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Anju 21 Eng

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Parts of speech


1 Name the parts of speech of each italicised word in the following sentences:

a) Villagers are drawing water from the well.

b) Midnight children is a well written book.
c) Blood welled out from the wounds of the patient.
d) Well! It can be rectified.
e) The wrong done to the employee was righted.
f) Sohan is the right person for this post.
g) Everybody has the right to speak in the meeting.
h) Always travel light.
i) Please make room for the aged.
j) This shop sells iron chairs.
k) Run asked his servant to iron the clothes.
l) Strike the iron when it is hot.
m) I sat beside the bridegroom.

2 Select nouns in the following sentences and state what kinds of nouns they are:

I. Radha has a laptop.

II. Shilpa went to shimla.
III. Unemployment is a great curse.
IV. The team is playing in the ground.
V. Neeraj likes to study Economics.
VI. A bunch of flowers is lying on the table.
VII. Madhuibala was famous for her beauty.
VIII. Gandhiji always practiced Ahinsa.
IX. New Delhi is the capital of india.
X. Lime water is a very refreshing deink.

3 Use appropriate pronouns in the following sentences:

I. I am going to London to see ----------------- sister.

II. Sohan lost ---------------- and could not find ------------------.
III. ----------------------- your classroom, Ragini?
IV. ------------------Chaired the meeting in my absence?
V. The computer---------------------- We purchased last year has become obsolete.
VI. You are the laziest worker---------------------- I have ever seen.
VII. ------------------ Worships the rising sun.
VIII. ------------------ are my books and ----------------- are yours.
IX. You should not find fault with------------------.
X. They have to blame ------------------------- for their failure.

Parts of speech

4 Select the adjectives from the following sentences and state what kinds of adjectives they are:

I. The teacher gave him two books.

II. Radha is a clever girl.
III. Ashok was a great king of India.
IV. Mohan got first position in the university.
V. Several trees were uprooted in the storm.
VI. Kashmiri apples are delicious.
VII. Meena has no sense.
VIII. Which car do you want to buy.
IX. Every word of your essay is wrong.
X. The dog not eat any bread.

5 Insert suitable in the following sentences:

I. Have you------------------ spare pen.

II. The teachers asked the class----------------- question.
III. The milkman sold the ------------------- milk.
IV. The child ate---------------- the chocolates.
V. --------------------- students cannot speak English fluently.
VI. ------------------Of the players had a hockey stick.
VII. She has ----------------work to do.
VIII. There are ----------------- goods books in this library.
IX. There are ----------------- hope of his recovery.
X. Sohan has invited------------------ friends to his birthday party.

6 Fill in the correct verbs in the following sentences:

I. The property dealer---------------- me a good house.

II. Mrs. Radha ------------------ my son English.
III. Morning walk---------------- a person healthy.
IV. ---------------- you help the needy?
V. The students are------------------ the examination.
VI. The patient ----------------- died before the doctor came.
VII. Mohan ------------------ writing a book these days.
VIII. The third one day match ----------------- on Monday.
IX. She---------------- all the chocolates.
X. My mother ------------------- to god daily.

7 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from those given in brackets.

I. I was ---------------- delighted to see my friend ( very/much)

II. The patient is ------------------ well now (very/quite)
III. Prerna---------------- studies t all (hard/hardly)

Parts of speech

IV. After the marriage it was-------------------- late to go to bed ( very/too)

V. The postman is------------------ sorry for the delay (very/much)
VI. Indira Gandhi was killed twenty years----------------- (ago/before)
VII. Our library has -----------------books for all (much/enough)
VIII. The --------------- you exercise the better it is (earlier/sooner)
IX. Eesha came to the class----------------- of all(early,earliest)
X. You should be -------------------- careful in feature (much/more)

8 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition:

I. Prem lives---------------- vasant vuhar-------------- new delhi.

II. In Mumbai i had------------------ travel------------------ a crowded train.
III. Neeraj stayed------------------ Vienna while going--------------------- Washington.
IV. I am always ----------------- home ------------------- this time.
V. The dog jumped----------------------- the table.
VI. He has two other cars ------------------this.
VII. Reddy lived---------------- Canada------------------ 1990-----------------1995.
VIII. She is not fit ----------------- this job.
IX. This village was destroyed--------------------- tsunami.
X. The hunter killed two birds-------------- one table.
XI. The rat is hiding ---------------- the table.
XII. Intelligent people always avail themselves------------------- the opportunity.
XIII. There is no dispute------------------- India and Bhutan.
XIV. Akbar ruled----------------- a vast empire.
XV. The two brothers should settle it ------------------ themselves,.
XVI. The students in this class have been studying ------------------ morning.
XVII. A person-------------------Britain is called a Britisher.

9 Fill in blanks with suitable conjunctions:

I. The postman came------------------ gave me a latter.

II. Give me my book--------------- I will beat you.
III. His brother is ill----------------- his sister is well.
IV. You will die some day----------- all men are mortal.
V. The fat girl is lazy-------------- careless.
VI. It is getting late --------------- we should go to bed.
VII. ---------------- Mohan---------------- sohan did it.
VIII. ---------------Ram ---------------- Shyam failed.
IX. With a heavy heart---------------- with a smile she took leave of me.
X. Sohan writes correctly ----------------- meakes mistakes when he speaks.
XI. ---------------- I reached home , it was raining.
XII. It is meaningless to read a book --------------- you cannot understand it.
XIII. The girl ------------------ stood first in the class is the daughter of a professor.

Parts of speech

XIV. ------------------ Mohan is poor, he has bought a scooter.

XV. Always lock your room ------------ you leave.
XVI. The driver pressed the breaks----------------- the car did not stop.

10 State the emotion expressed by the interjection in the following sentences:

I. Alas! He has lost his all.

II. Hip, Hip, Hurrah!
III. Behold, the queen cometh!
IV. Bravo! A good catch!
V. Oh! What a nuisance he is!
VI. O death, where is thy sting?
VII. Fie! A doctor and afraid of operation!

11 Us the following words as nouns and verbs.

(i) Back (ii) Fast

(ii) Wind (iv) Go

12 Rewrite the following sentences supplying infinitive/gerunds/participles in the blanks:

(i) I heard him -------------- so

(ii) The man seemed------------------.
(iii) He does nothing but -------------.
(iv) I dont like his ---------------- at this time.

13 Do as directed

(i) I am sorry to learn that he failed in the examination.(convert into a simple sentence)
(ii) Please help the guests(change the voice)
(iii) He ran fast because he did not want to miss the train.( Replace because by last)
(iv) On hearing of his success, he was very happy. ( change into a complex sentence)
(v) Dear girl, dont weep , your father is safe. said he, ( change into indirect speech)
(vi) I was too ill to go to school yesterday. ( Remove too)
(vii) Take it or throw it.( change the voice)
(viii) He is strong but dull.( change into a complex sentence)
(ix) He is so popular that he excites the envy of others.( use too)
(x) He corrected all the exercise books.( convert into a negative sentence without changing the

14 Insert the prepositions in the following sentences:

(i) It is unwise of you to jump------------------------ such a conclusion.

(ii) She is able and qualified-------------------------- the advertised post.
(iii) The committee agreed to carry------------------------ the plan.

Parts of speech

(iv) The living condition in the villages are looking-----------------------.

(v) What a contrast he is ------------------------- his father.

15 Insert appropriate articles in the following sentences:

(i) Radha is ---------------- Intelligent girl.

(ii) They used ------------------- same road to go to market.
(iii) If you finish your studies before give me -------------------call.
(iv) She reaches Delhi ----------------hour late.
(v) Tamil is ---------------- language used by most of--------------------- people here.
(vi) ---------------------- students you are looking for has gone home.
(vii) There is not------------------ slightest to be noted is the lady.
(viii) The first principal of this college was-------------------- European.
(ix) -------------------------- Ganga is ----------------------------- famous river is India.
(x) ------------------- college is known for education in commerce and economics.

16 Insert appropriate prepositions:

a) He had passion ------------------- arguing.

b) We were all ------------------ high spirits and got along well ----------------- each other.
c) He prefers tea----------------- coffee.
d) The man was born --------------------- a good family.

17 Use the proper form of the word given to fill the blank in each of the following sentences:

a) He behaves as one ----------------- expect him to do (may or might)

b) He was so tired that he---------------- scarcely stand.( can or could)
c) After the shower--------------------- over, the sum shone out again (to be)
d) He has been ------------------ by a scorpion (string)
e) Of late the custom has ------------------- into disguise.(fall)

18 Insert or omit articles where necessary:

a) Where there is will there is way.

b) Only best quality is sold by us.
c) Rose is sweetest of all the flowers.
d) The honesty is best policy.
e) How blue sky looks!

19 Correct the grammatical errors:

a) Was the note written with pencil or with ink?

b) Many a men do not do their duty towards their country.
c) This fruit taste better.
d) He is addicted to drinking.

Parts of speech

e) I have come here this morning.

20 Do as directed:

a) He put on his coat and went to his office.

Begin: putting .................
b) They protested angrily because there was no space.
Begin: Lack of ...................
c) Try as she will , she cannot perform better.
Begin: However....................
d) I felt tired and I took a nap.
Begin: Feeling........................
e) He completed his work and kept away his tools.
Begin : Having.......................

21 Correct the following sentences:

a) Today newspapers having become very important.

b) The spread of education has created more and more interest for reading in public.
c) Everybody wants to know what is important in this world.
d) Once upon a time, a strange looking bird called the dodo lived on an island in the India-Ocean.
e) The art of clowning has around for centuries.
f) The worlds smallest continent but the longest island is Australia.
g) I am kavita could I speak to Neha my classmate.
h) When i started into the new Delhi Railway station.
i) He had made himself the most unpopular member of our colony.
j) You can easily communicate with the help of a telephone.
k) A message is news or request means for some people.
l) Consumers are now aware and cannot be easily given a ride.

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