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Operation Manual Mitsubishi SL-Series Diesel Engines Version 08/2004

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This publication covers the standard specification model for the Mitsubishi SL-Series diesel engines. The
information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are based on the information that was
current at the time this issue was written.

This manual contains operation instructions, lubrication and maintenance information.

The OPERATION section is a reference for the new operator and a refresher for the experienced
operator. Read study and keep it handy. Illustrations guide the operator through correct procedures
of checking, starting, operating, and stopping the engine. Operating techniques outlined in this manual
are basic. Skills and techniques develop as the operator gains knowledge of the engine.

The MAINTENANCE section is a guide to engine care. The illustrated, step-by-step instructions are
grouped by service intervals. Items without specific intervals are listed under "When Required." Items in
the Lubrication and Maintenance Chart are referred to in the detailed instructions which follow.

Notice that the technical information in this manual depends on the specification of the engine and the
accessories. All specifications are subject to change without any prior notice.

For items other than those in this publication, please refer to the operation manual of the equipment
in which this engine is installed.

Operation Manual
Mitsubishi SL-Series diesel engines
Version 08/2004
Copyright 2003 MHI Equipment Europe B.V.

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Version 08/2004

The following safety related signs are used in this manual to emphasize important and critical instructions:

Indicates the most serious specific potential hazard which could result in

DANGER serious personal injury or death.

Indicates a specific potential hazard which could result in personal injury.

Indicates operating procedures, practices, etc. which could result in personal

CAUTION injury or damage causing destruction to the engine. Some of the CAUTION
signs also indicate a specific potential hazard which could result in serious
personal injury or death.

Indicates procedures, conditions, etc. which are important to highlight.

3 Indicates a proper action or "DO".

; Indicates a prohibited action or "DONT".

Recommendation of daily operation records

It is obvious to every engine user and operator that an
engine should not be run to destruction. Daily recording
is a preventive maintenance program and will serve as a
guide for:

Effective troubleshooting (to help a serviceman

from your Mitsubishi dealer to pin-point a problem).
Quick service and less downtime (to help a
serviceman from your Mitsubishi dealer save time
(and costs for service))
Grasp of operating conditions (to help you
recognize conditions, signs or indications of
approaching trouble)

Items to be recorded
The following items are recommended to be recorded:

1. Operating hours (service hour meter reading)

2. The amount of oil, fuel, and coolant (soft water)
required for refilling
3. Oil and coolant change intervals
4. Engine oil pressure, exhaust temperature, coolant
temperature, and inlet air temperature
5. Parts serviced, kinds of service (adjustment, repairs
or replacement), and the results of each service
6. Changes in operating conditions (for example,
"Exhaust smoke turned black, etc.)

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Version 08/2004

1 SAFETY.......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Preventing fire and explosions................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Prevent burns........................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Lifting precautions.................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Exhaust fumes ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Prevention of cuts and other injuries........................................................................................ 7
1.6 Maintenance precautions......................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Operating precaution ............................................................................................................. 10
1.8 Maintenance precautions....................................................................................................... 12
1.9 If any trouble should occur..................................................................................................... 13

2 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 14

2.1 Operating the engine properly ............................................................................................... 14
2.2 Service the engine properly ................................................................................................... 14
2.3 If any trouble should occur..................................................................................................... 15

3 SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 16

4 NOMENCLATURE .................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Engine S3L/S3L2 ................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Engine S3L-T/S3L2-T ............................................................................................................ 18
4.3 Engine S4L/S4L2 ................................................................................................................... 19
4.4 Engine S4L-T/S4L2-T ............................................................................................................ 20

5 OPERATION ............................................................................................................................... 21
5.1 Pre-start inspection ................................................................................................................ 21
5.2 Starting the engine................................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Warming up the engine.......................................................................................................... 23
5.4 Starting the load..................................................................................................................... 23
5.5 Stopping the engine ............................................................................................................... 23

6 MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................................... 25
6.1 Every 50 service hours .......................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Every 100 service hours ........................................................................................................ 27
6.3 Every 250 service hours or once a year ................................................................................ 27
6.4 Every 500 service hours ........................................................................................................ 28
6.5 Every 1000 service hours ...................................................................................................... 29
6.6 Every 2 years ......................................................................................................................... 29
6.7 When required ....................................................................................................................... 31

7 FUEL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 33

7.1 Recommended types of fuels ................................................................................................ 33
7.2 Caring for the diesel fuel tank ................................................................................................ 33
7.3 Caring for the fuel supply ....................................................................................................... 33

8 LUBRICANT SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................... 34

8.1 Recommended types of engine oils....................................................................................... 34
8.2 Recommended oil viscosities................................................................................................. 34
8.3 Limiting requirements for engine oils ..................................................................................... 35

9 COOLANT AND ANTIFREEZE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................ 36

9.1 Coolant specifications ............................................................................................................ 36
9.2 Recommended types of LLC's (Long Life Coolant) ............................................................... 36

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9.3 How to use non-amine type LLC............................................................................................ 37

9.4 Why LLC? .............................................................................................................................. 37
9.5 How LLC works...................................................................................................................... 37
9.6 Practical reported cases of circuit trouble for which additive is blamed................................. 38

10 STORAGE ................................................................................................................................... 39
10.1 Storage of the engine in a non-operational condition ............................................................ 39
10.2 Storage of the engine in an operational condition.................................................................. 39

11 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................. 40
11.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 40
11.2 Problems................................................................................................................................ 41

12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 44

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1.1 Preventing fire and explosions Connect the battery earth cable
Fire hazards!

2 2Booster Engine
connection block

Service Flat battery


Finally, connect the earth cable (negative

Do not smoke while refueling, or when handling terminal) to the engine block, when starting the
fuel containers. Do not use gasoline or diesel fuel engine using another battery. If it is accidentally
for cleaning parts. Good quality commercial, non- connected to the negative terminal of the mounted
flammable, and non-toxic solvents are battery, a spark may occur, igniting the explosive
recommended. Do not spill any fuel on hot gas produced by the battery. After starting the
surfaces. Clean up any spillage immediately. engine, first disconnect the earth cable.

Do not fill fuel tank while the engine AIways be alert to any fuel or oil
is running! leaks!

Shut off the engine when fueling and use extra

caution if the engine is hot.

Do not bring close to flammable

If you discover any leaks, take counter-measures
immediately. If there are fuel or oil spills on the hot
engine, fire may occur, resulting in personal injury
or damage to the equipment.

Do not put flammable materials on hot parts of the

exhaust pipe. Keep them away from the pipe. In
addition, do not operate the engine in areas where
flammable materials are present.

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Version 08/2004

Keep the engine and its Do not touch any hot components!
compartment clean!

2 :

At operating temperature, the engine components

Remove all flammable materials such as fuel, oil, become very hot. Avoid any contact during
and other debris, before they accumulate on the operation. Service the engine only after it has
engine. been stopped and the components are cool
enough to touch with your bare hands.
1.2 Prevent burns
Avoid burns!
Remove the radiator filler cap


Immediately after completing operations do not

change the oil or the coolant. Hot oil or coolant
Under operating temperatures, the engine coolant may burn the skin. Allow the engine to cool down
is hot and under pressure. The steam can cause to room temperature before replacement.
personal injury. Check the coolant level only after
the engine has been turned off and the filler cap is
cool enough to touch with your bare hands. If
necessary grip the cap with a cloth and remove it
slowly in order to gradually relieve the pressure.

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Version 08/2004

Turn off the battery switch before 1.4 Exhaust fumes

Exhaust fumes

: :

Be sure to turn OFF the battery switch before

servicing. Operate the engine in safe areas only! Operate
the engine in a well ventilated area. Never operate
If electrical equipment, including the starter or it in an enclosed area. In particular, do not operate
alternator, is serviced with the battery switch it near an air inlet port on the downwind side.
turned ON, it may be shortcircuited by the current
from the batterys positive terminal, resulting in 1.5 Prevention of cuts and other
burns or in fire. injuries
1.3 Lifting precautions Stay clear of all rotating and moving
Lift the engine carefully!

: :

The rotating parts of the engine are dangerous.

Never allow anyone to walk or stand underneath a Always stay clear of them during operation.
suspended engine. Operate the hoist carefully
without jerking it. Remember, sudden impact of
loads can cause serious accidents.

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Version 08/2004

Use care during checking and lnstall the protective covers!


: 2

To prevent personal injury, make sure all

Before performing maintenance, remove the protective covers and guards are placed on the
starter switch key and turn OFF the battery switch. rotating parts.
Attach a "DO NOT OPERATE" or similar warning
tag to the starter switch. Keep the turning tool disengaged
when it is not in use!
Ensure that everything is in order
before restarting the engine!

When not in use, properly lock the turning gear in

the disengaged position. Failure to follow this
Before starting the engine, make sure that no one recommendation can cause personal injury and
is working on or close to the engine. Remove all engine damage.
foreign material from the engine, such as debris,
oil, tools, and other items which are not part of the

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1.6 Maintenance precautions Handle antifreeze carefully!

Stop the engine before servicing it!


If you accidentally drink antifreeze, make yourself

vomit and see a doctor immediately. If antifreeze
Always stop the engine before adding or changing comes into contact with the eyes, immediately
oil, coolant, or fuel. Check the coolant level only wash them clean by using plenty of water and
after the engine has been stopped and the then go and see a doctor.
radiator filler cap is cool enough to remove it with
bare hands. Never attempt to adjust the fan belt Dress properly for the job!
while the engine is running.

Handle battery electrolyte carefully!


For your own protection, you may need any

number of special items - hard hat, face shield,
safety shoes, goggles, heavy gloves, ear
If battery electrolyte comes into contact with the protectors, etc. Please do use these when
eyes or skin, wash them clean immediately by required.
using plenty of water. If it comes into contact with
the eyes, wash out your eyes immediately and
then see a doctor.

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Version 08/2004

1.7 Operating precaution Stop the engine only after it has

cooled down!
Be sure to break in the engine!

2 2

Stopping the engine immediately after it has been

During the first 50 hours of operation, break in the working under a load, can result in overheating
engine by using lighter loads and lower speeds and accelerated wear of the engine components.
than normal. A proper break in contributes to the Before stopping the engine, leave it idling for 5 to
maximum service life of the engine. 10 minutes. This allows the hot areas in the
engine to cool down gradually, which extends
Warm up the engine before engine life. While the engine is running, make a
operation! walk-around inspection to make sure everything is
functioning properly.

Use the starting motor correctly!


After starting the engine, leave it idling for 5 to 10

minutes before operating under full load, for
maximum engine life.
When starting the engine, do not crank it for more
NOTE: Long periods of warming up the engine are than 10 seconds at a time. After every 10 seconds
not recommended. They can deposit carbon in of engine cranking, allow 30 seconds for the
cylinders and cause incomplete fuel combustion. starting motor to cool before cranking it again.

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Version 08/2004

Do not break any seals for settings! AIways keep the engine
compartment well ventilated!

: :

Never attempt to break the seals of the fuel

injection pump (governor) controlling injection Unless the engine compartment is properly
quantity and minimum and maximum speed ventilated, the air supply will be inadequate,
settings. Breaking these seals and varying resulting in a shortage of air for fuel combustion
settings could result in: and the loss of power.

Accelerated wear of the engine components Avoid overloading!

Seizure of or damage to the engine

Increase in fuel and oil consumption

Maladjusted injection quantity and poor
engine performance
Violation to emission regulations
Do not turn OFF the battery switch
during operation!

: ON

OFF Overloading can cause incomplete combustion,

often indicated by black smoke, high fuel
consumption, and carbon deposits in the
combustion chambers, adversely affecting the
engine lifespan.

To avoid damage to the alternator diodes and the

transistors, do not turn OFF the battery switch
when the engine is running. This could also result
in a failure of instruments to work properly.

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1.8 Maintenance precautions Keep water out of the engine!

Use the recommended fuel, oil, and

Brand A Brand B
When washing the engine, cover the air inlet and
exhaust opening with tape to prevent water or
cleaning agent from getting inside the engine. Do
Use of any other fuel, oil, or coolant can cause not wash the engine while it is running. If water or
engine damage and reduce the engine service cleaning agents get inside the combustion
life. chambers, the hammering action of water can
damage the engine.
Perform all recommended
inspections! Keep grit-laden air out of the

2 :

Perform pre-start inspection and periodic

inspection on items listed in this manual. Failure to Dust and dirt entering the engine will cause early
follow this recommendation can cause engine wear of the moving parts. This could result in a
damage, injury, or death. loss of power, high oil consumption, starting
problems, or other failures. Service the air filter as

1. Do not service the air filter while the engine is

2. When removing the air filter element for
service, prevent any dust from entering the air
intake to the cylinders.

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Stop the engine immediately and check the

lubrication system. Operating the engine with low
oil pressure can cause bearings and other parts to

lf the engine overheats:

3. Service the air filter equipped with a dust
indicator when red is shown. Under-frequent
service can cause damage.

1.9 If any trouble should occur

If the engine suddenly stops:
If the engine overheats, do not turn it off
immediately. Suddenly stopping an overheated

2 engine can result in a steep rise in the coolant

temperatures and the seizure of running parts.
First leave the engine idling to allow the hot areas
Y in the engine to cool down, then gradually add the
M E R OW N coolant. Remember, adding coolant to an
SH overheated engine can cause damage to the
cylinder head.

If the fan belt is broken:

Do not restart the engine immediately after it has

suddenly stopped. Check for the cause and make

the necessary repairs before restarting the engine.

A failure to follow this precaution can cause
serious engine problems.

If the engine oil pressure is low:

: Stop the engine immediately. Operating the

engine with a broken fan belt can cause engine
overheating, which, in its turn, can cause the
coolant to burst out of the reservoir tank and the
radiator cap.

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2.1 Operating the engine properly 2.2 Service the engine properly
1. Never attempt to break the seals of the 1. Use the recommended fuel, oil, and coolant
injection pump governor for maximum speed listed in this manual. The use of any other
and maximum injection quantity settings. fuel, oil, or coolant can result in higher
Breaking these seals and varying the settings maintenance costs and can reduce the engine
could result in: service life.
Accelerated wear of engine components 2. Be sure to perform pre-start inspection and
Increase in fuel and oil consumption periodic service on items specified in this
Maladjusted injection quantity and poor manual. Improper inspection or service is
engine performance dangerous and could result in damage to the
A violation to emission regulations engine, injury, or death.
2. Always keep the engine room well ventilated. 3. At the end of each day of operation, check the
If it is not properly ventilated, the air supply will engine for broken, defective, or missing parts.
be inadequate, resulting in lack of air for fuel If you discover any items that need attention,
combustion and loss of power. repair, replacement, or adjustment after your
3. Start the engine properly. After every 10 daily check, report it as soon as possible.
seconds of engine cranking, allow 30 seconds Keep in mind that even minor defects could
for the starting motor to cool before cranking it result in very serious trouble.
again. 4. When washing the engine, cover the air inlet
4. After starting the engine, leave it idling for 5 to and the exhaust openings with tape to prevent
10 minutes before operating it at full load, for water or cleaning agent from getting inside the
maximum engine life. engine. Do not attempt to wash the engine
when it is running. If water or cleaning agent
gets inside the combustion chambers, the
Long periods of warming up the engine are not
hammering action of water could cause
damage to the engine.
5. Clean air is essential to a satisfactory engine
recommended. They can result in carbon operation and to a long engine life. This is also
deposits in the combustion chambers and the reason why it is very important to service
incomplete fuel combustion. the air cleaner properly. The air cleaner
prevents dust and grit-laden air from getting
5. To avoid damage to the alternator, do not turn into the engine. Dust and dirt entering the
OFF the battery switch when the engine is engine will cause rapid wear of piston rings,
running. cylinders, and pistons, resulting in loss of
6. Avoid overloading. Overloading can cause power and high oil consumption. Also, if dust
incomplete combustion, often indicated by and dirt are allowed to build up in the air
black exhaust, high fuel consumption, and cleaner passages, then this will eventually
carbon deposits in the combustion chambers, restrict the air supply to the engine and result
affecting engine lifespan. in heavy carbon deposits on the pistons and
7. It is advised to break in the engine within the valves due to an incomplete combustion.
first 50 hours of operation. The way to do this Therefore:
is by operating the engine under a lighter load Do not service the air cleaner when the
and lower speeds than normal. When an engine is running.
engine is properly broken in, it contributes to When removing the air cleaner from the
the maximum service life of the engine. engine for servicing, prevent dust from
8. Stopping the engine immediately after it has entering the air passage to the cylinders.
been working under load can result in Service the air cleaner element at
accelerated wear of engine components. reasonable intervals, or whenever the
Before stopping, leave the engine idling for signal of the indicator is visible. That is, if
about 5 minutes. This allows hot areas of the your engine is equipped with an indicator
engine to cool down gradually, extending the signal.
engine life. Whilst the engine is running, make Do not use the element if any tears, rips,
a walk-around inspection and check for oil, or damage are evident.
fuel, or coolant leaks.

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2.3 If any trouble should occur

1. If the engine stops abruptly, try to find the
problem and its source and make the
necessary repairs before starting the engine
2. If the engine overheats, a warning light will
come on and, at the same time, the engine will
stop. When this happens, do not ever add
coolant to the overheated engine. First allow
the engine to cool down, then add the coolant
3. If the engine oil pressure becomes low, stop
the engine and check for the cause. Operating
the engine while the oil pressure is low can
cause seizure of the bearings and other parts.

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System Item
S3L S3L-T S3L2 S3L2-T S4L S4L-T S4L2 S4L2-T

Type 4-cycle, water-cooled, vertical, overhead valve, diesel engine

Combustion chamber Swirl chamber type

No. of cylinders 3 4

Bore x Stroke (mm) 78x78.5 78x92 78x78.5 78x92

Total displacement (l) 1.125 1.318 1.500 1.758

Compression ratio 22

Firing order 1-3-2 1-3-4-2

Dry weight (kg) 135 139 135 139 155 159 155 159

Lubricating method Forced lubrication

Oil pump Trochoid pump

LUBRICATING Oil filter Paper element type
Oil capacity:
Shallow type oil pan: 3.7/2.3 Shallow type oil pan: 5.5/3.7
FULL level/EMPTY level (l)
Deep type oil pan: 5.7/3.1 Deep type oil pan: 7.6/4.2
(Exclusive of oil filter capacity 0.5 l)

Fuel injection pump Bosch M

Nozzle Throttle type

FUEL SYSTEM Fuel injection pressure 140 kgf/cm2

Fuel to be used Diesel fuel; see chapter 7

Governor Centrifugal weight type

Air cleaner Paper-element type

Turbocharger model Without TD025 Without TD025 Without TD025 Without TD03

Cooling method Forced circulation of water

COOLING Water pump Centrifugal type

Coolant capacity (l)
1.8 2.5
(Engine proper only)

Starter (V - kW) 12 - 1.6 or 12 - 1.7 or 12 - 2.0

Alternator (V - A) AC generator (12 - 50)

SYSTEM Glow plug Sheathed type

12V, 65 Ah or more 12V, 80 Ah or more
(capacity depends on application)

Table 1 Specifications

1 All specifications are subject to change without any prior notice.

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Version 08/2004

4.1 Engine S3L/S3L2

Hanger Oil filler

Fuel injection nozzle Air vent screw

Air inlet cover

Water pump
Stop solenoid

Fuel filter

Coolant drain plug Fuel injection pump

Oil pressure switch Oil filler

Dipstick Crankshaft pulley

Oil drain plug

Oil filter



Thermostat Exhaust manifold




Fan Flywheel housing



Oil pan



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Version 08/2004

4.2 Engine S3L-T/S3L2-T

Hanger Oil filler

Fuel injection nozzle Air vent screw

Air inlet cover Fuel injection pump

Stop solenoid Water pump

Fuel filter Oil filler

Coolant drain plug Oil pressure switch

Oil filter

Oil drain plug

Crankshaft pulley



Thermostat Turbocharger

Hanger Exhaust manifold

Thermoswitch Starter

Alternator Flywheel housing

Fan Flywheel

V-belt Oil pan



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Version 08/2004
4.3 Engine S4L/S4L2

Hanger Oil filler

Fuel injection nozzle Air vent screw

Air inlet cover Fuel injection pump

Stop solenoid
Water pump

Fuel filter
Oil filler

Coolant drain plug

Oil pressure switch

Crankshaft pulley
Oil filter

Oil drain plug Dipstick


Exhaust manifold


Alternator Flywheel housing

Fan Flywheel


Oil pan


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Version 08/2004
4.4 Engine S4L-T/S4L2-T

Hanger Oil filler

Fuel injection nozzle Air vent screw

Air inlet cover Fuel injection pump

Stop solenoid Water pump

Fuel filter Oil filler

Oil pressure switch Dipstick

Crankshaft pulley
Oil filter

Oil drain plug



Thermostat Turbocharger

Hanger Exhaust manifold

Thermoswitch Starter

Alternator Flywheel housing

Fan Flywheel

Oil pan



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5.1 Pre-start inspection 5.1.3 Check fuel level

5.1.1 Walk-around Inspection Make sure that the fuel level is at the FULL mark
in the sight gauge.
Look around for items such as loose bolts, debris
build-up, oil, fuel, or coolant leaks, broken or worn

5.1.4 Check the coolant level

Maintain the coolant level to the FULL mark on the
5.1.2 Check engine oil level reservoir tank (when the engine is cold). Add
coolant when necessary.
Maintain the engine oil level between the MAX
and MIN marks on the dipstick. Add oil if
necessary (see page 34).

When adding coolant, maintain the
The engine should be put in the horizontal
recommended concentration of Long Life
Coolant (see page 36). Do not add water. This
dilutes Long Life Coolant and adversely affects
position to check the oil level. The dipstick the freeze protection.
should be withdrawn, wiped clean, re-inserted in
the oil level guide for 2 seconds, and again
withdrawn so that the oil level on the dipstick can
be seen.
Check the coolant level only when the engine is

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Version 08/2004

5.2 Starting the engine 4. Release the key when the engine starts. The
key will return to the ON position when
The engine can be equipped with or without a released.
glow timer. For starting instructions, please
consult the chapter which specially applies to your ON
Engine with glow timer Engine without glow timer


5. Move the speed control lever to the idling


5.2.2 Engine without glow timer

5.2.1 Engine with glow timer
1. Move the speed control lever to the FULL
1. Move the speed control lever to the HIGH THROTTLE position.
SPEED position. 2. Turn the starter switch key to the HEAT
2. Turn the starter switch key to the ON position position and continue to hold it there for
and make sure that the oil pressure, coolant approximately 6 seconds. Do not use the glow
temperature, and glow plug indicators are lit. plugs for more than 15 seconds at a time.
See Table 2 Starting Aid Chart for heating 3. Turn the key to the START position and
time. release the key when the engine starts. The
key will return to the ON position when
Glow plug Coolant Heating time 4. Move the speed control lever to the idling
type temperature position.
Quick- Below 5C (41F) About 3 seconds
type Above 5C (41F) About 1 second
Before starting the engine, make sure that no
Standard type Normally About 6 seconds
one is working on or close to the engine. Keep
Table 2 Starting Aid Chart the engine free of foreign material such as
debris, oil, tools, and other items which are not
part of the engine.
3. When the glow plug indicator goes off, turn
the key to the START position.


After every 10 seconds of engine cranking,
allow 30 seconds for the starter to cool down
before cranking again.
START To avoid damage to the starter, do not turn
the starter switch key to the START position
while the engine is running.
When cranking the engine for starting, do
not apply any load to the engine (disengage
the clutch if the engine is equipped with a

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5.3 Warming up the engine

Allow the engine to leave it idling for 5 to 10 CAUTION
Always keep the engine room well
minutes. A proper warm-up is absolutely essential
to a maximum service life and performance and it ventilated. Unless it is properly ventilated,
minimalizes the operation costs of the engine. the air supply will be inadequate, resulting in
lack of air for fuel combustion and a loss of
During the first 50 hours of operation,
operate the engine under a lighter load and
lower speed than normal. A proper break in
contributes to the maximum service life of
the engine.
Avoid overloading. This can cause
incomplete combustion, often indicated by
black exhaust smoke, high fuel
consumption, and carbon deposits in the
combustion chambers, affecting the engines
To avoid damage to the alternator, do not
turn OFF the battery switch when the engine

is still running.

Long periods of warming up the engine are not
To avoid damage to the starter, do not turn
the starter switch key to the START position
when the engine is still running.
recommended. They can result in carbon
deposits in the combustion chambers and 5.5 Stopping the engine
incomplete fuel combustion.
5.5.1 Engine with a keystop device

5.4 Starting the load

When the engine has been running long enough
to warm up, apply the load. During the operation,
check that:

1. All alarm indicators are OFF.

2. The engine is free from any abrupt noises and
3. Exhaust smoke is normal.

Stay clear of all rotating and moving objects Turn the starter switch key to the OFF position.
during the operation. The engine will take approximately 5 seconds to
At operating temperature, the engine is very stop after the key has been turned to the OFF
hot. Any contact with the engine can cause position.
severe burns.

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If the electrical system includes a control timer
for engine shutdown, the starter switch should
be kept in the "OFF" position for at least 10
seconds before making another start attempt (to
restart the engine once the engine stopped or
has been stopped) in order to reset the control
timer automatically.

Leave the engine idling for 5 minutes. This
allows hot areas in the engine to cool down
gradually, which extends engine life. While
the engine is still running, make a walk-
around inspection, and check for oil, fuel, or
coolant leaks.
If the engine stops abruptly, try to find the
problem and its source and make the
necessary repairs before starting it again.
After starting the engine, check to be sure
that the engine has no problems.
Remove the key from the starter switch,
because leaving it in the ON position after
the engine has stopped, can cause the
battery to discharge.

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1. Service the engine in accordance with the 100 Service Hours, Every 50 Service Hours
"Lubrication and Maintenance Chart." Under and Every 10 Service Hours [pre-start
extreme, severe, or dusty operating inspection].
conditions, service the engine more frequently 3. For special items marked with an asterisk (*),
than is specified in the "Lubrication and rely on the expert knowledge of the service
Maintenance Chart." men and the service facilities offered to you at
2. Perform service on items at multiples of the your Mitsubishi dealer.
original requirement. For example, at Every
500 Service Hours, also service those items
listed under Every 250 Service Hours, Every

Interval Item Remarks (specifications) Page

Walk-around inspection 21

Every 10 Service Hours Check engine oil level 21

[Pre-Start Inspection] Check fuel level 21

Check coolant level 21

Drain water and sediment from the fuel

tank and water separator
Every 50 Service Hours
Check the battery electrolyte level and
specific gravity

Change engine oil See SPECIFICATIONS (page 16) 27

First 50 Service Hours
of New or Change oil filter 27
Reconditioned Engine
Retighten nuts and bolts *

Every 100 Service Clean fuel filter element After cleaning, prime (page 31) 27
Hours Clean radiator fins 27

Every 250 Service Change engine oil See SPECIFICATIONS (page 16) 27
Hours or once a year
(whatever comes first) Change oil filter 27

Check and adjust valve clearance 0.25 mm (0.0098 in.) for both inlet and
exhaust valves

Change fuel filter element After changing, prime (page 31) 28

Every 500 Service
Hours Check and adjust injection pressure 140 kgf/cm2 (1 991 psi) [13 729 kPa] *

Check and adjust fan belt Deflection: 13 mm (0.5 in.) 28

Check glow plugs *

Retighten nuts and bolts *

Every 1000 Service Check starter 29

Hours Check alternator 29

Check turbocharger *

Every 2 Years Change coolant See SPECIFICATIONS (page 16) 29

Table 3 Lubrication and maintenance charts

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Version 08/2004

Interval Item Remarks (specifications) Page

Prime fuel system 31

When Required Clean air cleaner element 31

Change air cleaner element 31

Table 3 Lubrication and maintenance charts

6.1 Every 50 service hours following chart of specific gravity reading

gives a general idea of the battery condition.
6.1.1 Drain water and sediment from the
fuel tank and water separator

Remove the drain plug and allow any water and Specific gravity at 20C
Battery condition
sediment to drain. Drain at least 1 or 2 liters (0.3 to (68F)
0.5 U.S. gal) of fuel to remove the water and
sediment. 1.26 to 1.28 Fully charged

1.22 to 1.26 Three-fourths charged (To

It is evident that invisible particles of dirt in be recharged)
sediment which might pass through the filter will
damage the finely finished parts of the fuel Below 1.22 One-fourth charged (To be
injection system. recharged)

Table 4 Specific gravity reading

Do not smoke while draining out the water and
sediment. Keep flames and sparking devices
Battery gives off flammable fumes that are
away from this area. Clean up any spillage explosive.
before starting the engine. Do not smoke when observing the battery
electrolyte level.
Electrolyte is an acid and can cause
6.1.2 Check the battery electrolyte level personal injury if it comes into contact with
and specific gravity the skin or eyes.
Always wear goggles when working with the
1. Maintain the electrolyte level between UPPER battery.
and LOWER marks on the case. If the battery
has not got any level marks, maintain the level
10 to 15 mm (0.4 to 0.6 in.) above the cells.
Remove the filler caps and add distilled water
when necessary.
2. Test the specific gravity of the battery
electrolyte with a battery hydrometer. The

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6.2 Every 100 service hours

6.2.1 Cleaning the fuel filter with cut off
1. Turn the valve to the OFF position.
2. Loosen the ring nut and remove the cup.
3. Wash the element in kerosene or diesel fuel.
4. Put the cleaned element in the cup and install
the cup, making sure the O-ring is properly
fitted into place. Tighten the ring nut.
5. Turn the valve to the ON position and prime
the fuel system (see page 31).

Hot oil and components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil or components to
ON O-ring come into contact with the skin.

Ring nut
6.3.2 Changing the oil filter
1. Remove the used oil filter with a filter

6.2.2 Clean the radiator

Direct the pressurized air to the fins in the
opposite direction of the fans air flow.
Check particles collected in the used oil filter. If
they are metallic particles, you should consult
your Mitsubishi dealer.

2. Make sure that the formerly used packaging is

removed from the filter base and clean the
base with a clean cloth.

6.3 Every 250 service hours or

once a year
6.3.1 Change engine oil and oil filter;
draining oil
To avoid burns, drain the oil after the engine has 3. Check the new oil filter and make sure that the
cooled down to the extend that it can be touched packing is fitted in the groove.
with your bare hands. Allow the oil to drain into a 4. Apply a thin coat of engine oil to the packing
container. of the new filter.
5. Install the new filter by hand until its packing
touches the base. Tighten it by 3/4 to 1 turn.

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6.4 Every 500 service hours

Packing 6.4.1 Change fuel filter element

Fuel filter with cut off valve

1. Turn the valve to the OFF position.

2. Loosen the ring nut and remove the cup.
3. Remove and discard the filter element.
4. Put the new filter element in the cup and
install the cup, making sure the O-ring is
properly fitted into place. Tighten the ring nut.
5. Turn the valve to the ON position and prime
the fuel system (see page 31 for priming).
6.3.3 Filling with oil
1. Install the drain plug and tighten it to the
specified torque.
OFF Valve

ON O-ring
4.5 0.5 kgf/m
(33 4 lbf/ft)
[44 5 N/m] Ring nut

Table 5 Specified torque

2. Fill the crankcase with oil.

Cartridge type fuel filter
Refill capacity See SPECIFICATIONS
1. Change the filter if water and sediment have
API Service Classification CF or CF-4 been collected in the filter.
2. After changing the filter, prime the fuel system
Table 6 Fill crankcase (see page 31 for priming).

3. Start the engine, leave it idling for a few

minutes, and check for leaks. Re-tighten the
filter in case of leakage.
4. Stop the engine and leave it inert for about 30
minutes; then re-check the oil level. Maintain 
the oil level between the MAX and MIN marks
on the dipstick. Add oil only if necessary.

Water and

6.4.2 Check and adjust the fan belt


Correct adjustment exists when the belt can be

pushed inward about 13 mm with 100 N thumb
pressure exerted midway between the alternator
and crankshaft pulley as shown.

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energized. If the pinion does not shift properly,

Adjusting plate bolt consult your Mitsubishi dealer.

Mounting bolt

Correct adjustment
13 mm (0.5 in.) slack at
this point


1. Loosen the adjusting plate bolt and the

mounting bolt. 6.5.2 Check the alternator
2. Insert a bar between the alternator and the
cylinder block to move the alternator to obtain 1. Check for visual defects.
the required belt deflection. 2. Remove the belt from the alternator. Turn the
3. Tighten the mounting bolt and the adjusting pulley by hand to check the alternator for
bolt. smooth rotation. If the alternator fails to rotate
smoothly, consult your Mitsubishi dealer.

If the fan belt is too tight, excessive stress is
6.6 Every 2 years
6.6.1 Change coolant
put on to the fan bearings and belt, which
might shorten the life of both. If it is too Long Life Coolant (LLC) used in your engine
loose, it will slap against the pulleys, causing retains its efficiency for 2 years. Be sure to change
unnecessary wear and tear to the belt, which the coolant every 2 years.
could cause possible slipping, to the extent
that the engine will overheat. 6.6.2 Draining
Keep the belt free from oil or grease.
1. Start and operate the engine until the coolant
temperature is 70C to 80C (158F to 176F).
Then stop the engine.
6.5 Every 1000 service hours 2. Remove the filIer cap only after the engine
has been stopped and the cap is cool enough
6.5.1 Check the starter
to remove with your bare hands.
1. Check for visual defects.
2. Check to see if the pinion is shifted into mesh
with the flywheel ring gear when the starter is

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Version 08/2004

3. Open the radiator drain valve and remove the

engine drain plug.

Water drain cock

4. Pour pure, undiluted LLC into the radiator; see
SPECIFICATIONS on page 36. The
4. Then allow the coolant to drain into the recommended concentration of LLC is
containers. illustrated in the chart below:

Ambient -10 -20 -30 -45

Temperature, C (F) (14) (-4) (-22) (-49)

LLC concentration, % 30 40 50 60

Table 7 Recommended LLC Concentrations


6.6.3 Flushing
1. Close the radiator drain valve and install the
engine drain plug.
2. Fill the cooling system with a cleaning solution
which does not chemically attack rubber or
metal surfaces. Start and operate the engine
at 800 to 900 rpm and let the engine run for 15
minutes. Stop the engine and drain the
cleaning solution. 5. Fill the cooling system slowly with coolant
3. Fill the system with clean water and operate through the radiator cap opening to avoid air
the engine at 800 to 900 rpm for 10 minutes. being trapped in the system.
Continue to flush the system until the draining
water is clear.

6.6.4 Refilling
1. Tighten the radiator drain valve and the
engine drain plug.
2. Remove the by-pass hose (A) at the
thermostat housing.
3. Remove the cabin heater hose (B) at the
thermostat housing (if installed).

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6. Re-install the by-pass and cabin heater hoses, 3. After the fuel filter element has been cleaned
if coolant reaches the top level and tighten the or replaced.
7. Bleed the air at the cabin heater system. 6.7.2 Procedure
8. Run the engine for a few minutes at low idle
with the radiator cap open. Fuel filter with air valve
9. Stop the engine and check the coolant level;
fill-up if necessary, re-install the radiator cap. 1. Turn the valve lever to the AIR position and
feed the fuel.
2. If the fuel flows free of bubbles through the
fuel return pipe, turn the valve lever to the ON

Fuel filter with air vent screws

1. Loosen the air vent screw (1). Tighten the

screw when the fuel flows free of bubbles.
2. Loosen the air vent screw (2). Tighten the
screw once the fuel flows free of bubbles.

10. Start and operate the engine until the coolant

temperature is between 70C and 80C
The injection pipes and nozzles can be primed
(158F to 176F). Check for any leaks. Then by cranking the engine. The fuel system of the
stop the engine. Repair any leakage if engine equipped with an electric fuel pump can
necessary. be primed by turning the starter switch key to the
11. Check the coolant level in the reservoir tank ON position.
and add water if the coolant level is low.
Maintain the coolant level to FULL line on the
tank when the engine is cold.
Fuel filter with Fuel filter with
air valve air vent screws

1 2


AIR 1 2


6.7.3 Clean/change air cleaner element

Service the air cleaner only when it is necessary,
6.7 When required or when the dust indicator indicates RED.
6.7.1 Prime fuel system 6.7.4 Cleaning
Air in the lines may cause the fuel system to 1. Direct air 7 kgf/cm2 (100 psi) [686 kPa]
become air bound, resulting in an inability to start maximum inside the element along the
the engine or the misfiring of one or more length of pleats.
cylinders. Prime the fuel system: 2. Insert a light inside the clean element and
check. Replace the element if rips or tears are
1. After the engine has been fueled for the first found.
time after installation.
2. After the engine has been refueled after
running out of fuel.

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Replace the element if it is excessively dirty.

Never service the air cleaner when the
engine is running. Without the air cleaner,
dust and dirt can enter the engine and can
cause rapid wear of the engine parts
resulting in loss of power and high oil
Do not clean the element by bumping or
tapping it.

When using compressed air for cleaning, wear a
protective face shield, protective clothing, and
protective shoes.

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Version 08/2004

7.1 Recommended types of fuels
The quality of fuel is a very important factor in
obtaining satisfactory engine performance, long
engine life, and acceptable exhaust emission

This engine is designed to burn fuels marketed to

meet ASTM Designation D 975 (grade No. 2-D).

7.2 Caring for the diesel fuel tank

Fill the diesel fuel tank at the end of the day,
because the incoming fuel will drive out the
moisture-laden air and prevent condensation.
Before starting the engine after 50 service hours,
remove the drain plug and drain off any sediment
or water which may have accumulated.

7.3 Caring for the fuel supply

It is important to buy clean fuel and keep it clean.
Natural settling is an effective method of cleaning
fuel. Allow the fuel to stand for at least 10 days in
the fuel storage tank after the tank has been filled
and before the fuel is transferred to the diesel fuel
tank. Be sure to drain all the water and sediment
that has settled in the bottom of the tank before
the tank is refilled. Occasionally, drain all of the
fuel and clean the tank thoroughly.

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8.1 Recommended types of engine 8.2 Recommended oil viscosities
There are two important considerations related to
Use oils that meet the API engine oil classification satisfactory engine operation under ambient
CF or CF-4 class. Proper oil selection assures temperature conditions (1) the ability to crank
cranking ability by maintaining an oil film on the the engine fast enough to assure starting, and (2)
cylinder walls and bearing surfaces in conditions adequate lubrication of internal wearing surfaces
which provide low friction and therefore less during starting and warm-up. These
cranking effort to achieve cranking speeds considerations can be adequately met through
necessary for reliable starting. Improper oil proper grade selection. Recommended oil
selection may result in congealed oil film on the viscosities are shown in the chart below:
cylinder walls and the bearing surfaces. This can
result in high friction loads and more cranking
effort, thus standing in the way of achieving
sufficient cranking speeds for reliable starting and
affecting engine life.

CF or CF-4

Starting -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 10 20 30 40

temperature, C (F) (-22) (-13) (-4) (5) (14) (23) (32) (50) (68) (86) (104)


S A E 40
Oil viscosities S A E 15 W - 4 0



Table 8 Recommended oil viscosities

Mitsubishi recommends the all-season type

engine oil of SAE 10W-30.

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8.3 Limiting requirements for

Avoid mixing oils with different brands. In most
engine oils
If a used oil analysis program is conducted in
cases, oils with different brands are not order to determine the condition of the oil, consult
compatible and, when mixed, they can seize the chart below. Change the oil if any of these
parts such as piston rings, cylinders, etc. and requirements are not met.
cause wear to moving parts. It is best to stick
with the same brand and one type of oil at
successive service intervals.
Oil change intervals depends on the fuel
properties. Be sure to use the recommended
fuels only.
The limit of total base number is 1/2 of that
of a new oil in case of a perchloric-acid
analysis method.

A oil B oil

Property Unit Test Method Limit

JIS +30% / -15% , max. of new oil

Viscosity cSt @ 100C (212F)
K 2283

Total base number (HCl) mgKOH/g JIS 2.0, min.

Total acid number mgKOH/g K 2501 +3.0, max. of new oil

JIS 0.2, max.

Water content Vol%
K 2275

JIS 180 (356), min.

Flash point C (F)
K 2265

Pentane insolubles Wt% ASTM 0.5, max.

Pentane insolubles coagulated Wt% D 893 3.0, max.

Table 9 Limiting requirements for engine oils

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Version 08/2004


9.1 Coolant specifications
Water used in the engine cooling system must be
soft, or as free from scale forming minerals as
Harmful chemical properties and substances
possible and it has to meet the requirements contained in water (as coolant) must not exceed
shown in the "Coolant Specifications" chart. the Mitsubishi limits. They are tolerable up to the
limits shown in the chart below.

Main malign effect

Chemical Recommended
Item Unit
symbol limit Corrosion Scale
and rust formation

6.5 to 8.5
pH, 25C (77F) - - O O
(6.5 to 8.0)

Electrical conductivity, < 400

- /cm O O
25C (77F) (< 250)

< 100
Total hardness CaCO3 PPM - O
(< 95)

< 150
M alkalinity CaCO3 PPM - O
(< 70)

< 100
Chlorine ion Cl- PPM -
(< 100)

2 < 100
Sulfuric acid ion SO PPM O -
4 (< 50)

< 1.0
Total iron Fe PPM - O
(< 1.0)

< 50
Silica SiO2 PPM - O

Residue from < 400

- PPM - O
evaporation (< 250)

Table 10 Coolant specifications

The values indicated in ( ) are the limits set forth 9.2.1 Features of recommended brands
by Mitsubishi. In addition to the items specified
above, turbidity is specified to be <15 mg/l. No amines (methyl amines, ethyl amines, n-
propyl amines, etc., all being derivatives of
9.2 Recommended types of LLC's ammonia, NH3) are contained.
(Long Life Coolant) Silicate and borate are not contained.
Close to neutral on the pH scale, and hence,
For Mitsubishi diesel engines, all-season, non- slightly basic (alkaline).
amine type LLC's or equivalents are Balanced additive ingredients; some being
recommended. substitutes for amines.
Long life (the coolant with 30% concentration,
for example, retains its effectiveness for more
than 2 years).

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Version 08/2004

Ambient temperature, C -10 -20 -30 -45

(F) (14) (-4) (-22) (-49)

LLC concentration, % 30 40 50 60

Non-amine type
Table 11 Recommended LLC concentrations

LLC is toxic and can cause personal injury if it
comes into contact with the skin or the eyes. If
LLC gets in your eyes, wash them with water
immediately and see a doctor at once.

9.3 How to use non-amine type

LLC 9.4 Why LLC?
1. The engine coolant with any of the
Today's full-blown trend is toward smaller and
recommended additives should be changed
more lightweight engines, higher output, lower fuel
every 2 years.
consumption, and lower exhaust emission levels.
Engine application has also expanded. In most

When using any other LLC, refer to the coolant
applications, the engine coolant is compelled to
withstand severe conditions such as continuous
high-power operation with a higher coolant
mixture chart shown on the container. temperature and a higher speed of coolant
recirculation in the cooling circuit. Many materials
involved in the circuit (such as steel, aluminum,

Consult your Mitsubishi dealer for disposal of a
copper, solder, and rubber) are also subject to
severe servicing. These materials differ in ionizing
tendency and this difference promotes cavitation
used coolant containing LLC. and deterioration through the medium of engine
coolant. The ideal of breaking the link between
cause and effect to preserve the circuit can be
2. The proper concentration of LLC is from 30% realized by using LLC.
to 60% all year round. Aim at a temperature
level which is 5C (9F) lower than the
expected lowest temperature. LLC of less
9.5 How LLC works
than 30% concentration does not provide LLC contains several chemicals in such
sufficient corrosion protection. Concentrations proportions as to produce a chemical reaction that
over 60% adversely affect freeze protection suppresses corrosion of the engine parts in
and heat transfer rates. When adding coolant, contact with coolant. "Corrosion" is the result of a
use LLC of the same concentration. phenomenon called "ionization."

The power of LLC to defeat the ionic reaction is

generally subject to wear and the engine coolant
becomes increasingly weak at that time.

Moreover, if its chemicals are not properly

proportioned to match the circuit metals which

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Version 08/2004

they are meant to protect, they are used up due to badly affected in such a condition, brass and
aging and this allows some metals to precipitate solder the materials used in the cores of the
into the coolant or to form new compounds which radiator become particularly victimized. The
can result in rusty surface deposits. Some cause of coolant leakage from and clogging of the
chemicals, calculated to inhibit this ionic reaction, coolant circuit in the radiator is usually traceable to
might accelerate the reaction of those metals that such a malcondition of the coolant.
have already begun to react.

The worse case scenario is that the process of the

ionic reaction or corrosion will go on faster than
when the coolant is straight water without
additives, if there is not a good match between the
chemical proportions and the circuit metals.

9.6 Practical reported cases of

circuit trouble for which
additive is blamed
Case 1:

Amines are generally effective in suppressing the

rusting of ferrous metals but are said to be
problematic for copper and cupric metals because
of copper involvement in pittings reported on Fe
metals. The mechanism of Fe-surface pitting may
be explained as that of galvanic or local-cell
action. Suppose a cluster of copper molecules
precipitates and deposits itself on a surface of Fe,
a base metal relative to copper. The copper
deposit introduces a localized galvanic cell which,
by its ionic action, rapidly eats into the Fe surface
to result in a pit.

Case 2:

A silicate (there are several types of silicate) is

highly effective in protecting aluminium against
rusting. This compound of silicon is unstable in a
solution whose pH is 9 or less: it is prone to turn to
gel and settle down in the solution. For this
reason, the pH is usually specified to be 10 or so.
This means that the silicate has to be used in a
high-alkalinity coolant. When the silicate is used
up, the high alkalinity starts chemically attacking
the aluminium.


The mechanical seal of the water pump may

rapidly wear down as the secondary effect of
silicate gel in the above context.

Case 3:

As the additive as a whole deteriorates or when its

concentration in the coolant is too low, its anti-
corrosion performance falls and consequently the
circuit metals begin to corrode. Of those metals

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10.1 Storage of the engine in a non- 4. Adjust the fan belt.
operational condition 5. Remove the covering and the taping from the
various ports.
10.1.1 Preparation 6. Drain the preservative and fill the engine with
the recommended engine oil.
1. Drain the engine oil and put a preservative 7. Fill the fuel tank and prime the fuel system.
into the engine (up to the high level on the 8. Check under and around the engine for items
dipstick). such as loose or missing bolts, oil, fuel, or
2. Make a mixture of preservative and fuel oil in coolant leaks.
a 50-to-50 ratio and put the mixture into the 9. Remove the rocker cover and lubricate the
fuel tank. valve mechanism.
3. Start and leave the engine idling for 5 to 10 10. Crank the engine 3 times, 10 seconds each
minutes. time, at intervals of 1 minute, with the fuel
4. Stop the engine and spray volatile supply shut off.
preservative (VCI) into the opening of the air 11. Make sure the engine oil pressure rises
inlet. properly.
5. Drain the preservative-fuel mixture. 12. Open the fuel supply valve and start the
6. Apply a coat of preservative to the exposed engine.
machined surfaces of the engine. 13. Allow the engine to leave it idling.
7. Cover the air inlet, the exhaust openings, and 14. When the engine has run long enough to
the breather by taping them. warm up, apply the load and bring it to an
8. Loosen the fan belt. operating speed.
9. Tape the starter and the alternator terminals.
Cover the starter and alternator with a 10.2 Storage of the engine in an
polyethylene sheet and put a desiccant inside. operational condition
10. Disconnect the cables from the battery and
charge the battery. Flush the top of the battery 10.2.1 Follow steps 1 through 3 mentioned
with clean water and coat the poles with acid- below once a month:
free vaseline to prevent further corrosion.
Keep the battery in a cool, dry place. 1. Crank the engine 2 times, for 10 seconds
11. Cover the engine to protect it against the each time, with the starter at intervals of 30
weather. seconds, with the fuel supply shut off. Open
the fuel supply valve afterwards.
2. Start and operate the engine at 800 rpm under
no-load condition for 5 minutes.
Store the engine in a well-ventilated room.
3. Increase the engine speed from 1000 to
1200 rpm and operate the engine under no-
load condition for 10 minutes.
It is not necessary to drain the coolant if it
contains LLC.
Attach a "DO NOT OPERATE" sign or
similar warning tag to the starter switch or
any of the controls.
New engine oil may be used instead of

10.1.2 Service during storage

Charge the battery at least once a month.

10.1.3 Remove the engine from storage

1. Remove the covers from the engine.
2. Connect a fully charged battery to the engine.
3. Remove the covers from the starter and the

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Version 08/2004

11.1 General ordering, specify the needed replacement parts by
referring to the Parts Catalogue.
11.1.1 Think before you act
Upon noting a defective indication, recall what you
did the last time when you came across the same
indication. If what you did was correct and
successful, do the same again. If the symptom
noted is new to you, think of a possible cause in
accordance with the troubleshooting procedure
which follows.

11.1.4 Perform servicing work safely

Use the right kind of hand tools to carry out each
working step in repair work. Avoid injury to
yourself and damage to the parts by using proper
tools. When lifting or carrying a part that is too
heavy for one person to handle, get another
persons help and, if necessary, use a jack or a
hoisting device.
11.1.2 Dust and dirt are often the main
Wear is usually the result of abrasive particles.
When disconnecting or disassembling a part or
component, be sure to keep out dust and dirt.

Never attempt to break the seals of the
governor for maximum speed setting or
maximum injection quantity setting.
The maximum injection quantity of the
11.1.3 Use original parts injection pump has been set on the basis of
the output power of each engine verified at
Use only original parts to replace those that have the bench test. Never attempt to vary this
failed or reached their service limits. When injection quantity in the field.

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11.2 Problems
For special servicing jobs on your engine, rely on
the expert knowledge of the servicemen and the
service facilities provided by your Mitsubishi

Problem Cause Correction

Engine will not start Fuse off Replace

Defective starter switch Repair or replace*

Slow cranking speed Recharge battery

Wrong viscosity grade of oil Change correct oil

Seized running parts Repair*

Air in fuel system Prime

No fuel in tank Refuel

Bad quality fuel Change fuel

Clogged fuel filter Clean or replace

Defective fuel injection pump Repair or replace*

Defective control timer unit Replace*

Clogged air cleaner Clean or replace

Defective starter or relay Repair or replace*

Open electrical circuit Repair

Not enough power Wrong viscosity grade of oil Change oil

Clogged air cleaner Clean or replace

Clogged fuel filter Clean or replace

Defective fuel injection pump Repair or replace*

Defective fuel injection nozzles Repair or replace*

Wrong injection timing Adjust*

Bad quality fuel Change correct fuel

Overheating Flush cooling system and replace parts

Wrong valve clearance Adjust

Poor compression (cylinders, piston, rings, etc. Repair or replace*


Table 12 Troubleshooting

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Version 08/2004

Problem Cause Correction

Overheating Not enough coolant in system Add coolant

Leaks in cooling system Retighten or repair

Loose fan belt Adjust

Restriction to air flow through radiator Remove restrictions

Defective water pump Replace

Defective thermostat Replace

Defective fan Replace

High LLC concentration Adjust LLC concentration

Too much white or blue Too much oil in engine Drain to correct level
Oil viscosity too low Change oil

Defective thermostat (coolant temperature too Replace


Defective fuel injection nozzles Repair or replace*

Wrong injection timing Adjust*

Wrong fuel cetane number Change fuel

Poor compression (cylinders, piston rings, etc. Repair or replace*


Too much black or gray Bad quality fuel Change fuel

Defective fuel injection pump Repair or replace*

Defective fuel injection nozzles Repair or replace*

Wrong injection timing Adjust*

Clogged air cleaner Clean or replace

Wrong valve clearance Adjust

Poor compression (cylinders, piston rings, etc. Repair or replace*


Fuel consumption too Bad quality fuel Change fuel

Defective fuel injection pump Repair or replace*

Defective fuel injection nozzles Repair or replace*

Wrong injection timing Adjust*

Clogged air cleaner Clean or replace

Poor compression (cylinders, piston rings, etc. Repair or replace*


Table 12 Troubleshooting

42 / 44 ENGLISH Operation Manual Mitsubishi SL-Series diesel engines

Version 08/2004

Problem Cause Correction

Oil consumption too high Too much oil in engine Drain to correct level

Oil viscosity too low Change oil

Leaks in lubrication system Repair or replace

Worn cylinders and piston rings Repair or replace*

Worn valve stem seals Replace*

Oil pressure too low Not enough oil in engine Add oil

Oil viscosity too low Change oil

Clogged oil filter Replace

Defective oil pump Repair or replace*

Defective relief valve Adjust or replace*

Defective pressure switch Replace*

Table 12 Troubleshooting


1. Consult your Mitsubishi dealer for items

marked with an asterisk (*).
2. Consult your Mitsubishi dealer for any items
other than those listed in the table.
3. When communicating with your Mitsubishi
dealer, specify the engine model name, the
engine serial number, the application, the
rating, and service hour meter reading of your

Operation Manual Mitsubishi SL-Series diesel engines ENGLISH 43 / 44

Version 08/2004


To whom it may concern

EC-declaration of incorporation
(Directive 98/37/EC, Annex II, sub B)
Ban on putting into service

MHI Equipment Europe B.V.

Damsluisweg 2
1332 EC Almere
The Netherlands

herewith declares that:

the Mitsubishi diesel engine, SL-series type

is destined to be incorporated in other machines or to be combined with other machines,

and is not (entirely) in compliance with the Machinery Directive (98/37/EC).

Almere, December 17th 2002

R.A.G.L. Manders
General Manager
Engine Division

44 / 44 ENGLISH Operation Manual Mitsubishi SL-Series diesel engines

Version 08/2004

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