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CH 15

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Powder metallurgy is an important manufacturing process that allows for net shape forming of parts with controlled porosity and unusual alloys. Some key steps in the PM process are blending/mixing, pressing, and sintering.

PM is important because it allows for net shape forming, controlled porosity, processing of difficult to form metals, and formulation of unusual alloys.

Disadvantages include high tooling costs, expensive powders, difficulties in handling powders, part geometry limitations of pressing methods, and variations in density.

Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 5e (published by Wiley) MPGroover 2012

Review Questions
15.1 Name some of the reasons for the commercial importance of powder metallurgy technology.
Answer. PM is important because (1) parts can be made to net or near net shape, (2) parts can be
made with a controlled level of porosity, (3) certain metals difficult to process by other methods can
be processed by PM, and (4) PM allows the formulation of unusual alloys not easily obtained by
traditional alloying methods.
15.2 What are some of the disadvantages of PM methods?
Answer. Disadvantages include (1) high tooling costs, (2) metal powders are expensive, (3)
difficulties in storing and handling metallic powders, (4) certain limitations on part geometry
imposed by the uniaxial press methods, and (5) variations in density in a PM component can be
15.3 In the screening of powders for sizing, what is meant by the term mesh count?
Answer. The mesh count of the screen is the number of openings per linear inch.
15.4 What is the difference between open pores and closed pores in a metallic powders?
Answer. Open pores are air spaces between particles, while closed pores are voids internal to a
15.5 What is meant by the term aspect ratio for a metallic particle?
Answer. The aspect ratio of a particle is the ratio of the maximum dimension to the minimum
dimension of the given particle.
15.6 How would one measure the angle of repose for a given amount of metallic powder?
Answer. One measure would be to let the powders flow through a small funnel and measure the
angle taken by the resulting pile of powders relative to the horizontal.
15.7 Define bulk density and true density for metallic powders.
Answer. Bulk density refers to the weight per volume of the powders in the loose state, while true
density is the weight per volume of the true volume of metal in the powders (the volume that would
result if the powders were melted).
15.8 What are the principal methods used to produce metallic powders?
Answer. The powder production methods are (1) atomization - the conversion of molten metal into
droplets which solidify into powders; (2) chemical reduction - reducing metallic oxides by use of
reducing agents which combine with the oxygen to free the metals in the form of powders; and (3)
electrolysis - use of an electrolytic cell to deposit particles of the metal onto the cathode in the cell.
15.9 What are the three basic steps in the conventional powder metallurgy shaping process?
Answer. The steps are (1) blending and/or mixing, (2) pressing, and (3) sintering.
15.10 What is the technical difference between blending and mixing in powder metallurgy?
Answer. Blending means combining particles of the same chemistry but different sizes, while
mixing refers to the combining of metal powders of different chemistries.

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15.11 What are some of the ingredients usually added to the metallic powders during blending and/or
Answer. The additives include (1) lubricants, (2) binders, and (3) deflocculants.
15.12 What is meant by the term green compact?
Answer. The green compact is the pressed but not yet sintered PM part.
15.13 Describe what happens to the individual particles during compaction.
Answer. Starting with the initial powder arrangement, the particles are first repacked into a more
efficient arrangement, followed by deformation of the particles as pressure is increased.
15.14 What are the three steps in the sintering cycle in PM?
Answer. The three steps in the cycle are (1) preheat, in which lubricants and binders are burned off,
(2) sintering, and (3) cool down.
15.15 What are some of the reasons why a controlled atmosphere furnace is desirable in sintering?
Answer. Some of the purposes of a controlled atmosphere furnace are (1) to protect against
oxidation, (2) to provide a reducing atmosphere to remove existing oxides, (3) to provide a
carburizing atmosphere, and (4) to remove lubricants and binders from pressing.
15.16 What is the difference between impregnation and infiltration in powder metallurgy?
Answer. Impregnation is when oil or other fluid is permeated into the pores of a sintered PM part.
Infiltration is when a molten metal (other than the PM metal) is permeated into the pores of a
sintered part.
15.17 What is the difference between powder injection molding and metal injection molding?
Answer. Metal injection molding is a subset of powder injection molding, in which the powders are
metallic. The more general term includes powders of ceramic.
15.18 How is isostatic pressing distinguished from conventional pressing and sintering in PM?
Answer. Isostatic pressing applies hydrostatic pressure to all sides of the mold, whereas
conventional pressing is uniaxial.
15.19 Describe liquid phase sintering.
Answer. Liquid phase sintering occurs when two metals of different melting temperatures are
sintered at a temperature between their melting points. Accordingly, one metal melts, thoroughly
wetting the solid particles and creating a strong bonding between the metals upon solidification.
15.20 What are the two basic classes of metal powders as far as chemistry is concerned?
Answer. The two classes are (1) elemental powders - powders of pure metal such as iron or copper,
and (2) pre-alloyed powders - powders of alloys such as stainless steel or brass.
15.21 Why is PM technology so well suited to the production of gears and bearings?
Answer. The reasons are (1) the geometries of these parts lend themselves to conventional PM
pressing, which consists of pressing in one direction, and (2) the porosity allows impregnation of the
PM parts with lubricants.
Answers to problems labeled (A) are listed in an Appendix at the back of the book.

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 5e (published by Wiley) MPGroover 2012

Characterization of Engineering Powders

15.1 (A) (SI/USCS units) A screen with 325 mesh count has wires with a diameter of 0.0035 mm.
Determine (a) the maximum particle size that will pass through the wire mesh and (b) the proportion
of open space in the screen.
Solution: (a) By Eq. (15.1), particle size PS = 25.4/MC - tw = 25.4/325 - 0.035
= 0.078 - 0.035 = 0.043 mm
(b) There are 325 x 325 = 105,625 openings in one square inch of the mesh. From part (a), each
opening is 0.043 inch on a side, thus each opening is (0.043)2 = 0.001849 mm2. The total open area
in one square inch of mesh = 105,625(0.001849 mm2) = 195.3 mm2. This is total open space. One in2
= (25.4)2 = 645.16 mm2. Therefore, the percent open space in one square inch of mesh 195.3/645.16
= 0.3027= 30.27%.
15.2 (USCS units) A screen with 200 mesh count has wires with a diameter of 0.0021 in. Determine (a)
the maximum particle size that will pass through the wire mesh and (b) the proportion of open space
in the screen.
Solution: (a) By Eq. (15.1), particle size PS = 1/MC - tw = 1/200 - 0.0021
= 0.0050 - 0.0021 = 0.0029 in
(b) There are 200 x 200 = 40,000 openings in one square inch of the mesh. From part (a), each
opening is 0.0029 inch on a side, thus each opening is (0.0029)2 = 0.00000841 in2. The total open
area in one square inch of mesh = 40,000(0.00000841 in2) = 0.3364 in2. This is total open space.
Therefore, the percent open space in one square inch of mesh = 33.64%.
15.3 (USCS units) A screen with 20 mesh count has wires with a diameter of 0.0172 in. Determine (a) the
maximum particle size that will pass through the wire mesh and (b) the proportion of open space in
the screen.
Solution: (a) By Eq. (15.1), particle size PS = 1/MC - tw = 1/20 - 0.0172 = 0.0328 in
(b) There are 20 x 20 = 400 openings in one square inch of the mesh. From part (a), each opening is
0.0172 inch on a side, thus each opening is (0.0172)2 = 0.001076 in2. The total open area in one
square inch of mesh = 400(0.001076 in2) = 0.4303 in2. This is total open space. Therefore, the
percent open space in one square inch of mesh = 43.03%.
15.4 What is the aspect ratio of a cubic particle shape?
Solution: The aspect ratio is the ratio of the maximum dimension to the minimum dimension of the
particle shape. The minimum dimension is the edge of any face of the cube; call it L. The maximum
dimension is the cube diagonal, which is given by (L2 + L2 + L2)0.5 = (3 L2)0.5 = (3)0.5 L = 1.732 L.
Thus, the aspect ratio = 1.732:1.
15.5 Determine the shape factors for particles of the following ideal shapes: (a) sphere, (b) cubic, (c)
cylindrical with length-to-diameter ratio of 1:1, and (d) cylindrical with length-to-diameter ratio of
Solution: (a) Sphere: A = D2 and V = D3/6
Ks = AD/V = (D2)D/(D3/6) = 6D3/D3 = 6.0
(b) Cube: Let L = edge of one face. For a cube, A = 6L2 and V = L3
Find diameter D of a sphere of equivalent volume.
V = D3/6 = L3
D3 = 6L3/ = 1.90986 L3
D = (1.90986 L3)0.333 = 1.2407 L
Ks = AD/V = (6L2)(1.2407 L)/L3 = 7.444

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 5e (published by Wiley) MPGroover 2012

(c) Cylinder with L/D = 1.0. For this cylinder shape, L = D. Thus, A = 2D2/4 + DL = 0.5L2 + L2
= 1.5L2, and V = (D2/4)L = 0.25L3.
Find diameter D of a sphere of equivalent volume.
V = D3/6 = 0.25L3
D3 = 6(0.25L3)/ = 1.5L3
D = (1.5 L3)0.333 = 1.1447 L
Ks = AD/V = (1.5L2)(1.1447 L)/0.25L3 = 6.868
(d) Cylinder with L/D = 2.0. For this cylinder shape, 0.5L = D. Thus, A = 2D2/4 + DL =
0.5(0.5L)2 + (0.5L)L = 0.125L2 + 0.5L2 = 0.625L2, and V = (D2/4)L = 0.25(0.5L)2 L =
Find diameter D of a sphere of equivalent volume.
V = D3/6 = 0.0625L3
D3 = 6(0.0625L3)/ = 0.375L3
D = (0.375 L3)0.333 = 0.721 L
Ks = A D/V = (0.625L2)(0.721 L)/0.0625L3 = 7.211
15.6 (A) Determine the shape factors for particles that are disk-shaped flakes with thickness-to-diameter
ratios of (a) 1:10 and (b) 1:20.
Solution: (a) Disk with t/D = L/D = 1/10 = 0.10. For this shape, 10L = D. Thus, A = 2D2/4 + DL
= 0.5(10L)2 + (10L)L = 50L2 + 10L2 = 60L2, and V = (D2/4)L = 0.25(10L)2 L = 25L3
Find diameter D of a sphere of equivalent volume.
V = D3/6 = 25L3
D3 = 6(25L3)/ = 150L3
D = (150 L3)1/3 = 5.313 L
Ks = A D/V = (60L2)(5.313 L)/25L3 = 12.75
(b) Disk with L/D = 0.05. For this shape, 20L = D. Thus, A = 2D2/4 + DL = 0.5(20L)2 + (20L)L
= 200L2 + 20L2 = 220L2, and V = (D2/4)L = 0.25(20L)2 L = 314.16L3
Find diameter D of a sphere of equivalent volume.
V = D3/6 = 314.16L3
D3 = 6(314.16L3)/ = 1884.96 L3
D = (1884.96 L3)1/3 = 12.353 L
Ks = A D/V = (220L2)(12.353 L)/314.16L3 = 8.65
15.7 (USCS units) A pile of iron powder weighs 2 lb. The particles are spherical in shape and all have the
same diameter of 0.002 in. (a) Determine the total surface area of all the particles in the pile. (b) If
the packing factor = 0.6, determine the volume taken by the pile. Note: the density of iron = 0.284
Solution: (a) For a spherical particle of D = 0.002 in, V = D3/6 = (0.002)3/6
= 0.00000000418 = 4.18 x 10-9 in3/particle
Weight per particle W = V = 0.284(4.18 x 10-9 in3) = 1.19 x 10-9 lb/particle
Number of particles in 2 lb = 2.0/(1.19 x 10-9) = 1.681 x 109
A = D2 = (0.002)2 = 0.00001256 in2 = 12.56 x 10-6 in2
Total surface area = (1.681 x 109)(12.56 x 10-6) = 21.116 x 103 in2
(b) With a packing factor of 0.6, the total volume taken up by the pile = (2.0/0.284)/0.6 = 11.74 in3
15.8 (USCS units) Solve Problem 15.7, except that the diameter of the particles is 0.004 in. Assume the
same packing factor.
Solution: (a) For a spherical particle of D = 0.004 in, V = D3/6 = (0.004)3/6

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= 0.00000003351 = 33.51 x 10-9 in3/particle

Weight per particle W = V = 0.284(33.51 x 10-9 in3) = 9.516 x 10-9 lb/particle
Number of particles in 2 lb = 2.0/(9.516 x 10-9) = 0.2102 x 109
A = D2 = (0.004)2 = 0.00005027 in2 = 50.27 x 10-6 in2
Total surface area = (0.2102 x 109)(50.27 x 10-6) = 10.565 x 103 in2
(b) With a packing factor of 0.6, the total volume taken up by the pile = (2.0/0.284)/0.6 = 11.74 in3
15.9 (USCS units) A solid cube of copper with each side = 1.0 ft is converted into metallic powders of
spherical shape by water atomization. What is the percentage increase in total surface area if the
diameter of each particle is 0.004 in (assume that all particles are the same size)?
Solution: Area of initial cube A = 6(1 ft)2 = 6 ft2 = 864 in2
Volume of cube V = (1 ft)3 = 1728 in3
Surface area of a spherical particle of D = 0.004 in is A = D2 = (0.004)2
= 50.265 x 10-6 in3/particle
Volume of a spherical particle of D = 0.004 in is V = D3/6 = (0.004)3/6
= 33.51 x 10-9 in3/particle
Number of particles in 1 ft3 = 1728/33.51 x 10-9 = 51.567 x 109
Total surface area = (51.567 x 109)( 50.265 x 10-6 in3) = 2,592 x 103 = 2,592,000 in2
Percent increase = 100(2,592,000 - 864)/864 = 299,900%
15.10 (A) (SI units) A solid cube of aluminum with each side = 1.0 m is converted into metallic powders of
spherical shape by gas atomization. What is the percentage increase in total surface area if the
diameter of each particle is 100 microns (assume that all particles are the same size)?
Solution: Area of starting cube A = 6(1 m)2 = 6 m2
Volume of starting cube V = (1 m)3 = 1 m3
D = 100 m = 0.1 mm = 0.1 x 10-3 m
Surface area of a sphere of D = 0.1 x 10-3 m is A = D2 = (0.1 x 10-3)2 = 3.142 x 10-8 m3/particle
Volume of a sphere of D = 0.1 x 10-3 m is V = D3/6 = (0.1 x 10-3)3/6 = 0.5236 x 10-12 m3/particle
Number of particles in 1 m3 = 1.0/0.5236 x 10-12 = 1.91 x 1012
Total surface area = (1.91 x 1012)( 0.5236 x 10-12 m3) = 5.9958 x 104 = 59,958 m2
Percent increase = 100(59,958 - 6)/6 = 999,200%
15.11 Given a large volume of metallic powders, all of which are perfectly spherical and having the same
exact diameter, what is the maximum possible packing factor that the powders can take?
Solution: The maximum packing factor is achieved when the spherical particles are arranged as a
face-centered cubic unit cell, similar to the atomic structure of FCC metals; see Figure 2.8(b). The
unit cell of the FCC structure contains 8 spheres at the corners of the cube and 6 spheres on each
face. Our approach to determine the packing factor will consist of: (1) finding the volume of the
spheres and portions thereof that are contained in the cell, and (2) finding the volume of the unit cell
cube. The ratio of (1) over (2) is the packing factor.
(1) Volume of whole and/or partial spheres contained in the unit cell. The unit cell contains 6 half
spheres in the faces of the cube and 8 one-eighth spheres in corners. The equivalent number of whole
spheres = 6(.5) + 8(.125) = 4 spheres. Volume of 4 spheres = 4D3/6 = 2.0944 D3 where D =
diameter of a sphere.
(2) Volume of the cube of one unit cell. Consider that the diagonal of any face of the unit cell
contains one full diameter (the sphere in the center of the cube face) and two half diameters (the
spheres at the corners of the face). Thus, the diagonal of the cube face = 2D. Accordingly, the face is
a square with each edge = D2 = 1.414D. The volume of the unit cell is therefore (1.414D)3 =
2.8284 D3.

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 5e (published by Wiley) MPGroover 2012

The packing factor = 2.0944/2.8284 = 0.7405 = 74.05%

Compaction and Design Considerations
15.12 In a certain pressing operation, the metallic powder fed into the open die has a packing factor of 0.5.
The pressing operation reduces the powders to 70% of their starting volume. In the subsequent
sintering operation, shrinkage amounts to 10% on a volume basis. Given that these are the only
factors that affect the structure of the finished part, determine its final porosity.
Solution: Packing factor = bulk density / true density
Density = (specific volume)-1
Packing factor = true specific volume / bulk specific volume
Pressing reduces bulk specific volume to 2/3 = 0.667
Sintering further reduces the bulk specific volume to 0.90 of value after pressing.
Let true specific volume = 1.0
Thus for a packing factor of 0.5, bulk specific volume = 2.0.
Packing factor after pressing and sintering = 1.0/(2.0 x 0.70 x 0.90) = 1.0/1.26 = 0.794
By Eq. (18.6), porosity = 1 - 0.794 = 0.206
15.13 (A) (SI units) A bearing of simple geometry is to be pressed out of bronze powders, using a
compacting pressure of 200 MPa. Outside diameter of the bearing = 35 mm, inside diameter = 20
mm, and length = 18 mm. What is the required press tonnage to perform this operation?
Solution: Projected area of part Ap = 0.25(Do2 - Di2) = 0.25(352 - 202) = 648 mm2
F = Appc = 648(200) = 129,600 N
15.14 (USCS units) The part shown in Figure P15.14 is to be pressed of iron powders using a compaction
pressure of 75,000 lb/in2. Dimensions are inches. Determine (a) the most appropriate pressing
direction, (b) the required press tonnage to perform this operation, and (c) the final weight of the part
if the porosity is 10%. Assume shrinkage during sintering can be neglected.
Solution: (a) Most appropriate pressing direction is parallel to the part axis.
(b) Press tonnage F = Appc
Projected area of part Ap = 0.25(Do2 - Di2) = 0.25(2.82 - 0.8752) = 5.556 in2
F = Appc = 5.556(75,000) = 416,715 lb = 208 tons
(c) V = 0.25(2.82 - 0.8752)(0.5) + 0.25(2.82 - 1.52)(1.25 - 0.5) = 0.25(3.5372 + 4.1925)
= 6.071 in3
From Table 4.1, density of iron = 0.284 lb/in3.
At 10% porosity, part weight W = 6.071(0.284)(0.90) = 1.55 lb
15.15 (SI units) For each of the four part drawings in Figure P15.15, indicate which PM class the parts
belong to, whether the part must be pressed from one or two directions and how many levels of press
control will be required? Dimensions are mm.
Solution: (a) Class II, two directions because of axial thickness, one level of press control.
(b) Class I, one direction because part is relatively thin, one level of press control.
(c) Class IV, two directions of pressing, three levels of press control required.
(d) Class IV, two directions of pressing, four or five levels of press control due to multiple steps in
part design.

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