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Innovation For Refinery With Modelling

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Meeting the Challenges

Meeting the Challenges

Innovations for refinery-

wide modelling, simulation
and optimisation
The challenges that the petroleum refining industry faces worldwide at the start of
the 21st century are daunting. Large investments will be necessary to comply with
new and strict environmental regulations. Specifications for motor gasoline are
being tightened. The general trends are very clear: Sulphur will be reduced, lead
will be phased out, and benzene as well as total aromatics will be reduced.

n this paper the authors discuss a range of new straight-run (LSR) naphtha prior to gasoline blending.
modelling technologies available to meet these Typically, 80% or more of the benzene in the gasoline
challenges. Emphasis is given to the benefits of pool comes from reformate, which then becomes the
judicious use of mathematical models that may be best target for benzene reduction. Either of two basic
used to simulate and thus screen alternatives for meet- approaches can be adopted: minimise benzene forma-
ing product specifications. Mathematical models of tion by removing benzene precursors from the reformer
simple and complex refineries are becoming strategic feedstock, or fractionate out light reformate for subse-
assets of small and large companies. Implemented quent conversion or extraction of the benzene. UOPs
properly, they can be used to find solutions to many Penex-Plus process was developed to reduce the ben-
problems faced by refineries in a very cost-effective zene content and increase the octane of gasoline by
manner. UOP has developed state-of-the-art technol- accepting feedstock containing more than 5 vol-%
ogy for implementation of critical models in various benzene. The integrated benzene-saturation section
simulation environments to facilitate the use of such provides good control of the highly exothermic reac-
studies. tion of benzene with hydrogen. Saturating benzene
The implementation is based on modular technology causes a loss of octane, but because of subsequent
that allows users, to link their model to any simulation isomerisation of the C 6 paraffins and naphthenes, the
environment, to perform simulation, data reconciliation Penex-Plus process yields an increase in the octane of
and optimisation studies. Additionally, this modular the product.
approach allows the use of modern statistical estima- The issue of other heavier aromatics in gasoline is
tion theory to be used in order to tune adjustable model more complex. The aromatics in gasoline are of course
parameters from pilot plant and/or commercial data. a major source of octane, both research octane number
This is necessary to establish the ground rules for (RON) and motor octane number (MON). The main
model performance and fidelity. source of toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and C 9+
The UOP suite of models also features detailed two- heavier aromatics is the reforming unit. The secondary
phase fixed and moving bed reactors (e.g., catalytic source of aromatics is the fluid catalytic cracking (FCC)
reforming, fluid catalytic cracking), as well as new tech- unit. To substantially reduce the concentration of aro-
nology to characterise streams from bulk properties matics in gasoline but maintain its octane, large
and to allow connectivity of multiple refinery units within quantities of oxygenates or alkylates must be blended
the same simulation framework. into the gasoline to substitute for the octane of the
missing aromatics.
Introduction It is evident from the above considerations that the
The reduction and elimination of lead in gasoline is issues in the production of gasoline with the current
well advanced worldwide. The majority of the refiners strict specifications are very complex. In this paper we
now produce a high proportion, if not all, of their gaso- concentrate on the role of mathematical models and
line without lead. To meet the octane and benzene simulation in general, in meeting these challenges. More
challenge, many refiners have installed C 5-C6 isomeri- specifically, we will discuss how, by building suitable
sation units to increase the octane of hydrotreated light mathematical models of various refinery process units

34 HYDROCARBON ASIA, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 Visit our website at:

and properly connecting these units, refiners can find Isomerisation reactor temperatures
solutions to complicated and non-intuitive problems Reforming reactor temperatures
quickly and cost-effectively. FCC feed quality and rate as well as recycle rate
FCC riser temperature
Innovations in refinery-wide simulation and FCC cat/oil ratio
optimisation Miscellaneous separation targets downstream of the
The typical gasoline refinery complex shown in refinery

Typical constraints on the

Light Ends simulation or optimisation
Gas Plant may include gasoline prop-
erties (such as research and
motor octane and Reid va-
Isom pour pressure), limitations of
the reactor heaters in the

Gasoline Pool
Crude Fractionation

Naphtha Platforming section, limits of

the recycle gas compressor,
and concentration of ben-
zene and aromatics in the
reformate as well as the
Kerosene gasoline product. In the
Hydrotreating Penex unit section, typical
constraints include tem-
Distillate peratures in the lead and
lag reactors and the capac-
AGO ity of the hydrogen makeup
FCCU Alky gas compressor.
The refinery-wide model-
ling and simulation of the
multiunit complex shown in
Flasher Visbreaker Figure 1 raises some criti-
cal issues regarding the
Figure 1. A Typical Gasoline Refinery Complex performance of tools that
may or may not be available
in a commercial refinery.
Figure 1 includes crude distillation, hydrotreating of These issues can be classified into the following cat-
middle distillates, a naphtha splitter, a Penex/ egories:
de-isohexanizer (DIH) unit, and a CCR Platforming unit;
in addition it includes a cat cracker, alkylation plant, Modelling issues
gas processing and gasoline blending facilities. Methodologies for feed characterisation to support
Additional complexity can be added by including a rigorous kinetic models
residual reduction unit, such as a coker. The selection Methodologies for incorporating rigorous kinetic mod-
of the optimisation objectives is usually specific to the els described by systems of differential and algebraic
refinery. equations into the simulation environment
Amongst the various optimisation objectives of a Methodologies for feed characterisation to support
refinery mathematical model, the most probable are empirical models
either improving some type of profit, which tends to Methodologies for incorporating empirical models de-
increase gasoline production, or reducing cost, which scribed by systems of differential and algebraic
tends to maximise the yield of gasoline per barrel of equations into the simulation environment
feed. Some of the key process variables within the Methodologies for providing the connectivity between
application scope may include: different simulations (subflowsheets or flowsheet col-
Feed to the refinery lections of process units) in an integrated environment
Naphtha splitter cutpoint Models for calculated properties of gasoline blends
Reformate octane Methodologies for recycle loop operations

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Meeting the Challenges

Data analysis issues down within the PONA groups, becomes available.
Data analysis for identification of systematic and gross Although this information is usually not available on-
errors line, it can be augmented when lab data become
Data reconciliation for smoothing the random errors available.
Tuning of the models to the commercial test runs to This feed characterisation procedure may be further
increase their fidelity and confidence levels of the enhanced with data reconciliation by incorporating in-
people that will exercise them. formation that is available from the local upstream and
downstream units. The feed composition greatly af-
Optimisation issues fects the performance of the reactors in terms of heat
Identification of the proper object function(s) generation. Consequently, reactor temperature infor-
Gathering of the proper cost data mation can be used to modify the base composition of
Identification of the scope of the optimisation prob- the naphtha feed. This approach requires accurate re-
lem: on-line or off-line optimisation, single unit or actor models and elimination of other disturbances
multi-unit optimisation. such as catalyst deactivation or poisoning as the prob-
able cause of the model-plant mismatch.
An analysis of the modelling, optimisation and data The feed characterisation problem also can take a
issues along with some solutions proposed by UOP are different form. To demonstrate this problem, consider
presented in detail in the sections that follow. a multi-unit simulation that involves a crude tower and
a naphtha complex. If the feed to the naphtha splitter is
Feed characterisation for kinetic and to be connected to an upstream crude distillation unit,
empirical models the connection must be made in a thermodynamically
Detailed feed characterisation is a critical require- consistent manner. In general, the simulation stream
ment for the successful implementation of simulation definitions around the crude unit are vastly different
technology in a refinery complex. This requirement from the ones required by the Platforming and isomeri-
arises from the need to implement rigorous kinetic sation models, which are based on pure components.
models for the reactor models that include pure com- UOP has implemented the concept of stream finger-
ponents in the underlying reaction mechanism. printing technology that connects two different
Complete information about these pure components is manifestations of the same stream: the upstream mani-
not available on-line. As a result, robust feed charac- festation that in general includes light components and
terisation procedures need to be developed. pseudo-components that are derived by an oil charac-
The calculation naphtha like feed composition that terisation, and the downstream manifestation that
was developed at UOP uses P(araffin) O(lefin) consists of a slate of pure components recognised by
N(aphthene) A(romatic) analysis results, ASTM-D86 dis- the kinetic models for reforming and isomerisation.
tillation curve, and specific gravity of the naphtha feed. Similar technology applies to the cases where a
In mathematical terms the feed characterisation prob- pseudo-component based stream will have to be linked
lem can be formulated as follows: to empirical reactor models. The pseudo-component
manifestation is converted to bulk properties such as
minimize: D1160 curves, API gravity, molecular weight and UOP
subject to: K that are usually recognised by the reactor model.

where: Reactor model implementation in commercial

x = the unknown composition vector simulator environments
(x) = a non-linear function of the thermodynamic Rigorous kinetic as well as empirical reactor models
state of the stream are critical components in refinery wide simulation. A
= a penalty factor wide range of activities, including fundamental research,
P(x) = a penalty term that accounts for errors in the process development and process engineering, sup-
measurement of the ASTM D86 boiling point ports the development of such models at UOP. UOPs
distillation curve laboratories, pilot plants and commercial units provide
h(x) = constraints on the PONA data and specific an unparalleled wealth of data for the validation and
gravity. improvement of these models.
The reactor models usually comprise sets of differen-
The feed characterisation model may include addi- tial and algebraic equations and must be implemented
tional constraints as further information, for example, separately from the other unit operation models that
detailed analytical information on carbon-atom break- are available in the process simulator. Our implementa-

36 HYDROCARBON ASIA, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 Visit our website at:

sistent manner.
Most of the available flowsheet
Bulk Data Based Reactors
simulation packages that are
used in refinery simulation and

RX Output
Bulk Data
optimisation include specific tech-
Feed nology for the incorporation of such
Calculation Product
Lights Engine Lights
reactor models. Figures 2 and 3
Pseudocomponents I
Pseudocomponents II show schematically how a kinetic
based and/or bulk data based reac-
tor model would fit into such an
Figure 2. UOP bulk data based reactor model implementation environment. In a typical implemen-
in flowsheets tation, simulator streams are
mapped to streams recognised by
the reactor model. When the model
executes in simultaneous solution
Component Based Reactors mode, it supplies the effluent on de-
mand from the simulator solver. This
Kinetic Lumps

Kinetic Lumps

effluent is subsequently mapped into

the simulator stream structure.
Feed Calculation Product Implementing reactor models in-
Pure Components Engine Pure Components volves two separate aspects:
Properties Properties
A communication wrapper
between the model and the ex-
Figure 3. UOP pure component based reactor model implementation ternal simulator solver engine.
in flowsheets This wrapper may take the form
of an in-process OLE server or
some other procedure.
tion of the kinetic based reactor models is summarised The numerical algorithm used to supply the external
in the following equations: solver with the reactor effluent information stored in
the form required by the particular solver.

The communication wrapper is based on the func-

tional specifications imposed by the simulation software
vendor. State-of-the-art numerical algorithms are used
for the calculation of the reactor effluent. UOP has
developed very efficient methods for implementing dif-
ferential systems in a simulation environment. UOP has
tried these methods in a number of complex flowsheets,
including isomerisation, catalytic reforming, and linear
alkyl-benzene production and fluid catalytic cracking.

Data reconciliation and parameter estimation

where Fj is the molar component flow rate, FT is the In a multi-unit optimisation, the probability of simul-
total stream flow rate, R j is the component reaction taneous steady state across the entire complex
rate, B is the bulk density, V is the reactor volume, T is decreases with the addition of new process units to the
the reactor temperature, P is the pressure and H is the optimisation scope. With good process models, plant-
specific molar enthalpy. to-model mismatch can be identified locally and remains
The use of the specific molar enthalpy H as the pre- relatively constant over time. As a result, the multi-unit
ferred state variable in our implementation allows us to complex can be broken into a collection of separate
model the two-phase reactors very effectively without sections. The reconciliation of process data and model
having to resort to ambiguous definitions of the heat parameters is updated as the individual sections reach
capacity terms and the heats of reactions in a two- steady state.
phase environment. In addition, phase transitions within The traditional model-based data reconciliation prob-
the reactor are modelled in a thermodynamically con- lem can be formulated as follows:

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Meeting the Challenges

is correct, and if necessary an optimal experimental

design project is undertaken to improve the parameter
estimation or the model predictions.

Simulation and optimisation

Once the building of the refinery flowsheet has been
completed and the plant measurements reconciled, we
must make sure that the simulation agrees with past
plant performance before any optimisation studies are
undertaken. The process of tuning the simulation to
commercial data is rather complex and there are no
general rules for its accomplishment. Some guidelines
that UOP has developed from experiences from a
number of simulation and optimisation projects include:
The use of unit factors for a base case and monitor-
ing of these unit factors as a function of time
The estimation of adjustment factors to reflect the
catalyst condition in the commercial unit
Process measurements are subject to gross or sys- The estimation of fractionation efficiencies to match
tematic errors as well as random errors. Prior to the separation targets
undertaking any simulation or optimisation task, the
gross and systematic errors must be removed, while When the simulation has been tuned to the commer-
the random errors must be smoothed via proper statis- cial data, the process engineers can undertake the task
tical techniques. UOP has developed the proper of performing modelling and optimisation studies. It is
mathematical and statistical technologies that are in- critical to remember that no simulation can replace
corporated into the simulation environment in a good engineering judgement. Simulation or optimisation
seamless manner and can be used to accomplish the results will always have to be discussed with technol-
task of reconciliation and gross error detection. ogy experts prior to their implementation.

Parameter estimation, although frequently done to- Conclusions

gether with data reconciliation, is rather different. New modelling and simulation technologies continue
Estimating parameters, such as reaction rate constants, to be developed by UOP to meet the needs of the
activation energies and other physical entities in reac- petroleum refining industry. New processes combined
tor models, must be done carefully and from controlled with state-of-the-art automation software tools are be-
experimental data. These data are usually supplied by ing commercialised to improve refinery economics and
pilot plant experiments. The traditional parameter esti- achieve better performance to meet the new and strin-
mation problem in the presence of multiple responses gent environmental standards for motor gasoline. These
can be cast into the following mathematical frame- standards will have a profound impact on the econom-
work: ics of the refining industry. UOP remains committed to
the successful implementation and use of modelling
technology and to profitable operations of all the proc-
ess units and its clients worldwide. HA
About the authors
This paper by Mike Caracotsios and Kurt Vanden Bussche
of UOP LLC Engineering Science Skill Center, Des
Plaines, Illinois was presented by Charles R. Hamlin,
UOP has developed rigorous estimation techniques General Manager of the UOP Asia Pacific Pte Ltd,
for the calculation of the adjustable parameters q from Singapore at the ARTC Computing Conference held in
experimental observations y u and postulated differen- Kuala Lumpur on 23 24 October 2001. Hydrocarbon
tial or algebraic models f(x, ) = 0. Upon completion of Asia would like to thanks both UOP and the authors for
the estimation, proper confidence intervals of the pa- permission to reprint the paper.
rameters are reported. Additionally a lack-of-fit analysis
is performed to determine whether the postulated model Enquiry Number 11/12-03

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