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Gramatica & Ejercicios - Subjuntivo Presente 6

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The passage discusses the present subjunctive tense in Spanish, including its formation and various uses.

The three moods in Spanish are the indicative, which expresses facts; the imperative, which is used for commands; and the subjunctive, which expresses uncertainty, feelings, and hypothetical situations.

To form the present subjunctive, the '-o' is dropped from the 'yo' form of the verb and replaced with opposite endings of '-ar'/'-er/-ir' verbs. Stem changes that occur in the present tense also occur in the subjunctive.

Presente de subjuntivo

Presente de subjuntivo
(Present Subjunctive)

In Spanish, there are three moods within which all verb tenses are classified:

1. Indicative
The indicative expresses a statement of fact, truth, or belief. Many of the tenses
you have already learned are part of the indicative mood.

Present: Yo vivo en una casa en las afueras.

I live in a house in the suburbs.

Preterite: El mecnico arregl mi coche en el taller.

The mechanic fixed my car at the shop.

Imperfect: Yo siempre haca quehaceres cuando viva con mis padres.

I always did chores when I lived with my parents.

2. Imperative
The imperative is used to command someone to do something. All of the different
command forms (familiar, formal, nosotros, vosotros) are part of the imperative

Saca la basura.
Take out the trash.

Preparen la ensalada de papas.

Prepare the potato salad.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 1

Presente de subjuntivo

3. Subjunctive
The subjunctive is used in a variety of contexts, such as expressing feelings,
attitudes, and things that are viewed by the speaker as uncertain or hypothetical.

Espero que salgas bien en el examen.

I hope that you do well on the test.

Formation of the Present Subjunctive

To form the present subjunctive, follow the simple steps below:

1. Start with the present tense yo form
2. Drop the o from the end
3. Add the OPPOSITE verb ending
-AR verbs use endings normally associated with ER/-IR verbs
-ER/-IR verbs use endings normally associated with AR verbs
o The charts below show the subjunctive verb endings:

-AR Verbs -ER/-IR Verbs

Yo -e Nosotros -emos Yo -a Nosotros -amos

T -es Vosotros -is T -as Vosotros -is

l Ellos l Ellos
Ella -e Ellas -en Ella -a Ellas -an
Ud Uds Ud Uds

For example:

Es importante que t leas la novela cuidadosamente.

Its important that you read the novel carefully.

Sara recomienda que visitemos el Museo del Prado cuando estamos en Madrid.
Sara recommends that we visit the Prado Museum when were in Madrid.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 2

Presente de subjuntivo

o Atencin! Do you remember why you have to start with the present tense
yo form?
Any irregularities that occur in the present tense yo form
GO verbs
Stem Changes
Spelling Changes
will also be included in the subjunctive forms!

For example:


Present yo: hago muestro conduzco

haga hagamos muestre mostremos conduzca conduzcamos

hagas hagis muestres mostris conduzcas conduzcis

haga hagan muestre muestren conduzca conduzcan

A Note About Stem Changes

As seen above, stem changes that occur in the present tense will also occur in the

o AR & -ER Verbs

Just like the present tense, -AR & -ER verbs that have a stem change will
change in all forms EXCEPT nosotros and vosotros

For example: Stem Change

inside the BOOT!
VOLVER (o-ue)
vuelva volvamos
vuelvas volvis
vuelva vuelvan

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 3

Presente de subjuntivo

o IR Verbs
Unlike AR & -ER verbs, -IR verbs that stem change in the subjunctive will
have a stem change in all six of their forms, including nosotros and
vosotros. However, the stem change in the nosotros and vosotros forms
may be different than the other forms. In the nosotros and vosotros
forms, the possible stem changes are: e i & o u.

For example:

DORMIR (o-ue) SENTIR (e-ie)

duerma durmamos sienta sintamos
duermas durmis sientas sintis
duerma duerman sienta sientan

Es buena idea que t duermas por lo menos siete horas.

Its a good idea that you sleep at least seven hours.

Es una lstima que l no se sienta bien.

Its a shame that he doesnt feel well.

Spelling Changes
Some verbs have a spelling change in the subjunctive. This spelling change occurs in ALL
six verb forms.
Verbs that end in Spelling Change in Subjunctive
-zar -ce
-car -que

-gar -gue

For example:

PRACTICAR Es importante que nosotros

practique practiquemos practiquemos.
practiques practiquis Its important that we
practique practiquen practice.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 4

Presente de subjuntivo

Totally Irregular Verbs

There are 6 verbs that are totally irregular in the subjunctive:
Infinitive Subjunctive Infinitive Subjunctive
vaya vayamos d demos
Ir vayas vayis Dar des deis
vaya vayan d den
sea seamos sepa sepamos
Ser seas seis Saber sepas sepis
sea sean sepa sepan
est estemos haya hayamos
Estar ests estis Haber* hayas hayis
est estn haya hayan
* The verb HABER is a presentative verb (there is/are). The basic formhayais the only form
used as a main verb. The remaining forms are used as helping verbs in compound tenses that you
will learn later.

Uses of the Present Subjunctive

There are many contexts that require the use of the subjunctive in Spanish
To help you learn to use the subjunctive, remember the acronym below:

Want, wish, will

Each of these uses of the
Impersonal expressions
subjunctive is explained in the
Recommendations & advice following pages of this packet.
Doubt, disbelief, denial


The subjunctive is most often used in statements comprised of two clausesa main clause
and a subordinate clausewhich are connected by the conjunction que. For example:

Es bueno que t ayudes con los quehaceres domsticos.

Main Connector Subordinate

Clause Clause

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 5

Presente de subjuntivo

o The main clause contains an expression that triggers the use of the subjunctive
(See WEIRDO acronym)
o The subordinate clause contains the verb in the subjunctive
o Note that, in statements that use the subjunctive, the subject changes
between the main clause and the subordinate clause!

Necesito que t vayas al supermercado.

I need for you to go to the supermarket.

This statement uses the subjunctive because:

1. It expresses want/wish/will
2. It has both clauses and the connector que
3. It has a change of subject (yo in the main clause, t
in the subordinate clause).

Necesito ir al supermercado.
I need to go to the supermarket.

This statement does NOT use the subjunctive because:

1. It does not have both a main clause and a subordinate
clause, nor does it have a connector
2. It does not have a change of subject, therefore an
infinitive is used

WEIRDO Explained

Now lets take a closer look at each of the WEIRDO categories that require the use of the

ant, Wish, Will

The subjunctive is used when expressing what you want or wish for another person to do.
Below are some common main clauses that express want, wish, and/or will.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 6

Presente de subjuntivo

En espaol En ingls

Querer que To want that

Esperar que To hope that

Desear que To wish that

Preferir que To prefer that

Rogar que To beg/plead that

Necesitar que To need that

Insistir en que To insist that

Pedir que To ask/request that

Prohibir que To prohibit that

Importar que To matter/be important that

Mandar que To order that


Mam necesita que nosotros limpiemos la casa.

Mom needs for us to clean the house.

Sara prefiere que yo prepare panqueques.

Sara prefers that I prepare pancakes.


The subjunctive is also used when expressing an emotion, feeling or attitude toward
Below are some main clauses that commonly express emotion, attitude, and/or feeling

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 7

Presente de subjuntivo

En espaol En ingls

Alegrarse (de) que To be happy that

Gustar que To like that

Molestar que To bother that

Sentir que To regret/be sorry that

Sorprender que To surprise that

Temer que To fear that

Tener miedo (de) que To be afraid that


Siento que tu abuelo est tan enfermo.

Im sorry that your grandfather is so sick.

Me sorprende que ellos se casen ya.

Im surprised that theyre getting married already.

mpersonal Expressions

Another common context which requires the subjunctive is impersonal expressions

Impersonal expressions often convey someones opinion or judgment about something,
but these expressions are phrased in an impersonal way, most often following the
pattern es + adjective + que
Below are several impersonal expressions frequently used with the subjunctive

En espaol En ingls

Es bueno que Its good that

Es malo que Its bad that

Es importante que Its important that

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 8

Presente de subjuntivo

Es mejor que Its better that

Es necesario que Its necessary that

Es urgente que Its urgent that

Es extrao que Its strange that

Es una lstima que Its a shame that

Es ridculo que Its ridiculous that

Es terrible que Its terrible that

Es triste que Its sad that

Es buena/mala idea que Its a good/bad idea that


Es extrao que haya tanto trfico hoy.

Its strange that there is so much traffic today.

Es importante que conservemos los recursos naturales.

Its important that we conserve natural resources.

ecommendations & Advice

The subjunctive is also used in contexts in which you recommend or advise that someone
do something
Some common main clauses that express a recommendation or advice are:

En espaol En ingls

Aconsejar que To advise that

Sugerir que To suggest that

Recomendar que To recommend that

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 9

Presente de subjuntivo


Sugiero que pienses en este nuevo tratamiento.

I suggest that you think about this new treatment.

El camarero recomienda que pidamos el salmn.

The waiter recommends that we order the salmon.

oubt, Disbelief, Denial

Another common reason to use the subjunctive is when the statement expresses doubt,
disbelief, denial or uncertainty
Below are several main clauses that express doubt, disbelief and/or denial

En espaol En ingls

Dudar que To doubt that

Negar que To deny that

No creer que To not believe that

No estar seguro/a (de) que To not be sure that

No es cierto que
Its not true that
No es verdad que

No es seguro que Its not certain that

Es imposible que Its impossible that

Es improbable que Its improbable that

(No) Es posible que Its (not) possible that

(No) Es probable que Its (not) probable that

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 10

Presente de subjuntivo


Dudo que aprueben la nueva ley de conservacin.

I doubt that theyll approve the new conservation law.

Es posible que la deforestacin lleve a la extincin de varias

especies de animales.

Its possible that deforestation will lead to the

extinction of various species of animals.


The word ojal is quite common in Spanish

Ojal is actually derived from Arabic, when it was used to express the sentiment May
God (Allah) grant that
The most common contemporary interpretation of ojal is hopefully, but keep in mind
that it is much stronger than simply saying Espero que
The phrase Ojal que is followed by the subjunctive


Ojal que podamos proteger las especies en peligro de extincin.

Hopefully we can protect endangered species.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 11

Presente de subjuntivo

Additional Uses of the Subjunctive

In addition to the WEIRDO categories, there are some other common situations that
require the use of the subjunctive
o Conjunctions
Conjunctions are used to connect other words/phrases
With some conjunctions, the subjunctive is used to express a situation or
action that is uncertain or hypothetical
The following conjunctions always require the subjunctive:

En espaol En ingls

A menos que Unless

Antes (de) que Before

Con tal (de) que Provided that

En caso (de) que In case

Para que So that

Sin que Without


Voy al taller para que arreglen mi carro.

Im going to the shop so that they may fix my


Some conjunctions, however, can be used with either the subjunctive or the
indicative, depending on the context:
Use the indicative when expressing something that habitually happens
or something that happened in the past
Use the subjunctive when expressing a future action

En espaol En ingls

Cuando When

Despus de que After

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 12

Presente de subjuntivo

En cuanto As soon as

Hasta que Until

Tan pronto como As soon as

Siempre recogemos mucha basura cuando vamos al parque.

We always pick up a lot of trash when we go to the


El problema no va a mejorar hasta que reduzcamos
el uso de los combustibles.

The problem isnt going to improve until we

reduce the use of fossil fuels.

o Adjective Clauses
The subjunctive is used in adjective clauses that refer to someone or
something that either does not exist or whose existence is uncertain

No encontr ningunos zapatos que me gusten en la

I didnt find any shoes that I like in the shoe store.

Busco un banco que me d un prstamo.
Im looking for a bank that will give me a loan.

In contexts in which the adjective clause refers to someone or something

that is clearly known, certain or definite, the indicative is used.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 13

Presente de subjuntivo

When NOT to Use the Subjunctive

Now that youve learned a variety of contexts that require the subjunctive, lets review
the contexts in which you do NOT use the subjunctive
Rememberwhen expressing something that is believed to be true or certain, or when
making a statement of fact, you use the indicativeNOT the subjunctive
Below are some phrases that require the indicative
En espaol En ingls

No dudar que To not doubt that

No cabe duda que

There is no doubt that
No hay duda que

No negar que To not deny that

Creer que
To believe/think that
Pensar que

Estar seguro/a (de) que To be sure that

Es seguro que Its certain that

Es verdad que
Its true that
Es cierto que

Es obvio que Its obvious that


Es obvio que el cambio climtico es un problema grave.

Its obvious that climate change is a serious problem.

No cabe duda que la contaminacin del agua presenta una

amenaza severa a los animales marinos.

Theres no doubt that water pollution presents a

severe threat to marine animals.

Sch. Spanish 3, Profa Jenkins 14

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