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SNAP 2009 Solutions

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Symbiosis National Aptitute Test (SNAP) 2009 1


1 d 21 d 41 b 61 a 81 a 101 d 121 b 141 *a

2 d 22 c 42 * 62 * 82 d 102 d 122 b 142 b
3 c 23 a 43 a 63 b 83 a 103 a 123 d 143 a
4 d 24 b 44 d 64 d 84 a 104 d 124 b 144 d
5 d 25 a 45 a 65 b 85 d 105 a 125 b 145 a
6 b 26 b 46 c 66 c 86 a 106 c 126 b 146 c
7 b 27 d 47 d 67 c 87 a 107 c 127 d 147 a
8 b 28 d 48 b 68 d 88 c 108 d 128 c 148 b
9 d 29 b 49 b 69 c 89 d 109 c 129 b* 149 d
10 a 30 b 50 d 70 c 90 b 110 a 130 a 150 d
11 c 31 d 51 c 71 a 91 c 111 a 131 b
12 d 32 b 52 d 72 b 92 b 112 c 132 a
13 c 33 d 53 a 73 b 93 b 113 a 133 b
14 b 34 b 54 c 74 a 94 c 114 c 134 d
15 d 35 a 55 d 75 d 95 b 115 c 135 b
16 c 36 b 56 a 76 d 96 d 116 d 136 b
17 b 37 a 57 c 77 b 97 b 117 c 137 a
18 c 38 a 58 c 78 b 98 b 118 b 138 d
19 a 39 c 59 b 79 d 99 a 119 b 139 c
20 c 40 b 60 a 80 d 100 b 120 d 140 c
2 Symbiosis National Aptitute Test (SNAP) 2009


1. d The blank requires the possessive form of the pronoun me 16. c The idiom to get cold feet means to become very nervous or
to be used. Hence, mine would be the correct answer. to lose courage. Hence, option (c) is appropriate.
2. d The blank requires a conjunction that would mean upto the 17. b To eat ones words means to retract or withdraw what one
time of. Hence, till would be appropriate. has said. Hence, option(b) is correct.
3. c Since is used for any action that has taken place from the 18. c Both sentences (1) and (4) mean the same that they should
past till now. Therefore we use the present perfect tense have checked the tickets.
with the word since. Hence, has changed would be the
correct answer. 19. a All the given answer options are not the opposite of the
word benevolence and therefore we need the opposite of
4. d Dias is the name of a Portugese navigator who was the first the word magnanimous which means generous in forgiving
to round the Cape Of Good Hope. It cannot be a specific an insult or injury. Hence, mean would be appropriate.
word. Therefore, this spelling is incorrect and the correct
spelling is dais which means a raised platform, as in a lecture 20. c Biannual means occuring twice a year. Hence, option(c) is
hall, for speakers or honored guests. correct.
(Note: Directions of questions number 19 and 20 states that
5. d Superintendant, seive and alloted are all spelt incorrectly. the question statement is a sentence. However, question
Their correct spellings are superintendent, sieve and statement in question 130 is not a sentence. It should be
allotted. Only, dissipate is the word with the correct spelling. considered independent of the directions given).
6. b The preposition in is used for the names of land areas such 21. d temporal, ephemeral and transient mean temporary or for
as towns, cities, countries etc. Similarly, the preposition at is a short duration. Eternal means forever and hence, is odd
used for specific addresses. Hence, in should be used for word.
Bangaluru which is the name of a city and at should be
used for 115, Richmond Road which is the exact address of 22. c Intra as in intravenous means within the vein.
the person. So, option(b) is correct.
23. a down train down is an adjective that modifies train.
7. b Euphemism means an inoffensive or indirect expression Only answer choice a has this combination.
that is substituted for one that is considered offensive or too
harsh. Hence, aurally challenged is the euphemism used for 24. b gall means bile (noun). It also means something bitter to endure.
the word deaf. Only option b has this combination
8. b Error means a deviation from correctness or a mistake and 25. a an in statement 5 look above above is used as an adverb.
fault means a defect or imperfection. Hence, option (b) is Only option a has that combination.
the correct answer.
26. b Idly and sambhar are taken as individual units which
9. d Flouted means to treat with disdain, scorn or contempt and constitute a dish. Hence we will use phrasal verb make up
suits the first blank. Flaunted which means showing off, instead of make.
ignored which means neglect are not suitable for the first
blank. Broken is anyways used as an adjective and hence 27. d no error
cannot be used. Virtually which means practically or nearly
is also fit for the second blank. 28. d objective form of indefinite pronoun who should be used.

10. a The Outback is the specific name of a part of Australia. 29. b objective personal pronoun is required and hence correct
Hence, it should be within inverted commas. statement is 2

11. c In the sentence given, Rima is being used as the name that 30. b statement 1 has an error of misplaced modifier. Statement 2
the other person is talking to regarding her desire to drive. is correct
Hence, the name should be separated by commas. Hence,
31. d simple present tense will be used.
there should be a comma before Rima and after Rima.
12. d Veracious means truthful or honest. Hence, option(d) is the 32. b Statements 5 and 4 make a mandatory pair. Statement 1 and
correct answer. 3 make a mandatory pair. The Para should start with 5

13. c Perturb means to disturb or agitate in a strong way. Hence, 33. d Statements a, b, c are incorrect as they lack tense consistency
option(c) is the correct answer.
34. b apt means appropriate. Considered means viewed with.
14. b With a high hand means in an arrogant or dictatorial manner. Able means capable. Likely means possible and hence is
Hence, oppressively would be close in meaning to this the best fit
particular idiom.
35. a he hardly cares means that he doesnt care. In the given
15. d rack ones brains means to think long and hard. Hence, blank we require a phrase, which conveys opposite
option(d) is the correct answer. sentiment. Hence does he is appropriate.
Symbiosis National Aptitute Test (SNAP) 2009 3
36. b direct comparison, Hence, option (b) is a simile. 47. d Expenditure (E1) = 24 C1 where C1 is the initial consumption
Later, we have Expenditure (E2) = 27 C2, where C2 is the
37. a Death is talked of as a person. Hence, personification is the new consumption
answer. Now E1 = E2, therefore, we have
38. a A way to deal with Frozen Feelings. Passage talks about C1 27 C 24 8
= 2 = =
dealing with negative childhood experiences. Hence, answer C2 24 C1 27 9
is a. 1
Hence, decrease in consumption = 100 = 11.1%.
39. c glitch in learning process signifies breakdown.
48. b In order to go from one station to another and come back to
40. b option choice b is taken directly from the passage. Refer to the starting one, we need 2 tickets.
Para 3, line 4. Number of ways to select 2 stations out of 10 = 10C2.
Number of different journey tickets required by the
41. b In order to get the sum as 15 on the uppermost face of a die authorities = 2 10C2 = 90.
thrown three times, we have the following possibilities:
(4, 5, 6), (4, 6, 5), (6, 4, 5), (6, 5, 4), (5, 6, 4), (5, 4, 6), (5, 5, 49. b 5% increase in circumference of a circle implies 5% increase
5), (3, 6, 6), (6, 3, 6) and (6, 6, 3) in radius of the circle.
Total possibilities = 10
Initial area = r 2
Number of favourable possibilities = 2
2 1 New area = (1.05r)2 = (1.1025)r 2
Required probability = = .
10 5 Therefore, the area of the circle increases by 10.25%.

42. * Given that, for a total distance of 30 kms, the boat takes 2 50. d Treating all the vowels as one entity, we have four places to
hours in downstream and 6 hours in upstream. fill, which can be filled in 4! ways.
Let B and R be the speed of the boat in still water and The consonants B, C and S can be filled in 3! ways
stream respectively. So, we can written here 4! 3!
Required number of ways =
30 2!
B+R= = 15 (i)
2 Note: Division by 2! is done since there are two As.

30 51. c Let r be the rate of interest.

BR= =5 (ii)
Solving (i) and (ii), we get r
8000 = 6000 1 + (i)
2B = 20 100
B = 10 km/ hour. Also, let t be the time when Rs.525 will amount to Rs.700.
* Correct answer is not in the given options. t
Therefore, 700 = 525 1 + r . (ii)
43. a All the five-digit numbers, formed by using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 100
and 5 without repetition, divisible by 4 will carry their last two
digits as 12, 24, 32, 52. From (i) and (ii), we get
When the last two digits are 12, the number of such five-digit 4t 4t
8000 6000 r r
numbers will be = 3 2 1 = 6 = 1+ 1 = 1 +
Similarly, for the last two digits to be 24, 32, and 52, number 700 525 100 100

of such five-digit numbers will be 6 in each case. 4 t = 0 or t = 4 years.

Total such numbers = 6 4 = 24
Also, number of five-digit numbers formed by using the digits Note: We have considered compound interest in this
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 without repetition = 5 4 3 2 1 = 120 solution. Even if we would have considered simple
interest, t would have been the same.
24 1
Required probability = = .
120 5 52. d At the start of a game of cards
J + B = 4T
44. d According to the question, we have or J + B + T = 5T
23 20 + (sum of deviation) 23 20 + 70 1
Mean = = = 26.5. T= (J + B + T) (i)
20 20 5
From equation (i), we can see that T had (1/5)th of the total
45. a The percentage of gold is 80% in 50 gms of alloy. Therefore,
money at the begining of the game. Hence, option (d) is the
we have 40 gms of gold and 10 gms of silver. Given,
correct choice.
Now, let x gms of gold be added to the alloy.
40 + x T +B + J
= 0.9 x = 50 gms. 53. a Initially J had Rs. and at the end of the evening, J
50 + x 4
T + B + J
46. c Ratio of incomes of the two persons = 7 : 3 had Rs. .
Ratio of their expenses = 5 : 2 3
Since each of them saves Rs.300 per week, therefore, we Therefore, J won =
can write T + B + J T + B + J T + B + J
7x 5y = 300 (i) =
3 4 12
3x 2y = 300 (ii)
Solving (i) and (ii), we get x = 900 1
i.e., th of the total money.
Therefore, income of the first person 12
= 900 7 = Rs.6,300. Hence, option (a) is the correct choice.
4 Symbiosis National Aptitute Test (SNAP) 2009
Let x gm be added to make it a 50% salt solution.
54. c Initially B had th of the total money. So we have,
120 + x 1
5 = x = 60 gms
At the end, B had th of the total money. 300 + x 2
12 Hence, option (b) is the correct choice.
11 5
of total money of total money = 200 192
20 12 64. d The required number = = 24.
Total money = Rs.1500
Hence, B initially had Rs.825. 65. b Each row and column has a circle, a square and a triangle,
which are shaded black, light shaded and white in colour.
55. d Statement I: a b < a c Also, the letter at the top is C, T and +. Hence, the figure
b<c (i) C
As b is negative, b will be positive. replacing the question mark is .
As c is positive, c will be negative.
c < b, which contradicts (i) 66. c A five-digit number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is a
Therefore, statement I is false. multiple of 3.
Of the given six numericals, 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15.
Statement II: a < b Thus, two cases arise.
a b Case I: Five-digit number formed by 0, 1, 2, 4 and 5
< The first place cannot be occupied by zero, so there are four
c c
ways in which the first place can be filled. The remaining
Since c is positive, is also positive. Multiplying both sides four places can be filled in (4!) or 24 ways.
c Number of such five-digit numbers = 4 (4!) = 96.
of the in equality by a positive number doesn't change the Case II: Five-digit number formed by 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
inequality. Number of such five-digit numbers = 5! = 120
Therefore, statement II is true. Therefore, total five-digit numbers thus formed = 96 + 120 =
1 1 216.
Statement III: <
b c 67. c In 25 days, 105 men working for 8 hours a day completed
1 1 th
Since is negtaive and is postive, this inequality holds 2
b c of the work.
true. 5
Therefore, statement III is true. 2

Therefore, of the work = 25 105 8 man days of work.

56. a Let the side of the square with diagonal 4 2 cm be x. So
we have 3 3
The remaining of the work = 25 105 8 man
x2 + x2 = 32 x = 4 cm 5 2
Area of the square = 16 sq. cm days of work.
Area of the new square = 32 sq. cm Now, m men working for 9 hours a days completes the
remaining work in 25 days.
Its diagonal = 64 = 8 cm .
m 25 9 = 25 105 8
57. c Diagonal of the base = 2 2
6 + 8 = 10 cm 2
m = 140
Maximum length of a pencil = 102 + 22 = 2 26 cm. Therefore, (140 105) = 35 additional men needs to be
employed to complete the work on time.
58. c The number of people who read at least one newspaper =
8.7 + 9.1 + 5.6 (1.5 + 2 + 3) + 0.5 = 17.4 68. d A takes 8 days to build the structure.
Hence, option (c) is the correct choice. B takes 3 days to break it.
LCM of (8, 3) = 24
59. b The number of people who read only one newspaper In 4 days, A will complete 12 units of work.
= 4.7 + 4.6 + 2.6 = 11.9 In 2 days, A and B will complete 10 units of work.
60. a Let Sonalis monthly income be Rs.x. In first 6 days, 2 units of work gets completed.
According to the question, Therefore, 22 units still need to be completed.
30% of x = 12,750 x = Rs.42,500. 22
Hence, A will complete the work in days.
61. a Let x kg of tea worth Rs.25 per kg be blended with 30 kgs of 3
tea worth Rs.30 per kgs. So, we have 69. c Given that
25x + 30 30 100 300 a + ar = 12 (i)
= 30 = x = 36 kg . ar2 + ar3 = 48 (ii)
x + 30 110 11
Dividing (i) by (ii), we get
62. * Wrong question 0.85G + 0.7B = 0.75 (G + B) 1+ r 12
2G = B (i) =
r 2 (1 + r) 48
Also, G + B = 80 (ii)
By solving (i) and (ii), we get a non-integral number of girls,
r 2 = 4 r = 2
which is not possible.
For r = 2, we get a = 12 or 4
63. b According to the question, 300 gms of salt solution has 120
But a = 4 is not possible. Thus a = 12.
gms of salt.
Hence, option (c) is the correct choice.
Symbiosis National Aptitute Test (SNAP) 2009 5
70. c According to the given condition, we have Step 1: A gives B and C as many tractors as they already
a+b=7 (i) have
So now A, B and C will have (in that order) 6, 42 and 24
(x)2 x tractors
= 6.8 (ii)
n n Step 2: B gives A and C as many tractors as they already
x So now A, B and C will have (in that order) 12, 12 and 48
Here, n = 5 and = 6 , so putting these values,
n tractors
we get Step 3: C gives B and A as many tractors as they already
(x)2 = 214 have
So now A, B and C will have (in that order) 24, 24 and 24
a2 + b2 + 64 + 25 + 100 = 214 tractors
a2 + b2 = 25 (iii)
Looking at the options, we get a = 3, b = 4, which satisfies 122. b Option (a) is incorrect as it is not necessary that a desktop
equation (iii). publisher career requires skills in reading, communication,
and mathematics. It is general statement given about the new
71. a The required commission = 15,000 (12.5%) = Rs.1,875. jobs. Following the same logic, we can reject option (c) as
well. Option (d) is incorrect as it talks about all the new jobs.
72. b Following the rules of BODMAS, According to the question statement, it is true only for most
110.25 0.01 0.0025 420.25 of the new jobs and not all the jobs. Option (b) is the correct
answer as it represents the information given in the question
= 110.25 4 420.25 statement correctly.
= 441 420.25 = 21 20.5 = 0.5. 123. d The question statement clearly states that without the use of
crop . by more than 50 percent. But this does not
5 imply that use of crop protection products to control insects,
73. b The required percentage = 100 = 7.6%
66 weeds and diseases, will ensure that production cannot fall
below 50 percent. Hence, option (d) cannot be validly
21 concluded. Options (a) is not the correct choice as it can be
74. a The required percentage = 100 64%.
33 validly concluded from the information given in the question.
In first line it is clearly given that without the use of
16 crop..more than 50 percent. Options (b) and (c) can be
75. d The required percentage = 100 12%.
134 concluded from the question statement. It can be represented
through following diagram:
112 A p ply Inse cticid es A p ply S ee d s
76. d The required percentage = 100 = 10.7%.

77. b The number of students in the Engineering faculty A e ria l A pp lica to r

9 1049 100
= 410.
100 23

78. b Number of students in the University A p ply Fe rtilizers

1049 100 124. b Evelyn accepts that Lous premises are true. This justifies
x= 4560.
23 Lous conclusion. Hence, the conclusion that Evelyn gave is
unwarranted. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer Option
79. d The number of Asian studies studying Science (c) is incorrect choice, as if Evelyn is correct about Lous
argument, this does not make Evelyns conclusion well
21 6 supported. Option (d) is not the correct choice, as if Evelyn is
= 4560 57.
100 100 mistaken about Lous argument, does not prove that Evelyns
conclusion as false.
34 125. b The argument given in the question statement can be
80. d The required percentage = 100 15%.
5 weakened by proving that the planes are safer than the
100 cars. Option (a) is not the correct choice, as more inspection
of planes does not guarantee that planes safer than cars.
81. a 82. d 83. a 84. a 85. d 86. a 87. a Following the same logic, one cannot prove that the planes
are safer than the cars. Option (d) is not the correct choice
88. c 89. d 90. b 91. c 92. b 93. b 94. c as even if the air traffic controller is at fault, this does not
make the planes safer than the cars. Option (b) is the correct
95. b 96. d 97. b 98. b 99. a 100. b 101. d answer as it implies that the proportion of car accidents is
greater than the proportion of planes accidents.
102. d 103. a 104. d 105. a 106. c 107. c 108. d
126. b From the chart it is evident that industry B and C contribute to
109. c 110. a 111. a 112. c 113. a 114. c 115. c company S.

127. d Industry B processes element 4, 5 and 6 which are also

116. d 117. c 118. b 119. b 120. d processed by other industries. It is not possible to determine
121. b Only the option b satisfies the very first condition where A the percentage share of industry B. So answer must be
gives B and C a many tractors as they already have. cannot be determined.
Analysing option b - 128. c Industry A processes all 6 elements. Total production of these
6 elements is 100,000.
6 Symbiosis National Aptitute Test (SNAP) 2009
129. b* Decrease is an antonym of increase. Similarly, ascend is the 143. a Let us analyse each option
opposite of descend. Hence, Option (b) RB is the correct Option a - Initial cost = Rs.38 1.5 = Rs.57
answer. The actual answer would be BR but it seems that Cost according to new SMS scheme = Rs.35 + Rs.38 0.60
the test makers put it as RB inadvertently. = Rs.57.80
Option b - Initial cost = Rs.40 1.5 = Rs.60
130. a Modern and ancient are antonyms. Similarly, fashion as young Cost according to new SMS scheme = Rs.35 + Rs.40 0.60
and old are antonyms. Hence, option (a) AQ is the correct = Rs.59.00
answer. Option c - Initial cost = Rs.60 1.5 = Rs.90
Cost according to new SMS scheme = Rs.35 + Rs.60
131. b Part and whole are related in the similar fashion as class and 0.60 = Rs.71.00
school are. Hence, option (b) BQ is the correct answer. Option d - Initial cost = Rs.59 1.5 = Rs.88.50
132. a Summit and apex have relationship of synonyms. Similarly, Cost according to new SMS scheme = Rs.35 + Rs.59 0.60
beautiful and pretty have relationship of synonyms. Hence, = Rs.70.40
the correct answer is option (a) AQ. A person sending 38 local SMS (option a) a month wont
133. b B E A U T I F U L B U T T E R
5 7 3 0 4 1 2 0 8 5 0 4 4 7 9 144. d From option d -
Cost due to STD calls = Rs.48.50
Therefore, F = 2, U = 0, T = 4, U = 0, R = 9 and E = 7 Cost due to local calls = At least Rs.55
Hence, code of FUTURE is 204097. Cost due to price of plan = Rs.99
134. d For a 31 days month, number of Mondays = 5 Total bill must be more than that of Rs.199/Month.
For a 30 days month, number of Mondays = 4 145. a Let a be the number of calls made to group of countries
For a 29 days month, number of Mondays = 4 "USA, Canada, Europe (Fixed line)", b be the number of calls
For a 28 days month, number of Mondays = 4 made to group of countries "Gulf, Europe (Mobile), SAARC"
Hence, the answer is cannot be specified. and c be the number of calls made to group of countries
"Rest of the world".
1712 Total bills from ISD calls = 7a + 10b + 40c and a + b + c
135. b 102 can be written as .
2 = 12
Therefore, ? must be = 75. 80
2 40c = (7a + 10b + 40c)
136. b 336 can be written as 2 12 14. 5 40c = 4 (7a + 10b + 40c)
So ? must be 2 15 16 = 480.
40c = 4 (7a + 10b)
137. a From statement III, we can conclude that G must be in the
10(c b)
other boat as B is there in the given boat. a=
One case that satisfies the given conditions is - 7
Boat 1 F, B, D and C As a is an integer, therefore c b can be either 0
Boat 2 A, E and G or 7.
All other three options are false according to the above case. Case I : When c b = 0, then a = 0 and b = c = 6
Case II : When c b = 7, then a = 10 and c = 7 + b
138. d If E gets the boat with F, then A must get the same boat
(Statement I) a + c is 17, but a + b + c = 12.
Now, G cannot be in the other boat as then both C and B will This is not possible.
have to be in the same boat as E and F. (hence violating the Hence, minimum 0 calls were made to group of countries
condition by Statement IV) "USA, Canada, Europe (Fixed line)".
So correct arrangement must be - 146. c Average demand of five companies
Boat 1 E, F, A and G
Boat 2 C, D and B (3000 + 600 + 2500 + 1200 + 3300) 10600
= = = 2120
5 5
139. c From left figure to right figure, number of both horizontal and
Average production of five companies
vertical lines are decreasing by one.
(1500 + 1800 + 1000 + 2700 + 2200) 9200
140. c From left figure to right figure, dots remain at the same side = = = 1840
5 5
but sticks rotate by 180.
Required difference = 2120 1840 = 280.
141.*a First letter of each term is increasing by 2 in position number.
Production of company D 2700
Similarly, 2nd, 3rd and 4th letters are increasing by 2 in position 147. a = = 1.8.
numbers. Therefore, MSYE is the 4th term. Hence, option (a) Production of company A 1500
is the correct answer.
* Note: Here V is typing error, it should be U. 148. b Paper cost = 10%
142. b For Mohan - Angle representing paper cost = 360 = 36 degrees.
Cost due to STD calls = Rs.45 to Rs.60
149. d 2% of the total cost = Rs.2,000
Cost due to Local calls = 30(2) + 40(1) + 30(1) = 130
Total cost = Rs.1,00,000
Overall cost ranges between Rs.175 and Rs.190.
For 5% profit, total sale price of 12,500 copies
= 1.05 1,00,000 = Rs.1,05,000
For Rohan -
Cost due to STD calls = Rs.27 to Rs.36 10,5000
Cost due to Local calls = 36(1) + 48(2) + 36(1) = 168 Sale price per copy = = Rs.8.40.
Overall cost ranges between Rs.195 and Rs.204.
So Rohan definitely would have spent more than Mohan.
150. d Fruit grows on a tree and tree is called sky.

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