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San Luis V Rojas

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G.R. No. 159127, March 3, 2008

HON. PABLITO M. ROJAS in his capacity as Presiding Judge,

On 12 July 2001, Berdex, a foreign corporation organized
under USA laws, filed in RTC Pasig a complaint for a sum of
money against petitioner Luis alleging that: (1) Luis received
from Berdex amounts of money partly as advances/loans and
as purchase of 40% shares in Seanet and Seabest Corps., but
no share was transferred to Berdex; and (2) they agreed to
treat all the advances as loan to Luis but he paid only US$20K,
and no further payment was made despite demands. Berdex
prayed that Luis be ordered to pay US$150K.

Luis filed his Answer contending that: (1) he received

US$142K from Bredex to buy 70% of Seanets shares on
behalf of Bredex and the balance as its advances as
Seanet's stockholder; (2) in view of Seanets huge losses, Luis
offered that Fuegomar Traders, Inc., a company later put up
by Luis, will pay the amounts he received from Bredex;
Fuegomar will purchase the stock investment of Bredex
in Seanet; (3) while the documentation of such agreement
was being finalized, Luis then gave Bredex US$20K on
Fuegomars behalf, but Bredex claimed that its Seanets
investment was Luis personal loan.

On 4 April 2002, Bredex moved to Authorize Deposition -

Taking Through Written Interrogatories alleging that: (1) all of
its witnesses are Americans residing in USA; and (2) one of
witnesses is already old and travel to the Philippines is
dangerous. Luis opposed contending that: (1) depositions
through written interrogatories would deprive the court of the
opportunity to observe witnesses demeanor; (2) it prejudices
petitioner's right to cross-examine witnesses; (3) witnesses
giving their deposition may not be penalized under Philippine
law; and (4) old age was not a valid reason.

On 9 May 2002, the RTC granted the motion. Luis moved to

reconsider but was denied on 3 July 2002. Upon appeal to CA
by way of certiorari, the CA on 11 September 2002, dismissed
the petition for failure to attach documents to the petition
[Sec.3 of Rule 46]. His motion for reconsideration was likewise
denied on 20 May 2003. Hence, the present petition for

1. Whether or not the petition for certiorari can be dimissed
for failure to attach the documents in the petition. [NO]
2. Whether or not Bredex, a non-resident foreign corporation,
will be allowed to prove the existence of an oral contract
through deposition by written interrogatories of all its
witness taken outside the Philippines. [YES]


Petition is Granted. CA Decision Reversed. BUT RTC

Decision Stands.

Petitioner argues that the CA focused on technicality rather

than substantial justice, notwithstanding that he subsequently
complied with all the requirements and attached them to his
Motion for Reconsideration; that his failure to attach an
affidavit of service was due to his belief that the affidavit can
be dispensed with in case of personal service of the petition to
the parties who received the same; that Annex H, a letter
dated July 12, 2000 sent by private respondent
to Fuegomar and R.G. San Luis (herein petitioner) asking for
confirmation of the note held by the former regarding the
latter's outstanding obligation to it,[12] which was attached to
the complaint filed with the RTC, was also blurred; that the
blurred copy of Annex J, the Seanet Corporation Loan
Amortization Schedule,[13] was due to inadvertence during the
reproduction of the numerous annexes; and that he only
attached pleadings to the petition filed in the CA which he
believed to be important and relevant to the issue submitted
in his petition.

Petitioner further alleges that the CA failed to appreciate

that grave injustice would be done to him if private
respondent, a non-resident foreign corporation, would have
all its witnesses who are foreigners give their testimonies
through deposition upon written interrogatories which would
be taken outside of the Philippines and would seek to establish
an oral contract not supported by any documentary evidence;
that to allow such deposition will prevent the RTC from testing
the credibility of the witnesses, and petitioner's right to
cross-examine the witnesses would be curtailed if not denied,
as he would be limited to cross-interrogatories and re-cross
interrogatories based on written interrogatories.

Private respondent counters that petitioner resorted to a

wrong remedy by filing a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
instead of a petition for review under Rule 45; that petitioner
can no longer question the CA Resolutions, as certiorari under
Rule 65 is not a substitute for an appeal where the latter
remedy is available; that the CA's dismissal of the petition was
proper; that Circular 19-91 is quite clear that any petition
under Rule 65 may be denied outright if there is no proof of
service on the lower court; that no grave abuse of discretion
was committed by the RTC in allowing deposition-taking as the
same was consistent with the rules.

The Courts Ruling

Preliminarily, we find petitioner's resort to a petition
for certiorari under Rule 65 proper considering that petitioner
is assailing the Resolutions of the CA dismissing their petition

In Donato v. Court of Appeals[15], we held:

The proper recourse of an aggrieved party from a decision of

the CA is a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of
the Rules of Court. However, if the error, subject of the
recourse, is one of jurisdiction, or the act complained of was
perpetrated by a court with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, the proper
remedy available to the aggrieved party is a petition
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the said Rules. As enunciated
by the Court in Fortich vs. Corona:

Anent the first issue, in order to determine

whether the recourse of petitioners is proper or
not, it is necessary to draw a line between an
error of judgment and an error of jurisdiction. An
error of judgment is one which the court may
commit in the exercise of its jurisdiction, and
which error is reviewable only by an appeal. On
the other hand, an error of jurisdiction is one
where the act complained of was issued by the
court, officer or a quasi-judicial body without or
in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion which is tantamount to lack or in
excess of jurisdiction. This error is correctible
only by the extraordinary writ of certiorari.

Inasmuch as the present petition principally

assails the dismissal of the petition on ground of
procedural flaws involving the jurisdiction of the
court a quo to entertain the petition, it falls
within the ambit of a special civil action
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Anent petitioner's failure to attach the affidavit of service, we
find the same not fatal to the petition since it showed that
copies of the petition were personally served on the RTC and
private respondent's counsel on September 3, 2002 as
evidenced by the parties' official receiving stamps appearing
opposite their names. By analogy, we have held[17] that the
non-attachment of the affidavit of service is not fatal to the
petition when the registry receipts attached to the petition
clearly show that respondents were served copies of the
petition; that the demands of substantial justice were satisfied
by the actual receipt of the petition.[18]

We likewise find satisfactory the explanation advanced by

petitioner with respect to the blurred copies of the annexes
attached to the petition. Moreover, we find that Annexes H and
J are not necessary for the resolution of the issue brought
before the CA, i.e., whether the RTC acted with grave abuse of
discretion in granting private respondent's MOTION (To
Authorize Deposition-Taking Through Written

As to the non-attachment to the petition of the pleadings filed

in the RTC, we find that the documents attached to the petition
-- to wit: private respondent's MOTION (To Authorize
Deposition-Taking Through Written Interrogatories),
petitioner's opposition, petitioner's Motion for Reconsideration
and private respondent's opposition -- show that they
contained the relevant facts of the case and the respective
arguments of the parties on which the CA could have based its
resolution on the merits of the issue brought before it. Thus,
there was no need to attach all other pleadings filed in the
RTC. Nonetheless, petitioner had submitted all the pleadings
when he filed his motion for reconsideration.

The CA's reliance on Administrative Circular No.

3-96 dated June 1, 1996 in denying petitioner's motion for
reconsideration is misplaced. Although the Circular provides
that subsequent compliance with the requirement shall not
warrant a reconsideration, it does not apply to the petition
filed by petitioner before the CA. The subject of the said
Circular deals with copies of the judgment or resolution sought
to be reviewed and not to other pleadings filed in the RTC. The
Circular clarified the meaning of duplicate original copy and
certified true copy of decisions, judgments, resolutions or
orders and not other documents to be attached.

As to the non-submission of the affidavit of service and other

pleadings jurisprudence dictates that the subsequent and
substantial compliance of a petitioner may call for the
relaxation of the rules of procedure.[19]

While it is true that rules of procedure are intended to promote

rather than frustrate the ends of justice, and the swift
unclogging of court dockets is a laudable objective, they
nevertheless must not be met at the expense of substantial
justice.[20] Time and again, this Court has reiterated the
doctrine that the rules of procedure are mere tools intended to
facilitate the attainment of justice, rather than frustrate it. A
strict and rigid application of the rules must always be
eschewed when it would subvert the primary objective of the
rules, that is, to enhance fair trials and expedite justice.
Technicalities should never be used to defeat the substantive
rights of the other party. Every party-litigant must be afforded
the amplest opportunity for the proper and just determination
of his cause, free from the constraints of
technicalities. [21]
Thus, the CA committed grave abuse of
discretion in hastily dismissing the petition on procedural

While herein petitioner prays that the CA be ordered to give
due course to the petition for certiorari filed before it and to
remand the case to the CA for proper disposition, the Court
opts to resolve the sole issue raised in the present petition
which is a pure question of law, i.e.,whether Section 1, Rule
23 of the Rules of Court allows a non-resident foreign
corporation the privilege of having all its witnesses, all
of whom are foreigners, to testify through deposition
upon written interrogatories taken outside the
Philippines to prove an oral contract, in order to avoid
further delay.

Section 1, Rule 23 of the Rules of Court, which substantially

reproduced Section 1, Rule 24 of the old Rules, provides as

SECTION 1. Depositions pending action, when may be taken.

- By leave of court after jurisdiction has been obtained over
any defendant or over property which is the subject of the
action, or without such leave after an answer has been served,
the testimony of any person, whether a party or not, may be
taken, at the instance of any party, by depositions upon oral
examination or written interrogatories.

Unequivocally, the rule does not make any distinction or

restriction as to who can avail of deposition. The fact that
private respondent is a non-resident foreign corporation is
immaterial. The rule clearly provides that the testimony of any
person may be taken by deposition upon oral examination or
written interrogatories, at the instance of any party.
Depositions serve as a device for ascertaining the facts
relative to the issues of the case. The evident purpose is to
enable the parties, consistent with recognized privileges, to
obtain the fullest possible knowledge of the issues and facts
before civil trials and thus prevent the said trials from being
carried out in the dark.[22]

In Dasmarias Garments, Inc. v. Reyes[23], where we

upheld the right of plaintiff during the trial stage of the case to
present its evidence by deposition of its witnesses in a foreign
jurisdiction in lieu of their oral examination in court, we said:
Depositions are chiefly a mode of discovery. They are
intended as a means to compel disclosure of facts resting in
the knowledge of a party or other person which are relevant
in some suit or proceeding in court. Depositions, and the
other modes of discovery (interrogatories to parties;
requests for admission by adverse party; production or
inspection of documents or things; physical and mental
examination of persons) are meant to enable a party to
learn all the material and relevant facts, not only known to
him and his witnesses but also those known to the adverse
party and the latter's own witnesses. In fine, the object of
discovery is to make it possible for all the parties to a case to
learn all the material and relevant facts, from whoever may
have knowledge thereof, to the end that their pleadings or
motions may not suffer from inadequacy of factual
foundation, and all the relevant facts may be clearly and
completely laid before the Court, without omission or

Depositions are principally made available by law to the

parties as a means of informing themselves of all the
relevant facts; they are not therefore generally meant to be
a substitute for the actual testimony in open court of a party
or witness. The deponent must as a rule be presented for
oral examination in open court at the trial or hearing. This is
a requirement of the rules of evidence. Section 1, Rule 132
of the Rules of Court provides:

"SECTION 1. Examination to be done in open

court. The examination of witnesses presented
in a trial or hearing shall be done in open court,
and under oath or affirmation. Unless the
witness is incapacitated to speak, or the question
calls for a different mode of answer, the answers
of the witness shall be given orally."

Indeed, any deposition offered to prove the facts therein set

out during a trial or hearing, in lieu of the actual oral
testimony of the deponent in open court, may be opposed
and excluded on the ground that it is hearsay: the party
against whom it is offered has no opportunity to
cross-examine the deponent at the time that his testimony
is offered. It matters not that opportunity for
cross-examination was afforded during the taking of the
deposition; for normally, the opportunity for
cross-examination must be accorded a party at the time that
the testimonial evidence is actually presented against him
during the trial or hearing.

However, depositions may be used without the

deponent being actually called to the witness stand
by the proponent, under certain conditions and for
certain limited purposes. These exceptional
situations are governed by Section 4, Rule 24[24] of
the Rules of Court.

SEC 4. Use of depositions. At the trial or upon the hearing of

a motion of an interlocutory proceeding, any part or all of a
deposition, so far as admissible under the rules of evidence,
may be used against any party who was present or
represented at the taking of the deposition or who had due
notice thereof, in accordance with any of the following

(a) Any deposition may be used by any party for the

purpose of contradicting or impeaching the
testimony of deponent as a witness;

(b) The deposition of a party or of any one who at

the time of taking the deposition was an officer,
director, or managing agent of a public or private
corporation, partnership, or association which is a
party may be used by an adverse party for any

(c) The deposition of a witness, whether or not

a party, may be used by any party for any
purpose if the court finds: (1) that the witness is
dead; or (2) that the witness if out of the
province and at a greater distance than
fifty[25] (50) kilometers from the place of trial
or hearing, or is out of the Philippines, unless
it appears that his absence was procured by
the party offering the deposition; or (3) that the
witness is unable to attend to testify because of age,
sickness, infirmity, or imprisonment; or (4) that the
party offering the deposition has been unable to
procure the attendance of the witness by subpoena;
or (5) upon application and notice, that such
exceptional circumstances exist as to make it
desirable, in the interest of justice and with due
regard to the importance of presenting the
testimony of witnesses orally in open court, to allow
the deposition to be used;

(d) If only part of a deposition is offered in evidence

by a party, the adverse party may require him to
introduce all of it which is relevant to the party
introduced, and any party may introduce any
other parts.

The principle conceding admissibility to a deposition when the

deponent is dead, out of the Philippines, or otherwise unable
to come to court to testify, is consistent with another rule of
evidence, found in Section 47, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court.

SEC. 47. Testimony or deposition at a former proceeding.

The testimony or deposition of a witness deceased or unable
to testify, given in a former case or proceeding, judicial or
administrative, involving the same parties and subject
matter, may be given in evidence against the adverse party
who had the opportunity to cross-examine him."

It is apparent then that the deposition of any person may be

taken wherever he may be, in the Philippines or abroad. If
the party or witness is in the Philippines, his deposition "shall
be taken before any judge, municipal or notary public" (Sec.
10, Rule 24, Rules of Court). If in a foreign state or country,
the deposition "shall be taken: (a) on notice before a
secretary or embassy or legation, consul general, consul,
vice-consul, or consular agent of the Republic of the
Philippines, or (b) before such person or officer as may be
appointed by commission or under letters rogatory" (Sec. 11,
Rule 24).

Leave of court is not necessary where the deposition is

to be taken before "a secretary or embassy or legation,
consul general, consul, vice-consul, or consular agent of the
Republic of the Philippines," and the defendant's answer has
already been served (Sec. 1, Rule 24). After answer, whether
the deposition-taking is to be accomplished within
the Philippines or outside, the law does not authorize or
contemplate any intervention by the court in the process, all
that is required being that "reasonable notice" be given "in
writing to every other party to the action . . (stating) the time
and place for taking the deposition and the name and address
of each person to be examined, if known, and if the name is
not known, a general description sufficient to identify him or
the particular class or group to which he belongs . . . "(Sec.
15, Rule 24). The court intervenes in the process only if a
party moves (1) to "enlarge or shorten the time" stated in the
notice (id.), or (2) "upon notice and for good cause shown,"
to prevent the deposition-taking, or impose
conditions therefor, e.g., that "certain matters shall not be
inquired into" or that the taking be "held with no one present
except the parties to the action and their officers or counsel,"
etc. (Sec. 16, Rule 24), or (3) to terminate the process on
motion and upon a showing that "it is being conducted in bad
faith or in such manner as unreasonably to annoy, embarrass,
or oppress the deponent or party" (Sec 18, Rule
24).[26] (Emphasis supplied)

Thus, we find no grave abuse of discretion committed by the

RTC in granting private respondent's MOTION (To Allow
Deposition-Taking Through Written Interrogatories)
considering private respondent's allegation in its MOTION that
its witnesses are all Americans residing in the U.S. This
situation is one of the exceptions for its admissibility under
Section 4(c)(2), Rule 23 of the Rules of Court, i.e., that the
witness resides at a distance of more than one hundred (100)
kilometers from the place of trial or hearing, or is out of the
Philippines, unless it appears that his absence was procured
by the party offering the deposition.

Petitioner insists that Dasmarias does not constitute a

precedent in the instant case as the facts are substantially
different; to wit: (1) in Dasmarias, plaintiff filed a motion to
take deposition through written interrogatories of two
witnesses abroad after it had already presented its first
witness, while in the present case, private respondent will not
present a single witness to testify in court but only the
witnesses depositions; (2) in Dasmarias, the existence of the
contract involved was not in issue at all, while in the
present case, petitioner denied the existence of the alleged
contract of loan and private respondent has not presented any
documentary evidence to support its claim.

We do not agree.

The situation in Dasmarias is the same as in the instant case

since in both cases, it was already during the trial stage that the
deposition through written interrogatories was sought to be
taken. It does not matter whether one witness for the plaintiff
had already testified since the Dasmariasruling did not make
such testimony in court a condition to grant the deposition of the
two other witnesses. Also, in Dasmarias, the plaintiff sued
defendant to recover a certain sum of money which was the
same as in the instant case as private respondent was suing
petitioner for collection of sum of money.

Petitioner claims that the right to take depositions upon

written interrogatories in lieu of oral testimony in open court
would result in grave injustice to him, as private respondent is
seeking to establish the existence of an oral contract which
requires stricter standard in proving the same.

We find such argument untenable.

While there are limitations to the rules of discovery, even

when permitted to be undertaken without leave and without
judicial intervention,[27] such limitations inevitably arise when
it can be shown that the examination is being conducted in bad
faith;[28] or in such a manner as to annoy, embarrass, or
oppress the person subject to the inquiry;[29] or when the
inquiry touches upon the irrelevant or encroaches upon the
recognized domains of privilege.[30]

It has been repeatedly held that deposition discovery rules are

to be accorded a broad and liberal treatment[31] and should
not be unduly restricted if the matters inquired into are
otherwise relevant and not privileged, and the inquiry is made
in good faith and within the bounds of law. Otherwise, the
advantage of a liberal discovery procedure in ascertaining the
truth and expediting the disposal of litigation would be
defeated.[32] In fact, we find nothing in the rules on deposition
that limits their use in case of oral contract as alleged by

In any event, the admissibility of the deposition does not

preclude the determination of its probative value at the
appropriate time. The admissibility of evidence should not be
equated with weight of evidence. The admissibility of evidence
depends on its relevance and competence while the weight of
evidence pertains to evidence already admitted and its
tendency to convince and persuade.[33]

Petitioner argues that to allow such deposition-taking will

prevent the RTC from observing the witnesses' demeanor and
credibility; and that petitioner's right to cross-examine the
witnesses would be curtailed if not denied as he is limited to
cross-interrogatories and re-cross interrogatories based on
written interrogatories.

We are not persuaded.

Depositions are allowed as a departure from the accepted and

usual judicial proceedings of examining witnesses in open
court, where their demeanor could be observed by the trial
judge; and the procedure is not on that account rendered
illegal nor is the deposition, thereby taken, inadmissible.[34] It
precisely falls within one of the exceptions where the law
permits such a situation, i.e., the use of a deposition in lieu of
the actual appearance and testimony of the deponent in open
court and without being subject to the prying eyes and probing
questions of the Judge.[35] Depositions are consistent with the
principle of promoting just, speedy and inexpensive
disposition of every action or proceeding.[36] Depositions are
allowed provided the deposition is taken in accordance with
the applicable provisions of the Rules of Court; that is, with
leave of court if the summons have been served, without leave
of court if an answer has been submitted; and provided,
further, that a circumstance for their admissibility exists.[37]

We also find no merit in petitioner's claim that his right to

cross-examine private respondent's witnesses will be curtailed
since petitioner is fully accorded the opportunity for
cross-examination under Section 25, Rule 23 of the Rules of
Court, to wit:
SEC. 25. Depositions upon written interrogatories; service of
notice and of interrogatories. - A party desiring to take the
deposition of any person upon written interrogatories shall
serve them upon every other party with a notice stating the
name and address of the person who is to answer them and
the name or descriptive title and address of the officer before
whom the deposition is to be taken. Within ten (10) days
thereafter, a party so served may serve cross interrogatories
upon the party proposing to take the deposition. Within five
(5) days thereafter, the latter may serve re-direct
interrogatories upon a party who has served cross
interrogatories. Within three (3) days after being served with
re-direct interrogatories, a party may serve re-cross
interrogatories upon the party proposing to take the

Thus, petitioner may submit cross-interrogatories upon

private respondent with sufficient fullness and freedom.

Finally, petitioner contends that since private respondent

will have the testimonies of its witnesses in another
jurisdiction, the sanction of penalty for perjury under our laws
would not apply to them; and petitioner may not be able to
enforce its own claim against private respondent, since it is
domiciled in a foreign country and does not appear to have
any assets in the Philippines. We will not venture to make any
determination on this matter, as it would be premature,
conjectural or anticipatory. We must only deal with an existing
case or controversy that is appropriate or ripe for judicial
determination, not one that is conjectural or merely
anticipatory. [38]

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