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Emcee Script

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*Good Afternoon!

Welcome to the *
*________________________________________! * (They dance a 2 minute routine to their selected music,
then leave the
(Tell something about the history of the dance contest.) stage after bow and during applause) *
*All dancers you see today are from the ___________
*All dancing consists of just four basic steps, performed area and are
in differing amateur social or competitive dancers and members of
patterns and rhythms. First, is the walk, just like walking. **USA** DANCE.
Next, is USA DANCE has several categories and levels of dancers,
the rock step, which is a 1-2 back and forward motion, including many
Third, is the box beginners. The only requirement for membership is that
step, which moves in a square using a slow, quick, quick a dancer must be
rhythm, and an amateur, and not a paid professional dancer.
finally, the triple step, which is a **1-2-3**, or right-left- Teachers, which are
right, professionals, may join USA DANCE only as an associate
pattern. * member and
* Our next dance will be the Bolero. The Bolero was
*The Ballroom Dances can be divided into two originally a
categories: Smooth and theatrical dance from **Spain** but was then adopted
Rhythm. The Smooth Dances include the Slow Waltz, and modified by the
Viennese Waltz, Tango, Cuban culture. It is executed in slow, sensual Latin
Foxtrot and Quickstep, which mainly have their roots in rhythms, similar to
the various the Rumba. It is an elegant, romantic dance of love. Our
European cultures. The Rhythm dances include Swing, dancers for the
Disco and the Bolero are ------ and his partner, ----------. They have
numerous Latin Dances, which all have their roots in the been dancing
African-Latin-Caribbean cultures. Today we will be together for ----(years)months. *
performing dances for
you from the Rhythm Category. * *

* *(They dance a 2 minute routine to their selected music,

*Our first dance will be the Cha-Cha. An exciting then leave the
syncopated latin stage after bow and during applause)*
dance, which originated in the 1950's as a slowed down
Mambo, the Cha *The ________ Chapter of USA DANCE welcomes all
Cha gathers its personality, character, rhythm and charm those who
from two major wish to learn how to dance. We offer free beginner
dance sources. While it is derived from the Mambo dance classes during
because of the Latin our dances, but we are not affiliated with, nor do we
music, it is also related to the Swing by using the 1-2, compete with any
**1-2-3** of the dance schools. We appreciate the fine work the
rhythm. * schools do and
encourage all those interested in learning to dance to
*Performing our Cha-Cha, we have ----------- and her contact a school
partner * for prices. Meanwhile, we can help you get started;
provide you with
*-----------. ------------------ have been dancing together support and a connection with the world of social and
about competitive dance. *
---years; *
Since the 1940's Swing dancing has evolved into several
*Next, we will present the Pasa Doble. The Pasa Doble is forms, which
a proud dance include The East Coast Swing, the foundation for all
that represents a bull fight. The male dancer symbolizes Swing dances,
the Matador and Disco, popular in the 70's and specifically called the
the lady is his cape. This exciting symbolism is matched Hustle, and the
in the West Coast Swing, a more recent and highly popular
choreography by dramatic moves and poses, adding to version of the
the spectacular Swing. *
nature of the dance. Our dancers for the Pasa Doble will
be *
----------------.* The East Coast Swing is frequently referred to as the
Triple Step Swing,
* because it is executed with a **1-2-3** foot pattern.
(They dance a 2 minute routine to their selected music, But the East Coast
then leave the Swing is also performed as a single count swing when
stage after bow and during applause) * danced to very fast
music, or to help beginners learn the dance. The basic
*Ballroom Dancing is becoming the rage again across steps are simple,
college campuses. A but dancers are very innovative as they add styling and
recent television news report stated that Ballroom variations. For
Dancing is fast our East Coast Swing, we are bringing back our Cha Cha
becoming one of the most popular college past-times. dancers,
On a competitive -------------. *
level, it is said that Dancesport is a team sport where
men and women *
compete as a team on a completely equal basis. Actress (They dance a 2 minute routine to their selected music,
and Ballroom then leave the
Dancer Ginger Rogers is quoted as having replied, stage after bow and during applause) *
.Well... not quite.
Women do it in high heels and going backwards. *Besides the competitive aspect, our local chapter hosts
Dancing is a healthy, fun free classes
way to get your exercise! Of all the dances, the one that for beginners at our monthly social dances. All dances
is the biggest are smoke and
hit with teens and young adults, is, by far, the Swing. * alcohol free. You are invited to visit our membership
table to learn
* more about membership or the dances. Beginners of all
Swing Dancing began in Harlem*in the 1920's. First ages are very
called the Lindy welcome and encouraged to join. A beginner today, is
Hop after Charles Lindburgh, and later called the the very good
Jitterbug or Jive, the dancer of tomorrow. *
Swing has been the most outrageous and fun dance of
all. Young people *
love to throw each other over their back or slide them The Hustle is a cousin of the Swing family, but it has its
along the floor own distinct
in a display of athletics. Those of us who are a bit older flavor utilizing the 1970's Disco style music. It was made
prefer the extremely
more sedate version of the dance. There are many popular by John Travolta in the movie .Saturday Night
speeds to Swing music, Fever.. The Hustle
but some swing dancers say, the faster, the better! brought partner dancing back into vogue among
nightclub dancers and is
* still danced to contemporary music of the last 20 years.
It is a fast,
smooth dance, with many spins for the lady while the *(They dance a 2 minute routine to their selected music,
gentleman draws her then leave the
close and sends her away. To perform a Disco number stage after bow -and during applause) *
we are bringing back
our Bolero dancers, -------------------* *
That concludes our presentation today - we hope you
* enjoyed our dancers,
(They dance a 2 minute routine to their selected music, and thank you for helping us celebrate National
then leave the Ballroom Dance Week. If
stage after bow and during applause) * you are interested in learning to dance, please visit our
*The length of time it takes to learn to dance varies Membership table for more information. Also, parents,
from person to if you would
person, but usually within a few lessons most people like to train your children to dance, or the idea of future
can perform enough Olympic
steps to a dance to feel competent on the dance floor. possibilities appeal to you, we can help you get started.
Within a few Thank you,
months of practice and lessons, you can be dancing have a great day, and go out dancing tonight!*
most of the popular
couple dances. Besides the aerobic value of dancing,
and the fun, you
and your partner will feel the same satisfaction and
accomplishment as
any athlete or sports team. Soon, you may find yourself
wanting to
compete, and **USA** DANCE offers regional and
national competitions
similar to the events you may have seen on TV. *

The West Coast Swing was developed in California and
was first known
as the Western Swing. However, many confused it with
dancing, and so in 1959 the name was changed to
reflect its origin, the
West Coast. It is performed to slower swing music with
the lady moving
back and forth in a slot, like being on railroad tracks. The
job is to maneuver around her while pulling her back
and forth in her
slot. The West Coast Swing showcases the lady and is
now very popular
with Ballroom and Country Western dancers alike. Our
West Coast Swing
dancers are -------, and --------------. *

*------------ is a guest professional and associate member

of **USA**

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