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Thesis submitted for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Eric Achankeng
(DSA) B.A, (CNH) Post grad Dip, Dr. de 3me Cycle Urban Geography

in the

School of Social Sciences

Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies (GES)
The University of Adelaide
December 2004


CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Background 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Global Significance of Municipal Solid Waste Management 2
1.1.2 Some Key Issues in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing
Countries 7
1.1.3 Municipal Solid Waste Management in Cameroon 9
1.1.4 Research Aims and Objectives 10
1.1.5 Rationale/justification 11
1.2 Background: Limiting the Scope: Waste Terminologies and Research Area 11
1.2.1 Waste Terminologies 12 Waste 12 Solid Waste 12 Municipal Solid Waste, Management, other Urban Solid Waste
Terms 13
1.2.2 Introduction to the Country of Research-Cameroon 14 A Brief History 14

iii The Geography, People and the Economy 17
1.2.3 Introduction to Bamenda and Yaound Cities 18 The Yaound City Council (Communaute
Urbaine de Yaound, CUY) 18 The Bamenda Urban Council (BUC) 21
1.3 Organisation of the Thesis 22

CHAPTER 2 Major Concepts in Municipal Solid Waste

Management 24

2.1 General Introduction 24

2.2 Concepts, Principles and Philosophies of Solid Waste Management 24
2.2.1 The Concept of Sustainable Development 24
2.2.2 Concept of Sustainable Urban Development 25
2.2.3 Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management (SMSWM) 26
2.2.4 Integrated and Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management 28
2.2.5 Policy Concepts Supporting Waste Strategic Options 32 The Concept of Waste Recognition 32 The Concept of the Waste Management Hierarchy 33
2.2.6 The Strategic Plan and Cultural Approaches 36
2.2.7 Decision-making 37
2.2.8 Concept of Waste Management Mode: Public Versus Private 38
2.3 Conclusion 40

CHAPTER 3 A Review of Municipal Solid Waste Management:

Developed World, Developing Countries and Cameroon 41

3.1 A General Introduction 41

3.2 Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Developed World 41
3.2.1 Introduction 41
3.2.2 Municipal Solid Waste Characterisation 42

3.2.3 Trends in Waste Management Strategies and Outcomes 43 General Trend 43 Trends Within the European Union (EU) 45 Non-European OECD Member Countries 46 Waste Management Techniques 48 (i) Collection and Storage 48 (ii) Treatment 49 (iii) Disposal 49 Municipal Solid Waste Management Modes 51 Technological Innovations and Applications 51 Policy Tools Applied in Waste Management Practices 52 (i) General Aims and Principles 52 (ii) Manufacturer and Distributor-Targeted Policies 53 (iii) Consumer-targeted Policies 55 Environmental Impacts of MSW in the Developed World 56
3.3 An Overview of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Developing World 56
3.3.1 Introduction 56
3.3.2 MSW Characterisation and Service Delivery 57 MSW Generation 57 Composition, Density and Humidity 57 Collection and Transportation 58 Disposal 58
3.3.3 MSW Minimisation Strategies 59 Introduction 59 Composting 60 Incineration 61 Solid Waste Recovery in Latin America and The Caribbean 61 (i) The Importance of Scavenger Cooperatives in
Latin America: Some National Cases 62 Waste Recovery in Asia 63 Waste Minimisation in Africa 65

3.3.4 General Management Issues 65
3.3.5 Discussion and Conclusion to MSWM in the Developing World 66
3.4 Review of Municipal Solid Waste Management Literature on Cameroon 68
3.4.1 Introduction 68
3.4.2 Review of Related Literature on MSWM in Bamenda 69
3.4.3 Review of Related Literature on MSWM in Yaound 71 Early Research in Yaound 71 Review of Recent Literature on the State of MSWM
in Yaound 73
3.5 General Conclusion 76

CHAPTER 4 Research Methodology and Sources 77

4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 General Methodological Underpinnings: Research Scope, Type, and Context 77
4.3 The Case for Mixed Methods 80
4.4 Selection of City Cases And Sampling Procedures 81
4.4.1 City Cases-Purposeful 81
4.4.2 Sampling Procedure: Random 83
4.5 Sample Unit and Sample Size 85
4.6 Methods of Assessing MSW Quantities and Composition 86
4.6.1 Quantities 86
4.6.2 Composition 87
4.6.3 Mixed Quantity and Composition Assessment Methods 88
4.7 Data Collection and Assembly Techniques 88
4.7.1 Secondary Sources 89 Libraries 89 Administrative Sources 89 Map Sources 90
4.7.2 Primary Sources 91 Interviews 91 Pilot Studies 91

vi The Survey 92 The Survey Analytical Tool: SPSS for Windows 95 Household Solid Waste Collection Experiment 95 Observation 96 Personal Communication 96
4.8 Method Applications in Chapters 97
4.8.1 Chapters One, Two, Three and Four 97
4.8.2 Chapter Five 97
4.8.3 Chapter Six 98 Waste Characteristics 98 Analysis 99
4.8.4 Chapter Seven 101
4.8.5 Chapter Eight 101
4.8.6 Chapter Nine 102
4.8.7 Chapters Ten and Eleven 103
4.9 General Issues 103
4.10 General Problems 103
4.11 Conclusion 104


CHAPTER 5 Public Participation, Institutional Organisation and

Governance in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda and
Yaound 105
5.1 Introduction 105
5.2 The Case for Pubic Participation in Sustainable Environmental Management and
Policy: -Conceptual Underpinnings 106
5.2.1 A General Perspective 106
5.2.2 Urban Environmental Management View and Governance 107
5.2.3 From Government to Governance with Participation 109

5.3 Concepts and Theories. 110
5.3.1 Philosophical and Psychological Underpinnings in Participation 113
5.4 Cases 114
5.5.1 Early and Mid 1990 Cases 114
5.5.2 Late 1990s and 2000s 117
5.5.3 Unit, Nature and Levels of Participation in MSWM 120
5.5 Conclusion 121
5.6 Governance and Participation in Waste Management in Cameroon 122
5.6.1 Introduction 122
5.6.2 The Institutional, Administrative and Political Structure of Cameroon123
5.6 2.1 Institutional Responsibilities: Overlapping and Conflicting 124 Deliverers of MSW Services 126 Urban Councils and SWM Legislation: Responsibilities and
Financing 127
5.6.3 Participants in MSWM in Yaound and Bamenda, Cameroon 130 Decision-Making 130 Education and Sensitisation 131 Solid Waste Financing 132
5.7 Conclusion 135

CHAPTER 6 Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda City:

Generation, Storage, Collection and Transportation 137
6.1 General Introduction 137
6.2 Bamenda City 137
6.2.1 Population and Spatial Growth 139
6.2.2 Social, Cultural and Political Organisation 141
6.2.3 The Economy and Infrastructure 142
6.3 Introduction to Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda 143
6.3.1 General MSW Flow 143
6.3.2 Solid waste Unit in BUC Administrative Flow Chart 144
6.3.3 History of MSWM in Bamenda 146

viii Colonial Period (Before 1961) 146 Early Postcolonial Period (After 1961) 147 Private Sector Involvement 150 1980s-1995 151
6.3.4 Conclusion 153
6.4 Solid Waste Generation 153
6.4.1 Introduction 153
6.4.2 Types and Sources of MSW Generation in Bamenda 154
6.4.3 Generation of MSW in Bamenda 155 Quantities 155 Categories 157 (i) Biodegradable 158 (ii) Non-biodegradable Components 159 Variations 161 (i) Spatial Variations 161 (ii) Seasonal and Daily Variations 162
6.4.4 Waste Storage 163
6.4.5 Conclusion 164
6.5 Primary Solid Waste Collections and Transportation 164
6.5.1 Introduction 164
6.5.2 Location of Primary Collection 165
6.5.3 Methods, Frequency and Agents of Primary Collection 165
6.5.4 Problems of Primary Collection 170
6.5.5 Conclusion 170
6.6 Secondary Solid Waste Collections and Transportation 170
6.6.1 Introduction 170
6.6.2 Organisation 171 Solid Waste Management Equipment Pool 171 BUC Waste Management Team 174 Organisation of Collection and Transportation Routes 177

ix Special Activities: Periodic Clean-up Campaigns and itinerant
Collections 179 Areas of Secondary Collection 180
6.6.3 Partners 183
6.6.4 Problems Associated with Secondary Waste Management 183
6.6.5 Conclusion 185
6.7 General Conclusion 186

CHAPTER 7 Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda:

Treatment, Disposals and the Environment 187

7.1 Introduction 187

7.2 Solid Waste Treatment in Bamenda 188
7.2.1 Introduction 188
7.2.2 Segregation of Solid Waste 189
7.2.3 Reuse 190
7.2.4 Municipal Solid Waste Reprocessing 192 Repairs 192 Transformation 193 Composting of MSW Fraction 195 (i) Introduction 195 (ii) Concepts and Debates 195 (iii) Types and Uses 197 (iv) Conclusion 197
7.2.5 Conclusion 198
7.3 Solid Waste Disposal Practices in Bamenda 198
7 3.1 Introduction 198
7.3.2 Illegal Disposal practices 199
7.3.3 Concept of Official Landfilling Facility 200
7.3.4 The Bamenda Official solid Waste Disposal Facility 202
7.3.5 Conclusion 206
7.4 Environmental Problems Associated with MSWM in Bamenda 207

7.4.1 Introduction 207
7.4.2 Environmental Problems Associated with
Primary Solid Waste Management 208 Introduction 208 Vectors 209 Waste Burning 209 Illegal Dumping, Contamination and Floods 211
7.4.3 Transportation and Environment 215
7.4.4 BUC Official Waste Dump and Environmental Problem 215 Introduction 215 Landfill Odour 216 Landfill Gases 217 Landfill Fires 220 Landfill Leachate 221 Landfill Dust 223
7.4.5 Conclusion to the Environmental Impacts 223
7.5 Financial Costs Estimates for MSWM in Bamenda 223
7.6 General Conclusion 224

CHAPTER 8 Municipal Solid Waste Management in Yaound City:

Generation, Storage, Collection and Transportation 226

8.1 Introduction 226

8.2 The Organisation of Yaound City 227
8.2.1 The City, its Sub-divisions and Quarters 227
8.2.2 Classification of the Quarters 228
8.2.3 Population, the Economy and Spatial Growth of Yaound 231
8.2.4 Brief History MSWM in Yaound 234
8.3 Organisation of MSWM in Yaound 235
8.3.1 Introduction 235
8.3.2 The Organisation of MSWM Delivery in Yaound 237
8.4 Generation and Storage 238

8.4.1 Generation 238
8.4.2 Methods of Waste Collection and Storage 240
8.4.3 Primary Waste Transfer 241
8.4.4 Problems Associated with Primary Collection 247
8.4.5 Conclusion 247
8.5 Secondary 247
8.5.1 Introduction 247
8.5.2 Complementary and Supportive Partners 248 An Example of GIC: Tam Tam Mobile 251
8.5.3 External Support Agencies (ESAs) 252
8.5.4 Secondary Waste Management Company-HYSACAM 253 Introduction 253 Organisation and Management 253
8.5 4.3 HYSACAMs Waste Collection and Transportation Vans 258 HYSACAMs Waste Management Team and Operations 262 Zones of Secondary Waste Collection 262
8.5.5 Problems Associated with Secondary Collection 264
8.6 General Conclusion 264

CHAPTER 9 Municipal Solid Waste Treatment, Disposal and the

Environment in Yaound 265

9.1 Introduction 265

9.2 MSW Treatment in Yaound 266
9.2.1 Introduction 266 Separation 266 Informal Waste Recovery and Recycling 267 Formal Recycling and Transformation 269 Conclusion 273
9.3 MSW Disposal 274
9.3.1 Introduction 274
9.3.2 Illegal Disposal Methods 274

9.3.3 The Official Landfill for Yaound 275
9.3.4 Conclusion 281
9.4 Environmental and Health Problems Associated with MSWM in Yaound 282
9.4.1 Introduction 282
9.4.2 Environmental and Health Problems at Generation Points and the Public
Skips 282
9.4.3 Environmental and Health Problems at Illegal Dumps 284 Introduction 284 Flooding 286 Illnesses 267
9.4.4 MSW Transportation, the Environment and Human Health 288
9.4 5 Recovery, Recycling and Environmental and Health Concerns 290 Introduction 290 The Yaound Experience 291
9.4.6 Environmental and Health Problems at the Yaound Landfill 292 Introduction 292 The Law, Environment and Landfills in Cameroon 292 Field Experiences 294 Landfill Recycling 298
9.4.7 Conclusion 298
9.5 General Conclusion 299

CHAPTER 10 Comparisons and Discussions 301

10.1 Introduction 301
10.1.1 General Factors that Drive MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound 302
10.2 Waste Generation and Characteristics 302
10.2.1 Generation 302
10.2.2 Characteristics 303
10.3 Waste Management Strategies and Practices 304
10.3.1 Primary Level Management 304
10.3.2 Recovery and Recycling 306
10.3.3 Municipal Solid Waste Management at the Secondary Level 307

xiii Collection and Transportation 307 Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste 309
10.4 Institutional Issues 310
10.4.1 Organisation and Service-Delivery Mode 310
10.4.2 Financing Municipal Solid Waste 311
10.4.3 Participation 313
10.4.4 Socio-Cultural Dimension of Waste Management Sustainability 314
10.4.5 Waste Management Policy and Application 316
10.5 Environmental Concerns 318
10.6 Conclusion 318

CHAPTER 11 Recommendations and Conclusions 321

11.1 Introduction 321
11.2 Major Objectives Achieved 322
11.3 Implications for MSWM Policy and Strategy 328
11.4 Recommendations for Further Research 331
11.5 Conclusion 332


Appendix 1: General Classification of Municipal Solid Waste (Refuse Materials) 334
Appendix 2: Household Survey Questionnaires for Bamenda and Yaound 335
Appendix 3: An Example of Institution Questionnaire, Bamenda 2003 341
Appendix 4: Public Health Ordinances, West Cameroon, 1958 342
Appendix 5: Functions of the Municipal Hygiene Service Decision, 1987 343
Appendix 6: Clean-Up Campaign Appeal Letter to the DO Bamenda 345
Appendix 7: An Example of a Clean-up Campaign Decision for Bamenda 346
Appendix 8: Municipal Solid Waste Strategic Planning Guide 348
Appendix 9: Examples of Adapted and Low-cost Vehicles for Solid Waste
Transportation 350


Table 1.1: Global Dimension of Solid Waste Problem 2
Table 4.1: Survey Activities in Yaound and Bamenda 93
Table 5.1: Cross Tabulation Results on who Decided the Location of Public Skip 131
Table 5.2: Fiscal Revenue and the Part Contributed from Garbage Collection Tax From
1987 to 1991 (in Million FCFA). (Yaound City) 132
Table 5.3: Garbage and other Direct Council Taxes in BUC Revenue 1999/2000 and
2001/2002 133
Table 5.4: City. Proposed Monthly Waste Service Payment Cross-Tabulation 134
Table 5.5: Quarter Proposed Monthly Waste Service Payment
Cross Tabulation Counts 134
Table 5.6: State, City and Urban Sub-Divisional Council Contributions Towards
Household Waste Collection in Yaound, 1998-02 Budgetary Year 135
Table 6.1: Annual Average Rates of Population Growth (AARPG) in (%) For Bamenda
1934-2002 140
Table 6.2: Solid Waste Generation in Sampled Household in Bamenda 155
Table 6.3: Frequency of Occurrence, Biodegradable Solid Waste Types in Sampled
Households in Bamenda 158
Table 6.4: Distribution of Household Waste Containers by Quarter & Types,
Bamenda 163
Table 6.5: Remover of Household Waste by Quarters in Bamenda 165
Table 6.6: Estimates of Distances from House to Waste Depot in Bamenda 167
Table 6.7: Disposal Sites for Household Waste 168
Table 6.8: Bamenda Central Zone Circuit 177
Table 6.9: Nkwen Zone Circuit 178
Table 6.10: Capacity of Bin at the Time of Deposit Cross Tabulation 184
Table 7.1: Cross Tabulation on Whether Like to Separate Waste
Bamenda & Quarters 189
Table 7.2: Summaries from Reuse Cross Tabulations, Bamenda 191
Table 7.3: Landfill Classifications 202

Table 7.4: Environmental Concerns Around Public Waste Skips 209
Table 7.5: Some Chemical and Physical Parameters along Two Stream Points
in Bamenda City 212
Table 7.6: Waste Related Health Concerns in Bamenda 213
Table 7.7: Health Effects of Landfill Gases-the VOCs 218
Table 7.8: Potential Health Effects Attributed to Chemicals 222
Table 7.9: Financial Cost Estimates of MSWM by BUC 224
Table 8.1: Population Growth in Yaound 1960-2002 231
Table 8.2: Sample Quarters and Access Roads, Streets and Paths Conditions
in Yaound 233
Table 8.3: Household Waste Collection Containers in Yaound 240
Table 8.4: Methods of Household Waste Transportation in Yaound 242
Table 8.5: Persons Responsible for Removing Household Waste Cross Tabulation,
Yaound 243
Table 8.6: Distances Travelled in Yaound to Dispose of Waste & Calculation
of the Mean Distance 243
Table 8.7: Primary Disposal Sites for Household Waste in Yaound 245
Table 8.8: List of Different Organisations Involved in Solid Waste Management
in Yaound 249
Table 8.9: Distribution of Public Skips and Waste Collection Circuits in Yaound
by Urban Subdivisions 256
Table 8.10: Summary of Estimated Cost of MSWM by HYSACAM in Yaound 263
Table 9.1: Cross Tabulation on Willingness to Separate Waste in Sampled Quarters of
Yaound 266
Table 9.2: Household Waste Disposal Destinations 274
Table 9.3: Environmental and Health Concerns Around Public Waste Skips
in Yaound 283
Table 9.4: Prevalent Illnesses Reported by Respondents, Yaound 287

Table 10 1: Some General Factors that Drive MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound 302

Table 10.2: City Regularity of Emptying Household Waste Container
Cross tabulation Count & Percentages 305
Table 10.3: City Recycling/Reuse/Recovery Cross Tabulation Yes
Counts & Percentages 306
Table 10.4: Waste Collection and Transportation 308
Table 10.5: City Proposed Monthly Waste Service Payment Cross tabulation-
Count & Percentages 312
Table 10.6: Average Monthly-Proposed Amounts For Waste Service Payment
in Yaound and Bamenda 312
Table 10.7: Waste Workers Attitude Towards Waste Generators in
Yaound & Bamenda 315

Figure 1.1: World and Urban Population Growth (Millions), 1950-2020 4
Figure 1.2: Relationship between Urban Growth and Development 6
Figure 1.3: Map of Cameroon, Bamenda and Yaound
in its Urban System 16
Figure 1.4: The Situation of Yaound and Bamenda 19
Figure 2.1: Structure of the Framework of an Integrated MSWM 27
Figure 2.2: Dimensions of Integrated Sustainable Waste Management 31
Figure 2.3: Framework for Analysing the Concept of Integrated MSWM 34
Figure 2.4: The Waste Management Hierarchy 34
Figure 3.1: Municipal Solid Waste Management in OECD Member Countries
1995 & 2000 45
Figure 3.2: Waste Management in Europe 1993-99 46
Figure 4.1: General Plan for Multi-staged Cluster Sampling in
Yaound and Bamenda 84
Figure 4.2: Rank Correlation between MSW Categories by Survey and Experiment
Results in Bamenda 93
Figure 5.1: Conceptual Hierarchy of Public Participation in Governance 111
Figure 5.2: Institutional Organisation of Waste Management in Cameroon 123
Figure 5.3: Responsibilities of the City and Sub-divisional Councils (1987 Law) 129
Figure 6.1: General Map of Bamenda City 138
Figure 6.2: Urban Population Growth in Bamenda-1934-2002 140
Figure 6.3: Schematic MSW Flow Diagram 143
Figure 6.4: MSW Unit in the Administrative Flow Chart of BUC 145
Figure 6.5: Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable MSW Generation in Bamenda 157
Figure 6.6: Categories of Non-biodegradable MSW in Bamenda (percentages) 159
Figure 6.7: Households Solid Waste Generation Categories in Bamenda 160
Figure 6.8: Categorisation of Non-Biodegradable MSW into Quarters 162
Figure 6.9: Frequency of Waste Removal from Households in Bamenda 166
Figure 6.10: Distances from Households to Waste Disposal Sites in Bamenda 167
Figure 6.11: Location of Public Skips in Bamenda. 175

Figure 6.12: Organisation of Waste Collection Circuits in Bamenda 176
Figure 6.13: Map Showing Areas of Secondary Waste Management Collection in
Bamenda-Circular Catchment Perspective 181
Figure 6.14: Map Showing Areas of Secondary Waste Management Collection in
Bamenda-Linear Perspective 182
Figure 6.15: Situation of Waste Skip Capacity in Bamenda 185
Figure 7.1: Old Official Waste Dumps in Bamenda 205
Figure 8.1: Map of the Yaound City, Sub-divisions and Quarters 230
Figure 8.2: Graph Showing the Evolution of Yaound City population 1960-2002 232
Figure 8.3: The Organisational Structure of MSWM in Yaound 237
Figure 8.4: Categorization of MSW in Yaound by Residential Status, Markets &
Percentage 239
Figure 8.5: Household and Waste Disposal Distances in Quarters of Yaound 244
Figure 8.6: Distribution of Public Skips by Type & Sub division, Yaound 256
Figure 8.7: Comparison of Public Skips and Waste Collection circuits with Contract
Specifications and Field Experience 257
Figure 8.8: Public Waste Skips Capacity in Yaound 257
Figure 9.1: General Recovery Flow Diagram for Yaound 267
Figure 9.2: Household Non-biodegradable Solid Waste Recycling in Yaound 268
Figure 9.3: Map Showing the Location of Nkolfoulou Landfill and the Sampling
Quarters in Yaound 277
Figure 9.4: The Site Plan of Nkolfoulou Landfill, for Yaound City 278

Plate 4.1: Field Laboratory Scene of Household MSW Sample Analysis 100
Plate 6.1: Variety of Biodegradable Household Waste in Bamenda 159
Plate 6.2: Illegal Dumps at a Valley (A) and Streamside (B) in Bamenda 169
Plate 6.3: BUC Rear-Loader Waste Compactor Truck 172
Plate 6.4: Waste Rear-Loader Compactor at Work 172
Plate 6.5: Front-End Loader (Left) and Tipper Truck (Right) at Work in Bamenda 173
Plate 6.6: Public Waste Skips in Bamenda 174
Plate 6.7: Overfull and Over Spilling Skips 184
Plate 7.1: Household Goods Repair Workplace in Bamenda 193
Plate 7.2: A Display of Goods from Recycled Metal Waste For Sale 194
Plate 7.3: Recycled Vehicle Tyre Products in Bamenda 194
Plate 7.4: The BUC Landfill 204
Plate 7.5: Burning of MSW in Bamenda at an Illegal Dump 211
Plate 7.6: Environmental Problems Associated with Waste and Drainage 214-15
Plate 7.7: Environmental Problems at Bamenda Landfill 221
Plate 8.1: Waste Collection Containers at Households & Public Institutions 241
Plate 8.2: Open-Space Illegal Dumps at Efoulan Quarter, Yaound 246
Plate 8.3: Tam Tam Mobile (CIG) at Work in Melen Quarter, Yaound 251
Plate 8.4: Types of Public Skips in Yaound 254
Plate 8.5: Rear Loader Compactor Truck 259
Plate 8.6: Lift Tipper Truck Swapping 6m Skips 260
Plate 8.7: 16m3 Tipper Fitted with Crane and Waste Grabbing Device 261
Plate 8.8: 20m3 Tipper Fitted with Crane and Waste Grabbing Equipment 261
Plate 9.1: Tipping Of Waste at Nkolfoulou Landfill, Yaound 280
Plate 9.2: Nkolfoulou Landfill: Caterpillar and Two Scavengers at Work 280
Plate 9.3: Environmental Problems Around the Public Skips 283-84
Plate 9.4: Illegal Solid Waste Dumps in Efoulan, Yaound 285
Plate 9.5: Decaying Public Skips 289

In Cameroon, and most other developing countries, the problem of inefficient
municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is endemic. This is easily identified by
persistent heaps of uncollected waste found on street sides or ubiquitous illegal
dumps. This thesis examines the sustainability of MSWM in Cameroon using two
contrasting city cases of Yaound (1.5m people) and Bamenda (300 000 people). As
major contributions the thesis generates the much-needed basic original data,
critically examines and compares the sustainability of MSWM in both cities systems,
evaluates the environmental impacts and uses these findings to suggest valuable
research, policy and strategic-planning recommendations needed to make both
systems, and others in similar situations, sustainable.

To achieve these goals multiple triangulated methods were used. In Bamenda, where
reliable basic data are non-existent, solid waste from sampled households was
collected and analysed for generation rates, quantities and characteristics. In both
cities questionnaire were administered to sampled household units selected from four
stratified quarters. The survey questions addressed waste management issues and
sustainability indicators that were needed to study, compare and evaluate the systems
within the wider concept of the waste management hierarchy. The statistical
programme for social sciences (SPSS) computer software was used to analyse the
survey results. Field observations, interviews and a review of secondary sources
complemented the data.

New findings show that Bamenda city generates 120-160 tonnes of municipal solid
waste daily (0.40-0.54 kg per capita), 76% of which is biodegradable and 24% non-
biodegradable. About 90% of all solid waste comes from households. Bamenda Urban
Council (BUC) regularly covers only 1/20th of the city area and collects and transports
20-30 tonnes of waste from its skips, accounting for only 17-25% of the total daily
waste generation. The waste is disposed of at an uncontrolled dump on the Mezam
River flood plain. The citizens illegally dump the rest. Skips are crucial to the system
but their total capacity and access are grossly inadequate (37m3 over 28 sites), with a
further 465m3 needed. Citizens move an average of 105 m to waste disposal sites.

This suggests a sustainable inter-skip distance of 210 m for Bamenda city, far from
the present 700 m.

Yaounds daily per capita MSW generation rate is estimated at 0.79 kgs or 1200
tonnes for the entire city, three-quarters of which is biodegradable. Only one-third of
the city area is regularly served with about 40-50% (~540 tonnes) of the waste
collected and disposed of at the sanitary landfill on the Nfoulou River valley. Total
available skip capacity is 1440m3 with 3048m3 lacking. The primary waste disposal
average distance is 87 m.

Yaound and Bamenda cities are unique in physical conditions and status but neither
is able to deal adequately with the increasing waste generation rates, quantities and
varieties that are driven by rapid urban population growth, spatial expansion and
improved affluence and consumption among selected groups. Yaounds management
has an edge over Bamendas in terms of performance rates but leaves behind five
times more uncollected and illegally dumped waste than Bamenda. Though
Yaounds system is private and Bamendas is public, both systems apply the same
conventional approach that concentrates on imported technologies while neglecting
waste prevention, recycling, safe disposal, involvement and integration of citizens and
other stakeholders. This limited and monopolistic approach makes the system
unworkable and equally creates huge environmental and health-related problems
present at all the stages of the waste management cycle. Government devolves the
waste function to urban councils but centralises funds and power. Its waste policies
are limited, fragmented and confusing. The garbage tax law yields only 5% in
Bamenda and 7% in Yaound, making both cities rely heavily on extra financial
support from Cameroon and abroad. In all, neither city in the study demonstrates
sustainability in any aspects of its MSWM system.

The existing systems are not sustainable. A new system based on an integrated
sustainable model operated within the context of good urban governance is proposed.
This model accommodates the uniqueness of cities and is recommended for other
cities in the country, Africa and the developing world.


This work contains no material that has been accepted for the award of any other degree or
diploma in any other university or tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and
belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except
where due reference is made.

I give consent to this copy of my thesis being available for photocopying and loan.

Signed_____________________________________ Date___________________

Many people and institutions gave me invaluable assistance to accomplish this piece of
work. It is possible to mention only a few. I start by thanking the Federal Government of
Australia and the University of Adelaide for offering me a place and scholarships to do the
course. I thank the University of Yaound I and the Government of Cameroon for giving
me study leave. I appreciate Doreen McCarthys Bursary award for my fieldwork.

I am grateful to the Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies and GISCA

for the education offered. I thank especially my principal supervisor, Professor Martin
Williams for the painstaking guidance. I am very grateful to Associate Professor Lesley M.
Potter my former principal supervisor who retired from the department but continued to
assist. I thank Associate Professor Timothy Doyle, my co-supervisor for his advice. I thank
all the staff of the department including Professors Graeme Hugo and Nick Harvey, Drs
Marcus Lane, Jan Carey, Peter Gell, Mathew Rofe and John Tibby. I appreciate my
colleagues assistance: Tan, Ron, Franc, Craig, Julia, Patricia, Kelly and Dr Paul Forka. I
thank Christine Crothers for cartography assistance and Margaret Young for software.

In Cameroon, I register special thanks to the Government Delegates to Yaound City

Council (YCC) and Bamenda Urban Council (BUC) for their collaboration during my
fieldwork in Cameroon. In the BUC I thank, specifically, Mr Linus Mofor head of the
Waste Management Sector and the staff and same to Mr Mahou Ngimbous Georges,
service head of the environment and hygiene sector, YCC. I appreciate the cooperation
from HYSACAM administrative and field staff especially Mr Djecteheu, the director of
exploitation and Mr Ngassa, the landfill manager. I thank the following NGOs: Paradise on
Earth, COMINSUD, FOCARFE, Tam-Tam Moblie and CIPRE, for their cooperation. I
thank the university students with whom I administrated the experiment and survey during
the fieldwork including the households that we used for our surveys. To Drs Gwangfobe,
Ndi and Njong and Mr Mbanga, I thank you for your help. I thank the National and
Councils archives and the Departments of Geography University of Yaound I, University
of Buea and ENS Bambili, for assisting me with sources. I thank Professor Tanawa Emile
and Dr Ngnikam E. of the ENSP for the useful literature they made available to me.

I give special appreciation to my wife, Rose Achankeng and our kids Synthia, Yvonne,
Peter, Edawne, Kevin and Henry for their support, encouragement and patience.


ADF Advanced Deposit Refund

3Rs Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
ADS Advanced Deposit System
BUC Bamenda Urban Council
CBO Community-based Organisation
CFA Central African Franc
CIG/GIC Common Initiative Group/Groupe dInitiative Commune
CIPRE Centre International de Promotion de la Recuperation /International Centre
for the Promotion of Waste Recovery,
CPDM Cameroon Democratic Movement Party
CUY Communaut Urbaine de Yaound/YCC: Yaound City Council
CWG Collaborative Working Group
DO Divisional Officer
DRS Deposit Refund System
DSCN Direction de la Statistique et de la Comptabilit Nationale/National
Statistics and Accounts Department
DSS Decision Support System
DSW Domiciliary Solid Waste
EEA European Environment Agency
ENCAPAFRICA Environmental Assessment Capacity Building Programme for Africa
ENDA Netherlands Directorate for Development Assistance
ENS Ecole Normale Superieure/Advanced School of Education
ENSP Ecole National Superieure Polythenique/National Advanced School of
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPR Extended Producers Responsibility
ERA Environnement Action Recherche au Cameroun
ESA External Support Agency
EU European Union

FOCARFE Fondation Camerounaise pour une Action Rationalise des Femmes sur
FOURMI Fonds aux Organisations Urbaines et aux Micro Initiatives/Urban
Organisations and Micro Initiatives Funds
FSD Fonds Sociale de developpement / Social Development Funds,
GOC Government of Cameroon
GOSA Government of South Australia
GRET Groupe de Recherche et dEchange Technologique/ Research and
Technological Exchange Group.
HABITAT United Nations Centre for Human Settlement
HDI Human Development Index
HYSACAM Hygine et Salubrit du Cameroun/Cameroon Hygiene and Sanitation
IBRD The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IMSWM Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management
ISMSWM Integrated Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management
LEMP Landfill Environmental Management Plan
LULU Locally Unaccepted Land Use
LWMA Lagos Waste Management Authority
MAETUR Mission dAmnagement et dEquipement des Terrains Urbains et Ruraux/
Urban and Rural lands Development Authority
MSW Municipal Solid Waste,
MSWM Municipal Solid Waste Management
MTC Marginal Trash Collection Charge
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NIMBY Not In My Backyard
NIMTO Not In My Term Of Office
OECD: Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development
PDM Programme de Developpement Municipal/City Development Programme
PR0 Producers Responsibility Organisation
QA Association de Quartier/Quarter Association
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
RECEUP Programme dEconomie Environnementale Urbaine et Populaire
RSW Residential Solid Waste

SAP Structural Adjustment Programmes
SDF Social Democratic Front
SIC Socit Immoblire du Cameroun/Cameroon Real Estate Corporation
SKAT Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and
SME Small and Medium-size Enterprise
UBS UnitBased-pricing System
UMP Urban Management Programmes
UNCHS United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT)
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme
UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
USW Urban Solid Waste
UWEP Urban Waste Expertise Program
WASTE A waste management consultancy group funded of the Netherlands
Development Assistance for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affaires.
WCED World Commission on Environment and Development
WHO World Health Organisation
WRI World Resources Institute
YA Youths Association


Introduction and Background

1.1 Introduction

Solid waste has become a major consequence of development and modernization, yet some of the
greatest challenges to its management are felt mostly in the developing countries. This is part of the
larger paradox of development factors, which create the most intransigent problems currently
facing the developing countries, are invariably those that derive from development itself. This irony
is based on the gap between the patterns of growth and modernization in the developing world on
the one hand, and the capacity to pay for, plan for and effectively manage solid waste as part of an
integrated national system, on the other (Thomas-Hope 1998, p. 1).

Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is one of the critical environmental

challenges of rapid urban development facing the developing countries including
Cameroon. Solid waste arising from human domestic, social and industrial activities is
increasing in quantity and variety as a result of growing population, rising standards of
living and development of technology (Suess 1985; UNEP,1991; Dickerson 1999). A
decade ago, Beede and Bloom (1994) estimated the global MSW generation rate at 1.3
billion tonnes per day; translated to an average of two-thirds of a kilogram per capita per
day or ten times per capita body weight per year. A recent report from Research Markets in
Dublin, Ireland estimates a global total amount of municipal solid waste generation at 1.84
billion tonnes, an increase of 7% over the 2003 figure
<>. The report further estimates that between 2004
and 2008, global generation of municipal waste will rise by 31.1%.

The need to manage this increasing waste in an environmentally effective, technologically

feasible, economically affordable and socially acceptable manner is a problem faced by all
nations of the world today. It is hard to reconcile the trade-offs between the four
dimensions presented above, partly because some of them actually conflict and the
problem is also linked to the paradox of the sustainability concept itself. Waste
management is also not glamorous; yet without it, every city would cease to exist
(Zurbrgg 2002). Hence all cities, the world over, have developed some way of dealing
with the problem.

The degree of success with which the developed and the developing countries, including
Cameroon, are coping with the problem is, however, very different. While the developed
world has sought effective solutions through greater efforts to move up what is called the
solid waste hierarchy, the developing world countries are simply overwhelmed with the
waste problem or can now barely grapple with the elementary stages of it. The solid waste
hierarchy is an internationally accepted and recommended ranked priorities of waste
handling using the following ascending order of preference: open burning, dump, landfill,
incinerate, recycle, reuse, prevent (Beukering et al. 1999; Adams et al. 2000; Wright 2000;
Hansen et al. 2002). The first two (open burning, and dump) are least preferred and
actually not recommended even though the methods are highly used by many developing
countries. The concept is discussed further in Chapter 2.

1.1.1 Global Significance of Municipal Solid Waste Management

As mentioned above, the problem of municipal solid waste management varies in

magnitude in different regions, nations and cities of the world. Table 1.1 summarises the
world and regional dimensions of solid waste. The table suggests a gruesome future of
solid waste management, especially in the developing regions of the world.

Global Dimension of Solid Waste Problem

Factors Observation
Population By 2050 the global population is projected to be 50% larger that today) i.e. 9 billion
people), and 95% of that growth is expected to occur in the developing countries
(Swell and Morrison 1999)
Consumption Consumers in certain rapidly expanding non-OECD economies are emulating the
ecologically challenging consumption pattern of consumers in the OECD countries.
Affluence Some of the highest GNP growth rates in the world are taking place in countries
outside the developed world, such as China, India, Brazil and Indonesia (OECD
Technology The World Bank reports that massive levels of industrial investment will occur in
developing countries (Hanrahan 1995). In principle, leap-frogging the dirty
technologies of past may be possible since many developing countries have fewer
sunken costs in older eco-unfriendly technologies (Andrews and Socolow 1999)
Impact A five-fold increase in global waste generation is possible by 2025 (CSD 1997)

Source: OECD 2000 in United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific {UNESCAP} 2000, P. 4

As in Table 1.1, the major driving forces behind waste generation are population,
consumption, affluence and technology. In the developed world, the factors of
consumption and affluence fuelled by technology are stronger in determining the prolific
waste generation. These developed societies are increasingly prolific generators of
municipal solid waste, for example, they represent only 16% of the worlds population but

consume 75% of global paper production (The International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development {IBRD} et al. 1999). They are usually described as throw away societies
because they produce huge quantities of packaging, regularly utilise disposables and have
an insatiable desire for acquiring the latest models of goods and by so doing, discard the
old as waste. The OECD statistics show that between 1990 and 2000 MSW increased by
14%, that is, from 530 605 million tonnes, 509-540 kg per capita per year (1.4-1.5 kg per
capita per day)1 (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development {OECD}
2004) However, city and national variations exist, for example the US average generation
rate in 1999 was as great as 2.1 kg per capita per day (Mihekcic et al. 1999; US EPA

Increased waste generation does not, however, determine the degree of efficiency in the
management of waste. The developed world is not only a greater waste generator but also a
better waste manager compared to the developing countries. The developed countries have
rigorously applied the waste management hierarchy principles within the wider framework
of integrated solid waste management systems, and through using policies and strategies
that emphasise waste prevention, minimisation, and safe disposal. Generally MSW
management has improved drastically with collection attaining almost 100% everywhere
(UNEP-IETC 1996). According to De Tilly (2004), in the OECD member countries
between 1995-2000, rates of waste incineration with energy recovery, recycling and
composting increased; and even though landfill waste quantities continued to increase,
landfilling rates dropped and those of incineration stagnated (De Tilly 2004).

In the developing countries, the stronger driving force for waste increases is the high rate
of urban population growth (Figure 1.1). Figure 1.1 shows that while the rates are slowing
down in the developed world and Latin America, Africa and Asia are experiencing very
high growth rates, higher than the rates of the entire developing world. Other sources also
confirm that by 2015, half the worlds population will be living in cities, growing at an
average rate of 2.4% per year consistent in doubling with 29 years with the greatest
increase being in Asia followed by Africa. The same source notes that apart from New
York and Los Angeles in the developed world, the remaining 19 out of the 21 largest cities
(10 m people), will be located in the developing parts of the world (United Nations
Population Division 2002)

1 pound = 0.4536 kg,
World & Regional Average Annual Urban Population Growth Rates
1950-2020 (Cumulative %)

Cumulative %

12 Dev'd World
Dev'g world
L. America
8 Asia
1950-1980 1980-1985 1985-2000 2000-2020

Devd World=Developed World

Devg World=Developing World

FIGURE 1.1: World & Regional Average Annual Urban Population Growth Rate
1950-2020 (Cumulative %)

SOURCE: Compiled from Statistics in Hardoy et al. 2001, WIR 1998, and United Nations
Population Division 2002

Urbanisation in itself need not necessarily be a problem. In fact, in the developing world,
urbanisation has been the engine of economic and social development in these cities.
Habitat (1996) notes that urbanisation has helped such cities attain stronger and more
stable economies in the past few decades. There is an inextricable link between urban
population growth, development and environmental problems. Whereas urbanisation has
helped improve the economic and social situation of developing countries, one major
challenge has been the emergence of environmental problems, municipal solid waste
management being one. This relationship is not straightforward, especially as increased
waste generation does not itself suggest poor management. According to Satterthwaite
(1997, p. 216), many environmental problems lessen as cities get larger. While this may
be true many authors still observe a positive correlation between urban growth,
development and specific environmental problems (Traver 1994; HABITAT 1996; WRI et

al. 1996, Overton et al. 1999). These negative impacts associated with rapid urbanisation
are summarised as follows:

Pollution from urban waste: typically, this includes municipal and industrial wastewater, storm
water drainage, municipal solid waste, hazardous wastes and ambient as well as indoor air pollution.

Urban transport externalities: increased motorisation, poorly operated public transportation,

inadequate road maintenance, insufficient bicycle paths and walkways, poor traffic management,
and lack of enforcement and education are all factors contributing to congestion, road accidents and
vehicular air pollution.

Resource management issues: unsustainable patterns of resource consumption, including depletion

and degradation of water supplies, inappropriate land development, inefficient urban fuel
consumption and loss of natural and cultural heritage.

Environmental hazards: urban areas are subjected to natural hazards (severe storms, floods, earth
quakes, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, etc) and anthropogenic ones, including prolonged exposure to
pollutants, chemical contamination and industrial accidents (Leitmann et al. 1992, p.123).

Hardoy et al. (2001, p. 4) argue that [these] environmental problems become particularly
serious where there is a rapid expansion in urban population and production with little or
no consideration either for the environmental implications or for the political and
institutional framework that is needed to ensure such environmental problems are
addressed This is true for most cities of developing countries. Specific to waste, Schubeler
(1996, p. 11) suggests that solid waste generation and demand for waste collection service
generally increase with economic development.

Municipal solid waste management is a propriety area for many reasons. As Figure 1.2 also
demonstrates, solid waste [and carbon dioxide] is the only environmental problems, which
tend to increase with per capita income and standards of living levels (The World Bank
1992; WRI 1996). 't Hart et al. (1995) carried out a survey on environmental problems in
Bamenda city and the results ranked municipal waste management and drainage as the
most pressing problems. In the same vein the WHO Regional Office for Africa carried out
a survey of environmental health concerns in which 27 African countries responded and
the results indicated MSWM prioritised second after water quality (Senkoro 2003). These
references suggest the problem of MSWM is endemic, real and needs urgent attention.

Despite the magnitude of the MSWM problem, it was neglected along other urban
problems due to conflicting agendas. It was the resurfacing of major disasters in cities such
as the plague in Surat, India and epidemics in Latin American cities in the late 1980s and

FIGURE 1.2: Environmental Indicators at Different Country Income Levels

Source: The World Bank: World Development Report 1992. Figure 4, p. 11

early 1990s that spurred nations and international concerns towards action on city
sanitation (Hardoy 1989; Stren 1995; HABITAT 1996; Drakakis-Smith 2000). The
municipal solid waste management sector remained neglected. The UN-Habitat (2001), on
launching its Sustainable Waste Management for African Countries project (00/01K),
admitted this neglect, saying:

In both the developed and developing countries, too little attention has been paid to the management
of municipal solid wastes. Since 1995, UNECA, UNEP, UNCHS (Habitat) have been developing a
common position towards forging a sustainable waste management policy and strategy in Africa
(Ray 2001, p. 1).

The World Bank loans for urban development for the period 1981-1998, confirm the gross
neglect of solid waste management. Within the period in question, loans for water supply,
sanitation, and drainage together ranged between 12.8 to 27.9 %; meanwhile solid waste
management had one negligible funding of 0.1% in the 1993-95 subperiod (Hardoy et al.
2000, pp. 323-4). According to Johansson and Boyer (1999, p. 9), Of all the regions,
Africa has the lowest level of investment in World Bank funds in the solid waste sector.

1.1.2 Some Key Issues in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing


Solid waste management in the developing countries demonstrates daunting problems

partly due to this negligence in international circles, but more as a result of the inability of
the national and local responsible sectors to cope with the problem. The per capita waste
generation rates are generally less than those in the developed nations but are equally
increasing in amount and variety. There is great city, national and regional variation. The
daily average per capita rate for Africa is 0.50-0.87 kg (UNEP 2000a; ENCAPAFRICA
2004). In Asia it varies widely between less industrialised and industrialised regions, for
example, from an average of 0.1-0.6 kg in India [less industrialised] to 5.5 kg in Hong
Kong [more industrialised] (Bureking et al. 1999). Latin America and the Caribbean have
averages of 0.3-1.0 kg per capita per day (UNEP 2000d.) The composition is mostly
organic biodegradable waste 70-90% (Yhedego 1995, UNEPA2000a; UNEP-IETC 1996).

Management faces many problems as waste management authorities have, in a majority of

cases, experimented with almost every strategy and with high and modern waste

management technology acquired from the developed countries, with very little success.
This failure has been linked to the acquisition and use of incorrect and ill-adapted
technologies with heavy costs of maintenance, lack of expertise and inadequate funding
and staff. Some authors believe that even more pertinent are corruption and the autocratic
command-and-control approach to waste management issues (Kironde et al.1997). Non-
inclusive management that excludes other stakeholders has also been a crucial issue.
Management is concentrated on collection and transportation of which only 20-80% is
collected using 20-50% of the citys operational budgets; yet servicing less than 50% of the
city population or areas (HABITAT 1996; Hardoy et al. 2001). According to Johansson
(1999) landfilling remains the most prominent technique with open dumps being the
common practice. There are also many illegal dumps created in empty spaces, lakes and
ponds, drains, canals, street corners, riversides, estuaries and coasts. Littering is a common
phenomenon. These uncollected solid wastes deface the aesthetics of the city and bring
about serious environmental and health hazards. According to Kironde (1994 in Halla
1999) this phenomenon caused some African cities in the mid 1980s to be dubbed
Garbage Cities and Cities of Mess (Halla 1999, p. 352).

The urban council, which is the statutory authority to manage wastes in the city, is duty
bound to play a leading role in addressing these critical issues including the organization,
coordination and cooperation with the other actors. These other waste stakeholders include
the national government authorities, external support agencies (ESAs), non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), common initiative groups (CIGs), community based organizations
(CBOs), formal and informal private sectors, scavenger and scavengers cooperatives,
households and individuals. These groups and individuals are usually termed informal until
they are recognized and have been registered (Ali et al. 1999). These groups are involved
in waste collection and removal, recycling, composting and waste recovery for reuse. They
are also involved in street sweeping, clearing drains and repairing, transforming and
reusing discarded articles supplying waste collection equipment. All these groups and
individuals do play an important role in municipal solid waste management. However, it is
only relatively recently that some urban authorities in the developing countries have
recognized, and eventually integrated them into their solid waste management systems.
Elsewhere each group operates parallel to the others. In cities where they have been
recognized and integrated, the waste management situation has greatly improved as in the
cases of the many scavengers cooperatives in Latin America and Asia (Furedy 1992;

Pacheco 1992; Medina 2000; Hardoy et al. 2001). Nevertheless the situation of solid waste
management in many towns and cities of the developing countries remains inadequate and
inefficient. Schubeler (1996) describes the situation as highly unsatisfactory. This suggests
that the conventional management system and the unorganised informal sector in place are
not based on sustainable strategies and methods. This is why I agree with Omuta (1987)
who reiterated that:

Unless the structure and causes of this failure are discerned and pointedly addressed our cities may
become veritable agents of danger and overall human degradation, through epidemics, and visual as
well as ecological devastation (Omuta 1987, p.78).

Another important issue, which comes into question, is the limited applicability of the
theoretical recommendations so far put forward to address this predicament.

1.1.3 Municipal Solid Waste Management in Cameroon

Cameroon towns and cities share the waste management experience of many developing
countries even though details for many cities are not known. Despite the threat this
predicament poses to the environment, the problem remains inadequately addressed by
both the academics (theory) and society (waste managers and stakeholders). In Cameroon
very scanty research has been carried out on the subject and waste management authorities
are trying out all sorts of modern technologies. UNEP (2002, p.1) is sceptical about this
state of affairs and argues that without research and development of new environmental
methods and styles, there is a great danger that in pursuing and using new technology the
same problem of environmental degradation and ecological impoverishment will continue.
Municipal solid waste management in Cameroon, as with other nations, is complex. The
subject is understudied and as such reliable data and information are non-existent in many
cases. The system is inefficient and its failure is easily identified by persistent heaps of
uncollected waste found on street sides or ubiquitous illegal dumps that pose a threat to the
environment. If one has to intervene to improve the situation it makes sense to explore the
many related activities taking place in order to understand the processes and systems in
operation. In MSWM an important starting point is the knowledge of basic waste
management data such as the generation rates, characteristics, formal and informal
operations in place including producers behaviour. Such information is vital for policy,

planning, setting targets and evaluating such set targets in some quantifiable units. At the
national level there is no legislation in place which details waste policies, let alone that
which creates a uniform reporting mechanism that could enable annual, nation-wide, and
publicly available summaries of MSWM in the country. This is the reason why this
research focuses on the theory as well as a critical study of the municipal solid waste
management process in Cameroon, using two contrasting examples of Bamenda and
Yaound cities. The workability of the systems is studied by using qualitative and
quantitative sustainability indicators to evaluate performance at each stage of the waste
management cycle.

1.1.4 Research Aims and Objectives

The research has as its major aim the critical examination of the sustainability of the
municipal solid waste management cycle in the cities of Bamenda and Yaound,
Cameroon, from the measurement of solid waste generation in sampled households
through collection and transportation to its treatment and disposal. The first objective is to
collect data and information for specific kinds of urban areas, which would be used to
study, evaluate, and make recommendations on the systems sustainability based on the
environmental, institutional, economic, socio-cultural and technical dimensions peculiar to
the cities. So far the conventional methods have failed to adequately address the MSWM
issues. Secondly, it is hypothesised that current theories have limited application to solid
waste management in these cities. This will also be assessed. The specific objectives are as

1. To generate major original data and collect information especially on MSWM in

Bamenda and supplementary data for Yaound
2. To critically examine the sustainability of the policy, strategies and practices of
Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) systems adopted in Bamenda and
Yaound cities from generation to disposal.
3. To compare MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound.
4. To observe, investigate and evaluate the environmental impacts of the MSWM
5. To assess the role of the waste management hierarchy in MSWM using the two
cases studied.

6. To use the findings obtained to make specific recommendations for policy, strategy
and practice and further research necessary for improving sustainability of MSWM
in the cities studied including other cities with similar conditions.

In order to meet these objectives this study will seek answers to the following research
How is solid waste managed in Bamenda and Yaound cities, Cameroon?
How sustainable are the municipal solid waste management systems in both cities?
What factors influence the solid waste management of both cities?
What are the environmental problems associated with the MSWM in these cities?
What differences or similarities exist in the waste management systems?
How may MSW in these cities be managed sustainably so as to improve the urban
What lessons for theory and practice can be drawn from the study to improve
MSWM in the two cities, other cities in Cameroon and other countries?

1.1.5 Rationale/Justification
The preceding discussions show that municipal solid waste management in Cameroon is a
crucial problem needing urgent attention from academics as well as practitioners because
of its ramifications on the environment, health, aesthetics and the toll it takes on the state
and cities resources. This rationale justifies its study.

1.2 Background: Limiting the Scope: Waste Terminologies and Research Area

For reasons of clarity, interpretation, comparison and legislation, terms centred on waste
matters are often defined. However this has always been a controversial issue because of
the different ways in which waste is classified. The final definition and classification is
often a function of the specific issue being addressed. For the same reasons mentioned and
as a way of limiting the scope of the study the terms municipal solid waste management
and the research area and location, are now defined.

1.2.1 Waste Terminologies Waste
The term Waste has undergone changes in definition, concept and classification.
According to Brown (1991, p.28), waste is superfluous refuse, no longer serving a
purpose, left over after use; .. or, useless by-product of manufacturing or physiological
process. Some other authors define waste as any moveable material that is perceived to
be of no further use and is permanently discarded (Eleanor et al., 1998, pp. 445). It
includes solid, liquid and gaseous wastes and the physical state can change with
conveyance or treatment (Michaels 1966). For example, dewatered sludge from treatment
becomes solid waste. It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no such thing as
absolute waste. Waste can be considered, as those materials no longer required by an
individual, institution or industry (UNESCAP 2000, p. 1). The European Union legislation
(Directive 75/442/EEC) defines waste as any substance or object in the categories set out
in Annex 1 which the holder discards or intends or is required to discard (UNESCAP
2000, p. 1). Solid Waste

Solid waste is defined by the United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA)
(cited in Adedibu 1986 and in Omuta 1987) as any useless, unwanted, or discarded
material with insufficient liquid content to be free flowing; or waste which is spadable
(Brown 1991, p. 7). Eleanor et al. (1998, p. 387) distinguish solid waste as non-gaseous
and non-liquid waste resulting from a wide range of community, industrial, commercial
and agricultural activities. According to Michaels (1966), solid waste is also called refuse.
The sub classifications of solid waste (refuse), their descriptions and sources are shown in
Appendix 1. Another definition, which includes the sources and the fact that the term
waste is relative, is that of Anschutz (1996). According to this author, Solid waste is
discarded non-liquid materials from households, individual and commercial
establishments, institutions and streets, that do not have value any more in the eyes of the
first generator or user (Anschutz 1996, p. 12).

The other definitions of waste omit reference to the fact that one individuals waste
may be someone elses potential raw material or resource. Brown (1991) uses the word
superfluous to describe waste. This definition suggests that something can be termed
waste not because it is useless but because the current owner has more than can be used.

Thus, this surplus that the current owner cannot use becomes waste. The concept of waste
is changing from seeing waste as something, which should be discarded to recognising it
as a resource to be reused, recycled, repaired and recovered. This changing philosophy is at
the base of the transformation of solid waste management strategy all over the world today.
It is discussed in detail in Chapter 2. Municipal Solid Waste, Management, other Urban Solid Waste Terms
The following phrases and their abbreviations are common in the solid waste (SW)
literature: municipal solid waste (MSW), urban solid waste (USW), domiciliary solid
waste (DSW), and residential or domestic solid waste (RSW). The last two are self-
explanatory and synonymous. They describe waste generated from domestic households or
living quarters. According to Buenrostro et al. (2001), indistinctive use of the
terminologies gives rise to confusion and may contribute to inconsistent interpretation of
results because the source being analysed is not clear. The argument emanating from here
is whether MSW, as a term, derives its meaning from the waste source or because the
municipality is responsible for its collection and management. If it is because of the source,
then the SW generated by the peri-urban fringes is not included. But waste generated from
there is often merged into the USW stream because movement of waste in such areas will
normally be fuzzy. Meanwhile on using the type of source for definition, Bowen et al.
(1995 cited in Buenrostro et al. 2001), rightly argue that

Legislation in a large majority of developing countries establishes that the federal administration is
responsible for the management of hazardous or potentially hazardous waste while the municipality
is responsible for the remaining SW generated within their jurisdiction (Buenrostro et al. 2001, p.

Sometimes some industries and institutions manage their solid waste without due regard to
either the federal government or the municipal authorities. Cailas et al. (1996 cited in
Buenrostro et al. 2001) classify MSW as the residues coming from households, commerce,
institutions, and in general, all activities of the community. In the same article, Bruner and
Ernst (1986) define MSW as materials collected by the municipality, or by authorized
organisations. Urban solid waste (USW) may be understood as all the solid waste
generated within the urban area. For the purpose of this thesis only solid waste managed or
supposed to be managed by the municipality (about 80% USW) will be considered. This
decision will help limit the scope and enable accessibility to secondary data. Solid Waste
Management (SWM) encompasses the full range of activities from the generation of the

used materials to their disposal (Beede and Bloom 1996; Beukering et al. 1999).
Schubeler (1996) expands these activities in his definition as follows:

Management is a cyclical process of setting objectives, establishing long-term plans, programming,

budgeting, implementing, operation and maintenance, monitoring and evaluation, cost control,
revision of objectives and plans, and so forth (Schubeler 1996, p.18).

The same author says that Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) encompasses the
functions of collecting, transfer, treatment, recycling, resource recovery, and disposal of
municipal solid waste (Ibid p 9). This definition excludes generation, which is crucial to
the entire system. According to another author MSWM with the whole cycle of
generation of wastes, their storage, collection and transportation, and their eventual
treatment and disposal (UNESCAP 2000, p. 2). This study adopts this latter definition,
which also encompasses the scope.

1.2.2 Introduction to the Country of Research-Cameroon A Brief History
The research has been carried out in the Republic of Cameroon. The country called
Cameroon today has a complex history, which has affected all facets of its activities. The
Portuguese discovered the territory in 1472 and named it Rio dos Camaroes, which
means River of Prawns after the many prawns they saw at the mouth of one of its rivers.
The Spanish later came and called the territory Camerones. The Germans colonized the
area in 1884 and named it Kamerun. With the defeat of the Germans in World War 1 the
area passed into the hands of the British and the French who defeated the Germans in
Cameroon. Britain had two small patches on the west, one to the south called British
Southern Cameroon, and the other to the north called British Northern Cameroon. Both
accounted only for about one-sixth of the whole territory. France had the eastern part
called French Cameroun. These territories were mandated to Britain and France in 1916 as
the League of Nations territories. However, they were simply ruled as colonial territories.
The British ruled theirs as part of Nigeria. After World War 11 the territories were
transformed into the UNs trusteeship under the same administrating countries, Britain and

In 1960 French Cameroun was granted independence. The two British Cameroon
territories were subjected to a plebiscite in 1961, which asked them to decide whether they
preferred to be independent by joining the Republic of Nigeria (where they were currently
being administered) or the French Cameroon (with whom they were during the German
rule), which had just gained independence, to become la Rpublique du Cameroun. The
British Southern Cameroon opted to join la Rpublique du Cameroun to form The Federal
Republic of Cameroon (La Rpublique Fdrale du Cameroun), which later became the
The United Republic of Cameroon (La Rpublique Unie de Cameroun) in 1972 and it is
today simply back to The Republic of Cameroon (La Rpublique du Cameroun).
Cameroon has ten provinces. The Northwest and South West provinces came from former
British Southern Cameroon. The country uses its French and English names and
documentation, depending on who is using it. The changing names have not changed the
peoples thinking. This partly explains why some documentation in this thesis is in the
French language.

This history has produced a country with two major but disproportionate groups of people
who have developed under two different colonial systems. That separate development is
reflected in every aspect of life in Cameroon. The two groups are actually different and this
is reflected in the language and their general perception of, and approach to things. Even
the way they perceive waste management is different given that the colonial laws,
ordinances and legislations (many of which are still being applied today) have influenced
them differently. However, the goal of the governments policy is unity in diversity and the
promotion of bilingualism (French and English) in Government business is of paramount

o o o
12 E 14 16 N
L. Chad

18 o
12 N

0 kms 150 39


10 N
o 5,000,000 40 o
20 10 N


o o
8 N 8 N

33 21
26 41
o o
6 N Bamenda 4 6 N
44 13
17 6
38 12
10 9 45
27 Yaounde
o o
4 N 1 46 4 N
16 11
22 47

Ocean 28 19 29

12 E OF CONGO 16 N

FIGURE 1.3: Map of Cameroon, Bamenda and Yaound in its Urban System
Sources: Complied from urban population data (DSCN, 2000) and Cameroon Atlas 1985

16 The Geography, People and the Economy

Two cities: Bamenda (29 4873) and Yaound (1 438 087) (DSCD 2002) have been chosen
for the comparative study. Bamenda (4 in Figure 1.3) is the biggest city of the
predominantly English-speaking part of the country. It has experienced very rapid
population growth since it became the provincial headquarters of the North West Province
in 1972. Yaound (2 in Figure 1.3) is the National capital of Cameroon. It is situated in the
predominantly French-speaking part of the country. It has a rapid population growth and is
almost catching up with the largest city of the country, Douala (1 in Figure 1.3) located on
the coast. Cameroon is situated on the eastern end of the golf of Guinea, West Africa. It is
shaped like a triangle making a wedge between West and Central Africa. It is bounded in
the west by the Republic of Nigeria, north by The Republics of Niger and Tchad, east by
the Central African Republic and south by the Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea
Republics (Figure 1.3). It lies between longitudes 8 and 16 degrees east of the Greenwich
Meridian and latitudes 2 and 13 degrees north of the Equator (Figure1. 3). The population
is 14 859 000 people spread over an area of 475 640 km2 (DSCN, 2000). The urban
population is 7 307 000 people, accounting for 49.2% of the total. The urban population
grew at the rate of 3% between 1976 and 1987 and 2.8% between 1987 and 2000 (DSCN).
Urban centres in Cameroon have been defined as agglomerations of 5000 and more, having
a developed daily market, developed health centre, complete primary school, water and
electricity supply. All administrative headquarters are automatically urban centres. These
administrative headquarters range from District, Sub-Division, Division, and Province to
National. There are two large cities: Douala, the economic headquarters (1.5 million) and
Yaound, the national capital with (1.4 million) people. There are 11 other second-degree
cities with population between 100 000 and 300 000 people. A third group is made up of
smaller cities with populations ranging between 20 000 and less than 100 000. This group
includes 33 towns. The rest are between 5 000 and 20 000.These last two groups are
classified as small towns.

The long south-north extent of the country (respectively Atlantic Ocean to Lake Chad) and
the volcanic formations, which traverse the country in a SW-NE direction, endow the
country with diversified landforms, drainage, climate, vegetation, animal life and
ecological zones. The climate is varied but mainly tropical with two seasons: wet and dry.
The south has 7-8 months of dry season and the north only 3-4 months of light rain. The
country has more than 280 ethnic groupings. The north of the country is dominantly

Moslem and the south, Christian. The system of government is parliamentary democracy,
the administration centralized and the economy is capitalistic.

The country is number 125 on the Human Development Index (HDI) ranking with an
average life expectancy of 50 years at birth and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per
capita purchasing power parity (PPP) US$ 1573 (1999) (HDI 2001). These rates were
higher in the past decades but declined because the country suffered an economic crisis as
did most developing countries. Rydin (1992, p. 21) explained the phenomenon thus:

Global economic dislocation in the 1970s, as a result of oil crises, and the slow recovery and poor
economic growth of developed countries, coupled with the very much weakened commodity
markets have led to severe economic consequences for developing countries during the 1980s.

In Cameroon this was followed by the introduction of the World Banks Structural
Adjustment Programmes exemplified by devaluation of the national currency (the Franc
CFA), privatisation of state-owned enterprises, downsizing of the public sector and
deregulation of the private sector. Solid waste management saw the dark days of its history
during this period. However, Cameroon has a relatively rich, diversified and fast-growing
economy and remains one of the healthiest economies in its region, Sub-Sahara Africa.
The country is politically stable and usually described as Africa in miniature because it
summarises African characteristics in many areas. There is small scale recycling of waste
in Cameroon cities at household and craft levels. However, waste picking especially on
garbage heaps is taboo and consequently not common.

The bi-cultural nature of the country, the free flow of a variety of goods (including
foodstuffs from different geo-ecological zones), the free movement of heterogeneous
groups of people from all over the country and beyond into the cities, and the other varied
characteristics discussed above undoubtedly have profound implications on solid waste
management in towns and cities of the country including Yaound and Bamenda, the cities
under study.

1.2.3 Introduction to Bamenda and Yaound Cities The Yaound City Council (Communaute Urbaine de Yaound, CUY).

Yaound (City with Seven Hills in the local language) is the administrative and political
capital of Cameroon. It also has an important city council, which with Douala were

Sources: Adapted from Atlas of the United Republic of Cameroon. Les Atlas Afrique by
Jeune Afrique, George Laclavere, Groupe J. A. 1980, pp. 6 & 7

accorded the highest urban council status in the country known as Communaut Urbaine.
The city area is divided into six Sub-Divisions. Yaound has one of the highest annual
urban population growth rates (6.8 %) in the continent (Tanawa 2002). The population was
estimated at 1. 4 million people in 2002 (DSCN 2002).

The city is located around latitude 03 51 N. and longitude 11 29 48 E. It is situated

200 km east of the Atlantic Ocean on the Southern Cameroon Plateau. This plateau is
dominated by rolling topography 600-1100 m. above sea level. The highest hills are
mounts: Fbe 1073 m, Mbankolo 1056 m, Eloumden, Ding-Dang and Messa. The River
Mfoundi and its tributaries drain the city and then flows into the Nyong and on into the
Atlantic Ocean. There are many small lakes situated in the valleys that separate the
numerous ridges and concave hills that make up the citys scenery. According to Yaound
City Guide (2002), the altitude and continental location of the city have endowed it with a
sub-Guinean Equatorial temperate climate with four seasons; two dry and two rainy. The
average annual rainfall is 1600 mm, and temperature 23.5C. The natural vegetation is
equatorial rain forest even though much of it is now degraded (Yaound City Council

The major functions of Yaound were originally administrative and political. Nevertheless
economic, social and other functions have arisen. Yaound has become a centre of
commercial and processing industries. It is also a big centre for education and research,
referral hospitals, entertainment, sports infrastructure, and international and diplomatic
services. The city lies at the heart of the greatest cocoa-producing zone of the country.
Yaound is also a transport hub with roads, rail and air transport systems radiating from
there and serving its immediate environment, the country and beyond (Figure 1.4).

These favourable characteristics of the city highlighted above, and the general peaceful
situation of Cameroon in a sub-region with histories of many civil wars, have made
Yaound an attractive place for both nationals and foreigners including refugees. As a
consequence it is not only the citys population, which has been growing at an alarming
rate but also the spatial occupation of the land area. According to Tanawa et al. (2002), the
area of Yaound expanded from 12 000 hectares in 1961 through 18 000 hectares in 1995
to an estimated 28 000 hectares in 2005 (Tanawa et al. 2002). YCC sources give 25 600
hectares in 2001. This spatial occupation ranges from the high residential areas with

adequate housing and good infrastructure to the other extreme where the majority of the
citizens live in unplanned spontaneous and ill-equipped quarters. These characteristics
have far-reaching implications for solid waste management in the city of Yaound. The Bamenda Urban Council (BUC).

Bamenda is the administrative headquarters of the Northwest Province of Cameroon. It is
also the seat of the largest opposition party in the country, the Social Democratic
Movement (SDF). It is not only the largest city in the predominantly English-speaking part
of Cameroon but also one with a very fast urban population growth rate.

Bamenda is located 250 km north of the Atlantic Ocean on the Western Highlands, which
constitute part of the northeast-southwest range of volcanic formations called the
Cameroon Dorsal that transverse the country (Figure 1.4 above). The location is around
latitude 05 58N and longitude 10 08E, with an altitudinal range between 1230 m and
1470 m. The local relief is made up of hills, plains, plateaux, deep valleys and fault scarps.
One of these fault scarps (200 m high) divides Bamenda City into two parts. Many
streams, all constituting the tributaries of the River Mezam, drain the city.

The vegetation is predominantly grassland and a few trees. This explains why the region is
called Grassfields (Figure 1.4). The climate is moderated by altitude and this has given
rise to the Equatorial Cameroonian type characterised by two seasons, wet and dry. The
wet or rainy season extends from mid March to November, and the dry seasons from
November to March. Rainfall ranges between 2000 and 3000 mm per year, while annual
average temperatures are 27 C and 13.7 C for the hottest and coldest months

Bamenda was founded by the German colonial administration in 1902 on a vantage point
on top of the fault scarp overlooking the indigenous settlements below. By 1953 the
population had reached 9 765 (Achankeng 1984). From then the town gradually grew but
had an upsurge after 1972 when it was made the headquarters of the northwest province of
the United Republic of Cameroon. In the 1976 official census Bamenda had 48 111 people.
Its population today is estimated at 294 873 (DSCN 2002). It is a regional primate city and
ranks fourth among the cities of Cameroon. The rate of population growth is equally very
high. Bamenda is a great centre of attraction for people of the region and neighbouring

countries, especially Nigeria. Nature and administration have divided the city into two
parts, the predominantly administrative and well-planned area above the fault scarp called
Up Station and the mostly unplanned spontaneous quarters on the low plateau at the foot
of the scarp face occupied by the Mankon and Nkwen parts of the city.

1.3 Organisation of the Thesis

The thesis chapters are structured into two sections. Each section is made up of chapters
with major sub areas. Section one, is divided into four chapters and it sets out the
foundation and direction of the research. Chapter 1 has situated the significance of MSWM
in the world, regional national and city perspectives including Cameroon. The major
research aims, objectives, methods and significance including limitations of the study have
been also outlined. A background to the municipal solid waste-related terms and area of
study are presented and help define the scope of the study. Chapters 2 and 3, which are
separated for convenience, review related literature on the subject. Chapter 2 reviews the
conceptual frameworks including theories, principles and models used in MSWM. Chapter
3 reviews how these principles have been transformed the world over into policies,
strategies and practices including their outcomes. Lessons are drawn from the study but
caution is sounded for wholesale transfer without studying city-specific conditions.
Chapter 4 details the research methodologies and types of data collected including the
methods and tools used to analyse the data. The rationale for choosing methods, case
studies, and samples and analytical tools is explained. Research methods applied for each
chapter are discussed.

Section two examines the core subject, namely, sustainability of MSWM in Bamenda and
Yaound in six chapters followed by a concluding chapter for the entire work. Chapter 5
studies the major waste management issues that cut across both cities and those that are
determined by the central authorities. These issues include public participation, policy,
legislation, financing and governance. From here the study splits into two with an
examination of waste management in each city. Chapters 6 and 7 handle MSWM in
Bamenda. Chapter 6 focuses on waste generation, storage, collection and transportation. It
is here that much new solid waste data for the city are generated from the waste experiment
analysis, questionnaire surveys results and other methods. The next chapter, Seven,

completes data generation and analysis on MSWM in Bamenda as it examines waste
treatment, disposal and waste management-related environmental problems. The next two
chapters, Eight and Nine, use the same headings as Chapters 6 and 7, respectively, to study
Yaounde. The experiment was not conducted in Yaound because some basic data exist
already. In Chapter 10 the findings for Bamenda and Yaound are summarised, compared
and discussed. The last chapter, Eleven, concludes by presenting and discussing the major
objectives met and making recommendations for further research, policy, strategy and
practice. Lists of references and appendixes are included after the last chapter.


Major Concepts in Municipal Solid Waste Management

2.1 General Introduction

The global goals of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) are to protect environmental
health, promote the quality of the urban environment, support the efficiency and productivity
of the economy and generate employment (Schubeler 1996). Despite increasing policies and
strategies put in place to achieve these goals, the success remains elusive, as net municipal
solid waste generation continues to increase in volume and variety. Thus, waste reduction with
an emphasis on prevention is increasingly becoming a major policy focus in all countries. The
ways by which MSWM is conceived, planned and executed including the principles and
policies that govern such frameworks is a complex issue and vary in space, contexts and time;
yet it is possible to speak of common models and general management principles. This chapter
examines the major concepts; principles and strategies applied in MSWM in major regions of
the world but their outcomes are overviewed in the next chapter.

2.2 Concepts, Principles and Philosophies of Solid Waste Management.

2.2.1 The Concept of Sustainable Development

Waste management is now seen as part of the broad global concern for sustainability and it
clearly overflows national boundaries in terms of problems and possible solutions (Fagan et al.
2001). The recent concepts, principles, and thinking on the need for good waste management
emanate from the global concept of sustainable development propounded by the Brandt
Commission of 1987. It came to be known as the World Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED) 1987. The commission report noted that: Humanity has the ability to
make development sustainable-to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs (WCED 1987
p.43). This was a new direction away from the corrective and isolated approaches of the
previous decades, to a global, long-term, integrated and preventive one, with advocacy for
shared responsibility as a substitute for the commandand-control approaches in place
(Gervais 2002). From this point onward, many spheres of human endeavour and in all parts of
the world embraced the doctrine. It was expanded and endorsed at the 1992 Rio de Janeiro
Earth Summit as Agenda 21-the document of hope that spells out the principal global plan to
confront and overcome the economic and ecological problems of the late twentieth century
(Sitarz 1993). In keeping with the Rio Agenda 21 recommendations and other international
agreements, Cameroon adopted the principles and a strategic framework for sustainable
development. A national environmental management plan was enshrined in Chapter 1 Article
13 of the 1996 Law on the Environment (LOE). Chapter IV Articles 42-53 addressed general
issues of sustainable waste management (Government of Cameroon {GOC} 1996).

However, the relationship between sustainable development (provision of human needs) and
ecological sustainability (environmental health) appears to conflict. For example, in the urban
areas, Freire and Stren (2001) note that:

While many cities score well on the development of the new economic sectors, few succeed in
building a good quality of life and in creating a city which is clean, safe, and beautiful, without major
environmental hazards or desperate transport congestion (Freire and Stren 2001, p. 49).

2.2.2 Concept of Sustainable Urban Development

What constitute agendas for sustainable urban development have always been a matter of
controversy between the developed and the developing worlds, which respectively adopt the
green or brown agendas. The green agenda emphasises ecosystem health, the impacts of
cities on rural resources and surrounding regions and the future threat posed by urban
consumption, for example, the emission of urban-generated chemicals into the atmosphere
causing global warming, ozone depletion and cancer. The brown agenda, accusing the
developed world of bias, focuses on the environmental hazards and social justice, and are

more concerned with immediate problems faced by the urban poor such as the provision of
safe water supply to households and disposal of faecal matter, liquid and solid wastes and
disease-vectors (Hardoy 1989; Stren 1995; HABITAT 1996; Drakakis-Smith 2000; Baud and
Post 2002). Baud and Post (2002) attempted a reconciliation of both the ecological (green) and
the immediate needs (brown) sustainability by combining them and making explicit the trade-
offs between them. These authors proposed the integration of ecological, social, economic and
environmental health in an urban sustainable development plan for solid waste management.

2.2.3 Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management (SMSWM)

The concept of sustainability developed through sustainable urban development to its subset,
sustainable solid waste management. The major strategy is using an approach, which
integrates the four dimensions of management options, stakeholders, related systems and
driving forces (Figures 2.1 & 2.2). The overriding principle here is to integrate and involve all
these concerned sectors in solid waste management so as to achieve sustainable goals.

Figure 2.1 demonstrates how the scope, the stakeholders (actors) and strategic aspects need be
integrated within city-specific contexts. A special innovation is greater involvement of the
local population to an extent where it is recommended, that they conceive, decide, initiate, and
execute their own projects with the councils collaboration rather than the other way round.
This is sometimes described as a bottom up approach as opposed to top-down. Goodey (1973
cited in Omuta 1987) justifies this approach by arguing that based on studies in environmental
psychology, ego involvement through public participation reduces friction, resentment,
resistance, rejection, and confrontation.


WHO (Actors)


Planning & Management

Strategic Planning
Legal, Regulatory framework
Public Participation
Financial Management
Institutional Arrangements
Disposal Facility Siting

Waste Generation
Waste Characterisation
Waste Minimisation

Waste Handling
Waste Collection
Transfer, Treatment, Disposal
Special Wastes


FIGURE 2.1: Structure of the Conceptual Framework for MSWM

Source: Schbeler 1999, p. 17.

The issue of waste is central in several chapters of Agenda 21 as a cause of environmental

problems or a result/output of human activities. However, Chapter 21 deals directly with
sound management of solid waste and sewage-related issues. Solid waste is also discussed in
other chapters that are inextricably related to waste. For example, changing consumption
patterns (chapter 4), population dynamics (chapter 5) protection and promotion of human
health conditions (Chapter 6), promoting sustainable human settlements (chapter 7), and
protection of fresh water (chapter 18) (United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
2003). Agenda 21 recommends a framework for required action founded on a hierarchy of
objectives and focused on the following areas: waste minimisation, maximisation of waste
reuse and recycling, promoting environmentally sound waste disposal and treatment and
extending waste service coverage (United Nations Division for Sustainable Development

2003). The agenda further notes that these four areas are interrelated and mutually supportive,
suggesting that they must be integrated in order to provide a comprehensive and
environmentally responsive framework for managing municipal solid wastes.

2.2.4 Integrated and Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management

An integrated municipal solid waste management (IMSWM) is defined as the selection and
application of appropriate techniques and management programmes to achieve specific waste
management objectives and goals (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993 quoted in Tanskanen 2000 p.1;
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development {IBRD} and The World Bank
1999 p. 18). The concept of integrated sustainable waste management (ISWM) was developed
by WASTE and first presented at the Ittingen Workshop on Municipal Solid Waste
Management held in Switzerland, April 1995 (Zurbrgg 1996; van de Klundert 2000). ISWM
seeks to integrate stakeholders, system elements and aspects (Figure 2.2), so as to meet
objectives or to arrive at sustainable results (SKAT 2000). The guiding principle would be to
embrace the philosophy of MSWM which recognises that there is no single practice that is
always preferred over others rather to consider the full range of waste streams to be managed
as a menu from which waste managers can select the preferred options based on site specific
environmental, economic and social considerations (EPIC and CSR 2000 p.1), or that ISWM
is not a package solution(Zurbrgg 2002, p. 11).

From WASTE experience gained under the Urban Waste Expertise Program (UWEP) in the
developing parts of the world, Bulle (1999) suggests that the overall conditions for
sustainability and integrated municipal solid waste management in such regions would select
options as follows:

bring together the private, public, and community-based sectors and give them well-defined
responsibilities in the various fields, from preliminary collection to recycling waste,
integrate especially adapted technologies into the sector (from source separation to primary
collection, recycling and composting), thus generating income and jobs

take into account the poorest neighbourhoods, that are now untouched by urban management
and lack basic services (Bulle 1999, p.11).

Van de Klundert and Anschutz (1999) further explain the terms sustainable and integrated
as used in municipal solid waste management concepts to emphasise the need for its
localisation and self-maintenance through time without compromising the present and future
resources. They expanded the concepts thus:

Sustainable: a system that is:

appropriate to the local conditions in which it operates from a technical, social, economic,
financial, institutional, and environmental perspective, and;
capable of maintaining itself over a long time without reducing the resources it needs.

Integrated: a system that:

uses a range of inter-related collection and treatment options, at different habitat scales
(household, neighbourhood, city).
involves all stakeholders, be they governmental or non-governmental, formal or informal,
profit- or non-profit orientated
takes into account interactions between the waste management system and other urban systems
(van de Klundert and Anschutz 1999, p. 5).

The Urban Expertise Programme {UWEP} (1996) observed the stages of MSWM
communities tend to go through as follows:
In the first step, driven by some concerns for public health and sanitation, some type of
collection is designed to meet such goals.
Next, communities may be motivated by the need for better quality of life. Such is
achieved by enhancing cleanliness of streets and community appearance.
Environmental quality and cost reduction, that is, increased attention to recycling and
composting, increase in separate collection and number of system components emerges
Finally, the first-order goal of a sustainable waste system is put in place.
The author notes that a city does not need to follow all the stages, because the final stage could
be developed from the onset (UWEP 1996).

These twin concepts of sustainable and integrated MSWM are crucial; as they provide
parameters for studying, assessing, evaluating, and a guide for proposing a waste management
plan for a municipality (Figure 2.2). Figures 2.2 & 2.3 demonstrate the complex relationships
between the sustainability aspects that have to be examined within the MSWM system
elements as operated by various stakeholders. In short, integrated refers to an approach or
method of planning whereas sustainable refers to an objective or result (SKAT 2000).

City Central/Provin NGOs CBOs Private Sector Donor
Council cial Govt Formal/informal agencies

SYSTEM Generation Waste prevention


Primary collection

Other Scale of
systems Secondary Waste separation habitat

Disposal & Resource recovery


Technical/ Environ Financial Socio- Institutional/ Policy/
operational mental Economic Administrative Legal

FIGURE 2.2: Dimensions of Integrated Sustainable Waste Management

Source: van de Klundert and Anschutz 1999, p. 6

2.2.5 Policy Concepts Supporting Waste Strategic Options

Waste policies are made at individual, institutional, industrial, city, national, regional and
global levels. Such policies vary widely and what drives them is a huge range of reasons, from
aesthetic and prestige to economic and environmental imperatives and fears of health risks
such as common illnesses and outbreak of plagues. The consequences of inadequate waste
management know no national boundaries. This is why the problem of waste is increasingly
seen as global, and so too are the solutions sought. This explains partly why global
institutions, international bodies, regional grouping and organisations are increasingly working
together to produce common agendas, agreements, directives, that guide international
companies, national governments, cities and other participants involved in waste management.
Some of these international and regional bodies include the related organs of the UN, such as
the Division for Sustainable Development, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the UN
Environment programmes (UNEP), UN Development Programme (UNEP) and UN Centre for
Human Settlements (UNCHS-HABITAT); the World Bank; the European Union (EU), the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), ENDA Third World,
Collaborative Working Group (CWG) and the City Development Programme (PDM) for
West, Central and Southern Africa. These notwithstanding, the availability or non-availability
of finance, technical and human know-how, accessibility, technology, scavengers, and good
governance remain key determining factors to policy options. The Concept of Waste Recognition

Despite successful waste reduction practices, net waste generation continuous to increase as a
result of increasing population and affluent lifestyles supported by technology. At the same
time waste disposal facilities are becoming limited, thus the overriding philosophy is to
minimise waste with greater emphasis on waste generation prevention (Hohnholt and Meyers
2002). The new philosophy stipulates that if waste cannot be prevented, it must be seen as a
resource from which useful things can be recovered. Waste recovery should be perceived not
only from an economic perspective (as it was in the past) but also as safeguarding the
environment for the present and future generations. This concept is known as Resource

recognition (Furedy 1992). Gray-Donald and Wastenet in the same vein reiterate that waste
should be seen as an under-utilised resource(Gray-Donald 2000, p. 17) or capital and
nutrients (Wastenet 2003, p. 1). The central options for achieving these objectives are from
strategies that develop from a concept called the waste management hierarchy. The Concept of the Waste Management Hierarchy

This is a concept that accords priority action options to solid waste management based on
sustainability. As Figure 2.4 demonstrates, the priority options comprise from top to bottom
(most to least preferred respectively), prevention, reuse, recovery (recycle, compost, and
energy), incineration, landfill, dump, and open burning (HABITAT 1996; Thomas-Hope 1998;
Beukering et al. 1999; Adams et al. 2000; Wright 2000; Hansen et al. 2002). There are various
permutations to this model and ongoing debates on the appropriate order. However, its
direction is clear and stipulates thus: First try to prevent waste, then seek to minimise (mainly
through increases in efficiency and careful design), and to recover (a term that includes
recycling, composting) material and only then move to energy recovery, through various
means. Finally, we can consider disposal which must be done safely (Fagan et al. 2001).
Another source acclaims the waste management hierarchy that: It is established to identify
key elements in integrated solid waste management (ISWM) (The IBRD and The World
Bank 1999, p. 18).

More recent policies have expanded the horizons of waste management strategies. Such
policies want strategies to go beyond safe storage and disposal practices and consider
comprehensively, not only the volume and character of waste arising but also what steps must
be taken to reduce waste altogether. Waste reduction or minimisation in the new strategic
approach to Waste Management Action 3, emphasises strict avoidance. Prevention is seen as
the key to reducing both quantity and toxicity. This approach would lead to virtual elimination
of hazardous substances, materials and energy intensity.

Management Options Stakeholders Related Systems
-prevention -government -industry
-recycling -waste processors -trade
-disposal -waste generators transport

Integrated SWM
-economic dimension
-environment dimension
-social dimension
-institutional dimension

Driving Forces

FIGURE 2.3: Framework for Analysing the Concept of Integrated MSWM

Source: Beukering et al 1999, p. 4

Most preferred
---------- Prevention






Least preferred ---Open dump

*With energy recovery

FIGURE 2.4: The Waste Management Hierarchy

Sources: Compiled from various sources reviewed

generated in production and distribution. Quantity reduction entails the use of smaller amounts
of resources to produce the same products such as reducing thickness, introducing refill or re-
use systems. Re-use means using a product more than once in its original form or for an
alternative without reconditioning.

However, the waste management hierarchy model has come under fierce attack. There is
overwhelming evidence that points to its pitfalls. The ranking of priorities is seriously
questioned (Beukering et al. 1999; Adams et al. 2000). These authors argue that the model is
based solely on environmental effects, while other aspects have been ignored. They suggest
that the options should not be ranked rather used as a guide not a prescriptive set of rules
(Adams et al. 2000) or considered as a menu of alternatives (Beukering et al. 1999). Schall
(1995) notes that: Each option is equally appropriate under the right set of conditions
addressing the right set of waste stream components (Schall, 1995 in Beukering et al. 1999, p.
6). Pearce (1997 cited in EPA 2002) accuses governments of following the environmentalists
blindly, arguing that the hierarchy is not based on any analysis and that it is merely an article
of faith (EPA 2002). A definition of integrated solid waste management (ISWM) by EPIC and
CSR (2000) suggests that the hierarchy is too uniform to take care of spatial realities. This
model also appears to put emphasis only on the waste treatment section of waste management.
Waste collection, which is a great problem in the cities of the developing countries, is not
addressed in this model. One key emphasis of the hierarchy is prevention by minimising
quantity and toxicity at the production level. However; many developing country economies
are simply consumers of these already-produced goods and as such, prevention through
reduction at source of production means little to them, nor does recycling to produce raw
materials for industries. Recycling may not be useful unless there are export market
possibilities for the recycled materials.

The main disagreement on the principle is concentrated on the bases for ranking priorities
across space. It is useful, however, because it provides us with a spectrum of options from
which we can make choices to manage waste in an environmentally sustainable way. The
waste hierarchy content is being used as the basis of solid waste management with a lot of
progress in focusing on prevention parameters.

2.2.6 The Strategic Plan and Cultural Approaches

Having determined the quantities, composition, variations, recycling potentials, the

transportation and disposal, waste management strategies and considering the environmental,
economic, financial, socio- cultural aspects, technical know-how, infrastructure available and
the physical conditions of the areas, a strategic policy concept for supporting the path to be
followed is considered. Thereafter, the method of approach and participant roles are
determined. The MSW planning strategic management framework or plan, as the name
suggests, is key to a successful waste management system. A failure to have such a plan is
planning to fail. Wilson et al (1998) proposed that a seven-step plan for MSWM would be to
mobilise the planning process, define the baseline, establish the strategic planning framework,
identify and evaluate options, develop strategies and implement the strategic Plan (Appendix
8) The fourth, identifying and evaluating options, was identified by these authors as the core in
the strategic plan and includes:

1. Institutional framework
2. Waste collection and Recycling
3. Waste treatment and Disposal
4. Financial Sustainability.
5. Public Awareness and Participation (Wilson et al. 1998).

Addressing questions of who does what, and when, and how consensus is arrived at including
conflicts resolution, are intriguing and challenging issues, given the multitude of participants
involved (Figure 2.1). This will depend on the preferred method through which things are
usually made to happen, especially in changing old deep-rooted behaviours and practices such
in the MSWM context. Bertolini (1996 in UNESCAP 2000) identified four options of such
methods or cultures from which a country or community is likely to choose. The cultural
systems are linked to the political system in place and both have a profound effect on the
success or failure of the strategic waste management opted. Bertolinis socio-cultural systems
are listed below:

A culture of government by consensus, which is characterised by good Government-Industry
relations, and in which advice, consultation, and persuasion are the preferred instruments.
A non-intervention/liberal culture, also characterised by good Government-Industry
relations, which favours consultation and voluntary agreements as well as the use of economic
An adversarial culture in which openly declared conflicting interests and positions have to be
settled by a process of political arbitration, which will tend to result in legal and regulatory
instruments. However, this does not exclude basically liberal elements and hence the use of
economic instruments.
A culture of planning and programming (after due consideration of all points of view and the
balance of power, even in a corporatist culture context), which will opt for legal and
regulatory approaches (UNESCAP 2000, p. 27).

These scenarios of cultures suggest that in order to achieve an integrated management

programme, objectives and goals, consensus, non-intervention, adversary and planning and
programming approaches, using one or a combination of instruments such as good relations,
advice, consultation, persuasion, economic, legal and regulatory, must be sought. As concerns
waste management options, the approach chosen will depend on the case in question and no
option may be best for every situation. However, adversarial cultures such as command-and-
control and stick-and-carrot approaches are less likely to yield good results.

2.2.7 Decision-making

Figure 2.2 presents a multitude of SWM parameters all of which should have a fair chance of
being integrated into the system. It is hard identifying the methods of choosing the preferred
parameters, as well as analysing all available options. Direct administrative decisions, public
meetings, councillors and other forms of representation may be used to select options for
IMSWM. However, computer assisted decision support systems (DSS) such as life cycle
assessment using multi-criteria (also called multi-attribute or multi-objective analysis) are
increasingly being used by academics to suggest to waste authorities the preferred options
based on specific conditions (Finnveden 1999; van de Klundert and Anschutz 1999;

McDougall 2000). Other methods used for proposing and analysing sustainable waste
management systems include the cost-benefit and institutional approaches.

2.2.8 Concept of Waste Management Mode: Public Versus Private

Having developed a strategy and made a plan, another key issue is making provisions for
sustainable implementation, evaluation and feedback processes for the solid waste
management system. The local government remains the statutory authority for waste
management in its area of jurisdiction. In practice, three management systems are observed
from the literature reviewed: government through the city council, privatisation or joint city
and private sector ventures. Management here is directed to one or several post-primary waste
activities such as collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. Increasing literature
suggests that in the cities of the developed countries and big cities of the developing world,
privatisation is taking root (Clark 1998; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
(Habitat) 1998; Halla and Majani 1999; Obirih-Opereh and Post 2002). Privatisation is the
gradual process of disassociating state-owned enterprises or state-provided services from
government control and subsidies, and replacing them with market-driven entities. For
MSWM it will mean reduction of local government activity but with participation of the
private sector or reducing government ownership (ENCAPAFRICA 2004). Participants in the
private sector include companies, small-scale enterprises, community-based organisations
(CBOs) and scavenger cooperatives. The privatisation process is generally believed to increase
service efficiency, improve coverage and environmental protection. ENCAPAFRICA (2004)
outlined five modes of privatisation, namely, concessions, management contracts,
commercialisation, franchises and private enterprise/entrepreneurship. The same source
summarised the advantages usually advanced for privatisation by many authors suggesting
privatisation can:

Leave municipal resources available for urban infrastructure and equipment

Reduce costs of public service to consumers
Reduce financial and administrative burden on government
Improve productivity and competition

Stimulate the adoption of innovation and new technology
Improve the maintenance of equipment
Create greater responsibility to cost control measures (ENCAPAFRICA 2004, p. 9).

However, worldwide results have demonstrated mixed outcomes. While it has been successful
in some cities, opponents of privatisation caution that urban governments must assess if it will
be cost-effective, or, if they would be able to define the outputs and have the capability of
monitoring and evaluating service performance, capability, facilities and equipment. They also
warn that monopoly by a company at the expense of small and medium-size enterprises needs
to be guarded against, while at the same time considering the gains of economies of scale.
Increasing literature also suggests that privatisation may not mean a reduction of work or costs
for municipal authorities. As noted by one author:

Municipal councils that opt to privatise or commercialise their services need to upgrade all
their staff in accounting, auditing, information management, policy development and
management to gain the required expertise for efficient and effective performance (United
Nations Centre for Human Settlements {Habitat} 1998, p. 10).

Habitat (1998) also argued that waste coverage in cities of developing countries may not be
increased because of the tendency for both private ventures and councils to serve with a bias
for middle- and high-income sectors. This discriminatory practice is not due to an
inaccessibility problem but economic reasons. The same source also notes that it is important
to understand and address the concerns of private sectors. These concerns include non-
payment for contracts, inflation, currency devaluation, taxation, political changes and the
regulatory framework. It is also worth noting that many companies would not want to risk
their money in long term and large-scale investments that rely on government payments such
as urban solid waste management.

Another approach is a joint public-private venture, usually called parastatal. Olokesusi

(1994) notes that management under the parastatals is even worse because such corporations
usually place too much emphasis on personnel expenditure. He illustrated this point with the

case of the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LWMA), which used 96% of the gross waste
management funds for personnel wages (Olokesusi 1994).

In conclusion, privatisation will not reduce the responsibilities of the urban council that
remains the monitoring and enforcement of waste management standards, with regards to
reliability, efficiency, customer relations and environmental protection. Whichever
management choice the urban council decide to make, competition, performance and
accountability must be the ultimate guiding rule to a sustainable integrated MSWM system
(Habitat 1998; Cointreau-Levine and Coad 2000; ENCAPAFRICA 2004).

2.3 Conclusion

The concept of waste minimisation based on the solid waste management hierarchy
established within the framework of an integrated sustainable system has been promoted to
address the problem of increasing waste generation, shortage of waste disposal facilities and
the desire to safeguard the environment. Fast growing urban populations, affluence and
technology are blamed for causing the problem. However, conditions and the application of
these concepts and policies differ between the developed and the developing regions of the
world, including Latin America, Asia, Africa and more particularly Cameroon, the country
chosen for this study. These regional case studies test the concepts and their applications
together with lessons learned from their experiences and that constitutes the subject of the next


A Review of Municipal Solid Waste Management:

Developed world. Developing Countries and Cameroon

3.1 A General Introduction

In Chapter 2, I examined some of the major general concepts, management principles,

frameworks, policies, and strategic plans that underpin MSWM and argued that some of them
cannot adequately address the situation in the cases being examined. The argument continues
in this chapter where I review the literature on the major broad trends in the current
applications and outcomes of these theoretical concepts and strategies in different regional
contexts of the world. The point I aim to demonstrate is that, while an exchange of lessons
learned from such knowledge might be useful in improving solid waste management
elsewhere, caution must be exercised in wholesale transfer of such policies, strategies,
technologies and practices without considering the specific conditions in the receiving region,
country or city. Solid waste management in the developing countries, including Cameroon,
has continuously suffered from such off-the-shelf transferred solutions.

3.2 Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Developed World

3.2.1 Introduction

The developed world is a group of 35 highly-industrialised countries located in North

America, Europe and Asia-Pacific areas (UN Population Division 1998). It is hard to find
agglomerated waste management data covering the entire area, however, the membership of
the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which roughly
corresponds to the developed world, has some useful data from which generalisations for the
regions can be drawn. The OECD came into effect in September 1961 with 20 members and

the number has since expanded to 30 members today1 with an estimated population of 1.2
Millard in 2002 (OECD 2004). The European Union (EU) is within, and collaborates with, the
OECD. In general terms, this is the most industrialised and technologically developed part of
the world, characterised by high incomes, affluent life style, high consumption and stable
democratic governments.

These societies are increasingly prolific generators of municipal solid waste, for example, they
represent only 16% of the worlds population but consume 75% of global paper production
(The IBRD and The World Bank 1999). They are usually described as throw away societies
because they produce huge quantities of packaging, regularly utilise disposables and have an
insatiable desire for acquiring the latest models of goods and by so doing, discard the old as
waste. Although sub-regional, national and state variations exist, increasing literature in the
last decade suggests that municipal solid waste generation continues to increase tremendously,
raising heightened concerns on the problem at all levels, from local through national to
regional groupings and world organisations. Commensurate efforts are being made through the
successful use of conventional methods employing intensive capital, high-level technology,
elaborate policies and instruments, legislation and strategic guides such as the solid waste
hierarchy, in an attempt to cope with the ever-increasing municipal solid waste management

3.2.2 Municipal Solid Waste Characterisation

Comparing regional or national municipal solid waste management (MSWM) statistics is

difficult because of varying definitions, methods, units and times of data collection. However,
broad trends can be traced. Municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in the developed parts of
the world is constantly increasing. According to De Tilly (2004), broad trends in municipal
waste generation in the OECD member countries continue to rise in absolute and per capita
terms. He notes that the OECD statistics show that between 1990 and 2000 MSW increased by

The original members were: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the
United States and Turkey. Later entrants are Japan, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, the Czech
Republic, Hungary, Poland, Korea, and the Slovak Re public. It works with the Commission of the European
Community (CEC). By the UN Human Development Index 2003, 27 out of 33 countries classed as developed are
OECD members. Only Turkey and Mexico OECD members are excluded.

14%, that is, from 530 605 million tonnes, 509-540 kg per capita per year (1.4-1.5 kg per
capita per day)2 while population increased by 8%. However, national variations are great, for
example the US generation rate in 1999 was 2.1 kg per capita per day, up from 1.2 kg in 1960
(Mihekcic and Hutzler 1999; US EPA 2003).

Whereas increases in population and the level of incomes continue to account for such
increases in municipal solid waste generation, EEA (2001 cited by Braathen 2004) underlines
new emerging factors. These factors are linked to consumption patterns, family structures and
lifestyle. The author suggests that single households produce more waste per capita than
families. Ready-made food produces more packaging than individually family-prepared food
but traditional preparation results in more organic kitchen waste. The author also notes that
increase in incomes results in the use of long-lived goods and services, which later produce
other types of waste such as bulky waste and waste from construction and demolition
(Braathen 2004).

The composition of MSW in countries of the developed world may differ but the tendency is
for non-biodegradable waste to dominate over biodegradable. For example, the average for the
US cities shows the following composition: paper (38%), yard trimmings (12.1%), food
waste (10.9%), plastic (10.5%), metal (7.8%), glass (5.5%), wood (5.3%) and others (5.3%)
(USEPA 2003, p. 3). Sakai et al. (1996) compiled MSW composition for some other
developed countries (Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Japan) in Table 1 which
demonstrate similar trends (Sakai et al. 1996).

3.2.3 Trends in Waste Management Strategies and Outcomes General Trend

The overarching idea of sustainability governs the general direction for waste management
and forms the basis for the hierarchy of waste management enshrined in the EU policies as
well as in other developed countries (Hansen et al. 2002). The EU, in addition, uses the
principles of precaution, proximity and polluter-pays to direct waste legislation through
directives to its member states. The European Environment Agency {EEA} (1999) report

1 pound = 0.4536 kg,

remarked that: There is urgent need for integration of waste management into strategies for
sustainable development, where waste prevention, reduction of resource depletion and
minimisation of emissions at the source are given high priority (European Environment
Agency {EEA} 1999:206 cited in Fagan et al. 2001 p 2). This policy is adopted by the EU and
binding on all member states. It is guided by the overall principle of the community waste
management strategy of 1996, which aims to establish an integrated waste management policy
and respects the principles of the waste hierarchy. These principles are incorporated in the EU
waste framework directive 75/422/EEC and subsequent directives: hazardous waste
91/689/EC, landfilling of waste 99/31/EC, shipping of waste 259/93, packaging 94/62/EC,
end-of-life vehicle 2000/53/EC and the proposed electric and electronic equipment waste
(Gervais 2002; Hansen et al. 2002).

Figure 3.1 demonstrates the outcomes of new waste management strategies in the OECD
member countries between 1995 and 2000. In general, waste recovery performance is
increasing. Central to this success is the efficient sorting, kerbside streaming by waste
generators and mechanical collection techniques applied to waste management. Incineration
with energy recovery, recycling, composting and incineration with energy each increased by
2%. Most of the waste still goes to the landfills even though rates dropped by 6% (form 64%
to 58%) while incineration stagnated at 9% between 1995 and 2000. De Tilly (2004) notes that
recycling rates seem to have reached their optimum, as they are flattening out and even falling
in most countries in this region. This suggests the need for a re-examination of policies. This
may partly explain why Braathen (2004) doubts the European Commission 2003s current
directives that foresee that all Member States should achieve the same recycling targets and
questions whether uniformity in targets is most effective from both an environmental and
economic point of view (Braathen 2004, p.11).


9% 14%
Landfilling with ER*





6% Recycling
Incineration with ER*


* Energy Recovery

FIGURE 3.1: Municipal Solid Waste Management in OECD Member Countries 1995 &
Source: De Tilly (2004) Trends within the European Union (EU)

There are national variations in recovery rates and disposal methods (Figure 3.2). The UK and
Italy not only produce huge quantities of solid waste but also dispose respectively of 83% and
80 % of such waste at landfills. Other countries with high landfilling rates include Spain
(74%), Norway (62%) and France (49%). Meanwhile Denmark, the Netherlands and
Switzerland landfill only 11%, 12%, and 13% respectively of their waste and by the same
token they are the best in waste recovery. Sweden, Germany and Austria closely followed
them. Other OECD non-European members show similarities and differences in policy and

11 12 13
34 30
70% 42 62
74 45
60% 58 80 83
17 18
% 50%
14 10 7
40% 11
2 39 15 8
1 6
20% 38 39
34 7 31 1
29 26 8
22 17
10% 6 10
6 8
3 3
t* 8t 8t 0t 0t 8.1t 0t 2t 6t 2t 0t
2.6 ) 2. 2 4. 5 0. 27. ) ) 3. 17. ) 3. ) 4. 28.
) 6 ) ) ) 8 8 ) 7 7 )
9 96 199 996 993 997 199 199 997 199 199 8/9
(1 ( (1 (1 (1 ( ( (1 ( ( 99
rk s y en and (1
tria ma n ce any taly and rwa ain
e d r l K
s n a I rl No Sp Sw itze U
Au De Fr er
t he
G e S w

Recycling Composting Energy Re Landfill

* 106 t/year
FIGURE 3.2: Waste Management in Europe 1993-99
Source: Malcom (2000) Non-European OECD Member Countries (i) The US: The US EPA (2003) indicates that in 1999, the US generated 230 million
tonnes of MSW, 57% of which was landfilled, 15% burnt and 28% recycled. Separation and

recycling improved, yielding 9300 tonnes at the kerbside and 900 tonnes at the drop-off
centres. In all, 300 material recovery facilities developed in the country (US EPA 2003).
Records from the preceding years show that the volume of waste generated continues to grow
but with improved management. For example, according to Themelis (2002), the Council for
Environmental Quality Report suggested that in 1996, 22% was recycled, 5.4% composted,
17.2% combusted, and 55.4% landfilled (Themelis 2002). Strict regulations on landfill
operations directed towards the safeguard of public health and the environment are reducing
their number even though they continue to receive increasing quantities of solid waste (United
Nations Environment Programme {UNEP} 2000). Fewer but larger, more environmentally
friendly regional landfills called megafills are now preferred (United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) 2000). (ii) Canada: Environics International and EcoLog Information Resources Group
(2002) estimate that, in 1998, Canada generated 29 million tonnes of solid waste, 21 of which
were either disposed of in landfills (90-95%) or incinerated. Nine million tonnes, mostly
industrial, commercial and institutional, were diverted through recycling, composting or
reused. The same source notes that beverage containers, used oil, scrap tyres are recycled by
industries under stewardship programmes while the municipalities recycle paper and plastics.
Of special note is the huge volume of Information Technology (IT) waste such as PCs,
monitors, laptops and peripheries including printers, disk drivers, and scanners that are
disposed of in landfills. In 1999 close to 35 000 tonnes were disposed of, 15 593 tonnes
recycled, 24 507 tonnes sent for reuse and 6 128 put into storage (Environics International and
EcoLog Information Resources Group 2002). (iii) Australia: The National Packaging Covenant is the leading instrument for
managing packaging in Australia (Government of South Australia {GOSA} 2001). It was
signed on 27 August 1999 by Australia and New Zealand council of ministers, local
governments, and a broad range of industries in the packaging supply chain-based on the
principle of shared responsibility through product stewardship. It is applied through the
packaging chain, from raw material suppliers to retailers and to disposal of waste packaging. It
gives no prescription, only minimises environmental impacts of waste packaging every 5 years
(Government of South Australia {GOSA} 2001).

According to Newton and CSIRO (2001), between 1996-97, Australian landfills nationwide
received an estimated 21.2 million tonnes of solid waste. Australia has 20 million people. This
translated to 1.1 tonnes per capita/year, placing Australia among the top ten solid waste
generators within the OECD and second only to the US. State and Territory per capita
generation figures varied from approximately 800 kg/year in the ACT to 1400 kg in Western
Australia. The main method of waste disposal in Australia is landfilling, which accounts for
over 95% of solid waste disposal in some States and Territories. Australia identified a further
problem of vehicle tyres and litter of cigarettes butts, bottles, cans, paper, packaging that cost
most states problems and cost. For example, in Queensland 50% of the councils spend $25
000 each annually on litter collection (EPA Queensland 1999 in Newton and CSIRO 2001).

3.2 3.3 (iv) Japan: Japan opts for incineration as its main waste disposal practice. According
to many sources including Wright (2000), it generates 51 million tonnes of domestic waste per
year and 400 million tonnes of industrial solid waste, 30 % of which is recycled. Generally,
70% is incinerated, 10% landfilled and 10% composted. Japan emphasises the waste
hierarchys 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) through its law on waste sorted collection and
recycling of containers and packaging in 1995. Prevention through Zero-waste and
industrial re-utilisation of processed waste materials policies are succeeding. Kiri Breweries
in Nagoya, attained a Zero Waste target in 1998, and obtained ISO 14001 certification to
International standards of environmental management at its breweries. There is early
streaming of bottles for waste minimisation and recycling. Everything is used and attention to
the final waste disposal of the few per cent age of the difficult waste. Nippon Steel uses blast
furnace slag to and oxygen for production of sand substitute in cement production and for fill
materials in the construction industry, respectively (The IBRD and The World Bank 1999;
Wright 2000). Other waste minimisation strategies such as garage sales, second hand shops
and auctions exist here as with other parts of the developed world. In addition,
neighbourhoods encourage exchanges and gifts of unwanted articles such as clothes and daily-
used items (UNEP-IETC 1996). Waste Management Techniques Collection and Storage: On-site solid waste streaming, collection, and storage by
households, establishments and industries follow prescribed legislation. The containers are

standardised, designed with environmental safety, ease of recycling and collection technology
in view. For example, at the household level in Adelaide, South Australia, 240-litre galvanised
iron or polyethylene receptacles are used. They are impervious with close fitting lids to protect
content from pests. For effective waste streamlining, each household has three distinctive3
receptacles, one for green waste, two or one partitioned into two parts, for recyclables and
rubbish. In Germany colour coding is used to identify various types of bins for recyclables and
a further colour coding for different waste bottle igloos4.

Waste collection is at the kerbside, alley or backyard. The waste is removed mechanically by
one person (the driver) manipulating a gooseneck-designed arm attached to the vehicle for
lifting and emptying containers into the compactor hopper. The process follows well-planned
routes and is very fast, and named the rapid rail system. In industries and institutions where
waste generation is much, skips are used. Roll on-roll off (R.o-R.o) waste vans use winch and
hydraulic systems to haul up these skips. The skip waste is transported to the processing
centre, transfer stations or disposal facilities and emptied by tipping. Compactor trucks that
load waste from bins mechanically or manually from the sides, rear or front, are also used. For
long-distance transportation, truck trailers, rail cars or barges are used from transfer stations.
Bulky and household hazardous wastes have special programmes for collection and disposal.
There is a flow of information between waste generators, waste company and the city council
on collaborative issues such as collection timetable, sorting and recycling procedures, using
public meetings, flyers, newspaper, radio and television media, telephones and websites. (ii) Treatment: Waste treatment includes a series of activities meant to facilitate
recycling, resource recovery, transportation and disposal. These include bailing, shredding and
grinding to reduce volume, and magnetic and manual separation, sorting, air classification,
screening, composting, energy recovery and incineration. (iii) Disposal: Treatment always ends up with rejects and residual waste that must be
disposed of, and landfills remain the ultimate answer. Their importance varies from one
country to another (Figure 3.2). However, landfills are a potential source of environmental and
health hazards emanating form the gases and leachate they produce and are increasingly

Colours, labels and illustrations are used to identify each bin.
Igloos are large bottle-like public waste containers for collection used bottles for recycling.

coming under opposition from citizens. That is why in the developed countries, stringent
regulations on landfill design, construction and operations are in place in order to make them
function in an environmentally friendly manner. These majors include leachate management,
which entails putting adequate liners to contain and direct leachate to treatment plants before
discharging it to the environment. Landfill gases are vented, flared or collected for generation
of electricity. Provisions are also made for closure and post closure monitoring and restoration
of the areas. Both landfills and incinerators are increasingly facing these stringent measures
and many are closing down or seeking far away locations.

Variations exist among countries in costs allocated for waste collection, transportation and
disposal. Collection has attained 100 % in most countries even though collection costs are
declining with automatic techniques. For example, in Japan collection accounts for 4%,
treatment 45% and disposal 6%; whereas in developing nations such as Malaysia collection
alone accounts for 70% (The IBRD and The World Bank 1999). NIMBYism5, LULU6,
NIMTO 7, and scarcity of land for waste treatment and disposal facilities in or around cities
lead to long-distance siting of waste disposal facilities in neighbouring districts, states or
countries (Beukering et al. 1999; Fagan et al. 2001).

This phenomenon increases transportation costs and tipping fees. According to Themelis
(2002), New Yorks 6 out of 13 transfer stations, and many of its landfills, are located out of
the state. The author notes that the 10 ton vehicles travel 64 000 km a day while 20 ton
vehicles, 216 00 km transporting waste out of the state. Each round trip takes 480 km and, 40
million litres of fuel are used in a year (Thermelis 2000). This practice is contrary to the UKs
EU-influenced policy of proximity, that emphasis waste management as near the place of
generation as possible (Malcom 2001).

Synthesis of literature in the last two decades suggest that there is a tendency for countries
with high population densities such as Japan, the Netherlands, the UK and Switzerland to
adopt incineration as the major solid waste management method, while low-density nations,

Not in my backyard
Locally Unacceptable Land Use
Not In My Term of Office

for example, Australia, Canada and the US exhibit high rates of waste landfilling (Sakai et al.
1996; OECD 2004). Municipal Solid Waste Management Modes

Solid waste management in the developed world is increasingly becoming a joint venture
between nations, states, local government and communities, and the private sector. The role
each plays varies with countries. In the US, the government develops legislation and policy
guidelines and allows many participants in a free market situation to find cost-effective
solutions for fulfilling policy directives. This is different from Europes integrated solid waste
management approach. In Canada, the private sector is increasingly taking a bigger part, for
example, in collection and transportation where they undertake more than 50% of
expenditures. In other situations government and the private sector co-manage tertiary
facilities such as transfer stations and landfill. Technological Innovations and Applications

Along with polices and strategies, are developments of new waste management technologies,
and improvement of the old, to enhance recovery and safe waste disposal. Some of these
technologies are summarised by Wright (2000) as follows:
There are mechanical technologies that sort and separate waste. Biological technologies
include controlled use of naturally living organisms to break down organic waste into useful
products such as mulch and humus. These include land application, open windrow
composting, vermin composting, enclosed composting, anaerobic digestion and fermentation.
Thermal technologies include incineration with Refuse Derived Fuels (RDFs) such as
electricity and/or steam. Pyrolysis or gasification technologies produce solid char or liquid
(oil) char and syngas. Another thermal technology is waste melting. Waste incineration is not
a preferred option by the waste hierarchy, but where inevitable it is only accepted with energy
recovery and designed to operate with minimal environmental externalities such as fly ash,
chrome, manganese and dioxin emissions. Landfills are of three categories, conventional wet,
conventional dry and bioreactor landfills. Landfill engineering and operations are also under
stringent regulations aimed to mitigate leachate contamination of soils, ground and surface

water including air pollution and other hazards from landfill gases. Open dumps have since
been banned and replaced by sanitary landfills in the developed world. Leachate is controlled
by the use of liners with synthetic membrane and gases management by venting, flaring and
recovery for generating electricity. Daily soil cover over the cells is an indispensable activity
at the landfill (Wright 2000). Figure 3.1 shows an inclination of each country in Europe in
applying these technologies at varying scales. However, some of these technologies are still
under experimentation. Policy Tools Applied in Waste Management Practices (i) General Aims and Principles: In the developed countries, waste management has
drastically improved with collection in most cities attaining 100%, while transportation is
efficient and disposal facilities improved to mitigate environmental and health-related hazards
(UNEP-IETC 1996). Policy and practice have moved from barely efficient collection,
transportation and disposal towards emphasis on prevention or avoidance, recycling and reuse,
using the principles of the waste management hierarchy as the menu for selecting nation-
specific solid waste management options within the wider framework of integrated solid waste
management planning (Timilsina 2001; Hansen et al. 2002). According to Hansen et al. what
is not produced does not have to be disposed of (Hansen et al. 2002 p. 3) and as with all
matter, solid waste cannot be destroyed or treated without environmental impacts. Thus,
minimisation and prevention are accorded the greatest attention given those end-of-pipe
solutions seldom sustainable.

In this direction, drivers of waste generation types and amounts are being identified and
addressed in policy instruments and practice. Waste is the unwanted end product of goods
designed by manufacturers upstream and distributed by middlemen to consumers downstream.
All these participants in the waste chain must share responsibility in waste policy and practice.
While still it is important to emphasise reuse and recycling, the policy must go upstream to
urge producers stewardship towards the re-design of their products with a view to reducing
quantity, weight, volume, toxicity and increase it recyclability or take responsibility for
products and their packages at the end of use.

Innovation or product change is a risk because consumers behaviour in accepting such new
products may not be ascertained. Therefore consumers downstream must be made/encouraged
to accept and consume these new products. Different policy instruments based on economic
regulations, directives, taxes, unit charges, mandates, incentives, standards, covenants and
voluntary agreements have been designed to push these policies ahead. An OECD (2004)
report suggests that more emphasis should be laid on economics of waste to limit waste
generation (OECD 2004). Directives descend from the OECD and the EU through to direct
policies in individual member states and municipalities.

The Polluter Pays principle is applied in this region and the costs of waste that must be
covered are in two major categories, private and external. Private costs, also called internal
costs, go to pay for waste equipment, wages and the opportunity costs of land needed for
collection, recycling and disposal, while the externalities cost is a tax for various
environmental damages such as noise, odours, leachate, dust, gases and litter caused by the
waste produced. Both costs constitute what is termed the social costs of waste management
(Davies and Doble 2004). Porter (2004) stresses that there is no easy formula for deciding
what mix of taxes and subsidies is appropriate for waste handling(Porter 2004, p. 151).
However, policies are directed towards changing producers, distributors and consumer
behaviour using some of these incentives and/or taxes or deposits. The key approaches are
fiscal, voluntary, covenants and enforced shared responsibilities and product stewardship.
Different countries use different policy and strategy names to achieve these same goals, for
example, the German Law on Prevention and Disposal of Waste (1989) followed by the
Close Loop Economy Law 1994; the US Pollution Prevention Act in 1990; Japans Container,
Packaging and Recycling Law; Denmarks Government Action Plan on Waste and Recycling
1993 and Australias National Packaging Covenant 1999 (Sakai et al. 1996; GOSA 2001).
Specific targeted policies follow. (ii) Manufacturer and Distributor-targeted Policies: One common tool directed
towards influencing manufacturers is the advanced deposit fee (ADF) or advanced deposit
system (ADS). According to Porter (2004), this is a tax levied on manufacturers or distributors
for the package and/or product at the time it is put to the market representing costs of
collection, recycling and disposal externalities (Porter 2004). The ADFs vary from one

country to another. They are higher in Germany than in France and in both cases vary with the
type of recyclable in question, e.g. glass, steel, aluminium, paper and carton, and plastic. As
policy continues to shift up-stream, the Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) policy
instrument is increasingly applied, with success, to influence manufacturers to re-design or
change products with a view of reducing packaging, volume, toxicity and increased
recyclability. EPR is

...a voluntary measure, which places the onus upon the manufacturer to reduce the
environmental impact of their product at each stage of the products life cycle-that is from the
time the raw materials are extracted, produced and distributed through the end use and final
disposal phases (The IBRD and The World Bank 1999, p. 14).

When industries apply this principle to their end products, the responsibility over the life of
their products, such as recycling, is made less expensive. In practice, industries find it hard to
follow up the life cycle of their products once the products leave the industry. Producers
Responsibility Organisations (PR0s) intervene at this level to organise activities leading to the
industries products stewardship or responsibility. They organise collection and recycling of
such end products on behalf of the manufacturers as required by the law or voluntary
agreements. PROs charge the manufacturers for the service and in principle such charges are a
function of the characteristics of the industrys end products (Glauchant 2004).

A mandate is a direct policy used to reduce waste and encourage recycling. The EU directives
through mandate, banned or set reduced quotas for certain wastes from landfills such as
biodegradable materials, automobile tyres, batteries, motor oils between 1995-2016 (GOSA
1999; Fullerton and Raub 2004). In the same vein, some countries impose a tax on
manufacturers for the use of virgin materials and/or a minimum recycled content standards
policy that stipulates a proportion of recycled materials to be included in the manufacturing of
certain goods (GOSA 1999; Fullerton and Raub 2004).

Businesses and industries also divert waste from disposal to a beneficial use by swapping
waste as raw materials in a programme called Waste Exchange. According to the IBRD and
The World Bank (1999) more than 50 such programmes are in North America: New York,

Chicago, and Toronto. They operate through published waste lists over the Internet. The same
source notes that the Canadian Waste Material Exchange has a 20 % chance of waste
becoming diverted for useful purposes (The IBRD and The World Bank 1999).

Environmental labelling is also becoming an important policy tool. To raise environmental

awareness and momentum throughout the OECD, businesses are required to label their
products so as to inform consumers of the more friendly nature of such products to the
environment. This helps achieve the following goals: improves sales or image of the labelled
goods, raise consumers environmental awareness, provides accurate, complete information
regarding product ingredients and makes manufacturers more accountable for the
environmental impacts of their products (e.g. Germany, Canada, Japan, Norway, Finland,
Austria, Portugal, and France) (The IBRD and The World Bank 1999). (iii) Consumer-targeted Policies: End consumers such as households and institutions
are also targeted in policy instruments that attempt to enforce the waste hierarchy principles of
waste minimisation. The marginal trash collection (MTC) charge is a levy on households for
the collection and disposal of packages or remnants of their products. Consumers could also
have been made to deposit a charge on the goods containers at the time of purchase. Such a
deposit is refunded when the end-user returns the used product, for example, beverage
packaging, pet bottles and cans to appropriate centres. The system is called, the deposit refund
system (DRS), and it is well developed in the US, Germany, Denmark the Netherlands and
Australia (De Tilly 2004). In some situations recycling and collection charge (or refund) is
levied on households that set aside materials for recycling.

A stringent policy instrument that is being introduced to reduce waste generation is the unit
based-pricing system (UBS). This is a system whereby the costs for waste collection are
charged per weight or volume at the kerbside or at the disposal-tipping site. According to
Fullerton and Raub (2004) only 6 000 municipalities in the US, 4% of Danish and a limited
number in Korea are experimenting with the USB method. Early results indicate that the USB
promotes dumping, suggesting that the flat rates remain a better strategy for household waste
charge (Fullerton and Raub 2004).

55 Environmental Impacts of MSW in the Developed World
Environmental impacts of waste in the OECD member countries have diminished, but not
disappeared, over the last ten years. This improvement is due to the institution and
enforcement of extensive regulations especially on landfill and incinerator standards, which
have witnessed the development of highly efficient technologies such as incinerators that
reduce significantly the emissions of gas particulates, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon
monoxide, metal, acid gases and dioxin emissions (UNEP 2000c). However, the long-term
contamination of surface and ground water, and the soil arising from former poorly managed
landfills remains a big problem. The current waste disposal facilities are also insufficient
because net waste generation continues to increase, as waste reduction efforts are offset by
such increases; and some operators prefer closure to meeting up with the stringent waste
facility standard. NIMBYism results in waste export to facilities in neighbouring states or
countries, thus pushing such facilities further and further away from the sites of generation and
thereby increasing transport costs as exemplified by the case of New York (UNEP 2000c;
Themelis 2002). The waste management challenges demonstrated by many writers such as
Hansen (2002), suggest that the search for lasting MSWM solutions is an on-going process
even in the developed societies.

3.3 An Overview of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Developing World

3.3.1 Introduction

The developing world constitutes nations that have not achieved a significant level of
industrialisation and also have a low standard of living. It includes most of Africa, Asia
(excluding Japan). Latin America and the Caribbean and Oceania (excluding Australia and
New Zealand). The regions per capita waste generation is about half that of the developed
world but very different in character. Municipal solid waste management remains a crucial
problem, as the cities are simply overwhelmed with it. A survey of waste shows that it is
increasing in both quantities and variety, yet collection ranges between 20-80%. Waste
management takes 20-50% of operational budgets, even though more than 50% of the city

dwellers do not have access to the MSW facilities (UNEP-IETC 1996). The municipalities
have experimented with many strategies and technologies, both local and imported-
conventional, to collect, transport, treat and dispose of MSW, a majority of which have failed.
A panacea lay in using non-conventional methods such as human and animal muscles
including locally adapted technology.

3.3.2 MSW Characterisation and Service Delivery MSW Generation

Municipal solid waste generation rates vary among the regions and cities of the developing
world. The rates are available only for some cities. Africas mid-range generation rate is from
0.50 to 0.87 kg per capita per day and everywhere generation exceeds collection (Kironde and
Yhdego 1997; Agunwamba et al. 1998; UNEP 2000a; ENCAPAFRICA 2004). Asian cities
experience both extremely low and high rates of MSW generation, dictated by the level of
industrialisation and consumption patterns. According to the IBRD and The World Bank
(1999), Asian cities generate 760 000 tonnes of MSW a day estimated to reach 1.8 million
tonnes in 2025, with a per capita per day generation rates varying from an average of 0.64 kg
among low-income groups through 0.75 kg in middle-income to 1.1 kg in the high (the IBRD
and The World Bank 1999). Extreme rates include India 0.1-0.6 kg and Hong Kong 5.0 kg
(Beukering et al. 1999). In Latin America and the Caribbean, per capita per day generation
rate ranges between 0.3-1 kg (UNEP 2000d). Composition, Density and Humidity

All over the region the biodegradable fraction constitute a very high rate in the municipal solid
waste stream. In Africa it is estimated at 70-90% (Yhdego 1995; Fehr 2000; Tanawa et al.
2002; ENCAPAFRICA 2004), and, in Asia and South America 30-75% (Medina 1998;
Beukering et al. 1999). In a descending order, the general composition rates are ranged as
follows: organic, ash (mostly Asia) paper, plastics, glass, metal, textile leather, bones, and
feathers. The organic fraction declines in favour of the other types as incomes and western
lifestyle increase. Solid waste densities range from 250-500 kg/m3 and relative humidity of
about 50-60% (Beukering et al. 1999; Tanawa et al. 2002).

57 Collection and Transportation
Collection is a key link in the MWM system. Generation exceeds collection and is well above
the ability of the municipal governments to handle. Collection is usually undertaken by the
municipality or contracted out to private companies. In either situation waste collection
coverage is inadequate as it ranges from 20-80% with a mid range of 40-50% (UNEP-IETC
1996; Thuy 1998). Collection accounts for a very high fraction of the total waste management
budgets with Asia having as much as 80% (The IBRC and the World Bank 1999; Ngoma
2000). With the inability of the official waste delivery teams to serve the whole city
efficiently, waste generators further arrange with informal and informal private groups to
collect their waste for a negotiated fee. For most of the areas house-to-house collection is rare.
The official waste collectors are responsible for collecting waste disposed of in public
moveable containers placed at strategic spots of the city.

Various types of transportation equipment are applied to carry waste. These range from locally
adapted equipment such as human or animal drawn carts (wheel barrows, tricycles, push carts)
to conventional open-back trucks, side and rear compactors and trailers. These conventional
trucks are often acquired from foreign friendly cities, governments and international non-
governmental organisations (NGOs). In West Africa vehicular transportation of waste
accounts for 70% (UNEP-IETC 1996). This equipment is often poorly adapted to the high-
density bio-waste, the terrain, the moist climate, narrow and unpaved streets with mechanical
breakdowns being commonplace (Casanova 1999; Medina 2000). Disposal
Modern technologies applied in waste disposal in the developed world can be spotted out in
cities of developing countries alongside the most backward ones, for example, from state-of-
the-art sanitary landfills of Jubaid in Saudi Arabia, Belo Horizonte, Mexico City, Buenos
Aires to illegal ocean, river-banks, open-air dumping; burning and burying of waste that is
common to most cities in the region (UNEP-IETC 1996; Thomas-Hope 1998;
ENCAPAFRICA 2004). However, the most common and convenient method of waste
disposal remains landfilling. In a recent study of 50 landfills across Africa, Asia and Latin
America, Johannessen and Boyer (1999) concluded that the open dumps approach remains the

predominant waste disposal method in the region. The authors also identified three major
cross-regional findings in waste disposal as follows:

the extensive use of daily soil on newly deposited or compacted waste, little management of landfill
gas, and problematic and often no serious leachate management measures (Johannessen and Boyer 1999,
p. 1).

The report noted that some of the countries were upgrading their landfills to the sanitary types,
usually identified by the daily application of soil cover and compaction over waste deposited
including leachate and landfill gas management. The improvement in this sector has been due
to the assistance from the World Bank, even though Africa has the least share of such aid
compared to other regions of the developing world. Inadequate waste disposal practices pose
significant threats to the environmental as well as human health (El-Fadel et al. 1997).

3.3.3 MSW Minimisation Strategies Introduction
Waste recovery by individuals and groups is a longstanding tradition in cities of the
developing world. It is motivated by personal economic and cultural reasons and takes place
throughout the waste management chain. It is difficult to estimate, in concrete terms, the
amount of waste recovery that occurs, especially as it varies among regions and cities. In the
past, municipal authorities encountered many difficulties handling these recovery activities
that were dominated by informal groups, operating parallel to the mainstream conventional
waste management system. However, since the 1990s the incorporation of professional
scavengers and other community-based groups (CBGs) involved in municipal solid waste
management has increased. This move has been seen as a panacea to the new strategy of waste
management based on searching for non-conventional approaches to waste minimisation in the
developing world. Furedy (1992) strongly advocates moving waste management away from
the conventional engineering system that emphasises

..collection, transporting and disposal and privatisation as solutions to environmental problems of

uncollected and unsafely dumped waste, towards non-conventional approaches that must have some
general social and ecological goals and potential to change the simple collect-transport-dispose
organization of waste servicelinking resource recognition to social betterment and attitude change at
the local level ( p. 43).

Furedy was thinking of structures that organise and incorporate the rich waste economy
(itinerant waste buyers, waste pickers, small waste shops, second-hand markets, dealers,
transporters and a range of recycling industries) in Asian and other cities of the developing
countries for waste collection, reduction, separation for compostables and recyclables. She
also envisaged the incorporation of projects that would improve scavengers social status,
economic situation and health standards.

Many levels of source recovery exist in cities of the developing world. It takes place when
households, institutions and businesses that generate waste do separation of material at source
and itinerant buyers, in turn, purchase these source-separated recyclables. The collection crew
sort recyclables while on their collection routes, meanwhile informal collectors retrieve
recyclables prior to the disposal of refuse they pick up. Scavengers also retrieve materials
from communal storage sites, street or public places, vacant lots or illegal dumps where
garbage is dumped, composting plants, municipal open dumps and landfills, canals and rivers
that cross urban areas (Medina 2000; Zerbock 2003). Composting
Owing to the large biodegradable organic fraction in the MSW stream in cities of the
developing world (, composting has been understandably promoted as a desirable
method for converting such waste into a reusable product such as compost (Mbuligwe et
al.2002). But most of the large mechanical plants introduced in Africa, Asia, Latin America
and the Caribbean in the 1970s and 1980s failed, and those that survived operate below
optimum capacity (UNEP-IETC 1996; Furedy 2002). Examples of failed mechanical
composting plants were in Bangkok Hanoi, Shanghai, Tokyo and Delhi. Reasons for the
failure included high operational costs, under utilisation, maintenance costs, high cost of the
manure, high labour costs, contamination by plastics, glass, metal and toxic substances. These
failures suggested poor feasibility studies (Nkotto et al. 1995; Hoornweg et al. 1999).

In Kathmandu the windrow composting was installed but it soon broke down. Bangalore is
experimenting with windrow composting. Since the 1990s small neighbourhood-based aerobic

composting and vermiculture (worm composting) have been experimented with assistance
from international organizations (UNEP-IETC 1996). In all, the experience suggests that
composting is very limited and still fraught with many problems. Furedy (2002) concludes that
Compost-making promoted as a waste reduction strategy, has little impact on the quantity of
organic waste at dumpsites in developing countries (Furedy 2002, p. 1). Incineration
Incineration, as with large-scale composting, has been introduced in many cities of the
developing world, for example, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Africa, Lagos and
Manila. The costs have been prohibitive. In addition, it is not practicable because the organic
waste fraction is too high. Medina (1998) reveals that in Lagos three incinerators with Western
European grants (US $30 million) in 1979 were never used, two were dismantled and one
turned into a civic centre. Medical waste is usually incinerated in small-scale incinerators.
However, incineration of municipal solid waste is common with the more industrialised and
high-density parts of Asia such as Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore that
incinerates 90% of it waste (UNEP 2000b). Solid Waste Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean

According to recent studies in Latin America by Arroyo (1999 cited in Hardoy et al. 2001),
there exist many micro-enterprises or small enterprises and cooperatives of scavengers
involved in waste recovery activities. He identified and studied 89 of them in seven countries.
They use well-adapted local vehicles for waste collection and transportation (Appendix 9).
Arroyo (1999) also reveals that the scavenger activities extend to recovery of recyclables
(paper and cardboard, glass, metal, plastics), street sweeping, cleansing of canals and storm
water drains, and maintenance of parks, and other public places including the management of
deposit sites. This was feasible because there are formal large-scale recycling programmes in
major cities in the areas and cooperatives of scavengers and small-scale waste enterprises are
also well developed. The informal sector (scavengers) is very active in Latin America and
Asia. For example, in Bogot 12 000 families with an estimated population of 30-40 000, and
15 000 families in Mexico are involved in waste recovery (Medina 2000). But until the 1990s
the informal and the formal sectors existed parallel to one another with the informal often

facing harassment from city authorities including kidnap, round ups and killings (Medina

Despite the brutal treatment given scavengers they tend to persist because their activities are
economically motivated. International NGOs, religious groups and local SW authorities have
developed waste scavenger cooperatives with environmental underpinnings, such as with the
cases of Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre, Brazil and Mexico City. In Mexico City 3 200
tonnes of waste are recycled per year in a plant with proceeds going to the separators of the
waste. Cooperatives provide training, financial and health support to their members leading to
an increase in their financial and social standing. They are able to acquire bank loans. The Importance of Scavenger Cooperatives in Latin America: Some National

Medina (2000) analysed the individual scavenger cooperatives in some countries of Latin
America: Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. He demonstrated that Colombia has the most
dynamic scavenger cooperative movements in the world. He notes that one of them called
Fundacion Social was created in 1986. It soon launched a national recycling program, which
today has 100 scavenger cooperatives spread all over the country. Bogot has seven of them.
The foundation awards grants, makes loans for specific projects, provides members with legal,
administrative and business assistance. It also aims at educating Colombians on social,
economic and environmental benefits of recycling and improving working conditions of
scavengers. Colombias scavengers are said to recover 5000 tonnes of recyclables every year
(Ibid). This is why Pacheco (1992), writing on scavengers and recycling in Bogot, argued
that those who make a living out of the collection and recycling of waste should be viewed
positively and assisted with equipment to use.

Another important scavenger cooperative is based in Medellin. Created in 1983, it now

operates with 1000 scavengers, 60% of them women. It does not only recover 5000 tonnes of
recyclables a month but also has a contract with Guaine city to collect, transport, and dispose
of waste. In the transaction they earned US $30000 while the city gains a cost reduction of US
$5000 (Ibid). Therefore, both the city and the scavenger cooperative gain from the operation.

In Brazil, Medina (2000) observed that many scavenger cooperatives have also been formed in
Rio de Janeiro, Horizonte, Recife, Niterioi and Salvador. In Rio alone there are 17
cooperatives with 2500 members. In Porto Algre, scavengers are incorporated into the citys
kerbside recycling program, reducing overall costs, and serving 75% of the citys 1.5 million
people. Educational kits, monthly newsletters, data banks, hot lines and scrap brokers exist for
scavengers. These facilities were created by CEMPRE8 and supported by NGOs, big
companies such as Coca Cola, Mercedes Benz, Nestle, and Pepsi Cola. Medina argues that the
cooperatives are doing a good job as illustrated by the Coopamare cooperative in Rio, where
each member earns an equivalent of US $300 a month compared to the average of US $150
earned by half the nations labour force (The IBRD and The World Bank 1999; Medina 2000).

Mexico is no different. Medina (2000), further examines the special case of a scavenger
cooperative operating in Juarez on the US-Mexico border called Sociedal de seleccionadores
de materiales (SOCOSEMA). This success case illustrates how the elimination of middlemen
can help improve the scavengers earnings. The cooperative recovers 150 tonnes of paper,
cardboard, glass, rubber, plastic, animal bones, organic materials and metal a day. It was
created in 1975 and gradually fought and drove out the middlemen who not only paid lowered
prices for their recyclables but at some moment decided they could only buy paper. Since then
the waste workers earnings have increased tenfold. They are now said to enjoy higher
incomes, participate in training courses, have formal education programs, access to health care
and legal protection. They have equally developed good relations with the industries.
Meanwhile, over the last decade, scavenger cooperatives have grown in numbers in the other
Latin American countries for example: Venezuela, Peru Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Waste Recovery in Asia

Asia shares many management attributes of Latin America and the Caribbean. But this is one
region in the developing world that faces a greater need to break the strong link between waste
generation and affluence. For example, the per capita solid waste generation rate ranges from
an average of 0.33 kg per day in India to 5.0 kg in Hong Kong, and it is not matched with
management, especially recovery (Beukering et al. 1999; WASTE-UWEP 2003). This is why

Brazilian Business Commitment for Recycling

Furedy (1992), who has long studied the waste economy in Asian cities, advocates the non-
conventional methods of waste management in Asia and the developing world (2.2.51).

There are sub-regional, national and city variations in Asia. International NGOs and
missionary bodies have organised some of Asias scavengers exemplified by Karachi (55
000), Calcutta (40 000) Manila (32 000) and Chennai (Beukering et al. 1999; Medina 2000;
Hardoy et al. 2001). Medina (2000) notes that Indias waste pickers recover 7-15% of solid
waste. The Waste Wise project was launched in Bangalore, India in 1900, with the aim of
exploring non-conventional methods of managing solid waste in the city (Furedy 1992). In the
Philippines the Cash in trash Metro Manila and Womens Balikatan Movement in Manila,
used 1500 trained scavengers called Eco aide organised into 17 cooperatives with 897
middle people available to purchase and collect 4000 tonnes of recyclables per month sourced
from households and schools of the whole Metro Manila city (Gaite and Eggerth 2000;
Medina 2000). Still in Manila, the Vincentian Missionaries organised the 10 000 scavenger
families of Papayas in Quezou city, who have lived off the dumpsites at Smoky Mountain,
into micro enterprises (UNEP-IETC 1996; Vincentian Missionaries Social Development
Foundation Inc. (VMSDFI) 1998). The waste enterprises organised waste collection, recycling
and sales and expanded their activities to improvement of housing, health and social welfare
(VMSDFI 1998).

Exnora International NGO in Chennai aimed to organise local people into voluntary self-help
groups called Civic Exona for managing local civic amenities and sanitation. They encouraged
the creation of local neighbourhood associations that made collections and transfers of
household solid waste to public skips and transfer stations. Collectors were trained to use
tricycles carts to collect waste. Each household pays a fee of US$ 0.30 a year to support the
community-based organisation (Medina 2000; Anaud 1999). By 1996, 1500 Civic Exonas
provided services for 45 000 people (Anaud 1999). In the Indian City of Prune approximately
6000 rag pickers formed a cooperative, which in 1995 recycled 25% of the citys 1 million
residents (Medina 2000). Throughout the South East Asia area, food waste is sold from
households and restaurants to poultry and pig farmers. In China pigs are released on garbage
dumps (UNEP-IECT 1996).

64 Waste Minimisation in Africa
Many sources recognise the Zabbeleen in Cairo, Egypt as the worlds oldest and best-known
scavenger organisation (Furedy 1992; UNEP-IETC 1996; Korfmacher 1997; Hardoy et al.
2001). According to Medina (2000) there are 30 000 Zabbeleen refuse collectors many of
whom use donkey drawn carts to collect and recycle waste. He notes that a pair of Zabbeleens
serves 350 households in a day from which they sort and recycle into animal feed, manure,
scrap metal, paper and plastics for middle people who then sell to crafts people or industries
(Medina 2000). Limited numbers of scavengers exist in many African cities but the
organisation and number is insignificant compared to the experience in Asia and America
(Kironde and Yhdego 1997; Korfmacher 1997; Adeyemi et al. 2001). In many African cities
waste is also diverted to feed animals.

3.3.4 General Management Issues

General management issues such as the mode, financing and problems of conventional
strategies are examined here. Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) everywhere in the
region is the responsibility of the local municipal governments who are simply overwhelmed
with the problem. Many studies lament the failure of public servicing including MSWM and
suggest private contractors, who are believed to be politically independent, economically
rational, efficient, dynamic and innovative, as a way of circumventing this problem (Habitat
1998; Obirih-Opereh and Post 2002). Such privatisation attributes the governments main role
to control and is believed to save costs, reduce political interference and red tape. However,
increasing experience suggests that the whole process is not a relieve for local councils who
have to upgrade their staff capacities to be able to effectively plan, control, monitor and
supervise contracts, meanwhile private concerns have been noticed to cut corners while
executing contracts (UNEP-IETC 1996; Clark 1998; UNCHS 1998; Obirih-Opereh and Post
2002). I think either or a combined approach requires serious work from both the municipal
authorities and the contractors concerned.

There is tendency for local municipal governments to manage waste in smaller cities while in
the large cities it is privatised. For example, in Latin America and the Caribbean region the
local government in bigger cities remain supervisors, organising concession contracts with the

private sector or managing directly. In some cases such as Sao Paulo supervision is further
contracted out leaving the local authorities with overall supervision only (UNEP-IETC 1996).

Financing MSWM operations, including investment, are in most cases covered by the general
assembly revenues of the central government grants or donor funding. User fees for the direct
use of waste facilities would be a wrong strategy, as this would increase illegal dumping.
Waste services are charged along with other urban services and collection by the central
government through the taxing system. In contrast to the polluter-pays principle in the
developed countries, WASTE developed the all beneficiaries pay principle incorporated with
the ability to pay as useful to cities of developing countries, given that cost-base tariffs are
not affordable to low-income populations (van de Klundert and Anschutz 1999).

Collection and transportation remain a key activity of MSWM in the developing countries and
there is increasing use of conventional approaches, one being the compactors trucks.
Compactors are not suited for the organic dense waste, narrow, unpaved and hilly paths. Other
problems associated with compactors include the lack of spare parts and the expertise of local
repairers. These problems cause waste trucks to lie idle as a result of breakdowns and by so
doing increase accumulations of uncollected waste. According to Medina (1998), out of 300
compactors donated to Manila in 1990 by Japan, only 120 were in good working conditions by
1992 (Medina 1998). In the same vein, ENCAPAFRICA (2004) reports that in West Africa,
70% of the waste trucks were always out of use at any one time in 1999 and that in Harare
only 7 out of 90 such trucks were in good order and as a consequence daily waste collection in
the city was paralysed. The same author concludes that poor management, financial fiscal
irresponsibility, malfeasance, equipment failure and inadequate waste management budgets
are at the root of waste problems in the regions (ENCAPAFRICA 2004).

3.3.5 Discussion and Conclusions to MSWM in the Developing World

There is hardly any approach used in the developed countries that has not been experimented
with in the developing world. Thus, the developing world demonstrates a mix of conventional
and non-conventional approaches with the latter (non-conventional), having a stronger hold
especially as the former (conventional approach) has failed in almost all attempts. A new

focus has seen the incorporation of scavenger cooperatives and other local initiative groups,
which were informally involved in collection, recycling and transportation, into the
mainstream management system. An organisational style and technologies adapted to the
realities of the environment have been adopted. Policies and strategies in this region focus
more on collection, transportation and disposal with collection and transportation accounting
for more than 70% of the waste management operations. Recycling at artisanal and domestic
levels has always been there. It is insignificant and not a priority, putting the application of the
waste management hierarchy in these areas under scrutiny.

Central to sustainable MSWM in the developing countries is the involvement of large dynamic
scavenger cooperatives and other local initiative groups. The numbers and achievement of
such groups in waste management, social and economic enhancement, especially in Asia and
Latin America and the Caribbean, demonstrate this. African countries are still grappling with
the concept of integrated and sustainable MSWM, let alone its practice. It was at the October
Cairo, 1996 UMP-SDC-CWG organised workshop that participants from Africa and other
parts of the developing world met and made the Cairo Declaration on the principles for Micro
and Small Enterprises Involvement in MSWM Service Delivery meant to endorse the need for
expanding the participation of Micro and Small Enterprises in MSWM (SKAT 1996). And it
was only during the first Regional Waste Management Workshop held on February 2003 in
Nairobi that 15 mayors of the East African region made other declarations. They pledged
firstly, to achieve sustainable municipal solid waste management in the region by following a
new paradigm shift based on sound policy framework, appropriate intervention, more
stakeholder involvement and free flow of information; and secondly, to place more emphasis
on the need to collect, sort, and reuse refuse to fight poverty as well as protect the environment
(Wastenet 2003). In the same vein, PDM, operating in Cotonou for West and Central Africa,
and Zimbabwe, for Southern Africa, through its structures such as the African Wastenet,
creates forums for permanent brainstorming on waste-related issues such as sustainability
(Adegnika 2002).

The only organised formal waste group in Africa are the Zabbeleen scavengers in Cairo,
Egypt. Elsewhere in the African region small numbers of scavenging and other groups exist
but they are not organised or integrated. In Cameroon scavenging is not only insignificant but

also picking things from waste facilities is taboo. Hence the problem of sustainable MSWM in
Cameroon has to be viewed with these special conditions in mind.

3.4 Review of Municipal Solid Waste Management Literature on Cameroon

3.4.1 Introduction

Research on urban development and environmental management in Cameroon is rare, let

alone municipal solid waste management. Urban waste management is understudied especially
in small cities and towns. Mostly urban waste projects that attract sponsorship or contract
awards usually enjoy sponsored research. Waste management, especially in small cities and
towns, would hardly attract private contractors and sponsored research. The municipalities do
not understand they can do research to understand the situation of their waste. Most of these
cities, such as Bamenda, are also working in the dark. There are no current and reliable data
on the characteristics of the waste they are managing or intend to manage or are supposed to
manage because detailed research has not been conducted to determine such data. Coherent
studies that measure MSWMs sustainability with the view of illuminating the merits and
weakness of such a system, and by extension inform waste generators, management and
policy, have not been accomplished. As such, waste research in small urban settlements is
either absent, exists but is elementary or is limited in scope and thin in depth. In almost all
cases they are end of course papers by a very limited number of undergraduates and graduates
who produce such works under many constraints that are reflected in the results. Many
publications are overviews of the whole MSWM. Topical studies on specific aspects are
understandably not much studied except composting which emerged in the early 1990s and
soon disappeared with its failure almost everywhere. I have reviewed the literature of some
major sources chronologically and reserved more reviews as each topic is studied following
the waste management flow chain in substantive sections.

3.4.2 Review of Related Literature on MSWM in Bamenda

One key problem of solid waste management in Bamenda is that it lacks consistent and
reliable data that can provide measures for conditions and trends for rethinking integrated and
sustainable strategies. The problem of waste management has confronted not only academics
but also administrators in Bamenda. One very early attempt to give a scientific appraisal to
solid waste management in Bamenda was made by Chuba (1978). He made a comprehensive
report on MSWM to the Governor of North West province in which he not only described but
also made the first attempt to calculate waste generation by the Bamenda population estimated
at 42 720 with 9493 households in 1978. He used the city and household levels. For generation
at the city level, he used a formula derived by Llyedyn and Co that:
Total daily waste generation in tonnes = Thousand of Population x 3
= 42 x 3 = 126
4 4
31.5 tonnes per day

He developed another hypothesis that each family generates 3 kg of waste a day and given that
there were 9493 families, total waste generated was 28.479 tonnes per day.
In the third scenario he used average load weight carried by the waste tipper van, which he

estimated, carried 3 tonnes and making an average of four trips a day, totalling 14 tonnes.
But he argued that this accounted only for one-third of the towns waste. So he tripled this rate
to acquire 42 tonnes. He said the figure appeared frightening but argued against himself that
given the huge quantities of illegal dumps it was real. However, he chose the mid way
attributing the towns generation rate 30-42 tonnes a day (Chuba 1978). This administrator s
descriptive report was based on careful observation and ingenious calculations. But I notice
that by applying the international formulae from Llyedyn and Co. Chuba ignored local
realities. There can be no universal formulae for determining waste generation quantities,
which is why results from such imported formulae would most likely not be reliable. Applying
that formulae to Bamenda today would give a daily total generation rate of 225 tonnes or 0.9
kg per capita. The estimates of 3 kg per family per day waste generation and one-third waste
removed remain speculations needing verification.

Nsoh (1994) studied solid waste evacuation in Bamenda with a focus on causes and
consequences of inadequate evacuation and treatment of MSW in the city. In a four-week field
study she collected samples from two quarters, Old Town and Station, using questionnaires.
This author also weighed solid waste found at different sources during the course of
administrating the questionnaires and also spread some of the waste out on the ground to
analyse it for composition. She derived a per capita day generation rate of 1.2 kg and a total
daily generation rate of 129.15 tonnes from the city population of 107628. These were key
aims and objectives of the research but the methodologies and analysis performed raised many
doubts about the results obtained. This was one of the earliest attempts to research some
important causes of inadequate MSW management in Bamenda such as population growth, the
lack of public skips and insufficient equipment and personnel. She also identified and mapped
dumpsites from where the council collected waste, including illegal dumps found all over the

't Hart and Langeveld (1995) from a one-day workshop on the environmental situation in
Bamenda, Cameroon evaluated the range of environmental problems as seen by the Bamenda
population and verified the necessity for an environmental strategic plan for Bamenda. The
workshop identified the following as the environmental problems facing the city: waste
(municipal solid and liquid), drainage, housing and urban planning, roads and traffic, erosion,
agriculture, pollution, environmental awareness of the people and population pressure. It was a
general brainstorming seminar in which participants raised the problems outlined above
survey and waste management was indicated as most pressing.

Anschutz et al. (1995) from a five-month interdisciplinary field survey, studied solid waste
management through testing the suitability of the ecopolis concept used for developed
countries in Bamenda. They aimed to gain an insight into MSWM in Bamenda by exploring
and describing it, including its environmental effects through the application of the ecopolis
concept. Ecopolis central strategies are: responsible city (hierarchy of actors and
responsibilities), living city (environmental and health concerns) and participating city
(involvement in the problem). This study made important contributions to MSWM in
Bamenda and such findings are well acknowledged in subsequent places in this thesis (6.4,
6.5). Three hundred and forty litres of waste were collected from two dumpsites, sorted and

analysed for characteristics as follows: metals/tins 1.5, 2.7%; glass 1.8, 0.7%; organic 86.6,
83.3%; paper/cardboard 2, 3.6% and plastics/rubber/textile 8.2, 16.9%. The density was 350
kg/m3. Based on the waste van capacity, they estimated a monthly waste collection by the
council at 120 tonnes or 4 tonnes a day.

However, these measures did not address the critical problem of basic waste data, such as,
quantities and generation rates, as aimed for in one part of this thesis. The council collected
waste from destined ground dumpsites but that did not constitute the citys total waste, as
illegal dumps have always existed. From these measurements neither the sources, quantities
nor the rates of waste generated can be determined. They observed, conducted interviews and
administered questionnaires to study waste collection and disposal including environmental
problems. They also tested samples of soils (for suitability of dumpsites) and water (for waste
contamination). The dynamic of MSWM in Bamenda has changed because it is a decade since
these studies were conducted. This has rendered the data, many conclusions and practices
observed, obsolete. For example, the system has since changed with the introduction of waste
compactor trucks and 1000 L public skips. Waste is no longer collected by scooping from
ground dumpsites, as noted by the report, but through organised circuit collection from skips
using automatic rear-loading compactors. A few NGOs are also beginning to emerge in
MSWM. The population and economic activities have changed drastically.

3.4.3. Review of Related Literature on MSWM in Yaounde Early Research in Yaounde
More research has been realised on municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in Yaounde
than in Bamenda. These studies have been advanced thanks to the student and teachers of the
department of urban development of the National Advanced School of Engineering, (ENSP) in
the University of Yaounde I, including donors who have been prepared to sponsor such major
projects. There is a variety of publications directed for different purposes and they exist as
reports, journal articles, conference papers, parts of a book and students end of course essays,
memoirs and a thesis. The key sources are reviewed here (others within related topics in the
relevant chapters), with the purpose of demonstrating how the present research foci differ from

such previous works as well as the complementary role the previous researches play in
realising this project.

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the emergence of the first researches on MSWM in
Yaounde. They were students end of course papers and include Kengangs (1987) solid and
liquid waste in Yaounde; Kalsingbes (1988) methods of solid waste collection in Yaounde
and Mbalmayo; Tanawas (1988) municipal waste treatment and poor hygiene in Yaounde;
and Ngnikams (1992) two propositions for municipal waste management in Yaounde (Nsoh
1994; Ngnikam et al. 1997).These publications made useful contributions to specific aspects
of MSWM studied. This was during the first phase of HYSACAMs contract to manage solid
waste in the city, which soon ended (8.2.4) and waste management dynamics also changed
rendering most of these findings obsolete.

The 1990s was characterised by economic crises that precipitated the exit of the official waste
contractors-HYSACAM and the entrance of NGOs and private formal and informal groups
into the MSW management. International bodies and national corporations became more
interested and sponsored waste management including research ( The focus of
activities was composting of municipal household waste as a means of reducing quantities of
waste that must be disposed of, so too was the orientation of the research papers presented at
seminars or published in journals at the period. Ngnikam et al. (1993), studied the treatment
by composting of household waste in a spontaneous quarter in Yaounde. Ngnikam et al (1993)
proposed a guide to making an artisan composting plant in Cameroon. Nkotto et al. (1995)
examined the viability of composting municipal household waste as a triple solution to
unemployment, providing a substitute for expensive imported fertilizers and improving urban
sanitation in an era plagued with economic crisis. Wethe (1994) in a seminar paper examined
aspects of community composting in Messa Quarter, Yaounde. Vermande and Ngnikam
(1994), at the request of the National Hydrocarbon Company (SNH), made a pre-feasibility
study for engaging a waste management and treatment enterprises in Yaounde. Tanawa and
Wethe (1995) reviewed the contributions of the National Advanced School of Engineering
(ENSP) in municipal waste management in Cameroon. FOCARFE, the NGO that championed
the waste composting venture in Yaounde, had many publications in 1994 and 1995, on waste
composting in the city (FOCARFE 1995). These studies suggest that the approach was topical

and not holistic with a view of developing an integrated sustainable system as aimed by his

Vermande et al (1994) conducted the first detailed study of solid waste management,
requested by Yaounde III and sponsored by FIECOM9. This research generated basic data and
research methodological foundations for MSWM in Yaounde. Thereafter, most researches
have updated parts of the information for use in various purposes. The study examined MSW
management from generation to treatment in the short, medium and long term. It described the
citys background including those factors that drive solid waste management. This report
produced much-needed data and analysis that demonstrated the situation as it was, for the
attention of decision-makers who were facing the crucial problem of waste collection in the
city. The study did not suggest any system such as Ngnikams thesis (2000) did using the
multi-criteria analysis. This study did not also develop the environmental impacts of MSWM
in the city. Moreover, the information in this work has been made obsolete by time and events. Review of Recent Literature on the State of MSWM in Yaounde

HYSACAM signed again a three-year renewable contract to manage the citys solid waste in
August 1998, after its services were interrupted in 1991 as a consequence of the economic
crises (8.2.4). In terms with the contract provisions, three years later an evaluation of
HYSACAMs activities was made with the financial assistance of AGRO-PME and the
French Cooperation Services together with the collaboration of the Yaounde City Council.
The final report by Monkam et al. (2000) analysed the companys performance based on the
contract specifications Cahier des Charges by examining and evaluating the general
cleanliness of the city, waste quantities collected and public sensitisation campaigns. Findings
suggested that MSWM had relatively improved but strongly observed that each one of the
parameters measured fell short of required standard, hence needing drastic improvement. It
signalled that the public skip capacity available could only permit the removal of 25% of the
solid waste generated in the city. The report also gave recommendations for improvement
(Monkam et al. 2000). This report has very valuable data and information, however, it focuses
on HYSACAM activities that constitute only a part of the waste management scenario.

FEICOM=Local Council Bank

Ngnikams (2000) claim that MSW research in Africa focused mainly on management and left
out economic and environmental aspects, led him to study MSW in Yaounde using a decision
support system (DSS)-the Life Cycle Analysis to select the best system of four proposed waste
management systems using multiple (six) environmental criteria. The systems he proposed

1. Conventional collections and landfilling

2. Conventional collections and landfilling with gas recovery
3. Conventional collection, separation for composting and landfilling
3. Conventional collection, gas recovery, composting and landfilling of residues

The environmental criteria were:

1. Depletion of natural resources (consumption of petrol)
2. Greenhouse effects
3. Acidification
4. Eutrophication
5. Toxic and eco-toxic impacts
6. Volume occupied by waste at the landfill

He performed a multicriteria analysis by aggregating and weighted the six environmental

impacts or criteria listed above with each system proposed. From the evaluation, ranking and
section results he retained the second (2) option, conventional collections and landfilling with
gas recovery, as the best sustainable solid waste system for Yaound. The presentation is
simple but the detailed process entailed generating vital data for the systems and subsystems
and the finding could be very useful to the decision makers. Although the multicriteria
analysis is seen as a good method because it facilitates the comparison of MSW options
against a wide range of conflicting factors simultaneously in a quantifiable and auditable way,
the method still has a general problem of defining the level of sustainability of each option
(Gaines and Stodolsky 1997; Aravossis et al. 1998). Moreover, if different stakeholders give
different weightings the results will also be different making it hard to determine which is
actually sustainable (Hokkanen and Salminen 1997; Sarkis 2000). Overriding constraints such
as finance may cause decision-makers not to use the support tool. Increasing literature

demonstrates that waste landfilling with gas extraction has failed in most places in the
developing countries.

Two recent papers deal with specific aspects of MSWM in Yaound. Ngoma (2000) focused
on financing MSWM as concerns HYSACAM, the main waste management company of the
city. He estimated the total annual cost was three Milliard CFA, with exploitation (collection,
street sweeping and transportation) taking 78.59% of the total costs, leaving the remainder of
costs spread over headquarters and local administrations, landfilling (treatment) and
equipment maintenance costs. Djeutcheu (2001) conducted an environmental edict of the
Nkolfoulou landfill Yaounde, ten years after its existence. He noted that an environmental
impact assessment (EIA) was never carried out prior to the establishment of the facility, as
such; only makeshift safety measures have been put in place to mitigate landfill environmental
problems. Ngomas and Djeutcheus papers both respectively made proposals for improving
the situation of financing as well as landfill management.

In a recent contribution to a publication on Enjeux de la Propriet Urbaine, Tanawa et al.

(2002) examined solid waste management in Yaounde as a case from the Central African
region. After making an outline of the citys background including the history of waste crises,
they went ahead to review the whole SWM situation of the city including financing,
institutional arrangements and technical aspects, all of which were identified as problematic.
They conclude that the last three decades of municipal waste management, during which a
plethora of methods were applied, demonstrated that no sustainable solution has been found to
the citys hygiene problems. The solution, they suggested, lies in decentralisation that makes
urban councils strong enough to bring together the diverse stakeholders and define role and
responsibilities (Tanawa et al. 2002).

These papers further demonstrate that the search for a sustainable approach to MSWM in the
city is ongoing because no lasting solution has been found despite many experiments. I hold
this view to be true and that is why this thesis aims to contribute towards such a goal.

3.5 General Conclusion

Countries of the developed world have used the principle of the waste management hierarchy
to develop a sustained MSW system that operates on well-defined strategies and goals. They
apply conventional methods using strict regulations, high technology, heavy capital, research
findings and consumer participation in an environment with developed infrastructure. The
application of conventional approaches in the developing countries has generally met with
failure. The central issue to sustainable MSWM strategy in these countries is the use of the
private sector including local initiative groups, especially the large dynamic scavenger
cooperatives in Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. In Africa, the Zabbeleen of Cairo,
Egypt is the only classic example of organised scavengers. Elsewhere in the region scavenging
exists to a limited extent and is not well organised. Informal waste groups exist but have also
not been incorporated in many countries. In Cameroon, scavenging is not only insignificant
but also picking things from waste facilities is taboo. A few isolated local-initiative groups
have recently timidly emerged in the big cities, alongside the ailing conventional system in
place. In small cities such as Bamenda, waste is understudied and its management remains the
sole business of the urban council. Hence, the problem of sustainable MSWM in Cameroon
has to be viewed against these special concerns.


Research Methodology and Sources

4.1 Introduction

Research methodology is the investigative technique employed to acquire answers to issues

put forward for research. The type of methods used will depend on the scope, type, purpose,
and focus of the research topic together with the specific context in which such research is
undertaken. The researchers beliefs about the world (ontology) and ways of knowing the
world (epistemology) are also linked to the type of method employed (Winchester 2000).

The scope of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) includes issues such as the
institutional framework (strategic planning, legal and regulatory framework, public and private
sector awareness and participation, financial management), waste generation (characteristics,
minimization and separation) and waste handling (collection, storage, transportation, treatment
and disposal) including environmental impacts of such management (Schubeler 1996). Each
level of management has different types of activities that also involve different groups or
individual participants. For example, the basic waste activities at the primary level are
generation, separation and storage, while the participants include the households, institutions,
commercial places and industries. Such scenarios necessitate the application of multiple
methods and techniques of research.

4.2 General Methodological Underpinnings: Research Scope, Type and Context

In this thesis I examine the theories and practices relating to municipal solid waste in
Bamenda and Yaound with a focus on management, policy and the environmental impacts
posed by such management. The study follows that order. As with most cities of developing
countries, secondary data on MSWM are mostly non-existent, outdated, inadequate or

fragmented. This is why new data were generated not only to update existing data but also to
fill some significant gaps. This approach enabled a recast of the old and new data on solid
waste management into a coherent form. Such a synthesis makes possible a comparative study
of the two cities.

Research can be classified by purpose or method (Ofo 1999), or purposes and goals, which
could be exploratory or descriptive (Hart 2001). These differences are most often not very
distinct. In terms of its purpose, the thesis includes basic, applied and illuminative evaluation
types of research. Palm and Brazel (1992 in Pacione 1999), in the following statements, not
only demonstrate the purpose and goals of basic and applied research but also their differences

Applied research in any discipline is best understood in contrast with basic or pure research. In
Geography basic research aims to develop new theory and method that help to explain the processes
through which spatial organisations of physical or human environment evolves. In contrast, applied
research uses existing geographical theories or techniques to understand and solve empirical problems
(Pacione 1999 p. 4).

Not withstanding, I think in the course of applying geographical theories or techniques to

solve real-world problems, new methods and theories can be developed and further tested and
applied. That is why Frazier (1982) argues that there is little merit in perusing the false
dichotomy between pure and applied research. Both, he notes, are two sides of one coin and
none is perceived as superior to the other. Frazier (1982 cited in Pacione 1999) points out that

applied geography uses principle and theories of pure geography but is different in that it analyses and
evaluates real-world actions and planning and seeks to implement and manipulate environmental and
spatial realities (Pacione 1999, p. 5.

Pacione (1999) points out that most applied geographers have a commitment to use
geographical knowledge and skills to resolve the real world social, economic and
environmental problems, a move challenged by Marxists as patching up the present and
hindering the achievement of the greater goal of social revolution that would address final
social change. Secondly, applied research has a greater interest than the pure research in taking
the investigation beyond analysis into the real of application of results and monitoring the
effects of proposed strategies. Hence applied research guides decision-making as well as
developing method and theory. This research is mainly applied because it aims to test and

apply theories as well as evaluating the usefulness of such theories in solving SWM problems.
Another purpose of applied research is to produce recommendations to some problem(s) faced
by people in a situation (Hart 2001), in this case, municipal solid waste management and
environmental problems.

According to Hart (2001) basic research is that which contributes to theory or knowledge by
formulating and testing hypotheses, applying a theory or method to a new area and evaluating
the generalisability of propositions across time and space. Considering the last part of Harts
definition, a part of this research is basic because it aims is to apply the waste management
hierarchy theory to a new area, Cameroon, and to question the generalisability of its principles
across space and time. This principle is very much promoted by international and regional
organisations and greatly applied in the developed parts of the world.

By expansion applied research demonstrates attributes of an illuminative evaluation research

type because it exposes the existing and threatening environmental problems posed by
inadequate MSWM and also makes a key behaviour or attitude in a given context visible for
contemplation. Evaluative research attempts to collect and analyse data that will guide
decision-making (Ofo 1999; Hart 2001). Therefore illuminative evaluation research generally
aims to enlighten policy makers or participants to the dynamics of their behaviours, so that
such behaviours can be understood and attended to in a more appropriate way.

According Ofo (1999) the common classifications of research by method are: descriptive, ex-
post facto, correlative and historical. Descriptive research is concerned with:

conditions that exist; practices that prevail; beliefs, point of view, or attitudes that are developing. At
times, descriptive research is concerned with how and what is or what exists, is related to some
preceding event that has influenced or affected a present condition (Ofo 1999 p 8).

This research examines conditions of MSWM, its practices, peoples views, beliefs and
attitudes towards various aspects of it, so it is descriptive. According to the same author, most
descriptive researchers use survey methods through questionnaires and interviews as with this

Ex-post facto is also known as causal-comparative because it attempts to determine the cause-
and-effect relationships by examining conditions and tracing back the information and
available data for probable causal factors (Ofo 1999). Such is the methodological approach
applied to study and explain some of the existing problems in MSWM, which have their roots
in the past event, and, by extension indulging in the historical method. The historical method
entails evaluating and synthesizing humans past acts and thoughts in order to establish facts.
In causal-comparative methods we may also tend to measure certain relationships,
consequently entering the area of correlative method. From the foregoing illustrations it
becomes clear that methods would always dovetail during a research process. This
phenomenon is strong in this research. The research is mainly applied with a plurality of other
methods dominating at some points rather than a specific method for the entire research. The
key issue was to identify the best ways of collecting, assembling and analysing relevant data
that would address problems of the research, purpose and types.

Answers that satisfy the purpose and research types come from why? What? How?
When? Where? and By how much? questions. Hence they ask for quality, as well as
quantities, because processes and relationships are dealt with over space and time. These
scenarios demonstrate the reasons why I chose to use different research methodological
approaches that would lead to achieving specific goals. However, the main methods for data
collection and analysis applied in this thesis are the qualitative and quantitative.

4.3 The Case for Mixed Methods

The question of whether qualitative and quantitative methods can be used for data collection
and analysis in the same piece of research remains a debate. Some researchers see the two
approaches as different, with the qualitative viewing the world through a wider lens and the
quantitative viewing it from a narrow lens (Brannen 1992a cited in Winchester 2000). Brannen
(1992a) argues further that data generated from different methods cannot simply be
aggregated, as they can only be understood in relation to the purpose for which they were
created. But arguments for studying the same phenomenon by combining quantitative and
qualitative methods, called triangulation, are much stronger. Winchester (2000) affirms it thus:

Classically, qualitative and quantitative methods are seen as providing both individual and the general
perspective on an issue. This triangulation of methods and use of multi methods are sometimes deemed
to offer cross-checking of results by approaching a problem from different angles and using different
techniques (Winchester 2000, p. 14).

Denzin (1970 cited in Balnaves 2001) expanded the principle to include triangulation of data
(with different types of interactions by groups over time and space), investigator (with more
than one person) and theory (with alternative theories) used to examine the same phenomenon.
According to Balnaves (2001), Lazarfeld et al., (1944) were the earliest strong advocates of
the triangulation principle, which they called hybridity. They not only recommended it but
also suggested its application thus:

Any phenomenon should be measured with objective observation as well as with introspective reports;
Case studies should be combined with statistical information;
Data gathering should be combined with information about history of what is being studied;
Data from unobtrusive studies (e.g. observation) should be combined with questionnaires and other self-
reporting data (Balnaves and Caputi 2001).

I applied the triangulation principle to investigate some aspects of solid waste management in
this thesis. Multiple data sources were also consulted. These combined techniques improved
research results through internal and external validation, especially as data sources in
Cameroon are highly inconsistent.

4.4 Selection of City Cases and Sampling Procedures

4.4.1 City Cases: Purposeful

Cameroon has 42 towns and cities spread over the national territory. Apart from Douala, the
economic capital, and Yaound, the administrative and political capital, which respectively
have populations of 1.6 and 1.4 million, the rest have populations below 400 000. The top 13
have populations greater than 100 000 people and are loosely termed cities and placed under
the Ministry of Urban Affairs. According to sampling theory, one would expect that a study
aiming to generalize for the country would include a minimum number of these towns and
cities selected from different hierarchies and geo-political and ecological zones. Given the
limited time and resources this was not possible. I decided to choose two cities.

The historical foundations of the country make it imperative for a case to be selected from
both sectors of the country. Cameroon emerged from the English and French colonial system
only 40 years ago. Today the country is bi-cultural, one part predominantly English-speaking
and the other French-speaking. I wondered if their different cultures had anything to do with
the way waste is perceived and managed or if they are more symbolic than substantial or
significant. My aim was also to choose a big capital city and a relatively smaller provincial
city in different geographic zones with different systems of waste management; one contracted
to a private company, the other council self-managed. I envisaged that such a selection would
represent the typical situation in most cities of Cameroon. I selected Bamenda which has
300 000 people, fourth on the national ranking and headquarters of the grasslands North West
Province. It is the biggest city in the predominantly English-speaking sector and the urban
council directly manages its solid waste.

In the other sector it was a choice between the bi-primate cities of the country: Douala and
Yaound. Solid waste management in both cities is contracted to the same private company-
HYSACAM and the same top administrators co-manage waste in both cities. So a choice of
any of the two did not make a difference. I chose Yaound. Choosing only the big cities of the
same magnitude for a comparison did not appeal to me. Such a comparison of the two biggest
cities could only have gone to reinforce the arguments for bias among academics in favouring
large cities at the expense of small ones (United Nations Population Division 2002). This is
what is already happening in Yaound and Douala in terms of waste research. In Yaound
and Douala cities, substantial sponsored research focused on varied aspects of SWM has
already been accomplished. A two-contrasting city comparison was envisaged to lead to an
understanding of critical institutional and organizational issues, which were common or
contrasting, that would be lost in a single case study. It is also hoped the results would
increase the general applicability of the findings to other cities of the country and beyond, by
drawing out lessons by identifying where the waste management systems have failed or

4.4.2 Sampling Procedure: Random
After purposefully selecting the cities, the samples within them were chosen using the
principle of random sampling. Random sampling is a method of selecting units from a
population in such a way as to enable us to estimate the values of the population and make
valid inferences about it (Folarin 1999, p. 24). The use of the random selection is emphasized
so as to guarantee representativeness of the population sampled, known as external validation
(Balnaves and Caputi 2001). It is probabilistic sampling and gives every member of the
population an equal chance of being selected, hence increasing objectivity and eliminating
bias. This technique was used to select household waste management survey samples for
Yaound and Bamenda. In Bamenda it was also used for selecting sampled households, hotels,
restaurants, hospitals, schools and factories that were investigated for solid waste generation.

In Bamenda, a multi-staged classified cluster random sampling was conducted to select

household units for the solid waste generation experiment and general waste management
survey. Official operational frames and definitions were used. The city quarters were classified
into socio-economic strata as is known in official census frames and town planning records.
These classes are: high-income residential, moderate, low-income residential and peripheral
quarters. All the quarters in each class were ordered alphabetically and numbered serially.
This constituted the frame from which quarter (cluster) samples were randomly selected using
a random number table. The selections that resulted were as follows: the Government
Residential Area (GRA) Up-Station (high-income residential), Ndamukong (moderate), Old
Town (low-income residential) and Nchuobu (peripheral) (Figure 6.1).

To select the household sample frame, all the houses in each selected cluster (quarter) type
were serially numbered on the base map (Bamenda 1: 5 000, 1985). A random selection was
made using a table of random numbers. The number of samples allocated to each class was
proportional to their population in the city. This resulted in the following household sample
allocations: GRA Station 16, Ndamukong 20, Old Town 50 and Nchoubu 18, making a total of
104. The result was then verified in the field as some of the houses had either disappeared,
ceased to serve as private residences or new ones had been built on formerly open spaces,
especially as this map is very old. It was a difficult exercise identifying sites because few
streets have names, and the houses are not numbered. A household is the final sample site or

unit within which one person, an adult, was chosen for the survey. The definition of household
was drawn from the official census. Two types of households are identified: private
households and collective households. A collective household consists of a group of persons
living in camps, institutions or boarding schools and it is considered later. Official sources
define private households thus:

A private household comprises either one person who provides his own essential needs or a group of
related or unrelated persons who join together to provide their essential needs. Such a group therefore
recognises the authority of one person: the head of the household (Ministry of the Plan and Regional
Development {MPRD} 1987, p. 20).

Meanwhile, a quarter is a small sub division of a town headed by a 3rd class chief and has a
recognised name (MPRD 1987, p.13), and a village is a traditional unit headed by a 3rd class
chief. It is made up of one or more localities (MPRD 1987, p. 14).



Quarter (cluster)


Questionnaires and waste collection bags

FIGURE 4.1: General Plan for Multi-Staged Cluster Sampling for Yaound and

Unlike Bamenda, which constitutes only one subdivision, Yaound has six. In Yaound the
same multi-staged cluster random sampling procedure, from city through subdivisions,

quarters, households to individuals, was followed to select samples for the general municipal
solid waste management household survey. The socio-economic strata or classification of the
city is well established including the proportions of such classes in relation to their area sizes
and populations (Vermande et al. 1994; Ngnikam 2001; Pettang 2002). The following quarters
and household unit quotas were randomly selected for sampling in each residential class:
Bastos 33 (high standards), Cit Verte 32 (moderate income), Nvog Ada 75 (low-income) and
Efoulan 32 (peripheral) (Table 4.1). The problem of most streets not having names and
unnumbered houses was encountered in this city. Only Cite Verte quarter, built by the
Cameroon Real Estate Company (SIC) had well-numbered blocks and house units occupied by
households. Details of the procedure are discussed in Section 4.8.3.

4.5 Sample Unit and Sample Size

The sample unit or site is the household. Households are the main source of municipal solid
waste generation in most of the non-industrialised world accounting for more than 70% of
their city solid waste (Thomas-Hope 1998; Asomani-Boateng and Haight 1999; Tanawa et al.
2002). Household waste is a microcosm of the citys waste. This suggests that if household
waste generation is accurately assessed, then the citys waste situation can be fairly understood
and the remaining waste can even be estimated with reasonable accuracy.

The determination of sample size is a thorny problem in research including the even more
important selection of representative samples. Increase in sample size obviously improves
accuracy in results but case studies reviewed for some cities suggest that sample sizes adopted
by MSW researchers have been more discretional, dictated by economy and limited resources,
rather than the conventional 700 samples for 95% confidence interval with 5% sampling error
(Van der Broek and and Kirov 1992 in Abu Qdais et al. 1997) or 1/200 of the sample frame
(Ngnikam 2000). For example, in Abu Dhabi, 40 household units with 840 people were
selected (Abu Qdais et al. 1997), in Nairobi 662 households were selected for questionnaires
(Mwanthi et al. 1997), in Klippan, Winterveld in South Africa waste was collected from 19
households including interviews in 117 others (Korfmacher 1997), 300 households in Ilorin
city were selected for questionnaire survey (Olorunfemi and Odita 1998) and in Bangalore 200
households were selected for waste collection and analysis (Beukering et al. 1999).

Balnaves and Caputi (2001) argue that: There are few occasions in behavioural research
where samples smaller than 30 and larger than 500 in size can be justified (Balnaves and
Caputi 2001 p. 94). Recent estimates from government sources show 60 101 households for
Bamenda and 277 981 for Yaound (DSCN 2002). Putting these arguments together including
the contextual constraints, I chose a sample of 104 households (537 people) for Bamenda and
180 households (910 people) for Yaound.

4.6. Methods of Assessing MSW Quantities and Composition

Knowing the quantities and composition of municipal solid waste is important for
management and planning (Fobil et al. 2002). Such knowledge helps direct waste policy
options and planning strategies, for example, in waste separation, recovery, recycling,
transportation, composting and disposal. However, acquiring accurate data remains a daunting
problem. This is because waste generation varies among individuals, cities and parts of the
same city, seasons, and days of the week; changing with incomes, technology and population.
It is dynamic and complex. Accurate quantification must deal with these factors and it is
impossible to accommodate all these factors efficiently. Abandoning the exercise because of
its complexities and fears of inaccuracies is even worse, so academics are comfortable with
good estimates.

4.6.1 Quantities
Many methods have been used for assessing total quantities of MSW. The United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP 2000) identifies the
input method whereby waste generation is estimated from industrial output statistics with the
assumption that production is equal to consumption and there is no recycling. This method
appears to look at only one source of waste and assumes a closed economy.

The same author, together with others, examined another method employing secondary
information such as income and assessing the purchasing attitudes of individuals. Through

such analysis the likely rate of waste generation is established (Boyd and Hawkins 1971 in
Adedibu 1986).

One other output method uses weights derived from volume of vehicle loads or containers
collected per day. The volume is converted to weight by multiplying it by the average density
obtained by sampling (Filani & Abumere 1982 in Adedibu 1986; UNESCAP 2000). I used
this method to estimate sustainable capacities of public waste skips in Yaound and Bamenda.
An average of sample loads of every load that passes through the weighbridge could also be
used to calculate the generation rates for cities (UNESCAP 2000). This is a good method but
presupposes there are no illegal dumping activities and no recovery at the disposal sites, which
is not true. The best method of estimating waste generation should emerge from per capita per
unit time generation through per city ward to city. None of these methods above can
adequately address these issues. Photogrammetry is another technique whereby a portion of
waste is photographed and the photo used for analysing the composition (UNESCAP 2000).
Such a method is limited as only the top view may be seen; in addition other elements such as
weight and density cannot be assessed. Each of these methods has both merits and problems,
however, each is useful in its own right.

4.6.2 Composition
Assessing composition of solid waste is even more complicated whereas information about it
is pertinent for policy orientation. A common method is setting aside a waste truckload for
analysis. The load is quartered and one of the quarters is further quartered. One of the
quartered quarters, typically 100-200 kg, is taken and sorted for analysis of its characteristics
(Agunwamba 1998; UNESCAP 2000; Ngnikam 2000). The problem with this method is that
once waste is mixed, physical and chemical reactions take place and this could alter the
composition. The second problem arises from the fact that the specific source of the waste
cannot be determined.

4.6.3 Mixed Quantity and Composition Assessment Methods

Other methods have been tried to estimate both quantities and characteristics. Through
questionnaires households have been requested to estimate quantities based on the volume of
their waste containers and using follow-up questions, asked to assess the composition of the

waste they generated (Korfmacher 1997; Mwanthi et al. 1997; Olorunfemi and Odita 1998).
Waste bins in most households in cities of developing countries are not standardized.
Household waste estimates based on such containers could be very imprecise. Even if
containers were standardised, the filled level attained by each container is still a problem and
where the volumes are known, weights must be calculated based on the density.

Another method is collecting waste at source of generation. Separate bags are administered to
stratified households who are requested to stuff the bags with specified types of waste due to
be collected after one or more days for analysis (Abu Qdais et al. 1997; Monkam et al. 2000).
This method is more reliable and I have adopted it for this study. It avoids the problem of the
preceding methods. However, you have to face households many of whom might receive you
with mixed reactions. In the Cameroonian society where scavengers are almost non-existent
and waste picking is taboo, it could be hard acquiring waste research assistants.

4.7 Data Collection and Assembly Techniques

Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from primary and secondary sources.
Primary or original sources included interviews, questionnaires, letters, field experiments and
observations including recordings of field phenomena. Secondary data were sourced from
existing data compiled by individuals, agencies, government and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs). Where access to such documents is easy, time and expense could be
saved, giving the method an advantage. But the problem of content verification remains.
Government official texts were heavily used to examine policy. They are hard copies and in
Cameroon it took a long time, patience and money to have access to them. The fieldwork in
Cameroon lasted from 20 July 2002 to 10 April 2003.

4.7.1 Secondary Sources

Related literature was extensively reviewed in order to acquire an understanding of the topic
and what has already been done on it including how it was researched. It also directed my
attention to the key issues of MSWM including concepts, principles and strategies and how

they have been employed in addressing such issues in various parts of the world. Such a
review also highlighted major criticisms of theory as well as successes and failures emerging
from practices over space and time. Available literature on MSWM including the relevant
government texts in Yaound and Bamenda was examined. Information about each document
consulted is stored and sourced from my personal computer (PC) under a library catalogue
system using the EndNote (6.0) software. The Library

In Australia, Barr Smith Library in the University of Adelaide, Flinders University and
University of South Australia were consulted for books, journals and electronic sources. In
Cameroon some university departmental libraries were consulted for graduate dissertations
and the academic publications on the subject. These included the Departments of Geography,
Geology and Environment at the University of Buea, the Departments of Geography in the
University of Yaound I, the Advanced Schools of Education (ENS) Yaound and Bambili1,
University of Yaound I. The Yaound City Council library was also consulted. The library
has very useful general and specific publications on the citys development. Significant MSW
research on Yaound started in the early 1900s led by the lecturers and students of the
department of urban development2 in the National Advanced School of Engineering
(Polytechnique), University of Yaound I. Their work was an invaluable source of secondary
data for this thesis. Administrative Sources

In Cameroon the Department of National Statistics (DSCN) publishes government statistics,
census, and surveys. Many such documents were consulted including the most recent
Cameroon Statistical Yearbook 2000 and 2001. Government texts, for example, decrees, laws,
orders and circulars were acquired from the National Archives in Yaound and the Bamenda
Urban Council Archives. These were important sources of official data, published in the
Official Gazette of the Republic of Cameroon or the Government News Paper, the Cameroon
Tribune. They have important information such as policy and laws that govern the city and

There are two campuses of the Advanced School of Education (ENS) both belonging to the University of
Yaound I. One is located in Yaound and an annex in Bambili on the outskirts of Bamenda City, North West
Laboratoire dAmnagement Urbain (LAU).

waste management issues, population figures, administrative and functional structure,
operational definitions, sampling frames and history. Some examples are Decrees: No. 74-23
of 5 December 1974, 77-220 of 1 July 1977, 80-17 of 15 January 1980, 87-015 of 15 July
1987, 87-136 of September 1987, 90-53 of December 1990, all related to organization and
reorganization of the council areas, structures, functions including sources of waste
management revenue and expenditure. One key government document extensively consulted
is Law No. 96-12 of August 1996 related to national environmental management. Map Sources

Yaound and Bamenda City general maps were acquired from the National Institute of
Cartography (NIC) Yaound, for example, Plan of Yaound (1: 15 000, 2000) and Bamenda
(1:10 000, 1991). More topic-specific maps of Yaound (1:80 000, 2001) came from its
Department of Technical Service, Urban Observatory Service. They included maps of the
citys organization (into subdivisions and quarters), waste, pollution, residential classifications
by socio-economic status, roads and streets, illegal dumps and physical landscape. The
Provincial Service of Town Planning in Bamenda furnished us with the 1985 City Master Plan
(1:5000 Sheets 1 & 2). It was from this map that quarters (clusters) selected for sampling were
carved out and enlarged for used on the field survey. In Yaound the field survey map
Yaound (1:5000) came from a city plan by a private company, CISM. Other maps and
documents came from private companies including some NGOs namely: Bamenda (1:10 000
June 1994) by SOACEG International and Bamenda Town and Quarters (1:17 000, 1999) by
IDF/CRET. Solid waste deliverers such as HYSACAM in Yaound and the Garbage
Department in the Bamenda Urban Council also had documents that were consulted.

It is worth mentioning that apart from documents published in the French and English
languages in the government gazettes, 95% of other government texts and secondary source on
Yaound are published in French. Most sources in Bamenda are in English. The translations
from French to English in this thesis are mine. Translating and synthesizing such information
posed considerable problems given the technical nature of the subject.

4.7.2 Primary Sources Interviews
I conducted several scheduled in-depth interviews, using prepared semi-structured but flexible
question guides, with key practitioners in solid waste management as well as waste generators.
These people included the Government Delegate to the Bamenda Urban Council (BUC), the
head of the Garbage Department BUC, and the provincial delegate of Urban Affairs,
Bamenda. The NGOs interviewed in Bamenda were Paradise on Earth and Community
Initiative for Sustainable Development (COMINSUD). Interviews in Yaound were conducted
with the director in charge of exploitation HYSACAM for Yaound and Douala, service head
of the Nkolfolou landfill, the head of the Hygiene and Sanitation Service in the Yaound City
Council (YCC). The administrative directors of the following NGOs that are involved in
MSW collection and recycling were also interviewed and these included, FOCARFE3,
International centre for the promotion of recovery (CIPRE4) and Tam Tam Mobile.

Informal interviews were conducted with workers in these workplaces during participatory
field trips. Information obtained from interviews was important to me because such cannot be
sourced through questionnaires and it was also an opportunity to cross check information not
yet documented. Policy issues were better explained at interviews. The problem with this
method is that only a few participants are involved constituting only a small sample.
Moreover, subjectivity, time consumption and low coverage are also limitations to the method.
It takes time to arrange and have interviews with these high-level personnel who appeared to
be always very busy and hardly available. Pilot Studies

Ten households were selected for each city to pre-test the questionnaires and the experimental
procedures (in the case of Bamenda). This enabled the weaknesses and strengths of the
procedures to be appreciated. As a result, some questions were modified and methods of
giving instruction on waste classification for each waste bag were re-examined. The process
reduces bias and errors, which is the key to enhancing internal validity. It also gave indications
of expected results and problems. Such preliminary findings of waste generation quantities

FOCARFE= Fondation Camerounaise pour une Action Rationalise des Femmes sur lEnvironnement
CIPRE= Centre International de Promotion de la REcupration

made it possible to prepare pick-up schedules and transportation of the samples to the field
laboratory. The Survey

Folarin (1999) describes surveys as: important means of gathering data in most disciplines
and investigations, which are not amenable to experimentation (p.1). A survey through
questionnaires was a key method used to study the current situation of MSWM in both cities.
Questionnaires had the advantage of covering a large area easily and quickly. They were
anonymous and self-administered so as to increase return rate and solve problems related to
supplementary information. This method was also combined with field observations. For
example, answers to some questions such as street conditions, relief, dwelling, sex and type of
container used for waste collection did not necessarily need to be asked but observed and

There were 46 closed-ended and semi-close ended questions with 120 variables designed for
analysis using the SPSS for Windows computer software. Questions were divided into five
sections aimed at acquiring general information about the respondents physical and socio-
economic environment, solid waste generation, collection and disposal, issues of participation,
minimization and environmental concerns (Appendix 2). The last question was open-ended
and called for respondents opinion on waste management and proposed improvement in their
cities. This last question served as a pressure release valve for the respondents who had
pertinent pending concerns. It was an opportunity for them to criticise the waste management
system. Their observations were very useful.

Survey Activities Program in Yaound and Bamenda

Date City Quarter Household Unit % Questionnaire

Questionnaires Returned Administrators
Administered Returned
7th to Yaound Bastos 33 33 100 2
10th Efoulan 32 32 100 2
March Nvog Ada 75 75 100 3
2003 Cite Verte 33 32 97.0 2
28th and Bamenda GRA 16 16 100 4
29th Station
March Nchoubu 18 18 100 4
2003 Old Town 50 50 100 4
Nda- 20 20 100 4
Total 2 8 277 276 99.6 25

Table 4.1 summarises the main activities of the survey including the dates, quarters and the
cities, questionnaires administered and return rates. Postgraduates from the Department of
Geography University of the Yaound I assisted in the administration of the questionnaires in
Yaound City. In Bamenda, undergraduates from ENS Bambili did it. Many pre-meetings
were held for briefings on the administration of the questions using experience from pre-test
questionnaires. Pre-visits to the sample quarters were also made to appreciate field problems
and pre-seek solutions, such as non-numbering of houses. The questions were in English but
the administrators were multi-lingual and used English, French, Pidgin English (lingual
Franca) or the local languages, whichever the respondents preferred. This was very successful.
I used the mobile phone to locate, shuttle and work with each group during the questionnaire
administration. Interviewers also made reports on their observations regarding the
administration of the questionnaires including the state of MSWM on the field.

The questionnaires were designed to identify variables and reflected levels of measurement
that could be coded and transformed into figures, tables and graphs for easy appreciation. For
example close-ended nominal level measures, such as, Yes (1) No (2), Male (1) Female (2)
were analysed for frequencies. Interval-level (range) was used for sensitive questions
including income levels and ages. Ordinal or rank-level variables required people to answer in
ranks. In the Likert type, choices have different levels or degrees of intensity (e.g., too much,
much, quite, not much). The degrees of intensity could be converted to a summated ratings

scale (e.g., from strongest to weakest: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) or combined levels of intensity with
summated scales called the Thurstone type (Balnaves and Caputi 2001).

This last technique was used to design many questions, for example, Questions 9 and 10. As
an illustration, question 10 set out to test the types and magnitude (degree) of solid waste
generated from each household. The degrees of generation were suggested for respondents to
choose as applied. The analysis was made, first, by assigning higher values (codes) to higher
degree and vice versa as follows Too much (1)=4, Much (2)=3. Quite (3)=2, Not Much
(4)=1. The total responses for each degree were multiplied by the corresponding assigned

4 Type of waste


2 Paper/carton



0 Bio-waste
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


FIGURE 4.2: Rank Correlation Between MSW Categories by Survey and Experiment
Results in Bamenda

The results are graphically presented in Figure 6.7 and when rank-correlated with the results
from the experiment it is a positive 0.8, suggesting the closeness of results from the survey

questionnaire technique and the experiment (Figure 4.2). It also builds confidence in results
from surveys where experiments cannot be conducted. However, such ranked measures have
limited applications. The Survey Analytical tool: SPSS for Windows

Statistical programme for social sciences (SPSS) for Windows is a powerful statistical analysis
and data management system in a graphical environment using descriptive menus and simple
dialogue boxes to perform operations (Norusis 1993). The software has the capability of
managing large amounts of data and giving output in summary forms, tables, cross-
tabulations, averages, and percentages. It can also transform these results into graphic
presentation such as bar, line, pie, area and scattered graphs. The software can also perform
statistical operations to test relationships such as central tendencies, deviations, correlations
and regressions. A total of 276 questionnaires with 120 variables each were edited, coded, and
put into the program to study various aspects of MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound. This
tedious but necessary task took more than one month. Version 11.0 was used. The Microsoft
Excel 2000 Chart Wizard programmed was also used to perform some illustrations. The high
positive rank correlation obtained from results using the experiment and surveys
questionnaires suggests that careful surveys can also provide reliable results (Figure 4.2). Household Solid Waste Collection Experiment

An experiment was conducted alongside the questionnaire administration in Bamenda, to
collect an analysis of household solid waste, using the same household units and interviewers.
It was absolutely necessary to generate original data for the citys solid waste generation rates,
quantities and characteristics that has never been attempted. Collection was made for three
days; the maximum time households could tolerate keeping waste that they usually remove
daily. After three days the bags were collected for analysis. Three pairs were never returned.
Some households did not separate their waste. They gave back one bag with mixed waste and
owned the other. Farmers use these plastic bags for sheltering themselves from rain during the
farming season, and one had just begun. Some households would not give their waste, others
asked for compensation for taking away their animal feed or manure, which we did not give.
We explained our aims and allowed them to decide what they had to put in the bags as waste

given that the definition is relative. For example, the European Union legislation (Directive
75/442/EEC) defines waste as any substance or object,.. which the holder discards or intends
or is required to discard(European Union (EU) 2001, p. 1).

Observations from waste collected suggest that some households became too conscious of the
fact that their waste was to be used for an experiment. They either over stuffed the bags with
old waste such as cans, tins and bottles gathered from around, or under stuffed them by
keeping away some of their waste. The latter could be an explanation for having only a few
fruit peels collected from some households in three days. The return rate for the survey was
94%. The detailed procedure is presented in (4.8.5) and results in Chapter 6. Observation
Field observation played a very important role throughout the study. This process entailed
informal observation of waste management phenomena as well as participant-as-observer
activities (Kearns 2000). The latter involved accompanying the waste management teams to
the field in their trucks or following them in a separate vehicle to observe their activities. In
Bamenda I also worked with the waste management team during monthly clean-up days. The
field observation method was intensively used to learn the environmental problem associated
with solid waste management. For example the physical examination of the quality of the
environment: polluted water bodies, flooding, littering, dumps and landfill externalities. The
findings are documented textually, numerical and in photographic format, many of which are
used to illustrate phenomena in several chapters. Personal Communication

Vital information was sourced from the research field through electronic mails (E-Mails)
contacts with informants. These included updates or vital information that could not be
sourced while in the field.

4.8 Method Application in Chapters

4.8.1 Chapters One, Two, Three and Four

Many methodologies were applied in this research. Literature review was used throughout the
chapters of the thesis. However, each chapter had a dominance of specific methods over the
others. Chapters one, two, three and four are mainly a systematic analysis of secondary data
and information from which the author strived to establish a theoretical frameworks, focus,
limitations, justification, objectives and methods for achieving such objectives. In Chapter
Four, appropriate methods and analytical tools are selected. A new method for determining
primary waste disposal distances was invented and the application of methods triangulation
yielded new insights into waste research.

4.8.2 Chapter Five

This chapter addresses issues of participation in MSWM. This is linked to urban organization,
governance and citizens participation in decision-making and waste financing. The first part
discusses theories of public participation and governance including case studies in
participation on municipal solid waste management. This section used a literature review from
library sources. The next section, the administrative structure, institutional arrangements,
participation of councils and citizens, made used of secondary data from council laws and
administrative texts sourced from the BUC and the National Achieves. The urban councils
annual budgets are reviewed to demonstrate the weak financial contributions of citizens to
waste management services in several tables such as 5.2, 5.3 and 5.6. The maps earlier
mentioned were used. Citizens participation and collaboration in MSWM was evaluated
through survey questions that requested them to indicate who decided the location of public
waste skip, how often they had sensitisation, public meetings, educational advice on waste
management and with whom and how much money they were willing and able to pay for the
management of their waste. The results are, summarized in cross tabulations in Tables 5.1,
5.4 and 5.5 and textual forms in Sections and

4.8.3 Chapter Six
This chapter examines municipal solid waste management in Bamenda including generation,
storage and transportation. The factors that drive waste are introduced such as organization,
functions, population and waste management history of the city. The following maps were
used for the organization:
SOACEG International Bamenda June 1994, 1:10 000 (NGO)
Bamenda Town Quarter 1:17 000 by IDF/CRET 1999 Integrated Development
Foundation (NGO) 1999
Bamenda 1:10 000 (NIC) 1991
Texts from archives
The population data came from DSCN sources and the history was compiled from the BUC
Archival and administrative files. Interviews were also conducted. Waste Characteristics

One key aim of this thesis was to generate primary data for MSW in Bamenda. This has never
been attempted before whereas such data are crucial to MSW planning and management. An
experiment was conducted alongside a survey using questionnaires to complement and verify
some aspects. The sampling technique was described in Section 4.4. The experiment was
conducted in the four stratified quarters of Bamenda City between March 28 and 29, 2003.
Map extracts of each quarter were used to identify the sample sites. Each house unit in the
sample was given two fifty-litre plastic waste bags, one marked green for collection of
biodegradable waste and the other white for all non-biodegradable waste. Each set of bags was
identified with the sample number and quarter as found in the sample frame registered. The
households were schooled on the techniques of collection, storage and separation of the solid
waste. A team of undergraduates from ENS Bambili, University of Yaound 1, was selected
and trained to assist in the administration of the experiment and survey on the general
MSWM. Four students (subdivided into two) worked in each of the four quarters. Working in
groups not only safeguarded interviewers but also instilled confidence in them.

A survey on the general solid waste management in Bamenda, using questionnaires, was self-
administered alongside the waste collection bags. This was to guarantee the return rate.
However, some respondents insisted on filling out the questionnaires, but not all of them were

returned. On the advice of the Delegate to the BUC, one waste worker from the BUC was co-
opt to each group to disperse suspicion because the city is characterized by animosity among
members of political parties. Three days later, the filled waste bags were collected in the same
order as they were administered. The bags were assembled on the main street in each quarter
from where they were transported by a pickup van to a field laboratory (an NGOs
experimental plot) for analysis (Plate 4.1). Analysis
Approximately, 0.6 ton of municipal solid waste was collected from 93 households (sample
sites/units) consisting of a population sample of 537. The samples were registered and
analyzed according to sources (households and quarters), for quantities, types, compositions
and separation ability (Form5 A). A 10 kg spring scale balance was used for weighing. The
bags with biodegradable waste were further individually sorted and analysed for subtypes
(Form C) while the non-biodegradable were sorted and further weighed for the types
(paper/carton, plastics, bottle/glass, tin/can, fibre and others) (Form B). Not all the bags were
analysed for detailed characterization because some of them contained unsorted waste. Such
bags were simply weighed for their totals. One other test involved the evaluation of the ability
of households to separate waste, after only one instruction exercise by interviewers. The
results are presented in the chapter according to quarters. Complementary information such as
family size, source and incomes needed to perform specific calculations were transferred from
the questionnaires. The results of analysis from various aspects are summaried in textual,
tabular and graphic forms in Chapter 6.

Forms are prepared data-recording sheets

PLATE 4.1: Field Laboratory Household MSW Sample Analysis Scene,
Bamenda 31/03/03

Data on other management practices such as waste storage, frequency of removal, remover
and destinations of the waste removed were realised from survey and analysed using the SPSS
program into cross tabulations (summaries of selected variables in tabulated forms),
frequencies, summaries and correlations. The notion of distance is very important in solid
waste management. The decision to dispose of waste in an official facility or an illegal dump
is closely linked to the distance between such facilities and the source of waste generation.
One aspect of the survey was to investigate distances travelled to waste disposal sites.
Respondents were requested to estimate the distance from their house to where they disposed
of their solid waste. An ingenious technique of estimation was introduced. Respondents were
requested to give the number of electricity poles they passed to dispose of their waste.
Electricity poles are regularly spaced at 50 m intervals. The data were summarised in interval
data with ranges (<50 m, 50 m-99 m, 100 m-200 m and >200 m) and the average distance
calculated using the mid-point of such intervals in the ranges. The results are presented in
tables and charts. Such distances are crucial in deciding the optimum inter-public skip
locations that would discourage illegal dumping. The average distance people are willing to
travel to dispose of their waste is used to calculate the area served by official waste
management service, and by extension the total area served.

4.8.4 Chapter Seven
This chapter studies MSW treatment, disposal and the environment in Bamenda. Treatment of
waste involves separation, recycling, repairs, reuse and composting. These phenomena were
studied using observation, interviews and surveyed through different sets of questionnaires
(Appendix 2). Data on transportation and waste collection circuits were studied from
observation, field recordings and moving with the waste collection teams. I also used a Global
Positioning System (GPS) to mark locations of skips and a car to calculate inter-skip and
landfill distances. The results are presented in tables and maps in the chapter.

Environmental problems were investigated through survey and field observations. Urban
stream-contamination by solid waste disposal was observed for colour, smells, turbidity and
floating waste matter. Observation and survey questionnaires were used to study illegal
dumping, conditions at dumps and public skips such as the presence of humans, leachate,
domestic animals, odours, fires, rats, insects and mosquitoes and consequences including
prevalence of diseases and preventive measures. Survey results were analysed using the SPSS
program. Observation results expose the hazards posed by poor waste management practices
and are described and supported with photographs in the chapter. Massive literature was
reviewed to demonstrate the potential environmental and health impacts of inadequate waste
practices in the city, drawing from experiences elsewhere.

4.8.5 Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight examines MSW generation, storage, collection and transportation including the
factors that drive waste management in Yaound city such as the organization, functions,
population characteristics, development and solid waste management history. As earlier
mentioned, substantial research on solid waste management in the city has been carried out for
various purposes. So secondary data is available but fragmented. In this study I synthesized
some of these data for use in addition to generating new data from the questionnaire survey.
This was intended to be a supplement and update the existing one, given that the waste
management industry is very dynamic.

Literature review, survey, interview, field visits and observations including accompanying the
waste management teams during work, were the techniques used. The survey questions were

the same as for Bamenda and addressed issues such as collection and storage, separation,
removal, disposal sites, distances to disposal sites, participation in waste management and
willingness to pay for waste. The survey data was analysed using the SPSS program as with
Bamenda and the results are presented in the chapter.

There are many participants in MSWM in Yaound including private formal and informal
groups, NGOs who play a complementary role to the official private waste contractors for the
city, HYSACAM. I visited some of the groups and interviewed their coordinators. Many
months were spent with HYSACAM consulting their records, studying their activities by
making field visits with the waste teams. Access to important documents of the company such
as, Cahier des Charges (Contract Specifications Book for HYSACAM and the Government
of Cameroon), current field data and recent population estimates for the city, enhanced the
study. For example, data from the former on the waste public skips and statistics of city sub-
divisional populations from the latter enabled me to perform important operations related to
sustainability of public waste skips for the present and the future of each urban sub division.
These findings on waste management in Yaound are summarised in Figure 8.8. The synthesis
of these sources is an attempt to reconstruct the record of solid waste management activities in
Yaound from generation to transportation and demonstrating that despite efforts being made
these sectors of MSW in Yaound continue to face serious problems.

4.8.6 Chapter Nine

This chapter completes the SWM cycle started in Chapter 8 and addresses issues of treatment,
disposal and the environment. A survey, using questionnaires, was also used to study these
sectors. Surveys were used to investigate phenomena such as separation of waste, informal
and formal disposal techniques, informal recycling, environmental problems associated with
waste facilities and prevalence of diseases and prevention measures. Several formal
interviews, visits and field recordings and analysis of documents from recycling facilities such
as CIPRE, which recycles plastic and rubber waste, were made. There was field observation of
the quality of the environment, e.g., waste dumps, polluted water bodies and flooding. In the
landfill, leachate, odour, dusts, noise and scavengers activities were observed and
documented. Laboratory chemical or biological analysis were beyound the scope of the work
and were not conducted. Maps such as Illegal Waste Dumps in Yaound (Yaound City

Council 2000), were used to complement other information. The results are presented in the
chapter and substantiated with photographs.

4.8.7 Chapters Ten and Eleven

In Chapter Nine I compare major aspects of MSWM using summaries of data that emerged
from the research findings in the two cities. I draw out the contrasts and similarities and draw
out lessons for discussions towards improvement of the systems in both cities and beyond.
Discussions on major differences and similarities are made.
In Chapter Eleven general conclusions and recommendations are presented using the main
results acquired in the research.

4.9 General Issues

Information obtained from respondents during the field research is treated confidentially.
Questionnaires were anonymous and respondents were free to answer questions as they
wished. Quarters were visited after consulting with the administrative authorities. All
photographs were taken with the approval of the waste management bodies as well as the
individuals concerned. Access to all documentation in institutional libraries, archives, and
services was officially applied for and only used with due approval. The university
departments concerned officially sanctioned the use of their students for the survey.

4.10 General Problems

In addition to the specific problems already raised in the chapter, the key problem faced was
the lack of crucial data such as a recent population census. The last official population and
housing census was conducted in 1987. Since then, population data have remained estimates
projected from the 1987 census. Solid waste generation is a function of population size and the
lack of such current data causes inaccuracies in calculations of waste characteristics. Maps for
Bamenda are equally old and outdated. Yaound city has recently endeavoured to make good
maps covering various aspects. The absence of street names, house numbers and population
data at the level of quarters makes it hard to derive a sample frame for research. Generally
there is not only a lack of basic documentation on MSWM in Cameroon but also a problem

having access to the little that exists. Bamenda, in particular, lacked basic data on MSWM.
Shuttling between two cities, 400 km apart, organizing visits, interviews, surveys,
experiments, field observation and consulting secondary sources, was a difficult task.

4.11 Conclusion

Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is complex, so too are the methods used for
studying it. A multiplicity of MSW research methodological traditions was explored. In this
thesis many of such methods are used for various aspects and rationales for these choices is
explained. The concept of triangulation yielded good results and suggests a close relationship
between results obtained form different methods such as the survey and experiment methods
used to study waste characterization in Bamenda. A new method of measuring average
distances to waste disposal sites (illegal or official) is discovered. The measure gives a new
insight to calculating various distance-related issues such as sustainable skip distances and
area served by official waste skip. The search for better methodological techniques in MSWM
is an ongoing process because current methods have many imperfections.


Public Participation, Institutional Organisation And Governance in Solid

Waste Management in Bamenda and Yaound

The collection of waste generated by the rapidly expanding cities in developing countries is increasingly
beyond the capacity and financial means of the municipal administrations. A promising approach to
improve collection coverage is the introduction of community-based management schemes, involving
the local communities in proper waste storage, collection, sorting, and recycling activities. Research has
shown how such schemes can be implemented under different conditions (Pfammatter and Schertenleib
1996 cited in Zurbrugg and Ahmed 1999, p. 2).

5.1 Introduction

Since political independence many governments in African countries, including Cameroon,

thought that centralising powers at the top and providing for urban services such as garbage
collection, water, electricity, was the better way forward. At the most users were asked to
subsidise the service at token tax rates. This practice has not been sustainable, especially in the
area of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) where poor management has been
persistent, causing serious environmental problems as well as taking a toll on the
governments finances. Sustainable strategic waste management planning places great
importance on the institutional framework; issues of financing and participation (2.2.4), and
all these can only operate successfully under good urban governance. The opening quotation
taken from Zurbrugg and Ahmed is apt. This chapter addresses these issues, which are
interrelated, cut across both cities and are determined from the central government. It places
emphasis on participation; examining how and why having citizens meaningful involvement
can help improve MSWM. An overview follows the rationale for participation with related
theories and case studies elsewhere, including Cameroons cities of Yaound and Bamenda.

5.2 The Case for Pubic Participation in Sustainable Environmental Management and
Policy: Conceptual Underpinnings.

5.2.1 A General Perspective

There is a growing body of literature on the rationale for public participation in environmental
management. According to Srinivas (1997, p. 5) Agenda 21, the Green Paper on Urban
Environment, and most other recent international declarations on environmental issues
recognize the need and value of participation in defining problems and finding solutions to
them. Srinivas argues that participation is facilitated by decentralizing decision-making to the
local level to the greatest extent possible, and includes all parties involved: all residents,
politicians, and those responsible for managing the implementation of programs. The purpose
served by participation is said to include the principle of democracy, that people with
immediate experience in the causes and effects of pollution have information that is invaluable
in designing an effective program. Participation not only builds knowledge and competence on
the part of those participating but also develops a practical constituency for the program. This
is the reason why participation and a bottom-up approach are major principles in strategic
planning. Prescription, on the other hand, is used to convey the idea that standards and
procedures are technically determined and specified as required features of programs. Srinivas
(1997) also notes Not uncommonly, prescription appears to be less a function of better
information based on scientific analysis than a function of conserving and enhancing the
power of those doing the prescribing (Srinivas 1997, p. 5).

According to Richardson (2002), there is increasing awareness of the environmental role of

indigenous people as part of a wider movement for local approaches to environmental
management. For this author and others, calls for genuine community and grass roots
participation in environmental management decisions is (are) now commonplace in
discussions and research in both developing and developed countries (Richardson 2002, p. 2).
This author also argues that theories of public participation in decision-making, the value of
local empirically sourced environmental expertise, and the institutional possibilities for local
collective actions are some of the conceptual foundations for locally-based approaches for
environmental management. All of these are further linked to the wider concept of

environmentally sustainable development, in whatever venture we may be pursuing, and for
what purpose, on the surface of the earth.

5.2.2 Urban Environmental Management View and Governance

A special issue of World Resources (1996-97) that devoted attention to the urban environment,
pointed out that policies needed to improve urban environments require more effective urban
governance, entailing the strengthening of such governments and the involvement of many
actors such as the poor and the private sector. The report also noted that Community-based
approaches are essential if urban services are to reach those who need them and if there is to
be broad-based support for needed changes in strategies and practices (WRI et al. 1996, p.
xi). According to Wekwete (1997), in African cities and towns the traditional view associates
urban management primarily with municipal and central government. This is purely a supply-
driven model, in which the state and its agencies have the statutory responsibilities for
management. The author notes that the provision of services and their maintenance are
therefore viewed as a right that citizens expect, partly as a result of the taxes they pay and
partly because of the political legitimacy that they give both the state and local authorities.
This approach meets strong disagreement from Mabogunje (1990 quoted in Wekwete 1997, p.
2), when he says that: A more recent approach articulates a broader governance that brings to
the fore the role that civil society plays and expands the range of stakeholders to include
private sector agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based
organisations (CBOs) and a variety of interest groups. The author suggests that urban
management within a broader governance perspective must be more participatory, broader in
outlook, more transparent and less bureaucratic. However he notes that other forces are also at
work, especially globalisation of the world economy.

The waste management issue and the broader issues of sustainable development ultimately,
concern governance in contemporary societies. According to one author: Governance is taken
to refer to the sum of interactions between civil society and government. Good governance is
currently taken to include transparency, effectiveness, openness, responsiveness and
accountability (Fagan et al. 2001, p. 4). Explaining how the governed value governments
Fagan et al., believe that a government can be legitimately judged by its day to day dealings
with the civil society (individuals, community groups, environmental groups), and its concerns
such as NIMBYism and its new spin called LULU1 (Fagan et al. 2001). Sometimes in place
of listening to the citizens on such issues, experts and authorities tend to despise them.

The essence of governance focuses on mechanisms to govern societies, which rest on the use
of authority and of sanctions by those in power. Governance also: recognises the blurring of
boundaries and responsibilities for tackling social and economic issues (Stoker, 1998 in
Fagan et al. 2001, p. 4). The latter also comment that both in terms of strategic decision-
making and service delivery there is a widespread turn away from the Westminster model to
a more complex model of governance more in tune with the more complex society we live in.
They also argue that In terms of waste management strategy, government by central decrees
would need to be replaced by a more consensual model based on multi-agency partnership, the
blurring of responsibility between the public and non-public sectors, and the emergence of
self-governing networks concerning waste management as a central issue in sustainable
development (Fagan et al. 2001, p. 4).

The preceding paragraph raises the question of partnership which Werner (2000 in Fagan et al.
2001) emphasises that the type of environmental empowerment necessary for good waste
management practices is that which communities have control over their community events
rather than that which authorities make decisions for them. However, other authors, including
Srinivas, argue that national governments have the major responsibility for designing
environmental quality improvement policies and programs, setting standards, and controlling
implementation; the reason why national governments direct local governments to carry out
programs and to employ methods set at the higher levels to ensure that all members of the
society enjoy a healthy and desirable environment (Srinivas 1997).

Locally Unaccepted Land Use
5.2.3 From Government to Governance with Participation

Different approaches with similar goals drawn from political theories of democracy have been
used to identify fundamental principles for public participation in works such as those of
Nelson Rosenbaum (1978), Fiorino (1990) and Frank Laird Daniel (1993). The last two
evolved generic techniques of participation from democracy theories (Webler 1998).
According to Webler (1998) since the 1980s there has been a major change of direction in
governing in Western countries. The focus is no longer on hierarchy and formal organisation.
The central concept of government is giving way to a new concept of governance- a term
which is yet to find a contextual definition in politics. This new concept is characterised by
decentralisation with a reduction in the role of the state, styled the hollowing out of the state
concept; the transfer of state functions to specialised institutions and other actors within the
state; transfer of decision making and implementation capacity to the lower levels, i.e.,
municipal and state authorities. It limits the scope and form of public intervention, civil
servants prescription and makes a distinction between politics and administration. It ends up
with a more fragmented public sector. Storey (2001) also agrees it is a recent trend towards
what he calls rolling back the state, together with an increase in community-based responses
to social and economic concerns. According to Rhodes (1996 in Bjork and Johansson 2000),
this governance can be understood by examining several categories: the minimal state,
corporate governance, new public management, good governance, the socio-cyber system and
the self-organising network. All these are different names for describing the new governance
in different contexts. For example, Good governance was coined by the World Bank to
describe specific conditions of good administration prescribed for developing countries
soliciting international financial assistance. The government of Cameroon responded to this by
creating the National Programme on Good Governance (NPGG) and the National Plan for the
Fight Against Corruption. The government also instituted a National Electoral Observatory
(NEO) to oversee elections in the country. But opposition parties in the country see these
moves as cosmetic because the government appoints its supporters to such organisations.
Nevertheless, these actions helped Cameroon benefit from international loans and debt relief
such as the Heavily Indebted and Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative programme.

Storey (2001) developed a concept of community-based territorialization, (an expansion of his

wider theories of territoriality in human society) arguing that: the sense of local community

and attachment to place has been instrumental in the evolution of another dimension to new
forms of governance at the local level (Storey 2001, p. 139). This author explains this
concept as the application of community-based responses to particular social and economic
problems such as crime and service provision. He argues for the espousal of a more bottom-
up, people-centred attempt to develop local responses to particular problems, a move away
from a top-down traditional planning model. This approach is not new, but he points out that it
has assumed greater importance in current years than ever before and most probably in
response to wider social movements associated with such issues as the environment. This
emerging horizon places new challenges on states and demands new theory to address the way
in which society is organised and governed.

5.3 Concepts and Theories

Theory gives meaning to what might be perceived as unrelated phenomena. According to

many authors including, Webler (1998) theory in the field of public participation is not only
scattered but also benefits and intertwines with theoretical works from other fields, notably
democracy. Early theories sought to elaborate on Marxs views concerning public
participation. The concept of citizen participation in environmental management remains an
unresolved issue to date in all societies of the world. The role civil society ought to play in
environmental public policy remains ambiguous and depends on the type of government in
place. According to Vanderwal (1999), traditionally liberal democracies see society as the
ultimate source of political legitimacy primarily through the institution of voting for legislative
representation. However, deep suspicion looms over civil society, as they are constantly
characterised as irrational or an impediment to political decision-making. This suspicion helps
limit the level to which participation or empowerment is accorded to the lay public.

One of the most widely appraised models from public participation literature is that of Sherry
Arnstein (1969) cited in Webler (1998) and Vanderwal (1999). It is called Arnsteins ladder of
citizen participation (Figure 5.1).

8 Citizen Control
7 Delegated power Degree of citizen power
6 Partnership
5 Placation
4 Consultation Degree of tokenism
3 Informing
2 Therapy
1 Manipulation Non-participation

FIGURE 5.1 Conceptual Hierarchy of Public Participation in Governance.

Sources: Adapted from Arnsteins Ladder of citizen participation (1969 in Vanderwal 1999,
p. 2).

According to Arnsteins model, levels of participation range from the lowest (1) manipulation,
to the highest (8), which is citizen control. The three major degrees of empowerment are
summarised along the ladder (Figure 5.1). Wilcox (2001) organised Arnsteins eight-level
ladder of citizen participation into a five-rung type namely:
Information: where people are merely told what is planned;
Consultation: offering to the people some options, listening to feedback, but not
allowing new ideas;
Deciding together: encouraging additional options and ideas, and providing
opportunities for joint decision making;
Acting together: not only do different interests decide together on what is best, they
form a partnership to carry it out; and
Supporting independent community interests: local groups or organisations are offered
funds, advice, or other support to develop their own agendas within guidelines.

Many governmental organisations exist and tolerate citizens levels of empowerment and
participation processes differently. Vanderwal (1999) identifies two extreme spectra of
government organisations as concerns allowing entrance into decision-making positions. One
spectrum is the arcane, authoritarian bureaucracy with a strong adherence to rules, roles, and
hierarchy; the other is an open bureaucracy, responsive to public values in its decisions and
open bargaining with those outside the government. Those wanting to get involved include:
An activist: a special interest group trying to influence political decision through civil
disobedience, legal action and the media

A source of knowledge.
Stakeholders- a person or organisation with various forms of local knowledge to bring to
the negotiation table or a representative of a broader sector of the broader public.
Facilitators-concerned citizens who draw attention to inconsistencies and incongruities of
government policies and regulations and play the role of bargaining and drawing the parties
Self-governance. In some cases participation may extend to the level of self governance

According to Webler (1998), many typologies have been developed based on the principle of
empowerment distinguishing such goals as informing the public and developing a
consensus (Creighton 1995); obtain data about publics values, solicit advice from the
public and let the public make the final decision (English et al. 1993); while another
suggested informing the public, listening to the public and involving the public in
decision making (Environmental Management Resource Manual 1995) all cited in (Webler
1998, p. 9). However, these typologies, the same author notes, are not universally accepted.
Some people disagree about the appropriateness of empowering a group of citizens who are
not legally empowered to make public choices. Others argue that the concept of power is not
adequately worked out to develop a detailed theory of power that would allow a precise
characterization of participatory techniques. Meanwhile the last group questions how the
empowerment ability of different participants can be readily estimated (Webler 1998).

Lessons have been learned from theory and practical shortcomings of participation. Wilcox
(2001) has re-examined some aspects and presented key ideas on a guide to effective
participation. The available literature suggests that there is undeniably an overwhelming
general consensus among authors on the principle of getting the community involved in
municipal solid waste management (MSWM). However, it is the debate on the level and
nature of participation and empowerment that is at the crossroad especially as it has also to do
with relinquishing power. Understanding the nature of participation is made worse by the
vague representation in the literature on some deep-seated issues related to who should
participate, where, when and how. Wilcox (2003) in his new guide to effective participation,
has clarified some of these misconceptions and proposed a guide which he thinks could help
move participation from theory to practice. The guide called ten key ideas about
participation is summarised below.
According to Wilcoxs guide, clarity on the initial stance on what is to be done and the degree
of participation, even if it is small, of each party is very important. For this author, one level of

participation is not necessarily better than the other but simply a matter of horses and
courses. Moreover, participation does not just happen. It develops through a process starting
from initiation, through preparation, participation to continuation. In the process the initiator
has a strong position to decide how much or how little control to give to others.

According to Wilcox (2001) understanding participation involves understanding the ability of

different institutions to achieve what they want. People are empowered when they have the
ability to achieve what they want and money, knowledge, skills, and confidence; traditional
and religious standing also play a significant role in deciding who gets the power. This author
notes that there appears to be some confusion between community and stakeholder. The term
community puts everyone together but clouds other interests with different priorities and who
among the group may like to be closely involved in an initiation and who would prefer less
involvement. A stakeholder is anyone who has a risk in what happens and it does not follow
that everyone affected has an equal say. Moreover, partnership, like community, is a much-
abused term. It is used to mean the situation where a number of different interest groups
willingly come together formerly or informally to achieve a common purpose. The parties do
not need to be equal in skills, funds and even confidence but there must be trust and a shared
commitment. These take time.

5.3.1 Philosophical and Psychological Underpinnings in Participation

Commenting on apathy, Wilcox notes that: People are committed when they want to achieve
something, apathetic when they dont(Wilcox 2001, p. 2). Two big philosophical propositions
are made here to illustrate commitment to participation:

People care about what they are interested in, and become committed when they feel they can achieve it.
If people are apathetic about proposals, it may simply be that they dont share the interests or concerns
of those putting forward the plan. People are most likely to carry something through if they have a stake
in the idea. One of the biggest barriers to action is not invented here. The antidote is to allow people to
say, we thought of that (Wilcox 2001, p. 2).

To put ideas and wishes into practice, Wilcox concludes:
What we need is a public meeting, but the conventional set-up with fixed agenda, platform and row of
chairs is stage set for conflicts. Many participation processes involve breaking new grounds- tackling
difficult projects and setting up new forms of organisation. It is unrealistic to expect the individuals or
small groups suddenly to develop the capability to make complex decisions and become involved in
major projects. They need training or better still the opportunity to learn formerly and informally, to
develop confidence and trust in each other (Wilcox 2001, p. 3).

Anschtz (1996) observes motivational factors causing people to participate in MSWM from
many cases studied in the developing countries. These observations are summarised in this
paragraph. Felt needs to solve problems such as waste storage place or disposal site would
spur people to participate. High-density areas experienced these problems more and studies in
Indonesia showed that people living in low-density areas, were most prepared for
participation. Studies in Kathmandu suggest that education and campaigns can change
peoples felt needs. Meanwhile, in the same direction, consultation with the communitys
committee level helped change the minds and priorities in Cameroon and Ivory Coast.
Incentives such as giving buckets out for trash collection, clean home competition and prizes,
annual cleanest city competition with national prizes and TV show of the city in Asian cities,
(e.g. Kathmandu, Nepal) and a household points award system as in China, also motivated the
population to participate. Cameroon organises a Cleanest Councils competition each year
also. One other experience was asking food-making women in Mexico to separate food waste
for bio-fertilizers. From the fertilized farms, vegetables are produced and sold to the food-
making women at a reduced rate. The results from this study of an Integrated System for the
Recycling of Organic Waste in Mexico, known in its Spanish acronym as SIRDO demonstrate
that economic benefits such as the sales of recyclables or the reduction of vegetable prices to
food-making women, more than environmental education, help change peoples behaviour
towards participation in solid waste management (Anschtz 1996).

5.4 Cases

5.5.1 Early and Mid 1990 Cases

In the early 1990s, countries in Asia appear to have embraced a participatory approach but
with a rather superficial involvement of local communities in solving the increasing urban

environmental problems. In 1994 the Asian Journal of Environmental Management (AJEM) in
a special issue, published a series of articles on community-based urban environmental
management experiences in Asia. This was in a bid to improve debates on finding solutions to
improving institutional capacity for the management of environmental problems. Three areas
had been identified as targets for addressing environmental problems: decentralisation,
privatisation and increasing capacity of community-based organisations to improve daily
habits through cooperative associations. This review concentrates on the last option.

Chan et al. (1994) studied two low-residential areas (Shan Tseng and Diamond Hill) in Hong
Kong with the objective of examining the levels and dynamics of womens participation in
community environmental projects. Their findings suggest that while women with past
experiences in communal organisations were more receptive to participation, the ones without
such experiences showed apathy. Impediments to participation were identified as: no time,
lack of knowledge, and not well. Other considerations to participate or not included
whether the inhabitants saw themselves capable of doing it, or if the project would be
beneficial to them and for how long (for those with a short stay in the area).

In another study in a poor residential neighbourhood (Kampung) of Cibangkong in Bandung

City in Java (Western Indonesia), (Dharmapatni and Parabatmodjo 1994) studied the
community response to social and environmental management participation within the
structure of the government Kampung Improvement Programme (KIP). Community response
to environmental government initiated projects was highly varied. The government structure
during Suhartos period (1965-1998) was hierarchical and centralised. Social and
environmental projects were handed down to community and neighbourhood leaders who in
turn involved the inhabitants because their land, labour, and direct financial contributions were
needed. These represented their share of the responsibilities. Religious places such as the
mosques were also being used to encourage participation.

Inhabitants reasons for participation range from increased self-esteem to serve the community
to fear of punishment for non-compliance from the leaders of the community. Meanwhile, the
study attributes the success of community projects to the presence of good and dynamic
leaders. On the contrary, low participation stems from resentment emerging as a result of the

high costs incurred in giving out personal land, labour, and direct cash payments for
community projects. A lack of consensus on the necessity and means for specific projects by
the inhabitants was identified as another problem as well as the fact that the government
externally imposed most projects, and at times with imported workers. Nonetheless,
community leaders successfully organised 72 per cent of door-to-door collection of household
solid waste by negotiating with and paying youth groups, using fees collected from
households. Some government-owned projects were abandoned. These examples suggest there
are strong inks between sustainability, environmental management, good governance and

In a study of 55 community-based solid waste projects in developing countries, Anschtz

(1996), observed the following as constituting the role of communities in MSWM:

Adapting daily habits to agreed waste management systems (rules, schedules, e.g. to
offer the waste at the right time and place to the collection team)
Bringing garbage to communal collection point for transfer
Storing garbage in plastic bags or special bin
Cooperating in clean-up campaigns
Keeping house and immediate environment clean (drains, streets in front of the house)
Separating waste into organic and non-organic, wet and dry, keeping plastics, papers
etc. Apart
Composting the organic fraction in own backyard.

Such a system also needs some education and awareness campaigns, as well as cash, kind and
labour to support the service. Money is needed to pay collectors, and acquire and maintain
equipment. Communities also have to work with these other waste stakeholders: scavengers,
micro-enterprises, CBOs, NGOs and the Urban Council. Micro-enterprises are groups of about
eight to 20 people sharing responsibility and profit in providing a service such as sweeping a
street. They may be residents in that community or not. The community-based organisations
(CBOs) on the other hand develop and operate within the community. The NGOs operate at
local, regional, national and international levels. They are involved mostly in supervision,
financial assistance, control, coordinating, recruitment, management, education, sensitisation,
advice, and cooperation with councils and government.

5.5.2 Late 1990s and 2000s

SANDEC2 has many cases emerging later in the 1990s. One of such cases chosen for
illustrative purposes is that of Shah Rasool Colony in Karachi -Pakistan studied by (Zurbrugg
and Ahmed 1999). These authors had on the one hand an objective to acquire experience in
peoples concerns in their attitudes towards waste collection and on the other, field testing an
approach to enhance community awareness and initiate genuine involvement of the
community in all stages of the waste collection project. As concerns involvement, the research
established that self-help and the use of community participation is significantly important in
solving solid waste management problems in low-income areas. They identified motivation
and education, the importance of competent individuals working as volunteers, and the
existence of motivated members to lead the community, as vital ingredients for effective
public participation. The significant role played by women and children is also highlighted.
However, they note the danger of the withdrawal of any such helpful individuals or groups of
the community. They also observed one other setback that: Political affiliation also restricts
the project development as the majority of the residents joined the opposition party, thereby
creating resentment by the ruling class towards any area upgrading efforts (Zurbrugg and
Ahmed 1999, p. 6).

ENDA-WASTE3 has a plethora of single-objective projects in multiple sub-areas, on

community participation in urban solid waste management all over the developing countries.
A series of reports published in 1998 and beyond suggest community participation has gained
significant success in MSWM. The cases cover various aspects of MSWM ranging from
handling single waste items by individuals such as organic, plastic, rubber and hazardous
waste, through small-scale community resource recovery by groups, to whole community
participation in waste management (WASTE-UWEP 2003).
Many studies have been carried out to learn lessons on public participation from these project
reports. One such is an elaborate synthesis of eight project reports (Bulle 1999). From the
cases studied, the concept of interest (collective or individual) is identified and expanded upon

SANDEC is the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries at the Swiss Federal Institute for
Environmental Science and Technology (EWANG) in Duebendorf, Switzerland.
WASTE studies are part of the Urban Waste Expertise Programme (UWEP) founded by the Netherlands
Development Assistance of the Foreign Affairs Ministry since 1995. The European Commission founded ENDA
in 1994 to support local initiatives towards solving urban environmental problems in the South.
as the cornerstone of public participation in MSWM. Participation is almost completely tied to
interest. This includes interest in their community itself, interest because of economic and
financial benefits such as employment; credits from NGOs and donors; proceeds from
recyclable and composting; redistributive effects from solidarity funds and reinvestment
benefits. Interest may also arise because the citizens health is at risk or threatened. For
example, the 1994 cholera and plague epidemics respectively in Patan and Surat cities spurred
interest not only locally but also worldwide and caused urban authorities to rethink the state
and approach to the environmental problems especially solid waste management. The two
cities have a successful MSW system in place today, thanks to the epidemics. Community
participation, according to Bulle (1999), is all about community motivation, awareness,
education and management. Waste collection or clean-up activities are most effective when
residents gain control over their content and their social or sanitary scope; when they take an
active part in monitoring and/or raising awareness at the neighbourhood level.

One important revelation is the role played by key actors: traditional and informal leaders,
women and young people in this new initiative. Traditional leaders such as wise people,
nobles, district leaders and religious figures act as mediators, moral supporters, and arbiters in
the neighbourhood projects. Social and informal leaders, namely: opinion leaders, teachers and
leading politicians are involved at the management level, initiating projects, setting-up
committees and clean-up campaigns. This is illustrated with cases from Karachi,
Ouagadougou and Cebu. Young people are the motor behind most projects as they provide the
labour needed, both paid and voluntary. Women are the first to feel the problem of
environmental deterioration and bear the brunt of the daily load of unhealthy situations.
Formerly kept out of decision-making because of cultural, traditional and religious reasons,
change is gradually taking place, as they get increasingly actively involved as in Bamako.

Dr Madibo Kieta has also been following up these projects with special attention on the
Commune IV Bamako. In two recent articles (Kieta, 2001, 2003) he assesses and highlights
lessons learned from this successful case study, which has evolved participation to a level of
creating a coordinating body called the municipal platform, made up of municipal officials,
service providers, households etc. At the municipal platform there are opportunities for
discussions, sharing options and perspectives and participatory decision-making for communal

waste management in the city district. He notes that it is a success story, the basis of this
success being the coordinated efforts, shared ideas and concerns. They also have the ability to
modify services to suit local needs while at the same time integrating national legal
requirements with the local laws. Womens role here has evolved to the high position of ward
leadership charged with monitoring waste collection and sanitation issues. This is a great
stride ahead for women and MSWM in a Muslim environment such as Mali.
Some current initiatives of the municipal platform are:
Separate collection and transportation of bio-medical (hazardous health) waste
Rehabilitation of illegal dump sites, transforming them into green spaces and playing areas for children.
Setting centres for waste sorting and composting
Testing an appropriate technology for primary and secondary collection: combining the use of donkey
carts, motorised carts and trucks by small enterprises (investigating effectiveness, efficiency and
economics) (Keita 2003, pp. 6&7)

Focus on participation, decentralisation and culture are seen as the engine of the process.
However, he further attributes achievement, thanks to the introduction of democracy in the
country in March 1991 and the trend towards decentralisation that came with it (Keita 2001,

In the same vein, and using literature reviewed from ENDA-WASTE projects publications and
primary sources from Pakistan and India, Ali and Snel (1999) also identified among other
lessons learned from community-based solid waste management initiatives, the recurrent
central issue that sustainable waste collection schemes need strong linkages established
between the community and the municipality and emphasised the fact that these could be
achieved via legislation, discussion forums involving all stakeholders and two-way
communication between the community and the municipality.

Developing this position from an overly governance interpretation, Kironde and Yhdego
(1997) see waste management as an important arena of governance because it involves the
success or failure of authority to deal with this waste, and the response of society to this
success or failure. According to these authors, the success of authorities in managing waste (as
is the case with other publicly provided services) hinges on the availability of resources, and
on good governance and also creating legitimacy for the state in the eye of the public. Failure
creates hostility, and distances the public from the state, and this has important connotations
for resources generation, democracy, transparency and accountability.

Using Dar es Salaam, the capital city of Tanzania as, a case study, Kironde and Yhedgo
(1997), examine urban solid waste management in terms of democratic principles of public
participation, citizens rights, transparency, accountability, financial efficiency and
sustainability. They concluded that the urban waste management system has been a failure.
The failure is seen not in terms of the dearth of resources as is usually promoted by the
authorities, but as a result of poor governance described by the authors as corrupt,
unaccountable, inefficient, non-collaborative and using a command-and-control approach to
partnership. A community-based model for managing urban waste is needed.

Timilsina (2001), also examines public and private sector involvement in municipal solid
waste management in Kathmandu Valley. He proposes a model in which participation in
MSWM is ranked into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary representing respectively,
household door-to-door collection and recycling, transportation and landfill disposal levels.
Households, NGOs, CBOs, private organisations manage the first level, while city councils are
to be responsible for the secondary level, which is transportation, while the state takes care of
managing the waste at their final disposal sites, being the landfills or incinerator. Surprisingly
he recommends command-and-control and polluter-pays principles to be used to supplement
his model. The model shares responsibilities but fails to show that much-needed cordial link
between the parties concerned which can bring about meaningful collaboration for effective
municipal solid waste management in the valley.

5.5.3 Unit, Nature and Levels of Participation in MSWM

Urban space is organised into the following units: households, communities, neighbourhoods
and the city. A community is a group of households, which inhabit the same area, have access
to, and use the same services. When they further share religious, cultural, political and socio-
economic interests the community bond is stronger and makes community participation easier.
A neighbourhood is a geographical area or an administrative unit in which a community lives.
Community participation is a sociological process by which residents organise themselves
and become involved at the level of a living neighbourhood, to improve conditions of daily

life (waste, water, sanitation, health, education etc.). It comprises various degrees of individual
or collective involvement (financial and/or physical contributions, social and/or political
commitment) at different stages of the project (Bulle 1999, p. 9). The city is made up of
communities. In the context of Cameroon, the community and neighbourhood levels would
respectively correspond to quarters and villages (next chapter). A totality of projects organised
at community or neighbourhood levels would mean serving the whole city.
Participation will be principally at the primary waste management stage (see next chapter).
Community participation is part of the wider concept of public and private sector participation.
The level of MSW community involvement will vary from contribution in cash and kind,
labour, changes in behaviour to involvement in administration, management and decision-
making to community management, the latter being the final stage in which the community
takes responsibility for the project by obtaining authority over it, carrying out control of
operations, managing and maintaining the public service, using a management committee
(Anschtz 1996). According to this author, all members of the community are not necessarily
responsible for all aspects of the service nor should all works be done voluntarily.

5.5 Conclusion

The overall message emerging from the literature on theories and cases examined is the
necessity of getting local people to participate fully in urban solid waste management. It is
such an arrangement that has been found to be sustainable. The emphasis is on governance
that encourages shared responsibilities by the councils, private sector, community-based
organisations, common initiative groups and gives residents an opportunity to take control and
possession of their city. It moves MSWM from the command-and-control, government by
decrees, top-down, prescriptions by bureaucrats, Westminster model to a more consensual
multi-agency partnership with more emphasis on bottom-up, community-based and grass roots
control over solid waste management initiatives in their neighbourhoods.

5.6 Governance and Participation in Waste Management, Cameroon

5.6.1 Introduction

In Cameroon, the idea of passing down governance and empowerment to the base, so as to
improve effective participation in development, appears to have always been there. Page
(2003) notes that in the colonial English-speaking parts of Cameroon, community
development was well advocated and entrenched. The concept was not only defined and
explained in 1950 by a colonial administrator serving in the area, Mr. E. R. Chadwick, as:
The development of communities by their own efforts and industry and not development of
communities by government but also enforced with the objective to induce in the people a
desire for progress and the will to achieve it by their own efforts, and a rationale that
community development was morally superior because it developed a work ethic and because
it preserved an historical African tradition of co-operation. (Page 2003, p. 4). Today in
Cameroon there is much talk about decentralisation and regional autonomy by the politicians,
the administration and the people. The opposition parties are pressing hard for this to happen.
Field experience also revealed this. For example, at the last interview with the Government
Delegate to the BUC, on how to move MSWM in Bamenda ahead, he was categorical:
Councils should be given financial autonomy! The central government is quite aware of
these historical perspectives as well as the local, national and international trend and desires
toward devolution of power. In the last reorganisation of 1998 government ministries, the
Ministry of Territorial Administration was accorded one other new function, being that of

One wonders then what should be holding back the progress of reversing the conceptual
pyramid for meaningful change. Wilcoxs hypotheses discussed above might have given us
some clues to the conceptual framework. The following paragraphs examine the actual
organisation of issues of administration, governance and participation as they affect MSWM
in Bamenda and Yaound, Cameroon.

5.6.2 The Institutional, Administrative and Political Structure of Cameroon



Mines, Water &

Environment &

Town Planning &

Urban Affairs

National Health

Economy & Finance

Trade & Industries


City Council

External Support
Secretariat Agencies (ESA)

Technical Services

Private Company Hygiene & Sanitation

MSW Generators

FIGURE 5.2: Institutional Organisation of Waste Management in Cameroon

Sources: Compiled from relevant official texts by the author

Institutional aspects of MSWM concern the institutional structure, arrangements of solid waste
management, organisational procedure, role, regulations and responsibilities of various actors
and collaborators. It is also tied to the administrative and political system in place. Figure 5.2
is an illustration of the structure. The state defines and fixes laws and regulations governing
waste management, sanitation, hygiene and environment throughout the different structures of
government and NGOs in the country. Figure 5.2 illustrates the hierarchy of the administrative
structure and power. At the top is the highest authority (the president) and in descending order
the lowest at the base are the councils. The system is highly centralised at the top; even bills
deliberated and passed by parliament must be promulgated into law by the president. In
addition the president can make decrees for any issue in the interest of the state. Decrees, laws,
orders, decisions, texts and service notices are used to organise and regulate all the functions
of government. All levels, from the quarters through the councils to the presidency of the
country, make some form of binding regulations of various powers, but orders from higher in
the hierarchy take precedence over lower orders in the case of a conflict. However, major
decision-making, finances, technical advice and services are concentrated at the top. It is a
complicated network. According to the various existing government texts, everyone, as with
each ministry, is implicated in waste management matters. Nonetheless, only very important
texts and ministries closely related to municipal solid waste management are discussed below. Institutional Responsibilities: Overlapping and Conflicting.

Institutional responsibilities are contained in the texts creating the institution and defining its
mission or in subsequent decrees, laws, orders, circulars or decisions. Ministries are
responsible for specific functions. They expand on the application of texts and ensure their
implementation at the external services spread all over the provinces. The jurisdiction of some
services such as solid waste management crosses ministries. Serious coordination is needed to
avoid conflicts, negligence and duplication.

Ministries: Administrative Responsibilities and Policies.

i) The Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation

Councils are one of the functional units in the national administrative hierarchy and as such
placed directly under the supervision of this ministry. In addition, since Decree No. 98/147 of

17 July 1998 the ministry is very involved with decentralisation and ensuring good sanitation
and waste management among other duties in all the administrative units of the national
ii) The Ministry of Environment and Forests.
The ministry is responsible for laying down national environmental policy plans, coordinating
and ensuring their implementation. In the national environmental law N0. 96/12 of 5 August
1996 emanating from this ministry, articles 42 to 53 define the policy and prescribe
specifically the accepted solid waste management practices for the country.

iii) Ministry of Urban Affairs. This ministry was created with the mission of the
management and restructuring of urban areas with populations greater than 100,000 in
Cameroon. Decree N0. 98/153 of 24 July creating the ministry among other duties charged it,
in Articles 22-25, with the general cleanliness and drainage, solid waste management, hygiene
and salubrity of the cities. Article 24, specifically assigned the ministry with the
responsibilities for elaborating plans for evacuation and treatment of solid waste; carrying out
research on improving collection and transportation; supervision and coordination of
collection and transportation; and sensitising the public on the practice of pre-collection of
MSW. It also has the task of maintaining urban roads and streets, coordinating activities of
social groups and the informal sectors (Biya 1998).

iv) Ministry of Town Planning and Housing

This ministry is responsible for town planning and housing as it is with the specific
management of hygiene and sanitation of the towns. It operates in the same cities as the
ministry of Urban Affairs. This is where the zone of operation is not clear. The organization of
streets and housing by this ministry also is an important factor influencing the collection of
solid waste.

v) Ministry of Public Health.

Waste management is a public health problem. Promoting good public health, sanitation and
hygiene have long been the primary responsibility of the Ministry of Public Health. In the
councils the sub section for sanitation and hygiene, including waste management is under the
technical supervision of the ministrys preventative medicines services.

vi) Ministry of Industrial and Commercial Development.
It promotes the development of industrial, commercial and artisan activities in the country.
These areas generate large quantities and varieties of wastes. The policy on industrial and
commercial waste management is indispensable, needing the collaboration with the other
concerned ministries. Private waste management companies are within this ministrys
jurisdiction. Issues related to importation and exportation of wastes or recycled waste also lie
within their domain.

vii) Ministry of Finance and the Budget

Councils are decentralised local and corporate bodies governed by public law. Consequently
the Ministry of Finance and Budget is responsible for collection and disbursing funds for the
running of councils operations as is with other government corporate bodies (Section 52 of
Law No. 87-105 of 15 July 1987). The minister represents government when councils are
engaged in signing big financial contracts.

Other ministries such as Higher Education through its university institutions is doing research
in solid waste management; the ministry of Agriculture is interested in organic fertilizers from
composting MSW; and so on. These ministries are by law supposed to work together;
however, the practice is full of conflicting roles and rules rather than complementary, because
the line between their jurisdictions is fuzzy. This is no surprise given that a venture such as
waste management involves everyone and all spheres of life and good coordination is not yet
in place. Law No. 053 of 19/12/90 on liberalisation of associations and the emergence of
donors and international bodies such as World Bank and IMF during economic crises together
with friendly-country/city governments play a role in the administrative and management
hierarchy. Deliverers of MSW Services.

While the ministries take specific administrative roles all over the country, for greater
efficiency, the country is further divided into provinces, divisions, sub-divisions, districts and
council areas. Councils are not only the smallest unit of administration but also the most basic
and most important. Everyone in the country lives either in an urban or a rural council area.

They are the main deliverers of services to the population. The economic, social and cultural
development of each council area and its people logically means the overall development of
the country. This important role of councils is well understood by the government and is
demonstrated in the various comprehensive decrees, laws and texts in place that define the
mission, organization and functional mechanisms of these councils. Nonetheless, the practice
is far from the ideal. Power and finance still remains at the top and it appears councils are yet
to be equipped with the necessary means and empowerment that will help them deliver council
services, including waste management, at sustainable limits.

At the level of deliverers (Figure 5.2) are the NGOs, Common Initiative Groups (CIGs),
Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), private concessionary companies, and waste
generators. The situation is more confused at the base because some groups deal directly with
the waste generators while others operate through the councils Hygiene and Sanitation
Technical service. Collaboration is lacking. Another big source of assistance usually comes
from External Support Agencies (ESAs) such as the World Bank, IMF, friendly cities and
countries overseas. Their support to the council may come directly or through the ministry.
Meanwhile it is not uncommon to have a big internal support leapfrogging from the Prime
Ministry or Presidency to alleviate a waste management disaster. Both the Yaound and
Bamenda Cities solid waste management system are relying on these last two options for
survival. The main stakeholders, the households, are not meaningfully involved in the system.
This overreliance on external support and complete negligence of local stakeholders is simply
unsustainable. The organization at city levels for Yaound and Bamenda is discussed in the
specific chapters dealing with those cities. Urban Councils and SWM Legislation: Responsibilities and Financing

All texts consulted define a city council as a decentralised local authority and corporate body
governed by public law and having a legal personality and financial autonomy Other attributes
point to the fact that it must have a name, headquarters and area of jurisdiction. It may also
have sub-divisions or not. The main task is to manage local affairs aimed at economic, social
and cultural development of its population (law 87-1365 of 24 September 1987, GOC, 1987).

Many administrative texts define the organization of councils. One very important text is law
No. 74-23 of 5 December 1975. This long document, comprising 183 sections, laid down the
basic law that define the administration of councils in the country. Later laws and decree such
as Decrees No. 77-220 of 1 July 1977 and No. 80-17 of 15 January 1980; and Laws No. 87-
015 of 15 July 1987, have barely amended parts if it.

In all these texts the urban councils are charged with the responsibility for developing and
maintaining streets, public spaces and parks, markets, halls, cemeteries, roads, libraries
museums and monuments and policing of private and public lands (Chapter 4 1974 Law). In
the same law Councils were empowered (in section 96) to institute direct annual tax collection
from the inhabitants of the area on each of the following services: water, street lighting,
household waste collection, ambulance and electricity generation. The latter is where the
urban council generated its own electricity. Introducing these taxes was however subject to the
approval of the supervisory authority. The taxes were barely a proposal, as they did not appear
on the councils indirect taxes and fees source which included slaughter tax, sanitation
inspection fines, pounding fees, market space tax, building permit fee, temporary occupation
of streets or parks fees, motor parks tax, advertising tax, stadium fees, vacant plots tax,
communal stamps, highway dilapidation tax, animal transit and custom taxes. Councils could
also obtain revenue from exploitation of the public property of the city council; loans;
subsidies and advances granted by the state or any other public bodies; private sources; gifts,
donations and legacies.

Decree No. 77-220 of 1 July 1977, fixed the maximum collection rates and methods of
payments for taxes spelt out in the preceding paragraph. There is no mention of citizens
financial contribution to waste management. So the burden is still placed on other sources of
revenue or the central government. Decree No. 80-17 of 15 January 1980 fixed maximum
rates of direct taxes proposed in the 1974 law. Councils for the first time were empowered to
collect taxes on garbage. Section 1 emphasised that councils may levy, for the purpose of
running technical services of public establishments, water tax, street lighting tax, garbage
collection tax and ambulance tax. Section 4 stipulated that the Garbage tax shall be an annual
flat rate payable in three categories: 50250 francs CFA for non-workers of public or private

sectors; 150-1 000 francs CFA for employees of the government or private sectors and 2 500-
30 000 francs CFA for licensed institutions (GOC 1980).

Law No. 87-015 of July 1987 made major changes on the foundation law of 1974. The law did
not only create sub-divisional urban councils (Section 2) within the city councils structure but
also highlighted waste management and other urban services especially as jurisdictions were
now shared between city and sub-divisional urban councils (Figure 5.3).

City Council (CC) areas covered by their powers Sub-Divisional Urban Councils (SDUC) areas
are: covered by their powers are:
1 town planning and urban development 1 enforcement of laws and regulations;
2 collective facilities and infrastructures; 2 civil status matters;
3 maintenance of major reads and road signs; 33 collection and treatment of garbage and waste,
4 pubic lighting and supply of drinking water; and treatment of waste matters;
5 traffic and transportation; 34 sanitation;
6 public parking and parking lots; 5 policing of dangerous, unhealthy or obnoxious
7 municipal slaughter houses; establishments;
8 markets and fairs; 6 health and social activities;
9 municipal museums; 7 distribution of drinking water;
10 recreation parks and gardens; 8 maintenance and cleaning of secondary council
11 graveyards; roads;
12 implementation of measures related to land 9 council libraries;
tenure, State lands and building permits; 10 sports and recreational facilities;
13 naming of streets, squares and public buildings; 11 local dissemination of information.
314 hygiene and sanitation.

FIGURE 5.3:Responsibilities of the City and Sub-Divisional Councils by 1987 Law

SOURCES: Law No. 87-015 of 15 July 1987, Sections: 3 &11.

The city councils powers covered 14 areas with hygiene and sanitation the fourteenth item
area (Section 3), meanwhile the sub-divisional urban councils were assigned amongst 11 other
duties, the collection and treatment of garbage and waste, together with treatment of waste
matters. Sanitation was also included amongst their duties (see Section 11 sub 3 & 4). In the
section the function sanitation remains vague as applied to both levels of councils and in
practice it actually creates confusion. Revenue sources were also shared between the city

council and the sub-divisional urban councils. Among other sources the sub-divisional urban
councils were to collect garbage tax and sanitation tax (Section 50 sub 12 & 13).

Decree No. 87-1365 of 24 September 1987 set up the Yaound City Council (as was with
Douala No. 87-1366 same day) with four sub-divisional urban councils: Yaound I, II, III and
IV. In another reorganisation (1993) two more sub divisional urban councils: Yaound V & VI
were created out of former Yaound I & III (Decree No. 93/321 of 25 November 1993).

5.6.3 Participants in MSWM in Yaound and Bamenda, Cameroon

While government has been busy organising urban councils, the urban community seemed
forgotten. Their level of participation is so low that some households have nothing to do with
the councils arrangements. This suggests they have never had a forum to discuss waste maters
despite the fact that the section 72 of the Cameroon Law on Environment pays lip service to
public participation in environmental management. This section guarantees the public free
access to environmental information, involvement through consultations for their opinion and
ideas and the right to be sensitised, informed and educated on environmental matters. The next
section (73) charged educational institutions: primary, secondary and university to include
environmental management in their curricula.

To investigate the level of collaboration, participation and involvement of communities in

Yaound and Bamenda in MSW management I used some survey questions. Respondents
were requested to indicate who decided the location of the public skip that they use and
whether they had ever had any form(s) of sensitisation on waste management matters. They
were further asked who organised it and the media used. Their willingness and ability to
participate in waste management through rates payments was also surveyed (Table 5.1). Decision-making

Analysis from Table 5.1 shows that in both cities only one percent of the respondents say all
the parties: Urban Council, waste generators (quarter people), and waste management
company (HYSACAM in the case of Yaound) came together to decide where to place the
public bin. In Bamenda it was 95 percent a Council decision. In Yaound people believed it is
the waste management company, more than the council who decided the location. An average
of 17 percent admit that the quarter people contributed to the decision on where to locate
public skips. This suggests the people are simply informed over the radio or television
network to put their waste into the skips.

Cross Tabulation Results on Who Decided the Location of Public Skip;
City * Public bin located by Urban Council (UC)
Yes No 3 Total
City Yaound 28 97 1 126
Bamenda 85 5 90
Total 113 102 1 216
3=dont know

City * Pubic bin located by HYSACAM

Yes No Total
City Yaound 86 41 127
Bamenda 84 84
Total 86 125 211

City * Public bin located by quarter & HYSACAM

Yes No Total
City Yaound 3 123 126
Bamenda 84 84
Total 3 207 210

City * Public bin located by (ALL):1, 2, 3 above

Yes No Total
City Yaound 3 122 125
Bamenda 84 84
Total 3 206 209
Sources: Field survey March/April 2003 Education and Sensitisation

As far as education and sensitisation are concerned, an average of 61.5% of the respondents
from both cities said they have had some form of it, 80 % of the Bamenda respondents and
49% of Yaoundes. Summarily 76% came from the Councils, 10% from the waste

management company (Yaound), nine from NGOs, six per cent from academics, and seven
per cent from other sources. The media through which this information was passed on
included the radio (52 %), television (40%), school (15 %), posters (15 %) and quarter
meetings (15%). The messages carried were: put your waste in the public bin, Keep your
areas clean, Keep Bamenda Clean is on Thursday etc. The number of times the respondents
heard the sensitisation and education varied from one to many. Many simply said they have
never heard or seen any thing. Solid Waste Financing

According to Bulle (1999) a tax is viewed more as a conventional task than as a real
participation. In Cameroon the texts were made for users to contribute to the costs of services
such as water, street lighting and garbage collection, to assist government. At first these
services were free, later councils were at liberty to institute taxes on them and lastly a token
tax was instituted by government (1980 law). These rates were not only small but also few
contributors existed, mainly salaried workers whose contributions could be cut at the source of
the salaries and institutions. These placed councils in permanent need of support.
The following Table 5.2 shows the total income for four successive budgetary years in
Yaound, income from the community, direct taxes on water, garbage, electricity etc., the part
of income accruing from garbage collection, the contribution of the budget of the city council
in the financing of the garbage management and lastly the percentage of garbage tax income
over expenditure.

Fiscal Revenue and the Part Contributed from Garbage Collection Tax 1987-1991 (in
Million FCFA). (Yaound City).

Financial Year 1987-1988 1988-1989 1998-1990 1990-1991*-

Revenue 5.215 3.848 3.584 3.928
Council direct taxes (water, 8,6 146,642 153,566 81,626
street lighting garbage etc).
Revenue from garbage 2,836 48,392 50,677 26,936
collection tax
Contribution from the budget of 533,536 533,536 319,115 563,054
Yaound City Council to
garbage collection
% of revenue over expenditure 0,5% 9% 15,9% 4,8%
* Yaound City Council shares a third of the total service costs.
Sources: Financial Service of the Yaound City Council in (Ngnikam 2001, p. 122)

Over the years the contributions of the community towards waste management is an
insignificant average of 7.6% for Yaound. The situation now has not changed Bamendas
1999/2000-budget direct tax revenue including garbage was only 5% (Table 5.3). It is not easy
to say, with some certainty, what comes in as revenue but not expenditure especially where the
council directly manages waste such as in Bamenda. The garbage tax with other direct taxes
(Table 5.3) contributed only 0.5% of the revenue in 1999/2000. This is 8.7 times the desired
amount as indicated by the 2001/2002 proposed budgets. Expenditures on garbage
management are divided among workers salaries, garage, drivers, and vehicle repairs,
servicing and fuelling. Some of these services are general and many waste workers borrow
from other services. Direct salaries for garbage workers was only 1 843 402 CFA4 for
1999/2001 and 1 039 452 CFA for 2001/2002. There is no expenditure shown for garbage
equipment but 2001/2002 budget shows 15 000 000 CFA. In all the contributions in Bamenda
as for Yaound are too small to offset the costs of solid waste management. This demonstrates
why the government comes in almost on a permanent bases to support the council (Table 5.6).

Garbage and other Direct Council Taxes in Bamenda Urban Council Revenue 1999/2000
and 2001/2002.
Nature of revenue 1999/2000 2001/2002
1. Excess of Revenue over Expenditure 326 318 555 -
2. Tax of the rolls (poll, business, liquor, cattle) 125 134 434 190 000 000

3. Additional council taxes 47 884 653 154 000 000

5. Direct council taxes (water, street lighting, garbage, 3 425 001 29 500 000
ambulance and. Electricity)
5. Indirect Council taxes (Sanitation, slaughter house etc 158 626 599 211 700 000
6. Single articles (renting council property) 6 960 175 20 000 000
7. Rebates and Royalties -
8. Single headed (only incidental revenue) 16 378 100 244 400 000
TOTAL 685 563 508 890 000 000

Source: Bamenda Urban Council Budget 2001/2002, BUC

Survey results from Yaound and Bamenda (Tables 5.3 & 5.4) suggest that many citizens are
prepared to pay up to 12 times the current yearly tax rates (a flat rate of 50-1 000 frs per

1 ASD ($)=400.374 francs CFA; 1 USD ($)=539.058 francs CFA; 1 Euro () = 655.957 francs CFA
taxpayer). The survey rate is what people are prepared to pay in a month. This is illustrated by
data shown below including the fact that many people, especially in Yaound, pay private
individuals or community groups to remove their waste at higher monthly amounts than the
current tax system stipulates. However, not all the respondents were prepared to pay.

City. Proposed Monthly Waste Service Payment Cross-Tabulation

Rate <500 Frs 500-699 700-999 frs 1000-1500 >1500 frs Total
City CFA frs CFA CFA frs CFA CFA
Yaound 56 15 29 18 30 148
Bamenda 37 10 7 10 32 96
Total 93 25 36 28 62 244
% 38.1 10.2 15.8 11.5 25.4 100.0

Source: Field survey March/April 2000

Table 5.5
Quarter * Proposed Monthly Waste Service Payment Cross Tabulation Counts

Rates <500 Frs 500-699 frs 700-999 frs 1000-1500 >1500 frs Total
Bastos 4 4 2 7 15 32
Efoulan 11 2 8 2 9 32
Nvog Ada 29 6 14 4 1 54
Cite-Verte 12 3 5 5 5 30
GRA Up 7 3 1 1 2 14
Nchuabuh 2 1 1 14 18
Nta Mbag 24 6 5 5 4 44
(Old Town)
Ndamukong 4 4 12 20
Total 93 25 36 28 62 244

Source: Field Survey March/April 2003

Some families saw removing waste from households as a legitimate contribution by the
children to household duties. Some think it is the urban councils duty to take away the waste
as with other urban services. The ability to pay and the paid rates have a strong positive
correlation with the socio-economic standing of the quarter. High residential quarters e.g.
Bastos and Nchuabuh, show higher rates, meanwhile the two low-residential quarters in the
two cities, Nvog Ada and Nta Mbag, indicated low rates of payment (Table 5.5).

State, City Council and Urban Sub-Divisional Council Contributions toward Household
Waste Collection in Yaound, 1998/99-2001/02 Budgetary Years

Financial The States Contributions City Councils The six Urban Sub-
Year Contributions. (CUY) Divisional Councils
Contributions. (USDC)
Amount Percentage of Amount Percentage Amount Percentage of
(million the total (million of total (Million total
frs CFA) frs CFA) frs.CFA)
Year 1 1.300 86,6% 100 6,7% 100 6,7%
Year 2 900 60% 500 33,3% 100 6,7%
Year 3 500-600 33.3- 800-900 53,3- 200 13,3%
2000/2001 40% 60%
Year 4 0 0% 100% payment by the councils les collectivites public
2001/2002 locales.
(Ngnikam 2001, p. 123)

Table 5.6 illustrates the declining contributions of the state. It registers zero in 2002.
This is normal given that support is not meant to be permanent. On the one hand the state
expects the council to gradually increase the taxes to increase revenue. On the other, this is not
allowed by the texts. However, in 2003 the government renewed the contact with HYSACAM
to pay 2.5 milliard francs with councils contributing 0.5 milliard francs for the next three years
(Interview with service head in charge of Hygiene and Sanitation CUY, Yaound 10/3/03).
The relation between the city councils and the sub divisional councils is another area which
needs to be carefully worked out in texts and application so as to address conflicts. It is certain
that both the texts and the whole philosophy of providing these services have to change, if the
situation of waste management is to be sustained.

5.7 Conclusion

The involvement of the citizens in the waste management in Bamenda and Yaound has been
rather cosmetic. The financial contribution rates are not only too small but also hardly ever
collected. Even if the average of 500 francs (less than US $1) per working population per year
garbage tax, or 15 000 francs for the licensed establishments, came in, these amounts would

not sustain the management of the yearly per capita solid waste generation. Participation is
much more than paying money for waste removal. The beautiful laws and decrees on the
environment and organisation of the council structures and functions suggest that the central
government at the top understands the prominent role councils at the base can play in
improving the general economic, environmental, social and cultural life of its populations and
especially solid waste management. For now there is no efficient mechanism for enforcing the
laws in place. The administrative structure and roles are too interconnected yet effective
coordination is not in place. The top has theoretically passed down autonomy to the councils at
the base but is still holding firm onto the process of passing down the necessary financial and
empowerment that the councils need to function effectively. Schubeler (1996) on
decentralisation and distribution of responsibilities observes that: Problems arise when
certain functions are centralised, while responsibilities for operation and maintenance remain
at the local government level ( p. 30).

For MSW there is a strong reliance on the central government and external support agencies in
both Yaound and Bamenda cities whereas the mass of literature reviewed points to the
necessity for and the successes of community participation in moving MSW ahead in places
with similar conditions, as is Cameroon. There is too much faith on machinery rather than on
citizens and local institutions. This is not sustainable, and the persistent poor state of solid
waste management in Bamenda and Yaound cities as demonstrated in the next chapters
confirms. Hence, in conclusion:
In terms of waste management strategy, government by central decrees would need to be replaced by a
more consensual model based on multi-agency partnership, the blurring of responsibility between the
public and non-public sectors, and the emergence of self-governing networks concerning waste
management as a central issue in sustainable development (Fagan et al. 2001, p. 4).


Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda City:

Generation, Storage, Collection and Transportation

6.1 General Introduction

Crucial to any successful municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system is the
understanding of the waste production rate, types, the characteristics and the history of the
system including those factors that drive the entire system. Knowledge gained from such
data helps guide policy, planning and management strategy including monitoring of
progress in quantifiable terms. This chapter examines solid waste generation, storage,
collection and transportation in Bamenda City. Collection and transportation are discussed
at two levels, namely primary and secondary. Important data and information are generated
from field experiment and survey analyses. I begin by presenting the major driving forces,
which have directly, or indirectly affected waste management in Bamenda. These drivers
include the organisational structure, growth, and development politics and waste
management history of the city. A simplified flow diagram of the MSWM system which
defines the path being followed is introduced; however, discussions on the parts of that
plan dealing with treatment, disposal and waste-derived products are reserved for the next

6.2 Bamenda City

The Bamenda Urban Council (BUC) governs Bamenda City. A Delegate to the Urban
Council, appointed by a presidential decree, heads it. Two major administrative structures
can be identified in Bamenda: the traditional under the control of the chiefs and other, the
modern one emanating from the central government. The traditional system has villages
subdivided into a number of quarters. The chief or Fon heads the village or fondom
while the Fon-appointed quarter-heads, lead the quarters. Bamenda is made up of three
main villages Mankon, Nkwen and Mendankwe (Figure 6.1). There are many quarters with
diverse characteristics in each village and not all the quarters of these villages fall within
the urban areas.

Bafut Bambili Tubah



Nchuobu Musang

Foncha Street
M Ntamulung

Ntarikon NKWEN

Nitop M

M Old Town
Nta Mbag

Provincial Hospital M
Approx. village
NKWEN boundaries GRA

Bayelle Quarter
Nchuobu Sampling site Government Upstation
M Market
Tarred roads
other roads MENDANKWE
Rivers Atuakom

0 km 0.5 1
>1425 metres Bali

FIGURE 6.1: General Map of Bamenda City

These villages were once well-organised states but lost their hegemony to colonial
administration and later to the central government, which now controls every level of
administration in the national territory since political independence in 1961.

The central government style of organisational and structure follows the hierarchy of the
Ministry of Territorial Administration. The ministry is at the top; followed by the province,
division, sub division, the councils and lastly the villages. BUC areas correspond roughly
to the last three levels in the hierarchy. The immediate overall supervisory authority is the
Divisional Officer (D.O) in charge of the Bamenda Central Sub-Division, which
corresponds roughly to the city area. This makes the organisation and functioning of the
city more complicated, especially as the city also houses the administrative headquarters
for Mezam Division and the North West Province.

This new horizon, in which the traditional and modern systems mix, is problematic.
According to Mabogunje (1992 cited in Olokesusi 1994, p.381)

.. current urban management structures in Sub Saharan Africa are a reflection of the displacement of
traditional hierarchical arrangement for mobilising people and ensuring their active participation by
the state apparatus, by systems which have little or no coordination between state agencies and
community-based organisations.

However, an apparently smooth functional system had been put in place over the years
until the late 1980s and early 1990s chaos set in with the emergence of economic crises,
Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP), devaluation of the currency, massive salary
cuts, and generally difficult living conditions in Bamenda and Cameroon. The fact that the
birth and seat of the main opposition party is in Bamenda has increased political instability.
The situation is yet to stabilise for any meaningful collaboration towards a common goal.

6.2.1 Population and Spatial Growth

Bamenda is the biggest city in the predominantly English-speaking part of Cameroon. The
rates of population and spatial growth have equally been very high. The drivers for this
growth have been the increasing administrative status and functions of the town, trade and
commerce, transport, education, health and other socio-economic and political
developments. Founded in 1902 as the location of a fortress by the Germans on the edge of
the escarpment (Up Station in Mendanke), the African city developed below with the

gradual occupation of Abakwa (also called Old Town) by local farmers, traders and crafts
men, together with migrants form neighbouring territories. As the city expanded it spread
to Mankon, Nkwen and Mendankwe villages, engulfing quarters systematically. Today
Bamenda is number four in national urban settlement ranking (DSCN 2002). It is a
regional primate city, occupying an area of about 36.07 km2 with a heterogeneous
population of nearly 300 000. In 1934 the population was a modest 1299 (Figure 6.2).
Kumbo, the next largest city within the region, had less than 100 000 people by 1999 data

Bamenda-Population Growth 1934-2002








1934 1953 1964 1967 1976 1987 1994 2002

FIGURE 6.2: Urban Population Growth in Bamenda-1934-2002

Sources: 1953-1976 data (Achankeng 1984); 1987 & 1994 data (Anschutz et al. 1995);
2002 data (DSCN 2002).

Annual Average Rates of Population Growth (AARPG) in (%) for Bamenda 1934-
Year (1) Year (2) Population Year Population Year AARPG %
(1) (2)
1934 1953 1299 9760 11.20
1953 1964 9760 18489 5.98
1964 1967 18489 33498 21.91
1967 1976 33375 48111 4.15
1976 1987 48111 110142 7.82
1987 1994 110142 137571 3.23
1994 2002 137571 294873 10.00
Sources: Compiled and Calculated from 1953-1976 Data (Achankeng 1984); 1987 &
1994 Data (Anschutz et al. 1995); 2002 Data (DSCN 2002).
Figure 6.2 and Table 6.1 show that the growth has been very rapid, the last decade showing
an accelerated annual average rate of 10 per cent. Calculations are based on the preferred
common compound interest method1 (ABS 1998). Omuta (1987) argues that increase in
population will no doubt increase waste generation but that increase in waste per se is not
equal to the degree of environmental pollution. However, I argue on the contrary that given
the conditions demonstrated in this thesis the council has not been able to cope with the
waste management challenges posed by the startling urban population growth.

6.2.2 Social, Cultural and Political Organisations

The highest decision-making body of a village is the traditional council. Next down the
ladder are the quarter councils. Specific ethnic groups in the cities also have their cultural
meetings but may not have administrative functions. Youths, women and other social
groups also exist in the cities while the Christian and Moslem faiths have multiply sub
groups. Clubs of various status from top civil servants clubs and associations to students
clubs are also present as are financial groups locally called Njange. These groups have
different objectives but a common objective that cuts across all is to improve human life.
These organisations are potential areas that can be exploited for non-conventional waste
management strategies. Some NGOs such as CAMINSUD and Paradise on Earth are
working in that direction.

The city is a hot spot for party political activities. The first and the main opposition party in
the country, the Social Democratic Front (SDF) was born here in 1990. SDFs struggle to
get into power, along with other opposition parties, especially after the first multiparty
elections of 1992, failed. Associating their failure to win with fraud orchestrated by the
government and ruling party, the opposition parties plunged the city and country into years
of political instability characterised by civil disobedience, ghost towns, strikes, and road
blockades. The Cameroon People Democratic Movement (CPDM), transformed from the
original one-party system, continues to rule the country. The chairman of SDF and one of
the first national presidents of CPDM live in the Mankon part of the city. In some areas
such as Bamenda the opposition (SDF) won all the urban council seats but the head of the
council is appointed from the CPDM by a presidential decree. One may find it hard to

Where ^ is the power, i.e., the number of years between two years/periods P2 & P1;
and * is the rate unit (percent, i.e., 100) as multiplier by.

believe that such an arrangement would not pose a threat to good governance, which is so
pertinent nowadays for sustainable waste management. According to Fagan et al. (2001)
good governance is supposed to include transparency, effectiveness, openness,
responsibility and accountability. In situations such as the one mentioned above, being able
to implement these canons of good governance has not been easy. Given the nature of
multi-party feelings in this part of the world, wounds have hardly healed. Each party still
treats its opponents and their zones of political support with animosity and discrimination.
This atmosphere affects service provision as some parts of the city suffer from deprivation
because of their political leaning.

6.2.3 The Economy and Infrastructure

Bamenda has a disproportionately large share of the provinces urban economic activities
and infrastructure. Agriculture is an important activity in and around the city. This can be
an available market for city-derived organic manure. Food processing, construction
enterprises, arts and crafts, farm machinery and furniture works dominate the secondary
sector. The tertiary sector is mostly involved with services industries such as wholesale,
hotels and restaurants, retail trade, transport, banks, insurance companies tourism and
cooperatives. Public services are offered by the state through ministerial representation at
provincial, divisional, sub-divisional and council levels. The local and international NGOs
are also located in the city. The informal sector is equally very active in retailing and
hawking. According to MINEFI (2001) Bamenda has 14 out of the 37 hotels of the
province, six banks, six cooperatives, and 15 international NGOs. They are involved in
urban development, health, education and agriculture.

The three main villages that make up the city are distinct in character. Mankon occupies
the largest portion, with the core of the citys business. The Central Business District
(CBD), all the banks and insurance companies, three of the four central markets, 70
percent of the colleges, the four best hotels of the province, and the provincial hospital are
all located in this part of the city. Included in Mankon are also a range of old to new
expanding quarters. Nkwen is next to Mankon in size and functions with an expanding
commercial and residential area. One of the citys main markets is located here. The
Mugheb stream and its tributary the Nki-Mbiengh separate both villages (Figure 6.1).
Meanwhile, a cliff face divides them from Mendankwe, where the Station, the seat of

government offices, administration and residence for civil and military officers alike, is

The availability of a good road and street network is an indispensable factor for effective
and efficient waste management system. A look at any Bamenda Map (Figure 6.1) would
imply that the city is well served with a good network of roads and streets. However, a
closer scrutiny would show that only about one-twentieth of these roads and streets are
tarred. The remainder are untarred and either passable in all seasons or not. Motorable
streets also do not serve the peri-urban quarters; rather one finds many paths barely used
by pedestrians. Another factor, which further exacerbates the accessibility problem, is the
uneven terrain and numerous streams. This inadequacy of access is a great impediment to
waste evacuation in the city.

6.3 Introduction to Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda

6.3.1 General MSW flow.

Resource recovery
Primary Secondary Treatment
Generation Collection & Collection &
& Storage Transportation Transportation


FIGURE 6.3: Schematic MSW Flow Diagram

Source: Adapted from Heeramun 1995; Beukering et al. 1999; Ngnikam 2000

Figure 6.3 is a general plan for navigating the waste management system. It charts a clear
path through which the research questions are answered. The diagram demonstrates that
waste is generated and stored, then transported primarily to where the official waste
management pick-up facility is located. The waste is lastly transported to a treatment phase
(to recover waste products or resources through composting, recycling). Resource recovery
take place at all stages, so the word waste is loosely used to describe what the original

generator puts aside as no longer wanted. Moreover, not all originally discarded waste
undergoes recovery or treatment stages. What cannot be recovered, i.e., the ultimate waste
is finally disposed of at landfills or incinerated). The plan represents the lower levels of an
incomplete conceptual model of the waste management hierarchy. It lacks the preferred
pyramid apex options of waste avoidance and zero waste.

6.3.2 Solid Waste Unit in BUC Administrative Flow Chart

Rural and urban councils are by law responsible for the hygiene and sanitation of their
areas of jurisdiction in Cameroon. Councils are the smallest units of administration (after
villages). However, the solid waste management sector finds itself in many other
ministerial organisational plans such as Urban Affairs, Forest and Environment, Town
Planning and Housing, Mines and Energy, Public Works, Finance and the economy and,
particularly, Health. These related ministries provide financial and technical assistance.
Technically, the Ministry of Health closely supervises the service and in some plans the
waste management sector is under the health ministry (Appendix 5). Meanwhile, Figure
6.4 is an administrative plan under the Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT).
Good coordination and collaboration with all these related services are necessary for a
smooth waste management system. Nonetheless, experience from waste management
history in the city indicates that complex administrative bottlenecks, conflicts in roles and
authority are characteristic of the plan. These hitches slow down the waste management





Govt Delegate

Council Council Secretariat Private 1st. Assistant Govt

2nd Assistant
Chairman Treasury Secretariat Technical
3rd. Assistant

1st. Assistant Finance/Admini Civil Status

2nd. Assistant stration Technical Services
Market & (Vehicle) Parks

Stores Bureau

Administration Bureau

Finance Bureau

Special Centre

Town Planning Bureau

Fire Brigade Bureau

Hygiene Bureau

Road Section

Garage Section
Waste Management

Key to abbreviations: MINAT: Ministry of Territorial Administration

SDO: Senior Divisional Officer
DO: Divisional Officer
Govt Delegate: Head of the Urban Council

FIGURE 6.4: The Waste Management Unit in the Administrative Flow Chart of BUC
Sources: Compiled from File No. 460, BUC

6.3.3 History of MSWM in Bamenda

The waste management system in Bamenda today has evolved from a long history of
experimentation with different strategies and techniques in the past. An examination of
these past experiences not only helps expose the merits and weakness of the present system
but also acts as a basis for making informed suggestions. From archival, oral and field
observations, it is clear that the history of municipal solid waste management in Bamenda
is as old as the city itself. The problem of poor solid waste management appears to have
always been a cause for concern, and increasing with the rapid growth and development of
the city. It is a history of problems with no lasting solutions having been found to date,
even though administrative regulatory orders and new modern equipment are gradually but
increasingly introduced into the management system. The major challenges have been
endemic ubiquitous heaps of uncollected waste, illegal dumping by street sides, river and
pond sides, open spaces and neighbourhoods. Burning and burying were also practised as
methods of eliminating waste. All these easy but dangerous approaches created
environmental nuisances and their presence attracted the attention of the administrative
authorities, the inhabitants, businessmen and even visitors to the city. Colonial Period (Before 1961)

Since the colonial period, the hygiene and sanitation sub-sector of the council has always
been responsible for managing waste in the town. The service has always been placed
under the supervision of a department of the health ministry located in the city-generally
the central hospital. In many cases this has been the Department of Preventive Medicine
headed by the medical doctor. According to archival sources in the BUC, in the colonial
days the African town was just what is known today as Old Town or formerly Abakwa but
whose traditional name is Nta Mbag. During this period the council provided waste bins
and incinerators and employed labourers to operate them. Both facilities were a nuisance to
the inhabitants who soon discovered that smoke and fire from incinerators was a source of
danger. Even though waste bins were built far away from their houses, the bins were often
a source of bad smells, flies and rodents. As the town grew larger, more congested and
expanded beyond the nucleus, there was a change of attitude. People did not want these
waste facilities located near their houses. So the NIMBY syndrome is an old concept.
Meanwhile in the Government Residential Area (GRA) Up-Station, the situation was the
same. The government was responsible for allocating land, providing and maintaining

structures. The philosophy of the government providing for waste management facilities in
the Government Station has never changed since. To date the urban council does not
provide regular and official waste collection facilities in this part of the city. Paradoxically,
the highest orders over the citys waste management matters, like all other businesses of
the province, are issued from here. Early Postcolonial Period (After 1961)

Immediately after independence (1961), things worsened when the colonial administration
ended and gave way to a new urban council to deal with the problem. There was a general
shortage of money for the services. However, according to information from the BUC File
(No. 319 Vol 1/68), on April 9,1970 a refuse collection tipper was purchased from
Renault-CEAC Victoria Cameroon at the sum of 2,699 040 CFA by the Mankon Area
Council to remove waste in its own part of the city. Arrangements were immediately made
calling on all compounds to place their refuse at specific spots directed by the Health
Officer. Interested farmers were also asked to apply (at first free but later at a hire charge
of 100 CFA per kilometre) to the council to dispose the refuse in their farms as soil

The following refuse disposal itinerary was drawn up by the medical doctor in charge of
Preventive Medicine and Rural Health Services Bamenda and passed to the council for
implementation. It was soon put up as a public notice to be followed thus:
Monday: Community Layout and Small Mankon Areas
Tuesday: Nta Mbag and environs
Wednesday: Hospital and Atuakom Area
Friday: Community Layout and Small Mankon Area
Saturday: Hospital and Atuakom Area

Large quantities of solid waste were still left uncollected for weeks as the D. O. for
Bamenda later remarked. In the same vein the council was further accused of diverting the
tipper to do private work other than the work for which it was bought (BUC file No.319
Vol. 1 p. 86).

In 1972 during the reorganisation of the territorial and administrative structure of the
country after re-unification, Bamenda gained the status of a divisional as well as that of a
provincial headquarters for the newly created North West Province. This implied an influx

of administrative services and civil servants, and the ancillary functions that normally go to
support such a system. The question of rapid increase in population has been addressed
above. The direct effect of this population was increase in the volume of waste generated
and leading correspondingly to an inability of the city authorities to deal with the situation.
The rest of the story is more about a history of interventions in a variety of notices, texts,
orders, decrees and laws, high-handed passed from the top down the administrative
hierarchy (Chapter 5). One of such early and stern notices is that of the governor of the
province to the Mankon Area Council in 1973. It went thus:
I am writing to draw your attention to the poor sanitary conditions of the Bamenda town, which as
you know attract many comments and criticisms form both visitors and its inhabitants. One would
have expected that with the new status of provincial headquarters Bamenda town should be the
cleanest place in the province. But quite on the contrary one finds that the present situation leaves
much to be desired, e.g.:
1. domestic animals killed by passing vehicles are left to decompose in the streets for
2. stagnant water and refuse heaps are allowed to breed mosquitoes, rodents, and
dangerous reptiles;
3. market places are always dirty looking;
4. pot-holes on roads are traps to both pedestrians and vehicles;
5. lawns and hedges are hardly or never cared for;
6. hawkers and traders build haphazardly along the streets etc. etc.
While I appreciate the fact that the general cleanliness for the town is not only dependent on the
municipal authorities, I wish to remind you that points 1, 2, 3, and 4 are entirely the responsibilities
of the Council and I am requesting that every effort be made to render the town a little more
habitable. As from the end of November 1973, I intend to undertake regular inspection tours of
Bamenda town to see for myself what efforts are being made to give the provincial headquarters the
standards which befits it (The Governor NWP 1973).

The governor addressed similar letters to concerned services in the town, notably the
Prison Department, the Highways, Town Planning and the Department of Preventive
Medicine. Reports from the BUC Health and Sanitation file show that some of these
institutions actually made efforts to come in and help. For example the medical doctor in
charge of Preventive Medicine on many occasions wrote to remind the Council of its duties
towards sanitation in the city. In 1978 the same department, at the request of the governor,
went further to study and report on the waste disposal situation of Bamenda Town. The
study attempted an estimation of the number of households in the city (4.500) and the
waste generation rate of 30-40 tons per day. Meanwhile, correspondences between the
Hygiene and Sanitation Sector of Bamenda Council and the Superintendent of Prisons
Bamenda indicated that gangs of prisoners were sometimes used to clean up the city (BUC
File No. 460, p. 241). As concerns the Governors own activities, it is not known whether
the Governor made his promised regular inspection tours but what is certain is that the
situation did not improve much as reported later at the end of the decade by the Senior

Health Superintendent. That administrator succinctly reported the solid waste management
practices in what he called then the present situation as follows:

I have mentioned already that there are no sanitary labourers. The 7 market labourers who are
themselves insufficient to cope with the amount of refuse that piles up daily. How do people treat
refuse now?
Refuse from the market is piled up (its almost a mountain now) in an old incinerator just
below the market. One needs to see this mountain of refuse.
Some people who have enough space in their compound bury their refuse;
Some people just dump on the wayside and along the banks of the streams, very close to
In the dry season, one can see smoke of motor tyres, refuse of every description ascending
into the sky from anywhere in town. When we find refuse piled up in a particular place, we
often call in Market labourers to gather the refuse together and burn or bury on the spot.
Some people empty their refuse, from private dustbins within their compounds, into the
lone refuse tipper when it goes around. This refuse is carried to our refuse site near the
council forest.
From the colonial times several health campaigns have been lunched with a view of
clearing away refuse, keeping the town clean etc.
In the G.R.A. people just dump refuse behind their house where they cultivate gardens and
In institutions and hospitals refuse is either buried or composted or in dry weather,
The above practices are inevitable although insanitary in some respects. In the absence of a refuse
disposal service some or all will continue to be practised
(Chuba 1980, p. 3).

With the tipper truck aging and breaking down very often, more items of equipment were
acquired. In a presentation to the Council on December 8 1980, the Delegate to the urban
council announced that in addition to its refuse disposal van, which was already old, a
modern system had been introduced. He described it as consisting of a tractor, chassis and
container, and remarked that it had proved very successful. He also hoped the use of the
modern system would gradually expand and eventually cover the whole area of the

Another important local initiative has been the reinforcement of monthly general clean-up
campaigns started in the colonial days. The Government Delegate to the BUC usually
makes a request to the Divisional Officer for Bamenda Central who in then decides and
issues a decision stipulating the conditions for the clean-up campaign. Such conditions
include the day, time (usually 8-12 noon), the excepted services usually hospitals, police
and the gendarmes, some of whom help in enforcing the order (Appendixes 6 & 7). On
such a day normal work is suspended and the inhabitants do general cleaning of their
premises, work places and the streets including the drains.

At the national level, many decrees and law were passed on the issue. What one notes is
that the early decrees and laws were silent on the specific question of garbage. Law No.
74-23 of December 1974 organised councils including direct taxes to be collected by
councils to ensure exploitation of their technical services but waste tax was not one of
them. Decree No. 77-220 of 1st July 1977 fixed maximum rates and methods of collecting
these council taxes. Twelve areas were mentioned but again waste tax was absent. On the
contrary that decree, Section (1) warned, A councils may not collect any council taxes
other than those provided for by law, instituted by decision of the municipal council and
approved by the authority with supervisory powers. Even if a council had to take initiative
to create a tax this would have meant a long process involving the scrutiny of the
administrative hierarchy. However, in 1980, Decree No. 80-17 of 15 January laid down the
laws outlining the services and corresponding tax rates councils may levy for the purposes
of running these technical services or public establishments. This time a garbage tax was
instituted along with water, street lighting, and ambulance taxes. Section (4) of the decree
elaborated on garbage thus:

Garbage collection tax shall be an annual flat rate tax payable by the inhabitants of an area wherein
collection of garbage is borne, by the council or failing which, is organised by the municipal

The annual rates for garbage tax ranged from 50 - 250 francs CFA for ordinary citizens
through 150 10 000 francs CFA for employed public and private sector workers, to 2 500
30 000 francs CFA for licensed institutions per year. Water and street lighting had the
same quotations while the ambulance tax had a flat rate of 240 francs CFA for each
taxpayer per year. Further discussion on financial and administrative arrangements is
developed in Chapter 5. Private Sector Involvement

Meanwhile, the private sector was also very concerned with the poor state of waste
management in the town. Individuals sought to advise the Council whereas companies
wanted to win contracts for the removal of the waste in the town. On November 25, 1984
one visitor to the city on return to his station wrote to the Municipal Council Bamenda
complaining and advising thus:

when I was in Bamenda the other day I was shocked to see how dirty the town is, refuse lying all
over the place. In the interest of the public and in the interest of the reputation of Bamenda as
provincial capital, I would like you to take necessary steps to keep the town clean. Surely the
council can afford to employ some sweepers or pass some laws to enforce cleanliness. If you think
this is not possible, then you should be once in Singapore, a town with 8 million inhabitants, where
it is hard to find even a cigarette end or a sweet wrapping on its streets (BUC Archives: File No 460,
p. 237).

In the same vein other individuals within the council area wrote complaining about
dumping waste on their building plots, near their quarter or location of the public dustbin
within their property. One of them wrote through the officer for public health, the sanitary
section to the Bamenda urban council saying:

I have many times discussed this matter with the Urban Council Sanitary labourers to no avail. I am
now appealing to the authority for removal of a dustbin placed at my door step which has been
noticed to be injurious to the health of my family members, considering that even dead bodies of
domestic animals and birds are sometimes dumped into the bin and which smell attract many flies. I
shall be very grateful for quick action to be taken on this matter if my family is considered to be
contributing to the population of this community (File No 460, p.140).

At the same period some private companies such as County Hygienic Associates,
Doyama and Sons Enterprises and Health Secured and Will Business Bureau wrote
several letters of intent to the Bamenda Urban Council expressing their wish to negotiate a
contract to take over all or some aspects of the solid waste management of the city. None
of these private companies has ever been awarded a partial or full contract to manage solid
waste in BUC. 1980s-1995
The decade before 1995 had witnessed major events, which affected the waste industry
directly. The Minister of Health in January 1987 signed a service note regulating the
activities of the Municipal Hygiene Service and charging it, among other duties, to get
councils to collect, transport, discharge and treat refuse on sites chosen by Mayors with
collaboration of the chief of the Hygiene and Sanitation Service and the local technical
services of the Ministry of Mines and Power (Appendix 5). Two important texts were
signed in 1987, Law No. 87-015 of 15 July, and Decree No. 87-136 of 24 October. Both
had a sharp focus on splitting the big city councils (Douala and Yaound) into four
subdivisional urban councils each. Among other things, the law reorganised and named the
city sub-divisions. It is the main law that governs all councils in the country. So all
councils were affected.

This period also saw the emergence of the first multi-party politics and elections in the
country at national, constituency and council levels in 1992. Economic crises followed by
structural adjustment policies had taken a toll on all spheres of life including the urban
councils. Another major change was the liberalisation of the economy and especially the
making of Law No. 90.53 of 19 December 1990 relating to freedom of association. Finally,
in late 1994 a team of students from Holland and one other post graduate student from
Cameroon completed the last substantial research on municipal solid waste management in
Bamenda Town. By the end of 1994 Bamenda City had concluded a cooperation
agreement with Dordrecht municipality and was ready to start a new system of waste
management for the city with their assistance. At this point the garbage unit broke away
from the sanitation section to facilitate administration.

According to the 1994 research by Anschutz et al. (1995) and Nsoh (1994) the practice of
MSWM for Bamenda at that period was not too different from the past. Nevertheless,
increasing evidence reveals that the effects of the economic crises that plagued the country
impinged on the waste management sector seriously. However, the results of the students
work and information from the BUC archives identify three dimensions to the problem of
solid waste management in the city.

Before 1984 there existed metal waste bins with wheels, provided by the council. These
bins were positioned at strategic places and emptied, as they got full. This system died with
the emergence of the 1989 economic crisis, as the council could no longer maintain them.
The old bins lie abandoned at the BUC premises.

After 1984, the use of two seven-ton Mercedes tipper trucks on a four-day week itinerary
(Tuesday to Friday starting at 9 a.m.) was introduced. The inhabitants of each quarter came
around at stipulated places and times to drop their refuse directly into itinerant tippers.
After that the waste was carried off to the dump. Official dumps were the Old Fish Pond
and one near the Government Bilingual High School (GBHS) (Figure 6.1). The main one
was the Old Fish Pond site, which had the advantage of being very central, and the waste
was being used to reclaim the site for a future central Food Market for the city. Evidence is
overwhelming that this method had too many problems. It is said that the truck drivers
hardly kept to time and were often not patient enough for people to drop in all their refuse.
As a consequence, people who failed to reach the trucks in time, disposed of the waste they

brought just anywhere. What is worth noting is that this time waste collection services
were extended to cover some quarters along the major highway in Nkewn.

The last method involved waste collection at selected bare-earth spots designated by the
waste management authorities. A front-end loader caterpillar or shovel bulldozer was used
to load the waste into the tipper trucks, which stood steaming as the process went on.
However, the use of wheelbarrows and spades to gather the waste strewed around also
became necessary. Continuous scooping of the waste sites created deep holes that were at
times filled with water. When waste was dumped into such spots bogs resulted and
consequently made the collection and sanitary conditions unbearable. Crippled by the
economic crisis the collection programme could hardly be maintained because as time
went on the council could only send out the waste team when it had money to fuel the
waste trucks. Nsoh (1994) estimates total waste collection at this period at 16.15 percent.
Anschutz et al. (1995) report 4 tonnes collection per day with most waste at spots located
by the valley or streamside simply pushed down and not collected. The number of illegal
dumps in the city actually increased during this period.

6.3.4 Conclusion
Bamenda is a fast-growing provincial primate city and a focus for many levels of
administration. Hemmed in a past characterised with political and economic difficulties,
the city desperately sought conventional equipment to manage its solid waste. This did not
solve the problem. International, national and local historical events, just discussed, had a
profound influence on the course waste management had to take in the next decades
starting from waste generation and ending with it final disposal.

6.4 Solid Waste Generation

6.4.1 Introduction

Some authors do not include waste generation as part of a solid waste management system
analysis. For example according to Haapala (2002, p. 22),Solid waste management is
proper collection, transfer, recycling and disposal of solid waste. Such a definition
suggests also the scope of solid waste management. Nevertheless, many authors including

Beede and Bloom (1995); Heeramun (1995) and Lardonois (1996) cited by Beukering et
al. (1999, p. 2) believe that material flow begins from generation to ultimate disposal,
comprising: generation, collection, transportation, processing and disposal. Moreover, it
makes sense to know and understand the sources, nature, quantities and characteristics of
waste that the system will manage. This is because such knowledge is indispensable in
meaningful waste management system planning in terms of the policy, strategy and
technology to be adopted. Despite the importance of having such useful knowledge, the
method for arriving at accurate data, especially capturing the total solid waste quantities
generated, is a thorny problem, and remains a great challenge in waste management studies
(Yoshida 2000). Abandoning the measuring process because it is complex and hard to
guarantee accuracy is even worse. Rather, researchers are comfortable with good estimates
from systematic sampling and other estimates based on surveys and waste management
records as in the case in question. Such techniques have been known to give useful data for
theory and planning purposes. For the same purposes other characteristics explored under
solid waste generation include the categories, density, spatial and periodic variation.

6.4.2 Types and Sources of MSW Generation in Bamenda

The sources of MSW are closely related to the definition and scope of the MSW system in
question. There is no unique definition of municipal solid waste, therefore each system
determines what solid waste the municipality should manage and consequently its source.
The economic and socio-cultural activities of the urban areas also have a role to play in
determining the sources and types of solid waste. However, there are common grounds for
most urban solid waste sources. Heeramun (1995) identifies four main sources: residential,
commercial, open spaces and treatment plans. This is not an exhaustive list. Appendix 1
gives the classification of solid waste (also called refuse) and illustrates the sources of such
types of wastes. Bamenda experiences all these waste types, but field experience suggests
the following are more relevant for the city: residential, commercial, institutional, and open
spaces. Agro-forestry processing, craft works, light cottage industries and auto repairs
constitute another significant source of waste in Bamenda. Examples identified in the field
are: rice processing, corn milling, woodwork, brickwork, soap processing, auto repairs,
brass and aluminium smelting. Vehicle bodies, hospital (hazardous waste), industrial,
demolition and construction wastes are not managed by the BUC solid waste management

Residential or household solid waste is made up mostly of food waste, rubbish, ash, bulky
wastes and special waste, some of which are hazardous. Garden and hedge trimmings
constitute residential solid waste. Commercial sources that generate waste include: market
centres, restaurants, hotels, motels, snack bars, beer houses, print houses, cinema halls, and
bus stations. Both private and public institutions generate solid waste. Some of these
institutions are office buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals and clinics. The rest of the
waste comes from open spaces such as roads, streets, alleys, vacant plots, stadia,
ceremonial grounds, parks, playgrounds and motor parks. From all these sources, the
principal types of waste remain similar. However, the proportion of each type varies with
the source (Appendix 1).

6.4.3 Generation of MSW in Bamenda Quantities

Table 6.7 summarises the outcome of monitoring an experiment conducted in Bamenda to

collect, weigh and analyse municipal solid waste from household samples among different
socio-cultural and economic quarters of the city.


Solid Waste Generation in Sampled Households in Bamenda, April 2003


Quarter Bio- Non- TOTAL TOTAL No. of Average Populati House TOTAL Wet season
degradab bio- Kg for Kg- House- house- on hold per per Per capita
le degrada 3 days Per holds hold capita capita per day
Kg. ble day size- per day per day* kg
Kg. persons kg Kg *
46.20 5.85 52.05 17.35 12.00 4.92 59.00 0.29 0.32
Station 0.43

84.90 20.40 105.30 35.10 16.00 5.88 94.00 0.37 0.41 0.55

198.15 78.66 276.81 92.27 47.00 5.79 272.00 0.34 0.38 0.51
Old Town
Nchoubu 113.00 33.20 146.20 48.73 18.00 6.22 112.00 0.44 0.49 0.66
TOTAL 442.25 138.11 580.36 193.45 93.00 5.70 537.00 0.36 0.40 0.54
% 76% 24% 100%
* Household generation plus estimates from other sources calculated at 10%

The result gives an average of 0.36 kg of household solid waste generation per capita per
day in Bamenda. Quarter variations are as follows: GRA Up-Station 0.29 kg, Ndamokong
0.37, Ntah Mbag 0.34 kg and Nchoubu 0.44 kg. These figures do not represent the final
rates for per capita generation for the city because the other waste generating sectors such
as markets, institutions and industries, are not yet included. To arrive at a total generation
rate, which presumably includes waste from other sectors, parameters from previous
studies have been used to estimate.

Some studies in Africa such as the study of Tema-Accra (Ghana) by Asafo-Boakye and
Partner (1992) in Asomani-Boateng and Haight (1999) indicate that households in that
conurbation generate around 75 percent of the total municipal solid waste with 25 percent
to the other sectors. Tema-Accra conurbation (3 million people) handles the main
commercial, administrative, industrial and port functions of Ghana. According to recent
studies, the conurbation handles 70% of Ghanas industries, provides 15-20% of its GNP
and 10% of the countrys employment (Mancheser 2003; NRTEE 2003). Studies carried
out in the two biggest of Cameroon, Douala (1.5m) and Yaound (1.0m) reveal household
rates equivalent to 81% and 87% respectively of the cities total solid waste generated
(Ngnikam et al. 1997). These three cases leave 25, 19 and 13% for Tema-Accra, Douala
and Yaound cities respectively for non-household waste. Logically Bamenda (O.3 m)
without industries should have an average not between Douala and Yaounde but below
Yaoundes rate, which I estimated at 10 percent for non-household sources of municipal
solid waste generated. This is far deviant from the 20 percent estimated made for Bamenda
by Anschutz et al. in 1995. It is with this assumption that the last column (Table 6.2) is
derived by extrapolating the total generation per capita by adding 10% and giving a per
capita/day generation of 0.40 kg for the city. This addition accounts for the rest of the
sources: commercial intuitions and industries, which were studied but attempts not made to
quantify the generation rates. It is quite difficult to capture and measure all waste sources
in a single study with limited resources and time such as this.

The Bamenda survey took place at the end of the dry season. Seasonal variations are an
essential factor in waste management. To take account of these seasonal variations some
more estimates have to be made. In the study of the two cities of Cameroon discussed
above the dry and wet season variations averaged 34 percent. An extrapolation of this to

the results in Bamenda would give another scenario-wet season per capita generation per
day, which is 0.54 kg (Table 6.2). The per capita day generation is 0.40-0.54 kg.

The Bamenda city generates 120-160 tons of solid waste per day. Biodegradable waste is
highly putrescible and represents 76 per cent (90-120 tonnes) while the non-biodegradable
is 24 per cent (30-40 tonnes) (Figure 6.5). The minimum values represent the dry season
rates and the maximum, the wet and harvesting season. About 90 percent of the waste
comes from households. Different quarters generate different averages per day. The annual
MSW generation rate is 40 000 60 000 tonnes.

Biodegradable & non-biodegradable MSW generation in Bamenda in





FIGURE 6.5: Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable MSW Generation in Bamenda

Sources: Field experiment April 2003. Categories.
From the sorting and analysis of the household solid waste collected, certain patterns
emerged. MSW in Bamenda falls into a variety of categories that also vary with the
quarters. The two main categories are biodegradable and non-biodegradable. The first term
is used to categorise the highly putrescible household waste mostly made up of food waste
and compound green wastes. The non-biodegradable components include paper and
cartons, plastics, bottles and glass, tins and cans, fibres and others. Others is a sub-group
comprising textiles, leather, soil and ash. The term non-biodegradable is rather vaguely
used because with time, paper, carton, leather, textile and fibre do decompose.
Nevertheless, for convenience the term is used here to put into one group those wastes that

are not readily decomposable by the biological agents such as bacteria, microbes and fungi.
Categorisation of the two main groups follows. (i) Biodegradable: The biodegradable waste bags were sorted, after weighing, for
an overall appreciation of the variety and frequency of occurrence of each variety or group
of varieties in various quarters. The results is shown in Table 6.3. The figures in the table
represent the occurrences of each item as observed and recorded before being disposed for
composting as seen in Plate 6.1.

Table 6.3 Frequency of Occurrence, Biodegradable Solid Waste Types in Sampled

Households in Bamenda.

Waste/Quarter GRA Up- Nchuobu Nta- Ndamukong TOTAL

Station Mbag
Cocoyam peels 1 6 5 4 16
Green banana peels 2 6 4 2 14
Plantain peels 3 3 9 2 17
Plantain leaves 1 4 4 3 12
Leaf vegetables remains 4 5 13 3 25
Other vegetables (carrots, 2 2 4 1 9
okra, beet root
Fruit peels (pine apple, water 6 5 5 3 19
melon, paw paw, banana,
avocado & lemon)
Corns hells 1 3 2 4 10
Yams & cassava peels 0 4 1 1 6
Others: egg, potato, rice, 2 5 5 4 16
beans, sugar-cane, corn
TOTAL 22 43 52 27 144
Source: Household solid waste generation experiment Bamenda, April 2003

The results indicate that leafy vegetables, cocoyams, green bananas and fruit remains are
very prominent in all the quarters. Plantain leaves are used as plates or for a traditional dish
made from mashed boiled cocoyams and green bananas called Achu. That is why the
three (cocoyams, green bananas and plantain leaves) have a strong positive correlation in
occurrence. Plantain leaves are also used to serve or preserve one other traditional dish
made from corn called Fou-fou corn. Regrettably, these environmentally friendly plates
are being replaced nowadays by plastic wrappers. Lots of these leftovers from households
were never given away as waste but retained as feed for pigs. What reached the research
site was also used for composting after being analysed (Plate 6.1).

PLATE 6.1: Variety of Biodegradable Household Waste in Bamenda, April 2003
(Ready for Composting) (ii) Non-biodegradable components: An analysis of the non-biodegradable

components obtained by weighing and converting the results as percentages of all the non-
biodegradable is presented in Figure 6.6.

Categorisation of non-biodegradable MSW in Bamenda into percentages

Paper/carton %
30 Plastic %
25 Bottle/glass %

20 Tin/can %
15 Fibre %
Others %
% % % % % %

Paper/carton Plastic Bottle/glass Tin/can Fibre Others

Category of non-biodegradable MSW

FIGURE 6.6: Categories of Non-biodegradable MSW in Bamenda (percentages).

Source: Analysed from household waste generation experiment Bamenda, April 2003

There is a remarkable dominance of plastic materials among the household waste. Bottles
and glass; papers; cans and tins; and fibre generation follow in descending order. Trends

resulting from survey analyses are also presented below in Figure 6.7. In the questionnaire
survey the respondents were requested to rank the different types of waste their households
generate using these proposed rating: too much, much, quite, or not much (chapter 4). The
decoded, summarised and weighted results are graphically presented below. What is
interesting to note is that the survey trend correlates positively with the experiment results
above. The correlation is even higher with the case of Yaounde, or with the two cities
(Yaounde and Bamenda) analysed together (Chapters Six and Eight). The difference
between the waste generated and what is actually put away as waste can be seen in this
case. For example, the generation of fibre (mostly bags) is high on the survey rating but
during the sorting and weighing at the experiment site it was realised that only four fibre
bags were found (Figure 6.6 for the low percentage). This suggests a higher rate of reuse of
fibre bags in Bamenda.

Relative percentages of different categories of SW generation, Bamenda





Paper/carton Plastics Food waste Bottles/glass Tins/cans Fibres
(bags/bottles) (bags/sacks)

FIGURE: 6.7: Households Solid Waste Generation Categories in Bamenda

Sources: Derived from weighted scores of the household survey, 2003

The general trend towards increasing non-biodegradable materials is attributed to the

growing tendencies towards globalisation of the economy. Increasing food packaging,
bottling and the use if tins are common phenomena today in the cities and beyond. This has
rendered the composting of household waste problematic.

160 Variations (i) Spatial variations: From the analysis of the experiment one can also discern
that there are spatial variations. The four quarters were proportionately chosen to represent
different major socio-economic areas of the city: high residential, moderate, spontaneous,
and peripheral. This classification was based on that of the department of provincial
service of surveys and town planning, and what the population commonly believes. The
sample size was based on population size of each group socio-economic group in the city
as estimated from the available population data from the service of statistics. However,
there are many changes going on in the city that challenge many of these former
assumptions. GRA Up-Station, means Government Residential Area. It is the residential
part of the administrative area of the city called Up-Station and located on top of the cliff
overlooking the rest of the city spread on the foot of the scarp. Formerly, colonial
administrators resided there and today, civil servants and military people of mixed classes
and other rich individuals are believed to live here. The area is well planned with a good-
tarred road running through it. GRA was believed to be more typical and chosen to
represent the high residential zones, which are only two, the other being the Foncha
Avenue area. Ndamukong represents the moderate, Nta Mbag the spontaneous settlements
(largest sector) and Nchuobu, the peripheral quarter.

Spatial analysis from the experiment (Figure 6.8) indicates that the plastic component of
non-biodegradable materials is highly represented in all the quarters with Ndamukong
having the highest (53 percent). Bottle and glass are most prominent in the GRA-Station,
fairly represented in Ndamokong and Nta Mbag but scanty in Nchoubuh. Paper and carton
is also present in all quarters at almost similar proportions of 14 percent with Nta Mbag
showing the lowest rate. Fibre bags are hardly ever thrown away so they show the lowest
rates in all quarters.

Categorisation of non-biodegradable MSW into quarters & percentages, Bamenda

100% 0.98
1.96 2.63
7.84 7.89
27.12 26.83
80% 21.05
31.37 1.69 0.81
4.66 9.35
4.88 Others %
27.19 Fibre %
% Tin/can %
40% 40.2 52.63 41.87 Bottle/glass %
Plastic %
Paper/carton %
17.65 13.16 16.26
GRA-Station Ndamukong Nta-Mbag Nchoubu

FIGURE 6.8: Categorisation of Non-Biodegradable MSW into Quarters and

Percentages in Bamenda, April 2003 (ii) Seasonal and daily variations: There are significant differences in waste
generation in terms of seasons and proliferation of types and weight. This may not have as
much effect on the non-biodegradables as on the biodegradables whose types and
quantities increase in the wet season (April to October) with the emergence of more fruits,
vegetables and food production. The water content of the waste also increases in the waste
stream. Compound trimmings also increase as hedges and grasses have to be cut quite
often. Earlier studies carried out by Anschutz et al. (1995) gave the early dry season waste
density at 0.35 and this could be much higher in the rainy season. Studies within tropical
areas such as Bamenda demonstrate that the difference between the wet and dry seasons in
terms of per capita weight might be as high as 29-39 % and humidity 50-65 % (Vermande
et al. 1994; Ngnikam et al. 1997; Tanawa et al. 2002).

Field observations also show that there are daily variations. More waste is generated during
the weekends and especially on Saturdays and Sundays when more cooking is done. Food
waste generation is even higher on a traditional Sunday, which comes up once in an eight-
day week2. Such a day is reserved for a rest and traditional rites. However one other main
activity among the indigenes is preparing a traditional dish made up of pounded cocoyams
and green bananas called Achu and this explains the increased presence of cocoyam

A week is eight days long and the last day is the traditional Sunday.

peelings, green bananas peelings and plantain leaves in the three more indigenous quarters
(Nchoubu, Ndamukong and Nta Mbag). This equally reflects the influence of cultural on
aspects of waste generation in Bamenda. The day set aside for the traditional Sunday varies
from one village to the other. The city is made up of three main villages: Mankon,
Medankwe and Nkwen.

6.4.4 Waste Storage

Many types of containers are used at the household level to collect and store waste for
eventual disposal. The container size ranges from five litres to about 20 litres. Container
size is limited by the ability of the carrier to lift it when full. The types are very varied
from local woven baskets through fibre bags to old buckets or metal cans. The following
results obtained from the field survey, display the variety of containers used and their
spatial setting (Table 6.4).


Distribution of Household Waste Containers by Quarter and Types, Bamenda

Container Household waste containers
Quarter Carton Basket Old bucket Plastic bag Tin & can TOTAL
GRA 1 5 5 4 0 15
Nchuabuh 0 2 10 6 0 18
Nta Mbag 3 6 30 7 4 50
Ndamukong 0 5 7 7 1 20
TOTAL 4 18 52 24 5 103
TOTAL % 3.88 17.48 50.49 23.30 4.85 100

Source: Field survey April, 2003

The prevalence of buckets is well manifested by the results (>50%), followed by plastic
bags. This is one form of recycling culture that is unconscious but strong amongst the
people. The re-use is described as unconscious because when some respondents were
asked whether they ever reuse old things, they normally answered No when their
garbage bins were made of an old plastic bucket or plastic bag.
The waste is stored in several places outside the house or kitchen but away from rain.
Domestic animals are a nuisance to the stored waste because they rummage among them

for food. The survey in Bamenda revealed that only 13.6 per cent of the containers had
some form of cover, while 86.4 per cent of the containers had no a cover. This is one
reason for animal nuisance around the containers. GRA had relatively more covered bins
than the other parts of the city.

6.4.5 Conclusion

Bamenda City generates huge quantities of heterogeneous solid waste every day. Totals
range from 120 160 tons a day for the city and 0.40-0.54 kg per capita. The quantities
and types vary among households, quarters and seasons. However, collecting and
transporting this waste generated poses a great challenge to both the generators and the
services that manage it.

6.5 Primary Solid Waste Collections and Transportation

6.5.1 Introduction
Collection is gathering municipal solid waste from its source of generation for subsequent
recycling, incineration or landfilling. In most cities of the developing world including
Bamenda, large parts of the city remain unattended to by the conventional waste collection
actors. This is partly due to the fact that such areas, which are usually spontaneously-
occupied by the poor, lack access roads to permit the use of large and heavy waste
collection trucks that are characteristic of the conventional waste management sector. For
this and other reasons, residents of these quarters have to primarily seek their own way of
collecting, transporting and disposing of their solid waste, hopefully at an accessible place
where secondary collection facilities are operational. For those who consider the facility
too far, illegal disposal is the rule. This first level involes assemble, sorting, stocking,
storing and transferring of waste from generation site to a treatment facility or collection
for final disposal on the flow chain of municipal solid waste management is called the
primary collection or pre-collection. It is this sub-sector that remains the greatest
challenge to the urban waste managers and academics in the developing countries because
a greater bulk of the waste is still trapped here and there is no sustainable solution yet
available. This section examines the primary collection process in Bamenda.

6.5.2 Location of Primary Collection

Since the area occupied by primary collection is much bigger and more difficult to
calculate than that of the secondary collection sector, it suffices here to define the primary
collection area as the total city area minus the secondary collection portion. For Bamenda
this consists of the areas along the official collection routes and 105 m on either side. 105
m is the average maximum distance inhabitants would wish to travel to dispose of waste
(Table 6.6). This is derived from the analysis of the survey carried out in the city (Figures
6.13 & 6.14). The estimated area, which does have access to secondary collection, is 2.1
km2 out of the estimated city areas of 36.07 km2.

6.5.3 Methods, Frequency and Agents of Primary Collection

The method of primary collection is simple. The waste bin is positioned at one angle of the
house or kitchen. It is gradually filled up with waste generated. Households move the
waste on various itinerary from around the house to the nearest public skip or chosen
illegal dump. Persons designated to dispose of waste vary from house to house. However,
survey reports and interviews in the field show that children are most involved (59.2%)
followed by their mothers (27.9%). The employment of people or institutions from outside
the family to move waste is noticed, but not significant in Bamenda as in some other cities.
Men are hardly involved in waste disposal. Their participation rate is 2.9 per cent. This
suggests the low level of importance accorded to waste management by men who are in
most cases the family head. Table 6.5 summarises the results.

Remover of Household Waste by Quarters in Bamenda

Remover Household waste to depots

Father Mother Children at House Organised Others
home boy/girl or Association
Quarter guard
GRA 0 5 6 5 0 0
Nchuabuh 1 7 8 2 0 0
Nta Mbag 0 12 35 1 2 0
Ndamukong 2 4 12 0 1 0
TOTAL 3 28 61 8 3 0
TOTAL % 2.91 27.19 59.22 7.77 2.91 0.00

Sources: Field survey Bamenda April 2004

Methods of transferring or carrying/moving waste from household to depot highlight the
following means: by head or hand 81 cases (79.4%), wheel barrows 16 cases (15.6%),
hand pushcarts 3 cases (3%) and motorised vehicle 2 cases (2%). The prominence of head
and hand techniques can partly be explained by the inaccessibility of most areas.
Wheelbarrows are passable on these paths. Some people own and use them for multi
services but consider it unnecessarily expensive as a tool for carrying only waste. The
frequency of disposing of waste is not same for all households (Figure 6.9). The general
tendency for the city is that waste is removed every day (35%). Other frequencies are: once
in three days (30%) and once in two days, (19%). Some respondents also said they remove
their household waste once a week.

Frequency of waste removal from households in Bamenda.



Once a day

Once in two days

Once in three days


GRA Up Station Nchuabuh Nta Mbag (Old Ndamukong

FIGURE 6.9: Frequency of Waste Removal from Households in Bamenda, 2003

Many factors influence how often waste would be removed, for example, the size of the
container (determines maximum capacity); the disposal distance (if too far making
infrequent trips is considered); and nuisance arising from the presence of waste (smell,
leachate, aesthetics and animals). Estimated distances (in metres) from the house to the
waste depot are presented in Table 6.6 and graphically presented in Figure 6.10 for a
clearer and faster appreciation. Both are presented because they are vital for many other

Estimates of Distances from House to Waste Depot in Bamenda

Distance Cross tabulation data Calculations of mid-point distance total

Quarter <50m 50- 100- >200m Total
99m 200m 25m 75m 150m 250m Total
GRA 12 3 1 0 16 300 225 150 0 675
Nchuobuh 8 3 3 4 18 200 225 450 1000 1875
Nta Mbag 12 9 11 15 47 300 675 1650 3750 6375
Ndamukong 12 3 1 4 20 300 225 150 1000 1675
44 18 16 23 101 1100 1350 2400 5750 10600

Average distance= 106000/101=104.9505m =105m

Source: Household SW generation survey Bamenda April 2003

Distances from house to disposal sites in Bamenda by quarters & percentages

30 Ndamukong
Nta Mbag

20 GRA
<50m 50-99m 100-200m >200m
Distances in metres

FIGURE 6.10: Distances from Households to Waste Disposal Sites in Bamenda

Sources: Household waste generation survey Bamenda April 2003

While about 44 % of the households are less than 50m from their waste dumps, the
majority have to travel further than that to deposit waste. Calculations suggest that the
average distance all people would like to move and dispose of waste is 105 m from their
houses. From the data presented, the case of Nta Mbag demonstrates that the residents face
long and short distances equally. The quarter is centrally placed and highly congested so
the inhabitants have to go far to dispose of their waste especially if a free space is not
available near to their households. However, this information does not disclose to us where
the waste is disposed. The next paragraphs try to summarise that information.

Where does primary level disposal end? The crucial issue is where the waste is disposed of
in the environment. The following paragraph is dedicated to summarising where the
households put away the solid waste they have generated. The result shows the number of
respondents who confirmed by answering, Yes or rejected by answering No to indicate
where they dispose of waste. Even though it is against health legislation to declare
depositing waste in illegal places, most of the respondents were honest in revealing their
waste disposal practices. The results are presented in Table 6.7 below.

Disposal Sites for Household Waste.

Quarter GRA Up- Nchuobu Nta Mbag Ndamukong

Household waste depot Station
Responses Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Waste put into the public skip 0 16 0 18 22 27 0 20
Into the itinerant waste van 0 16 1 17 2 48 1 19
In a valley/stream/lake sides 5 11 0 18 19 31 4 16
On the road/street sides 0 16 1 17 4 46 0 20
In open spaces/bushes around 6 7 3 15 11 39 10 10
Put in a hole in the compound 2 14 14 4 7 43 9 11

Sources: Household Survey Bamenda, April 2003

From the survey analysis a key finding is that only one of the four quarters on the sample
enjoys the services of public skips. The lone quarter is Nta Mbag where three public skips
in two separate locations (10 m apart) serve the large areas. This kind of situation
reinforces the rest of the results. All the quarters are guilty of disposing of waste in valleys,
streams or lakesides; in open spaces and nearby bushes; and holes dug around the
households (Plate 6.2). All, but GRA and Ndamukong, accept dumping waste by the sides
of the streets and roads. Sometimes this illegal dumping is done in defiance of the
councils written notices on the spot (Plate 6.2A). The urban council waste team has one
other strategy of itinerary stopping at strategic spots to collect household waste directly
into the waste van. Only four isolated cases in Nta Mbag, Ndamukong and Nchoubu were
indicated even though all waste collected by the waste management team passes through
the latter (Nchoubu) for the landfill at Ngomgham. One natural way of transporting waste
is through streams and drains during heavy rains. Nta Mbag quarter demonstrates a
contradictory scenario where both legal and illegal methods of disposing of waste are
significantly practised.


PLATE 6.2: Illegal Dumps at a Valley (A) and Streamside (B) in Bamenda, 2003

Other major solid generators include the four urban markets, shops, schools and colleges,
public grounds, restaurants and hotels, carpentry workshops, rice processing, and printing
houses. A survey and observations were carried out in these areas. Most of their waste is
put into the councils waste stream. The Markets have 14 communal waste skips. Hotels
have large 100-litre general bins and small ones in individual rooms. The schools have
waste dumps near by and waste is collected in half casks of 100 litres positioned near
classrooms and offices. Hospitals have 100 litre bins distributed all over the hospitals.

Waste ends up in their dump or incinerator located near the hospital. Offices have bins but
their waste is disposed of in holes behind the offices.

6.5.4 Problems of Primary Collection

There are many problems but the most troubling is the lack of good household waste bins
with covers. The second, which is linked to the first, is where to dispose of waste generated
by these households. Public skips are either few making residents travel long distances to
access them, or simply non-existent forcing them to seek illegal disposal means and

6.5.5 Conclusion

The primary municipal solid waste system is in serious crisis. It is informally organised
and waste is equally informally disposed of. There are no coordinated efforts between the
official waste management structure and the primary collection. All they are told over the
radio communiqu is either Wait for a garbage van at such a place at such a time
orKeep Bamenda Clean is on such a day or Always put your garbage in the garbage
bin. The area of the city served with regular secondary collection facilities such as the
public skips is too small.

6.6 Secondary Solid Waste Collections and Transportation

6.6.1 Introduction

The term secondary solid waste management sector represents the organization and
management that continues from where the household or other primary waste generators
legal disposal ends. The concept is applied mostly in situations where there is no door-to-
door waste collection. If there were to be door-to-door or house-to-house collection, waste
collected would be transported directly from the houses to the recycling or final disposal
site In Bamenda the secondary sector is organised and carried out by the urban council.

6.6.2 Organisation

The 1990s mark a turning point in the solid waste management history of Bamenda. In
1995 the BUC embraced a new system adapted from Holland with a donation of two
modern rear-loader waste compactor trucks and 58 one-thousand-litre caste iron skips from
UNG International and the municipality of Dordrecht. The background to this consists of a
cooperation agreement concluded between Bamenda and Dordrecht municipalities since
1992, the research work carried out on waste and drainage in Bamenda by a team of Dutch
students (1994) whose recommendations were seriously adopted, the creation of garbage
department within BUC structures, and the general flow of technical and administrative
exchanges between the two municipalities. Nonetheless, the big driver behind all these
developments remained the liberalisation of councils, the political scene and private
associations, all of which made possible these associations with the Dutch, multi-party
politics, entry of new ideas, strategy, technology and partners into the solid waste
management industry in Bamenda. For the first time, partners other than the government
departments joined the waste management venture in Bamenda. Since 1994 the garbage
component was made a sub unit within the councils administrative structures given that it
had extended to include foreign partners as well as local NGOs. A discussed on the
equipment pool, the workers, waste collection and transportation arrangements and
operations is developed below. Solid Waste Management Equipment Pool

The garbage units equipment pool consists of two rear-loader compaction trucks, two
front-end loaders, four tipper trucks, 58 communal skips and manual cleaning and
sweeping tools.

Compactor trucks: There are two rear-loader compactor trucks, which are used for daily
collection and transportation of waste from communal skips positioned at strategic places
in the city. The truck empties the skip from its rear by hooking to the skip sides and lifting
it into the boot. Labourers assist this process. (Plate 6.4) According to the service head of
this unit; one compactor can empty 40 skips in a go.

PLATE 6.3: BUC Rear-Loader Waste Compactor Truck, Bamenda (25/3/03)

PLATE 6.4: Waste Rear-Loader Compactor at Work in Bamenda (25/3/2003)

They are efficient and fast in collection but where there are overspills or deliberate
dumping of waste outside the skips, much time is spent using manual techniques such as
spades to pick up the waste from the ground into the truck The same source lament that the
greatest problems faced are repairs and maintenance. All the spare parts including the tyres
have to come from Holland and they are very bulky. Trucks are also difficult to repair. One
trucks has a carrying capacity of 10 tones and does one circuit a day.

Front-end loader or shovel bulldozer: There are two and made available only during
special occasions such as general clean-up programs. Front end bulldozers load waste into

tipper trucks for onward transportation to the citys waste dump (Plate 6.5). They may also
be used when waste bins have been drowned by waste or to load waste from official dump
sites without skips being treated as transfer stations. This equipment is indispensable given
the regular overflow of waste and the presence of many illegal dumps, all of which have to
be cleaned up.

Tipper trucks: There are four tipper trucks, which are usually made available when
needed especially during a general clean up, collection at overspilled waste bins or official
dump sites (Plate 6.5). These trucks are also used for other council services such as street
and road construction.

PLATE 6.5: Front-end Loader (Left) and Tipper Truck (Right) at Work in Bamenda.

Communal skips or bins: This phase started up with 58 one thousand litres galvanised
waste collection skips. They had covers and wheels. The number is gradually reducing as
bad ones cannot be repaired and locally made types do not last (Plate 6.6). Parts of the
problems come from vandalism by some citizens. They not only remove their wheels but
sometimes set fire on waste inside them. This helps to burn the bins and accelerate decay
and rusting that is inherent on exposed metal-based equipment such as these skips. There
were only about half the original number in the field. One of the greatest problems of
waste management in Bamenda is the shortage of skips. On an average 10 000 people,
share one public skip.

A. One local & three Holland made skips B. Local skips deteriorate faster.
PLATE 6.6: Public Waste Skips in Bamenda (A: 13/3/03; B: 18/3/03) BUC Waste Management Team

The operation team is made up of technical staff, garbage collectors, field-cleaning teams
and drivers. The technical team does repairs and maintenance of the trucks and skips. The
garbage collectors move with the truck drivers to assist in manipulating the rear-loading
mechanical system. They also manually collect over flown waste from skips into the trucks
using spades, rakes and wheelbarrows, and clean around the skips. Some sweeping is done
using brooms around the streets and market centres. According to the head of the waste
management department, there are 31 workers: 1 technician, 2 drivers, 8 garbage collectors
and 20 field sweepers (Mr Morfor Linus, pers. Comm., E-mail 05/11/03.

Bafut Bambili Tubah





Village boundaries MENDANKWE

Public skip site

0 km 0.5 1
Bali Bafousam

FIGURE 6.11: Location of Public Skips in Bamenda

Bafut Bambili Tubah


Bamenda 3
(BUC) 1

5 13

9 10 11
8 7
9 1
2 8
3 7
11 4 6
Collection Locations,
direction & movement

13 Bamenda Central Zone Bali

3 Nkwen Zone 0 km 0.5 1

FIGURE 6.12: Organisation of Waste Collection and Transportation Routes-Circuits

176 Organisation of Collection and Transportation Routes-Circuits
There are three methods in place for collecting solid waste: daily circuits, general
periodic clean up and itinerary stopovers. However, it is the circuit arrangement that is
the main method. The other two methods are complementary and rather superficial,
designed to fill some of the gaps created by the circuit system. Garbage collection,
transportation and deposition is in principle organised on a daily basis starting at 8
a.m. The town is divided into two circuits: the Bamenda Central Zone Circuit and
Nkwen Zones Circuit. A circuit is the total distance from the base (BUC) through all
the skip sites to the disposal site at the landfill and back to the base (BUC). One
circuit is responsible for collecting and transporting waste from skips positioned at
specific spots on the major streets of one zone and disposing of it at the landfill at
Ngomgham on the Airport road near Mezam River Bridge.

Bamenda Central Zone Circuit: A car and the GPS were used to track and register
specific data for both circuits. This data is presented in Tables 6.8 and 6.9 and on the
map (Figure 6.12). The map and tables display the area covered, route and direction of
movement, distribution, inter-skip distances, altitude, location and distance to the
disposal site.

Bamenda Central Zone Circuit

NO. Location Lat.(N) Long.(E) Altitude Distance Distance Skips

(Meters) Cum.(Km) (Km) No.
B0 BUC 05 58 25 10 06 11 1281 00 00 -
B1 GS Ngomgham 05 58 31 10 08 20 1260 0.4 0.4 1
B2 Ntarinkon Park 05 58 07 10 08 35 1260 1.8 1.4 2 bad
B3 End of tar Longla 05 58 23 10 08 45 1259 2.6 0.8 None
B4 Musang Junction 05 56 12 10 08 55 1253 3.1 0.5 2
B5 Church C. Junction. 05 57 57 10 09 01 1230 3.6 0.5 2
B6 City Chemist 05 57 41 10 09 04 1246 4.4 0.8 2
B7 SDF Secretariat 05 57 35 10 09 06 1236 4.6 0.2 2
B8 Old Treasury Street. 05 57 27 10 09 03 1253 5.0 0.4 2
B9 Food market 05 57 24 10 08 52 1246 5.4 0.4 4
B10 H. Round about 05 57 14 10 08 49 1251 5.7 0.3 2
B11 Azire Old Ch. Jun 05 57 14 10 08 37 1256 6.1 0.4 None
B12 Atuakom Junction 05 56 49 10 08 48 1276 7.4 1.3 1
B13 Holiday Hotel Jun 05 57 02 10 09 05 1247 8.7 1.3 None
LF Landfill (Dump) 05 59 05 10 07 44 1235 14.3 5.6 -
B0 BUC 05 58 25 10 08 11 1281 17.1 2.8 -

Sources: Field survey of 17/03/03

Basically this zone has 13 sites and covers the Mankon part of the city. The circuit is
17 km long and the inter-skip average distance is 700 m. By mid March 2003, field
surveys gave a total of 20 skips in 10 sites. The empty sites might be suffering from
withdrawal of skips for repairs or the spot is no longer suitable or because the skip
had become too small to hold the waste. In the last scenario, the spot becomes an
official dump from where waste is occasionally removed using tipper trucks and the
front-end loader. If one compactor truck can empty 40 skips in a go, this suggests that
each truck has only one circuit to do a day. However, the head of the garbage team
says that some heavy waste generating places such as the markets are sometimes
revisited later in the day. Each garbage truck weighs 6 tons when empty and 16-17
tons when full, giving a carrying capacity of 10-11 tonnes. (ii) Nkwen Zone Circuit.

This zone covers parts of Mankon and Nkwen. It is 22 km long and has 15 sites with 17
skips by mid March 2003. However, loading distance (from first to last skip) is only 6.7
km, giving this circuit an average inter-skip distance of 400 m. Some skips had
disappeared during the field study period for the reasons advanced above.

Nkwen Zone Circuit

NO. Location Lat.(N) Long.(E) Altitude Distance Distance Skips

(Meters) Cum.(Km) (Km) No.
N0 BUC (BASE) 05 58 25 10 06 11 1281 00 00 -
N1 Entrance to Stadium. 05 57 23 10 09 02 1264 3.8 3.8 0 ??
N2 Entrance Congress 05 57 19 10 09 04 1265 4.1 0.3 1
Hall Road
N3 Mankon Market Gate 05 57 12 10 09 06 1264 4.3 0.2 4
N4 Opposite Laking 05 57 09 10 09 07 1279 4.4 0.1 1
N5 Below Cathedra 05 57 01 10 09 15 1286 5.1 0.7 Dump
N6 Ayaba Hotel 05 57 07 10 09 29 1270 5.3 0.2 0 ??
N7 Old Town 05 57 18 10 09 21 1268 6.0 0.7 2
N8 GS Old Town 05 57 19 10 09 22 1272 6.1 0.1 1
N9 Ngeng Junction. 05 57 41 10 08 43 1253 7.2 1.1 1
N10 Good Samaritan 05 57 48 10 10 00 1244 7.8 0.6 1
N11 Total Nkwen 05 57 47 10 10 05 1248 8.0 0.2 1
N12 Way Out Nkwen 05 57 43 10 10 05 1266 8.2 0.2 1
N13 BAYELE Junction. 05 57 56 10 10 11 1255 8.6 0.4 1
N14 Amour Mezam 05 58 04 10 10 20 1258 9.0 0.4 1
N15 Foncha Street. 05 58 15 10 10 29 1283 9.5 0.5 2
LF Landfill 05 59 04 10 07 43 1240 19.2 9.7 -
N0 BUC (BASE) 05 58 25 10 06 11 1281 22.0 2.8
Sources: Field survey of 17/03/03

178 Special Activities: Periodic Clean-up Campaigns and Itinerary
Two other methods of collection and transportation of waste resurfaced because of the
inability of the circuit system to adequately remove waste in the city. One is the
monthly general cleaning campaign called Keep Bamenda Clean. The public is
mobilised through a radio communiqu by the Divisional Officer or the Delegate to
the Urban Councils (Appendix 7). On such mornings the trucks, loaders and
operational staffs are all mobilised. The compactors do their normal circuits very early
in the morning, keeping away from skips in places where overspills would be
collected only by the tippers (Plate 6.3). Regular work is suspended in all private and
public places in the city. These places remain closed to the public from 8-12 am
(except hospitals and the public security). Movement by public transport is also
banned. The inhabitants and workers clean their premises, offices, workplaces and
drains during the period. All waste is dumped either by the roadsides for collection by
the tippers and front end loaders or deposited in the semi-official dumps understood
by the neighbourhood (Plate 6.5).

This practice runs throughout the history of waste management in the city. The
monthly cleaning has helped alleviate some of the citys waste collection problems.
Nonetheless the crucial problem here is that sometimes the waste remains on the street
sides for days after the general cleaning day The key to successful general clean ups is
adequate preparation of the removal process, and this is sometimes the problem in
Bamenda. It is on such grounds that the DO for Bamenda Central Sub-Division called
off one of such clean-up campaigns, previously announced by the Government
Delegate to BUC, on the same day at 7.45 am, January 9, 2003. The cancellation not
only caused confusion in the city but also seriously questions the public policy as
concerns the day-to-day waste management in Bamenda as well as in other cities of
Cameroon. Clean up campaigns has become a national policy. They now have a
competition with prizes. According to the Government Delegate to BUC, Bamenda
won the nations first prize of 7 million CFA in 2001(Interview with Government
Delegate BUC 4/8/2002).

The last approach to collect waste from households not served with public skips has
been planned periodic stopovers along the main roads and at specific spots and time.

The truck driver hoots as he gets nearer to alert the inhabitants of the arrival of the
van. When he does arrive waste is then dropped straight into the stationed van for
transportation to the landfill. This method started in the city as early as the 1970s. In
desperation it is being reintroduced even though it has many setbacks which were
discussed earlier. Areas of Secondary Collection

Based on the number of sites covered by the two trucks (28) doing two circuits, and
using information about the distance households move averagely to dispose of their
waste (105m) as the radius, we could calculate the secondary collection area by the
formula, 28(r2). This gives a circular catchment area of 1.1 km2 or 3.1% of the entire
city area (Figure 6.13) that enjoys regular waste collection from BUC services. In
practical terms the reality may be more complicated than this. One may expect an oval
shape along the road because of the ease of movement rather than a circular pattern.
In addition to the ease of movement problem there is also the diversified nature of the
terrain. Even when the distance decay hypothesis problem is resolved another big
issue is risks associated with crossing or not crossing the street to access the skip. It
still poses a problem on the distance decision-making. However, for our calculations
we presume an area with uniform terrain, equal ease of movement and total security,
so a circular distribution is adopted.

We can examine another scenario, which assumes that during special occasions
itinerant stopovers are made along the circuit for people to rush and drop their refuse
into the van. If we assume a 105 m average travel distance by the inhabitant to drop
waste into the itinerant van from either side of the road (i.e., 210 m diameter or width)
we can make another calculation based on the total circuit length of 11.8 km
(excluding repeated portions). This gives the city area coverage of 2.5 km2
representing 7.1% (Figure 6.14). Both results demonstrate that the area served is too
small (3.1-7.1%) for a city whose area including its peri-urban regions is estimated at
35.07 km2. This is a strong reason for a proliferation of illegal disposal method of
solid waste in the city. However, it is important to note that the BUC keeps trying
hard to keep the skip areas regularly clean.

Bafut Bambili Tubah




Public skips,
105 metre radius catchment

0 km 0.5 1
Bali Bafoussam

FIGURE 6.14: Areas Served by the Official Waste Management Collection Team: Linear Perspective

Bafut Bambili Tubah




Areas served along main roads

210 metres

0 km 0.5 1
Bali Bafoussam

FIGURE 6.14: Areas Served by the Official Waste Management Collection Team: Linear Perspective

6.6.3 Partners

New partners other than government services have become involved in the waste
management sector. They are not business partners but non-governmental and non-
profit making organizations. They are of various levels, international, national and
local. The most significant is the Municipality of Dordrecht and the UNG
International. Their contributions have been discussed above. They are still offering
expertise training and supplying equipment and spare parts for BUC solid waste
management. Two new compaction trucks and more waste skips were to arrive
Bamenda from Dordrecht by April 2003. At the time of writing they had not reached.

There are some local NGOs, which are still to gain prominence. Their activities,
among other projects, are directed towards community sensitisation and education in
environmental management. Two directly involved in municipal solid waste
management are: Community Initiative for Sustainable Development (CAMINSUD)
and Paradise on Earth. While CAMINSUD has been organising partnership forums
on environmental management in sampled quarters, Paradise on Earth concentrates on
diverse solid waste recycling strategies including waste exchange programmes.
Related government services are increasing with creation of more ministries, the last
entry being the Ministry of Urban Affairs.

6.6.4 Problems Associated with Secondary Waste Management

A major concern experienced is the spatial distribution of collection spots in the city.
Nkwen has seven while there is total absence of these facilities in one major part of
the city, that is, Mendankwe, including the Government Station. No reason has so far
been advanced for this negligence. However, history has it as a tradition that the
government is supposed to take care of that part of the city. General remarks are that
two compactor trucks available could be sustainable if well maintained and routines
organised. The shortage of public skips makes this process of double handling time
consuming because all overflows also have to be gathered manually.

PLATE 6.7: Overfull and Overspilling Skips Bamenda. 17/3/2003

Even though many respondents had no knowledge of what goes on around the skips
(because they are responsible for emptying household garbage), survey cross
tabulation analysis on the situation of the skips or bins as noticed by some inhabitants
at the time of depositing their waste shows that more bins are generally always full
and most always overfull (Table 6.10 and Plate 6.7).

TABLE 6.10
Capacity of Bin at the Time of Deposit- Cross tabulation Count

CAPACITY/ Half full Always full Always Empty Total

QUARTER/ overfull
GRA Up 2 2
Nchuabuh 1 3 11 1 16
Nta Mbag (Old 5 9 23 37
Ndamukong 3 5 9 17
11 17 43 1 72

Source: Field Survey in Bamenda April 2003

Where the trucks fails to turn up for even a day the picture is not pleasant. It is more
serious during the wet season. In the dry season the waste vans return to the base by
11 a.m. Waste is scanty not necessarily because the generation rate is low but more
because people burn waste around their houses, in the neighbourhoods, inside the
skips and at the dumps.

The inadequacy of public skips is demonstrated by this analysis. If we assume that per
capita solid waste generation is 0.54 kg per day, with a population of 300 000,
Bamenda should generate 162 000 kg a day. There are 37 one-cubic-metre skips,
giving a total of 37m3 capacity available. Applying various scenarios of densities:
250/m3, 350/m3 and 500/m3, Figure 6.15 demonstrates the situation of needed and
lacking capacities, if everyone had to dispose of their solid waste in the public skips.

Situation of w aste skip capacity in Bam enda

Volum e/m 3
100 lacking
0 Situation
M oderat e
250/m High

FIGURE 6.15 Situation of Waste Skip Capacity in Bamenda

From Figure 6.15 at low, moderate and high densities, Bamenda would need to
increase the capacity by 648m3, 463m3, and 324m3 respectively or increase the
lacking skips by 16, 11 and 8 times the present rate (37m3), to cope with the volume
of waste generated.

6.6.5 Conclusion

The secondary municipal solid waste collection system is an upgrade of the

conventional system of the previous decades. The introduction of more sophisticated
equipment and practices of periodic clean up campaigns have helped improve the
collection and transportation problem of solid waste in the city, but not resolved it.

Not only is the space covered still small but so are the quantities removed. The city
will need to increase the public skips 11 times and a commensurate number of trucks,
to be sustainable. There has been the entrance of international and local non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) into the waste industry, however the role of the
local NGOs is yet to be felt. The local people or grass roots population are still far
from the system in terms of involvement.

6.7 General Conclusion

Bamenda city generates 120-160 tonnes of municipal solid waste in a day or 0.4 -
0.539 kg per capita per day, 76 % of which is biodegradable and 24 % non-
biodegradable. About 90 percent of all solid waste generated is from the households.
The BUC, which is the statutory body to handle this waste, in its regular activities,
covers only 1/10th of the city area and can barely collect and successfully transport
waste from in and around its skips, averaging 30 tonnes a day, accounting for about
24 percent of total waste generated in a day. The rest of the waste ends up in illegal
dumps spread all over the city, some in fragile environments such as wetlands and
stream banks.

The waste collection and transportation systems in place are an upgrade of the same
conventional strategy developed since the colonial era. The introduction of waste
compactor trucks and a public skips circuit system, the reinforcement of periodic
clean up campaigns and stopover waste collection practices, have helped to improve
the situation. However, much still needs to be done, and fast too, to make waste
collection and transportation in Bamenda sustainable, especially in the area of
increasing skips to enhance more coverage. With an estimated population of 300 000
growing at an annual rate of 10 per cent in the last decade, policy and strategy need a
drastic change. One key area identified for consideration is effective public
participation. Attention and efforts have been focused more directly on waste
collection and transportation, whereas the issue of municipal solid waste final
treatment and disposal is still unresolved. This is discussed in the next chapter.


Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bamenda:

Treatment, Disposals and the Environment

7.1 Introduction

Collection and transportation of large quantities of municipal solid waste is a protracted

problem facing many cities of the developing world and this partly explains why these city
administrations concentrate much of their efforts there. But the bigger issue is what is done
with this ultimate waste in terms of its treatment or final disposal so that the environment
as well as human health and the citys aesthetics are not compromised. It is at this stage
that the crux of contemporary waste management is evaluated. Growing opposition,
increasing costs, environmental concerns and NIMBYism are increasingly making the
location of new final disposal facilities (landfills and incinerators), extremely difficult.
Strategies that have been developed focus on saving these facilities and the environment by
minimising the quantities and toxicity of waste that must be disposed of. The solid waste
management hierarchy concept is widely promoted and used to develop strategies for
addressing these waste problems.

This chapter completes the discussions on municipal solid waste management (MSWM)
system illustrated in Figure 6.3, Chapter Six. It examines the magnitude and intricacy of
solid waste recovery, treatment and disposal using the conceptual solid waste management
hierarchy that emphasises minimisation. Though this concept is widely adopted for use in
many parts of the developed world, it addresses only a part of the system. Major forms of
solid waste recovery and treatment: recycling repairs and reuse; the final disposal of the
ultimate wastes at the official landfill and illegal dumps, are examined here. Environmental
problems posed by the inefficiencies of the whole solid waste management system are also
studied. The role of local/national governments and international concerns on addressing
these issues is also discussed.

7.2 Solid Waste Treatment in Bamenda

7.2.1 Introduction

In Cameroon, the 1996 Law on the Environment (Section 42) stipulates that for
sustainability, waste should be treated in an ecologically rational manner, to reduce its
toxic effects on human, natural resources, fauna, flora and the general quality of the
environment (Biya 1998). The solid waste management hierarchy model proposes actions
to support the concept of sustainable solid waste management. As discussed earlier, the
model accords priority action options for comprising from top to bottom (most to least
preferred) prevention or avoidance, reuse, recovery, incineration (with energy recovery)
landfill, dump and open dump. Bamenda is not much involved in the first two levels given
that the city is not involved in manufacturing. Our discussion then falls back to treatment.
This includes a wide variety of actions such as resource recovery, which includes all
activities of waste segregation, collection and processing for their economic value and re-
use and recycling which also provide an opportunity to capture some valuables from waste.
While reuse is a simpler process involving utilisation of material in its end-use form
without the necessity of reprocessing, recycling involves processing waste through
manufacturing and conversion of parts in order to recover original raw material (Cointreau
et al., 1984; Burkering, 1994 cited in Burkering, 1999; EPA 2002).

Field survey, experiment and observations revealed that all of these processes of resource
recovery take place in Bamenda and at varying scales. Solid waste recovery takes place
throughout the stages of the waste management cycle (Figure 6.3) but in Bamenda, much
recovery goes on only at the level of generation, usually termed source recovery. This is
because collecting items from waste facilities such as public skips or waste dumps is taboo
and only associated with mentally sick people. Another reason is that waste streams are
poor, given that many articles are used to exhaustion as much recycling takes place at the
generation stage. However, exceptional cases always exist given that one persons trash
can be another persons treasury (Clark 1998, p. 60). At the landfill, isolated cases of
people scooping manure or extracting parts from vehicle wrecks were noticed. Reuse of
food waste, tins, fibre bags, plastic bags and bottles, glass, paper, cartons, metal, clothes,
shoes, building materials etc. from various sources and for multiple purposes, is
commonplace. Some are reused directly in their original forms, others repaired before
being reused and the rest transformed into new products. Some recycling techniques such
as burning vehicle tyres to recover wires cause environmental degradation.

7.2.2 Segregation of Solid Waste

This process involves separation of solid waste into wet and dry and a further sorting
of the dry components into specific types such as paper, tin, plastic, carton, bottles, for
easy recycling. This is an indispensable starting point for a waste management system that
emphasises waste recovery and recycling in its programmes. There is no policy on
municipal solid waste segregation in Cameroon. There is no formal source separation and
all MSW is collected mixed and disposed of in the same manner. However, in hospitals,
industries and research centres hazardous waste is by law supposed to be separated and
treated specially. Nonetheless, separation of waste in Bamenda goes on almost
instinctively, the driving force being the usefulness of the action. People would like to
separate waste into categories if there is a convincing reason for doing that. For example,
in the field survey in Yaound and Bamenda, respondents were asked whether they would
like to separate biodegradable food/vegetable waste from non-biodegradable components.
The aim was to test policy implications and public opinions. The results for Bamenda and
its quarters are summarised in Table 7.1.

Cross tabulation on Whether Like to Separate Waste: Bamenda & Quarters
Quarter Yes No Total
Count % Count % Count %
GRA Up 12 92% 1 8% 13 100%
Nchoubuh 17 94% 1 6% 18 100%
Nta Mbag 21 45% 26 55% 47 100%
(Old Town)
Ndamukong 18 90% 2 10% 20 100%
Total 68 70% 30 30% 98 100%
Sources: Households survey in Bamenda March/April 2003

On an average 70% in Bamenda favoured separation. Further analyses of the Quarters

attitude toward separation indicate that in high-density spontaneous settlements such as
Ntab Mbag, more people (55%) do not favour separation. On the contrary more than 90%
of the people in the peripheral and low-density middle level residential quarters prefer
separation (Table 7.1). The main reason advanced by the respondents for waste separation
is to derive material for agriculture (compost and animal feed) from the rest of the waste.
The inhabitants of these areas practise animal husbandry, gardening and farming for which
they need household waste for composting or as animal feed. This tendency was so strong
in Bamenda that some households were reluctant to release their household waste for the
research experiment, others refused outright and some demanded compensation.
Meanwhile, people in the high-density areas have no space for agriculture and animal
husbandry and understandably, would not like to separate waste.

Further, the ability to separate waste at quarter level was conducted by analysing
household waste bags collected at the experiment. The results were as follows: the G RA
(95%), Chuaobuh (90%), Ndamukong (79%) and Ntah Mbag the least (60%). The
experiment results (ability to separate) and the results from the survey (desire to separate,
Table 7.1) show a strong positive correlation of 0.91. In the survey results, 55% of Nta
Mbag residents did not prefer separation, while in the other quarters more than (90%)
preferred it (Table 7.1). The reasons advanced for not favouring separation were many: 55
% said they have no use for the materials, 36% said it was a difficult exercise, others (9%)
had a variety of reasons looking more like an extension of the first, e.g. no land to farm.
Household waste is separated into categories such as animal feed, compost items, for
repairs, for recycling, gifts, plastic bags, tins, papers for reuse and items to be disposed of:
burnt, buried or thrown away.

7.2.3 Reuse

There is a lot of reuse of items from households, hotels, restaurants, local processing
industries and second hand imported goods. A survey of household attitudes toward
recycling of specific items was conducted. Respondents were asked to indicate, Yes if
they ever reuse, recycle, sell or buy, give or receive as gift the items suggested or No if
they do not. The following results were obtained for Bamenda.

Table 7.2
Summaries from Reuse Cross Tabulations, Bamenda

Item Yes No Total

Count % Count % Count %
Bottles 80 77 24 23 104 100
Tins/cans 54 52 50 48 104 100
Plastics 69 66 35 34 104 100
Fibre bags 87 84 17 16 104 100
Metals 21 20 83 80 104 100
Shoes 76 73 28 27 104 100
Clothes 76 73 28 27 104 100

Sources: Field Survey Bamenda March/April 2003

Major indications from the household survey show that all these items are being reused.
This suggests that recovery is high among the inhabitants of Bamenda. But some items are
more recycled than others. In descending order of reuse are: fibre bags, bottles, clothes,
shoes, plastics, tins and cans, and metals. Fibre bags are used for various purposes such as
marketing, storing solid waste, storing food items, tool bags and farming bags1 in the city.
Beer and soft drink breweries (located in Bafoussam and Douala) usually take back their
bottles. This is not in respect of any government policy such as Extended Producers
Responsibility (EPR) but an economic strategy that reduces costs to the breweries by
simply collecting back the bottles for reuse. The reuse of clothes, shoes, plastic items, tins
and cans is very common. There are lots of handed-down old items such as clothes and
shoes from the city dwellers to relations and friends living in the villages as gifts. Metal is
not very available at the household level.

Survey results from sampled hotels and restaurants in Bamenda also show that breweries
that distribute their products usually take back used bottles. In the restaurants, food waste
is recovered for use as animal feed. Green waste is separated for composting. Bakeries also
produce charcoal as waste and it is sold out for grilling fuel. Waste bread is used as animal
feed. Animal droppings are used as direct fertilizers or mixed with lawn trimmings,
compound grass, trees and hedge clippings, and kitchen waste to produce compost.

There are many wood and food processing industries in Bamenda. The waste they produce
is put to various uses as revealed from the field survey. Rice husks are used as fuel by
households and blacksmiths and for animal feed, stables litter and mulch. Coffee peelings

People who go to the farms use several of these bags to carry items such as farm tools, snacks, seeds,
manure and water. On return raw foodstuffs and wood are carried home in the bags
are also used as fuel, stable litter and compost materials. The waste from corn grinding
mills and palm kernel oil factories is used as animal feed. The municipality owns one
modern abattoir, whose operation was recently privatised. Waste from this source includes
dung used for manure, blood and bones used for animal feed, and horns for cups and
decorative articles. Furniture-making industries are abundant in Bamenda and produce
large quantities of sawdust and wood off-cuts. The sawdust is used for fuel; animal stable
litter and for cleaning newly laid tiles. Wood cut-offs are used mainly for fuel. All these
waste items are sold at highly profitable rates. Bamenda is situated in a grassland area and
lacks wood fuel, so waste from industries serve as valuable sources of fuel for the area.

One major source of reuse of waste is imported second hand goods. These are other
peoples waste. Markets in the city are flooded with second hand goods ranging from
household utensils through textile and leather goods to electronics and vehicles. This
phenomenon gained and maintained momentum with the advent of the economic crisis,
currency devaluation and cuts in salaries that started in the country in the late 1980s. These
second hand goods cost less, often 10-20 times less than the cost of new items. Most of
these goods are often near the end of their life cycle at the time of purchase. They do not
last long and are soon discarded as waste. The Government enjoys good custom revenue
from this process but its policy as concerns waste management is outlined in the CLE
(Sections 42-53) even though its application is illusive at city level (

7.2.4 Municipal Solid Waste Processing Repairs
The last category of recycling involves changing the state of the waste before reuse. This
would include repair, transformation and composting. Repairs are made on nearly
everything that is used. Plate 7.1 demonstrates how an industrious young man earns a
living by repairing household goods. Doctor Walters as the owner styles his business,
says he is able to sustain himself by doing these repairs and that the customers are happy
having the lives of their goods extended at an affordable price, and are also quite satisfied
with the saving made by not acquiring a new item (Interview with Mr. Walters, 17-03-03).
There are many such repair places including some for different types of good for example,
vehicles, electronic goods, clothes and shoes.

PLATE 7.1: Household Goods Repair Workplace in Bamenda, 17/3/03 Transformation
In a city such as Bamenda that has no industrial base and consumes manufactured goods
coming in mainly from outside the region or country, reprocessing waste for industrial raw
materials is out of the question. Some of the waste is transformed into locally needed
articles. Old vehicle tyres, most of which come in second hand, are further transformed
into flower vase, ropes, slippers, shoes, and vehicle bushing The latter is a big industry in
Bamenda City (Plate 7.3). Some of the tyres are burnt and the wires recovered for making
baskets. Aluminium waste comes from roofing sheets, vehicle parts and old utensils. It is
transformed into pots, boxes, buckets, watering cans, cake pans, charcoal-cookers and
grills, and sawdust stoves (Plate 7.2). From metal waste, knives, hoes, cutlasses, spears,
spades, masks and tourist articles are crafted.

PLATE 7.2: A Display of Goods from Recycled Metal Waste For Sale, Bamenda

PLATE 7.3: Recycled Vehicle-tyre Products in Bamenda, 22/3/03

194 Composting of MSW Fraction (i) Introduction: Composting is a biological method of treating solid waste
including MSW. It is a controlled process of biological breakdown of heterogeneous
organic solid waste materials by a mixed and naturally existing population of micro-
organisms, in a warm, moist aerated environment to derive carbon dioxide, water, mineral
and reusable components such as stabilised organic matter called compost or humus. The
latter is usually used as soil amendment for agriculture and horticulture. Other uses
include, landscaping, landfill cover and roadside fills. Recent technology is experimenting
with the use of bigger decomposers such as worms for composting. (ii) Concepts and debates: Many authors agree that 50-90 % of urban solid waste
in developing countries is organic. Agriculture in the urban and peri-urban areas is also
prominent. These two factors of supply and demand, more than any other consideration,
make composting attractive as an option for managing urban organic waste. Bamenda
shares these characteristics. Three quarters of its solid waste is biodegradable and
agricultural activities are characteristic of the city and its surroundings. However, debate
centres on whether composting of MSW actually makes sense. One group, e.g., Dickerson
(1999); Hoornweg et al. (1999) and EPA (2003) points to the fact that composting is
environmentally sound because it diverts waste from landfills, enhances recycling and
incineration operations and provides valuable soil amendment, suppresses weeds and soil
borne pathogens, reduces soil erosion, improves soil texture and absorption of air and
water, and saves money.

Another group including Renkow and Rubin (1998); Ngnikam (2001); Furedy (2002) and
Mbuligwe et al. (2002) argues that it is still a limited solution. The experience with
compost plants however has been fraught with multiple problems of feedstock; plant
operation; the quality and price of the product; marketing; consumer understanding, and
institutional support (Rosenberg and Furedy 1996 cited in Furedy 2002, p. 1). In the
opinion of these authors and others including UNEP-IETC (1996), most large mechanical
composting installed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East in the 1970s and 1980s failed. As
an alternative experiments with small undertakings and private enterprises using small-
scale, low -mechanisation techniques, and neighbourhood-based composting and vermin
composting, were begun with the assistance of international bodies. This has still not

proved sustainable as costs of producing compost are still as high as $US 1514 per ton2 as
experienced in a pilot plant in Bangalore, with hidden costs of $US 724 excluded. A
public-private strategy in which the city council supplies the private company with waste
at the composting site is currently being tried (Hoornweg et al. 1999, Chakraborty 2000 in
Furedy 2002). Furedy still questions their significance in reducing waste that goes into the
landfills and argues that the high costs have diverted the focus of compost producers from
the ordinary needy urban and peri-urban farmers to rich consumers owning plantations,
expensive hotels, golf courses, and farmers growing very profitable crops, many of whom
may not even be local (Furedy 2002).

Other authors in both the developed and developing parts of the world still support the
viability of composting MSW on the basis of environmental as well as economic
sustainability (Nkotto et al. 1995; Asomani-Boateng and Haight 1999; Hoornweg et al.
1999; Hickman 2001; Mustafa et al. 2002; EPA 2003).

Arguing the case for composting Hoornweg et al. (1999, p.11) point out that:

Composting rarely generate profits on its own. However, when viewed as a component of an
integrated solid waste management program, composting can provide economic benefits on a much
larger scale. The costs of composting include raw materials, production costs, marketing, and hidden
environmental costs, whereas the benefits involve the market value of compost, savings from
avoided waste disposal costs, as well as various positive environmental impacts.

These authors believe that the poor conventional accounting system has often been a
misleading and a discouraging factor to composting because such accounting excluded
these hidden costs and benefits of environmental and social externalities especially as they
are difficult to quantify. Citing Selvam (1996), the authors regret the use of such a
traditional accounting approach by some municipalities, which has caused the closure of
composting facilities in the past. Some additional benefits include reduction of surface and
ground water contamination, methane gas emission, nuisance potentials, transport costs,
pollution from burning waste erosion and improved efficiency of synthetic fertilizers.
When biodegradable waste is allowed into the landfill during the aerobic and anaerobic
decomposition process, Landfill Gases (LGs)-mostly large quantities of carbon dioxide and
methane and other gases-are produced. While carbon oxide causes the blanket effects as it
rises into the atmosphere increasing global warming, methane, which is about 20 times

Renkow, W. and A. R. Rubin (1998).give the average cost of composting of MSW in the US at $50 per ton.
The reason for this high cost in Bangalore is not known.
more potential as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, is also famous for breaking down
the ozone layer. These have effects on climate change and human health. Contamination of
water bodies or blockage by waste, and burning of waste has been known to cause various
illnesses in humans (7.4). If the biodegradable fraction of the urban waste stream were to
be composted all these problems would not arise. On the contrary there will be gains from
composting. These other gains suggest that with certain safeguards, composting remains a
viable option for recycling the large organic fraction in MSW and reducing the amount of
waste that must be taken to the landfill, and the economic and social gains that go with it. (iii) Types and Uses: The following methods are available the world over for
composting: land application, open windrow, worm composting, enclosed composting,
aerobic and anaerobic composting, fermentation. Apart from land application, which is the
practice whereby organic waste is directly injected into the farm to increase the available
nutrients in the soil, the other techniques are overly engineering, more complex and not
common in the developing world. In Bamenda, the most common technique of using urban
biodegradable waste is by land application in backyard gardens or in urban and peri-urban
farms. Some farmers make small scale aerobic composting using household waste and
animal dung (from cattle, goats, sheep pigs, rabbits and poultry). In Chapter 6 it was noted
that the council requested citizens to apply for the garbage van to deposit waste collected
in the city on their farm plots at a fee. Such a practice no longer exists because the town
has grown bigger and waste contamination has increased.

There have been attempts by some local NGOs to compost MSW. For example, Paradise
on Earth is experimenting with small scale composting by collecting biodegradable waste
from households or market women involved with food making. The council waste van
sometimes helps drops the waste bags at its experimental site Plate 4.1. Some of the waste
comes in through its urban waste exchange programme. In the programme, various waste
items are exchanged for regularly used household items such as safety matches and bars of
soap. The NGO then recycles them, composting being a key activity. The final product is
used to raise vegetables, spices and flower seedlings for sale. (iv) Conclusion: The Bamenda Urban Council (BUC) believes that if it were able
to cause waste to be separated at source and then collect the biodegradable and non-
biodegradable waste fractions separately, this would encourage the private sector to apply

for composting. But it claims there are no available means for that exercise now (Interview
with Waste Management Service Head, BUC). Hence there is no policy for separation,
collection and the composting of municipal organic waste fraction of the solid waste
stream. Composting in Bamenda remains largely at the rudimentary farm application level.
Community or large centralized composting does not exist. Hence there are very limited
efforts to engage in significant composting that can help reduce the rate of landfilling and
illegal dumping.

7.2.5 Conclusion

There are many rudimentary and informal recovery activities of valuables from waste
through separation and subsequent recycling, reuse, repairs and reprocessing in Bamenda.
These processes go on quite instinctively and informally among households and
individuals, driven solely by the sheer personal economic benefits derived from the
recovery of such materials, rather than a policy instrument put in place to minimise waste
that must be treated as stipulated by the solid waste management hierarchy. However,
composting which could salvage 76% biodegradable fractions of the municipal solid waste
stream from the dumps has not been developed. In all, the recovery process is limited and
does not significantly reduce the waste that must be disposed of. The government has no
policy on it and consequently devotes no funds to this purpose.

7.3 Solid Waste Disposal Practices in Bamenda.

7.3.1 Introduction

According to Cotton et al. (2002 p. 1) the following options are currently available, the
world over, for solid waste disposal: uncontrolled dumping, sanitary landfilling,
composting, incineration, gasification, refuse derived fuels and pyrolysis. These options
are only the legal means and do not seem to take into consideration illegal dumping,
indiscriminate waste burning and burying that are continuously applied to managing waste
in most cities of the developing world. In the preceding chapter, it was realised that at the

primary level, waste is informally handled and for a greater part, illegally disposed of. The
BUC disposes of and manages the fraction of the waste that gets into the official waste
stream in some form of a legal landfill. Both scenarios are examined in (7.3.2 & 7.3.3).

7.3.2 Illegal Disposal Practices

In the previous chapter (6 3.3) it was realised that only about 20% of the population put
their waste into the public skips and one per cent into the itinerant garbage vans. The rest
of the waste is illegally disposed of by dumping it in valleys, streams, on lake and river
banks, road sides, open bushes, vacant plots, or put into holes or burnt. Several plates such
as 6.2 and 7.6, illustrate these illegal practices. The1996 Cameroon Law on Environment
(CLE) in Section 46(2) bans illegal dumping and empowers the competent authorities to
eliminate it. Their environmental effects are far-reaching and are discussed in sections 7.3
and 7.4 of this thesis. One other general disposal phenomenon is street littering with fruit
peelings, nuts shells, sugar cane peelings, plastic materials, paper, and bottles, all
emanating from irresponsible street eating. Cigarette butts and beer bottle tops are also

There are regulations in place prohibiting illegal disposal including littering, but these are
hard to enforce. The BUC authorities try to enforce illegal dumping regulations directly by
apprehending those caught contravening. Dumping of waste by the side of the public skips
has been noticed, especially among those who bring waste in wheelbarrows. These people
cannot single-handedly lift the wheelbarrow and its contents into the bin, so they drop
waste by the side of it. The council also usually impounds such waste transportation
equipment if is being used for illegal dumping. The impounded articles are only released
on payment of the stipulated fines. Though these activities s are legal, the situation breeds
animosity between the council and the citizens. Even putting up official billboards
prohibiting illegal waste dumping on certain spots does not seem to have any deterring
effects on the citizens actions because the practice persists (Plate 6.3). One observation
emerges clearly from this situation. It is that, the council and the citizens have never had a
forum in which these issues could be addressed.

7.3.3 The Concept of Official Landfilling Facility

According to Senior (1990 cited in EL-Fadel et al. 1997), historically landfills were
initiated largely to protect the environment and society from adverse impacts of alternative
methods of refuse disposal such as open-air burning, open-pit dumping, and ocean
dumping. Today landfilling is the least preferred option on the municipal solid waste
management hierarchy, even though it remains an indispensable part of a sustainable solid
waste management strategy. This is because all the residue waste from separation,
recycling and incineration must be ultimately disposed of here. Additionally, it is a
relatively inexpensive method of disposal in terms of effort, technology and financial cost.
Increasing awareness of their environmental and health effects, and consequent opposition
to their location near peoples neighbourhoods (NIMBYism), together with a strategy to
encourage councils and governments to adopt more sustainable options further up the
waste management hierarchy, have been the main reasons for discouraging landfilling.
Such measures also help avoid the traditional and problematic end-of-pipe pollution
solutions that usually entailed complicated waste treatment technologies to repair the
damaged environment. These factors notwithstanding, in many countries of the developed
and developing worlds, landfills are still the main method of disposing of municipal solid
waste. These countries still bury huge fractions of their solid waste in landfills. Examples
are the UK 83%, Italy 80%, Spain 74%, Norway 62% (Adam et al. 1998; Malcom 2000),
Australia 96% (Hohnholt and Meyers 2002), and Canada 90% (Environics and Group
2002). In the developing world, with the insignificant presence of composting and
incineration, the rate approaches 100%.

In a study of 500 final disposal sites in the developing world it was observed that:

The open dump approach is the primitive stage of landfill development and remains the predominant
waste disposal option in most of the countries visited. A default strategy for municipal solid waste
management, open dumps involve indiscriminate disposal of waste and limited measures to control
operations, including those related to the environmental effects of landfills. In Africa most of the
landfills are dumps by official classification (Johannessen and Boyer 1999, p. 4).

These authors suggest that as open dumps are not an upgrading situation to landfill waste,
they should not be considered as parts of the classification of landfills proposed in Table
7.3. The major criteria used by these authors for classification include: engineering
measures (lining and siting); monitoring, inspection and registration of waste that come in;

soil cover thickness and compaction; gas control; collection and treatment of leachate;
plans for closure and impact of scavengers at the site.

Table 7.3 not only gives the classification of landfills but also their characteristics together
with a pointer to those areas of environmental concern. Certainly, many other
combinations of various characteristics would give more classifications than the ones
established on the table. The table also exposes a spectrum from which the level of a
particular disposal system, as well as its place in relation to the standards practices in
place, can be judged. Summarily, a landfill site should have a liner system, storage space
for waste arranged in cells, a leachate and gas collection system and finally, a cover or cap
over the waste on a daily basis. Also see WHOs checklist for evaluating landfills in Suess

Landfill Classifications
Engineering Leachate Landfill Gas Operation
Measures Management Management Measures
Semi-Controlled None Restricted None Few, some
Dumps Contaminant a placement b of
release waste, still
Controlled None Unrestricted None Registration and,
Dump contaminant placement /
release compaction of
Engineered Infrastructure and Contaminant and Passive Registration and
Landfill liner in place some level of ventilation or placement/
leachate treatment flaring c compaction of
waste, use daily
Sanitary landfill Proper siting, Contaminant and Flaring Registration and
infrastructure; leachate treatment placement/
liner and leachate (often biological compaction of
treatment in place and physico- waste, use daily
chemical soil cover.
treatment) Measures of final
top cover
Sanitary Landfill Proper siting, Entombment d Flaring Registration and
with Top Seal infrastructure; and placement/
leachate treatment compaction of
in place. Liner as waste; use daily
top seal. soil cover
Controlled Proper siting, Controlled release Flaring or passive Registration and
Containment infrastructure; of leachate into ventilation placement/
Release Landfill with low- the environment, through top cover compaction of
pearmeability based on waste, use daily
[sic] liner in assessment and soil cover.
place. Potentially proper siting Measures of final
low- top cover
final top cover

a. Containing leachate and treating it before discharge so as to protect the environment.

b. Control and organisation of the tipping cells and front
c. Controlled burning of gases coming out of the landfill
d. Also known as dry approach aims to prevent water from coming into contact with the waste.
Sources: (Johannessen and Boyer 1999, p. 7)

7.3.4 The Bamenda Official Solid Waste Disposal Facility

The facility, which came into operation in 1995, is owned and managed by the Bamenda
Urban Council (BUC). It is located on the northeast outskirts (100 0744E 0505905N,

1220-1240 m altitude), eight kilometres from the city centre along the Bamenda Airport-
Bafut tarred Road. This road bounds the approximate 10 ha facility to the east, River
Mezam to the north and south by a loose-surface street that leads into Ngomgham Quarter
(Figure 7.1 & Plate 7.4). The underlying soils range from the alluvium by the river valley
in the north, to clay and laterite by the upper slopes to the south. The site is more than one
km away from the nearest residential houses.

The waste disposal facility receives daily about 20 50 tonnes of heterogeneous wastes
from multiple sources including the council, institutions and individuals. There appear to
have been no special engineering and siting considerations made. There is no natural or
synthetic lining provided to organise leachate and gas flow and the front of the landfill is
now on the river flood plain. While the council has a conceived cell plan for tipping
waste, incoming waste from other users is neither monitored nor controlled, so it is
dumped haphazardly on any available space within the dump. Tipping fees do not apply,
whereas, in many other cities of the developing world an average of $US 10/ton tipping
fees are charged and collected (Johannessen and Boyer 1999).

The management process is simple. There is no application of soil-cover on the waste

deposited. When it accumulates in larger quantities or gets too close to the roads, a
bulldozer or front-end loader is brought in to push the waste down slope, towards the river
valley. In the dry season the waste is burnt to reduce its volume before the bulldozer does
the pushing and levelling up (Plate 7.4 & 7.5). This is all the cost attributed to landfill
management and when compared to collection and transportation costs, it is insignificant.

Attempts to monitor or collect landfill gases do not exist. Leachate flow has not been
noticed in the dry season but in the wet season with rains and surface water ingress,
especially as there is no drain that separates the facility and the loose-surface street leading
into Ngomgham, leachates migrate laterally and flow out of the landfill front. Flies,
mosquitoes and odour are permanent nuisances at the site. Apart from the occasional
presence of a few auto repairers or manure miners at the dump to extract some valuables,
scavengers and domestic animals are absent at the dump. The facility is not fenced rather it
is open. These characteristics place Bamendas disposal facility at the level of an open

A Dry Season

B Wet Season
PLATE 7.4 The BUC Landfill, 2003

Bafut Bambili Tubah

(New Landfill)



Old Slaughter

Old Fish Pond

Old official dump sites

0 km 0.5 1
Bali Bafoussam

FIGURE 7.1: Old Official Waste Dumps in Bamenda

Old official dumpsites include the GBHS, Old Slaughter House, and Old Fish Pond Sites
(Figure 7.1). These old sites have no remedial plans, neither have they completely ceased
to be dumpsites for neighbouring residents. The parts that are not receiving fresh waste are
converted into farms. A greater part of the Old Fish Pond site has been reclaimed and
developed into the Citys Food Market but one part of it is still an unofficial dump for
market waste. This forces the council to constantly remove waste disposed of there.
Sometimes it is simply burnt (Plate 7.5).

The present official dump at the Mezam River Bridge may soon be problematic because
there are plans to create another urban market and vehicle park about three kilometres
beyond the site on the Airport-Bafut Road. The site will cease to be isolated and peripheral
to the city and its environmental impacts will be felt by many, consequently generating
more protests for its closure. The council will have to face the new problems of getting a
new site, balancing opposition form NIMBYism, long transportation distances and higher

7.3.5 Conclusion

About 79% of MSW in Bamenda is illegally dumped in valleys, stream and riversides,
road and street sides, open spaces, empty plots and holes. Burning is a prevalent disposal
technique and littering is ubiquitous. The present official solid waste disposal site in
Bamenda city receives about 20 000 tonnes of heterogeneous waste in a year. This facility
is sited in a fragile environment- the valley of the biggest river that serves the city, the
division and beyond. The operations at the site lack basic landfill requirements; hence it is
classed as an open dump. The environmental impacts posed by these inadequate disposal
practices are many, either present or potential. They have not been addressed, perhaps not
thought of, or have simply been ignored or not seen as a priority by the authorities
concerned. Discussions on these impacts follow.

7.4 Environmental Problems Associated with MSWM in Bamenda.

7.4.1 Introduction

Inefficient and inadequate MSWM in Bamenda has caused significant health and
environmental problems, some of which are present and others threatening. According to
the Kiev Report by the European Environment Agency {EEA} (2002), cause-and-effect
relationships are quite established for some issues such as water and air, but for climate
and waste, the impacts on health are often delayed or are the products of many
environmental factors acting together. Hence the description of human health effects is
often less precise, because of problems of exposure classification, small sample size,
confounding and reporting bias, which is why many authors recommend a precautionary
approach. In the same vein Rushbrook (2001) cited in the Kiev Report, argues that
epidemiological studies on waste and health are seriously affected by confounding factors
such as lifestyle, smoking, diet, house quality, susceptibility of ethnic, gender, or age
groups to particular medical conditions.

However, recent environmental epidemiological studies by EUROHAZCON3 investigated

the incidence of congenital non-chromosomal anomalies within 0-3 km and 3-7 km of 21
hazardous landfill sites in Europe. The results suggested that women who lived within 0-3
km of the landfill sites were more likely (by 33%) to have a malformed foetus than women
who lived further away from the sites. It was well-researched and confounding factors such
as socio-economic status were investigated and found to have no links (Dolk et al. 1998;
Kingman 2000; Department of Health {DOH} 2002). The chance factor was somehow
cleared when the second study by the same team investigated congenital chromosomal
anomalies including the Down Syndrome around 23 hazardous landfill sites in Europe
Using the same distances, the second study still suggested an increased risk of
chromosomal anomalies similar to that found for non-chromosomal anomalies in the
earlier study (Department of Health {DOH} 2002; Vrijheid et al. 2002). Even though this
does not exhaust the possibilities of some unidentified bias, it advances the debates on
waste/health association especially as it helps identify more indicators.

EUROHAZCON is a collaborative study among some Europe countries including England, Denmark,
Belgium, France and Italy that investigates a number of congenital abnormalities related to hazardous waste
landfills in Europe.
Drawing from established indicators, existing and potential human and environmental
impacts of solid waste management as observed, surveyed and documented in the
Bamenda field study, are described. The discussion of the impacts is divided into two
levels: the ones emerging from the primary level and characterised mainly by illegal
dumping, and those from the official disposal site including transportation. Both levels of
waste management practices cause similar environmental and health effects that vary only
in scale. The toxicity of the chemicals produced by waste-generated leachate, odour, gases,
litter and dust, is examined. Toxicity has an inherent ability to impair health. It could be
chronic (causing a health hazard after many years), or acute (causing immediate detectable
and treatable health problems such as diarrhoea, nausea, convulsion etc). Chronic toxicity
is difficult or impossible to treat and constitutes three main categories, also often used to
study the waste/health association, namely: carcinogens (chemicals causing cancer),
metagens (those that can change genes in chromosomes and consequently inheritance) and
teratogens (those capable of producing birth defects).

7.4.2 Environmental Problems of Primary Solid Waste Management Introduction
In the preceding chapter (6.4.4) it was noted that households used mostly old containers as
receptacles for storing and transporting solid waste, 87.4% of which lacked covers. Most of
these containers not only leak out leachate and odours to the environment but also attract
flies, rats and domestic animals around the houses and the neighbourhood. A sample
survey conducted to evaluate the environmental conditions at the public waste skip sites
also suggests that these sites have always been unpleasant places to visit. The waste
conditions mentioned above at the household level become more magnified at the skip
sites and are further complicated by the presence of strewed waste beside skips. This is one
reason why some people throw waste around the skip and not inside or why they would not
even choose to go there at all. The following environmental issues around the public skip
areas were investigated and the results are summarised in Table 7.4.

Environmental Concerns Around Public Waste Skips

Environmental concern Yes % No % Total %

Skip well placed? 31 37 52 63 83 100
Dark flowing waster? 69 68 32 32 101 100
Presence of odours? 85 84 16 17 101 100
Mosquitoes/cockroaches? 81 80 20 20 101 100
Presence of fires? 15 15 86 85 101 100
Domestic animals? 76 77 24 24 101 100
Rats around skips? 38 38 63 62 101 100

Sources: Compiled from 2003 Bamenda survey cross tabulations Vectors
From the survey 84% of the people experience the presence of odours, 80% mosquitoes,
flies and cockroaches, 77% domestic animal, 38% and 68% dark flowing water (leachate),
at the public skip sites. Flies sit on piles of rotting garbage and mechanically transmit fatal
diseases such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Typhoid, Hepatitis and Cholera. Mosquitoes
transmit Malaria, Yellow Fever, Trypansomiasis (Sleeping Sickness) and Filariasis.
Meanwhile dogs, cats and rats are known to transmit diseases such as Plagues and flea
bone fever carried from garbage sites. Domestic animals used for human food including
pigs, goats, and sheep that rummage in garbage heaps equally act as hosts transmitting
disease acquired from such sites to humans. Waste Burning

According to Williams (2000), humans in Africa have since the advent of the Acheulian
tradition some 1.5 million years ago, used fires to assist in accomplishing tasks such as
farming and grazing. This practice has been extended to municipal solid waste
management in most cities of developing countries. Fires are widely used to eliminate solid
waste both in private and official waste facilities especially in the dry season. Old tyres are
burnt to recover wires for baskets ( Some of the fires are big and many appear only
at night such as the one caught by the authors camera at the Old Fish Pond dump (Plate

7.5). Burning contributes to environmental pollution through its obnoxious odour and
black dense smoke in the immediate neighbourhood and to the general increase of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and consequently the increase of global warming
(7.4.4). Solid waste containing chlorine such as plastic, heavily present in the urban waste
stream in Bamenda, produces dioxin during burning. Dioxin4 is the most toxic man-made
substance (second only to radioactive waste) and produces a remarkable variety of adverse
effects on humans and animals including cancer, birth defects, decreased psychomotor
ability, hearing deficits, congenital and behavioural alterations in infants, even at extremely
low levels of exposure (World Health Organization 1999; Campbell 2003; WWF-Pakistan
2003). The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 1997 based on human
epidemiological data, categorised dioxin as a known human carcinogen (World Health
Organization 1999). Intake by humans is either directly through inhalation of tiny air borne
specks, ingestion of that which settles on crops, lakes and streams directly or through
primary and/or secondary hosts such as plants and animals consumed as food.

The council appears to be aware of some of these environmental and health issues and it
actually discourages burning of waste. Apart from hospitals and research institutions there
are no controlled burning MSW facilities, usually called incinerators. So it is not known
who actually sets fires on their waste facilities. It is hard to have a waste-elimination fire
void of plastic materials and consequently dioxin production. Burning is lethal yet the risk
is not apparent so the action continues with impunity.

Dioxins are mainly unwanted by-products of industrial processes (from chlorine-containing organic
substances, smelting, bleaching of paper pulp, and manufacture of herbicides and pesticides) and naturally
from forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Much of it comes from incinerations (WHO, 2003)
PLATE 7.5: Burning of MSW in Bamenda at an Illegal Dump
(7 p.m. 19/3/03 near Food Market) Illegal Dumping, Contamination and Floods

Dumping waste in streams, drains and general littering is a serious problem to the
environment and public health. The waste contaminates the soils, ground water, and
streams; it also blocks standing waters that serve as breeding places for disease-carrying
mosquitoes. The 1996 Cameroon Law on Environment (CLE) Section 50(2) stipulates that
it is strictly forbidden to deposit waste on state property. Section 25 classifies inland
waters as state property and Section 28 prohibits all disposal practices, direct or indirect,
that are likely to cause the degradation of surface and ground water by modifying their
physical, chemical and biological characteristics. The laws are yet to be enforced as the
following paragraphs illustrate.

Laboratory or on-site tests5 to evaluate chemical and biological qualities of waste

contamination of streams such those conducted by Anschutz et al. (1995) are beyond the
scope of this study and were not carried out. However, direct field observation of physical
characteristics of streams for environmental appraisal was done. It revealed high turbidity
of streams with multi-colours, offensive smells, choked with floating and rotting waste.

Such tests include: Spectrophotometer to measure suspended particles and turbidity; colour comparator for
colour; glass electrode to calibrate pH. Diatom analyses are increasingly being used to determine quality of
water. Olfactory-meter to test odours.
This suggests that the water may be even more polluted today given the increase in
population since Anschutz et als study in 1995 (Plates 6.2A & B, 7.6A & B). Departure
from clarity depicts the level of contamination present and odour or smell is the result of
decaying organic materials or solutions, the presence of organisms or of human waste.

The experiment by Anschutz et al (1995) along two tributaries of the Mezam River tested a
few characteristics. Results show that as the streams flow through the city they are
systematically contaminated, as measured by temperature change, organic matter in mg/l,
pH, and iron (mg/l) at different points (Table 7.5).


Some Chemical and Physical Parameters along Two Stream Points in Bamenda City

Place Temperature Organic matter pH Iron content

(mg/l) (mg/l)
Stream A:
Point 1a Ayaba 18.7 2 7.1 0.1
Point 2 20.2 4.4 6.8 1.0
Post Office
Stream B
Point 1: Before 21 5 8.4 0.4
Fishpond dump
Point 2: After 21 5.2 8.4 0.4
Fishpond dump
Point 3: La 20.1 3.0 7.1 0.1
Chance Bridge
a. Lower numbers represent the upper course of the stream.
SOURCES: (Anschutz et al. 1995, P. 33)

Table 7.5 shows that iron content, acidity, organic content and temperature increased
steadily with distance as stream (A) flows past Ayaba, Old Town quarter and the Post
Office to the Mezam River. Along stream (B) conditions before and after the dump
remained unchanged, except that organic matter increased. However, about 800 m down
stream at La Chance Bridge, levels of iron skyrocketed, acidity set in but a drop was
noticed in the organic content and temperatures. The general trend suggests that as the
streams flow through the city they gradually assimilate these chemicals and minerals from
waste deposited directly into the water or on their banks.
These rates are not yet dangerous as illustrated from FEPAs maximum acceptable
standards rates (footnote 5) in the study by (Aluko et al. 2003) carried out on the Omi
stream dosed with leachates from the Ibadan landfill established in 1994. But the South
West Public Health Observatory (2003) argues that in some substances such as
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chronic low levels are more important than acute
toxicity and concludes that: long term low level releases from waste management
operations have the potential to lead to a substantial level in the environment and body
(South West Public Health Observatory 2003, p. 2). Moreover, gradual accumulation of
these toxic elements within the food chain could be extremely dangerous to consumers up
the food chain such as humans.

These Bamenda City streams are heavily used to irrigate vegetables and other farm crops
especially during the dry season. The streams are generally used for fishing, bathing and
other domestic functions. Palms from which local wine is extracted grow along these
stream valleys. The people of this area heavily consume the wine. Intake of these
chemicals through the food chain and other heavy metals such as cadmium, zinc, lead,
mercury, (which were not analysed6 in the Anschutss study), could be very harmful to
human health. It is hard to draw a correlation between waste management and specific
illnesses but increasing literature such as that of WHO and other publications already cited
suggest a positive relationship between poor solid waste management and some diseases
(; while on going research is trying to prove that some of these relationships
are not casual (Department of Health (DOH) 2002).

Waste-related Health Concerns in Bamenda

Health concerns Bought Bought raticide Had an illness

last 6 months insecticide
Quarter Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%)
GRA Up Station 7 (44%) 9 (56%) 4 (25%) 12 (75%) 5 (39%) 8 (61%)
Nchuobuh 8 (56%) 10 (46%) 10 (56%) 8 (44%) 13 (63%) 3 (37%)
Nta Mbag/Old 35 (71%) 14 (29%) 25 (51%) 24 (49%) 33 (67%) 11 (%)
Ndamukong 12 (60%) 8 (40%) 5 (33%) 15 (67%) 12 (63%) 7 (37%)
TOTAL 62 (60%) 41 (40%) 44 (43%) 59 (57%) 63 (61%) 21 (39%)

Sources: Field survey cross tabulation summaries, Bamenda March 2003

Indicators and some standard rates: turbidity (ETF 5), dissolved solids (DS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
(2000 mg/l), chloride (600 mg/l), ammonia, dissolved oxygen (DO), sulphate, biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) (50 mg/l), phosphate, lead (<1 mg/l), nickel (<1 mg/l), cadmium (<1), manganese (0.5 mg/l), zinc
(<1), suspended solids SS (30 mg/l), chemical oxygen Demand COD, Temperature (40 0C), iron (20 mg/l),
pH (6-7), colour (HU 7) (Aluko et al. 2003).
A survey on the health situation and related preventive measures were investigated to
assess not only how poor management of solid waste brings about illnesses but also how it
increases indirect costs, as citizens spend money on buying insecticide and rat poison so as
to keep away mosquitoes and rats attracted by the presence of waste. The summary in
Table 7.6 suggests that more than 60 % of the people had bought insecticide and had some
illness. In a follow-up question it was identified that the predominant illnesses were:
malaria (80%), typhoid fever, diarrhoea and flu. The incidence tended to increase in areas
with decreased waste management facilities. The per cent of respondents who purchased
rat poison was lower. In the field we were told many people would have loved to use the
latter, but were scared of the risk of children having access to it. Pesticides used for
prevention pose considerable health risks.

One other danger of dumping waste in drains and in water ways is blockage of stream
channels at bridges with such waste leading to serious flash flooding (Plate 7.6 B). The
floods usually obstruct road transport, cause inundation and demolition of houses built
with sun-baked bricks, which is a common mode of construction in the areas. In some
places waste from the piggeries and sewage from households are sent directly into these
streams. These actions infest the streams with bacteria and protozoa capable of
transmitting diseases.

A. Contaminated streams (22/3/03)

B. Culvert blockage by flash floods bearing assorted solid waste (02/4/03)

PLATE 7.6: Environmental Problems Associated With Waste and Drainage,


7.4.3 Transportation and Environment

Waste transferred in the compactor trucks is quite secure because it is well enclosed and
only released at the landfill. Its danger lies in transporting fires hidden in skips to the
landfill. However, the situation of waste transported during the special clean-up campaign
days in tipper trucks that are used to evacuate waste removed from the gutters and the
neighbourhoods to the disposal site, is more worrying. Since waste transported by these
trucks is uncovered, some of it either falls over onto the roads or flies into the air causing
pollution. The odour it emits as it moves through the city is also a nuisance.

7.4.4 The BUC Official Waste Dump and Environmental Problem Introduction
The inevitable consequences of the practice of MSW disposal in landfills is the generation
of landfill gases (LGs), odours and leachates, all created inadvertently by the processes of

decomposition and fermentation. Factors influencing these processes at the landfill are:
engineering, operational practices, age, climate, hydrographical conditions, composition of
the waste and the size of the landfill. There is only one official dump receiving all sorts of
MSW including hazardous types usually identified by their flammable, corrosive,
explosive, toxic, pathogenic and generally harmful nature to humankind, the soil, water
and air. Households contribute significant amounts of hazardous waste to disposal facilities
through white goods, electronic goods, paints, pesticides, fertilisers, plastics, tyres and
batteries. Landfills are a potential threat to human health and the environment. While
accumulations of LGs can cause explosions, leachate has the potential to contaminate
valuable ground and surface water. The negative human and environmental effects of these
landfill products could be well outside the knowledge of the citizens and the landfill
operators in Bamenda. Large illegal dumps in the neighbourhoods pose comparable
threats, the difference being only that of the scale. Landfill Odour

The Bamenda landfill emits offensive odours or smells. According to Young and Parker,
1983, 1994 in (EL-Fadel et al. 1997, p. 11), smell comes from concentrations of odorous
constituents such as esters, hydrogen sulfide, organodulphurs, alkylbenzenes, limonene and
other hydrocarbons in landfill gas emitted into the atmosphere. The same authors note that
the stage and rate of decomposition together with the nature of the waste and of microbial
population would determine the emission of odours. Odour was earlier seen as a mere
environmental nuisance rather than a health hazard, but recent studies such as that of
Shepherd et al. (2001) confirm that odour can spread for more than a mile, causing
unpleasant sensations, triggered by reflexes in the body and resulting in health effects such
as nausea, vomiting, headache, upsetting of stomach or appetite, upsetting of sleep,
shallow breathing, decreased heart rate and constriction of blood vessels in the skin and
muscles, alteration of cells of olfactory bulbs of the brain, irritation of the eyes, nose and
depression together with a general decrease in the well-being and enjoyment. Odour may
also trigger asthma attacks and exacerbate pre-existing medical conditions including
morning sickness in pregnancy. It is worth noting that some gases such as methane,
which have no odour or even colour, are also dangerous to human health.

216 Landfill Gases (LGs)
The major LGs are methane (40-60%) and carbon dioxide (30-40%). The rest are minor
and include nitrogen and oxygen. In a simplified form, carbon dioxide (and waster) is
given off during the initial and shorter phase mainly from the decomposition of organic
matter by oxygen-using (aerobic) micro-organisms. In the later stages different micro-
organisms (methanogens) continue the break down of the waste by the process of
fermentation, in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic) but with sufficient moisture, producing
methane gas. Landfills are the source of more than half of the worlds anthropogenic
methane. In the landfill both carbon dioxide and methane are either trapped within, migrate
naturally into atmosphere or are vented out, used or flared in the case of methane. Methane
can be collected and used to generate electric power. According to Shepherd et al. (2001),
1 million tonnes of MSW in the landfill can produce 300 cubic foot of landfill gas per
minute (cfm). If successfully collected it can be used to generate 7 000 000 kilowatt hour
(kWh) per year, enough energy to power 700 homes for a year. But if not collected it is a
potential danger.

In addition to the impacts of LGs discussed through odours (, methane and carbon
dioxide are known to cause local smog and global warming with potential widespread
effects on sea level rise, floods, drought and biodiversity. Methane is 21 times more potent
than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas causing global warming. It is also a powerful
ozone depleting substance (ODS). The effects of ozone depletion on humans include skin
cancer and eye cataracts. The WHO (2000) confirm that:

For each 1% decrease in stratospheric ozone, average annual percentage increase in the incidence of
nonmelanoma skin cancer ranges from 1% to 6%, and for squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell
carcinoma range from 1.5%-2.5%. Over the past decades it has become clear that UVB exposure
can impair specific and non-specific immune responses (European Environment Agency {EEA}
2002, p. 18).

LGs can spread as far as two kilometres causing health effects to those working at the site
and around it. The gases are also known to inhibit vegetation development during the
restoration period of old landfills to other uses such as parks and agriculture. The old and
new landfills of Bamenda have no mechanisms for extracting gases. A recent study in the
UK using modelling techniques by Bridges et al (2000) noted that: landfills without gas
collection pose a potentially higher risk than municipal solid waste incinerators performing
to UK standards (European Environment Agency (EEA) 2002, p. 12). Understandably,

landfills and incinerators are inextricably linked because incineration ashes end up in
landfills. The sizes and age of the Bamenda dumps notwithstanding, they are a potential
danger from landfill gas explosions and other effects.
Landfill gases have volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and have been found to have clear
teratogenic potentials or other reproductive effects even at smaller doses or exposures as
proven from animal and human data.

Health Effects of Landfill Gases-the VOCS
Compound NOAELa Effects
Benzene 32 mg/m3 Reduced foetal weight
Retard ossification
Tetrachloroethylene 2000 mg/m Embryolethality
Trichloroethylene 0.2 mg/kg bw Cardiac defects
Vinyl chloride 130 mg/m Retard ossification
Male testicular effects
Reduced male fertility
1.3-Butadiene 88 mg/m3 Reduced foetal weight
Carbon disulphide ---- Uncertain malformations
Chloroform 147 mg/m Reduced foetal weight
Retarded ossification
1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.025 mg/kg bw Cardiac effects
Ethylbenzene 430mg/m3 Embryolethal
Formaldehyde 12 mg/m3 Reduced foetal weight
Methyl chloride 525 mg/m Cardiac effects
a. Non-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Level. Shows the level above which the effects are dangerous.
Sources: Health Effects of Landfill Gas in (Shepherd et al. 2001, p. 4)

Table 7.7 gives a summary of the most significant effects yet studied. The risk of cancer
around landfill sites together with leukaemia, lymphoma and liver cancer has been
suggested but results are still undergoing scrutiny. Flaring of gases is one way of managing
LGs but investigations have found that flaring produces dioxin. Dioxin itself creates a
plethora of human health problems (7.3.3).

Another increasing source of gases and other toxic substances in the MSW system,
including landfills, comes from electrical and electronic goods. They range from
refrigerators, air conditioners, cellular phones and stereo sets to computers and their
peripheries. The waste is usually called E-waste. These goods are problematic, firstly,
because they contain more than 1000 different substances, many of them toxic, which
pollute on disposal, during recycling, repairs or recovery of valuable parts. Secondly, they
are generated at a high rate and get obsolete too soon making replacement easier and
cheaper than repairs. These huge unwanted quantities of equipment are exported to the
developing countries, including Cameroon, by businessmen or as gifts or donations to be
reused, repaired or recycled. With the desire to join the globalisation wagon on the one
hand and poverty impinging on the other hand, the use of these electrical and electronic
goods is fast entering the normal lives of the people. But many of them are second hand
and soon get to the end of their useful lives and beyond repair. They are either sent to the
landfill, dumps or left to rot by the repair workshops or homes.

Freezers, refrigerator and air conditioners, usually imported, contain the

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as coolant gas. This gas is one of the major ozone-
depleting substances (ODS) and already banned by international conventions such as the
Vienna Convention (1985), the Montreal protocol (1987) and the London Amendments
(1990)7. The CFCs break down the stratospheric ozone layer, which shields the harmful
ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation from the earths surface. Increase in these rays in the earth
cause increased risk of skin cancer on humans, harm to aquatic life such as phytoplankton,
zooplankton and larvae of many fishes. Increased UV-B has been shown to reduce plant
yield as well as altering the balance in competition between plants (Bergquist 2002).

A recent report by a coalition of environmental organisations in China, India and Pakistan

warns against the dangers of the developed world exporting huge amounts of hazardous E-
wastes into these countries, also see (Markoff 2002; Mohamed 2002; Kendra 2003).
Cameroon receives them also, and consequently shares the state of affairs. A summary of
major hazards in E-waste highlighted in the report: Exporting Harm, is as follows:

The conventions urged states to freeze CFCs at 1986 levels and scheduled for decrease to starting from
1993, complete phase out in the developed countries by 1996 and all countries by 2010.
Although it is hardly well known, E-waste contains a witches brew of toxic substances such as lead
and cadmium in circuit boards; lead oxide and cadmium in monitor cathodes ray tubes (CRTs);
mercury in switches and flat screen monitors; cadmium in computer batteries; polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) in older capacitors and transformers; and brominated flames retardants on printed
circuit boards, plastic casings, cables and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cable insulations that release
highly toxic dioxins and furans when burnt to retrieve copper from the wires (Puckett et al. 2002, p.

Section 44 of the 1996 Cameroon Law on the Environment (CLE), prohibits the
introduction, discharge, stocking or transit of waste produced out of Cameroon considering
its international commitments and specifically, Section 57(1), as with the 1989 Basel
Convention, bans the importation of toxic and hazardous substances. The scenario
described above presents a tricky way by which exporters as well as importers of varieties
of waste are turning around the national laws, directives and international conventions to
have a safety valve through which illegal waste is traded. Landfill Fires

The landfill in Bamenda, like elsewhere, has huge quantities of inflammable materials such
as tyres, plastics, batteries, dry leaves and grasses (Plates 7.4 & 7.7). Fires can originate
accidentally, naturally or deliberately. Accidental fires come from deposing waste bearing
undetected fire; fire from exhausts of waste disposal trucks or machine and workers
smoking at the site or passing by. Natural fires may be caused by ignition from mixed
hazardous waste, escaping gases or lightening. While deliberate ones might aim at
reducing waste volumes, malicious fires are simply acts of vandalism.
In addition to impacts already discussed (, landfill fires can cause serious injury
such as burns. Explosions from sealed drums, cans, bottles, landfill gases can result in
surface cracking, subsidence, injury and even death (Woodward 1997). Exposure to by-
products of burning is dangerous and was discussed earlier. Gusty winds, which are
prevalent during the Harmattan can spread these fires to neighbouring buildings and other

A: Burning

B: Contamination of River Mezam

PLATE 7.7: Environmental Problems at Bamenda Landfill Landfill Leachate

Leachate is soluble organic and mineral compounds formed during chemical and biological
process taking place in the landfill that flows to the surface assisted by gravity,
precipitation, irrigation, runoff, ground water intrusion and initial moisture in the refuse.
Natural or artificial liners are usually put underneath and along the sides of the landfill to

prevent leachates and gases from infiltrating the soils and ground water. The characteristics
of the leachates are determined by the management techniques, type of materials received,
pH, temperature, precipitation, age and size of the landfill.

The Bamenda open dump is not yet experiencing serious leachate flow. It is small,
relatively young and annual precipitation is relatively low with high evaporation especially
in the dry season. Leachate has been noticed at the public bins (7.4). The official dumps
that receive these wastes remain vulnerable to leachate production and its associated
environmental and health impacts. Leachate seeps into the floodplain of the Mezam and
into the river itself unnoticed and consequently neglected. This is dangerous to the soils,
ground and the surface water and has already been discussed on stream contamination by
illegal dumps ( With globalisation, waste is also becoming global in character.
Household, commercial and institutional wastes in Bamenda contain hazardous substances
including chemicals. These chemicals enter the environment during recycling or when
disposed of in landfills or illegal dumps and get to humans through various exposure
routes. Potential health effects related to some of these chemicals and vulnerable group are
summarised in Table 7.8.

Potential Health Effects Attributed to Chemicals
Health effect Sensitive group Main chemical/pollutants
Cancer Gender-related, elderly, Asbestos, PAH, nitro-PAH Benzene,
adolescents (breast cancer), and some metals, radon, natural dioxin,
children (leukaemia) endocrine disrupters
Cardiovascular Especially elderly Invalable particles, carbon monoxide,
diseases arsenic, lead, cadmium, cobalt
Respiratory diseases Children, asthmatics Inhalable particles, sulphur dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide, ozone, hydrocarbons,
solvents, terpenes
Allergy and Children Inhalable particles, ozone, nickel,
hypersensitivities chromium
Reproduction Foetus, young PCB, DIDT, dioxins, phthalates, lead,
Nervous system Foetus, children Methyl mercury, lead, manganese,
disorders aluminium, organic solvents, dioxins,
Osteoporosis Elderly Lead, cadmium, aluminium, selenium,
endocrine disrupters

222 Landfill Dust
During the dry season, air borne dust is commonplace. It is propelled into the atmosphere
naturally by local cyclonic winds and North East Trade Winds (Harmattan) or
mechanically by machines operating in or around the unpaved road at the landfill. The dust
carries with it ashes, particles of chemicals, light plastics, leaves and papers. The dust not
only chokes but also irritates the human eyes and the body. It combines with smoke from
the landfill fires and machine fumes to cause smog that obscures the air, covering houses
and vegetation for hundreds of metres and sometimes impairing visibility for vehicle
drivers on the adjacent highway. This toxic dust may also settle on vegetables and fruits.
Ingesting such contaminated food without careful cleaning can result in health problems.

7.4.5 Conclusion to the Environmental Impacts

Environmental and health impacts at the primary waste management level are associated
with inappropriate and inadequate waste collection, transportation of household bins and
illegal disposal practices. The bins are old broken containers, mostly uncovered, which
leak odours and leachates and attract disease vectors that further transmit various illnesses
to humans. About 79% of the waste is illegally dumped, burnt or buried. These actions
produce multiple impacts such as soil, ground water and stream contamination, and air
pollution. The transportation of uncovered waste in tipper trucks through the city to the
disposal sites usually causes littering and air pollution through dust. The official waste
disposal facility receives mixed waste from the city. It is an open dump characterised by
odours, gases, fires, leachates and dust. Each of these emissions has existing and potential
health and environmental problems, some of which are critical, yet unknown to the citizens
and authorities concerned and consequently not addressed. Broad laws exist at the national
level on waste and environmental protection. However, details at the city level remain
sketchy, as orders are not rigorously enforced.

7.5. Financial Costs Estimates for MSWM in Bamenda

The use of equipment, materials, personnel and finances within council services is so
mixed that it is hard to calculate costs for a single service such as MSW management. I
derived a strategy by using the official open-market rates to estimate the financial costs
incurred by the Bamenda Urban Council for MSWM in the city. The bulldozer works two
days for five times spread over the year, levelling up at the dump. Front-end loaders and
tipper trucks work on monthly clean-up day and the compactors, six days every week. The
results are summarised in Table 7.9.

Financial Costs Estimates of MSWM by the BUC

Type of Number of Daily hire Cost of Total Number of Total %

equipment equipment cost fuel/day* days/year
Bulldozer 1 500 000 117 300 617 10 6170000 7.07
DC8 000
Front end 1 280 000 78 200 358 12 4298400 4.93
loader 200
7- ton 3 70 000 39 100 109 12 3927600 4.50
tipper truck 100
Compactor 2 70 000 39 100 109 334 72878800 83.50
truck 100
Total 7 87274800 100
* Official government rates including 18% value-added tax (VAT) confirmed by Mr. Egbe Robert
(Engineer/architect Bamenda) 2004, pers. Comm., 02 April

The distribution of costs suggests a strong inclination on collection and transportation

(91%) and too little (7%) on disposal treatment. This practice is unsustainable because
there is no recovery and it places strain on resources as well as the environment.

7.6 General Conclusion

The treatment of waste is rudimentary and disposal is not only crude but also fraught with
existing or potential environmental and health problems, many of which the people do not
known. Waste minimization underpins the philosophy of the waste management hierarchy,
which aims to reduce waste that goes for treatment, but such is far from the driving force
behind the practice here. Recovery, treatment, recycling, repairs, and reprocessing are old
practices carried out instinctively and informally at individual and artisan level and are
motivated by economic interests rather any coordinated minimization policy by legislation.
Composting, a viable option for reusing the large organic fraction of the NSW stream, is at
the basic level of farm application of raw bio-waste. There is no official policy or
investment by the state on recovery and recycling.

At the primary level inefficient waste collection and transportation create odours, leachates
and facilitate transmission of diseases through vectors. Disposal practices are mainly
illegal dumping, burning and burying. The official solid waste disposal site at Ngomgham
receives huge quantities of heterogeneous and uncontrolled waste. It lacks basic
operational and management attributes of a standard sanitary landfill, and by official
standards, is an open dump. The poor management of the dump makes it fraught with a
plethora of serious human and environmental problems emerging from landfill gases,
leachates, odours, fires and dust. On the whole waste minimisation and disposal are
accorded the least attention in terms of policy, management and financial expenditures
compared with collection and transportation.


Municipal Solid Waste Management in Yaound City:

Generation, Storage, Collection and Transportation

8.1 Introduction

Yaound is the political and administrative headquarters of Cameroon, the Centre

Province and the Mfoundi Division. Many international and regional organisations also
have their headquarters here. Unlike Bamenda, the City Council is further divided into six
sub divisional urban councils. Both council levels are responsible for MSWM in the city
that is now contracted to a private company known by its French acronym as HYSACAM
(Hygine et Salubrit du Cameroun), Cameroon Hygiene and Sanitation. With the
shrinking support of the government resulting from the emergence of the economic crises
since the late 1980s, many donors, private initiatives and non-governmental organisations
have joined the waste management industry in Yaound but with no coordinated efforts.
This scenario makes MSWM in Yaound very complex. But what drives waste in
Yaound? The special status of Yaound as the seat of government, diplomatic missions,
international meetings and organisations, makes it imperative on the government to give
special attention to the citys aesthetics and prestige by focusing on its cleanliness. The
increasing awareness by the people, interest groups, the government and donors, of the
need for a clean environment, together with economic interests drive waste management
in Yaound.

This chapter examines the management of municipal solid waste management (MSWM)
in Yaound including its generation, collection and transportation. Two levels of waste
management (primary and secondary) and three broad groups that are involved in service
delivery (the waste producers, the many formal and informal groups, and the official
waste management contractors-HYSACAM) are evaluated. Major drivers and factors,

such as the administrative organisation of the city together with its spatial extension,
streets, socio-economic and population characteristics that have far-reaching implications
on the performance of the citys waste management are also examined. Chapter 8 deals
with the treatment, disposal practices and environmental problems associated with
MSWM in Yaound.

8.2 The Organisation of Yaound City

8.2.1 The City, its Sub Divisions and Quarters

Yaound, being the national headquarters, houses all the levels of administrative and
political organisation of the country ranging from central functions such as the
presidency, the prime ministry and the ministries to external services including the
provincial, divisional, sub divisional, urban council, village and quarter services as well
as regional and international organisations.

Cameroon Law No. 87-015 of 15 July 1987 organising councils accorded Yaound and
Douala, the highest status in urban organisation in the country called Communaut
Urbaine de Yaound (CUY) headed by a presidential-appointed Government Delegate.
Unique with this status was the creation of sub divisional urban councils within and under
the city council which are headed by elected mayors. Four urban sub-divisional councils
were created in Yaound comprising quarters and villages1 as follows: Yaound I (44),
Yaound II (57), Yaound III (49) and Yaound IV (54). Another presidential decree
(No. 93/321 of November, 1993) created two more sub divisional urban councils,
Yaound V from Yaound I and Yaound VI from Yaound III (Figure 8.1). Quarter or
village chiefs, appointed by the central administration, head these quarters. These chiefs
may also sub divide their areas into blocks and appoint block chiefs to administer them.
These administrative levels are involved at every stage of municipal solid waste
management in Yaound city.

Presidential Decree No. 87-1365 of 24 September 1987, to set up the Yaound City Council.

8.2.2 Classification of the Quarters

Quarters in Yaound are not unique. Studies have been made and quarters stratifications
established according to the living standards of the population, their socio-economic
activities, the characteristics of the roads, streets and the housing conditions (Vermande
et al. 1994; Ngnikam 2001; Tanawa et al. 2002). Waste quantities, generation and
management patterns in the city are also tied to these spatial characteristics. The survey
carried out by the author used such zoning to select quarters for sampling. These zones
are classified as follows:
Zone I: High-status Residential Quarters: These quarters are well planned and are
served with good roads and streets. They also have fenced luxurious villas and apartment
buildings with gardens, swimming pools, and street lighting. Average housing density is
40 persons per hectare. High-level civil servants, directors of enterprises and diplomatic
missions and their residents, inhabit these quarters. Examples are Bastos, Ngoakele Lake
Quarter and Ngosso.

Zone II: Moderate-status Residential: They are quarters that are made up of high-rise
building blocks and bungalows planned and built by the housing real estate and land
developers (SIC and MAETUR)2 or the city council. Individuals have bought built plots
or houses from these real estate companies. The quarters have good access by road and
basic infrastructure such as tarred roads, piped water supply, electricity and sewage
disposal. Some of these quarters are Biyem Assi, Cit Verte, Messa, Essos and Mendong.
Middle level workers of the public and private sectors live there.

Zone III: Dense Spontaneous Settlements

The rest of the city is made up of spontaneously settled quarters. Here houses are
compact and mainly self-built with makeshift or traditional materials. The settlement
pattern is chaotic, hardly respecting building regulations. In some cases, the houses are
sited on fragile and dangerous environments such as steep slopes, flood plains and
railway corridors. A main road may pass through such quarters but the rest of it is

SIC:(Socit Immoblire du Cameroun) Cameroon Real Estate Company
MAETUR: (Mission dAmnagement et dEquipement des Terrains Urbains et Ruraux) Urban and Rural
Lands Development Authority.

accessed by footpaths or narrow seasonal streets. They lack basic infrastructure such as
public waste skips, water, electric lighting, sewage and drainage facilities. These are
indigenous quarters that have been engulfed by urban growth. They have densities as
high as 110-400 persons (or about 32 houses) per hectare and constitute about 45% of the
city area. Examples include, Nvog Ada, Nvog Mbi, Elig Effa, Elig Essono, Nlongkak,
Gjoungolo and Melen.

Zone IV: The City Central Zone

A few average residential houses exist here but this zone is characterised mostly by
administrative and commercial structures. Developed from the old colonial centre, this
area is also planned and houses multiple storey ministerial blocks, banks, insurance
companies, central and supermarkets, hotels and offices of international and regional

Zone V: Peripheral Quarters

The last category is the peri-urban quarters. As in zone IV, these are indigenous
settlements engulfed by the expanding city. They have low-housing densities that are of
average standing and have many indigenous people. However, these types of quarters are
tending towards heterogeneity, and increasing housing and population densities. A main
road may also pass through them but access into the quarter is usually by narrow paths.
Amenities are also lacking. Some quarters in this group are: Ekono II, Nsam, Efoulan and

0 kms 3

FIGURE 8.1: Map of Yaound City, Sub Divisions and Quarters

Source: Yaound City Council, 2003

8.2.3 Population, the Economy and Spatial Growth of Yaound

Total quantities of waste generated are a function of population size, with one key source
of increasing waste management problems in Yaound being the rapid population
growth. Between 1960 and 2002, the citys population has not only increased fast from
100 000 to 1.4 million (Figure 8.2) but also had a spurted annual average rate of
population growth (AARPG) of more than 6% within the period with the only slight
slowing down at the onset of the economic crisis in the late 1980s (Table 8.1). These
rates are alarmingly high given that Africa with 3.8% is the worlds fastest urbanizing
region while the entire developing world experiences 2.7% (Section 1.1.1). These rates of
growth are too fast for urban governments to cope adequately with the delivery of basic
urban services including solid waste. The number of households in Yaound is estimated
at 277 981 (DSCN 2002).

Population Growth in Yaound 1960-2002

Year (1) Year (2) Population (1) Population (2) AARPG3

1960 1976 100 000 318 706 8.51%
1976 1987 318 706 649 252 6.68%
1987 1999 649 252 1 201 900 5.27%
1999 2002 1 201 900 1 438 087 6.16%

Source: Compiled from DSCN 1999, 2002. Percentages calculated by the writer.

This rapid growth can partly be explained by the fact that Yaounds status as the seat of
a strong centralised system of government provides it with many administrative and
political functions ranging from local through city to division and province to national
including international. It has developed as a transport hub and an intellectual centre
together with commercial, processing and industrial functions. All these functions have
pulled people into Yaound.

AARPG=((P2/P1)^ (1/N)-1)*100









1960 1976 1987 1999 2002

FIGURE 8.2: Graph Showing the Evolution of Yaound City Population 1960-2002
Source: Derived by the author from Table 8.1

Along with the rapid population growth came also a corresponding spatial sprawl of the
citys area from 1 200 ha in 1961 through 18 000 ha in 1995 to 25 600 ha in 2001 and an
estimated 28 000 ha for 2005 (Vermande et al. 1994; Communaut Urbaine de Yaound
2001; Tanawa et al 2002). The last source notes that the provision of road infrastructure
to access these areas is grossly inadequate as only 30% of the estimated 800 km is tarred
and that Yaound has only 4 km per km2 of good road whereas standard street network is
supposed to be 15 km per km2. The un-tarred streets are further rendered impassable by
constant erosion caused by rainfall. The field survey data by the author demonstrates that
accessibility is still a problem (Table 8.2).

Sampling Quarters and Percentage of Access Conditions/Types in Yaound
Quarter/access Condition Bastos Efoulan Nvog Ada Cit Verte Total %
Footpath 0 9 34 0 43 25
Path passable with
0 5 11 0 16 09.3
Loose surface motorable
1 12 17 0 30 18.4
all seasons
Loose surface motorable
1 4 4 1 10 5.8
dry season
Tarred in good state 1 1 2 0 4 2.3
Tarred in bad state 30 1 7 31 69 40.1
Total 33 32 75 32 172 99.9

Source: Households survey cross tabulation analysis by the author, Yaound 2003

Table 8.2 demonstrates that 34.3% accessibility is by paths; 32.2% loose-surface streets,
and 42.4% tarred roads with only 2.3% in a good state. These averages obscure the
spatial variations within the citys quarters and consequently hide the reality. Of the
tarred streets, 88% are in Bastos and Cite Verte and barely 12% in Efoulan and Nvog
Ada. There are no paths in Bastos and Cit Verte while Nvog Ada has 79% and Efoulan
21% together with the dominance of loose-surface streets (Table 8.2). A lack of
accessibility by vehicles is a problem that hinders effective MSWM. It is so true that the
rate of solid waste removal has a positive correlation with the availability of access roads
(Chapter 9).

Yaound has a diversified economy but is dominated by tertiary activities. Apart from a
few processing industries such as the Cameroon Breweries, British-American Tobacco
Company (BAT), sawmills, animal feed and plastics, the city is the seat of politicians,
administrators, civil servants, diplomats, business people, dossier chasers, financiers,
tourists and school goers. Trade and commerce booms with 45 000 traders registered in
1994 (Vermande et al. 1994) functioning in the 22 city malls, super markets, specialised
shops and handling a variety of goods such as textiles, leather, electronics, hard ware,
automobile spare parts, building materials, books, fish, meat, poultry and foodstuffs. The
informal sector is prominent especially in commercial hawking activities. The peri-urban
area abounds with agricultural activities such as market gardening, cocoa, bananas,

plantains, foodstuffs and fruits. The inter city transport is active moving civil servants and
government contractors from all over the country to Yaound to chase dossiers or files
in government offices in order to receive their dues.

8.2.4 Brief History of MSWM in Yaound

Sometimes lessons are learned from history, this applies to municipal solid waste
management in Yaound. A history of MSWM is well documented and is consistent in
publications by this team of researchers (Vermande et al. 1994; Monkam et al. 2000;
Ngnikam 2001; Tanawa et al. 2002). The following section summarises that history
according to these authors.

1960-68. In the early years of independence (196068), Yaound had a mixed population
of 100 000 people living on 1250 ha of land. Waste collection was done mainly around
the major road axis, administrative, commercial and high standard residential areas of the
city. The city council managed the waste collection and treatment. Much of the waste was
disposed of in farms, open spaces and illegal dumps.

1968-90: HYSACAM won a contract to manage waste in the city for a three-year period
subject to renewal. It started at the cost of 65 millions francs CFA a year but the amount
gradually grew to 1.5 milliards twenty years later. The state gave two-thirds and the
Yaound City Council (YCC) one-third. About 300-400 tonnes of solid waste were
removed daily (Vermande et al. 1994).

1990-93: This period marked the exit of old and entry of new partners. The 1987 law
created urban sub divisional councils (USC) with executive powers headed by Mayors.
The 1988/89 economic crisis set in and state subventions grew lean and finally stopped in
the 1990/91 budgetary year. HYSACAM abandoned it contracts for non-payment of
accumulated debts owed to the company. Each USC was given two tippers by the YCC.
USCs in turn contracted the waste management to small and medium-size enterprises
(SMEs). With lack of expertise these enterprises filled the valleys around with waste and

collected very small amounts. In 1992 the Prime Minister (PM) stepped in and contracted
MSWM to another company, SECA, an affiliate of HYSACAM. After six months of
operation the company ceased its activities for non-payment of contract bills. In January
1993 two others, one a private company, Dragages Cameroun, and the other a
government public works department, tried but retired prematurely in July because of
lack of funds.

1993-98 Things grew progressively worse. The YCC gave contracts to small enterprises
at 37 millions Francs CFA a month (474 million a year). With no experience they again
filled the valleys with waste. NGOs, institutional and quarter associations emerged for
collection, transportation, recycling, composting and treatment. Formal composting and
recycling were introduced. In 1994 The World Bank/State came in with the Structural
Adjustment Programme (SAP) encouraging NGOs and giving contracts to groups to
clean streets first, then remove mountain of waste that defaced the city. In two years 2700
workers were employed and they removed only 15% or 120 tonnes of waste a day that
was ubiquitously disposed of in illegal dumps around the city.

1998-2004 In 1998 waste management reverted to the YCC and the formal style of 1968-
90 period was renewed. HYSACAM was re-invited and a contract of 1.5 Millard Francs
CFA a year signed with the state to collect and treat the citys solid waste. This means the
sub divisional urban councils were no longer directly responsible for waste management,
but they had to contribute financially to the management of waste in their areas of
jurisdiction (Section

8.3 Organisation of MSWM in Yaound

8.3.1 Introduction
Primary or pre-collection includes the initial processes of assembling, recycling, storing
and moving solid waste from the source of generation to the nearest official facility
(public skip, ground dumps, waste collection van) for onward treatment (transportation to
the transfer station, recycling, incineration or/and final disposal). The continuation of the

process from the public facility is via the secondary sector. The main participants are the
households, markets and institutions at the primary sector, the waste management
company at the secondary level and a multitude of formal and informal institutions
complementing the tasks of both.

The administrative structure of MSWM was discussed in chapter 4. This included the
general policy-making levels as well as the deliverers of the services. Here we are most
concerned with the delivery of the solid waste management services as is in Yaound. A
new element that emerges here and which was not experienced in Bamenda (Chapters 6
& 7) is that, with the inability of the official waste management company to cover the
entire Yaound City and to limit its activities only to the accessible quarters, a wide range
of actors from individuals, associations, NGOs to local groups emerged, independently to
carry out direct or indirect activities related to municipal solid waste management in
neighbourhoods of Yaound. This was made possible by the liberalisation of the
economy and freedom to create associations and the increasing desire of households,
institutions and business places to have their waste collected so as to have a clean
environment. Many of these providers are involved at the pre-collection levels but a few
extend their activities to the secondary level. However, waste management remains the
sole responsibility of the city council who together with the support of the urban sub
divisional councils,
Mobilises and coordinates financial and human resources for MSWM
Settles disputes between HYSACAM and other service providers
Locates public bins
Validates contracts executed
Sensitises and runs campaigns

The roles attributed to the City Council and the sub divisional urban councils are not
clear. Law No. 87/015 of 15 July 1987 charged the City Council with the duties of
hygiene and sanitation for the entire city while the sub divisional urban councils had the
duties of removing and treating waste. These roles are ambiguous as shown by the
problems with their application.

8.3.2 The Organisation of MSWM Delivery in Yaound


Yaound City Council

Yaound I Council

Yaound II Council

Yaound III Council

Yaound IV Council

Yaound V Council

Yaound VI Council


Technical Services

Company Hygiene & Sanitation

CIGs, QAs,
YAs, SMEs MSW Generators NGOs

FIGURE 8.3: The Organisational Structure of MSWM in Yaound

Sources: Compiled from relevant official texts by the author

Figure 8.3 shows the flow structure of the waste management delivery and the linkages
between the actors in Yaound. These actors are becoming many, together with the
increasing role of the external support agencies (ESAs). The waste generators have no
direct links with the official private company responsible for waste management, or the
urban sub divisional councils and the supportive groups (Figure 8.3). These weak
linkages, and at times antagonistic relationships amongst the actors and the passive role
of the generators, constitute a big problem. One notices the emergence of an important
NGO by its French name, (Environnement Action Recherche au Cameroun {ERA-
Cameroun}), i.e., Environment, Action Research in Cameroon, involved in the process of
finding ways to addressing parts of these problems.

8.4 Generation and Storage

8.4.1 Generation

Municipal solid waste generated in Yaound varies in quantities, types, humidity and
density, according to the days of the week and seasons as well as between various sources
such as residential zones, industrial areas, institutions and commercial places. Many
authors agree, with very slight variations, on the quantities of solid waste generated and
detailed analysis of their content. A greater discrepancy lies in population figures that
remain estimates as the last population census was conducted in 1988. According to
Tanawa et al. (2002), Yaound generates an average of 840 tonnes y of MSW per day,
725 tonnes (86%)4 from households, 83 tonnes (09.9%) from markets, 30 tonnes (03.6%)
from industries and 5 tonnes (00.6%) from hospital. These authors indicate it represents
0.75 kg per capita per day generation, but point out that weekend days may produce as
much as 0.9 kg. per capita per day. Studies by Monkam et al.(2000) and Ngnikam (2001)
indicated the average per capita daily generation rate for the city calculated from the
quarter figures was 0.79 kg per capita per day, only 0.04 kg greater than the former. This
average is derived from the dry and wet season production rates indicated by these

The author has calculated the percentages.

authors respectively as follows: high-status residential quarters (0.95-1.31 kg), moderate
status (0.78-1.12kg), municipal buildings (0.73-0.98 kg), spontaneous settlements (0.5-
0.8 kg) and peri-urban quarters (0.63-0.95 kg). They estimated the MSW densities at
0.25-0.49 and humidity, 50-65 % for the dry and wet seasons respectively. Based on the
current population, I estimate the daily generation rate at 1200 tonnes for the entire city.

In another study by Ngoma (2001), solid waste composition for Yaound (975 tonnes per
day) was analysed thus: organic material 80%, paper and carton 07%, glass 04.7%,
plastics and rubber 04.3%, textile and leather 02.2%, and iron and metal 01.7%. Ngnikam
(2000) further analysed variations of solid waste types generated among quarters and the
markets (Figure 8.4). Major findings show a preponderance of biodegradable waste in all
zones increasing in markets and less affluent quarters. Fines are fairly present in all
quarters while plastic material is consistent with greater amounts found in moderate and
spontaneous quarters.

Categorization of MSW in Yaounde by residential status/markets & percentages

60% Fines <20mm
% 50% Rubber
40% Rubble
20% Glass/ceramics
10% Plastic
0% Paper/carton











Residential status & markets

FIGURE 8.4 Categorization of MSW in Yaound by Residential Status, Markets &

Source: Derived from Ngnikam 2000

Market waste comes from the 22 city markets with the six largest, Mokolo, Nfoundi,
Essos, Central, Ekounou and Nvogt-Mbi, generating about three quarters of all the market
waste, estimated at 83 tonnes, emanating mostly from foodstuffs with a 0.1 to 4.76 per
capita per day generation rate (Tanawa et al. 2002). According to the same source,
industrial wastes constitute 516 tonnes mostly from breweries, tobacco, milk and meat
factories. Hospitals generate 5 tonnes and 90% is conventional waste and ends up in the
MSW stream.

8.4.2 Methods of waste collection and storage

Household survey results and field experience show that, but for a few classic bins, many
containers used for the collection and storage of household waste are made from recycled
materials (Plate 8.1). The prominent ones are old baskets (76.7%), plastic bags (11.6%),
tins and cans (8.2%), and to a lesser extent, cartons and baskets (Table 8.3; Plate 8.1).
Further analysis show that only 68 out of 103 sampled containers (66%) had some form
of cover over them. There was also a spatial variation in cover provision by households
with Bastos and Cite Verte having 50%, Efoulan 38.5% and Nvog Ada 22%.

Household Waste Collection Containers in Yaound

Quarter/container Carton Basket Old Bucket Plastic Bag Tin & Can
Bastos 0 0 21 4 8
Efoulan 2 1 25 2 2
Nvog Ada 1 1 58 12 3
Cit Verte 0 1 28 2 1
TOTAL 3 3 132 20 14
% 1.7% 1.7% 76.7% 11.6% 8.2%

Source: Household survey cross tabulations, 2003 Yaound

A Two plastic buckets B Conventional bin with cover

C Bamboo basket D Fibre bags

E Half 200 L drum bin (Schools) F Conventional bin (Offices)

Plate 8.1: Waste Collection Containers in Households & Public Institutions,

Yaound 2003

8.4.3 Primary Waste Transfer

Waste produced at the households, markets and institutions such as offices and schools is
primarily moved to a secondary official waste collection facility or illegal disposed.

Various groups are involved in the primary MSWM in Yaound and they use different
methods for transferring the waste to the official waste collection site. Survey reports
summarised by the author indicate that at the household level various transportation
methods are used to move waste to the depot (Table 8.5). Head or hand portage
dominated the method used (91%), followed by wheelbarrows (8.4%). Pushcarts are
present but not prominent. Motorised movement of waste is absent but sources in the
field indicate that some private individuals and establishments such as Bobs Foundation
and Yaound Propre, which collect waste from some households in Bastos quarter, use
pick-up vehicles.

Methods of Household Waste Transportation in Yaound

Quarter/method Head/hand Wheelbarrow Pushcart Motorised Others

Bastos 28 3 0 0 0
Efoulan 26 4 0 0 0
Nvog Ada 69 4 1 0 0
Cit Verte 28 3 0 0 0
TOTAL 152 14 1 0 0
% 91% 8.4% 0.6% 0% 0%

Sources: Field survey cross tabulations by the author, March 2003 Yaound

Table 8.7 summarises the scenario of persons most often responsible for removing waste
away from the household and Table 8.7 indicates where the household waste is disposed
of. From Table 8.7 it could be suggested that the children do more than three-quarters of
waste removal from the households. The modal distribution shows mothers coming in the
second place but the mean distribution put the group of house-boys, girls and guards as
occupying the second place, influenced by the high occurrences in Bastos (Table 8.7).
The use of guards and specialised groups to collect waste increased in some sensitive
areas such as diplomatic missions, after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 in the
United States. The only examples of men moving waste comes from Nvog Ada
spontaneous quarter, suggesting that men minimise the importance of waste management
and hardly get involved in it. The term others in Table 8.5 represents organised groups
that work with households and such cases are examined in Section 8.5.2. The waste

removed from households is disposed of in the public skips, itinerant waste vans or illegal
dumps. Table 8.7 summarises the destination of these wastes.

Persons Responsible for Removing Household Waste: Cross Tabulation, Yaound.

Quarter/Person Father Mother Children in Houseboy/girl, Others

household servant/guard
Bastos 0 1 10 21 0
Efoulan 0 4 27 0 1
Nvog Ada 3 12 60 0 0
Cit Verte 0 6 18 8 0
TOTAL 3 23 115 29 1
% 1.8% 13.5% 67.3% 17.0% 0.6%

Sources: Field survey by the author, March 2003 Yaound

Table 8.7 presents the results of field surveys on distances travelled to dispose of waste
by households including the mean distances. Such data were transformed from responses
made to questionnaires requested households to estimate distances they travel to dispose
of waste using the number of electricity poles covered. Interval between electricity poles
is constant and usually 50 metres. The results were grouped and the mean distance
calculated. It is 87.3 m (Table 8.7).

Distances Travelled in Yaound to Dispose of Household Waste & Calculation of the
Mean Distance


Distances <50m 50-99m 100- >200m 25m 75m 150m 250m
Quarter 200m
Bastos 8 9 6 2 200 675 900 500
Efoulan 12 10 7 2 300 750 1050 500
Nvog Ada 29 25 13 8 725 1875 1950 2000
Cit Verte 10 14 5 3 250 1050 750 750
TOTAL 59 58 31 15 1475 4350 4650 3750
163 14225
Mean distance=14225/163=87.3 m
Source: Field survey data by the author 2003

Figure 8.5 illustrates the spatial variations in the distribution of percentages and distances
travelled by people to dispose of their waste. Generally all the quarters experience a small
percentage of people that move less than 50 m. More residents of Cit Verte travel
between a 50-100 m range while for Bastos and Efoulan it is the 100-200 m groups. Nvog
Ada has a fairly equal distribution of its population travelling 50-100 m, 100-200 m and
200 m and more. In addition Nvog Ada experiences the highest percentage of people who
travel the greatest distances to dispose of their waste (Figure 8.7). These variations are
due to the waste infrastructure constraints such as availability of skips, waste trucks and
accessibility. There is a maximum distance that every household would be prepared to go
to dispose of waste. If the official waste facility is considered out of reasonable travelling
distance other sites may be sought. Table 8.7 summarises the field survey report on the
variety of sites used by the households to dispose of their waste.

Primary waste disposal distances in sampled quarters of

Yaounde, 2003

% of Respondents

60% 100-200m
40% 50-99m

Bastos Efoulan Nvog Ada Cit Verte

FIGURE 8.5: Household and waste disposal distances in quarters of Yaound

Source: Transformed from survey cross tabulation on distances travelled to dispose of
waste, Yaound 2003

Primary Disposal Sites for Household Waste in Yaound

Quarter Bastos Efoulan Nvog Ada Cite Verte

Household waste depot
Responses Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
In the public skip 39.4 60.6 0.0 100.0 70.7 29.3 96.9 3.1
Into the itinerant waste van 60.6 37.4 37.5 65.5 17.3 82.7 0.0 100.0
In a valley/stream/lake sides 3.0 97.0 0.0 100.0 8.0 92.0 3.1 96.9
On the road/street sides 0.0 100.0 15.6 84.4 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
In open spaces/bushes 3.0 97. 40.6 59.4 9.3 90.7 3.1 96.9
In a hole in the compound 0.0 100.0 6.3 93.7 2.7 97.3 0.0 100.0
Sources: Household Survey Yaound March 2003 (Percentages transformed from Yes
and No responses

Unlike in Bamenda, all quarters sampled in Yaound benefit from the services of the
official waste management company though at various scales. However, all the quarters
equally practise various forms of illegal disposal (Table 8.7). Bastos enjoys both the fixed
collection system (from skips) and the itinerant waste van system. Cit Verte has only the
fixed collection but has a fairly efficient collection system. Illegal disposals are greatest
in Efoulan (Table 8.7 and Plate 8.2) followed by Nvog Ada. Efoulan has no skip in place
and the residents describe the itinerant waste van system as irregular. Nvo Ada has one
16m3 waste skip in place as well as the itinerant van programme. In Nvog Ada, both
systems are very inadequate. The analysis suggests that the ease of accessing the official
waste disposal facility, the available space for illegal dumping, and the perception of
waste management service providers by the households, play an important role in
deciding where waste will be disposed of. Long distances to access official waste
facilities pushes waste producers to look for alternatives, for example, empty space for
disposal and such decision-making is further influenced by the level of environmental
and health education of the people. The Yaound City council sources identified and
documented 177 prominent heaps of illegal dumps of various sizes, large (21), medium
(58) and small (98) ubiquitously distributed in the city in 2001 (Communaut Urbaine de
Yaound 2001). However, there are far more illegal dumps than that number. There are

many more illegal dumps than public skips in the city. Plate 8.2 also illustrates open
space illegal dumps in Efoulan Quarter in Yaound.

PLATE 8.2:Open-space Illegal Dumps at Efoulan Quarter, Yaound 13/3/2003

8.4.4 Problems Associated with Primary Collection

The first problems of primary waste collection, storage and transfer are linked to the poor
state of most containers. Secondly the waste collected is either disposed of at an official
secondary facility or disposed of illegally in heaps on vacant spaces, drains, water bodies
or street sides. The main reasons for this problem arise from shortage of equipment such
as skips and collection trucks, inaccessibility and inadequate concerted efforts between
the waste generators and the waste managers.

8.4.5 Conclusion

Solid waste generation in Yaound is increasing in quantities and variety influenced

mainly by population growth and socio-economic development. The quantities generated
and the characteristics vary with parts of the city, days of the week and times of year. An
average of 0.79 kg per capita per day has been registered with more than three-quarters of
the waste biodegradable. Collection and storage of waste is poor as mostly old containers
without covers are used. Disposal of waste collected by households is done by informal
or some organised groups but huge quantities remain disposed of at illegal dumps spread
all over the city and only small quantities end up in public bins from where secondary
management takes over. In all, the ease of accessing the official waste disposal facility,
the available space for illegal dumping, and the perception of waste management service
providers by the households, play an important role in deciding where waste will be

8.5 Secondary Level Waste Management

8.5.1 Introduction

HYSACAM is the officially contracted company that is responsible for removing and
treating municipal solid waste in Yaound. However, since the 1990s many other partners
joined to complement the waste management business not only in the primary levels but
also at the secondary level. The involvement of foreign partners has also become

increasingly prominent. This section examines the role of these external support agencies
(ESAs), complementary institutions and the official waste management company,
HYSACAM, in addressing the problem of MSWM in Yaound.

8.5.2 Complementary and Supportive Partners

Table 8.8 summarises the categories of complementary and supportive partners involved
in MSWM together with their functions, areas of operation, status and composition. Some
of their activities cover both the primary and secondary waste management levels. In the
field we identified many more groups such as Vindapol (Efoulan) that exist and operate
haphazardly but directly with households in the neighbourhoods that are not mentioned in
Table 8.8. The organisation and functioning of Hysacam, the contracted private company
that manages MSW, is discussed later. The following categories of partners in MSWM
were identified: Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), Common Initiative Groups
(CIGs), Small and Medium-size Enterprises SMEs, Quarter Associations (QAs), Youths
Associations (YAs), Individuals and private business group associations.

No 92/006 of 14 August 1992 authorised the creation of Cooperatives, Common Initiative

Groups (CIG) and other groups of economic interest such as the Small and Medium-size
Enterprises (SMEs). The SMEs operate to make profits. The NGOs were created by
Decree No.99/914 of 22 December 1999 and authorised free operations in a wide range
of jurisdiction from environment, social activities, culture, sports, and education to
humanitarian including human rights organisations. They were all simply advised to
register and operate with respect to the national laws. Profit was not expected to be a key
issue even though the NGOs would be expected to be sustainable. It is hard to make a
clear distinction between these groups activities in terms of profit and non-profit making.
However, they all intervene in various aspects of MSWM in Yaound.

List of different organisations involved in solid waste management in Yaound
No Organisation Type* Created* Members* Area(s) of Major activities*
1 Association des Volontaires AT 1997 20 Mfoundi Market Collection of market
du Developpement (ADV) waste
2 Association des jeunes de YA 1999 31 Melen V (near Fight dirtiness by
Melen (ASOJEM) National practising daily human
Gendarmerie) investment.
3 Association TAM-TAM YA 1997 40 Nvog Beti Reflection on Youths
Mobile misery and
unemployment. Cleaning
& clearing street sides
4 Association de jeune YA 2001 Melen ! Clearing around the
dynamiques de lEMIA American Centre
5 Dream Team Association YA 1999 University residential Students experience
area exchange
6 Association pour la YA 1994 13 Briqueterie Quarter Collection of waste and
preservation de gutter cleaning
lenvironnement et le
progress social SAEKAN
7 Association des residents de QA 1990 40 Mbenda (Simeyong Quarter Cleanliness
Mbenda (AREM) 11)
8 GIC Jovelec GIC 1997 5 Zibi, Nkolzi, SIC Door-to-door waste
Mendong collection, composting &
9 CIPRE NGO 1996 Etoug-Ebe Buys and sells plastic
waste; Public
sensibilisation on plastic
10 Cercle de Jeunes de Melen YA 1995 25 Melen 4 Encourage quarter
Polytechnique cleanliness through daily
human investment.
11 Club de Volontaires de NGO 1993 6 Mvog Ada Cleaning of streets,
Mvog Ada (CVM) gutters and waster
12 FOCARFE NGO 1992 7 Elig Essono Waste collection, canal
and waster courses
cleaning, MSW
13 CAID NGO 1984 10 Mballa I Composting of waste and
cleaning of water courses
14 Carrefour de la vie NGO 1992 20 Biyem Assi Urban cleanliness
15 ARC en Ciel (AEC) NGO 1999 7 Anguissa Quarter Consultancy and training
towards primary waste
16 Centre dAnimation Sociale NGO 1978 36 Nkoldongo Youths training for
et Sanitaire (CASS) micro- employment
projects and sports
17 ACADE PRO NGO 1985 Mimboman House to house waste
collection to public bins
18 ENICAM (entreprise de MSE 1991 40 Elig Essono Cleaning industries,
nettoye industriel du collection of waste in
Cameroun SARL) specific individuals
19 Ets BOBS Foundation MSE 1987 36 Nkolfoulou Road Collect waste in
(SARL) (near SAPLAIT) households, enterprises,
cleans industries
20 Ets MEIDO MSE 1 Nvog Mbi Hires hysters
21 Yaound Propre SME 2 Bastos Waste collection in
specific households in
Bastos Quarter
* The translations into English are by this author.

AT: Association of Traders

GIC: Common initiative Group

NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation
QA: Quarter Association
SME: Small and Medium-size Enterprise
YA: Youths Association
Sources: (Environnement Recherche Action au Cameroun 2002)

Waste generators organisations such as the Association of Traders in Mfoundi Market,

quarter people, student and youth groups, voluntarily contribute to the cleanliness of their
environment by gathering and collecting waste from their premises, streets, gutters and
watercourses. This waste is disposed of in public skip containers. A few groups are
involved in recycling and are discussed in Chapter 9. The other groups (Table 8.8) are
involved in many activities including moving waste from household, offices, institutions
and industries to the public skip, which is primary level activity, or to the landfill using
their own vehicles, hence secondary level of waste management. An example is Bobs
Foundation Establishment that collects waste in enterprises such as SNI, BEAC
(Headquarters and residence). More examples include MSW from the Yaound Central
Hospital, British American Tobacco (BAT) industry and residence, TIGRE Supermarket,
Fokou Soa and some residences and embassies in Bastos where waste is collected and
transported to the landfill by individual business enterprises using pick-ups and trucks
(Environnement Recherche Action au Cameroun 2002). In both primary and secondary
waste activities, there is direct negotiation on payment rates between the generators and
the waste removers. The rationale that underpins these activities is to complement the
activities of HYSACAM.

There are more than 30 in number and many not only informal but their activities remain
uncoordinated, zones of operation undefined, their practices unchecked and at times
resulting in conflicts and illegal dumping. This partly explains why an NGO by name
Environnement Recherch-Action au Cameroun (ERA-Cameroun) emerged in 2001
with the objective of putting in place and coordinating a pilot scheme aimed to give
selected NGOs or CIGs already involved in primary solid waste collection and recycling
in five quarters located in Melen and Mbenda areas, material, financial, technical and
administrative support to enable them to establish themselves in their zones of operation
through functioning sustainably and cooperating smoothly with the other partners,

especially HYSACAM. An evaluation report through a survey shows that the project is a
success but notes that the peoples willingness to pay has paradoxically dropped from
1000-1300 franc CFA to 600-800 franc CFA as at the start of the project. This situation
creates a deficit of 35% needing an augmentation from elsewhere, presumably the City
Councils or HYSACAM. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs financially sponsors the
project with collaboration from the INSAVALOR POLDEN group, the Yaound City
Council, Yaound VI and HYSACAM (Environnement Recherche Action au Cameroun
2002) An example of CIG: Tam Tam Mobile

Tam Tam Mobile Association is a common initiative group (CIG) involved in mobilising
youths towards gainful employment including primary solid waste collection and
recycling in Melen-Mokolo quarters Yaound (Plate 8.3). Founded in 1997, it is one of
the most organised CIGs and operates by organising and collaborating with households
that are not accessed by the official waste management organisation to collect their waste
at an agreed fee. The waste is collected, recycled and the ultimate waste disposed of at
the public skip

PLATE 8.3: Tam Tam Mobile (CIG) at work, Melen Quarter, Yaousnde 13/3/2003

According to the coordinator, the households pay around 1000-1500 francs CFA per
month and that many households are happy with it. Getting all on board is a gradual
process that will have to go along with patience and educate them (Interview on site with
the coordinator, Mr. Sama Simon, in Melen Yaound 13/3/03). The coordinator works
three days a week with the field staff to demonstrate the art and solidarity. They use
wheel-borrows and pushcarts where path permits access or place the equipment on the
main roadside and move waste there by hand portage where only foot paths exist (Plate
8.3). Tam Tam Mobile Association, along with GIC Jovelec Mendong, were chosen for
the ongoing ERA-Cameroun pilot project on urban waste management and hygiene for
Yaound called Putting in place the structures of pre-collection and treatment of urban
solid waste in a tropical city: the case of Yaound.

8.5.3 External Support Agencies (ESAs)

External Support Agencies (ESA) include foreign national governments such as

assistance under the French Cooperation in Cameroon e.g. Funds for Social Development
(FSD), German Development Services (DED) and the Dutch Cooperation (CORDAID).
Regional Unions, e.g. the European Union through its Funds for Urban Organisations and
Micro Initiatives (FOURMI) Fonds aux organisations urbaines et aux micro initiatives)
intervenes by supplying waste collection materials especially in disfavoured quarters. The
PDM (Programme de Developpement Municipal)/Urban Management Programme for
Africa has it headquarters in Cotonou and Zimbabwe and organises training sessions on
maintenance and urban infrastructure management including municipal solid waste
management. International organisations for example the UNDP and NGOs such as
Research and Technological Exchange Group (GRET) are involved at various levels of
solid waste management in Yaound (Chapter 8). Their interventions are in the areas of
finance, material (Plate8.3) and technical assistance including policy orientation through
funding policies.

8.5.4 Secondary Waste Management Company-HYSACAM Introduction
Secondary solid waste management is mainly executed by the company, Hygine et
Salubrit du Cameroun (HYSACAM), through a contract signed by mutual agreement
between it, the Yaound City Councils and the Government of Cameroon. This contract
(No. 165/GG/68-99) stipulates a daily manual and mechanical sweeping of some streets,
avenues and boulevards (369kms); public places and the markets in Yaound City area
every working day. It includes a daily or once-in-two days collection and treatment of
solid waste from households, public roads, paths, markets; public institutions such as
schools, hospitals, small businesses, artisans and offices. The contract excludes wastes
from exploitation of public works, factories and industries, construction and demolition,
commercial, slaughter, anatomic or infectious wastes from hospitals and clinics i.e.
hazardous waste (Communaut Urbaine de Yaound et al. 1998). The company is
responsible for collecting and transporting waste brought to the official collection point
for disposal and treatment. A limited number of individuals, groups and private business
people are gradually getting involved in the secondary sector (Table 8.8). Organisation and Management

The organisation and management are based on the terms of the contract and it revolves
mostly around public waste skips. HYSACAM has three methods in place for collection
and transporting waste namely from skips in fixed spots, ground depots and an itinerant
waste collection van system. The arrangement follows the administrative urban
subdivision, each of which has sectors or circuits serving a number of public skips or
ground depots located at strategic sites. The type of skip located at a place depends on the
characteristics of the waste generated, density of population in that area and the state of
the access roads. These skip locations very much depend also on what the city council
had decided before the award of the contract. There are three common types of skips,
1000 litre skips, 6m3 and 16m3. Eight 9m3 skips have been added to supplement the 6m3
skips. The contract recommended the house-to-house itinerant collection system using
compactor trucks and the Paris Tipper type for accessible areas with far-spaced public
skips or none. High population density areas with good roads were to have 16m3 skips

A.1 m3 skip B. Compactor truck loading a 1m3 skip

C. 6m3 skip D. 9m3 skip

E. 6m3 skip & truck at weighbridge F. Loading a 6m3 skip at Bastos

PLATE 8.4: Types of Public Skips in Yaound, 2003

carried by roll-on roll off-trucks called Ampliroll or 6m3 carried by dumpster trucks
equipped with chain-hydraulic lift systems. Market waste was planned for collection in
16m3 skips and carried by the Ampliroll tipper truck. According to an evaluation report
by Monkam et al. (2000) and field experience by the author there have been a few spatial
and numerical adjustments in skips placing by HYSACAM but much revolves around the
original allocations.

Table 8.9 and Figure 8.6 summarise the field distribution of the public skips and circuits
in Yaound City. Plate 8.4 displays the different types of skips available. In addition
some ground sites have been created by residents where skips ought to be but are lacking.
In establishments such as schools and hospitals, half drums with a capacity of 100 litres
are used to collect and store waste Plate (8.1 E). A visual inspection of skip distribution
in Figure 8.6 suggests that the provision of these facilities declines systematically from
Yaound I to Yaound VI that lacks the 1000 L bins. HYSACAM did some adjustment to
the contract specifications by adding or reducing some skips (Figure 8.7). But when this
distribution is subjected to more scrutiny by introducing more parameters such as the
population and skip sustainability (Figure 8.8), our appreciation changes and we question
the bases on which contract specifications and field adjustment were made.

Distribution of Public Skips and Waste Collection Circuits in Yaound by Urban Subdivisions
Sub Popu- 1m3 6m3 16m3 Total 1m3 6m3 16m3 TV T waste *TV TV No. of
Division lation No. No. No. No TV+ TV TV Avail. kg Needed Lacking Times
Yaound 1 244264 78 22 7 112 78 132 112 322 192968.6 771.87 449.87 2.4
Yaound 2 299560 39 25 8 74 39 150 128 317 236652.4 946.61 629.61 3.0
Yaound 3 249301 42 20 2 67 42 120 32 194 196947.8 787.79 593.79 4.1
Yaound 4 273108 17 16 7 43 17 96 112 225 215755.3 863.02 638.02 3.8
Yaound 5 161642 14 14 5 36 14 84 80 178 127697.2 510.79 332.79 2.9
Yaound 6 192344 0 18 6 26 0 108 96 204 151951.8 607.81 403.81 3.0
Total 1420219 190 123 43 374 190 738 688 1440 1121973 4487.89 3047.89 3.1
TV=Total Volume in m3.
Calculated as population of each sub-division x per capita generation (0.79 kg)/density (250 kg/m3)
Sources: Compiled by the author from the (Cahier des Charges) Contract Specifications Book

Distribution of public skips in Yaounde by types & sub-division

No. of skips

1000 L skips
06m skips
16m skips
Yaound I Yaound II Yaound III Yaound IV Yaound V Yaound VI
Sub-divisional council

FIGURE 8.6: Distribution of Public Skips by Type & Sub Division, Yaound
Source:Compiled by the author from contract prescription and field data




Circuit 1000 L. 6m3 9m3 16m3

FIGURE 8.7: Comparison of Public Skips and Waste Collection Circuits with
Contract Specifications and Field Experience, Yaound
Source: Made by the author from contract and field data 2003

Waste skip capacity in Yaounde

Skip volume m3

600 Total Available

500 Total Needed
400 Difference

Yaound I Yaound II Yaound III Yaound IV Yaound V Yaound VI
Urban sub division

FIGURE 8.8: Public Waste Skips Capacity in Yaound, 2003

Figure 8.8 presents a synthesis that demonstrates the state of waste skip capacities (in
volume m3) in each sub-division in Yaound, that is, the availability, total needed and the
shortage. The total available is calculated from total available skip volume, type
notwithstanding, and the total needed (i.e., sustainable volume assuming all solid waste
generated were to be put into the public skips) is got by finding the total waste generation
by the total population of each city sub-division (Institute National de la Statistique 2003)
and converting it into volume as a function of density: 250 kg/m3 (Vermande et al. 1994;
Environnement Recherche Action au Cameroun 2002; Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality 2002).

The results suggest that no sub-division is yet sustainable in the volume of skips needed.
The number of skips needed to be increased in each sub division ranges from 2.4-4.1
times. The most served is Yaound I followed by Yaound II that together with Yaound
IV is most needy. The least served with capacity is Yaound V that paradoxically needs
the least quantity of skips to be sustainable. Meaningful planning could best be directed
towards the needs of each urban sub division rather than a general scheme that focuses on
the whole city, or else the spatial realities will be blurred.

8.5 4.3 HYSACAMs Waste Collection and Transportation Vans

Article 8 of the contract shows that HYSACAM is responsible for the collection and
treatment of the waste defined in the contract to the public landfill at Nklofoulou (Soa).
The next article stipulates that the operation consists of collection of the waste from one
place to another and the transportation of these waste to the treatment place, the landfill
(Communaut Urbaine de Yaound et al. 1998). Understandably this is the transportation
to the landfill and treatment of MSW that has been collected, stored and moved from the
source of generation such as households, institutions and markets to a public collection
spot usually a skip container or a designated ground site. Collection and transportation
are therefore the greatest activities of HYSACAM.

HYSACAM has sophisticated waste transport vehicles designed with specification
systems to manipulate the various types of public skips available or even ground waste
depots. Where the mechanisms fail, as they often do, support is given manually.
Collection is organised into 18 sectors or circuits distributed among the six sub divisions
of the city (Table 8.9). Waste collection within the circuits is executed by a variety of
specialised collection vans. These include rear loader compactor trucks; lift tippers or
roll-on trucks, heavy tippers fitted with scooping cranes, tippers with closable top called
the Paris Type and ordinary tippers. They make a number of trips varying from three to
six each a day.

PLATE 8.5: Rear Loader Compactor Truck

Source: Photo by the author, 03/4/2003, Yaound

The rear loader compactor (Plate 8.5) has a large enclosed container in which waste is
mechanically or manually fed from its rear with 1000 L bins and compressed within
using a hydraulic ram to reduce space. Garbage collectors assist by manually loading the
bins or using spades to collect waste overspill from bins (Plate 8.5). It has a capacity of
12m3 and serves areas with moderate waste generation and good roads such as Zone V
(e.g. Bastos) and I & II, (e.g. the SIC areas, Central City and Melen areas).

There are many roll-on roll off Ampliroll or lift tipper trucks (Plate 8.6) that are
assisted by hydraulics and chains to manipulate the 6m3, 9m3 and 16m3 skip containers.
At the landfill the truck tips the waste and carries the empty skip to the next spot where
the empty skip is swapped and the one with waste lifted or rolled onto the van for the
landfill again. The process is so fast that such vans that execute the service are termed
waste taxis. However, manual labour is applied to clean waste from around the skip
spot. They are prominent in areas of heavy waste production and good access roads for
instance, Zones II, III and market places.

PLATE 8.6: Lift Tipper Truck Swapping 6m3 Skips, Yaound 03/4/2003

HYSACAM has six heavy-duty tipper trucks with either 16m3 or 20m3 capacity
containers mounted with scoop clam cranes for collecting waste from ground-dumped
sites and accessible illegal dumps (Plates 8.7 & 8.8). They could be very helpful in
eliminating illegal dumps but such dumps are usually found in very inaccessible places.

PLATE 8.7: 16m3 -Capacity Tipper Fitted with Crane and Waste Grabbing Device
14/3/2003 Obili , Yaound

PLATE 8.8: 20m3 -Volume Tipper Fitted with Crane and Waste Grabbing
Equipment, 03/4/2003 Yaound

There are three open ordinary tipper bennes entrepreneuses (BTP) that are used
sparingly with the use of a front-end loader or manual labour to collect ground waste, tree
branches and palm fronds. Two mechanical sweepers also exist. Generally the amount of
equipment needed is far more than was perceived by the contract. For example, only two
crane-mounted tippers were previewed but with increasing illegal and ground dumps the
number has been increased to six. However, the sizes of the vans suggest they can only
collect waste dumped on good access roads whereas many illegal dumps remain remote.
In addition, many of these trucks are usually broken down so it is not easy to get exact
figures for the equipment. The continuous maintenance of almost completely broken
down public skips on the circuit suggests that there is a dire need for more skip containers
(Plate 9.5). HYSACAMs Waste Management Team and Operations

The operational staff includes 4 engineers, 2 senior administrators, 10 maintenance
agents, and 385 workers such as drivers, conductors and labourers (Ngoma 2001).
According to HYSACAM sources and experience in the field, the first shift of waste
collection works from 6 am-12 pm and the second from 2-5 pm. One other driver told me
they also have night shifts. Roads, street and public places are swept between 6pm-1pm
while markets are cleaned 10 pm-6 am, Monday to Saturday. An evaluation report by
Monkam et al. (2000) shows that 128km of sweeping yielded 20-30 tonnes of waste a
week and the cleaning of the 22 city markets removed about 45 tonnes a day, accounting
for only 52%of all market waste (Monkam et al. 2000). Zones of Secondary Collection

The circuit areas determine the zone of operation of the secondary waste collection. The
area served has a close relationship with the distribution of the skips illustrated in Figure
8.6. Yaound 1 dominates in the waste facilities. It is here that the Presidency (Etoudi),
Batos (highest standing quarter), one urban sub divisional, the Divisional and Provincial
headquarters, the city council, National Radio and TV station (Mbala II) and the central
commercial and administrative functions are situated. It also has the largest population.
Yaound III and II closely follow this zone.

Shortage of bins is characteristic of Yaound IV and the two new urban sub divisional
councils, V & VI. This shortage is complemented with the itinerant waste truck system.
In this system the waste van moves according to a planned stopping schedule to collect
waste from generators at specific spots along certain routes in the city where public skips
are lacking. The system avoids the problems associated with double collection of waste
such as nuisance created around public bins, e.g., leachate, flies, rats, odours and
domestic animals. However, field experience especially in Efoulan Quarter suggests that
the system is fraught with many inconsistencies such as late arrival and impatience on the
part of the truck drivers leading to frustrations by householders who sometimes respond
to these irregularities by depositing their waste on the road sides instead of carrying it
back home or by choosing illegal dumps in the first place. Our field survey results by the
author suggest that the average distance the Yaound population is prepared to travel to
dispose of their waste is 87.3 m. If the stopping interval by the waste van does not respect
this average distance, by stopping close to a 174.6-metre interval, many people might
prefer other systems such as private contractors. According to calculations by the author
(Table 8.9 & Figure 8.8) the current total volume of the skips (1616 m3) is 2.8 times less
or only 36% of the sustainable volume needed to handle the citys solid waste. Table 8.10
illustrates the expenditure pattern of secondary waste management by HYSACAM. It
suggests that nearly 80% goes on collection and transportation and very little on

Table 8.10: Summary of Estimated Costs of MSWM by HYSACAM in Yaound

Service Costs in Millions of Franc Percentage*

Headquarters 89,33 03.02
Administration 21,30 00.72
Exploitation (collection & 2 323,80 78.59
Treatment 419,40 14.18
Garage 103,20 03.49
Total 2 957,03 100.00
* This author calculated the percentages.
Source: Ngoma (2001, p. 19)

8.5.5 Problems Associated with Secondary Collection

HYSACAM is gradually increasing it fleets of waste vans and public skips but the
amount of such equipment are far less than the amount need. Huge quantities of waste
remain uncollected in public skips and many areas are poorly served by skips. The
itinerant waste collection programme is plagued with irregularities. In addition, the
problems HYSACAM has to cope with include ageing vans, rusting skips, long distance
hauls, poor access roads and non-collaboration of waste generators.

8.6 General Conclusion

Yaound generates about 1200 tonnes of solid waste a day, three-quarter of which is
biodegradable. However, the management of this waste remains a problem as only small
areas of the city are served with about 40-50% of waste collected and disposed of at the
landfill. The rest is illegally disposed of. The problem is known. Waste producers, formal
and informal groups, the waste management company-HYSACAM together with the
government through the city councils and external support agencies are all involved in
trying various strategies to solve the problem. The continuous heavy financial assistance
by the government to safeguard the national capitals prestige cannot go on forever. What
emerges clearly from the study is that there is a shortage of equipment, a lack of a clear
role, rules of the stakeholders and poor coordination between the generators and the
service deliverers. While increase in the use of machines is desirable, it is limited by
access roads and other problems linked to adaptability such as climate. Thus, increasing
efforts must be made to involve waste generators in the management of the waste that
they generate including the treatment, which for now has been given very little attention.


Municipal Solid Waste Treatment, Disposal and the Environment in


9.1 Introduction

Municipal solid waste treatment including disposal practices is vital to sustainable solid
waste management in terms of policy, strategy and practice. Treatment through recovery
and recycling converts some of the would-be waste to useful products hence, saving
money, the environment, and human health. It also helps prolong the life of final disposal
facilities such as incinerators and landfills. Inadequate attention accorded to this sector, as
is the case with Yaound, causes a plethora of economic, environmental and health
problems. For example, the estimated expenditure on waste collection and transportation
by HYSACAM, the main waste management company is 79.59%, while treatment
including disposal, only amounts to 14.18% (Table 8.10).

It was also noted from field observations that the term treatment is applied to mean the
process of burying waste at the landfill including leachate management, whereas the
landfill site plan and contract specifications suggest on-site recycling. Recycling, which
is a major means of waste treatment is therefore not being implemented except for a few
scavengers who are allowed to extract valuable items from the landfill. However, on a
limited scale, households, artisans and some NGOs in Yaound treat MSW by recycling.

In this chapter I discuss three main issues. The first is formal and informal waste
treatment and policy, which are examined, in a wider context to include waste
minimisation strategies. This is followed by a study of waste disposal practices. Lastly, I
examine the environmental and human health impacts of solid waste management in the
city. The chapter completes the examination of MSWM in Yaound started in Chapter

9.2 Municipal Solid Waste Treatment in Yaound

9.2.1 Introduction
The term treatment is used to encapsulate all actions taken on solid waste after it is
declared unwanted by the last user. Such actions include separation for recycling, all
forms of recovery and disposal strategies. The following section examines these aspects
of MSW handling.

9.2.1 1 Separation

Waste minimisation underpins the modern concept of sustainable solid waste

management. Resource recovery and recycling is a key strategy that meets such goals and
starts with the crucial stage of waste separation into specific components: biodegradable,
non-biodegradable and toxic. The author made a survey of waste separation practices in
Yaound, the results of which are summarised in Table 9.1.

Cross Tabulation on Willingness to Separate Waste in Sampled Quarters of
Quarter Yes No Total
Count % Count % Count %
Bastos 6 18.2 27 81.8 33 100
Efoulan 11 39.3 17 60.7 28 100
Nvog Ada 3 4.0 72 96.0 75 100
Cite Verte 10 31.3 22 68.8 32 100
Averages 23.3 76.8 50

Source: Field survey by the author, Yaound March 2003

The results suggest that less than a quarter of Yaounds population advocated separation
of waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components so as to facilitate further
recycling. Reasons advanced by respondents for not liking separation were
overwhelmingly that they have no need for so doing (Bastos 68%, Efoulan 57%, Nvog
Ada 87% and Cit Verte 37%). Thirty-six per cent indicated that waste separation is a
difficult exercise. A further reason given was a lack of space for agriculture; so

separating biodegradable waste for the purpose of manure was not necessary. This partly
explains why in a low-income and a high-density centrally located quarter such as Nvog
Ada only 4% advocated separation and 96% were against. Eighty-seven per cent of those
who were against further declared they had no use for separated materials. The opposite
is true for peripheral low-density quarters such as Efoulan and Cit Verte, where some
form of agriculture, including farming gardening, and animal rearing are practised.
Respondents never considered toxicity as a possible reason for separation of waste at
source. Informal Waste Recovery and Recycling

Non-separation of MSW means that waste is disposed of mixed. There is no policy on

waste separation or on recycling. However, as in Bamenda (7.2), there is informal
recycling at the source especially as scavenging is not a common phenomenon in the city.
Figure 9.1 illustrates the general recovery flow diagram for Yaound and Figure 9.2,
shows the level of household waste recycling.

Households Public Skips Landfill

RECOVERED Glass Glass Metal
Plastics Plastics Bottles
Bottles Metal Leather
Textiles Animal Feed Plastics
etc etc etc

Reused, Sold to Recyclers (Artisans, NGOs,

Industries etc.)

FIGURE 9.1: General Waste Recovery Flow Diagram for Yaound

Source: Adapted from Ngoma (2001)

Respondents and waste recycling rates in (%) , Yaounde



% of respondents






Bottles Tins/cans Plastics Fibre bags Metals Shoes Clothes
Type of waste recycled

FIGURE 9.2: Household Non-biodegradable Solid Waste Recycling in Yaound

Source: Summarised from reuse survey cross tabulations by the author, March 2003

Both figures 9.1 and 9.2 indicate that there is recovery at each level of the SWM-
generation, public skip and landfill. The survey results demonstrate that informal
recycling of household goods in Yaound is even greater. Fibre bags, bottles, plastics,
tins, cans, clothes and shoes are highly recycled, i.e., reused, repaired, given out or
received as gifts or sold out to higher order recyclers (Figure 9.2). Generally the least
recycled item is metal even though aluminium scraps are highly reused. Mostly old
containers such as buckets, paint tins, plastic and fibre bags are reused as solid waste
receptacles (Plate 8.1).

Waste recovery at the public waste facilities such as skips and the landfill exists but it is
not significant. At the public skips a few scavengers were noticed sorting through some
skips for valuables. This phenomenon is common among people who collect food waste

to feed pigs. HYSACAMs contract with the government (Section 9) stipulates that: This
operation consists of waste collection from places to the treatment site at the landfill
(Communaut Urbaine de Yaound and Hygine et Salubrit du Cameroun
{HYSACAM} 1998). But, apart from HYSACAM treating waste by burying it at the
landfill, only scavengers at the landfill recover an insignificant quantity of valuable items.
There are 10-18 scavengers who irregularly work at the landfill. Five have developed
small huts within the landfill. The others come from the city and the neighbouring
Nkolfoulou village. They extract items such as bottles, textiles, copper wires from old
motors of white and brown goods1, which they either use or sell (Plate 9.2). Scavengers
living within the landfill also use some organic solid waste to make compost for their
gardens. Formal Recycling and Transformation

Yhdego (1995) argued that the greatest problem facing recycling is the lack of local or
national markets for the recyclables. In Cameroon most manufactured goods are imported
which is why closed-loop recycling is not common except for bottles used by breweries
located in the big cities of the country including Yaound. Nevertheless, some waste
items are transformed into new products by artisans for local use in Yaound, e.g.,
smelting of aluminium cans and scrap metals into household utensils; transforming old
car tyres into shoes, ropes, flower pots; and paper and plastic waste articles into tourists
products (section 7.2.4). Paper and cartons are transformed into newsprint. Cullet2,
household bio-waste, rubber and plastic waste recycling have received more formal
attention in the last decade especially by some NGOs. (i) Plastic Materials and Rubber: An NGO known as CIPRE (Centre
International de Promotion de la REcuperation) International Centre for the Promotion of
Recovery, recycles rubber and plastic materials at its site in Etug Egbe Quarter, Yaound
VI. CIPRE was created in 1996 and has a general objective of alleviating environmental

Brown goods are electronic equipment such as computers, printers, televisions, etc. White goods include
large enamel electric and electronic goods e.g. refrigerators, coolers, air conditioners and washing machines
These are mixed colour, broken or crushed glass that can be used to make new bottles. That is an example
of closed-loop recycling.

pollution and poverty through the recycling of plastic waste. The latter was identified as a
nuisance since it is non-biodegradable, litters easily through wind action, emits dangerous
gases when burnt and accounts for 4.3% of Yaounds MSW. The organisations
ambition was to collect 350 tonnes of plastic waste per month, recycle 80 per cent, repair
2 per cent and send 28 per cent of the ultimate waste back into the waste stream. This
accounted for one percent of Yaounds MSW (Tchuente et al. 2000).

Today, with a permanent staff of 17 and many casual workers, CIPRE buys and collects
10 tonnes of plastic waste from 50 sites located all over the city every month for
recycling. There are 10 collection agents shared among the 50 sites. A ten-point circuit
collection, using a pick-up truck, is made on each five- day working week (Interview
with CIPREs General Secretary, 10/10/02). CIPRE buys by weight, type and state of the
plastics and rubber waste. It recycles by cleaning, classifying, repairing and transforming
the waste into new products. By November 30 2001, 307 tonnes of plastic waste were
recovered, 130 tonnes recycled, 34 780 objects directly recovered and sold for reuse, for
example, shoes and buckets (CIPRE 2002). New waste-derived products are: beanbags,
footstools, face-hats and manikins moulded out of melt plastics. They also process gum,
varnish and paint from plastic materials. The bulk of the products is sold to industries as
raw materials. Their products are very affordable. CIPREs activities also include
sensitisation of the public to environmental issues. HYSACAM, by agreement, accepts
their residual waste at the landfill.

The activities of CIPRE are supported 30% by its members and 70% externally by the
Yaound VI council including foreign donors such as the France-Cameroon Cooperation
(Fonds Sociale de dveloppement {FSD}), Social Development Funds; German
Development Services (DED) in Cameroon and the Catholic Organisation for Relief and
Development Aid (CORDAID) of the Netherlands. Technical assistance is from an
international NGO, (Groupe de Recherche et dEchange Technologique {GRET})
(CIPRE 2002). Though CIPRE is expanding it activities to Douala, the largest city of the
country, shortage of finance remains it greatest impediment. However the organisation
has had significant recognition at home and abroad, winning the November 2000

International Cooperation Grand Prize Award organised in France (Interview with
CIPREs General Secretary 10/10/02; CIPRE 2002). (ii) Municipal Solid Waste Composting: Yaound and its environs have an
active agricultural sector that uses huge amounts of fertilizers. Until the late 1980s, when
the country started facing an economic crisis, these fertilizers, mostly the chemical type,
were imported. The economic crisis was characterised by currency devaluation,
suspension of subsidies and doubling of imported fertilizer prices. This further led to
increasing unemployment, abandonment of waste management by the official contractor
and the consequent drowning of the city in waste. The city council in May 1994 under
the Government-World Banks Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) plan, invited all
the NGOs to jointly seek solutions to these pressing problems. It was then that one NGO,
FOCARFE (Fondation Camerounaise pour une Action Rationalise des Femmes sur
lEnvironnement) created in October 1991, emerged with a multiple-objective project to
intervene in the municipal solid waste sector using the population to compost household
MSW. Its target was to use the population to clean the city of its waste, reduce illegal
dumps, reduce unemployment and produce a cheaper substitute for imported mineral
fertiliser. In addition, items such as aluminium, bottles, glass and rubber were recovered
and sold (Interview with the director of FOCARFE, 4/02/03).

FOCARFE mobilised the mass of unemployed youth to collect and compost waste from
15 quarters. It used 65 composters to transform 11000 tonnes of household waste into
3800 tonnes of compost per year (Nkotto et al. 1995; Mpandjo 2001). The project
realised that 100 kg of household waste can give 30 kg compost. The costs of producing
compost were less than 20 000 Francs CFA per ton within a 200 km radius. This was
comparable with imported mineral fertilizers that cost 120 000 Francs CFA for the same
quantity. This project was realised with technical expertise and collaboration gained from
two civil engineers from the National Advanced School of Engineering (ENSP),
University of Yaound I, who had conducted successful composting trials in the Melen
and CRADAT quarters of Yaound in 1992/93 (Interview with the director of
FOCARFE, 4/02/03).

Chemical analysis of the compost examined by Ngnikam et al. (1993) showed that heavy
metals such as lead, copper, mercury, and nickel were present at normal quantities.
However, in some quarters lead concentrations in composts were found to be greater than
normal and consequently the use of such composts for market gardening was
discouraged. In the same vein, Nkotto et al. (1995) revealed that Mackys comparative
economic analysis in 1995 of compost and chemical fertilizer applications versus some
crop yields in Cameroon suggested that:
Compost is cheaper within 200 km radius from the point of production than
chemical fertilizers.
Mineral elements are retained more in compost than mineral fertilizers
One compost application can support three or more successive croppings
Compost ameliorates the physical properties of the soil (increases the water
retention capacity of the soil, the capacity to retain the cations and facilitates the
action of microorganisms through aeration of the soil. All these lead to an
improvement in the growth of crops such as tomatoes, maize, lettuces, and
Compost could be made richer in nitrogen by adding waste from the breweries or
fowl droppings that are both rich in nitrogen (Nkotto et al. 1995).

The composting operation went on for two years only. According to the FOCARFE
director the population had to make a permanent contribution to offset the costs of
collection and transportation but they soon interpreted it as another form of taxation.
Further research also revealed that the need for manure in the tropical rainforest areas
such as Yaound was lower than in savannah regions, for example, Bafoussam or Garuoa
in the Sudan. The same sources discovered that out of 180 tonnes of compost manure
produced in Yaound at one time, only 8 tonnes could be sold, contrary to the situation in
Bafoussam and Garoua where all that was produced was sold even though the sale
covered only 25% of the total expenses incurred. (Tanawa and Ngnikam 1997). However,
declining finances and materials support, more than other reasons, caused the end of the
project in 1996 (Mpandjo 2001). This project was sponsored by many foreign bodies, for
example, (Mission Franaise de Cooperation et dAction Culturelle {MFCAC}) the

French Cooperation and Cultural Mission; the Global Environment Facility (GEF) small
grants of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); African Development
Foundation (ADF); Hanns Seidel Foundation; Canadian-Cameroon Cooperation and
Friedrich Foundation (Mpandjo 2001). (iii) Cullet: In general, all local breweries and soft drink factories, for economic
reasons, institute a bottle take-back marketing strategy. However, companies that sell
imported beer, wines, spirits and champagne do not recover their empty bottles after sale.
Field observations and interviews indicated that SOCAVER (la Socite Camerounaise de
Vere) recycles bottles broken (cullet) at the breweries, but breakages that occur elsewhere
are disposed of with other waste. A local wine-bottling company such as SOFAVIN
Yaound buys empty wine bottles from hotels, restaurants, bars and individuals. There is
no environmental law such as the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) or an
Integrated Product Policy (IPP) that could respectively compel these breweries to take
back the end products of their goods from the consumers or to produce goods with
environmentally friendly waste. Conclusion.
In Yaound there are many recovery and recycling activities operating at the levels of
waste generation, public skips and landfill. A greater part of recycling including
separation, remain informal, rudimentary and at the artisan stage and driven by economic
motives. However, a few formal groups such as NGOs recently emerged to recover and
recycle waste with economic as well as environmental objectives. These groups included
FOCARFE that was composting biodegradable city waste and CIPRE, which is
recovering and recycling plastic waste. FOCARFE is no longer in operation, so the entire
three-quarters organic fraction of the MSW stream is buried in the landfill where it
further produces hazardous landfill gases such as carbon dioxide and methane (see CIPRE is making enormous efforts to stay on. Both NGOs have relied heavily
on external funding and such funding never lasts for ever. The total fraction of solid
waste diversion from final disposal is insignificant and there is no government policy yet
in place to correct this situation, so that most solid waste produced ends up in final
disposal facilities, both legal and illegal.

9.3 Municipal Solid Waste Disposal

9.3.1 Introduction

There is always an end to the life of a good, the rate of waste diversion and recycling not
withstanding. This results in waste that cannot be put to any further use. Such is called
the ultimate waste and usually recommended for disposal in such a way that the
environment and human health will not be compromised. Many recommended options
exist (7.3.1) but in cities of developing countries such as Yaound, easier but hazardous
disposal methods exist alongside the officially recommended ones. Two major solid
waste disposal methods can be distinguished in Yaound: illegal widespread
indiscriminate dumping in the city and official controlled landfilling at Nkolfoulou.

9.3.2 Illegal Disposal Methods

A more general form of illegal disposal of MSW is littering. Littering involves careless
throwing of waste around houses, offices, markets, streets, public places and utilities
including parks. In Yaound it consists mainly of paper, cigarette butts, sweet wrappings,
plastics, fruit peels, nutshells and beer tops. The main sources of this type of waste are
people, business places, waste transportation vans and the landfill. Wind may facilitate
litter dispersal. But in situations where a permanent spot is chosen for continuous
disposal of waste in a neighbourhood, rather than the public bin, an illegal dump results.
In many areas of Yaound, illegal dumping is common (Table 9.2).

Household Waste Disposal Destinations

Quarter Bastos Efoulan Nvog Ada Cit Verte

Household waste depot
Responses Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Waste put into public skip 13 20 0 32 53 21 31 1
Into the itinerant waste van 20 13 12 20 13 62 0 32
In a valley/stream/lake sides 0 33 0 32 6 69 1 31
On the road/street sides 0 33 5 27 0 75 0 32
In open spaces/bushes 1 32 13 19 7 68 1 31
Put in a hole in the compound 0 33 2 30 2 73 0 32

Source: Field survey by the author Yaound, March 2003

Information from data in Table 9.2, suggests that illegal dumping is common in all the
quarters sampled. However, the tendency to dump illegally is higher in Efoulan and Nvog
Ada than in Bastos and Cit Verte where collection facilities (public skips and itinerant
waste collection services) are better delivered. In June1992, 26 illegal dumps of
approximately 100m3 were identified and in 1994 about 100 tonnes of MSW was
disposed of daily in illegal dumps (Vermande et al. 1994). The Yaound City Council
sources also identified and documented 177 prominent heaps of illegal dumps of various
sizes: large (21), medium (58) and small (98) ubiquitously distributed in the city in 2002
(Communaut Urbaine de Yaound 2002). The distribution demonstrates that no part of
the city is spared its illegal dumps. Several plates, for example, Plates 8.2 and 9.4 also
confirm the presence and magnitude of illegal dumps in Yaound. Sometimes the waste
generators simply dispose of their waste in runoff produced during heavy rains. This
waste ends up blocking drains and stream channels and cause floods such as the serious
floods that occurred in down town Yaound in February 2000.

9.3.3 The Official Landfill for Yaound

The official landfill is located at Nkolfoulou Village (Soa sub division, Mefu & Afamba
division), 25 km from the city centre in the north-eastern part of Yaound (Figure 9.3).
The 56-hectare piece of land sited in the Valley of the Foulou River was acquired through
negotiations between the village people of Nkolfoulou and the Yaound City Council
(YCC) in the late 1980s and came into use in 1990. It replaced the old sites at Ngousso
and Nkolwo. The facility is a state utility, managed by HYSACAM. The major
attractions of this site were its isolation (2 km away from nearest residential areas), the
large size (allowing use for at least 20 years), the gentle slope (permitting natural flow of
leachate) and sufficient clean fill lateritic soils (to cover waste) (Interview with the
director of exploitation at HYSACAM Douala & Yaound, Yaound 03/04/03).

Entry into the facility is controlled at a gate 2 km away. Figure 9.4 shows the site
topography and distribution of various service zones within the landfill area. This

distribution makes clearer the facts that waste recovery (zone 2) and solid waste
treatment by landfilling (zone 4) were together envisaged as important aspects of the
waste treatment. The presence of an agricultural experimentation zone (5) suggests that
composting of the organic stream fraction was also foreseen. Leachate is currently treated
at the three ponds located to the western front of the landfill in zone 4. Zone 6 is planned
for liquid waste treatment, but it is not known whether this liquid waste treatment is
leachate. Zone 1 is for offices and 3 for clean fill extraction.

Roads & Streets hierarchy,
Sampling areas & the Landfill

Nkolfoulou Landfill Soa


Nvog Ada

Cite Verte



Source: Technical Services, Department of Urban Observatory Yaound City Council, 2002

Presidence de la Republique du Cameroun
Secretariat General de la Presidence

Viabilisatisation et Gestion de la Decharge

de Nkolfoulou
Decembre 1994

Zone 1 : Office and Control Post (4ha)
Zone 2 : Waste recovery (4ha)
ZONE 4 Zone 3 : Material extraction (soil cover) Zone (6ha)
Zone 4 : Zone previewed for solid waste treatment (landfilling) (6ha)
Zone 5 : Agricultural trials (5ha)
ZONE 3 Zone 6 : Reserved Zone for liquid waste treatment (5ha)

Workshop ZONE 6
(proposed) ZONE 1
Depositing Control Post (proposed)
(proposed) Weighbridge



FIGURE 9.4: The Site Plan of Nkolfoulou Landfill, for Yaound City
Source: Presidency of Cameroon (GOC) in Ngnikam 2000

Nkolfoulou sanitary landfill receives 700-800 tonnes of mixed solid waste every day (the
weigh bridge operator 03/04/03). In addition to the waste that HYSACAM collects and
transports to this landfill, waste is also received from the other partners discussed in
Section 8.5.2. In principle, construction and demolition waste (DW), hospital hazardous
waste, radioactive, toxic, explosive, corrosive and bulky wastes such as vehicle bodies
(Plate 9.5) are excluded. In practice, many of these unwanted wastes enter the landfill
unnoticed or mixed in conventional MSW from households, offices, hospitals and other
authorised sources. Some of these dangerous substances come from white and brown
goods, fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides, weed killers, rat poisons, batteries, paint and
thinners, solvents, kerosene, motor oil, brake and transmission fluids, coolants, cosmetics,
lamps, thermometers, glues and plastics. In the long run the landfill becomes toxic with
chemicals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and phenols. These are hazardous especially
when carried along in leachates.

Nkolfoulou facility has 11 workers including one health civil engineer who is in charge
of the landfilling operations and one person at the head of the personnel and deals with
legal issues at the landfill including environmental management. The workers operate and
maintain the machines, control waste vehicles, inspect compactness and clean the office
environment. The equipment includes a 48-ton caterpillar compactor, a 25-ton bulldozer
caterpillar and an 18-ton front-end loader. There is a weighbridge assisted with a personal
computer. An independent water supply facility exists on the site. There are two houses at
the landfill, one for administrative purposes and the other for storing equipment.

Incoming waste is inspected at the gate and brought to the weighbridge before it is taken
to the tipping cell. When the waste is newly tipped scavengers rummage in it after which
the bulldozer levels up by pushing the waste toward the front overlooking the valley.
After this process clean fill is spread over the waste and trampled upon by the compactor
and waste vans alike (Plates 9.1 and 9.2). The tipper truck returns through the
weighbridge again for the empty vehicles weight to be registered and subtracted for the
former (weight with waste load). According to the contract, a daily soil-cover/waste rate

PLATE 9.1: Tipping of Waste at Nkolfoulou Landfill, Yaound, 04/3/03

PLATE 9.2: Nkolfoulou Landfill: Caterpillar and Scavengers at Work

Yaound, 04/4/03

of respectively 30% to 70% and a clean-fill thickness of 50 cm with a slope of 3% was
recommended ((Monkam et al. 2000). This was more ambitious than the normal 15 cm
clean fill layering that usually constitutes the main treatment activity at the landfill and
often quite expensive. This exercise is essential because it prevents exposure to health
hazards, checks the spread of fires, reduces windblown litter, contains odours, minimises
the amount of surface water infiltration into the landfill, keeps away disease vectors such
as mosquitoes, insects, rats, and birds, and limits the activities of scavengers and
increases ease of movements for waste vans to the tipping cell. The use of adequate daily
soil-cover together with the presence of base liners distinguishes modern sanitary
landfills from open dumps. I also noticed that daily soil covering at Nkolfoulou was just a
formality and neither liners nor gas management facilities exist at the landfill, resulting in
a number of environmental and health problems (Section 9.4). Drains are built to direct
leachate into three-stepped purification ponds built at the front of the landfill. Leachate
flows like a stream from the landfill through these ponds into the River Foulou. Weighing
these characteristics vis vis the landfill classifications provided in Table 7.3 this landfill
can be classed between a controlled and sanitary landfill.

9.3.4 Conclusion

The problem of MSW disposal in Yaound is crucial. Even though the Nkolfoulou
official landfill receives about 700 tonnes of MSW per day, greater quantities remain
disposed of illegally in dumps, buried, burnt or littered. The official landfill disposal is
undergoing improvement but it was started without basic engineering techniques such as
liners, gas collection and monitoring, leachate management and post closure planning.
Both the official and illegal disposal sites are potentially dangerous to the environment
and human health as they receive a mixture of conventional municipal solid waste
including the toxic types (Section 9.4).

9.4 Environmental and Health Problems Associated with MSWM in Yaound

9.4.1 Introduction

The environmental and health problems associated with MWM start at the generation and
storage stages through the public skips, to littering, dumping and landfilling. The
implications for the environment and public health at each level are very similar, but
increase in magnitude as the waste management progresses from generation through
disposal at skips and transportation to the final disposal. Some recovery and recycling
activities also exhibit potential hazards.

9.4.2 Environmental and Health Problems at Generation Points and the Public

Environmental problems associated with waste collection at the primary level

(households, markets and institutions) are closely related to the bad state of most waste
collection and storage bins. These bins are mostly old receptacles, many (34%) without
covers that attract odours, mosquitoes, rats, domestic animals and leaking wastewater
called leachate. Waste is also collected mixed implying that toxic waste is sent to the
final disposal facilities.

At the public skips many hazards with imminent risks were identified in the field by the
author. Table 9.3 summarises the respondents observations on the presence of some of
these environmental and health concerns around public skips. On average, more than half
of the respondents observed the presence of environmental risk indicators such as those in
Table 9.3. Many more observed the presence of disease vectors such as mosquitoes, rats,
and domestic animals, and other hazards including fires, odour and leachate. Plates 9.3A
& B, summarise visible environmental problems at skip sites, namely: waste overspill,
fire and smoke, leachate flow and poor skip placement that obstructs pedestrians
pathway and invisible ones such as gases and odours. Their consequences are far-
reaching and were discussed in Chapter 7 and apply also to Yaound. The presence of
people at skips is a feature of recycling and is discussed later (9.4.5).

Environmental and Health Concerns Around Public Waste Skips in Yaound

Environmental concern Yes % No % Total %

Skip well placed? 32 28.6 84 72.4 116 100

Dark flowing water? 46 32.4 96 68.6 142 100
Presence of odours? 112 79.5 29 20.6 141 100
Mosquitoes/cockroaches? 127 89.5 15 10.6 142 100
Presence of fires? 38 26.5 104 73.5 142 100
Domestic animals? 95 66.9 47 33.1 142 100
Rats around skips? 97 69.5 45 31.6 142 100
Scavengers at skips 69 49.3 71 50.7 140 100

Source: Compiled from 2003 Yaound survey cross-tabulations by the author.

A Source: Photo by the author 03/4/03 Yaound

B. Source: Photo by the author, Yaound 04/4/04
PLATE 9.3: Environmental Problems Around the Public Skips

9.4.3 Environmental and Health Problems at Illegal Dumps Introduction
Throughout this thesis we have observed that not all the solid waste generated ends up in
the public skips or the official landfill. Part if it is disposed of in illegal dumps, burnt or
buried. At the base of these actions is the inadequate official waste collection coverage
characterised by shortage of public skips; failure in the delivery of the itinerant waste
collection system; long distances to public bins; availability of open spaces and the sheer
bad behaviour of waste generators including unchecked activities of some formal and
informal waste management groups.

There are many illegal dumps in Yaound and some of them are located in very sensitive
zones such as lake and streamsides where contaminants not only sink into the adjacent

A 13/3/03

B 13/3/03
PLATE 9.4: Illegal Solid Waste Dumps in Efoulan, Yaound

soils and the water but are also carried over long distances. Fires, flies, mosquitoes,
odours, leachate, rats and domestic animals are also associated with these dumps.
Medical sharps, metals, bamboos, faecal matter and broken bottles or glass are a potential
health hazard through injury and infection, especially, to people visiting such dumps with
bare feet and hands (Plates 8.2 and 9.4). Parasitic, enteric and viral infections such as
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B (HBV) hepatitis C (HCV) and tetanus
infections are potential health dangers from these sources (Cointreau-Levine 2000;
Johannessen et al. 2000).

Dumps, as with landfills, also leak leachates containing heavy metals into the soil, ground
water and surface water including lakes, streams and rivers in the city. Garbage, rags,
plastic materials and dead animals are often seen floating on these water bodies. These
physical characteristics suggest these water bodies are contaminated and are hazardous,
yet these sources of water are used intensively in the city for irrigation of gardens, fishing
and domestic purposes. Greenhouse gases (GHGs) including methane and carbon dioxide
are also emitted from dumps. Dumps, unlike sanitary landfills, do not have a soil cover
and consequently have more atmospheric emissions and relatively less gas build up
within the dump. The health and environmental impacts were discussed in 7.4 and in
9.4.6, however the magnitude here is greater given the larger population in Yaound. Flooding
Dumping in drains causes blockage and standing water in which disease-carrying
mosquitoes and insects breed. In some cases, dumping of waste in stream channels causes
clogging that results in severe flooding such as the February 2000 downtown flooding in
Yaound. Lambi et al. (2001) confirmed this when they explained that the flood was
neither caused by an increase in precipitation nor in the magnitude of overbank flow;
rather they emphasised, it was the blockage of the junction of the Nfoundi River and its
tributaries by solid waste that caused the water to pond backwards creating the severe
flooding. The traditional cartons made out of local bamboo called kenjas (5-150 L
volume) are used as packaging to supply dry fish, livestock, foodstuff and vegetables at
the Central and Nfoundi Markets. Traders in these markets discard the waste kenjas

(Plates 8.1C & 9.4A right bottom corner) into the Nfoundi River that flows beside the
markets to the downtown area. This is one of the major sources of the waste that causes
the blockage including chicken feathers dumped upstream by those preparing the
chickens for cold stores (Interview with the Head of the Hygiene and Sanitation Service
YCC 15/10/02). The flood paralysed transportation for many hours, as this area of the
downtown is the transport hub of the whole city. Illnesses
In Chapter 7 we noted that the causal relationships between poor solid waste management
and health problems are difficult to establish because of confounding factors. However, it
was also established that increasing evidence suggested that there are highly likely
associations between some illnesses with various types of waste. Certain illnesses were
identified as common among the residents of Yaound (Table 9.5). There is a strong
positive correlation between prevailing illness and the indicators of efficient waste
collection and disposal in the sampled quarters studied (Table 9.5). These indicators
included the availability or non-availability of public skips or itinerant waste van services
and poor practices of solid waste disposal. The relation shows that the quarters with good
waste collection facilities and fewer illegal practices such as Bastos and Cite Verte
demonstrate fewer illnesses than Efoulan and Nvog Ada where the contrary holds true.
This study does not conclude that the direct cause is poor waste management but suggest
that there is an association.

Prevalent Illnesses Reported by Respondents, Yaound

Illness/ Malaria Typhoid Dysentery/ Cold/cough Headache Others

Quarter Diarrhoea flu
Bastos 18 0 0 1 0 0
Efoulan 30 0 3 9 4 0
Nvog Ada 56 9 4 16 4 7
Cit Verte 22 2 2 7 1 0
TOTAL 126 11 9 33 9 7
% 65 6 5 17 5 4

Source: Field Survey March 2003, Yaound

A survey was conducted on prevention of waste-related diseases through the practice of
eliminating the disease vectors. The results show that increasing indirect costs resulting
from poor waste management are been incurred as people spend much money buying
chemicals to keep away disease vectors such as mosquitoes, insects and rats. As many as
79.2% of the respondents indicated that in the past six months they had bought
insecticides and 55.9%, rat poisons. The respondents also revealed they would like to use
more of the latter (rat poisons) but were scared of its risk to children. These chemicals
also get into the waste steam, landfill or dump as toxic and hazardous waste, causing
contamination of the soils, ground and surface water.

9.4.4 MSW Transportation, the Environment and Human Health

To prevent waste from leaking, blowing, dropping, falling over and causing littering
during transportation from skip to the landfill, covering must be provided. HYSACAM
makes efforts to cover waste carried in open tipper trucks by using nets designed for the
purpose, but sometimes these nets are either too small for the skips or are torn. At other
times, the skips are in an advanced state of decay and have too many holes (Plate 9.5).
Even though attempts are made to wrap these broken skips before moving them, such
efforts are futile. When waste trucks transport such broken bins through the city, litter
passes through the perforation and is blown about creating a nuisance for people and the
environment. Another problem associated with waste transportation is the odour from
waste that is carried in open trucks. Increased traffic congestion and pollution as a result
of many diesel-driven waste vans travelling toward the landfill is also problematic.

A 03/4/03

B 05/4/03
PLATE 9.5: Decaying Public Skips, Yaound

9.4 5 Recovery, Recycling and Environmental and Health Concerns Introduction
Epidemiological studies of occupational health aspects of waste recyclers, municipal
solid waste workers, complementary groups or scavengers in Cameroon including
Yaound City do not exist, but information from such studies is crucial to MSWM
improvement. But Maartje (1997) believes that even where such studies have been
conducted, It appears to be difficult to draw straightforward conclusions concerning
health effect of workers with waste, mainly due to methodological problems and lack of
scientific information( p. 5). Nonetheless, some successful studies have been conducted
and the conclusions are overwhelming that waste workers experience a higher incidence
of health hazards and social marginalisation than other target groups (Cointreau-Levine
2000; Johannessen et al. 2000).

For example, a comparative study of health data between solid waste workers and
construction workers in 1994 Metropolitan Accra concluded that: The solid waste
workers experienced a higher incidence of sick days, work-related incidents and mortality
than the local construction workers (Meinel 1994, cited in Cointreau-Levine 2000, p. 7).
The author established that solid waste workers reported sick during the year were 48.6%
vs 33.0% for all construction workers; sick days consumed 0.7% of the time for waste
staffs versus 0.5% for construction staff and death for waste staff was 3.6% vs 0.6% for
construction staffs. In the same vein, survey results of waste workers health conditions
before and since being waste workers in Kathmandu revealed increased higher disease
levels for diarrhoea, parasitic diseases, dysentery, stomach troubles, cold, eye trouble, and
headaches by more than 200 % on average, and ranging between 60-666% (Cointreau-
Levine 2000). These problems worsen down the hierarchy from municipal waste workers,
through organised associations to dump and street waste pickers (Maartje 1997). The last
two groups (dump and street pickers) are not prominent in Cameroon cities, but they are
gradually emerging, needing attention in policy and planning.

Some waste recycling activities in Yaound generate solid residue, part of which is
hazardous, that either ends up in clandestine dumping or legal disposal facilities.

Meanwhile toxic gases and liquid emissions are also by-products from such processes.
Some of these wastes from waste recovery processes create many environmental and
health hazards (Chapter 7). The Yaound Experience

Concerns I am raising here include recovery and recycling processes that are carried out
without due protection by the workers. This includes the workers at composting facilities;
plastic recycling; recovery through smelting, forging, casting and furnace processes;
rummaging at skips, dumps and landfill for valuables including swine feed, leading pigs
to became disease vectors. Diseases or disease-causing agents infest humans through
contacts, vehicles, air and vectors. The major avenues used are absorption, inhalation,
ingestion and injection. From the field experience by the author it was realised that most
of these activities, especially the informal ones, are undertaken without dust masks,
gloves, protective clothing and safety boots. There appear to be no regulations on this
issue and if they exist they are not enforced. These protective devices do not entirely stop
the risks but could significantly reduce them. Strong regulation and enforcement are
necessary because elsewhere, experience shows that waste workers furnished with such
protective equipment have either sold them or simply refused to use them on grounds of
discomfort (Maartje 1997).

While composts have received wide attention as incineration and landfilling are
increasingly coming under public attack, care must be taken to evaluate not only the
presence of pathogens but also the toxic chemical content, especially the concentrations
of heavy metals and metal loids in the composts (Woodbury 1993). For this reason,
according to Nkotto et al. (1995), the chemical analysis of Yaound composts was carried
out in 1993 by Ngnikam. The results showed that the presence of heavy metals such as
lead was higher than permissible in some quarters and such composts, the findings
recommended, should be avoided for market gardening (Ngnikam et al. 1993). High
temperatures that naturally occur during the decomposition process are able to kill
pathogens. However, in Yaound nematodes were identified as a problem likely to arise
from composting. Experience from FOCARFE also indicates that the compost workers

regularly complained of the following health problems: respiratory and skin diseases;
vision, digestive and teeth problems; and headaches (Mpandjo 2001)

9.4.6 Environmental and Health Problems at the Yaound Landfill Introduction
Landfills are final waste disposal facilities at which waste is buried between layers of
clean fill, usually earth. They remain a favourite disposal system in terms of cost, ease of
management and indispensability. They are indispensable because residual wastes from
other management systems are brought to the landfills. But if not well managed they can
pose a high potential danger to the environment and human health. To mitigate such
hazards the landfill bottom is usually lined with impermeable material that helps prevent
seepage of landfill-contaminated liquids such as leachate from reaching the ground water
and soils. For a sanitary landfill to be successful it must have the Landfill Environmental
Management Plan (LEMP)(City of Adelaide 2001). Such a plan not only provides the site
and its operations with a suitable environmental management system but also puts the
control measures in place to minimise potential environmental impacts. The plan also
needs to show the proposed monitoring programs including contingency and reporting
procedures. These include rehabilitation methods and post-closure management such as
final cap, continuous gas, ground waste and vegetation management for about two
decades. Failure to do this can lead to future disaster. The Law, Environment and Landfills in Cameroon

Cameroon has a general national environmental management plan embedded in the
Cameroon Law on the Environment (CLOE) (1996). The CLOE (1996) (Part III, chapter
II, section 17) has prescribed the carrying out of an environmental impact assessment
(EIA) for all development projects, works, equipment or installations that pose a threat to
the environment as a result of their size, nature or impacts of their activities on the natural
environment. Such impacts to be assessed, the text notes, must conform to the
prescriptions of all aspects of the project. More, the study helps evaluate the direct and
indirect impacts of the project as regards the ecological balance in the immediate and
remote zone of operation, the quality of life of the population and the impacts over the

general environment. Section 19 says the impact study must indicate the original physical
state of the site and its environment, the reason for the choice of site, the envisaged
consequences of the project on the site and the natural environment and the human
population. It must prescribe measures to suppress, reduce or compensate these
consequences caused by the project on the environment, including the corresponding
costs and other possible solutions. A landfill is one of such projects that has serious
potential impacts on the environment and therefore needs an EIA; a LEMP would
normally be embodied within such an EIA, but the Nkolfoufou landfill did not have one
prior to its utilisation.

It could be argued that the creation of the landfill antedates the existence of the 1996 EIA
laws on the environment but there have always been similar provisions by law such as the
Decree No. 76-372 of September 2, 1976. In that decree, article 2 required that as a pre-
condition of opening a classified factory3 the presentation of a global plan of the project
that enables the appreciation on the one hand of whether:

.. the projected material dispositions sufficiently taken care of its impacts on the convenience of
the neighbourhood, security, insalubrity, public heath, agriculture and fisheries, and on the other
hand of measures taken to comply with hygiene requirements (Bintondo 2000, p.35).

The Minister of Healths Notice (No D69/DN/MSP/DMPH/SHPA of 20 August) 1980

also related to collection, transporting and treatment of industrial waste, household waste
treatment plants, and sanitary sewage matters. A further similar notice
(No.D69/NS/MSP/DMPH/SHPA of 5 January 1987) emphasised sanitation of urban
areas including the safe collection, transportation, discharge and treatment of refuse at
chosen sites in collaboration with the chief of hygiene and local technicians of the
ministry of Mines and Power. More, the 1994 constitution in its preamble recognises the
right of the people of Cameroon to a healthy environment and the protection of that
environment as a collective responsibility. The Ministry of Forests, Wild Life and
Fisheries was created in 1994, and had as one of its main functions the protection of these

E.g. Factories that must necessarily be located far from housing areas, or those that are near, must have
defined adequate preventive measures. Landfills are surely in the first category.

organisms and their environments. The landfill authorities should have reviewed their
activities in the light of these new environmental developments.

It was with this knowledge that Djeutcheu (2001) conducted a general environment audit,
though titled an environmental impact assessment, of the landfill after ten years of its
operation, using the parameters laid down in Sections 19 & 21 of the EIA recommended
for Cameroon developers and the prescriptions for solid waste management as defined in
the contract for Yaounds MSWM. He concluded that no pre-studies of environmental
impacts were made and as a consequence environmental problems at the landfill have not
abated, and notes that only a few simple measures have been put in place to reduce the
risk of pollution. Field Experiences (i) Landfill Dust, Noise, Vibration and Odour Pollution: This author, through
field observations and monitoring, became aware of many existing and potential
environmental and health problems at the landfill. The main sources to these problems
are linked to poor daily soil cover or lack of liners (9.2), absence of landfill gas
management and inadequate leachate treatment. The landfill area was cleared of the
original flora and fauna leaving behind a large bare surface with loose soil vulnerable to
rain splash and wind erosion. Winds and the operation of equipment at the site cause
huge clouds of dust to rise from this bare area, especially in the dry season, that spread a
distances for about 2 km radius. Odours from vaporising landfill gases (LGs) are awful
and sometimes mix with dusts to produce suffocating conditions. Machine activities such
as levelling, compaction, tipping and frequent trips (6 per hour) made by waste vans not
only increase dust with diesel fumes but also create vibrations and noise pollution. (ii) Landfill Gases (LGs): The major greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (40-45%)
and methane (55-60%) are produced and emitted respectively from aerobic
decomposition and anaerobic methanogenic processes on degradable organic materials
that account for about 76% of Yaounds landfill waste. The global warming potential
(GWP) of gases is conventionally compared with the GWP of carbon dioxide, which is

constantly one throughout the time scale usually based on 20, 100, and 500 years.
Greenhouse gases (GHGs) either have longer warming lifetime at the near-time scales
(20 years) and decline through the middle (100 years) to the long-periods (500 years) or
vice versa. Methanes GWP declines at various time scales thus: 56-110, 19-43 and 9-16
years respectively for 20, 100, and 500 year time scales, with a life time average of 12-18
years (Energy Information Administration US 2004); or on average 56, 21 and 6.5 years
with a life time average of 14.5 2.5 years (Moore et al. 1998). Once produced methane
migrates, is emitted, oxidized, or stored within the landfill. If methane is left to build up
in the landfill without any extraction facility it could cause explosions and fires. And if
these fires add to the vehicle tyres that are often burnt at the landfill the situation could be
catastrophic including subsidence. In the air methane concentrations of 5-15% can cause
combustion or explosion and carbon dioxide can cause unconsciousness and death in
humans through suffocation at concentrations of 9% (Cointreau-Levine 2000).

Using estimates based on calculations by Shepherd et al. (2001)4, I suggest that the 3
million tonnes of waste buried over fourteen years in Yaound landfill (at an average of
682.5 tonnes/day for the 312 working days of each year), would be emitting 900 cubic
foot per minute (cfm) of methane gas. This might even be more given that landfills in
cities of tropical developing countries produce more LGs than in the developed regions
such as North America and Europe with carbon dioxide emissions being twice as much
(Hettiaratchi et al. nd). The Yaound case, by the same estimate, can be producing up to
21 000 000 kilowatt-hour. According to some authors the Yaound landfill, produces 70
kg of methane from one ton of raw household waste put into the landfill and this
translates to 1715 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent (kgCO2E)5 which will be emitted
into the atmosphere presumed at the near time scale (20 years) (Ngnikam et al. 2001).
These same authors elsewhere, and using a different time scale of over 40 years, note that
one tonne of dry organic waste matter dumped at the Yaound landfill will produce 225

According to these authors, 300 cubic foot of methane landfill gas can be produced per minute (cfm) from
1 million tonnes of municipal solid waste in a landfill site. If this gas is successfully collected it could
generate 7 000 000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year. This is enough energy to power 700 homes for a year
(in the developed societies).
70 kg multiplied by 24.5, which is the atmospheric middle-time scale (100 years) global warming
potential (GWP) of methane chosen by that author.

kg of methane which they convert to 4.95 tCO2 or 1.35 tEC (carbon ton equivalent)
(Tanawa and Ngnikam 1997). These figures suggest the landfill contains large amounts
of methane and carbon dioxide gases that are major concerns for environmental, health
and economic reasons.

In the same vein, and considering that 76% of the 3 million tonnes is biodegradable
waste, at a production rate of 30 kg compost from 100 kg waste (Nkotto et al. 1995),
about 900 000 tonnes of compost would have been produced. Such a waste diversion
could safeguard the environment in many ways, for example, reduce odours, leachate,
vectors, increase lifespan of the landfill by about one-third of the projected time and
reduce the landfill gas emissions by huge amounts. (iii) Vectors: There are disease carrier-transmitters such as flies, mosquitoes,
birds and rats at the landfill. They feed on waste because landfill daily cover is
inadequate. They either transmit disease directly or as vectors. According to Djeutcheu
(2001) the rat population became so great that they had to be fumigated at the landfill and
the Nkolfoulou village. Rats and other rodents spread diseases such as leptospirosis
caused by exposure to their urine and hanta virus also spread from their droppings as well
as the bubonic plagues of 1993/94 were said to be caused by rats (Cointreau-Levine
2000). There are increasing fears that viruses may now be jumping species from animals
to humans, such as the recent deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and
Bird Flu Viruses outbreak. (iv) Landfill Leachate: Yaound landfills bottom and sides have no liners. A
major problem arising from this is the contamination of soils, sub-soils, ground and
surface water by leachate that increases in the rainy season. None of these aspects have
been studied to determine the degree of contamination of this important water catchment
area. Leachate treatment aims to isolate contaminants from the water. Common leachate
treatment options include neutralisation, gravel filtration (bio-filter), waste stabilization
ponds, construction of wetlands (Aluko et al. 2003) and recirculation of the leachate all
over the landfill. This landfill uses the waste stabilization ponds system in which leachate

flow is directed into three successively stepped ponds of about 40 m2 each and then into
the Foulou River. This natural process relies on micro flora (algae and bacteria) using
sunlight to minimise the pollutants present in leachate and sedimentation together with
anaerobic metabolism to further purify the leachate. Eco-toxicological studies were not
made but with the presence of toxic and hazardous components present in landfill waste
such as batteries, consumer electronics, ceramics, light bulbs, paint, lead foils, used motor
oils, pesticides, thermometers, plastics, and inks, it is highly likely that the leachate also
bears heavy metals, for example, lead, cadmium, lead, nickel, chromium, mercury and
zinc, and other dangerous contaminants including pathogens.

Early studies have demonstrated the reasons for municipal landfill toxicity. Brown and
Donnelly (1988) in a comparative study of leachate from 56 conventional municipal
waste landfills to leachate from officially classified hazardous waste landfills such as
Love Canal landfill concluded that:

There is ample evidence that the municipal waste landfill leachates contain toxic chemicals in
sufficient concentration to be potentially as harmful as leachate from industrial waste landfills
(Rachel's hazardous waste news 1988, p. 1).

The report also revealed that municipal waste landfills had 133 different toxic chemicals
(32 of which cause cancer, 10 cause birth defects and 21 cause genetic damage) and the
hazardous landfills had only 72 such toxic chemicals. Attempting an explanation of the
abundance of toxic chemicals in municipal landfills, these authors suggested it is no
surprise given that the entire spectrum of consumer products ends up in municipal
landfills, whereas hazardous landfills serve a limited number of industries within the
region (Rachel's hazardous waste news 1988, p. 2).While these toxic chemicals may be
present, their direct relationships to some of these waste-related illnesses are still under
debate (Section 7.4.1). Multi colourings were seen floating on the Foulou River surface,
suggesting the presence of leachate contamination. This river is heavily used for fishing,
agriculture and household activities alerting fears of direct and indirect uptake of toxic
substances through the food chain.

297 Landfill Recycling
There is no significant on-site recycling programme. According to Djeutcheu (2001)
99.5% of the waste is treated by landfilling, 00.5% by informal composting by resident
scavengers and 00.01% through occasionally incinerated small quantities of hospital
waste in a 200 L drum. On site recycling by scavengers is done under deplorable
conditions. They do not put on any protective devices before work which includes
collection of bottles, leather and textile goods including recovering of parts from white
and brown goods some of which possess many toxic substances and so are hazardous.
Burning was also noticed at the site. The potential and present health-related diseases
arising from these environmental and health problems are discussed in 6.4 and apply to
Yaound with a greater magnitude given its larger size waste.

Generally, the social-economic impacts of the surroundings of the landfill include

increased traffic on Soa Road, reduction of property value and intergenerational impacts.
Although Nkolfoulou village suffers the greatest brunt of the landfill through loss of their
land, natural spring water, aesthetics with an increase in mosquitoes, rats, odours and dust
pollution, they have gained employment, piped water and a regular waste collection
system as a compensation for having the project on their land.

9.4.7 Conclusion

The potential and existing environmental and health impacts associated with MSWM in
Yaound increase from the waste generation and storage levels through collection at
public skips, recycling to disposal at the landfill. At the household level, it is the poor
state of waste collection containers that promotes environmental and health problem.
These problems increase at the public skips where leachate, fires, odours, waste
overspills, insects, and animals are a nuisance. Inadequate waste collection and disposal
characterised by shortage of skips; poor organisation, transportation and collection
coverage by the official waste management team; bad disposal practices and poor
collaboration among waste generators, and private formal and informal waste collection
groups, has resulted in the proliferation of illegal dumps in the city. Both illegal dumping

and official landfilling pose considerable environmental and health threats from landfill
gases, mostly methane and carbon dioxide, leachate, noise, dust, vibrations, odours,
disease vectors and the general aesthetical devaluation of the waste facility sites.
Recycling activities also produce health and environmental hazards given the toxic nature
of some of the waste and the lack of protection by recyclers. General policies on
environmental management including waste are in place but detailed strategic plans such
as the Chad/Cameroon Oil Pipe Line Construction Project Waste Management Plan
(EssoChad 1999)6, do not exist. Article 43(2) of the CLOE (1996) promised such a
detailed plan in a subsequent decree but it is not yet in place. Hence there is no legislation
or any other policy instrument by the government encouraging recycling.

9.5 General Conclusion

Informal and artisan treatment ventures of MSW through recycling by households and
individuals exist in Yaound. Some non-governmental organisations (NGOs) recycle (d)
waste namely, FOCARFE that formerly made composts from household biodegradable
waste and CIPRE currently recycling plastic and rubber wastes. All recycling accounts
for less than 5% waste diversion from final disposal activities that are mainly littering,
illegal dumping and sanitary landfilling. The city has one official sanitary landfill at
Nkolfoulou that receives about 700 tonnes of mixed waste a day and about the same
quantity ends up in illegal dumps spread all over the city. There is no separation at
source, so collection, recycling, transportation and disposal come face to face with mixed
MSW streams, including the toxic type, all of which pose considerable hazards to the
environment and human health.

In this plan, detailed management of specific waste, their inventory, the approved management facility and
method, recycling programme, treatment and disposal technologies and waste storage consideration were
carefully worked out and documented. Each waste was defined, categorised, source defined, safety
considerations examined, waste minimisation options proposed and preferred management option for each
waste presented. The plan was executed to the latter and not a sweet wrapper could be found within the
Pipe Line project area (Interview with Mr.John Fru a worker of the Safety, Security, Health and
Environment (SSHE) Department 23/03/03)

Solid waste recovery, reuse, recycling, composting and most importantly, prevention are
good management practices as they not only safeguard the environment and protect
human health but also delay waste, create jobs, and contribute to the local economy. But
emphasis on waste prevention today is being laid on minimisation at the production stage
where both the reduction of end-waste quantities and toxicity could have a significant
positive impact on the discard management phase. Management of waste at the consumer
products end is an end-of-the-pipe solution and most certainly futile if manufacturers do
not eliminate superfluous parts and packaging or toxic substances. Countries such as
Cameroon that import most of their manufactured goods and have no control over
production specifications will have limited waste management options in dealing with
volume, variety and toxicity of solid waste. Yaound city, therefore, has to rethink first
the need to increase waste separation that will enable a sensible way to increase recovery,
and so improve collection, reduce quantities to be disposed of, and minimise
environmental and health impacts. The Chad/Cameroon Pipe Line example (9.4.7)
suggests this is possible.


Comparisons and Discussions on Municipal Solid Waste Management

Findings in Bamenda and Yaound

10.1 Introduction

Comparing solid waste management in two cities of different hierarchies such as

Bamenda and Yaound raises many questions especially as many people believe it is
axiomatic that a bigger city will have higher generation rates and quantities, and most
probably, better management. While this may be true, there are many other indicators that
can be studied at different levels within the cities to determine the sustainability of the
municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system vis--vis the other cities
irrespective of the size.

This chapter compares MSWM in Bamenda, the North West Provincial headquarters and
Yaound, the national headquarters, both in Cameroon. In the chapter I demonstrate that
even though MSWM in cities of developing countries including Cameroon has many
things in common, nevertheless each city is unique and this should be reflected in the
policies, strategies and practices adopted at city, state, national and inter regional levels. I
examine the different factors that drive solid waste management in both cities. I compare
waste generation and their characteristics including the management strategies and
practices applied at the primary and secondary levels to collect, transport, recover and
dispose of such waste in both cities. Although institutional issues are centrally
determined, I focus on the organisation, service delivery, financing, participation, socio-
cultural dimensions, policies and legislation, as they operate in either city to highlight
differences or similarities. In so doing, this chapter also summarises and discusses some
of the key findings of this research.

10.1.1 General Factors that Drive MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound
Municipal solid waste management is a complex issue and it is affected by nearly every
natural phenomenon and human development in the city. Table 10.1 summarises some of
the main drivers that underpin waste management comparisons made later in the chapter.

TABLE 10.1
Some General Factors that Drive MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound
Bamenda Driver Yaound
Total: 294 873 Population (2002) Total 1 438 087
~300 000 (2004) ~1500 000 (2004)
Growth rate: 10% per annum Growth rate: 6.2% per annum
4 Position in urban 2
37.07 City Area (km2 ) 256.00
Province, division, (1) sub Administrative Nation, province, division, city council, (6)
division, urban council Headquarters urban sub divisions, international
organisations and diplomatic missions
Social Democratic Front (SDF)- National Political Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement
Main opposition Headquarters (DPDM)-Ruling party
British Colonial & multi- Cultural heritage French Colonial & multi-traditional
Capitalistic- facing economic Economy Capitalistic-facing economic crisis and
crisis and structural adjustment structural adjustment policies
Politics, administration, socio- Major functions Politics, administration, commerce
cultural, commerce, crafts diplomacy, socio-cultural, industries,
agriculture (no industries) education, agriculture
Physical condition-
Faulted plateau 1230-1470 m Relief Concave topography 600-1100 m
2596 mm (203 days) Rainfall 1596 mm (105 days)
15.00-23.8 0C Temperature 23.50-25.0 0C
60-90% Relative Humidity 70-90%
(2) Dry & wet Seasons (4) Dry, wet, dry and wet
Tropical grassland Vegetation Tropical rainforest
Equatorial-Cameroon type Climate Guinea equatorial
River Mezam & tributaries Main drainage system River Nfoundi & tributaries
Approximate tarred
10% street/road network 30%

10.2 Waste Generation and Characteristics

10.2.1 Generation
At the city level there is a significant difference between the per capita per day solid
waste generation for Yaound and Bamenda. Y Yaounds MSW generation rate is far

more than that of Bamenda. While Yaounds per capita per day waste generation stands
at 0.79 kg, Bamendas is 0.54 kg. However, low-income central and peripheral quarters
in Yaound such as Nvog Ada and Efoulan respectively demonstrate waste generation
rates similar to those of Bamenda. Another big difference between Yaound and
Bamenda lies in the range between the different quarters. In Bamenda the range is
insignificant at 0.40-0.54 kg per capita per day, whereas in Yaound it is 0.50-1.3 kg, a
difference of almost three times. This great range in Yaound is obvious given the social
and economic status variation among its residents. This encompasses from top to bottom,
the President of Cameroon at Etoudi quarter, through diplomats, business people and
ministers at the Bastos high-residential quarter to street hawkers in spontaneous and low-
residential quarters of Nvog-Ada. Quarter distinctiveness exists in Bamenda but it is not
as sharp as previously thought. The daily total municipal solid waste generation rates for
Yaound are estimated at 1200 tonnes, while Bamendas range is 120-160 tonnes.

10.2.2 Characteristics
The composition of the municipal solid waste in Yaound and Bamenda is similar, but
varies in distribution. In both cities, the biodegradable fraction is high with Bamenda
having 76.0% and Yaound, 61.7%. The non-biodegradable fraction is however
increasing and gradually reducing the fraction of the former in the municipal waste
stream. Yaound with more administrative, commercial, industrial, socio-cultural
functions, and more purchasing power is also more globalised; hence it generates more
non-biodegradable waste (38.3%), for example, paper and carton, plastics, glass and
ceramics than Bamenda, which has 24%. Households generate 86% and 90% of the total
MSW in Yaound and Bamenda respectively.

Physical conditions (Table 10.1) influence waste characteristics and the management
strategies including collection frequency. For example, high temperatures, precipitation
and humidity increase waste density, weight, decomposition rate, leachate and gas
production. The climate influences the vegetation including the type of food produced
and fuel used. The web of rivers and streams impedes road network construction, as well
as providing sites for illegal dumping. The numerous stream networks together with the

heavy rains, hilly topography and numerous narrow unpaved streets, jointly exacerbate
the problem of waste collection and transportation. Both cities have an average solid
waste density of 350m3/kg but Bamenda has a higher rainfall and far more wet days (203)
than Yaound (105) suggesting higher densities during this long period of rains for
Bamenda. The dry season in Bamenda is characterised by very dry N E Harmattan winds,
which reduce the waste density drastically. Yaound has an annual average temperature
of 23.5 0C, while Bamendas is 19.5 0C. The main difference in waste characteristics is
that Bamenda has extremely high waste densities in the long wet season and very low in
the dry season. Bamenda faces a more difficult topography than Yaound. Higher
temperatures in Yaound cause more rapid decomposition of waste than in Bamenda.
These differences in the physical environment play an important role in planning waste
collection, for example, in terms of weight, frequency of collection, the type of waste van
to be used and what level of waste compaction to be applied.

10.3 Waste Management Strategies and Practices

10.3.1 Primary Level Management

The primary level of solid waste management entails the assembly, storage and transfer
of such waste to the secondary management facilities including the public skips,
treatment plants or final disposal. Waste generators are solely responsible for the
handling of their waste at this initial level. In Yaound household waste is collected and
stored mostly in improvised containers such as old baskets (76.7%), plastic bags (11.6%),
and tins and cans (8.2%). About 66% of the receptacles in Yaound had some form of
covers. Bamenda residents also use recycled containers for waste storage in the following
order of importance: old buckets (51%), plastic bags (23%) baskets (18%), tins and cans
(4.9%), with 86.4% having no covers. Both cities use mostly improvised waste containers
that are small, polluting and needing regular emptying at disposal sites. Table 10.2
illustrates the frequency of household waste disposal in Yaound and Bamenda. More
than half of the Yaound respondents dispose of their waste daily, 26% once in two days,
while in Bamenda 35% dispose of its waste daily and 50% once in two days. The rapid

rate of decomposition assisted by high temperatures and the resulting pollution that
comes with it is the key to determining the frequency of waste removal from households.
Other factors include the size and condition of the container.

TABLE 10.2
City * Regularity of Emptying Household Waste Containers Cross tabulation
Count & Percentages
Frequency Once a day Once in two Once in Others Total
City days three days
Yaound 85(54.1%) 42(26.8%) 23(14.6) 7(4.5%) 157(100%)
Bamenda 34(34.7%) 18(18.4%) 30(30.6%) 16(16.3%) 98(100%)
119(46.7%) 60(23.5%) 53(20.8%) 23(9.0%) 255(100%)

Persons responsible for disposing of household waste vary between the cities. Children
play the greatest role in removing waste from households, accounting for 67% in
Yaound and 59% in Bamenda. In Bamenda, the mothers removed 27%, 8% is by house
aids and 3% by the fathers. In Yaound, house aids and guards constitute 17%, mothers
14%, fathers 2%, and others 1%. The fathers in both cities play a negligible role in waste
management at this level because they do not see it as their duty to do so. Some
interviewees said that children dispose of waste as a contribution to the household chores
and this was also advanced as another reason for household heads not being willing to
pay extra money for waste removal. The preponderance of childrens participation in
household waste disposal in both cities is an indication that skip heights should be low
enough to permit ease of access for those who visit it most. It also draws attention to
addressing issues such as messing up skip sites, which is more likely to come from
children than adults.

From the source of generation, waste is further disposed of in both legal and illegal
facilities. Legal facilities include the direct disposal into itinerant waste vans or public
skips. The conditions vary in both cities but survey results, observations and reports
demonstrate that illegal dumps are ubiquitous. Respondents in all sampled quarters in
both cities acknowledged disposing of their waste in one or more types of illegal sites
namely, dumps, roads, rivers, lakesides and open spaces. Yaound has 177 large illegal
dumps. In Bamenda only 21%, and in Yaound 40-50% of the municipal solid waste

generated, enters into the official secondary waste collection system, the remainder is
dumped elsewhere. The average distances travelled by households to dispose of these
wastes, either in official facilities or illegal dumps, are 87 m in Yaound and 105 m in
Bamenda. I also call this distance, the primary waste transportation distance. The waste
is collected and transported for landfilling. There are no transfer stations or formal
treatment centres such as bailing, recycling and composting.

10.3.2 Recovery and Recycling

Practices of recovering valuable items from would-be waste, informally at domestic and
artisan levels, for example, by reusing, transforming, repairing, giving out as gifts, are
longstanding. These activities include items such as bottles, tins, cans, bags, clothes and
shoes. The tendency to recover and reuse is similarly strong in both cities as
demonstrated by Table 10.3.

TABLE 10.3
City * Recycling/Reuse/Recovery Cross tabulation Yes counts & percentages

Bottles Tins/cans Plastics Bags Metal Clothes Shoes
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Total Average
Yaound 124 80 104 124 49 106 102 172
Bamenda 80 54 69 87 21 76 76 104
Total 204 134 173 211 70 182 178 276
Yaound 72.1 46.5 60.5 72.1 28.5 61.6 59.3 400.6 57.2
Bamenda 76.9 51.9 66.3 83.7 20.2 73.1 73.1 445.2 63.6
Total 73.9 48.6 62.7 76.4 25.4 65.9 64.5 417.4 59.6

Sources: Field survey 2003 Yaound and Bamenda.

Formal recycling of MSW is absent in Bamenda. Composting of MSW by some NGOs

was experimented with both cities in the 1990s but soon failed. There is only one NGO,
CIPRE1, which recycles plastics and rubber waste in Yaound. In both cities the waste
recovery activities account for less than 10% of the total waste generated.

CIPRE=Centre International de la Promotion de Recupration/International Centre for the promotion of
waste recovery

10.3.3 Municipal Solid Waste Management at the Secondary Level Collection and Transportation

A major difference between Bamenda and Yaound is that while in Bamenda municipal
solid waste management is undertaken directly by the government through the Bamenda
Urban Council (BUC), in Yaound it is privatised to HYSACAM. However, both cities
concentrate on conventional collection and transportation systems as in the industrialised
countries. Both cities define municipal solid waste in the same way and have similar
collection practices. They both collect and transport only household and institutional
solid waste put in public bins, itinerant waste vans or official ground depots. They use
various specialised waste trucks such as compactors and roll-on roll-off skip carriers.
Bulky waste from construction and demolition sites, vehicle bodies, agricultural
processing, craft and woodwork and laboratories including hazardous waste, are the
responsibility of the generators. Vehicle bodies abandoned, such as in Plates 9.5 A & B,
lying by the sides of public skips, demonstrate the contradiction in the policy. No one
seems responsible for such leftover waste by the public roadsides.

Table 10.4 presents a summary of the main collection and transportation activities of
MSWM in Yaound and Bamenda. The summaries demonstrate that Yaound has a
greater solid waste management capacity and performance than Bamenda in terms of
equipment, waste workers, skip capacity; percentage of waste collected and transported,
and landfill waste treatment. This is true not only when looked at the scale of the city
levels but also when Bamenda, which is one sub division, is compared with individual
sub divisions in Yaound. However, absolute uncollected quantities of municipal solid
waste in Yaound outstrip that of Bamenda by five times.

TABLE 10.4
Waste Collection and Transportation

Bamenda Item Yaound

Conventional: Daily collection by System Conventional: Daily collection by
waste vans from public waste vans from public
skips/ground depots or itinerant skips/ground depots or itinerant
van collection van collection.
General monthly clean-up Mechanical & manual sweepers
Government-BUC Mode of management Privatised-HYSACAM
2 compactor, 2 front-end loaders Daily-used equipment 7 bin remover truck, 6 ampli-
rolls, 6 Paris dump trucks, 2
front-end loaders, four 16 & 20
m3 carriage & scoop equipment
waste vans, 15 waste compactor
trucks, 2 mechanical sweepers
4 Total equipment units 44
4 Average per sub division 7
31 City waste team 400
1:10 000 Ratio: Worker/population 1:4 000
1m3 Types of skips 1m3, 6m3, 16m3
37m3 Waste skip capacity available 1440 m3
8-11 times (at densities 350-500 General lack for the city 3 times (at density 250 kg/m3)
37m3 Ratio: capacity/sub division 240m3
0.12L Per capita capacity available 1.1L
2.16L Per capita capacity lacking 2.1L
120-160 Total generation 1200 (978 in 2000)
2 Collection zones or circuits 18
1 Daily trips per waste van 2-7
20-30 tonnes (17-25%) Daily collection estimates 480-600 tonnes (40-50%),
measured: 312 tonnes in 2000
1 worker to 0.8 tonnes Worker/collection per day 1 worker to 1.4 tonnes
115 tonnes Not collected 540 tonnes
Collection and transportation
92.93% as % of total costs 78.59%
Treatment at landfill as % of
7% total costs 14%

While making comparisons at the city level I discovered that Yaound has 44 units of six
specialised waste trucks with corresponding types of waste skips to match. In Bamenda,
there are 2 compactor trucks of the same type and the 1m3 skips that go with them, plus
two front-end loaders. The ratio of waste workers to the population is 1:10 000 in
Bamenda and 1:4000 in Yaound. The skip capacity available for Bamenda is 37 m3
while in Yaound it is 1440 m3, both of which are inadequate, lacking 465 m3 and 3048
m3 respectively.

Bamenda is a sub division similar in size and population to one of Yaounds
subdivisions. Measures at per capita levels also illuminate the trends. Comparisons at
these levels make more sense. The indivisibility of heavy equipment and highly skilled
personnel notwithstanding, Yaounds sub-divisional averages for equipment and
personnel are 7 trucks and 66 workers as against 4 and 31 respectively for Bamenda. The
available and needed per capita waste skip capacities are widely different in both cities.
The daily per capita skip space needed in Yaound is 3.2 litres. In fact 1.1 litres is
available and 2.1 litres or 66%, lacking, while Bamenda needs 2.26 litres, has 0.16 litres
and lacks 2.1 or 95%.

The private company, HYSACAM in Yaound collects about 40-50% (480-600 tonnes)
daily of the citys solid waste generation and leaves behind similar quantities while in
Bamenda, about 17-25% (20-30 tonnes) are collected by BUC authorities with about 115
tonnes illegally disposed of. In terms of rate, Yaound collects more than Bamenda but
leaves behind the same quantities as the collected ones. This leftover waste draws more
public attention than what is removed, because it impacts on the citys aesthetics and
poses immediate environmental and health hazards. It also scares tourism and debases the
prestige of the city. Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste

In Yaound and Bamenda there is no official waste separation policy or programme, so
waste is collected, mixed, and disposed of in the same manner. Recycling and recovery
activities are very limited in both cities, hence, more than 90% of all waste generated is
burnt or buried in official facilities or illegal dumps. The official solid waste disposal
facility in Bamenda is an uncontrolled open dump. It is located on an ecologically fragile
environment, at the flood plain of the Mezam River in Ngomgham Quarter, 8 km from
the city centre. As the name suggests it is not controlled and there is no landfill gas or
leachate management. It receives about 30-40 tonnes of waste a day from the municipal
waste collectors and other sources.

Yaound has a sanitary landfill located in Nkolfoulou village in Soa sub division, 15 km
from the city centre. The facility is fenced, controlled, provides a daily soil cover over
waste landfilled and collects and treats leachate but not landfill gases. It is also located on
a river valley -the Foulou. It receives an average of about 800 tonnes of solid waste a day.
Both facilities are state property, but while the government manages that of Bamenda, in
Yaound it is HYSACAM, the private contractors for the citys waste. The sizes are
proportional: 10 hectares for Bamenda (one sub division) and 54 hectares for six
subdivisions of Yaound City. Bamenda has no scavengers at its waste dump, while
Yaound has 10-15 who irregularly visit the landfill. Both facilities pose considerable
environmental problems.

10.4 Institutional Issues

10.4.1 Organisation and Service-Delivery Mode

The central government/administration formulates policies and plans to guide health and
sanitation including other environmental concerns in the entire country. The external
services located at provincial, divisional, sub divisional and city levels strengthen,
monitor and coordinate these policies and plans originating from the central government.
While Bamenda Council areas constitute one city within one subdivision, Yaound City
Council area is a full division enclosing six subdivisions. There was once decentralization
of waste management to these sub divisions that did not work out well for various
reasons (8.2.4). Today, municipal solid waste (MSW) in Yaound is centralized under the
city council and contracted to a private company, HYSACAM, while in Bamenda it is
government-managed (Table 10.4).

Though the modes of management are different, one government and the other private,
the strategies are the same. Both cities use conventional waste collection technologies
and organizational style. Both cities apply the system whereby waste generators assemble
their waste in public skips placed along the roadsides for eventual removal by the waste
management team. These waste collectors use conventional waste trucks to collect waste

on well-planned routes or circuits. Municipal waste, according to council definition, is
that which is deposited in these public bins for collection, transportation and disposal. It
is at the level of the public skips that the official waste management relates with the
waste generators.

10.4.2 Financing Municipal Solid Waste

Developing and implementing a sustainable waste-financing strategy is a challenge to
cities of developing countries. Waste user charge rates in Cameroon are determined by
the central government and collected alongside other urban service taxes by local agents
for the central treasury. The yearly rates are as follows: non-employees of the public and
private sectors 50-250 CFA2, employees of the public and private sectors 150-10 000
CFA and licensed institutions 2500-30 000 CFA. These contributions are insignificant
(7.6% for Yaound and 5% for Bamenda) compared to total expenditures on waste
collection, transportation and disposal (Tables 5.2). This partly explains why the central
government feeds the councils with general running budgets based on what it is able to
provide, irrespective of how much tax is collected under each activity and what the
expenditure for such activities would be. Inadequate funding has been the common
occurrence. Both councils have to turn elsewhere, be it nationally or overseas, for extra

As noted earlier, since 1995 the Bamenda Urban Council (BUC) has had strong
cooperation with the Municipality of Dordrecht in Holland, in urban waste management.
Dordrecht provided Bamenda with personnel training, waste compactors and the public
waste bins the city uses today. Bamenda continues to receive support in the forms of
spare parts, training and more equipment from Dordrecht. In Yaound, since 1998, the
central government of Cameroon has safeguarded the national headquarters from the
deteriorating waste situation that was exacerbated by the economic crisis, by making an
annual special financial donation of 1.5 Millard CFA (2.3 million Euros). This
represented two-thirds of the total costs, leaving one-third to be shared among the city
councils and the six urban sub divisional councils. Some years the central government is

1 Euro=655.957 CFA; 1 AUD =375.652 CFA; 1 USD=538.167CFA (18/09/04).

poor too and is unable to afford all or part of its share. Yet collection is still at 50% and
limited mainly to the accessible quarters. For how long this is going to continue remains
unclear. The practice is simply not sustainable.

In Yaound quarters that do not receive regular official waste services make extra
arrangements with formal and informal community-based initiative groups to collect their
waste at a negotiated fee. This does not exist in Bamenda. About thirty such formal and
informal groups are operating independently in Yaound neighbourhoods collecting
household wastes at average rates of 1000 CFA per month. They have not been integrated
into the mainstream waste management system. Citizens would be willing and are able to
pay an additional cost to the normal garbage service tax if their waste could be effectively
removed. A survey was conducted in Yaound and Bamenda to determine respondents
ability and willingness to pay for waste services per month. The results at the city level
are summarised in Tables 10.5 & 10.6.

TABLE 10.5
City * Proposed Monthly Waste Service Payment Cross tabulation-
Count & Percentages.
<500 Frs 500-699 frs 700-999 frs 1000-1500 >1500 frs Total
Yaound 56(37.8%) 15(10.1%) 29(19.6%) 18 (12.2%) 30(20.3%) 148(100%)
Bamenda 37(38.5%) 10(10.4%) 7(07.3%) 10(10.4%) 32(33.3%) 96(100%)
Total 93(38.1%) 25(10.2%) 36(14.8%) 28(11.5%) 62(25.4%) 244(100%)

TABLE 10.6
Average Monthly-Proposed Amounts For Waste Service Payment In Yaound And

Yaound Bamenda
Mid point No. of Total No. of Total
Rates CFA Rate CFA Respondents Respondents
<500 250 56 14000 37 9250
500-669 550 15 8250 10 5500
700-999 875 29 25375 7 6125
1000-1500 1250 18 22500 10 12500
>1500 1750 30 52500 32 56000
Total 148 122625 96 89375
Yaound =122625/148=828.5473 CFA or 829 CFA
Bamenda =89375/96=930.9896 CFA or 931 CFA

Earlier analysis at quarter levels (Table 5.5) demonstrated that the ability to pay,
especially higher rates, correlated positively with the socio-economic status of the
quarters, but inversely to distances travelled to dispose of household waste. At city level,
Tables 10.5 & 10.7 show that many citizens would be prepared to pay every month, the
amount government proposed for a year, so that their waste could be collected. The
average rates vary, with Bamenda proposing a higher amount (931 CFA) than Yaound
(829 CFA) (Table 10.6). In all, the result suggests that the smaller city with greater lack
of service delivery is generally willing to pay more and travel longer distances to dispose
of their waste.

The willingness of households to pay depends on other factors such as long distances to
the disposal site, lack of house aids or children, level of income, environmental
awareness and trust that the work will be done as paid for. Households pay for water and
electricity supply to the companies concerned even though they pay council water and
electricity taxes. It may be that the consumption of waste services cannot be measured as
with water and electricity. On the other hand, substitute disposal sites exist and
householders have never had a forum with the government to discuss waste management
matters including payment for the service.

10.4.3 Participation
Key factors in sustainable municipal solid waste management are recent information,
consultation and participation of all stakeholders, including industry, trade, and
particularly households, in the conception, organisation and management of the entire
system. No matter how sophisticated a waste management system may be, waste
generators must sort, separate and streamline waste for effective collection, recycling and
disposal. One source of non-sustainability comes from both Yaound and Bamenda
councils monopolistic approach to the planning and implementation of waste
management. Public meetings, environmental awareness raising or consultation with the
public are absent. Public participation is limited to the insignificant garbage tax those on
a pay roll contribute. Or occasionally, there are government-made announcements over
the television, radio or banners hung across roadways, informing the population to

dispose of their waste in public skips. My survey results in Bamenda show that 80% of
the respondents received such information and in Yaound, 49%. In both cities non-
participation is demonstrated by results from the survey carried out to determine who
decided the location of the public skips they use. The result is overwhelming that the
decision was single-handedly made either by the urban council in the case of Bamenda,
or the city council and/or HYSACAM, in the case of Yaound.

10.4.4 The Socio-Cultural Dimension of Waste Management Sustainability

Socio-cultural dimensions of waste management sustainability address issues such as
social justice, equity and respect for cultural aspects of the community in service
delivery. This index may be hard to judge. However I used some hard indicators to
determine socio-cultural dimensions: the degree of access to waste facilities measured by
the distribution pattern of waste facilities, for example, public skips, the frequency of
service delivery and the way waste workers relate to citizens.

Judging from the distribution of skips, both Yaound and Bamenda cities demonstrate
biases in distribution. Some areas are served with preference, driven by the principle of
self-preservation. In both cities the sub division or quarter that hosts the council
headquarters has disproportionately more skips, and consequently better services, than
any other parts of the city. In Yaound it is Yaound I (Figure 8.1), and in Bamenda, the
Mankon part of the city (Section City markets are owned by the city councils
and such markets are also well served by public skips. Some low-income quarters either
lack official waste services or are served with an itinerant waste programme, where
residents have to rush to, or wait for, a roving van to dispose of their waste as in the
Efoulan quarter in Yaound.

Monkam et al. (2000) studied differences at Yaound quarter levels and noted that the
high-income residential quarters had 2.1 litres per capita/day of skip space available
while peripheral low-income quarters had only 0.3 litre available, constituting a lack of
seven times their 2.5 litres daily needed capacity (Monkam et al. 2000). In Bamenda one
part of the city is not served at all. This is paradoxically the government station, which

houses the top government officials and administrative functions of the division and
province. The tradition developed from history where the government departments
located there managed their waste and not the local council that manages waste today.
The fault scarp (1300-1425 m) (Figure 6.1), which separates that part of the city from the
others, is an additional impediment to waste compactor trucks originally adopted for use
in flat Holland.

Table 10.7 demonstrates how respondents in Bamenda and Yaound appreciate the
attitude of waste workers towards the households they serve.

TABLE 10.7.
Waste Workers Attitude Towards Waste Generators in Yaound & Bamenda

Workers Yaound
Attitude/Quarter Bastos Efoulan Nvog Ada Cite Verte Total %
Respectful 20 14 40 12 86 63.2
Fair 5 10 17 10 42 30.9
Disrespectful 3 2 1 2 8 5.9
Total 28 26 58 24 136 100.0
Workers Bamenda
Attitudes/Quarters GRA Nchuobou Old Town Ndamukong Total %
Respectful 2 4 6 4 16 18.8
Fair 2 9 26 11 48 56.5
Disrespectful 1 3 13 4 21 24.7
Total 5 16 45 19 85 100.0

Table 10.7 shows that 65% of respondents in Yaound appreciate waste worker
behaviour as respectful and 30 % as fairly respectful. Only 6% described them as
disrespectful. The evaluation is different in Bamenda. A greater number (57%) think
they are only fair and 24% evaluate them as disrespectful. There are many confounding
factors that influence waste workers attitudes. Firstly, the work is not glamorous and it is
also stigmatising; people often do not respect waste workers. Hence, the waste workers
tend to develop low-working ethics (Bulle 1999), and fight back by not also respecting
the waste generators. This also results, at times, in poor performance on the part of the
waste worker.

These notwithstanding, could the difference in attitudes between Bamenda and Yaound
workers be attributed to the mode of service delivery, that is, government (Bamenda) and
private (Yaound)? Or is it a reflection of the animosity that reigns among political
parties in Bamenda City? Or the fact that Bamenda is stricter in the application of
sanitation laws than Yaound? For example, in Bamenda waste disposal containers and
wheelbarrows found being used to strew waste around public skips are usually
impounded and only released after the payment of a fine. Such law enforcement may be
termed a disrespectful attitude by people in the city. However, low waste workers wages,
which are characteristic of the public sector, and non-collaboration from waste
generators, can cause waste workers to be more disrespectful as is the case with
Bamenda. Privatisation, as is the case with Yaound, separates the functions of waste
management from that of general supervision and litigation of both waste managers and
waste generators. The department of sanitation and the environment in the Yaound City
Council administration carries out that function. In Bamenda the garbage department
does all. This is most likely to result in unsatisfactory conflict resolution, as the offended
party is also the judge.

10.4.5 Waste Management Policy and Application

Policies on municipal solid waste management are common to all city councils within the
national territory. These policies are based on a bi-colonial heritage, for example, the
English Colonial Public Health Ordinance, Vol.5, Section 17 & 18, for West Cameroon,
1958 (Appendix 4), to which Bamenda belonged, and the French colonial law of October
1, 1937 that applied to Yaound in the French Cameroon. Both laws addressed MSW as
an issue of public health. For example, Article 12 of the 1937 law recommended a fine of
5000-1 000 000 CFA or 15 days to 6 months imprisonment for persons apprehended for
committing acts of nuisance that led to health and environmental pollution (Nsoh 1994).
In the 1958 Ordinance, Sections 17 and 18 charged owners or occupiers of any tenement
with the responsibility for total cleanliness of the premises including undergrowth,
weeds, filth, rubbish, and refuse, and further prohibited dumping and littering. Defaulting
either section attracted a fine of one pound (Appendix 4). It is generally believed that
laws were more rigorously applied in the British Cameroon sector by the famous Sanitary

Inspectors (SIs) and accepted by the people. That spirit of good hygiene lingers on today
among these people now in the South West and North West provinces.

After political independence, waste management policy in all council areas of the
country, was addressed through the Minister of Public Healths Service Note of 1987 that
regulated the functions of the Municipal Hygiene Service. The service note charged the
councils with the responsibility for waste management in cities including overseeing and
ensuring collection, transportation, discharging and treatment of refuse at sites chosen by
the mayor in collaboration with the chief of the Hygiene Service and local Technicians of
the Ministry of Mines and Power (1 a ii), cleanliness of urban areas, private
establishments and public places, and town greens (Appendix 5). Law No. 80-17 of 15
January 1980 had fixed maximum annual rates for direct council tax on garbage, earlier
noted (10.4.2 and, and followed by the national Law on the Environment (LOE)
1994 based on global agendas of sustainability. The LOE is general and its local
applicability has never been defined. Subsequent laws organised and attributed functions
to municipal councils, one of which is solid waste management.

Flexibility is not encouraged; rather red tapping is commonplace. The immediate

representative of the central administration resident in the city, that is the Divisional
Officer (DO), must ratify any additional measures such as general periodic city clean-up
campaigns conceived by the urban council. The contributions realised from applying the
law on garbage tax, is less than 10%. Implementing these rules has been hard to achieve
as these cities have expanded beyond the original small colonial cities. The cities are not
only large but also fast growing and urban councils find it difficult to employ adequate
staff to enforce these regulations. However, the rare culprits apprehended by the
sanitation department in the councils for defaulting over waste rules, are usually fined.

In both cities the administrative authorities appear to live in the spirit of colonial laws,
which were based on an adversarial culture (Section 2.2.6) of settling waste matters by
control-command, legal and regulatory process. There is no forum for addressing waste
management issues. Waste generators are merely informed of where to dispose of their

waste (public skips) or when to come out for general city cleaning. This in no way
downplays the importance of a legal and regulations system in place. The point is that
these issues should be addressed together by all stakeholders and not highhandedly
passing down orders that must be obeyed or face sanctions. The theory of citizen ladder
of participations (Arnstien 1996) and case studies demonstrate that such low-level token
involvement breeds apathy (Section 5.3).

Both cities follow centrally promulgated laws and regulations on MSWM. However,
Bamenda has instituted a permanent monthly half-day-a-month general cleaning of the
city of its solid waste. The complementary measure keeps the city clean. The economies
of small city size and cooperation from the government police units make it possible for
the order to be enforced. In Yaound this may be hard to realise given its large size and
difficulties involved in mobilising resources to enforce such orders. In 2001, Bamenda
won the first prize of 7 million CFA for the National Cleanest City Award competition
(Interview with the Government Delegate to the BUC, 4/8/02). This practice does not
exist in Yaound. There is no known government policy on waste recovery and recycling.

10.5 Environmental Concerns

High solid waste generation rates and resulting huge amounts do not indicate the level of
environmental impacts such waste may pose on the city. It is the way such waste is
collected, transported, treated and disposed of that determines how the environment and
human health will be impacted upon. The methods of waste management in both cities,
from the sources of generation to disposal are fraught with many inadequacies. The
quantities of waste left uncollected, dumped, burnt, buried or illegally disposed of, are
much greater in Yaound than Bamenda. This situation suggests that there are, most
likely, greater solid waste-related environmental problems in Yaound than in Bamenda.

10.6 Conclusion

The factors that drive waste generation and management in Bamenda and Yaound cities
are different. Such factors include the area, population, functions, socio-economic status,

infrastructure, climate and vegetation, topography and drainage. Waste generation rates
and composition are different. Yaound generates 0.79 kg per capita per day with 61.7%
biodegradable and 38.3 % non-biodegradable, while Bamenda generates 0.54 kg per
capita per day, 76.0 % biodegradable and 24.0 % non-biodegradable. Yaound and
Bamenda generate an average daily total of 1200 and 140 tonnes of MSW respectively.
Waste densities are high in both cities but increasing in Bamenda with heavier rainfall,
while higher temperatures in Yaound encourage faster rates of decomposition. Both
cities face road infrastructure problems but that of Bamenda is increased by the presence
of a more difficult topography.

Waste management processes at the primary level have variations and similarities. About
90% of waste generators use improvised containers to collect and store their waste, 80%
of which is emptied within the first two days in Yaound and 53% in Bamenda. Removal
is mostly by children, 58% in Bamenda and 67 % in Yaound and average distances to
disposal sites are 105 m and 87 m respectively. Only about 21 % in Bamenda and 40-
50% in Yaound reach official waste facilities, waste van, bins or official ground depots.
The remainder is illegally dumped by the roadside, open spaces, river and lake sides and
drains, because recycling and recovery activities are limited to informal reuse at
household and artisan levels.

At the secondary level, the waste management methods are different. It is government-
managed in Bamenda and privatised to HYSACAM in Yaound. But both cities use
conventional methods whereby imported specialised waste vans collect waste from
corresponding public skips or official ground depots on a daily basis following planned
routes. The available public skips have a capacity to hold only 33% of municipal solid
waste in Yaound and 5% in Bamenda. Yaound and Bamenda both apply itinerant
programmes in some quarters without public bins. Yaound has more equipment,
personnel, and management capacity than Bamenda. However both systems rely on extra
national and international support for survival because the garbage tax collected by the
state accounts for less than 10% of waste management costs. While Yaound relies on the
state for two-thirds of its waste management costs, Bamenda has equipment and expertise
support from a foreign city, Dordrecht in Holland, with running costs trickling in from

the central administration. Yet Yaound removes only about 600 tonnes and Bamenda
20-30 tonnes of solid waste a day from central and highly accessible areas and leaving
behind 600 tonnes and 115 tonnes uncollected respectively. Yaound has a sanitary
landfill and Bamenda an uncontrolled open dump. Both primary and secondary level
waste management in the cities pose considerable environmental and health risks.

Policies on MSW management are very limited as demonstrated by the garbage tax law.
The waste management legislation is centralised, fragmented and ineffectively applied at
the local level owing to a lack of capacity by such local council authorities to cope with
the rapidly growing urban populations. Participation of waste generators, small and
medium enterprises (SMEs), neighbourhood-based organisations and NGOs that operate
independently in Yaound, in waste organisation and planning, is non-existent.

Yaounds MSWM has a lead over Bamendas in terms of waste generation rates as well
as management, equipment, personnel, and service provision, even when compared at
city and urban sub division levels. At quarter levels, low-income residential quarters in
both cities have similarities in waste generation rates and service delivery. In absolute
terms the quantities of uncollected waste or that, which end ups in illegal disposal sites at
Yaound far, outstrip those of Bamenda. While Bamenda leaves 115 tonnes uncollected
daily, Yaound leaves 600 tonnes. Whereas increases in collection rates might suggest
trends in the progress of a waste management system, nevertheless, it is this uncollected
fraction of the urban waste stream that is the immediate threat to the citys aesthetics,
environmental and human health. Progress is very important and it must be monitored,
recognised and encouraged but serious consideration needs to be made for the
uncollected waste fraction. A threat posed by one kilogram of uncollected waste does not
relate to the quantities that have been removed. The general public, visitors and
politicians tend to judge the waste management system by what waste is seen lying
around. In the first place they may not even know what fraction of the waste has been
removed. Both cities demonstrate solid waste management trends that are unsustainable
but Bamenda, being a provincial headquarters, is more vulnerable than Yaound, the
national headquarters that may always have a rescue from the national government.


Recommendations and Conclusions

11.1 Introduction

This thesis aimed to study the sustainability of municipal solid waste management
(MSWM) in Yaound and Bamenda. At the beginning, specific objectives were also
outlined. The research considered MSWM to include all activities starting from
generation and ending with the final disposal. Municipal solid waste (MSW) was defined
to include all urban non-liquid materials no longer required by an individual, institutions
or industries such as all domestic refuse and non-hazardous commercial, institutional,
industrial waste, construction debris and street sweepings. Sustainability was defined as a
system that is appropriate to the local conditions in which it operates from a technical,
social, economic, financial, institutional, and environmental perspective, and capable of
maintaining itself over a long time without reducing the resources it needs (van de
Klundert and Anschutz 1999). Such a MSWM system must also be integrated, that is, be
using a range of inter-related collection and treatment options, at different habitat scales,
involving all stakeholders, the governmental or non-governmental, formal or informal,
profit- or non-profit orientated groups and taking into account interactions between the
waste management system and other urban systems.

This chapter summarises the objectives realised to achieve the overall aims of the thesis.
The chapter also includes recommendations that argue in favour of increase in MSWM
research, improvement in policy, strategies and practices. Effective participation that
could, in turn, trigger and increase interest, environmental awareness and raise the
willingness and ability to pay, and collaborate for MSWM are recommended. The strong
links between interests and participation and MSWM improvement were demonstrated in

concepts and cases presented earlier in this thesis (Wilson et al. 1998; Bulle 1999; van de
Klundert and Anschutz 1999; Wilcox 2001).

11.2 Major Objectives Achieved

The objectives are so interwoven that it is hard to deal with one without encroaching onto
the others. However, the objectives have been achieved through critically assessing,
analysing and comparing the major policies, strategies and practices following a
municipal solid waste management flow path (generation to final disposal), and
employing qualitative and quantitative sustainability indicators derived from using
several method-triangulations, as a gauge to measure and evaluate the systems. These
methods included a solid waste collection and analyses experiment and questionnaire
surveys in sampled households selected from stratified quarters, field observations,
interviews and a review of secondary sources. The objectives are realised within chapters
arranged under each city and following waste management flow, but ordered in this
section according to each objective subheading.

The first objective was:

To generate major original data especially on MSWM in Bamenda and
supplementary data for Yaound.

This research has produced original vital data, especially for Bamenda, that could give
valuable input to policy, planning strategies, practices, and evaluation and monitoring of
the system performance trends with reference to targets using some quantitative
measures. These data are self-evident as derived and used to develop arguments in
various chapters and especially in chapter nine where such data are summarised and
applied to compare waste management in both cities. For example, it is now known that
in Bamenda, the per capita per day MSW generation rate is 0.40-0.54 kg or 120-160
tonnes for the entire city, 76% of which is biodegradable and 24% non-biodegradable.
Only 20-30 tonnes of the waste are removed daily and serving an area of less than 10%.
Some of the key data realised for both cities include household waste recycling attitudes

and rates, household waste container type and conditions, frequency of waste removal
from households, average primary waste disposal distances, public skip capacity and
distribution, collection rates, waste worker productivity and relationship with waste
generators, ability and willingness to pay for waste and appraisal of the systems.

The second objective was:

To critically examine MSWM cycle in both cities from generation to disposals
within the framework of sustainability.

Findings from this research show that MSWM in both cities is facing increasing waste
generation rates, quantities, and varieties. Major driving forces behind these increases
include the rapid urban population growth, spatial expansion, improved affluence and
consumption among the top social classes. This study has also revealed that the
management techniques in both cities have improved within the last decade but this
improvement still falls far short of sustainable levels.

MSWM in Bamenda improved from a daily collection of 4.4 tonnes in 1994, from ground
depots using tipper trucks and a front-end loader, to a collection of all the waste in and
around the 37 centrally located 1000 L public skips, accounting for about 20 tonnes, and
using waste compactor trucks. However, based on the city population, area and per capita
waste generation, the current management practice is very far from satisfactory because
barely 17-25% of the waste is collected in a day, limited to areas along the major roads
and constituting only 1/10th of the city area.

In Yaound the waste management situation has also improved, judged by collection
rates that increased from zero tonnes at the onset of the economic crisis and subsequent
withdrawal of HYSACAM in 1991, through 120 tonnes (1994) during the structural
adjustment programmes years, to 540 tonnes per day in 2004. There has also been a
significant increase in the number of new equipment items acquired and workers
employed. These notwithstanding, HYSACAM collects just about half of the citys solid
waste from the public skips that are insufficient and inadequately distributed. The rest is

disposed of by waste generators in undesignated sites such as open spaces, rivers, roads,
lake sides, open spaces and drains.

Bamenda and Yaound have both maintained and developed the traditional MSW system
started in the colonial era whereby management is focused on waste collection,
transportation and dumping of waste out of sight. MSW is collected from public skips
located at strategic points along some main access streets following planned routes and
using specialised conventional waste vans. The collected waste is disposed of at the
landfill or dump. Emphasis is placed on improving the acquisition and the use of
machines, while the effective harnessing of waste generators participation is sidelined.
Participation by waste producers is superficial and limited to the insignificant garbage tax
and to supplying of solid waste to public skips for collection. The tax contributes 5% and
7% of the waste management costs for Bamenda and Yaound respectively. Hence, both
waste management systems are barely surviving and relying heavily on extra support
from the Cameroon government in the case of Yaound, and from a foreign partner, the
Municipality of Dordrecht in Holland, in the case of Bamenda. This suggests that both
municipal solid waste management systems are financially unsustainable.

This study shows that the existing policies and legislation on MSWM are very limited in
content and in their application. Many sectors are implicated in MSWM but their
jurisdictions and roles, such as in the 1987 law on city council and urban sub divisional
council regarding MSWM, are not only blurred but also uncoordinated resulting in
conflicts, duplication and negligence. Article 43 (2) of the 1996 Law on the Environment
promised a subsequent implementation decree of that law detailing the conditions under
which waste collection, separation, storage, transportation, recovery, recycling and all
other forms of treatment including final waste disposals would be accomplished so as to
avoid over waste generation, wastage of recyclables and safeguard the environment from
pollution. This promise, as with decentralisation, is not yet fulfilled. No national, regional
or city-level plans for integrated sustainable MSWM have been found. Decentralisation
of administration and funds remains in theory. Power and funds are highly centralised at
the top but the responsibility for MSW operations are devolved to councils with

insufficient funds and limited authority to initiate local strategies that could make them
function sustainably. Public policy concentrates on waste collection and transportation.
Municipal solid waste minimisation strategies such as recycling, composting and
recovery are neglected by policy and are carried out informally and rudimentarily at
household and artisanal levels. The informal groups involved in municipal solid waste
management exist in Yaound, but they have not been incorporated into the citys
mainstream waste management system. Yet, the highly centralised authority in Cameroon
limits the administrative and fiscal powers of individual city councils to address local
waste management issues using local initiatives. For example, there are sketchy laws in
place that treat waste under public health issues but the councils are unable to enforce
these laws effectively owing to a lack of resources. MSWM plan, strategies and priorities
that are so important do not exist. Proper disposal is not yet considered a priority. A lack
of development and integration of each of these separate but related processes into the
waste management system has rendered the overall system unsustainable.

Throughout the study this researcher realised that the inadequacy of a good street and
road network is an impediment to the efficient collection of waste. But this is less critical
than the need for increased equipment, especially public skips. There are many paved
streets in Yaound and Bamenda cities that are not served by public skips. The
proliferation of official ground waste depots and the continuous use of bad skips (Plates
6.6B, 9.5A & 9.5B) in both cities are further clear indicators of this dire need for more
public skips. Another crucial problem is linked to the ailing economy whose situation
was exacerbated by the economic crisis, which started in the late 1980s, followed by the
structural adjustment programmes. Both events and their ramifications affected the
MSWM sector to the extent that in Yaound HYSACAM withdrew and in Bamenda
waste collected became very irregular.

A third objective was:

To compare MSWM in the Yaound and Bamenda cities.

Comparisons conducted in this research show that Bamenda differs from Yaound in
terms of physical conditions and status, and this is reflected in the waste characteristics,
management and nature of support. Bamenda and Yaound generate respectively 0.40-
0.54 and 0.79 kg per capita or 120-160 and 1200 tonnes of municipal solid waste in a
day. This research has found that a major difference between MSWM in Bamenda and
Yaound is the mode of management. While the system in Bamenda is public, in
Yaound it is privatised, but both systems demonstrate the same approach, namely, using
conventional waste collection technology and organisational style. Bamenda organises a
half-day monthly cleanup to complement its system. Yaound has many formal and
informal private-initiative groups operating independently at neighbourhood levels that
are yet to be incorporated and coordinated into the mainstream system.

Findings show that the management system in Yaound has an edge over that of
Bamenda as regards waste collection rates, area coverage, equipment, personnel size,
productivity rate, skip capacity available and disposal techniques. But in absolute terms
Yaound leaves behind every day larger amounts of uncollected waste (~ 600 tonnes)
than Bamenda (115 tonnes). Findings suggests that Yaounds relatively better situation
is due more to the special attention and support given it by the central government as the
national headquarter than the fact that its solid waste management is privatised. Findings
suggest that the choice of private or public option would depend on the financial and
human resources available to the city in question. Small and less wealthy cities or poor
urban sub divisions of a big city, are less likely to be attractive to private waste
management investors whose activities are profit driven. On the other hand, small cities
or poor sub divisions have a weak administrative and financial base and may not have the
necessary resources to draw up contracts, supervise them and monitor the private
contractors. This is the problem poorer sub divisions in Yaound would mostly likely
face and address if decentralisation and privatisation became imminent or if Bamenda
went private.
Another finding from the study suggests that relations between waste workers and waste
generators are better under private management than public. On the whole, there is not
enough evidence to suggest that Yaounds lead over Bamenda is because the private

system is better. However, reviewed literature confirms that the worse scenario is a
combined public-private venture, usually called the Parastatal. Parastatals are known to
place undue emphasis on personnel expenditures that take colossal sums of waste
management monies.

The fourth objective was

To evaluate the environmental impacts of the MSWM systems.

The environment bears the brunt of unsustainable municipal solid waste management and
the impacts are passed on to humans. Findings throughout the stages of waste
management cycle in Yaound and Bamenda demonstrate that environmental problems
are implicated at all stages of the MSWM. The environmental problems start with leaky
uncovered waste containers at generation points, through indiscriminate illegal dumping,
burning, burying, to unsafe disposal of mixed waste at a sanitary landfill in Yaound and
in an uncontrolled open dump in Bamenda. Both official disposal facilities are sited on
river valleys. These facilities produce landfill gases, leachates, odours, fires and dust that
harbour, transmit disease vectors or cause direct illnesses. Carbon dioxide, methane and
dioxins produced from indiscriminate burning of plastics were identified as especially
dangerous to the environment and human health. Findings from this study suggest that
waste generators and managers are not aware of many of these present or threatening
solid-waste-related diseases. This thesis has illuminated such hazards posed by poor solid
waste management practices as an accomplishment of one of its objectives.
Environmental legislation that governs all stages of municipal solid waste management
including generation, storage, collection transportation, treatment and final disposals was
not discovered during the study.

The fifth objective was:

To assess the place of the waste management hierarchy in MSWM using the two
cases examined.

This research was started with enthusiasm to explore, evaluate and apply waste
management theories such as the waste management hierarchy promoted in western
literature. At the end of this research it is found that the waste management hierarchy
does not significantly address the waste management issues in these cases for two major
reasons. Firstly, the waste management system being studied, as in most developing
countries, is still rudimentary and concentrates its limited resources on waste collection
and transportation out-of-sight, and hence, out-of-mind. Waste recycling, recovery,
reduction and safe disposal, which are central to the waste management hierarchy are
non-existent or are accorded little attention. Secondly, upstream waste prevention through
the elimination or reduction of superfluous bulk, packaging and toxicity during the
manufacturing process, is out of the reach of cities in developing countries such as
Cameroon that consume such imported manufactured goods designed out of their
countries. These countries have to deal with the end-of- pipe solutions to their waste
problems. In all, given the constraints these cities are facing, the use of lower level
facilities (by the waste management hierarchy classification) such as landfilling is most
likely to continue for a long time. Hence upgrading such facilities to mitigate hazards
may be a more plausible approach in these areas.

11.3 Implications of the Study Findings for MSWM Policy and Strategy
This research has identified that there are four important and interrelated parts of a
MSWM system that need to be addressed with equal importance in policy, planning,
strategy and practice. These include the primary level, the secondary level (made up of
collection and transportation), waste minimisation activities and the final disposal,
sometimes called the tertiary level. Policy and practice have so far focused on collection
and transportation, and to a very limited extent, disposal; neglecting the primary level
that is responsible for avoiding, generating or reducing the waste; and for providing the
indispensable waste containers and stocking them with waste after separation. This stage
is crucial to a MSWM system that seeks to collaborate, improve collection, avoid

environmental and health conditions at source of generation, as well as increase recycling
and reduce waste for disposal. A new policy focus is necessary in this direction.

Minimisation policies and strategies such as waste prevention and reduction at source,
recovery through reuse, composting and recycling that are emphasised by the waste
management hierarchy do not yet find a strong place at this level of MSWM in Cameroon
and the countries of the developing world. The said policies and strategies are important
because they could help reduce waste that must be disposed of and by extension, create
jobs, contribute to the local economy and prolong the life of the landfills as well as
safeguard the environment. There is no official policy and legislation that regulates such
activities, consequently, no funding is provided, for municipal waste minimisation
activities at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The practice remains informal and
rudimentary. The official method of final waste disposal in both cities is landfilling.
Legislation on these final disposals is not clear. I would recommend that MSWM policy
and strategic planning in Cameroon, as with other developing countries, should address
all the solid waste management sectors with equal force. MSWM is an integrated system
and the neglect of one area renders the entire system unsustainable.

Strategies and practices

Even though efforts are concentrated on waste collection and transportation, less than
half the waste generated is collected in less than 30% of the city area. To meet this target
extra national and international support is sought by both cities because the garbage
service tax contributes less than 10% of the waste management costs. This clearly
demonstrates that the system is not financially self-supporting, and suggests that a review
of the January 1980 Decree that instituted the garbage tax is essential. Such a reviewed
decree should envisage presenting the full waste costs already discussed. My survey
results show that waste producers in both cities are capable and are willing to pay an
extra monthly charge equivalent to the per capita garbage tax stipulated for one year.
With education and environmental awareness-raising programmes, waste generators
interest and support would be kindled. Interest, either at individual or collective level, is
the key to participation and progress in MSW management.

This study has generated vital original data that could give valuable inputs to planning
strategies, practices, and evaluation and monitoring of trends. These major findings
include the rates and quantities of waste generation, characteristics, average primary
waste disposal distances, types and conditions of household waste containers, frequencies
of waste removal from generation sites, the prominence of child services for waste
disposal, willingness and ability to pay and the exposure of health and environmental risk
posed by poor solid waste management. Each of these factors has implications for
strategic planning and practices. For example, the knowledge of the waste characteristics
will determine choice of management strategies and technologies, average primary waste
disposal travel distances will influence sustainable inter-skip location distances; the
prevalence of childrens participation in waste removal will suggests skips with doors or
low heights; disposal frequencies will determine collection itinerary; and in order to
avoid exposure to environmental hazards more sensitisation, education and
environmental awareness-raising programmes are needed.

The study critically examined the situation of public skips and generated new data and
important information, which is useful to MSWM. Public skips are the meeting point of
the waste generators and the official waste managers and have a direct relationship to the
quantities of waste collected in an area of the city. Analyses made in this thesis
demonstrate that public skips are not only grossly insufficient but are also poorly
distributed. I recommend an increase in their number and a fair spatial distribution based
on needs. At the household level water-tide containers with fitting lids are recommended.
Waste picking is a taboo in Cameroon and scavengers who have significantly contributed
to MSWM in many cities of the developing countries are absent or insignificant. Waste
policy, planning and strategy must understand and deal with these socio-cultural aspects.

11. 4 Recommendations for Further Research

In Bamenda, solid waste was collected, measured and analysed for generation quantities,
rates and characteristics in sampled households that contribute more than 80% of
municipal solid waste. The waste generation rates and quantities from institutions, motor-
repair garages, processing factories, open spaces and market places were only estimated
based on observations and information from earlier studies. Even though these sectors
constitute a very small fraction of the citys municipal solid waste stream, similar detailed
research is essential.

For Yaound, more research on MSWM in the city should be directed to waste
management at urban sub divisional level for two reasons. Firstly, research findings
suggest that data averages at the city level obscure the spatial reality of waste
management at sub divisional level; and secondly, the future of MSWM sustainability in
Yaound lies in the effective administrative and fiscal decentralisation of the service to
the urban subdivisions.

In both cities, as for the whole country and cities of developing countries, the costs of
MSWM have been misunderstood by waste generators and managers to mean removing
and transporting waste out of sight. This is demonstrated by the lack of formal recycling
activities and the low costs attributed to waste treatment at disposal dump or landfill.
Research and policy should advance to studying costs to include all levels: primary waste
management (source of generation level), secondary collection and transportation (the
current emphasis), treatment or forgone treatment such as non-recycling, landfilling of
waste and lastly, the environmental waste-related degradation costs or what this
researcher would like to call eco-costs. These will determine the real solid waste
management total costs and policy should determine what mix of instruments and
strategies needed to sustain such a MSWM taking into consideration the city-specific
context as well as the socio-economic differences within the cities. This policy will
require reconciliation between conflicting principles of having service consumers pay and
their ability to pay sustainable rates given their socio-economic conditions. The central

administration would always subsidise social services such as waste management but
citizens effective participation would reduce the burden that the government bears now.

As an extension of the preceding point, recycling, and especially composting is an

important area needing more investigation as the biodegradable organic waste in both
cities constitutes more than two-thirds of the total waste stream. Composted material is
good as soil amendment, but such researches must address the recurrent issues of
compost quality, market demands, and health and environmental problems associated
with the activities. The biodegradable MSW fraction when not recovered produces gases
and leachates that are potentially dangerous to the environment and human life.

11.5 Conclusion

When we pull together all data and information on what both systems have accomplished,
their inadequacies, and consider all dimensions -institutional, financial, social,
economical and technical and environmental- we can confidently conclude that the
current practices of MSWM in Bamenda and Yaound cities are unsustainable. Both
systems are not appropriate to the local conditions within which they operate and they are
incapable of maintaining themselves despite targeting only very limited activities within
the MSW hierarchy and with huge extra support. This support has its own constraints and
would never last forever. If citizens put all their solid waste into public skips, as they are
usually called upon to do, the waste managers and councils would be overwhelmed with
the full extent of the collection, transportation and disposal problems.

But all is not lost. The management systems demonstrate characteristics of the first stage
of an integrated sustainable MSWM hierarchy (2.2.4). This study has discovered that a
city need not follow all the stages to attain an integrated sustainable system. It can be
developed immediately. Findings from this thesis are intended to make this possible.
Cameroon towns and cities are relatively small. Each of the bi-primate cities has less than
2 million people and each of the remaining cities and towns has less than half a million

people. Waste stakeholders and the general public are enthusiastic to collaborate in the
management process of their waste. This is demonstrated by their use of private waste
collector services and willingness to pay for the service indicated by field survey results.
It is the best time for Cameroon to proactively put in place short and long-termed
national, regional, city policies and strategic planning that addresses some of these
MSWM crucial issues, clearly discussed in this thesis, before they get out of control.
Such planning should demonstrate enough flexibility to be capable of taking care of city-
specific contexts and integrating all stakeholders for a sustainable municipal solid waste

This research has also identified that crucial to successful MSWM are financial, technical
institutional, policy, and socio-economic and environmental sustainability. Such
sustainability presupposes urban governance usually recognised by its transparency in
managing public affairs, reliability and timely information, public participation, formal
redress procedures, regular opinion survey, public meetings and official channels.
Without such good governance demonstrated by genuine democratisation that
decentralises power and financial resources from the state to regional and city levels,
entrusting the responsibility of municipal solid waste management to local councils will
continue along the present unsustainable path.



General Classification of Municipal Solid Waste (Refuse Materials)

Wastes from the preparation, cooking, and
Serving of food
Market refuse, waste from handling,
Storage, and sale of produce and meats
Combustible Paper, cardboard, cartons From
(primarily Wood, boxes, excelsior households,
organic) Plastics institutions,
Rags, clothe, bedding and commercial
Leather, rubber concerns such
Grass, leaves, yard trimmings as:
Non- Metal, tin cans, metal foils hotels,
combustible Dirt stores. restaurants,
(primary Stones, bricks, ceramics, crockery markets, etc.
inorganic) Glass, bottles
Other mineral refuse
Residue from fires used for cooking and for heating
buildings, cinders
Large auto parts, tires
Bulky Stoves, refrigerators, other large appliances
Wastes Furniture, large, large crates
Tree, branches, palm fronds, stumps, foliage
Street sweepings, dirt
Street Leaves From:
refuse Catch basin dirt streets,
Contents of litter receptacles sidewalks,
Dead Small animals: cats, dogs, poultry, etc alleys
animals Large animals: horses, cows, etc. vacant lots, etc.
Abandoned Automobile, trucks
Construction Lumber, roofing, and sheathing scraps
&Demolition Rubble, broken concrete, plaster, etc.
wastes Conduit, pipe, wire, insulation, etc.
Solid wastes resulting from industrial processing and
manufacturing operations, From:
Such as: food-processing wastes, boiler factories,
House cinders, wood, plastic, and metal power plants, etc
Scraps and shavings, etc.
Hazardous wastes: pathological wastes, Households,
Explosives, radioactive materials hospitals,
Security wastes: confidential documents, institutions,
Negotiable papers, etc. stores,
industries, etc.
Animal and Manure, crop residues
feed lots
Sewage Coarse screenings, grit, septic tank sludge, Sewage treat-
treatment dewatered sludge ment plants,
residue septic tanks

Source: Michaels, 1966 p. 15

Appendix 2: Household Survey Questionnaire for Bamenda and Yaound Cities
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Municipal Solid Waste Management Household Survey by
ACHANKENG ERIC PhD Research Student
N.B. The information requested is purely for academic purposes and will be treated
confidentially. Thank you for accepting the questionnaire.
You are free to answer only the questions you like Please, do not write here.
Household Survey Number _________________ HHNO
Interviewer: ______________________________
City: ____ Yaounde [1] Bamenda [2] CTY
1. Bamenda Central [ ]
4. SubD.
Quarter 1. GRA -Up Station [ ]
2. Nchuabuh [ ]
3. Nta-Mbang [ ] Qter
4. Ndamukong [ ]
Street: __________________________ ST
Type/condition of the Street
1. Footpath [ ]
2. Path usable by wheel barrow/push-push [ ]
3. Loose surface motorable all seasons [ ] STCON.
4. Loose surface motorable in dry seasons [ ]
5. Tarred road in a bad state [ ]
6. Tarred road in a good state [ ]
Relief of area
1. Sloppy [ ]
2. Flat land [ ] Topo
3. Swampy [ ]
1. Modern Villa [ ]
2. Apartment/unit [ ]
3. Story building [ ] DWELL
4. Detached house [ ]
5. Compound [ ]

1. Could you please tell me whether you are the
proprietor or tenant in this house?
1. Proprietor (landlord) [ ]
2. Tenant (self paying) [ ]
3. Tenant (lodged by the state/organisation) [ ]
2. I n which year were you born? __________
3. What sex do you belong to?
1. Male [ ] V3
2. Female [ ]
4. How many persons are currently living in this house? V4
5. How many are less than 15 years? _______
____________________________________________ V5
6. How many are more than 15 years? _______ V6
7. Do you have the following in your house?
1. Electricity 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V7
2. Pipe-borne water 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V8
3. Water-system toi. 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V9
4. Pit toilet 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V10
5. Bicycle 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V11
6. Motor cycle 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V12
7. Car(s) 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V13
8. Radio 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V14
9. TV 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V15
10. Video/VCR,CDPlayer 1 Yes[ ] 2 No [ ] V16
8. Could you please tell me where your monthly
earnings fall? V17
1. Less than 50.000frs [ ]
2. Between 50.000 and 100.000frs [ ]
3. Between 100.000 and 150.000frs [ ]
4. Between 150.000 and 200.000frs [ ]
5. Greater than 200.000frs [ ]
6. Wont tell you [ ]
9. Which of the following factors do you think are a problem
in this city and what is their degree of seriousness?
Problem Degree of Seriousness
Extremely Very Quite Not very Not at all
1. Safety & Security 1 2 3 4 5
2. Water portable 1 2 3 4 5
3. S. Waste management 1 2 3 4 5
4. L. Waste management 1 2 3 4 5
5. Noise pollution 1 2 3 4 5
6. Poor housing condition 1 2 3 4 5
7. Traffic congestion 1 2 3 4 5
8. Flooding 1 2 3 4 5
9. Landslides 1 2 3 4 5
10. Crime 1 2 3 4 5
10.others: specify 1 2 3 4 5

10. What type of solid waste comes out of your household and to
what extent?
Too much much quite not much
1. Paper and carton 1 2 3 4 V30
2. Plastics (bag/bottles) 1 2 3 4 V31
3. Food waste 1 2 3 4 V32
4. Bottle/glass 1 2 3 4 V33
5. Tins/cans 1 2 3 4 V34
6. Fibre bags(sac & motor) 1 2 3 4 V35
7. Others Specify:______________________________
11. In what type of container do you collect your waste
from the house?
1. Carton [ ]
2. Basket [ ] V36
3. Old bucket [ ] Estimate in L._______
4. Plastic bag [ ]
5. Tin/Can [ ]
12. Do you have cover for your container?
1. Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V37
13. How often is the house waste container emptied?
1. Once a day [ ]
2. Once in 2 days [ ] V38
3. Once in 3 days [ ]
4. Others [ ] specify:___________
14. Where do you usually put away this waste?
1.In the public bin 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V39
2. In the itinerant waste van 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V40
3. By the valley/stream/lake side 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V41
4. By the road or street side 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V42
5. On the open space/bush around 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V43
6. In a hole in the compound 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V44
15. Who usually removes and carries away this waste
from the house?
1. Father [ ] V45
2. Mother [ ]
3. Children in the house [ ]
4. House boy/girl/servant/guard. [ ]
5. Children moving around [ ]
6. Organised association/NGO/CIG. [ ]
16. How much do you pay per month for the service?
____________ V46
17. If your waste is transferred to the public bin, how
far do you estimate the distance from your house?
1. A distance of 1 electricity pole [ ]
2. A distance of 2 electricity poles [ ]
3. A distance of 4 electricity poles [ ]
4. More than 4 electricity poles [ ]
____________________________________________ 337
18. By what method is the waste container usually
transferred from the house to the place of deposition?
1. Head or hand [ ]
2. Wheel barrow [ ]
3. Push-push [ ] V48
4. Motorised vehicle [ ] Type:____________
5. Others [ ] Specify:___________

19. How often is the public near you bin emptied?

1. Once a week [ ]
2. Twice a week [ ] V49
3. Thrice a week [ ]
4. Every day [ ]
5. Others [ ] Specify:__________
20. How do you usually meet the public bin?
1. Half full [ ]
2. Always full [ ]
3. Always overfull [ ] V50
4. Empty [ ]
21. How would you best evaluate the collection and
transportation process of waste at the public bin?
1. Very good [ ]
2. Good [ ]
3. Average [ ] V51
4. Fair [ ]
5. Bad [ ]
22. If you had someone or association to remove all your
waste from the home to public bin, how much would you be
prepared to pay in a month?
1. 500frs [ ]
2. 500 700 frs [ ]
3. 700 1000 frs [ ] V52
4. 1000 1500 frs [ ]
5. 1500frs and above [ ]
23. How would you describe the attitude of the waste
collection team to the public?
1. Respectful [ ]
2. Fair [ ] V53
3. Disrespectful [ ]
24. Who decided the placement/location of the public bin?
1. The Urban Council (UC) [ ]
2. HYSACAM [ ] V54
3. The Quarter people [ ] V55
4. The Quarter people and HYSACAM [ ] V56
5. UC,HYSACAM, the quarter people [ ] V57
25. How can you best evaluate the state of the public bin
around you? Would you say it is?
1. Rusting/ rotting 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V59
2. In a good state 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V60
3. Adequate size 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V61
4. Well placed by the street 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V62
5. Adequate height for all 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V63
____________________________________________ 338
26. Do you ever notice the presence of the following in
and around the waste bin or waste dump?
1. Dark flowing water 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V64
2. Odour 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V65
3. Mosquitoes & cockroaches 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V66
4. Fire 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V67
5. Domestic animals 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V68
6. Rats 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V69
7. Scavengers 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V70
27. Have you experienced the following in the last 6
1. Bought insecticides 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V71
2. Bought raticides 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V72
3. Had an illness 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V73
4. Flood in your quarter 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V74
28. Which illnesses are common?
_______________________________________ V75
29. How do you rate street sweeping in the city?
1. Good [ ] V76
2. Average [ ]
3. Fair [ ]
4. Bad [ ]
5. Non existent [ ]
30.a) Have ever had any sensitization / education on
waste management?
1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V77
b) Through what way?
1. Over radio 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V78
2. Over T.V 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V79
3. In quarter meeting 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V80
4. In school 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V81
5. On posters 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V82
c) How often? ______________________
____________________________________________ V83
d) Who organized it?
1. The council 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V84
2. Waste management company 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V85
3. An Academic 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V86
4. A NGO 1Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V87
5. Others [ ] specify:_______________ V88
e) What was the main message?
__________________________________ V89
____________________________________________ 339
31. Do you ever reuse, sell, give as presents, or receive
as gifts, any of the following old things?
1. Bottles 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V90
2. Tin/cans 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V91
3. Plastics 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V92
4. Bags 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V93
5. Metal 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V94
6. Shoes 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V95
7. Cloths 1 Yes [ ] 2 No [ ] V96
32. What do you do with the food wastes, leaves and
trimmings that come out of your house?
1. Make compost [ ] V97
2. Apply directly on the farm/garden [ ] V98
3. Throw away with other waste [ ] V99
4. Burn [ ] V100
5. Others [ ] Specify:________________ V101
33. Would you like to separate decomposable
food/vegetable waste from non-decomposable
manufactured waste?
1 Yes [ ] Go to Q.34. 2 No [ ] Go to 35 V102
34. Why would you like to separate?
______________________________________ V103
35. Why would you not like to separate the waste?
1.I have no use [ ]
2.It is a difficult exercise [ ]
3. Other reasons [ ] V104
36. How do you evaluate the state of solid waste
management in your city?
1. Has improved [ ] Go to Q37
2. Remains the same [ ] V105
3. Has deteriorated [ ] Go to Q38
37. How has the situation improved?
____________________________________________ V106
38. Which of these may be contributory factor to waste
management deterioration, and to what degree?
Problem degree
Extreme very quite not very not at all
1. Organisational 1 2 3 4 5 V107
2. Finance related 1 2 3 4 5 V108
3. Non-collaboration of parties 1 2 3 4 5 V109
4. Lack of sensitization/educ. 1 2 3 4 5 V110
5. Technical/human know-how 1 2 3 4 5 V111
6. Others 1 2 3 4 5
39. How can the waste management situation in this
city be improved upon? (use page provided)
Thank you. Date.././03 340

An Example of Institution Questionnaires, Bamenda 2003


Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

Municipal Solid Waste Management Hotel Survey- Bamenda by

ACHANKENG ERIC, PhD Research Student

N.B. The information demanded is purely for academic purpose and will be treated
confidentially. Thank you for accepting the questionnaire.

1.Name of Hotel ______________________________________________________

2.What type of waste do you generate? ___________________________________
3.Quantity per day/week_________________________________________
4.In what type of containers do you put the waste?______________ Size_____L
5.How many of such containers are there? ________________________________
6.Where are they placed? ______________________________________________
7.What do you or some people use the waste for?
8.Who are some of these people or associations?
a) __________________________________________________________________
9.What do you do with what cannot be utilized?
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________

10.What problems do you face in managing the waste you collect here?
a) __________________________________________________________________
b) __________________________________________________________________
c) ___________________________________________________________________
11.What relationship do you have with the council waste management group?
a) On advice? _________________________________________________________
b) On waste collection? _________________________________________________
c) On health? _________________________________________________________
12.What complain(s) do neighbors give about your business?
Answered/ filled by:____________________________Date ____________________


Pubic Health Ordinance, Vol. 5, Section 17 and 18, West Cameroon, 1958

Section 17 (a) Every owner or occupier of any tenement shall clean and keep clean from
all undergrowth, weeds, fifth, rubbish and refuse of any description, the street at front,
back or either side of such tenement, with the drains, gutters or channels and facing each
other, the owner or occupier of such tenement shall be responsible for keeping clean the
drain, gutter and channel nearest to his or her tenement.
(b) Every owner of occupier who fails to comply with the provisions of this
section shall for each offence be liable to a fine of one pond.

Section 18 (a) Any person who throws or lays on any street or tenement, whether
occupied or not, or on any space (except at such places as may be set apart by the proper
authority for such purpose), rubbish or any offensive or wholesome matter; or commits
any nuisance in any street or in any open space or in any place being an appurtenance of
or adjoining a dwelling house, shall for each offence, in addition to any liable damage at
the suit of any person aggrieved, by liable to a fine of one pound.
(b) Any person found committing any offence under this section may be taken
into custody without warrant by any policy officer, sanitary inspector or person whom we
may call to his aid, or by the owner or occupier of the property on or with respect to
which the offence is committed, or by any person authorized by him, and may detained
until he can be delivered into custody of the police officer.

Sourced from Nsoh (1994)


Functions of the Municipal Hygiene Service Decision by the Cameroon

Minister of Health, 1987


Subject: Functions of the Municipal Hygiene Service.
Placed under the responsibility of a health officer or sanitary technician, the
municipal hygiene service has the following functions:
(a) (1) It oversees
-the sanitation of the urban areas:
-the cleanliness of private establishment:
the cleanliness of public places and town greens and supervises the evacuation of
waste water.
(ii) It ensures:
-the collection, transportation, discharge and treatment of refuse at sites chosen by the
mayor in collaboration with the chief of the hygiene service and the local technical
service of the Ministry of Mines and Power.
(iii) It checks on the cleanliness of market places, eating and drinking houses and the
state of drinking water; and the rearing of domestic animals in the townships.
(iv) it checks the cultivation of food crops, particularly water bearing plants within
the urban areas.
(b)The Municipal Hygiene Service carries out campaigns to kill both larvae and adult
insects of public health importance.
The Service collects relevant information.
On contagious diseases for immediate declaration and epidemiological surveys,
and takes necessary measures for isolation and disinfections in collaboration with
other interested services.

(a) by the strict application of rules and regulations affecting the cleanliness of public
and private buildings;
(b) by ensuring the evacuation of waste waters from buildings either by the provision
of a drainage system or by the installation of septic tanks and the provision of
good hygienic standards of new buildings by the careful study of building plans
and sites before building permits are issued;
(c) by the development of a programme for construction of latrines with the help of
the councils concerned;
(d) by the education of the population on the technical construction of concrete slabs
for pit latrines in semi-urban areas;
(e) by the regular inspection of these installations to ensure their proper functioning
and use.


-surveillance of the conditions of sale, transportation and the preservation of food;
-the carrying out of expert examination and the collection of samples where
-the seizure and destruction of foods unfit for human consumption
Finally, permit me to draw your attention to the dispositions of circular-Note
No.D67/NC/MSP/DMPHP/SHPA of June 1978 defining the functions of Health
Officers and Sanitary Technicians put at the disposal of each council
Yaounde, le 5 Janvier 1987
Pr.Victor Anomah Ngu.

Clean-Up Campaign Appeal Letter to DO Bamenda

An appeal letter by the Government Delegate to the Bamenda Urban Council to the
Divisional Officer for Bamenda Central to institute a monthly clean up campaign

21 APR. 1993
BUC File No.460/Vol.4/87


The Divisional Officer

Bamenda Central

It is becoming extremely difficult for the Bamenda Urban Council to clean the town for
several reasons among which are:
1. The difficulties of getting fuel and lubricants due to problems of liquidity;
2. The frequent break down of our vehicles and difficulties in maintaining them;
3. The incivic behaviour of some citizens who do everything to dirty the town;
4. The congestion in streets by traders.
I am therefore suggesting that you consider instituting a clean up campaign once a month,
probably on the last Friday of each month. This will give an opportunity for citizens to
come out and help clean the town while the Bamenda Urban Council strives to carry the
garbage. I also suggest that on any such days drivers of tippers lorries be made to carry ar
least one trip of refuse before going to their other jobs.
If you consider it is necessary, you may convene a meeting of related services to examine
the situation.
Tanjou-Tadzong Abel Ndeh
-The Governor
North West Province
-The Senior Divisional officer
For Information


An Example of a Clean-Up Campaign Decision for Bamenda




Mindful of the constitution of 2nd June, 1972 as amended by subsequent enactments;

Mindful of Decree No. 72/349 of 24th July, 1972 relating to the Administrative
organisation of the Republic of Cameroon and Decree No. 83/390 of 22nd August, 1983
creating New Provinces in the Republic of Cameroon;
Mindful of Decree No. 78/485 of 9th November, 1978 defining the powers and duties of
Heads of Administrative Units as completed by Corrigendum No. 79/024 of 18th January
Mindful of Decree No. 88/426 of 27/9/88 reorganising the Ministry of Territorial
Mindful of Decree No. 88/772 of 16/05/88 organising the Government;
Mindful of Decree No. 88/774 of 16/05/88 appointing Members of the Government;
Mindful of Decree No. 85/1128 of 13th September, 1985 appointing Mr. Shadzeka Lazarus
Ngah as Divisional Officer of Bamenda Central Sub Division;
CONSIDERING the necessity of Clean Environment;


Article 1/- That there shall be a Clean-Up campaign in the Bamenda Central Sub-Division
with special emphasis in the Bamenda Urban Council Areas of jurisdiction, on Monday
27th November 1989.

Article 2/-That except the Hospitals, Health Centres, the Courts and the Offices of the
Forces of Law and Order, all other offices, Government and Para-Public, Markets and all
the Business premises shall remain closed form 6 am to 1 pm. on Monday 27th November,

Article 3/- That persons, services/establishments, workers not-with-standing, seen loitering

and/or failing to participate in the Clean-Up campaign shall be arrested, detained and
eventually tasked to perform an equivalent number of hours of work at a place to be
determined by the Divisional Officer of Bamenda Central Sub-Division.

Article 4/- That the circulation of all taxis and vehicles in general within the Bamenda
urban Town shall not be allowed between 6 am and 1 pm except on a special permission
issued by the Sub-Prefect of the Bamenda Central.
Article 5/- That the Clean-Up campaign shall be carried out as below [allocation of
cleaning areas to educational institutions in the town]

Article 6/- [educational institutions in the rural area to join the rest of the population for

Article 7/- That all roads within the various quarters shall be kept perfectly lean by the
inhabitants of that said quarter and all workers within their quarters.

Article 8/- That the Government Delegate, Bamenda Urban Council shall ensure that the
Council vehicles carry away all the dirt removed from the gutters by the schools and

Article 9/-The principals of colleges, Headmasters and their staff, Fons, Quarter heads,
Councillors of Bamenda Urban Council, and CPDM and Branch Presidents are all
entrusted with the supervision of the Clean-Up campaign. Names of defaulters shall be
submitted to the sub Prefect by all supervisors.

Article 10/-That the Forces of Law and Order, and the provincial Chief of Section for
Preventive Medicine and Rural Health Services are charged with the execution of this

Article 11/- That this decision shall be registered and communicated wherever necessary.

At Bamenda20/11/89.




Municipal Solid Waste Strategic Planning Guide

Source: Planning Guide for Strategic Municipal Sold Waste Management in Major Cities in Low-income
Countries. Prepared by Environmental Resources Management for World Bank/DSC. By Wilson, D. C., A.
Whiteman and A. Tormin (1998).

This 7-step example is targeted towards waste management at the city scale. For use at other scales
adjustment would be necessary, but the general stages would remain the same.
Step 1: Mobilising the Planning Process
Step 1 is concerned with how to get started with the strategic planning process. Guidance is structured in two
areas, the political mobilising support and the functional organising the work. Step 1 provides the political
and operational arrangements for developing the strategic MSWM Plan.

A worksheet aids in identifying the key players that need to be involved. (See: Worksheet: Stakeholders).

Step 2: Definition the Baseline

Step 2 is focused on understanding the baseline situation and likely future requirements for MSWM in your
city. Aspects to be addressed include:

General guidance on data collection

Measurement of waste quantities and waste composition
Reviewing waste management options
Predicting future capacity requirements
Understanding shortfalls and constraints

Output from Step 2 are presented at two stages: A Baseline Study or Audit of MSWM in your city should be
prepared in time to feed into definition of key issues. During the remaining stages data gaps are filled and
more detailed information collected to supplement this initial Baseline Study.

Step 3: Establishing the Strategic Planning Framework

Step 3 covers the range of issues that need to be established at the outset of the planning process to determine
the framework for the Strategic MSWM Plan. Aspects to be addressed include:

Defining the strategic vision

Status of the strategic plan
Sleeting the planning area and period
Selecting waste types to be recovered by the plan
Defining service levels
Defining key issues
Setting objectives and targets

The output is an agreed Strategic Planning Framework

Step 4: Identifying and Evaluating Options

Step 4 can in many ways be regarded as the core of the planning process. Here, identifying and evaluating
options are required to address the key issues being faced. Five sub Steps are suggested:

Step 4a Institutional Framework

Step 4b Waste collection and Recycling
Step 4c Waste Treatment and disposal
Step 4d Finance Sustainability
Step 4d Public Awareness and Participation

Step 4 provides information and analysis to support both development of the strategy (Step 5) and
preparation of the action plan (Step 6).

Step 5: Developing the Strategy
The strategy provides the umbrella under which to progress with more detailed work required for the
Action Plan. Defining the strategy will involve an initial evaluation of options required to address key issues.
Aspects to be addressed include:

Nature of the strategy

Building consensus and ownership
Defining the Strategy
Preparing and finalising the Strategy

The output is a straggly, which has been agreed by all key stakeholders and can act as a framework for
preparation of the Action Plan.

Step 6: Preparing the Action Plan

Step 6 develops the Action Plan required to turn the Strategy into practical reality. The Action Plan will
involve detailed evaluation and selection of options to be pursued. Aspects to be covered include:

Nature of the Action Plan

Pre-feasibility studies
Preparing an Immediate Action Plan
Preparing an Investment Plan
Gaining formal approval

The output will be an Action Plan, Immediate Action Plan and Investment Plan, which combined with the
Strategy, will form the Strategic MSWM Plan.

Step 7: Implementing the Strategic Plan

Strategic planning of MSWM is not an end in itself; the agreed plan must be effectively implemented. Three
aspects should be addressed:

Moving from planning to implementation

Revising and updating the plan
Performance monitoring

Show early improvements on the ground

Both the public and many other stakeholders in MSWM are likely to regard the municipal authorities as part
of the problem in MSWM, as well as part of the solution. Therefore, it is important that the authorities
establish credibility during the planning process of the municipality to improving their commitment to action.

Relatively small, simple and low cost measures can be implemented at the ground level to raise the profile of
waste management and demonstrate the commitment of the municipality to improving its services.


Examples of Adapted and Low-Cost Vehicles for Solid Waste


Source: Hardoy et al. 2001. p. 229

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