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Wind and Solar Project Due Diligence: An In-Depth Look at Risks That Can Make or Break A Project

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and Solar Sreeni Krishnamurthy
AWS Truepower LLC.
Josh Kunkel
AWS Truepower LLC.
Marie Schnitzer
AWS Truepower LLC.

Project Due Diligence

An In-Depth Look At Risks That Can Make Or Break
A Project.

he differentiation between a Ideally, no red flags will be present and
renewable energy project that gets the IE will continue with the due diligence
built and a project that stalls is effort.
often a determination of whether or not
During the IEs assessment of the project,
the plant is believed financeable. While
some very basic yet critical questions are
the ultimate determination of a projects
asked.These questions are used to dig down
future lies in the details of balance sheets After the buyer and seller come together into the details of the project and predict its
and cash flow models, the inputs needed in principle on the terms of the arrangement, future health.The more questions that are
for these projections are gathered by an IE is brought in to assess the project. The ans wered as yes, the safer the potential
industry experts and third parties hired by results of the IE report is then used in the investment. Those questions should address
the financial institutions. This investigation final negotiations to work out differences things like:
into the plants projected health is conducted that might remain.
on many levels commercial, legal, financial Will the project be profitable based on
IE reports are very thorough, which energy projections?
and technical and the findings of these
means the scope of work for the due diligence
efforts ultimately decide on how, or if, a Is the project technically feasible?
effort is extensive and can take weeks or
project gets financed and built. Does the project meet permitting and
months to complete. Every technical aspect
One of the most critical investigations is investigated and high risk items should be environmental standards?
into the future well-being of a plant is the identified and communicated immediately. A Are the project costs realistic?
projection of its performance. In order to critical starting point of the effort is a fatal What is the current project status?
successfully gauge the technical viability flaw review to identify any red flags or high
Will the project be completed on
and future energy production of a project, risk areas that may exists. This can be done in
a due diligence effort is conducted by an a matter of days through a high level review
independent engineer (IE) hired on behalf of the projects data room. The data room Will the project meet operational
of either the lender or sponsor before the should contain all critical information and key
financial transaction occurs. agreements pertinent to the future plant. Any
missing documentation or contracts should
What is due diligence? Due diligence
be identified immediately and reported back
is an investigation into the viability of a
to the appropriate parties to decide the best
potential project which occurs in some form
path forward. Keeping an organized and
before every investment or major decision.
complete data room is critical in presenting
While due diligence can cover a lot of
the project as a comprehensive and valuable
aspects of a project, this discussion addresses
asset. If documents are missing or there
only technical due diligence conducted by
are unanswered questions, this could lead
an experienced IE for renewable energy
to delays, a lower valuation or potentially
abandoned negotiations.

76 EQ INTERNATIONAL July/August 12
requirements? Uncertainty:Likewise, reducing However, there are ways to mitigate these
Does the generation potential of the uncertainty of the resource and risks and allow the benefits of technological
individual wind turbines correlate with energy estimation can be very beneficial advancements to be realized. Ways to
existing turbine performance? to the owner. A lengthy and well-designed mitigate this risk include:
measurement period, data to back uplosses,
Does the inspection of the wind turbines, Review the history of the company.
and choosing the right site for the project are
balance of plant, power evacuation Review the past and present models of
all important to minimize uncertainty, which
systems and operations and maintenance the technology and evaluate if the current
directly affects the size of the debt secured.
practices correlate with the desktop model is an evolution, which is lower
For example, if the project is financed off a
study? risk, or a complete revolution,which
P90 value (the energy number that has a
These questions and their subsequent may be higher risk.
90% chance of being exceeded), depending
answers provide the framework around the Evaluate the record of the technology
on the coverage ratio, a 2-3% increase in
full IE report. In any renewable energy itself number of installations, quality
the size of the debt is possible by reducing
project, there are some common areas of of the warranty, record of maintenance,
the uncertainty by 3-4 percentage points. At
concern that warrant detailed review. and the maintenance plan moving
the large scale of many renewable energy
Misrepresented or inflated energy projects, this is in the order of millions of forward.
numbers:The capital structure and dollars. Evaluation of the contractual provisions
projected cash flow models of the future plant -the more willing themanufacturer is to
Missing or conflicting contracts:
are highly dependent on energy projections. take some of the risk; the more willing
Contractual arrangements between all
Understanding the energy potential of the lenders may be willing to take that risk
parties involved are critical to mitigating
plant and accurately estimating the resource as well.
the overall risk of the project. Contracts
is critical to the future health of the project. Summary: The Financial
must be tailored specifically to the individual
Inflated energy numbers can very negatively Implications
project, taking into account the size of the
affect future returns. A variety of inputs are
project, the technology implemented and the The bottom line for every project is
assessed when calculating energy numbers
current market. If any of these are missing how profitable the project will be. All of
and a few of the critical factors that may
or conflicting,or lack contractual strength, the risks affecting renewable projects
affect the overall accuracy of the projections
these are potential red flags and may lead discussed above contribute to its capital
include the following:
to delays. structure and future fiscal health. While
Resource Assessment:The resource some of the technical areas addressed are
Schedule slow-downs: Staying on
assessment is highly dependent on the straight forward pass/fail scenarios, some,
schedule is very important for financing, tax
onsite data gathered in the years leading including resource estimation, are dynamic
credits etc., and many things can unexpectedly
up to construction. Even with this data, its and variable throughout the life of the plant.
stall a project. Common reasons for delays
extremely important to assess how well the Depending on the capital structure, it has
include permitting, transportation issues,
data within its given measurement period been observed that a 5% missed resource
community objections, supply chain problems,
correlates with the long term resource in
weather, work force availability and even the estimate for a wind project can result in a
that area. Forexample, if one year of onsite
availability of heavy equipment like cranes. 30-40% decrease in dividend payouts to the
data exists, is that data representative of
Missed schedules are costly and these risks equity holders for that year. In fact, if the
the resource over the past twenty years?
must be identified and monitored. plants production is not meeting a certain
If it happens to be a windy year, or a below
level of expectation, the lending institution
average year, it is important to correct for Late or incomplete federal/state/local
could implement measures to mitigate their
those anomalies using long term resource permits: The importance of understanding
own risk. This could include a cash sweep,
data from nearby meteorological stations. what permits are needed and the timing
where all revenue for a certain period of
of obtaining these permits needs to be
Energy Losses:Any losses that are time will go only towards paying off the debt,
addressed early in the project life cycle.
applied to the gross energy number should eliminating any profit for the owner. Another
It is important to keep all permits readily
be validated where possible. Any data, if example is that if a project is unable to pay
available and easy to find in the data room.
available, should be supplied to justify the the debt as agreed for a certain period, it
Failure to obtain the correct permitting or
losses. For example, if the developer has may need to use its reserve cash to cover the
address any issues in the community can
data showing the availability of a similar payments. This means that future revenue will
result in lengthy delays.
wind farm, using a similar model in a need to be used to replenish these reserves.
similar environment, this data can be used New or higher risk technology : Ultimately, if a project is struggling, and
when assessing the availability of the new Advancements in technology is the pathway cannot get meet its expectations, it may
project. If no data is available, it is critical to towards increased performance, lower cost need to be refinanced using less favorable
understand how and why losses are applied. of energy and ultimately allow renewable financial terms or even sold at a lower
This will affect the projected capacity factor energy to compete with traditional methods valuation. Drastic measures such as this
of the plant, and in turn the size of the debt of energy generation. However, until the can be avoided through accurate energy
secured and the financial health of the plant technology becomes proven, new technology estimations and strong confidenceinthefuture
moving forward. is considered higher risk technology. projects revenue projections. EQ INTERNATIONAL July/August 12 77

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