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2017 Special Session Legislator's Guide

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The document discusses policy issues that will be addressed during the special legislative session in Texas including empowering families, defending local liberty, and promoting statewide reform.

The three main themes discussed are Empowering Texas Families, Defending Local Liberty, and Promoting Statewide Reform.

Some of the policy issues discussed under 'Empowering Texas Families' include funding public schools for the 21st century, teacher pay and administrative flexibility, and educational choice for students with special needs.



About the Texas Public Policy Foundation
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-partisan
research institute. The Foundations mission is to promote and defend
liberty, personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the
nation by educating and affecting policymakers and the Texas public
policy debate with academically sound research and outreach.
On July 18,
On July 18, Gov. Greg Abbott will call the 85th Texas Legislature
into special session to address 20 issues. These 30 days present a historic opportunity
for the Legislature to promote liberty and economic opportunity for Texans. Given the
breadth of the Foundations research on these topics, our policy experts have quickly
compiled this 2017-18 Legislators Guide to the Issues Special Session Edition.
We organized this edition around what we consider the three main themes of the
special session:
Empowering Texas Families begins with improving the quality of our childrens
education. Given the problems that many public school districts have had providing
appropriate education to students with special needs, the Legislature should provide
these families with Education Savings Accounts that allow parents to customize their
childrens educational services. To benefit the overwhelming majority of Texas children
enrolled in public schools, the Legislature should revamp existing spending practices to
improve teacher pay, strengthen teacher quality through reformed hiring and reten-
tion policies, and begin the process of scrapping the antiquated and convoluted school
finance formulas in favor of a new model that is student-centered, transparent, and
affordable for a 21st century Texas.
Defending Local Liberty begins with understanding that the purpose of govern-
ment is to protect liberty. While the 85th Texas Legislature took positive steps during
the regular session, much more needs to be done to enable Texans to challenge the
growth of property taxes and local spending, to establish their right to not be annexed
by a municipality without an affirmative vote of those affected, and to curb municipal
abuses of permitting processes, development rules, and the management of trees.
Promoting Statewide Reform begins with curbing the excessive growth of gov-
ernment. The most important measure the Legislature can take is to tighten the state
spending limit so that state government grows no faster than population plus inflation.
The Legislature should also end government collection of union dues, and improve
election integrity through measures that reduce opportunities for mail ballot fraud.
As with previous editions of our Legislators Guide, each entry provides a quick
reference on the topic, as well as additional research resources.
We hope this Legislators Guide is useful in informing the policy decisions you will
make during this special session. The Foundation team stands ready to assist you in
achieving all of these important objectives and making Texas beacon of liberty shine
even brighter for generations to come.

Executive Vice President

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Table of Contents
EMPOWERING TEXAS FAMILIES.................................................................... 5

Funding Public Schools for the 21st Century........................................... 6

Teacher Pay and Administrative Flexibility................................................ 8

Educational Choice for Students with Special Needs..........................10

DEFENDING LOCAL LIBERTY.........................................................................15

Property Tax Rollback Trigger.......................................................................16

Local Spending Limit.......................................................................................18

Property Rights and the Local Government Permitting Process.....20

The California-zation of Texas: Tree-Cutting Ordinances...................23

Ending Forced Annexation...........................................................................25

PROMOTING STATEWIDE REFORM............................................................27

Adopt a Conservative State Spending Limit...........................................28

Paycheck Protection........................................................................................31

Cracking Down on Mail-in Ballot Fraud....................................................32

Our Experts.........................................................................................................35
Empowering Texas
Funding Public Schools for the 21st Century.................... 6

Teacher Pay and Administrative Flexibility........................ 8

Educational Choice for Students with Special Needs.....10

Funding Public Schools for the 21st Century
The Issue

T he Texas Constitution establishes public education through Article VII, Sec-

tion 1, which states:
A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the
liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the
State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and mainte-
nance of an efficient system of public free schools.
Since 1989, the Texas Supreme Court has ruled six times on school finance. In
the process, the Court has laid out three
tests that the system must fulfill in order
to be constitutional. These are illustrated
in Figure 1, and are explained in detail in
Texas School Finance: Basics and Reform.
Critically, the Qualitative Efficiency test
had not been addressed by the courts until
the most recent ruling in 2016. In 2005, the
Texas Supreme Court wrote that it wished
to rule upon Qualitative Efficiency, but did
not do so because no petitioners at that time
appealed to this test, which asks: does the
system produce results with little waste? Like
the courts, the Legislature must address this
test, which requires an appropriate relation-
ship between inputs and outputs.
In the 2014-15 school year, Texas taxpay-
ers spent a total of $60.98 billion on public education according to the Texas
Education Agencys (TEA) 2014-15 Financial Actual Report. In the same school
year, there were 4,778,559 students attending Texas public schools. As a result,
Texans spent $12,761 per student, whereas the average tuition for accredited
private schools in Texas was only $7,848. According to the TEAs 2014-15 Texas
Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), the average elementary and secondary
school class size is about 20 students. Therefore, Texans spend about $255,000
for the average class. At the same time, the 2014-15 TAPR shows that the
average annual salary for teachers was $50,715. Resources are not currently al-
located in the most efficient manner to help Texas students.
Public education is funded by an unnecessarily complex and inefficient system
that is not student-centered. Texas funding formulas have been cobbled to-
gether based on political dynamics, not by what works for students. As a result,
the system fails the Texas Constitutions Qualitative Efficiency test. In addition,
the system fails the Quantitative Efficiency test on a student basis. We detail
solutions to this problem in our Basics and Reform study (49-56).
The Texas Supreme Court, which has dealt with school finance reform for the
last 30 years, has repeatedly encouraged the Legislature to make structural
reforms to the system. Yet Texas has failed to enact any significant reform that
would benefit students or taxpayers. In order to meet Texas constitutional

6 Texas Public Policy Foundation

obligation to provide support and maintenance of an efficient system of public
free schools, we must scrutinize how our current system is failing, and make
recommendations for meaningful reform. Analysis should include what the
purpose is and the relationship between inputs and outputs in public schools,
the relationship between public and state funding, and how we can meet or
exceed the three tests to achieve a constitutional public funding system.
Total public education expenditures in the 2014-15 school year amounted
to $60.98 billion. With 4,778,559 students in average daily attendance
(ADA), per student spending is $12,761.
Only 18 percent of high school graduates from 2010-13 met the SAT or
ACT college-readiness standards (Finding of Fact, 160).
One-third of English Language Learners (ELL) in grades 3-12 failed to
progress a grade level in English (Finding of Fact, 352).
Not one student performance measure examined by the district court dem-
onstrated sufficient student achievement (Conclusion of Law, 71).
Per Judge Dietz, the system is failing to meet the needs of hundreds of
thousands of Texas students (Executive Summary at page 3 and 5).
Implement a student-centered funding structure for public education
based solely on the delivery of a general diffusion of knowledge.
Ensure that allotments are transparent, equitable, and portable.
Deregulate public schools and allow educators to operate as professionals.
Texas School Finance: Basics and Reform by Michael Barba, Kent Grusendorf, Vance
Ginn, and Talmadge Heflin, Texas Public Policy Foundation (March 2016).
Texas Education: Original Intent of the Texas Constitution by Kent Grusendorf,
Texas Public Policy Foundation (July 2014).
How School Choice Affects the Achievement of Public School Students by Caroline
Hoxby, Hoover Institution Press (2002).
Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Final Report by Patrick
Wolf, Babette Gutmann, Michael Puma, and Brian Kisida, U.S. Depart-
ment of Education (June 2010).
School Choice and Climate Survey, Grand Prairie ISD (Dec. 2014).
How ESAs Can Keep Texas the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave by Kent
Grusendorf and Nate Scherer, Texas Public Policy Foundation (Jan. 2016).
What Keeps Texas Schools from Being as Efficient as They Could Be? by Dr. Paul
Hill (July 2012).
Eric Hanusheks Expert Report for School Finance Trial by Kent Grusendorf, Michael
Barba, and Dianna Muldrow, Texas Public Policy Foundation (Oct. 2014).

Teacher Pay and Administrative Flexibility
The Issue

N othing is more important to a childs academic success in the classroom than

his teacher. To ensure that students have access to the best educators, admin-
istrators must be free to hire, fire, and determine the pay of teachers. The Texas
Association of School Administrators agrees: Bureaucracies value power and
authority, while learning organizations are driven by beliefs and values. Schools
must be transformed from their current bureaucratic form. Educating our youth
is not a state responsibility but a local function. Attempts to run the schools from
Austin and Washington will result in a further decline in the local sense of owner-
ship and responsibility at the very time when local involvement is most needed.
When parents, principals, and teachers are given the authority to make the neces-
sary decisions to improve public education, it is the students who will win. Local
administrators will have more freedom to encourage and reward their highest
performers and teachers will experience increased work satisfaction and produc-
tivity. They will both provide the best product to their customer: the student and
his parents.
Texas spends more than $12,000 per student each year on public education. In
Texas, the average elementary school class has 18 students; in high schools, the
average class size is 27. Therefore, Texas spends about $216,000 per elementary
school class and about $324,000 per high school class. However, the average Texas
teachers salary in 2014-2015 was $50,715.
From 1992-2014, teaching staff in Texas increased by 53 percent, while admin-
istrator and all other staff increased by an alarming 174 percent. If Texas had
simply increased its administrative staff at the same rate as teaching staff, Texas
would have saved $7.4 billion annually. Every teacher could receive a $22,100 pay
raise annually. Of course, pay raises should be based on teacher performance, not
a pre-determined set salary schedule.
At the same time, school leaders must be relieved of some of the most onerous
limitations on staff management found in Chapter 21 of the Education Code. Me-
ria Carstarphen, former superintendent of the Austin ISD and former superinten-
dent in a traditionally run union state, testified that Texas labor laws (non-union)
make it more difficult to manage labor practices than the union states in which
she previously worked. She found that Texas Chapter 21 labor laws can add up
to $80,000 for each teacher dismissal process. These labor laws harm the teaching
profession, force misallocation of resources, and prevent employment decisions
from being made at the local level.
What is in the best interest of the child? Clearly, great teachers matter to the child.
And great teachers should be rewarded and encouraged to mentor their less-ex-
perienced peers. Allowing districtsand their locally elected board membersto
direct salary schedules and hiring practices helps both teachers and students. No
bureaucracy in Austin should have the power to dictate how a locally run school
district runs its business. That is not in the best interest of the child.

8 Texas Public Policy Foundation

The Facts
Texas spends over half of its budget on educationthe largest line item in
the budget.
Texas maintains a state salary schedule that requires school districts to give
annual raises to all instructors in the district based on longevity within the
Advanced degrees and years of service do not correlate with higher student
achievement, yet they usually lead to higher pay.
Educators in Texas are generally granted term contracts. However, the
states Term Contract Nonrenewal Act has the same effect as teacher tenure
provides in other states.
It is extremely difficult to dismiss ineffective teachers in Texas. Labor laws
protect employees at the expense of good teachers, taxpayers, and students.
Teachers are paid less than market rates due to the monopsony power of
school districts.
Texas teachers stand to make substantially higher salaries if districts limited
non-teaching staff growth to that of teaching staff.
Empower local school principals to determine teacher pay by eliminating
Texas minimum salary schedule, which acts as a one-size-fits-all template
and inhibits common sense resource allocations to the detriment of good
Repeal Chapter 21 of the Texas Education code, which hurts the careers of
great teachers by protecting the teachers that are demonstrably poor.
The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Challenges for School Leadership by
Dana Markow et al, MetLife, Inc. (Feb. 2013).
No Financial Accountability by Mark Hurley, Texas Education Accountability
Project (Mar. 2012).
Report for the Efficiency Interveners by Eric Hanushek (July 2012).
Allan E. Parkers Expert Report for School Finance Trial by Kent Grusenderf and
Michael Barba, Texas Public Policy Foundation (Jan. 2015).
Public Education Productivity Improvement: The Path Forward for Texas Policy-
makers by Donald R. McAdams and Lynn Jenkins, Texas Institute for Educa-
tion Reform (July 2012).
Creating a New Vision for Public Education in Texas, Public Education Visioning
Institute and Texas Association of School Administrators (May 2008).
Table 213.40. Staff, teachers, and teachers as a percentage of staff in public
elementary and secondary school systems, National Center for Education
Table 203.40. Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by
level, grade, and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2013, National Center for Edu-
cation Statistics.

Educational Choice for Students with
Special Needs
The Issue

A majority of states have some form of private school choice. Texas has none.
Every Texas child should be afforded the opportunity to select the education-
al options that best suit his or her individual needs. Children with special needs
are a particularly vulnerable group in need of expanded, individualized options
that will allow them a customized education designed to meet their unique needs.

Texas is behind many states in educational opportunity. In 2017, Arizona passed

the most comprehensive choice program in the nation that would allow almost
every student in the state the freedom to select the best educational program for
their own educational needs. Arizona did this through an Education Savings
Account (ESA) program, which they refer to as the Empowerment Scholarship
Account program. An ESA is innovative because it can be used for a variety of
educational expenses throughout a school year, including therapy, tutoring, test
fees, textbooks, or tuition. In addition, families can roll over unused ESA dollars
from one school year to the next. Funds remaining upon graduation can often
be used for higher education. Modeled after Health Savings Accounts, the ESA
concept provides an offset to many of the third-party pay problems inherent in
education today. Figure 4 illustrates how ESAs might work.

Half the nations state legislatures have established educational choice programs.
ESAs have been established by legislatures in Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee, Missis-
sippi, and Florida. Arizonas program is the leading model currently in operation
because of its near-universal availability. Arizona students are eligible for the pro-
gram if they have been enrolled in public schools for at least 100 days of the prior
fiscal year and must be a member of a limited number of populations, among
them children with an active IEP or Section 504 plan. Over the next four school
years, all Arizona students will become eligible as long as they meet the 100-day
requirement. Arizona has had an ESA program since 2011, and parents have
taken full advantage of the programs flexibility. About one-third of ESA funds are
expended on multiple items; in other words, a sizable number of parents choose
not to use the entire ESA on tuition.

10 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Arizona special needs students were the first to be given access in 2011. In 2015,
they comprised 58 percent of the 2,406 Arizona ESA holders. Parent satisfaction
with the program is notably high: a survey of over half of participating families in
the 2012-2013 school year found that 71 percent were very satisfied, 19 percent
were satisfied, and 10 percent were somewhat satisfied. No respondents regis-
tered negative or neutral feedback.

A survey of Floridas current and previous McKay scholarship programs (an

educational choice program for children with special needs) found similarly high
levels of parent satisfaction. A total of 92.7% of current McKay participants are
satisfied or very satisfied with their McKay schools; only 32.7% were similarly
satisfied with their public schools. The researchers also included parents no
longer participating in the program to see if dissatisfaction with the program was
higher in that group. They found that, Perhaps the strongest evidence regarding
the McKay programs performance is that over 90% of parents who have left the
program believe it should continue to be available to those who wish to use it.

For the general student population, student performance improves as a result

of educational choice. According to the Friedman Foundation, of 18 empirical
studies on this topic, 14 found that student achievement improved and two found
no measurable impact. The two studies that found a negative impact were both of
the program in Louisiana, known for its overbearing regulations on participating
private schools. Choice also has been shown to improve public school perfor-
mance. Of 33 empirical studies surveyed by the Friedman Foundation, 31 found
that public schools improve when students are allowed a choice. Only one found
no measurable improvement and only one found a negative impact.

We are unaware of studies examining student performance in relation to edu-

cational choice strictly within the special needs student population. However,
students with special needs would have been eligible for many of the programs
studied above.

Choice for Students with Special Needs cont'd

What follows is a summary of social science research on this topic; citations to

these studies are contained in Texas School Finance: Basics and Reform (58):
A 1998 peer-reviewed study by MIT scholars found that math scores of Mil-
waukee school choice participants improved by 1.5 2.3 percentage points.

A 1999 peer-reviewed study by UT Austin and Harvard scholars found that,

in Milwaukee, reading scores of students in the fourth year of their choice
program had improved by 6 percentile points; math scores improved by 11

A 2002 study by Stanford economists found that programs in Wisconsin,

Michigan, and Arizona improved public school district achievement in read-
ing, math, science, and social studies.

A 2003 peer-reviewed study by scholars at Johns Hopkins, Columbia, and

Harvard found a 3-percentile point increase in math scores for African-
American children and stated that choice programs have greater potential
benefit for children in lower-scoring schools.

A 2001 study in Education Next (a non-profit journal) found that choice

students in Charlotte, NC, scored 5.9 percentile points higher on math tests
and 6.5 percentile points higher on reading tests.

A 2010 peer-reviewed study from Harvard University scholars found that

New York public school students in choice programs improved their math
and reading scores. Math scores of students who came from low-performing
public schools increased by 4-5 percent; reading scores increased by 2-3

A 2010 study by the Federal Department of Education found that the school
choice program in Washington, D.C. had no impact on student test scores,
but increased high school graduation rates from 70 percent to 82 percent.

A 2008 peer-reviewed Policy Studies Journal article confirmed the reading

score improvement from the 2001 Education Next study, but did not find a
change in the math scores.

A 2006 Brookings Institution study found that African-American students

in Washington, D.C., Dayton, OH, and New York, NY, scored 6 percentile
points higher on their Iowa Tests than students who remained in their for-
mer school.

A 2012 joint study by the Brookings Institution and Harvard University

looked at New Yorks school choice program. They found that college enroll-
ment by African-American school choice students increased by 25 percent.
They also found that African-American enrollment in selective colleges
(which have an average SAT of 1100 or greater) more than doubled.

12 Texas Public Policy Foundation

The Facts
An ESA program for all students in special education or with 504 status in
Texas would make educational options available for approximately 609,000

The financial impact to a childs school district of the student using an ESA
would be more favorable than the impact if a child moved to another district,
as many special needs families already do in search of better options.

Thirty-six percent of surveyed private schools in Texas said they would

or probably would be interested in participating in an ESA program that
would serve only students with special needs.

In a survey of Floridas McKay scholarship program for students with special

needs, 92.7% of McKay participants are satisfied or very satisfied with their
McKay schools; only 32.7% were similarly satisfied with their public schools.
The average private school tuition in Texas in 2015 was $7,847.98, well within
reach of the amount (approximately $7,800) that would have been provided
by an ESA that year.

Eighty-six percent of parents participating in Floridas McKay program said

their scholarship school has provided all the services they promised to pro-
vide. Only 30 percent said they received all federally mandated services from
their previous school.
Promote educational excellence in Texas and provide options for vulnerable
students by adopting Education Savings Accounts for Texas students with special
The Education Debit Card: What Arizona Parents Purchase with ESAs by Lindsey
Burke, Friedman Foundation (Aug. 2013).

ESA Handbook: A Parents Guide, Arizona Department of Education (Aug. 2014).

This work explains the Arizona ESA (absent recent expansions) in detail.

ESA Parent Handbook by the Nevada State Treasurer (Jan. 2016). This work
explains the Nevada ESA in detail.

Texas School Finance: Basics and Reform by Michael Barba, Kent Grusendorf,
Vance Ginn, and Talmadge Heflin, Texas Public Policy Foundation (Mar.

Children in Need: Special Needs Students in Texas Would Benefit From Education
Savings Accounts by Emily Sass and Stephanie Matthews, Texas Public Policy
Foundation (May 2017).


Choice for Students with Special Needs cont'd

How School Choice Affects the Achievement of Public School Students by Caroline
Hoxby, Hoover Institution Press (2002).

Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Final Report by Patrick

Wolf, Babette Gutmann, Michael Puma, and Brian Kisida, U.S. Department
of Education (June 2010).

School Choice and Climate Survey, Grand Prairie ISD (Dec. 2014).

The Moral Case for School Choice by Michael Barba and Kent Grusendorf, Texas
Public Policy Foundation (Sep. 2014).

A Win-Win Solution: The Empirical Evidence on School Choice by Greg Forster,

Ph.D. (May 2016).

Vouchers for Special Education Students: An Evaluation of Floridas McKay Scholarship

Program by Jay P. Greene and Greg Forster, Manhattan Institute (June 2003).

Exploring Texass Private Education Sector by Andrew Catt, EdChoice (Jan. 2017).

14 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Defending Local
Property Tax Rollback Trigger............................. 16

Local Spending Limit...........................................18

Property Rights and the Local Government

Permitting Process............................................... 20

The California-zation of Texas: Tree-Cutting


Ending Forced Annexation...............................25

Property Tax Rollback Trigger
The Issue

T exas homeowners are struggling under the weight of fast-growing local

property taxes. In fiscal 2015, more than 4,100 local governments levied
$52.2 billion in property tax revenue, an increase of almost $12 billion over the
past five years. This translates to $1,900 in property tax revenue in 2015 from
every man, woman, and child in the Lone Star Statea cost of nearly $8,000 for
a family of four.
Compared to other major U.S. states, Texas property tax burden rates among
the worst. According to the Tax Foundation, the mean effective property tax
rate on owner-occupied housing in Texas ranks as the 6th highest nationally,
while local property taxes collected per capita rank as the 14th highest in the
Property taxes in Texas are not only substantial, but the tax burden is also
growing quickly. From 2000 to 2015, property taxes levied across the state grew
by more than 132 percent. Over that same period, population and inflationa
commonly used metric that accounts for the rising cost of funding basic public
goods and services along with economies of scaleincreased by only 82 per-
cent. This delta suggests that local property taxes are growing much faster than
they should be.
Texans desire for meaningful property tax reform is confirmed by the polls.
According to a poll by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune, conducted
February 3-10, 2017, the top priority for the 1,200 adults surveyed was lower-
ing property tax bills for homeowners, which ranked as the top choice among
20 percent of all respondents. A close third in the poll was continuing to limit
government by approving no new spending and no new taxes, which ranked as
the top choice among 16 percent of all respondents.
Another poll by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune, conducted June
2-11, 2017, of 1,200 registered voters showed that approximately 77 percent of
those responding either strongly or somewhat support a move by the Legisla-
ture to limit how fast property taxes can grow. Only 14 percent of those sur-
veyed strongly or somewhat opposed this move, while 8 percent didnt know.
Texans are, rightfully, hungry for reform because oppressive taxes can discour-
age economic growth and activity, distort investment decisions (especially
among capital intensive industries), depress job creation, and make it difficult
to afford day-to-day life. It is critical that Texas lawmakers take steps to mitigate
these negative effects with substantive policy reforms that control the rate of
One idea to protect taxpayers is to establish a trigger requiring an automatic
rollback election to be held when local property tax revenues grow too much
in any one year. That threshold should be set at 4 percent or population growth
plus inflation, whichever is less. Together, these reforms will place the onus on
local governments to justify excessive tax increases to voters.

16 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Structural reforms, like the one above, are key to creating a more predictable
and sustainable tax environment that is necessary for ongoing economic growth
and job creation. Perhaps most importantly, these kinds of reforms place more
power in the hands of those who bear the burden of government.

The Facts
In fiscal 2015, more than 4,100 local governments levied $52.2 billion in
property taxes on Texas homeowners and businesses. That translates into a
burden of nearly $8,000 for a family of four.
From 2000 to 2015, Texas property tax grew by 132 percent. Population
and inflation increased just 82 percent over the same period.
According to a poll conducted by the University of Texas and the Texas
Tribune of 1,200 registered voters over June 2 to June 11, 2017, 77 percent
of Texans support a move by the Legislature to limit how fast property
taxes can grow.

Require voter approval for property tax rates that result in property tax revenue
increases of more than 4 percent or population growth plus inflation, whichever
is less.

Time for a Property Tax Trigger by Bryan Mathew and James Quintero, Texas
Public Policy Foundation (March 2017).
The Freedom to Own Property: Reforming Texas Local Property Tax by Vance
Ginn, Kathleen Hunker, and James Quintero, Texas Public Policy Foundation
(Oct. 2015).

Local Spending Limit
The Issue

L ocal government spending in Texas is growing much faster than it should.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, local spending totaled $40.3 billion in
1992. By 2014the latest available dataaggregate local spending had risen
to $129.5 billion, an increase of 221 percent.
While some level of increase is to be expected in a fast-growth state, the local
spending trajectory is well in excess of traditional economic measures, like popu-
lation and inflation.
From 1992 to 2014, Texas population grew from 17.7 million to 27 million, an
increase of approximately 53 percent. Meanwhile, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Consumer Price Index (U.S. All items, 1982-84) shows that inflation simultane-
ously increased by 68.7 percent. Thus, population and inflation grew at a much
more modest rate of 121.6 percent, demonstrating that theres an imbalance
between the actual spending growth and the ideal.
There are many consequences linked to excessive local spending. The most obvi-
ous is that taxpayers must bear a high and fast-growing property tax to pay for all
that extra spending. Governments with no stringent spending requirements may
also have trouble getting a handle on waste and inefficiency. Finally, governments
that spend too much may negatively affect the local economy and job creation.
To better protect taxpayers and the economy against these eventualities, Texas
lawmakers should expand the states constitutional Tax and Expenditure Limit
(TEL) to include spending by all political subdivisions, e.g., cities, counties, school
districts, and special districts. Right now, Texas TEL only applies to certain types
of state government spending; however, with modest changes, it could be broad-
ened to apply those same spending limitations to the local level too. After all, if
state government is to be bound by these kinds of good governance measures,
then it only makes sense to extend that principled policy to political subdivisions
of the state as well.
Additionally, the growth rate should be tightened further still to be population
plus inflation, total state personal income, or total gross state product, whichever
is less. Finally, the growth rate should be calculated using actual data from the
prior year(s) instead of future projections, which can be less accurate.
Dr. Arthur Laffer, one of President Ronald Reagans chief economic advisors, said
it best: Government spending is taxation. If the Texas model of low taxes and
limited government is to be maintained well into the future, then it is critical that
policymakers contain the growth of local spending and the tax increases that
necessarily come along with it.

18 Texas Public Policy Foundation

The Facts
Local government spending totaled $40.3 billion in fiscal 1992. By fiscal
2014, local spending had grown to $129.5 billion, representing an increase
of 221 percent. Over the same period, population growth and inflation
increased by just 121.6 percent.
The accelerated rate of local spending growth helps, in part, to explain the
high and fast-growing nature of property taxes in Texas.
Texas existing TEL does not include local governments.

Texas constitutional spending limit should be expanded to include expendi-
tures made by all political subdivisions of the state.
The spending limit should be based on the growth rate of state population
plus inflation, total state personal income, or total gross state product, which-
ever is less.
The growth rate used for the local spending limit should be calculated from
the 12 most recent months for which data is available immediately preceding
the adoption of a budget by a local government.

The Real Texas Budget: Why Texas Needs to Ratchet Down Spending Growth by
Vance Ginn, Talmadge Heflin, and Bill Peacock, Texas Public Policy Founda-
tion (June 2016).
Local government should follow states lean budget lead by James Quintero,
Austin American-Statesman (Aug. 4, 2015).

Property Rights and the Local Government
Permitting Process
The Issue

C urrent local government permitting is a lengthy, burdensome, and complex

process that infringes upon private property rights and violates the founda-
tion and ideals that Texas was built upon.

Overall, government regulations can comprise as much as 25 percent of a units

final sales price. One reason for this cost is that local governments often change
permitting and development rules midway through construction projects. Impos-
ing additional regulations in the middle of the construction process not only
reduces the profit margin for builders, but diminishes the number of units devel-
oped and raises the cost of housing and of operating a business. A builder can, for
instance, purchase a lot, gather laborers and supplies, commence construction,
and then be stopped multiple times during the process in order to dismantle and
redesign the structure to meet evolving municipal regulatory standards. For every
occurrence where work is stopped and regulations require changes in the project,
costs go up and time that could have been spent building additional units is lost.
For buyers, this translates to higher prices and decreased selectionan undesir-
able outcome for producers and consumers alike.

But it is not just changing the rules in the middle of the game that makes housing
and other projects more expensive. The number of onerous regulations, repeated
checks, and unnecessary reviews that businesses have to pass for permits gener-
ally causes a huge delay within the approval process. In Austin, for instance, regu-
latory delay adds on average 3.5 months to the process, compared to just three
weeks of regulatory delay in Denver, Colorado, or less than a week in Raleigh,
North Carolina, suggesting that Austin is dragging its feet in the approval of site

In Harris County, the approval process for business permits can cause delays to
opening for up to six months while trying to comply with unnecessary provisions.
In one instance, an individual rented a space to make and bottle fresh juices, but
was forced to have equipment and amenities completely unrelated to their busi-
ness, such as grease taps and vent hoods. This caused almost a two-month delay
to opening. The effects of these regulations are not localized; they have far-reach-
ing effects on the lives of all individuals across the state. The tedious permitting
process adds considerable time and costs to many sectors of the economy; it hin-
ders construction projects and imposes undue burdens upon entrepreneurs and
companies. This results in delays, higher construction costs, higher housing costs,
and higher prices paid by consumers, fewer jobs, and less economic growth.

This difficult permitting process infringes upon basic private property rights by
imposing costs on the applicant. These costs are then transferred directly onto
consumers as seen with the housing market. For example, Austin recently has had
a large influx of new residents, and because of regulatory delays, rental costs rose
more rapidly than wages. The types of codes and regulations that businesses have
to meet often dont have anything to do with the production of their product and
force them to meet arbitrary and expensive standards. If Texas seeks to continue

20 Texas Public Policy Foundation

its history of being a free market state that protects the private property rights of
its citizens, lawmakers should seek to reel in the burdensome and unnecessary
local permitting process.

One reason cities can add these costs with impunity is because they are not sub-
ject to the Texas Real Private Property Rights Preservation Act (RPPRPA). Passed
into law by the Legislature in 1995, RPPRPA allows property owners to receive
compensation for loss of property value due to new regulations on land use. Its
authors sought a method of protection and a deterrent against local government
regulations that would damage the value of someones property. Since the act
exempts municipalities, none of the cities zoning and permitting regulations are
subject to RPPRPA, rendering the act essentially ineffective.
The Facts
Meeting unnecessary criteria for the permitting process causes large delays of
up to 6 months for businesses in certain municipalities.

A report done in 2015 found that in Austin regulatory delay adds an average
of 3.5 months to the already 4 month long approval process.

Austin is a very popular city to move to and because of significant regula-

tory delays in the Austin permit review process, which stifles the production
of new housing, between 2004 and 2013 average rents in the Austin area
increased by 50% while median incomes increased by just 9%.

According to the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB), a nation-

wide survey of hundreds of single-family home builders found that govern-
ment regulations represented 25 percent of units final sales price.

The Texas Real Private Property Rights Preservation Act, in Section

2007.002, allows property owners to seek compensation for any government
action that reduces the market value of private property by 25 percent or
Reduce the regulatory burden that local municipalities like Austin have on
businesses and building by lowering the time for approval and certain code
requirements for permits.

rohibit municipal and county governments from imposing new regulations

or requirements after property owners have acquired the necessary permits
and permission to begin development or construction.

The Texas Real Private Property Rights Preservation Act should be amended
to apply to municipal actions relating to the permitting process.
Heres what business owners have to say about city, county permitting processes
by Danica Smithwick, Community Impact Newspaper (May 19, 2017).

Property Rights contd

Affordable Housing Starts with Private Property Rights by Kathleen Hunker, Texas
Public Policy Foundation (Nov. 2015).

Quantifying the Impacts of Regulatory Delay on Housing Affordability and Quality

in Austin, Texas by Megan Elizabeth Shannon, University of Texas at Austin
(May 2015).

Zucker Final Report by Paul Zucker, City of Austin (April 2015).

Austin renters face soaring costs in extraordinary market by Marty Toohey,

Austin American Statesman (May 3, 2014).

Private Real Property Rights Preservation Act Guidelines, Attorney General of


Private Property Interrupted by Kathleen Hunker, Texas Public Policy Foundation

(July 2014) .

Time to Defend Our Property Rights by Bryan Mathew, Texas Public Policy Foun-
dation (April 2017).

Building a More Affordable Texas by Kathleen Hunker, Texas Public Policy Foun-
dation (Jan. 2016).

22 Texas Public Policy Foundation

The California-zation of Texas:
Tree-Cutting Ordinances
The Issue

S ome cities in Texas impose unreasonable regulations that either prohibit

property owners from cutting down trees on their land or require payments
to be made to the municipality first, sometimes in excess of the value of the tree.
Around 50 citiesincluding major population centers like Austin, Dallas, Hous-
ton, and San Antoniohave these kinds of intrusive, California-style regulations
in effect to the detriment of countless property owners.
Oddly, these ordinances treat trees differently than other types of vegetation on
an owners property. For example, picking flowers or shrubs does not generally
require government permission, but in many cities cutting down a tree without
approval is a violation of law. In Austin, the city requires private landowners to
request and receive the citys permission to remove any tree with a trunk diameter
of 19 inches or more. Further, Austin forbids the removal of heritage trees
trees of particular species with diameters of 24 inches or moreunless the
landowner can prove to the city that the tree is diseased, a fire safety risk, or that
the tree prevents reasonable development of the land.
Supporters of the status quo often attempt to defend these big government regula-
tions on the basis of communal benefits. For example, proponents argue that the
presence of trees can improve property values for the neighborhood as a whole;
that trees mitigate flooding impacts, improve air quality, and reduce storm-water
runoff; and that trees have some aesthetic or sentimental value.
Though these arguments have some surface-level appeal, this rhetoric ignores the
simple fact that trees are not a collective resource. They are real property owned
by the landowner. The idea that private property rights include ownership of the
natural resources contained within runs back to the philosophy of private prop-
erty ownership itself. As John Locke wrote: As much land as a man, tills, plants,
improves, cultivates, and can use the product of, so much is his property.
As private property, it is unjust for government to coerce a private actor to pro-
vide a social benefit without compensation. The state of Texas has long under-
stood this as an issue of justiceArticle I, Section 17 of the Texas Constitution
states: No persons property shall be taken, damaged or destroyed for or applied
to public use without adequate compensation being made.
If public benefits are being provided by trees on private property, then the public
should pay for those benefits. Otherwise, property owners should be free to
develop their land as they see fitincluding trimming and removing all trees and
The Facts
Approximately 50 Texas cities have adopted burdensome regulations that
restrict or prohibit a property owners right to prune or remove trees on their
land, according to the Texas Chapter of the International Society of Arbori-

Tree-Cutting Ordinances contd
It is generally recognized that private property rights include ownership of
the natural resources contained within the land. As John Locke states in the
Second Treatise of Civil Government: As much land as a man tills, plants,
improves, cultivates, and can use the product of, so much is his property.
Article I, Section 17 of the Texas Constitution states No persons property
shall be taken, damaged or destroyed for or applied to public use without
adequate compensation being made.
To better protect landowners and strengthen private property rights, the Texas
Legislature should prohibit local governments from preventing the trimming or
removal of trees or timber located on a landowners property.
Austin Tree Ordinance Violates Private Property Rights by Rob Henneke and
James Quintero, Austin American-Statesman (March 25, 2017).
Local Over-regulation: Tree-cutting Ordinances by James Quintero, Texas Public
Policy Foundation (May 2017).

24 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Ending Forced Annexation
The Issue

T exas is one of the few remaining states that allows forced annexation, a prac-
tice permitting home-rule cities to unilaterally expand their boundaries and
capture property owners living on the outskirts. Texans forcibly annexed by a city
are subject to higher taxes, tougher regulations, and a lot more debt, whether they
like it or not.
Municipal annexation power dates back to the 1912 Home Rule Amendment to
the Texas Constitution. In response to a nationwide debate about citizens rights
to local self-governance, Texans enshrined the concept into the states forma-
tional document. Home-rule cities are thus defined by what they cannot do; such
municipalities have the authority to exercise any power that is given them by the
people and not prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the state.
Since no limit on annexation was expressly stated in the 1912 amendment, cities
wielded virtually unlimited authority to annex property. However, after watching
cities abuse the annexation power throughout the early 20th century, the Legisla-
ture began to enact reforms.
In the 1960s for example, a land battle between Houston and Friendswood
prompted the Legislature to pass the Municipal Annexation Act of 1963. The act
limits cities expansion to a confined buffer zone around the municipality known
as the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
Similarly, in 1989, the Legislature created a requirement that cities prepare a
municipal annexation plan to extend services to newly annexed areas within four
and a half years after annexation.
Finally, the mother of all annexation battles occurred in 1996. Houston decided
to quickly and unilaterally take control of the wealthy, politically active Kingwood
community while ignoring the areas vocal protestations. Less than a month later,
Kingwood residents found their way to the Capitol, and the Texas Legislature
enacted heightened requirements for municipal annexation plans, public hearing
timelines, and notice requirements.
These annexation reforms made a significant difference in limiting some of the
more dangerous parts of annexation authority generally, but do not go far enough
in addressing the fundamental flaws inherent in the system, such as the involun-
tary nature of the process.
To overcome these flaws and better protect Texans property rights, the Legis-
lature should reform the system to allow affected property owners a chance to
participate in the process through a popular election.
In fact, such a reform nearly passed during the 85th Texas Legislatures regu-
lar session. The new changes would have required cities to gain the consent of
residents and property owners in the targeted area by petition or vote before an-
nexation. Unfortunately, due to procedural obstructions, this reform effort failed
to reach the governors desk.


Forced Annexation contd
The Facts
America was founded on the idea that citizens cannot be deprived of their
liberty without representation and due process. The injustice of taxation
without representation is not rectified by giving a citizen the right to vote
after the government has already taken his or her money.
Citizens who prefer a smaller government and fewer central services live
outside the city limits for a reason. Forcing citizens to become part of a city
denies them the ability to vote with their feet.
Cities view annexation as a way to expand their tax base and capture ad-
ditional revenue, whether or not such annexation increases efficiencies.
Wealthier suburbs are thus favored for annexation, although poorer areas
outside of the city limits can oftentimes benefit more from municipal an-
nexation since these communities frequently lack sufficient services.
Cities often underestimate how much it will cost to expand their services to
annexed areas, resulting in a dilution of services. Researchers Mary Edwards
and Yu Xiao reported in the Urban Affairs Review that cities are typically
required to take out debt and issue bonds to finance the costs of annexa-
tion. The San Antonio Police Officers Association vocalized this concern in
opposition to the citys 2015 annexation plan, with the president of the union
stating, I think its [annexation] a horrible idea. Were barely covering what
weve got right now.
Forced annexation means that those annexed have a new government forced
upon them by city officials they did not elect, to pay off debt they did not run
up, and to finance services they do not want.
Require a vote of affected residents and property owners prior to a municipal
annexation. If the vote does not pass, the city should not be permitted to
annex the area.
Review the disannexation process to ensure that previously annexed citizens
can enforce municipal promises to extend services to annexed areas, without
the necessary involvement and approval of the Texas attorney general.
Stop cities from wrongfully extending their extraterritorial jurisdiction
through impermissible interpretations of their development agreements.
Ending Forced Annexation in Texas by Jess Fields and James Quintero, Texas Pub-
lic Policy Foundation (July 2015).
Mythbusters: Annexation by Allegra Hill, Texas Public Policy Foundation (May
Ending Forced Annexation by James Quintero, Texas Public Policy Foundation
(March 2017).

26 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Statewide Reform
Adopt a Conservative State Spending
Limit........................................................................... 28

Paycheck Protection................................................ 31

Cracking Down on Mail-in Ballot Fraud......... 32

Adopt a Conservative State Spending Limit
The Issue

T exas has done better economically and fiscally than most states during the
past fifteen years. However, one area that still needs improvement is consis-
tently controlling the states budget growth. Since all government spending must
ultimately be paid for by taxation, limiting budget increases is essential for a
competitive economy that supports prosperity.

Since the 2004-05 state budget, the 2016-17 initially appropriated budget of
$209.1 billion was up 68.5 percent compared with only a 51 percent compounded
increase in the key metric of population growth plus inflation in this period.
Adjusting the total budget for this key metric shows that total budget growth is
up 11.8 percent above the pace of compounded population growth plus infla-
tion since the 2004-05 budget. This excessive increase has burdened Texans with
higher taxes and fees to sustain elevated spending levels and slowed economic

While historically the Legislature has occasionally passed conservative budgets

that increase by no more than this key metric, Texas needs to keep past costly
budget cycles from repeating. This can be accomplished by adopting a stronger
state spending limit in the Texas Constitution and statute whereby the weaknesses
of the current spending limit derives from:

Not covering most of the budget. In Article VIII, Section 22(a) of the Texas
Constitution, the only appropriations subject to the spending limit are those
derived from state tax revenues not dedicated by this constitution, which
is about 45 percent of the 2016-17 total budget. By capping less than half of
the budget, a majority of the budget can grow unabated while legislators have
perverse incentives to dedicate funds and resort to accounting gimmicks.

Not providing a reliable indicator for the budgets growth rate. The Texas
Constitution requires that the limit be based on the growth in the states
economy, which is statutorily identified as personal income growth. Re-
search finds that this measures instability leads to costly fiscal volatility and

Not relying on actual measures of economic growth. Given that several

groups submit estimates of personal income growth to the Legislative Budget
Board in November before a regular legislative session for the next two fiscal
years, the projections are for almost three years. The difficulty of accurately
predicting this growth rate leads to large discrepancies between actual and
projected growth rates that are never corrected later.

With so many hindrances to budgetary prudence, there is ample reason why

Texas state spending limit has failed to effectively limit the budget over time.
With a few changes, legislators can more effectively restrain the growth of govern-
ment and allow Texans the best opportunity to prosper.

28 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Figure 1 presents the budget adjusted for these growth rates to consider what the
budget would look like if the Legislature had implemented our recommended
reforms in 2003 and followed them from the 2004-05 to 2016-17 budgets. This
shows that taxpayers would be asked to support a substantially smaller budget of
$181 billion, $28 billion less than the current two-year budget.

Figure 1: Texas Government Budget Growing Faster Than the Reformed

Spending Limit Since 2004-05

Notes: Budget data are the latest spending measures from 2004-05 to 2014-15 and appropriations for
2016-17. Adjusted budget estimates are calculated based on the Foundations reformed spending limit.

Fortunately, the 2016-17 budget and 2018-19 budget meet the needs of Texans
while potentially achieving the historic milestone of two consecutive state budgets
held below population growth plus inflation. Given these valuable steps, now is
the time during the special session to strengthen the states weak spending limit.
The Facts
Texas total state budget growth is up an estimated 11.8 percent above the
pace of compounded population growth plus inflation since the 2004-05

The current spending limit is weak because it excludes a majority of the

budget, is based on the estimated growth of future personal income, and can
be avoided rather easily by lawmakers.

The Texas Senate passed SB 9 (85-R) that covered more than half of the bud-
get, based growth rate on population growth and inflation, and computed
the growth rate with past and projected data.

State Spending Limit contd

Pass a conservative state spending limit that makes the following changes,
where applicable, to Article VIII, Section 22(a) of the Texas Constitution and
to Section 316 of the Government Code, as in SB 943 (85-R):
Apply the limit to Texas total government budget;
Base the limit on the lowest growth rate of the Census Bureaus measure
of state population plus the Bureau of Labor Statistics measure of infla-
tion for the consumer price index for all items, the Bureau of Economic
Analysis measure of total state personal income, or the Bureau of
Economic Analysis measure of total gross state product for the two
fiscal years immediately preceding a regular legislative session when the
budget is adopted; and
Change Article VIII, Section 22(a), such that a supermajority vote of two-
thirds in each chamber instead of a simple majority is required to exceed the
spending limit.
SB 9: Strengthening Texas Appropriations Limit by Vance Ginn, Texas Public
Policy Foundation (March 2017).

Texas Needs a Conservative Spending Limit by Vance Ginn and Owen

Smitherman, TribTalk (June 29, 2016).

Real Texas Budget Shows the Need for Conservative Spending Limit by Vance
Ginn and Melissa Schlosberg, Texas Public Policy Foundation (June 16, 2016).

TEL It Like It Is: Why Texas Needs Spending Limit Reform by Talmadge Heflin and
Vance Ginn, Texas Public Policy Foundation (Dec. 2015).

A Labor Market Comparison: Why the Texas Model Supports Prosperity by Vance
Ginn, Texas Public Policy Foundation (Oct. 2015).

30 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Paycheck Protection
The Issue

T he state of Texas and most local governments, including school districts,

provide automatic deduction of union dues from public workers paychecks.
However, it is not the role of government to serve as the dues collector for unions,
or as a revenue collector for any private organization. Along those lines, many
states have already adopted laws prohibiting state and local governments from
collecting union dues.
The statutes now on the books in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, North Caro-
lina, and Alabama do not limit in any way the ability of members of government
unions and other public employees to pay dues to their labor organization or to
contribute to union PACs. But the statutes do require public union officials to
make their own arrangements with union members regarding dues collections,
rather than rely on the public employer to deduct union dues automatically out of
employee paychecks.
The experience of these states in the relatively short time that the bans on auto-
matic payroll deduction have been in effect suggests that, in many cases, once
employers cease collecting union dues out of their paycheck at taxpayers expense,
and union leaders have to take active measures to continue bankrolling their
union, public employee union members conclude the organization does not merit
their financial support after all.
Requiring union members and all government employees to make private ar-
rangements with unions is important, given that unions such as the American
Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the Service Employees
International Union use funds collected from public sector employees to fund
their private sector unionization drives. It is simply not the role of the govern-
ment at the state or national level to act as the middleman and dues collector for
private organizations like unions. Prohibiting the state government from acting as
a dues collector for unionsor other organizationsis restoring government to
its proper role.

The Facts
Texas government unionization rate is roughly 20 percent.
Currently the state of Texas collects dues on behalf of public sector unions.

Prohibit government deduction of union dues from public workers paychecks.

State LaborManagement Policy and the Texas Model by Stanley Greer, Texas
Public Policy Foundation (Feb. 2015).
The Texas Miracle and Labor Policy by Bill Peacock, Texas Public Policy Founda-
tion (April 2015).

Cracking Down on Mail-in Ballot Fraud
The Issue

M ail-in ballot fraud is the tool of choice for those who are engaging in elec-
tion fraud.
Once rare and only used when voters knew they were going to be out of town
on Election Day, mail-in ballots have become commonplace in Texas and
around the nation. The advent of early voting has largely addressed the origi-
nating rationale for mail-in ballots. Instead, mail-in ballots are now mostly used
for convenience or by people who, due to illness, injury, or disability, find trav-
eling to the polls to be arduous. In Texas, mail-in ballots bypass the states voter
ID law. Mail-in ballots are vulnerable to electoral fraud when voters, especially
the aged and the disabled, are encouraged by paid political operatives to apply
for a mail-in ballot and then assisted in filling out the ballot and handing it
over to the operative for delivery.
Seniors or disabled voters living in their own homes may find it difficult to
make it to the polls, whether during early voting or on Election Day. Thus,
these voters turn to mail-in ballots. Voter ID is not required before voting from
home. Ballot harvesters, otherwise known as politiqueras, exploit the proven
vulnerabilities of mail-in balloting by approaching seniors to sign up, helping
them fill in their ballot, and then carrying the ballot to the mail. This mode of
fraud appears to be particularly hard to address. The fact is a formal polling fa-
cility is the only place where the sanctity of the secret ballot free from coercion
can be monitored.
House Bill 658, signed into law in 2017, closes one avenue of mail-in ballot
fraud while simultaneously making it easier for voters in nursing homes to par-
ticipate in elections by allowing residential care facilities with five or more vot-
ers to become early voting centers. Some 3,000 assisted living facilities statewide
might benefit. However, assisted living centers include memory care facilities, a
class of facility that is growing rapidly, where the residents have compromised
mental capabilities. Memory care facilities do not yet appear to be a large source
of ballot fraud. Research by the Foundation examined voter registration and
voting records of 40 facilities that exclusively provide memory care in Texas and
found only 19 registered voters at 11 facilities having cast five votes of which
three were mail-in ballots in the 2016 general election.
To preserve the integrity of the vote, Texas Election Code restricts candidates,
bystanders, sound trucks, election-related badges, and other activities from
polling places. Further, it is unlawful to influence voters at the polls. In addition,
the Election Code specifies that election judges must be affiliated or aligned
with different political parties. Yet voters, often elderly or disabled, receive no
such protections when voting by mail. With the use of mail-in ballots growing,
why arent these votes given the same protections as votes at the precinct poll-
ing place? The practice of employing mail-in ballot harvesters, or politiqueras,
needs to be ended. Election law prohibits a polling place staffed by paid agents
of one candidate or one political party, yet, ballot harvesters are functionally the
same in many key respects as election judges.

32 Texas Public Policy Foundation

The Facts
Texas first allowed absentee voting in 1917; voting by mail followed.
In the 2016 general election, 41 percent of registered voters in Texas 15
most-populous countiesmore than four million votershad voted by
mail-in ballot or by early voting.
Since the 2004 primary election, of 93 election law violations pursued by
the Texas attorney general, almost half were cases of mail-in ballot fraud.
A non-exhaustive survey of mail-in ballot fraud incidences in Texas in-
2016: 700 suspicious mail-in ballots sequestered in a Dallas County
voter fraud case.
2012: six Cameron County mail-in ballot harvesters, known in Texas
as politiqueras, accused of fraud, guilty pleas for illegally assisting vot-
ers follow.
2010: justice of the peace race in Dallas County.
2008: illegal vote harvesting in Jim Wells County during the primary.
2006: Duval County, almost half of the ballots cast in the primary
were mail-in.
1994: two Falfurrias addresses account for more than 120 mail-in bal-
lot requests.
The Election Code should proscribe the practice of ballot harvesting. As much
as is practicable, mail-in ballots should be treated with the same legal protec-
tions as ballots cast at a polling location. The chain of custody for mail-in
ballots should be limited to ballots in an envelope expressly for the purpose of
transmitting a mail-in ballot, sealed, and signed by the registered voter:
Mailed from an international or out-of-state location.
Deposited into the U.S. Postal Service by the voter themselves or by an im-
mediate relative.
Presented by the voter to two people, both election judges, affiliated or
aligned with different political parties, and assigned the duty to collect
mail-in ballots.
Whos Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk, by
Hans von Spakovsky and John Fund, Encounter Books (Aug. 14, 2012).
Early voting wraps up in Texas with record turnout, by Taylor Goldenstein,
Austin American-Statesman (Nov. 4, 2016).
Texas controversial voter ID law cant stop mail-in ballot fraud, by Nicole
Cobler, News21 (Aug. 20, 2016).
Prosecutors issue first arrest warrant in West Dallas voter fraud case, by
Naomi Martin and Robert Wilonsky, Dallas Morning News (June 2, 2016).

Mail-in Ballot Fraud contd

Texas may expand ballot access for elderly and voters with disabilities, by Jim
Malewitz, Texas Tribune (June 2, 2017).
Demand for mail-in ballots in Texas is growing, as are the risks, by Anna M.
Tinsley, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (July 9, 2012).
Election Code. Title 3. Chapter 32. Subchapter A. Appointment of Election

34 Texas Public Policy Foundation

Our Experts
Funding Public Schools for the 21st Century
Teacher Pay and Administrative Flexibility
Educational Choice for Students with Special Needs
STEPHANIE MATTHEWS, Director, Center for Education Freedom 512-615-7984
KEVIN D. ROBERTS, Ph.D., Executive Vice President 512-615-7981
EMILY SASS, Policy Analyst, Center for Education Freedom 512-770-4680
PEGGY VENABLE, Senior Visiting Fellow, Center for Education Freedom 512-770-4749


Property Tax Rollback Trigger
Local Spending Limit
The California-zation of Texas: Tree-Cutting Ordinances
Ending Forced Annexation
JAMES QUINTERO, Director, Center for Local Governance 512-615-7960
BRYAN MATHEW, Policy Analyst, Center for Local Governance 512-615-7959
Property Rights and the Local Government Permitting Process
BILL PEACOCK, Vice President, Research; Director, Center for Economic Freedom 512-615-7952
J.D. RIMANN, Research Analyst, Center for Economic Freedom 512-770-4725


Adopt a Conservative State Spending Limit
THE HON. TALMADGE HEFLIN, Director, Center for Fiscal Policy 512-615-7979
VANCE GINN, Ph.D., Economist, Center for Fiscal Policy 512-615-7974
Paycheck Protection
BILL PEACOCK, Vice President, Research; Director, Center for Economic Freedom 512-615-7952
J.D. RIMANN, Research Analyst, Center for Economic Freedom 512-770-4725
Cracking Down on Mail-in Ballot Fraud
THE HON. CHUCK DEVORE, Vice President, National Initiatives 512-615-7955
BILL PEACOCK, Vice President, Research; Director, Center for Economic Freedom 512-615-7952 35
The Texas Public Policy Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-
partisan research institute.
The Foundations mission is to promote and defend liberty,
personal responsibility, and free enterprise in Texas and the
nation by educating and affecting policymakers and the Texas
public policy debate with academically
sound research and outreach.
Funded by thousands of individuals, foundations, and
corporations, the Foundation does not accept government
funds or contributions to influence the
outcomes of its research.
The public is demanding a different direction for their
government, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation is
providing the ideas that enable policymakers
to chart that new course.

901 Congress Ave., Austin, Texas 78701 | 512.472.2700 |

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