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The Tenets of Brotherhood

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Spread these teachings:

This address is centered on the principles of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star.
I will enumerate all the salient points. It is important, you take adequate not
e of them, so you may not be deceived. The extent of your ignorance about the te
nets of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, is rather surprising. This work quali
fies as a direct, and verbatim report, on this issue. Therefore, it is mandatory
for all workers and Children of God to acquire a copy of this publication. It i
s important, they study it carefully.
A lot of people profess to be God's own children, yet the field is white, but th
e harvesters are very few. Equally, so many are eager to join the fold of Brothe
rhood of the Cross and Star, but what they lack is the physical connection. How
will they be converted, without people? This becomes a pertinent question, which
must be tackled. I will liken this problem to the situation recorded in:
Acts of the Apostle Chapter 8 verses 30 and 31.
And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said,
Understandest thou what thou readest?
And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip t
hat he would come up and sit with him. (Acts of the Apostle Chapter 8 verses 30
and 31).
A lot of souls are prepared to accept the teachings of Brotherhood of the Cross
and Star, but how can they, if there is nobody to direct them? That is why, I ch
arge you all, to spread the gospel of this Kingdom.
Ordination in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star can be likened to the admission
and registration into the Christ's Universal Spiritual School of Practical Chris
tianity. As a student in a school, you will not be awarded a certificate, except
you satisfy the necessary requirements of your course work. Similarly, except a
n ordained one submits to the teachings and injunctions of this Kingdom, his boa
st and pride, are in vain. You will notice, I ordained you even as "green horns.
" You need not mistake this solemn enrolment, as an opportunity to ride on other
s, or trample on the toes of others. If you do, you are misguided. Your ignoranc
e is willful. Purge yourself of all excesses now, imbibe and practice my injunct
The reference below is a proper guide to the conduct required of the ordained on
Matthew Chapter 20 verses 25 to 28:
But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentil
es exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon
But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him
be your minister;
And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:
Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to g
ive his life a ransom for many. (Matthew Chapter 20 verses 25 to 28).
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the new Kingdom of God, not one of the nomi
nal churches. You need not receive formal Bible or seminary training to be ordai
ned. The text above also should serve as a guiding compass for you, most especia
lly, as you perform your functions in the Kingdom.
The Virtues Of A Good Steward:
Pastors, (now Bishops), Ejedawe, Okpala Williams, A E O Ekanem among others have
contributed marvelously to the growth of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. The
y have built Bethels, Secretariats and Quarters to provide accommodation for oth
ers. Also, facilities such as generating plants, boreholes and other convenience
s have been provided by them. A tastefully furnished apartment has been built fo
r the Sole Spiritual Head, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, among other accomplishments
. All these are donated freely and willingly. This is the Brotherhood spirit, wh
ich I want you to emulate and display.
You should promote, at all times, selfless services and shun discrimination, dup
ing, extortion, egotism, stealing, intrigues, and chaos in all its ramifications
. Put in your best, to work in the Kingdom. An honest steward is humble, simple
and loyal. He undertakes wide evangelical journeys. He is also obedient and show
s complete reverence to God. He depends completely on the Father for spiritual i
nstruction and guidance. A dishonest steward is he, who places premium on vision
s, Holy Oil, Biakpan water etc. He sells Father's inscription and His gospels. H
e abides in vices.
Power of the Kingdom:
God has endowed you with powers. These powers are so tremendous, you need not fe
ar death, sickness; poverty or hunger. Show appreciation and gratitude to God at
all times. Remit all tithes, charity and freewill offerings to the Father.
All monies raised in this Kingdom belong to God. Do not arrogate to yourself the
right to spend them. Such monies include, first and second offerings, (blessing
s), tithe and charity.
Many brethren have suffered the wrath of God, for diverting these monies into th
eir private use. You do not have to tamper with these monies because, once you r
aise money in the name of God, it becomes a direct offering unto Him. Some of th
e problems you encounter, are as a result of, diverting God's fund for other pur
Some of these problems include:
Loss of God's blessing,
Loss of prosperity,
Plagues, like disease, famine and flood, and
other natural disasters.
Do not render services in this Kingdom for money. This is so, because this offen
se carries similar penalty as stated above. You are fond of directing all monies
like tithe, free-will offerings, and charity through people to the Father and a
s such, these monies do not get to their destination. You should desist from thi
s action. Secondly, people from time to time, extort money from you. The truth i
s simple. They use my name, (the Sole Spiritual Head, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu),
to deceive you. Take note of this simple fact today. When they approach you, pl
ease turn them down. Read the text outlined below, for a thorough conviction.
Matthew Chapter 10 verses 7 to 10:
And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye ha
ve received, freely give.
Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,
Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: fo
r the workman is worthy of his meat. (Matthew Chapter 10 verses 7 to 10).
This text also goes to buttress the daily practice in Brotherhood of the Cross a
nd Star. Every service is rendered free. Some of these free services include:
(A). Baptism,
(B). Healing,
(B). Feasting,
(D). Holy oil,
(E). Prayers,
(F). Holy water,
(G). Sermons, and
(H). Songs, among others.
All these items are your right and entitlement. I therefore urge you to pay no f
ee for these services. To be more explicit:
(A). Healing should be done free.
(B). Feast which is strictly celebrated by another member in a Bethel must be ea
ten free.
(C). Holy oil and water must be distributed free without adding any other form o
f concoction to it and
(D). Sermons and visions must be delivered free
Now, you are aware of these facts, do not give your money out to anybody. To thi
s end, be sufficiently warned about the deceitful visionaries, and those who ope
rate Spiritual Hospitals. Their activities are scandalous. Keep them off. Conseq
uently, this address will disabuse your minds, about the lies; these so-called v
isionaries and spiritual hospitals' operators, tell you. They claim to have, div
erse inborn powers, just to instill fear into their victims. They are all false
The word "vision" has now been substituted with another word called "Spiritual X
-ray." This is because, the Father has condemned charging fees for vision, so th
e charlatans now call it "X-ray," so they may still charge fees. They do not cal
l whatever money they charge you as fees, but as payment for feast. Take note of
this fact. Do not be forced to cough out all you have for a feast. Feast must b
e celebrated according to your means. They also collect huge sums of money from
their victims; claiming, the Father has need for them. It should be known hencef
orth, I do not request anything from any person. I do not also authorize anybody
to collect money, or any other item on my behalf. This practice is common in sp
iritual hospitals, (Healing Homes). So you are warned. Deal with them with tact
and wisdom.
Those of you, who take undue advantage of the generosity available in Brotherhoo
d, are just wasting your time in the fold. You cannot enjoy the good things that
radiate out of the Kingdom, because you have come only for the bread and fish.
To this group, I urge them to turn a new leaf. To be more explicit, let me elabo
rate and repeat these facts once again. All the spiritual hospitals, so far esta
blished are for commercial purposes. They register patients and charge them fees
. The services rendered are not free. They are all hirelings, and not shepherds.
A true Spiritual Hospital must cater for the in-mates, and take care of them gr
atis, because the Father called you into this Kingdom free of charge. Your money
, beauty or status cannot afford you a place in the Kingdom. Therefore, since yo
u were called into the Kingdom free of charge, you have to glorify God. It is no
t proper for you to indulge in fornication, adultery, deceit or other forms of v
Protect jealously, your position or positions in the Kingdom. Your prominence, s
tatus and wealth cannot afford you a chance in the Kingdom. The purpose of your
call is strictly for the glorification of God, and not for fish and bread. It is
wrong for you to have forgotten about the purpose of your call; that is, to glo
rify God. Instead of indulging in all forms of vices, glorify God. If you want t
o overcome these vices in you, pay your tithe directly to the Father. It could b
e in the form of cash or kind; provided it represents one-tenth of your profit.
Rely on the Holy Spirit:
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is not a worshipper's house; like the shrines,
temples, mosque and church. It is the Kingdom of God. Here, Our Lord Jesus Chri
st is the teacher, sustainer and guardian. He plans and executes your daily acti
vities. In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, when you are baptized, you will re
ceive the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you will be able to pra
ctice the injunctions of Our Lord Jesus Christ; and then, He will be your Lord a
nd Saviour. I mandate you all to spread these good tidings that the Holy Spirit
is here on earth.
This is an earthly situation, that will explain a heavenly one. There was a cert
ain man, who established a church. In his church, the man preached about confess
ion, repentance, baptism, and righteousness, but the people refused to heed. Ins
tead, the congregation stayed in the church to quarrel, commit fornication, sow
seeds of discord, and commit all forms of vices. Despite the abominable life of
the members, at the end of the day, the founder of the church would tell the mem
bers, God has blessed them all. The members, on hearing, would leap for joy; and
proclaim, the church was the best for them, and they reaffirmed their continuou
s membership.
The Pastor never suspended or dismissed any person from his church; rather, he w
illingly accepted whosoever opted for membership. The members were so happy with
the Pastor for not imputing sins on them. The Pastor was never angry with his c
ongregation; he never hated any of them. He did not relent in his effort to prea
ch to them. He also admonished them against quarrelling, fighting and fornicatio
n. He discouraged them from imputing sins upon their fellow men. They were all u
rged to keep away from evil practices. In spite of all these, the members never
took him seriously. They continued in their ways. At the end of every worship, t
he Pastor would pronounce, God's blessings on all the members.
On a particular occasion, right inside the church, fighting ensued. A man sustai
ned injury. A policeman was invited, and he arrested some members, while others
escaped. The whole place went topsy-turvy. At this juncture, everybody thought,
it was finished with the church. However, the event was only to fulfill the stat
ement, "when all hope is gone, the redeemer appears."
Surprisingly, the following Sunday, the church was filled to its capacity. All t
he members assembled with penitent and obedient hearts. They determined to pract
ice every bit of the gospel preached by the Pastor. The church was purged of ini
quities, and only righteousness reigned supreme.
The story is told in order to strengthen your faith, and enhance your awareness.
It explains why it is said, "all things work together for good to them that lov
e God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans Chapter 8 v
erse 28).
When you fall sick, you are apt to say, God is not in existence; otherwise, you
would not have fallen sick. The fact, you are sick does not mean, God does not e
xist. When you claim, God does not exist, because of your temptation and afflict
ion; you are only displaying your ignorance. God has always been, and shall ever
be. When the going is tough, know at the end of the experience, there will be p
rogress and prosperity. It is also my fervent belief, one day, the tide will cha
nge, and all of you will also change for good.
The Motive of Christ's Students or Servants:
The Christ's Students and Christ's Servants were assembled to serve the Father,
receive His teachings and practice same. They were supposed to emulate Him and a
bide in righteousness, but the reverse was the case. They constituted themselves
into pressure groups and internal 'Police.' They neglected in its entirety, all
the teachings and directives of the Holy Spirit. However, the wind of change bl
ew across Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, and they were not exempted. Now, th
ey are sober, meek and humble. They are ever ready to render services to God gra
tis. Righteousness and self-control are their watchwords.
I predict, at all times, the future of this Kingdom; but you doubt me. However,
these predictions have manifested on several occasions. For instance, some years
ago, I told you, the various fellowships were established, only as a matter of
convention, and that individuals will initiate and execute projects in this King
dom. That has come to pass. I also told you, a time shall come, when brethren sh
all go abroad on evangelism. That also has been fulfilled.
The students have always been in the forefront to introduce new ideas, in Brothe
rhood of the Cross and Star; some of which, were vehemently objected to by other
s. For instance, the inscription: 'Leader Olumba Olumba Obu, the Sole Spiritual
Head,' was introduced by the Christ's Students. This idea met with tough resista
nce from members. The situation would have resulted into something else, but for
the intervention of the Father. The statement in the Bible which states: "But h
e that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved," (Matthew Chapter 24
verse 13), has been fulfilled.
Christ's Students Commissioned as Teachers:
Those who were regarded as slaves, and house-helps, are now my representatives.
Having left their parents and material things to serve the Father, the Father ha
s now exalted them. Accordingly, the Christ's Students should be accorded the re
spect they deserve. This is the time they should occupy their rightful position.
Christ's Students Udofia and Mary have now been fully accredited, as the Father
's mouthpiece in their respective countries. Other Christ's Students have been g
iven the full authority to go round the world, and teach members the truth, and
direct them on the affairs of the Kingdom. Whoever does not recognize God, hates
Christ's Students have left their parents, relations, the world and everything t
herein, and followed the Father for twenty-two years now. They are therefore, th
e only group properly versed with the correct way, by which things are done in B
rotherhood of the Cross and Star. They alone resemble the Father, because they c
ame here to learn and have graduated. Whosoever receives them receives me, and w
hosoever rejects them rejects me. Things, the groups and the fellowships cannot
do, the Christ's students have been able to do with ease. This is therefore, the
time for them to be obeyed, loved and rewarded. For those who were able to with
stand the storm and stand firm, now is the time for them to be crowned.
Read Romans Chapter 8 verses 16 and 17:
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of G
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be
that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans Chapte
r 8 verses 16 and 17).
The above passage goes further to confirm, there can be no crown, without a cros
s. In other words, there is no regret in rendering services to the Most High.
There can be no Crown without Cross:
The lesson you should learn is, without cross, there can be no crown. Brotherhoo
d of the Cross and Star is not a place one can operate with pride. You have to h
umble yourself, and put into practice all the teachings delivered by the Father
in the Kingdom. You have to pass through tribulation, hatred, hunger and various
denials, in order to inherit this Kingdom. The Christ's students have passed th
rough all, and even more. That is why, I have now sent them into the world as te
achers and counsellors. When you see them, you have seen the Holy Father. Whatev
er your position, you have to listen to them, because they represent the Father.
The Christ's students love the Father so much. There is interplay of love betwe
en the Father and the Christ's students. Therefore, whatever the Holy Father tel
ls them to do, they do not argue.
In order to inherit the Kingdom of God, one has to tread the narrow path. The na
rrow path leads to eternal life. When you are disgraced and debased, rejoice, be
cause it accords you exaltation. When you are rejected by the world, rejoice, fo
r God has received you. Therefore, in this Kingdom, if you are despitefully used
and persecuted, rejoice. Do not rejoice in wealth, carnal position or in anythi
ng material. Everybody should be ready to carry the cross. This constitutes the
fundamental requirement towards your graduation. Refer to Luke Chapter 14 verses
26 and 27 for detailed explanation:
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and childr
en, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disci
And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
(Luke Chapter 14 verses 26 and 27).
Be Benevolent To The Christ's Students:
There is a spiritual song, which has it, you should 'sell all you have, and foll
ow the Lord.' Except you surrender everything you had, and follow the Lord, you
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. That is exactly worthy of emulating. Hence, O
ur Lord Jesus Christ enjoined:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth m
e; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me." (John Chapter 13 verse
It is wrong for you to think, you are being compelled to be generous to Christ's
students. Anything given under such understanding is not recorded to your credi
t. Your generosity should be voluntary and with joy. After all, they are not pai
d servants. Whatever you do to them, you are doing unto me. I am visiting the wo
rld in a secret way, (through the Christ's students), just as I have said. Whoso
ever conquers shall be crowned. That is exactly what has happened with the stude
Classification Of Membership:
The students will not say anything of their own. Whatever they hear from the Fat
her, same shall they declare unto you. Any person or Bethel that obeys them shal
l have peace and progress, and God shall not depart from them. The Christ's stud
ents are now peace-makers.
The different names: the Christ's Students, Christ's Servants, Christ's Practica
l Students and the rest of the groupings, have different meanings and assignment
Facts about Brotherhood of the Cross and Star:
The first important thing, that must be known and noted in Brotherhood of the Cr
oss and Star is, all tithe, freewill offering, and charity belong to the Father.
Such monies must not be used for any administrative, or other purposes. If your
Bethel organizes a launching, from the amount realized, one tenth of it should
be forwarded to the Father as tithe. Whatever God has blessed you with: crops, a
nimals or children, etc, you have to surrender the tenth of it to God as tithe.
This is not in any way done through compulsion. It is a means of expressing a th
ankful heart. This is not the kind of tithe, which a visioner mandates you to pa
y. Supposing somebody earns 20 naira a month, if a visioner directs, he pay a ti
the of 20 naira; is that one tenth of that amount, or is God a Father of confusi
on? This goes to prove, how heartless some of these visioners are. Tithe is noth
ing but a covenant reached between an individual and God. No other person should
know about it. See (Malachi Chapter 3 verse 10).
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine hous
e, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you th
e windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room e
nough to receive it. (Malachi Chapter 3 verse 10).
Whosoever does not practice Brotherhood according to its tenets and rules, canno
t experience its beauty; and the blessings of God elude him. What God has done t
o mankind is so great, we should not hesitate to show appreciation to Him.
Mutual Co-operation, Love and Understanding:
Here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, there should be co-existence, mutual
co-existence, love, oneness, and mutual understanding. It has been said, the dut
y of the servants of God is to seek for the good of others, as written in Matthe
w Chapter 23 verse 11: "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
Judging from the above reason, I choose you so, you will serve and not to be ser
ved. If you do this, then the world would see the glory of God.
In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, nobody would have been sick, no person sho
uld have lacked, and there should have been no lamentation, if the Word of God w
ere to be practiced. All of you have rejected the Word of God. I have brought yo
u these teachings so, you may change. If you endeavor to pay your tithe regularl
y and promptly with whatever God has given you, then you will have peace of mind
, and the glory of God will be manifested in you.
Other Facts About Brotherhood of the Cross and Star:
In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, there is no orchestration, no burning of c
andles and incenses, no incantation, no perfumery, no bathing at midnight, no of
fering of prayers at designated places, and no invocation. Once you believe and
get baptized, Our Lord Jesus Christ abides in you, and you have therefore, obtai
ned salvation.
Baptism in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has no specific time. Once a person
is ready for it, arrangement should be made to get him baptized. A baptized mem
ber of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, whether man or woman is free, and have
been authorized to baptize another.
Many members have circumvented these guidelines, and have delegated authority to
themselves to baptize in their bethels, such people fix times, which are favora
ble to them. This is wrong, as this arrangement creates avenue for them to charg
e a fee. A handful of persons will not be able to baptize the entire world. That
is why, all baptized Brotherhood, have the mandate to convert and baptize other
Mark Chapter 16 verse 16:
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not sha
ll be damned."
This is the judgement. In this wise, baptism should not be restricted. As many p
eople as possible should get into the world and baptize people, so they may evad
e the judgement. Once a person is baptized, he receives the Holy Spirit; and it
is this Spirit, that will teach him everything.
You are living witnesses to the happenings in this Kingdom. Accordingly, you are
charged to go out and teach the world how to love one another.
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star Decries Idleness:
Nobody should be idle or lazy. Every person should be gainfully employed. This K
ingdom does not permit idleness, stealing, laziness or begging. You are free to
engage in farming, trading, fishing, or any other profession.
God has healed you of your infirmities, and has already fed you. You have to app
reciate and compliment that gesture. In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, we ne
ither drink, nor offer same to anybody. We do not go to the hospital, or consult
oracles. Neither do we snuff nor indulge in any form of vice. Whatever your pro
blems, if you confess your sins and knock your head on the ground, your problems
will surely be taken away.
God dwells in everything, and this is the time of transformation. Mankind will b
e removed from sinfulness to sinlessness. Therefore, whatever happens to you, kn
ow it has a particular purpose to fulfill.
How Do I Solve My Problems?
The solution to all your problems lies in the following:
(A). Confession of sins,
(B). Fasting,
(C). Praying,
(D). Feasting and evangelical work. (Ministry work and Preaching).
The charge given to all of you now is to go out and preach the gospel to the wor
ld. That does not stop you from engaging in your normal profession or trade. If
you are a farmer, a trader, a civil servant or fisherman, continue with your wor
k. After each day's job, endeavour to go out and preach to the world to forsake
sins, and convert them unto God. Do not force any person to repent, because ther
e is not force in Brotherhood. Everything is done willingly and in love. Whosoev
er does not want to repent and serve God, leave him alone for he has not erred.
Whoever does not want to fast and pray, do not force him as well.
God Requires a Thankful Heart:
If all the members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star were to love one another
, all problems would have been subjected to them. If you were to appreciate the
love of God towards you, and His protection at all times, you would not fail to
show a thankful heart: by paying your tithes regularly. All along, you had been
consulting oracles, taking drugs, (modern or native), and preparing charms, you
paid heavily for all these, yet you had no peace. In Brotherhood of the Cross an
d Star, all problems are subjected to you. Poverty and afflictions are all forgo
tten issues, yet you do not praise God, why?
You cannot claim to love God, if you do not love your brethren. (1st John Chapte
r 4 verse 20). If you show benevolence to your fellow brother, you will be rewar
ded accordingly. This is confirmed in:
Matthew Chapter 10 verses 41 and 42:
He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's r
eward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shal
l receive a righteous man's reward.
And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold wa
ter only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise l
ose his reward. (Matthew Chapter 10 verses 41 and 42).
Success Through Obedience:
Now, everybody has got to emulate the Father and resemble Him. You have to refra
in from fornication, anger, hatred and other vices. Do not imitate any member. I
f you emulate the Father, and practice His injunctions, you will surely witness
the glory of God in you.
Your wife, your husband, your children, your relations and all your friends shal
l disappoint you, but the Father will never disappoint you forever. In any case,
it is not the pleasure of your parents, friends or relations to disappoint you.
They, being slaves, cannot liberate you. They cannot therefore, help you, becau
se they themselves are afflicted; and in need of salvation. They definitely cann
ot offer you, what they do not possess, (Nemo dat quot non habiet). The Father h
as come to liberate you, and to remove you from bondage.
This is a new world, where everything is new. No one should live according to th
e dictates of the flesh. Always listen to the spirit. If you do whatever the Fat
her does not sanction, it will not work out well. Whatever the Father tells you
to do, do not hesitate. Do not toy with the words of the Father. Re-educate othe
rs on these facts. Your problem is, you do not heed to the Father's instruction.
You stand, when he charges you to sit; and when He tells you to stand, you star
t moving. Note very well, all things shall pass away, but not a jot of the words
of God shall pass away, without being fulfilled. (Matthew Chapter 5 verse 18).
Decentralization of Pentecostal Centers:
There should be no division or discrimination, no matter the multitude. You all
are sheep under one shepherd. The decentralization of Pentecostal Centers is don
e so those, who cannot pay their fares to Calabar, can equally enjoy the activit
ies in their localities. This is also to fulfill the words of the Scriptures whi
ch states: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." (Matthew Chapter 28 verse
The Pentecostal Centers are, therefore, no Kingdoms or empires carved out for ce
rtain persons. Everything belongs to the Father. You are at liberty to attend an
y Pentecostal Center.
If your spirit tells you to commit fornication, adultery or any other vice at al
l, do not obey such a spirit; for it comes from the flesh. Any instruction that
does not conform with the teachings in this Kingdom should be shunned. No person
should claim, superiority due to his wealth, knowledge or status. We are one in
the Lord. The Holy Spirit is the greatest and yet, the most humble. We should,
therefore, emulate Him.
Nobody should disobey the Leader's Representatives, or any other person kept in
a position of authority. Whosoever receives and obeys them, receives and obeys m
e. If you love any person, it is the Father you love. If you curse and abuse any
person know, you are doing same to the Father. There should be no quarrel, disc
rimination or hatred in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, because we are Brethr
Do not charge for any spiritual work
Your problem is, you charge a fee for whatever service you render. A hired, (pai
d), servant is not a good servant, but a laborer. Those who know what they are d
oing in the Kingdom do not receive any form of gratification, nor charge a fee o
r allowance. If you work for money, you are not a good shepherd, and your sheep
will not hearken to your instructions. This is so because, they will regard you
as their servant and paid laborer. That is why, the Bible has instructed us to c
arry nothing, while on evangelical tour; for the laborer is worthy of his hire.
Go not from house to house. (See Luke Chapter 10 verse 4 & 7).
Luke Chapter 10 verse 4:
Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way.
Luke Chapter 10 verse 7:
And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for
the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.
If anybody should have faith and believe in God, and practice the injunction abo
ve, such a person will surely experience the manifestation of the glory of God i
n him. Try God, for He will prove Himself. If you serve God diligently, He will
also serve you conscientiously. If you doubt Him, He will depart from you. If yo
u present yourself as the mouthpiece of God, but collect money from people, you
have mortgaged your respect. I am giving you this training so, you will go out,
and teach the world.
A Functional Body:
Our Lord Jesus Christ had only twelve disciples, who went about propagating His
name by preaching the Gospel. Similarly, this is what you are supposed to do. Yo
u were not meant to be stationed in one place, and force people to accept God, a
nd serve Him. One would not repent because of the amount of Gospel preached to h
im, or because of the service you render to him. You could be benevolent to some
body, and would endeavour to render services to him, yet he would not repent. Th
e person who would repent needs very little Gospel, and within a twinkle of an e
ye, he would repent.
You err when you say, there is no ordained person in your Bethel or town. The wh
ole of Israel had Samuel as the only prophet. Before Samuel, Eli was the only pr
ophet in Israel. The ordination you witness here, is just a matter of formality.
The only thing you have to hold fast to, is the Word of God. That is the key to
salvation and eternal life.
It is My desire professionals from various fields should form themselves into or
ganized fellowships, where they will perform their roles to the society as a bod
y. So far, the doctors, the accountants, the lawyers, and even the traditional r
ulers have formed their functional bodies. All others who have not formed theirs
should do so. Accordingly, these fellowships should work as a functional body,
for the purpose of good governance.
Reward The Preachers:
Since creation this is the first time the Father has come by Himself to change m
It is stated in Galatians Chapter 6 verse 6: Let him that is taught in the word
communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.
It is good to serve God rather than Satan. If you are kind and obedient to the C
hrist's Students, you will be rewarded. Most of you show appreciation to the vis
ioners, and leave the preachers and their words. You fail to reason, whosoever g
ives you the Word of God, gives you eternal life.
All the bethels have to do things the way they are done in the Headquarters. Lea
rn from the Christ's Students for they are the ones to teach.
Matthew chapter 10 verse 37 states:
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that lo
veth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
In order to be worthy of Him, you have to "hate" yourself, your parents, your fr
iends, and every mundane thing. The greatest of all things is to surrender one's
self to the service of God.
Whatever group you belong, practice the sermon. Do not demand a fee for your ser
vice. Do not crave to be a Christ's Student. But love and obey them. Romans Chap
ter 5 verse 19 confirms this fact as it states: For as by one man's disobedience
many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous
Equally, by loving the Christ's Students, you stand blessed by the Father. Whate
ver you have, and can do for them, do it; for some rewards await you.
The Christ's Students have fulfilled the necessary requirements in this Kingdom.
They have to reap their reward. Henceforth, I beseech you, to behave as people,
who have received the recondite wisdom from The Sole Spiritual Head, Leader Olu
mba Olumba Obu.
The Word Of God Supersedes All Things:
If you reject the teachings given by the Holy Father, you are a rebel. It is sai
d, you should be kind and benevolent to the preachers. Whatever you give unto th
em, is not too much. Your gift could only be accepted by the preacher, as a form
of appreciation, not a fee. Do not allow the Christ's Students to suffer, just
as the disciples of Our Lord Jesus Christ did. Since the disciples of Our Lord J
esus Christ were not properly catered for, they had to go into peoples fields an
d pluck corn for their meals. (Refer to Matthew Chapter 12 verse 1 for confirmat
ion). It is therefore, your duty to support them all. Christ's Students should b
e respected and cared for whenever they come to your respective Bethels. May the
Lord Bless His Holy Words. Amen!
A Farewell Address Delivered By:
The Sole Spiritual Head Of The Universe,
Leader Olumba Olumba Obu

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