Baremos Espanoles CBCL6-18
Baremos Espanoles CBCL6-18
Baremos Espanoles CBCL6-18
Data pertain to 1,430 questionnaires of children attending to schools representative of high, mean and
low socioeconomic levels ranging from 6 to 17 years-old.
The sample from Barcelona comes from 426 children pertaining to control groups of different studies of
the Unitat dEpidemiologia i de Diagnstic en Psicopatologia del Desenvolupament (L. Ezpeleta), from
the Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona in Barcelona.
The sample from Madrid comes from 498 children from studies of Dr. Miguel Angel Carrasco from the
Facultad de Psicologa. Universidad Nacional de Educacin a Distancia (UNED), Madrid.
The sample from Reus comes from 506 children pertaining to the EUROSALUD study (EUS2008-03584)
made by Unitat de Pediatria, Nutrici i Desenvolupament Hum and Centre de Recerca en Avaluaci i
Mesura de la Conducta (Departament Psicologia, Dra. Canals) from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili
The next Table contains the distribution of the sex and age by origin (city):
Age (years-old)
City Sex 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total
Barcelona Male Count 30 52 36 37 10 5 12 33 6 3 2 226
% age 46.2% 50.5% 57.1% 57.8% 58.8% 62.5% 52.2% 50.8% 75.0% 50.0% 50.0% 53.1%
Female Count 35 51 27 27 7 3 11 32 2 3 2 200
% age 53.8% 49.5% 42.9% 42.2% 41.2% 37.5% 47.8% 49.2% 25.0% 50.0% 50.0% 46.9%
Total Count 65 103 63 64 17 8 23 65 8 6 4 426
Madrid Male Count 7 25 24 38 9 11 29 44 25 21 5 7 245
% age 63.6% 56.8% 66.7% 59.4% 28.1% 52.4% 52.7% 47.3% 37.3% 52.5% 29.4% 38.9% 49.2%
Female Count 4 19 12 26 23 10 26 49 42 19 12 11 253
% age 36.4% 43.2% 33.3% 40.6% 71.9% 47.6% 47.3% 52.7% 62.7% 47.5% 70.6% 61.1% 50.8%
Total Count 11 44 36 64 32 21 55 93 67 40 17 18 498
Reus Male Count 0 19 112 97 16 244
% age 0.0% 67.9% 49.1% 45.1% 47.1% 48.2%
Female Count 1 9 116 118 18 262
% age 100.0% 32.1% 50.9% 54.9% 52.9% 51.8%
Total Count 1 28 228 215 34 506
Total Male Count 37 96 172 172 35 16 41 77 31 24 7 7 715
% age 48.1% 54.9% 52.6% 50.1% 42.2% 55.2% 52.6% 48.7% 41.3% 52.2% 33.3% 38.9% 50.0%
Female Count 40 79 155 171 48 13 37 81 44 22 14 11 715
% age 51.9% 45.1% 47.4% 49.9% 57.8% 44.8% 47.4% 51.3% 58.7% 47.8% 66.7% 61.1% 50.0%
Total Count 77 175 327 343 83 29 78 158 75 46 21 18 1430
Father: 23 (5.6%)
Mother: 206 (49.9%)
Both: 184 (44.6%)
Unknown: 13
For children and adolescents from Barcelona, the socio-economic status is distributed as follows:
Age (years-old)
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total
Male High Count 6 15 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 35
% 20.0% 29.4% 30.6% .0% .0% .0% 8.3% .0% .0% .0% 100.0% 15.6%
Mean-High Count 9 25 9 4 5 2 4 4 1 1 0 64
% 30.0% 49.0% 25.0% 10.8% 50.0% 40.0% 33.3% 12.1% 16.7% 33.3% .0% 28.4%
Mean Count 4 5 9 5 2 2 1 2 3 1 0 34
% 13.3% 9.8% 25.0% 13.5% 20.0% 40.0% 8.3% 6.1% 50.0% 33.3% .0% 15.1%
Mean-Low Count 10 4 5 20 1 0 2 10 1 0 0 53
% 33.3% 7.8% 13.9% 54.1% 10.0% .0% 16.7% 30.3% 16.7% .0% .0% 23.6%
Low Count 1 2 2 8 2 1 4 17 1 1 0 39
% 3.3% 3.9% 5.6% 21.6% 20.0% 20.0% 33.3% 51.5% 16.7% 33.3% .0% 17.3%
Total Count 30 51 36 37 10 5 12 33 6 3 2 225
Female High Count 9 6 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 21
% 25.7% 11.8% 14.8% .0% 14.3% .0% .0% 3.1% .0% .0% .0% 10.6%
Mean-High Count 15 29 10 2 2 1 3 4 1 2 0 69
% 42.9% 56.9% 37.0% 7.4% 28.6% 33.3% 30.0% 12.5% 50.0% 66.7% .0% 34.7%
Mean Count 6 10 7 3 1 0 5 2 0 1 0 35
% 17.1% 19.6% 25.9% 11.1% 14.3% .0% 50.0% 6.3% .0% 33.3% .0% 17.6%
Mean-Low Count 5 5 6 15 3 1 2 13 1 0 0 51
% 14.3% 9.8% 22.2% 55.6% 42.9% 33.3% 20.0% 40.6% 50.0% .0% .0% 25.6%
Low Count 0 1 0 7 0 1 0 12 0 0 2 23
% .0% 2.0% .0% 25.9% .0% 33.3% .0% 37.5% .0% .0% 100.0% 11.6%
Total Count 35 51 27 27 7 3 10 32 2 3 2 199
Total High Count 15 21 15 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 56
% 23.1% 20.6% 23.8% .0% 5.9% .0% 4.5% 1.5% .0% .0% 50.0% 13.2%
Mean-High Count 24 54 19 6 7 3 7 8 2 3 0 133
% 36.9% 52.9% 30.2% 9.4% 41.2% 37.5% 31.8% 12.3% 25.0% 50.0% .0% 31.4%
Mean Count 10 15 16 8 3 2 6 4 3 2 0 69
% 15.4% 14.7% 25.4% 12.5% 17.6% 25.0% 27.3% 6.2% 37.5% 33.3% .0% 16.3%
Mean-Low Count 15 9 11 35 4 1 4 23 2 0 0 104
% 23.1% 8.8% 17.5% 54.7% 23.5% 12.5% 18.2% 35.4% 25.0% .0% .0% 24.5%
Low Count 1 3 2 15 2 2 4 29 1 1 2 62
% 1.5% 2.9% 3.2% 23.4% 11.8% 25.0% 18.2% 44.6% 12.5% 16.7% 50.0% 14.6%
Total Count 65 102 63 64 17 8 22 65 8 6 4 424
The variables SES5 and CBC114 are not available. This sample includes the parents occupation based
on the Catalonian Occupations Classification of the Statistic Institute of Catalonia (CCO-94 (ca), Decret
98/1995). The distribution for parents is:
Father Mother
Count Percentage Count Percentage
Directives of public administrations and companies with ten or more employees 7 1.5% 4 0.8%
Skilled mining industry, the metal-furnaces, machinery construction and similar 18 4.0% 0 0%
Skilled graphic arts industries, textiles, food processing, craftsmen and similar 16 3.5% 4 0.8%
Agricultural laborers, fishing, construction, manufacturing and transportation industries 60 13.3% 2 0.4%
Soldier 0 0% 0 0%
Age: 6-11 Age: 12-17 Age: 6-17 Age: 6-11 Age: 12-17 Age: 6-17 Age: 6-11 Age: 12-17 TOTAL
Mean (SD) (n=528) (n =187) (n =715) (n =506) (n =209) (n =715) (n =1.034) (n =396) (N=1.430)
Anxiety-depression 3.72 (3.23) 4.24 (3.90) 3.86 (3.42) 3.50 (3.22) 5.39 (4.00) 4.06 (3.57) 3.61 (3.22) 4.85 (3.99) 3.96 (3.50)
Withdrawn-depression 1.68 (1.88) 2.17 (2.12) 1.81 (1.96) 1.50 (1.79) 2.45 (2.15) 1.78 (1.95) 1.59 (1.84) 2.32 (2.14) 1.80 (1.95)
Somatic complaints 1.85 (2.37) 2.08 (2.36) 1.87 (2.37) 1.91 (2.26) 2.83 (3.27) 2.00 (2.39) 1.88 (2.32) 2.42 (2.82) 1.93 (2.38)
Social problems 2.47 (2.49) 2.87 (3.08) 2.58 (2.66) 2.45 (2.40) 3.16 (2.68) 2.66 (2.50) 2.46 (2.44) 3.02 (2.88) 2.62 (2.58)
Thought problems 1.90 (2.29) 2.83 (3.33) 2.14 (2.63) 1.42 (1.82) 2.77 (2.74) 1.83 (2.22) 1.67 (2.08) 2.80 (3.02) 1.99 (2.44)
Attention problems 4.74 (3.86) 5.00 (3.78) 4.81 (3.84) 3.68 (3.35) 4.38 (3.27) 3.89 (3.34) 4.22 (3.65) 4.67 (3.53) 4.35 (3.62)
Rule-breaking norms 2.09 (2.47) 3.64 (3.98) 2.50 (3.02) 1.61 (1.98) 3.28 (2.85) 2.11 (2.40) 1.85 (2.25) 3.45 (3.42) 2.30 (2.73)
Aggressive behavior 6.02 (5.22) 6.98 (6.01) 6.27 (5.45) 5.05 (4.31) 7.06 (5.78) 5.65 (4.88) 5.54 (4.82) 7.02 (5.88) 5.96 (5.18)
Internalizing 7.18 (6.01) 8.02 (8.08) 7.28 (6.27) 6.84 (5.80) 8.82 (8.21) 7.04 (6.11) 7.02 (5.91) 8.39 (8.12) 7.16 (6.19)
Externalizing 8.10 (7.05) 10.6 (9.26) 8.76 (7.77) 6.66 (5.70) 10.3 (8.07) 7.76 (6.70) 7.39 (6.46) 10.5 (8.63) 8.26 (7.27)
Total 28.8 (20.4) 35.3 (26.8) 30.5 (22.4) 25.5 (17.7) 37.1 (23.6) 28.9 (20.4) 27.2 (19.2) 36.2 (25.2) 29.7 (21.4)
Affective problems 2.23 (2.45) 2.56 (3.09) 2.32 (2.64) 2.12 (2.35) 3.09 (2.90) 2.41 (2.56) 2.18 (2.40) 2.84 (3.00) 2.36 (2.60)
Anxiety problems 3.39 (2.81) 3.57 (2.90) 3.44 (2.83) 3.01 (2.69) 4.61 (3.24) 3.48 (2.95) 3.20 (2.75) 4.12 (3.12) 3.46 (2.89)
Somatic problems 1.01 (1.59) 1.62 (2.33) 1.08 (1.70) 1.16 (1.62) 1.96 (2.57) 1.24 (1.75) 1.09 (1.61) 1.78 (2.44) 1.16 (1.73)
ADHD problems 4.16 (3.12) 3.66 (2.68) 4.03 (3.01) 3.35 (2.91) 3.33 (2.56) 3.35 (2.81) 3.77 (3.04) 3.48 (2.62) 3.69 (2.93)
ODD problems 2.80 (2.24) 3.12 (2.41) 2.89 (2.29) 2.49 (2.00) 3.02 (2.27) 2.65 (2.09) 2.65 (2.13) 3.07 (2.34) 2.77 (2.20)
Conduct problems 2.07 (2.77) 2.83 (4.12) 2.27 (3.20) 1.43 (2.06) 2.33 (2.88) 1.70 (2.37) 1.76 (2.47) 2.57 (3.53) 1.99 (2.83)
Males Females
Raw Age 6-11;N=528 Age 12-17;N=187 Age 6-11;N=506 Age 12-17;N=209 Raw
score Percentil T Percentil T Percentil T Percentil T score
0 13 39 13 39 11 38 9 37 0
1 16 40 16 40 16 40 11 38 1
2 18 41 18 41 21 42 16 40 2
3 24 43 21 42 27 44 18 41 3
4 27 44 24 43 31 45 21 42 4
5 34 46 27 44 38 47 24 43 5
6 38 47 31 45 46 49 31 45 6
7 42 48 34 46 53 51 34 46 7
8 50 50 38 47 57 52 38 47 8
9 53 51 42 48 65 54 42 48 9
10 61 53 46 49 72 56 50 50 10
11 65 54 50 50 79 58 53 51 11
12 72 56 53 51 81 59 57 52 12
13 76 57 61 53 86 61 61 53 13
14 79 58 65 54 90 63 69 55 14
15 84 60 69 55 93 65 72 56 15
16 86 61 72 56 94 66 76 57 16
17 90 63 76 57 96 68 79 58 17
18 92 64 79 58 97 70 81 59 18
19 93 65 81 59 98 72 86 61 19
20 94 67 84 60 99 73 88 62 20
21 96 68 86 61 99 75 90 63 21
22 97 70 88 62 99 77 92 64 22
23 98 71 90 63 99 79 94 66 23
24 99 73 92 64 99 80 94 67 24
25 99 74 94 66 99 82 96 68 25
26 99 75 94 67 99 84 97 69 26
27 99 77 96 68 99 86 98 71 27
28 99 78 97 69 99 87 98 72 28
29 99 80 97 70 99 89 99 73 29
30 99 81 98 71 99 91 99 74 30
31 99 82 98 72 99 93 99 76 31
32 99 84 99 73 99 94 99 77 32
33 99 85 99 74 99 96 99 78 33
34 99 87 99 75 99 98 99 79 34
35 99 88 99 76 99 100 99 81 35
36 99 90 99 77 99 100 99 82 36
37 99 91 99 79 99 100 99 83 37
38 99 92 99 80 99 100 99 84 38
39 99 94 99 81 99 100 99 86 39
40 99 95 99 82 99 100 99 87 40
41 99 97 99 83 99 100 99 88 41
42 99 98 99 84 99 100 99 89 42
43 99 100 99 85 99 100 99 90 43
44 99 100 99 86 99 100 99 92 44
45 99 100 99 87 99 100 99 93 45
46 99 100 99 88 99 100 99 94 46
47 99 100 99 89 99 100 99 95 47
48 99 100 99 90 99 100 99 97 48
49 99 100 99 91 99 100 99 98 49
50 99 100 99 93 99 100 99 99 50
51 99 100 99 94 99 100 99 100 51
52 99 100 99 95 99 100 99 100 52
53 99 100 99 96 99 100 99 100 53
54 99 100 99 97 99 100 99 100 54
55 99 100 99 98 99 100 99 100 55
56 99 100 99 99 99 100 99 100 56
57-70 99 100 99 100 99 100 99 100 57-70
Males Females
Raw Age 6-11;N=528 Age 12-17;N=187 Age 6-11;N=506 Age 12-17;N=209 Raw
score Percentil T Percentil T Percentil T Percentil T score
0 8 36 9 37 8 36 5 34 0
1 8 36 9 37 8 36 7 35 1
2 9 37 11 38 9 37 7 35 2
3 9 37 11 38 9 37 8 36 3
4 11 38 11 38 11 38 8 36 4
5 11 38 13 39 11 38 8 36 5
6 13 39 13 39 13 39 9 37 6
7 13 39 13 39 16 40 9 37 7
8 16 40 16 40 16 40 11 38 8
9 16 40 16 40 18 41 11 38 9
10 18 41 18 41 18 41 13 39 10
11 18 41 18 41 21 42 13 39 11
12 21 42 18 41 21 42 13 39 12
13 21 42 21 42 24 43 16 40 13
14 24 43 21 42 27 44 16 40 14
15 24 43 21 42 27 44 18 41 15
16 27 44 24 43 31 45 18 41 16
17 27 44 24 43 31 45 21 42 17
18-19 31 45 27 44 34 46 21 42 18-19
20 34 46 27 44 38 47 24 43 20
21 34 46 31 45 38 47 24 43 21
22 38 47 31 45 42 48 27 44 22
23 38 47 31 45 46 49 27 44 23
24 42 48 34 46 46 49 27 44 24
25 42 48 34 46 50 50 31 45 25
26 46 49 38 47 50 50 31 45 26
27 46 49 38 47 53 51 34 46 27
28 50 50 38 47 53 51 34 46 28
29 50 50 42 48 57 52 38 47 29
30-31 53 51 42 48 61 53 38 47 30-31
32-33 57 52 46 49 65 54 42 48 32-33
34-35 61 53 50 50 69 55 46 49 34-35
36 65 54 50 50 72 56 50 50 36
37 65 54 53 51 72 56 50 50 37
38 69 55 53 51 76 57 50 50 38
39 69 55 53 51 79 58 53 51 39
40 72 56 57 52 79 58 53 51 40
41 72 56 57 52 81 59 57 52 41
42 76 57 57 52 81 59 57 52 42
43-44 76 57 61 53 84 60 61 53 43-44
45 79 58 65 54 86 61 61 53 45
46 79 58 65 54 88 62 65 54 46
47 81 59 65 54 88 62 65 54 47
48 81 59 69 55 90 63 69 55 48
49 84 60 69 55 90 63 69 55 49
50 84 60 69 55 92 64 69 55 50
51 86 61 72 56 92 64 72 56 51
52 86 61 72 56 93 65 72 56 52
53 88 62 76 57 93 65 76 57 53
54 88 62 76 57 94 66 76 57 54
55 90 63 76 57 94 67 79 58 55
56 90 63 79 58 94 67 79 58 56
57 92 64 79 58 96 68 79 58 57
58 92 64 79 58 96 68 81 59 58
59 93 65 81 59 97 69 81 59 59
60 93 65 81 59 97 69 84 60 60
61 94 66 84 60 97 70 84 60 61
62 94 66 84 60 98 71 86 61 62
63 94 67 84 60 98 71 86 61 63
64 94 67 86 61 98 72 86 61 64
65 96 68 86 61 98 72 88 62 65
66 96 68 86 61 99 73 88 62 66
67 97 69 88 62 99 73 90 63 67
68 97 69 88 62 99 74 90 63 68
69 97 70 90 63 99 74 92 64 69
70 97 70 90 63 99 75 92 64 70
71 98 71 90 63 99 76 92 64 71
72 98 71 92 64 99 76 93 65 72
73 98 72 92 64 99 77 93 65 73
Unitat dEpidemiologia i Diagnstic Infantil i Juvenil, UAB _____________________________________________________ 17
Totals (contin.); 120 items, range 0 to 240
Males Females
Raw Age 6-11;N=528 Age 12-17;N=187 Age 6-11;N=506 Age 12-17;N=209 Raw
score Percentil T Percentil T Percentil T Percentil T score
74 98 72 92 64 99 77 94 66 74
75 99 73 93 65 99 78 94 66 75
76 99 73 93 65 99 78 94 66 76
77 99 74 94 66 99 79 94 67 77
78 99 74 94 66 99 80 94 67 78
79 99 75 94 66 99 80 96 68 79
80 99 75 94 67 99 81 96 68 80
81 99 76 94 67 99 81 97 69 81
82 99 76 94 67 99 82 97 69 82
83 99 77 96 68 99 82 97 69 83
84 99 77 96 68 99 83 97 70 84
85 99 78 97 69 99 84 97 70 85
86 99 78 97 69 99 84 98 71 86
87 99 79 97 69 99 85 98 71 87
88 99 79 97 70 99 85 98 72 88
89-90 99 80 97 70 99 86 98 72 89-90
91-92 99 81 98 71 99 87 99 73 91-92
93-94 99 82 98 72 99 88 99 74 93-94
95 99 83 98 72 99 89 99 75 95
96 99 83 99 73 99 90 99 75 96
97 99 84 99 73 99 90 99 75 97
98 99 84 99 73 99 91 99 76 98
99 99 84 99 74 99 91 99 76 99
100 99 85 99 74 99 92 99 77 100
101 99 85 99 74 99 93 99 77 101
102 99 86 99 75 99 93 99 77 102
103 99 86 99 75 99 94 99 78 103
104 99 87 99 76 99 94 99 78 104
105 99 87 99 76 99 95 99 79 105
106 99 88 99 76 99 95 99 79 106
107 99 88 99 77 99 96 99 80 107
108 99 89 99 77 99 96 99 80 108
109 99 89 99 77 99 97 99 80 109
110-111 99 90 99 78 99 98 99 81 110-111
112-113 99 91 99 79 99 99 99 82 112-113
114 99 92 99 79 99 100 99 83 114
115 99 92 99 80 99 100 99 83 115
116 99 93 99 80 99 100 99 83 116
117 99 93 99 80 99 100 99 84 117
118 99 94 99 81 99 100 99 84 118
119 99 94 99 81 99 100 99 85 119
120 99 95 99 82 99 100 99 85 120
121 99 95 99 82 99 100 99 86 121
122 99 96 99 82 99 100 99 86 122
123 99 96 99 83 99 100 99 86 123
124-125 99 97 99 83 99 100 99 87 124-125
126-127 99 98 99 84 99 100 99 88 126-127
128 99 99 99 85 99 100 99 88 128
129 99 99 99 85 99 100 99 89 129
130 99 100 99 85 99 100 99 89 130
131 99 100 99 86 99 100 99 90 131
132 99 100 99 86 99 100 99 90 132
133 99 100 99 86 99 100 99 91 133
134-135 99 100 99 87 99 100 99 91 134-135
136-137 99 100 99 88 99 100 99 92 136-137
138 99 100 99 88 99 100 99 93 138
139 99 100 99 89 99 100 99 93 139
140-141 99 100 99 89 99 100 99 94 140-141
142 99 100 99 90 99 100 99 94 142
143 99 100 99 90 99 100 99 95 143
144 99 100 99 91 99 100 99 95 144
145-146 99 100 99 91 99 100 99 96 145-146
147-149 99 100 99 92 99 100 99 97 147-149
150-151 99 100 99 93 99 100 99 98 150-151
152 99 100 99 93 99 100 99 99 152
153 99 100 99 94 99 100 99 99 153
154 99 100 99 94 99 100 99 100 154
155-157 99 100 99 95 99 100 99 100 155-157
158-160 99 100 99 96 99 100 99 100 158-160
161-162 99 100 99 97 99 100 99 100 161-162
163-165 99 100 99 98 99 100 99 100 163-165
166-168 99 100 99 99 99 100 99 100 166-168
169-240 99 100 99 100 99 100 99 100 169-240
Unitat dEpidemiologia i Diagnstic Infantil i Juvenil, UAB _____________________________________________________ 18
Percentiles and T-scores for DSM-5 scale scores