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1.0 Overall Unit 1-2

1.1 Energy Conversion ... 1-4
1.2 Water Moderated Reactors ... 1-8
1.3 Reactor Safety .. 1-8
1.4 Defense in Depth .. 1-11
1.5 Reactor Safety Fundamentals ... 1-13
1.6 CANDU Station Systems . 1-15
1.7 CANDU 9 Operating Characteristics ...

2.0 Reactor and Moderator

2.1 Reactor Structure Assembly . 2-2
2.2 Fuel ... 2-10
2.3 Moderator Systems ... 2-12

3.0 Reactor Control

3.1 Reactor Control Requirements . 3-2
3.2 Reactor Instrumentation ... 3-6
3.3 Reactivity Control Devices .. 3-11
3.4 Reactor Regulating System Programs .. 3-20

4.0 Heat Transport

4.1 Main Heat Transport . 4-2
4.2 Pressure and Inventory Control 4-8
4.3 Shutdown Cooling 4-13
4.4 Heat Transport Auxiliaries ... 4-15
4.5 Heat Transport System Operation 4-17

5.0 Steam, Turbine And Feedwater

5.1 Steam Generator (Boiler) ..... 5-3
5.2 Steam System ... 5-5
5.3 Turbine ..... 5-9
5.4 Condenser . 5-11
5.5 Feedwater System . 5-12
5.6 Generator .. 5-16
5.7 Conventional Plant Services . 5-18

6.0 Special Safety Systems

6.1 Shutdown System Requirements .. 6-2
6.2 Shutdown System Number 1 6-7
6.3 Shutdown System Number 2 6-15
6.4 Emergency Core Cooling Systems ... 6-26
6.5 Containment System . 6-32
Copyright 2005 Dr. George T. Bereznai

At the successful completion of this course the participants will be able to:

Describe the following features of a CANDU Generating unit:

the principles of overall unit operation and control
the functions, equipment and operation of the main process systems
how each major system is controlled
how reactor safety and the protection of the public is achieved;

Conduct normal and abnormal operations on a simulated CANDU-9

Generating unit, including:
power maneuvers
poison override operation
recovery from a reactor trip
recovery from a turbine trip
responses to reactor, heat transport, steam and feedwater system

This text has been prepared to support the Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation
course, which has the following main components:

modules in science fundamentals, equipment and systems principles relevant to CANDU

modules in CANDU reactor power plant systems and their operation;
self-study of this text to support the above modules;
problem solving assignments to reinforce the understanding and application of the course
operation of a CANDU-9 power plant simulator;
reviews in a workshop or tutorial format to answer questions and exchange information
on topics that are of interest to the majority of the course participants.
The traditional approach to teaching nuclear power plant design and operation has been to
begin with the scientific theory and mathematical representation of the fundamental processes
that take place in a nuclear power plant, studying simplified models, individual pieces of
equipment, eventually combining these into systems and finally synthesizing a complete
generating unit. This approach may be called bottom-up, since each building block must be
understood before subsystems can be formed into systems and eventually into a working
whole. Although this approach has been used successfully for many generations of students,
it is not considered appropriate for a class of adult learners with varied experience in the
nuclear power field. Such individuals will typically be experts in one or more areas relevant
to nuclear power plants, but few if any will have a good understanding and experience with
the overall operation of specific power plant types.

The approach followed in this text and in the course it supports is called top-down. It is
built on the assumptions that the participants want to achieve an overall understanding of
how a nuclear power plant operates, that each of them are already familiar with many of the
underlying science fundamentals, equipment and system principles of nuclear electric
generation, and that each participant will want to study different aspects of nuclear power
plants to different degrees. As such, while the lectures will treat topics that are necessary for
everyone to achieve the desired level of common understanding, it is left to the self-study
sessions for each individual to pursue various topics to different depths. The Simulation and
Problem Solving sessions are designed to ensure that the desired level of understanding is
achieved by every participant. Any shortcomings identified during these sessions will be
addressed during the review period, and if necessary will result in changes to the content of
the lectures and/or the conduct of the self-study and simulation sessions.

The sequence and content of the lectures and the assignments are designed to achieve the
terminal course objectives in the most direct way, subject to the knowledge and skill level of
the participants. As much as practicable, the final learning outcome of each session is to be
presented first, followed by covering as much detail as is necessary for the participants to
gain the desired level of knowledge. For example, if the participants are familiar with reactor
theory and with light water reactors but not with the specific features of heavy water reactors,
the lecturer should begin with the latter, and only cover the other topics if they are needed to
understand the operation of the heavy water reactor. The subsequent assignments would
include questions and problems that were designed to verify the assumed level of theoretical
and light water reactor specific knowledge, and if significant shortfalls were discovered,
these would be taken up in the subsequent review session and/or lecture.

The material for this text is based principally on the CANDU 9 480/NU Technical
Description, AECL document 69-01371-TED-001 Rev. 1, published in January 1995.
Diagrams and text have also been based on various AECL and Ontario Hydro training
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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At the end of this chapter, you will be able to describe the following for
a CANDU nuclear generating station:

1.1 Energy conversions from fission to electricity;

1.2 The main functions and components of each major system;
1.3 How an energy balance is maintained between the reactor and
the conventional side of the station;
1.4 How the unit as a whole is controlled;
1.5 The fundamentals of reactor safety;
1.6 The main systems and operating characteristics of a CANDU
generating unit.

Nuclear generating stations exist for the purpose of converting the energy obtained from the
fission of certain nuclei to electricity. This energy conversion takes place via a number of
intermediate stages that require many pieces of equipment organized into several systems
under the control and protection of both manual and automatic operations. This chapter
presents the main features of a nuclear power plant, so that as each system is studied in
greater detail in subsequent chapters and in other courses, the reader should always be able to
place such detail into the overall context of an operating station.
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The basic nuclear generating station energy cycle is shown in Figure 1.1. Fuel containing
fissile material (Uranium) is fed to the reactor where fission takes place. The energy liberated
appears in the form of heat, which is used to boil water. The steam produced from the boiling
water spins a turbine-generator set, where the heat is converted first to kinetic energy in the
turbine and to electricity by the generator; the electricity produced (denoted as megawatts) is
supplied to the electric power system.

heat to the atmosphere

Fission to Heat
Heat to Heat Heat to Electric

heat to cooling water

Figure 1.1. Basic flow of energy in a nuclear generating station.

It is important to recognize that while the transport of heat from the reactor to the turbine
takes place in one or two closed loop systems that are highly efficient, the transformation of
the heat energy of the steam to the kinetic energy of the turbine is accompanied by a large
loss of energy as the steam is condensed to water prior to recirculating it back to the steam
production system. Approximately 60% of the heat energy removed from the fuel is rejected
to the condenser cooling water. As we will see, several other systems are also cooled by
water. Under normal operations only a few % of the energy is lost directly to the atmosphere.

As indicated in Figure 1.1 spent fuel is periodically removed from the reactor. On the
generator end the flow of electrical energy is shown to be in two directions to indicate the
electrical energy consumption of the station itself.

This very much oversimplified representation of a nuclear generating station will become
increasingly more complex as we study the details of the many systems involved directly or
indirectly in the energy conversion processes, and in ensuring that these processes are always
under control and are operated in a safe manner.
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Energy Balance

Nuclear generating stations are designed to operate for extended periods at a constant power
level, requiring that a steady state balance is maintained between the rate of energy released
from the fuel in the reactor and the electrical output of the generator. This must be achieved
despite inherent variations in the burn-up of fuel in the reactor, disturbances in the energy
conversion processes, in the demands of the electrical power system and in the energy
exchanges between the environment and the station.

As a minimum the plant control system must be able to adjust reactor power to produce the
desired amount of electricity. Since under normal operating conditions the generator is
synchronized to the electric power grid, the electrical energy produced by the generator is
determined by the energy of the steam admitted to the turbine. A mis-match between the
energy produced by the reactor and the steam energy required to produce the desired
electrical output will result in a change of steam temperature and pressure. Because steam
pressure measurements respond more quickly than temperature measurements, it is steam
pressure that is used to indicate an imbalance of energy between reactor and generator, and is
therefore the parameter chosen as an input to the control system to maintain the required

A very much simplified plant control system is shown in Figure 1.2. The key inputs to the
control system are:
reactor power
steam pressure
generator output (MW).

The station control system is designed to keep steam pressure constant while matching the
stations output to the desired setpoint. If the setpoint is the desired level of megawatts, then
the control system adjusts reactor power by changing the position of the reactivity control
devices, and the control system is said to be in reactor lagging mode. If the setpoint is the
desired reactor power output, then the control system adjusts the steam flow to the turbine by
changing the opening of the governor valve, thereby altering the generators output, and the
control system is said to be in reactor leading mode. The choice of which type of setpoint to
specify depends on the operating status of the generating station and the requirements of the
electrical power grid, and input to the control system by the authorized station operator.
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Station Control

reactivity steam
control pressure



Figure 1.2. Simplified Nuclear Generating Station Control System.


Most of the nuclear power plants in operation around the globe use reactors that are both
moderated and cooled by water. Reactors that use enriched uranium use ordinary (or light)
water as both moderator and coolant. The reactor core is contained in a pressure vessel with
no separation between moderator and coolant. Two main types of light water reactors have
been developed, the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and the Boiling Water Reactor
(BWR). In the former the reactor coolant forms a closed primary loop in which it is not
permitted to boil under normal operating conditions, and the steam is produced in a
secondary loop. In a BWR the coolant is allowed to boil and the steam is fed directly to the
turbine. The main characteristics of PWR and BWR reactors are shown in Figure 1.3 and
Figure 1.4. The next two sections outline some of the main design and operating features of
these types of reactors.

Reactors fueled with natural uranium must use heavy water instead of light water as the
moderator, and in order to achieve maximum neutron economy, many heavy water moderated
reactors also use heavy water as the coolant. The currently used designs are of the
pressurized primary loop type similar to PWRs, but instead of a pressure vessel, pressure
tubes contain the coolant and the fuel, while the moderator is in a low pressure, low
temperature calandria vessel. Since this text deals extensively with the CANDU (CANadian
Deuterium Uranium) type of pressurized heavy water reactors, the illustration of a CANDU
in Figure 1.5 is provided only as a means of easy comparison with the PWR and BWR
reactor types.
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Moderator H2O at 15 MPa

Coolant H2O at 15 MPa
Fuel U-235, enriched to 3-5%

Moderator and coolant are combined.

Refueled off load every 12-18 months.
Light water coolant transfers heat to boiler.

Figure 1.3. Pressurized Water Reactor.

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Moderator H2O 6-7 MPa

Coolant H2O, Enriched to 2-3%

Moderator and coolant are combined.

Refueled off load every 12-18 months.
Steam flows directly to the turbine.

Figure 1.4. Boiling Water Reactor.

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Moderator D2O at 1 atmosphere

Coolant D2O 9-10 MPa
Fuel Natural Uranium Dioxide

Pressure tube reactor.

Refueled while at power.
Heavy water coolant transfers heat to boiler.

Figure 1.5. CANDU Reactor.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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In order to minimize the potential threat to the public from the radioactive materials
contained within a nuclear station, a number principles have been developed and
incorporated into the design and operation of nuclear generating stations. Collectively, these
principles have been incorporated in the golden rule of Reactor Safety, which can be stated

There is a minimum risk to the public and the environment from reactor fuel, provided that at
all times:

The reactor power is controlled;

The fuel is cooled;
The radioactivity is contained.

This rule is often shortened to CONTROL, COOL, and CONTAIN.


There are different ways of achieving the golden rule (CONTROL, COOL and CONTAIN).
Many of these have been incorporated into an important concept known as Defense in Depth.
This underlies the whole process of design, construction, commissioning, and operation of a
nuclear power plant. This concept is illustrated by the five part model shown in Figure 1.6.

Defense in Depth

Reliable Reliable Detect &

Multiple Competent
Process Safety Correct
Barriers Staff
Systems Systems Failures

Figure 1.6. Defense in Depth Model.

The Defense in Depth concept assumes the following:

nuclear station design will have some flaws;
equipment will occasionally fail;

operating personnel will occasionally make mistakes.

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The key is to ensure sufficient depth of defense that flaws, failures and mistakes can be
accommodated without increasing the risk or consequences of an accident. If we look at each
of the major blocks of the model in turn, we can see how this is accomplished.

Reliable Process Systems

Process systems are the systems that perform a continuous function in the normal operation
of the plant. For example, the primary heat transport system is a process system that is
continuously active in the removal of heat from the fuel. The reactor regulating system is a
process system that is continuously active in the normal control of reactor power. Reliable
process systems ensure that heat is produced and electricity generated while maintaining
control, cooling and containment.

Reliable Safety Systems

Safety systems are poised systems that operate only to compensate for the failure of process
systems. They can do this by shutting down the reactor to regain control (shutdown systems),
by providing additional cooling to the fuel (emergency core cooling system), and by
containing radioactivity which has escaped from the fuel (containment system). Reliability in
this context means that in the rare event these systems are called upon to act, they will be
available to perform their intended function. The remaining sections of this chapter deal with
these four safety systems.

Multiple Barriers

The multiple barrier approach that has been built into station design is intended to prevent or
impede the release of radioactivity from the fuel to the public. There are five passive barriers
(refer to Figure 5.2) that are continuously available:

the uranium fuel is molded into ceramic fuel pellets which have a high melting point and
lock in most of the fission products;
the fuel sheath which is made of high integrity welded metal (zircaloy) and contains the
ceramic fuel;
the heat transport system which is constructed of high strength pressure tubes, piping and
vessels and contains the fuel bundles;
the system which provides a relatively leak tight envelope maintained slightly below
atmospheric pressure. This partial vacuum encourages air to leak in instead of out
thereby helping to prevent release of radioactivity that escapes from the heat transport
the exclusion zone of at least one kilometer radius around the reactor that ensures any
radioactive releases from the station are well diluted by the time they reach the boundary.

For radioactivity to reach the public from the fuel, it would have to breach each of the five
barriers in succession. This provides a significant degree of protection to the general public.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Competent Operating and Maintenance Staff

The safety systems are designed to operate automatically and the five passive barriers are
always in place, but the Defense in Depth concept does not allow reliance on equipment and
systems to prevent accidents. It is essential that the operating and maintenance staff are
knowledgeable about system conditions, alert for any evidence that systems or equipment
may be on the verge of failure, and act promptly to prevent or minimize the consequences of
such failures.

Detect and Correct Failures

Adequate detection and correction of failures requires not just competent staff but also
processes and procedures for the staff to carry out in a systematic fashion. For example, a
routine testing program for safety systems helps us meet the availability targets. An
operational surveillance program in conjunction with a planned preventive maintenance
program helps us to ensure that equipment and systems are monitored, inspected and repaired
before they fail. Failures, when they do occur, are thoroughly investigated and solutions
applied through a rigorous change approval process.

Figure 1.7. The Five Barriers to Radioactivity Release from the Fuel.
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There are special safety systems which are specifically incorporated in the plant to mitigate
the consequences of a serious process failure requiring reactor shutdown, decay heat removal
and/or retention of released radioactivity. Special safety systems perform no active functions
in the normal operation of the plant, they are said to be poised to prevent unsafe
consequences of plant operation under abnormal or accident conditions. There are four
special safety systems, as follows:
shutdown system number 1,
shutdown system number 2,
emergency core cooling system,
containment system.

The reactor may not be operated without all of the special safety systems being available.
Systems which provide reliable services, such as electrical power, cooling water, and air
supplies to the special safety systems are referred to as safety support systems.

The methods used to ensure that the safety requirements for the special safety systems are
satisfied include redundancy, diversity, reliability and testability, separation, qualification,
quality assurance and the use of appropriate design codes and standards. These are discussed


Redundancy is the use of two or more components or systems which are each capable of
performing the necessary function. Redundancy provides protection against independent
equipment failures.


Diversity is the use of two physically or functionally different means of performing the same
safety function. Diversity provides protection against certain types of common-mode
failures, such as those arising from design or maintenance errors. The special safety systems
use diversity where practicable in performing the same safety function. For example, the two
shutdown systems use different principles of operation and are of a physically different

Reliability and Testability

A high reliability ensures that the chance of a serious accident is very low. The special safety
systems must each meet an availability target of 1x10-3. This target is used during system
design and checked by a reliability calculation. It must also be demonstrated during plant
operation. The design therefore provides for testing of components and systems during plant
operation to confirm the calculated reliabilities.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Separation refers to the use of barriers or distance to separate components or systems

performing similar safety functions, so that a failure or localized event affecting one does not
affect the other. Separation provides protection against common cause effects, such as fires
and missiles.

In the CANDU 9, plant systems are separated in accordance with the two-group separation
philosophy. This separation philosophy divides systems into two groups, each group capable
of performing the essential safety functions of reactor shutdown, decay heat removal, and
monitoring. The Group 1 systems include the normal power production systems as well as
two of the special safety systems. The Group 2 systems are dedicated to safety. To guard
against cross-linked and common-mode events and to facilitate the comprehensive seismic
and environmental qualification of the Group 2 systems, the Group 1 and Group 2 systems
are, to the greatest extent possible, located in separate areas.

Seismic and Environmental Qualification, and Tornado Protection

All systems, equipment and structures required to perform the functions of maintaining
reactor coolant pressure boundary integrity, reactor shutdown, decay heat removal and
containment following postulated accidents are seismically and environmentally qualified
and protected against tornados. This includes all Group 2 systems, the special safety systems
in Group 1, structures and components, the reactor building and Class 1 systems and certain
safety-support systems within the Reactor Building. Qualification ensures that the system,
component, or structure can withstand the effects of the design basis earthquake,
environmental condition, or tornado. Qualification is achieved by testing and/or analysis.

Quality Assurance

A comprehensive quality assurance program is applied to all stages of design, manufacture,

installation, construction and commissioning of safety-related systems and structures. A
program of periodic inspection is provided to detect, on a sample basis, unexpected
deterioration occurring during normal operation of the plant. This ensures that the integrity
of safety-related systems is not degraded by an unanticipated mechanism.

Codes and Standards

In addition to meeting the safety design objectives of redundancy, diversity, reliability and
testability, separation, qualification and quality assurance, the special safety systems design
complies with the mandatory codes and standards.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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The distinguishing characteristics of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) are the use
of heavy water as both moderator and coolant, allowing for the use of natural uranium as
fuel. The only PHWR type that has found wide commercial applications is the CANDU
reactor, a Canadian design that uses high pressure tubes for the fuel and coolant, and a low
pressure calandria to contain the moderator. The CANDU design will be used throughout this
text to illustrate the design and operating characteristics of PHWRs.

The main CANDU process systems are shown in Figure 1.8. The pressurized heavy water of
the Heat Transport System (HTS) removes the heat energy generated by the fissioning of the
fuel in the reactor. Hot heavy water (300C) enters the boilers where some of its heat is
transferred to the feedwater circulated over the boiler tubes. Cooler heavy water (260C)
goes to the heat transport pumps from where it is circulated back to the reactor. The HTS is a
closed loop system, pressurized at 10 MPa to get its saturation temperature about 40C higher
than the secondary side steam requirement, so that heat transfer can occur. Approximately
95% of the heat energy released in the reactor is transferred to light water in the boiler. The
remaining 5% is lost, mainly to the moderator.

D2 O H2O



Figure 1.8. CANDU Station Main Process Systems.

In the Steam-Feedwater System the light water in the boilers is tuned to steam by the heat
transferred from the Heat Transport System (HTS). The steam generated flows to the turbine
where it exerts force on the turbine blades causing rotation of the turbine shaft. In the
process, heat energy is converted to mechanical energy. The turbine drives the generator to
produce electrical energy. The mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy and the
chain of conversions is completed. The heat energy that cannot be used is given up in the
process of condensing the exhaust steam to water in the condenser and the energy is
transferred to the condenser cooling water. The condensate is pumped back to the boiler
through different stages of feedheating as feedwater to complete the steam-feedwater cycle.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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A simplified schematic of a typical CANDU unit is shown in Figure 1.9. It illustrates the
location of the main process systems in the Reactor Building and the Powerhouse.

Figure 1.9. Simplified schematic and location of major systems of a typical CANDU unit.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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The main operating characteristics of a CANDU-9 unit are as follows:

a. The unit is capable of sustained operation at any net electrical output of up to 100
percent of rated full power output.
b. The overall plant control is normally of the reactor-following-turbine type.
c. For reactor power increases, the nuclear steam plant portion of the plant is capable of
maneuvering at the following rates:

Power Range Maximum Rate

0 - 25 percent of full power 4 percent of actual power per second
25 - 80 percent of full power 1 percent of full power per second
80 - 100 percent of full power 0.15 percent of full power per second

The overall plant power maneuvering rate is a function of turbine design, and is typically
limited to 5 to 10 percent of full power per minute.
d. During normal plant operation, assuming an initial power of 100 percent, xenon load at a
steady state level, and with a normal flux shape, the reactor power may be reduced to 60
percent of full power at rates of up to 10 percent of full power per minute. The power
may be held at the new lower level, indefinitely. Return to high power (98 percent) can
be accomplished within four hours, or less, depending on the degree and duration of the
power reduction.
e. In the event of a temporary or extended loss of line(s) to the grid, the unit can continue to
run and supply its own power requirements.
The turbine bypass system to the condenser is capable of accepting the entire steam flow
during a reactor power setback following loss of line or turbine trip, thereby avoiding
any steam discharge to the atmosphere. The steam flow is initially 100 percent, but
decreases to a steady state value in the range of 60 percent after several minutes.
f. The unit is capable of reaching 100 percent net electrical output, from a cold shutdown
within 12 hours. If the pressurizer is at its normal operating temperature and pressure,
the unit is capable of reaching 100 percent electrical output within seven hours
(depending on Xenon level).
g. The reactor and turbine are controlled by computer from zero to 100 percent of full
h. Following a shutdown from sustained full power operation with equilibrium fuel, the
reactor can be restarted within 35 minutes (the poison override time) and returned to full
power operation, otherwise, a poison-out period of about 36 hours results, during
which the reactor cannot be restarted.

The gross output of the generator is 925 MW and the station service power is 55 MW,
yielding a net unit electrical output of 870 MW.

The orientation of the CANDU 9 on a given site is defined by the reference directions,
designated A, B, C, and D, as shown on all layout drawings and illustrations (see Figure 1.10
for example).
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Figure 1.10. CANDU 9 Single Unit Station Layout.

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Two Group Layout of Plant Systems

All plant systems are assigned to one of two groups (Group 1 or Group 2); each group is
capable of shutting the reactor down, cooling the fuel, and of providing plant monitoring. In
general, Group 1 systems sustain normal plant operation and power production and include
two special safety systems while Group 2 systems have a safety or safety support function.
Group 1 and Group 2 services are accommodated in physically separate areas of the station to
the extent feasible. All Group 2 services, except for the Group 2 raw service water system,
are totally accommodated within the Group 2 portion of the reactor auxiliary building and to
the extent practical are physically separated from the Group 1 areas. Group 2 structures and
all equipment within them are seismically qualified, and protected against severe external
events such as tornado.

Group 1 services are housed in the Group 1 areas of the reactor auxiliary building and in a
portion of the turbine building auxiliary bay. The Group 1 areas of the reactor auxiliary
building are seismically and environmentally qualified. The Group 1 services portion of the
turbine building auxiliary bay is environmentally sealed to prevent steam ingress in the event
of a steam line break occurring in the turbine building. The main steam safety valves must be
seismically qualified and protected from severe external events.

The main control room, located in the reactor auxiliary building, is seismically qualified and
environmentally protected to protect the operator from all design basis events. A secure
route is provided allowing the operator to move from the main control room to the secondary
control area, located in the Group 2 area of the reactor auxiliary building, following an event
which causes a loss of operability or habitability of the main control room.


The position of the reactor in the reactor vault is shown in Figures 1.11 and 1.12. The
arrangement of the reactor is shown in Figure 2.3. The cylindrical calandria and end shield
assembly is enclosed and supported by the cylindrical shield tank and its end walls. The
calandria contains heavy water moderator and reflector; the shield tank contains light water.
The heavy water moderator system is independent from the pressurized heavy water heat
transport coolant in the fuel channel pressure tubes.

The lattice sites, arranged parallel to the horizontal axis, pass through the calandria. Each of
the lattice sites accommodates a fuel channel assembly. Each fuel channel assembly consists
of a zirconium-niobium alloy pressure tube, centralized in a calandria tube, and expanded
into stainless steel end fittings at both ends. The annulus between the pressure tube and the
calandria tube is maintained by annular spacers and is gas-filled to provide thermal
insulation. Each of the fuel channel assemblies contains 12 fuel bundles.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Figure 1.11. Reactor Building Section 7-7.

The calandria shell is closed and supported by the end shields at each end. Each end shield is
comprised of an inner and outer tubesheet joined by lattice tubes and a peripheral shell. The
spaces between the inner and outer tubesheets of both end shields are filled with steel balls
and water, and are water-cooled. This shielding allows personnel access to the reactor face
during reactor shutdown.

The end shields are connected to the end walls of the shield tank assembly which are, in turn,
supported from the vault floor by the reactor vault walls. The space between the calandria
shell and the shield tank shell is filled with light water, which serves as a thermal and a
biological shield. This shielding allows personnel access to the reactor vault during reactor

The vertical and horizontal reactivity control units are installed from the top and from the
sides of the calandria, respectively, between and perpendicular to the calandria tubes. The
vertical and horizontal reactivity control units enter the calandria from the reactivity
mechanisms deck and from the shield tank side walls, respectively.
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Figure 1.12. Reactor Building Plan El. 100.00.

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Moderator Systems

The heavy water moderator in the calandria is used to moderate the fast neutrons produced by
fission and is circulated through the calandria and moderator heat exchangers to remove the
heat generated in the moderator during reactor operation. The location of the inlet and outlet
nozzles high on the sides of the calandria ensures uniform moderator temperature distribution
inside the calandria. The moderator free surface is near the top of the calandria. The
operating pressure at the moderator free surface is the normal cover gas system pressure.

The moderator system consists of two interconnected circuits, each containing a heat
exchanger and a circulation pump.

The moderator auxiliary systems include the moderator D2O collection system, the moderator
D2O sampling system, the moderator liquid poison system, the moderator purification system,
and the moderator cover gas system.

Heat Transport Systems

The heat transport system is a single loop with a figure of eight coolant flow pattern. The
equipment arrangement with the steam generators and pumps in-line at each end of the
reactor results in bi-directional flow through the core (Figure 1.13). The four steam
generators are of the vertical U-tube type with an integral preheating section. The four heat
transport system pumps are vertical single discharge, electric motor driven, centrifugal pumps
with multi-stage mechanical shaft seals.

No chemicals are added to the heat transport system for reactivity control. The heat transport
auxiliary systems include the heat transport purification system, the pressure and inventory
control system, the shutdown cooling system, the heat transport collection system and the
heat transport sampling system.


The CANDU 9 uses the same 37-element fuel bundle design as the other operating CANDU
reactors. Each fuel element contains sintered pellets of uranium dioxide with a U235 content
of 0.71 wt% in a Zircaloy-4 sheath. There is a graphite layer (CANLUB) on the inside
surface of the sheath. End caps are resistance welded to the ends of the sheaths to seal the
element. End plates are resistance welded to the end caps to hold the elements in a bundle
assembly. Spacer pads are brazed to the elements at their midpoints, to provide inter-element
spacing. Element contact with the pressure tube is prevented by bearing pads brazed near the
ends and at the mid-point of each outer element. Beryllium metal is alloyed with the
Zircaloy-4 to make the braze joints.
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Figure 1.13. Heat Transport System Simplified Flow Diagram.

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Fuel Handling

To use natural uranium fuel economically, it is necessary to introduce new fuel and remove
irradiated fuel (spent fuel) in a continuous manner. The pressure tube design is convenient
for on-power refueling. The fuel inside the individual pressure tubes can be changed using
remotely controlled fuelling machines one channel at a time.

The CANDU 9 is refueled on-power using two fuelling machines located at opposite ends of
the reactor. The fuelling machines are operated from the main control room. For refueling,
the fuelling machines are positioned at opposite ends of the fuel channel to be refueled, and
locked on to the end fittings to obtain leak-tight joints.

After the fuelling machines are aligned and clamped to the channel, the pressures in the
machines and channel are equalized. The fuelling machines then remove the channel
closures, guide sleeves are installed and injection flows are established from the fuelling
machines. The shield plugs are then removed which allows the fuelling machine at the inlet
end of the channel to move the fuel string towards the fuelling machine located at the outlet
end. A ram adapter is added to the fuelling machine ram. The irradiated fuel bundles are
supported with this ram adapter as they are pushed, separated into pairs and stored in the
fuelling machine. During refueling, the irradiated fuel bundles are removed from the fuel
channel outlet and new fuel bundles added at the inlet.

The fuel management scheme dictates which irradiated bundles are sent to the irradiated fuel
storage bay, and the arrangement of the fuel bundles (including both irradiated bundles and
new fuel bundles) in the fuel channel after refueling.

The reverse sequence of returning shield plugs, removal of guide sleeves and re-installation
of the channel closures completes the refueling sequence on channel.

The fuelling machine unloads irradiated fuel bundles through the associated irradiated fuel
port which leads to one of the irradiated fuel storage bays located outside the reactor building
containment wall. The irradiated fuel storage bays have a storage capacity for six years of
reactor operation, plus a reactor load of fuel. Lifting facilities are provided for the handling
and shipping of the irradiated fuel.

The fuelling machines, the fuel transfer ports and the irradiated fuel discharge equipment are
operated remotely and automatically from the main control room. Personnel access to the
reactor building is required for in-situ maintenance of the fuel handling equipment. The
fuelling machines are removed from the reactor building for all major maintenance.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
Dr. George Bereznai page 1 - 23

Reactor Power Control

Total reactor power is controlled automatically by computer from zero power to full power.
Liquid zone control compartments, distributed throughout the reactor core in vertical zone
control units, provide the primary means to regulate reactivity during normal reactor
operation. The zone control units adjust the flux level in any of the reactor zones by adding
or removing light water to/from the zone control compartment to provide local control of
neutron absorption.

The semi-continuous on-power refueling system provides the principal means of long term
reactivity control. In addition to the zone control system, adjuster rods, mechanical control
absorbers, and the addition of soluble poison to the low temperature moderator are other
means available for reactivity control.

The reactor regulating system allows the reactor power to be reduced to about 60 percent of
full power and operation continued indefinitely at that level or to be quickly reduced to zero
power and then restarted within 35 minutes (which is the xenon override time). Steam
discharge to the turbine condenser allows continued reactor operation at reduced power when
the turbine or electrical grid connection is not available.

Instrumentation and Control

Most of the plant systems used for normal power production and fuel handling, i.e., the
Group 1 systems, are monitored and controlled by a distributed digital computer control
system. This system includes a Plant Display System to provide the primary operator
interface in the main control room. Redundant channelized sensors and actuators are used for
important functions.

Separate, independent, and diverse instrumentation and control systems are used for the
special safety systems and Group 2 safety support systems. Separate independent operator
interface equipment is provided in the secondary control area to perform all necessary safety
functions in the event that the main control room becomes uninhabitable.

Reactor Safety

Safety related systems perform the safety functions necessary to maintain the plant in a safe
condition during normal operation, and to mitigate events caused by the failure of the
normally operating systems or by naturally occurring phenomena (e.g. earthquakes). The
safety related systems used for mitigating events include four special safety systems and
safety support systems which provide necessary services to the former. The four Special
Safety Systems are: Shutdown System Number 1 (SDS1), Shutdown System Number 2
(SDS2), Emergency Core Cooling (ECC), and Containment.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Safety related systems are separated into two groups, Group 1 and Group 2, to provide
protection against common cause events which impair a number of systems or damage a
localized area of the plant (e.g. fires). Group 1 includes most of the systems required for
normal operation of the plant as well as two special safety systems. Systems in each group
are capable of performing the essential safety functions of reactor shutdown, decay heat
removal, and control and monitoring. Each group contains safety support services (e.g.
electrical power systems with diesel generators, cooling water systems, and steam generator
feedwater systems), which can also provide backup support services to the other group, as
required. During normal plant operation, the Group 1 systems generally provide the support
services to the systems in both groups.

The systems in each group are designed to be as independent from each other as practicable,
to prevent common cause events from affecting systems in both groups.

Interconnections between groups are kept to a practical minimum, and provided with suitable
isolation devices. Inside the reactor building, components of each group are physically
separated by distance or local barriers. Outside the reactor building, the physical interface
between groups is designed as a fire barrier, and as a barrier against any flooding that can
occur in either of the groups. Fire barriers, flood control, and physical separation of selected
components are also provided where necessary within each group.

The special safety systems are assigned to groups to provide maximum independence
between those that have similar or complementary safety functions. SDS1 and the
containment system are assigned to Group 1, and SDS2 and ECC are assigned to Group 2.
This grouping assignment minimizes physical and functional cross connections between

Most design basis events are controlled and monitored from the main control room, in Group
1. Following an event which causes loss of the operability or habitability of the main control
room. the operator can control and monitor the plant from the secondary control area in
Group 2.

Shutdown Systems

Two shutdown systems, additional to the regulating system, are provided to shut the reactor
down for safety reasons. One system (SDS1) consists of mechanical shutdown rods while the
other (SDS2) injects a gadolinium nitrate solution into the moderator via liquid poison
injection nozzles. These two safety systems are independent and diverse in concept and are
separated both physically and in a control sense to the maximum practical degree from each
other and from the reactor regulating system. The two shutdown systems respond
automatically to both neutronic and process signals. Either shutdown system, acting on its
own, is capable of shutting down the reactor and maintaining it shut down for all design basis
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Emergency Core Cooling System

The purpose of the emergency core cooling system is to replenish the reactor coolant and to
assure cooling of the reactor fuel in the unlikely event of a loss-of-coolant accident.
Emergency core cooling is provided by injecting light water into the reactor headers.

During the initial injection phase, air from the emergency core cooling system gas tanks is
utilized to pressurize the emergency core cooling system water tanks and deliver light water
to the headers at high pressure. In the long term the emergency core cooling system
recirculates water through the reactor and dedicated heat exchangers for decay heat removal.
Make-up water is provided from the reserve water tank.

The emergency core cooling system, except for the gas tanks and recovery pumps, is housed
within the reactor building.

Containment System

The containment system consists of the containment envelope and the containment isolation.

The containment envelope is a pressure-retaining boundary consisting of the reactor building

and metal extensions such as airlocks, piping system penetrations and electrical penetration
assemblies. The containment envelope is designed to withstand the maximum pressure
which could occur following the largest postulated loss-of-coolant accident. Piping systems
passing through the envelope are equipped with isolation valves.

The containment isolation system automatically closes all reactor building penetrations open
to the containment atmosphere when an increase in containment pressure or radioactivity
level is detected.

A long-term containment atmosphere heat sink is provided by the reactor building air coolers.

Main Steam and Feedwater Systems

Four identical steam generators with integral preheaters transfer heat from the heavy water
reactor coolant of the primary heat transport system side to the light water on the secondary
side. The temperature of the incoming feedwater is increased to the boiling point and
subsequently evaporated. The steam generators consist of an inverted vertical U-tube bundle
installed in a shell. Steam separating equipment is housed in the steam drum at the upper end
of the shell. The steam from the boilers is fed by separate steam mains to the turbine steam
chest via the turbine stop valves, and its flow is controlled by the governor valves.

The steam pressure is normally controlled at a constant value by varying reactor power to
match the turbine-generator demand. The condenser steam discharge valves, in combination
with the atmospheric steam discharge valves, are sufficient to avoid lifting of the main steam
safety valves following a loss of line or a turbine trip and, hence, permit continuation of
reactor operation.
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Main steam safety valves are provided on each steam main to protect the steam system and
the steam generators from overpressure.

The feedwater system supplies normal feedwater to the steam generators. The feedwater
system comprises the main feedwater pumps on Class IV power and a diesel-driven auxiliary
feedwater pump. The feedwater is demineralized and preheated light water. The feedwater
lines run from the feedwater regulating valve station in the turbine building to the reactor
building and hence, to each steam generator.

The Group 2 feedwater system supplies feedwater to the steam generators at full operating
pressure in the event that the main (Group 1) feedwater system is unavailable. A further
backup supply is available from the reserve water tank.

Steam Generator Pressure Control

The steam generator pressure control system enables the reactor power output to track the
turbine power output, using the steam generator pressure as the controlled variable. The
steam generator pressure controller is a part of the overall plant control system.

During normal operation, steam pressure is primarily controlled by adjusting reactor power.
If for some reason the reactor regulating system does not allow the reactor to respond to
pressure controller demands, or if a reactor power reduction occurs because of a trip, a
stepback, or a setback, the reactor setpoint is controlled directly by the respective reduction
signal, and the 'normal' mode of control of steam generator secondary side pressure is
interrupted. Steam pressure control switches to the alternate mode of adjusting the plant
loads. Similarly, if the operator elects to control the reactor power set point manually, steam
pressure control is via plant loads.

When the plant is in the normal mode, the turbine governor valves are controlled through
the unit power regulator program; i.e., the unit power regulator calculates what the valve
setpoint should be and pulses to that position.

If the plant is in the alternate mode, the steam generator pressure control system controls
the turbine in response to the steam pressure error, steam pressure error rate of change, and
the rate of change of reactor power.

The turbine has a low steam pressure unloader external to the control computers. This
overrides directly the turbine governor action including the steam generator pressure control
signal, and causes a fast runback of the turbine.

Atmospheric Steam Discharge Valves are low capacity valves that are used to control steam
generator pressure via the steam pressure control program. They are opened in proportion to
the pressure error, normally with an offset in the steam pressure setpoint. These valves may
also be used to provide a heat sink during shutdown for decay heat removal when the main
condenser is unavailable.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Condenser Steam Discharge Valves are capable of discharging up to 70% of full power live
steam to the condenser on loss of turbine so that the reactor can continue to operate at the
power required to prevent a poison-out. They are also used to discharge steam on a loss of
line, or on a turbine trip, so that the main steam safety valves do not lift. During normal
operation these valves operate on the pressure control mode, with an offset to bias them
closed. During poison-prevent, their steady state opening is proportional to the power
mismatch between the poison-prevent reactor power level and actual turbine steam
consumption. On a turbine trip, they are first opened fully and then returned to the pressure
control mode. During reactor shutdown they provide a heat sink through the condenser for
decay heat removal.

Steam Generator Level Control

The level in each of the steam generators is controlled individually, as a function of power.

Because of safety, range of control and maintenance considerations, each steam generator has
a set of three control valves for feedwater control connected in parallel: one small valve to
control feedwater during shutdown, startup, and low power operation, and two larger valves
to control feedwater for on-power conditions. Each of the two large valves can handle the
full power flow requirements. Isolating valves are provided for each control valve.

The steam generator level control system balances feedwater to steam flow for all operating
conditions: fast reactor runup, reactor setback, turbine trip and poison-prevent mode. The
water level setpoint is automatically programmed over a set range as a function of load.
Control is by the distributed computer control system.

Turbine-Generator and Auxiliaries

The CANDU 9 turbine assembly consists of one double flow high pressure cylinder and three
double flow low pressure cylinders with reheaters between the high and low pressure

The condenser consists of three separate shells, one for each low pressure turbine cylinder.

The extraction steam system supplies five stages of feedwater heating. The low pressure
regenerative feedwater heating system consists of a single bank of low pressure closed
feedwater heaters and a deaerator, whereas the high pressure system consists of a high
pressure heater. The deaerator is heated with extraction steam or, if unavailable, with
pegging steam from the steam mains.
The Group 1 feedwater system includes three 50 percent capacity electrically driven main
feedwater pumps that take suction from the deaerator storage tank and an auxiliary feedwater
pump, which is diesel driven.
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Electric Power System

The electric power system generates and transmits electric power to the grid and to the unit
loads. Unit service power (normal) is provided by one of the two 100 percent capacity
transformers, the unit service transformer or the system service transformer, from either the
turbine-generator or the grid respectively. This power is distributed and further stepped
down in voltage as required. Auxiliary power to equipment is provided by the Group 1
standby diesel-electric generators to all station loads which must be re-energized within a
short time after the loss of the normal supply, and by seismically qualified diesel-electric
generators for the Group 2 loads.

Essential control, instrumentation and safety systems equipment are supplied with
uninterruptible power, through inverters, fed from a bank of batteries, backed up by the
standby power buses.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

The following systems are included under this heading:

a. The reactor building cooling system controls air temperatures in both the accessible and
inaccessible areas of the building. The system consists of vault cooling units and local
cooling units appropriately located within the building.
b. The reactor building ventilation system provides air exchange, maintains the reactor
building at a pressure slightly below atmospheric and provides filtration of air before
exhaust to the atmosphere.
c. The reactor auxiliary building heating, ventilation, air conditioning and clean air
discharge systems.

Computerized Station Control Systems

Because of the complex interdependence of control systems in a CANDU unit, all major
control functions are performed by Digital Control Computers (DCC). The main programs
Reactor Regulating System (RRS)
Boiler Pressure Control (BPC)
Unit Power Regulator (UPR)
Boiler Level Control (BLC)
Heat Transport System Pressure and Inventory Control (HTSP)
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Table 1.1 summarizes these programs with the parameters measured and the different
variables controlled and manipulated. A simplified general layout of the station control
system is illustrated in Figure 1.14.

Table 1.1

Program Measured Variable(s) Controlled Variable(s)

Name Parameter (s) Manipulated
RRS Reactor Bulk Neutron flux Zone water level
Power Rod Position
BPC Boiler pressure Boiler pressure Reactor setpoint
Reactor power Steam flow
Steam Flow
UPR Electrical output Electrical Output Steam flow
Steam Flow
BLC Boiler level Level (Inventory) Feedwater flow
Reactor power
Feedwater flow
Steam flow
HTSP HTS Pressure D2O Pressure D2O Feed &
Pressurizer Level Bleed
(where applicable) pressurizer
steam bleed &

Reactor Regulating System (RRS)

This program adjusts the reactivity control devices to maintain reactor power at the desired
setpoint and, when required, to maneuver the reactor power level between set limits at
specific rates. It also monitors and controls power distribution within the reactor core. to
optimize fuel bundle and fuel channel power within their design specification. The reactivity
control devices include:

liquid zones,
control absorbers,

Boiler Pressure Control (BPC)

This program controls boiler pressure to a constant setpoint, by changing reactor setpoint
(reactor lagging mode), or adjusting the turbine load (reactor leading mode). BPC can open
the steam reject valves if boiler pressure is higher than desired. If BPC cannot prevent high
boiler pressure by adjusting either steam flow or by adjusting reactor power, the boiler
pressure is reduced by steam reject valves.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
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Unit Power Regulation (UPR)

This program maneuvers the unit power in the reactor lagging mode, by adjusting the turbine
load setpoint, to maintain the generator output at the level demanded by the local operator, or
a remote control center. In reactor leading mode UPR has only a monitoring function and
takes no active part in control.

Boiler Level Control (BLC)

BLC is used to control the water level in each boiler under all unit power conditions from 0%
to 100% full power. This program controls the feedwater valves to maintain the water level
in the boiler sufficient for the reactor power level setpoint.

Heat Transport System Pressure and Inventory Control (HTSP)

This program controls the heat transport pressure control system to maintain heat transport
pressure at a fixed setpoint. In stations with a pressurizer, pressurizer level is also controlled.

There are many other control programs in a nuclear power plant, but the ones listed above are
the programs required for overall unit control.


(UPR) System & Flow
Control Signal







Figure 1.14. Simplified Overall Unit Control Block Diagram.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
Dr. George Bereznai page 1 - 31

Operator/Computer Interface

As indicated earlier, digital computers are used to perform most of the control and monitoring
functions of a CANDU station and replace much of the conventional panel instrumentation in
the control room.

A number of man-machine communication stations, each essentially comprising a keyboard

and color CRT monitors, are located on the main control room panels. The displays provided
include graphic trends, bar charts, status displays, pictorial displays and historical trends.

The Unit Control Computer System was not designed to be a stand alone master brain that
could handle all possible situations without intervention of an operator. Major set points, like
the unit operating level, are input by the operator according to approved station procedures.
Manual controls are also incorporated into the system to allow the operator to intervene under
prescribed conditions, such as during major upsets, equipment failure or computer

The operator interface was designed to provide two way communications between the
operator and the computer system. The computer provides sufficient information in an
appropriate form (easily understandable, meaningful, correct) to the operator to assist in
decision making. The computer provides information about field processes, equipment
operation, abnormal conditions, computer malfunctions, etc., in the form of displays on the
monitor, alarms, or printed logs. The operator can enter information, requests, or instructions
to the computer using keyboards and switches. Figure 1.15 shows a typical computer control

Figure 1.15. Man-machine interface and process computer control system.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 1: Overall Unit
Dr. George Bereznai page 1 - 32

Copyright information for Chapter 1:

Figures on pages 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-10, 1-14 and 1-31 are from unpublished
training documents of Ontario Hydro. Reprinted with permission.

Figures on pages 1-16, 1-18, 1-19 and 1-21 are from CANDU 9 480/NU
Technical Description, AECL document 69-01371-TED-001 Rev. 1, January
1995. Reprinted with permission of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL).
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 1




At the end of this chapter, you will be able to describe the following features
of the CANDU reactor and moderator systems:

1. The reasons for the choice of calandria and pressure tube design;
2. The functions, structures, materials and physical properties of fuel, fuel
channel, coolant and moderator;
3. The main functions and heat sources of the main moderator system;
4. The equipment and operation of the main moderator system;
5. The functions and main operating characteristics of the auxiliary
moderator systems.

This chapter discusses the main process systems, equipment and materials used to create and
sustain a nuclear fission chain reaction. Since the heavy water moderator is essential to
achieve fission using natural uranium, the reactor and moderator systems are both discussed
in this chapter.

Figure 2.1 shows in simplified form the principle characteristics of the CANDU type of
pressurized heavy water reactor: a large, cylindrical calandria that contains the moderator at
slightly above atmospheric pressure, fuel channel assemblies each of which consists of a
calandria tube, a pressure tube and fuel bundles. The pressure tubes are part of the heavy
water primary heat transport system that is under sufficiently high pressure (in the order of 10
MPa) to limit the boiling of the coolant under normal operating conditions to at most 4%. The
heat transport system continuously removes the heat generated in the fuel bundles and the
pressure tubes, while the moderator cooling system removes the heat generated in the
moderator and the calandria tubes.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 2

Figure 2.1. CANDU Reactor and Moderator.


In order to maintain the top down approach, and since the design of the CANDU reactor was
influenced to a significant degree by the inability of Canadian industry in the 1950s to
manufacture a sufficiently large pressure vessel, the description of the reactor system begins
with the assembly structure consisting of the calandria, end shields, pressure tubes and other
major components that define so much of the CANDU characteristics. These components are
illustrated in Figure 2.2.

The functional requirements of the reactor are as follows:

to support and locate the fuel channels and contain the moderator such that a controlled
nuclear fission chain reaction will occur to produce heat,
to provide for the removal of the heat generated by nuclear fission,
to provide for the fuel to be replaced while the reactor is operating,
to accommodate the specified temperatures, pressures, radiation fields and loads acting
on the reactor during normal and abnormal operation, fabrication, transportation, storage,
installation, and all design basis events including a design basis earthquake.
to locate and support the specified reactivity measurement, control and shutdown
to provide radiation and thermal shielding to protect nearby equipment and permit access
for maintenance,
to provide for major components, except the calandria-shield tank assembly, to be easily
replaced or refurbished, which may be required after more than 30 years, to obtain a
plant design life of 60 years.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 3

Figure 2.2. Reactor Assembly Structure.

The calandria shell, the two end shields and the shield tank and its end walls form the multi-
compartment calandria-shield tank assembly. This assembly, plus the reactivity mechanisms
deck, and the reactivity control unit thimbles and access tubes, comprise the reactor structure.
This structure supports and contains the fuel channel assemblies and the reactivity control
units, as well as the heavy water moderator, demineralized light water shielding and carbon
steel balls shielding, as shown in Figures 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.

The calandria-shield tank assembly consists of the horizontal cylindrical calandria shell, the
end shields, the concentric cylindrical shield tank shell and its end walls. The calandria is a
horizontal, cylindrical vessel of stainless steel, filled with low pressure heavy water
moderator. It is spanned axially by the annealed Zircaloy-2 calandria tubes which join the
two end shields together and form ducts through the calandria for the fuel channel pressure
tubes. The calandria is spanned vertically and transversely by the Zircaloy guide tubes which
house the reactivity control units. The calandria vessel is connected to the moderator system
via inlet and outlet nozzles. Heat is generated in the moderator, mainly by the moderation of
neutrons and gamma ray absorption. Heat is also transferred to the moderator from the
calandria tubes and other in-reactor components. Moderator circulation within the calandria
promotes uniform temperature through good mixing.

Each end shield is comprised of two tubesheets joined by the lattice tubes and a peripheral
shell. The volume enclosed is filled with carbon steel balls and demineralized light water, for
shielding and cooling. The shield tank end walls are the extensions of the end shield
tubesheets which are secured to the vault walls, and through this arrangement the shield tank
supports and encloses the calandria vessel The shield tank, end shields and end walls provide
shielding to permit maintainer access inside the reactor vault and the fuelling machine vaults
during shutdown. Their shielding also protects the vault wall concrete from excessive
heating at full power. Water is circulated through the end shields to remove the heat
transferred from the primary heat transport system and generated by direct neutron
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
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Figure 2.3. Reactor Assembly.

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Figure 2.4. Reactor Structures Assembly-Front View.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
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Figure 2.5. Reactor Structures Assembly - Plan View.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 7

Fuel Channel Assemblies

The main functions of the fuel channel assemblies are to provide a low neutron-absorbing
pressure tube, or boundary, to support and locate the fuel within the reactor core, and to allow
for a controlled flow of the high pressure heat transport coolant around and through the fuel.
Leaktight connections are provided to the heat transport inlet and outlet feeder pipes as well
as to the channel closures at both ends. The fuel channel end fitting assemblies include a
liner tube and shield plug at each end. A second tubular member, the calandria tube, forms a
concentric container around the pressure tube. It is connected to the calandria end shield
tubesheets using roll expanded sandwich type rolled joints. The annulus between the
pressure tube and calandria tube is gas-filled, and provides thermal insulation to minimize
heat loss from the high temperature heat transport system coolant to the cool moderator. The
arrangement of fuel elements, pressure tube, annular space, calandria tube and moderator are
illustrated in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6. Arrangement of fuel elements, pressure and calandria tubes.

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Figure 2.7. Fuel Channel Assembly.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 9

For a complete reactor the fuel channel assemblies are arranged in a square pitch pattern to
form a roughly circular core. Each of the assemblies comprises a pressure tube attached to
inlet and outlet end fittings using roll expanded joints. The end fittings at either end can be
made axially fixed and those at the other end free by adjustment of mechanical positioning
assemblies connected to the fuelling side tubesheets. The annular gap between the end
fittings and the lattice tube is sealed via a flexible bellows. The end fittings at each end are
connected to feeder pipes by bolted or welded connections. The general arrangement of the
channel is shown in Figure 2.7.

Calandria Tubes

The calandria tubes are an integral part of the reactor structure. They also provide essential
fuel channel assembly functions. The calandria tubes are roll-expanded into the calandria
side tubesheet. The calandria tubes are made of annealed Zircaloy-2, an alloy specifically
developed for in-core components. This material has good resistance to corrosion and
radiation and offers good neutron economy. The inner surface of the calandria tubes is
surface conditioned to promote radiant heat transfer and optimize contact conductance during
a potential loss-of-coolant accident.

Pressure Tubes

The pressure tubes, containing fuel bundles and heavy water coolant, are concentrically
located inside the calandria tubes. Spacers in the annular gap between the pressure tube and
the calandria tube separate the pressure tube from the calandria tube.

The zirconium-2.5wt% niobium alloy used for the pressure tubes combines low neutron
absorption cross-section with high strength and good corrosion resistance, and low hydrogen
absorption. A corrosion and wear allowance is included in the wall thickness of the pressure
tubes. Extensive testing on this material has been done, and continues, to ensure the pressure
tubes perform as required. This work has resulted in many advances in pressure tube
technology including improved manufacturing procedures that provide lower initial hydrogen
content and higher fracture toughness properties than previously obtained.

Fuel Channel Spacers (Garter Springs)

Four spacers per fuel channel assembly prevent direct contact between the pressure tube and
calandria tube during normal operation. When installed, the spacers conform to the outside
diameter of the pressure tube and are a snug fit around it, leaving a small diametral space
between the spacer and the calandria tube to accommodate diametral creep and thermal
expansion of the pressure tube. The design of the spacer does not impede the flow of the
annulus gas. The spacers are a close-coiled helical spring, formed into a torus about a girdle
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 10

2.2 FUEL

The functional requirements for a CANDU fuel bundle are as follows:

The fuel bundle shall maintain its structural integrity, leaktightness and dimensional
stability during transportation, during reactor operation under normal operating
conditions including power maneuvering, and during refueling, storage and
transportation following irradiation.

The bundle shall have a specified hydraulic resistance to coolant flow, have a uniform
coolant flow distribution within the bundle, have no local areas of flow stagnation
adjacent to any element, and have sufficient margin-to-dryout under normal operating

The bundle shall deliver its rated fission power at the specified operating conditions.

The fuel element design shall be such as to maintain internal gas pressure below that of
the coolant under normal operating conditions.

The CANDU 9 reactor uses the 37-element fuel bundle design of the CANDU 6. The fuel
bundle uses two main materials: Zircaloy and uranium dioxide with 0.71% U235. When
loaded with uranium dioxide pellets the bundle weighs about 24 kg, of which more than 90%
is uranium oxide fuel. The bundle is shown in Figure 2.8.

The individual fuel elements contain three basic component parts: the uranium dioxide
pellets, the sheath (with the CANLUB coating on the inside surface) and the end caps. In
addition each element has bearing pads and/or spacer pads brazed to the outer surface. End
plates are welded to the end caps to hold the elements in a bundle assembly and bearing pads
brazed near the ends and at the mid-point of each outer element to provide spacing between
the bundle and the pressure tube.

The Fuel Sheath are designed to:

contain the uranium dioxide under normal operating conditions,
minimize neutron absorption,
minimize corrosion and hydrogen/deuterium pickup,
minimize strain effects,
minimize resistance to heat transfer,
minimize hydraulic head loss,
withstand normal operating (including refueling) loads.

Zircaloy-4 is chosen as the fuel sheath material because of its excellent nuclear
characteristics of low neutron absorption, good corrosion resistance and low hydrogen
pickup. Material properties and heat treatments are specified to optimize sheath ductility at
high irradiation levels.
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Figure 2.8. 37-Element Fuel Bundle.

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The sheath dimensions are specified, as in all CANDU fuel designs, to allow the sheath to
collapse into diametral contact with the uranium dioxide pellets at operating conditions. At
the same time, production dimensions are controlled to prevent longitudinal ridges, to prevent
axial collapse and to allow easy pellet loading.

The uranium dioxide pellets are designed to:

maximize the amount of fissile material in each fuel element,
minimize volumetric changes during irradiation,
control fission gas releases,
minimize circumferential ridging of the sheath, and
be economical to produce.

The material properties of the uranium dioxide (0.71% U235) are maintained within precise
limits, for example, density and oxygen-to-uranium ratio, which strongly affect the thermal
behaviour and, hence, fission gas release of the uranium dioxide. Other features of the
uranium dioxide pellets, such as pellet dishing and length/diameter ratio, optimize fuel

A thin layer of graphite is applied on the inner surface of the sheath to reduce the effects of
pellet-cladding interaction. Since the introduction of CANLUB to the production of CANDU
fuel in 1973 there have been very few power ramp defects in the commercial power reactor

The fuel elements are filled with unpressurized helium to allow all elements to be helium
leakage tested during fabrication. The helium also enhances the pellet/sheath contact
conductance at start of life.


This group of systems includes the main moderator system and a number of auxiliary

The main moderator system consists of two interconnected circuits, each containing a pump
and two heat exchangers, that circulate the heavy water moderator through the calandria, and
remove the heat generated within the moderator during reactor operation. The moderator
system also acts as a medium for dispersion of reactivity control agents, and the liquid
neutron absorber of shutdown system number 2. The concentration of reactivity control
agents is controlled by the moderator liquid poison system and the moderator purification
system. Other integrated moderator auxiliary systems include the cover gas system for
pressure and deuterium control, the moderator heavy water collection system, and the
moderator sampling system.

Should moderator loss or leakage occur at a rate beyond the capability of the heavy water
makeup system, the reserve water tank can be valved in to supply light water by gravity to
the moderator thereby maintaining the moderator heat sink capability.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
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The moderator in the calandria provides a medium to slow down high energy fission neutrons
in the reactor to the appropriate thermal energy level to promote further nuclear fission. To
provide the necessary operating conditions the moderator system performs the following

Removes the heat that is continuously generated in the moderator and maintains a
controlled bulk temperature in the calandria.
Maintains the chemical purity within specified limits by providing a means for diverting
a stream through a purification loop.
Allows short term and long term reactivity control by providing a means for injection
and removal of neutron absorbing chemicals.
The supply, drainage and sampling of the heavy water.
Maintains a controlled bulk temperature in the calandria by providing sufficient heavy
water cooling flow through the heat exchangers and ensures adequate net pump suction
head for the pumps under all normal and upset reactor operating conditions.
Maintains the moderator level in the calandria within the design operating level during
normal operation.
Maintains moderator level within design limits to minimize cover gas compression and
hydrostatic pressures on the lower calandria tubes during upset conditions.
Provides adequate circulation during maintenance and normal shutdown with one
moderator system circuit operating.
Serves as a heat sink with adequate circulation for heat removal following a loss-of-
coolant accident coincident with loss of emergency core cooling, with or without Class
IV power.

The moderator takes away almost 5% of the heat energy produced in the reactor. If
moderator heat removal stops, the moderator in a reactor at full power will boil in just a few
minutes. At full reactor power, there are several sources of moderator heat.

70% to 80% of the heat in the moderator is produced by neutron thermalization and
absorption of gamma ray energy and indirectly by heating of the moderator structure.
The neutrons typically contribute more than half of this. This heat source disappears
when the fission process stops.

Gamma rays from fission product decay and from decay of activation products in reactor
components indirectly produces 15% to 25% of the heat in the moderator. Decay gamma
rays from fission products generate most of this decay heat. This heat decreases slowly
after a reactor shutdown.

Conventional heating (conduction, convection, thermal radiation and friction) accounts

for about 3% to 5% of moderator heating. The annulus gas does not insulate the hot
pressure tube perfectly. Conduction, convection and heat radiation transfers some heat
across the annulus. The moderator pumps, when running, also produce heat by fluid
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
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The main moderator system is shown in Figure 2.9. It is comprised of two parallel
interconnected circuits, each consisting of one 50 percent pump, two 25 percent heat
exchangers, and associated isolation valves, piping and instrumentation. Moderator system
connections are provided for the purification, liquid poison addition, heavy water collection,
heavy water supply, sampling systems, and the reserve water system.

Circulation of the moderator in the calandria is attained by drawing heavy water from both
sides of the upper portion of the calandria and returning it, after cooling, through the nozzles
located on both sides of the calandria at an elevation lower than the outlet nozzles. The inlet
nozzles inside the calandria are directed downward close to the calandria shell to promote a
flow pattern that achieves a uniform temperature distribution.

The moderator pumps provide circulation of the moderator heavy water through the heat
exchangers which remove the heat generated in and transferred to the moderator. During
normal reactor operation both moderator cooling circuits provide circulation through the
calandria. During reactor shutdown, only one cooling circuit is required for moderator

The calandria is initially filled with heavy water from the heavy water supply system. On
initial startup and on startups following a long shutdown the heavy water is heated to the
normal operating temperature by low reactor power and pump heat. Volumetric expansion of
the heavy water from heating causes the moderator to rise into the moderator head tank, to
the normal operating level.

The moderator level in the calandria during warm-up and cooldown is accommodated by the
head tank. During normal operation, inventory is maintained by feed from D2O supply when
D2O is being removed from the system for upgrading.

Relief valves, connected to the cover gas system provide overpressure protection to the
moderator system and the calandria during normal plant operation.

Austenitic stainless steel is used for all moderator system components in contact with heavy

The moderator heat exchanger rooms and the moderator pump rooms are inaccessible during
normal operation due to radioactivity in the circuits. Repair to one of the 50 percent capacity
moderator circuits can be carried out after isolating the respective circuit with the reactor
power at 60 percent or less of full power. Access to the individual equipment rooms is
permitted after a six hour period to allow activity decay.

Drains are provided from all moderator equipment rooms for collection of moderator heavy
water in case of a leak or a break in the moderator system, or a leak in the recirculated
cooling water system. A pump is used for pumping leakage to the radioactive liquid waste
management system.

The moderator inlet and outlet pipes from the calandria shell up to the first pipe support
outside the reactor structure and the drain pipe from the bottom of the calandria up to and
including the manual isolation valve are qualified for a design basis earthquake, Category A.
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Figure 2.9. Moderator System Flow Diagram.

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The seismic qualification as described precludes the calandria from draining following an
earthquake of design basis intensity since the moderator inlet and outlet nozzles are
connected to the calandria at a high elevation.

In the case of a site design earthquake 24 hours following a loss-of-coolant, the heat transport
system is at a low temperature due to cooling by the emergency core cooling system.
Therefore the heat load to the moderator system is reduced to insignificant levels in the long

In the event of an accident that requires the moderator as a heat sink, coincident with
moderator system leakage at a rate in excess of the supply capability of the D2O makeup
system, the moderator makeup is provided by the reserve water system. In this scenario,
demineralized water from the reserve water tank can be gravity fed to the moderator system.
For long term operation under this condition, the reserve water system recovery pump returns
the water collected from the vault floor to the moderator system.

The moderator system is environmentally qualified to withstand the moisture, temperature,

pressure, radiation and water level associated with either an in-core or an out-of-core loss-of-

Control of the moderator temperature at the calandria outlet is accomplished through the use
of a feedback control temperature loop and a feed forward term that is a function of reactor
power. The temperature of the moderator, measured at the suction of the pumps, is utilized to
modulate the control valves on the recirculated cooling water flow line to the moderator heat

The feedback signal is the median signal from the temperature sensors. Control of the
calandria moderator outlet temperature is achieved by the use of two control valves, one large
and one small, for each pair of heat exchangers. At high reactor power the larger diameter
valve is manipulated with the smaller valve fully open. At low power the larger valve is
closed and the smaller valve is used for control.

The temperature of the moderator at the exit of the moderator heat exchanger is monitored by
temperature sensors located at the outlet of the heat exchangers. Control room indication is
provided. High and low temperature alarms are annunciated in the control room when the
temperature settings, which are a function of reactor power, are exceeded.

The level of the moderator in the head tank is measured by narrow range differential pressure
transmitters, and annunciation is provided in the control room for high and low level. In
addition, the moderator level is measured between the top of the calandria and the bottom of
the calandria to indicate level changes during filling or draining of the calandria.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
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Moderator Cover Gas System

The moderator cover gas system performs the following functions:

Provides an inert (helium) gas cover for the moderator to prevent corrosion and reduce
Prevents explosive concentrations of deuterium gas from accumulating in the system.
Limits variations in pressure to keep stress levels at values acceptable for the calandria
assembly and the fuel channel calandria tubes.
Provides pressure balance between the liquid injection shutdown system and the cover
gas system, and between the reactivity control unit thimbles and the cover gas system.
Purges air from the calandria and the reactivity control unit thimbles after maintenance.
Purges the cover gas if the deuterium concentration increases above a limit determined by
flammability considerations.
Blankets the inside of the calandria when the moderator is drained.
Provides connections to the gas chromatograph for continuous monitoring of the amount
of deuterium in the cover gas.

The moderator cover gas system is a closed recirculating circuit comprising two compressors,
two recombination units (each equipped with flame arrestors and heaters), a cooler, helium
and oxygen bottle stations and associated valves, piping and instrumentation.

Under normal operating conditions one compressor operates, with the other on standby. The
compressor draws cover gas from the gas space over the moderator free surface in the
thimble guide tubes and two of the four calandria relief ducts and discharges to the two
recombination units, in a parallel configuration. Although each of the recombination units is
rated at 100 percent capacity, both units function simultaneously during normal operation.
Each of the recombination units is equipped with an upstream and downstream flame arrestor
and upstream heaters. Flame arrestors prevent flame propagation in either direction from the
recombination units. The cover gas stream from the recombination units is cooled in a direct-
contact cooler using moderator as the cooling medium.

The moderator cover gas system equipment is located in an accessible area of the reactor
building. Operation of the cover gas system is not necessary for public safety during or after
an earthquake; therefore seismic qualification is not required.
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Moderator Liquid Poison System

The moderator liquid poison system performs the following functions:

Adds negative reactivity to compensate for excess reactivity in new fuel.

Adds negative reactivity to compensate for the reduction of the fission product xenon-
135 during a startup following a prolonged shutdown.
Provides a means for adding negative reactivity, to compensate for reactivity increase
caused by non-normal refueling or adjuster operation.
Adds negative reactivity to compensate for the temporary reduction in xenon-135 during
startups and upward power maneuverings.
Adds sufficient negative reactivity to guarantee that the reactor cannot become critical
during a major shutdown.

Boron, as boric anhydride, used for long term control, may be used to compensate for excess
reactivity in a core loaded with fresh fuel. Gadolinium, as gadolinium nitrate, satisfies the
short-term reactivity control requirements, including a xenon transient during a reactor power
increase or following a reactor poison-out.

Moderator Purification System

The moderator purification system performs the following functions:

Maintains the purity of the moderator heavy water to minimize radiolysis, thus preventing
excessive production of deuterium and minimizing corrosion of components and crud
Adjusts the concentration of the soluble neutron poisons (boric anhydride and/or
gadolinium nitrate) in response to reactivity demands.
Removes the soluble poison, (gadolinium nitrate), after operation of the liquid injection
shutdown system.

The purification system motorized ion exchanger inlet valves are automatically closed during
reactor shutdown and when either of the shutdown systems is not available to guard against
inadvertent criticality while the reactor is in a guaranteed shutdown state. Purification flow is
manually shut off if the high temperature limit is exceeded for an extended period, to
preclude thermal degradation of the ion exchange resins.

Five ion exchange columns are provided in the moderator purification system to satisfy the
three modes of operating conditions. The operating mode dictates the ion exchange column
required to be valved in for purification. Two columns are designated for normal clean-up
operation, two ion exchange columns are used for boron removal and one column is provided
for gadolinium removal. Once the core has achieved the equilibrium fuel condition,
following initial reactor operation, the resin type used in all columns is uniform to allow full
interchangeability of columns during all modes of operation if needed. Any solid particles
including fine corrosion products are removed in the ion exchange bed and with the spent
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
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Heavy Water Collection System

The moderator heavy water collection system performs the following functions:

Collects heavy water leakage from various points in the moderator and auxiliary systems
- moderator pump seals,
- the interpacking space of the moderator system gate valves,
- drains from the moderator sample station,
- discharge from the overpressure protection devices in the purification system,
- drains between pump isolation valves and from pumps during maintenance,
- drains between heat exchanger isolation valves during maintenance.
Transfers accumulated reactor grade heavy water to the main moderator system and the
downgraded heavy water to the heavy water cleanup system.
Provides recirculation, sampling and storage facilities for the accumulated heavy water.
Provides means for monitoring D2O leakage and drain flows and of determining the

The heavy water collection system includes a tank, a pump, and a sample station, and
associated instrumentation and shielding. Heavy water from the moderator pump seal
leakage and the moderator valves interpacking leakage flows by gravity through drain lines,
each containing a sight glass. Leakage can be visually monitored at the sight glasses. All of
these drain lines discharge into the collection tank after passing through a strainer. Drains
between the heat exchanger isolation valves and the pump isolation valves are at a low
elevation and are forced to the collection tank by instrument air. The heavy water collected
is usually of reactor grade.

The heavy water collection pump transfers the collection tank contents to the main moderator
circuit, provided that the collected heavy water is reactor grade. If the collected heavy water
is of downgraded isotopic, the tank contents are transferred to the heavy water cleanup
system. The quality of the collected water is determined by a sample station connection. A
recirculation line from downstream of pump to the collection tank ensures the sample is

Common lines connect the pump suction and discharge with those of the heat transport heavy
water collection pump for redundancy. There is an isolation valve on each interconnect to
segregate heat transport system and moderator system heavy water.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 2: Reactor and Moderator
Dr. George Bereznai page 2 - 20

Copyright information for Chapter 2:

Figures on pages 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-8, 2-11 and 2-15 are from CANDU 9
480/NU Technical Description, AECL document 69-01371-TED-001 Rev. 1,
January 1995. Reprinted with permission of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Figures on pages 2-2 and 2-7 are from unpublished training documents of
Ontario Hydro. Reprinted with permission.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 1




At the end of this chapter, you will be able to describe the following features
of the reactor control systems:

1. The main functions and unique requirements of reactor control;

2. The instruments and techniques used to monitor reactor power;
3. The devices and systems used to control reactor power;
4. The control algorithms used to achieve the objectives of reactor control.

This chapter describes the systems, equipment and techniques used to achieve control of
reactor power throughout its designed range of operation. The requirements for reactor
control are first examined, followed by the instrumentation needed to monitor reactor power.
The various methods available for reactivity control are described next, including the devices
and support systems needed to assure the reliable operation of these control systems. The last
section explains how the computer programs implement the control algorithms that take the
various power measurements and compute the reactivity device changes needed to achieve
the desired reactor response.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
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The main functions of the reactor control system are as follows:

Automatic control of reactor power to a given setpoint at any power level between 10-7
full power and 1.0 full power. The setpoint may be specified by the operator (alternate
mode) or by the steam generator pressure control program (normal mode).
Maneuvering of reactor power at controlled rates between any two power levels in the
automatic control range (above 10-7 full power).
Insertion or removal of reactivity devices at controlled rates to maintain a reactivity
balance in the core. These devices compensate for variations in reactivity arising from
changes in xenon concentration, fuel burnup, moderator poison concentration or reactor
Maintaining the neutron flux distribution close to its nominal design shape so that the
reactor can operate at full power without violating bundle or channel power limits. This
requirement, along with the natural spatial instability of the core, dictates the need for
spatial control.
Monitoring of a number of important plant parameters and reduction of reactor power
when any of these parameters is out of limits.
Withdrawal of shutdown rods from the reactor automatically when the trip channels have
been reset following a reactor trip on shutdown system number 1.

The reactor control system is an integrated system comprising reactor flux and thermal power
measurements, reactivity control devices, and a set of control system programs, all
coordinated to perform three main functions:

a. Monitor and control total reactor flux and power so as to satisfy the station load
b. Monitor and control reactor flux shape.
c. Monitor important plant parameters and reduce reactor power at an appropriate rate if
any parameter is out of limits.

There are several unique characteristics of nuclear power plants in general and CANDU
generating units in particular which need to be appreciated before studying the equipment
and techniques used to control such reactors. These special requirements are discussed in the
following sections.

First Criticality

During and after initial fuel loading, the reactor is kept in a guaranteed shutdown condition
by means of moderator poison. First criticality is achieved by gradual removal of this poison
using the ion exchange columns of the moderator purification system.

The reactor regulating system monitors power level over the full operating range. Three
systems of instrumentation are used, each covering a different range:
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
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a. The startup instrumentation is used from the spontaneous fission power level
(approximately 10-14 of full power) up to approximately 10-6 of full power.
b. The ion chamber system from 10-7 to 1.5 full power.
c. The in-core flux detector system above 10-1 full power.

The power range monitored by the startup instrumentation corresponds to an in-core thermal
neutron flux range up to approximately 2 x 108 n/cm2 s. To accomplish this, BF3 counters in
conjunction with standard neutron counting equipment are used. To monitor a power range
of eight decades without saturating the counting capability of the instrumentation, both in-
core and out-of-core detectors are used. The startup counters provide alarm trips and
indicators to trip three channels for shutdown system number 1 for: high power, high rate,
and failure of detector voltage.

A small neutron source (e.g., 370 MBq Am-Be) giving approximately 2.5 x 104 neutrons per
second is used solely for testing the entire startup instrumentation system prior to installing
the BF3 counters in-core and in the ion chamber housing. Subcritical multiplication of
spontaneous fission neutrons provides a sufficiently large count rate to be accurately

Load Following

In the load-following case, if power reductions are large enough and of sufficient duration to
require a significant number of the adjuster rods to be withdrawn to compensate for the
associated transient in Xenon-135, restraints on the rate of recovery to full power may occur.
As discussed in Section, the adjuster system can compensate for Xenon buildup after
a power reduction to any level above about 60 percent of nominal power.

Assuming an initial power of 100 percent with equilibrium fuel in the reactor, the Xenon load
at a steady level, and normal flux shape (all adjuster rods fully inserted, all mechanical
absorbers fully withdrawn), the reactor power may be reduced to about 60 percent of full
power at rates of up to 10 percent of full power per minute. The power may be held at the
new lower level, indefinitely. Time to return to high power depends on the degree and
duration of the power reduction. In most cases, a maximum of four hours is required to
return to 98 percent of full power from 60 percent of full power.

Trip Recovery

When the reactor trips or the power is reduced in a controlled manner because of load-
following or other requirements, a temporary increase in the Xenon-135 concentration
occurs. The magnitude of the increase depends on the time period that the reactor is shut
down or is operated at a reduced power level. It also depends on the magnitude by which the
power level has been reduced and the rate at which it is reduced in the case of a controlled
change in power level.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
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In the event of a reactor trip from full power, power must be raised again within about 35
minutes or the xenon concentration will rise beyond the capacity of the regulating system to
compensate. At this point, all of the adjuster rods must be withdrawn to compensate for the
xenon buildup. This results in peaking of the power distribution relative to the normal
steady-state full-power condition. Consequently, power cannot be increased immediately to
100 percent. However, the power can be raised sufficiently to burn out the excess Xenon-
135, and as this happens, the adjuster rods can be reinserted, which in turn permits increasing

Spatial Instability and Sources of Perturbation

During operation, the reactor can be subjected to perturbations such as those caused by
refueling, power cycling, reactivity device movements and reactor trip with subsequent
startup. The response of the reactor to these perturbations will depend upon its inherent
stability - a characteristic determined largely by the lattice properties, the reactor size, the
unperturbed flux distribution and the magnitude and sense of any feedback (due to change in
fuel temperature, coolant density, Xe-135 concentration and control rod position).

Spatial flux instability results from neutronic decoupling of reactor regions. For an unstable
reactor, a small flux perturbation can lead to power oscillations between opposite regions of
the core; diverging with time, due to separation by a neutron-removing medium. In general,
the larger the reactor core, the greater is its tendency to spatial instability.

The most common flux perturbations arise from on-power refueling operations and from
movements of reactivity devices. Apart from exciting the flux harmonics, on-power refueling
leads to local channel power variations about the nominal value. These are local effects and
are allowed for in the design margins.

Automatic Spatial Control

The spatial control system in CANDU 9 prevents any global flux tilts which asymmetric
fuelling would tend to induce and maintains a stable power distribution for all of the normal
movements of reactivity devices (adjuster rods or mechanical control absorbers).

The zone controller compartments are used both for bulk and for spatial flux control. Bulk
reactivity and flux level are controlled by varying the average zone controller fill. Spatial
control is achieved by individually varying the zone controller fills.

A prompt measurement of zone flux is made with self-powered in-core detectors. A slightly
delayed zonal power signal is obtained from calibration of an on-line flux mapping system.
Such signals are used to drive each of the zone control compartments.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
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Figure 3.1. Range of Sensitivity of Nuclear Instrumentation for Reactor Power Measurement.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
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Three instrumentation systems are provided to measure reactor thermal neutron flux over the
full power range of the reactor. Startup instrumentation covers the eight-decade range from
10-14 to 10-6 of full power; the ion chamber system extends from 10-7 to 1.5 of full power, and
the in-core flux detector system provides accurate spatial measurement in the uppermost
decade of power (10 percent to 120 percent of full power). This is shown graphically in
Figure 3.1.

The fuel channel temperature monitoring system is provided for channel flow verification
and for power mapping validation.

Startup Instrumentation

This system is used on initial plant startup or after a prolonged shutdown, and performs a
dual regulating and protective role over the lowest power range when the normal flux
measuring instrumentation of the regulating and shutdown systems is off scale. This occurs
on the initial reactor startup and during a shutdown of 40 to 70 days or more when the photo-
neutron source decays below the sensitivity of the ion chamber system.

Two sets of neutron detectors (BF3 counters) are used covering the range from 10-14 of full
power up to 10-6 of full power. One set, located in-core, covers the range from spontaneous
source level (10-14 full power) to 10-9 full power. The in-core detectors are installed via the
vertical viewing port penetration from the reactivity deck. This instrumentation is removed
after the low power commissioning period.

The other set of neutron detectors is located out of core in the three spare cavities of the
shutdown system number 2 ion chamber housings.

The detector outputs are connected to startup monitoring instrumentation located temporarily
in the main control room. The signals are processed to give log and linear count rate
indications and rate of change information. This information is used for protection and
monitoring during the approach to criticality.

In this range, the reactor is controlled manually by the operator from the control room. The
operator monitors and records the output of the neutron counting instrumentation which is
mounted in a mobile cabinet. This instrumentation is divided into three redundant channels
and includes trip comparators which are connected into the D, E and F channels of the trip
logic of the shutdown system number 1. Shutdown rods will drop into the core under any one
of the following three conditions:
a. the count rate exceeds the setpoint,
b. the rate of change is excessive,
c. two or more channels of the instrumentation fail.

On restart after an extended shutdown, the system is normally on-scale with the out of core
detectors; in-core counters are used only on the initial startup. The arrangement of the
system is shown in Figure 3.2.
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Figure 3.2. Arrangement of Startup Instrumentation.

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Ion Chamber System

The ion chamber system is a part of the on-line power measurement equipment of the reactor
control system. This instrumentation is on-scale during normal operation, and remains on-
scale during a normal shutdown. If the shutdown lasts more than 40 to 70 days (depending
on reactor operating history and ion chamber neutron and gamma sensitivity), the flux decays
below 10-7 of the full power value and start-up neutron detectors are needed.

The ion chamber units consist of lead-shielded housings mounted on the outside of the
calandria shell, in which ion chamber instruments and calibration shutters are installed. The
lead attenuates gamma radiation so that the ion chambers measure neutron flux, primarily.
The output current from separate ion chamber instruments is amplified to generate
independent inputs for the reactor control system and each shutdown system, as follows:
a. log neutron power, 10-7 to 1.5 full power,
b. linear neutron power, 0 to 1.5 full power,
c. rate of change of log power, -15 percent to +15 percent of present power per second.

Ion chambers measure only the average flux, as seen at the side of the core, but are sensitive
to very low flux levels, for monitoring sub-critical as well as full power behavior. Because
they are outside the calandria, the neutron flux they detect has been attenuated by the
moderator and any poison dissolved in the moderator.

In-Core Flux Detectors

In-core flux detectors are used at high power levels (above 10 percent of full power) because
they provide spatial information needed, at high power, to control xenon-induced flux tilts
and to achieve the optimum flux distribution for maximum power output.

Vertical Flux Detector Assemblies

The control system flux detectors are of two types. One type has an Inconel emitter and is
used for the zone control system. The other type has a vanadium emitter, and is used for the
flux mapping system.

Both types of control system detectors, along with the Inconel detectors used for the
shutdown system number 1 high neutron power trip, are contained in vertical flux detector
assemblies located throughout the core. These assemblies extend from the reactivity
mechanisms deck to the bottom of the reactor.

The assemblies are of the straight individually replaceable type with each detector housed in
individual well tubes. There are 13 well tubes, 12 for detectors of various types and a central
tube reserved for a potential traveling flux detector (for periodic detector recalibration).

The self-powered detectors are in the form of a coaxial, mineral-insulated cable. A lead cable
portion joins the detector to a channelized, environmentally qualified connector on the deck.
From there the signals are fed through twisted-pair shielded cables to amplifiers and
multiplexer stations in the Group 1 instrumentation.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 9

Zone Control Flux Detectors (Inconel)

The self-powered in-core flux detectors are installed in flux detector assemblies to measure
local flux over two decades, 10-1 full power to 1.2 full power, in the regions associated with
the liquid zone controllers. At each location there are two detectors for redundancy. An
amplifier converts each detector current to a suitable input signal for the distributed control

These detectors have an Inconel emitter which provides a prompt response to a change in
neutron flux. The control system transforms this response into a signal which closely
matches corresponding changes in reactor power. The Inconel detectors have a relatively
slow rate of burnup (loss of sensitivity due to accumulated exposure to neutron flux).

The zone control detectors and their amplifiers are grouped into two redundant channels and
supplied by Class II power buses. Special measures are taken to avoid ground loops and
noise pickup.

Flux Mapping Detectors (Vanadium)

The flux mapping system (described in Section 3.4) uses vanadium detectors distributed
throughout the core to provide point measurements of the flux.

These detectors are almost totally neutron-sensitive; however, their response is delayed by
5.4 minutes due to the half-life of the beta emission from vanadium-52. The signals,
approximately 3 A at full power, are fed to amplifiers in a stand alone distributed control
system station inside the reactor building, where they are multiplexed and sent to the plant
display system computer. The flux mapping instrumentation is powered by a Class II bus.

Fuel Channel Temperature Monitoring

The channel temperature monitoring system serves the following two functions:
a. Channel flow verification: On startup, before boiling starts in the channels, channel
outlet temperatures are calculated from channel powers provided by the flux mapping
routine and estimated channel flows, and compared with the measured outlet
temperatures. After the onset of boiling, the system only monitors the detectors for
possible malfunctions.
b. Power mapping validation: The channel temperature differentials are used with measured
flows (instrumented channels) or predicted flows (other channels) to determine the
estimated channel powers, which are then compared with the powers calculated from the
flux mapping readings; this provides an ongoing validation of the accuracy of the flux-
mapping channel powers.

The channel temperature monitoring system has resistance temperature detectors mounted on
each of the outlet feeders. These detectors are externally mounted, thermally insulated from
adjacent feeders, and have a reliable and secure mounting design to provide system
sensitivity and reliability.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 10

Since coolant boiling occurs at full power, the reactor power must be reduced somewhat for
the channel temperature monitoring system measurements to be meaningful. Hence, channel
flow verification is done while the reactor is returning to full power, especially if the heat
transport system has been opened for maintenance purposes. In addition, several times a
year, the reactor power is reduced to a level that results in zero quality in the coolant for
channel flow verification and power-mapping validation.

Thermal Power Measurement

The fast, approximate estimate of reactor power is obtained by either taking the median ion
chamber signal (at powers below 5 percent of full power) or the average of the in-core
Inconel flux detectors (above 15 percent of full power) or a mixture of both (5 percent to 15
percent of full power). These signals are filtered and calibrated by comparison with estimates
of reactor power based on thermal measurements from one of the following two sources:

a. Several pairs of resistance temperature detectors are located on the reactor inlet and
outlet headers. Each pair measures the temperature rise across the reactor. At power
levels below the onset of coolant boiling in the fuel channels, the average temperature
rise generates an accurate estimate of reactor power; this estimate is used to calibrate the
Inconel flux detectors on-line below 50 percent of full power.
Reactor thermal power is directly proportional to average heat transport system coolant
flow. The calculation of reactor power therefore requires an estimate of heat transport
coolant flow. Since the reactor regulating program does not have access to heat
transport system coolant flow measurements a constant value based on off-line
calculations and commissioning measurements is used. In the power range of interest
(below 50 percent of full power) there is no boiling and the heat transport system coolant
flow does not vary significantly with power. A constant pre-calculated value is therefore

b. At high reactor power, boiling commences in the fuel channels. With boiling in the fuel
channels, the average temperature rise across the reactor fuel channels does not provide a
good estimate of reactor power; flow variations also become significant. Therefore
reactor power estimates above 70 percent of full power (for calibration purposes) are
based on secondary side measurements. Steam flow, feedwater flow and feedwater
temperature are measured and reactor power estimated from on-line enthalpy/flow

In the intermediate power range (50 percent - 70 percent of full power) a linear combination
of the temperature differential measurements (used below 50 percent of full power) and the
secondary side measurements (used above 70 percent of full power) are utilized as the
calibrating signal. This assures a smooth and accurate transition.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 11


Reactivity devices are provided to alter the rate of neutron multiplication (either as
controllers or as shutdown devices). Control is provided for the following effects:

Long-term bulk reactivity, mainly controlled by on-power fuelling.

Small, frequent reactivity changes, both global and spatial-controlled by the liquid zone
control system.
Additional positive reactivity for xenon override and fuelling machine unavailability,
mainly resulting from the withdrawal of adjusters.
Additional negative reactivity for fast power reductions and to override the negative fuel
temperature effect, provided by the insertion of mechanical control absorbers.
Initial excess reactivity and decay of xenon following a long shutdown, compensated by
moderator poison.

Because of on-power refueling and relatively small thermal hydraulic feedback effects, the
flux shape, and hence the worth of reactivity devices, varies only marginally with power level
and with time. In the following sections, the given reactivity worth of the various devices are
typical nominal values and correspond to the reference adjuster design with the following
core conditions: equilibrium fuelling, steady-state xenon, and full reactor power.

The reactivity control mechanism layout is shown in Figure 3.3. All reactivity control
devices are located between rows of fuel channels, in the cool low pressure moderator.

Liquid Zone Control System

The zone control system is designed to perform two main functions:

a. To provide short term reactivity control to maintain reactor power at the demanded level
during normal operation (i.e. operating control of reactivity). This must be adequate for
compensating the zero to full power reactivity change when equilibrium fuelling is
b. To control spatial power distribution by suppressing regional power transients associated
with space dependent reactivity perturbations. The dimensions of the
CANDU 9 reactors are large in comparison to the thermal neutron diffusion length of the
lattice and the reactor flux levels are high enough that the rate of burnup of xenon-135 is
about 10 times its decay rate. These are sufficient conditions for xenon induced spatial
power oscillations to occur and these must also be controlled.

For the purpose of spatial control, the reactor is divided into zones, as shown in Figure 3.4.
Spatial control is obtained by means of light water zone control assemblies and associated
thermal neutron detectors in each zone. The zone control assemblies consist of
compartmentalized vertical Zircaloy tubes which traverse the core; as shown in Figure 3.5.
Bulk reactivity control is achieved by varying the light water level in all compartments by the
same proportion. Spatial flux control is achieved by differential adjustment of the light water
level in individual compartments.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 12

Figure 3.3. Reactivity Mechanism Layout.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 13

Figure 3.4. Relation of Zone Control Units to the Fourteen Zones and the Reactor Regulating
Detector Assemblies (Vertical Flux Detectors) 1, 2, 3, 25, 26, 27.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 14

Figure 3.5. Zone Control Absorbers and their Associated Flux Detectors.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 15

The total reactivity worth of the liquid zone control system from empty to full is -8.2 mk for
the fresh initial core, and -7.2 mk for the equilibrium core using the homogeneous model.
The difference in the liquid zone control system reactivity worth in the two states is mainly
due to the difference in core flux distributions.

Table 3.1 gives the reactivity worth of the liquid zone control system for the CANDU 9
equilibrium core as a function of the average percentage fill. In the nominal operating range
of between 20 percent and 70 percent fill, the worth of the liquid zone control system is
essentially proportional to the average level; the corresponding reactivity coefficient is -0.077
mk/percent of fill.

Table 3.1. Variation of Zone Control System Reactivity Worth

with Average Zone Level (Equilibrium Core Homogeneous Model).

Average Zone Level Zone Control System

(% Fill) Reactivity (mk)
0 0
10 0.86
20 1.70
30 2.53
40 3.34
50 4.12
60 4.87
70 5.56
80 6.17
90 6.73
100 7.19

A simplified flowsheet for the liquid zone control system is presented in Figure 3.6. A
typical liquid zone control unit is shown in Figure 3.7.

The system consists of two subsystems; one for demineralized water circulation and one for
gas circulation. With the exception of the delay tank and helium storage tank, the system
equipment is located in an area of the reactor building which is accessible during operation.

The demineralized water subsystem is a closed circuit consisting of three 100 percent
centrifugal pumps, a 100 percent tube and shell heat exchanger, a delay tank, two ion
exchange columns, supply and return headers, pneumatic control valves and interconnecting
piping and tubing, which connects to each liquid zone compartment via supply and drain
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 16

Figure 3.6. Liquid Zone Control Flow Diagram.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 17

Figure 3.7. Liquid Zone Control Unit (2 Zone).

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Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 18

A constant outflow of water from each liquid zone compartment permits the quantity of water
in the compartment to be controlled by varying the rate of inflow. The outflow from the
liquid zone control compartments is discharged to the delay tank through the return header.
The delay tank is used for the decay of short lived neutron activation products before they
enter the accessible area of the reactor building. The delay tank also functions as a water
storage tank.

The delay tank is connected to the suction of three centrifugal pumps, one of which normally
operates with the other two on standby. The pumps are driven by electric motors connected
to the Class IV power supply. The discharge from the pumps supplies water to the
compartments, through individual control valves and also supplies seal water to the two
compressors. A portion of the pump discharge flows to the ion exchange columns for
removal of ionic and suspended particles.

The helium subsystem is a closed circuit, consisting of two liquid ring type compressors, a
storage tank, two flame arrestors, a pre-heater, a recombination unit, a balance header
pneumatic control valve train and interconnecting pipe and tubing which connects to each
liquid zone compartment via supply and return lines.

Helium is used as the cover gas because it is chemically inert and does not become activated.
The helium for the liquid zone control system is supplied from the bulk helium supply
system. A back up helium supply is provided from cylinders.

The compressors maintain pressure in the helium storage tank and supply gas to bubblers in
each of the compartments and to the helium balance header. The helium storage tank
pressure is kept constant and higher than that of the delay tank by means of control valves.
The helium feed and bleed valves control the gas pressure in the compartments. The feed
valves open as the pressure decreases when the water inventory in the compartments
decreases and the bleed valves open as the pressure increases when the water inventory
increases. The bleed valves return the helium to the delay tank.

A catalytic recombination unit upstream of the compressors reduces the concentration of

radiolytic hydrogen in the helium to acceptable limits. The recombination unit uses
palladium as a catalyst and is capable of operating at a high temperature without damage.

Oxygen is added manually from cylinders when required to facilitate recombination. Flame
arrestors are provided at the inlet and outlet of the recombination unit.

The helium balance header pressure is controlled by feeding helium from the storage tank
into the header or by bleeding excess helium from the helium balance header into the delay
tank. The pressure difference between the delay tank and the helium balance header is used
to control the feed and bleed valves.

The helium balance header triplicated differential pressure transmitters provide measurement
signals to the computers in the distributed control system, which compute feed and bleed
valve lifts to maintain a fixed differential between the helium balance header and the delay
tank. One pair of feed and bleed valves is used for primary control while the second pair
provide backup operation should the primary valves fail.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 19

Adjuster Rods

The adjuster rods are provided to shape the neutron flux for optimum reactor power and fuel
burnup, and to supply positive reactivity beyond the normal control range of the zone
controllers when required.

The adjusters are arranged in rows, as shown in Figure 3.3. The rods are normally fully
inserted in the core, and their movements are controlled in banks. The maximum total
reactivity which may be gained on withdrawal of all adjuster rods is about -16 mk. This is
sufficient to compensate for the negative xenon reactivity at 35 minutes after a shutdown
from full power (during fresh fuel conditions the adjuster worth is somewhat less than -
16 mk; however, the xenon override capability is not significantly affected).

The operation of the adjusters is normally controlled by the reactor regulating system, but can
also be manually operated under prescribed conditions. The maximum reactivity change rate
of any one bank of adjusters is + 0.07 mk/s.

Mechanical Control Absorbers

The mechanical control absorbers are normally poised out of the core, and are driven in by
the reactor control system to supplement the negative reactivity of the liquid zone control
units, or dropped to effect a fast reactor power reduction (stepback). They can be driven into
or out of the reactor core, at variable speed, or dropped by releasing their clutches. When
dropped, the elements are fully inserted in three seconds. By re-energizing the clutch while
the elements are dropping, a partial insertion to any intermediate position can be achieved.

The maximum total reactivity worth of the mechanical control absorbers is about -11.0 mk in
the initial core and -9.4 mk in the equilibrium core. These absorbers consist of tubes of
cadmium sandwiched between stainless steel. Their arrangement is shown in Figure 3.3.

Moderator Poison

Moderator poison is used to reduce excess reactivity during fresh fuel conditions or during
shutdown to compensate for xenon decay. Boron is used in the former situation and
gadolinium in the latter situation. The burnout rate of gadolinium on a subsequent startup is
comparable to the xenon growth rate, hence smooth control is possible when gadolinium is
used for this purpose (this poison addition system is independent of the liquid poison
injection system used as a shutdown system).

The design rate of poison addition is equivalent to -0.75 mk/min. Removal rates depend on
poison concentration. At a poison level of -30 mk, the removal rate is approximately +0.05
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 20


A block diagram of the reactor regulating system is shown in Figure 3.8. Some logic blocks
are shown only for convenience and do not necessarily imply separate, self-contained
programs. The functions of each program logic block are discussed in detail below.

The regulating system is characterized by a high degree of immunity to small process upsets,
and measurement failures, by redundancy in control devices and process measurements.
Extensive checks are performed in the programs to ensure that faulty signals are discarded.
In case of loss of a signal or an entire set of signals, alternative measurements are used. In
case of failure of a control device, a backup is used. However, it may be necessary to derate
the reactor because of limited information or imperfect flux shape.

This ability to maintain control in the presence of partial system failures, combined with the
high reliability of the distributed control system, leads to a very high availability of the
reactor control system.

Power Measurement and Calibration

The regulating system controls bulk reactor flux level and flux shape, by increasing or
reducing the level of the light water in the zone controllers to equalize and/or change the
powers in the power zones of the core. Spatial flux control is required to prevent xenon-
induced instabilities and other space dependent perturbations.

Total reactor power is determined by a combination of ion chamber signals (at low power)
and Inconel zone detector signals (at high power). The crossover occurs around 10 percent of
full power. Because neither measurement is absolute, the flux signals are continuously
calibrated against reactor power measurements based on thermal signals.

The zone power measurements are based on the Inconel flux detectors. Absolute
measurements are less important here because the spatial control system acts to equalize the
measurements. However, a single flux measurement may not be exactly representative of
average power in a region of the core because of local flux disturbances such as refueling.
Therefore, the Inconel detector signals are calibrated continuously using the flux mapping

Flux Mapping Routine

The flux mapping routine collects readings from the Vanadium flux detectors distributed
throughout the reactor core and computes a best fit of this data with respect to flux modes
expected for the given core configuration. Flux mapping provides an accurate estimate of
average zone flux in each of the power zones. These estimates are available once every two
minutes and lag the neutron flux by approximately five minutes, the Vanadium detector time
constant. Spatial calibration in a zone is done by matching the average zone flux estimate
generated by flux mapping with appropriately filtered zone Inconel flux detector readings.
The flux mapping routine rejects individual detectors whose readings disagree with the rest
of the detectors. The net result is a smoothed accurate steady state estimate of relative zone
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 21

Figure 3.8. Reactor Regulating System-Block Diagram.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 22

Demand Power Routine

The demand power routine generates the reactor power setpoint on the basis of demands from
three sources:
a. the steam generator pressure control program (normal mode),
b. the operator (alternate mode),
c. the setback routine.

Normally at high power the steam generator pressure control program dictates reactor power
changes to give a reactor-follows-turbine type of control.

At low power, during upset conditions or at the operator's discretion, the reactor power
setpoint is under manual control via the keyboard.

Setbacks override both of the above modes to ensure that reactor power is reduced when
selected plant parameters exceed acceptable operating limits.

All reactor power setpoint changes are limited by the control program to safe rates and safe
upper limits. A deviation limiter prevents the power setpoint from being more than 5%
above the actual power to preclude the possibility of a large power increase at excessive

Reactivity Mechanism Control

The reactivity mechanism control logic is summarized in Figure 3.9. The primary method of
short-term reactivity control is by varying the liquid level in the zone controllers. Normally,
the adjusters are fully inserted, the control absorbers are fully withdrawn and the average
liquid zone control compartment level is between 30 percent and 50 percent. The total
control signal to the zone control valves consists of the bulk power control term plus a
differential component proportional to that zone's power error.

In case of a shortage of negative reactivity, indicated by a high zone controller level or a

positive power error, the mechanical control absorbers are driven in, one bank at a time.

In case of a shortage of positive reactivity, indicated by a low zone controller level or a

negative power error, the adjusters are driven out in a specific sequence.

The adjusters and mechanical control absorbers are driven at a speed proportional to power
error to minimize, at low power errors, the shim reactivity rate which must be canceled by the
zone controllers.

The program also automatically withdraws all the shutdown rods unless: all rods are fully
out, the reactor is tripped, the power error is too large, mechanical control absorbers are not
in the core or the measured lograte is too large.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
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Figure 3.9. Reactivity Limit Control Logic Diagram.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 24

Setback Routine

The setback routine monitors a number of plant parameters and reduces reactor power
promptly in a ramp fashion if any parameter exceeds specified operating limits. The rate at
which reactor power is reduced and the power level at which the setback ends will be
appropriate for each parameter. Typical conditions leading to setbacks are listed in Table

The setback overrides other reactor power demands and is accompanied by alarm window

Table 3.2 Typical Setback System Conditions

Setback Rate End Point

(percent per (percent of
Conditions second) Full Power)

Zone Control System Failure 0.2 60

Spatial Control Off Normal 0.1 -
Zone power > 1 10 percent at full power - 60
Flux tilt >20 percent above 60 percent - 20
full power
Flux tilt >40 percent between 20 percent - 20
and 40 percent full power
High Local Neutron Flux 0.1 60
High Steam Generator Pressure 0.5 10
Low Deaerator Level 0.8 2
High Moderator Level 0.8 2
Turbine Trip or Loss of Line 0.8 60
Endshield Flow 0.8 2
Endshield Temperature 0.8 2
Sustained Low Condenser Hot Well Level 0.8 2
Manual 0.5 2
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 25

Stepback Routine

The stepback routine also reduces reactor power, but instead of reducing reactor power
gradually like the setback routine, it drops the mechanical control absorbers either fully or
partly into the reactor, causing a sudden power reduction. Typical plant upsets causing
stepbacks are summarized in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Typical Stepback System Conditions

Conditions Control Absorber Response

Reactor Trip Full rod drop

2/3 contacts on SDS1 or SDS2
All Heat Transport Pumps Trip Full rod drop
Single pump trip Full rod drop
Trip of two pumps at same end of reactor Full rod drop
Heat Transport High Reactor Outlet Full rod drop
Header pressure and
reactor power > 1 percent full power
High Zone Power Full rod drop
High Rate of Log Neutron Power Full rod drop
Low Moderator Level Full rod drop
Low Steam Generator Level Full rod drop

Control Logic for the Reactivity Mechanisms

This logic functions as an interface with the power circuits of the motor control centers and
the clutch coils of the mechanical shutdown units and mechanical control absorber units.
This logic incorporates interlocks to limit the consequences of a gross loss of regulation.

Adjuster Control Logic

A block diagram of the system is shown in Figure 3.10. It incorporates in drive logic, out
drive logic, element position indication, end stop logic, manual controls and interlocks.

The logic allows the operator to select either the automatic or the manual mode of adjuster
control. The logic stops the drive motor when the element is fully in or fully out (end stop),
as determined by the signal from one of the two potentiometers on the mechanism. The logic
inhibits the 'out' drive if either or both of the shutdown systems are not poised and overrides
any attempt made to withdraw, simultaneously, more than a specified number of adjusters
from the core. This limits the potential rate of reactivity addition; however, this rate interlock
and the end stops can be bypassed, if the emergency manual mode is selected by the

The logic provides the operator with information on the status of the system and generates
alarm signals if faults occur (e.g., motor trouble, too many adjusters driving out).
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 26

Figure 3.10. Block Diagram of the Adjuster Control System.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 27

Mechanical Control Absorber Control Logic

This logic is similar to that of the adjusters, but includes power supplies and control circuits
for the clutches. The clutches allow the mechanical control absorber elements to be dropped
into the core to achieve a fast power reduction (stepback).

The mechanical control absorber logic allows the operator to select either the automatic or
the manual mode of mechanical control absorber drive.

The logic stops the drive motor when the element is fully in or fully out, as determined by the
signal from the potentiometer on the mechanisms. The drive motor is inhibited if either or
both of the shutdown systems are not poised. The logic over-rides any out drive command
if the in drive is requested. The status of the system is displayed and alarm signals are
generated if faults occur.

The clutch control circuit drops the mechanical control absorber elements when a stepback is
demanded. The clutches can be re-energized during the drop to terminate the stepback at an
intermediate power level.

Two clutch power supplies, fed from different buses, are provided to ensure that failure of
one supply does not initiate a stepback. The units are set at different voltages, 90 and 93 V
direct current. They provide supply power through diodes, so that the 90 V unit is on "hot"

The instrumentation permits the operator to perform a partial drop test on the rods. The
duration of the test is controlled by an adjustable time delay. Software test circuits are also

Shutdown Rod Withdrawal Logic

Dropping of the shutdown rods is controlled by shutdown system number 1. However,

withdrawal of the rods is controlled by the regulating system. Withdrawal is inhibited until
the shutdown signal is cleared. The design of this logic is similar to that for the adjuster and
mechanical control absorber rods, except that constant speed drive is used. The logic counts
the number of shutdown rods withdrawn to determine when shutdown system number 1 is

For withdrawal, the shutdown rods are arranged in two banks. For normal withdrawal,
controlled by the reactor regulating system, both banks are withdrawn simultaneously, with
withdrawal being stopped if the power error or the rate log power change exceeds a specified
limit. Manual withdrawal is by separate banks and is allowed only if computer control is
unavailable. The operator may also select individual rods to be driven in or out under manual
control. Analog rod position signals are provided from potentiometers on the mechanisms
for all shutdown rods to the distributed control system.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 3: Reactor Control
Dr. George Bereznai page 3 - 28

Speed Control System for the Reactivity Mechanisms

Variable speed control is provided to drive the adjuster and mechanical control absorber
elements into or out of the core. Each mechanism has a reliable, three-phase induction motor
whose speed is controlled by varying the frequency of the input power. This is done by
means of a variable frequency inverter which functions as a voltage-controlled oscillator over
the range from 12 to 60 Hz. It is powered from redundant, three-phase, Class III buses. If
bus C fails, the system can be switched to bus A. Operation without variable speed control is
satisfactory for the time necessary to repair or replace the inverter. A manually controlled
contactor bypasses the variable frequency inverter and supplies all induction motors with line
frequency power.

Dedicated reversing motor starters control the elements individually. Speed, normally on
automatic control, can be manually set from the main control room. A manual speed setting
will also apply to the automatic control of adjusters and mechanical control absorbers. The
main control panel also annunciates major failures of the system.

Hardware Interlocks

The automatic control of the reactivity mechanisms is subject to a number of interlocks to

limit the consequences of a gross loss of regulation.

To prevent the reactor from being started up with the safety systems unavailable, the
adjusters and mechanical control absorbers are inhibited from being withdrawn unless both
shutdown systems are poised.

The adjusters are further interlocked to prevent more than a certain number of rods from
being withdrawn at the same time. This limits the maximum rate of addition of positive
reactivity. Another interlock is provided which prevents the reactor from coming critical on
shutdown rod withdrawal. It prevents the shutdown rods from being withdrawn unless the
mechanical control absorbers are in the core.

Copyright information for Chapter 3:

Figures on pages 3-5, 3-7, 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-16, 3-17, 3-21,3-23 and 3-26
are from CANDU 9 480/NU Technical Description, AECL document 69-
01371-TED-001 Rev. 1, January 1995. Reprinted with permission of Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited (AECL).
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
Dr. George Bereznai page 4 - 1




At the end of this chapter, you will be able to describe the following features
of the CANDU heat transport systems:

1. The functions of the main or primary heat transport system, the

pressure and inventory control system, and the shutdown cooling system;
2. The layout and major components of the main circuit;
3. The major components and operation of the pressure and inventory
control system;
4. The equipment and operation of the shutdown cooling system;
5. The main operating characteristics of the heat transport system.

The heat transport system is the first main link in the process of transferring the energy
released from fission to electricity. It also has key safety functions in assuring constant
cooling of the fuel, as well as forming one of the containment barriers against fission product
release. Along with reactor core calculations, the response of the heat transport system under
abnormal and accident conditions has been the subject of extensive research and analysis.

This chapter describes the functions, features, equipment and operation of the main (or
primary) heat transport system, the pressure and inventory control system, the shutdown
cooling system, and auxiliary systems that deal with heat transport purification and heat
transport heavy water collection.

The Emergency Core Cooling System that operates to assure cooling of the fuel during a loss
of coolant accident will be discussed in Chapter 6.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
Dr. George Bereznai page 4 - 2


The main (or primary) heat transport system circulates pressurized heavy water coolant
through the reactor fuel channels to remove heat produced by fission of natural uranium fuel.
The heat is carried by the reactor coolant to the steam generators where it is transferred to
light water to produce steam, which subsequently drives the turbine-generator. A schematic
flow diagram for the heat transport system and its auxiliary systems is shown in Figure 4.1.

The main functions and features of the heat transport systems are as follows:

Transports heat produced by the fission of natural uranium fuel in the reactor fuel
channels to the steam generators, where the heat is transferred to light water to produce
Provides cooling of the reactor fuel at all times during reactor operation and provide
for the coolant to remove decay heat when the reactor is shut down.
Each heat transport pump has sufficient rotational inertia so that the rate of coolant
flow reduction matches the rate of power reduction following the reactor trip if power
to the pump motor is lost.
A shutdown cooling system is provided to remove reactor decay heat following
shutdown. This system permits the draining of the heat transport pumps and the
primary side of the steam generators for maintenance.
Allows decay heat removal by natural circulation under total loss of pumping power.
Limits the effect of postulated loss-of-coolant accidents to within the capability of the
safety systems and provide a path for emergency coolant flow to the reactor fuel in
the event of such an accident.
Heat transport system pressure is controlled for all normal modes of operation, and
overpressure protection is provided by instrumented relief valves and reactor regulating
and/or safety shutdown system action.
Contains the heat transport system heavy water inventory with minimum leaking or
Provides containment for fission products that may be released from defected fuel
during normal operating conditions.
Potential heavy water leak sources (such as at valves and mechanical joints) are kept
to a minimum by using welded construction wherever practicable. Where potential
leak sources exist, they are connected to closed collection and recovery systems.
Purification by filtering, ion exchange and degassing is provided to control the chemistry
of the reactor coolant.
Provides process measurements for tripping and shutting down the reactor to ensure that
system pressure is within allowable limits.
Provides process measurements for detection of loss-of-coolant conditions and initiation
of emergency core coolant injection, in conjunction with other process signals.
The heat transport system is seismically qualified to the design basis earthquake.
Auxiliary systems which form part of the heat transport system boundary are also
seismically qualified. These include the shutdown cooling system, part of the pump seal
system and part of the pressure and inventory control system.
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Figure 4.1. Heat Transport Systems Simplified Composite Flow Diagram.

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The major components of the heat transport system are the reactor fuel channels, four vertical
steam generators, four motor-driven pumps, four reactor inlet headers, two reactor outlet
headers and the interconnecting piping.

The reactor coolant outlet of each steam generator is connected to one heat transport pump by
a pump suction line. Each pump has one discharge pipe, connected to a reactor inlet header
which supplies flow to the fuel channels in one quarter of the reactor fuel channels via
individual inlet feeders. Each steam generator has two reactor coolant inlet pipes connected
to a reactor outlet header which receives flow from the fuel channels via individual outlet
feeders. Adjacent channels are alternatively connected to separate inlet and outlet headers by
means of inlet and outlet feeders. The complete circuit forms a figure-of-eight loop, as can
be seen from Figure 4.1.

The reactor outlet headers are interconnected by a relatively small pipe with an orifice to
assure system thermohydraulic stability.

Four identical steam generators using inverted vertical U-tube bundles in a shell transfer heat
from the heavy water reactor coolant on the steam generator primary side to the light water
on the secondary side. Details of the secondary side are described in Chapter 5.

The primary side of the steam generators consists of the head, the primary side of the
tubesheet and the tube bundle. A partition plate separates the inlet section of the head from
the outlet section. The U-tubes are welded to the primary side of the clad carbon steel
tubesheet. The head is provided with two access manways, one for the inlet side and one for
the outlet side.

The rate of incidence of heavy water leakage from a steam generator is minimized by very
high standards in design and manufacture. High recirculation ratios, low heat fluxes,
elimination of tube vibration, material selection and both primary side and secondary side
chemistry control contribute to long steam generator tube life. When maintenance of the
primary side of the steam generator is required, the coolant level in the heat transport system
be lowered below the bottom of the steam generators, with coolant circulation and decay heat
removal provided by the shutdown cooling system.

The four heat transport pumps are vertical, single-stage, single-suction, single-discharge
centrifugal pumps. A heat transport pump is shown in Figure 4.2. The pump casing is of a
double-volute design and consists of a vertical bottom suction nozzle, the main bowl, and one
horizontal discharge nozzle. The pump cover is mounted on top of the casing and sealed by a
double gasket. The cover consists of a bottom flange which mates with the casing and a
vertical section housing. The cover consists of a bottom flange which mates with the casing
and a vertical section housing the shaft seals.
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Figure 4.2. Heat Transport Pump.

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The pump bearing is located above the impeller. The shaft seals are located above the
bearing. The shaft sealing arrangement consists of three mechanical seals and one backup
seal in series. Each mechanical seal is designed to withstand the full system pressure. All
three rotary seal components are attached to the seal sleeve, which in turn is attached to the
shaft. The stationary components are attached to the seal housing which is bolted to a seal
flange. In turn, the seal flange is bolted to the pump cover. The backup seal is located at the
top of the seal assembly. In the unlikely event that all three mechanical seals fail, the backup
seal prevents significant leakage of heavy water to containment while the heat transport
system is being depressurized.

When maintenance of the shaft seals or the pump internals is required, the coolant level in the
heat transport system is lowered to below the heat transport pumps, while fuel cooling is
maintained by the shutdown cooling system.

The pump seal cooling system supplies cooled, filtered, and purified heavy water for
lubricating and cooling the mechanical seals. The heavy water is injected below the lowest
mechanical seal, at a pressure above pump suction pressure. A small portion of the seal
coolant flows upwards through the mechanical seals and the remainder flows downwards into
the pump casing. If external gland seal cooling system flow becomes unavailable, heavy
water is supplied to the mechanical seals directly from the pump casing.

A leakage recovery cavity, located between the uppermost mechanical seal and the backup
seal, routes the normal seal leakage and leakage from a failure of all three mechanical seals,
to the leakage collection system.

Each pump is driven by a vertical, totally enclosed, air/water-cooled squirrel cage induction
motor. The motor is supported by the motor mount which is bolted to the top of the pump
case. A removable coupling connects the motor shaft to the pump shaft. Removal of the
coupling allows sufficient space for the pump seals and bearings to be removed without
removing the motor.

The pump/motor unit has sufficient rotational inertia, supplemented by inertia packets in the
motor so that, on loss of power, the rate of coolant flow reduction matches the power
rundown following the reactor trip. Natural circulation maintains adequate cooling of the
fuel after the pumps stop.

The motor is equipped with two removable radial bearings and a double-acting thrust
bearing. The motor bearings are lubricated by cooled and re-circulated oil. An oil lift
system, referred to as the jacking oil system, supplies high pressure oil to both sides of the
thrust bearing simultaneously, during startup.

Shielding is installed between the pump casing and the pump motor to reduce the irradiation
of personnel engaged in pump and motor maintenance and other maintenance tasks above the
pump casing.

The power supply for each heat transport pump is normally from the unit service transformer.
The motor is able to withstand the supply interruption caused by automatic transfer between
the unit service transformer and the station service transformer.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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Instrumentation and Control

The heat transport system requires no automatic feedback control devices for proper
operation. Flows, pressure differentials and temperature distributions are determined by
pump characteristics, line sizes, steam generator characteristics and reactor power level. The
instruments connected to the heat transport system are for the control of related systems and
the reactor, and are described in detail in other sections.

Instrumentation is provided to monitor and/or control the following:

Heat Transport Pumps.
The pumps are fitted with transducers to measure speed and jacking oil pressure, and
to detect vibration. Alarms are annunciated in the control room on high vibration, and
on low jacking oil pressure during pump startup.
The motor is fully instrumented, and data on oil level on upper and lower oil sumps,
bearing temperatures, winding temperatures and current are fed to the distributed
control system.
The pump motor is tripped on high thrust bearing temperature which could result
from a loss of service water.
Reactor Outlet Header Pressure Measurements for Heat Transport System Pressure
Reactor outlet headers carry two sets of pressure measurements.
Triplicated measurements are used for narrow-range pressure control of the system
during normal operation. A single measurement in each outlet header is used for
wide-range pressure control of the system, during warm-up of the heat transport
Reactor Outlet Header Pressure Measurements for the Emergency Core Cooling System.
After a loss-of-coolant accident and reactor trip, fuel is cooled by injecting water from
the emergency core cooling system into the reactor headers. For operation of this
system, pressure measurements are taken off each reactor outlet header.
Reactor Outlet Header Pressure Measurements for Heat Transport System Overpressure
Protection, and for shutdown system number 1 and shutdown system number 2.
Each reactor outlet header carries triplicated pressure measurement loops for each of
the safety shutdown systems. These signals are also used to open the two liquid relief
valves on high system pressure.
Header Level Measurements.
During repair or inspection of a heat transport pump or steam generator the heat
transport system coolant is drained to a level just above the headers and fuel cooling
is maintained via the shutdown cooling system. Coolant level is maintained within a
range that provides adequate coolant level above the reactor inlet feeder inlets, and
avoids starving the shutdown cooling pumps.
Gross Low Flow Trip System.
Gross low flow is detected by triplicated flow measurements. Shutdown systems
number 1 and number 2 trip the reactor when certain combinations of feeder flow
measuring elements detect low flow.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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The heat transport pressure, and inventory control system performs the following functions:
Controls the pressure and heavy water inventory in the heat transport system for all
normal operating conditions.
Limits pressure increases and decreases in the heat transport system due to various
operating transients to acceptable values.
Accommodates heat transport system coolant swell and shrinkage associated with
warm-up, cool-down, power maneuvering and other unit disturbances.
Provides for suitable heat transport system pressure recovery following sudden
pressure reduction due to power reduction, such as a trip or a stepback.
Limits pressure reduction in the heat transport system due to sudden depressurization
of the secondary side of the steam generators.
Provides overpressure protection for the heat transport system for all modes of
operation and a means of containing any relief from the heat transport system in the
short term.
Provides adequate net positive suction head for the heat transport heavy water feedpumps
during normal reactor operation.
Provides the heat transport pump glands and the fuelling machines with a cool and
purified heavy water supply flow.
Minimizes outflow of heat transport coolant due to the failure of associated valves.
Provide the heat transport purification system with a cool heavy water flow.
Transfers heavy water from the heat transport system to the heavy water supply storage
tanks via the heavy water storage tank when maintenance of heat transport system
equipment, requiring partial draining of the heat transport system, is undertaken.
Provides light water make-up to compensate for a small loss-of-coolant accident, if
normal D2O makeup is depleted or unavailable.
Provides a means of degassing the heat transport system coolant.
Provides a process parameter (pressurizer level) for safety system action (shutdown
systems number 1 and number 2).

A simplified flowsheet of the system is shown in Figure 4.3. The pressurizer is connected to
the main heat transport system at one of the steam generator inlet lines by the pressurizer
connection line. A valve is provided to isolate the pressurizer from the heat transport system
during maintenance shutdowns.

The heavy water in the pressurizer is heated by electric heaters if the liquids temperature
falls below the desired saturation temperature. During heat transport system warm-up, the
heaters are used to increase the pressure in the pressurizer.

The cushioning effect of the heavy water steam volume in the pressurizer is supplemented by
pressurizer spray when the pressure rises above a setpoint. The spray flow is supplied from
the discharge of the heavy water feedpumps. Two steam relief valves are provided for
overpressure protection of the pressurizer when it is isolated from the heat transport system.
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Figure 4.3. Heat Transport Pressure and Inventory Control System.

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The pressurizer stores the heavy water displaced by the change in volume of the reactor
coolant in the heat transport system during warm-up and startup from 100?C to full power.
The pressurizer level setpoint increases with heat transport system temperature during warm-
up and with reactor power during startup to accommodate the volume change between zero
power cold and full power. The heavy water level is automatically controlled at the setpoint
by the heavy water pressure and inventory control system under the control of computers.

Vapourization of part of the saturated liquid heavy water stored in the pressurizer minimizes
the pressure decrease caused by the outflow of heavy water following a reduction in reactor
power. The pressure is restored to the setpoint by the electric heaters.

When the reactor is at low power and the heat transport pumps are shut off, the pressurizer
may be isolated from the heat transport system. In this case, the pressure control of the heat
transport system is achieved by feed and bleed. This is called solid mode operation.

Feed and Bleed Circuit

Inventory control (or pressure control during the solid mode) for the heat transport system is
achieved by feed and bleed.

Bleed flow is taken from the suction of one of the heat transport pumps and discharged into
the bleed condenser via the bleed valves as two phase flow. The steam is condensed in the
bleed condenser by a reflux cooling tube bundle with cooling flow from the feed flow. The
tube bundle recovers part of the heat from the bleed flow. The bleed flow is then further
cooled by the shutdown/bleed cooler before entering the heat transport purification system
via the bleed condenser level control valves. The shutdown/bleed cooler is isolated from the
shutdown cooling system during reactor operation by two motorized valves (refer to Section
2.6 for more details on the shutdown/bleed coolers). The bleed condenser level control
valves maintain the heavy water level in the bleed condenser at the setpoint.

One heavy water feedpump is normally operating and takes water from the heavy water
storage tank and/or the heat transport purification system. It supplies the required flow
through feed control valves to the heat transport system via the heat transport pump suction

The signal to feed or bleed heavy water to or from the heat transport system is based on the
pressurizer level during power operation, and on reactor outlet header pressure during 'solid
mode' operation with the pressurizer isolated.

The heavy water feedpump also provides:

a cool spray flow to the pressurizer for pressure control,
a cool spray flow to the bleed condenser for pressure control,
cool heavy water to the fuelling machine heavy water supply system, and
a cool flow through the bleed condenser reflux tube bundle for heat recovery.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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Storage and Transfer Circuit

The heavy water storage tank, which is connected to the suction side of the heavy water
feedpumps, serves as the head tank for the pumps. During initial warm-up to 100C, the
heavy water swell from the heat transport system is accommodated in the heavy water
storage tank. This volume of heavy water provides more than 30 minutes of feed flow, for
heat transport pump gland cooling in the event of loss of bleed flow. Heat transport pump
seal cooling return flow and feedpump recirculation flow circulates through the heavy water
storage tank before returning to the heavy water feedpump suction. Helium is used as cover
gas for the heavy water storage tank.

The heavy water storage tank is connected to the heavy water transfer system by a line with a
normally closed valve. This line is used to transfer heavy water to and from the heavy water
storage tank. Transfer is required typically during a maintenance shutdown, when it is
necessary to partially drain the heat transport system to service the steam generators and/or
the heat transport pumps.

Following a small leak in the heat transport system, operator action can be initiated to supply
make-up to the heat transport system. Make-up water is drawn from the reserve D2O
inventory at the station (including downgraded D2O) and transferred to the D2O storage tank.
If the leak cannot be stopped before the D2O reserve is exhausted, light water make-up from
the reserve water tank can be valved in to provide light water make-up to the suction side of
the heavy water feed pumps.

Instrumentation and Control

The pressure and inventory control system includes flow, level, pressure and temperature
measurement and control loops which provide pressure and inventory control for the heat
transport system. The most important parameters to be controlled are described in the
following sections.

Normal (or Narrow-Range) Heat Transport System Pressure Control.

The heat transport system pressure is controlled by condensing steam or by heat addition to
the pressurizer, utilizing the pressurizer spray or the heaters at the bottom of the pressurizer
respectively, under normal power-producing operation.

Triplicated sets of pressure measurements taken from the reactor outlet headers are used for
heat transport system pressure control. The control system selects the reactor outlet header
that has the highest pressure and controls this pressure to the desired value. This is done by
feeding all the outputs of the pressure transmitters into the distributed control system. The
median pressure on each header is determined, and the higher of the median pressures is
compared with the system setpoint. If the pressure is above the setpoint, the spray valves on
the pressurizer open to reduce pressure and, if below the setpoint a heater in the pressurizer is
turned on to increase pressure. This pressure control system operates on a narrow-range
transmitter signal for greater accuracy.
The variable heater is used under normal steady state conditions. The on-off heaters come on
when the pressure drops below the proportional control band setting of the pressure
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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controller. The on-off heaters also come on if the water temperature falls a predetermined
amount below the normal saturation value.

Wide-Range Pressure Control.

During solid mode feed and bleed pressure control operation, the pressurizer is isolated
from the heat transport system. In this case the wide-range pressure control system is used.
This is a single-channel system and uses signals from pressure transmitters located on the
reactor outlet headers. The higher of the reactor outlet header pressures is selected and is
compared to the setpoint. The output from the distributed control system is fed to the two
feed valves and the two liquid bleed valves which control heat transport system pressure.
The wide-range pressure control is not used above 5% reactor power.

When isolated, the pressurizer pressure is controlled by a single-channel pressure control

loop which controls the spray valves and the heaters. Overpressure protection is provided by
two pressure relief valves on the pressurizer.

Pressurizer Level (Inventory Control) and Temperature Control.

The level in the pressurizer when connected to the heat transport system is controlled via the
feed and bleed valves. Triplicated level measurements are fed to the distributed control
system where the median is calculated. The level setpoint is programmed as a function of
heat transport system reactor inlet header temperature, reactor outlet header pressure and
reactor power.

During increases in reactor power, the pressurizer accommodates the resultant heat transport
system swell. The water flowing into the pressurizer is below the saturation temperature.
This condition is sensed by temperature detectors in the pressurizer and the heaters are turned
on to increase the water temperature to the saturation value. The rising water level
compresses the vapour space above the water and pressure is maintained at the setpoint by
the spray valves. The pressurizer heaters are shut off automatically on low pressurizer water

Bleed Condenser Level and Pressure Control.

Level in the bleed condenser is controlled via the distributed control system. Two 50 percent
capacity level control valves regulate the outflow from the bleed condenser to maintain a
constant level in the bleed condenser.

Pressure in the bleed condenser is controlled via the distributed control system. Pressure is
regulated by condensing the vapour in the bleed condenser with cooling flow through the
reflux tube bundle and a spray flow supplied from the heavy water feedpumps. The reflux
bundle flow and the spray flow are regulated by control valves as demanded by the pressure
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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Shutdown/Bleed Cooler Temperature Control

Control of the cooler outlet temperature is performed via the distributed control system. The
downstream heavy water temperature must be sufficiently low to ensure feedpump net
positive suction head and to avoid damage to the ion exchange resin and to the glands of the
heat transport pumps. Over-temperature protection is provided by override controls, which
close the bleed condenser level control valves on high temperature at the cooler outlet.


The major functions of the shutdown cooling system are to:

a. Cool the heat transport system after a reactor shutdown and following an initial cool-
down by steam rejection, to a temperature suitable for maintenance.
b. Maintain the heat transport system temperature at the maintenance level for any desired
length of time.
c. Provide a means of draining, refilling and level control of the heat transport system to
allow maintenance of the heat transport pumps or steam generators.
d. Cool down the heat transport system from the zero power hot temperature under
abnormal conditions.
e. Provide a long term heat sink after a design basis earthquake, following depletion of
Group 2 feedwater to the steam generators.

A simplified flowsheet of the shutdown cooling system is shown in Figure 4.1.

The system consists of two circuits, one located at each end of the reactor. Each circuit
consists of one pump, one heat exchanger, valves and piping. Since the heat transport system
layout at each end of the reactor features two inlet headers and one outlet header in a single
loop arrangement, the symmetry provides good flow distribution during normal shutdown

In each circuit, the pump takes suction from reactor outlet header and discharges via the heat
exchanger into the two inlet headers at the same end of the reactor. The design pressure and
temperature for the shutdown cooling system are compatible with the heat transport system.
The system is normally full of heavy water and isolated from the heat transport system by the
header isolation valves.

One of the coolers, called the shutdown/bleed cooler, carries out the dual functions of
shutdown cooling and bleed cooling. A small isolation valve, called the warm-up valve, is
located in parallel with one of the inlet header isolation valves. This valve is used for
warming the shutdown cooling system. Cooling water to both heat exchangers
(shutdown/bleed cooler and shutdown cooler) is provided by the re-circulated cooling water
system. The shutdown cooler is provided with seismically qualified Group 2 raw service
water backup cooling supply, which can be initiated if the normal re-circulated cooling water
supply fails. This improves the shutdown cooling system reliability as a heat sink, following
a DBE and when the steam generators are drained during maintenance.
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There are two bypass lines; one bypassing the pump/heat exchanger and another bypassing
the pumps only. Both lines have a motorized valve for isolation. The pump/heat exchanger
bypass line is used to moderate the cooling efficiency of the heat exchangers. The pump
bypass allows the shutdown coolers to be used with the heat transport pumps when the
shutdown cooling pumps are unavailable.

For normal heat transport system cool-down, steam from the steam generators bypasses the
turbine and flows into the turbine condenser to reduce the heat transport system temperature
from the hot shutdown temperature to 177C in approximately 30 minutes.

Cool-down from 177C to 54C or below is achieved using the shutdown cooling system.
Initially all motorized valves in the system are closed. The bleed condenser is isolated before
switching from steam generator to shutdown cooling for cool-down. The outlet header
isolation valves are opened to pressurize the system and ensure adequate NPSH. The heat
transport pumps are shut down and the shutdown cooling pumps are started. The isolation
valves to both heat exchangers and the pump/heat exchanger bypass valve are opened. The
warm-up valves are opened to allow warm-up of the shutdown cooling piping. The inlet
header isolation valves are then gradually opened. Both coolers are valved in for cool-down
and the pump/heat exchanger bypass valve is maintained in a partially open position to
prevent the cool-down rate from exceeding the design rate of 2.8C per minute.

When the shutdown cooling system is in the long-term cool-down mode with both shutdown
cooling pumps operating and with the heat transport system full, part of the shutdown cooling
flow bypasses the core through the steam generators and pumps. In the event of failure of
one of the shutdown cooling pumps, the reactor outlet header temperature increases slightly
but does not result in boiling in any of the fuel channels.

For steam generator or pump maintenance, or inspection requiring the opening of the
pressure boundary, the heat transport system coolant is drained to near the header level. The
heavy water removed from the heat transport system is sent to the heavy water storage tank.
Under this operating condition, all the shutdown cooling system flow goes through the core.
Manual feed and bleed is used to control the heavy water level in the heat transport system.
If one pump fails under this condition, header water level changes are within an acceptable
range. The heavy water feedpumps are used to refill the heat transport system.

With re-circulated cooling water available, the shutdown cooling system can be used to cool
the heat transport system from 260C for a limited number of cycles. The cool-down
procedure is similar to that of normal cool-down using the shutdown cooling pumps, with the
exception that only one heat exchanger is valved in initially. The second heat exchanger is
valved in at a lower temperature.

Under abnormal conditions, such as loss of both shutdown cooling pumps, the shutdown
cooling system can operate under the heat transport pump mode. In this mode, the shutdown
cooling system pumps are off, the pump bypass valve is opened and coolant flow is driven
through the shutdown coolers by the heat transport pump, from the inlet header to the outlet
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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The shutdown cooling system can be valved in as a long term heat sink after a design basis
earthquake. The shutdown cooler is provided with seismically qualified Group 2 raw service
water as a backup to the normal re-circulated cooling water supply. The re-circulated cooling
water isolation valves to the heat exchanger are closed before raw service water is valved in.


Heat Transport Purification System

The heat transport purification system performs the following functions:

Minimizes buildup of radioactive corrosion products in the heat transport circuit.
Minimizes the concentration of fission products released from fuel defects into the heat
transport coolant.
Assists in maintaining proper pH (pD) control of heat transport coolant.
Provides for purification during normal reactor operation and during initial stage of
shutdown and cool-down (whenever the heat transport pumps are operating).
Provides a source of clean heavy water for heat transport system makeup.
Suppresses oxygen generated from radiolysis of heavy water by the addition of

The purification system is a low pressure and low temperature system. The bleed valves are
conditioned by a biased signal which provides the required purification flow into the bleed
condenser. The pressure in the bleed condenser provides the head to circulate the flow
through the purification circuit. The purification flow passes through cartridge filters and ion
exchange columns before routing to the heavy water feed pump suction. A bypass line
connects the heavy water feed pump suction to the outlet side of the shutdown/bleed cooler to
provide a bleed path when the purification system is isolated. To evaluate the performance of
the system, coolant samples are taken at the outlets of the cooler, filter and each ion exchange

The maximum purification flow rate is based on a purification half-life of approximately one
hour. During normal operation, purification flow is reduced to provide a purification half life
of four hours. (The purification half-life is the time taken to reduce the concentration of
dissolved solids by 50 percent, assuming no addition of solids.)

The purification system functions during normal reactor operation to limit activity and
corrosion product buildup in the coolant by removing soluble and insoluble impurities and by
maintaining the pHA (apparent pH) of the heavy water at the required value. It also removes
soluble and insoluble impurities following a sudden increase caused by a chemical, hydraulic
or temperature transient. In this manner, the activity buildup caused by activated corrosion
products is minimized. Hydrogen is added via the purification system to suppress oxygen
generated by the radiolysis of heavy water.

Corrosion products deposit on piping surfaces throughout the heat transport system. These
products move around the system in both ionic and particulate forms, being released from
surfaces, transported some distance and then deposited elsewhere. The recommended coolant
alkalinity inhibits the deposition of corrosion products on the fuel surfaces, thus minimizing
activation. This minimizes the contribution made by activated corrosion products to
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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radiation fields and, hence, to the radiation dose to operating personnel. The purification
system assists in maintaining proper pHA of the coolant through the use of mixed-bed resin
with the cation resin portion being in the lithium form (Li+). The ion exchange resin releases
lithium ions which slowly raises the heat transport pHA as cation impurities are removed.
Alternatively, use of deuterium-form cation resin reduces the lithium concentration and also
the pHA.

The purification system assists by removing corrosion products both before and after their
activation and by removing fission products, notably iodine and cesium which may be
released from fuel defects.

Heat Transport Heavy Water Collection System

The heat transport heavy water collection system performs the following functions:
Collects heavy water leakage from double-packed valve stems, pump seals and inter-
gasket cavities during reactor operation.
Collects heavy water drainage from equipment before performing maintenance.
Provides a means of venting equipment containing heavy water.
Provides for sampling to determine the D2O isotopic and chemical impurity
Cools and transfers the collected heavy water, if of reactor grade isotopic, to the heat
transport pressure and inventory control system.
Transfers the collected heavy water, if not of reactor grade isotopic, to the heavy water
cleanup system.
Provides for monitoring of the heavy water leakage and drainage flows.
Provides alarm upon detection of water in the heat transport pump motor stand drains
line and on the heavy water collection tank support floor.
Provides a means for condensing degassing flow from the heat transport system and to
vent off non-condensable gases to the reactor building ventilation system.
Provides tank level indication and alarm to avoid D2O going up the vent line during a
period of abnormally high leakage collection.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
Dr. George Bereznai page 4 - 17


System Warm-up

Following a prolonged shutdown, the heat transport system could be at atmospheric pressure
and at ambient temperature. The heat transport system coolant may be drained to near the
header level or it may be completely filled. The heat transport pumps are stopped and
cooling is provided by the shutdown cooling system. The pressurizer is partially filled with
heavy water and is isolated from the heat transport system.

In preparation for system warm-up, the heat transport system must be refilled if it has been
partially drained and then put on solid mode pressure control. The main circuit can be
pressurized by the heavy water feedpumps.

The initial stage of warm-up involves activating the pressurizer heaters which results in a
gradual increase in pressurizer temperature and pressure. The pressurizer isolation valve is
opened and heat transport pressure control is transferred to the normal mode prior to startup
of the heat transport circulating pumps.

The next step of warm-up involves stopping both shutdown cooling pumps and closing the
shutdown cooling/reactor outlet header isolation valves. The heat transport pumps are
started. The system is warmed up by pump heat and low reactor heat. The shutdown
cooling/reactor inlet header isolation valves are closed when the heat transport temperature
reaches 177C and normal bleed is established via the bleed condenser and bleed valves.
System swell up to 100C is stored in the heavy water storage tank. The swell during the
remaining warm-up period is accommodated in the pressurizer. The heat transport system is
pressurized in steps as the system temperature increases.


After warm-up, the heat transport system coolant temperature and pressure at the outlet
header are the zero power hot values. The pressurizer is hot and pressurized and is connected
to the main heat transport circuit. Raising of reactor power can now begin.

The design maneuvering rates are:

Power Range Maximum Rate

0 - 25 percent of full power 4 percent of actual power per second
25 - 80 percent of full power 1 percent of full power per second
80 - 100 percent of full power 0.15 percent of full power per second

As reactor power increases, the reactor outlet header pressure rises as a result of the swell in
the system. Thus heavy water is forced into the pressurizer compressing the vapour phase.
The control system corrects the mismatch between the actual and the desired pressure of the
pressurizer by condensing steam in the pressurizer utilizing the heavy water spray. As the
reactor power is increased, the level setpoint in the pressurizer increases automatically so that
all the swell resulting from power increases is stored in the pressurizer.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
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Full Power Operation

During normal operation the pressure and inventory control system controls the heat transport
system inventory by maintaining the pressurizer level at the required value. The heat
transport system pressure is controlled by maintaining the heavy water vapour space in the
pressurizer at the desired pressure.


The sequence of operation performed during heat transport system shutdown generally
follows the startup sequence in reverse, except for one major difference. Whereas startup
from zero power hot to full power can be achieved at constant or rising heat transport system
pressure, shutdown is accompanied by falling pressure. The reason is that as reactor power is
reduced, system shrinkage causes an outflow and, hence, a falling level in the pressurizer.
The pressure decrease due to heavy water steam expansion in the pressurizer is acceptable.
The net positive suction head available for the heat transport pumps is adequate at all times.


Cool-down of the main circuit from zero power hot to 177C is achieved by discharging
steam from the steam generator secondary side through the condenser steam discharge valves
to the condenser or, in case of loss of condenser vacuum, to the atmosphere via the
atmospheric steam discharge valves.

Below 177C the shutdown cooling heat exchanger becomes the heat sink and circulation is
provided by the shutdown cooling pumps. Heat transport pumps can be used for circulation
if the shutdown cooling pumps are not available. The bleed condenser is isolated and the
bleed condenser level control valves take over the function of the bleed valves.

Under abnormal conditions, the shutdown cooling system can achieve cool-down from zero
power hot conditions.

The system is depressurized in steps as the system temperature decreases. The system is
under normal mode pressure control until the heat transport pumps are shut down, to
minimize the chance of pump cavitation due to a sudden depressurization. Once the heat
transport pumps are shut down, the operator has the option to continue cool-down in normal
mode or switch to solid mode control.

When the heat transport system temperature falls to 54C, the heat transport system may be
depressurized and the coolant level lowered to near the header level. The coolant is removed
via the shutdown cooling system and transferred to the heavy water storage tank. To assist in
removing coolant from the heat transport system, nitrogen is added through the heat transport
pump seal cavity.

If a short shutdown is expected it is desirable to isolate the pressurizer and maintain it

pressurized, since heating the pressurizer takes much longer than heating the heat transport
system. If an extended shutdown is planned, the pressurizer will usually be isolated from the
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
Dr. George Bereznai page 4 - 19

heat transport system and depressurized with the pressurizer heaters switched off. Heat
transport system pressure control is under 'solid' mode.


After the heat transport system is refilled following maintenance, it will have a high
concentration of nitrogen. The concentration of nitrogen can be reduced by opening the
degassing valve which discharges to the heavy water collection tank. The steam is condensed
by a spray flow in the heavy water collection tank and the gas effluent is discharged to the
reactor building ventilation system via the vapour recovery system.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 4: Heat Transport
Dr. George Bereznai page 4 - 20

Copyright information for Chapter 4:

Figures on pages 4-3, 4-5 and 4-9 are from CANDU 9 480/NU Technical
Description, AECL document 69-01371-TED-001 Rev. 1, January 1995.
Reprinted with permission of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL).
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 1




At the end of this chapter, you will be able to describe the following features
of the steam, turbine and feedwater systems used in CANDU generating

1. How steam is produced, transfered to the turbine, condensed, and returned

to the boilers;
2. The reasons for the main design and operating features of the Turbine;
3. The process of optimizing the thermodynamics of the steam and
feedwater cycle;
4. The use of three element control to minimize fluctuations of steam
generator level;
5. The use of standby equipment to ensure that the boliers are maintain their
role as heat sinks;
6. The steam flows during Poison Prevent Operation, regulation of steam
generator pressure and protection against overpressure.

The steam and feedwater system performs the following functions:

a) Provides the means for the transfer of heat energy from the primary heat transport system,
and for the production of steam.
b) Conveys the steam produced in the steam generators to the high pressure turbine and
other balance of plant loads.
c) Provides for overpressure protection of the steam generator secondary side.
d) Provides instrumentation for steam generator level and pressure control.
e) Provides for a crash cool of the steam generators on a loss-of-coolant.
f) Enables testing of one turbine stop valve at a time without interruption to the unit and
without causing problems in control of steam generator water levels.
g) Provides feedwater to each steam generator and maintains steam generator secondary side
water levels.
h) Provides for cool-down of the heat transport system following a design basis earthquake.
i) Provides for a remote manual isolation of each pair of steam generators from the steam
system (as may be required in the event of a tube leak).
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 2

The simplified flowsheet of the secondary side of a nuclear generating station that includes
the steam, turbine-generator and feedwater systems is shown in Figure 5.1. The values of
pressure, temperature, etc., quoted in the text refer to full power operation and are
approximate. Real values differ slightly from station to station. The systems we will
consider in some detail are the Steam Generator, Main Steam, Turbine, Condenser,
Feedheating and Feedwater, including the major process, control and protective systems.

Figure 5.1. Simplified Diagram of Balance of Plant Systems, including Steam Generator,
Main Steam, Turbine, Generator, Condenser and Feedwater Systems.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 3


During normal operation, the heat transport system transfers heat from the reactor to the
secondary coolant by way of the boilers. The boilers thus act as the principal heat sink for
the reactor. Reactor heat is transferred from the heat transport system to the boiler feedwater.
As a result, the boiler produces steam to drive the turbine.

Figure 5.2 shows a boiler typical of those used in large nuclear generating stations. Hot,
pressurized heavy water enters the boiler and passes through the tube bundle. The heavy
water inside the tube is hotter than the feedwater around the tubes. This allows heat transfer
from the heavy water to the feedwater, causing the feedwater to boil.

The steam leaving the top of the tube bundle is about 90% water. To prevent damage to the
steam piping, valves and (most important) the turbine, only dry steam must leave the boiler.
Cyclone separators, located above the tube bundle, dry the steam by giving the steam/water
mixture a swirling centrifugal motion. The water, being denser than steam, moves to the
outside area of the separator and is drained off. The steam that leaves the top of the cyclone
separators has low moisture content but is still unacceptable for use in the turbine. The steam
scrubbers, located above the cyclone separators, remove the last traces of moisture.

Water separated from the steam in the cyclone separator and steam scrubber drains to the
outside of the boiler's tube shroud. The water flows down to the bottom of the boiler through
the downcomer annulus and re-enters the tube bundle area enabling it to generate more
steam. The amount of water cycling through the tube bundle, through the downcomer, is
typically ten times as much as feedwater entering the boiler.

The water in the boiler moves through natural circulation without the use of pumps. The
water and steam in the tube bundle move upward because of the decrease in density due to
the addition of heat. The water that comes out from the cyclone separators is relatively
dense, because it has no steam bubbles, and falls down the downcomer to begin the cycle

The feedwater flow in the boiler starts from the preheater. The preheater heats the feedwater
to near saturation temperature. Inside the boiler the feedwater circulates up around the tube
bundle and down the downcomer many times while acquiring the latent heat of vaporization,
and finally leaves the boiler as nearly saturated steam.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 4

Figure 5.2. Typical Steam Generator or Boiler used in CANDU stations.

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Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 5


Figure 5.3 shows a simplified schematic of the steam system and components typical of a
large turbine unit. Safety valves installed on top of the boiler protect the steam system
components from over pressure. The pressure from the boilers drives the steam to the high
pressure (HP) turbine. On route to the turbine the steam travels through several valves. Two
of interest are the emergency stop valves and the governor valves. The governor valve
controls the quantity of steam flowing to the turbine, and therefore controls the speed of the
turbine when not connected to the grid, and when the generator is synchronized to the grid, it
determines the electrical output of the unit. Before reaching the governor valve the steam
passes through the emergency stop valve. The emergency stop valve quickly stops the steam
flow to the turbine in the event of an emergency that could damage the turbine.

Figure 5.3. Simplified Steam System.

From the governor valve the steam passes through the HP turbine. The HP turbine converts
the latent heat of the steam to mechanical energy. As the HP turbine uses the latent heat in
the steam, the steam becomes wet (moist). Moisture content of more than 10% will cause
excessive erosion on the turbine blades. Removing the moisture in the steam allows further
conversion of the remaining available energy. The HP/LP arrangement of the turbine
provides an opportunity at this stage to improve the quality of the steam to allow more energy
to be converted with risk of damage to the turbine.

Steam leaves the high pressure turbine at approximately 900 kPa and 170C at 10% moisture.
It passes to the moisture separator which removes the moisture in the steam. Steam leaving
the moisture separator has the same temperature and pressure as that at the turbine outlet but
without moisture. It then passes through a reheater to heat the steam. This increases the
work that the steam can do in the Low Pressure (LP) turbine. The reheater uses steam
directly from the boiler to heat the steam from the moisture separator. The steam leaves the
reheater in a superheated condition at about 230C and 900 kPa. Before entering the LP
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 6

turbine, the steam passes through intercept valves. In a fashion similar to the emergency stop
valves, these valves shut off steam to the LP turbine in an emergency. Steam passes through
the normally open intercept valves, passes through the low pressure turbine, and is then
exhausted to the condenser at approximately 5 kPa(a), 35C and 10% moisture.

Stopping the flow of steam to the turbine results in increased boiler pressure. This can happen
on a turbine trip. Reducing reactor power and getting rid of the steam prevents excessive
boiler pressure build up. Adjusting the reactor power level too low can poison out the reactor.
However, if the power level is kept above 60% full power, the reactor can keep operating.
Providing an alternative heat sink, while operating at this power level, will prevent a boiler
pressure increase. The alternate heat sink can be provided by blowing the steam to
atmosphere or directly to the condenser. All CANDU units have large steam reject valves
able to discharge steam either to the atmosphere or to the condenser with the reactor at 60%
FP They are also equipped with smaller steam reject valves that are able to discharge steam
to the atmosphere at the decay heat power level, if the condenser is unavailable.

Main Steam

The steam system of a typical CANDU unit is shown on Figure 5.4. All the valves and other
major equipment shown on the previous simplified diagrams can be identified, and the ones
of particular relevance to the operation of the Main Steam system are discussed in the
following sections.

Main steam safety valves are provided on each steam main to protect the steam system and
the steam generators from overpressure.

Provision is made to detect heavy water in the steam. Connections from each steam line to
the D2O in light water detection system provide a continuous on-line measurement capability.
Each sampling line also has a low pressure low temperature grab sample valve for periodic
assessment of steam chemistry and tritium content.

It may be desirable to isolate any one pair of steam generators following a steam generator
tube rupture, or a process failure while operating with a steam generator tube leak. This is
accomplished by closing the appropriate turbine stop valves on the steam lines from two
steam generators (the steam generator with the tube leak and its companion) and the
appropriate steam main interconnect valves by remote manual operation from the main
control room. Steam supply to balance of plant steam loads are provided by connections
between the steam main interconnect valves. Closure of both steam main interconnect valves
also isolates these steam loads.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 7

Figure 5.4. Typical CANDU Main Steam system.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 8

Steam Generator Blowdown

The steam generator blowdown system is provided to limit impurities in the steam generator.
To accomplish this, provision has been made for a continuous blowdown, from the secondary
side, at a mass flowrate equal to 0.1 percent of the steaming rate. In the event that the
feedwater quality becomes poor, the blowdown rate can be increased to 0.3% of the steaming
rate. Blowdown flow is taken from the downcomer area and the tube free lane. Shutoff
valves are provided to close off flow from either of these areas. The blowdown rate is
controlled by a control valve located in the turbine building. Environmentally and
seismically qualified isolation valves are provided in each blowdown line to prevent draining
of the steam generators, in the unlikely event of a line break. These valves automatically
close on initiation of Group 2 feedwater. The steam generator blowdown discharges into
tanks which reduce the temperature and pressure of the blowdown water and provide an
effective separation of flashed steam from the water.

Condenser Steam Discharge Valves

The main function of these valves is to discharge live steam to the condenser on loss of
turbine so that the reactor can continue to operate at the power required to prevent a poison-
out. They are also used to discharge steam on a loss of line, or on a turbine trip, so that the
main steam safety valves do not lift. The valves function as follows:

a. During normal operation they operate on the pressure control mode, with an offset to
bias them closed.
b. During poison-prevent, their steady state opening is proportional to the power
mismatch between the poison-prevent reactor power level and actual turbine steam
c. On a turbine trip, they are first opened fully and then returned to the pressure control
d. During shutdown to provide a heat sink through the condenser for decay heat removal.

Operation of the condenser steam discharge valves is conditional on the maintenance of

adequate condenser vacuum.

Atmospheric Steam Discharge Valves

These low capacity valves are used to control steam generator pressure via the steam pressure
control program. They are opened in proportion to the pressure error, normally with an offset
in the steam pressure setpoint. These valves may also be used to provide a heat sink during
shutdown for decay heat removal when the main condenser is unavailable.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 9

Steam Generator Pressure Control

During normal operation, steam pressure is primarily controlled by adjusting reactor power.
If for some reason the reactor regulating system does not allow the reactor to respond to
pressure controller demands, or if a reactor power reduction occurs because of a trip, a
stepback, or a setback, the reactor setpoint is controlled directly by the respective reduction
signal, and the normal mode of control of steam generator secondary side pressure is
interrupted. Steam pressure control switches to the alternate mode of adjusting the plant

Turbine Control

When the plant is in the normal mode, the turbine governor valves are controlled through
the unit power regulator program; i.e., the unit power regulator calculates what the valve
setpoint should be and pulses to that position. If the plant is in the alternate mode, the
steam generator pressure control system controls the turbine in response to the steam pressure
error, steam pressure error rate of change, and the rate of change of reactor power.

The turbine has a low steam pressure unloader external to the control computers. This
overrides directly the turbine governor action including the steam generator pressure control
signal, and causes a fast runback of the turbine.


The turbine converts the pressure of the steam to rotational energy. This conversion
involves transformation of the heat energy into high velocity steam through fixed nozzles.
The fixed nozzles form the turbine fixed blades. The high velocity steam directs its kinetic
energy on to the moving blades forcing them to move (rotate).

From the first set of fixed and moving blades, the steam then moves through succeeding sets
to repeat the process of energy conversions. A set of fixed blade nozzles and moving blade
constitutes a turbine stage. It is common to use a number of stages in a turbine to convert the
useful heat energy in the steam into mechanical energy. The moving blades are attached to a
blade wheel and the blade wheel is mounted on the rotor shaft. The high velocity steam
leaving the nozzle drives the wheel which in turn rotates the shaft.

The turbine wheels and casing get progressively larger as the steam goes from the high
pressure end to the low pressure end. This is necessary to accommodate the expansion of the
steam as a direct result of pressure and temperature reduction. Steam entering the high
pressure end of a modem nuclear turbine set is typically around 250C and 4000 kPa. At this
temperature and pressure one kilogram of steam occupies 0.05 m3. The steam leaving the
turbine unit and entering the condenser is typically around 35C and 5 kPa(a). At this
temperature and pressure one kilogram of steam occupies 25.2 m3. The steam expands
roughly five hundred times from the inlet to the exhaust. In a large turbine generator set it is
usually not possible to accommodate the large volume of steam in one turbine unit.
Normally one high pressure turbine will exhaust to two or more low pressure turbines in
combination with the double flow design.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 10

Figure 5.5 shows a turbine unit typical of those installed at CANDU Generating Stations.

Figure 5.5. Typical Turbine Layout.

The double flow turbine design not only provides double the expansion volume within a
common casing, it also balances the large pressure drop between the turbine steam inlet and
exhaust which tends to force the blade wheels from the high pressure side towards the low
pressure side.

Figure 5.6 shows a double flow turbine. Steam enters the turbine in the middle of the casing
and expands outward in both directions before exhausting at the ends of the turbine. Turbine
operational problems can still produce an imbalance in forces on the two sides. The resultant
force will produce an axial thrust that is commonly dealt with by installing a thrust bearing.

Figure 5.6. Double Flow Turbine

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 11


The condenser is the final destination for most of the steam produced in the boiler, where it is
turned back into water. The large decrease in volume creates a vacuum in the condenser.
This permits steam flow from the high pressure boiler to the low pressure condenser so the
turbine can extract mechanical energy efficiently.

Figure 5.7 shows a typical condenser used in most CANDU turbine units. The condenser
cooling water (CCW) system supplies cooling water to the condenser. The water enters
through the inlet water box, passes through the condenser tubes and discharges to the lake
through the outlet water box. The turbine exhaust steam enters the condenser through the
condenser exhaust trunk and reaches the outside surface of the condenser tubes. The large
volume of CCW absorbs the latent heat of vaporization of the steam. The condensate falls
into the bottom of the condenser and collects in the hotwell.

Figure 5.7. Typical Condenser used in CANDU stations.

The CCW flow maintains the saturation temperature of the condensate. This is achieved
through proper adjustment of CCW flow. Maintaining the condensate temperature at its
saturation point maximizes the retention of the condensate's heat. The lower the turbine
exhaust temperature and pressure the greater the amount of steam energy that can be
converted into mechanical energy in the turbine. As mentioned, steam leaves the turbine at
about 35C and 5 kPa absolute. This condition is near a perfect vacuum. This allows
roughly 35% more energy extraction than if the steam is left at atmospheric pressure (101.3
kPa). The condenser provides the means of maintaining this low absolute pressure at the
turbine exhaust through condensation of steam (the 25.2 m3 of steam reduces to 0.001 m3 of
water or 25200 times volume reduction).

The steam/feedwater system is a closed loop because it would be wasteful and expensive to
reject the clean, chemically treated, demineralized water after it has completed its work in the
turbine. It would also be wasteful to throw away the heat held by the 35C condensate,
especially as the CCW flow is adjusted to keep the condensate at saturation temperature and
not cool it more than necessary for condensation.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 12


The feedwater system supplies normal feedwater to the steam generators. The feedwater
system comprises the main feedwater pumps on Class IV power and a diesel-driven auxiliary
feedwater pump. The feedwater is demineralized and preheated light water. The feedwater
lines run from the feedwater regulating valve station in the turbine building to the reactor
building and hence, to each steam generator.

Figure 5.1 shows a simplified steam system and boiler feedwater system. The feedwater
system is generally divided into three parts:
low pressure feedheating system;
deaerator and storage tank;
high pressure feedheating system.

The water leaving the condenser is at relatively low temperature and pressure. A series of
heat exchangers raises the condensate temperature to 170C. The preheaters then increase
the temperature to 240C (almost saturation temperature in the boiler). A set of pumps,
known as boiler feed pumps (BFP), force the feedwater into the boilers operating at 4000

Low Pressure Feedheating System

The first stage in the boiler feedwater heating is through the LP feedheating system. The
condensate extraction pump (CEP) delivers the condensate from the condenser hotwell to the
LP feedheaters. The low pressure feedheating system gets its name from the low pressure
condition of the feedwater, at about 1400 kPa, compared to the 4000 kPa in the boiler.

The LP feedheaters use extraction steam (wet steam removed from the turbine before it
reaches the exhaust end) from the LP turbines as their heating medium. The extraction steam
transfers its latent heat of vaporization to the feedwater through a process similar to that in
the condenser. A series of low pressure feedheaters heat the feedwater. The extraction steam
condenses in the shell of the heater. A separate pump recovers this condensate by pumping it
to the condenser hotwell. The feedwater leaves the last LP feedheater at approximately 80C
to 100C. The heated feedwater then goes to the next stage of the feedheating process.

Deaerator and Storage Tank

The deaerator is the next stage in the feedwater heating process. This is the highest vessel in
the system. The deaerator adds heat to and removes non-condensable gases from the
feedwater. Some of these gases can increase the corrosion rate of the metals in the high
pressure feedheating system and boiler. All non-condensable gases will take-up space in the
steam system we wish to occupy with steam.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 13

Figure 5.8 shows a typical deaerator and its associated storage tank. The incoming feedwater
enters the deaerator near the top and sprays downward over cascade trays. Extraction steam
from the LP turbine enters the deaerator near the bottom and passes upward. As a result the
feedwater heats up to about 125C. The steam passing over the water droplets scrubs the non-
condensable gases off their surface. As the extraction steam condenses, the water droplets
release the non-condensable gases which are vented to the atmosphere. The deaerated
feedwater and condensed steam drain from the deaerator into a storage tank. The storage
tank supplies water for boiler operation.

Figure 5.8. Simplified Deaerator and Storage Tank Assembly

High Pressure Feedheating System

From the deaerator storage tank, the feedwater undergoes one more stage of having its
temperature and pressure raised. The boiler feed pumps (BFP) take suction from the
deaerator storage tank and raise the feedwater pressure to between 4 and 7 MPa. The pump
discharges the high pressure feedwater to the high pressure (HP) feedheaters. The HP
feedheaters heat the feedwater to about 170?C. HP feedheater operation and construction are
similar to that of the LP feedheaters. Extraction steam from the HP turbine normally supplies
the heating medium.

The feedwater regulating valve controls the flow of feedwater into the boiler. This valve
allows sufficient feedwater to enter the boiler to match the steam flow leaving it, so as to
maintain a constant water mass in the boiler. To do this, the controller for the valve
compares steam flow out of the boiler with feedwater flow into the boiler and positions the
valve to make the two equal. It also compares the actual boiler water level with a
predetermined programmed level and positions the valve to make these two equal.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 14

It is critical to maintain a proper boiler level. If the boiler water level is too high, the cyclone
separators and scrubbers will not operate properly. This results in wet steam being delivered
to the turbine which could lead to damage to the turbine blades. If water level is too low,
there would not be enough inventory to cool the heat transport coolant.

CANDU Boiler Feed Pumps and Level Control

Figure 5.9 shows the boiler feed pumps, associated valves, the two high pressure heaters and
the steam generator level control valves as configured for a typical CANDU generating

Three main boiler feed pumps are required to supply the necessary flow, and one additional
pump is on standby. Two auxiliary pumps are also provided, these are sized so that either
one can supply the flow to remove decay heat in case of a loss of class IV supply to the main
pumps. Connections to the Condensate system allow for re-circulating flow when the pumps
are operating but the level control valves are closed.

The level in each steam generator is controlled individually. Since the measured level in a
boiler is higher for a given mass of inventory as the power level increases due to the
expansion of the water with increased boiling, the level setpoint as well as alarm and trip
settings are increased automatically as a function of reactor power.

Because of safety, range of control and maintenance considerations, each steam generator has
a set of three control valves for feedwater control connected in parallel: one small valve to
control feedwater during shutdown, startup, and low power operation, and two larger valves
to control feedwater for on-power conditions. Each of the two large valves can handle the full
power flow requirements. Isolating valves are provided for each control valve.

The steam generator level control system balances feedwater to steam flow for all operating
conditions: fast reactor runup, reactor setback, turbine trip and poison-prevent mode. The
water level setpoint is automatically programmed over a set range as a function of load.

Chemical Control

Boiler steam and feedwater system construction in almost all CANDU stations uses carbon
steel, copper alloys and nickel alloys. Each metal is susceptible to corrosion at a different pH
level. A compromise pH of 8.8 to 9.3 is relatively safe for all metals involved. Chemical
addition at the discharge of the condensate extraction pump ensures the appropriate pH level.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 15

Figure 5.9. Typical CANDU Boiler Feed and Level Control System.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 16

Other methods used to prevent corrosion are:

oxygen removal from the system,
chemical addition to react with oxygen.

Most oxygen is removed from the system by the scrubbing action of the deaerator.
Hydrazine addition to the feedwater, after the deaerator, removes the remaining oxygen. Its
reaction with oxygen produces non-corrosive nitrogen gas and water. Unfortunately,
hydrazine also produces ammonia which attacks copper alloys.

High quality feedwater and makeup water is vital as low quality will produce deposits in the
boiler and turbine causing:
reduced heat transfer because of an insulating scale layer on the boiler tube surface;
increased risk of stress corrosion cracking;
corrosion of tubes and other components.

All will shorten the life of the boilers and turbines. Demineralization, deaeration, oxygen
removal and pH control ensure that we have good quality boiler water. A blowdown system
in each boiler allows removal of any impurities that collect in the boilers. This system
minimizes accumulation of impurities by draining the contaminated water out of the boiler.
Blowdown can be intermittent or continuous, depending on the water condition.


Figure 5.10 shows a simplified arrangement of a generator coupled to a steam turbine drive.
The stationary conductors (coils) and the associated iron cores are referred to as a stator.
Conductors (coils) and the associate iron core mounted on the shaft are referred to as a rotor.

Insulated slip rings on the shaft transfer DC current to create a magnetic field in the rotor.
The stator windings act as the conductors for the main generator current while the turbine
provides the mechanical torque on the shaft of the generator. The rotating motion provided
by the shaft produces the relative motion between the rotor magnetic field and the stator
conductors. As a result, a voltage is induced in the stator conductors and transferred to the
transmission lines through a step-up transformer.

In a generator, the rotor velocity determines the frequency. When the generator is connected
to the grid the frequency is fixed at 50 or 60 Hz depending on the bulk electric system.
Since the frequency for the Grid is controlled at a fixed value, the velocity of the rotor is kept
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 17

Figure 5.10. Simplified Arrangement of a Generator Coupled to a Turbine Drive.

As electrical consumers use electricity they create a load current on the Grid thereby
increasing counter torque to the turbine shaft. The tendency of the turbine is to slow down as
counter torque is increased which would decrease the frequency. The governing system
senses the decrease in rotational velocity and produces an increased counter torque by
admitting more steam to the turbine, thereby producing more shaft mechanical power and
maintain the generator speed. In practice, nuclear power plants are seldom used to control
Grid frequency, hydraulics and thermal plants with governing systems specifically designed
for this purpose would normally have that role. As we have seen in Chapter 1, the Unit
Power Regulator would monitor generator output and maintain it at the setpoint by varying
the amount of steam flow to the turbine via the governing system, in a manner analogous to
that described above, but without any change in generator frequency.

Generator Cooling

The modern electric generator for a steam power station is an extremely efficient machine.
Approximately 98% of the mechanical power delivered on the shaft from the turbine is
converted to electrical power. The remaining 2% appears as heat in various places in the
generator. Two percent does not appear to be very much until you consider that 2% of a 900
MW machine is equal to 18 MW. Since all of this 18 MW is converted to heat, it is like
putting a heater of this size inside the generator.

The heat that is produced in a generator comes from several sources including windage (gas
friction) between the rotor and the circulating cooling gas, the electrical heating due to the
current resistance in the windings of both the rotor and stator, and the electrical heating due
to current induced in the structural material of the rotor and stator.

Even small increases in the operating temperature of a generator will lead to rapid
deterioration of the insulation on the windings. For this reason, two systems are provided to
cool the generator. One system uses hydrogen circulated through the generator. Hydrogen
has the advantages of:
better thermal conductivity than air;
less damaging to insulation than air;
less dense than air so less heat is produced from windage.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 18

The disadvantage is that it is explosive when mixed with air. To avoid this hazard, the
generator requires very good seals to prevent air in-leakage or leakage of hydrogen out of the

By itself, the hydrogen cooling system is inadequate. To complement it, a stator cooling
water system is also provided. The conductors in the stator are hollow and water is circulated
through them. This water has to be exceptionally pure to prevent leakage of current from the
stator conductors to ground through the coolant.

Turning Gear

When a turbine comes to rest, after operating, the cooler and denser steam tends to collect in
the lower half of the cylinder and makes the lower half of the rotor cool quicker than the
upper half. This causes the shaft to hog (bend upwards). When at rest and cool, the shaft
will begin to sag under its own weight. If the turbine shaft is not rotated, hogging,
especially above a critical temperature, can become permanent and the shaft would have to be
sent to the manufacturer for heat treatment and straightening. Sagging does not usually
become permanent but it takes time to recover the sag. To prevent a bent shaft due to sag or
hog the shaft is rotated by a turning gear which is a motor driven gear train mechanism on the
turbine generator shaft.

Lubrication System

Each unit of the turbine and the generator has its own rotor/shaft that is supported at each end
by journal bearings. Journal bearings get hot due to friction and heat conduction along the
shaft from hot parts of the turbine. The journal bearings are normally lined with white metal
known as antifriction metal or babbitt, which is a lead-tin alloy with a melting point that can
be as low as 182?C. A centralized lubricating system is employed to protect the bearings
from damage due to metal to metal contact and high temperature. This extends the life of the
bearings and reduces the chance of failure. A bearing failure is a very serious incident as far
as the turbine-generator is concerned and would cause extensive damage. For this reason it is
always important to have sufficient oil flow through the bearings for lubrication and cooling


Conventional plant services include water supply, heating, ventilation, air conditioning,
chlorinating, fire protection, compressed gases and electric power systems.

The water supply systems provide cooling water, demineralized water and domestic water to
station users.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning is provided to ensure a controlled environment

during winter and summer.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 19

Chlorination systems are used for treatment of domestic water, fresh water supply to the pre-
treatment plant, condenser cooling water and raw service water. Separate chlorination
systems are provided, in the water treatment plant, in the Group 1 pumphouse, and the Group
2 pumphouse.

Compressed gas systems supply compressed air, helium, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases,
and vacuum to all plant systems as required.

Provision is made to detect heavy water in the steam. Connections from each steam line to
the D2O in light water detection system provide a continuous on-line measurement capability.
Each sampling line also has a low pressure low temperature grab sample valve for periodic
assessment of steam chemistry and tritium content.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 5: Steam, Turbine and Feedwater
Dr. George Bereznai page 5 - 20

Copyright information for Chapter 5:

Figures on pages 5-7 and 5-15 are from CANDU 9 480/NU Technical
Description, AECL document 69-01371-TED-001 Rev. 1, January 1995.
Reprinted with permission of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL).

Figures on pages 5-2, 5-4, 5-5, 5-10, 5-11, 5-13 and 5-10 are from
unpublished training documents of Ontario Hydro. Reprinted with permission.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 1




At the end of this chapter, you will be able to describe the following features
of the special safety systems:

1. The main functions and unique requirements of the special safety systems;
2. The functions, equipment and operation of shutdown systems number 1
and number 2;
3. The functions, equipment and operation of the emergency core cooling
4. The functions, equipment and operation of the containment system.

This chapter describes the basic design and operating practices used to ensure the safe
operation of nuclear power plants, and in particular to prevent the release of unsafe amounts
of radioactivity to the environment. It deals in detail with the four special safety systems that
are used in CANDU generating units to ensure reactor safety.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 2


The two reactor shutdown systems are designed in compliance with Regulatory Requirements
for Shutdown Systems for CANDU Nuclear Power Plants, having the following
For events requiring prompt shutdown action, each shutdown system, acting alone, must
ensure that
the reactor is rendered subcritical and maintained subcritical,
the reference dose limits are not exceeded, and
the integrity of the heat transport system is maintained (excluding any initiating
LOCA). Emergency core cooling and containment functions may be credited as
For relevant events listed in Table 6.1 each shutdown system must ensure that fuel in the
reactor, with no defects prior to the event, does not fail as a consequence of the event
(excluding fuel in a ruptured channel).
Each shutdown system is environmentally qualified to the most severe conditions under
which it is required to function.
Each shutdown system meets an unavailability target of less than 1x10-3.
The two shutdown systems incorporate the principles of redundancy, diversity, testability
and separation throughout their design.
The two shutdown systems are independent of the regulating and process systems.

For purposes of assessing the performance of shutdown system number 1, the following
conservative requirements are used:
For all relevant process failures (see Table 6.1), the shutdown system number 1, with the
two most effective shutdown rods assumed unavailable, shall have sufficient speed and
negative reactivity depth to reduce the reactor power to levels consistent with available
fuel cooling.
For an in-core loss-of-coolant event, the shutdown depth shall be adequate to shut down
the reactor and maintain a shutdown state until operator action can be credited. In
assessing shutdown depth the two most effective rods are assumed to be unavailable and
any rods damaged by the event are not credited.

For purposes of assessing the performance of shutdown system number 2, the most effective
poison injection nozzle is assumed unavailable. The remaining nozzles shall have sufficient
speed and negative reactivity depth to reduce the reactor power to levels consistent with
available fuel cooling for all process failures identified in Table 6.1

The reactor may not be operated at power, if either shutdown system number 1 or shutdown
system number 2 is known to be unavailable.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 3

Table 6.1. Coverage of Process Failures by Shutdown System Number 1

and Independently by Shutdown System Number 2.

No. Process Failure Trip Parameter Alternative Trip

Loss of Regulation from
High Power:

1. Fast High Rate Neutron Power High Neutron Power/High

Heat Transport Pressure

Slow High Neutron Power High Heat Transport

Loss of Regulation from
Decay Power Levels:

2. Pressurized/Pumps On

Fast High Rate Neutron Power High Heat Transport


Slow High Heat Transport High Neutron Power(l)

Pressure Manual(l)

3. Pressurized/Pumps Off

Fast High Rate Neutron Power Low Gross Coolant Flow

(2) (6)

Slow Low Gross Coolant Flow High Heat Transport

(2) (6)

4. Reduced Pressure/Pumps Off

Fast High Rate Neutron Power Low Heat Transport

(2) (6)
Pressure/Low Gross
Coolant Flow(2) (6)

Slow Low Gross Coolant Flow Low Heat Transport

(2) (6)
Pressure (2) (6)/Manual(1)

5. Reduced Pressure/Pumps On

Fast High Rate Neutron Power Low Heat Transport

Pressure(2) (6)

Slow Low Heat Transport Manual

Pressure(2) (6)
6. Loss of Class IV Power Low Gross Coolant High Heat Transport
Flow(2) Pressure
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 4

Table 6.1. (Continued) Coverage of Process Failures by Shutdown System Number 1

and Independently by Shutdown System Number 2.

No. Process Failure Trip Parameter Alternative Trip

Loss of Coolant Into Containment:

7. Large High Rate Neutron Power High Neutron Power/High

reactor building Pressure

8. Intermediate High Neutron Power High reactor building


9. Small

With Regulation High reactor building Low Heat Transport

Pressure Pressure(2)/Low Pressurizer

With Regulation - High reactor building Low Heat Transport

Pressurizer Isolated Pressure Pressure

Without Regulation High reactor building High Neutron Power


10. Very Small

With Regulation Low Heat Transport Low Pressurizer Level/

Pressure(2) Manual

With Regulation- Low Heat Transport Manual

Pressurizer Isolated Pressure(2)

Without Regulation High Neutron Power Manual(1)

11. Loss-of-Coolant Into Calandria

With Regulation Low Heat Transport Low Pressurizer Level/

Pressure(2) Manual(1)
Moderator High Level

With Regulation - Low Heat Transport Manual(1)

Pressurizer Isolated Pressure(2)
Moderator High Level

Without Regulation High Neutron Power Manual(1)

Moderator High Level
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 5

Table 6.1. (Continued) Coverage of Process Failures by Shutdown System No. 1

and Independently by Shutdown System No. 2

No. Process Failure Trip Parameter Alternative Trip

Secondary Side Failures:

12. Steam Main Break with

Feed Pumps On

Inside Containment High reactor building Low steam generator Level

Pressure /Low steam generator
Feedline Pressure(5) / Low
Heat Transport Pressure

Outside Containment Low steam generator Level Low Heat Transport

Pressure(1) (4) /Low steam
generator Feedline
Pressure(1) (4) /Manual(1)
13. Steam Main Break with
Feed Pumps Off

Inside Containment High reactor building Low steam generator

Pressure Feedline Pressure(1) (4) / Low
steam generator Level(1)

Outside Containment Low steam generator Low steam generator Level/

Feedline Pressure(4) (3) High Heat Transport

14. Feedline Break Upstream Low steam generator Low steam generator Level,
of Check Valves Feedline Pressure(4) (1) High Heat Transport
Pressure, Manual

Downstream of Check High reactor building Low steam generator Level/

Valves Pressure Low steam generator
Feedline Pressure(1) (4) / High
Heat Transport Pressure(3)(1)
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 6

Table 6.1. (Continued) Coverage of Process Failures by Shutdown System Number 1

and Independently by Shutdown System Number 2.

No. Process Failure Trip Parameter Alternative Trip


15. Loss of Feedwater Control Low steam generator Level High Heat Transport
(e.g., Closure of Feedwater Pressure(3) (1) /Manual(3)
Valves to a steam generator)

16. Feedwater Pumps Trip Low Steam generator Level High Heat Transport
Pressure (3) (1) / Low steam
generator Feedline Pressure
(1) (4)

17. Loss of Moderator Cooling High Moderator Level Manual

18. Moderator Pipe Break Low Moderator Level Manual/High Neutron



(1) Alternative trip parameters which provide trip coverage over a limited range of event scale (e.g.,
break size).

(2) The low coolant flow and low heat transport system pressure trips are conditioned out on log
power < 0.3 percent.

(3) If 4 percent feedwater flow is available after trip.

(4) The low steam generator feedline pressure trip is conditioned out when log power < 10 percent.

(5) Feedline pressure may precede steam generator low level.

(6) Trip acts as high power trip in effect since power is increasing - this instigates a trip by removing
the conditioned-out state.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 7


The primary method of quickly terminating reactor operation when certain parameters enter
an unacceptable range, is the release of the spring-assisted gravity-drop shutdown rods of
shutdown system number 1. Shutdown system number 1 employs a logic system having three
independent channels, designated D, E and F, which detect the requirement for reactor trip
and de-energize direct current clutches to release the shutdown rods into the moderator
region of the reactor core.

Reactor and Process Measurements

The design philosophy is based on triplicated measurements of each variable, with protective
action initiated when any two of the three trip channels are tripped. A single loop component
or power supply failure will not incapacitate or spuriously invoke the operation of the safety

As indicated in Table 6.2 there are nine types of measured variables which can initiate a
reactor trip through shutdown system number 1. The selection of variables is such that, to the
maximum extent practicable, there are redundant sensing parameters for all categories of
process failures identified. The reactor trip can also be manually initiated by the operator
from the main control room or from the secondary control area. The nine measured variables
are described separately below:

a. Neutron Power

Inconel in-core flux detectors are provided in each of channels D, E, and F for overpower or
loss-of-regulation protection. The detectors are located in the vertical in-core flux detector
assemblies. The detectors are of the straight individually replaceable type and are three
lattice pitches long. A linear amplifier converts each detector current to a corresponding
voltage signal.

Abnormal reactor operating conditions are accounted for by lowering the trip setpoint on all
detectors by a predetermined amount. This is done through a safety system console.

The type of loss-of-regulation incident that determines the locations and trip setpoints for the
in-core detectors is a slow uncontrolled power increase, starting from various initial flux
shapes. The flux shapes used to design the neutron overpower trip are chosen to ensure
coverage of any flux shape that could arise during normal maneuvering of the reactor or from
any single device failure.

Test facilities are provided to check the trip circuit by adding a test current to the normal
detector current on the amplifier input, and to check the insulation resistance of each detector.
The detector outputs can be displayed on cathode ray tubes in the main control room and the
secondary control area for purposes of monitoring the signals, at the command of the
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 8

b. Rate of Logarithmic Neutron Power

This parameter uses ion chambers, located in separate housings on one side of the calandria.
The ion chambers provide a current signal which is proportional to the thermal neutron flux.
The output current from each ion chamber goes to an amplifier which produces linear and
logarithmic neutron power, and rate logarithmic signals; the latter is used as a direct trip

c. Heat Transport System Flow

Heat transport system flow is measured in a number of feeders. Flow readings from half of
these feeders are used for shutdown system Number 1 while the other half are used for
shutdown system Number 2. The logic is arranged such that each trip channel has
measurements from each coolant pass. The trip is conditioned out automatically at very low
power or shutdown conditions.

The flow elements are installed in a horizontal run of the inlet feeder to the specified fuel
channels. Flow transmitters are mounted on the three channelized instrument racks.

d. Heat Transport System Pressure

Heat transport system pressure is measured at three widely separated locations on each
reactor outlet header. The pressure transmitters are mounted on channelized instrument racks.
Regular loop testing is conducted from the main control room. Both high pressure and low
pressure are used as trip signals. The low pressure trip is conditioned out automatically at low
power level.

These pressure transmitters also provide the signal for the heat transport liquid relief valves.

e. Reactor Building Pressure

This parameter uses a triplicated measurement of the reactor building pressure. It is effective
for primary and secondary side breaks within containment.

f. Pressurizer Level

Low pressurizer level is a trip parameter effective for small loss-of-coolant accidents.
Triplicated level measurements (D, E, F) are provided on the pressurizer for this trip. The trip
is conditioned out automatically at very low power levels to allow for draining the pressurizer
during maintenance.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 9

g. Steam Generator Level

The steam generator low level trip provides protection against secondary side failures.
Triplicated level measurements (D, E and F) are provided on each steam generator. The trip
is conditioned out automatically at low power level.

h. Steam Generator Feedline Pressure

Each channel monitors the pressure in each steam generator feedline between the feedwater
control valve station and the steam generator. This trip parameter protects against secondary
side failures which could result in the loss of the steam generators as a heat sink. The trip is
conditioned out automatically at low power level.

i. Moderator Level

Moderator level is a trip parameter effective for loss of moderator cooling, moderator pipe
breaks and channel failures (i.e., in-core loss-of-coolant accidents). Triplicated level
measurements (D, E, F) are provided to measure the level on the calandria for trips on both
low and high level.

Table 6.2. Shutdown System Number No. 1 Trip Parameters

Item Trip Parameter Detector

a. Neutron Power Vertical In-Core Detectors

b. Rate Log Neutron Power Ion Chambers

c. Heat transport system Flow Differential Pressure Transmitters

d. Heat transport system Pressure Transmitters

e. Reactor building Pressure Differential Pressure Transmitters

f. Reactor building Pressure Differential Pressure Transmitters

g. Steam generator Level Differential Pressure Transmitters

on each steam generator
h. Steam generator Feedline Pressure Transmitters on
Pressure Individual Feedlines
i. Moderator Level Differential Pressure Transmitters
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 10

Logic Processing and Testing

There are three independent channels, D, E and F, having completely independent and
physically separated power supplies, trip parameter sensors, instrumentation, trip computers,
and annunciation. Shutdown system number 1 uses general coincidence voting logic; i.e. the
shutdown rods are dropped when any two of the three channels trip, regardless of the
parameters causing the channel trips. A simplified block diagram of one channel is shown in
Figure 6.3.

The trip system is monitored to provide a positive indication of the state of the trip logic, by
verifying the correct operation of all contacts when each channel is tested.

The shutdown units are divided into two banks: each bank is supplied with redundant (90
V(dc) to 110 V(dc)) power supplies for the clutches. Each clutch coil is held energized by
the contacts of a separate relay. The high volt-ampere rating of the clutch dictates this
arrangement to ensure no relay contact overrating.

For each variable monitored, a test capability is provided by which a trip condition is
simulated, establishing that the channel and parameter trip logic function as designed. The
testing frequency is determined based on the target unavailability for each parameter.

Shutdown Rod Withdrawal and Drop Test

Normal withdrawal is controlled by the regulating system. The shutdown rods are withdrawn
as soon as the trip signal has been cleared and the trip has been reset by the operator. All
shutdown rods are withdrawn simultaneously. Withdrawal of the shutdown rods is
interrupted if control is switched to manual, or the flux power error is excessive, or the
reactor is tripped. If the log-rate exceeds 7 percent per second, the withdrawal of the
shutdown rods is also interrupted. The computer monitors the withdrawal time and, if it is
greater than normal, the shutdown rod stuck signal is generated.

An individual rod may be selected for manual control at any time for drop testing or drive.

Withdrawal of the rods by banks in the manual mode is possible when the automatic control
is not available. The motor and drive circuits are electrically independent of the clutch
circuits, ensuring effective separation of the regulating and safety functions.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 11

Figure 6.3. Shutdown System Number 1 - Block Diagram.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 12

A partial drop test facility is provided in the clutch circuit to allow the operation of each
shutdown rod to be checked during reactor operation. There is a time delay relay for each
shutdown rod, which is set during commissioning, to de-energize the clutch relay for
sufficient time to allow the shutdown rod to drop a defined distance. The position of the
shutdown rod after the test is recorded to determine whether there has been any change in the
shutdown unit performance.

Equipment Layout

The shutdown unit drive mechanisms are located on the reactivity mechanism deck. This
permits controlled access to the clutches, motors, potentiometers, gearboxes and winches for
removal or for maintenance one at a time.

There are separate cables and junction boxes for the clutch circuits and the motor drive
circuits, to maintain separation between the regulating and shutdown system channels.

The trip computers and other trip logic for each channel of shutdown system number 1 are
located in the main control area.

All of the reactor measuring devices on shutdown system number 1 are field-mounted in a
manner which minimizes the possibility of common-mode failures with the devices used for
shutdown system number 2 and for the regulating system. The connecting cables are routed
to the shutdown system number 1 trip logic equipment in the main control area, in three
separate channelized cable runs.

Instrumentation and Power Supplies

All the information required on the tripping parameters and the status and operation of the
system is available for display on video display units in the main control room.

Separately channeled Group 1, Class II power supplies are provided for each channel of
shutdown system number 1.

The direct current clutches, operated from rectified, redundant Class III power, release on
loss of power.

A reactor trip occurs on a loss of power to two or more channels. Power loss to a channel
results in an irrational signal to the trip computer, and a channel trip.

When a parameter reaches the trip level, the system indicates an alarm state until the operator
resets. The status of all trip parameters is sent to the plant display system through a fiber-
optic link for annunciation and event sequencing. During upset conditions, the time and
sequence of various parameters exceeding their limits can be printed out on demand.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 13

Trip Computers

The trip logic and trip testing for both shutdown systems make use of trip and test computers
in the main and secondary control areas and video display units and console in the main
control room.

Figure 6.3 shows how the trip computers and test computers are used in the trip logic for
shutdown system number 1. Figure 6.4 shows the configuration of fully computerized
shutdown systems. Links shown in dotted lines are normally disabled; external interlocks
ensure that only one trip channel can receive information at any given time.

One trip computer per channel is used in each shutdown system. The trip computers replace
all analog trip comparators, all programmable digital comparators and relay logic which was
used in previous plants. The final two out of three voting continues to be done using relays.

Video Display Units

The video display units provide significant improvement over panel meters for the following
Multiple process signals for the same trip parameter (e.g., levels in various steam
generators) are grouped under similar scales and headings, making it easy to find desired
Numeric display of measurements give a high degree of reading accuracy.
Graphical bar charts allow quick evaluation of measurements relative to setpoints and
other similar signals.
Margin-to-trip indication is provided.
The trip condition of each signal is highlighted, supplementing the window alarms and
giving more detail as to which measurement caused the trip.
Messages are used to identify abnormal conditions such as conditioning status, irrational
measurements, etc. Similar information from the annunciation system may not persist
due to flooding of alarm messages during plant upsets.

The video display unit receives all necessary information from the trip computer via a
unidirectional serial data link. Uni-directional data transmission is used to prevent video
display unit faults from propagating back to the trip computer. The fiber-optic link ensures
electrical isolation and immunity to electromagnetic interference.

The system performs, under operator control via the safety system monitor computers, the
periodic testing of trip logic. It will report to the operator all relevant test results and produce
a permanent printed record. Suitable interlocks ensure that only one channel in a shutdown
system can be under test at one time. If abnormal conditions occur during a test, the system
will automatically cancel the test.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 14

Figure 6.4. Configuration of Fully Computerized Shutdown Systems.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 15

Design Evaluation

The required shutdown system number 1 reactivity insertion time is less than or equal to two

The variation of the dynamic reactivity worth of shutdown rods with distance inserted is
shown schematically in Figure 6.5. The calculations are made with a three-dimensional two-
energy group neutron kinetics code, with reactor model that includes the effect of the
calandria notch region, nominal zone controller insertion and all adjuster rods fully inserted.

In general, changes in lattice properties and their influence on shutdown margin are
negligible throughout the life of the plant. The most reactive condition occurs when the fuel
is fresh and approximately 10 mk of positive static reactivity appears after shutdown because
of the cooling of the fuel. However, depleted/natural uranium is usually used for the initial
case load.

The effectiveness of shutdown system number 1 is evaluated on the basis of the two most
effective shutdown rods being unavailable.

The required unavailability of shutdown system number is 1x10-3 or less on the following
basis: any two of the shutdown rods fail to operate as designed and each trip parameter
provides two-out-of-three trip signals. No credit is taken in the unavailability analysis for
trip signals from alternative trip parameters.


The tripped condition or unavailability of shutdown system number 1 (more than two
shutdown rods not fully withdrawn) inhibits moderator poison removal, and adjuster and
mechanical control absorber withdrawal, and isolates the moderator system D2O supply lines
to prevent addition of pure D2O to a poisoned moderator. The tripped condition of shutdown
system number 2 inhibits withdrawal of the shutdown rods.


Shutdown system number 2 is the second method of quickly terminating reactor operation
when certain parameters enter an unacceptable range. This is via the rapid injection of
concentrated gadolinium nitrate solution into the moderator through horizontal nozzle
assemblies. Shutdown system number 2 employs a logic system with three independent
channels which sense the requirement for shutdown and signal the opening of fast-acting
valves which release high pressure helium to inject the gadolinium poison into the moderator.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 16

Figure 6.5. Shutdown Rod (SR) Insertion and Reactivity Worth.

Reactor and Process Measurements

The design philosophy is based on triplicating the measurement of each variable and
initiating protective action when, for the same parameter, any two of the three exceed their
setpoint (i.e., local coincidence logic). A single loop component or power supply failure will
not incapacitate or spuriously invoke the operation of the safety system.

There are nine measured parameters which can initiate a reactor shutdown through shutdown
system number 2, as shown in Table 6.3 The selection of parameters is such that, where
practicable, there are redundant sensing parameters for all categories of process failures
identified. Refer to Table 6.1. The system can also be manually tripped by the operator from
the main control room or the secondary control area. The nine measured parameters are
described separately in Table 6.3.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 17

Table 6.3. Shutdown System Number 2 Trip Parameters and Detectors Used.

Item Trip Parameter Detector

a. Neutron Power Vertical In-Core Detectors

b. Rate Log Neutron Power Ion Chambers

c. Heat transport system Flow Differential Pressure Transmitter

d. Heat transport system Pressure Transmitter

e. Reactor building Pressure Differential Pressure Transmitter

f. Reactor building Pressure Differential Pressure Transmitter

g. Steam generator Level Differential Pressure Transmitter

on each steam generator
h. Steam generator Feedline Pressure Transmitter on
Pressure Individual Feedlines
i. Moderator Level Differential Pressure Transmitter

Neutron power

Horizontal in-core flux detector assemblies enter the calandria on the D side of the reactor,
refer to Figure 2.4. The detectors are divided between channels G, H and J, are three lattice
pitches long, and are of the straight individually replaceable Inconel type. These detectors
are separated from any regulating system and shutdown system number 1 detectors by virtue
of the spatial separation and orientation of the assemblies.

The type of loss-of-regulation incident that determines the locations and trip setpoints for the
in-core detectors is a slow uncontrolled power increase starting from various initial flux

The flux shapes used to design the neutron overpower trip are chosen to ensure coverage of
any flux shape that could arise during normal maneuvering of the reactor or from any single
device failure.

The output current of each detector goes to a linear amplifier. The design of these amplifiers
is different from that used on shutdown system number 1.

Abnormal operating conditions are accounted for by lowering the trip setpoint on all
detectors by a predetermined ratio. This is done via channelized shutdown system number 2
console pushbuttons in which a single pushbutton reduces all detector setpoints in a specific
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 18

Test facilities are provided to check the trip circuit by injection of a test current in parallel
with the detector to the amplifier, and to check the insulation resistance of each detector. The
detector outputs and trip setpoints can be displayed on video display units in the main control
room and the secondary control room for purposes of monitoring the signals at the operator's

Rate of logarithmic neutron power

This parameter uses uncompensated ion chambers, located in separate housings attached to
one side of the calandria. Lead shielding is provided between the inner end of the ion
chambers and the outside of the calandria. The outer ends of the ion chamber tubes extend
through the side wall of the reactor vault, where they are sealed by bellows.

The test shutter is the conventional piston-operated boral sleeve and has the capability of
increasing the flux to the ion chambers by approximately 40 percent. The piston speed is
adjustable to provide the necessary neutron rate signals. Shutter tests initiated from the main
control room check a shutdown system number 1, a shutdown system number 2 and a
regulating system ion chamber. Shutdown system number 1 and shutdown system number 2
ion chambers are on opposite sides of the reactor.

Heat transport system flow

Heat transport system flow is measured in a number of feeders. Flow readings from half of
these feeders are used for shutdown system number 1 while the other half are used for
shutdown system number 2. The logic is arranged such that each trip channel has
measurements from each coolant pass. The trip is conditioned out automatically at very low
power or shutdown conditions.

The flow elements are installed in a horizontal run of the inlet feeder to the specified fuel
channels. Flow transmitters are mounted on the three channelized instrument racks.

Heat transport system pressure

Heat transport system pressure is measured at three widely separated locations on each
reactor outlet header. The pressure-e transmitters are mounted on channelized instrument
racks. Regular loop testing is conducted from the main control room. Both high pressure
and low pressure are used as trip signals. The low pressure trip is conditioned out
automatically at low power level.

Reactor building pressure

This parameter uses a triplicated measurement of the reactor building pressure. It is effective
for primary and secondary side breaks within containment.
Reactor building pressure is normally held slightly negative with respect to atmospheric by
the reactor building ventilation system. If the pressure rises above the setpoint, the reactor
will be tripped.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 19

Pressurizer level

Low pressurizer level is a trip parameter effective for small loss-of-coolant accidents. The
trip is automatically conditioned out at very low power levels to allow for draining of the
pressurizer during maintenance. Triplicated level-measuring loops G, H and J are provided
from the pressurizer.

Steam generator level

The steam generator low level trip provides protection against secondary side failures.
Triplicated level measurements (G, H and J) are provided on each of the steam generators.
The trip is conditioned out automatically at low power level.

Steam generator feedline pressure

Channels G, H and J measure the pressure in the steam generator feedlines between the
feedwater control valve and the steam generator. This trip parameter protects against
secondary side failures which could result in the loss of the steam generators as a heat sink.
The trip is conditioned out automatically at low power level.

Moderator level

The moderator level trip provides protection against pipe failure in the moderator system,
loss of moderator cooling and channel failure (i.e. in-core loss-of-coolant accident).
Triplicated level management (G, H, J) are provided on the calandria for both low and high
level trips.

Logic Processing and Testing

There are three independent channels, G, H and J. Local coincidence is used, that is, for the
same parameter, two-out-of-three exceeding their setpoint will initiate poison injection.

Figure 6.6 shows a simplified block diagram of one channel of the liquid poison injection

There are two alternate helium paths, each with injection valves and an interspace vent valve.
Logic ensures that the interspace between the helium injection valves is depressurized to
prevent spurious, partial injection, during testing.

For each variable monitored, a test capability is provided by which a trip condition is
simulated establishing that the channel trip logic for that parameter functions as designed. In
addition, trip parameter measurements are tested by a check for insulation resistance for the
in-core flux detectors and by a monitoring and channelized cross-comparison process for
process pressure measurements. Similar channelized measurements of routine pressure
fluctuations are cross-compared using the monitoring computer to determine if any one of the
transmitters is not responding properly to variation in the measured variables.

Testing frequencies are determined on the basis of target unavailability for each parameter.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 20

Figure 6.6. Shutdown System Number 2 - Block Diagram.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 21

Liquid Poison Injection System

Figure 6.7 shows a simplified schematic diagram of the Liquid Poison Injection system. A
vessel containing high pressure helium supplies the energy for rapid poison injection. The
tank is connected, through four quick-opening valves arranged in two successive pairs, to a
helium header which services the poison tanks. The quick-opening valves are air-to-close,
spring-to-open, so that they fail safe on loss of air supply or electrical power. The cylindrical
poison tanks are mounted on the outside wall of the reactor vault. Each of these poison tanks
contains gadolinium nitrate solution. The nominal solution concentration is verified by an on-
line re-circulating sampling system.

Each poison tank is connected by a stainless steel pipe to a horizontal in-core injection tube
nozzle which spans the calandria and is immersed in the moderator. The Zircaloy-2 nozzles
penetrate the calandria horizontally and at right angles to the fuel channel tubes. Holes are
drilled into the nozzle along its length to form four rows of jets which facilitate complete
dispersion of the poison into the moderator.

There is a liquid-to-liquid interface between the poison solution and the moderator at the ball
isolation valve in the piping downstream from each poison tank. Movement of the interface is
caused by the poison very slowly migrating by diffusion from an area of high concentration
to an area of low concentration. Also, physical motion of the liquid back and forth in the line
causes a small amount of mixing of the poison solution with the moderator. This motion is
caused by variations in the moderator level. The interface movement results in a periodic
requirement for back flushing (moving of poison back to design position) approximately
twice per year. This procedure is required infrequently because of the slow diffusion process
and because the moderator level in the moderator head tank is maintained constant during
warm-up and upgrading by bleed and feed respectively from the D2O supply system. Also
moderator temperature is maintained constant during operation.

Two conductivity probes are installed in each poison injection line downstream of the poison
tank. One is located close to the bottom of the poison tank to monitor the poison
concentration and alarm on low poison concentration. The second probe is located close to
the bellows assembly of the shield tank to detect when the poison solution reaches the
downstream top of the U-section. If an alarm is received from any of the latter probes, the
associated poison injection line must be back-flushed to pull the poison interface back to the
ball valve or drain line inside the vault.

In the back-flushing procedure, the affected poison tank is partially drained to the mixing
tank with the ball valve in the poison injection line closed. This valve is then opened and the
interface moves towards the poison tank, refilling it. Finally, the affected poison tank is
drained and refilled with gadolinium nitrate solution from the mixing tank. The contents of
the mixing tank must be sampled using the re-circulating sampling system immediately
before it is transferred to a poison tank, to verify that the poison solution has the correct
concentration. A sample is also needed before adding concentrated poison solution to the
mixing tank, to establish how much concentrate is needed to bring the concentration of the
solution in the tank up to the required value. The sampling system can take samples from a
selected poison tank while the reactor is operating without removal of the tank from service.
This procedure ensures that the poison concentration in the poison tanks remains uniform and
at an acceptable value.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 22

Figure 6.7. Shutdown System No. 2 Liquid Poison Injection System.

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Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 23

Each poison tank contains a floating polyethylene ball which sits at the top of the poison tank
prior to injection to restrict the movement of poison upwards due to variations in moderator
level. When an injection is initiated, the helium pressure transfers the poison to the calandria
and the ball falls to the tank bottom. In the bottom position, the ball sits at the poison tank
outlet and prevents the release of a high pressure helium to the calandria.

Each poison tank can be isolated by manual isolating valves located in the gas and poison
legs to permit maintenance and testing on a poison tank without disabling the shutdown
system. An interlock ensures that only one tank is out of service at any time. Alarms in the
Main Control Room and Secondary Control Area warn the operator if valve closure occurs
on more than one poison tank.

Measurements are made of helium makeup supply pressure, helium supply tank pressure,
injection tank level, and injection tank ball position. Deviation from specified limits by any
measurement initiates an alarm in the main control room. Limit switches are provided on
each of the quick-opening valves, vent valves and helium makeup valve at the closed and
opened positions. The poison solution is prepared in a mixing tank from which it is
transported under moderate pressure to the poison tanks. After firing and flushing, the diluted
poison solution is drained from the poison tank to the mixing tank where its concentration is
restored. The mixing tank may also be used for sampling.

Equipment Layout

The quick-opening valves and poison tanks are located outside the reactor vault, where they
are accessible during reactor operation. The poison tanks are situated at the vault wall to
minimize injection time.

The ball valves in the poison injection line are located outside the reactor vault for ease of
maintenance and operation. The drain valves adjacent to these ball valves are used during
draining and refilling of the poison tanks. The poison interface is at the poison line ball valve.

The ion chambers and the in-core detectors for shutdown system number 2 are horizontally
mounted and their cables are routed separately from those of shutdown system number 1.
The cubicles containing the trip computers and relay logic for each channel are located in the
secondary control area.

A section of the safety systems panels and console in the main control room is allocated
solely to shutdown system number 2. The shutdown system number 2 annunciation is on a
vertical panel, while the trip test and channel select switches, video display units and the
manual trip buttons for shutdown system number 2 are mounted on the console. These are
connected to the shutdown system number 2 trip and test computers in the secondary control
area by channelized fiber-optic data links.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 24

Instrumentation and Power Supplies

All the information required on the tripping parameters and the status and operation of the
system can be displayed on video display units in the main control room and the secondary
control area, at the operator's command.

Separately channeled Group 2, Class II power supplies are connected to each of the shutdown
system number 2 channels. Fuse failure or loss of power to a channel results in a channel
trip, and is annunciated. A loss of power to two or more channels results in a reactor trip.

Annunciation for shutdown system number 2 is provided in the secondary control area and in
the main control room (using buffered outputs from the secondary control area).

The shutdown system number 2 control room panel contains window equivalent alarms
which indicate the state of trip parameters. When a parameter reaches the trip level, these
windows show an alarm state.

The parameter and channel trip status are fed to the plant display system through a fiber-optic
link for annunciation and event sequencing. During upset conditions, the time and the
sequence of shutdown system number 2 parameters exceeding their limits may be printed out
on demand.

Helium tank pressure, valve position, poison tank level, helium makeup supply pressure and
poison front position are indicated in the main control room and secondary control area. The
quick-opening valve limit switches are also used to monitor the valve stroking time during
channel test.

Trip and Test Computers

Shutdown system number 2 has computerization of the trip logic, system testing and
monitoring and display functions, as was seen in Figure 6.6.

Design Evaluation

Shutdown system number 2 introduces negative reactivity with sufficient speed to meet all
reactor shutdown design requirements. The gadolinium poison continues to disperse
throughout the moderator until sufficient negative reactivity in excess of 200 mk is achieved.
The initial variation of this worth is shown in Figure 6.8 Static reactivity calculations are
valid on the assumption that delayed neutrons are in equilibrium with the flux.

The initial reactivities are based on calculations of the effect of short poison jets in the
moderator. Power rundown measurements at operating CANDU plants confirm the
calculation methods used to determine the neutronic characteristics of the system.

Concentration of the poison in the injection tanks can decrease to half its normal value and
still retain over 90 percent of shutdown system number 2 effectiveness.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 25

The effectiveness of shutdown system number 2 is evaluated on the basis of one of the poison
injection tanks not functioning, (i.e. assuming the most effective unit is unavailable).

The unavailability of shutdown system number 2 is required to be 1x 10-3 years per year or
less, assuming only one poison injection line is unavailable.

Figure 6.8. Shutdown System No. 2 Negative Reactivity Insertion Rate.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 26


Interlocks are provided as follows for interface with other systems:

The tripped condition or unavailability of shutdown system number 2 (more than one tank
out of service or helium tank pressure low) prevents moderator poison removal and also
adjuster, shutdown rod and mechanical control absorber withdrawal. The D2O supply to the
moderator is also isolated.

As a normal condition, all channels (three) of each trip parameter are available and clear.
Each channel is periodically tested. Unavailable channels (i.e., unsafely failed) are placed in
a safe (tripped) condition immediately and kept in that state until the repair is completed.

The shutdown system number 2 test logic prevents the testing of two channels in succession
within a specified time period to prevent spurious trips. The reactor may not be operated at
power if shutdown system number 2 is not available.


The emergency core cooling system is designed in compliance with the Canadian Regulatory
Requirements as described in the following sections.

Cooling Requirements

The system maintains or re-establishes cooling of the fuel and fuel channels for specified
loss-of-coolant accidents so as to limit the release of fission products from the fuel and
maintain fuel channel integrity.

The fuel in the reactor and the fuel channels are kept in a configuration such that continued
removal of decay heat produced by the fuel can be maintained by the emergency core cooling
system for as long as it is required to prevent further fuel damage.

For small loss-of-coolant accident events, the emergency core cooling system prevents any
failure of the fuel in the reactor due to lack of cooling. Where the initiating failure is in a fuel
channel, this requirement does not apply to that channel.

After reestablishing sufficient cooling of the fuel, the system is capable of providing
sufficient cooling flow for a period of four months to prevent further damage to the fuel.
This is accomplished by re-circulating the coolant mixture discharging from the accident
location, back to the heat transport system.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 27

Environmental Requirements

Emergency core cooling system equipment, required to operate or continue operating

following exposure to severe environmental conditions following a loss-of-coolant, is
environmentally qualified to withstand these conditions.

Unavailability Requirements

The system is designed to meet the unavailability on demand target of 1x10-3 for ECC
initiation. Each component of the system and subsystems is monitored and/or periodically
tested to demonstrate that this target is met. Valves located inside containment are accessible
to permit testing and maintenance during normal reactor operation.

Long-term reliability targets are defined, and the design of the system takes into account the
long term reliability of those components which must continue to function.

Redundancy is provided such that failure of any single active component in the system will
not impair the system to the extent that it will not meet its minimum allowable performance

Seismic Requirements

All equipment and components in the system and subsystems needed to maintain cooling of
the fuel 24 hours after a loss-of-coolant accident are designed to withstand at least an
earthquake of site design earthquake intensity.

Tornado Requirements

A tornado is not postulated to cause a loss-of-coolant accident since the reactor building
serves as a barrier to missiles. Also, based on probability, the coincident event of loss-of-
coolant accident and tornado is considered incredible. Therefore, there is no requirement to
qualify the emergency core cooling system for tornados. However, most of the emergency
core cooling system is located within the reactor building, and therefore protected, while the
high energy components located outside the reactor building (the gas tanks, recovery pumps,
valves and piping) are tornado protected, consistent with site requirements.

Separation and Independence Requirements

The emergency core cooling system is physically and operationally independent from other
special safety systems and from other Group 1 and Group 2 systems, except for those which
are required to assist in the system operation.

The emergency core cooling system is designed so that pipe whip in adjacent systems will
not impair operation.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 28

System Description

The emergency core cooling system supplies coolant to the reactor headers in the event of a
loss-of-coolant accident. Irrespective of the break size or location, the emergency coolant is
directed to all reactor headers. Figure 6.9 shows a schematic diagram of the emergency core
cooling system.

The system operation is divided into two stages; the injection stage and the recovery stage.
The injection stage is provided by two high pressure gas tanks located outside the reactor
building and connected via a valve station to the top of four water tanks located inside the
reactor building. The water tank outlets are jointed by a distribution header from which two
separate lines symmetrically feed the reactor headers (two inlets and one outlet) at each end
of the reactor.

During the injection stage, flow from the reserve water tank to the emergency core cooling
system sumps is initiated and the emergency core cooling pumps, located outside the reactor
building are started and the recovery stage begins. When flow from the reserve water tank
stops, there is about 1.5 m of water on the reactor building floor.

Figure 6.9. Emergency Core Cooling System.

Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 29

In the recovery stage, the recovery pumps draw water from the fuelling machine vault floor,
and discharge it into the reactor headers via the emergency core cooling heat exchangers. The
recovery stage begins when the emergency core cooling system water tanks are depleted. The
water subsequently escapes from the break in the heat transport system, falls to the floor and
is re-circulated by the recovery pumps. The recovery stage provides a long term heat sink.
The emergency core cooling pump motors are powered by Class IV and provided with
backup power from the Group 2 Class III electrical systems.

Emergency core cooling is initiated when the heat transport system pressure drops to a
predetermined value and either the high reactor building pressure, or a sustained low reactor
outlet header pressure conditioning signal is activated.

Instrumentation and Control

The emergency core cooling system employs dedicated computers which perform data
acquisition and automatic activation functions.

Each signal loop essential for the system operation is triplicated so that a single loop
component or power supply failure does not incapacitate or spuriously invoke the operation
of the system. This triplication approach involves isolation between loops of the three
channels and the use of unique transmitter mounting racks, electrical cubicles, initiation
computers and power supplies for each channel.

The logic used with the three channels is such that any two channels alarming in the heat
transport pressure monitoring loops in conjunction with any two-out-of-three of the
conditioning signal loop will generate the loss-of-coolant accident signal.

The controls and power supplies to each valve of a pair of valves are separated and
independent. They are referred to as the 'odd' and 'even' circuits. All electrical valves
required to operate to allow light water injection are supplied from Group 2, Class III power.

System Operation

The emergency core cooling system does not operate during normal reactor operation but
remains fully poised to be activated on a loss-of-coolant accident signal.


Following a loss-of-coolant accident, the heat transport pressure drops at a rate dependent on
the size of the break. The time from the loss-of-coolant accident until the heat transport
pressure reaches the injection pressure is known as the blowdown period.

For larger size breaks, the blowdown period is short and fuel cooling may or may not be
adequate during this period depending on the break size and location. For small breaks, the
initial emergency core cooling injection pressure is such that fuel cooling is adequate during
blowdown. Therefore, the purpose of injection is to restore cooling for large breaks, and
maintain cooling for small breaks.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 30

Emergency Core Cooling Initiation

The emergency core cooling system is initiated on a loss-of-coolant accident signal. To

generate this signal, the heat transport system pressure has to fall to a predetermined value
and one of the conditioning variables (high reactor building pressure or sustained low reactor
outlet header pressure) has to be activated. The sustained low reactor outlet header pressure
signal is used as a conditioning variable for detection of a small loss-of-coolant.

The high reactor building pressure signal provides coverage for all other loss-of-coolant
accidents. The conditioning signals are provided to prevent spurious operation of the system.

The system logic performs the following functions:

opens the gas isolation valves,
opens the main steam safety valves,
opens the isolation valves in the line connecting the reserve water tank to the F/M vault
starts the emergency core cooling recovery pumps, with a time delay,
opens the emergency core cooling pump suction valves and starts the Group I and Group
2 Class III diesels,
opens the recirculation line isolation valves (when high pressure injection is complete).

The rupture discs in the emergency core cooling system burst when the gas isolation valves
open after the heat transport system pressure falls sufficiently below the high pressure
emergency core coolant injection pressure.

The opening of the main steam safety valves on the loss-of-coolant signal provides a rapid
cool-down of the steam generators, commonly referred to as steam generator crash cool-
down. This reduces the transfer of heat from the secondary side to the primary side during
the initial period of emergency core cooling injection and allows the steam generators to
provide a long-term heat sink for "small" breaks during steady state emergency core cooling
operation. Water to the steam generators is supplied by the feedwater system and is backed
up by the Group 2 feedwater system. For scenarios involving a small loss-of-coolant accident
and the loss of the emergency core cooling, a steam generator crash cool-down depressurizes
the heat transport system and reduces the stress on pressure tubes.

During the full sequence of emergency core cooling operation, decay heat removal is by
transfer of heat to the steam generators or by discharge of fluid through the break. The latter
mode predominates for the large breaks; the former mode predominates for small breaks.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 31

Injection Stage

Upon a loss-of-coolant accident signal, water from the emergency core cooling water tanks
under pressure is directed via the reactor headers to the fuel channels to refill the core.
Simultaneously, demineralized water is transferred by gravity from the reserve water tank to
the emergency core cooling system sump.

While injection is underway, two of the emergency core cooling recovery pumps are started.
If one pump fails to start (indicated by a low pump differential pressure), a standby pump
starts automatically.

Recovery Stage

Recovery stage operation follows the injection stage. The mixture of the heat transport
coolant and water from the reserve water tank collected on the floor of the reactor building is
then returned to the heat transport system by the emergency core cooling recovery pumps.
For large breaks, decay heat is removed from the core via the coolant discharged from the
break and this heat is transfer-red to the Group 1 re-circulated cooling water, or the Group 2
raw service water as a backup, via the emergency core cooling heat exchanger. The
containment air coolers, serviced by raw service water, also remove heat.

For small breaks, decay heat is transferred to the steam generators and rejected via the main
steam safety valves. These valves have a total capacity of over 100 percent steam flow at
normal steam generator pressure.

The steam generator feedwater supply after a loss of coolant is provided by the main
feedwater pumps on Class IV power or by the diesel powered auxiliary feedwater pump,
which draws water from the deaerator and the demineralized water storage tank. An
alternative source of feedwater to the steam generators is the Group 2 feedwater system. The
feedwater to the steam generators is required during the long-term emergency core cooling
operation following a small break.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 32


The basic function of the containment system is to form a continuous pressure-confining

envelope about the reactor core and the heat transport system in order to limit the release to
the external environment of radioactive material resulting from an accident. An accident
which causes a release of radioactive material to containment may or may not be
accompanied by a rise in containment pressure.

To achieve this overall function, the containment system includes the following related safety
Isolation: to ensure closure of all openings in the containment when an accident occurs.
Pressure/activity reduction: to control and assist in reducing the internal pressure and the
inventory of free radioactive material released into containment by an accident.
Hydrogen control: to limit concentrations of hydrogen/deuterium within containment
after an accident to prevent potential detonation.
Monitoring: to monitor conditions within containment and the status of containment
equipment, before, during and after an accident.

In addition, the containment structure also serves the following functions:

limits the release of radioactive materials from the reactor to the environment during
normal operations,
provides external shielding against radiation sources within containment during normal
operations and after an accident,
protects reactor systems against external events such as tornados, floods, etc.

Design Basis

The containment system is designed in compliance with Canadian Regulatory Requirements

for Containment Systems. The design pressure for the containment is above the maximum
building pressure resulting from any failure of the heat transport system (with or without
credit for the emergency core cooling system), coupled with unavailability of the most
effective active pressure reduction system. The containment is designed for an unavailability
of not more than 1x10-3 years per year. The containment structure will not be damaged
following any steam or feedwater line break.

The containment design leakage rate is 0.2 percent of the containment free volume per day at
the design pressure.

Test facilities and procedures are provided to confirm that the containment system (including
required safety support systems) operates satisfactorily when required and to demonstrate the
reliability of the system.

The containment envelope, including the containment isolation devices, e.g., in the reactor
building ventilation system, is seismically qualified for a design basis earthquake.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 33

Control measures are included to limit hydrogen/deuterium content within any significant
enclosed subvolume of containment following an accident.

System Description

The containment system includes a reinforced concrete containment structure (the reactor
building) with a reinforced concrete dome and an internal steel liner, access airlocks,
equipment hatch, building air coolers for pressure reduction, and a containment isolation
system consisting of valves or dampers in the ventilation ducts and certain process lines
penetrating the containment envelope.

Definition of Containment Envelope

a. Building Structure
All internal surfaces of the reactor building perimeter wall, dome and base slab are part
of the containment boundary.

b. Piping and Ducts

All pipes or ducts which penetrate containment (except closed Class 1 or 2 systems
which can be monitored for leaks) are provided with containment isolation valves or
dampers. Lines which are open to the containment atmosphere during normal operation
have two isolation valves in series which are automatically closed on a high containment
pressure or high radioactivity signal. The containment boundary includes the pipe or
duct from the containment structure inner surface up to and including the outer
containment isolation valve. The main steam fines connect to the high pressure turbine
via turbine stop valves, which can be used to isolate pairs of steam generators, if
required, following a steam generator tube rupture. A check valve prevents blowback
from a steam generator in the event of a failed feedwater line.

The irradiated fuel discharge duct and new fuel duct are part of containment during fuel
transfer. When the fuelling machine is not attached, both ducts are sealed with a pair of
containment isolation valves, in series.

The valves and lengths of pipe forming part of the containment boundary are designed in
accordance with the design requirements for the containment boundary.

c. Airlocks and Hatch

The airlocks incorporate two sealed doors in series. The doors are interlocked so that
only one can be open at any time. The containment boundary extends to the outer door
of the airlocks and includes the equipment hatch.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 34

Containment Components and Subsystems

The containment system comprises the following structures, components and subsystems:

a. A reinforced concrete containment structure, with a leak tight steel liner covering the
inside of the concrete perimeter wall, dome and base slab.

b. Steel pipe and ducting form part of the containment boundary where they penetrate

c. Piping and cable penetrations, which provide an engineered seal at the point where
piping, ducting and electric cables penetrate containment.

d. Containment isolation - dual valves or dampers normally open on process penetrations

are automatically closed on a two out of three signal indicating high containment pressure
or high activity within containment.

Measurements of reactor building pressure and radioactivity are triplicated and

channelized. A two-out-of-three indication of a containment isolation requirement on
either variable initiates automatic closure of normally open containment isolation valves
and dampers, together with other active containment measures, e.g., energizing the
hydrogen igniters. The N, Q channels of N, P, Q channelization are used on portions of
the system which are duplicated. In these areas, either of two operating valves provides
containment isolation. The isolation setpoint for radioactivity is set at a value consistent
with operational limitations and background activity levels. The radioactivity monitors
are located upstream of the building air exhaust isolation valves.

e. Airlock, auxiliary airlock and equipment hatch.

f. Reactor building and vault air coolers: the air coolers are used to cool the reactor
building atmosphere, condense released steam, and thereby reduce containment internal
pressure following a failure of the primary or secondary cooling systems.

The air coolers also operate while the plant is operating to cool the building and
maintain a suitable environment for personnel working within the reactor building.

By promoting steam condensation, the air coolers also act to remove soluble radioactive
material (except noble gases) from the containment atmosphere and to sweep hydrogen
out of the reactor and fuelling machine vaults following loss-of-coolant accident.

During normal operations, the fuelling machine vault cooling circuit is separate from the
air coolers and dryers for the accessible part of the reactor building. During loss-of-
coolant accident, blowout panels and dampers open to ensure that both sets of air coolers
act to condense the released steam.

The design basis for the building air coolers is established by normal operational heat
loads and post-accident heat removal requirements.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 35

In addition to handling air flow under normal operational conditions, the fan motors for
building air cooler operating on Class III power are also rated to handle continuously the
steam/water/air mixture and the temperature existing at the design value of pressure
under accident conditions.

g. Hydrogen igniters: the hydrogen igniters, located in the feeder cabinets at the bottom
of the steam generator enclosure, and in the upper part of the reactor building, ensure
that hydrogen/deuterium releases are ignited at low concentrations, thus ensuring that
concentrations sufficient for a detonation do not occur.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operation Chapter 6: Special Safety Systems
Dr. George Bereznai page 6 - 36

Copyright information for Chapter 6:

Figures on pages 6-11, 6-14, 6-16, 6-20, 6-22, 6-25 and 6-22 are from
CANDU 9 480/NU Technical Description, AECL document 69-01371-TED-
001 Rev. 1, January 1995. Reprinted with permission of Atomic Energy of
Canada Limited (AECL).

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