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Madanam CPF & Pipelines project

The project consists of development of Madnam Field, comprising of
Madnam Gas field (9 wells)
Madnam Oil field (9 wells).
Hydrocarbon produced from the wells of Madnam Gas field shall collectively flow through pipelines
to a central processing facility (CPF) - Madnam and oil wells of Madnam oil field shall independently
flow to CPF, Madnam. For processing of hydrocarbon from these two fields, surface facilities shall be
created at CPF-Madnam and the product gas shall be sold to consumers at Madnam and crude oil
shall be transported through pipeline to Narimanam GGS.
The project comprises of :
1. Field manifolds(Gas)
Creation of field manifolds at two locations; one for 6 wells at ITNG-6 & other for 3 wells at
ITNG-3 in Madnam Gas field
2.Pipelines laying from Field manifolds to Madnam CPF
laying of two pipelines (One Group line - 8x 9 km and one Test line 4x 9 km) from the
field manifold located at ITNG-6 well location to CPF- Madnam along with interconnection
from field manifold located at ITNG-3 with Launcher at ITNG-6 and Receiver at Madnam CPF.
3.Surface facilities at Madnam CPF
Crude stabilization unit (CSU) 9 wells manifold with 5 headers, separators for different
pressure streams, Heater treater, crude heat exchanger, Storage Tanks, MP Compressors,
custody metering etc
Gas stabilization unit (GSU) Gas water exchanger, Separator, Gas drier,DPD unit , custody
metering etc
Creation of Fire Fighting facilities, safety system and utilities for GSU and CSU at Madnam
CPF etc
4. Pipeline laying from Madnam CPF to Narimanam GGS
Laying of 6x 58 km Oil Pipeline from Madnam CPF to Narimanam GGS with Launcher at
Madnam-CPF and receiver at Narimanam GGS with Leak detection system.
For processing of Madnam Gas & Madnam Oil, surface facilities shall be created as crude
stabilization unit and Gas stabilization unit. Collective gas from Madnam Gas field and Madnam Oil
field shall be further processed in Gas drier and DPD units for meeting the gas sales quality.
CSU consists of three stage separation system viz. 17.5(HP), 6 (MP) & 2.5 (LP) kg/cm2 (g). Well fluid
received in HP header shall be heated in Crude well fluid heat exchanger before it is diverted to HP
separator. Well fluid received in MP header and liquid from HP separator shall be received in MP
separator. Well fluid received in LP header and liquid from MP separator will be further treated in LP
separator and then processed in heater treater. The hot crude from heater treater will be pumped
to crudewell fluid- crude exchanger to heat incoming fluid from Madnam Oil wells. The stabilized
crude shall be diverted to storage tanks for evacuation through Pipeline/tanker to Narimanam GGS.
The gas from MP separator shall be compressed from 6 kg/cm2(g) to 17.5 kg/cm2(g).The HP gas
along with the compressed MP gas of Madnam oil field & Madnam Gas field gas will be fed to Gas
drier and DPD units for lowering the water and hydrocarbon dew points respectively.
Well Fluid Crude Heat Exchanger
Well fluid from the HP Header flows through the Well fluid Crude Exchanger
which is a Shell & Tube type Heat exchanger and shall be provided for heating of HP well fluid
from about 28 oC to 50 oC. The heat shall be exchanged by the hot crude coming from the
Heater treater at 80 oC which shall be cooled down to 40 oC.
HP/ MP/ LP Separators
Well fluid of Madnam Oil field shall be received in HP, MP and LP headers depending upon the
pressure of the well fluid. HP, MP and LP separators (2-phase) shall be provided for separation of gas
and liquid at an operating pressure of 17.5, 6 and 2.5 kg/cm2g, respectively.
When the wells are operated in HP mode above 20 kg/cm2 ; it shall flow in the HP header
then to Well fluid-crude Heat Exchanger & HP gas separator and thereafter to HP gas
scrubber. Liquid dropout from the HP separator and HP scrubber shall flow to MP separator.
Wells operated below 20 kg/cm2 but above 6 kg/cm2 shall flow in MP Header, then to MP
separator and then to MP Gas Scrubber. Liquid dropout from the MP separator and MP
scrubber shall flow to LP separator.
Wells operated below 6 kg/cm2 shall flow in LP header, then to LP separator and then fed to
Heater treater for further processing.LP separator is a 3- phase separator, operated at a
pressure of 2.5 ksc and provided with Pressure control valve (PCV) in gas outlet to release
excess gas to the flare header in case of increase in pressure. Gas from the LP separator shall
be fed to Fuel gas Knock out drum (KOD) for internal usage. Effluent from the LP Separator
shall flow to effluent tank and oil to Heater Treater.
HP & MP Gas Scrubbers
Separated Gas from HP Production Separator and, MP Production Separator shall flow to the
respective HP/MP scrubbers for further liquid drop out. The HP / MP gas scrubber will be
maintained at an operating pressure of about 17.5/6 kg/cm2g. Liquid traces if any shall flow
back to MP separator and LP separator respectively.
Gas from HP scrubber along with gas from HP gas separator (V-107) shall be routed to Gas
Drier and DPD unit for lowering the water dew point and hydrocarbon dew point
Gas from MP scrubber shall be fed to gas compressor for increasing the pressure from 6
kg/cm2 (g) to 18 ksc kg/cm2 (g) and then shall be fed to the Gas drier & DPD.
MP Gas compressors
Separated Gas from MP gas scrubber shall flow to MP Gas.Motor driven reciprocating compressors
are used for compressing the gas from 6 kg/cm2 (g) to 18 kg//cm2.Compressed gas along with HP
gas from HP gas scrubber and HP gas separator shall be fed to Gas dryer for lowering the dew point
of water.Any liquid traces from the compressor inlet/outlet knockout drums shall flow to LP
HP & MP Test Separator
HP and MP test separator shall be designed same as HP & MP separator respectively in order to
cater the total HP & MP flow whenever the main HP/MP separator is under maintenance. Senior
orifice meter shall be provided on HP Test Separator & MP Test separator with local flow computer
for gas flow measurement.
Demulsifier dosing system
Demulsifier shall be dosed in the Inlet of Heater Treater for separation of water from the emulsified
Heater Treater
Crude oil from LP separator and liquid from KODs of MP compressor and DPD units shall flow to
Heater treater and heated to 80 oC, for further removal of water and achieve the BS&W parameters
as indicated in the Design Basis. Water /effluent shall flow to the effluent storage tanks and the hot
crude shall to be pumped to the well fluid-Crude Exchanger. This hot stabilized crude shall be utilized
to heat the well fluid received in HP Header, by passing it through the well fluid-crude heat
exchanger. It shall be operated at a pressure of about 2.2 kg/cm2.
Crude Oil Storage, Metering and Loading system
Crude storage, metering and loading system shall consist of the following:
i) Crude Storage Tanks
ii) Crude road Tanker Loading Pumps
iii) Crude loading bay
The stabilized crude from well fluid- crude heat Exchanger shall flow to Crude oil storage
tank. The crude will be transported through Pipeline/Tankers to Narimanam GGS after metering
through Coriolis Mass flow meters.
Oil Corrosion Inhibitor (OCI) package
Oil corrosion inhibitor Injection Package is to be provided as a skid consisting of corrosion Inhibitor
Storage Tank operating at atmospheric pressure and OCI Pumps and OCI unloading pump from the
Tankers. The OCI shall be injected at the suction of crude oil dispatch pump. It is required to prevent
corrosion in the oil dispatch line from Madnam CPF to Narimanam GGS. Makeup OCI shall be
transferred to the OCI storage tank drum periodically.
Effluent Storage, transfer, Metering and Loading system
The effluent storage, transfer, metering and treatment system shall consist of the following :
i) Effluent Storage Tanks
ii) Effluent Tanker Loading Pumps
iii) Effluent loading Arm
At the field manifold, the fluid pressure shall be around 100 ksc(g) and 21 oC. Methanol shall be
injected in the test line at inlet battery of Madnam CPF to prevent Hydrate formation prior to
lowering of pressure in stages through two sets of adjustable bean assembly to 80 ksc and then to 20
ksc. Thereafter,the gas shall be heated in the Gas water Exchanger and fed to the HP gas separator.
This HP gas will join the off gas from Crude stabilization unit (CSU) of Madanam field and processed
in Gas dryer and Dew point Depressant unit (DPD) for further sales.
Methanol Injection system
Methanol Injection system comprises of Methanol storage Tanks and Dosing pumps.The Methanol
injection is required to prevent hydrate formation in the hydrocarbon gas stream.
Gas -Water Exchanger
Indirect Water Bath Heaters shall be provided for heating of well fluid to a temperature of 30 deg C
to counter the temperature drop through multiple chokes, before the HP gas separator. Fuel gas
from fuel gas manifold will be used for heating water to achieve the desired gas temperature as
stated above in the Bath Heater.
HP Gas Separator
Gas from the indirect Bath heaters will be flashed in the HP gas separator at a pressure of 17.5 ksc(g)
Gas from the HP gas separator shall be routed through Gas drier & DPD (Dew point depressant Unit)
along with HP gas from the Madnam gas field for reduction in water dew point and hydrocarbon
dew point respectively. Any liquid drop out from the HP Gas separator shall be fed to the MP
Gas Dryer
Gas from HP gas separator, HP gas scrubber & MP gas compressor shall collectively be fed to Gas
dryer using molecular sieve method, wherein its water dew point is lowered.Saturated Natural gas is
first passed through the Natural Gas Dryer package to meet the water dew point of (-) 35 C at
atmospheric pressure.Gas Dryer shall comprise of two sets of two Bed Molecular sieve dehydration
system so that, there is always one set of the beds in operation and other is in standby mode , with
utilities as common to both the sets.Inlet gas to the dryer is passed through a precooler and then to
a KOD, for any liquid knockout. It is then passed through prefilters and sent to main Dryer unit. Wet
gas stream is split in two parts, main gas is passed through the desiccant vessel and after drying is
passed through after filters and finally sent to gas metering for gas sales. Other smaller part of the
wet gas stream is passed through a regeneration heater (electrical) and heated to a temperature of
280C, and fed to adsorber desiccant tower (containing molecular Sieves) under regeneration; thus
removing out the moisture from the desiccant bed. Regeneration cooler condenses the desorbed
moisture which is discharged regularly through the moisture separator. After condensation this gas
stream joins the main incoming stream and goes for drying to the other tower under drying.
Dehydrated gas from the Gas Dryer shall be sent to DPD unit for lowering the dew point for
Gas - Gas Exchanger
Dried gas from the gas drier flows through the Gas-Gas Exchanger which is a Shell & Tube type Heat
exchanger. It shall cool the dried gas from the drier to 4 deg C by losing heat with the chilled gas
coming from the DPD 2nd stage Separator at a temperature of about (-)1.0 deg C.
DPD 1st stage Separator
Gas from the Gas Gas exchanger shall be fed to the DPD 1st stage separator for knocking out the
liquid condensed due to cooling of gas. Gas at a temperature of 4 deg C is fed to DPD unit for further
condensing the heavier hydrocarbon.
Dew Point depression system (DPD)
Propane (as a refrigerant) based refrigeration system is considered for providing cooling duty of gas.
Refrigeration system consists of refrigeration make-up system which includes Refrigerant Storage
Vessel and Refrigerant Make-up Pumps and Refrigeration Package.In DPD package unit, process
hydrocarbon gas is cooled from 4 C to -1.0 C.
Propane Compressor compresses the propane vapor and is liquefied in propane condenser Liquid
propane is then taken to the accumulator. Liquid propane from Refrigerant accumulator is supplied
to the shell side of Gas Chiller and Process gas which is to be cooled from 4C to -1.0C is passed
through the tube side of Gas Chiller. Vaporized propane from Gas Chiller is taken to Suction KOD of
propane compressor. Propane compressor again compresses the low pressure propane vapors to
higher pressure and propane close circulation loop is maintained. Make-up provision for propane is
provided on accumulator for adding propane in the refrigeration loop when required.
DPD 2nd stage separator
Chilled gas from the DPD unit shall be fed the DPD 2nd stage separator for knocking out the liquefied
heavier hydrocarbons and fed to the LP separator at a temperature of about (-) 1.0 deg C.
Sales Gas KOD and filter separator
Gas from the Gas- Gas exchanger shall be further sent to sales gas KOD for removal of any
condensate formed (if any) due to drop in temperature at the Gas-Gas exchanger and shall further
be passed through filter separator before metering of gas.
Custody Gas metering system
The treated gas from the DPD is sent to the Gas metering skid for gas sales to consumers at Madnam
CPF. In order to maintain plant back pressure and thereby assuring smooth operation of gas
dehydration and dew point control, operating pressure of Sales gas KOD is controlled through
PIC/FIC control loop which modulates the metering skid control valves.
CBD & Flare KOD for Gas Dryer & DPD
Liquid from the CBD system and Flare KOD shall be pumped to Heater Treater / Oil Storage Tanks.
Gas from the CBD shall be fed to MP separator and Gas from Flare KOD shall be fed to flare Header
Flare system
A flare system shall be provided for safe disposal of flammable toxic or corrosive
gas/vapors discharged by pressure relief system of various units. In case, pressure exceeds
set pressure in process vessel(s), the escaped gas will flow to flare header. Gas from fuel gas
header will be used as fuel in the pilot burner.
Fuel Gas system
The fuel gas system shall consist of Fuel gas heater, Fuel Gas Scrubber, Fuel gas Filters and
Fuel Gas Manifold.It shall receive gas from LP separator , Heater treater , Gas dryer,
upstream of metering skid etc and after passing through fuel gas heater(electric) and
conditioning through Fuel Gas KOD and Filters , will flow to Fuel Gas Manifold for further
distribution for internal consumption in Bath Heaters, Flare Header for purging, Pilot Flare,
Burner for Flare Stack, etc. at desired pressures. The Fuel Gas KOD will be operated at 2
kg/cm2g. Fuel gas to GG shall be supplied at 5 kg/cm2g from downstream of Gas Dryer after
reducing the pressure through PRV.
Cooling water
Cooling requirements is expected to be achieved through air cooler only. However if need
arises for cooling requirements up to the level which cannot be achieved through air coolers,
then cool water circulation system need to be incorporated. In such case, the cooling water
circulation system shall have storage tank,1 working & 1 standby circulation pump, and
cooling tower and distribution network.
Instrument /Utility Air system
Blow down system
Blow-Down System shall consist of Blow Down Vessel and Blow Down Liquid Transfer
Open drain system
The Open Drain System shall consist of Open Drain Header, OWS Pit and OWS pit pumps.The
open drain header shall be routed throughout the plant for receiving drain water from GCI
storage tank, gas scrubbers, vessels, lines, pumps etc. An OWS pit shall be provided below
grade for receiving the open drain water. The accumulated water will be pumped to Effluent
storage tanks by OWS pit pumps.
Diesel storage and Transfer system
A diesel storage tank shall be provided to supply diesel to fire water pumps and diesel
engine driven Emergency Generator.
Raw water/Service water system
Potable water system
Potable Water System shall consist of separate RO system
Electrical system
Power supply shall be taken from Gas Generators
Fire suppression and fighting system
The fire water suppression and fighting system shall be designed as per relevant OISD, IS
codes and NFPA standards.
Pipeline Transportation of crude oil
Laying of 6x 58 km Oil Pipeline from Madnam CPF to Narimanam GGS with Launcher at Madnam-
CPF and receiver at Narimanam GGS with Leak detection system.

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