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Affective Strategies for Better Communication

in Teaching English Language Learners


Adapt activities so that every child can experience success. Adapt the lessons by
changing the language, speed, and execution so that every student can understand
regardless of their English level.

Building Background
Build background for each lesson so that every child has some prior knowledge of the
task. Use visuals and hands on activities in order to build background knowledge and
activate prior knowledge for new content. Giving the background may be necessary if the
lesson content is unfamiliar due to their cultural background.

Comprehensible Language
Simplify the language but dont water down the content. Simple and basic language
should be used when giving directions and instruction. Speak in normal tones and
volume. Use language the students will understand.

Try to have picture dictionaries, and dictionaries in students native language. Such
dictionaries will also be useful for the teacher. Dictionary use may be limited to
beginning students and is legitimate if the dictionary is especially made for language

Simplify the language but dont water down the content. Simple and basic language
should be used when giving directions and instruction. Speak in normal tones and
volume. Use language the students will understand.

Filter (Affective)
This is the name given to the subconscious process of filtering the language that the
learner will allow to be processed. The filter is highly affective and has a great impact
on the students participation and motivation to speak. The learners motives, needs,
attitudes, and emotional state trigger the filter. The higher the intensity of the filter the
higher the level of filtered out language. More language will be screened out. The
teacher can affect this filter in the way they create and manage the classroom climate to
accept cultural differences

Graphic Organizers
You can never use too many graphic organizers. Use graphic organizers to help students
visualize and make mental images of a concept. Organizing the material first helps to
build background and provides a means for ELL students to solve future problems
Use humor to lower stress and anxiety. Dont be afraid to poke fun at yourself. Let your
children know that you are not perfect.

Development of the ELL students speaking skills will first be seen during social
interactions. Their motivation to be accepted and involved drives the acquisition of
social communication. While their social interactions may demonstrate developed oral
language it is important not to equate this with academic language readiness.
Development of academic language skills, both oral and written will be slower and
follow the social language acquisition.

Using various forms of journals is an effective way for ELL to communicate in writing.
Allow the students to write in their native language and observe the gradual
transformation to English. Writing skills develop after speaking skills, therefore using
the free form of journaling provides a non-threatening means for the students to
communicate in writing.

Make language comprehensible during students silent period with Total Physical
Response. (TPR) Students can use physical cues to demonstrate understanding, such as
pointing, touching, gestures, or physically arranging, Teachers can also use TPR in
instruction to give directions and retrieve answers

A word rich environment helps convey meaning. Label everything and refer to those
words, encourage their use in student writing to enhance understanding.

Instruction should emphasize and focus on meaning over form. Understanding and
comprehending refer to meaning and form refers to the proper structure of the English
language. Comprehension is vital before correct construction of form.

Native Language
Remember to respect the native language of the student. It is the basis of their
knowledge. The goal is to teach the new language (English) and the importance of the
English language. If respect is not given to the native language the student will not
transfer respect to English. Respect and allow use of the native language.

As the ELL English ability improves, the types of questions asked should become more
complex. Simple yes/no questions should only be asked of the beginning students. As
students become more advanced, they should be asked questions which allow them to
expand upon their answers, both in writing and speaking. Open-ended questions allow for
more flexibility and alternative answers.
ELL students often gain more language from interaction with peers than with the teacher.
With this in mind, ELL students may be paired with English-speaking peers for
individual activities such as shared reading. Group activities may involve both English
and native speaking students. Care must be taken that the limited English students are
given an integral part to play in the group so they do not become silent observers.

Newly arrived ELL students often require a Silent Period in which they are using their
cognitive ability to listen and make sense of their auditory intake. The length of time
needed for this quiet time will vary according to individual needs.

Utilize everyday real resources to connect the ELL with their new environment.
Examples of realia are various sections of the newspapers, advertisement circulars,
various catalogs, phonebook, menus, magazines, bank checks, basic application forms,
maps, etc. Use as many real items as possible to convey meaning.

Survival Words
Focus on meaningful and authentic language. Assist the ELL in developing a functional
core language (i.e. bathroom, address, name, everyday items).

Time (gift of time)

Allow time for the ELL to adjust to their new environment. Every ELL student acquires
English at a different rate. In general it takes 4-7 years to become fluent in a language.
Patience is vital.

Use Community Resources

Become familiar with the community resources and agencies available in the local area
that may assist the ELL population. You may be able to find translators, tutors, mentors
and volunteers form various agencies in the community.

Pictures, drawings, graphic organizers, props, and drama help to convey meaning.
Visuals with labels help to develop vocabulary.

Give a warm welcome to ELL students and their families by integrating their culture into
classroom discussions and activities. Teach facts and aspects of the cultural background
of the students in the classroom. This supports the celebration and acceptance of diverse

Xenophobia is the fear of anything that is foreign. An awareness of this phobia for
teachers is important. Xenophobic behaviors can hinder ELL language development and
their acceptance into the classroom community. Teachers are encouraged to celebrate
diversity in the classroom to guard against or alleviate any xenophobic tendencies.

Yes/No Questions
Yes/no questions are useful for the beginning ELL. The complexity of the questions
should be varied to accommodate the language level of the students.
Students auditory understanding will be greater than their oral capacity to
express their understanding.

Teachers attitudes motivate the students and set the tone for learning. The teacher has
the most direct impact and the greatness effect on how ELL students will prosper in the
new language setting. View the assignment of teaching the ELL students with the same
zeal as the first year of teaching.

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