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2013 Canadian Massage

and Chiropractic Conference

Show Guide Inside - P23-36
FaLL 2013 issue

Take your vocation
on vacation
Touching addiction

Claims crisis 18
in health insurance


p14 From the Editor 5
Touch Points 6
Industry news and events

Resource Directory 37
Building your in-home 21 Listing of school programs
massage therapy clinic, and continuing education
part 2 38
RMT Tech Talk
Caring for patient data makes good
Canadian Massage and 23 business sense
Chiropractic Conference
Show Guide

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 3

The Original
McMaster University
Contemporary Medical Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture for Health
Professionals Program, since 1998
is a 300 hour University accredited course
with Dr. Alejandro Elorriaga Claraco
Spring 2014 Program
Introduction to Contemporary Acupuncture
Unit 1 February 21-22-23, 2014 v
Upper Extremity Problems Acute Pain
Unit 2 March 21-22-23, 2014
Axial Skeletal Problems Visceral Regulation Accelerated Training in
Unit 3 April 11-12-13, 2014
Head & Face Problems Chronic Pain Syndromes
Unit 4 May 2-3-4, 2014
Lower Extremity Problems Integrated Mgmt.
Unit 5 May 30-31 - June 1, 2014 Medical
Acupuncture for
The program is skill-based and clinically oriented, with over 80
hours devoted to practical workshops on surface anatomy
palpation, needle insertion skills, anatomy laboratory,
condition-speciic blueprint treatment design, and treatment of

real patients. Since 1998, more than 1600 professionals have
graduated from the program, achieving their training goals.
This is what they have to say:

I wanted to congratulate all of you on putting together one of the nest post
graduate courses I have had the privilege to attend. The program was highly
informati extremely well organized and executed wonderfully. The theory and
practical components were relevant, not only in relation to each other, but for any
healthcare professional looking to expand their horizons and ability to serve their
patients. Every instructor was well prepared and took the necessary time and eort
to provide information and guidance to those students who asked or needed
additional help. Each went above and beyond my expectations. There was never a
For complete information, please visit
weekend that I did not feel motivated and anxious to attend this learning
ex I would like to take a moment to single out Dr. Elorriaga on his superior
skills as a teacher and lecturer. Never did I leave one of his presentations without
feeling that I had been gifted with information and insights that I would carry with
me my entire career. His intelligence and devotion to his eld makes him a mentor
to everyone he interacts with. Registration is limited
Ed White, RMT
Contact Valerie Cannon
This course exceeded my expectations. I believe that I received the most advanced
acupuncture training being oered today, provided by a team of instructors that 905.521.2100 x75175
bring a wealth of technical and practical knowledge to the program.
Given G. Cortes, RMT
It was an eye opener for me. I believe for RMTs Contemporary Acupuncture (CA) is a
better choice because it speaks our language (trigger points, nerve path, etc.). All
n nt
ti io Gra
other courses treat locally only, however CA approaches the situation not only
locally but also segmentally and extra segmentally. Instructors are highly informed
and willing to share their knowledge. Thanks everyone.
Ed n 13 013
Majid Golchini, RMT t io 20 , 2
The Contemporary Acupuncture course was a very deep experience. It gave me a
1s uit LL v 8 e
3 5 T FA No Cod
completely new paradigm and inspired me to work with the body in a more
2 TC by t 0
$1 M ter cou 048
functional and integrated way. It taught me how to think out of the box and how to n
look at the anatomy and neurology under new lens. It was a practice-changing si is 10
ex g D #
Alberto Lunati, RMT Re
Fall 2013 - Volume 12, Issue 4
from the editor
Mari-Len De Guzman
(905) 726-4659

Publisher have the privilege of taking over the reins as
Christine Livingstone
editor of Massage Therapy Canada. We thank the previous editor, Maria
(519) 429-5173 (888) 599-2228 ext. 239
DiDanieli, for maintaining such a high quality publication.
Sales Assistant Massage Therapy Canada is proud of its commitment to the massage therapy
Jarah Stefek
(519) 429-5183 (888) 599-2228 ext. 219 profession and to promoting the health of Canadians. If historical statistics are
any indication, massage therapy is well positioned to play a greater role in the
Media Designer health-care landscape.
Gerry Wiebe
Based on data from the Canadian Community Health Survey, Canadians
Group Publisher are increasingly seeking complementary and alternative health care. Between
Martin McAnulty
1998 and 1999 about 3.8 million people reported having used an alternative
President health practitioner. In 2003, the number increased to 5.4 million.
Mike Fredericks
A 2006 study by Vancouver-based Fraser Institute reported 74 per cent of
Mailing Address Canadians had used at least one complementary or alternative medicine in
P.O. Box 530, 105 Donly Drive South, their lives. Of this number, 35 per cent used massage therapy, an increase
Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5
from the 23 per cent who reported receiving massage therapy in 1997.
PUBLICATION MAIL AGREEMENT #40065710 Clearly, people are happy with massage therapy as an alternative health-care
service, as these studies indicate. Theres huge potential for Canadas massage
P.O. BOX 530, SIMCOE, ON N3Y 4N5 therapy practitioners to take advantage of this information, with the objective
e-mail: of increasing the profile of the profession across Canada if they can move
Massage Therapy is published four times a year:
forward with a unified voice.
January, April, July, November. Published and printed by In almost all professions, it is common to have differing views on certain
Annex Publishing & Printing Inc., 105 Donly Drive South, issues. As intelligent beings, this is to be expected, and massage therapists are
Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5 no different. The idea is to not focus solely on the differences, but instead
Printed in Canada start with the common goals and aspirations of the profession, and let that be
ISSN 1499-8084 the guide to work through those differences.
Circulation Every massage therapists goal is to help alleviate a clients health condition.
e-mail: It makes sense professionally and economically: a satisfied client is likely to
Tel: (866) 790-6070 ext. 207 return and refer friends and family to the practice.
Fax: (877) 624-1940
Mail: P.O. Box 530, Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5 Like other complementary and alternative health practices, massage therapy
has great potential to help alleviate the countrys many health-care woes and
Subscription Rates lighten the pressure on an already constricted public health system. To a
Canada 1 Year $29.95
2 Years $49.95 degree, it is already doing its part, but so much more can be achieved through
3 Years $64.95 greater collaboration
(includes GST - #867172652RT0001) Massage therapists associations across Canada are proactive in their efforts
For USA and Foreign rates please contact Cheryl Nowe
to provide quality continuing education for members and strive to maintain a
Occasionally, Massage Therapy Canada will mail information high standard for the profession. As well, increasing attention to research fuels
on behalf of industry-related groups whose products and
services we believe may be of interest to you. If you prefer the goal of raising the profile of the profession to the health-care community
not to receive this information, please contact our circulation and the general public.
department in any of the four ways listed above.
There are great challenges ahead part of the growing pains of a relatively
No part of the editorial content of this publication may be
young profession but the opportunities are even greater. There is no doubt
reprinted without the publishers written permission. 2013 Canadas massage therapy professionals will rise to the challenge and grab hold
Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. All rights reserved. Opinions
expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor
of the opportunities to make the profession great and at par with other older
or the publisher. No liability is assumed for errors or omissions. health-care professions.
All advertising is subject to the publishers approval. Such
approval does not imply any endorsement of the products or
Now, lets get back to the drawing board, shall we?
services advertised. Publisher reserves the right to refuse
advertising that does not meet the standards of the publication.
Mari-Len De Guzman

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 5

Touch Points Industry news And events

Gender affects RSI risk: IWH study

A r ecent study by the
Institute for Work and
Health (IWH) suggests gender
information on the self-report-
ed prevalence of RSI, including
whether the respondents attrib-
may be a contributing factor uted the cause of the injury to
to the risk of work-related work activities.
repetitive strain injury (RSI). The study found that, in
The IWH study found a higher most industrial sectors, the risk
percentage of women report of a work-related RSI was simi-
work-related RSIs than men lar for men and women. But
7.5 per cent and 6.9 per cent, important differences in RSI
respectively. were found in some sectors.
Our findings suggest that In a sector grouping arts,
gender contributes to RSI risk entertainment, accommoda-
in diverse ways based on job tion and food services, mens
segregation, non-work expo- risk of RSI was 23 per cent tors, the risk of RSI was slightly and lifting things that are
sures and, possibly, biological lower compared to men work- lower when compared to retail. designed for men. But when
vulnerability, said IWH sci- ing in the retail sector (retail A more dramatic gender differ- you look at it at the popula-
entist Curtis Breslin, the lead workers were the comparison ence was seen in construction, tion level, there didnt seem to
researcher on the study. group in this study). However, where the RSI risk for men was be that much risk for women,
Breslins study used data RSI risk for women in enter- 65 per cent higher compared to Breslin said.
from Statistics Canadas tainment/accommodation was retail, whereas the RSI risk for That could be because men
Canadian Community Health on par with RSI risk for women women was 28 per cent lower. and women have different job
Survey from 2003 to 2005. The in retail. For men working in We hear from the min- tasks within certain sectors,
analysis was based on 89,000 agriculture, forestry, mining istries of labour that the few including construction, said
respondents who reported and utilities, the risk of RSI was women who do get into this Breslin. The study data did
working at least one week in 25 per cent higher compared to work get injured because not contain that level of detail,
the past year. It incorporated retail. For women in these sec- theyre basically using tools however, he added.

Alberta massage therapists group turns 60

T he Massage Therapist
Association of Alberta
(MTAA) is commemorating its
been a provincially focused,
non-profit organization exclu-
sively representing massage
of providing quality massage
therapy care to the Alberta
public, the MTAA said in a
60th anniversary with various therapists, and was one of statement.
celebrations throughout the the founding members of the There are over 800 mas-
year, including a five-day Canadian Massage Therapist sage therapists in Alberta The MTAA Diamond Anniversary
conference will be held at the
Diamond Anniversary Alliance. Once considered alone. Delta Lodge in Kananaskis,
conference from Nov. 1 to 5 in a fringe therapy, massage Recognizing the need for Alta., along the foothills of the
Kananaskis, Alta. therapy is now the most widely a larger evidence base to Canadian Rockies.
Its a pretty incredible time accessed complementary advance the credibility of the Professions Act in Alberta and
to be involved in the profes- alternative medicine (CAM) massage therapy profession, several other jurisdictions in
sion, and specifically, with the in Canada, with $1.5 billion the MTAA has announced its Canada on the horizon, the
MTAA, said Pamela Kats, spent annually on massage sponsorship of a research association said. The MTAAs
MTAA president. Its not every therapy across Canada and grant specific to massage long history of setting and
day that you get to be part of about 1.5 million accessing therapy, which is being of- maintaining high standards for
such a revolutionary organiza- massage therapy care, the fered in co-operation with the entry to practice, professional
tion. For myself, the best part MTAA said. Interdisciplinary Network for development and upholding
is being able to look at things The MTAA is proudly Complementary Alternative accountability to the Alberta
such as our previous vision synonymous with the mas- Medicine (IN-CAM). public are what make our
statement and realize that we sage therapy profession in Massage Therapy is organization truly unique and
actualized it. How many orga- Alberta, serving as a flagship well on the way to being a a much-needed staple in the
nizations can truly say that? for Alberta massage therapists formal health profession, with Alberta non-profit and health-
Since 1953, the MTAA has who believe in the importance regulation under the Health care landscape.

6 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

CMTA wants to continue is shared with the vision of

talks to get Ontario back our association. For example, if

there is a dissention, each asso-
Drugstore chain
By Mari-Len De Guzman ciation has the right to agree offers arthritis
or disagree with statements by screening
T he Canadian Massage
Therapy Alliance (CMTA)
has urged Ontarios massage
the group as a whole, especially
when its in conflict with an
individual associations bylaws
Canadian retailer Shoppers
Drug Marts new Arthritis
therapist association to and policies in their own Screening program will
rejoin the CMTA, saying the province. enable Canadians to work
alliance is open to addressing The RMTAO also wants to with a pharmacist to help
Ontarios concerns regarding ensure that membership in the detect and manage arthritis
its participation. alliance isnt unsustainable or condition at an early stage.
In an open letter addressed heavily burdensome in terms An estimated one in six
to the massage therapy profes- of human resources or cost, Canadians aged 15 years
sion in Canada, CMTA chair Sumpton said. and older live with arthritis.
Marilyn Sparling wrote the fol- The RMTAO has developed The program was
lowing: If structural chang- a draft position statement for developed from research
Marilyn Sparling, chair, CMTA
es are needed, then Ontario the alliance, which it opened carried out at the Arthritis
is welcome to participate in tion regarding this matter has up for member comments ear- Research Centre of Canada
change. If there are any other never been sent, Sparling said lier this year. The association is with government funding
concerns that prevent RMTAO in her letter. currently finalizing that docu- through the Canadian
(Registered Massage Therapist The RMTAO is preparing ment, which is expected to be Institutes of Health Research.
Association of Ontario) from to issue a position statement released in the fall, according The Shoppers Drug
participating in the alliance we that, Sumpton said, will sum- to Sumpton. Mart Arthritis Screening is
will be happy to address them. marize the structure and vision In her letter, Sparling said the first and only program
The letter also responded to that RMTAO would like to see the CMTA is keen to have in Canada designed with
several posts on the RMTAO in a national massage therapy (RMTAOs) participation and women in mind, according
Facebook page discussing the alliance. welcome your vision in this to the company. Arthritis
RMTAOs 2011 withdrawal as Sumpton told Massage national alliance. affects two out of three or 2.8
a member of the CMTA. The Therapy Canada discussions We firmly believe that only million Canadian women.
subject posts were from July between the RMTAO and the by working together as a nation- To help with early detection,
2013. CMTA are continuing, but al profession can our goals and the program includes a self-
In her letter, Sparling quoted declined to disclose the details visions be achieved for the administered joint exam
RMTAO chief executive officer of those discussions. profession and, more impor- and questionnaire.
Bryn Sumptons comment on Our discussions with the tantly, the health care needs of Pharmacists at more than
one of its members post ask- CMTA are private, internal dis- Canadians be addressed from 1,200 Shoppers stores across
ing the status of RMTAOs cussions that we generally dont coast to coast, Sparling said. Canada will provide arthritis
position on the CMTA and its share with other provincial asso- The RMTAO withdrew its screening and information
national advocacy. ciations, for example, or pub- membership from the CMTA part of a three-year
To these statements, let it licly, Sumpton said. in 2011. Then RMTAO partnership between Shoppers
be said the CMTA proactively He did enumerate some of board chair Amanda Baskwill Drug Mart/Pharmaprix,
engaged in exchanges with the RMTAOs position regarding explained the reason for the Arthritis Consumer Experts
RMTAO more than a year ago a national massage therapy withdrawal in her 2011 Annual and the Arthritis Research
regarding any concerns they alliance. Report. Centre of Canada.
may have had with the struc- It needs to be clear that its Following the (2011) spring Arthritis is the second
ture of the alliance. These cor- an alliance of provincial and meeting, the RMTAO board of most frequently mentioned
respondences were left last June territorial organizations or asso- directors decided not to renew condition as a cause of
(2012) with the assurance there ciations, rather than a national their membership with the disability. Arthritis-related
would be a letter forthcoming association for individual mas- CMTA due to the amount of disability includes limitations
by the fall 2012 from the board sage therapists, Sumpton said. financial and human resources in mobility, self-care domestic
of the RMTAO to the CMTA He added, They have to that would have been required life, and community, social
explaining their issues. This let- have a clear vision and purpose to participate in this organiza- and civic life.
ter or any further communica- that is articulated and that it tion, Baskwill wrote.

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 7

Touch Points Industry news And events

Canadians favour health-care strategy for seniors: survey

N inety-three per cent of
Canadians believe it is
time for a pan-Canadian
demographic tsunami that is
heading toward the health-
care system, said CMA
strategy for seniors health president Dr. Anna Reid.
care at home, hospitals, Only 41 per cent of survey
hospices and long-term respondents believe hospitals
facilities, according to and long-term care facilities
the Canadian Medical can handle the needs of
Associations (CMA) 2013 seniors in their area who
National Report Card on will not be able to stay at
health issues. home. The same proportion
An equal number also of Canadians say they are and over found four in to high-quality home care and
believe a comprehensive confident in the current five Canadians thought their long-term care.
strategy for seniors health health-care systems ability health-care in retirement The results show 63
care would improve the entire to serve Canadas aging years was a concern. per cent believe home and
system by keeping elderly population. Seventy-nine per cent community care should be
Canadians at home as long The survey conducted were concerned about having the most important focus for
as possible, thereby lightening this year between July 17 access to a high-quality acute governments when improving
the load on hospitals and and July 26 by phone among care system, while 77 per cent health-care quality for
long-term care facilities, said 1,000 Canadians aged 18 were concerned about access senior citizens.
the study by Ipsos Reid,
which conducted the survey
for CMA.
Eighty-nine per cent of
N.Y. researchers commence Violaine Harris, research scientist
at Tisch MS Research Center.
the respondents believe a
national strategy for seniors
stem cell clinical trial for MS Preclinical testing found
the injection of these cells may
should involve federal,
provincial, territorial
and municipal levels of
T he Tisch MS Research Center
of New York announced it
has received Investigational New
New York, based in New York
City, and the studys principal
decrease brain inflammation and
promote myelin repair and/or
government. And four in Drug approval from the Food The groundbreaking study This study exemplifies the
five, or 78 per cent, believe and Drug Administration (FDA) will investigate a regenerative Tisch MS Research Centers ded-
the federal government has to commence a phase-one trial strategy using stem cells harvest- ication to translational research
an important role to play in using autologous neural stem ed from the patients own bone and provides a hope that estab-
developing the strategy. cells in the treatment of multiple marrow. These stem cells will be lished disability may be reversed
Research shows it costs sclerosis (MS). injected intrathecally (into the in MS, Dr. Sadiq noted.
$126 a day to provide MS is a chronic human auto- cerebrospinal fluid surrounding Participants will undergo
care for a patient in a immune disease of the central the spinal cord) in 20 partici- a single bone marrow collec-
long-term care facility, nervous system that leads to pants who meet the inclusion tion procedure, from which
versus $842 a day in a myelin damage and neurode- criteria for the trial. mesenchymal stem cell-derived
hospital. Making it easier generation. The disease affects This will be an open label neural progenitor cells will be
for elderly Canadians to approximately 2.1 million peo- safety and tolerability study. All isolated, expanded and tested
stay at home while getting ple worldwide. study activities will be conducted prior to injection. Participants
the care they need would To my knowledge, this is the at the Tisch MS Research Center will receive three rounds of injec-
be the preferred and most first FDA-approved stem cell trial and affiliated International tions at three-month intervals.
cost-effective option, the in the United States to investi- Multiple Sclerosis Management Safety and efficacy parameters
CMA said. gate direct injection of stem cells Practice. will be evaluated in all partici-
The results of this years into the cerebrospinal fluid of The clinical application of pants through regular follow-up
CMA report card send a MS patients, and represents an autologous neural progenitors visits, the research centre said.
clear and direct message exciting advance in MS research in MS is the culmination of For more information
to policy-makers and and treatment, said Dr. Saud A. a decade of stem cell research about this stem cell trial visit,
public office holders that Sadiq, senior research scientist conducted by a team of scientists the Tisch MS Research Center
all levels of government at Tisch MS Research Center of headed by Dr. Sadiq and Dr. website,
need to act to address the

8 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

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Feature By JuLes TorTi

Take your vocation

on vacation
unique massage treatments from around the world

assage therapists are notorious for neglecting self-care. Dedicated holiday time falls by the
wayside because if were not massaging were not earning money.
However, I fall into a different category after 14 years in the industry, I question my career
motives. It appears I prefer receiving more than giving. Its an honest and selfish statement.
When my high school guidance counsellor suggested I refine my focus and find an honourable vocation, I
thought she said vacation.

Always committed to marrying my passions, Ive been trav- of Tuina would remind me of how sensational it feels to be
elling the world and taking my vocation on vacation. Ive the recipient and, how lazy I could be in my actual yoga
sniffed out the best body treatments to quell jet lag, career lag attempts.
and nagging posterior neck musculature from a 2010 running Test-driving different modalities also allows for some unique
wipeout that resulted in a concussion. adaptations to occur in your own massage sequences. Whether
The global spa and massage industry adds an entirely new you insert a few reflexology hot spots or adapt a new Tuina
dimension to bodywork. The stringent draping rules and pec stretch, receiving a treatment outside of the Swedish mas-
rigid consent to treatment observations of Canada are politely sage scope is always a surprising investment.
glossed over in other countries. Sometimes vodka is involved; Then again, sometimes you just want things done to you
other times its hot hay, seaweed and sand. for no reason other than the restorative effects of touch. You
want to let your brain flatline and to transition into a carefree
ToronTos ChinaTown client. This is exactly what I did in the Siwa Oasis in Egypt.
Ive been a rabid fan of Chinatown massage clinics for several
reasons. They are open late, they accept walk-in appoint- Buried alive
ments, there is always complimentary hot herbal tea and I had dog-eared our copy of Lonely Planet, automatically
often a good schmaltzy samurai movie playing in the waiting curious and persistent in finding out where exactly we could
area. Post-massage, everything else in Chinatown is open late, have a sand sauna. The guide stated that those who decided
which means I could pick up some sticky pork buns, Peking to partake in a sand sauna should be monitored by a doctor,
duck or a few skewers of grilled lamb on Dundas Street. for days, as the treatment was intense and could have adverse
Torontos Chinatown offers instant gratification in so many reactions.
forms: shiatsu, cupping, Tuina. I am always a sucker for the The traditional Egyptian sand sauna required a three- to
hour-long reflexology sessions though. If you walk east on five-day commitment, which we didnt have. We had to make
Dundas from the Spadina intersection, there are half a dozen our way across the White Desert and back to Luxor so we
reflexology joints. For $35 you get a rose petal foot soak (that could squeeze in a few days on the Red Sea. Surely we could
doesnt cut into your hour session of an otherworldly foot do a single sauna and feel minor benefits after 20 minutes?
massage) and the most intense foot rub around. I have never Three to five days promised a cure from rheumatism and
stayed awake until the end. Nursing cups of tea and flipping arthritis.
through dated gossipy magazines, Id pass out in no time. In In pursuit of such bliss, I am known to throw caution to
the deep freeze of January, the sleepy soak and full-on foot the wind. Anyone reading this would sense clear and present
assault were career savers. dangers in hitching a ride with a guy named Mohammed and
Sometimes, after a jammed workday, Id trudge over for a his donkey, Ali Baba, deep into the Gebel Dakrur desert. We
Tuina session again, a Chinatown niche treatment, heavy forgot to grab some water. We forgot to tell anyone where
on the elbows and on stretching. Its like having yoga done for we were going. It was near sunset but still, it seemed like a
you. After a lineup of five or six hour-long massages, a bout very promising idea. We had requested camel stew for dinner

10 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Egyptian sand saunas offer a unique spa experience for the adventurous type.

at the Shali fortress where we were staying, and Mohammed induced oven. Our skin was slippery with sweat and, when we
promised wed be back in time for that. emerged, the sand felt like fine talcum as we brushed it off.
I knew we were going to get buried, but I pictured us stand- Desperately thirsty, we drank from Mohammeds bottle of
ing upright in the sand for some reason. We quickly learned local water (which probably was the source of our diarrhea
that we would be lying on our backs, and buried much as for the rest of our time in Egypt) and hiked back to our
children at the beach are buried by older siblings. donkey cart.
Mohammed led us a mile into the dunes. The desert sun Mohammed took us to a secret cold spring and made a fire
was characteristically searing. We loped along, grinning, mar- quicker than a Boy Scout to prepare hibiscus tea. The cold
velling at the landscape and ignoring apprehensions. My part- plunge, long inhales on the sheesha pipe and hot, cleansing tea
ner opted to be buried first she is like the canary in the coal were the perfect balm for our sauna-weary bodies. The healing
mine. Kim has asthma, so, I figured that if she didnt have a powers of the desert were quietly revealed and, we arrived
panic attack with a ton of sand piled on top of her chest and early for our camel stew.
body, Id be OK.
Mohammed expertly scooped the sand over her body (we russian Banyas
wore bikinis) until only Kims head was showing. Then he When I posted a call-out to friends on Facebook for zany
walked up and down the length of her body in tiny steps, massage experiences around the world, a schoolmate from
packing the sand into near cement. Kim gave the nod that she high school, Greg Jacklin, replied in a minute from Seattle.
was OK, and then I volunteered to be buried alive. I went to a Russian banya with my brother-in-law in St.
Arms at my side, I immediately felt a bit of panic from Petersburg. Its kind of an involved process involving
being so confined. Reminding myself of the arthritic cures, smoked fish, vodka, beer and getting whipped by birch leaves
I had some self-talk and let myself engage deeper in the and branches, jumping into freezing water and repeating the
moment. process. I had pretty bad congestion before this, but I left
Mohammed walked up and down my body too his weight the banya drunk and completely rid of my cold. The sauna
was like cat paws over my quads. After this walkover, the sand where you whip each other is much hotter than what would
formed a solid mold around me and a slight wiggle left me be considered legal in Canada. You literally fight off the heat
hoping Mohammed wouldnt take off and abandon us. It was until you cant take it anymore. The branch whipping is quite
like lying in drying cement Im not sure if we could have painful but it was one of my highlights of my trip to Russia.
wriggled out of our sand cocoons. But then I fell asleep at the ballet
There was immense exhilaration as we were scooped out of I had read about a banya in North York, Ont. (1027 Finch
our saunas. After 20 minutes, the initial coolness of the sand Ave. W., Unit 7) in Torontos entertainment weekly, the Grid.
has reversed properties. It was like being inside a body heat- The article also spoke of the whippings (where writer David

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 11

Walking up and down the sand over the body makes for a more solid mold; for the one buried, its like lying in drying cement.

Sax felt like a dusty human carpet getting a thorough whack) GeT BoGGed down in ireland
this time with a sauna whisk fashioned from oak leaves. If youve ever been to Ireland there are three things that may
Banyas are traditional bathhouses and as central to a Russians race to the forefront of your mind: Guinness, verdant
life as saunas are to the Finnish. A good shvitz (Yiddish for everything and the smell of burning peat, which permeates
every tiny village and is addictively comforting to inhale.
Returning home on an Air Canada flight from Banff, I
ripped out a feature by Charlene Rooke in enRoute about
test-driving different modalities allows Irelands jump onto the spa treatment bandwagon. Irish bath-
houses existed a century ago, and the seaweed soaks of yore are
for some unique adaptations in your own experiencing a revival.
massage sequences. Rookes account of her Voya treatment at the Ice House
Hotel and Spa was intended to be a recreation of the seaweed
soak. She described a bundle of what resembled dry squid-ink
pasta being placed in hot water. The bundle expands incred-
sweat) has evolved from earlier male-centric days when banyas ibly to become two-metre-long, 15-centimeter-wide green ten-
were synonymous with card games and cigar smoke. Shvitzing drils that ooze a silky, aloe vera-like gel and a pongy waterfront
now involves soaking and decadent snacking. Sax remarked on smell. Seaweed harvester Neil Walton explained to her, Were
a menu that puts urban spa juice bars to shame: pumpernickel not going to pretty it up for anybody. This is a wild,
croutons, borscht, beef Stroganoff, air-dried anchovies, oily natural product.
mackerel, pickled herring, onions, steamed crayfish, honey- A sustainable choice (with a rapid growth recovery like
sweetened tea, cherry preserves and pitchers of beer all worthy bamboo), seaweed is a logical and authentic Irish spa prod-
of a whipping, I think. uct. Bladderwack and sea salt scrubs are offered at private
And, as Sax testifies after a beating from the banshik (sauna golf clubs, rivalling the resurgence of peat. Some locals up the
master), After a few hours in the banya, each bite tastes more ante eating a spoonful of peat a day. Rooke discovered that
alive than any youve ever had, and the sleep it brings is what bog peat replaces toxins (positive ions) with minerals (negative
the dead can only dream of. ions) like magnesium, copper, manganese and zinc.

12 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

If youre eager for an organic skin detox, a good dose of peat sealing in the vital heat. The combination of heat, naturally aro-
power or a peat wrap could sucker punch acne, psoriasis and matic hay and the rough, scratchy texture provides a 25-minute
eczema to the curb. And then you can have a pint of Guinness sensory stimulant. As Bennett muses, I think this is what it
to cure anything else that might ail you. must feel like to be a tea bag.
Finding rejuvenation through body treatments when we travel
roll in The hay in norThern iTaly is essential for self-care and career sustainability, and an inad-
Dina Bennett, a Matador freelancer and author of Peking to vertent learning tool for massage therapists. Knowledge always
Paris: Life and Love on a Short Drive Around the World, received sneaks in, and experiencing global traditions can add a dynamic
her bit of bliss from Italys South Tyrolean farmers. Hay baths and unexpected twist to your practice.
have been a long-reputed folk cure for rheumatism and arthritis Where are you going to shvitz next? Ill be soaking in the geo-
and an ideal excuse for socializing. thermal waters of the Blue Lagoon in Iceland this fall, continu-
When not trotting around the latitude lines, Bennett lives on ing my vocation vacation the ongoing search for total mind
a ranch in Colorado and was leery of the healing virtues of hay. and body satiation.
I know for a fact its prickly stalks are more likely to induce
allergic reactions than soothe, she was quoted as saying. Bath Jules Torti has been an RMT since 1999 and a free-
attendants deliver 10-gallon cauldrons of hay that have been lance writer since age six. In between massage
steaming for two hours. Bennett describes the fragrant cloud engagements, she travels to Africa to be with chim-
redolent of ladies mantle and mountain arnica, thyme and panzees and writes about her zany travels for
cinquefoil. Its grassy, fresh, an alpine meadow in a pot.But this Matador Network.
is highly regulated fodder, subject to Italian government regula-
tions on content, altitude and minimum distance from roads at
which the grass, with its 40 native herbs, can grow. For more on wellness, visit
Dark green wet hay is first spread on a waterbed. Bathers lie
on top of the hay and are covered with more hot hay before a
flannel blanket is placed on top. A vinyl sheet is the top layer,

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 13

Lackner massage fall 13.indd 1 2013-09-24 8:47 AM
Feature By Chris oConnor

Touching addiction
rMt treatment for recovering addicts requires
more than technique

or the last 14 years I have had a very unique clinic space located inside the Homewood Health
Centre in Guelph, Ont. The Homewood Health Centre is one of very few private health-care facilities
in Canada specializing in the treatment of addictions, eating disorders, trauma/PTSR (post traumatic
stress recovery), chronic pain and psychiatric disorders. RMT services have been provided out of
this facility for almost 20 years the demographic certainly creating an out-of-the-ordinary setting for a
massage practice.

In this three-part series I would like to share some of my discipline with treatment room banter. Just as an alcoholic
experiences, and just a little of what I have learned treating is encouraged to avoid bars and social events where
people from three of Homewoods programs: addictions, drinking is commonplace, so too must the practitioner
eating disorders and trauma/PTSR. take great care not to casually discuss drinking with a
client who is struggling with recovery. Best not to wear
addiCTions your favourite golf shirt emblazoned with the Guinness or
Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It has to Sleeman or Molson brands either.
be treated as a health problem. Ralph Nader, political Treatment room disclosure from clients, however, is not
activist uncommon and can create an awkward situation. It is a
Individuals suffering from addiction come from all delicate negotiation to be able to offer a supportive and
walks of life any gender, every culture and all ages. compassionate ear without overstepping the therapeutic
It is an illness that is not limited to the stereotypically boundaries. Massage therapists are not psychotherapists.
portrayed images of street drugs and alcohol abuse. Disclosures regarding illegal activities, violations of the
Gambling, prescription medications, compulsive sexual Homewood facilitys rules or potentially abusive situations
behaviour, work, shopping and exercise addictions are create ethical and legal dilemmas for a therapist. Threat
also seeing a steady rise. Dr. Gabor Mat, a pre-eminent of violence to another or oneself is an absolute must as
figure in the field of addiction counselling, admits his far as reporting is concerned but what is a therapist
own unusual addiction to classical music. The diversity to do if an addict admits they have smuggled alcohol or
of the afflictions reminds us as practitioners to treat the street drugs into their addiction program? Being privy
individual with the disease, not the disease itself. to pillow talk presents some ethical conundrums. At
The majority of clients who find themselves at the risk of becoming the informer and jeopardizing
Homewood have never before sought professional your therapeutic relationship, it is important to know
treatment. These clients are vulnerable and demand a when safety measures should be taken and treatment staff
great deal of compassion and professionalism from their informed.
health-care team. Admitting that we all display some How does a massage therapist negotiate universal
form of addictive behaviour is an important first step precautions when treating a population with addictions
toward maintaining a non-judgmental composure. It is that put them at greater risk of HIV and hepatitis C
critical to engender feelings of safety and respect so clients infections? My professional experience tells me the risk of
may accept you as part of their healing process. While transmission of either of these viral infections while giving
enduring rigorous treatment protocols, offering your a massage treatment is so low that no unusual precautions
clients a reprieve from the hardest parts of recovery will need be taken. It is very important for the clients in these
make you a part of the solution, rather than another part programs to feel worthy of respect, and not to be judged
of the problem. or feared. If you find yourself worried in any way about
Massage therapists treating clients suffering from working with this population, it would probably be best
addictions should remember to have greater-than-average to refer to another therapist.

14 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Treatment room disclosure by clients is not uncommon. Its a delicate balance for massage therapists to offer a compassionate ear without
overstepping therapeutic boundaries.

TreaTmenT been numb to touch for some time, the belief is that they
Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Larry Michael should really be able to feel the treatment for it to
Dredla, author be effective.
As manual therapists we are in a privileged, and As many of us know, too much pressure can have a
important, position to help those recovering from addiction negative effect and, in this situation, might leave the
reconnect with their bodies. After years of neglect, self- client tempted to seek out something more nefarious to
medicating (numbing), and commonly co-morbid abusive help ease the pain.
circumstances, many clients have lost touch with their Weight gain is one of the most common, and
bodies. They may no longer be attuned to how their body is frustrating, side-effects of the pharmaceuticals used
functioning. They may no longer be feeling at all. At this to treat people recovering from addiction. The side-
time of reconnection with feeling at all levels, positive touch effects of the meds, coupled with a common tendency
can be immensely important. to replace one substance with another, i.e., sugar-loaded
No particular techniques are needed, no extra courses are food for alcohol or drugs, contribute to weight gain and
necessary just a willingness to have the added sensitivity concomitant body image issues. Body image insecurities
this group requires. In the beginning, I typically focus on and shyness create another delicate situation requiring
full body relaxation treatments to help with the reconnection your patience and compassion. We must be mindful of
process, before moving slowly into treatment of specific these sensitivities when treating areas where the client may
conditions. This important burgeoning of awareness can also have put on weight, and never assume the client will feel
be a good time to seize a teaching moment. By sharing our comfortable enough to mention their sensitivities.
knowledge of the body and its systems, we can help educate A good percentage of my clients fall into this category,
clients and inspire them to take better care of themselves. and I have found that some will not reveal their insecurity
Keeping in mind that we are working with individuals but react when I am working on certain areas of the body
who may still have some impulse control challenges, we some have actually apologized for their appearance. I
need to be aware that some will go overboard with the always remind clients that this, too, is part of the process
treatment and with advice on homecare that we provide. of healing but encourage them to talk to their doctor and
The deeper the better, is often the request regarding support team if they feel that overeating has become a
pressure during treatment. Because these individuals have new problem.

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 15

KnowledGe is power and impaired impulse control...there is no mystery about
Dr. Mat, a Hungarian-born Canadian physician, author the circumstances under which the positive qualities of self-
and public speaker, specializes in the study and treatment regulation, self-worth, differentiation and impulse control fail
of addiction. Dr. Mat is widely recognized for his unique to develop. Any gardener knows that if a plant hasnt grown,
and controversial perspective on addiction, attention deficit most likely the conditions were lacking. The same goes for
disorder and chronic disease. He is a firm believer in the children. The addictive personality is a personality that hasnt
connection between mind and body health. His book, In the matured. When we come to address healing, a key question will
Realm of Hungry Ghosts, should be the first on your reading be how to promote maturity in ourselves or in others whose early
list if you choose to work with this unique population. Here environment sabotaged healthy emotional growth.
is an eye-opening excerpt: I strongly support lifelong personal and professional
These...are the traits that most often underline the addiction development, for my well-being and the well-being of
process: poor self-regulation; lack of basic differentiation; those I treat. My outlook is useful when fielding difficult
lack of a healthy sense of self; a sense of deficient emptiness; questions from some very unhappy and unhealthy clients. As

a CenTury of Care
Homewood Health Centre has been treating patients for addic-
tion since 1883. The programs offered are part of a continuum
of care for addicted individuals and family members encom-
passing: prevention and health promotion; harm reduction;
abstinence-based residential; and out-patient treatment and
In-patient services are for adults who suffer from chemical
addictions including specialized tracks for health care profes-
sionals and those suffering from concurrent psychiatric disor-
ders (if psychiatrically stable).
The Homewood Addiction Division Services (HADS) are
founded on two underlying principles: abstinence and lifestyle
change. Both factors are equally important for successful recov- Figure 1 illustrates that HADS patients displayed positive rates
ery from addiction. of improvement (greater than 76 per cent) for all outcome
Program trends and patient characteristics
894 patients were discharged from HADS in 2013 aged
19 to 71, with 63.1 per cent being male.
Individuals come to HADS on their own volition and the
program length is 34 days.
Individuals seek treatment for addiction/dependency, while
some may also have specific psychiatric symptoms. The
most common concurrent psychiatric disorders are mood
disorders and anxiety disorders.
50 per cent of HADS patients have had prior admissions to
an in-patient mental health treatment setting at some point
in their lifetime.

Clinically observed outcomes Figure 2 illustrates that HADS patients displayed positive
The Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health (RAI- rates of achievement (greater than 90 per cent) for all six
short-term outcomes.
MH) is a comprehensive, standardized instrument evaluating
symptoms and functioning, socio- demographics, behaviours,
prior experiences and interventions. The outcomes reflect the
percentage of patients whose difficulty with certain symptoms Patient ratings of treatment
or functioning improved from admission to discharge. (See Patient ratings of how well treatment met their needs for main
Figure 1) addictions, other addictions and psychiatric disorders are con-
sidered key indicators of service quality.
Patient short-term outcomes 99 per cent of patients felt treatment met their main
HADS patients are asked to rate the degree to which they feel addictions needs.
they have achieved several short-term outcomes at the time of 90 per cent of patients felt treatment met their other
discharge. The following graph displays the percentages of those addictions needs.
who had above average responses for six outcome domains. 77 per cent of patients felt treatment met their psychiatric
(See Figure 2 ) disorders needs.

16 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Dr. Mat mentions, although you may to attract to our business is crucial. We all know of someone whose
be treating adults, certain aspects of Populations in need of evolving care life has been affected by addiction;
personalities may have been arrested at provide an excellent opportunity for no one is immune to this pathology.
less mature stages. Addicts in recovery a therapist growing their practice to With good training, a compassionate
are often searching for answers, goals reach out. People with addictions are a demeanour, and a commitment to
and new directions in life. demographic often misunderstood and ongoing personal education and
overlooked in our communities. Find a development, manual therapists can be
support group and offer your services. an invaluable part of recovery for each
Be prepared to show your respect and individual encountering addiction. I
compassion for the complexity of their hope you will feel inspired to reach out
challenges. to this population, offering them the
This is also a great opportunity to power and relief that your hands and
put together an outreach program. A your knowledge can provide.
colleague of mine, an LMT (licensed This article was edited by Heather
massage therapist) in New York City, MacRae.
puts together a free clinic on the
second Thursday of each month for Chris OConnor is a
those suffering from addiction and registered massage
post-traumatic stress many of whom therapist, public speaker,
are homeless. The therapists who osteopathic practitioner,
participate volunteer their time. It is provider and instructor of
incredibly rewarding work, helps those contemporary medical acupuncture.
Homewood Health Centre is located in in need, and is often an eye-opening For more information, visit
Guelph, Ont. experience for therapists who attend. It
has become so popular with therapists
Many years ago, I attended a lecture in the community that there are For more on education,visit
by a doctor who specialized in treating sometimes more practitioners
people with addictions. He made than clients.
an analogy that I remember to this
day: Addicts are like alligators. At
some point during their development,
addicts have lost the ability to warm
themselves from within, and are
always looking for an external source
of warmth. He said, If we take an
alligator from Florida, fly them to
Winnipeg in the middle of winter
and tie them up in the driveway,
no amount of counselling, manual
treatment, reading or recreation
therapy is going to save the alligator
from the cold. It needs heat to survive.
This is the biggest goal of all therapies:
to help those suffering from addiction
learn how to warm themselves from

GrowTh opporTuniTy
The Homewood Health Centre is
a haven for those recovering from
addiction. Clients are in-patients
taking time away from many of their
life stressors. Many are anxious about
leaving the safety net of doctors,
nurses, counsellors and therapists,
and will leave the facility in need of
ongoing support.
As most RMTs are small business
owners, finding new demographics

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 17

Feature By donaLd Quinn diLLon

Claims crisis
in health insurance
Opportunity for profession to galvanize

hat if insurance claims for massage therapy services were no longer accepted? What if
employers with a surplus of workers didnt need to offer employee benefits for retention, or if
they perceived massage therapy claims are expensive, riddled with fraud, with no evidence of
direct benefit to the employee? How would this scenario affect the lifeblood of your practice?

The denial and limitation of insurance claims for massage Massage therapists rely heavily on their patients access
therapy care appears to be increasing with alarming concern. to employee health benefits, and the implications to
Insurers are concerned about fraud and skeptical of wide- massage therapists practice of diminishing coverage are
ranging treatment plans not supported by evidence or severe. Massage therapists cite largely anecdotal evidence
clinical guidelines. Insurers expect comprehensive patient of improved patient outcomes and defend their validity in
receipts that ensure treatments are medically necessary, the public eye as regulated health professionals (in three
and they are critical of the slow progress of massage therapy provinces: Ontario, British Columbia and Newfoundland/
regulation, varied educational requirements from province Labrador). However, the resources to organize experts
to province, and the absence of national representation. across the profession to create treatment guidelines backed
Growing insurer skepticism of the benefits of massage by available evidence appear unfocused or unavailable.
therapy care affects claims for employee health benefits, auto Although massage therapists are currently regulated in three
insurance and workers compensation. provinces, they have not been welcomed into provincial

18 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

health care funding save a provision for low-income
citizens of British Columbia or hospitals, community
care centres or medical clinics. Insurers and employers
are looking for proof of positive effect and a return on
investment in employee benefit plans, but the profession, in
its current state of organization, cant provide it.
Massage therapists are critical of insurers that lack training
in making clinical judgments as to the appropriateness of
care, and seem unaware or not interested in the credentials
of registered massage therapists (RMTs). Denial of claims
appears, in some cases, arbitrary. Fee guidelines for
massage therapy services posted by insurance companies
are considerably below those posted by RMT professional
associations. Insurers perceptions relayed by massage
therapists submitting claims suggest pejorative images of
hedonistic luxury, fraudulent indulgence and palliative, not
curative, care.
Without the triad of a degree-level program, evidence-
based practice and political clout, the massage therapy
profession cant bring much to the table. Insurers proclaim
a wounded confidence in the professions credibility
and professionalism. Yet, perhaps this insurance crisis
can become an essential driver in finally galvanizing the
profession. In a profession where practitioners in sole or
small group practices remain largely unengaged, ignorant
of or disinterested in the political issues that affect them,
perhaps such a crisis might ultimately be a good thing for
massage therapists.

opporTuniTy for BeTTer ouTCome

The Canadian Massage Therapist Alliance (CMTA)
serves seven member provinces British Columbia,
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick,
Newfoundland/Labrador and Prince Edward Island and
the Northwest Territories. The CMTAs primary objectives
are: preserving and improving insurer relations; supporting
regulation in all provinces; and encouraging research
initiatives. Ontario, with the largest number of RMTs is not
a member. Manitoba and Quebec are also non-members,
and have been extended invitations.
The CMTA has represented member provinces for the last
five years at the conferences of the Canadian Life and Health
Insurance Association, and the Canadian Health Care
Anti-fraud Association. CMTA has gathered information
from insurers regarding their concerns with massage
therapy claims. In response, the CMTA has actively invited
non-participating provinces to get involved in improving
insurer relations, and designed a standard RMT receipt at
the request of insurers. A lot more work and resources are
needed to make inroads to insurer relations.

naTional CollaBoraTion
The Registered Massage Therapist Association of
Ontario (RMTAO) was a member of the CMTA, but
withdrew seven years ago, stating human resource and
financial considerations. The RMTAO maintains, in
other communications, that it believes it can unilaterally
contribute to RMT concerns at a national level, despite
stated resource shortages. There have been numerous

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 19

invitations to collaborate, but the RMTAO
has repeatedly declined involvement with the
The threat of insurance claim denial to
massage therapists is a national issue and
requires the combined expertise, influence and
resources of all the provinces and territories.
The problem is illuminated in a recent post
by an Ontario RMT (with initials, H.C.)
on Facebook: I treat clients at a software
company 1 to 2 times per month and now
my work there is on hold because almost all
of my clients at that office are currently being
audited One employee (described how) his
submissions were declined for massage and
chiropractic at another office. The employees
are very frustrated right now, (they experience)
crazy deadlines, work overtime constantly and
sit at a computer 8 to 12 hours per day
they all need treatment just to maintain work
In an auto-insurance case earlier this year, I
submitted a treatment plan that was outside
the Minor Injury Guideline, because the
claimant had numerous previous injuries
and health complications that I felt qualified
her for a greater level of intervention. The
physiotherapist and physician came to similar National collaboration among the associations is needed to move the
conclusions, but the insurer promptly denied the plan. The profession forward.
plan was eventually approved by an independent examiner,
but the insurer would only pay the maximum hourly rate Research Symposium. Perhaps IN-CAM can draw the
a full 35 per cent less of the RMTAOs posted fee rate for brightest minds across Canada to create therapeutic
my services. Despite the resources available to the insurance guidelines based on evidence, collate all available evidence
company and the provision in the professional services and make it available in a databank to massage therapists for
fee guidelines that they could pay the full amount they direct use in their practice.
dumped the responsibility of co-payment onto the claimant. Perhaps the most compelling reason for collaboration
The claimant, overwhelmed by loss of work recovering from is to bring isolated massage practitioners from across the
this injury and years of health-related issues, was unable to country into discussions about the critical issues facing the
pay. I was stuck with the loss. profession. We can dialogue, debate and eventually reach
The CMTA is already in place, but hamstrung without decisions on those issues that have dogged us for decades,
full participation of massage therapy associations from all and then focus the resources to act on solutions.
the provinces and territories. Only with collaboration and An insurance claims crisis squarely faces massage therapists
sharing of resources can the massage therapy profession across Canada, but it could be a galvanizing force to finally
engage the government, insurers and gatekeeper health bring all stakeholders in the profession together. Contact
disciplines in a dialogue about the strengths of massage your professional association today and tell them you want
therapists and their place in public health and citizen in on this plan for national collaboration.
wellness. Public and media campaigns can be generated
and shared across all associations avoiding duplicity in Donald Quinn Dillon is a registered massage
resources while improving our public image and negating therapist, author and speaker. You can contact
ill perceptions. him through his website,
In addition to the CMTA, other profession-evolving
initiatives are afoot. The Inter-Jurisdictional Competencies
championed by the Massage Therapy Consortium
currently in the three regulated provinces precipitates
reform in the way massage therapists are educated, and may
lead the way to national entry-to-practice examinations To view other articles by
and massage therapy program accreditation. The Canadian Donald Quinn Dillon, visit
Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Research holds a biennial IN-CAM

20 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Feature By LLoyd Manning

massage therapy practice, part 2
space needs and design criteria

he location of the therapeutic massage practice office within the walls of your residence and its
layout could be problematic. Simply selecting an underused space and adapting it to your existing
environment without proper planning or a needs and intended use assessment seldom works.
Before tearing down walls or hiring tradesmen, take time to assess your requirements and their
compatibility with your living requirements. Eliminate the frivolous and prioritize the remainder. Here are
a few tips on developing the home office.

Determine the amount of space you really need. Be currently have. Location and layout is often dictated by
generous but remember that any space taken reduces home available space, not by what is ideal. Build and furnish for
usage and comfort level. Consider the additional cost of efficiency. Design around the furniture and fixtures that
heat, lighting, air conditioning, maintenance and all that you have or intend to acquire, not the other way around.
goes with the operation of your massage practice. Be neat and modern but cost-conscious.
Be innovative in your design. Work around what you Develop a well-thought-out floor plan. This

Building your home-based massage practice requires careful planning.

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 21

includes all of the areas to be used for your office and renovating for your practice, get the best quotes you can
living accommodation. Draw it on paper to scale. From and double them. If its an older house, add another 50 per
cardboard, cut out miniature furniture and fixtures that cent. You will not be that far out. Dont forget soft costs.
you currently own or will acquire to the same scale as your These include design cost if you hire an outsider to do
floor plan. Next, move them around on your drawing until it building permits, licences and additional insurance.
everything fits the way you want it to. Never agree to a cost-plus contract or employ a fly-by-
Include sufficient storage area. Even if you do not sell night home renovator. This is the best way to get hosed.
products, over the years you will amass great piles of paper. Amortize the cost of improvements. As it is allowable
Be sure to allocate space for that. for income tax purposes and will act as a check on the
Distinguish home from office. Separation between wisdom of making the investment, amortize (or depreciate)
family living areas and your massage therapy practice is the cost of the improvements at a competitive rate of
vital. There should be a designated area in which you meet interest, over a five-year, but never more than 10-year,
and attend to clients without disturbance from family period. Add to the amortization the cost of space rent
members. The layout, the access, the convenience, the what you would have to pay if you were to rent. Add the
facilities and the furniture selected should reflect projected building operating costs. The time frame would
your professionalism. be a normal lease period in the property of another. A
competitive rate of interest is what you could have earned
if buying a Grade A bond. The monthly amortization
amount can be obtained from a set of mortgage payment
A well-planned home office is one in tables, available from most stationary stores or from your
which you enjoy working and your For example, if your cost of improvements is $20,000,
at six per cent interest for five years, the monthly
clients appreciate being. amortization would be $386.66. For 10 years, it would be
$222.04. Assume a total liquidation of the investment. As
it is for business purposes, the Canada Revenue Agency
Mind the look and feel. Physical appearance is will allow you to deduct office expenses, whether at home
important. You want to be upscale, neat, clean and or elsewhere. Charge your practice rent and operating
professional, yet, not so posh that clients will steer clear. costs. Always keep your office and personal living expenses
The office, its appointments and the furniture should be separate. You, too, could be audited.
in the middle of the road. Your work environment cannot Always make a comparison of your amortization
be hazardous to your health. A well-planned home office is and operating costs with the cost to rent an office in
one in which you enjoy working and in which your clients a good location, of the same size and with equivalent
appreciate being. appointments. For example, assume your improvements
Think of convertibility. Allow for changing needs. amortization is $387 per month, space rent to yourself
When you renovate the home for office use, always bear $300, and extra utilities, taxes, insurance and monthly
in mind three things: first you want to build for your property costs are, say $100, your total direct cost would
personal use and the convenience of your clients and be $787 per month. If your office space is 500 square feet,
family; second, someday you will want to sell that house; this is equivalent to a rental of $18.89 per square foot per
third, someday you may wish to rent out the property. annum. It aint cheap. If it is necessary to borrow all of
Will you be able to earn a fair return on your investment? your development costs from a bank, leasing could be less
Bear in mind that on a resale you will have returned only expensive.
a small percentage of the cost of your improvements. Balancing a career and home life can be challenging, but
Therefore, you want the best you can get for the with proper planning, it can be rewarding.
fewest dollars.
Some things are not meant to be. Never try to
redevelop a basement that is damp or musty-smelling, with Lloyd Manning is a semi-retired business,
poor access, low ceilings or other unsuitable characteristics. commercial real estate appraiser and financial
You will never end up with anything satisfactory. analyst. His newest book, Winning With
Know the rules. Before you start, ensure your plan Commercial Real Estate The Ins and Outs of
meets all applicable codes building, electrical, plumbing, Making Money In Commercial Properties, is
fire, health. If it does not, authorities will shut you down. available online from Indigo-Chapters. He can be reached at
Often with older homes, the cost of bringing them up
to code is prohibitive and could kill the viability of the
in-home office development.
Consider accessibility. As some of your clients may be For more on business,
disabled, allow for chair lifts and ramps, if possible. Safety
and convenience are always prime considerations. visit
Calculating costs. When estimating the cost of

22 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

October 18 - 20, 2013


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The Sheraton On The Falls Conference Centre & Casino will be the location for the 2013 Conference. This world
class facility is located in Niagara Falls. Canadas # 1 tourist destination.
The Sheraton boasts some of Niagara Falls greatest attractions including The Hard Rock Caf, Planet Hollywood,
Rainforest Caf, the magnificent Hersheys store and the Fallsview Indoor Waterpark. The
Niagara region is also host to over 70 wineries and over 30 Golf Courses.
The ONE Concept Group is pleased to announce the return of The Canadian Massage & Chiropractic Conference,
Our Conference admission includes access to the trade hall floor for all 3 days, which houses over 100 booths
October 18-20, 2013 in beautiful Niagara Falls Canada.
and tables, access to all of the FREE 1 hour presentations for Chiropractic and Massage, and 1 lunch voucher.
The Sheraton
Attendees On The
can also FallstoConference
choose add workshops Centre
and full daywill
& Casino be the
classes tolocation for the 2013
their experience. WeConference. This world
have also implemented
the ONEfacility is located
Concept Pass in Niagara
which is a Falls. Canadasall-inclusive
full weekend, # 1 tourist destination.
pass for attendees to access as many paid classes,
Sheratontrade showsome
boasts and oflunch for 3Falls
Niagara days.greatest attractions including The Hard Rock Caf, Planet Hollywood,

have someCaf, theworlds
of the magnificent
most Hersheys store
sought after and the teaching
educators Fallsview at
Indoor Waterpark. The
our Conference this year, an opportunity
Niagara region is also host to over 70 wineries and over 30 Golf Courses.
for Health Professionals to learn from some of the pioneers in our field.
Our Conference admission includes access to the trade hall floor for all 3 days, which houses over 100 booths
Our reach is to Health Professionals in Canada and the US. With Media Sponsors in both countries, our event is
and tables, access to all of the FREE 1 hour presentations for Chiropractic and Massage, and 1 lunch voucher.
well advertised and well respected in our industry.
Attendees can also choose to add workshops and full day classes to their experience. We have also implemented
our Conceptwe
Exhibitors, havewhich
Pass is a fullan
customized weekend, all-inclusivepackage
entire destination pass forincluding
attendees to access
meals as many paid classes,
and accommodation along
with classes,
booth trade
space andshow and lunch
discounts for 3attractions.
on local days.

We have some of the worlds most sought after educators teaching at our Conference this year, an opportunity
It is ONE Concepts mission to unite multiple Health Professions, and aid them in achieving the same end result.
for Health Professionals to learn from some of the pioneers in our field.
overall health.
Our reach is to Health Professionals in Canada and the US. With Media Sponsors in both countries, our event is
invite you to join
advertised andus in respected
well Niagara Falls in October,
in our help us grow and further our professions, with the
education and products needed for us all to promote a healthy lifestyle.
For our Exhibitors, we have customized an entire destination package including meals and accommodation along
with booth space and discounts on local attractions.

Yours in Good
It is ONE Health,mission to unite multiple Health Professions, and aid them in achieving the same end result.
The ONE health.
Concept Group
We invite you to join us in Niagara Falls in October, to help us grow and further our professions, with the
education and products needed for us all to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Yours in Good Health,
The ONE Concept Group
!"#$%&'%()$%*"& may 16-18 2014 | atlanta, Ga
+",-$&.#//$& september 19-21 2014 | san diego, Ca
September 13-15 2013 | San Diego, CA
0"$)1%&'%()$%*"23"#14)/55)& May 16-18 2014 | Atlanta, GA
october 24-26, 2014 | niagara Falls, Canada
September 19-21 2014 | San Diego, CA October 24-26 2014 | Niagara Falls, Canada


September 13-15 2013 | San Diego, CA May 16-18 2014 | Atlanta, GA
October 18-20, 2013
September 19-21 2014 | San Diego, CA October 24-26 2014 | Niagara Falls, Canada

Canadian Massage Conference

Canadian Chiropractic Conference

October 18-20, 2013

Canadian Massage Conference
Canadian Chiropractic Conference

24 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

FatTool_QuartPgAd_Sept2013.indd 1 2013-09-23 8:54 AM

andrea Collins dennis Buckley George roth Felicia Brown John mulligan

angie dubis Chris nentarz James meschino Fabrizio mancini mike reed

Barry Jennings eric Plasker Kenzo Kase James Waslaski Phil scolieri

Bruce Baltz andreo spina drew Freedman Jamie richards ruxandra Cipriani

david marcarian don dillon James donovan Fiona rattray Whitney lowe


6QT - $95.95


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$1,850.00 $139.95


135 Sparks Ave, Toronto, ON M2H 2S5
(Victoria Park / 404 & Steeles )
$79.95 T:416-502-3700 F:416-502-2808
$28.95 $46.95 $39.95 $35.95 $39.95
lotion / gel / oil / deep tissue WWW.KOSIM.CA EMAIL: SALES@KOSIM.CA $49.95 $195.00

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 25



7:30 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:30 PM 01


strategy room 2

2 hour Bob Poirier/Bill Leonhardt

strategy room 1
classes Build the Clinic of Your dreams

Fallsview Barry Jennings

studio a, B, C Visceral manipulation

upper Fallsview

studio B
3 hour

strategy Andreo Spina

room 5 & 6 Connective tissue Continuity ~ how it affect

strategy David Marcarian

room 7 intro to e-scan and how small semG technology Wor

Andrea Collins Dr. Cohen

massage smarter not What Computers
room 2
harder are doing

Eric Plasker Kira Bailey

living & Practicing Care for those with
room 3
100 Year lifestyle adhd
FREE presentations
1 hour

strategy Whitney Lowe

room 7 maximizing the Web

studio a

upper Adam Bogar

Anne Turn
Fallsview soft tissue
dealing with
studio B treatment

3rd Floor
Great room

26 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013


1:00 PM 01:30 PM 02:00 PM 02:30 PM 03:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:00 PM 04:30 PM 05:00 PM 05:30 PM 06:00 PM 06:30 PM 07:00 PM

Bob Poirier/Bill Leonhardt Bob Poirier/Bill Leonhardt

Build the Clinic of Your dreams Build the Clinic of Your dreams

Whitney Lowe
technique synergy: treatment integration for Complex Conditions

Felicia Brown
Free & easy Ways to Promote Yourself

Fiona Rattray
ts our approach Work longer, smarter: Personalized self Care for therapists


Drew Freedman James Waslaski John Mulligan

intro to Kinesiology integrated manual manual lymph
taping therapy drainage

Mike Reid
Jamie Richards
Ruxandra Cipriani millionaire mindset for
start Creating a
aromatherapy healthcare

Catherine Wilkinson Don Dillon

integrating laser What i Wished id
therapy learned in school

Phil Scolieri Louise Danieli

myo-release neuro-Proprioceptive
therapy taping

h toxins

Trade Show Hall OPEN

9pm - FACEBOOK Meet & Greet ~ Hard Rock Caf Club featuring once again, LIVE music by Fidel!

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 27



7:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM


Full Day strategy Eric Plasker, James Meschino, Dennis Buckley, Mike Reid, Jamie Richards
Course room 2 Full day Chiropractic Connect WithYour Passion & Focus on Your message

John Mulligan
manual lymph drainage & how it Works
a, B, C

strategy James Waslaski

room 3 integrated manual therapy

Ruxandra Cipriani
3 hour

aromatherapy: What its all about and
room 1
how to include it in Your Practice

James Donovan
introduction to low intensity laser therapy
studio a

Don Dillon
Cam Collaboration and Viable Working models

room 1
FREE presentations

Bruce Baltz Felicia

Leslie Trotter
strategy active isolated social
1 hour

Kinesiology tape for

room 7 stretching/hip & low market
Bruising & edema
Back holid

Andreo Spina Fiona

upper Fallsview importance of tissue Persona
studio B specific Palpation Preven

3rd Floor Great room

7:30 PM - ONE Concept Gala ~

28 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013


12:30 PM 01:00 PM 01:30 PM 02:00 PM 02:30 PM 03:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:00 PM 04:30 PM 05:00 PM 05:30 PM 06:00 PM

Dr. Kase
Whitney Lowe
evolution of the
the FaB 4 must have skills of advanced therapy
Kinesiotaping method

Chris Nentarz
Foundations of Kinesiology taping

Phil Scolieri
myofascial release massage

Angie Dubis
15 minute neck &
shoulder Blast

a Brown
Jackie Shakar
media Dr. Roth
instrument assisted
ting for matrix repatterning
soft tissue mob.

D Dillon,
al injury Sukha Wong
B Locke, L Green
ntion for thai Yoga massage
rmt Claims

Trade Show Hall OPEN

~ Niagara Room at The Crowne Plaza

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 29



7:30 AM 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM


Full Day
Course strategy
Strategy room 1
Room 1

Dr. George Roth
matrix repatterning

a, B, C
3 hour

Andrea Collins
massage smarter not harder: side lying

strategy Barry Jennings Angie Dubis

room 2 headaches Breath release
FREE presentations

Fab Mancini James Meschino

1 hour

10 BiG mistakes in nutrition &

room 3
Practice supplementation

Par & shockwave
room 7

3rd Floor Great Room

30 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Myo Ad.indd 1 2013-09-20 8:46 AM

12:00 PM 12:30 PM 01:00 PM 01:30 PM 02:00 PM 02:30 PM 03:00 PM 03:30 PM 04:00 PM 04:30 PM 05:00 PM

James Waslaski
integrated manual therapy for Pelvic stabilization

Drew Freedman
introduction to Kinesiology taping theory & application

Andreo Spina
Connective tissue Continuity ~ how it affects our approach


Shawn Thistle
Lloyd List
discussing spinal
occlusion strapping

Jackie Shakar
instrument assisted
soft tissue mob.

Trade Show Hall OPEN

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 31

CommunitY room

A message from the Founder of ONE Concept Community Room

It was just a year ago when I was introduced to the Community Acupuncture Model, a
social business model that delivers affordable health care and living wage jobs. It is a place
where you can engage in a treatment that some people would never be able to afford. It is
a shared space where a collective healing energy is created by both its participants and
its practitioners.
The concept resonated with me so clearly that as a Multi-Disciplined Practitioner with
education in Massage, Aromatherapy, Fitness, Homoeopathy, Esthetics and Endermologie
accompanied by a firm belief in all Natural Disciplines, I thought, why cant we create this
health care model for ALL practitioners? It was then that The ONE Concept Community
Room was born.

The ONE Concept Community Room

A place where Integrative Health Care Professionals of all walks of life collectively come
together in an open forum to treat, collaborate and engage in the wellbeing of their clients.

The ONE Concept Community Classroom

Where Health Care Practitioners are provided a forum to enlighten, inspire, elevate and
educate their peers, clients and colleagues from all disciplines and beliefs. Our goal is to
provide a better understanding of each other and show that, united, we can be the leading
voice in health care.

Our Mission
To provide Integrative Health Care to our Community in an open, collective healing
environment where Practitioners and clients communicate, collaborate, respect and engage
in each others energy and knowledge for an ultimate healing experience.

Treatments offered in The ONE Concept Community Room

Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, SPA, Energy Work, Thai Massage, Yoga
Movement, Osteopathy....any and all care that contributes to our Communitys health and

Length of Treatments
Each treatment is approximately 15 to 30 minutes in length.

Treatment Cost
We request that a $10.00 donation for each 15 minute treatment be made to the charities of
ONE Concept.
Ask us about Community Room Membership Fees at participating ONE Concept
Community Wellness Centers.
ONE of the most incredible experiences as a natural health care practitioner is knowing
that I am NOT alone. I am blessed to be surrounded by the greatest minds and expertise of
so many passionate health care providers of all disciplines who ultimately have the same
goal as I: to provide our clients with a choice, give them guidance to awaken their bodies,
their minds and their spirits so that they can heal and live to their fullest potential.

With Gratitude,
Monica Pasinato-Forchielli
Founder ONE Concept Community Room

32 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Free student daY



DATE: Sunday, October 20, 2013 EXCELLENCE (SCORE)
TIME: 10:00 AM With Dr. Dennis Buckley
PLACE: Niagara room at Crowne Plaza DATE: Sunday, October 20, 2013
WHO: All Massage Therapy Students and TIME: 9:00 AM
recent graduates of Massage PLACE: Brock Room at Crowne Plaza
WHO: All Chiropractic Students and recent
WHY: ITS FREE, PRIZES, EDUCATION, SWAG BAGS graduates of Chiropractic

BIOFREEZE, Family Massage Therapy, RMTAO, Lackner McLennan, Bon Vital, Biotone, Vitality Depot

Experience the Power of Matrix Repatterning

and Become the Pain Solution Expert
Gentle, Eective, Easy on the Practitioner
Matrix Repatterning, developed by Dr. George Roth DC ND is a clinically-proven
form of manual therapy that addresses structural imbalance at the cellular level.
Matrix Repatterning is a rational, logical
jewel of a technique with reproducible
Learn to provide real clinical solutions for the following conditions:
results. It is well suited to massage therapists
Low Back Pain Headache, Migraine, TMJ palpation skills. After treatment, results
Hip & Knee Pain Frozen Shoulder, Carpal Tunnel include increased range of motion and
Dr. George Roth
Foot & Ankle Pain Snoring & Sleep Apnea DC. ND. reduction of pain. The technique is easy on
the client and the therapist. The material is
These practical, hands-on seminars will provide the practitioner well-presented, clear and interesting. This is a
with the clinical skills to effectively assess and treat the underlying wonderful addition to any RMTs repertoire.
cause of these and many other conditions. You will be able to Fiona Rattray, RMT
Linda Ludwig, RMT
apply these skills immediately following the seminar.
Authors: Clinical Massage Therapy
Here is an objective method for diagnosing
Introduction to Matrix RepatterningLower Extremity
and safely treating a variety of musculo-
Dates: December 6-7, 2013 Visit us at the Massage Therapy & skeletal malfunctions that will be useful for
January 10-11, 2014 Chiropractic Conference: clinicians. It tells you how to find themand
Location: Newmarket, Ontario October 18-20th how to treat them. Try it. It works!
Cost: $ 697 Niagara Falls, Ontario Dr. Stephen Levin, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
$ 497 (If payment is received 30 days prior to seminar start date)

For more information or to register please visit our website: or

contact us at: Telephone: 905-836-WELL (9355), Toll-Free: 1-877-905-7684

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 33

Floor Plan

An Introduction to IASTM Highlighting

the Graston Technique
Attend a presentation on Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue
Mobilization (IASTM) by Graston Technique Clinical Advisor
Jackie Shakar, DPT, MS, OCS, LAT, LMT, at the 2013 Canadian
Chiropractic and Massage Conference in Niagara Falls.

Sat. Oct. 19 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Sun. Oct. 20 Noon - 1 p.m.

Learn how IASTM is changing the way

RMTs in Canada are treating injuries.

34 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013


18-20, 2013
marK Your Calendars

Join us!
Facebook Meet and Greet

Massage Therapist Practice

of the massage professions

opportunities, and an entire
entry-level practitioner.

experience for the practitioner

wishing to generate secondary
retire and sell her/his practice.
offers practical insight and
working with other practitioners,
sources of income or preparing
A comprehensive picture
past, present challenges and
chapter is included particularly

Analyze the implications

compensation,economic health,
public and media perception,
the intrinsic politico-culture
therapy practice.
is painted
for the

of government policy, insurance

gatekeeper disciplines,
exploiters and profiteers,
on the viability of massage
I remem
I decided
to contin
I had str
year in
a practi
a busin
I neede
should look for
Where massage practitioners practic
opportunities in the new economy.
convictions that doom busy. I
Common (often disastrous!)
massage business relationships. busine
in operating a massage business.
Financial facts and fictions I believ
- the primary (and unidentified)
The elephant in the room
financial terms. runnin
source of tension in negotiating
unprofitable business
Strategies for turning around didnt.
rent I

at the Hard Rock Club Niagara Falls.

yee model over
Benefits of the employer/emplo
contractor model. was fo
owners can reduce turnover
Learn how massage business busin
and grow profit margins.
money as a contractor pract
Why you dont earn enough
you can.
massage practitioner, and how not h
agreements are problematic.
Why straight-percentage
longevity and productivity
Managers: Cultivate loyalty,
your associates.
value, leverage and income
Practitioners: Increase your
in negotiating business agreements.
for practitioners working
Practical and profitable models
Legal implications of contract
12 profitable, low- or no-hands-on,


secondary sources of income.
buying or selling a massage
Points to consider when
therapy business.
Valuating your business.
essays for entry-level
12 practice development


Final_Cover.indd 1

Dont miss this great event filled with

fun, music, dancing and more....
Sponsored by Massage Magazine & World Massage Conference

36 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

Big Picture Past, Present and Prophecy WORK SMARTER.

RMT Working Relationships common
mber clearly the moment
d I must succeed if I was START SUSTAIN SUCCE
ED problems and effective solutions
in Forearm Massage
nue practicing bodywork.
ruggled for more than a
a new city trying to build
Improve Your Lot in Hands-On Work is Tough! Generate other

ice. My initial tenure with Past, Present and Prophecy sources of income
Approved by the CMTBC, MTANS, CMTO
ness-savvy chiropractor for the Massage Profession
ed the opportunity RMT Working

Relationships . . .
ed to jumpstart my
. . . Make Them Work!
Planning to Retire? Sell your practice

ce and quickly get me of

Secondary Sources
left that chiropractors Income - Low Labour,

Learn forearm massage and

ess within a year, because High Return
ved I could do better
ng my own business. I
Prepare Your Massage
Therapy Business for
Sale Tangible Advice for Entry-level RMTs
Advice for Entry-Lev

reduce wear and tear on the

. I soon realized the high Practice
had paid the chiropractor
for the referrals, successful
Guest articles by:
ness model and essential Business Mastery

more fragile joints of the hands.

Cherie Sohnen-Moe,
tice management skills I did Dale Willerton, The Lease
have. Meagan Holub, The Magic
Jim Smyth, Find and Keep
Great Associates
Plus: Interviews with successful
and employers in the field

Don Dillon is a leader and

visionary - a person who
is helping to create the future
of our profession (and)
a higher standard.
2 DVDS+168 page illustrated book!
holding massage therapy to

by Donald Q. Dillon RMT

From the author of
Therapists and Preview video and reviews at:
Charting Skills for Massage
Guide for Massage Therapists
$39.95 CDN Better Business Agreements:

ISBN 978-0-9781193-4-8
10/10/11 2:16 PM

DonDillon_massage winter12.indd 1 07/12/11 3:15 PM

Be Regulation-ready!
You deserve credit for the
experience you have.
MH Vicars School of Massage Therapy
has convenient, affordable Advanced
Placement options for RMTs who want
to enhance their training. If you are a
practicing massage therapist, we will Advertisers Index
respectfully assess both your experience
Annex Bookstore .......................................35
and your previous training and place you
Canadian College of Osteopathy ...............39
in the right class to earn our 2200-hour
Contemporary Medical ................................4
diploma in less than a year. We wont
Cranio Cradle ............................................31
waste your time or money by making
Family Massage Therapy ...........................36
you re-learn skills and knowledge that
Fit Institute ................................................24
you already have.
Graston Technique .....................................34
We are excited that our new 2013-14 Know Your Body Best ................................40
curriculum meets or exceeds the Kosim Group .............................................25
Canadian inter-jurisdictional entry- Lackner & McLennan Institute ....................13
to-practice standard for massage Massage Essentials .....................................17
therapists, which will become the new Matrix Institute ..........................................33
standard in all regulated provinces. Myo Institute .............................................27
Resource Directory .....................................37
Call us today to learn more.
Shockwave ..................................................2
Talus ..........................................................19
Upledger Institute ........................................9 Call 1-866-491-0574

Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013 37

RMT Tech Talk By JessiCa FosTer

Caring for patient data

makes good business sense
What you are about to read does not constitute legal information verify it is stored only in Canada, under
advice and each reader is encouraged to seek independent Canadian ownership.
professional council. It is important to note that each If you ask your Canadian service provider to
province has similar but not identical legislation. synchronize your patient appointment calendar to your
We have previously touched on the topic of patient Google personal calendar, dont be surprised if they advise
records privacy in an earlier article, but some things are against storing your patient data on U.S.-owned servers.
just worth saying twice. An RMT would need to get informed and expressed
Understanding how to properly care for patient consent from each patient explaining to patients that
personal health information is important because many their records are stored on foreign-owned servers and are
Canadian registered massage therapists (RMT) are likely not protected under Canadian privacy legislation. You also
in breach of legislation and may not know it. Practitioners need to include this disclaimer in your privacy policy and
want to better understand the issues so they can ensure post it where it can be viewed.
their compliance. It isnt hard to imagine that a successful practice would
lose patients once they have been informed that their
why is This a BiG deal? health-care records are subject to foreign privacy laws.
As the custodian of your patients personal health-care
data, you are responsible to ensure that you and your where is leGislaTion headed?
employees, including your third-party service companies, Ontario Bill 78, the Electronic Personal Health
comply with applicable federal, provincial and territorial Information Protection Act 2013, has passed its first
legislations. reading and is awaiting its second. The goal of this
Personal health information includes, but is not limited legislation is to establish electronic record keeping, security
to the following: and privacy requirements for better integration and to
patient health-care appointment records secure the sharing of patient data amongst professionals.
information relating to the current or historical There are also requirements for health information
state of a patients health custodians (including RMTs) with respect to obligations
any treatment information that ties a patient name and penalties. In addition, it confers new powers for the
with their caregiver or clinic Information and Privacy Commissioner. For example, for
billing information related to patient treatment those who breach privacy legislation and are convicted,
liabilities will double under the bill up to $100,000 for
In todays electronic world there is a strong focus by an individual and up to $500,000 for an organization.
businesses on offset hardware, software and support Other provinces may adopt similar changes.
costs to a third party. For RMTs, this takes the form To be competitive, RMTs should adopt and take
of using online services to book appointments, keep advantage of online services that enhance their practice
patient records, billing information and related practice they are secure, cost-effective and can provide you and
management data. This practice is highly cost-effective, your patients significant benefits. Just be informed and
time-saving, revenue-positive and safe when done choose your service partners wisely.
correctly. Until next time, be well.
The gist of current legislative thinking is that custodians
of health-care and other personal data had best get
informed and become compliant. The British Columbia Jessica Foster writes on behalf of mindZplay
government has legislated safeguards of health data. Public Solutions Inc., a provider of massage therapy
health data stored with U.S.-owned companies, regardless websites and practice management solutions. To
of where their servers are located, are subject to disclosure learn more about mindZplay solutions for massage
under the U.S. Patriot Act. B.C. enacted laws to ensure therapists visit or call
organizations that maintain and control personal toll free 888-373-6996.

38 Massage Therapy Canada FaLL 2013

6 Canadian Campuses

Toronto (english) Providing the highest standard in osteopathic

Winnipeg (english) education in Canada for over 30 years
877-893-0367 Study with us and grow your practice!
Our 5 year part time program is designed for health-care professionals to gain
experience and evolve their practices while studying. The Canadian College of
Osteopathy continues to be at the forefront of Osteopathic training in Canada, with
Halifax (english) a program that is internationally recognized and accredited for its excellence.
Vancouver (english) The Canadian College of Osteopathy offers:
Quebec City (francais) An experienced and broad faculty with many years of clinical practice
A student clinic that will enhance your clinical skills and confidence
Montreal (francais) A professional campus setting to enrich your educational experience
800-263-2816 Additional support to students to learn and increase competencies outside
of scheduled classes
The practice of traditional manual osteopathy requires a fine touch, a gentle heart,
and a desire to learn. The emphasis at the College is to ensure that the hand-to- hand transmission of traditional Osteopathy is preserved. Our lead instructors hold specialization in certain aspects of the program to ensure that the knowledge
passed on is of the highest quality.
Successful graduates of the Canadian College of Osteopathy will receive a Diploma
Join our in Osteopathic Manual Practice, D.O.M.P. and may be eligible to enrol in a B.Sc.
Osteopathic (Ost). This ensures that our graduates continue to be leaders within the profession
of Osteopathy throughout Canada by combining academic, scientific and research
Family knowledge with our strong foundation in clinical expertise that our graduates are
recognized for.
If you are looking for a college to provide you with the highest educational stan-
dard in Osteopathic training, then the Canadian College of Osteopathy is your best

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