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Final Report June20 2014

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Digital Wave Corporation

13760 East Arapahoe Road

Centennial, CO 80112

Use of Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) for life extension

of civilian self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) DOT-CFFC cylinders


Prepared for
Mark Toughiry
Office of Hazardous Materials Safety
Engineering and Research Division
Department of Transportation

Contract DTPH56-13-P-000029
1.0 Introduction ...........................................................................................................9
1.1 Objective ............................................................................................................9
1.2 Background ........................................................................................................9
1.3 Technical Approach ......................................................................................... 10
2.0 Definitions and Nomenclature .............................................................................. 11
3.0 Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) ........................................................................ 11
3.1 Modal Acoustic Emission Instrumentation and Hardware ................................. 12
3.2 Modal Acoustic Emission Spectral Analysis ..................................................... 13
3.3 Sensor Calibrations........................................................................................... 14
3.4 Stability ............................................................................................................ 15
3.5 Background Energy .......................................................................................... 15
3.6 Fiber bundle Fracture Energy ........................................................................... 16
3.7 Single MAE Event Energy ............................................................................... 16
4.0 Visual Inspections ................................................................................................ 16
5.0 Physical Test Methods ......................................................................................... 19
5.1 End-of-life (EOL) burst test .............................................................................. 19
5.2 Cyclic Fatigue .................................................................................................. 21
5.3 Simulated Impact.............................................................................................. 22
5.4 Notch Tolerance ............................................................................................... 24
5.5 Sulfuric Acid Resistance................................................................................... 25
5.6 Re-autofrettage and corroded liners .................................................................. 26
6.0 Physical and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) Testing Results ........................... 28
6.1 End of Life Burst Tests..................................................................................... 28
6.1.1. Mechanical Response ................................................................................ 28
6.1.2. MAE analysis ............................................................................................ 33
6.2 Cyclic Fatigue .................................................................................................. 34
6.2.1. Mechanical Response ................................................................................ 34
6.2.2. MAE Analysis ........................................................................................... 39
6.3 Simulated Impact.............................................................................................. 40

6.3.1. Mechanical Response ................................................................................ 40
6.3.2. MAE Analysis ........................................................................................... 43
6.4 Notch Tolerance ............................................................................................... 47
6.4.1. Mechanical Response ................................................................................ 47
6.4.2. MAE Analysis ........................................................................................... 49
6.5 Sulfuric Acid Resistance................................................................................... 51
6.5.1. Mechanical Response ................................................................................ 51
6.5.2. MAE Analysis ........................................................................................... 53
6.6 Re-autofrettage and corroded liners .................................................................. 54
6.6.1. Mechanical Response ................................................................................ 54
6.6.2. MAE Analysis ........................................................................................... 57
6.7 Predictive capability of MAE ........................................................................... 59
7.0 Conclusions ......................................................................................................... 62
8.0 Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 65
9.0 Appendix - Fatigue life prediction and the effect of the re-autofrettage ............. 67
9.1 Laminated Plate Theory analysis ...................................................................... 68
9.2 Fatigue life estimation ...................................................................................... 70
10.0 Appendix Failed Cylinders ............................................................................ 74
11.0 Appendix A Stress Strain Curves ................................................................. 124
12.0 Appendix B Background Energy Oscillation Curves .................................... 165

Executive Summary

From the entirety of the physical testing contained within this research program, several
important observations about the structural integrity of 100 randomly selected DOT-CFFC
SCBA pressure cylinders owned and operated by civilian fire departments across the USA,
which were past their allotted fifteen year service life were made. All 100 DOT-CFFC SCBA
pressure cylinders were operated under DOT-SP 10915 or DOT-SP 10945, were of 30, 45, or 60
minute air volumes, and all had a service pressure of 4500 psi. No reduction in burst strength
for cylinders at the end of their fifteen year service life or at the end of their fifteen year service
life with an additional twenty years of simulated service was observed. Of the eighty-one DOT-
CFFC cylinders that were burst test, seventy-eight of the cylinders met or exceeded the minimum
required burst pressure of the DOT CFFC 5th Revision. Two of the three cylinders which did not
meet the minimum required burst pressure were intentionally notched, while the third cylinder
was as received. Furthermore, it was found that the stiffness of the carbon fiber composite
overwrap was not compromised by fifteen years of service life, or fatigue cycling the cylinders to
the maximum developed pressure during fast fill for an additional twenty years of service life.

The impact resistance, notch tolerance, and corrosion resistance of the DOT-CFFC
design was evaluated, in which it was found that the DOT-CFFC design had no problem meeting
and surpassing the requirements of the ISO 11119.2 testing requirements, or potential thirty-year
life cylinders operated under newer DOT special permits (e.g., DOT-SP 13583 and DOT-SP
14232). No quantifiable effect on cylinder volume was observed in the physical testing

While the performance testing described in the preceding paragraphs is extremely

important relative to proving that the composite materials properties are not being degraded
from in service use or additional simulated life, it is not adequate to ensure the continued safe
operation of DOT-CFFC SCBA pressure cylinders. The key component to this work was the use
of Modal Acoustic Emission, and the ability to identify the various damage mechanisms that
were occurring within the composite microstructure. Through the ability to identify and classify
the various damage mechanisms that occur within composite materials, all three cylinders which
burst below the minimum required burst pressure were identified and rejected by Modal
Acoustic Emission, a claim that no other NDE technique could make. To emphasize this point,
the percentage of the time that MAE properly identified the health of a DOT-CFFC cylinder (i.e.,
was the burst strength greater than or equal to the minimum required burst pressure) was
compared to the currently used visual inspection and rejectable elastic expansion criteria. It was
found that MAE properly identified 98.2% of all tested cylinders, while visual inspection and
rejectable elastic expansion only properly identified cylinders 86.4% of the time. MAE properly
identified all three DOT-CFFC cylinders which burst below the minimum required burst
pressure, with the one improperly identified cylinder by means of MAE examination coming on
a cylinder with artificial damage (i.e., notches) that burst within 700 psi of the minimum required
burst pressure.
Moreover, through the use of Modal Acoustic Emission it was found that background
energy oscillations occurred between 50 and 70% of the burst strength of the cylinder, with an
average value of 60.7% and a standard deviation of 5.7%. Due to the consistent and repeatable
nature of the onset of the background energy oscillations a confidence interval can be calculated
for the burst pressure of a given cylinder, and cylinders which are identified as having too large
of a probability of having an inadequate burst strength may be rejected. The ability of Modal
Acoustic Emission to quantify the effect of a defect in the DOT-CFFC composite pressure
cylinders (effectively facilitating a strength prediction) is a significant step forward in the
nondestructive evaluation of composite pressure cylinders.

Through the testing and analysis performed in this research program, the ability to safely
extend the life of civilian DOT-CFFC SCBA pressure cylinders appears to be possible through
the use of Modal Acoustic Emission at the five year re-qualification intervals. The ability of
Modal Acoustic Emission to properly identify cylinders with compromised burst strength
enables degraded cylinders to be removed from service, while allowing cylinders which still
meet the at manufacture requirements to continue in service. The granting of life extension to
existing civilian DOT-CFFC SCBA pressure cylinders (which showed no degradation in material
performance) would reduce budgetary burdens on civilian fire departments, as well as be
beneficial to the environment by not tossing tens (potentially hundreds) of thousands of perfectly
good cylinders into landfills.

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Broadband MAE transducer acoustically coupled to an SCBA pressure cylinder. .. 13
Figure 3.2 Absolute magnitude response of a B1025 sensor (S/N: R1384).............................. 14
Figure 3.3 Example of the waveform captured from a rolling ball impact calibration. ............. 15

Figure 5.1 Pressure schedule used during all EOL burst tests. ................................................. 19
Figure 5.2 Strain gage attachment for EOL burst tests. ........................................................... 20
Figure 5.3 - Ten SCBA cylinders connected in parallel to the high pressure system for cyclic
fatigue testing. ............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 5.4 Hoop oriented strain gage, and three broadband MAE transducers were placed on
each SCBA cylinder during cyclic fatigue testing. ......................................................... 22
Figure 5.5 - SCBA cylinder in the apparatus used for the impact procedure detailed in ISO
11119.2. ........................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 5.6 - Time lapse sequence of an SCBA cylinder subjected to the DOT drop procedure. .. 23
Figure 5.7 - Typical impact damage observed in the transition region of the SCBA cylinder as a
result of the DOT/DWC extreme impact simulation. ...................................................... 24
Figure 5.8 - Representative (a) hoop, and (b) axially oriented flaws which were introduced into
the SCBA cylinders to evaluate the cylinders notch tolerance. ...................................... 25
Figure 5.9 (a) cracked region of the gel coat due to fifteen foot impact and 1,000 cycles with
the 6 diameter sulfuric acid patch highlighted in blue, and (b) the protective polymer
film used to cover sulfuric acid patch to prevent outgassing and corrosion of the high
pressure system.............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 5.10 (a) common white spotting corrosion on the internal aluminum observed during the
internal visual inspection, and (b) opened crack mouths (by means of an EOL burst test)
found inside of the corrosion spots. ................................................................................ 27

Figure 6.1 Stress-strain response in the axial and hoop directions of DOT-SP 10915 (OM3962).
...................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 6.2 Stress-strain response in the axial and hoop directions of DOT-SP 10945 (ALT695-
3650). ............................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 6.3 (a) Initial, and (b) secondary modulus determination for E10915 OM3962.. .......... 30
Figure 6.4 (a) Initial, and (b) secondary modulus determination for E10945 ALT695-3650. ... 31
Figure 6.5 Distribution of the EOL Burst strengths of the twenty-five tested CFFC cylinders
with the corresponding normal distribution fit ( = 19,080 psi, = 1742.3 psi), and two
parameter Weibull distribution fit ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3). ......................................... 33
Figure 6.6 - BEO on the second test pressure cycle for ALT604 3742. Such an oscillation in
the background energy caused the cylinder to fail the MAE life extension requirement. . 34

Figure 6.7 - Determination of Background Energy Oscillation Pressure (indicated by the dashed
red crosshairs) for DOT-SP 10915 OM3915. ................................................................. 34
Figure 6.8 Maximum and minimum strain values on each cycle of a cyclic fatigue test. ......... 35
Figure 6.9 Temperature as a function of time of the outer layer of a SCBA pressure during a
cyclic fatigue test. .......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 6.10 Stress-strain response of OM3794 operated under DOT-SP 10915....................... 37
Figure 6.11 A comparison of the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which
experienced fifteen years of service life ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3) to cylinders which
experienced fifteen years of service life and a simulated additional twenty years of
service ( = 19,597 psi, = 17.1). .................................................................................. 38
Figure 6.12 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 18974. ......................................... 40
Figure 6.13 Stress-strain response of ALT695-3794 operated under DOT-SP 10945. ............. 42
Figure 6.14 A comparison of the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which
experienced fifteen years of service life ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3) to cylinders which
experienced fifteen years of service life and a simulated impact and/or a simulated impact
and an additional twenty years of service ( = 19,635 psi, = 13.8). .............................. 43
Figure 6.15 Partial power versus weight peak frequency during a burst test pressurization for
OM3938. The blue diamonds identify matrix cracking events, the green diamonds
correspond to interfacial failure events, and the red diamonds signify fiber fracture
events. ........................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 6.16 Partial power versus weight peak frequency during 10,000 cycles to maximum
developed pressure for OM3938. ................................................................................... 45
Figure 6.17 Representative delamination waveform emitted from OM3948 during the first test
pressurization cycle. ...................................................................................................... 46
Figure 6.18 - Background Energy Oscillation for OP11769. ...................................................... 46
Figure 6.19 - Stress-strain response of ALT639-17732 operated under DOT-SP 10945. ............ 47
Figure 6.20 - A comparison of the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which
experienced fifteen years of service life ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3) to cylinders which
experienced fifteen years of service life and subjected to the notch tolerance testing ( =
17,461 psi, = 10.7). ..................................................................................................... 48
Figure 6.21 Delamination of the sacrificial glass fiber layers from the structural carbon fiber
layers as a result of cyclic fatigue. ................................................................................. 49
Figure 6.22 Partial power versus weight peak frequency during a burst test pressurization for
ALT695-3929. The blue diamonds identify matrix cracking events, the green diamonds
correspond to interfacial failure events, and the red diamonds signify fiber fracture
events. ........................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 6.23 Extreme amount of delamination originating from the axially oriented notch on a
cylinder that was pressurized to 95% of its burst pressure. ............................................ 50
Figure 6.24 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 17827. .......................................... 51

Figure 6.25 Stress-strain response of ALT639-18800 during EOL burst. ALT639-18800 was
subjected to a 100 hour hold at operating pressure while being exposed to sulfuric acid,
and subsequently burst. .................................................................................................. 52
Figure 6.26 Typical discoloration of the gel coat of DOT-SP 10945 cylinders after 100 hours of
sulfuric acid exposure while being held at operating pressure. ....................................... 53
Figure 6.27 Background energy oscillation pressure determination for ALT639-18713. ......... 54
Figure 6.28 Typical stress-strain response in the hoop direction of an SCBA cylinder during the
re-autofrettage procedure. .............................................................................................. 55
Figure 6.29 - Maximum and minimum strain values on each cycle of a cyclic fatigue test for a
cylinder that was re-autofrettaged. ................................................................................. 56
Figure 6.30 Stress-strain response for a re-autofrettaged SCBA CFFC cylinder. ..................... 57
Figure 6.31 Background Energy Oscillation Pressure for an SCBA CFFC cylinder (OM 3914)
which was re-autofrettaged, achieved 10,000 cycles up to the maximum developed
pressure during fast fill, and then burst above the minimum required burst pressure....... 58
Figure 6.32 Background Energy Oscillation Pressure (BEOP) as a function of burst pressure
(PB) for all cylinders tested in the Navy SCBA test program [1]. .................................... 59
Figure 6.33 - Background Energy Oscillation Pressure (BEOP) as a function of burst pressure
(PB) for all cylinders tested in the current study.............................................................. 60
Figure 6.34 Burst pressure of a cylinder as a function of BEOP for all civilian SCBA cylinders.
...................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 6.35 Evaluation of how often the result of the various NDE inspection technique agreed
with the minimum required burst pressure of the CFFC 5th Revision [2]. ....................... 61

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objective

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for extending the life of civilian
DOT-CFFC carbon fiber composite overwrapped pressure cylinders that are at or near their
allotted fifteen (15) year service life.

1.2 Background

In 1997 the Department of Transportation (DOT) issued the DOT-CFFC Basic

Requirements (first revision) [1] which specified the design, construction, inspection,
qualification, and usable service life of carbon fiber composite overwrapped pressure cylinders.
All cylinders which were manufactured to the DOT-CFFC specifications by companies who
were granted DOT exemptions (or special permits, e.g., DOT-SP 10915 and DOT-SP 10945)
were limited to a service life of fifteen years. Originally, there was the potential for the
manufacturing companies to attempt to extend the service life to thirty (30) years, however, no
company (manufacturer or NDE) that attempted to gain life extension was granted this
exemption by the Associate Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety
Administration (PHMSA).

More recently beginning around 2006, a few manufacturers of SCBA DOT-CFFC

cylinders have designed and tested cylinders to ISO 11119.2 specifications which provides for a
considerably longer service life than fifteen years [2]. Examples of such cylinders are
manufactured and operated under DOT-SP 13583, and DOT-SP 14232; these cylinders again
have the potential for thirty years of service life, provided that the cylinders physical
characteristics meet the requirements set forth in the respective special permit. To date no
cylinders have been granted a life extension, as no cylinder is old enough to have been subjected
to the physical testing requirements that would grant the life extension.

In 2012 a research program executed by the Digital Wave Corporation which was funded
by the United States Navy investigated the potential for developing a nondestructive testing
procedure that would be capable of extending the life on DOT-CFFC and DOT-FRP1 cylinders
[3]. In the research program 84 DOT-CFFC and FRP-1 cylinders that were at or approaching
their fifteen year service life were subjected to the physical testing outlined in ISO 11119.2 [2].
In that work, all cylinders that were not intentionally damaged were found to meet or exceed the
burst strength requirements of virgin cylinders. Further, it was shown through the use of Modal
Acoustic Emission (MAE) that cylinders which were intentionally damaged and had
compromised burst strengths could be unequivocally identified. In the research program, Digital
Wave Corporation showed that they were able to predict the burst pressure of cylinders (within
10% of the actual value); such a predictive capability enables Digital Wave Corporation to
identify cylinders which have compromised strength at the requalification test pressure, and
eliminate the compromised cylinder from service. Finally, through residual stress measurement

of the glass fiber composite overwrap and Classical Laminated Plate Theory (CLPT)
calculations, it was shown that stress rupture of DOT-FRP1 cylinders was not an issue at the
stress state within the fiber at the service pressure of DOT-FRP1 cylinders. This research
program resulted in Digital Wave Corporation being awarded DOT-SP 15720, allowing for the
life extension of Navy SCBA pressure cylinders manufactured under DOT-SP 7277, DOT-SP
10915, and DOT-SP 10945.

1.3 Technical Approach

The structural integrity of 100 randomly selected civilian owned and operated DOT-
CFFC pressure cylinders which were past their allowed fifteen (15) year service life was
evaluated through physical testing which is outlined in ISO 11119.2 [2]. Digital Wave
Corporation gratefully acknowledges the donations of all of the civilian fire departments who
donated cylinders to the research program. Table 1.1 provides the name of the contributing
department, the Fire Chief of the department, and the number of cylinders donated. Physical
testing included burst testing (ISO 11119.2, Section 8.5.4), cyclic hydrostatic pressurization to
the maximum developed pressure during fast filling (ISO 11119.2, Section 8.5.5), notch
tolerance (ISO 111119.2, Section 8.5.7), impact resistance (ISO 11119.2, Section 8.5.8), extreme
impact resistance (DOT/DWC developed impact simulation), and corrosion resistance (ISO
11515, Section 8.5.17 [4]).
Table 1.1 Summary of fire departments, fire chiefs, and number of SCBA cylinders donated.

Location Fire Chief Number of Vessels Donated

FDNY Battalion Chief William Mundy 100
Fairfax, VA Fire Chief Dave Rohr 44
Coeur d'Alene, ID Fire Chief Kenneth Gabriel 1
Caney, OK Fire Chief Michael Harkey 3
SC Fire Chief Shane Ray 1
Howard, PA Fire Chief Doug Corman 36
Kennebunkport, ME Fire Chief Allan Moir 12
Prince Georges County FD Fire Chief Marc Bashoor 5
Beaufort, SC Fire Chief Sammy Negron 1
Houston, TX Fire Chief Terry Garrison 9
South Berwick, ME Fire Chief George Gorman 19
Tucson, AZ Fire Chief Michael B Fischback 3
Marina, CA Fire Chief Harald Kelley 4
Sonora, CA Fire Chief Mike Burrows 2
Cherry Hills, NJ Fire Chief Patrick Kelly 20
Riverside, CA Fire Chief Michael Esparza 28
Spirit Lake, ID Fire Chief John DeBernardi 1
Oneonta Fire Department Fire Chief Patrick Pidgeon 3
Aiken County Fire Dpartment Fire Chief Fred Wilhite 6
Scott Fire Protection District Fire Chief Ron Myers 1

Prior to and during physical testing of all SCBA cylinders, nondestructive evaluation
techniques were utilized to evaluate the integrity of the cylinder. Prior to any physical testing,
external and internal visual inspection of the cylinder was performed in accordance with CGA
6.2 [5]. During burst and cyclic fatigue testing, strain gages and pressure transducers were
utilized to monitor the mechanical response of the cylinder. Finally, broadband MAE
transducers were used to detect the stress waves which propagate due to local strain energy
releases as the composite overwrap accumulates damage. The efficacy of MAE in evaluating the
health of an SCBA cylinder was demonstrated in [3], thus a very similar approach was utilized in
this work.

2.0 Definitions and Nomenclature

HOOP: the hoop stress

AXIAL: the axial stress

HOOP: the hoop strain

AXIAL: the axial strain

BEO: Background Energy Oscillation

BEOP: Background Energy Oscillation Pressure

MR: the multiplicative factor of the background energy level rise above the quiescent
level which indicates that a large amount of localized damage is occurring within the
composite material

MO: the multiplicative factor between neighboring maxima and minima of the calculated
N point moving average from all background energy values that suggests that the
composite pressure cylinder is progressing towards failure

R: cyclic fatigue stress ratio, equal to the minimum stress on a cycle divided by the
maximum stress on a cycle.

3.0 Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE)

Modal acoustic emission (MAE) is a branch of Acoustic Emission (AE) that utilizes the
capture of the high fidelity stress waves which propagate through a structure as strain energy
releases occur due to highly localized damage mechanisms occurring. It has been shown through
the use of four accept/reject criteria derived from MAE metrics that composite overwrapped
pressure cylinders which have diminished strength may be identified [6-8]. The four criteria
used in this report to evaluate the integrity of the SCBA cylinders are defined and explained in

sections 3.4 - 3.7. All four criteria were evaluated during the end-of-life (EOL) burst test
procedure (during the cycles up to and holding at test pressure, refer to Section 5.1 for details),
while Background Energy Oscillation (BEO) was also evaluated on the burst ramp to develop a
predictive capability on the burst pressure of the cylinder. The pressurization schedule described
in ASME Section X [6] was used to evaluate the cylinders prior to the burst test, and is described
in greater detail in Section 5.1.

3.1 Modal Acoustic Emission Instrumentation and Hardware

A key component to the Modal Acoustic Emission testing technique is the

instrumentation used for high fidelity waveform transduction and recording. These two
requirements were met using Digital Wave Corporations in-house MAE equipment. All
equipment used in this study for MAE waveform recording and analysis met the requirements of
ASME Section X and NB10-0601 [6, 7]. The hardware, software, and data acquisition system
settings used during testing were as follows:

Sensors: Digital Wave Corporation B1025
Preamplifiers: Digital Wave Corporation PA0
Signal Conditioning Unit: Digital Wave Corporation FM-1

Data Acquisition and Analysis: Digital Wave Corporation WaveExplorerTM

Data Acquisition System Trigger Settings

A/D Rate: 2 MHz
Total Trigger Gain: 48 dB
Total Waveform Gain: 42 dB
Bandpass trigger filter: 50-750 kHz
Point per waveform: 4096
Pre-trigger points: 1024

An important aspect of detecting modal acoustic emissions is properly acoustically

coupling the broadband transducer to the surface in which the stress waves are propagating. To
this end, sensors were coupled to the outer surface of the SCBA pressure cylinders using medium
viscosity vacuum grease with a small amount of normal force, provided by rubber inner-tubes,
used to insure consistency of acoustic coupling (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1 Broadband MAE transducer acoustically coupled to an SCBA pressure cylinder.

3.2 Modal Acoustic Emission Spectral Analysis

Due to the large number of events that may be captured during MAE testing, a few
metrics were used to identify the natural clustering in the frequency domain of source
mechanisms. Specifically, the weighted peak frequency (WPF), and concept of partial power
(PP) was used to identify natural clustering of the various damage mechanisms which occur
within composite materials as they are subjected to a stress state. The weighted peak frequency
is calculated by

( )
= , (1)
( )

while the partial power of the spectrum was defined as

( )
= . (2)
( )

In equations (1) and (2), ( ) is the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of a given waveform
U(t), f is the frequency vector associated with the FFT of a waveform, and fMAX is the frequency
at which the maximum amplitude of the FFT was observed. The weighted peak frequency may
be thought of as a scaled centroidal frequency, while the partial power of a spectrum describes
how much high frequency content (> 400 kHz) was present in a given signal. Through these two
metrics the natural clustering of MAE waveforms which are related to the various types of
damage mechanisms can be observed in the frequency domain.

3.3 Sensor Calibrations

Two primary sensor calibrations are required in [6-8], which were also used in this study.
First, to insure that a given transducer has an appropriate level of sensitivity to sense the out-of-
plane surface motions that are generated by the propagating stress waves, an absolute calibration
of the sensor is required. The absolute calibration of the B1025 transducers was accomplished
using a heterodyne Michelson interferometer, following the approach of Wagner [9]. An
example of the magnitude response of a B1025 (S/N R1384) is shown in Figure 3.2, from which
it is clear that the response of the sensor is flat (within 6 dB) over a broad frequency range.
The flatness of a sensor is a key component in the ability to identify the propagating plate wave
modes, and thus perform MAE analyses.

The second calibration which is required in [6-8], is referred to as a Rolling Ball Impact
(RBI) calibration [17]. The essence of the RBI calibration is to determine the conversion factor
from mechanical energy to transduced electrical energy for a given sensor-system configuration.
In the calibration a hardened steel ball rolls down an inclined plane and impacts the mid-plane of
a 7075-T6 Aluminum plate having large lateral dimensions with the transducer under test
mounted to the plate. The impact of the ball generates the fundamental extensional and flexural
plate modes, as shown in Figure 3.3. The recorded energy of the first cycle of the transduced
extensional mode is then compared to the known mechanical energy of the rolling ball [6], and a
conversion factor for a given transducer is determined.

Figure 3.2 Absolute magnitude response of a B1025 sensor (S/N: R1384)

Figure 3.3 Example of the waveform captured from a rolling ball impact calibration.

3.4 Stability

During the two holds at the test pressure of the cylinder, both the number of events and
the cumulative energy from the events are partitioned into equally spaced bins for the entire hold
time. Both metrics must be found to be exponentially decaying, with the requirements for the
exponential decay rate parameter (B) and the goodness of fit (R2) summarized in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Summary of the requirements for stability curve fitting parameters.

Metric Exponential Decay Parameter (B) Requirements R2 Requirement

Events -0.1 < B < -0.0001 R2 0.80
Energy -0.2 < B < -0.0001 R2 0.80
Typically, stability is a metric that is more applicable to cylinders that have just been
manufactured, and is less applicable to cylinders that have experienced several cycles to
operating and test pressure. Due to several cycles to operating and test pressure during the in-
service life of the current SCBA cylinders, minimal new matrix cracking is taking place resulting
in very few events occurring during the holds at test pressure; such observations are in good
agreement with the Kaiser Effect. If not enough events occur during the holds at test pressure
the composite is deemed to be stable due to a lack of emission, and is considered to meet the
stability criteria.

3.5 Background Energy

The background energy is defined as the minimum value of energy of a windowed

contiguous portion of a given waveform.

A rise in the background energy level above the quiescent level greater than a factor of
MR indicates that a large amount of localized damage is occurring.

An oscillation in an N point moving average of the background energy values on a given

channel greater than a factor of MO between the adjacent maximum background energy level to
the minimum background energy level indicates that the composite pressure cylinder has begun

progressing towards failure, and that the internal pressure within the cylinder should be reduced
immediately. It has been shown in [3], and will be shown in this report, that an oscillation of the
background energy of greater than two occurs on average at 60% of the burst strength of the
SCBA pressure cylinder. Hence, by using the background energy oscillation metric, cylinders
with burst strengths below a minimum value may be identified and removed from service.

Thus, any rise in the background energy level greater than MR, or any oscillation in the
background energy greater than MO at or below the test pressure of a DOT-CFFC cylinder shall
fail the cylinder under test.

3.6 Fiber bundle Fracture Energy

Fiber bundle fracture energy during the second pressurization cycle to test pressure shall
be less than 2.7x10-16 J for carbon fiber composite cylinders. The burst strength of composite
overwrapped pressure cylinders is known to be a fiber dominated property, thus by setting a
criteria of only allowing ~6,000 filaments to fracture on a single event, a conservative restriction
has been put in place to extend the life of a cylinder. Note that the energy conversion for wave
transduction by the specific sensor must be accounted for using the Rolling Ball Impact
calibration described in National Board Inspection Code NB10-0601 Supplement S9 [7]. An
example calculation of the mechanical energy released from a single fiber fracture is provided in
[7]. Further, NB10-0601 and DOT-SP 15720 provide the energy ratios in particular frequency
bands used to determine if a fiber fracture has occurred.

3.7 Single MAE Event Energy

The energy of any single MAE event on the second test pressurization cycle shall be less
than 2.7x10-14 J. Extremely large energy events are indicative that a significant stress
concentrator exists in the structure that could compromise the cylinders structural integrity. See
Section 3.6 regarding energy scaling for a given transducer and the necessity for the Rolling Ball
Impact calibration.

4.0 Visual Inspections

All 100 cylinders that were used in this study were subjected to an external and internal
visual inspection per CGA 6.2. Observations from the external and internal visual inspections
are summarized in Table 4.1. From Table 4.1, it was observed that 83.0% of the cylinders that
were subjected to the external visual inspection were found to have damage on the external
portion of the DOT-CFFC cylinder no greater than level 2, as specified by [5]; at such a level,
cylinders are eligible for re-working (if identified as having level 2 damage) and re-qualification.
Further, as CGA 6.2 does not define acceptable limits on internal corrosion, or flaws in the
aluminum liner, the applicable type of flaw was noted but not used to fail a cylinder. It is
pointed out that 62.0% of the cylinders inspected in this study exhibited some form of
pitting/corrosion of the aluminum liner. A vast majority of the cylinders which exhibited pitting

and/or corrosion were also found to have visible water stains of the aluminum liner; this
indicates that water had sat in cylinder for an extended period of time, most probably during the
five year requalifications.
Table 4.1 Summary of all visual inspections performed prior to physical testing.
Test Loc ation DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure Internal Visual Inspection External Visual Inspection
Condemned [Y/N]
L1 abrasions throughout, L2 cut/burn damage on cylinder near
EOL Burst FDNY 10945 60 ALT 604 3742 05/98 4500 Minor pitting on cylinder, good threads N
BD, L2 impact on BD
L2 impacts on cylinder, L2 abrasions on PD, L3 impacts/chips on
EOL Burst FDNY 10945 45 ALT 695 4436 07/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads Y
L1/2 abrasions on BD, L2 impacts/abrasions on cylinder, L2 cut
EOL Burst FDNY 10945 60 ALT 604 4962 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
on PD

L2 impacts/cuts and abrasions on BD, L3 impact/cut on BD near

EOL Burst FDNY 10945 45 ALT 695 3650 06/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads Y
shoulder, L2 impacts/cuts throughout cy linder, L2 cuts on PD
L2 cut on PD, L2 c ut on cylinder, L1 abrasions throughout,
EOL Burst FDNY 10945 45 ALT 695 4494 07/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads c osmetic matrix crack ing on cylinder parallel to fibers, L2 cuts on N
cylinder, L2 impacts/cuts on BD

EOL Burst Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3915 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads RW and L2 cuts on PD, L1 abrasions on BD N

EOL Burst Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3990 08/98 4500 Pits on BD, good threads RW and L2 impact on PD, L2 impact on cylinder, RW on BD (x2) N

RW and visible delam on PD, RW on cylinder, L2 abrasions

EOL Burst Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3934 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
RW and L2 impact w/delam on PD, L2 abrasions on cylinder, RW
EOL Burst Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3941 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
on BD (x2), L1 abrasions throughout
RW and L2 impact with delam on PD, L2 impact on BD, L2
EOL Burst Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3962 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
abrasions throughout

EOL Burst Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT 639 14969 12/98 4500 Black/gray residue throughout L2 cuts on PD, RW on BD N

L2 cuts on cylinder wall near PD, L2 cut on cylinder wall (1/2 way
EOL Burst Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT 639 17663 12/98 4500 Pitting throughout N
down), L2 cut on cylinder wall near BD

EOL Burst Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT 639 18023 12/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cut (x3) on cylinder near label, L2 on BD N

EOL Burst Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT 639 69216 10/00 4500 Good liner, threads L2 on PD, and cylinder wall N

EOL Burst Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT 639 18629 01/99 4500 Pitting throughout Large L2 abrasion on PD, L2 cut on BD N

EOL Burst South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 1740 06/98 4500 Pitting on BD and cylinder L1 abrasions on cylinder N

L2 cut on PD and cylinder (1/4 way down), L2 cut on cylinder

EOL Burst South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 1855 06/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
near bottom

EOL Burst South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 1763 06/98 4500 Slight pitting on BD L2 cut on cylinder (2/3 down), L2 scratches on cyl near BD N

EOL Burst South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 1135 06/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cut (x2) on BD N

EOL Burst South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 1929 06/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 on BD (x 2) N

L2 chips on PD, L2 chip on cylinder, L2 cut on cylinder, L2 chips

EOL Burst Kennebunkport, ME/Houston, TX 10945 60 ALT 604 6739 12/98 4500 Minor pitting throughout, good threads N
on BD

EOL Burst Kennebunkport, ME/Houston, TX 10945 30 ALT 639 17688 12/98 4500 Pitting on cylinder wall L2 cut and L1 impact on BD N

EOL Burst Kennebunkport, ME/Houston, TX 10945 30 ALT 639 18862 01/99 4500 Minor pitting throughout, good threads L2 cuts on BD N

EOL Burst Kennebunkport, ME/Houston, TX 10945 30 ALT 639 18507 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 abrasion on PD, L2 cut on BD N

EOL Burst Kennebunkport, ME/Houston, TX 10945 30 ALT 639 18793 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cuts on cylinder wall N

10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT 695 1700 03/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads L3 impact/cut on cylinder, L2 abrasions throughout Y

L2 cuts and L2 burn damage on BD, L2 cuts on cylinder,

Pitting throughout with brown
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 6058 09/98 4500 cosmetic matrix crac king of sacrificial layer, L2 cut and impact N
discoloration, good threads
on PD
L2 impacts/cuts on BD, L3 impact/cut on shoulder of BD, L2
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 5353 09/98 4500 Minor pitting throughout, good threads impac ts/cuts throughout cylinder, odd raised sec tion on PD, L2 Y
cut on cylinder near re-test sticker
L1 abrasions on PD, L2 cut and L2 abrasion on cylinder, L1 and
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 4745 07/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads N
L2 c uts and abrasions on BD
Heavy pitting on throughout, brown L2 cuts, abrasions, and impact on BD, L2 impacts and cuts on
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 1668 03/98 4500 Y
discoloration, good threads cylinder throughout, L3 cut on label, L2 cuts and abrasions on PD
L1 impact and abrasions on PD, L1 abrasions on cylinder and
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Lux fer 45 OM 3947 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
BD, L2 impact/chip on BD
RW on PD, L2 impact/cut on BD, L2 impact on PD, L2 abrasion
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Lux fer 45 OM 3950 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
on cylinder
L2 impact/cut on PD, resin crack RW on cylinder, L1 abrasions
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Lux fer 45 OM 3921 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
and L2 cut/delamination on BD

10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Lux fer 45 OM 3928 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 c uts on PD, RW on PD/cylinder, L1 abrasions on BD N

10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Lux fer 45 OM 3913 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 impact/chip on BD and PD, L1 abrasions throughout N

10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Lux fer 30 IH 1271 06/98 4500 Slight pitting on BD L2 on cylinder N

10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Lux fer 30 IH 2483 07/98 4500 Slight pitting on BD L2 scribe on c ylinder (red scribe marks) N

10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Lux fer 30 IH 1748 06/98 4500 Slight pitting on BD L1 cuts on PD, L2 cut on BD/cyl, L1 abrasions of BD N

Minor scuffing on threads, slight pitting

10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Lux fer 30 IH 1820 06/98 4500 L1 abrasion of BD and cylinder near BD N
on BD

10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Lux fer 30 IH 1027 06/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 on PD, L2 xuts (x3) on BD N

10k and Burst Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18974 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L1 impact on BD N

10k and Burst Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18799 01/99 4500 Discoloration near BD L1 abrasion on PD and cylinder, L2 cuts on BD N

10k and Burst Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18790 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads Good N

L2 chips on PD. RW on cylinder, L2 chips on cylinder, L2 chips

10k and Burst Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT695 1653 03/98 4500 Minor pitting on BD, good threads N
on BD

10k and Burst Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT604 4342 07/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cuts on PD, L2 cuts on cylinder, L2 cuts and abrasions on BD N

10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 39764 11/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cuts (x2) on PD, RW on BD, L2 on BD N

10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18435 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cut on PD, L2 cut on cylinder wall, L2 cut on BD N

10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 39694 11/99 4500 Pitting throughout L2 abrasion (x3) on PD, L2 cuts on bottom of cylinder wall N

10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18683 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cut on cylinder near label N

10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18020 01/99 4500 Pitting on cylinder wall L2 cuts (x2) on BD N

Test Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure Internal Visual Inspection External Visual Inspection
Condemned [Y/N]
ISO Drop and Burst FDNY SCI 60 ALT 604 3567 05/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 abrasions throughout, L3 cut on BD Y
Significant pitting throughout, good
ISO Drop and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3983 08/98 4500 L2 impact and L2 cut on PD, RW on BD, L1 abrasions throughout N
ISO Drop and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2482 07/98 4500 Flaws/pits on BD, sidewall staining L2 cuts on cylinder and BD N
ISO Drop and Burst Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT604 4371 07/98 4500 Corrosion patches throughout L2 cuts on PD, L2 abrasions on cylinder, L2 chips on BD N
ISO Drop and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18722 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cut on PD, L1 impact on BD N
ISO Drop, 10k cycle L2 abrasions/wear throughout, L3 abrasions on bottom (wear), L3
FDNY SCI 60 ALT 604 6021 10/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads Y
and burst cut on label, L2 cut on label, L3 cut on PD
ISO Drop, 10k cycle
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3938 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cuts on PD and BD, L2 impact on BD N
and burst
ISO Drop, 10k cycle
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2036 06/98 4500 Pitting on BD L3 on PD, L2 on cylinder wall N
and burst
ISO Drop, 10k cycle L2 chip on PD, L2 abrasion on PD, L2 cut on wall, L2 chips/cuts
Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT604 5582 11/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
and burst on BD
ISO Drop, 10k cycle
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 40157 12/99 4500 Minor pitting throughout, good threads L1 scratches throughout N
and burst
L2 cuts on PD, L1 abrasions on cylinder, L2 impact and L1
DOT Drop and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT 695 3794 06/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads N
abrasions on BD
Minor pitting ~2/3 down cylinder, good
DOT Drop and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3948 08/98 4500 L2 cuts on PD, L1 abrasions throughout N
DOT Drop and Burst Houston, TX Luxfer 60 OP 11769 03/99 4500 Good liner, threads L1 impact on PD, L2 cut on cylinder, L2 cuts on BD N
DOT Drop and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2533 07/98 4500 Slight pitting on BD L2 cut on cyl/PD, L2 cut on cylinder N
DOT Drop and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18699 01/99 4500 Pitting on cylinder wall L2 abrasions on cylinder wall, L2 cuts on BD N
DOT Drop, 10k cycle L1 abrasions on PD, L2 cut w/delam on cylinder, L2
FDNY SCI 45 ALT 695 4638 07/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads N
and burst abrasions/cuts/impacts on BD
DOT Drop, 10k cycle L2 impact on PD (x2), L1 abrasions throughout, RW and L2
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3975 08/98 4500 Minor pitting, good threads N
and burst abrasions on BD
DOT Drop, 10k cycle
Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 17697 12/98 4500 Minor pitting on cylinder wall L2 cuts on BD N
and burst
DOT Drop, 10k cycle Possible burn marks on neck of threads, L2 cuts on PD, L2 on
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1854 06/98 4500 Good liner, threads N
and burst cylinder (2/3 down), L2 on BD
DOT Drop, 10k cycle
Howard, PA Luxfer 30 ALT639 18601 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L1 scratches on PD N
and burst
Numerous L2 impacts/cuts on BD (w/delam), L3 impact/cut on
EOL Burst w/ ISO shoulder near BD, L2 impacts/cuts and abrasions throughout
FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 3929 06/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads Y
Notch cylinder, L3 impact/cut on cylinder left of label, L2 impacts and
cuts on PD
EOL Burst w/ ISO L1 abrasions on PD, L2 abrasion on cylinder, L2 abrasion and
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3984 08/98 4500 Minor pitting on BD, good threads Y
Notch impact on BD
EOL Burst w/ ISO
Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 17732 12/98 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cuts on cylinder wall Y
EOL Burst w/ ISO
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2554 07/98 4500 Pitting on BD Possible burn marks on neck of threads, L2 cuts on BD and PD Y
EOL Burst w/ ISO
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 69925 11/00 4500 Pitting throughout L2 abrasion on PD, L2 abrasion on BD Y
ISO Notch cyclic L2 impacts/cuts on BD, L2 cuts and abrasions throughout
FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 4304 07/98 4500 Minor pitting throughout, good threads Y
fatigue, and Burst cylinder, L2 cuts on PD
ISO Notch cyclic L2 cuts on PD, L2 impact on cylinder, L1 abrasion and impact on
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3971 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads Y
fatigue, and Burst BD
ISO Notch cyclic
Houston, TX Luxfer 60 OP 11129 03/99 4500 Minor pitting on cylinder wall L2 cuts on PD, L2 chip on cylinder, L2 chip on BD Y
fatigue, and Burst
ISO Notch cyclic
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1251 06/98 4500 Slight pitting on BD L1 abrasions on BD Y
fatigue, and Burst
ISO Notch cyclic
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 17827 12/98 4500 Pitting throughout L2 cut on cylinder wall Y
fatigue, and Burst
Sulfuric Acid Hold and Black debris and water marks, good L2 impacts/cuts on BD, L2 impacts/cuts on cylinder, L1
FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 4333 07/98 4500 N
Burst threads abrasions on cylinder, L1/2 cuts on PD
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3918 08/98 4500 Good liner, threads RW on PD, L2 cut on PD, L1 abrasions throughout N
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18800 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads L2 cut on PD, L2 cut on BD N
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1750 06/98 4500 Pitting on BD L2 scribe on cylinder (red scribe marks), L2 on BD N
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18713 01/99 4500 Good liner, threads Good N

Corroded liner, 10k

Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3985 08/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads L2 impacts/chips throughout N
and Burst
Corroded liner, 10k RW on BD and PD, L2 impact/chip on BD, L1 abrasions and
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3960 08/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads N
and Burst impacts on PD
Corroded liner, 10k L1 abrasions throughout, L2 cut w/delam on PD, L2 impact on
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3956 08/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads N
and Burst BD, L1 abrasions throughout
Corroded liner, 10k L1 abrasions on PD, RW on cylinder and BD, Short L2 cuts on
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3994 08/98 4500 Minor pitting near BD, good threads N
and Burst BD
Corroded liner, 10k
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 4045 09/98 4500 Pitting on BD, good threads L2 abrasions on cylinder, L2 cut on cylinder, L2 impact/cut on BD N
and Burst
Corroded liner, 10k Pitting 1/2 way down cylinder and on L1 abrasions on BD and PD, L2 cut on cylinder, L2 impact on
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3969 08/98 4500 N
and Burst BD, good threads PD, L1 abrasions throughout
Corroded liner, 10k Minor pitting ~1/2 way down
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3973 08/98 4500 RW on PD, L1 abrasions throughout, L2 impact on BD N
and Burst cylinder, good threads
Corroded liner, AF, Pitting 1/2 way down cylinder, good
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3903 08/98 4500 L1 abrasions, L2 cut on cylinder N
10k and Burst threads
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3982 08/98 4500 Minor pitting near BD, good threads L1 abrasions on PD, L1 abrasions on BD, L2 impact/chips on BD N
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF, RW and L2 impacts on PD, L2 impact w/delam on cylinder, L1
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3917 08/98 4500 Pitting, good threads N
10k and Burst abrasions on BD
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3957 08/98 4500 Minor pitting, good threads L1 abrasions on both domes, L1 impact on PD N
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF, Pitting ~1/2 way down cylinder, good
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3914 08/98 4500 L1 abrasions and RW on BD, L2 abrasions on cylinder near PD N
10k and Burst threads
Corroded liner, AF, Minor pitting on cylinder, good
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3912 08/98 4500 L1 abrasions on BD, L2 impact on PD N
10k and Burst threads
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3954 08/98 4500 Pitting throughout, good threads RW and L2 impact on PD, L2 impacts on BD N
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF, L2 (possible L3) chips/cuts on PD, significant RW on BD,
10k and Burst
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3925 08/98 4500 Pitting near BD, good threads N
Impact on cylinder near PD

5.0 Physical Test Methods

5.1 End-of-life (EOL) burst test

Fifteen cylinders operated under DOT-SP 10945, and ten cylinders operated under DOT-
SP 10915 were randomly sampled from five of the locales that donated civilian SCBA cylinders
to the research program, and subjected to an End of Life (EOL) Burst test (Table 4.1). All
pressurizations were performed at a rate of 2500 psi/min, such that a quasi-static stress state was
experienced by the pressure cylinders. Prior to the ramp-up to ultimate burst, cylinders were
subjected to a pressurization schedule that exposed the cylinders to two excursions to the
hydrostatic test pressure of the cylinder, mimicking the test procedure in ASME Section X and
the Digital Wave Corporations DOT-SP 15720 [6, 8]. The entire EOL burst pressure schedule
is shown in Figure 5.1. During the two pressurization cycles up to the hydrostatic test pressure,
MAE waveforms were continually monitored and the accept/reject criteria of Sections 3.4 3.7
were evaluated to determine whether or not the cylinder would have been granted a five year life
extension under the terms of DOT-SP 15720 [8]. MAE waveforms were also captured to gain
insight into the sequence of damage processes that occur within composite overwrapped pressure
cylinders during failure.

Figure 5.1 Pressure schedule used during all EOL burst tests.

During EOL burst testing the mechanical response of the SCBA cylinders was monitored.
Two strain gages were mounted onto the cylindrical portion of the SCBA cylinder, as shown in
Figure 5.2, such that the strain response could be monitored throughout the entire test. The strain
gages used were Micro-Measurements (CAE-06-500UW-120); each gage was wired in a quarter
bridge configuration, using a three wire lead technique to compensate for lead resistance. During
both test pressure holds, the axial (AXIAL) and hoop strain (HOOP) were measured, and used to
compute the elastic expansion of a given cylinder (as would be done in a hydrostatic volumetric
expansion test). The measured elastic expansion of the cylinder was subsequently compared to
the rejectable elastic expansion (REE) for the given cylinder, to evaluate how effective REE is in
evaluating the integrity of a cylinder.

Figure 5.2 Strain gage attachment for EOL burst tests.

Further, the hydrostatic pressure within the cylinder was measured using an Omegadyne
33,000 psi pressure transducer (Omegadyne Model PX02S1 30KG10T). The principal
membrane stresses at the strain gage locations were calculated using the thin wall pressure
cylinder equations, i.e.

= (1)

= . (2)
where p is the hydrostatic pressure, r is the radius of the cylinder, and t is the pressure cylinder
wall thickness. Using the calculated stresses and the measured strains the mechanical stiffness
values in both the hoop and axial directions were determined before and after the hydrostatic test

5.2 Cyclic Fatigue

Fifteen cylinders operated under DOT-SP 10945, and ten cylinders operated under DOT-
SP 10915, were randomly sampled from five of the locales that donated civilian SCBA cylinders
to the research program, and subjected to cyclic hydrostatic pressure cycles to simulate an
additional twenty years of service (per ISO 11119.2 [2]), on top of the already experienced
fifteen years (Table 4.1). Cyclic fatiguing of the cylinders was performed in accordance with
ISO 11119.2 section 8.5.5 [2]. The minimum pressure value for a cycle was set to 400 psi, while
the maximum pressure for a cycle was set to the maximum developed pressure during fast fill
(5,192 psi). This cyclic fatigue schedule resulted in a fatigue stress ratio, R, of 0.08.

Cylinders were fatigued in parallel as shown in Figure 5.3. The cyclic fatigue frequency
was set to 0.008 Hz, resulting in a quasi-static stress state developed within the cylinder during
each fatigue cycle. As seen in Figure 5.4 hoop strain data was acquired on the SCBA cylinders
subjected to cyclic fatigue. In addition to the mechanical response of each cylinder during
fatigue, three broadband MAE transducers were mounted on each of the cylinders tested (Figure
5.4). Finally, the temperature of the composite overwrap on a cylinder was monitored in order to
insure consistency in test temperature, and that the composite overwrap was not developing
excessive heat due to autogenous heating of the polymer matrix during cyclic fatigue.

Figure 5.3 - Ten SCBA cylinders connected in parallel to the high pressure system for cyclic fatigue testing.

Figure 5.4 Hoop oriented strain gage, and three broadband MAE transducers were placed on each SCBA cylinder
during cyclic fatigue testing.

5.3 Simulated Impact

Two cylinders from each locale were impacted following ISO 11119.2 Section 8.5.8 [2].
The impact simulation involved filling the cylinder 50% full of water, and dropping the cylinder
from a height of 47 onto a thick steel plate on the cylinders domes, side, and shoulders.
Figure 5.5 shows a cylinder in the apparatus used to perform the ISO impacts. One cylinder
from each locale was subjected directly to an EOL burst test, while the other cylinder was
subjected to the cyclic fatigue procedure described in Section 5.2.

Additionally, two cylinders from each locale were subjected to an extreme impact
simulation developed by DOT and Digital Wave Corporation. The procedure of the extreme
simulated impact was to fill 50% of the volume of the cylinder with water, and then drop the
cylinder from a height of fifteen feet on to a concrete slab, such that the cylindrical portion of the
cylinder uniformly impacted the concrete slab. Figure 5.6 shows a time lapse of a cylinder being
subjected to the DOT drop procedure. Due to the geometric stress concentration that arises at the
transition regions of cylindrical pressure cylinders and the need to incorporate additional
windings in these areas, the greatest amount of impact damage was typically observed in the
transition regions of the cylinder, as shown in Figure 5.7. One cylinder from each locale was
subjected directly to an EOL burst test, while the other cylinder was subjected to the cyclic
fatigue procedure described in Section 5.2.
Figure 5.5 - SCBA cylinder in the apparatus used for the impact procedure detailed in ISO 11119.2.

Figure 5.6 - Time lapse sequence of an SCBA cylinder subjected to the DOT drop procedure.

Figure 5.7 - Typical impact damage observed in the transition region of the SCBA cylinder as a result of the DOT/DWC
extreme impact simulation.

5.4 Notch Tolerance

A total of ten SCBA cylinders were randomly sampled from the civilian SCBA cylinders
that Digital Wave Corporation has received to be subjected to the notch tolerance testing
described in Section 8.5.7 of ISO 11119.2 [2]. Of the ten SCBA cylinders, five were
manufactured and operated under DOT-SP 10945 while the remaining five were manufactured
and operated under DOT-SP 10915. One cylinder from each sample locale was subjected
directly to an EOL burst test, while the other was subjected to the cyclic fatigue testing described
in Section 8.5.7 of ISO 11119.2 prior to an EOL Burst test. In order to pass the notch tolerance
burst test, the cylinder had to burst above 4/3 of the hydrostatic test pressure (10,000 psi). To
meet the acceptance criteria of ISO 11119.2 Section, all fatigued cylinders had to
withstand at least 1,000 cycles and no more than 5,000 cycles from 400 psi to 5000 psi (2/3 of
the hydrostatic test pressure); a cylinder which achieves 1,000 cycles but not 5,000 cycles and
fails by leakage is still deemed to pass the test.

In the notch tolerance procedure of ISO 11119.2 two notches are introduced into each
cylinder. The first notch is oriented axially, while the second notch is located 120 around the
circumference of the cylinder and oriented in the hoop direction. The required dimensions of the
notch are a width of 0.040, a depth of 50% of the overwrap thickness, and a length of five times

the overwrap thickness. Table 5.1 summarizes all cylinder and notch dimensions. Figure 5.8
shows representative flaws that were introduced into the SCBA cylinders.
Table 5.1 - Summary of SCBA cylinders that were subjected to notch tolerance testing, including cylinder specific notch

Vessel Overwrap Axial Notch Axial Notch Hoop Notch Hoop Notch
Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure
OD [in] thickness [in] Depth [in] Length [in] Depth [in] Length [in]
FDNY 10945 45 ALT695 3929 06/98 4500 6.30 0.250 0.130 1.25 0.130 1.25
Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3984 08/98 4500 6.80 0.250 0.130 1.25 0.130 1.25
Kennebunkport, ME 10945 30 ALT639 17732 12/98 4500 5.48 0.209 0.110 1.25 0.120 1.25
South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 2554 07/98 4500 5.27 0.206 0.110 1.25 0.120 1.25
Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT639 69925 11/00 4500 5.48 0.209 0.110 1.25 0.120 1.25
FDNY 10945 45 ALT695 4304 07/98 4500 6.30 0.250 0.110 1.25 0.130 1.25
Fairfax, VA 10915 45 OM 3971 08/98 4500 6.80 0.250 0.130 1.25 0.130 1.25
Houston, TX 10915 60 OP 11129 01/99 4500 6.88 0.250 0.130 1.25 0.120 1.25
South Berwick, ME 10915 30 IH 1251 06/98 4500 5.27 0.206 0.110 1.25 0.110 1.25
Howard, PA 10945 30 ALT639 17827 12/98 4500 5.48 0.209 0.120 1.25 0.110 1.25

Figure 5.8 - Representative (a) hoop, and (b) axially oriented flaws which were introduced into the SCBA cylinders to
evaluate the cylinders notch tolerance.

5.5 Sulfuric Acid Resistance

One cylinder from each locale was subjected to a sulfuric acid exposure during a pressure
hold at service pressure following ISO 11515 Section 8.5.17 [4]. A 40% concentrated solution
of sulfuric acid was mixed, and then a 6 ring was painted on to the surface of the SCBA
cylinder as shown in Figure 5.9a. After the sulfuric acid patch was painted on, the patch was
covered with a polymer sheet to prevent the acid vapor from corroding the high pressure test
system (Figure 5.9b). In order simulate a worst case scenario three of the five cylinders were
subjected to the fifteen foot drop described in Section 5.3, and then cycled for 1000 cycles from
400 - 5192 psi prior to the sulfuric acid exposure.

Figure 5.9 (a) cracked region of the gel coat due to fifteen foot impact and 1,000 cycles with the 6 diameter sulfuric acid
patch highlighted in blue, and (b) the protective polymer film used to cover sulfuric acid patch to prevent outgassing and
corrosion of the high pressure system.

Once the cylinders had the 6 sulfuric acid patch painted on, the cylinders were
pressurized to 4500 psi (service pressure) and held at that pressure for 100 hours. During the
pressurization and hold, three broadband MAE transducers were attached on the surface of each
cylinder. Following the 100 hour hold at service pressure, cylinders were de-pressurized, the
sulfuric acid patch was neutralized, and then the cylinders were subjected to an EOL burst as
described in Section 5.1.

5.6 Re-autofrettage and corroded liners

As was pointed out in Section 4.0, a large percentage (62.0%) of the civilian SCBA
cylinders which were donated to the present study exhibited indications of corrosion of the
aluminum liner. Most of the corrosion indications were in the form of white spotting on the
internal wall of the aluminum liner (Figure 5.10a); this spotting is believed to be due to mineral
deposits, resulting from prolonged exposure to hard water. However, the true significance of this
type of corrosion was found from a piece of an aluminum liner after an EOL burst test, as shown
in Figure 5.10b. From Figure 5.10b, a large number of minute flaws (having a preferential axial
orientation) were discovered in the centers of the white spotting after the EOL burst test. The
opened flaws were far more visible after the EOL burst test due to the fact that the aluminum
liner was plastically deformed to such an extent as to open up the crack mouths. While these
corrosion induced flaws do not reduce the ultimate burst pressure of the CFFC pressure
cylinders, it will be shown in the following results sections and theoretically confirmed in
Section 9.0 that cylinder leakage due to crack growth through the Aluminum liner during cyclic
hydrostatic fatigue did occur due to these types of flaws acting as crack initiation sites.

Figure 5.10 (a) common white spotting corrosion on the internal aluminum observed during the internal visual
inspection, and (b) opened crack mouths (by means of an EOL burst test) found inside of the corrosion spots.

While a crack that grows through the aluminum liner has been shown to only result in
leakage of the cylinder (not catastrophic burst), such leakage is problematic from a life extension
perspective. To address this issue Digital Wave Corporation investigated the use of a re-
autofrettage procedure (tensile overload) to put the aluminum liner back into residual
compression. From a fracture mechanics perspective, the tensile overload will develop a plastic
zone at the crack tip, effectively blunting the crack tips and retarding the growth rate of the
corrosion assisted flaws. For this portion of the study, fifteen DOT-SP 10915 cylinders (all
donated from Fairfax, VA) were used in order to eliminate variability due to the varying service
conditions from the different locales. All fifteen of the cylinders were found to have signs of
corrosion during the internal visual inspection (Table 4.1). To study the efficacy of crack tip
blunting, eight of the fifteen cylinders were subjected to the re-autofrettage pressure while the
remaining seven cylinders were not; all fifteen cylinders were then subjected to a maximum of
10,000 cycles following the procedure given in Section 5.2.

The eight cylinders which were subjected to the re-autofrettage pressure were first
subjected to the pressure schedule of Figure 5.1, with the test pressure modified to 8500 psi
(1000 psi greater than any previously experienced pressure by the cylinder). By taking the
cylinder 1000 psi above any pressure that it had previously seen, the aluminum liner would again
plastically deform, and upon unloading of the cylinder the aluminum liner (and all corrosion
initiated flaw sites that had been introduced into the liner) were put into residual compression.
Section 9.0 provides fracture mechanics calculations of the created plastic zone size at the crack
tip which retards crack growth, as well as Paris Law and Wheeler model computations which
compare the remaining fatigue life of the re-autofrettaged and non-re-autofrettaged corroded
aluminum liners. The included computations are in good agreement with the experimental data.

6.0 Physical and Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) Testing Results

6.1 End of Life Burst Tests

6.1.1. Mechanical Response

It was observed that both cylinder designs (DOT-SP 10915 and DOT-SP 10945)
responded in a bi-modulus fashion; this was due to the fact that once the original autofrettage
pressure of the cylinder had been reached, the 6061-T6 Al liner began to deform plastically and
no longer significantly contributed to the stiffness of the cylinder, effectively reducing the
stiffness response of the structure to simply the stiffness of the composite overwrap. Figure 6.1
presents a representative stress-strain response for a DOT-SP 10915 SCBA cylinder in both the
axial and hoop directions, while Figure 6.2 presents a representative stress-strain curve for a
DOT-SP 10945 SCBA cylinder in both the axial and hoop directions. Plots of the initial and
secondary modulus determination are presented in Figure 6.3 and Figure 6.4 for the DOT-SP
10915 and DOT-SP 10945 cylinders, respectively.

In addition to the stiffness response of the cylinders, the ultimate burst strength was also
recorded for all cylinders. All stiffness and ultimate burst strength data are summarized in Table
6.1, images of all failed cylinders are presented in Section 10.0, and the stress-strain response of
all cylinders is shown in Appendix A. From Table 6.1 it is observed that twenty-four of the
twenty-five cylinders met the minimum required burst pressure of the DOT CFFC 5th Revision
(15,300 psi), and that the initial and secondary modulus in both the hoop and axial directions for
each variant was consistent across equivalent size cylinders.

Figure 6.1 Stress-strain response in the axial and hoop directions of DOT-SP 10915 (OM3962).

Figure 6.2 Stress-strain response in the axial and hoop directions of DOT-SP 10945 (ALT695-3650).

Figure 6.3 (a) Initial, and (b) secondary modulus determination for E10915 OM3962..

Figure 6.4 (a) Initial, and (b) secondary modulus determination for E10945 ALT695-3650.

Table 6.1 Summary of Burst pressure, BEOP, Visual Inspection Results, MAE life extension results, Elastic Expansion,
testing results, initial and secondary modulus data.
MAE Life Elastic Pass
Visually Burst BEOP % Initial Hoop Initial Axial Secondary Hoop Secondary Axial
Manufacturer Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure BEOP [psi] Extension Met Expansion REE [cc] Hydro
Condemned [Y/N] Pressure [psi] Burst Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi]
[Y/N] [cc] [Y/N]
SCI 60 ALT 604 3742 05/98 4500 N 14734 7671 52.1% N (BEO) 10.2 10.7 8.8 6.9 136.0 140.0 Y
SCI 45 ALT 695 4436 07/98 4500 Y 17837 11088 62.2% Y 11.7 10.6 9.1 6.6 91.1 105.0 Y
SCI 60 ALT 604 4962 08/98 4500 N 20285 13003 64.1% Y 10.9 10.1 9.0 6.8 130.9 140.0 Y
SCI 45 ALT 695 3650 06/98 4500 Y 19317 14091 72.9% Y 11.5 10.3 8.5 5.5 88.9 105.0 Y
SCI 45 ALT 695 4494 07/98 4500 N 19451 11909 61.2% Y 12.4 10.1 10.0 6.5 85.9 105.0 Y
Luxfer 45 OM 3915 08/98 4500 N 17300 12447 71.9% Y 12.4 8.3 9.9 4.3 90.9 113.0 Y
Luxfer 45 OM 3990 08/98 4500 N 16725 10850 64.9% Y 9.8 10.0 6.7 5.1 103.7 113.0 Y
Luxfer 45 OM 3934 08/98 4500 N 16050 10528 65.6% Y 9.9 9.5 7.1 5.0 104.4 113.0 Y
Luxfer 45 OM 3941 08/98 4500 N 17200 10283 59.8% Y - 8.2 - 4.1 - 113.0 -
Luxfer 45 OM 3962 08/98 4500 N 17675 9829 55.6% Y 10.4 9.8 7.2 5.1 99.6 113.0 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 14969 12/98 4500 N 18980 12508 65.9% Y 13.6 13.0 10.3 7.2 67.6 71.1 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 17663 12/98 4500 N 20674 12654 61.2% Y 13.8 13.0 10.5 7.4 67.2 71.1 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 18023 12/98 4500 N 19554 12713 65.0% Y 13.4 13.7 9.8 8.4 67.3 71.1 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 69216 10/00 4500 N 20599 13108 63.6% Y 12.2 13.1 7.3 7.3 73.7 71.1 N
SCI 30 ALT 639 18629 01/99 4500 N 20181 11698 58.0% Y 14.0 - 11.3 - - - -
Luxfer 30 IH 1740 06/98 4500 N 19275 12817 66.5% Y 13.9 11.7 10.0 5.9 62.0 76.0 Y
Luxfer 30 IH 1855 06/98 4500 N 18089 11352 62.8% Y 12.3 12.0 9.1 5.7 68.6 76.0 Y
Luxfer 30 IH 1763 06/98 4500 N 20402 12260 60.1% Y 13.3 11.3 9.9 6.0 65.0 76.0 Y
Luxfer 30 IH 1135 06/98 4500 N 19378 10003 51.6% Y 12.6 12.0 9.5 6.1 66.8 76.0 Y
Luxfer 30 IH 1929 06/98 4500 N 19378 11760 60.7% Y 10.6 11.1 8.7 6.0 78.9 76.0 N
SCI 60 ALT 604 6739 12/98 4500 N 21780 12302 56.5% Y 9.8 10.5 7.8 7.5 134.9 143.0 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 17688 12/98 4500 N 20878 13987 67.0% Y 14.2 13.6 10.4 8.1 64.6 71.1 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 18862 01/99 4500 N 20244 12288 60.7% Y 17.4 12.9 15.5 7.5 56.1 71.1 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 18507 01/99 4500 N 21548 10649 49.4% Y 13.6 13.4 10.0 7.8 66.3 71.1 Y
SCI 30 ALT 639 18793 01/99 4500 N 19480 11938 61.3% Y 14.5 13.3 9.8 7.3 63.8 71.1 Y

Further, statistical analysis of the baseline EOL burst strength data was performed, and
will be subsequently compared to the statistical distributions form other testing procedures to
evaluate the impact of the given testing protocols. As shown in Figure 6.5, the burst strength of
all twenty-five EOL burst tests was modeled as both a normal (or Gaussian) distribution, and a
two-parameter Weibull distribution. The mean value and standard deviation from the normal
distribution fit of the EOL burst test data was found to be 19,080 psi and 1742.3 psi,
respectively. The two parameters of a Weibull distribution are the scale parameter (), and the
shape parameter (). The scale parameter is analogous to the mean of a normal distribution and
is equal to the (1 1/e) percentile of the distribution, while the shape parameter describes the
breadth of the distribution. A large shape parameter (>10) is indicative of a low variability
distribution, while a small shape parameter (<10) is indicative of a highly variable distribution.
The scale and shape parameters of the Weibull distribution fit of the EOL burst test data were
19,840 psi, and 13.3, respectively. From Figure 6.5 (and a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the
goodness of fit), the two-parameter Weibull distribution more adequately modeled the
distribution of burst strengths, and will used for comparison in the remaining sections.

Figure 6.5 Distribution of the EOL Burst strengths of the twenty-five tested CFFC cylinders with the corresponding
normal distribution fit ( = 19,080 psi, = 1742.3 psi), and two parameter Weibull distribution fit ( = 19,840 psi, =

6.1.2. MAE analysis

For the MAE life extension requirements of [8], all cylinders passed the stability
requirements, and were found to have no significant fiber bundle breaks (i.e., energy greater than
2.7x10-16 J) or large energy single events (i.e., energy greater than 2.7x10 -14 J) on the second
cycle to test pressure. Of the twenty-five pressure cylinders tested, twenty-four of the cylinders
passed the BEO requirements for life extension at test pressure, while one failed. The cylinder
that failed the MAE BEO life extension requirement (ALT 604 3742) failed due to background
energy oscillations on the second cycle to test pressure as shown in Figure 6.6. Importantly, this
was also the cylinder that was found to burst below the minimum required burst pressure (Table
6.1); the significance of this result will be elaborated upon in Section 6.7. A representative plot
of the background energy oscillations during the burst pressurization cycle for a cylinder that
burst above the minimum design requirement is shown in Figure 6.7. The background energy
oscillation pressure (BEOP) was determined as the pressure within the cylinder at which the
BEOs become greater than a factor (MO) of two; all BEOP determinations are presented in
Appendix B.

Figure 6.6 - BEO on the second test pressure cycle for ALT604 3742. Such an oscillation in the background energy
caused the cylinder to fail the MAE life extension requirement.

Figure 6.7 - Determination of Background Energy Oscillation Pressure (indicated by the dashed red crosshairs) for DOT-
SP 10915 OM3915.

6.2 Cyclic Fatigue

6.2.1. Mechanical Response

From the design requirements in the DOT CFFC 5th Revision [1], the stress in the fiber
at the operating pressure of a cylinder must be below 30%. Hence, the fibers (the primary load
bearing member of the design) are not stressed to a great enough level such that the composite

overwrap could begin to deteriorate and compromise the cylinders strength. Evidence to support
the fact that the composite overwraps stiffness is not degrading during cyclic fatigue to the
maximum developed pressure (in addition to the lack of real MAE data) is shown in Figure 6.8,
where the maximum and minimum strain for each cycle during a fatigue test can be seen. From
Figure 6.8 it is clear that the maximum and minimum hoop strain values were not changing
(accounting for peak pressure variability and temperature stability) from cycle to cycle,
indicating that the stiffness of the composite overwrap was not being degraded due to cyclic
fatigue. Finally, the temperature of the cylinders was monitored during the cyclic fatigue process
to insure that autogenous heating was not taking place in the cylinder (Figure 6.9). Figure 6.9
shows that the temperature of an SCBA cylinder as a function of time, where it is clear that the
temperature of the outer layer of the cylinders is reasonably consistent at 68 F, and doesnt
exceed 72 F at any point during the cyclic fatigue test.

Figure 6.8 Maximum and minimum strain values on each cycle of a cyclic fatigue test.

Figure 6.9 Temperature as a function of time of the outer layer of a SCBA pressure during a cyclic fatigue test.

In agreement with the observations in Section 6.1.1, all cylinders were found to respond
in a bi-modulus fashion. The typical response of a cylinder after 10,000 cycles is shown in
Figure 6.10, while stress-strain curves for all cylinders are provided in Appendix A. Results for
stiffness, burst pressure, MAE life extension results, and visual inspection results are presented
in Table 6.2. From Table 6.2, it is highlighted that of the twenty-one burst tests summarized in
this report, all twenty-one cylinders met or exceeded the required minimum burst pressure of the
DOT CFFC 5th Revision. Also, in comparing the stiffness values from Section 6.1.1 to the
stiffness values reported in Table 6.2 (comparing like designs and capacities), no statistical
difference was found. Such findings indicate that no deleterious effects were experienced by the
composite overwrap of the SCBA cylinder when subjected to a simulated additional twenty years
of service life.

Figure 6.10 Stress-strain response of OM3794 operated under DOT-SP 10915.

Table 6.2 Stiffness, burst pressure, MAE life extension results, elastic expansion, and visual inspection results for all
cylinders that were subjected to an additional simulated twenty years of service life.
MAE Life Elastic Pass
Visually Burst BEOP % Initial Hoop Initial Axial Secondary Hoop Secondary Axial
Test Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure BEOP [psi] Extension Met Expansion REE [cc] Hydro
Condemned [Y/N] Pressure [psi] Burst Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi]
[Y/N] [cc] [Y/N]
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT 695 1700 03/98 4500 Y 19350 12597 65.1% Y 12.1 10.9 8.8 5.9 93.8 105.0 Y
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 6058 09/98 4500 N 19181 9022 47.0% Y 12.4 12.4 10.1 6.6 80.2 105.0 Y
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 5353 09/98 4500 Y 18700 13190 70.5% Y 11.1 9.5 8.7 5.7 94.0 105.0 Y
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 4745 07/98 4500 N 19600 11323 57.8% Y 10.7 9.8 8.2 5.3 95.4 105.0 Y
10k and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 1668 03/98 4500 Y >17550 11411 - Y 12.1 11.2 9.2 6.1 97.3 105.0 Y
Leaked at
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3947 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
9388 cycles
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3950 08/98 4500 N 16855 9565 56.7% Y 11.4 11.8 9.3 6.3 107.8 113.0 Y
Leaked at
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3921 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
9048 cycles
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3928 08/98 4500 N 15716 8701 55.4% Y 10.5 10.2 8.1 5.0 104.1 113.0 Y
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3913 08/98 4500 N 17212 8920 51.8% Y 11.4 10.9 8.2 6.0 94.7 113.0 Y
Leaked at
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3985 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
5369 cycles
Leaked at
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3960 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
5364 cycles
Leaked at
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3956 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
8680 cycles
Leaked at
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3994 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
5369 cycles
10k and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 4045 09/98 4500 N 19042 10532 55.3% Y 11.1 9.3 7.8 4.7 102.7 113.0 Y
10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1271 06/98 4500 N 18818 13271 70.5% Y 14.1 12.3 9.7 6.1 63.0 76.0 Y
10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2483 07/98 4500 N 19710 11894 60.3% Y 13.0 11.5 9.8 6.0 70.0 76.0 Y
10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1748 06/98 4500 N 19890 12978 65.2% Y 13.9 11.7 9.8 6.0 65.8 76.0 Y
10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1820 06/98 4500 N 18598 11909 64.0% Y 12.6 11.4 9.7 6.0 68.0 76.0 Y
Leaked at
10k and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1027 06/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
6295 cycles
10k and Burst Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18974 01/99 4500 N 21132 12758 60.4% Y 14.7 13.3 10.7 8.6 66.3 69.9 Y
10k and Burst Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18799 01/99 4500 N 20649 10297 49.9% Y 13.6 14.7 10.2 8.9 69.2 71.1 Y
10k and Burst Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18790 01/99 4500 N 19741 11206 56.8% Y 13.4 14.4 9.6 8.0 70.2 71.1 Y
10k and Burst Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT695 1653 03/98 4500 N 17734 10063 56.7% Y 12.5 11.2 9.1 6.0 94.7 105.0 Y
10k and Burst Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT604 4342 07/98 4500 N 18233 9887 54.2% Y 13.7 13.2 12.2 9.6 137.2 143.0 Y
10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 39764 11/99 4500 N 20414 13412 65.7% Y 13.0 15.0 9.3 8.4 70.8 69.9 N
10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18435 01/99 4500 N 20400 13681 67.1% Y 13.9 13.3 11.2 8.1 69.5 69.9 Y
10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 39694 11/99 4500 N 20195 11250 55.7% Y 12.4 14.3 8.6 7.7 73.9 71.1 N
10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18683 01/99 4500 N 17822 11074 62.1% Y 13.9 13.5 10.9 7.9 69.3 71.1 Y
Leaked at
10k and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18020 01/99 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
6297 cycles

To further confirm that a simulated twenty years of additional service life had no
deleterious effects on the SCBA burst pressure strength, Figure 6.11 compares the two parameter
Weibull distributions for cylinders which only experienced fifteen years of service life (presented
in Section 6.1.1) to the distribution of cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life
and an additional simulated twenty years of service. From Figure 6.11 it was observed that the
scale and shape parameters of the Weibull distribution for cylinders which experienced fifteen
years of service life was 19,840 psi and 13.3, respectively, while the scale and shape parameters
of the Weibull distribution for cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life and a
simulated additional twenty years of service was 19,597 psi and 17.1, respectively. Such
findings indicate that a negligible change in burst strength was observed between the fifteen year
old cylinders and the simulated thirty-five year old cylinders, while a marked tightening of the
burst strength distribution was observed for the cylinders subjected to the additional twenty years
of service life.

Figure 6.11 A comparison of the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which experienced fifteen years of
service life ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3) to cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life and a simulated additional
twenty years of service ( = 19,597 psi, = 17.1).

As shown in Table 6.2, twenty-one of the twenty-five SCBA cylinders that were
subjected to a simulated twenty years of life extension managed to withstand the additional
10,000 cycles. The four cylinders, OM3921, OM3947, IH 6295, and ALT639-18020, that did
not manage to sustain the additional 10,000 cycles leaked at 9,048 cycles (18.1 years additional
service life), 9,388 cycles (18.8 years additional service life), 6,295 cycles (12.6 years additional
service life), and 6,297 cycles (12.6 years additional service life), respectively. All cylinders
failed in a leak before burst fashion, validating the fail safe nature of the DOT CFFC 5th
Revision design requirements.

6.2.2. MAE Analysis

During cyclic fatigue a copious amount of MAE data was acquired. For undamaged
cylinders that were cycled up to the maximum developed pressure during fast filling (i.e., no
notches, impact damage, etc.), none of the waveforms were from sources that were
compromising the structural integrity of the cylinder; a majority of the waveforms were due to
mechanical rubbing from the containment fixture and flow noise during the de-pressurization
stage. The reason for no real MAE data is due to the fact that the cylinders have been subjected
to several cycles up to the maximum developed pressure, and theoretically three pressurizations
up to test pressure. Thus, no new damage was accumulated in the composite during the cyclic
fatiguing. As mentioned previously, from the design requirements in the DOT CFFC 5th
Revision [1], the stress in the fiber at the operating pressure of a cylinder must be below 30%.
Hence, the fibers (the primary load bearing member of the design) are not stressed to a great
enough level such that the composite overwrap could begin to deteriorate and compromise the
cylinders strength.

During the EOL burst test, the MAE analysis of the two test pressure cycles before the
burst pressurization ramp for the cylinders that were subjected to an additional twenty years of
service life (summarized in Table 6.2), all twenty-one tested cylinders were found to meet the
MAE life extension requirements of [8], and all twenty-one cylinders burst above the minimum
required burst pressure (15,300 psi).

A representative plot of the background energy oscillations during the burst

pressurization cycle for a cylinder that was subjected to a simulated additional twenty years of
service life and burst above the minimum design requirement is shown in Figure 6.12. The
background energy oscillation pressure (BEOP) was determined as the pressure within the
cylinder at which the background energy oscillation multiplicative factor (MO) of two was
exceeded; all BEOP determinations are presented in Appendix B.

Figure 6.12 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 18974.

6.3 Simulated Impact

6.3.1. Mechanical Response

Table 6.3 presents the results from all cylinders that were subjected to a simulated impact
and then an EOL Burst test or cycled and then subsequently an EOL Burst test (Section 5.3). All
cylinders which were subjected to an EOL Burst test, burst above the minimum design
requirements of the DOT-CFFC 5th Revision [1]. It was observed that of the five SCBA
cylinders that were subjected to the ISO simulated impact, three of the five cylinders managed to
achieve an additional twenty years of simulated service life while the remaining two cylinders,
ALT604 5582 and ALT639 40157, leaked at 5474 (10.9 years additional service life) and
6651 cycles (13.3 years additional service life), respectively. Further it is pointed out that none
of the five cylinders that were subjected to the DOT/DWC extreme impact simulation were able
to achieve an additional twenty years of simulated service life. It is believed that the extreme
nature of the impact causes a delamination between the composite overwrap and the aluminum
liner which allows a localized bending moment within the aluminum liner which causes the liner
to fatigue at a greater rate due to the superimposed membrane and bending stresses. The greater
state of stress provides a greater crack driving force, resulting in greater crack growth rates and
cylinder leakage. Due to the extreme nature of the impact simulation, the number of cycles to
achieve may need some revision, potentially 2500 cycles such that it could be shown that a
severely impacted cylinder could withstand an additional five years of service, and then be
identified by MAE (Section 6.3.2) at the five year re-qualification.

Table 6.3 Cyclic pressurization result, stiffness, burst pressure, MAE life extension results, , elastic expansion, and
visual inspection results for all cylinders that were subjected to a simulated impact and/or a simulated impact with
subsequent cyclic pressurizations to the maximum developed pressure during fast fill.
MAE Life Elastic Pass
Visually Burst BEOP % Initial Hoop Initial Axial Secondary Hoop Secondary Axial
Test Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure BEOP [psi] Extension Met Expansion REE [cc] Hydro
Condemned [Y/N] Pressure [psi] Burst Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi]
[Y/N] [cc] [Y/N]
ISO Drop and Burst FDNY SCI 60 ALT 604 3567 05/98 4500 Y 19719 12084 61.3% Y 9.9 10.1 9.2 7.0 141.1 143.0 Y
ISO Drop and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3983 08/98 4500 N 18207 12831 70.5% Y 10.5 9.9 8.0 5.6 104.1 113.0 Y
ISO Drop and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2482 07/98 4500 N 19579 11806 60.3% Y 13.0 11.2 9.7 6.0 69.5 76.0 Y
ISO Drop and Burst Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT604 4371 07/98 4500 N 20975 10561 50.4% Y 12.1 13.8 11.7 9.4 139.3 143.0 Y
ISO Drop and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18722 01/99 4500 N 21275 13896 65.3% Y 14.3 13.8 11.1 8.3 67.1 69.0 Y
ISO Drop, 10k cycle
FDNY SCI 60 ALT 604 6021 10/98 4500 Y 20362 12773 62.7% Y 11.0 12.0 9.6 8.2 122.4 143.0 Y
and burst
ISO Drop, 10k cycle
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3938 08/98 4500 N 16349 10561 64.6% Y 11.7 10.9 8.1 5.7 94.9 113.0 Y
and burst
ISO Drop, 10k cycle
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2036 06/98 4500 N 20283 10942 53.9% Y 12.8 11.5 10.4 6.0 71.8 76.0 Y
and burst
ISO Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
Houston, TX SCI 60 ALT604 5582 11/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 5474 cycles
ISO Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 40157 12/99 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 6651 cycles
DOT Drop and Burst FDNY SCI 45 ALT 695 3794 06/98 4500 N 17168 11264 65.6% Y 12.4 10.4 9.0 5.6 83.8 105.0 Y
DOT Drop and Burst Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3948 08/98 4500 N 16552 9975 60.3% Y 11.0 10.5 7.6 5.6 100.4 113.0 Y
DOT Drop and Burst Houston, TX Luxfer 60 OP 11769 03/99 4500 N 18686 10927 58.5% Y 12.7 11.5 9.7 5.9 133.1 150.0 Y
DOT Drop and Burst South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2533 07/98 4500 N 17338 11068 63.8% Y 13.1 12.0 9.7 6.1 67.9 76.0 Y
DOT Drop and Burst Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18699 01/99 4500 N 19319 13192 68.3% Y 14.8 13.2 10.1 7.7 63.3 71.1 Y
DOT Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
FDNY SCI 45 ALT 695 4638 07/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 4640 cycles
DOT Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3975 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 8255 cycles
DOT Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 17697 12/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 3819 cycles
DOT Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1854 06/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 5473 cycles
DOT Drop, 10k cycle Leaked at
Howard, PA Luxfer 30 ALT639 18601 01/99 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and burst 4188 cycles

In agreement with the Sections 6.1.1 and 6.2.1, all cylinders were found to respond in a
bi-modulus fashion. The typical response of an impacted cylinder is shown in Figure 6.13, while
stress-strain curves for all cylinders are provided in Appendix A. Results for stiffness, burst
pressure, MAE life extension results, and visual inspection results are also summarized in Table
6.3. From Table 6.3, it is highlighted that of the thirteen burst tests summarized in this section,
all thirteen cylinders met or exceeded the required minimum burst pressure of the DOT CFFC 5 th
Revision [1]. Such findings indicate that no deleterious effects on the strength of the SCBA
cylinder were experienced when subjected to a simulated impact or a simulated impact and an
additional twenty years of service life.

Figure 6.13 Stress-strain response of ALT695-3794 operated under DOT-SP 10945.

To further confirm that a simulated impact and/or a simulated impact and twenty years of
simulated additional service life had no deleterious effects on the SCBA burst pressure strength,
Figure 6.14 compares the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which only
experienced fifteen years of service life (Section 1) to the distribution of cylinders which
experienced a simulated impact and/or a simulated impact with an additional simulated twenty
years of service. From Figure 6.14 it was observed that the scale and shape parameters of the
Weibull distribution for cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life was 19,840 psi
and 13.3, respectively, while the scale and shape parameters of the Weibull distribution for
cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life and a simulated impact or a simulated
impact and an additional twenty years of service was 19,635 psi and 13.8, respectively. Such
findings indicate that a negligible change in burst strength was observed between the fifteen year
old cylinders and the cylinders which experienced a simulated or a simulated impact with an
additional simulated twenty years of service life.

Figure 6.14 A comparison of the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which experienced fifteen years of
service life ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3) to cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life and a simulated impact
and/or a simulated impact and an additional twenty years of service ( = 19,635 psi, = 13.8).

6.3.2. MAE Analysis

Unlike the MAE data from undamaged SCBA cylinders that were cycled (Section 6.2.2)
which did not exhibit any damage MAE events, cylinders which experienced a form of simulated
impact exhibited a very specific and consistent type of damage mechanism during fatigue
loading. To identify source mechanisms from the MAE waveforms, the weighted peak
frequency (WPF), and concept of partial power (PP) was used to identify natural clustering of the
various damage mechanisms which occur within composite materials as they are subjected to a
stress state.

To highlight the utility of source mechanism classification, we first present a plot of

partial power vs. weighted peak frequency for an impacted cylinder during a burst test. The data
from the burst cycle of OM3938 (ISO drop, 10k cycle, and EOL Burst) is first analyzed because
at the higher stress levels all of the damage mechanisms occur, while during fatigue it was found
that one particular damage mechanism was prevalent. Figure 6.15 shows the partial power
versus weighted peak frequency for OM3938 during the burst test of the cylinder. In Figure 6.15
the blue diamonds identify matrix cracking events, the green diamonds correspond to interfacial
failure events, and the red diamonds signify fiber fracture events. From Figure 6.15, the natural
clustering in the frequency domain of the damage mechanisms occurring within the composite
material is readily observed; from this analysis, the power of source mechanism classification in
the evaluation of the health of a composite material is evident as the approach undeniably
identifies a clear segregation of the various failure mechanisms which occur in a composite
material during its progression to failure.

Figure 6.15 Partial power versus weight peak frequency during a burst test pressurization for OM3938. The blue
diamonds identify matrix cracking events, the green diamonds correspond to interfacial failure events, and the red
diamonds signify fiber fracture events.

With the power of source mechanism classification recognized, the MAE data from
fatigue testing of impacted cylinders may now be properly interpreted. Prior to performing
source mechanism classification all events which corresponded to mechanical rubbing and flow
noise were removed from the data set. Figure 6.16 presents the partial power versus weighted
peak frequency plot for OM3938 during the 10,000 fatigue cycles. From Figure 6.16 it is
observed that very few matrix cracking and fiber fracture events were observed, but a large
number of interfacial failure events were observed. Due to the impact damage that was imparted
on the cylinder, delamination between the various layers of the composite overwrapped pressure
cylinder was present, and as the cylinder was cycled the delaminations were able to grow, as well
as having the separated crack faces rub against one another generating frictional acoustic
emission. Thus, the MAE signature during fatigue loading of a cylinder with simulated impact
damage was found to be distinct and classifiable.

Figure 6.16 Partial power versus weight peak frequency during 10,000 cycles to maximum developed pressure for

For the thirteen cylinders with simulated impact damage that were subjected to the EOL
burst testing, seven of the thirteen cylinders were found to exhibit at least one large delamination
event (a representative waveform is shown in Figure 6.17) on the first test pressurization cycle,
while emitting nothing on the second test pressure cycle. From the waveform shown in Figure
6.17, both the extensional and flexural wave modes are clearly evident with the flexure mode
dominating the relative amount of energy in the waveform. The dominant amount of flexural
mode is characteristic of out-of-plane sources commonly associated with delamination.
Delamination type sources are not surprising in light of the fact that a new damage state was
introduced to the composite microstructure during the simulated impact. On the first test
pressure cycle after the simulated impact event, several acoustic emissions were released as the
damage state within the composite evolved and reestablished equilibrium. The absence of the
delamination type sources on the second test pressure cycle indicates that the damage state did
not significantly compromise the stability of the composite overwrap, which is confirmed in the
mechanical stiffness and burst pressure data presented in Table 6.3.

Figure 6.17 Representative delamination waveform emitted from OM3948 during the first test pressurization cycle.

During the EOL burst test, the MAE analysis of the two test pressure cycles before the
burst pressurization ramp for the cylinders that were subjected to a simulated impact, or a
simulated impact and an additional twenty years of service life (summarized in Table 6.3), all
thirteen tested cylinders were found to meet the MAE life extension requirements of [8], and all
thirteen cylinders burst above the minimum required burst pressure (15,300 psi).

A representative plot of the background energy oscillations for a two channel test during
the burst pressurization cycle for a cylinder that was subjected to the DOT extreme impact
simulation and burst above the minimum design requirement is shown in Figure 6.18. The
background energy oscillation pressure (BEOP) was determined as the pressure within the
cylinder at which the background energy oscillation multiplicative factor (MO) was exceeded; all
BEOP determinations are presented in Appendix B. From Figure 6.18, it was found that the
BEOP for channels 1 and 2 were 58.5% and 59.4% of the burst pressure of OP11769,
respectively. Such findings demonstrate that the BEOP is relatively insensitive to sensor
placement for a 60 minute SCBA sized cylinder.

Figure 6.18 - Background Energy Oscillation for OP11769.

6.4 Notch Tolerance

6.4.1. Mechanical Response

For the nine cylinders with notches that were subjected to the EOL burst testing, all
cylinders were found to meet the minimum required burst strength of 10,000 psi [2], and seven
of the nine cylinders were found to meet the minimum burst pressure (15,300 psi) requirements
of DOT CFFC 5th revision [1]. From a stiffness response perspective, all cylinders were found to
respond in a bi-modulus fashion. The typical response of a cylinder is shown in Figure 6.19,
while stress-strain curves for all notched cylinders are provided in Appendix A. Due to extreme
delamination of the sacrificial layer, certain stress-strain curves did not perfectly follow the clean
bi-modulus response that was observed in all other cylinders subjected to an EOL burst. Table
6.4 summarizes the physical testing of all notched SCBA cylinders covered in this report.

Figure 6.19 - Stress-strain response of ALT639-17732 operated under DOT-SP 10945.

Table 6.4 - Summary of burst strength, stiffness data, visual inspection results, elastic expansion results, and MAE life
extension requirements results for all notched SCBA cylinders.
MAE Life Elastic Pass
Visually Burst BEOP % Initial Hoop Initial Axial Secondary Hoop Secondary Axial
Test Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure BEOP [psi] Extension Met Expansion REE [cc] Hydro
Condemned [Y/N] Pressure [psi] Burst Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi]
[Y/N] [cc] [Y/N]
EOL Burst w/ ISO
FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 3929 06/98 4500 Y 17461 12020 68.8% Y 12.5 12.9 8.8 3.8 81.1 105.0 Y
EOL Burst w/ ISO
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3984 08/98 4500 Y 14090 6054 43.0% N (BEO) 16.5 7.0 N/A N/A 81.3 113.0 Y
EOL Burst w/ ISO
Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 17732 12/98 4500 Y 18232 9345 51.3% Y 13.3 14.8 10.5 8.2 70.2 71.1 Y
EOL Burst w/ ISO
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 2554 07/98 4500 Y 16020 7119 44.4% N (BEO) 14.5 11.1 11.2 6.0 63.8 76.0 Y
EOL Burst w/ ISO
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 69925 11/00 4500 Y 19697 11704 59.4% Y 13.3 6.8 10.0 7.7 76.8 71.1 N
ISO Notch cyclic
FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 4304 07/98 4500 Y 16948 9301 54.9% Y - - - - - - -
fatigue, and Burst
ISO Notch cyclic Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3971 08/98 4500 Y - - - - - - - - - -
fatigue, and Burst 4448 cylces
ISO Notch cyclic
Houston, TX Luxfer 60 OP 11129 03/99 4500 Y 13881 9169 66.1% N (FRAE) 12.4 11.4 9.2 6.2 124.9 150.0 Y
fatigue, and Burst
ISO Notch cyclic
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1251 06/98 4500 Y 16298 10034 61.6% Y 13.8 11.8 9.7 6.2 65.2 76.0 Y
fatigue, and Burst
ISO Notch cyclic
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 17827 12/98 4500 Y 17280 9345 54.1% Y 14.3 13.6 10.7 8.4 67.4 71.1 Y
fatigue, and Burst

Figure 6.20 compares the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which only
experienced fifteen years of service life (Section 6.1.1) to the distribution of notched SCBA
cylinders. From Figure 6.20 it was observed that the scale and shape parameters of the Weibull
distribution for cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life was 19,840 psi and 13.3,
respectively, while the scale and shape parameters of the Weibull distribution for cylinders
which experienced fifteen years of service life and were notched or notched and subjected to
5,000 cycles was 17,461 psi and 10.7, respectively. Such findings indicate that introducing two
notches, which were over 50% of the depth of the composite overwrap, had a measurable effect
on the burst strength of the SCBA cylinders. A 12% reduction in the scale parameter of the
Weibull distribution for notched cylinders as compared to un-notched cylinders was found. The
surprising finding comes from the perspective that using the notched SCBA cylinder Weibull
distribution, only 21.7% of SCBA cylinders with such a significant notch would burst below the
minimum required burst pressure of DOT-CFFC 5th Revision [1].

Figure 6.20 - A comparison of the two parameter Weibull distributions for cylinders which experienced fifteen years of
service life ( = 19,840 psi, = 13.3) to cylinders which experienced fifteen years of service life and subjected to the notch
tolerance testing ( = 17,461 psi, = 10.7).

All five cylinders that were subjected to cyclic fatigue testing met the requirements of
ISO 11119.2 Section [2], with only one of the five cylinders (OM3971) leaking during
cyclic fatigue; OM 3971 leaked at 4,448 cycles. During cycling fatigue delamination originating
from the tips of the axially oriented notch were noted (Figure 6.21), and confirmed through MAE
source classification analysis.

Figure 6.21 Delamination of the sacrificial glass fiber layers from the structural carbon fiber layers as a result of cyclic

6.4.2. MAE Analysis

Using the power of source mechanism classification (highlighted in Section 6.3.2), the
MAE data from notched cylinders could be properly interpreted. Prior to performing source
mechanism classification all events which corresponded to mechanical rubbing and flow noise
were removed from the data set. As a representative example, MAE data from the EOL burst
test of ALT695-3929 was analyzed. Figure 6.22 presents the partial power versus weighted peak
frequency for the EOL burst test of ALT695-3929, from which it was observed that a large
number of interfacial failure events (particularly delaminations) were observed. Due to notching
the cylinders, a free surface was created at which the hoop and helical wraps will tend to
delaminate due to the extreme Poisson Ratio mismatch of the plies. As an example of this type
of behavior, Figure 6.23 shows a notched SCBA cylinder that was taken to approximately 95%
of its burst strength and then de-pressurized in order to photograph the damage state. From
Figure 6.23, the large amount of delamination originating from the free surfaces created at the
axial notch was quite obvious, providing strong evidence that the MAE signature during
pressurization of a notched cylinder was found to be distinct and classifiable.

Figure 6.22 Partial power versus weight peak frequency during a burst test pressurization for ALT695-3929. The blue
diamonds identify matrix cracking events, the green diamonds correspond to interfacial failure events, and the red
diamonds signify fiber fracture events.

Figure 6.23 Extreme amount of delamination originating from the axially oriented notch on a cylinder that was
pressurized to 95% of its burst pressure.

The two cylinders which burst below the minimum required burst pressure of DOT CFFC
5 revision [1] failed Digital Waves MAE life extension requirements [8]. OM3984 failed the

MAE life extension requirements due to background energy oscillations on both test pressure
cycles, while OP11129 failed the single event energy criterion on the second test pressure cycle.
Additionally, one other cylinder (IH2554) failed Digital Waves MAE life extension due to
background energy oscillation on the first test pressure cycle; however, the cylinder did burst at
16,020 psi. For IH2554 (as with all notched cylinders), the ratio of background energy
oscillation pressure to burst pressure was lower as compared to un-notched cylinders, due to the
extreme stress concentrator that was put into the notched SCBA cylinders. An example of the
determination of the background energy oscillations for a notched cylinder is shown in Figure
6.24, while all BEO plots are presented in Appendix B.

Figure 6.24 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 17827.

6.5 Sulfuric Acid Resistance

6.5.1. Mechanical Response

Results for stiffness, burst pressure, MAE life extension, and visual inspection are
summarized in Table 6.5 for the five cylinders which were held at operating pressure for 100
hours with a 6 sulfuric acid patch painted on the cylinder wall and then subsequently burst or
subjected to the DOT drop, cycled from 200 5192 psi for 1,000 cycles, exposed to sulfuric acid
for 100 hours while being held at service pressure, and then burst (Section 5.5). It was observed
that all five SCBA cylinders that were subjected to the sulfuric acid exposure burst well above
the minimum burst pressure requirements of [1]. Such findings indicate that no deleterious
effects on the strength of the SCBA cylinders were experienced when subjected to sulfuric acid.
In agreement with the Sections 6.1-6.4 all cylinders were found to respond in a bi-modulus
fashion. The typical stress-strain response of a sulfuric acid exposed cylinder is shown in Figure
6.25, while all stress-strain curves are provided in Appendix A.

Table 6.5 - Summary of burst strength, stiffness data, visual inspection results, elastic expansion results, and MAE life
extension requirements results for all SCBA cylinders subjected to sulfuric acid exposure.
MAE Life Elastic Pass
Visually Burst BEOP % Initial Hoop Initial Axial Secondary Hoop Secondary Axial
Test Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure BEOP [psi] Extension Met Expansion REE [cc] Hydro
Condemned [Y/N] Pressure [psi] Burst Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi]
[Y/N] [cc] [Y/N]
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
FDNY SCI 45 ALT695 4333 07/98 4500 N 20268 11528 56.9% Y 13.2 10.9 10.0 6.2 93.51 105 Y
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3918 08/98 4500 N 16284 9164 56.3% Y 13.1 12.6 9.4 6.3 96.26 113 Y
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
Kennebunkport, ME SCI 30 ALT639 18800 01/99 4500 N 19008 10019 52.7% Y 11.7 12.9 10.0 6.5 80.14 71.1 N
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
South Berwick, ME Luxfer 30 IH 1750 06/98 4500 N 16416 10576 64.4% Y 13.1 12.4 9.7 6.2 68.04 76 Y
Sulfuric Acid Hold and
Howard, PA SCI 30 ALT639 18713 01/99 4500 N 17148 11440 66.7% Y 13.2 12.6 9.3 7.5 73.28 71.1 N

Figure 6.25 Stress-strain response of ALT639-18800 during EOL burst. ALT639-18800 was subjected to a 100 hour
hold at operating pressure while being exposed to sulfuric acid, and subsequently burst.

After the 100 hour hold at operating pressure with the sulfuric acid patch painted on the
cylinder, the only physical sign of acid exposure were patches of discoloration of the gel coat of
all DOT-SP 10945 cylinders (as shown in Figure 6.26). The DOT-SP 10915 cylinders did not
show any physical signs of acid exposure.

Figure 6.26 Typical discoloration of the gel coat of DOT-SP 10945 cylinders after 100 hours of sulfuric acid exposure
while being held at operating pressure.

6.5.2. MAE Analysis

No MAE waveforms were detected during the 100 hour hold at service pressure on any
of the sulfuric acid exposed DOT-CFFC cylinders which indicate that sulfuric acid attack of the
reinforcing carbon fibers was not occurring. Because the sulfuric acid could not penetrate the gel
coat and sacrificial layers, no sulfuric acid attack could occur to the strength member (carbon
fibers). During the EOL burst test, the MAE data from the test pressure cycles before the burst
pressurization ramp for the cylinders that were subjected to sulfuric acid exposure while being
held at service pressure, or a simulated DOT impact, followed by 1000 cycles to maximum
developed pressure (Section 5.2), and then held at operating pressure while exposed to sulfuric
acid was analyzed; all five tested cylinders were found to meet the MAE life extension
requirements of [8], and all five cylinders burst above the minimum required burst pressure
(15,300 psi, Table 6.5).

A representative plot of the background energy oscillations for a cylinder that was
subjected to the sulfuric acid exposure and burst above the minimum design requirement is
shown in Figure 6.27. The background energy oscillation pressure (BEOP) was determined as
the pressure within the cylinder at which the background energy oscillation multiplicative factor
(MO) was exceeded; all BEOP determinations are presented in Appendix B. From Figure 6.27, it
was found that the BEOP for ALT639-18713 occurred at 66.7% of the burst pressure of the

Figure 6.27 Background energy oscillation pressure determination for ALT639-18713.

6.6 Re-autofrettage and corroded liners

6.6.1. Mechanical Response

A representative stress-strain response in the hoop direction during the two re-
autofrettage cycles is shown in Figure 6.28. In Figure 6.28, it is seen that the SCBA pressure
cylinder exhibits a bi-modulus response up to an internal pressure of 7500 psi on the first re-
autofrettage cycle, past which point the aluminum liner is plastically deforming. Upon removal
of the internal pressure, a permanent amount of deformation (plastic strain, p) had been imparted
on the SCBA pressure cylinder. The average amount of permanent deformation from the first re-
autofrettage pressure cycle for all eight cylinders was found to be 358 . On the second test
pressure cycle, the SCBA pressure cylinder responded in a linear elastic fashion up to the new
test pressure of 8500 psi (Figure 6.28).

Figure 6.28 Typical stress-strain response in the hoop direction of an SCBA cylinder during the re-autofrettage

In agreement with Section 6.2, it was again found that during cyclic fatigue testing the
composite overwraps properties were not degrading during cyclic fatigue to the maximum
developed pressure (Figure 6.29). Figure 6.29 presents the maximum and minimum strain for
each cycle during cyclic fatigue testing for a cylinder that was re-autofrettaged, from which it is
clear that the maximum and minimum hoop strain values were not changing from cycle to cycle
(when accounting for the variability in temperature and true peak pressure). Such a mechanical
response confirms that the stiffness of the composite overwrap was not being degraded due to
cyclic fatigue.

Results for number of cycles obtained, stiffness, burst pressure, MAE life extension, and
visual inspection are summarized in Table 6.6 for the eight cylinders that were re-autofrettaged,
and the seven cylinders which were not re-autofrettaged. Seven of the eight (87.5%) cylinders
which were re-autofrettaged achieved 10,000 fatigue cycles up to the maximum developed
pressure. Conversely, six of the seven (85.7%) cylinders which were not re-autofrettaged leaked
before obtaining 10,000 cycles to the maximum developed pressure. Such findings strongly
support the approach of re-autofrettaging the aluminum liners in order to blunt any existing
cracks which were caused by improper hydrostatic testing. Section 9.0 provides an analysis of
the estimation of the fatigue life for the cylinders that were and were not re-autofrettaged. The
fatigue life estimations of Section 9.0 were in good agreement with the cyclic fatigue results
presented in this section.

Figure 6.29 - Maximum and minimum strain values on each cycle of a cyclic fatigue test for a cylinder that was re-

Table 6.6 Summary of number of cycles achieved, stiffness, burst strength, MAE life extension analysis, visual
inspection, and elastic expansion results for the SCBAs with heavily corroded liners that were and were not re-
MAE Life Elastic Pass
Visually Burst BEOP % Initial Hoop Initial Axial Secondary Hoop Secondary Axial
Test Location DOT-SP Time Designation SN Mfg Date Pressure BEOP [psi] Extension Met Expansion REE [cc] Hydro
Condemned [Y/N] Pressure [psi] Burst Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi] Modulus [Msi]
[Y/N] [cc] [Y/N]
Corroded liner, 10k Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3985 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and Burst 5369 cycles
Corroded liner, 10k Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3960 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and Burst 5364 cycles
Corroded liner, 10k Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3956 08/98 4500 N 8680 cycles - - - - - - - - - -
and Burst
Corroded liner, 10k Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3994 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and Burst 5369 cycles
Corroded liner, 10k
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 4045 09/98 4500 N 19042 10532 55.3% Y 11.1 9.34 7.77 4.66 102.74 113 Y
and Burst
Corroded liner, 10k Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3969 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and Burst 6986 cycles
Corroded liner, 10k Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3973 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
and Burst 6568 cycles
Corroded liner, AF, Leaked at
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3903 08/98 4500 N - - - - - - - - - -
10k and Burst 6984 cycles
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3982 08/98 4500 N 16723 9375 56.1% Y 12.4 12.1 9.2 6.7 102.1 113 Y
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3917 08/98 4500 N 16298 9433 57.9% Y 12.6 12.0 9.3 6.3 100.29 113 Y
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3957 08/98 4500 N 17256 11684 67.7% Y 12.9 13.3 9.37 7.18 96.09 113 Y
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3914 08/98 4500 N 15581 9589 61.5% Y 12.6 12.6 9.25 6.28 97.84 113 Y
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3912 08/98 4500 N 16166 9434 58.4% Y 12.9 11.6 9.4 5.69 98.25 113 Y
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3954 08/98 4500 N 15815 9501 60.1% Y 12.6 11.8 9.76 5.83 100.99 113 Y
10k and Burst
Corroded liner, AF,
Fairfax, VA Luxfer 45 OM 3925 08/98 4500 N 17456 10458 59.9% Y 13 12.4 9.49 6.12 97.85 113 Y
10k and Burst

In agreement with all previous sections, all cylinders were found to respond in a bi-
modulus fashion. The one caveat to the similarity of the stress-strain response for the re-
autofrettaged cylinders was that the secondary modulus did not occur until 8500 psi (as opposed
to 7500 psi for all other cylinders) due to the work hardening that occurred within the aluminum
liner during the re-autofrettage process. A typical stress-strain response of a re-autofrettaged

cylinder is shown in Figure 6.30, while all other stress-strain curves are provided in Appendix A.
All cylinders with heavily corroded liners (re-autofrettaged and not) were found to burst above
the minimum required burst pressure of [1], thus, the re-autofrettage pressure (8500 psi) did not
adversely affect the burst strength of the SCBA CFFC cylinders.

Figure 6.30 Stress-strain response for a re-autofrettaged SCBA CFFC cylinder.

Moreover, it could be argued that a test pressure of 8500 psi for DOT-CFFC cylinders
provides a more appropriate comparison of cylinder performance when comparing the test
pressure of the cylinder to the minimum design burst pressure of the cylinder. DOT-FRP1
SCBA cylinders that have an operating pressure of 4500 psi, have a test pressure of 7500 psi, and
a minimum design burst pressure of 13,500 psi (test pressure/minimum design burst pressure
equal to 55.5%). Analogously, DOT-CFFC SCBA cylinders that have an operating pressure of
4500 psi, have a test pressure of 7500 psi, and a minimum design burst pressure of 15,300 psi
(test pressure/minimum design burst pressure equal to only 49.0%). If a test pressure of 8500 psi
were used on DOT-CFFC cylinders, then the ratio of test pressure to minimum design burst
pressure would mimic that of the DOT-FRP1 SCBA pressure cylinders.

6.6.2. MAE Analysis

During cyclic fatigue a copious amount of MAE data was acquired. For the SCBA DOT-
CFFC cylinders with heavily corroded liners (both re-autofrettaged and not) that were cycled up
to the maximum developed pressure during fast filling, none of the detected MAE waveforms
were from sources that were compromising the structural integrity of the cylinder; a majority of
the waveforms were due to mechanical rubbing from the containment fixture and flow noise

during the de-pressurization stage. The reason for no real MAE data is due to the fact that the
cylinders have been subjected to several cycles up to the maximum developed pressure, and
theoretically three pressurizations up to test pressure (with an additional two pressurizations up
to 8500 psi for the re-autofrettaged cylinders). Thus, no new damage was accumulated in the
composite during the cyclic fatiguing up to the maximum developed pressure during fast filling.
As mentioned previously, from the design requirements in the DOT CFFC 5th Revision [1], the
stress in the fiber at the service pressure of a cylinder must be below 30%. Hence, the fibers (the
primary load bearing member of the design) are not stressed to a great enough level such that the
composite overwrap could begin to deteriorate and compromise the cylinders strength.

During the EOL burst test, MAE analysis of the two test pressure cycles before the burst
pressurization ramp for the cylinders that were subjected to an additional twenty years of service
life was performed (summarized in Table 6.6). All eight burst tested cylinders were found to
meet the MAE life extension requirements of [8], and all eight cylinders burst above the
minimum required burst pressure (15,300 psi).

A representative plot of the background energy oscillations during the burst

pressurization cycle for a cylinder that was subjected to a simulated additional twenty years of
service life after the re-autofrettage procedure and burst above the minimum design requirement
is shown in Figure 6.31. The background energy oscillation pressure (BEOP) was determined as
the pressure within the cylinder at which the background energy oscillation multiplicative factor
(MO) was exceeded; all BEOP determinations are presented in Appendix B.

Figure 6.31 Background Energy Oscillation Pressure for an SCBA CFFC cylinder (OM 3914) which was re-
autofrettaged, achieved 10,000 cycles up to the maximum developed pressure during fast fill, and then burst above the
minimum required burst pressure.

6.7 Predictive capability of MAE

It was shown in [3] that the Background Energy began oscillating at a consistent pressure
relative to the ultimate burst strength of a given cylinder. The data from [3] is represented here
for completeness in Figure 6.32. From Figure 6.32, it is seen that on average a cylinder began
oscillating at a pressure of 61.6% of its respective burst pressure. Further, it was found that the
distribution of normalized Background Energy Oscillation Pressures (BEOP/PB) was tightly
grouped about the mean (a standard deviation of 4.6%). Hence, due to the consistent onset of
BEOP, and the tight clustering of the distribution of the BEOP, it was found that the BEOP can
be used as a reliable predictive metric for the burst strength of a given SCBA pressure cylinder

Figure 6.32 Background Energy Oscillation Pressure (BEOP) as a function of burst pressure (PB) for all cylinders tested
in the Navy SCBA test program [1].

Similarly, in this study the normalized Background Energy Oscillation Pressure

(BEOP/PB) was found to occur at a consistent value (Figure 6.33). From Figure 6.33, it is seen
that on average for the civilian SCBA pressure cylinders tested, a cylinder began oscillating at a
pressure of 60.7% of its respective burst pressure. Further, it was found that the distribution of
normalized Background Energy Oscillation Pressures (BEOP/PB) was tightly grouped about the
mean (a standard deviation of 5.7%). Thus, the predictive capability of the Background Energy
Oscillations and Modal Acoustic Emission has again been shown in this study.

To further demonstrate the relationship between the Background Energy Oscillation

Pressure and the burst pressure of an SCBA pressure cylinder, Figure 6.34 shows the burst
pressure of a cylinder as a function of the Background Energy Oscillation Pressure. From Figure
6.34, it is observed that a strong correlation (goodness of fit coefficient equal to 0.51) existed

between the BEOP and the burst pressure of a cylinder. Such a strong correlation further
validates the predictive capability of the BEOP.

Figure 6.33 - Background Energy Oscillation Pressure (BEOP) as a function of burst pressure (PB) for all cylinders tested
in the current study.

Figure 6.34 Burst pressure of a cylinder as a function of BEOP for all civilian SCBA cylinders.

The efficacy of Modal Acoustic Emission, visual inspection, and elastic expansion for all
cylinders which were burst tested in Sections 6.1 through 6.6 was compared. The percentage of
the time that the respective NDE technique agreed with whether or not an SCBA pressure
cylinder burst above the minimum required burst strength was compared (Figure 6.35). It was
found that MAE properly identified 98.2% of the cylinders tested, while visual inspection and
elastic expansion both only properly identified 86.4% of the cylinders. Of concern, the elastic
expansion measurement at test pressure passed all three cylinders which burst below the
minimum required burst strength. The majority of the misses for the visual inspection and elastic
expansion technique were of the false-positive variety; however, false-negatives (which are far
more concerning) for both visual inspection and elastic expansion occurred. ALT 604 3742
passed the visual inspection (and hydrostatic test), but burst below the minimum required
pressure of DOT CFFC 5th Revision [1]. Such an occurrence points out the lack of sensitivity of
the visual inspection and elastic expansion measurement to microstructural damage, which is the
controlling factor in cylinder burst strength. It is pointed out that MAE properly identified and
rejected ALT604-3742 which had compromised burst strength. The one miss that MAE had was
a false-positive in which Background Energy Oscillations on the second test pressure cycle
caused IH2554 to fail the MAE life extension requirements, with the cylinder bursting at 16,000

Figure 6.35 Evaluation of how often the result of the various NDE inspection technique agreed with the minimum
required burst pressure of the CFFC 5th Revision [2].

7.0 Conclusions

From the entirety of the physical testing contained herein, several observations about the
structural integrity of DOT-CFFC SCBA pressure cylinders past their allotted fifteen year
service life were made. No reduction in burst strength for cylinders at the end of their fifteen
year service life or at the end of their fifteen year service life with an additional twenty years of
simulated service was observed. Moreover, through the monitoring of pressure and strain during
cyclic fatigue and EOL burst testing, it was found that the stiffness of the carbon fiber composite
overwrap was not compromised by fatigue cycling the cylinders to the maximum developed
pressure during fast fill. Laminated plate theory computations in Section 9.1 confirm that the
state of stress in the fiber at the operating pressure of 4500 psi DOT-CFFC pressure cylinders is
less than 30% of common unidirectional carbon fiber composite laminate strength values.

The impact resistance of the DOT-CFFC design was evaluated, in which it was found
that the ISO 11119.2 impact simulation caused no reduction in fatigue performance or burst
strength. A more aggressive impact simulation developed by DOT and Digital Wave
Corporation found no degradation in burst strength for DOT-CFFC cylinders, but an issue in
fatigue in which due to the severe impact simulation the aluminum liner delaminates from the
carbon fiber composite overwrap.

While the performance testing summarized in the preceding paragraphs was extremely
important relative to proving that the composite materials properties are not being degraded
from in service use or additional simulated life, the application of Modal Acoustic Emission
(MAE) is critical for detecting a cylinder that has been subjected to unusual condition (e.g.
excessive impact or acid exposure). One of the key components to this work was the application
of MAE during physical testing and MAEs ability in predicting a composite cylinder with a
compromised strength, caused due to various damage mechanisms that were occurring within the
composite microstructure. During this research, MAE identified all of the DOT-CFFC SCBA
cylinders that did not meet the minimum required burst pressure, a claim no other current
inspection technique can make.

Further, through the use of modal acoustic emission it was again found that background
energy oscillations began at an average value of 60.7% with a standard deviation of 5.7%. Due
to the consistent and repeatable nature of the onset of the background energy oscillations a
confidence interval can be set on the burst pressure of a cylinder, and cylinders which are
identified as having a high probability of having inadequate burst strength may be rejected. The
ability of Modal Acoustic Emission to quantify the effect of a defect, in the composite
cylinders, is a giant leap forward in the nondestructive evaluation of composite materials. A few
key observations of the benefits of the research program are

A total of eighty-one DOT-CFFC cylinders were burst test, 96.3% (78 of 81) of the
cylinders met the CFFC 5th Revision burst requirements.
MAE identified and rejected all three cylinders (two of which were intentionally
damaged) that did not meet the required minimum burst strength, including one cylinder
which was not intentionally damaged and had no obvious signs of being structurally
compromised and passed visual and hydrostatic inspection.
MAE out-performed the currently used visual inspection and elastic expansion criteria, in
properly evaluating the health of DOT-CFFC SCBA pressure cylinders.
Twenty-five CFFC cylinders were subjected to an additional 10,000 cycles after their 15
year service life; 84% (21 of 25) of the CFFC cylinders sustained an additional 10,000
cycles (20 years of service life). All twenty-one cylinders then burst above minimum
design burst from DOT-CFFC 5th Revision. The four cylinders that did not withstand the
additional 10,000 cycles all failed via leakage, not catastrophic burst.
Fifteen cylinders (all with heavily corroded liners) were subjected to the 10,000 cycle
fatigue testing. Eight of the fifteen cylinders were re-autofrettaged at 8500 psi prior to
cycling (in order to blunt the crack tips and retard crack growth rate), while seven of the
cylinders were not (used as a control group). 87.5% of the heavily corroded liners that
were re-autofrettaged sustained an additional 10k cycles, and then burst above DOT-
CFFC 5th Revision minimum design burst pressure. Conversely, 85.7% of the DOT-
CFFC cylinders that had heavily corroded liners that were not re-autofrettaged failed via
leakage. During the re-autofrettage process the cylinders were monitored with MAE to
insure no damage was occurring within the composite cylinder. The results from the re-
autofrettage process appear promising to DWC as a means of mitigating the effects of
corrosion due to previous water exposure from improper hydro-testing.
All notched DOT-CFFC cylinders met the requirements of ISO 11119.2 Section 8.5.7,
and seven of the nine burst tested cylinders met the minimum design burst pressure
requirement of DOT-CFFC 5th Revision. As previously mentioned, MAE easily
identified and failed the two cylinders with compromised burst strengths.
MAE identified all notched cylinders during cyclic fatigue and the hydrostatic test
pressure pressurizations, by waveforms with dominant flexure mode content caused by
the delamination growth at the notches. While the notches used in this study could be
observed visually, MAE possesses the advantage that it can identify notch type damage
even if it has occurred to inner wraps of the composite pressure cylinder (perhaps during
manufacture), which visual inspection simply cannot do.
For the ISO impact simulation, all five CFFC cylinders which were EOL burst test met
minimum design burst pressure requirements. Three of the five impacted cylinders
achieved 10,000 cycles and then burst above the minimum design burst pressure
requirement; the two cylinders that did not achieve 10,000 cycles failed via leakage not
catastrophic burst.
For the DOT impact simulation, all five impacted cylinders that were EOL burst tested
met the minimum design burst pressure requirement. All five impacted cylinders which
were cycled leaked. After looking at the Navy [3] and civilian data on the fifteen foot
drop and subsequent cycling, attempting to obtain 10,000 cycles after this type of
extreme impact appears unreasonable. While 10,000 cycles would be ideal, the impact
simulation is extreme, and a reduction in the number of fatigue cycles to obtain to 2500
cycles is recommended. With 2500 cycles a DOT-CFFC cylinder would theoretically
sustain the cylinders operation for an additional five years which would get the cylinder
to its next requalification test, at which point a proper non-destructive technique (MAE)
can identify the significant impact damage and disqualify the cylinder from further
service life. All five cylinders in this study would have met the 2500 cycle requirement.
MAE identified cylinders with impact damage during the hydrostatic test pressure
pressurizations, by waveforms with dominant flexure mode content caused by the
delamination growth at the damage sites of impacted cylinders. Several of the impacted
cylinders showed no signs of impact damage, or were classified as having barely visible
damage (BVD).
Corrosion and/or flaw initiation sites within the aluminum liner caused by not properly
drying the inside of the SCBA pressure cylinder were a large issue relative to cyclic
fatigue performance of the DOT-CFFC cylinders. Clear signs of corrosion were apparent
in 62% of the cylinders which were internally visually inspected. These corrosion areas
were found to be the location of several flaw initiation sites. While problematic, the re-
autofrettage process (Sections 5.6 and 6.6) which blunts all of the crack tips, putting them
in compression and retarding crack growth provided a promising result for mitigating this
issue without compromising the burst strength of the pressure cylinder.

8.0 Bibliography

[1] Department of Transportation, "Basic requirements for fully wrapped carbon-fiber

reinforced aluminum lined cylinders (DOT-CFFC)," DOT, 2007.
[2] (ISO), International Standards Organization, "11119-2 Gas cylinders of composite
construction - specification and test methods Part 2: Fully wrapped fibre reinforced
composite gas cylinders with load-sharing metal liners," ISO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2002.
[3] Digital Wave Corporation, "SCBA Materials and Modal Acoustic Emission Testing Life
Extension Report," Digital Wave Corporation, Centennial, CO, 2012.
[4] Digital Wave Corporation, "DOT-SP 15720," Centennial, CO, 2013.
[5] (ISO), International Standards Organization, "11515 Gas cylinders - Refillable composite
reinforced tubes of water capacity between 150 L and 3 000 L - Design, construction, and
testing," International Standards Organization (ISO), 2010.
[6] C. G. A. (CGA), "CGA C-6.2 - 2013 Standard for Visual Inspection and Requalification of
Fiber Reinforced High Pressure Cylinders," CGA, Chantilly, VA, 2013.
[7] American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), "Boiler and Pressure Cylinder Code,"
in Section X: Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pressure Cylinders, 2010, pp. 136-140.

[8] National Board of Inspectors Code (NBIC), "National Board Inspection Code," Columbus,
OH, 2013.
[9] J. Wagner, "Optical Detection of Ultrasound," in Ultrasonic Measurement Methods, San
Diego, Academic Press, 1990, pp. 201-240.
[10] S. Mettu, I. Raju and R. Forman, "Stress intensity factors for part-through surface cracks in
hollow cylinders," Johnson Space Center/Lockheed Engineering Services, JSC Report
25685/LESC Report 30124, 1192.
[11] J. Newman Jr., "Fracture analysis of surface and through cracks in cylindrical pressure
cylinders," NASA TN D-8325, 1976.
[12] I. Raju and J. Newman Jr., "Stress-intensity factors for internal and external surface cracks
in cylindrical cylinders," Journal of Pressure Cylinder Technology, Transactions of
ASME, vol. 104, pp. 293-298, 1982.
[13] A. Liu, "Summary of stress-intensity factors," in ASM Handbook Volume 19, Fatigue and
Fracture, Materials Park, OH, ASM International, 1996, pp. 980-1000.

[14] A. Riberio, A. Jesus and A. Fernandes, "Fatigue crack propagation rates of the aluminum
alloy 6061-T651," in 18th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Ouro
Preto, 2005.

[15] R. I. Stephens, A. Fatemi, R. R. Stephens and H. O. Fuchs, Metal Fatigue in Engineering
2nd Edition, New York: Wiley Inter-Science, 2001.

[16] B. Sheu and P. Song, "Shaping exponent in Wheeler model under a single overload,"
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 135-143, 1995.
[17] M. Gorman, Modal AE Analysis of Fracture and Failure in Composite Materials, and the
Quality and Life of High Pressure Composite Pressure Cylinders, Journal of Acoustic
Emission, vol. 29, pp. 1-28, 2011.

9.0 Appendix - Fatigue life prediction and the effect of the re-autofrettage

During hydrostatic cyclic fatigue testing of the SCBA pressure cylinders, it was shown in
Section 6.2 that 16% of the randomly selected cylinders failed due to leakage before obtaining
the objective of 10,000 cycles (an additional 20 years of service life). The internal visual
inspection of all tested cylinders revealed that a significant number of cylinders (62%) exhibited
signs of corrosion (Figure 5.10a) of the 6061-T6 Aluminum liner, which were found to result in
flaw initiation sites (Figure 5.10b). Thus, during the cyclic fatigue testing the initial flaws grew
until the critical flaw grew through the aluminum liner, resulting in leakage of the SCBA
pressure cylinder. While leak before burst is a desirable failure mode for SCBA pressure
cylinders, too large of the population exhibiting this type of failure is problematic from a life
extension perspective.

Hence, in Section 6.6 the effect of re-autofrettaging the aluminum liner of SCBA
pressure cylinders which exhibited signs of corrosion of the 6061-T6 Aluminum liner was
investigated. These cylinders were selected as they were deemed worst case scenarios from a
crack growth through the aluminum liner perspective. It was found that 87.5% of re-
autofrettaged corroded liner SCBA pressure cylinders were able to achieve 10,000 cycles to
maximum developed pressure, while not adversely affecting the burst strength of the pressure
cylinder. Conversely, 85.7% of SCBA pressure cylinders with corroded liners which were not
re-autofrettaged failed by leakage before obtaining 10,000 cycles to maximum developed
pressure. Such findings provide promise that a procedure (commonly used in metallic part
manufacture) exists to reduce the number of cylinders which fail due to leakage. The analysis
contained herein is intended to provide a quantitative validation of the benefits of re-
autofrettaging the 6061-T6 Aluminum liner of SCBA pressure cylinders, and blunting any
existing crack tips.

To perform a proper fatigue life estimation analysis, an adequate stress intensity

factor for an internally pressurized thin-walled cylinder is required. To this end, the K solutions
of [11 - 14] were utilized. The stress intensity factor (K) for a thin walled cylinder with an
axially oriented notch subjected to internal pressure is

= (8.1)

where is the hoop stress within the aluminum liner, a is the current crack length, Q is the flaw
shape parameter, and is defined as

= ( )
2 2 +3 4 . (8.2)

In equation 8.2 r and R are the inner and outer radius of the aluminum liner, respectively,
t is the thickness of the aluminum liner, and Hi is a function of R/t, a/c, a/t, and the angle within

the crack face. As Liu proposed [13], letting be equated to a parameter, F, equation (8.1) may
be written as

= . (8.3)

Figure 8.1 provides the relationship between F and the ratio of crack depth to liner
thickness for a flaw with a ratio a/c equal to 0.2, and a ratio of R/t = 30 for both 0 and 90 on
the crack face, taken from Table 17 of [6].

Figure 8.1 Relationship between F and a/t for R/t = 30, and a/c = 0.6, as reported in Liu [6].

9.1 Laminated Plate Theory analysis

To properly determine within the aluminum liner in equations (8.1) and (8.3), the
distribution of stresses through the thickness of the composite overwrapped pressure cylinder
laminate must be considered. To this end, we utilize an anisotropic classical laminated plate
theory (CLPT) analysis to calculate the distribution of stresses through the thickness of the
laminated plate, and extract the state of stress within the aluminum liner. Table 8.1 summarizes
the ply material, ply orientation, and ply thickness for a 45 minute, 4500 psi DOT-CFFC
pressure cylinder. Table 8.2 provides the elastic constants used in the CLPT analysis. Figure
8.2a provides a schematic of the SCBA COPV laminate lay-up (excluding the non-structural
sacrificial glass fiber layers). To obtain the maximum hoop stress in the aluminum liner, a
representative stress element of the entire laminate was subjected to biaxial tensile traction loads
(Figure 8.2b) that were equivalent to what the cylindrical portion of the SCBA pressure cylinder
experiences at maximum developed pressure (5192 psi).

Table 8.1 Summary of the laminate definition used in the CLPT analysis.

Ply material Ply orientation [degrees] Ply thickness [inch]

S2/913 90 0.016
S2/913 16 0.008
S2/913 -16 0.008
T700/913 90 0.063
T700/913 16 0.040
T700/913 -16 0.040
T700/913 90 0.047
6061-T6 Aluminum - 0.100

Figure 8.2 (a) Schematic of the SCBA pressure cylinder laminate, and (b) biaxial loads applied to a representative stress
element to simulate the state of stress within the cylindrical portion of the pressure cylinder due to internal pressure.
Table 8.2 Lamina constants used in CLPT analysis

Ply material T800/913 S2/913 6061-T6 Aluminum

E11 [Msi] 22.06 7.83 10.00
E22 [Msi] 0.96 2.32 10.00
G12 [Msi] 0.61 1.02 3.85
G23 [Msi] 0.31 0.87 3.85
12 0.25 0.25 0.30
Figure 8.3 shows the first (axial) principal stress, while Figure 8.4 shows the second (hoop)
principal stress. From Figure 8.4 it can be seen that the maximum hoop stress within the
aluminum liner at the maximum developed pressure was found to be 391.7 MPa (56,800 ksi),
which is the value for the hoop stress within the aluminum liner that will be used in all
subsequent fatigue life estimation analyses. Note the yield strength of the 6061-T6 Aluminum
was taken as the maximum stress within the aluminum liner when subjected to the initial
autofrettage pressure of (7500 ksi), resulting in S y = 82.1 ksi.

Figure 8.3 Distribution of axial stress through the laminate thickness for a representative SCBA CFFC pressure
cylinder at maximum developed pressure during fast fill (5,192 psi).

Figure 8.4 Distribution of hoop stress through the laminate thickness for a representative SCBA CFFC pressure
cylinder at maximum developed pressure during fast fill (5,192 psi).

9.2 Fatigue life estimation

First, consider the case of an SCBA pressure cylinder which was not re-autofrettaged, but
had a semi-elliptical flaw axially oriented in the cylindrical portion of the pressure cylinder with
an initial depth (a0) of 0.005, and initial width (2c0) of 0.050. The remaining life of the
aluminum liner may then be determined using the standard Paris law equation

= (8.4)
where is the crack growth rate, A and M are the Paris law constants for 6061-T6 Aluminum,

and K is the stress intensity factor range during a given fatigue cycle. Values of A (3.7086E-
12) and M (4.2) were taken from [14]. With the proper material constants equation (8.4) may be
integrated numerically for a given number of cycles (N) to determine the final crack length as

= + . (8.5)

To consider the effects of the re-autofrettage process and crack tip blunting, the crack
tip plasticity model of Wheeler was used [15]. In Wheelers model the plastic zone size at the
crack tip under plane stress conditions is calculated as

2 = (8.6)
in which r is the radius of the plastic zone size, and Sy is the yield strength of the aluminum liner.
In Wheelers model, the plastic zone size is calculated for the tensile overload (rOL), as well as on
the ith fatigue cycle (ri), and then used to determine the retardation parameter Ci

= ( )
. (8.7)

In equation (8.7) aOL is the crack length at the overload cycle, ai is the crack length on the ith
cycle, and q is a material constant. The value of q was taken from [16], and was 1.67. Using the
retardation parameter for the ith cycle (Ci), the crack length for N cycles of fatigue loading is then
computed as

= (8.8)

which is evaluated numerically by separating variables, and integrating through N cycles to

determine the resulting crack length (aN)

= + . (8.9)

Figure 8.5 provides the crack length as a function of the number of cycles to
maximum developed for the representative DOT-CFFC cylinders that were and were not re-
autofrettaged. The Paris law model predicts that the considered initial flaw (a0 = 0.005, 2c0 =
0.050) would grow to a depth of 0.076 in 10,000 cycles. A slightly larger flaw (only one to
two thousandths of an inch) would grow through the remaining 0.024 before 10,000 cycles,
resulting in leakage of the aluminum liner. Also, in good agreement with the observations of
Section 6.6, specifically the re-autofrettaged SCBA cylinders, the Wheeler model predicts
reduced crack growth behavior (as compared to cylinders which did not experience the tensile
overload). This reduced crack growth rate behavior is due to all existing cracks being blunted
and put into residual compression upon the removal of the tensile overload; such behavior is
what enabled 87.5% of the heavily corroded liners to achieve an additional 10,000 fatigue cycles
to maximum developed pressure during fast fill (Table 6.6).

Figure 8.5 Crack depth as a function of the number of cycles to maximum developed pressure for Aluminum liners that
were and were not re-autofrettaged.

While the two proposed models reflect the experimental observations of Sections 6.2 and
6.6 quite well, several influencing factors should be considered. First, the initial flaw size (a0 =
0.005, 2c0 = 0.050) was estimated from visual inspection of aluminum liners using 10x
magnification. The effect of the initial flaw size will greatly influence the number of cycles
which can be obtained by a given Aluminum liner. Figure 8.6 shows the effect of the initial flaw
depth (a0) on the number of cycles to maximum developed pressure before the crack grows
through the aluminum liner. Clearly, for equivalent sized flaws, by re-autofrettaging the DOT-
CFFC SCBA pressure cylinder the number of obtainable cycles prior to leakage is increased.

Second, the position of the flaw could have a significant effect on whether or not an
aluminum liner leaks. The work presented herein only considers the case when a flaw is located
on the cylindrical portion of the pressure cylinder. If a flaw were oriented at one of the
transitions in the pressure cylinder, the stress state will be magnified (due to the local bending
moment caused by the requirement of continuity of deformations), which will increase the crack
driving force (K), resulting in diminished fatigue life. To properly analyze such a scenario a
more sophisticated analysis (non-linear finite element analysis) would be required to quantify
K. Finally, the Paris law parameters taken from [14] were developed for 6061-T651 Aluminum
while the crack was growing in air. These material constants were selected as they provide for
realistic crack growth rates during service; not accelerated crack growth rates due to the crack
being submerged in water [15], as was the case in this experimental test program. Thus, in-
service fatigue life may be longer than what was measured experimentally in Sections 6.2 and

Figure 8.6 Effect of the initial flaw depth (a0) on the total number of obtainable fatigue cycles to maximum developed
pressure prior to the flaw growing through the aluminum liner.

10.0 Appendix Failed Cylinders

Figure 10.1 Image of ALT604-3742 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.2 Image of ALT604-4436 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.3 Image of ALT604-4962 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.4 Image of ALT604-3650 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.5 Image of ALT604-4494 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.6 Image of OM3915 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.7 Image of OM3990 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.8 Image of OM3934 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.9 Image of OM3941 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.10 Image of OM3962 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.11 - Image of ALT639-14969 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.12 Image of ALT639-17663 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.13 Image of ALT639-18023 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.14 Image of ALT639-69216 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.15 Image of ALT639-18629 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.16 Image of IH1740 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.17 Image of IH1855 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.18 Image of IH1763 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.19 Image of IH1135 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.20 Image of IH1929 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.21 Image of ALT604-6739 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.22 Image of ALT639-17688 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.23 Image of ALT639-18862 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.24 Image of ALT639-18507 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.25 Image of ALT639-18793 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.26 Image of ALT695-1700 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.27 Image of ALT695-6058 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.28 Image of ALT695-5353 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.29 Image of ALT695-4745 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.30 Image of ALT695-1668 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.31 Image of OM3950 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.32 Image of OM3928 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.33 Image of OM3913 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.34 Image of OM3921 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.35 Image of OM3947 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.36 Image of IH1271 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.37 Image of IH2483 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.38 Image of IH1748 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.39 Image of IH1820 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.40 Image of IH1027 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.41 Image of ALT639-18974 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.42 Image of ALT639-18799 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.43 Image of ALT639-18790 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.44 Image of ALT695-1653 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.45 Image of ALT604-4342 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.46 Image of ALT639-39764 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.47 Image of ALT639-18435 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.48 Image of ALT639-39694 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.49 Image of ALT639-18683 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.50 Image of ALT639-18020 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.51 Image of ALT639-3567 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.52 Image of OM3983 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.53 Image of IH2482 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.54 Image of ALT604-4371 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.55 Image of ALT639-18722 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.56 Image of ALT604-6021 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.57 Image of OM3938 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.58 Image of IH2036 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.59 Image of ALT604-5582 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.60 Image of ALT639-40157 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.61 Image of ALT695-3794 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.62 Image of OM3948 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.63 Image of OP11769 after EOL Burst testinzg.

Figure 10.64 Image of IH2533 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.65 Image of ALT639-18699 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.66 Image of ALT695-4638, leaked after 4640 cycles.

Figure 10.67 Image of OM3957, leaked after 8,255 cycles.

Figure 10.68 Image of ALT639-17697 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.69 Image of IH1854 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.70 Image of ALT639-18601 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10. 71 Image of ALT695-3929 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.72 Image of OM3984 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.73 Image of ALT639-17732 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.74 Image of IH2554 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.75 Image of ALT639-69925 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.76 Image of ALT695-4304 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.77 Image of OM3957, leaked after 4,448 cycles.

Figure 10.78 Image of OP11129 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.79 Image of IH1251 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.80 Image of ALT639-17827 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.81 Image of ALT695-4333 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.82 Image of OM3918 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.83 Image of ALT639-18800 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.84 Image of IH1750 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.85 Image of ALT639-18713 after EOL Burst testing.

Figure 10.86 Image of OM3985, leaked after 5,369 cycles.

Figure 10.87 Image of OM3960, leaked after 5,364 cycles.

Figure 10.88 Image of OM3956, leaked after 8,680 cycles.

Figure 10.89 Image of OM3994, leaked after 5,369 cycles.

Figure 10.90 Image of OM4045, after EOL Burst test.

Figure 10.91 Image of OM3969, leaked after 6,986 cycles.

Figure 10.92 Image of OM3973, leaked after 6,568 cycles.

Figure 10.93 Image of OM3985, leaked after 6,984 cycles.

Figure 10.94 Image of OM3957, after EOL Burst.

Figure 10.95 Image of OM3914, after EOL Burst.

Figure 10.96 Image of OM3912, after EOL Burst.

Figure 10.97 Image of OM3954, after EOL Burst.

Figure 10.98 Image of OM3925, after EOL Burst.

Figure 10.99 Image of OM3917, after EOL Burst.

Figure 10.100 - Image of OM3982, after EOL Burst.

11.0 Appendix A Stress Strain Curves

Figure A. 1 Stress-strain response of ALT695 3650.

Figure A. 2 - Stress-strain response of ALT695 4436.

Figure A. 3 - Stress-strain response of ALT604 4962.

Figure A. 4 Stress-strain response of ALT695 4494.

Figure A. 5 - Stress-strain response of ALT604 3742.

Figure A. 6 Stress-strain response of OM3915.

Figure A. 7 Stress-strain response of OM3934.

Figure A. 8 Axial stress-strain response of OM3941. The hoop strain gage data became corrupted during the test.

Figure A. 9 Stress-strain response of OM3962.

Figure A. 10 Stress-strain response of OM3990.

Figure A. 11 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 14969.

Figure A. 12 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 17663.

Figure A. 13 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18023.

Figure A. 14 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 69216.

Figure A. 15 - Hoop stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18629. The axial strain gage data became corrupted during the

Figure A. 16 - Stress-strain response of IH1740.

Figure A. 17 - Stress-strain response of IH1855.

Figure A. 18 - Stress-strain response of IH1763.

Figure A. 19 - Stress-strain response of IH1135.

Figure A. 20 - Stress-strain response of IH1929.

Figure A. 21 - Stress-strain response of ALT604 - 6739.

Figure A. 22 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 17688.

Figure A. 23 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18862.

Figure A. 24 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18507.

Figure A. 25 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18793.

Figure A. 26 Stress-strain response of ALT695 1700.

Figure A. 27 Stress-strain response of ALT695 4745.

Figure A. 28 - Stress-strain response of ALT695 5353.

Figure A. 29 Stress-strain response of ALT695 - 6058.

Figure A. 30 - Stress-strain response of ALT695 1668.

Figure A. 31 Stress-strain response of OM3913.

Figure A. 32 Stress-strain response of OM3928.

Figure A. 33 - Stress-strain response of OM3950.

Figure A. 34 - Stress-strain response of IH1271.

Figure A. 35 - Stress-strain response of IH2483.

Figure A. 36 - Stress-strain response of IH1748.

Figure A. 37 - Stress-strain response of IH1820.

Figure A. 38 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18974.

Figure A. 39 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18799.

Figure A. 40 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18799.

Figure A. 41 - Stress-strain response of ALT695 - 1653.

Figure A. 42 - Stress-strain response of ALT604 - 4342.

Figure A. 43 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 39764.

Figure A. 44 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18435.

Figure A. 45 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 39694.

Figure A. 46 - tress-strain response of ALT639 18683.

Figure A. 47 - Stress-strain response of ALT604 3567.

Figure A. 48 - Stress-strain response of ALT695 3794.

Figure A. 49 Stress-strain response of OM3983.

Figure A. 50 Stress-strain response of OM3948.

Figure A. 51 Axial stress-strain response of IH2482.

Figure A. 52 Stress-strain response of ALT604 - 4371.

Figure A. 53 Stress-strain response of OP11769.

Figure A. 54 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18722.

Figure A. 55 - Stress-strain response of IH2533.

Figure A. 56 - Stress-strain response of ALT604 - 6021.

Figure A. 57 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 18699.

Figure A. 58 - Stress-strain response of OM3938.

Figure A. 59 - Stress-strain response of IH2036.

Figure A. 60 - Stress-strain response of ALT695 - 3929.

Figure A. 61 - Stress-strain response of OM3984.

Figure A. 62 Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 17732.

Figure A. 63 Stress-strain response of IH2554.

Figure A. 64 Axial stress-strain response of ALT639 - 69925.

Figure A. 65 Stress-strain response of ALT695 - 4304.

Figure A. 66 Stress-strain response of OP11129.

Figure A. 67 - Stress-strain response of IH1251.

Figure A. 68 - Stress-strain response of ALT639 - 17827.

Figure A. 69 - Stress-strain response of ALT695-4333.

Figure A. 70 - Stress-strain response of OM3918.

Figure A. 71 - Stress-strain response of ALT639-18800.

Figure A. 72 - Stress-strain response of IH1750.

Figure A. 73 - Stress-strain response of ALT639-18713.

Figure A. 74 - Stress-strain response of OM4045.

Figure A. 75 - Stress-strain response of OM3957.

Figure A. 76 - Stress-strain response of OM3914.

Figure A. 77 - Stress-strain response of OM3912.

Figure A.78 - Stress-strain response of OM3954.

Figure A. 79 - Stress-strain response of OM3925.

Figure A.80 - Stress-strain response of OM3982.

Figure A.81 - Stress-strain response of OM3917.

12.0 Appendix B Background Energy Oscillation Curves

Figure B. 1 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604 4962.

Figure B. 2 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-3650.

Figure B. 3 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604-3742.

Figure B. 4 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-4494.

Figure B. 5 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-4436.

Figure B. 6 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3915.

Figure B. 7 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3934.

Figure B. 8 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3941.

Figure B. 9 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3962.

Figure B. 10 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3990.

Figure B. 11 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 14969.

Figure B. 12 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 17663.

Figure B. 13 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18023.

Figure B. 14 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 69216.

Figure B. 15 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18629.

Figure B. 16 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1740.

Figure B. 17 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1855.

Figure B. 18 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1763.

Figure B. 19 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1135.

Figure B. 20 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1929.

Figure B. 21 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604 - 6739.

Figure B. 22 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 17688.

Figure B. 23 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18862.

Figure B. 24 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18507.

Figure B. 25 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18793.

Figure B.26 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695 1700.

Figure B.27 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-4745.

Figure B.28 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-6058.

Figure B. 29 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-1668.

Figure B.30 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3913.

Figure B.31 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3928.

Figure B. 32 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3950.

Figure B. 33 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1271.

Figure B. 34 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH12483.

Figure B. 35 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1748.

Figure B. 36 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1820.

Figure B. 37 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18974.

Figure B. 38 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18799.

Figure B. 39 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18790.

Figure B. 40 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695 - 1653.

Figure B. 41 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604 - 4342.

Figure B. 42 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 39764.

Figure B. 43- Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18435.

Figure B. 44 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 39694.

Figure B. 45 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18683.

Figure B.46 Background Energy Oscillation for IH2482.

Figure B.47 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604 3567.

Figure B.48 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-3794.

Figure B.49 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604-4371.

Figure B.50 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18722.

Figure B.51 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT604-6021.

Figure B.52 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3938.

Figure B.53 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3983.

Figure B.54 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3948.

Figure B. 55 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH2036.

Figure B. 56 - Background Energy Oscillation for OP11769.

Figure B. 57 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH2533.

Figure B. 58 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18699.

Figure B.59 Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695 - 3929.

Figure B.60 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3984.

Figure B.61 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 17732.

Figure B.62 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH2554.

Figure B.63 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 69925.

Figure B.64 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695 - 4304.

Figure B.65 - Background Energy Oscillation for OP11129.

Figure B.66 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1251.

Figure B.67 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 17827.

Figure B. 68 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT695-4333.

Figure B. 69 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3918.

Figure B. 70 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18800.

Figure B. 71 - Background Energy Oscillation for IH1750.

Figure B. 72 - Background Energy Oscillation for ALT639 - 18713.

Figure B. 73 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM4045.

Figure B. 74 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3957.

Figure B. 75 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3914.

Figure B. 76 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3912.

Figure B. 77 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3954.

Figure B. 78 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3925.

Figure B. 79 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3982.

Figure B.80 - Background Energy Oscillation for OM3917.


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