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Myers I2C and I2CI Series Manual

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MODELS I2C and I2CI/2C95


Installation and Service Manual
NOTE! To the installer: Please make sure you provide this manual to the owner of the equipment or to the responsible
party who maintains the system.

Part # 13800A429 | 2014 Pentair Ltd. | 03/14/14

WARNING! IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS! 7) Do not use an extension cord. Above ground
READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLATION joints must be made in an approved junction box.
CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING: 8) Do not work on this pump or switch while the
This product and related power is on.
accessories contain chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer, birth defects 9) Never operate a pump with a frayed or brittle
or other reproductive harm. power cord and always protect it from sharp objects,
hot surfaces, oil and chemicals. Avoid kinking
This product is to be used 10) Never service a motor or power cord with
EXCLUSIVELY for non-potable water services. wet hands or while standing in or near water or
This product is not anticipated to be used for damp ground.
human consumption so is not designed for the low
lead levels stated in the Safe Drinking Water Act. 11) The three phase units must be wired by a
It is illegal to use this product for potable water qualified electrician, using an approved starter box
applications for human consumption, such as and switching device.
drinking water, oral hygiene, hand washing, food
preparation and dishwashing. 12) Do not use this pump in or near a swimming pool.

13) Single phase motors are equipped with

FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND automatic resetting thermal protectors. The motor
COMPLY WITH ALL CODES MAY CAUSE SERIOUS may restart unexpectedly, causing the leads to
BODILY INJURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. energize or pump to turn on. Three phase motors
1) Before installing or servicing your pump, BE should be protected by proper, thermal and amperage
CERTAIN THE PUMP POWER SOURCE IS TURNED protection. (Check local codes.)
OFF AND DISCONNECTED. 14) Check for nicks in the wire and pump insulation
2) All installation and electrical wiring must adhere by using an ohmmeter and checking resistance to
to state and local codes. Check with appropriate ground before installing the pump and after installing
community agencies or contact your local electrical the pump. If in doubt on the proper procedure, check
and pump professionals for help. with a qualified electrician.

3) CALL AN ELECTRICIAN WHEN IN DOUBT. 15) Do not pump gasoline, chemicals, corrosives
Pump must be connected to a separate electrical or flammable liquids; they could ignite, explode
circuit directly from the entrance box. There must or damage the pump, causing injury and voiding
be an appropriately sized fuse or circuit breaker in the warranty.
this line. Tying into existing circuits may cause circuit 16) Do not run this pump with discharge completely
overloading, blown fuses, tripped circuit breakers or a closed. This will create superheated water, which
burned-up motor. could damage the seal and shorten the life of the
4) Do not connect pump to a power supply until motor. This superheated water could also cause
the pump is grounded. For maximum safety, a ground severe burns. Always use a pressure relief valve, set
fault interrupter should be used. CAUTION: FAILURE below the rating of the tank system.
TO GROUND THIS UNIT PROPERLY MAY RESULT 17) Do not run the pump dry, fail to protect the
IN SEVERE ELECTRICAL SHOCK. pump from below freezing temperatures, run the
5) WARNING: Reduced risk of electric shock pump with the discharge completely closed or pump
during operation of this pump requires the provision chemicals or corrosive liquids.
of acceptable grounding. If the means of connection 18) Never work on the pump or system without
to the supply-connection box is other than grounded relieving the internal pressure.
metal conduit, ground the pump back to the service
by connecting a copper conductor, at least the 19) Do not pump water above 120 Fahrenheit.
size of the circuit conductors supplying the pump,
to the grounding screw provided within the wiring 20) Never exceed the pressure rating of any
compartment. system component.
his pump is provided with a means for grounding.
To reduce the risk of electric shock from contact
with adjacent metal parts, bond supply box to the The pump should be installed in a clean, dry and well
pump-motor-grounding means and to all metal parts ventilated place, allowing room to inspect and service
accessible including metal discharge pipes and the pump and driver.
like, by means of a clamp, a weld or both if necessary, The pump should be bolted securely to a solid
secured to the equipment-grounding terminal. foundation. The 2" NPT suction can be rotated at
90 intervals to four different positions. As standard,
6) The voltage and phase of the power supply must
the suction will be on the right side when facing the
match the voltage and phase of the pump.
pump end. The 1-1/2" NPT discharge can be rotated
at 45 intervals to 8 different positions. As standard, ROTATION
the discharge will point up. Direct connected pumps The pump must run in the direction of the arrow
should always be mounted in a horizontal position on on pump case. Three phase motors may run either
a level foundation. direction so if rotation is wrong when starting motor,
Direct connected units are accurately aligned at interchange any two line leads to change rotation.
the factory, but all baseplates are flexible. A flexible
coupling is intended to take care of only slight STARTING
misalignment, therefore the pump and driver must be Close the discharge valve when starting the pump as
carefully aligned at the installation. Parallel alignment it puts less starting load on the motor. When the pump
can be checked by placing a straight edge across the is up to operating speed, open the discharge valve
coupling halves. It must rest evenly on both halves at to obtain desired capacity or pressure. Do not allow
four positions spaced at approximately 90 intervals the pump to run for long periods with the discharge
around the coupling. On belt driven units the pump valve tightly closed as the liquid in the pump will get
and driver shafts should be parallel; the pulleys or extremely hot. Before stopping the pump, close the
sheaves must be aligned also. The pulley or sheave discharge valve. This will prevent water hammer
on both pump and driver should be mounted as and is especially important on high head pumps.
close to the bearing housing as possible to minimize A properly installed check valve will perform the
the overhang, allowing sufficient clearance for rotor same function.
and play.
The pump is provided with an oil chamber which
Avoid a vertical drive on flat belt drives; an angle of lubricates the seal face of the mechanical seal. The oil
45 or less between the line of shaft centers and the level should be checked every 50 hours.
horizontal is desirable. The distance between the shaft
centers should be at least twice the diameter of the BEARINGS LUBRICATION
larger pulley. Adjust belt tension just tight enough to
Pump bearings are sealed on one side and open on
prevent slippage.
one side and are lubricated by grease in the bearing
SUCTION PIPING bracket. Normally, these bearings require no further
attention. This grease cavity must not be overloaded
Suction pipe should be direct and as short as possible. and should not be filled more than about half full.
It should be at least one size larger than suction inlet
tapping. It should have minimal elbows and fittings. FREEZING
Piping should slope upward to pump without dips or
Care should be taken to prevent the pump from
high points so that air pockets are eliminated. The
freezing during cold weather. It may be necessary to
highest point in the suction piping should be the pump
drain the pump when not in operation.
inlet except where liquid flows to the pump inlet under
pressure. To prevent air from being drawn into suction All individual chambers must be drained. To drain the
pipe due to a suction whirlpool, the foot valve should be suction chamber, remove the pipe plug that is in the
submerged at least three feet below the low water level. bottom position. To drain the first and second stage
impeller chambers, remove the two pipe plugs which
DISCHARGE PIPING are in the lower position of the case and the pipe plug
Discharge piping should never be smaller than pump in the crossover casting.
tapping, rather one size larger. A gate valve should
always be installed in discharge line to serve as a
shut-off or throttling valve if capacity is not correct. To
protect the pump and foot valve from water hammer, To service pump, the suction and discharge piping
a check valve should be installed in the discharge line must first be disconnected.
between the pump and gate valve. Remove back plate. Remove impeller cap screw and
washer in outer impeller eye. Remove tap bolts that
hold volute case to bracket. Pry evenly and carefully
All motors, unless provided with built-in overload to get volute case and outer impeller off.
protection, must be protected with an overload
Remove inner impeller and snap ring. Slide old seal off
switch, either manual or magnetic. This switch is
shaft and remove tap bolts holding bracket to bearing
to be supplied by the customer. When the motor
bracket and pull bracket off shaft. Remove old floating
is mounted on a baseplate or on slide rails for
seat and seat cup from bracket.
adjustment, flexible metallic counduit should be
used to protect the motor leads. Make sure the synthetic seat cup of the new seal is
tight against the shoulder of the floating seat, with
PRIMING rounded edge at the rear to facilitate insertion. Wipe
The pump must be primed before starting. Be sure the lapped sealing face of the floating seat and oil
the pump case is filled with water so the mechanical face with a clean, light oil.
shaft seal never runs dry. Remove the top pipe plugs Oil the outer surface of the seat cup, using light oil,
while priming to assure that all air is evacuated. The and push the assembly in the cavity of the bracket,
individual chambers of the pump and the suction seating it firmly and squarely.
piping must be completely filled before starting motor.
Replace lip seal and lubricate oil seal face. Clean Not enough water delivered.
and oil the surface of the shaft with a light oil. Bolt 1. Discharge head too high. Check total head with
bracket back onto bearing bracket. Wipe the face of gauge at pump inlet and discharge. (With water,
the sealing washer and oil with clean light oil. Put the the gauge would show shut-off pressure.)
sealing washer and bellows assembly on the shaft.
The notches on the washer should mate with the 2. Speed too low. Check pump drive belts for
lugs on the retainer. Press on assembly until it is tight slippage. If hot, tighten belts. Check motor
against the floating seal. voltage and speed.
Slip shaft seal spring over the shaft, making sure it 3. Rotation wrong. Change shaft rotation.
and the spring holding plate are seated properly. Slip 4. Suction lift too high. Check with vacuum gauge.
snap ring over shaft and slide it forward until it drops This should not exceed 15 feet. When pumping hot
into place. Install inner impeller, with suction opening water, recheck NPSH.
toward bearing bracket, making sure that key is in
5. Air leak in suction line. Check line under pressure
place on shaft.
to find leak.
Place volute case back on and bolt it onto the 6. Insufficient submergence of suction pipe. Foot
bracket. Install outer impeller with suction opening valve should be three feet below water level.
away from bearing bracket. Assemble the impeller cap
screw with a 3/8" helical spring lock washer. Tighten 7. Impeller or suction line plugged.
the cap screw. 8. Impeller and wearing rings badly worn.
Be sure pump case is filled with water before Disassemble pump and replace impeller and
operating. Seal must never run dry. wearing rings if clearance on diameter is over .030"
9. Impeller diameter too small for condition required.
Not enough pressure.
With impellers removed, the wearing rings can be
examined for wear and replaced if diameter clearance 1. Excessive volume being discharged. Throttle
is over .030". discharge valve.
Cut worn rings from casing in half on opposite sides 2. Speed too low. Check pump drive belts for
to be bumped out easily. slippage. If hot, tighten belts. Check motor
voltage and speed.
Put new rings in place and bump in. New impeller
wearing rings should always be installed in a pump at 3. Rotation wrong. Change shaft rotation.
the same time a new impeller is installed. 4. Air leak in suction line. Check line under pressure
to find leak.
REPLACE BEARINGS 5. Sediment chamber clogged. Remove and clean
Pump end must be removed. Pry pulley and bearing thoroughly. Make sure gasket is in good condition
retaining ring out and press shaft and bearings and sealing surfaces clean before reassembly of
through pulley end of bearing bracket. Press bearings sediment chamber cap.
off shaft. 6. Impeller or suction line plugged.
Reassemble by pressing new bearings on shaft, only 7. Impeller and wearing rings badly worn.
on inner face of bearings. Insert shaft into housing. Disassemble pump and replace impeller
Seals on bearings must face out on installation with and wearing rings if clearance on diameter
open sides facing in. Replace snap rings. Beveled is over .030".
snap ring goes on pump end bearing, with bevel
facing pump end. 8. Impeller diameter too small for condition required.
Pump runs for a short while, then loses prime.
1. Suction lift too high. Check with vacuum gauge.
No water delivered. This should not exceed 15 feet. When pumping hot
1. Pump not properly primed; repeat priming water, check NPSH.
operation. 2. Air leak in suction line. Check line under pressure
2. Discharge head too high. Check total head with to find leak.
gauge at pump inlet and discharge. (With water, 3. Air pocket in suction line. Check line for proper
the gauge would show shut-off pressure.) slope.
3. Rotation wrong. Change shaft rotation. 4. Insufficient submergence of suction pipe. Foot
4. Suction lift too high. Check with vacuum gauge. valve should be three feet below water level.
This should not exceed 15 feet. When pumping hot 5. Suction strainer plugged. Clean strainer.
water recheck NPSH.
Seal leaking.
5. Air leak in suction line. Check line under pressure
to find leak. Seal is worn or seal face cocked. Replace with new
seal and carefully follow directions.
6. Air pocket in suction line. Check line for
proper slope.
7. Impeller or suction line plugged.

7 11 20 23
10 2
3 30 23 18, 29
19 4
9 16, 17, 29



28, 29
5, 6 29, 18

21 13 14 24
I2C & I2CI/2C95 Parts List 22

Reference Part No. Description Qty. Reference Part No. Description Qty.
1 15035D000 Bracket, Bearing 1 15 05818A046 Key, 3/16 Sq. x 2" SST 1
2 Seal, Lip 1 16 08818A002 Washer, 3/8" SST Special 1
3 11729A008 Bearing, Ball 2 17 17050A001 Screw, 3/8-16 UNC x 1" SST Nylok Hex Head 1
4 07756A011 Ring, Retaining, Bevel 1 18 19101A011 Screw, 3/8-16 UNC x 7/8" Hex Hd. 16
5 19103A004 Screw, 1/2-13UNC x 1-1/4 Hex Hd. 4 19 07756A012 Ring, Retaining 1
6 05454A004 Washer, 1/2 Lock 4 20 05876A127 O-Ring 1
7 Bracket, Seal, w/Brass Wear Ring 21 Case, Volute, w/Brass Wear Ring
17548D001K 1 17547D001K 4
I2C Units I2C Units
Bracket, Seal, w/Ni-Resist Wear Ring Case, Volute, w/Ni-Resist Wear Ring
17548D010K I2CI Units 1 17547D010K I2CI Units 1
Replaces 17548D001 Replaces 17547D001 on 2C95
8 Ring, Wear, Brass 22 Ring, Wear, Brass
12934A000 1 15044A000 1
I2C Units I2C Units
Ring, Wear, Ni-Resist Ring, Wear, Ni-Resist
12934A001 I2CI Units 1 15044A001 I2CI Units 1
Replaces 12943A000 on 2C95 Replaces 15044A000 on 2C95
9 15037C000 Shaft 23 05022A056 Plug, 1/4 NPT Galv. Pipe 13
10 05059A263 Slinger 2 24 15041B010 Gasket 1
11 Seal, Rotary 25 Plate, Back, w/Brass Wear Ring
Replaces 15218A000 & 15218A010 I2C Units
21181A016 1
on I2C, I2CI & 2C95 Plate, Back, w/Ni-Resist Wear Ring
Replaces 21181A008 on I2CH Units I2CI Units 1
12 12558A008 Ring, Retaining 1 Replaces 15042D001
13 17549C004 Impeller, 4-11/16" Dia., Brass I2C-5 1 26 Ring, Wear, w/Brass Wear Ring
15043A000 1
17549C003 Impeller, 5-5/16" Dia., Brass I2C-7 1 I2C Units
17549C002 Impeller, 5-7/8" Dia., Brass I2C-10 1 Ring, Wear, w/Ni-Resist Wear Ring
17549C001 Impeller, 6-11/16" Dia., Brass I2C-15 1 15043A001 I2CI Units 1
Replaces 15043A000 on 2C95
17549C000 Impeller, 7" Dia., Brass I2C-20 1
27 05022A021 Plug, 1/8 NPT Galv. Pipe 1
15038C004 Impeller, 4-11/16" Dia., C.I. I2C-5 1
28 19101A028 Screw, 3/8-16 UNC x 2" Hex Hd. (hidden) 2
15038C003 Impeller, 5-5/16" Dia., C.I. I2C-7 1
29 05454A007 Washer, 3/8" SST Lock 19
15038C002 Impeller, 5-7/8" Dia., C.I. I2C-10 1
30 20362A001 Cup, Oil, 1/8 NPT 1
15038C001 Impeller, 6-11/16" Dia., C.I. I2C-15 1
15038C000 Impeller, 7" Dia., C.I. I2C-20 1 Leaking case bolts may be sealed by using O-ring washers p/n
14 17550C004 Impeller, 4-11/16" Dia., Brass I2C-5 1 14946A003, instead of lockwashers.
17550C003 Impeller, 5-5/16" Dia., Brass I2C-7 1 If volute case does not have a groove for O-ring, use gasket trim
17550C002 Impeller, 5-7/8" Dia., Brass I2C-10 1 excess detail or upgrade with kit I2C-CK.
17550C001 Impeller, 6-11/16" Dia., Brass I2C-15 1
17550C000 Impeller, 7" Dia., Brass I2C-20 1
15039C004 Impeller, 4-11/16" Dia., C.I. I2C-5 1
15039C003 Impeller, 5-5/16" Dia., C.I. I2C-7 1
15039C002 Impeller, 5-7/8" Dia., C.I. I2C-10 1
15039C001 Impeller, 6-11/16" Dia., C.I. I2C-15 1
15039C000 Impeller, 7" Dia., C.I. I2C-20/2C95 1

1 7 8


3 6 9

4 13 10

I2C & I2CI Motor Connected Pumps Parts List

Ref. Ref.
Part No. Description Qty. Part No. Description Qty.
No. No.
1 18895A000 Motor 5 hp, 230V, 60 Hz, 1 ph, ODP, 184T Frame 1 5 12924A004 Spacer 2" thick 182T, 184T Frame Units 4
18897A000 Motor 5 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, ODP, 182T Frame 1 12924A007 Spacer 1-1/4" thick 213T, 215T Frame Units 4
Motor 5 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, TEFC, 184T Frame 1 12924A005 Spacer 1/4" thick 254T, 256T Frame Units 4
Motor 7-1/2 hp, 230V, 60 Hz, 1 ph, ODP, 213T Frame 1 6 09938C101 Baseplate 182T Frame Units 1
18899A000 Motor 7-1/2 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, ODP, 184T Frame 1 09938C111 Baseplate 184T Frame Units 1
24701A031 Motor 7-1/2 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, TEFC, 213T Frame 1 09939C071 Baseplate 213T Frame Units 1
Motor 10 hp, 230V, 60 Hz, 1 ph, ODP, 215T Frame 1 09939A081 Baseplate 215T Frame Units 1
18901A000 Motor 10 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, ODP, 213T Frame 1 09939C091 Baseplate 254T Frame Units 1
Motor 10 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, TEFC, 215T Frame 1 09939C998 Baseplate 256T Frame Units 1
18903A000 Motor 15 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, ODP, 215T Frame 1 7 09950A005 Coupling 5 & 7-1/2 hp 182T & 184T Frame Units 1
Motor 15 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, TEFC, 254T Frame 1 09950A013 Coupling 7-1/2 & 10 hp 213T & 215T Frame Units 1
18905A000 Motor 20 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, ODP, 254T Frame 1 09950A016 Coupling 15 hp 215T Frame Units 1
21180A067 Motor 20 hp, 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3 ph, TEFC, 256T Frame 1 09950A020 Coupling 15 & 20 hp 254T & 256T Frame Units 1
2 05659A071 Stud 3/8-16 UNC x 3-1/2 Lg. 182T/184T Frame Units 4 8 05818A003 Key 1/4 Sq. x 1-1/2 Lg. 1
05659A074 Stud 3/8-16 UNC x 3-1/4 Lg. 213T/215T Frame Units 4 9 19103A006 Screw 1/2-13 UNC x 1-1/2 Lg. 4
05659A043 Stud 1/2-13 UNC x 2-1/4 Lg. 254T/256T Frame Units 4 10 05454A004 Washer 1/2" Lock 4
3 19109A016 Nut 3/8-16 UNC 182T, 184T, 213T, 215T Frame Units 4 11 20960B000 Guard 1
19109A003 Nut 1/2-13 UNC 254T, 256T Frame Units 4 12 19099A005 Screw 1/2-20 UNC x 5/8" Lg. 4
4 05454A007 Washer 3/8" Lock 182T, 184T, 213T, 215T Frame Units 4 13 05151A001 Washer 1/4" Lock 4
05454A004 Washer 1/2" Lock 254T, 256T Frame Units 4


Pentair Myers warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship for a period of 12 months from
the date of shipment from Pentair Myers or 18 months from the manufacturing date, whichever occurs first provided
that such products are used in compliance with the requirements of the Pentair Myers catalog and technical manuals.

During the warranty period and subject to the conditions set forth, Pentair Myers, at its discretion, will repair or
replace to the original user, the parts that prove defective in materials and workmanship. Pentair Myers reserves the
right to change or improve its products or any portions thereof without being obligated to provide such a change or
improvement for prior sold and/or shipped units.

Seals, piston cups, packing, plungers, liners and valves used for handling clear, fresh, nonaerated water at a
temperature not exceeding 120F are warranted for ninety days from date of shipment. All other applications are
subject to a thirty day warranty. Accessories such as motors, engines and auxiliary equipment are warranted by
the respective manufacturer and are excluded in this standard warranty. Under no circumstance will Pentair Myers
be responsible for the cost of field labor, travel expenses, rented equipment, removal/reinstallation costs or freight
expenses to and from the factory or an authorized Pentair Myers service facility.

This limited warranty will not apply: (a) to defects or malfunctions resulting from failure to properly install, operate
or maintain the unit in accordance with the printed instructions provided; (b) to failures resulting from abuse, accident
or negligence; (c) to normal maintenance services and parts used in connection with such service; (d) to units that
are not installed in accordance with applicable local codes, ordinances and good trade practices; (e) if the unit is
moved from its original installation location; (f) if unit is used for purposes other than for what it is designed and
manufactured; (g) to any unit that has been repaired or altered by anyone other than Pentair Myers or an authorized
Pentair Myers service provider; (h) to any unit that has been repaired using non factory specified/OEM parts.



Some states do not permit some or all of the above warranty limitations or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
consequential damages and therefore such limitations may not apply to you. No warranties or representations at any
time made by any representatives of Pentair Myers shall vary or expand the provision hereof.




Warranty Rev. 12/13

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