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Cosworth Data Bytes Live - Pi Toolbox v0 8

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Data Bytes Live

Data Nuggets

Top Tip

Trip Hazard!

Your Turn

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Ten Minute Toolbox ........
1. Unwrapping the Box

What is Toolbox ?
OS Compatibility
PC Hardware requirements
Toolbox Lite and Pro Versions
Installation procedure
Dongle etiquette

Purchase a 250mm USB extension cable and use this to Velcro mount the USB
dongle on the lid of your laptop PC to prevent accidental damage

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Ten Minute Toolbox ........
2. About Workbooks

Open a Workbook
Everything you do in Pi (or create a new one).
Toolbox is contained in a Workbooks contain up
Workbook (Template) to 24 Worksheets

Add Worksheets.
Add Displays to create personalised layouts.
Distribute Each Worksheet can contain up to 16
Email your templates. Workbooks Displays. Displays show Channels, Events and
contain All customised information Metrics and contain local Properties.
Math Channels, Soft Events etc.. Or:. Data files (Outings) are grouped into Tasks.
Each Task can contain up to 16 Outings. A
Workbook can contain up to 8 Tasks

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Ten Minute Toolbox ........
3. A Workbook in 2 minutes
Note the Difference
between Workbook
and Display Properties

File Menu actions

(Open, Save, etc) relate
to Workbooks *NOT*

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Ten Minute Toolbox ........
4. My First Template Decisions, Decisions!

Using the Sample US Data Example Dataset no 2............

Start with a new (Default blank) Workbook, In two minutes construct a simple worksheet using
Time/Distance charts to organise and display Load, Tyre Pressure and Damper position channels in a clear
and logical fashion
Experiment with the Filter feature to assist you to quickly find and select specific channels

Identify how the use of Auto-scale can be misleading particularly so on overlaid channels

Comment on the tyre pressure Data

Compare your workbook with the Training 1 workbook. Observe the use of channel groups and local
display properties (overrides). Contrast the different layout approaches and their various

Avoid a very common trip-up...You The channel filter settings are preserved when you change
cannot add channels to a display from panes (Selection, Properties etc) and can catch you out. Hold
the Properties Pane! down shift when changing between panes to clear the filter

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Toolbox more Detail
1. The Time/Distance Chart
A graphical method of displaying channel data against Time or Distance
Nifty T/D Chart Each chart can display up to 32 channels
Feature Shortcuts Nifty T/D Chart
T (Tile)
D (Toggle Time/Dist) Show Map
Z (Zoom in) Show Statistics (All)
F (Flash Active Trace)
Scale individual Y-axis
R (Reference Cursor)
M (Jump to Max value) Show Alarm lines
N (Jump to Min Value) Use in conjunction with a
O (X axis Offset mode) Navigator Display
H (Hide Trace)
Shift+O (Y axis Offset)
Cntrl +/- Scroll
Alarm lines and colours Many Shortcuts use the
allow easy identification of Statistics relate to the first letter of their
abnormal channel values active zoom region only! function (H,R,Z...)

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2. View Controls
Zooming Move to previous / next sample
Zoom into Drag area (See below) Move cursor left / right fast
Zoom in centred on cursor Move cursor to start / end of the
active channel trace
Undo Zoom Moves 50% of the visible region
Undo All Zooms Moves the cursor along the active
channel trace following the mouse
Move cursor to the next/previous trace
making it the new active channel

Open hand cursor. (Click & drag to scroll)
Moves the viewport by 10% of its
width in the arrow direction
Scrolls the viewport up or down by 10%
of its height. If vertical scrolling is not
possible, the viewport will scroll
forwards or backwards by 10%
Auto-scrolls the viewport. The initial key
press starts the scroll at slow speed

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3. Quick Data Navigation Tips
This indicates the Task connected to
the Navigator Control

Cntrl L Add Outing This Colour indicates fastest lap

Cntrl R Replace Outing

Cntrl D Delete Outing
Cntrl H Hide Outing
Use Cntrl C / V to copy / paste outings
Cntrl E Show Entire Outing
Cntrl Q Show Fastest Lap
Shift+Cntrl+Page up / Page Down Next/Previous Lap
The Navigator shows the
Add a Navigator on Every Be aware of your Fastest
fastest Lap in Blue. You can
Workbook. Hide the Lap Filtering Settings!
select multiple laps by clicking
playback controls to (File\Preferences)
and dragging segment regions
maximise space
on the Navigator

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Analyse This!
1. Driver Comparison DataBytes (August 2008)

Start with a blank template. Add a Task and Load Outing ExampleF1Data1

Add a Navigator and Time/Distance Chart displaying Speed, Throttle & Steering
Now load the other 3 ExampleF1data outings to overlay the fastest laps what
happens to the colours?
Identify the fastest lap of the four outings and set it as the Datum Lap
Create the C-Time Maths Channel and add it to the T/D Display
Create the C-Time Derivative Maths Channel
Identify how the C-Time channels assist in driver comparison
In one of the outings, on the exit of turn 10 the driver comes off the throttle -
Give a possible explanation for this and, using the reference cursor, measure:
a) how long he is off throttle for and b) how much time does he lose as a result

Pay attention to this symbol

Include the C-Time Channel - It denotes which is the
in all your Workbooks! datum outing

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Analyse This!
2. Driver Comparison The Map Display

Create a circuit map

Insert some soft split beacons to create sectors
Add the C-Time Derivative channel to a Map Display
Identify how the C-Time channels assist in driver comparison
Experiment with adding 3 other channels which are useful for Driver comparison
Colour and scale them appropriately
Create a Map report using labels for each corner to show Entry / Exit Speed
Discuss other applications of the map display
1: 162 kph
164 kph 1 start

1: 288 kph 2: 172 kph 2 end

289 kph 167 kph
2: 264 kph 2
267 kph



Ensure you have the

1: 274 kph

Just like most other 11-1

1: 173 kph
163 kph
275 kph
2: 301 kph
303 kph

Displays You can add

2: 226 kph
227 kph 4
1: 67 kph
correct channels
channels to a map 11-1 10
1: 291 kph
292 kph
2: 173 kph
77 kph
2: 152 kph
140 kph
configured under
1: 280 kph 1: 173 kph 177 kph

display! 9-10
279 kph
2: 240 kph
241 kph
177 kph
2: 241 kph
243 kph
1: 226 kph 7
227 kph
2: 230 kph
233 kph

1: 274 kph
8-9 273 kph
9 8
11 2: 291 kph
292 kph

Press Brake F
500.00 750.00 1000.00

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Toolbox more Detail
4.Tasks - A powerful Toolbox concept

A Task is simply a group of outings

Up to 8 Tasks may be defined, each having up 16 outings per Task
Displays are Connected to a single Task
Multiple Tasks streamline data manipulation and analysis
Use of the Tasks concept minimises file navigation, facilitates quick comparison
and promotes an organised, structured and logical analysis approach

A common beginners trip up is Discuss possible approaches to Use Task Auto-update at the track
inadvertently having the incorrect structuring, naming and using Tasks. to make download to data review
task attached to a display. Use the mid session virtually
Connect Worksheet Icon on the Consider the best way to use Tasks instantaneous. You can use Cntrl+C
Toolbar to connect all displays to for your application. and Cntrl+V to Copy and Paste
the same task to avoid confusion outings between Tasks

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5. Reports #1 Split Reports
Displays channel statistics data per map sector in a spreadsheet format
Laps are separated as row headings and sectors as column headings

Outing: <001:001:006> Comment: Run 2 Com m ent: Run 2

Channel: Elapsed Time (s)
Report Type: Soft Split Report (Auto)

Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Sector 4 Sector 5 Sector 6

Lap number Lap time (min:sec) Fast lap diff (min:sec)
diff diff diff diff diff diff

Using Sample Data EuropeF1Data3... 6 (Out Lap)

8 01:17.589 6.54 10.67 19.50 15.03 5.65 20.15 00:00.038
9 01:17.760 6.55 10.72 19.44 15.04 5.68 20.28 00:00.209
Produce a split report to show sector timing 10
Fastest Rolling Lap
01:48.491 7.31 11.76 20.25 15.73 6.14 47.25 00:30.940

7 10.61 19.53 14.83 5.70 20.23

01:17.485 -00:00.066
8 6.54
What is the theoretical fastest lap time ? Theoretical Fastest Lap
01:17.268 6.54 10.61 19.44 14.83 5.65 20.15 -00:00.283

RH Click and choose Export to Excel Just like other displays you need There are 3 Split Report modes:
to open Excel and export the Split to add a channel to a split Auto defaults to hard beacons if
Report to a new worksheet in the report!-Elapsed Time is the present, else uses soft splits
current workbook. You can also most common choice Hard uses hard split beacons
copy as text Soft - uses soft split beacons

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6. Reports #2 Tabular Outing Reports
Display channel statistics data in a list view on the worksheet, lap-by-lap, over an entire outing

Using All 4 EuropeF1Data outings (in a single task)

Create a tabular outing report to display the maximum and minimum values of 5 channels

Note that the tabular outing report shows data for a single outing only

Use the Connect outing feature and identify how the outing symbol denotes the connected outing :

Channels Are added with the Use the Duplicate option

max telltale selected by from RH click to add multiple
default. Be sure to select the telltales for the same channel
telltale you require

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7. Reports #3 Excel Reports
Generate and organise channel statistics data for display and manipulation in Excel spreadsheets

Six different types of Excel Report can be generated:

1. Lap Reports
2. Outing Reports
3. Hard Split Reports
4. Soft Split Reports
5. Event Reports
6. Between Events Reports

You can filter the laps processed by

You can automatically generate the Excel report to exclude In/ Out From the Excel Report display you
reports when the task is updated, laps and laps below a certain time can run the whole report- which
and/or use the incremental report threshold (this is useful for the outputs all tables to an Excel
generation feature, which will only turnaround section at the end of spreadsheet, or you can run
process new data as it is received a rally test stage) individual tables

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Analyse This!
3. Stacked Data DataBytes (August 2007)

Load all 4 Europe sample data files ie. ExampleF1Data1 to 4

Compare the following different methods for establishing the overall

maximum value of RPM, Temp Engine Oil, Temp Eng Water and Temp
Gbx Oil accross the 4 sample data files
Cursor Navigation using shortcut keys (i.e M)
T/D Chart Statistics
Tabular Outing Report
Excel Report (add your own maths to return a single overall max value)

Whilst all are valid methods, the task is made more labour intensive and
time consuming by the multiple outings. In this instance, the Stacked
outings feature is a powerful solution.......
Use the Stacked Outings feature to view the data in a single continuous
outing. Note how this simplifies the analysis of trends and reporting of
telltale values

Engine Guys like Stacked


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8. The X/Y Chart
Graphically illustrates the correlation (relationship) between two channels
A Powerful tool for identifying distinct characteristics and patterns of behaviour
A third channel (C), can also be added to display data in 3 dimensions

Load sample data ExampleF1Data1 and XXX

Create the classic G-G diagram to compare data from the
two outings on a single XY chart (note the different channel
names and ensure scalings are the same )
What does the G-G diagram reveal about the relative
performance characteristics of the two cars? Which aspect is
the most striking?
Is using a curve fit meaningful for the G-G diagram?
Suggest 3 more applications of the XY Chart

You can choose a The Polynomial curve fit Many of the features available in
Discrete OR Graduated relates to the active zoom the TD Chart are also available in
Colour Scheme for region only an XY chart using the same
Colour (C) Channel shortcuts e.g.. F, Z,H etc

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Analyse This!
4. Using X-Y Plots

Load sample data ExampleF1Data

Produce an X-Y chart which shows the Force / Displacement characteristics of the FL Suspension
Interpret the characteristics of the X-Y chart and how they relate to the physical properties of the suspension
Create a maths channel which returns the absolute value of lateral acceleration. Set this as the C channel.
How does this assist in interpreting the X-Y plot data ?
Create a maths channel to only show data when the car is under low lateral acceleration conditions. (Hint-use
the gate maths function)
Use the User Polynomial feature to estimate the stiffness of the FL Spring
Use the gate filter function (or create a maths channel) to show force/displacement data only when the bump
rubber is engaged. Use the polynomial feature to estimate the bump rubber coefficients
Comment on the amount of pre-load in this suspension setup

Be sure to choose an appropriate polynomial order to match the The gate maths function and filter are powerful tools to
physical characteristics of the behaviour you are attempting to simplify and isolate particular subsets of data for
characterise i.e. 1 for linear spring rate, 2 for rising rate spring etc specific analysis

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9. The Histogram
Graphically illustrates the distribution of data against time in the form of a bar chart
Each bar represents how long each channel spends between two bin values.

Create a maths channel to calculate FL Damper velocity

Display the FL_Damper Velocity Channel on a Histogram
Set the channel properties to an X-axis range of -50 to 50mm/s
Set the number of bins to 25 what does each bin represent?
The damper valving is set so that high speed is >8mm/s for
both bump and rebound. Set discrete channel colours to readily
identify the high\low speed regions
Use the copy as text feature to export the Histogram
distribution data to Excel and calculate 4 statistics to show the
percentage time spent in low/high speed bump/rebound

Histograms can be configured Specify the Bin size carefully. Channels commonly displayed
to show bars horizontally or Toolbox v6 allows up to 256 bins on a Histogram include RPM,
vertically Gear, Damper Velocity

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10. Events
A powerful concept that represent points of interest that occur at a specific instant in time
Events provide a rapid method of searching for points of interest within outing data
Events can be displayed on T/D charts and Events displays via the Selection Pane, Events Tab
Two key categories of event :
Hard Event - generated by the vehicles data system and stored in the pds file
Soft Event - generated by Toolbox, definitions stored in the workbook
Event markers appear on T/D Charts as coloured triangles. Holding the cursor over an event marker
will display the event message
Events can also be displayed in Excel reports and used to create between events reports

Clicking on an event in a TD chart or

You can Pin event
Events display moves the cursor to
information on a TD chart
the corresponding point in the data
by clicking the marker.

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5.Use of Soft Events - DataBytes (Jan 2009)

Define a Soft Event to show when the Engine Oil Temp >108 oC

Define a Soft Event to indicate an imminent brake lockup

Discuss the importance of the data rate in the definition of these events

Display the Events created above on a TD chart and Events Display

Suggest 3 other useful Soft Events

A driver steering wheel marker button connected to the data system via
CAN/analogue/digital input can be used to trigger an event in the data enabling
quick navigation to the corresponding place in the data when the time of
concern/note/interest occurred

It can be useful to use soft events to test and evaluate new event strategies in
logged data as a dry run before committing them to hard events on the logger,
especially those which trigger alarms, burst loggers or control systems

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11. Constants
A Constant is a named, fixed value item that has a global or outing context
Constants can be referenced in Toolbox Maths channels

Constants are created in the Tools\Constants dialog where they are

defined as either global or outing constants

A global constant has scope across all datasets and is saved as part of a
workbook. (Remember to save the Workbook after defining constants)

An outing constant only has scope within an outing and is saved as part
of a dataset. (Write access to the pds file is therefore required)

Outing Specific Constants are Ensure you understand the

The Cntrl+Space shortcut is
embedded in the pds data difference between
context sensitive and lists the
file. Ensure your constants GLOBALCONST() and CONST()
available Constants when used
are correct before functions and use the
with the CONST() or
distributing data files appropriate one
GLOBALCONST() functions

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6. Constant Choices

-You need to use the applicable gear ratio - In this instance the Choose maths function offers a solution

Write a maths channel which uses the Choose function to return the gear ratio for the
current gear
What are the disadvantages of this method ?
How could the choose function be used in conjunction with Constants to provide a more
elegant solution ?
What feature of Toolbox Constants can further enhance the solution ?

You can copy / paste Excel cell references directly from Excel to Toolbox

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7. Choose your Table


-How else could this be achieved ? - The table maths function offers a powerful alternative solution
Write a maths channel which uses the table function to return the gear ratio for the
currently selected gear
What are the advantages of this method over the choose Function approach?
-This is too complex for a choose function but perfectly suited to the power of the table function.
Open the Damper Force Example worksheet in the Choose your Table Workbook
Review how the table function is used to calculate Damper Force from large arrays of data. Note
how the table is used in two dimensions in conjunction with an indexing constant (Damper Type) to
facilitate the use of multiple damper types

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8. Understanding Bitfields DataBytes (Dec 2008)
Toolbox Bit Indicators graphically represent the ON/OFF status of each channel bit
Each bit of a channel can convey a specific status, diagnostic or condition description
Compact a large amount of information into a single channel and minimise the use of bandwidth

Open the Understanding Bitfields Workbook

Compare the properties and benefits of Bit Indicator displays which use
embedded bitfield definitions vs those which are Toolbox defined
Write a maths channel which uses Toolbox Bitwise operators to return a
value of 1 when the DFC status is in Handbrake mode
Create a Worksheet which uses bit indicators to behave as histograms
for throttle, brake and steering channels

The First (lefthand/top) Bit is Bit 0, not bit 1! - A 16 bit

channel therefore contains bit numbers 0-15

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9. Light it up !

OUTING How could this be achieved?
Open the Light it up Toolbox workbook and use the Navigator playback controls to simulate a lap

Open the Light it up Excel Sheet and Review how the Maths Channels used to drive the Bit Indicators
work. Note that the shift light configuration can be pasted directly to / from Pi Workshop

Understand how the values used for Replica bit are calculated. Calculate the corresponding Replica
Bit value for the shift light pattern pictured below :

Race Engineers and drivers often want to tailor the configuration of the shift lights
to a specific circuit to ensure shift points are not requested at inappropriate
locations or track features

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12. Registers...@
A powerful and versatile maths function...well worth becoming familiar with
Store discrete variables. The value of a register after the current sample is evaluated is
propagated as a value for the next sample evaluation
Particularly useful for performing time based functions and analysis
The most basic use of registers:
register @count;

register @a1;
register @a2; What does this register channel do ?
register @a3; What is the significance of the 0.8 ?
@a1=(fabs([G_Accel Lateral]));

Register names are case sensitive Each channel can contain up to 8 registers
and must begin with a @ Note use of the semicolon ;

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10.Counter Channels (June 2008)

Write a Toolbox Maths channel which uses the integral function to

calculate RPM over-rev time

Write a Toolbox Maths channel which uses registers to calculate RPM

over-rev time

How could the maths function timeDiff() be used in conjunction with

registers to make the above channel more elegant ? (hint- make it
independent of the sample rate of the source channels)

Pay Particular attention to the Data Rate Make use of the // comment facility
setting in maths channels which use the when writing register maths channels
Register function to perform integration

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11.Fast Forward(June 2009)

SC to supply sample video data and suggest appropriate tasks e.g.

Show to import video and how you would compare multiple cars using
multiple media displays etc

Embed video in presentation ?

You can use multiple Media displays to compare indexed video from different outings
/ drivers. Use the connect feature

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13. Real Time - Going Live........
Real-time capabilities allow Toolbox to display, analyse and manipulate live data
i.e. Telemetry &Watch data alongside traditional historic (logged) data
One of the most powerful aspects of Pi Toolbox (Pro feature only)

Eliminates the need for separate telemetry client software and extends the powerful & user-friendly tools,
features and principles that Toolbox provides for use with logged to integrate the display, analysis and comparison
of live broadcast data

Real-time outings are added into Tasks just like logged

data-except you choose the real-time option and select
the server PC

Real-time connectivity in Toolbox is configured via the

Tools\Options menu. IP address settings must match
those of the real-time broadcast system (via Pi Server,
System Configuration for Pi Sigma Systems)

The Map display allows multiple car cursors to be Overlay a reference lap of logged data
shown simultaneously -enabling the location of all a on a Time/Distance chart with real-
teams cars to be shown on a single display in real time time data to allow quick comparison

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Refresher Tips -Toolbox Top 10s
1.Top 10....Workbook Tips and Tricks

1. Add a Navigator Display to every worksheet

2. Use Copy/Paste (Cntrl C, Cntrl V) to speed duplication of Displays and Outings
(You can even use Copy / Paste to paste screen grabs of individual displays to MS Word, etc)
3. The explorer search filter is very effective also make use of ? and * advanced filter
4. Time/Distance chart statistics are for the displayed region and therefore zoom dependent
Show all traces option provides a simple alternative to a separate report
5. Use small captions and hide playback controls on Navigator to maximise screen space
6. Use Task Auto-update at the track
7. Shift and Drag a Worksheet tab to create a copy of it
8. Define and use Tasks to suit the way you work eg. by car, driver, session, year, circuit
9. If in doubt RH Click Properties to find what you want to do !
10. Add a map to your Time/Distance Chart Properties\Layout\Show Map

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Refresher Tips-Toolbox Top 10s
2. Top 10 ....Keyboard Shortcuts

1. ALT +1, ALT +2, ALT +3,

2. D
3. Z
4. R
5. Cntrl+F10
6. Cntrl R
7. Cntrl Q
Place a Toolbox Shortcuts
8. Cntrl E Sticker on your PC
Identify and try 5 more Shortcuts are also listed
keyboard shortcuts 9. H under Help\Frequently used
10. Shift+Cntrl (Pg Up/Pg Dn)

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Refresher Tips-Toolbox Top 10s
3. Top 10....Common Beginners Trip Ups
1. Cant add channels to a Display from Properties pane Press Alt+2 to Move to Selection
2. Channel Properties are not changing Check for a Local override (Note the channel symbol)
3. User Type or a quantity is suffixed to a channel name Channels with the same name but different
quantities have existed. Tip - Be mindful of channel quantity when creating maths channels. Use
Remove unused properties Feature to resolve (ensure offending channels not in use in Maths
4. Having unintentionally incorrect task associated with a display Tip use Connect all button on Toolbar
5. Incorrect Syntax in maths channels particularly Channel name capitalisation and spelling - Tip Pick
channel names from the dro down list accessed using Cntrl+Space
6. Using ^ instead of pow function in Maths Channels
7. Display zoom areas not linked
8. There are no Sector Times on my Split report Add Elapsed Time to the Split Report Display
9. Note that T/D Chart statistics only relate to the active Zoom Region
10. Channels in Overlay mode inadvertently have different scaling due to Autoscale

Create a Split report It is Always something Simple !

Identify a possible trip-up Toolbox has Excellent on-line
What other controls could help USE IT
this also apply to ?

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Refresher Tips-Toolbox Top 10s
4. Toolbox Top 10....Cool Features

1. Real Time Telemetry

2. Stacked Outings
3. Tasks & Task Auto-update
4. Registers
5. Offset Mode (x and y axis in TD chart)
6. Copy / Paste (Cntrl C/V)
7. Import / Export functionality
8. Bitfield Definitions
9. Events
10. Excel Constants

Suggest 5 more candidates

for the cool features list

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Refresher Tips-Toolbox Top 10s
5. Toolbox Top 10....Maths Channel Tips

1. Remember .........Cntrl + Space (context sensitive)!

2. Note the colours of the definition wording
3. When referencing a channel name, pick it from the list rather that typing it in Toolbox is
sensitive to spelling and capitalisation
4. Press the more button and set the quantity of the channel you are creating first ! Be
mindful of units and the need for any conversation factors
5. Adopt a Maths channel naming convention prefix with M_
6. Think about the Data rate !
7. Use // to add comments for future reference
8. Hover cursor to get Tooltips on Maths function syntax
9. Use Ctrl+] to match brackets and parentheses
10. You can import and export maths definitions

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Toolbox .....As you like it!
1. Preferences
User configuration options
Speed up data location
Speed data analysis

Startup Determines how Pi Toolbox behaves when run

Browsers - Configurable shortcuts to data locations

Select Type, Name, Path, Enabled.

Default Time Region - determines what section of an

Outing is displayed when added to a Task

Display Outing labels -Prefixes Outing with the label text

(Pi-Sigma Setup name)
Save Time and configure Toolbox to start-up
where you left off.- Under the
Most users prefer to set the time File\Preferences\Startup dialog select Re-open
format to minutes:Seconds the last workBook you were working with.

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Toolbox .....As you like it!
2. Tools\Options

Display Customisation

Set your workspace colour scheme Theme

Enable Small Captions
Construct your preferred Outing reference text
Define how outings are sorted and listed

Enabling the Small Captions Option Maximises Screen space. Captions appear when you
hover over the controls title bar

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Toolbox .....As you like it!
3. Printing

Full Print Options

Print Active Display only option

Print all axes option prints all axes on Time/Distance, X/Y and Real-time Charts

Worksheet prints all the controls on the current Worksheet

Background automatically set to white

You can also use Copy / Paste to paste images of an individual display in to other Windows
Applications MS Word etc very useful when writing reports!

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Toolbox ..Practice Laps
5. Further Examples

Read these DataBytes articles

and perform the analysis at home
using on some of your own Pi Data

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
DataBytes Live ....Toolbox





A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e
Toolbox Reference
Channel Icons

A d v a n c e d T e c h n o l o g i e s E v o l v i n g P e r f o r m a n c e

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