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Failure To Ventilate

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As induction of inhalation is preferred in children with a Rohini Bhat Pai, Sameer Desai, Raghavendra Rao,
difficult but uncompromised airway, sevoflurane was used Venkatesh Annigeri1
so that the child could be induced rapidly and later changed Deparments of Anaesthesiology and 1Pediatric Surgery, SDM College
over to halothane so that adequate time was available for of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Sattur, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
laryngoscopy. Laryngeal mask airway(LMA) was not used
in our case as it has a higher rate of failure and may not be Address for correspondence:
Dr.Rohini Bhat Pai,
able to protect the airway against reflux that is commonly Deparments of Anaesthesiology, SDM College of Medical Sciences,
seen in these patients. Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
Laryngospasm and laryngeal edema are common causes
of postextubation upper airway obstruction in children.[3] REFERENCES
Endotracheal intubation in neonates can lead to subglottic
edema, especially common after traumatic intubation or those 1. WilliamsR, AdamsDC, AladjemEV, KreutzJM, SartorelliKH,
lasting longer than one hour.[4] Subglottic edema of 1mm VaneDW, etal. The Safety and Efficacy of Spinal Anesthesia
for Surgery in Infants: The Vermont Infant Spinal Registry.
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Patients with congenital or acquired airway pathology are 2. SivanY, BenAriJ, SofermanR, DeRoweA. Diagnosis
known to have difficult extubation and difficult reintubation.[5] of Laryngomalacia by Fiberoptic Endoscopy: Awake
Compared With AnesthesiaAided Technique. Chest
Our child had been treated for hypocalcemia but was 3. OlssonGL, HallenB. Laryngospasm during anesthesia.
still hypocalcemic on the day of surgery. This could have Acomputeraided incidence study in 136,929patients. Acta
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The use of regional anesthesia must be made with caution Anaesth Crit Care Pain 2008;8:21420.
in children with difficult airways, depending on the skill
of the anesthesiologist. Hence, we decided to proceed Access this article online
with regional anesthesia, keeping ourselves prepared for a Quick Response Code:
difficult airway in case of any complication. Website:

In conclusion, spinal anesthesia can be used in a child with a

difficult airway aiming to reduce the airway manipulationrelated DOI:
complications. We should always be prepared for the 10.4103/1658-354X.109852
management of a difficult airway in an emergency.

Failure to ventilate: Technical error

Sir, A venous cannula was inserted and was given 100%
oxygen. After giving propofol 100 mg, she went into
A 22yearold girl having history of brochial asthma apnea immediately; we tried to ventilate the patient with
with nor mal preanesthetic checkup and nor mal bag and mask. While mask ventilation we found that the
airway examination was posted for surgery for bilateral bag was too tight and the patient was not at all ventilating.
fibroadenama breast under general anesthesia. On the Despite all efforts, it was not possible to ventilate the
day of surgery, she was premedicated with fentanyl 50g patient. Her saturation started dropping, immediately
and midazolam 2mg 30minutes before operation. In we intubated the patient and connected the anesthesia
the operation theatre monitoring was started as per the ventilator. Now the patient was nicely ventilating with
American Society of Anaesthesiologist(ASA) standard. peak airway pressure of 18cm of H2O. On auscultation

Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2013


Letters to Editor
Page | 100
the chest was clear, no rhochi or spasm was detected and leakage and obstruction by removing the mask, we found
saturation rose to 100%. While investigating the cause that the circuit was obstruction free as the cap, which
of airway obstruction, we checked the circuit which was was tightly fitting to the mask, also got removed with the
found to be absolutely obstruction free. While checking mask. However, we did not check the mask. While again
the mask, to our surprise we found that the cap of the reassembling the circuit due to cap in the mask it caused
ventilator circuit was fitting to the mask [Figure 1]. total obstruction of the circuit leading to impossible
While investigating about the technical checkup before ventilation. When, after intubation, we removed the
assembling the circuit, we found that the technician who mask from the circuit the cap remained in the mask and
had assembled the circuit, forgot to remove the cap from problem remained unnoticed. While thoroughly checking
the ventilator circuit[Figure2]. the equipments we finally found the obstructing cap fitting
to the mask.
There are numerous reports of obstruction of anesthesia
breathing circuits by different foreign bodies and due Here, we emphasize on sticking to the basics and
to technical errors.[13] Most of these instances are due thoroughly follow the preuse check guidelines to prevent
to inadequate checkup of the equipments. In our case critical incidents and improve patient safety. [4,5] The
the technician checked and assembled the circuit. Before nontechnical staff of the operation theatre should be
induction of anesthesia, we checked the circuit for any educated and trained about correct assembling and
preuse checks and lastly the anesthetist should check and
confirm the proper working of the equipments before
anesthetizing the cases.

Vivek Chowdhry, Arun Rath

Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Care Hospital,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr.Vivek Chowdhry,
Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Care Hospital,
Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

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5. Brockwell RC, Andrews JJ. Complications of inhaled
anesthesia delivery systems. Anesthesiol Clin North America.

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Figure 2: Cap obstructing the circuit

Vol. 7, Issue 1, January-March 2013 Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia

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