Bidhya
him. 13 Paris attacks which Devi Bhandari to India
In an address to the left 130 people dead and recalled its
nation, Mr. Maduro said brought home the IS ambassador.
he had signed a new threat to the heart of
state of emergency China opens its first deep-sea
Europe and changed
decree to neutralise and research institute
sentiment sharply.
defeat foreign Earlier, Belgian Foreign China has opened its
aggression, which he Minister said the first deep-sea research
says is closing in on the government was institute, which experts
country. Mr. Maduro reconsidering its said will be useful to
said the measures will position, as it did not identify marine
likely last through 2017. make sense to attack IS resources and to
Belgium to take fight against IS in Iraq but not in Syria. improve naval
into Syria technology.
Nepal on turmoil again The Institute of Deep-
Belgium will extend its Madhesi protesters Sea Science and
F-16 air strikes against under the leadership of Engineering (IDSSE)
Islamic State jihadists in the United Madhesi located in Sanya, Hainan
Iraq into Syria, Belgium Democratic Front province passed an
grapples with the (UMDF) of Nepal acceptance inspection
aftermath of deadly IS- declared that they and began official
claimed bomb attacks in would start a new round operations.
Brussels. of agitation and enforce It is the first scientific
In accordance with UN a blockade on the capital research base for study
Resolution 2249, the Kathmandu. of the deep seas and is
engagement will be The protest comes three also Chinas first public
limited to those areas of months after the end of platform for deep-sea
Syria under the control a crippling economic research.
of IS and other terrorist blockade that the UMDF The deep sea has a
groups. had launched wealth of resources
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Current Affairs 111
including mineral, biotic vote will be needed at during the movement
and petroleum the end of the for the independence of
resources, and there are impeachment trial to Bangladesh in 1971.
more than 40 billion force Ms. Rousseff (68) Meanwhile, Dhaka
tonnes of petroleum in from office altogether. handed over a protest
the South China Sea note to Pakistan in
Meeting between India and
alone. response to Islamabads
Bangladesh Foreign Secretary
Brazilian President suspended condemnation of
Foreign Secretary S. Nizamis execution. For
Brazilian President Jaishankar said that the second time this
Dilma Rousseff was India and Bangladesh week, Shuja Alam, the
suspended to face will work together to Pakistani envoy, was
impeachment, ceding combat terrorism. summoned to the
power to her Vice After a meeting with his foreign office and
President-turned-enemy Bangladesh counterpart, handed over the note.
Michel Temer in a the Indian foreign Pakistans Parliament
political earthquake secretary told reporters had passed a unanimous
ending 13 years of leftist that the two countries resolution on
rule over Latin would further W e d n e s d a y
Americas biggest strengthen their existing condemning the
nation. counter-terrorism execution. In another
Defiant to the end, Ms. structure. incident of protest
Rousseff denounced a He also said that the against the hanging,
coup aimed at driving government of India is Turkey has reportedly
her from power, and strongly in support to recalled its Ambassador
urged her supporters to Bangladesh as it is to Bangladesh.
mobilise as she braces battling terrorism and
for an impeachment trial extremism. He said Trail for impeachment of Dilma
that is set to drag on for This is an issue of Rousseff began
months. direct concern for us as a Brazils Senate opened
Hours earlier, a nearly neighbour. debate ahead of a vote
22-hour debate in the In a separate on suspending President
Senate closed with an development, India Dilma Rousseff and
overwhelming 55-22 came out with open launching an
vote against Ms. support for impeachment trial.
Rousseff. Bangladeshs ongoing Debate was expected to
Only a simple majority war crimes trial, which last all day with a vote
of the 81-member Senate has sentenced several during the night or early
had been required to Islamist leaders to death. hours of 12th May. A
suspend Ms. Rousseff India has also been simple majority in the 81
for six months pending supportive of a judicial member Senate would
judgment on charges process to address be enough to trigger Ms.
that she broke budget pending issues of Rousseffs six-month
accounting laws. retributive justice for suspension pending
A two-thirds majority war crimes committed judgment, in which a
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112 Current Affairs
two thirds majority tried to stop the prayers. recalibrate U.S. positions
would force her from towards Europe, the
Obama to become the first US
the office of President Muslim world and the
president to visit atomic bomb
permanently. war on terror.
Ms. Rousseffs In a preemptive move,
government lawyer Barack Obama will the White House said
lodged a last-ditch become the first U.S. the President would not
appeal with the President to visit revisit the decision to
Supreme Court to block Hiroshima, the first use the atomic bomb.
the vote, but the court target of an atomic The Hiroshima bombing
had not even responded bomb 70 years ago, the and Americas relations
before Senators sat White House with Japan have
down in their futuristic announced.. cropped up in the
building in the capital Mr. Obama will fulfil a ongoing presidential
Brasilia. desire he had expressed campaign.
in 2009 to travel to Mr. Trump has said he
Tension in Bangladesh after either of the two
Jamaat leader hanging would rather allow
Japanese cities on which Japan and South Korea
Activists from the Islami the U.S. dropped atomic to develop their own
ChatraShibir, the bombs in 1945. Many nuclear arsenals than
student wing of Jamaat- historians believe it was having U.S. deployment
e-Islami, clashed with necessary to end the in the region to provide
police in parts of Second World War. them protection.
Bangladesh after their Jimmy Carter visited
Mr. Obamas visit to
party chief Motiur Hiroshima in 1984, after
Hiroshima will highlight
Rahman Nizami was he had left the White
Americas commitment
hanged for 1971 war House
to pursue the peace and
crimes. President Obama will be security of a world
They also organised travelling to Japan for without nuclear
funeral prayers for his final G-7 summit. weapons, Mr. Rhodes
Nizami. As part of their Only months ahead of said.
countrywide plan, the the November
Jamaat activists held presidential election, Mr. Bangladesh is working on a
prayers at the Obamas trip to strategy to fight extremism with
BaitulMukarram Hiroshima is fraught US
national mosque in with serious risks to The U.S. and
Dhaka and at the port his own legacy and the Bangladesh are working
city of Chittagong. chances of the out a strategy to fight
Clashes erupted at the Democratic nominee. violent extremism in the
Parade Grounds near The Republicans have South Asian nation,
the Chittagong College accused Mr. Obama of which saw a number of
when activists from the being on a perpetual killings in recent months
Bangladesh Chaatra global apology tour of activists and writers
League, student wing of referring to his various by alleged Islamists.
the ruling Awami Party, remarks that sought to The plan, mooted by the
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Current Affairs 113
U.S., is currently being groups responsible for issued by the war crimes
discussed. U.S. Assistant the killing of bloggers. tribunal after the
Secretary of State for Supreme Court
Bangladesh has summoned the
South Asia Nisha Desai published the full copy
Pakistan envoy over reaction to
Biswal had visited of its verdict on March
Supreme Court verdict
Bangladesh on May 5 16. He was brought to
following the recent Bangladesh has the Dhaka Central Jail
murder of a USAID summoned the Pakistan from Gazipurs
employee and his friend envoy to lodge a strong Kashimpur Jail.
in Dhaka. protest over
Islamabads reaction at a Indian aid for Ramayana trail
Another U.S. delegation may be finalised soon
is expected to visit recent Supreme Court
Dhaka soon to discuss verdict. Indias assistance for the
the counter-terrorism Pakistans Foreign Office Ramayana trail in Sri
plan. had expressed deep Lanka may be finalised
Ms. Biswal had met concern and anguish in a high level meeting
Indian High over the Bangladesh between the two
Commissioner Harsh apex courts decision to governments next
Vardhan Shringla and uphold the death month.
reportedly discussed sentence of Jamaat-e- Indias help has been
security issues when she Islami leader Motiur sought for development
was in Dhaka last week. Rahman Nizami in a of infrastructure or
The U.S. envoys war crimes case. amenities in the sites
comment came two days Mizanur Rahman, that form part of the
ahead of Indian Foreign Secretary (bilateral) at Ramayana circuit.
Secretary S. Jaishankars the foreign ministry, About a dozen places
visit to Dhaka. handed over a protest have been identified as
Indian officials denied note to Pakistan High part of the circuit and
the reports of a trilateral Commissioner Shuja Sita Eliya in Nuwera
counter-terror Alam on Monday. Eliya of the Central
partnership saying that Nizami led the notorious Province is one of them.
Mr. Jaishankars visit to al Badr Militia that Legend has it that it is in
Dhaka would discuss a carried out this place that Sita was
range of issues, but indiscriminate killings of held captive by Ravana.
they would be strictly the top secular About a week ago, Mr.
bilateral. intellectuals during the Sugathadasa visited the
Officials also pointed to 1971 Liberation War.] Sita Eliya where the
the fact that there are Meanwhile, the renovation of a temple
many divergences authorities in the Dhaka for Sita was under way.
between the American Central Jail have To be held in the third
and Indian positions on reportedly taken all week of June, the
extremism in the region, preparations to carry meeting, part of the Joint
most notably over the out the execution of Working Group on
ongoing war crime Nizami any time. Tourism, would pick up
trials, as well as the His death warrant was from where the officials
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114 Current Affairs
held discussion four named in the magazine even the more militant
months ago in New to assist them in taking Salafi Jihadis.
Delhi. It would also proper steps to ensure
Kim Jong-un said North Korea
deliberate on developing their safety.
will not use nuclear weapons first
the Buddhist circuit in The death threats are a
India. sign that Muslim North Korean leader
Indian High religious leaders have Kim Jong-un said his
Commission said legal antagonised the IS, country will not use its
and other issues would according to analysts nuclear weapons unless
also be examined. The who are studying the its sovereignty is
finalisation of the details militant group. invaded and announced
would lead to signing of Their growing influence a five-year economic
a memorandum of also contradicts those plan at the congress of
understanding which who claim that Muslim North Koreas ruling
may take place later. leaders have been silent party.
in the fight against Mr. Kim said he is ready
Imams and Muslim scholars are to improve ties with
fighting IS through theology violent extremism.
Several of the targeted hostile nations, and
As the military and Muslim leaders said in called for more talks
political battle against interviews that, while with South Korea to
the Islamic State they were taking the r e d u c e
escalates, Muslim threat seriously, they misunderstanding . He
imams and scholars in had no intention of also urged the United
the West are fighting on backing off. States to stay away from
another front through inter-Korean issues.
These scholars ridicule
theology. He announced a five-
the ISs claim to have
The IS, however, has created a caliphate. year plan starting this
taken notice. The group year to develop the
Instead, in a highly
recently threatened the Norths moribund
effective bit of
lives of 11 Muslim economy, and identified
rebranding, they call the
imams and scholars in improving the countrys
IS Kharijites, a reviled
the West, calling them power supply and
group of Muslims who
apostates. increasing its
killed women and
The recent issue of the agricultural and light-
children and rebelled
ISs online propaganda manufacturing
against the caliphs in the
magazine, Dabiq , called production as critical
seventh century.
them obligatory parts of the plan.
The imams named by
targets, and it said that He also said the country
the IS are based in the
supporters should use must secure more
United States, Canada,
any weapons on hand to electricity through
Britain and Australia.
make an example of nuclear power.
They represent a broad
spectrum of Islamic China digging cultural roots to
The danger is real thought from revive ancient Silk Road
enough that the FBI has spiritual Sufis to
contacted some of those China is digging deep
puritanical Salafis, and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 115
into its cultural roots to With China as the fulcrum, out by fringe Islamist
anchor a seamless the OBOR hopes to link groups but Israel holds
revival of the ancient Asia with Europe, while Hamas responsible for
Silk Road, in tune with a reviving the ancient Silk all such attacks.
growing domestic focus Road It was the fourth day of
on tapping the The scale of the the worst cross-border
achievements of its past. infrastructure being violence since the 50-day
In Dunhuang, the oasis established in Dunhuang is war between Israel and
town along the ancient stunning. A legion of yellow Hamas which left 2,251
Silk Road in cranes operate round the Palestinians and 73
northwestern China, clock as workers in blue Israelis dead in 2014.
dozens, under the uniforms race against time
Mortar fire by
authority of the to complete three main
Palestinian militants and
Dunhuang Academy, buildings, including the
Israeli air strikes and
main convention centre, by
are patiently restoring shelling have raised
July, well ahead of the expo.
the priceless artwork in concerns for the future
Mogao caves. The focus on culture and
of an informal truce that
tourism also aligns well
The caves, whose has held since the
with Chinas new
intricately painted walls conflict ended.
normal economy,
and statues depict the
which aims to override Human rights lawyer of
life and thought of
low-end manufacturing Pakistani descent became mayor
Buddha, and much
with services and of London
more, are an icon of the
consumption. Newly elected London
vigorous cultural cross-
currents that, for The overall contribution Mayors opening words
centuries, energised ties of the culture industry at his swearing-in
between India and to the total GDP of the ceremony Good
China, through a branch city had already crossed Morning, Im Sadiq
of the ancient Silk Road. the 55 per cent mark last Khan, and Im the
year, and the figure is Mayor of London
In September, thousands
expected to rise. were drowned in claps
will descend in
Dunhuan for the first Worst flare-up of violence since and whistles by the
Silk Road International 2014 war in Gaza audience at the
Cultural Expo, whose Southwark Cathedral in
Israeli aircraft hit two London.
mascot would be the Hamas targets in Gaza
Mogao grottos. The 44-year old human
in response to rocket fire
Organisers say that 72 rights lawyer of
as the worst flare-up of
countries have been invited Pakistani descent is not
violence since a 2014
to participate in the mega only the first Muslim
war entered a fourth
event, which draws head of London, but set
inspiration from Chinas a record by winning 1.1
There was no immediate million votes.
traditional engagement with
a diverse set of people and claim of responsibility
Mr. Khan led an
cultures along the Silk for the rocket launch
energetic campaign that
Road. and most such fire since
was turned increasingly
2014 has been carried
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116 Current Affairs
toxic by the personal I n v e s t i g a t i o n latest drill comes as the
attacks and slander Department having country more
levelled against him by arrested over 20 persons aggressively asserts its
his opponent, the in the Northern and maritime claims in Asia.
billionaire Mr. Eastern Provinces, It prompted the US to
Goldsmith, including including three former say in March that it was
the smear that he shared functionaries of the reassessing Beijings
platforms with LTTE. participation.
extremists in the past. The head of a
US might block military aid to
Mr. Khan, a practising rehabilitation centre
Pakistan for failing to control
Muslim, is a liberal who informed him that
received death threats 12,146 detainees have
from extremists for his been processed through The U.S. Congress has
support for the the PTA [Prevention of initiated a move to block
legalisation of gay Terrorism Act] to date. $450 million in aid to
marriage in 2013. However, the UN Pakistan for failing to
Rapporteur said he had demonstrate its
UN concerned with Sri Lanka commitment and
handling with former LTTE not received figures on
p ro s ec u ti o ns , taking action against the
functionaries Haqqani terror network.
convictions and
The United Nations has acquittals. He also called The provision in the
expressed concerns the authorities to release National Defence
about the manner in detainees if there was Authorisation Act
which the Sri Lanka lack of sufficient (NDAA) for the fiscal
government has evidence. year 2017, if passed by
reportedly arrested of the Congress, would not
former functionaries of China will take part in Rim of allow the U.S.
the Liberation Tigers of the Pacific exercise (RIMPAC) government to waive
Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in China will take part in a this condition in
recent weeks. regular U.S.-led naval national interest.
The UN Special exercise starting next According to NDAA
Rapporteur on torture month, despite tensions 2017 of the total amount
said that the manner of over Beijings territorial of reimbursement and
the arrests of claims in the South support authorised for
rehabilitated persons China Sea. Pakistan ($450 million)
alleged as happening The U.S. will host multi- would not be eligible for
recently raise fears in national naval drills a national security
the respective called the Rim of the waiver unless govt
communities and only Pacific Exercise certifies that Pakistan
add to distrust about the (RIMPAC) off Hawaii in continues to conduct
motives for those re- June and July. military operations
arrests. Although the Chinese against the Haqqani
He was responding to navy has previously Network in North
questions on the reports joined the exercises, held Waziristan.
of the Terrorist every two years, the The Defence Secretary
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Current Affairs 117
also needs to certify that including German the Gansu corridor,
Pakistan is Chancellor Angela stood at a prominent
demonstrating Merkel. junction.
commitment to prevent German chancellor has After making way
the Haqqani Network been at the centre of the through the famous Jade
from using North EUs attempts to resolve Gate on the edge of
Waziristan as a safe its biggest refugee crisis Dunhuang, the Silk
haven and is actively since the war ended in Road bifurcated along
coordinating with 1945. two lines. Both the trails
Afghanistan to restrict eventually re-converged
Caves in Gobi desert shows
the movement of at Kashgaranother
various historical aspects
militants, including the equally important
Haqqani Network, along Hewn out of solid rock junction along the Silk
the Pakistan- in the middle of the Road, on the edge of
Afghanistan border. bone dry Gobi desert, Central Asia.
There is similar there exist hundreds of These settlements are all
certification requirement caves, whose intricately on the foothills of the
in the current fiscal 2016 painted walls and celestial Tien Shan
ending on September 31, magnificent statues have mountains, on the way
2016, but the amount is become markers in to Kashgar.
$300 million. describing the epic It is, however, the back-
journey of Buddhism. and-forth among people
Pope dreams of Europe where
The grottoes of and goods along a
being a migrant is not a crime
Dunhuang are an branch of the southern
Pope Francis said he emblem of an route, which proved
dreamed of a Europe in exceptionally powerful critical in channelling a
which being a migrant cultural cross-current masterly artistic fusion
is not a crime, as he that had, for centuries, that is evident at
urged EU leaders to threaded the Indian and Dunhuangs magnificent
tear down the walls Chinese civilisations. Mogao caves.
and build a fairer Geography, and Among Chinese officials
society. specifically the ancient in Dunhuang, the
Invoking the memory of Silk Road, had indeed impulse for a cautious
the EU founding fathers played a foundational revival of India-China
pursuit of integration role in bringing about cultural ties, rooted in a
after the WW II, he said the India-China common Buddhist
they inspired because confluence of the past. heritage, is now
they dared to change Dunhuang was a major palpable.
radically the models point of intersection
that led to war. along the Silk Road. Democratic Tamil National
Today, more than ever, From this oasis town, Front formed with ten Tamil
their vision inspires us the Silk Road, which had parties in Sri Lanka
to build bridges and tear started from the not-so- Ten Tamil parties and
down walls, he told a distant Xian, and after groups in Sri Lanka have
Vatican audience, having passed through come together to form a
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118 Current Affairs
coalition Democratic A special war crimes Dozens of people have
Tamil National Front. court in Bangladesh been convicted so far,
Among the parties are sentenced four men to including at least 29 who
the Tamil United death for killing, torture, were sentenced to death.
Liberation Front of V. arson and looting during Most were leaders of the
Anandasangaree; Eelam the nations opposition party Jamaat-
Peoples Democratic independence war e-Islami.
Party of Douglas against Pakistan in 1971.
Copyright on Maurice Ravels
Devananda and The court, accused by Bolero Expired
Democratic Peoples rights groups of holding
Congress of Praba flawed proceedings, said Almost 90 years after it
Ganesan. the four were involved was first performed in
Only a few days ago, in the deaths of nine Paris, the copyright runs
Mr. Devananda and Mr. people. out on Sunday on one of
Ganesan had met Only one suspect, the most popular and
President and the Sri Shamsuddin Ahmed, was in unique pieces of
Lanka Freedom Party court for the verdict. classical music, Maurice
chief Maithripala Authorities are still hunting Ravels Bolero.
Sirisena and declared for the other three Gazi Written in 1928 and
their allegiance to him. Abdul Mannan, Hafiz performed on
Explaining the purpose Uddin, and Shamsuddin November 22 of that
behind the coalitions Ahmeds brother, year at Paris Opera
Nasiruddin. Garnier, the symphonic
formation, Mr.
The three-judge tribunal work, which grows
Devananda told that the
also sentenced a fifth man, steadily louder as it
parties which claimed to
Azharul Islam, to life in progresses, was
have brought in the
prison on two murder originally a ballet piece
existing government had
charges. ordered by Russian
not been able to take
Past convictions have led dancer Ida Rubinstein.
care of the interests of Islamist groups to call for
Tamils. Immediately hailed by
public strikes and protests critics, it quickly became
The new coalition would against what they say is a
campaign for the a worldwide success,
witch hunt by the even if the uniform
adoption of the Indian government.
model of federalism, melody and hypnotic,
Prime Minister Sheikh repetitive rhythm left
which could be Hasina has said the war
accomplished by some baffled.
crimes trials, carried out Mr. Petitgirard
enlarging the scope of by special tribunals
the 13th Constitutional described it as an
established in 2010, experimental piece, a
Amendment, which represent a long-
created provincial precision mechanism
overdue effort to obtain and a demonstration of
councils. justice more than four genius.
A special Bangladeshs court decades after
But a contemporary of
sentenced more for crimes Bangladesh split from
Ravels, the French
during independence war Pakistan.
composer Florent
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Current Affairs 119
Schmitt, slammed the contested, 36 went to the women were elected
Bolero as only error in pro-Rouhani List of eight more than at
the composers career. Hope coalition and 17 to present and the highest
Almost 90 years later, conservatives with just female representation
the work has been four constituencies yet since the countrys
performed by some of to be declared, revolution in 1979.
the most prestigious according to official
India looking to explore Papua
orchestras in the world, results.
New Guineas oil and gas
under the baton of many That would give resources
of the top conductors, reformists at least 131
including Arturo seats in the new 290- India is looking to
Toscanini, Seiji Ozawa, member Parliament, 15 explore and develop
Claudio Abbado and shy of a majority but Papua New Guineas
Pierre Boulez. more than their rivals vast oil and gas
It has been used in 124 MPs. resources through joint
numerous ad Remaining seats went to ventures and
campaigns, by British ice independents who could investments from both
skaters Jayne Torvill and hold the balance of the Indian private and
Christopher Dean in power. The second public sectors in
their gold medal- round was needed ongoing and new
winning performance at because no candidate projects.
the Sarajevo Olympics in won the minimum 25 The Pacific island
1984. per cent required in the country agreed that oil
By some estimates first round. and gas exploration and
Bolero has generated The outcome represents development could be a
around 50 million euros a significant realignment new avenue of
($57 million) in royalties of competing factions in cooperation between the
since 1960, part of more the Islamic republic, two countries, keeping
than 400 million for all with conservative MPs in view Indias desire to
of Ravels works. losing their dominance achieve energy security.
Ravel died unmarried and being outnumbered Indian companies are
and childless in 1937. for the first time since looking at projects
2004. coming up in Papua
Moderate Iranian politicians New Guinea after
The result is also an
make impressive comeback natural gas was
implicit public vote of
Reformist and moderate confidence for Mr. discovered in the
Iranian politicians allied Rouhani, who won a country s Southern
with President Hassan landslide election Highland Province.
Rouhani won second victory in 2013 and went Gas discoveries
round parliamentary on to clinch a historic elsewhere in the country
elections, preliminary deal with world powers have evoked interest
results said, capping a over Tehrans nuclear among Indian
remarkable comeback programme that lifted companies that believe
after years of isolation. sanctions. they could participate in
Of the 68 seats being Tallies also showed 17 associated projects as
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120 Current Affairs
well as in some gas announced that India Former bureaucrat N. K. Singh
blocks. would provide anti- will receive one of Japans highest
Papua New Guinea is retroviral drugs and civilian honours
estimated to have 35 equipment to benefit Former bureaucrat and
trillion cubic feet of 20,000 HIV positive parliamentarian N. K.
natural gas as patients in Papua New Singh will receive one of
recoverable reserves. Guinea, a figure that Japans highest civilian
India agreed to provide would help at least half honours for promoting
a line of credit of $100 the number of those economic, educational
million to Papua New suffering from the and cultural ties
Guinea for infrastructure disease. between India and
projects and signed a UNAIDS estimates say Japan.
pact to set up a Centre that between 37,000 and Mr. Singh, who is a
of Excellence in 41,000 people were former Member of the
information technology. living with HIV in 2014 Planning Commission,
The request for the line in the country, which will receive the Order of
of credit had been made has a population of the Rising Sun, Gold and
by Papua New Guinea about eight million. Silver and is among 91
Prime Minister during a India- EU could go for a deal foreign recipients to be
meeting with Prime which is lesser than BTIA honoured during the
Minister Narendra Modi 2016 Spring Imperial
India and the EU should
on the sidelines of a Decoration of Japan.
consider a less-ambitious
summit of the Forum for free trade agreement if The Orders of the Rising
India-Pacific Islands necessary, vice chair of the Sun are conferred in
Cooperation. Delegation for Relations recognition of
Four memorandums of with India, said. disting uished
understanding were Yes I would prefer a accomplishments of an
signed on the second watered down agreement, individual.
and final day of its better to take small steps The statement from the
President Mukherjees and move on than moving Embassy of Japan
visit, the first state visit for a very high goal that is acknowledged Mr.
by an Indian head of not achievable in the near Singhs contribution to
state to the island nation. future, she said. enhance Japan-India
Papua New Guinea gave The India EU summit of educational ties through
support for Indias claim March 30 failed to breathe his association with the
for permanent life back into the stalled Nalanda University.
membership in the UN Broadbased Trade and
Security Council and Investment Agreement President brushed aside India-
agreed to expedite a (BTIA). China rivalry in Pacific
proposed Bilateral There have been gaps in The first ever state visit
Investment Promotion the offers and demand by an Indian head of
and Protection of both sides in the trade state to Papua New
Agreement to facilitate in services, automobiles Guinea began with
investments. and wine and spirit remarks by President
Mr. Mukherjee sectors. Pranab Mukherjee that
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 121
brushed aside a multilateral forum and signalled its
suggestion that India launched by Prime readiness to play a
was in competition with Minister Narendra leading role in
China in the Pacific Modi, Mr. Mukherjee maintaining peace in
region. said it indicated that Asia, a position that
He also voiced the hope India intends to could increase friction
that his visit will be a seriously engage with between Beijing and
precursor to intensified this entire region." Washington.
economic and security In the forums second Tensions on the Korean
cooperation with the summit in Jaipur August Peninsula have spiked
Pacific island nation. 2015, one subject after North Korea
He also said India was discussed was enhanced conducted its fourth
ready to cooperate with cooperation between nuclear test in January,
Pacific Island countries India and Pacific island followed by tests of
in protecting their countries, especially in missiles that could carry
Exclusive Economic coastal surveillance and atomic warheads.
Zones. protection of exclusive In a signal to the U.S.,
Although building trade economic zones. President Xi also
relations was high on India and Papua New emphasised that there
the agenda, the larger Guinea are due to sign was no room for outside
message was that India an MoU on cooperation powers, or
is eager to deepen its in health and internationalisation, for
engagement with all pharmaceuticals. resolving differences
Pacific Island countries. Under the agreement, among Asian countries,
In a speech Mr. doctors and nurses from which have rival
Mukherjee made a the island nation will be territorial claims in the
pointed reference to trained in India, and South China Sea.
Papua New Guineas Indian physicians, Some analysts say Mr.
natural resources and nurses and trainers Xis comments signal
said there were many would be deputed to Chinas rejection of U.S.
opportunities waiting to Papua New Guinea. interference, including
be seized as both India will also pledge freedom of navigation
countries had prioritised support to establish a naval patrols in the
sustainable use of ocean pharmaceutical South China Sea.
and marine resources. production unit here to The Presidents
He also underscored meet the demand for insistence on direct talks
that the untapped life-saving medicines. with other claimants
potential of Indias ties chiefly Vietnam, the
China asserted that it will play
with Pacific nations was Philippines and
leading role in maintaining peace
not limited to Papua Taiwanis also meant
in Asia
New Guiena. to reinforce Chinas
Referring to FIPIC, the China asserted that it rejection of international
Forum for the India- will not allow the arbitration to resolve the
Pacific Islands breakout of a conflict on South China Sea
Cooperation, a the Korean Peninsula disputes, they say.
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122 Current Affairs
The Chinese side has the inspection of an Salmon said.
repeatedly slammed artificial island in the
Hillary Clinton and Donald
Manilas decision to Spratly group of islands
Trump close to getting
petition the Permanent by Gen. Fan Changlong,
Court of Arbitration in a top-ranking officer of
The Hague to settle its the Peoples Liberation Donald Trump gets
maritime claims with Army. overwhelming victories
Beijing. The Chinese have also that exceeded
Russia has also backed announced this month expectations in
Chinas approach. the landing of a military Republican primaries in
Following a meeting aircraft on an artificial five states in the
with his Chinese island in the Spratly northeast.
counterpart Wang Yi, islands on a 3,000 meter Mr. Trump now has 953
Russian Foreign runway, which could be delegates, and needs
Minister Sergey Lavrov used by heavy bombers nearly 250 of the 502 up
stressed that Moscow and fighter jets. for grabs before the
opposed any Republican convention
U.S. lawmakers expressed in July to win
interference from third
concerns over the sale of F-16 nomination.
parties, or any attempts
fighter jets to Pakistan
to internationalise these On the Democratic side,
disputes. Top U.S. lawmakers frontrunner Hillary
It added China is have expressed concerns Clinton won four of the
working with other over the Obama five, roughly on
CICA members to Administrations expected lines, and
formulate an action plan decision to sell eight F- ceding only Rhode
for the next two years to 16 fighter jets to Island to challenger
implement confidence- Pakistan, saying the Bernie Sanders.
building measures. aircraft could be used Ms. Clinton held out an
In tune with the rising against India and not to olive branch to Mr.
tensions with combat terrorism. Sanders, and even
Washington in the South They have also urged complemented him and
China Sea, China has the Obama his supporters for
sought to bolster its Administration to challenging her on
nuclear deterrence by review its decision in issues such as
successfully testing the this regard. unaccounted money in
DF-41 long-range Indo-Pak. tensions politics.
ballistic missile. remain elevated and White smoke from the
The weapon would some question whether Democratic tent may be
apparently take only 30 the F-16s could a while away, but it is in
minutes to cover its ultimately be used the Republican camp
maximum 12,000-km against India or other that bloodbath could be
range, and deliver regional powers, rather expected.
multiple strikes on its than the terrorists as The wounded warriors
target. Pakistan as asserted, of the neverTrump
The test coincided with Congressman Matt hashtag have not given
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 123
up yet, and declared that rather not answer leader wanted by
their campaign to deny questions because he is Beijing.
him the nomination tired by the transfer, and In a written response
would continue. the judge said he did not Chinese Foreign
Several cash-rich want to interrogate him. Ministry spokesperson
campaign groups have Abdeslam is suspected said: We encourage all
announced that they of being the logistics parties related to the
would intensify their mastermind behind the listing matter of Masood
anti-Trump campaign shootings and suicide Azhar to have direct
ahead of the Indiana bombings in November. communication and
primaries, which has He is alleged to have work out a solution
now become the last rented and paid for through serious
barrier that stands several apartments used consultations.
between Mr. Trump and by the attackers. He left She added: China is
the nomination. three suspects at the willing to continue with
Mr. Cruz has reached a Stade de France, where its communication with
pact with John Kasich, they blew themselves all the relevant parties,
the distant third up. signalling Beijings
candidate in the race, After the Paris attacks, intent to stay
who has agreed to stay Abdeslam is said to diplomatically engaged
away from campaigning have called two friends on this subject, and
in Indiana in order to who drove from achieve results based on
allow Mr. Cruz a head to Brussels to Paris to pick consensus.
head contest with Mr. him up and take him Provision of
Trump. back to Belgium, where international law could
Winning the nomination he went into hiding. help Beijing steer clear of
is no longer in question After a four-month a possible controversy in
for Ms. Clinton, but manhunt by police, the future, for adopting
winning over Mr. Abdeslam was shot in a condescending
Sanders and his the leg and arrested approach towards a
supporters is. during a raid in the subject that embroiled
Molenbeek area of India and Pakistan.
SalahAbdeslam, a key suspect in
the Paris attacks appears before Brussels. Sustained diplomatic
French judges interaction between the
After India deny visa to Uighur
two South Asian
SalahAbdeslam, a key leader, China says establish
neighbours could yield a
suspect in the Paris direct communication with Pak
suitable language,
attacks last November, China nudged India and which could be included
has appeared before Pakistan to establish in a new draft acceptable
French judges on direct communication to to both sides.
charges of murder and resolve differences on The officials, however,
being part of a terrorist listing JeM chief Masood were non-committal on
organisation. Azhar on the UN terror whether a closure to the
His lawyer Frank Berton roll, close on the heels of controversy had now
said today that he would New Delhis decision to been achieved, pointing
deny visa to an Uighur
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
124 Current Affairs
out that official search for the truth. better economic and
communication from The disaster occurred on strategic ties with New
New Delhi on this April 15, 1989 during an Delhi will anchor the
subject was yet to be FA Cup semi-final U.S. in the region, her
received. between the teams of campaign chief has said.
British Court says Hillsborough Liverpool and Chairman of Ms.
tragedy was gross negligence by Nottingham Forest at Clintons campaign
Police Sheffield Wednesdays committee, said a future
Hillsborough stadium in D e m o c r a t i c
The 96 Liverpool fans northern England. administration under
who died in the Ms. Clinton will have a
Hillsborough football United States will send special
significant presence of
stadium disaster were forces to help rebel fight IS
Indian Americans.
unlawfully killed, a jury President Barack Obama Mr. Podesta, who served
found, blaming police said the U.S. would send as chief of staff to
for the worst tragedy in up to 250 more military president Bill Clinton
the history of British personnel including and as adviser to
sport. special forces to Syria to President Barack
Following the longest- help rebels fight Islamic Obama, said successive
running inquest in State group jihadists. Presidents have been in
English legal history, Mr. Obama was in agreement on
jurors concluded that Germany for talks with strengthening relations
policing decisions at the Chancellor Angela with India, and Ms.
ill-fated match in 1989 Merkel. In a speech on Clinton would follow
caused or contributed transatlantic unity, Mr. in that tradition.
to the deaths, and Obama hailed NATO Mr. Podesta said Ms.
amounted to gross partners progress so far Clinton has built strong
negligence. in pushing back IS, relations with India
They emerged from the which he called the when she was the First
courtroom hugging and most urgent threat to Lady and later as
in tears, holding pictures our nations. Secretary of State.
of their loved ones and a Mr. Obama had pressed Mr. Podesta said
scarf reading for all parties to the Republican candidate
JUSTICE. Syrian conflict, Donald Trumps
They linked hands including Russia, to campaign was
above their heads and return to the negotiating dangerous for the
sang the Liverpool table and reinstate the country, referring to him
Football Club anthem ceasefire. mocking Indian call
Youll Never Walk centre workers at an
Hillary Clinton campaign chief
Alone and chanted election rally.
says relations with India is her
Justice for the 96.
priority Iran does not want frozen funds
Prime Minister David
Cameron paid tribute to If elected President of to be diverted to compensate
their extraordinary the U.S., Hillary Clinton victims of attacks
courage in their long will take relations with Iran threatened to take
India to a new level and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 125
legal action in the Syria and cautioned transition deal between
International Court of Britain on reduced the Syrian regime and its
Justice against the global influence should moderate opponents to
United States if $2 it quit the EU. end the bloody civil war.
billion in frozen funds While his fifth and final He called for
are diverted to official trip to Europes international pressure
compensate victims of biggest economy is on all the parties,
attacks. expected to cover global including Russia and
Tehran said the U.S. crises, one of the Iran, who, essentially,
Supreme Courts headline goals is to are propping up Assad.
decision to deduct $2 advance negotiations on In the same interview,
billion from its frozen what could become the Mr. Obama reiterated
assets to compensate worlds biggest free his warnings about a so-
American victims of trade agreement. called Brexit, saying
terror attacks Both sides say they aim Britain would have less
amounted to theft. to see the Trans-Atlantic influence globally if it
We hold the U.S. Trade and Investment voted to leave the
administration Partnership (TTIP) European Union in June.
responsible for finalised, at least in its Mr. Obamas visit will
preservation of Iranian broad outlines, before wrap up Monday with a
funds and if they are Mr. Obama leaves office keynote speech in which
plundered, we will in January. he is expected to frame
lodge a complaint with However Ms. Merkels his vision of
the ICJ for reparation, Economy Minister transatlantic relations.
said Foreign Minister. warned that the deal
Jamaat-e-Islami activist arrested
TTIP and Syria remain the focus will fail if the United
in connection with the professor
of Obamas visit to Germany States refuses to make
concessions in the
U.S. President Barack protracted talks. Police arrested
Obama arrived on a His comments came a reportedly an activist of
valedictory visit to day after tens of Jamaat-e-Islami, in
Germany to see his thousands of people connection with the
friend Chancellor marched against the murder of A.F.M. Rezaul
Angela Merkel, but their U.S.-EU free trade deal Karim Siddiquee in
show of unity looked through the streets of northern Rajshahi, but
unlikely to silence Hanover, where Mr. rejected the claim of the
opposition to their push Obama and Ms. Merkel involvement of the
for a transatlantic trade were to open the worlds Islamic State (IS) in the
pact. largest industrial killing.
Mr. Obama jetted into technology fair. A senior police officer
the northern city of Before he left for admitted that murder
Hanover, where he Germany, Mr. Obama bore similarity to the
warned that it would be told the BBC the United previous killings of
a mistake to send States would continue bloggers.
Western troops into efforts to broker a However, he claimed
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
126 Current Affairs
that those behind the Taher Ahmed was found with us so that we all
murders were local dead in a septic tank of can have greater powers.
Islamists and purported his house in 2006. His The Councils proposals
messages from IS and al- colleague and a Jamaat- on constitutional
Qaeda were only aimed backed teacher were reforms were essentially
at confusing the among the three were based on the
investigators. sentenced to death for constitutional models of
Siddiquee, a professor at the murder. two countries India
the English department Earlier this month, and Switzerland.
of Rajshahi University, NazimuddinSamad, an As in the case of India,
was hacked to death by activist, was killed in there should be States
two unidentified Dhaka. Earlier, in 2015, demarcated on the basis
gunmen on Saturday four bloggers were of languages.
morning near his ome in murdered, all for their This was one of the
Rajshahi when he was writing and views reasons for the proposed
waiting for a university against religious bigotry. merger of the Northern
bus to go to the campus. and Eastern provinces as
NPC says they demand
The murder case has federalism not separatism Muslims in the East are
been handed over to the all Tamil speaking
Detective Branch of The Northern Provincial people, Mr.
Police, to be investigated Council (NPC), which Sivagnanam pointed
on top priority. has reiterated the out.
Though monitoring position of Tamil parties
Taking into account
group SITE reports that for a merger of the
aspirations of hill-
the IS has claimed North and the East, is
country Tamils, the NPC
responsibility for the not for special powers to
suggested another
murder for the be provided to the
autonomous body.The
professors alleged proposed State,
Tamil National Alliance
views on religion, the according to its
(TNA) has 30 members
murdered professor had chairperson C.V.K.
in the 38-member body.
reportedly never written Sivagnanam.
On the significance of Resolution of border dispute
or spoken anything
the resolution adopted, discussed during NSA meet
against religion.
Mr. Sivagnanam said between India and China
Attacks on teachers with
a liberal bent of mind at that our demand for China and India should
Rajshahi University, federalism should not be reach a fair and
believed to be a den of misconstrued as reasonable political
radical Islamist groups, something in favour of solution to the border
is nothing new. Prof. separatism. dispute acceptable to
A.K.M. Shafiul Haque Let the Central both sides, the China
was killed in 2014, a government share said in an indication of
murder for which al- power with all the States Beijings willingness to
Qaeda claimed or Provinces uniformly.. make concessions on the
responsibility. We expect other vexed issue.
Geology teacher Prof. S. Provinces to fall in line As National Security
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Current Affairs 127
Advisor Ajit Doval, who citizens that they should notorious for its
along with his Chinese be proud that the EU brutality, has reportedly
counterpart held border has helped spread executed 250 girls in
talks. British values and northern Iraq for
China said in a practices democracy, refusing to become sex
statement that both sides the rule of law, open slaves, according to a
had in-depth and candid markets across the media report.
exchanges on the continent and to its The girls had been
boundary question, periphery. ordered to accept
bilateral relations and The appeal by Mr. temporary marriages to
relevant international Obama will come as an the terrorists and were
and regional issues. enormous boost for the murdered, sometimes
Stay campaign, alongside their families,
US President makes an
especially in the light of for their refusal to be sex
impassioned appeal against
the very small margin slaves in Iraqs second
with which it leads over largest city of Mosul.
In an impassioned the Brexit group in The IS began selecting
appeal visiting U.S. opinion polls. women of Mosul and
President Barack Obama With almost one-third of forced them into
has urged British the electorate still marrying its militants,
citizens to vote to stay in undecided, Mr. Obamas calling it temporary
the European Union in intervention may help marriage since it has
the referendum. sway votes to the taken control over
He said a united Europe, Remain side. Mosul, and the women
which turned centuries London Mayor and the who refused to submit
of war in Europe into lead campaigner for the to this practice would be
decades of peace, must Brexit campaign Boris executed.
preserve its remarkable Johnson retaliated in an Human rights were
legacy. equally strong reply in being widely violated in
In what is likely to be his the British tabloid The all IS-held territories,
last visit to the U.K. as Sun. particularly the
President, Mr. Obama The U.K. was not merely womens rights as
set the tone for his three- contributing over 20 theyre seen as
day visit in an exclusive billion each month to the commodities and have
article in the Daily EU kitty, it has also lost no choice in choosing
Telegraph. control over its borders their spouses.
He placed the EU in the and its right to The executions follows a
class of post-war determine its public spate of similar killings
international institutions policy, a surrender that that took place last
and initiatives like the the U.S. would never August in which 19
United Nations, Bretton make. Mosul women were
Woods, the Marshall slaughtered for refusing
Plan and North Atlantic Islamic state killed more than
to have sex with IS
Treaty Organisation. 250 girls in northern Iraq
Mr. Obama told British The Islamic State (IS), Up to 500 Yazidi women
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128 Current Affairs
and girls were official release said. held talks with Saudi
kidnapped and sexually Reacting to the CMAGs Arabias King Salman as
abused by the dreaded decisions, the Maldives he began a two-day visit
militants in August government, contended hoping to ease tensions
2014. that the Group decided with the historic U.S.
In October, more than not to place the ally.
500 Yazidi women and Maldives on its agenda. Riyadh and its Sunni
young girls were The government also Arab Gulf allies have
reportedly abducted by welcomed the CMAGs bristled at what they see
the IS when they call to all political parties as Washingtons tilt
stormed the Sinjar to participate towards regional rival
region in northern Iraq. constructively on a Iran after Tehrans
The IS took control of political agenda landmark nuclear deal
Mosul in June 2014 after dialogue. with world powers.
the fall of Iraqi army in Mr. Obama is to attend a
After New York win Hillary
the city and since then summit of Gulf leaders
Clinton and Donald trump
has been slaughtering its focused on intensifying
fortified their positions
residents for various the fight against the
charges to spread fear. Emphatically winning Islamic State (IS) group
their party primaries in and resolving the wars
Commonwealth Ministerial the state of New York, in Syria in Yemen.
Action group expressed concern Democrat Hillary
over misuse of anti-terror law Mr. Obama held
Clinton and Republican bilateral talks with King
The Commonwealth Donald Trump fortified Salman at the Erga
Ministerial Action their frontrunner Palace.
Group (CMAG) has positions after a string of Tensions between
expressed concern over setbacks over recent Riyadh and Washington
the continued misuse weeks. have increased sharply
of anti-terrorism On the Democratic side, due to what Saudi
legislation in the outcome could also Arabia sees as Mr.
Maldives. mark the beginning of Obamas disengagement
They also said there is the end of Vermont from traditional U.S.
little or no evidence of Senator Bernie Sanderss allies in the region and
substantive progress in campaign for opening towards Iran.
promoting freedom and presidency.
space for civil society. Among the Republican Canary island will produce all
The CMAG also raised candidates, Mr. Trump electricity from renewables
concerns over the recent left his rivals Ted A tiny rugged Canary
introduction of a Cruz and John Kasich island that has gone all
broad-ranging miles behind as he won out to produce all its
Defamation Bill seeking almost all of the electricity from
to criminalise delegates in New York. renewables, attracting
defamation and global attention in the
US President began two-day
statements against process.
visit to Saudi Arabia
national security, an Spanish island nestled
President Barack Obama
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Current Affairs 129
deep in the Atlantic off build another. PetroPoroshenko said he
the coast of Africa and Vladimir Putin had
China described ties with India
managed just that for the agreed a framework for
will promote multi polar world
first time, its hydro- a deal to secure the
wind plant produced Amid a string of release of Ukrainian
enough electricity for the diplomatic exchanges, pilot Nadezhda
7,000 inhabitants for China has described its Savchenko from a 22-
more than 24 hours. ties with India as a year jail sentence in
The island, which is factor in promoting a Russia.
slightly smaller than multi-polar world, as The sentencing of two
Malta, is a UNESCO well as an important captured Russian
biosphere reserve, an component for fostering servicemen in Ukraine
area designated to stability in the region. fuelled speculation that
promote its biodiversity On the eve of the arrival they might be swapped
and sustainable use. in Beijing of National for Savchenko (34), who
It has long dreamt of Security Adviser, China was found guilty of
ending its reliance on said: China and India involvement in the
diesel fuel, which is are two largest killing of two Russian
transported by boat developing countries journalists in 2014.
from its bigger sister and major emerging The sentencing of the
island of Tenerife to economies as well as Russian soldiers opens
produce energy after two significant forces certain possibilities of
having been shipped in that drive forward initiating a swap. But I
from further afield. world multi- strongly urge no
When the wind falls, polarisation. speculation about a
water in the upper basin China said that the timeframe for [her]
is released into the lower intensive high level return or future steps.
basin, passing through interactions reflect that Mr. Poroshenko said
turbines which generate Beijing-New Delhi ties Speculation that a deal
hydro power. are enjoying a sound might be afoot increased
Other European islands and stable momentum with the sentencing of
like Denmarks Samsoe of development, with in- two Russian soldiers,
and Eigg off the coast of depth growth of political Alexander Alexandrov
Scotland are also trying mutual trust. and his commander,
to generate all of its China also said Captain Yevgeny
energy needs through enhanced exchanges and Yerofeyev, to 14 years in
renewables, but their cooperation in various jail. The pair were
plants do not combine fields, and sound charged with preparing
wind and hydraulic coordination and an act of terror.
power. cooperation in
international and Lawmakers authorised
The two water reservoirs impeachment proceedings
are not big enough to regional affairs.
against Dilma Rousseff
produce clean PetroPoroshenko and Vladimir
The fight to oust Brazils
electricity all year round, Putin agreed to Swap Prisoners
and there are no plans to President speeded up
Ukrainian President
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130 Current Affairs
after lawmakers the lower house. If that informal discussions
a u t h o r i s e d happened, Ms. Rousseff with mediators, the UN
i m p e a c h m e n t would step down for up envoy said.
proceedings against her, to 180 days while the
US president Obamas visit to
deepening the countrys trial got under way.
Saudi Arabia to ease the strained
political crisis.
US and Russia on Agreement for relationship
Rivals of the 68-year-old Increasing Syria Ceasefire
leftist leader said they President Barack Obama
would rush to the Senate Russian President will arrive in Riyadh, the
to launch an Vladimir Putin and his Saudi capital, for a
impeachment trial, after U.S. counterpart Barack private meeting with
lower house voted Obama agreed to King Salman, Saudi
overwhelmingly against strengthen a Syria Arabias 80-year-old
her. ceasefire brokered by monarch.
Ms. Rousseffs their two nations. During Mr. Obamas
supporters denounced Mr. Putin stressed the tenure, there has been
the vote as an attack on need for moderate rebels distrust and
Brazils democracy just to distance themselves disagreement over how
three decades after it from Islamic State and to contain Iran, the fight
emerged from a military al-Nusra Front jihadists against the Islamic State,
dictatorship. and also urged the the future of Syria and
367 of the 513 deputies closure of the border clashes in Yemen.
in the lower house of between Syria and Blunt comments about
Congress backed Turkey from where the Saudis by Mr.
impeachment well supplies of arms for Obama in a recent
over the two thirds extremists are interview have
majority needed to continuing. deepened the ill will.
move the case forward. A partial ceasefire, The two nations still
She is accused of which was negotiated need each other. The
illegally manipulating by the U.S. and Russia U.S. provides military
budget figures but her and took effect on and intelligence support
supporters say there is February 27, had to the kingdom for its
no evidence and the dramatically curtailed regional security, and is
impeachment drive violence across much of expected to announce
amounts to a coup. Syria and raised hopes additional support.
that a lasting deal could Saudi Arabia helps fight
The case now passes to
be struck in Geneva to terror groups like al-
the upper house which
end the bloodshed. Qaeda and remains the
is expected to vote in
May on whether to open Syrias opposition has second-largest provider
an impeachment trial. postponed its formal of oil imports to the
participation in peace United States, selling
Experts consider it
talks in protest over about 1 million barrels
almost certain the Senate
escalating violence, but per day.
will vote to launch a
will remain in Geneva Now, with Mr. Obama
trial, since its political
and may continue in the twilight of his
makeup reflects that of
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Current Affairs 131
presidency, Saudi responsible in U.S. narrow wording left
leaders are looking past courts for any role in the open the possibility that
him, to the winner of September 11, 2001, less senior officials or
Novembers presidential attacks. parts of the Saudi
election. Adel al Jubeir, the Saudi government could have
In the 70 years since Foreign Minister, played a role.
President Franklin D. delivered the kingdoms Earthquake in Japan take many
Roosevelt initiated the message personally last toll
alliance at the end of month during a trip to
Scores of people were
World War II, the Saudis Washington, telling
feared buried alive on
have primarily looked to lawmakers that Saudi
Saturday after two powerful
the United States to help Arabia would be forced
quakes hit southern Japan a
ensure its security in an to sell up to $750 billion
day apart, killing at least 41
often unstable region. in treasury securities
people, as a forecast storm
The Saudis have sought and other assets in the
threatened more
intelligence assistance U.S. before they could be devastating landslides.
and training, and the in danger of being Homes, roads and railway
U.S. has given the frozen by U.S. courts. lines were swept away
Saudis targeting and The administration, which when huge hillsides
logistical support for argues that the legislation collapsed as thousands of
their war in Yemen. would put Americans at tonnes of mud were
The United States has legal risk overseas, has been dislodged by the
looked to Saudi Arabia lobbying so intently against thunderous seismic tremors.
as a source of stability in the bill that some Buildings were reduced to
the West Asian region, lawmakers and families of rubble, including a
an ally whose oil September 11 victims are university dormitory and
infuriated. apartment complexes, with
reserves have only
recently begun to President Barack Obama dozens of people
diminish in importance will arrive in Riyadh for unaccounted for over a
for U.S. interests. meetings with King wide area.
Salman and other Saudi More than 90,000 people
Tussle between US and Saudi officials. have been evacuated,
over 9/11 Bill Saudi officials have long including 300 from an
Saudi Arabia has told denied that the kingdom area near a dam thought
the Obama had any role in the to be at risk of collapse.
administration and September 11 plot, and Isolated villages in
members of Congress the 9/11 Commission mountainous areas near
that it will sell off found no evidence that Kumamoto were
hundreds of billions of the Saudi government as completely cut off by
dollars worth of an institution or senior landslides. At least 500
American assets held by Saudi officials people were believed
the kingdom if Congress individually funded the trapped in one
passes a bill that would organisation. settlement and expected
allow the Saudi But critics have noted to spend the night in
government to be held that the commissions public buildings.
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132 Current Affairs
More civilians fled Syria due to should not, of course, emergencies for the
fighting fall into the trap of swine flu pandemic in
At least 30,000 civilians assuming that all 2009 and for polio in
have fled fighting immigrants are pro- May.
between jihadists and immigration, there is Countries affected to
rebels in northern Syria something on the edge date simply do not have
in the past 48 hours, of racism of people in the capacity to manage
Human Rights Watch the Leave campaign. an outbreak of this size
said, calling on Turkey In the political and complexity on their
to open its border to realignments that the own, The current
them. referendum debate has outbreak of Ebola began
The watchdog accused effected, prominent in Guinea in March and
Turkish border guards I nd i a n- o r ig i n has since spread to
of shooting at some of Conservative cabinet Sierra Leone and Liberia
those displaced in minister Priti Patel
U.S. is coming to Help: Obama
Aleppo province by whom Prime Minister
David Cameron had U.S. authorised a two-
fighting between the
appointed the U.K. India pronged military
Islamic State (IS) group
Diaspora Champion intervention in Iraq,
and rebels as they
joined the group of aimed both at protecting
approached the frontier.
Conservative members American personnel and
The whole world is assets located in the
of Parliament, led by
talking about fighting IS, conflict zones, and also
Michael Gove and Boris
and yet those most at at staving off a
Johnson, who support
risk of becoming victims potential act of
of its abuses are trapped genocide, in the Sinjar
on the wrong side of a WHO declares Ebola an
area where nearly 50,000
concrete wall. HRW International Health Emergency
members of the Yazidi
said The World Health minority community
Minorities including from India Organization (WHO) were trapped atop a
likely to vote for UK to stay in declared the Ebola mountain besieged by IS
EU outbreak in West Africa fighters.
to be an international Mr. Obama said
Ethnic minorities in the
public health emergency Washington had begun
U.K., including those
that requires an c o n d u c t i n g
from India, are likely to
extraordinary response humanitarian airdrops
vote for the country to
to stop its spread. at the request of the Iraqi
stay in the European
The WHO announced government.
Union in the June 23
referendum in which the Ebola outbreak the Ahead of the airstrikes,
roughly 43 million largest and longest in the first direct military
people are eligible to history is worrying action by the U.S. in Iraq
cast their vote. enough to merit being since troops pulled out
declared an in 2011, which were
One reason is that the
international health authorised by the U.S.
ethnic minorities are still
emergency. WHO Central Command
pro-Labour. While one
declared similar
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 133
commander, the U.S. Hamas has expired after at Bali.
also used one C-17 and indirect talks in Cairo on Govt said it is not alone
two C-130 aircrafts to new border in this matter, it said that
airdrop 5,300 gallons of arrangements for the India and other LDCs
fresh drinking water and blockaded Gaza Strip hit were willing to wait till
8,000 ready-to-eat meals a deadlock. September 2014, for
near Mount Sinjar. There was no apparent every one to convince
Iraqis welcomed the U.S. sign of a possible each other.
airlift of emergency aid to extension of the calm as
Israel agrees to extend Gaza
thousands of people who the truce expired at 0500
fled to the mountains to GMT on Friday. Just
escape Islamic extremists before the end of the Israel has agreed to
and called for greater truce, Gaza militants extend beyond Friday a
intervention. In contrast fired two rockets at 72-hour ceasefire that
to Washingtons decision Israel. has halted a month of
to invade Iraq more than Israel has said it is fighting in the Hamas-
a decade ago, both the willing to consider ruled Gaza Strip.
airdrop and the easing border The 72-hour ceasefire,
authorisation of military restrictions but demands which came into effect
action against the Islamic that Hamas disarm. on Tuesday, has brought
State group were widely relief to millions on both
WTO imbroglio: India not for sides after one month of
welcomed by Iraqi and 1986-87 as base year
Kurdish officials fearful of fighting killed nearly
the militants lightning India has offered fixing 1,900 Palestinians and 67
advance across the of the base year for food people in Israel, mostly
country. subsidies on the basis of soldiers.
average of last three United Nations chief
British Prime Minister
years, as opposed to Ban Ki-moon urged a
David Cameron has
1986-87 as proposed by permanent end to the
welcomed the decision
WTO, as a way forward cycle of Israeli and
taken by the United States
for an agreement at the Palestinian violence.
to authorise targeted
WTO. Indirect talks between
strikes against the
Islamic militant forces in India did a course Palestinian factions and
Iraq. The U.K. chaired a correction on the Israel have been taking
meeting in the United position taken at the Bali place, mediated by
Nations Security Council ministerial conference. Egypt, to broker a long-
on Thursday seeking a Explaining the changed term ceasefire.
strong international stance, the Govt. said Israel and Palestine, both
response to the crisis in India insisted on a sides are digging in their
Iraq. single undertaking positions as negotiations
principle to ensure continue in Cairo on a
Israel-Hamas truce ends; talks s i m u l t a n e o u s lasting truce and
on Gaza Deadlocked implementation of nine reconstruction for the
A three-day truce plus one issues which war-battered coastal
between Israel and the Ministers had agreed territory.
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134 Current Affairs
Iraqi militants seize countrys The seizing of dams and evacuate villagers who
largest Dam reservoirs gives the refuse to leave their
militants control over homes and property and
Sunni militants from the
water and electricity that move to higher ground or
Islamic State group seized
they could use to help government-run relief
Iraqs largest dam,
build support in the camps. The government
placing them in control of
territory they now rule by has so far evacuated
enormous power and
providing the scarce 60,000 people and set up
water resources and
resources to residents. Or 120 such camps.
access to the river that
they could sell the The annual monsoon
runs through the heart of
resources as a lucrative season, which runs from
source of revenue. June through September,
After a week of attempts,
Nepal landslide raises fears of is vital for the largely
the radical Islamist
floods in East India agrarian economies of
gunmen successfully
South Asia but every year
stormed the Mosul Dam Rescue workers in
also brings in floods and
and forced Kurdish forces eastern India urgently
landslides that kill
to withdraw from the evacuated tens of
thousands and submerge
area. thousands of people
hundreds of villages.
The Mosul Dam or after a deadly landslide
Saddam Dam as it was in neighbouring Nepal Israel, Hamas accept Egyptian
once known is located blocked a river that ceasefire plan
north of Iraqs second could burst its banks
Israel and Hamas
largest city Mosul, which and submerge scores of
accepted an Egyptian
fell to the militants on Indian villages.
ceasefire proposal meant
June 10. Fighting Nepals army triggered to halt a bruising month-
intensified in the region three controlled long war that has claimed
after the nearby towns of explosions on Saturday nearly 2,000 lives, raising
Zumar and Sinjar fell to to allow some water to hopes that the bloodiest
the militants. flow out of the lake, but round of fighting between
much of it remains the bitter enemies could
The alQaeda
trapped. Bihar finally be coming to an
breakaway group has
Government has asked end.
established its idea of an
all government doctors
Islamic state in the The war broke out on July
and civil officials in
territory it controls in Iraq 8, 2014 when Israel
threatened areas to
and Syria, imposing its launched an air offensive
cancel vacation plans.
harsh interpretation of in response to weeks of
Soldiers, as well as air
Islamic law. Iraqi heavy rocket fire out of
force helicopters and
government forces, Kurds Hamas-controlled Gaza.
jets, were on standby for
and allied Sunni tribal It expanded the operation
relief and rescue
militiamen have been on July 17 by sending in
struggling to dislodge the ground forces in what it
Islamic State militants The local government also described as a mission to
and its Sunni allies with invoked a law allowing destroy a network of
little apparent success. authorities to forcibly tunnels used to stage
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 135
attacks. Israel says the last histories of the war and Han Chinese left at
of the tunnels has nearly experience. The largest least 197 people killed.
been destroyed. non-British component The government has
Israel has demanded of the British fighting blamed the East
that Gaza become forces, and on which the Turkestan Islamic
demilitarised, imperial war machine Movement (ETIM) and
requiring the unlikely heavily relied was from other groups for
cooperation of Hamas in India. Nearly 1.5 million organising the attacks.
giving up its significant soldiers were drafted
UNSC Resolution adopted
arsenal. into the war effort. Of
to combat ISIS fighters
them 74,000 died.
Lights to go out across Responding to the
UK to Mark World War One Close to 100 killed in recent growing terrorist threat
Centenary Xinjiang violence, China says in Iraq and Syria, the
On August 4, the whole July 28 clashes in a remote U.N. Security Council
of Britain will be town of the western imposed sanctions on six
plunged in darkness for Xinjiang region had left men for recruiting or
an hour in a Lights Out close to 100 people killed, financing foreign
initiative to mark the marking the worst fighters and threatened
centenary of the violence to hit the additional sanctions
countrys entry into Muslim-majority region against those supporting
World War 1. in more than five years. terrorist groups.
Several official and A large mob armed with The U.N.s most
unofficial events that knives and axes attacked powerful body, in a
have been planned over government offices, resolution adopted
the last year will mark police stations and unanimously, also
the day. They reflect and majority Han Chinese demanded that the
reinforce a war residents in two Islamic State extremist
memorial sentiment that townships in Yarkand group and all al-Qaeda-
appears as diverse as the (Shache in Chinese), a linked groups end
forms that county in the Kashgar violence and disarm and
memorialisation are Prefecture in Xinjiangs disband immediately.
taking in this country. west. The British-drafted
All these will in different Officials said the group resolution follows the
ways examine the legacy had set roadblocks on recent offensive by the
and lessons emerging highways to stop Islamic State group,
from World War 1 vehicles, and attacked which has taken control
(1914-1918), which passengers with knives. of a large swath of
claimed the lives of 10 Some were seen carrying eastern Syria and
million soldiers and banners declaring holy northern and western
impacted the lives of war. Iraq, brutalising civilians
countless others. and forcing hundreds of
The violence in Yarkand
Commonwealth British thousands to flee, as
is the biggest since July
citizens have marshalled well as increasing
2009, when large scale
their own memories and terrorist activity by other
riots between Uighurs
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136 Current Affairs
al-Qaeda-linked groups by U.S. airstrikes on a squad car, residents of
including Jabhat al- Islamic State positions, Ferguson took to the
Nusra in Syria. they also helped take streets to protest what
The six men now subject back the key town of they believed to be
to a global travel ban Makhmour from the police brutality,
and asset freeze include Islamic State. prompting a fierce
four who either While lobbying efforts crackdown by SWAT
recruited or helped are concurrently teams armed with
finance al-Nusra underway in the U.S. to military-style weapons
A b d e l r a h m a n have the PKK de-listed including assault rifles
Mouhamad Zafir al from its terror and armoured cars.
Dabidi al Jahani, Hajjaj designation, that act Although the President
Bin Fahd Al Ajmi, Said would require a political called for Ferguson
Arif and Abdul Mohsen will that at present is police to be open and
Abdallah Ibrahim al lacking and risks irking transparent about
Charekh. Turkey, the Post said, heart-breaking death
Another man, Hamid leaving open-ended the of Mr. Brown, the
Hamad Hamid al-Ali, question about which American Civil Liberties
was blacklisted for groups on the Kurdish Union of Missouri has
helping finance both al- list the U.S. ought to be already initiated a
Nusra and the Islamic covertly arming. lawsuit against the
State group. Abou police demanding that
Outcry over police crackdown in
Mohamed al Adnani they release all public
was blacklisted for records on the case, to
financing and A violent crackdown by which they are entitled
perpetrating acts law enforcement under state law.
supporting the Islamic authorities in Ferguson,
Missouri, after protests UN Human Rights
State group. Council appoints Panel for
U.S. fighting Alongside over the shooting of an
unarmed teenager by a Palestine Inquiry
TerrorGroups in Iraq?
police officer on August The UN Human Rights
In its intensifying battle
9, has raised a national Council President
in Iraq against militant
furore here, particularly Baudelaire Ndong Ella
group Islamic State, the
after two journalists of announced a three-
U.S. appeared to be
major media outlets member panel to
edging closer towards
were arrested and investigate the human
fighting alongside
another television rights violations in the
factions of Turkish
camera crew was hit occupied Palestinian
origin that the State
with tear gas. territory, particularly in
Department has
After Michael Brown the conflict-torn Gaza
designated as terrorist
(18), an African- Strip.
American, was shot Ms. Ella appointed
In recent days PKK
multiple times by an Canadian William
fighters were said to be
unnamed police officer Schabas to serve as chair
manning the front line
following a scuffle near of the independent
near Kirkuk and Aided
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 137
i n t e r n a t i o n a l fire and rejected the viaduct on Belgrade-Bar
commission of inquiry, move saying no railway line in Europe
Xinhua reported. ceasefire is valid without where the height of
The commission also Israeli tanks pillars is 139 m.
comprises British lawyer withdrawing from Gaza
Indians in Libya told to Leave
Amal Alamuddin and as conflict killed 1,050
Doudou Diene from Palestinians.
Senegal. Hamas later agreed to Amid spiralling violence
The Council decided to observe a 24-hour in Libya, Indias mission
establish the humanitarian truce as in Tripoli advised its
commission of inquiry at fighting resumed and nationals to leave the
its 21st special session the two sides wrangled strife-torn country using
July 23, 2014, to over the terms of a lull all available means and
investigate all violations the international not to travel to that
of international community hopes can country.
humanitarian law and be expanded into a more Andhra Pradesh
international human sustainable truce. government wrote to
rights law in the External Affairs Minister
Construction of bridge with Sushma Swaraj seeking
occupied Palestinian worlds tallest Pillar begins
territory, including East the Centres intervention
Jerusalem, particularly Construction of the to evacuate people from
in the occupied Gaza worlds tallest railway the State who were
Strip, in the context of bridge with the tallest working in the north
the military operations pillar itll be 141 African country.
conducted since June 13. metres-high has Prior to the uprising in
The same session asked begun near Noney in Libya, the number of
the commission to Manipur. Indians engaged there
present its findings in The bridge, which spans was estimated to be
March 2015. over a gorge with an more than 18,000.
overall length of about
The present Israeli EU sanctions on Russia could
700 meters, is part of the
offensive in Gaza that self-harm
began on July 8 has 111-km long Jiribam-
Tupul-Imphal broad The impact of the new
killed over 1,900 and most
Palestinians and left gauge railway line
under construction that comprehensive
over 9,500 wounded, sanctions against Russia,
including around 2,800 will connect Manipurs
capital Imphal with the which the European
children. Union announced will
countrys railway
Hamas Agrees to 24-hour do some self-damage,
Truce in Gaza but the burden of that
This bridge is slated to
Israel extended the should be equally
become the tallest in the
humanitarian truce in shared amongst
world from the point of
Gaza for another 24 European economies,
view of pillar height
hours at the request of said U.K.
surpassing the existing
the United Nations, but The raft of sanctions was
tallest of Mala-Rijeka
Hamas resumed rocket
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
138 Current Affairs
announced by the EU. In Germanys endorsement wake many thousands
their statement, the 28 tilted the balance in of people were injured
member-nations said, It favour of going for the from exposure to methyl
is meant as a strong higher level of sanctions. isocyanate gas and other
warning: illegal As the strongest EU chemicals and several
annexation of territory economy, and the country thousands were killed.
and deliberate with the biggest trade ties While EarthRights
destabilisation of a with Russia, its backing International said that
neighbouring sovereign was crucial. they were confident
country cannot be The sanctions will not [that evidence
accepted in 21st century apply retroactively, but surrounding Couvaras
Europe. Furthermore, will take effect only for role] will lead to a
when the violence future transactions. Thus, reversal of the erroneous
created spirals out of the concerns of at least decision on appeal,
control and leads to the one nation, France, will be Judge Keenan further
killing of almost 300 addressed as the curbs on ruled that the
innocent civilians in arms sale will not stop its Government of Madhya
their flight from the sale of two Mistral Pradesh would also not
Netherlands to helicopter carrier be held liable for a clean-
Malaysia, the situation warships to Russia under up of contamination at
requires urgent and a contract signed in 2011. the site of the disaster.
determined response.
U.S. court rules in favour of G20 urges U.S. to support IMF
The sanctions will limit
Union Carbide reform
access to EU capital
markets for Russian A New York court struck Finance Ministers and
state-owned financial what appeared to be a Central Bank Governors
institutions, impose an deathblow to the case from G20 countries had
embargo on trade in brought by victims of sharp words for the U.S.
arms, establish an export the 1984 poison gas Congress, with the
ban for dual use goods disaster in Bhopal, Group Treasurer
for military end-users, Madhya Pradesh, when describing Capitol Hill
and curtail Russian it ruled in favour of the as being a very
access to sensitive defendant, the Union difficult obstacle in
technologies particularly Carbide Corporation their bid to pass internal
in the field of the oil (UCC), finding that the reform of the
sector. company could not be International Monetary
sued for ongoing Fund (IMF).
The EU had only last
week put another 15 contamination from the Issuing the Groups
Russian individuals and chemical plant. statement during the
18 entities to asset freezes The Bhopal gas tragedy, annual fall meetings,
and visa bans on their list considered Indias worst Australian Finance
for undermining industrial disaster, Minister Joe Hockey,
Ukrainian territorial occurred on December 2 whose nation currently
integrity and 1984 at the UCIL holds the Groups
sovereignty. pesticide plant and in its presidency said,
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 139
It does affect the U.S. new reality. U.S.-led relief drops.
and their reputation, In 2011, shortly before A roadside bomb killed
when there is global the announcement of the the police chief in Iraqs
agreement and in fact candidacy of current Anbar province,
agreement from the IMF Managing Director between Baghdad and
White House to Christine Lagarde, its the Syrian border, where
undertake IMF reform Executive Directors from Pentagon officials have
For domestic reasons the the BRICS economies voiced concern about the
U.S. Congress might not had openly revolted vulnerability of
be moving on this issue against the prospect of government troops to a
but for global reasons the top role remaining renewed jihadist
the U.S. should move on with a European. offensive.
this issue. More Farther north, around
Taliban criticises awarding of
broadly, the Ministers the key oil refinery town
Nobel Peace Prize to Malala
and Governors said of Baiji, the Iraqi army
regarding the world A breakaway faction of and its Sunni Arab tribal
economy, While some Pakistan Taliban, whose allies came under fresh
key economies are militants had pumped attack by IS, prompting
recovering, others face bullets into her two a first resupply
renewed weakness. years ago, has criticized operation by coalition
Their statement also the choice of Malala aircraft. In Kobane,
emphasised an Yousafzai for the 2014 where IS, is battling
agreement regarding a Nobel Peace prize, Kurdish fighters under
Global Infrastructure calling her an agent of the gaze of the
Initiative, and a Global non-believers. international media just
Infrastructure Hub to Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, which across the border with
support the Initiative, to had separated from Turkey, the jihadists
be finalised before the Tehreek-e-Taliban were taking heavy
Group leaders summit Pakistan (TTP) in losses, the Syrian
in November. August, posted on Observatory for Human
The issue of reforming Twitter that Malala was Rights said.
the Bretton Woods being used by non- It said IS was pouring in
institutions has been a believers for reinforcements from
long-standing one, propaganda. Syria, after its Friday
particularly for IS jihadists meet dogged Kurdish capture of the Kurdish
emerging economic resistance headquarters in Kobane
powers such as India failed to deliver a
and China, who have Islamic State (IS)
knockout blow.
consistently argued that jihadists met dogged
Kurdish resistance in the Pak writes to U.N. chief on loC
the changing global
high-profile Syrian issue
dynamics favours their
economies and it is high battleground town of Stepping up its attempts
time that the Kobane but in Iraq they to internationalise the
institutions constituent put forces under strong Kashmir issue, Pakistan
structure reflected this pressure, prompting has written to U.N.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
140 Current Affairs
Secretary-General Ban host training for roadside bomb killed the
ki-moon on the security moderate Syrian police chief.
situation along the Line rebels.
British House of Commons
of Control and the American and Saudi votes in favour of Palestinian
International Border, warplanes carried out state
and sought the world seven new strikes
bodys intervention. around Kobane, the U.S. In a political
In the letter, Adviser to military said, including development that will
the Pakistan Prime on ARE staging posts have enormous
Minister Sartaj Aziz used in its bid to cut the symbolic importance for
accused India of town off from the the cause of Palestine,
deliberate and outside world. the British House of
unprovoked violations A Kobane politician who Commons voted
of the ceasefire is now a refugee said IS overwhelmingly in
agreement. fighters had surrounded favour of recognising
Asking the U.N. Kobane to the south, Palestine as a state
Secretary-General to east and west, and alongside Israel.
circulate the letter as an warned of a massacre Although it is the
official document of the if they take the northern government and not the
Security Council, Mr. front bordering Turkey. House of Commons that
Aziz said Islamabad Fighting spread to less recognises states, the
believes that the world than a km from the voting result at 274 to 12
body has an important barbed wire frontier will strengthen the
role to play in fence, with the jihadists moral case for Palestine
promoting the objective carrying out two suicide internationally while
of peaceful resolution of car bomb attacks in the simultaneously isolating
the Kashmir issue. border zone, said the Israel for its illegal
Syrian Observatory for occupation of Palestine.
U.S. pressed Turkey to play Indeed, even though less
stronger role against IS Human Rights.
With the jihadists than half the Members
Kurdish fighters of Parliament (MPs)
advancing on its
engaged in fierce clashes doorstep, NATO took part in the voting
with jihadists on the member Turkey has and Ministers abstained,
Turkish border near come under intense the debate in the House
Kobane, as Washington pressure to take action was sharply critical of
pressed Ankara to play a as part of the U.S.-led Israels methods of
stronger role in the coalition that has been keeping Palestine under
campaign against the carrying out air strikes its control.
Islamic State (IS) group. in both Syria and Iraq. The United Kingdom
Turkey denied allowing does not recognise the
Iraqi forces are reported
the United States to use to be under intensifying state of Palestine, and
its bases against IS, after pressure in Anbar was one of the 41
U.S. officials said access province between countries that abstained
had been granted and Baghdad and the Syrian from voting at the U.N.
that Ankara would also border, where a General Assembly in
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 141
2012 when a majority concluding day of enhance its business
voted to upgrade the President Pranab outreach in India.
status of Palestine to that Mukherjees visit to this As President Mukherjee
of a non-member Scandinavian nation. suggested that Norways
observer state. Its The agreements, which $900 billion-worth
current policy on range from a statement pension fund would
Palestine reserves the of intent between the increase its exposure to
right to recognise a Defence Research & India given the new
Palestinian state D e v e l o p m e n t Modi governments
bilaterally at the Organisation (DRDO) intent to create an
moment of our choosing and the Norwegian enabling business
and when it can best Defence Research climate, Ms Solberg said
help bring about peace. Establishment and pension fund decisions
The full motion, setting up a state-of-the- were made
submitted by Grahame art fish farming unit independently of the
Morris (Labour) with the outside Delhi, also had government.
support of Sarah Teather IIT, Kanpur, Hyderabad Norways sovereign
(Liberal Democrat) and University and several wealth [pension] fund
Crispin Blunt other educational decisions are made on
(Conservative) stated: institutions reaching the perception of the
That this House accord with their business environment,
believes that the N o r w e g i a n she stressed. They will
government should counterparts. invest where they feel
recognise the state of The President, in his they should.
Palestine alongside the address to a joint The President hoped
state of Israel as a business gathering, that there would be an
contribution to securing announced that early conclusion to
a negotiated two-state Norwegian tourists ongoing talks for a free
solution. would soon be given the trade and investment
13 agreements sign between visa-on-arrival facility agreement between
India & Norway even as Norwegian India and the four-
Prime Minister Erna nation European Free
As many as 13 Solberg said that Oslo Trade Association, of
agreements were signed would open a new which Norway is a key
between Indian and consulate in Mumbai to member.
Norwegian entities on
the second and
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Current Affairs


RBI to still Guard the Inflations While the reading is a 17- July 2013, with Jignesh
month high, it has slowed Shah- promoted Financial
Reserve Bank of India
considerably from the Technologies India Ltd
Governor Raghuram
11.15per cent recorded in (FTIL).
Rajan may have raised a
November 2013. In an order issued, the
quiet toast with his
colleagues on Friday Its the journey ahead to government said that the
evening after retail the next milestone of 5 per merger will be applicable
inflation data showed the cent by March 2017 which from March 31, 2015.
central bank had met its is likely to challenge Simply put, all the
January 2016 target of monetary policy makers. liabilities of NSEL as on
slowing the price gains to The target agreed by the March 31, 2015, would
under 6 per cent. government and the shift on the books of FTIL.
The satisfaction would be central bank is for NSEL as a corporate
understandable given inflation of 4 per cent, entity would cease to exist
that the RBI had less than with a band of plus or post the merger.
a year ago at the end of minus 2 per cent. There This is the first time that
February 2015 entered are several factorsthat the government has
into a historic agreement could contribute to roiling ordered a merger
with the government on the RBIs inflation between two private
an inflation targeting targeting plans. entities under Section 396
monetary framework NSEL and FTIL would be of The Companies Act,
with clear and specified merged together 1956. The government
goals and timelines. had issued a draft merger
The Ministry of Corporate order on 21st October
The first target of limiting Affairs (MCA) has
retail inflation to 6 per 2014.
ordered the merger of
cent or below by January Mumbai- based National D. J. Pandian named as Chief
2016 has now been met, Spot Exchange Ltd. Investment officer of Asian
with the government (NSEL), which was Infrastructure Investment Bank
reporting CPI data that embroiled in a Rs.5,600-
showed the headline D. J. Pandian, a former
crore settlement scam in bureaucrat known for
number at 5.59 per cent.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 143
holding a string of key in identifying key policy administrators,
positions with the decisions for taxation. economists, and other
Government of Gujarat, The TPRU will comprise specialists such as
has been appointed as one of officers from both the statisticians, tax law
of the five Vice-Presidents Central Board of Direct experts, operation
of the newly-established Taxes (CBDT) and Central research specialists and
Asian Infrastructure Board of Excise and social re- searchers should
Investment Bank (AIIB). Customs (CBEC) as well be set up for both the the
Dr. Pandian has been as economists, boards.
appointed as the Chief statisticians, operational TRAI for PPP model for Bharat
Investment officer (CIO) researchers, legal experts. Net Project
of the lender, whose role The decision is based on
is to focus on The Telecom Regulatory
the recommendation of Authority of India(TRAI)
infrast ructure the Tax Administration
development in Asia. on Monday
Reform Commission recommended public
The CIO would be (TARC) that have in its private partnership (PPP)
leading the planning and First Report, identified model for the roll out of
supervision of the banks handling of tax policy and the Bharat Net project that
in- frastructure related legislation as one has been marred by
investment,. of the areas in need of delays.
structural modifications.
Govt. sets up Tax Policy Council Bharat Net seeks to
Right now this is handled connectall of Indias
The Government has in the CBDT and the
created a Tax Policy households, particularly
CBEC. Independently of in rural areas,through
Research Unit (TPRU) the two boards, the Tax
and Tax Policy Council to broadband by
Research Unit (TRU) and 2017,forming the
be chaired by the Union Tax Policy and
Finance Minister with backbone of the
Legislation (TPL) wings governments ambitious
nine other members also send proposals to the
including Minister of Digital India programme.
union Finance Minister.
State for Finance, Niti as rural broadband pro-
Aayog Vice Chairman, To bring consistency, vision is prone to market
Commerce and Industry multidisciplinary inputs, failures as well as
and coherence in government failures (as is
Minister Revenue
Secretary and the Chief policymaking, the TARC evident by the slow
Economic Advisor. recommended that a Tax implementation of
Council supported by a National Optical Fibre
Finance secretary, common Tax Policy and
Commerce Secretary and Network or NOFN),
Analysis (TPA) unit employing a PPP-based
Industry Secretary will should be established to
also be its members. model to expand broad-
cater to needs of both band coverage is the only
The Council will be direct and indirect taxes. other viable option
advisory in nature, which It also recommended that
will help the Government At present, a special
Comprising tax
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
144 Current Affairs
purpose vehicle, Bharat Govt. has managed fiscal deficit from falling oil and
Broad-band Network Ltd within limits mineral prices.
(BBNL),under the telecom Centre mulls coastal economic
The fiscal deficit for the
ministry ishandling the zones to boost manufacturing
first nine months (April-
roll out of optical fibre
December) of this
network. The project Government is planning
financial year stood at 88
isbeing executed by to create coastal economic
per cent of the annual
BSNL,Railtel and Power zones along the countrys
target comparable with
Grid. 7,500-km long coastline
100.2 per cent of the target
APPP model that aligns covering many States,
it managed during the
private incentives with ports and special
same period in the
long-term service economic zones having
previous financial year.
delivery in the-vein of the uniform policy to further
The April-December boost manufacturing.
fiscal deficit the
ateTransfer/Build- There is a thinking in the
difference between
Operate-Transfer models government that there
government revenue and
of implementation be the should be a port-led
expenditure stood at
preferred means of development as was done
Rs.4.88 lakh crore, which
implementation, in China where cities were
is 88 per cent of the Rs.5.55
The regulator has also granted special status of
lakh crore target for the
suggested that contract open coastal cities. These
full year set in the Budget.
period should be of 25 cities enjoyed special
It amounts to 3.9 per cent policies of the
years, which can be
of the GDP, a target that government.
further extended in block
many industry leaders
of 10, 20 or 30 years. Though India has many
want to be pushed back in
The UPA Government ports, there is no cluster or
favour of increased public
had approved Rs. 20,000 a section of coastline that
crore for laying optical en- joys special status and
They said it will boost incentives.
fibre network-in 2011.
domestic demand.
However, it missed all the However, there are
Several economists argue special economic zones
deadlines. The new
that it is important to stick where investors can set
NDAGovernment re-
to the fiscal deficit target up their manufacturing
examined the project
since government base and get incentives
status with a deadline of
accounts already fail to such as tax exemption,
2016 end. A committee
show the correct picture. speedy regulatory
setup by the DoT
proposed in-creasing the The other argument is that clearance, round-the-
scope and scale of the the government must clock power and security.
project at an estimated simultaneously increase French companies will active
cost of over Rs.70,000 public spending and still part in Make in India and Skill
crore and extending the keep a tight grip on the India projects
deadline toDecember fiscal deficit target since it
is availing the benefit French companies are
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 145
likely to invest almost $10 after Saudi Arabias assembly session,
billion in India in the next decision to charge a provides the first global
five years and a major premium for the oil it sells estimate of the
portion of this will be in to Asian customers, ac- macroeconomic impacts
the industrial sector cording to the of renewable energy
making France an government. deployment.
important player in the Africa already contributes Specifically, the report
Indian governments around 15 per cent of highlights the benefits
Make in India initiative to Indias oil needs, with that would be achieved
boost the manufacturing India having imported 32 under the scenario of
sector. million metric tonnes doubling the global share
France was training the from the entire continent of renewable energy by
Indian workforce under in 2014. 2030 from 2010 levels.
the Skill India India is currently the Beyond finding that
programme and was third- largest oil importer global GDP in 2030 would
contributing actively in the world, relying on increase by up to $1.3
towards it. imports for 76 per cent of trillion the report also
French companies its oil needs. analyses country-specific
account for more than 10 The International Energy impact.
percent of solar capacity Agency projects that this Japan would see the
installed in India. would rise to around 90
largest positive GDP
per cent by 2030 as Indias
There were over 400 impact (2.3 per cent) but
demand continues to
French firms in India with Australia, Brazil,
a consolidated turnover of Germany, Mexico, South
about $20 billion and Increase in renewable energy Africa and South Korea
France was the third share would also boost GDP would also see growth of
largest foreign investor in A 36 per cent share of more than one per cent
India. renewable energy in the each.
FDA, which finances global energy mix by 2030 According to the report,
development-oriented would increase global improvements in human
projects, operates in 70 gross domestic product welfare would go well
countries. FDA by nearly $1.3 trillion, beyond gains in GDP
committed euro 8.1 billion generating millions of thanks to a range of social
in 2014 in places across jobs and helping countries and environmental
the world for many such like India dependent on benefits.
projects. importing oil and gas, a The impact of renewable
India will look towards Africa for new study says. energy deployment on
Oil and Gas Renewable Energy welfare is estimated to be
Benefits: Measuring the three to four times larger
India is looking at Africa than its impact on GDP,
Economics, released
to spruce up its oil and gas with global welfare
during the International
imports as it seeks to increasing as much as 3.7
Renewable Energy
diversify its energy basket per cent.
Agencys (IRENA) sixth
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
146 Current Affairs
Employment in the to flourish. fresh calls for the Reserve
renewable energy sector The government had Bank of India (RBI) to cut
would also increase from introduced the interest rates at its
9.2 million global jobs Bankruptcy Bill in monetary policy review
today, to more than 24 Parliament in the recently slated for April 5.
million by 2030, the report concluded winter session The decline compared
said. but could not ensure its with the 2.8 per cent
A transition towards passage. growth in industrial
greater shares of A simple and effective output in January 2015.
renewables in the global corporate insolvency law According to the data
energy mix would also is important for released by the Central
cause a shift in trade expediting the winding Statistical Organisation
patterns, as it would more up of a company, selling (CSO) on Friday, the year-
than halve global imports its assets and also for on-year growth was (-)1.5
of coal and reduce oil and revival of sick companies. per cent in January. The
gas imports, benefiting drop in output was due to
Easier entry and exit
large importers like various factors, including
norms are important from
Japan, India, Korea and a huge contraction in the
the point of view of a
the European Union. capital goods sector.
startup, too, as there is a
Fossil fuel exporting likelihood of a good Manufacturing sector
countries would also number of them failing. output contracted by (-)
benefit from a diversified 2.8 per cent, capital goods
Investors have often
economy. The report shrunk by (-)20.4 per cent
criticised the delays
builds on previous and consumer non-
involved in the
IRENA analysis on the durables fell by (-) 3.1 per
insolvency proceedings in
socio-economic benefits cent.
India and the consequent
of renewable energy and
fall in the companys asset Ten out of 22 industry
on REmap 2030, a
value. groups in the
renewable energy
The government has set manufacturing sector
roadmap to doubling the
up a fund-of-funds to registered negative
global share of renewable
help startups and it will growth. Electrical
energy by 2030.
not impose any machinery and apparatus
Change in Bankruptcy law for conditions for startups recorded the maximum
start ups negative growth of (-)50.3
but only act as facilitator.
In India entrepreneurship per cent.
IIP data again increases call for
is no longer being looked rate cut The 1.5 per cent fall in
down in the guise of a industrial output this
frugal or flexible Industrial output shrank January was against 2.8
innovation and the for the third straight per cent growth in
government will take month, contracting by 1.5 January 2015 and (-)1.2
steps to make capital per cent in January 2016. per cent in December 2015
easily available and ease The data prompted (revised from -1.3 per cent
rules to en- able startups industry groups to make earlier).
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 147
The Budget has tried to In January 2016, growth in deficient rains in 2014 and
address tax related issues mining output was 1.2 per 2015, and a normal
for manufacturing and we cent while that of monsoon season this year
are hopeful that they electricity was 6.6 per can lead to a 4 per cent
would yield results. cent, basic goods (1.8 per growth in agriculture on
But we would like to see cent), intermediate goods lower base effect.
further rate reduction in (2.7 per cent) and Crisil said oil and
the forthcoming consumer durables (5.8 commodity prices are
monetary policy (of the per cent). expected to remain soft,
RBI) that can stimulate The factors being blamed which will ensure that
demand and investments for the fall in industrial crucial macroeconomic
in the economy to support output include the indicators such as fiscal
manufacturing growth. Chennai floods and poor deficit and inflation are as
With the Budget sticking revival of investment. per expectations.
to the fiscal consolidation Experts are expecting a Welcoming the Budget as
roadmap by targeting to minimum 25 basis points one with realistic growth
limit the fiscal deficit at repo rate cut by the RBI, and revenue targets, Crisil
3.5 per cent of GDP in most probably earlier said achievement of the
2016-17, the government than April divestment target, which
had claimed that it had Depending upon monsoon and the government has
done its job well by reform growth rate could be close trailed in the past, will be
maintaining fiscal to 8 % in 2016-17 keenly watched.
discipline to ensure The governments
macro-economic stability. The countrys GDP can commitment on capital
This in turn has provided grow by 7.9 per cent next infusion is just enough to
some space for monetary fiscal if the monsoon is meet the minimum
policy to be loosened up. normal and government capital requirements as
implements the reform the banks migrate to the
Fiscal deficit for the measures announced so
current fiscal is projected stricter Basel-III regime.
far, domestic rating
at 3.9 per cent. Experts are agency Crisil said. A normal monsoon
expecting a minimum 25 season this year can lead
basis points repo rate cut The growth forecast, to a 4 per cent growth in
by the RBI, most probably highest by any house and agriculture.
earlier than April, to perk even above the
governments own New gas pricing formula
up growth. approved by cabinet
estimate of 7-7.75 per cent,
Global financial market has been arrived
volatility, a potential The Union Cabinet
assuming a faster growth approved a new pricing
further deterioration in in agriculture.
exports and strain in bank formula for gas
and corporate balance The country has faced discoveries made in
sheets could weigh on weather shocks for three difficult- to-access areas.
India's growth prospects, consecutive years, The formula will be based
the IMF had said. including two years of on a weighted one-year
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
148 Current Affairs
average of prices of fuel a separate license for each development and multi-
oil, naptha and imported type of hydrocarbon. modal logistic hubs
coal. The new policy also among others.
Since the rate is not incorporates an open In addition, more than 150
enough to incentivise acreage policy wherein projects will be
exploration, the exploration and showcased for investment
government approved the production companies under the Sagarmala
new price formula for will be allowed to choose Project for port
undeveloped gas the blocks they want to modernisation.
discoveries in deep-sea, use from the designated Govt. is planning to create
ultra-deep sea and high- area. 40 lakh direct
temperature, high- In addition, the policy employment and 50 lakh
pressure areas using moves towards an easier indirect employment
average of landed price of revenue-sharing (opportunities) in five
naphtha, fuel oil and mechanism from the years in the maritime
liquefied natural gas current profit-sharing sector.
(LNG) mechanism. The Shipping Minister
This will definitely be Ministry of Shipping expects to said logistic cost is
positive for up- stream sign major pacts in summit hurting India, while
companies since the new logistic cost was 18 per
pricing will be applicable The government is cent in India, it was 8-10
to exist- ing as well as expected to sign per cent in China and 10-
future discoveries. agreements worth over 12 per cent in European
This will lead to prices Rs. 72,000 crore with countries.
rising by about 70-80 per private players on port-
related projects at the If development near
cent of their cur- rent ports happen and we are
levels and will enable Indian Maritime Summit
to be held in Mumbai next able to cut the logistic
companies to begin work costs by four per cent, the
on their new discoveries month.
exports will double, the
in these difficult areas. The Ministry of Shipping Minister said.
The Cabinet also has identified 109 projects
worth Rs.72,864 crore on Under the Sagarmala
approved the Project, the major
Hydrocarbon Exploration which agreements will be
signed during the event to d e v e l o p m e n t
and Li- censing Policy programmes identified by
(HELP). be held from April 14-16.
South Korea will be the the government include
The high- lights of the partner country for the port modernisation (Rs.
new policy involve Summit. 90,000 crore), port
granting explorers a connectivity (Rs.1.20 lakh
uniform license for The sectors identified for crore) and port-led
exploration and investment include ship- industrialisation
production of all forms of building, ship repair and (Rs.90,000 crore) besides
hydrocarbons. The recycling, port coastal community
previous policy required modernisation, new port development.
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Current Affairs 149
Give it Up campaign a major income of self or his/her Finance Minister Arun
success spouse exceeds Rs.10 Jaitley tabled the Aadhaar
lakh. (Target Delivery of
More than 80 lakh
The Give it Up campaign Financial and Other
households have given up
goes hand-in-hand with Subsidies, Benefits and
LPG subsidy under the
the governments Direct Services) Bill, 2016 in Lok
Give it Up scheme, as of
Benefit Transfer in LPG Sabha.
March 3, 2016. The Give
it Up campaign is part of wherein the subsidy The Bill, tabled as a
the governments amount is directly Money Bill (not requiring
endeavour to reduce its transferred to Rajya Sabhas approval) is
LPG subsidy bill. beneficiaries bank aimed at providing legal
accounts, thereby backing for transferring
Under the scheme, LPG
reducing the scope for all government subsidies
users who can afford to
leakage. using Aadhaar.
pay the market rate for the
fuel are encouraged to Ahead of Aadhaar Bills passage, Under the Revised
give up their subsidy. Govt. okays housing subsidy for Integrated Housing
workers Scheme of 2016, the
The government, on its
Labour Ministry will give
part, has promised to use Even as the Aadhaar Bill Rs.1.5 lakh as subsidy
the savings from this to is yet to be passed in the through direct benefit
provide more LPG Lok Sabha, the transfer, from the current
connections to the government has begun Rs.40,000, to beedi and
unconnected. approving new subsidies nonmine workers to build
More than 53 lakh to be delivered using the a house on their own land.
consumers have biometrics-backed
Unique Identification The move comes despite
voluntarily surrendered
(UID) number. the UIDAIs own
subsidy on LPG in the last
suggestion that
six months. Labour Ministry has construction and mining
Oil Marketing Companies approved a scheme to workers be put in the list
(OMCs) are making offer higher housing of exceptions to which the
efforts to target the higher subsidies to about 75 lakh Aadhaar system may not
income group (taxable beedi workers and miners apply.
income of more than Rs.10 working in non-coal
mines using Aadhaar In a detailed document
lakh) using technology
titleded Aadhaar
and available However, the UID Authentication
information. Authority of India Framework, the UIDAI
Consumers are also (UIDAI) will find it diicult had said that people
provided with on-line to capture their engaged in hard manual
facility to declare their fingerprints owing to the labour like construction
income and submit their nature of their work, workers or mining
self-declaration in the according to its own workers may be treated as
prescribed form to biometric authentication exceptions in the
distributors if the taxable standards Aadhaar system as they
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
150 Current Affairs
had all of their fingers in Rs. 1 lakh as Central grant already gaining traction,
extremely poor condition for a house under the is expected to gain
with respect to fingerprint slum rehabilitation momentum.
quality programme and Rs. 1.5 Foreseeing this big
There will always be a set lakh to economically opportunity, a bunch of
of population who will be weaker section youngsters has kick-
temporarily or households, aims to build started a movement by
permanently excluded 2 crore houses in five launching mobile wallets
from a specific biometric phases till 2021-22. and is slowly changing
system. They are termed Country heading more towards a the way Indians transact.
as outliers, in such cases, cashless economy A mobile wallet app is a
alternative biometrics virtual wallet where a
such as iris scan could be E-payments and mobile
wallets are getting more registered customer can
used. pre-load a certain amount
popular among the youth
The new Housing Scheme in the country. of money with any service
of the Labour Ministry provider, which can be
will give assistance to As these are gaining used for various bill
workers having their own wider acceptance, a major payments and recharges.
land with a carpet area of concern of our financial
regulator too is getting The major reason for this
at least 30 square metres. is the smart phone that
addressed the Reserve
The subsidy amount will Bank of India (RBI) has enables internet
be released in three started working towards penetration in to rural
instalments: the first making India a cashless parts of India. Increasing
amount of Rs. 37,500 will economy and to bring in government support is
be given as advance, accountability and another catalyst.
second Rs.90,000 after the transparency in each According to a recent
construction of house financial transaction. report from TechSci
reaches the lintel level and Research titled India
the third instalment of Last week, the Union
Cabinet cleared the Mobile Wallet Market
Rs.22,500 after Opportunities and
completion of the implementation of a few
short and long term Forecast, 2020, the mobile
construction work. The wallet market in India is
worker can make an measures to promote
digital and card-based projected to reach $6.6
additional contribution at billion by 2020.
his or her own will. payments to curb cash use
in the system. In April last, e-commerce
Also, for the first time, the major Snapdeal had made
government may give Some of the measures
include withdrawal of one of the biggest
Rs.1.5 lakh as an upfront acquisitions in the Indian
amount to those workers surcharge, service charge
or convenience fee on e-commerce industry by
who want to secure a buying wallet player
bank loan to build houses. card and other digital
transactions. With this, Freecharge for about $400
The Housing for All digital payment, which is million.
project, which provides
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 151
As the wallets allow a to MobiKwik wallet. locations. Paytm is an
user to load cash from a There are different types example.
very small amount to a of E-wallets: The Committee
maximum of Rs 10,000, OPEN WALLETS: The appointed to suggest
the risk associated with ones that allow you to buy changes in the Companies
the loss of money through good and services, Act submitted its report
transaction is minimal. withdraw cash at ATMs The Committee
Apart from this, the wallet or banks and transfer appointed by the
companies provide high funds; these services can Government of India to
security standards for only be jointly launched suggest changes in the
customers while with a bank. Apart from Companies Act, 2013 and
transacting. the usual merchant Rules made there under,
Recently, the RBI had payments, it also allows in the interests of various
issued certain guidelines you to send money to any stakeholders, has
that allow the users to mobile number bank submitted its report.
increase their limit to Rs account. M-Pesa by
The Committee has
1,00,000 based on a certain Vodafone is an example.
suggested that Section 4
KYC verification. SEMI-OPEN WALLETS: (1)(c) of the Companies
The mobile wallet user You can't withdraw cash Act, 2013 should be
base in India has even or get it back. In this amended to allow
surpassed the total scenario, a customer has companies to have a
number of credit cards to spend what he loads. generic object clause to
issued in the country. Airtel Money is a semi- engage in any lawful
The RBI data shows that open wallet, which allows activity or business as per
till November 2015, you to transact with the law for the time being
around 22 million credit merchants having in force.
cards have been issued by contract with Airtel.
This proposal is based on
55 banks, while a rough CLOSED WALLETS: Section 31 of the
estimate shows there are Quite popular with e- Companies Act, 2006 of
more than 100 million commerce companies, the U.K. To supplant this
wallet users in India. where a certain amount of English Law on to the
In a bid to garner market money is locked with the Indian sub soil without
share, almost all players merchant in case of a regard to the ground
are offering cash back and cancellation or return of realities of Indian
discounts, which can be the order, or gift cards. business is highly
used for another S E M I - C L O S E D misleading.
transaction. Some players WALLETS: These do not The Committee has
even provide offline way permit cash withdrawals suggested that the present
of wallet balance top up. or redemption, but allow prohibition against more
Mobikwik has its 'Cash you to buy goods and than two layers of
Pickup' service in select services from listed subsidiaries for
cities that will facilitate merchants and perform investments should be
cash to be directly added financial services at listed done away with.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
152 Current Affairs
While the Committee under the Companies Act, provident fund savings
recognises that numerous 2013, the proviso saying which will particularly
layers of subsidiaries are that the managing hurt millions of low-
created to hide the source director should be income workers earning
of funds so as to siphon allowed to exercise his as little as Rs.5,000 a
off money, the Committee powers subject to the month.
has sought to omit this superintendence control
Such employees would be
provision in the and direction of the Board
taxed at the highest
Companies Act, 2013 in of directors, has been
marginal income tax rate
order not to impede the omitted.
of 34.6 per cent if they
efficacy of corporate When it comes to the
structuring. withdraw EPF savings of
National Financial Rs 50,000 or more, before
When it comes to Reporting Authority completing five years of
independent directors, (NFRA), the following continuous service.
Section 149 of the views of the Committee
Companies Act, 2013 says The tax, is to be levied at
are quite appropriate:
that an independent the highest personal tax
As suggested by the rate for those members
director cannot have any
Committee, the who dont have a PAN
pecuniary relationship
provisions relating to the card, according to the
with the company in
constitution of the Finance Ministry. For
which he is appointed as
an independent director National Company Law those with a PAN card,
or with its satellites Tribunal and the National the tax is levied at 10.3 per
during the last two Law Appellate Tribunal cent
financial years or in the should be amended to
Those with a balance of
current year. conform to the Supreme
just Rs.50,000 in their EPF
Court of Indias order of
A similar provision in account, after, say 59
May, 2015. Otherwise,
SEBI Regulations for months of service, are
such a tribunal may
listed companies says that essentially low income
become a still born baby.
an independent director workers who are not
should not have material Law is as good as it is liable to pay tax to begin
pecuniary relationship administered. The with. Yet they will be
with a company or with Companies Act, 2013 is a taxed at the rate
its satellites in the last two modern law for a rising applicable for those
financial years or in the India. It is important that earning over a crore of
current year. the administrators of such rupees a year
The definition of a a law have a mindset
To put that in perspective,
managing director under keeping with the spirit of
banks deduct income tax
the Companies Act, 2013 such a law.
at 10.3 per cent on interest
is almost identical with EPF tax would cost dearly to low income of over Rs.10,000
the definition under the income workers earned from fixed
Companies Act, 1956.
Union Budget 2016-17 deposits. In cases where a
However, unlike under depositor hasnt shared
the Companies Act, 1956, holds another tax
whammy for employees his PAN card details with
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 153
the bank, such interest tax 60 per cent of EPF 1, 2016 will be given an
income is taxed at 20.6 per savings as a tool to push option to be taxed at 25
cent. people into the pension per cent plus cesses and
Separately, a PAN habit and said that only surcharges as long as they
number is mandatory for high-income workers do not avail of profit and
jewellery purchases over would be affected, while investment-linked
Rs. one lakh. Personal those earning upto deductions or certain
income is tax free in the Rs.15,000 a month wont other tax exemptions.
country for those earning be taxed. In addition, the finance
about Rs.21,000 a month MAT will not be possible until minister proposed to
or Rs.2.5 lakh a year all corporate tax exemptions are lower the corporate tax
An EPF account is rolled back rate for companies with a
mandatory for all turnover not more than
A reduction in the Rs. five crore a year to 29
employees earning up to Minimum Alternate Tax
Rs.15,000 per month per cent
(MAT) will not be
(raised recently from possible until all RBI unlocked additional capital
Rs.6,500 per month) in corporate tax exemptions to Indian banks
firms employing over 20 are rolled back
workers. As per the law, The Reserve Bank of India
24 per cent of an The rate of the Minimum (RBI) revised norms on
employees salary is Alternate Tax a tax put capital recognition,
contributed to EPFO as a in place to bring into the making available an
social security net for old net companies that have additional Rs.40,000 crore
age a part of that (8.33 been not been paying tax to Indian banks.
per cent) is diverted to an due to the various The move comes at a time
employees pension exemptions granted to the when public sector banks
scheme (EPS). corporate sectoris are facing pressure on
between around 19 per their profitability due to a
This is a very regressive cent and 21.34 per cent for
move and would not only sharp rise in non-
Indian companies, and performing assets, which
lead to taxing those who between 19 per cent and
are not part of the tax net is eroding their capital
20 per cent for foreign base.
or pushing them to get a companies
PAN card though their The announcement is a
income is well below the Companies have been big relief for, mainly,
taxable limit, but also demanding a reduction in public sector banks, after
create a huge compliance the MAT rate as well as in finance minister Arun
and paperwork headache the corporate tax rate, Jaitley announced in his
for employers as well as which, till recently, was at budget speech a capital
the EPFO, who would a flat 30 per cent (plus infusion of Rs. 25,000
have to issue tax cesses and surcharges) crore for the fiscal year
deduction certificates Manufacturing starting in April.
The government has companies that are RBI said banks can
defended its proposal to incorporated after March recognise foreign
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
154 Current Affairs
currency reserves arising Faltering growth and of which 5,000 had been
due to translation of market turbulence have started in 2015 alone.
financial statements of exacerbated policy The survey added no
foreign operations to the frictions between major lessthan 2000 of the start-
re- porting currency as economies in recent ups have been backed by
common equity tier-I months, and the venture capital/angel
(CET1) capital. statement also noted investors since 2010, of
Deferred tax assets arising concerns over escalating which 1005 were created
due to timing differences geopolitical tensions and in 2015 alone.
may be recognised as Europe's refugee crisis.
Railway budget lays emphasis on
CET1 capital up to 10 per The G20, which spans PPP projects
cent of a banks CET1 major industrialised
capital, it added. economies such as the The Railway Budget has
United States and Japan to laid emphasis on Public
G-20 asks to look for policies of
the emerging giants of Private Partner- ships
growth other than ultra low
China and Brazil and (PPP) to implement
interest rates
smaller economies such as initiatives such as rail
The world's top Indonesia and Turkey, connectivity for ports,
economies declared that reiterated in the station-redevelopment,
they need to look beyond communique a rail-side logistics parks
ultra-low interest rates commitment to refrain and ware- housing as well
and printing money to from targeting exchange as satellite terminals.
shake the global economy rates for competitive A committee appointed
out of its torpor, while purposes, including for the purpose of
renewing their focus on through devaluations. revamping the ministrys
structural reform to spark PPP cell has submitted its
India is getting more and more
activity. re- port and the initiative
technological start ups
A communique from the is under
Group of 20 (G20) finance Within a year, the number implementation.
ministers and central of technology start ups in
The capital expenditure
bankers flagged a series of the country has grown by
for the next financial year,
risks to world growth, 40 per cent to over 4,200,
pegged at Rs.1.21 lakh
including volatile capital making India the third
crore, calls for
flows, a sharp fall in largest base of technology
abandoning the
commodity prices and the start-ups in the world,
potential "shock" of a according to the
approach and
British exit from the EU. Economic Survey 2015-16.
continually innovating to
The global recovery This has further helped develop new frameworks
continues, but it remains create about 80,000-85,000 for PPP.
uneven and falls short of jobs during 2015.
Foreign investors from
our ambition for strong, As of January 2016, there Spain and France were
sustainable and balanced were 19,400 technology- keen on dedicated freight
growth. enabled start-ups in India, corridors (DFC) projects
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 155
provided they were prescribed threshold. from 20 per cent.
structured properly in Some of the other major The move comes at a time
terms of financial returns steps approved by the public sector banks need
and risk-allocation and Cabinet include the equity capital while their
mitigation. withdrawal of any stocks have taken a
The railway minister said additional charge hammering after
his ministry would take currently imposed on reporting huge losses in
up dedicated freight card or digital payments the third quarter due to a
corridors and implement by various government sharp rise in non-
it in a time-bound manner entities and the performing assets.
through innovative introduction of the According to present
financing mechanisms, required infrastructure regulations, a single non-
including PPP. for digital payments in all banking institution
Referring to the Cabinet government offices. cannot hold more than 10
approval for The Cabinet also per cent in a bank while
redevelopment of 400 approved the one bank can hold
stations through PPP, rationalisation of the maximum 5 per cent stake
Prabhu said on the basis merchant discount rate in an- other bank.
of a bankable structure for (MDR) on card The public sector banks
private participation, the transactions and telecom will need to raise tier-I
government will service charges for digital capital as their capital
undertake a bidding financial transactions positions have depleted
process for a few large topromote mobile due to higher
and medium stations banking. provisioning for bad
during the next financial Later in the year, the loans.
year. government also While the government has
The government is also proposed to levy a committed Rs.70,000
considering availing nominal cash handling crore capital infusion in
multilateral financial charge on cash four years (starting from
investments for the transactions above a this financial year) that
development of certain specified level, though amount may be
other stations and this was not included in inadequate, several rating
partnering with states. the steps approved by the agencies had pointed out.
Union cabinet to promote Cabinet.
Earlier, the government
cashless transactions FII investment in public sector had estimated an amount
banks may increase to 49 percent of Rs.2.8 crore as capital
The Union Cabinet
approved several steps to The government is infusion for the public
promote cashless considering a proposal to sector banks by 2018.
transactions, which in- crease the cap on Public sector banks are
include mandatory card- foreign institutional constraint to raise equity
based or electronic investment in public capital from the markets
payments beyond a sector banks to 49 per cent as most of them are
trading at a significant
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
156 Current Affairs
discount to their book The stake sale is to be Competitive prices and
value. spread over two days, shorter shipping
Most public sector with institutional bidders distances are giving the
banksreported weak getting to buy shares and Middle East members of
earnings in Q3 after retail investors. the Organisation of the
Reserve Bank of India The retail investors have Petroleum Exporting
(RBI), found in its asset 20 per cent of the shares Countries (OPEC) the
quality review (AQR) that re- served for them. upper hand in India, the
certain accounts needs worlds third-largest
The five per cent stake in
higher provisioning and crude oil importer.
NTPC works out to 41.22
asked the lenders to Saudi Arabia was the top
classify those accounts as crore shares.At the floor
price of Rs.122 per share, supplier to India in
non-performing and gave January, with volumes
the lenders two quarters this could fetch the
government Rs.5,029 jumping 29 per cent from
Q3 & Q4 to complete the
crore. the same month a year
ago to nearly 9,40,000
Most banks have The government has been
barrels per day (bpd).
classified 50 per cent of struggling to meet the
disinvestment target of Just behind was Iraq at
the RBI identified
Rs.69,500 crore for the 9,30,000 bpd, up 52 per
accounts in Q3 and
remaining will be financial year. cent from January levels
identified in Q4, which last year. The daily rates
With about 40 days left in
will result in further rise from both were at their
the financial year, the
in NPAs. highest since at least 2001.
government has managed
The one of the biggest to realise only Rs.13,330 In contrast, total imports
hurdle to increase the crore through divestment from Latin America fell by
foreign shareholding cap which is less than20 per a quarter in January from
in public sector banks was cent of the budgeted a yearago to 7,06,000 bpd,
Reserve Bank of India, target. the data showed.
which was not in favour Competitive prices and shorter Reliance will start oil lifting from
of higher limit due to shipping distances makes easier Iran
concerns over stability. to import from OPEC Indias Reliance
Government will divest five Industries Ltd, owner of
Indias oil imports from
percent of its stake in NTPC the world's biggest
Saudi Arabia and Iraq hit
The government the highest in more than refining complex, is
announced it will be a decade last month as preparing to lift oil from
divesting five per cent of OPECs top producers Iran next month after a
its stake in NTPC through gained at the expense of gap of about five years,
the ofer-for-sale route. Latin American crudes, a The Indian conglomerate,
The sale is expected to validation of the OPEC con- trolled by billionaire
garner Rs.5,029 crore at a policy of maintaining Mukesh Am- bani,
floor price of Rs.122 per output and fighting for stopped Iranian oil
share. mar- ket share. imports in 2010 because it
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 157
was worried that the biggest FDI source, for the next two years and
threat of U.S. sanctions on followed by Mauritius, would ease by 2021.
companies doing US, Netherlands and The report said India
business with the Islamic Japan. would achieve its
republic would com- The government has inflation target of 5 per
plicate its eforts to boost taken several steps to cent in the first half of
market share for its fuels promote investments 2017, though it warned
in the United States. through a liberal FDI that an unfavourable
The shipment will make policy. It has relaxed monsoon and the effect of
Reliance Iran's first new norms in sever- al sectors, public sector wage
Indian oil customer since including single brand increases could pose risks.
the lifting of the sanctions. retail, e-commerce and However, India
Reliance's sophisticated construction. Meteorological
complex at Jamnagar in World economic outlook Department has said it is
western Gujarat state can says India needs to be cautious expecting an above-
refine 1.24 million bpd of about fiscal management normal monsoon, with
crude as varied as light rainfall at 106 per cent of
West African to heavy While several demand the long-term average.
sour Middle East and and supply side factors This, economists agree,
Latin American grades, have resulted in a sharp should boost economic
allowing it to switch to fall in inflation and have growth and keep inflation
whatever crude is given the RBI space to cut in check.
cheapest. interest rates, there are
several factors that could The WEO data show
Huge jump in FDI inflow in drive inflation up again, Indias CAD, which was
2015 World Economic Outlook at $26.2 billion or 1.3 per
(WEO) says. cent of GDP in 2015, will
Foreign direct investment widen to $51.8 billion (2.1
(FDI) into the country The government must per cent of GDP) by 2017.
increased by 37 per cent to continue on its fiscal The CAD is projected to
$39.32 billion during 2015. consolidation path and hit $94.7 billion by 2021.
The foreign investment focus on reforms,
especially in the labour The IMF has retained its
inflows stood at $28.78 GDP growth forecast for
billion in 2014, according and infrastructure sectors,
the report said. India, adding that the
to data by the Department main driver of this growth
of Industrial Policy and It said Indias current will be private
Promotion (DIPP). account deficit would consumption and
Computer hardware and widen sharply to $94.7 investment.
software sector attracted billion by 2021.
While the IMF predicted
the highest FDI, followed The report does not that Indias GDP growth
by services, trading indicate how the IMF has rate will be at 7.5 per cent
business, automobile arrived at the figure. in 2016 and 2017 (a shade
industry and chemicals. Consumer inflation higher than the 7.4 per
Singapore emerged as the would be at 5.3 per cent cent predicted by the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
158 Current Affairs
Asian Development Bank executives of being against the 6.9 GW seen
recently), it projected that hounded by vigilance during 2015-2016,
this would accelerate to agencies when they primarily led by the
7.8 per cent by 2021. decide to advance loans higher capacity addition
Vinod Rai says cacophony of or settle stressed loans in the solar segment,
uninformed should not impact was being unfairly report said.
decision making process projected. However, it predicted
An adequate reward that there could be a
Former Comptroller and
structure around ESOPS, decline in new capacity
Auditor General of India
p erform ance-linked addition in the wind
(CAG) Vinod Rai said not
incentives and other sector due to a substantial
all defaulters are wilful
benefits can surely be reduction in preferential
and the cacophony of
designed to attract the tariff for new wind energy
uninformed voices should
best talent to the public projects to be
not impact decision
making process of bank sector, he said. commissioned in Madhya
executives. He also said the Banks Pradesh.
Not all loan defaults are Board Bureau will work Union Govt targeting to add 16
wilful and not all lending on providing incentives to km more highways per day
activity, even if it is to ensure a level-playing
field for top executives in The National Democratic
salvage such stressed Alliance (NDA)
accounts, can be branded public sector banks.
government has set an
as corrupt practice or Indias renewable energy sector ambitious target of
criminal misconduct, increased 6.9 GW capacity in the constructing 41 km of
Mr. Rai said. previous year national highways every
He said borrowers day in 2016-17, up from
Indias renewable energy
comprise a small minority more than 16 km per day
sector may add 8.8 GW of
and cannot become the of highways it built in
new capacity in 2016-17
barometer of decision- 2015-16.
making. Unfortunately, on the back of a record
the legal system does not capacity increase of 6.9 The Road Transport and
permit easy and rapid GW in the previous year. Highways Ministry will
resolution of stressed The new renewable award contracts for 25,000
assets issue of banks. capacities in 2015-16 were km national highway
chiefly driven by projects, two-and-a-half
Mr. Rai, now the times more than the
chairman of Banks Board significant increases in
projects it had sanctioned
Bureau, also said solar and wind capacity,
in the previous year.
uninformed voices should which grew by 3 GW and
not affect the decision 3.3 GW respectively. It has set a target of
making capability of bank constructing 15,000 km of
Overall, ICRA estimates
executives. national highways in
the capacity addition in
2016-17 as against 6,000
The former CAG also said the RE (renewable km built last year, a
the fear psychosis among energy) sector to increase statement issued by the
public sector bank to 8.8 GW in 2016-2017 as Ministry, headed by Mr.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 159
Nitin Gadkari, said on Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh million visas were issued
Wednesday. Kant said. to Indian travellers in
It also said that the India has opened up 2015 the highest ever
construction of roads every sector of the The Niti Aayog chief
quickened by 36 per cent economy in the last two executive officer said that
in 2015-16, due to several years. While India is the biggest foreign direct
policy interventions. becoming more and more investment into India in
Some of the measures open, America must also recent times was
included more project open its services sector for American Tower
approvals, enhanced Indians to go and work Corporations purchase of
inter-ministerial there. It cant be a halfway a 51 per cent controlling
coordination, exit policy house, Mr Kant said stake in Viom Network.
for developers, promoting The Indo-US relationship The cost of 238 major projects
the Hybrid Annuity will only flourish further have almost doubled to Rs. 4.6
Model, among others.
when theres reciprocity lakh crore
The government had met in market access, Mr Kant
bankers and road said. The cost of 238 major
contractors in January this projects of the union
India has allowed government have almost
year in a bid to move
American companies to doubled from the original
forward over stalled
highway projects worth come in and flourish estimate of Rs.2.4 lakh
Rs 40,000 crore. otherwise GE would have crore to Rs. 4.6 lakh crore,
never got the biggest according to latest official
Mr. Gadkari had said that contract to build
the number of stalled data.
locomotives for the
projects had come down The number of projects
Railways. Similarly,
from 384 to 74. exceeding the budget
America must welcome
To resolve disputes over Indian services and surged 43 per cent by
such projects, the minister software companies to March 2016 over a period
had recently proposed to work there. of four years, the data on
the Finance Ministry that projects costing Rs.150
a four-member panel led Richard Verma, the US crore or more showed.
by a former High Court Ambassador to India, said
that the US has more The causes for time and
judge be formed. cost overruns are project-
Niti Aayog CEO says that US engagement with India specific, depend on a
should open service sector more than any other country in variety of technical,
the world. financial and
The U.S. must open up its administrative reasons,
market for services to Bilateral trade is about to and differ from project to
Indian firms, just as India touch 108 billion dollars. project, V.K. Singh
has liberalised foreign Indian companies informed the Lok Sabha.
direct investment in many investing into the U.S.
sectors such as railways touched a record in 2015. The number of Central
and defence for the Defence trade has projects that have
benefit of American firms, touched $14 billion, 1.1 overshot their deadline
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
160 Current Affairs
for completion increased The road sector shows that there were 13.3
by 31 per cent,from 260 as contributed 7.7 per cent of lakh individuals
on April 1, 2012 to 341 as projects facing cost- declaring an income of
on March 1, 2016. overruns as on March 1, more than Rs 10 lakh a
The data showed while 2016. As many as 39 per year the section of
cent of the projects were people the government
166 central projects had
running behind schedule has excluded from the
overshot their budget as
compared with 32 per LPG subsidy.
on April 1, 2012, it
increased to 238 as on cent four years ago. Among the states, Gujarat
March 1, 2016. At the end of the 11th Plan saw the fastest growth in
period, the projects its direct tax collections,
However, while the growing 185 per cent in
absolute number of overshooting their
budgets needed an extra FY2014-15 to Rs 12,577
projects which overshot crore compared to its level
their targets had Rs.1.2 lakh crore which
in FY2008-09.
increased over time, their rose to Rs.2.2 lakh crore
by March 1, 2016. Tamil Nadu saw the next-
proportion in the total
fastest growth in the
number of projects had Direct tax collection sees highest period, with its direct tax
declined, showing an growth in Gujrat collections growing 116
improvement in this
The precipitous drop in per cent to Rs 20,651 crore
regard. in FY2014-15.
the growth rate of direct
While projects exceeding tax collections was Maharashtra (112 per
their budgets made up 30 accompanied by an cent) and West Bengal
per cent of total projects equally dire slowdown in (105 per cent) were the
above Rs.150 crore as on the growth of corporate other states seeing rapid
April 1, 2012, that tax. growth in their direct tax
proportion fell to 22 per collections.
cent by March 1, 2016. Corporate tax grew at an
average annual rate of 7.1 The State-wise data also
Most cost and time- per cent between revealed some anomalies.
overruns pertained to the assessment years 2011-12 For example, Mizoram
infrastructure sector with and 2015-16, down from recorded Rs 39.8 crore of
the Railways contributing the heady 15.6 per cent direct tax collections in
68.5 per cent of projects seen in the previous five FY2014-15, which is more
overshooting the budget years. than double what it
as on March 1, 2016, up collected in the previous
from 56 per cent four The personal income tax year.
years ago. data on the other hand,
barely witnessed a change Govt thinking about the right
The power sector in growth rates in this approach for WTO
contributed the next- period, growing at an Inter-ministerial
highest with 9.4 per cent annual average of 9.1 per differences have cropped
as on March 1, 2016, down cent between 2011 and up on what should be
marginally from the 10.5 2015. India's strategy in
per cent as on April 1,
Interestingly, the data dragging the U.S. to the
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Current Affairs 161
WTO Dispute Settlement India had several years local content
Body (DSB) in a matter ago raised the matter requirements in the
involving renewable before the WTO Jawaharlal Nehru
energy policies of several committees on Trade- National Solar Mission for
State governments in the Related Investment solar cells/modules.
U.S. violating the global Measures (TRIMs) as well
trade bodys norms. Moodys investor services warn
as on Subsidies & remittances decline could reduce
The renewable energy Countervailing Measures economic growth
(solar & hydro power) (SCM) by pointing out
policies in question that the renewable energy Moodys Investor
allegedly have local schemes of many State Services warned that a
content requirements and governments in the U.S. prolonged decline in
/ or greater incentives to had very significant inward remittances could
domestic manufacturers domestic content dent Indias economic
in the U.S. thereby requirements violating growth though low oil
restricting and the US obligations under prices are offsetting the
distorting trade, and in the WTO agreements on negative impact for now.
turn violating WTO TRIMs and SCMs. A report by Moodys
rules. Investors Service titled
It is learnt that the policies
The commerce ministry that India is looking into Falling remittances from
has opposed the power include that of California, the Gulf dampen benefits
ministrys proposal that Washington, Texas, of lower oil prices said
India should file sixteen Pennsylvania, New that there is a direct
separate cases against the Jersey, Massachusetts, correlation between oil
U.S. with the WTO on the South Carolina, Oregon prices and inward
measures of different and West Virginia. remittances and that low
State governments there oil prices have affected
These policies apparently
providing protection to remittances being sent to
offer more incentives to
the local renewable sector various countries.
domestically made items
including solar panel
and components and/or The report also finds that
to encourage local Indiawhich saw its
As per the commerce assembling of products remittances grow at only
ministry, India will have used in the renewable 1-2 per cent per year since
better chances of winning sector. 2013, according to the
the case if it, instead, files World Bankis relatively
The government is also
one comprehensive case insulated to this
studying a report in this
incorporating the details slowdown due to the
regard prepared by the
of how all those states are nature and sources of the
Centre For WTO Studies
"violating" the WTO remittances coming in.
at IIFT.
norms using their
For India, the
protectionist policies, The move comes close on
Philippines, and Vietnam,
high-level government the heels of India recently
losing a case to the U.S. at diversified locations and
sources said, asking not to
vocations of overseas
be identified. the WTO pertaining to
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162 Current Affairs
migrants could help to indicatorssuch as the proposed India-European
reduce the fall in worker Index of Eight Core Union (EU) Free Trade
remittances, the report Industries and the Agreement have been
said. Manufacturing delayed due to the
Purchasing Managers uncertainty over Brexit,
Consumer price index fell to 4.83
Indexalso showing a or the possibility of Britain
Consumer price inflation pick-up in manufacturing leaving the EU, according
slowed to 4.83 per cent in activity. to official sources.
March, the lowest reading The Reserve Bank of India The U.K. is slated to hold
in six months, recently cut interest rates a referendum in June to
government data showed. by 25 basis points to spur decide whether it should
The decrease in consumer demand in the economy. stay as an EU member
price index was mainly The capital goods country.
due to the marginal segment of the IIP The EUs demand that
easing of prices across continued to shrink in India must agree to
most sectors, the most February for the fourth eliminate the high
significant of which were month in a row, declining duties on automobiles
the food & beverages 9.8 per cent. Similarly, over a specified period of
and fuel & light output from the consumer time, as a pre-condition
segments. non-durables sector for resuming the free
Indias industrial output dipped 4.2 per cent. trade agreement
as measured by the Index The manufacturing negotiations seems to
of Industrial Production segment of the IIP be a strategy to buy time
(IIP) snapped a three- returned to growth in till there is more clarity on
month losing streak to February recording 0.73 the Brexit situation and its
clock 2 per cent growth in per cent, following three economic consequences.
February, the data months of contraction. NITI Aayog is working on
As has been the case over sector-based medium term
The IIP moved to positive the past nine months, planning framework
territory due to strong urban consumption
growth in infrastructure NITI Aayog, the
growth has picked up and governments policy
and consumer durables resulted in increased
sectors. think tank, is working on
production of consumer a sector-based medium-
But experts said the durables. term planning
industrial output Electricity production, as framework.
numbers do not reflect measured in the IIP, grew
sustainable recovery and The new planning
by 9.6 per cent in February framework could replace
the inflation trend could compared to 6.7 per cent
reverse in coming five-year plans, the last of
in January. which is set to end in
Possibility of Brexit hangs over 201617.
The IIP data assumes
India- EU FTA It was possible to
significance coming on
the back of other The negotiations on the synchronise with the
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Current Affairs 163
finance commission cycle, Secretary Expenditure people, constituting 93
the financial approval of will co-opt state per cent of the adult
schemes and projects of secretaries. population, had a unique
both the central and state The primary units of identification (UID)
government. appropriation at both number under the
The current financial year, central and state levels are Aadhaar platform.
2016-17, is the last year of being revisited to create a Last month, Union
the 12th five-year plan. clear distinction between Minister for Social Justice
With the Planning revenue and capital items and Empowerment had
Commission scrapped, of expenditure so that announced that all
the process for accounts can be prepared differently abled persons
formulating a 13th five- in a bottoms-up manner. would soon get a unique
year plan government has PMO wants govt to rely on identity card to avail
not been initiated, as a Aadhaar for schemes welfare schemes. .
consequence of which the State governments had
era of five-year plans is set The government has also planned to use smart
to end in India this year. decided to stop issuing card technology for
new smart cards to welfare schemes. For
While medium-term beneficiaries of
growth is dependent on instance, Odisha was
government schemes as mulling smart cards for
past performance, long- Aadhaar is now backed
term growth, on the other construction workers in
by a law the State.
hand, can only be
enhanced by structural The Prime Ministers The PMO sent a separate
reforms and improving Office (PMO) has issued communiqu to Labour
the productive capacity of strict instructions to the Secretary Shankar
the economy, he said. Information Technology Aggarwal in the context
Ministry to ensure that of a proposal to issue 40
Union Finance Minister States and the Central
Arun Jaitley had crore smart cards to
governmentstop issuing informal sector workers,
announced in the Budget smart cards for new
Speech that from the next called the Unorganised
programmes for Workers Identification
financial year, the plan beneficiaries, and to rely
and nonplan distinction Number (U-WIN).
on the Aadhaar-based
will be done away with Direct Benefit Transfer The UWIN cards were to
for expenditure platform instead. be used by these workers
classification. to access benefits under
The move will impact schemes such as
The government had ministries such as Labour,
constituted a committee Rashtriya Swasthya Bima
Social Justice and Health, Yojana , Aam Aadmi
for proposing a new which are in the process
format of budget Bima Yojana , Atal
or have already rolled out Pension Yojana, Pradhan
statements and accounts. smart cards. Mantri Suraksha Bima
The committee to be The government had said Yojana and Jeevan Jyoti
headed by Special earlier that over 100 crore Bima Yojana.
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164 Current Affairs
The PMO rejected the crore was approved by time, and land acquisition
proposal noting that the Board. is fraught with delays and
Aadhaar would act as a Of the 18, two proposals uncertainties, according
universal unique were rejected and 4 to the report.
identifier for each including that of The dispute resolution
citizen. Sharekhan was deferred. system also adds to
A UWIN number would Various reforms still needed to businesses costs.
not only duplicate work, implement smart city In the report, WEF offers
but also introduce further programme solutions for challenges in
problems in linking up b u s i n e s s
with other databases Despite improvement in environment,institutional
which have already been India's business setup, and sector-specific
linked with Aadhaar. environment, there is still issues, all of which the
Smart cards work using a need for reforms at government has to take
cryptography, which is various levels to cognisance of while going
more fool-proof than successfully implement forward with the Smart
biometrics. Biometrics the Smart Cities Cities programme.
allow for remote, covert programme, the World
Economic Forum said in a ULBs (urban local
and non-consensual bodies) will play a crucial
identification. report.
role in implementing the
Smart card vendors, The government has urban rejuvenation
however, said the move announced plans for 100 programmes, but they
may not impact their smart cities and 500 Atal lack the resources to
market. Mission for Rejuvenation execute the
and Urban programmes, according
More than 500 crore FDI Transformation
proposals cleared to the report by the WEF
(AMRUT) cities. It also and PwC.
An inter-minister panel approved Rs. 1 lakh crore
for the purpose . A survey on smart cities
on Friday cleared 10 highlighted the fact that
foreign direct investment The WEF report city governments are the
(FDI) proposals worth castigated Indias least-prepared to execute
Rs.505 crore, including archaic bureaucratic the programmes from
that of Singapore-based processes, where little among all the
Helix Investment. value is added with each stakeholders, which
Foreign Investment step, yet delays are include the national
Promotion Board (FIPB), common. government, state
chaired by Economic The problems in the governments, the private
Affairs Secretary b u s i n e s s sector, non-governmental
Shaktikanta Das, has environmentstemmed organizations (NGOs)
approved 10 proposals from these bureaucratic and academic institutions.
out of 18 on the agenda. processes, where The revenue collected by
Helix Investment Pte obtaining licences and ULBs in India is less than
proposal worth Rs.475 approvals takes a long 0.9 per cent of the gross
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 165
domestic product, reforms in the country. on their feet. It seeks to
significantly less than that Thats my vision for convert job-seekers into
of Brazil (7.4 per cent) and Stand-up IndiaThis job-creators.
South Africa (6 per cent). scheme is going to Mr. Modi also distributed
The report also highlights transform the lives of 5,100 e-rickshaws under
sector-specific problems, Dalit and tribal the scheme and 151
such as water communities, Mr. Modi women were among
management, where said those whoreceived the
around 50 per cent of Under the scheme, SC/ST vehicles.
water production is lost and women Group of joint secretaries to put
due to theft or leakages entrepreneurs will be substance and speed to flagship
during the distribution provided loans of programmes
process, the lack of between Rs.10 lakh and
metering, and low user Rs.1 crore for setting up NDA Government has
charges. new enterprises. constituted a group of
There are other Mr. Modi said this will joint secretaries from
infrastructural issues help in creating 2.5 lakh select ministries to evolve
plaguing Indias urban entrepreneurs throughout strategies to put more
centres, such as the the country as every bank substance and speed into
unavailability of 100 per branch will be required to the action plans for
cent power, the poor provide two such loans flagship programmes
quality of roads, and the to a Dalit or SC/ST person such as Digital India,
paucity of social and a woman. Swachh Bharat, Skill India
infrastructure in and Make in India.
The Prime Minister said
healthcare, and safety and the scheme, which was The final presentations
security. announced during his will be made to Prime
Independence Day Minister Narendra Modi
Stand-up India campaign to
provide entrepreneurship to speech last year, is being The mandate of this
SC,ST and women unveiled unveiled on April 5 to group, is to devise such
mark the birth plans, is to finalise a
PM unveiled the Stand- anniversary of Congress strategy over the next
up India scheme to Dalit Leader Babu month and a half to
p r o m o t e Jagjivan Ram. ensure these programmes
entrepreneurship among deliver outcomes with a
women, scheduled castes Babu Jagjivan Ram did a
lot to usher in the green greater visible impact on
and tribes by enabling the ground before the
them secure easier loans revolution. During the
1971 war, which we won, 2019 general election.
and said this could be an
he was the defence Some new initiatives
engine of job creation for
minister. could be unveiled on the
the youth.
The prime minister said basis of these
Dalits and poor people, deliberations during the
if given an opportunity, the scheme aims to
empower every Indian governments second
can bring in various anniversary celebrations.
and enable them to stand
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
166 Current Affairs
Marathon interactions are governments to review Mediocre growth that
being held to evolve a the progress of projects doesnt help ordinary
fresh strategy for each of under implementation. people much risks
these that can be executed These meetings are held political backlash that
before the next general over video-conference, has consequences for the
election. using an ICT-based multi- social and political fabric
The group of joint modal monitoring system in many countries, she
secretaries has been called PRAGATI (Pro- said.
tasked with formulating a Active Governance and She warned against
blueprint for each Timely Implementation). turning to protectionism
programme. Initial Lagarde urged
favouring domestic
presentations have been governments to take pro-growth producers in competition
circulated to the reforms with foreign firms as a
respective nodal response.
ministries for their Global economy is losing
Purchasing managers index
comments and inputs. momentum and
show turn around in
The ministers concerned governments should take
manufacturing sector
have also been instructed action to preserve the
to hold discussions with recovery has cautioned. Indian manufacturing
officials at the level of Advanced economies still saw a significant upswing
deputy secretary and face a hangover from the in March due to a pickup
above to finalise a global financial crisis of in domestic demand and
strategy. The final 20072009 in terms of too an increase in output,
presentations are to be much debt, low according to the Nikkei
made to the Prime investment. India Manufacturing
Minister. Purchasing Managers
A stronger dollar has
Index (PMI).
It is a good move if it weighed on growth in the
helps to improve the ease United States, while Analysts said that the
of doing business in these Chinas economy has Index, which stood at an
sectors and accelerates slowed. eight-month high of 52.4
investment flows. in March, suggests a
The global outlook for the
Monitoring and setting up turnaround in the
next six months had
committees alone, manufacturing sector and
weakened, suggesting
however, will not work if assumes significance
that IMF may be revising
the officials working at following the countrys
its forecasts.
the ground level are not core sector output
In January, the IMF clocking its fastest growth
helpful. forecast global growth of in 15 months in February.
On the fourth Wednesday 3.4 percent this year.
of every month, the Prime A value above 50 in the
Lagarde urged
Minister usually meets PMI implies an
governments to take pro-
secretaries of the Union expansion, while one
growth reforms and to
government and chief below 50 shows a
increase spending on
secretaries of all State contraction. The
public infrastructure.
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Current Affairs 167
corresponding index decrease in industrial Mormugao Port could do
values in January and output in India. it. During March 2016,
February were 51.1. Core Following this, the Kandla Port created
sector output grew 5.7 per Ministry scaled down the history by handling 100
cent in February. target for 2016-17 to 644 million tonnes of cargo. In
In the last ten years, the million tonnes, lower by the east coast, Paradip
manufacturing PMI has nearly 51 million tonnes Port moved 76.38 million
fallen by an average 0.6 from the 695 million tonnes of cargo.
points between February tonnes fixed for 2015-16. Bankers view that Mallya can
and March, so this years For the current year, six pay more than his offer
1.3 point rise is indicative ports (Haldia, Paradip,
of an improvement in the The consortium of
Kamarajar, Chennai, V.O. bankers led by the State
underlying trend, Chidambaranar and
primarily led by Bank of India is likely to
Cochin) have been asked reject the Rs.4,000-crore
strengthening domestic to handle 10 per cent more
order demand. offer from liquor baron
cargo than they handled Vijay Mallya to settle the
Freight handling target reduced during 2015-16, five ports dues of Kingfisher
due to global slowdown (Mumbai, JNPT, Airlines as it is of the view
Visakhapatnam, New that the promoter can
The government has Mangalore and Kandla)
scaled down the freight afford to pay more.
are to handle an
handling target of major additional 1 to 5 per cent Mr. Mallya had offered to
ports for the year 2016-17 cargo while targets for pay Rs.4,000 crore by
after they failed to achieve Kolkata and Mormugao September and another
695 million tonnes set by have been scaled down Rs.2,000 crore if
the Shipping Ministry for marginally. Kingfisher won a lawsuit
2015-16 as a global seeking damages from a
slowdown affected cargo During 2015-16, major plane engine maker, his
volumes. ports handled 606.37 lawyers informed the
million tonnes against Supreme Court last week.
13 major ports in the 581.34 million tonnes in
country ended 2015-16 by the year-ago period. Coal The total due of the airline
recording a moderate for power plants, is around Rs.9,000 crore,
growth of 4.13 per cent fertilisers, pulses, iron and of which the principal
over the year-ago period steel and petroleum amount is Rs.6,903 crore.
by handling 606.37 products were the main Bankers had met over the
million tonnes of cargo. drivers of this growth. weekend to discuss Mr.
Several other reasons for According to Shipping Mallyas offer. However,
the ports missing out on Ministry statement, since they are yet to respond to
cargo targets including 2012-13, only four, three it formally.
European economic crisis, and four ports The next hearing in the
ban on export of iron ore respectively had crossed case is on April 7. Bankers
by some states, a drop in the target. also said they were not in
imports from China and a position to take a haircut
This year, only
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168 Current Affairs
to settle dues because of The future inflation The Act is meant for States
adverse public opinion. trajectory beckons more that plan to legalise farm
hope and we believe that land leasing. State
Market expects 25 bps rate cut in
the first bi-monthly review of for a major part of the governments are
monetary policy current fiscal inflation expected to improvise it
could well be below 5 per to suit the local socio-
With most of the cent, and with a little bit political requirements.
conditions set by the RBI of luck, it may even go Attestation of the lease is
Governor for further lower than 4 per cent. proposed to be done at the
easing of the monetary Bankers are also level of the sarpanch, local
policy met, market expecting the central bank bank official or notary.
participants said the stage will revise the liquidity
is set for at least a 25 bps The Model Act proposes
framework to address that farmers and farmer
reduction in interest rate structural issues in
in the first bi-monthly groups be allowed to
liquidity management. lease out land. The
review of monetary
policy. Liquidity deficit in the definition of farm land is
banking system was over proposed to be broadened
The case for a rate cut Rs.2 lakh crore in March, to include food
becomes even stronger mainly due to lack of processing.
considering the benign government spending
CPI trends and a The Model Act proposes
which jacked up the short quicker litigation process
s t r e n g t h e n e d term rates.
transmission mechanism.. in case of disputes, by
SBI the countrys suggesti- ng recourse
Retail inflation for largest lender had through criminal
February grew by 5.18 per demanded that the proceedings and special
cent, the slowest in four governments cash tri- bunal, the source said.
months due to lower food balances to be kept with
inflation. At present, only land
the lenders, and not with owners can avail of crop
In the budget, the the Reserve Bank of India, insurance schemes or
government showed which will give more loans. Also, disaster relief
resolve in adhering to the flexibility to banks for in case of drought and
fiscal consolidation path managing their liquidity. crop damage is provided
by keeping the fiscal only to the owners and
NITI Aayog to propose model
deficit target for 2016-17
farm land act not cultivators.
at 3.5 per cent.
Even as the Bill to amend The Model Act will enable
The central bank has share croppers to receive
reduced interest rate by the land acquisition law
remains stuck with a such benefits and relief.
125 bps to 6.75 per cent
parliamentary committee, Lessee cultivators could
since January 2015. raise crop loans on the
However, it kept interest the NITI Aayog is all set
to propose a Model Act basis of expected
rate unchanged in the last produce.
two monetary policy for freeing up of farm land
reviews. through leasing. The Model Act is being
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 169
finalised by an expert Indias capacity to Organisation.
commit- tee which NITI produce solar It is a temporary measure
Aayog Vice- Chairman components and solar to counter the adverse
Arvind Panagariya had cells comprises only a impact caused to the
set up in September 2015 portion of the demand in domestic industry (local
under former India. This means that the steel producers in this
Commission for foreign component case) due to a sudden and
Agricultural Costs & makers would still have a unforeseen surge in (low-
Prices (CACP) chairman substantial market to priced) imports of the
T. Haque. cater to. item (largely hot-rolled
India will appeal WTOs verdict Indian manufacturers had coils in the case under
in solar case a complaint against the review).
U.S. counterparts for The government had on
India will appeal against dumping in India, he said.
the World Trade September 14, 2015,
This would have attracted imposed a 20 per cent
Organisations (WTO) huge anti-dumping
verdict over its policy provisional safeguard
penalties and duties for duty on several hot-rolled
relating to solar power the U.S. manufacturers,
equipment. products of steel for up to
had it been pursued. 200 days following an
The U.S. made it a The Minister also said he order from the Directorate
prestige issue. It is very was examining the General (DG) of
unfortunate that they situation in the U.S. where Safeguards.
pursued the complaint in nine states had similar
the WTO. It reflects the The DG Safeguards had
programmes to protect recently recommended
hollowness of the U.S. their domestic
commitment to clean the extension of this duty
manufacturers till March 13, 2018.
energy, Power Minister
Piyush Goyal said The Indian government It recommended that the
was committed to its 20 per cent safeguard
India had, as part of its domestic manufacturers
National Solar Mission, duty (minus any
and would find other antidumping duty)
imposed a stipulation that ways to protect them.
solar cells and solar should be in place till
modules be locally Govt to decide about Safeguard September 13 this year,
sourced. duty on steel following which, this
duty is to be reduced to 18
The U.S. had filed a case The government will per cent in the next six
against India at the WTO soon hold a meeting to months (till March 2017),
demanding a level- decide whether or not to and further down to 15
playing field for Indian extend the safeguard duty per cent during the six
and foreign solar on certain items of steel months after that.
c o m p o n e n t imports till March 2018.
manufacturers. The world However, industries that
The safeguard duty is a are users of these steel
body ruled in favour of trade remedy recognised
the U.S. items including the
by the World Trade engineering (automobile,
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170 Current Affairs
industrial machinery and producers, it said. scientifically recycled.
defence components) Imports of flat-rolled The new norms include
sector have sent products of steel and iron fines, a greater
representations to the have been falling since involvement of states in
government stating that December 2015, EEPC policing and collection as
measures including the India said. well as bringing
Minimum Import Price exhausted compact
The MIP was leading to
(MIP) as well as the fluorescent lamp (CFL)
an increase in raw
provisional safeguard and other mercury-
material cost by around
duty have already containing lamps in to the
six to ten per cent.
increased their raw purview of electronic
material costs and are Though the government
hurting their had said the MIP will not
be applicable to imports The actual date of the
under the Advance rules and quantum of
An inter-ministerial panel fines would be
Authorisation Scheme
will shortly take a call on announced later this year
(AAS), EEPC India said
whether or not to accept after discussions with
the AAS was not used by
the decision of DG of states.
the small exporters and
had sought a price With nearly 1.7 million
The panel comprising reimbursement tonnes of e-waste
representatives from the mechanism. reportedly produced in
ministries of commerce, India in 2014 and
Steel production during
finance, steel and heavy increasing annually at
April 2015-February 2016
industries will also between four and five per
in FY'16 contracted by (-
consider representations cent, a variety of experts
)1.9 per cent (year-on-
by the user industries, have warned of its
year) to 82.9 mt. Steel
mainly from the dangers to the
imports during that 11-
engineering sector. environment as well as
month period grew 20.5
The market share and per cent to 10.2 mt, while health.
profitability of the local exports shrunk 31.9 per This is because defunct
industry declined during cent to 3.4 million tonnes. laptops, phone and other
the period under review electronic goods are
(from 2013-14 to 2015-16), Environment ministry tightened
rules for e-waste usually broken down by
whereas market share of hand for precious metals
imports has increased The Environment and hacked down
during the same period, it Ministry has tightened manually or crudely
added. rules by putting the onus burnt.
The safeguard duty will on manufacturers, The residue is frequently
aid in recovery of the dealers, retailers and thrown in rivers, drains
domestic industry and refurbishers of electronic and/or disposed in solid
will ensure the end-users goods to ensure that waste dumps that over
get a stable supply of the electronic or e-waste time can contribute to
items from the local goods are collected and degraded land and water
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Current Affairs 171
quality as well farmers in the country as Mr. Jaitley said that the
neurological and skin it will grant insurance systems would be on test,
diseases, genetic defects cover to 50 per cent of if there was another
and cancer in the workers them , Union Finance drought.
who deal with them, the Minister Arun Jaitley said. New international agreement on
ministry added. If India were to develop the lines of Bretton Woods is
The rules governing and get rid of poverty, the needed says RBI governor
electronic, or e-waste, agriculture sector needs to
have been in place since grow at a faster pace. The world is facing an
2011. The new rules say increasingly dangerous
The last two crop seasons situation and a new
that producers will have have been adversely
to ensure 30 per cent e- international agreement
affected on account of on the lines of Bretton
waste collection, based on inadequate monsoons.
their projected sales, by Woods is needed.
We need to put a veil of
2018 and 70 per cent by some security around the It will prevent central
2023. farmers. banks from adopting
They can do this through policies that could hurt
Under the scheme, other economies, said RBI
a variety of ways such as farmers will pay a lower
a deposit refund scheme, Governor Raghuram
premium for more Rajan.
an e-waste exchange and coverage, while
they also have to pay for compensation will be What I have in mind (is
publicity and awareness higher in the event of any that we) will eventually
programmes. crop failure or damage. require a new
Later this year, when the international agreement
The scheme will be rolled along the lines of Bretton
rules come into effect, out on a mission mode
state will have to set up e- Woods and some
from April to cover kharif reinterpretation of the
waste dismantling and or summer crop from this
recycling units in mandates of
year itself, according to internationally influential
industrial park as well as the government.
register the workers central banks, he said.
The scheme was drafted
involved with the e-waste Current account deficit
after much consultation
business and finally, take decreased to 1.3 percent of GDP
with all stakeholders. She
up industrial skill
felt that the scheme The countrys current
development activities
should percolate to the account deficit (CAD)
and ensure health and
ground level and aim at narrowed to $ 7.1 billion
safety of workers.
bringing a large number or 1.3 per cent of GDP
Pradhan Mantri fasal Bima of farmers under during the October-
yojana will reduce farmers insurance. December quarter of the
distress says FM financial year, mainly due
The country, which has
The Pradhan Mantri Fasal seen two successive to lower trade deficit.
Bima Yojana (PMFBY) droughts, is hoping for a According to latest data
will reduce the distress of better monsoon this year. released by the Reserve
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172 Current Affairs
Bank of India (RBI), the permitting overseas Basil Energetics Pvt Ltd
current account deficit companies to buy 49 per uses thin film solar
narrowed from $7.7 cent stake in domestic panels. Though efficiency
billion or 1.5 per cent of insurers without prior of thin film panel is the
GDP recorded during the approval. same as silicon panel at 25
same period of last year Currently, up to 26 per degree C, the energy yield
and from $8.7 billion or cent FDI is permitted of thin film is higher than
1.7 per cent of GDP through the automatic silicon panel.
recorded in July- approval route. For FDI And for every 1 degree C
September quarter. up to 49 per cent, the increase in temperature,
The contraction in CAD approval of the Foreign the loss in power rating is
was primarily on account Investment Promotion 0.5 per cent in the case of
of a lower trade deficit Board is required. silicon panels; it is only
(US$ 34.0 billion) than in The foreign investment 0.25 per cent with thin
Q3 of last year (US$ 38.6 proposals up to 49 per films.
billion) and US$ 37.4 cent of the total paid up Another advantage with
billion in the preceding equity of the Indian the thin film panel is that
quarter. insurance company shall unlike silicon panels
Private transfer receipts, be allowed on the where power production
mainly representing automatic route subject to gets completely cut off
remittances by Indians verification by the even if a small part of the
employed abroad was $ Insurance Regulatory and panel is covered by shade,
15.8 billion, a decline from Development Authority only that part of the thin
their level in the of India film panel that is not
preceding quarter as well Solar energy can power air
exposed to sunlight stops
as from a year ago. conditioner, refrigerator producing power.
For the nine month period the brain of the whole
of April-December, CAD Making a marked system is a smart grid
narrowed to 1.4 per cent departure from the (iGrid) that manages the
of GDP from 1.7 per cent conventional system, a load by monitoring the
in the corresponding Chennai-based company power availability in the
period of 2014-15, on the provides a panel on one hand and
back of the contraction in comprehensive system load demand on the other
the trade deficit. that ensures that a 2 kW to ensure smooth
solar panel can power a functioning in four
Govt relaxed FDI norms for 1.5 tonne air conditioner,
insurance sector under automatic different scenarios.
one 300 litre refrigerator,
route five fans, five LED tube Government eases
lights (4 feet in length and cabotage norms
Seeking to attract more
foreign investment, the 16 watts each) and eight The Union government
government has relaxed LED bulbs (6 watts each) announced that it has
FDI norms for the during the day. In lieu of eased cabotage rules in a
insurance sector by silicon crystalline panels bid to encourage
that are routinely used,
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Current Affairs 173
transhipment of goods at transportation and lower preparing a list of priority
Indian ports. logistic costs for the projects for which
Cabotage refers to shippers investments could be
transportation of goods or MoU between Railways and sought from other BRICS
passengers between two ISRO nations
places, usually along the The list of big projects, in
coast. The Railway Ministry has addition to a proposal to
signed an agreement with set up a mechanism to
Transhipment is the the Indian Space Research
movement of goods when expeditiously resolve
Organisation (ISRO) to non-tariff barriers (NTBs)
a container arrivess at an leverage space technology
intermediate point and re- that are hurting goods
for providing passenger trade between BRICS
loaded into another ship information in all trains,
to be taken to some member countries, will be
map railway assets and taken up for discussion
destination domestically help survey new route
or abroad. during the next months
alignments. meeting of the groupings
The cabotage relaxation At present, Indian Contact Group on
will enable shipping lines Railways uses space Economic and Trade
to consolidate Indian technology to provide Issues (CGETI).
EXIM and empty connectivity to passenger
containers at Investments would be
reservation counters, sought for projects,
transhipment ports in unreserved ticketing
India for onward mostly in infrastructure
system in remote areas, sector, from other
transportation to and emergency
destination ports by main member nations viz.
communication using Brazil, Russia, China and
shipping lines satellite phones during South Africa
The rule change will also disaster
allow foreign vessels to India is chairing the
The Memorandum of influential bloc BRICS for
bring goods at any of the Understanding, signed
Indian ports meant to be an 11-month term till
aims at developing December 2016. Indias
shipped to other applications in the field of
destinations. list of projects will be
remote sensing and similar to what Russia
The spare capacity of the graphic information brought out during its
foreign flag ships which system, proposes to term as the chair of the
could not be utilized provide information such BRICS Group last year.
earlier due to cabotage as train stoppages, real-
restrictions will now be time train tracking, India is also likely to put
gainfully utilized survey of new rail route up a proposal at the
enabling them to offer alignments in hilly and CGETI meeting to boost
competitive container slot difficult terrain services trade through
rates to exporters and relaxed visa norms.
India looks forward for BRICS Besides, India will seek
importers leading to
meeting cooperation between
competition led efficiency
in container The government is BRICS countries on
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174 Current Affairs
standards and technical Under this regime, the Exports continues to fall for
regulations in goods and fund management fifteen straight months
services trade. activity carried out
Exports shrunk for the
Russia and China are through an eligible fund
fifteenth consecutive
pitching for measures manager in India by an
month as shipments in
easing of norms to boost eligible investment fund
February fell 5.7 per cent
e-commerce trade. In does not constitute
year-on-year to $20.7
another initiative, Russia business connection in
billion owing to weak
and Brazil are demanding India of the fund and also
overseas demand,
a mechanism to link the does not lead to the
including in large markets
single window clearance residence of the fund in
such as the European
mechanisms in the BRICS India
countries for better trade Among the various other
Trade deficit narrowed to
facilitation. changes made, one of the
$6.5 billion, the lowest
India will also hold a most significant is that
since September 2013.
trade fair and an investor where the investment in
Decline in commodity
forum to promote the the fund has been made
prices and fall in imports
governments flagship directly by an
of gold and petroleum
schemes such as Make In institutional entity, the
products contributed to
India, Digital India, number of members and
the narrowing of the trade
Smart City Mission, the participation interest
Start-up India and the in the fund shall be
determined by looking Of the 30 export sectors,
National Mission for
through the said entity 16, including major ones
Clean Ganga.
such as engineering (11.2
These events -- meant to The two big issues which
per cent fall to $4.5 billion)
attract more investments are not addressed is that
and petroleum products
from the BRICS countries no single investor can
(28.2 per cent fall to $1.8
into India -- could invest more than 10 per
billion) were in negative
coincide with the next cent in the fund and that
growth territory.
BRICS Summit (the the aggregate
participation of 10 or less The situation in the
eighth), slated for October
members has to be less engineering exports
2016 most likely in New
than 50 per cent. In other remains worrisome with
words, 10 people cannot an over 11 per cent drop
Govt. clarifies rules on own more than 50 per cent in February, 2016, which
tax treatment of offshore funds of the company. is on a low base of the
same month in the last
A foreign hedge fund However, it does not
with an Indian fund address two important
manager working in India issues, i.e. a single Going by the current
will neither be classified investor cannot own more trend, merchandise
as having a business than 10 per cent in the exports in FY16 would be
connection in India nor as fund and 10 or less around $260 billion, a
being located in India. investors should own 50 drop of about $50 billion
per cent or less as compared to FY15.
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Current Affairs 175
The fall of 5.66 per cent in Current Account Deficit Inside, the people who
February has been the (CAD). run the Internets naming
slowest pace at which The Commerce Ministry and numbering systems
exports have fallen since said taking merchandise have been meeting with
the contraction began in and services trade some of the governments
December 2014 with a together, the overall trade who would rather be
3.77 per cent fall, deficit for April-February, doing the job themselves.
according to the data. FY16 was $54 billion as What they have agreed is
In all the intervening compared to $64.2 billion a plan for Icann, the
months, the contraction in in the same period last Internet Corporation for
exports has been over 10 year, a fall of 15.79 per Assigned Names and
per cent with a maximum cent (services data Numbers, to end direct
of 24.43 per cent in pertains to April-January U.S. government
November 2015. as January 2016 is the oversight control of
The commerce ministry latest data available). administering the Internet
said the trend of falling During April 2015- and commit permanently
exports is in tandem with February 2016 this fiscal to a slightly mysterious
other major world so far, exports have model of global multi-
economies. shrunk 16.7 per cent to stakeholderism.
Exports fell in the U.S. $238.4 billion. Non- Though the French
(10.35 per cent), European petroleum exports during government was still
Union (7.62 per cent) and April-February FY16, seething over a spat about
China (1.67 per cent) for however, fell only by nine dot champagne, it
December 2015 over the per cent to $211.3 billion. rallied the naysayers the
corresponding period of Imports during February, weekend before the
the previous year as per 2016 also contracted 5.03 official meeting started.
WTO statistics, it said. per cent to $27.3 billion Yet the real worry was the
with 21 of the 30 export United States.
Imports during February,
2016 also contracted 5.03 sectors recording negative When Icann was founded
per cent to $27.3 billion growth. Cumulative in 1998, the plan was to
with 21 of the 30 export imports during April- keep its anchoring
sectors recording negative February FY16 contract with the U.S.
growth. Cumulative contracted 14.7 per cent to N a t i o n a l
imports during April- $351.8 billion. Telecommunications and
February FY16 Multiple global stakeholders I n f o r m a t i o n
contracted 14.7 per cent to were made incharge of ICANN Administration (NTIA)
$351.8 billion. for a year or two, and for
At a luxury hideaway in Icann to become
Trade deficit for April- Morocco, two years of independent in 2000.
February, FY16 was at talks on Icanns running
$113.38 billion, lower than But in the meantime, the
of the Internet finished Internet became just too
$126.29 billion in April- with a deal to put
February, FY15 leading important for the U.S. to
multiple global let go of the reins.
to less concerns about the stakeholders in charge.
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176 Current Affairs
Shielded by the U.S., along together for another benchmark index.
Icann resisted attempts by decade, with the Volumes of SGX Nifty 50
the United Nations occasional hand-wave Index Futures rose 30 per
I n t e r n a t i o n a l towards global cent year-on-year during
Telecommunication accountability. And then 2015 to $360 billion. SGXs
Union to take over its job. Snowden happened. rupee-dollar futures
Iana (the Internet In a prescient flash of contract is also SGXs
Assigned Names political brilliance, Icanns most-active forex futures
Authority, the part of CEO, Fadi Chehade, with more than $750
Icann that deals with made a pact with Brazils million worth of notional
country codes, Internet President Dilma Rousseff. trades a day.
numbers and protocols) Still smarting over the The introduction of sector
went on being part of NSA tapping her index futures contracts
Icann, even as other smartphone, Rousseff, will deepen SGXs Indian
countries felt sure the U.S. announced a global product offering and will
must be abusing its power meeting to decide the provide off-shore
behind the scenes. future of the Internet. investors access to specific
But as the millions of Singapore exchange will trading opportunities in
dollars of business list sector-specific Indian indices the key growth sectors of
transacted over the the worlds fastest
Internet became trillions, Soon, futures contracts on growing economy,
and the first, second and sector-specific Indian according to a statement
then third billion people indices will be available from NSE.
came online, it started to for trading in Singapore.
Startups for tax breaks, single
look a bit odd that one The Singapore Exchange
window system
government had de jure (SGX) will soon list dollar-
control of a chunk of the denominated index Simplified tax structure,
Internet. futures contracts namely, easy compliance process
The Internet is run by an SGX Nifty Bank , SGX and single window
unaccountable private Nifty IT , SGX Nifty CPSE system are some of the
company. This is a and SGX Nifty Midcap 50. issues that startups expect
problem. This is the first time such to be addressed through
derivative contracts are the much-awaited
Under pressure from the Startup India policy.
EU and others, Icann and being made available
the U.S. government took outside India. Ease of doing business is
small steps, spelling out The Singapore-based important for any
their relationship in a bourse already offers SGX enterprise but critical for
deceptively simple Nifty 50 Index Futures, startups.
document, the which is quite popular With limited resources at
Affirmation of among international their command, they
Commitments, in 2009. market participants cannot afford to spend too
Icann and the U.S. would looking to gain off-shore much time, money and
probably have muddled exposure to the Indian effort in navigating a
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Current Affairs 177
complex environment, authorities have stoked by banks and MFIs. Banks
populated by archaic laws concerns in global and MFIs can draw
and a labyrinth of markets that Beijing refinance under the
registrations, permits and might be losing its grip on MUDRA Scheme after
approvals. economic policy, just as becoming member-
Startup India is expected the country looks set to lending institutions of
to mark the next phase of post its slowest growth in MUDRA, opening for
growth for 25 years. them an additional
entrepreneurship and Chinas equity markets, resource stream.
startups in India. which tumbled 10 per However, so far, only
With 4,200 enterprises, cent last week and a around Rs.1,500 crore of
India already ranks third further 5 per cent on this refinance facility has
in the world for the Monday, remained been provided to banks
number of start ups after volatile, swinging from and MFIs.
the U.S. and the U.K. With black to red and back
Foreign exchange reserves more
three to four startups again. than 350 billion
emerging every day, this Chinas central bank
number is expected to manages the currency by The countrys foreign
reach several thousand by setting a daily target for exchange reserves, which
2020. the yuan, which is were $350.4 billion as on
allowed to trade within a September 2015, were
Yuan stablisation started by able to support imports
China 2-percentage point band
either side. for 9.8 months,up from 8.9
China stepped up efforts months as on endMarch,
Mudra Bank will achieve target
to curb bets against its As on end March, 2015,
of 1.2 lakh crore loan
currency and reassure foreign exchanges
skeptical investors, as its Loans given under the reserves were at $341.64
central bank set another PMMY Scheme billion.
firm fix for the yuan (Pradahan Mantri Mudra Import cover was 8.1
backed by what dealers Yojana) is set to achieve percent in September
said was aggressive yuan the target of Rs.1.2 lakh 2014. The countrys
buying ofshore. crore by March 2016. foreign exchange reserves
The yuan has depreciated Around Rs.75,000 crore were at $350.4 billion as
more than one per cent have been given till on January 1, 2016 the
since the start of the year, December 2016. Nearly same level seen on
having lost 4.7 per cent half of the 1.7 crore September end.
against the dollar last beneficiaries are people Foreign exchanges
year, and the accelerated who are setting up new reserves mainly consist of
slide had raised units while the rest have foreign currency assets
uncertainty over China's used the micro finance (FCA), though there is
intentions regarding the facility for expanding also gold, special drawing
exchange rate. their units. rights and reserve tranche
Perceived missteps by the The loans were disbursed position in International
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178 Current Affairs
Monetary Fund, in the the net asset value(NAV) India is already pushing
basket. of the scheme, which can hard for a comprehensive
Movements in the FCA be increased to 12 per cent trade pact in the services
occur mainly on account of the NAV but only after sector, a key area of
of purchases and sales of an approval from the interest for the country, in
trustees.The sector the ongoing free trade
foreign exchange by the
specific exposure limit agreement negotiations
RBI, income arising out of
has also been reduced including with the
the deployment of the
from the current 30 per European Union and
foreign exchange
cent of the NAV to 25 per Regional Regional
reserves, external aid
cent. Comprehensive
receipts of the Central Economic Partnership
Government and the The SEBI board has also (RCEP).
effects of revaluation of approved the disclosure
the assets requirements for issuance In RCEP negotiations too
we have clearly stated
In a rare admission in of green bonds that are
that India wants a
December, the RBI said it issued to raise funds for a
had decided to intervene green project like climate
agreement in goods,
in the Exchange Traded change, renewable
services and investments.
C u r r e n cy De r i v a t i v e s energy, sustainable water
India has decided that it
(ETCD) segmentin or waste management or would be now aggressive
addition to spot and clean transport, among in demanding freer
forward market without others. movement of people
specifying if it had The capital markets because it is in the interest
already been active in that regulator has said that of India and the world
market. while the issuance and India is very strong in the
The SEBI Board to amend the listing of green bonds will services area as the sector
mutual fund regulations be governed under the contributes over 50 per
SEBI (Issue andListing of cent in the countrys
As part of its attempts to D e b t economic growth. To
make mutual funds Securities)Regulations, an boost services exports, the
reduce their exposure to issuer of such bonds will ministry is already
one issuer or a sector in have to make incremental working on some reform
the debt schemes, the disclosures. measures in sectors
capital markets regulator including education and
India to pitch for TFA in services
Securities and Exchange legal
Board of India (SEBI)has India will pitch for a trade
lowered the exposure cap facilitation agreement BS-VI norms by 2020
for such investments by (TFA) in services at the The government, in a
mutual funds. WTO and other bilateral move to fight pollution,
The SEBI Board has free trade pacts as the will implement Bharat
decided to amend the sector has huge potential Standard (BS)-VI
mutual fund regulations and it contributes emission norms by April
so that single issuer limit significantly to the 1, 2020.
is reduced to 10 percent of countrys economy.
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Current Affairs 179
The Petroleum Ministry through an executive The proposal for setting
would spend order and later on widen up a regulator comes at a
Rs.30,000crore for its powers. time when the estimated
upgrading refineries to The proposal to set up a losses in passenger
implement the clean fuel rail authority was segment has ballooned
technology announced by Rail from Rs 6159 crore in
The minister urged Minister Suresh Prabhu 2004-05 to provisional
a u t o m o b i l e while tabling the Rail estimate of over Rs 30,000
manufacturers, who had Budget for 2015-16 last crore in 2015-16, primarily
opposed an early year. due to sharp increases in
deadline to implement the input costs and no
The proposed rail
norms due to financial proportionate in- crease in
authority will be
burden, to co-operate. fares over the same
mandated to set
The Supreme Court had passenger and freight
asked the government to tariff, en- sure fair play Recently, the government
implement BS-VI norms and level-playing field for had increased tatkal
earlier than the April 2021 private investments in booking charges by up to
deadline fixed by the Railways, maintain 33 per cent for travel in
Union government. The efficiency and sleeper class, AC- III tier,
apex court also ordered performance standards, AC-II tier and executive
shutting down more entry disseminate information class through an executive
points at the national such as statistics and order.
capital border for heavy forecasts related to the Keeping fares within
commercial vehicles not sector. affordable limits has led
meant for Delhi The Rail Development to cross- subsidisation of
Authority would be an passenger services
Union government will set up
rail regulator independent body, leading to erosion
housed outside the ofrailways market share
The Union government Ministry of Railways but in freight.
has come out with a funded through the The total share of rail-
concept paper proposing annual railway budget ways in the total
to set up a rail regulator sanctioned by the transportation of freight
for fixing fares and Parliament. traffic has declined from
ensuring level- playing 89 per cent in 1950-51 to
field for private in- The approved Budget
would be placed at the 36 per cent in 2007-08.
vestments in railway
infrastructure. disposal of the regulatory Annual solar power capacity to
authority. It would also be quadruple next fiscal year
To ensure that the pro- permitted to arrange
posed regulator, Rail funds through India may increase its
Development Authority adjudication fees, solar energy capacity
of India, doesnt meet penalties levied and any four-fold during the next
Parliamentary hurdles, other source as specified fiscal year ending March
the Railways Ministry in the proposed Act. 2017.
initially plans to set it up
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180 Current Affairs
Today our solar capacity started in only 1,843 (12 equity (PE) funds.
is about 4,500 MW and the per cent) of them. As these start-ups gain in
capacity addition target Blueprint for start ups in India to scale after two or three
for this year is about 2,000 be ready by Jan 2016 years, other investors,
MW. including PE and VC
During 2016-17, govt. Is Prime Minister Narendra funds could buy back the
hoping to add 12,000 MW Modi will release the government venture
in solar sector alone. Thus, blueprint of Start Up funds stake.
including other India programme which This would help create a
renewable sources, there may include a Startups revolving fund to finance
will be a total capacity and Entrepreneur- ship such ventures with
addition of about 15,000 Law to make it easier for transformative potential,
MW during next fiscal. setting up new ventures as the government can
and closing unviable deploy the proceeds from
The government is ones, besides clearing exiting these start-ups to
focusing on speed, skill regulatory issues that fund other ideas.
and scale rather than hamper access to finance.
subsidies to drive reforms In order to better manage public
and progress in the The government is also borrowing govt changes its debt
energy sector. seeking to define a new strategy
category of business
The water heaters that ran Innovative Start-ups to With an aim to better
on solar energy had distinguish them from manage public
subsidy components micro, small, medium and borrowing, government
some years ago. large enterprises that are plans to switch Rs 50,000
The government has built on conventional crore high cost debt each
electrified 20 per cent of business models. in year ending March
the villages that were 2017 and 2018 into
There would port
without power at the start instruments of longer
structure be a special for
of this financial year. term maturity.
such sup- innovative
As of January two,2016 start-ups, technology The objective of the debt
the DDUGJY had including funding from management strategy
electrified 3,656 or 20 per the government. (DMS) is to secure the
cent of the 18,452 villages governments funding at
In such start-ups, the
without power at the start all times at low cost over
government, through the
of this financial year. the medium /longterm
domestic venture capital
The scheme had an outlay funds, could take a 25 per while avoiding excessive
of Rs 76,000 crore out of cent stake. risk.
which the Centre Government will leave The MTDS is developed
committed to provide a the due diligence, for the period 201516 to
grant of Rs.63,000 crore. mentoring and refining of 201718 based on the
Of the remaining 14,796 business ideas to the outstanding government
villages that still had to professional venture market borrowing as on
get electricity, work had capital (VC) and private endMarch 2015.
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Current Affairs 181
The borrowing cost in the and made clear that was for SEZs to ensure they
domestic market is a tentative beginning to a are the focal point of the
expected to be lower in gradual tightening Make In India initiative.
fiscal year 2015-16 due to cycle. In addition, to encourage
reversal in the interest rate There are potential spill- domestic manufacturing,
over effects with the the Budget would address
With an objective to prospect of increasing the inverted duty
smoothen redemptions, interest rates there structure (where the duty
switching of short tenor already having on inputs/raw mate- rials
bonds maturing at contributed to higher / components is greater
proximate years with financing costs for some than that on the finished
long-tenor bonds will be borrowers,including in product) on several items,
undertaken and is emerging and developing including on electronic
expected to reduce markets. hardware.
rollover risks.
Union government turns its The Budget may also ease
Christine Lagarde says world focus on falling exports guidelines for the
will not see good growth in 2016 Assistance to States for
With merchandise Infrastructure
IMF Managing Director,
exports falling for an Development of Exports
Christine Lagarde, said
unprecedented 12th (ASIDE) scheme to enable
the prospect of rising
consecutive month in the commerce ministry to
interest rates in the U.S.
November, the take up more projects.
and an economic
government is working
slowdown in China were Interest subvention (of
on a slew of measures to
contributing to three per cent) is also
prop up export-oriented
uncertainty and a higher likely to be extended to
institutions, including
risk of economic large manufacturers in
Special Economic Zones
vulnerability worldwide. some segments like
(SEZ) in the forthcoming
In addition, growth in Union Budget. engineering and
global trade has slowed merchant ex- porters in
The Centre has called for sectors such as carpets
considerably and a
a meeting (likely on and agriculture.
decline in raw material
January eight) of
prices is posing problems Increase in the budget for
representatives of all the
for economies based on implementation of grid-
State governments for the
these, while the financial connected solar rooftop systems
first time to expedite the
sector in many countries
notification of a separate The Cabinet Committee
still has weaknesses and
foreign trade policy for on Economic
financial risks are rising in
each state and to push Affairsapproved an
emerging markets, Ms.
through infrastructure increase in the budget for
Lagarde added.
creation measures that implementation of grid-
The U.S. Federal Reserve can sup- port exports. connected solar rooftop
hiked interest rates for the
The Union Budget is systems to Rs.5,000 crore
first time in nearly a from Rs.600 crore up to
likely to have a package
decade earlier this month
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
182 Current Affairs
the financial year 2019- announced Rs.70,000 the computation of the
2020. crore capital infusion in benchmark lending rate
This will support public sector bank over using the marginal cost of
installation of 4,200 MW four years. funds method. Banks will
solar roof- top systems in Two new full service have to implement the
the country in next five banks, IDFC Bank and new Marginal Cost of
years. Bandhan Bank started Funds based Lending
operation during the Rate (MCLR) with effect
There will be no subsidy
second half of the year. from April 1, 2016.
for commercial and
industrial establishments These banks received in- The latest norms hold the
in the private sector since principle licences from potential of improving the
they are eligible for other RBI in 2014 which is the efficiency of monetary
benefits such as first universal bank policy transmission for
accelerated depreciation, licence granted in more new borrowings, and will
custom duty concessions, than a decade impact new borrowers
excise duty exemptions The banking regulator immediately. They will
and tax holiday. allowed banks to acquire benefit in a declining
51 per cent or more stake interest rate scenario and
The capacity of 4,200
in companies defaulting take a dent when interest
MWp will come up
even after restructuring of rates are rising; existing
through the residential,
their loans. The norm, borrowers with floating-
government, social and
known as Strategic debt rate liabilities will bear the
institutional sector,
restructuring, was aimed impact at a lag of up to
according to the
to ensure promoters have one year
statement, add- ing
industrial and skin the game. The move Global north-south corridor
commercial sector will be is expected to improve
repayment culture of the In a bid to boost trade
encouraged for
borrowers. with former Soviet Union
installations without countries, Iran and
subsidy. The central bank entered
Russia, the commerce
into a historical
2015: Reforms, a retreat and ministry has pitched for
agreement with the
resurgence for banks popularisation of
government in March this
International North-South
The government year over how to tackle
Transport Corridor
launched a host of price rise which has
(INSTC) as an alternative
reforms, christened as pinched the consumers
Indradanush, aimed to route through Tehran that
for many years.
improve governance in significantly reduces costs
According to the
public sector banks like and travel time.
framework, RBI has the
separating the post of explicit mandate to have The move comes at a time
Chairman and Managing an inflation target, for when the government has
Directors, proposed the which it is accountable. adopted a market
formation of Bank Board diversification strategy to
The RBI on December 17,
Bureau for top level help Indian exporters
2015 issued guidelines for
appointments and reduce their dependence
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 183
on traditional markets in historical conjunction of RBI for payment banks in
the West where there is the countrys August, will start its
currently not much infrastructure needs and service by March 2017.
demand and instead gain the availability of long- About 40 international
more access in growing term funding, adding it is financial conglomerates
markets in Asia, Africa critical for India to make including World Bank,
and Latin America not the leap from a low- Barclays and ICICI have
tapped as much income country to a high- shown interest to partner
previously. income one in two to three with the Postal
The INSTC is a multi- decades, else it risks Department for the
modal route (ship, road falling into a middle payment bank.
and rail) from Mumbai to income trap.
The Department has
the Iranian port of Bander Report has also asked to 1,55,015 post offices
Abbas then via Tehran to discourage the Swiss across the country, of
Baku (Azerbaijan) and Challenge the for which 1,39,144 are in rural
further to Astrakhan, auctioning infrastructure areas.
Moscow and St projects, under which any
It plans to float a wholly-
Petersburg in Russia. bidder can ofer to
owned subsidiary to open
Alternatively, there is also improve upon a project
payment bank.
a road route from Iran to proposal submitted by
former Soviet Union another player. Centre working to get win-win
countries such as The panel called for solution for GST
Azerbaijan. urgent changes to the The state governments
Kelkar panel called for new ppp Prevention of Corruption and centre has come to a
policy and amendment to anti- Act of 1988 as well as situation which is
corruption law governments vigilance beneficial for both for
and conduct rules in order addressing petroleum
An expert panel led by to distinguish genuine products problem in GST.
former Finance Secretary, errors in decision-
Vijay Kelkar, has called The states can levy the
making by public
for swift amendments to Value Added tax (VAT)
servants from acts of
the anti-corruption law for a certain period.
corruption, the panel has
and an endorsement from emphasised the need to Constitutionally
the Parliament for a new guard officers against petroleum products will
policy for public private witch hunt while taking be part of GST, but for a
partnerships or PPPs that immediate measures to certain period, the states
balances risk-sharing punish malafide actions. will have the freedom to
between private and determine the tax rate.
public partners, in order Indian post will start services as
payment bank from March 2017 Indias current account deficit to
to spur infrastructure
be close to 1.5 percent of GDP
building. India Post, which was
The report, said rebooting among the eleven Indias current account
PPPs is an urgent priority applicants to have deficit (CAD) remains in
to take advantage of the received approval from check and is expected to
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
184 Current Affairs
be lesser than $25 billion allow such acquisitions of Jaitley to consider a long-
this fiscal. captive mineral assets in pending demand of
India is a large beneficiary the present law. Railways employees to
of lower crude oil prices, The transfer of mineral exempt them from the
and FDI inflows remain concessions shall be National Pension Scheme
on a relatively strong allowed only for just like the defence
footing and help to offset concessions which are forces.
the portfolio out- flows granted through The Minister recently also
seen in recent months. auctionsaccording to the said that he was in
Indias CAD narrowed to relevant sub-section of the discussion with the
1.6 per cent of GDP at $8.2 MMDR Act of 2015. Finance Ministry seeking
billion in the second Before this change, additional help to meet
quarter ended September. transfer of mining leases the unbearable burden
was allowed under the of the Seventh Pay
It is, however, higher than
mineral concession rules C o m m i s s i o n s
1.2 per cent for the April-
of 1960 after getting an recommendations.
June quarter of this fiscal.
approval from the state Every central government
Mines and Minerals Act government. employee appointed on or
amendment to come after January 1, 2004, has
The clause has turned into
The government plans to a deal-breaker as a cement to face a deduction from
amend a law which is or steel plant with captive his or her salary (10 per
holding up mergers and limestone or iron ore cent equal contribution
acquisitions worth mines loses its utility from the employee and
thousands of crore in the without the assured the employer) toward the
distressed commodities mineral resources. NPS, which is a defined
and mining sector. contribution scheme,
The limestone mines in
instead of the defined
The deals are stuck in a Lafarge have over 100
benefit scheme that
no-go zone as the Mines million tonnes of reserves.
prevailed earlier.
and Minerals Birla Corp may buy the
(Development and plant, but would have to Financial stability report points
Regulation) or MMDR source limestone from towards bad health of the Banks
Act of 2015, which aims to elsewhere, much farther, The Reserve Bank of India
ensure transparent while Lafarge will keep expressed concern over
auctions of minerals, holding the mining lease. high corporate leverage as
doesnt allow transfer of No deals will get done in bad loans from the
captive mines allotted to this situation. countrys top
end-user plants in the
Railway Minister wants corporations increased
exemption of railway employees sharply between March
The plan to amend the from NPS and September, 2015.
MMDR Act comes on the
Union Railways Minister A significant increase in
back of opinion from the
Suresh Prabhu has urged the gross non-performing
law ministry that there is
Finance Minister Arun asset ratios of large
no alternative method to
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 185
borrowers among public advances ratio increased double the number (815)
sector banks, from 6.1 per to 11.3 per cent from 11.1 in 2014.
cent in March 2015 to 8.1 per cent during the same The U.S. has received the
per cent in September period. green signal for the
2015, has led to an New policy for supply of fossil highest number of 18
increase in the GNPA fuel will come soon projects, followed by
ratio of the banking Hong Kong (11), France
system, according to the Government will soon (nine), China (eight),
report. come out with a coal Germany (six), the U.K
As a result, standard linkage policy to ensure (four) and Japan (three).
assets among large supply of fossil fuel and a Bangladesh has been
borrowers declined from new tariff policy aimed at given clearance for two
86.2 per cent of total gross boosting regulatory projects.
advances as of March mechanism for discoms
and attracting National security
2015 to 84.5 per cent as of clearance policy has 15
September 2015. investments.
parameters on which
Credit to top 100 large The central government inputs from security
borrowers, in terms of in 2006 had approved the agencies are sought. Once
funded amount Tariff Policy under the it has got an application
outstanding, constituted provisions of Electricity from an investor, the
27.6 per cent of the credit Act, 2003. The Power Ministry decides on the
to all large borrowers and Ministry has to get the status of security
17.8 per cent of the credit approval from the clearance within four to
of all commercial banks. Cabinet for a new six weeks, against 16
electricity tariff policy. weeks earlier.
Loans to the industrial
sector account for a major The policy will reflect a The objective of national
share of their overall concern to environment security clearance policy
credit portfolio as well as and encourage renewable is to evaluate potential
stressed loans, according energy. Besides, it will threats, visible or
to the report. strengthen the regulatory embedded in proposals
mechanism so that received by the Ministry
The gross non-performing discoms become more
advances of commercial and to provide a national
efficient and conscious risk assessment from the
banks, as percentage of towards their duties to
gross advances, increased point of view of threats
consumers relating to economic
to 5.1 per cent from 4.6 per
cent between March and National security clearance security, protection of
September 2015, the RBI policy critical infrastructure,
data showed The nations unity and
As part of its ease of-
restructured standard territorial integrity. The
doing business policy, the
advances as percentage of aim is to ensure an
Union government has
gross advances declined objective balance between
lifted restrictions and
to 6.2 per cent from 6.4 per the requirements of
given security clearance
cent while the stressed national security and the
for 1,671 projects, almost
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
186 Current Affairs
imperatives of rapid to win a commitment to Growth forecast for this year
economic growth. allow developing nations changed
to use special safeguards
Crude oil breaks ten year record India lowered its GDP
to protect farmers against
growth projection for the
Brent crude prices fell to import surges.
current year to between 7-
their lowest in more than After hectic negotiations 7.5 per cent against the
11 years, hounded by a for five consecutive days earlier forecast of 8.1-8.5
relentless rise in global exceeding the scheduled per cent.
supply that looks set to closing by almost 24
outpace demand again The outlook going
hours the WTO Trade
next year. forward is challenging
Ministers concluded their
and, without reforms,
Oil production is running talks without any
GDP growth next year is
close to record highs and, commitment on rich
unlikely to be
with fresh barrels poised countries being asked to
significantly greater than
to enter the market from check their domestic
this year, according to the
the likes of Iran, the U.S. subsidies.
and Libya, the price of Besides, rich nations
crude is set for its largest The cut in forecast follows
refused to budge on their
monthly percentage GDP growth in the first
long- standing position of
decline in seven years. half of the year (from
putting the onus on
April to September)
While consumers have developing countries
slowing to 7.2 per cent
enjoyed lower fuel prices, with regard to duties.
from 7.5 per cent in the
producers have hacked India is disappointed that corresponding period last
back spending and cut notwithstanding a large year.
thousands of jobs, while group India, China, G33,
exporting nations have Economic growth was
African Union all
suffered tumbling dragged down by the 17.4
insisting that Doha has to
revenue. per cent decline in exports
be re-affirmed, the
in the first half and the
Brent futures fell by about reaffirmation has been
adverse impact of
two per cent to as low as divided.
deficient monsoons on
$36.05 a barrel on The five-page declaration farm sector output.
Monday, their weakest at the Nairobi meeting,
since July 2004, and were Nominal growth during
which also marked the
down 45 cents at $36.43. this period also slowed
20th anniversary since the
substantially from 13.5
WTO meet a failure for establishment of the
per cent to 7.4 per cent.
developing countries WTO, underlined the
The sharp and continuing
crucial importance of the
India expressed its decline is a cause for
multilateral rules-based
t h o r o u g h concern, according to a
trad- ing system and
disappointment over non- mid-year review of the
reaffirmed the principles
reaffirmation to conclude economy that Union
and objectives set out in
14-year-old Doha Round Finance Minister Arun
the Marrakesh
pacts, even as the five-day Jaitley tabled in the
Agreement Establishing
WTO meeting managed Parliament.
the WTO.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 187
The slowdown will pose In the base rate system, it month in November,
a challenge to meeting the was left to the individual virtually shrinking by a
fiscal deficit target of 3.9 banks as to what cost it quarter from a year earlier
per cent of GDP and will used, which typically was to $20 billion, leading
also place a stress on tax the average cost of funds. exporters to seek an
revenue collections. RBI has mandated that intervention from the
Indias debt-to-GDP ratio MCLR will be a tenor- government as they
too will cease to decline, linked benchmark, and believe the situation is
a development with banks should arrive at the now worse than what
significant implications MCLR of a particular they faced at the peak of
for Indias maturity by adding the the global financial crisis
macroeconomic stability corresponding tenor in 2008-09.
and vulnerability to premium to the sum of Imports also contracted
external risks. marginal cost of funds, by a sharp 30 per cent in
The ratio had been cost of maintaining cash November, led by a 63 per
declining over the past 10- reserve ratio and cent decline in fertiliser
12 years, benefiting from operating costs. imports, and a 45 per cent
the nominal GDP growth This new framework will dip in oil imports. Pulses,
exceeding the come into effect from electronics and fruits and
governments cost of April 1, 2016. Like base vegetables were the only
borrowing. rate, banks are not commodities to see an
allowed to lend below increase in imports.
Marginal Cost of funds based
Lending Rate (MCLR) MCLR, except for few The trade deficit for
categories like loans November 2015 was just
The Reserve Bank of India against deposits, loans to $9.7 billion, compared
(RBI) issued fresh norms banks own employees. with $16.2 billion in
on how banks ought to Banks have to review and November 2014 and
calculate their lending publish their MCLR of experts said the country
rates, a move which is different maturities every was unlikely to face
aimed at lowering month on a pre- pressure on the current
borrowing costs at a time announced date and account deficit even if
when lenders are banks which do not have there were some foreign
reluctant to do so. adequate systems to carry capital outflows in
The new method, out the review on a response to an anticipated
Marginal Cost of funds monthly basis, can review interest rate hike by the
based Lending Rate once a quarter for the first U.S. Federal Reserve.
(MCLR) ,will replace the one year, that is, March Just seven out of Indias
present base rate system. 31, 2017. top thirty export goods,
MCLR, as the name Import and Export both on including carpets, jute
suggests, mandates banks negative territory products and tea
to calculate the lending registered an increase in
rate taking into account Indias exports fell for the November, compared to
the marginal cost of funds twelfth consecutive nine goods in October.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
188 Current Affairs
The share of Indias trade performance and policy The domestic unit
(exports plus imports) to priorities among major resumed sharply lower at
its gross domestic product economies, we are seeing 67.09 a dollar from
(GDP) referred to as increasing difficulties in weekends close of 66.88
trade openness in macro-economic policy at the Interbank Foreign
economic parlance has co-ordination. The world Exchange market on the
fallen drastically from economy calls for a new back of frantic dollar
55.6 per cent at peak in impetus. demand and weakened
fiscal 2013 to 46 per cent China has questioned the further to 67.12 in mid-
in the second quarter of significant rise in afternoon trade before
the current fiscal. protectionist measures ending at 67.09, revealing
China urged G-20 member adopted by countries in a fall of 21 paise, or 0.31
countries to pursue structural trade and investment and per cent.
reforms the lack of movement on India gets U.S. Civil societies
the World Trade support on WTO
China, the host for the Organisations (WTO)
2016 G20 meet and holder Doha Development India's demand that the
of the rotating presidency, round of talks. G20 World Trade
urged member countries nations account for 80 per Organization take steps,
to pursue structural cent of global trade on a priority basis, to
reforms to spur global volumes. safeguard the interests of
economic growth even as poor farmers as well as
the Asian giants China has proposed a the food security
economy slows. Macro- new assessment system programmes in
economic expansionary that focuses on aggregate developing countries has
policies such as monetary impacts of the structural received support within
easing remain a reform measures the U.S
temporary response to undertaken by G20
countries instead of Several prominent U.S.-
the global financial crisis based civil society
of 2008. focusing on the progress
of implementation. This, organisations including
G20 leaders had met at it has argued, would World Food Program
Antalya last month and provide a more objective USA, Oxfam America and
resolved to persist with and effective evaluation ActionAid USA have
collective action to lift of reforms. asked Washington to
actual and potential agree to support the
growth of their economies Rupee slips past 67 a dollar developing countries'
and boost job creation. Heightened uncertainties demands on food security
The G20 summit over an impending Fed and poor farmer issues
mechanism for economic rate hike dragged the The developed world,
co-operation had evolved Indian rupee past the 67- including the US, is learnt
in the aftermath of the mark, a 27-month low to be keen on introducing
2008 financial crisis. against the greenback 'new' is-sues (such as e-
Due to growing amid strong overseas commerce, global value
divergence in economic sentiment. chains, labour,
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 189
competition and fraternity to give safe Or gani sati on s(WT O)
environment) of their passage to the Doha Round negotiations
interest during the Constitution Amendment aimed at liberalising
Nairobi meet, instead of (122nd) Bill. global trade, nor concur
taking forward the An earlier attempt by with rich nations
ongoing Doha Round India Inc in May to attempts to expand the
negotiations, which has a p e r s u a d e ambit of the talks by
development' agenda parliamentarians to pass introducing new issues
India is one of the the GST Bill during the without completely
leadingdeveloping Monsoon Session went in fulfilling the Rounds
countries wanting the vain. de velo pmen t
Nairobi meet to take up dimension.
The industry, through an
on priority negotiations online petition had urged The Doha Round talks
on an effective Special all political parties to had begun in 2001 and has
Safeguard Mechanism (or have a collaborative and since missed several
SSM, a trade remedy consultative process in deadlines for concluding
allowing developing the Parliament and allow it, due to persist-ing
countries to temporarily the Parliament to differences between the
increase duties to counter function, to debate and developed and
sudden import surges or legislate. The initiative developing world on a
price falls of farm items, has since then received host of issues related to
thereby protecting poor support of over 63,000 trade liberalisation and
farmers), and a people, including top granting market opening
permanent solution to the industrialists. commitments.
issue of public food stock- These include the
The government and
holding in developing reduction of huge and
industry is keen that the
countries for food security trade distort-ing
bill is approved in the
purposes. agribusiness subsidies in
ongoing winter session of
India has also sought a Parliament so as to meet developed countries, an
drastic reduction of 'trade the rollout date of April 1, effective Special
distorting' farm subsidies 2016. Safeguard Mechanism (a
of the developed trade remedy allow-ing
The bill was cleared by
countries. developing countries to
Lok Sabha in May and
FICCI and ASSOCHAM for temporarily hike duties
now is stuck in Rajya
implementation of GST on farm products to
Sabha, where the ruling
counter sudden import
Trade lobbies, including NDA is in a minority.
surges and price falls,
CII, FICCI, Assocham, India rejects artificial deadlines thereby protecting the
PHD Chambers, and for WTO deal interests of poor
traders body, the farmers),and a permanent
India has said it will
Confederation of All India solution to the issue of
neither agree to artificial
Traders (CAIT), have for public food stock-holding
deadlines to conclude
the first time issued a joint in developing countries
theWorld Trade
appeal to the political
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
190 Current Affairs
for the purpose of food agency pointed out Rising Too Much.
security It also cautioned that the Although India Has
Fitch Ratings affirms Indias centre-plus-states debt Outperformed Many
sovereign rating at BBB-, bur-den could rise to 68.8 Emerging Mar- Kets This
outlook stable per cent of GDP, one of Year, The Country Has
the highest of BBB range Not Been Immune To Fed
Fitch Ratings affirmed sovereigns and far of the Jitters, With Foreign
Indias sovereign rating at BBB category median of Investors Selling Around
BBB-, the lowest in- 42.8 per cent of GDP. The $1.7 Billion In Bonds And
vestment grade and just a increase largely results Shares Last Month.
notch above junk status, from state government
and kept the outlook The People Familiar With
staking part of the power Rbi Operations Say It Is
Stable. distribution companies Worried Weak Market
The affirmation balances debt on-to their own Participation At Its
strong GDP growth balance sheets, following Auctions Ahead Of The
outlook and favourable the Governments Uday Feds December 15-16
external finances with the initiative Meeting Could Trigger A
high government debt Sell- Of. In 2013, Fed
RBI Wants To Reduce Volatility
burden and difficult-but- taper Fears Sent The
Before Fed Decision
improving business Rupee To A Record Low.
environment. Haunted By Memories Of
Indias 2013 Markets 7.5% GDP growth will help
It forecast real GDP
Crash, The Countrys boost business:Moody's
growth to accelerate to 7.5
per cent in the current Central Bank Is Engaging Healthy 7.5 per cent GDP
financial year, followed In A Tricky Balancing Act growth for India for the
by 8 per cent in 2016-17. With Domestic Yields To fiscal year ending March
Keep Volatility Out Of Its 2017 (FY2017) and a pick-
The pick-up in growth, it
Bond Markets Ahead Of up in manufacturing
said, will be largely
The Federal Reserves activity will be broadly
driven by sup-port from
Historic Policy Decision supportive of business
the governments
This Month. growth.
beefed-up capex
spending and gradual The Reserve Bank Of Most non-financial
implementation of a India (Rbi) Is Seeking To corporates Moody rates in
broad-based structural Prevent Wild Swings In India (Baa3 positive) will
reform agenda. Bond Markets By benefit from strong
Agreeing To Pay Higher domestic growth and
India moved up four
Interest Rates To accommodative
places in the World
Investors At Bond monetary policy.
Banks Ease of Doing
Auctions, People With
Business rankings, but is Although weak global
Knowledge Of The
still the worst-performing growth and a potential
Central Bank's Operations
of all BBB range U.S. rate hike will weigh
Say, While Also Buying
sovereign state 130th out on businesses.
Bonds In The Open
of 189 countries, the rating However, the
Market To Stop Yields
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 191
corporations will also ing and control prices of Ministry seeks more than Rs.
remain vulnerable to the the commodity. 25,000-cr for urea subsidy bills
volatile Indian rupee as Raw jute stockists would The Fertiliser Ministry
against the U.S. dollar and not be allowed to hold has sought more than
to low commodity prices, over 1,700 quintals as Rs.25,000 crore from the
which has in turn led to a stocks, according to an Fi-nance Ministry for
sharp decline in external order by the Jute making subsidy
trade. Commissioner. payments to domes-tic
The Modi administration The order came after a urea manufacturers, as it
so far this year has been meeting of mill owners of is facing liquidity crunch.
un-able to enact the Indian Jute Mills In this year's budget, the
legislation on key Association, the apex government had allocated
reforms, including a industry body, was Rs.72,968.56 crore for
unified goods and convened by the federal fertiliser subsidy, out of
services tax and the Land government. which Rs.38,200 crore was
Acquisition Bill.
It was pre-ceded by ear-marked for domestic
It seems highly unlikely threats of seizures issued urea.
that the major reforms by the Commissioner. The The Fertiliser Ministry
will get enacted by the sector is in the grip of a isfacing shortage of funds
upper house of the Indian crisis triggered by fears of for making payments to
parliament where the a 15 lakh-bale crop domestic urea
ruling coalition is in shortfall during the sea- manufacturers as there
minority. son. were more than Rs.30,000
The fall in commodity The rumours of the crore subsidy arrears
prices has benefited many shortfall led to hoarding from the previous years.
Indian corporates given by some mills and traders, The Department of
the countrys status as a pushing up the prices. Fertiliser has sought more
net importer of raw
The crisis has already be- than Rs.25,000 crore from
materials and its recent
gun to impact the indus- the Fi-nance Ministry for
history of high inflation.
try which still depends on making subsidy
The resultant moderating gunny bags as its main payments to the domestic
inflation should result in product profile. urea manufacturers as
low-er borrowing costs there has been shortage of
The raw jute problem has
for corporates and yields funds for making subsidy
already led to the dilution
on corporate bonds, says payments.
of the government's plan
for procurement of jute The Department of
Govt. caps raw jute stocks bags for packing Fertilisers has issued
foodgrains during the revised energy norms
The Textiles Ministry has
ensuing rabi season. under the new urea policy
issued an order restricting
The problem is as acute in for existing 25 gas based
the stock of jute to two
Bangladesh which urea plants in the country,
months of the mills'
recently banned exports a move that is expected to
capacity to prevent hoard-
of the fibre.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
192 Current Affairs
save about Rs.800 crore in Even if 5 per cent can be In fact, no gold
fertiliser subsidy. mopped up through monetisation scheme can
Urea is provided to innovative financial overcome the inhibitions
farmers at a fixed instruments based on of all would-be investors.
subsidised MRP of gold, the domestic People buy gold with
Rs.5,360 per tonne. The demand estimated at different motivations.
difference between the between 850 and 900 Pledging gold to meet
cost of production and tonnes annually can be seasonal requirements is
MRP of urea is provided met. very common.
as subsidy to The gold monetisation North-East connectivity project
manufacturers. scheme (GMS) appears to struck in hurdles
Difficulties for the new gold be central to the three
schemes.Under the new The ambitious Rs.15,000
schemes crore North East
scheme, as small as 30
The government has gms of gold can be connectivity project is
launched three new accepted. struggling to take of one
schemes to monetise gold year after India and Japan
The tenure can go up to 15 jointly agreed to work on
in the country the gold years and the scheme
monetisation scheme, the the project to quickly
pays higher interest rates transform the region into
sovereign gold bond and to depositors 2.25 to 2.5
gold coin. Households in a manufacturing hub with
against one per cent the help of bet-ter road
India hold a large amount before.
of their savings as infrastructure.
physical assets gold, The gold bond scheme is There were differences
silver and other precious for those investors who between JICA (Japan
metals and real estate. buy gold as an International Cooperation
investment. Agency) and the National
With very little of the
precious metal now being The gold monetisation Highways and
mined in the country, the scheme is no doubt an Infrastructure
seemingly insatiable improvement over earlier D e v e l o p m e n t
domestic demand is being scheme. However, gold Corporation (NHIDCL)
met by gold imports. held as jewellery will be on issues such as the
very difficult to be various costs involved in
Hence a two-pronged monetised. the project, and the
strategy is needed to
The point has been made technology that is to be
provide an instrument
several times before that used in building roads.
that would target would-
be gold investors and there would be a There are also differences
second, to draw out gold sentimental objection to between the two on the
lying idle in private parting with jewellery, manner in which
hands. which in many environment and social
households are passed on impact assessments are to
The amount of gold with from one generation to be carried out. NHIDCL is
households is a mind another. a wholly owned company
boggling 20,000 tonnes.
of the Ministry of Road
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 193
Transport & Highways Vittorio Colao, Vodafone It is a matter for the
(MORTH) and is the Group Plc CEO, executive government to
project implementing committed to the latest decide, Mr. Jaitley said
agency. investment during his while summing up the
Also, it is learnt that local meeting with Prime days proceedings at the
stakeholders such as the Minister Narendra Modi Delhi Economic Conclave
Khasi Hills Autonomous in Lon-don on Friday. The on Friday.
District Council in announcement of the We cant have a situation
Meghalaya are yet to give increase in investment where Aadhaar is
their no objection comes as the U.K. major acceptable for certain
certificates. readies to tap the Indian kinds of measures
capital market with an adopted by the
With the Japanese Prime
initial public offering. government but not
Minister Shinzo Abe
slated to visit India later Finance Minister and RBI acceptable with regard to
next month, the Prime Governor pat for Aadhaar certain other kinds of
Ministers office (PMO) measures. There will have
Union Finance Minister to be a universal standard
has sought a status report Arun Jaitley spoke out
of the project and will to be laid down, Mr
against the fact that the Jaitley said. On the way
shortly hold an inter- Supreme Court is
ministerial meeting on it ahead, he said that the
deliberating on the issue government has two
to expeditiously resolve of Aadhaar being
all the outstanding issues. options in front of itof
universally implemented arguing its case in court or
Vodafone set to invest 2 billion saying that it is up to the placing it before the
dollar in India government to decide the legislatureadding that
methodology of the draft legislation on
Vodafone, Indias second
governance, not the Aadhar is ready.
l a r g e s t
telecommu nications Speaking earlier in the
service provider by The need for this day at the Conclave,
number of users, will (Aadhaar) and the utility Reserve Bank of India
invest Rs.13,000 crore or for this has been Governor Raghuram
$2 billion on capacity universally recognised Rajan said that Aadhaar is
expansion and new across States. We are at a an important tool in
business initiatives. situation where there is a banking.
challenge pending in
Vodafone, which ranks Tata Value ties up with Snapdeal
court and normally courts
behind Bharti Airtel in the
entertain a challenge Online marketplace
Indian telecom market, is
which are judicially Snapdeal and Tata Value
already the largest FDI
determinable. Homes, a subsidiary of
investor in the country
with investments As to what should be the Tata Housing with focus
exceeding Rs.1,11,000 methodology adopted in on affordable housing ,
crore since starting its governance is not a announced partnership to
Indian operations in 2007. judicially determinable enable users to buy
matter. houses online.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
194 Current Affairs
As part of the partnership, sections) and LIG (lower The UPA Government
about 1,000 homes across income group) segments had originally proposed
projects in cities such as in urban areas, through raising the FDI cap back
Mumbai, Pune, enhanced credit flow and in 2008 when it
Ahmedabad, Bangalore replaced it with a new introduced the Insurance
and Chennai will be put scheme that will make it Laws (Amendment) Bill.
up for sale on Snapdeal. easier for the However, opposition
These houses are priced economically weaker from political parties,
between Rs.18 lakh and sections and minority including the BJP, did not
Rs.70 lakh and range from groups to own homes. allow the Bill to be taken
1 BHK to 3 BHK. The RRY launched by the up in the RajyaSabha.
Tata Value Homes will UPA government with The Modi Government
continue to sell through much fanfare failed to introduced a fresh
its own portal as well. take off and funds Insurance Laws
Upon possession of the earmarked for it lapsed. (Amendment) Bill in
house, customers buying The Ministry has now not Parliament earlier this
the house through only given it a new name month. It proposes a rider
Snapdeal will get HOMES (Home that management control
Rs.10,000 a month for a Owners Mortgage Equity rests in the hands of an
year as an assured rent Subvention Scheme) but Indian promoter
(whether they stay on has also made it more alongside the eased FDI
premise or lease it out) as attractive by enhancing cap.
part of the deal. the loan amount and After the introduction of
Centre to unveil home loan increasing the interest the Bill, the government
Scheme for Transgenders subsidy from 5 per cent to moved 97 amendments
5.5 per cent on loans because of which it could
The Union Ministry of granted to construct not be passed.
Housing and Urban houses or extend the Monthly cap on LPG cylinders
Poverty Alleviation existing ones. Goes
(HUPA) has proposed
Insurance Bill may be cleared by
rolling out a loan The Union Cabinet lifted
assistance scheme that the restriction of one LPG
will for the first time help Union Finance Minister cylinder per month to a
transgenders and ArunJaitley has expressed domestic consumer.
economically weaker hope that Parliament will While households will
sections to secure home pass the Insurance Bill for still get only 12 cylinders
loans in urban areas. raising the foreign direct in a year at subsidised
The Ministry has tweaked investment (FDI) limit to rates.
the existing Rajiv 49 per cent by the end of The monthly cap has been
RinnYojna (RRY), which this year, the first major lifted in view of
was launched as an economic reform complaints from
instrument to aid the EWS proposed by the consumers regarding the
(economically weaker N a re n d r a M o d i limited access to LPG
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 195
imposed by the earlier family will be entitled to increased DA to 100 per
restriction. sum assured of Rs 3.6 lakh cent from 90 per cent with
Now consumers can avail instead of existing Rs 1.56 effect from January 1,
themselves of their quota lakh. 2014, on February 28 on
the basis of agreed
of 12 cylinders at any time Govt to increase dearness
formula for revision of the
of the year. allowance to 107 p.c
Smart cards to buy Milk The Government is likely
Competition Commission of
to approve a hike in
Angry customers India puts Sun-Ranbaxy deal
dearness allowance (DA)
haggling with milk-booth under public Scrutiny
to 107 per cent from the
operators for change is a
existing 100 per cent, The Competition
common sight.
benefiting around 30 lakh Commission, which has
Keeping this in mind and Centres employees and put the multi-billion
to promote cashless its 50 lakh pensioners dollar Sun-Ranbaxy deal
transactions, Delhi-NCRs including dependents. for public scrutiny, said
largest milk supplier, The average rate of retail the major issue is whether
Mother Dairy, has teamed inflation for industrial the combination would
up with the State Bank of workers from July 1, 2013 result in high market
India to make everyones to June 30, 2014 works out concentration of certain
life easier with the help of to be 7.25 per cent. Thus molecules.
a smart card. the Central government Labour issues cant be solved
Higher minimum PF pension will hike dearness using police: HC
from Sept. 1 allowance for it
employees by 7 per cent, A labour problem cannot
The minimum monthly an official said. be solved using police
pension of Rs. 1,000 and a force, said Justice P.
He said the Finance
higher wage ceiling of Rs. Devadass of the Madras
Ministry will now put a
15,000 for social security High Court, while
Cabinet proposal for
schemes run by the approval of 7 per cent DA releasing on conditional
Employees Provident hike from July 1 this year bail 167 workers arrested
Fund Organisation will be as the revised Consumer on the Independence Day
implemented from Price Index-Industrial for staging a
September 1. It will Workers data for June demonstration at the
benefit 28 lakh was released by Labour Ka nch ee pur am
pensioners. Ministry on Saturday. Collectorate.
The government has With increase in DA, the The judge said the
raised the maximum sum pensioners will also gain arrested could not be
assured under the as the benefit provided to treated as hardened
Employees Deposit them as dearness relief criminals as they did not
Linked Insurance Scheme will be hiked to 107 per possess any lethal
to Rs. 3 lakh. cent of basic pay. weapon.
This means in case an The previous UPA The police or public or
EPFO subscriber dies, his government had public officials were not
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
196 Current Affairs
their enemies. They were based global cloud and for minimising
airing their grievance computing company distortions, taking into
against the management Salesforce for the fourth account the
of a company. year in a row. recommendations of
L&T to bid for Bullet Train The five Indian earlier committees in this
Project companies on the list are regard and the draft
consumer goods Direct Taxes Code.
Larsen & Toubro (L&T) is company Hindustan BalbirKaur, Adviser,
gearing up to bid for the Unilever, which is ranked Department of Economic
governments ambitious 14th, followed by IT major and Policy Research,
bullet train project, its Tata Consultancy Services Reserve Bank of India,
Executive Chairman A. (57), construction services will be the convenor of the
M. Naik, said. firm Larsen & Toubro group.
He said that L&T had (58), pharma major Sun It is expected to submit its
emerged as the lowest Pharma Industries (65) report within three
price bidder for the and Bajaj Auto (96). months of its first
SardarVallabhbhai Patels meeting.
RBI panel to study tax structure
Statue of Unity project in
on financial instruments Black Economy now amounts to
Gujarat though the
contract was yet to be The Reserve Bank of 75% of GDP
awarded. India, set up a working Driven substantially by
The company is also group to study various the higher education
expecting bigger issues relating to taxation sector, real estate deals
opportunities from of financial instruments. and mining income,
infrastructure projects, The working group is Indias black economy
including metro rail. expected to suggest could now be nearly
5 Indian firms among Forbes a p p r o p r i a t e three-quarters the size of
most innovative companies rationalisation measures its reported Gross
to boost private financial Domestic Product (GDP).
Five Indian companies, savings. It will review the There were no reliable
including Hindustan current tax structure as estimates of black money
Unilever and Tata applicable to various generated in India and
Consultancy Services, are financial instruments held within and outside
among Forbes list of the issued in theIndian the country, the
worlds 100 most financial system. It will g o v e r n m e n t
innovative companies also identify possible tax commissioned the
that investors think are arbitrage among National Institute of
most likely to generate financial instruments Public Finance and Policy
big, new growth ideas. under the extant tax (NIPFP) to estimate the
The annual Worlds Most structure. Also, it will black money in India and
Innovative Companies suggest rationalisation of held overseas by Indians.
list, released, has been tax treatment across
The capitation fees
topped by California- financial instruments to
collected by private
promote financial savings
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 197
colleges, on management Modi waived off Jammu Minister of
quota seats in and Kashmirs Rs. 60- Communications and IT
professional courses, last crore liability towards the Ravishankar Prasad had
year was around Rs 5,953 Food Corporation of India also met the senior
crore. and announced a special management of BSNL
Plan afoot to make Telcos Central assistance of Rs. and MTNL recently to
Tighten Verification Norms 8,000 crore for four major discuss the blueprint for
road projects. reviving the loss-making
The Government is Listing Prakash PSU telecom companies.
planning to finalise and (energy), Paryavaran Indias largest solar
notify an upgraded (ecology) and Paryatan Power plant Planned in Madhya
penalty structure after its (tourism) as development Pradesh
strategy of imposing fines boosters the State needs,
on companies with Mr. Modi said the Plans are afoot to set up
unverified mobile phone development of J&K was the countrys largest ultra
subscribers paid marginal a top priority for his mega solar plant in
dividends. government. Madhya Pradeshs Rewa
The Department of district. The plant, to
Mr. Modi also produce 700 MW of
Telecom (DoT) has been inaugurated two power
invoking licence electricity, would require
projects at Nemo Bazgo an investment of Rs 4,000
conditions to impose in Leh and at Chutak in
penalties on companies crore.
Kargil besides laying
slow in verifying whether the foundation stone of a Thirteen hectares of land
subscribers have Rs 1,788-cr transmission spread over four villages
complied with the line that would connect of Barseta, Ramnagar,
formalities of providing entire Ladakh region to Latar and Badwaar has
their residential address the northern grid via been chosen for locating
and other details. Srinagar and Drass. the plant in Gurh tehsil of
According to DoT, these Rewa. The State
DoT working on Modalities of government would set up
phone companies have
BSNL-MTNL Merger the plant as a joint venture
been unable to account for
the identity and residence In a bid to revive BSNL with the Ministry of New
proofs of over 4.5 crore and MTNL, Department and Renewable Energy,
SIM cards. Companies of Telecom is working on Power Grip Corporation
should have paid heed to modalities to merge the and the Solar Energy
the countrys national two state-run telecom Corporation of India .
security interests while companies and also The government is
competing with each undertake organisational promoting generation of
other to enrol more restructuring. renewable energy by
customers. Asked if there is a timeline providing various fiscal
for the merger, the source and financial incentives
PM announces Rs. 8,000-Crore
Package said there is no set such as capital and
timeframe but it might interest subsidy,
Prime Minister Narendra take one to two years. concessional excise and
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198 Current Affairs
customs duties to their birth. access to free and quality
encourage Indian and Though the IMR has come health care and skilled
foreign investors to invest down to 25 per 1,000 live birth attendants.
in new renewable energy births in the past months, IIP will not impact GDP
sector. the progress in reduction growth: Nirmala Sitharaman
Govt seeks ways to increase use of neo-natal mortality rate
Union Minister of State
of broadband capacity (NMR) has been slower,
for Commerce and
according to Save the
Concerned over under- Industry Nirmala
Children global report
utilisation of broadband Sitharaman, dismissed
Ending newborn deaths,
capacity, the government fears about the latest data
ensuring every baby
sought suggestions from on index of industrial
survives .
the industry to enhance its production (IIP), saying
In 2012, three million they were overly
usage that is at around 50
per cent level. babies died within the worrisome and would not
first 28 days of their birth impact the countrys GDP
The government and and a million babies died
other stakeholders have to growth.
within the first 24 hours of
find the reason for under- The Minister, along with
their birth, it says.
utilisation of broadband Minister of State for
Comparatively, Chennai
by the private sector Textile Santosh Gangwar,
recorded the lowest IMR
whether it is cost, speeds was here to meet the
of 15 per 1,000 live births
of connectivity or is it stakeholders in the jute
and in Mumbai and
devices that are very industry.
Kolkata it was 20 per 1,000
costly. live births. Responding to reporters
The government has queries, Ms. Sitharaman
However, there has been
plans to set-up National significant progress on said over the last few
E-governance Academy, ensuring child survival in months, the government
knowledge portal on e- India, the fact that nearly had improved the ease of
governance and enhance 40 per cent of neo-natal doing business. There
usage of social media deaths occur on the 1st were signs of revival, or
platform. day of birth in India is else agencies such as
stalling progress on Standard and Poors
Highest infant Mortality rate in
achieving Millennium would not have assigned
Development Goal- 4 a stable outlook to India.
The National Capital had (reducing IMR). To a question on FTAs
the worst Infant Mortality India accounts for an (free trade agreements),
Rate (IMR) among the astounding 29 per cent of she said a review of SEZs
four metropolitan cities the global deaths of (special economic zones)
between 2010 and 2012 newborns on their very and FTAs was now in the
with 30 newborns dying first day of birth. About final stages. The new
for every 1,000 live births, half the first-day deaths Foreign Trade Policy, due
a new report has said. A around the world could to be announced soon,
substantial 64 per cent die be prevented if every would give domestic
within the first 28 days of mother and baby had manufacturers and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 199
exporters the benefit of consolidation in the home buying,
the revisions. equity market.,
She said her Ministry We have witnessed an he said the plan was to
wanted better utilisation outflow in this month also add some
of the FTAs for boosting mainly due to profit international projects on
exports, adding that India booking and the market is the portal in this fiscal.
was keen on FTAs with also in a consolidation TVH was working on
ASEAN countries. mode, CNI Research projects in Sri Lanka and
Head Kishor Ostwal said. the Maldives under the
On WTO negotiations,
He further said that the public-private-
Ms. Sitharaman said India
long-term prospects of partnership model, and
believed in multi-lateral
staying invested in India was also considering
agreements, but not at the
are still positive. projects in Africa, he
cost of the countrys
sovereignty. Tata Value Homes plans to
TVH sold more than 750
Overseas investors pull out Rs. launch three new projects
flats online in a year,
800 crore from stock market Tata Value Homes (TVH), valued at over Rs.300
Overseas investors have a fully-owned subsidiary crore, and has now
pulled out nearly Rs. 800 of Tata Housing launched the e-commerce
crore from the Indian Development Company, portal, Mr. Banerjee said,
stock market since the plans to launch three new adding that the new user-
beginning of this month, Value Home projects in friendly platform would
mainly on account of the Mumbai metropolitan allow buyers from
profit booking. In area, the Delhi NCR anywhere in the world to
comparison, the debt region and Kolkata. These book their flats in three
market saw huge inflow projects, to be launched easy steps, including
of over Rs. 6,300 crore this financial year, will selection of location,
during the period. develop 12,000 flats, and reviewing the details and
these will be ready in booking online.
Foreign investors were
phases over a 7-8 year The booking entails a non-
gross buyers of equities
horizon. refundable payment of
worth Rs. 20,252 crore till
October 10 and sellers to Tata Housing Rs.30,000, and the
the tune of Rs. 21,038 Development Company inaugural offer is one
crore a net outflow of Managing Director and price one nation, starting
Rs. 786 crore (USD 128 CEO Brotin Banerjee said from October 15.
million), according to the two of these projects were Accordingly, buyers can
latest data. under the joint venture buy units at a uniform
model, while the other price across projects in
The outflow comes after
one would be in a Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,
overseas investments in
d e v e l o p m e n t Mumbai, Pune and
the stock market hit seven
management model. Chennai.
months low in September.
Market experts attributed Speaking on the sidelines SEBI ban puts DLF in a spot
the outflow to profit of the launch of its e-
commerce platform for The Securities and
booking and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
200 Current Affairs
Exchange Board of Indias 2007 at the height of the in September, 2013.
ban on the countrys pre-financial crises Retail inflation was at 7.73
largest property euphoria, in what was per cent in August,
developer, DLF, means then the countrys biggest revised downward from
the company could now market debut. New Delhi- the earlier estimate of 7.8
struggle to pay down its based DLF builds homes, per cent.
debt using equity or debt offices and shopping
As per the government
instruments regulated by centres, and is now
data released, CPI
the market regulator. Its developing a 1.9-million
inflation in the vegetable
debt, which swelled as the square-foot retail mall
basket in September fell to
firm ramped up land close to the capital, which
8.59 per cent from 15.15
acquisitions before the is expected to be the
per cent in the previous
financial crisis, stood at biggest in the country
Rs.19,100 crore ($3.13 when it is completed next
billion) at the end of June. year. Inflation in fruits slowed
to 22.4 per cent from 24.27
The ban, a blow to the Retail inflation slips 7.73 % to per cent in August. The
heavily indebted real 6.46 %
price rise in protein rich
estate firm, follows what
Providing respite to items like eggs, fish and
the regulator said was
common man ahead of meat was slower in
DLFs failure to provide
Diwali, falling food prices September against
key information on
pulled down September August.
subsidiaries and pending
legal cases at the time of retail inflation to 6.46 per ...while the RBI has
its record-breaking 2007 cent, the lowest since the become more proactive in
initial public offering. new series of Consumer providing liquidity to the
Price Index was released banking system, it seems
A DLF spokesman said in January, 2012, although that lowering the policy
the company was experts do not see a rate interest rate will likely
reviewing the order, but cut by the Reserve Bank take place only in 2015,
declined to comment any time soon. said Barclays
Although retail inflation, Research.ICRA Senior
As far as non-disclosure Economist Aditi Nayar
which has been on decline
cases are concerned, this since July, is below the said CPI at a series-low 6.5
is the biggest case in RBI target of 8 per cent by per cent in September
SEBIs history, and this is January, 2015, experts provides some optimism
by far the biggest said the central bank is in light of the near-
punishment they have expected to reduce stagnation in industrial
imposed, said J. N. interest in the next fiscal output in July-August,
Gupta, a former Executive (2015-16) only. 2014.
Director at the regulator,
The overall food inflation In its last monetary policy,
who now runs a
as measured by CPI fell to RBI had maintained
shareholder advisory
7.67 per cent from 9.35 per status quo on interest rate
cent in the previous citing worries on the
DLF raised $2.3 billion in inflation front despite
month and 11.75 per cent
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 201
industry demanding government had declining to a record low
reduction. introduced the concept of of 6.46 per cent in
negative list of taxation. September.
6% rise in indirect tax collections
As per it, all services Wholesale inflation in
Indirect tax collections except those in the onion contracted to 58.12
inched up by 5.8 per cent negative list are taxable. per cent in September as
in the April-September The indirect tax compared to a contraction
period of this fiscal. collections target for 2014- of 44.7 per cent in the
Indirect tax collections, 15 stands at Rs.6.24 lakh previous month. While
comprising excise, crore. Indirect tax inflation in vegetable
customs and service tax, collections in September basket as a whole shrunk
stood at Rs.2.42 lakh crore grew by 12.3 per cent to to 14.98 per cent in
in the first six months of Rs.48,012 crore. Excise September, rate of price
2014-15 as against Rs.2.29 duty mop up in rise in potato was at 90.23
lakh crore in the September contracted by per cent from 61.61 per
corresponding period a 0.4 per cent to Rs.14,288 cent in the previous
year ago, the Finance crore. month.
Ministry said in a Commenting on the data,
Wholesale Price Inflation drops
statement. industry body CII
to 5-year low of 2.38% in
The growth at 5.8 per cent September Director General
is far less than 25 per cent Chandrajit Banerjee said,
annual increase Wholesale Price Inflation
Going forward, the
envisaged in the budget dropped to a near five downslide in global
for 2014-15. Excise year low in September to commodity prices led by
collections contracted 2.38 per cent, helped by fuel together with
marginally by 0.6 per cent moderation in food and improved monsoon
during six-month period fuel prices. The conditions and favourable
to over Rs.75,021 crore. favourable base effect of policy interventions
last year has also should help contain
Customs mop up rose by
benefited the WPI. inflation and prevent
5.5 per cent to over
Rs.89,324 crore during The WPI based inflation prices from resuming its
period under reference was at 3.74 per cent in inflationary tendency
against Rs.84,643 crore in August 2014 and 7.05 per anytime soon.
the same period a year cent in September 2013.
Discriminatory regulation of
ago. As per data released by tobacco cultivation will cause
Service tax collections, the government, food revenue loss: study
which have become a new inflation fell to a nearly
33-month low of 3.52 per The discriminatory
focus area for revenue
cent. The sharp drop in regulation of tobacco
officials, grew by 13.1 per cultivation will cause a
cent to Rs.77,466 crore, the WPI inflation, which fell
for the fourth month in a revenue loss of about
statement said.
row, comes close on the Rs.21,000 crore annually
With an aim to widen the to India Inc, besides
heels of retail inflation
service tax net, the forcing about 3.80 crore
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
202 Current Affairs
people out of livelihood, The alternative livelihood increasing opportunities
a study report, jointly should be based on the in Asia and Africa,
conducted by the capabilities of those Chairman and Managing
Associated Chambers of involved in tobacco Director Yaduvendra
Commerce and Industry cultivation, and should Mathur said.
of India (Assocham) and match their present socio- Addressing a seminar,
the Thought Arbitrage economic position. Or Mr. Mathur said project
Research Institute (TARI), else, it will lead to exports would be linked
said. economic imbalance and to job creation to get
Releasing the report on social conflicts, Mr. preferential treatment
Tobacco economics in Dutta said. from the government.
India: the voice of the Further, non-ratification Henceforth, he said,
farmer and other of the treaty for limiting whatever the projects had
stakeholders here on tobacco production been exported emphasis
Thursday, Assocham would lead to trade needed to be given to
national Secretary- disputes and illegal generate employment
General D. S. Rawat and smuggling, thereby opportunities in India and
TARI founder Kaushik threatening millions of also work on establishing
Dutta said non- jobs and lower realisation brand India, echoing the
ratification of the of taxes, duties and Prime Ministers vision.
Framework Convention foreign exchange. When industry asked for
on Tobacco Control Terming the proposal of concessions from the
(FCTC) would have an the Union Health government, it also
adverse impact on the Ministry to limit only Flue needed to look into job
lives of a sizable section of Cured Virginia (FCV) creation opportunity, he
people in the country. tobacco, an export- added. The bank has been
The study suggested that oriented variety, tobacco promoting project
a multi-pronged strategy farmers said they had no exports, covering
of agricultural qualms if the government overseas industrial
diversification in a banned all varieties of turnkey projects, civil
phased manner and tobacco, including the construction contracts,
shifting to other economic ones used in other forms supplies as well as
activities was the need of of products. technical and consultancy
the hour to provide Exim Bank aims to boost project service contracts out of
sustainable livelihood exports India.
solutions to the people Exim Bank, in
associated with tobacco. The Exim Bank of India collaboration with the
Tobacco cultivation is a aims to boost project African Development
lifeline for a sizable exports to over $50 billion Bank, is also setting up a
population, including from the current levels of Project Development
rural women, tribal $27 billion in the next five Company (PDC) in Africa
communities and other years through its to identify and develop
weaker sections, Mr. innovative initiatives and infrastructure projects
Dutta said. by leveraging the with the objective of
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 203
providing the Indian reserved for bidding with usual expectations from
private sector an domestic content the market for an interest
opportunity to invest in requirement. The rate cut are surprisingly
and implement such individual project size has muted.
projects in Africa. been decided at 50 MW The surprise element lies
Guidelines for 3,000 MW solar and a single group in the fact that whatever
projects released (including its subsidiaries data that are available in
and associates) can apply the public domain would
In a revamped National for a maximum of five seem to suggest a softer
Solar Mission (NSM) projects. The power interest rate regime.
programme, the Union produced by these According to this view,
Ministry of New and projects will be bundled the RBI has, after a very
Renewable Energy with coal power and sold long time, a favourable
(MNRE) has now come to utilities by NVVN. The environment to lower the
out with draft guidelines tariff will be determined benchmark repo rate,
for setting up 3,000 MW of through a reverse bidding which has remained at 8
solar PV projects under process. The allocation per cent for the greater
Tranche-I. Earlier planned process is expected to part of the year.
allocation of 1,500 MW commence in December.
The broad macro-
under batch II of phase II Meanwhile, the MNRE
is reported to have been economic indicators have
has now proposed to add generally been positive
cancelled. a more ambitious solar PV even though one lead
The proposed 3,000 MW capacity of 15,000 MW in indicator the index of
Solar PV projects will be three tranches under industrial production
implemented by NVVN Batch II of phase II of (IIP) continues to
(NTPC Vidyut Vyapar NSM. Under Tranche-I, it remain erratic.
Nigam) on Solar Parks to has planned to add 3,000
Most significantly,
be developed through MW (2014-15 to 2016-17),
association of Central and inflation data for August
while Tranche-II
State agencies. both retail and
envisages addition of
wholesale have
Under Part-I of Tranche- 5,000 MW (2015-16 to
delivered big, pleasant
1 scheme, which seeks 2017-18). Tranche-III will
surprises. Retail inflation
suggestions and see the programme
based on the consumer
comments from all targeting 7,000 MW (2016-
price index (CPI) has
stakeholders by October 17 to 2018-19).
declined by almost a full
30, a capacity of 1,000 MW Healthy inflation declines are percentage point from
of the grid-connected not enough: RBI Governor July from close to 8 per
solar projects to be cent to just above 7 per
developed at a solar park As the Reserve Bank of
India (RBI) gets ready to cent.
in Andhra Pradesh (AP),
said the document. announce its fourth RBIs monetary policy
quarter bi-monthly statement
Of the 1,000 MW, a
monetary policy review
capacity 250 MW is The key take-away from
on September 30, the
the Reserve Bank of
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
204 Current Affairs
Indias fourth bi-monthly improvement in twin outcome of the U.S. arm-
monetary policy deficits, buoyant foreign twisting. The U.S.
statement, released on 30 capital inflows, a stable consent to discussion of
September is the central exchange rate and IPR issues through the
banks projections on the improved financial bilateral mechanism is a
economys revival, a key market conditions. re-affirmation of Indias
element on the agenda of Microsoft announced its stand that issues need
the Modi government. Windows 10 Operating System bilateral discussion and
The RBI did not raise its not unilateral action, a
growth projection for Microsoft Corp. Department of Industrial
2014-15, retaining it at the announced its Windows Policy and Promotion
pre-elections level of 5.5 10 Operating System to (DIPP) clarification said.
per cent, thereby, refusing replace the largely The clarification further
to buy into the sharp unpopular Windows 8, said the bilateral
surge in business skipping a number to mechanism agreed to for
sentiment and consumer mark a leap toward discussing IPR disputes
confidence that its own unifying the way people Trade Policy Forum
surveys are capturing. work on tablets, phones (TPF) was put in place
Quelling all hopes of a and traditional by the UPA Government
quick turnaround of the computers. in March 2010 through a
economy, it said, the Microsoft is restoring US-India statement, was
momentum of activity some of the more signed by the then
across the economy is yet traditional ways of doing Commerce Minister and
to stabilise and that the things and promises that his U.S. counterpart. We
monsoon deficiency will Windows 10 will be have not submitted to the
dampen agricultural familiar for users U.S. or yielded ground.
growth, which, in turn, regardless of which We have reiterated that
will spill over to the rest version of Windows they the U.S. should not act
of the economy as lower are now using. For unilaterally, Industry
demand for the farm instance, the start menu in M i n i s t e r
sectors produce. Windows 10 will appear NirmalaSitharaman.
Business expectations of similar to whats found in The joint statement, the
corporates for the third Windows 7. DIPP clarified, in fact
quarter, surveyed by the Govt. refuses to bow to U.S. merely reiterates the
RBI, are at a eleven- pressure on IP regime position India has held
quarter high, it said in its since 2010 this
The Modi Government
monetary policy report, consistent position being
denied that the reference
ascribing the upbeat that the IPR legal regime
to Intellectual Property
sentiment to the in India is fully TRIPS
Rights (IPR) in the joint
formation of a stable compliant and that issues
statement from U.S.
government at the Centre to be discussed have to be
President Barack Obama
and the greater certainty taken up in bilateral
and Prime Minister
about the policy forums like TPF. India has
NarendraModi, was an
e n v i r o n m e n t , consistently refused to be
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 205
subjected to unilateral consumer sentiment now term target of 6 per cent
action, the clarification is good news for by January, 2016. The
added. organised retail. central banks views on
the glide-path for
Retail sector to benefit from RBI Going beyond interest rate
REITs changes inflation are the same.
However, the risks to
The entry of real estate Entirely in line with attaining the 6-per cent
investment trusts (REITs) expectations, the Reserve target by January, 2016,
in the Indian market is Bank of India in its fourth remain even though they
expected to infuse a large bi-monthly monetary have lessened compared
dose of liquidity into the policy review did not to August. As to why
c a s h - s t r a p p e d change the policy repo achieving a 6 per cent
commercial real estate rate, which remains at 8 inflation target by
sector and could be a per cent. January, 2016, may be so
game changer. The main determinant of difficult, the RBI
In India, of the estimated monetary policy has been Governor explained that
350 million square feet of to get a handle on lots of things can happen
Grade A office space inflation. This has been in the world.
valued at around $65-70 very well articulated by The present softening of
billion concentrated in the RBI Governor both commodities prices,
the major urban centres, through the policy especially of oil now
about 80-100 million sq. ft statements and outside. In trading below $100 a
is estimated to be eligible fact, this time the barrel might not last
for REITs in the next 2-3 Governor had amply indefinitely. Food prices
years, valued at about made it clear that a rate may spike. The impact of
$15-20 billion, according cut was out of the the recent monsoons has
to KPMG in India. question given the not been assessed fully.
Apart from these, there inflation scenario. The RBI
Reserve Bank of India unlikely
are a host of other has not only explained
to cut policy rate
commercial properties why a rate cut was not
such as shopping centres, possible this time but has While the Reserve Bank of
retail malls, among also more than hinted as India (RBI) is likely to
others, which are eligible to why there might not be maintain its policy rate at
for REITs. any change for quite current levels, the
sometime. financial markets expect
Retail malls in particular
The pause may well that the central bank
had seen developers rush
extend to the greater part would reduce the
in and churn out malls all
of 2015. The reason, of Statutory Liquidity Ratio
over the country, but the
course, is inflation. While (SLR) further.
rising vacancy rates
following the economic the RBI is fairly confident In the last bi-monthly
slowdown saw a of reaching its target of 8 policy review on August
slowdown on the supply per cent retail inflation by 5, amidst uncertainty over
of mall space. An January, 2015, it is far less the progress of the
improvement in certain about its medium- monsoon, the RBI had
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
206 Current Affairs
kept the short term access to that financing. said FDI should be
indicative lending rate FDI should be understood as understood as First
(repo) at the current level First Develop India: PM Develop India along with
of 8 per cent and the Cash Foreign Direct
Reserve Ratio (CRR) Prime Minister Investment while
unchanged at 4 per cent. NarendraModi launched encouraging investors not
However, SLR was the Make in India to just look at India as
reduced from 22.5 per campaign at a high- merely a market but also
cent to 22 per cent with profile event, which as an opportunity.
effect from August 9. In captains of industry from The Prime Minister also
the June bi-monthly India and abroad noted that India ranked
policy also, the central immediately joined by low on the ease of doing
bank had cut SLR by 50 committing multi-crore business index and said
basis points from 23 per investments and projects he was sensitising
cent to 22.5 per cent. in the presence of Mr. government officials to
SLR is the portion of Modi. the need for effective
deposits banks are Speaking on the occasion, governance.
required to maintain in Aditya Birla Group chief
India support exchange
the form of gold or Kumar Mangalam Birla
information on black money
government securities, said his steel-to-software
before providing credit to conglomerate already had India will support the
customers. CRR is the its manufacturing base in proposed international
portion of total deposits of India and now planned to automatic exchange of tax
customers, which leverage its global and banking information
commercial banks have to production facilities for that is expected to aid
hold as reserves either in bringing technology here. unearthing and retrieving
cash or as deposits with The head of Indias largest black money stashed
the central bank and the private sector company, offshore.
repo rate is the rate at MukeshAmbani of Forty-six countries,
which the central bank Reliance Industries (RIL), including India, have
lends money to banks. called the launch of the agreed to set rolling by
In the last policy review, campaign a historic day 2017 the automatic
Dr. Rajan said that The for Indian industry and exchange of information
idea behind the SLR cut is said, We are committing on tax evaders.
that if government ourselves to the At present, countries
finances are improving movement our beloved exchange information on
and the government is on Prime Minister had given the basis of requests and
a fiscal consolidation to 1 billion Indians on that too only on suspected
mode, we can afford to Independence Day The tax evasion and other
liberate more access to uniqueness of his financial crimes.
government financing leadership is that he
The proposed global
and make it possible for dreams and he does.
standard would facilitate
the private sector and Unveiling the campaign a systematic and periodic
public sector firms to get logo earlier, Mr. Modi
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 207
transmission of bulk The Minister also said While no financial details
taxpayer information by private sector was shying of the tie-up were
the source country of away from public private available, Lupin said it
income to the country of partnership (PPP) projects had an established
residence of the taxpayer. primarily because of high working relationship with
The implementation of interest rates and Merck and the agreement
these standards by reluctance of banks to could add up to 20 new
developing countries fund such projects. products to the current
could also improve MCX-SX is going to change portfolio.
domestic tax compliance name Lupin will receive an
as substantial amount of upfront and milestone
data received from The Securities Exchange based licensing fee. The
financial institutions by Board of India (SEBI) has first launches are
the tax administration approved a new name for expected in 2016.
could be used for MCX Stock Exchange
(MCX-SX) which will Infosys global partnership with
domestic tax purposes Huawei
also. now be known as
Metropolitan Stock Infosys announced a
Government decided to give Exchange of India Ltd, global partnership with
boost to inland waterways abbreviated as mSXI. Huawei to offer enterprise
The Union Government The exchange is in the customers big data and
has decided to give a process of making an communication solutions
boost to inland application to Registrar of besides expansion of its
waterways in a big way to Companies (RoC) for existing engagement with
reduce the cost of registration of the new Microsoft and Hitachi
transportation as well as name, MCX-SX said in a Data Systems.
to curb pollution. This statement Providing details, in
was stated by Union separate press releases,
Lupin tied up with Merck
Minister of Road Serono Infosys said the IT
Transport & Highways, solutions to be developed
Shipping, Rural Lupin has tied up with with Chinese multi-
Development and Merck Serono, the national ICT firm Huawei
Drinking Water & biopharmaceutical would be for enterprise
Sanitation NitinGadkari. division of Merck, to customers looking to
He said that the ministry support the expansion of modernise operations
had also been focusing on Merck Seronos general with cloud infrastructure.
the ports sector. He said medicines portfolio in
emerging markets. Both the companies will
for road development the build reference
government was A statement from Lupin architectures and
considering to use cement said the tie-up would standardised solutions for
instead of bitumen to address the local needs big data platforms on
bring down construction for affordable, high- Huawei hardware
cost. quality medicines. infrastructure.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
208 Current Affairs
Mahindra and Mahindra speech, Mr. Modi had exporter Tata
(M&M) partnered Snapdeal invited global companies Consultancy Services
to set up manufacturing (TCS) on Sunday said it
Ahead of the launch of its
units in India to supply to has opened Saudi
new generation Scorpio,
the rest of the world. Arabias first all-female
Mahindra and Mahindra
For the launch, the business process centre,
(M&M) has partnered
Government is likely to which will provide
online marketplace
invite the whos who of employment to up to
Snapdeal for booking the
the global corporate 3,000 women in three
sport utility vehicle
sector from the US, Japan, years.
Korea, Sweden, Poland, Saudi Aramco and GE are
Scorpio has been
Australia, China, Italy, the centres first
Mahindras one of the
Germany and France. customers, TCS said in a
highest selling SUVs and
The campaign also statement in Mumbai.
the homegrown auto
giant is to launch the includes invitations to the Both the clients have
refreshed version on worlds top 3,000 already surpassed their
September 25. companies to explore target of recruiting 100
investment possibilities in women each, while the
According to the details
India. Indian Embassies total number of those
made available to users,
around the world are employed at the centre
the new generation
expected to join the stands at 300, it said.
Scorpio will be available
campaign. The Riyadh-based 3,200-
in six variants.
The objective is to take sq mt facility will offer
Make In India campaign manufacturing growth on customers specialised
Prime Minister a sustainable basis to 10 finance and accounting,
NarendraModi will per cent over the long human resources,
launch the Make In term,. materials supply and
India campaign , aimed The Department of office services to improve
at reviving the job- Industrial Policy and their operational
creating manufacturing Promotion has set up an efficiency, it said.
sector key to taking the eight-member expert HDFC Bank to
economy on a sustainable panel to redress Send debit card PINs via SMS
high growth path. grievances and handle
queries of global and As part of its go-green
The drive, the Modi
domestic investors within initiative, HDFC Bank has
Government hopes, will
24 hours. started sending PIN,
do for investment
unique code number, for
sentiment what the Its role will be to provide
debit card holders
Incredible India information and solve through SMS instead of
campaign has investors problems. sending it by post.
accomplished for tourism.
TCS opens Saudi Arabias first It is not just environment
With his Come, make in all-women BPO centre friendly but also
India slogan in his
Indias largest software convenient and saves
Independence Day
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 209
time of both customers programming but prefer the 4X2 variant while its
and the bank, HDFC Bank people to watch the 4X4 variant is priced at
Senior Vice President and videos on YouTube and Rs.20.14 lakh (prices ex-
Business Had (Cards other platforms where showroom, Maharashtra).
Payment Products) they can make money
Both variants are powered by a
ParagRao said. through advertisements
2.0 TDI diesel engine.
sales easily.
Green PIN is One Time
Password (OTP) sent to Facebook and video The new Yeti is being
the customers mobile content producers are offered at a slight
number registered with now discussing how premium to the existing
bank. Using the OTP, advertising might be variant and will feature
customer can set debit incorporated into these cruise control, KESSY
card PIN at the banks videos, according to The system and Light Assist.
Wall Street Journal .
ATM, Rao said. New VP for Renault India
Facebook has been
Customers will get OTP
involved in this video Renault India Pvt. Ltd., a
within 48 hours of
initiative for at least six fully-owned subsidiary of
applying for it.
months, it said. Renault s.a.s, has
HDFC Bank has nearly appointed Rafael Treguer
1.75 crore debit card Protection to auto industry
cannot be forever: Commerce as Vice-President (Sales
holders and about 16.5 and Marketing).
lakh cards on an average
He has worked in varied
are issued annually by the In a veiled warning to the
roles at different locations
bank. domestic auto sector, the
with the Renault group.
This facility is for all States Commerce Ministry, said
Special Correspondent
except in Jammu and it could not continue
Kashmir due to providing protection to Upper age limit set for MDs and
restrictions on bulk SMS the industry while duty CEOs of private banks
delivery in the State, Rao barriers were coming The upper age limit for
said. down all over the world. managing directors
Facebook set to take on YouTube India is protecting the (MDs) and chief executive
domestic auto industry officers (CEOs) and other
Get ready for a fierce from overseas whole-time director of
content war between competition while signing banks in the private sector
YouTube and Facebook. free trade agreements has been fixed at 70 years.
The social networking site with different nations and Beyond this age (70
is in talks with some of the groups. years), nobody should
biggest video content
Skoda launches Yeti upgrade continue in the post, the
producers of YouTube to
Reserve Bank of India
test videos directly on Czech car maker Skoda,
(RBI) said.
Facebook. launched its new face-
lifted sports utility Within the overall limit
Currently, content
vehicles (SUV), the Yeti, at of 70 years, individual
creators use Facebook to
promote their a price of Rs.18.63 lakh for bank boards are free to
prescribe a lower
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
210 Current Affairs
retirement age for the through online The card, which is
whole-time directors, marketplace Snapdeal, available in retail and
including the managing runs on Android KitKat corporate variants, will
directors and chief operating system, and help consumers pay in
executive officers, as an comes with 2GB RAM, 5- dollar, pound settling,
internal policy, the RBI inch HD IPS display, euro and Singapore dollar
said. leather finish back, 13MP initially and eventually be
rear and 5MP front made available in all
Bajaj Auto launches two
supersport KTM bikes camera, 8GB memory major currencies.
(expandable up to 32GB),
Panel set up to conduct forensic
Bajaj Auto, launched two and 2500 mAh battery. audit of NSEL
supersport motorcycles
Microsoft unveils new look for
from the KTM stable On a plea made by
MSN in India
KTM RC390 and KTM RC investors, the Bombay
200. Aiming to offer a High Court, formed a
KTM bikes have won comprehensive and committee headed by a
more than 240 World seamless experience to retired high court judge to
Championship titles. users to access content via conduct a forensic audit of
According to a company its website and apps the troubled NSEL and
statement, the KTM across screens (PCs as liquidate the assets of its
RC390 is priced at Rs.2.05 well as mobiles) and defaulting borrowers in
lakh while the KTM RC operating platforms, the over Rs.5,500 crore
200 is priced at Rs. 1.60 software giant Microsoft payments scam.
lakh (both ex-showroom unveiled the new look of The three-member
Delhi). its MSN website in India. committee, headed by
Both bikes will be backed The preview in India had Justice (Retd) V. C. Daga,
by KTMs 140 exclusive been made live for users will also have a solicitor
dealer network across the starting Monday and and a chartered
country and will be Microsoft was inviting accountant, according to
available from September people to try out the new Advocate AmeetNaik,
10 with dealers. web experience, he said, who represents NSEL in
Micromax launches Canvas adding they could also the case.
Nitro leave feedback on the site. The committee will
State Bank launches new travel ascertain the liability that
Micromax , launched its
card is outstanding against the
latest handset Canvas
defaulting borrowers of
Nitro powered by an octa- State Bank of India (SBI)
NSEL, conduct a forensic
core processor, targeted and MasterCard, audit, and monetise the
mainly at young announced the launch of assets, the court said in its
professionals and college Multi-Currency Foreign order.
students, priced at Travel Card through 100
Rs.12,990. selected branches of The committee will
Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai determine where the
The dual-SIM device,
and Bangalore circles. amount has gone, and is
launched exclusively
empowered to ascertain
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 211
the assets of company. Chinese governments defaulter, and asked him
It has also been mission 2020 for to appear before the
empowered to distribute infrastructure in Tibet. banks panel to hear him
the assets to the duped The lines are also seen as
out before declaring him
investors but distribution a triangular defence for as a wilful defaulter.
of funds will require the China, allowing it to rush Mr. Mallya later moved
courts permission. troops and military the court seeking
hardware to its sensitive exemption of his
Promotional air fares from appearance before the
IndiGo southern borders with
India at short notice. panel.
Budget carrier IndiGo Flipkart invests in ngpay
United Bank of India declares
started promotional air
Vijay Mallyawilful defaulter e-commerce firm Flipkart
fares by offering
discounted one-way fares United Bank of India has made a strategic
starting at a low of Rs.999 (UBI) has declared Vijay investment in mobile
(all inclusive one-way Mallya and three payments firm ngpay.
fare), a day after SpiceJet directors of Kingfisher Terms of the deal are not
started its offer of Rs.499 Airlines (KFA) as wilful disclosed.
one-way charge. defaulters. The ngpay was founded in
According to IndiGo, its development was 2008 by Sourabh Jain.
Delhi-Jaipur flight is confirmed by the banks Meanwhile, Flipkart also
priced at Rs.999 one-way, executive director Deepak said it would phase out its
followed by Rs.1,399 Narang. own payment product
Srinagar-Chandigarh. Besides Mr. Mallya, three Payzippy launched last
other directors A.K. year.
The fares go all the way
up to Rs.4,829 for Ganguly, SubhashGupte Basel III capital norms revised
Bangalore-Delhi. The and Ravi Nedungadi
have also been declared as The Reserve Bank of India
fares are applicable for (RBI) issued revised and
wilful defaulters, Mr.
booking in 90 days in final guidelines for raising
Narang .
advance. IANS non-equity regulatory
The bank has an exposure
China to lay 1,300 km of rail capital instruments by
of between Rs.350 crore
tracks in Tibet by 202 banks under the stringent
and Rs.400 crore to KFA,
Basel III framework under
The extended railway which was given by the
which lenders can issue
lines built by China in Bangalore branch of UBI.
Tier-2 capital with a
Tibet 251 km from It may be mentioned that minimum original
Lhasa to Shigatse on the UBI filed a caveat in the maturity of five years as
west and 433 km to Supreme Court against against 10 years now.
Nyingchi (still under KFA on August 29, 2014,
It further said banks could
construction) in the east after the Division Bench of
issue Tier-2 debt capital
will effectively link the High Court dismissed
instruments to retail
Tibet to India, Nepal and a KFA appeal against UBI.
investors, subject to board
Bhutan Earlier, UBI had identified approval.
These are part of the Mr. Mallya as a wilful
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
212 Current Affairs
Social media helps raise funds Tata Value ties up with Snapdeal economically weaker
for Mumbai Film Festival sections to secure home
Online marketplace
loans in urban areas.
A fund-raising campaign Snapdeal and Tata Value
on social media helped Homes, a subsidiary of The Ministry has tweaked
the Mumbai Academy of Tata Housing with focus the existing Rajiv
Moving Image (MAMI), on affordable housing , RinnYojna (RRY), which
the festival organisers, announced partnership to was launched as an
overcome a crippling enable users to buy instrument to aid the EWS
financial crisis after their houses online. (economically weaker
contract with Reliance sections) and LIG (lower
As part of the partnership,
Entertainment, the sole income group) segments
about 1,000 homes across
sponsor for the past five in urban areas, through
projects in cities such as
years, expired in enhanced credit flow and
Mumbai, Pune,
February. Since then, we replaced it with a new
Ahmedabad, Bangalore
were searching for the scheme that will make it
and Chennai will be put
new sponsor. But we were easier for the
up for sale on Snapdeal.
unsuccessful, said economically weaker
These houses are priced
festival director sections and minority
between Rs.18 lakh and
Srinivasan Narayan. groups to own homes.
Rs.70 lakh and range from
The social media 1 BHK to 3 BHK. The RRY launched by the
campaign helped the UPA government with
Tata Value Homes will
organisers raise Rs 1.5 much fanfare failed to
continue to sell through
crore in just two days. take off and funds
its own portal as well.
They are now expecting earmarked for it lapsed.
Upon possession of the
Rs. 5 crore by October. The Ministry has now not
house, customers buying
The uncertainty over the only given it a new name
the house through
festivals future triggered HOMES (Home
Snapdeal will get
a social media campaign, Owners Mortgage Equity
Rs.10,000 a month for a
#pledge4MAMI from Subvention Scheme) but
year as an assured rent
well-wishers. has also made it more
(whether they stay on
attractive by enhancing
As the word spread, the premise or lease it out) as
the loan amount and
entire film fraternity came part of the deal.
increasing the interest
forward and now the
Centre to unveil home loan subsidy from 5 per cent to
industry itself is taking
scheme for transgenders 5.5 per cent on loans
care of the festival. We are
granted to construct
getting commitments The Union Ministry of
Housing and Urban houses or extend the
from many individuals
Poverty Alleviation existing ones.
and we have also opened
our website of the (HUPA) has proposed Insurance Bill may be cleared by
contributions from rolling out a loan year-end
ordinary fans, Mr. assistance scheme that
Union Finance Minister
Narayan said. will for the first time help
ArunJaitley has expressed
transgenders and
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 213
hope that Parliament will domestic consumer. benefit 28 lakh
pass the Insurance Bill for While households will pensioners.
raising the foreign direct still get only 12 cylinders The government has
investment (FDI) limit to in a year at subsidised raised the maximum sum
49 per cent by the end of rates. assured under the
this year, the first major The monthly cap has been Employees Deposit
economic reform lifted in view of Linked Insurance Scheme
proposed by the complaints from to Rs. 3 lakh.
N a re n d r a M o d i consumers regarding the This means in case an
Government. limited access to LPG EPFO subscriber dies, his
The UPA Government imposed by the earlier family will be entitled to
had originally proposed restriction. sum assured of Rs 3.6 lakh
raising the FDI cap back Now consumers can avail instead of existing Rs 1.56
in 2008 when it themselves of their quota lakh.
introduced the Insurance of 12 cylinders at any time
Laws (Amendment) Bill. Govt to Increase
of the year. Dearness Allowance to 107 p.c
However, opposition
from political parties, Smart cards to buy milk
The Government is likely
including the BJP, did not Angry customers to approve a hike in
allow the Bill to be taken haggling with milk-booth dearness allowance (DA)
up in the RajyaSabha. operators for change is a to 107 per cent from the
The Modi Government common sight. existing 100 per cent,
introduced a fresh Keeping this in mind and benefiting around 30 lakh
Insurance Laws to promote cashless Centres employees and
(Amendment) Bill in transactions, Delhi-NCRs its 50 lakh pensioners
Parliament earlier this largest milk supplier, including dependents.
month. It proposes a rider Mother Dairy, has teamed The average rate of retail
that management control up with the State Bank of inflation for industrial
rests in the hands of an India to make everyones workers from July 1, 2013
Indian promoter life easier with the help of to June 30, 2014 works out
alongside the eased FDI a smart card. to be 7.25 per cent. Thus
cap. the Central government
Higher minimum PF pension
After the introduction of from Sept. 1 will hike dearness
the Bill, the government allowance for it
moved 97 amendments The minimum monthly employees by 7 per cent,
because of which it could pension of Rs. 1,000 and a an official said.
not be passed. higher wage ceiling of Rs. He said the Finance
15,000 for social security Ministry will now put a
Monthly cap on LPG cylinders
schemes run by the Cabinet proposal for
Employees Provident approval of 7 per cent DA
The Union Cabinet lifted Fund Organisation will be hike from July 1 this year
the restriction of one LPG implemented from as the revised Consumer
cylinder per month to a September 1. It will Price Index-Industrial
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
214 Current Affairs
Workers data for June was demonstration at the among Forbes list of the
released by Labour KancheepuramCollectorate. worlds 100 most
Ministry on Saturday. The judge said the innovative companies
With increase in DA, the arrested could not be that investors think are
pensioners will also gain treated as hardened most likely to generate
as the benefit provided to criminals as they did not big, new growth ideas.
them as dearness relief possess any lethal The annual Worlds Most
will be hiked to 107 per weapon. Innovative Companies
cent of basic pay. The police or public or list, released, has been
The previous UPA public officials were not topped by California-
government had their enemies. They were based global cloud
increased DA to 100 per airing their grievance computing company
cent from 90 per cent with against the management Salesforce for the fourth
effect from January 1, of a company. year in a row.
2014, on February 28 on L&T to bid for bullet train The five Indian
the basis of agreed project companies on the list are
formula for revision of the consumer goods
allowance. Larsen & Toubro (L&T) is company Hindustan
gearing up to bid for the Unilever, which is ranked
Competition Commission of
governments ambitious 14th, followed by IT major
India puts Sun-Ranbaxy deal
bullet train project, its Tata Consultancy Services
under public scrutiny
Executive Chairman A. (57), construction services
The Competition M. Naik, said. firm Larsen & Toubro
Commission, which has He said that L&T had (58), pharma major Sun
put the multi-billion emerged as the lowest Pharma Industries (65)
dollar Sun-Ranbaxy deal price bidder for the and Bajaj Auto (96).
for public scrutiny, said SardarVallabhbhai Patels RBI panel to study tax
the major issue is whether Statue of Unity project in Structure on Financial
the combination would Gujarat though the Instruments
result in high market contract was yet to be
concentration of certain awarded. The Reserve Bank of
molecules. India, set up a working
The company is also
group to study various
Labour issues cant be solved expecting bigger
using police: HC issues relating to taxation
opportunities from
of financial instruments.
A labour problem cannot infrastructure projects,
including metro rail. The working group is
be solved using police expected to suggest
force, said Justice P. 5 Indian firms among Forbes a p p r o p r i a t e
Devadass of the Madras most innovative companies rationalisation measures
High Court, while to boost private financial
Five Indian companies,
releasing on conditional savings. It will review the
including Hindustan
bail 167 workers arrested current tax structure as
Unilever and Tata
on the Independence Day applicable to various
Consultancy Services, are
for staging a
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 215
financial instruments previous financial years made by the bank with
issued in theIndian mainly because of the the customer. No proof is
financial system. It will global slowdown coupled required to be submitted
also identify possible tax with domestic economic for such address for
arbitrage among sluggishness. correspondence/local
financial instruments In the current financial address
under the extant tax year ending March 2015, This decision will benefit
structure. Also, it will the Reserve Bank of India many sections of
suggest rationalisation of expects the economy to population especially
tax treatment across pick up and grow at over migrant workers and
financial instruments to 5.5 per cent. transferred employees.
promote financial savings
World Bank feels that NABARD cuts refinance rate
and for minimising
India could achieve a
distortions, taking into The National Bank for
growth rate of 5.5 per cent
account the Agriculture and Rural
this year as compared to
recommendations of Development (NABARD)
4.7 per cent last year.
earlier committees in this has reduced the rate of
regard and the draft RBI Simplifies KYC norms for interest by 20 basis points
Direct Taxes Code. Opening Bank Account on its long-term refinance
BalbirKaur, Adviser, Customers need to submit facility to banks to help
Department of Economic only one documentary promote farm sector
and Policy Research, proof of address either investments.
Reserve Bank of India, current or permanent Rates of refinance will
will be the convenor of the while opening a bank now be 9.5 per cent for
group. account or while five years and above and
It is expected to submit its undergoing periodic 9.7 per cent for three to
report within three updation. five years period.
months of its first In case the address Banks availing of more
meeting. mentioned as per proof of than Rs.500 crore in a
India Poised to Return to address undergoes a single drawl will further
High Growth Path: OECD and change, fresh proof of be incentivized by 10
World Bank address may be basis points.
submitted to the branch Also, financing for
India is poised to return to within six months.
a high growth path while efficient agricultural
In case the proof of technologies would get a
its BRIC (Brazil, Russia,
address furnished by the further incentive of 50
India, China) peers Brazil,
customer is not the local basis points.
China and Russia are
address or address where
expected to record below- Under-recoveries of oil PSUs to
the customer is currently halve in 2 years: Crisil
trend growth rates
residing, the bank may
according to OECD.
take a declaration of the Public sector oil
India has grown below 5 local address on which all companies are poised to
per cent in each of the two correspondence will be see structural
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
216 Current Affairs
improvements in their 14 have declined by 13 per science engineering from
profitability as under- cent y-o-y. MS University, Baroda.
recoveries are expected to Later, he went on to do his
Exports hit six-month high,
halve with ongoing price masters at Syracuse
register two-digit growth
revisions and softer crude University, following
prices. Led by smart which he pursued a PhD
performance of in computer science at the
A Crisil Research
engineering goods, prestigious Stanford
indicated that over the
petroleum products and University.
next two years there will
be an 8-10 per cent y-o-y readymade garments, Dr. Sikkas last job was at
decline in international export growth hit a six- the German business
petroleum product prices month high of 12.4 per technology major SAP,
as supply will outpace cent in May. where was the companys
demand, as a Exports rose to $28 billion Chief Technology Officer.
during the month from He is credited with the
consequence of weak
$24.91 billion in May 2013. success of SAP AGs very
demand in North
successful data analytics
America and Europe and Imports in May shrunk product SAP Hana.
higher output in Iran, Iraq 11.4 per cent to $39.23
and North America. billion, narrowing the Centre to review all FTAs and
trade deficit by 42.01 per SEZs
Also, with the ongoing
price revisions, there will cent to $11.23 billion. The Centre is in the
be gradual alignment of Import of gold slid process of reviewing all
domestic diesel prices sharply by 72 per cent to free trade agreements
with international prices. $2.19 billion from $7.7 (FTAs) and special
In 2013-14, with an billion in May, 2013. economic zones (SEZ) to
increase of 50 paise every Silver imports fell by 37 see if they have provided
month, retail diesel prices per cent to $0.41 billion. the benefits for which
have risen by Rs.6.90 per While at $24.76 billion, they were created.
litre. Around 10-12 non-oil imports in May According to commerce
million duplicate LPG were nearly 18 per cent ministry, there was a need
connections, which lower than in the same to understand why FTAs
account for 7-8 per cent of month last year. and SEZs could not
overall connections in the The new Sikka at Infosys provide the impetus to
country, have been economic growth to the
cancelled over the last 18 Vishal Sikka is the new extent that they were
months. CEO-designate of Infosys. expected to.
Due to these measures, in A native of Punjab and A complete review of the
spite of high crude oil born in Madhya Pradesh, SEZs will take place.
prices (about $108 per he spent all his schooling What are the difficulties?
barrel) and a sharp 11 per and early higher Why are they not vibrant?
cent depreciation of the education days in
Why are they not as
rupee against the dollar, Vadodara where he
buoyant as they should
under-recoveries in 2013- graduated in computer
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 217
Restrictions on foreign Key policy rates unchanged by day and 14-day term
exchange proprietary trades RBI repos of up to 0.75 per
cent of NDTL of the
A stronger rupee has Despite intense pressure
banking system.
paved the way for high- and widespread
street banks to have a anticipation, the Consequently, the reverse
greater play in the Raghuram Rajan-led repo rate under the LAF
currency market, with last Reserve Bank of India will remain unchanged at
years unnerving (RBI) has decided to keep 7.0 per cent, and the
choppiness suddenly the policy rate marginal standing facility
looking like a thing of the unchanged. (MSF) rate and the Bank
past. Rate at 9.0 per cent.
In doing so, it has
The Reserve Bank of India indicated that it is Core sector growth at 4.2 %
(RBI) recently told several prepared for a wait-and-
Helped by healthy
large lenders that they are watch approach.
growth in electricity,
free to carry out foreign Perhaps, it has chosen to fertilizers, cement and
exchange proprietary await the maiden budget coal, the output of eight
trades in which bank of the NarendraModi core industries increased
treasuries bet on the Government at the Centre 4.2 per cent in April, up
dollar-rupee movement. so as to get a sense of from 2.5 per cent in the
The move will deepen the direction of the new fiscal previous month.
currency market and offer managers.
The growth of the eight
finer foreign exchange The Reserve Bank of India core sector in April, 2013,
rates to customers, (RBI) has kept the policy was 3.7 per cent.
particularly large repo rate under the
corporates with regular Electricity production
liquidity adjustment
exports, imports and increased 11.2 per cent in
facility (LAF) unchanged
dollar borrowings. April this year from 3.5
at 8.0 per cent. It has also
per cent in the same
The RBI allows each bank decided to keep the cash
month last year.
a certain net open position reserve ratio (CRR) of
(NOP) limit for prop (or, scheduled banks Similarly, fertilizers,
proprietary) trades; the unchanged at 4.0 per cent cement and coal
limit varies from $20 of net demand and time registered higher growth
million to $100 million, liabilities (NDTL). during the month under
depending on a banks review.
However, it has reduced
size and level of treasury the statutory liquidity Fertilizers, cement and
activity. ratio (SLR) of scheduled coal recorded a growth
In 2013, when the rupee commercial banks by 50 11.1 per cent, 6.7 per cent
buckled under basis points from 23.0 per and 3.3 per cent,
speculators attack, the cent to 22.5 per cent. respectively, in April,
limits were whittled according to the data
The apex bank has also
down by banks to $5 released by Commerce
decided to continue to
million and even zero at and Industry Ministry .
provide liquidity under 7-
the RBIs instruction.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
218 Current Affairs
Coal, crude oil, natural circumvent political Urjit Patel committee.
gas, refinery products, opposition to opening up Fortunately, very few
fertilizers, steel, cement Indias $500 billion retail expect the government to
and electricity sectors had sector to global retail interfere, certainly not so
expanded 2.7 per cent in giants such as Wal-Mart soon after taking office.
2013-14. The eight Store. Moreover, there has been
industries have a a positive message from
RIL downgraded
combined weight of about the meeting RBI Governor
38 per cent in the Index of JP Morgan downgraded RaghuramRajan had with
Industrial Production. Reliance Industries Ltd to new Finance Minister
Steel production neutral from ArunJaitley on May26. In
increased 3.1 per cent overweight, saying this very first meeting
compared with 10.1 per share prices already with a senior government
cent in the same month reflect positive catalysts official, Mr. Jaitley has
last year. Crude oil, even as fundamentals listed out his priorities
natural gas and remain on a solid price stability, stimulate
petroleum refinery footing. growth and fiscal
product sectors Reliance Industries consolidation and said
contracted 0.1 per cent, 7.7 strategy of organic he is keenly aware of the
per cent and 2.2 per cent, growth in core businesses need to do a tough
respectively, in April. is very much positive and balancing act in
FDI restrictions on online there is a belief that the reconciling the several
retailers to be eased current share price policy oblectives.
already reflects the Indias inflation problems
India could allow global positive catalysts that
online retailers such as are structural in nature.
were identified in our The RBI cannot influence to sell their upgrade in 4Q CY13.
own products as early as supply-side factors,
next month, removing Balancing act of RBI which are responsible for
restrictions that have held food inflation. Supply
The Reserve Bank of
back competition in one of side pressures on prices
Indias credit policy
the worlds biggest, and will be felt when
review, will be the first
most price-sensitive, retail investment picks up
after the new government
markets. consequent on the new
has taken charge. It is also
governments initiatives.
The decision, which is the second bi-monthly
likely to be announced in policy for the current year Balance sheet problems of
or alongside the budget, is (2014-15). The RBI has public sector banks are
one of the first tangible switched to the system of another reason standing
signs of economic reform reviewing credit policy in the way of lower
by the business-friendly once in two months from interest rates. The
government of Prime the earlier once in 45 days combination of bad and
Minister NarendraModi. or so following the restructured loans means
recommendation little room for banks to
The move could allow the
recommendation of the lower interest rates.
government to
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Current Affairs 219
The policy document will per cent of GDP) in 2012- liberalisation of the
stress the obvious point 13. Indian economy.
that inflation is a problem The RBI said that net Associated Chambers of
for the government and inflows under the capital Commerce and Industry
the RBI. and financial account of India (Assocham)
Latest Current Account Deficit (excluding change in President RanaKapoor
foreign exchange congratulated Indias
Indias current account reserves) declined to governance and
deficit (CAD) for the $48.80 billion in 2013-14 dev e lop ment -driven
January-March period from $89 billion in captain PM
narrowed sharply to $1.2 corresponding period of NarendraModiji to lead
billion (0.2 per cent of 2012-13 owing to lower the nation into an era of
GDP) from $18.1 billion net FDI and portfolio exceptional and high
(3.6 per cent of GDP) in flows, net repayment of quality, sustainable 10 per
the same period last year, loans and trade credit and cent growth.
which was also lower advances.
than $4.2 billion (0.9 per NBFCs work
cent of GDP) in the New era in Industry?
Non-Banking Finance
October-December Corporate India has come Companies (NBFCs) are
quarter of 2013-14. out to express confidence working as per the rules
The lower CAD was in the new government and regulations of the
primarily on account of a under Prime Minister Reserve Bank of India
decline in the trade deficit NarendraModi with the (RBI) and their dealings
as decline in imports was hope that the business are transparent, according
sharper than that in scenario in India will see to Thomas George
export. better times soon. Muthoot, chairman,
As per preliminary data Corporate India, led by Association of Kerala
on Indias balance of the Ambanis, Mittals, Non-Banking Finance
payments (BoP), released Munjals, Adanis, Companies.
by the RBI, merchandise Hindujas and Ruias, was This was in the wake of
exports declined by 1.3 in full strength at Mr. the ongoing Operation
per cent to $ 83.7 billion Modis swearing in Kuberan.
for the fourth quarter of ceremony in New Delhi.
NBFCs played a very
2013-14, as against an Ajay Shriram, President, important role in the
increase of 5.9 per cent in Confederation of Indian financial inclusion
the fourth quarter of 2012- Industry (CII), said that programme of the
13. the Prime Ministers stress Government of India.
Contraction in the trade on growth and Customers could make
deficit, coupled with a rise development had use of the services of the
in net invisibles receipts, translated into an grievance redress forum
resulted in a reduction of unequivocal mandate for set up by the NBFCs. A
CAD to $32.40 billion (1.7 change, and industry fair practices code,
per cent of GDP) in 2013- would look forward to a prescribed by the RBI,
14 from $87.80 billion (4.7 new era of reform and was being followed. The
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
220 Current Affairs
code may be viewed on three years from the date The difference between an
the websites of the of maturity of deposit. economys external financial
companies. Thereafter, the depositor assets and liabilities is its net
RBI had given the shall be entitled to claim IIP. Such balance sheet is an
freedom to the boards of either the said Indian analysis of international
NBFCs to fix the rates, rupee proceeds and accounts that will help in
considering the cost of interest or the foreign understanding sustainability
funds and margin and currency equivalent of the and vulnerability of economys
risk premium. The Indian rupee proceeds of external sector.
business being market the original deposit. Important highlights of
driven, there was no The RBI further said in the International Investment
scope for charging high case of inoperative Position (IIP) are following
rates, especially as the foreign currency for the quarter-ended
NBFCs were functioning denominated deposit not September 2013:
in a very competitive in use for three years and Net claims of non-
space. having no fixed maturity residents on India (as reflected
NBFCs had certificates of period, the bank should by the net IIP) decreased by
registration obtained give three month notice to US$ 12.8 billion over the
from the RBI and the depositor and convert previous quarter to 296.2
registered NBFCs do not the deposit from the billion US dollars as at end-
accept blank cheques, foreign currency to Indian September 2013. This change in
stamp papers, signed rupee. the net position reflected a US$
white papers, and title Indias International Investment 10.6 billion decrease in the
deeds. RBI norms on Position released value of foreign-owned assets
Know Your Customer in India vis--vis a US$ 2.2
and corporate governance Reserve Bank of India has billion increase in the value of
were being strictly released the statistical Indian Residents financial
adhered to. The apex statement of the assets abroad (Table 1).
banks guidelines on International Investment Indian residents
transferring 20 per cent of Position (IIP) of the financial assets abroad stood
the net profit to the quarter ended in at 436.7 billion US dollars as at
reserve fund were being September 2013. The end-September 2013 recording
complied with. statement shows a marginal increase of US$ 2.2
following at a point in the billion over previous quarter
Foreign currency accounts and
time of the value and mainly due to increase of US$
RBI directive
composition: 6.8 billion in other investment
The Reserve Bank of India Financial assets of abroad including trade credit,
has directed banks to residents of an economy loans and currency and
convert credit balances in that are claims on non- deposits. Reserve assets,
any inoperative foreign residents and gold bullion decreased by US$ 5.3 billion to
currency (FC) held as reserve assets US$ 277.2 billion as at end-
denominated deposit into September 2013. Direct
Liabilities of residents of
Indian rupee if the former investment increased
an economy to non-
remains not in use for marginally by US$ 0.6 billion.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 221
Foreign-owned assets in investment liabilities, trade Though there was a net inflow
India have decreased by 10.6 credit decreased by 1.9 billion of US$ 6.6 billion during the
billion US dollars over the US dollars and loans increased period, equity liabilities in US
previous quarter to US$ 732.9 by 2.8 billion US dollars. dollars term decreased by 10.2
billion as at end-September Effects of Rupee billion US dollars, from 340.7
2013. The Direct investment in Depreciation: Variation in billion US dollars in June 2013
India has been reduced by 2.9 exchange rate of rupee vis-a-vis to 330.5 billion US dollars in
billion US dollars and portfolio other currencies influenced September 2013 due to the
investment in India has gone change in liabilities, when stock valuation effect resulting
down by 13.3 billion US valued in US dollars terms. from rupee depreciation.
dollars. Among other

Overall International Investment Position of India

(billion US dollar)
Period Sep12- Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13
(PR) (PR) (PR) (PR) (P)
Net IIP -286.1 -296.7 -317.6 -309.0 -296.2
A. Assets 442.6 443.9 447.8 434.5 436.7
1. Direct Investment 115.8 118.1 119.5 119.5 120.1
2. Portfolio Investment 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4
2.1 Equity Securities 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2
2.2 Debt Securities 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
3. Other Investment 30.4 28.7 34.8 31.2 38.0
3.1 Trade Credits 6.9 5.7 3.9 6.3 8.2
3.2 Loans 3.7 3.5 4.9 3.7 5.7
3.3 Currency & Deposits 7.8 6.9 13.1 8.0 10.8
3.4 Other Assets 12.0 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.3
4. Reserve Assets 294.8 295.6 292.1 282.5 277.2
B. Liabilities 728.7 740.6 765.3 743.5 732.9
1. Direct Investment 228.9 225.0 233.7 219.8 216.9
2. Portfolio Investment 180.9 185.8 192.2 182.5 169.2
2.1 Equity Securities 125.7 128.9 139.5 131.6 124.3
2.2 Debt securities 55.2 56.9 52.8 50.8 44.9
3. Other Investment 318.9 329.8 339.4 341.3 346.8
3.1 Trade Credits 76.9 84.6 89.0 91.4 89.5
3.2 Loans 164.4 165.4 166.8 166.2 169.0
3.3 Currency &
Deposits 67.2 67.8 71.0 71.3 75.2
3.4 Other Liabilities 10.3 12.0 12.6 12.3 13.1
Memo item: Assets to
Liability Ratio (%) 60.7 59.9 58.5 58.4 59.6
PR: Partially revised
P: ProvisionalThe sum of the constituent items may not add to the total due to rounding off.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
222 Current Affairs
Composition of External Financial Assets and Share of External Debt and
Liabilities: Reserve Assets continued to have the dominant share Non-Debt Liabilities of India
(63.5 percent) in Indias international financial assets in
Share of External Debt and Non-Debt Liabilities of India
September 2013, followed by direct investment abroad (27.5
percent). Direct Investment (29.6 percent), portfolio investment (percent)

(23.1 percent), loans (mainly ECBs) (23.1 percent), trade credit Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13
(12.2 percent) and currency and deposits (10.3 percent) were the (PR) (PR) (PR) (PR) (P)

major constituents of the countrys financial liabilities. Non-Debt

47.3 46.4 47.4 45.8 45.1
Composition of International Financial Assets and Liabilities of
India Debt
52.7 53.6 52.6 54.2 54.9

(percent) Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Period Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13

(PR) (PR) (PR) (PR) (P) CRISIL launched Financial
A. Assets Inclusix Index 2013
1. Direct Investment 26.2 26.6 26.7 27.5 27.5
2. Portfolio Investment 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Indian credit-rating
3. Other Investment 6.9 6.5 7.8 7.2 8.7 agency CRISIL launched a
4. Reserve Assets 66.6 66.6 65.2 65.0 63.5 Financial Inclusix Index 2013
Assets/Liabilities 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 on 2 January 2014. The index
B. Liabilities showed an improvement in
1. Direct Investment 31.4 30.4 30.5 29.6 29.6 the financial inclusion in India.
2. Portfolio Investment 24.8 25.1 25.1 24.5 23.1
The index showed an
3. Other Investment 43.8 44.5 44.4 45.9 47.3
improvement of 2.7 percent in
the year 2012.
External Debt Liabilities cleared imports of 3648372
The score was the highest
vis-a-vis External Non-Debt barrels-per-day (211716710
since 2009. The index was
Liabilities: The share of non- kilolitres). Recently, China had
based on the data provided by
debt liabilities decreased overtaken USA to become the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
marginally to 45.1 per cent as worlds largest importer of
The all-India CRISIL Inclusix
at end-September 2013 from crude oil.
score of 42.8 on a scale of 100,
45.8 percent at end-June 2013. Worlds Top Five Oil- reflects under-penetration of
India became third largest crude Importing Countries formal banking in the country.
oil importer in the World 1. China: China imports 6.30 The index measured the
million barrels per day financial inclusion in each of
India overtook Japan to
2. U.S.A: USA imports 6.24 the 638 districts of India.
become the third largest crude
oil importer in the World. As million barrels per day Highlights of the Index
per the data released by 3. India: India imports 3.86 are:
Reuters on 30 January 2014, million barrels per day Overall 79 million new
India imported 3.86 million 4. Japan: Japan imports 3.64 savings accounts were
barrels-per-day of crude oil in million barrels per day opened in 2012 which was
the year 2013. Indias crude oil 12.6 per cent more than in
5. Germany: Germany
imports were nearly 6 percent imports 2.67 million the year 2011.
higher than Japans customs- barrels per day
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 223
Agricultural credit significantly as small- potential of India and has been
accounts grew at 11.1 per borrower accounts given a time limit of 30 months
cent, the most since fiscal surged. to prepare basin wise portfolio
2009. Thus, the CRISIL in light of the oil and gas
The number of bank recommended: discoveries since 2001. It has
branches in the bottom been asked to estimate the
100 districts increased by To speed up inclusion, resource of all 3.14 million
6 per cent, faster than the financial services need to flow square kilometers of India.
all-India growth of 5.6 per beyond the south and the large Resource assessment will be
cent. cities, and Policy makers need carried out at Keshav Dev
to incentivise expansion of Malviya Institute of Petroleum
One in two Indians had a banking services in the districts Engineering (KDMIPE) of
savings account and one that have low CRISIL Inclusix ONGC in Dehradun. The work
in seven has access to scores through an increase in done by the institute will be
bank credit. branch network and reviewed periodically by the
The six largest cities in the partnerships with other National Steering Committee.
country have 10 per cent players. The panel will be headed by the
of the bank branches Oil Secretary and will include
About CRISIL Inclusix Index
whereas the bottom 50 the Director General of
districts have merely 2 per CRISIL Inclusix index is a Hydrocarbons, exploration
cent of the bank branches. comprehensive index to heads of ONGC and OIL and
The four key elements measure the progress of the head of the KDMIPE.
driving the CRISIL Inclusix financial inclusion in India
The International Energy
Index score up by 2.7 in fiscal across 638 districts. It is a
Agency (IEA) in 2013 estimated
2012 were: relative index measured on a
that Indias oil and gas resource
scale of 0 to 100. It combines
New deposit accounts in potential is of 206 billion
three critical parameters of
three regions north, barrels of oil and oil-equivalent
basic banking services
south and east. This gas. Last such exercise of 15
branch penetration, deposit
contributed 42% to the sedimentary basins was carried
penetration, and credit
rise in CRISIL Inclusix out about two decades back
penetration into one metric.
Index. and its full revision is overdue
The north, by adding 2.4 MOT formed to reassess because of the vast amount of
million new credit Hydrocarbon Resources of India data collected during the
accounts, contributed exercise. The oil ministry
Veerappa Moily, the
11% to the indexs statement has said that the
Petroleum and Natural Gas
increase. MOT will comprise exploration
Minister on 20 January 2014
heads of ONGC (Oil and
Almost 30% of the 5125 announced to set-up a Multi
Natural Gas Corporation) and
new branches were added Organisation Team (MOT) to
Oil India limited. It will also
in the south, which carry out re-assessment work
have an official from the
contributed 9% to the of hydrocarbon resources in 26
Directorate General of
increase. sedimentary basins. The re-
Hydrocarbons (DGH). The re-
Credit penetration in the
assessment will be done to
assessment and revisit of the
top 50 districts jumped highlight the oil and gas
Hydrocarbon Resource of India
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
224 Current Affairs
is required following the stacked multiple schedule for each Basin,
quantum jump in the petroleum systems, so as to complete the total
availability of geo-scientific resource estimation is to exercise including report
data that was generated under be attempted separately writing within a time
the New Exploration Licensing for each petroleum frame of 30 months.
Policy (NELP). system/source rock. Multi Organization
New Exploration Licensing Preparation of detailed Team (MOT): To ensure data
Policy (NELP) maps with exact confidentially and quality
delineation of basin/sub- output in the desired time
The New Exploration basin boundaries & frame, a Multi Organization
Licensing Policy (NELP) was basin/sub-basin areas Team (MOT) that will comprise
launched by the Government based on the latest of
to accelerate the pace of available Geo-scientific Director (Expl) ONGC:
hydrocarbon exploration in the data of all types.
country. So far two rounds of Chairman
Review the present Director (Expl & Dev)
NELP have been announced.
parameters used for OIL: Co-Chairman
Terms of Reference categorization of basins
Resource estimation Head, KDMIPE ONGC,
and suggest changes, if
exercise will be carried Dehradun: Member
needed, for re-
out for all the 26 categorization of basins. Head, R&D OIL, Duliajan,
sedimentary basins of Assam: Member
India. The total GM (G&G) DGH, Noida:
sedimentary basin area is The work of hydrocarbon Member
3.14 million Sq. kms. resource assessment will The process of
Preparation of be carried out under the Hydrocarbon resource
sedimentary basin and leadership of KDMIPE, estimation of different basins
sub-basin wise portfolio Dehradun. Multiple being sequential, there will be
of available technical data work executions teams quarterly review meetings by
and indicating the future will be established for the MOT for assessing the
data requirement/ purpose, as required. progress. Comprehensive
generation in unexplored KDMIPE my engage documentation in the form of
sedimentary basins/sub- expert bodies and various reports and maps will
basins for their consultants as required be generated. The detailed
Hydrocarbon resource for the arrangement as per modality of generation of
assessment. standard ONGC documents and maps will be
Within the basins, procedure. decided by the Head, KDMIPE,
comprising sub-basins Since the Resource Dehradun and Head (G&G),
and/or sectors, the assessment of all the DGH, Noida. The MOT may
hydrocarbon resource basins cannot be done meet at more frequent
figures are to be worked simultaneously, the work intervals, if required.
out for smallest possible execution teams will Geo-scientific data for
units within a basin. prioritize and draw the study: KDMIPE will utilize
For basins with vertically timelines for completion the geo-scientific data available
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 225
with them and DGH for spending or exchanging them. will be applicable on D1 and
propose of resource As of March 2012, as many as 5 D3 gas discoveries of the block
assessment. DGH will be lakh fake bank notes had been depending upon the
responsible for providing all detected in the banking system, submission of bank guarantees,
the resource assessment related a 31% jump from the year which will be notified
data of NELP and pre-NELP before. In its annual report, RBI separately. The same rates also
blocks, operated by various asked banks to ensure that the will be uniformly applicable to
E&P companies. Data notes they receive over the all the fields of India except the
confidentially will be counter are sent back into fields where the prices has been
maintained by KDMIPE. circulation only after they fixed following the contract
Currency notes issued before being properly authenticated. and also in the marginal small
2005 to be withdrawn Globally, it is a practice across fields, which requires special
central banks to phase out dispensation.
The Reserve Bank of India banknotes at regular intervals. The formula was
(RBI) has decided to withdraw announced during the
Government notified new
all currency notes issued prior Petrotech Conference, where
natural Gas Pricing Formula
to 2005 from circulation on 21 the government interacts with
January 2014. From 1 April The Government of India the industry leaders and
2014, Banks will provide on 10 January 2014 notified the markets the next round of the
exchange facility to the general new natural gas pricing New Exploration Licensing
public for exchanging the pre- formulae, which will be in Policy for the potential
2005 issued bank notes. The effect from 1 April 2014. As per investors. Might be possible
notes issued before 2005 do not the newly issued notification, that the development of the
have the year of printing on the the rate of all domestically formula will help in
reverse side. However, bank produced fuel will be almost development of the new fields,
notes issued before 2005 would doubled to 8.2 to 8.4 dollar per which were missed out by the
continue to be legal tender. unit. The notification of the companies that doesnt know
That is banks are required to Petroleum and Natural Gas about the revenue can be
exchange the notes for their Ministry said that the prices of generated from the gas fields.
customers as well as for non- the gas will be the average The notification of the formula
customers. From 1 July 2014, price of liquid gas imports into for price hiking was awaited by
those wanting to exchange India and benchmark global the gas and oil industry since
more than 10 pieces of 500 and gas rates. This formula will be 27 June 2013, the date when the
1000 rupee notes in a bank in applicable for the next five new pricing system got the first
where they do not have an years from the date of its being nod of the Cabinet following
account will have to provide into effect. The rates will be the recommendations of the
proof of residence and identity. changed every quarter on the Rangrajan Committee. The
The move by the RBI is to basis of the 12 month average notification on the formula was
capture the money flows into of global rates and LNG import delayed because of the legal
the system and also to help price. This formula will be fight between the Union Oil
flush out counterfeit notes. This applied to all gas produced by Ministry and Reliance
would leave currency hoarders both the public sector firms like Industries after the concerns
with no option but to liquidate ONGC and the private was raised by the Union
their unaccounted holdings by companies. These guidelines Finance Ministry. Reliance has
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
226 Current Affairs
been penalized for the fall in kept at three years and for all France in the enforcement
output. Higher prices against other sectors it will be at least a category.
bank guarantees that could be year. For a listed company the China IIP environment
encashed in the case that the non-resident investor can exit continued to see
output of gas from D1 and D3 at the market price prevailing challenges (trade secret
fields of KG-D6 block was at the stock exchanges. In case protection and
hoarded by the company, of unlisted company an enforcement) and it
which was approved by The investor can exit from equity shows improvements in
Cabinet in December 2014. shares at a price not exceeding certain aspects of its
Effects of the formula on the price arrived at on the basis patent regime.
prices of other materials: This of return on equity.
Canadas treatment of
formula will lead to raise the India ranked lowest in pharmaceutical patents,
subsidy on fertilize and will International Intellectual copyright laws, and
enormously raise the costs of Property Index unwillingness to ratify
the power plants fired with gas. international IP treaties
The fertilizer and power firms US Chamber of
Commerce released the resulted in significantly
lobbying exercise failed to be in lower scores than other
effect with the raise of the International Intellectual
Property (IP) Index on 28 upper-income economies.
domestic gas prices.
January 2014. In the IP Index, International IP Index is
Foreign Direct Investment rules India has scored a low seven prepared by the Global
relaxed by RBI point out of maximum 30 Intellectual Property Center
The Reserve Bank of India points. India continues to have (GIPC) of the US Chamber of
relaxed the rules of Foreign the weakest IP environment of Commerce which maps the IP
Direct Investment on 9 January all countries included in the environment of 25 countries
2014. The decision is aimed at GIPC Index for the second from around the world
providing exit option to the consecutive year. utilising 30 factors, which are
foreign investors. The investors The continued use of indicative of an IP
can exit their investments by compulsory licenses, patent environments that fosters
selling their holding of equity revocations, and weak growth and development.
or debt. The relaxation was legislative and enforcement Comment
expected to facilitate higher mechanisms raise serious
In 2010, the then-
foreign direct investment (FDI) concerns about Indias
President of India declared the
inflows into India. India saw a commitment to promote
next 10 years to be Indias
drop of 15 percent in FDI innovation and protect
Decade of Innovation.
inflows from April 2013 to creators.
Promoting innovation means
October 2013. The exit option Other highlights of the IP protecting domestic innovators
given to the foreign investors Index and creators, attracting world-
is subject to the condition that
The United States class research and
any FDI will have a minimum
received the highest (28.5 development, and creating and
lock-in period without any
percent) overall score, but sustaining high-quality future
assured return. The lock-in
came in third after the jobs through a robust
period for defence and
United Kingdom and intellectual property (IP)
construction sector has been
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 227
system. However, recent competitiveness, domestic the manufacturing industry
policy, regulatory, and legal value addition, technological cluster. It also says that
decisions have deteriorated IP depth and environmental clusters as per the guidelines
rights in the country, making sustainability of growth. Under will be a concentration of
India an outlier in the NIMZ there would be a manufacturing industry units
international community. provision for the creation of located within a clearly
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). demarcated geographical area
China to be become a partner in
notified by the state
the proposed NIMZ in Andhra Natural Manufacturing Policy
government. To manage each
Pradesh benefits extended to Industry
cluster, the state government
China decided to be one has to constitute a Special
of the partners in the proposed The Union Government Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that
National Investment and on 18 January 2014 extended will be headed by a
Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ) the benefits of the Natural government official.
in Andhra Pradesh on 6 Manufacturing Policy (NMP) Other important points of
January 2014. Chittor, Medak throughout the country. These the guidelines issued are:
and Prakasam district of extended benefits would be
applicable whenever industry The policy also aims to
Andhra Pradesh will be the
will organize itself into create 100 million
centre of the NIMZ. China
clusters and adopt a self additional jobs over the
would provide both technical
regulatory model. This next decade
and investment support . Each
NIMZ was expected to attract extension has been done to The zones that has been
an investment of 30000 crore boost the manufacturing accorded with benefits
rupees. The project under sector. The issued guidelines like exemption from
NIMZ will be supported by of the Department of capital gains tax,
both Central and state Industrial Policy and simplified procedures
government. Promotion (DIPP) mentions and easier exit norms.
that all the incentive provided Technology acquisition
About NIMZ to National Investment and and development fund
National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZs) and greater access to
Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ) will be available to all such
institutional finance will
was proposed by Ministry of clusters. Apart from the
be accessed to the SME
Commerce and Industry in NIMZ, the policy benefits are
units in the clusters
2010 in order to increase the also applicable to
manufacturing industry across There exists a provision
overall share of manufacturing for suitable
in Gross Domestic Product India, whenever the industry
is able to organise itself into representation of the
(GDP) of India. The objective industrial units on the
clusters and adopts a model of
is to increase the share of Board of the SPV, which
self-regulation as enunciated
manufacturing to 25 percent by will be responsible to
in the policy. The guidelines
2022 in the GDP of India. To facilitate the clearances
have also mentioned that all
increase the rate of job creation that are required to set up
such benefits or dispensations
so as to create 100 million in the cluster and/or for
except NIMZ specific benefits
additional jobs by 2022, to running the units. Filling
or dispensation as available to
enhance global of the periodic returns
the policy is also available for
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
228 Current Affairs
will be facilitated by SPY industrial townships. Shifting to an open
to the Units III the cluster Comment: These benefits acreage regime, where
by designing an might help India in recovering companies can pick
appropriate single the industrial production exploration areas through
window mechanism which contracted by 2.1 the year rather than wait
Incentives under NMP for percent in November 2013. for periodic auctions that
the manufacturing This contraction was the lowest offer areas identified by
equipment and in past six months and all this the government.
technologies used to happened due to the poor The panel has called for
produce energy from sun, performance of the setting up a National Data
geothermal, wind, clean manufacturing sector. Repository (NDR) that
coal technology and will preserve and
Kelkar panel submitted report
carbon sinks management promote the countrys
will also be accessed by The Kelkar Committee natural resources data.
the units in a cluster. submitted the first part of its The second part of the
Incentives provided to the report on 8 January 2014. The report would cover pricing and
clusters will consist if the 5 committee recommended taxation issues and is likely to
percent interest reimbursement continuing with the present be submitted in February 2014.
of the nominal interest charged production-sharing regime in Under the present regime, oil
by lending agency and 10 contracts for blocks and allows companies can recover all costs
percent capital as subsidy. In companies to recover of successful and unsuccessful
case the private sector units in exploration and production wells from sales of oil and gas
the cluster will undertake a costs. A Committee was set up before sharing profit with the
PPP project for skill under Vijay Kelkar on 13 May government. The suggestions
development in coordination 2013 to suggest ways of raising in the first part of the Kelkar
with the National Skill domestic oil and gas output. Committee report are contrary
Development Corporation The panel was entrusted with to the royalty-sharing regime
(NSDC) the government will the task of drafting a plan to suggested by C. Rangarajan
provide a weighted standard reduce Indias dependence on Committee, which has been
deduction of 150 percent of the overseas energy by 2030 and accepted by the government.
expenditure, which will not submit a report within six Under royalty -sharing regime
include the land and building. months. companies are required to state
This will be done only to Suggestions of upfront the quantum of oil or
encourage the private sector committee: gas they would share with the
participation in the skill It suggested government from the first day
development. The Natural a d m i n i s t e r i n g of production.
Manufacturing Policy 2011 was Produ ction-Sharing Rangarajan Committee
done with an aim to raise the Contracts (PSC) without had suggested for royalty
share of manufacturing to 25 any changes and sharing regime without cost
percent of GDP by 2022 from strengthening the recovery to check gold plating
its present 16 percent. The Directorate-General of of investments by companies.
union government proposed to Hydrocarbons (DGH) for Royalty sharing regime is
set up a mega integrated better administration. prevalent in developed
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 229
countries. However, Kelkar CCIL is recognised by the recognised the importance of
Committee has opined that Regulatory Oversight the LEI as a key component of
royalty sharing regime is not Committee of the global LEI necessary improvements in
workable in Indian conditions system and the unique identity financial data systems. The G20
wherein the exploration of oil codes issued by it will be Summit 2011held at Cannes
& gas blocks are still under- accepted globally. endorsed FSB for the
developed. Once the infrastructure is development and maintenance
Thus, the Kelkar panel set up, the LEI numbers will be of a global LEI system. FSB also
favoured the revenue sharing mandatory for Over-the- lead the co-ordination of
model for shallow and on-land Counter (OTC) derivative international regulatory work.
blocks that are less cost- transactions. The FSB comprises of a Regulatory
intensive than deep sea implementation of the global Oversight Committee (ROC),
exploration. The Comptroller LEI system is led by the Central Operating Unit (COU)
and Auditor General (CAG) Financial Stability Board and Local Operating Units
had criticised the PSC regime (FSB).The functioning of CCIL (LOUs).
on grounds that it encouraged as LEI will be under the A Regulatory Oversight
companies to increase capital regulation and oversight of the Committee has the
expenditure and delay the Reserve Bank of India. ultimate responsibility for
governments share. the governance of the
About Clearing Corporation of
India Ltd (CCIL) GLEIS.
RBI selected CCIL as Legal
Entity Identifier A Central Operating Unit
The Clearing Corporation (COU) is the pivotal
The Reserve Bank of India of India Ltd (CCIL) was set up operational arm of the
(RBI) selected the Clearing in 2001 for providing exclusive GLEIS and
Corporation of India Ltd clearing and settlement for
Local Operating Units
(CCIL) for issuing globally transactions in Money and
compatible legal entity Foreign Exchange. In 2013 the (LOUs) will provide the
identifiers (LEIs) on 6 January Reserve Bank designated CCIL primary interface for
2014.CCIL will act as a local as a critical Financial Market entities to register for the
operating unit for issuing Infrastructure (FMI) for LEI system.
globally compatible legal entity oversight. Recently CCIL was India Inclusive Innovation Fund
identifiers (LEIs )in India. granted the status of a launched
Legal Entity Identifiers Qualified Central
India Inclusive
(LEI) are a 20-character unique Counterparty (QCCP).
Innovation Fund (IIIF) was
identity code assigned to Background launched by the National
entities which are parties to a Innovation Council (NIC) and
financial transaction. Clearing The global financial crisis
underscored the lack of a the Union Ministry of Micro,
Corporation of India Ltd Small and Medium Enterprises
(CCIL) will issue unique common, accurate and
sufficiently comprehensive (MSME) on 27 January 2014.
identifier codes to the eligible IIIF seeks to combine
legal entities participating in identification system for
parties undertaking financial innovation and the dynamism
financial markets across the of enterprise to solve the
globe on a non-profit cost transactions across the globe.
International regulators problems of citizens at the base
recovery basis.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
230 Current Affairs
of the economic pyramid in The initial corpus of fund November 2013. HSBC in
India. is 500 crore rupees with collaboration with Markit
the Union Ministry of Economic Limited provides
Main characteristics of the IIIF
MSME committing 20 emerging market data through
IIIF will help create a new percent and rest would be Purchasing Managers Index
class of capital or venture given by banks, insurance (PMI). HSBC Services
capital to set up and scale companies, overseas Purchasing Managers Index
entrepreneurial skills and financial and (PMI) fell to 46.7 in December
innovation in the firms development institutions. 2013 from 47.2 in November
delivering goods and The Funds eventual aim 2013.
service to the poorest of is to expand the corpus to The Services PMI in
the country. 5000 crore rupees in next December 2013 has been the
The Fund will invest in two years. lowest in the Quarter 3 of 2013
innovative ventures that The Government will set and also it stayed below the 50
are scalable, sustainable up Asset Management mark dividing the line
and therefore profitable. Company (AMC) to take the between growth and
It will address social responsibility of day to day contraction for the past six
needs of less privileged operations of the fund. The consecutive months. The new
citizens in areas such as AMC will build a mentoring orders index fell from 48.2 in
healthcare, food, network, incubation and November 2013 to 47.3 in
nutrition, agriculture, provide training and skills December 2013 and it has
education, skill development programmes to remained below 50 mark for
development, energy, entrepreneurs and IIIF assisted past six months. The
financial inclusion, water, companies. A Governing Employment sub-index rose in
and sanitation and Council comprising December 2013 to its highest
employment generation. government nominees as well since July 2013 indicating
as eminent persons from the pickup in the labour market.
It will also partner the
fields of public service, Inflation with high interest
entire ecosystem in this
industry, finance and rates, government policy
space, including
entrepreneurship will provide paralysis and fragile global
incubators, angel groups,
oversight and ensure the demand slowed the economic
and also public R&D
purpose of the fund is growth in India.
programmes and
laboratories to support Sale of 10% stake in IOC to
the commercialisation HSBC released Services ONGC and OIL approved
and deployment of Purchasing Managers Index
Empowered Group of
socially relevant (PMI)
Ministers (EGoM) headed by
innovative technologies
HSBC Services Union Minister of Finance P
and solutions.
Purchasing Managers Index Chidambram approved on 16
The Fund will be (PMI) was released on 6 January 2014, the sale of 10
registered under SEBIs December 2014. The Index percent government stake in
Alternative Investment showed that Indian services Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) to
Fund Category I sector shrank at a faster pace in Oil and Natural Gas
guidelines. December 2013 than in Corporation (ONGC) and Oil
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Current Affairs 231
India Limited (OIL). ONGC forecast for financial year 2013- industries in the region.
and OIL will buy a part of the 14. The projected growth is Guidelines on New Land Policy
governments stake in Indian achievable provided some key for Major Ports of the Country
Oil Corp for a total of 4700 crore conditions are fulfilled. Released
rupees to 5000 crore rupees. It The key conditions
will help the government meet include among others normal The Union Shipping
part of its disinvestment target monsoons, continuation of the Ministry on 16 January 2014
of 40000 crore rupees set for the recent reform process and unveiled new policy guidelines
financial year 2013-14. The widely anticipated global for major ports. The policy
government opted to sell the recovery. CRISIL is hopeful guidelines have been released
10% stake in IOC through block because of some of the major with an aim to help them
deal on stock exchange. The factors i.e., the partial leverage their land resources
Securities and Exchange Board declogging of the policy logjam for commercial advantage. The
of India (SEBI) rule for block witnessed for the bulk of the policies will help in carrying
deal says that the rate should past couple of years. This, out leasing and licensing of
be one per cent higher or lower port land in a transparent
together with the improved
than previous days closing manner as this provides
global economic prospects, is
price. At present, Union expected to improve Indias necessary framework for land
Government of India allotment by major ports. The
GDP prospects the next fiscal.
holds78.92 percent stake in IOC Union Shipping Ministry has
The improved private also cleared 20 port projects
whereas ONGC already holds
consumption demand is involving an investment of
8.77 per cent stake in IOC. The
another factor which is 6000 crore rupees, envisaging
10% disinvestment in IOC was
expected to trigger a mild 102 million tonnes in capacity
approved by the Cabinet last
revival in industrial growth in the first nine months of the
year. However, the decision
which CRISIL expects to be at fiscal. The guidelines have also
was deferred due to opposition
6 percent for FY15. The sectors reduced the discretion powers
from the Union Ministry of Oil
expected to gain from the and has prescribed tender-
and Natural Gas and IOC
improved demand are cum-auction as the most
Chairman RS Butola. They had
consumer durables, preferred method of allotment.
cautioned the government
automobiles and textiles. The
against launching a public offer The new policy guidelines says
mining sector is forecast to
in light of the weak market and
expand for the first time in Land can be allotted only
falling shares of IOC.
three years. The recent through licensing in
CRISIL forecast on Indian momentum on resolving custom bond areas by
economy mining issues will continue inviting competitive
Ratings and Research into 2014-15 and will help bidding, while land
firm CRISIL released its Indian address supply-side outside custom bond
Economic Forecast for 2014-15 constraints for industries, areas can be leased
on 21 January 2014. The CRISIL particularly in the steel and through tender-cum-
projected that Indian economy power sectors. The integration auction
will grow at 6 percent in 2014- of south India into the national
There is also a provision
15, which is significantly higher power grid will help improve
to license land outside
than the 4.8 percent CRISIL has power availability for
custom bond areas, but it
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
232 Current Affairs
should be only for port which in return has given less RBI has simplified the
related activities. returns of the use of lands. The norms following the references
The Boards of respective new policy might link the value of some companies of India for
ports can approve leasing of land with the prevailing issuing a non-convertible or
of land for a period up to market rates. redeemable bonus preference
30 years. For leasing of Indian companies allowed by shares or debentures to non-
land beyond 30 years and RBI to issue non-convertible resident shareholders from
up to 99 years, approval debentures their general reserve under a
of the Government has to scheme. This has been
be obtained through the The Reserve Bank of India permitted with an arrangement
mechanism of on 6 January 2014 allowed the by a court following the
Empowered Committee. Indian companies to issue non- provisions of the Companies
convertible or redeemable Act. Apart from this RBI in
The guidelines has also preference shares or another notification said that
made it mandatory to draw debentures to non-resident the Maintenance, Repairs and
land use plan by covering all shareholders as bonus. This Overhaul (MRO) will be
land owned and managed by facility will also encompass the treated as the part of the airport
all the 12 major ports of the depositories that act as the infrastructure, which will
country. trustees for the American facilitate external commercial
The issued guidelines are Depository Receipt/Global borrowings for the sector.
applicable on all the ports Depository Receipt ADR/
except for land related to Guidelines on National Mission
GDR holders.
on Oil seeds and Oil Palm
township areas of the Mumbai, The decision has been
Kandla and Kolkata. The new taken by RBI in order to Union Agriculture
policy guidelines for land rationalize and to simplify the Ministry on 31 January 2014
management are part of the procedures that the company issued detailed guidelines and
process of port reforms and will issue shares or debentures strategy for implementation of
liberalization. The central by way of distribution as bonus National Mission on Oilseeds
owned ports operate in a from its general reserves. and Oil Palm. The issued
comparatively regulated scheme is aimed at
environment, while the non- As per the notification,
enhancement of production of
major ports that comprise state has made the preference
traditional and tree-borne
ports and private ports enjoy shares, which excludes non-
oilseeds. The scheme also seeks
substantive flexibility. By convertible/redeemable
to bring-in large area under the
issuing these guidelines the preference shares and
oil palm cultivation. Under the
government is trying to create convertible debentures, (except
12th five-year plan, the
a level playing field for major optionally convertible or
government has sanctioned
and non-major ports. partially convertible
3507 crore rupees for the
debentures) a subject of
About 2.64 lakh acres of Mission.
Foreign Direct Investment
land is being used by the major Scheme. Earlier, RBI was Implementation of the
ports of the country, which can granting permission for such strategy includes
be considered as the major issuances on a case-to-case Increasing Seed
resource. The land has not been basis. Replacement Ratio
utilised to an optimum level
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 233
Irrigation coverage under given. The decision was taken IMF forecast of India Economic
oilseeds from 26 to 36 following the recommendation Growth
percent of the KUB Rao Working
International Monetary
Diversify of area from low group, which said that the loan-
Fund (IMF) released its World
yielding cereal crops to to-value (LTV) may be
Economic Outlook report on 21
oilseed crops and inter- increased to 75 percent from 60
January 2014. The IMF
cropping of oilseeds with percent. The working group
projected the Indian economys
cereals, sugarcane and has also recommended the
growth at 4.5 percent for 2013-
pulses standardization methodology
14 which is much less than
to determine the value of gold.
Use of fallow land after ASEAN countries such as
paddy and potato RBI included Hong Kong and Indonesia, and Philippines.
cultivation Macau in the sensitive list IMF in its earlier report in
Active involvement of all October 2013 had projected
The Reserve Bank of India
the stakeholders would be that Indian economy would
(RBI) included Hong Kong and
implemented under the grow by 3.8 percent in 2013-14.
Macau in the sensitive list of
scheme of which 75 percent The lower growth rate of 3.8
countries along with Pakistan
cost will be borne by centre and percent was caused due to
and China on 15 January 2014.
25 percent by the states. The global slowdown and domestic
Macau and Hong Kong are two
fund flow will be monitored factors like interest rates.
Special Administrative
strictly to ensure benefits of the However, with India receiving
Regions controlled by China.
Mission reaches to the targeted a favourable monsoon and
This means that establishments
beneficiaries at a proper time. higher export revenues since
from Hong Kong and Macau
October 2013, the growth in the
RBI relaxed Gold loan norms will require prior approval of
second largest economy of Asia
RBI for setting up business or
The Reserve Bank of India picked up. The growth is
related activities in India. The
on 8 January 2014 allowed the expected to firm further on
activities include establishment
Non-Banking Financial strong structural polices
of liaison, branch, project
Companies (NBFCs) to lend up supporting investment. The
offices or any other place of
to 75 percent of the value of economic growth rate can
business. To this effect,
gold. With this order of the expand up to 5.4 percent and
Regulation 4 of Foreign
central bank, the people 6.4 percent in next two fiscals.
Exchange Management
seeking loan against gold can The ASEAN countries
(Establishment in India of
now borrow more. Earlier, the Indonesia, Malaysia,
Branch or Office or Other place
limitation of loan on gold was Philippines, Thailand and
of Business) Regulations, 2000
60 percent. The order has been Vietnam had grown by 5.7
has been amended to
passed in a view of the percent in 2012. The Economic
substitute words, Iran and
moderation in the growth of growth in Indonesia and the
China, with words Iran, China,
the gold loan portfolios of Philippines are due to strong
Hong Kong and Macau.
NBFCs in recent past. The fundamentals such as strong
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri
value of loan will be the consumption and investment,
Lanka, Afghanistan, Iran and
intrinsic value of the gold diversified exports and low
China are already included in
content and no other cost like policy rates.
the sensitive list.
making charges will be
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
234 Current Affairs
India signed a Credit Agreement Competition Commission as dividend distribution tax
with World Bank for RRSMP of India (CCI) on 30 January from CIL. As a result, the total
2014 ordered a fresh probe into dividend that will be paid by
India on 2 January 2014
the state-run miner Coal India the CIL to the government
has signed a credit agreement
and its subsidiary for alleged amounts to 19598.76 crore
of 160 million dollar with
abuse of dominant market rupees. The payout of dividend
World Bank for Rajasthan Road
position in fuel supplies. The by the CIL will help the Union
Sector Modernisation Project
ordered probe will also look Government in achieving its
(RRSMP). On behalf of the
into the role of the executives disinvestment target of 40000
Government of India, the
who were in-charge of business crore rupee for the financial
agreement was signed by
for violations of competition year 2013-14. This in turn will
Nilaya Mitash, the Joint
norms if any found. Earlier, the help restrict the fiscal deficit
Secretary, Department of
Competition Commission of within the targeted 4.8 percent
Economic Affairs Ministry of
India slapped a penalty of 1773 for the year 2013-14. In 2012-13,
Finance and on behalf of World
crore rupees on Coal India for CIL paid a total dividend of
Bank it was signed by Manoj
unfair business ways in 8842.91 crore rupee to the
Jain, the action Director, New
December 2013. This penalty Union Government at 14
Delhi. Similarly on behalf of
charge has been challenged by rupees per share
Government of Rajasthan, the
the company and at present it Sale of Governments residual
project agreement was signed
is lying with the appellate stake of HZL approved
by JC Mohanty, the Principal
Secretary of Public Works
Cabinet Committee on
Department. The project aims CIL declared dividend of 290
Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 20
to improve the rural percent for 2013-14
January 2014 approved the sale
connectivity and enhance road
Coal India Ltd (CIL) of the Governments residual
safety by strengthening road
board declared a dividend of stakes of the Vedanta group
sector management capacity of
290 percent to its shareholders controlled Hindustan Zinc
for the financial year 2013-14 on (HZL). The approval has
Components of the project 14 January 2014. The declared allowed the sale of the stakes
are: dividend of 290 percent worth 16500 crore rupees of
Rural Connectivity effectively translates into a HZL. At present, the
Improvement payout of 18317 crore rupees at government holds 29.5 percent
Road Sector 29 rupees per share.This will be stakes of the company. The
Modernization and the highest dividend ever CCEA was headed by
P e r f o r m a n c e declared by CIL, a Maharatna Manmohan Singh, the Prime
Enhancement company. CIL will pay the Minister of India. This
dividend from 25 January 2014 approval came following the
Road Safety Management
onwards to its shareholders. consent of the Attorney-
The closing date of the The Union Government of General of India on the
project has been decided India will get 16485.71 crore proposal. The Attorney-
December 2013. rupee since it holds 90 percent General gave his consent for
CCI ordered fresh probe into of the companys share. The the sale of the stakes as HZL is
Coal India and subsidiary for government will also get an no more a public sector
violations additional 3113.05 crore rupees company. Whereas, his
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 235
previous view was to get an million by June 2014, if it finds them feasible for
approval of the Parliament as accounting for about 76 investment. OVL, the overseas
the company was created by an per cent of the Internet arm of Oil and Natural Gas
Act. Earlier in 2002, the user base in the country. Corp, has been present in
government sold a majority of The growth of Internet Sudan since 2003. In 2003, it
stakes of Indias largest zinc users has also led to a acquired 25 percent stake in the
maker to Anil Agarwal-led substantial growth of Block 1, 2 and 4 of the Greater
Vedanta Resources. other digital industries Nile Project (GNOP) and
India to have 243 million such as e-commerce and Sudan Crude Transport
Internet users by June 2014 digital advertising. System. Greater Nile Oil Project
(GNOP) is spread over an area
The internet user base in Digital commerce market
of 49500 square kilometres in
India was projected to touch stood at 8146 crore rupees
the Muglad Basin, located
243 million by June 2014. This in December 2007 and it
about 700 km southwest of the
was according to the data grew to 47349 crore
capital city of Khartoum. It also
released by the Internet And rupees by the end of 2012.
owns a 1504 km crude oil
Mobile Association of India At the end of December
pipeline from the oilfield in
(IAMAI) on 29 January 2014. 2013, digital commerce in
Heglig to Port Sudan at Red
With more and more people India grew to 62967 crore
Sea. Union Minister of Oil and
accessing the Web through rupees.
Natural Gas, Veerapa Moily
mobile phones, the IAMAI Digital Advertising is welcoming the offer from
projected a growth of 28 projected to touch 2938 Sudan also held talks with his
percent in internet user base core rupees by the end of Azerbaijan counterpart Natig
from June 2013 to June 2014. March 2014 witnessing a Aliyev on the sidelines of
The Internet user base in the steady growth. Petrotech 2014.
country stood at 190 million at 2 oil and gas blocks Offered to The Azerbaijan minister
the end of June 2013. ONGC by Sudan at Petrotech welcomed Indian participation
The other highlights of 2014 in both upstream and
IAMAI data downstream projects. OVL in
Oil-rich Sudan offered
The internet user base in 2013 bought a stake in the
two oil and gas blocks to
the whole year 2013 grew ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli
by 42 per cent. It increased on the sidelines of Petrotech oilfields as well as the Baku-
from 150 million in 2012 Tbilsi-Ceyhan pipeline, which
2014 on 14 January 2014. The
to 213 million in 2013. offer by Sudan will help India was supported by Azerbaijan.
strengthen its energy ties with The southwestern Asian nation
Of the total user base,
is now keen to get Indian
mobile Internet users the African nations. Sudan
offered the onland Block 8 and participation in more
accounted for 130 million
Block 15 to the OVL on a producing assets. Earlier,
in 2013, a growth of about
ONGC and Kuwait Petroleum
92 per cent from 68 nomination basis. Block 8 will
have an oil discovery while Corp (KPC) signed an initial
million in 2012.
Block 15 will have exploration agreement for broad
The number of mobile cooperation. The agreement
Internet users was acreage. OVL will evaluate the
data and take 100 percent rights could lead to KPC picking up
expected to touch 185 stakes in the ONGC Mangalore
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
236 Current Affairs
Petrochemicals Ltd (OMPL) contagion is a clear NABARD reduced refinance
and ONGC Petro-Additions potential risk. rate for banks
Ltd (OPAL) projects. OMPL Domestically, some loss National Bank for
petrochemicals complex is of momentum of growth Agriculture and Rural
subsidiary of Mangalore is likely in Quarter 3 of Development (NABARD) on
Refinery and Petrochemicals. 2013-14, despite a strong 11 January 2014 reduced the
OPAL petro chemicals project pick-up in rabi sowing. refinance rates for the banks
is a joint venture of GAIL and
The current account and other lending agencies by
Gujarat State Petroleum Corp
deficit (CAD) for 2013-14 0.20 percent. This has been
(GSPC) in Gujarat.
is expected to be below 2.5 done with an aim to promote
Third Quarter Policy Review by percent of GDP as rural credit and rural
RBI compared with 4.8 infrastructure. The new rates
percent in 2012-13. will be in effect from 7 January
Reserve Bank of India
Over the ensuing 12- 2014. The revised rate of
(RBI) raised the Repo rate
month horizon, and with interest on refinance will be for
under Liquidity Adjustment
the current policy stance, a period of five years for
Facility (LAF) by 25 basis
the CPI inflation is commercial, state cooperative,
points from 7.75 percent to 8
expected to be on the regional rural and primary
percent. Besides, it kept the
upside risk of 8 percent in urban cooperative banks will
cash reserve ratio (CRR) of
2014-15. be 9.70 percent, which has been
scheduled banks unchanged at
decreased from 9.90 percent. In
4 percent of net demand and Real GDP growth can be
its notification, NABARD has
time liability (NDTL). The expected to firm up from also mentioned that banks
decision to raise the repo rate a little below 5 percent in drawing refinance of 500 crore
and keep the CRR unchanged 2013-14 to a range of 5 to
rupees and more in a single
was announced by the RBI in 6 percent in 2014-15, with drawl would be allowed
its Third Quarter Monetary risks balanced around the further reduction of 0.10
Policy Review on 28 January central estimate of 5.5 per
percent. In its notification it
2014. As a result, the reverse cent. also mentioned that the
repo rate under the LAF stands
Following the reduction of 10 basis point for
adjusted at 7 percent, and the
recommendation of the the State Cooperative
marginal standing facility
Dr. Urjit Patel Committee, Agriculture and Rural Banks
(MSF) rate and the Bank Rate
monetary policy reviews (SCRDBs) will be allowed for a
at 9.0 percent.
will ordinarily be single drawl of 200 crore rupees
The Main highlights of undertaken in a two- and above. With this
the Third Quarter Policy monthly cycle, consistent reduction, NABARD expects
Review with the availability of that this step will give a boost
Global uncertainty key macroeconomic and to banks by extending
continues to surround the financial data. investment credit. It will also
prospects for some Accordingly, the next help in creation of warehouse
emerging economies, policy review is infrastructures for agricultural
with domestic fragilities scheduled on 1 April commodities in India.
getting accentuated. 2014.
Financial market
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Current Affairs 237
1000 rupees minimum monthly The Insurance Regulatory needs to ensure that total
pension plan and Development Authority exposure to a sector
(IRDA) released a draft on cannot be more than 30%.
Union Finance Ministry
allowing investment in Equity Equity ETF should be
on 23 January 2014 approved a
Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). listed on at least two
proposal to provide minimum
This step is considered as a Exchanges having
monthly pension of 1000
crucial step towards achieving nationwide terminals and
rupees to workers of organised
disinvestment target. The should not have any
sector, under the Employees
Government plans to meet this overseas investments.
Pension Scheme 1995 (EPS-95).
target by transferring shares in
The proposal will be in effect Equity ETFs are those
public sector companies to
from 1 April 2014 and will funds whose unit price is
Equity ETFs. It is expected that
benefit around 27 lakh derived from basket of
there will be around 11 PSUs
pensioners. The government underlying equity shares.
in the Equity ETFs and by
will provide an additional These baskets of securities
selling shares, the government
contribution of over 1200 crore differ depending upon the
would reduce volatility in PSU
rupees to ensure minimum nature of ETF. The main
monthly pension. Now it difference between ETFs and
depends on the decision of The Draft guidelines are: other types of index funds is
Union Labour Minister, Oscar Equity ETFs would be that ETFs dont try to
Fernandes to take it to the restricted to the schemes outperform their
Cabinet for approval. At of Mutual Funds that are corresponding index, but
present the subscribers get 500 registered with Securities simply replicate its
rupees per month despite and Exchange Bureau of performance. The advantage of
working for 30 years. Apart India (SEBI) and using ETFs is that ETFs
from this the Finance Ministry governed by SEBI combine the range of a
has also approved a proposal (Mutual Funds) diversified portfolio with the
seeking raise of the basic wage Regulations, 1996. simplicity of trading a single
ceiling under the Employees Any investment in the stock.
Provident Fund Scheme from Equity ETF would be New CPI for Anchoring
the existing 6500 rupees to considered as investment Monetary Policy
15000 per month. Employees in mutual funds.
who get the basic wages more Expert Committee to
Equity ETFs would come revise and strengthen the
than 6500 rupees per month
under current exposure monetary policy framework
(including basic pay and
norms applicable to submitted its report to the
dearness allowance) are not
covered under the social investment in mutual Governor of RBI on 21 January
funds. 2013. The committee was
security scheme run by EPFO.
The Employee Pension Scheme Equity ETFs in mutual headed by Dr. Urjit R Patel, the
is run by Employees Provident funds should be Deputy Governor of RBI and
Fund Organisation (EPFO). registered with the SEBI. was constituted on 12
Equity ETFs cannot hold September 2013 by the
Guidelines for investment in
more than 15% of fund in Governor Dr. Raghuram G
Equity Exchange Traded Funds
issued by IRDA a single company and Rajan. It has been done to make
it transparent and predictable.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
238 Current Affairs
The committee in its management should be taken 3. To review the
suggestion has recommended over by the Debt Management organisational structure,
that a new Consumer Price Office of the government. It has operating framework and
Index (CPI) should be adopted also suggested that all fixed instruments of monetary
by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) income financial products policy, particularly the
to anchor the monetary policy should be treated on par with multiple indicator
has been recommended on 21 the bank deposits for the approach and the
January 2014 by an expert purposes of taxation and liquidity management
panel set by the central bank. TDS. The committee has framework, with a view
The committee has also set an suggested detachment of Open to ensuring compatibility
inflation target at 4 percent Market Operations (OMOs) with macroeconomic and
with a band of plus/minus 2 from the fiscal operations and financial stability, as well
percent around it. The panel in instead linked solely to the as market development.
its recommendation has also liquidity management. OMOs 4. To identify regulatory,
suggested that the monetary should not be used for fiscal and other
policy decision should be managing yields on impediments to monetary
vested in the hands of the government on government policy transmission, and
Monetary Policy Committee securities. recommend measures
(MPC) that will be headed by About the Committee and institutional pre-
the Governor. These conditions to improve
suggestions as Member of the committee transmission across
recommendation is intended to apart from its chairman Dr. financial market
better ground inflation Urjit R Patel were: Dr. P.J. segments and to the
expectations by making it clear Nayak, Professor Chetan broader economy.
that inflation is the RBIs Ghate, Professor Peter J.
Montiel, Dr. Sajjid Z. Chinoy, 5. To carefully consider the
primary objective.
Dr. Rupa Nitsure, Dr. recommendations of
It also expects to be held previous Committees/
accountable for its performance Gangadhar Darbha, Deepak
Mohanty, Groups in respect of all of
in this regard. As per the the above.
suggestions the government Dr. Michael Debabrata
In recent years, inflation
also needs to ensure the fiscal Patra was the Member
Secretary of the panel. in India has been amongst the
deficit as a ratio of GDP should
highest within the G-20.
be brought down to 3 percent The terms of reference of Household Inflation
by 2016-17 which should be the Committee were expectations have risen sharply
consistent with the Fiscal
1. To review the objectives and have remained at elevated
Responsibility and Budget
and conduct of monetary levels, unhinged from the low
Management (Amendment)
policy in a globalised and inflation experience of 2000-07
Rules 2013. In its suggestion it
highly inter-connected as also from the global inflation
has suggested two schemes
environment. record. Professional
namely Market Stabilisation
2. To recommend an forecasters surveys show that
Scheme (MSS) and Cash
appropriate nominal the long-term inflation
Management Bills (CMBs) may
anchor for the conduct of expectations have risen by
be phased out and the
monetary policy. about 150 basis points during
government debt and cash
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 239
this period. shareholding in insurance committee will submit its
brokers from the existing limit report by April-end.
Suresh Mathur panel formed by
IRDA of 26% to 100%. The aforesaid The committee members
proposed change would not include C.R.
The Insurance Regulatory require any modification in the Muralidharan, G.
and Development Authority Insurance Act. But, In case of Prabhakara, and Mathew
(IRDA) formed a new increasing foreign Varghese, all ex-
committee headed by Suresh shareholding in an insurance Members, IRDA and M.S.
Mathur to suggest ways to intermediary or TPA, the Sahoo, ex-Member, SEBI.
enhance Foreign Domestic insurance act would get
Investment (FDI) in insurance The committee will
modified. There is a long
intermediaries (other than identify the gaps and
pending Insurance bill in Rajya
insurance companies) and possible improvements in
Sabha since 2008. This bill seeks
Third party administrators the extant framework vis-
to raise the FDI limit in
(TPA). The Committee would a-vis the 14 NLR. The
insurance sector from existing
consist of ten members. panel will also suggest
26% to the 49 %.
changes or modifications
The Terms of Reference 9-member panel set up by to the extant framework
of the Committee are: IRDA in compliance with the 14
To explore the options of NLR.
Insurance regulator IRDA
further increasing FDI
has set up a nine-member Import tariff value of gold &
limit for insurance
committee to review the silver
14 non-legislative
To analyse possible Government slashed the
recommendations made
impact of such increase on import tariff value on
by the Financial Sector
the industry and other gold and silver to $404 per
Legislative Reforms
related sectors. ten grams and $635 per
Commission (FSLRC).
kg, respectively, taking
To review the related The committee will also into account the volatility
international practices. examine the extant in the global prices
To examine to what legislative and regulatory
Import tariff value is the
extent, if possible, the FDI framework in compliance
base price at which
limit can be increased in 14 non-legislative
customs duty is
intermediaries and study recommen-dations
determined to prevent
the international practices (NLRs).
under-invoicing. The
in this regard. The non-legislative tariff value is revised on a
Presently, a foreign recommendations are fortnightly basis after
company cannot hold more related with consumer analysing the global price
than 26% shares in an insurance protection, transparency trend.
company. But, in case of and capacity building,
The notification in this
insurance intermediaries there among others.
regard has been issued by
is no such restriction. There The Insurance Regulatory the Central Board of
was also a consistent demand and Development Excise and Customs
for increasing the foreign Authority (IRDA) said the (CBEC).
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
240 Current Affairs
Gold is the second largest bonds from available-for- include self-service
import item for India after sale and held-for-trading portal, multiple cloud
petroleum. However, portfolios to the HTM solutions, secured VPN
gold imports are expected once in every financial access and multi location
to decline this year as year. cloud.
government has taken There is also a lack of Output of Indias pvt sector
several measures to curb participation from public
shipments to address the Indias private sector
sector banks, the biggest
high current account output contracted for the
market participants of the
deficit. seventh consecutive
bond market.
month in January as
Interest rate futures as hedging Rationalising reserve prices services sector output
instrument remained weak amid
Rationalisation of
Interest rate futures, spectrum reserve prices tough economic
which were launched has helped the conditions.
across three bourses and government get Rs.40,000 The fall was largely on
touted as a much-needed crore of bids on the account of drop in
hedging instrument, are opening day of the services sector output
seeing a sharp drop in ongoing auction. unlike the manufacturing
participation already. People are now expected sector which had seen
IRFs are contracts, which to realise how irrational acceleration in production
allow a bond investor to it was at that point in time growth in January.
hedge against interest for media and everybody Service providers in the
rates, and have the option to shout that the country reported falling
of being settled in cash government is losing new business orders for
without the physical revenue,according to Mr. the seventh month
bond. Sibal said, while referring running in January, amid
to lowering of the base increased competition for
Volumes have slipped to
price compared to 2013 new work, deteriorating
as low as Rs 476.35 crore
auction, which did not confidence among clients
from Rs 3,080 crore
evoke much response and weaker underlying
notched on their launch
from mobile firms.
day on the National Stock demand.
Exchange (NSE). The architectural vision of
Retail or CPI inflation in
Turnover on the MCX-SX GI Cloud encompasses a
December moderated to a
and BSE have seen a fall set of discrete cloud
three-month low of 9.87
of 74% and 70%, computing environments
per cent, while the
spread across multiple
respectively. wholesale or WPI was at
locations, built on existing
Banks can keep 24% of or augmented 5-month low of 6.16 per
their bond portfolio under infrastructure, following a cent during the month.
HTM and the portfolio is set of common protocols, FIIs, NRIs to invest in insurance
not required to be marked guidelines and standards
to market prices. issued by the Centre. The government has
allowed 26 percent
Banks can move their Some of its features
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 241
foreign investment in for hiking the FDI cap in FIIs to purchase shares in Dabur
activities related to the sector to 49 per cent, India
insurance, like broking, from 26 per cent at
The Reserve Bank
third party administrators present. The Insurance
allowed Foreign
and surveyors, and Laws Amendment Bill, Institutional Investors
permitted FIIs and NRIs which seeks to raise the (FIIs) to purchase shares
to also invest in insurers cap, has been pending in in Dabur India up to 30
within the stipulated cap. Parliament since 2008 and per cent of the firms paid
Under the norms notified, is unlikely to be taken up up capital.
26 percent foreign in the ongoing session due
FIIs have been allowed to
investment, including to lack of political
buy more shares in Dabur
foreign direct investment consensus.
India as the company has
(FDI), Foreign White label ATMs in India passed a special
Institutional Investors resolution to enhance the
(FII) and Non-Resident The Reserve Bank of India
limit for purchase of its
Indians (NRI) will be (RBI) has permitted four
equity shares and
non-bank entities to set up
allowed under the convertible debentures by
white label ATMs in
automatic route in FIIs.
insurance companies, FIIs, through primary
insurance brokers, Third The RBI has issued
market and stock
Party Administrators Certificate of
exchanges, can now
(TPAs), surveyors and Authorisation to Tata
purchase up to 30 per cent
loss assessees. Communications
of the paid up capital of
Payment Solutions Ltd.,
The decision will come Dabur India Limited
Prizm Payment Services
into force with immediate under the Portfolio
Pvt. Ltd., Muthoot
effect, the note added. Investment Scheme (PIS).
Finance Ltd., and
Insurance brokers are Vakrangee Ltd. for setting As per data available on
entities which, for up and operating white the BSE, FIIs held 19.94
remuneration, arrange label ATMs. per cent shares in Dabur
insurance contracts with India as of quarter ended
Of these, three have
insurers or reinsurers on December 2013.
already launched their
behalf of their clients. services. Vakrangee is FIIs, NRIs and PIOs are
TPAs help in facilitating likely to commence its allowed to invest in the
health insurance on behalf service shortly. primary and secondary
of insurers. capital markets in India
The objective of
All these entities are through PIS.
permitting non-banks to
required to obtain a operate white label ATMs RBI monitors the ceilings
licence from the IRDA for was to enhance the spread on FII/NRI/PIO
undertaking specific of ATMs in semi-urban investments in Indian
activities. The relaxation and rural areas, where companies on a daily
falls short of the demand bank-owned ATM basis.
of insurance industry penetration has not been For effective monitoring
which has been pleading growing. of foreign investment
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
242 Current Affairs
ceiling limits, the Reserve 3,15,318 crore as against hub for small cars and
Bank has fixed cut-off 12 per cent the previous have been attempting to
points that are two year. sell India-built cars in
percentage points lower more markets in view of
Number one car exporter
than the actual ceilings. the slump in domestic
Nissan has displaced sales as also to take
The burden of interest on the
Maruti to become the advantage of weak rupee.
governments borrowings
second-largest passenger
India to combat black money
The burden of interest on car exporter from India.
the governments Hyundai remains the Global economic body
borrowings is estimated number one car exporter. OECD unveiled a new
to grow at 17 per cent this Nissan has been shipping game-changing
fiscal. The Finance more India-built cars than mechanism to combat the
Ministry estimates that Maruti in the past two menace of offshore tax
the Centres expenditure months, and it has now evasion, a protocol to
on interest payments will emerged as the second big which India is a signatory
grow 17 per cent to Rs. exporter of cars with its with the purpose of
3,64,244 crore in 2013-14, total volumes standing at tackling black money.
according to the economic 94,931 units when The Organisation for
and functional compared with Marutis Economic Cooperation
classification of the Union exports of 79,945 units in and Development will
Budget . the first 10 months of formally present the
This is even greater than current fiscal. In the year- standard for the
the UPA governments ago period, Nissan and endorsement of G20
subsidy bill for the year, Maruti exported 80,867 finance ministers during a
estimated at Rs. 2,42,255 units and 95,526 units, February 22-23 meeting in
crore. A rate of growth of respectively. Sydney in Australia, the
interest payments that is Though the domestic car world body, whose
faster than the rate of market is going through economic policies are
growth of the economy is its worst phase with followed by over 120
not a good trend. plummeting sales, countries..
Interest payments are exports continue to The G20 invited the
growing five percentage maintain some OECD to develop a global
points faster than GDP momentum with a standard on automatic
growth. The Central marginal growth. Over all exchange of information
Statistical Office estimates passenger vehicle exports, in 2013 and remains the
the GDP growth rate for however, have seen a rise driving force behind the
the year will be 12.3 per of seven per cent, driven move toward greater tax
cent. by a significant growth in transparency worldwide.
C o n s u m p t i o n exports of utility vehicles. India has already signed
expenditure, mainly Many global brands have the OECDs global
salaries, will grow at 17 made Indian operations standard for automatic
per cent in 2013-14 to Rs. as their manufacturing exchange of information
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 243
between tax authorities incentivizing lending to Presenting the interim
two years back and once the credit deprived budget for 2014-15 fiscal,
the new format is sections and regions. Mr. Chidambram said
implemented, the country Through this approach, that by virtue of the
will follow the new the committee feels a definition of agricultural
protocols envisaged in it. banks maximum priority produce in Finance Act
OECD Secretary General sector lending can touch 2012, read with the
Angel Gurria called the the 50 per cent mark, as Negative List, storage or
new norms a game against the present warehousing of paddy
changer. requirement of 40 per was excluded from the
cent. levy of service tax. Rice
The new standard on
was not. The distinction is
automatic exchange of As per the report,
somewhat artificial.
information will ramp up submitted last month, a
Hence, I propose to
international tax co- bank having strength in
exempt loading,
operation, putting farm credit should
unloading, packing,
governments back on a leverage its strength and
storage and warehousing
more even footing as they do more of it, while some
of rice from service tax.
seek to protect the other bank having a
integrity of their tax strength in small The FMs decision comes
systems and fight tax enterprises loan should following pressure from
evasion. focus on its core strength. Tamil Nadu Chief
Minister Jayalalithaa who
Mor committee suggestions The Mor committee also
had shot off a letter to
talks of certain credit
Reserve Bank Governor Prime Minister
deprived areas such as the
Raghuram Rajan has Manmohan Singh seeking
north-east, and
termed the changes in his personal intervention
incentivising banks to
priority sector lending in the issue. She had also
lend more there by giving
norms suggested by the sought to remit and return
greater weightage.
Nachiket Mor committee the already levied service
as interesting ideas Service Tax Exemption for Rice tax since July 1, 2012.
which need to be Finance Minister P China and Pakistans economic
discussed. Chidambram has corridor
Among other things, the announced that service
The economic corridor,
committee on financial tax would be abolished on
envisages expanding road
inclusion headed by Mor, rice from the staples
links, building railway
a former executive loading to storage stage.
lines and installing energy
director with ICICI Bank, Rice was originally pipelines linking Xinjiang
has suggested a exempt from service tax. with the Gwadar port in
weightage-based However, later the Pakistan.
approach to the priority Finance Ministry had said
sector lending norms, Some Chinese companies
that only paddy is agri-
which stress leveraging of have voiced concern
produce, while rice is a
strengths by a bank, and about stability and
processed item.
security in Pakistan, while
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
244 Current Affairs
violent attacks in some good news and Rs. 2,600 crore would be
southern Xinjiang, located some bad for consumers. set aside in the current
next to the PoK border, Two-wheelers and cars financial year itself for the
have been blamed by will be cheaper while low- purpose. This will be
local officials on terror end mobile phones will be transferred to Canara
outfits with links to a bit more expensive due Bank which is the
Pakistan-based groups. to changes in excise duty. designated banker for the
Worlds top importer of Gold Auto-makers, including Central Scheme for
Tata Motors, Hyundai, Interest Subsidy (CSIS).
Chinese demand for gold Maruti Suzuki and Honda Dwelling at some length
bars, coins and jewelry Cars India, have already on the CSIS with respect
soared by 32% to record announced that they to education loans, Mr.
levels in 2013, even as the would be passing on the Chidambaram said the
price of gold slumped benefits of the excise duty Government had
28%. cut to the consumer. introduced this in the
The surge in buying saw Mobile phones that cost 2009-10 Budget to take
China overtake India as less than Rs. 2,000 are set over the burden of interest
the worlds top consumer to cost more after Mr. for the duration of study
of physical gold, Chidambarams decision and a little beyond from
importing 1,066 metric to levy a uniform excise April 1, 2009.
tons of the metal to Indias duty on phones across Future of Telangana economy
975 metric tons in 2013, price bands.
according to new data Post bifurcation of
from the World Gold Burden of student loan eases Andhra Pradesh, the
Council. (A metric ton is With an eye on the information technology
equal to about 2,240 countrys youth bulge, and pharmaceuticals
pounds.) Union Finance Minister P. manufacturing sectors
In India, consumption Chidambaram has may become backbone of
increased by 13% but proposed a moratorium Telangana economy,
further growth was period for all education leaving power
curbed by import loans taken up to March production, ports and oil
restrictions aimed at 31, 2009, and outstanding and natural gas to play a
narrowing the countrys at the close of the 2012-13 pivotal role in driving
current-account deficit. fiscal. However, such prosperity in the
The council estimates student-borrowers residuary state.
around 200 metric tons estimated to be in the With nearly 1,000km-long
was smuggled into the vicinity of nine lakh coast line, the coastal
country. would have to pay Andhra has major private
Chinas lead over India as interest for the period ports such as
the worlds top importer beginning January 1, Krishnapatnam,
is likely to be sustained. 2014. Kakinada and
Of the view that such Gangavaram, besides
Changes in excise duty state-owned Vizag Port
students deserve some
The Interim Budget has relief, the Minister said and can continue to reap
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 245
rich harvest by way of offering investment learning and education
export and import of facilitation services to category.
commodities such as iron companies willing to The platform will enable
ore and coal. invest in the automotive consumers to access a
According to experts,
industry. wide assortment of test
Telangana is likely to face It said AIDC would help preparation material,
power shortage of up to the government put in certificate courses,
2,000 MW after the state place appropriate policy classroom training and
is formed. Of the 8,924.86 framework. It would also online coursesand it will
MW installed capacity of support and facilitate its include preparing for the
state power utility implementation and civil services entrance
APGenco, about 54 per interventions aimed at examination, certification
cent (4,825 MW) is located making Tamil Nadu a in Java, Microsoft or
in Telangana, while 46 per destination for wealth management,
manufacture and export
cent is in the Seemandhra among others.
of motor vehicles.
region. Brands such as Edukart,
As per AIDC, the
However, 52 per cent Simplilearn, Meritnation,
government would set up
capacity in Telangana lies EasySkillz, Practice Guru
an Auto City, a state-of-
in hydro power, which is and Test Funda have
the-art over 1,000 hectare
available only when industrial park as a JV for already listed their e-
reservoirs receive good domestic and global learning packages on the
inflows, while just 48 per automotive and auto- site.
cent capacity is available component firms. Bitcoin banned in Vietnam
through coal-fired power
Tamil Nadu accounts for
plants. Vietnam banned the
35 per cent of Indias auto virtual currency bitcoin,
First Auto City in India component production
citing its ease of use for
worth USD 6.2 billion.
The Tamil Nadu criminal purposes and its
government will set up an Aimed at making high risk for investors.
Auto City, considered a Chennai one of the top
Transaction by bitcoin is
first of its kind initiative five global auto-clusters,
highly anonymous so
under the automobile and the state government
unveiled the first of its bitcoin can become a tool
auto component policy for crimes like money
launched by Chief kind automobile policy,
an industrial policy and laundering, drug
Minister Jayalalithaa. trafficking, tax evasion,
second volume of Tamil
It will be under the theme Nadu Vision 2023. illegal payment.
Tamil Nadu, the Partner It did not outline
in Automotive Sector Online education category
launched by Snapdeal punishments for
Investment. violations of the ban.
The state government Online marketplace Online access to several
would form an Snapdeal has announced popular bitcoin trading
Automotive Industrial foray into services space sites overseas appeared to
Development Centre with the launch of online be blocked.
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246 Current Affairs
The sudden closure of one bank said it will remove weaker global market
of the largest bitcoin interest rate ceilings on sentiment.
exchanges this week in smaller foreign-currency The futures are tied to
Japan has raised concerns deposits in Shanghai Free VIX, which is modeled on
about the future of the Trade Zone from March 1 the Chicago Board
digital currency. as part of long-anticipated Options Exchanges
financial reforms. popular index and
Voltas and Dow Chemical
Pacifics Joint venture Deposits of less than USD measures expected near-
3 million owned by term volatility for shares
Voltas and Dow Chemical businesses and agencies based on prices of
Pacific (Singapore) Pte registered in the zone or options.
Ltd. have agreed to set up by individuals who have Traders expect strong
a joint venture company worked in the zone for
in India to tap the demand for VIX futures,
more than one year will including for speculative
growing water and waste receive the same rate of
water treatment market. trading, even though
interest, the Shanghai recent launches by Indias
The proposed new branch of the Peoples
company, Voltas Water largest exchange of other
Bank of China. products, such as a listing
Solutions Private Ltd.,
Currently, regulatory platform for small and
will be an equal
partnership joint venture. caps apply to one-year or m e d i u m - s i z e d
other shorter-term companies, failed to gain
The company will market deposits in US dollars, much traction.
and distribute standard Japanese yen, euros and
packaged water treatment Indias broader VIX
Hong Kong dollars. index, which was
systems and waste water
China launched the launched in April 2008
treatment systems to
residential and Shanghai pilot free trade under license, has become
commercial complexes zone last year as a part of a popular barometer of
and light industrial its new set of fiscal sentiment for domestic
markets. reforms to halt the investors.
economic slowdown and
The entitys operations FY15 growth pegged at 5.5%
revitalise the worlds
would include designing, second largest economy. Stating that the
procuring, testing, forthcoming elections will
marketing, selling and VIX futures
delay the reform process
servicing of such standard The National Stock and hurt growth,
water treatment systems Exchange has launched international rating
and waste water trading of futures tied to agency Moodys said that
treatment systems. its VIX volatility index, it expects growth to pick
Foreign currency deposit rates known as the fear up to only 5.5 per cent in
lifted in China gauge, providing a key FY15.
hedging tool against Growth has been below
In a move to further
uncertainty ahead of the trend for much of
liberalise foreign currency general elections and
deposits, Chinas central FY14 and the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 247
governments official setting have negative As per latest data from
estimate pegs it at 4.9 per outlooks. Beechcraft, 65 business
cent, a bit higher than 4.5 Asia Pacifics biggest market for aircraft were delivered in
per cent achieved in biz jets India between 2008 and
FY13. Elections are 2012, up from 47 in the
scheduled for April-May. India has emerged as the previous five years. This
The agency also gave a biggest fleet owner of was compared to 119
negative outlook for non- business aircraft in the delivered in China, 19 in
financial corporates in Asia Pacific surpassing Japan, 47 in Hong Kong
2014 on weak economy, China with business and 10 in South Korea.
political uncertainty and houses and high net
Quoting Knight Frank
effects of the US Feds worth individuals (HNIs)
Wealth Report 2013,
tapering. acquiring aircraft.
Beechcraft said the
It specifically said Even during the economic number of wealthy
domestically focused slowdown period of 2008- businessmen (HNIs) in
sectors like real estate, 12, Indian businessmen India would double from
cement, automotive, steel, purchased 38 per cent 8,481 in 2012 to 17,032 in
metals and mining, and more aircraft than the 2022. During the same
retail which are previous five years as per period, the number of
dependent on vagaries estimates by Beechcraft HNIs in China will grow
of regulation and policy- Corporation. 137 per cent from 10,849
to 25,660.
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Current Affairs

Science & Technology

India will come up with its own particles called neutrinos which will likely improve
version of LIGO had been cleared by the the chances of spotting
Union government in gravitational waves, an
With the discovery of
2015. India detector would
gravitational waves by
Scientists associated with improve the chances of
the U.S.-based LIGO
the India-LIGO project novel, exciting
(Laser Interferometer
(called INDIGO) say that discoveries being made
Gravitational Wave
they have, since 2009, out of India and being
Observatory), Prime
done considerable work made by Indians.
Minister Narendra Modi
may have tweeted his in identifying suitable Scientists finding ways to reduce
support for a similar sites in India and met coral bleach
detector in India but such officials in several States.
Oceanographers are
a project is at least eight INDIGO will be a replica diving deep into the
years away. of the two LIGO detectors aquamarine seas of
This is not counting the and many of its Lakshadweep to unravel
time it will take the components have already the mysteries of marine
Central government to been built and are ready life that thrive and wither
clear the proposal, to be shipped from the deep down there around
estimated to cost around United States. the colourful corals.
Rs. 1,200 crore, and is The project was initially A group of researchers
further premised on the tobe located in Australia from Kerala are looking at
project not running into but, since 2011, scheduled the science behind the
environmental or State- to be located in India. At defence mechanism of
level hurdles. least 25 sites were corals to resist coral
Another ambitious mega- considered for the bleaching, the biggest
science project, the Indian detector that will, most threat to their beautiful
Neutrino Observatory saliently, have two L- submarine world.
(INO) project a shaped four- kilometre-
long arms. Coral bleaching is
proposed, underground considered as a stress
observatory inTamil Other than the benefit of response of corals to a few
Nadu to detect ephemeral having a third detector,
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 249
biotic and abiotic factors. highlighting the hemisphere in the form of
Increased solar irradiance medicinal value of corals, three north- south
(photosynthetically active the researchers noted. systems: the polar cell, the
radiation and ultraviolet mid-latitude Ferrelcell
Antarctica inuencing weather
band light) is an in tropics and the tropical Hadley
important factor. cell. These cells are
Exposure to UV radiation Scientists are coming to dynamically linked
when combined with grips with how weather in together.
thermal stress could be Antarctica is inuencing The AWARE project by
lethal for corals. It could climate as far away as the the United States located
lead to the loss of algal tropics. at Mc Murdo station in
symbionts from coral For example, researchers Antarctica will observe
tissue and coral bleaching. at Ohio States Byrd Polar how climate change
Mycosporinelike Amino Research Center have affects the polar region as
Acids (MAA)are small discovered an inuence of it has been determined
secondary metabolites atmospheric circulation in that when the polar
produced by organisms the Wilkes Land and Ross region warms, the lo-
that live in environments Sea regions of Antarctica cation of the boundary be-
with high volumes of on precipitation from the tween the polar and Ferrel
sunlight. East Asian monsoon. cells will change, along
In this context, the with the strength of
Besides protecting cells
Atmospheric Radiation circulation in both cells.
from mutation due to UV
radiation, they also boost Measurement West Antarctica acts as a global
cellular tolerance to Antarctic Radiation heat sink. Near the
desiccation and salt and Experiment (AWARE) equator the Sun is highest
heat stress. project gains importance in the sky and insolation
as it studies the skies (solar radiation reaching
The coral reefs are highly above Antarctica for the surface) is larger than
sensitive ecosystems answers to questions such thermal radiation loss to
facing the threat of as how climate change space.
extinction. They are often and associated
compared to tropical At the South Pole during
atmospheric physics are winter there is no
rainforests considering affecting Antarctica and
the ecosystem services insolation and the
how the ripple effects of Antarctic continent loses
they deliver. these phenomena are energy to space.
Coral reefs are considered being felt thousands of
valuable source of miles away in the mid Energy and warmth
pharmaceutical latitudes and the tropics. transported over the
compounds from which Antarctic continent by
The temperature gradient global circulation patterns
drugs for the treatment of between the equator and
cancer, HIV, is lost to space by
the poles essentially radiative cooling.
cardiovascular diseases, drives the atmospheric
ulcers, and other ailments circulation in the southern Another wind system is
are extracted, the circumpolar
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
250 Current Affairs
westerlies which prevents According to ADCOS for its delay by two
warm air from the Chairman, and former months in 2014 in
northern latitudes of the ISRO chief and cosmic ray declaring the Ebola
southern ocean from scientist U.R. Rao, a epidemic as a Public
reaching the interior of second spacecraft can be Health Emergency of
eastern Antarctica which sent to Point L5, about 1.3 International Concern
remains a cold, isolated million km away and at a (PHEIC).
desolate region, losing 30-degree angle to L1, for This might not happen in
energy to space. a fuller picture of the sun. the case of Zika virus
Indias sun mission Aditya-L1 It could follow L1 a few when the WHO will
will be launched in 2019 months or a year apart. convene an emergency
ADCOS has designed the committee on February 1
Aditya-L1, the Indian sun 2008 Chandrayaan-1; its (Monday) to help
mission due after three future sequel; the 2013 determine the level of the
years, may turn out to be Mars Orbiter Mission and international response to
a unique formation of not is weighing the pros of the outbreak.
one but two spacecraft either a second Mars
looking at the sun from It is alleged that WHO
mission or a Venus trip declared Ebola as a
two stable orbital points. the last of which is PHEIC only after a U.S.
Aditya is the nations attracting other space health care person was
third big extra-terrestrial agencies as potential infected with the virus.
outing after moon and partners.
Mars, all conceived and Likewise, is it because the
The first task is to build a risk to the U.S. is very
designed by AD- COS, the few ultra-sensitive
multi-faculty body of the high in the case of Zika
instruments to accurately virus that WHO has
Indian Space Research measure minute details
Organisation. convened the Committee
about the sun. meeting on Monday.
ISRO has started activities Dr. Rao said the bigger
to send a 400-kg But in the rst place why
challenge is to create an should the Zika virus
spacecraft to look at the all-aluminium 20-metre-
sun from a special stable outbreaks be declared a
high magnetic test facility Public Health Emergency
orbital slot called L1 near Bengaluru to
around 2019-20. L1 or of International Concern?
specially assemble and
Lagrangian point # 1 is The term PHEIC is
test the spacecraft and
about 1.5 million km from dened as an
instruments in a
Earth towards the sun. extraordinary event
magnetically clean
There are four more which is determined if
manner with not one
Lagrangian points L2 to both these conditions are
electric material, not even
L5 for sun and Earth met constitute a public
a car, being nearby.
where space objects can health risk to other States
Zika is fit case for WHO to through the international
resist the pulls ofboth the
declare public health emergency spread of disease, and
celestial bodies and stay
relatively stable in that The World Health potentially requires a
orbit. Organization faced ak coordinated international
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 251
response. difficult to estimate the surface of comet 67P,
According to the 2005 true scale of the outbreak perhaps the most studied
International Health in the Americas. comet in history.
Regulations (IHR) One in four people The elusive ice was
agreement, this denition infected with Zika detected, using data
implies a situation that develop symptoms collected by the European
is: serious, unusual or mild illness, such as fever, Space Agencys Rosetta
unexpected, carries rash, muscle/joint pain, spacecraft, on the bottom
implications for public and conjunctivitis. part of the main lobe of
health beyond the Travancore bush frog reappeared the dumbbell-shaped
affected States national in western ghats comet, in a region called
border, and may require Imhotep.
immediate international Travancore Bush Frog It appeared as noticeably
action. ( R a o r c h e s t e s bright patches in visible
The Zika outbreak in 23 travancorius), a rare and light and was located on
countries meets these endemic frog species cliff walls and debris falls.
conditions. Given the reported from Western
Ghats, which was once Data collected by
rapidly spreading Zika Rosettas Visible Infrared
epidemic, WHO should recorded as extinct, has
been located from eight and Thermal Imaging
declare an emergency and Spectrometer (VIRTIS)
use all their powers under new locations within the
Periyar Tiger Reserve. showed that the water ice
the International Health grains in the Imhotep
Regulations. Incidentally, the species, region came in different
Since its outbreak in according to researchers, sizes.
Brazil in May 2015, there was wrongly classied as
extinct in the Red data Some of the grains were
have been nearly 4,000 tiny, just tens of
suspected cases of book of the International
Union for Conservation of micrometres across,
microcephaly a foetal which were probably
deformation where Nature despite spotting a
live individual some 12 formed as a result of the
infants are born with comets 12-hour rotation.
abnormally small heads. years ago.
Though the classication PSLV-C31 launch in two days
Officials are still
investigating whether as extinct lasted till June The 48-hour countdown
Zika causes microcephaly last year, it was to the launch of PSLV-C31
in newborns, but the link subsequently reassessed rocket carrying IRNSS-1E
is strongly suspected, as Endangered based on satellite commenced at
ac- cording to the WHO. its area of occupancy. Satish Dhawan Space
The Zika virus infection Ice found at the surface of comet Centre at Sriharikota.
usually is asymptomatic 67P IRNSS-1E is the fifth of the
in nearly 80 per cent of the Researchers, including seven-series Indian
cases. As a result, many one of Indian-origin, have Regional Navigational
cases of Zika go identified two large Satellite System (IRNSS),
undetected, making it patches of water ice on the which India is hoping to
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
252 Current Affairs
put in place by the end of demands of the giant Centre, Sriharikota.
this year. cloud data centres are [PSLV] has taken the
The regional navigation multiplying, collectively satellite into the right
satellite system is aimed taking an increasing share orbit. We have only one
at providing accurate of the countrys and more satellite in this
position information worlds electrical grid. constellation to complete
service to users in India as Magnetic computing our sequence of seven
well as the region emerged as a promising satellites for the regional
extending up to 1500 km candidate because the navigation system
from its boundary. magnetic bits can be The satellite had a lift-of
New findings will reduce power differentiated by mass of 1,425 kg and was
consumption by computers direction, and it takes just powered by two solar
as much energy to get the panels generating 1660 W
In a breakthrough for magnet to point left as it and one Lithium-ion
energy-efficient does to point right. battery of 90 Ampere-
computing, engineers at hour capacity
IRNSS-1F placed in orbit
the University of
California-Berkeley have ISRO successfully put into With this launch, India
shown for the first time inches closer to having its
orbit Indias sixth
that magnetic chips can dedicated navigation own navigation system
operate with the lowest satellite, the IRNSS-1F. (like a GPS).
fundamental level of The satellite was The navigation payload of
energy dissipation launched on-board IRNSS-1F will transmit
possible under the laws of Indias workhorse launch navigation service signals
thermodynamics. vehicle, the Polar Satellite and will operate in the L5
The findings mean that Launch Vehicle (PSLV). band and S band. The
dramatic reductions in The Independent ranging payload consists
power consumption are Regional Navigation of a C-band trans- ponder
possible as much as Satellite System (IRNSS) that facilitates accurate
one-millionth the amount is designed to pro- vide determination of the
of energy per operation accurate position range of the satellites.
used by transistors in information service to ISRO is now preparing to
modern computers. users in India and the launch the last satellite in
This is critical for mobile region extending up to the IRNSS series, the
devices, which demand 1,500 km from the border. IRNSS-1G, and work has
powerful processors that The IRNSS-1F carrying already begun on it.
can run for a day or more two payloads the Artificial fingertip for texture
on small, lightweight navigation payload and
A team of Swiss scientists
batteries. ranging payload was
has enabled an amputee
On a larger industrial put into orbit 20 minutes
feel smoothness and
scale, as computing after take-of from the
roughness in real-time
increasingly moves into second launch pad at the
with an artificial fingertip
the cloud, the electricity Satish Dhawan Space
that was surgically
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 253
connected to nerves in his kerosene lamps overlook Tungabhadra in
upper arm. the life of many in Karnatakas Sirguppa
The nerves of non- villages, researchers from taluk have provided a ray
amputees were also Indian Institute of Science of hope for the revival of
stimulated to feel (IISc.) have developed an the critically endangered
roughness, meaning that eco-friendly lamp that Great Indian Bustard
prosthetic touch for runs entirely on salt (GIB).
amputees can now be water. They were among the first
developed and safely The salt water-run battery to spot the species here in
tested on anyone, said the is as powerful as four AA 2006. In the years
team from the Swiss batteries, and can power preceding that, it was
Federal Institutes of an LED lamp for 1,500 assumed that the GIB had
Technology (EPFL). hours (or a little more been wiped out from
Mr. Sorensen is the first than two months) at a Karnataka.
person in the world to stretch. The semi-arid and arid
recognise texture using a The concept is one that grasslands in the interiors
bionic fingertip connected most are familiar with in of Sirguppa taluk could
to electrodes that were high school chemistry. potentially be a perfect
surgically implanted Electricity can be habitat for the Bustard.
above his stump. produced when two The sighting of the GIB
Nerves in his arm were electrodes (one that can has spurred the Forest
wired to an artificial readily give away its Department into action,
fingertip equipped with electrons, and another to with additional anti-
sensors. accept them as easily) are poaching units and
dipped in an electrolyte. personnel being deployed
As the fingertip moved
across textured plastic, Salt water or seawater, in the region.
the sensors generated an which is nearly free, has At least six major
electrical signal. This to be replaced every 100 government agencies and
signal was translated into hours or so; while, after industries, including the
a series of electrical nearly 1,500 hours of use, DRDO, the Bhabha
spikes, imitating the the magnesium electrode Atomic Research Centre,
language of the nervous has to be changed. the Indian Institute of
system, then delivered to Currently, each electrode Science (IISc.) and ISRO,
the nerves. costs Rs. 50. It is this kind have been allotted and for
of conversion of simple industrial, research
Indian Institute of Science have
developed a eco-friendly lamp technology, using purposes.
renewable resources, that
Powerful radio waves from an
Barely half a litre of water the fledgling company enigmatic source to Earth
and two spoons of salt is and the IISc.
the recipe for light. Astronomers have, for the
Critically endangered Great
In a country where first time, detected
Indian Bustard seen on the
electricity is yet to reach repeating short bursts of
banks of Tungabhadra
millions and where dim mysterious and powerful
The banks of the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
254 Current Affairs
radio waves from an as a rotating neutron star down of the sea level rise
enigmatic source that is having unprecedented has not been accurately
likely located well beyond power that enables the attributed until this study,
the edge of the Milky Way emission of extremely which states that climate
galaxy bright pulses driven hydrology has a
The findings indicate that Scientists believe that major role.
these fast radio bursts these and other radio Human-induced changes
come from an extremely bursts, originate from in land water storage
powerful object, which distant galaxies, based on include the direct effects
occasionally produces the measurement of an of groundwater
multiple bursts in under a efect known as plasma extraction, irrigation,
minute dispersion. impoundment in
All previously detected Climate-driven reduction in sea- reservoirs, wetland
fast radio bursts (FRBs) level rise drainage, and
have appeared to be one- deforestation.
of events as a result, most The rate of rise of sea level Several studies of large
theories about the origin globally has lessened by aquifers suggest that
of these mysterious pulses 20 per cent during the last trends in regional and
have involved decade, according to a global land-water storage
cataclysmic incidents that new study. are now strongly
destroy their source a This is because of 3.2 in?uenced by the effects of
star exploding in a trillion tons of excess g r o u n d w a t e r
supernova, for example, liquid water storage on withdrawal..
or a neutron star land in aquifers, lakes and
Greenland loosing ice cover
collapsing into a black other water bodies.
faster than ever
hole Though glaciers and ice
The new finding, bergs have been steadily The seasonal melting of
however, shows that at melting, the earth has Greenland's vast ice sheet
least some FRBs may have been behaving like a reached record levels this
other origins. The FRBs, sponge and absorbing the week, data from the
which last just a few water which should Danish Meteorological
thousandths of a second, otherwise have owed Institute (DMI) showed.
have puzzled scientists back to the oceans from Around 12 percent of the
since they were first the land, thus closing the ice sheet was melting,
reported nearly a decade hydrological cycle. almost one month earlier
ago. Despite extensive While increase in sea level than the previous top
follow-up eforts, can be attributed to three dates for when more
astronomers until now glacier and ice-sheet than 10 percent of the ice
have searched in vain for melting and transfer of had begun to melt
repeat bursts water from aquifers to The record coincided with
The finding suggests that ocean from human unusually warm weather
these bursts must have driven pumping, the in the Arctic territory,
come from an object, such reason for the slowing with temperatures at
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 255
some weather stations on waters, scientists are temperatures, loss of sea-
the ice reaching 10 looking for specific ice and the melting of ice
degrees Celsius (50 oceanographic factors sheets.
degrees Fahrenheit). that could influence
Carbon sharing between trees
The warm weather also Indian monsoon.
affected regions outside IndARC, the countrys A chance discovery in a
the ice sheet: In first moored-underwater mixed forest in
Kangerlussuaq on observatory in the Arctic, Switzerland reveals that
Greenland's west coast, had recently been tree-to-tree interaction in
the mercury reached 17.8 deployed for the forests goes beyond mere
degrees Celsius, one of continuous monitoring of competition for resources.
the highest April the oceanographic Forest trees are even more
temperatures in parameters from various interconnected than
Greenland since records depths. thought, suggests a new
began in 1873. IndARC is expected to study, which showed that
Rain and meltwater at this provide significant inputs around 40 per cent of the
time of the year typically in the understanding of carbon in fine roots of
runs back into the snow the Arctic climate and its spruce trees came from
and freezes again, but by possible link to tropical neighbouring trees.
warming the snow further processes, specifically the This level of sharing can
down it reduces the Indian monsoon. be crucial for forests,
amount of heating needed The observatory is especially under stress
to prompt the melting to presently anchored about conditions like wildfires.
start again later in the 1100 km away from the Human-driven activities
season. North Pole at a depth of have been releasing vast
The Greenland ice sheet, 192 metres. amounts of CO2 into the
a potentially massive The observatory carries atmosphere since
contributor to rising sea with it an array of high- industrialisation began
levels, lost mass twice as end oceanographic two hundred years ago.
fast between 2003 and sensors strategically Consequently, there is a
2010 as during the entire positioned at discrete lot of interest in
20th century, researchers depths in the water understanding to what
said in December. column. degree forests the largest
Greenland ice loss The sensors are terrestrial pool of
contributed to a global programmed to collect biological carbon, are able
average sea level rise of 25 real-time data on to absorb this amount,
millimetres (about an seawater temperature, thereby mitigating
inch) between 1990 and salinity, current and other climate change.
2010 -- mainly from vital parameters of the Much about the
surface melt. fjord (creek), magnitude, direction and
Arctic link to the monsoon Climate change is felt first the regulation of these
and fastest in the Arctic. transfers is yet unclear.
In the chill climes of polar
It manifests as rising Since all the trees in the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
256 Current Affairs
study were healthy, and encrypted and restricted About 120 plant breeders
stress- free the authors service. and horticulturalists from
acknowledged the IRNSS-1G is slated to be across the country are
possibility that the launched from the PSLV- deliberating on issues
labelled trees were C33 from Sriharikota and related to development of
transferring its excess will be the 35th PSLV disease-resistant varieties
carbon below ground flight in the last two of fruits, among other
and, in turn, triggering decades. things.
mycorrhizal growth and A symposium on Fruit
Over the next three to six
activity. breeding in tropics and
months, all the IRNSS
Indias own Regional satellites in the fleet sub-tropics: an Indian
Navigation Satellite System, the would be stabilised as a perspective being jointly
IRNSS, is all set to be completed constellation, their signals organised by the Indian
and performance verified Council of Agricultural
Indias own Regional Research and Indian
Navigation Satellite and later put to use.
Institute of Horticultural
System, the IRNSS, is all The fleet has two spare
Research (IIHR).
set to be completed in satellites ready in case of
space next week when the an emergency, a full- organic fruits are not just
seventh and last of its fledged ground control healthier, but would also
spacecraft gets placed in centre in Bengaluru and fetch additional income to
orbit. tracking stations across farmers, especially in the
the country. export market. The
The 1,425-kg spacecraft, symposium would look at
IRNSS-1G, will be Plant breeders focussing conservation of
launched at 12.50 p.m. on on disease-resistant fruits indigenous fruit varieties.
April 28, Indian Space
To promote organic Smarac Citizen to grant
Research Organisation
cultivation of fruits, plant Architects construction permits
breeders are now within a few minutes
IRNSS will be to the focussing on developing
subcontinent what the disease-resistant fruit Architects and real estate
U.S. Global Positioning varieties which can be developers who plan to
System, GPS, is to its users grown without using construct buildings close
worldwide, but with far pesticides. to national monuments
greater precision and in can soon download a new
Even as efforts are on to
Indian control, according mobile app named
develop various
to ISRO. Smarac Citizen, which
cultivation practices to
It will drive both will grant them
reduce pest attack,
everyday uses as a 24/7 construction permits
scientists now feel that
standard service for air, within a few minutes.
developing varieties
sea, ship transport and which are resistant to Based on a proposal from
will also be used for major diseases will go a the National Monuments
missile-related long way in promoting Authority (NMA), the
applications as an organic cultivation. app has been developed
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 257
by the Indian Space Minister Narendra Modi Indian boundaries will be
Research Organisation announced after the covered under the
(ISRO), containing the launch. navigational system.
maps of 3,686 Centrally- The seventh and final The Prime Minister
protected monuments satellite of the Indian invited other countries to
across the country. Regional Navigation make use of this system as
Earlier, the NMA had to Satellite System, the well. We have seven
send teams to the areas IRNSS 1G, was launched neighbours who rely on
close to historic into a sub technology provided by
monuments, where geosynchronous transfer other countries. They can
developers sought orbit with a perigree use Indian services if they
construction permits. (nearest point to earth) of want, he said in a video
The teams had to ensure 284 km and an apogee message addressed to
that permits were granted (farthest point to earth) of ISRO engineers.
only to projects beyond 20,657 km. With an accuracy of better
300 metres from the outer With this launch, the than 20 m being claimed
boundary of a monument. IRNSS constellation of by ISRO, the navigation
Apart from easing the seven satellites is now system will be offered as
process of obtaining complete. an open or Standard
construction permits, the This will allow the Indian Positioning Service and a
app will help the NMA Space Research superior, coded military
keep a tab on Organisation (ISRO) to Restricted Service.
encroachments around focus on the process of Explaining the name
monuments. designing front end chips NAVIC, Mr. Modi said
The app will tell you which will receive the the system was dedicated
how far new navigational signals sent to Indias mariners and
constructions are from out by the satellites. fishermen who have been
any particular protected The system will be similar navigating using the sun
monument. The app will to the Global Positioning and stars as waypoints for
help decide the height of System (GPS) operated by hundreds of years.
the buildings according to the United States with 24 They have shown
the air rules set by the satellites and the Glonass, strength and
Airports Authority. Galileo and BeiDou determination in
systems of Russia, Europe venturing out to sea for so
India finishes set-up for India's
own navigational system and China respectively. many years. We have
All satellites will undergo named this system for
Indias own navigational stabilisation testing and them, the naviks
system, completed with verification of their (mariners), he said.
the launch of the seventh performance over the next In a major breakthrough
and final satellite, will be few months before being skin cells transformed into heart
called NAVIC pushed into use. cells and brain cells
(Navigation with Indian
Constellation), Prime An area of 1,500 km from In a major breakthrough,
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258 Current Affairs
a team of researchers, potent stem cells, which comets in the laboratory,
including an Indian origin can turn into many French research teams
scientist, has transformed different types of cells in have successfully
skin cells into heart cells a particular organ. obtained ribose a key
and brain cells using a With this method, more step in understanding the
combination of chemicals. than 97 per cent of the origin of RNA and of life.
The team used chemical cells began beating and SpaceXs Dragon cargo ship
cocktails to gradually they also responded arrived at International Space
coax skin cells to change appropriately to station
into organ-specific stem hormones, and
cell-like cells and, molecularly, they SpaceXs unmanned
ultimately, into heart or resembled heart muscle Dragon cargo ship,
brain cells. cells, not skin cells. carrying lettuce seeds,
laboratory mice and an
Reprogramming a When the cells were inflatable pop-up room,
patients own cells could transplanted into a mouse arrived at a crowded
provide the safest and heart early in the process, International Space
most efficient way to they developed into Station where six
regenerate dying or healthy-looking heart spacecraft are now
diseased heart muscle. muscle cells within the docked.
The research lays the organ.
British astronaut Tim
groundwork for one day Research shows ribose may have Peake reached out with
being able to regenerate formed on comets the stations robotic arm
lost or damaged cells with and grappled the Dragon,
pharmaceutical drugs. In a first, researchers have
shown that ribose a packed with 3,175
The researchers used sugar that is one of the kilograms of supplies.
genes to convert scar- building blocks of genetic Four Russian spaceships
forming cells in the heart material in living two Progress cargo
of animals into new organisms may have carriers and two Soyuz
muscle that improved the formed in ice on comets. capsules which ferry
function of the heart, astronauts are docked
using a chemical The genetic material of all
living organisms on at the space station, along
reprogramming with Orbital ATKs
approach. Earth, as well as of
viruses, is made up of Cygnus cargo ship and
The team conducted two nucleic acids, DNA and SpaceXs Dragon.
studies using a cocktail of RNA. Not since 2011, during the
nine chemicals to change final flight of the space
human skin cells into Scientists have long
wondered about the shuttle Discovery, have
beating heart cells and there been six vehicles
brain cells. origin of these biological
compounds. parked at the ISS at the
They began the process by same time, NASA said.
changing the cells into a Now, by simulating the
evolution of the Included in the Dragons
state resembling multi- cargo is an expandable
interstellar ice making up
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 259
room that will be attached room on a rocket, but magnets. When a material
to the orbiting outpost. provide greater volume is cooled to a low enough
The cargo also contains once expanded. temperature, they will
Chinese cabbage seeds This first in situ test of the order themselves so that
which astronauts will module will allow all the north magnetic
grow in space, and lab researchers to gauge how poles point in the same
mice that will test well the habitat protects direction.
whether certain drugs can against solar radiation, But in a material
help prevent muscle and space debris and containing a spin liquid
bone loss in microgravity. contamination. state, even if cooled to
The Dragon will remain at BEAM is a 21st-century absolute zero, the bar
the station for a month reincarnation of NASAs magnets would not align
before returning to Earth TransHab, which never but form an entangled
with science samples. got beyond blueprints soup .
and ground mock-ups in The researchers used
Expandable habitat on the ISS
the 1990s. neutron scattering
For the first time, the techniques to look for
A new state of matter
International Space experimental evidence of
Station (ISS) will be fractionalisation in
equipped with an An international team of crystals of ruthenium
expandable habitable scientists has successfully chloride (RuCl3) to
structure that has the detected a mysterious measure the first
potential to revolutionise new state of matter that signatures of fractional
work on the orbital causes electrons, thought particles known as
laboratory. to be natures indivisible Majorana fermions.
SpaceXs Dragon capsule, building blocks, to break
Heart beat and thinking process
launched on a Falcon 9 into pieces.
work together says study
rocket, is delivering The state, known as a
almost 3,175kg of cargo, quantum spin liquid, was The fluctuations of your
including the Bigelow found in a two- heartbeat may affect your
Expandable Activity dimensional material wisdom, according to a
Module (BEAM), to the with a structure similar to new study which
ISS. graphene. suggests that heart-rate
variation and thinking
BEAM will arrive in First predicted 40 years
process work together to
Dragons unpressurised ago, quantum spin liquids
enable wise reasoning
trunk and, after about five were thought to be hiding
about complex social
days, will be removed in certain magnetic
and attached to the materials, but had not
station. Expansion is been conclusively sighted The study extends
targeted for the end of in nature. previous work on
May. cognitive underpinnings
In a typical magnetic
of wise judgement to
Expandable habitats are material, electrons each
include consideration
designed to take up less behave like tiny bar
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
260 Current Affairs
how the hearts that may pave the way for pattern accurately
functioning impacts the new drug targets to treat predicted whether a gene-
mind. many genetic diseases. enhancer interaction
The new study is the first The computational occurred 85 per cent of the
to show that the method, called time.
physiology of the heart, TargetFinder, can predict The new computational
specifically the variability where non-coding DNA approach is a much
of heart rate during low the DNA that does not cheaper and less time-
physical activity, is code for proteins consuming way to
related to less biased, interacts with genes. identify gene-enhancer
wiser judgement, This technology helps connections in the
researchers said. researchers connect genome.
Human heart rate tends to mutations in the so-called The technology also
fluctuate, even during genomic dark matter provides insight into how
steady-state conditions, with the genes they affect, DNA loops form and how
such as while a person is potentially showing new they might break in
sitting. therapeutic targets for disease.
Heart-rate variability genetic disorders. India to buy surveillance drones
refers to the variation in Genes can be separated from US
the time interval between from their enhancers by
heartbeats and is related long stretches of DNA India is in talks with the
to the nervous systems that contain many other United States to purchase
control of organ functions, genes. 40 Predator surveillance
they said. drones, officials said, a
Most genetic mutations possible first step towards
Researchers found that that are associated with acquiring the armed
people with more varied disease occur in version of the aircraft and
heart rates were able to enhancers, making them a development likely to
reason in a wiser, less an incredibly important annoy Pakistan.
biased fashion about area of study.
societal problems when India is trying to equip the
Scientists originally military with more
they were instructed to believed that enhancers
reflect on a social issue unmanned technologies
mostly affect the gene to gather intelligence as
from a third-person nearest to them. The new
perspective. well as boost its firepower
study showed that, on a along the vast land
Scientists developed strand of DNA, enhancers borders with Pakistan and
technology to read and interpret can be millions of letters China. It also wants a
genomes away from the gene they closer eye on the Indian
influence, skipping over Ocean.
Scientists have developed the genes in between.
a novel technology that New Delhi has already
allows them to read and They discovered several acquired surveillance
interpret the human patterns that exist on the drones from Israel to
genome, a breakthrough loops that connect monitor the mountains of
enhancers to genes. This
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Current Affairs 261
Kashmir, a region Scientists have long two, making it easier for
disputed by the nuclear- known there was once astronomers to study both
armed South Asian rivals running water on Mars, as the star and the planet.
and the cause of two of evidenced by ancient The newly found planet,
their three wars. river valleys, deltas and called KELT-4Ab, orbits
parts of lake beds.
As defence ties deepen one star. It takes three
with the United States, In addition to producing days to make its way
which sees India as a hydrothermal regions in around the star KELT-A,
counterweight to China in portions of Mars which serves as its sun.
the region, New Delhi has fractured and melted
The view from KELT-4Ab
asked Washington for the crust, a massive impact
could have temporarily would likely to be one
Predator series of where its sun, KELT-A,
unmanned planes built by increased the planets
atmospheric pressure, would appear roughly
privately-held General forty times as big as our
periodically heating Mars
Atomics, military officials Sun when it is viewed
up enough to re-start a
said. from Earth. This is
dormant water cycle.
The U.S. government late because the main star is
Much of the action on
last year cleared General close to KELT-4Ab.
Mars occurred during a
Atomics proposal to On the other hand, the
period known as the Late
market the unarmed Heavy Bombardment two other orbiting stars
Predator XP in India. about 3.9 billion years ago would appear much
Comets and asteroids might when the developing dimmer due to their great
have helped Mars to be more solar system was a distance, shining no
conducive to life shooting gallery of brighter than our Moon,
comets, asteroids, moons the researchers said.
Large comets and and planets.
asteroids that bombarded Scientists have known of
Mars some 4 billion years Scientists have discovered a rare the existence of the KELT
ago likely enhanced triple-star system system for several years,
climate conditions but it was thought that the
Scientists have discovered
enough to make the red binary stars were actually
a rare triple-star system
planet more conducive to just one star.
with a gas giant planet
life, at least for a time, a The triple-star system
similar in size to Jupiter.
new study has found. offers a unique
Known planets with three
If early Mars was as opportunity for scientists
stars appearing in their
barren and cold as it is trying to understand how
sky are rare the new
today, massive asteroid it is that gas giants, such
impacts would have discovery is just the fourth
as KELT-4Ab, manage to
produced heat to melt and the closest one to
orbit so close to their star.
subsurface ice, said Earth yet, allowing a
better look than has been Defence Minister inaugurated
Stephen Mojzsis, a
possible. first indigenous bow mounted
professor at University of
sonar dome
Colorado Boulder in the The main star is also
U.S. brighter than the other Defence Minister
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262 Current Affairs
Manohar Parrikar flagged (NASA) is looking at ISRO too has great
off the first indigenous putting people on planet technical expertise with
bow-mounted sonar Mars by 2030 even as its radar systems, launch
dome for naval warships plans are afoot to put the vehicles of PSLV/GSLV
at Defexpo. next lander on the red and so on. Apart from
It was designed by planet in 2018. research collaboration,
engineers at a DRDO NASA seeks to know the there has been an
laboratory based in Pune interior of the plant, exchange of scholars
and manufactured by penetrate the ground for between both the
Kineco Ltd., a Goan up to 10 metres or more. institutions of JPL and
company. Do a follow-up on the Indian Institute of Space
next rover in 2020 and Technology (IIST).
Only a couple of
companies in the world check the samples on the The US space institute has
have the capability to surface also been doing lot of
make such a structurally In the city en route to the research in earth sciences
demanding structure in Indian Space Research by having an orbiting lab
composites. Organisation (ISRO) from space to look into the
headquarters in Earths atmosphere, soil
The sonar functions as the
Bangalore, Mr. James moisture, study the water
ships underwater eyes
gave an exciting insight cycles, glacial movements
and ears.
into the research at NASA and so on.
The dome is a structure
and the collaborative Imagine a planetary body
fitted over the sonar array
efforts going on with with water holding
so that its electronics and
India and Israel on the capacity of three times the
sensors are not exposed to
planetary missions to size of Earth.
surrounding hostile
Mars. NASA will be keenly
The heightened interest studying the Icy moons
The sonar dome has to be
about Mars is because it of Jupiter and Saturn and
structurally sound as well
has more to offer, it is will be the forthcoming
as acoustically
closer, more earth-like planetary missions after
than the moon, has the next lander is put on
Kineco has a joint venture atmosphere to make Mars.
with Kaman Aerospace oxygen and lots of The mission towards
group of the U.S., which potential. moons like Titan or the
has also become a
Propulsion systems, largest moon of Saturn
significant player in the
spacecraft, radars, and will look for the icy
field of aerospace
satellite components, water as was shown by
payload developments, et unmanned spacecraft
NASA plans for new probe in al are being jointly taken Galileo and the Hubble
Mars in 2018 up with the help of firms telescope in search for
in Spain, Israel and India. habitable world other
National Aeronautics and
While NASA was than earth.
Space Administration
technological leader, The next generation James
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Current Affairs 263
Webb space telescope as sort of geological activity front line drugs. Experts
well as new propulsion can be sustained on say this is due to lax
systems will help reach isolated planetary bodies monitoring and profligate
Jupiter and Saturn within in this distant region of prescription by medical
a year and also study the the solar system. authorities that allow
exoplanets planets these drugs to be easily
BIRAC to start an seed
orbiting around stars fund to tackle anti-microbial available.
other than the Sun. resistance The World Health
Space probe New Horizons Organisation statistics for
In a move to encourage 2014 give an estimated
result revealed by NASA
biotechnology start-ups incidence figure of 2.2
NASA scientists as well as tackle the threat million cases of TB for
associated with faced by India from India out of a global
interplanetary space resistance to antimicrobial incidence of 9 million,
probe New Horizons drugs. with instances of drug-
have revealed the former The Department of resistant TB rapidly
astronomers planet Biotechnology (DBT) rising.
and its intriguing system through the
of small moons in a Last December, the DBT
Biotechnology Industry laid out a strategy
comprehensive set of Research Assistance
papers describing results whereby biotechnology
Council (BIRAC) has would be at the
from last summers Pluto invested an initial
system flyby. foundation of a $100-
$1,00,000 to start an India- billion industry by 2025,
After a 9.5-year, three- focussed seed fund to rising from the current $7-
billion-mile journey help groups in India $10 billion.
launching faster and compete for the
travelling farther than any Longitude Prize. The National
spacecraft to reach its Bi ot ec hn ol og y
This is a 10 million prize Development Strategy, as
primary target New offered by Nesta, a U.K.
Horizons zipped by Pluto it is called, expects to
charity, to any individual launch four missions in
on July 14 last year. group anywhere in the healthcare, food and
New Horizons seven world that develops an nutrition, clean energy
science instruments affordable, effective and education; create a
collected about 50 diagnostic test to detect technology development
gigabits of data on the resistance to microbes. and translation network
spacecrafts digital BIRAC, since its across India with global
recorders, most of it inception, has supported partnership.
coming over nine busy several social
days surrounding the IRNSS-1G to be delayed
entrepreneurs, BIRAC is
encounter. supported by the DBT. The spacecraft, IRNSS-
Observing Pluto and India faces increasing 1G, was planned for
Charon up close has instances of tuberculosis March 31. It is now
caused us to completely patients being resistant to planned to be launched
reassess thinking on what
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
264 Current Affairs
towards the end of April, inadequately connected operations.
a delay that is not unusual and the northeast faced a
Antartica may be a place for
in the Space arena. paucity of civil aviation largest canyon in the world
Indian Space Research infrastructure despite the
Organisation sources said aviation industry The worlds largest
the satellite was getting growing rapidly canyon over 1,000 km
readied at the ISRO On the growth potential, long and in places as
Satellite Centre in the passenger traffic in much as one km deep,
Bengaluru. The sixth one, India was likely to touch may lie under the
1F, was flown as recently 421 million by 2020 it Antarctic ice sheet, a team
as on March 10 from the was 190 million in 2015. of scientists, including
Sriharikota launch site. India is one of the least Indian researchers, has
penetrated air-markets in revealed.
Much is anticipated of the
uses of the Rs. 1400-crore the world with 0.04 trips The canyon system is
IRNSS (Indian Regional per capita per annum as made up of a chain of
Navigation Satellite compared to 0.3 of China winding and linear
System), which is aimed and over 2 in the U.S. features buried under
at improving positional India would require at several kilometres of ice
and navigational least 800 aircraft by in one of the least
accuracy on land, sea and 2020 to cater to the unexplored regions of the
in air within the country; phenomenal increase of Earths land surface
and for everyday civil passenger and freight Princess Elizabeth Land
uses as well as defence traffic. (PEL) in East Antarctica.
and security affairs. S u p p o r t i n g Very few measurements
The first in the series, infrastructure, it has to be of the ice thickness have
IRNSS-1A, was put in suitably upgraded by been carried out in this
orbit in July 2013; each of building new Greenfield particular area of the
the spacecraft is built to airports, expanding the Antarctic, which has led
last for at least ten years. existing airports and to scientists dubbing it
upgrading facilities for one of Antarcticas two
ISRO plans to double its Poles of Ignorance.
launch rate in a year by maintenance, repair and
doing a flight a month.
India Aviation 2016
India Aviation 2016, fifth
in the biennial series of
international exhibition
and conference on civil
aviation is happening in
Several Tier II and III
cities remain
unconnected or
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Current Affairs 265


Winners List of Tennis Grand-slams 2015-16

Australian Open 2016 Winners
Mens Singles Novak Djokovic (Serbia)
Womens Singles Angelique Kerber (GER)
Mens Doubles Jamie Murray (GBR) & Bruno Soares (BRA)
Womens Doubles Martina Hingis (SUI) & Sania Mirza (IND)
Mixed Double Elena Vesnina (RUS) & Bruno Soares (BRA)
French Open 2015 Winners
Mens Singles Stan Wawrinka (SUI)
Womens Singles Serena Williams (USA)
Mens Doubles Ivan Dodig (CRO) & Marcelo Melo (BRA)
Womens Doubles Bethanie Mattek-Sands (USA) & Lucie Safarova (CZE)
Mixed Double Bethanie Mattek-Sands & Mike Bryan (USA)
Wimbledon 2015 Winners
Mens Singles Novak Djokovic (SRB)
Womens Singles Serena Williams (USA)
Mens Doubles Jean-Julien Rojer (NED) & Horia Tecau (ROU)
Womens Doubles Martina Hingis (SUI) & Sania Mirza (IND)
Mixed Double Martina Hingis (SUI) & Leander Paes (IND)
US Open 2015 Winners
Mens Singles Novak Djokovic (SRB)
Womens Singles Flavia Pennetta (ITA)
Mens Doubles Pierre-Hugues Herbert & Nicolas Mahut (FRA)
Womens Doubles Martina Hingis (SUI) & Sania Mirza (IND)
Mixed Double Martina Hingis (SUI) & Leander Paes (IND)

ICC WORLD TWENTY20 organized by International defeating Pakistan in the final

Cricket Council. First edition of match. Since 2007, six ICC
ICC World Twenty20 is
T20 world cup was played in World T20 events have been
the prestigious cricket event
2007, hosted in South Africa. concluded successfully and the
which is usually contested in
India won the first ICC world latest edition was played in
every two years and it is
twenty20 competition by India from 8 March to 3 April
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
266 Current Affairs
2016 which was won by West with only three balls to spare Sri Lanka picked up three
Indies by defeating England in in Dhaka. of thefour remaining
the final played at Eden India, whose had not lost golds which weredecided
Gardens. West Indies is the a youth ODI in the two years this evening, while
most successful team of ICC since the last tournament, were Bangladesh took the other
World T20 as they are the put in to bat on a green surface through MahfuzaKhatun
winners of two tournaments in by the West Indies captain, who won the
2012 and 2016. Shimron Hetmyer. Under w o m e n s 5 0 m
ICC WOMENS WORLD relentless pressure from sharp, breaststroke her
TWENTY20 accurate bowling, the home second inas many days.
side crawled to a meagre 145 Sri Lankas Komiko
ICC Womens World all out in just over 45 overs.
Twenty20 championship is an Raheem wontwo golds in
international cricket event for India beats Pakistan in Kabaddi a little over an hour the
womens that is organised in womens 100m
India edged Pakistan by a
every two-year span time. backstroke andthe 50m
solitary point in the
International Cricket Council freestyle, the second one
concluding round-robin
holds this tournament for atthe expense of elder
match of mens kabaddi
women national cricket teams. sister Machiko.
here at the R.G. Barua
The inaugural edition of India completed its
Sports Complex.
womens t20 world cup was dominance, winning five
played in 2009 which was The slender win helped
of the six titles, on the
hosted by England and won by India top the league
concluding day of the
England team by defeating standings for a place in
wrestling events
New Zealand in the final. Since the semifinals, where it
will take on Bangladesh. Pakistan picked up the
2009, a total of 5 womens
mensheavyweight gold
world twenty20s have been The Indian men had
concluded and fifth edition of to prevent aclean sweep
earlier dominated
competition was played in by the host, whichfinished
Bangladesh beating them
India which was won by West with 14 out of the total
by 30-17 margin.
Indies womens. Australia 16gold medals.
The other semifinal will
womens cricket team is the India walked away with
most successful nation in ICC feature Pakistan against
all the gold medals on ofer
World T20 as they are the three Sri Lanka.
in badminton and archery
time world champions. Lets India in south Asian games at the South Asian Games
have a look at the complete list India steamrollered Sri
of winners and runners-up for Indias 27-year-old
Sandeep Sejwal who took Lanka3-0 in both the
womens world twenty20.
the gold in the mens mens and womens
UNDER-19 CRICKET 100m and200m sections to win the
WORLD CUP breaststroke, proved badminton crown. The
unbeatable once again as host dominatedthe
The West Indies won the
Under-19 World Cup for the he clinched his third gold archery events as well
first time in their history after medal of the 12th South clinching all the five titles
beating India by five wickets Asian Games. at stake:compound team
mens andwomens,
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 267
individual mens their core players, discipline event
andwomens and mixed. attention will be riveted e n c o m p a s s i n g
India performing well in south on the strategy adopted competitions in 23
Asian games by the two new entrants disciplines and 241 events
Rising Pune well be held across two
Host India enjoyed a field Supergiants and Gujarat cities Shillong and
day on the opening day of Lions as they try to beef Guwahati.
the weightlifting up their respective units From a historical
competitions of the 12th led by M.S. Dhoni and perspective, the South
South Asian Games, Suresh Raina respectively. Asian Games were
picking three of the four Including the caption, established as a
gold medals. both the Pune and Rajkot- movement to foster peace
Indias No. 1 womens ace based outfits have picked and friendship through
archer Deepika Kumari,, five players each and regular sporting contact
maintained her focus in should do the lions share between athletes from
tough weather conditions of the bidding. Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
to beat Sonam Deki Delhi Daredevils too can Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal,
(Bhutan) 6-2 in the be an active player, flush Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
quarterfinals and Beauty as it is with the highest current host India.
Ray of Bangladesh 6-0 in available purse of Rs. The first edition was held
the last-four to enter the 37.15 crore. in Kathmandu in 1984.
Missing from the auction This is the third time India
The Indian mens will be the two suspended will host the Games, after
badminton team reached teams Chennai Super Kolkata in 1987 and
the semifinals with 3-0 Kings and Rajasthan Chennai in 1995,and it
wins over Maldives and Royals which in the will have hopes of
Bangladesh in Group A, previous auctions used to continuing with its overall
without losing a game. follow a set pattern. CSK dominance across venues
India made a clean sweep preferred continuity and for a twelfth straight time.
of the gold medals on of- Royals plumped for Djokovic wins another
fer on the opening day of value-buys. Australian open
the wrestling
South Asian games started at
competition. Novak Djokovic crushed
Guwahati and Shillong
IPL 2016 auction will happen Andy Murray 6-1, 7-5, 7-
today The 12th South Asian 6(3) at Melbourne Park on
Games will be launched Sunday to match Roy
The latest auction will with pomp and grandeur Emersons record of six
witness 351 players going at the Indira Gandhi Australian Open titles.
under the hammer and stadium, Sarurasajai, The defending champion
that includes 230 Indian Guwahati. was at his ruthless best
and 121 overseas players. Originally scheduled to under the lights at Rod
With a majority of the be back in 2012, the Laver Arena, mauling
teams having retained prestigious multi- Murray in the base- line
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
268 Current Affairs
duels and closing out the the womens doubles this match.
match in two hours and 53 event of the Australian This is also Sindhus
minutes. Open after notching up a second Malaysia Masters
Murray succumbed to his comfortable straight-set Grand Prix Gold title,
fifth loss in five Australian win. having won it in 2013 as
Open finals, and fourth However, Rohan well. She also completed
against the World No.1 Bopannas campaign a hat-trick at the Macau
Serbian, who claimed his ended with a shock defeat Open Grand Prix Gold in
11th Grand Slam title to in the mixed doubles November last year.
draw level with Rod quarterfinals with partner The Indian had reached
Laver and Bjorn Borg. Yung-Jan Chan of her maiden finals of a
Chinese Taipei. Super Series premier
Santina win Australian Open
Sania and Hingis, who are event at the Denmark
In a perfect climax to their on a record winning Super Series Premier.
stupendous run, Sania streak, continued their
Mirza and Martina Hingis India won T20 Blind cricket
run as they brushed aside Asia cup
were crowned the Julia Goerges and
Australian Open KarolinaPliskova, the World champion India
womens doubles 13th seeds, 6-1, 6-0 in just held its nerve
champions after they 54 minutes at Rod Laver impressively on Sunday,
tamed the spirited Czech Arena to enter their third defeated Pakistan by 45
duo of Andrea successive doubles Grand runs and lifted the first
Hlavackova and Lucie Slam final. T20 Asia Cup for the Blind
Hradecka 7-6(1), 6-3 for at the Nehru Stadium.
their 36th win in a row. Indian shuttler P.V.Sindhu won
Malaysia masters Despite its big star
It was the third Prakash Jayaramaiah
consecutive Grand Slam Indian shuttler P.V. considered one of the
title for Sania and Hingis, Sindhu continued her worlds best batsmen in
having won the rampaging run to clinch this version falling for
Wimbledon and US Open the Malaysia Masters a duck and the consistent
in the 2015 season. Grand Prix Gold title with Ketan Patel not scoring
In an incredible feat, Sania a straight-game win over big.
and Martina have now Scotlands Kristy
India still managed to
extended their unbeaten Gilmour, making a
make 206, thanks to some
run to 36 matches, resounding start to the
late fireworks from cap-
winning eight titles in a new season.
tain Ajay Kumar Reddy
row. The third-seeded Indian who made an unbeaten 34
prevailed 21-15, 21-9 in a from 16 balls (1x6, 1x4).
Martina Hingis and Sania Mirza
reached Australian open final 32-minute clash to clinch
her fifth Grand Prix Gold Federer gets 300th grand slam
Sania Mirza and her Swiss title to avenge a 2013 loss win
partner Martina Hingis to the Scot, their only Novak Djokovic
stormed into the final of previous encounter before underlined his supremacy
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Current Affairs 269
in mens tennis on Friday conditional use of the Sania- Hingis won second
as he marched Decision Review System trophy of the season
unstoppably into the after consultation with the
Sania Mirza and Martina
Australian Open fourth team management on its
Hingiss awe-inspiring
round along with return from Australia.
run continued unabated
Serena Williams, who BCCI secretary Anurag as they lifted their second
raced through in just 44 Thakur said that India trophy of the season with
minutes. was not convinced the the WTA Apia
As Roger Federer reached system was foolproof but International title, after
a landmark 300th Grand it might be inclined to clinching their 30th win in
Slam win, Djokovic still consider its use if leg- a row.
looked like the man to before decisions were left
It was the 11th title for the
beat as he weathered a out of the ambit of the
In- do-Swiss pair,
strong challenge from DRS.
continuing the good show
Andreas Seppi to reach The ICC, meanwhile, from 2015.
the first weekend without reaffirmed its
dropping a set. commitment to the Spirit Vijender singh beats Hungarys
Maria Sharapova also of Cricket and bringing Alexander Horwath
weathered a fightback about positive social There was no stopping
when she beat pint-sized change through the sport, Indian boxing star
American Lauren Davis by launching Cricket for Vijender Singh as he
6-1, 6-7(5), 6-0, helped by Good, its CSR notched up his fourth
a strategic break and programme, in successive knockout
change of dress, for her association with UNICEF. professional win by
600th career win. Delhi won premier badminton pummelling Hungarys
Nadal out of Australian open in league final Alexander Horvath in
First round under three rounds here.
Delhi Acers calculated
Vijender had little trouble
Rafael Nadal and Simona gamble paid of as its
outpunching his
Halep went out of the British- import Rajiv
opponent, who failed to
Australian open in the Ouseph pulled of his
get up after being thrown
first round. trump match against a
off balance by his body
Nadal was sent packing des- perate R.M.V.
blows in the third round
by fellow spaniard Gurusaidutt of Mumbai
of the six-round contest of
Fernando Verdasco in a Rockets in the tie-decider
the middlewight (75kg)
five set thriller. of the Premier Badminton
category late on Saturday
League final.
Women no. 2 Halep was night.
defeated by the Chinese The 4-3 triumph for Delhi
The 30-year-old Indian,
qualifier Zhang Shuai. was worth Rs. 3 crore.
who went into the contest
Mumbai settled for Rs. 2
India might consider conditional on the back of three
crore out of the total prize
use of DRS successive knockout
fund of approximately Rs.
triumphs, continued to be
India may consider 6.5 crore.
a cut above his rivals, who
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270 Current Affairs
talk big but deliver little factbox) and Rests win downing host Bangladesh
inside the ring. was memorable because it by eight wickets in the
The 20-year-old Horvath, was be- hind in the first final of the Asia Cup at the
with an experience of innings by 297 runs. Sher-e-Bangla National
seven pro fights, had been Cricket Stadium.
BCCI says despite problems
drinking snake blood to India-Pak match will happen Bangladesh found its total
prepare himself but it of 120, after having been
seemed the bizarre The Board of Control for asked to bat, too meagre
routine helped little in Cricket in India (BCCI) to challenge the efficiency
countering the ferocity of has said the India- of the Indians who
Indias first Olympic and Pakistan World Twenty20 completed the run chase
World Championships Cricket match at with seven balls to spare.
bronze medallist. Dharamsala will be held
as per schedule (on March The match was reduced to
Vijender will next be seen 19) and that the State a 15-over affair after a
in action on April 2, the government was on thundershower delayed
opponent and venue for board. the start by two hours.
which would be decided Shikhar Dhawan played
later. After an hour-long
meeting with senior the lead with a chanceless
Rest of India pulled off stunning officials of the Ministry of 60 (44b, 9x4, 1x6) while
chase Home Affairs (MHA) at Virat Kohli (41 not out)
North Block, Tournament supported him ably in a
Rest of India upset all 94-run stand for the
predictions by chasing Director M.V. Sridhar said
the Himachal Pradesh second wicket.
down 480 to win the Irani
Cup match, against Ranji government was on board Captain Mahendra Singh
champion Mumbai. for the cricket match. Dhoni produced late
The statement assumes fireworks, scoring 20 off
Akhil Herwadkars direct just six balls (two sixes
hit from point, which saw significance as Himachal
Pradesh Chief Minister and a four), to ensure
the exit of Rest captain Indias sixth Asia Cup
Naman Ojha, kindled Virbhadra Singh had
opposed the match and title. This was the 10th
hopes of a home team win win in 11 matches for
but Stuart Binnys big even told a visiting
Pakistani team a day ago India an encouraging
blows (54, 3x4, 2x6) and statistic ahead of the ICC
an equally dynamic that the State government
would not provide any World T20.
performance by Sheldon
Jackson (59 not out, 4x4, security to the cricket Patna pirates are the winner of
1x6) took their side past team. Pro Kabaddi league
the finishing line in the India beat Bangladesh in Asia Patna Pirates had
mandatory overs. cup final struggled to break the
It was the third-highest India demonstrated its semifinal jinx in the
run chase in Indias dominance in Twenty20 previous two editions of
domestic first- class cricket and regained the ProKabaddi League
tournament history (see continental supremacy, (PKL).
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Current Affairs 271
Having got past that devised a new ultra-short He now inherits a very
hurdle, the side went all form of the game called different job from that
the way on Saturday, Cricket Max for his new inhabited by his
defeating defending employer Sky Television, compatriot Blatter, who
champion U Mumba 31- which was pitched to toured the world like a
28 in the dying seconds of British officials and head of state for 17 years.
the game to win the title helped lay the foundation Before the election, the
but not before Mumba for the modern Twenty20 Congress had
gave it a scare till the last revolution. overwhelmingly passing
few seconds of the game. a set of reforms intended
Asia cup final would be between
Tied 28-28 till the last 45 to make it more
India and Bangladesh
seconds, it was more a transparent, professional
case of holding nerves Bangladesh quelled the and accountable.
than anything else and demons within to surpass BrendomMcCullum quit
Patna, with the monkey Pakistan's modest total international cricket
off its back, was the one and ensure its first T20I
final entry, at the Sher- e- New Zealand captain
that gave it the final push.
Bangla National Cricket Brendon McCullum
Mumba skipper Anup Stadium. insisted the time was right
Kumar its key raider to quit international
and, on this day, someone The hosts returned from
the edge of the precipice cricket despite hitting one
who almost took his team of his best innings just
to the title single- playing out a dramatic
19th over, where fortunes days earlier.
handedly had kept his
swung like a pendulum, It was not the way the 34-
calm and pushed his team
to overhaul the target of year-old wanted to retire,
to fight back from an
130 with five wickets and as Australia completed a
eight-point deficit at half
as many balls to spare. 2-0 series sweep by
Rendering the rest of the winning the second Test
But his final raid, that saw by seven wickets.
him slip and go out of the league phase
inconsequential, But McCullum did mark
play area to concede a
Bangladesh will now play his swansong in
point, saw the trophy slip
India in the final on trademark fashion,
Sunday. setting records for the fas-
Martin Crowe passes away test century and most
Gianni Infantino becomes FIFA
New Zealands greatest sixes in Test history (107).
batsman Martin Crowe South Asian games ended with
Swiss football executive full flare
died at the age of 53 after
Gianni Infantino vowed
a long battle with cancer
to lead FIFA, the sports The closing ceremony at
Crowe enjoyed a 13-year world governing body, the India Gandhi Stadium
international career from out of years of corruption brought the curtain down
1982-95, including four and scandal after being on the 12th South Asian
years as captain. elected president to Games.
In his retirement, Crowe succeed Sepp Blatter. Twelve days of
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272 Current Affairs
competition saw action in after 23 years. joint-winner with South
22 disciplines 15 in Kamala found her touch Korea. In 2012 and 2015 it
Guwahati and seven in in the crucial match by was the bronze medallist.
Shillong and the scoring a brace as India The Boxing Federation
awarding of 789 medals to scripted a convincing 4-0 of India will have current and
athletes representing the win over Nepal in the former players
eight participating womens football final.
nations. In a first for boxing
India reached Azlan Shah cup administration in India,
Nepal was introduced as finals
the host of the 13th edition the proposed new
of the Games in 2018. India produced an federation will have
inspiring performance to representation from
India finished its tally of
beat host Malaysia 6-1 in current and former
medals at 308, with 188
a must win match. pugilists by including
golds, 90 silver and 30
This assured Indias them in the Executive
bronze medals.
seventh appearance in Committee after elections.
Sri Lanka and Pakistan
final of the sultan Azlan The Boxing Federation of
took second and third
shah hockey tournament. India (BFI) is expected to
position respectively.
Indias opponent in the take shape, under
India going firm in South Asian guidelines by the
title encounter will be
Games International Boxing
World champion
The Indian victories in Australia, which Association (AIBA),
both the categories came prevailed 3-0 over failing which the
in contrasting fashion as Canada to complete an countrys boxers might be
the men had to put their all-win record in the barred from this Augusts
best foot forward against preliminary league. Olympic Games to be
Pakistan, before winning held in Rio de Janeiro.
the close encounter at 9-7, India lost finals to Australia
Four boxers two men
while the womens team India suffered a 0-4 and two women will
hardly had to break sweat drubbing at the hands of now be duly elected in
en route to an easy 36-11 World champion BFIs Executive
victory over Bangladesh. Australia to settle for a C o m m i t t e e
India, made a clean sweep silver medal, its best independently.
in the mens boxing event finish in six years, in the The former boxers one
bagging all the seven gold Sultan Azlan Shah Cup male and one female in
medalson offer hockey tournament. the committee will be
Nepal made a fine This was Australias ninth picked through elections
comeback in the second title win as it continued its after registering all the
half to beat host India 2-1 stranglehold over the retired pugilists via an
in the final of the mens tournament. athletes commission.
football at the Indira
India last won the The active members will
Gandhi Stadium. The win
tournament in 2010, its be elected during the
saw Nepal reclaiming the
South Asian Games gold fifth title, when it was a National Championships
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Current Affairs 273
that will be held after BFI overhaul the Board, said wasted and only non-
takes charge. such a move by the potable water is used.
The process to have the judiciary would be a The former Union Cabinet
new federation in place by violation of the BCCIs Minister is surprised that
May 14 is picking up pace fundamental right under no one raised the issue
with the Sports Ministry Article 19 of the during the ICC World
deciding to give its No Constitution. Twenty20.
Objection Certificate The Mumbai Cricket Meanwhile, Rising Pune
(NOC) for BFIs Association rejected Supergiants skipper MS
registration. Justice Lodhas Dhoni felt one should
SC mooted proposal that Govt recommendation to bar look at long-term
should take over public functions Ministers and solutions to address the
of BCCI government servants water scarcity in the State
from becoming cricket rather than finding a
The Supreme Court administrators. quick-fix solution for the
mooted a proposal to The association said the duration of the IPL.
have the government take reality is that their
over the public SC raps BCCI for not
involvement aids the implementing Lodha committee
functions of the BCCI smooth functioning of
amid objections from the report
sporting bodies as their
Boards members that this influence is of help while Noting that the BCCI has
will be a direct affront to organising big sporting done nothing to fulfil its
the cricketing bodys events. mandate to develop
identity as a private cricket on an equal basis
registered society. IPL chief says it's difficult to
across the country, the
move matches in the eleventh
A Bench of Chief Justice of Supreme Court said
India T.S. Thakur and cricket bosses have
Justice F.M.I. Kalifulla Indian Premier League transformed the Board
asked whether selection (IPL) chairman Rajeev into a mutual benefit
of players for the national Shukla is confident the society, which allocates
team, tours and controversy over the huge amounts to
organising of matches usage of water for the members without
should be taken up by a matches scheduled in bothering to ask how they
committee operating Maharashtra will be spend it.
under the aegis of a law. resolved soon. A Special Bench of Chief
Senior advocate Kapil Mr Shukla said, We will Justice of India T.S.
Sibal, appearing for the try to convince the court Thakur and Justice F.M.I.
Baroda Cricket that its very difficult to Kalifulla asked whether
Association and a BCCI move the matches outside the no-questions-asked
member protesting the the State in the eleventh policy of the BCCI was a
implementation of the hour, and that we will try ploy to influence voting
Justice Lodha panel all other options to make patterns.
recommendations to sure that water is not The Bench was hearing
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274 Current Affairs
objections raised by the deliveries. Indoor Stadium.
BCCI to several The burly Brathwaites Saina, defending
recommendations made riposte 6, 6, 6 and 6 champion and second
by the Supreme Court- stunned England and seed, overcame the loss of
appointed committee, led forced a hapless Ben the first game to win 19-
by former Chief Justice of Stokes, the bowler, on to 21, 21-14, 21-19 in a match
India R.M. Lodha, to his haunches. that witnessed long rallies
overhaul and bring and court-craft from both
The West Indies won by
transparency into Indian players until their tiring
four wickets, scoring 161
cricket administration. limbs filled the home-
for six in 19.4 overs while
Virat Kohli became WC in pursuit of Englands stretch with a series of
T20 player of the tournament 155 for nine. unforced errors.

Virat Kohli has been In racing towards the However, P.V. Sindhu
named as the player of the victors podium, the West failed to double Indias
tournament. He has fend Indies became the only joy.
off completion from squad so far to win the In the days last match
Badree of West Indies, Joe World Twenty20 title that lasted 80 minutes,
root of England etc. twice, having secured it Koreas BaeYeon Ju made
He said Although I am last in 2012. light of the loss of the first
disappointed that we The exuberant Caribbean game to win 15-21, 21- 15,
were not able to make it celebrations were back on 21-15.
throughto the final and the cricket field as the India lost in semifinals
win the ICC World West Indian women
declared themselves the No team has won a
Twenty20 title on home
best in the world. Twenty20 International at
soil,I am proud to be
the Wankhede Stadium
named Player-of-the- West Indies women after losing the toss.
tournament convincingly outsmarted
the seemingly invincible India made a strong case
West Indies win both men and to reverse the trend, but
women T20 title Australians to win the
maiden ICC World T20 Lendl Simmons had other
Darren Sammys men as womens title here at the ideas. West Indies won
their own and found Eden Gardens. the World Twenty20
ecstasy in a last over of semifinal encounter by
pulsating thrills. The West Saina reaches semifinals of seven wickets and two
Indies, known for its Indian open, while Sindhu exits balls to spare.
hoary past, won the ICC Saina Nehwal just about Man-of-the-match
World Twenty20 title. managed to survive an 82- Simmons, who led a
Marlon Samuels (85 n.o., minute test against charmed life twice out
66b, 9x4, 2x6) anchored Koreas Sung Ji Hyun for on a no ball led the
the chase and Carlos a place in the semifinals of charge with a 51-ball 83
Brathwaite (34 n.o.) the India Open before a not out. His knock
mocked the 19 runs vociferous bunch of included seven fours and
required from the final six supporters at the Siri Fort five sixes.
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Current Affairs 275
Andre Russell 43 (20b, 50 runs in less than four European Cups as a
3x5, 4x6), who hit the overs. player with Ajax
winning run, gave Finch stunned the Indians Amsterdam and Ballon
Simmons good company by hitting Nehra on the dOr titles in 1971 with
from the 14th over when off-side and hoisting Ajax and 1973 and 1974
the West Indies was 116 Ashwin over long on for with Barcelona, where he
for three. two successive sixes. starred from 1973 to 1978.
India beats Australia to reach P.R. Sreejesh and He is considered one of
semifinals Deepika gets player of the year the best four players in
honours history, alongside Pele of
Kohlis extraordinary Brazil, Diego Maradona
batsmanship, which P.R. Sreejesh and Deepika of Argentina and Frances
produced an unbeaten 51- walked away with the Michel Platini.
ball 82, carried India to a Player of the Year
memorable six-wicket With his precision passes,
honours at the second speed, technique and
win over Australia and Hockey India Annual
earned the host a place in goal-scoring ability,
Awards ceremony for
the World T20 semifinals. Cruyff set new standards
2015. as a player.
The class of Kohlis knock, Sreejesh had a memorable
which came amidst India beats Bangladesh in a nail-
time under the bar last
extremely difficult biting match
year, notably playing a
circumstances and in a starring role in Indias Nerves were shredded,
do-or-die match, shoot-out victory over nails got chewed and
reminded one of Sachin Holland in the bronze- throats turned hoarse as a
Tendulkars unforgettable medal match at the HWL rousing Wednesday night
assault on the Australian Final. witnessed India effect a
attack in the summer of remarkable turnaround
The veteran Deepika was
1998 in Sharjah. and snatch a one-run
recognised for her work in
India staged a defence as the Indian victory over Bangladesh
tremendous fightback to womens team qualified in the ICC World
restrict Australia to 160 for the Olympic Games Twenty20 Super 10 Group
for six even though the after a gap of 36 years. 2 match.
Aussies were off to a Pursuing Indias 146 for
Both Sreejesh and she
flying start thanks to the seven, Bangladesh
were given a cash prize of
pyrotechnics of its needed 11 from the last
Rs. 25 lakh.
combative openers. over with four wickets in
Indias resilience was put Johan Cruyff one of the greatest hand.
through another tough footballer died
Hardik Pandya conceded
test when Australia relied Johan Cruyff, one of the a single to Mahmudullah,
on an astounding greatest footballers in suffered two fours at the
onslaught from its history, died at the age of hands of Mushfiqur
openers Usman Khawaja 68 from lung cancer. Rahim and when it boiled
and Aaron Finch to amass Cruyff won three down to two from three
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
276 Current Affairs
deliveries, M.S. Dhonis now back on track. 100 the century
men set a miracle in Indian team for Rio finalised brought up in 47
motion, helped largely by ensured the West Indies
the visitors desire to go The selection committee won its Group 1 opener in
for glory instead of a of the National Rifle emphatic fashion, by six
humble single or two. Association of India wickets and with 11
Rahim and Mahmudullah (NRAI), opted for an deliveries to spare.
perished to wild hoicks additional entry in mens
India lost first match against
and a nervous Mustafizur trap in place of the quota
New Zealand in T20 World Cup
Rahman was no match for won by rifle shooter
a sprinting Dhoni, who Sanjeev Rajput for the Rio The game of cricket is a
knocked down the Olympics. glorious gamble and New
stumps to leave the The Indian shooters had Zealands decision to pick
batsman and Bangladesh won 12 quota places for three spinners of all
stranded. the Olympics, one more variety off-spinner
than the last edition in Nathan McCullum, left-
The visitor finished with armer Mitchell Santner
145 for nine and crashed London. With Olympic
and World and leg-spinner Ish Sodhi
out of the tournament. enabled it outwit the
Championship medallist
India wins match against Gagan Narang being home team batsmen on a
Pakistan in World T20s among the top two places surface that helped them
in all the three rifle events, to a prodigious extent.
India wins by six wickets
on a difficult surface to it was apparently easy for Defending a small total of
make it 5-0 against the NRAI to have an 126, which reflected the
Pakistan in WT20s added entry in shotgun sub-standard quality of
The team: Abhinav the pitch, New Zealand
With India under chipped away relentlessly
immense pressure at the Bindra, Gagan Narang,
to deal a shock 47-run
Eden Gardens on Chain Singh, Jitu Rai,
defeat to the host in the
Saturday, Kohlis Gurpreet Singh, Prakash
opening match of the ICC
e q u a n i m i t y Nanjappa, Manavjit Singh
World T20.
complemented his stroke- Sandhu, Kynan Chenai,
Mairaj Ahmad Khan, The star-studded Indian
making ability. On a
Apurvi Chandela, batting line-up did not
surface that tested a have the resources to
batsmans technique and Ayonika Paul and Heena
Sidhu. quell the challenge posed
footwork, Kohlis classical by the vicious turning
batting in a slam-bang Gayle Beat His Own Record ball. It was New
format nailed the chase Zealands fifth
for India. The onset of monsoon is
consecutive win against
still some months away,
After the disastrous India in the shortest form
but Chris Gayle provided
outing against New of the game.
Mumbai with a burst of
Zealand at Nagpur, Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis
a different kind
Indias campaign in the equaled record for longest
ICC World Twenty20 is Quite fittingly, his 48-ball
winning streak in doubles
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Current Affairs 277
Sania Mirza and her Swiss ceremony in Zurich Astrid Stefensen (207.6)
partner Martina Hingis and Stine Nielsen (185.0).
Sania-Hingis duo won their first
have equalled the record
title of 2016 Read Madrid sacked Rafael
for the longest womens
doubles winning streak The worlds top women
by advancing to the WTA tennis pair of Sania Mirza Real Madrid sacked coach
Sydney International and Martina Hingis Rafael Benitez after just
semifinals with a straight- started the New Year on seven months in charge
set win. a brilliant note by on Monday with club
The top seeds got the clinching the womens legend Zinedine Zidane
better of Chinas Chen doubles Brisbane replacing the Spaniard.
Liang and Shuai Peng 6- International title.. Benitezs unhappy reign
2, 6-3 in less than an hour The top-seeded pair took came to an end after a2-2
and remain on course for just an hour and 10 draw away to Valencia.
a second successive title minutes to beat German
this year. Zidane scored a
wild card pair of sensational winning goal
With Wednesdays result, Angelique Kerber and to hand Madrid the 2002
Mirza and Hingis won Andrea Petkovic7-5, 6-1. Champions League as a
their 28th consecutive
This is the Indo-Swiss player, but is short on
match to equal the record
pairs 26th win in a row managerial experience
set by Puerto Rican Gigi
and thefirst title of 2016. having only ever taken
Fernandez and Belarus
charge of Madrids feeder
Natasha Zvereva in 1994. Indian shooter Apuri Chandela
broke the world record team Castilla.
Messi got record fifth Ballon dor
Pranav Dhanawade made world
Indian shooter Apuri
Barcelona forward Lionel record
Chandela broke the world
Messi won his fifth world
record on way to winning The boundaries,
player of the year crown
gold in the womens 10 especially square of the
at theFIFA Ballon dOr
metre air rifle event at the wicket, were short.
Swedish Cup Grand Prix. The opponents were half
He pipped current holder
Chandela shot 211.2 in the his height, if not age. Still,
and three time winner
event held on Tuesday to Pranav Dhanawade
Cristiano Ronaldo, as well
surpass the feat of deserves all the accolades
as his Barcelona
Chinese Olympic gold for having become the
teammate Neymar, to the
medallist Yi Siling, who first cricketer to score
held the record with 211. 1,000 runs in an innings in
Messi and Ronaldo, 30, a competitive match.
The result marked a
have hogged the Ballon
positive start for The Class 10 student from
dOr between them since
Chandela, who has al- the KC Gandhi
ready qualified for the Rio School in Kalyan, an
Barcas Luis Enrique won Olympics. eastern suburb
the coach of the year approximately 60
The silver and bronze
award at the Ballon dOr kilometres from south
went to Swedish shooters
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278 Current Affairs
Mumbai, achieved the aims to reduce the association.
milestone in the Thane number of members in the In 2005-06, Kumble was
district inter-school all-powerful Working the principal negotiator
tournament for the HT Commit- tee to nine from for the players in a fight
Bhandari Shield. 14, with the president, for an enhanced share in
The 15-year-olds 1,009 vice-president, secretary, the profitsearned by the
not out of 323 balls treasurer and joint- Board.
obliterated a 117-year-old secretary. As a result,
He had then drafted the
record for the highest there will only be one
terms for player contracts,
number of runs scored in vice-president instead of
and was instrumental in
one innings which stood five.
securing the players a
in the name of Arthur The strength of the IPL share of the profits in the
Collinss previous record Governing Council, it is International Cricket
total of 628 in England in recommended, should be Council conducted
1899. reduced to nine and events.
Lodha panel submits its report include two
During his term as
on cricket reform representatives from the
president of the
franchisees, nominees of
Living up to its promise of Karnataka State Cricket
the Players Association
regaining the purity of Association, he took steps
and the Comptroller &
the game and restoring to make every decision
Auditor Generals office.
the dignity of the players, transparent. These
The Players Association, initiatives did not escape
the Lodha Committee has to be constituted by the
suggested sweeping the notice of the Lodha
Board, should include Committee.
reforms in the structuring former Union Home
and governance of cricket The panel, in a significant
Secretary G.K. Pillai as the
in the country. departure from the past,
chairman, former India
One of the most suggests that one
players Mohinder
significant suggestions individual hold only one
Amarnath, Anil Kumble
the panel makes is the post in cricket
and Diana Edulji as
formation of separate administration. The
members of the Steering
governing bodies for the office-bearers would have
Indian Premier League to choose between
The PA would not act like positions in respective
and the Board of Control a union, and all the costs
for Cricket in India. state associations and the
of running the association parent body.
Also recommended is the would be met by the
setting up of a Players In a move that was
BCCI, Justice Lodha
Association to safeguard evidently pushed by the
announced at a press
the interests of the players, the senior
conference after releasing
cricketers. selection committee, the
the report.
report recommends,
Suggesting a uniform Former first-class players, should comprise only
constitution for the Board five years after retirement, three members, instead of
and its affiliates, the panel would become part of the five at present.
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Current Affairs 279
The Lodha Committee 101st-minute strike score two goals and coach
also calls for dividing the snatched an unlikely win Constantine had pointed
governance into two for India in the final of the to the lack of
parts: cricketing and non- SAFF Suzuki Cup football concentration of his
cricketing. tournament against players in the second half.
The non-cricketing Afghanistan. Similar errors in defence
management will be The Indian skipper against Afghan- istan will
handled by six cashed in on some poor be a disaster.
professional managers defending by the Afghans AIFF issues show cause notice to
headed by a CEO, and the to squeeze the ball into the FC Goa
cricket matters like net past goalkeeper Azizi
selection, coaching and in the 11th minute of All India Football
Federation (AIFF)
performance evaluation extra-time.
Disciplinary Committee
should be left to the The Indians then has served a show cause
players. withstood a barrage of notice to FC Goa under
Another key attacks to lift the trophy the AIFF Disciplinary
recommendation tackled for the seventh time, and Code and ISL Regulations
the fact that three units after a gap of four years. for team mis- conduct,
from one state now enjoy ofensive behavior,
India faces Afghanistan in SAFF
the power to vote. For cup football championship threat to match officials,
example, Maharashtra bringing disrepute to the
and Gujarat have three Stephen Constantines game and public
full members each. But young Indian team faces criticism of match
Bihar has no its biggest hurdle officials..
representation at all in the Afghanistan, the The issue pertains to the
Board. defending champion, in incidents which followed
The Committee the final of the SAFF the final whistle at Indian
recommended that one Suzuki Cup football Super League final
association should championship at the between FC Goa and
represent an entire state. Greenfield stadium. Chennaiyin FC.
The Lodha Committee The Indian team has FC Goa had in fact
comprising retired judges, blown hot and cold boycotted the
Justice R.M. Lodha, during the course of the presentation ceremony
Justice Ashok Bhan and tournament sometimes to and the post-match press
Justice R.V. Raveendran the point of being conference.
was formed by the mediocre. If the semifinal The club has been asked
Supreme Court in January match against Maldives is to respond to the notice
last year. taken as a template for within seven days or by
Indias campaign so far, it January 8, 2016.
India wins SAFF Suzuki cup had all the ingredients
First Indian in Harvard soccer
Sunil Chetri scored one of that pointed to general
the most important goals sloppiness.
of his career when his India allowed Maldives to Sixteen-year-old Vardhin
Manoj, a U.S. citizen by
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280 Current Affairs
birth, has been offered a fluids in the body to Hingis was on Tuesday
place in Harvard compete. In cricket, there named as womens
University soccer team is no such use for it. doubles World
and has agreed to join the Diuretics are employed to champions by the
team as soon as he treat hyper tension and In ternationalTenn is
finishes school. high blood pressure. But Federation (ITF) in
The 11th grade student of then, diuretics have a big recognition of their
La Costa Canyon High role to play as a masking stupendous success in
School, California, is the agent for other drugs season 2015. Hingis is an
first player from India to including steroids and ITF World champion 15
be offered a place in the any medicines. years after last being
Harvard University named World champion
Anabolic steroid is a
soccer team purely on the in singles in 2000.
different beast altogether.
basis of football talent. They help in an athlete They won their last 22
How would a banned drug help getting explosive power. matches from the start of
cricketers In cricket, they can lift a the US Open through
fast bowlers wins in Asia at
How much does performances. Guangzhou, Wuhan,
consumption of banned Beijing and theWTA
substances help in A stimulant can delay
Finals, ending the year
cricket? The issue is under fatigue, increase
with a 55-7 record.
sharp focus after Pakistan concentration. It is
principally used by Suspended FIFA president and
leg-spinner Yasir Shah
batsmen in cricket. UEFA chief banned for
was recently suspended
Caffeine and ephedrine unethical practices
provisionally by the
International Cricket are some of the popular FIFA president Sepp
Council (ICC) for failing a stimulants. On the other Blatter and UEFA boss
dope test. hand, steroids enhance Michel Platini were both
muscle building, provide banned from football for
He has tested positive for additional power.
a diuretic. This is a eight years on Monday for
chemical substance that Amphetamine, which is ethics violations, leaving
leads to excessive flow of one of the stimulants. It the global game
urine from the body. In increases awareness leaderless as it struggles
cricket, diuretics do not levels, focus, quickness with a swirl of corruption
help in enhancing and gives a sportsperson cases.
performances. a feeling of euphoria Blatter was fined 50,000
where he does not feel Swiss francs and Platini,
Diuretic are often used to pain or stress. Its also
reduce weight. In sports who boycotted the ethics
taken as a party pill or by committee hearing as
like boxing for example, a some students before
boxer may need to shed unfair, 80,000.
weight to compete in a The pair had been
particular category. So he ITF World champions- Sania & suspended in October
could take a diuretic to Hingis while an investigation
reduce weight by losing Sania Mirza and Martina was carried out into a 2
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Current Affairs 281
million Swiss franc ($2.02 core of the team. US Opens and
million) payment that Wimbledon.
Yuvraj and Nehra picked for
footballs global T20s in Australia Djokovic won six of the
governing body made to nine Masters and topped
Platini in 2011, with In order to make the best it off with a fourth
Blatters approval. utilisation of the time in successive end-of-season
the run-up to the World
The decision means that World Tour Finals
T20 championship in
Blatters 17 years at the triumph in London.
March, the National
helm of world football Djokovic won six of the
selectors have chosen to
will end in disgrace. nine Masters and topped
experiment by picking a
Vijender Singh won his third few youngsters and it off with a fourth
straight knock out recalling some successive end-of-season
experienced players for World Tour Finals
Vijender Singh notched triumph in London.
Indias five ODIs and
up his third successive
three T20s in Australia in Serena Williams was the
professional knockout January.
triumph thrashing Samet standout player of 2015,
Hyuseinov in less than Following the selection winning five titles in all,
committee meeting, the including the Australian
two rounds.
selectors drafted Punjab and French Open and
Barely 35 seconds into the left-arm pacer Brainder Wimbledon.
second round of what was Singh Sran and Himachal
to be his maiden six- Players of banned IPL teams
Pradesh all-rounder Rishi
round contest, Vijender auctioned
Dhawan into the ODI
cornered Hyuseinov with side, and uncapped Mahendra Singh Dhoni
a combination, forcing the medium-fast bowler will wear a non-Chennai
referee into stopping the Hardik Pandya into the Super Kings jersey in the
bout to give the Indian a T20 squad. Indian Premier League for
win via Technical the first time when he
Manoj Prabhakar selected as
Knockout. Afghanistan bowling coach turns up for the new Pune
With top-seeded franchise, owned by
Singapore out of the way, Former India all-rounder Sanjeev Goenkas New
India put up a confident Manoj Prabhakar will Rising, in the next two
display to outplay assist the Afghanistan editions.
England 3-1 in the mens team as a bowling coach.
His appointment runs The Pune franchise,
final of the Avadh 20th which had the right to
Commonwealth table until theT20 World Cup to
start picking players,
tennis championships. be held in India next year.
chose Dhoni, Ajinkya
The Indian mens team Djokovic and Serena top 2015 Rahane, R. Ashwin, Steve
last won the title in 2004 Djokovic ended 2015 with Smith and Faf du Plessis.
in Kuala Lumpur, with 11 titles, 82 wins and just The IPL chairman, Rajeev
Sharath Kamal, six defeats in a haul which Shukla, after consulting
Soumyadeep Roy and included three of the four with Ratnakar Shetty
SubhajitSaha forming the Majors the Australian and (BCCI general manager,
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282 Current Affairs
game development), who for the second straight Olympic medallist Gagan
has been handed the year. Narang to the mens air
additional charge of the And for six weeks this rifle gold in the 59th
IPL as well, clarified that season, she had twice as National shooting
the actual fees of the many ranking points as championship.
players will continue to be the world No. 2. The Imran, the 32-year-old
the same, irrespective of magazine said this was a Army shooter, tallied
the auction purse tag. first in the 40-year history 207.6 points over 20 shots
Lahiri wins Asian Tour Order of of the WTA rankings. in a lively atmosphere
Merit title that had a strong crowd
Nadal and Federer played in
Delhi whistling to the beats of
Anirban Lahiri on dhol specially arranged
Monday become the Roger Federer and Rafael for a dramatic climax.
fourth Indian to win the Nadals rivalry is so
Asian Tour Order of Merit He beat Gagan, who is
special that any contest slowly getting his grip
title. between the two is likely over air rifle, with a 4.1
He was declared the new to attract a decent crowd point margin.
Asia No. 1 for 2015, as his even in a remote corner of
lead on the money list has the globe. 59th National shooting
swollen to over $600,000 championship
No wonder, ecstatic fans
with one event remaining thronged the Indira Gurpreet Singh won the
in the season. Gandhi Indoor Stadium mens 25-metre standard
Sports Illustrated sportsperson as the two legends came pistol gold with a score of
face to face in the second 573 in the 59th National
Serena Williams, who edition of the shooting championship
owned the tennis world International Premier
this year even as she The 27-year-old Gurpreet,
Tennis League (IPTL) a rapid fire specialist who
battled illness and injury, here on Saturday.
was named sportsperson has won the Olympic
of 2015 by Sports Nadal won the contest 6- quota place in air pistol,
Illustrated on Monday. 5(4), leaving a bigger had 195 in the 150-second
impression than Aces 30- series and 189 each in
The magazine said it was 19 triumph on the day. the20-second and 10-
honouring the 34-year-old Earlier, Nadal and Rohan second series.
icon both for her Bopanna beat Federer and
positively stunning Football academy of BRICS
Marin Cilic 6-4 to seal it came in Delhi
numbers and her pluck in for the host.
achieving what it called With hopes of catching
one of the greatest late- Imran Hasan is new shooting
young talent and
career runs in the history champion
providing professional
of any sport. Imran Hasan Khan made support for the
Serena won three Majors, a strong statement as he development of football,
and was ranked No. 1 for beat World Delhi Dynamos FC, on
every week of the season Championship and Tuesday, announced the
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Current Affairs 283
launch of the Delhi picked by Awadhe along with double
Dynamos BRICS Football Warriors and Hyderabad reigning title holder,
Academy in India. Hunters respectively for Cristiano Ronaldo of Real
The academy, catering to the league. Madrid. While Ronaldo
players above five years P.V. Sindhu generated a has triumphed over the
of age, will focus on huge interest among last two seasons, Messi
exposure to international Delhi Acers, Chennai has previously won the
coaches and players, and Smashers and Bengaluru coveted award four times
providing 360-degree Top Guns and it was while Neymar makes the
support, including finally Chennai which shortlist for the first time.
education, in world-class bagged the young Indian Djokovic tops ATP world
facilities. star for $95,000. rankings
DDFC will also represent Mary Kom Enters Semifinals Novak Djokovic has
host India in the BRICS finished the year on top of
Under-17 Football Cup Competing For The First
Time In Over A Year, theATP world rankings,
2016, and participate in all according to the final list
grassroots and CSR- Olym-pic Bronze-
medallist M.C. Ma- Ry of 2015. The Serb, who
related activities of also topped the rankings
BRICS. Kom (51kg) Assured
Herself And India Of At at the end of 2011, 2012
India- SA series Least A Bronze Medal By and 2014, finished more
Advancing To The than 7,500 points ahead of
The host remained
Semifinals Of The his closest rival and world
invictus to win the
International Boxing No. 2 Andy Murray.
Freedom Series,
conceptualised as a Associations (Aiba) He won the ATP Tour
tribute to Mahatma Olympic Test Event In Rio Finals title for a record
Gandhi and Nelson De Janeiro. fourth successive year.
Mandela, with a 3-0 The Indian Defeated jokovic is the first player
verdict. Venezuelas Karlha in the tournaments 46-
It also pushed India to Magliocco 3-0 In The year history to take home
second place in the ICC Quarterfinal Bout Of The the trophy four years in a
rankings. Event, Where Boxers row and he joins Pete
Have Been Individually Sampras and IvanLendl
Premier Badminton league Invited By The World on five victories at the
auction Body And The Rio season-ending event.
Saina Nehwal and Lee Olympics Organising Sindhu seizes title for the third
Chong Wei earned a Committee. time
whopping $1,00,000 each Ronaldo, Messi and Neymar
in a closed door bid at the Two-time defending
make it to Ballon dOr shortlist
auctions for the Premier champion P.V. Sindhu
Badminton League. Barcelonas Lionel Messi completed a hat-trick of
and Neymar were named women's singles title at
World No. 2 Saina and
on the shortlist for FIFAs the $120,000 Macau Open
World No. 4 Lee were
prestigious Ballon dOr Grand Prix Gold after
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284 Current Affairs
defeating Japan's who sufered his first relief of the crowd, to
MinatsuMi-tani in the defeat in elev-en years. clinch a 2-0 series win
final on Sunday. The 27-year-old Fury was over the gallant Black
Sindhu produced a awarded the fight in Caps. Australia won the
dominating game to Duessel-dorf 115-112, first Bris-bane Test by 208
notch up a 21-9, 21-23, 21- 115-112 and 116-111 by runs and the second Perth
14 win over sixth seed the judges to take Test was drawn.
Mitani in a women's Klitschko's WBA, IBF, Cricket association of Bihar for
singles match that lasted IBO and WBO belts as the reforms in BCCI
an hour and six minutes. Ukrainian sufered his first
defeat since 2004. The Cricket Association of
The World No. 12 Indian Bihar secretary, Aditya
dished out some superb Fury will cash in on the Verma, has appealed to
strokes and acute angled vic-tory regardless of the the Justice Lodha
returns to bamboozle the fight purse having bet Committee to make the
Japanese, be-sides 200,000 ($300,630) on Board of Control for
making some sound himself. Crick-et in India (BCCI)
judgements at the Fury had problemswith introduce some reforms in
baseline to get across ill-fitting gloves in the its functioning.
Mitani, who struggled to week leading up to the
keep the shuttle inside the Pointing out that the BCCI
fight, there was plenty of has handed out
court. tension in the build-up on memberships to various
Sindhu dominated the Saturday. associations in an
proceedings right from First Day-Night test match goes arbitrary manner' as a
the start as she rode on the to Australia result of which
errors of Mitani to reach meritorious players from
11-5 at the break. Australia on Sunday
various parts of the
Mitani came up with an claimed a thrilling three-
country have suffered.
aggressive rally and wicket victory inside
three days over New Verma requested for
sealed it with a down the reforms in the Board's
line smash but she failed Zealand at the Adelaide
Oval in the first-ever day- administration, including
to curb her errors and the grant of membership.
most of her returns went night Test.
Citing a Supreme Court
wide and long to allow Shaun Marsh took
ruling which said the
Sindhu lead 17-6 in a jify. Australia to the cusp of
BCCI should meet the
victory before los-ing his
Fury becomes new world demands of institutional
wicket on 49 and the
heavyweight champion integrity and avoid
fighting Kiwis set up a
conflict of interests.
Britain's Tyson Fury was tense fin-ish under lights
crowned the new world by also dismis-sing Peter Djokovic beats Federer in Tour
heavy-weight champion Nevill to leave the home Finals
on Saturday after a side seven wickets down. Novak Djokovic finished
unanimous points win Peter Siddle hit the the best season of his life
over WladimirKlitschko, winning runs, much to the in fitting style as the
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Current Affairs 285
world No. 1 crushed Satpute expectedly Gundegmaa Otryad of
Roger Federer 6-3, 6-4 to lapped Bangladesh's Shila Mongolia by 0.2 point for
win the ATP Tour Finals Farhana Sultana. the womens air pistol
title for a record fourth An assured bronze came gold in the Asian shoot-
successive year. the way of the host when, ing championship in
Djokovic is the first player in the junior section, Kuwait City on Friday.
in the tournament's 46- Aashu Sharma beat Heena captured the gold
year history to take home Amritha Reghu-nathan in in a thrilling fashion
the trophy four years in a the 2-km individual despite shoot-ing eight 9s
row and he joins Pete pursuit. In the men's and on the last 10 shots of the
Sampras and Ivan Lendl junior men's sections, final. It was the second
on five victories at the India drew a blank successive gold for Heena
season-ending event. following the Asian Air
I lost the hunger: Johnson
Only Federer, with six Gun championship last
Tour Finals crowns, has Retiring Australia fast month. She also managed
won the tournament more bowler Mitchell Johnson to push the London
times. said he had simply lost Olympics gold medallist
The 11th title of Djokovic's the hunger to play Test Kim Jangmi of Korea to
as-tonishingly dominant cricket. the bronze.
campaign served as the Johnson said he finalised There were more gold
perfect finale to ar-guably the decision in the first medals for India through
the best run by any male innings in Perth, when he Angad vir Singh Bajwa in
player in the Open Era. returned figures of one for junior mens skeet. Angad
Playing in a record 15th 157. along with the bronze
con-secutive tour-level While he admitted his medallist Anant Jeet
final, Djokovic delivered body was sore, he said it Singh Naruka and fourth-
another masterclass to placed Arjun Mann won
was the men-tal aspect of
record his 82nd victory the team gold, 27 points
Test cricket that
from 88 matches this year ahead of Kuwait.
prompted the decision. I
and bank the winners'
just lost that hunger in the Indian juniors strike it rich
cheque for $1.05 million.
end to play on those tough
Maiden gold for Supuksorn days, he said. India finished with a rich
haul at the World youth
Thailand's Supuksorn Johnson said it was a
chess championship in
Nuntana claimed her decision which had been
Halkidiki, Greece, on
maiden gold medal of the on his mind for around 12
Thursday. It won 11
Track Asia Cup cycling months, and especial-ly
medals five gold, three
championship by lapping since Australia's World
silver and three bronze.
Bidiyaluxmi Devi in the Cup win.
women's 3-km individual It was indeed quite an
Heena Sidhu wins thriller impressive show by the
pursuit. against Gundegmaa Otryad Indians who won five out
Besides this silver, India of the 12 gold medals on
Heena Sidhu pipped
also collected a bronze in ofer.
Olympic silver medallist
the event when Rutuja
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286 Current Affairs
India was by far the best- The league, with a total Murray (GBr) 8,070 (-1);4.
per-forming country. The cash prize of Rs. 3 crore Stan Wawrinka (Sui)
other top teams, Russia and a Rs. 20 crore budget 6,585.
and the United States, for the players, will be
Sania-Hingis domination is
won just four medals each staged in six cities complete
but neither of them could Delhi, Bengaluru,
win a gold. Mumbai, Ludhiana, Swiss veteran Martina
Gurgaon and Noida from Hingis and Indias Sania
Tom Graveney passes away
December 10 to 27. Mir-za crowned a
Tom Graveney, the former In all, over 150 Indian and stunning year for their
England captain and international wrestlers partnership on Sunday by
president of Marylebone went under the hammer winning their ninth title at
Cricket Club, died at the in the auction conducted the WTA Finals here on
age of 88. by Bob Hayton. Sunday.
Graveney made 11 The top seeds, who joined
Dynamos set sights on top spot
centuries in 79 Test forces only in March, beat
matches be-tween 1951 Returning after al-most a Spains eighth seeds
and 1969, scoring 4,882 month for its second out- Garbine Muguruza and
runs at an average of ing this season on home Carla Suarez Navarro 6-0,
44.38. Appointed MCC turf,Delhi Dynamos 6-3 in 66 minutes, much of
president in 2005 he was would be hop-ing to go on which looked more like
an honorary life member top of the leader-board an exhibition match than
of the Lords Club. when it takes on a a season finale.
India was a lucky hunting struggling NorthEast Hingis, 35, and Sania, 28,
ground for Graveney. United FC in the Indian have also won
Hescored his first Test Super League (ISL). Wimbledon, the US Open
century (175) against In other match Athletico and Indian Wells on their
India at the BraBourne de Kolkata striker Hume way to Singapore, where
Stadium before the 1951 scored hat rick. they also swept all their
Christmas. matches. Their only finals
MURRAY loss was in Rome.
Yogeshwar the highest-paid
marquee player The pair had bagged the
Federer overtook 2015 WTA year-end top
London Games bronze AndyMurray as he ranking.
medallist Yogesh-war climbed to second in the
Dutt pipped double ATP world rankings after Joshna stuns Raneem El Welily
Olympic medallist and seeing of Rafael Nadal for JoshnaChinappa
World champion, Sushil his seventh Swiss Indoors stunnedWorld No. 1 and
Kumar, to become the title at the weekend. top seed RaneemEl Welily
highest-paid marquee The rankings1. Novak of Egypt in thefirst round
player at Rs. 39.7 lakh in Djokovic (Srb)15,785; 2. of the $1,15,000
the Pro Wrestling League Roger Federer (Sui) QatarClassic squash here
auction. 8,250(+1); 3. Andy on Saturday.
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Current Affairs 287
This is the first time that Test nations Bangladesh, return with a stronger
shewas beating a player in India, Pakistan and Sri field after a two-year gap,
the topfive in the world Lanka will get direct the leagues former
ranking. entry. Afghanistan, commercial partner
Indias SauravGhosal is Oman, Hong Kong and Sporty Solutionz has filed
inthe fray in the mens the United Arab Emirates a petition in the Delh High
sectionand will play his will play a qualifying Court to protect its
first match onSunday. tournament in November intellectual property
in the UAE for the fifth rights.
New Zealand retains World Cup place. IBL 2 is scheduled to be
New Zealand becamethe Bangladesh also hosted held from January 2 to 17.
first team to retain the the tournament in 2012 BAI had terminated the
RugbyWorld Cup after and 2014, along with 2000 contract with Sporty
holding ofa second-half and 1988. Solutionz last year citing
comeback byAustralia to Australias cricketers had contractual issues after
win 34-17 in an been due to play a two- the inaugural edition of
absorbingfinal. Test series in Bangladesh the IBL in 2013.
In probably the last test of this month but the tour An annoyed BAI
hisrecord-breaking was scrapped after official president Akhilesh Das
career, fly-halfDan Carter Australian warnings that Gupta termed Sporty
steered the AllBlacks to a militants may attack Solutionzs action a way
record third globaltitle. Western interests. to create dirty sensation.
Bangladesh to host 2016 Asia Safety fears for foreigners Anybody can file a case
Cup have heightened in and its ones right. But
Muslim-majority there is no substance in it.
Bangladesh will host the
Bangladesh after the Badminton in India is
Asia Cup cricket for the
recent murders of an solely BAIs intellectual
third time running in
Italian aid worker and a property, since we are the
February and March
Japanese farmer which recognized federation by
despite recent security
were claimed by the the government and come
fears which prompted
Islamic State group. under RTI.
Australia to cancel a tour,
the national cricket chief Indian Badminton League They have filed a case to
said. season 2 launched create dirty sensation.
At a meeting in Singapore Badminton Association of They didnt reply to our
this week, the Asian Indias (BAI) grand plans termination letter for
Cricket Council decided to revive the Indian more than six months.
Bangladesh will hold the Badminton League (IBL) A guide to the FIFA presidential
tournament, to be played might not be as smooth as candidates
in the Twenty20 format expected.
for the first time, just The FIFA presidential
On the day the sports election on Feb. 26 will be
before the ICC World T20 governing body in India a 7-man race. For now, at
in neighbouring India. announced that IBL 2 will least.
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288 Current Affairs
FIFA signed off ranking points from table of the latest ICC ODI
Wednesday that seven of Smith. cricket rankings issued on
the eight entries filed The Yorkshiremans Monday.
valid nominations from at seesaw battle with the South Africa retained
least five of FIFAs 209 new Australia captain for their third position but
member federations. the ICCs No1 spot has reduced second-ranked
Former Trinidad and lasted throughout 2015. Indias advantage to two
Tobago player David points in the rankings
It will be Root too who has
Nakhid was excluded following the 3-2 series
the next opportunity to
because one of his five victory, which concluded
further enhance his
also supported another with a mammoth 214-run
standing when England
contender. victory in Mumbai on
face Pakistan again in
Scalas three-man group Sharjah in the final Test on Monday.
will decide after getting Sunday. The all-time The Proteas went into the
results of integrity checks Pakistan Test leading run- series on 110 points, five
by the FIFA ethics scorer, Younus Khan, is adrift of MS Dhonis men,
committee. Each also back up in the table, but AB de Villiers side
candidate must also show to fifth, after his hundred fought back after
an active football role for and half-century in conceding early ground to
at least two of the past five Dubai. clinch the series in a
years. dramatic final game.
The Pakistan leg-spinner
Still, Scalas Yasir Shah took eight Meanwhile, as a
announcement next wickets in the second consequence of the 3-2
month wont be the last Test, a driving force in the home series defeat,
word on candidacies. hosts 178-run win and Zimbabwe have stayed in
Vetting of Michel Platini also a performance which 10th place, a fraction
is on hold until his FIFA has taken him above the ahead of Ireland, with
ethics case is resolved. England seamers James Afghanistan one more
Englands Joe Root leapfrogs Anderson and Stuart point behind following
Steve Smith at top of ICC Broad into second place in their historic inaugural
batting rankings the bowlers rankings series victory over a Test
behind only South playing country.
Roots 159 runs in his two Africas Dale Steyn. By stint of a series of
innings in Dubai were not impressive batting
India steady at No. 2, Kohli rises
enough to stop England
in ICC ODI rankings displays the top 10 has re-
going 1-0 down with one jigged and a number of
to play after the second The series loss to South Proteas batsmen have
Test against Pakistan. Africa notwithstanding, risen in the ICC Player
But the prolific No4, who India held on to their Rankings for ODI
with 1,278 has made more second spot in the team Batsmen.
Test runs than anyone this list, while star batsman
Virat Kohli rose up a rung Skipper de Villiers
year, is back at the top of retained his number one
the table by just three to second in the batsmens
ranking, and is now 96
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 289
points clear of Kohli in the series alongside Steyn someone from achieving
second place, after scoring with 10. what they deserve.
three centuries (104 not Silver Not Sterling Effort for Lokesh Pal, mentor to
out, 112 and 119) in five Deepika in World Cup Final compound silver
matches. medallist Abhishek
Hashim Amla has Istanbul 2011, Tokyo 2012, Verma, was one of
dropped three places to Paris 2013 and now Deepikas first coaches
fifth, while Dhoni has Mexico City 2015 when she debuted in
moved up two places to Deepika Kumari cant 2008. He feels that
sixth and holds an 11- seem to catch a break! although her preparation
point advantage over his Despite much promise, was perfect, the reality of
teammate Shikhar the recurve archers having lost a similar final
Dhawan. dreams of winning her before comes back to
maiden World Cup Final haunt competitors from
Following the series in gold medal were dashed
Zimbabwe the following time to time.
yet again on Sunday.
batsmen have also risen WI Women On Top In ICC
up the rankings; Sikandar The Ranchi lass collected
Raza (up 14 to 40th), Sean the fourth such silver of
Williams (up seven to her career in a 2-6 loss to West Indies Women
44th), Mohammad Nabi 19-year-old Choi Misun, trounced Pakistan
(up 19 to a career-high the World No 1 from Women by six wickets in
47th) and Craig Ervine South Korea. the final one-day
(up 19 to 61st), while Noor Im quite disappointed international cricket
Ali Zadran has broken because gold is what I match on Saturday night
into the top 100 for the was aiming for. It just to clinch the four-match
first time after vaulting 26 doesnt seem to come my series 3-1 and join
places to 93rd. way. However, I believe I Australia at the top of the
can win it one day International Cricket
R Ashwin has dropped a Council (ICC) Womens
place to 10th, while a theres no reason to
believe otherwise. Until Championship.
number of other bowlers
have made significant then, silver will have to Chasing a modest 183 for
gains across both series do, she told Express victory at the Beausejour
including Axar Patel (up Its funny how Cricket Stadium, the hosts
19 to 28th), Amit Mishra perspective changes the cantered home in the 43rd
(up 13 to 32nd), Dawlat way one looks at things. over with their
Zadran (up 69 to a career- Finishing runner-up is a inspirational captain,
high 34th), Mohit Sharma fine feat, except for a Stafanie Taylor, stroking
(up four to 44th) and former champion... or an attractive unbeaten 87
young Proteas paceman even a four-time silver from 107 deliveries, to
Kagiso Rabada has risen medallist. pick up the Player-of-the-
58 places to a career-high Match award.
Its more of a bittersweet
49th after being the joint- moment then; an invisible The win was the Windies
leading wicket-taker in barrier preventing Womens third on the trot
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
290 Current Affairs
after losing the opening night, giving South Africa Memorandum of
game two Fridays ago their first bilateral series Understanding under
and more importantly, win on Indian soil. which the arch-rivals
saw them sweep the The Indians crumbled agreed to play six series
contests designated as while chasing a from 2015-2023
ICC Championship mammoth target of 439 pending clearance from
games and grab the six after the visiting team both governments the
vital points required to rode on swashbuckling first of which is this year
move to the top of the hundreds by opener in the United Arab
points table alongside the Quinton de Kock, Faf du Emirates. But the Board of
Aussies on 16 points. Plessis and captain AB de Control for Cricket in
A qualifying tournament Villiers. India (BCCI) has yet to
for the 2017 Womens The home bowlers cut a give a final response on
World Cup, the top four sorry figure in the face of the series comprising of
sides from the the Proteas assault and all two Tests, five one-dayers
Championship will gain of them conceded over 6 and two Twenty20
automatic qualification runs an over. internationals.
for the event scheduled Pak may refrain team from Talks between the two
for England. participating in ICC World T20 Boards failed to get going
Dhoni wasnt flexible enough in 2016 in India on Monday after Shiv
handling bowlers: Gavaskar Sena activists attacked the
Pakistan cricket chief BCCI office in Mumbai,
Critical of the way Shaharyar Khan said protesting any cricket
Mahendra Singh Dhoni today that if India turn with Pakistan
rotated Indian bowlers down a proposed series in
December-January then it India and Pakistan have
during the crushing loss not played a full bilateral
to South Africa in the ODI would be possible that
Islamabad would prevent cricket series since 2007
series-decider, former after New Delhi stalled
skipper Sunil Gavaskar Pakistan from featuring in
next years World the ties in the aftermath of
said the captain was just terrorists attacks on
not flexible enough in his Twenty20.
Mumbai in 2008, blamed
approach. The Pakistan Cricket on militants based across
The home side lost the Board (PCB) has called on the border.
match by a massive 214 India to honour a
runs in Mumbai last
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:

Current Affairs 291

Programme and Policies

Welfare Schemes Launch by PRADHAN MANTRI of current address is

Union Government in the Year JAN-DHAN YOJANA sufficient.
2014 Pradhan Mantri Jan- If Aadhaar Card is not
Ever since BJP led NDA Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is available, then any one
National Mission for Financial of the following
took over charge of the new
Inclusion launch in August Officially Valid
Government, Prime Minister
2014 to ensure access to Documents (OVD) is
Narendra Modi has flagged
financial services, namely, required: Voter ID Card,
various schemes. Be it Driving License, PAN
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Banking/ Savings & Deposit
Accounts, Remittance, Credit, Card, Passport &
Yojana which is aimed at NREGA Card. If these
bringing poor into the ambit of Insurance, Pension in an
documents also contain
Governments financial affordable manner. Account
your address, it can
programme or One rank One can be opened in any bank
serve both as Proof of
branch or Business
Pension which provides same Identity and Address.
Correspondent (Bank Mitr)
pension to armed forces If a person does not have
outlet. PMJDY accounts are
personnel holding same rank, any of the officially
being opened with Zero
PM Modi has taken a number valid documents
balance. However, if the
of steps not just to make life of mentioned above, but it
account-holder wishes to get
common man easier but also to is categorized as low
cheque book, he/she will have
lay foundation of a strong risk by the banks, then
to fulfill minimum balance
India. During the last six he/she can open a bank
months, the Modi Government account by submitting
has launched a series of social, Documents required to open an any one of the following
health and infrastructural Account under Pradhan Mantri documents:
programmes aimed to bring in Jan-Dhan Yojana (a) Identity Card with
achche din (good days) If Aadhaar Card/ a p pl i c a nt s
which were promised before Aadhaar Number is photograph issued
Lok Sabha polls. Following are available then no other by Central/State
documents is required. Government
some major schemes floated
If address has changed, Departments,
by the Modi Government
then a self certification S t a t u t o r y /
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
292 Current Affairs
R e g u l a t o r y lady of the household. Option I (Primary):
Authorities, Public Wherever Aadhaar number is
S e c t o r available it will remain the
Undertakings, medium of cash transfer. Thus,
S c h e d u l e d Ministry of Petrolium an LPG consumer who has an
Commercial Banks and Natural Gas has re- Aadhaar Number has to link it
and Public Financial launched Direct Benefit to the bank account number
Institutions; Transfer for LPG or PAHAL and to the LPG consumer
(b) Letter issued by a with modification to improve number.
gazette officer, with the subsidy administration of
Option II (Secondary): If
a duly attested LPG across the country. A
photograph of the LPG consumer does not have
PAHAL scheme has earlier
person. an Aadhaar number, then he
launched in the year 2013 in
can directly receive subsidy in
Special Benefits under PMJDY which it had covered 291
his bank account without the
Scheme districts. In the earlier version
use of Aadhaar number. This
it was mandatory for the
a. Interest on deposit. option which has now been
consumer to have Aadhar
b. Accidental insurance introduced in the modified
number for availing LPG
cover of Rs.1.00 lac scheme ensures that LPG
c. No minimum balance subsidy is not denied to an
required. The government has LPG consumer on account of
d. Life insurance cover of comprehensively reviewed the lack of Aadhaar number. In
Rs.30,000/- scheme and after examining this option,
e. Easy Transfer of money the difficulties faced by the
consumer substantively Either consumer can
across India
f. Beneficiaries of modified the scheme prior to Present bank account
Government Schemes launch. The modified scheme information (bank
will get Direct Benefit has been re-launched in 54 account holder name /
Transfer in these districts on 15.11.2014 in the account number /IFSC
accounts. 1st Phase and to be launched code) to the LPG
in rest of the country on distributor for capture in
g. After satisfactory
1.1.2015. The modified scheme LPG database OR
operation of the account
for 6 months, an is given as under: Present LPG consumer
overdraft facility will be information (17 digit
Options to receive LPG subsidy LPG consumer ID) to his
Under the modified bank
h. Access to Pension,
insurance products. scheme, the LPG consumer LPG Consumers who are already
i. Accidental Insurance can now receive subsidy in his CTC prior to launch on PAHAL
Cover, RuPay Debit bank account by two methods. (DBTL)
Card must be used at Such a consumer will be called
Domestic LPG Consumer
least once in 45 days. CTC (Cash Transfer
who had already joined the
j. Overdraft facility upto Compliant) once he joins the
earlier PAHAL (DBTL) scheme
Rs.5000/- is available in scheme and is ready to receive
by linking their Aadhaar to
only one account per subsidy in the bank account.
bank and LPG database dont
household, preferably The two options are:
need to take fresh action for
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 293
receiving subsidy as the which the sale will Permanent Advance
subsidy will be transferred to happen at Market A one-time Advance
their bank accounts via Determined Price for all will be provided to
Aadhaar based on the LPG consumers. every CTC consumer
previous seeding. Such CTC But for non-CTC joining PAHAL (DBTL).
consumers cannot exercise consumers the total cash The Advance will be
Option II above. on the sale made to such notified, from time to
consumers (as per their time and will remain
Pricing under PAHAL (DBTL) entitlement) shall be fixed for a financial year.
In the PAHAL (DBTL) held back with the
It will remain with the
district(s), domestic LPG respective OMC to be
consumer till the time of
cylinders will be sold to CTC transferred to the LPG
termination of
domestic LPG consumers at consumers bank
connection, when it will
Market Determined Price account in case
be finally adjusted.
(does not include subsidy) consumer becomes CTC
anytime during the LPG consumers who
from the date of launch of the were provided
scheme. Parking Period.
permanent advance on a
In case consumer does
Amount transferred to consumer previous scale will not
not become CTC during
be eligible for any
The total cash applicable this Parking Period, the
differential payment on
on LPG cylinder will then be parked funds will lapse
account of the revision
transferred to the CTC and consumer shall
in the permanent
consumer for each subsidized become ineligible to
cylinder delivered (up to the receive the parked funds
and sale will continue at Come & Play Scheme
cap) as per his entitlement.
market determined price The Come & Play Scheme
Grace Period till consumer becomes
was initiated for optimum
Non-CTC consumers will CTC.
utilization of SAI sports
be allowed 3 months from the After the expiry of the facilities in Delhi and across
date of launch of PAHAL Grace Period of 3 months, and the country, and primarily
(DBTL) to become CTC. thereafter an additional focussed on encouraging local
During this period such Parking Period of 3 months, sports persons in areas where
consumers will receive their all non-CTC consumers will SAI sports facilities/Centres
entitlement of subsidized receive cylinders at marker are operational. While
cylinders at the then determined price and will not providing youth from local
applicable subsidized retail be entitled to total cash until communities and sports
selling price. they become CTC. When non- enthusiasts with an
CTC consumers become CTC opportunity to train under SAI
Parking Period beyond the parking period coaches, the scheme provides
After the grace period of they will be eligible to get one yet another avenue for those
3 months, all non-CTC time permanent advance and not covered under regular
LPG consumers will get total cash entitlement on residential/ non-residential
an additional 3 month balance subsidized cylinders schemes. The scheme creates
Parking Period, during in that financial year. yet another pool of talented
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
294 Current Affairs
sportspersons from where the relevant age groups in required to bring sports
meritorious sportspersons can these competitions are equipment like racquets, bats
be scouted and inducted into encouraged to participate in etc.
regular residential sports the competitions organized for SANSAD ADARSH GRAM
promotional schemes of STC selection of trainees for YOJANA
and SAG. admission in STC/SAG
schemes under Category/ Unioon Government on
The Scheme was initiated
at various SAI Stadium Criteria III of selection. the eve of Lok Nayak Jai
Prakash Narayan Jis birth
Complexes in Delhi, in phases, D I S C I P L I N E S
in May, 2011. The enthusiasm COVERED: The specific anniversary (11th October) has
launched Sansad Adarsh
and overwhelming response sports disciplines to be
for the scheme encouraged SAI covered are decided by the In- Gram Yojana to develop
villages. The scheme was first
to launch this Scheme at its charge Regional Centre/Sub-
various Regional Centres/Sub Centre on the basis of available announced by the Prime
Minister Modi on
Centres/Academic infrastructure, sports
Institutions/STC and SAG equipment and coaches. Independence Day, where he
made a commitment to launch
Centres from 1st October 2011. FEE STRUCTURE: A
the same.
The scheme is given wide nominal fee of Rs. 45/- per
month may be charged for The goal of this scheme is
publicity through press release
in local media, including specified time allotted usage. to develop three Adarsh
Complimentary membership Grams by March 2019, of
newspapers, TV spots and
Radio jingles etc. Information/ (without fees) is issued to which one would be achieved
international sportspersons by 2016. Thereafter, five such
intimation is provided to
various district, block, local and national/state medal Adarsh Grams (one per year)
winners (both in the age group will be selected and developed
authorities and the District
Education Officers/District of 17-21 years) during last 3 by 2024.
Sports Officers as also years, children of SAI Inspired by the principles
Headmasters/Principals of employees on yearly basis. and values of Mahatma
schools/colleges in and Complimentary membership Gandhi, the Scheme places
around SAI Centres so that is also given to Below Poverty equal stress on nurturing
Line trainees. Girls trainees values of national pride,
maximum number of trainees
and children in Government patriotism, community spirit,
are made aware of the facilities
schools are given membership self-confidence and on
available, thereby enabling
at 1/3rd of the above developing infrastructure. The
them to access it better.
mentioned fees SAANJHI (Sansad Adarsh
The trainees are provided Gram Yojana) will keep the
playing arenas/non- soul of rural India alive while
Play Scheme essentially caters
consumable equipments like providing its people with
to the 8-17 age group.
field, track, tables, mats, etc. quality access to basic
Following their selection, age
Minimum and inescapable amenities and opportunities to
specific competitions i.e. 8-10,
consumables like balls, shuttle- enable them to shape their
10-12 and 12-17 years are
cocks, etc. are also provided by own destiny.
conducted twice a year. The
SAI. Trainees are, however, The Scheme is unique
first three position holders in
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Current Affairs 295
and transformative as it has a The MP will identify one and guided by the MP
holistic approach towards Gram Panchayat to be taken himself/herself. The planning
development. It envisages up immediately, and two process in each village will be
integrated development of the others to be taken up a little a participatory exercise
selected village across multiple later. Lok Sabha MP has to coordinated by the District
areas such as agriculture, choose a Gram Panchayat Collector. The MP will play an
health, education, sanitation, from within his/her active facilitating role in this
environment, livelihoods, etc. constituency and Rajya Sabha exercise.
Far beyond mere MP a Gram Panchayat from The MPs will also directly
infrastructure development, the rural area of a district of support activities at village
SAANJHI aims at instilling his/her choice in the State level like health camps,
certain values, such as from which he/she is elected. organising grievance redressal
peoples participation, camps, community
Nominated MPs may
Antyodaya, gender equality, mobilisation etc. They will
choose a Gram Panchayat
dignity of women, social give a direction to holistic
justice, spirit of community from the rural area of any
development and our
service, cleanliness, eco- district in the country. In the
ingenuous villagers will pave
friendliness, maintaining case of urban constituencies
their own path through their
ecological balance, peace and (where there are no Gram
hard work and entrepreneurial
harmony, mutual cooperation, Panchayats), the MP will
self-reliance, local self- identify a Gram Panchayat
government, transparency and from a nearby rural Some of the key features
accountability in public life, consitutency. Primarily, the SAANJHI gives focus to
etc. in the villages and their goal is to develop three community participation.
people so that they get Adarsh Grams by March 2019, Social mobilization of village
transformed into models for of which one would be community can trigger a chain
others. achieved by 2016. Thereafter, of other development activities
five such Adarsh Grams (one in the village. For instance,
Key fact about Sansad Adash
per year) will be selected and reducing risk behaviours like
Gram Yojana
developed by 2024. alcoholism, smoking,
The Members of The MPs will engage substance abuse (drugs/
Parliament (MPs) are the with the community, facilitate tobacco/gutka etc) among all
pivots this Scheme will run on. the Village Development Plan age groups of population.
Gram Panchayat would be the and mobilise the necessary Strengthening of local
basic unit for development. It resources. The Development democracy through strong and
will have a population of 3000- Plan will place a special transparent Gram Panchayats
5000 in plain areas and 1000- emphasis on enabling every and active Gram Sabhas and
3000 in hilly, tribal and poor household to come out of facilitating good governance is
difficult areas. In districts poverty. also an important objective of
where this unit size is not
Prior to the plan SAANJHI.
available, Gram Panchayats
formulation, there will be a Women participation in
approximating the desirable
systematic environment the decision-making process
population size may be creation and social
chosen. will be encouraged. In fact the
mobilisation, which will be led Scheme envisages holding
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
296 Current Affairs
Mahila Sabhas and Bal Sabhas productivity etc. Ministry of of coverage.
to discuss women and children Rural Development will be The government
specific issues and concerns. E- nodal Ministry coordinating contribution available under
governance will also be given and monitoring the Scheme the MGPSY is for a period of
a push. closely to ensure its efficient five years or till the return of
Ensuring universal access implementation. In order to subscribed worker back to
to education facilities, adult operationalize the strategies India, whichever is earlier.
literacy, e-literacy are also the central sector and centrally The main attractions of
important goals of SAANJHI. sponsored schemes along with MGPSY are:
In addition to this the Scheme the state schemes will have to G o v e r n m e n t
also pays attention to be implemented in a contribution of Rs.1,000
providing infrastructure in convergent and integrated per annum in line with
schools like toilets, libraries, manner to generate maximum Swavalamban platform
and supporting smart schools. synergy. The Ministries/ for all MGPSY
Apart from education, these Departments concerned will subscriber who save
villages will have quality take appropriate action to between Rs.1,000 and
health care. The outcomes will make suitable changes in the Rs.12,000 per year in
include 100% immunization, Guidelines to enable priority NPS-Lite.
100% institutional delivery, to be given to the Adarsh An additional
reduced IMR, MMR, reduction Gram. g o v e r n m e n t
in malnutrition among contribution of Rs.1,000
children etc. per annum by MOIA for
the overseas Indian
To create vibrant and YOJANA (MGPSY)
women workers who
harmonious society within the
Ministry of Overseas save between Rs.1,000 to
village activities like Indian Affairs has introduced Rs.12,000 per year in
honouring village elders, folk
a Pension and Life Insurance NPS-Lite.
art festivals, having a village fund scheme called Mahatma A special government
song etc. will be promoted.
Gandhi Pravasi Suraksha contribution of Rs.900 by
Personal development through Yojana (MGPSY) for the MOIA towards Return
sports, regular physical and Resettlement (R&R)
Overseas Indian workers
exercise, balanced nutrition, having Emigration Check of the overseas Indian
personal hygiene is another workers who save
Required (ECR) passports.
unique aspect of the Scheme. Rs.4,000 or more per
The objective of MGPSY
Adoption and adaptation annum.
is to encourage and enable
of technology and introduction the overseas Indian workers DEEN DAYAL ANTYODAYA
of innovations are critical to YOJANA
by giving government
this programme. This will contribution to:
include use of space The Government
Save for their Return announced an overarching
application and remote
and Resettlement (R&R) scheme for uplift of urban and
sensing for planning, mobile
Save for their old age, rural poor through
based technology for
Obtain a Life Insurance enhancement of livelihood
monitoring, agriculture
cover against natural opportunities through skill
technology for increasing
death during the period
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 297
development and other stimulating economic growth 6. Construction of
means. The scheme has been and promoting self-worth of permanent shelters for
named as Deen Dayal beneficiaries. urban homeless and
Antyodaya Yojana DAY. The Shri Venkaiah Naidu provision of other
announcement was made informed that under the urban essential services.
today by Shri M.Venkaiah component of DAY, focus will PANDIT DEENDAYAL
Naidu, Minister of Housing & be on: UPADHYAY SHRAMEV
Urban Poverty Alleviation and 1. Imparting skills with an JAYATE KARYKRAM
Shri Nitin Gadkari, Minister of expenditure of Rs.15,000 Union Government in the
Rural Development at a Rs.18,000 on each
month of October 2014 has
National Convention on Skills urban poor;
launched thr Pandit
for Rural and Urban Poor. 2. Promotion of self- Deendayal Upadhyay
The Minister further employment through
Shramev Jayate Karykram to
informed that under the setting up individual
create a conducive
current urban poverty micro-enterprises and
enviornment for industrial
alleviation programmes, only group enterprises with
interest subsidy for development and doing
790 cities and towns are business with ease.
covered and the government individual projects
costing Rs.2.00 lakhs and Under the scheme,
has decided to extend these
Rs.10.00 lakhs for group labourers will get Unique
measures to all the 4,041
enterprises. Subsidized Labour Identification
statutory cities and towns,
interest rate will be 7%; numbers, LIN, to facilitate
there by covering almost the
3. Training urban poor to their online registration.
entire urban population.
meet the huge demand Government has also
Announcing the details of from urban citizens by dedicated to the nation a
urban component of DAY, Shri imparting market unified labour portal called
Venkaiah Naidu said, Rs.1,000 oriented skills through Shram Suvidha and launch
cr has been provisioned for City Livelihood Centres.
urban poverty alleviation Universal Account Number
Each Centre would be for Employees Provident Fund
during 2014-15. Out of this, given a capital grant of
Rs.500 cr will be spent on skill besides the Apprentices
Rs.10.00 lakhs.
development of over 5,00,000 Protsahan Yojana which will
4. Enabling urban poor support one lakh apprentices.
urban poor. He said, for form Self-Help Groups
realizing the Make in India Other schemes
for meeting financial
objective, skill development is and social needs with a announced include a
essential. He observed that If support of Rs.10,000/- transparent and accountable
India is to emerge as the per each group who Labour Inspection Scheme,
manufacturing base to meet would in turn would be and portability through
global needs, the only certain helped with bank Universal Account Number
way is to empower every linkages; (UAN) for Employees
youth of the country with the Provident Fund members. The
5. Development of vendor
necessary skills. Skill markets besides UAN will allow collation of
development has multiple promotion of skills of accounts and viewing of
outcomes including enhancing vendors; and updated PF accounts. The
employment opportunities, UAN would be portable
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
298 Current Affairs
throughout the working The nationwide Bal improvement in the
careers of members and can be Swachhta Mission will have general quality of life in
used anywhere in India. An the following six themes:- the rural areas, by
Apprentice Protsahan Yojana 1. Clean Anganwadis promoting cleanliness,
is also in the works. 2. Clean Surroundings e.g. hygiene and eliminating
A revamped Rashtriya Playgrounds open defecation.
Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) 3. Clean Self (Personal Accelerate sanitation
for workers in the unorganised Hygiene/Child Health) coverage in rural areas
sector was also announced on to achieve the vision of
4. Clean Food
the occasion. Thus, workers in Swachh Bharat by 2nd
5. Clean Drinking Water
the organised sector would not October 2019
6. Clean Toilets
need to apply for a transfer of Motivate Communities
their PF account claim on SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN and Panchayati Raj
changing jobs. Institutions to adopt
Prime Minister Narender
sustainable sanitation
BAL SWACHHTA MISSION Modi on the eve of Mahatama
practices and facilities
Gandhi birth anniversary i.e.
The Union Minister of through awareness
2nd October 2014 launched a creation and health
Women and Child nationwide cleanness
Development has launched the education.
program, which coined as
National Bal Swachhta Encourage cost effective
Swach Bharat abhiyan. and appropriate
Mission on 14 th November
The mission seeks to technologies for
2014. This initiative is aimed to
achieve the goal of Clean India ecologically safe and
create cleanliness habits
in next five years so that the sustainable sanitation.
among children in informal
150th birth anniversary of Develop where
ways like small games, poems,
Bapu can be celebrated as an required, Community
storytelling, conversation with
accomplishment of this duty. managed sanitation
children among others.
Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan systems focusing on
The Bal Swachhta exhorts people to devote 100 scientific Solid & Liquid
Mission is a part of the hours every year towards the Waste Management
nationwide sanitation cause of cleanliness. As many systems for overall
initiative of Swachh Bharat as nine public figures: Mridula cleanliness in the rural
Mission launched by the Sinha, Sachin Tendulkar, Baba areas.
Prime Minister on 2nd Ramdev, Shashi Tharoor, Anil Strategy
October, 2014. On the Ambani, Kamal Hasan,
occassion Government also The focus of the Strategy
Salman Khan, Priyanka
released a book on Bal is to move towards a
Chopra and Team Tarak Swachh Bharat by
Swachtta Mission prepared by Mehta ka Oolta Chashma -
NIPCCD. providing flexibility to
have been invited by the PM to State governments, as
The children entertained make a contribution towards sanitation is a state
the audience and gave their Swachh Bharat at intial stage. subject, to decide on
message of cleanliness through their implementation
a cultural program and fancy policy and mechanisms,
dress programme. Bring about an taking into account State
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 299
specific requirements. Centre has proposed to unique liquidity feature,
It is suggested that launch a pan India Programme where an investor can, if he so
Implementation called Digital India to desires, encash his certificates
Framework of each State further bridge the divide after the lock-in period of 2
be prepared with a road between digital haves and years and 6 months and
map of activities have-nots. This would thereafter in any block of six
covering the 3 important ensure Broad band months on pre-determined
phases necessary for the connectivity at village level, maturity value. The
Programme improved access to services investment made in the
Planning Phase through IT enabled platforms, certificate will double in 100
Implementation Phase greater transparency in months.
Sustainability Phase Government processes and
With a maturity period of
increased indigenous
Components 8 years 4 months, the
production of IT hardware and
collections under the scheme
The Programme software for exports and
improved domestic will be available with the
components and
activities for SBM (G) availability. Special focus Govt. for a fairly long period
implementation are as would be given on supporting to be utilized in financing
follows. All States will software product startups. developmental plans of the
develop a detailed Centre and State Governments
The Government has also
implementation strategy and will also help in
proposed to set-up A National
and plan based on but Rural Internet and Technology enhancing domestic household
not limited to the Mission for services in villages financial savings in the
components mentioned and schools, training in IT country.
below: skills and E-Kranti for Key facts
Start-Up Activities government service delivery
The re-launched Kisan
IEC Activities and governance scheme with
Vikas Patra (KVP) will
Capacity Building an initial corpus of Rs. 500
be available to the
Construction of crore. A programme for
investors in the
Individual Household promoting Good denomination of Rs.
Latrines Governance will also be 1000, 5000, 10,000 and
Provision of Revolving launched and a sum of Rs.100 50,000, with no upper
Fund in the District crore will be set aside for this. ceiling on investment.
Micro Financing of KISAN VIKAS PATRA The certificates can be
Construction of Toilets issued in single or joint
Union Finance Minister
Community Sanitary names and can be
Complex relaunched the Kisan Vikas
transferred from one
Patra (KVP) investment
Equity and inclusion person to any other
scheme to cater household
Solid and Liquid Waste person / persons,
savings for funding multiple times. The
infrastructure development in facility of transfer from
Administrative Charges
the country and to lure them one post office to
DIGITAL INDIA away from ponzi schemes. another anywhere in
PROGRAMME Kisan Vikas Patras have India and of nomination
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
300 Current Affairs
will be available. Krishi Sinchayee Yojana to sensitize people of this country
The certificate can also bring irrigation water to every towards the concerns of the
be pledged as security to village by converging ongoing girl child and women. Modi
avail loans from the schemes being implemented also launched a small deposit
banks and in other case by various ministries. scheme Sukanya Samridhi
where security is Under the project, a Account for girl child, as part
required to be deposited. dynamic annual fund of the Beti Bachao Beti
Initially the certificates allocation methodology, which Padhao campaign, which
will be sold through mandates states to allot more would fetch an interest rate of
post offices, but the 9.1 per cent and provide
funds to irrigation sectors for
same will soon be made income tax rebate. Sukanya
becoming eligible to access
available to the Samridhi Account can be
funds under this scheme, is
investing public through opened at any time from the
also being considered. The
designated branches of birth of a girl child till she
PMKSY intends to focus on
nationalised banks. attains the age of 10 years,
end-to-end solution in with a minimum deposit of Rs
Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)
irrigation supply chain by 1000. A maximum of Rs 1.5
a certificate savings scheme
implementing the new lakh can be deposited during
was launched by the
programme in a project the financial year. The account
Government on 1st April,
mode with decentralized can be opened in any post
1988. The scheme provided
state-level planning and office or authorized branches
facility of unlimited
execution. PMKSY funds of commercial banks. The
investment by way of
would be given to states as 75 account will remain operative
purchase of certificates from
per cent grant by the central for 21 years from the date of
post offices in various
government and the remaining opening of the account or
denominations. The maturity
25 per cent share is to be borne marriage of the girl child after
period of the scheme when
by the state government. For attaining 18 years of age. To
launched was 5 years and
northeastern region and hilly meet the requirement of higher
the money invested doubled
states, the funding pattern education expenses, partial
on maturity. The scheme was
would be 90:10. withdrawal of 50 per cent of
very popular among the the balance would be allowed
investors and the percentage BETI PADHAO,
after the girl child has
share of gross collections BETI BACHAO SCHEME
attended 18 years of age.
secured in KVP was in the Prdhan Mantri Narendra
range of 9 % to 29 % against VAN BANDHU KALYAN
Modi with the aim to address
the total collections received YOJANA
gender imbalances and
under all National Savings discrimination against the girl Tribal Welfare Ministry of
Schemes in the country. child has launched a Union Government of India
PRADHAN MANTRI nationwide scheme Beti has launched Vanbandhu
KRISHI SINCHAYEE Bachao-Beti Padhao at Panipat Kalyan Yojana (VKY) for
YOJANA in Haryana. Earlier Union welfare of Tribals. This scheme
Finance Minister during his been launched on pilot basis in
Union Finanace Minister maiden budget said that one block each of the States of
during his first maiden budget government would launch a AP, MP, HP, Telangana,
launched Pradhan Mantri nationwide campaign to Orissa, Jharkhand,
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 301
Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, deprived of their due. Under has selected 12 cities namely
Maharashtra and Gujarat. the scheme maximum selling Varanasi, Amritsar- Warangal,
Under the scheme centre has price for MFP is being Ajmer, Gaya, Mathura,
provided Rs. 10 crore for each implemented in schedule V Kanchipuram and Vellankini
block for the development of States initially. He said a web both in Tamil Nadu,
various facilities for the based portal has also been Amaravati, Badami, Dwaraka
Tribals. developed which indicate and Puri in the first phase and
These blocks have been current price of MFPs on real has allocated Rs. 500 cr to meet
selected on the time basis across different the entire expenditure under
mandis of the States. 12 MFP the scheme. The government
recommendations of the
products have been included has also urged the states and
concerned States and have
in the programme namely (i) local urban bodies to
very low literacy rate. At
Tendu Leave (ii) Bamboo (iii) supplement their resources for
Initial stages the schemes has
Mahuwa Seeds (iv) Sal Leaf (v) rapid development of heritage
targated those blocks which
cities. Government has also
have at least 33% of tribal Sal Seed (vi) Lac (vii)
urged NGOs, Spritual
population in comparison to Chironjee (viii) Wild Honey
organisation and private sector
total population of the block. (ix) Myrobalan (x) Tamarind
to involve in this scheme for
In a press note government (xi) Gums (Gum Karaya) and
the effective implementation.
also informed that the ministry (xii) Karanji.
has taken up initiatives for SHYAMA PRASAD
strengthening of existing MUKHERJEE RURBAN
institutions meant for delivery MISSION
of goods and services to tribal BJP led NDA
Urban Development
people i.e Integrated Tribal Government while presenting
Ministry of Union
Development Agencies / its maiden first budget on 10th
Government has launched a
Integrated Development July 2014 has launched a
National Heritage
Project and creation of new scheme which will deliver
Development and
ones wherever necessary. To integreted project based
Augmentation Yojana
achieve this Union (HRIDAY) that seeks to infastructure in the rural areas.
Government has allocated preserve and rejuvenate the This scheme is named by the
specific funds to the State rich cultural heritage of the founding father of BJP Sh
Governments. country. Syama Prasad Mukherjee and
Referring to the situation HRIDAY seeks to is coined as Shayam Prasad
where Minor Forest Produce promote an integrated, Mukherjee Rurban Mission.
(MFP) is more often than not inclusive and sustainable Under this scheme
determined by the traders development of heritage sites, government has also include
instead of self sustained focusing not just on development of economic
process of demand and maintenance of monuments activity and skill development.
supply. The Minister said his but on advancement of the The preferred mode of
Ministry has taken note of the entire ecosystem including its delivery would be through
situation and has implemented citizens, tourists and local PPPs while using various
a scheme to ensure that such businesses. Under the scheme funds. It is based on
forest dwellers are not HRIDAY schemes the ministry the example of Gujarat that
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
302 Current Affairs
has demonstrated successfully (iii) Improvement in billed of technical or
the Rurban development energy based on laboratory equipment.
model of urbanization of the metered consumption Though quite a few
rural areas, through which and states including Tamil
people living in the rural areas (iv) Providing access to Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra
can get efficient civic electricity to rural Pradesh, and Haryana
infrastructure and associate households. are successfully
services. The Govt has set up distributing such cards,
an 11-member committee, Centre plans to make it
chaired by the additional a pan India effort.
Union Government has Under this scheme
secretary in the ministry of
launched Soil Health Card Central Government will
rural development, to study in
scheme to provide every provides assistance to State
detail the reasons for failure of
farmer a Soil Health Card in a Governments for setting up
similar initiatives in the past
Mission mode. The card will Soil Testing Laboratories for
and recommend ways to
carry crop wise issuing Soil Health Cards to
ensure that this mission
recommendations of farmers.
nutrients/fertilizers required
DEENDAYAL for farms, making it possible SCIENCE AND
productivity by using
The Union Cabinet on 20 appropriate inputs.
November has approved the Key facts of soil health card
launch of Deendayal The Science &
Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana A Soil Health Card is Technology Ministry has
(DDUGJY) with aims to used to assess the launched special promotion
separate agriculture and non current status of soil scheme for women Scientists
agriculture feeders facilitating health and, when used KIRAN (Knowledge, Initiative,
judicious roistering of supply over time, to determine Research and Nurturing). This
changes in soil health scheme will facilitate and
to agricultural and non-
that are affected by land
agricultural consumers in rural smoothen the working
areas and (ii) strengthening conditions of women force
and augmentation of sub A Soil Health Card
engaged in the field of
transmission and distribution displays soil health
scientific research.
infrastructure in rural areas, indicators and
associated descriptive The scheme would look
including metering of at a mobility mechanism for
terms. The indicators are
distribution transformers/ women scientists who have to
typically based on
feeders/consumers. change residences due to
farmers practical
The scheme would help experience and family compulsions and
in: knowledge of local provide them with feasible
(i) Improvement in hours natural resources. employment opportunities.
of power supply in rural The card lists soil health This scheme provides
areas, indicators that can be opportunities to women
(ii) Reduction in peak load, assessed without the aid scientists and technologists
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Current Affairs 303
between the age group of 30- aimed at providing an all India and Tech Pvt. Ltd.
55 years who desire to return Level training framework, UNION GOVERNMENT
to mainstream science and based upon tie-ups with LAUNCHES MISSION
work as bench-level scientists. National/International INDRADHANUSH TO
Under this scheme, the training organizations (on PPP VACCINATES CHILDREN
department offers scholarships mode) for imparting training
to the minority population, for Union Health and Family
for research in basic and
skills that are currently in Welfare Ministry of
applied science, scholarship
demand. Government of India has
for research in science and
launched a health mission
technology-based societal MANAS will also train
known as Mission
programs and internship for people so that they may be
Indradhanush on the eve of
self-employment. self-employed. The National
Good Governance Day i.e. 25th
Additionally, a mentoring Minorities Development and
programme has been initiated Finance Corporation
to improve Ph.D standards in (NMDFC) will provide The mission aims to cover
engineering institutions in assistance with credit for all those children who are
which women scientists and persons who have undergone unvaccinated or are partially
their Ph.D. supervisors training at MANAS and wish vaccinated against seven
participated. to establish their own business vaccine preventable diseases
or be self employed. MANAS which include diphtheria,
Under the scheme, the
will also collaborate with whooping cough, tetanus,
Union Ministry of Science &
multiple national and polio, tuberculosis, measles
Technology will build
international agencies to and hepatitis B, by the end of
leadership positions for
provide certification and the year 2020. Under this
women. Such a scheme would
assistance with placement for scheme the Government has
be beneficial for women who
the trainees, and also to secure identified 201 high focus
face unavoidable interruptions
funding for the program. districts in the country in the
in their careers owing to
first phase which have nearly
numerous reasons. While launching the
50% of all unvaccinated or
GOVERNMENT scheme MANAS has signed
partially vaccinated children.
LAUNCHED MANAS FOR two Memorandum of
These districts will be targeted
MINORITY YOUTH Understanding (MOUs) .One
by intensive efforts to improve
with the representatives of
The Ministry of Minority the routine immunization
Health Sector Council for
Affairs has launched a national coverage. In these 201 districts,
launching training programs
level skill development 82 districts are in just four
on Bed Side Attendant and
scheme Maulana Azad states of UP, Bihar, Madhya
Home Health Care Attendant
National Academy for Skills Pradesh and Rajasthan and
through Skill Tree Consultant
(MANAS) for minority youth nearly 25% of the
Pvt Ltd for 200 girls & boys
on the 125th birth anniversary unvaccinated or partially
and the other with Security
celeberations of Maulana Abul vaccinated children of India
Sector Council launching
Kalam Azad. This is an are in these 82 districts of 4
security services training
ambitious and over-arching states.
program for 100 persons being
skill development architecture, organized through T.S. Skill Under Mission
Indradhanush, four special
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
304 Current Affairs
vaccination campaigns will be Prime Minister laid out his in each State/ UT across the
conducted between January vision to involve and integrate country. The States/ UTs are
and June 2015 with intensive every Citizen in the process of categorized into three broad
planning and monitoring of Nation Building through categories, Category A, B and
these campaigns. The Participatory Development by C, based on their population.
learnings from the successful announcing three schemes, the Implementation of the Scheme
implementation of the polio Swacch Bharat is to be carried out in around
programme will be applied in Mission, National Digital 5 7 Districts in Category A
planning and implementation Literacy Mission and States, 4 5 Districts in
of the mission, he noted. While the PMs Jan Dhan Yojana, Category B States and 2 3
201 districts will be covered in which can rejuvenate the Districts in Category C States/
the first phase, 297 will be socio-economic and political UTs.
targeted for the second phase mindset and landscape of this
Implementation Process
in the year 2015. country.
During the launching The National Digital NGOs, Industry,
ceremony of the mission, it Literacy Mission (NDLM) Government authorized
was informed that between envisages initially to provide centres, Common Services
2009-2013, immunization Information Communication Centres (CSCs) and authorized
coverage has increased from and Technology (ICT) training educational institutions with
61 to 65 percent, indicating to 10 lakh (Ten lakh) persons, appropriate infrastructure will
only 1 percent increase in one in every eligible be utilised to train and
coverage every year. To household in selected Blocks empower ten lakh citizens on
accelerate the process of in each State/ UT of the IT literacy in select Gram
immunization by covering 5 country. Out of 10 lakh, 9 lakh Panchayat/ Blocks/ Districts
percent and more children will be trained through of each State/ UT. The training
every year, the mission mode government machinery and 1 will be held at various training
to achieve target of full lakh through Industry, NGOs locations including CSCs,
coverage by the year 2020 has and others through their own Adult Literacy Centres,
been adopted. The focused resources/ under Corporate NIELIT Centres, RSETI, NGOs
and systematic immunization Social Responsibility. The involved in IT Literacy, etc.
drive will be through a catch- objective is to impart basic ICT The Scheme involves the
up campaign mode where the skills relevant to the need of coordination of various
aim is to cover all the children the trainees, which would stakeholders, conduction of
who have been left out or enable the citizens to use IT survey, identification of
missed out for immunization and related applications and training partners/ centres,
The ministry will be participate actively in the development of content,
technically supported by democratic process and further selection of beneficiaries,
WHO, UNICEF, Rotary enhance opportunities for their imparting training, creating
International and other donor livelihood. The persons shall awareness and advocacy,
partners. be able to access information, monitoring, conducting
knowledge and skill through examination, certification,
NATIONAL DIGITAL conducting concurrent
the use of digital devices. The
LITERACY MISSION evaluation, etc. This requires
Scheme is to be implemented
It was in August 2014, the
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 305
the need for a dedicated completed within the development of
Programme Management Unit allotted timeframe and workforce to be taken
(PMU) with adequate presence budget. up.
at State-level. MAKE IN INDIA SCHEMES (iii) New Sectors: FDI has
The PMU has the been opened up in
The Government has Defence Production,
following objectives:
launched the Make in India Insurance, Medical
Coordination with
Programme to promote Devices, Construction
various stakeholders
manufacturing in the country; and Railway
both at the State and
The Make in India initiative infrastructure in a big
District level.
is based on four pillars, which way. Similarly FDI has
Development of
have been identified to give been allowed in
C u r r i c u l u m
boost to entrepreneurship in Insurance and Medical
F r a m e w o r k /
India, not only in Devices.
manufacturing but also other (iv) New Mindset: In order
Setting up accreditation
sectors. The four pillars are: to partner with industry
norms for training
(i) New Processes: Make in in economic
centres in consultation
India recognizes ease of development of the
with accrediting
doing business as the country Government
agencies like NIELIT,
single most important shall act as a facilitator
factor to promote and not a regulator.
Ensure smooth and
accurate survey of entrepreneurship. A New Infrastructure
households in the States. number of initiatives
have already been Indias manufacturing
Put in place an online infrastructure and capacity for
undertaken to ease
monitoring mechanism innovation is poised for
business environment.
for registration, phenomenal growth: new
monitoring and training (ii) New Infrastructure:
Government intends to smart cities and industrial
of beneficiaries. clusters, being developed in
develop industrial
Examination and identified industrial corridors
corridors and smart
certification norms in having connectivity, new
cities, create world class
consultation with youth-focused programs and
infrastructure with state-
of-the-art technology institutions dedicated to
Industry, etc.
and high-speed developing specialized skills.
Conducting workshops/ communication. Impetus on developing
seminars and other Innovation and research Industrial Corridors and
awareness campaigns activities are supported Smart Cities.
for various stakeholders through a fast paced
to create awareness A new National
registration system and Industrial Corridor
about the Scheme. improved infrastructure Development Authority
Overall coordination, for IPR registration. The is being created to
implementation and requirement of skills for coordinate, integrate,
management of entire industry are to be monitor and supervise
scheme. Ensuring that identified and development of all
all the deliverables are a c c o r d i n g l y Industrial Corridors.
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
306 Current Affairs
Work on 5 smart cities in Automobiles (iii) Aviation (iv) on Make in Indias web
progress as a part of the Biotechnology (v) Chemicals portal (http://
Delhi-M umbai (vi) Construction (vii) Defence
Industrial Corridor: Manufacturing (viii) Electrical along with details of FDI
Dholera, Shendra- Machinery (ix) Electronic Policy, National
Bidkin, Greater Noida , System Design and Manufacturing Policy,
Ujjain and Gurgaon Manufacturing (x) Food Intellectual Property
C h en n ai-Ben g alu ru Processing (xi) IT and BPM Rights and Delhi
Industrial Corridor: (xii) Leather (xiii) Media and Mumbai Industrial
master Planning for 3 Entertainment (xiv) Mining Corridor and other
new Industrial Nodes (xv) Oil and Gas (xvi) National Industrial
[Ponneri (TN), Pharmaceuticals (xvii) Ports Corridors.
Krishnapatnam (AP), (xviii) Railways (xix) Roads 4. Ordinance has been
Tumkur (Karnataka)] in and Highways (xx) Renewable issued to make land
progress. Energy (xxi) Space (xxii) acquisition easier for
The East Coast Textiles (xxiii)Thermal Power important projects.
Economic Corridor (xxiv) Tourism and Hospitality 5. A number of items have
(ECEC) with Chennai- (xxv) Wellness. been taken off the
Vizag Industrial An investor facilitation licensing requirement
Corridor as the first cell has been created under from Defence products
phase of this project: Make in India Programme. So list. Similarly, items of
Feasibility Study dual use have also been
far this cell has handled 7100
commissioned by ADB. taken off the licensing
queries from the investor and
Amritsar-Kolkata requirement.
about 250 meetings have been
Industrial Corridor: 6. The Ministry of Labour
convened by the cell with
DMICDC selected as and Employment has
potential investors. Other
Nodal Agency for doing developed a unified
measures taken by the
Feasibility Study, which Web Portal Shram
Government to boost Suvidha. This portal
is being conducted at
fast pace. manufacturing sector in the facilitates:
country as follows; a. Allotment of Unique
North-eastern part of
India planned to be 1. Government of India L a b o u r
linked with other services has been Identification
Industrial corridors in integrated with online Number (UN) to
cooperation with single window under e- units;
government in Japan. Biz portal. b. Filing of single self-
New Industrial Clusters 2. Creation of Investor certified online
for promoting advance Facilitation Cell in return for 16 labour
practices in Invest India to assist, laws;
manufacturing. guide and handhold c. R a n d o m
investors during the computerized
The following sectors
various phases of inspections based on
have been included in the
business life cycle. objective criteria;
Make in India programme:
3. Information on 25 d. Reports to be
(i) Auto Component (ii) sectors has been put up uploaded by
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 307
inspectors within 72 country. The Finance Minister longevity in India, which has
hours of inspection; Shri Jaitley said that VPBY is gone up substantially. The
Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana like reverse of a normal subscription to the scheme is
insurance policy as in case of likely to create a corpus of
Government of India in VPBY, the beneficiary gets an more than Rs. 10,000 crore,
the Union Budget 2014-2015, income at the overall rate of and would thus also be a
announced the revival of 9.38 % per annum on their significant source of resource
Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana deposits as they are being paid mobilization for the
(VPBY). The Varishtha Pension on monthly basis. development of the country.
Bima Yojana (VPBY) will This initiative reflects the Under this revived
benefit the vulnerable section commitment of the Varishtha Pension Bima
of society with limited Government to the welfare Yojana (VPBY), the senior
resources as it will provide and well-being of the senior citizens would get pension on
monthly pension ranging from citizens of the country, which fixed basis either on yearly or
Rs 500/ to Rs 5,000/ per is especially important in the monthly basis which will
month to senior citizens of the light of the increasing provide social security to
senior citizens.
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Current Affairs

Cabinet of India

PORTFOLIO OF THE Gowda: Statistics & Industries & Public

UNION COUNCIL OF P r o g r a m m e Enterprises
MINISTERS Implementation Harsimrat Kaur Badal:
Uma Bharati: Water Food Processing
Prime Minister
Resources, River Industries
Narendra Modi
Development & Ganga Narendra Singh Tomar:
Personnel, Public Rejuvenation Rural Development |
Grievances & Pensions Najma A. Heptulla: Panchayati Raj |
Department of Atomic Minority Affairs Drinking Water &
Energy Shri Ramvilas Paswan: Sanitation
Department of Space Consumer Affairs, Food Chaudhary Birender
Cabinet Ministers & Public Distribution Singh: Steel
Kalraj Mishra: Micro, Jual Oram: Tribal Affairs
Rajnath Singh: Home Small & Medium Radha Mohan Singh:
Affairs Enterprises Agriculture & Farmers
Sushma Swaraj: Maneka Sanjay Gandhi: Welfare
External Affairs Women & Child Thaawar Chand Gehlot:
Arun Jaitley: Finance Development Social Justice and
Corporate Affairs Ananth Kumar: Empowerment
M Venkaiah Naidu: Chemicals & Fertilizers Smriti Zubin Irani:
Urban Development | Parliamentary Affairs Textiles
Housing & Urban Ravi Shankar Prasad: Dr. Harsh Vardhan:
Poverty Alleviation Law & Justice | Science & Technology |
|Information & Electronics & Earth Sciences
Broadcasting Information Technology Prakash Javadekar:
Nitin Jairam Gadkari: Jagat Prakash Nadda: Human Resource
Road Transport and Health & Family Development
Highways Shipping Welfare
Manohar Parrikar: Ministers of State
Ashok Gajapathi Raju
Defence Pusapati: Civil Aviation Rao Inderjit Singh:
Suresh Prabhu: Railways Anant Geete: Heavy Planning (Independent
D. V. Sadananda Charge) | Urban
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 309
Development Housing (Independent Charge) Water & Sanitation
& Urban Poverty Tourism (Independent Rajen Gohain: Railways
Alleviation Charge) Parshottam Rupala:
Bandaru Dattatreya: Manoj Sinha: Agriculture & Farmers
Labour & Employment Communications Welfare | Panchayati
(Independent Charge) (Independent Charge) Raj
Rajiv Pratap Rudy: Skill Railways MJ Akbar: External
Development & Anil Madhav Dave: Affairs
Entrepreneurship Environment, Forest and Upendra Kushwaha:
(Independent Charge) Climate Change Human Resources
Vijay Goel: Youth (Independent Charge) Development
Affairs and Sports General V. K. Singh: Radhakrishnan P: Road
(Independent Charge) | External Affairs Transport & Highways
Water Resources, River Santosh Kumar | Shipping
Development & Ganga Gangwar: Finance Kiren Rijiju: Home
Rejuvenation Faggan Singh Kulaste: Affairs
Shripad Yesso Naik: Health & Family Krishan Pal: Social
AAYUSH (Independent Welfare Justice & Empowerment
Charge) Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi: Jasvantsinh Sumanbhai
Dharmendra Pradhan: Minority Affairs | Bhabhor: Tribal Affairs
Petroleum and Natural Parliamentary Affairs Sanjeev Kumar Balyan:
Gas (Independent SS Ahluwalia: Water Resources, River
Charge) Agriculture & Farmers Development & Ganga
Piyush Goyal: Power Welfare | Parliamentary Rejuvenation
(Independent Charge) Affairs Vishnu Deo Sai: Steel
Coal (Independent Ramdas Athawale: Sudarshan Bhagat:
Charge) New and Social Justice & Agriculture and Farmers
Renewable Energy Empowerment Welfare
(Independent Charge) Ram Kripal Yadav:
Mines (Independent Y S Chowdary: Science
Rural Development & Technology | Earth
Haribhai Parthibhai Science
Jitendra Singh: Chaudhary: Micro,
Development of North Jayant Sinha: Civil
Small & Medium Aviation
Eastern Region Enterprises
(Independent Charge) Col. Rajyavardhan Singh
Giriraj Singh: Micro, Rathore: Information &
Prime Ministers Office
Small & Medium Broadcasting
Personnel, Public
Grievances & Pensions Babul Supriyo: Urban
Hansraj Gangaram Ahir: Development Housing
Department of Atomic
Home Affairs & Urban Poverty
Energy Department of
Space G M Siddeshwara: Alleviation
Heavy Industries & Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti:
Nirmala Sitharaman:
Public Enterprises Food Processing
Commerce and Industry
(Independent Charge) Ramesh Chandappa Industries
Jigajinagi: Drinking
Mahesh Sharma: Culture
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
310 Current Affairs
Vijay Sampla: Social Krishna Raj: Women & CR Chaudhary:
Justice & Empowerment Child Development Consumer Affairs, Food
Arjun Ram Meghwal: Mansukh L. Mandaviya: & Public Distribution
Finance | Corporate Road Transport & P P Chaudhary: Law &
Affairs Highways, Shipping, Justice Electronics &
Dr. Mahendra Nath Chemicals & Fertilizers Information Technology
Pandey: Human Anupriya Patel: Health Subhash Ramrao
Resource Development & Family Welfare Bhamre: Defence
Ajay Tamta: Textiles
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Current Affairs 311

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Green climate fund 6. consider the following

1. Consider the following
(GCF) is a fund within statements
statements about India,
the framework of the 1. As of 2015, there are
Bangladesh Land
UNFCCC founded as a two permanent non-
Boundary Agreement .
mechanism to member observer states
1. India,Bangladesh The
redistribute money at the United Nations:
LBA was first inked in
from the developed to the Holy See and
the developing worl(d) Palestine.
2. Agreement came into
2. The green climate fund 2. Currently UN has 188
effect from 31st july 2015
is based in South korea member states
Which of the above
Which of the above Which of the above
statements is/are true
statement is\are true statements is/are true
(a) only 1 (b) only 2
(a) only 1 (a) only 1 (b) only 2
(c) both 1 & 2
(b) both 1 & 2 (c) neither 1 nor 2
(d) neither 1 nor 2
(c) only 3 (d) both 1 & 2
2. Consider the following
(d) neither 1 nor 2 7. Consider the following
statements about the
4. Who is the nodal agency statements Times Higher
Census 2011
of the governments Education ranking
1. the population density
ambitious Digital India 1. The 12th edition of the
is 382
programme, annual rankings
2. Goa has the highest
(a) The Department of released by Times
proportion of urban
Electronics and IT Higher Education has
(b) ministry of home the Indian Institute of
3. Bihar has the lowest
affairs Science in the un-
proportion of urban
(c) telecom ministry ranked 251-300
(d) TRAI category and the Indian
Which of the above
5. Which one of the Institute of Technology
statements is/are true
following is the world,s Bombay in the 351-400
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 & 3
newest Nation category.
(c) all are the above
(a) east timor 2. With 17 institution on
(d) only 1 & 2
(b) serbia the list, India is now at
3. Consider the following
(c) south sudan par with its BRIC
statements about green
(d) cremia
climate fund
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
312 Current Affairs
counterpart Brazil. 2. Morocco is not the 2. it has not entered into
Which of the above member of AU force due to the non-
statements is/are true Which of the above ratification of eight
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 statements is/are true specific states.
(c) neither 1 nor 2 (a) only 1 (b) only 2 Which of the above
(d) both 1 & 2 (c) both 1& 2 statements is/are true
8. Human Development (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) only 2 (b) only 1
Index developed by 12. Consider the following (c) neither 1 nor 2
(a) Mehboob Ul- Haq statements (d) both 1& 2
(b) Alinar Ostrom 1. Justice A.P. Shah 15. Consider the following
(c) Paul Stigletz Committee is related to statement about recently
(d) John Nash Minimum Alternative release socio-economic
9. Consider the following Tax (MAT) and caste census (SECC)
statements about eastern 2. The US government is 2011
freight corridor not asignatory to 1. This is the second caste
1. This corridor will cover the ICC (International census done in
total distance of criminal court) statute Independent Indi(a)
1839 km Which of the above 2. The last caste census in
2. Eastern freight corridor statements is/are true India happened in 1952.
will pass through 6 (a) only 1 (b) only 2 Which of the above
states (c) both 1& 2 statements is/are true
Which of the above (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) only 1 (b) only 2
statements is/are true 13. Consider the following (c) both 1 & 2
(a) only 2 statements about Forum (d) neither 1 nor 2
(b) only 1 for India-Pacific Islands 16. Consider the following
(c) neither 1 nor 2 Cooperation (FIPIC) statements
(d) both 1 & 2 1. Fiji will host the heads 1. India is not the
10. Consider the following of 14 island nations at signatory of CTBT
statements about AFSPA the Forum for India- 2. There are 42 members
1. Armed force special Pacific Islands in the nuclear suppliers
power act of parliament Cooperation (FIPIC). group
which passed in 1958 2. China is the dialogue Which of the above
2. Recently afspa has been partner of FIPIC statements is/are true
revoked from Which of the above (a) only 1 (b) only 2
Nagaland after 18 years statements is/are true (c) both 1 & 2
Which of the above (a) only 2 (b) only 1 (d) neither 1 nor 2
statements is/are true (c) neither 1 nor 2 17. Consider the following
(a) only 2 (b) only 1 (d) both 1& 2 statements
(c) neither 1 nor 2 14. Consider the following 1. The Reserve Bank had
(d) both 1 & 2 statements about, granted in-principle
11. Consider the following comprehensive nuclear approval to 11
statements about African test ban treaty ( CTBT) applicants, including
Union (AU) 1. it was adopted by the DoP, in August to set
1. AU is a continental UN general assembly up payments banks.
union consisting of 54 on 1996 2. As per RBI guidelines,
countries in Africa
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 313
payments banks would 2. The issue prices are 2. MDG has to be achieve
offer a limited range of market based prices by 2020
products such as Correct statement is / Which of the above
demand deposits and are statements is/are true
remittances (a) 1 Only (b) Only 2 (a) only 2 (b) only 1
Which of the above (c) both (d) none (c) neither 1 nor 2
statements is/are true 21. The use for buffer stock is (d) both 1 & 2
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 1. Supply to the targeted 24. Consider the following
(c) neither 1 nor 2 public distribution statements
(d) both 1 & 2 system 1. Currently there are 191
18. Consider the following 2. At times goes to the members of united
statements open market to check nations
1. Rajasthan tops the table rising prices if needed 2. China is not the
in solar capacity 3. Exporting to neighbour member of WTO
addition with the state states in crisis Which of the above
contributing 1,175 MW Correct statements is / statements is/are true
capacity. are- (a) only 2 (b) only 1
2. Gujarat is ranked (a) 1 Only (b) 1 and 2 (c) neither 1 nor 2
number three in solar (c) 1, 3 (d) 1,2,3 (d) both 1 & 2
capacity addition 22. The economic cost of food 25. Transforming our World:
Which of the above grain consist of the The 2030 Agenda for
statements is/are true following components : Sustainable Development
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 1. MSP as the price paid to has been set by
(c) neither 1 nor 2 the farmers (a) UN (b) UNDP
(d) both 1 & 2 2. P r o c u r e m e n t (c) World Bank
19. Consider the following incidentals (d) WTO
statements 3. Cost of distribution 26. Consider the following
1. Minimum support 4. Cost of maintaining the statements about direct
price was announced FCI benefit transfer
before sowing started (a) 1, 2 (b) 1,3, 4 1. DBT firstly launched in
2. Procurement prices (c) 1,2,3 (d) 2,3,4 Jharkhand in 2013
announced after the 23. Consider the following 2. Government of India
harvesting of crops statements about Introduced Modified
3. Now government Millennium Development Direct Benefit Transfer
announced MSP which Goals of LPG (DBTL) scheme
is procurement price 1. T h e M i l l e n n i u m in 54 districts in 11
too. Development Goals states including all in
Correct statement is / (MDGs) are the eight Kerala starting
are international November 15, 2014
(a) 1 Only (b) 1, 2, development goals that Which of the above
(c) 2,3 (d) 1,2,3 were established statement is/are true
20. Consider the following following the (a) only 1 (b) only 2
statements Millennium Summit of (c) both 1& 2
1. Issue price is the price the United Nations in (d) neither 1 nor 2
at which the FCI sells its 2000 27. Which one of the
food grains following programme
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
314 Current Affairs
doesnt comes under 31. Consider the following 2. Banks will give 6% of
Direct Benefit Transfer stsatements interest rate on the
(a) National Child Labour 1. Queensland province is deposit gold
Project situated in Australia Which of the above
(b) Student Scholarship 2. British Colombia statements is/are true
(c) LPG subsidy province is situated in (a) only 2 (b) only 1
(d) Jan Dhan Yojana Canada (c) neither 1 nor 2
28. Consider the following Which of the above (d) both 1 & 2
statements statements is/are true 34. Consider the following
1. The Defence Research (a) only 1 (b) only 2 statements
and Development (c) both 1 & 2 1. ISROs commercial
Or g an is ati on (d) neither 1 nor 2 venture known as
inaugurated an 32. Consider the following Antrix Corporation
Extreme Altitude statements about 2. As per the 2014 tiger
Research Centre at Greenpeace census Maharashtra
Changla 1. Greenpeace has a has the highest number
2. Changla is situated in general consultative of tigers
Assam status with the United Which of the above
Which of the above Nations Economic and statements is/are true
statements is/are true Social Council (a) only 1 (b) only 2
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 2. Greenpeace was the (c) neither 1 nor 2
(c) neither 1 nor 2 first parties to (d) both 1 & 2
(d) both 1 & 2 formulate a sustainable 35. Consider the following
29. Defence Institute of High development scenario statements
Altitude Research for climate change 1. After China, Udaipur is
(DIHAR) is situated in mitigation second in the world to
(a) Jaiselmer Which of the above have the unique multi-
(b) Leh statements is/are true application solar
(c) Panji (a) only 1 (b) only 2 telescope (MAST) for
(d) Mumbai (c) both 1 & 2 the detailed study of
30. Consider the following (d) neither 1 nor 2 the solar activities.
statements 33. Consider the following 2. The Udaipur Solar
1. Diclofenac is a statements about the Observatory (USO), is
painkilling drug that is proposed gold situated on an island in
responsible for the monetisation scheme the middle of
death of vultures in 1. Under the proposed Fatehsagar lake
large numbers scheme, a person or Which of the above
2. India is the only habitat entity would be statements is/are true
of vultures in south allowed to deposit a (a) only 1 (b) only 2
Asia minimum quantity of (c) neither 1 nor 2
Which of the above 30 grams of gold in any (d) both 1 & 2
statements is/are true form, bullion or 36. Consider the following
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 jewellery, for one year statements
(c) both 1 & 2 in a gold saving 1. TB remains the worlds
(d) neither 1 nor 2 account deadliest infectious
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 315
2. Sputum is a mixture of (c) Sir patrick Spens 5. Minto Morely
saliva and mucus (d) Roderick Parkes
coughed up from the 41. During early phase of A B C D
lungs freedom struggle in India, (a) 5 2 3 1
Which of the above Pamphlet titledAn (b) 3 4 5 1
statements is/are true exposition of the Revenue (c) 3 2 5 1
(a) only 1 (b) both 1 & 2 and Judicial system in (d) 5 4 3 1
(c) neither 1 nor 2 India was released by 45. Which one of the
(d) only 2 (a) Debendranath Tagore following pair is not
37. Kanamycin, drug is used (b) Raja RamMohan Roy correctly matched?
to treat (c) Dadabhai Naoroji 1) 1919 Act Diarchy of
(a) Malaria (b) TB (d) Mahatma Gandhi the centre
(c) Dengue (d) Plague 42. Consider the following 2) 1861 Act Portfolio
38. Consider the following statements system
statements about fiscal 1. Japan is not the 3) 1935 Act -
surplus member of asia pacific Bicameralism
1. This is deflationary gap economic co-operation 4) 1853 Act Governor
where the shortfall in (APEC) General of India
total spending of the 2. Senkaku islands is an a) 1,3,4 b) 2,3,4
government over the disupted island c) 1,2,4 d) 1,2,3
national income between japan & china 46. Consider the following
2. This is also known as Which of the above statement about the
output gap. statements is are true Interim Government 1946
3. Here demand is more (a) only 1 (b) both 1 & 2 1) The members of the
but supply is low (c) neither 1 nor 2 interim government
correct statement is / (d) only 2 were members of the
are 43. Consider the following viceroys Executive
(a) Only 1 (b) only 2 statements council
(c) 1 and 2 (d) only 3 1. Asafa powell is an 2) The Viceroy continued
39. Who among the following Jamaican sprinter to be the head of the
is known for making the 2. The Pong Dam Lake council
first demand for franchise Wildlife Sanctuary is 3) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
for women in India? located in himachal was designated as the
(a) Aruna Asaf Ali Pradesh vice-president of the
(b) Sarojini Naidu Which of the above council
(c) Margaret E. Cousins statements is are true Correct is :
(d) Annie Besant (a) only 1 (b) both 1 & 2 a) 1 only b) 2 only
40. Who among the following (c) neither 1 nor 2 c) 1, 2 d) 1,2,3
headed the Arbitral (d) only 2 47. Consider the following
Tribunal set up for the 44. Match the following. statements
settlements of unresolved A. Bicameral 1. Government of 1. India is fourth-largest
questions between India
B. Legislative
India Act 1935
2. Indian Council
energy consumer of the
and Pakistan at the time of devolution Act of 1861 world
C. Separate 3. Montagu
partition? electorate Chelmsford
2. British Columbia is
(a) Sir Maurice Gwyer
Reform situated in Britain
D. Provincial 4. Indian Council Act
(b) Sir Henery Torrens Autonomy of 1892 Which of the above
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
316 Current Affairs
statements is/are true (b) Physics farmers to global
(a) only 2 (b) only 1 (c) Economics markets.
(c) both 1 & 2 (d) Medicine 3. The platform is
(d) neither 1 nor 2 52. Consider the following operated by Reliance
48. Consider the following statements Infotech
statements 1. India is one of the Correct statements are
1. Urea is the only largest producer of (a) 1,2 (b) 2,3
fertilizer yet to be oilseeds in the worl(d) (c) 1,3 (d) 1,2,3
controlled 2. The role of the 55. Tribal Co-operative
2. At present, the subsidy agriculture market is to marketing Development
is paid to urea deliver agricultural Federation of India Ltd
producers and produce from the (TRIFED) :
importers, not farmers. farmer to the 1. The basic aim of it was
Which of the above wholesalers to save tribals from
statements is\are true Correct statements are exploiting by private
(a) only 2 (b) only 1 (a) 1 only (b) 2 only traders and offers them
(c) both 1 & 2 (c) both (d) none remunerative prices for
(d) neither 1 nor 2 53. Consider the following their minor forest
49. A world heritage site, the statements about produce and surplus
Jokhang temple is situated agricultural marketing agriculture product
at 1. It is single point market 2. It is also act as agent of
(a) Bhutan (b) Tibet system is necessary for FCI for purchase of
(c) Thailand(d)Indonesia facilitating free wheat and rice
50. Consider the following movement of produce 3. It is also agent of
statements 2. Bringing price agriculture and co-
1. The Reserve Bank of stabilization operation department
India notified that 3. Reducing price of government for
foreign portfolio differences between the exporting of food
investors (FPI) will be producer and grains
able to hold up to Rs consumer market Incorrect statements are
1.66 lakh crore worth of segments (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
government securities Incorrect statements are (c) 3 only (d) 1,2,3
from October 12 (a) 1 only (b) 2, 3 56. Consider the following
2. RBIs financial year (c) 1,2,3 (d) none statements about Suez
starts from 1st July 54. Consider the following canal
Which of the above sstatements about E- 1. It connects
statements is/are true Choupal - the Mediterranean sea
(a) only 1 1. It is the first private & the Red sea
(b) neither 1 nor 2 sector initiative by the 2. The original canal
(c) both 1 & 2 private sector in currently handles 7% of
(d) only 2 agricultural marketing global sea-borne trade
51. Canadian Arthur 2. It is a business platform Which of the above
McDonald & Takaaki consisting of a set of statements is/are true
Kajita of Japan shared this organizational (a) only 1 (b) only 2
years nobel prize for subsystem and (c) both 1& 2
(a) Chemistry interfaces connecting (d) neither 1 nor 2
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 317
57. Arrange the following 1. MGNREGA started a) Charter Act of 1858
states in descending order from 2nd feb 2005 b) Regulating Act of 1773
according to the number 2. Employment under c) Pitts India Act of 1784
of tigers ( latest census) MGNREGA is not a d) Charter Act of 1833
(a) Karnataka, Uttranchal, legal entitlement 65. Consider the following
Madhya Pradesh, Which of the above statements about
tamilnadu statements is/are true Shanghai Cooperation
(b) Madhya Pradesh, (a) both 1& 2 Organisation (SCO).
tamilnadu, karnataka, (b) neither 1 nor 2 1. There are five members
uttranchal (c) only 1 (d) only 2 in SCO
(c) Uttranchal, Madhya 61. Statutory recognition to 2. Uzbekistan is not the
Pradesh,tamilnadu, the portfolio system was founder member of
Karnataka accorded by: SCO
(d) Tamilnadu, uttranchal, a) Indian Council Act of Which of the above
Madhya Pradesh, 1892 statement is/are true
Karnataka b) Indian Council Act of (a) only 1 (b) only 2
58. Q.recently the The State of 1861 (c) both 1 & 2
Social Safety Nets 2015. c) Indian Council Act of (d) neither 1 nor 2
Report issued by 1853 66. Consider the following
(a) IMF (b) WTO d) Charter Act of 1833 statements
(c) World bank 62. Diarchy was introduced 1. National highway
(d) UNCTAD by authority of india is not
59. Consider the following a) Indian Council Act of a autonomous body
statements about 1909 2. National Housing Bank
recently released b) Government of India (NHB), is a wholly
Millennium Development Act of 1919 owned subsidiary of
Goals (MDG) Report 2015. c) Government of India Reserve Bank of India
1. Pakistan, Nepal and Act of 1935 (RBI)
Bangladesh have each d) Independence act of Which of the above
outstripped India in 1947 statement is/are true
poverty reduction over 63. Which if the following is (a) only 1
comparable time not a feature of (b) only 2
periods. Government of India Act (c) both 1 & 2
2. India has already of 1935? (d) neither 1 nor 2
achieved 11 out of 22 1. Diarchy at the centre 67. The 500-MWe Prototype
parameters in the 2. All India Federation Fast Breeder Reactor
report 3. Provincial autonomy (PFBR) at Kalpakkam is
Which of the above 4. Diarchy in the province using to generate
statements is/are true Correct statement is / electricity
(a) both 1& 2(b) neither are : (a) Yranium 238
1 nor 2 (a) 1, 4 (b) 2, 3 (b) Thorium
(c) only 1 (d) only 2 (c) only 4 (d) only 1 (c) Titanium
60. Consider the following 64. Which Act provided for (d) Uranium 233
statements about direct control of Indian 68. Consider the following
MGNREGA Affairs by the British statements about gold
Government? monetization scheme
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
318 Current Affairs
1. Scheme will enable 71. Consider the following (a) Only 1 incorrect
depositors to earn statements about BRICS (b) Only 1 correct
interest on their on their 1. The term bric was (c) Only 2 Correct
gold accounts. coined in 2001 by the (d) Both correct
2. The sovereign gold goldman sachs 75. Consider the following
bond will enable chairman jim Oneil statement about prithvi-II
investors to buy gold 2. 2015 bric summit held 1. It is Indias first nuclear
certificates from the at brazil weapons capable
government, which can Which of the above surface to surface
later be encashed for statements is/are true ballistic missile
money or physical (a) only 1 (b) only 2 2. It is first missile
gol(d) (c) both 1 and 2 developed by by the
Which of the above (d) neither 1 nor 2 DRDO under Indias
statements is/are true 72. Recently india signed Intergrated Guided
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 Foreign Account Tax Missile Development
(c) neither 1 nor 2 Compliance Act (FATCA) Programme.
(d) both 1 & 2 with (a) 1 Correct
69. Consider the following (a) Russia (c) America (b) 2 Incorrect
statements (c) China (d) Britain (c) Both correct
1. Potala palace is situated 73. Consider the following (d) Both Incorrect
in Bhutan statements about Kyoto 76. The highest tax item of
2. Mona,Qiang & Lhoba protocol necessary goods industry
ethnic groups found in 1. Canada became the is
Tibet first signatory to A. Branded garments
Which of the above announce its B.Footwear
statements is/are true withdrawal from the C. Food D. Electronics
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 Kyoto Protoco 77. Consider the following
(c) neither 1 nor 2 2. The Protocols first statements about SCO
(d) both 1 & 2 commitment period 1. The Beijing-based SCO
70. Consider the following started in 2008 and currently has China,
statements about ended in 2012 Russia, Kazakhstan,
The Indian Council of Which of the above K y r g y z s t a n ,
A g r i c u l t u r a l statements is/are true Uzbekistan and
Research (ICAR) (a) only 1 (b) only 2 Tajikistan as members.
1. The Union Minister of (c) both 1 and 2 2. India will be the full
Agriculture serves as its (d) neither 1 nor 2 member of SCO from
president. 74. Consider the following 2016
2. Presently, regulation of statement Which of the above
agricultural education 1. INS virkramaditya statements is/are true
is the mandate of ICAR. was formely named as (a) only 1 (b) only 2
Which of the above admiral gorshkov. (c) both 1 & 2
statements is/are true 2. INS- Sindhuraksha is (d) neither 1 nor 2
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 sindhusag ar-class 78. Consider the following
(c) neither 1 nor 2 diesel electric statements about IUCN(
(d) both 1 & 2 submarine. international union for
conservation of nature)
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 319
1. The IUCN head office is higher unemployment comes under PMO
in Gland, Switzerland and higher the inflation 2. Commission of
2. T h e W o r l d lower unemployment Railway Safety comes
Conservation Congress 3. The curve suggest that under the ministry of
(Members Assembly) higher inflation higher civil aviation
is IUCNs highest unemployment and Which of the above
decision-making body lower the inflation statements is/are true
Which of the above lower unemployment (a) only 1 (b) only 2
statements is/are true Correct statement is / (c) both 1 & 2
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 are (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) both 1 & 2 (a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2 85. Consider the following
(d) neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) only 2 statements
79. To calculate the real cost a 82. Consider the following 1. Cabinet committee on
borrower is paying on its statements about UN economic affairs is
loan, the nominal rate of 1. The United Nations chaired by Union
interest is adjusted with General Assembly has finance minister
the effect of inflation and voted overwhelmingly 2. India is the largest
thus the interest rate we to allow Palestine flag exporter of
get is known as to fly at United Nations pharmaceutical
(a) nominal rate headquarters. products
(b) borrower rate 2. There are 188 members Which of the above
(c) Real interest rate in UN statements is/are true
(d) none of the above Which of the above (a) only 1 (b) only 2
80. If inflation is taking place statements is/are true (c) both 1& 2
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
(a) Real interest is always (c) both 1 & 2 86. Consider the following
lower than the nominal (d) Neither 1 nor 2 statements about the
interest 83. Consider the following International tribunal for
(b) Real interest is always statements about the Law of the sea (ITLOS)
higher than the American congress 1. The tribunal is based in
nominal interest 1. American congress Hamburg, Germany
(c) Nominal interest is upper house is known 2. The Tribunal has not
always lower than real as House of the power to settle
interest representative disputes between party
(d) both are equals 2. American congress states
81. Consider the following lower house is known Which of the above
statements about Phillips as senate statements is/are true
curve - Which of the above (a) only 1 (b) only 2
1. It is graphic curve statements is/are true (c) both 1& 2
advocates a (a) only 1 (b) only 2 (d) neither 1 nor 2
relationship between (c) both 1 & 2 87. Consider the following
inflation and (d) Neither 1 nor 2 statements:
unemployment in an 84. Consider the following 1. Bhagat Singh and
economy statements Batukeshwar Dutt
2. The curve suggests that 1. Department of Jammu threw bombs in the
lower the inflation & Kashmir Affairs Central Legislative
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
320 Current Affairs
Assembly to Protest religion with the aid of (a) A & B (b) A,B & C
against the passage of the Puranas which, he (c) ALL (d) B & C
Public Safety Bill and said were full of false 93. Who/Which of the
Trade Dispute Bill. teachings. following can abolish a
2. In the Kakori 2. He believed that every State Legislative Council
Conspiracy case Ram person had the right of (a) Parliament
Prasad Bismil and direct access to Go(d) (b) President
Ashfaqulla were 3. He was opposed to the (c) Governor
sentenced to lifetime study of western (d) State Assembly
imprisonment. sciences. 94. Consider the following
Which of the Which of the statements about service
statements given above statements given above price Index :
is/are correct? is/are correct? 1. The need for this index
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (a) 1 only is warranted by the
(c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 2 only decline in primary
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 1 and 3 only sector of the economy
88. With reference to the (d) All of these in Indi(a)
Theosophical Society 90. Which of the following 2. Technical assistance is
Consider the following expenditures are charged being received by the
statements : on the Consolidated Fund world bank.
1. The Theosophists of India? Correct statements is /
advocated the revival A. Salaries of the SC are -
and Strengthening of judges (a) 1 only (b) 2 only
the ancient religion of B. UPSC chairman (c) both (d) none
Hinduism only. pension 95. Consider the following
2. They denied the C. Debt charges for which statement about economy
doctrine of the the central government boom:
transmigration of the is liable 1. Boom is usually
soul. D. Emoluments & followed by price-rise.
3. A religious revivalists allowances of the PM 2. There is market forces
the Theosophists were (a) A,B & C (b) All mismatch is .demand
not very successful. (c) A,C & D(d) A,B & D and supply
Which of the 91. The executive officer of the disequilibrium.
statements given above cantonment board is 3. Boom is a phase when
is/are correct? appointed by the measures taken by
(a) 3 only (a) President of the Board government and
(b) 1 and 3 only (b) Defence Minister private sector might
(c) Only 1 and 2 (c) Chief Secretary of the put the economic
(d) 1, 2 and 3 state activities as such which
89. With reference to Swami (d) President of India the economic system
Dayanand Saraswati 92. The 73rd amendment does fails to digest.
Consider the following not apply to the states of, Correct statements are
statements : A. NagalandB.Mizoram :
1. He belived that selfish C. J & K (a) 1,2 (b) 2, 3
and ignorant priests D. Meghalaya (c) 1,2,3 (d) 1,3
had prevented Hindu
Online Coaching for IBPS, SBI & All Other Bank Exams:
Current Affairs 321
96. The symptoms of 1. World Ozone Day,
overheating of economy September 16
is: commemorates the
1. Downturn in aggregate Montreal Protocol that
demand was signed on this date
2. The level of production 2. Ozone in the lower
in the economy also atmosphere is harmful
falls for human and plant
3. No new employment life, while in the higher
opportunitie level (stratosphere) it
4. Labour cut is not forced protects our planet
but voluntary here. against ultraviolet
Incorrect statement is / radiation.
are Which of the above
(a) 1,2 (b) only 4 statements is/are true
(c) 1,2,3,4 (d) none 1. only 1 2. only 2
97. Consider the following 3. neither 1 nor 2
statements about UN 4. both 1 & 2
1. There are 15 members 100. Consider the following
in the UN security statements
council 1. Bangladesh is the first
2. Asoke Mukerji is country to set up its
Indias Ambassador to own Climate Change
the UN Trust Fund
Which of the above 2. Bangladesh is a land
statements is /are true locked country
(a) only 1 (b) only 2 Which of the above
(c) neither 1 nor 2 statements is/are true
(d) both 1& 2 (a) only 1 (b) only 2
98. Consider the following (c) neither 1 nor 2
statements (d) both 1 & 2
1. Positive net sales
abroad generally
contributes to a current
account surplus.
2. Negative net sales
abroad generally
contributes to a current
account deficit.
Which of the above
statements is /are true
(a) only 1 (b) only 2
(c) neither 1 nor 2
(d) both 1& 2
99. Consider the following
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1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(d) 10.(b)
11.(c) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(d) 20.(a)
21.(b) 22.(c) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(a) 26.(b) 27.(d) 28.(a) 29.(a) 30.(a)
31.(b) 32.(a) 33.(b) 34.(a) 35.(d) 36.(d) 37.(b) 38.(c) 39.(c) 40.(c)
41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(b) 44.(c) 45.(a) 46.(c) 47.(b) 48.(c) 49.(b) 50.(c)
51.(b) 52.(a) 53.(d) 54.(a) 55.(c) 56.(b) 57.(a) 58.(c) 59.(a) 60.(c)
61.(b) 62.(b) 63.(c) 64.(b) 65.(a) 66.(a) 67.(a) 68.(d) 69.(b) 70.(d)
71.(a) 72.(b) 73.(c) 74.(b) 75.(c) 76.(b) 77.(c) 78.(c) 79.(c) 80.(a)
81.(b) 82.(a) 83.(d) 84.(b) 85.(d) 86.(a) 87.(a) 88.(a) 89.(b) 90.(a)
91.(d) 92.(c) 93.(a) 94.(a) 95.(c) 96.(d) 97.(d) 98.(d) 99.(d) 100.(a)
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