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The document discusses fundamentals of heat transfer including heat balances, basic heat transfer relations, effective temperature differences, and common configurations for shell and tube heat exchangers.

Some basic heat transfer relations discussed include heat balances for no phase change and isothermal condensing/boiling of fluids, as well as the equations for heat transfer rate (Q) in terms of overall heat transfer coefficient (U), heat transfer area (A), and log mean temperature difference (LMTD) or corrected mean temperature difference (CMTD).

Some factors that determine the effective temperature difference include the local temperature difference not being constant, so an average value like the log mean temperature difference (LMTD) must be used. For configurations that are partially countercurrent and co-current, a correction factor F is used to calculate the corrected mean temperature difference (CMTD).


Heat Exchangers
The process engineer is frequently required to analyze heat For isothermal condensing of the hot fluid:
exchanger designs, specify heat exchanger performance, and
determine the feasibility of using heat exchangers in new ser- Q = 0.27m H H Eq 9-2
vices. This section is prepared with these specific operations in For no phase change of the cold fluid:
mind and is not intended as a design manual.
Cp (T T )
Q = 0.27m Eq 9-3
C C C2 C1

FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT TRANSFER For isothermal boiling of the cold fluid:

The basic definitions and equations used in heat exchanger
Q = 0.27m C C Eq 9-4
calculations are reviewed below:
Basic Heat Transfer Relations
Heat Balances
Q = UA (LMTD) (single-pass design) Eq 9-5a
For no phase change of the hot fluid:
Q = UA (CMTD) (multi-pass design) Eq 9-5b
Cp (T T )
Q = 0.27m Eq 9-1
H H H1 H2

FIG. 9-1

A = area, m2 T = temperature, C
BP = baffle spacing, mm t = temperature, C
C = tube count factor TMTD = True Mean Temperature Difference, C
Cp = specific heat, kJ/(kg C) U = overall heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 C)
CMTD = Corrected Log Mean Temperature Difference, C W = width, mm
D = diameter, mm WTD = weighted temperature difference, C
F = LMTD correction factor X = weight fraction
f = ratio of one value to another = liquid expansion coefficient, 1/C
FD = free diameter, mm = latent heat, kJ/kg
G = mass velocity, kg/(m2 s) = viscosity, mPa s
GTTD = Greatest Terminal Temperature Difference, C = density, kg/m3
h = film coefficient, W/(m2 C)
H = height, mm Subscripts
k = thermal conductivity, W/(m C) b = boiling
L = length, mm C = cold fluid
LMTD = Log Mean Temperature Difference, C c = condensing
LTTD = Least Terminal Temperature Difference, C f = fouling
m = mass flowrate, kg/hr H = hot fluid
N = number of exchangers i = inside
Np = number of passes in = inlet
p = temperature efficiency L = liquid
P = pressure drop, kPa m = mean value
P = pressure, kPa (abs) n = nth value
PHE = plate and frame heat exchanger o = outside
Q = heat transferred, W out = outlet
R = heat capacity rate ratio 2 = two-phase
Re = Reynolds number = (1.001 DG)/ w = wall
RC = tube rows crossed v = vapor
r = film resistance (m2 C)/W 1 = first value
SP = number of baffle spaces 2 = second value

SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGERS properties change significantly, multi-component condensing
or boiling with non-linear duty vs. temperature curves, and
For tubular heat exchangers, the heat transfer area gener- exchangers in which the process stream undergoes both phase
ally referred to is the effective outside bare surface area of the change and sensible cooling or heating.
tubes, and the overall heat transfer coefficient must also be
based on this area. These situations may be handled by dividing the exchanger
into zones which may be treated individually with the linear
The numerous shell styles, baffle types, and tube pass ar- assumption. The overall exchanger performance may be rep-
rangements allow shell and tube exchangers to handle a wide resented in terms of the weighted average performance of the
variety of thermal and hydraulic service requirements. zones in the overall rate equation. The following equations may
be taken as the rate equations for the overall exchanger and for
Effective Temperature Difference the nth zone of the exchanger.
In most instances the local temperature difference between QTotal = Uwtd ATotal (WTD) Eq 9-7
the hot stream and the cold stream will not have a constant
value throughout a heat exchanger, and so an effective average Qn = Un An (LMTD)n Eq 9-8
value must be used in the rate equation. The appropriate aver-
Then the weighted temperature difference may be defined
age depends on the configuration of the exchanger. For simple
[Un An (LMTD)n] QTotal
FIG. 9-2
(WTD) = = Eq 9-9
Concurrent Flow and Co-current Flow [UnAn] [Qn/(LMTD)n]
And the weighted overall heat transfer coefficient becomes:
QTotal [Qn/(LMTD)n]
Uwtd = =
ATotal (WTD) ATotal Eq 9-10
In multi-component, two-phase (vapor/liquid) flow regimes
undergoing heat transfer, the vapor and liquid composition
changes that occur are related to the extent of continuous
contact of the two phases. If the vapor phase is maintained in
contact with the liquid, the total change in enthalpy (or other
properties) that accompanies the composition change is termed
integral. If the vapor is continuously removed from contact
with the liquid as it is formed, the property changes are termed
differential. An accurate representation of temperature differ-
countercurrent and co-current exchangers (Fig.9-2), the Log ence and heat transfer in these cases depends on correct consid-
Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) applies. eration of the phase separation that occurs in the heat transfer
Fig.9-3 defines LMTD in terms of Greatest Terminal Tem- equipment.
perature Difference (GTTD) and Least Terminal Temperature
Difference (LTTD), where terminal refers to the first or last Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
point of heat exchange in the heat exchanger. 1
Uo = Eq 9-11
For exchanger configurations with flow passes arranged to 1 Ao 1 A
ho Ai hi Ai
+ + rw + rfo + o rfi
be partially countercurrent and partially co-current, it is com-
mon practice to calculate the LMTD as though the exchanger
were in countercurrent flow, and then to apply a correction fac-
tor to obtain the effective temperature difference. Metal Resistance for Plain Tubes
CMTD = (LMTD) (F) = Corrected Mean The metal resistance is calculated by the following equation:
Temperature Difference Eq 9-6 Do Do
rw = ln Eq 9-12
The magnitude of the correction factor, F, depends on the ex- 2 1000 kw
changer configuration and the stream temperatures. Values of Values of the tube metal thermal conductivity are found in
F are shown in Figs.9-4, 9-5, 9-6, and 9-7 for most common Fig.9-8 for several materials of construction at different metal
exchanger arrangements. In general, if the value obtained for temperatures.
F is less than 0.8, it is a signal that the selected exchanger con-
figuration is not suitable, and that one more closely approach- Fouling Resistances
ing countercurrent flow should be sought.
Fouling resistances depend largely upon the types of fluid
Heat Exchange with Non-Linear Behavior being handled, i.e., the amount and type of suspended or dis-
solved material which may deposit on the tube walls, suscep-
The above Corrected Log Mean Temperature Difference tibility to thermal decomposition, etc., and the velocity and
(CMTD) implicitly assumes a linear relation between duty and temperature of the streams. Fouling resistance for a particular
stream temperature change. Some situations for which this service is usually selected on the basis of experience with simi-
assumption is not applicable include process streams which lar streams. Some typical values are given in Fig.9-9 and in the
undergo a very large temperature change so that the physical TEMA Standards.

FIG. 9-3
LMTD Chart

FIG. 9-4
LMTD Correction Factor (1 shell passes; 2 or more tube passes)

FIG. 9-5
LMTD Correction Factor (2 shell passes; 4 or more tube passes)

FIG. 9-6
LMTD Correction Factor (3 shell passes; 6 or more tube passes)

FIG. 9-7
LMTD Correction Factor (4 shell passes; 8 or more tube passes)

Film Resistances Shell side film resistance and shell side pressure drop have
similar arrays. In Fig.9-10 all the variables that change in a
Equations for calculating the film coefficients, ho, and hi, for vertical column apply where the flow regime is appropriate.
the simpler common geometries, as functions of flow rate and
fluid properties, may be found in heat transfer references and in The stream types and flow regimes shown in Fig.9-11 are
engineering handbooks. Some typical values of film resistances typical for most fluids encountered in gas plants. These base
are given in Fig.9-11. Some common overall heat transfer coef- values of film resistance and pressure drop are used with the
ficients are shown in Fig.9-9. relationships given in Fig.9-10 to evaluate an exchanger design
or to project the performance of an exchanger in a new service.
Film coefficients, film resistances, and overall heat transfer This can best be understood by following Example9-1.
coefficient are related as follows: hi = 1/ri, ho = 1/ro, and U =1r
(as in Equation9-11). Example 9-1 The heat exchanger specification sheet, Fig. 9-
12, shows the heat transfer requirements and the mechanical
Performance Evaluation With design configuration for an oil-to-oil exchanger. Evaluate the
Sensible Heat Transfer indicated performance of this design.

To predict the performance of a particular exchanger in a Solution Steps

new service or to compare different designs for a given service,
1. Check the heat balance on the data sheet. (See Fig.9-12)
it is useful to understand the effects of changes in the variables
on film resistance to heat transfer and pressure drop. If vari- Cp (T T )]
[m H H H1 H2
ables (subscripted 1) are used for a reference basis (as those QH/QC =
[mCCpC (TC2 TC1)]
values given in Fig.9-11 are intended to be) a proration to a
new condition (subscripted 2) can be applied based on ratioing [(215 784)(2.270) (92 38)]
the correlation of the variable at the new condition to the refer- = = 1.0
[(295 225)(2.51) (51 16)]
ence condition. For film coefficients and pressure drop determi-
nations, Fig.9-10 summarizes these ratios for the applicable 2. Calculate the LMTD.
variables. If tube side film resistance and pressure drop at new
conditions involving turbulent flow were desired, the variable 92 38
arrays would be: 51 16

41 22
hi r2 2 k1 Cp1 G1 Di2
0.47 0.67 0.33 0.8 0.2

h2 r1 1 k2 Cp2 G2 Di1
= = (41 22)
Eq 9-13
LMTD = = 30.5C
and, ln(41/22)

P2 2 0.2 G2 1.8 1 Di1 1.2 Np2

P1 1 G1 2 Di2 Np1
Eq 9-14 FIG. 9-9
Typical Heat Transfer Coefficients, U, and
Fouling Resistances, rf

Service and (rf) U Service and (rf) U

FIG. 9-8
Water (0.0004)/ 200-225 Rich (0.0002)/Lean Oil 450-570
Typical* Metal Thermal Conductivities, k w 700 kPa Gas (0.0002) (0.0004)
2000 kPa Gas 225-285 C3 Liq/C3 Liq (0.0002) 625-740
W/(m C)
Material Metal Temperature
5000 kPa Gas 340-400 MEA/MEA (0.0004) 680-740
93C 204C 316C 427C (0.0002)
Aluminum, 3003 Tempered 180 183 7000 kPa Gas 450-570 700 kPa Gas/3400 kPa Gas 280-400
Carbon Steel 50 48 45 42 (0.0002)
Kerosene (0.0002) 450-500 7000 kPa Gas/7000 kPa 340-450
Carbon Moly (1/2%) Steel 43 43 42 38
21/4% Cr, 1% Mo Steel 36 38 36 35
MEA (0.0004) 740-850 7000 kPa Gas/Cond. C3 340-450
13 Cr 28 28 28 28 (0.0002)
304 Stainless Steel 16 17 19 21 Air (0.0004) 110-140 Steam (0.0001) Reboilers 800-900
Admiralty 121 137 154 Water (0.0002) 1000-1140 Hot Oil (0.0004) Reboilers 510-680
Copper 389 388 386 Condensing with Heat Transfer Fluid 450-625
water (0.0004)/ (0.0002) Reboilers
90-10 CuNi 52 59 73 85
C3 or C4 (0.0002) 710-765
70-30 CuNi 31 36 43 52
Naphtha (0.0002) 400-450
Nickel 200 67 61 57 57
Still Overhead 400-450
NiFeCrMoCu (Alloy 825) 12 14 16 17 (0.0002)
Titanium 21 20 19 19 Amine (0.0004) 570-625
*Excerpt from TEMA Standards U in W/(m C)
rf in (m C)/W

FIG. 9-10
Variables in Exchanger Performance

r2 = (f) (r1) P2 = (f) (P1)

Variable* Flow Regime
Shell (f) Tube (f) Shell (f) Tube (f)
Viscosity Turbulent (2/1)0.27 (2/1)0.47 (2/1)0.15 (2/1)0.2
Viscosity bulk to wall correction Streamline 1 w2 0.14
2 w1

Thermal conductivity Turb. or Streamline (k1/k2)0.67 (k1/k2)0.67

Sp. heat capacity Turb. or Streamline (Cp1/Cp2)0.33 (Cp1/Cp2)0.33
Mass velocity Turbulent (G1/G2) 0.6
(G1/G2)0.8 (G2/G1)1.85 (G2/G1)1.8
(or mass flowrate) Streamline (G1/G2)0.33 (G2/G1)
Density Turb. or Streamline (1/2) 1/2
Tube diameter Turbulent (Do2/Do1) 0.4
(Di2/Di1) 0.2
(Do1/Do2) 0.15
Tube diameter Streamline (Di2/Di1) 0.33
Tube length Streamline (L2/L1))0.33
Tube passes Turb. or Streamline (Np2/Np1)
No. baffle spaces Turb. or Streamline SP2/SP1
No. tube rows crossed RC2/RC1
* Use consistent units for any one variable in both cases.
f is the ratio of the new value to the old value for a given variable. The overall f is the product of the individual fs.
Number of rows of tubes exposed to cross flow (as opposed to parallel flow). This number is determined by baffle and bundle geometry

FIG. 9-11
Base Values for Use with Fig. 9-10 (1)

Tubeside (One Pass)

Fluid Flow Regime Local r
k Cp P/m (2) Gi Di
Water SI Turbulent 0.000 16 0.620 4.19 995 1.54 0.764 1294 15.7
HC Oil SI Turbulent 0.000 67 0.136 2.09 751 1.37 0.726 903 12.6
Methane SI Turbulent 0.0010 0.035 2.26 4.32 3.10 0.0113 152 15.7
HC Oil SI Streamline 0.0086 0.124 2.20 822 0.19 (3) 207 21.2
k Cp P(6) (5) Go(7) Do
Water SI Turbulent 0.000 088 0.684 4.216 958 1.6 0.282 765.1 15.9
HC Oil SI Turbulent 0.000 49 0.132 2.33 750 1.7 0.549 646.4 15.9
Methane SI Turbulent 0.000 67 0.064 2.74 3.68 0.62 0.0182 30.2 15.9

(1) Symbols and units are defined in Fig. 9-1

(2) Bulk average viscosity
(3) 6.62 and Wall viscosity is 27.75
(4) 3.16 kPa for a 5.2 m tube
(5) Average film viscosity
(6) Crossflow P/baffle space/10 tube rows crossed between centroids of cut openings.
(7) Average crossflow mass velocity (see crossflow area calculation in Fig. 9-13

 ince the exchanger is countercurrent flow, the CMTD is
S From Fig.9-10 (see Note ), the ratio of the new to the old
the LMTD. resistance is:
3. Check the required heat transfer coefficient. (ro)2 = (f) (ro)1
7 327 000 Use base values from Fig.9-11 for (ro)1 conditions.
U = = 572.0 W/(m2 C)
2 0.27 k1 0.67 Cp1 0.33 G1 0.6 Do2 0.4
1 k2 Cp2 G2 Do1
4. Calculate the tube side pressure drop and resistance to f =

heat transfer with the relationships shown in Fig.9-10
and the values shown in Fig.9-11. 0.34 0.27 0.132 0.67 2.33 0.33 646.4 0.6 19.05 0.4
0.549 0.133 2.27 591.8 15.7
The total cross sectional flow area
= 1.000
[784 (Di)2]
= = (784) (194.78) = 152 706 mm2 (ro)2 = (f) (ro)1 = (0.998) (0.000 49) = 0.000 49 (m2 C)/W
(295 225) From Fig.9-10 (see Note ), the ratio of the new to the old
G = = 537.0 kg/(m2 s) pressure drop is:
[(3600) (152 706/1 000 000)]
(Po)2 = (f) (Po)1
Re = = 40 200 Use base values from Fig.9-11 for (Po)1 conditions. Ob-
tain tube rows crossed between baffle window centroids
Therefore, it is turbulent flow since Re > 2000. from Fig.9-13.
From Fig.9-10 (see Note ), the ratio of the second to the RC2 = 23 (RC1 = 10 per note on Fig.9-11)
first resistance is:
Obtain the number of crossflow spaces, which is one more
(ri)2 = (f) (ri)1 than the number of baffles, from Fig.9-12.
Use base values from Fig.9-11 for (ri)1 conditions. SP2 = 19 [SP1 = 1 per note on Fig.9-11 since (Po)1
is for one baffle space.]
2 0.47
k1 0.67 Cp1 0.33 G1 0.8 Di2 0.2

1 k2 Cp2 G2 Di1
f =

2 0.15 G2 1.85 1 Do1 0.15 SP2 RC2
1 G1 2 Do2 SP1 RC1
0.21 0.47 0.136 0.67 2.09 0.33 903 0.8 15.7 0.2 f =

0.726 0.135 2.51 537 12.6

0.34 0.15 591.8 1.85 750 15.7 0.15 19 23
0.549 646.4 660 19.05 1 10
= 0.840 =

Basis: (Inside Area) = 38.0
(ri)2 = f(ri)1 and (ri)1 = 0.000 67 from Fig.9-11 (Po)2 = (f) (Po)1 = (38.0) (1.7) = 64.6 kPa
= (0.840) (0.000 67)
6. Calculate the tube metal resistance.
= 0.000 563 (m2 C)/W
Do = 19.05 mm
 rom Fig.9-10 (see Note ), the ratio of the second to the
first pressure drop is: Di = 15.75 mm

(Pi)2 = (f) (Pi)1 kw = 50 W/(m C) from Fig.9-8.

Use base values from Fig.9-11 for (Pi)1 conditions. Do Do

2 1000kw Di
rw = ln

2 G2 1.8 1
Di1 Np2

1 G1 2 Di2 Np1
f = = 0.000 036(m2 C)/W

0.21 0.2 537 1.8 751 12.6 1.2 1 7. Calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient.
0.726 903 614 15.7 1

Ao Ao
= 0.285
Ai Ai
r = ri + ro + rw + rfo + rfi

(Pi)2 = (f) (Pi)1 = (0.285) (1.37) = 0.390 kPa/m
For a 9.15 m tube length the total 9.15(0.390) = 3.569 kPa = 0.000 563

5. Calculate the shell side pressure drop and resistance to + 0.000 49 + 0.000 036 + 0.000 35
heat transfer with the relationships shown in Fig.9-10,
the values shown in Fig.9-11, and the data shown in 0.0182
+ 0.000 2 = 0.0018
(215 784) 1 1
G = = 591.8 kg/(m2 s) U = = = 555.6 W/(m2 C)
(3600)(101 283/1 000 000) r 0.001 78

FIG. 9-12
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Specification Sheet

1 Job No.
2 Customer Reference No.
3 Address Proposal No.
4 Plant Location Date Rev.
5 Service of Unit Oil to Oil Exchanger Item No. E-4
6 Size 30-360 Type NEN (Hor) Connected In Parallel Series
7 Surf./Unit (Gross/Eff.) m2 Shells/Unit Surf/Shell (Gross/Eff.) m2
9 Fluid Allocation Shell Side Tube Side
10 Fluid Name Lean Oil Rich Oil
11 Fluid Quantity, Total kg/h 215 784 295 225
12 Vapor (In/Out)
13 Liquid 215 784 215 784 295 225 295 225
14 Steam
15 Water
16 Noncondensable
17 Temperature (In/Out) C 92 38 16 51
18 Density kg/m3 660 @ 64.8C 614 @ 33.4C
19 Viscosity, Liquid mPa s 0.34 @ 64.8C 0.21 @ 33.4C
20 Molecular Weight, Vapor
21 Molecular Weight, Noncondensable
22 Specific Heat (AVG.) kJ/(kg C) 2270 @ 64.8C 2510 @ 33.4C
23 Thermal Conductivity J/(s m2 C/m) 0.133 @ 64.8C 0.135 @ 33.4C
24 Latent Heat kJ/(kg @ C)
25 Inlet Pressure kPa (abs) 860 3 100
26 Velocity m/s
27 Pressure Drop, Allow./Calc. kPa 85 / 15 /
28 Fouling Resistance (Min.)/Calc. m2 C/W 0.000 35 / 0.000 18 /
29 Heat Exchanged 7.327 M/W: MTD (Corrected) C
30 Transfer Rate, Service Clean W/(m2 C)
31 CONSTRUCTION OF ONE SHELL Sketch (Bundle/Nozzle Orientation)
32 Shell Side Tube Side
33 Design/Test Pressure kPa (ga) 1 300/ 3500/
34 Design Temperature C 340 340
35 No. Passes per Shell 1 1
36 Corrosion Allowance mm 2 2
37 Connections In
Size & Rating
38 Out

39 Intermediate

40 Tube No. 784 OD 18 mm; thk 1.651 mm.; Length 9 m; Pitch 2.4 m
30 60
41 Tube Type Material steel
42 Shell Steel ID OD Shell Cover (Integ.) (Remov.)
43 Channel or Bonnet steel Integ. Channel Cover steel
44 Tubesheet Stationary steel Integ. Tubesheet-Floating
45 Floating Head Cover Impingement Protection
46 Baffles-Cross Type % Cut (Diam/Area) Spacing: c/c Inlet mm
47 Baffles-Long Seal Type
48 Supports-Tube U-Bend Type
49 Bypass Seal Arrangement Spacers Tube-Tubesheet Joint
50 Expansion Joint NONE Type
51 v2-Inlet Nozzle Bundle Entrance Bundle Exit
52 Gaskets-Shell Side Tube Side
53 -Floating Head
54 Code Requirements ASME TEMA Class C
55 Weight/Shell Filled with Water Bundle kg
56 Remarks

8. Compare the required heat transfer coefficient calculated sufficiently low to prevent flooding the exchanger and evaluat-
in step 3 to the value calculated in step 7. (Available ing an appropriate temperature profile at the condensing surface
U=561.8; required U=570.4) The available value is to determine an effective temperature difference. The technical
1.6% less than the required value, and the calculated literature addresses criteria for flooding determination1 and spe-
pressure drops are less than the pressure drops allowed cial flow characteristics of falling liquid films. A useful estimate
in Fig.9-12. Therefore, by these calculations, the unit for determining an effective temperature difference can be made
will perform adequately. by assuming an isothermal condensate film at the saturation
temperature of the last condensate formed. If the condensing
CONDENSERS temperature range exceeds 5C, consulting a specialist is recom-
mended for a more rigorous calculation procedure.
The purpose of a condenser is to change a fluid stream from
the vapor state to the liquid state by removing the heat of vapor- The condensing of a pure component occurs at a constant
ization. The fluid stream may be a pure component or a mixture temperature equal to the saturation temperature of the incom-
of components. Condensation may occur on the shell side or the ing vapor stream. Frequently a vapor enters a condenser su-
tube side of an exchanger oriented vertically or horizontally. perheated and must have the sensible heat removed from the
vapor before condensation can occur. If the condensing surface
Condensing the overhead vapors of a distillation column is temperature is greater than the incoming vapor saturation
an example of condensing a mixed vapor stream. A vertical ex- temperature, the superheat in the vapor is transferred to the
changer flanged directly to the top of the column might be used. cold surface by a sensible heat transfer mechanism (drywall
The condensed liquid drains back into the column countercur- condition). If the condensing surface temperature is less than
rent to the vapor entering the condenser. The major concerns the saturation temperature of the incoming vapor, a conden-
in designing this type exchanger are keeping the vapor velocity sate film will be formed on the cold surface. The sensible heat
is removed from the vapor at the condensate-vapor interface
by vaporizing (flashing) condensate so that the heat of vapor-
FIG. 9-13 ization is equal to the sensible heat removed from the vapor.
Heat Exchanger Detail Design Results Under this wet wall condition, the effective temperature of
the vapor is the saturation temperature, and the effective heat
transfer mechanism is condensation. The determination of the
point in the desuperheating zone of a condenser where dry-
wall conditions cease and wet wall conditions begin is a trial
and error procedure. A method frequently employed to give a
safe approximation of the required surface is to use the con-
densing coefficient and the CMTD based on the vapor satura-
tion temperature to calculate the surface required for both the
desuperheating zone and the condensing zone.
The following Example9-2 will illustrate the use of the heat
release curve to calculate the surface required and the LMTD
for each zone in a condenser for a pure component application.
Example 9-2 A propane refrigerant condenser is required
to condense the vapor stream using the heat release curve as
shown in Fig.9-14. This stream enters the condenser superheat-
ed and leaves the condenser as a subcooled liquid. Assume that
a single-tube pass, single-shell pass, counterflow exchanger is

FIG. 9-14
Propane Condensing Curve

Leakage use TEMA tolerances

tube hole= 784 19.05 0.4 = 18 768 mm2
shell crack=762 4.445 0.60 = 6 385 mm2
25 153 mm2
Window flow area:
window area = 0.237(762)2 = 137 613 mm2
tubesinwindow= 208 0.785 (19.05)2 = 59 255 mm2
78 358 mm2
leak25 153 mm2
103 511 mm2
Cross flow area:
Free area = 171.45 mm 473.08 = 81 109 mm2
Leakage = 25 153 mm2
Net cross flow area = 106 262 mm2
BP =bafflepitch = 473.08 mm
FD =freediameter = 171.45 mm

Note: window area cross flow area

used so that LMTD correction factors do not apply. Note that the ZONE 1
propane is on the shell side. The overall heat transfer coefficients
for each zone are as follows: Q = Q1 = 1 730 000 W from above.

Desuperheating: (82C to 42C) 82 56.0

34 33.15
Uv = 396.6 W/(m2 C)
48 22.8
hv = 630.4 W/(m2 C) 48 22.8
LMTD = = 33.8C
Condensing: (42C to 42C) ln (48/22.8)
Uc = 794.4 W/(m2 C) 1 730 000
A = = 129 m2
(396.6) (33.8)
Subcooling: (42C to 35C )
UL = 649.7 W/(m2 C)
Q = Qv Q1 + Qc (Qc from Fig.9-14)
Solution Steps = 2 650 000 1 730 000 + 8 880 000
1. Calculate the surface temperature (outside wall) on the
= 9 800 000 W
vapor side at the refrigerant stream inlet using the fol-
lowing equation:2 (1 730 000 + 9 800 000)
TC = 34 (34 28) = 28.3C
Two = Tv [Uv (Tv TC)/hv] 12 150 000
2. If the surface temperature calculated in step1 is greater (NOTE: You do not use 56C as the inlet temperature to this
than the vapor saturation temperature, calculate the zone.)
amount of desuperheating that will be done by a sensible 42.0 42.0
heat transfer mechanism. If the surface temperature is
less than the vapor saturation temperature, assume that 33.15 28.3

the desuperheating duty will be done by a condensing 8.9 13.7
heat transfer mechanism. 13.7 8.9
LMTD = = 11.1C
3. Obtain the duty for the appropriate temperature ranges ln (13.7/8.9)
from Fig.9-14.
9 800 000
A = = 1111 m2
4. Solve the equation Q=UA (LMTD) for the required sur- (794.4)(11.1)
face area in each zone. The sum of these areas is the sur- ZONE 3
face required for the exchanger.
Q = QL = 621 000 W from Fig. 9-14
396.6 (82 34)

Two = 82 = 51.8C 42.0 35
28.3 28
The surface temperature at the vapor inlet is greater than the
saturation temperature, therefore, drywall desuperheating 13.7 7
will take place initially. By trial and error, calculate the duty 13.7 7
required when the assumed bulk vapor temperature results in LMTD = = 10.0C
ln (13.7/7)
a surface temperature less than the saturation temperature,
thereby marking the transition from drywall to wet wall de- 621 000
superheating. Assume the vapor bulk temperature is 56C. A = = 95 m2
Qv = 1 980 000 W from Fig.9-14. Total Area
(82 56) A = 129 + 1111 + 95 = 1335 m2
1 =
Q (2 650 000)
(82 42) The condensing of a vapor mixture requires additional con-
= 1 730 000 W (Heat removed from vapor siderations to those outlined above for pure components. If the
between 82C and 56C) mixture condenses over a narrow temperature range, the pure
component analysis is applicable. If, on the other hand, the mix-
1 730 000 ture condenses over a wide temperature range, the problem is
12 150 000
TC = 34 (34 28) = 33.15C
complicated by the relationship between heat and mass trans-
fer rates. This is also true in the case of condensing vapors in
(TC is the water temperature at Qv Q1, see Fig.9-14) the presence of noncondensables.
396.6 The calculation of the condensing coefficient involves physi-
wo = 56
T (56 33.15) = 41.6C
cal and thermodynamic properties of the condensing fluid, the
Include the remainder of the desuperheating duty in the con- two-phase flow regime involved, and the heat exchanger type,
densing zone. (Zone2.) geometry, and orientation. The detailed design of such a con-
denser should be left to a specialist.

REBOILERS AND VAPORIZERS Effective Temperature Difference
The Pool Boiling Curve Boiling, like condensing, may not occur at a constant heat
transfer coefficient. The basic definition of Log Mean Tempera-
Boiling, as applied to reboilers and vaporizers, can be a com- ture Difference may not apply. The effective temperature dif-
plicated relationship of heat and mass transfer. The simplest ference, often called the True Mean Temperature Difference
form is pool boiling where hot fluid inside a tube causes va- (TMTD), must be determined based on installation and fluid
por generation on the outside surface of the tube from a pool conditions at the reboiler. Elevation of a fluids bubble point
of liquid. The heat exchange capability of a fluid in pool boiling by static head being added to a columns sump pressure means
is determined by empirically correlated data and represented a subcooled liquid must be heated to a bubble point higher
as a Pool Boiling Curve that is specific for a composition and than the bottom tray liquid temperature. With countercurrent
a pressure. Fig.9-15 is a typical representation of single tube or co-current flow arrangements, an incrementally evaluated
data. The shape and regions of the curve in Fig.9-15 are char- Weighted Temperature Difference (WTD) is appropriate. How-
acteristic of pure component fluids and most mixtures domi- ever, in crossflow and pool boiling, a different analysis must ap-
nated by a single component. Mixtures that boil over a wide ply. In pool boiling, a temperature rise is not readily predictable
temperature range or are being vaporized near their critical along a particular geometric flowpath. For design purposes, the
point may not fit the characteristic shape or regions. With ap- TMTD is often taken as if the pool were isothermal at the vapor
propriate curve data and heating medium temperature level, a outlet temperature.
well designed pool reboiler will have heat fluxes in the region
analogous to the B-C-D region of Fig.9-15. Exchangers designed Hydraulic Effects
in the E-F-G regions (high surface temperature) may foul faster
When the geometric flowpath of a boiling fluid is well de-
from thermally activated chemical reactions than would a wet
fined (all boiling except pool boiling), the effects of liquid and
wall design. In the flux inversion region (D-E) erratic, if not re-
vapor velocities are part of a design or operating analysis. Liq-
versed, control behavior will occur. Fig. 9-16 summarizes some
uid and vapor co-exist in `regimes as illustrated in Fig.9-17.
typical heat flux ranges for some common fluids.
Typically, these regimes progress to termination between Slug
Flow and Mist-Annular Flow in a reboiler. In these regimes
FIG. 9-15 the heat transfer coefficient has two important contributing
parts, convective boiling and nucleate boiling. When liquid is
A Typical Pool Boiling Curve
recirculated to a reboiler, the heat transfer coefficient is maxi-
mized and such limiting conditions as Mist Flow, Vapor Film
D G Boiling, and two-phase momentum transfer instability may be

avoided. The latter form of instability occurs when liquid feed



FIG. 9-17
Two-Phase Flow Regimes in Vertical Tubes



Courtesy of HTRI

FIG. 9-16
Typical Overall Boiling Heat Flux Ranges

Heat Boiling Heat Flux Range,

Medium Fluid W/m2
Hot Oil C1-C2 HC 22 000 - 25 000
C3-C5 HC 20 000 - 44 000
Rich Oil 8 000 - 11 000
Amines 11 000 - 17 000
HC Gas C1-C2 HC 6 000 - 14 000
Steam C1-C2 HC 25 000 - 41 000
C3-C5 HC 31 000 - 47 000
Rich Oil 13 000 - 19 000
Amines 15 000 - 21 000

to a reboiler has pulsations (intermittent liquid flow reversal) large heat exchange surface, or high vapor quality is required.
generated by an instantaneous vapor acceleration pressure Installations include column bottom reboilers, side reboilers, or
drop that temporarily causes the total pressure drop to exceed vaporizers. Fig.9-18 shows a typical kettle. Kettles are general-
available static head. The heat medium temperature affects the ly more costly than other reboiler types due to shell size, surge
same limiting conditions and may be the controlling variable volume size, and uncertainty in the TMTD. Kettle sizing should
when recirculation is not possible. Design and operating analy- consider the amount of liquid entrainment that is acceptable,
sis requires a study of hydraulics, heat medium temperature, and the variations of liquid level within the shell. Square tube
and exchanger geometry for a particular fluid to define valid layout and a tube pitch that is not excessively tight will help to
limitations on a reboiler. Analytical methods are available in avoid tube dry-out. Without TMTD or fouling problems, a col-
the technical literature noted in the bibliography. umn-internal (stab-in) reboiler would be suitable if the required
surface is relatively small.
Types of Reboilers
RecirculatingthermosyphonRecirculating thermo-
KettleKettle reboilers are commonly applied when a syphon reboilers are applicable when process operations are
wide range of process operations (high turndown capability), consistently near design rates. Typically, these are vertical tube
side boiling, like Fig.9-19, or for large surface requirements,
horizontal shell side boiling. Installation requires a fixed static
FIG. 9-18 head, such as a partitioned column sump or a head drum, for
recirculation. Recirculating thermosyphon reboilers are gener-
Kettle Reboiler on Column Bottoms
ally the least costly of reboiler types (other than column-inter-
nal type) due to maximized heat transfer, accurate TMTD, and
relatively low fouling tendencies (due to higher velocities). Care
should be exercised when starting up thermosiphon reboilers to
avoid excessive heat flux and vaporization.
Once-throughOnce-through reboilers are applicable
when the feed is available without the capability for recircula-
tion. These boilers may be called thermosyphons when taking
a column tray liquid as feed such as shown in Fig.9-20. Once-
through reboilers and vaporizers have the lowest fluid residence
time on the hot surface and have a fixed downstream pressure
which fixes the inlet pressure to the reboiler (externally fixed
head is not required). However, they have the narrowest range
of stable hydraulics and heat medium temperatures in the wet
wall regions of boiling due to the fixed flowrate. Substantial
process judgment and analytical support are required for sat-
isfactory performance. Once-through reboilers can be in either
the horizontal or vertical position and have been designed for
either shellside or tubeside boiling.

FIG. 9-19
FIG. 9-20
Recirculating Thermosyphon Reboiler
on Column Bottoms Once-Through Reboiler with Bottom Tray Feed

Pump-throughPump-through or pump-around re- Suppressed vaporization operation requires a throttling valve
boilers are applicable when handling viscous liquid or partic- in the outlet line of the reboiler to generate vapor at the down-
ulate-laden liquid, and when liquid heating by pressure sup- stream fixed pressure.
pressed vaporization are desirable. Any arrangement of shell
side or tube side boiling, vertical or horizontal may be used, Type SelectionReboiler type selection generally follows
but Fig.9-21 is a typical arrangement. Pump-through reboil- the guidelines of Fig.9-22.
ers may or may not include recirculated liquid, but usually do.
FIG. 9-21
Pump Through Reboiler on Column Bottoms Industry Standards
Shell and tube heat exchanger technology for gas, chemical,
and petroleum processing plants has developed a broad basis of
common understanding through the Standards of Tubular Ex-
changers Manufacturers Association (TEMA). These TEMA
Standards provide nomenclature, dimensional tolerances,
manufacturers and purchasers responsibilities, general instal-
lation and operating guidelines, and specific design and fabrica-
tion practices.
The design and fabrication practices of TEMA are in three
classifications, called Class R, C, or B. Class R is applied
to services with severe operating and maintenance characteris-
tics. Class C is for the least severe characteristics. Class B
is for chemical process applications between Classes R and
C. All classes are intended to be limited to ASME Code, Sec-
tionVIII, Div.1, cylinder wall thicknesses of less than about 2",
and stud diameters of less than about 3"; though thicker compo-
nents can be applied by the design practices specified.
TEMA Standards provide a Recommended Good Practice
for the designers consideration in areas outside of the limits
of the specified standards. Guidance and references are noted
for seismic design, large diameter exchangers, tube vibration,

FIG. 9-22
Reboiler Selection Chart

Shell and Tube Exchanger Nomenclature


Courtesy of TEMA

tube-to-tubesheet stress analysis, nozzle loading analysis, and Shell Size and Tube Count Estimation
numerous other design-limiting features.
The tube count in a given shell diameter varies with the
Detailed understanding of shell and tube exchangers for tube diameter, tube spacing and layout (pitch), type of tube
use in the process industry requires an understanding of the bundle, number of tube passes, and the shell side entrance and
TEMA Standards. Other industry standards as may be offered exit area allowed. After selecting an appropriate tube outside
by ASME, API, or ANSI can be applied in a particular situa- diameter and tube length, the number of tubes required to re-
tion with or without TEMA Standards. The purchase order and sult in a given heat transfer surface can be calculated using the
specification sheet for a particular service will normally iden- external square meter/meter data from Fig. 9-25.
tify the applicable industry standards.
Fig. 9-26 is a plot of tube count vs. diameter for four different
Nomenclature triangular tube pitches most commonly used in shell and tube
exchangers. Entering these curves with the required tube count
Fig.9-23 summarizes the major shell-and-tube exchanger will give a diameter which can be corrected for the various fac-
components other than tubes and baffles. The letters are used tors noted to determine the actual shell diameter required.
for a standard nomenclature in the industry. A three-letter type
designation in the order of front head type, shell type, and rear To correct for square pitch, multiply the shell inside diam-
head type is used. For example, an AJS would have a front head eter from Fig. 9-26 by 1.075. No correction factor is needed for
that is removable with a removable cover, a shell that is ar- any other pitch. To allow for entrance or exit areas, multiply
ranged for divided flow, and a rear floating head with a backing shell inside diameter from Fig. 9-26 by 1.02 for each inlet or
device (usually a split-ring). Factors to consider in selecting a outlet area to be used. Fig. 9-27 is a table of factors to correct
shell and tube exchanger type are summarized in Fig.9-24. inside shell diameter for pass arrangement.
Fig. 9-28 is a table of adders to correct for type of construc-
Tube Wall Determination tion.
The required tube wall thickness is determined from the
Example 9-3 Determine the shell diameter for 320 tubes, 25
ASME Code, SectionVIII, Division1 for cylinders under in-
mm OD spaced on a 32 mm square pitch layout, four-pass tubes,
ternal or external pressure. If U-tubes are used, the thinning
in a split ring type floating head shell and tube exchanger, with
of the tube wall in the bends must be considered. A minimum
inlet flow area allowed.
wall tube whose thickness is equal to or greater than the cal-
culated thickness may be used, or an average wall tube whose Solution Steps
minimum thickness is equal to or greater than the calculated
thickness may be used. It is satisfactory to use an average wall 1. From the top curve of Fig. 9-26 read 630 mm correspond-
tube that is one BWG heavier than the required minimum wall ing to 320 tubes for the given tube spacing and pitch.
thickness; however, it is not always possible to substitute a
minimum wall tube that is one BWG thinner than a specified 2. Correct for square pitch by multiplying by 1.075.
average wall thickness tube. If the calculated wall thickness is 3. Using Fig. 9-27 correct for four pass by multiplying by
less than the value recommended by TEMA, the TEMA values 1.05.
are used. Fig.9-25 summarizes standard tube data.

FIG. 9-24
Shell and Tube Exchanger Selection Guide (Cost Increases from Left to Right)

Floating Head Floating Head

Floating Head
Type of Design U Tube Fixed Tubesheet Split Backing Pull-Through
Outside Packed
Ring Bundle
Provision for differential individual tubes expansion joint
floating head floating head floating head
expansion free to expand in shell
Removeable bundle yes no yes yes yes
Replacement bundle possible yes not practical yes yes yes
only those in
Individual tubes replaceable yes yes yes yes
outside row
difficult to do yes, yes, yes, yes,
Tube interiors cleanable mechanically, can mechanically or mechanically or mechanically or mechanically or
do chemically chemically chemically chemically chemically
Tube exteriors with triangular
chemically only chemically only chemically only chemically only chemically only
pitch cleanable
yes, yes, yes, yes,
Tube exteriors with square
mechanically or chemically only mechanically or mechanically or mechanically or
pitch cleanable
chemically chemically chemically chemically
any practical even normally no normally no normally no normally no
Number of tube passes
number possible limitations limitations limitations limitations
Internal gaskets eliminated yes yes yes no no

FIG. 9-25
Characteristics of Tubing

Tube Tube B.W.G. Thickness Internal Sq. Meter Sq. Meter Weight Tube Moment Section Radius Constant Transverse
O.D. O.D. Gauge area External Internal Per Meter I.D. of Modules of C** O.D. Metal Area
Surface Surface Length Inertia Gyration I.D.
Per Meter Per Meter Steel Sq. Cm.
in. mm mm Sq. Cm. Length Length kg* mm cm4 cm3 mm
4 6.35 22 0.711 0.1910 0.0199 0.0155 0.098 4.93 0.0050 0.0161 2.009 69 1.289 0.1258
4 6.35 24 0.559 0.2148 0.0199 0.0164 0.080 5.23 0.0042 0.0136 2.057 77 1.214 0.1019
4 6.35 26 0.457 0.2323 0.0199 0.0171 0.067 5.44 0.0037 0.0116 2.090 84 1.168 0.8452
4 6.35 27 0.406 0.2406 0.0199 0.0174 0.060 5.54 0.0033 0.0107 2.106 87 1.147 0.0761
8 9.53 18 1.245 0.3890 0.0299 0.0221 0.254 7.04 0.0283 0.0590 2.962 140 1.354 0.3239
8 9.53 20 0.889 0.4716 0.0299 0.0243 0.189 7.75 0.0229 0.0475 3.068 170 1.230 0.2413
8 9.53 22 0.711 0.5155 0.0299 0.0255 0.155 8.10 0.0191 0.0410 3.127 185 1.176 0.1968
8 9.53 24 0.559 0.5548 0.0299 0.0264 0.124 8.41 0.0158 0.0328 3.175 200 1.133 0.1574
2 12.7 16 1.651 0.6935 0.0399 0.0295 0.449 9.40 0.0874 0.1409 3.950 250 1.351 0.5729
2 12.7 18 1.245 0.8187 0.0399 0.0321 0.351 10.21 0.0749 0.1163 4.074 295 1.244 0.4477
2 12.7 20 0.889 0.9368 0.0399 0.0343 0.259 10.92 0.0583 0.0918 4.188 337 1.163 0.3297
2 12.7 22 0.711 0.9987 0.0399 0.0360 0.210 11.28 0.0499 0.0787 4.247 359 1.126 0.2677
8 15.88 12 2.769 0.8394 0.0499 0.0325 0.894 10.34 0.2539 0.3228 4.737 302 1.536 1.1419
8 15.88 13 2.413 0.9587 0.0499 0.0347 0.801 11.05 0.2373 0.2999 4.836 345 1.437 1.0194
8 15.88 14 2.108 1.0677 0.0499 0.0366 0.716 11.66 0.2206 0.2786 4.925 384 1.362 0.9097
8 15.88 15 1.829 1.1723 0.0499 0.0384 0.634 12.22 0.2040 0.2556 5.009 422 1.299 0.8065
8 15.88 16 1.651 1.2413 0.0499 0.0395 0.579 12.57 0.1873 0.2376 5.062 447 1.263 0.7355
8 15.88 17 1.473 1.3129 0.0499 0.0406 0.524 12.93 0.1748 0.2196 5.118 472 1.228 0.6645
8 15.88 18 1.245 1.4071 0.0499 0.0421 0.449 13.39 0.1540 0.1950 5.192 506 1.186 0.5742
8 15.88 19 1.067 1.4832 0.0499 0.0432 0.390 13.74 0.1374 0.1721 5.250 534 1.155 0.4968
8 15.88 20 0.889 1.5606 0.0499 0.0443 0.329 14.10 0.1165 0.1491 5.309 562 1.126 0.4194
4 19.05 10 3.404 1.1774 0.0598 0.0385 1.240 12.24 0.5369 0.5637 5.662 424 1.556 1.6710
4 19.05 11 3.048 1.3181 0.0598 0.0407 1.202 12.95 0.5078 0.5342 5.758 474 1.471 1.5355
4 19.05 12 2.769 1.4342 0.0598 0.0425 1.112 13.51 0.4828 0.5064 5.839 516 1.410 1.4129
4 19.05 13 2.413 1.5890 0.0598 0.0447 0.990 14.22 0.4454 0.4670 5.944 572 1.339 1.2581
4 19.05 14 2.108 1.7284 0.0598 0.0466 0.881 14.83 0.4079 0.4293 6.035 622 1.284 1.1226
4 19.05 15 1.829 1.8606 0.0598 0.0484 0.777 15.39 0.3704 0.3900 6.124 670 1.238 0.9871
4 19.05 16 1.651 1.9477 0.0598 0.0495 0.708 15.75 0.3455 0.3622 6.180 701 1.210 0.9032
4 19.05 17 1.473 2.0368 0.0598 0.0506 0.638 16.10 0.3163 0.3327 6.236 733 1.183 0.8129
4 19.05 18 1.245 2.1542 0.0598 0.0520 0.546 16.56 0.2789 0.2917 6.309 775 1.150 0.6968
4 19.05 20 0.889 2.3432 0.0598 0.0543 0.399 17.27 0.2081 0.2196 6.429 843 1.103 0.5097
8 22.23 10 4.191 1.8671 0.0698 0.0484 1.580 15.42 0.9199 0.8276 6.761 672 1.442 2.0129
8 22.23 11 3.404 2.0432 0.0698 0.0507 1.442 16.13 0.8658 0.7784 6.866 735 1.378 1.8387
8 22.23 12 3.048 2.1871 0.0698 0.0524 1.329 16.69 0.8158 0.7358 6.949 787 1.332 1.6903
8 22.23 13 2.769 2.3774 0.0698 0.0547 1.179 17.40 0.7492 0.6735 7.056 855 1.277 1.5032
8 22.23 14 2.413 2.5471 0.0698 0.0566 1.046 18.01 0.6826 0.6129 7.150 917 1.234 1.3355
8 22.23 15 2.108 2.7077 0.0698 0.0583 0.920 18.57 0.6160 0.5522 7.239 974 1.197 1.1742
8 22.23 16 1.829 2.8123 0.0698 0.0594 0.838 18.92 0.5702 0.5113 7.297 1012 1.174 1.0645
8 22.23 17 1.651 2.9193 0.0698 0.0606 0.754 19.28 0.5203 0.4670 7.356 1050 1.153 0.9613
8 22.23 18 1.245 3.0593 0.0698 0.0620 0.644 19.74 0.4537 0.4080 7.429 1101 1.126 0.8194
8 22.23 20 0.889 3.2839 0.0698 0.0642 0.467 20.45 0.3413 0.3064 7.549 1182 1.087 0.5935
1 25.4 8 4.191 2.2748 0.0798 0.0535 2.192 17.02 1.6316 1.2848 7.643 819 1.493 2.7935
1 25.4 10 3.404 2.7148 0.0798 0.0584 1.847 18.59 1.4568 1.1471 7.869 977 1.366 2.3548
1 25.4 11 3.048 2.9264 0.0798 0.0607 1.680 19.30 1.3611 1.0717 7.976 1053 1.316 2.1419
1 25.4 12 2.769 3.0987 0.0798 0.0624 1.545 19.86 1.2778 1.0078 8.062 1115 1.279 1.9677
1 25.4 13 2.413 3.3245 0.0798 0.0646 1.368 20.57 1.1655 0.9160 8.171 1196 1.235 1.7419
1 25.4 14 2.108 3.5245 0.0798 0.0665 1.211 21.18 1.0531 0.8308 8.268 1268 1.199 1.5419
1 25.4 15 1.829 3.7129 0.0798 0.0683 1.063 21.74 0.9449 0.7456 8.359 1336 1.168 1.3548
1 25.4 16 1.651 3.8355 0.0498 0.0694 0.967 22.10 0.8741 0.6866 8.418 1380 1.149 1.2323
1 25.4 18 1.245 4.1226 0.0798 0.0720 0.741 22.91 0.6909 0.5441 8.555 1483 1.109 0.9419
1 25.4 20 0.889 4.3826 0.0798 0.0742 0.537 23.62 0.5161 0.4048 8.672 1577 1.075 0.6839
114 31.75 7 4.572 4.0135 0.0997 0.0710 3.064 22.61 3.7045 2.3352 9.743 1444 1.404 3.9032
114 31.75 8 4.191 4.2890 0.0997 0.0734 2.848 23.37 3.5255 2.2205 9.855 1543 1.359 3.6258
114 31.75 10 3.404 4.8864 0.0997 0.0784 2.380 24.94 3.0885 1.9452 10.094 1758 1.273 3.0323
114 31.75 11 3.048 5.1690 0.0997 0.0806 2.158 25.65 2.8637 1.8026 10.206 1860 1.238 2.7484
114 31.75 12 2.769 5.3968 0.0997 0.0824 1.979 26.21 2.6722 1.6830 10.292 1942 1.211 2.5226
114 31.75 13 2.413 5.6935 0.0997 0.0846 1.746 26.92 2.4100 1.5175 10.406 2049 1.179 2.2258
114 31.75 14 2.108 5.9542 0.0997 0.0865 1.542 27.53 2.1686 1.3651 10.505 2143 1.153 1.9613
114 31.75 16 1.651 6.3561 0.0997 0.0894 1.226 28.45 1.7732 1.1176 10.658 2287 1.116 1.5613
114 31.75 18 1.245 6.7245 0.0997 0.0919 0.936 29.26 1.3902 0.8751 10.795 2420 1.085 1.1935
114 31.75 20 0.889 7.0555 0.0997 0.0942 0.677 29.97 1.0281 0.6473 10.914 2539 1.059 0.8645
112 33.1 10 3.404 7.6910 0.1197 0.0983 2.912 31.29 5.6358 2.9595 12.327 2768 1.218 3.7097
112 33.1 12 2.769 8.3277 0.1197 0.1023 2.412 32.56 4.8242 2.5318 12.530 2997 1.170 3.0710
112 33.1 14 2.108 9.0174 0.1197 0.1064 1.871 33.88 3.8751 2.0336 12.746 3245 1.124 2.3806
112 33.2 16 1.651 9.5103 0.1197 0.1093 1.484 34.80 3.1467 1.6518 12.901 3422 1.095 1.8903
2 50.8 11 3.048 15.6955 0.1596 0.1405 3.589 44.70 13.0864 5.1521 16.916 5648 1.136 4.5742
2 50.8 12 2.769 16.0909 0.1596 0.1422 3.280 45.26 12.0874 4.7588 17.010 5790 1.122 4.1806
2 50.8 13 2.413 16.6000 0.1596 0.1444 2.880 45.97 10.7638 4.2377 17.130 5973 1.105 3.6710
2 50.8 14 2.108 17.0432 0.1596 0.1463 2.531 46.58 9.5734 3.7690 17.231 6133 1.091 3.2258

*Weights are based on low carbon steel with a density of 7850 kg/m3. For other metals multiply by the following factors:

Aluminum 0.35 Aluminum Bronze 1.04 Nickel 1.13

Titanium 0.58 Aluminum Brass 1.06 Nickel-Copper 1.12
A.I.S.I. 400 Series Stainless Steels 0.99 Nickel-Chrome-Iron 1.07 Copper and Cupro-Nickels 1.14
A.I.S.I. 300 Series Stainless Steels 1.02 Admiralty 1.09

 Kg Per (Tube Hour)

** Liquid Velocity = in meters per sec (Rel. Den. of Water at 15.6C = 1.0)
(C) (Rel. Den. of Liquid) Derived from TEMA data

4. Correct for inlet flow area by multiplying by 1.02. tations on application and availability as dictated in specific
suppliers literature must be considered.
Accumulative multiplier is 1.075 x 1.05 x 1.02 = 1.15.
Partially corrected diameter = 630 mm x 1.15 = 725 mm. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS
5. From Fig. 9-28, correct for split ring floating head by add- Inlet Gas Exchanger
ing 25 + 725 = 750 mm.
The familiar feed-to-residue gas exchanger is characterized
So use a 750 mm ID shell for this tube count and configuration. by a close temperature approach between the two streams over
a long temperature range which requires countercurrent flow
Enhanced Surface Tubing arrangement. For overall economy this service will have very
Heat exchanger applications in which one of the fluids long tubes and low pressure drops in an optimized design. Such
has a high heat transfer coefficient relative to the other fluid design will include adequate protection from hydrate formation
can benefit (either from lower first cost of a new exchanger or in the feed gas and a baffle arrangement suitable for low shell-
increased capacity in an existing unit) by use of specially en- side pressure drop and no significant tube vibration.
hanced tube surfaces on the side with the low coefficient. One
In wet gas streams hydrate formation is normally prevented
commonly used tube is a low finned tube which has extruded
by spraying methanol or ethylene glycol on the face of the front
fins on the outside of the tube and the diameter outside the fins
tubesheet. Critical to the effectiveness of that injection is the
is no greater than the outside diameter of the plain ends so the
spray coverage of the tube field and a tube side velocity suf-
exchanger can be assembled or retubed in the same way as a
ficient to achieve annular (wet wall) flow in each tube as shown
bare tube exchanger. The effect is to increase the heat transfer
in Fig.9-17.
surface of the tube approximately 250% to result in a more com-
pact exchanger for a given service compared to one using bare To maintain countercurrent flow arrangement baffle varia-
tubes. These tubes perform favorably in clean applications such tions may be considered to minimize shell side pressure drop. A
as light hydrocarbon condensers where vapor velocity permits variety of multisegmented baffles offer lower pressure drop per
a condensate film to be distributed over more surface per tube. cross pass than the segmental type. Proprietary low pressure
These tubes are available in metals commonly used in most drop devices such as wire (or rod) web baffles may be appropri-
heat exchangers. ate if the loss in heat transfer is not significant. When tube
vibration is a prime concern, a segmentally cut baffle arrange-
High heat flux tubes with special coatings to create a po-
ment with no tubes in the cut out window provides nonpropri-
rous surface are sometimes used where liquid velocities permit
etary maximum tube support for a given pressure drop.
nucleate boiling to increase the heat flux per tube provided the
porous surface remains exposed to the liquid. Tube Vibration
For even more specialized considerations of fluid properties Tubes or tube bundles can be excited to sufficient movement
and operating requirements, a tube wall may be extruded at or to create noise, tube damage, and/or baffle damage. The most
near thickness to a variety of shapes. A convoluted spirally ex- likely case for tube vibration is gas flow on the shell side with
truded tube wall offers a range for the hydraulic diameter that moderate to high pressure drop. Some tube field geometries are
may be optimized for the fluids considered. particularly susceptible to acoustical resonance. Any tube has
Other than low finned tubes, most enhanced surface tubes a natural frequency of vibration dependent on its supported
are limited to materials uniquely suited to the particular en-
hanced surfaces and special fabrication limitations. The limi-
FIG. 9-27
Correction Factors for Number of Tube Passes
FIG. 9-26
Tube Count vs. Diameter for Triangular Tube Pitch Number of Tube Passes
Shell Diameter,
mm Two Four Six Eight
less than 300 mm 1.10 1.20 1.35
300 to 600 mm 1.03 1.08 1.12 1.25
610 to 1000 mm 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.08
greater than 1000 mm 1.01 1.03 1.04 1.06

FIG. 9-28
Adders to Shell Diameter

Type of Construction
Shell Diameter,
mm Fixed Split Pull
Tubesheet Ring Through
less than 700 mm None 16 mm 89 mm
710 to 1000 mm None 25 mm 100 mm
greater than 1000 mm None 41 mm 127 mm

span, size, and density. When velocity of a fluid induces cyclic HAIRPIN HEAT EXCHANGERS
forces approximating that natural frequency, vibration occurs.
The first mode of vibration (lowest natural frequency) occurs Hairpin heat exchangers are designed in a hairpin shape
at the half wave length equal to the supported span and is the and are fabricated in accordance with ASME code. The design
usual case for analysis. However, higher modes of vibration are consists of shell and tube closures proprietary for each vendor.
possible when multiple half wave lengths coincide with the sup- Hairpins are divided into two major types: Double Pipe and
ported span length. Since tube bundles have damping charac- Multi-tube.
teristics, damage may or may not occur at a particular mode of The Double Pipe type, shown in Fig.9-29, consists of a
vibration. A substantial bibliography of analytical methods as single tube or pipe, either finned or bare, inside a shell. The
well as calculation procedures for this subject are presented in Multi-tube type, shown in Fig.9-30, consists of several tubes,
the Recommended Good Practice section of TEMA standards. either finned or bare, inside a shell. The maximum pressure
rating of hairpin exchangers depends on a number of key de-
Evaluating Altered Performance sign considerations including nozzles, closures, and material of
Exchanger performance will deviate when: construction. Standard designs are available for pressures up
to 5000psig on tubeside and 500psig on shellside, and special
1. Process conditions are altered by feedstock, throughput, designs can be fabricated for higher pressures.
control/instrumentation, or mechanical failure of adjoin-
ing equipment. Hairpin sections are specially designed units which are
normally not built to any industry standard other than ASME
2. Corrosion or foulant material achieves a limiting condi- Code. However, TEMA tolerances are normally incorporated,
tion. wherever applicable.
3. Internal leakage or mechanical failure has occurred in
the exchanger. Advantages
Operating records and overall process analysis can address 1. The use of longitudinal finned tubes will result in a com-
most problems except fouling, corrosion, internal leakage, and pact heat exchanger for shellside fluids having a low heat
mechanical failure within the exchanger. transfer coefficient.

If a relief valve is overpressured on the low pressure side 2. Countercurrent flow will result in lower surface area re-
of an exchanger, it suggests interstream leakage or a near to- quirements for services having a temperature cross.
tal flow restriction on the low pressure side. Substantial loss of 3. Potential need for expansion joint is eliminated due to
pressure on the high pressure side confirms interstream leak- U-tube construction.
age. The soundness of tubes, tubesheets, internally gasketed
joints, and/or internal expansion joints must be tested and the 4. Shortened delivery times can result from the use of stock
failed components repaired, replaced, or plugged. A relief valve components that can be assembled into standard sec-
overpressuring on the high pressure side suggests a flow re- tions.
striction downstream of the relief valve connection. 5. Modular design allows for the addition of sections at a
Flow restriction not accountable to operating changes in the later time or the rearrangement of sections for new ser-
process analysis is probably attributable to fouling debris some- vices.
where in one or both stream systems. If such flow restriction 6. Simple construction leads to ease of cleaning, inspection,
occurs gradually (several days to several months), a systematic and tube element replacement.
inspection with cleaning as needed is probably required. If such
flow restriction occurs quickly (seconds to hours), mechanical Disadvantages
failure or a process step-change probably occurred somewhere
in the stream system. Only an available flow bypass around 1. Multiple hairpin sections are not always economically
the exchanger can isolate and identify the flow restriction in competitive with a single shell and tube heat exchanger. 
the exchanger. A flow restriction anywhere in a stream system
2. Proprietary closure design requires special gaskets.
will alter an exchangers heat transfer effect on both stream
systems involved. The process analysis should indicate which
stream has consequential limits and which stream is a problem
FIG. 9-29
Perhaps the most difficult performance problem to isolate in
operation is the discrimination between pass partition leakage Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
and fouling, though fouling, being expected, is often presumed.
Obviously in a new or clean exchanger, a bad gasket or fit-up
might immediately come to mind; but when the unit is partial-
ly fouled, pressure drop data may or may not indicate which
specific problem is occurring. Comparing pressure drop data to
normal operation may be the best available indication while the
unit is in service. In cases where continued operation would not
have serious consequences in reaction products, product quali-
ty, corrosion, or economics due to unachieved heat transfer, this
judgment may best be delayed until the unit is out-of-service.
Though fouling may be observable, close examination of all pass
plate edges, gaskets, flatness, and groove edges in tubesheets
and channel covers should expose the problem. Courtesy of Brown Fintube Co.

Application Guidelines TANK HEATERS
The suitability of using hairpin exchanger in a given ap- Tank heaters are required to maintain or increase the tem-
plication is frequently evaluated by computing the UA product perature of a tanks contents. Tank heaters are relatively inef-
from the basic heat transfer equation (see Equation9-5): ficient in heat transfer since the fluid inside the tank normally
does not flow with appreciable velocity over the heat transfer
UA = surface and the low velocities produce a high tankside film re-
LMTD sistance. Many different methods exist for heating tanks. Some
For preliminary evaluation UA = 79 000 may be consid- of the more common ones are described below.
ered to be the upper economical limit for applying hairpin type
Wall Mounted Coils or Panels
Wall mounted coils are common on small insulated tanks
UA = 79 000 W/C
when the contents must be maintained at a constant tempera-
Above this value, the unit may be uneconomical for a ture, usually at or near the inlet temperature. Design variations
hairpin type design. If a hairpin is applied, it may require include simply tracing the tank with small tubing suitable for
multiple 400 mm multitube sections. heating with steam or other hot fluid, to tanks whose walls are
actually constructed from prefabricated heat transfer panels.
UA = 53 000 to 79 000 W/C
In this range, one or more 300 mm to 400 mm multitube Internal Prefabricated Tank Heaters
sections will normally be required. Internal heaters are available in a wide variety of configura-
UA = 26 000 to 53 000 W/C tions. Steam is commonly used as the heating medium, but many
other hot fluids have been used in actual practice. Externally
In this range, one or more 100 mm to 300 mm multitube finned pipe is commonly used to improve heat transfer efficiency.
sections will normally be required. For large tanks, multiple units similar to that shown in Fig.9-32
are supported near the bottom of the tank. For small tanks, the
UA = 26 000 W/C same tubing in a vertical configuration can be provided.
Below this value, both double pipe and multitube sec-
tions should be evaluated.
Fig.9-31 lists typical sizes for hairpin type exchangers.

FIG. 9-30
Multitube Heat Exchanger FIG. 9-32
Prefabricated Tank Heater

Courtesy of Brown Fintube Co.

FIG. 9-33
FIG. 9-31
Tank Suction Heater
Typical Hairpin Exchanger Sizes

Double Pipe Multitube

Shell dia (mm) 50 150 75 400
Tube dia (mm) 18 100 18 75
No. of Longitudinal Fins 0 72 0 24
Fin Height (mm) 0 18 0 12
Surface (m2/6 m) 14 7 140 Courtesy of Brown Fintube Co.

Internal pipe coils are normally fabricated from 2inch (BRAZED ALUMINUM)
schedule 40 pipe supported near the bottom of the tank. Ser- Brazed aluminum heat exchangers have been employed in
pentine shaped coils are most common although circular coils cryogenic gas processing plants since the 1950s. This section
are also used. briefly describes the basic configuration, advantages, hardware
capabilities, rough section criteria, and user considerations for
Prefabricated Stab-in Tube Bundle brazed aluminum heat exchangers used in gas processing ap-
Prefabricated stab-in bundles are similar to a kettle tube plications.
bundle. Removable U-tube bundles are mounted through an ap-
propriately sized opening near the tank bottom. Basic Configuration
A brazed aluminum heat exchanger is composed of flat
Tank Suction Heaters separator (parting) sheets and corrugated fins surrounded by
A tank suction heater is shown in Fig.9-33. This type of a perimeter of bars. A stack of these layers comprise the heat
unit raises the temperature and thus reduces the viscosity of exchanger, sometimes referred to as the core or matrix. The
a pumped fluid without heating the tank fluid that remains in heat exchanger is normally specified by its outside dimensions
the tank. in the following order:
Width(W) Stack Height(H) Length(L).
Simplified Tank Coil Calculation Method
The number of layers, type of fins, stacking arrangement,
The heat transfer area required for an internal pipe coil and stream circuiting will vary depending on the application
tank heater without fins can be calculated from the overall heat requirements. The basic aluminum components of the heat ex-
transfer through the tank heater as represented from Equation changer are shown in Fig.9-34 for a typical three stream coun-
terflow exchanger.
= _________
A Nozzles Nozzles are the pipe sections used to connect the
U(LMTD) heat exchanger headers to the piping.
Headers Headers are the half cylinders which provide
QLoss = estimated heat lost from the tank to the sur-
for the distribution of fluid from the nozzle to or from the ports
of each appropriate layer within the heat exchanger.
LMTD = Log Mean Temperature Difference between
Ports Ports are the opening in either the side bar or the
the heating medium (inside the pipe coil) and the fluid
end bar, located under the headers, through which the fluids
being heated in the tank.
enter or leave the individual layers.
The overall heat transfer coefficient, U, can typically be sim-
Distributor Fins Distributor fins distribute the fluid
plified from Equation 9-11 by neglecting tube side fluid resis-
between the port and the heat transfer fins. Typical distributor
tance, tube wall resistance, and fouling resistance:
fin thickness ranges from 0.41 to 0.61 mm with fin counts of 2
U = ho to 8 fins per cm.
The other terms from Equation 9-11 were deleted as the re- Heat Transfer Fins The heat transfer fin provides ex-
sistance due to free convection of the tank fluid is typically much tended heat transfer surface. All fins, both heat transfer and
more significant than the resistances due to forced convention distributor, provide connecting structure between the parting
(heating medium fluid), conduction (through the pipe wall), and sheets, which is necessary for the structural and pressure hold-
fouling. These terms could be added if a more rigorous approach ing integrity of the heat exchanger. Typical heat transfer fin
is necessary or if significant fouling is expected. thicknesses range from 0.15 to 0.5 mm with fin counts of 4 to
12 fins per cm.
The free convection heat transfer coefficient is calculated
from the following equation:7 Parting Sheets The parting (separator) sheets contain
the fluids within the individual layers in the exchanger and
also serve as primary heat transfer surface. Typical parting
kfilm3 film3Cpfilm ___________
Tw Tc 0.25 sheet thicknesses range from 0.80 to 3.175 mm.
= 9.20 x 105 ________________________
film Do Outside Sheets Outside (cap) sheets serve as the out-
side parting sheets. They are typically 6 mm thick and serve as
Eq 9-14a an outer protective surface of the exchanger.

The properties, denoted with a film subscript, are calcu- Bars The side and end bars enclose the individual lay-
lated at the average fictitious film temperature as denoted be- ers and form the protective perimeter of the exchanger. Solid
low, which is the mean of the average pipe surface temperature extruded bars from 12 to 76.2 mm wide are typically used.
(Tw) and the bulk tank fluid temperature (TC): Support Angles Support angles are typically 90degree
________Tw + Tc extruded aluminum angles welded to the bar face of the ex-
Tfilm = changer for the purpose of supporting or securing the exchanger
2 Eq 9-14b
in its installed position. Other support configurations are avail-

FIG. 9-34
Basic Components of a Three Stream Counterflow Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchanger

Battery A multiple exchanger assembly, sometimes with fluids which are corrosive to aluminum. Caustic soda is
referred to as a battery, consists of two or more exchangers extremely corrosive to aluminum and should not be introduced
piped or manifolded together into a single assembly, with the into the exchanger. Hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are
individual exchangers arranged either in a parallel, series, or not a corrosion problem in streams with water dewpoint tem-
combination parallel-series arrangement. peratures below the cold end temperature of the exchanger.
Cold Box Individual exchangers and batteries are often Mercury in concentrations below 10 ppb is normally ac-
installed in a cold box. A cold box consists of a welded, airtight ceptable in the absence of oxygen and water. Hydrogen sulfide,
carbon steel casing, rectangular or cylindrical in shape, which carbon dioxide, and ammonia are not a corrosion problem in
supports and houses the heat exchangers, piping, other related streams with water dewpoint temperatures below the cold end
cryogenic equipment, and insulation material. temperature of the exchanger.

Advantages and Limitations Refer to The Standards of the Brazed Aluminum Plate-Fin
Heat Exchanger Manufacturers Association (ALPEMA) and
Aluminum maintains excellent strength and ductility to API 662 Part 2 for design, construction, installation, operation,
temperatures as low as 270C. Aluminum actually increases and maintenance standards for Plate-Fin Exchangers.
in strength at cold temperatures. Because of its relatively low
melting temperature, however, aluminum is less resistant to Temperature differences within the exchanger and the time
fires and high temperatures than are some other materials. rate of change of the core are of particular importance in the
Aluminum is generally not employed for process design tem- application of plate-fin exchangers. ALPEMA and API 662 have
peratures above 65C, especially when higher pressures are conservative guidelines for these parameters.
involved. However, for special low pressure applications (<1400
kPa (ga)), design temperatures up to 204C may be available. Applications
Aluminum exchangers are less resistant to rough handling and Brazed aluminum heat exchanger cores are used in the fol-
mistreatment than steel equipment and are limited to use with lowing heat exchange applications.
clean fluids that are non-corrosive to aluminum. Each stream
circuit is designed independently for design pressures of 345 Ethane Plus Recovery
to 12400 kPa (ga), and may also be rated for full vacuum. Nitrogen Removal
Brazed aluminum heat exchangers are compact and light-
weight. A typical high pressure brazed aluminum heat exchang-
er [410012400 kPa (ga) design pressure] willprovide 32.5 to FIG. 9-35
46.5 square meters of total (primary + secondary) heat transfer Approximate Maximum Plate-Fin
surface per cubic meters of exchanger volume. This is six to eight Exchanger Sizes & Pressures
times the surface density of comparable shell and tube exchang-
ers. Additionally, a typical high pressure brazed aluminum heat
exchanger core will have a density of 1100 to 1600 kg per cubic ASME
Maximum Size (mm) Nominal Total Nominal
meter of exchanger versus approximately 4000 kg per cubic me- Heat Transfer Total Net
Stack Surface Weight*,
ter for comparable shell and tube exchangers. The net effect of Pres. Width Length (m2) (kg)
(kPa) Ht
these differences is that a brazed aluminum heat exchanger will
provide approximately 25 times more surface per pound of equip- 2760 >1300 1800 7600 23 000 18 000
ment than comparable shell and tube exchangers. This decrease
4140 >1200 1500 7600 19 000 16 000
in exchanger weight and volume reduces foundation, support,
plot plan, and insulation requirements. 6900 >1100 1400 7600 14 000 14 000

An important point to note when evaluating the size and 9660 >640 800 7600 4600 6800
efficiency of a brazed aluminum heat exchanger is that it is cus- 12 400 >530 600 7600 2800 4500
tomary to include total surface in all streams, hot and cold. This
*Without Flanges
is equivalent to counting both the inside and outside tube sur-
faces in a tubular heat exchanger. This method for specifying
surface is used because brazed aluminum heat exchangers will
often be designed with an unbalanced surface. More surface is
provided on one stream of the heat exchanger than in the other
FIG. 9-36
stream(s) in order to balance the variation in heat transfer coef-
ficients. Up to ten streams can be combined into a single brazed Three Basic Fin Types
aluminum heat exchanger; combining counterflow, crossflow,
and cross-counterflow. Temperature approaches of 2 to 3C
are typical, but an approach temperature of < 1C is possible
if there is a high degree of confidence in the heat release curve.
Typically, corrected mean temperature differences of 3C to 6C
are employed in brazed aluminum heat exchanger applications.
Brazed aluminum heat exchangers should be used with
clean fluids since they are more susceptible to plugging than
other types of heat exchanger equipment; however, proper fil-
ters of 80 to 120 mesh (Tyler standard) will mitigate heat ex- PLAIN(STRAIGHT)
changer fouling. Maintenance of the filters is essential to the

longevity of these units. Brazed aluminum should not be used Courtesy ALTEC International, Inc.

Helium Recovery Aluminum alloy 3003 is generally used for the parting
sheets, corrugated fins, and bars which form the rectangular
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) heat exchanger block. These parts are metallurgically bonded
Product Subcoolers by a brazing process at temperatures of about 600C. The braz-
ing alloy is an aluminum silicon metal and is provided on or
Propane Chillers with the parting sheets. Headers and nozzles are made from
Ethane Chillers aluminum alloys 3003, 5054, 5083, 5086, 5454, or 6061-T6. Al-
loy 5083 is the most commonly used.
Within these applications, brazed aluminum heat exchang-
ers are used for the following heat exchanger services: Maximum Working Temperature, Pressure, and Sizes
The maximum design temperature rating for brazed alumi-
Gas to Gas Exchangers num heat exchangers is typically 65C; however, special de-
signs are available for design temperatures up to 200C. The
Demethanizer Reboilers minimum design temperature is 269C.
Demethanizer Reflux Condensers ASME code approved brazed aluminum heat exchanger
Feed Gas Exchangers cores are available for pressure ratings from zero absolute to
9650 kPa (ga). Different design pressures can be used for each
Product Heaters stream in the exchanger. The maximum core size available will
Propane Chillers vary with the maximum design pressure as shown in Fig.9-35.
Some size variation from Fig.9-35 will occur depending on a
Hardware Capabilities particular manufacturers capabilities, specific design, and flow
configuration. Batteries of exchangers are much larger and are
Materials and Codes of Construction Brazed alumi- limited in size by transportation capabilities.
num heat exchangers are designed and constructed to comply
with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, SectionVIII, Fins Fins are available to cover a wide range of appli-
DivisionI, or other applicable standards. The aluminum alloys cations for a variety of heat transfer and pressure drop re-
used comply with ASME SectionII, PartB, Nonferrous Mate- quirements at low, medium, and high pressure. The economic
rials, or the requirements of the specified code authority. justification for using a particular fin type is unique for each ap-
plication and is highly dependent on the cost of power relative

FIG. 9-37
Typical Fin Arrangements for Gas/Gas Exchanger

FIG. 9-38
Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchanger Specifications


5 TOTAL FLOW kg/h 18440 14210 6700
7 VAPOR: FLOW RATE kg/h 18440 14600 14210 14210 6700 6700
8 MOLECULAR WEIGHT 19.5 17.9 16.9 16.9 17.2 17.2
9 DENSITY kg/m3 44.7 77.5 16.3 8.97 21.1 12.8
10 VISCOSITY cp 0.013 0.012 0.008 0.012 0.008 0.012
11 LIQUID: FLOW RATE kg/h 3835
13 DENSITY kg/m3 448.5
14 VISCOSITY cp 0.062
15 TEMPERATURE C 49 48 77 45 77 45
19 AVG. SP. HT.-VAP./LIQ. kJ 2.7 / 2.4 2.2 / 2.2 / /
20 AVG. TH. COND. VAP./LIQ. W(m C) 0.115 / 0.323 0.01 / 0.1 / /
21 SENSIBLE HEAT TRANSFERRED W 1,100,000 500,000
25 FOULING RESISTANCE * 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
26 DESIGN TEMPERATURE C 184 / 66 184 / 66 184 / 66
27 DESIGN PRESSURE ka (ga) 7550 2 100 2 750
28 TEST PRESS. - HYDRO/PNEUM ka (ga) / / / /
31 CORE SPECS: WIDTH 600 mm HEIGHT 600 mm LENGTH 4600 mm
35 FINS: TYPE x x x
36 FINS HEIGHT X THICKNESS mm 7.1 x 0.40 7.1 x 0.40 7.1 x 0.40
38 EFFECTIVE PASSAGE LENGTH mm 4150 4120 4120
39 HEAT TRANSFER 550 780 310
41 HEADER SIZE mm 200 200 250 250 200 200
42 NOZZLE SIZE mm 150 150 200 200 150 150
46 WEIGHTS: NET: 2570 kg SHIPPING: 2800 kg Code Stamp? x Yes No


51 *C m2 / W

Lines 1-28: Data needed by manufacturer from user for design purposes. Courtesy ALTEC.

FIG. 9-39
Heat Load Curve for a Three Stream Exchanger


T (C) DUTY (MW) Xv T (C) DUTY (MW) Xv T (C) DUTY (MW) Xv
48.9 0 1.0 45 0 1.0 45 0 1.0
35.6 0.171 1.0 18.1 0.241 1.0 18.1 0.115 1.0
22.2 0.345 1.0 8.8 0.479 1.0 8.8 0.229 1.0
8.9 0.523 1.0 35.7 0.716 1.0 35.7 0.344 1.0
4.4 0.734 0.977 62.6 0.953 1.0 62.6 0.460 1.0
17.8 0.978 0.931 76.7 1.084 1.0 76.7 0.527 1.0
31.1 1.239 0.879
47.8 1.612 0.792


1 3.48 0.29 0.0848
2 3.19 0.15 0.0459
3 3.73 0.15 0.0362
4 5.32 0.15 0.0276
5 10.1 0.37 0.0366
6 20.8 0.51 0.0245

TOTAL CMTD 1.61 0.2586

Q 1.61
CMTD = = = 6.23C
UA 0.2586
Courtesy ALTEC International, Inc.

to other considerations. Three major types of fins are shown in The CMTD is approximated by calculating the log mean
Fig.9-36. These include plain (straight), serrated (lanced), and temperature difference (LMTD) on portions of the combined
perforated. These and other more specialized fins can provide cooling curve called zones. The UA required in each zone is then
heat exchanger designs optimized for the best combination of calculated from the zone LMTD. At this point, it is possible to
heat transfer, pressure drop, compactness, and cost for a spe- make individual heat exchanger sizings for each zone, or where
cific application. more approximate sizings are acceptable, to make a heat ex-
changer sizing based on the combined zones using the CMTD.
Distributor and Passage Arrangements There are a The CMTD is approximated by adding the UAs and Qs of each
large number of distributor and passage arrangements avail- zone and dividing as shown in Fig.9-39.
able in brazed aluminum heat exchangers. Fin arrangements
frequently used in gas processing applications are shown in Selection of the precise number and location of zones is a
Fig.9-37 for a gas/gas exchanger. The A stream layers are matter of choice for the designer. However, proper selection
shown with center distributors and provide for the residue of the number and location of zones will increase the accuracy
gas to flow through the entire length of the heat exchanger. of the estimate for the corrected mean temperature difference
The B&C stream layers are arranged with side distributors (CMTD) and the exchanger performance. The following are
and provide for each of the two high pressure feed gas streams some useful guidelines for proper selection of a zone:
to flow through only a portion of the overall heat exchanger
length. 1. The temperature difference between the warm and cold
composite streams must be essentially a linear function
Specifications of duty; i.e., straight line.

The design and specification of a brazed aluminum heat ex- 2. The heat transfer coefficients in each stream must be
changer require thermodynamic and mechanical information. nearly constant.

ThermodynamicHeat transfer duty, operating pressure 3. The properties of the fluids in each stream should be
and temperature, allowable pressure drop, flow rates, composi- nearly constant. This is usually necessary in order for the
tions, and the physical, thermodynamic, and transport proper- heat transfer coefficient to remain essentially constant
ties of the fluids involved must be specified. A cooling (or load) and for achieving reasonable accuracy in estimating
curve should be supplied to the designer/manufacturer for two- stream pressure drop. This is particularly true for two-
phase applications, and it may be necessary for single phase phase streams; therefore, special care should be taken in
streams operating over a wide temperature range. selecting zones when two-phase fluids are involved.

MechanicalSpecifications should include information on Heat leak in cryogenic heat exchangers is another factor
applicable code authorities, design pressure and temperature, which will affect the cooling curve. It acts as an unwanted heat
and requirements for connection size, type, and orientation. flow into the heat exchange fluids and will reduce the CMTD.
Exchanger support and package requirements should also be Heat leak and inaccuracies in the fluid thermodynamic data
defined. used to generate the cooling curve can significantly reduce the
CMTD and increase the UA required for a particular process. For
Fig.9-38 is a sample manufacturers specification sheet. well insulated exchangers, heat leak normally has a negligible
This document communicates the details of the heat exchanger effect on the CMTD. However, the amount of heat leak should
design between the manufacturer and user. Lines 1-28 define always be checked and combined as another warm stream on
the minimum information required from the user. Other re- the cooling curve to determine its effect on the CMTD.
quired information includes turndown conditions, off-design
conditions, and any other special operating conditions, if appli- Design Considerations for Two-Phase Flow
cable. Using this information, the manufacturer will design the
heat exchanger and provide the information in lines 29-51. Procedures for designing brazed aluminum heat exchangers
for single-phase streams are well publicized by manufacturers
Heat Load Curves and by Kays and London.3 The design of brazed aluminum heat
exchangers for two-phase streams is not as well published.
Generation of the heat load curve, commonly called the cool-
ing curve, from a temperature-duty table is an important first Brazed aluminum heat exchangers are often used with
step in the analysis of any heat exchanger. It illustrates the two-phase streams in gas processing applications. Generally,
intended heat exchange process and is used to define the re- condensing is performed vertically downward and vaporization
quired heat exchanger conductance (UA). A cooling curve also vertically upward.
shows bubble and dewpoints, regions of phase change, and close Pressure drop is usually evaluated with the Lockhart and
temperature approaches. Martinelli4 method which has been found to be reasonable for
Fig.9-39 shows the temperature-duty data and cooling curve both vaporizing and condensing streams.
for a three-stream gas-to-gas heat exchanger. For multistream Since evaluation of the heat transfer coefficients for two-
heat exchange services (more than two streams), the cooling phase streams in brazed aluminum heat exchangers has not
curve can be reduced to a classic two-stream case for purposes of been well reported in the literature, most manufacturers use
calculating and corrected mean temperature difference (CMTD) their own proprietary calculation procedures.
and the UA required. This is called the combined cooling curve
assumption and is normally used for simple sizing calculations. Two-phase (liquid-vapor) heat transfer in brazed aluminum
Fig.9-39 shows how a three-stream exchanger cooling curve heat exchangers is usually dominated by the forced convection
is reduced to two streams by combining the cold residue gas mechanism. This convection mechanism tends to suppress any
stream duty with the cold recycle stream duty at points of con- nucleate boiling.
stant temperature to form a combined cold stream.

The two-phase forced convection heat transfer coefficients to 30% (wt.) of feed gas or for reboilers vaporizing up to 20%
for multi-component fluids are evaluated using the method de- (wt.) of feed liquid. For services outside these limits, a plate fin
scribed by Bell and Ghaly.5 This method provides for reducing design specialist should be consulted.
the two-phase heat transfer coefficient to account for the mass
transfer resistance that is a characteristic of multi-component The following sample problem illustrates the approximate
heat transfer. sizing procedure for a gas-to-gas exchanger. Typically, this ap-
plication involves a warm feed gas operating at pressures be-
Fluid distribution is always an important consideration tween 3500 kPa (abs) and 7600 kPa (abs), which is cooled from
when designing high effectiveness heat exchangers. Special above 38C to below 73C, and will partially condense up to
care must be taken to ensure that the fluids maintain homog- 30% of its mass. The refrigeration is supplied by cold residue or
enous flow throughout the heat exchanger. This is especially recycle gas streams which normally operate at between 700 and
important with two-phase streams, where fluid maldistribution 2100 kPa (abs). Warm end temperature approaches for this ex-
can significantly reduce the performance of the heat exchanger. changer are typically designed from 3-6C. This sample problem
For this reason, special distributors are available for use with is the same example used in the heat load curve (Fig.9-39) and
fluids which enter the exchanger in a two-phase condition. Flu- in the brazed aluminum heat exchanger specification (Fig.9-
id distribution for such an inlet condition is often handled by 38) for an optimized selection. The results of the rough selection
separating the vapor and liquid phases in a knockout drum. agree well with the optimized selection. Lines 1 through 28 of
The separated vapor and liquid phases are then distributed in- Fig.9-38 are given data, provided by the purchaser.
dividually into the exchanger using conventional single-phase
distributor arrangements. The vapor and liquid phases are then Example 9-4 For purposes of simplifying this quick selection
recombined inside the exchanger in the heat transfer zone. This procedure, the following are assumed:
method is the preferred arrangement for distributing fluids A fouling factor of 0.001 is included on each stream.
which enter the heat exchanger in a two-phase condition. How-
ever, sometimes alternative simple approaches to a two-phase The CMTD was calculated assuming that heat leak was
inlet can be used. This choice depends on a thorough analysis of negligible, as per the example of Fig.9-39.
the effects of the potential vapor/liquid maldistribution on the The estimation of heat exchanger size by this quick proce-
cooling curve and performance of the exchanger. dure is reduced to a single-zone calculation. Precise selections
Brazed aluminum heat exchangers are well suited for ther- by the manufacturers normally involve a multizone analysis of
mosyphon applications such as demethanizer reboilers and pro- the heat exchanger.
pane chillers. Hydraulic design considerations are the same as
for shell and tube exchangers. Solution Steps
Step 1Determine Exchanger Cross Section
Approximate Sizing Procedure
From Fig.9-40, select the typical mass velocities (G) for each
The following is a quick and simple method for estimating stream based on their respective operating pressures:
the approximate size and performance of gas-to-gas exchang-
ers and demethanizer reboilers used for ethane recovery. This Feed Gas [5584.8 kPa (abs)]
short-cut method is applicable only for services condensing up
GH = 90.9 kg/(m2 s)
Residue Gas ([1413.4 kPa (abs)]
FIG. 9-40
GC = 47.4 kg/(m2 s)
Typical Operating Mass Velocities
Gas Processing Exchangers Recycle Gas 1965.0 kPa (abs)
GC = 56.7 kg/(m2 s)
Using these G values, the exchanger cross section can be
computed from the following equations:
H 576.4 m
i , for gas to gas exchangers Eq 9-15
WN i = 1 Gi

Where n = total number of all warm and cold streams

H 1152.8 m
H , for demethanizer reboilers Eq 9-16

In order to use the above equations, initially choose a num-
ber of exchangers(N) and an exchanger width(W). Common
exchanger widths are 300, 430, 635, 900, and 1000 mm. Select
the cross section so that the stack height(H) is within the maxi-
mum size ranges shown in Fig.9-35. For smaller cross section
requirements, a good rule of thumb is to select a stack height
which is nearly equal to the exchanger width. For the gas to gas
exchanger, Example9-4, assume one exchanger, 635mm wide,
and use equation9-15.

576.4 18 440 14 210 6700 If exchanger length is too long for packaging and/or trans-
H = + + portation considerations, lower the mass velocities(G) and
(635) (1) 90.9 47.4
return to Step1. This will increase the core cross section and
H = 563.5 mm decrease the core length.
The exchanger cross section has been established at 635mm Step 3Check Stream Pressure Drops
wide x 563.5 mm high.
The last step in rough sizing the heat exchanger is to verify
Step 2 Determine Exchanger Length that pressure drop for the exchanger size selected is within al-
First calculate the required UA from the heat load curve (see lowable levels for all streams. Pressure drop can vary widely
Fig.9-39): depending on type and size of distributors chosen, the amount
of phase change in two-phase streams, and other factors. The
Q following equations will yield approximate stream frictional
= UAzone 1 + UAzone 2 + ... + UAzone 6 =
CMTD pressure drop which includes the heat transfer zone, distribu-
tors, and nozzles.
= 1 620 000 W

6.23C For Serrated Fin Exchangers:
= 260 000 W/(C) For vapor streams
From one of the following equations, depending on fin pref- (1.1) (104) (L + 510) (G)1.8
erence, calculate the exchanger length. When both perforated P = Eq 9-22
and serrated fins are used in the heat exchanger, use the av-
erage value obtained from Equations9-17 and 9-18 (or Equa- For partially condensing streams (up to 30% of mass con-
tions9-20 and 9-21 for demethanizer reboilers). Serrated fins densed)
are high performance and yield shorter exchanger lengths with
higher stream pressure drops. Perforated fins are lower per- (2.2) (104) (L + 1020) (G)1.8
P = Eq 9-23
formers and will yield longer exchangers with lower pressure m
drops. Plain fins are lowest performers and are normally only For Perforated Fin Exchangers:
used in distributors, due to their low pressure drop character-
istics. Normally, serrated fins provide the most optimum se- For vapor streams
lection, unless pressure drop/operating cost is the controlling
parameter. (2.4) (105) (L + 2415) (G)1.8
P = Eq 9-24
For gas to gas exchangers (where feed gases condense up to
30% of their mass): For partially condensing streams (up to 30% of mass con-
For serrated fin exchangers
(4.8) (105) (L + 4830) (G)1.8
66 500 UA P = Eq 9-25
L = + 0.65W m
Eq 9-17
WHN GTotal
2(in) (out)
For perforated fin exchangers where m =
in + out Eq 9-26
99 750 UA And when inlet or outlet conditions are two-phase:
L = + 0.65W Eq 9-18
WHN GTotal 1

Where GTotal = (GH)Avg + (GC)Avg Eq 9-19 2 = X X
V + L Eq 9-27
For demethanizer reboilers (where demethanizer liquids
evaporate up to 20% of their mass): Pressure drops for vaporizing liquids are not easily approxi-
mated by these rough estimating procedures. However, for
For serrated fin exchangers these applications, the demethanizer liquid pressure drop will
normally be within allowable levels when the exchanger is se-
44 300 UA
L = + 0.65W Eq 9-20 lected for feed gas mass velocities recommended in Fig. 9-40.
For example problem 9-4:
For perforated fin exchangers
Feed Gas:
66 500 UA 1
L = + 0.65W
77.5 448.5
Eq 9-21
WHN GH out = 2 = 0.792 + 0.208 = 93.6 kg/m3

For one gas to gas exchanger, 635mm(W) x 564mm(H),
using serrated fins, and a UA required of 260 000 W/C, the 2 (44.7) (93.6)
required length is: m = = 60.5
44.7 + 93.6
(68 500) (260 000) (2.2) (104) (4570 + 1020) (90.7)1.8
L = + 0.65(635) P =
(635) (563.5) (1) 90.9 + (47.4 + 56.7)/2 60.5
L = 4570 mm = 67.9 kPa (vs. 69 kPa allowed)
The heat exchanger size is now established as:
One exchanger, 635 x 564 x 4570 mm.

Residue Gas: sure drops which should be within plus or minus 25% of the
final design.
2 (16.3) (8.97)
m = = 11.6 kg/m3
16.3 + 8.97 Installation-Operation-Maintenance
(1.1) (10 ) (4570 + 510) (47.4)
4 1.8
Mounting Brazed aluminum heat exchangers are nor-
P = mally installed in a vertical orientation with the operational
cold end down, and are supported with either aluminum sup-
= 50.0 kPa (vs. 48 kPa allowed) port angles or an aluminum pedestal base supplied by the heat
Recycle Gas: exchanger manufacturer. This type of support system is the
most common for mounting the exchanger to steel framework
2 (21.1) (12.8) or onto a platform. Other orientations of the heat exchangers
m = = 15.9 kg/m3 and other support systems are sometimes permissible, but only
21.1 + 12.8
when designed for special service by the manufacturer.
(1.1) (104) (4570 + 510) (56.7)1.8
P = External loads on the heat exchanger can be imposed
through the connecting piping due to mechanical or thermal
= 50.4 kPa (vs. 48 kPa allowed) loading or both. All support systems should be designed to min-
For selections requiring more than one heat exchanger, the imize these loads and their effect on the heat exchanger. This
pressure drop for the manifold piping which interconnects the is accomplished by providing sufficient pipe flexibility and by
individual heat exchangers can be estimated according to the providing allowance for movement at the heat exchanger sup-
method developed by F.A.Zenz,6 and must be added to the port member by using slotted bolt holes and bolts that are only
pressure drops for the individual exchanger(s) calculated by the finger tight. All support systems should be additionally safe-
above procedures to arrive at the total unit pressure drop. For guarded by use of sway bracing on the end of the exchanger
the single core Example9-4, this is not required, and the pres- opposite the main support system whenever the total external
sure drops are only slightly over allowable. If pressure drops pipe loads on the exchanger will produce reaction forces at the
were too excessive, it would be necessary to return to Step1 main support members which exceed the actual weight of the
(Equation9-15) and to lower the mass velocities (G). This has exchanger.
the effect of increasing exchanger cross section until the desired Insulation Since the exchangers are usually operating at
pressure drop is achieved. Use the following equation for ap- cryogenic temperatures, highly efficient insulation is required
proximating a new mass velocity which will yield the allowable to minimize heat leak. Typically, the exchanger is mounted in
pressure drop. a cold box which is filled with perlite or rock wool. When the
Pallowed 0.56 exchanger is not mounted inside a cold box, its exterior is nor-
Gnew = Gold mally insulated with rigid polyurethane foam. An alternative is
Eq 9-28
Foamglas insulation. These insulations are positioned and fas-
The above sizing procedure should produce estimates of ex- tened around the exchanger and covered with a vapor barrier.
changer size which will be within plus or minus 15% and pres- Protective metal coverings or flashing can be used for this pur-
pose. Some form of insulation (such as micarta spacers) should
be used between the heat exchanger support member and the
supporting beam or platform.
FIG. 9-41
FieldTestingandRepair Maximum working pres-
Typical Methanol or Glycol Injection Sparge System sures and temperatures are always specified on the manufac-
turers nameplate. These values should not be exceeded during
field testing or operation. Since it is extremely difficult to dry

FIG. 9-42
Relative Exchanger Sizes

brazed aluminum heat exchangers in the field, only a clean dry fouling but may also cause erosion in the high velocity areas
gas should be used for leak testing. of the exchanger. This can be prevented with proper filtering
(177 micron screen-80 to 120 mesh Tyler standard, or finer) up-
Internal leaks in a brazed aluminum heat exchanger are stream of the brazed aluminum heat exchanger. A heavy duty,
generally indicated by a change of purity in any of the fluid cleanable filter or strainer is strongly recommended on the inlet
streams. External leaks can be determined by sight, smell, au- of all streams entering the exchanger.
dible sounds of leaking fluid, external gas monitoring equip-
ment, or localized cold spots appearing on the external insula- Fouling which is caused by hydrate formation can be re-
tion. External leaks in exchangers mounted in a cold box are moved by warming the exchanger to ambient conditions. De-
generally indicated by excessive venting through the cold box posits of heavy hydrocarbons, waxy materials, or compressor
breather valves. oils can be removed by a combination of warming and a solvent
rinse. Solvents such as trichloroethane, toluene, or propylene
Several tests are available for locating external or internal are effective.
leaks. An air-soap test is effective for locating external leaks. An
air test with soap applied to nozzle connections or a nitrogen- If plugging occurs, reverse gas flow, called puffing, is an ef-
freon test can be used to identify the streams involved in an fective method of removing particulate matter such as adsor-
internal or cross pass leak. Internal and external leaks usually bents, pipe scale, sand, or other solid debris. It involves the use
can be repaired by blocking layers, making localized external of a calibrated rupture disk on the inlet nozzle of the plugged
welds, etc. Qualified manufacturers representatives are usu- stream and one or more charges and ruptures to establish re-
ally required to establish the exact location of an internal leak verse flow with a dry gas until the particulate matter has been
and to make any repairs. removed. Extreme care must be exercised to prevent exposure
of personnel or equipment to explosive or toxic fluids and flying
HydrateSuppression During start-up, upset, or even debris.
normal operating conditions, hydrates and/or heavy hydrocar-
bons may freeze out and block sections of the heat exchanger. Other Uses of Core Blocks
Injection sparge systems (see Fig.9-41) are designed for in- BAHX Kettle These heat exchangers look and operate
jecting either methanol or glycol into the feed gas entering the like kettle type shell and tube heat exchangers. Tube bundles
exchanger. This method of hydrate suppression has proven ef- are replaced with brazed aluminum cores. Because the cores
fective. contain about ten times more heat transfer surface area than
Cleaning Only clean, dry fluids which are non-cor- comparable sized shell and tube exchangers, smaller core-in-
rosive to aluminum should be used in brazed aluminum heat kettle units can be used or greater heat transfer can be obtained
exchangers. The presence of particulates in the fluid resulting which may also reduce system horsepower requirements. See
from start-up or mal-operation may not only lead to exchanger Fig. 9-42. In a different physical configuration, cores can also
be placed inside horizontal pressure vessels with standard el-
liptical heads. When these exchangers are used in reboiler ap-
plications, adequate vapor disengaging space must be provided
FIG. 9-43
above the core to prevent excessive liquid carryover. Brazed
Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger aluminum cores can also be placed at the top of a vertical distil-
lation tower to allow overhead vapors to pass through on one
side of a parting sheet with refrigerant on the other side. Any
condensed liquid is allowed to run back down the exchanger
and re-enter the tower proper as reflux.
As in brazed aluminum plate-fin exchangers, approach tem-
peratures as low as 2C on single phase fluids can be achieved.
Applications for these heat exchangers include propane chill-
ers, feed coolers, and tower reboilers.


Three different types of plate and frame heat exchangers
are discussed below: gasketed plate exchangers, semi-welded
exchangers, and fully welded exchangers.

Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers

A typical gasketed plate heat exchanger is shown in an ex-
ploded view in Fig.9-43. The PHE consists of an arrangement
of gasketed pressed metal plates (heat transfer surface), aligned
on two carrying bars, secured between two covers by compres-
sion bolts. Inlet and outlet ports for both hot and cold fluids are
stamped into the corners of each plate. The ports are lined up
to form distribution headers through the plate pack. All four
fluid connections are usually located in the fixed end cover. This
permits opening the exchanger without disconnecting any pip-
ing. Plates can be added and removed in the field should ser-
Courtesy Alfa-Laval, Inc. vice requirements change. The plates are pressed into one of
a number of available patterns and may be constructed of any

material which can be cold formed to the desired pattern. The 9. The maintenance service area required is within the
welding characteristics of the plate material are not of prime frame size of the exchanger.
importance since very little or no welding is involved in plate
construction. Disadvantages
Gasket grooves are pressed into the plates as they are 1. Care must be taken by maintenance personnel to prevent
formed. The gaskets are generally made of elastomers such as damage to the gaskets during disassembly, cleaning, and
natural rubber, nitrile, butyl, neoprene, etc. The gasket mate- reassembly.
rial chosen depends on the temperature, pressure, and chemi- 2. A relatively low upper design temperature limitation ex-
cal characteristics of the fluid to which it will be exposed. The ists.
gasket cross-section varies with different plate designs and
sizes. Rectangular, trapezoidal, or oval cross-sections are the 3. A relatively low upper design pressure limitation exists.
most common. The width is generally 5-15mm, depending on
spacing. The height of the gasket before it is compressed is 15 4. Gasket materials are not compatible with all fluids.
to 50% higher than the spacing, depending on material, cross- Applications The gasketed PHE is normally used in liq-
section of gasket, gasket track, and gasket hardness. When uid services. This type of heat exchanger is considered to be a
the plate stack is compressed, the exposed surface of the gas- high heat transfer, high pressure drop device, but it can be used
ket is very small. The gaskets are generally arranged in such for services requiring a low pressure drop with the associated
a way that the through pass portal is sealed independently of reduction in heat transfer coefficients.
the boundary gasket. Leaks from one fluid to the other cannot
take place unless a plate develops a hole. Any leakage from the Since the plates are thin, the PHE gives a relatively high
gaskets is to the outside of the exchanger where it is easily de- heat transfer coefficient for the mass of material required.
tected. Gasket selection will affect the capital cost of PHEs as When alloy materials are required, the PHE is competitive with
well as maintenance costs when the gaskets are replaced. more conventional heat exchanger designs.
Since the plates are generally designed to form channels Materials of Construction The frames are usually fab-
giving highly turbulent flow, the PHE produces higher heat ricated from carbon steel while the tension bolts are high tensile
transfer coefficients for liquid flow than most other types. The strength steel. Common plate materials include 304 and 316
high heat transfer coefficients are developed through the effi- stainless steel, titanium, Incoloy 825, Hastelloy, aluminum-
cient use of pressure drop. bronze, tantalum, copper-nickel, aluminum, and palladium sta-
bilized titanium. The PHE can be fabricated and stamped to the
Advantages The gasketed PHE has the following advan- ASME Code.
tages over conventional shell and tube heat exchangers:
Maximum Pressure and Temperature Ratings Max-
1. It can easily be disassembled for cleaning. imum allowable working pressure may be determined by frame
2. The plates can be rearranged, added to, or removed from strength, gasket retainment, or plate deformation resistance.
the plate rack for difference service conditions. Of these, it is often the frame that limits design pressure, so
that many manufacturers produce a low cost frame for low
3. The fluid residence time is short (low fluid volume to sur- pressure duties (typically 7001000kPa (ga) and a more sub-
face area ratio). stantial frame for higher pressures, for the same plate size.
Maximum design pressure for a typical gasketed PHE is nor-
4. No hot or cold spots exist which could damage tempera- mally 20002800 kPa (ga).
ture sensitive fluids.
Normally, it is gaskets that limit the maximum operating
5. Fluid leakage between streams cannot occur unless plate temperature for a plate heat exchanger. Fig.9-44 provides typi-
material fails.
6. Fluid leakage due to a defective or damaged gasket is
external and easily detected. FIG. 9-45
Typical Fouling Factors for PHEs
7. Low fouling is encountered due to the high turbulence
created by the plates.
Fouling Factor
8. A very small plot area is required relative to a shell and Fluid
K m2/W
tube type heat exchanger for the same service.
Demineralized or distilled 0.000 002
FIG. 9-44 Municipal supply (soft) 0.000 004
Municipal supply (hard) 0.000 009
Typical Gasket Material Temperature Limitations
Cooling tower (treated) 0.000 007
Sea (coastal) or estuary 0.000 009
Gasket Material Sea (ocean) 0.000 005
Natural rubber, styrene, neoprene 70C River, canal, borehole, etc. 0.000 009
Engine jacket 0.000 01
Nitrile 100C
Oils, lubricating 0.000 004 to 0.000 009
Resin-cured butyl, viton 150C
Solvents, organic 0.000 002 to 0.000 005
Ethylene/propylene, silicone 150C Steam 0.000 002
Compressed non-asbestos fiber 200C Process fluids, general 0.000 002 to 0.000 01

cal temperature limitations for common gasket materials not plates. Chemical cleaning of the exchanger can be performed
subject to chemical attack. through the nozzles of the PHE.
SizeLimitations The surface area per plate and num- Advantages The fully welded PHE exhibits many ad-
ber of plates per frame varies depending upon the manufactur- vantages (38) listed in the Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers
er. Typically, surface area ranges between 0.04 and 4m2 per section. In addition, fully welded PHEs also exhibit the follow-
plate. Frame sizes have been manufactured to contain up to 600 ing advantages over other PHEs (semi-welded and gasketed).
plates. When larger surface areas are required, multiple units
are supplied. 1. Higher mechanical design temperatures permitted.

Fouling Factors Fouling factors required in the PHE 2. Higher mechanical design pressures permitted.
are small compared with those commonly used in shell and tube 3. Frame can be easily disassembled from the plate pack
designs for the following reasons: core to facilitate cleaning (block style PHE only).
1. High turbulence maintains solids in suspension. 4. Reduced/eliminated gasket chemical resistance limita-
2. Heat transfer surfaces are smooth. For some applica- tions.
tions, a mirror finish may be available. 5. Applicable to aggressive fluids.
3. There are no dead spaces where fluids can stagnate, as 6. Adequate for condensing and evaporation.
for example, near the shell-side baffles in a tubular unit.
4. Since the plate is necessarily of a material not subject to
massive corrosion, deposits of corrosion products to which The following disadvantages exist for fully welded PHEs.
fouling can adhere are absent.
1. Mechanical cleaning of plates is more difficult than con-
5. High film coefficients lead to lower surface temperatures ventional PHEs and not possible on some types.
for the cold fluid (the cold fluid is usually the culprit as
far as fouling is concerned). 2. More difficult to add or rearrange plates for different ser-
vice conditions and not possible on some types.
Fig.9-45 lists typical fouling factors for PHEs.
Applications All applications given in the Gasketed
Fully Welded Plate Heat Exchangers Plate Heat Exchanger section are also applicable to a fully
welded PHE. In addition fully welded PHEs can also be used for
Fully welded PHEs exist in a variety of physical configura- refrigeration services, reboiling and evaporation, condensation,
tions including a block style as shown in Fig. 9-46 and 9-47 in aggressive fluids, corrosive fluids, and sour services.
which a welded plate pack or core is enclosed by top and bottom
heads and four side panels, a welded frame style as shown in
Fig. 9-48 and 9-49 which contains a plate pack inside a fully
welded frame, a frame-style which contains a bolted frame
similar to a gasketed PHE (as shown in Fig. 9-43) with a fully FIG. 9-46
welded plate pack, and a shell and plate style in which a plate Block Style Fully Welded PHE
pack is located within a cylindrical shell. These types of PHEs
are well suited for aggressive fluids on either or both sides and
a range of processing conditions including refrigeration, evapo-
ration, and condensation. The block and welded frame styles
are further discussed below.
The block style PHE consists of a stack of corrugated plates
which are welded together to form the plate pack core. These
plates are open at the ends as shown in Fig. 9-47 such that the
fluid flows through the plates and into the area between the core
and end panels. Sections of plates are often separated by baffles
which force the fluid to flow back into the plates in a multi-pass
configuration. The flow pattern is cross-flow between each pass;
however, the overall flow pattern across the entire exchanger
is counter-current. The plate pack core is enclosed by side pan-
els, corner girders, and top and bottom heads which are bolted
together. This allows the body to be taken apart for inspection
or mechanical cleaning. The only gaskets required are located
between the side panels and plate pack core to seal in the fluid
and can be made of typical pipe flange gasket materials.
The welded frame style PHE consists of a stack of plates
with spacers to isolate the channels which are welded together
to form the plate pack core as shown in Fig. 9-49. These plates
are enclosed in a fully welded frame with nozzles located at the
corners. The flow pattern is counter-current, similar to a gas-
keted PHE. There are no gaskets in this type of PHE, and the Courtesy of WCR, Inc.
exchanger cannot be disassembled for cleaning or addition of

Materials of Construction Plate materials of construc- PHE. In addition the following advantages also apply to the
tion include essentially any material that can be pressed and welded plate side:
welded, commonly including: 304L and 316L stainless steel, ti-
tanium, tantalum, incoloytm, hastelloytm, nickel, and monel. 1. Reduced gasket chemical resistance limitations for one
Temperature and Pressure Ratings Fully welded
PHEs can handle much higher temperatures and pressures 2. More applicable to aggressive services for one fluid.
than other PHEs. Maximum design/mechanical pressures for 3. Adequate for condensing and evaporation of refriger-
a fully welded PHE are typically 35004500 kPa (ga), although ants.
some types are designed for over 6900 kPa (ga). Minimum de-
sign/mechanical pressures are typically to full vacuum. Mini- 4. Applicable for colder temperatures.
mum design temperatures range from 45C to 29C, although Disadvantages All disadvantages given in the Gasketed
some can be designed for as low as 100C. Typical maximum Plate Heat Exchanger section are also applicable to the semi-
design temperatures range from 315C to 345C, although some welded PHE and items 2-4 are specifically applicable to the gas-
types can be designed for 540C. ket side. In addition, the following disadvantage also applies:
Semi-Welded Plate Heat Exchangers 1. Welded side of exchanger is more difficult to clean than a
gasketed PHE (mechanical cleaning not possible, chemi-
A semi-welded PHE has a frame configuration similar to a
cal cleaning is the only option).
gasketed PHE as shown in Fig. 9-43, but consists of a plate pack
with alternating welded and traditional gasketed channels Applications All applications given in the Gasketed
such that one fluid that may not be well suited in a gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger section are also applicable to a semi-
PHE can be placed on the welded side/channel and the other
may remain on the gasketed. This configuration allows a wider
range of fluids and processing conditions to flow through the
welded side including refrigeration and evaporation services.
However, the portholes transferring the fluid between the weld-
ed channels will still require a gasket likely made from highly FIG. 9-48
resistant materials due to the nature of the fluid on the welded Welded Frame Style PHE
side. A cross section of semi-welded plates is given in Fig. 9-50.
All other aspects of a semi-welded PHE are very similar to the
conventional gasketed PHE including heat transfer efficiency,
physical/layout configurations, leakage of fluid on the gasket
side, and pressure drop.
Advantages All advantages given in the Gasketed Plate
Heat Exchanger section are also applicable to the semi-welded

FIG. 9-47
Sectional View of Block Style Fully Welded PHE

Courtesy of Alfa Laval, Inc. Courtesy of Tranter, Inc.

welded PHE. In addition the semi-welded PHE can also be used the complete heat exchange core. Headers and nozzles are weld-
for refrigeration services on the welded plate side, including ed on to the core in order to direct the fluids to the appropriate
evaporation and condensing. Additionally, the welded plate sets of passages. Fig. 9-51 shows the complete construction of a
side can be used for some aggressive fluids and fluids chemi- two-fluid exchanger.
cally incompatible with conventional gasket materials.
PCHEs are all-welded there is no braze material em-
Materials of Construction Common plate materials in- ployed in construction, and no gaskets are required. Hence the
clude 304 and 316 stainless steel, titanium, and Hastelloy. potential for leakage and fluid-compatability is reduced. In fact
the high level of constructional integrity renders PCHEs excep-
Temperature and Pressure Ratings Maximum de- tionally well suited to critical high pressure applications, such
sign/mechanical pressures for a typical semi-welded PHE is ap- as high-pressure gas exchangers on offshore platforms.
proximately 2900 kPa (ga), although some types are designed
to operate above 4000 kPa (ga). Temperature ranges for gasket The thermal design of PCHEs is subject to very few con-
material given in the Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger section straints. Fluids may be liquid, gas or two-phase, and they
are also applicable to the semi-welded PHE gaskets. Addition- can exchange heat in counterflow, crossflow or coflow at any
ally, on the welded side temperatures may range from 45C to required pressure drop. Where energy is expensive, high heat
150C. Some types can be designed up to 200C. exchange effectiveness can be achieved through very close tem-
perature approaches in counterflow. To simplify control, or to
PRINTED CIRCUIT HEAT EXCHANGERS further maximize energy efficiency, more than two fluids can
exchange heat in a single core. Heat loads can vary from a few
General watts to many megawatts, in exchangers weighing from a few
kilograms to thousands of kilograms.
Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers (PCHEs) are highly com-
pact, corrosion resistant heat exchangers capable of operating Mechanical design is also flexible. Etching patterns can be
at pressures of several hundred atmospheres and temperatures adjusted to provide high pressure containment where required
ranging from cryogenic to several hundred degrees Celsius. design pressures may be several hundred atmospheres. The
all-welded construction is compatible with very high tempera-
PCHEs are constructed from flat alloy plates which have flu- ture operation, and the use of austenitic stainless steels allows
id flow passages photo-chemically machined (etched) into them. cryogenic application. It is worthy of note that vibration is ab-
This process is similar to manufacturing electronic printed cir- sent from PCHEs, as this can be an important source of failure
cuit boards, and gives rise to the name of the exchangers. In the in shell-and-tube exchangers.
case of PCHEs, it is fluid circuits which are formed by etching.
Materials of construction include stainless steel and tita-
Stacks of etched plates, carrying flow passage designs tai- nium as standard, with nickel and nickel alloys also commonly
lored for each fluid, are interleaved and diffusion bonded to- used.
gether into solid blocks. Diffusion bonding is a solid state weld-
ing process in which the flat and clean metal surfaces are held Passages are typically of the order of 2 mm semi-circular
together at high temperatures, resulting in interfacial crystal cross-section that is, 2 mm across and 1 mm deep for rea-
growth between the touching surfaces which gives rise to a sonably clean applications, although there is no absolute limit
bond strength equal to that of the bulk metal. on passage size. The corrosion resistant materials of construc-

The thermal capacity of the exchanger is built to the re-

quired level by welding together diffusion bonded blocks to form
FIG. 9-50
Comparison of Semi-Welded Plates to Convention Plates
FIG. 9-49
Exploded View of Welded Frame Style PHE

Courtesy of Tranter, Inc.

Courtesy of Tranter, Inc.

tion for PCHEs, the high wall shear stresses, and the absence of Printed circuit heat exchangers should be used with clean
dead-spots assist in resisting fouling deposition. fluids since they are more susceptible to plugging than other
types of heat exchanger equipment; however, proper filters of
Prime heat transfer surface densities, expressed in terms of 80 to 120 mesh (Tyler standard) will mitigate heat exchanger
effective heat transfer area per unit volume, can be up to 2500 fouling. Maintenance of the filters is essential to the longevity
m2/m3. This is higher than prime surface densities in gasketed of these units.
plate exchangers, and an order of magnitude higher than nor-
mal prime surface densities in shell-and-tube exchangers. In hydrocarbons processing, PCHEs are employed with gas
streams in such areas as:
compression aftercooling,
Detailed thermal design of PCHEs is supported by propri- gas/gas counterflow exchange for dewpoint control,
etary design software developed by the manufacturers which
allows for infinite geometric variation to passage arrangements cryogenic inerts removal and
in design optimization. Variations to passage geometry have liquefaction.
negligible production cost impact since the only tooling required
for each variation is a photographic transparency for the photo- The use of multi-stream contact in these duties is common.
chemical machining process. In refineries, suitable applications are to be found in light ends
processing and feed-effluent exchange for platforming and HDS
Although the scope of PCHE capabilities is much wider, as units.
a sizing guide it is safe to assume that channel patterns can be
developed to mimic any j- and f-factors characteristics found in Chemicals applications include duties requiring:
publications such as Compact Heat Exchangers by Kays and high pressure capabilitiy, such as ammonia and metha-
London for aluminum surfaces, or data presented by gasketed nol production,
plate exchanger manufacturers.
corrosion resistant materials, such as pure nickel for
It is rarely necessary to apply a correction factor substan- caustic soda and titanium for chloride environments,
tially less than 1 to the LMTD calculated for an exchange, no and
matter how high the effectiveness required, because of the
PCHE counterflow capabilities. Pressure drops can be specified high effectiveness counterflow contact, including heat re-
at will; however, as with all heat exchangers, lower allowable covery.
pressure drops will result in lower heat transfer coefficients In power production, PCHEs are applicable as feedwater
and hence larger exchangers. heaters, fuel gas heaters, water/water exchangers and in vari-
ous roles in non-conventional power production systems such as
Applications geothermal and solar.
PCHEs extend the benefits of compact exchangers into ap-
plications where pressure, temperature or corrosivity prevent EVAPORATIVE COOLING SYSTEMS
the use of conventional plate exchangers.
Evaporative cooling systems provide process fluid cooling
without the use of a cooling tower and large water recirculating
pumps. These systems combine the functions of an open cooling
FIG. 9-51 tower and heat exchanger by replacing the wet deck surface
with a coil type heat exchanger. The liquid to be cooled is cir-
Construction of a Two-fluid PCHE culated through the coil or tube bundle, which is continually
wetted on the outside by a recirculating water system. Air is
simultaneously blown over the coil, causing a small portion of
the recirculating water to evaporate. This evaporation removes
heat from the water allowing for the cooling of the liquid in
the coil. The process fluid outlet temperatures approach to the
ambient wet bulb temperature is determined on a case by case
A variety of coil arrangements are available as well as al-
ternate coil materials. ASME U stamping for coil construction
is available where applicable. Fans provide the necessary air
movement which can be either co-current or countercurrent to
the water flow.

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2. Bell, K. J., Temperature Profiles in Condensers, Chemical En-
gineering Progress, Vol.68, No.7, July 1972, p.81.
3. Kays, W. M., and London, A. L., Compact Heat Exchangers, Na-
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BIBLIOGRAPHY Butt, A. G., Mechanical Design of Cryogenic Heat Exchangers, Sym-
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