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Follow-Up of Conservatively Managed Epidural Hematomas: Implications For Timing of Repeat CT

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AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 20:107–113, January 1999

Follow-up of Conservatively Managed Epidural

Hematomas: Implications for Timing of Repeat CT
Thomas P. Sullivan, Jeffrey G. Jarvik, and Wendy A. Cohen

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Small asymptomatic epidural hematomas (EDHs) are fre-
quently managed nonoperatively with good neurologic outcome. Our goals were to determine
the frequency and timing of enlargement of acute traumatic EDHs that are not immediately
surgically evacuated as well as to identify factors associated with rehemorrhage.
METHODS: Of 252 consecutive patients with acute traumatic EDH who were treated over
a 5-year period, 160 were managed nonoperatively. Their CT scans, imaging reports, and
medical records were reviewed retrospectively. Parameters analyzed as possible predictors of
rehemorrhage during nonoperative management were size of the EDH, presence of an associ-
ated fracture, contralateral brain injury, midline shift, coagulopathy, and neurologic and phys-
iological injury as measured by the Revised Trauma Score. We compared discharge disposition
as a proxy for neurologic condition at discharge.
RESULTS: The EDH enlarged in 37 (23%) of the 160 patients during conservative manage-
ment. Mean enlargement was 7 mm, and the mean time to enlargement was 8 hours after
injury and 5.3 hours after CT diagnosis. EDH enlargement occurred within 36 hours after
injury in all cases. Of the parameters analyzed, only a high Revised Trauma Score correlated
significantly with EDH rehemorrhage, suggesting that intubation and chemical paralysis may
prevent rehemorrhage through the restriction of head movement and the control of blood
pressure. The subgroup of patients with rehemorrhage experienced no difference in neurologic
outcome despite a higher rate of clinical deterioration.
CONCLUSION: EDH enlargement occurs frequently, but early. Repeat imaging with CT is
most appropriate within 36 hours after injury.

Nonoperative management of small asymptomatic mains a concern as a cause of delayed deterioration

epidural hematomas (EDHs) is increasingly ac- in nonoperatively managed patients. In small series,
cepted for patients with convexity lesions without the frequency of EDH enlargement has been re-
associated midline shift or significant mass effect. ported to range from 5.5% to 65% (1, 4–7).
However, no firm consensus in the literature exists The primary goals of this study were to deter-
regarding the required length of conservative ob- mine the frequency of enlargement of acute EDHs
servation (1), and it is unclear whether immediate that are conservatively managed, to determine
surgery is not more cost-effective than serial CT when that enlargement is most likely to occur, to
scanning, intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, identify the clinical factors at presentation and ini-
and neuropsychological testing performed to deter- tial CT findings that might predict subsequent EDH
mine the presence of delayed deterioration (2). enlargement, and, finally, to compare clinical out-
Delayed deterioration after EDH is typically the comes between patients with conservatively man-
result of progressive cerebral swelling and ischemia aged EDHs that enlarged and those that did not.
(3). Rehemorrhage or continued hemorrhage re-

Received March 23, 1998; accepted after revision August 20. Methods
Supported by a grant from the GE-Radiology Research Ac-
ademic Fellowship (J.G.J.). We conducted a retrospective review of consecutive patients
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of with acute traumatic EDH admitted to a regional level I trauma
Neuroradiology, Toronto, Canada, May 1997. center from February 1992 to February 1997, using a com-
From the Department of Radiology, University of Washing- puterized imaging records tracking system, a manual review
ton Medical Center, 1959 NE Pacific St, 357115, Seattle, WA of imaging logbooks, and medical records. Approval was ob-
98195. tained from the institution’s human subjects review board. We
Address reprint requests to Jeffrey Jarvik, MD. identified 252 patients with EDH and, from these, a subgroup
of patients in whom the initial treatment was nonsurgical.
q American Society of Neuroradiology Their CT scans and clinical records were reviewed.

108 SULLIVAN AJNR: 20, January 1999

TABLE 1: Comparison of clinical data for patients with enlarging epidural hematoma (EDH) (patient group) and those with stable EDH
(control group)

Patient Group (%) Control Group (%) P Value

Number 37 (23.1) 123 (76.9)
Age (y) 23 27 .25
Males 31 (84) 96 (78) .77
Supratentorial location 33 (89) 117 (95)
Delayed 1 (2.7) 4 (3.2)
Coagulopathy 1 (3) 3 (3) .98
Revised Trauma Score (0–12) 10.5 (SD, 2.5) 8.9 (SD, 3.7) .02
Width 10 mm (SD, 7 mm) 9 mm (SD, 6 mm)
Increase in width 7 mm (SD, 8.5 mm)
Interval from injury to initial CT 3 h (SD, 4 h) 4.2 h (SD, 5.3 h)
Interval from injury to EDH 8.2 h (SD, 6.7 h)
Interval from initial CT to EDH 5.3 h (SD, 4.3 h)

Of the 252 patients with acute traumatic EDH, 216 initial for continuous variables. We also performed a multivariate lo-
diagnostic CT scans were obtained at the time of admission to gistic regression, with rehemorrhage as the dependent variable
the trauma center, and 36 were obtained at outside institutions and the imaging parameters (fracture, shift, contralateral inju-
before transfer. All follow-up CT scans were obtained at the ry) and clinical parameters (coagulopathy and RTS) as inde-
trauma center, except for one patient, whose EDH was iden- pendent variables.
tified as enlarging on a follow-up scan at the outside institution
to which he was admitted before his transfer to our center.
Scans were obtained without contrast in 5-mm axial sections Results
at 7-mm intervals from vertex to foramen magnum and dis-
played in window settings for brain parenchyma (width, 80
In the 5-year period studied, 252 patients were
HU; level, 30 HU), extraaxial hemorrhage (width, 150 HU; admitted with acute traumatic EDH, 92 (36.5%) of
level, 40 HU), and bone (width, 4000 HU; level, 400 HU) and whom underwent immediate surgical evacuation
filmed in 16-on-1 format until 1994 and subsequently in 20- and were not included in the study group. The re-
on-1 format. Follow-up scans were obtained emergently if neu- maining 160 patients (63.5%) were examined with
rologic status deteriorated or headache was reported as wors- at least one follow-up CT scan, either as part of
ening. Routine follow-up scans were generally obtained within conservative observation or until definitive surgery
24 hours in neurologically stable, conservatively managed pa-
tients. Those patients with a nonoperatively managed EDH that could be performed. Medical records were avail-
did not enlarge on at least one follow-up CT scan were used able for all patients whose EDH enlarged and for
as control subjects for comparison against those with an EDH all but seven of the patients whose EDH did not
that did enlarge under observation. enlarge.
Two observers rated the presence and time interval of en- The EDHs enlarged in 37 patients (23%) (Table
largement (measured with calipers as an increase in width) of 1). In all 37 patients, enlargement was detected on
the EDH, the presence of skull fracture, contralateral brain in-
jury, or extraaxial hemorrhage, and the presence and degree of
the first follow-up scan after diagnosis. One EDH
midline shift. Scans showed no or mild midline shift if less enlarged 17 hours after injury and again 11 hours
than 5 mm, moderate midline shift if 5 to 10 mm, and severe later, without subsequent enlargement thereafter. It
shift if more than 10 mm. The only disagreements between the was located in the posterior fossa, was presumed
readers were whether a mild versus no midline shift had oc- venous in origin, was 9 mm in width, and did not
curred in two patients. We resolved one of these disagreements require surgery. All but four EDHs were supraten-
by consensus; the other required a third neuroradiologist’s
torial. Only one enlarging EDH was delayed in ini-
We reviewed medical records to determine the interval be- tial appearance (not present on the initial postinjury
tween injury and initial CT scan, the clinical factors at the CT scan, but seen on a 3-hour follow-up scan). The
time of presentation (including coagulation parameters [pro- mean age of patients with an enlarged EDH was
thrombin time/partial thromboplastin time]), and the Revised 23 years (range, 1 to 87 years), and 84% were
Trauma Score (RTS), a physiological indicator of injury se- male. The average size of the initial EDH was 10
verity that combines respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, mm (SD, 7 mm), and the average increase in width
and the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, with 0 to 4 points
for each category (8). A higher RTS indicates a patient with was 7 mm (SD, 8.5 mm).
less severe injuries, and an intubated and chemically paralyzed The mean time to CT scanning after injury was
patient receives a score of 4 (0 points for a GCS score of 3, 3 hours (SD, 4 hours). All 37 patients had their
0 points for respiratory rate, and 4 points for normal systolic initial CT scan within 24 hours after injury: 34
blood pressure). within 3 hours, one at 8 hours, one at 11 hours,
Disposition at discharge was measured as a proxy for clin- and one at 24 hours. The patient whose EDH was
ical outcome. Disposition to home, to a rehabilitation facility,
or to a skilled nursing facility corresponded to progressively
detected 24 hours after injury had EDH enlarge-
more severe neurologic impairment. ment 12 hours later (36 hours after injury). The
x2 and Fisher’s exact tests were performed to compare cat- initial EDH was 8 mm in width and enlarged to 12
egorical variables and independent samples t-tests were used mm. It did not require surgical evacuation, and the
AJNR: 20, January 1999 EPIDURAL HEMATOMAS 109

patient was discharged home within 48 hours with TABLE 2: Comparison of imaging features for patients with en-
no neurologic deficit. larging epidural hematoma (EDH) (patient group) and those with
The mean interval between injury and EDH en- stable EDH (control group)
largement was 8.2 hours (SD, 6.7 hours). All 37 Patient Control
EDHs enlarged within 24 hours after the initial CT Group (%) Group (%) P Value
scan: 35 (95%) of 37 enlarged within 12 hours, one
(3%) enlarged after 14 hours, and one (3%) en- Fracture 32 (86) 101 (82) .41
Contralateral injury 14 (38) 53 (53) .43
larged 24 hours after the initial diagnostic scan. No midline shift 22 (60) 85 (69) .44
Because of the retrospective nature of this study Mild shift 10 (27) 25 (20) .54
and the physical constraints of routine CT scanning Moderate shift 3 (8) 11 (9) .76
in patients with multiple injuries in a busy trauma Severe shift 2 (5) 2 (2) .23
center, these data points represent times at which
EDH enlargement was detected, not necessarily
when it occurred. In all but one of the 37 patients, TABLE 3: Comparison of neurologic status at discharge as mea-
EDH enlargement was seen on the first follow-up sured by disposition
scan. In one patient, the EDH was not present on
the admission scan but was detected on a follow- Discharge Disposition Patient Group (%) Control Group (%)
up scan at 3 hours. Careful evaluation of interme- Home 23 (62) 71 (62)
diate window settings (width, 150 HU; level, 40 Rehabilitation facility 8 (22) 27 (24)
HU) excluded an isodense EDH on the admission Skilled nursing facility 2 (5) 12 (11)
scan. It an enlarged 4 hours later and remained sta- Died 4 (11) 3 (3)
ble on a subsequent scan. The patient did not re-
quire surgery and was discharged home without
neurologic deficit.
Our control group consisted of 123 patients in
whom the EDH remained stable under observation
(Table 1). The mean age of the control subjects was
27 years, and 78% were male. The average width
of the EDH was 9 mm (SD, 6 mm). All but six
were supratentorial, and four were delayed in ap-
pearance (not present on the initial CT scans but
present on follow-up scans, at a mean interval of
9.7 hours [SD, 6.3 hours]). Delayed EDHs are a
somewhat controversial entity. With delayed EDHs,
a vascular injury presumably has occurred by the
time the initial CT scan with negative findings is
obtained, but the extraaxial hemorrhage is identi- FIG 1. Graph of RTS subgroups in patients (enlarging EDH un-
fied later, when factors such as increasing venous der conservative management) and control subjects (stable
EDH). Note that a higher RTS indicates less severe injury, and
or arterial blood pressure overcome the tamponade an RTS of 4 indicates an intubated and paralyzed patient.
effect of elevated ICP (9–11). These subjects were
not included in the patient group because our goal
was to identify risk factors for EDH enlargement RTS, were available for all 37 patients and 113 of
in patients with known EDH. Patients without an 123 control subjects. Multivariate regression anal-
identified EDH (even if it was present but too small ysis performed to evaluate predictors of EDH en-
to detect by CT) were treated differently, clinically, largement determined that only the RTS correlated
from those with an identified EDH and, as such, significantly with EDH enlargement (Table 3). We
for our primary analyses, were not included in our found that the patients with higher RTS (presum-
patient group. The single delayed EDH in the pa- ably less severely injured) were more likely to have
tient group and the four delayed EDHs in the con- EDH enlargement ( P 5 .02) (Fig 1), with an in-
trol group all had fractures on the initial scan, crease in the odds ratio of 1.17 for every point
which showed no EDH. increase in the RTS (exponent of coefficient b 5
No statistically significant difference in the ini- 1.17). Fewer patients in the patient group were in-
tial CT findings was found between the patient and tubated at the time of the initial CT scan (eight
control groups when examined for the size of the [22%] of 37 patients vs 45 [40%] of 113 control
EDH, fractures associated with the EDH, contra- subjects). An even smaller percentage of the pa-
lateral brain injury or extraaxial hemorrhage, or the tients were intubated and chemically paralyzed as
presence or degree of midline shift, quantitated as compared with the control subjects (three [8%] of
mild, moderate, or severe (Table 2). We did not 37 patients vs 33 [29%] of 113 control subjects).
have the data available to examine ICP values in The most frequent abnormal RTS (ie, a score below
this series. 12) for control subjects was 4, which is the score
Clinical data, including coagulation parameters assigned for intubated and chemically paralyzed
(prothrombin time/partial thromboplastin time) and patients (Fig 1).
110 SULLIVAN AJNR: 20, January 1999

FIG 2. Unenhanced CT scans of a 36-

year-old male assault victim (initial CT
scan 2 hours after injury).
A and B (at a level 5 mm contiguously
higher than A ), Scans show a left temporal
EDH, 2 cm in width. The patient was neu-
rologically normal at the time of the initial
CT scan.
C and D (at a level 5 mm contiguously
higher than C ), Follow-up scans 10 hours
later, after decline in neurologic status
prompted repeat scanning. The EDH en-
larged to 3 cm in width, associated with
early ipsilateral uncal herniation. The pa-
tient underwent surgical evacuation and
was discharged to a skilled nursing facility
after a 17-day hospitalization.

We repeated the logistic regression twice, (18%) of 123 patients with a stable EDH under-
switching the four control subjects with delayed went surgery, of whom 17 (77%) had deteriorated
EDH into the group of 37 patients as well as ex- clinically. This was a statistically significant differ-
cluding delayed EDH cases from both the patient ence ( P 5 .001). No statistically significant differ-
and the control groups. The significance of the RTS ence ( P 5 .18) was found between patients and
( P 5 .03) remained essentially unchanged when control subjects regarding discharge disposition
we excluded patients with delayed EDH from both (Table 3).
the patient and the control groups, nor did it change
the resulting odds ratio (exponent of coefficient b
5 1.15). However, switching the four subjects with Discussion
delayed EDH from the control group to the patient EDH enlargement was found on follow-up CT
group changed the significance of the RTS as a scans in nearly one fourth (23%) of patients in our
predictor of rehemorrhage ( P 5 .07), making it series with conservatively managed EDH (Figs 2
borderline insignificant. This P value is still much and 3). EDH enlargement occurred early, detected
smaller than any of the other factors analyzed, and on average within 8 hours of injury and within 5
the apparent lack of stability of the significance of hours of initial diagnosis. A higher RTS was pre-
the RTS is most likely attributable to our relatively dictive of rehemorrhage, but no imaging features
small sample size. were found to correlate significantly with EDH en-
Slightly less than half (16 of 37) of the patients largement. Patients with EDH rehemorrhage re-
with EDH enlargement subsequently underwent ported a worsening of their clinical condition more
surgery. All but two of these patients had deterio- frequently and underwent subsequent surgical
rated clinically, manifested by worsening headache evacuation twice as often as those with stable EDH,
or a decreasing level of consciousness. At our in- but they did not experience a worse neurologic out-
stitution, worsening neurologic status, in addition come, as measured by disposition at discharge.
to EDH enlargement, is an indication for surgical To our knowledge, this is the largest series in
EDH evacuation. Five of the 37 patients had EDH which the frequency of enlargement of nonopera-
enlargement greater than 10 mm, four of whom de- tive EDHs was examined. Previous series have re-
teriorated clinically. Five of nine patients with ported frequencies from 5.5% to 65% (1, 4–7, 12).
EDH enlargement of 5 to 10 mm deteriorated clin- Hamilton and Wallace (1) reported one of 18 con-
ically, as did five of the 23 patients with EDH en- servatively managed patients with an EDH that en-
largement of less than 5 mm. In contrast, only 22 larged from 1.0 to 2.5 cm after 48 hours, but the
AJNR: 20, January 1999 EPIDURAL HEMATOMAS 111

FIG 3. Unenhanced CT scans of an 87-

year-old woman struck by a car (initial CT
scan 2 hours after injury).
A and B (at a level 15 mm higher than
A ), Scans show a 12-mm-wide high-right-
convexity EDH with subarachnoid hemor-
rhage in the right parietal lobe inferiorly.
The patient had a neurologic deficit, but
surgery was not performed because of the
patient’s religious preferences. A further
decline in neurologic status prompted a fol-
low-up scan 9 hours later.
C and D (at a level 10 mm higher than
C ), Scans show an increase in width of the
high-right-convexity EDH to 18 mm, with
ipsilateral parenchymal hemorrhage and
severe right to left midline shift. The patient
did not survive the injury.

true frequency of enlargement in their series is mation (4, 14–16). In most cases, arterial throm-
higher, since they reported but did not enumerate bosis at the injury site as well as the tamponade
other EDHs that increased by 3 mm or less. The effect by the clot and adjacent brain prevent con-
highest incidence was reported by Sakai et al (6) tinued EDH enlargement (17). EDH enlargement in
(in what is also the largest series to date), who the acute setting may represent continued hemor-
found 24 of 37 conservatively managed patients rhage or rehemorrhage from an arterial or venous
with EDH enlargement, all within 5 hours. While origin. Some authors have suggested that venous
the incidence is higher than that reported here, the hemorrhage does not generate enough pressure to
time frame is similar to ours (the mean time to overcome the tamponade effects of the clot itself
EDH enlargement after injury was 8 hours). and the adjacent brain (18). In the subacute phase,
We found, as expected, that the majority of clot expansion has been described to be coincident
EDHs are associated with underlying fractures, in- with a decrease in density after day 5, associated
cluding all five cases of delayed EDH. The pres- with formation of membranes with permeable si-
ence of a fracture, however, did not correlate with nusoids (5), and the patients in this series all had
a greater tendency to rehemorrhage. A contralateral persistent or worsening symptoms. The mean time
subdural hematoma located at the countercoup site to diagnosis in these patients was 2.9 days. We did
is frequently found with EDH and may tamponade not find this expansile phase of EDH in our series,
an EDH at the coup site (13). We found no lesser probably because of the prompt surgical evacuation
tendency for EDH enlargement in the presence of of all collections in patients with persistent or wors-
a contralateral subdural hematoma. Abnormal co- ening neurologic impairment or enlarging EDH.
agulation factors do not seem to play a role in re- Rather, all EDHs reached maximal size by 36
hemorrhage, with similar numbers in both groups. hours, with most by 8 hours after injury. Nor did
Sakai et al also reported no increased occurrence we find evidence in the patient or control groups
of bleeding diathesis in their 24 patients with an of EDHs decreasing in size by decompressing into
enlarging EDH (6). Clinical deterioration in our pa- fractures, a mechanism that has been suggested by
tient group corresponded in general to the degree others (17, 19). Nonoperatively managed EDHs
of enlargement. This may not be entirely attribut- presumably undergo resorption, but follow-up in
able to mass effect, since associated parenchymal our series was limited and incomplete; patients
shear injury is most likely a contributing factor. with head injuries who were doing well with no
Our data controverts previous assertions that clinical deficits generally did not have late follow-
EDH attains maximum size within minutes of for- up scans at our institution. Early detection (namely,
112 SULLIVAN AJNR: 20, January 1999

within 6 hours of injury) is crucial to improving usually venous in origin but are generally less fa-
outcome (12), but the longer an EDH is asympto- vorable lesions for nonoperative management be-
matic, the greater is the likelihood that it will re- cause of the small volume of the posterior fossa
main so (20). (22). Our cohort of nonoperatively managed pa-
The RTS (8) at presentation correlated signifi- tients with EDH generally conformed to these cri-
cantly with rehemorrhage. We found that patients teria, with a mean EDH width of 9 to 10 mm, with
with a higher RTS, apparently less severely injured, 94% being supratentorial.
had a statistically greater likelihood of EDH en- EDH enlargement, while common in our series,
largement. A bimodal distribution to the RTS was was not found to cause any difference in immediate
found in most patients, either with a score of 4 clinical outcome, as measured by discharge dispo-
(because of intubation and chemical paralysis) or a sition. This is most likely attributable in great part
score of 12 (because of being physiologically and to close clinical monitoring and prompt surgical
neurologically normal). This is not unexpected, evacuation of clinically significant EDH enlarge-
since any patient with head injury and a lower GCS ment, as evidenced by the 43% rate of subsequent
score or more severe signs of physiological injury surgical treatment of enlarging EDHs. We acknowl-
(hypotension or tachypnea) would be treated with edge that our measure of outcome is approximate,
immediate surgical evacuation. It is possible that and perhaps its insensitivity accounts for the lack
blood pressure and ICP were better controlled in of difference between patients and control subjects.
patients with an RTS of 4 (chemically paralyzed However, this was the only variable available in the
patients with appropriate mechanical ventilation). database. Those who caution against nonoperative
Conversely, in awake patients with head injuries management of EDHs cite the safety of EDH sur-
and no physiological injury according to trauma gery, the cost of hospitalization and monitoring,
score (RTS 5 12), agitation may lead to blood and the devastating effects of late swelling and her-
pressure elevation and hyperventilation with a low- niation (2, 20, 23). We found a higher rate of clin-
ering of the ICP, both of which may promote bleed- ical deterioration in patients with EDH enlarge-
ing into an existing EDH. However, in the series ment, which occurred more frequently in patients
of Sakai et al (6), five patients with EDH enlarge- with an enlargement of 1 cm or greater. Although
ment were monitored for ICP: two had ICP increas- mass effect may play a role in clinical decline, it
es and three were unchanged. We lacked the data is likely that associated brain injury, such as diffuse
to examine ICP values in our series. shear, may be more common in patients with an
Our initial analysis included delayed EDH in pa- enlarging EDH. Prompt surgical evacuation once
tients and control subjects. An argument can be EDH enlargement or clinical decline was detected
made that delayed EDH represents enlargement of no doubt accounts for the observation that outcome
an EDH from invisible to visible (assuming high- was unchanged as compared with patients with sta-
quality CT scans at diagnosis and follow-up) and ble a EDH managed conservatively.
should, therefore, be considered an enlarging le-
sion. A counter argument is that patients without
EDH on initial CT scans are treated differently Conclusion
from those with EDH, and thus these groups should Our findings suggest that CT monitoring of con-
not be lumped together. One solution to this dilem- servatively managed EDH for rehemorrhage is
ma is to remove all patients with delayed EDH (in most appropriately timed in the first 36 hours after
both the patient and the control group) from the injury, with most cases of EDH enlargement oc-
analysis. When we did this, our results remained curring by 8 hours after injury. Moreover, intuba-
essentially unchanged. Another approach is to con- tion and chemical paralysis seem to have protective
sider the appearance of delayed EDH as an enlarg- effects against EDH enlargement, perhaps by the
ing lesion and include these patients with cases of control of head movement, blood pressure, and
rehemorrhage. This analysis changed the RTS to a possibly ICP. Finally, EDH rehemorrhage does not
borderline insignificant predictor, increasing the P appear to result in worse neurologic status at dis-
value from .02 to .07. This lack of stability most charge in conservatively managed patients.
likely reflects our small sample size, although other
explanations, such as misclassification, are possible
as well. Other variables in the logistic regression References
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